
CrashOverride!hi > haven48900:00
ubottuhaven489, please see my private message00:00
IzinucsWhat cli command will give me my ip address and DNS servers that I'm using?00:00
Justin_`Would there be a reason why 'madwifi' wont start up when Ubuntu loads? I have to type 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper' every time my computer boots up to connect to wifi. Is there a fix?00:00
bazhangCrashOverride, please keep the offtopic commentary to #ubuntu-offtopic00:00
CarciJinxware: Thanks!00:00
* erUSUL changes its name to ZeroCool00:00
airtonixevon, you could try devilspie although i doubt you'll get what you desire00:00
JinxwareCarci, no problem ;)00:00
bikererUSUL: it mounted it with the 2nd command!00:00
CrashOverridebazhang I am00:00
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erUSULIzinucs: ifconfig -a00:00
pfifoIzinucs, 'ifconfig' 'ip addr' 'cat /etc/resolv.conf'00:00
bazhangCrashOverride, that includes all the emoticons etc.00:01
CrashOverrideI been here for awhile I am starting to understand how this channel works00:01
erUSUL!yay | biker00:01
ubottubiker: Glad you made it! :-)00:01
CrashOverrideI can do that if I want00:01
evonairtonix: lol. never heard of it but i will look it p00:01
IzinucserUSUL: pfifo  thanks00:01
CrashOverrideI can make smiley faces if I please00:01
hackNslashwhy my ubuntu install cant find drive parts?00:01
airtonixevon, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie00:01
bazhangCrashOverride, not here please00:01
bikererUSUL: ubottu thanks a lot ! =D I was scare that I could not use my new HDD :P00:01
MyrttiCrashOverride: please... concentrate to the support issues00:01
bikerthank you :)00:01
CrashOverridestfu if your not a op00:01
erUSULbiker: ubottu is a bot00:01
* airtonix smirks00:01
erUSULbiker: XD00:02
bikererUSUL: anyway :p00:02
herberoI lost grub to error 17, but with a live disk shell, I got this: cat /proc/mdsztat says my md1 is inactive sda2[0] and sdc2[2]00:02
bikerdouh xD00:02
CrashOverrideI been helping all day and you kick me00:02
herberoI think I lost a disk in my RAID00:02
hackNslashwhy my ubuntu install cant find drive parts?00:02
bazhangCrashOverride, please watch the language and stay on topic00:02
herberohow can I be sure, before I try to sync a new one, and make sure which disk it is00:02
CrashOverridebazhang: YOUR NOT OP so stop acting like one00:02
IzinucsWhen setting a static IP address, if DNS is listed in /etc/resolv.conf do I need to enter them in the config screen?00:03
* airtonix lols00:03
FarnabyAnybody have any ideas why a previously plug and play webcam would no longer work, literally overnight, in 8.04?00:03
pfifoIzinucs, no00:03
nibblebotin 9.10 where is the session manager?00:03
ProdegoCrashOverride: oops00:03
* pfifo hugs bazhang 00:03
Izinucspfifo: thanks again :)00:03
JohnnyHow do I enable USB on wine?00:04
=== Johnny is now known as Guest46632
erUSULGuest46632: what are you trying to do ?00:04
Guest46632I'm trying to get iTunes running inside of wine to recognize my ipod touch00:05
hackNslashwhy my ubuntu install cant find drive parts?00:05
Guest46632erUSUL: I'm trying to get iTunes running inside of wine to recognize my ipod touch00:05
=== jolaren is now known as adam1
pfifoGuest46632, wine cannot make your hardware work.00:05
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod00:05
arandhackNslash: This on the liveCD?00:05
bazhangGuest46632, what about installing iFuse00:05
=== adam1 is now known as jolaren
hackNslasharand, yes00:06
turtle^s0updoes anyone know why my DNS /etc/resolv.conf automatically changes to my ISP DNS after editing it?00:07
turtle^s0upi have a static IP, use wicd, and it's on a wired connection00:07
mdisienovlc continually crashes at first launch with me, and when i try and launch it again via open with on a video, it doesnt show any video, instead where the video would be is transparent.  i get audio though.00:07
jolarenhow do i check what users are online on my ubuntu server?00:07
jolarenecho hello00:07
nibblebotwhat happened to system -> preferences -> sessions in 9.10?00:07
IzinucsWhen switching from "Auto eth0 w/ DHCP" to my static IP... the computer report that it's connected and shows the DNS servers in resolv.conf but I can't ping my gateway.. and there's no internet connection.. How do I resolve this?  (I've been using network manager on kubuntu if that makes any difference)00:08
arandhackNslash: if you run "sudo fdisk -l" does it show any partitions on the drives or not?00:08
pfifoturtle^s0up, are you using DHCP?00:08
hackNslasharand, ubuntu install cant find any parts00:08
turtle^s0uppfifo: i don't think so00:08
macminiproblemhi, I booted the live CD on a mac mini and now the mini refuses to boot without the Live CD, any help? (no boot divice to boot from or something)00:09
pfifoturtle^s0up, The only way i know of that resolv gets over written is with DHCP and I have yet to figure out a way to stop it00:09
daftykinsmacminiproblem: you need to hold down the keyboard keypress to reset the PRAM, one sec00:09
pfifoIzinucs, are you sure that you filled in the proper ip address, subnet mask and default gateway?00:10
daftykinsmacminiproblem: turn it on and hold down command, option, P and R00:10
daftykinsmacminiproblem: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT137900:10
hackNslashwhy my ubuntu install cant find drive parts?00:11
Fawnjolaren: who or w00:11
pfifoturtle^s0up, i put a shell script in /usr/bin that fixes my resolv whenever my router breaks it00:11
Izinucspfifo: yep.. the router is set to do DHCP from ... I'm trying to set my ip at outside the DHCP range.. gateway is standard at (pretty typical)00:12
Jinxwarepfifo, dhcpcd has a parameter to not update resolv.conf automatically, but dhclient seems to lack this option00:12
azul(\ /)00:12
pfifoIzinucs, is your router also doing NAT? It might ignore anyone outside that range00:13
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pfifoIzinucs, try setting a static ip inside that range and see if it works, also is your router blocking ping?00:14
FawnYou could use static IP on ubuntu. The dhclient/network manager stuff seems too complex00:14
Izinucspfifo: it is doing NAT.. doesn't block ping from inside the LAN.. but I'll try your suggestion..00:14
ninjaslimany photographers here, what software do you guys use for photo editing00:15
AndreMorro[BR]ninjaslim, gimp + DualMonitors00:15
Izinucspfifo: even inside that range it's not allowing connection.. should I try the gateway address of the cable  modem?00:16
AndreMorro[BR]ninjaslim, with only one monitor its kinda wierd00:16
pfifocan you ping you own IP address?00:16
sebsebsebninjaslim: for basic photo editing their's f-spot which you probably already have, plus their are some other photo editing programs00:16
ninjaslimAndreMorro[BR] is GIMP capable enough to handle everything like HDR as well00:16
AndreMorro[BR]ninjaslim, hm.. since I'm not from US, can you explain what HDR meanså00:17
ninjaslimAndreMorro[BR] high dynamic range photography00:17
AndreMorro[BR]ninjaslim, I'm afraind I can't answer that...00:18
ninjaslimAndreMorro[BR] how about RAW image manipulation00:18
AndreMorro[BR]ninjaslim, Yeah, RAW works well (After installing the RAW-plugin)00:18
AndreMorro[BR]no problems so far00:18
renegaidubuntu installation not listing my hard drives but I can see them in gparted00:18
evonairtonix: there's no option in devilspie to control where icons appear00:18
hackNslashwhy my ubuntu install cant find drive parts?00:19
Izinucspfifo: I can ping my own address only when connected with dhcp using the default "Auto eth0" connection.. on static.. no00:19
airtonixevon, i suspected as much00:19
pfifoninjaslim, gimp has many p-lugins and a python based scripting system, chances are that someone has made a plug in for anything you need todo.00:19
ninjaslimpfifo: i see, i'm using Lightroom + Photoshop currently on my Mac00:19
akgranermaco ping00:19
pfifoIzinucs, goto a command prompt and type 'ip addr' and pastebin the results00:19
hackNslashim trying install ubuntu put cant find drive |WHY?00:20
pfifohackNslash, what language is your native language?00:20
erUSULhackNslash: check bios settings for your sata controller. lnux works best when it is set to ahci mode00:20
Izinucspfifo: http://pastebin.com/f7cafaba200:21
axos88Hi! Can I make apt list all the packages that were installed manually? with apt-get install, and not because of dependencies00:21
renegaidyou need ahci mode for linux?00:21
hackNslasherUSUL, ahci mode on?00:21
hackNslashpfifo, finnish why?00:21
hackNslasherUSUL, okay i try that00:21
erUSULrenegaid: you do not need it but is best00:22
renegaidthat really suck00:22
etrcapwill somebody tell me what is the last ip on the list on http://www.etrcap.hostoi.com/testFile.php plzz.. Im in a hotel and I cant access http; i need my computers ip00:22
=== komputes_ubuntu is now known as komputes
binMonkeyAndreMorro[BR]: i got it working.  thanks.00:22
pfifoIzinucs, you cannot ping yourself?00:22
renegaidI have two sata drives installed. during installation none of them are listed00:22
AndreMorro[BR]binMonkey, yw00:22
GreenDanceubuntu 9.10 seems to be buggy with virtualbox00:22
AndreMorro[BR]GreenDance, working fine here00:22
AndreMorro[BR]GreenDance, VirtualBox-OSE or VirtualBOX from sun?00:23
pfifoIzinucs, can you ping
GreenDanceAndreMorro[BR], from the ubuntu repos00:24
ninjaslimhow many bits per channel does gimp support00:24
AndreMorro[BR]GreenDance, whats happening?00:24
axos88Hi! Can I make apt list all the packages that were installed manually? with apt-get install, and not because of dependencies00:24
Izinucspfifo: I'll try again with the static address... pinging the localhost address ( works on dhcp00:24
=== daniel_ is now known as _raven
AndreMorro[BR]ninjaslim, you will find more help at www.gimp.org00:24
GreenDanceAndreMorro[BR], I setup a Minimal Ubuntu in VirtualBox, setup complete, upon restart it says, smbus base address uninitialized00:25
Izinucspfifo: pinging on static works..00:25
mooglenorphHi, I'm sorry, I don't understand the ubuntu relese-cycle enough to figure this out: can I expect a change to the 2.6.32 kernel as an upgrade in 9.10?00:25
GreenDanceAndreMorro[BR], and it hangs on that00:25
AndreMorro[BR]GreenDance, wich version for minimal?00:26
Izinucspfifo: but that's a loop back address and should ping anyway.. right?00:26
erUSULmooglenorph: no 9.10 has .31 32 is in 10.0400:26
AndreMorro[BR]GreenDance, Hm... make sure you have the ACPI and IO APIC on in the VM properties00:26
GreenDanceAndreMorro[BR], ok, ill check00:26
pfifoIzinucs, but if you use DHCP you can ping both and 192.168.0.X wher X is your own machine00:27
Izinucspfifo: correct00:27
renegaidinstallation still not listing hard drives with ahci turned on00:27
pfifograb DHCP and then pastebin the update ip addr00:27
drekiwhen i installed ubuntu i checked the box that says encrypt my home directory, but thats all the options it gave me on the matter, is there a way i can change the encryption type, or atleast find out what kind its useing?00:28
GreenDanceAndreMorro[BR], thanks, that fixed it00:28
AndreMorro[BR]GreenDance, awsome00:28
=== Guest47659 is now known as David-T
mooglenorpherUSUL: Ah. That's unfortunate. I guess I'll wait till april then. Thanks.00:29
=== Guest21652 is now known as rww
Izinucspfifo: that's what I pasted before.. the address with the DHCP address.. I'll do the reverse if you want with the static00:30
pfifoIzinucs, yeah00:30
Izinucspfifo: k.. brb.. might get disconnected.. depends on time factor00:30
erUSUL!ppa | mooglenorph there are some ppa with 32 kernel for karmic00:30
ubottumooglenorph there are some ppa with 32 kernel for karmic: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.00:30
jdm64pdns-recursor package is broken and preventing me from installing anything else!!!00:30
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots00:31
=== jakub is now known as Guest70650
Izinucspfifo: http://pastebin.ca/177258700:32
root51what anti virus good for karmic00:32
happyfaceroot51: why would you use antivirus?00:32
blendmaster1024anyone here bought an ipad?00:32
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=== elky is now known as Guest19067
GreenDancenite all00:32
archboxmanOk been playing around with run levels using sysv-rc-conf and is there a good article that can tell me what not to play with???00:33
root51i scan my windows00:33
pfifoIzinucs, :) you static ip address is set to, you typoed its supposed to be
drekiwhen i installed ubuntu i checked the box that says encrypt my home directory, but thats all the options it gave me on the matter, is there a way i can change the encryption type, or atleast find out what kind its useing?00:33
yaboohello, got a stupid question trying to convert my debian box to ubuntu, in the sources.list do I use karmic or hardy for 9.1000:33
=== Jeniczek|afk is now known as Jeniczek
Xanovakarmic for 9.10 i think00:34
yabooany hints of converting debian to ubuntu00:35
abxjust a question for the interested: I am currently using a Toshiba Satellite A series laptop running on WinXP. I want to install Ubuntu 9.10. Are there any known issues? If not yet, how could I help in testing?00:35
excess^Ive been trying to get ubuntu and Win 7 to play nice from two different HDDs, but I can't seem to load Win 7 from grub.00:35
Izinucspfifo: that's weird.. in looking at it just now.. I had left it at an address inside the dhcp range.. it was actually set at I wonder where the file is that is generated when setting profiles in network manager.00:35
excess^Any guides out there someone can point me to00:35
macoyaboo: pretty much exactly the same, but you use sudo instead of su'ing to root00:35
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub200:35
azraelruHi people. I'm going to live here in this channel. Is here any initiation procedure for newcomers? :) I want to introduce myself so as to not just sitting quiet here.00:35
carbm2abx: why not just try the Live CD?00:35
macoyaboo: its the red hat users that get confused when they discover we do things the Debian Way00:35
Gananghi i am trying to install a network printer with the official drivers. This is a Dell 1710n , however they only have the driver to Red HAT in rpm packages. I installed alien to convert to debian, but the system prints that one file wasnt possible to convert00:35
archboxmanhardy =8.0400:35
abxwell, i could try the live cd00:35
erUSUL!hi | azraelru00:35
ubottuazraelru: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:35
XanovaI'm trying it rightnow00:35
abxbut it works slow i've heard00:35
yaboomaco: thanks00:35
Gananganyone have another suggestion?00:36
XanovaCD live is definitly a good way to test Ubuntu00:36
carbm2abx:  It will work slower than if it was locally installed however, it should tell you if your hardware works.00:36
OpenJoke7558Qualcuno che parla italiano???00:36
rwwubottu: it | OpenJoke755800:36
ubottuOpenJoke7558: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)00:36
OpenJoke7558Grazie... scusate...00:36
XanovaNo sorry, English, Spanish, French and Russian only00:36
abxcarbm2: good point, i guess i'll give it a try00:36
yabooI gather I must install sudo00:36
archboxmanXanova: or virtualbox00:37
john5Hey guys. I forgot my admin user password in ubuntu but I was able to create a new user by booting up in recovery mode and using the root terminal. However the new user I created doesnt have admin privileges. Is there a way i can give the new user i create with useradd admini priviliges? thanks00:37
abx@carbm2: if i found out any known issues, where shall I report them?00:37
Xanovause sudo ?00:37
Blue1where is the gnome control center in ubuntu?00:37
erUSULjohn5: boot into recovery mode and change the  original user password00:37
azraelruerUSUL: tnx00:37
pfifoIzinucs, I dont know where network manager keeps its files, but if you set it to 192 and it still dosent work do an ip addr and paste bin again00:37
john5erUSUL, sounds good, but how00:37
arandazraelru: note that this is a support, rather than social channel, #ubuntu-offtopic is for general chatting.00:37
archboxmanadd user to root group using sudo00:38
root51i can't change my login screen in karmic00:38
erUSULjohn5: passwd [username]00:38
carbm2One main issue with Laptops is sometimes the wireless doesn't work with the live CD. If your wireless uses a Broadcom chipset you have to manually install that after its installed.00:38
john5archboxman, whats the root group? is it just called "root"?00:38
carbm2Blue1, are you talking about "gconf-editor"?00:38
john5erUSUL, thanks00:38
azraelruarand: great, social/offtopic is more suitable for me00:38
Blue1carbm2: yes00:38
=== FeiRuoWa is now known as zz_FeiRuoWa
Xanova(Too much people are talking at the same time...)00:39
Izinucspfifo: changing it again to and will look at the results of ip addr00:39
carbm2Blue1, Hit ALT+F2 and type "gconf-editor"00:39
archboxmanjohn5: yes root group00:39
carbm2Blue1, or type it at the terminal00:39
john5thanks archboxman00:39
munkanyone know why my sound fades in? it happens for EVERYTHING including the ubuntu startup sound. Its more like it sits at half volume for a second before cutting to full volume00:39
Blue1carbm2: what I want to do, is to make gnome open windows that are centred and not upper left/lower right00:39
archboxmansplash screen go to www.gnome-look.org00:40
root51any messenger suitable to used webcam00:40
root51what can of messenger good for karmic00:40
root51in able to view webcam00:41
carbm2Blue1, I haven't ever heard of that request so I have no suggestions... I don't know if gconf-editor or something like compiz would provide a solution for you.00:41
pfiforoot51, Ive used skype and my webcam together successfully00:41
erUSULroot51: amsn00:41
Izinucspfifo: even with it set at .. ip addr and network manager shows 195.xxx.xxx.xxx  .. that's just bizarre00:41
Blue1carbm2: there has to be a way to do that - cause it's really annoying...00:41
root51compatible to chat  or view cam in yahoo messenger00:41
pfifoIzinucs, yes it is, lets try setting you ip address at the command line, bear with me Its been a while since ive done this00:42
=== ryanakca_ is now known as ryanakca
cloudwatcherso... who wants to help me set up a broadcom wireless card?00:42
blakkheim!broadcom > cloudwatcher00:43
ubottucloudwatcher, please see my private message00:43
carbm2Blue1, A quick google search: looks like its easily possible for KDE to do this... but don't know about Gnome.00:43
Izinucspfifo: k00:43
Blue1carbm2 I don't use kde --00:43
=== pauljw_vm is now known as pauljw
archboxmancarbm2: here is the link terminal is easiest http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-ubuntu-server-from-dhcp-to-a-static-ip-address/00:43
Blue1#gnome is no use either....00:44
pubis there program in linux that is similar to the device manager in windows? im trying to find out if all of my drivers are working for ubuntu00:44
archboxmanBlue1: use the terminal it will change the ip address00:44
pfifoIzinucs, type 'sudo ip addr change dev eth0' then ip addr to make sure it listed it00:44
azraelrupub: try lshw00:45
Blue1archboxman: why would I want to change my ip address to centre a gnome window?00:45
=== quietone is now known as tui
bart_Hi can someone tell me how I can make firefox 3.5 named firefox and not Shiretoko? Installing the firefox-3.5-branding package doesn't do anything00:45
archboxmanBlue1: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/change-ubuntu-desktop-from-dhcp-to-a-static-ip-address/'00:45
soreaupub: lsmod will show you which modules are loaded and lspci/lsusb will show you device information00:45
Izinucspfifo: you might need this piece of info.. when in static mode I've tried doing .. sudo ifdown eth0 and then sudo ifup eth0 .. cli returns eth0 doesn't exist00:46
archboxmanBlue1: gave with the link00:46
Blue1archboxman: okay but I'm not sure how changing from dhcp to static will solve my problem with gnome windows - can you explain?00:46
pfifoIzinucs, ifup and ifdown are part of the ifconfig package, i myself use the ip program.00:47
archboxmanwhat is your problem with gnome windows???00:47
Izinucspfifo: k.. I'll give it a shot..00:47
cloudwatcherokay i installed fwcutter and still nothing00:47
Blue1archboxman: i want gnome to center the windows instead of putting them in the upper left/lower right00:47
archboxmanBlue1: use fluxbox, lxde or xfce if you don't like gnome00:47
archboxmanBlue1: thats easy00:48
Blue1archboxman: well I can't find it anywhere on the net.00:48
archboxmanBlue1: need to gconf-editor00:48
personIf something says 'for the gnome desktop environment', is it likely to actually be specifically for gnome, or will it usually be good with Xfce and LXDE?00:48
topprecioshello who use Loquendo in Ubuntu?00:48
Izinucspfifo: still there.. want to see if I'm connected00:48
IdleOnewhen running /etc/init.d/privoxy start should there be an output00:49
cloudwatcheranyone with some wireless help? can't get my broadcom card working even after getting fwcutter00:49
archboxmanBlue1: give me a minute been a while since I played with editor00:49
Blue1archboxman: okay it's up....sure00:49
personI've been getting into software without loads of dependencies upon GNOME and KDE libraries lately.00:49
archboxmanBlue1: you use Compiz???00:49
Blue1archboxman: no00:49
archboxmanBlue1: hold on00:49
pubok thanks for that info.00:50
pfifoIzinucs, maybe try setting the ip address in network manager and then do a reboot, see if its still setting it incorrectly, maybe even put 2 or 3 address on that interface and see if it screws them all up00:50
pubim having a hell of a time with backtrack resolution. cant seem to change it from 800x600. everything looks too big .00:50
bart_Hi can someone tell me how I can make firefox 3.5 named firefox and not Shiretoko? Installing the firefox-3.5-branding package doesn't do anything00:50
Izinucspfifo: Here's a new pastebin.. you'll now see 2 addresses.. http://pastebin.ca/177260000:50
XanovaHey guys, got a question : Is it me or I can't install Adobe flash player under Ubuntu's CD Live ?00:51
Blue1bart_: install a later version of ff -00:51
carbm2bart_, http://tinyurl.com/y86g43b00:51
pfifoIz ahh yes now you have an ip address that you entered manually, try to ping your gateway00:51
tuiwhere can i read and learn about  managing groups and what privilege are associated with each one00:51
bart_Blue1, carbm2, so the version in the reps is broken?00:52
Izinucspfifo: but I wasn't connected so I switched back to dhcp.. that's what I'm on now..00:52
Xanovapfifo : http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Managing_Ubuntu_Linux_Users_and_Groups00:52
Blue1bart_: I am running ff 3.5.700:52
Izinucspfifo: but here goes.. switching to static .. and I"ll try the ping00:52
narretgrezcan some of the server wizards here relate where to add commands that you want to start up when the server is rebooted?00:52
narretgrezlike /etc/init.d/nginx start00:53
narretgrezis there a file somewhere?00:53
lovrehi all. Why cant i install skype, i get: no install candidate???00:53
bart_Blue1, and it's called firefox?00:53
archboxmanblue got it00:53
archboxmanBlue1: got it00:53
erUSULnarretgrez: nginx should start with the system00:53
Izinucspfifo: nope.. won't ping00:53
Blue1archboxman: easy fix or not?00:53
archboxmanBlue1:  easy00:53
Antarktishow can i set a new panel?00:53
narretgrezerUSUL: i set it up with passenger, so it doesn't autostart00:53
archboxmanBlue1: can you watch youtube video???00:54
narretgrezthere must be a startup file somewhere?00:54
Blue1archboxman: i think so00:54
narretgrezwhere i can just insert one line or other lines?00:54
Justin_`My wireless card isn't working at all.  The network card it a netgear - WG311v3. I have installed the Windows 2000 drivers (as the site told me), I have followed all the instructions and when I type 'iwconfig' it only shows - 'lo    no wireless extensions'. Any fixes?00:54
XanovaIs it possible to install Adobe Flash Player from a CD Live to my HDD (still under Windows... for now) ? Cause I only had a CD-R to create my CD Live of Ubuntu...00:54
erUSULnarretgrez: but you have a init.d file for it? just do « sudo update-rc.d nginx defaults »00:54
The-CompilerHey, I got a netbook, and since yesterday it suddenly turns off (like if you press the power buttons for several secs, or like if you'd take out the battery) and I hear the HDD spinning down (or so)... Any idea of a log I could search in?00:54
archboxmanBlue1: give you the link http://www.youtube.com/user/gotbletu#p/search/1/2xrF000XvFs00:54
Blue1archboxman: on my way bbiab00:54
narretgrezerUSUL yes i do00:55
narretgrezahh ok00:55
archboxmanBlue1: watch the video?? hes good00:55
Justin_`My wireless card isn't working at all.  The network card it a netgear - WG311v3. I have installed the Windows 2000 drivers (as the site told me), I have followed all the instructions and when I type 'iwconfig' it only shows - 'lo    no wireless extensions'. Any fixes?00:55
narretgrezerUSUL: ohh ok that worked, thanks00:55
CkhiKuzado.o why did xchat blink even though i set it to only blink when i get a highlighted message00:55
narretgrezerUSUL: how about non init.d stuff?00:55
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narretgrezlike a "php-fpm start" command00:55
pfifoIzinucs, set your static ip in network manager and then reboot00:56
Justin_`My wireless card isn't working at all.  The network card it a netgear - WG311v3. I have installed the Windows 2000 drivers (as the site told me), I have followed all the instructions and when I type 'iwconfig' it only shows - 'lo    no wireless extensions'. Any fixes?00:56
erUSULnarretgrez: call it from /etc/rc.local ? make an init script? it depends on what type of stuff00:56
bart_Blue1, this is my firefox 3.5: http://img686.imageshack.us/img686/8625/screenshottqj.png00:56
Izinucspfifo: ok.. back in a minute..00:56
neil_dwith gnome you can associate use a picture file for the icon of a file.. can you make it 'global' so every user sees the same icon?00:56
narretgrezerUSUL: is rc.local just a list of commands that will be called upon startup?00:56
archboxmanThe-Compiler: tire and download pmagic or use fsck00:56
archboxmanThe-Compiler: checks the hard drive status...00:57
erUSULnarretgrez: yes is a bash script so it can be more complex than just a list of commands00:57
archboxmanThe-Compiler: need a live cd for fsck00:57
lovresorry i quit, did any1 answer?00:57
erUSULnarretgrez: but it can be just that of course00:57
=== iWolf is now known as Equinox
narretgrezerUSUL: ok thank you!00:57
=== Equinox is now known as iWolf
lovrei cant install skype: no install candidate?00:57
erUSUL!medibuntu | lovre00:57
ubottulovre: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org00:57
archboxmanBlue1: video work ;)00:57
lovreerUSUL: i have those enabled :(00:58
Blue1archboxman: still watching00:58
archboxmanBlue1: lol00:58
fromWinToLinI made sym-links to the libavcodec files inside the /usr/lib/chromium/ directory, but I still get the error message on YouTube's HTML5 BETA when trying to view videos, saying my browser does not support it. It works fine if I use Chrome, instead of Chromium. Is there any way to have Chromium use the h.264 codec without having to forfeit and switch to Chrome?00:58
fromWinToLinEven making this work with Firefox would rock.00:58
neil_derUSUL: just thinking.. as it is a script... you might even be able to use a python or perl script as well..00:58
Blue1archboxman: okay gonna logout/in and see what happens00:58
archboxmanBlue1: NO NO00:59
Blue1archboxman: why not?00:59
archboxmanwhy are you logging out00:59
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archboxmanBlue1: video said to open the window twice to get the effect to work00:59
Blue1archboxman: well it didn't work anyway...00:59
Izinucspfifo: I set the static mode.. and lost connection.. then reboot.. even though the static route is set to "auto connect" network manager seems to default to "Auto eth0" :-(01:00
jellowI set up a encrypted partition /home but it mount everytime i login with out askign for pass phrase , I Don't want this01:00
BluesKajfromWinToLin, that's very reason i switched to chrome , chromium seems to have gone into heavy experimental defvelopment01:00
archboxmanBlue1: dont make me do this to prove it works01:01
neil_dwith gnome you can associate use a picture file for the icon of a file.. can you make it 'global' so every user sees the same icon?01:01
Blue1archboxman: doesnt work...01:01
fromWinToLinBluesKaj, it has nothing to do with heavy developement. It's everything to do with legal mumbo jumbo patent nonesense.01:01
archboxmanoh boy01:01
Blue1archboxman: ah well01:01
archboxmanBlue1: did use gconf-editor01:02
fromWinToLinBluesKaj, it's the same reason Firefox does not support h.264. Mozilla doesn't want to get sued. So I was wondering if there was a trick we could do to have Firefox or Chromium support h.264 with the codecs installed on the computer?01:02
Justin_`My wireless card isn't working at all.  The network card it a netgear - WG311v3. I have installed the Windows 2000 drivers (as the site told me), I have followed all the instructions and when I type 'iwconfig' it only shows - 'lo    no wireless extensions'. Any fixes?01:02
Blue1arch yes01:02
archboxmanhold on01:02
BluesKajfromWinToLin, well, that's amatter for discussion somewhere else , google-chrome works well on my amd64 setup, you shoulf try it..thelook and feel is the same to me.01:02
rahdukehow do i chmod a folder and all files inside said folder?01:02
jellowrahduke: -r ?01:03
salvachnrhduke: chmod -R <octal> folder-name01:03
erUSULrahduke: which folder ?01:03
rahdukeits a folder called GBA with tons of roms in it01:03
rahdukewhats ,octal.?01:03
salvachn-R is for recursive01:03
rahduke-R workd01:04
salvachnrahduke: the permission-mode .01:04
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions01:04
Izinucspfifo: when I switch to static now, it *does* show the correct IP address but no name servers :( .. looks like I'll have to manually enter those, save, and restart again.. if that works at least I'll be able to switch to static on the fly instead of at boot.01:04
DIL!permission | rahduke01:05
ubotturahduke: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions01:05
Blue1archboxman: same old behaviour opens in upper/left lower right - it was already set to smart anyway01:05
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archboxmanBlue1: got it01:05
pfifoIzinucs, im reading some bug reports about this issue, what version of ubuntu are you using and can you update the network manager?01:05
archboxmanBlue1: gconf-editor01:05
Blue1okay let me get there01:06
Izinucspfifo: I"m using Kubuntu 9.1001:06
Blue1archboxman: okay there01:06
archboxmanBlue1: apps > metacity > general01:06
Blue1archboxman: yup there01:07
archboxmanBlue1: scroll down to visual_bell_type reads full screen change to center01:07
Izinucspfifo: testing kubuntu to see if I want to switch off gnome.. I've got another install of Ubuntu 8.10 that's nearly EOL.. that I've been using for a while..01:07
ardchoilleIzinucs: Then you need to be in #kubuntu01:08
jellowwhat the point of an encrypted swap , As its deltede when you reboot and to use it you would need to mount all the time ?01:08
pfifoIzinucs, try this guide and see if it helps, http://linhost.info/2008/11/how-to-set-a-static-ip-on-ubuntu-810/01:08
archboxmanBlue1: right click edit key01:08
Izinucsardchoille: not for these type of networking issues.. please.. I've been in this channel for 5 years.. I know the protocol01:08
archboxmanBlue1: took about two times before I seen effect01:08
Blue1arch I've changed that01:08
erUSULjellow: it is not deleted. and sensitive areas of memory can end up written there. that's the point01:08
archboxmanBlue1: open window two time will take effect01:09
Blue1archboxman: same thing --01:09
Blue1opened grsync 3 times -- would screen shot help?01:09
archboxmanBlue1: what application are u trying to open this way???01:09
Blue1archboxman: any01:10
Izinucspfifo: that will probably be right for 8.10 but on 9.10 has there been much backend change to the networking side?.. init.d doesn't always work in 9.1001:10
Blue1archboxman: gedit01:10
archboxmanBlue1: ???01:10
Dr_WillisIzinucs:  upstart is replaceing most of the init.d stuff..  I imagine in the next release all of init.d will be gone..01:10
Blue1archboxman: yeah it all goes to upper left...01:10
IzinucsDr_Willis: that's kinda what I figured.. thanks01:11
faileasDr_Willis: that'll be a pain for me, i abuse init.d in all sorts of ways ;p01:11
archboxmanBlue1: you did a alt+f2 and typed gconf-editor01:11
Blue1archboxman: yes01:11
* faileas uses it for starting up his ipv6 tunnel, and starting up networking on his minimal box01:12
pfifoIzinucs, the part about /etc/network/interfaces seems like it will still apply01:12
archboxmanBlue1: it is set for smart under apps > metacity > general???01:12
Blue1archboxman: apps/metacity/general/visual_bell_type=center01:12
erUSULfaileas: why not use /etc/network/if-up.d/ :) with interfaces file?01:13
faileaserUSUL: for some reason it didn't work at the time ;p01:13
Blue1archboxman: focus_new_window set to smart yes01:13
archboxmanblue hold on need to make sure focus_new_window reads smart01:13
Izinucspfifo: most likely.. Hey.. thanks for sticking with me.. I never knew the "ip addr" command.. of course there's multiple ways of doing thing.  It's just learning them that's the challenge.. :)01:13
faileaserUSUL: didn't i say i abused it? ;p01:13
Dr_Willisfaileas:  as it works now.. thers 1 upstartscript that handles the init.d stuff.01:13
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ThisNickIsFreeThere we go.  Heh.01:14
faileasDr_Willis: eh, i'll need to learn it eventually i suppose ;p01:14
pfifoIzinucs,  np01:14
archboxmanBlue1: you got some other program held to window justification hold on01:14
Dr_Willisfaileas:  yea. from a 'beginner user' point of view. thers not a lot of docs on it yet. (not looked recently)01:14
mobius2man if you have not played the open source game "astromenace" you have GOT to try it!01:14
Blue1archboxman: i don't know it's why I wanted go do a gdm restart - I;'l brb01:14
faileasDr_Willis: its rather hard to learn anything without documentation ;p01:14
Dr_Willisfaileas:  its got docs.. for devs :) and people wanting to use it int heir own disrto.01:15
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/01:15
rolf_hi, I'm missing tun and tap on karmic. Any hints?01:16
faileasDr_Willis: Well, one of the things i need to do eventually is monitor if my ipv6 tunnel is down and restart it, this would be easier ;p01:16
mobius2pfifo you are still goin at it...01:17
Blue1archboxman: no dice - but thanks01:17
mobius2youre a machine01:17
iWolfWill Ubuntu 9.10 Standard Recognize all EeePC 900 driver auto01:17
iWolfBecause UNR does not01:17
iWolfEeebuntu is slow and makes it almost un-usable01:17
archboxmanBlue1:  I'm going to look around for a minute01:17
erUSULrolf_: it is there /lib/modules/2.6.31-17-generic/kernel/drivers/net/tun.ko01:18
Dr_WillisiWolf:  thers some UNR/EEE specific forum threads On those devices. UNR works great on my AAO - but its an older AAO so all the tweaks have been worked out01:18
rolf_erUSUL, yes01:18
rolf_erUSUL, but that's not containing tap01:18
faileasiWolf: you might want to give eeebuntu or whatever they call it now a shot as a start i think01:18
rolf_actually I did not try tun I have to admit01:18
rolf_but no tap here01:19
yabootrying to install my first ubuntu package on my debian system as a change pover, but during installation it bitches that it cannot install, reason why01:19
rolf_just wanting to get this ShrewSoft VPN Client up01:19
archboxmanBlue1: this way work I found where its set: System Settings > Window Behavior > Advanced > Placement: Centered01:19
Dr_Willisyaboo:  You are installimng Ubuntu pacakges on a debian system? thats not a good idea01:20
yabooDr_Willis: I am changing over from debian to ubuntu01:20
Dr_Willisyaboo:  so that justifies installing ubuntu packages on a debian system? Mixing ubuntu/debian packages is not a good idea01:20
Cloudwatchercan i get some help? i can't connect to a wireless network despite having the correct password01:21
yabooDr_Willis: I understand its not a good idea, but I I don't haver the space to changeover from one system to another01:21
archboxmanBlue1: did that help ;)01:22
ardchoilleyaboo: mixing distros is bad news.. you may end up having to fresh install anyway01:22
Dr_Willisyaboo:  its likely things will break in such a way you will have to do a clean install01:22
yabooDr_Willis: I hope I don't have to do a reinstall01:23
Blue1archboxman: on phone with sister medical emergency let me deal with that then I'll be back01:23
TrizicusMy graphics performance compared to windows is very bad in Linux. For example java performance is halfed in comparison to Windows. I have latest nVidia drivers installed as well. Does anyone have any suggestions?01:23
yabooI have 1.2tb of data on a software raid 501:23
Dr_Willisyaboo:  i would basically suggest to PLAN on doing a reinstall.01:23
archboxmanBlue1: ok01:23
Dr_Willisyaboo:  ive never heard of anyone 'converting a debian system  to ubuntu'01:23
* Dr_Willis has about 1.2tb in theme files and wallpapers. :)01:24
ardchoilleyaboo: Listen to Dr_Willis He's been here a while and knows what he's talking about01:24
Cloudwatcheranyone know why my wireless refuses to connect to a network if its password protected?01:24
yabooDr_Willis: there a web pages on it being done, but it seems I the ubuntu package won't overwrite over the debian package01:24
archboxmanTrizicus: since we can't get hold off properitory drivers from Nvidia your video preformance may sufure a bit01:24
Dr_Willis'redundant array of external usb hard drives'01:24
Dr_Willisyaboo:  there may be some apt options to force it.. or you may need to remove the other package first then install the ubuntu one01:25
Trizicusarchboxman: Ok I just wanted to be sure i have the 'best' perf allowed to me by closed source devs...01:25
mobius2Has anyone ever ran a program called Tactile 3d in Crossover or Wine?01:25
* erUSUL yeah so they call it wallpapers nowadays... it uswed to be jusr pr0n01:25
mobius2I was a beta tester on the project years ago but I  do not currently have a graphics card strong enough to puch it01:25
yabooDr_Willis: can I force a install of the ubuntu package01:25
totemGood morning BillGates01:25
archboxmanTrizicus: usually my nvidia card runs hot have two fans in case for just this???01:25
Dr_Willisyaboo:  there may be some apt options to force it. I have never used them01:26
yabooDr_Willis: will do a man page01:26
Dr_Willis!apt | yaboo01:26
ubottuyaboo: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)01:26
jimisrvroxanybody good with wireless? I am trying to get my rt2500 to work in 9.10 should work out of the box but its not...would appreciate some help01:26
Dr_WillisIts amazing the features that apt has.. that ive never used. :)01:26
Blue1archboxman: I do NOT have a system settings01:26
archboxmanBlue1: that was for KDE nether do I still looking can't you install compiz??01:27
Blue1arch I can install compiz01:27
Blue1archboxman: compiz will not let me drag to another workspace01:28
Dr_WillisBlue1:  drag what to another work space?01:28
archboxmanlol Blue1 yes it will... ;)01:28
DaZ!find jhead01:28
ubottuFound: jhead01:28
Blue1archboxman: this way work I found where its set: System Settings > Window Behavior > Advanced > Placement: Centered01:28
Blue1archboxman: see I have no system settings anywhere01:29
* Dr_Willis points out that the 'work space switcher' works differently (slightly) in metacity then in compiz.01:29
archboxmanBlue1: I said that was for KDE... not gnome01:29
Blue1archboxman: ahh not running kde - that's why I didn't understand01:29
airtonixBlue1, you installed compizconfig-settings-manager i assume ?01:29
Blue1airtonix: installed01:29
Blue1let me activate it01:30
archboxmanBlue1: you need to play with compiz it can do a lot more then metacity trust me... lol01:30
airtonixBlue1, activating it just opens the program... it is merely a front end to the gconf settings compiz uses01:30
Blue1archboxman: compiz activated01:30
* myse|f on Limp Bizkit - My Generation (Greatest Hitz - 2005) [1:58/3:41] Alternative01:30
airtonixBlue1, have you tried simply holding alt and right click dragging the program to the other workspace ?01:31
Dr_Willisthe workplace switcher in metacity lets you drag/drop windows from one desktop to another.. the one in compiz does not.. (i think i got that right)01:31
Blue1archboxman: i did system/preferences/appearance/visual effects/and normal01:31
Picimyse|f: Please disable that cript in this channel.01:31
archboxmanBlue1: Don't have compiz installed follow Dr_Willis advice01:31
Blue1airtonix: no I am trying to use the task switch I could try that --01:31
airtonixDr_Willis, this is correct.01:31
Blue1okay how do I fix compiz to do this?01:31
airtonixBlue1, you can't you just drag the window to the edge of the screen and keep dragging01:32
Dr_WillisI am refering to the 'workspace switcher' applet. I can set up compuiz where i click, drag a window to the left.. and it switches to the nexct desktop...01:32
Blue1airtonix: no I am trying to do that in the task space....but okay let's fix the centering first01:32
airtonixDr_Willis, yes i understand... i think metacity also allows this yes ?01:32
Dr_Willisairtonix:  i thought it did.. ive not used metacuity much lately01:32
airtonixBlue1, not possible with the panel widge while compiz is running01:33
Blue1airtonix I can disable compiz01:33
airtonixBlue1, the compiz way alternaitive to the widget is to enable the expo plugin01:33
Blue1airtonix: okay compiz turned off01:33
DGPROi just installed ubuntu 9.10 and my internet connection is not working thru ubuntu. It does thru windows but not ubuntu01:34
airtonixBlue1, why ? don;t you need compiz for something ?01:34
Blue1airtonix: you told me to disable it01:34
airtonixBlue1, no i didn't01:34
DGPROcould some one please help me01:34
gooraang_hi , i am having broadcom wifi in my dell inspiron 152501:34
gooraang_is there any way i can use wifi01:35
airtonixBlue1, regardless is there a reason why you are using compiz in the first place ?01:35
gooraang_i searched the web , i got ndiswapper01:35
DaZairtonix: aren't wobbly windows good enough? >:01:35
DGPROhi. my internet connection with ubuntu is not working on my compaq persario 500 5wv28001:35
gooraang_help !01:35
airtonixDaZ, hardly01:35
archboxmanairtonix: Blue1 wanted to center window when opening??01:35
Tlacoyohey ladies01:35
DGPROhi. my internet connection with ubuntu is not working on my compaq persario 500 5wv28001:36
airtonixarchboxman, Blue1 you want window centering when  a particular app opens without configuring text files, is this right ?01:36
DGPROhi. my internet connection with ubuntu is not working on my compaq persario 500 5wv28001:36
bazhangDGPRO, please dont repeat01:36
DGPROsorry but no one responds to me01:36
Dr_Willisairtonix:  i dont even see that feature in metacity any more.. or where to set it.01:36
TrekDGPRO, did you check to see if your wifi card is on the "compatible" list?01:36
=== sixtila is now known as Guest14700
DGPROi do not use wifi01:37
DGPROi use wired01:37
DGPROand it does not work01:37
Trekah, wired01:37
FloodBot3DGPRO: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:37
archboxmanairtonix: tired gconf-editor with apps > metecity > general change fullscreen to center didn't work01:37
Trekdefine "does not work"01:37
Trekdefine "does not work", DGPRO *01:37
DGPROum.. well i cant connect to the internet.01:37
bazhangDGPRO, is this a regular install (dual boot) or a wubi install01:37
Dr_Williscan you ping your router? other machines? what does ifconfig say about your ip#....01:38
airtonixarchboxman, Blue1, I admit that using the windows plugins in compiz makes this easier, but you'd have to be willing to use other ways to manage your workspaces01:38
DGPROi have two harddrives and it is a dualboot with out wubi01:38
bazhangDGPRO, if you will, please sudo dhclient eth0 after checking that eth0 is the ethernet in ifconfig01:38
bazhangDGPRO, pastebin the output (ie dont paste here)01:38
Blue1okay the compiz thing works01:39
archboxmanairtonix: are you ok compiz has loads of choices when it comes to managing windows drag object around cube to window01:39
Blue1archboxman: not happy with adding something I don't really like but it's more important to centre and I'll adjust01:39
airtonixarchboxman, cube is pointless in my opinion... there are stronger elements to compiz than the cube01:39
archboxmanairtonix: like grouping that is cool01:40
airtonixBlue1, simply turn elements of compiz off you dont like using compizconfig-settings-manager01:40
Blue1airtonix: it's something new - but I'll live with it.01:40
Blue1airtonix: thanks01:41
airtonixBlue1, fusion-icon also helps with managing compiz01:41
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz01:41
tato_i' ve been trying different desktops and uninstalling them should i run fsck01:41
Blue1heh I thought that said compost_manager01:41
gooraang_sorry but no one replied to my question either01:41
pvl1airtonix, cube is useful if u have a lot of windows open01:41
airtonixpvl1, no01:42
archboxman!compiz settings01:42
pvl1airtonix y not01:42
airtonixpvl1, scale plugin does a better job than that01:42
DaZy, cube is useful.01:42
lovrewhy cant i listen to audio from two application? when i listen to music with amarok, no other app can produce sound?01:42
airtonixDaZ, pvl1 cube is just pornography01:42
archboxmanDaZ: lots is useful just upto each individuals needs01:43
pvl1airtonix, i dont like scale bc i like to minimize windows per output, otherwise u are correct01:43
DaZarchboxman: even snow plugin? <:01:43
pvl1lovre, check ur sounds settings, the mananger might be muting other apps01:43
airtonixpvl1, or you have the expo plugin. main focus of the cube plugin is a visual effect for workspace changing01:44
lovrepvl1: lol, it was muted... thanx :)01:44
airtonixBlue1, have a look at the "window rules" plugin and check out the "fixed window placement" tab01:44
archboxmanDaZ: snow lol funny I don't use Ubuntu ... I'm using archlinux and Linux Mint01:45
pvl1airtonix, i have the mous spinny one01:45
DaZarchboxman: so?01:45
Blue1airtonix: in compiz? the ccsm?01:45
=== OpenSourcery is now known as InsanePenguin
airtonixBlue1, correct01:45
Blue1airtonix: oka01:45
archboxmanBlue1: alt=F2 ccsm01:45
airtonixBlue1, http://www.ubuntu-pics.de/bild/40421/screenshot_002_E7pf50.png01:45
lovrewhat you guys say about playonlinux? is it the best way to install games?01:46
airtonixlovre, it has the potential to be that01:46
archboxmanDaZ: took down my Linux Mint box playing with sysv-rc-conf for bootchart... ;(01:46
Blue1airtonix: wow lots of things -01:47
airtonixBlue1, my other suggestion (if you dont want to use compiz) is that you should check out devilspie01:47
Blue1airtonix: what's that?01:47
airtonixBlue1, http://live.gnome.org/DevilsPie01:47
Blue1airtonix: on my way01:48
Justin_`Is their a package that I can install that is like a 'DDoS protection'?01:48
airtonixBlue1, essentially a window placement rules program that doesn't require compiz01:48
parmita hi guys! i need some help with serial programming on ubuntu...for programming a ftdi board..has anyone doen this before?01:48
Blue1airtonix: I'll install now and give it a shot brb01:49
NotTooSmartJustin_`: ubuntu has firewall built in01:49
airtonixBlue1, you'll need to turn compiz off to use it01:49
Justin_`NotTooSmart, Dose that block floods?01:49
Blue1airtonix: okay...01:49
NotTooSmartJustin_`: It blocks all unsolicited IP traffic.01:49
Justin_`Do I have to enable it or anything?01:49
Blue1airtonix: nwayno@Homer:~$ devilspie01:50
Blue1No s-expressions loaded, quiting01:50
NotTooSmartJustin_`: no. its built in to the kernel, its called ip tables01:50
Justin_`Ah ok.01:50
airtonixBlue1, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Devilspie01:50
parmitaserial programming help? anyone?01:50
NotTooSmartJustin_`: its a whitelist, meaning it blocks things automatically until you specifically tell it not to block something.01:50
airtonix!find gdevilspie01:51
ubottuPackage/file gdevilspie does not exist in karmic01:51
golddragon24parmita:  I've done some atmel programming, but not much more than that.01:51
airtonix!find devilspie01:51
ubottuFound: devilspie01:51
gerrintrying to burn a video dvd, anybody with pointers on how to do on ubuntu01:51
ardchoillegerrin: brasero has always worked for me01:52
airtonixBlue1, http://www.gnomefiles.org/app.php?soft_id=228501:52
airtonixBlue1, http://burtonini.com/blog/computers/devilspie01:53
onetinsoldierNotTooSmart Justin_`: you do have to set up a firewall. iptables is in the kernel, but iptables are not used until it's given some rules/policy and then activated. or did i miss something? have you turned on a firewall Justin_`?01:53
airtonixBlue1, http://code.google.com/p/gdevilspie/01:53
JoesephI'm trying to get a bootable copy of 'lighthouse puppy linux' to a bootable USB drive.  When I select the iso image in the usb startup creator, it does not appear in the "Cd-Drive/Image" menu thing.  Any ideas?01:53
NotTooSmartonetinsoldier: lol.01:53
redduck676how can i tell apt please leave this package alone even if you think it is broken? i have used --force-depends-version to install the package http://dpaste.com/152776/01:54
Blue1airtonix downloaded now reading the readme to see how to run it01:54
Random832after resuming from hibernate i have problems connecting to wireless networks01:54
NotTooSmartonetinsoldier: i hope you know all those firewall programs only manage iptables via a gui01:54
airtonixBlue1, i recommend that gdevilspie too01:54
Random832only non-secured ones01:54
onetinsoldierNotTooSmart: yes. i know that. however, ubuntu does not have a firewall turned on by default. i got the idea that you were telling Justin_` that he has a firewall running by default01:55
Blue1airtonix: looks interesting have to play with it..01:55
airtonixBlue1, looks pretty much like the window placement section in ccsm01:55
airtonixJustin_`, http://www.linuxtoday.com/news_story.php3?ltsn=2009-02-27-006-35-SC-NT01:56
Blue1airtonix: looke complicated...01:57
redduck676how can i tell apt please leave this package alone even if you think it is broken? i have used --force-depends-version to install the package http://dpaste.com/152776/01:57
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Blue1need a break - thanks all01:58
Craig_DemWhy is every advert on that page about Windows?01:58
airtonixCraig_Dem, because you've been visiting or searching google for lots of windows related terms01:59
lakotajameswill someone help me setup a belkin n150 wireless usb network adapter?01:59
onetinsoldierredduck676: what you have done is not a good idea. you need to find and install --> libnss3-1d-3.12.302:00
Dr_Willisoops :)02:01
onetinsoldierredduck676: what version of ubuntu are you running? 9.10?02:01
redduck676onetinsoldier: 9.0402:01
onetinsoldierredduck676: roger. you can try and download th Karmic version of libnss3-1d.. it's at version 3.12.3. however, i don't know if it will install into Jaunty ok or not02:02
onetinsoldierredduck676: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libnss3-1d&searchon=names&suite=karmic&section=all02:03
albertose marcha la peña02:03
albertoa petar el irc02:03
Myke516I have a question, how do you remove a program that was installed. I Installed google earth, and now i cant seem to uninstall it02:03
Dr_WillisMyke516:  depends on how you installed it02:04
airtonixMyke516, how did you install it02:04
faileasMyke516: how did you install it? using a deb, a repo, or a script?02:04
onetinsoldierredduck676: that page for that link, on that page, click on the word 'Karmic' for your arch.... i386 or x86_6402:04
Myke516hmmm. googleearthlinux.bin02:04
faileasif its the first two, you can use apt or aptitude. if its the latter, there should be an uninstall script somewhere02:04
Myke516that file, i think i did "Sudo sh googleearthlinux.bin02:04
Dr_WillisMyke516:  if you ran the installer as a user. I Think it installed to the 'googleearth' directory - If you did sudo.. no idea where it went02:05
Dr_WillisMyke516:  it might have an uninstall option. I use the repos that have googleearth02:05
Myke516i see it ended up in the opt directory02:05
ardchoilleWhere would I find a list of ubuntu loco teams? I want to see if there's one in Seattle02:06
Justin_`!chmod | Justin_`02:06
ubottuJustin_`, please see my private message02:06
ubottuInformation on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams02:06
Myke516how would i remove it from there02:06
Myke516there doesnt seem to be an uninstaller like in windows02:07
archboxman!remove bot02:07
razz1hi all02:07
onetinsoldierhi razz102:07
Justin_`Ahh shit, I just chmodded my whole hard drive to 600, Is there a way to restore it?02:07
Dr_WillisMyke516:  delete the diretory it made.. or rereun the installer and see if it has uninstall options02:07
Myke516so i guess my question would be, how can i uninstall google earth from there02:08
Myke516ok then02:08
jellow_I want my encrypted /home/ folder to not automaticly mounted but for it to ask for a passphrase when i login with ssh , Any tips ideas please ?02:08
coldpizza72iim new to c++ and just installed a lib .deb..........should i now have files at /usr/include and /usr/lib02:08
razz1I am trying to find some help on MS excel, what channel should I look for02:08
jellow_razz1: #windows02:08
razz1Jellow: thankyou02:08
Myke516it says permission denied, wount let me delete it.02:09
Myke516let me try going into the terminal and re-runing it02:09
tarskiJustin_`: what did you do?02:09
InsanePigeonis insanepenguin banned from here?02:09
Justin_`I just chmodded my whole hard drive to 600, Is there a way to restore it? My computer wont turn on now -.-02:09
cjcopicoldpizza72i:  you need to also install the -dev package for the library to get the header files and libraries to link against02:09
seanbrystonelol Justin_` ouch02:09
tarskiJustin_`: what exactly did you do, were you root when you did this?02:10
seanbrystoneive done that to /~.seanbrystone or whatever it is02:10
Justin_`yeah, i forgot i typeed sudo -i -.-02:10
Justin_`I mangaged to get into the nongui login... chmod a+x * gave me: chmod: root : read-only file system02:10
jellow_I want my encrypted /home/ folder to not automaticly mounted but for it to ask for a passphrase when i login with ssh , Any tips ideas please ?02:10
coldpizza72icjcopi how do i do that02:11
seanbrystonewhat? bad california! darn right wing farmers screwing up the whole state02:11
coldpizza72ii have a lib folder at iusr/include already just not usr/lib02:11
cjcopicoldpizza72i:  presumably the same way you installed the library package02:11
Random832jellow; have your encrypted stuff in a separate dir under your home directory02:11
tarskiJustin_`: what directory were you in when you used chmod02:11
jimisrvroxhey guys Im having probs getting an access point with my rt2500 on 9.10 iwconfig shows that its up but when i do iwlist scan I get no scan results02:11
Justin_`with like02:12
jimisrvroxand yes I did it with sudo02:12
Justin_`etc, user, bin ect ect ect02:12
Myke516ok, its not good. is there a terminal command to uninstall things?02:12
Random832Myke516; apt-get remove02:12
seanbrystoneoops sorry that went to the wrong channel lol02:12
Dr_WillisMyke516:  the google earth.bin is an installer.. it MIGHT have a --uninstall option02:12
zebastianhow can i get åøæ ? i don'thave a keyboard with them02:12
zebastianand i don't want to have to be pasting all the tiem02:13
Random832zebastian; set the keyboard layout to us international02:13
Random832then you can do altgr and - i think wpz02:13
Myke516it doesnt DrWillis02:13
tarskiJustin_`: dude you fked up your whole file system02:13
jellow_Myke516: sudo apt-get remove "PROGRAMNAME" --purge02:13
drew3Hi Folks,  My WIndow edges are quite difficult to grab,  Changing or adjusting window size with the mouse/pointer is difficult, where do I look to adjust for w wider grab of the pointer along window edges?02:13
zebastianRandom832: how do i do that?02:13
Dr_WillisMyke516:  delete the diretory it installed to then.. and use the repos in the future. i guess02:14
Random832go to your keyboard layout settings02:14
Dr_WillisMyke516:  or chedk the google earth page for how to remove it02:14
Justin_`tarski, lol ok, second time installing Ubuntu -.-02:14
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coldpizza72icjcopi there is still nothing new in /usr/lib02:14
tarskiJustin_`: dont ever do chmod glob, ever02:14
Justin_`But i kinda need to :S02:14
Justin_`For the setup I want..02:14
tarskiJustin_`: you can use chmod -R for recursive02:15
cjcopicoldpizza72i:  what library package did you install?02:15
Myke516ok i guess ill have to try that. Apparently google earth isnt in the ubuntu repositories02:15
Justin_`tarski, Am I able to PM you?02:15
tarskiJustin_`: ya but im playign WoW02:15
coldpizza72icjcopi: cimg02:16
jellow_Myke516: there is a .deb or add a new PPA , Google for it02:16
Dr_WillisMyke516:  its not in the official ones.. its at meduibuntu i recall02:16
Dr_Willisor at the google repos02:16
Dr_Willisif you are just going to uninstall it.. then install it.. why bother. ;)02:17
cjcopicoldpizza72i:  i see, so cimg-dev? it looks like it installs the headers in /usr/include/CImg/plugins/02:17
jellow_I want my encrypted /home/ folder to not automaticly mounted but for it to ask for a passphrase when i login with ssh , Any tips ideas please ?02:17
onetinsoldierhello lwizardl02:17
coldpizza72icjcopi: yea but what about the lib02:17
Myke516apparently there doesnt seem to be way to uninstall it02:18
Myke516i cant even delete the directory02:18
Myke516i dont have permission it says02:18
=== Justin_` is now known as [J]ustin
jellow_Myke516: use sudo02:18
Myke516in the filemanager?02:18
jellow_Myke516: gksu nautilus02:19
Dr_Willis sudo sh /opt/google-earth/uninstall02:19
cjcopicoldpizza72i:  ah, ok, it doesn't install any libraries itself, the header files are templates so contain all the code you need, it relies on libmagick++ for the image processing, so you will see libMagick++.so in /usr/lib02:19
Dr_Willisis what one thread says Myke51602:19
cjcopihave you tried compiling a simple program?02:19
Dr_WillisMyke516:  you instlled it as sudo. sio its a system directory.. thus you have to do sudo rights to remove it02:19
Myke516let me try that Dr02:19
Dr_WillisMyke516:  http://groups.google.com/group/earth-linux/browse_thread/thread/ad247e4963372efd?pli=102:20
coldpizza72icjcopi: nothing that uses this lib...thanks02:20
cjcopiok, see /usr/share/doc/cimg-dev for more info and some example programs02:20
lwizardlIs there a way to create a fully custom login GUI for ubuntu ?02:20
sunrunner20how do you get an in OS listing of available packages?02:20
Myke516nope. How can i get sudo to work in Nautilius?02:20
Dr_Willislwizardl:  thers alternatives to GDM if thats what you want. GDM in 9.10 is not very themeable02:21
ddmalguien con ubuntu?02:21
AbAdDoN_hello to everybody!02:21
jellow_sunrunner20: apt-cache search "Prog* name"?02:21
Dr_WillisMyke516:  itsbest to learn to do root things from the terminal. Running nautilus as root is asking for trouble02:21
sunrunner20jellow: no searching02:21
sunrunner20just a catagorical list02:21
sunrunner20AbAdDoN_: /02:21
Myke516so i guess sudo delete /opt?02:21
Myke516would that work?02:21
Dr_WillisMyke516:  and there was no need to use 'sudo' to install google earth it can install to the users home.02:22
lwizardlDr_Willis, yeah I know about GTK, KDE, and FCE but I was but I was wanting to change to login style to more like something you would expect from a tv show or movie look02:22
ddmse habla castellano aquí?02:22
jellow_sunrunner20: there is aptitude02:22
Dr_Willislwizardl:  theres a few gdm themes out for 9.10 but not a lot02:22
sunrunner20ddm: ingles por vavor02:22
ddmlo siento02:22
* sunrunner20 probally spelled it wrong02:22
Myke516hmmm, delete isnt a command in Terminal02:22
onetinsoldierMyke516: go into /opt ....then --> rm -Rf * (if you are wanting to remove everything in /opt)02:22
nisstyre65Myke516; use rm02:22
lwizardlDr_Willis, yeah for example have you ever seen the movie hackers ?02:23
Dr_WillisMyke516:  i just installed google earth here.. thers an uninstall script in the googleearth directory02:23
Dr_WillisMyke516:  worked fine here.02:23
Dr_Willis cd /opt/whatever/google-earth02:23
Dr_Willissudo ./uninstall02:23
nisstyre65!rm -rf02:23
nisstyre65ubottu knows nothing about rm -rf ?02:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:24
Myke516ah ok i see it Dr02:24
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:24
darrendmy hardware devices list is empty (in sound prefs dialog).  Only way I seem to get it back is a reboot or logout/login if lucky.  Anything else I can try to restore this?02:24
Myke516so im in /opt/google-earth and see uninstall02:24
nisstyre65you can rm -rf on ubuntu02:24
Dr_WillisMyke516:  yes.. the docs/url i posted said to run it from the terminal....02:24
onetinsoldierMyke516: so run it....  sudo ./uninstall02:25
jellow_I want my encrypted /home/ folder to not automaticly mounted but for it to ask for a passphrase when i login with ssh , Any tips ideas please ?02:25
Dr_WillisLogical and convient. :_)02:25
Myke516this is what i get: "Could not find a usable uninstall program. Aborting."02:25
sunrunner20ddm: yo tengo peqanuo vocabulario, sabe varios espanol perro no mucho, neccicito google translate :)02:25
Myke516lol but its right there infront of me02:26
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DemoOnHow to fix this on boot-up? Unable to find a suitable fs in /proc/mounts, is it mounted? Use  --subdomainfs to overide.02:28
Myke516hmmm, i dont know why it says it cant find a usable program to uninstall02:28
clamiamanyone know if the desktop kernel for 10.04 still runs at like 100 hz?02:30
Myke516tried sudo ./uninstall... no luck02:31
jimisrvroxhey guys Im having probs getting an access point with my rt2500 on 9.10 iwconfig shows that its up but when i do iwlist scan I get no scan results02:31
nisstyre65Myke516; update me on exactly what you're trying to do02:31
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=== Guest70598 is now known as newbuntu
[NaL]Hey guys, I got an LG Versa (9600) Thursday and I haven't been able to get Ubuntu to recognize the phone, I've tried installing BitPim through the terminal, but that only gives me 1.0.6. When I try installing 1.0.7 with GDebi, I get an "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libdb4.4"02:35
onetinsoldierclamiam: yes, the default frequency timer setting in 10.04's kernel is 100 Hz02:35
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onetinsoldierclamiam: i recompiled mine and set it to 300 Hz02:36
eitanhi is there anybody here how could help me plz?02:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:37
dibusing 9.10, is there no gnome panel applet for volume anymore?02:37
onetinsoldierdib: there should be a speaker icon02:38
eitani have a very slow transfer rate between widows 7 computer and a computer with ubuntu 9.1002:38
dibonetinsoldier: there was, but when i removed the notification panel the spearker and net manager went with it02:38
DemoOncan someone could paste its /proc/mounts ?02:38
eitani had 8.10 and it worked perfectly02:38
dibi didnt want net manager02:38
onetinsoldierdib: roger. i guess the notification panel has to be left there then for those two applets. but, i'm not sure02:39
hyperstreamwhen i connect to a wifi network with my dlink usb adapter, on my main desktop, when it connects, the screen turns black then come back, but everything i then try and run has no premissions(it seems to change to root/another user) what causes this ?02:39
DemoOnplease someone!02:40
wiretappeddib: you can remove network-manager without removing the notification area...02:40
dibwiretapped: how, i dont see remove in the right click dialog02:40
wiretappedapt-get install wicd02:41
* wiretapped uses network-manager tho02:41
dibthis is for my home computer with one network interface02:41
dibethernet card02:41
dibso i dont think ill use it02:41
amason6 Does using EVMS remove the limitation of being able to create 15 partitions on a single harddrive?02:41
wiretappedyou can apt-get remove network-manager i think02:41
eitani had ubuntu 8.10 on one computer and a windows 7 on the other, and a wireless network share, it work perfectly and fast when i transferd files between the 2 computers, now i have ubuntu 9.10 and its very very slow (file transfer)02:42
disappearedngAny tools to see if is still downloading from my webserver?02:42
wiretappedconfigure your interface the old way, with /etc/network/interfaces02:42
lwizardlDr_Willis, you still here ?02:42
disappearedngapache in particular, and if so how fast02:42
hiexpowhen you install wicd it will automatically removenetwork manager02:42
onetinsoldierdisappearedng: check out 'iptraf'02:43
dibwiretapped: thanks02:43
onetinsoldiereitan: perhaps you should check 'iptraf' as well. install it on the 9.10 system and see if it gives you any hints as to what's happening02:44
ericwhere is the linux crounchbang kernal available for download02:44
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Guest65260where is the linux crounchbang kernal available for download02:44
eitancan anybody plz help me?02:44
happyfaceis there a channel for wine-related problems?02:44
DemoOnSOMeone please paste what he has in /proc/mounts02:45
Guest65260where is the linux crounchbang kernal available for download02:45
microlithGuest12394: #crunchbang?02:45
FiremanEdhappyface: #winehq02:45
happyfacethanks FiremanEd02:45
eitani had ubuntu 8.10 on one computer and a windows 7 on the other, and a wireless network share, it work perfectly and fast when i transferd files between the 2 computers, now i have ubuntu 9.10 and its very very slow (file transfer)02:45
DemoOnis so hard?02:46
microlithDemoOn did you do something to your mounts?02:46
Guest65260where is the kernal (#!) for download at02:46
microlithGuest12394: why are you asking in #ubuntu?02:47
proteus_algun español02:47
proteus_que me pueda ayudar02:47
ardchoille!es | proteus02:47
ubottuproteus: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.02:47
onetinsoldier!es | proteus02:47
Guest65260because crunchbangs based off ubuntu02:47
microlithright, doesn't mean ubuntu has anything to do with it02:47
proteus_ok thanks02:47
ardchoilleGuest65260:  we don't support crunchbang here, you ned tobe in their channel02:47
microlithtry #crunchbang02:47
DemoOnmicrolith: Unable to find a suitable fs in /proc/mounts, is it mounted? Use  --subdomainfs to overide.02:47
wiretappedGuest65260: packages.ubuntu.com/linux-image02:48
microlithDemoOn: ok, what mount command are you issuing?02:48
Guest65260thankyou WIRETAPPED thats all i needed02:48
DemoOnmicrolith: im trying to boot in ubuntu02:48
eitani had ubuntu 8.10 on one computer and a windows 7 on the other, and a wireless network share, it work perfectly and fast when i transferd files between the 2 computers, now i have ubuntu 9.10 and its very very slow (file transfer)02:48
DemoOnmicrolith: and get that err02:48
jolarenHow do I remove gdm from automaticly starting on my server?02:48
SumitI am ubuntu 9.10. just installed kubuntu-desktop but still cant see kubuntu like desktop. what should i do to change the style???02:49
microlithDemoOn: what'd you do before you rebooted?02:49
ardchoilleSumit: You need to ask in #kubuntu02:49
DemoOnmicrolith: deleted git libdrm and installed ubuntu02:50
IdleOneSumit: log out and at the login screen click on session and select KDE02:50
lwizardlI want to know if this is possible to be done with Ubuntu watch this video from times 6:22 - 6:35ish http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyjqMg06Xhk&feature=PlayList&p=4B8421869C074D92&index=802:50
Guest65260is there a install wizard for linux02:50
DemoOnmicrolith: and something witk noveau-kernel source too, i uninstalled that02:50
onetinsoldierjolaren: i used to know how to do it. not sure if it's still done with the same method, but, it was by using the 'update-rc.d' command. look at the man page for that command02:50
jolarenonetinsoldier; thanks for the pointers02:51
Guest65260is there a install wizard for linux02:51
onetinsoldierjolaren: you're welcome02:51
wiretappedGuest65260: lol yeah get an ubuntu desktop cd02:51
wiretappedit is magical, like a wizzard02:51
kurtosisI keep trying to run an application, but Ubuntu tells me it can't find the library libg2c.so.0. I've searched the Internet but I can't figure out where I'm supposed to get this from. Any help?02:52
Guest65260im useing cruchbang (cant find crunchbang server)02:52
DemoOnmicrolith: so?/02:52
drew3Guest65260: Almost every CD and DVD has an install wizzard.02:52
Guest65260no im talking about for general programs not OS's02:52
onetinsoldierjolaren: try --> update-rc.d gdm remove02:52
microlithDemoOn: is there any context as to what it's trying to access on boot up (does it boot at all, for that matter?)02:53
jolarenonetinsoldier; I don't want to remove it just remove it from autoboot02:53
wiretappedGuest65260: lookup APT in wikipedia02:53
DemoOnmicrolith: i get that ubuntu logo, then when there is needed to be splash screen it gives me that error02:53
onetinsoldierjolaren: roger.02:54
lwizardlI want to know if this is possible to be done with any version of linux distro. I'm wanting to make a custom animated login window sorta like these watch this video from times 6:22 - 6:35ish http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kyjqMg06Xhk&feature=PlayList&p=4B8421869C074D92&index=802:54
microlithDemoOn: what are the contents of /etc/fstab?02:54
plustaxIs there anyway to send a message through terminal to another computer on my network?02:54
Guest65260WIRETAPPED it gave ne these options (whih one):     * APT (programming language), Automatic Programed Tool - a high-level computer programming language02:55
Guest65260    * Advanced Packaging Tool, Debian's high-level package management system, also used by other Linux distributions02:55
Guest65260    * Almost Plain Text, or Doxia, a wiki-like syntax used mainly by Apache Maven02:55
Guest65260    * annotation processing tool, a utility for executing annotation processors in the Java programming language02:55
FloodBot3Guest65260: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:55
DemoOnmicrolith: i dont know, im not in ubuntu now02:55
plustaxIs there anyway to send a message through terminal to another computer on my network?02:55
jeeezplustax: wall, mesg and talk should help?02:55
Pici!software | Guest65260 these links will be more helpful02:55
ubottuGuest65260 these links will be more helpful: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents02:55
jellow_Ubuntu is insercure as the Private file is autmaticly mounted , and the password is in the /home/.ecryptfs , Have i misunderstood?02:55
microlithDemoOn: it sounds like it's looking for something on a partition that isn't getting mounted02:55
microlithcan't tell you much more02:55
plustaxjeeez what do you mean?02:55
onetinsoldierrunlevel 3 is x-windows isn't it? if i type 'runlevel', it says N 202:56
DemoOnmicrolith: ok, ill check, ill be back after while02:56
Pici!runlevels | onetinsoldier02:56
ubottuonetinsoldier: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.02:56
onetinsoldierPici: roger. thanks. i think things have change in that regard since the last i knew02:56
Myke516does anyone know how I can change all of the file permissions of a file in a folder?02:57
mcgronkI'm having trouble getting my printer (HP LaserJet 1320) to print over ethernet in 9.04... anyone have luck doing this?02:58
onetinsoldierMyke516: do you mean "the permissions of all the files contained in a folder"?02:58
jeeezguys, is there any way i can have amarok import my rhythmbox library?02:58
Myke516Yes onetin02:58
trismMyke516: find folder_name -type f -exec chmod permissions {} + (assuming you mean recursively)02:58
B3rz3rk3rSomeone have a link that explains how home folder encryption works when installing Ubuntu (9.10)?02:59
trismMyke516: replacing folder_name with the path to the folder and permissions with the permissions you want to apply02:59
renegaidwhy encrypt?02:59
Dr_Willissctually dosent chmod have a -r option?02:59
onetinsoldierDr_Willis: yes. it does02:59
trismDr_Willis: yes but it will change directories too, and if you -x you can't traverse them03:00
B3rz3rk3rrenegaid, data security is normally the main reason03:00
Dr_Willis# Script to fix permissions on all files below current dir   ---> find -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 66403:00
renegaidI see.03:00
Myke516apparently i cant seem to delete something, i just want to delete a folder i cant seem to do it since im not root, but i cant be root in anything but the terminal03:00
=== ubuntu is now known as ubuntu123
Myke516i really dont know how to explain it03:00
Dr_Willistrism:  yea i got a fixdirs.sh also :)    find -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 75503:01
Dr_WillisMyke516:  install mc and use it as your root file manager.. is one way.   sudo apt-get install mc, then sudo mc03:01
Dr_WillisMyke516:  or learn more shell basics. (always a good idea)03:01
ubuntu123ubuntu's installer just stops after choosing the keyboard layout, it seems to still be running fine but the next step doesnt appear.03:02
jellow_B3rz3rk3r: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EncryptedPrivateDirectory , A warning its very limited and auto mount when you login and logout03:02
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=== vbits is now known as Vbitz
B3rz3rk3rcheers for that jellow_03:03
MrZhihey, if I chown '.' inside a directory, will that allow the user to write inside the directory while maintaining root.root over that directory?03:04
B3rz3rk3rseems like it would be a better idea to just use something like TrueCrypt from what they say there jellow_?03:05
jellow_B3rz3rk3r: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemHowto3 the other one was out of date03:05
rahdukeis there a program that works as a front end for multiple emulators, like zsnes,fceu, and maybe mame as well?03:06
clamiamrahduke, there are some programs like that but i'm not sure they're available for linux03:06
jellow_B3rz3rk3r: I would use true Crypt , up to you though03:06
rahdukei found this http://www.camya.com/eccblog but its only for windows03:07
clamiamrahduke, http://www.zophar.net/frontends/universal.html03:07
B3rz3rk3rjellow_ i think il go with TrueCrypt as well, im assuming the operation is much the same as the windows version?03:08
clamiamrahduke, also try searching google for 'emulator frontends'03:08
rahdukeclamiam: thanks03:08
Berzerkeris this also support for ubuntu moblin remix?03:09
kholbyIs anyone else experiencing an issue with Internet connectivity on 9.10?03:09
jellow_B3rz3rk3r: yes , Pretty much identical03:09
B3rz3rk3rawesome, thanks jellow_03:09
tuiapologies for this - can someone tell me how to talk to an operator. I am having issues with registering and my nickname and am still learning IRC03:10
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode03:11
Dr_Willistui:   /join #freenode03:11
tuiDr_Willis: i know but it is NOT working. I can longer talk and #freenode. it just stopped working suddenly.03:11
Dr_Willistui:  the services/servers have been up/downb a lot the last day or so03:11
mcgronkI'm trying to set up a my HP LaserJet 1320 to print over ethernet. Is there some trick do doing this because the documentation on ubuntu.org seems quite simple but it doesn't work for me03:11
mcgronkkholby: internet access is pretty straightforward. what's the problem?03:12
tuiwhere can I read about /etc/group and what it means to be a member of any particular group03:13
nrI'm having trouble with the Ubuntu 9.10 installer.  If anybody can help I'll describe problem in detail.03:14
Snowy09how do i instll windows games on linix03:14
darkthingI need help to connect 2 network card with firestarter03:14
nisstyre65Snowy09; you don't03:14
nisstyre65you can't really03:15
nrSnowy09, you can run some older or simpler games on WINE03:15
onetinsoldierSnowy09: use wine or virtual-box03:15
trortrochetap:anthony.freenode.net 353 trortrochetap = #ubuntu :trortrochetap TanukiNoKintama charngxel_ loli__ DemoOn Lunis_ nilo_ Snowy09 nr Chris2718 demonspork Berzerker kholby tui darkthing jeiworth PreZ rahduke sekrit Surion Lenin_Cat bullgard TMK yaboo castle` abms1116 hiexpo ubuntu123 villain FiremanEd choonming cghouly lithuanian_chick mcgronk paissad__ jeeez plustax pizzledizzle sely LizardK|ng Leemp tkmr segin Cpudan80 lengend CadeSkywalker pickett 03:15
trortrochetap:anthony.freenode.net 353 trortrochetap = #ubuntu :netmind Royall charitwo DryGrain mokabojo macman_ KDE4000 biker sysdoc loops ninjaslim deoxyna holmser Khisanth soreau harjot gigasoft b0xxy blakkheim ascott_ habtool ZenBSDi bid nikolam sebsebseb FloodBot2 I^llGetOverIt mquin unop r4ban AJ_Z0 AJC_Z0 jpds Guest32921 Azhen CrazyEddy kinja-sheep ibuclaw issyl0 NuclearFish FloodBot1 yofel maco Pici MichaelWesten niko tomaw pure_hate JabberWalkie my_h03:15
trortrochetap:anthony.freenode.net 353 trortrochetap = #ubuntu :erk wimt Dave2 sejo Martinp23 HardDisk Sergeant_Pony Dink Urda affar-AT Dragnslcr chris| SodaPhish ro_bert249 zeltak ronx PacketCollision Swish wahooooo Eneloop giesen Dominian LoRez fool_ Jare or4n jayne slap_stick Newky jtrucks Pricey FyreFoX d6chung linxeh Aurus dKingston jellow jaypur jenkinbr tonyyarusso zaggynl smack Luckst0r and simplexio tdn cheddar hoeq_ histo jonmartini squidly aztek[tum03:15
trortrochetap:anthony.freenode.net 353 trortrochetap = #ubuntu :andatche dotblank kad_ karleeto schestowitz genii SirNothus mazpe YeTr2 jasonb Jeepbeats mr_frostee JoeSomebody gondoi sakhi Kartagis CoJaBo-Aztec gregory_ sphenxes rcaskey Tm_T MrHeavy XeroXer Drunken_Irony vox AgY freite rashed2020 Lattyware Kardos Lathund Diverdude wANd Dubai rdz ZMR lukjad007 Crshman Mannevond Spec _Dasda zz_j2fly Naynay rjune mimor poningru kdegi mjathree neal_ |PiP| Rp3 mooc03:15
FloodBot3trortrochetap: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:15
