
bazhang#ubuntu-wow ? never heard of that one.  also, what is happening with Kfloodbots? they seem to setting modes every few seconds00:40
bazhangthe user in question is insisting that it's fine to use #ubuntu-wow 'as many people used it last night'00:44
bazhangit IS official, but completely empty, without chanserv or topic00:47
bazhangempty save myself and futurama140 (World of Warcraft wow)00:51
Priceyjussi01: wow, you guys don't care that your charter isn't finished?00:57
rwwHello. I vaguely remember there being restrictions on access by TOR users to #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic. Is this still the case, and if so, will this change with freenode's changes to TOR access in ircd-seven (described in their latest blog entry).01:05
Priceyrww: We always blocked standard tor, though not the gpg-tor method. I can't see us blocking this either, but it depends on how it goes. If there is abuse, it could be considered.01:07
rwwPricey: Alright. That's the case for both #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic?01:09
nhandlerPricey: It is on the agenda for the meeting this weekend01:09
PriceyThat's a big agenda.01:10
nhandlerPricey: Yep. Last I heard, the plan is to prioritize the agenda to ensure the important topics get discussed.01:11
Priceynhandler: I also don't see tor on there01:12
nhandlerPricey: Feel free to add any topics you believe should be discussed to the agenda01:16
Priceynhandler: I don't think it needs to be discussed...01:16
Priceynhandler: I believe what I outlined above "see how it goes, discuss if it becomes an issue" is fine...01:16
Priceyno point tabling a 'non-issue'01:16
nhandlerPricey: Ah, I misunderstood your comment and I think you misunderstood mine ;) My "It is on the agenda" was with regards to the charter01:17
Priceynhandler: Ahhh right :-)01:18
Priceynhandler: With my remark to jussi here, i was following up on his email, where he suggested I take it to the CC *sigh.01:18
ubottuFloodBotK3 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)02:40
ubottuFloodBotK2 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)02:40
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)02:40
FlannelHi cousteau, how can we help you this evening?02:54
cousteauwhere's uBOTu-fr?02:55
Flannelcousteau: I have no idea.  It may have been lost with the netsplit, wait a  bit and see if it comes back.  Do you know who runs it?02:55
cousteauAlmohada is doing off-topic on #ubuntu-es and there's nobody to ban her02:56
Flannelcousteau: #ubuntu-irc is the place for LoCo channel help, we don't have access there02:57
Flannelcousteau: No problem.  Have a nice night.02:57
ubottuFloodBotK2 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)03:29
ubottuFloodBotK3 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)03:30
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)03:30
bazhangthis is the same fellow on about #ubuntu-wow05:18
Flanneloh, futuramaX?05:19
bazhangah regnum online05:19
bazhangyep 'double click the installer'05:19
ubottuJFo called the ops in #ubuntu-classroom ()06:11
JFolooks like we are getting the CTCP spam in -classroom again.06:29
JFocan someone +R the channel again?06:29
Myrttian hour left till new ircd06:32
JFothanks Myrtti06:33
Myrttianything else I can do for you?06:34
JFoheh, no. sorry to bother you :)06:34
ubottuFloodBotK3 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)07:05
ubottuFloodBotK2 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)07:05
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)07:05
ubottuFloodBotK3 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)07:12
ubottuFloodBotK2 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)07:12
ubottuFloodBotK1 called the ops in #kubuntu-ops-monitor (CTCP/NOTICE)07:12
Myrtti!away > iWolf07:22
mneptokyou and me both07:23
mneptokworth a banforward here with a !mark ?07:23
Myrttihere we go then07:25
=== SportChick is now known as evilessy
=== Dominian is now known as Dominoman
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=== Dominian is now known as BOFH
* tsimpson crosses fingers07:57
* mneptok completely freaks out, grabs a parachuts, and bails08:00
mneptokoh crap! i grabbed jussi's backpack!08:01
* wgrant holds on.08:02
tsimpsonI wonder how many people in #u are going to start screaming08:05
=== BOFH is now known as Dominian
elkyis the migration happening now?08:18
tsimpsonchannel modes/topic have been transferred as well as the *Serv databases08:19
