DanaG | weird... my "shut down" and "log out" menu items are missing. | 01:25 |
DanaG | And I don't have any indicator-applet on my panel... or rather, I'm in the "no ubuntu stuff" gnome session. | 01:26 |
mikeconcepts | would appreciate a link on how to create a persistent bootable usb thumdrive for lucid | 01:34 |
Mage__ | during the install process just choose your usb drive as the install location:) | 01:35 |
mikeconcepts | assume that requires I burn a CD | 01:36 |
Mage__ | no | 01:36 |
mikeconcepts | how then? | 01:36 |
mikeconcepts | tried unetbootin, would not boot, but was able to take that same usb stick to a windows and used unetbootin to copy another distro | 01:38 |
Mage__ | are you trying to put it on the drive without burning a cd? if so just use something like daemon tools or gizmo to have it treat the file as a cd and then run it | 01:38 |
mikeconcepts | are they linux apps? | 01:39 |
mikeconcepts | if so I will install one and try | 01:39 |
DanaG | hmm, there's a normal usb-creator thingy. | 01:40 |
mikeconcepts | yeah, I have the one for img | 01:41 |
mikeconcepts | perhaps that would work, but I like the virtual CD idea to | 01:42 |
Mage__ | no but if you are in linux you should be able to use the usb-creator like he said | 01:45 |
DanaG | hmm, wait, where are you trying to install from, and to? | 01:47 |
mikeconcepts | want to install lucid to usb from karmic... this link indicates issues http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1345125 | 01:54 |
Mage__ | well you could always just use gnome-iso to mount the images and let it run and install it that way | 01:56 |
mikeconcepts | looking | 01:57 |
mikeconcepts | seems I had tried imagewriter thinking in my mind it was usb-creator, my mistake, gonna do usb-creator | 01:59 |
mikeconcepts | but ya'll have turned me on to some other cool apps, thanks | 02:01 |
Mage__ | apparently i had it wrong, it's gisomount | 02:01 |
mikeconcepts | I will want that gisomount | 02:02 |
Mage__ | there is another one gmountiso as well with a guide here http://www.ubuntugeek.com/easy-way-of-mountunmount-iso-images-in-ubuntu.html | 02:03 |
=== EddieRingle is now known as [_]EddieRingle | ||
=== [_]EddieRingle is now known as EddieRingle | ||
mikeconcepts | Mage__: thanks, installed both and will have a lot of fun using. | 02:10 |
Mage__ | no problem, sorry i'm going back and forth in the kitchen | 02:19 |
=== EddieRingle is now known as China | ||
=== China is now known as EddieRingle | ||
pasjr | Can any one tell me what would be the best usb n adapter to buy to work with Ubuntu 9.10/10.04 | 02:39 |
Mage__ | i'm not sure but I got the linksys wireless n (version 1) to work with a simple one line fix, but i haven't tested many so I am not sure which ones work out of the box. I will see if I can find the list that says which ones do. | 02:41 |
pasjr | I understand that there is no list, just wondering which ones everybody has had the best luck with | 02:42 |
Mage__ | here is the list of supported manufacturers https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported | 02:42 |
Mage__ | each one you can click to see which ones work out of the box, have a workaround or do not work at all | 02:43 |
pasjr | thanks:( | 02:43 |
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darthanubis | !best | 07:52 |
ubottu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 07:52 |
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betinho | hey | 11:04 |
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tumaix | I'm getting a few problems with Qt + QtScript | 11:04 |
tumaix | in the kubuntu libs | 11:04 |
tumaix | it works in other 5 distros, so I'm sure it's not the app's problem. | 11:07 |
tumaix | there is somebody that I can talk about this? | 11:07 |
yofel | tumaix: #kubuntu-devel would be a good place to ask about qt development | 11:24 |
tumaix | yofel: thanks for the heads up. | 11:27 |
mzz | I don't know if this is strictly a ubuntu+1 issue, but has anyone seen evolution ask for the password to the default keyring on startup? | 11:54 |
mzz | it wants to access it but it is locked, iirc | 11:54 |
