
dhillon-v10hi all, I am trying to implement this feature that would allow users to have more than one assignee/approver for one spec. and I know it involves some modification to PublicPersonChoice() method and it could be something similar to the Add Dependancy where I can return a link that a person can add to, but is this the right way ?18:51
dhillon-v10jamalta: hi :)18:52
mwhudsongood morning19:25
dhillon-v10mwhudson: hi :) just read your email on the api docs. thanks for that, i was looking for something like that for a while now19:26
mwhudsondhillon-v10: cool19:26
dhillon-v10mwhudson: i need some help implementing a new feature (a bug) do you have like 5-10 mins.19:27
mwhudsondhillon-v10: sure19:27
dhillon-v10mwhudson: I am trying to implement this feature that would allow users to have more than one assignee/approver for one spec. and I know19:27
dhillon-v10                     it involves some modification to PublicPersonChoice() method and it could be something similar to the Add Dependancy where I can return19:27
dhillon-v10                     a link that a person can add to, but is this the right way ?19:27
dhillon-v10mwhudson: sorry about that19:27
dhillon-v10mwhudson: copy and paste in irssi fails19:28
mwhudsondhillon-v10: um, it will require a database change, i think?19:28
dhillon-v10mwhudson: oh i see because previously there was one column to record that info. now there are more because of additional people19:28
mwhudsondhillon-v10: right, you'll need a linking table19:29
mwhudsondhillon-v10: i don't mean to be overly picky, but is there consensus that this is something that should be done?19:29
mwhudson(a link to a bug report, an email thread, or something would be good)19:29
mwhudson(i don't know much about blueprints)19:30
dhillon-v10mwhudson: I don't know, Curtis marked this one as a wishlist, and I thought I might get started on this one, let me get you the link in a sec.19:30
dhillon-v10mwhudson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/blueprint/+bug/204019:31
mwhudson4 figure bug, awesome!19:31
dhillon-v10mwhudson: so what do you say, is it even worth doing, because if its a big change in the database then we can  probably not do it or find a workaround19:33
mwhudsondhillon-v10: it's not a very complicated change in the database really, so i don't think that's not a reason to do it19:33
dhillon-v10mwhudson: alright then, so where do I get started, I have the dev environment setup and have been playing with it for a while now19:34
mwhudsondhillon-v10: maybe a ui mockup is the place to start19:38
dhillon-v10mwhudson: so first focus on the INewSpecification part so I can have a baseline ready then go into the database and make necessary changes19:40
mwhudsondhillon-v10: i think i meant, "focus on what you want the user experience to be"19:41
mwhudsoni admit i don't use blueprints much19:41
dhillon-v10mwhudson: can you please rephrase that "focus on what you want the user experience to be" is it basically saying make like a little screenshot of what the end result could look like19:43
mwhudsondhillon-v10: yeah19:44
mwhudsondhillon-v10: it can just be a pen and paper drawing scanned, or mutilate the page in firebug or something19:44
mwhudsondhillon-v10: don't put too much effort into it at this stage19:44
mwhudsondhillon-v10: is the role of the blueprint approver enforced in code?19:45
dhillon-v10mwhudson: yeah I understand, a mock-up shouldn't take too much effort, and don't know about approver enforced part, I am still reading the code so sorry about that19:46
mwhudsondhillon-v10: if you can catch curtis (aka sinzui) online, he might be a good person to talk to about this19:47
dhillon-v10mwhudson: alright and thanks a *lot* for you help, you rock :)19:47
mwhudsondhillon-v10: no worries, i hope your first change to launchpad goes well!19:48
dhillon-v10sinzui: ping :)19:48
dhillon-v10mwhudson: same here :)19:48
mwhudsonhmm, sinzui is on uk time this week19:48
dhillon-v10mwhudson: I guess I'll wait if he comes back or otherwise I can just email him19:50
mwhudsonsinzui: are you actually there?20:00
drubinIs there a link to launchpadapi docs? I have found the raw webservice doc doesn't match up 100% ant the little changes make it kinda hard to work out what the python object relations are22:13
dhillon-v10drubin: try this out: http://people.canonical.com/~mwh/canonicalapi/index.html it might help you out22:32
wgrantdhillon-v10: That's the internal API documentation.22:33
dhillon-v10wgrant: oops sorry you are right :)22:33
drubindhillon-v10: ye, I was a little bit overwelmed22:33
drubinye the biggest issue is getting the correct attributes from the python objects. Lets say I want a team members email. I have to do lp.people['teamname'].preferred_email_address.email    where as in the raw API it lists preferred_email_address_link there are a few of those. just wondering what else is different22:35
wgrantdrubin: foo_link -> foo, foo_collection_link -> foo22:35
wgrantI don't think there's much else.22:35
drubinwgrant: Is that the only difference?22:35
drubinIf that is the case I am pretty sure I can cope :)22:35
drubinwgrant: Thanks. Pretty much what I was looking for.22:36
drubinIs gzip compression turned on by default? If not where would I look to turn it on.22:36
wgrantdrubin: They're just automatic niceties provided by launchpadlib. foo_link webservice attributes contain a URL, but launchpadlib knows to instead produce a foo attribute containing the object itself.22:37
drubinwgrant: Ye I kinda worked that out, after the first 5mins of using the lib. Was more worried about other stuff I might encounter down the line.22:38
mwhudsonwoo, finally down to 0 unread23:10
mwhudson"Diff against target: 248083 lines (+22639/-108557) 345 files modified"23:18
mwhudsonhard to see how that's ever going to be useful23:19

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