tsimpsonthey'll move the bots over, then start on the users08:20
elkytimeframes on this?08:20
elkyi want to cook dinner and so forth, but don't want to miss the popcorn moments08:20
tsimpsonthe last message was 20 mins ago and was "Hi all, services and channel states have now been migrated over to the new production network. We're migrating utility bots/pseudoservers as we speak and we're nearly ready for users. Users connected to calvino, crichton, kubrick, leguin and verne may wish to make sure they are re-connecting to chat.freenode.net as these servers will not be immediately linked on newnet as they are pending upgrades first.08:20
tsimpson Thank you!"08:20
tsimpsonso probably quite soon08:21
elkyhmm, i might leave the steak until tomorrow and just order pizza in then08:22
tsimpsonbut..., it's steak!08:23
elkyyes, and steak is tastier the older it is08:23
elkyand i need to do washing up before i can cook it.08:24
elkyand this is a perfect excuse to get out of that :)08:25
wgrantMaybe we should have ircd migrations more often.08:25
mneptokso tjhat the health department evicts elky?08:25
wgrantSomething like that.08:26
elkythe smell isn't *that* bad08:26
* jussi01 grumbles that tremulous is broken in lucid and I cant kill aliens :(08:27
mneptokhere's something to make you weep-giggle while we wait - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXmv8quf_xM08:27
jussi01oh dear...08:28
tsimpsonjussi01: install netrek-client-cow and kill some klingons08:29
jussi01Ill see you all there! :D08:30
jussi01wgrant: jumped for me08:35
=== nik0 is now known as niko
ubottuIn ubottu, ChanServ said: [#xubuntu] This channel is officially logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/08:49
rwwIf one of you gets a second in all the chaos, +C is a wonderful channel mode and (considering #freenode just got CTCP spammed) possibly a good idea :)08:54
ikoniaI thought that only worked after the migration08:55
rwwikonia: so... now, then :)?08:55
ikoniais it all done ???08:56
rwwikonia: yep08:56
ikoniaclearly I shouldn't sleep, that's where it all happens.....08:56
ikoniaI'll set it08:56
ikoniathere we go08:56
rwwThanks. Have a good day :)08:57
wgrantIsn't seven meant to be immune to those HTTP attacks?09:00
ikoniaI'm not %100 sure to be honest09:00
ikoniaI've read a few conflicting posts09:01
ikoniawow all done09:14
* elky hugs christel09:23
bazhangwait why is Flannel not voiced09:33
tsimpsonbecause he's not identified09:36
=== Martinp23 is now known as 5EXAAAAAD
tomawanyone around that can play with floodbots?09:48
tomawI guess not.09:52
=== 5EXAAAAAD is now known as Martinp23
ardchoilleCan anything be done about gardar and high-rez in #ubuntu? Constant joins and parts due to excess flood10:12
ardchoillekinda looks like they're bots10:13
Myrttiwell, that was kind of fun10:17
tomawsomething like that.10:17
MyrttiI got to report bad behaviour to Staff"10:18
tomawMyrtti: who do I need to contact for a somewhat urgent change to floodbots?10:18
Myrttitomaw: ljl most likely10:18
Myrttiand/or irc council10:18
tomawideally I need to push a minor config change out to them all PDQ10:18
tsimpsontomaw: what's the issue?10:19
tomawsee /msg10:19
Myrttiis there a quick way to clear out a channel?10:20
tomaw/cs help clear10:20
=== Myrtti_ is now known as Myrtti
Myrttivery confusing10:29
Myrttimy irssi went a bit wonky there10:34
Myrttiwas just about to do that, but got a pm10:35
tomawI banned high-rez as it seems our flood limits are a little different now10:36
tomawit's hurt a dozen or so people10:36
Myrttianyone else got a pm from cWe_cRi10:36
tomawI haven't got a PM from anyone :(10:37
jussi01tomaw: you need floodbots sorting?10:38
jussi01need to find tsimpson10:38
tomawhe found me10:39
jussi01ok, great :)10:40
Myrttihow cute ;-)10:40
tomawSat 10:44:28 [!] tsimpson [stdin@ubuntu/member/irccouncil] has quit [Changing host]10:44
tomawSat 10:44:28 [!] tsimpson [stdin@ubuntu/member/stdin] has joined #ubuntu-ops10:44
tomawI wonder if it's worth decloaking your council account(s) to prevent that10:44
tsimpsonthe cloak will stay even if you /ns logout right?10:46
tsimpson(the original cloak)10:46
tsimpsonI guess the cloak for the council account is probably not needed then10:49
tsimpsonjussi01: what do you think?10:49
elkyi wouldn't rush in to it.10:51
tomawit's no issue for us but it means you'll send those fake quit/joins whenever you id to it and again when you id as yourself10:51
tomawI don't know how often you do that10:51