trortrochetap:anthony.freenode.net 353 trortrochetap = #ubuntu :pipegeek Odin_Eidolon Guest52961 DVS01 SnakDoc kobic bbelt16ag MrNaz knightrage_ magic_ninja xeros kslen BedMan canthus13 dahlia mikegerwitz forceflow almostsix intangir YoBoY faitz onats lrvick overflow_ judibeefl tpt knittl jinroh pegs bfox Matt1360 redMac silverraindog wzzrd The_Toxic_Mite dougl infogulch wildc4rd Guest41678 Dandel devnu11 SmallR2002 iter ivanatora Darkfoe ribasushi jcape U-b-u03:15
trortrochetap:anthony.freenode.net 353 trortrochetap = #ubuntu :GrandPixel ponyofdeath popey Elvorn chuckf danielck daftykins Favorit ubuntulog Truenos Mamarok bjorge q3aiml infamy evilsherpa ldlework twbks ph8 ratifers foxxtrot testi psychomog Runeg daguz joh KPXX Lunar_Lamp thinced tomsku kryl99 Hamlin rage bac ahuman01 dashavoo izmaelis johntramp maxkelley GibbaTheHutt Teisei eam th0ger AfterDeath beasty ineiros geekbuntu t0h svu tavasti nutron Crayboff fis03:15
allhigsoabeimi:anthony.freenode.net 353 allhigsoabeimi = #ubuntu :isonoooooo Kvant Gary puchat3k_ gregl FiReSTaRT joe75 hebz0rl jonathaN ferret_ stanix culb lhb brendan` josh_ Audible JimmyJ Geine localhost jm-test jugger90 Jguy cjcopi wiretapped urlwallace nitor Snowboarder Flash_ Svaje cantoma guest_007 drrob1 danieldg Ralfm mb_again_ mozer jMyles thesnarky1_ rwlove frohike windmill alastor666 jgoss tuv0k desti Kirovski dhendrix Oli`` Bruce elitedev-afk Drakeso03:15
allhigsoabeimi:anthony.freenode.net 353 allhigsoabeimi = #ubuntu :Edgan 50UAAANCL lifi lycidas jorik loxley_ diesel xOrphenochx KingOfDos jareth_ Shaun corecode _marix sobersabre nekton Hellie biczd kim_ MinusSeven [BT]Brendan DreamThief Gio^ cappiz synegy34 konus pavkamlc aburch christel remoteCTRL1 DarkStorm hyperstream wyggler2 Kraln 5EXAAADN8 obst adsized loginfliggle cappicard_ Haraken outer_space ectospasm SmithKurosaki Guest82049 felipe_ amelius hamzaatova03:15
kholbymcgronk, Slow.  I've been doing some reading, and apparently this is a pretty common problem with 9.10.03:15
allhigsoabeimi:anthony.freenode.net 353 allhigsoabeimi = #ubuntu :ubottu chewbranca moziz Smif Fayntic vagvaf_ ryu jmcantrell deegee _polto_ RussellAlan fcuk112 randomer sjefen6 mharris nisstyre65 opie MikeJB paprna ekim janisozaur apelgate Chris___ tabris|away djamel RainbowEyes a2 freeman MikeyG batrick brad[] mikedep333 IVBela klappi nomasteryoda tobago atomiku jezlee toga_ streenz yyz LSD|Ninja eobanb askhl croppa ae86-drifter Funkeh` Sacho kekehuoshan hiffy 03:15
allhigsoabeimi:anthony.freenode.net 353 allhigsoabeimi = #ubuntu :dngr Saikor Nielsen crazygir amesbury nick_h damaltor chris231989 SteveGriff mattgyver Milos ph33r POC|Farmer aLeSD m4v Dkennedy _Trullo MetaBot Ertyle Guest40133 cwillu upd scunizi skydrome Trezker heoa Afrix FloodBot4 Prodego KIAaze_ tul foolano l_r bazhang Grim76__ ldleworker FunnyLookinHat peleg Nephyrin Guest64421 ziroday ezrafree hosified ventz Raskall geirha Jimi_Neutral patCork klasu__ Acii03:15
FloodBot3allhigsoabeimi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:15
nisstyre65is this another XPS bot?03:15
JabberWalkieoooo, somone said my name, i feel special03:15
Snowy09well i got told to download playonlinix and ive done that and installed it  so what do i do now03:15
DemoOnmicrolith: r y still here?03:15
kholbymcgronk, At first, it was working and then would drop to 0kbps after about 30 seconds or so, due to DNS timeouts I think.  I disabled ipv6, and now it doesn't drop, but it's still slow.03:16
cappicard_wtf was that?03:16
Flannelcappicard_: spammer, just ignore it.03:16
nrSnowy09, playonlinux is a front end for wine03:16
MichaelWestenthats hella annoying :P03:16
* Afrix wakez up03:16
=== zen is now known as Guest98690
nrI'm not familiar with playonlinux, I run WINE directly03:16
Snowy09so wat does that mean as i am new to linix03:17
Lunis_wowzors, GNAA is at it again today in full force i see03:17
ice__mansomeone know who to play in QUAKE 4 under Ubuntu03:17
sebsebsebJabberWalkie: it said my  IRC nick as well03:17
Guest98690sangiacomo supergraphics03:17
nrIf you have a .exe installer you could try, e.g.,   'wine sinstall.exe'03:17
BerzerkerSnowy09, it's linux, with a u03:17
nrAnybody maybe able to help with an installer problem---the 9.04 installer does not see my hard drive03:17
Snowy09i'm wanting to play games on here03:17
JabberWalkiesebsebseb: i need this dammit!...hehe03:18
nrSnowy09, we got that03:18
nrName a game03:18
[BT]BrendanI'm wanting to buy an external hard drive but all the ones I look at on the website of our local computer store say they require Windows or Mac. These can all be easily formatted to work with Linux, yeah?03:18
DemoOnmicrolith: can u help me?03:18
Snowy09sim city societies03:18
onetinsoldier[BT]Brendan: yes03:18
DDwi[BT]Brendan, yes with a bit of googling03:18
kholby[BT]Brendan, Yes03:18
MichaelWesten[BT]Brendan: yes03:18
nrBT: yes, but any backup software that ships on the drive is likely useless03:18
ice__mannr,how ?03:18
Snowy09or the sims 203:18
[BT]BrendanThanks, thanks, thanks and thanks.03:19
sebsebsebJabberWalkie: meaning?03:19
nrBT: I tend to buy a bare drive + enclosure from newegg.com --- more GB per $$$$03:19
bikerSnowy09:  check this:  http://www.playdeb.net/welcome/03:19
DDwinr, you able to get to a terminal on your live cd?03:19
JabberWalkiesebsebseb: nm, just drop it :S03:19
nrDDwi: yes, I get to a terminal, and I can see the disk with cfdisk and I can mess with its partition table03:19
Lunis_[BT]Brendan, most likely you don't even need to format them :)03:19
DemoOnsomeone please paste touy /etc/fstab03:19
nrDDwi: but the 'partitioning' step in the installer doesn't see any disks03:19
DDwinr, do a paste of fisk -l ?03:20
DDwiin pastebin03:20
happyfaceAnyone have experience with thinkfinger?03:20
[BT]BrendanWhat filesystem do you recommend? One that will work immediately on linux, mac and windows?03:20
nrDDwi: OK, this will take a few minutes as I shut the machine down.03:20
DDwinr, just higlight me03:20
DemoOnWho can help me?03:20
nrDDwi: you meant 'fdisk -l' right?03:20
nowirelessNanyone know why Network Manager won't see my 5ghz network, I know it is working as other devices are connected to it? (2.4ghz works fine) This is using "Intel Corporation WiFi Link 100 Series"03:21
DDwinr, aye03:21
nowirelessNaccording to lspci03:21
BerzerkernowirelessN, does the chip support 5GHz N?03:21
DDwiDemoOn, why do you need /etc/fstab?03:21
ubuntu123[BT]Brendan, ntfs03:21
Berzerker[BT]Brendan, if you need one that works the best, I'd say buy MacDrive on Windows and use HFS+03:21
nowirelessNBerzerker, yes it does.03:21
DemoOnDDwi: ive error>>Unable to find a suitable fs in /proc/mounts, is it mounted? Use  --subdomainfs to overide.03:21
Berzerker[BT]Brendan, NTFS support on OS X is lacking03:21
DDwiDemoOn, hmmm, moment03:22
PrototypeX29Ahi, has anybody an idea how i get my firefox to support french spellchecking?03:22
kholbyIs anyone else in here also experiencing a problem with slow Internet connectivity in 9.10?03:22
BerzerkernowirelessN, well if it can connect to 2.4GHz and not 5GHz...then that would be the only explanation03:22
DDwiDemoOn, when did that error start happening?03:22
nowirelessNBerzerker, well its a brand new laptop and I am looking at the sticker on it that says 802.11 b/g/n03:23
BerzerkernowirelessN, yes but some N chips might not support 5GHz, only 2.4GHz N.03:23
[BT]BrendanHmm ntfs... So Microsoft don't support anything other than their own file systems?03:23
DemoOnDDwi: after removing noveaul(or smtinhg like that)-kernel-source, git libdrm/mesa,and installing ubuntu libdrm/mesa03:23
nowirelessNBerzerker: hmm ok03:23
=== tui is now known as quietone
DDwiDemoOn, you might be best off posting on the forums, but make a point to detail exactly what you removed and did03:24
DemoOnDDwi: i dont remember03:24
DDwiDemoOn, thats gonna make it mighty hard to help you03:25
DemoOnDDwi: can u paste at least /etc/fstab ?03:25
nowirelessNBerzerker.. is there a good way to find out.. or just google?03:25
PrototypeX29Akholby: with ath09 wifi drivers, there are a lot of people experiencing problems03:25
BerzerkernowirelessN, what's the chip model number?03:26
PrototypeX29Akholby: ath9k03:26
kholbyPrototypeX29A, I'm using the Broadcom STA driver, actually.03:26
DDwiDemoOn, sure but don't think its gonna fix you -> http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d5e33dfb103:26
nowirelessNBerzerker: Network controller: Intel Corporation WiFi Link 100 Series03:26
PrototypeX29Akholby: then it maybe unrelated03:26
nowirelessNSubsystem: Intel Corporation Device 130503:26
Snowy09how do i format my whole drive into a fat 3203:27
kholbyPrototypeX29A, Perhaps.  Did you have this problem?03:27
anthonywhere can i get a newer web browser for ubuntu 5.10 ppc03:27
DemoOnDDwi: yeah, seems ok03:27
anthonyhello anyone03:27
DDwiDemoOn, same error after reboot?03:28
PrototypeX29Akholby: yes03:28
Berzerkerso I'm trying to search for my hardware drivers (I know I have Broadcom proprietary ones on this netbook) and it doesn't find anything, any ideas?03:28
anthonywhere can i get a newer web browser for ubuntu 5.10 ppc?03:28
DemoOnDDwi: no, just that file seems ok03:28
PrototypeX29Akholby: well, i have had a problem with disconnecting wlan but there where other bugreports with bad throughput on the same architecture03:28
PrototypeX29Akholby: i solved it by installing a later kernel03:28
anthonycome on why is everyone ignoreing me03:28
stevenfgsdfgHow do I view all the dependencies for a package from the CLI?03:29
PrototypeX29Akholby: this really *intercoursed* up system, but at least the wifi is working03:29
Berzerkeranthony, google.com03:29
vocxSnowy09, why do you want to format the whole drive to fat32?03:29
anthonytryed it03:29
Berzerkertry harder.03:29
anthonyi tryed so hard03:29
Berzerkeryou're also spelling tried wrong03:29
kholbyPrototypeX29A, One would expect download and upload rates to be effected, but my upload speed is normal and quite a bit faster than download.03:29
anthonysorry my bad03:30
PrototypeX29Akholby: i have no idea, sorry03:30
Snowy09cause i can't load my vista03:30
vocxanthony, 5.10 is no longer supported, you should be using a newer version.03:30
anthonybut my imac is so slow on 9.1003:30
Snowy09windows won't let me install anything but ubuntu03:30
onetinsoldierstevenfgsdfg: apt-cache show <package>03:30
DemoOnhow can i install ubuntu from iso file?03:30
vocxSnowy09, are you using Ubuntu right now? What were you trying to do?03:30
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DDwianthony, check http://packages.ubuntu.com/ and see if you can find another version which supports ppc, I don't remember off hand when ppc support was dropped03:31
Snowy09i was trying to install vvista on my system03:31
Dr_WillisDemoOn:  you can set up a usb flash drive with grub2 to boot an iso file. Thats doable..03:31
DemoOnthe only way is to burn it?03:31
Dr_Willis!install | DemoOn03:31
ubottuDemoOn: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate03:31
anthonyvocx, but my imac is so slow on 9.1003:31
onetinsoldierDemoOn: how old is your computer system?03:31
Dr_WillisDemoOn:  or use some other tools to make a bootable flash drive03:31
vocxDemoOn, burn the ISO to a CD; boot the computer with the CD in, it should boot and offer you ways to install.03:32
Snowy09but it kept coming up with fatal error03:32
Snowy091 year old03:32
DemoOnvocx: dont have cd03:32
Berzerkerso I'm trying to search for my hardware drivers (I know I have Broadcom proprietary ones on this netbook) and it doesn't find anything, any ideas?03:32
DemoOnok ill try to find that tool for creating bootable flash03:32
onetinsoldierDemoOn: i was going to say what Dr_Willis just said. but, your systems need to support booting from a usb stick. and, you may need to go into the bios to enable it as well03:32
onetinsoldierDemoOn: try --> unetbootin03:32
_ATMAhey, i have no idea what the hell i did, but my sound totally stopped working. ive mulled over tuns of documents and solutions none of them work, yes my vol is unmuted, plugged in,  soundcard detected, etc03:32
onetinsoldier!info unetbootin03:32
ubottuunetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 356-1 (karmic), package size 213 kB, installed size 636 kB03:32
Dr_Willisi saw some alernative to uinetbootin. but not tried it yet03:33
kholbyBerzerker, seems like I fixed the problem by installing fwcutter, maybe.03:33
infidhow can i disable the 'take a break' thing once it goes off?03:33
DemoOnonetinsoldier: i think i have that option, one time i was trying to boot but i couldnt get complitely into it03:33
Snowy09so is there a wat 32 i can reformat into a fa203:33
Snowy09i am sick to death of sending the comp back to hp03:33
onetinsoldierDemoOn: roger :-)03:33
DemoOnonetinsoldier: ?03:34
Berzerkerkholby, what's the package name03:34
onetinsoldierDemoOn: roger just means, i hear you, 10-4, copy, ect...03:34
kholbyBerzerker, b43-fwcutter03:34
nrctcp DDwi userinfo03:35
DemoOnwhat is called that live usb creator if im searching for it on my package meneger?03:35
Berzerkerkholby, hmm...can't find that package wtf03:35
Dr_WillisDemoOn:  check out -> http://www.linuxliveusb.com/03:35
onetinsoldierDemoOn: unetbootin03:35
vocxSnowy09, but do you run Ubuntu currently? Do you just want to erase all data? You can do that easily with the Vista installation DVD I suppose, and even with the Ubuntu Live CD.03:36
DemoOnonetinsoldier: unetbootin is only for installation?03:36
Dr_WillisThat luinuxliveusb has some features that unetbootin dosent03:36
Dr_WillisDemoOn:  it generates a bootable 'live' flash drive03:36
kholbyBerzerker:   You have an active connection on the machine with the problem?  I'm assuming that's the one you're using.03:36
Dr_WillisDemoOn:  you can use to install from03:36
DemoOnonetinsoldier: i wanted that when i will change something on that liveusb, i want to stay after reboot03:36
Berzerkerkholby, yeah it's connected over ethernet atm03:36
n00pguys I have a laptop and something is terribly wrong.. just now the mouse started moving to the lower right hand corner, I can't get it away from there it just moves back to the lower right hand corner. I'm not even touching my mousepad.03:36
nowirelessNBerzerker: even though lspci says its a '100' its actually a '1000' and intel has this to say about it "The Intel® WiFi Link 1000 is an IEEE802.11b/g/Draft-N1 wireless network adapterthat operates in the 2.4 GHz spectrum"03:36
n00phow do I stop this?03:36
DemoOnoh well, i will try unetbootin first03:37
nrDDwi, live disk has finally booted, I have to figure out how to paste output into irc window...03:37
kholbyBerzerker:   Have you updated the package list?03:37
nowirelessNBerzerker: so thanks for pointing me in the right direction03:37
DDwipaste into pastebin03:37
DDwiand just highlight and right click03:37
greezmunkeyn00p, what model laptop?03:37
BerzerkernowirelessN, np03:37
n00pdell inspiron 152503:37
onetinsoldierDemoOn: hmmm, i'm not sure. i mean, i use it to boot Ubuntu from a usb stick, which i guess i could just run it from there. but, i when i boot from usb stick i do it to install03:37
greezmunkeynoop, known issue...I have one to!03:37
greezmunkeyn00p, are you using a mouse, or the touchpad?03:38
nrDDwi, just pasted under my full name: Norman Ramsey03:38
n00phow do I fix this?03:39
DemoOnill try to install 9.04 over 9.10 and check viddeo drivers03:39
onetinsoldierDemoOn: anyway, go with that usb live that Dr_Willis told you about. it looks like that's what you want :-)03:39
greezmunkeyn00p, do you have a P1 Phillips screwdriver?03:39
DDwiit should give you a  link nr03:39
n00pgreezmunkey why would I need that?03:39
[BT]BrendanOk Berzerker I still seem a little lost about which file system to go with. Mac compatibility isnt the most important for my needs... yet. mainly linux and windows, but with the ability to install sometihng on a mac to make it work.03:39
nrDDwi, sorry never used pastbin before:03:39
Berzerker[BT]Brendan, if you only need read support while on OS X, then NTFS is probably your best bet.03:40
=== stevenfgsdfg is now known as Steven
DDwinr, hmm and you have stuff installed for that atm?03:40
SantisnightCan anyone here help with a Virtual box issue? (everyone at #vbox seems to be asleep)03:40
[BT]BrendanWell I need it for recording my music. and Mac are big in the music recording industry so writing would be important03:40
nrI'm able to mess around with cfdisk.  I built a swap partition, ext3 for /boot, and XFS for /,  but the installer sees none of it03:40
Dr_WillisSantisnight:  state the issue and see.. - Virtualbox does have some very good docs/manuals on their hiomepage03:40
greezmunkeyn00p, The inspirons sometimes have an issue with the touchpads where the case will press one side of the touchpad too hard. You can correct the issue by making sure that all the screws on the botom are torqued the same amount. Sounds crazy, I know!03:41
nrWhat you see now is the result of my deleting all the partitions03:41
[BT]BrendanAlso used as a back up drive, so im looking at the dual drives with raid so it dupes everything03:41
StevenWhen do I apt-cache show <package> does it have to be installed or just listed in the relevant repository?03:41
chad_hey i am new to ubuntu and wondering if there is a way to install on an original xbox without mods03:41
Dr_Willischad_:  not without some mods03:41
[BT]Brendan*thats what I'm looking at buying*03:41
SantisnightDr_Willis,  someone reacted finally thanks though;03:41
Berzerker[BT]Brendan, if you buy MacDrive on Windows, the read/write support for HFS+ on it is excellent, linux native read/write support for HFS+ is also great, so it would be best all around03:41
nrDDwi, if ATM == 'at the moment', I can make a filesystem on it.03:41
nrI can try mounting and r/w files; haven't done that...03:42
Berzerker[BT]Brendan, if you don't want to spend money on it, then your next best selection would be NTFS03:42
chad_i read someting about using an original version of mechassult are there any other ways to soft mod so it will run03:42
DDwinr,  I mean, do you have anything installed on that hdd? and is that the only hdd installed?03:42
=== ChorizoGrueso is now known as orgullocachanill
[BT]BrendanYeah But I awnt to be able to plug it in to other peoples computers on the go as I'll be away from home for the large part of the next 2 years03:42
Dr_Willischad_:  no idea. those sort of 'bug'  explots depend on versions of the xbox and the game, and soo many other things.03:43
orgullocachanillIt is time to put those Haitian jigaboos in their place!  No matter how many times the civilized world donates money, opens schools, rebuilds their nation, and holds their little monkey paws, the damn niggers can never get it right.  They never will!  The same goes for New Orleans!  Cancun in Mexico suffered few fatalities after their major hurricane, and the rebuilding is already completed.  What have the niggers in New Orleans done? If you a03:43
orgullocachanillre sick of this, join Chimpout Forum! http://www.chimpout.com/forum03:43
FloodBot3orgullocachanill: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:43
Dr_Willischad_:  im not even sure how well an xbox would run a mondern linux03:43
n00pthat didn't seem to do anything03:43
yabootrying to install packages and getting ldconfig not found03:43
orgullocachanillIt is time to put those Haitian jigaboos in their place!  No matter how many times the civilized world donates money, opens schools, rebuilds their nation, and holds their little monkey paws, the damn niggers can never get it right.  They never will!  The same goes for New Orleans!  Cancun in Mexico suffered few fatalities after their major hurricane, and the rebuilding is already completed.  What have the niggers in New Orleans done? If you a03:43
orgullocachanillre sick of this, join Chimpout Forum! http://www.chimpout.com/forum03:43
FloodBot3orgullocachanill: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:44
[BT]BrendanYeah But I awnt to be able to plug it in to other peoples computers on the go as I'll be away from home for the large part of the next 2 years03:44
n00pI'm just gonna reboot03:44
chad_Dr_willis: that sucks why does microsoft do stuff like that and some of the blogs and forums i have seen say it runs ok but i don't know how old they are03:44
psycho_oreos!ops orgullocachanill spamming crap03:44
greezmunkeyn00p, When youre PC os off, check the torque on the screws03:44
Dr_Willischad_:  because its MS. they lose $ on consoles.. make $ on games.03:45
[BT]Brendanand the idea of using things made by microsoft... *shivers*03:45
nrDDwi, no nothing was installed on the HDD, and it's the only HDD in the system03:45
nrI just put three partitions on it and put an ext3 filesys on one partition and I can read and write files03:45
DDwinr, your on 9.10 ?03:45
nrBut the fdisk -l you saw was with all partitions deleted03:45
nrYes, I just downloaded 9.10 yesterday.03:45
chad_it is my stepsons xbox i wanted to make it perform better i personally won't buy anything from them anymore03:45
onetinsoldieryaboo: what output do you get from the following command? --> dpkg -l libc-bin03:46
nrDDwi, I also tried 'sudo partman' but it doesn't see the disk either03:46
Dr_Willischad_:  better off buying a low end pc to run linux on if you want a computer.03:46
jacob__hi. How do I use Samba?03:46
Dr_Willis!samba | jacob__03:46
ubottujacob__: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:46
yabooonetinsoldier: libc-bin version none03:46
DDwinr, hmm thats odd, what about gparted in your system -> administration -> menue03:47
Dr_Willisjacob__:  its also documuneted in the 'samba-doc' package. (3 books in there) :)03:47
nrDDwi, I'll check it out; let you know in a mo03:47
onetinsoldieryaboo: are you able to install that package by chance? i don't know that you will be able to, but try --> sudo apt-get install libc-bin03:47
chad_dr_willis that makes sense and i have a computer with linux but with three children fighting over the internet i wanted to put a third machine with online capabillities in the house for very little money ie free03:47
Dr_Willischad_:  you still need xbox -> usb adaptors. to use normal keyboard/mice I belive.03:48
nrDDwi, gparted comes up and sees all three partitions with a nice graphical display03:48
yabooonetinsoldier: getting unmet dependencies03:48
onetinsoldieryaboo: ok, sounds good03:48
Dr_Willischad_:  there might be some xbox soft mods out. but i dont pay attention to xbox mod info any more03:48
DDwinr, but sudo fdisk -l doesn't display the partitions?03:49
nrDDwi, revised output from fdisk -l at http://pastebin.com/d82f427c03:49
nrYou'll see the partitions03:49
crombHello, I have an issue with SSH users connecting to my server without requesting a shell/executing a command.  I have tried using the ForceCommand option in sshd_config but this still doesn't appear to force these users to load their shell.03:49
DDwinr,  ah that looks better, you can boot into that or that is just what you've done manually?03:49
crombeep hit enter a bit early, would anyone have any suggestions on another way to force ssh clients to load a shell =|03:49
nrDDwi, that's just what I've done manually03:50
chad_dr_willis: i don't know if it works both ways but i bought a cheep usb cord and cut it in half and cut the plug off the xbox remote and soldered color to color and it works for games on the computer i think the reverse would have the same effect03:50
nrI can't get the installer to acknowledge that the disk or the partitions exist03:50
nrDDwi, I haven't tried any kind of manual install; I was hoping to run the installer.03:50
DDwinr, is this a SATA hdd?03:50
nrDDwi, yes it is.03:51
PrototypeX29Ais firefox's spell checling related to it's preferred languages in any way?03:51
nrDDwi, the box has an IDE optical drive and the one SATA HDD03:51
jacob__Can someone explain to me how I use Wine?03:51
jacob__I just installed it.03:51
chad_dr_willis: ms doesn't even support the original anymore they should make a cheep bios reformat disk03:51
nrjacob__, if you get an exe file, like an installer, you can run 'wine install.exe'03:52
onetinsoldierjacob__: i think one of the first things you do is set it up with the command 'winecfg'03:52
DDwinr, what does df -h show?03:52
nrjacob__, yes 'winecfg' is good too03:52
Dr_Willischad_:  yea.. right... and they should open source Dos While you are waiting for that to happen...03:52
jacob__so basically03:52
jacob__1. Download installer .exe to desktop03:52
jacob__2. Open terminal + wine install-program-here.exe03:53
chad_dr_willis: ms is so money hungry i'm supprised they haven't done that03:53
Snowy09how do i compleatly erase the hard drive03:53
Berzerkeris anyone using Chromium on linux?03:54
Dr_WillisBerzerker:  The google chome browser works very well here.03:54
Berzerkerunder wine?03:55
iWolfIm using VirtualBox, And I have my window maximized (not-fullscreen) and it is still kind of small03:55
Dr_WillisSnowy09:  use gparted delete the partitions.. or use 'dd'03:55
iWolfAnyway to make it bigger03:55
Dr_WillisBerzerker:  why use it in wine?03:55
Berzerkeroh well how else can you run Google Chrome?03:55
Dr_WillisBerzerker:  err.. google has a linux native port.03:55
Berzerkerthey do?03:55
nrDDwi, see http://pastebin.com/d6f18cd78 for df -h (I have not mounted anything from /dev/sda)03:55
Dr_Willisfor several months now i think03:55
Dr_WillisBerzerker: for several months now i think03:55
pilif12pcan i do something like "locate" but just for dirs?03:56
Berzerkeroh wow they do03:56
BerzerkerI'm sold :D03:56
greezmunkeyChromium they call it I think03:56
Dr_WillisBerzerker:  the deb from google installs/setsup a repo for them03:56
Berzerkergreezmunkey, chromium is the OS project that Google Chrome is based off of03:56
nrBerzerker: google chrome native linux works pretty well except for PDFs03:56
vocxiWolf, perhaps you need to install something called "Guest additions"; it's a virtual CD that is inside the virtual machine, which installs better support for the mouse and screen. Then you may be able to maximize it fully. I can confirm this because I don't have virtualbox currently installed, but I've done it in the past.03:57
Berzerkernr, thanks03:57
iWolfI've got the "disk"03:57
iWolfWhat now?03:57
greezmunkey Berzerker, cool w/me I don't use it anyway!03:57
crombdoes anyone know how to force ssh clients to run their shell03:57
Berzerkergreezmunkey, lol03:57
DDwinr, next step is to re-run the installer and keep an eye on /var/log/messages on the command line something like tail -30 /var/log/messages should do it03:57
vocxiWolf, you should be able to mount it and run it inside the virtual machine.03:58
nrOK, will run and check the logs with tail -f03:58
onetinsoldierpilif12p: you might want to use the 'find' command. you might also check this out --> http://www.kbrandt.com/2008/06/pygnomefind-gui-frontend-to-gnu-find.html03:58
kindofabuzzwoohoo ssl freenode :)03:58
kindofabuzzhmm i see no one typing. pm me if you see me04:00
onetinsoldierkindofabuzz: i see you04:00
iWolfvocx: Alright, I double click the VBoxAddtionsLinux-x86.run file, and how do I run it through administrator privliges04:00
Dr_Williskindofabuzz:  i  dont see you04:00
gooraang_i see you04:00
kindofabuzzthere is goes. ok, carry on04:00
seanbrystoneWhats the difference of Ubuntu Software Center and Synaptic package manager?04:00
onetinsoldierlol Dr_Willis :-)04:00
kindofabuzzseanbrystone, the GUI04:01
iWolfseanbrystone: Ubuntu Software Center Is Guided Towards Noobs :P, Synpatic is for linux junkies04:01
vocxkindofabuzz, dude you just arrived, what were you expecting? A ton of hellos? What's with SSL anyway, who cares?04:01
seanbrystonehehe ok ty guys04:01
vocxiWolf, eeeh, junkies use the command line?04:01
kindofabuzzvocx, dude, no, SSL ftw04:01
iWolfWell, yea, semi-junkie then :L04:02
kindofabuzzsudo aptitude for the junkies04:02
iWolfapt-get/synpatic for semi04:02
vocxiWolf, the file that you mentioned, is it outside the virtual machine (host) or inside (guest)?04:02
iWolfThere is a disk on my desktop04:02
PrototypeX29Ai tried to ask a question in #firefox, but it says i can't write there, though the channel is not set to be moderated. Why is that?04:02
FloodBot3iWolf: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:02
Dr_Willis!register | PrototypeX29A04:03
ubottuPrototypeX29A: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode04:03
nrDDwi, messages at http://pastebin.com/d2d118872  and /var/log/partman at http://pastebin.com/d2c85e70d04:03
kindofabuzzPrototypeX29A, you probably have to registered with NickServ04:03
Dr_WillisPrototypeX29A:  or they got it mod'd right now due to attacks/spambots.04:03
PrototypeX29ADr_Willis: that may help, thanks04:03
PrototypeX29Ait does04:03
DDwinr, are you using raid?04:03
nrDDwi, I suppose I could try rebooting the live CD with the 'nodmraid' option, although this sounds dubious...04:04
iWolfNo, nickserv is still here04:04
vocxiWolf, so, you are running a virtual Ubuntu inside, right?04:04
nrDDwi, if I'm using RAID it's not on purpose --- the motherboard is brand new and has unfamiliar BIOS04:04
iWolfYes @ vocx04:04
nrDDwi, let me look at the kernel boot messages and see if there's anything about mdadm04:05
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DDwinr, think you've figured out whats going on now, next step would be to hit the bios ect..ect..04:05
vocxiWolf, well, so make it executable "chmod u+x file.bin", and then run it "./file.bin"   I assume you know your root password inside, in case you need root privileges with "sudo".04:06
=== Matir_ is now known as Matir`
rwtCan anyone here help me with my " no sound problems "04:07
rwt am running kerenl
rwtI have been trying to fix it for about a week...04:08
gartral|phey all, whats the command to force a disk check on next reboot?04:08
PrototypeX29Ahas ubuntu some spell checking installed with firefox, which is not standard?04:08
=== Matir_ is now known as Matir`
ranjanhello every body can any body can help me with fstab editing with fmask and dmask values04:09
vocxrwt, asking vague questions won't help you. You need to ask your question once and then repeat it in intervals.04:09
nrDDwi, there's a 'dmraid(8)' command with a zillion options04:09
nr'm hitting the man page to look for info on turning it off04:09
nrIt definitely detects /dev/sda as a RAID device.04:09
nrThousand thanks for your help!!!!04:10
DDwinr,  i'd do what the error message suggested, when you boot the live cd, type in the option noraid04:10
vocxrwt, also, you are using a development version. This channel is for stable releases only. You should go to #ubuntu+104:10
DDwinr, yea :) have fun04:10
ranjanhello every body can any body can help me with fstab editing with fmask and dmask values as i am not able to figer it out what values should i go for an ntfs part which i am using for samba share ... with the network04:10
Dr_Willisranjan:  i did it once ages ago for shareing a ntfs over samba.. but  I dont recall what i had to do.04:11
ranjanDr_Willis : i tried to asign the values  by folowing an guide in the community centre i mean to say by referring documentation but i am not able to figer out the exact values ... as after reborting i found my d drive that i want to share on network was not showing up in my linux box so  i am looking out for that particular values ... so that i can assign it ...04:15
Dr_Willis'not showing up' is proberly a different issue then  the dmask/umask values bein wrong04:15
Dr_Willisive had samba shares on wiondows machines not 'show' up - untill i used the ip# of the server not its name. (not sure why)04:16
Dr_Willisenabling the wins server feature on the linux box seemed to helped that issue04:16
greezmunkeyDr_Willis, It would...04:17
Dr_WillisI still have some windows machines that i can 'see' some times but not others..  could be they are on the wireless lan.04:17
ranjanDr_Willis : ya i agree with you .. so i am looking for some more elobrate explationation on this issue on internet so that i can get an clear idea .. on this topic .. so that i can use it in much better way .. ;)04:18
Dr_Willisfor me samba seems tobe more flakey now a days then it was 2 years ago. :)04:18
Dr_Willisbut windows is also doing more weird stuff as well04:18
Dr_Willisand toss in wireless and various firewall 'features' it gets even worse04:18
greezmunkeyranjan: Check this: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/create-a-samba-user-on-ubuntu/04:19
Dr_Willisranjan:  yea i always add a samba password for each of my linux users. :)04:19
Dr_Willismy username on linux and windows are the same. :) so i dont need the last part of that guide04:20
greezmunkeyDr_Willis, :)04:21
ranjangreezmunkey: thanks for that information .. but i have chaked that page earlier but it is not explaining any thing regarding those values ... on which i am looking for .. any way thanks04:21
Blue1Dr_Willis: so you use b1ll/gat3s then?04:21
Snowy09how on earth do i play games on here windows games04:22
Blue1Snowy09: wine....04:22
Dr_Willis!wine | Snowy0904:22
ubottuSnowy09: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu04:22
Dr_Willis!appdb | Snowy0904:22
ubottuSnowy09: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help04:22
greezmunkeyranjan: ok then... Check this: http://oreilly.com/catalog/samba/chapter/book/index.html04:23
ekimWill Final Fantasy online game play on linux?  Is there a linux version of the game?04:23
Snowy09i have wine04:23
vocxekim, I doubt it very much04:24
ekimjust wondered...04:24
vocxSnowy09, ekim playing windows games is not trivial. There a different success stories. But never go into linux thinking you can play games.04:24
lithper2_i'm running a service on port 5000 as a non-root user. netstat tells me that the port is in LISTEN mode. however, when i run nmap to check if the port is opened,  it says the port is closed. from what i researched, ubuntu doesn't block any ports. any ideas?04:24
Snowy09its frustrating04:25
Jimmy7830do u have the port right?04:25
Snowy09i need help04:25
Dr_WillisSnowy09:  wine game.exe   wiorks for me :) depends on the game04:25
Dr_Willisekim:  i belive FF online is mentioned in the wine app database.04:26
ekimyeah, didnt have much luck with Wine and FF in the past.04:27
Dr_WillisFinalFantasyOnline - what a game. :)  i bet the fishing bots are still in the same spots...04:29
Qweyzarhello world04:29
Vovka_leninïåðâûé ðàç â irc, çäåñü ïðîñòî êàê â ÷àòå îáùàòüñÿ? è îáÿçàòåëüíî íà èíãëèøå?04:29
=== levis is now known as sivel
airtonixSnowy09, helps if you mention the game, also #winehq is more appropriate for wine questions04:31
zakwilsonI'd like to temporarily stop pulseaudio. When I run 'pulseaudio -k' or 'killall pulseaudio', something respawns it after a few seconds. How can I prevent that?04:31
Jimmy7830move it so it cant find it then move it back later.04:32
JabberWalkiemake a small script that repeats the command every half second :)04:32
od3nanyone know why I cant seem to get linux to see my wireless adapter on my netbook04:32
greezmunkeyzakwilson, possibly edit your rc files, there's a cool util for that but can't remember it now...04:33
zakwilsonAside from the heavy-handed approaches - both of which I'd already thought of. I want to know what, on a stock Ubuntu install respawns it.04:33
Snowy09i don't like ubuntu04:33
airtonixzakwilson, just a thought (killa pulseaudio actually kills it on my setup) but ... gnome-session-manager04:34
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airtonixSnowy09, you remind me of the conversations the supermutants in fallout 3 would have with each other04:34
codebxhey zakwilson, is there any other process name with pulse in it?  i see pulse-session, gconf-editor running in the pulse directory, and pulseaudio04:34
greezmunkeyzakwilson, check here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117487504:35
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Jimmy7830just delet ubuntu and install DSL04:35
codebxhey zakwilson , i did a "man pulseaudio" and it has a pulseaudio --kill option04:35
codebxso, i tried it, and pulseaudio did not restart04:36
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zakwilsoncodebx: when I do that, it restarts.04:38
codebxhmm, that's weird.  when i do ps axf | grep pulse, it doesnt have the /usr/bin/pulseaudio --start come up after I do the pulseaudio --kill04:39
codebxbut there is still a pulse-session launched with gnome-session04:39
codebxoh you're right.  dang04:40
codebxi'll see if i can find something :)04:40
Snowy09wat is play on linix04:41
resurgamim having trouble connecting to my computer through ssh remotely, the port is open in the router and forwarded correctly and i can ssh locally so i know the server is start..04:41
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resurgamall i get is connection refused04:41
Blue1resurgam: you're using port 22, right?04:42
Blue1resurgam: and you can ping the other computer?04:42
Blue1resurgam: and you installed openssh-server on the machine?04:43
resurgamyes and yes04:43
* Blue1 thinks...04:43
resurgamssh localhost connects just fine04:44
Blue1resurgam: have you tried connecting to the remote machine using the ip address?04:44
Blue1marisa: you are correct we'll take offline thanks04:45
gunvaldhi all, what's the casual ubuntu-chat? I have fortotten the name.04:45
Blue1resurgam: let's pm the rest...04:45
jolarenHow do I make gdm to stop autorun on my server? I needed it for the isntallation of mythtv backend but not anymore04:45
vocxgunvald, #ubuntu-offtopic04:46
gunvaldvocx: thanks!04:46
|ntegra|can you please help me with my syntax? I'd like to dd if=01.mp3 02..03..04..etc of=/dev/sdb/Music/04:47
vocx|ntegra|, do you want to copy *.mp3 files to a different directory?04:48
|ntegra|yes, but dd will write to a unmounted disk, and at bs=4096 goes faster04:49
Snowy09can anyone tell me wat playonlix is04:49
Snowy09can anyone tell me wat playonlinx is04:50
niallm90do you mean playonlinux?04:50
ekimnite all04:50
niallm90PlayOnLinux (POL) is a tool to help Linux users run games and programs for Windows on Linux, via the use of (as a front-end for) Wine.04:51
niallm90google next time =P04:51
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* [J]ustin - [ is away ] [ Reason: Activate IdleAway: 60 min ]04:51
philHow to play the sound in chrome'  flash?04:52
Dr_Willis|ntegra|:  i think you Are totally missusing dd with that last command..  and cp should be as fast as fancy dd stuff04:52
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vocx!away > [J]ustin04:53
ubottu[J]ustin, please see my private message04:53
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saganbyteCan I use a .xpm icon in the Applications menu dropdown instead of .svg?04:54
philI don't know how to set04:55
macman_question .. i have 5 vob files and i want to make them into 1 movie04:55
macman_do i just cat them all to 1 file ?04:55
airtonix!info devede | macman_04:55
ubottumacman_: devede (source: devede): simple application to create Video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.14.0-0ubuntu5 (karmic), package size 1518 kB, installed size 3560 kB04:56
macman_airtonix: i dont like devedee04:56
airtonixmacman_, best option unfortunatly.04:56
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macman_airtonix: so i can't can't vob files to 1 vob ?04:56
Blue1macman_: I use windows dvd shrink running under wine - because it's simple...but don't tell anyone.04:56
airtonixmacman_, you want to collate ?04:56
macman_airtonix: yes04:56
macman_right now i just did a comamnd i think it will work04:57
|ntegra|bummer, because i've got a horrible mp3player with crappy disk formatting that I don't know how to fix04:57
macman_i use wine also Blue104:57
LizardK|ngxchat was blue, who said my name?04:57
macman_i use wine also Blue104:57
Blue1macman_: I have found dvdshrink (windows version) to be much simpler then the linux version, or k9copy which has no documentation04:57
macman_Blue1: but it won't join vobs04:58
macman_thats all i want to do04:58
airtonixmacman_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68286904:58
Berzerkeranyone here use chrome?04:58
Blue1macman_: what do you mean by join vobs?  you mean concatenate into one file?04:58
airtonixmacman_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4238499&postcount=604:58
BerzerkerI can't get bookmarks sync to work04:58
Blue1alrighty then04:58
electragicianBerzerker the Dev channel has working bookmark sync, but otherwise the Dev Channel version is highly unstable on my machine05:00
Berzerkerelectragician, according to google, 4.0.249+ should work, but it doesn't05:00
electragicianAh, I'll take your word on it... but I'm running Beta Channel and do not have sync05:02
electragicianBut I did have it in the badly broken dev channel version I tried this morning :D05:02
jolarenHow do I edit startup services in my ubuntu server? I really want to remove GDM from autostarting05:02
Snowy09do i need a cd rom to play games for playonlinix05:03
blakkheimjolaren: aptitude install sysv-rc-conf05:03
xanguajoralen: uninstall gdm¿¿05:03
jolarenxangua; I need x for ssh -X forwarding05:04
xanguaBerzerker: i barely use chromium but xmarks is an addon what sync bookmarks in firefox, chromium/chrome, safari and explores :S05:04
electragicianXmarks is horked in Chrome right now05:05
electragicianI get constant "Undefined" in all the settings05:05
Berzerkerxangua, xmarks has bugs05:05
Dr_Willisjolaren:  in 9.10 its started from upstart via the /etc/init/gdm.conf file I belive05:05
Dr_Willisjolaren:  rename gdm.conf to be gdm.DONTRUN_conf  or similer05:05
electragicianI read that the dev channel + xmarks = worked fine05:05
xanguajoralen then activate automatic enter05:06
Dr_WillisSnowy09:  it depends on the game05:06
electragicianAnd it may, but it kept crashing too much to be usable :D05:06
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jolarenDr_Willis; I see, how would that work with ssh -X forwarding?05:06
bullgardWhat is the function of the Firefox plugin "NoScript"?05:06
* Dr_Willis restates that in 9.10 GDM is not ran by the sysv init scripts.. but by the upstart /etc/init/gdm.conf script (normally)05:07
Dr_Willisjolaren:  You dont need gdm to do x forwarding.05:07
ninjaslimare there any multimedia-related compatibility issues with ubuntu 64-bit05:07
Dr_Willisto enable XDMCP perhaps.. but not X forwarding05:07
kthomas_vh_bullgard, it prevents .js from randomly being used on any site05:07
kthomas_vh_thus securing your site05:07
Dr_Willisninjaslim:  none that ive ever noticed05:07
kthomas_vh_I have root via ssh on a new server05:08
bullgardkthomas_vh_: Thank you for commenting.05:08
kthomas_vh_how to enable VNC or other remote console?05:08
kthomas_vh_^ link fine :)05:08
candycan i instal ubuntu through i386??05:08
ninjaslimDr_Willis: what about flash and adobe acrobat reader05:08
Dr_Willisninjaslim:  i have no issues05:08
pmcnabbkthomas_vh_: NX is pretty nice05:09
ninjaslimDr_Willis: there are 64-bit versions of each or do you need to use nspluginwrapper05:09
* Dr_Willis wonders when acrobat reader became 'multimedia-related' :)05:09
* airtonix wonders too and rages05:09
Dr_Willisninjaslim:  i just use whats in the repos - no fancy tricks05:09
candyDr_Willis, can u plz tell me if i can install ubuntu 9.10 with i386?05:09
ninjaslimDr_willis: ahh i see05:09
jolarenDr_Willis; I need it for mythtv05:09
Dr_Williscandy:  a 386 would require the 32bit ubuntu. so it should work05:10
=== Xoni[TV] is now known as Xonique
Dr_Willisor are you stateing the cpu is some OLD x386 cpu?05:10
candyi have that in flash drive.. i dont know how to install it through flash drive05:10
Dr_Williscandy:  i use unetbootin or other ways tomake bootable instll media from flash drives05:11
KiRiLoSI am using Firefox 3.6.The thing is that it takes like 20 seconds to launch.I had the same issue since the initial OS install with firefox 3.5.Any ideas?05:11
candyDr_Willis, i didnt get u05:11
blakkheimKiRiLoS: firefox is bloated. ubuntu's binary of firefox is bloated. you're probably not using an ssd. all these factor in to slow startup05:12
narretgrezHi, i'm back with another question05:12
jolarenDr_Willis; What was it that I should rename?05:12
narretgrezIs it possible to chmod a folder so that it is permanently 777 and all objects created within it is 77705:12
kindofabuzzKiRiLoS, try it in safe mode05:12
Dr_Williscandy:  you make a bootable flash drive with unetbootuin and boot from it05:12
narretgrezi'm having this inexplicable problem where some generated avatars are not of the right permission setting05:13
KiRiLoSblakkheim i have to wait like 15 secs,that cant be right.I am launching Chrome 15 times faster :P05:13
blakkheimKiRiLoS: i just explained it05:13
KiRiLoSkindofabuzz Any instructions?05:13
=== mattg_ is now known as Biohazard
kindofabuzzKiRiLoS,  firefox -safe-mode05:13
candyDr_Willis, what is unetbootuin?? command or application?05:13
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:13
DaZKiRiLoS: prelink, preload05:13
KiRiLoSkindofabuzz ok thanx05:13
ussernarretgrez, technically its possible, but not for a single folder05:13
bullgardkthomas_vh_: Where to fetch the plug-in "NoSript" from?05:13
kindofabuzzKiRiLoS, http://forums.mozillazine.org for all your Mozilla problems05:13
narretgrezusser: what is possible?05:14
kthomas_vh_bullgard, google it?05:14
kindofabuzzKiRiLoS, if all good in safe mode then your problem is some addon or theme. usually05:14
ussernarretgrez, change the permissions that way, but it will affect all the newly created files not just files in that folder05:14
KiRiLoSkindofabuzz nope,it's still slow,as a matter of fact it is not open yet...05:15
DaZKiRiLoS: any output?05:15
KiRiLoSkindofabuzz its a default install,no way its a theme or addon.Since day 1 was like this,i didnt have time to fix it,so i used chrome right away05:15
IdleOnebullgard: click on Tools>Addons and search for noscript05:15
KiRiLoSDaZ no05:15
kindofabuzzKiRiLoS, do this, firefox -P, make a new profile, call it test or something05:15
KiRiLoSonly think i get is this05:16
KiRiLoSreturned PAC proxy string: direct05:16
KiRiLoSbut i guess its just loosy proxy settings05:16
KiRiLoSi'll check em out05:16
bullgardIdleOne: Thank you very much for your help.05:17
narretgrezusser: that's what i'm looking for actually05:17
user123how can I know which audio card I have on my desktop?05:17
narretgrezusser: liek a permanent stamp on a foler05:17
narretgrezusser: to make all tihngs a certain permission and ownership05:17
KiRiLoSkindofabuzz new profile didnt help05:17
albechuser123, lspci05:17
kindofabuzzKiRiLoS, do this, firefox -P, make a new profile, call it test or something, yeah go to forums.mozillazine.org, plenty off FF help there05:17
NotTooSmartuser123: lspci | grep audio ?05:17
kindofabuzzKiRiLoS, didn't mean to send all that again05:18
ruienis there a way to reconfigure the options set when I first ran  "aptitude install linux-image-generic"? I am specifically trying to modify the kernel command line (using GRUB. /boot/grub/grub.conf does not exist)05:18
KiRiLoSkindofabuzz thing is i hate forums.I'll just keep stalking for an answer @ #firefox05:18
IdleOnebullgard: you're welcome05:18
ussernarretgrez, for group ownership you can use a group sticky bit, ie chown -R user:commonGroup /dir &&  chmod g+s -R /dir05:18
ussernarretgrez, but for 777 perm to stick im not sure how to do that05:19
narretgrezusser thank you, i just needed to know that it was possible05:19
narretgreztime to go googling =)05:19
jimisrvroxhey folks I am trying to get my rt2500 to work but when I pull up dmesg I get: [   47.113489] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan2: link is not ready05:19
Myke516I have a question about Dual booting windows XP and Ubuntu... when Ubuntu 10.04LTS (Lynx) comes out in April, I plan on upgrading (waiting about a month for any possible bug fixes), but will i still be able to boot into windows after the upgrade (using the UPGRADE option in the package manager)05:19
Dr_WillisMyke516:  err.. of course.05:20
Dr_Williswhy would a upgrade make it  not able to dual boot?05:20
ruienMyke516: yes; you can configure your GRUB bootloader to give you the option of which operating system to boot05:20
Myke516not sure... I just get nervous about it, it took me a really long time to set up the dual boot i got going on now05:21
Myke516i just dont want to mess it up05:21
t_dsunnhelp! has anyone had this problem? I'm on karmic and can't access my router config page via
Dr_WillisHmm.. seting up dual boot is rather trivial most of the time05:21
NotTooSmartubuntu wont break booting to a windows install, but windows will break booting ubuntu .........05:21
IdleOneMyke516: there should not be any problems with the upgrade. To be sure backup your important files just in case.05:21
melow01hey folks, I'm trying to unzip a tarball and I'm getting the error "gzip: stdin: not in gzip format". Any advice?05:22
ruient_dsunn: does "route -n" show as your gateway?05:22
user123where can I download the windows driver for ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)? I am running virtualbox to run windows but I cannot have audio in there05:22
Myke516yeah, i did the windows install first then ubuntu and got it on the second try (first time i hit the option "use largest free space" and its failed05:22
onetinsoldiermelow01: what are you using to try and unpack the tarball?05:22
codebxuser123, did you install the virtualbox guest additions?05:22
NotTooSmartMyke516: installing windows first is always best05:23
Dr_WillisMyke516:  partition the hd's to leave part unallocated -  that saves time.05:23
Myke516but i got it going on now, although on the boot screen it gives me the option to load into older kernels of Linux05:23
Dr_WillisMyke516:  or use 2 seperate hard driges05:23
melow01onetinsoldier, sudo tar xfvz Vuze_Installer.tar.bz205:23
ultraparadigmIs there an autio mixer that will allow me to add reverb effects to my microphone inputs?05:23
NotTooSmartMyke516: that is normal incase a new kernel does not work for you....05:23
user123codebx, I have no idea :(05:24
user123codebx, probably I didnt05:24
onetinsoldiermelow01: try --> sudo tar -jxvf Vuze_Installer.tar.bz05:24
melow01ultraparadigm, Audadcity is a very popular audio editor/mixer but I don't know which plugins come with it05:24
codebxuser123, boot windows under virtualbox and click devices -> install guest additions05:24
melow01onetinsoldier, cool, I'll try it05:24
codebxand it'll install the drivers for your mouse, audio, network, etc05:24
onetinsoldiermelow01: you need the 'j' option instead of the 'z' option because it's a bzip2 tarball, not a gzip tarball05:24
ultraparadigmThanks melow0105:25
onetinsoldiermelow01: roger. good luck. cheers05:25
melow01onetinsoldier, ahhhh, that helps!05:25
t_dsunn@ruien http://pastebin.com/m2df45f4d that's the output of route -n, as you can see is my gateway but the destination is
melow01onetinsoldier, i'm trying to learn terminal05:25
onetinsoldiermelow01: roger :-)05:25
user123codebx, is it in control panel?05:26
NotTooSmartMyke516: make a copy of grub by using sudo cp /etc/grub /wherever/you/want05:27
ruient_dsunn: that looks good.. although you don't have a localhost entry, which is strange. Anyway, can you ping
Dr_Willis!info unp05:27
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (karmic), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB05:27
codebxuser123, in the virtual box application itself, there is a menu bar at the top that says "Machine", "Devices", "help" once you have your guest operating system booted.  You just click "Devices -> Install Guest Additions"05:27
Myke516ok sounds good Nottoo05:27
Myke516thank you all, Thanks again Dr. Willis05:28
spweltongot a (hopefully) simple question on python, anyone here speak python?05:28
NotTooSmartMyke516: err, /boot/grub/grub.cfg05:28
t_dsunnruien: yea ping is responding fine, i just can't get into my config page :-/ i'm assuming thus far that this is porbably a hardware specific issue because my internet connection/sharing over my local network works fine05:28
melow01ultraparadigm, sure thing.  Ubuntu Studio has a bunch of audio apps too05:28
Prodegospwelton: #python05:28
user123codebx, I installed it, but It didnt do anything, I think I need to get the audio driver because the card is not detected05:32
spweltonProdego:  thanks05:32
ruient_dsunn: hmm, what about "telnet 80"  .. in otherwords, can you at least connect to its http server?05:32
sudiptahow i enable visual effect in ubuntu 8.0405:33
codebxuser123, virtualbox has an emulated set of hardware (audio, network, etc) so you don't have to get specific drivers for your actual hardware; you just use the guest additions05:33
codebxuser123, you should reboot after you install the guest additions, and see if your audio works then05:33
user123codebx, I already did it, but it doesnt work :(05:33
codebxuser123, i failed you... oh noes D:05:34
user123codebx, well, thank you, I appreciate your help05:34
codebxuser123, does it say there's no playback audio device when you try and play sounds or what happens?05:34
user123codebx, exactly05:34
TLUL0.0 there are a lot of people in here </offtopic>05:34
codebxuser123, just to clarify, your normal operating system (host) is ubuntu, and you're running windows via virtualbox, right? i can help you research for a few minutes05:35
TLULIs this channel being affected by the spambots?05:35
t_dsunnruien: telnet is connecting no problem...05:35
user123codebx, that is correct05:35
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codebxuser123, which version of windows do you have installed? 64bit/32? xp/7/vista/etc05:36
ruient_dsunn: that's strange then.. i don't know what to tell you. You can telnet to port 80 but firefox can't connect to the router config page... ?05:36
sudiptahey,is there nobody??05:36
jolarenI burned a usb stick along time ago, I want to know if its x64 or 32bits on it, can i check that somehow?05:36
IdleOne!compiz | sudipta05:37
ubottusudipta: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz05:37
user12332, 7 on x64 architecture05:37
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user123codebx, 32, 7 on x64 architecture05:37
onetinsoldierjolaren: you mean how can you tell if you boot into the linux that's on the usb stick?05:37
jolarenonetinsoldier; yer05:38
codebxhey user123, im going to private message you05:38
t_dsunnruien: yea i was googling around earlier and found a couple threads with the same problem and no resolution from various releases, none that were 9.1 specific though so i figured i'd try on here. thanks for your help anyways05:38
user123codebx, allright :)05:38
sudiptaubottu:i have tried that even used restricted drivers.but could not help it05:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:38
jolarenonetinsoldier; Whatever, I'm just installing now05:38
oraqolubottu: i love u05:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:38
FoolishOwlI'm having trouble with networking. I can't browse web pages via a wired connection to a router. I can ping remote servers, though. Wireless works fine. And wired works fine in Windows 7.05:38
onetinsoldierjolaren: roger. this command will show it --> uname -m05:38
greezmunkeyloFoolishOwl, if ping google.com fails, check your DNS settings05:39
Dr_WillisFoolishOwl:  try browsing based on teh sites ip address not name. if ip# works - then it points to a DNS issue05:39
Dr_WillisSomeone needs to make a 'network trouble shooting flow chart' :)05:39
greezmunkeyDr_Willis, there is one, the OSI05:40
popCis anyone else having display problems in google earth?05:40
Dr_Willisif ping google.com fails  ..... :)05:40
thinkertinkerpopC yes05:40
Dr_WillispopC:  ive never noticed any issues withit.05:41
FoolishOwlDr_Willis, I think I've tried that, but I should double check. I've been trying a lot of things with changing DNS servers, and that's not helped.05:41
thinkertinkerthe map part in google earth kind of flickers for me..popC05:41
caedhey i have a problem here05:41
greezmunkeyDr_Willis, OK I jumped to the application layer with that one, sorry :)05:41
popCive tried eveything the only thing not displaying is the globe05:41
Dr_Willisgreezmunkey:  :P05:41
popCsame here05:41
popCthats my problem05:41
popCthe globe flickers05:41
caedi had desktop effects enable with compiz on Gnome but i changed to xfce and now it doesn't work05:42
popCbut not a little it flickers like a broken strobe light05:42
Dr_Willisno fliuckering globe here.. compiz is enabled.. nvidia 8800gtsxxx video caard05:42
thinkertinkerpopC did you notice it happen with other apps too..05:42
popCno this is the first one05:42
FoolishOwlBe right back.05:42
caedcan you help me?05:42
popCmy vlc is fine gimp torrent guis05:43
=== t_dsunn is now known as dawsunn
jolarenDr_Willis; renaming the file did not stop GDM from starting05:43
popCim running 64 bit if that helps05:43
Dr_Willisjolaren:  check that theres no gdm* in /etc/init.d/rc2 also i guess  - thers been some people say that some how gdm got moved from upstart to sysv scripts05:43
sudiptaubottu:my video card is nvidia GeForce 7300 SE/7200 GS05:44
dublued2i'm having trouble installing ndiswrapper on karmic.  when i run this command "sudo ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf" it returns with "ndiswrapper:  command not found"05:44
Dr_Willisjolaren:  check that theres no gdm* in /etc/rc2.d i mean05:44
thinkertinkerpopC your hardware info may help others find the trouble...i am help less i havent solved this problem here yet05:44
ruienis there a way to reconfigure the options set when I first ran  "aptitude install linux-image-generic"? I am specifically trying to modify the kernel command line (I am using GRUB. /boot/grub/grub.conf does not exist)05:44
popClet me get my video card info05:44
FoolishOwlOkay, I couldn't connect to Web pages via IP address, so I suppose it isn't a DNS issue.05:45
popCati radeion05:46
thinkertinkersame here popC05:46
FoolishOwlFor instance, I tried and it said at the bottom, "waiting for slashdot.org," or something like that. But the page never loads.05:46
greezmunkeyFoolishOwl, have you tried traceroute yet?05:47
popCmost of the post on the google forms are about nvidias05:47
popCactually all of them05:47
sudiptawhat is dropbox05:47
FoolishOwlgreezmunkey, yes. I get pretty much the same results, regardless of how I connect. It's just that the Web page won't display.05:47
FoolishOwlI've tried Firefox and Epiphany, both.05:48
greezmunkeyFoolishOwl, so traceroute works?05:48
FoolishOwlI read a lot of references to issues with IPv6, but I don't think that's the issue, as I've tried all the suggested fixes.05:48
jolarenDr_Willis; /etc/init.d/rc2 is blank05:48
dublued2i'm having trouble installing ndiswrapper on karmic.  when i run this command "sudo ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf" it returns with "ndiswrapper:  command not found"05:48
futurama140can someone help me get WoW working? i just finally got a gcard that supports 3d in ubuntu, and now the game wants to lock up every time i try to start it.05:49
FoolishOwlgreezmunkey, yes, traceroute works.05:49
sargentoI just install Eclipse but I cannot create a "New Java Project"05:49
greezmunkeyFoolishOwl, how is your Inet connection set up?05:49
Phoxisin ubuntu 9.10 the desktop effects are not working, compiz fusion is installed05:49
blakkheimsargento: use vi instead05:49
Dr_Willisjolaren:  check that theres no gdm* in /etc/rc2.d i mean <-------------- I did a typo05:49
Phoxiswhat can be the problem05:49
tarskifuturama140: did you look at winehp05:50
Dr_Willisfuturama140:  check the wine app database and the 100000+ tips it has for that game.. GOOD luck05:50
futurama140tarski: no05:50
jolarenDr_Willis; both are blank05:50
sudiptaphoxis :i have the same problem with ubuntu 8.0405:50
futurama140tarski: i have no idea how wine works05:50
FoolishOwlI've tried watching the packets with wineshark, not that I'm particularly good with it, but I can't see anything going wrong.05:50
Dr_Willisjolaren:  the directory  /etc/rc2.d    is not empty - there should be a dozen or so files in there05:51
futurama140Dr_Willis: ill try and figure out how to do that. thanks05:51
sargentoPhoxis, try the command glxgears, you must see a gears moving, to see if you have correct your graphic configuration05:51
tarskifuturama140: http://appdb.winehq.org/05:51
Phoxisi think i should check if direct rendering is present05:51
tarskifuturama140: im playing WoW right now05:51
Phoxisthe graphics chip is onboard intel05:51
greezmunkeyFoolishOwl, try this: ping -s 1000 google.com - and see what happens.05:51
dawsunndublued2: i believe you are missing the apt-get command in between sudo and ndiswrapper05:52
dublued2dawsunn:  thanks.  i have installed ndiswrapper using "sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-common"05:52
FoolishOwlgreezmunkey: I've tried that before. Pinging the servers works.05:53
dublued2dawsunn:  it says command not found no matter how i run the ndiswrapper command05:53
sargentoblkkheim, I just installed Eclipse and I want to try it, any suggestion?05:53
xanguadublued2: try to install the gui: ndis-gtk ; and select the .inf manualy05:53
sargentoblakkheim, I just installed Eclipse and I want to try it, any suggestion?05:53
FlootenkerpHi, I'm dualbooting vista and ubuntu 9.04 right now. I installed ubuntu 9.04 with wubi, is there any way I can access its files through windows?05:53
ozzloywhen i leave my computer idle, the screen dims to black, but then resets to full brightness05:53
greezmunkeyFoolishOwl, please run ping -s 1000 google.com to see05:53
ozzloyhow do i fix that?05:53
happyfaceis flash beta better than stable in ubuntu?05:53
FoolishOwlgreezmunkey, I can do that, but I'll have to log out to do it. Can you tell me what I'm looking for?05:54
dublued2xangua:  i have tried that as well.  since the problem is with the ndiswrapper command... the gui does not work either05:55
jolarenAfter installing Ubuntu from live-cd I get "GRUB LOADING. error: unknown filesystem grub recue >05:55
greezmunkeyFoolishOwl, You could be running into a window problem. try with 1000, then 1200, then 1400 to see what you get, then let us all know!05:55
melow01onetinsoldier, I extracted my tarball to the local directory where it downloaded from the website, but I don't think I should always run it from that location05:55
greezmunkeyFoolishOwl, And I don't mean Windows!05:55
FoolishOwlOkay. Be right back.05:55
melow01onetinsoldier, where do most of the programs usually live in Ubuntu?05:55
Dr_Willismelow01:  for things installed for a single user in their home. it proberly dosent matter.05:56
Dr_Willismelow01:  unofficial/local stuff can often go in /opt/ if you want05:56
xanguamelow01: install from the repositories05:56
sudiptadoes virtualbox run mac os05:56
sargentodublue2, have you tried just typing the command without parameters to see if it is installed or not?05:56
melow01Dr_Willis, ok.  For exanple, where does Firefox live typically?05:56
melow01xangua, I'm trying to learn how to compile from source05:56
DaZajipubuntu: you can't! hahaha.05:57
dublued2sargento:  it says command not found and recommends for me to install ndiswrapper-common.  but it shows that it's installed in synaptic05:57
Dr_Willis!puregnome | ajipubuntu05:57
ubottuajipubuntu: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal05:57
dawsunnwhich is the appropriate channel to visit for questions concerning WINE?05:57
FlootenkerpHi, I'm dualbooting vista and ubuntu 9.04 right now. I installed ubuntu 9.04 with wubi, is there any way I can access its files through windows?05:58
Dr_Willismelow01:  whever it needs to.. this is not windows, :) theres no program files dir where everything gets tossed05:58
Dr_Willisdawsunn:  #windhq also is good.05:58
thinkertinkermelow01: you can get where a programs executable is by typing:which programname  eg: which firefox05:58
Dr_Willisdawsunn:  depends on the question05:58
Dr_Willisdawsunn:  #winehq also is good.05:58
Dr_Willis:) i typoed05:58
hiexpoDr_Willis, ? is there a program to make thumnails for ubuntu 9.1005:59
sudiptadoes virtualbox run mac os?05:59
Dr_Willishiexpo:  ive seen apps to make thumbnails befor.. depends on what you really want  i guess.05:59
sargentodublued2, it is happenning with other commands as well, for example, firefox?05:59
Dr_Willissudipta:  ive heard that virtualbox can run hacked/illeagle copies of os-x05:59
melow01Dr_Willis, ya, someone told me that programs in linux can run anywhere - which is cool.  I'd just like to know where things typically go in the linux os05:59
dawsunndr_willis: thanks, i'll ask over there. i tried to join channel wine and got kicked, jsut assumed that wasn't the righ tplace to be. apparently i needed an invite :-p05:59
hiexpoi just want to make thumbnails out of photos05:59
melow01thinkertinker, sweet06:00
Dr_Willis!register | dawsunn06:00
ubottudawsunn: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode06:00
dublued2sargento:  no, other commands work fine06:00
Dr_Willishiexpo:  check the repos to see what tools are there. I recall a kde app ages ago that did that  and made html index pages.. but thats been a LONG time ago06:00
Dr_Willishiexpo:  theres image command line tools also that can do batch operations on lots of images.  imagemagick  i think is one package06:01
jolarenWhat do I do if I misspelled my password twice during the installation of Ubuntu? Is tehre anyway to gain root access? I have automated login06:01
tiger_yes, misspell the password again ;)06:01
hiexpook kool06:01
Dr_Willisjolaren:  so you can login.. but not change your password.. :)06:02
FoolishOwlHello. So I had some odd results with pings.06:02
ajipubuntuThank you Dr_Willis!!06:02
=== ezfox1 is now known as ezfox
|_ockeanyone have any idea how i can get this generic gamepad to work? it's plugged into a game port on my sb live, and in, ,lspci i see 02:04.1 Input device controller: Creative Labs SB Live! Game Port (rev 07)06:02
jolarenDr_Willis; I choosed auto-login.. fucking a06:02
|_ockebut i can't find a device name for it06:02
FoolishOwlping -s 1500 google.com would seem to stop pinging from working for a while.06:02
azraelruDoes SVN able to go through SOCKS?06:02
futurama140i really have no idea where to begin troubleshooting the fatal error wow has when i try to start it. can someone help me?06:02
sargentodublued2, which distro are you using?06:02
Dr_Willis|_ocke:  using the old fashioned gamepad port? not usb?06:02
|_ockestraight up gameport06:02
tiger_depends on how you confugred svn client06:02
jolarenIs there no way to change my password now?06:03
dublued2sargento:  karmic 9.10... i think i figured it out... i may not have build-essential installed... checking that now06:03
Dr_Willis|_ocke:  You may need to manually load the proper module for the gamepad/port06:03
|_ockei have the emu10k1_gp module loaded06:03
Dr_Willisjolaren:  this is linux.. or COURSE thres a way.. proberly 10 ways06:03
azraelrutiger_: in means it can?06:03
FlootenkerpI'm dualbooting vista and ubuntu 9.04 right now. I installed ubuntu 9.04 with wubi, is there any way I can access its files through windows?06:03
sargentodublued2, Ok, please let us know about it06:03
|_ockeand the joydev module06:03
Dr_Willis|_ocke:  the gamepad module may also need to get loaded. those things dident always plug and play right06:03
dublued2sargento:  it was isntalled, so i guess that wasn't it06:03
Jokerhello guyz06:03
Dr_Willis|_ocke:  thers specifc modules for different gamepads06:03
FoolishOwlgreezmunkey, so does that sound like a window size problem?06:04
jolarenThis is how to change your password if you ever forget http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-3609.html06:04
Jokeris backtrack supported here ??06:04
jolarenFor anyone who cares06:04
silv3r_m00non ubuntu 9.10 kde , my microphone doesnt work06:04
|_ockeDr_Willis, it's a generic gamepad, probably gravis compatible06:04
dublued2sargento:  i have the same error as the person in the first post here:  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-156333.html06:04
|_ockethe brand name is "GAMEPAD!"06:04
silv3r_m00nits a dg35ec motherboard with hda-intel sound card(onboard) , what cud be the issue06:04
hiexpoJoker, - backtrack-linux06:04
=== matthew is now known as Guest54633
sargentodublued2, Have you tried Ubuntu Software Center?06:05
Dr_Willis|_ocke:  look in  /lib/modules/2.6.31-17-generic/kernel/drivers/input/joystick06:05
Jokerhiexpo, i have a Q 4 my backtrack final06:05
Guest54633I'm having trouble getting Exaile to play. I get "ImportError: No module named gst06:05
=== Guest54633 is now known as Matthew12
Dr_Willis|_ocke:  try loading ones that look  right.. :) or load them all I guess06:05
sargentondiswrapper, it appears available to install from Ubuntu Software Center06:05
dublued2sargento:  it shows it as installed06:05
Matthew12sorry, name change--- I'm having trouble getting Exaile to play. I get "ImportError: No module named gst06:06
hiexpoJoker, - yes that is the support channel for it backtrack-linux06:06
sargentodublued2, why don't you uninstall and install again?06:06
greezmunkeyFoolishOwl, sorry I missed your post..Please redo (thanks)06:06
Jokerok Ty bro... i just want 2 ask y my backtrack is not updating ???06:06
|_ockewhat's /dev/sr0?06:06
Dr_Willis|_ocke:  that would be the cdrom drive06:06
dublued2sargento:  i have tried that, but will do it again.  let's see what happens06:07
Jokerwenever i do update & upgrade it doesnt show any updates06:07
Dr_Willisajipubuntu:  and replace it with what exactly?06:07
|_ockei get some io errors in dmesg for sr006:07
Dr_Willisajipubuntu:  fire up package manager.. search for xfce.. remiove the parts... is one way06:07
sargentodublued2, Ok, I wait here, thanks06:07
xangua!caps | ajipubuntu06:07
ubottuajipubuntu: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:07
hiexpothey will help you there i know them all06:07
FoolishOwlgreezmunkey, I found that 1000 to 1400 were fine, but 1500, ping seemed to lock up. In fact, interrupting and trying again wouldn't work for a while.06:07
Dr_Willis|_ocke:  its reading the cdrom/drive if the disk is not formated or stuff it will say that06:08
thinkertinkerAny one has been to able to connect to internet using bluetooth via networkmanager?06:08
greezmunkeyFoolishOwl, no you're ok then. Packets usually (should) fail at 1500. Ping of death protection don't ya know!06:08
dublued2sargento:  shold i restart after installing before i reinstall?06:09
FoolishOwlgreezmunkey, okay. Any idea what the problem could be?06:09
sargentodublued2, I'm not quite sure but in Linux you don't supposed to, is not Win-does06:09
dublued2sargento:  reinstalling it worked06:09
greezmunkeyFoolishOwl, so Internet IP works, DNS resolves, and only your Browsers fail? Is that about it?06:10
sargentodublued2, excellent, congratulations!06:10
|_ockei wouldnt have to restart or something for the js0 device to show up would i?06:10
dublued2sargento:  thanks for the help.  unfortunately that doesn't fix my problem of trying to install a mini pci dell 1390 wireless card06:10
thinkertinkerFoolishOwl browser configured for proxies?06:10
Jokeri always get tis error --> Errors were encountered while processing:06:10
Joker /var/cache/apt/archives/kismet_2008-05-R1-4_i386.deb06:10
JokerE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)06:10
FoolishOwlgreezmunkey, that seems to be the case. I can't say I've tried every networking app.06:10
Jokerany solution guyz ??06:10
futurama140is there an IRC chat where i can get help for wine? i have no god damn clue how any of this works and reading technical manuals on websites all over the place isnt giving me any help at all06:10
greezmunkeythinkertinker, ooh, good question!06:11
Dr_Willisfuturama140:  wine basics..   'wine /path/to/gameinstaller.exe' and hope it works06:11
sargentodublued2, Did you look for it on the compatible list?06:11
greezmunkeythinkertinker, FoolishOwl did mention that he tried a couple of browsers though...06:11
FoolishOwlthinkertinker, Firefox is set to "use system proxy settings"06:11
futurama140Dr_Willis: it doesnt work. the game tries to start then the wow crash reporter says it has a fatal error.06:12
mynThere like a windows 7 theme for ubuntu?06:12
mynsomething that is more usable than the stock Human theme shit?06:12
Matthew12if anyone can get exaile working for me I will paypal you ten dollars.06:12
obiwan_hey guys :). i'm looking for a way to disable the keyboard for a time interval or until a keystroke combination, do you know any package to do this? it's for cleaning keyboard, kids 'playing' with my laptop safely...06:12
thinkertinkergreezmunkey sorry i dint see him mentioning..though06:12
dublued2sargento:  yes i will look into that, thank you.  i will reboot now.06:12
Dr_Willisfuturama140:  check teh wine app database to see what version of wine they suggest and what tweaks then.   thats the hard part of wine. You may need to install the latest wine.  or do some other wine config tweaks06:12
greezmunkeythinkertinker, no that's good, you guys take it from here, I'll sit back.06:12
sargentomyn, try Compiz Fusion06:12
xanguafuturama140: #winehq¿¿06:13
sargentodublued2, no problem, hope it works for you.06:13
futurama140Dr_Willis: i have no idea how to do any of that06:13
Dr_Willisfuturama140:  learn or stick to wow in windows i guess.06:13
=== knightrage_ is now known as knightrage
JokerHelp Me some1 :(06:13
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help06:13
FoolishOwlThe system setting for proxies is "direct internet connection"06:13
mynsargento: thanks06:13
Jokerhow 2 update system ???06:14
Jokerits not showing any updates06:14
mynwill Compiz Fusion work in a vm?06:14
sargentomyn, no problem, I'm sure you'll love it, its a lot better than Win-does06:14
candypen drive is not being detected in my ubuntu 9.10.... what to do??06:14
Dr_Willisfuturama140:  WoW is mentoned as the first game on teh wine app database. Its proberly the most tweaked/updated thing wine supports06:14
thinkertinkergreezmunkey ..the gnome-terminal uses gnome proxy settings right?then my solution is pointless..you go ahead06:14
sebsebsebcandy: I saw some of your stuff before, why can't you install from CD?06:14
Dr_Willis!info wine06:15
ubottuwine (source: wine): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (Binary Emulator and Library). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-0ubuntu8 (karmic), package size 7359 kB, installed size 54436 kB06:15
FoolishOwlOh, you were going to suggest using a proxy setting?06:15
greezmunkeyFoolishOwl, OK then... What browser are you wanting to use?06:15
sargentocandy, first make sure if Ubuntu detect it, run lsusb and see it.06:15
=== rainofkayos is now known as SolarisBoy
FoolishOwlgreezmunkey, mostly Firefox.06:15
Dr_Willisfuturama140:  it says they use wine 1.1.37    to run it -  The version in ubuntu is older. Install the newer wine from the winehq repos06:15
candyubuntu 9.10 is already installed in my laptop and working properly but its not detecting pen drive. it was doin a moment before06:16
greezmunkeyFoolishOwl, Beyond that, can you open Package Manager, and have it download something. You can check to download only (not install). Test that please06:16
candysargento, sebsebseb, it was ok before but now its not being detected...06:16
FoolishOwlOkay. I'll have to disconnect, though.06:16
Matthew12Can some one help me resolve ImportError: No module named gst? I will honestly paypal you 10 dollars if you pm me.06:16
greezmunkeyFoolishOwl, see you...06:17
sebsebsebcandy: ok I don't know, and good luck06:17
Jokerdo i need 2 change my resporities 2 a newly installed OS ??06:17
FoolishOwlOkay. BRB.06:17
sargentocandy, You can manually mount it, check sudo fdisk -l to find out which dev path is in and then mount it06:18
vishalparkarpl help on how to compile and execute c++ programs in Ubuntu06:18
candysargento, ok just a moment06:18
sargentocandy, Ok, please let me know06:18
vishalparkarpl help on how to compile and execute c++ programs in Ubuntu:)06:18
PrototypeX29Avishalparkar: try gcc06:19
psycho_oreosg++ actually06:19
vishalparkargcc not working for c++06:19
Prajwalwine: home/tiger/.wine not owned by you > erro06:19
xanguafrom what to what version do you want to update¿¿06:19
PrototypeX29Ai should, shouldn't it?06:19
Prajwalerror *06:19
candysargento, i m gettin '>' sign after the fdisk command06:19
Prajwalwhat do i do with it?06:19
xanguaJoker:  from what to what version do you want to update¿¿06:19
Dr_Willisvishalparkar:  g++ hello.C -o hello06:19
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!06:19
Jokeri installed backtrack, now my pc never shows any updates06:19
Dr_Willisvishalparkar:  http://www.intap.net/~drw/cpp/index.htm06:19
sargentocandy, type it yourself, SUDO FDISK -L for you not get confused06:20
|_ockeok so i found that i have /dev/input/js006:20
sargentocandy, but in lowercase06:20
Prajwalsargento any help in this regard!06:20
|_ockebut jstest sees it as 'mega world usb 2 axis 8 button gamepad) and none of the buttons seem to work in there06:20
candysargento, ok06:20
faileassargento: i was about to point that out06:20
Dr_Willis|_ocke:  do a cat /dev/input/js0 and wiggle the stick. :) if ya get output.. it works.. ctrl-c to stop it..06:20
MyrttiJoker: /join #remote-exploit - we don't support backtrack here06:21
|_ockenope i get nothing06:21
xanguaJoker: backtrack linux¿¿ this is ubuntu linux06:21
Dr_Willis|_ocke:  could need a different module then. rmmod the ones  you trued and try a different one.06:21
Jokerok Ty06:21
sargentofaileas, thanks any way.06:21
xkunalx_hi all06:21
candythen what to do?? i know tha path now06:21
|_ockek i'll mess with em06:21
candysargento, then what to do? whats the command if i know the path?06:22
xkunalx_anyone see my messages? just curious because folks int he other channel dont06:22
=== golddragon24 is now known as golddrogon24
thinkertinkerxkunalx_ yes we do..06:22
xkunalx_ok thanks06:22
vishalparkar1pl help06:22
=== golddrogon24 is now known as golddragon24
psycho_oreosvishalparkar, g++ ... mentioned twice already06:23
sargentocandy, now you know which /dev is your pendrive, you need to create a path to mount it, which distro are you using?06:23
thinkertinker vishalparkar1:http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/06:23
Prajwalpsycho_oreos can you help me06:23
FoolishOwlgreezmunkey: I could download a changelog, but not a package, via Synaptic. I could also connect to an ftp server, or an ssh server. I'm thinking it's just http.06:23