mzz | last time I tried to search launchpad I didn't see anything, but I didn't do that thorough a job searching. | 11:55 |
=== Dink|W is now known as Dink | ||
Ian_Corne | gtkjockey seems to work | 13:17 |
_stink_ | i noticed this package in the "New" list today: libgnome2.0-cil-dev, and the description says it's "is a CLI (.NET) language binding". the package name has 'cil', but the description has 'CLI'. is this a typo? | 13:31 |
tsimpson | _stink_: package names are always lower-case | 13:33 |
Pici | tsimpson: cli vs cil | 13:34 |
_stink_ | right-o | 13:34 |
tsimpson | ooh | 13:34 |
* tsimpson rubs eyes | 13:34 | |
_stink_ | there are like a dozen of them w/ the cli/cil swap. | 13:34 |
tsimpson | cil would likely be a typo | 13:35 |
_stink_ | anyway, thought it was worth reporting somewhere. | 13:35 |
tsimpson | time to report a bug _stink_ :) | 13:35 |
tsimpson | !bug | 13:35 |
ubottu | If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots | 13:35 |
_stink_ | hehe | 13:35 |
_stink_ | will do. | 13:35 |
tsimpson | thanks | 13:35 |
_stink_ | :) | 13:35 |
jpds | _stink_: I think that's just the C# packaging convention. | 13:35 |
Pici | _stink_: just from a simple apt-cache search and grep, it looks like a lot of packages that are described as being 'cli' have 'cil' in their names | 13:35 |
_stink_ | i had noticed a bunch of them in new packages, but didn't look through the rest of the repos. | 13:36 |
_stink_ | i wondered if it was intentional or not. | 13:36 |
_stink_ | do i still file the bug? | 13:36 |
Pici | I'm only on karmic here, and it looks okay. | 13:37 |
Pici | Rather, I see a lot of 'cil' packages here. | 13:37 |
_stink_ | ok. maybe this is intentional. | 13:37 |
jpds | _stink_: Talk to directhex in -motu. | 13:37 |
Pici | http://pastebin.com/f5cfd34f5 | 13:37 |
tsimpson | perhaps it should be -cil rather than CLI | 13:37 |
* Pici gives tsimpson a coffee | 13:38 | |
tsimpson | Common Intermediate Language | 13:38 |
jpds | tsimpson: libmono-corlib2.0-cil - Mono core library (for CLI 2.0) | 13:38 |
_stink_ | tsimpson: ooh, you may be right | 13:38 |
tsimpson | jpds: look at the long description of that package | 13:38 |
_stink_ | k, pinged directhex. thanks all | 13:41 |
geser | CIL = Common Intermediate Language, CLI = Common Language Infrastructure (both are from .NET/C# context) | 13:43 |
_stink_ | yeah, he just told me that on #ubuntu-motu | 13:43 |
_stink_ | good, i can move on to other things :P | 13:43 |
tsimpson | well, that's just confusing | 13:45 |
dubey | but gives me error : The PPP daemon has died: pppd options error (exit code = 2) | 14:07 |
ZykoticK9 | nvidia at lucid - not having much luck, started by installing "recommended" then tried 173 - then read that 195 was required, added sevenmachine ppa and installed 195 -- although twinview was functioning and nvidia-settings believed driver was in use, compiz could not be enabled and glxinfo reported no gl available - tried removing all nvidia, so I'm starting fresh --- any ideas/guides/suggestions? | 14:55 |
Ian_Corne | ZykoticK9: | 15:04 |
Ian_Corne | i'm on lucid and installed the recommended -- current driver | 15:04 |
Ian_Corne | works perfectly | 15:04 |
Ian_Corne | i don't have compiz tho, but do have direct rendering | 15:04 |
ZykoticK9 | Ian_Corne, not what I experienced at all... mind you i seem to be in worse shape now then I was before - do you happen to know the exact version of nvidia glx/driver you are using? is it 185? | 15:05 |
Ian_Corne | looking where i can find the version | 15:07 |
Ian_Corne | OpenGL version string: 2.1.2 NVIDIA 190.53 ? | 15:09 |
ZykoticK9 | Ian_Corne, thanks! | 15:09 |
bjsnider | what? | 15:10 |
Ian_Corne | ? | 15:10 |
bjsnider | 2.1.2 is not the version that comes with the 190 driver. it should say 3.2 | 15:10 |
Ian_Corne | can it be that my card doesn't support 3.2? | 15:11 |
Ian_Corne | it's a 6600 | 15:11 |
bjsnider | no it can't | 15:11 |
Ian_Corne | 6200* | 15:11 |
Ian_Corne | oh ok | 15:11 |
Ian_Corne | well i got that with glxinfo | 15:11 |
Ian_Corne | nvidia-settings also tells me 190.53 is installed | 15:11 |
