=== Guest22182 is now known as StevenK === Guest8650 is now known as Zic [19:20] hi asac [19:20] r u there? [19:20] :-) [19:20] hi rbelem [19:20] whats up? [19:21] asac, plasma mobile is almost ok, i just have some doubts about licensing [19:21] asac, the upstream author added some files [19:22] asac, and did not insert the copyright [19:23] and i want to discuss an idea about kdm [19:23] :-) [19:24] asac, can you take a look at the plasma-mobile package? [19:26] do you have te link at hand? [19:27] asac, http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/plasma-mobile [19:27] :-) [19:42] persia: already in portland? [19:43] rbelem: usually files added without copyright are assumed to be governed by the same license as the full source (subtree) [19:43] so thats ok [19:43] asac, cool! [19:43] :-) [19:43] its only problematic if it explicitly says: "all rights reserved" witout a license [19:44] but if there is no info about copyright etc. then its usually fine [19:46] asac, i think tomorrow i will talk to the maintainer and i will ask to him update the copyright or just clarify the situation with him [19:46] right. thats best [19:46] oterwise its usually ok [19:46] as i said [19:47] asac, about kdm now :-) [19:47] but perfect would be to have full license info in the files themselve [19:47] cool [19:47] :-) [19:48] i'm having some problems with kdm [19:49] i was currently trying to build it outside kdebase-workspace [19:49] i get almost 90% of the code compiled [19:51] asac, just a second - someones at the door [19:55] the problem is a dependency in kcontrol inside the kdebase-workspace [19:57] the kcontrol builds a .so that is installed in the kdm package [19:59] so probably i need to take out this code to build it [20:01] this is what is missing to get it ready [20:01] but [20:01] i was thinking about some features that would be nice to have on kdm-mobile [20:02] first [20:02] create something like an initial setup [20:03] to do what oem-config does today or something like it [20:04] second [20:05] create an alternative method to authenticate and login [20:05] like a pin code on mobile phones [20:06] or a lock screen like android's [20:07] this shouldn't be too difficult to hack [20:07] what do you think about these ideas? === Guest57357 is now known as davidm [21:16] asac, http://identi.ca/attachment/8072583 plasma-mobile screenshot :-) [21:18] rbelem, cute [21:19] nice [21:19] what is that number pad? [21:20] asac, i don't know :-) [21:20] * rbelem kicks keypad [21:21] ogra, it think it will get more attractive as time goes by [21:21] :-) [21:21] well, it looks quite good already :) [21:24] ogra, one nice thing about plasma-mobile is that it will use qml, so the look n' feel can be changed completely by changing a template [21:25] rbelem: do you know if something like the PIN auth already exists? [21:27] asac, well i think we can do this via ofono http://ofono.org/ [21:28] asac, i used this before :-) [21:29] rbelem, i will update the blueprint/burndown if this is packaged [21:30] ian_brasil, ok :-) [21:30] ian_brasil, but i just discovered a bug [21:32] rbelem, we need to get moving for FF with the kwin & kdm stuff also [21:34] ian_brasil, ok, i think for kdm we don't need to bother about kdebase-workspace packaging changes [21:35] ian_brasil, this week we will work on kwin [21:36] what will you do and is it a lot of work? [21:36] oh and unless you can do the PIN stuff quickly i suggest leaving it until after lucid [21:42] ian_brasil, i don't know yet :-( [21:42] at least it is not very clear [21:43] ian_brasil, maybe we should go back to the virtual keyboard integrated with kwin [21:44] ian_brasil, the plasmaboard plasmoid is not enough for mobile needs [21:45] rbelem, damn..shame that did not work out [21:47] ian_brasil, it is just a plasmoid it is not gonna save the world :-P [21:48] rbelem: ok yeah ... we could also use modemmanager probably ... i think we have no ofono in the archive yet. do you know if thats completely free software?