=== golddragon24_ is now known as golddragon24 | ||
MTecknology | How does this sound for a changelog? * This version IS NOT correct! Version below is the actual version. | 03:46 |
MTecknology | :P | 03:46 |
zooko | :-) | 03:46 |
MTecknology | I really want this specific version with a few modifications - but using the same version would mean I need to lock versions. I figure if it's for personal use only I should be oke with that. Actually, I think the maintainer of this version just didn't want to update teh changelog | 03:48 |
zooko | Hey man I don't even have an opinion. | 03:57 |
zooko | (rough allusion to Pulp Fiction) | 03:57 |
MTecknology | I need to find this package - libpurple-facebookchat - any of you know where it might be hiding? | 04:00 |
* micahg remembers seeing something like that | 04:01 | |
micahg | !info pidgin-facebookchat | 04:01 |
ubottu | pidgin-facebookchat (source: pidgin-facebookchat): Facebook Chat plugin for Pidgin. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.60-1.1 (karmic), package size 35 kB, installed size 148 kB | 04:01 |
micahg | MTecknology: ^^ | 04:02 |
MTecknology | micahg: does that provide what I need? I 'should' only need a library but that wants to pull in 95MB of packages (102 packages) | 04:05 |
RAOF | MTecknology: No, I think that's the package you're after. | 04:06 |
RAOF | It depends on libpurple, which in turn depends on all sorts of stuff for the default libpurple providers. | 04:06 |
MTecknology | icky | 04:07 |
MTecknology | ok, thanks | 04:07 |
MTecknology | It even wants x11 junk | 04:08 |
micahg | MTecknology: check the libpurple depends | 04:08 |
micahg | maybe libpurple needs a nox package | 04:08 |
MTecknology | nox? | 04:08 |
micahg | no X | 04:09 |
MTecknology | oh | 04:09 |
MTecknology | that would be nice | 04:09 |
MTecknology | I just need a plugin for bitlbee so I can do bitlbee -> facebook chat | 04:09 |
micahg | MTecknology: description says pidgin or libpurple so I'd say yes | 04:12 |
zooko | ScottK: did I mention that we made Tahoe-LAFS got from 230 KB/s to 2.05 MB/s download speed? | 04:20 |
MTecknology | micahg: thanks; I realized I built the package wrong so I'm rebuilding and I'll see how it works | 04:24 |
MTecknology | micahg: hurray, maybe it's just a dependency issue during build - I'd like that :P | 04:26 |
ScottK | zooko: You didn't. Cool. Is the release ready? | 04:44 |
zooko | Alllmyst. | 04:46 |
zooko | Alllmost. | 04:47 |
zooko | We are a bit fanatical about unit tests. | 04:47 |
zooko | We just finished making a deterministic unit test of what happens when you start downloading a file in parallel from 3 servers, then later a 4 server joins, then one of the first 3 servers turns out to have an invalid block. | 04:48 |
zooko | What happens is that you detect the invalidity of the block and switch over to the 4th server. | 04:48 |
zooko | But the cool thing is that this behavior is now automatically tested on every checkin by the unit tests. | 04:48 |
zooko | Anyway... | 04:48 |
zooko | The next release of Tahoe-LAFS is going to be any day now. | 04:48 |
MTecknology | Start in 34 minutes (2520) - long time to start building a package | 04:51 |
ScottK | Not really. | 04:53 |
MTecknology | ScottK: really? I'm used to only waiting a couple minnutes | 04:54 |
ScottK | It's a function of the backlog. It varies. | 04:54 |
ScottK | Sometimes it's more than a day. | 04:54 |
MTecknology | ouchy | 04:54 |
MTecknology | it's not like they don't have a lot of machines dedicated to it though | 04:55 |
micahg | backlog is low now: https://edge.launchpad.net/builders | 04:55 |
MTecknology | ya | 04:55 |
micahg | MTecknology: around 4:30 UTC, the mozilla/browser automated builds are pushed | 04:56 |
micahg | *dailies | 04:56 |
zooko | Dear people of #ubuntu-motu: when is our last chance to get a new release of Tahoe-LAFS included in Lucid? | 06:35 |
xnox | zooko: It should be in Debian testing today...... | 06:37 |
zooko | Tahoe-LAFS isn't in Debian yet, but it is in Ubuntu. | 06:37 |