Ian_Corne | friend of mine running karmic: OpenGL version string: 3.0.0 NVIDIA 185.18.36 | 15:14 |
Ian_Corne | he has a 8800 card tho | 15:15 |
charlie-tca | Karmic is different. Lucid should have 190 | 15:15 |
Sarvatt | it determines the opengl level based on the extensions the card advertises and it doesnt support 3.2 on older cards that cant do it all, thats normal. 2.1.2 is what my 7300GT does as well | 15:16 |
Ian_Corne | aha | 15:16 |
Ian_Corne | so it's normal :) | 15:16 |
BluesKaj | Howdy | 15:28 |
robin0800 | BluesKaj: very quiet today must be monday | 15:29 |
dasprid_ | Was is yet decided wether php 5.3.* comes into lucid or not? | 15:30 |
BluesKaj | hi robin0800 , yeah , i'm busy trying to get wicd to understand that the passphrse i'm using is not "bad"...i'ts erroring out on the wifi connection , and the pasphrse is fine ...works on the laptop | 15:32 |
=== Guest90199 is now known as Authority | ||
UbuntuUser | Hi all, I want to install the guest extensions of virtualbox in ubuntu 10.04 | 16:45 |
UbuntuUser | but they dont work | 16:45 |
UbuntuUser | the logfile: http://pastebin.com/d19e08781 | 16:45 |
UbuntuUser | so the compiling cause an error | 16:45 |
UbuntuUser | how to fix it? | 16:45 |
UbuntuUser | does anyone know it? | 16:54 |
arand | UbuntuUser: They haven't worked properly for quite a while.. | 16:55 |
alex_mayorga | hello all! Does Skype run on your lucids? | 16:55 |
UbuntuUser | did you read the logfile? | 16:57 |
UbuntuUser | only the kernel configuration is invalid ... | 16:57 |
UbuntuUser | Run 'make oldconfig && make prepare' on kernel src to fix it. | 16:57 |
arand | UbuntuUser: I know that the post -10 kernel really disagrees with vbox, and its acpi, unable to boot in jaunty.. | 17:05 |
om26er | when I mount a dvd containing a movie through archive mounter it dont play. mounting that image from terminal works. | 17:07 |
om26er | even the .vob files dont open | 17:07 |
UbuntuUser | still thx for help, cu | 17:16 |
ripps | Does anybody know of good xine client? It seems to be the only video interface to be able to play my dvds, but gxine sucks. | 17:50 |
bjsnider | ripps, videolan will play dvds | 17:59 |
ripps | I remember that i used to be possible to switch totem to a xine backend, but it seems that's not possible anymore. | 18:01 |
OptimasPrime | Hi... | 18:02 |
ripps | I heard lucid was going to backport kernels, so is it possible that we'll see kernel 2.6.33 in the near future. | 18:32 |
gnomefreak | i dont recall but i thought i heard 32 was going to be final in Lucid | 18:34 |
* lupine_85 does one of those fun dist-upgrade thingies | 18:41 | |
alex_mayorga | anything a John Doe could contribute to stop the thelepaty crashes? | 18:52 |
alex_mayorga | Anything I can add to the panel and see how much stuff I've down/uploaded? I "live" into a metered connection from time to time | 19:06 |
razertek | does anyone know why ubuntu would slow down my internet browsing but yet my up and down speeds are normal? | 19:14 |
alex_mayorga | razertek, what do you use to upload/download? | 19:19 |
gnomefreak | razertek: web content can cause slow down (flash java ect...) | 19:21 |
geser | alex_mayorga: if counting since the last reboot is enough, try "netspeed" | 19:26 |
alex_mayorga | geser, thanks, but I need a monthly thing | 19:29 |
razertek | i use firefox...i amn just flipping between pages when i search/browse it is very slow | 19:35 |
gnomefreak | razertek: try using a new profile. | 19:36 |
razertek | profile for? | 19:36 |
gnomefreak | razertek: firefox | 19:36 |
razertek | well it does the same for other browsers too | 19:36 |
gnomefreak | razertek: than its most likely webcontent :) | 19:37 |
razertek | but my pc and connection can handle the web content/which is too specific to a website itself to cause an overall problem | 19:38 |
gnomefreak | ps aux than look for any apps causing high useage (top also works and is better) | 19:40 |
gnomefreak | smoking | 19:40 |
razertek | k | 19:40 |
alex_mayorga | geser, any other ideas? | 19:41 |
razertek | nothing in high usage.. | 19:41 |
alex_mayorga | razertek, check netstat maybe | 19:43 |
