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ccheneyerm why does totem no longer show the time for files?04:30
* ccheney hopes he doesn't get its a gnome thing as an answer04:30
* ccheney takes a look at kubuntu again, i never thought gnome would get to the point of driving users away from dumbing itself down that much :-\04:43
* hyperair hasn't used totem in a long time04:48
hyperairgstreamer sucks rather grandly at rendering hi-res videos on machines that can barely handle it04:48
ccheneyi use it to play various media files, it appears in lucid they decided knowing where you are in the file is too advanced for their users and removed the time display04:49
hyperairer that can't be right. are you sure it's not a bug?04:49
ccheneycrazy stuff like that when i file it as a bug it almost always turns out to be a 'feature'04:49
ccheneyso i will file a bug but won't expect much04:49
hyperairccheney: could i see a screenshot?04:50
ccheneypretty much every release there is some insanity going on where gnome removes features i want04:50
ccheneyhyperair: in a couple minutes i will move back over to the lucid machine04:50
hyperairswitching to KDE would be much easier if it actually played well with my ~/.config/autostart04:51
hyperairit runs every damn thing there even stuff that i've disabled in gnome04:51
hyperairand when i tell KDE to not run it, GNOME borks up and doesn't find the stuff any more04:51
hyperairso i have to manually edit those desktop files04:51
ccheneyby playing there should be a current time / total time04:54
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hyperairah that04:56
hyperairi see04:56
ccheneyfiled a bugs 51461904:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 514619 in totem "totem no longer shows time elapsed / total time" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51461904:58
* ccheney brb04:58
hyperairccheney: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bug/49526905:03
ubottuUbuntu bug 495269 in totem "no time data is displayed next to slider in non-fullscreen mode" [Wishlist,Fix released]05:03
hyperairccheney: looks like you filed a duplicate bug05:04
ccheneyyea perhaps my lucid is out of date i thought it was newer than 1-2705:04
* ccheney will update and verify then close it out05:04
ccheneykde is looking pretty nice though and konq seems much faster than firefox, might just be an illusion though05:06
* hyperair likes chromium05:08
hyperairbut firefox has been rather bloated and laggy lately05:08
hyperairmight be that i have too many extensions though05:09
ccheneyfirefox without any extensions seems slower than konq, probably chromium as well05:11
ccheneyhmm my ubuntu image was out of date apparently, upgrading now to verify the totem bug is gone05:11
ccheneyhmm yea totem updates05:13
ccheneyyep its fixed :)05:21
hyperairccheney: did you mean firefox slower than chromium or chromium slower than konq?05:29
ccheneyfirefox is slower than konq and probably firefox slower than chromium too05:30
ccheneyfrom what i recall chromium is supposed to be very fast05:31
hyperairyeah it is05:32
hyperairit just loves eating memory05:32
hyperairunsurprising since it opens up a crapton of processes05:32
ccheneyoh anything that eats more ram than firefox isn't that great :-\05:34
ccheneyfirefox usually ends up taking several gb on my machines05:34
hyperairseveral GB..05:36
hyperairthe most i've ever seen firefox eat on my machine is.. 9%05:36
hyperairof 2G05:37
hyperairwhich is... 200M?05:37
hyperairmy firefoxes are generally shortlived anyhow05:37
hyperairi think chromium shouldn't escalate too high, since it ditches its processes so frequently05:37
hyperairexception being the flash plugin.05:38
hyperairbut you can force it to terminate as well05:38
hyperairand then there are certain sites that makes flash eat up 2GB of RAM in 10 seconds.05:38
hyperairfirst it begins swapping furiously, and the next thing i know, X has been OOM-killed05:39
ccheneyfirefox with nothing open just launched takes this on my box05:42
ccheneyccheney   2556  7.8  1.3 448100 54936 ?        Sl   23:41   0:00 /usr/lib/firefox-3.6/firefox-bin05:42
ccheneyso looks like 55MB with 448MB virt05:42
ccheneyif i am reading that correctly05:42
ccheneywith 3 pages open already at 113MB05:43
ccheneyclose 2 of them it only goes down to 109MB05:43