sargentoPrajwal, please retype your issue.06:23
candysargento, ubuntu 9.1006:23
psycho_oreosPrajwal, you probably need to change ownership06:23
Prajwalwine: home/tiger/.wine not owned by you > error06:23
ninjaslimis Ubuntu capable of reading hfs+ partitions06:23
PrajwalExec=xterm -e "cd /pentest/sniffers/smbrelay3/ && gksudo ./wine smbrelay3.exe;bash;sudo -s;"06:24
candysargento, i did the fdisk command and it asked to write then i entered 'w' then it said partition table has been altered06:24
sargentoso, sudo mkdir /media/pendrive, for example.06:24
Prajwali added that to my .desktop06:24
greezmunkeyFoolishOwl, good testing :) Let me check a few things here...06:25
sargentoPrajwal, I don't know what is your issue, can you explain it again?06:25
Prajwalsargentp | Exec=xterm -e "cd /pentest/sniffers/smbrelay3/ && gksudo ./wine smbrelay3.exe;bash;sudo -s;" added it to my .desktop06:26
Prajwalwine: home/tiger/.wine not owned by you > error06:26
thinkertinker Prajwal tell when did you get this error message and what were you trying to do06:27
ruienI have just gotten a new ubuntu server OS installed onto a network server which i do not have KVM access too (only bootstrap through SSH). Can anyone recommend a good image-based backup method or tool to save the partition in its current form? Should I consider dd if i first zeroed-out the drive?06:27
Prajwali was making a desktop entry06:27
Prajwaland even it doesnt run from my termina06:27
FoolishOwlninjaslim, look in the repository at the packages hfsplus and hfsutils.06:27
sargentoPrajwal, what are you planning to do that for06:28
Prajwali have added a new tool and wanted a desktop entry for it06:28
Prajwalits a exe file06:28
Dr_WillisPrajwal:  im not sure that  gksudo ./wine  is a proper thing to do.06:29
sargentocandy, what is your pendrive dev path?06:29
greezmunkeyFoolishOwl, check your .bashrc file in your home folder for anything resembling "export http_proxy="06:29
Dr_WillisPrajwal:  make a script that does the proper commands perhaps then make a launcher to run the script06:29
candysargento, /dev/sdd1   *           1        1023      983072    c  W95 FAT32 (LBA)06:29
PrajwalDr_Willis like ?06:29
FoolishOwlgreezmunkey, nope.06:30
Dr_WillisPrajwal:  make a script that does those commands to cd, and run the app.. then try running the whole script as root/gksudo    - it will be easiuer to trouble shoot06:30
sargentoYou can try this. env WINEPREFIX="Ubuntu Path here" wine "C:\Windows Path here"06:30
greezmunkeyFoolishOwl, ok check in /etc/bash.bashrc for the same...06:31
PrajwalDr_Willis i did the same06:31
sargentocandy, Did you create the folder in /media ?06:31
Dr_WillisPrajwal:  start breakingit down then to each aprt and see where its failing i guess.06:31
candysargento, no..06:31
Prajwalphew worked it out06:31
sargentocandy, please do.06:31
GabrielSOEhey all06:32
FoolishOwlgreezmunkey, nope.06:32
sargentoPrajwal, You can try this. env WINEPREFIX="Ubuntu Path here" wine "C:\Windows Path here"06:32
candysargento, how? i dont know06:32
sargentocandy, sudo mkdir /media/pendrive, for example06:33
candysargento,  Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System06:33
candy/dev/sda1   *           1        7639    61359243+   7  HPFS/NTFS06:33
candy/dev/sda2            7965       21223   106494976    7  HPFS/NTFS06:33
candy/dev/sda3           21224       30401    73722285   83  Linux06:33
candy/dev/sda4            7640        7964     2610562+   5  Extended06:33
FloodBot3candy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:33
candy/dev/sda5            7640        7964     2610531   82  Linux swap / Solaris06:33
greezmunkeyFoolishOwl, hmm open FF and look for any proxy settings there, also there is a method to disable ipv6, but ipv6 support shouldn't be causing this issue.06:33
candysargento,  two are of pendrives06:33
|_ockewhy is it that no matter what jstest sees "Mega World USB 2-axis 8-button Gamepad"06:34
candyFloodBot3,ok sorry06:34
sargentocandy, do you speak spanish?06:34
candysargento, no06:34
|_ockeeven when i modprobe different joystick drivers and rmmod the ones that were there before06:34
Prajwalthanks guys06:34
sargentoPrajwal, it worked?06:34
candysargento, i m from nepal..06:35
Prajwalsargento just needed some changes to exec command06:35
sargentocandy, do you know which /dev is your pendrive?. By the way, greetings from Mexico.06:35
GabrielSOEhey all can anyone please tell me which IRC client is the best for Linux that supports file transfer?06:35
FoolishOwlgreezmunkey, I know ipv6 is disabled in Firefox. I could try setting it to "no proxy" instead of "use system settings" I suppose.06:36
sargentoPrajwal, Ok, congratulations.06:36
candysargento, thnks and greetings to u too. sda1 and 2 are the pendriive /dev06:36
greezmunkeyFoolishOwl, that couldn't hurt, try it.06:36
FoolishOwlOkay. BRB.06:36
om26er!best | GabrielSOE06:36
ubottuGabrielSOE: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.06:36
candysargento, dev/sda1 and dev/sda2 the one above i pasted06:36
bubuleinhi ladies and gentlemen06:36
|ntegra|...man I hate shiretoko, it broke my youtube-firefox-caching bad06:36
om26er!hi | bubulein06:37
ubottububulein: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!06:37
sargentoNop, you can figure it which /dev path is knowing the size of your pendrive06:37
sargentocandy, v06:37
sargentocandy, Nop, you can figure it which /dev path is knowing the size of your pendrive06:37
GabrielSOEubottu: not really looking for polls just want a suggestion.06:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:37
candysargento, sorry i didnt get u06:38
ShazbotMcMurderGabrielSOE, xchat06:38
xanguaGabrielSOE: i use pidgin because it integrates all my accounts06:38
bubuleini need your help. i have a disk with sda1 to sda5 ( according to fdisk -l) and i can only see /dev/sda2 .. how can i reread the partitions?06:38
ruienGabrielSOW: i use Pidgin. Xchat is also good.06:38
sargentoCandy, Ok, Don't worry, do you know the size of your pendrive?06:38
Tesssaor konversation06:38
candysargento, ya one is 1 gb and another 2 gb06:38
GabrielSOEShazbotMcMurder: thanks m8 xangua: thanks m806:39
sudiptahow to enable visual effects in ubuntu 8.0406:39
candysargento, i know the path. one is dev/sda1 and another is dev/sda2..06:39
sargentocandy, Are you sure?06:39
ShazbotMcMurdersudipta, system>preferences>appearance>visual effects tab06:39
candysargento, ya sure..06:39
ShazbotMcMurdersudipta, I think....I've never used 9.0406:40
sargentocandy, Ok, did you create the dirs to mount the pendrives?06:40
candysargento, please dont mind but can u tell me once again how to make dir?06:40
Prajwalxfce doesnt have  a menu editor and this is a tiresome job here to work with it06:40
xanguasudipta: compiz --replace   ¿¿¿06:41
sargentocandy, No problem, use the command mkdir, but you need to use sudo, so is "sudo mkdir /media/pendrive1" for example.06:41
sudiptashazbotmcmurder:i have tried that but a message "destop effect could not be enabled"message popped06:42
MauritianGuyhello there06:43
MauritianGuyi need some help06:43
MauritianGuywith partioning and dual booting06:43
candysargento, cannot create directory `/media/dev/sda1': No such file or director06:43
ShazbotMcMurder!ask | MauritianGuy06:43
ubottuMauritianGuy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:43
sebsebseb!details | MauritianGuy06:43
ubottuMauritianGuy: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:43
MauritianGuywell i want to add an extra Os to my boot loader06:43
candysargento, i got that message06:43
MauritianGuythanks ShazbotMcMurder06:43
sebsebsebMauritianGuy: what are you trying to dual boot?06:44
MauritianGuyi successfully dual boot XP pro and Ubuntu06:44
MauritianGuyi ventured into adding fedora 10 to the list which is getting tricky for me06:44
disappearedngwhy did my firefox 3.6 roll back to 3.5.7? that is so annoying06:44
MauritianGuynow i used the live cd i burnt for fedora06:45
sebsebsebMauritianGuy: apparantly with Karmic/9.10's  Grub 2, because of the way it's been done, can't dual/multi boot  with other distros06:45
MauritianGuyi c06:45
sargentocandy, don't use the name you got from dev. You can create, options, pendrive1, usbflash, myusbdevice, etc, in order, it shoud be "/media/pendrive1","/media/usbflash" or "/media/myusbdevice" for example06:45
thinkertinkerdisappearedng did you run the correct firefox executable?the 3.6 one you downloaded?06:46
sudiptashazbotmcmurder:i have tried that but a message "destop effect could not be enabled"message popped06:46
MauritianGuywhat if i modify the boot.ini file in wx pro would that make any changes06:46
sargentoMauritianGuy, you need to configure GRUB06:46
sudiptashazbotmcmurder:hello r u there?06:46
sebsebsebMauritianGuy: anyway dual booting or triple or whatever booting OS's isn't that great really,  you could pick a distro and virtual machine others, with enough RAM and such06:46
candysargento, ok i did then?06:46
disappearedngno I did an "upgrade" within firefox06:46
disappearedngand now that option is gone06:47
MauritianGuycoz i am sure i did install fedora on a specific partition but i did not install the boot loader as it was threatning to erease the previous bootloader which was the ubuntu one06:47
sargentocandy, what's the name of your dir you just create?06:47
candysargento, usbflash06:47
ShazbotMcMurdersudipta, yes.06:47
sebsebsebMauritianGuy: there's the old Grub in the repo as an option,  Fedora's Grub could boot up Ubuntu as well.  The Windows boot loader can be edited some how to boot up Linux distros.06:47
ShazbotMcMurderI don't know why - do you have the video card drivers installed06:47
sargentocandy, Please retype the /dev dir is your pendrive06:48
sudiptahow to upgrade from ubuntu 8.04 to 9.10 without installing 9.10??06:48
xangua@ubuntuzilla | disappearedng06:48
FoolishOwlgreezmunkey, changing the proxy settings didn't seem to help.06:48
Hex00010hi guys06:48
greezmunkeyFoolishOwl, yikes!06:48
FoolishOwlAlso, I noticed that gopher, through Firefox, works fine.06:48
MauritianGuylooks like i am going to learn a bit more bout the old brub06:49
Hex00010im trying to play a movie06:49
Hex00010but i keep on getting this error06:49
Hex00010Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file.06:49
Myrttisudipta: youu don't.06:49
FoolishOwlAnd gmail, through https. But other https sites didn't work, so I'm not sure what that's about.06:49
sebsebsebsudipta: you would have to go through 8.10 and 9.04 first,  also 9.04 to 9.10 upgrade might go wrong.  Might as well stay on 8.04 and wait untill 10.04 released at the end of April, which is the next Long Term Support release, which you will then be able to upgrade directly to.  No Ext4 or Grub 2 as far as I know on upgrade, but don't need those anyway.06:49
candysargento, then?06:49
superlinuxHEX ... can you check if you have perms on the file06:49
faileasFoolishOwl: could it be a dns issue?06:49
greezmunkeyFoolishOwl, you may have to post this in the forums, I am out of options :(06:49
thinkertinkergreezmunkey tried wget ing an http page?06:49
sargentoMauritianGuy, you can modify it when you install any other OS06:49
FoolishOwlgreezmunkey, thanks for trying.06:49
MauritianGuyis it possible to add fedora to the ubunto boot loader ?06:50
sargentocandy, now use the mount command06:50
greezmunkeythinkertinker, address that to FoolishOwl :)06:50
sudiptahow can i get a free copy of ubuntu10.04?06:50
FoolishOwlfaileas, I'm pretty sure it's not a dns issue.06:50
faileasMauritianGuy: short answer - it should add itself on install.06:50
Dr_Willissudipta:  at this time.. you dont06:50
Dr_Willissudipta:  when its released you can06:50
Tesssai upgraded from 9.4 to 9.10 and it works perfectly for me06:50
faileassudipta: wait for it to come out, and make a shipit request.06:50
superlinuxsudipta did you check ubuntu site .l. they ship to your addrss06:50
ShapeShifter499I'm serious about learning programing, anyone know where to go for help?06:50
thinkertinkerfoolishowl tried wget ing an http page?06:50
Dr_Willissudipta:  unless you just want to download it.06:51
zirodayShapeShifter499: ##programming :)06:51
* faileas wonders if they tightened the rules for shipit yet06:51
Hex00010i think so06:51
FoolishOwlthinkertinker, just did for a couple of pages. It seemed to work.06:51
sebsebsebTesssa: well for quite a lot of people no problem, but also quite a lot of people got issues06:51
Dr_WillisShapeShifter499:  pick a language.. google for tutorials. Start with python is a good idea06:51
sargentocandy, you type. sudo mount /dev/sda1 /media/usbflash06:51
ShazbotMcMurderShapeShifter499, your local college06:51
MauritianGuyfaileas,  so when i get to the part where its telling me to choose bood loader do i choose the ubuntu bootloader or i choose the fedora one06:51
sudiptawhat r ubuntu long term projects?06:51
ShapeShifter499ziroday: ah ha I knew there was a irc channel, I didn't put that second # sign06:51
sebsebseb!lts |  sudipta06:52
ubottusudipta: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)06:52
thinkertinkerFoolishOwl i think browsers are supposed to work when wget works06:52
faileaser,, MauritianGuy you can pick either06:52
ubottuLucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+106:52
MauritianGuyso the fedora boot loader will give me the option to boot between each of the other OS06:52
yaboohow can I force ubuntu to install packages06:52
ShapeShifter499ShazbotMcMurder: I think I'm a little young to get help or got to a class at my local collage06:52
candysargento, i got this can't find /dev/sda1/media/usbflash/ in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab06:52
sebsebsebMauritianGuy: Fedora uses Grub and so yeah06:52
ShapeShifter499ShazbotMcMurder: *go to a class06:52
FoolishOwlD'oh! I didn't check when I'm on the wired connection. Sorry. BRB.06:53
sebsebsebMauritianGuy: Fedora's boot loader can boot up Ubuntu and Windows06:53
dov23Hi, I am running karmic on my thinkpad t400 and I am having funny issues with the single-quote and double-quote characters06:53
ShazbotMcMurderShapeShifter499, how old are you? I'm pretty sure you can take a college class at about any age.06:53
MauritianGuykool sebsebseb  and faileas  i will try that again06:53
ShazbotMcMurderIf you can pay the fees, you can take the class...06:53
sargentocandy, is not /dev/sda1/media/usbflash/, only /dev/sda1/06:53
dov23Is this a known issue?06:53
c_nickhaving troubles with the make file http://pastebin.ca/177283206:53
ShapeShifter499ShazbotMcMurder: I'm 1506:53
xanguayaboo: sudo apt-get install ¿¿06:53
MauritianGuyso sebsebseb  is does not matter that i choose the ubunto bootloaser or the fedora one as it will detect the other os and give me the option on startup06:53
sudiptai have installed vbox,but cpu ovehead increases?normal upon unistalling vbox.pls hlp.....06:53
Prajwali dont think there are many people who use linux distros as thier Primary OS06:54
MauritianGuyam right sebsebseb  and faileas06:54
candysargento, same thing i got again... can't find /dev/sda1/ in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab06:54
sebsebsebMauritianGuy: should do yes, if not you can set it up to06:54
ShazbotMcMurderShapeShifter499, You're plenty old to take a college course.06:54
=== Hex00010 is now known as Hex0001
sebsebsebMauritianGuy: also if you end up using Fedora's Grub,  you should be asking  #fedora or  #grub for help really06:54
ShapeShifter499ShazbotMcMurder: really?06:54
sargentocandy, plase make sure you are using the correct type form fdisk -l06:54
Hex0001Does anyone else ever have any issues06:54
Hex0001with there DVD not working?06:54
sebsebsebMauritianGuy: if it needs setting up06:54
ShazbotMcMurderShapeShifter499, YES06:55
MauritianGuysebsebseb,  well i did partion properly and it did the instann when i came to choosing bootloader i did not choose anything i thaught it was possible to manually add an os from ubuntu boot loder06:55
ShapeShifter499ShazbotMcMurder: do u know what steps I can take to get into a computer programing class06:55
Prajwallast night i did experience it Hex000106:55
ShapeShifter499ShazbotMcMurder: ?06:55
Prajwalbut got it worked after a restart06:55
Hex0001im getting it now pra :(06:55
MauritianGuyi guess i will do that installation again as i haven't done any update on fedora06:55
Hex0001i restareted it 5 times06:55
sudiptahwete to get docky from?does it need compiz to work?06:55
sebsebsebMauritianGuy: I thought Ubuntu's Grub 2 could be used to boot up other distros, but apparantly not06:55
sudiptawhere to get docky from?does it need compiz to work?06:55
sebsebseb!grub2 |  MauritianGuy06:55
ubottuMauritianGuy: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub206:55
Hex0001did u get the error06:56
Hex0001Can not read file or permission thing?06:56
Dr_Willissudipta:  therws docky 'ppa' repos.. and it works best with compiz or a compositing window manager.06:56
xanguasudipta: you need composite06:56
MauritianGuythanks u guys are realy a great help here i realy appreciate that06:56
FoolishOwlthinkertinker, wget didn't work. It stopped at "HTTP request sent, awaiting response..."06:56
Prajwalno i was copying some files from dvd and dvd drive stopped working06:56
MauritianGuythanks sebsebseb  i'll do that06:56
Prajwalthe flashing of dvd too stopped06:56
Hex0001well i have a  dvd on it National Treasure  movie i put in06:56
candysargento, ok06:56
ShazbotMcMurderShapeShifter499, go to local college > get class list > choose class > go back to college > pay for class > start class > buy book > take class06:56
MauritianGuycheerz people06:56
airtonixsudipta, pretty sure I already gave you links to the site (which contain instructions how to get it)06:56
Hex0001and it then give that error06:56
sebsebsebMauritianGuy: personally I woudn't bother having more than one distro psyicall installed.  any other distro I would want, I would just virtual machine06:56
sudiptawhat r composite managers othe than compiz?06:56
thinkertinkerFoolishOwl how are you connected to internet?are you behind proxy or something?06:57
sargentocandy, the structure is "mount /DEVPATH /media/DIRYOUCREATED" and that's all.06:57
Prajwaldid you try to run it Hex0001 ?06:57
Dr_Willissudipta:  metacity has the feature you can enable.. as can a few others06:57
airtonixsudipta, apt-cache search composite06:57
MauritianGuyi like that idea sebsebseb  as well but i am just experimenting i will format and do it again as soon as i have done it06:57
ShapeShifter499ShazbotMcMurder: I don't know if its THAT easy but I'll look into it06:57
Hex0001well i put the movie in usually a  thing pops up asking if u want to play it in windows media player i click ok06:57
candysargento, i got it06:57
ShapeShifter499ShazbotMcMurder: thanks for the info06:57
Hex0001and then file permissions error thing pops up06:57
MauritianGuyi already run vmware on Win Xp06:57
sargentocandy, Ok, please let me know if it worked.06:57
sebsebsebMauritianGuy: which one?  Virtualbos is rather nice06:58
Hex0001and now the movie player freezes06:58
ShapeShifter499ShazbotMcMurder: thanks for the info06:58
sudiptais there anything like aurora compiz06:58
c_nickok anyone.. makefile problems06:58
FoolishOwlthinkertinker, I've got a cable modem, and a wireless router connected to it. I've got an ethernet cable connecting the computer to the router. At the moment, I'm connected to it wirelessly. There's no trouble with the wireless connection. Both types of connection work in Windows.06:58
Prajwalerror with the dvd06:58
ShapeShifter499ShazbotMcMurder: I'm going to go to ##programming06:58
Dr_Willissudipta:  no idea what you mean..06:58
ShazbotMcMurderShapeShifter499, it usually is that easy06:58
Hex0001ive tried  8 movies06:59
Hex0001so far06:59
candysargento, its not working may b i m making some stupid mistake:-(06:59
Hex0001each movie works on Windows06:59
ShazbotMcMurderShapeShifter499, are you in highschool?06:59
Hex0001my windows is messed up atm06:59
Hex0001so im on ubuntuy06:59
ShapeShifter499ShazbotMcMurder: yes06:59
thinkertinkerFoolishOwl so http is working in windows but not ubuntu?06:59
Hex0001it worked great06:59
Hex0001until last night06:59
ShapeShifter499ShazbotMcMurder: 10th grade06:59
FloodBot3Hex0001: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:59
FoolishOwlthinkertinker, right.06:59
Dr_WillisHex0001:  try some other players like vlc or mplayer perhaps.06:59
ShapeShifter499ShazbotMcMurder: sophmore06:59
sargentocandy, I don't think that your mistakes are stupid, just mistakes. What's the result from doing what I told you?06:59
GabrielSOE1:) hey all06:59
ShazbotMcMurderShapeShifter499, talk to you 'counselor' first, then maybe your homeroom teacher, and if they think you are capable of taking a class they'd most likely love that you take a college class07:00
FoolishOwlthinkertinker, also, I'd had the computer directly connected to the cable modem, and that worked too.07:00
candysargento, the same as before coldnot find..07:00
GabrielSOE1\nick GabrielSOE07:00
thinkertinkerin ubuntu Foolishowl?07:00
ShapeShifter499ShazbotMcMurder: oh geez, they may not let me07:00
candysargento, wait i ll insert another pendrive07:00
Hex0001ok downloading VLC07:00
=== GabrielSOE1 is now known as GabrielSOE
FoolishOwlthinkertinker, yes, in both OSes.07:00
sargentocandy, Please paste here the command you are typing.07:01
ascheelCan someone tell me an easy way to compare 2 full directories to see if files copied correctly?07:01
yabooseems I cannot install some packages, seems to complain07:01
ShapeShifter499ShazbotMcMurder: I messup hella bad last year (not cuz I couldn't do the homework, because I didn't due to issues and stuff)07:01
FoolishOwlSo, it's Ubuntu, a wired connection to the router, and http.07:01
ShazbotMcMurderShapeShifter499, well talk to you counselor.07:02
Dr_WillisShapeShifter499:  find some books/tutorial sites.. teach yoruself. is always an option07:02
sudiptahow can use compiz?07:02
candysargento, i inserted new pendrive and gave fdisk command... and my pendrive now is in sda4 (extended)07:02
sebsebseb!compiz | sudipta07:02
ubottusudipta: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz07:02
candysargento, now tell me what to do07:02
ShapeShifter499Dr_Willis: I learn better if I have someone showing me first hand07:03
sargentocandy, sudo mount /dev/sda4 /media/usbflash07:03
ShapeShifter499Dr_Willis: or if I have someone I can ask for help07:03
Dr_WillisShapeShifter499:  then i would say get a job other then programming then,07:04
=== switch-testing is now known as switchgirl
Hex0001VLC SAYS07:04
Hex0001Playback failure:07:04
Hex0001DVDRead could not open the disk "/dev/sr0".07:04
Hex0001Your input can't be opened:07:04
Hex0001VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/sr0'. Check the log for details.07:04
FloodBot3Hex0001: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:04
Dr_WillisShapeShifter499:  if you cant learn from books/docs.. well....07:04
sudiptawhere to get snowy leopard theme package 4 ubuntu8.04?07:04
ShapeShifter499Dr_Willis: no its not that, might take me longer07:04
candysargento, here what i enterd and what i gotsudo mount /dev/sda4/media/usbflash07:04
candymount: can't find /dev/sda4/media/usbflash in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab07:04
ascheelcandy: put a space between sda4 and /media07:05
Dr_WillisShapeShifter499:  you dont really learn programing by 'watching' people progarm. You learn it by doing it. :)  then theres the deeper aspects of it..  but the basics/beginner stuff  should be learnable from a few good books07:05
venportAnyone willing to give me a hand getting my new HD to auto mount on boot?07:05
venportI've been editing my fstab but it's not mounting07:05
sargentocandy, please make sure to copy exactly what I just type it for you. is not /dev/sda4/media/usbflash, I think is what ascheel just said.07:05
ascheelvenport, give us the fstab listing07:05
ShapeShifter499Dr_Willis: I mean I learn better if someone shows "how" and talks about a bit, then lets me do it or copy what he/she did07:06
Hex0001ok well i think i got it to work somewhat07:06
Hex0001BUT now07:06
Hex0001the  video07:06
Hex0001shows the screen then it disappears07:06
FoolishOwlthinkertinker, any ideas?07:06
sargentovenport, copy here your /etc/mtab file07:06
venportvenport@cbud1:~$ cat /etc/fstab07:06
venport# /etc/fstab: static file system information.07:06
venport# Use 'blkid -o value -s UUID' to print the universally unique identifier07:06
venport# for a device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name07:06
FloodBot3venport: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:06
venport# devices that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).07:06
Hex0001like it  flashes the screen and then leaves07:06
ascheelvenport, dude...  the one fstab line is all I asked for.07:06
ascheelnot the entire file07:06
sargentoascheel, I think venport doesn't know whata are we talking about. And I think his drive is not in it, because it doesn't load and booting.07:08
ascheelwhat drive is it, venport?07:08
ascheelsargento: gotcha.07:08
sargentovenport, do the same with /etc/mtab, please.07:08
venporterr no07:09
venportthe last two lines07:09
Hex0001any help?07:09
ascheelit looks like you're trying to mount it twice.  /media/MediaV1 and /mnt/MediaV1  You need to figure out what drive it is07:09
asdffI am having memory leak problems on Karmic with XORG07:09
asdffI have to manually kill XORG then log back in which remedies the problem (most of the time)07:10
Liquid-Silencehowdy all07:10
Liquid-Silenceanyone here ever tried vpn + remote desktop to a windows machine?07:10
powertool08Is it possible to scroll up in a framebuffer shell? Pg up gives me a ~07:10
venportascheel oh crap i sure am thanks07:10
Hex0001ok lol fuck this ill just watch the movie online07:11
ascheel!language | Hex000107:11
ubottuHex0001: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:11
Dr_Willispowertool08:  i dont think so. You could use screen07:11
Hex0001OOOOO now you talk to me07:11
Dr_WillisI always just rip DVD to hard drive.. and put the disk up in a safe place.07:11
Hex0001lol ok i gotcha07:11
asdffWould anyone know how to fix a memory leak with XORG on Karmic?07:11
powertool08Dr_Willis: Ok, thanks07:11
Dr_Willisasdff:  file a bug report/check for bug reports. see what they suggest.. perhaps upgrade to a newer xorg release07:12
sargentovenport, type fdisk -l and see if it is being recognize07:12
asdffDr_Willis: hm kk.07:12
Liquid-Silenceok my freaken vpn is not working 100%07:13
venport@sargento yes  it is being recognized07:13
FoolishOwlCould it be I've got some firewall blocking http under certain sorts of connections?07:13
venportI'm going to try and fix the fstab file.07:13
powertool08Dr_Willis: FYI, shift + pg up works. Thanks for the input though :)07:13
ascheelvenport, have you fixed fstab?  If so, try this and see if it works:  sudo mount -a07:13
Hex0001man Chinease websites really trip me out so much07:14
Hex0001there websites are always like a colorful Cartoon type site07:14
venportmount: according to mtab, /dev/sdb1 is mounted on /07:14
venportLast time that happend after a restart it would not auto mount07:14
ascheelvenport, df -h07:15
ascheelvenport: what does it say for / ?07:15
RalphSpencerknow some software for ubuntu that can create iso files from disk? its ok even if its distributed in default ubuntu07:15
venportvenport@cbud1:~$ df -h07:15
venportFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on07:15
venport/dev/sdb1              88G  2.4G   82G   3% /07:15
venportudev                  975M  276K  975M   1% /dev07:15
venportnone                  975M  376K  975M   1% /dev/shm07:15
FloodBot3venport: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:15
ascheelvenport, pastebin!07:15
ascheeloh boy.07:15
ascheelok, so /dev/sdb1 is *NOT* the new drive you just put in07:16
venportsorry again...07:16
ascheelit's your primary drive.07:16
Dr_WillisRalphSpencer:  iso files from what disk?07:16
RalphSpencercd disks .. ones like ubuntu ?07:17
Dr_WillisRalphSpencer:  Huh?  you want to make an image of a cd/dvd optical disk? theres several ways to do that07:17
venportok so who to i find where that drive is?07:17
ascheelvenport: fdisk -l07:17
Dr_WillisRalphSpencer:  dd if=/dev/cdrom of=cd.iso  bs=204807:18
RalphSpencerthen please tell the least a painful way, doctor07:18
RalphSpencerwowoo that easy?07:18
Dr_WillisRalphSpencer:  thats the normal way. I may have bs at the wrong spot07:18
Dr_WillisRalphSpencer:  this is linux.. of COURSE its taht easy07:18
Dr_Willisif you dont use bs=  the copy will be slow07:18
ascheelIt's only difficult when it's Micro$oft07:18
RalphSpencerand bs ?07:18
ascheelRalphSpencer: bs = block size07:19
Dr_Willisbs = block size07:19
RalphSpencerjust let it to 2048?07:19
Dr_Willisdont go silly and use bs=1000000000000000000 or somthing07:19
RalphSpencerlol larger than the size of the disk07:19
Dr_Willisanything over  a specifc size is pointless.07:19
straycati'm absolutely fed up with the constant windows updates07:19
gheddy_zarchi Im trying to unzip a .gz file called Ubuntu.tgz.gz, I get an error saying; gzip: stdin: not in gzip format ,, any ideas07:20
ascheelvenport: so you have 2 drives.  sda and sdb.  sda is your 1 TB drive.07:20
Liquid-SilenceI am fed up with this vpn connection07:20
straycatwho votes i just put ubuntu as my only os07:20
Dr_Willisgheddy_zarc: using what command exactly?07:20
Dr_Willis!info unp | gheddy_zarc07:20
ubottugheddy_zarc: unp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (karmic), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB07:20
roccity_straycat: have you tried gunzip07:20
gheddy_zarcdouble clicking on it from nautilus Dr_Willis07:20
brandonban6I swapped out my mobo, but did not re-install Linux; Is there a repair scan or something I should do to tell linux about the hardware changes?07:20
straycatno clue i'm really familiar with 9.10 tho07:20
Dr_Willisgheddy_zarc:  tgz.gz is redundant.   try the command line unp command.. and perhaps rename it to just .tgz07:20
ascheelvenport: add a new line to your fstab:  /dev/sda1   /media/MediaV1 ext3 default 0 007:20
mneptokgheddy_zarc: what is the source of this file? what do you believe is in it?07:20
venportah that's the drive i need to add.07:20
gheddy_zarcok ta Dr_Willis07:21
roccity_straycat: try gunsip Ubuntu.tgz.gz07:21
gheddy_zarcmneptok its part of a suite to get a usb stick modem going07:21
venportthanks ascheel, i'll give that a try. (and sorry about the copy\paste issues)07:21
roccity_straycat: sorry gunzip07:21
straycatok i will give it a look07:21
straycatwill i be able to run just that or do i have to partition?07:22
ascheelif you want to unpack a .tgz file:  tar xvzf filename.tgz07:22
ascheelstraycat: are you trying to install 9.10?07:22
roccity_straycat: depends what your untarring it to?07:22
roccity_straycat: are you using windows07:23
straycatyea i'm trying to run just 9.10 and i have xp right now07:23
gheddy_zarcthat worked Dr_Willis I can open the archive now thanks07:23
ascheelstraycat: download the .iso file, burn it to CD, then boot to it07:23
roccity_straycat: if you are then the best thing is to use ubi if you want to keep windows07:23
ascheelstraycat: let's start from the top.  You're in Windows, you want Linux.  Do you want to keep Windows?07:23
jmp_hi to everybody07:24
straycati was just wanting to know if i'll be happy with just unbuntu07:24
straycati don't need windows for anything. i just don't know if people have had success just running 9.1007:24
jolarenstraycat; that's like asking the guy who makes your pizza what pizza is the best ;P07:24
ascheelstraycat: then do this for a test.  Download the .iso, burn the image to CD (deepburner from deepburner.com will do it, it's free) and you can load Ubuntu without affecting your current Windows installation, you can try it out before doing an install07:24
=== cheeky is now known as ^cheeky
ascheelstraycat: the install is done using the exact same CD07:24
roccity_straycat: if you want to do documents browsing and not pay atech to look at your computer everytime it gets some malware then yes07:24
venportascheel may i ask why /media and not /mnt? I know ubuntu addes all usb drives and cd\dvd to media, is that the reason?07:25
roccity_if you want games it's best to dual boot07:25
ascheelvenport: because it's a force of habit.  Mount it wherever you want.07:25
RalphSpencerDr_Willis, never thought its all that easy in linux .. in windows you sit with google looking for what you want in linux you just do it :)07:25
SupertankerHi; I just uploaded Ubuntu 9.10 to my computer after running Debian for a few years. Everything works perfect--kudos to all the volunteers!--except for sound. My Audgidy 2 refueses to make more than a few crackles and buzzes. Any ideas?07:25
ascheel!audigy | Supertanker07:25
straycatok one more question. if i have a 2gb laptop can i dual boot?07:25
venportascheel: oh ok. i was just trying to understand.07:25
jmp_do anybody know a channel for C++programming07:26
Supertankerascheel, was that supposed to get the bot to tell me something?07:27
ascheelSupertanker: it was supposed to haha.  Instead ubottu told me it didn't know anything about it07:27
straycati had one question if you could answer07:27
ascheelstraycat: 2gb drive or 2gb of RAM?07:27
venportit gave me an error when i did the mount -a... i've added my fstab just in case that is helpful...07:27
^cheekyhi, has anyone installed xbmc, with the aeon skin, ifso , did you guis, use the git-core close methoed or just unzip the aeon conytent to the xbmc-skins dir? sorry kinda confused,  ?07:28
Supertankerascheel, I think I found a post about it07:28
SupertankerThanks for your help though :)07:28
ascheelvenport: what did you format the drive with?07:28
ascheelvenport: what filesystem?07:28
ascheel^cheeky: please ask that question in #xbmc07:28
GabrielSOE_hey all, is it possible to update gnome environment without reinstalling ubuntu?07:28
ascheelGabrielSOE_: do you want to go from Kubuntu to Ubuntu or what?07:29
ascheelvenport: I gave you bad advice.  Change 'default' to 'defaults' in /etc/fstab07:30
GabrielSOE_ascheel: I don't understand, I mean when I have an earlier version of gnome can i update it without reinstalling the system?07:30
gheddy_zarcwhats t mean when Im in terminal do an "ls" in a folder and some items(.deb packages) come up in red ?07:30
ascheelGabrielSOE_: what version of Ubuntu are you on?07:31
SupertankerThere we go, fixed it ascheel. I used this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-no-sound-sound-blaster-audigy-after-upgrading-from-ubuntu-9-04-to-9-10.html07:31
SupertankerThanks much again :)07:31
ascheelhehe, I didn't do anything, but you're welcome.07:32
venportascheel, that seemed to work not to reboot and see if it holds. Thanks again.07:32
ascheelif you used mount -a, then you're good to go07:32
ascheelmount -a does the same thing as rebooting as far as mounted drives go07:32
venporti did. and it's hwoing up on a df that should be good enough? if so cool07:32
benjgvpsDoes anyone here use hotmail in Evolution? I've set it up according to the numorous guides out there, though it just gives me the error: Error while fetching mail07:32
ascheelyep, you got it venport.  :)  Congrats on your extra TB of storage.07:33
venportAnd leaving windows.07:34
ascheelnice.  :)  I recently dropped Windows from all 4 of my PCs as well.07:34
mybluevangheddy_zarc: apparently red - archive (or broken symbolic link)07:35
benjgvpsI am forced away from Windows on my netbook, having to use Ubuntu isn't my first choice, though I need this laptop working :)07:35
benjgvpsNow if only I could get my darned mail working07:35
venportI have one windows box left, and that's for my iTunes and audible accounts. but i plan to remote PC into them when needed. (that way i don;t have to reboot into a different OS)07:35
Dr_WillisGabrielSOE_:  Hmm.. You can update/upgrade using teh package manager.. so not sure what you mean07:35
ascheelvenport: screw iTunes.  mp3 all the way.07:35
ascheelvenport, another solution is to use VirtualBox and run windows in that!07:36
Dr_Willisbenjgvps:  i wouldent put it past hotmail to purposly break things so it cant work.07:36
venportYeah, but i have an iphone and more than a year left on the contract. I don't buy from their but need it for iphone updates07:36
ascheelvenport: touche.  I still recommend VirtualBox07:36
venportI'll take a look at it.07:37
venportI wish wine could run iTunes... but that will never happen07:37
eagles0513875hey guys im just wondering is dapper edgy and feisty still supported?07:37
ascheelHardy Heron is the Long Term Release version, eagles051387507:38
eagles0513875damn it07:38
ascheelwhy?  What's the problem?07:38
eagles0513875xen-tools is using outdated versions of ubuntu07:38
ascheelah, gotcha07:38
GabrielSOE_ascheel: ubuntu 9.1007:39
ascheelGabrielSOE_: what was that a response to?07:39
ascheelOh, gotcha.  I asked that awhile ago.07:40
GabrielSOE_ascheel: the version I'm running07:40
ascheelOk, so which version of Gnome are you on right now?07:40
GabrielSOE_ascheel: the version I'm running 9.1007:40
ascheelWhich version of gnome, not which version of Ubuntu07:40
jmp_do anybody know a channel for C++ programming07:41
sudiptacan i enable 3d desktop without compiz or beryl?07:41
GabrielSOE_ascheel: the version I'm running 2.28.107:41
ascheelGabrielSOE_: so you need to upgrade gnome?  To which version?  Or do you just need to reinstall?  What problem are you having?07:41
GabrielSOE_ascheel: Idon't really have a problem, I just want to know how do I install or reinstall Gnome or upgrade a version without reinstalling the system07:42
eagles0513875jmp_: there is a c++ channel here on freenode07:42
jmp_eagles0513875, which one07:43
jolarenhow do I ensure that nvpau is working correctly?07:43
eagles0513875jmp_: type /join c++07:44
eagles0513875unless your question is related to the language on ubuntu07:44
jmp_eagles0513875, ok07:44
ascheelGabrielSOE_: if you want to reinstall gnome, sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome   But why do you need to reinstall it?  You got settings problems?07:44
SupertankerI totally forgot; how can I specify more than two virtual desktups with Ubuntu?07:44
ascheelSupertanker: right-click the icon in the lower right corner and add more collumns or rows07:45
AchabI need help on apt-get crashed07:45
GabrielSOE_ascheel: not really just wanted to know how it's done. just incase07:45
Supertankerascheel, ah, thank you07:45
SupertankerSorry, I'm totally used to my old setup07:45
ascheelGabrielSOE_: reinstallations are rarely needed.  If you needed to reset the settings in your login, just delete the .gconf directory in your home directory.  Boom, factory setup.07:45
SupertankerI was using XFCE and could just mousewheel-scroll over the desktop to have it change between workspaces07:45
Dr_WillisSupertanker:  yea - i think that feature got removed from gnome some how07:46
greezmunkeyUbuntu is more fun than a barrel full of monkeys!07:46
ascheelSupertanker, I use Ctrl-Alt-MouseDrag or I think there are other hotkeys, but I don't remember what07:46
jmp_eagles0513875, I don't know how tell07:46
SupertankerDr_Willis, drat :/07:46
SupertankerWell, is there a keyboard shortcut?07:46
SupertankerOh, wait, here's the keyboard utility07:46
eagles0513875jmp_: ?07:46
jmp_eagles0513875, tell me where shall I enter join C++07:47
ascheeljmp_: /list07:47
eagles0513875jmp_: where u type to talk to me07:47
GabrielSOE_ascheel: Thanks m807:47
ShapeShifter499going to goi07:47
ascheelGabrielSOE_: you got it07:47
Dr_WillisSupertanker:  compiz has a feature where you just mouse over and it changes.. (a little too senesitive)07:47
GabrielSOE_ascheel: (:07:48
ruienIs a big tarball of all the files on a system partition a 'safe' way to make a backup of a drive? (The drive is mounted in readonly mode. I don't need the MBR). Theoretically could I later dump this into a raw partition, configure the bootloader, and everything would work OK?07:48
ascheelruien: a tarball is a really ghetto backup.  I recommend rsync07:48
Supertankerruien, I did that once. It worked. That's all I can really say.07:49
ruienascheel: i have used rsync.. but in this case how is it any different?07:49
SupertankerI <3 Rsync07:49
ascheelrsync ensures file integrity.  tarball does not07:49
ascheelIf you don't mind if a file goes corrupt, tarball away07:49
GabrielSOE_ascheel: great help. may ask another question?07:49
jmp_eagles0513875,  C++ no such channel07:50
ascheelchances of corruption?  low.  Chances of corruption with rsync?  nonexistent unless by an external source07:50
ascheelGabrielSOE_: ask away07:50
eagles0513875jmad980: yes there is07:50
ruienoh right good point. But the theory is OK -- copy all of the files on a RO partition and that should be good enough. I don't NEED an "image-based backup". Right?07:50
eagles0513875whoops wrong person07:50
eagles0513875i mean jmp_ there is07:50
eagles0513875i was just in there07:50
ascheelcorrupt, ruien.  YMMV07:50
eagles0513875jmp_: is your nick registered07:50
ascheeloops, I meant correct.  not corrupt.07:50
jmp_eagles0513875, yes07:51
ruienright, ok. Thanks guys07:51
eagles0513875jmp_: are you identified07:51
GabrielSOE_what is the equivalent of "Active Directory" in Linux?  and is there any?07:51
jmp_jmp_ /join C++07:51
ascheelGabrielSOE_: ldap07:51
jmp_eagles0513875, no07:51
ascheel!ldap | GabrielSOE_07:51
ubottuGabrielSOE_: LDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer07:51
eagles0513875jmp_: identify yourself then try join again07:51
om26er!hi | strayhyena07:53
ubottustrayhyena: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!07:53
jmp_eagles0513875, I got it thanks07:53
eagles0513875no problem jmp_07:53
ruienascheel: wait... so how do I make a tarball with rsync? ultimately i do want a single compressed file, utilizing rsync's data verification along the way?07:54
GabrielSOE_ascheel: great thanks, I'm off reading (:07:54
strayhyenaIs it possible to do a batch unrar with the command line? i'm wanting to have all files in the subdirectories of the current directory to be unrared07:54
ascheelruien: rsync doesn't make a tarball.  It copies the files individually, every single block being compared against checksums ensuring integrity07:54
ascheelstrayhyena: find . -iname "*.rar" -exec unrar x {} \;07:55
ascheelgood luck, GabrielSOE_07:55
ruienascheel: right, so i move all the files over to another directory, but i can't verify that the directory tars up without any error.. so doesn't that defeat the purpose?07:55
ascheelruien: rsync doesn't tar07:55
Dr_Willisthers also that 'fsarchiver' tool that can copy/backup/verify, but its not in the repos (yet) thers a a PPA for it07:56
ascheelruien: it copies.  It makes exact copies of one directory to a location of your choice.  the beauty of it is you can rsync over a network, even over an ssh connection maintaining security during the transfer07:56
strayhyenaascheel: wow, thank you very much!07:56
ascheelstrayhyena: you're welcome, good sir.  I recommend reading up on the find command07:56
greezmunkeyDr_Willis, PPA ??07:56
Quan-Timegreezmunkey: PPA is just a "repository link" of sorts07:57
eagles0513875has anyone gotten ubuntu working with xen07:57
ruienascheel: i know. rsync copies the files to another hard drive. but in the process of making that ultimate tarball out of the verified files, i still run the same risk of file corruption.. right?07:57
eagles0513875as a xen guest07:57
greezmunkeyDr_Willis, Got it, are you following the rsync thread here?07:57
ascheelruien: that's why you don't tarball them.07:57
ascheelruien: is there a need to tarball them?07:57
tucemiuxanyone knows of an app that will convert mov to wmv?07:58
ascheeltarballs aren't backups.  They're used for file dissemination07:58
ruienascheel: well, yes.. i want it compressed. that's the point.07:58
ascheelk, then use a tarball.  *shrug*07:58
Dr_Willisgreezmunkey:  barely :) i just copy to usb hd.. i rarely do image/system type backups.restores i just do reinstalls and move configs back07:58
greezmunkeyRE: rsync, Is it possible to store Windows files onto a Ubuntu server via rsync?07:58
strayhyenaascheel: i've tried using find often but the amount of options is a little overwhelming, i should start sending the help output to a file and read it with gedit07:58
ascheelgreezmunkey: yes there are windows executables07:58
ruienascheel: thanks for the info though; appreciated.07:59
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ascheelstrayhyena: if you have questions with find or other shell commands, the folks in #bash are awful helpful07:59
greezmunkeyascheel, I'll check into it, thanks :)07:59
ascheelruien: My advice is if you want a reliable backup, don't use tarballs if you're talking about gigs and gigs of data.07:59
jolarenWhenever trying to install i.e mplayer in ubuntu it removed myth-frontend etc.. how do resolve this? The screen is all green without vdpau07:59
ubuntuHello all08:01
ubuntusome one please help me08:01
ascheel!ask | ubuntu08:01
ubottuubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:01
parsaakbariHow can i give myself permission to edit all files on the system?08:01
ascheel!sudo | parsaakbari08:01
ubottuparsaakbari: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)08:01
ubuntui am unable to install ubuntu 9.1008:02
ubuntui am getting the following error...08:02
Dr_Willisparsaakbari:  learn to use sudo properly08:03
ubuntu ubuntu ubiquity[8067]: dbfilter_handle_status: ('ubiquity.components.partman', 10)08:03
ascheelDr_Willis: could teach him about recursive chmod.  ;)08:03
ascheelubiquity?  That's a firefox addon ain't it?08:04
ascheelubuntu: how far into the installation did you get?  What kind of PC?08:04
zirodayascheel: it is also the name of ubuntu graphical installer.08:04
ascheelOh, touche good siur08:04
ubuntuascheel, second step...08:04
zirodayubuntu: run a cd check, also check the md5sum of the burned image08:04
ascheelziroday: you're a scholar and a gentleman08:05
tomatoes7is 9.04 more stable than 9.10?08:05
Dr_Willistomatoes7:  depends.08:05
error404notfoundi see a lot of dos-IP-ADD-RESS-HERE files in /tmp, does that mean that i am getting DOS attacks from those IPs?08:05
ascheeltomatoes7: both are stable.  Both have minor issues.  My advice is to go 9.1008:05
Dr_Willisi dont have any stablity issues in 9.1008:05
ubuntuactually i have already installed 9.10 on my pc08:05
ubuntufirst time there's no problem08:05
ascheelerror404notfound: no.  the tmp directory is a place where programs just store temporary files.08:06
ubuntubut now only i am getting this error08:06
greezmunkeyRE: rsync, Pretty cool, it was already installed, and it works!08:06
ascheelgreezmunkey: it's an incredible program.  :)08:06
greezmunkeyascheel, I'm diggin it.08:06
ascheelgreezmunkey: and there are some VERY knowledgable people in #rsync if you have specific questions about it08:07
greezmunkeyascheel, My win2K box is transferring files now! So far so good.08:07
ascheelYour Win2K already had rsync installed?  Holy crap!  That's awesome08:07
ascheelKinda funny.  :)  They couldn't make their own so they had to use some *nix apps ported over.08:08
greezmunkeyascheel, No I had to do that, but it was already on this Ubuntu box.08:08
error404notfoundascheel, yes but dos-random-global-ips -here , thats makes it suspected08:08
ascheelOh, ok.08:08
greezmunkeyascheel, just testing now, I'll figure it out later :)08:08
ascheelerror404notfound: you need to find out what program is writing them out.  use the 'file' and 'cat' commands on those files to see what's in them perhaps?  Do a google search on some of the file names.08:08
ubuntuwhat is ubuntu-ubiquity08:09
ascheelgreezmunkey: make sure you test the transfers with an md5sum just to double check, but I think you'll be good to go08:09
ascheelpeace out all.  Sleepy time for me08:09
greezmunkeyascheel, later, thatnks!08:09
mneptokgreezmunkey: i have very strong rsync-fu. /msg if you need help.08:10
ubuntuubiquity[2704]: dbfilter_handle_status: ('ubi-timezone', 2)08:10
ubuntuwhat is tat08:10
ubuntuubottu, ubiquity08:11
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:13
gheddy_zarcis there an intention to fix the mobile broadband issues with 9.10 in 10.04 or 10.10 ?08:15
parsaakbariWhat is the equivalent of task manager in ubuntu?08:15
ubuntusome one plz analyze my syslog.. and help me in fixing the issue08:15
EagleWatchparsaakbari, system monitor08:15
mneptokgheddy_zarc: what "mobile broadband issues?"08:16
gheddy_zarcI cant connect with my usb mobile modem eh mneptok im using xp to get in here08:16
mneptokgheddy_zarc: so, your modem does not have a driver in the stock Linux kernel?08:17
mneptokgheddy_zarc: that's not a Linux issue. it's a hardware vendor issue.08:17
gheddy_zarcusimng either 9.10 or 9.04 mneptok, no the carrier has written some specific apps for ubuntu available etc etc, Im having issues installing them, without synaptic its not so easy08:18
infiddoes ubuntu run well on a dell zino HD mini desktop?08:18
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mneptokgheddy_zarc: where are these instructions?08:18
gheddy_zarcmn I have some broken dependencies etc,, thinking of kluging the whole system and starting again08:19
gheddy_zarcmm all the stuff is oin the x box which has no connection to this xp box mneptok08:19
TopGearcan somebody help me08:19
TopGeari've messed up my grub08:20
mneptok!grub > TopGear08:20
ubottuTopGear, please see my private message08:20
gheddy_zarcbetavine forums mneptok http://www.betavine.net/bvportal/resources/datacards/os/ubuntu08:20
TopGearwell, can I ask it here?08:20
TopGearit's grub 208:21
tucemiuxTopGear, go ahead and ask, all in one line08:21
tucemiux*one line*08:21
EagleWatchTopGear, did you try a revocery ?08:22
EagleWatchrecovery ,, sory08:22
TopGearI wanted to install XP, becouse vista sucs and I need windows for school. Well I did that but my grub went verry slow. I used "sudo reconfigure grub-pc" and installed it on /dev/hda/. Now when I want to boot, I need the xp cd in the cd player to boot. Otherwise I get an error. Something as "arch failure impedense" or something like that.08:23
gheddy_zarcIm tempted to try the software out on the 9.10 box,, but I dont wanna stuff it up eh mneptok becuase it runs so nicely and I use it for other stuff any how not net related08:23
mneptokgheddy_zarc: the fact they misspell "dependencies" does not give me a great amount of faith08:23
mneptokgheddy_zarc: they also make no mention fo the exact card models/makes this is supposed to support08:24
ApokalepsisHi all08:24
gheddy_zarcmm yeah its 3rd party software eh,, the isnstructions are sparse if not incomplete as Im encountering all sorts of erros eh mneptok08:24
TopGearSo, does anybody know?08:24
TopGearAnd on /dev/sdd it gives te same error08:24
gheddy_zarcmaybey a new install of jaunty will fix it, ,, its supposed to work easily on 9.0408:25
barwonkg0352Hi Can anyone help me trouble shoot a printer (lexmark)08:25
mneptokgheddy_zarc: if you're choosing an older release, i'd go with 8.0408:25
mneptokbarwonkg0352: http://openprinting.org08:26
tucemiuxTopGear, do you have ubuntu installed on your machine?08:26
mneptokbarwonkg0352: does your printer even have Linux support?08:26
ragsagariam unable to connect to internet using rp-pppoe. It was working till day before yesterday,but its not working now.08:26
TopGeardoes anybody know how to repair my grub?08:26
EagleWatchTopGear, are you reading our questions?08:27
tucemiuxEagleWatch, just ignore TopGear and he'll go away on his own08:27
TopGearSorry, I think I don't see them becouse of the in and out logging08:27
TopGearI am so sorry08:27
TopGearCan you please repeat them?08:27
Dr_WillisTopGear:  why did you run 'sudo reconfigure grub-pc' instead of just 'sudo update-grub' ?08:28
Dr_WillisTopGear:  grub was working but 'slow' ? how was it slow?08:28
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TopGearBecouse I put some other hard disk drives in it, and sda became another hdd08:28
TopGearIt took 30sec to boot08:29
grokenhow can i see a list of what ip addresses are receiving syn cookies?08:29
TopGearAnd 30 seconds is verry long, even for the grub08:29
TopGearDr_Willis: Were that the answers you needed?08:31
tucemiuxTopGear, you mean you boot up your machine and it takes 30 seconds for you to see the grub menu where you can choose what OS to boot up into?08:31
TopGearI see "Grub loading" and that takes 30 seconds08:31
ApokalepsisWho from America?08:31
Dr_WillisI got an odd box thats slow to get to the grub menu.. but i never worried about it. :) it does have 6 hard drives in it08:32
TopGearWell, I thought that I would make it faster to put it on the new hda08:32
EagleWatchDr_Willis, 6 HDDs :o08:32
TopGearBut I was wrong, and messed up my grub08:33
infidanyone here install ubuntu 9.10 successfully on a dell zino HD mini desktop?08:33
tucemiuxTopGear, so you added another hard drive and now grub is slow?08:33
TopGearwell, I added 2 hard drive's08:33
tucemiuxTopGear, as Dr_Willis mentions, that can make grub slow08:34
EagleWatchTopGear, did you change master to slave or something like that08:34
TopGearnow I know that08:34
tucemiuxTopGear, can you boot up to all of your OS's fine?08:34
ApokalepsisPeople help, I liked the goods on Amazon, but they do not deliver it to Russia.08:34
ApokalepsisPlease help. The help naturally not free-of-charge. I shall begin to cry well!08:34
TopGearI just putted in 2 new hard drives, and yeas, on my motherbord there came new masters08:35
tucemiuxTopGear, and it also seems to matter how you formatted the hard drive? I"ve never had any problems with ext3/ext408:35
tucemiux!ot| Apokalepsis08:35
ubottuApokalepsis: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:35
TopGearNo, I must have a XP cd in my drive, otherwise it won't boot08:35
TopGearwait a minute08:35
SuperDefenderXHey, Everyone.08:36
tucemiux!hello | SuperDefenderX08:36
ubottuSuperDefenderX: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!08:36
SuperDefenderXIs there a GUI application that shows CPU temp in the repos?08:36
SuperDefenderXOr, maybe something similar to CPUz?08:37
EagleWatchSuperDefenderX, on your panels?08:37
tucemiuxSuperDefenderX, use "add/remove" and search for temperature08:37
TopGearWhen I put the grub on sda or sdd, I get that error08:38
TopGearsomething with arch and failure and impedentiure08:38
multwifidoes ubuntu by default allow connection to two wifi interfaces (one adhoc one infrast)?08:39
tucemiuxTopGear, you have to install grub in sda in the Master Boot Record08:39
SuperDefenderXThe temperature application in the repos doesn't work... :P08:39
TopGear"sudo grub-install /dev/sda --root-directory=/mnt" ?08:40
iflema!sensors | SuperDefenderX08:40
ubottuSuperDefenderX: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.08:40
TopGear"sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt" Well, first this one08:40
SuperDefenderXOh, I was using Xsensors08:40
tucemiuxTopGear, so you have ubuntu installed in sdd?08:40
TopGearThat's right08:41
TopGear1. "sudo mount /dev/sdd1 /mnt"08:41
TopGear2. sudo grub-install /dev/sda --root-directory=/mnt08:41
DrBelkaanybody ever recieved this error while using gcc/g++?08:41
DrBelka/usr/bin/ld: final link failed: No space left on device08:41
DrBelkacollect2: ld returned 1 exit status08:41
tucemiuxTopGear, you have to reinstall grub, I suggest you go to #grub and ask them how to reinstall grub and show them your link to paste bin08:41
TopGearthen ill do that08:42
tucemiuxDrBelka, sounds like you ran out of space08:42
multwifiDrBelka: you ran out of hard drive space08:42
tucemiuxTopGear, if no one is in #grub right now try logging in to this channel at another time, you want to talk to someone who is familiar reinstalling grub08:43
DrBelkamy hard drive has plenty of space....08:43
DrBelkaI dont understand08:43
jibadeehacan anyone here recommend a cheap NAS that works well with ubuntu, was thinking of getting buffalo link station live 1TB ... should work, but i got burnt with a Freecom NAS where it had a bug with the SMB/CIF protocol that didn't work with Linux08:43
multwifidoes ubuntu by default allow connection to two wifi interfaces (one adhoc one infrast)?08:43
DrBelkaFilesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on08:43
DrBelka/dev/sda7             12152040   3859796   7674948  34% /08:43
DrBelkatmpfs                   222344         0    222344   0% /lib/init/rw08:43
DrBelkavarrun                  222344       324    222020   1% /var/run08:43
DrBelkavarlock                 222344         0    222344   0% /var/lock08:43
DrBelkaudev                    222344       192    222152   1% /dev08:43
FloodBot3DrBelka: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:43
spY|da#ubuntu.de nur auf einladung? was ist denn da kaputt gemacht worden?08:44
tucemiuxTopGear, youre still there?  It doesnt seem difficult to reinstall grub08:44
TopGearI am here08:44
multwifi!ge | spY|da08:44
ubottuspY|da: ქართული ენაზე დახმარების მიღებისთვის გთხოვთ შემობრძანდით #ubuntu-ge / Kartuli enaze dakhmarebis mighebistvis gtkhovt shemobrdzandit #ubuntu-ge08:44
TopGearand in grub08:45
DrBelkaany ideas, tucemiux or multwifi?08:46
tucemiuxTopGear, the trick here is to use the result you get from the find command: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351&highlight=reinstall+grub08:46
TopGearthat ain't grub 2 I think08:46
TopGearthat's legacy08:46
multwifiDrBelka: maybe upgrade to gcc/g++ 4.0 (latest version), the drive looped at all?08:47
DrBelkaI do not know what it meant for the drive to be looped08:47
DrBelkaI think I am using gcc 4.3?08:47
multwifiDrBelka: hmm, thats the latest version; maybe try to SSH into a box at your university and compile on those machines?08:48
DrBelkayeah, I guess I could do that.  Still, I wish i knew why it was doing that08:49
DrBelkaits really weird because it does not give me that error again after a restart08:50
xiongI have just bought a Hawking HWUN3 WiFi USB Adapter. I have read the docs for installing the Win driver using ndiswrapper; they seem extremely fearsome, with result uncertain. I'm concerned that somehow I will get it wrong and not be able to get back to the internal wifi. For that matter, since the external adapter is not usually needed, I'd like to be able to switch back and forth -- if not conveniently, then not without recompi08:51
xiongling my kernel. What's up with this?08:51
xiongBTW, I'm open to the suggestion "Take the Hawking back to the store and buy X instead." I don't like that but I'll listen.08:52
tucemiuxDrBelka, from what directory youre running that command?  Try unmounting your store partition08:53
tucemiuxDrBelka, "storage" partition08:53
bashcahi there   please  help08:53
mneptokxiong: i'm a bit confused why you'd need a USB dongle if you have working internal wifi ...08:54
bashcaFailed to fetch http://osmirror.rug.nl/ubuntu/dists/karmic-proposed/Release  Unable to find expected entry  partner/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file?08:54
xfactHow to change 'login screen' on ubuntu 9.10 Karmic?08:54
DrBelkaI will try running the command in a directory on a different drive, tucemiux08:55
xiongmneptok, Where I prefer to work, weak signal here. At the moment I'm connected but it's unreliable.08:55
tucemiux!help | bashca08:55
ubottubashca: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:55
xfactHow to change 'login screen' on ubuntu 9.10 Karmic?08:55
bashcatucemiux: sorry08:55
mneptokxiong: i'm not sure why you think a USB dongle will improve that08:55
tucemiuxbashca, thats ok, just go ahead and ask, remember to do it all in one line08:55
nimrod10xfact, go to the ubuntu menu -> system -> administration -> login window08:55
mneptoknimrod10: that does not exist in Karmic08:56
xiongmneptok, It's said to have superior pull -- not so much due to the dongle but to its antenna. If need be, I can even discard the supplied antenna and replace it with an even studlier one.08:56
nimrod10mneptok, didn't know that08:56
imcdonaIf you try and create a raid array in "Disk Manager" without first installing "mdadm" it fails. There is no indication that the mdadm package is needed.08:56
bashcatucemiux: i got this error  when  updating my  source.list     , how  can fix   it  ??08:56
imcdonaIS this a bug?08:56
imcdonaor a feature request?08:56
mneptokxiong: is this a laptop?08:57
xpo0fhi people08:57
tucemiuxxiong, if you buy an N wireless device it will help but only if the wifi router youre connecting to is also an N wireless router, I would also check to make sure the wireless card is compatible with ubuntu right out of the box though08:57
tgpraveen12lmcdona: BUG08:57
xiongmneptok, Yes. In theory, I suppose I could crack the case, locate the antenna connection, and futz up an external antenna port. Prefer external dongle.08:57
tucemiuxbashca, can you post the error you are getting all in one line please08:57
xfactnimrod10: sorry, I am using Karmic and there is no such option like 'login window', and the 'login screen' only provides how to login ,and time interval between choosing user... etc.08:58
imcdonaok I will submit a report tgpraveen1208:58
bashca Failed to fetch  osmirror.rug.nl/ubuntu/dists/karmic-updates/Release  Unable to find expected entry  partner/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file08:58
mneptokxiong: is the wireless in the laptop an integrated thing, or a PCI-E mini card?08:58
xiongmneptok, The Hawking is rated draft N but degrades to handle G and B as well.08:58
xiongmneptok, The internal wifi is all internal.08:58
sudiptawhat r the features added to 10.0408:58
bashcatucemiux:  Failed to fetch osmirror.rug.nl/ubuntu/dists/karmic-updates/Release  Unable to find expected entry  partner/binary-i386/Packages in Meta-index file (malformed Release file08:59
metaleksbashca, I'll pm you08:59
mneptokxiong: does the laptop have a PCI-E mini slot? have you checked it?08:59
xpo0fhi people08:59
tucemiuxbashca, in a terminal do: "sudo apt-get update"08:59
xpo0fit is good to patch linux-next ?08:59
bashcatucemiux: i did  and  i  got this  error08:59
tucemiux!hello| xpo0f08:59
ubottuxpo0f: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!08:59
metalekscheck your /etc/apt/sources.list08:59
tucemiuxbashca, at the end of the error it should give you directions on what to do next09:00
xiongmneptok, It does; it has two, in fact. I considered a card solution. The issue with that is that the slot is on the right side, conflicting physically with the external trackball. Not a total deal-killer but an annoyance. I have USB ports left, right, and rear.09:00
bashcatucemiux: nothing09:00
xpo0fbashca: better u using software-source and get the nearest mirror09:00
mneptokxiong: my Dell laptop came with a Broadcom half-mini PCI-E card which i immediately pulled and replaced with an Intel. i'm sitting 50 feet and 1 floor away from my AP and have a very, very strong signal.09:01
mneptokxiong: this is not a slot on the side. it's a panel you unscrew on the bottom of the chassis09:01
bashcatucemiux: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m497bc62f09:02
xiongmneptok, I don't doubt that any external solution *may* be superior to my current internal setup. I don't think, on the RF end, I'm going to be unhappy with the Hawking USB. This is a driver issue.09:02
tucemiuxbashca, run in a terminal: "sudo dpkg --configure -a"09:02
mneptokxiong: http://www.amazon.com/Intel-533ANMMWW-Wifi-Link-5300/dp/B001CXT6NQ/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&s=sporting-goods&qid=1264928527&sr=8-5  <--- like so09:02
mneptokxiong: PCI-E mini card. *NOT* an ExpressCard or Cardbus.09:03
bashcatucemiux: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m5a13499e09:04
mneptokxiong: the *absolute best* wireless performance you will get under Linux is with Intel chipsets. and they don't make USB dongles.09:04
xiongmneptok, Oh. Okay, well, I don't really know then what I've got. I'm not sure just what the story is with my internal wifi.09:04
resjudicatahow do I get pdf files to open with evince instead of adobe acrobat without removing the later?09:04
mneptokxiong: what is the make/model of the laptop?09:04
xfactAnyone can kindly tell me that how to change login screen on Ubuntu Karmic koala, or there is no such option?09:04
xiongmneptok, Are you suggesting I replace the current internal wifi card, keeping the solution entirely internal, without any big external antenna?09:05
xpo0fmneptok: agree, im using iwl3945 and it's fine09:05
mneptokxiong: precisely09:05
mneptokxiong: if you can. some laptops motherboards have wifi soldered on. they aren't cards.09:05
xiongmneptok, This is an off-brand; MPC TransPort X3100.09:05
xpo0fany idea about linux-next patch ?09:05
DrBelkatucemiux. turned out that I was in the "Storage" partition and i had left a stray script running that made a huge text file and took up all of the space.  I was convinced it was not even remotely full.  Thank you for your help09:06
xiongmneptok, To my knowledge, internal wifi was added. I didn't build out this box.09:06
xpo0f!info lsusb > xiong09:06
xiongmneptok, You've got me curious enough to want to shut down, or at least suspend, and take out a screwdriver and *peek*.09:07
mneptokxiong: do so. i'll go nicotize myself.09:07
xiongxpo0f, I have QueryKiller. I'll have to whitelist the bot. In any case, I've checked out lsusb. Not sure what you want me to see, though.09:08
xiong!info lsusb > xiong09:09
xiongHm. I guess that wasn't the magic word to whitelist.09:09
xiongxpo0f, "Who" speaks when you !info?09:10
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots09:10
Slartxiong: ubottu is the channel bot.. he/she/it answers to !info and other tags09:10
xiongSlart, I'll try whitelisting ubottu.09:10
xiong!info lsusb > xiong09:11
mneptokxiong: just unscrew the back panel(s) and look for a little card that has 2 or 3 wires (the antenna) running to it09:11
xiongHa, ubottu says lsusb doesn't exist in karmic. I've already run it.09:11
xpo0fxiong: search google for debian hardware database, and submit your lsusb output09:11
mneptokxiong: it will look kind of like the card in the Amazon listing i showed you09:11
Slartxiong: the !info factoid searches for a package from the repos...09:11
Slartxiong: lsusb isn't a package.. it probably comes from a package though09:12
Slart!search lsusb09:12
Slart!find lsusb09:12
ubottuFile lsusb found in manpages-tr, usbutils, zsh, zsh-beta09:12
xiongmneptok, xpo0f, Slart, Okay guys; all good info. But I'm gonna suspend now and look inside.09:12
* mneptok tootles off to smoke09:12
xpo0fhey guy, im asking about linux-next patch kernel..09:13
gabriel_how can i make HD H.264 movie mateial play back smoothly on my computer? I have followed a quide to use coreAVC decoder in mplayer, and it plays much better than before, but still not perfect. I think my hardware should definitely be sufficient to play back 1080p movies smoothly....09:13
=== Guest98536 is now known as jussi01
xpo0fgabriel_: try installing codec apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras09:14
xpo0f!info ubuntu-restricted-extras09:14
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 36 (karmic), package size 5 kB, installed size 32 kB09:14
tucemiuxbasanta_, it seems you have your sources file wrong, comment everything under "#cannonical  commercial repository" and then do an sudo apt-get update09:14
tucemiuxbashca,  it seems you have your sources file wrong, comment everything under "#cannonical  commercial repository" and then do an sudo apt-get update09:15
gabriel_xpo0f: i already have that installed.09:15
bashcatucemiux: thanks09:15
xpo0fgabriel_: ok09:15
Callum_gabriel_: don't forget that HD (especially H.264) video playback is a very intensive procedure, you may need to use hardware acceleration from your graphics card to get acceptable performance09:16
tucemiuxbashca, let me know if that helps, you will have to fix it though so you can use those repos09:16
basanta_tucemiux, how did you know?09:16
basanta_tucemiux, how did you know?:q09:16
gabriel_Callum_: yeah, and my geforce 8800GT is probably not used in ubuntu :(09:16
tucemiuxbasanta_, sorry, that message wasn't for you09:16
Callum_gabriel_: You do have the proprietary drivers installed, right?09:16
xpo0fgabriel_: apt-get install nvidia-common or u need to compile a kernel09:17
gabriel_Callum_: yes. which is why i can run compiz very smoothly. Disabling compiz doesn't make a differance for my playback performance though.09:17
Callum_xpo0f: What are you talking about? You don't need to compile a kernel >_>09:17
client04anjing laknat09:18
bashcatucemiux: can  i edit  my  sourcelist  by  default  1 ???09:18
tobiaszwhy is synaptic not removing dependancies like almost at all09:18
infidmy cpu started going to 100% for no apparent reason and ubuntu crashed by not letting me type or click anything, even tho the cursor still was movable. any idea what caused this? i didnt run anything extra or  unsuaul. just firefox, and a gnome terminal09:18
xpo0fCallum_: only the idea, u can using kernelcheck to compile with nvidia driver09:18
Callum_gabriel_: MPlayer, MythTV and a few other media players support H.264, MPEG2 and other codec hardware acceleration on recent NVIDIA GPUs via libvdpau09:18
gabriel_xpo0f: i have nvidia common installed already it seems.09:18
tucemiuxbashca, at the beginning of the line place an "#"09:18
Callum_HD video playback on my two 8500GT SLI setup works like a dream09:19
faileasinfid: set up openssh-server, and the next time it happens,see if you can ssh in from another system, and check with top or htop, maybe?09:19
gabriel_Callum_: yes, well it said on some page that nvidia cards from 8000 series support vdpau, EXCLUDING for 8800! :(09:19
Callum_gabriel_: That depends on how old your 8800 is09:19
infidfaileas: ok09:20
Dr_WillisHmm. I got an early 8800gtsxxx09:20
gabriel_Callum_: I was going to try that nvpau option... then i read that 8800 doesn't support it...09:20
Callum_gabirel_: AFAIK the 8800GT DOES support VDPAU, not sure though. Let me check09:20
xiongmneptok, I've had my look. I'd say it's almost certainly an internal wifi adapter behind that door. It's a C-Com; I'll run the numbers I got off it.09:20
gabriel_Callum_: as i said i have 8800GT09:20
Callum_gabriel_: Yes, the 8800GT does support VDPAU09:21
Callum_The only other 8800 that supports it is the 8800GS09:21
mneptokxiong: so it's an internal PCI-E mini card, as best as you can tell?09:21
gabriel_oh ok... so i just need to use mplayer with the vdpau flag then? i have nvidia 185 drivers09:21
Callum_Does anyone know if the MPlayer on Ubuntu repos has VDPAU support compiled in?09:22
xiongmneptok, I'm just about certain. Looks right. Has two thin cables going to it; I assume one is power/data and the other coax to the internal antenna. Perhaps there's a third cable out of sight; I didn't remove it.09:23
mneptokxiong: no, those are both antenna. the data and power are handled by the copper leads via the PCI bus09:23
resjudicatahow do I get pdf files to open with evince instead of adobe acrobat without removing the later?09:23
mneptokxiong: last question. is it full-length like the image i showed you, or half-height?09:23
xiongmneptok, Dunno about the bus. It is secured by screws and standoffs; it doesn't seem to slot in to anything.09:24
Callum_gabriel_: yes, try the MPlayer on Ubuntu's repositories first...you will have to install a GUI frontend for MPlayer (like SMPlayer or gnome-mplayer) if you want to use it with a GUI though09:24
mneptokxiong: it's in a slot09:24
mneptokxiong: http://www.amazon.com/Intel-WiFi-Link-5300-Network/dp/B001EHAHTM/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1264929858&sr=8-1  <--- that's a half-card09:24
xiongmneptok, About the size: It looked rather small, about an inch each way, although not square.09:25
mneptokxiong: http://www.amazon.com/Wireless-Wifi-Link-Mini-Card/dp/B000QAY00K/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1264929858&sr=8-2 <--- that's full length09:25
noname_good morning09:25
noname_hello again09:26
xiongmneptok, It looks generally like the pic you linked before. Same one?09:26
mneptokxiong: yup.09:26
mneptokxiong: the 5100s are a bit cheaper, but still work really well09:26
ginbuntuwhat will happen if you do dd if=imagefile of=/dev/sda1    but the size of sda1 is bigger than the image file?09:26
xiongThe slot must be covered by shielding, not immediately visible.09:26
nikihrhow do i remove kubuntu from ubuntu?09:26
mneptokxiong: http://www.amazon.com/Intel-WiFi-Link-5100-Network/dp/B001EH8H9E/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1264929934&sr=8-1  <--- order one of those09:26
noname_germany calling09:27
xiongmneptok, I'm not going to save $10 to compromise quality.09:27
mneptokxiong: it's the exact same quality09:28
ruienginbuntu: i am pretty sure dd only writes as long as imagefile and won't touch the rest of the data on /dev/sda1, but i'm not certain.09:28
mneptokxiong: it's still Intel, and instead of having 3 antenna leads that newer laptops use, it's got just the 2 you'll need.09:28
xiongmneptok, Forgive me for arguing from ignorance but I find it hard to believe that chipset is going to make a BIG difference vs changing antenna.09:28
mneptokxiong: the chipset has a driver. Intel provides excellent drivers directly to the Linux kernel. you can have a 40,000 foot tall antenna, and with a lousy driver, get lousy reception.09:29
mneptokxiong: just ensure that Amazon vendor has a good return policy. test it out. it should provide far, far better reception. and if so, you have an internal solution that will work while on the road.09:30
xiongmneptok, You make a potent argument.09:31
mneptokxiong: alternatively, you could get a better +Db antenna for the AP09:31
candyhow to extract uif file?09:31
xiongmneptok, Not too sure how I'd change from an internal antenna with an internal card to an external antenna with the internal card. Messy.09:32
xiongmneptok, I figure the internal antenna is built in, probably into the lid or sth.09:32
tobiaszwhy is synaptic not removing dependancies like almost at all09:33
mneptokxiong: no, an external antenna for your access point09:33
mihahello what package do i need to get fsck.ntfs ?09:33
mihaplease :D09:33
=== Ristus is now known as antti
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE09:33
xiongmneptok, Ah. I have no control over the AP. It's public wifi.09:33
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot09:34
Dr_Willismiha:  ntfs-utils i think09:34
Dr_Willismiha:  but i would suggest checking ntfs under windows09:35
mneptokxiong: so order the Intel 5100, ensuring you can return it if not satisfied. hopefully, it works. if not, you can move on to finding a USB dongle that might work.09:35
ectospasmwoah, my GNOME panels just disappeared09:36
candyhello there... can anyone help me how to extract uif file????????09:36
chipgerito convert video to .avi i am using winff but its throwing  error"unknown encoder libxvid" how do i fix it?09:36
Dr_Willis!find libxvid09:36
ubottuFound: libxvidcore4, libxvidcore4-dev09:36
Dr_Willischipgeri:  perhaps install the libxvidcore4 package09:37
xiongmneptok, I think you have given me an excellent solution, albeit it's Plan B: Discard Hawking hardware, buy *this* instead. I hope the driver install on it will not be Terrible. The issue may be less of installing the Intel driver and more of getting the C-Com driver out.09:37
henkpoleySay I screw a harddisk with EXT3 in my PC, and have ubuntu on another. What is the GUI way to have that EXT3 disk mounted at boot? (so I don't need to enter a password)09:37
Dr_Willishenkpoley:  put a proper entry in the /etc/fstab and mount it where you want09:37
xionghenkpoley, In general, you aren't going to do that GUI. You're going to edit fstab.09:37
mauriim not able to use firefox in openoffice09:38
henkpoleyDr_Willis: I know (did that), just wanted to know if there's any checkbox without the learning curve09:38
chipgeriDr_Willis: its already installed09:38
Dr_Willishenkpoley:  never noticed..   I can edit teh fstab in the time it took you to ask the question... :)09:38
henkpoleyDr_Willis: the guy who installed it (Mint) didn't really grasp any of what I did09:38
gabriel_Callum_: ok i will try intalling the mplayer from the repo again then (i have compiled my own with coreAVC support)09:38
Dr_Willisi recall some mount/ftab gui;s i also recall them not working very well09:39
henkpoleyDr_Willis: I hadn't done it in 2 years or so, but just want to know there's a newbie version09:39
xiongmneptok, In any case, thank you! I'm going to move on for now. It's cheap enough to try and see before I say, "That can't work." Thanks again.09:39
henkpoleyDr_Willis something with the current automount deamon udev/hal/whatever stuff09:39
Dr_Willisget the drives UUID with the blkid command, copy/paste an existing fstab line09:40
Dr_Willishenkpoley:  those mount it on access.. not at boot up09:40
henkpoleyDr_Willis: just used old still /dev/ name :P09:40
Dr_Willisit 'automounts it as needed'09:40
henkpoleyStill not easy :P09:40
=== EagleWatch is now known as eaglewatch
* eaglewatch is away: Gone away for now09:40
Dr_Willisits rather trivial....09:40
henkpoleyAh, well that should teach him to reinstall my music PC09:40
mneptokxiong: still there?09:40
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount09:41
henkpoleyDr_Willis: doesn't matter if it is trivial to people who don't know mount, partitions, etc.09:41
ubottuInterested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment09:41
henkpoleyDr_Willis: yeah.. RTFM.. great09:41
Dr_Willishenkpoley:  use the auto mount feature then.. but that proberly will have messed up permissions/ownership also09:41
Dr_Willissince its ext2/3/4 you will need to set proper ownership or permissions of the files09:42
henkpoleyhow to "use the auto mount feature"09:42
Dr_Willisbut you dident ask about that.09:42
Dr_Willishenkpoley:  plug it in.. double click.. it should mount it.09:42
resjudicatahow do I get pdf files to open with evince instead of adobe acrobat without removing the later?09:42
* mneptok prods xiong 09:42
t3hp00kyAnyone noticed friggs sending a ping as soon as you join freenode?09:42
xiongmneptok, ?09:42
henkpoleyDr_Willis: you have hotplug ATA ?09:42
Dr_Willishenkpoley:  now accessing all of it - how you want.09:42