geser | alex_mayorga: sorry no | 19:43 |
razertek | what am i looking for in netstat? | 19:44 |
alex_mayorga | see what connections you have open | 19:44 |
razertek | alex_mayorga: should i pastebin this? | 19:46 |
alex_mayorga | razertek, no need I think you need to figure it on your end | 19:47 |
alex_mayorga | is the browser the only process running? | 19:47 |
bmm | It seems I'm seeing http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=554842 again: yelp shows errors on various man pages of various packages on amd64. Is somebody on that? I can't find a launchpad bug for it. | 19:47 |
ubottu | Debian bug 554842 in yelp "Webkit error when trying to view gnumeric manual" [Normal,Fixed] | 19:47 |
razertek | alex_mayorga: netstat shows alot of streams connected i had to direct output to txt | 19:48 |
mescalinum | hi, I just tried the 10.04 update, but on reboot I have a black screen just after "GRUB loading". isn't ESC supposed to bring up a grub menu / grub options for debugging???? [it doesn't work here] | 20:14 |
arand | mescalinum: shift for getting the grub2 menu | 20:14 |
mescalinum | oh ok | 20:14 |
mescalinum | got it | 20:14 |
mescalinum | what I can do for the black screen? | 20:15 |
Luig1 | Hello, I was wondering if it is possible to upgrade directly from 8.04 to 10.04 | 20:15 |
mescalinum | it seems it has the backlight off | 20:15 |
mescalinum | maybe only the backlight | 20:15 |
Luig1 | Or, in fact, directly between 8.04 and any later release. | 20:15 |
Luig1 | Aside from 8.10 obviously. | 20:15 |
arand | mescalinum: you get to the grub menu though? | 20:15 |
Pici | Luig1: You can upgrade from one LTS to the next. | 20:15 |
mescalinum | arand: yes | 20:15 |
Luig1 | Oh good, thanks Pici\ | 20:15 |
Luig1 | * Pici | 20:16 |
mescalinum | do I boot in recovery mode? | 20:16 |
arand | mescalinum: Try the recovery mode and see. | 20:16 |
arand | mescalinum: :) | 20:16 |
Pici | Luig1: I don't know how much testing 8.04 to 10.04 has been done though. For other uprades you normally need to go through every intermediary release. | 20:16 |
Luig1 | Right, that was exactly what I didn't want to do Pici. I think I'll just backup and take my chances when the time comes. | 20:17 |
Luig1 | Will the desired upgrade appear in the graphical manager? | 20:18 |
gnomefreak | it will but i doubt u-m is ready for LTS->LTS | 20:18 |
mescalinum | no luck :( also in recovery mode, I see some kernel messages and then black screen | 20:19 |
mescalinum | is there a kernel option to turn off graphical boot (fbsplash or whatever)? | 20:19 |
Pici | I don't know if you'll be able to go from 6.06 to 10.04 directly tough. | 20:19 |
Luig1 | Is there a webpage outlining this feature? | 20:19 |
gnomefreak | !upgrade | 20:19 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading | 20:19 |
Luig1 | Thanks | 20:20 |
arand | mescalinum: edit the boot line removing splash and quiet. | 20:20 |
gnomefreak | not likely to find much on Lucid upgrades | 20:20 |
arand | mescalinum: But that is pretty much the same as the recovery boot. | 20:20 |
mescalinum | uhm is version grub-1.98-20100115-1ubuntu2 ok? | 20:21 |
mescalinum | arand: btw yes, recovery mode already doesn't have 'splash' or 'quiet' options... :S | 20:22 |
arand | mescalinum: you could try using some "acpi=off" "noapic" options if that does anything... Yea that's the right grub (a.k.a. "grub2"), which kernel is this? | 20:22 |
mescalinum | arand: 2.6.32-12-generic | 20:22 |
arand | mescalinum: I've had problems with -11 and onwards in my old virtualbox, acpi issues seemingly.. | 20:23 |
mescalinum | arand: ok, acpi=off didn't turn off the backlight :-) | 20:23 |
mescalinum | I'll update the bug I reported with this information | 20:23 |
mescalinum | damn how the grub2 shift thing works?? I'm not able to get the damn menu all the times... some times I hit shift multiple times and just ignores it | 20:25 |
arand | mescalinum: The bug I've been on is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/510571 And it seems a few, even on physical machines have the same issue. | 20:25 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 510571 in linux "Latest -11 kernel won't boot, -10 works, Lucid" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 20:25 |