elkyfigure how the new ircd works in the real world first.10:51
tomawyeah, certainly no rush :)10:52
MenZamorning all11:35
MenZaOh, we're on seven now?11:35
MenZaCould someone unset guard on #ubuntu-offtopic?11:42
MenZaand #ubuntu, and pretty much everywhere else, I suppose11:43
tsimpsonMenZa: guard is not no, you could probably just kick it11:45
MenZatsimpson: will do11:45
MenZaNegatory, cannot be kicked11:46
MenZaSomeone in #freenode mentioned it might part today11:46
tsimpsonCS is immune11:46
tsimpsonwell, staff will fix it sometime I guess11:46
MenZaAny other major hiccups with seven?11:46
tsimpsonthe FloodBots (in #u) are basically non-operational11:47
MenZaI thought that had been fixed11:47
tsimpsonthey identify fine, but they don't quite understand the ident format and don't use the right modes11:47
tsimpsonthey never realise ChanServ op'd them, so they keep requesting +o11:48
tsimpsonI've done some hacking on the ones in #k and they seem calmer11:48
MenZais LjL or someone straightening it out?11:49
tsimpsonI would attempt to fix the ones in #u, but the propagation stuff isn't working11:49
* MenZa nods11:49
tsimpsonat least #k is protected :)11:51
=== Pricey_ is now known as Pricey
* elky raises an eyebrow at tsimpson and looks apprehensively in the direction of +112:02
elkyping me if you need me to scowl12:02
* tsimpson hovers over the !ot keys12:04
elkyno kidding12:04
elkytsimpson, you still retain the "elky scowls at bacta" card if you so choose to use it12:09
tsimpsonif he continues12:10
tomawtsimpson: there've been floodbots on our testnet working okay for a while.  are you sure there's no some code update that needs deploying to fix them?12:12
elkyhe's now complaining to me about my eyebrow raising emotes12:14
tsimpsontomaw: maybe, but LjL is the one who would know12:14
elkybecause they're annoying him12:14
* tsimpson sets mode +pedantic tsimpson12:16
ikonia#kubuntu is in a mess12:45
tsimpsonikonia: give me a sec12:45
ikoniaI've just booted the bot for a moment as it was goin nuts12:45
ikoniathanks tsimpson12:45
tsimpsonbut the bots have no way back in after you kick12:46
ikoniaI didn't realise that, I thought you could tell them to rejoin12:46
ikoniamy apologies12:46
tsimpsonnope :)12:46
tsimpsonI'm restarting it anyway12:46
tsimpsoncode update12:47
ikonialucky esacpe12:47
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=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
nhandlerWe can probably remove +r from the various channels. Channel operators should also familiarize themselves with http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml if they haven't already (there are some new modes and some other modes have changed)13:15
elkyhow many times does floodbot2 need to op itself up?13:17
jribheadlines are: 1) use +q for mutes 2) use /mode #ubuntu +q $~a for +R    I suppose13:28
elkyfloodbot2 is being opped up once a minute at the 40 second mark. this really isn't idea.13:28
jribwhy don't they just stay opped forever?13:28
elkybecause freenode dislikes permanent opping13:29
elkyi guess.13:29
jribelky: is that because it gives the impression of us vs. them to users?  If that's the only reason I think fact the bots are named they way there are to make it clear they are bots, gets rid of that effect13:31
jribinsert "the" somewhere13:31
elkyi'm speculating. i don't know for sure.13:31
MenZawell, that is the general preferred behaviour. get off your op piedestal, we're all users here.13:32
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jribwow that sentence I wrote made no sense13:36
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=== nhandler1 is now known as nhandler
ubottuIn ubottu, ChanServ said: [#xubuntu] This channel is officially logged at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/14:12
jpdstsimpson: Now make it use SSL.14:13
tsimpsonjpds: I tried that a while ago, I got nowhere14:14
jpdsHave twisted installed?14:14
tsimpsonand changed the driver in the config explicitly14:14
tsimpsonstill fail14:14
jpdstsimpson: Works for me.14:32
* pleia2 pets ubot414:33
jpdstsimpson: I needed python-twisted-core, python-twisted-names and python-openssl installed.14:33
* jpds hugs pleia2.14:33
* pleia2 hugs jpds :)14:33
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (mass join)14:37
ubottuTm_T called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (gunvald)14:40
Tm_Tsomeone, please14:43
=== Gary is now known as freddddy
=== freddddy is now known as Gary