airtonixhenkpoley, double click on the drive icon in nautilus -> computer://09:42
=== NetEcho is now known as Ox4e65744563686f
Tm_Tt3hp00ky: yes, it's freenode service and totally normal09:43
Dr_Willishenkpoley:  hotplug sata does exist.09:43
mneptokxiong: can you allow me to send you /msg's please?09:43
t3hp00kyTm_T: Oh ok thanks09:43
t3hp00kyI was wondering :p09:43
mneptokxiong: there's some information i want to share, and don't want to bother the channel with it09:43
xiongmneptok, Will whitelist you. Hang on; this is a new feature for me.09:43
mneptokxiong: standing by09:43
henkpoleyDr_Willis: I'm not hotplugging the music partition every time after boot just before the music player starts and misses its music ;)09:43
Dr_Willishenkpoley:  the hard drives i dont have listed in fstab show up in the computer://whatever listing and i just click on them and they mount. Im not sure what you are trying to do09:45
henkpoleyBut I should probably conclude that "linux sucks" ;-) and it can't be done easily, like saying "remember this" on the password prompt09:45
AnAntHello, how do I list available locales ? and how do I remove a locale ?09:45
paritoany1 currently using openvpn with Karmic ubuntu ?09:45
Dr_Willisif you want them to mount without the clicking.. then add a fstab entry09:45
Dr_Willishenkpoley:  i will rember that linux sucks as i watch this 2TB hd defrag for the next week on this windows box i am setting up...09:46
tony32i've been using beta repos. is it ok not to anymore or would it create conflicts or have to uninstall to go back to stable repo's?09:46
henkpoleyDr_Willis: get a mac ;-)09:46
Dr_Willishenkpoley:  i got a mac.. it makes a good doorstop.09:46
henkpoleyReminds me, on the mac mounts are remembered over reboot09:47
tony32i mean, if some of my packages are beta and i uncheck the beta repo's, would it uninstall them?09:47
Dr_Willishenkpoley:  never noticed or cared really.09:47
SirRedToothIs there anyway to access my old c: drive with windows vista on it from ubuntu09:47
henkpoleyDr_Willis: well, so linux sucks ;-)09:48
tony32SirRedTooth: sudo apt-get install ntfs-3g ntfs-config09:48
tony32you may not even need ntfs-config but i think ubuntu should access your c: drive by default09:49
Dr_Willisntfs-3g should be installed by default.09:49
SirRedToothWell i havnt installed ubuntu as a partition09:49
Dr_WillisSirRedTooth:  you did a Wubi install?09:49
SirRedToothI used wubi09:49
Dr_WillisIck. that can make it harder.09:49
om26erSirisian|Work, /host09:49
Dr_WillisI dont use wubi at all. so not sure if you even can mount the ntfs drigve its running from09:50
Callum_Dr_Willis: You sure? It should be the same in a Wubi install...09:50
om26erSirRedTooth, open nautilus and click on filesystem and open host dir09:50
Callum_Because Ubuntu NEEDS NTFS support to find the Wubi image on the Windows drive09:50
Dr_WillisCallum_: i was tghinking it had some special thing to keep stuff safer.09:50
jamilahi all09:50
Dr_Willisyou dont want to trash your installed system while running it. :)09:50
Dr_WillisSirRedTooth:  try installing/running the ntfs-config tool and see09:51
jamilahow can i retrieve back the network manager icon to my panel?09:51
Callum_Hmm, I wish I could help more, I don't have any experience with Wubi installs =P09:51
SirRedToothI just did09:51
ndr01danyone help with gnucash?09:51
SirRedToothdont see anything in computer:///09:51
SirRedToothapart from the usual09:51
abowhat is the recommended music player with an interface similar to winamp? I used xmms before, but now it says it's obsolete09:51
BinaryManjamila: hi09:51
ravensysrescd - how to mount a truecrypt/encrypted volume?09:52
Callum_SirRedTooth: If the drive is already configured to be automounted in /etc/fstab, it won't appear in computer:///09:52
Dr_Willisabo:  auacious09:52
jamilaBinaryMan, how can i retrieve back my network manager icon?09:52
Callum_SirRedTooth: can you pastebin the output of 'mount'?09:52
AnAntndr01d: what about gnucash ?09:52
aboDr_Willis E: Couldn't find package auacious09:52
ndr01dcan it import csv? The QIF file from my bank is no good09:53
Neremorwhy isn't "eclipse-cdt" in the repos anymore?09:53
om26erthe drive on which he installed ubuntu using wubi is mounted in 'host' directory09:53
GabrielSOE_how do I restart computer using command line?09:53
FlannelGabrielSOE_: sudo shutdown -r now09:53
SirRedToothwould it be easier to run the thing that puts ubuntu on its own partition.09:53
GabrielSOE_Flannel: Thanks m809:53
BinaryManjamila: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkManager#Missing%20panel%20applet09:54
BinaryManGabrielSOE_: reboot works too09:54
Dr_Willisabo:  use the search feature of the package manager09:54
BinaryManless characters to type in09:54
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.09:54
Callum_SirRedTooth: Check the /host folder09:54
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs09:54
aboDr_willis, was it audacious?09:54
Dr_WillisSirRedTooth:  a normal install is proberly a good idea.09:54
ravensysrescd - how to mount a truecrypt/encrypted volume?09:55
Dr_Willisabo:  thats what the bot just said09:55
SirRedToothOh thanks.09:55
Callum_SirRedTooth: Is /host your C: drive?09:55
quietonendr01d: there is a gnucash channel on gimpnet09:55
BinaryManso yeah09:55
Callum_SirRedTooth: =) Good09:55
ndr01dyeah, i went there, no ones at home...09:55
Dr_WillisCallum_:  so its allready mounted. :)09:55
sobersabrehi. I have a network of 2 computers (a,b). All the internet traffic comes via third computer (c), and I want to be able to count how much uploaded/downloaded each computer (a & b)09:55
BinaryMani realized that i've been getting my video driver updates from the upstream git09:55
BinaryManfor like the last two months09:55
sobersabrefrom the internet.09:55
SirRedToothSorry if I am a newbie this is my first day using something other than windows09:55
BinaryMangotta love the xorg-edgers ppa09:55
BinaryManamazing nothing broke09:56
Callum_Dr_Willis: Yes, it has to mount the NTFS partition somewhere to loop mount Ubuntu's filesystem image09:56
Callum_SirRedTooth: It's fine, this is what this channel is for =)09:56
* Dr_Willis votes to remove wubi from the next release.09:56
Callum_Dr_Willis: It's a good idea for people who can not partition09:56
* rww votes to remove Dr_Willis from the next release.09:56
Dr_WillisId rather seem them use virtualbox09:56
BinaryManI've been more of a VMware guy09:57
Dr_Willisive been playing with 'andlinux'  on my window machines.. its sort of a neat merger of virtual/guest/linux on windows. :)09:57
BinaryManDr_Willis: how does it differ from cygwin?09:57
BinaryManmore virtualization, less api emulation?09:58
Dr_WillisBinaryMan:  its actually running a mini linux via qemu (i think) and displays to the Windows desktop via Xming09:58
AnAntndr01d: dunno about that , sorry09:58
Callum_BinaryMan: It's actually Linux, Cygwin is a POSIX API implementation for Windows09:58
ubottuxmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.09:58
ndr01dthanks mate anyway09:58
Callum_BinaryMan: Much like how Wine is a Win32 API implementation for Unix-like operating systems09:59
Dr_WillisBinaryMan:  yea - one of the more original setups ive seen in some time.09:59
BinaryManif i ever get the urge to dual boot, i'll think about it.09:59
Dr_WillisI can run X apps as if they were windows apps basically.  with just a few quirks09:59
BinaryMani have no interest in shrinking this partition, then the lvm.10:00
raingrovewhy would you wanna run linux in windows10:00
pdp1111so i got a prob10:01
BinaryManraingrove: for the several dozen things you can't do in windows but can in linux?10:01
sayyedharoonhello ..can anyone help me with ubuntu 9.10 installatio which by mistake i have made 2 of them in the same computer along with also my xp installation10:01
Dr_WillisI justg have to wonder about windows at times.. this 2tb hd is 10% full and its 10% is scattered all over the hd... how can it be that bad.. :)10:01
BinaryManunfortunately, there are several things a virtual machine cannot do.10:01
Dr_Willisraingrove:  so i can access my linxu apps within windows10:01
BinaryManand you need windows as the host OS.10:01
raingrovethat's sad10:01
pdp1111i installed ubuntu and it made it through the install but went to reboot and it didnt10:01
Dr_WillisI can run xterm, gnome-terminal  or whatever now instead of putty10:01
raingroveone of the reasons you use linux is because windows is an unstable piece of junk10:02
pdp1111so i had to run the live cd10:02
pdp1111any help?10:02
sayyedharooncan i have answer on this10:02
BinaryManDr_Willis: i flinched at that. if only windows had ext3/410:02
Callum_pdp1111: Is the Ubuntu drive the first hard drive the BIOS is going to try to boot off of ?10:02
pdp1111cd, then hdd10:02
Dr_WillisBinaryMan: I still liked many of the features the BeOS filesystem had.10:02
Callum_pdp1111: Yes, but in the hard drive boot order, is the drive containing Ubuntu the first HARD DRIVE the BIOS will try to boot?10:03
pdp1111but there was no cd in10:03
BinaryManDr_Willis: better than ntfs10:03
Callum_pdp1111: then maybe it would be best to try and reinstall it on the same drive, and see how it goes10:03
sobersabreif somebody answered me, I had some net problem...10:03
sayyedharooncan anyone help me with some assistance on the unintsalling of ubuntu10:03
BinaryMananyone know the highlights in the samba update?10:04
Callum_pdp1111: make sure the boot loader is installed on the same drive Ubuntu is being installed to10:04
sobersabreI wanted to know if there is a toold to collect traffic usage data by IP10:04
pdp1111how do i do that10:04
quietonendr01d: try wiki.gnucash.org/wiki/FAQ10:04
Dr_Willissobersabre:  ntop perhaps10:04
Callum_pdp1111: If you are not sure how to do it, you don't need to worry about that then10:04
SirRedToothDoes anybody know a good alternative to autohotkey for ubuntu?10:05
pdp1111ok ill try it10:05
pdp1111so u say just reinstall10:05
Callum_pdp1111: Give it a try =P10:05
candy_can anybody help me how to extract uif file??10:05
error404notfoundmy resolv.conf is always set to nameserver, even though i am pushing a DNS from my oepnvpn server, why?10:05
BinaryManout of curiosity, just how exactly does luks work with an lvm?10:06
BinaryMani get the jist of it, but i'm not that familiar with it.10:07
BinaryManwhoa caps10:07
sayyedharoonis there anyone who could help me wth uninstallation of ubuntu on my system which has also windows cp in it10:07
Tm_T!patience | candy_10:07
ubottucandy_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.10:07
Dr_Williscandy_:  if they did.. they proberly got you on ignore now.10:07
Dr_Willisive never even heard of a UIF file10:07
xpo0f!hello | xpo0f10:08
ubottuxpo0f, please see my private message10:08
candy_Dr_Willis, and u plz help me10:08
Dr_Williscandy_: ive never heard of uif befor.. so all ican suggest is you google for 'uif linux extract'10:09
candy_Dr_Willis, ok10:09
Dr_Willissomthing ya could of done befor asking in here. :)10:09
BinaryMancandy_: you don't need to do that.10:09
BinaryManthere's a package to extract uif images already on the ubuntu repo.10:09
candy_BinaryMan, but how to open it?10:10
Dr_Willispackage manager searching is good also.. but ive never heard of uif still :)10:10
BinaryManubottu must be broken.10:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:10
BinaryManthat will convert the uif image to iso10:10
BinaryManthen you can just mount it.10:10
BinaryManmkdir /mnt/isomount10:10
xpo0f!info | xpo0f10:10
ubottu(In the future, please use a private message to investigate) Retrieve information on a package: !info <package>10:10
BinaryMansudo mount -o loop /path/to/iso /mnt/isomount10:10
ubottu'xpo0f' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner10:10
SirRedToothDoes anybody know a alternative to autohotkey for ubuntu?10:11
BinaryManSirRedTooth: for global hotkeys?10:11
BinaryManSirRedTooth: or just remapping keys?10:11
SirRedToothremapping keys.10:11
sudiptacan linux have viruses10:11
BinaryManyup, it can10:12
Dr_Willissudipta:  possible - but ive never seen one in the wild.10:12
SirRedToothSo if i type "hi" it replaces with "hello"10:12
candy_BinaryMan, the link ll do for me i think. thanks10:12
Dr_Willissudipta:  and ones ive seen in the past/history are so specific for various kernel/services.. that  they dont live long10:12
BinaryManSirRedTooth: that's something beyond i was thinking10:12
xpo0f!info keyboard10:12
ubottuPackage keyboard does not exist in karmic10:12
BinaryMan!info gremlins10:12
ubottuPackage gremlins does not exist in karmic10:12
BinaryManlies, they do exist!10:13
xpo0f!hi | BinaryMan10:13
ubottuBinaryMan: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:13
obiwan_guys , could nybody xplain  the -0- part in wget -q http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/sun_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add - ??10:13
quietonesayyedharoon: did you say you have two copies of the same version of ubuntu on your machine plus windows?10:13
SirRedToothI will do a few more google searches..10:13
xpo0fobiwan_: maybe manual will help | man apt-key10:13
BinaryManxpo0f: i've been sitting in here for about a month or two now, thanks.10:13
obiwan_xpo0f: but that's before apt-key10:14
MF_DebianSirRedTooth, autokey10:14
xpo0fBinaryMan: just to say hi10:14
obiwan_xpo0f: i searched the man wget but i don't find it10:14
MF_DebianSirRedTooth, there is a ppa for it, I havent used it though10:14
xpo0fobiwan_: i also dont know.. that part of gpg i guess10:14
ddmalguien interesado en ubuntu que hable español?10:14
SirRedToothOkay :) ill see if I can manage to use it.10:14
xpo0f!language | ddm10:14
ubottuddm: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.10:14
=== Pricey is now known as pricey\
=== pricey\ is now known as pricey|
sudiptathen why windows have deadly viruses?10:15
=== pricey| is now known as Pricey
xpo0fany idea what is linux-next patch ??10:15
SirRedToothBecause most people use windows, so people write viruses for windows.10:16
SirRedToothAnd most people using linux are familiar with a computer which makes it hard for them to get infected.10:16
xpo0fSirRedTooth: maybe lack of security, more user friendly10:16
xpo0fi love ubuntu so much .. although karmic really pain10:17
Dr_WillisThe russian mafia pays people to write virusew for windows, :)10:17
SirRedToothI suppose. It might take a while to get used to it though.10:17
royrussell2 sets down one game down in the 3rd10:17
BinaryManddm: no hable espanol, hable ingles10:17
Dr_WillisYou learn about computers by using Linux.. with windows.. you learn about scanning for viruses and defragging all day long10:17
BinaryManit's not even that.10:18
BinaryManwith linux, you have far more control over your system.10:18
xpo0flinux and ubuntu is about community10:18
BinaryManfor example10:18
BinaryManyou plug in an mp3 player10:18
BinaryManhit dmesg10:18
BinaryManand you've got all sorts of useful information.10:18
BinaryManyou plug in an mp3 player while running windows, and plug and play goes off.10:18
xpo0fBinaryMan: thats the thing that kernel detect actually10:19
BinaryManand screams at you if it doesn't work.10:19
Dr_WillisI got a mixxed network of windows and linxu machines.. with samba shares on all of them. I cant 'see' the shares/mechines for some machines with nautilus, or windows. unless i enter the ip# of the server in question. then it works..  Whats causing this. oddity.10:19
SirRedToothIm guessing in around 4 months time I will be able to run ubuntu as easily as I used to run liux10:19
BinaryManDr_Willis: make sure the dns names are being resolved.10:19
royrussellDr_Willis wins server10:19
BinaryMancheck the hosts file?10:19
Dr_WillisBinaryMan:  they should be using the wins. not dns. :) and i do have entries in teh hosts file on the linux box's alsop10:20
ddmno sé inglés10:20
Dr_Willisim having the issue btween 2 windows machines also.10:20
Dr_Willisnot just linux to win or win to lin.10:20
SirRedToothThe last step of installing autokey is sudo dpkg -i <buildpackagename>, what does it mean by buildpackage name?10:20
BinaryManddm: por favor hable ingles10:20
ddmagradeceria que alguien me orientara de algún chat en castellano que traten sobre ubuntu10:21
Dr_WillisShould i set up one linux box to be a wins server and the others to be a wins client? or is the wins client setting even needed?10:21
BinaryManddm: ellos no hable espanol10:21
Dr_Willisreading the samba config file right now.. checking the comments10:21
ddmlo siento, chao10:21
xpo0fDr_Willis: u can use it like samba pdc10:21
BinaryManddm: chao10:21
SirRedToothThe last step of installing autokey is sudo dpkg -i <buildpackagename>, what does it mean by buildpackagename?10:22
BinaryManSirRedTooth: the name of the package10:22
xpo0fSirRedTooth: and checkinstall will create .deb file10:22
BinaryMansorry about that. guy didn't know english10:22
BinaryMankept telling him none of us know spanish and he had to speak english10:23
Callum_BinaryMan: you can redirect him to a Spanish #ubuntu channel10:23
gabriel_Callum_: i installed mplayer again using the ubuntu software center.. however, it doesn't seems to have overwritten my compiled version of mplayer? I thought it would do it?10:23
SirRedToothWhere do I find the name of the package? Something gives me a feeling this is a stupid question...10:24
BinaryManDr_Willis: i have three machines on my network, two are running linux and one is running windows. haven't had any problems with samba.10:24
Callum_gabriel_: you can install MPlayer to different places =) which is probably what has happened here10:24
BinaryManhad to play with it a little bit to get it working, but now it works fine.10:24
BinaryManCallum_: didn't know there was one. what's the channel?10:24
Callum_gabriel_: you can uninstall the compiled MPlayer by going to the source code folder where it was compiled and typing 'sudo make uninstall'10:25
Callum_isn't it something like #ubuntu-es or something?10:25
Dr_WillisBinaryMan:  yea i even have oddities with just the 2 windows box's here.  Im wondering if my router is doing some security stuff. but i cant find any. and that dont explain why the ip's work. but not the names10:25
SirRedToothI just downloaded a application, how to i find <buildpackagename> so I can run the install?10:25
gabriel_so are BOTH versions on my path now? And it just executes the first entry on the path?10:25
BinaryManup, that's it.10:26
xpo0fSirRedTooth: apt-cache search <package>10:26
BinaryMan /shrug10:26
BinaryManhe left freenode.10:26
Dr_WillisBinaryMan:  rereading chapter 7 of 'using samba -> http://www.samba.org/samba/docs/using_samba/ch07.html10:26
Callum_gabriel_: Yes, you will want to remove the compiled one by going to the source code folder where it was compiled and typing 'sudo make uninstall'10:26
gabriel_where is the latest installed one, if i want to try it first before uninstalling my own?10:26
Dr_WillisBinaryMan:  :) i really do RTFM10:26
BinaryManDr_Willis: I would check the hosts files first.10:26
SirRedToothIs there a tutorial for all this10:26
gabriel_Callum_: before that i would like to see if the repo version works better...10:27
BinaryManthat was my problem with name resolving.10:27
BinaryMani don't have a WINS server set up.10:27
Callum_gabriel_: You will probably need to make uninstall the compiled one to do that10:27
xpo0f!info pdnsd10:27
ubottupdnsd (source: pdnsd): Proxy DNS Server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.7-par-1 (karmic), package size 285 kB, installed size 712 kB10:27
xpo0fim using pdnsd .. no more WINS server10:28
gabriel_Callum_: well, ok :/10:28
SirRedToothI will read the documentation10:28
Callum_gabriel_: Just installed MPlayer from the repo and using SMPlayer to play it, and VDPAU seems to be working for me =)10:28
xpo0fgabriel_: vlc also ok to010:28
Dr_WillisBinaryMan:  hosts file on a linxu box wouldent be affecting the 2 windows machines would it?  i was just wondering what if the wins server has a messed up hosts file10:29
xpo0fDr_Willis: you can also put in your /etc/hosts file10:29
gabriel_Callum_: aha, i have smplayer installed. i can try it i guess.. but how can i see if it's actually using vdpau? should i start smplayer from commandline?10:29
Dr_Willisxpo0f:  thats what i am checking right now.10:29
BinaryManDr_Willis: check the hosts file on the windows boxes?10:30
gabriel_but i have to give the command to use vdpay right?10:30
Ganangdid anyone try running photoshop with wine? did it run well?10:30
SirRedToothAnybody know a tutorial that explains how to install applications? By that I mean the concept of packages.10:30
xpo0fGanang: u can use playonlinux10:30
richlynjust got the burg installed on my karmic10:30
Dr_WillisBinaryMan:  yea. last i looked there - those were untouched by me.. let me double check10:30
xpo0f!info playonlinux | Ganang10:30
ubottuGanang: playonlinux (source: playonlinux): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.6-1 (karmic), package size 759 kB, installed size 2040 kB10:30
Callum_gabriel_: no, it can be configured using a GUI, such as SMPlayer10:31
Ganangxpo0f: is playonlinux also an " emulator"?10:31
gabriel_Callum_: oh, so you configured it to use vdpau in the smplayer gui?10:31
SirRedTooth Anybody know a tutorial that explains how to install applications? By that I mean the concept of packages.10:31
xpo0fGanang: wine also ok.. download .pol file to run it10:31
xpo0fbut it guess gimp is better10:31
xpo0fSirRedTooth: meaning ?10:31
ruienSirRedTooth: do you mean installing automatically via apt-get, installing .deb packages directly, or installing from source manually?10:32
Ganangxpo0f: could be better, but i am used to photoshop, and i need to hand some stuff for tomorrow so with photoshop i can do it really fast10:32
richlynyou can download pakages manually in differrent OS and install later10:32
xpo0fGanang: ok.. gudluck10:32
=== sdx23 is now known as Guest56196
SirRedToothSomething that can help me understand what a .deb package is.10:33
SirRedToothFor example: sudo dpkg -i <buildpackagename>10:33
sarthorHi, my pppoe server is according this tutorial, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=291926 , how to add my clients username and passwords to the /etc/ppp/pap-secrtes by bash command.10:33
balsaqwith an intel atom and 1 gig ram is there really a big speed difference between xfce and gnome? do gnome apps run faster in gnome than in xfce, like firefox for example?10:33
xpo0fSirRedTooth: u neet to read ape-cache instead10:33
faileasSirRedTooth: its just a compressed bunch of files, with a file telling your system how to remove, and install then10:34
Callum_gabriel_: Just tried it, yeah10:34
xpo0fbalsaq: lxde as alternatives, lightwight10:34
SirRedToothSo how do i run the install?10:34
bioswordsgiorno a tutti10:34
xpo0fapt-get install <packages>10:34
xpo0f!info apt-get | SirRedTooth10:35
ubottuSirRedTooth: Package apt-get does not exist in karmic10:35
SirRedToothHow do I know what to replace <package> with?10:35
gawkI installed Ubuntu to a RAID 5 array, and it installed fine, but when I booted I got a Grub 15 error. This is my first RAID, does anyone know if I am missing something?10:35
bioswordsqualkuno saprebe indicarmi la via per risolvere il problema del gioco super mario bros per wii10:35
xpo0fapt-get will install dependency to010:35
faileasSirRedTooth: google, or apt-cache search (some keyword)10:36
gabriel_Callum_: could you tell me what settings you use to get good playback? For instance, I saw there is a option "use coreAVC if no other codec specified"... i think that's weird, since normally you don't have coreAVC installed!10:36
xpo0fSirRedTooth: you may search package using apt-cache search <package>10:36
gawkWhen I tried mounting it from a live CD, it told me it couldn't mount it10:36
BinaryManthere is the GUI interface10:36
Callum_gabriel_: you do have the repo MPlayer and SMPlayer installed and the compiled one UNINSTALLED, right? =)10:36
SirRedToothI will understand apt-cache first.10:36
BinaryManit's something like system -> administration -> software packages10:36
SirRedToothI feel utterly stupid right now10:36
ruienSirRedTooth: you can search packages in aptitude as well. That is what I like to use.10:36
xpo0fSirRedTooth: using synaptic-package-manager10:36
BinaryManSirRedTooth: you're learning something new. you can't expect to know this right off the bat.10:37
SirRedToothI suppose10:37
gabriel_Callum_: well i haven't managed to uninstalled the compiled one yet :D10:37
BinaryManSirRedTooth: a lot of us started using linux years ago. back before it was this user-friendly.10:37
Callum_gabriel_: Just go to the source code folder where you compiled MPlayer and type 'sudo make uninstall'10:38
BinaryManin some cases, before a gui installer existd.10:38
gabriel_Callum_: ok now i did it, it should have worked now10:38
BinaryManso keep in mind you have a bit of an advantage.10:38
Callum_gabriel_: Launch SMPlayer.... Options -> Preferences -> Video tab -> Output driver: vdpau10:38
=== Antti is now known as Ristus
natrixnatrix89Hi. How can I find out the address of my serial port. It has to be something like /dev/ttyS.. but which one?10:38
trollboygood question10:39
=== root is now known as Guest79931
balsaqis evolution integration canonical's idea or is it because of the Gnome DE?10:39
kinkelsonhello all..10:39
Guest79931hi kink10:40
xpo0fi cant remove evolution and its depends on gnome-panel ..10:40
gabriel_Callum_: i have uninstalled. However, I can STILL run the same video as before with coreAVC codec! How is that possible?? ALso, i don't see vdpau driver in smplayer :( Only other drivers...10:40
Tm_Tbalsaq: I'm sure it's gnome thing10:40
kinkelsonhi Guest7993110:40
Myrttibalsaq: evolution is an official part of  gnome...10:40
Callum_balsaq: yeah, Evolution is part of the GNOME project10:40
Guest79931i want make upgrade to Pidgin but it didn't work10:40
Guest79931any one for help10:40
gabriel_Callum_: i think that if it REALLY uninstalled, how can it still use the coreavc codec?10:41
balsaqin that case i really think xfce should be default lol integration is more windowsish10:41
Callum_gabriel_: that is odd...10:41
kinkelsonhow did u do it? throught the CLI or GUI?10:41
gabriel_Callum_: yeah it's odd. i just wanted to confirm the uninstall10:41
Callum_gabriel_: What was the output of 'sudo make uninstall'?10:41
gabriel_Callum_: stuff like: rm -f /usr/local/bin/mplayer /usr/local/bin/gmplayer10:41
xpo0fGuest79931: u need to add launchpad pidgin developers10:42
Guest79931i made apt-get upgrade Pidgin10:42
Callum_gabriel_: You weren't running any instances of MPlayer while you were uninstalling it, right?10:42
Ganangxpo0f: After installing playonlinux, how can i install the software, with wine or playonlinux directly?10:42
Guest79931but that give me time is out10:42
kinkelsonGuest79931 u need to uninstall the current version and install the version u want10:43
kinkelsonthats safer and cleaner10:43
gabriel_Callum_: i was running smplayer, if that matters?10:43
=== antti is now known as antrissa
xpo0fGanang: playonlinux directly, u can find it in games menu10:43
Guest79931i made that too10:43
Callum_gabriel_: That might make a difference, try running it while SMPlayer isn't running10:43
kinkelsonon the other hand the upgrade could have failed because you have the newest verion10:43
kinkelsondid u check the version numbers?10:43
gabriel_Callum_: omg i was just logged out for no reason :/10:44
Callum_gabriel_: X server probably crashed, that happens10:45
Guest79931now i made "sudo apt-get remove pidgin"10:45
Guest79931and it remove10:45
=== ezfox1 is now known as ezfox
superbeeWoot woot10:46
sim642When I boot ubuntu 9.10 live cd on an old PC, and select try ubuntu with no changes to pc, ubuntu freezes and cd is ejected. The pc actually doesnt meet the requirements, but is that because of it?10:47
gabriel_Callum_: just run uninstall again. can still use coreavc codec... ???10:47
gawkI installed Ubuntu to a RAID 5 array, and it installed fine, but when I booted I got a Grub 15 error. This is my first RAID...so I know it is probably something silly and stupid. When I try to mount it from a live CD it refusing to mount, saying "DBus error org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply: Message did not receive a reply (timeout by message bus)"10:47
gabriel_Callum_: MPlayer SVN-r29643-Ubuntu-RVM (C) 2000-2009 MPlayer Team10:47
Guest79931i want make ubuntu as server Active directory and DC10:48
natrixnatrix89Hi. How can I find out the address of my serial port. It has to be something like /dev/ttyS.. but which one?10:48
gabriel_Callum_: however, now i can see vdpau driver in smplayer!10:48
Callum_gabriel_: That's probably because its using Ubuntu mplayer now10:49
gabriel_Callum_: i have many more drivers to choose from now in fact.10:49
gabriel_Callum_: yeah it seems so.10:49
Guest79931i'm looking for Domain Controller with Linux10:49
quietonei'v been talking to sayyedharoon about their problems. Can someone help with dual boot, disk partitioning and editing grub?10:50
gabriel_Callum_: i still have the "use coreavc if no other codec spcified" option under the performance tab10:50
kinkelsonit seems you need to install OpenLDAP to act a a directory server10:50
kinkelsonits syntax is slightly complex u'll need to read more on it10:51
Guest79931and i want make windows XP joint with linux domain10:51
gabriel_Callum_: i'm guessing it's good to use 2 threads at least for decoding? so that both my cpus can be used?10:51
transonicwhat can i say.....10:51
kinkelsonyes openldap can do that10:51
XeroXerDoes anyone know if anything can be done about the gvfs timeout problem that appeared in 9.10?10:51
SirRedToothHow to i set ubuntu to show file extensions?10:52
Callum_gabriel_: Just use default settings with VDPAU decoder, see what happens =)10:52
omegonHi all, i'm using right now Ubuntu 9.10 loaded from CD (live version). How do I get permission of removing/copying files? it keeps on saying "Permission denied". Thank you for helping me.10:52
kinkelsonto install :the package name is openlap-server10:52
Guest79931Thank you KINK10:52
Callum_SirRedTooth: Most files in Linux don't have extensions10:52
kinkelsonit's on most repos10:52
SirRedToothSo its not possible10:52
kinkelsonno problem .. all the best10:52
quietoneubuntu has been installed twice and one of the questions is how to return one of those partitions to XP. How does one reformat it for ntfs and then will XP just find it?10:52
Callum_SirRedTooth: No, any file that doesn't have an extention REALLY doesn't have one in its filename10:52
Guest79931sorry KINK how i can install it "Openldap"10:53
Callum_gabriel_: if VDPAU output doesn't work, make sure that package "nvidia-185-libvdpau" is installed10:53
Liquid-Silencequick question10:53
SirRedToothSo if i have a pdf file called ubuntu I cant make it show as ubuntu.pdf10:53
kinkelsonuse sudo apt-get install openldap10:53
kinkelsonbut it has other dependencies10:53
icerootkinkelson: sudo apt-get install slapd10:53
Callum_SirRedTooth: Yes, you can, just rename it to be so10:53
kinkelsonlike nss10:53
faileasSirRedTooth: sudo cp ubuntu ubuntu.pdf will make a copy10:53
Guest79931E: Couldn't find package openldap10:54
kinkelsonsorry, iceroot is right10:54
kinkelsonits sudo apt-get install slapd10:54
icerootGuest79931: sudo apt-get install slapd10:54
Dragon_LegionI got a question on the usb-creator10:54
SirRedToothBut I have a file called ubuntu.pdf. But it hides the .pdf part.10:54
iceroot!ask | Dragon_Legion10:54
ubottuDragon_Legion: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:54
Guest79931and witch linux system10:54
icerootGuest79931: ?10:55
Guest79931for any linux system it can work10:55
SirRedToothI have a column called "type" I dont want the extension to be in type I want it to show with the file name10:55
Dragon_Legionis it possible to change the USB to be NOT read only (using an old distro of Linux Mint atm) so I can rewrite it?10:55
kinkelsonwhich distro are u using?10:55
Liquid-Silenceanyone have a ubuntu desktop that "wows"?10:55
Guest79931fedora or ubuntu etc...10:55
pratik_dondais there any tool for "collaborative editing for linux & windows"?10:55
kinkelsonwith fedora its yum10:55
icerootGuest79931: what is your question excactly?10:56
=== kane77 is now known as LucKaaaaaa
pbinkSo i tried to slap 9.1 onto this old P4T533 Asus mb based system.  I have the single IDE HD plugged into the primary master slot, and jumpered to CS.  Install from CD image seems to go perfectly, but fails "cannot boot from disk, press any key to try again"  after post.10:56
pbinkany ideas?10:56
Guest79931<kinkelson> so it's make linux as windows server 200310:56
SirRedToothI will do a few more google searches. But I am sure it must be possible.10:56
kinkelsoniceroot: have personally ever deployed LDAP?10:56
=== seanw is now known as Guest76808
sarthorHi, my pppoe server is according this tutorial, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=291926 , how to add my clients username and passwords to the /etc/ppp/pap-secrtes by bash command.10:57
icerootkinkelson: of course10:57
kinkelsonwell in a way, if you are referring to authentication10:57
pratik_dondais there any tool for "collaborative editing for ubuntu & windows"?10:58
icerootpratik_donda: google wave10:58
kinkelsoniceroot: which distro did you try it on?10:58
icerootkinkelson: debian, univention coorperate server, ubuntu10:58
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Phantom_HooverDoes anyone know how the joystick bindings in linux/input.h work?10:58
Guest79931debian is okay10:58
kinkelsoniceroot: oh ok, what about fedora or RHEL?10:58
iceroot!ot kinkelson10:59
iceroot!ot | kinkelson10:59
ubottukinkelson: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:59
pratik_dondaiceroot:there's no such option for uploading a file and editing in it10:59
icerootpratik_donda: alfresco10:59
kinkelsoniceroot:no I'm just askin10:59
icerootkinkelson: and i answered that this is ubuntu support :) not RHEL support11:00
Guest79931thank you every one i will be back11:00
SirRedToothFound a automatic installer for autokey11:00
kinkelsoniceroot: copy that11:00
SnoopenI have trouble with my soundcard and the DebuggingSoundProblems page has not been any help :(11:01
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gabriel_Callum_: wooooooooooooooow :D11:02
pratik_dondaiceroot:its too big to download.any other options?11:02
gabriel_Callum_: my cpus are BARELY used now, and playback is perfect! :D11:03
kinkelsoniceroot: does mint count?11:03
Callum_gabriel_: Success I take =)11:03
Dragon_LegionIll brb...gonna use a different client11:03
gabriel_Callum_: and it works in compiz as well! so cool! :)11:03
icerootkinkelson: no, just ubuntu11:03
=== antrissa is now known as Rissanen
icerootpratik_donda: hm, dont know any others11:03
Callum_gabriel_: Good for you =)11:03
pratik_dondaiceroot: ok thanks11:03
=== Rissanen is now known as ARissanen
ruienI have a headless server. I have installed ubuntu server remotely via SSH. I then installed the big 'xubuntu-desktop' package and 'vnc4server'. I would like to start an x-window session to vnc into. Can anyone give me any tips? StartX can't find a terminal, and I am new to x-windows environments.11:03
Callum_Now I need to lie down, my stomach has started playing up, got HUGE pains over here...11:04
gabriel_Callum_: no kidding, this is better than i could ever have hoped for! My cpus is at like 4% usage when playing terminator salvation 1080... it's NOOO problem now, haha.. don't know why i struggled with coreAVC, haha!11:04
sarthorHi, my pppoe server is according this tutorial, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=291926 , how to add my clients username and passwords to the /etc/ppp/pap-secrtes by bash command.11:04
Callum_gabriel_: Good =)11:04
Liquid-Silencedoes anyone have decent themes for gnome, the installed ones are crappy11:05
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=== Guest12287 is now known as Dragon_Legion
kinkelsoniceroot:ok, there seems to be a prob with mplayer embedding in firefox11:05
iceroot!theme | Liquid-Silence11:05
ubottuLiquid-Silence: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy11:05
kinkelsonon some distros it comes full screen11:05
kinkelsonwith others its partial11:05
iceroot!details | kinkelson11:05
ubottukinkelson: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."11:05
pratik_dondahow to install tar.gz file?11:05
gabriel_Callum_: however, theres still striping going on (not sure if that's the correct term)11:06
iceroot!tar | pratik_donda11:06
ubottupratik_donda: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression11:06
Myrtti pratik_donda what are you installing?11:06
gabriel_Callum_: any idea of a setting that fixes that? Lines showing up in the middle of the screen sometimes?11:06
icerootpratik_donda: but have a look at the repos first if the program is already build11:07
mohaveLiquid silence: search for bisigi project too. Awesomw themes there11:07
xianwenHi! Can someone please email me these two files:11:07
Callum_gabriel_: Vsync will help with that11:07
pratik_donda Myrtti: ace-m4.tar.gz11:07
gabriel_Callum_: ok, can you be a bit more specific? :)11:07
ndr01dWhy is there no easy way to convert csv to qif?11:08
icerootndr01d: what is qif?11:08
candyi wanna install lamp11:08
icerootcandy: sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server phpmyadmin11:09
xianwenhi iceroot11:09
Flannel!lamp | candy11:09
ubottucandy: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)11:09
icerootxianwen: hi11:09
ndr01dqif is a Quicken Import Format file (correct me if I;m wrong anyone...)11:09
nikihrHow to remove kubuntu from ubuntu?11:09
xianwencan you do me a favor?11:09
* travmon is away: I'm busy11:09
iceroot!puregnome | ndr01d11:09
ubottundr01d: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal11:09
gabriel_Callum_: is it a setting in smplayer?11:09
xianweniceroot, can you do me a favor?11:10
iceroot!ask | xianwen11:10
ubottuxianwen: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:10
xianweniceroot, could you email me /usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty/us-intl.iso01.kmap.gz and /usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty/us-intl.iso15.kmap.gz?11:10
icerootndr01d: sorry wrong nick11:10
iceroot!puregnome | nikihr11:10
ubottunikihr: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal11:10
icerootxianwen: i am a qwertz user11:11
nikihrthanks mate11:11
SnoopenI recently upgraded from 8.10 to 9.04 then to 9.10 and now my soundcard doesnt work with anything. ALSA mixer is all maxed, the card has no issues I can see in dmsg and pulseaudio seems to be running fine11:11
candyiceroot, thanks11:11
xianweni'm superised, iceroot. but are you sure you don't have these two files on your machine?11:11
candyFlannel, thanks11:11
pratik_donda Myrtti: can i install that file from terminal ?11:11
icerootxianwen: yes, they are not on my debian lenny11:12
ndr01dAndy Murray - WTF? (off topic post)11:12
Myrttipratik_donda: what is it? where did you get them?11:12
xianweni see. thanks anyway iceroot. btw, why do you use qwertz keymap layout?11:13
icerootxianwen: because i am german and in germany we use qwertz11:13
xianweni see. thanks iceroot.11:14
xianwencan someone please email me /usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty/us-intl.iso01.kmap.gz and /usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty/us-intl.iso15.kmap.gz?11:15
pratik_dondaMyrtti:its a collaborative text editor . i got it frm here http://sourceforge.net/projects/ace/files/11:15
iceroot!find us-intl.iso1.kmap.gz11:15
ubottuPackage/file us-intl.iso1.kmap.gz does not exist in karmic11:15
mohaveDid someone had the blurry/antialiasing fonts in firefox 3.6?11:15
icerootMyrtti: is !find = apt-file search?11:15
xianweni see ubottu. can you please email me /usr/share/keymaps/i386/qwerty/us-intl.iso15.kmap.gz?11:15
Myrttiiceroot: looks like  it11:16
Myrttier aactually no11:16
Myrttiiceroot: no its not11:16
Dr_Willishmm. got one machine now thats not shiowing up in the workgroup.  other 3 do show up.. but if i enter its name  '\\cow' i can access the shares.. Silly Cow machine...11:17
Guest94903iirc !search does that :f11:17
Dr_Williscow is not even showing its own shares/name in the network neighborhood.. :()11:17
iceroot!search us-intl.iso01.kmap.gz11:17
icerootxianwen: on jaunty i found that file on the package console-data11:18
icerootxianwen: sudo apt-get install coonsole-data11:18
Dr_Willisaha - now i see cow.. Is like the machines  listed under wht workgroups often.. err.. slow to respond?11:18
pratik_donda Myrtti:?11:18
xianwenthanks iceroot.11:18
icerootxianwen: sudo apt-get install console-data11:18
mohave!search firefox11:18
ubottuFound: ftp, ff3*, firefox, kde firefox, firefox-3.5, multisearch, fffc, thunderbird, firefox1.5, flash64bit11:18
gabriel_What setting do i need to avoid tearing in video playback? I have a geforce 8800GT card, and in nvidia x server settings i can check "sync to VBlank", but when i playback high res video i still get tearing sometimes. What do i need to do?11:19
icerootxianwen: you can use apt-file search filename  to see what package contains that file. install it with  sudo apt-get install apt-file  and then run sudo apt-file update11:19
Myrttipratik_donda: have you looked for the application in the package management?11:19
sayyedharooncan anyone help me out with my problem bcz i have 2 installations of ubuntu, and also also one xp installation...and i want to delete one ubuntu and regain the space to my C drive of xp11:19
gabriel_I'm using smplayer with vdpau driver btw.11:19
xianwenhi iceroot, i'm actually not using debian nor debian variates... but since ubuntu has the largest user community, i came here for help... i'm using a small distro called tiny core...11:20
pratik_dondaMyrtti:yup . but didnt get any for both windows and linux11:20
sarthorHi, my pppoe server is according this tutorial, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=291926 , how to add my clients username and passwords to the /etc/ppp/pap-secrtes by bash command.11:20
mauriha qualche idea qualcuno11:21
maurii link dei fogli openoffice vengono aperti da konqueror invece di firefox11:21
Dragon_Legionhow do I remount a vfat so it is read/write11:21
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)11:21
icerootxianwen: download the package and extract it to get the files11:21
Callum_gabirel_: I know, disable Composite extension in X server...unfortunately with this you won't be able to use COmpiz11:21
SirRedToothWhere do files do when you have installed them?11:21
Callum_gabriel_: I know, disable Composite extension in X server...unfortunately with this you won't be able to use COmpiz11:21
icerootxianwen: maybe packages.ubuntu.com11:21
LucKaaaaaahi, how secure is encryption using gpg?11:21
xianwenyeah. i've downloaded the one from debian mirror.11:21
xianweni'll let you know how it works.11:22
maffelinuxIf I modify my .bashrc file, do I have to restart my terminal in order to get effects, or can I just run it like 'sh .bashrc' and the changes will come into effect?11:22
gabriel_Callum_: what manu is that in?11:22
Callum_gabriel_: You will have to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and then log out and log back in11:23
Dr_Willismaffelinux:  use 'source .bashrc' or '. .bashrc'11:23
Dr_Willismaffelinux:  note the space?11:23
gabriel_Callum_: so then i can never use compiz? I must manually change the file back if i want compiz back?? :(11:23
maffelinuxah, yes11:23
Dr_Willis . = source command.11:23
Callum_gabriel_: Yes11:23
Dr_Willismaffelinux:  and think about why 'sh .bashrc' wont do anything. :) bash homework11:24
gabriel_Callum_: isn't there a way to still have compiz active? :(11:24
gabriel_Callum_: please? ;)11:24
Callum_gabriel_: It's the easiest way to get rid of the tearing11:24
Dr_Willismaffelinux:  sh reads/runs the script then exits.. all changes/settings then are discarded back when it goes to the parent shell11:24
SirRedToothWhere do files do when you have installed them?11:24
Dr_Willismaffelinux:  plus sh is not the same as 'bash'  in many cases11:24
gabriel_Callum_: well i can't live without compiz... is there a way to keep compiz but still get rid of tearing?11:25
Callum_gabriel_: Not that I know of11:25
SirRedToothLike what is the equivalent of programme files in ubuntu11:25
icerootSirRedTooth: in different directorys, depending on the program11:25
icerootSirRedTooth: there is no single directory as in windows11:25
Guest94903gabriel_: on simillar hardware i didn't notice any tearing <:11:25
Dr_Willisiceroot:  theres really not a 'single directroy' in windows either11:25
=== Guest94903 is now known as DaZ
icerootDr_Willis: but you know what i mean11:26
SirRedToothOkay because i just installed something and it has no shortcuts11:26
SirRedToothAnd i dont know how to run it11:26
icerootSirRedTooth: what program?11:26
Dr_Willisiceroot:  dont even get me started on the weirdness OS-X does :)11:26
RichiHis there any cli download manager with a queue, start/stop/resume, parallel downloads and maybe even downloading files in parallel chunks?11:26
icerootDr_Willis: if i am correct mac osx is hiding /etc and so on11:26
SirRedToothautokey, managed to find it in the software center because i couldnt install it manually11:26
kickbWhen you login through the console or ssh you get some information from the package system; how many packages than can be updated. Which tool collects this information and where is it stored?11:26
Dr_Willisiceroot:  it gets much weirder then that..11:26
icerootDr_Willis: only to directorys? /foo and /home or something like that?11:27
SirRedToothI could run autohotkey using wine.11:27
Callum_kickb: That tool would be apt-get and its stored as metadata in the APT cache...11:27
SirRedToothAutohotkey takes like 2 seconds to set up11:27
Dr_Willisiceroot:  os-x can shomehow make the filenames case inseneitive for the gui but the underlaying OS is still case senesitive. :) thats a neat trick. and  somehow it can make directories of files appear as a single file/executable.11:28
icerootSirRedTooth: what if you type autokey in the terminal?11:28
SirRedToothOh it worked :)11:28
icerootDr_Willis: .... that sounds very very buggy with the case sensetive11:28
mohaveSirRedTooth: and autohotkey works in the ubuntu interface properly?11:28
=== peter is now known as Guest92202
Dr_Willisiceroot:  i dont know how they manage it.11:29
SirRedToothI dont think it does, well I havnt tried it.11:29
SirRedToothHow do i make a shortcut for a terminal command?11:29
icerootDr_Willis: and i dont want to know it or even use it11:29
iceroot!alias | SirRedTooth11:29
icerootSirRedTooth: man alias11:29
Dr_WillisSirRedTooth:  depends on what you mwean by shortcut11:29
SirRedToothSo instead of openeing the terminal and typing autokey11:30
Callum_Alright, I can't take this stomach pain any more, I need some sleep...11:30
SirRedToothi just click on a shortcut11:30
gabriel_Guest94903 well are you using compiz at the same time?11:30
icerootSirRedTooth: ah ok, create a launcher in the gnome-panel and type in the command11:30
Dr_WillisSirRedTooth:  you mean make a 'launcher' :) windows uses shortcuts11:30
=== Dragon_Legion[ps is now known as Dragon_Legion
kickbCallum_: But I can't find the any arguments that just gives me the information on how many packages can be upgraded11:30
Dr_WillisSirRedTooth:  or click/drag/hold down alt, drop on desktop selet make link..  may work11:30
Dragon_Legionanyone know how to remount a read-only vfat USB and make it writeable again?11:31
Dr_Willisor add it to your autostart stuff :)11:31
gabriel_Callum_: if i disable compiz there is no tearing whatsoever. And i can use compiz fusion icon to switch between metacity and compiz, so it's not THAT bad... when i want to watch an hd movie i have to switch to avoid tearing, but at least it's just two clicks of the mouse...11:32
SirRedToothDone :) thanks11:32
Dr_Willisgabriel_:  some media players may have some video settings to reduce the issue.11:32
gabriel_Dr_Willis: really? you mean while still using compiz? Well i'm using smplayer, which is new to me, so i don't know... looked around a bit but didn't find anything11:33
dhasthaneed help? stdin:error0    while installing ubuntu 9.1011:34
gabriel_Dr_Willis: and using vdpau as video driver11:34
MF_DebianDragon_Legion, mount -o remount,rw /dev/whatever11:34
Ganangxpo0f: How can i install applications with playonlinux from iso files?11:35
Dr_Willisgabriel_:  ivbe not tried vdpau so no idea on that. but on my one laptop i twiddled with the various options in vlc and mplayer and reduced a lot of the tearing11:35
Dr_Willisgabriel_:  i dont do a lot of HD video however,11:35
Dr_Willisgabriel_:  i tend to use vlc11:35
gabriel_Dr_Willis: well if i disable comiz i have NO tearing at all.11:35
gabriel_Dr_Willis: can vlc use vdpau as well?11:36
czarekpisze ktoś po Polsku?11:36
Fallendreamhey - im considering upgrading from windows XP to either ubuntu or ubuntu pro - which would be able to cope with my programs (adobe, firefox, messenger etc - just simple programs) via wine?11:36
duffydackHow can I use rsync to backup my home folder directly to tar.gz..  I just need it to update new/changed files so thats why rsync11:36
Dr_Willisgabriel_:  no idea on vdpau. thers also xbmc and enna you may want to try11:36
Flannel!pl | czarek11:36
ubottuczarek: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.11:36
candyi installed lamp from command- sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 mysql-server phpmyadmin, but i dont know where it got installed11:36
mcqueenhi, i installed ktorrent... it s getting an error when i add a new torrent file... : Illegal token: 6011:36
mcqueenThe torrent is probably corrupt or is not a valid torrent file.   how can i fix it?11:36
MF_Debianwhats ubuntu pro?11:37
Guest32921can anyone help me with sound issues im having?11:37
Dr_Willisenna mediacenter - from the geexbox guys -> http://enna.geexbox.org/11:37
Ganang How can i install applications with playonlinux from iso files?11:37
gabriel_Dr_Willis: ah ok. well i'm positive i need vdpau so that my geforce 8800GT can take care of video decoding for me11:37
Dr_Willisgabriel_:  hmm. never used it - got an 8800gtsxxx here11:38
mcqueenThe torrent is probably corrupt or is not a valid torrent file.   how can i fix it?11:38
Guest32921ive got a acer revo 3600 running ubuntu but cant get the sound to work does anyone have any ideas why?11:38
mi6hez guzs i need help please. how i can switch to the crunchbang chAT_ /join #crunchbang_ or how11:38
gabriel_Dr_Willis: perhaps your cards doesn't support dvpau? before i tried using coreAVC, and i got like 90% cpu usage. now i'm down to like 4 % :)11:39
mcqueenhi, i installed ktorrent... it s getting an error when i add a new torrent file... : Illegal token: 6011:39
mcqueenThe torrent is probably corrupt or is not a valid torrent file.   how can i fix it?11:39
jakubohi there11:39
Dr_Willisgabriel_:  i do seem to recall  xbmc might support it11:39
Zenyattayo jakubo11:39
Dr_Willisgabriel_:  just reading on it at --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VDPAU11:40
gabriel_Dr_Willis: it would be cool if i could still run compiz and NOT get any tearing :)11:40
jakuboi'm having problems with network on ubuntu 10.04 a211:40
yaboocan someone answer a few questions about firewall on ubuntu11:41
xianwenhi iceroot, it doesn't work. the kmap used in tiny core is binary kmap.11:41
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #remote-exploit)11:41
erUSULmi6: /j #crunchbang11:42
gabriel_Dr_Willis: cool11:42
erUSUL!ask | yaboo11:42
ubottuyaboo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:42
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org11:42
Fallendreamwhich version of ubuntu is best to run with 1gb RAM. must be able to run alot of windows progs via wine.11:42
ZenyattaFallendream: Im running 4GB of ram and 64bit on Ubuntu 9.10 (the latest) runs VERY well11:44
Flanneljakubo: #ubuntu+1 for Lucid support, thanks11:44
Fallendreamzenyatta - is there a 32 bit equivalent?11:44
kissihello all11:45
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:45
Dr_WillisZenyatta:  get more ram  you will find it works better.11:45
Dr_Willisoops that was for Fallendream  :)11:45
ZenyattaFallendream: yes, it'll be on the download page11:45
jakubothx flannel, was just about to write a longer text in here11:45
Fallendreamill go see. thanks alot!11:45
Fallendreamdo i need to burn any additional software like web browsers before installing ubuntu?11:46
Dr_WillisFallendream:  burn?11:46
arandFallendream: FF is included in the standard install.11:47
rumpsywhat is the command to load a module?11:47
rumpsyif then,how can i successfully load it on every boot?11:48
=== johnson is now known as Guest54441
ubottuTo compile modules and drivers that are not bundled with the standard kernel,  for more info /msg ubottu kernel  , install the relevant package, usually called "<modulename>-source", and run « sudo module-assistant » (you will have to do this again after kernel updates). To prevent specific modules from loading, see /msg ubottu blacklist11:49
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  theres a file somewhere... i forget where11:49
Fallendreamprobably last question - by installing ubuntu whilst xp is already on it will i then be able to transfer xp files to ubuntu (like my documents) and if not will it completely wipe xp?11:49
rumpsyi know, that we have to make a entry at /etc/modules11:49
Dr_WillisFallendream:  depdns on what you tell the installer to do.11:50
rumpsybut what is the format? i donno that11:50
Dr_WillisFallendream:  yu can resize and install linux on its own parittion and access your windows drive still11:50
Ox0000What's the difference between apt and aptitude?11:50
rumpsyDr_Willis: do you know the format?11:50
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  no idea. check the file/comments for examples?11:50
Fallendreamthanks willis.11:51
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  looks like one module per line here11:51
MF_Debianrumpsy, update-rc.d11:52
rumpsyDr_Willis: i know that, there something like alais**** and bla bla,  what is that format?11:52
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  i got no alias lines in mine. Just 2 lines11:52
rumpsyAnd my module is nvidia_agp11:53
transonici need help...finished install of ubuntu 9.10 on virtualbox inside windowsxp11:53
rumpsyDr_Willis: you have to check under /etc/modprobe.d11:53
transonicnow i get screen resolution of just 800*60011:53
swordzHi. Wierd problem. Installed Ubunutu yesterday to dual boot on my windows machine. Works well, just need to spend time discovering equivalents to what I use on windows but so far very good. Well done!11:53
MF_Debianrumpsy, sorry forget update-rc.d, i misread what you wanted to do11:53
rumpsyMF_Debian: ok, i can update that, but what is the exact line, and my module is nvidia_agp11:54
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  i got an alsa-base.conf and a lot of blacklist stuff - nothing about nvidia- i got nvidia on thise 2  machines11:54
transonichow to change it to 1024*728 screen resol11:54
swordzI have 2 screens, and compared to my windows installation 1 of them is shifted 8 pixels left/right to the ubuntu installation11:54
swordzThere's no way windows will cope with this. How can I make ubuntu adjust for it?11:54
Dr_Willisswordz:  lcd or crt? or what?11:55
rumpsyDr_Willis: do , lsmod, and check, you might have nvidia module loaded11:55
swordzI'll get the model no for you, 1 sec11:55
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  dont see it here.. but this is a nvidia 5500 card.11:55
hnsrhi there, i wanted to clean up my GRUB boot menu, so I uninstalled all but the most recent version of linux-image, but now it seems my /boot/grub/menu.lst is gone11:55
Dr_Willisswordz:  dvi conector or vga? if you can use DVI then use dvi11:55
swordzDELL E173FP11:56
hnsrdid I do something wrong?11:56
erUSULhnsr: karmic does not use menu.lst it uses grub211:56
Dr_Willishnsr:  remove the old kernels rerun update-grub11:56
swordzIt's my minor screen, so it's on VGA11:56
hnsrok thanks11:56
rumpsyDr_Willis: so, what did you see, what module did you loaded for nvidia?11:56
transonichelp me plz..how to increase screen resolution from 800x600 to 1024*728 on virtualbox inside xp11:56
Fallendreamonce ive installed ubuntu how would i go about uninstalling and removing windows xp? a link to a webpage would be good :)11:56
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  i see none for that machine11:56
rumpsyit has to be loaded o_O11:57
hnsrok it seems it still found some even older versions of linux-images, how can i get rid of these? they dont show up in synaptic package manager11:57
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  this box is a nvidia agp card I belive...11:57
Dr_Willisits my old box.11:58
ZenyattaFallendream: gparted is the ubuntu partition tool which will resize and delete them11:58
erUSULrumpsy: Dr_Willis maybe you are using nv driver11:58
transoniccan anyone see even my messages11:58
Dr_WilliserUSUL:  xorg.conf says nvidia11:58
erUSULtransonic: no11:58
transonicohh thank god11:58
rumpsyDr_Willis: in my part, i have onboard intel graphics, and PCI nvidia, i seen that intel_agp module loaded, i added that in backlist, now i want to load nvidia_agp11:58
transonichelp me plz..how to increase screen resolution from 800x600 to 1024*728 on virtualbox inside xp11:59
Dr_Willisnvidia settings says - version 173.14.2011:59
erUSULrumpsy: if the nvidia is PCI-E why you need nvidia-agp ?11:59
Fallendreamthanks zenyatta11:59
ZenyattaFallendream: so you could delete the XP partition and then get ubuntu to use all the disk space11:59
hnsror let me ask a different question, how can I influence the boot menu options that update-grub detects? for example it also detects my laptop's recovery partition as a windows installation and adds an entry for it, which i dont want11:59
rumpsyerUSUL: this not PCI-e, this is jut a PCI11:59
fieldseALL: Recommendations for best linux-related channels?12:00
fieldseALL: IRC, that is12:00
Fallendreamthanks alot zenyatta - its appreciated.12:00
Dr_Willis!grub2 | hnsr12:00
ubottuhnsr: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub212:00
SirRedToothI might go back to windows for a while...12:00
SirRedToothBut then it will feel like i did all this for nothing12:00
hnsrthanks Dr_Willis12:00
ZenyattaFallendream: pleased to help12:00
Dr_Willishnsr:  alter the /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d/* files as needed.. BACK UP the orignals12:00
rumpsy so , what module do it need? for nvidia pci12:00
rumpsyconfusing o_O12:01
erUSULrumpsy: if it is pci it is just to old to be supported by the nvidia driver i guess12:01
=== ae86-drifter1 is now known as ae86-drifter
erUSULrumpsy: su you will have to use the nv driver12:01
duffydackHow can I use rsync to backup my home folder directly to tar.gz..  I just need it to update new/changed files so thats why rsync12:01
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  try modprobe 'nvidia' ?12:01
ae86-drifteri had to edit my fstab to access my fat32 partition works fine but i need to be root to access the ntfs partition, could someone please help?12:01
Dr_Willisbut X loads that module here for me it seems12:02
rumpsyDr_Willis: it says, no module found !12:02
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  because its a X driver module I guess12:02
erUSULduffydack: rsync can not sync a tar file againts a dir12:02
rumpsyDr_Willis: so , what can i do?12:02
ae86-drifterhere is my fstab file if someone could please try to help me http://pastebin.com/m38b9667c12:03
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  no idea what your original problem is actually.....12:03
renatohi, friends12:03
transonicthis really sucks..no is there to help me damn12:03
rumpsyDr_Willis: my problem is, when i drag or move window on my desktop cpu usage peaks to 93%12:03
renatosomeone has IBM Lotus Notes12:03
=== Last_Exile is now known as Guard1an
erUSULtransonic: i do not run ubuntu in vbox... maybe you find more help in #vbox ?12:04
transonicohh thanks12:04
quietonehnsr: can you be specific about which file are the old kernels?12:04
Dr_WillisHmm. vbox runs uubntu fine here. :)12:04
hnsrquietone, update-grub says: Found initrd image: /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-11-generic12:04
erUSULDr_Willis: transonic has problems with screen resolution inside vbox12:04
hnsrand some other related files it seems12:04
hnsrvmlinuz instead of initrd12:05
Dr_Willistransonic:  install the os.. then install teh vbox guest addations.12:05
rumpsyDr_Willis: do you get my problem now?12:05
ae86-drifterhow would i give standard users access to my ntfs partition in fstab please without sudo or root etc12:05
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  sounds more like a driver issue not a modukle not being loaded issue12:05
erUSULrumpsy: what nvidia card is this ? « lspci | grep -i vga »12:05
ae86-drifteri tried chown the /media/sdb1 but it works then after a rebott it doesnt12:05
erUSUL!ntfs | ae86-drifter12:05
ubottuae86-drifter: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE12:05
h0f1ulHow I can hack an Ip Address?12:06
rumpsyerUSUL: 03:01.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] (rev a1)12:06
Dr_Willisae86-drifter:  you dont just chown/chmod ntfs filesystem12:06
sarthorhow to add userid and passwords for Clients for pppoe server? "adduser username" or some other way???12:06
pbinkwhat's the command to install a deb file that i have on the local disk?12:06
Dr_Willish0f1ul:  get an axe find the address.. hit it...12:06
erUSULh0f1ul: define hack12:06
quietonehnsr: oops, poor question. I want to understand which files Dr Willis suggested you delete.12:06
erUSULrumpsy: you installed the drivers? System>Admin...>Hardware Drivers12:06
ae86-drifterDr_Willis, i understand that, i just need to know how to properly do it, i added it to fstab but only root can access it12:06
h0f1ulbreak in his system12:06
LjLh0f1ul: this is not the right channel to ask that. try ##security maybe.12:07
codebxh0f1ul, your best bet is to reinstall AOL and use the network tools to hack into the system12:07
rumpsyBut that considered as non-free drivers right?12:07
Dr_Willisae86-drifter:  use teh uid/gid/user/options for the fstab entry. the ntfs-3g homepage has docs ane example entries for it.12:07
Dr_Willisyea.. AOl will do you good h0f1ul12:07
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  so you dont want to use the nvidia drivers?12:08
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions12:08
ae86-drifteri have NTFS-3g installed already12:08
erUSULae86-drifter: you have to tweak the umask;fmask and dmask values in the fstab lines12:08
rumpsyDr_Willis: i mean i don't want non-free drivers, that may break my system12:08
ae86-drifterok, erUSUL thanks here is my fstab file.. http://pastebin.com/m38b9667c  i really dont know what to do from there , ive searched tutorials etc12:09
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  guess you deal with the sluggshness i guess.. No idea why you think they may 'break' the system.12:09
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  i cant even get the proper res on mymachines without the nvidia drivers installed.12:09
erUSULae86-drifter: for a start you need to use ntfs-3g not just ntfs12:09
SirRedToothDoes anybody know how to get wampserver to run one wine?12:10
ae86-driftererUSUL what are u talking about. whats the difference12:10
=== Terminator_ is now known as Terminator
rumpsyDr_Willis: i think this memory is due to frame buffer, how to stop that?12:10
erUSULae86-drifter: ntfs is the in kernel read only driver. ntfs-3g is the fuse based (userspace) rw driver12:10
rumpsyDr_Willis: i think this memory peak is due to frame buffer, how to stop that?12:10
SirRedToothdoes anybody know how to run wampserver on wine?12:10
ae86-driftererUSUL, ive installed ntfs-3g already12:10
Dr_Willisrumpsy: use the 'nofb' option at the end of the kernel= line to disable the console framebuffer.. but i doubt if thats the issue.12:11
gabriel_Dr_Willis: i solved it! All i had to do was in compiz settings, general settings, check "sync to vblank" option :) Now i have no tearing when playing hd material, even if running compiz12:11
erUSULrumpsy: if you are not using nvidia driver becouse it is non-free then you use nv 2D only slow as molasses driver and the cpu usage is not a surprise12:11
jbloestá aqui alguém portugfuês?12:11
erUSULae86-drifter: yes but you fstab has ntfs in the driver column so you are not using it.12:11
Dr_Willisgabriel_:  i was thinking i saw that also..but i just noticed it in my Nvidia-settings tool.12:11
erUSUL!br | jblo12:12
ubottujblo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.12:12
ae86-driftererUSUL, can i please show you my new fstab?12:12
Dr_Willisgabriel_:  but now you dont get 10000000fps!12:12
SirRedToothdoes anybody know how to run wampserver on wine?12:12
rumpsyDr_Willis: where i have to add that exactly, so that i don't want to add that again and agin12:12
jblook... peço desculpa e obrigado ;)12:12
erUSULae86-drifter: also you are using a very old ubuntu or some other distro ... you do not use uuid12:12
gabriel_Dr_Willis: i think you can set refresh rate as well. now it's on 50.12:13
Ganangi am trying to install photoshop cs4 with wine, and the setup.exe doesnt even run...anyone knows the reason?12:13
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ae86-driftererUSUL im usin ubuntu 9.10 but i upgraded from debian12:13
ae86-drifterdebian is easier12:13
Dr_Willisrumpsy:  /etc/default/grub   after the 'nosplash' option12:13
ae86-drifterubuntu stuffed things up12:13
ArcticFoxhi, can anyone help me with xen start on ubuntu 9.10?12:13
gabriel_Dr_Willis: i guess you could set the refresh rate to more...?12:14
Dr_Willisgabriel_:  if my lcd could handle it. :) but i doubt if it matters for video12:14
gabriel_Dr_Willis: i just set it to 100 with no complaints...12:14
Dr_Willis'upgraded a debian box to ubuntu and its ubuntus fault..' :)12:15
erUSULae86-drifter: you are using the debian kernel ?12:15
ae86-driftererUSUL i beleive so12:15
erUSULae86-drifter: http://pastebin.com/m1aff103212:15
gabriel_but maybe if i check sync to blank it doesn't matter? It will use my screens refresh rate, right?12:15
erUSULae86-drifter: becouse with the ubuntu kernel you will have to tweak your fstab further12:15
michaeldobrovitshello, i have fstab mounting issue can anyone help?12:15
erUSULae86-drifter: try it according to man page it should work.12:16
ae86-driftererUSUL, so i should replace my fstab with the paste you sent? then reboot?12:16
Fallendreamam i right in thinking ubuntu has multiple themes?12:16
Dr_Willisgabriel_:  thstas what i was thinjking12:17
erUSULae86-drifter: well you can do that or edit you fstab to match the one i sent. no need to reboot you can just remoun the afected partitions12:17
Dr_WillisFallendream:  i got about 200 themes on my linux box right now.12:17
Dr_WillisFallendream:  90% of them are pointless.12:18
meowagiI just got scammed out of $125.00 so I am passing on this warning: I bought the Tiger Woods DVD entitled "My Favorite 18 Holes". Turns out it's about golf. Damn Waste of money! Please pass this on so others don't get scamme,d12:18
linuwho help me with id3 tags? how write scrypt in bash(i'm noob )12:18
Willy_WallaceHello to Everybody! Who knows how could i Sync my cell's data with Evolution?12:18
meowagia script in bash12:18
erUSULlinu: a script to do what?12:18
rwwubottu: ot | meowagi12:18
ubottumeowagi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:18
Dr_Willislinu:  read up on the 'advanced bash scripting guide' to learn bash scripting perhaps12:18
meowagiyou cannot tag mp3s with just a script12:18
michaeldobrovitshello, i have fstab mounting issue can anyone help? it's a small one please help12:18
Dr_Willismichaeldobrovits:  state the problem to the channel12:19
meowagiyes michaeldobrovnik12:19
linuits same tagsan12:19
erUSULae86-drifter: no problem12:19
ajipubuntuVIDEO CAM FROM UBUNTU?12:19
erUSUL!webcam | ajipubuntu12:19
ubottuajipubuntu: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras12:19
ronaldhy, guys, i've made a plugin for gedit, you can check it out here -> http://geditplugininstaller.bravehost.com/12:19
gabriel_Dr_Willis: but who plays games in linux anway? i have to switch to windows to play l4d for instance.12:19
michaeldobrovitstime capsules and program files don't mount12:19
meowagiand whats your problem ?12:19
michaeldobrovitswhile windows mounts how come?12:19
meowagiprogram files don't mount?12:19
Dr_Willisgabriel_:  who plays games.. when theres IRC!12:19
=== K99Brain is now known as K99Brain_
michaeldobrovitslook at the bin i sent12:20
michaeldobrovitsit's fstab12:20
meowagiremove the /slash12:20
maiteHi there12:20
meowagiuse "program files"12:20
meowagiwith those thingies above12:20
maiteI got a simple question12:20
Dr_Willismichaeldobrovits:  i suggest you get away friom the habbit ofusing spaces in mountpoints.. very quickly12:20
=== K99Brain_ is now known as K99Brain
michaeldobrovitscan u explain the reason?12:21
Dr_Willismichaeldobrovits:  use Underscores if you want12:21
meowagithe space12:21
maiteprobably it's very simple for you12:21
Dr_Willismichaeldobrovits:  you want it to work right? dont use spaces.12:21
maitebut I can't manage with it12:21
meowagithe space betwen program and files12:21
michaeldobrovitsi see12:21
meowagiyou can use spaces but use "12:21
Dr_Willisspaces in fstab are NOT escaped with a '\ '12:21
pbinki'm pluggin' my usb thumb drive into my default 9.1 system, but not getting any auto mounts or anything...from the fourms  it seems like it should, am i wrong?12:21
Dr_WillisI had to figure this out once.. i forget how ya do it. :)12:22
codebxDr_Willis,  good point!12:22
codebxi was going to suggest using \ until you said something :-)12:22
Dr_Willisits somthing like 002 or Some weirdness i had to use for a windows share with spaces in the name12:22
gabriel_Dr_Willis: good idea: l4d in irc mode. wow, what a hit!12:22
michaeldobrovitsit'll work without the dash but with a space?12:22
meowagiTry using doublequotes instead of \ ie //"Full Movies" or you might need double back quotes like this //\\ Movies12:23
maiteI can easily connect and handle a ftp command line session (download/upload files...) but I can't through the graphical ftp12:23
Dr_Willismeowagi:  i dont think that works either.   i tried it. :)12:23
ae86-driftererUSUL, that worked fine, thanks12:23
michaeldobrovitsDr_Willis - > it'll work without the dash but with a space?12:23
erUSULDr_Willis: frm fstab man page « If the name of the mount point contains spaces these can be escaped as `\040'. »12:23
meowagi"//\040Movies" <- Did Work12:23
Dr_WilliserUSUL:  yep. ijust hit google and found it12:23
Fallendreamwill closing windows improve download speed?12:23
erUSULmaite: which graphical ftp ? there are few12:24
Dr_WillisNo idea why its \04012:24
maitethe default one12:24
maiteubuntu 9.1012:24
l700bluetoothi am a complete newbie. i have a Samsung SGH-L700 mobile phone and a netbook. Both have bluetooth built-in and can communicate with each other via bluetooth. I want to surf the web FOR FREE on my mobile. Can anyone tell me in newbie friendly terms how can I share my netbook's internet connection with my mobile via bluetooth?12:24
meowagiascii 040 maybe12:24
erUSULmaite: Places>Connect to Server?12:24
Dr_WillisI thought a space was ascii 3212:24
michaeldobrovitserUsul --> what do you mean \040?12:24
Dr_Willismichaeldobrovits:  url i posted --> example --> /dev/sda1 /mnt/first\040disk ext3 options 0 012:24
erUSULmichaeldobrovits: just rename the mount points it is easier safer12:25
Dr_Willismichaeldobrovits:  use _ instead of spaces.. Much easier12:25
erUSULmichaeldobrovits: first disk --> first_disk12:25
michaeldobrovitsi see12:25
michaeldobrovitsok thx guys will try12:25
meowagiProgramFiles instead12:25
meowagior something12:25
erUSULmaite: you do not get any error ?12:25
michaeldobrovitsi'll try \04412:25
meowagiand make a Link from ProgramFiles to Program Files12:25
Dr_WillisLike programFiles really tells much. :) may as well call it 'Programs'12:26
meowagia hardlink12:26
maiteyes I do get an error12:26
linumaybe any knows track to idtools- i look to him and maybe some set up :)?12:26
meowagiso you still can use your space12:26
meowagiits a workaround12:26
Dr_Willisspaces in dir names cause so many problems.12:26
michaeldobrovitsDr_willie --> it tells me that it's windows program files12:26
Dr_Willisspaces in file names cause so many more problems.12:26
Dr_Willismichaeldobrovits:  like you dont know that allready?12:26
erUSULlinu: easytag canm mass tag and mass rename music files based on tags; filenames12:26
erUSULlinu: is a gui program12:26
meowagiproblems has to be solved12:27
pacemhi. i am quite new to ubuntu, and need some help installing a network driver for the Jensen AL25150.12:27
michaeldobrovitsDr_Willie --> it tells me that it's windows program files so i can move programs to wine12:27
Dr_Willismichaeldobrovits:  with wine its best to reinstall the apps inside wine. not run them from a windows install.12:27
meowagii hope i don't have to restart while installing NFS12:27
michaeldobrovitsDr_Willie --> but i'll consider what you have told about that spaces cause a mess12:28
Dr_Willismeowagi:  network file system ? No shouldent ahve to12:28
ruienAnyone know how to run a 'headless' X session attached to a vnc server? (I want to start an X session then vnc into it) I'm trying to run an X session on a server without a physicaly display; been trying for hours now...12:28
erUSULmichaeldobrovits: becouse you do not get the registry entries and other things (core dll's etc) just using the same program files directory12:28
Dr_Willisruien:  install the vncserver binaries and spawn them from  rc.local or ssh in and run vncserver as needed12:28
meowagicuz NFS is a lot faster compared to cifs12:28
maiteThe error says that the content of the folder cannot be shown12:28
Dr_Willisruien:  is one way.12:28
michaeldobrovitsDr_Willie --> some programs do not update from wine so i update them in windows and copy to wine installation12:28
meowagiis there any NFS client for win?12:28
psycho_oreospacem, do you have the device connected? is it USB? what does lsusb say? use pastebin if pasting12:29
Dr_Willisruien:  you dont need to share the 'current desktop' with vnc. thats just a feature of gnome that lets you do it that way.12:29
erUSULmaite: really dunno; install filezilla or gftp to try other gui ftp clients12:29
linua moze jakis polak ma pojecie o pisaniu sakryptow w bash?12:29
Dr_Willismeowagi:  ive never tracked onw down12:29
ruienDr_Willis: vncserver is installed. Wasn't rc.local superceded by Upstart?12:29
maitehumm, ok12:29
Dr_Willisruien:  hm No it wasent.12:29
meowagii stuck with those cifs for soem reasons12:29
erUSUL!info filezilla12:29
ubottufilezilla (source: filezilla): Full-featured graphical FTP/FTPS/SFTP client. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 1229 kB, installed size 3116 kB12:29
ruienok, thank you12:29
Dr_Willisruien:  itsjust a catch-all place to put nasty hacks in :)12:29
meowagi!info godzilla12:29
ubottuPackage godzilla does not exist in karmic12:29
meowagi!info nfs12:30
ubottuPackage nfs does not exist in karmic12:30
meowagi!info nfs-common12:30
ubottunfs-common (source: nfs-utils): NFS support files common to client and server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.2.0-2ubuntu8 (karmic), package size 205 kB, installed size 588 kB12:30
Dr_Willisruien:  ive seen guides in the past to spawn vnc from inetd and stuff.. but not used them in ages12:30
meowagisudo apt-get install nfs-common12:30
maiteok, that's something I wanted to avoid, but ok, I'll do that12:30
ciscohello everyone i'm a noob and i was wondering if anybody knows how to get the webcam feature to work with empathy12:30
Dr_Willisruien:  personally i ssh in, run vncserver, then connect from a vnc client12:30
michaeldobrovitsthx everyone for sharing info. my 2nd one will be, does anyone have succeeded triplehead 2 go digital on ubuntu at 5040x1050@59hz? mines only works at 5040x1050@57 ? is there anyone out there?12:30
garymcHi, anyone know how i sort my relay for my email server in postfix and dovecot? I can send emails to the same domain but not any outside it12:30
maiteI mean isn't it kind of sad that the default graphical client not to work...12:31
maitethanks anyway12:31
ruienDr_Willis: i'm trying to do that as well, but i haven't found documentation on how to get the x-session attached to the vnc session, if it even works that way. :-?12:32
Dr_Willisruien:  you are missunderstanding how vnc CAN work12:32
l700bluetoothmaite, en que ciudad vives?12:33
Dr_Willisruien:  you do not need to have the 'current desktop/X session' attatch to the vncserver12:33
pacemyes it is connected and its usb. i cant see it in lsusb12:33
erUSULmaite: works for me; i could connec to gnu ftp server12:33
Dr_Willisruien:  you could have a dozen different 'hidden' vncserver sessions going at the same time , with No X on the local display at all12:33
Dr_Willisruien:  those could be ran bu differnt people and rnning different desktops all at the same time12:34
Dr_Willisruien:  the 'vnc shows the current visible desktop' (gnome) is a relatively new feature of gnome/vnc.12:34
Dr_Willisruien:  thats how it HAS to work in windows.. but not in linux. :)12:34
codec1Greetings guys, i was wondering if ATI supports ubuntu now? and if the conversion from windows to ubuntu was easy on a HP DV2 laptop12:35
linui dont want program i must set up script to upper school:(12:35
ruienDr_Willis: would all of those vnc sessions be in an X environment, or would they look like SSH in that case? I just get connection refused on my vnc in, but i thought it was because it couldn't find a display to attach to. Since the machine has no monitor, it doesn't even have a "current visible desktop"12:35
psycho_oreospacem, paste the contents of lsusb into pastebin, and paste me the url, I'll have a look12:35
Dr_Willisruien:  vnc is a X desktop/server -  not  a terminal like ssh.12:36
