
rbelempersia, ping01:05
zimHi all. Just installing UNRfor a friend are there any other themes that look lighter?12:20
YerushalmiMy computer refuses to permanently enter hibernate; it goes through all of the motions preparing to hibernate but then just pops me into a blank-until-you-move-the-mouse-to-get-the-login screen. What's going on and how can I fix this?12:22
zimYerushalmi: what is your computer? some the  hibernate wont work. have you tryed suspend?12:24
YerushalmiSuspend works fine. I have an Eee PC12:24
YerushalmiMy pm-suspend.log file makes it clear the computer's going all the way into hibernate and popping out again instantly12:26
zimsorry no idea?12:26
Yerushalmizim: Well, perhaps you can help with something else?12:27
YerushalmiA lot of times various windows pop up too tall for my monitor12:27
YerushalmiFor instance, the Palimpsest Disk Utility, a lot of times some of the options or confirm buttons are simply too long for the screen12:28
YerushalmiI've had to add a display icon to the top so I can quickly change the monitor orientation, hold the computer sideways, select the options that I need, then change it back :p12:28
YerushalmiAnyway I can fix this?12:28
zim1sorry interweb droped :)12:30
zim1fire away12:30
Yerushalmizim1: welcome back. Did you see my other question?12:30
Yerushalmiguess not :p12:30
YerushalmiA lot of times various windows pop up too tall for my monitor12:30
YerushalmiFor instance, the Palimpsest Disk Utility, a lot of times some of the options or confirm buttons are simply too long for the screen12:30
YerushalmiI've had to add a display icon to the top so I can quickly change the monitor orientation, hold the computer sideways, select the options that I need, then change it back :p12:30
YerushalmiAny way I can fix this?12:31
zim1The problem is loads of software is written for bigger screens :(12:32
zim1poke the devs12:32
YerushalmiHeh. But there's no way to push a window higher than the top of the screen so I can see what's stuck below the bottom?12:33
YerushalmiOr to add some sort of scroll?12:33
zim1dont think so and (am new to UNR) but it looks like all apps are in tabs so you cant resize/move the window12:34
Yerushalmi*sigh* This hibernate thing is really irritating me, though12:34
zim1with standard gnome you would hold down alt 12:34
YerushalmiAh! I can do that?12:35
Yerushalmi*checks it out*12:35
YerushalmiThat's one of three problems solved.12:35
YerushalmiSo, third question12:37
YerushalmiSomehow, and I don't know how, my date and time and power menus have found themselves to the left of instead of to the right of the battery, wireless, audio, and display icons.12:37
zim1fire away12:37
YerushalmiHow do I rearrange them back?12:38
zim1look for a || that is dotted can you see it?12:38
zim1Q 4 you12:40
zim1are there any other themes I can use in UNR my friend is not going to like ubuntu brown :)12:41
YerushalmiA what that is dotted? I don't know where I'm looking.12:41
Yerushalmi(And I know nothing about themes or anything - I've only had ubuntu for two weeks)12:42
zim1on the top bar right click untick lock to panel move stuff about12:43
YerushalmiCool, okay, I can get it to move around, but it still won't let me move them to the right of the 12:45
Yerushalmi*to the right of the icons.12:45
zim1try move icons to the left12:46
YerushalmiThat was my obvious thought, but the icons don't have lock to panel or move buttons when I right click them12:47
zim1sorry no idea then12:48
zim1is there a remote desktop for UNR?12:48
YerushalmiHehe. Thanks anyways.12:48
YerushalmiEven if there was, the computer's not connected to the net right now.12:48
zim1no for my comp12:49
YerushalmiOh, lol12:49
YerushalmiThanks, zim :)12:49
zim1I am setting it up for a freind who will be on the phone in 5 min with HOW ......12:49
rbelemasac, ian_brasil, persia http://public.me.com/alexis.menard13:20
rbelemtake a look in this video13:20
rbelemasac, r u there?13:40
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=== sweeny is now known as ssweeny
zim1Hi all. How can I add/remove folders from the Files & Folders Menu ?14:05
zim1hello world anyone in?14:38
loolI don't think that's configurable14:41
loolYou would need to rebuild the launcher14:41
loolBut I think your gtk bookmarks should appear there IIRC14:42
zim1lool: many thanks. :(14:51
zim1lool: Ty Bookmark worked :)14:53
=== davidm is now known as Guest44811
asacrbelem: we are at platform sprint17:50
asacso not as responsive atm17:50
rbelemasac, np :-)17:51
rbelemasac, i talked to the maintainer17:51
rbelemasac, and there are some changes that i want to discuss with you and persia 17:54
asacrbelem: i will try to get persia in here when i see him17:54
rbelemasac, ok :-)17:54

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