arand | mescalinum: you hold shift down, not tap it ;) | 20:25 |
mescalinum | arand: mine is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/515134 | 20:26 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 515134 in ubuntu "black screen right after grub" [Undecided,New] | 20:26 |
mescalinum | arand: is your bug about virtualbox?! | 20:28 |
arand | mescalinum: One thing is that in the case of "my" bug that the kernel messages stays on screen, it doesn't go blank. | 20:28 |
arand | mescalinum: Initially at least, but it seems like some people have similar issues on physical machines. | 20:29 |
charlie-tca | I gave up trying to use the shift key, I change things in the /etc/default/grub file as soon as I can now to get the menu to come up everytime. Shift was too unreliable. | 20:30 |
* charlie-tca and that is on hardware | 20:31 | |
mescalinum | charlie-tca: heh, here also, if I hold shift too early, it stucks on the BIOS splash image | 20:32 |
mescalinum | I have to release it, wait a bit, and hold it again later | 20:33 |
charlie-tca | I always hit it too late | 20:33 |
charlie-tca | but my hardware is set to not stop on keyboard faults, too | 20:33 |
mescalinum | hmm it seems xorg configuration is not ok too | 20:42 |
mescalinum | it loads the intel driver | 20:42 |
mescalinum | but compiz is unable to start | 20:43 |
mescalinum | (worked in 9.10) | 20:43 |
franLink | l | 21:17 |
franLink | ok | 21:17 |
franLink | ? | 21:17 |
franLink | who's on? | 21:17 |
BUGabundo | looking for something _like_ PXE but *simpler*. ideas? | 22:22 |
BUGabundo | stuff like boot.kernel.org or www.netboot.me | 22:22 |
BUGabundo | no need to anwser all at the same time | 22:34 |
BUGabundo | hey AaronMT | 22:34 |
=== simba_ is now known as Saga | ||
geser | crimsun: Hi, do you know if it's possible to let pulse use analog output (headphones) and digital out (to an external amp) at the same time? currently I have to use pavucontrol to switch between the two depending where I want to hear sound (headphones or my big speakers attached to the amp) | 23:47 |
crimsun | geser: only if the [alsa-]driver/linux supports it | 23:48 |
crimsun | geser: currently, linux's jack layer isn't sophisticated enough to do that. It'll probably land in 2.6.35 or 2.6.36 | 23:49 |
geser | hmm, how can I find this out? | 23:49 |
crimsun | geser: enable (unmute) them both and try playing to them both using aplay/speaker-test | 23:49 |
geser | I know it worked some releases ago where I used pure alsa | 23:49 |
crimsun | geser: right, but "it worked" doesn't mean muc; the driver and jack event layers have changed drastically | 23:50 |
crimsun | doesn't mean much* | 23:50 |
crimsun | anyhow, pulse doesn't prevent you from doing what alsa does natively | 23:50 |
crimsun | in the absolute worst case, you just change the default pulse source+sink to be dsnoop+dmix | 23:51 |
Drakeson | Are many firefox 3.6 plugins broken in lucid 64bit ? | 23:52 |
crimsun | only the ones documented on mozilla.org as being broken | 23:52 |
Drakeson | for instance, is greasemonkey broken? | 23:53 |
Drakeson | in case of many plugins that I tried, firefox refuses to start, altogether | 23:54 |
Drakeson | how can I debug firefox? "gdb firefox" does not seem to be the way. | 23:54 |
arand | Drakeson: There's always the way of running it in --safe-mode and re-enabling extensions one by one.. | 23:55 |
arand | Drakeson: I think you need the *-dbg packages to use gdb with it. | 23:56 |
Drakeson | arand: yes, that way I found out which ones break | 23:56 |
geser | crimsun: thanks, looks like I had to "unmute" one switch with alsamixer to make it work on both outputs. I hope this stays this way. | 23:56 |
Drakeson | well, /usr/bin/firefox is not an ELF, it is just wrapper shell script, and I don't know how to debug these cases. | 23:58 |
geser | Drakeson: I've heard that greasemonkey is broken | 23:59 |
crimsun | #ubuntu-mozillateam is more appropriate in this case | 23:59 |
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