quietonegarymc: I set up postfix and dovecot today for the first time. I spent a lot of time reading at www.postfix.org12:36
GreenDancethe echo command, how can I echo something out onto a second line, would i use a /12:36
ciscocodec1 ati is supported by 9.10 it will ask u to update ur driver12:36
Dr_Willisruien:  install tightvncserver, run vncserver, try connecting with vncviewer to the ip:port12:36
garymcquietone : have you got the relay stuff working so you can access send/recieve emails remotley?12:37
Dr_Willisruien:  it in no way/shapw or form needs X running on the remote box. :)12:37
ruienwow ok12:37
Dr_Willisruien:  it spawns its own session..12:37
johntrampwhenever i go to a webpage with java my firefox browser crashes.  any ideas what could be causing this?12:37
Dr_Willisruien:  run vncserver again.. connect to the new port.. ya got 2 x sessions.. repeat12:37
dhruvasagarHello everyone12:37
Dr_Willisruien:  however - running 2 Gnome sessions as the same user can cause issues.. use a different windowmanager for vnc is a good idea.12:37
LjLGrandPixel: you mean print two lines? echo -e "line1\nline2"12:37
Dr_Willisruien:  gnome can be sluggish over vnc12:37
dhruvasagarI would like to know how I could duplicate my current ubuntu installation on another machine12:38
ruienDr_Willis: I installed xfce and never the full gnome desktop. but i don't think that should matter in this case12:38
dhruvasagaranybody ?12:38
Dr_Willisruien:  vnc can be very sluggish..12:38
gabriel_has anyone used sun virtualbox with windows on it? I have it installed. The problem is, I can't get bridged network to work. There's never an answer back it seems. I'm behind my own router with DHCP.12:38
LjL!cloning | dhruvasagar, this is one way12:38
ubottudhruvasagar, this is one way: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate12:38
erUSULdhruvasagar: using clonezilla ?12:39
dhruvasagarerUSUL: clonezilla ?12:39
Dr_Willisruien:  i use flwm and just a termial like xterm for my vnc sessions. I keep them VERY light12:39
tehbautwhat's up with Ubuntu and dragons?12:39
codec1dhruvasagar, its possible but really, just make a backup of it and then install ubuntu on the other machine then restore he backup12:39
quietonegarymc: no i disabled that. it is just for learning, we can now send email on the home network. read up on the field relay_host in /etc/postfix/mail.cf12:39
erUSULdhruvasagar: similar to norton ghost12:39
plantttHi, I am having trouble getting a project to run in Monodevelop. I cannot select a Gtk# version, and the result is that the whole thing doesn't build....12:39
dhruvasagarerUSUL: hmm cool12:39
dhruvasagarcodec1: actually ubuntu reports that my hard disk is failing12:40
Dr_Willisruien:  this is over a local lan?12:40
dhruvasagarcodec1: and I have a lot of packages installed here12:40
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dhruvasagarcodec1: really elaborate development environment12:40
codec1dhruvasagar on the new hard drive? or the old on already on the machine?12:40
Gesii have a pc i bought in 200512:41
dhruvasagarcodec1: on the one that I have right now, I haven't yet purchased the new one, but I assume I will have to do that now12:41
codec1dhruvasagar not to use then. Iv never done it myself. I just use VM ware image on my desktop12:41
carlos__having problems with amorok, there is no sound when I play music12:41
Gesinow i was trying to install on it ubuntu 9.1012:41
Gesithe instalation from the live cd goes fine12:41
ruienDr_Willis: yes, this is a local lan. I'm doing it because my laptop monitor is dead and i want to turn it into a local server. And i still keep getting connection refused (port 5800, 5900). I'm gonna have to read some documentation.12:41
trollboyI use Weather Report 2.28.0 and its stopped working for about a month now... is there a fix for this?12:41
dhruvasagarthe worst thing is that 126 GB of my hard disk has somehow become unusable12:41
LjL!ru | lexa00712:41
ubottulexa007: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:41
RitonHi i would like some help with a messed grub12:41
dhruvasagarwhen I use gparted to try to format the partition it crashes12:41
Dr_Willisruien:  you could just ssh -x in, and run the apps and ahve them appear on the local box. :) thats another neat trick12:42
Ritonfor a karmic/karmic double boot12:42
Gesibut when i restart it shows a black screen and some text12:42
Gesiit doesnt boot to ubuntu12:42
Gesican anyone help me12:42
FloodBot3Gesi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:42
Riton(chainloader fails) invalid device string12:42
Dr_Willisruien:  whenusing vncserver be carefule not to spawn it  too many times by mistake.12:42
erUSULGesi: would help to know what is that "some text"12:42
dhruvasagarcan I use clonezilla to make a backup installation and then burn it onto a CD / DVD and then use that to install ubuntu with my current setup ?12:43
Gesierusul it shows the parameters12:43
faileasdhruvasagar: yeah, you probably could12:43
erUSULGesi: what parameters ?12:44
Gesiof my pc12:44
Ritonok i expose my grub problem ... i tried to fix it myself and browsed the web but found no solutions12:44
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dhruvasagarI am unable to use 126 GB partition, how can I format it / recover it ? I tried doing so using gparted by it doesn't work and it seems to crash12:45
Gesierusul can we talk in private ????12:45
RitonI have 2 ubuntu 9.10 ... in fact one of them will turn into edubuntu12:45
michaeldobrovitsDr_Willis --> /044 doesn't seem to work used _ , thx.12:45
Ritonthe other one will be used for staff12:45
michaeldobrovitsDr_Willis --> \044 doesn't seem to work used _ , thx.12:45
erUSULGesi: ok12:45
Ritoni installed the staff one and changed to grub-legacy because i can't rename easily menus12:46
michaeldobrovitsdoes anyone use triplehead2go ?12:46
pbinkjust got 9.1 up and running...only have a netgear wg311t pci wifi card installed, but i cannot get the OS to see the device. i installed ndiswrapper packages and followed a guide to install the driver, but iwconfig still shows nothing...what gives?12:46
Dr_Willismichaeldobrovits:  it was /040 i belive12:46
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Dr_Willismichaeldobrovits:  and use _12:46
erUSULpbink: what wifi chip ?12:46
Ritonand then installed the secont karmic that will turn into edubuntu12:46
cmphello every body, i would like to know why my ubuntu is slow ...12:46
michaeldobrovitsDr_Willis --> used _ :)12:47
pbinkerUSUL: on the card?12:47
albechcpk1, top?12:47
erUSULcmp: you are runnig it in a 386 with 2 MiB of RAM?12:47
erUSULpbink: yep12:47
erUSULpbink: lspci | grep -i net12:47
silv3r_m00ni saw this thing called aptoncache... it writes to a cd/dvd , any similar tool which can get packages from another computer over a LAN ?12:47
michaeldobrovitscan somebody point me to some X channel?12:47
cmpiam running ubuntu 9.4 and i made update - and also my PC is dell 1525 with 2 Gb of ram12:48
Ritoni updated grub-legacy and it creates a chainload menu to grub2 (that will boot edubuntu) but it does'nt start12:48
michaeldobrovitsneed some help with custom resolution12:48
Ritonand give me invalid device string12:48
erUSULcmp: graphic card ?12:48
Dr_Willismichaeldobrovits:  #xorg perhaps.  but  you could just ask here12:48
dhasthahi anybody know difference between grub and grub212:48
Ritonsomeone got an idea ?12:48
geirhasilv3r_m00n: apt-proxy?12:48
Dr_Willisdhastha:  100000's of differances12:48
pbinkerUSUL, AR5001X netgear12:48
erUSUL!grub2 | dhastha12:48
ubottudhastha: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub212:48
silv3r_m00ngeirha: let me check12:48
cmpi dont know how to know about it erUSUL,12:48
Dr_Willisdhastha:  grub2 is new from the ground up12:48
erUSULcmp: lspci | grep -i vga12:48
psycho_oreospbink, there are native drivers for that wireless chipset12:48
cmperUSUL, ok wait12:49
pbinkpsycho_oreos, from the cd image?12:49
michaeldobrovitsDr_Willis --> i need to create custom resolution of 5040x1050@59 hz (bound to 59 because of dual dvi maximum bandwidth)12:49
erUSULpbink: so is an atheros ar5xxx ? should work with ath_5k ...12:49
erUSULpbink: tried System>Admin>hardware drivers ?12:49
pbinknothing shows12:49
Dr_Willismichaeldobrovits:  you must have some very big monitors12:49
psycho_oreospbink, no, it should come available with the kernel anyway12:49
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning12:50
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate12:50
cmperUSUL, it tells me        grep: invalid  option -- 'g'12:50
pbinkerUSUL,  psycho_oreos, iwconfig doesn't show anything either12:50
psycho_oreospbink, if you did lspci -nnk| grep -i net you might get more info12:50
erUSULcmp: you made a typo12:50
michaeldobrovitsDr_Willis --> i use matrox triplehead2go digital edition 3 20" monitors 1680x1050 each12:50
erUSULcmp: is « lspci | grep -i vga »12:51
cmperUSUL, ok i will do it again12:51
nastaspbink: in pastebin give the output of lspci -vv command12:51
Dr_Willismichaeldobrovits:  matrox - now theres a company ive not heard about in years12:51
pbinkerUSUL, identical output, but with 0200 listed12:51
pbinknastas, will do12:51
michaeldobrovitsDr_Willis --> i managed to get 5040x1050@57 hz, and it seems that 59 would be better but i can't think of a good modeline12:51
michaeldobrovitsDr_Willis --> do you have any experience with creating custom modelines?12:52
Dr_Willismichaeldobrovits:  ive seen web modeline generator sites.. but your case may be beyond them12:52
Ritonwell nobody for my grub issues ?12:53
Dr_Willismichaeldobrovits:  ive not had to do a modeline in ..years. :)12:53
fieldseriton: super grub disk supergrubdisk.com12:53
michaeldobrovitsDr_Willis --> my needed modeline can't be calculated by all those online gen.12:53
Ritonit could configure my double boot easily ???12:53
cmperUSUL, it tells me  00:02.0 VGA compatible controller : intel corporation mobile GM965/GL960 integrated graphics controller ( rev 0c)12:54
erUSULcmp: there have been problems of perfromance with intel chips in 9.04 and 9.1012:54
pbinknastas, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d9bd3d5412:54
michaeldobrovitsDr_Willis --> i'll pastebin mine and maybe you can point me to some direction where i can try manually?12:54
erUSUL!intel | cmp12:54
ubottucmp: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.12:54
Ritoni'll try this one then12:54
cmphow can i fix it erUSUL ?12:54
ciro89xdcc list12:54
dhasthaIs there any college management tool for ubuntu?12:54
Ritonubottu karmic has some issues with intel graphics as well12:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:55
erUSULcmp: see the links ubottu gave you12:55
ae86-driftercould someone please help me fix this fuse: failed to open /dev/fuse: Permission denied message, im trying to use sshfs, i am already a member of the fuse group, the server is configured properly because it works fine from 3 other PCs the mountpoint is owned by user not root, and chmod 777, really stuck here any help would be appreciated12:55
AraneidaeAnybody else have problems with flash+firefox?  Perhaps 2 times in 3 clicks on the flash player do nothing!12:55
nefastSay, could you remind me to the proper name of the fragmenting tool in ubuntu?12:55
michaeldobrovitsDr_Willis --> http://pastebin.com/m299bbddc12:56
Yarcanoxwhere is the common place for locks on files?12:56
Yarcanoxsolidpop3d is attempting to lock my mailbox and fails due to insufficient rights12:56
Yarcanoxnow I don't know where that stupid thing wants to write as it doesn't tell me12:56
erUSULAraneidae: known bug. bath interaction with compiz + flash12:56
erUSULAraneidae: known bug. bad interaction with compiz + flash12:56
cmperUSUL , ubuntu, please this is too much for me to read and understand it specially iam new in linux - i want the fixed step to solve my problem if you dont mind to help me with it please12:56
Yarcanox(and it gives lockfile_create: permission denied when attempting to lock the mailbox)12:56
AraneidaeerUSUL, I'm not running compiz12:56
YarcanoxI'd really like it to work, so I probably need to find out where it saves that stuff.12:57
nastaspbink: try the command sudo modprobe ath5k and after that give the output of iwconfig in pastepin12:57
Yarcanoxprogram source is also not that enlightening12:57
Yarcanox(it probably uses fcntl() or flock() depending on what ubuntu has, but dunno where those attempt to save their locks)12:57
AraneidaeerUSUL, just checked, don't have compiz installed12:57
flexiblehey, i just installed ubuntustudio, and audio software does not appear to be working... i suspect it cant seem to connect to a jack server, even the jack client cant connect to a server12:57
michaeldobrovitsDr_Willis --> did you recieved my bin?12:58
erUSULAraneidae: :S12:58
pbinknastas, lo    no wireless extensions12:58
frank124cdont talk dirty12:58
nastaspbink: just that?12:59
mabanIm looking for a place for basic support for Ubuntu, new user.12:59
pbinknastas, yep, i don't get it12:59
Dr_Willismichaeldobrovits:  its been at leat 2+ years since ive had to mess with a modeline.  Just lots of #'s to me :)12:59
jribmaban: you found it, just ask the channel your question12:59
AraneidaeerUSUL, is any workaround known, or is flash just plain broken?12:59
michaeldobrovitsDr_Willis --> thx.12:59
jazanycI just installed ubuntu 9.10, I have an HP dv7-3060 for some reason I'm not able to hear the sound through the headphones.  It always comes out of the speakers.  Can any one help?12:59
nastaspbink: stupid question but i guess you have allready switch on right?13:00
cmperUSUL , ubuntu , will any one help me to fix my problem with my graphic card as you said13:00
ruienDr_Willis: tightvnc documentation seems sketchy. I am running "vncserver -httpport 5656" and getting "New 'X' desktop is ruienhp:2".. so looks good. Then I use the "tightvnc viewer" to connect to "", and no connection. Anything obvious?13:00
erUSULcmp: i can tell you hopw to add a repo with updated drivers. but i can not gurantee it will be fixed ...13:00
Yarcanoxsrsly guys I need some help :( need to get this working soon13:00
michaeldobrovitshi everybody, i need to create custom resolution of 5040x1050@59 hz (bound to 59 because of dual dvi maximum bandwidth)13:00
YarcanoxI got everything setup except that file lock problem. so if I might just solve that one13:00
erUSULcmp: do « sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates »13:00
erUSULcmp: then run the update-manager13:00
cmpwell any way i dont understand much about linuch erUSUL so teach me or help me13:00
pbinknastas, it's a pci desktop card13:00
nastaswow sorry my bad pbink13:01
Homely_GirlCan anyone help me with permissions on Karmic?? I'm fedup with it not letting me copy stuff 'cos I don't have permission when I'm the only user on this *sensored* machine!!13:01
pbinknastas, no worries...i'm going to pull the card and try to clean the contacts...the machine was filthy with dust when i installed it out of the garage13:01
* Homely_Girl is just a teensy bit frustrated!!13:01
=== chilipepper is now known as chi-afk
Hajexhi .. can u suggest me some good screencast tools?13:02
cmperUSUL, it tells me       add-apt-repository : command not found13:02
Dr_Willisruien:  you  are overdoing it.. use ip:213:02
silv3r_m00ncan aptoncache be used with a usb drive ?13:02
erUSULcmp: what version of ubuntu is this?13:02
Dr_Willisruien:  ive never used -httpport### option in the past. so never tried that13:02
erUSUL!permissions | Homely_Girl13:02
ubottuHomely_Girl: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions13:02
michaeldobrovitsHomely_Girl, did you tried comand line?13:02
pbinknastas, but lspci -vv showing it is weird13:02
Araneidaecmp, erUSL -- I don't know cmp's problem, but you'd be better off walking him through synaptic on the Administrator menu13:02
cmp9.4 erUSUL,13:02
FloodBot3Copinstan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:02
jazanycI just installed ubuntu 9.10, I have an HP dv7-3060 for some reason I'm not able to hear the sound through the headphones.  It always comes out of the speakers.  Can any one help?13:03
Dr_Willisruien:  also be sure you are killing any extra vncservers with vncserver --kill :2 or whatever # you need13:03
erUSULcmp: a ok then this method will not work. wait13:03
cmpok erUSUL,13:03
Copinstango to shit13:03
Homely_Girlmichaeldobrovits: My o/s hdd appears to be having problems 'n died temporarily so I booted from live cd 'n it wouldn't let me copy my data to a memory stick!! :(13:03
Dr_Willisruien:  i run 'vncserver' -> get New 'X' desktop is server:1 , i use vnc viewer to connect to 'server:1' or the ip#:113:04
elkyCopinstan, please behave. the channel guidelines are in the /topic13:04
hellobi think i should go to php or mysql dunno13:04
jazanyccan anyone help me out?13:04
erUSULcmp: go to system>admin>software sources13:04
michaeldobrovitsHomely_Girl, what does it says when you try to mount the drive?13:04
cmpok iam  there erUSUL,13:04
AraneidaeerUSUL, cmp: sounds more promising ;)13:04
erUSULcmp: in the second tab (other software) click on the add button13:05
Dr_Willisruien:  when im done i kill the vncserver with 'vncserver -kill :1'13:05
Homely_Girlmichaeldobrovits: I'm not that clued up hon....the only mounting I could think of I'm so not in the mood for!! lol13:05
michaeldobrovitsHomely_Girl, :)13:05
ruienDr_Willis: it worked!! I thought that the number after the IP address was a port number, so that's the problem. I didn't realize that it was the display number. Thanks a ton!13:05
erUSULcmp: where it says apt line paste this line « deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-x-swat/x-updates/ubuntu jaunty main » without the « »13:05
Homely_Girlmichaeldobrovits: I'm booted from it now!! So hold thumbs I can copy my data off!!13:05
mabanHow do you get flash to work on ubuntu 9.1 when youve tried every option on adobe flash player site?13:05
pbinknastas, i did install the WG331Tv3.INF with ndiswrapper, and that driver shows up in with ndiswrapper -l, fyi13:05
jrib!flash | maban13:05
Homely_Girlmichaeldobrovits: It seems to be tempramental13:05
ubottumaban: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash13:05
erUSULcmp: click on add origin. close the Software sources dialog and run the update-manager13:06
Dr_Willisruien:  it IS a port # but by default vnc stats at some XXX then each : is added toit13:06
thedooranyone can help me on the install of my webcam?13:06
cmpwhat button you talk about erUSUL13:06
jrib!webcam | thedoor13:06
ubottuthedoor: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras13:06
michaeldobrovitsHomely_Girl, it works now?13:06
Dr_Willisruien:  port # = 5????+display #13:06
flexiblehey, i just installed ubuntustudio, and audio software does not appear to be working... i suspect it cant seem to connect to a jack server, even the jack client cant connect to a server13:06
erUSULcmp: one in the righ botton side13:06
Homely_Girlmichaeldobrovits: Would u care to give me a pvt lesson on mounting 'n why it's necessary? For the moment it's working but it died in the middle of something earlier....so I could go at any second!!13:06
erUSULcmp: in the second tab13:07
cmpok i got that , and i did erUSUL,13:08
ruienDr_Willis: cool, I understand the syntax now. I am in gnome now; is it possible to make it xfce instead of a gnome environment? (if it's possible I can research it myself. But if it's not possible i'd like to know now :)13:08
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Dr_Willisruien:  i alter my .vnc/xstartup to run a minimal desktop :)  one neat trick with vnc.. if you close the connection it stays running13:08
cmpthen how to update as you asked me erUSUL.13:08
Dr_Willisruien:  make xstartup launch what you want. I perfer very light wm's13:08
linuwho know track to id3tool in ubuntu is it scrypt right?13:08
erUSULcmp: you should see updates in the update-manager. system>admin>update manager13:08
YarcanoxI wonder who wrote those insanely bad error messages of solidpop3d13:08
Yarcanoxthat person should be shot >.>13:08
Dr_Willisruien:  anything to gfx loaded can really slow down vnc13:08
ruienDr_Willis: great, i'll start learning about xstartup. You are awesome13:09
cmpwell now i got error Msg . how can i post this pic for you ?13:09
Dr_Willisruien:  you can start a vncserver session.. disconnect teh client.. then come back and it will still be running13:09
erUSULcmp: it is warning about a gpg key ? it is normal13:09
ruienDr_Willis: a bit like screen?13:10
Dr_Willisruien:  yes.13:10
Dr_Willisruien:  thats was a main feature of vnc when it first came out13:10
ruienah, ok13:10
Dr_Willisruien:  handy for somthing like a torrent client, or other apps you want to keep going13:10
cmpno its something telling me ( couldnt download the all repository indexes )13:10
maffelinuxdo I have to be a root to mover things to /usr/local/bin?13:11
Yarcanox"mailbox: can't open mailbox file: /var/mail/abimail"13:11
Yarcanoxthe file is owned by the user and chmod 777'ed13:11
Yarcanoxwhatelse can i do?13:11
erUSULcmp: you are sure you copied the line as is? without the « » ?13:11
Yarcanoxif ((mailboxfd = open(maildrop_name, O_RDWR)) < 0) {13:11
cmpyes i swear erUSUL13:11
Yarcanoxthat is the respective source code line13:11
Dr_Willismaffelinux:  'to mess with system file/locations' you need root privilages. yes...13:12
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:12
erUSULcmp: do « sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade » on a terminal. paste the output you get13:12
erUSUL!paste | cmp13:12
ubottucmp: please see above13:12
Arazna sie ktos na beshu?:]13:12
KamokowThis is probably a stupid question, but in GNOME 3, is there/is there plans for, an option to use a classic feel instead of the hideous (in my opinion) GNOME Shell?13:13
wobleis there some way to hard format an USB device in Ubuntu? I've got an USB device with read only CD partition :s13:13
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:13
jribKamokow: ask the gnome guys :)13:14
coz_Kamokow,  to my knowledge  no.. but it is still in the works as far as I know and I agree with you...gnome 3 ..at this stage...is a mistake13:14
coz_Kamokow,  unless they incorporate   Clever Windows13:14
dhasthaIs there any accounts related package for ubuntu like Tally?13:14
Dr_Williscoz_:  they got to keep up with kde4 :)13:14
mabanEhm.. why is alt Gr 2 = ² and not [at]?13:14
cmperUSUL, you want me to paste the out put here ?13:15
Kamokowjrib: Yea, I thought #ubuntu might know, as getting an answer in GNOME is rare, coz_ Yea, I agree :P13:15
coz_Dr_Willis,  mmm I dont think that is an excuse :)13:15
coz_Kamokow,  did you see Clever Windows?13:15
Dr_Williscoz_:  netbook editon for the desktop! :)13:15
Kamokowcoz_ No I havent. Ill look it up :P13:15
coz_Kamokow,    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lsZvwyxJ9vk13:15
jribKamokow: it was my nice way of saying "offtopic"13:15
Dr_Williscoz_:  its all been downhill from my C64 Geos Days. :)13:16
Dr_WillisNight all.13:16
coz_Dr_Willis,   :)13:16
Kamokowcoz_: thanks, jrib: okay, sorry about that :P13:16
dhasthaneed accounting software? Help me13:16
cmperUSUL, do you want me to paste the out put here ?13:17
coz_dhastha,   look here  ek.com/tag/accounting-software-ubuntu  or google ubuntu accounting software13:17
Kamokowdhastha: I havent personally tried it, but you could try "HomeBank." Im pretty sure its in the software centre.13:17
mabanhow do you change keyboard settings? aka language?13:17
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts13:18
pat|nGi got a wireless broadcom on my laptop...but why is it that my wireshark or any other LAN software can't detect my wireless interface?13:18
coz_pat|nG,   the broadcom is working?13:19
pat|nGi got eth213:19
coz_pat|nG,  then I would complaing to the software developer13:19
pat|nGbut when i try to use it on my wireshark seems cannot get some packets on the LAN connection13:19
coz_pat|nG,  mm let me check something13:19
pat|nGi tried all the possible troubleshoots13:20
coz_pat|nG,   go to the #wireshark channel   maybe someone there can get it to see the card13:20
Meelui think my firewall is blocking mysql's functions13:20
pat|nGi'm there13:21
pat|nGbut seems it's a ghost channel13:21
Meeluhow would i solve this firewall problem?13:21
coz_pat|nG,  ok  well  you might have to ask a question ...did you join under a different nick?13:21
dhasthacoz_: ek.com/tag/accounting-software-ubuntu.......... the server is not found13:21
coz_pat|nG, oh I see you13:21
coz_dhastha,  mm  then open firefox  and google      ubuntu accounting software13:22
coz_dhastha,  you should get a number of hits :)13:22
Yarcanoxsolidpop3d fails to open the mailbox13:22
Yarcanoxit doesn't say why, it only gives the path to the mailbox it tried to open13:22
coz_dhastha,  or google  linux  accounting software13:22
Yarcanoxthe mailbox is chmod 777'ed and chown'ed to that user13:22
Kamokowdhastha: You could also try searching the Ubuntu Software Centre ;)13:22
Yarcanoxso I simply know it failed to open it.13:22
Yarcanoxsource code says: if ((mailboxfd = open(maildrop_name, O_RDWR)) < 0) {13:23
Yarcanoxso somehow that call returns failure. nice. but what do I do now?13:23
YarcanoxI can't think of any other rights mechanism that might be protecting the file. also, thanks to the absence of a verbose error message, I don't even know if insufficient permission is the actual problem13:23
yaboovirtualbox or vmware is best for running virtual machines13:24
SargunVirtual Box is easier IMHO13:24
justpokingaroundHey, need some help with ndiswrapper (or perhaps editing /etc/modules from live disk?).13:24
plantttbut don't use vmware server on your workstation. i screws up your keyboard13:24
KamokowYaboo: It really depends, I like them both.13:24
yabooKamokow: used vmware, but pissed about vmwares web interface to start virtual machines13:25
faileasyaboo: it depends on your environment13:25
Kamokowyaboo: Well, Virtualbox is great, I dont do much virtualization anymore though. So it really depends on your situation.13:25
yaboofaileas: running ubuntu server13:25
jazanycI can't get my headphones to work on my Laptop, the sound continues to come out of the speakers.  Can anyone help??13:25
=== ripps|sleep is now known as ripps
faileasyaboo: production, or testing? and on a server, or a system that's also being used as a desktop? and will it be running all the time?13:26
jrib!away > ripps13:26
ubotturipps, please see my private message13:26
guntbertyaboo: why don't you try virtualbox and judge yourself?13:26
yaboofaileas: for doing dev web work13:26
jazanyccan anyone please help??13:26
yaboonothing heavy13:26
Kamokowjazanyc: Its most likely a problem with your sound drivers.13:26
faileasyaboo: hmm, virtualbox would do the13:26
axos88Hi! How can I find out what is eating my memory? top (ordered by %MEM) adds up only up to 40% of memory usage, whereas it says that overall usage is above 80%13:26
jribaxos88: buffers and cache?13:27
jazanycKamokow: how do I fix the sound driver?13:27
jribaxos88: try "free -m"13:27
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga13:27
jazanycI just install ubuntu 9.10 on my HP laptop13:27
guntbertaxos88: did you see http://www.linuxatemyram.com/ ?13:27
axos88guntbert, nope... :)13:28
pat|nGi can't get the wlan0 thing on my interface...i got eth2...what's wrong with my interface?13:28
Kamokowjazanyc: I'm not really that great with driver problems. But, Ive had problems like that, and it was a driver problem. Im sure someone here can help you with installing the right sound drivers though :)13:28
mabananyone here playing magic online who can with wine?13:28
guntbertaxos88: its worth the time :)13:28
yaboowith virtualbox, do I need a gui to install the OS, or can it be done via a webpage like vmware13:28
Hajexhi .. can u suggest me some good screencast tools?13:28
erUSUL!paste | cmp13:28
ubottucmp: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:28
axos88guntbert, hehe, nice picture :) just reading it through13:29
faileasyaboo: you can control it via cli, its in the manual. there isn't an 'official' web interface13:29
faileasbut there might be third party ones13:29
jazanyccan anyone help me with the sound drivers for my HP laptop??13:29
yaboofaileas: cool13:29
justpokingaroundpat' what is your wireless device?13:29
nastasjazanyc: did you check the headphone volume?13:30
faileasyaboo: virtualbox has a lot of features hidden away in the manual. its worth the read ;p13:30
GreenDancethe passwd command, can the password be included on the same line?13:30
duffydackis the only version of skype for ubuntu the 8.10 one?13:30
nastasjazanyc: it might be muted13:30
axos88guntbert, thanks, that was a fun experience, and i learned something new again :)13:30
jazanycit's not the volume the sound continues to come out of the speakers even though I have the headphones plugged in13:31
Kamokowduffydack: The most recent beta from their site (which i believe they say is for 8.10) runs fine on my Karmic (9.10) install.13:31
will_195hey guys. empathy i ubuntu 9.10 keeps asking me about a subscription request. what's a 'subscription request'? is it the same as a friend/add request for MSN and such?13:31
will_195*empathy in ubuntu 9.1013:31
duffydackah cool. http://forum.skype.com/index.php?showtopic=2967913:31
jazanycI have sound it just does not come out of the headphones13:31
jazanycnastas can you help??13:32
cmperUSUL, http://paste.ubuntu.com/366198/13:32
Odd-rationalejazanyc: can you pastebin the output of lspci -vvv13:34
Kamokowwill_195: Im pretty sure it is, but I use Pidgin, so I may be wrong.13:34
jazanycOdd-rationale: I'm new to ubuntu and linux how do I do that?13:35
will_195Kamokow: thanks, and yeah, i am a post-pidgin user trying to adapt. thanks again :)13:35
Kamokowwill_195: Yup, no problem, good luck with adapting :)13:35
=== sdx24 is now known as sdx23
Odd-rationalejazanyc: open a terminal, and enter "lspci -vvv" without quotes, and copy/paste it to ubuntu.pastebin.com. then give us just the link.13:36
GesierUsul are u there ????13:36
will_195Kamokow: it's cleaner (and more basic) than pidgin, but the desktop integration looks good - i can right click a file in nautilus and click "send to" and then select empathy, then select a contact... only the contact list is greyed out. so that doesn't work, but it'd be definitely cool if it did :P)13:37
cmperUSUL, i have posted for you the link about the out put which i got after the command you needed me to do13:37
jribGreenDance: yes, see the man page.  Also, it's really rude to crosspost your question in multiple channels at the same time13:37
cmperUSUL, are you there ?13:37
GreenDancejrib, sorry13:37
milli1I have a usb IR receiver connected to my computer. var log messages said that a driver is loaded. Is there any way I can monitor incoming signals, and if the receiver is getting anything from my remote ?13:38
will_195incidentally any of you guys using the docky dev builds (from the dev ppa) found it's causing system-wide crashes? (forcing a reboot)13:38
=== Stef_ is now known as StefZilla
will_195i realise that since it's an unstable build that i can't complain, just wondering if anyone else is getting it too13:39
GreenDancejrib, man command not found?13:39
jribGreenDance: pastebin what you typed and the output in full13:39
jazanycodd-rationale: here it is http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d642205f013:40
jribGreenDance: here: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/07813:40
nikos_hello, i have a pc with 9.10 installed and an nvidia gf7300 and i can't whach an 1080p mp4 video - I have the codecs - but it's very slow and skips frames and sound. my processor usage is full that moment... any suggestions?13:41
Eremitenikos_,  are you trying to watch YouTube videos?  Most peopel dont have computers that are able to handle proper HD...13:42
actionparsnipYo yo yo13:42
Kamokownikos_: Do you have the drivers for your nvidia card? http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Karmic#Install_Latest_Nvidia.2FATI_drivers might be able to help you install them if you dont ;)13:43
gabriel_how can i see the name of my network card? brand and model?13:43
actionparsnipGabriel_: sudo lshw -C network13:43
Odd-rationalejazanyc: I think that you need to set the correct sound card model in the /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf file. I had a similar issue, and it worked.13:43
gabriel_actionparsnip: thanks :)13:44
Odd-rationalejazanyc: see if you can find your laptop listed here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6573913&postcount=113:44
l0nwlfI want to install ubuntu on my mac (intel based), but I have only one partition. what can I do ?13:44
actionparsnipGabriel_: it will show you the wireless chip it has the make and model is moot13:44
MohammadRRRHow Can I Shutdown Computer Automaticly ?13:44
actionparsnipLnwlf: you can resize partitions13:45
l0nwlfsomehow I am not comfortable with virtualization, running seperate linux is preferred way of mine13:45
actionparsnip!mac : l0nwlf13:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:45
Eremitel0nwlf, you can make another partition with gparted (an app that comes with the Ubuntu install disk).13:45
Kamokowl0nwlf: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook13:45
l0nwlfEremite: Kamokow thanks13:45
actionparsnipL0nwlf: or install to a usb storage device13:45
nikos_Eremite, well, the source was from a youtube video that I downloaded as an mp4... I have an other computer with an intel onboard graphix card and it plays the same file very good13:45
l0nwlfactionparsnip: I do have a 250GB external HD13:46
gabriel_actionparsnip: only wireless? not wired?13:46
nikos_Kamokow, I have all the drivers (nvidia 185)13:46
Eremitel0nwlf, I suggest you look on YouTube for videos detailing this.13:46
actionparsnipGabriel_: it shows all network hardware so both13:46
jazanycodd-rationale: ok13:46
l0nwlfEremite: ok, I was worried about 300 Gb of data that is13:46
Kamokownikos_: Do all videos have the skipping problem, or just this specific one?13:46
Eremitenikos_, Different hardware handles files differently.  I( hate to say it, but it sounds like your PC simply cant handle video at that size.  Mine can barely handle it.13:47
gabriel_actionparsnip: yeah ok. i was just going to see if virtualbox listed my network card so that i can create a bridged connection, but nope it doesn't...13:47
phong_vmware is better13:47
actionparsnipGabriel_: it will have a virtualised one13:47
nikos_Kamokow, all videos that are 1080p13:47
xfactvmware works on Ubuntu, I mean VM ware workstation13:48
gabriel_actionparsnip: mmm but i can't get bridge to work, only NAT :/13:48
ujjainIs there such a thing as an anonymous OS?13:48
gabriel_actionparsnip: so yeah there are virtualised ones... but they don't work13:48
phong_i'm going to use firefox 3.6 for mac13:48
actionparsnipGabriel_: check your vbox settings to ensure you have a virtual nic enabled and install the guest additions13:48
vishalparkarhelp on compiling java programs in ubuntu:)13:48
xfactVM workstation works on Ubuntu?13:48
Eremitenikos_, it sounds like your hardware cant handle it.   YouTube has a very long thread in their forums about this.  Their basic reply to this kind of question is that it's ot their fault your PC cant handle the video.13:48
gabriel_actionparsnip: yeah i have guest additions, and see several virtual nics13:48
phong_vmware workstation for linux13:48
actionparsnip!vmware | xfact13:48
ubottuxfact: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware13:48
phong_version 713:49
Kamokownikos_: Well, Its probably your hardware. :(13:49
actionparsnipGabriel_: i'd ask in #vbox its more specefic to your issue13:49
gabriel_actionparsnip: do you know if i need to configure the host for this bridge?13:49
Eremitexfact, you can use Virtual Box.  It works well.13:49
actionparsnipGabriel_: the host won't need touching. Vbox does all the work13:50
gabriel_actionparsnip: yes, but i don't get it, the channel vbox doesn't accept messages in the channel?? From "outside" it says...13:50
alabdhow to see internet recieve in Bytes ?13:50
gabriel_actionparsnip: [404] #vbox Cannot send to channel Cannot send to channel13:50
nikos_Kamokow, Eremite, what should i change? my cpu (current celeron D 3.3Ghz) or my graphics card (7300gs nvidia)13:50
xfactErmite: yea I know, thank you for suggestions13:50
jazanycodd-rational: I don't see the HP dv7-3060us laptop on the list13:50
vishalparkar1help on compiling java programs in ubuntu13:50
actionparsnipPhong_: you can use vmware but its closed souce and the later versions will probably cost.13:50
vishalparkar1help on compiling java programs in ubuntu :)13:50
actionparsnip!java | vishalparkar113:51
ubottuvishalparkar1: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository13:51
albuntuhello to all. i know that this is not the correct channel but can anyone help me with a dns issue ? i have full control over the server but i do not know what is not working correctly. I have set up an account and its nameservers , but i can not get the domain to poin to those nameservers.13:51
DILl0nwlf, bootcamp13:51
nikos_Eremite, Kamokow, oh, and (I hate to say this) but win handles all these files very good... :(13:52
vishalparkar1compiling using javac13:52
Kamokownikos_: On the same computer?13:52
Eremitenikos_, at first thought I assume it would be a processor that is too slow.  You can try using the Adobe Flash 10.1 prerelease which in theory can help you by enabling GPU acceleration.13:52
nikos_Kamokow, yep13:52
Odd-rationalejazanyc: ok. then we might have to do some guessing...13:52
Gesican anyone help me13:52
phong_actionparsnip i dont care for the cost13:52
phong_i think paying for what u get is worth it13:52
Gesii formated my pc and now i have ubuntu 9.10 but the pc seems to fail starting ubuntu13:52
Gesii just get this screen13:52
MohammadRRRno answer ??13:53
Eremitenikos_, if you are using different hardware then saying that windows handles it is almost obsolete.  I have many problems with Linux machines that I dont with windows, but I seriously dont think this is one of those times.13:53
coz_MohammadRRR, sorry I didnt see your post13:53
Odd-rationalejazanyc: mind if i pm you?13:53
RyanDHi I am trying to get GNS3 to work. I keep getting the 209 error but the image is in the correct place. Can someone help me get this working?13:53
actionparsnipPhong_: not always. Look at linux as a prime example. As well as its asociated apps13:53
l0nwlfDIL: bootcamp does not help in installing ubuntu I guess. It's for windows13:53
MohammadRRRHow Can I Shutdown Computer Automaticly ?13:53
nikos_Eremite, my machine is dual-boot...13:53
Kamokownikos_: Hmm... wel then I dont know what to say if your drivers are up to date, as well as your codecs.13:53
mostafahey there13:54
Gesino one ????13:54
mostafais there any body who can help me with php?13:54
nastaspbink: are you ok?13:54
Kamokowmostafa: ##php :P13:54
coz_MohammadRRR,  not sure what you mean...do you want it timed?  do you want to press a button?13:54
IdleOnemostafa: #php13:54
actionparsnipMohammadRRR: you can use: sudo -s; sleep 60; shutdown -h now13:54
l0nwlfDIL: sorry, i was wrong13:54
Eremitenikos_, then it's probably a driver issue.  I had MANY problesm in linux that I didnt on windows with dual-boot, too.  If you use the same hardware for both OS' then I assume its a driver problem.  Make sure you have the proper drivers and they are updated.13:54
The_ManU_212i wanted to create a symbolic link, i run "ln -sf /lib/modules/ /usr/src/linux- ", its a mistake, has tehre been created a link, or cant i link fodlers?13:55
actionparsnipMohammadRRR: that will make the system turn off in 1 minute13:55
LjLThe_ManU_212: drop the last "/"13:55
Odd-rationalejazanyc: are you getting my pm's?13:55
pbinknastas, fully updated via eth0...rebooted and now have a black square in the information panel where the disabled wifi icon used to appear13:55
phong_actionparsnip i always buy softwares13:55
The_ManU_212LjL: and then, waht will happen?13:55
pat|nGif i'm connected using my wired connection does it really mean that my eth2 is always disconnected? or just mine? i mean is it possible to have both working? coz my is eth0 lan connected and my eth2 wireless is disabled13:56
kissi_i was suggested to use lazarus for pascal programming in ubuntu..13:56
IdleOne!ot | phong_13:56
ubottuphong_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:56
LjLThe_ManU_212: a link will be created.13:56
Gesican anyone give a solution to me13:56
actionparsnipPhong_: do you use firefox?13:56
kissi_but .exe is generated as output...how to view output13:56
actionparsnipPhong_: firefox is free. You can't buy firefox13:56
jazanycno i didn't see any13:56
=== ezfox1 is now known as ezfox
* EagleWatch is away: Gone away for now13:56
kissi_some one help me.. regarding lazarus..13:57
IdleOne!away > EagleWatch13:57
ubottuEagleWatch, please see my private message13:57
actionparsnipPhong_: as an example. Paid software isn't automatically better13:57
maffelinuxis it possible to concatenate echoing lines? Like 'echo "blah" + $USER + "blah'13:57
coz_kissi_,  I know nothing about it  but someone might...also if no one at this time can answer you may want to try the ##linux channel :)13:57
mostafaIdleOne Kamokow: when I join #php it goes to ##overflow how can I go #php?13:57
coz_ubuntu,  welcome13:57
The_ManU_212LjL: from /usr/src/linux- to /lib/modules/ is it possible to do this without root, becasue as user i get no error-message13:57
maffelinuxmostafa: I believe you have to be identified13:58
gabriel_how come i can't write in channel #vbox?13:58
Odd-rationalejazanyc: you should see another tab with me in it.13:58
actionparsnipThe_ManU_212: use: sudo -s13:58
mostafamaffelinux: how can I be Identidied?13:58
actionparsnipThe_ManU_212: you can then do what you want13:58
maffelinuxmostafa: register on freenode13:58
coz_gabriel_,   not sure ,,just checked and I can post13:58
actionparsnip!register | mostafa13:59
ubottumostafa: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode13:59
meowagihow can i get the UUID from a Drive?13:59
DILkissi_, pas extension13:59
ubuntuwhats going on?13:59
LjLThe_ManU_212: no, you need sudo to do things inside /usr and /lib. if you type "sudo ln -s /usr/src/linux- /lib/modules/", the link will be "/lib/modules/", and it will link to "/usr/src/linux-". i don't know if that's what you want.13:59
The_ManU_212actionparsnip: do u get an error message when linking fiels where ur user has only read-rights? i only get a new prompt13:59
actionparsnipUbuntu: ubuntu support13:59
coz_ubuntu,  well everyone is asking questions in hopes of solutions :)13:59
meowagiactionparship: are you hre?14:00
kissi_DIL, .lpr14:00
gabriel_coz_: hmm, seems i joined from ubuntu network, that's why... when joining from freenode it works fine. I'm a newbie at this14:00
ubuntume too14:00
actionparsnipThe_ManU_212: that's good. If you don't get an error from a command,it worked14:00
LjL!uuid | meowagi14:00
ubottumeowagi: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)14:00
actionparsnipThe_ManU_212: you don't get an "ok" after each and every command, its redundant14:00
The_ManU_212actionparsnip: i made it as suer without sudo so my user has allover the system rw-rights oO ls -a says i havent14:00
Eremitegabriel_, I usually join from Freenode too, but since an update I did a few days ago Ive been accessing Ubuntu Servers at the top of my IRC list.  Wasnt there before.14:01
The_ManU_212actionparsnip: but i should get an error message since my user _CANT_ write in this places14:01
Gesiplease can anyone help me14:01
actionparsnipThe_ManU_212: never played with sudoers and I think it kinda defeats the object of sudo + password14:01
Gesii have a problem i cant start ubuntu...14:01
KamokowGesi: Can you go a bit more in depth? Like, what errors are you getting?14:02
=== rajesh is now known as Guest87936
LjLmaffelinux: won't just "echo blah $USER blah" work?14:02
actionparsnipThe_ManU_212: you cold create a new group with your user and root in and give the folder group ownership to that folder..14:03
ubuntuso is ever one?14:03
myk_robinsonis there a way in Ubuntu/Linux to ping my network to see which numbers are responding? Long story, I need to find a router IP address that has mysteriously changed to14:03
haffemyk_robinson: nmap14:03
actionparsnipmyk_robinson: look into nmmap14:03
haffeWhat you want do to is basiclly a port scan14:03
alabdhow to see internet recieve in Bytes ?14:04
actionparsnipmyk_robinson: or script a ping loop to increment a value ;)14:04
krautis the ubuntu generic-kernel rebooting per default after a panic?14:04
theooi have ubuntu 9.10 and ipw2200  driver.. when i try to connect to a network it connects but after 5 seconds i am disconnected.. any help on this?14:05
actionparsnipTheoo: when it drops run: dmesg | tail14:05
actionparsnipTheoo: websearch for the output14:05
myk_robinsonactionparsnip: need a little hand holding with bash scripting for the ping loop, please14:05
actionparsnipmyk_robinson: i'd ask in #bash14:06
mostafaactionparsnip: I have used quassel bro. how can I register my nick ?14:06
=== cp is now known as Guest59848
actionparsnipMostafa: pidgin on all platforms here dude14:07
actionparsnip!register | mostafa14:07
ubottumostafa: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode14:07
haffemyk_robinson: why no just install nmapfe ?14:07
myk_robinsonhaffe: just did, now to figure out how to use it14:08
mostafaactionparsnip: I have the pidgin too then how ?14:08
pacemhello. need help installing and connecting to wireless network. has followed these (http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1353044) instructions and i can now find different networks, but it will not connect.14:08
myk_robinsonhaffe: got it, thanks14:09
hiteshcan any body tell how to configure my webcam in ubuntu 9.1014:09
theoowhen i try to connect to a network  i get disconected after 5 second and i get wlan0: AP denied association (code=12) in dmesg14:12
Nightshadehey wuts up guys im new to IRC14:14
PsychoMari0how would i go about tunneling pptp over ssh with a local ssh tunnel to port 1723 on the remote host(which is also the ssh server)14:14
erUSUL!hi | Nightshade14:15
ubottuNightshade: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!14:15
Nightshadealright thanks!14:16
PsychoMari0how would i go about tunneling pptp over ssh with a local ssh tunnel to port 1723 on the remote host(which is also the ssh server)??14:16
Nightshadesorry mario i dont use ssh14:17
pacemneed help installing member:and connecting to wireless network. has followed these (http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1353044) instructions member:and i can now find different networks, but it will not connect. im quite new to ubuntu so any help will be highly appreciated.14:17
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub214:18
timI have an issue where I accidentally deleted both the icons for adjusting volume and internet connections from the upper right of my desktop. is there any way for me to get those two icons back?14:18
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michaeldobrovitstim, right mouse click on panel and select add to panel14:20
Astaroth999hi there, i've got a problem installing bot sentry for pidgin:14:20
Astaroth999configure complains it cannot link to glib-2.0. Does anyone know whats going wrong?14:20
erUSULtim: maybe you only need to add a notification area back to the panel-14:20
erUSULtim:right click on the panel. chhose add to panel. notification area14:20
timthank you very much. both icons have returned14:21
pacemdoes anyone know how to troubleshoot wireless network?14:22
saganbyteHello :)14:22
gqgunhedpacem, what kind if problem?14:22
timI also have trouble with my tri-booting machine. I have xp, 7 and ubuntu installed. ubuntu was installed first. I was able to reinstall grub, but my new issue is that I can not boot into xp. I added to the boot file for 7 and tried the same for XP, but when I try to boot into xp, the screen just refreshed14:23
saganbyteI just installed an app called hamster using Synaptic... i cant find it though.. where should I look for it?14:23
erUSULsaganbyte: run it from a terminal14:23
pacemgqgunhed: i just installed the drivers and i can find different networks but it wont connect14:23
saganbyteerUSUL, I m not able to :(14:24
=== Guest87936 is now known as ganesanrajesh
w3l54666hey guys14:24
saganbyteWhere do applications get installed in Ubuntu?14:24
gqgunhedpacem, you want to connect to a "visible" or "invisible" wlan?14:24
w3l54666is there a piece of software for easily designing a website like dreamweaver??14:24
pacemgqgunhed: visible14:24
saganbytew3l54666, if you are looking for WYSIWYG.. then it ll be a bit challenging... but you can look at Aptana14:25
gqgunhedpacem, ok, then click on your network manager icon and you'll get a list of visible wlans, ok?14:25
saganbytew3l54666, Aptana is intuitive for HTML, Javascript and CSS14:25
gqgunhedpacem, and what happens then? Are you asked for the pass for the corresponding net?14:25
w3l54666saganbyte: is it like dreamweaver??14:26
saganbytew3l54666, unfortunately no...14:26
ubottukompozer is a WYSIWYG HTML editor for easily creating web pages, and the continuation of the dead Nvu project.  It is available in !Universe on !Gutsy and later releases.  Note that there is a GTK incompatibility in !Intrepid and !Jaunty, so users of those releases should use the !PPA at https://launchpad.net/~giuseppe-iuculano/+archive/ppa instead.14:26
vishalparkarwhat is the Ubuntu counterpart of DAP (Download accelerator Plus - a download manager)14:26
w3l54666saganbyte: do u know of anything like it?14:26
=== Martinp23 is now known as Martinp24
mazda01i have 2 nics in my 9.10 box. they were both showing at one time but after removing nm-applet and uninstalling gnome-network-manager, eth1 no longer shows using ifconfig.14:26
vishalparkarwhat is the Ubuntu counterpart of DAP (Download accelerator Plus - a download manager) :)14:26
w3l54666saganbyte: as im real n00b on this14:26
pacemgqgunhed: yes. it tries to connect, but nothing happens exept after a little while it stops.14:26
vishalparkarwhat is the Ubuntu counterpart of DAP (Download accelerator Plus - a download manager) :)14:26
saganbytew3l54666, DIL just mentioned komposer14:26
mazda01can someone please help? i am trying to setup ics so my xbox can see the network14:26
saganbytew3l54666, though I have not used komposer14:27
=== Johnny is now known as Guest36773
w3l54666saganbyte: ok is that in synaptic?14:27
vishalparkarpl help14:27
nefastIf I want to make a new partition out of my main boot partition, do I have to do that via a live boot?14:27
vishalparkarwhat is the Ubuntu counterpart of DAP (Download accelerator Plus - a download manager)14:27
timI am trying to install grub2, but i get to the grub-pc configuration, and I can't continue. i hit ok, try typing ok, hit enter but can't go on14:27
erUSULnefast: yes14:27
Guest36773One account on my Ubuntu 9.10 computer doesn't play sound at all, please help.14:27
saganbytew3l54666, yes it is14:27
vishalparkarwhat is the Ubuntu counterpart of DAP (Download accelerator Plus - a download manager?14:27
nefastOk, thanks erUSUL!14:28
erUSUL!info d4x14:28
ubottud4x (source: d4x): graphical download manager. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 711 kB, installed size 2028 kB14:28
sivamvishalparkar: what you want to download ?14:28
gqgunhedpacem, have you tried to connect with another pc or another os, so you can be sure the wireless works - focused on hardware?14:28
saganbytew3l54666, in fact i m gonna give it a shot myself14:28
erUSULvishalparkar: i personally use dwonload them all firefox estension14:28
kaziemcould someone help me with wpa_supplicant? can't get it to work under ubuntu, although the same config files work in my other debian desktop14:28
vishalparkarthanx Sivam14:28
meowagiis here a way to select a timeout in fstab for a cifs mount, because it takes forever if no network is attached14:28
vishalparkarany big  file14:28
w3l54666saganbyte: lol see people coming asking questions help14:28
vishalparkarfrom net that14:28
w3l54666saganbyte: not just themselves but others lolz14:29
saganbytew3l54666, :D14:29
gqgunhedpacem, maybe you want to connect to WPA2 network but your hardware doesnot support that??14:29
Guest36773One account on my Ubuntu 9.10 computer doesn't play sound at all, please help.14:29
TidyBhoywhy does vlc open everytime i connect my ipod? very annoying =D14:29
meowagiguest:  increase the volume14:29
pacemgqgunhed: yes i have several computers connectet to the network. its filtered with mac-addresses, but the mac-addres to the list14:29
mazda01can someone please help? i am trying to setup ics so my xbox can see the network14:29
Guest36773meowagi: I already did that14:29
gqgunhedGuest36773, or add user to the audio group14:29
mazda01i have 2 nics in my 9.10 box. they were both showing at one time but after removing nm-applet and uninstalling gnome-network-manager, eth1 no longer shows using ifconfig.14:30
timI jsut tried updating grub, but now have two errors, could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - -open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) and Unable to lock the download directory14:30
meowagiguesst: use another plughole14:30
erUSULGuest36773: can you paste the output of « id » in that account14:30
meowagianother bunghole for the plug14:30
w3l54666DIL: is composer easy for FTP???14:30
meowagii ask for a cifs mount timeout14:31
Astaroth999hi there, i've got a problem installing bot sentry for pidgin: configure complains it cannot link to glib-2.0. Does anyone know whats going wrong?14:31
gqgunhedpacem, do you have any logs on the access point or some messages in /var/log/messages?14:31
saganbytew3l54666, just installed kompozer... did you?14:31
erUSULTidyBhoy: check the settings in a nautilus window Edit>Preferences || Last Tab14:32
w3l54666saganbyte: n e idea if its eay FTP14:32
w3l54666saganbyte: as i got a free hosting server with FTP14:32
thedead91ciao ragazzzi14:32
LjL!it | thedead9114:32
ubottuthedead91: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)14:32
saganbytew3l54666, yes it has14:32
w3l54666saganbyte: awesome14:32
Guest36773erUSUL: How do I paste the id in that account?14:33
Trekgood morning, nukedclx14:33
timwhen i try to upgrade to grub2 i get these: E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)14:33
timE: Unable to lock the download directory14:33
nukedclxanyone can tell me which package contains qt4 in ubuntu?14:33
thedead91Hi guys, do you know where I can find some info about Gambas?14:34
Trektim: you used sudo, right?14:34
erUSULGuest36773: run id in a terminal. should ouput just a line14:34
erUSULthedead91: its homepage ?14:34
timyes i used sudo14:34
Guest36773erUSUL: where do I then paste it14:34
TidyBhoythanks erUSUL didnt know where to find that ha!14:34
erUSULGuest36773: if it is only a line you can paste it here14:34
gqgunhedGuest36773, into this channel please14:34
gqgunhederUSUL, sorry ;-)14:35
w3l54666saganbyte: u got msn or n e thing??14:35
saganbytew3l54666, i have empathy :)14:35
timTrek: I used sudo, but i got those two error messages.14:35
w3l54666yh me 214:36
gqgunhedpacem, you're still here? looking at the logs?14:36
Trektim: i saw your message, and I'm unsure of what to make of it.  one error says "temporarily unavailable:, so I don't know14:36
Guest36773erUSUL: The id is 29(audio)14:36
erUSULGuest36773: only ?14:36
timshould i try to restart? may that help>14:36
Guest36773there are a bunch of others14:36
chiggavelliis there new fix for ati radeon video cards? becouse im getin low quality video14:36
Guest36773erUSUL: there are a bunch of others14:36
Trek!ati | chiggavelli14:36
ubottuchiggavelli: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:36
erUSULGuest36773: but audio is in the list?14:37
Bassettshi, my trackpad on my laptop has stopped working completely and was wondering if anyone could help me get it working14:37
erUSULGuest36773: then i dunno what the problem may be...14:37
marine1can't connect to ustream can ayone help14:37
chiggavelliubottu im about 10.0414:38
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:38
ruienAnyone know what file controls xfce4 display options (resolution)? It doesn't even look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf.14:38
Trekchiggavelli, direct your comments to the community :)14:38
Trekchiggavelli, you're a 10.04 tester?14:38
chiggavellinot tester just using it :)14:39
marine1can't connect to ustream can ayone help???14:39
erUSULruien: probably it uses xrandr14:39
Trekchiggavelli, same difference since 10.04 hasn't been released yet14:39
chiggavellii know it hasnt14:39
chiggavellibut installed whit update -d14:39
ruienerUSUL: thx14:39
linxehruien: is it ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml14:40
mike-retHey guys, um I recently installed Ubuntu (like 10 minutes ago) and I'm in search of some guides / tips to make my Ubuntu have as much eyecandy as possible14:40
WWeeeooqhi guys, how do I get rid of bootchart?14:40
mike-rethttp://maketecheasier.com/how-to-redesign-your-desktop-the-wow-way/2008/01/10  Something like that but flashier14:40
WWeeeooqI autoremoved it but it still gives me messages before the boot14:40
marine1can't connect to ustream can ayone help???14:40
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy14:41
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount14:41
linxehmike-ret: looks really functional! :o14:41
mike-retI want more than themes; I want modified Conky tutorials and launchbar tutorials and the works.14:41
mike-retI want mine to look like mac, but 200x as flashy.14:42
mike-retI know Windows can make their systems look badass, and if Win can do it Linux sure as hell can14:42
Trekchiggavelli, if you're lookoing for 10.04 support, type this: /join #ubuntu+114:42
linxehwhy not just buy a mac ? :o14:43
=== fredensborg is now known as meco
marine1can't connect to ustream maybe flash isn't working14:43
mecoShould I ask about issues in this channel when I have installed Xubuntu or should I always go to the #xubuntu channel?14:44
mike-retBecause, Linxeh: Mac is for people who don't know how to get to the nitty gritty; they want user-friendly. they want proprietary. I expect a fair amount of work ahead of me14:44
Tommy89 can someone help please, if i login using ftp i can edit files, if i login using sftp i can see but cannot edit for says permission denied why is this?14:45
jamaltaHi, I upgraded a package using a PPA.. is it possible to downgrade back to the system's version? If so, how?14:45
erUSULjamalta: disable the ppa reinstall the package14:46
linxehmike-ret: I think that's utter tosh, but ok14:46
jamaltaerUSUL: Ah, alright.. thank you14:46
mike-retHow so, linxeh? Ever see a mac user? "Point -> click -> done". I don't want that, but I also want eye candy.14:47
Gangrelwhat is the command to install a tar.gz file from my desktop?14:47
TrekGangrel, untar14:47
erUSULGangrel: a tar.gz is like a zip file how to install depends on what is inside14:47
mike-retGangrel: In a terminal navigate to the file; gunzip <file> ; tar <parameters> <file>14:47
jamaltaerUSUL: After disabling the PPA, trying to reinstall will tell me it can't download it.. I'm guessing it is still trying to use the PPA14:47
erUSULmike-ret: Gangrel no need for a separate gunzip « tar xf file.tar.gz » works14:48
erUSULjamalta: you have to reload the sources14:48
jamaltaerUSUL: right ;) silly me...14:48
mike-reto_O Really? So I've been doing unnecessary stuff this whole time?14:48
Tommy89can someone help please, if i login using ftp i can edit files, if i login using sftp i can see but cannot edit for says permission denied why is this?14:48
erUSULmike-ret: yes14:48
mike-retTommy89: We saw you the first time, spamming just makes us want to help you less.14:48
jamaltaerUSUL: Even after that, i get the same message :(14:48
erUSULmike-ret: to make sure you can add the z (of zip) to tar xzf14:49
erUSULjamalta: post the exact error14:49
jamaltaerUSUL: http://paste.ubuntu.com/366245/14:49
Tommy89Mike-ret, sorry.14:49
mike-retI love T1 connection :'D14:51
erUSULjamalta: and if you remove it forst then install it ?14:51
haffemike-ret: T1?14:51
haffeThat's like 1.5 Mbit/s ?14:52
mazda01what does a interfaces file look like if i have 2 nics and i want to connect second nic to xbox. please help14:52
mike-retHaffe: I get almost 100MBPS down14:52
jamaltaerUSUL: a lot depends on gvfs :(14:52
erUSULjamalta: :/14:52
haffemike-ret: That's nice.14:53
erUSULjamalta: try --> sudo aptitude dwonload gvfs14:53
haffeI remember when I got my 100 mbit connection at home.14:53
haffeThe first time it was like.14:53
haffe'Holly taco, 10 megabytes per second'14:54
mike-retAnybody have any idea how to copy music from an iPod and actually have it playable?14:56
mazda01what does a interfaces file look like if i have 2 nics and i want to connect second nic to xbox. please help14:56
bottigeris there a good way to automount a network-drive whenever you connect to you local home-network?14:56
mirak_I have an issue with tracker-applet14:57
mirak_it doesn't show up inthe tray14:57
menasheHi, I have a problem in Gnome: if I choose to have a display only on the external monitor and not on the laptop, it fails. If I use the same settings but allow also the laptop, the external monitor is working fine. Under KDE, I can see only the lower part of the screen, both in the laptop and in the external screen, no matter which display settings I choose. Also in xterm mode. I cannot even lower the windows and reach their menus.14:58
menasheVGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 03) , Subsystem: IBM Device 058214:58
menasheoops, sorry for the enter inside.14:58
AdleoAdrianHello, I want to install Ubuntu on my Windows XP by 9:10 wubi.exe from my USB stick. To try out Ubuntu, I have given him only 3GB of memory on my C disk. Now I wanted to occupy more space for Ubuntu. In Windows I have Ubuntu in Sytemsteuerung software was uninstalled and then wubi.exe started, more memory is selected and put the other settings as in the old installation and the Install button clicked. After14:59
AdleoAdrianWubi has extracted the files, a download. Iso.torrent and review the installation, he eventually comes to the point of creating "virtual disk". There he remains, the progress bar stops, Wubi has a system utilization of 99%. If I break off the operation after an hour, the computer restarts, the entry "Ubuntu" select Ubuntu starts up, verifies the installation and throws a strange error message from. My window14:59
AdleoAdrians still works. Are there still have been present system files that have not deleted the Uninstall Manager and stopped wubi.exe?14:59
rooisto47hi there14:59
FloodBot4AdleoAdrian: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:59
erUSULmazda01: depends on waht the xbox spects14:59
mazda01AdleoAdrian, please don't copy and paste in any IRC channel. use pastebin15:00
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:00
mazda01erUSUL, i can't even get the darn eth1 to show up anymore.15:00
rooisto47I wanna set a keyboard shortcuts for MOC to control songs when MOC is running in background, where and how can I do that ?15:01
krishnasutwhat is the best download manager for gnome ? ah ?15:01
behappyits possible to define the qouta for ex: 50 gb for a directory from ssh ?15:02
MuffinPimpkrishnasut: wget15:02
blakkheimrooisto47: that depends on your window manager15:02
rooisto47blakkheim: openbox15:02
blakkheimrooisto47: then edit ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml15:03
marine1can't view ustream chanel everything loads but the streaming video15:03
krishnasutthanks muffinpimp ! but i need GUI ...          :-{15:03
marine1any takers15:03
blakkheimmarine1: is flash installed?15:03
marine1blakkheim: yes15:03
rooisto47blakkheim: and what have I to put there ? have you a tuto ?15:03
blakkheimrooisto47: http://openbox.org/wiki/Help:Bindings15:04
blakkheimkrishnasut: i second wget15:04
marine1blakkheim:  any suggestions15:04
rooisto47blakkheim: ok I'll see and tell you15:05
blakkheimmarine1: if you've got flash installed (as in other flash sites work) maybe you've got a firefox addon blocking it?15:05
NiNoX1khow do i install regnum online15:05
Gangreli am trying to install a theme that i downloaded in my desktop using this command sudo cp -r $HOME/Desktop/GT3 /usr/share/themes15:05
Gangrel and i get cp: cannot stat `/erebos/Desktop/GT3': No such file or directory15:05
Gangrelany help?15:05
jamaltaerUSUL: Found a solution! ppa-purge is a tool to remove and downgrade from a ppa :)15:05
jamaltaerUSUL: it's available in the xorg-edgers ppa https://edge.launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa/+packages15:06
marine1blakkheim: i only have 3 add-ons and i've tried that route15:06
blakkheimGangrel: use ~ instead of $HOME15:06
NiNoX1kcan someone please help how do i install regnum15:06
blakkheim!repeat | NiNoX1k15:06
ubottuNiNoX1k: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:06
bullgard4[Seahorse] 'Passwords and Encrytion Keys' > 'Other Keys' lists 3 'Key ID's for one person. 1 comprises 8 hex digits. 2 comprise 16 hex digits each. Why are there in GnuPG 2 different Key IDs differing in length?15:06
Gangrelstill the same15:07
=== richard is now known as Guest15082
RavmGangrel: Do a "ls ~/Desktop" and check if GT3 is actually there.15:09
marine1blakkheim: just15:09
itchy__bhi help please got a problem with media files that ive downloaded15:10
GangrelRavm yes there is and i still get the same15:10
marine1blakkheim: just tried to disable add-ons and restart firefox and same results15:10
RavmGangrel: That's weird, can you paste the output of "ls -al ~/Desktop | grep GT3"?15:12
tenshinHello, I'm completely new to this IRC stuff, but i understanded that i could go here to ask questions? If so, does anyone know a solution to the black screen at installation problem?15:12
chiggavellidoes anybody know how to logint to phpmyadmin, when i type password and user it dont do anything, but i can access to mysql via shell15:13
GangrelRavm: drwx------  4 erebos erebos    4096 2010-01-31 12:05 GT315:14
Gangrel-rw-r--r--  1 erebos erebos 5781059 2010-01-31 16:43 GT3 Icons.tar.gz15:14
Gangrel-rw-r--r--  1 erebos erebos  837197 2010-01-31 16:42 GT3.tar.gz15:14
bullgard4ajipubuntu: A 'terminal' is a special Ubuntu program. A 'terminal emulator' is an Ubuntu program which emulates the 'terminal' program. In other words, it works almost the same as the 'terminal' program.15:14
marine1blakkheim: still there15:15
blakkheimGangrel: i found your problem15:15
blakkheimmarine1: yes15:15
marine1blakkheim: what should i try next15:15
krishnasut                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        just like DOSEMU , a DOS emulator in ubuntu !15:15
krishnasut                                                                                                                                                                                                  15:15
blakkheimmarine1: starting firefox in safe mode, reinstalling ubuntu-restricted-extras15:15
blakkheimGangrel: you never untarred the file, and you're trying to copy it to the themes directory without even using the right filename15:16
LjL!caps | ajipubuntu15:17
ubottuajipubuntu: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.15:17
LjLajipubuntu: i don't understand your question at all.15:17
Ox0000Can one directly upgrade from 8.04 to 9.10?15:17
krishnasutHey ajipubuntu ! are u using  Xwindows or UBUNTU in GUI mode ?15:17
blakkheimajipubuntu: there are multiple terminal emulators available, which one do you want to remove?15:17
bullgard4ajipubuntu: Please do not use capital letters all the way. Thank you.15:17
LjL-Testox0000: not directly, you must go through the intermediate versions.15:18
krishnasutgnome-terminal is the best !15:18
bullgard4[Seahorse] 'Passwords and Encrytion Keys' > 'Other Keys' listet für eine Person 3 'Key ID's auf. 1 ist 8 Hexziffern lang. 2 sind 16 Hexziffern lang. Warum gibt es bei GnuPG 2 unterschiedlich lange Schlüsselbezeichner?15:18
blakkheimkrishnasut: i think you're in the minority with that opinion..15:18
LjL-Testox0000: you will be able to upgrade from 8.04 to 10.04 when it cames out though, because LTS-to-LTS upgrading is explicitly supported15:18
bullgard4[Seahorse] 'Passwords and Encrytion Keys' > 'Other Keys' lists 3 'Key ID's for one person. 1 comprises 8 hex digits. 2 comprise 16 hex digits each. Why are there in GnuPG 2 different Key IDs differing in length?15:18
ajipubuntui want to remove terminal emulator from ubuntu 9.1015:18
xfactHello I am using Flock browser and my flash player is not working, (saying not installed), I am using Karmic with flash player 10 installed, what to do?15:18
blakkheimajipubuntu: answer my question and i'll help you15:19
LjLajipubuntu: you mean "gnome-terminal"?15:19
Ox0000LjL-Test: But it's going to take a lot of time, isn't it?15:19
MuffinPimpWhy when I type into the firefox address bar a search I get back jar:file:///usr/lib/firefox-3.5.7/chrome/en-US.jar!/locale/browser-region/region.propertiesSEARCH TEXT HERE15:19
ajipubuntuyup gnome-terminal15:19
Quan-Timexfact: can you verify flash is indeed installed ?15:19
blakkheimajipubuntu: sudo aptitude remove gnome-terminal15:19
LjLajipubuntu: "sudo apt-get remove gnome-terminal" will remove it, although that is NOT recommended.15:19
nastasajipubuntu: no fence but why?15:19
krishnasutok !! its my choice ! But konsole is also very good !!15:19
LjLOx0000: for 1.04 to come out? it'll be out in April15:20
ajipubuntui got multiple terminal..15:20
xfactQuan-Time: obviously cause every other browsers like Chrome, opera, FF working on it.15:20
MuffinPimpajipubuntu: what desktop enviroment do you use?15:20
itchy__bquestion !? after the 9.10 upgrade my video files avi, flv, are messed up the blues and reds seem switched almost like a negative any help would be great!15:21
ajipubuntui`m use ubuntu desktop15:21
krishnasutGNOME or KDE or XFACE ah ?15:21
blakkheimxface lol15:22
Quan-Timexfact: ah good... umm.. is there some special setting / block script with flock ?15:22
macman_hey all15:22
MuffinPimpajipubuntu: then you probably want to keep gnome-terminal15:22
Quan-Timethats preventing it from loading / doing its thing /15:22
macman_does ubuntu have a dev channel or something15:22
Quan-Timeim not familiar with flock.. thats all15:22
RavmDoes anyone have any experience with character sets and mpd+ncmpc? When using the lyrics plugin with German or Frisian songs I get "M-C-\&"'s all over the place.15:22
macman_i turned of my screen saver / power options and it still is doing to sleep or dimming my screen15:22
cmphello, iam using ubuntu 9.04 and i upgraded it to 9.10 and iam using dell 1525 - after upgrading - i cant work with my wireless . any help please ?15:22
Quan-Timemacman_: yup. i THINK #ubuntu-dev - but i could be wrong15:22
blakkheimRavm: are you using UTF8? i'd also recommend ncmpcpp over regulas ncmpc15:22
macman_Quan-Time: where would i direct my issue ?15:23
krishnasutflack is clumsy !! donot try it. Opera is my second choice !15:23
MuffinPimpajipubuntu: what other terminal emulators do you have installed?15:23
xfactQuan-time: I am totally newbie and just installed flock from GetDeb, I haven't changed any settings...from first it was not working :(15:23
bullgard4itchy__b: "any help would be great!" <- Please do not install foreign DEB program packages.15:23
marine1blakkheim: i did  that and i have a new message in the terminal15:23
RavmYes I do, I have LANG etc, set as well. Why would you use ncmpcpp over ncmpc?15:23
pat|nGhow can i login to ubuntu forums?15:23
Quan-Timexfact: ah gotcha. umm... id be looking at some settings, maybe security ? it might be preveting it by default.. best advice i can offer..15:23
ajipubuntuterminal-use the command line15:24
pat|nGi can't login15:24
marine1blakkheim: canberra-gtk-module failed to load15:24
Ravmblakkheim: Yes I do, I have LANG etc, set as well. Why would you use ncmpcpp over ncmpc?15:24
blakkheimRavm: just my opinion, seems to have some extra features15:24
Quan-Timexfact: have a good search around you might find an answer on some forum somewhere15:24
Ravmblakkheim: Ok, thanks. I'll try that out.15:24
pat|nGi got a launchpad accnt but when i'm login to launchpad it ain't sync to ubuntu forum site15:24
bullgard4pat|nG: Please vist their Web site.15:24
cmp hello, iam using ubuntu 9.04 and i upgraded it to 9.10 and iam using dell 1525 - after upgrading - i cant work with my wireless . any help please ?15:24
blakkheimRavm: i'm using en_US.UTF8 and i see german characters in ncmpcpp just fine15:24
krishnasutTERMINAL EMULATOR :: -----------> try this Yakuake15:25
Ravmblakkheim: Hmm, I guess that's what I'm going to try then, thanks.15:25
xfactQuan-time: lol I guess you haven't deal with this problem ever, well thanks for showing interest :)15:25
jazwechey guys, ive got a problem with installing ubuntu on new ASUS notebook. it came without system, ive installed 9.04 on it without any problems...but since that first installation, it wont boot any other ubuntu cd. i can go to the boot menu where you are choosing language but no matter what i choose in there, ive got only grey screen. im trying versions from dapper  to karmic, CD or usb, even original DD cd from ubuntu.com...no changes15:25
marine1blakkheim: here it is: Failed to load module "canberra-gtk-module": /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/modules/libcanberra-gtk-module.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6415:25
blakkheimmarine1: that shouldn't have anything to do with flash not loading though15:25
Quan-Timexfact: heh.. i help when i can. often problems are easy, sometimes they are WAY over my head.. but i try where i can15:26
xfactWell, I am removing my native flash player and I will reinstall it via Ubuntu-Tweak15:26
MuffinPimpWhy when I type into the firefox address bar a search I get back jar:file:///usr/lib/firefox-3.5.7/chrome/en-US.jar!/locale/browser-region/region.propertiesSEARCH TEXT HERE and it says file not found, instead of searching?15:26
candyi installed ubuntu 9.10 and win7 was already there. now win 7 is not opening. what to do?15:27
hamzaatova1how do i open an m3u with vlc????????????--- how do i locate it??????????15:27
marine1blakkheim: i was just relaying message, now how to i reload restricted extras again15:27
richlynneeed help with installing burg to dedicated partition15:27
blakkheimmarine1: sudo aptitude reinstall ubuntu-restricted-extras15:27
Quan-TimeMuffinPimp: umm, what are you trying to search ?15:27
xfactQuan-Time: Good job, I appreciate it, (actually you helped me on some several issues before) (too)15:27
xanguacandy: do you selected the option to 'install in all disk' ¿15:27
Quan-Timecandy: grub is your answer.. i dualboot win7 + karmic..15:27
ajipubuntui have read about terminal emulator15:28
Quan-Timexfact: i know ;) i remember everyone i help15:28
candyQuan-Time, grub is there15:28
krishnasutis wxdownloadfast is good enough !15:28
ajipubuntui think i just  keep my terminal emulator15:28
Quan-Timecandy: installed properly ?15:28
candyxangua, no i have partitioned it properly..15:28
Quan-Timeand are your partitions sorted properly ?15:28
MuffinPimpQuan-Time: anything but I type it in the address bar instead of the search bar15:28
candyQuan-Time, i have been using win7 since it came. and ubuntu i installed properly.. its working15:29
Quan-Timeyes, but why are you searchintg in the adress bar candy ?15:29
marine1blakkheim: ok it's done15:29
blakkheimmarine1: now close/reopen firefox and see if flash works15:29
Quan-Timecandy: so you have dualbooted and now its broken ?15:29
IdleOnecandy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Dual-booting15:29
itchy__bbullgard4: i dont think i have downloaded any foreign DEB program packages. i thought it maybe a codec issue but when i go to youtube the video is fine15:29
IdleOnecandy: 3 simple commands, should be good to go after that15:29
Quan-Timecandy: do what IdleOne says.. follow that. verify everythintg, then get back to us15:29
MuffinPimpQuan-Time: because it used to work and i'm used to it15:29
richlynHave force installed burg from root to dedicated partition but theres no burg.cfg in the folder15:30
candyQuan-Time, grub comes but when i click on win 7 it goes on some disk cheking and says problem cant be cured15:30
Quan-TimeMuffinPimp: ok.. try "g (search term)" in the adress bar15:30
Quan-Timeaddress bar15:30
minobebeciao a tutti!!15:30
Quan-Timecandy: ah gotcha.. so the win7 install is broken ? or something similar ?15:30
MuffinPimpFirefox can't find the file at jar:file:///usr/lib/firefox-3.5.7/chrome/en-US.jar!/locale/browser-region/region.propertiesg+lol.15:30
candyQuan-Time, ya i guess15:30
candyQuan-Time, it says repair is checking for ur system and then it says no solution found and then it gets restarted15:31
Quan-TimeMuffinPimp: thats bizzare its trying to get a jar to do it..  shut it domn, and close any process still running firefox (or your browser) and try again.. maybe java is locked ?15:31
Quan-Timecandy: hmm.... its a NTFS system im guessing ?15:32
Quan-Timetried mounting it and checkintg it ?15:32
candyQuan-Time, ya ur true15:32
Quan-Timemake sure the data isnt corrupted / you can still "read" it ?15:32
MuffinPimpQuan-Time: It's been happening for days even after restarting15:32
Quan-Timecandy: ok.. try mounting it whichever way you prefer, try to copy from it, but not TOO it15:32
marine1blakkheim: i don't think it was ever flash because all other sites work just can't view streaming video at ustream15:32
blakkheimmarine1: i dunno what else to tell you15:33
Quan-TimeMuffinPimp: umm.. what version are you running ? im assuming firefox 3.5.7 ??15:33
candyQuan-Time, ok15:33
MuffinPimpQuan-Time: yeah15:33
Quan-TimeMuffinPimp: crazy..its weird that its doing that..15:34
cmpany one will answer - or you all enjoy ignoring who needs help????????15:34
Quan-TimeMuffinPimp: know what java version you are usintg ?15:34
krishnasuttry to install ubufox15:34
IdleOne!patience | cmp15:34
ubottucmp: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:34
Quan-TimeMuffinPimp: if you search in the proper search dialog input box, its ok ?15:34
MuffinPimpQuan-Time: Umm like sun java whatever is the latest in the repo15:35
