ogra | 01:39 | |
BUGabundo | ogra: | 01:39 |
bullgard | I would like to report a bug to Launchpad about Karmic not thawing up. What program package do I have to associate this bug to? | 05:45 |
micahg | ? | 05:46 |
bullgard | micahg: Your message is too short to be comprehensible. | 05:47 |
micahg | bullgard: could you please explain, I don't know what thawing up is | 05:47 |
bullgard | micahg: Before I left my Karmic laptop computer last night I pressed the »Hibernate« menu item. My computer went to hibernate. This morning I pressed its 'Power' button. The computer started and stuck. This special start process is called "thawing". | 05:50 |
bullgard | s/start/start-up/ | 05:51 |
micahg | X is stuck? | 05:51 |
bullgard | Yes. It shows in black and white the Ubuntu logo together with the message: "Waking up. Please wait..." The Caps lock indicator keeps blinking ad infinitum. | 05:53 |
micahg | If it's X, then this page should help: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Reporting | 05:53 |
bullgard | micahg: I don't think that X is the culprit. I am not sure, though. | 05:54 |
micahg | k | 05:55 |
micahg | bullgard: then ubuntu-bug linux | 05:55 |
micahg | bullgard: also look at this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelTeamBugPolicies#Bootloader | 05:56 |
micahg | oops, meant this one: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspendHibernateResume | 05:57 |
bullgard | micahg: As your web page mentions, I end up with a flashing Caps lock indicator. This web page says: "then very likely you are experiencing a kernel panic." I will be glad to mention this in my bug report to Launchpad. Do you still consider I should associate my bug report to 'ubuntu-bug linux'? | 06:15 |
Yerushalmi | Hey, is anybody there? | 11:07 |
Yerushalmi | I'm new to ubuntu and I'm having trouble hibernating - I could use some help. | 11:07 |
nigel_nb | Yerushalmi, Hi, this is the bug squad channel. For support, please ask in #ubuntu. | 11:10 |
Yerushalmi | Ah, okay, thanks | 11:10 |
Yerushalmi | I hope I won't have to come back here to report a bug then :p | 11:10 |
dani_ | hello | 13:17 |
dani_ | can anyone say why there is still only the 1.3.1-1 version of proftpd aviable which is from october 2007, 1.3.3 is already final and should be updated | 13:18 |
micahg | dani_: not in debia? | 13:19 |
micahg | *debian? | 13:19 |
dani_ | its in ubuntu | 13:19 |
dani_ | not in debian | 13:19 |
micahg | dani_: I'm saying the version | 13:19 |
dani_ | 8.04 LTS | 13:20 |
micahg | dani_: 1. we generally don't update to new versions in stable releases | 13:21 |
Pici | !latest | 13:21 |
ubot4 | Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports. | 13:21 |
micahg | 2. THe new version isn't in debian yet | 13:21 |
micahg | Pici: that's a good one to know :) | 13:21 |
Pici | Indeed :) | 13:21 |
micahg | dani_: you can file a request to see if it can get in Lucid, but feature freeze is less than 3 weeks away | 13:22 |
dani_ | yes but as yuo can see after about 5 minutes of research there are lots of exploits for 1.3.0 which are working on 1.3.1 as well | 13:22 |
dani_ | so using 1.3.1 is not too secure | 13:22 |
dani_ | as you can see on milw0rm | 13:23 |
micahg | dani_: if there are security fixes in the latest release, then please file a bug and explain the new version and which security fixes it has and mark security vulnerability | 13:24 |
dani_ | and how can i do this? | 13:24 |
micahg | dani_: keep in mind the hardy version would most likely be patched, not upgraded | 13:24 |
micahg | dani_: ubuntu-bug proftpd | 13:24 |
micahg | and fill in the blanks when the browser opens | 13:25 |
dani_ | bash: ubuntu-bug: command not found | 13:26 |
micahg | dani_: you'd have to do it from your desktop, not the server | 13:27 |
dani_ | okay, thank you :> | 13:27 |
* micahg thinks there might be a server bug submission tool on Lucid, but isn't sure | 13:27 | |
dani_ | would be a nice thing cause i am forced to work with windows here because of Inventor and other CAD-like applications, and now i have to reboot to report the bug | 13:29 |
dani_ | well | 13:29 |
dani_ | have a nice day and thanks :) | 13:29 |
micahg | dani_: there's another option | 13:29 |
micahg | dani_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs#Filing%20bugs%20at%20Launchpad.net | 13:29 |