bazhangguessing that chanserv.py does not work with new services, at least the new mute function (ie quiet)15:18
bazhangyikes. time to learn irssi I guess :)15:20
tsimpsonbazhang: this is a slightly modified version of chanserv.py that mostly works http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/fd016da015:41
bazhangtsimpson, many thanks!15:41
tsimpsonactually, this one works better http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/f40abfa7f15:49
arandIt seems like we've got two floodboots in #ubuntu15:50
bazhangjust trying to figure out how to do that; copy and paste to gedit then save as chanserv.py?15:50
Tm_Tarand: there should be 3, as there is (:15:51
tsimpsonbazhang: click the "download" link ;)15:51
tsimpsonneer the top of the page15:51
bazhangtsimpson, ah I'm an idiot :)15:51
arandTm_T: But only one should be acting at the same time right?15:51
tsimpsonarand: we're working on getting them to play nice15:51
arandtsimpson: ah, ok, just wanted to point it out.15:52
bazhangtsimpson, works a charm, many thanks :)16:18
tsimpson :)16:18
tsimpsonit's not perfect, but it's better than nothing16:18
bazhanghehe true16:19
tsimpsonbtw, note that with /cs bans ... quiets will show with %, but that's not part of the quiet16:19
bazhangokay, will keep that in mind16:22
ubottuiceroot called the ops in #ubuntu (oldmes)16:35
bazhangnotk0 was trolling in ##linux earlier16:43
ubottusdx23 called the ops in #ubuntu ()16:54
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)18:15
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)18:15
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)18:15
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)18:15
ubottuIdleOne called the ops in #ubuntu (orgullocachanill)20:15
ubottuh00k called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (orgullocachanill)20:15
FlannelDo we have a new version of auto_bleh yet?20:16
jpdstsimpson: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~jpds/ubuntu-bots/remove-md5-usage/+merge/1832020:16
cowbudI have a question regarding the use of ubbotu and how people randomly seem to apply it to people when they are off topic when the people who end up using it also break the off topic rule. It really seems like a way to scare off people who actually contribute. As Flannel can atest to I said one random comment about a users nickname in a joking way and I was immediately admonished. If the line had been20:27
cowbudignored that would have been all that happened and yet the same person who admonished me made off topic remarks20:27
cowbudatest/confirm whatever20:27
cowbudon top of that that bot adds so much more spam to the channel it seems like private redirects would be manditory on most of those info commands. Or at least notice the person who sent it to the person so they can continue their chat with the same information20:28
tsimpsonthe bot does /msg when you give it an unknown command, it also supports sending factoids to uses via /msg20:33
cowbudright I realize that, but the majority of users use the public one20:34
tsimpsonbecause the majority of use is to inform others20:34
cowbudthat is true but often times it is used as a way to tell people to shutup basically20:35
cowbudand in chat that just seems unchat like, I realize the channel is packed but that ends up really adding more to the problem rather than resolving it20:35
cowbudive been the target of this and also witnessed this many times20:35
tsimpsonit's used as a shortcut sure20:35
cowbudif I spend hours helping people and make an off comment and get that message about offtopic I have to admit it is extremely annoying20:35
mneptokand there are circumstances where people need to be told to stop discussing certain topics, change their attitude, or stop using profanity.20:36
cowbudI agree iwth that as well20:36
mneptokcowbud: so abide by the channel rules and don't go off-topic. #ubuntu-offtopic exists for a reason.20:36
cowbudbut I don't agree with it being applied immediately and honestly I think it should be reserved for ops20:36
tsimpsonmost of its use is for non-ops20:36
cowbudmneptok: but that is my point. Someone admonished me for saying "CrashOverride: zerocool just phoned he wants his nick" then that guy goes into how he has to go to work20:37
tsimpsonif we restrict it we may as well scrap it20:37
mneptokcowbud: was that in #ubuntu?20:37
Flannelcowbud: Being an operator isn't a pre-requisite for helping keep #ubuntu useful.  With that said, sometimes users get overzealous.  The user in question here has already been conversed with regarding it.20:37
