
QuintasanI'm going to bed. Good night Ladies and Gentleman00:18
ChogyDanI'm trying to put a kernel into a ppa, and I'm getting ABI errors.  Do I have to pack the ABI files in with the source?  I know when building it locally, I could d/l the ABI files...01:00
jmarsdenChogyDan: Buildd's have no Internet access during the build process.  By design.01:12
ChogyDanfair enough, but I don't know what to do regardless01:13
jmarsdenChogyDan: Look at how the official Ubuntu kernel packages do things, and do it that way.  I guarantee they do not go out and grab stuff from the Internet during package building.  So your kernel paclages should not need to do that either.01:15
wgrantChogyDan: IIRC there's a script that you run to grab the latest ABI files and put them in the source.01:16
wgrantOr you enable PPA mode, which disables the ABI check and uses something different.01:17
wgrantAlthough that might not exist any more; I haven't done it for 18 months.01:17
ChogyDanwgrant: how do I enable ppa mode?  ok.  Well, I will try packing in the ABI files, see if that works01:17
doctormoHey everyone, I'm getting an error when I tried to include a postinst script into my package.02:13
doctormo dpkg (subprocess): unable to execute installed post-installation script: Exec format error02:13
doctormoI thought the postinst was just a bash script, am I wrong?02:14
wgrantdoctormo: The postinst has to be an executable of some kind. Are you missing a #!/bin/sh?02:17
doctormoI was02:23
ScottL_anyone care to give some pointers for using debhelper 7 style format?03:36
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zookoScottK: the last feature of Tahoe-LAFS is in trunk now. And it kicks ass! http://allmydata.org/pipermail/tahoe-dev/2010-January/003723.html07:53
zookoBut I must sleep...07:53
zookoI'll be back on IRC tomorrow!07:53
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kklimondacan I merge packaging branch with a full branch somehow?10:19
kklimondaanyone familiar with "distributed development" online? I have few questions10:42
gesersort of familiar, I've done some successful merges with it10:43
kklimondageser, are there plans to drop debian/patches/ in favour of branches?10:43
geserthat I don't know10:44
randomactionI think these are *very* remove plans10:44
kklimondageser, is there an easy way of working with both "full" branches and and branches that contain only debian/ directory or do I have to diff them by hand?10:45
kklimondaalso can I get branches for all packages uploaded to -proposed and -security?10:45
geserI've only used the packaging branches from LP till now10:45
kklimonda(I've tried lp:ubuntu/<package>/karmic-security and lp:ubuntu/karmic-security/[package] and neither works)10:46
geserthe second one should work10:46
geserhave you a package name with an upload to security at hand?10:46
geserhmm, apparently no -security branches (see https://code.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/transmission)10:49
kklimondadjango have -security branches so it would seem that it's dependant on developer.. but aren't those branches created automatically?10:51
geseryes, but I don't know how it's triggered as it runs "external" to LP itself10:52
geseror not so external as I just found out10:56
wgrantgeser: "not so external"?11:05
geserI found an loggerhead branch mentioning package-import.ubuntu.com but it was 2 years old11:06
geserwgrant: do you know how bundled this package-import.ubuntu.com is with LP itself?11:07
wgrantIt is external. It checks LP regularly for new uploads.11:07
wgrantIt's not part of LP. It uses the public API and bzr to communicate.11:07
jetienneq. im writing a /etc/init.d script..  where can i get info on the language between ### BEGIN INIT INFO and ### END INIT INFO11:08
jetiennehttp://wiki.debian.org/LSBInitScripts got it11:13
Laneywhat does that mean?11:21
Laneyoh, no channel ctcps I guess11:21
tsimpsonyeah, except for /me11:22
geserLaney: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml explains them11:22
Laneygot it11:23
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kklimondacan I append ubuntu version to the version string generated by bzr builder/dailydeb ?13:52
RainCTnorsetto: I'm running Sid here and it's really not that scary :)13:55
norsettoRainCT, oh, I'm not afraid of that, just to screw up since what I'm running now is a kind of monster-patch system, loosely based on hardy13:57