pat|nGi tried to config my  connection both lan and wlan....in my in properties...wired is set to eth0 and in wireless is blank.....which is my wireless is activated....do i have to Add a wireless connection which is eth2?15:35
* G69 boa tarde!15:35
MuffinPimpQuan-Time: yeah15:35
Quan-TimeMuffinPimp: and can you enter fully formed urls ? like www.ubuntu.org ??15:35
marine1blakkheim: well that sucks the video portion of the page doesn't load15:35
IdleOne!br | G6915:35
ubottuG69: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:35
Quan-TimeMuffinPimp: ok, so its all repo stuff.. excellent15:35
cmpok here is my question again :  hello, iam using ubuntu 9.04 and i upgraded it to 9.10 and iam using dell 1525 - after upgrading - i cant work with my wireless . any help please ?15:35
MuffinPimpQuan-Time: yeah I can read fully formed url's15:35
bullgard4!wireless | cmp15:35
ubottucmp: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:35
Quan-TimeMuffinPimp: as much as i DONT wanna suggest it, it might be somethin to remove it, relog (either shutdown or wahtever) and reinstall and see if that fixes it.15:35
Quan-TimeMuffinPimp: altho thats a hugely last resort.15:36
candyQuan-Time, i can see and access all drives from ubuntu even c in which win 7 is there15:36
MuffinPimpQuan-Time: is there a way I can just reinstall firefox?15:36
Quan-Timecandy: ok.. so the partition is "working"15:36
Quan-TimeMuffinPimp: yup, in the synaptic package manager you can "mark for reinstall" from memory15:36
Quan-Timenever tried it, i think it just "verifys" package integrity15:37
MuffinPimpok i'll try that15:37
MepsterHi all15:37
Quan-Timebut give it a shot15:37
candyQuan-Time, ya.. but why cant i log into win??15:37
Mepsteris anyone able to help me please?15:37
jazwechey guys, ive got a problem with installing ubuntu on new ASUS notebook. it came without system, ive installed 9.04 on it without any problems...but since that first installation, it wont boot any other ubuntu cd. i can go to the boot menu where you are choosing language but no matter what i choose in there, ive got only grey screen. im trying versions from dapper  to karmic, CD or usb, even original DD cd from ubuntu.com...no changes15:37
bullgard4[Seahorse] 'Passwords and Encrytion Keys' > 'Other Keys' lists 3 'Key ID's for one person. 1 comprises 8 hex digits. 2 comprise 16 hex digits each. Why are there in GnuPG 2 different Key IDs differing in length?15:37
IdleOne!ask | Mepster15:37
ubottuMepster: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:37
Quan-TimeMepster: dont ask to ask a question.. just flat out say it !15:37
marine1blakkheim: it's something to do with firefox because i went to my laptop that runs chrome and it loaded immediately15:37
Quan-Timecandy: ok.. im gonna have a guess and say win7 MAY have updated somethin crazy. if your using a legit copy and have a DVD, you may be able to "repair" it..15:38
dennis_anyone here with 9.10 i386 and a Radeon Card ?15:38
Meeluyou see on  rTorrent 0.8.6/0.12.6 i want to execute a command such as "doit.py -folderofthetorrenthere-" #rtorrent seems to be left for dead15:38
Quan-Timedennis_: radeon issues ? i think they got a update last week,, or i read somewhere15:38
cmplook ubottu, i dont want to study a very long page which is not even showing any thing clear - except titles of subscribing so many unknown things ....i need to know the clear steps to install the driver of my wireless so i can work normally ?15:39
Quan-TimeMeelu: not that its much of a help, but utorrent + wine works perfectly15:39
Mepsterits most likely a common question but: im trying to install ATI drivers onto 9.10, I have a Ati 9770, i follow the instructions from the ATI website and get to the point where im trying to load the .Run file, and i get this message "sh: Can't open ./ati-driver-installer-10-1-x86.x86_64.run"15:39
candyQuan-Time, ya i have the lgit copy. i got it from dell.15:39
bullgard4dennis_: me.15:39
Copinstanhay alguien que hable español????15:39
MeeluQuan-Time, rtorrent = best though15:39
candyQuan-Time, how to repair???15:39
Quan-TimeMeelu: yes agreed.. but utorrent "works" and im used to it now.15:39
Quan-Timecandy: umm.. the boot DVD tends to not like grub.. always wants to over write it15:40
marine1need help flash works on all sites but can't view streaming video@ustream15:40
Quan-Timecandy: you MAY need to repair install, then reinstall grub after15:40
usserMepster, what version of the driver did you download?15:40
MeeluQuan-Time, it doesnt work perfectly, its uses too many proccesses15:40
Meeludunno where to start from15:40
Meelui dont want to change clients15:40
noXandOshow do i install ati-driver-installer-10-1-x86.x86_64.run15:40
MuffinPimpQuan-Time: do I need to just mark the firefox meta package for reinstallation or all of the packages?15:40
Meelui just want to execute a script (command) after completion really15:40
Yarcanoxsolidpop3d fails to open /var/mail/abimail although "sudo -u abimail vi /var/mail/abimail" works perfectly fine: http://pastebin.com/d463a0807 what do i do?15:40
candyQuan-Time, ok if i install win, thats ok. but i wont get grub, means i wont access ubuntu right?15:41
Meelubut with the version  rTorrent 0.8.6/0.12.615:41
Quan-TimeMuffinPimp: it should auto select all packages assoctiated with it15:41
Yarcanox(it's the mailbox specified in /home/abimail/.spop3d of the user abimail)15:41
MuffinPimpQuan-Time: ok15:41
candyQuan-Time, how to install grub after wards? from win?15:41
FloodBot4Copinstan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:41
usserMepster, and your card is radeon 9770?15:41
Quan-Timecandy: yes.. it will install to the first logical part of the drive.. ie your MBR or master boot record15:41
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!15:41
marine1need help flash works on all sites but can't view streaming video at ustream what is up with that!!!!!!!!!!15:41
FloodBot4Copinstan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:41
Meeluflood fail15:41
bastidrazor!fixgrub | candy15:41
ubottucandy: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.15:41
Quan-Timecandy: installing grub from the ubuntu DVD / CD15:42
Quan-Timeyou can do it from that if you need15:42
IdleOneCopinstan: nadi te contesta, entonces te pones de pendejo?15:42
Yarcanoxcan *anyone* please help?? I have no idea what to do15:42
IdleOne!es | Copinstan15:42
ubottuCopinstan: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:42
grkblood13when trying to install flashplugin-installer i get this: http://pastebin.com/mdcd8fcb15:42
blakkheim!please > Yarcanox15:42
ubottuYarcanox, please see my private message15:42
Meeluno one uses rtorrent here?15:42
marine1need help flash works on all sites but can't view streaming video at ustream what is up with that!!!!!!!!!!15:42
blakkheimMeelu: i do15:42
Meeluyou see on  rTorrent 0.8.6/0.12.6 i want to execute a command such as "doit.py -folderofthetorrenthere-" #rtorrent seems to be left for dead15:42
jekeC IDEs are available?15:42
Meelublakkheim, ^15:43
blakkheimjeke: yes, there's a good one called vi :)15:43
blakkheimMeelu: i think #rtorrent would be a better place to ask, even if you do have to wait a while15:43
Quan-TimeMeelu: tried the forums ? long shot.. but never know15:43
LjL!ops | Copinstan15:43
ubottuCopinstan: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!15:43
jekeis vi and IDE?15:43
MepsterUsser: i have a 9770 HD15:43
blakkheimjeke: it's all you need15:43
Meeluno ones questions get answered on the channel15:43
marine1need help flash works on all sites but can't view streaming video at ustream what is up with that!!!!!!!!!!15:43
Meeluand the forums is too long :(15:43
Quan-TimeATTENTION just use /ignore (name) if you realy want to stop spam :)15:43
Quan-TimeMeelu: true.dat15:44
LjLQuan-Time: i think i'll call the ops when i see spam, thank you15:44
Mepstersh: Can't open ./ati-driver-installer-10-1-x86.x86_64.run15:44
Quan-TimeMepster: right directory / file ?15:44
jussi01Mepster: is it executable?15:45
Mepsterhow would i find that out?15:45
usserMepster, eh. Radeon HD goes up 5970. you sure model is right? can you paste the output of lspci | grep VGA15:45
marine1need help flash works on all sites but can't view streaming video at ustream what is up with that!!!!!!!!!!15:45
blakkheim!repeat | marine115:45
ubottumarine1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:45
jussi01Mepster: ls -la in the directory15:45
Quan-Timecandy: umm.. not sure HOW you can repair a win7 boot without damaging grub.. win7 is inherently gay like that...15:45
=== pauljw_vm is now known as pauljw
marine1blakkheim: the same problem exists15:46
jussi01Quan-Time: try not to use expressions like calling something gay as derogatory15:46
marine1need help flash works on all sites but can't view streaming video at ustream what is up with that!!!!!!!!!!15:46
blakkheimmarine1: please stop repeating your question so quickly and see the previous message from ubottu15:46
grkblood13i cant install flash plugin installer15:46
grkblood13will somebody pleae help me15:46
candyQuan-Time, hmm what do u suggest the best option to try?15:46
Quan-Timejussi01: nice catch ;)15:46
Mepster-la isnt in the dirrectory no...15:47
marine1blakkheim: that is why i came here to get answers to my question15:47
cmpwould any one will be help here ?15:47
Quan-Timecandy: umm,, try the dvd.. see what its gonna do.. it will prolly hissy fit about  the master boot record or some such thing, BUT it should still find a bootable OS..15:47
Quan-Timecandy: you may be able to work it from there without destroying grub..15:47
blakkheimmarine1: i'm aware of that, but flooding your question is going to get you ignored most likely15:47
Quan-Timecandy: BUT id back up your grub settings now incase ;) always worth the effort15:47
durtmarine1, try googling for ustream support, this is a ubuntu general support channel.15:47
candyQuan-Time, back up grub settin means?15:48
jussi01Mepster: no, "ls -la"15:48
adsfsadfahi, i have ubuntu 9.10 and was wondering if there is a possibility to print without having the rgb colors in the printer, only black color (it works fine with the other colors) my printer is canon ip520015:48
Quan-Timecandy: you have any custom config / setup ? or its all "generic" ?15:48
cmpflooding question is going to be keep you ignored ---- and then you are telling ( keep asking and dont feel ignored ) can any one explain how it goes ????????????/15:48
candyQuan-Time, i think all generic15:49
cmpand when we ask - no one is responding15:49
cmpto that extream you are sooooooooooooo busy people on here15:49
durtcmp, ask a more specific question and you might get more responses.15:49
cmpreally ????15:49
blakkheimcmp: you misunderstood. if english is not your native language, you can join a channel that speaks it.15:49
blakkheim!enter | cmp15:49
ubottucmp: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:49
cmphere is my question again15:49
Quan-Timecandy: if you "think" then it is.. you sohuld be fine to rebuild it after witohut issue.. it sohuld detect it.. BUT make sure you print out some instructions now if you need.. else write them down on paper.. just read the grub2 wiki... its worth it15:50
cmpi want to make my wireless working coz its not working at all with 9.1015:50
Quan-Timecandy: goodluck is the best advice i can give you15:50
cmphow can i do this ??????15:50
candyQuan-Time, cant i format that win7 drive and put vista instead?15:50
Trekcmp, what kind of computer do you own?15:50
DandanWhere is the Google Chrome configuration in Ubuntu?15:50
ZemmyDoes anyone have a good guide for editing the menu for grub2?15:50
grkblood13E: /var/cache/apt/archives/flashplugin-installer_10.0.42.34ubuntu0.9.10.1_amd64.deb: conflicting packages - not installing flashplugin-installer15:50
Quan-Timecmp: ok. chipset ? have you installed it properly ?15:50
grkblood13how do i find out whats conflicting?15:50
MuffinPimpQuan-Time: yeah it still is redirecting me to a jar15:50
Quan-TimeMuffinPimp: umm ill try mine.. 2 secs15:51
Trekcmp: first question before Quan-Time's is what kind of wireless card do you own?15:51
blakkheimgrkblood13: sudo aptitude install flashplugin-nonfree15:51
Trekcmp: first question before Quan-Time's is what kind of wireless card do you own/use?15:51
IdleOnecmp: We here are all volunteers. we gave you the link to the wifi docs but you refuse to read them. There is no one single way to help you with your wifi issues, please try reading the wifi docs.15:51
thisdotpheonixcan anyone help me with amarok15:51
cmpall what i did Quan-Time is i upgraded my 9.04 to 9.1015:51
Trek!wireless | cmp15:51
ubottucmp: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:51
candyQuan-Time, ok i ll try n get back soon15:51
cmpand i dont know how to do any thing else15:51
tinaciao list15:51
Trekcmp: please answer my question: what kind of computer do you own15:51
cmpTrek - guide me how to know this ?15:51
Quan-Timecandy: ill be in bed.. but idling for later.. leave me a PM if you wish. but dont expect an aswer back for like a few hrs15:51
Trekcmp: go to a terminal type lspci15:52
candyQuan-Time, okei dont worry i wont disturb you.15:52
Quan-Timecmp: do what Trek says... lspci15:52
grkblood13blakkheim, http://pastebin.com/ma97cfc315:52
candyQuan-Time, sweet dreams.. see u :-)15:52
adsfsadfadoes anyone know hot to print with only having the black color in my canon ip5200 printer?15:52
Quan-TimeMuffinPimp: wowo.. im amazed by this..15:52
Quan-TimeMuffinPimp: umm... i seriously ahev no idea what it could be..15:53
Trekcmp: don't post the output here, go to paste.ubuntu.com, paste the output there, and link us15:53
blakkheimgrkblood13: sudo aptitude purge flashplugin-nonfree && !!15:53
cmpTrek, http://paste.ubuntu.com/366270/15:53
Quan-TimeMuffinPimp: you have a google search bar or any other "bar" added to yoru browse ?15:54
joaojeronimoHi everyone, does anyone know the name of that command used to wipe out all the data on the hard disk, replacing it with random characters 60 times ?15:54
blakkheimjoaojeronimo: dd15:54
haffeshred ?15:54
joaojeronimoyes haffe... is it the name ?15:54
Trekcmp and Quan-Time: cmp's wireless device is this: 0b:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)15:54
Quan-Timejoaojeronimo: you wanna "safe wipe" the data ?15:54
joaojeronimoblakkheim: nope, it was other than dd15:54
jussi01Mepster: did you get sorted?15:54
IdleOneTrek: see !broadcom15:55
Quan-TimeTrek / cmp: broadcom is supported isnt it ? but its got a funky hardware ID15:55
Trekcmp: you have a broadcom card.15:55
joaojeronimoQuan-Time: I want to deep wipe the data... replace every thing with random numbers and then format it15:55
TrekQuan-Time / cmp: you need ndiswrapper to make it work15:55
Quan-Timejoaojeronimo: heard of it being done, but never had a need for it... not sure off hand15:55
grkblood13blakkheim, http://pastebin.com/m11f6db615:55
Trek!broadcom | cmp / Quan-TIme15:55
MuffinPimpQuan-Time: adblockplus with Element hiding helper and the ubuntu firefox modifacations also I have firegpg disabled15:55
ubottucmp / Quan-TIme: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx15:55
joaojeronimoohh it's shred !! Thanks haffe!15:56
cmpTrek, Quan-Time , for god sake - when i go to this page i dont understand any thing15:56
Quan-Timecmp: you can read english ok im guessintg ?15:56
Quan-Timenative language ?15:56
Ravmjoaojeronimo: You might take a look at the secure-delete suite as well, srm etc.15:56
blakkheimgrkblood13: that is strange. you may want to run sudo aptitude update before trying to reinstall it15:56
Quan-TimeHARHARH im thinkin of the CAD $UCKS comics now.. awesome :)15:57
blakkheimgrkblood13: or use ubuntu-restricted-extras instead.15:57
cmpdont you see that iam talking to you in english Quan-time.? of course i do - but there are lots of expressions and commands which i dont know what is it at all15:57
cmpQuan-Time , linux is so new for me15:57
Trekcmp, it asks you to do various terminal commands.  I'm going to be late on getting something turned in (i'm at a University right now), so if IdleOne or Quan-Time could help out, its appreciated15:57
blakkheimcmp: then maybe you should learn some linux basics :)15:57
pat|nGwhat's the  command to see my mac address on my wlan0?15:57
marine1need help flash works on all sites but can't view streaming video at ustream what is up with that!!!!!!!!!!15:57
Quan-Timecmp: gotcha. just makin sure you aint russian or chinese or somethin.. thats all...15:57
Trekpat|nG: ifconfig -a15:57
MartitapowaHey hello15:57
Trekpat|nG: ifconfig -a wlan15:58
Quan-TimeTrek: np... ill take over.. cheers :)15:58
Martitapowaola chicos soy inglesa pero estoy aprendiendo español15:58
Quan-Timecmp: ok.. your a windows person ??15:58
IdleOneQuan-Time: his card is supported by b43. sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter should get him squared away15:58
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:58
grkblood13blakkheim, i did an pdate15:58
grkblood13i dont know whats wrong15:58
blakkheimgrkblood13: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras15:58
cmpyes Quan-Time .15:59
Quan-TimeIdleOne: yup, justgonna teach him about teh "prompt"... $ etc..15:59
Martitapowai talk in spanish form people dont talk spanish15:59
Quan-Timecmp: ok.. so you know the C:\> (input command) ?15:59
Martitapowaim theacher from spanish lenguage15:59
noXandOsYeah so can anyone help me install ATI drivers?15:59
grkblood13blakkheim, this is all 9.10s fault btw15:59
blakkheimQuan-Time: maybe PM or #ubuntu-offtopic would be a better place to give terminal lessons15:59
LjL!ot | Martitapowa15:59
ubottuMartitapowa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:59
Quan-Timecmp: thats your "prompt"... when you see a dollar sign, thats your linux prompt,, $15:59
devianhow do I find out what release of ubuntu I am using from commandline?15:59
blakkheimgrkblood13: lol if you say so15:59
Quan-Timecmp: so when you see     $ lsusb16:00
LjL!version | devian16:00
ubottudevian: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »16:00
Quan-Timecmp: it means you type in    lsub  :)16:00
grkblood13no it is, problems occured after the upgrade16:00
grkblood13like right after16:00
Yarcanoxhttp://pastebin.com/d463a0807 what do I do?16:00
grkblood13ok, i did that16:00
Quan-Timecmp: in private chat.. ill walk thru some basics16:00
grkblood13should i rerun that purge line?16:00
blakkheimgrkblood13: that happens. do a clean install next time16:00
blakkheimgrkblood13: no16:00
MartitapowaHaber quien habla español aqui?im english but i don understen spain i need a tichert16:00
blakkheimgrkblood13: you should have flash installed now16:00
Martitapowamirad soy española16:01
grkblood13its working16:01
LjLMartitapowa: stop it please16:02
IdleOne!es | Martitapowa16:02
ubottuMartitapowa: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:02
MartitapowaIS LOVE  IN MEXICANO16:02
MartitapowaPero no entiendo esto16:02
Martitapowanos dijeron que este canal era español16:02
devianhow do I get it to just say the codename or do I have to do some fancy coding to get it to only use the codename because I am making a script to automate the installation of packages from other repositories16:03
IdleOneMartitapowa: type /join #ubuntu-es16:03
blakkheimapparently they don't read in mexico16:03
devianor do I have to change it after each release16:03
IdleOneblakkheim: they read just fine in mexico, language barrier and being new to irc is probably the issue16:04
ae86-drifterdevian, uname-something?16:05
ae86-drifterthen link it to an array ;)16:05
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blakkheimdevian: grep CODENAME /etc/lsb-release16:05
marine1need help flash works on all sites but can't view streaming video at ustream what is up with that!!!!!!!!!!16:05
deviancool thanks blakkheim16:06
blakkheimdevian: you may need some cut/awk/sed to get just the string, but that's not something i can be of much help with16:06
Yarcanoxhttp://pastebin.com/d463a0807 does anyone have an idea how to fix that?16:07
|pez|When running rm -r how can I just make it forcefully delete all files?  Some of the files I'm wanting to delete are wanting confirmations before getting deleted.16:07
arvind_khadriYarcanox, are you a member of that group ?16:08
bastidrazor|pez|: rm -rf16:08
|pez|bastidrazor: Great, thanks.16:08
PrototypeX29A|pez|: use with caution :)16:08
|pez|PrototypeX29A: I want to delete everything in the folder I specified, so it's all good XD16:09
meowagiuse with cauldron!16:09
meowagisomeone has enc_aac.dll handy?16:09
callum_Are there any GAY OR BI Guys in here that want to chat that use Ubuntu 9.1016:09
meowagiyes i am gay16:09
callum_Come say Hi if you are.16:10
lenswipehey guys16:10
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:10
lenswipewhats the deal with "$CATALINA_HOME" for tomcat5.5 ?16:10
lenswipethe manual keeps making reference to it but i dont know what it is16:10
lenswipeis it a folder somewhere?16:10
callum_Search for it.16:10
lenswipecallum_: search for it?16:11
LjLcallum_: try #gaygeeks. this is really not the channel for this16:11
amitzdoes ubuntu capable of video editing and CD ripping simply by installing packages without additional repository? How about ripping voice from vcd/dvd format?16:11
callum_Thanks LJL16:11
amitzor manually editting config file?16:11
pat|nGhttp://pastebin.com/m6da69894 <---- can anyone explain? pls? thanx16:11
callum_How come it won't join.16:11
LjL!register > callum_    (callum_, see the private message from ubottu) you need to be identified16:12
dewmanwhat is the point of having 3 DBhostname entries in the mysql.txt?16:12
* Liquid-Silence plays with his new 1TB drive16:12
lenswipecan somoene help me with tomcat?16:12
zilkomaahow to check current flash player version?16:12
callum_I have a major error / bug I need help with.16:12
callum_I have Ubuntu Netbook remix 9.10 and when I disable EEE PC 701 WIFI Using FN And F2 It goes to a black screen and freezes16:13
PingFloydzilkomaa: about:plugins16:13
meowagijust kill 1064316:13
callum_the computer then needs to be turned of or batery removed16:13
unoplenswipe, what's the output of this command?  update-alternatives --query java16:14
meowagithat doesnt interfere at all16:14
zilkomaaPingFloyd: Ty16:14
PingFloydzilkomaa: you're welcome16:14
unoplenswipe, use the pastebin if you've got quite a bit of output there.16:14
lenswipeunop: http://pastebin.com/m622e55b16:15
pat|nGmeowagi got me disconnected from eth0 and connects me back16:15
hamzaatova1how do i make vlc not to show the current song title?????????????????????????????????????16:16
lenswipehamzaatova1: why dont you type some more question marks, you havent got nearly enough there ^16:16
Liquid-Silenceanyone here use grabit before?16:16
hamzaatova1lengend, ok lateer16:17
lenswipeunop: any ideas?16:17
unoplenswipe, hmm, ok, use this instead.   update-alternatives --list java;   readlink -f $(which java)16:17
jellow_hamzaatova1: Go into preferences , Ctrl + p and play around16:17
lenswipeunop: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java16:18
IdleOnehamzaatova1: you can disable the notifications in the prefs16:18
hamzaatova1IdleOne, where????16:18
Yarcanoxhttp://pastebin.com/d463a0807 how would I get this permission issue sorted out? is probably AppArmor the problem here? (but I don't think that ubuntu LTS version has it installed - i really don't know but so far it never came across me)16:18
unoplenswipe,  no, use the pastebin. never paste in here.16:18
unoplenswipe,  also, there's two commands there16:18
IdleOnehamzaatova1: look for the preferences menu in vlc16:19
hamzaatova1how do i open an m3u with vlc????????????--- how do i locate it??????????16:19
jolarenI'm trying to install the mythtv frontend but while updating nvidia drivers it keeps uninstalling it. What should I do?16:19
flemmingHej / hi16:20
dewmanIs there a reason for 3 DbHostname entries in mysql.txt?16:20
jellow_Using ubuntu's encrypted Private file how i disable auto mount and use only passphrase to mount?16:20
lenswipeunop: http://pastebin.com/m654c318616:21
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unoplenswipe, ok,  it seems like openjdk is your default java when tomcat requires sun's java -- so.   run this command.    sudo update-alternatives --config java16:22
dewmanand which mysql.txt does myth really use? I have three of them16:22
flemmingI have a problem with Firefox. I can't open that. If i try it's say. Close firefox and restart your system. but if i do that i can open firefox 1 times then its same problem16:22
unoplenswipe, and select  /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java  to be your default16:22
dewmanflemming, this is not a support channel for firefox its for mythtv16:22
flemmingok. sorry... wich chanel do i go to?16:22
lenswipeunop: done16:23
dewmanflemming, #firefox16:23
IdleOneflemming: run killall firefox. That error happens when firefox was not cleanly shut down16:23
jellow_flemming: ps -aux | grep firefox and then kill it using kill -9 name16:23
Yarcanoxisn't there any file rights expert in here? please give me a hint with http://pastebin.com/d463a0807 because it's really not obvious to me what's happening here16:24
andi_guys, how to run the "run application" without gnome-panel?16:24
Yarcanoxabimail is in the "mailgroup"16:24
jellow_i think its called firefox.bin?16:24
Yarcanoxand also owns /var/mail/abimail as can be seen16:24
Yarcanoxand the group "mailgroup" also owns /var/mail16:24
IdleOneandi_: alt-F216:24
Yarcanoxso basically that user has read/write access to the whole folder and to that file16:24
PingFloydonly kill -9 if you have to16:24
Yarcanoxso why exactly can't solidpop3d open the mailbox?16:24
Yarcanox(and gives me "Permission denied" as a reason)16:24
andi_IdleOne, won't work. :(16:25
unoplenswipe, now have a go at restarting tomcat16:25
Yarcanoxit also doesn't work when I'm running solidpop3d forcingly with root rights.16:25
lenswipeunop: how do i do that?16:25
Yarcanox(it still gives "Permission denied" when attempting to open the mailbox)16:25
jellow_flemming: as PingFloyd  said try kill first only use -9 if needed16:25
unoplenswipe,   sudo  /etc/init.d/tomcat* restart16:25
andi_IdleOne, my gnome-panel is gone. The only way I can do alt-F2 is when the gnome-panel is running. :(16:25
brainboxguys this is gunna sound stupid perhaps even retarded... where are the dvd iso images for ubuntu... I can't find a cd anywhere in the city16:26
IdleOne!panels | andi_16:27
ubottuandi_: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »16:27
jellow_brainbox: You can sighn up for a free cd at ubuntu website or make your own16:27
brainboxI need a dvd iso image16:27
xfactI am using Ubuntu Karmic with latest flash 10 and only the flock browser is not detecting the flash plug in, apparently it's asking for installation of flash from adobe's website, one new thing I've found the plug in is not in the 'plug in' list of flock, How to active flash plug in? (in Flock)16:28
Yarcanox"That username is already in use or does not meet the administrator's standards."16:28
brainboxcd iso wont burn for some reason windows bitches16:28
Yarcanoxit keeps telling me that.16:28
YarcanoxI tried "JoThi", "MrJones", "JonesT"16:28
andi_IdleOne, I don't wan't to reset my panel. I just want to start it back. :(16:28
durtbrainbox: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#dvd16:28
Yarcanoxthere is no way all those account names area already used16:28
brainboxall i have is dvd's16:28
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IdleOneandi_: try metacity --replace16:28
pbinkhey, i have a fresh 9.1 install that's fully updated...iwconfig shows my WG311T pci wifi card, but nothing shows up under wireless16:28
Quan-Timexfact: was juest thinkin, MAYBE flash10 doesnt identify flock as a compatible client ?16:28
Quan-Timexfact: just a thought..16:28
IdleOneandi_: if that doesn't work I don't know what else to do then reset16:28
nightfrogpbink: 9.1?16:29
pbinktried to enter the SSID and passphrase, but stil nothing16:29
brainboxseriously... when is ubuntu going to have dvd images like every other major distro?16:29
pbinknightfrog, yep16:29
Yarcanoxam I just asking the wrong questions or why is never even a single person answering?16:29
durtbrainbox: they do, see the link I gave you.16:29
Quan-Timexfact: http://getsatisfaction.com/flock/topics/wont_update_to_flash_10 ?16:29
PingFloydfor more why about kill -9  http://cobweb.ecn.purdue.edu/ECN/Newsletters/1994.April/Eliminating_A_Process_While_Avoiding_Harmful_Side_Effects16:29
nightfrogpbink: 9.10?16:29
IdleOnebrainbox: ubuntu is a MAJOR distro. why do all the other distros insist on shpping everything on a dvd?16:29
PingFloydin case anyone is curious16:30
YarcanoxI simply wondered why those forum account names don't work. if ANYONE knows more about this, please tell me. because i need an answer so I need to post on the forums which is not possible without an account16:30
DJonesbrainbox: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#dvd16:30
Yarcanoxso if you want me to go there, give me some hint.16:30
xfactQuan-time: yes, I have already placed one question on Flock help community, and now  I am going to put another one in Adobe's site...cause I think everything should 'fairly' support Ubuntu/linux!!16:30
brainboxbecause cd's are no longer sold on store shelves?16:30
pbinknightfrog, 9.1016:30
brainboxgone the way of the atrack16:30
IdleOneeight track16:30
xfactActually I have another critical question16:31
doug1Hello.  I need to add TCP networking to a kernel module, please.16:31
Blue1doug1: it's not there?16:32
IowanYarcanox: I'll check if those names are used...16:32
xfactI have one server running on my IP, but I don't host any servers (don't want to..), so how to kill that unknown server, which is currently insecure I believe...16:32
erUSULdoug1: all kernels support tcp. what are you trying to do exactly ?16:32
PingFloydwhy would use make a dvd image if you can get by with the space of cd?16:33
richlynhey whats the comand to force copy paste16:33
brainboxravenger give me your root password and ip16:33
brainboxill take care of it :p16:33
albechravenger, try not to use caps16:33
xfactsomebody told me about 'sudo killall apache/apache2' but it's nothing spacial for me :(16:33
jellow_ravenger: please do not use caps it offends people16:33
doug1I get " warning: implicit declaration of function 'bind'" when I build with powerpc-linux-gcc on Ubuntu.16:33
PingFloydif you can squeeze it onto a CD image, it means being accessible to more users16:33
ravengerok ok16:33
YarcanoxIowan: actually it seems they are. I was simply badly out of luck with my name choices, lol16:33
rockzHow can i Configure Wireless in ubuntu 9.1016:33
doug1..when building a kernel module.16:33
YarcanoxIowan: simply it's odd how nobody answers here to your questions for 10 minutes16:33
Yarcanoxeven if they are stupid simple16:33
YarcanoxI know nobody is working fulltime here, but some answers are so short it really makes you wonder why not just *anyone* is saying something about it16:34
albechravenger, what makes you think you have been hacked?16:34
Ravmdoug1: Try "sudo apache2ctl stop" to stop it for now.16:34
xfact I have one server running on my IP, but I don't host any servers (don't want to..), so how to kill that unknown server, which is currently insecure I believe...somebody told me about 'sudo killall apache/apache2' but it's nothing spacial for me :(16:34
flexiblecan anyone help me set up JACK?16:34
albechxfact, try /etc/init.d/apache stop16:34
Blue1you might need to add sudo infront of that16:35
ravengeralbech: when i access my home folder i found that all the files in the home folder had been moved to the desktop16:35
rockzAny one can help me16:35
IowanYarcanox: Channel is pretty fast-paced - forum is more my speed...16:35
flexiblei am getting ´ Could not connect to JACK server as client. - Overall operation failed. - Unable to connect to server. Please check the messages window for more info´16:35
albechBlue1, hehe i always forget.. mostly on non sudo boxes16:35
xfact<albech> It saying, no such file in directory :(16:35
jellow_ravenger: run chkrootkit , unhide , look for open ports , Look in /var/logs/auth and make a img of you file system with dd for later analysis16:35
Blue1albech: I get confused with suse sometimes16:35
xfact<albech> Should I try that with apache2?16:36
durt!wireless | rockz16:36
ubotturockz: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:36
ravengeralbech: now when i am deleting the desktop folders they are being completely removed16:36
doug1What #includes are needed for networking when building a kernel module with powerpc-linux-gcc undo ubuntu?16:36
albechBlue1, gentoo here16:36
rockzThank you16:36
durtdoug1, you might get some interest on #tcpip or #networking if anyone is in there16:37
albechxfact, does netstat -l show apache?16:37
Gangrelis there any program like flashget for ubuntu karmic koala?16:37
andi_IdleOne, I've kill X and the problem solved. Thanks anyway :)16:37
erUSULdoug1: you are tryin to open a socket in a kernelmodule? or something like that?16:37
doug1durt:  thanks.  Where is a list of IRC commands?  how do I change channel?16:37
durtdoug1 ircsearch.com16:37
IdleOneandi_: glad to hear it16:38
jellow_doug1:  /join #chanel16:38
michaeldobrovitshi, does anyone knows how to add locale in console?16:38
lenswipeunop: so now how do i find the location of catalina home?16:38
xfactalbech: no there are no 'apache' word in the little list16:38
IdleOnedoug1: /list will list the channels and /join #channel to join a channel16:38
albechxfact, so why do you think you have an apache server running?16:38
xfactalbech: no apache16:38
pbinkgot my WG311T pci wifi card to show up, but after entering the SSID and passphrase, i don't see any option to connect16:39
jellow_xfact: in brouwser type , if a you get something then your running apache or some other server16:39
llutzxfact: would you please rephrase your issue? what do youreally want?16:39
pbinkis there a command to see visible networks?16:39
erUSULpbink: wireless ?16:40
jellow_pbink: sudo iwlist "interface" scan16:40
nastaspbink: iwlist wlan0 scanning16:40
pbinkerUSUL, yes16:40
michaeldobrovitshi, does anyone knows how to add locale in console?16:40
xfactalbech: actually in ##teenlinux one guy just told me that my IP has one server (and it's right, I checked), and he told me that your apache server is running, and gave me the command16:40
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albechxfact, unless you have actually installed apache it wont be on your box as default16:40
llutzmichaeldobrovits: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales16:40
unoplenswipe,  why do you need to know? it's set by java or tomcat while it is being initialised -- it doesn't normally be need to be known to the user16:40
reberhi all. I have problems with usb to parallel adapter. It seems that the printer get data, but doesn't print. Ideas ?16:40
erUSULpbink: sudo iw dev wlan0 scan16:40
pbinknastas, yo the clean install got it working :)...and i'll try those16:40
linux-padawananyone use truecrypt?16:41
xfactBy the way I am newbie...so I really depend on suggestion, maybe it's wrong sometimes16:41
nastaspbink: ok16:41
kn100Gangrel: try http://keepvid.com/16:41
albechxfact, could be anything answering.. GUI on your router or similar16:41
albechxfact, doesnt have to be your ubuntu16:41
Gangrelkn100 i do not mean video downloaders16:41
linux-padawananyone know of a good gui based encryption tool for making an encrypted partition?16:41
Gangreli mean rapidshare/torrent download16:41
IdleOne!locales > michaeldobrovits16:41
ubottumichaeldobrovits, please see my private message16:41
xfactOk so may I asked how to close that site type server, domain with my IP address?16:41
llutzxfact: pastebin output of "netstat -tulpen" please16:42
lenswipeunop: i need to configur tomcat so i can get to theadmin panel16:42
jellow_linux-padawan: true crypt has a nice gui16:42
kn100Gangrel: oh erm give me a second16:42
linux-padawanand it allows full pw protection of an encrypted drive?16:42
kn100Gangrel: well transmission works well for torrents, and you'll be hard pressed to find a better download manager than Downthemall! (it's a firefox extension) Gangrel16:42
albechxfact, well we have established that there is no web server running on your ubuntu, so you should look elsewhere.. my guess is your router16:42
rebermy usb to parallel (ieee1284) is used with an epson parallel only laser printer16:43
jellow_linux-padawan: yes , but depending on what you want might not best solution16:43
linux-padawanin what situation is it bad.  what i want to do is encrypt a partition on my drive where i store data and require a pw to mount it16:44
ross`hey can someone help me16:44
pbinkjellow, no scan results16:44
xfactok I am just worried about the 'security', that all. If you think that is not 'insecure' (as they told me), then all ok16:44
ross`flash has no volume16:44
ross`in firefox16:44
ross`like i cant ear anything16:44
ross`but volume is turned on16:44
albechxfact, i do in fact see what appears to be an apache answering on your ip:
pbinkerUSUL, iw command is not known16:45
albechxfact, and you only have one box?16:45
ravengerjellow:what is dd16:45
unoplenswipe, what happens when you go to   http://localhost:8080  ??16:46
erUSULpbink: install it or use « sudo iwlist wlan0 scan »16:46
ravengerjellow_: i had seen the log file there is some intruder16:46
lenswipeunop: tomcat demo page16:46
kn100ross`: try sudo ln -s /usr/lib/libesd.so.0 /usr/lib/libesd.so.1, and then sudo mkdir -p /tmp/.esd/ , and then sudo touch /tmp/.esd/socket16:46
kn100in the terminal of course16:46
lenswipeunop: wait no16:46
lenswipeunop: The connection was reset16:46
lenswipe      16:46
lenswipe      16:46
lenswipe      16:46
lenswipe      16:46
lenswipe      16:46
lenswipe        16:46
lenswipe        16:46
lenswipe          16:46
lenswipeThe connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.16:46
lenswipeoops sorry16:46
lenswipepaste fail16:47
llutzxfact: you have apache + postfix accessible from outside running16:47
xfactWell, I am confused, I don't know what is going on, (I don't even know what is 'apache'), thanks guys but I think first I should do some study16:47
lenswipepastefail there16:47
xfacton it16:47
jellow_ravenger: Have youa ny idea how he got in?16:47
llutzxfact: Apache/2.2.12 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 /  xfact-desktop ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)16:47
pbinkiwlist wlan0 scanning16:47
unoplenswipe, no, don't paste in here please16:47
kn100lenswipe: we all do it from time to time, don't worry :)16:47
kn100Just next time, use http://pastebin.ca/16:47
unoplenswipe,  restart tomcat again and try the page16:48
lenswipeunop: when i copied it it looked like 2 lines, i didnt know about all the retrns16:48
xfactllutz: so what is it finall means, I have installed 'apache' from ubuntu repos some days ago (is this related to that)16:48
kn100lenswipe: if you are worried about returns, paste the stuff into a text editor, and make sure it is all on one line :)16:49
IdleOnexfact: absolutely16:49
unophow about don't paste anything in here at all?16:49
=== harjot_ is now known as harjot
llutzxfact: apache runs, if you don't need it, purge it16:49
pbinkerUSUL, iwlist shows nada16:49
ravengerjellow:actually i had clicked a site that is posted in the IRC16:49
jellow_ravenger: dd is a useful tool for cloning hard drives ,does pretty much anything16:49
xfactohh I am then going remove it16:49
ross`kn100: that didnt work16:50
xfactHey have you any direct command to remove whole apache thing from Ubuntu?16:50
ross`i do use pulseaudio idk if that helps16:50
erUSULpbink: that's what i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/366295/16:50
IdleOnexfact: remove it using Synaptic package Manager16:50
llutzxfact: are you on dial-up? why do you run a mailserver?16:50
kn100ross`: hrm, I haven't got a clue then :(16:50
jellow_ravenger: Did you run the programs i mentioned earlyer aswell as do a port scan on your self?16:51
papuli want to install a .deb file to a directory of my choice16:51
llutzpapul: you cannot16:51
ravengerjellow_: i had ran unhide16:51
kn100papul: Not a good idea and to do it would be difficult16:51
Gangrelrapidshare/megaupload etc downloader found to anyone interested named tucan16:51
papulhow to do that?16:52
jellow_ravenger: do chkrootkit aswell to find rootkits16:52
xfactllutz: I don't know anything, I am just normal Internet user, I don't aware about I am running any server behind!16:52
ravengerjellow_:Unhide 2008051916:52
juindy잠시 xchat-gnome 으로 시험좀 할께요.. 죄송합니다.16:52
llutzxfact: both, apache + postfix, aren't installed by default. so why do you install it if you don't need it and don't know what it does?16:52
erUSUL!ko | juindy16:52
ubottujuindy: 도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko16:52
hlfshellSo I just instlaled Ubuntu 9.10 on my newish laptop (its old, but newly mine) and the notifications that are popping up are all black with some what "scratches" - it looks horrible. How can I fix tihs?16:53
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kn100hlfshell: mind getting a screenshot of it?16:54
xfactllutz: ohh, internet addicted friend told me that 'apache' is a nice tool for Internet, so I installed, I should have asked about it more...16:54
hlfshellsure... where shall i post the screenshot for you to view?16:54
michaeldobrovitshi, does anyone knows how to add locale in console?16:54
michaeldobrovitshi, does anyone knows how to add locale in console ubuntu 9.1?16:54
llutzxfact: stupid friends you have, sry16:54
kn100hlfshell: http://imgur.com/ will do16:54
hlfshellalso kn100 , this might sound stupid but how do iforce it to make a notification?16:54
llutzxfact: nobody should run software because "it's cool"16:54
kn100hlfshell: not stupid at all16:54
papulsorry got disconnected16:54
unopmichaeldobrovits,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow locales  #perhaps16:55
xfactI should be more conscious!16:55
papulplease tell me how to install a .deb file to a folder of my choice16:55
kn100hlfshell: open a terminal, sudo apt-get install notify-send, then once its done just type notify-send "whatever"16:55
AndreMorro[BR]papul, not possible (I guess)16:55
hlfshellcouldnt find that package16:55
papulAndreMorro[BR], thry dpkg?16:55
kn100hlfshell: try libnotify-bin16:56
papulAndreMorro[BR], thru dpkg?16:56
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AndreMorro[BR]papul, yeah16:56
llutzpapul: you have to rebuild that .deb16:56
hlfshellok that installed kn10016:56
jellow_ravenger: The chances that you have been hacked is very low as firefox is ran as user level , What did the log say ?16:56
xfactI have 'apache2', 'apache2.2-bin' and 'apache-common' installed currently on my PC!16:56
kn100hlfshell: now just type notify-send "whatever" "whatever"16:56
papulllutz, how?16:56
llutzpapul: and it is still not a good idea16:56
hlfshellok kn100 uploading now16:56
kn100papul: why do you want to do this anyway?16:57
llutzxfact: sudo aptitude purge '~napache2'16:57
hlfshellkn100, http://imgur.com/laIVf.png16:57
Aoutaj'ai installé fluxbuntu16:57
kn100hlfshell: wow that is weird16:57
hlfshellyah i know rihgt?16:57
JulieJulieHey guys, so I did a minimal install then typed in sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop because when I had 9.10 ubunut it felt a little heavy so someone here suggested to use xubuntu but it feels a little heavier than when i installed right from ubuntu the first time16:57
renegaidwhat is suggested to ma eubuntu look better?16:57
IdleOne!fr | Aouta16:57
ubottuAouta: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:57
onetinsoldierkn100: sudo dpkg -i --root=/my/folder/of/choice/16:57
JulieJulieperhaps I did something wrong along the lines?16:57
Aoutamais j'ai mi une version anterieure16:57
papulkn100, i want to install the latest version of a software in a folder in my home dir16:57
hlfshellkn100, i also have al leffects turned off16:57
kn100hlfshell: try enabling compiz (set effects on)16:58
hlfshellas compiz i think was causing massive system freezes - xsever kill command and jumping xservers wouldnt respond. had to force a reset.16:58
devansHey guys, I am running Ubuntu 9.10 what are some speed tweaks, enhancements I could look into doing.. I really wanna tweak and customize my install but have no idea where to start.  I have tried googling etc, and come across ubuntu-tweak, and various other bits and bobs but this is not what I am looking for.  I know about recompiling the kernel, does anyone know anything else i can look into?16:58
papuland is there anyway to forcefully enable compiz?16:58
kn100hlfshell: What graphics card do you have?16:58
hlfshellnot entirely sure.16:58
meowagitseng et400016:59
meowagiand you?16:59
jellow_devans: well you could go for a lighter desktop , such as openbox or fluxbox16:59
kn100Ah, it's a laptop hlfshell right? know the model?16:59
hlfshellbut i just set it to normal, kn100 - and then my panels disappeared :-/16:59
hlfshellyah. its an ibm thinkpad t4216:59
nytek_devans: of xfce16:59
hlfshellwhat, saw the battery logo? lol16:59
nytek_devans: or*16:59
renegaidwhat is suggested to make ubuntu look better? what should I install?16:59
devianhow do I add menu entries or icon on panel through commandline?17:00
blakkheimrenegaid: something that's not gnome17:00
devansjellow, nytek_ Yeah I have been looking at openbox.. was thinking more a long the lines of system tweaks?17:00
hlfshellis there a way i could just turn off that notification system kn100 ?17:00
nytek_renegaid: themes, fonts, icon sets, etc....17:00
meowagiubuntu-satanic looks awesome17:00
renegaidkde kind of slow to me17:00
wertNew hack tools exploits,vulnerabilities,videos,shellcode,linux,ubuntu on www.team3d.3xforum.ro17:00
blakkheimrenegaid: kde is kind of slow to everyone17:00
wertNew hack tools exploits,vulnerabilities,videos,shellcode,linux,ubuntu on www.team3d.3xforum.ro17:00
kn100hlfshell: I have a funny feeling you are having driver issues, hlfshell there are replacements, but its probably best to fix this17:00
wertNew hack tools exploits,vulnerabilities,videos,shellcode,linux,ubuntu on www.team3d.3xforum.ro17:00
erUSUL!ops | wert17:00
ubottuwert: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!17:00
IdleOne!ops | wert17:00
devanswet, you couldn't hack a paper bag :p17:00
hlfshellok... any idea where i should look kn100? im not too good at figuring out these driver issues17:00
nytek_devans: a good lightweight window manager is great for a quick system tweak17:00
meowagi!ubutu | ubuntu-satanic17:01
pratik_narainrenegaid: install bisigi-themes package. just awsome17:01
devansnytek_, Yeah I know, looking at openbox.17:01
kn100hlfshell: give me a second to do some research into your laptop17:01
hlfshellthanks a lot kn100 !17:01
nytek_devans: im running xfce on a netbook and it runs flawlessly17:01
renegaidis there a terminal command to get themes?17:01
IdleOnemeowagi: we know about that derivative, it is not supported here.17:01
nytek_renegaid: i would recommend looking a deviantart for themes too17:01
papuland is there any way to extract a .deb file without installing it?17:02
kn100hlfshell: open a terminal, type lspci, then paste the output to http://pastebin.ca/ (to copy in a terminal press ctrl+shift+c)17:02
jellow_how can i find info on pids i ran unhide and it came up with hidden pids want to see what they are17:02
nytek_papul: take a look at dpkg17:02
kn100jellow_: htop?17:02
kn100or just top17:03
papulnytek_, man? ok17:03
hlfshellhttp://pastebin.ca/1773224 kn10017:03
jellow_kn100: they did not turn up in top17:03
nytek_papul: yeah, look at the man page.17:03
nytek_kn100: htop ftw17:03
kn100nytek_: :D17:04
IdleOnepapul: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide17:04
kn100hlfshell: Oh lawd, you have an ATI laptop, ATI are very quirky on ubuntu17:04
nytek_kn100: no way, it runs just fine on my other loppy17:04
IdleOnepapul: what you want to do is more involved then running a few commands. follow that link i just gave you and it should get you started17:04
jellow_how can i find info on pids i ran unhide and it came up with hidden pids want to see what they are17:04
nytek_kn100: what card do you have?17:04
ApokalepsisHi all17:04
hlfshellwhat can i do about it kn100 ? i cant exactly switch that out... and i need the laptop to run decently without crashing/sputtering weirdly.17:04
hamzaatova1when i search i sometimes get to thid address and not the result --- http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Special:Search -----why??????17:05
kn100hlfshell: looking into it now17:05
PingFloydthe quirkiness with ATI doesn't have to do with ubuntu.  It's because of ATI's fglrx drivers17:05
nytek_PingFloyd: dont blame ati for not having perfect drivers lol17:05
renegaidmy xfi card works when I boot the kubuntu live cd but nothing in ubuntu17:06
InneresAugesalve a tutti17:06
PingFloydnytek_: they're hit and miss17:06
PingFloydnytek_: last couple of versions of fglrx have been quirky17:06
nytek_PingFloyd: i agree, buts not because of ati. linux drivers arent their priority17:06
kn100hlfshell: Ok, I don't have a clue, since according to the internet the drivers for your card (Radeon Mobility 7500) are already bundled with ubuntu, so I think someone else will have to help you, as this is out of my depth17:07
nytek_PingFloyd: unfortunately17:07
hlfshellwell, thanks for the hlep anyway kn100 .17:07
hlfshell you have no idea how to disable the notifications then at least?17:07
PingFloydApokalepsis: please don't PM17:08
kn100hlfshell: to disable the notifications I guess you could just disable them, but that seems a bit extreme17:08
PingFloydnytek_: what I'm getting at is that it wasn't ubuntu's messup on that17:08
hlfshellwhere do i disable them kn100 ?17:08
PingFloydnytek_: run into the same issue with fedora17:08
papuli recently installed opera and now the preferred browser is it. how can i change it back to firefox with uninstalling opera?17:08
kn100hlfshell: you can uninstall them with sudo apt-get remove notify-osd17:09
erUSULpapul: system>preferences>preferred aps17:09
PingFloydnytek_: actually in any distro trying to implement the more recent version of fglrx17:09
nytek_PingFloyd: any distro will have problems with ati cards imo, ati doesnt have the market share.17:09
p0aHello I've installed ubuntu 9.10 when I boot to ubuntu the display in my monitor is wrong (there's two black bars in two sides, and in the other two the equivalent space in black bars is hidden)17:09
p0aI know I can fix this from my my monitor settings but then when I boot to my other grub option my other installation has the same problem17:09
p0aI was wondering if there's a 'local' fix, ie from ubuntu17:09
papulerUSUL, ok thnks btw i am using fluxbox17:09
bullgard4Seahorse > Other Keys > (a certain key) > window 'Sign Key' > 'How carefully have you checked this key?' > button 'Casually' is buggy. It lists the same explanatory text as that of the button 'Not at all'. Where can I obtain the proper definition text of the button 'Casually'?17:09
jonaskoelkerQUESTION:  How do I see how much battery lifetime my laptop has left?17:09
erUSULpapul: then i dunno17:09
hlfshellthanks for your help so far kn100 - ill just install for now and try again later17:09
nytek_PingFloyd: less money to fund towards the development of their linux drivers. its all about shareholders brother/lady17:10
papulbye guys. thanks for ur help17:10
jonaskoelker... that is, while charging17:10
nytek_sorry, off-top17:10
kn100hlfshell: I suggest you ask your question again including the name of your card (mobility 7500)17:10
nytek_PingFloyd: plus, i dont ever run desktop. so their drivers i wouldnt ever use.17:11
nytek_PingFloyd: effects*17:11
PingFloydnytek_: I do.  I run a laptop that has an ATI video card17:11
bastidrazorjonaskoelker: acpi -V17:12
devianwhere is the menu config file for the panel?17:12
ravengerjellow_: actually when i looked into the log file  it was like this some one had intruded into my sys http://pastie.org/80306317:12
bullgard4jonaskoelker: NetworkManager applet > left-click > Laptop battery > Device Information> Discharge time.17:12
devianthe one for applications places and system17:12
nytek_PingFloyd: effects. i love lightweight and the power out of my system17:12
jonaskoelkerbullgard4: that's not nm-applet17:12
nytek_PingFloyd: i have a laptop with an ati x1100 that runs beautiful with ubuntu. but i dont enable desktop effects.17:12
pat|nGwhere can i found this network-manager?17:12
kn100nvidia <317:13
jonaskoelkerI think?17:13
nytek_pat|nG: /bin i think17:13
bullgard4jonaskoelker: Then you need to install the associated DEB program package. But usually Ubuntu installs this automatically.17:13
nytek_pat|nG: i believe its gnome-network-manager, or something close tot hat17:13
jonaskoelkerbastidrazor: acpi -V only talks about time until charged; not until discharged17:14
jonaskoelkerbullgard4: when I left-click nm-applet, I see "Wired Networks", "wireless networks", "vpn connections"17:15
jonaskoelkerbullgard4: but nothing about laptop batteries17:15
jonaskoelkerbullgard4: don't you mean the power management applet?17:15
bastidrazorjonaskoelker: system>power management  then General tab you can click Display battery and you will have an icon in the notification area that you can click and get all that information17:15
nubbeHOw to disable visualisation in FFs totem-plugin?17:16
bastidrazorjonaskoelker: system>preferences>power management17:16
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steffanHi. I've tried executing "dd if=in of=out >progress.txt& pid=$!" and running "kill -USR1 $pid", and also tried executing "dd if=in of=out& pid=$!" and running "kill -USR1 $pid > progress.txt" -- neither output anything to progress.txt. What am I doing wrong?17:16
bullgard4jonaskoelker: I made a mistake. I meant gnome-power-manager
MathGuten tag17:17
bastidrazorjonaskoelker: what bullgard4 is talking about is also the same thing i am talking about17:17
bullgard4Math: Guten Tag! Aber hier soll man Englisch reden.17:17
Zemmyany ideas why the resolution changes when I reboot? (Karmic with Nvidia drivers)17:18
BluesKaj!de Math , bullgard417:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:18
BluesKaj!de | Math , bullgard417:18
ubottuMath , bullgard4: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:18
jonaskoelkerbullgard4, bastidrazor: there's no time-until-discharged information there (!)17:18
jonaskoelkerbullgard4, bastidrazor: or at least, I can't find it.  Exactly where is it you say it should be?17:19
bullgard4jonaskoelker: There is.17:19
bjlenhi, how can i make an iso of a dvd from the command line in karmic?17:19
bastidrazorjonaskoelker: right click > preferences > History tab then Graph Type .. time to empty17:20
renegaidin ubuntu 64bit I can't fast forward youtube videos17:20
jonaskoelkerbastidrazor: there's no "history" tab in preferences17:20
gynterkhello, any reasons why I don't have sco and snd_bt_sco modules?17:21
bullgard4Seahorse > Other Keys > (a certain key) > window 'Sign Key' > 'How carefully have you checked this key?' > button 'Casually' is buggy. It lists the same explanatory text as that of the button 'Not at all'. Where can I obtain the proper definition text of the button 'Casually'?17:21
gynterklatest release17:21
jonaskoelkerbastidrazor: did you mean power history -> laptop battery -> history -> graph type?17:21
bastidrazorjonaskoelker: right click the battery icon > power history  then look around17:21
bastidrazorjonaskoelker: yes17:21
jonaskoelkerbastidrazor: time to empty: "There is no data to display"17:22
tox@renegaid Do any of Flash controls work?17:22
=== accovrig is now known as acovrig
arghh2d2bjlen: try readom dev=/dev/scd0 f=/home/archie/image.iso17:22
jonaskoelkerbastidrazor: not for the last 10 minutes, anyways; there is for 2 hours, but that's not what I want17:22
bombelcan someone help me disable my touchpad?17:22
arghh2d2bjlen: minus the /home/archie/17:22
bastidrazorjonaskoelker: as soon as i unplug my laptop the graph appears.17:22
renegaidcan't use the slider in the you tube videos17:22
bombeli've tried several things without success17:22
reberany ideas for a problem with usb to parallel adapter for a laser printer ?17:22
fismoll8is there anyone here who is using ubuntu studio or music software on ubuntu. If so, how are ardour and rosegarden, compared with logic studio and other similar audio apps17:22
renegaidI think I am switching to 32bit.17:22
jonaskoelkerbastidrazor: good for you.  How do I make it appear while the laptop is plugged in?17:22
bastidrazorjonaskoelker: good luck.17:23
toxI had to disable Desktop effects for mine to work.17:23
IdleOnefismoll8: #ubuntustudio might be better place to ask17:23
jonaskoelkerbastidrazor: what do you mean?  It can't be done?17:23
bjlenarghh2d2: thanks i'll try. i used ISO master to make an iso but it was then not recognised on a windows machine. any reason for this?17:23
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arghh2d2bjlen: was the iso on an ext partition?17:24
ZykoticK9renegaid, solution to flash "clicking" not working at http://paste.ubuntu.com/366310/17:24
gynterkhmm plain SCO headset are broken in current kernel?17:24
reberi have a problem similar to : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/30878817:24
dtbcan someone help me with setting up a usb wifi adapter?17:25
bjlenarghh2dt i created the iso on karmic, which is ext 417:25
renegaidswitching to 32bit. experiencing problems here n there with 64bit17:25
Some_PersonIs it possible to install karmic anew and install GRUB1 instead of GRUB2?17:26
arghh2d2bjlen: windows cant read ext partitions without special drivers...iirc windows cant read ext4 at all17:26
perlsyntaxWhere can i find the dvd iso for ubuntu 8.04.4?17:26
TidersHas anyone gotten Ventrilo push to talk working in 9.0417:26
arghh2d2bjlen: if you burn the iso to disk by selecting the specific "burn iso" options then the disk should be readable in windows17:27
dodddummydoes empathy support identica?17:27
ZykoticK9Tiders, don't know about 9.04 but the Ventrilo "Push to Talk" has ALWAYS been an issue with wine/linux17:27
bjlenarghh2dt i just created the iso, put it on a usb, then transferred it across. as it happens i was making an iso of windows7. there shouldn't be a problem with this should there?17:27
dtbtrying to get zonet zew2508 (ralink rt2070 chipset) working... help please!17:27
arghh2d2bjlen: i have no idea, i dont trust M$ products staight outta the box, let alone any cracked/shared version.17:28
Some_PersonI want to install karmic fresh but do not want GRUB2. How should I do this?17:28
nefastI have just now installed windows7 next to my normal ubuntu boot. But now I can't find a way to make sure I have to choose which OS I want to boot into. Can someone kick me in the right direction?17:29
bastidrazor!fixgrub | nefast17:29
ubottunefast: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.17:29
nefastAh, thanks!17:29
dtbHow to I verify new wifi using ifconfig/iwconfig/iwlist? iwconfig seems to work. iwlist lists nothing.17:29
bastidrazorSome_Person: from what little i've read about it, you need to install grub2 then post install install grub-legacy17:29
nefastI love these simple irc commands.17:30
bjlenarghh2d2 it is a genuine copy. all i wanted to do was create an iso of the disc then put it on a different laptop. but windows couldnt recognise it. that's why i figured maybe command line would work17:30
elexodus_Anyone know how to change an MBR to a GUID partician table?17:30
Some_Personbastidrazor: I can't just install grub-legacy with the installer? Or choose not to install GRUB2 at all?17:30
BluesKajdtb, sudo iwlist scan17:31
StevethepirateHey, I'm looking for a simple way to allow a file (with characteristics like size, md5 hash, etc) be put into an indexed DB (or equivalent) and then give me basic searching. Shoud I use SQL, or should I go for something easier (and perhaps faster). Aim to have around 100, 000 files in the DB.17:31
arghh2d2bjlen: win7 is probly implementing some copy protection tactics...i've washed my hands of M$ completely.  Good luck.17:31
bastidrazorSome_Person:i do not know the answer to that. i think the final options give you a chance to not use grub. unsure though17:31
dtb@BlusKaj - I get "wlan0" No scan results.17:31
xfactI have done those apache removing17:31
binMonkeyhow can i get byobu to autostart with konsole?  i can't figure it out.17:32
xfactcan anybody check for me that my current IP address is still working as server or not? (cause I don't know how to do that)17:32
BluesKajdtb, do wlan=dhcp , then try sudo dhclient wlan017:32
macman_hey all .. im really getting annoyed that my compouter keeps going to sleep even when i turned off all power options17:32
BluesKajxfact try geotool on your browser17:33
xfact'geotool' ok searching....17:33
elexodus_partition length of 11671431345 sectors exceeds the msdos-partition-table-imposed maximum of 429496729517:33
=== Hilikus_ is now known as Hilikus
wiiguywhat linux would work best on a p3 that thas 300+mb ram and 600mhz ?17:34
arghh2d2wiiguy: puppy17:34
bastidrazor!ps3 | wiiguy17:34
ubottuwiiguy: Aside from i386 and amd64 platforms, Ubuntu is also available for alternate platforms. Playstation 3 ( support in #ubuntu-ps3 ) Apple PowerPC  ( support in #ubuntu-ppc )17:34
xfact<wiiguy> Obviously Xubuntu17:34
dtb@BluesKaj: NODHCPOFFERS received17:34
nubbeHow do I disable visualisation in FFs totem-plugin?17:34
BluesKajwiiguy, maybe ubuntu with xfce desktop17:35
anton__<wiiguy> or lubuntu, some say faster than xubuntu17:35
arooni_____how do i make the volume keys on my keboard adjust "Master" not "PCM"?17:35
xfact!xubuntu | wiiguy17:35
ubottuwiiguy: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels17:35
wiiguyi see17:35
arghh2d2xfact: why is that so obvious?  why isnt lubuntu obvious?17:35
arghh2d2xfact: or crunchbang?17:36
Slartbecause xubuntu is a supported distro in this channel and the others isn't? =)17:36
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xfact<arghh2d2> actually it's a Ubuntu channel and I am Ubuntu users, so I refer ubuntu related product :)17:36
anton__lubuntu is unsupported?17:36
Slartanton__: I don't think we support it here17:36
arghh2d2Slart: since when is xubuntu supported in here?17:37
xfactand Ubuntu is currently is the famous linux OS I think17:37
anton__don't use it myself anyway so no probs :)17:37
BluesKajdtb, are you trying to do a wifi strictly with /etc/network/interfaces ? if so , http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20283417:37
xfactor all Ubuntu related '       buntus'.....17:37
Slartarghh2d2: we support all the official ubuntu distros here.. of course there are separate channels if you want them.. but #ubuntu is the catch-all channel afaik17:37
ikoniayou can talk about xubuntu or kubuntu in here, but there are #xubuntu and #kubuntu  for spcilised help17:37
StevethepirateHey, I'm looking for a simple way to allow a file (with characteristics like size, md5 hash, etc) be put into an indexed DB (or equivalent) and then give me basic searching. Shoud I use SQL, or should I go for something easier (and perhaps faster). Aim to have around 100, 000 files in the DB.17:38
bullgard4Seahorse > Other Keys > (a certain key) > window 'Sign Key' > 'How carefully have you checked this key?' > button 'Casually' is buggy. It lists the same explanatory text as that of the button 'Not at all'. Where can I obtain the proper definition text of the button 'Casually'?17:38
arghh2d2i love distros like lubuntu and crunchbang are considered "taboo" in here17:38
anton__anyone know if there's a bug in the nvidia driver with metacity? I lose my window borders in compiz mode...17:38
Slartarghh2d2: not taboo.. but possibly offtopic17:38
arghh2d2ignore the distro behind the curtain17:38
bjlenarghh2d2: ok, thanks. the command you suggested seems to be working...17:39
arghh2d2ehh, gotcha17:39
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arghh2d2np bjorge17:39
arghh2d2err bjlen17:39
xfactarghh2d2: maybe those distros will not be 'taboo' in there pacific channels, there you will hear the same thing about Ubuntu...17:40
arghh2d2xfact: heheh, ok dude17:40
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elexodus_Anyone know how to change an MBR to a GUID partician table?17:41
anton__I'm looking for some help with my window borders disappearing...17:41
arooni_____how do i make the volume keys on my keboard adjust "Master" not "PCM" on Karmic?17:41
Trekelexodus_ you can't change an MBR to a partition table...17:41
Trekelexodus_ MBR stands for "master boot record" and is required to boot to any partition17:42
erUSULelexodus_: without loosing current partitions ?17:42
xfactWow lubuntu, never heard of it, how many parts of Ubuntu exists there? (please ignore and I am sorry if this sounds like 'offtopic)17:42
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #remote-exploit)17:43
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)17:43
Slarthmm.. there's probably a factoid to print out the supported ones as well17:43
ikoniaSlart: sorry - just seen you hit it too17:43
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elexodus_Trek, erUSUL: I have 4x2TB in RAID5. There are currently 3 formatted particians: Dell Utility, Boot, and Ubuntu (ext4). There is an additional buttload of empty space that won't format. All I want is to make that extra space usable with TrueCrypt. Using gParted, I get the error message "partition length of 11671431345 sectors exceeds the msdos-partition-table-imposed maximum of 4294967295"17:44
_2i have a sort of silly question, does latest ubuntu have some kind of '17:44
xfactubuntu, xubuntu, kubuntu, edubuntu, ubuntu studio, lubuntu ubuntu me and lot I think17:44
ubottu!Kubuntu and !Xubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with KDE and Xfce (respectively) installed as default, instead of GNOME. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu17:44
_2i have a sort of silly question, does latest ubuntu have some kind of 'windows like' regestery  file some place   ?17:44
arghh2d2wtf is mepis (rpm distro) mentioned for, just because it uses apt?  why not pclinuxos then?17:45
Slart_2: gnome comes with a registry like thing.. gconf-editor will let you look and edit it17:45
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Slartarghh2d2: just examples of other distros17:45
Bullma99ubuntu karmic- dvd not mounting. in reviewing fstab, should the /dv/scd 2 match with /media/cdrom3?17:45
_2slart  ok.  i'll look17:46
arghh2d2pclinuxos > mepis and deserves more mentions than mepis17:46
unpersonIs it possible to use a fakeraid with the ICH10R southbridge for your / partition in Karmic?  I'm hoping someone here knows.  I googled a bit and found some people having trouble but no definitive answer (e.g. a confirmed bug report).17:46
ikoniaunperson: I'd strongly advise against using fake raid at all17:46
Slartarghh2d2: then suggest a new factoid.. type !bot to get instructions17:46
kholbyEver since updating to 9.10, my Internet connectivity has been way slow.  I've tried for days to find a solution.  This is my final attempt.  Alas, if no one here has a solution, I'm going back to 9.04.17:46
unpersonikonia, I simply want to know whether it's possible.17:46
arooni_____how do i change the default audio mixer on karmic?17:46
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots17:46
ikoniaunperson: yes, it's possible but with poor stability17:46
unpersonikonia, Does it require some special steps to get working right?17:47
ikoniaunperson: no17:47
* EagleWatch is back.17:47
xfact<kholby> you should check your DNS or you may swich to some popular DNS host, it makes your Internet faster (eg. openDNS, UltraDNS...)17:47
Trek!away | EagleWatch17:48
ubottuEagleWatch: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»17:48
ikonia!away > EagleWatch17:48
ubottuEagleWatch, please see my private message17:48
kholbyxfact:   Do I have to have access to the router's settings to make this work?17:48
hlfshellHmm... my laptop's battery life indicator on the panel disappeared - and i can't find a power management option in preferences or administration menus. anyone have any ideas?17:49
purplefoolhey, have a weird problem:  i downloaded and installed the newest warzone 2100 but there is something wrong with it.  i cannot seem to delete it.  have uninstalled and done everything i know about.  where else should i look to uninstall it?17:49
xfact<kholby> I think no, just go to google public DNS page and there you will see the details process to setup DNS17:49
unpersonikonia, Hrm...I was trying to help out someone else who was using such a setup.  He's having problems, but I don't know the exact details, so there's not much more to say there.  Basically I wanted to figure out if it was him screwing up or a known issue.17:49
macman_hey all .. im really getting annoyed that my compouter keeps going to sleep even when i turned off all power options .. how do i fix this ?17:50
unpersonikonia, Basically, he can use the RAID fine from a live CD but when he tried to install in wouldn't boot.17:50
xfact<kholby>  http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/17:50
SirRedToothDoes anybody know how to remove things from the applications list? (top left hand corner)17:50
SirRedToothI removed wine but the shortcuts in applications didnt go17:50
ikoniaunperson: it does work, but it's very unstable, hence why I'm advising you to stay well away from it17:50
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xfact<kholby> and the same way applies for all...17:50
unpersonikonia, One other question, do you know of any good comparisons of the performance of these intel fakeraids (I think that's what it is) vs. software raids in linux?17:51
ZykoticK9SirRedTooth, System / Preferences / Main Menu -- config to your hearts content17:51
hlfshellanyone have any idea how to launch the batter ylife indicator in ubuntu?17:51
wildc4rdevening all17:51
ikoniaunperson: softwre raid will out perform it every single time17:51
Trek!hi | wildc4rd17:51
ubottuwildc4rd: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:51
unpersonikonia, Last I looked, software raid was competitive (a little CPU overhead), and overall RAID didn't seem to confer many significant advantages in standard home use cases (e.g., boot time is about the same).17:52
surfHi I had a problem with my wi-fi connection. I installed wicd and solved a bit the problem. Now I can see some disconnection problems with the eth0 connection. Sometimes it droppes.17:53
unpersonikonia, But admittedly that was a few years ago.17:53
ikoniaunperson: there won't be much in it for home user usage, it's only high io it will show, but sofware raid has the stability17:53
theooi have created ln -s of an file.. how to remove the file now.. i can't remove using rm-rf..17:53
meowagiyes i was watching th ewhole day ARTE, chopin day17:53
longcatso... postfix and cyrus or courier?17:53
surfit's not a real drop, it doesn't say that it's disconnected but if I lauch a ping from terminal it does not reach the host....17:53
meowagimy favorite, and arnold schoenberg too, or avro pärt17:54
unpersonikonia, Yeah, for me (an all Linux guy) software also has the advantage of being readable on different hardware, although I don't know how that works for fakeraids.17:54
unpersonikonia, For people who dual-boot, though, I think the fakeraid has the advantage of being accessible from multiple OSes.17:54
ikoniaunperson: fake raid is hardware specific17:55
longcatI'm asking a question that will change the world and here you are talking about raid17:55
unpersonikonia, Okay.  I wasn't sure, since most of it is done in software anyway AKAIK.17:55
surfHi I had a problem with my wi-fi connection. I installed wicd and solved a bit the problem. Now I can see some disconnection problems with the eth0 connection. Sometimes it droppes.17:56
zleapwhat package provides DNS based on /etc/hosts17:56
Gaming4JChey all, my hard drive is going up and I'm wondering about RAID. Does anyone know a good RAID supporting drive that is optimal for Ubuntu?17:57
arvind_khadri!raid | Gaming4JC17:57
ubottuGaming4JC: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto17:57
SlartGaming4JC: all hard drives work for both raid and linux17:57
longcat!courier | longcat17:58
SlartGaming4JC: you don't have to go out and get something specific17:58
Gaming4JCah ok17:58
SlartGaming4JC: personally I like the Western Digital Green Power drives for plain storage17:58
longcatI could sell you a hard drive with an ubuntu inside picture for $30 extra17:58
zilkomaaAny good tip url's for ubuntu 9.10 64bit?17:59
SlartGaming4JC: but opinions are like behinds.. everyone's got one.. and everyone elses stinks =)17:59
Gaming4JCSlart: Would you know any good drives for a lot of file managment, like a server? All the heavy wear I do has been toasting SeaGates all day long :P17:59
SlartGaming4JC: and that's twice as true when it comes to harddrives17:59
surfHi I had a problem with my wi-fi connection. I installed wicd and solved a bit the problem. Now I can see some disconnection problems with the eth0 connection. Sometimes it droppes.18:00
Gaming4JCSlart: I've heard good on Western Digitals...18:00
ikoniamaybe ##hardware is the best place18:00
ScoobyDooHow can I include some bash script in my gambas graphic app?18:00
SlartGaming4JC: there are some models that claim to be better for raid setups.. but I don't think the difference is that big.. keep them cool and do your backups18:00
unpersonikonia, Thanks for your input.18:00
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SlartGaming4JC: but ask in #hardware.. you might get better answers there18:01
Gaming4JCSlart ikonia: thanks :D18:01
SlartGaming4JC: sorry.. ##hardware18:01
purplefoolso, luckily i found the warzone file in /usr/local/stow and would like to delete it.  however, i don't seem to have permission to do so.  how do i delete a program file that is not installed through packet manager?18:01
longcatwhat's a warzone file?18:01
Slartpurplefool: sudo rm, or gksudo nautilus  (think of that nautilus window as a very sharp knife.. be careful with it)18:02
purplefoolfrom earlier post...installed warzone 2100 from the webpage for the newest version...18:02
purplefoolSlart, ok, thx for the warning...!!18:02
Slartpurplefool: if you've compiled it there's usually a "sudo make uninstall" command18:03
SirRedToothHow do i remove something from the applications menu?18:03
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SlartSirRedTooth: system, preferences, Main Menu18:03
purplefoolSlart, do i need to find something specific to use this command?18:03
Slartpurplefool: sudo make uninstall? not sure what you mean18:04
kitikrihey guys, I'm using ubuntu 9.10 here, and the gnome sessions gui seems crippled -> I can't set the restart style for gnome-panel for example. any ideas?18:04
brainboxanything i should know before i install ubuntu using ext4 ?18:04
CyberaX2195SirRedTooth: just drag it to trash iirc18:05
purplefoolSlart, guess i mean, do i need to be in the directory or something like that.  but just tried it and got '***No rule to make target 'uninstall'.  Stop.18:05
CyberaX2195unless it has an uninstall app you can run18:05
brainboxthe /boot partiton can be ext4 as well right?18:06
Slartpurplefool: ah.. if you've downloaded the source code of something.. you usually run  ./configure , make and then sudo make install in the folder where you downloaded the source18:06
Slartpurplefool: so from that same folder where you downloaded the source you can sometimes run "sudo make uninstall"18:06
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purplefoolSlart, ok, will take a look and see what i find.18:07
sumannice to be here18:07
SnowboarderI downloaded java for firefox as a file: jre-6u18-linux-i586-rpm.bin   How do I then install it?18:08
SlartSnowboarder: java is available from the repos.. no need to download it as a file18:08
Slart!java | Snowboarder18:08
ubottuSnowboarder: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository18:08
llutzSnowboarder: not at all, use native packages18:08
acovrigwhen I plug an iPod into my 8.10,  it opens gtkpod, can I change that?18:09
purplefoolSlart, ok, have found the file...called 'warzonecompile.sh' but the command doesn't work with that...18:09
sumanhey can somebody tell me if i need license to get the ubuntu desktop installed on the systems18:10
macman_so i rip a lot of movies right .. DVDfab for windows under wine blows out any linux apps .. any idea why and what linux apps are as good as DVDFab ?18:10
Slartpurplefool: well.. not all downloads support it.. perhaps there's something else you can run.. have you checked their site? readme-files?18:10
Shurakaianyone any idea what could break a (debian) system so severely that even after reinstalling the coreutils, the sha1checksums change within a few minutes and ls, mkdir etc. return a seg fault?18:11
koke /join #ubuntu-es18:11
philipp__suman: you could try handbrake18:11
purplefoolSlart, this is the page where i got all the information and the file:  http://developer.wz2100.net/wiki/LinuxCompileGuide18:11
Slartsuman: nope.. the license is included in the iso.. but you don't have to get a personal license before you install it18:11
Snowboarderllutz, sudo apt-get install sun-java5-bin ?18:12
philipp__macman_: you could try handbrake to rip to mp4 files18:12
Slartsuman: there are no serials or keys.. if you don't agree with the license just uninstall ubuntu..18:12
macman_philipp__: handbrake dosen't rip encrypted dvd's18:12
llutzSnowboarder: sun-java6-jre   or sun-java6-plugin18:12
philipp__macman_: thats true18:12
Snowboarderllutz, which one then?18:13
macman_i can't belive i have to use a windows app just to do the job18:13
llutzSnowboarder: if you need jre, jre.18:13
ScoobyDooHow can I include some bash script in my gambas graphic app?18:13
Slartpurplefool: hmm.. I don't see anything about uninstalling on that page.. sorry18:13
Slartpurplefool: if they have a forum you can try asking there18:14
SirRedToothJust got a £75 google adwords voucher in post18:14
Slart!rip | macman_18:14
ubottumacman_: For information about the Sound Juicer ripping application see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping. To rip an Audio CD in KDE, put it in and then put audiocd:// in the Konqueror URL bar18:14
