=== djsiegel2 is now known as 16SAAAY4R | ||
jono | Nafai, hey! | 17:19 |
jono | welcome! | 17:19 |
Nafai | Hey jono! | 17:20 |
jono | Nafai, all going well? | 17:20 |
Nafai | So I looked at apt-daemon, and I don't see where a GtkStatusIcon (or gtk.StatusIcon in pygtk) is being used | 17:21 |
Nafai | :) | 17:21 |
jcastro | hi Nafai! | 17:21 |
jcastro | one sec, I need to confirm if he wants to keep it | 17:22 |
jcastro | I chatted with him yesterday | 17:22 |
Nafai | ok, thanks jcastro! | 17:22 |
Nafai | I've been looking at gnome-control-center in the meantime | 17:22 |
jcastro | awesome, we just started 20 minutes ago | 17:23 |
jcastro | so give us a minute to catch up. :) | 17:23 |
Nafai | You in Portland with everyone else? | 17:23 |
Nafai | np | 17:23 |
jcastro | yeah | 17:23 |
jcastro | I will assign the bugs to you here in a bit | 17:23 |
jcastro | then as you start working on them switch them to in progress | 17:23 |
Nafai | sure thing | 17:23 |
jcastro | are you familiar with lp? | 17:23 |
Nafai | sort of, learning more | 17:24 |
jcastro | Nafai: most of these will need patches, not branches | 17:28 |
Nafai | okay, cool. | 17:29 |
Nafai | So attach a .patch file to the bug? | 17:29 |
jcastro | Nafai: however, it might be a good idea to have them live in a branch on lp | 17:29 |
jcastro | yeah, and also in the upstream bug | 17:29 |
jcastro | Nafai: when you have one ready we should go through it together I think | 17:29 |
Nafai | if that would it be easier for you and others to review, I don't mind pushing an in-progress branch | 17:29 |
Nafai | definitely | 17:29 |
jcastro | yeah, so probably branches to make review easier | 17:30 |
jcastro | and then when it's ready to be upstreamed generate a patch? | 17:30 |
Nafai | I imagine I'll need to patch the packaging branch as well, so adjust dependencies | 17:30 |
Nafai | yeah, sounds good | 17:30 |
jcastro | I think our desktop guys will do that? | 17:30 |
jcastro | I can check for you. | 17:30 |
Nafai | please | 17:30 |
Nafai | I don't have a problem fixing packaging, I have some experience | 17:31 |
jcastro | Nafai: kenvandine will be doing the packaging | 17:43 |
jcastro | Nafai: but he's not here for a few hours now | 17:43 |
Nafai | ok, good to know | 17:43 |
jcastro | Nafai: so we can just pile em up and he'll upload them as you finish them | 17:43 |
Nafai | sounds great | 17:43 |
jcastro | Nafai: ok so you're going to do gnome-cc first? | 17:44 |
Nafai | yes | 17:44 |
jcastro | Nafai: also, they don't care wether it's in bzr or a patch, whatever works for you. | 17:45 |
Nafai | sounds good, thanks | 17:45 |
jcastro | Nafai: if we can get one into lucid today as our first moral victory that would be swell. | 17:47 |
Nafai | sweet, I'll see what I can do | 17:48 |
jono | Nafai, a kitten is saved each day for each patch you write | 17:48 |
Nafai | no pressure | 17:48 |
Nafai | :) | 17:48 |
jono | Nafai, no pressure but jcastro doesn't get paid if you screw up | 17:48 |
jono | just kidding :-) | 17:48 |
jono | brb rebooting | 17:48 |
jcastro | Nafai: when jonathan joins we need to make sure you guys don't accidentally work on the same bug | 17:49 |
Nafai | ok | 17:49 |
Nafai | Does the rhythmbox package in Lucid have the appindicators support? I'm not seeing an option to turn on app indicators in the plug-in list | 18:05 |
Nafai | (just looking at other examples) | 18:05 |
jcastro | Nafai: yes, in lucid it's got support | 18:05 |
jcastro | by default | 18:06 |
jcastro | Nafai: when ken gets here we're going to push that one upstream | 18:06 |
Nafai | weird | 18:06 |
Nafai | so it's not a plugin? | 18:06 |
jcastro | I don't think so | 18:06 |
Nafai | ok | 18:07 |
smithj | jono: hey | 18:21 |
vish | djsiegel: hi.. have a look at Bug 54024 , [gnome3 uses winkey for the menu/overlay mode] | 18:37 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 54024 in gnome-control-center "WIN key <SUPER_L> should be mapped to Applications menu" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54024 | 18:37 |
vish | ah ha , it was jcastro who added the papercut task ;) .. jcastro any particular reason? | 18:40 |
jcastro | vish: that was from a while ago, I don't even remember! | 18:42 |