mneptokcowbud: how does your comment relate to Ubuntu support?20:37
cowbudit just seems like the bot because on "official" way to let users tell other users to be quiet. I agree that users in general help and utilize the wonderful amount of information in ubbotu but certain keywords tend to be more of a way to attack users for no regard20:38
cowbudchat in my opinion is a friendly atmosphere, what I said was not on topic but that is just my point in what way does saying "I am going to work now" any different?20:38
cowbudit is just adding to the good nature of chat20:38
cowbudand while I know it cna't get out of hand one or two lines is far from out of hand20:38
Flannelcowbud: Ubottu is a tool, sometimes people misuse tools, but that doesn't mean the tool is bad.20:39
Flannelcowbud: "I am going to work now" is also offtopic20:39
FlannelEr, I'd like to qualify that.20:39
mneptokcowbud: in a channel of 1500 people, 2 lines of offtopic banter per person is 3,000 lines of useless input.20:39
FlannelThis time, "I'm going to work now" was offtopic, if you were saying that to let someone who you were helping or whatnot that you weren't anymore, it wouldn't be.20:40
cowbudmneptok: the message that was sent to everyone for my off topic was something like 6 lines20:40
cowbudhow is that better?20:40
Flannelcowbud: I already said that I took care of that.20:40
Tm_TI agree that there is factoid abuse going on at times20:40
cowbudignore the fact that I was the target, if I saw someone else be admonished and the bot messaged the channel with all that I would be equally annoyed20:40
cowbudI mean ok talking about it I realize it isn't really something that can be solved20:41
cowbudfor the majority of the time the bot is helpful20:41
cowbudFlannel: but the way that situation went down it suddenly turned in to two people chatting off topic to continue repremanding me20:41
cowbudthat is equally a waste of screen realestate20:42
mneptokcowbud: if you were not admonished, you'd do it again. and again. and again. and other people would follow your example. you were admonished, so whatever channel input there was from the bot will probably be the last that's caused by you being off-topic.20:42
cowbudinstead of saying Stop repeatedly to me, you could have said if you have a problem you should discuss it in #ubuntu-ops20:42
Flannelcowbud: You mentioned that he shouldn't have done that, I asked you to stop, then you continued.  Had you stopped, it would've ended there in #u20:42
cowbudFlannel: I didn't say I shouldn't have done it I said that the message itself was more spammy then my original comment20:43
Flannelcowbud: There wasn't a problem.  I had already spoken to him about it20:43
cowbudright there a response like "We can discuss it in #ubuntu-ops" would have been appropriate20:43
cowbudFlannel: well if it wasn't public following the same rules the bot follows how am I supposed to know that?20:43
Flannelcowbud: You were trying to discuss it with CrashOverride, not me.20:43
cowbudFlannel: and as an operator you stepped in and just told me to stop20:44
cowbudseems like a poor response20:44
Flannelcowbud: You had already made your case to him, I asked you to cease further comments.  You continued to make the *same* statement20:44
Flannelcowbud: I'm sorry that he continued, I spoke with him after he did the second factoid as well.  I can't stop people from acting like idiots all the time.20:45
cowbudthat isn't true, regardless this has no devolved into a ridiculous he said she said. To sum up what I am asking I would appreciate more helpful response then stop next time. Like hey these are the rules and if you don't like them you can discuss them #HERE20:45
tsimpsonwhen you are asked to stop beging off topic, is it unreasonable for you to stop begin off topic?20:46
Flannelcowbud: As far as I was concerned, I didn't see any reason for you to be discussing anything.  You obviously understood the offtopic-ness, and I was already dealing with his overzealous bot usage.20:46
cowbudFlannel: I didn't see that at all, did I miss that in the channel?20:46
cowbudto be honest if I saw that I would have been fine20:46
Flannelcowbud: No, it wasn't in #ubuntu, because that would've been offtopic and spammy.20:47
mneptokcowbud: it's not your concern how ops deal with other users.20:47
cowbudis this not a community driven irc channel?20:47
Flannelcowbud: Everything doesn't need to be public, does it?20:47