kemmotarhi all! what you do? can i join your team? (sorry for my bad english)15:25
randomactionkemmotar: see links in the channel topic15:29
ari-tczewrandomaction, are you bored?15:30
randomactionari-tczew: not too much :)15:30
ari-tczewwant to sponsor?15:30
randomactionI can ack a sync for gambas2 :)15:32
ari-tczeware you sure?15:32
ari-tczewyesterday I have checked patch  with upstream15:32
ari-tczewcode aren't the same15:33
randomactionok, let's look15:35
randomactionsnprintf(ctx, sizeof(ctx), "%.2g", THIS->doc->getPDFMajorVersion () + THIS->doc->getPDFMinorVersion() / 10.0);15:35
randomaction%.2g prints a floating-point number. The floating-point number is supplied in the next argument.15:36
randomactionsnprintf(ctx, sizeof(ctx), "%d.%d", THIS->doc->getPDFMajorVersion () + THIS->doc->getPDFMinorVersion() / 10.0);15:36
randomaction%d prints an integer, so two integers should be supplied15:36
randomactioninstead, one floating-point number is supplied15:37
ari-tczewso what's the conclusion?15:37
randomactionthat replacing the first line with the second is not a good idea15:37
ari-tczewok, give me a moment, I'll convert request to sync15:38
ari-tczewrandomaction, bug 51475515:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 514755 in gambas2 "Sync gambas2 2.19.0-2 (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51475515:46
ari-tczewcould lm-sensors backport from lucid to karmic?16:00
randomactionari-tczew: done gambas216:04
ari-tczewrequestsync is bugged16:32
ari-tczewlazr.restfulclient.errors.HTTPError: HTTP Error 412: Precondition Failed16:32
geserargh, a 2nd occurance of this :(16:35
ari-tczewrandomaction, thanks16:36
geserari-tczew: the bug itself got filed, you just need to "finish" like subscribe the sponsoring team16:37
ari-tczewhuh? which bug is filed?16:38
ari-tczewahh, you mean by requestsync16:38
geseryour sync request16:38
ari-tczewI know16:38
ari-tczewrandomaction just give an ACK, so no problem ;-)16:39
ari-tczewbtw. do you will fix this issue, geser?16:39
Quintasanfabrice_sp: FYI, most of the rdepends of liblo built fine, didn't test all of them tough16:40
geserI plan to. I only know a possible reason for this so I can only hope my fix will really fix it16:40
ari-tczewis there any statistic (LP) who did upload the most packages? just like top10 or something16:49
geserthere was in the past16:50
randomactionhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+topcontributors gives some idea, especially soyuz karma16:51
ari-tczewlol, stupid tool, e.g. Martin Mai has only 5 packages uploaded16:53
ari-tczewups, I'm looking on wrong field! sorry!16:54
* iulian wonders where emgent is.16:55
kklimondahmm, when I do bzr merge-package tags aren't merged (i.e. only tags from ubuntu branch are present in a working branch)17:25
kklimondaworks fine when I use normal merge17:25
ari-tczewdoes MOTU have official logo?18:02
ari-tczewlike this: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/1516491/motu-image-2.png18:04
ari-tczewanybody have bigger image than this?18:04
fabrice_spQuintasan, cool: we will just have to upload build1 versions after sync of liblo. Thanks for taking care of that check ;-)18:26
Quintasanfabrice_sp: do you mind uploading it? My connection is pretty screwd now and I have lags even when typing :S18:29
ari-tczewQuintasan: fabrice wrote after sync18:30
fabrice_spQuintasan, it's a sync, right?18:31
ari-tczewso no this time18:31
Quintasanurgh, looks like broken central heating affect my reading ability18:32
fabrice_sptoo hot?18:32
Quintasantoo cold18:32
Quintasantoo hot wouldn't be a problem since I could open the door to garden :P18:33
fabrice_spright! If we begin to see repeated caracters, we will ping you to keep you awake :-D18:34
Quintasanlol :D18:34
geserfabrice_sp: lliikkee tthhiiss??18:40
fabrice_spgeser, ping18:40
geserthere is a bug in lucid which causes this?18:40
geserjust set the delay to "repeat keys" to it's minimum value and this will happen18:42
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fabrice_spoh, right: remember seing the discussion in ubuntu-devel18:48
gesercan someone access here https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hypre18:53
hyperairno permissions18:54
* geser files a bug then18:54
fabrice_spyes I can18:55