xnox | zooko: what's the source package name? | 06:37 |
zooko | And we Tahoe-LAFS hackers are getting very sleepy... | 06:37 |
* xnox is looking at it | 06:38 | |
zooko | For what it is worth, we have been spending many hours over the last couple of weeks writing better and better unit tests because we are unit testing fanatics. :-) | 06:39 |
jmarsden | zooko: Per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule you would have until 18 Feb 2010 (Feature Freeze), I think. | 06:39 |
xnox | jmarsden: Heya =) | 06:40 |
jmarsden | Hi xnox | 06:40 |
xnox | zooko: or you will have to apply for FeatureFreeze exception like you did for Karmic | 06:40 |
xnox | zooko: but then you still have very littletime April 15th *if* you get FFE | 06:41 |
zooko | Okay, so 18 Feb without needing any exceptions? | 06:42 |
zooko | That would be fine. We're really going to release this thing any day now. | 06:42 |
jmarsden | zooko: I'm not in any way "official", but that's how I would read the Schedule, yes. | 06:42 |
jmarsden | So relax and get some sleep :) | 06:43 |
zooko | :-) | 06:43 |
zooko | But this awesome optimization is sooo close. | 06:43 |
zooko | In fact, I rather suspect the unit tests are at fault rather than the optimization code... | 06:43 |
zooko | :-) | 06:43 |
jmarsden | Dream about how to fix it ... | 06:44 |
zooko | Actually I think we're going to decide to leave this optimization out of v1.6. | 06:44 |
zooko | Then we'll have nothing left but doc and packaging before the release announcement. | 06:44 |
zooko | Zero open tickets in our roadmap! http://allmydata.org/trac/tahoe/roadmap | 06:46 |
zooko | Good night, folks! | 06:46 |
wrapster | im trying to convert a svr4 pkg to .deb just to see if it works.. but I have only the sources... how do i use alien in that case to genearte a deb pkg out of it? | 07:44 |
slytherin | wrapster: What do you mean by sources? | 07:56 |
suji11 | Hi | 08:19 |
suji11 | i create one package for Indic Onscreen Keyboard and upload it to revu.ubuntuwire.com , it is available now here http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/iok , how to i get that into ubuntu repository. | 08:20 |
tsimpson | file a needs-packaging bug and wait for someone to review it | 08:22 |
suji11 | tsimpson: where to needs-packaging bug? | 08:24 |
tsimpson | on launchpad | 08:24 |
tsimpson | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu | 08:24 |
suji11 | tsimpson: i did that too. then | 08:24 |
segler | hi, I am searching for a second advocate for my rhythmbox plugin, please. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/rhythmbox-radio-browser | 08:29 |
suji11 | geser: hi, i correct the error in my package http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/iok , Please review it again. | 08:35 |
hakaishi | Hello everyone! Anyone up to advocate/review qt-shutdown-p? - I've fixed the manpage, as fabrice said the minus in line 16 should be escaped. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/qt-shutdown-p | 09:41 |
hakaishi | Yeahhh ^^ finally an advocation for qt-shutdown-p -^_^- | 09:43 |
hakaishi | Seems like I've forgotten to save the new manpage -_-' There is a new upload now. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/qt-shutdown-p | 10:37 |
coolbhavi | hello while using submittodebian I get the following error: (451, 'Greylisted, see http://isg.ee.ethz.ch/tools/postgrey/help/bugs.debian.org.html'), 'right2bhavi@gmail.com': | 11:23 |
coolbhavi | Operation not permitted | 11:23 |
coolbhavi | any help | 11:23 |
coolbhavi | ? | 11:24 |
coolbhavi | I cant forward any patches to debian | 11:24 |
siretart` | coolbhavi: try again later or use another mail relay that doesn't greylist you | 11:25 |
coolbhavi | siretart, Thanks Its been happening for over a month .. Any alternative server suggestions? | 11:27 |
siretart` | coolbhavi: your ISP's smtp server should do fine | 11:27 |
slytherin | What is the SMTP server used by submittodebian? | 11:28 |
coolbhavi | reitz I think | 11:28 |
siretart` | probably bugs.debian.org itself | 11:28 |