Slartmacman_: bah.. I thought that would tell you about dvd's as well18:14
purplefoolSlart, have tried...there is one guy who hangs there and he usually doesn't respond.  but thx for your help anyway!18:14
Slartmacman_: there's .. acidrip.. k9copy.. probably a few others as well18:14
Slartpurplefool: you're welcome18:15
cambazzhello. i how do I learn what is the latest jvm package for ubuntu18:15
cambazzr16 or r1818:15
=== urlwallace is now known as oilwallace
Slartmacman_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K9Copy18:15
cambazzhello. how do I upgrate to latest ubuntu version over command line? (server)18:17
Slart!upgrade | cambazz18:17
ubottucambazz: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:17
blakkheimcambazz: sudo aptitude update; sudo aptitude dist-upgrade18:17
Slartcambazz: there's a part on that page for doing it from a command line18:17
cambazzwell actually, i just need to upgrade java to latest version18:17
gerzelhmm  Anyone know of a package that has all the features of gnome terminal plus a way to divide the window so you get side-by-side terminals?18:17
Slartblakkheim: nope.. dist-upgrade doesn't upgrade to the latest version18:17
blakkheimgerzel: gnome terminal+screen18:17
blakkheimSlart: then what does it do18:17
cambazzi did try, uninstalling java, then reinstalling it18:18
gerzelblakkheim; Thanks.18:18
cambazzbut it did not work18:18
Slartblakkheim: upgrade only upgrades some packages.. things that doesn't require a reboot or packages that doesn't require new packages to be installed or something like that.. ie a upgrade-light... dist-upgrade upgrades all packages18:18
Night_ElfHi. If I had a minilaptop or netbook and wanted to use it as a gps gadget, what hardware as of usb gps receiver or antenna, and software, would you recomend ?18:18
Slartblakkheim: there are other specialized scripts for doing a version upgrade18:19
Slartblakkheim: ie  9.04 -> 9.1018:19
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Night_ElfSlart: out of topic but I just thought of Slarty Bartfast of the Hitchhiker's Guide :)18:20
guszjest tu ktos?18:20
SlartNight_Elf: mm.. that's what I did 10 years ago when I had to come up with a nick.. yes.. poor imagination.. I know =)18:20
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Slart!pl | gusz18:20
ubottugusz: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.18:20
gerzelblakkheim; hmm how do you get screen to divide the terminal into two side-by-side windows?18:21
Snowboarderllutz, arg so i got the jre and still the page in firefox does not work18:21
sgs1990does ennyone know how you can put the book mark box back in a window??18:21
gerzeldo a split view?18:21
llutzSnowboarder:then you need sun-java6-plugin18:21
blakkheimgerzel: ctrl+a+S18:21
Snowboarderllutz, that must have been the wrong java or it is not integrated in firefox18:21
sumanhey I have sony vaio (VGN CR343N) and this has a webcam inbuilt but does not work as this is not being detected either. I have tried many help sites but does not work18:22
blakkheimgerzel: or ctrl+a+| if you're using the version from git/svn18:22
marks256Is RAM for a iBook G3 proprietary? Could i use ram from a PC in an iBook? (i'm totally new to macs, sorry)18:22
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Xhesii have a prob18:22
sgs1990does ennyone know how you can put the book mark box back in a window?18:23
gerzelblackheim: ok, now how do I get to the other side of the split to do somethign useful?18:23
dawsunnahs anyone had this porblem? skype will make outgoing calls but won't send audio18:23
Trek!ask > Xhesi18:23
ubottuXhesi, please see my private message18:23
Slartmarks256: I think you might get better answers to that in a more mac oriented channel.. isn't there a #mac channel?18:23
marks256Slart, yes, but it's invite only18:23
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Trekmarks256, can I PM you the answer?18:23
Slartmarks256: have you registered your nickname?18:24
zilkomaaAny good tweaking url's for ubuntu 9.10 64bit?18:24
Night_Elfmarks256: odd it may seem, I once replaced 2 ramslots of damaged memory of a cisco2600 with some pc Pentium-1-class motherboard ram18:24
TrekSlart: won't matter if its invite only18:24
marks256Trek, i dont' care18:24
marks256Slart, yes. i'm logged in too18:24
SlartTrek: I just joined the channel.. worked for me18:24
CyberaX2195win 3818:24
SlartTrek: that's why I figured it might be a registration problem18:24
marks256Night_Elf, i don't mean the ram slots, i just don't want to buy a 512 stick of PC133 mac ram if i can use a 512 stick of PC133 pc ram18:25
Slartmarks256: odd.. I could join it just fine..18:25
qedDoes anyone have an easy solution for downloading my mp3s from my iphone (or playing them from my iphone) in Ubuntu???  I have gtkpod but it doesn't see my iPhone...18:25
TrekSLart: does his system work with redirection?18:25
marks256Slart, really...18:25
SlartTrek: ahh.. good catch18:25
Trekmarks256: did you activate a no-redirect flag on yourself?18:25
Slartmarks256: try joining ##mac instead18:25
AmokPaulehello, in ubuntu karmic my mouse is moving from alone to the top of the screen.18:25
Night_Elfmarks256: i mean, i took the chips, the slides, from the Pc motherboard, and put them in the router.18:25
marks256Trek, i did not...18:25
Trekmarks256, try this: /join ##mac18:25
Trektry it anyways18:26
marks256Night_Elf, oh. i see. well that's quite the work around! :)18:26
SpaceGhostC2Cmarks256: he's right. They know mac hardware.18:26
marks256Trek, i can join ## mac just find18:26
darrendanyone know why I *constantly* lose my sound in karmic??  Same h/w was _perfect_ in jaunty.  Sound prefs shows missing device in hardware tab18:26
Xhesican i ask a question18:26
SpaceGhostC2C!anyone | darrend18:26
ubottudarrend: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?18:26
Trek!ask | Xhesi18:26
ubottuXhesi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:26
SpaceGhostC2C !ask Xhesi18:26
SlartXhesi: just ask.. but please dont spam18:27
darrendSpaceGhostC2C: perhaps you could read what I wrote18:27
SpaceGhostC2CNevermind, I ignored him.18:27
Gesi_stop xhesi18:27
qedDoes anyone have an easy solution for downloading my mp3s from my iphone (or playing them from my iphone) in Ubuntu???  I have gtkpod but it doesn't see my iPhone...18:27
Gesi_dont spam18:27
Xhesii forhot18:27
AmokPaulehello, in ubuntu karmic my mouse is moving from alone to the top of the screen.18:27
Night_ElfIf I had a minilaptop or netbook and wanted to use it as a gps gadget, what hardware as of usb gps receiver or antenna, and software, would you recomend ?18:27
SpaceGhostC2Cdarrend, the point is to ask directly.18:27
Xhesiwhat is spam???????????????18:27
marks256qed, does your iphone have bluetooth?18:27
ewokso im on ubuntu 9.10 and some how i locked my desktop so i cant right click anything or make folders?18:27
theadminHello. How can I rip audio-cd's?18:27
SlartXhesi: typing useless stuff.. using to many ? characters =)18:28
erUSULNight_Elf: find a gps program for linux then buy whatever hardware they recomend18:28
SpaceGhostC2Ctheadmin: like rip the music to a format? Or make a copy of the disc as a whole?18:28
xfactWhat is Bazaar?18:28
darrendright, so I need to change a single word of my question.. and it was worth all the spam to tell me that?  The question is pretty clear I think18:28
theadminSpaceGhostC2C: Like, convert music it has to MP318:28
SpaceGhostC2C!info bazaar | xfact18:28
ubottuxfact: Package bazaar does not exist in karmic18:28
darrendhere we go then..18:28
Gesi_xhesi when you write like you did18:28
darrend why do I *constantly* lose my sound in karmic??  Same h/w was _perfect_ in jaunty.  Sound prefs shows missing device in hardware tab18:28
SlartXhesi: you mean the version control system?18:28
SpaceGhostC2Cxfact I think the package name is bzr, right?18:28
qedhow do I which USB interface (/dev/xxx) a particular device is using?18:29
SpaceGhostC2Ctheadmin: do you want a command line answer? or gui?18:29
SlartXhesi: http://bazaar.canonical.com/en/18:29
SpaceGhostC2C!into bzr | xfact18:29
theadminSpaceGhostC2C: actually not important18:29
theadminSpaceGhostC2C: Just nothing KDEish please18:29
SpaceGhostC2Ctheadmin: okay you can use rhythmbox if you want.18:29
=== marisa is now known as risa212
xfactSpaceGhostC2C: no information :(18:30
Xhesiwhen i open my pc it sais 'insert a disc to boot and press enter'18:30
marks256Trek, Slart, Night_Elf just googled it (dont know why i didn't think of that before...), it looks as if it shoudl work. I'll give it a go.18:30
SpaceGhostC2Ctheadmin: Oh, we're of the same opinion on that, friend :)18:30
SpaceGhostC2Cxfact one sec.18:30
theadminSpaceGhostC2C: RhythmBox... ugh %) Shouldn't have removed it18:30
SpaceGhostC2C!info bzr | xfact18:30
ubottuxfact: bzr (source: bzr): easy to use distributed version control system. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.2-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 6681 kB, installed size 21684 kB18:30
SpaceGhostC2Ctheadmin: what do you use now?18:30
theadminSpaceGhostC2C: VLC media player18:31
Gesi_xhesi so what do you mean18:31
Gesi_you have no OS installed ???18:31
SpaceGhostC2Ctheadmin: http://www.webforth.com/2007/05/ripping-audio-cds-to-mp3-with-vlc that might help. Also VLC is great with movies and such, but I prefer a real audio player for local and easy things.18:32
xfactHum, Bazaar (Bzr) is not for my propose!18:32
WaterRatjCan anyone tell me how to uninstall grub from extern harddrive? i reformatted the hd, removed the hd's on it but still, when i connect the hd to my pc its starts up grub saying error18:32
Gesi_someone help XHESI18:32
Trek!hi | stivy18:32
ubottustivy: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:32
theadminSpaceGhostC2C: It plays EVERYTHINGz. What else do I need from a media player? A CLI? It has that too %) So it satisfies me18:32
SlartWaterRatj: you probably need to clear the mbr18:32
Gesi_HE seems to be in great trouble his pc doesnt boot to ubuntu :(18:32
SlartWaterRatj: hang on.. let me find a tutorial on that.. it's one or two lines in a command window18:33
WaterRatjhow to do that for exterlan?18:33
TrekXHESI, is your boot record screwed?18:33
SpaceGhostC2Ctheadmin: To each his own, but there are a few shortcomings of vlc. Maybe you'll find them, maybe you won't.18:33
Xhesiwhats that?18:33
theadminSpaceGhostC2C: Shortcomings?18:33
theadminAgh, my mouse froze, wtf18:33
Xhesitrek, whats thaT18:34
theadminRebooting now.18:34
SpaceGhostC2Ctheadmin: features present in other software, that are lacking in vlc18:34
SlartWaterRatj: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/using-dd-to-zero-the-mbr-query.-606489/18:34
dtbtried http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202834 - didn't work. turned off WPA/WPA2 - still doesn't work. Help with wifi setup please?18:34
SlartWaterRatj: please be careful.. make sure you point that at the right drive..18:34
Gesi_trek maybe he means that his PC doesnt boot to ubuntu (maybe it is a problem with GRUB 2)18:34
WaterRatjSlart: I will, thanks18:34
SlartWaterRatj: you're welcome18:34
ivanatorahow to install mod_ssl for Apache2 in Ubuntu 9.10?18:36
=== TrekCaptain is now known as Trek
RabbitbunnyMy monitor is physically at 88*600, my display is at 1600*1200, I'm in the middle of partitioning a 1tb drive. How do I get my display right?18:36
arandXhesi: Give the details and background to your problem.18:36
dandate2how can i listen to a .gsm audio file in ubuntu? (usually quicktime player)18:37
dtbtried http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202834 - didn't work. turned off WPA/WPA2 on the router - still doesn't work. Help with wifi setup please?18:38
jordy240hi were should wine intall windows programs to?18:38
sumandan: you can try vlc player as it plays almost every extension18:39
Trekno caps please, Xhesi18:39
Myrtti!caps | Xhesi18:39
ubottuXhesi: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.18:39
=== EagleWatch is now known as eaglewatch
TrekXhesi, it seems you did not install GRUB, the thing that lets you boot into Winodws or Ubuntu18:39
* eaglewatch is away: Gone away for now18:39
ZykoticK9dandate2, mplayer seems to support them18:40
Treki'm unsure how you can do that, though, so I'm handing it off to someone else18:40
dandate2mabye i have the wrong codec for mplayer, because it just makes a loud buzz and does not start timing past 0 when i hit play18:40
Trek!hi | Omen_2018:41
ubottuOmen_20: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:41
syslqHow to check if user is using sudo in a script like if $UID -eq 0 before18:41
Omen_20I'm installing the new ATI Catalyst. It says it needs XFree86-Mesa-libGL, XFree86-libs18:42
ZykoticK9dandate2, do you have restricted-extras install?  and/or the medibuntu codecs?18:42
Omen_20All other requirements I have. I dont see them two in Synaptic though. Anyone know where I can find them?18:42
Slartsyslq: whoami is one way18:42
TrekOmen_20: open a terminal, type: sudo apt-get install XFree86-Mesa-libGJ XFree86-libs18:42
TrekOmen_20: see if that helps18:43
dandate2how do i check for restricted-extras and medibuntu codecs?  the synaptics package manager?18:43
Slartsyslq: or id -u18:43
erUSUL!medibuntu | dandate218:43
ubottudandate2: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org18:43
ZykoticK9dandate2, you using ubuntu?18:43
qedshit piss cunt cocksucker mother fucker tits fart turd and twat18:44
dandate2yes karmic18:44
Xhesiwhat is grub?18:44
Slartsyslq: here's an example http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/shell-root-user-check-script.html18:44
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.18:44
Omen_20Trek, nope, didnt find them.18:44
josh_grub=grand unified bootloader18:44
syslqSlart, id -u works , thanks mate18:44
Slartsyslq: you're welcome18:44
ZykoticK9dandate2, in a terminal "apt-cache policy ubuntu-restricted-extras" will how if it's installed18:44
dandate2i dont have restricted-extras installed ,and i have never got anything from medubuntu18:45
ZykoticK9dandate2, medibuntu repository info at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu18:45
dandate2i should get a patch to mplayer there?18:45
ZykoticK9dandate2, start by trying installing restricted-extras then try mplayer again18:45
Xhesihow to install grub?18:46
TrekOmen_20: are you running 64-bit or 32-bit Ubuntu?18:46
Omen_20Trek, 32-bit18:46
pat|nGi'm doomed18:46
pat|nGi just removed my wireless18:46
TrekOmen_20: you should be able to see them though.  question:  have you tried going to SYstem -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers18:46
dtbtried http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202834 - didn't work. turned off WPA/WPA2 on the router - still doesn't work. Help with wifi setup please?18:46
TrekOmen_20: and seen if there's proprietary drivers there?18:47
pat|nGnow i can't do anything......i don't know where to start installing my broadcom STA18:47
=== eaglewatch is now known as EagleWatch
* EagleWatch is back.18:47
Omen_20Trek, not using any18:47
Xhesidtb, try resetting the router18:47
pat|nGanyone who's kind to tell me how to install my wireless?18:48
TrekOmen_20: i'm not sure what your issue is, unfortunately... have you googled to see whether they exist anywhere?18:48
Xhesidtb so u can enter the settings18:48
erUSULpat|nG: System>Admin...>hardware drivers18:48
Omen_20Yeah I'm looking now. I think I might have found some repositories. I'll give them a shot.18:49
sumancan somebody help me getting my webcam working?18:50
pat|nGerUSUL: i got an error on activating my broadcom STA : please have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log18:50
erUSULpat|nG: see the log18:51
erUSULpat|nG: less /var/log/jockey.log18:51
pud_jedimindwhat does it mean when applicationpool takes up 100% cpu endlessly on boot, and it wont stop ? also is it safe to just kill the PID ?18:51
pat|nGerusul: i got this log18:52
pat|nGwhat will i do?18:52
trism                                   18:52
erUSULpat|nG: see what was the error18:53
pat|nGerrno 2 no such file or directory: /var/cache/jockey/driverdb-0penprintingdriverDB.cache18:54
abhijitanyone knows how to store back the donwload mails with thunderbird to hotmail?18:54
=== hans is now known as Guest43550
Omen_20No luck. It seem any server that ever had Xfreelib is now dead. Just a bunch of 404 errors.18:55
abhijitanyone knows how to store back the downloaded emails with thunderbird to hotmail?18:55
TrekOmen_20: not sure what to tell you then18:55
ZykoticK9suman, have you installed and tried the "cheese" program?  does your webcam work with it?  that's about all i know about webcams :)  good luck18:55
suman<ZykoticK9> i will try that...18:56
=== gynterk is now known as gynter
datzHi, I see like 15 process of evolution-data- in top, all with the same id number, is something wrong here?18:56
cambazzhello. I need to upgrade to latest java vm. 6 18 i think18:57
cambazzbut i am stuck at 6 1518:57
=== EagleWatch is now known as eaglewatch
* eaglewatch is away: Gone away for now18:57
Trek!away > eaglewatch18:57
ubottueaglewatch, please see my private message18:57
abhijithow to store back the downloaded emails with thunderbird to hotmail?18:58
erUSULpat|nG: anything else in the log ?18:58
transonichey guys..whats the best touch typing software for ubuntu9.118:58
transonici need to practice typing..can anyone suggest some typing software18:59
durtabhijit, i don't know for sure but if your using pop3 you can't, and as far as I know hotmail does not use  IMAP. See hotmail's site for better support.18:59
abhijitok durt19:00
w3l54666hey guys, i can see my MS pc in my ubuntu laptop, but i cant see my ubuntu laptop in my MS pc...... n e clues??19:01
Slartw3l54666: install and configure samba on your ubuntu laptop19:01
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:01
=== eaglewatch is now known as EagleWatch
* EagleWatch is back.19:02
Slartw3l54666: if you really need to share files from the ubuntu laptop that is.. if you don't need to do that there's no need to install samba19:02
Slartw3l54666: regular networking19:02
Gaming4JCDo you guys know if software RAID is even remotely safe with Ubuntu? I'm hearing I should do hardware RAID but it's a bit expensive looking at 3ware controlers.19:02
Slartw3l54666: regular networking works just fine.. even if you can't see the ubuntu laptop in the network neighbourhood of your windows pc19:02
Gaming4JCI alreadly asked in #hardware and they suggested hardware RAID lol19:03
w3l54666Slart: what do you mean??19:03
amphi0nsetup network in windows and add ubuntu box to same WORKGROUP19:03
w3l54666Slart: i cant see my ubuntu file on MS pc19:03
SlartGaming4JC: software raid is safe and as far as I know pretty good.. hardware raid is also good.. fakeraid is bad though (that is something halfway between these two solutions)19:03
multwifihow do i configure two wireless cards in ubuntu?19:03
Gaming4JCSlart: Ok then. :)19:03
transonicwhich typing practise software is good for ubuntu19:04
dtblooking for some wifi setup help. is there somebody here that can help?19:04
minerI have an emachine e250 netbook (very similar to acer aspire one) that I have put Ubuntu netbook remix on (karmic). It was working fine yesterday. It won't boot today - it stops at fsck from util-linux-ng 2.16. Any ideas on how to get it to boot?19:04
multwifidtb: ask your question19:04
sumancheese does not work as there is no web-cam found!19:04
Slartw3l54666: with "see your ubuntu file" I suppose you mean you can, on your windows box, click on the network icon, click on your workgroup and then see the ubuntu computer, click on it and see shared files, right?19:05
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)19:06
dublued2i'm having problems with pulseaudio.  everytime i take the volume over 60%, i start hearing a loud high pitched screeching sound from the speakers19:07
arnojak zainstalować gry na systemie windows na system UBUNTU9.0419:07
Slart!pl | arno19:07
ubottuarno: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.19:07
multwifidublued2: did you check your microphone to ensure its muted?19:07
w3l54666ubuntu system dont show in network19:07
Omen_20Trek, it seems I didnt need them. I think high enough versions of XOrg dont need it.19:07
trismtransonic: a quick search comes up with klavaro and gtypist, both in the repos, may want to try those (I used MasterType to learn myself, still gives me nightmares)19:08
cambazzhow do I add a global environment variable like JAVA_HOME19:08
multwifihow do i configure two wireless cards in ubuntu?19:08
suigeneris!info dhcp-server19:08
ubottuPackage dhcp-server does not exist in karmic19:08
suigeneris!info dhcpd19:09
ubottuPackage dhcpd does not exist in karmic19:09
dublued2multwifi: thanks, that did it19:09
suigeneris!find dhcp-server19:09
transonicgot it i hope ktouch is more than sufficient for me19:09
ubottuFile dhcp-server found in doc-linux-ja-html19:09
Slartsuigeneris: I think it's called dhcp3d or something like that19:09
llutzcambazz: add it to /etc/profile19:09
sumandublued2,   may be your settings are not correct or check speaker19:09
hiexpowow busy day19:09
Slart!info dhcp3-server19:09
ubottudhcp3-server (source: dhcp3): DHCP server for automatic IP address assignment. In component main, is optional. Version 3.1.2-1ubuntu7.1 (karmic), package size 364 kB, installed size 852 kB19:09
SpaceGhostC2Csuigeneris: if you need ubottu information just for yourself, try messaging the bot. /msg ubottu !botsnack19:10
multwifihow do i configure two wireless cards in ubuntu?19:11
suigenerisSlart, E: Package dhcpd has no release candidate19:11
Rabbitbunnyinstall: missing destination file operand after `usb-creator'19:11
Slartsuigeneris: try "sudo apt-get install dhcp3-server"19:12
Brk0lihow do i use remote desktop viewer to connect to windows system that is not local?19:12
SirRedToothHow do i add more workspaces19:12
SirRedToothor even give the workspaces names19:12
suigenerisSlart, Couldn't find package dhcp-server19:13
SlartSirRedTooth: are you using Compiz19:13
Slartsuigeneris: read what I typed again19:13
dublued2Brk0li:  your windows system should have remote desktop enabled.  you will need the IP address of the computer you are trying to connect to19:13
multwifiBrk0li: install krdc (sudo apt-get install krdc)19:13
SirRedToothGnome, ubuntu19:13
suigenerisSlart, thanks19:13
SlartSirRedTooth: the compiz workspaces and the general gnome workspaces aren't the same thing..19:13
Rabbitbunnymultwifi: What? That won't help him at all. Back to school with you.19:13
deuteriumguys, do you usually set up a box from scratch again, if only a user account was compromised?19:14
multwifiSirRedTooth: in Gnome, right click the current workspaces at the bottom right, and preferences19:14
suigenerisBrk0li, also, the windows pc has to have remote connectivity enabled19:14
Slartdeuterium: if it's an important box.. yes19:14
Rabbitbunnydeuterium: Yes.19:14
zacqhi i have problem with ubuntu, some one tell me when i write "sudo rm -rf /" my system working faster, now i can`t run system, why?19:14
suigenerisBrk0li, I suggest you use vncviever19:14
Rabbitbunnyzacq: Because you just trashed your system. Reinstall.19:14
jribzacq: that command doesn't do anything19:14
Slartzacq: you've deleted all your system files.. which is odd since ubuntu doesn't let you do that afaik19:15
* erUSUL smells troll19:15
Brk0lirm - rf  removes your root directory19:15
suigenerisBrk0li, and install ultravnc server or equivalent to your windows19:15
deuteriumSlart, Rabbitbunny: it's an important one.. but the attack seems to have been really amateurish and non-critical: http://pastebin.com/dbd7eafe19:15
Rabbitbunnyerk: Shh, we let them play with it for a bit19:15
multwifihow do i configure two wireless cards in ubuntu?19:15
Brk0liwould teamviewer count as an equivalent19:15
SlartBrk0li: it used to do that.. I think there is a check that stops that specific command19:15
Slartdeuterium: or they just wanted it to look that way19:16
Brk0liSlart, when was that added?19:16
actionparsnipYo yo yo19:16
SlartBrk0li: I'm not sure.. I don't really play around with that command that often =)19:17
MyrttiBrk0li: year or two ago19:17
deuteriumSlart: that's what i also thought, but forensics really didn't show anything apart from what's in .bash_history. i think they were just interested in bandwith for some ddos.19:17
Brk0likevin__, hello19:17
Slartdeuterium: just reinstall.. you'll sleep better at night =)19:17
kevin__This is totally off base but is there an IRC channel to ask health questions?19:17
=== zz_b0w is now known as b0w
multwifi!hello | kevin__ | actionparsnip19:17
ubottukevin__ | actionparsnip: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:17
actionparsnipKevin_: could try #ubuntu-offtopic19:18
deuteriumSlart: ok, but it's quite some work ;)19:18
Brk0likevin__, there are a few but not very active19:18
actionparsnipKevin_: I'm sure there will be servers/channels19:18
Slartdeuterium: surely you've got backups..  of course you do.. silly of me to ask ;)19:18
kevin__I'll go there19:18
multwifihow do i configure two wireless cards in ubuntu?19:18
minermy netbook doesn't boot. It freezes at "fsck from util-linux-ng 2.16". Yesterday it was working fine. I have karmic installed on it.19:18
actionparsnipMultwifi: I suggest wicd19:19
xfactHow to edit those (panel) pop up menu in Karmic?19:19
multwifiactionparsnip: wicd does not support more than one wireless card at a time19:19
SpaceGhostC2Cactionparsnip: You're back dude! I've wondered where you were.19:19
RabbitbunnySpaceGhostC2C: In a different time slot.19:19
actionparsnipmultwifi: then use interfaces file in /etc/network19:19
erUSULmultwifi: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "Whatever" && sudo dhclient wlan0. do the same for wlan119:19
=== claudio is now known as Guest49472
TrowaNo ops?  o_O19:20
xfactHow to edit those (panel) pop up menu in Karmic?19:20
actionparsnipSpaceGhostC2C: guys gotta sleep. I come on here to and from work (new job)19:20
multwifierUSUL: is there an easier way, like in windows?19:20
RabbitbunnyTrowa: Hidden.19:20
SlartTrowa: there are.. they are very sneaky though19:20
erUSULmultwifi: use network manager19:20
TrowaOh, mkay.19:20
erUSULmultwifi: you are bieng to vague with your requests. expose your use case19:21
TrowaProbably to avoid a bunch of private messages I guess19:21
deuteriumSlart: there wasn't much data on that box.. i just set it up a couple of days ago and i haven't set up a backup solution yet. had latest packages etc. i estimate chances it has been rooted at perhaps 0.001%19:21
actionparsnipMiner: boot to liveCd and check ram then fsck the internal storage19:21
RabbitbunnyWhen usb-creator lets you select a partition, and theres the format button.... is it actually formatting it? I don't have time to wait and see.19:21
multwifierUSUL: i want to connect to one infrast. network (wifi) and adhoc (wifi) with the second wireless card19:21
SpaceGhostC2Cactionparsnip: Rabbitbunny: I am on like 24/7. What other time slots are there?19:21
erUSULmultwifi: try network manager or wicd19:21
MyrttiTrowa: as per freenode guidelines really...19:21
mineractionparsnip: I'll give that a shot and report back...19:21
guest_89i believe a friends kernel is bad.. how do i fix it?19:21
Slartdeuterium: well.. it's your machine and you do what you want with it.. I would take the time to reinstall it.. but that's me..19:21
D-coym4v p-rrita19:21
multwifierUSUL: tried both, ubuntu must not support it then?19:22
RabbitbunnySpaceGhostC2C: 11pm, Right after your show ;)19:22
TrowaMyrtti:  Sorry, new to freenode.  :)19:22
SpaceGhostC2CRabbitbunny: when the kids go to bed and no adult wants to watch me?19:22
actionparsnipSpaceGhostC2C: I do 4 days on 4 days off 12 hour shifts now. No more 9 to 519:22
guest_89i believe a friends kernel is bad.. how do i fix it?19:22
SpaceGhostC2Cactionparsnip: what do you do? So I'll see you only every 4 days? I've never missed someone so much :)19:22
Drunken_Ironyhave an interesting question. I'm trying to upgrade pulseaudio in ubuntu 9.10. the commands i've read to use are here: http://pastebin.com/m77c6352e19:22
Drunken_Ironywill the apt-get dist-upgrade push me to 10.04 alpha?19:23
Drunken_Ironyor just update the pulse audio?19:23
actionparsnipGuest_89: check the settings for the build and maybe recompile or try some boot options19:23
Slartdeuterium: also it depends on how much you trust your skill in forensics.. are you sure you're cleverer than whoever got into your machine? are you willing to bet anything you put on that machine in the future?19:23
guest_89please explain how to do that ... im totally new to this19:23
jdk1976trying to reinstall grub here. when i attempt this initial command, "find /boot/grub/stage1" i get "error 15: file not found" i see no instructions for when this occurs19:23
jribDrunken_Irony: it will upgrade all packages you have installed to the latest versions in your repositories (no, it won't upgrade to 10.04)19:24
Drunken_Ironythanks jrib19:24
DefunctProcessis there a frontend for gvfs-open?19:24
dublued2Drunken_Irony:  sudo apt-get update19:24
actionparsnipSpaceGhostC2C: aww cute. I use HP openview to monitor a lot of company's infastructure/servers to keep it at max availability19:24
b0wHello! i got some update from Ubuntu two days ago and i got this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/366365/ some people told me that maybe it wuld be my RAM so i made a memtest86 fro 15 hours and everything is fine, anyone can help?19:24
actionparsnip!kernel | guest_8919:24
ubottuguest_89: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages19:24
mineractionparsnip: I booted to the live cd and ran the memory test from the list of options. How long should I let the test run?19:24
deuteriumSlart: the hacker used a dictionary attack on a test account with a weak pwd. then basically just installed an energymech bot (sources from 2003!)  in a barely hidden directory in /tmp/, then started some ddos attacks.19:24
Slartdeuterium: I would also look into some kind of backup that lets you recreate the machine if this happens again.. ask ubottu about !clone .. perhaps you don't have to do a complete image of the hard drive.. perhaps just having the /etc tree is enough..19:24
guest_89secondly, how to update to 10.04 α x64?19:24
guest_89on this working system..19:25
Slart!lucid | guest_8919:25
ubottuguest_89: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+119:25
actionparsnipLucid | Guest_8919:25
CrashOverrideIm back people19:25
actionparsnipGuest_89: to switch from 32bit to 64bit you need to reinstall19:26
SpaceGhostC2CCrashOverride: I tried to miss you :)19:26
deuteriumSlart: ok, thanks. will definitely set up a backup solution.. i just didn't expect to be hacked within a couple of days of having set up a box ;)19:26
SpaceGhostC2Cactionparsnip: you should jump into #ubuntu-offtopic19:26
guest_89this 9.10 is also 46 bit19:26
guest_89*64 bit19:26
SpaceGhostC2C46? Whoa19:26
RabbitbunnyOkay, I really need this startup disk right now... I have a 1gb partition, I'm doing netbook 9.10, The usb creator on desktop 91.0 isn't doing anything. It's just sitting there. How can I make this faster?19:26
CrashOverrideI was gonna say never heard of a 46 bit computer19:26
actionparsnipSpaceGhostC2C: nearly at work dude. Sorry19:26
actionparsnip!upgrade | guest_8919:27
ubottuguest_89: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading19:27
SpaceGhostC2Cactionparsnip: Sorry mate. I'll see you in four days?19:27
b0wHello! i got some update from Ubuntu two days ago and i got this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/366365/ some people told me that maybe it wuld be my RAM so i made a memtest86 fro 15 hours and everything is fine, anyone can help?19:27
Butch128I have an ubuntu VM that I'm trying to use Parted to resize the primary partition of.. Has anyone ever done this before?19:27
actionparsnipSpaceGhostC2C: this is night 2 of 4 ;)19:27
Slartdeuterium: it feels like the old days of getting your windows box infected before the install was finished.. =) (yes.. ot  I know)19:27
CrashOverrideButch123: Is this using VMWare?19:27
SpaceGhostC2Cactionparsnip: so you're on shortly?19:27
suigenerishow can I umount a dir? it says sudo: must be setuid root19:27
CrashOverrideButch128: Is this using VMWare?19:27
SpaceGhostC2Cactionparsnip: well, I hope work isn't too boring.19:27
actionparsnipButch128: shouldn't be the same as a true system19:28
Butch128Ugh, its actually in hyper-v...19:28
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jribsuigeneris: you recently ran some sort of chmod command didn't you?19:28
actionparsnipSpaceGhostC2C: its ok. It has its moments19:28
CrashOverrideButch128: I haven't used that before. Sorry.19:28
suigenerisjrib, no19:28
jribsuigeneris: what is the output of: ls -l `which sudo`19:28
actionparsnipButch128: should be ok. Backup the image incase you get unstuck19:28
Butch128Well, its not so much the implementation, i just need to get "parted" to resize it.  I've already got 20GB "free" space on the virtual drive.19:29
suigenerisjrib, -rwxr-xr-x 1 tolga tolga 123448 2009-06-22 19:14 /usr/bin/sudo19:29
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jribsuigeneris: so you ran both a chmod command AND a chown command at some point in the past?19:29
suigenerisjrib, I only ran chown to own that dir19:29
Butch128I mounted the virtual drive in another distro, so now i have /dev/sda and /dev/sdb.  When I try and use parted, it tells me /dev/sdb1 is alraedy being used, and to unmount it.  When i try and unmount it, it says its not mounted19:29
mineractionparsnip: The ram tests seemed to be ok - no errors. I restarted and chose the "check disk for defects" option from the livecd list and it hung. Any ideas? On /dev/sda1 is an ntfs windows recovery partition that I left in case I needed to restore windows... Could that be the problem?19:29
guest_89CrashOverride, heard of a 128 bit compter?19:29
deuteriumSlart: yes.. but it was my silly mistake.. should have used a harder to guess pwd for that test account19:30
jribsuigeneris: that's not what happened though.  You've changed the permissions on sudo (and I'm guessing more).  What exactly did you run?19:30
CrashOverrideguest_89: Stay on topic please...19:30
Rabbitbunnymy god, the install sequence needs to be sped up...19:30
CrashOverride!offtopic > guest_8919:30
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ubottuguest_89, please see my private message19:30
Butch128I'm running the commands:  parted /dev/sdb,  list shows 3 partitions (primary, extended, logical), and resize 1 32.3kB 20.0GB tells me /dev/sdb1 is already being used and to unmount it...19:30
suigenerisjrib, sudo -R chown tolga:tolga /home/ftp19:30
Butch128But.. unmounting it tells me its not mounted19:30
guest_89ok sorry19:30
jribsuigeneris: you must have also run something else or made a typo19:31
gyntersuigeneris, chown -R ?19:31
suigenerisjrib, oh durn, I must have mounted the wrong disk19:31
CrashOverrideButch128: Can you please pastebin the results of this command: sudo fdisk -l19:31
RabbitbunnyButch128: The partitions have names too, sdb119:31
suigenerisgreat! I have done that19:32
suigenerisnow to fix it19:32
MultiChrisis someone from germany here?19:32
t0lkmy ubuntu box has never been able to figure out wireless, and the last upgrade knocked out wired internet too, can anyone point to a guide about this problem?19:32
Slart!de | MultiChris19:32
CrashOverrideButch128: The best way to find out what the harddrive code is to use: parted -> then type print19:32
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:32
b0wHello! i got some update from Ubuntu two days ago and i got this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/366365/ some people told me that maybe it wuld be my RAM so i made a memtest86 fro 15 hours and everything is fine, anyone can help?19:32
jribsuigeneris: reinstall is easiest way19:32
jribsuigeneris: (reintsall ubuntu system, backup your data of course)19:33
guest_89CrashOverride, how do you land the boeing 757 btw?19:33
Slartb0w: I suppose it could be a bad harddrive as well19:33
Woltheranyone using ubuntu on T400 thinkpad?19:33
b0wSlart: so thres no fix for that?19:33
CrashOverrideGuest_89 that has nothing to do with support. Please stay on topic..19:33
RabbitbunnyWolther: Tell us your problem, That's easier to fix.19:33
Slartb0w: try this "sudo apt-get install --reinstall initramfs-tools"19:33
suigenerisjrib, ^^19:34
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jribsuigeneris: no problem19:34
Butch128Ok, this is an entire pastie of the commands I'm trying to run: http://pastie.org/80322219:34
leglaudesomeone know shorewall timeelement ?19:34
Butch128you see it lists both drives.. i go into one of the drives with parted.. I must be missing a step somewhere19:34
CrashOverrideButch128: Have you used the sudo mount command?19:35
Butch128root@ubuntu-server:~# umount /dev/sdb119:35
b0wSlart: http://paste.ubuntu.com/366370/19:35
Butch128umount: /dev/sdb1: not mounted19:35
WoltherRabbitbunny: No problem, I was thinking of getting one.19:35
gynterButch128, mount -l please19:35
CrashOverrideit is Mount19:35
CrashOverrideno umount19:36
Slartb0w: ok.. do what it says.. "sudo dpkg --configure -a"19:36
CrashOverrideumount unmounts things19:36
Slartb0w: or that's when you get that other thing?19:36
RabbitbunnyWolther: Then you'll be better server looking up what hardware it uses and checking the compatability list19:36
Butch128CrashOverride: http://pastie.org/80322419:36
Butch128gynter: http://pastie.org/80322419:36
RabbitbunnyWolther: s/server/served/19:36
CrashOverrideButch128: Type this: sudo mkdir /mnt/drive19:36
b0wSlart: yeah when i do that i get the other thing posted previosly19:36
Butch128Crashoverride: done19:37
Slartb0w: hmm.. tricky..19:37
CrashOverrideButch128: then try: sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/disk19:37
hajmolais there a way to make evolution act like gmail so threads with a new message get moved to the top?19:37
gynterCrashOverride,   /mnt/drive you mean?19:37
WoltherRabbitbunny: it's fully supported19:37
Butch128CrashOverride: root@ubuntu-server:~# sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/drive - done19:37
CrashOverrideyah srry19:37
RabbitbunnyWolther: Sweet. Get one, thinkpads tend to be rocks.19:37
tim_I have an issue when i go between ubuntu and windows. I have about a half centimeter that is pushed too far to the right on ubuntu after using windows and adjusting to windows. if i have it set for ubuntu, then the screen is 1/2 cm to the left on windows.19:37
Butch128It's now mounted, i can browse it in /mnt/drive19:38
evoalguien que sepa español me puede echar una mano??19:38
gynterButch128, now unmount it and try to resize19:38
CrashOverrideButch128: now type: cd /mnt/disk19:38
HairyDudeanyone know about the /emul hierarchy? lib32gmp3 installs there instead of /usr/lib32 meaning 32-bit programs can't actually find it19:38
CrashOverrideOh wait he was trying to resize19:38
Butch128CrashOverride: yep, in the disk, i see all the files19:38
Butch128yeah =)19:38
CrashOverrideButch128: You might want to backup all the files19:38
gynteri agree with that one19:38
Butch128CrashOverride: They already are, i have an image of this VM19:38
CrashOverrideButch128: then use this command to umount: umount /mnt/disk19:38
CrashOverrideButch128: Then try to resize using gparted19:38
Butch128Don't have GParted, command line only19:39
CrashOverrideButch128: Easiest program to resize uses a GUI interface19:39
Slartb0w: I wonder if manually downloading the initramfs-tools package and extracting the executable file might work19:39
Butch128so, i have "parted"19:39
Pipouiam pipou19:39
CrashOverrideOh i see19:39
CrashOverrideYou dont have Ubuntu Desktop then?19:39
hajmolaPipou, yes we see that. Hello19:39
Butch128yeah, I've used GParted many times, and it works very well, its Ubuntu Server19:39
CrashOverrideOh i see19:39
Butch128and its command line only unfortunatly, no graphics =(19:39
b0wSlart: ok, ill try it thanks!19:39
Butch128and "parted" is telling me that /dev/sdb1 is mounted.. when its not..19:40
Rabbitbunny!es > evo19:40
ubottuevo, please see my private message19:40
Butch128CrashOvrerride: or "in use", and to unmount it19:40
tim_is there a way to adjust what the positioning of my desktop is on my screen?19:40
evoRabbitbunny, gracias19:40
hajmolatim_, you'll have to be a bit more specific19:40
CrashOverrideButch128: One moment pls19:40
Slartb0w: here's the package for karmic http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/utils/initramfs-tools19:41
=== EagleWatch is now known as eaglewatch
Butch128CrashOverride: np, thanks a bunch for the help.. I'm lost as to why it's not working =(19:41
CrashOverrideButch128: This article may help you: http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_resizing_ext3_partitions19:41
b0wSlart: k thanks19:41
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Butch128ah nice, google wasnt turning up a howto forge article, thanks19:41
CrashOverrideButch128: No problem. Need anything else?19:42
Butch128CrashOverride: nope, so long as the tutorial works, thanks again =)19:42
CrashOverrideButch128: Thanks for using Ubuntu. Have a wonderful day/night19:43
HairyDudeanyone know about the /emul hierarchy? lib32gmp3 installs there instead of /usr/lib32 meaning 32-bit programs can't actually find it19:43
Welshy-Robis there a way i can see what my webcams doing via a command in terminal?19:44
tim_is there any possible way for me to adjust how my monitor displays my desktop? i have to keep hitting the auto adjust button on my monitor when i go between ubuntu and windows, and would like to avoid that19:45
unimatrixWelshy-Rob: you want to watch your webcam in terminal?19:45
Rabbitbunnyunimatrix: Probably view it's state.19:45
unimatrixtim_: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/121855/1263904900920.jpg19:46
Welshy-Robunimatrix, nah , i used a command the other day and it brought up my webcam was doing19:46
codebxWelshy-Rob, what was your webcam doing when you used the command?19:46
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:47
dvheumenhey, I'd like to learn how the packaging and such works, especially how and what to do with the deb source packages. Can anyone point me in the right direction. I don't know exactly how and were to start looking.19:47
guest_89sudo rm /boot/2.6.31-14-generic                  all say this command kills   why?19:47
Welshy-Robcodebx, #well it was on just looking outside my room :P19:47
Slartguest_89: it removes a kernel .. which you shouldn't do manually.. use apt instead19:47
Liquid-Silenceguest_89: don't type stuff like that in the channel!19:47
hajmolatim_ that might mean your resolution/refresh settings might be different. If they were in the same mode it wouldn't do that19:48
Liquid-Silencepeople might go and run it19:48
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hajmolatim_, *shouldn't19:48
Liquid-Silencelater dudes19:48
Liquid-SilenceI am off to bed19:48
guest_89LiquefiedSilence: huh why?19:48
ZykoticK9HairyDude, try using the "linux32 usual_command..." and perhaps that will look in the lib32 directory19:48
tim_ok. thanks.19:48
ozstr1kerhello there19:49
ozstr1kerhow can i run this http://gamenes.net/ answer me plz19:49
unimatrix!ask > ozstr1ker19:49
ubottuozstr1ker, please see my private message19:49
guest_89Liquid-Silence, why?19:49
ZykoticK9HairyDude, also check out the program getllibs, it's VERY handy for installing things into lib3219:50
Slartozstr1ker: it requires silverlight.. not sure if the open source equivalent works good enough yet19:50
ZykoticK9HairyDude, s/getllibs/getlibs19:50
ozstr1kerSlart thx19:51
unimatrixozstr1ker: you can install moonlight (which is the linux version of silverlight) and try it, but don't be surprised if it doesn't work19:51
guest_89aal ya needta type is 'sudo rm /boot/*' n then key in the password, man19:51
codebxuh oh, guest_89 probably wants banned19:51
=== eaglewatch is now known as EagleWatch
hajmolaguest_89, clever....19:52
guest_89then ya restart, n TADA!19:52
ozstr1kerhad install addon for firefox - moonlight and not works. thx room19:52
Dan_EIs this the latest version? XChat-GNOME 0.26.119:52
dvheumenanyone? somewhere where I can find info on using apt-source and debian rules for compiling prepared ubuntu packages and such ... I'm trying to familiarize myself with the system's internals19:53
=== evo is now known as EvoLuT
half-buntuppl like guest_89 really have fun eh?19:54
Gangrelhow can i add widgets like clock/notes etc ? (like side bar in vista)19:54
unimatrixGangrel: install a utility called screenlets19:54
Drunken_Ironygangrel, you can get something like gdesklet, or screenlets19:54
usserGangrel, desklets19:54
unimatrixGangrel: more info: http://www.screenlets.org19:54
HairyDudeZykoticK9: all that does is change the output of uname, it doesn't have any effect on ld19:54
unimatrixusser: nah, desklets are far less impressive than screenlets19:55
usserunimatrix, Gangrel ah yea screenlets19:55
dueyfinsterGangrel: Google also does desktop fo Linux19:55
half-buntu!kernel > tsimpson19:55
ubottutsimpson, please see my private message19:55
Bigshotwhat's ubuntu-"alternate" x64 for?19:55
Gesii have a problem with grub 2 i think19:55
Gesican anyone help me ?19:56
unimatrixBigshot: for when you don't have enough memory to run a graphic server from live CD19:56
Gesimy pc wont start ubuntu19:57
Gesii just get a boot screen and nothing else19:57
dueyfinsterGesi: Did you install already?19:57
unimatrix!ask > fabio19:57
ubottufabio, please see my private message19:57
shane2peruI have been trying to copy a 140GB file to an external hdd formatted with ntfs for 3 days now, it is about 70% finished. I plan on letting it finish, but does anyone have a bright idea of how to do this better next time?19:58
fabioi need to know which ati card is fast wnough for compiz/kwin19:58
Gesidueyfinster can i pm you ?19:58
fabiothe same for nvidia also19:58
fabioi mean: not the minimun requirement.19:58
shane2perufabio, I recommend staying away from ati, just my personal experience19:58
Drunken_Ironynvidia is better imo.19:59
dueyfinsterGesi: Keep it on the channel, if I cant help others might have info19:59
Drunken_Ironylots of people having issues with ati19:59
Gesidueyfinster, ok19:59
dueyfinsterGesi: You get a message?19:59
fabiowhat nvidia if decent for kde 4.4 / kwin / compiz?19:59
fabiothe same for ati please!!19:59
shane2perufabio, I have nvidia GT9500 and it seems fine with Compiz enabled, however I run Gnome, not K19:59
dueyfinsterGesi: Like grub error 2 or something?19:59
maffelinuxUhm, in shell scripting when you want to iterate a number, why do you have to do X=$((X+1))  <--what's the secret behind the double parenthesis?19:59
unimatrixfabio: pretty much any card since 2001 is good enough for compiz, but as the others have said, ATI is nothing but trouble on linux20:00
erUSULmaffelinux: that's the way to do math in bash20:00
erUSULmaffelinux: one of the ways20:00
maffelinuxbut what's the logic behind the parenthesis?20:00
fabiounimatrix: my ati is slow with compiz / kwin activated (ati igp 345 rs200)20:00
darkstar1evening evryone.  I'm kind of new to this so forgive any noobishness20:00
erUSULmaffelinux: it is just th syntax the implementator choose20:00
dueyfinsterdarkstar1: Evenin20:00
budothe multi-viewer evince does not copy text correctly. it will copy both sides of a divided page. how might i go about correcting this issue?20:01
erUSULmaffelinux: more in #bash20:01
maffelinuxoh, so if you want to do arithemtics, you have to use a double parentheses20:01
=== rainbow is now known as Guest74394
Gesidueyfinster, no i just get a screen like  : http://bayimg.com/HAKcFAaCb20:01
erUSULmaffelinux: yes; only integer iirc20:01
darkstar1Just wanted to ask a question. Is it possible to switch to 64bit without re-installing everything?20:01
erUSULdarkstar1: no20:01
fabiolast question: is it possible to get a new ATI hd 3200 or better working on linux without troubles and with a decent speed?20:01
darkstar1I just finally installed my ubuntu 8.0420:02
darkstar1aahhh damn!! thanks20:02
ekim1darkstar1:  why wouldnt you install the latest?20:02
darkstar1 on disk so I figured why not try it out20:02
[NaL]Does anyone here have experience with LG phones and Ubuntu?20:03
darkstar1currently upgrading in the bg at the mo so I'll be up to date soonis20:03
Drunken_Ironydarkstar: you're missing lots of new features with 9.10. :)20:03
Blue1how can I tell a file is a file or a symlink?20:03
unimatrixfabio: maybe you should try #radeon and #ati20:03
RabbitbunnyNetbook remix looks like stupid-mode... I'm totally installing this for kids from now on.20:03
erUSULBlue1: ls -l should tell you20:03
dueyfinsterGesi: Check your BIOS (delete or esc or F2) make sure your disk is selected first to boot20:03
darkstar1Last time I used any *nix was Freebsd 6 years ago20:03
Drunken_Ironyrabbit: yea, I didn't like the UNR either.20:03
Blue1erUSUL: thanks20:03
unimatrixBlue1: even better, just type: file filename20:04
Gesidueyfinster, i get a lot of alternatives can you help me on chosing the correct one20:04
Blue1unimatrix: thanks20:04
darkstar1so I decided yesterday to come back and see what's happening on the ubuntu front20:04
RabbitbunnyDrunken_Irony: I'm doing this for a macbook owner, It'll fit fine.20:04
dueyfinsterGesi: The picture is you bios so it looks like hard drive failure20:04
erUSULBlue1: also plain ls colors links "light blue"20:04
Gesidueyfinster, i mean is it sth with api or only with HDD20:04
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dueyfinsterGesi: How do you mean alternattives?20:04
dueyfinsterGesi: Sth?20:05
Gesidueyfinster, when i select the master boot device it shows several alternatives20:05
unimatrixdueyfinster: i believe that means "something"20:05
Gesidueyfinster, i mean which could be the best one20:05
=== DGPRO is now known as DGPRO|away
tim__i have a monitor issue. both windows and linux use the same resolution and the refresh rate but i have to adjust the monitor when i switch between the two, help20:05
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Gesidueyfinster, it shows even some USB a Zip HDD and sth else20:06
Gesidueyfinster, i think i selected HDD20:06
dueyfinsterGesi: Plug out any usb or other devices, it should be first on the list. Do you know who manufacturs your hdd?20:07
darkstar1I have two important questions at the moment the first being where can I find my keyboard map? I need to know what button my insert button is20:07
dueyfinsterGesi: Yes that should be it20:07
Gesidueyfinster, ok ill try20:07
dueyfinsterGesi: Make sure its first and ty reboot20:07
Colloguyis it possible to set a max pstate, like you can a max cstate ?20:07
unimatrixdarkstar1: what do you mean by that20:08
Gesidueyfinster, and sth else should i change the primary boot device or the master boot20:08
Blue1i'm trying to get flash to work in opera - but not having any luck20:08
Gesidueyfinster, i remember those were in different places20:08
Gesidueyfinster, and i think those mean different things20:08
dueyfinsterGesi: primary boot device is nearly always first hdd20:08
norstromany one able to help with a LVM issue?20:09
dueyfinsterGesi: master boot record is on the first hdd, as long as its set to boot first you should be okay20:09
BlueGA friend of mine has an open router and for some reason I can't get Ubuntu to connect to it. It appears to have good signal and it shows unencrypted. Ubuntu will connect to other open routers, but not this one. My friend's laptop with XP will connect to the open router that Ubuntu will not. Any suggestions?20:09
darkstar1unimatrix I found it but the keyboard map doesn't match my keyboard at the moment20:10
Gesidueyfinster, ok thanks very much i will try after 15 min bcz i have to do sth20:10
Gesidueyfinster, talk to you later :)20:10
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kamili've got one problem... i dunno how to share internet for my xbox 360... working since yesterday and no results...20:10
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darkstar1I'm using a mac keyboard and have my keymap settings to match20:10
kamilif some1 could help me, plz PM me20:10
dueyfinsterGesi: Np thanks20:10
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=== DGPRO|away is now known as DGPRO
Guest24309Whenever I run Bejeweled Deluxe, all it does is just change the screen resolution. Please help me!!!20:11
Blue1ahh there's no 64 bit flash player20:11
unimatrixBlue1: not true, there's an alpha version.. i'm using it and it works quite nice20:12
Blue1unimatrix: I don't ssee that on the adobe site...20:12
BlueGI don't get any useful error message when it fails to connect, either. The Network Manager icon shows it trying to connect for a while, then announces that you are disconnected.20:13
Blue1unimatrix: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/20:13
Guest24309Whenever I run Bejeweled Deluxe, all it does is just change the screen resolution. Please help me!!!20:13
b0bbrradoes ubuntu\most linux applications utilize multiple cores?20:13
unimatrixBlue1: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/64bit.html20:13
b0bbrrai know on winblows it hardly does20:13
guntbertb0bbrra: thats spelled windows :)20:14
Myrttib0bbrra: depends on how the applications are compiled, but I'd say in most cases yes20:15
Blue1unimatrix: d/l now20:15
unimatrixBlue1: be sure to remove flashplayer-nonfree first20:15
guntbert!anyone | norstrom20:15
ubottunorstrom: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:15
Blue1unimatrix: huh?20:16
Dan_Ein synaptic what is the difference between marking a program for removal and mark for complete removal?20:16
surfHi guys. Karmic. I had a problem with my wi-fi connection so someone in the chat told me to install wicd. That fixed a lil bit but now my connection keeps on disconnetting from the eth0 device. Any help?20:16
NotTooSmartDan_E: configuration files will be removed etc20:16
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unimatrixBlue1: if you've installed the 32bit flash, you should remove it before you install the 64bit version20:16
FlannelDan_E: "complete removal" removes all the config/help files, remove just removes the binaries (complete removal is equivalent to purge in command line stuff)20:17
Dan_Ethanks guys20:17
Blue1unimatrix: i never installed flash so should be okay I think -where should I unload the tar?  /usr/lib/?20:17
unimatrixBlue1: right, untar it to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins20:17
surfHi guys. Karmic. I had a problem with my wi-fi connection so someone in the chat told me to install wicd. That fixed a lil bit but now my connection keeps on disconnetting from the eth0 device. Any help?20:18
mohadibhello, its it possible to close a termnial window without a warning20:21
mohadib"do you really want to close"20:21
guntbertmohadib: <ctrl>d does it20:21
mohadibnot in irssi20:21
mohadibi use ctrl-d otherwise20:22
gynterI'm trying to use arecord/aplay to test my BT headset. Conf files and problem is here http://pastie.org/80327220:22
guntbertmohadib: close irssi first?20:22
mohadibguntbert: um, that didnt answer my question20:22
mohadibcan i config something to just close windows when i hit x20:22
mohadibasif im a big boy20:23
guntbertmohadib: I know - but I'm lazy and don't use the mouse with the terminal20:23
unimatrixmohadib: is that gnome-terminal ?20:23
surfHi guys. Karmic. I had a problem with my wi-fi connection so someone in the chat told me to install wicd. That fixed a lil bit but now my connection keeps on disconnetting from the eth0 device. Any help?20:23
unimatrixmohadib: i believe that only happens when you're logged into root isn't it20:23
mohadiblet me check20:24
HairyDudewell, I filed a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gmp/+bug/51524920:24
mohadibunimatrix: ah, yes, thanks20:24
unimatrixmohadib: i usually just press ctrl+d twice... the first time it logs out from root, the second time it closes the terminal20:25
=== DGPRO is now known as DGPRO|away
darkstar1what's a Good Development IDE for ubuntu for C++/C20:26
vianocturna85darkstar: personally I have had a good experience with eclipse20:27
erUSUL!info anjuta20:27
blakkheimdarkstar1: vi20:27
unimatrixdarkstar1: anjuta20:27
ubottuanjuta (source: anjuta): A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 2: (karmic), package size 1504 kB, installed size 3884 kB20:27
pennydoes anyone know about xubuntu20:27
Nico1985wow i'm connected20:27
Myrttipenny: #xubuntu might be helpful ;-)20:27
vianocturna85penny: What do you want to know?20:27
guntbertpenny: there is #xubuntu20:28
darkstar1thanks ppl. I found eclipse to be a resource heavy years ago when I tried to get into Java programming20:28
pennyi have installed xubuntu on a older pc an were the applications are on top on my laptop they are not on this pc20:28
darkstar1and from what I hear it still is20:28
adamkexpenny: right click on the desktop20:28
vianocturna85penny: its right-click20:28
surfHi guys. Karmic. I had a problem with my wi-fi connection so someone in the chat told me to install wicd. That fixed a lil bit but now my connection keeps on disconnetting from the eth0 device. Any help?20:28
Blue1unimatrix: uh oh I messed up firefox now20:29
pennyi was trying to find the audio were i can turn up the sound or unmute it do you know  were i can find this20:29
unimatrixBlue1: how exactly did you manage that with just one file?20:29
Blue1unimatrix: ff won't play flash (like youtube) now20:30
unimatrixBlue1: did you restart FF?20:30
Blue1unimatrix: yes several times20:30
unimatrixBlue1: are you sure it's a 64bit firefox?20:30
hiexpopenny, - it sound be on the upper right corner20:30
unimatrixBlue1: what's in your /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins folder20:30
pennynot there20:30
pennybar on top gone20:31
Blue1unimatrix: let me see20:31
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:31
hiexpopenny, - ok go to system/pref/ sound20:31
BlueGAny suggestions on why Network Manager won't connect to an open wireless network with a strong signal?20:31
hiexpowhatdid you do delete the tool bar20:32
NotTooSmartBlueG: is trying wicd an option?20:32
javadhello , how to fix this problem with hsfmodem driver ? http://pastebin.com/m2277784820:33
Blue1unimatrix: http://paste.ubuntu.com/366405/20:33
unimatrixBlue1: flashplugin-alternative.so.xxx20:33
unimatrixBlue1: something flash-related is installed20:33
Blue1unimatrix: yes I renamed the file that was there...20:34
Dan_Epenny is there an arrow on either side of your screen?20:34
Blue1unimatrix: i can undo it all20:34
unimatrixBlue1: see which flash is loaded in firefox by typing about:plugins into the address bar20:34
Blue1unimatrix: let me check20:34
surfmy eth connection keeps on disconnecting. Karmic. Any idea?20:34
BlueGNotTooSmart: I suppose I could try that... I will have to either get the computer somewhere that it does connect, or download the package from another computer and install it from a flash drive... does it have many dependancies? Also, I did try following some directions to configure it from the commandline, but could never get a dhcp lease.20:35
=== sisu_math is now known as moomlyn
Blue1unimatrix: Shockwave Flash File name:  npwrapper.libflashplayer.so Shockwave Flash 10.0 r4220:35
unimatrixBlue1: yes, you have 32bit flash installed20:36
Blue1unimatrix: okay how do I nuke that and get the right one then?20:36
bcurtiswxanyone know why a HP TX2000 (touchscreen and fingerprint) runs so hot with Ubuntu?20:36
gynterhmm any ideas why ~> arecord -D bluetooth -f S16_LE | aplay -D bluetooth -f S16_LE works as root, but not as my user?20:36
unimatrixBlue1: just go to Synaptic, search for flash, and remove anything it finds20:37
Blue1unimatrix: okay20:37
LuksPartitiongynter: if you go in to user accounts do your user and group have priveledges to use audio devices, or are they a member of pulse-rt and pulse-audio group ( look for something pulse-audio related if your using it)20:37
darkstar1I'll be back.. looks like the packages have finished downloaded for the upgrade20:38
bcurtiswxanyone know how to stop a laptop tx2000 HP from running hot?20:39
surfmy eth connection keeps on disconnecting. Karmic. Any idea?20:39
usserbcurtiswx, apt-get install cpufrequtils20:39
Blue1unimatrix: that works - blessings!20:39
unimatrixBlue1: you're welcome20:40
usserbcurtiswx, and scale the cpu down20:40
Leoneofhi, my 2nd partition is ext4, but i cant copy files on it, and not able to cut files, how to solve this?20:40
Blue1unimatrix: maybe that's why ff is unstable...for me - it was running the 32 bit plugin20:40
MTec007how do i figure out what /dev/ my cdrom drive is for use in dd?20:40
bcurtiswxusser: wil try, brb20:40
kermitgahh how do i keep the display from dimming every time i dont type for 15 seconds.20:40
LuksPartitionsurf: pastebin /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/hosts20:40
unimatrixBlue1: it's one of the reasons, yup, but ubuntu developers refuse to implement 64bit flash because it's "alpha stage"20:41
unimatrixBlue1: as if the 32bit version is any better20:41
Blue1unimatrix: i had no problems in 9.04 but then I was running the alpha flash with it - when I moved to 9.10 i started having problems - now I know why20:41
guntbertkermit: system/preferences/powermanagement - unselect "dim when idle"20:42
kermitguntbert: that doesnt work20:42
=== pauljw_vm is now known as pauljw
Leoneofhi, my 2nd partition is ext4, but i cant copy files on it, and not able to delete any file, how to solve this?20:42
surfLuksPartition, http://pastebin.com/d479a202a20:42
LuksPartitionLeoneof: pastebin /etc/fstab ?20:42
Dan_Ekermit sounds like a power management thing to me or screen saver20:43
guntbertkermit: there are three tab, one for ac, one for battery20:43
bcurtiswxusser: how exactly do you use that?20:44
risowats the easiest program to use when making webpages?20:44
usserbcurtiswx, on the terminal cpufreq-info20:44
LuksPartitionsurf: how do you start eth0 ? I see no line about eth0 do you use ifup ?20:44
gynterLuksPartition, i'm not using pulse. But I can't figure out which group member i'll have to be, I have selected logically some groups (voice, audio,20:45
surfLuksPartition, wicd20:45
usserbcurtiswx, do you see anything about p-states available20:45
LeoneofLuksPartition: but i can copy and delete when i use "gksu nautilus", why?20:45
usserbcurtiswx, also run cat /proc/cpuinfo and pastebin the results20:45
LuksPartitionLeoneof: because root can usually do anything20:45
LuksPartitiongynter: ok, what are you using then?20:45
LeoneofLuksPartition: how to make this to any user?20:45
gynterLuksPartition, I'm using alsa plugin20:46
risowats the easiest program to use when making webpages?20:46
Gesii have two choices primary master and primary slave could anyone help me ???20:46
LuksPartitionLeoneof: here is an example I use for someones flash mp3 player to mount as user on my system..... /dev/sdc1 /mp3 vfat user20:46
risoGesi:primary master20:46
usserLuksPartition, that wont work with ext3/4 partition i think20:46
Gesiriso, thanks for replying , so i should set it as HDD sth ???20:47
LeoneofLuksPartition: but i've been using NTFS without any problem, everyone can access on it20:47
gynterLuksPartition, the device bluetooth is my headset (http://wiki.bluez.org/wiki/HOWTO/AudioDevices#AlsaPlugin)20:47
LuksPartitionusser: ok, thanks for the info are you sure though ?20:47
usserLuksPartition, with ext you just need to chown/chmod the mount point to the correct permissions20:47
kermitDan_E, guntbert: removing and killing gnome-power-manager stopped it20:47
Leoneofusser: help me with my ext4 :/20:47
bcurtiswxusser: p-state---> ?available cpufreq governors: conservative, ondemand, userspace, powersave, performance20:47
LuksPartitionLeoneof: sudo chmod 755 /mnt/point && sudo chown user:group /mnt/point20:48
MTec007How do i figure out what /dev/ my cdrom drive is for use in the dd command?20:48
surfLuksPartition, If I try ifconfig things are correct. It sistematically drops ... it does not say "Disconnect" but if I try to search the net or ping anything it just can't find the host20:48
LuksPartitionsurf: ok, is your modem or anything dropping, are you using a router, tell me your specific setup20:48
LeoneofLuksPartition: how about to make for my account only?20:48
usserbcurtiswx, cpufreq-selector -g ondemand20:48
LuksPartitionLeoneof: use chown user:group20:49
usserbcurtiswx, this will set your cpu to scale up/down depending on the load20:49
adamkexMTec007: /dev/sr0 is usually your cd/dvd20:49
usserLeoneof, where is it mounted?20:49
guntbertkermit: seems a bit harsh - but if you are satisfied :)20:49
surfLuksPartition, it's a router. I dunno if it's dropping, it worked well before I installed this wicd. But I had problems with the wi-fi connection so this wicd solved the wireless situation20:49
Leoneofusser: what do u mean? i'm beginner :/20:49
kermitguntbert: if i knew another way that works i'd use it20:49
usserbcurtiswx, there's also an applet for gnome-panel that allows you to control scaling without going into terminal20:49
usserLeoneof, whats the full path to your ext4 partition20:50
bcurtiswxusser: yeah, ic that thx20:50
usserLeoneof, like i usually mount my external ones to /data20:50
guntbertkermit: understandable20:50
usserbcurtiswx, no problem20:50
LuksPartitionsurf: are you using dhcp ?20:50
Leoneofit is /Games20:50
surfLuksPartition, yes20:50
Leoneofusser:  it is /Games20:50
luisakamotorsomeone can help me with jdk6 version 18 installation?20:50
usserbcurtiswx, you can also install laptop-tools or some such to spin down harddrives etc20:50
bcurtiswxusser: i find that the panel icons always default to ondemand.. so i don't think thats going to help20:50
n3wjackhi all20:50
MTec007adamkex, thank you20:51
n3wjackare there any known issues with the Ubuntu 10 ISO? I can't seem to get it to burn.20:51
usserbcurtiswx, laptop-mode-tools is the exact package name20:51
n3wjackUbuntu 9.10 I mean20:51
ekim1burn using a slower speed.20:51
usserLeoneof, so you want to allow everyone to access it?20:51
luisakamotorwhy i can't find sun-java6-jdk in ubuntu repositories?20:51
Leoneofusser: no, just for my account only20:52
LuksPartitionsurf: ok, add these lines to your /etc/network/interfaces http://pastebin.com/m4fa7e8f5 where eth0 is whatever the wired NIC is20:52
LuksPartitiongynter: honestly im not sure at this point it should work20:52
bcurtiswxusser: http://paste.ubuntu.com/366419/20:53
guntbert!md5sum | n3wjack did you check?20:53
ubottun3wjack did you check?: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:53
usserLeoneof, ok so sudo chown <yourusername>:<yourusername> -R /Games20:53
usserbcurtiswx, yea its already scaled down to the minimum20:53
bcurtiswxif it's a 64 bit chip and running 32 bit OS.. would that cause it to run a lot?20:53
usserbcurtiswx, what kind of video card does it have? anything nvidia by any chance?20:53
bcurtiswxusser: ^^20:54
usserbcurtiswx, nope20:54
adamkexMTec007: you're welcome20:54
Leoneofusser: is there are easy gui for this?20:54
bcurtiswxits an ATI card20:54
LuksPartitionLeoneof: command line is the easiest way to do it20:54
b0bbrraluisakamotor: use synaptic20:54
usserLeoneof, yea run file manager with gksudo right click on /Games and go to permissions tab, you can change the owner there20:54
LeoneofLuksPartition: but i forget the commands easily :/20:54
Leoneofusser: wow, i will try it20:55
usserLeoneof, but i doubt chown command is that hard :)20:55
LuksPartitionLeoneof: keep a .txt file thats what I do :-) and you will start to learn20:55
surfLuksPartition, k did it. I hope it's not a router problem...20:55
bcurtiswxusser: it's an ATI card20:55
LuksPartitionsurf: what do your router dhcp settings look like?20:55
luisakamotorwith synaptic i can see that default java app is openjdk/jre20:55
LeoneofLuksPartition: lol good idea20:55
usserbcurtiswx, bummer, are you using the drivers from ati.com?20:55
n-iCeis it possible to block the deplacement of the icons and plasmoids on kubuntu?20:55
bcurtiswxi think its the one that karmic installed at first20:56
usserbcurtiswx, nvidia drivers scale the gpu pretty well, ati not so much20:56
bcurtiswxif thats the right onw20:56
n-iCethat only the sudo user can move it20:56
surfLuksPartition, the router settings are "Always up" and "DHCP from to"20:56
usserbcurtiswx, right.20:56
luisakamotorb0bbrra: with synaptic i can see that default java app is openjdk/jre20:56
surfLuksPartition, Should I try to give to this machine a fixed ip?20:56
LuksPartitionsurf: it does not have like a renewal time?20:56
Leoneofusser: i did it, thank you ^_^20:57
surfLuksPartition, what you mean by that?20:57
LuksPartitionsurf: usually dhcp addresses are "released" and "renewed" between server/client every so often IE like 24 hrs20:57
bcurtiswxusser: based on the proc/cpu where's an OK level to max the cpu at?20:57
surfLuksPartition, ok maybe I got it. No I don't think. With the other 10 pcs there are no problem20:57
n-iCeis it possible to block the deplacement of the icons and plasmoids on kubuntu? that only the sudo user can move it20:57
usserLeoneof, no problem20:57
LeoneofLuksPartition: thanks for your help ^_^20:57
usserbcurtiswx, not sure what you mean20:58
LuksPartitionLeoneof: no problemo ;-)20:58
surfLuksPartition, I think it's something connected to the mac address... because each machine has an ip and everytime you reconnect that machine it gives you the same ip you had the first time20:58
codebxLuksPartition, you are a man among gods :) i mean... a god among men... i mean..20:58
LuksPartitioncodebx: huh20:58
M25anyone know why cat | bash | sed 's-\\-/-' works in bash, but cat | sed 's-\\-/-' | bash doesn't?20:58
usserbcurtiswx, ubuntu's ondemand governor is usually pretty good at deciding when to scale up/down, so theres no ok level i suppose20:58
bcurtiswxusser: ok thx20:58
codebxLuksPartition, oh i was just teasing you... an odd way of giving you a compliment20:58
LuksPartitionsurf: yea the router gives the same mac address the same ip usually to avoid conflicts on the network....20:58
LuksPartitionsurf: for an extra layer of just making things work though, i turn dhcp off and use static addresses20:59
javad1how to fix this problem in installing hsfmodem driver http://pastebin.com/m2277784820:59
=== pauljw_vm is now known as pauljw
LuksPartitioncodebx: haha, im not even that knowledgeable yet ;-P20:59
=== Johnny is now known as Guest75852
surfLuksPartition, I see. I will try tomorrow. But things always work in the other ubuntu/fedora machines :/21:00
Guest75852How do I enable USB on wine?21:00
n3wjackthe checksum works out alright, so at least the file is ok21:00
LuksPartitionsurf: I know how you feel and my nvidia card worked in the last version :\21:00
adacWhat do I need to do to make boot process verbose (disable grafical boot)21:00
unimatrixGuest75852: you don't... it either works or it doesn't... usually it's the latter21:00
guntbertn3wjack: then the next step would be a slow burn and from the menu choose "check CD"21:01
usserM25, what are you trying to do?21:01
Guest75852unimatrix: what is the "latter:21:01
n3wjackI'll try the slow burn, that might be the problem21:01
usserM25, replace \ with / ?21:01
surfLuksPartition, oh I see :/. I try to never update when things work well... now with this Karmic I'm having too many connection problems :(21:01
unimatrixGuest75852: what are you trying to do21:01
codebxGuest75852, in the sentence "it either works or it doesn't" - "it works" = former, "it doesn't work" = latter21:01
M25usser: yeah, I've got a terminal device that doesn't have a / key, so I'm trying to swap it for a / using the shellscript that pipes it to a bash session21:02
LuksPartitionsurf: I have a machine locked at version 6.04 cause it works21:02
M25usser: the sed line works, but only when it's after the bash session, not before21:02
Guest75852unimatrix: I'm trying to install my hp printer on my computer, using the setup disk, It gets to a point where it says that I have to quit because it doesn't detect any usb connections.21:03
surfLuksPartition, lol that's cool :) If things work why should you change it? :D21:03
unimatrixGuest75852: you don't install drivers with wine :P21:03
Guest75852unimatrix: then what do I do?21:03
usserM25, hm works here oleg@oleg-linux:~$ cat | sed 's-\\-/-g' | bash21:03
usserbash: line 1: /////: is a directory21:03
unimatrixGuest75852: just add your printer in the printer settings21:04
M25usser: wtf....21:04
Guest75852unimatrix: does it have to be connected21:04
usserM25, with the global modifier though,21:04
M25usser: tried that myself, didn't work...21:04
unimatrixGuest75852: usually it's a good idea21:04
M25usser: yeah, just copied/pasted your line, ls prints nothing back21:05
codebxwill somebody please think of the children21:05
Guest75852unimatrix: my printer is upstairs and my computer is downstairs21:05
usserM25, lemme run an actual command21:05
M25usser: what version of ubuntu are you running?21:05
unimatrixGuest75852: ...so?21:05
usserM25, oleg@oleg-linux:~$ cat | sed 's-\\-/-g' | bash21:06
usserls -l \home\oleg21:06
ussertotal 1621:06
usserdrwxr-xr-x 2 oleg oleg 4096 2010-01-30 17:43 Desktop21:06
usserM25, its debian lenny actually21:06
usserM25, lemme try on my karmic laptop21:06
mkanyicyusser, what are you trying to do?21:07
mkanyicy!hi | jamal21:07
ubottujamal: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:07
M25usser: I'm on a karmic laptop21:07
usserM25, works fine. Question do you actually terminate your input with ctrl+d?21:07
mkanyicycodebx, what children?21:07
M25usser: nope, I need it to run each time a newline is sent21:08
M25usser: when the command order is reversed it works fine21:08
ussermkanyicy, M25 has a terminal device with no / key so he's trying to preprocess all input to bash to replace \ with /21:08
jamalSo forgive my ignorance, but what did I kinda stumble on to? Just a free reign channel about Ubuntu?21:08
M25jamal: it's a support channel21:08
jamaloh okay21:08
usserM25, why newline? why not type up the entire script and then ctrl+d it?21:08
usserM25, sorry i dont quite get it21:09
jamali wish i knew that in quite a few previous instances when i was trying to get 9.10 up and running21:09
mkanyicyhow can we help you, jamal ?21:09
M25usser: this script is running live, here, do this: cat | bash21:09
LokinAnyone know how I could format a second HD I have in my box to support Windows?21:09
M25then type stuff, and hit enter21:09
M25that's how it needs to work21:09
jamalwell the only real thing i'm noticing, and i'm not sure if it may be true since my laptop is kinda old21:09
jamalbut since installing 9.10, i keep getting a bad sector message21:10
mkanyicyLokin, use gparted21:10
usserM25, aaah i see21:10
Izinucspfifo: you around?21:10
LuksPartitionLokin: use the windows install cd ?21:10
Stormx2Hey all. Under Windows 7, I can stream my flatmates TV/movies from WMP under "Other libraries". Is it possible to do this from ubuntu?21:10
LokinLuksPartition, Didn't work.21:10
D-coyStormx2, yea21:10
omarhi everyone21:10
LuksPartitionStormx2: ushare21:11
ekim1hi omar21:11
^cheekymorning, i have been running boxee and xbmc alot and my ubuntu 9.04 crashes, when my ubuntu does freeze, i ssh into it to close the process and some times i get it to "killall", but the other two time when i did a ps aux | grep prcess...  it even froze my ssh session, i am not sure how or where i should start to diagnose my probelem. the crashing /freezing is mostly to do with boxee and xbmc, and happens when iam not even playing(med21:11
^cheekycontenct in boxee or xbmc) anything and my machines is quite new, running a core 2 duo and intel DG45ID motherboard with 2 gb of ram .. please any insight to the problem.21:11
omarI have a little problem, when I try to install amsn the following error appears: amsn:21:11
omar Depends: tcl-tls  but it is not installable21:11
omar , how can I fix this?21:11
mkanyicyLokin, use gparted and format it as FAT3221:11
mkanyicy !hi | Hilikus21:12
ubottuHilikus: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:12
Lokinmkanyicy, K one sec let me install it21:12
mkanyicyh4z|da, how can we help you?21:12
Stormx2D-coy, LuksPartition, this seem like servers. I don't want to be a server - I want to actually stream media FROM his PC. Do these apps do that too?21:12
Lokinmkanyicy, I can't find qparted...21:13
omarHi, I have a little problem, when I try to install amsn the following error appears: amsn:21:13
omar  Depends: tcl-tls  but it is not installable21:13
omar  , how can I fix this?21:13
LuksPartitionStormx2: ok, maybe vlc media player then ?21:13
mkanyicyLokin, gparted not qparted21:13
usserM25, i think sed is greedy like that it doesnt actually pipe out all the output until it gets EOF21:13
* D-coy use the comands and yakuake (H)21:14
M25usser: maybe, but then why am I getting output with just the sed line21:14
usserM25, here try cat | sed -u 's-\\-/-g' | bash21:14
mkanyicyomar, try to update and upgrade before trying to install your app21:14
M25usser: SWEET!21:14
usserM25, sed -u is unbuffered, basically output as you go21:14
marioatlpHI in ubuntu im trying to add an entry to /etc/hosts to override the real dns(so i can prepare a site to go live on a new machine)  but it keeps picking up the real dns any thing else i need to do to make this work?21:14
M25usser: thanks a ton, that works great :D21:14
usserM25, no problem21:14
Lokinmkanyicy, So I should just make a full drive partion as fat32?21:14
omarI have tried that21:15
mkanyicyomar, try 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'21:15
LuksPartitionmarioatlp: are you using dhcp ?21:15
marioatlpLuksPartition, yes21:15
mkanyicyLokin, if you want you can, is the drive new?21:15
LuksPartitionmarioatlp: can you give the box a static ip and not use dhcp, so that it wont pull a dns from the router or whatever its connected to21:15
mkanyicyLokin, if there is data on it, it may be lost21:16
marioatlpok so thats the root cause then21:16
mkanyicyLokin, if there is data on it, it may be lost, so you rather resize it21:16
LuksPartitionmarioatlp: id guess, it doesn't pick up a dns through magic ;-P21:16
mkanyicy!hi | paul_21:16