fabrice_spgeser, ^18:55
geserhmm, interesting18:55
fabrice_sponly when unlogged18:56
fabrice_spwhen I log in, no permission18:56
geserthanks, added that info to the bug19:02
ScottLfabrice_sp, when you looked at zynjacku in REVU you mentioned some files were LGPL, how could you tell?19:03
fabrice_spclick on the legal link19:04
fabrice_spScottL, ^19:04
fabrice_spor use licensecheck19:06
geserDktrKranz: do you know if we can get a newer gpsd into lucid? some other packages are in DEPWAIT on a newer libgps-dev19:07
DktrKranzgeser: I'll have a look with bzed19:08
fabrice_spgeser,  bug 50801319:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 508013 in gpsd "Sync gpsd 2.90.1~svn6819-1 (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50801319:08
ScottLthanks fabrice_sp...I'm learning more and more stuff :)19:14
ari-tczewgeser, so what's the conclusion about gpsd? we can sync it from testing?19:17
gesernot unless DktrKranz or bzed give their OK19:19
ScottLfabrice_sp, you also mentioned using debhelper 7 format, but I had trouble finding explicative information, can you suggest somewhere to learn more about it?19:24
Laneyman dh19:25
fabrice_spScottL, /usr/share/doc/debhelper/examples/rules.tiny ?19:25
fabrice_spman dh is definitively better19:26
ScottLyes, I found both of those fabrice_sp19:27
ScottLbut my understanding of makefiles, /debian/rules, et al is rather limited still and I'm not sure really how to convert19:28
ScottLbut thanks for your help nonetheless :)19:28
fabrice_spScottL, well, you can try with the tiny rules file (#!/usr/bin/make -f19:29
fabrice_sp               %:19:29
fabrice_sp                       dh $@)19:29
fabrice_sparghh: bad paste19:30
ScottLi know which one you are trying to show19:30
fabrice_spand if you ,iss something, uses override_<what you need>19:30
ScottLI did try that last night with the zynjacku but it didn't work19:31
ScottLI've been reading the FSF gnu make book and I need to devote the time to really understand a large percentage of the dh scripts19:31
fabrice_spScottL, according to the actual rules files, it should work quite easily (it uses ./configure, make and make install )19:32
fabrice_spyou miss perhaps some extra parameters19:32
ScottLprobably, i tried it very late last night and was a bit fuzzy in the head to dry to problem solve, i'll try again later19:33
fabrice_spif you can try now,  we can help you looking after the errors19:35
ScottL_okay, but I have very limited time (really should be cleaning up for daughter's 8th birthday/sleep over party)19:36
ScottL_okay, i run debuild -S and:    debian/rules:3: *** missing separator.  Stop.19:37
ScottL_hmmm, I guess I should revisit what i put into the rules file :/19:38
fabrice_spand uses tabs ;-)19:39
ScottL_blimey, you beat me to it...yes, it was the tab19:40
ScottL_i compared to /usr/share/doc/debhelper/tiny    but I thought that I had copied it from there last night, perhaps not19:41
ScottL_so basically for all rules there are no targets and it runs dh clean, dh build, dh *  as called19:42
ScottL_debuild -S works now again   :)19:43
ScottL_and building again in pbuilder19:43
ScottL_but fabrice_sp, how can I pass arguments?   directories and the like?19:44
ScottL_nevermind, I think this page I found last night (told you it was late) probably has the information   http://kitenet.net/~joey/blog/entry/cdbs_killer___40__design_phase__41__/19:45
Quintasanhmm, fabrice_sp, shouldn't pbzip2 provide some sort file for update-alternatives?20:18
fabrice_spQuintasan, not sure what is the context of the question :-D20:19
Quintasanfabrice_sp: well pbzip2 is obviously faster with mulicore processors and it should be available to choose as an alternative to standard bzip220:21
fabrice_spQuintasan, sounds logical, yes20:22
Quintasanwell, just a test case, pbzip2 took 7 seconds to zip a 234mb text file and normal bzip almost 20 :P20:23
cody-somervilleQuintasan, absolutely not20:25
fabrice_spcody-somerville, why?20:26
Quintasancody-somerville: why not?20:26
cody-somervilleThats not how alternatives are supposed to be used.20:26
Quintasancody-somerville: hm?20:26
* fabrice_sp is learning something new20:27
QuintasanI though if we provide an alternative in kubuntu-artwork-usplash or unrar & unrar-nonfree we could do something like this for pbzip220:28
cody-somervilleYes and that would be wrong20:28