coolbhavi | siretart, I ve rietz.debian.org as smtp server in reportbug.conf. Should I change it now? | 11:31 |
Laney | it just calls reportbug | 11:31 |
* Laney uses smtphost reportbug.debian.org | 11:31 | |
coolbhavi | thanks Laney | 11:32 |
slytherin | coolbhavi: check if fiordland.ubuntu.com works for you. Your from address needs to be @ubuntu.com though. | 11:34 |
randomaction | so, anyone can use this smtp server to file bugs? | 11:34 |
randomaction | I mean reportbug.debian.org | 11:35 |
coolbhavi | slytherin, okay | 11:35 |
coolbhavi | thanks Laney its working | 11:42 |
Laney | good stuff | 11:46 |
hyperair | hmm is gwibber now part of gnome? | 12:02 |
randomaction | hyperair: not according to http://live.gnome.org/TwoPointTwentynine/Desktop | 12:05 |
hyperair | hmm | 12:17 |
hyperair | randomaction: i just noticed gwibber following a gnome-style version number | 12:17 |
slytherin | out of curiosity what protocol does twitter use? | 12:32 |
jetienne | http | 12:35 |
jetienne | q. is there a dh_* helper for apache2 website ? | 12:44 |
jetienne | ok acting as if none exists | 12:55 |
_stink_ | directhex: folks in #ubuntu+1 asked me to point out the description for, say, "libglib2.0-cil - CLI binding for the GLib utility library 2.12" | 13:40 |
_stink_ | there are many where it seems that 'CLI' should really be 'CIL' in the descriptions | 13:40 |
_stink_ | i noticed it in lucid today. | 13:40 |
directhex | _stink_, the terms are annoyingly close, but a CLI library is compiled to CIL bytecode. so it's technically correct | 13:42 |
_stink_ | bah! :) | 13:42 |
_stink_ | directhex: thanks for the info. | 13:42 |
_stink_ | it was one of those things i wasn't sure about but wanted to mention. | 13:42 |
directhex | CLi is the general term for .NETty stuff without needing to adhere to the microsoft .net framework trademark agreement | 13:42 |
directhex | CIL is the name of the bytecode format | 13:42 |
_stink_ | directhex: hopefully people won't bug you about this too much. :P | 13:43 |
slytherin | directhex: perhaps you should add a line in description - "where CLI stands for <meaning>" | 13:44 |
directhex | slytherin, it's not something that frequently comes up, and is a fair amount of work for ~40 library source packages | 13:45 |
slytherin | that is why I said 'perhaps you should' and not 'you must'. :-) | 13:46 |
wrapster | while building the 64bit version of libtspi i get this error..http://pastie.org/804147 | 14:12 |
wrapster | i also see that see that 64bit libpthread.so.1 is present. | 14:12 |
wrapster | but i suspect that when i added the -m64 flag to compile.. i should also disable the 32bit configure.. but not sure how to do it. | 14:13 |
twp | hi -- i have a question about debuild, version and maintainers. #ubuntu-devel told me to ask here :-) | 14:36 |
twp | i'm building a debian package on ubuntu | 14:37 |
twp | the .dsc file and source code contains no mention of the string "ubuntu" | 14:37 |
twp | when i run debuild -us -uc it changes the version: | 14:37 |
twp | dpkg-buildpackage: source version 1.2.20-1ubuntu1 | 14:37 |
geser | what version has the topmost entry in debian/changelog? | 14:38 |
tsimpson | did you use debchange or dch to edit the changelog? | 14:38 |
twp | later, lintian complains about having a ubuntu version but the maintainer not having a ubuntu email addres | 14:38 |
twp | geser: top version is 1.2.20-1ubuntu1, maintainer is me@mydomain.com | 14:39 |
BlackZ | twp, if you should send a request of upload of that package, you must sign it, run "debuild -S" if is so | 14:39 |
twp | i use dch -l local "My local build" but this only seems to add to debian/changelog | 14:39 |
BlackZ | but first, you must have a public key | 14:39 |
twp | BlackZ: thanks, i've already got the public keys set up, i'm just trying to build a local binary deb at this stage | 14:40 |
twp | currently they all have "ubuntu" in the version numbers! | 14:40 |
tsimpson | debuild uses whatever is in the debian/changelog | 14:40 |
tsimpson | though, I don't think -l should imply -i | 14:40 |