vish | :) | 18:43 |
Nafai | I'm stepping away to get some lunch | 18:59 |
Nafai | bbiab | 18:59 |
jono | hey smithj | 19:01 |
jono | :) | 19:01 |
jono | hows things? | 19:01 |
smithj | jono: pretty good. just replied to a couple of your emails | 19:02 |
jcastro | hi smithj! | 19:03 |
jono | smithj, ahhh sweet, will check in a sec | 19:03 |
smithj | jcastro: heyo! | 19:10 |
jcastro | smithj: cool, when you snag one mark it as "In Progress" | 19:12 |
smithj | i did | 19:13 |
jcastro | smithj: Nafai: since a bunch of us are sprinting just ping me too and I'll poke ken to put it in lucid | 19:13 |
smithj | (i think... i haven't used launchpad before) | 19:13 |
jono | smithj, Nafai is a contractor too | 19:13 |
jcastro | Nafai: smithj: any of you guys familiar with vala? | 19:33 |
smithj | jcastro: i read the LWN article about it, but i've never used it | 19:33 |
djsiegel | vish: thanks | 19:47 |
Nafai | jcastro: unfortunately, no | 20:17 |
Nafai | jcastro: It doesn't seem too complicated, I could pick it up if you need me too | 20:17 |
Nafai | back, btw :) | 20:18 |
Nafai | smithj: So are you working on the app-indicator porting too? | 20:20 |
smithj | Nafai: yep | 20:20 |
smithj | just started today, haven't done any real work yet | 20:20 |
Nafai | Same here | 20:20 |
Nafai | Are you more proficient in Python or C? | 20:21 |
smithj | more so in python | 20:21 |
smithj | haven't done any serious c hacking in year or so, i'm sure i'm rusty :-P | 20:21 |
Nafai | about the same here :) my big hurdle at the moment will be autotools, I'm sure | 20:21 |
Nafai | hopefully we'll pick this up quick | 20:23 |
jcastro | Nafai: smithj: ok so who wants Seahorse? (the vala app) | 20:24 |
jcastro | fight amonst yourselves ;) | 20:24 |
Nafai | smithj: I could take it :) | 20:25 |
Nafai | jcastro: So since I'm not doing the packaging, how do you suggest I test my changes? | 20:25 |
smithj | Nafai: i could, if you want. i'm always up for learning new things | 20:25 |
jcastro | Nafai: as soon as ken gets here we can figure it out | 20:26 |
jcastro | perhaps we should have a quick conf call this afternoon with everybody? | 20:26 |
Nafai | Works for me | 20:26 |
smithj | what time? | 20:26 |
Nafai | smithj: I kind of like learning new things too, but you can take it :) | 20:27 |
Nafai | jcastro: conf call on regular phones or skype? I haven't yet installed skype on my new lucid install | 20:27 |
smithj | we need a bot that does #random | 20:27 |
jcastro | Nafai: phones | 20:29 |
Nafai | ok :) | 20:29 |
jcastro | Nafai: also, feel free to do the packaging if you need it to test | 20:29 |
Nafai | ok, doesn't look too complicated | 20:30 |
smithj | jcastro: what time? | 20:31 |
smithj | Nafai: how much are you working (hours per week)? | 20:31 |
smithj | i'm only working 20 | 20:32 |
Nafai | full-time, 40 | 20:32 |
smithj | k | 20:32 |
Nafai | what time zone are you in? | 20:32 |
smithj | Nafai: alaska | 20:33 |
smithj | its 11:33 here now | 20:33 |
jcastro | smithj: We'll have to figure out the time when ken gets here, his flight was delayed so we're kind of waiting on him | 20:38 |
smithj | yeah, i noticed that... "weather delays" | 20:40 |
smithj | jcastro: what time zone are you? | 20:41 |
jcastro | smithj: we're in PST | 20:53 |
smithj | good, that isn't too much difference | 20:54 |
nafai | Hope I haven't missed anything | 21:52 |
nafai | I'm having problems with my IRC proxy and trying to get it fixed | 21:53 |
=== Nafai` is now known as Nafai | ||
Nafai | Okay, everything is fixed, back to work stuff | 22:01 |
=== Nafai is now known as nafai | ||
=== nafai is now known as Nafai | ||
Nafai | jcastro: I see kenvandine is at least on IRC now, are we going to be able to do a call today? | 23:03 |
jcastro | Nafai: let's shoot for tomorrow I think | 23:03 |
jcastro | Nafai: are you blocking on anything? | 23:04 |
Nafai | not particularly, I'm a little slow with this first one | 23:04 |
Nafai | I will have questions for tomorrow though :) | 23:04 |
jcastro | yeah, no worries | 23:04 |
mpt_ | jcastro, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CustomStatusMenuDesignGuidelines#icons | 23:56 |
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