cody-somervilleand cause breakage20:28
Quintasanwhy so?20:28
cody-somervilleThey take different command line options20:29
Quintasanuhh, right, I did not consider that20:29
* Quintasan feels bit stupid now20:29
jmarsdenQuintasan: If you really want to, writing a wrapper script to map the bzip2 options to pbzip2 and using the wrapper as the alternative might be worth a look.20:32
Odd-rationaleIs using the CDBS the recommended way of packaging python modules? From what I've read on the wiki, there seems to be a couple other ways, but I cannot find much information about them.20:34
ScottKOdd-rationale: For a python module that uses distutils it's an easy way to do it, but currently using debhelper is recommended.  WIth debhelper 7 rules.tiny it's just as easy and technically better.20:37
Odd-rationaleScottK: ok thanks. I'm kind of new to ubuntu packaging. So I'm experimenting around...20:38
ScottKOdd-rationale: If you are interested in packaging Python modules I recommend joining #debian-python on OFTC and working with that team (it has a lot of Ubuntu participation) to get your package into Debian (and sync'ed to Ubuntu from there)20:39
ScottKThey are also willing to help people who are new and just learning.20:39
Odd-rationaleso if i want to use dh7, i should call dh_make without the -b option?20:40
hyperairif you want to use dh7, you run without -b and then get rid of the debian/rules file and start afresh20:57
ScottKOdd-rationale: I'd start with a working package as a template and use that.20:57
ScottKOdd-rationale: I'll suggest my python-ipaddr package for one.20:58
fabrice_sphow is that a package in testing since the 16th of January is not yet in Ubuntu? It's libmoosex-types-common-perl20:58
fabrice_spNo 'autosync' since the 16th?20:58
ScottKfabrice_sp: Normal autosync and new package sync are two different archive admin actions.20:59
ScottKAlso new packages need to go through source and binary New in Ubuntu.20:59
fabrice_spI thought autosync was sync existing and new packages20:59
ScottKSo "How" is lots of possibilities.20:59
Odd-rationalehyperair, ScottK: thanks!21:01
Odd-rationaleScottK: is your python-ipaddr in the repositories?21:03
Odd-rationaleso i can apt-get source it?21:03
ScottKOdd-rationale: Yes.  In lucid21:09
Odd-rationaleScottK: oh, ok...21:09
randomactionfabrice_sp: are you planning to make any uploads of aqsis? If not I'll rebuild it for boost 1.40 (it's uninstallable in lucid now)21:19
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fabrice_sprandomaction, no: no new version in the short term.21:37
fabrice_spthanks for taking care of it ;-)21:37
Odd-rationaleScottK: Thanks for all your help! Would you be willing to take a look at my package and offer some feedback? or is there a way to get someone to show me if I was doing it correctly? Thanks again!21:48
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ockhamhi, i'd like to announce my first package: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/pysolfc23:26
ockham(and my second one: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/pysolfc-cardsets :-)23:26
blueyedWhy am I getting conflicts with "bzr merge-upstream" in debian/* ? e.g. in debian/control.. where does "merge source" come from?23:35
blueyedjames_w: ^^23:35
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Odd-rationaleWhat does it mean by "The changelog does not close a bug from Launchpad."?23:49
QuintasanOdd-rationale: you are doing a new package?23:50
Odd-rationaleQuintasan: yes. I am learning how.23:50
QuintasanOdd-rationale: okay, every new package should close a bug from Launchpad23:51
QuintasanOdd-rationale: please file a bug on launchpad - [needs-packaging] <your package name> and assign yourself to it23:51
QuintasanOdd-rationale: then in changelog you should add (Closes LP: #<your bug number>)23:52
Odd-rationaleQuintasan: ok. do i file it under ubuntu?23:52
QuintasanOdd-rationale: yes23:52
QuintasanOdd-rationale: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete23:53
QuintasanYou will use it very often :)23:53
Odd-rationaleQuintasan: yes. i've been reading that. very helpful doc.23:55
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Odd-rationaleIs there a way to search within all needs-packaging bugs for a string?23:59

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