ubottupaul_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:16
=== Guest32953 is now known as Seeker`
mkanyicyKIAaze, how can we help you?21:17
omarNothing happens21:17
Lokinmkanyicy, No I got a 1tb drive for my main one transfered my stuff so it can all get trashed. although I want to run both xp and 7 on this new drive so just make 2 partitions both fat 32?21:17
omarstill the same problem21:17
DrDuckI just recently tried installing Envy on ubuntu in order to maybe get my Vista videodrive working with Ubuntu so the videos I watch wouldn't be so choppy. While trying to reboot, I came to a blank black screen where my login was supposed to be. I remember reading from the guide I was following that if this happened, to run in recoverymode using the grub shell to and type 'envyng --uninstall-all21:18
KIAazemkanyicy: well, I'm trying to find a workaround for this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/47465421:18
mkanyicyLokin, wait, what operating systems do you have now?21:18
DrDuckand then 'reboot'21:18
DrDuckBut I still have the same problem21:18
mkanyicyKIAaze, what is that bug21:18
Lokinmkanyicy, I'm running Ubuntu, karmic.21:18
mkanyicyLokin, only>21:18
mkanyicyLokin, only?21:18
KIAazebut I'm almost done :)21:18
KIAazethx for asking21:18
Lokinmkanyicy, That is on my main drive. But I want xp and 7. well the other drive is still mirrored but ya21:19
mkanyicyLokin, lets speak 'sda' 'sdb' terminology rather than 'main drive' and 'new drive'21:20
mkanyicyLokin, is your new drive an external or internal HDD?21:20
Lokinlet me check21:20
mkanyicyLokin, what are you checking?21:21
mkanyicy!hi | geo21:21
ubottugeo: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!21:21
Lokinmkanyicy, Which drive is which...21:21
mkanyicyLokin, pastebin 'sudo fdisk -l'21:22
LokinWhats the command again?21:22
Lokinthere we go21:22
gynteromg, got it working21:23
=== nenolod_ is now known as nenolod
ticoHello everyone21:23
ticosome one knows about mixxx programs i am having lots of problems ....21:24
syriusdoes install noscript and adblock plus from ubuntu repository install the addon for all firefox profiles?21:25
Lokinmkanyicy, http://pastebin.com/m2d44fba521:25
Stormx2syrius, yes.21:25
syriushow do you do it so that it only does it for a select profile? Stormx221:26
balsaqhow do i change defaults in openbox?21:26
mkanyicyLokin, ok, your 1TB drive is sda and has karmic21:27
mkanyicyLokin, and your 500GB is formatted with NTFS21:27
rolf__hi, I'm missing tap.ko on karmic. Any hints except recompiling the kernel?21:27
=== geo is now known as geo05
mkanyicyLokin, your 500GB is sdb21:27
airtonixsyrius, the way that is done is that you dont use apt to install the addon... use firefox to do it21:28
Lokinmkanyicy, ya... and my problem is that win7 won't install21:28
Dan_Ehow do i remove a icon from my desktop? cannot right click and delete.option is grayed out.21:28
syriusI want to do an automation airtonix21:28
* airtonix observes that firefox manages and updates its own addons21:29
danbhfiveanyone know of any cool alternatives to gnome-clock?21:29
syriusyes I know that airtonix21:29
mkanyicyLokin, what is on sdb now? is it empty?21:29
venportI'm trying to set up my XMBC to see my share files. I should be able to do it so that samba only gives access to the IP addresses i want correct? "[global] host allowed =" should work? or is there a better way? i'm hoping to not add a pw so that GF can use the xbmc with out any problems21:29
pennyhello could some one help me i have no sound on xubuntu21:29
Trek!xubuntu | penny21:29
ubottupenny: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels21:29
syriusbut I want to be able to install firefox addons from the commandline without going through the gui21:29
_Irecan someone answer me whats good for burning iso's?21:30
airtonixsyrius, because you are managing more than one computer ?21:30
Slart!burniso | _Ire21:30
ubottu_Ire: To burn an ISO image of a CD in Linux, Mac OS or Windows, read the howto at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto21:30
syriusI am making an automation script and want to have it so there is little as possible manual configuration21:30
danbhfive_Ire: k3b21:30
Slart!burn | _Ire21:30
ubottu_Ire: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto21:30
mkanyicyLokin, gparted is not needed for your problem21:30
airtonixsyrius, maybe firefox has cli options for updating addons21:30
_Irethank you21:31
Lokinmkanyicy, ok. so It was my main drive. I mirrored it to the 1tb drive. then I tried to reformat it for win7. tried to install and it failed. so I believe it is empty21:31
airtonixsyrius, but then of course your script becomes more complicated21:31
SusaNoowhats the best ubuntu movie player?21:31
danbhfivesyrius: I think you can just extract the addon to the correct folder21:31
airtonix!best | SusaNoo21:31
ubottuSusaNoo: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:31
ussersyrius, get a test machine with exactly the same configuration, install the addons you need manually then push the updated ~/.mozilla directory to computers over the network21:31
pennydoes anyone know how to fix sound on xubuntu21:31
danbhfivepenny: does it work in ubuntu?21:32
Trekpenny: xubuntu support is in #xubuntu21:32
pennydont know tried to install ubuntu an it was to slow on this pc21:32
syriususser: this is a script for others to install a selection of software for anonymous communications21:32
frt975syrius: Each extension has a number and they go in ~/.mozilla/extensions21:32
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)21:33
Trekpenny: to get xubuntu support, type this: /join #xubuntu21:33
IzinucsTrek: xubuntu is ubuntu with a different windows manager.. the underlying problems with sound and the solutions are pretty much the same.. so it's on topic21:33
mario_pereiraAnyone could hel installing a video card on karmic?21:33
Gananghey, anyone have a idea on how to set up  a usb web cam in ubuntu?!21:33
Ganangnever tried that before, and now i need it21:33
Trekmario_pereira, what kind of video card?21:33
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs21:33
manumarq pasa locos!! q tal va el dia? jeje21:33
mario_pereiraTrek, pctv 110i pinnacle21:33
Trek!spanish | manumar21:34
ubottumanumar: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:34
=== biggimat is now known as Matic`Makovec
syriuswell you can use a livecd for testing21:34
manumarah, I thought I was in ubuntu-es chanel haha21:34
airtonixsyrius, http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?t=22078721:34
usserGanang, should usually be as easy as plugging it in, and running cheese to make sure it works21:34
Trekmario_pereira, did you check to see if Ubuntu can support it?21:34
danbhfivepenny: well, Im not sure i can help, but you need to at least specifiy what version of ubuntu ( the latest?)  and what kind of computer you have21:34
conb123Can anyone tell why I can't start half life 2 in wine? http://pastie.org/80335421:34
Lokinmkanyicy, Any idea What should be done?21:34
manumaranyone use some UPNP media server??21:34
mario_pereiratrek i think it does... it shows up in mithtv but i cant tune new channels21:35
airtonixconb123, have you read the winehq page for halflife 2  ?21:35
mkanyicyLokin, i cannot help with windows intallation, neither this channel was supposed to21:35
conb123airtonix: Yes a dozen times21:35
djugglerMy sed grep and awk skills are beyond rusty. What would I used to search through a directory and its subdirectories and their subdirectories replacing all occurrences of foo.com with bar.com ? "ls -lagr | grep "foo.com" |..." bah I can't remember.21:35
manumarsomeone has a UPNP program?21:35
airtonixconb123, have you asked in #winehq  ?21:35
manumarlike twonky media server, or miniDLNA..21:35
Trekmario_pereira, i'm unsure how to fix that, but I suggest you also ask on ubuntuforums.org21:35
conb123airtonix: Ah didn't know of that channel i shall try there21:36
conb123airtonix: thanks21:36
=== FeiRuoWa is now known as zz_FeiRuoWa
mkanyicyLokin, anyway, i'd shutdown and unplug the 1TB drive and leave only 500GB drive and then boot and install windows 721:36
Ganangusser: here is the thing. I need it for skype, and skype recognizes it corretly, however my camera has a builtin microfone, and that i not recognized in the audio configuration21:36
DrDuckI just recently tried installing Envy on ubuntu in order to maybe get my Vista videodrive working with Ubuntu so the videos I watch wouldn't be so choppy. While trying to reboot, I came to a blank black screen where my login was supposed to be. I remember reading from the guide I was following that if this happened, to run in recoverymode using the grub shell to and type 'envyng --uninstall-all'. I did this but after also typing 'reboot' it brought me to the 21:36
Ganangi actually needed for the audio than the video itself21:36
venportAnyone good with samba?21:36
balsaqhow do i change defaults in openbox?21:36
=== Guest40163 is now known as jussio1
mkanyicyLokin, and then afterwards plug the second drive (1TB) back and recover Grub2 and place it to the MBR21:36
IzinucsDrDuck: why did you use Envy.. what vid card do you have?21:37
Lokinmkanyicy, aright thanks. and should I format as fat32 first?21:37
usserdjuggler, all occurences of files or content within files?21:37
frt975@syrius: The .xpi is basically a zip file and the name of the folder that goes in extentions is located in the xpi's install.rdf21:37
usserGanang, i wouldnt know never used usb mics before21:37
djugglerits a website being moved to a new domain. So I have to go through all php, txt...well all files and find the old domain name and replace it with the new domain name.21:37
mkanyicyLokin, no21:38
DrDuckIzinucs: I'm not really sure. I was looking at a tutorial so I could run videos less choppily.21:38
mkanyicyLokin, Windows use NTFS21:38
danbhfiveanyone know of any alternatives to gnome-clock?21:38
DrDuckIzinucs: Do you have a solution for the problem at hand?21:38
Ganangusser: well i just think that i a matter for getting the right drivers for my webcam21:38
Ganangusser: any idea where to search for it?21:38
diddyIs anybody using phpmyadmin?21:38
Lokinok/ thanks mkanyicy.21:38
usserGanang, all the drivers are built-in. if it works it works if it doesnt theres not much you can do21:38
IzinucsDrDuck: envy is typically used to install a video driver or other thing.. installing envy by itself doesn't do much until you use it.. did you use it and what did you tell it to do?21:38
frt975@syrius: Sorry I got the folder wrong, it should be ~/.mozilla/firefox/b0oe8u11.default/extensions21:39
=== simo is now known as Guest75807
DrDuckIzinucs: There were a few drivers recommended for my computer, so I picked one to install. It prompted me to restart my computer afterwards, and that's where the problem began.21:40
usserdjuggler, for files something like that should do find /dir -name foo.com -exec mv {} bar.com \;21:40
brontosaurusrexdanbhfive: docky2 includes a nice (imho) clock as well21:40
TDJACRAnyone here use Exim with /etc/aliases (*: /var/www/scripts/maildaemon.php)21:40
_dreamyis Ubuntu a debian like distro ? i need to know this before i follow some instructions on how to isntall a linux game .. anhyone helping ?21:40
IzinucsDrDuck: was it a video driver?21:40
djugglerusser: thanks.21:40
=== KIAaze is now known as test
DrDuckIzinucs: Yes.21:40
IzinucsDrDuck: do you remember if it was for nvidia, ati, intel ?21:41
danbhfive    brontosaurusrex: thanks!  Ill have to check that out21:41
usserdjuggler, oh wait just read your response above21:41
=== test is now known as KIAaze_away
=== KIAaze_away is now known as KIAaze
brontosaurusrexdanbhfive: http://wiki.go-docky.com/index.php?title=Install21:41
usserdjuggler, that command wont work for searching files21:41
jack5463I have a virus in my windows vista. Can i boot from a ubuntu usb os and locate the virus to delete it? and if i can how?21:41
^cheekycant wait for ubuntu 10.0421:41
=== KIAaze is now known as KIAaze[away]
=== KIAaze[away] is now known as KIAaze
DrDuckIzinucs: I believe it was ati that I installed.21:41
=== KIAaze is now known as KIAaze[away]
=== KIAaze[away] is now known as KIAaze
LjL!away > KIAaze    (KIAaze, see the private message from ubottu)21:42
=== iris is now known as Guest25548
IzinucsDrDuck: ok.. that might explain it.. are you logged into your ubuntu box now? throught the rescue side?21:42
DrDuckIzinucs: I'm not sure what a rescue side is. I21:43
=== carlos is now known as Guest17754
DrDuckIzinucs: I'm not sure what a rescue side is. I'm using a dual boot, so I'm on Vista currently.21:43
diddyAnybody using phpmyadmin?21:43
mkanyicyjack5463, Ubuntu is an operating system not an antivirus21:43
KIAazewhat's the opposite of /away?21:43
IzinucsDrDuck: the rescue side you mentioned earlier.. it's where you tried to uninstall the envy package and everything it did..21:43
mkanyicydiddy, yes21:44
futurama140can someone tell me why the upgrade from 8.04 to whatever wont show up in my update manager? multiverse, universe all that are enabled, ive rebooted several times, and tried using "sudo aptitude update" and "sudo aptitude upgrade" but theyre not finding anything.21:44
gynterKIAaze, /back ?21:44
KIAazesimple indeed :)21:44
jack5463mkanyicy, yes but i want to locate the virus and delete it.21:44
mkanyicydiddy, but asking such question is not appreciated21:44
danbhfivefuturama140: you have to go to the softare sources app, and ask it to give you all updates21:44
meowagiwazza recummended emulator for c64?21:44
docmax_i got high cpu utilization when doing fullscreen in youtube movies... this is not in windows21:44
DrDuckIzinucs: Alright, what about it. :) Would you happen to have a command available offhand that i could use to get myself out of this mess? :)21:44
mkanyicyjack5463, the antivirus will do that for you better21:44
diddymkanyicy, I used a few years ago and I am just trying out version 2.11. In the past the config file was much, much longer. Is this all there is now? http://pastebin.ca/1773552 Where do I put the user/pass?21:45
brontosaurusrexdanbhfive: my desk mit docky2 http://imagebin.org/index.php?mode=image&id=8274921:45
mkanyicyjack5463, and this channel is not about fixing windows viruses21:45
ZykoticK9meowagi, i use xmess for c64 - not really the easiest to get going though21:45
jack5463mkanyicy,  the antivirus doesn't even detect it.21:45
meowagixmess sounds something variable21:45
syriusso frt975 I would just use the gunzip command to unzip the ixp file?21:45
danbhfivebrontosaurusrex: cool21:46
meowagihow can i get rid of those sudo, is there a way to increase the timeout?21:46
balsaqhow do i change defaults in openbox?21:46
IzinucsDrDuck: patients.. all the questions are to formulate a plan of attack.. if your uninstall line actually worked and it removed envy and all packages it installed then your system might be left with no video driver for the gui.. hang on while I look at something.21:46
docmax_i got high cpu utilization when doing fullscreen in youtube movies... this is not in windows21:47
usserdjuggler, stil need a solution?21:47
thearthurapt-get install sun-java6-jdk -----> "sun-java6-jdk: Depends: sun-java6-bin (= 6-15-1) but 6-16-0ubuntu1.9.04 is to be installed"21:47
=== Guest17754 is now known as Charly
meowagidocmax: i know this problem21:47
futurama140nevermind. i fixed it. it was only updating long-term supported distros.21:47
Charlyhola a todos21:47
meowagiits those adobe flash crap renderer21:47
thearthuros something wrong with these dependencies?21:47
meowagithey use a very bad spaghetti code21:47
mkanyicyjack5463, update it or but a new one, ubuntu will never be the substitute21:47
meowagi!ubutu xmess-common21:47
mkanyicyjack5463, buy21:47
Charlyhay alguien ahi?21:47
frt975@syrius: Did you mean unzip? http://linux.about.com/od/commands/l/blcmdl1_unzip.htm21:48
thearthuris these some trick to get sun-java6-jdk to install?21:48
docmax_meowagi, any solutions?21:48
azlonthis may be a stupid question, but can i run a network over my existing RJ11 phone wires instead of installing CAT5 in my house? i'm not using the phone lines and I could easily disconnect it at the source so it is just a local network and doesnt go back to the bell21:48
IzinucsDrDuck: after booting into the rescue kernel there will typically be options listed that you can utilize.. one is to reset the video.. you shoould try that first.  if it doesn't work choose the menu option to get you to a command line prompt and then "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-ati" .. after that repeat step 1 and see if it works.21:48
jack5463mkanyicy,  I'm just going to find it and delete it from a ubuntu, after i figure out how.21:48
thearthurAzhen, only modems21:48
syriusno gunzip is a command frt97521:48
DrDuckIzinucs: I had an option when I went to the menu. Running ubuntu for todays date regularly, runing ubuntu for today's dat in recovery mode, runing it for the date of the 28'th regularly, or runing it for the date of the 28'th in recovery mode. I attempted to run the date of the 28'th, but there were issues. My touchpad no longer worked.21:49
Azhenthearthur: ?21:49
brontosaurusrexdanbhfive: actually i figured out user interaction this time (i think): its a 3 way option, a. alt+space, tpye few letters to get the launch (gnome-do), b. clicky on the docky to get the most used stuff running and c. structure, like - internet, system, ect (thats provided by mint menu)21:49
thearthurAzhen, the ohone lines typically dont have enough wires21:49
azlonthearthur: was that to me?21:49
Monotokohi guys...was wondering if somone could help me with an Xorg problem?21:49
syriuswell unzip gunzip same thing just different defaults frt97521:49
Some_PersonHow can I add GRUB2 to the Windows bootloader?21:49
IzinucsDrDuck: use "todays date in recovery mode" to do what I mentioned21:50
mkanyicyjack5463, you might as well write your own antivirus then :)21:50
danbhfivebrontosaurusrex: on the website, it said gnome-do stuff doesnt work21:50
meowagi!forget the winblows bootloader21:50
thearthurAzhen,  in reply to the question about running network over phone lines21:50
IzinucsDrDuck: that's a different menu than I'm use to .21:50
Monotokoits using the VESA driver...i need it to use a driver for21:50
MonotokoIntel Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller21:50
brontosaurusrexdanbhfive: what website?21:50
meowagiuse grub, as bootloader and leave winblows alone21:50
jack5463mkanyicy, ok i'll write it.21:50
danbhfivejack5463: ive gotten rid of viruses before21:50
thearthurazlon,  sorry not21:50
thearthurazlon,  to you21:50
thearthurmistyped name21:50
danbhfivebrontosaurusrex: the one you linked, for docky221:50
azlonthearthur: CAT5 only uses 4 wires of the 8 and RJ11 has 4 wires... i know the copper is thinner so the connection wont be optimal for long distances but is there a difference in the pinout or the way it is run inside the cable?21:50
DrDuckIzinucs: I feel that it might be less of a strain just reinstalling Ubuntu collectively.21:50
docmax_i got high cpu utilization when doing fullscreen in youtube movies... this is not in windows - any solutions???21:50
Dan_Eanyone know how to get rid of a desktop icon? cant right click and delete-it is grayed out. os= uberstudent (ubuntu 9.10)21:50
Monotokoim running Kernal 26.6.32 and Ubuntu 8.0421:51
meowagifirst install winblows then ubuntu, so you can get lucky with it21:51
syriusis there any good CAT(computer aided translation) software for ubuntu?21:51
thearthurazlon,  their are differences, not sure exactly21:51
thearthurthe sun-java6-jre package seems broken?21:52
Snowboardersyrius, just use google translation21:52
thearthurcorrection: the sun-java6-jdk package seems broken?21:52
syriusthis is for professional stuff21:52
meowagima va gaga21:52
IzinucsDrDuck: if you don't have anything important on it yet then go for it.. It would certainly be the path of least resistance... However that's how most of us have learned is by breaking our system and then fixing it.. one word of advice.. don't use envy.. just because of these issues21:52
frt975@syrius: gunzip gives me unknown suffix, but unzip works perfectly21:52
Monotokois moderated on?21:52
Monotokoor have i asked a really daft question...because im not getting help anywhere21:53
Monotokoplease tell me if i have -.-21:53
DrDuckIzinucs: I'll definately remeber that this time. Thank you for atleast attempting to help. :D I really do appreciate it.21:53
syriusfrt975: with gunzip you need to enter gunzip -d filename to decompress21:53
IzinucsDrDuck: welcome to the wonderful wacky learning curve of linux :)21:53
futurama140every option on http://www.ubuntusolutions.org/2009/02/screen-flickering-with-nvidia-on-ubuntu.html does not work stop stop my graphics caard flickering. can someone help me?21:53
bizarrefishhi, all21:54
Myrtti!enter | Monotoko21:54
ubottuMonotoko: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:54
IzinucsMonotoko: missed it.. what's the question?21:54
frt975@Monotoko: please repeat the question21:54
danbhfivebrontosaurusrex: too bad, docky takes up too much resources for my computer21:54
Some_PersonHow can I add GRUB2 to the Windows bootloader? Or how can I replace GRUB2 with GRUB1?21:54
frt975@syrius: than use gunzip21:55
DrDuckIzinucs: I find Linux to be an excellent environment, though. I truly am learning twice as fast about things than with Windows.21:55
MonotokoIzinucs, frt975: right, im having Xorg issues, on Ubuntu 8.04 with kernal 26.6.32, its using the VESA driver, i need the driver for Intel Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller in my xorg.conf21:55
IzinucsSome_Person: if you install the latest ubuntu it will replace the windows bootloader with grub2.. if you want windows to be the default boot option then you can massage grub2 to do just that..21:55
mkanyicySome_Person, why do  you want to do that?21:55
Some_Personlzinucs: Not what I want21:55
Some_Personmkanyicy: Because only the Windows loader can boot to XP and Vista separately21:56
balsaqhow do i change defaults in openbox?21:56
IzinucsDrDuck: you're where I was at 5 years ago.. you're right .. it's a lot of fun and with much to learn.. many things are hidden or simply unavailable in windows without $$'s21:56
futurama140every option on http://www.ubuntusolutions.org/2009/02/screen-flickering-with-nvidia-on-ubuntu.html does not work stop stop my graphics caard flickering. can someone help me?21:56
BenBhow can I enable VNC in the X11 server (usevnc) on kubuntu 9.10?21:56
frt975@Monotoko: Sorry can't help. I'm not the person to ask about graphics21:56
Monotokofrt975, do you know who is? because im getting 0 response on the ubuntu forums too21:57
mkanyicySome_Person, I dont understand the 'separately' part21:57
IzinucsMonotoko: there should be an intel driver in the repos if it's not already installed.. getting it activated is simply replacing "vesa" with "intel" in xorg.cof21:57
IzinucsMonotoko: then restarting X21:57
IzinucsMonotoko: or logging out and back in again....21:57
Some_Personmkanyicy: 2 different entries -- as when you install Vista, Vista's bootloader takes over XP's regardless of anything21:58
MonotokoIzinucs, how do i check if the intel driver is downloaded?21:58
futurama140every option on http://www.ubuntusolutions.org/2009/02/screen-flickering-with-nvidia-on-ubuntu.html does not work stop stop my graphics caard flickering. can someone help me?21:58
mkanyicySome_Person, and grub2?21:58
IzinucsMonotoko: go to System>Admin>synaptic package manager and search for Intel.. somewhere it will show up21:58
danbhfiveMonotoko: why are you running .32 kernel on 8.04?21:58
Some_Personmkanyicy: I know how to add GRUB1 to Vista's bootloader -- it's very easy. But it doesn't seem to work for GRUB221:58
Monotokodanbhfive, im running a .64 kernal21:59
* Izinucs thinks that's an excellent question from danbhfive21:59
Monotokoil explain21:59
Some_Personmkanyicy: GRUB2 would have a combined entry for Windows, where I would have to select between XP and Vista (with Vista's loader)21:59
Monotoko8.10 and further dont work very well, have major issues with wireless and graphics21:59
futurama140every option on http://www.ubuntusolutions.org/2009/02/screen-flickering-with-nvidia-on-ubuntu.html does not work stop stop my graphics caard flickering. can someone help me?21:59
Monotokoso i kept 8.04...and just upgraded the kernal22:00
Monotokoso my wifi would work nicely22:00
ThatGuyOverThereDoes anybody here use Thunderbird? I want it to integrate with my Gnome theme and my Compiz animations, but... it doesn't.22:00
IzinucsMonotoko: this should be solved in 10.04..22:00
Some_Personmkanyicy: So how can I add GRUB2 to Vista's loader or how can I wipe GRUB2 and install GRUB1?22:00
danbhfiveMonotoko: if you can afford to, I suggest you try out the alpha of 10.04, since that is where the work is going to getting 2.6.32 working22:00
TLULMy logout button on the top panel is gone...22:01
danbhfiveMonotoko: like a livecd/usb of it22:01
KingossIs there anyone who is familiar with Zimbra integrated with Samba on ubuntu?22:01
Monotokoi have the kernal working, and working well...its just this damn graphics driver, but i will try, its just the past 3 releases of ubuntu have been hell for this computer22:01
dtbneed help setting up wifi. device appears in lsusb - but not device appears in iwconfig. only wired interfaces show up there. please help.22:02
=== david is now known as Guest36613
lnx4verSome_Person you should have installed grub2 to your linux partition and left the windows loader alone then chainload to windows22:03
Some_Personlnx4ver: GRUB2 is installed to my linux partition22:04
danbhfiveMonotoko: well, i think intel graphics should work ok by 10.04.  If it doesn't, im sure the devs would like to know22:04
Some_Personlnx4ver: But I don't want to chainload to windows, as that would require 2 menus to boot either version of Windows22:04
Monotokodanbhfive, its not just ubuntu that ives me problems with this laptop, many distro's iv tried after 2008 tend to crash terribly22:05
lnx4verSome_Person ok, I only have winxp22:06
Some_Personlnx4ver: Yes, if I only had XP or only had Vista, it would work fine22:06
Monotokogonna restart X..il be back22:07
tontonDZi r haxx0r22:07
kn100tontonDZ: take your trolling elsewhere, you won't get a funny reaction here.22:08
kn100May I suggest efnet?22:08
GMasterIPad sounds like a tampon.22:09
tontonDZi r th0r22:09
=== oleg_ is now known as usser
LuciusMarewhat photo collection manager would you recommend me, if i need mainly only tagging photos with names, and viewing them by their "categories"?22:09
BluesKajtontonDZ, this isn't an IM chat , give it up22:09
GanangI installed skype with a deb package, now why the program doesnt appear in add/remove software and just on Synapyic Manager, what is the difference?  Shouldn it appear in the first one too?22:10
MonotokoBluesKaj, even people on IM dont talk like that22:10
balsaqhow do i change defaults in openbox?22:10
_dreamyis it dangerous to install phyton 2.6 on ubunty hardy ?22:10
IzinucsSome_Person: chainload simply means adding another entry to grub1 or 2 so both xp and vista will be accessable from the same menu.. I'm assuming that both vista and xp are on their own partitions..22:11
_dreamyits not on synaptics22:11
pfifotontonDZ, EHLO 200 OK22:11
OptimasPrime[Just english here?]22:11
_dreamyanyone helping?22:11
Monotoko_dreamy...you checked the backports?22:11
Some_Personlzinucs: Which isn't possible because Vista overtakes XP's loader, period.22:11
_dreamyMonotoko: i dont know.. i just want to run a game .. "unknown horizons"22:11
TLULI'm having trouble with Ubuntu and Pidgin.22:11
tontonDZohai Monotoko want OJ?22:12
BluesKajMonotoko, they don't ..could have fooled me :)22:12
Monotoko_dreamy, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports22:12
TLULThe logout button in the upper right (gnome) isn't there anymore, and I can't access pidgin's status settings.22:12
_dreamyMonotoko: ive tryed the older version of that game.. that version wont ask for python 2.6.. but it will ask for  a newer version of libboost22:12
TLULAnd Pidgin now exits when I close te window.22:12
Some_Personlzincus: I really just want to screw GRUB2 from my system and install GRUB1. I think that would be the easiest solution.22:12
OptimasPrime[I have a question...]22:12
dario_hi everyone22:12
Monotokoyou should be able to get Python 2.6 from the backports...if not, youl have to compile it22:12
OptimasPrime[Please, ¿Someone who knows about it?¿]22:13
FiremanEd!ot | tontonDZ22:13
ubottutontonDZ: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:13
balsaqhow do i change defaults in openbox?22:13
_dreamyMonotoko: my system.. whould still be ok.. after ?22:13
airtonixTLUL, 1) right click the gnome-panel and click 'add to panel' 2) pidgin preferences -> always show notification icon22:13
tontonDZoh in my cuntry with liek ubuntu very very much22:13
Monotoko_dreamy, should be...as long as you dont remove 2.522:13
iceroot!ask | OptimasPrime22:13
ubottuOptimasPrime: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:13
_dreamyMonotoko: ok.. i wonder why it isnt on synaptics22:13
dario_just a little question, haven't found anything on the net (fast enough :) ): i've installed the apache2-doc form the synaptic package manager. how can i open this doc?22:14
=== tontonDZ is now known as hacker4hire
TLULairtonix: 2) Thank you, 1) Add what?22:14
icerootOptimasPrime: and please disable strange characters22:14
nowimprovedhow do I remove zend optimizer22:14
airtonixTLUL, 1) right click the gnome-panel and click 'add to panel' 2) select "indicator-applet-session"22:14
Monotoko_dreamy, the hardy repo's are quite old now22:14
OptimasPrime[¿Someone know about how use IRcap in Ubuntu?; ¿That's posible?]22:14
VCoolioLuciusMare: have a look at solang, a c++ port of photoxx22:14
OptimasPrime[iceroot] [Sorry for my bad english...]22:14
balsaqhow do i change defaults in openbox?22:14
_dreamyMonotoko: ok..22:14
l33cheerProblems with Asus MoBo M3N78 NVidia and Ubuntu 9.10 - can't use the hardware driver. Is this the right forum?22:14
Monotoko_dreamy, the backports are the updated files, so thats the first place to check22:14
TLULairtonix: Thanks! Not sure how it got removed, but it's back now.22:14
VCoolioLuciusMare: sorry, F-Spot (which is mono-based); http://www.stefanoforenza.com/solang-is-a-new-photo-manager/22:14
icerootOptimasPrime: can you disable that please?22:15
OptimasPrime[iceroot] ¿Now?22:15
airtonixTLUL, pidgin : 1) right click the notification icon for pidgin 2) preferences 3) "system tray icon" -> show system tray icon = always22:15
_dreamyMonotoko: i should be able to only install whats desired.. python 2.6 .. :S =22:15
TLULairtonix, I already fixed them.22:15
LuciusMarewell, i dont like fspot very much, not suitable for my uses, i will have a look at solang22:15
Some_PersonSo how can I wipe GRUB2 from my system (while using a Live CD) and install GRUB1?22:15
icerootOptimasPrime: i dont like black text on black background, please respect that and disable your script22:16
TLULSome_Person: Why would you need to do that?22:16
LuciusMarei used imgseek yet,but the only thing i got is an appful of bugs, and lost a few days trying to database the photos22:16
OptimasPrime[iceroot] ¿It's ok now?22:16
OptimasPrimeI changed it...22:16
Some_PersonEVERYONE: Please stop questioning why I want to do things!!!22:16
LuciusMareSome_Person: why do you want us to do that?22:16
=== FunnyLookinHat_ is now known as FunnyLookinHat
TLULSome_Person: Some things may not be possible or feasible. We need to know what you need to try to find a solution.22:17
TLULLuciusMare: XD22:17
Some_PersonTLUL: I want the Windows bootloader to be able to load GRUB. I have not found a way to do that with GRUB222:17
_dreamyMonotoko: ill ad back port to the softwares source.. however.. im afraid it will do alot of new updates.. what do u think ?22:17
danbhfiveSome_Person: just install grub1, find some directions to do that22:17
airtonixNo... why someone wants to do anything doesn't really concern anyone...22:17
TLULWhy not have GRUB2 load windows?22:17
hacker4hireSome_Person you have to inject the HTML code first in the volatile memory then reflash the ram22:17
Monotoko_dreamy, shouldnt do unless you tell it too22:18
_dreamyok Monotoko22:18
Some_PersonTLUL: Because Vista took over XP's loader totally, I would be unable to have separate XP and Vista entries in GRUB22:18
Some_Personhacker4hire: Don't be stupid22:18
_dreamyMonotoko: do you think that new software may make my sistem run better ? (faster) ?22:18
zmityahi all22:18
hacker4hireohai zmitya22:19
Sia--is any page for supported USB modem under ubuntu Huwei family?22:19
zmityaguys, I have daemontools, daemontools-run and svscan packages installed22:19
hacker4hirehaw r yo?22:19
FiremanEd!troll | hacker4hire22:19
ubottuhacker4hire: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel22:19
danbhfiveSome_Person: doesnt grub1 use chainloader statements just the same?  It will just load whatever the windows bootloader is, which would be vista's22:19
Monotoko_dreamy, it depends, it can break things....iv googld and found that Python 2.6 isnt in the backports, but i have found this for you: http://www.lysium.de/blog/index.php?/archives/229-Installing-Python-2.6-on-Ubuntu-8.04.html22:19
_dreamyok ty Monotoko22:19
hacker4hire!troll | FireCrotch22:19
ubottuFireCrotch: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel22:19
zmityawhen I added my service I realized that supervise is not running for some reason22:19
Some_Persondanbhfive: But to load XP, I'd have to do this: GRUB --> Vista Loader --> XP. I want one menu, not two22:19
zmityahow can I set up daemontools correctly on ubuntu ?22:20
LuciusMarehm,and anything else than fspot (or solang,respectively)?22:20
zmityaI know that there is no inittab22:20
MonotokoSome_Person, that isnt possible as Vista takes over XP's bootloader22:20
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP322:20
usserSome_Person, what? no. are vista and xp on separate partitions?22:20
renegaidubuntu 32 bit faster than the 64bit and more stable for me22:20
airtonixLuciusMare, tried gthumb ?22:20
_dreamyMonotoko: i wonder... that new software.. may somehow be related.... with 3d.. may it bring me some better 3d accelaration ?22:20
Some_Personusser: They are, but Vista stupidly installed it's loader to the XP partition. Don't ask why22:20
Monotoko_dreamy, you would probably need to upgrade your graphics driver for that rather than software22:21
danbhfiveSome_Person: aye, if you are sure that grub1 can do two entries, go for it.  I just figured that grub1 and 2 werent that much different in that regard, both would chainload to the windows bootloader.  there might be a factoid22:21
_dreamyok Monotoko22:21
airtonixLuciusMare, depends on what you desire from a image viewer i suppose22:21
OptimasPrimeI just wanna know if i could use ircap, or mIRC in Ubuntu and how programs i couldn't use.. (Sorry my bad english).22:21
Monotokodanbhfive, he will get an error booting XP22:21
usserSome_Person, doesnt vista nowadays create a small boot partition at the begging of the disk? 7 does not sure about vista22:21
Some_Persondanbhfive: GRUB1 can't do two entries either, but I know how to boot to GRUB1 from the Vista Loader, and it doesn't seem to work for GRUB222:21
Some_Personusser: 7 doesn't do that either22:21
usserSome_Person, well over here it does.22:22
TLULSome_Person: Maybe you can make a copy of the Windows loader, set the first to boot XP only, and the second to boot Vista only.22:22
danbhfive!grub | Some_Person22:22
ubottuSome_Person: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.22:22
TLULThen add both loaders to GRUB.22:22
airtonixusser, not over here22:22
_dreamyMonotoko: dont those updates come too automaticly .. with the Update manager ? .. or whould i do fine..by manualy search .. for an ocasional new driver .. ?22:22
usserairtonix, hm weird. I got enterprise edition. whats yours?22:22
Some_PersonTLUL: I don't want this more complicated than it already is22:22
Monotoko_dreamy, it depends on what graphics card you have, usually you must find it yourself though22:23
TLULSome_Person: Well, maybe we will have to wait until GRUB is capable of loading Windows.22:23
Some_PersonTLUL: GRUB1 worked very nicely for what I wanted since I first installed ubuntu back in 200522:23
MonotokoSome_Person, Vista..by its nature kills XP's ability to boot22:23
balsaqhow do i change defaults in openbox?22:23
venportI'm trying to get samba to work over a wireless bridge, with a different subnet.22:24
usserSome_Person, did you try creating two separate entries in grub.conf chainloading to your vista and xp partitions22:24
venportSo far it's not working, anyone willing to help?22:24
_dreamyMonotoko: an m6 ly radeon 7000 32megs..   .. weak mermory .. however it got hyperZ ( more or less like 8 years old card)  hyperZ will compensate on the lack of mermory22:24
lavindont know if this the right place to be but im trying to burn a iso image to disc and its just doing nothing the iso file is backtrack 4 does it take a long time22:24
bullgard4I am going to file a bug report to Launchpad using '~$ ubuntu-bug seahorse'. I believe that this will generate a public bug report. I am concerned that it may contain secret keys of mine. Can you quiet me on that?22:24
OptimasPrimeI just wanna know if i could use ircap, or mIRC in Ubuntu and how programs i couldn't use.. (Sorry my bad english).22:24
nowimprovedi have this problem22:24
Some_Personusser: Vista has no bootloader on its partition. Vista's bootloader is, for reasons only Microsoft can answer, on the XP partition22:24
airtonixSome_Person, just a thought, have you tried reloading the grub setup routine ? ( i did this the other day and windows 7 appeared on the list )22:24
Some_Personairtonix: IT WON'T WORK!!!22:24
TLULairtonix: The windows loader loads two separate OSes22:25
usserSome_Person, ok can you pastebin your disk layout? fdisk -l22:25
TLULairtonix: He wants to have all OSes available from a single menu.22:25
OptimasPrimeOoook... ¡Thank you guys for HELP!22:25
Monotoko_dreamy, if its that old there are probably no drivers for it, you are p[robably running the VESA driver22:25
TLULSome_Person: Maybe there is help in #grub22:25
Some_Personusser: seems a bit pointless to do that. i know what i want but can't seem to do it with grub222:25
lavinis there a bactrack channel22:26
benediktanybody have a problem with abiword and overlapping characters?22:26
Some_PersonTLUL: Ok, i'll try there, thanks22:26
_dreamyMonotoko: ithougth the open source driver .. had been automaticly installed with my ubuntu ? u think so ?22:26
Monotoko_dreamy, can i PM you, theres a file im gonna need you to check22:26
_dreamyok Monotoko22:26
BluesKajTLUL, grub2 can load windows , you need to find a grub2 tutorial : http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html22:27
usserSome_Person, suit yourself22:27
MatirDoes anyone know the name of the program that will let you run a terminal command and have its output displayed on the desktop?  Specifically, I want 'top' to appear on the desktop22:27
=== b0w is now known as zz_b0w
TLULBluesKaj: GRUB2 can load the windows loader.22:27
TLULBluesKaj: He wants to be able to load both versions of windows from the first menu.22:28
IzinucsMatir: system monitor.. you can add it to a panel by right mouse clicking.  once there you click on it and it will open on the desktoop22:28
unimatrix!ask > Ubuntustarter22:28
ubottuUbuntustarter, please see my private message22:28
urainhello, i am currently running an ubuntu livecd from a thumb drive (which i created with unetbootin) and i don't have access to my optical drive. is this a known issue or could somebody help me to figure this one out?22:28
Izinucsurain: you might need to mount it..22:29
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:29
UbuntustarterYou know how to mount right urain?22:30
trismMatir: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=202249 (the screenshots show exactly what you want)22:30
BluesKajTLUL, grub2 doesn't see both windows partitions ? , that's surprising ..maybe there are too many older kernels in the list and the 2nd windows partition is below the menu window22:31
TLULBluesKaj: GRUB2 doesn't look at the partitions. It can't load Windows directly.22:31
Craig_DemI do that using compiz.22:31
TLULBluesKaj: It loads the Windows loader. And the Windows loader took over so it could choose which Windows to boot.22:31
TLULBluesKaj: There is only one Windows loader on the system. He wants to either make that loader be default, and load GRUB, OR have two Windows loaders: one for each WinOS.22:32
BluesKajTLUL, so whats the problem, it's a small price to pay for having 2 windows partitions22:32
MonotokoTLUL and Blueskaj, the problem with that is Vista takes over XP's bootloader?22:33
dario_just a little question, haven't found anything on the net (fast enough :) ): i've installed the apache2-doc form the synaptic package manager. how can i open this doc?22:33
TLULBluesKaj: I don't know why it's such an issue, but he doesn't want to have to go through two menus to get to Windows.22:33
Monotokodario_, have you tried typing in apache2-doc at the terminal?22:34
BluesKajMonotoko, maybe the BCD app is in order here , especially when dewaling with a vista install22:34
duffydackEither have 1 windows version installed with ubuntu, or have none and use vbox22:34
MonotokoBluesKaj, sure sounds like it...however its a pain to set up22:34
dario_yep monotoko, said "command not found"22:34
duffydackany reason to have xp as well as vista?22:34
LuksPartitioni see the reason to have xp and not vista but thats an opinion after all22:35
=== jaypur is now known as jeipur
Monotokodario_, the same thing is here: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/22:35
* BluesKaj dumped vista for my original XP22:35
=== jeipur is now known as jaypur
LuciusMareso, my image manager22:35
LuciusMarei just want the categories, and no need for it to run under gtk22:36
dario_yes, i know, but when i'm offline i cannot access... i mostly need it on the train, when i travel to work...22:36
LuciusMareand i want to view the photos depending on their categories22:36
dario_i do everything on local before put it in a productive server22:37
lonnixI'm having window management troubles in 9.10.  I'm NOT using compiz or anything aside from what comes standard.  Any help would be appreciated22:37
Monotokolonnix, what sort of troubles?22:37
dtbhelp needed for usb wifi setup. device present in lsusb. not present in iwconfig.22:38
bdpai have a problem22:38
Monotokodario_, check /usr/share/doc/apache2-doc22:38
thedead91bdpa: so say what that is :)22:39
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:39
lonnixupon startup, firefox (my only startup application) loads in the top left corner of my left screen (dual monitors).  it loads off the screen so I can't see three quarters of it, and there is no border around the window22:39
lonnixany other window I open opens in the same spot the same way22:39
bdpai have kubuntu 9.10, i have installed amsn but i can't connect to someon'e webcam22:39
renegaidhow do I get ubntu to boot with no menu22:40
dario_thx a lot Monotoko, exactly what i've been looking for22:40
thedead91bdpa: I had had the same problem, wait a minute I'll check if I can remember how to solve it22:40
Monotokodario_, no worries22:42
lnx4verrenegaid I think you only need to give timeout=0 in /etc/default/grub22:43
grkblood13how do i check the runlevels of my services?22:43
n3wjacklooks like burning the ISO at a slower speed is going to do the trick, thanks for that idea guys, didn't quite think of that myself22:43
ekim1n3wjack: no problem.22:44
lonnixcan anyone give me some advice on a window management problem?22:44
northern_deerHi people! I've got a question: my Windows doesn't boot since I have installed Ubuntu. It says it can't find NTLDR, but the file is there. What should I do and how should I kill myself for it to run again?22:45
mkanyicynorthern_deer, pastebin 'sudo fdisk -l'22:46
mkanyicyacicula, how can we help you22:47
mkanyicy!hi | conb12322:48
ubottuconb123: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!22:48
scunizi /j #kubuntu22:48
mkanyicynorthern_deer, are you winning?22:48
conb123What does "unable to initialize pcs database" mean in ubuntu?22:48
northern_deermkanyicy, and what next? :)22:48
Timreichhartcan anybody tell me how to update user in mysql like from root to user?22:49
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto22:49
mkanyicynorthern_deer, pastebin it and give me the url22:49
mkanyicynorthern_deer, are you familiar with pastebin?22:49
aciculamkanyicy: im just a volunteer, not here to get support22:49
smwdoes anyone know what ubuntu uses for tab completion in bash? For example, if I write apt-get it knows my options are install, update, ect22:49
lonnixany advice on window management problems in koala?22:50
mkanyicyacicula, ok, sorry, was trying to be smart :(22:50
edbiansmw, What do you mean "what Ubuntu Uses"  tab completion is built into bash22:50
aciculamkanyicy: :P22:50
aciculaedbian: he means bash knows how to complete external command options22:50
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »22:50
smwedbian: then what does it use for tab completion? It is different from any other distro22:50
aciculasmw: i guess its preconfigured22:51
=== marisa is now known as risa212
=== Strife1989 is now known as Strife89|VM
SmartSsasmw: /etc/bash_completion.d is where all the sources are for 'what to complete'22:51
smwSmartSsa: thanks :-)22:51
mkanyicynorthern_deer, ok, copy the output of 'sudo fdisk -l' and paste it at http://paste.ubuntu.com and bring the address after you pasted here22:51
Timreichhartcan anybody help me on a code here I want to know how to update users say like root to user22:51
edbiansmw, I never noticed!  Thanks for teaching me something knew22:52
edbianSmartSsa, Thank you22:52
brand0ncan anyone think of a reason why ubuntu isnt workin right with my wireless usb card22:52
brand0nit worked fine before22:52
brand0nkeeps asking for password when i know its the right one22:52
smwedbian: I miss the ubuntu commandline when I use arch, debian, ect22:52
aciculabrand0n: fresh install, update from older version, stopped working out of the blue, ?22:52
SmartSsasmw, edbian: no prob.22:52
edbiansmw, Arch is nice isn't it? :)22:52
mkanyicynorthern_deer, are you still alive?22:53
edbiansmw, My debian seems to be the same as ubuntu (at least with apt-get [tab][tab])22:53
smwedbian: I just installed it a yesterday. I already have it working like ubuntu :-)22:53
Timreichhartcan anybody help me on a code here I want to know how to update users say like root to user22:53
smwedbian: I guess I have been using older versions of debian22:53
neosg1just installed bt4 on acer d250 with a bcm4312 wireless card.22:53
aciculaTimreichhart: update users, what do you mean by that?22:53
edbiansmw, Possibly22:53
Timreichhartcan anybody help me on a code here I want to know how to update users say like root to user  (on mysql)22:53
neosg1Cannot get Wifi to turn on including the radio light22:54
northern_deermkanyicy, yes. http://paste.ubuntu.com/366482/http://paste.ubuntu.com/366482/22:54
aciculaneosg1: backtrack uses a custom kernel22:54
aciculaneosg1: try normal ubuntu?22:54
syriusubuntu pirated edition22:54
lsj85<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/reader/ui/publisher-en.js"></script>22:54
lsj85<script type="text/javascript" src="https://www.google.com/reader/public/javascript/user/11325667030317056720/state/com.google/broadcast?n=5&callback=GRC_p(%7Bc%3A%22blue%22%2Ct%3A%22Larry's%20shared%20items%22%2Cs%3A%22false%22%2Cn%3A%22true%22%2Cb%3A%22false%22%7D)%3Bnew%20GRC"></script>22:54
FloodBot4lsj85: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:55
Monotokoneosg1, i have the same problem...is it Atheros?22:55
aciculaTimreichhart: can you rephrase your question as i dont understand what you want to do, add users to mysql?22:55
smwsyrius: if you figure out how to pirate ubuntu. let me know22:55
syriusjust joking22:55
Timreichhartalright I am trying to update the dam root to local user22:55
Some_PersonI was able to fix my bootloader problem extremely hackishly22:55
Some_PersonBut now I have another problem: The damn thing won't boot all the way22:55
aciculaTimreichhart: i dont understand your problem22:55
Timreichhartinstead of logging into root I want to login with my username that been created22:55
Monotokoan error on XP Some_Person?22:56
Some_PersonMonotoko: No, bootloader is all fine22:56
neosg1I have a bcm4312 wireless card.22:56
SmartSsaTimreichhart, just create a new user in mysql.  mysql users are separate from ubuntu's system users.22:56
aciculaTimreichhart: mysql user accounts are separate from system usrs22:56
MonotokoSome_Person, ahhh good, whats the problem?22:56
aciculacreate a user and a database and assign permissions22:56
Some_PersonAfter the white ubuntu logo, I get a flickering tty1 login22:56
mkanyicynorthern_deer, you know which HDD has windows?22:56
Timreichhartyou guys dont know what the hell your talking about22:56
Timreichhartim out of here22:56
MonotokoSome_Person, sounds like a problem with Xorg...22:56
dtbhow do I get ubuntu 9.10 to recognize new usb device?22:57
Some_PersonIt only registers about half my keypresses (in the tty1 login) so I can't login as I can't tell which ones register for the password22:57
northern_deermkanyicy, the second disk, the first partition22:57
MonotokoSome_Person, or your boot parameters, did you change anything on the ubuntu boot parameters?22:57
usseracicula, http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/adding-users.html22:57
mkanyicynorthern_deer, which ubuntu version are you using?22:57
lonnixwhat is the default window manager on 9.10??22:57
Some_PersonCtrl-Alt-F2, F3, etc. produce flickering tty2 and tty3 logins respectively22:57
northern_deermkanyicy, 9.0422:57
Monotokolonnix, nautilus22:57
usseracicula, http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/creating-tables.html22:57
BenBhow can I enable VNC in the X11 server ("usevnc" in xorg.conf) on kubuntu 9.10?22:57
Some_PersonMonotoko: No changes in boot params22:58
aciculausser: im aware on howto run mysql?22:58
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aciculausser: Timreichhart was asking about how to add users though22:58
usseracicula, oh my bad22:58
mkanyicynorthern_deer, pastebin your /boot/grub/menu.lst22:58
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northern_deermkanyicy, http://paste.ubuntu.com/366484/23:00
mkanyicynorthern_deer, try this in the mean time 'mkdir ~/sdb1 && sudo mount /dev/sdb1 ~/sdb1 -o umask=0000' and then pastebin the output of 'ls -lh ~/sdb1'23:00
futurama140every option on http://www.ubuntusolutions.org/2009/02/screen-flickering-with-nvidia-on-ubuntu.html does not work stop stop my graphics caard flickering. can someone help me?23:02
aciculaBenB: same way as on normal ubuntu, is the option still supported though? i cant seem to find something documenting the feature23:02
lonnixmy window borders won't load, and I need to restart nautilus, does anyone know how?23:03
aciculaBenB: theres also desktop sharing but im not sure if that uses the same vncmodule or even uses vnc23:03
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apandain the xorg.conf, i want to put: BusID           "PCI:1:0:0"             #must match your lspci output - my lspci output is this: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI ... so do they match?23:03
mkanyicywhy does a package keeps being  'kept back' when I upgrade ?23:03
northern_deermkanyicy, http://paste.ubuntu.com/366486/23:03
aciculalonnix: missing border windows typically means your windowmanager crashed, how do you get them back?23:03
aciculamkanyicy: how are you upgrading?23:03
airtonixlonnix, so you can't get the gnome run dialog box to show (alt + f2 by default )23:04
BenBacicula: yes, that's my problem, no documentation on that. (I also think kubuntu is irrelevant)23:04
mkanyicyacicula, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:04
aciculaBenB: what little i saw was that it was put in the device section and defaulted to port 5900, but idunno23:04
DaughainCan someone tel me if there is a veraion of ubuntu dedicated to media like music and movies?23:04
aciculamkanyicy: apt-get holds back things like kernel packages afaik, dist-upgrade shouldnt?23:05
lonnixacicula: thats the problem, my manager hangs on startup every time, i don't know how to fix that23:05
MonotokoDaughain, medibuntu23:05
BenBacicula: yes, that's how I did it previously. but on ubuntu 9.10, there is no xorg.conf at all, much less a device section, that's my problem.23:05
airtonixlonnix, have you tried using the background terminals (ctrl + alt + f2-7)23:05
DaughainThanks, Monotoko23:05
lonnixairtonix: that won't show up, i can load programs through the menus but i can't select them23:05
mkanyicyacicula, its actually 'devede' that is kept back23:05
aciculaDaughain: there arent really true special versions23:05
MonotokoDaughain, no worries :)23:05
mkanyicynorthern_deer, pastebin your ~/sdb1/boot.ini23:06
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:06
lonnixairtonix: i can get to the background terminals, but i don't know what to do there23:06
lonnixi don't know how to restart nautilus23:06
airtonixlonnix, once you have one, login then type : sudo killall nautilus && nautilus23:06
aciculamkanyicy: when you dist-upgrade?23:07
mkanyicyacicula, yes23:07
northern_deermkanyicy, http://paste.ubuntu.com/366489/23:08
sirMajidhi, what application can I use to search in the text of files recursively in a folder23:08
mkanyicyacicula, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/366490/23:08
aciculamkanyicy: do an apt-get install devede , see what it complains about?23:08
aciculasirMajid: grep?23:09
squarebracketwhy does my ubuntu server have the wrong time? it's an hour ahead and tzselect gives me an hour ahead?23:09
BlueSherpais there a way to expand an ext4 partition to fill the volume?  I try "resize2fs /dev/sdb1" and it responds, "The filesystem is already 1464842842 blocks long.  Nothing to do!"23:09
sirMajidacicula: does it search within files?23:09
aciculasirMajid: or Accessories -> Search for files23:10
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aciculawhich has the option to search for content23:10
erUSULBlueSherpa: did you fsck the partition after the resize?23:10
aciculasirMajid: yeah23:10
sirMajidacicula, ok tnx23:10
northern_deermkanyicy, i'll be in a few minutes23:10
BlueSherpaerUSUL: fsck says the system is good23:10
BlueSherpaerUSUL: and I can go into parted -> print, everything is good23:11
wishe1Anyone got any info on making a wubi install into a proper partition and install?23:11
lonnixatonix: is that all on one line? "sudo killall nautilus && nautilus" or "sudo killall nautilus" followed by "nautilus"23:11
BlueSherpaerUSUL: could it be that I'm trying to expand a 6tb partition to fill a 10tb volume?23:11
airtonixlonnix, you can do them separately if you want23:12
BlueSherpaerUSUL: the partition is gtp23:12
mkanyicyacicula, that worked, thanks23:12
lonnixatonix: i get "could not parse arguments: cannot open display" after i do that23:12
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kunzeIs there anything that one should be familiar with concerning Ubuntu 10.04 Alpha 2 that would effect wi-fi networking?23:12
PixarHi, i've recently noticed a lot of port scans from a lot of different countries on my router log. I'm on ubuntu with default no firewall, should I be concerned ? I mean, the router should block anything, even DDOS right? Is there anything that I could monitor my ubuntu? a live system log just in case, i think i saw something like that on a screenshot in the past.23:13
PixarI;m a noob23:13
aciculaPixar: the scans terminate at your router?23:13
erUSULBlueSherpa: rally dunno; if the patition is gpt it should support those sizes23:13
Pixarwhat do you mean23:13
erUSUL!lucid | kunze23:14
ubottukunze: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:14
Pixari dunno if they continue on my lan ips or how to check that acicula23:14
kunzeThanks ubottu23:14
BlueSherpaerUSUL: k, that helps - good to know that I'm moving in the right direction hehe23:14
mkanyicynorthern_deer, backup your boot.ini file and then open it with gedit and make it look like this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/366495/23:14
aciculaPixar: probably not, most routers are actually just NAT devices where only the router is publicly reachable from the internet23:14
kunze*thanks erUSUL23:14
erUSULPixar: the router is filtering the attacks no need for extra fw in ubuntu. but you can put one if you want23:15
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist23:15
aciculaif you have an ip that starts with 192. (on your local computer) then you arent reachable in principle from the internet anyway23:15
Pixarthanks, how about that system live monitor console23:15
elexodus_Trek, erUSUL: I have 4x2TB in RAID5. There are currently 3 formatted particians: Dell Utility, Boot, and Ubuntu (ext4). There is an additional buttload of empty space that won't format. All I want is to make that extra space usable with TrueCrypt. Using gParted, I get the error message "partition length of 11671431345 sectors exceeds the msdos-partition-table-imposed maximum of 4294967295"23:15
aciculajust be sure to disable remote access from the internet on your router23:15
aciculaPixar: i wouldnt know what you want to monitor?23:15
mkanyicynorthern_deer, after that save and reboot and select 'Microsoft Windows XP Professional RU' in GRUB and the 'WINDOWS FAILSAFE' on the chainloaded bootloader23:15
lonnixI get "could not parse arguments: cannot open display:" when I try to restart nautilus, what does that mean?23:15
Pixarall internet traffic23:15
lotharreegerI have got one problem.My computer doesn´t recognize the graphic onboard and the screen.Driver openchrome is installed,but the solution is only 800*600 pixel.What can I do?23:15
aciculaPixar: netstat is a good start i suppose23:16
Pixari don't like netstat23:16
erUSULelexodus_: i do not think you can turn a ms-dos parition table into a gpt partition table without loosing the already existing partitions23:16
elexodus_erUSUL: That's fine. I can always rebuild... Any idea how to make it into gpt?23:17
lnx4verlonnix you can try to kill gdm followed by sudo gdm wich will restart all your X session23:17
erUSULelexodus_: parted/gparted can make gpt parition tables23:17
elexodus_erUSUL: Really?23:18
erUSULelexodus_: yes23:18
cthulhu2Is there anyway to go back and change my login name? Im running Ubuntu 9.1023:19
AndreMorro[BR]whats the name of the substitue of webmin in ubuntu/debian ??23:19
erUSUL!ebox | AndreMorro[BR]23:19
ubottuAndreMorro[BR]: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox23:19
AndreMorro[BR]thats right23:19
AndreMorro[BR]thanks erUSUL again23:19
cthulhu2erUSUL, you have any idea how to change my login name?23:20
erUSULcthulhu2: in theory you can with usermod23:20
SantisnightI'm getting an error extracting files from a .tar.gz file23:20
electrofreakwhy is ffmpeg giving me "Unsupported codec for output stream #0.0" for output format mp3???23:20
ptronicohello! I installed cmaps tools but i cant run it. anyone can help me? thanks a lot23:20
AndreMorro[BR]ptronico, does it give you any erros?23:21
DVA5912is there anything out there that will simulate an ATMEGA AVR chip? something that i could test my code against? something that i could interface too for my coding23:21
ptronicoAndreMorro[BR]: Não cara... eu sou meio noob... instalei, ele nao criou nenhum atalho... nao sei como faço, rs23:21
aciculaDVA5912: search for an atmel emulator?23:21
SantisnightCan someone help with this Gzip error? ; gzip: stdin: not in gzip format23:21
Santisnighttar: Child returned status 123:21
Santisnighttar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors23:21
DVA5912acicula, the ones that came up, were for windows only23:22
aciculaSantisnight: file <whateveryourareunzipping> says?23:22
Ganangplease anyone who got a usb microfone working with skype in Ubuntu 9.04, give me a help23:22
erUSULSantisnight: what does « file file_name.tar.gz » says ?23:22
electrofreakdoes anyone know why ffmpeg is giving me "Unsupported codec for output stream #0.0" for output format mp3???23:22
Santisnightacicula,  you mean whats it's filename?23:22
aciculaGanang: you probably have to specify a different source for audio recording, can you get it to work with gstreamer-properties23:23
aciculaelectrofreak: ffmpeg is compiled without mp3 support23:23
Santisnightoh ok lemme see23:23
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:23
lonnixwhat file has the list of startup applications?23:23
electrofreakacicula, why??23:23
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/23:23
aciculalook there lonnix23:23
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aciculaelectrofreak: its a proprietaty format that puts restrictions on who distributes it23:23
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lonnixacicula: look where?23:24
erUSULelectrofreak: becouse ffmpeg does not support mp3 encoding ?23:24
Santisnightacicula,  it says < mse-0.3.8-linux.tar.gz: POSIX tar archive (GNU)>23:24
aciculaelectrofreak: you can find custom builds of ffmpeg in ppa probably, and medibuntu repo provides everything you need to fork with mp23:24
elexodus_erUSUL: I see.  I'm trying not to lose the Dell Utility partician or the boot partician. I see that in Gparted, I can make a new partician table, but it will screw everything up.23:24
aciculaSantisnight: its tar, use tar not zip ;)23:24
erUSULSantisnight: do « tar xf  mse-0.3.8-linux.tar.gz »23:24
Ganangi have it working already with PulseAudio Server, which is the default from skype. The best thing would be to get it working with pulseserver23:24
aciculaits probably tar.gizpped so tar xvfz <file> instead of unzip will work23:24
erUSULelexodus_: that is what i was trying to say.23:24
elexodus_erUSUL: I'm assuming that gpt is most ideal for a 5TB+ partitian. But I also need to be able to get Truecrypt to install an encrypted sector into that space once the new partician table has been made.23:25
Ganangthe microfone is working already inside pulseserver, but skype doesnt recognize it23:25
AndreMorro[BR]Ganang, try using the beta-version from the website23:25
erUSULGanang: can you configure skype to use pulseaudio?23:25
acicula!upstart | lonnux23:25
ubottulonnux: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/23:25
electrofreakacicula, ok, sure, I get the free format thing or whatever..... but it's MP3.... the defacto audio standard for most everything... why would they take it out if they want to create an easy/seamless experience for users??23:25
Ganangandremoroo[br]:it is not a problem with skype itself, this is a fresh install23:26
aciculaelectrofreak: because the license does not allow redistributing it23:26
Ganangerusul: yes i can!23:26
aciculaelectrofreak: offenders are not prosecuted23:26
aciculathats not the same as free23:26
electrofreakacicula, I have no problem compiling my own thing... but other people might. I'm just puzzled as to why they would do that.23:26
Gananga have the padchooser for pulseudio, and in input devices, i can see my builtin microfone working great23:26
aciculaelectrofreak: most people have no need for that, afaik medibuntu provides programs and mp3 support to deal with mp323:26
erUSULelectrofreak: i do not have experience with truecrypt23:27
aciculaelectrofreak: have a look at ubuntu-restricted-extras and medibuntu23:27
erUSUL!info lame23:27
ubottulame (source: lame): An MP3 encoding library (frontend). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.98.2+debian-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 161 kB, installed size 264 kB23:27
electrofreakacicula, ok, I will do that. thanks. Or, yeah, maybe I'll just use lame.23:27
aciculalonnix: see ubottus messages to lonnix a few lines back, upstart and its associated commands will tell youw ht you need23:27
hajmolaempathy won't grab the contact images I've put in for people. It'll grab ones set by the contact, but not ones I've manually entered23:28
GanangerUSUL: the thing is just somehow now making skype see the microfone which pulseaudio already recognized.23:29
aciculaelectrofreak: also regarding seamless, if ubuntu cannot play an mp3 it will tell you that it needs restricted stuff23:29
aciculait should anyway23:29
GanangerUSUL: i followed some tutorials, but doesnt work for me actually23:29
electrofreakacicula, heh, not in the terminal23:29
aciculaelectrofreak: terminals are not seamless experiences23:29
electrofreakacicula, lol. yeah, I guess the average users doesn't know what a terminal is.23:30
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.23:30
Sensivaoh man23:30
aciculaim already glad i can install linux in under 20 minutes without manually having to add java, nvidia and all the other proprietary stuff23:30
aciculaSensiva: intel works well for some people too :)23:30
dtbplease help me with wifi setup23:31
northern_deermkanyicy, that's me again. it didn't work. again 'NTLDR not found, press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart'23:31
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:31
Sensivaacicula it was working for me too, but I just rebooted my pc now after 6 days uptime, and it says No Valid Modes23:31
erUSULGanang: in the audio preferences of skype can you make it use pulseaudio?23:31
SensivaI thought that curse is over23:31
trix_was once given ssh access to a server and while i was connected the server owner was able to type as me23:31
trix_how could this be done?23:31
northern_deermkanyicy, maybe grub can somehow affect windows' loader?23:31
cjaeCan I adjust the nice valve for a virus scan, so it doesnt bog down system while using it? I am scanning an external ntfs drive that will be going on a doze machine23:31
aciculaSensiva: on the screen?, try switching to a VT , ctrl-alt-F1 and back alt-f7 a few times23:32
trix_like for example , i would type a question in the command prompt, and the guy would erase what i typed and answer my question23:32
Sensivaacicula Do you mean restarting gdm few times?23:32
aciculatrix_: screen23:32
trix_any suggestions ?23:32
erUSULcjae: renice ?23:32
jribtrix_: why not just ask him?23:32
cjaeerUSUL: not sure what you mean23:33
erUSULtrix_: probably he used GNU Screen23:33
erUSULcjae: man renice23:33
trix_jrib : i cant find him atm23:33
GanangerUSUL: yes my only option is PulseAudio server actually23:33
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trix_isnt screen for keeping applications in the background ?23:33
jribtrix_: screen is for more than that23:33
trix_so i logged in into a screen sesstion?23:33
jribtrix_: that would be one way23:34
trix_ok thanks i'll check it23:34
erUSULGanang: but the micropphone does not appear? checkd volume levels with pavucontrol ?23:34
aciculascreen is a virtual console people can attach and detach to, sortof23:34
cjaeerUSUL: oh that it the controlling app, cant I just do it from htop too23:34
erUSULcjae: dunno; never used htop for that23:35
mkanyicynorthern_deer, try modifying your menu.lst to be like this http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/366501/23:35
erUSULcjae: but probably the problem is the disk io not the cpu ....23:35
cjaeerUSUL: that what I was just going to ask23:35
lonnixacicula: all i've done in terms of graphics is change the background and set a theme using a built in one from system->preferences->appearences23:35
lonnixi do have dual monitors too23:35
erUSULcjae: ionice exist but i dunno if you can re-ionice a process23:35
jekeIn my /etc/rc1.d dir i have a syslink called  K84ssh -> ../init.d/ssh. Will ssh start when i reboot the system?23:36
GanangerUSUL: here is the thing under pavucontrol i go to "Volume Control", after "Input devices" tab, and there is my microfone, working great. Should i do something else? Also in pavucontrol -> recording volume i can see it capturing23:36
cjaeerUSUL: any other suggestion, besides do it later23:36
GanangerUSUL: did i forget anything?23:36
erUSULGanang: not that i can see. sorry for not being of much help23:36
erUSULcjae: you can use ionice in an already running process23:37
SensivaAny one here has been through a problem with Intel this week?23:37
aciculalonnix: err and what does it say in visual appearancs ?23:37
jribSensiva: you need to be more specific...23:37
aciculalonnix: i mean visual efects23:37
GanangerUSUL: thanks for you help anyway.23:37
erUSULGanang: np23:37
lonnixacicula: it says none23:38
erUSUL!hi | ramiro23:38
ubotturamiro: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:38
Sensivajrib my display was working fine for the past 6 days, and I just rebooted my pc now, and its giving me an error "No Valid Modes"23:38
aciculalonnix: hmm weird, can you try reverting the changes to theme and bg and see if that helps?23:38
ramiroIt seems I've deleted all of /lib. so nothing runs anymore =). what's the proper recovery procedure?23:38
acicularamiro: rescue cd, backup, reinstall23:38
usserramiro, there's none :)23:38
usserramiro, well what acicula said23:38
erUSULramiro: i'm sorry to say that you will have to reinstall23:39
jribSensiva: ask the channel but include information like ubuntu version, what video card, where exactly do you get that error, etc23:39
lonnixacicula: i think i got it, i tried to switch from none to medium and it failed, but when it reverted it put it back23:39
Sensivaok :D23:39
ramiroI only have an ssh access open to the machine. I can't even open new ssh accesses.23:39
aciculalonnix: great :)23:39
lnx4verdoes ext4 exhibit some performance regression in karmic compared to ext3, reading from some articles in phoronix website its seems that there are some regression in ext4 from 2.6.31 kernels23:39
acicularamiro: you cant do anything from the running bash shell23:40
Code_Bleu_8.10 slow boot, 9.04 WAY faster, 9.10 promised to be faster, but actually was A LOT slower.  Will they fix it to where 10.04 is way faster to boot?  I went from 12sec boot, to 1 min 12 sec.23:40
acicularamiro: as you cant start new programs23:40
lonnixacicula: well, after restarting, its doing the same thing. is there a way to make it so i don't have to do that every time?23:40
ramiroacicula: I can't even ls...23:40
acicularamiro: ls is aprogram23:40
aciculano lib23:40
aciculano program23:40
acicularamiro: rescue cd, backup, reinstall23:40
FloodBot4acicula: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:40
SensivaHey All, I have a Dell Optiplex 755 workstation with Intel Q35 VGA chipset, and using Karmic amd64, everything was working fine, but I rebooted my pc now , and xorg is giving an error of No Valid Modes and suggesting to run in low graphix mood, any suggestions?23:41
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ramiroso, the plan is: I close the ssh windows I have opened, and actually enjoy my vacation. in a week's time I get back home and reinstall =)23:41
aciculalonnix: err i dont know really why its crashing on login23:41
erUSULramiro: sound like a plan23:41
jolarenHow do I edit upstart jobs? I have a commando running in the startup that I want to be ran as root23:41
ramirothat's a nice way to force me to actually enjoy my vacations23:41
aciculalonnix: in a console you can type metacity --replace to restart the wm23:41
aciculalonnix: but that wont prevent it from crashing on login23:42
erUSULjolaren: not all jobs are handled by upstart yet. which one are you talking about23:42
ramirothanks guys, I'll be back in a week or so to see if there's any way to just reinstall the packages I had installed instead of having to reformat23:42
acicula!upstart | jolaren23:42
ubottujolaren: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/23:42
lonnixwell, i know what to look for now, thanks23:42
acicularamiro: you cant reinstall packages without /lib, as apt-get and all the subsystems dont work.23:42
Sensivajolaren you may find  startup applications in System > Preferences > Startup Applications23:42
jolarenerUSUL; mythtv-backend23:42
jolarenSensiva; It's a server23:43
ojohey everyone, I have encrypted my hard drive but now I the drive is mounted in \media and has really weard name the UUID I think, Is there a way that I can rename it23:43
ramiroacicula: but is it possible to install from the live cd and reinstall the packages to /mnt/oldbuntu or whatever?23:43
ramirobecause all the apt information is still there in /etc or whatever23:43
ramiro(I mean boot from the livecd and...)23:44
acicularamiro: possible yeah but not very practical23:44
ramirooh well... I'm off.23:44
electrofreakacicula, oh crap... lame doesn't convert from flac? dang it.23:44
cjaeerUSUL: TIA23:45
northern_deermkanyicy, again almost the same, but this time it didn't ask to press Ctrl+Alt+Del, it tried to boot from dvd, maybe crashed, and rebooted23:45
aciculaelectrofreak: i dont know anything about encoding/recoding23:45
cjaeerUSUL: oops thanks23:45
erUSULcjae: yw ;P23:45
aciculamy laptop is so poorly build that i cant run it over 800Mhz without overheating so, no encoding for me :)23:45
ojohey everyone, I have encrypted my external hard drive and now the drive is mounted in \media the directory has really weard name. The UUID of the drive I think. Is there a way that to rename it?23:46
aciculaojo: by default the name of the partition is used as a label afaik23:46
aciculayou can rename the directory where it is mounted by specifying something else in fstab i guess23:47
ojoacicula os w8, if I rename it with e2label and remount it, it should work?23:48
aciculae2label renames the disk23:48
lnx4verI'd like to convert my ext3 partition to ext4 but I want to know from users experience, does ext4 exhibit some performance regression in karmic compared to ext3, reading from some articles in phoronix website its seems that there are regressions in ext4 starting from 2.6.31 kernels?23:48
aciculawouldnt do that if its encrypted23:48
aciculalnx4ver: depends on workload?23:48
ojoacicula: why?23:48
aciculaojo: depending on what encryption program you used to crypt the disk the label may be revelant?23:49
erUSULlnx4ver: that was probably becouse ext4 in those kernels enabled hardware barriers by default23:49
mkanyicynorthern_deer, im clueless now23:49
lnx4veracicula I use it as a desktop system23:50
poseidonWhat are some good 3d games to play on linux?23:50
erUSULlnx4ver: see the mount man page the ext4 section23:50
lnx4vererUSUL barrier option is not used by default in ubuntu?23:50
tgrahamI have a fresh 8.10 server install. I created an account during the install, but every time I try to log in it says Login incorrect. What am I doing wrong?23:51
aciculaposeidon: nexuiz , enemy territory, quake versions ?23:51
erUSULlnx4ver: dunno; i use a custom kernel and $ cat /proc/mounts  | grep ext4 --> /dev/sdb6 /media/MEDIA1 ext4 rw,noatime,barrier=1,data=ordered 0 023:51
aciculatgraham: wrong password? capslock?23:51
poseidonacicula, I couldn't find anyplace to buy enemy territory23:52
erUSUL!games > poseidon23:52
ubottuposeidon, please see my private message23:52
tgrahamI've reinstalled 3 time, each time, same problem.23:52
guestE: Package libdvdcss2 has no installation candidate <<< what repo am i missing ?23:52
aciculayou are logging in how?23:52
aciculaguest: medibuntu?23:52
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:52
tgrahamConsole, through VMWare.23:52
lnx4vererUSUL ok23:52
erUSUL!medibuntu | guest23:52
ubottuguest: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:52
aciculatgraham: as what user23:53
CraigGB!games > CraigGB23:53
ubottuCraigGB, please see my private message23:53
tgrahamThe user I created during the install process.23:53
aciculatgraham: you could force a root shell by booting the rescue option and dropping to a shell23:53
aciculabut i cant think of any other reason for a failed login on a fresh install then entering a wrong username/passwd combo :/23:54
tgrahamI've done that, then tried a passwd to change the users password, but still no go.23:54
aciculafull install on one partition i assume?23:55
aciculaany errors in auth.log/syslog? is there a crypted passwd in /etc/shadow ?23:55
tgrahamMinimal install on the guided partion.23:55
tgrahamLet me check those.23:56
sebsebsebtgraham: 8.10 server?  that's what you put23:56
aciculayeah that shouldnt give any issues23:56
tgrahamYes, 8.10 server23:56
tgrahamamd64 ISO23:56
sebsebsebtgraham: uhmm that will run out of support at the end of April23:56
tgrahamVMWare server is the host.23:56
aciculasebsebseb: LTS is five years for server23:56
tgraham9 doesn't play nice with what I'm doing.23:56
sebsebsebacicula: 8.10 is not a LTS23:56
aciculasebsebseb: my mistake, misread, that is correct :)23:57
sebsebsebtgraham: 8.04 is LTS  not 8.1023:57
aciculasebsebseb: he never said it was23:57
sebsebsebtgraham: 10.04 is next LTS.   ,but your doing server OS in virtual machines?23:57
sebsebsebacicula: true23:58
cjaeerUSUL: so using ionice to reduce disk activity from scanner is not really an option, unless it is idle?23:58
lnx4verlnx4ver ext4 seems to have its benefits (less fragmentation, faster boot) but I have some doubts  has it still look like it is not feature complete and could one can get problem with using barrier=023:58
sebsebsebtgraham: what's your actsaul host OS?23:58
erUSULcjae: !? can you rephrase?23:58
sebsebsebtgraham: and why are you doing Ubuntu in a server machine?   ESX4 uhmm that sounds like the virtual machine software, not the actsaul operating system it's running on23:58
sebsebsebtgraham: why are you doing server in a virtual machine, above?23:58
aciculaESX is a virtualisation approach, i use i too, though just esx3.523:59
tgrahamI need 10 Ubuntu servers, I have  2 ESX4 servers to put them on.23:59
tgrahamESX4 is the OS.23:59
sebsebsebtgraham: 8.04 server that makes sense,  8.10  not really when it's on the verge of running out of support.23:59
tgrahamIf you can call it that.23:59
sebsebseb!server | tgraham23:59
ubottutgraham: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support23:59
aciculatgraham: can you try the 8.04 LTS, see if you get the same problem? it sreally weird though23:59

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