dani_ | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/proftpd/+bug/515486 | 13:36 |
ubot4 | dani_: Error: This bug is private | 13:36 |
dani_ | so is this right? | 13:36 |
dani_ | oh | 13:36 |
dani_ | how can i make it public? :D | 13:36 |
BlackZ | you must be subscribed to it | 13:36 |
dani_ | ok well i posted it with all details | 13:37 |
dani_ | i hope it will be fixed | 13:37 |
dani_ | thanks for your help and have a nice day :) | 13:38 |
dani_ | bye | 13:38 |
BlackZ | you too - bye | 13:38 |
BlackZ | don't hesitate to ask for other help! | 13:38 |
vish | micahg: shouldnt bug control be able to view private bugs? why am i not able to see the above ^bug? | 14:13 |
micahg | vish: if it's marked a private security bug, I don't think we can | 14:13 |
vish | ah , "security" | 14:14 |
micahg | although, idk | 14:14 |
bddebian | Boo | 15:15 |
hggdh | security+private bugs are for the security team only | 16:58 |
vish | maco2: lol! , nice way to make MS pay linux ;) | 18:09 |
* om26er wonders why where no bugs reported today. | 18:28 | |
yofel | om26er: ? There are plenty... | 18:38 |
qense | unfortunately | 18:39 |
qense | plenty for everyone! | 18:39 |
yofel | yep ^^ | 18:39 |
om26er | i did not get many | 18:39 |
micahg | om26er: what are you subscribed to? | 18:40 |
thekorn | lucky you | 18:40 |
om26er | totem,empathy, and no papercuts today | 18:41 |
vish | feast mee heartees ;) | 18:41 |
vish | om26er: there are plenty of "new" bugs ;) | 18:42 |
qense | Not all papercut rounds have ten bugs yet. Is that going to change? | 18:42 |
om26er | vish, I have searched many bugs and I come to a poing mark it invalid papercut or wait... | 18:43 |
om26er | so I leave them | 18:43 |
* micahg sees 81k open bugs | 18:43 | |
vish | qense: well , the milestoned bugs havent been fixed yet... so we need to worry more of the existing bugs ;) | 18:44 |
qense | vish: true words | 18:44 |
vish | om26er: hmm? why search? > https://bugs.launchpad.net/hundredpapercuts/+bugs?search=Search&field.status=New < gives you a list of bugs we havent gone through yet | 18:45 |
* micahg saw 43k of those | 18:46 | |
micahg | with about 110 people in -control that's 400 bugs per person :P | 18:46 |
om26er | vish, beleive me I read half of those and left thinking this might or might not be a papercut | 18:46 |
vish | om26er: k.. ;) | 18:46 |
qense | not everyone is a member of the papercutters team | 18:47 |
qense | What are the requirements for joining, by the way? | 18:47 |
vish | qense: none ;) | 18:48 |
qense | it is a moderated team | 18:48 |
qense | I'll join and see what I can do | 18:48 |
qense | micahg: Maybe we should ask for assistance from bug control? It's not well-known how you can help out with the papercuts. | 18:51 |
qense | I think: AdoptionTeam! :D | 18:51 |
micahg | qense: you want to make papercuts a part of bug squad? | 18:52 |
qense | not bug squad, just ask people from bug control if they would be interested in helping out at hundredpapercuts | 18:52 |
micahg | gnomefreak: mozilla 521541 | 18:54 |
ubot4 | Mozilla bug 521541 in Toolbars and Tabs "Feature Request: Ability to customize toolbar with buttons statically dedicated to an action such as "mark read," "junk" or filing to a chosen folder, without toggling or requiring a menu selection" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=521541 | 18:54 |
gnomefreak | micahg: thanks | 18:54 |
micahg | oops wrong channel... | 18:57 |
vish | qense: i think micahg was talking about all the open ubuntu bugs , not papercut alone | 18:57 |
micahg | yes | 18:57 |
maco2 | i wonder if launchpad will end up looking like mozilla's bug tracker... 10 year old bugs with no response | 18:57 |
gnomefreak | micahg: its ok this is a bug channel :) | 18:57 |
micahg | my numbers were for all | 18:57 |
qense | maco2: If you find one we should buy you and the reporter a present and triage it real fast. | 18:57 |
qense | The oldest open bug in Nautilus I could find was reported in 2004... | 18:58 |
maco2 | we'll see in 5 years if ubuntu's got any 10 year olds still open | 18:58 |
micahg | qense: that's when Ubuntu started | 18:58 |
qense | micahg: yes, so that's pretty bad :P | 18:58 |