mneptokcowbud: your concern is to listen to ops' requests, follow them *regardless of how you feel about them*, and discuss them here if you think there is a problem.20:47
cowbudFlannel: well see that is actually my initial point20:47
tsimpsoncowbud: talking to the user about the bot abuse in the channel would be off topic and cause more spam20:48
cowbudmneptok: since your ops are not opped in the channel I have no idea of knowing who those people are20:48
Flannelcowbud: When I stepped in, you can rest assured that I would set everything straight.  If you wanted to make sure I was dealing with him, you could've queried me, or come here to ask, or whatnot.20:48
tsimpsonnot being +o is in accordance with freenode recommendations20:48
cowbudFlannel: and I had no idea this channel existed until after everyone cooled down I placed a follow up question20:48
cowbudtsimpson: so it seems that someone should identify themselves as an op when they are "stepping in"20:49
tsimpsonplus, it should not matter if someone has +o or not20:49
tsimpsonyou said it yourself, it's a community channel20:49
cowbudtsimpson: if some random person tells you to stop you follow that?20:49
tsimpsonif I'm offtopic, yes20:49
cowbudand it wasn't could you plesae take this converstaion somewhere else20:49
cowbudit was "Stop"20:49
cowbudthat is it20:49
mneptokcowbud: it's a community-driven IRC channel. the rules are the rules. it doesn;t matter if an op or a community member tells you to follow the rules.20:49
tsimpsonfirst it was "cowbud: Please stop."20:49
tsimpsonthen you continued20:50
tsimpsonthen "cowbud: Again, stop."20:50
Flanneltsimpson: For the sake of clarity, CrashOverride, did 'speak' at cowbud before he continued.20:50
tsimpsonsure, I'm just saying it wasn't just "stop"20:50
cowbudfine fair enough20:51
cowbudit was Please stop20:51
cowbudto be honset it is just frustrating when at times I spend hours in that channel helping and I make one off comment and I get beat down20:51
mneptokcowbud: so why not stop when asked? regardless of who is doing the asking. and especially if you understand the notion of "offtopic?"20:51
tsimpsonif someone is asking you to stop, regardless of if they are an op or not, you should start thinking about what you are doing20:51
tsimpsonyou are not the first to say "I help people all the time in #ubuntu ... I broke one rule... this is not fair" (paraphrase)20:52
cowbudwell not fair isn't correct20:53
cowbudit is more of a feeling of being pushed out20:53
tsimpsonit does not matter how helpful you are, rules apply to all20:53
cowbudthat's fine20:53
cowbudill consider that and where I spend my time20:53
cowbudthanks for the discussion20:53
tsimpsonwe do not operate a karma system for rule-allowance20:53
Tm_Tcowbud: remember that we get told to stop at times too (:20:54
Tm_Twell, I do20:54
cowbudalso a fair point and something for me to consider how I approach the channel20:55
mneptokcowbud: i have used Ubuntu for 5 years. i worked as a Senior Support Engineer for Canonical. i *guarantee* i have given more help with Ubuntu than 99% of the people in #ubuntu. and i still have to follow the rules about being offtopic. and i'm fine with that. the rule is there to make sure people get help. and helping people is the entire point of the channel.20:55
cowbudmneptok: I never said I was above the rules20:55
cowbudI was more discussing what those rules are and how I think they are unfairly applied but again that has also been covered20:56
mneptokcowbud: but you implied that giving enough help should somehow exempt you from certain channel procedures.20:56
cowbudmneptok: well not exactly but more or less yes which I understand isn't really something that can be programmed in and is also not worth controlling20:57
mneptokeven if it could be "programmed in" it wouldn't be.20:57
mneptokno one, no matter their contributions, is above the guidelines.20:58
cowbuddo you think that is still unclear to me at this point?20:58
mneptokwhat i think is really not the issue here.20:58
Flannelcowbud: Is there anything you feel hasn't been covered? Or any further questions you have?20:59
cowbudno like I said I will consider my approach to the channel and where I spend my time20:59
cowbudso I think we're done here, unless there is something else youguys would like to follow up with21:00
Flannelcowbud: Alright.  Let us know if you have further questions.  Have a nice day.21:00
cowbudthank you21:00
FlannelDo we tell people about #ubuntu-ops anywhere?21:01