ccheneyrevert first page back to ubuntu home page still at 82MB05:44
ccheneyso seems to be a bit leaky, and with long lived firefox instances can easily eat a lot of ram05:44
hyperairfirefox and its damned leaks05:47
Amaranthhyperair: firefox doesn't leak, it takes your RAM hostage07:09
hyperairAmaranth: i suppose you could say that.07:10
Amaranthit actually does07:10
Amaranthrun it on a machine with less RAM and it uses less RAM07:10
hyperairAmaranth: no actually i think it leaks. you can end up with eventually 200M usage with one tab open.07:10
AmaranthI think they notice if they were leaking that much :/07:10
AmaranthThat's not "it leaks in this odd corner case" that's "it never frees _anything_"07:11
AmaranthActually it basically never does free anything, it keeps a certain numbers of pages in your history completely loaded so the back button works instantly07:11
AmaranthBut it only up to a certain percentage of system memory usage or until only a certain amount is left free or something07:12
hyperairis that so?07:17
hyperairi use the firefox daily packages07:17
hyperairand it seems that the upper limit is 9-10% of my memory07:17
hyperairmy firefox processes are generally short-lived though07:17
hyperairbut like ccheney said, his could easily take a few GB07:18
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kklimondagood morning10:23
kklimondachrisccoulson, ping?12:36
kklimondaor anyone familiar with gnome? :)12:36
chrisccoulsonhey kklimonda12:38
chrisccoulsonyou're going to ask me about broken gconf default settings?12:39
kklimondachrisccoulson, I was wondering - I keep some of my music on a second partition which isn't automatically mounted on boot. Now when I run rhythmbox I'd expect it to mount this partition so it can access music but it doesn't and I have to do it by hand. I'm wondering whenever it's a limitation of the gio/gvfs itself or does rhythmbox shouldn't store real paths to files and something like disk://id/path instead (as smb:// or ssh://)12:41
kklimondachrisccoulson, no - I just assume that gconf is broken by design ;)12:42
kklimondachrisccoulson, but if you have time you can take a look at bug 512391 - initial reports about 1.83 are pretty positive.12:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 512391 in transmission "Update Transmission to 1.83" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51239112:42
chrisccoulsonkklimonda - your dilemma has been discussed before. it's a limitation in gvfs at the moment, because you have to access the files using the file:/// URI12:43
chrisccoulsonand so there is information about the filesystem structure there (ie, you need to mount the disk before accessing the files on it)12:43
chrisccoulsoni actually did think about writing a new backend to handle cases like this, but I don't have enough experience with gvfs, and i don't know if its something that upstream would want12:44
kklimondachrisccoulson, heh - so much thought went into gio/gvfs but this thing is pretty basic for people with dual boot :/12:44
kklimonda(that's actually how I've found out about it - by testing windows 7 ;) )12:44
chrisccoulsonwell, maybe i should invest some time to try and figure out how that could work12:45
chrisccoulsonanyway, i'll have a look at your transmission update later. i'm taking my daughter out shopping now :)12:45
kklimondachrisccoulson, and is there any automount built-in into GNOME so people don't have to mess with /etc/fstab ?12:45
chrisccoulsonthe update looks fairly trivial :)12:45
kklimondait is12:45
chrisccoulsonkklimonda - no, there is no way of automatically mounting stuff in GNOME when you log in, without editting /etc/fstab12:46
kklimondaI was afraid of that :/12:46
chrisccoulsonbut it has been discussed before that dk-disks (or now, udisks) may grow a D-Bus API in the future for editting /etc/fstab12:46
chrisccoulsonwhich will then make it possible to do this from graphical front-ends12:46
chrisccoulsonso, it may happen one day ;)12:47
kklimondaI guess we need something like this anyway - not all apps are going to be ported to gvfs/gio anyway :/12:47
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chrisccoulsonkklimonda, i'll sponsor your transmission update now :)23:36
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