maco2 | well the mozilla bugs tend to have lots of users going "oh yeah when's this gonna be fixed?" but no developers saying "it won't be" or "it's on the roadmap" or "oh look i made a patch" or anything | 18:59 |
micahg | qense: firefox in LP has some bugs from 2004 as well | 18:59 |
qense | The Bug Squad is one of the most important team for user relations. | 19:00 |
qense | we convey a very bad message when we don't respond to bugs at all | 19:00 |
micahg | well, I think we've been doing pretty well at keeping the open bugs flat since karmic release | 19:02 |
gnomefreak | the biggest problem with that is we went a while without a Mozilla dev | 19:02 |
qense | that's problematic indeed. | 19:03 |
* micahg couldn't keep up alone :( | 19:03 | |
qense | But indeed, the bugs are in reasonable nice shape. | 19:03 |
maco2 | we also convey a bad message when we dont actually do any debugging in the triaging but just keep asking "is it fixed yet?" | 19:03 |
vish | qense: micahg: earlier I used to do only the papercut tasks and leave the rest alone , thinking there are a lot of folks around.. but i realized that those bugs dont get taken care of often.. :( hence I'v been doing the accompanying tasks too ... ;) and atleast trying to do 5 bugs a day :) | 19:03 |
qense | that's indeed a problem | 19:04 |
qense | once you touch a bug no one else will | 19:04 |
* vish didnt know that earlier :( | 19:04 | |
micahg | qense: well, it depends on the situation | 19:04 |
qense | kernel bugs usually will get looked at indeed, but packages in the outer spaces of the universe mostly won't | 19:05 |
* micahg isn't shy about following up for people helping me triage FF | 19:05 | |
micahg | the main point is most likely no one will fix it if it's not all the way to triaged which is important for papercuts... | 19:06 |
qense | yes | 19:06 |
qense | it has little use to mark a papercut as Triaged when the Ubuntu task is still Incomplete | 19:06 |
micahg | qense: right | 19:06 |
* vish gets bashed on bugs if marked "incomplete" , which are trivial confirmed problems , but on one knows what/where the problem is :s | 19:15 | |
vish | incomplete in papercuts* | 19:15 |
qense | people shouldn't bash you | 19:15 |
jcastro | hi qense | 19:25 |
qense | hey jcastro | 19:25 |
jcastro | qense: dholbach and I want to do some irc tutorials on adopt an upstream | 19:26 |
jcastro | basically the dev week session again | 19:26 |
jcastro | would you be interested in presenting with us? | 19:26 |
qense | jcastro: I would be glad to do so. When will it be? | 19:26 |
jcastro | we haven't decided yet | 19:27 |
jcastro | we can pencil in stuff and then ping you? | 19:27 |
qense | that's ok | 19:27 |
jcastro | qense: I've sent you calendar invites, lmk how that works for you. | 19:40 |
qense | jcastro: ok | 19:41 |
qense | I got two invites, btw | 19:41 |
qense | I've got GMail, so it seems to work | 19:41 |
jcastro | you have perms to modify it, so if the schedule doesn't fit just move it to wherever | 19:41 |
jcastro | qense: and then I will update the wiki, announce, etc. | 19:42 |
qense | I'll have to check whether Thursday is allright, but Fridays is OK. It's late, but I can handle that. :P | 19:42 |
qense | jcastro: Both times are allright with me. | 19:47 |
qense | jcastro: wait, I thought the second meeting would be a day later. That time is maybe a bit too late. But we do need to reach the US, of course. | 19:51 |
qense | s/meeting/session | 19:53 |
jcastro | qense: ok, or we could do you and daniel to do europe, and I can do the US? | 19:56 |
hggdh | anybody knows the bug # for the locale problem we had a few ago (where we would lose our locale settings, and bump into C)? | 19:56 |
qense | jcastro: maybe that would be better. The second meeting would be at 00.00 for me. | 19:56 |
micahg | jcastro: adopt an upstream is separate from triaging packages, right? | 19:57 |
micahg | jcastro: another Q, is there anything wrong with using our ubuntu.com addy in an upstream bugtracker? | 19:58 |
jcastro | micahg: nope, I would encourage it actually | 20:01 |
micahg | jcastro: k, good, I started signing up with it for new trackers | 20:01 |
jcastro | qense: just adjust them to your liking and I can deal with it. :D | 20:01 |
* micahg already gets spammed at ubuntu.com addy, so that was the only consideration for me | 20:01 | |
jcastro | heh | 20:02 |