FlannelIt's not in the IRC Guidelines, nor topic of #u21:01
Flannel(I could see a number of places that it could be in IRCG)21:01
BUGabundoI'm sure you guys are aware, but I just heard this and would like to be sure21:06
BUGabundo"when this change occurs, EVERY channel on freenode will need to be reregistered"21:06
Tm_Twhat change?21:06
* BUGabundo fetchs backlog21:06
BUGabundo(08:57:36 PM) Stericson: with the coming change, it will be governed by a automated system21:07
* Tm_T is puzzled21:09
tsimpsonthe GMS is not due to be implemented any time soon21:09
Tm_Ttsimpson: Group Management System ?21:09
tsimpsonTm_T: yes21:09
BUGabundo(09:09:38 PM) Stericson: Right it's a few months away21:09
Tm_Ttsimpson: I figured it out rightaway, did I won something?21:10
tsimpsonBUGabundo: where are they getting their information from?21:10
tsimpsonTm_T: just my admiration :)21:10
BUGabundotsimpson: not sure, Stericson talk to some freenode folks21:10
Tm_Ttsimpson: that'll be enough this time (:21:10
BUGabundohe is tryin to protect #cyanogenmod namespace21:11
tsimpsonwell there has been no announcement and no indication of the GMS being anything like complete21:11
Flanneltsimpson: I'm sure it'll be finished once the new nickname system is implemented!21:12
* Flannel hides.21:12
BUGabundoFlannel: new nickname ?21:12
BUGabundonow I'm curious21:12
Tm_Tno, before new automatic cloaking system is implemented21:13
FlannelBUGabundo: It's been on the website for a few years, I think they finally took it down.21:13
tsimpsonBUGabundo: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#gcwhen21:14
BUGabundothanks for all the info guys21:16
* BUGabundo goes back to RL21:16
BUGabundoaka Watching Top Gear21:16
Tm_TBUGabundo: thanks21:24
FlannelWhy does everyone seem to have a tilde prefixed to their username?21:30
jpdsFlannel: As in ~jpds@ubuntu/... ?21:31
Flanneljpds: Yeah21:32
jpdsBecause they changed it from the old n=, i=.21:32
FlannelDidn't I read that that was only for non-identified users?21:32
jpdsNo, that's different, people who aren't running an ident daemon has the ~ prepended.21:33
pleia2and since no one runs identd anymore...21:33
FlannelNow that people are awake, do we link to #ubuntu-ops anywhere?  (I don't see it in the guidelines, nor is it in the topic)21:34
pleia2it's at the bottom of the guidelines page21:35
pleia2and on IRC/AppealProcess21:36
FlannelAppealsProcess doesn't link from anywhere normal people would see21:37
FlannelPerhaps linking it from the top of IRCG would be relevant too, "If you have questions or blah blah blah"21:38
Flannel(and the ops factoid too, "for non-emergency use..."21:38
betzmneptok: think my 24h 'will not click on any link in irc' mantra has passed now :)22:04
betzcan i get access again?22:04
FlannelHowdy betz, I assume you've learned your lesson :)22:20
betzhey Flannel. yes, indeed :)22:20
Flannelbetz: Sounds good.  I've removed your ban from #ubuntu22:20
FlannelPlease join and test to make sure there's not something I missed.22:21
betzaah nice, thanks for that!22:21
FlannelBUGabundo: If there's nothing else we can help you with today, please don't idle here, thanks.22:21
* mneptok returns fro the shower22:21
mneptokFlannel: thanks for removing betz' ban22:21
BUGabundopartying Flannel22:21
BUGabundoohh one more question before I go22:22
BUGabundoif/when the change to the channels come22:22
BUGabundohow will it work for local teams ?22:22
betzFlannel: i'm in, thanks again.22:22
Flannelbetz: Have a nice day22:23
FlannelBUGabundo: I have no idea.  We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.  I'm sure it won't be a big deal22:24
mneptokbetz: you, also, should respect the no-idling policy in this channel22:29
betzow sorry, off i go22:30
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bazhangfreenode staff klined?23:06
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood)23:06
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* tsimpson thinks he'll sleep this one out23:13
Myrtticowbud: can we help you?23:21
bazhangnice post about yahoo nixternal at the planet.ubuntu.com website23:24
nixternalbazhang: thanks23:25
=== nixternal is now known as Guest72088
Guest72088yo, you freenode nutcases! you can only connect with ssl but not auth via ssl or is there some docs somewhere to help with authing via ssl?23:46
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Guest72088oh this stupid ass service switching my nick23:47
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