tsimpson | (for dch) | 14:41 |
twp | tsimpson: hmmm, it's definitely coming from somewhere | 14:41 |
twp | i've installed ubuntu-dev-scripts package, could this be hooking in the version somewhere? | 14:41 |
tsimpson | on Ubuntu, dch -i will append an ubuntu1 to a debian release | 14:41 |
tsimpson | it seems that either you also ran dhc -i, or that -l implies -i | 14:42 |
twp | tsimpson: ok, thanks. I'm definitely using dch -l *only* | 14:42 |
BlackZ | twp, for more information about that, you can read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete specially https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#Packaging%20from%20Scratch and if you have any question and/or difficulty please let us to know | 14:43 |
BlackZ | there you can find a short overview :) | 14:43 |
twp | what's weird is that after running dch, grep ubuntu debian/* gives no matches and yet the version number gets changed (by dpkg-buildpackage?) | 14:43 |
twp | BlackZ: thanks for tips, i've already read quite a lot and googled | 14:43 |
tsimpson | debuild should not edit any file under debian/ | 14:44 |
tsimpson | nor dpkg-buildpackage | 14:44 |
twp | tsimpson: thanks, i'll do a quick pastie of my session to demonstrate the problem | 14:44 |
twp | tsimpson: you're right, dch -l implies dch -i | 14:48 |
twp | after running dch -l local "..." it updates the version in the changelog | 14:48 |
tsimpson | it doesn't mention that anywhere in the manpage, I guess you found a bug | 14:48 |
tsimpson | for now you'll just have to specify the version manually with -v | 14:49 |
BlackZ | twp, nice to see that you have resolved. I remember to you: please remember to sign the package first to send the request of upload, thanks! | 14:49 |
tsimpson | BlackZ: they are not uploading anything | 14:49 |
twp | tsimpson, BlackZ: thanks for your help - you're right these packages are for local use at this stage | 14:50 |
twp | tsimpson: pastie of session is here http://pastie.org/804190 | 14:50 |
twp | tsimpson: lines 41 to 48 demonstrate dch adding ubuntu1 to version | 14:51 |
tsimpson | when you get a chance, you should report the bug on launchpad | 14:54 |
twp | tsimpson: thanks, am doing that just now | 14:54 |
twp | tsimspon: i also checked whether removing package ubuntu-dev-scripts changed the behaviour, it did not | 14:54 |
tsimpson | twp: it's part of debchange | 14:54 |
tsimpson | !find bin/debchange | 14:55 |
ubottu | File bin/debchange found in devscripts | 14:55 |
tsimpson | in devscripts | 14:55 |
tsimpson | Ubuntu ships a modified version of dch | 14:55 |
twp | tsimpson: have found existing bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/devscripts/+bug/445432 | 14:55 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 445432 in devscripts "dch -l fails due to ubuntu patching" [Undecided,In progress] | 14:55 |
tsimpson | well at least it's known | 14:56 |
twp | thanks all, especially tsimpson for your help, i'll try to find a workaround | 14:57 |
Nisu | caballeros me complace anunciarles mi entrada en este precioso chat | 14:57 |
tsimpson | twp: specifying the version manually "dch -v 1.2.20-1local1" should work | 14:57 |
Nisu | si alguien dispensa de nuestra ayuda no dude en consultarnos | 14:59 |
twp | tsimspon: indeed dch -v ... does work, perfect, thanks! | 15:00 |
jetienne | q. directory listed in debian/dirs are automatically removed on dpkg -r ? | 15:05 |
Laney | if empty | 15:07 |
jetienne | Laney: if i want to force the removal.. even if not empty... ? should i do it by hand in a postrm ? | 15:08 |
tsimpson | jetienne: why would you need to force it? | 15:11 |
jetienne | tsimpson: because those directories receiveds half-backed files... scrumbs that are useless | 15:12 |
tsimpson | jetienne: well if you really do want to remove a non-empty directory, the only way to do it is from the postrm script | 15:14 |
jetienne | tsimpson: ok thanks | 15:14 |
bddebian | Heya gang | 15:15 |
sebner | huhu bddebian ;) | 15:21 |
segler | hi, I am searching for a second advocate for my rhythmbox plugin, please. http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/rhythmbox-radio-browser | 15:21 |