qense | jcastro: In that case I'll keep the first session as it is and remove myself from the second. | 20:02 |
maco | jcastro: and im guessing we should sign off on diffs we send upstream with our ubuntu addys too... | 20:02 |
jcastro | maco: sure! | 20:03 |
jcastro | maco: it helps kill the "we don't do anything" myth, heh | 20:03 |
maco | yeah i think i contributed to that one... used my gmail to send that linux patch last year... | 20:03 |
charlie-tca | What package do bugs against the menubar in Ubuntu go? bug 486747 | 20:32 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 486747 in ubuntu "[Usability] Ubuntu MenuBar applet to have an option to show icons instead of text" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/486747 | 20:32 |
qense | jcastro: The classroom schedule says that my session will be at 3 March, but wasn't it at the 4th? | 20:32 |
qense | charlie-tca: That would be GNOME Panel. However, it's not very clear in the description what changes you're proposing. Do you want to move the menus to the right side of the top panel? | 20:33 |
charlie-tca | I am not proposing anything, just trying to triage | 20:33 |
charlie-tca | I use Xubuntu full time, so it doesn't actually affect me. I just it assigned to the right package | 20:34 |
qense | charlie-tca: Ah, apologises. In that case I'd say: move to gnome-panel and ask the user for a clarification. | 20:34 |
charlie-tca | Thanks. will do | 20:34 |
qense | yw | 20:35 |
jcastro | qense: whoops, please fix! | 20:38 |
qense | jcastro: will do! | 20:38 |
qense | jcastro: shall I add the times as well? Or do you want to wait with that? | 20:39 |
jcastro | sure | 20:40 |
qense | ok | 20:41 |
qense | done | 20:42 |
qense | I'm off for now, bye | 20:42 |
=== MiX is now known as Guest67694 | ||
=== Guest67694 is now known as me777 | ||
me777 | http://me777.de/ubuntu-ln-ls.png I think this is a bug as an orphan link should show in red bold, right? | 22:05 |
BUGabundo | hey | 22:07 |
BUGabundo | I reported THAT bug | 22:07 |
BUGabundo | last month | 22:07 |
BUGabundo | oh no | 22:07 |
BUGabundo | not that one | 22:07 |
BUGabundo | but one about links | 22:08 |
BUGabundo | bah | 22:08 |
BUGabundo | sorry | 22:08 |
me777 | couln'd find it in bugs | 22:08 |
yofel | BUGabundo: yep, remember it | 22:08 |
BUGabundo | yep | 22:08 |
yofel | me777: odd one, works fine here | 22:08 |
BUGabundo | you help test it yofel | 22:08 |
me777 | strange | 22:08 |
yofel | me777: I'm using lucid though | 22:08 |
me777 | used to work here too, maybe 2 month ago or so | 22:09 |
me777 | the dircolor settings seem to be right | 22:09 |
skorasaurus | hi, anyone familiar with 5-a-day ? i'm trying to figure out how to report the bugs that i've worked on. | 23:47 |
charlie-tca | skorasaurus: it is automatic now. Here is some information on it: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/5-A-Day | 23:50 |
skorasaurus | charlie-tca, thanks for response. i read that but i missed the line 'automatic reporting' - hehe. | 23:51 |
charlie-tca | If your email address in launchpad is not hidden, you should show up the day after doing them. | 23:51 |
skorasaurus | it isn't. | 23:52 |
skorasaurus | mind if i ask, is it proper etiquette to post a link in the upstream bugging discussion to notify the dev's that someone else wrote a patch on launchpad ? | 23:53 |
skorasaurus | i'd assume so. | 23:53 |
skorasaurus | [for reference, it's: https://bugs.launchpad.net/okular/+bug/411538 | 23:53 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 411538 in kdegraphics "Okular can't find words with 'fi'." [Low,Triaged] | 23:53 |
charlie-tca | I think normally the patch itself should be sent upstream | 23:56 |
* skorasaurus isn't sure if the patch will work, anyways. | 23:57 | |
charlie-tca | If the bug is sent upstream, you can add a comment that a patch is available on launchpad, and the upstream will then let you know if you have to send it to them. | 23:57 |
skorasaurus | aha, k. | 23:58 |
charlie-tca | Not all of them will actually go to launchpad for it. Some will simply comment that it must be submitted to them directly. then you just download it from launchpad and attach it to the upstream bug. | 23:58 |
skorasaurus | k, thanks. | 23:59 |
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