CIA-6 | ubiquity: superm1 * r3720 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/ | 05:28 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: In the KDE frontend for ubi-language, use findChildren to find widgets | 05:28 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: because QWidget itself is not iterable. | 05:28 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: superm1 * r3721 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/ | 05:41 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: In the KDE frontend, don't try to set the text on the breadcrumbs early | 05:41 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: as translations don't appear ready yet. The widgets will still load, | 05:41 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: and translate when the langauge is changed. (LP: #511947) | 05:41 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: superm1 * r3722 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog): | 05:44 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: console-setup | 05:44 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: 1.34ubuntu8, debian-installer-utils 1.72ubuntu2, tzsetup | 05:44 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: 1:0.26ubuntu4. | 05:44 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: superm1 * r3723 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.1.15 | 05:44 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: superm1 * r3724 ubiquity/ (bin/oem-config-firstboot debian/changelog): Don't fail to run oem-config if oem-config/early_command isn't set. | 18:10 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: superm1 * r3725 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog scripts/ | 18:14 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: Copy oem-config/early_command from the installation preseed onto the | 18:14 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: installed system. | 18:14 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: evand * r3726 ubiquity/ (3 files in 2 dirs): | 18:19 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: Add oem-config/repository and oem-config/key, which respectively | 18:19 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: specify an additional repository to install packages from and a | 18:19 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: public key that the packages are signed with. | 18:19 |
superm1 | ev, probably want to make sure those are copied over from the initial preseed too (maybe it's better to just copy all oem-config/* keys instead) | 18:21 |
ev | superm1: indeed, will do. Thanks! | 18:21 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: evand * r3727 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog scripts/ Copy all oem-config/* templates to the installed system. | 18:28 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: superm1 * r3728 ubiquity/ (3 files in 3 dirs): | 20:10 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: Try to dynamically detect the number of columns we'll need for | 20:10 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: stepLanguageOnly. When showing < 15 languages, this fixes the | 20:10 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: orientation to be in a single column on small displays. | 20:10 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: superm1 * r3729 ubiquity/ubiquity/components/ cast columns to an integer to prevent a deprecation warning from previous commit | 20:39 |
bdmurray | ev: its bug 515705 | 20:49 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 515705 in ubiquity "ubiquity doesn't provide much help if your system has 4 physical partitions" [Undecided,New] | 20:49 |
ev | bdmurray: thanks, looking into it | 20:54 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: superm1 * r3730 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/ | 22:13 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: If no plugins declare themselves as plugin_is_install (such as the | 22:13 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: case in oem-config mode), then assume the last one is the install plugin. | 22:13 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: superm1 * r3731 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/ | 22:40 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: Allow pages that are declared plugin_is_install to process other steps | 22:40 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: in process_step in addition to the install behaviors. | 22:40 |
superm1 | shtylman, some of these things i've done for the gtk frontend you might want to sync into the kde frontend too ^ | 22:42 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: superm1 * r3732 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog scripts/ Add a try/except guard around the fetch of oem-config/extra_packages. | 23:20 |
ev | thanks | 23:23 |
CIA-6 | ubiquity: evand * r3721 plugins-conversion/ (8 files in 5 dirs): Finish converting the user-setup page to a plugin. | 23:23 |
superm1 | np | 23:25 |
superm1 | oh nice. i was gonna offer to attack that, it looked like it was gonna be a pain though | 23:25 |
ev | wasn't too bad | 23:27 |
ev | not entirely convinced it's complete | 23:27 |
ev | but it at least works in kvm | 23:27 |
ev | I'm working off a branch that shtylman created a while back and asked for review on | 23:28 |
superm1 | you'll probably want to merge trunk into it as there's some weird stuff that might be going on otherwise now with the is_install step and possible post install steps | 23:28 |
ev | yeah, I caught that. Definitely will do. | 23:29 |
superm1 | that is_install stuff appeared to have broken oem-config until some of those above commits | 23:29 |
TheMuso | What bzr branch is being used as casper trunk now? Checking the source version, the package is 1.215, yet pulling lp:casper shows an unreleased 1.211. | 23:32 |
ev | TheMuso: lp:ubuntu/casper | 23:33 |
TheMuso | ok thanks. | 23:33 |
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