bddebian | Heya sebner | 15:24 |
mok0 | !english > nisu | 16:07 |
mok0 | ah he left | 16:08 |
* zooko reads https://slo-tech.com/clanki/10008en/ | 16:16 | |
Sp4rKy | wc | 16:17 |
zooko | kirkland: very cool about the eCryptfs challenges! | 16:19 |
zooko | I wish I had known about them at the time. | 16:19 |
zooko | We do something similar for Tahoe-LAFS: http://hacktahoe.orghttp://hacktahoe.org/ | 16:20 |
zooko | http://hacktahoe.org/ | 16:20 |
jetienne | Tahoe-LAFS is the first cloud storage technology which offers security and privacy in the sense that the cloud storage service provider itself can't read or alter your data <- zooko either you guys are not honnest or you havent done any reasearch at all | 16:34 |
mok0 | !language > jetienne | 16:53 |
ubottu | jetienne, please see my private message | 16:53 |
jetienne | mok0: ? | 16:53 |
jetienne | mok0: what are you talking about | 16:54 |
mok0 | jetienne: "either you guys are not honest or you haven't done your research..." | 16:54 |
jetienne | mok0: yep and so ? | 16:54 |
mok0 | jetienne: you're out of line | 16:54 |
jetienne | mok0: what is not "family freindly" ? | 16:54 |
mok0 | jetienne: it's offensive | 16:55 |
jetienne | mok0: i dont see it as offensive | 16:55 |
mok0 | jetienne: you're not the only one on this channel | 16:55 |
jetienne | mok0: i mean for sure this is not "the first"... so find another possibility | 16:56 |
jetienne | mok0: correct we are 199 users on it | 16:56 |
mok0 | jetienne: ... right, so there are 199 others who are reading your nonsense | 16:56 |
jetienne | mok0: more seirously my sentence was family friendly. so please lets av oid this argument | 16:57 |
mok0 | jetienne: if you need to speak "family friendly" do a PM | 16:57 |
jetienne | mok0: ?? | 16:58 |
mok0 | jetienne: private message, you know, with /msg ? | 16:58 |
jetienne | mok0: yep, what i dont get is you talking to me. the word "honnest" is perfectly polite in english | 16:59 |
mok0 | jetienne: what? | 16:59 |
jetienne | mok0: yep "what?" is my reaction. i dont understand what you want | 16:59 |
mok0 | jetienne: "you are not honest" == "you are lying" ... do you call that "polite"? | 16:59 |
jetienne | ah ok | 17:00 |
jetienne | well in this case this is != | 17:00 |
jetienne | and in most people mouth it is | 17:00 |
mok0 | jetienne: how am I to know? | 17:00 |
jetienne | mok0: i dunno | 17:00 |
mok0 | jetienne: you are obviously not a native speaker of english | 17:00 |
Laney | parliamentary language | 17:00 |
Laney | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parliamentary_language | 17:00 |
jetienne | mok0: so ? | 17:01 |
mok0 | jetienne: so don't lecture me about what "honest" means | 17:01 |
jetienne | mok0: well you do seems improductive | 17:01 |
jetienne | mok0: "you are not honest" is "family friendly". over | 17:02 |
mok0 | jetienne: you wont get any responses here with that attitude. Over and out | 17:02 |
jetienne | mok0: i understand your point of view | 17:03 |
mok0 | jetienne: good, then I've accomplished something today ;-) | 17:03 |
jetienne | mok0: glad you have a good day | 17:04 |
mok0 | Laney: interesting link... | 17:04 |
mok0 | Laney: obviously, it's not the same in US congress :-) | 17:05 |
maco2 | O_o well i'd say there's more to honesty than a lack of lying. leading someone to believe a lie without actually speaking the lie is still dishonest. but umm i'm wondering what the heck this has to do with packaging? | 17:07 |
mok0 | maco2: It doesn't. That's my point | 17:08 |
mok0 | maco2: Asserting that someone hasn't done this or that "because they're dishonest" is out of line IMO | 17:08 |
jetienne | maco2: nothing, quite offtopic i admit. just one personne giving a pointer, me pointing out this wasnt 'honest', and all the rest is mok0 saying "not honest" is not "family friendly" | 17:08 |
mok0 | jetienne, you know about coc right? | 17:15 |
mok0 | !coc | 17:15 |
ubottu | The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is a community etiquette document to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere, and can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ . For information on how to electronically sign the CoC, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SigningCodeofConduct . | 17:15 |
jetienne | mok0: stop that argument please | 17:16 |
mok0 | jetienne: no | 17:16 |
maco2 | can you two just drop it? | 17:16 |
jetienne | mok0: well sorry for the sake of productivity i will ignore you. i tried several time | 17:16 |
mok0 | maco2: My impression is jetienne is a newbie. Just trying to be helpful to him. | 17:17 |
mok0 | maco2: this is a channel for people who wish to speak to MOTUs and there is no reason for abusive language. | 17:19 |
Quintasan | And I personally think that this discussion is pointless and offtopic | 17:19 |
Quintasan | Hi jcastro | 17:20 |
jcastro | hi! | 17:20 |
jetienne | q. a prerm script, is launched when the package is stopped running, but the files are still present on disk, correct ? | 17:36 |
hyperair | jetienne: correct. | 17:36 |
jetienne | hyperair: thanks | 17:36 |
hyperair | jetienne: it goes like this: preinst, unpack, postinst, <installed>, prerm, delete stuff, postrm. | 17:37 |
jetienne | and a dh_installinit (to auto install a /etc/init.d script) will stop the services before prerm ? | 17:38 |
sebner | hyperair: nice email reply | 17:38 |
hyperair | sebner: thanks. | 17:39 |
hyperair | sebner: i just had to do it =p | 17:39 |
sebner | heh | 17:39 |
hyperair | i don't think it was overly rude, do you? | 17:39 |
sebner | hyperair: nah, it was okay | 17:40 |
hyperair | =) | 17:40 |
chrisccoulson | lol @ hyperair | 17:51 |
chrisccoulson | i just saw your reply too ;) | 17:51 |
hyperair | ;-) | 17:51 |
hyperair | maco2: clicking microsoft ads on linux sites eh.. that's fun =p | 17:53 |
maco2 | hyperair: yep! how fun is it to make microsoft pay to promote their competitor? | 17:55 |
hyperair | =p | 17:55 |
hyperair | maco2: while having them believe that they've got linux->windows converts =p | 17:56 |
mok0 | Gurg, my printer is *incredibly slow*. It takes half an hour just to print 5-10 pages from the browser | 17:59 |
alex_mayorga | hello! Is miro 2.5.4 coming to Lucid? | 18:04 |
micahg | alex_mayorga: there are some issues in debian preventing migrating to testing: http://packages.qa.debian.org/m/miro.html | 18:11 |
* micahg doesn't know if that will necessarily impact inclusion in ubuntu | 18:11 | |
StevenK | No, it's because it fails on mips | 18:12 |
geser | miro needs a merge anyway because of the Ubuntu delta (at least someone has to look over the Ubuntu changes before 2.5.4 enters lucid) | 18:13 |
alex_mayorga | just asking, because they do have packages for all earlier releases http://www.getmiro.com/download/for-ubuntu/ | 18:14 |
rhpot1991 | persia: ping if you are around | 18:32 |
hyperair | question. why does paste.ubuntu.com need openid authentication to download pastes as text? | 18:38 |
kamalmostafa | Hi fabrice_sp... Re bug 508791, you asked me to check whether just removing the debian/symbols files (instead of taking out the one offending line from them) would also fix the FTBFS. Answer is yes -- removing the symbols files altogether does fix the build, and dependent packages still build also -- I have attached a branch implementing such if you want to push it. But why would removing the symbols files be the preferable s | 19:05 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 508791 in clxclient "clxclient: FTBFS: dpkg-gensymbols fails X_window::x_map" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/508791 | 19:05 |
bcurtiswx_ | hi all, how would i make debian source format 3 packages build on karmic? | 20:00 |
micahg | bcurtiswx_: remove the debian/source/format file? | 20:01 |
Laney | doesn't it work? I thought karmic's dpkg supported it | 20:02 |
micahg | oh, locally or PPA? | 20:02 |
bcurtiswx_ | E: empathy source: unsupported-source-format 3.0 (quilt) | 20:02 |
micahg | PPAs AFAIK don't support i | 20:02 |
micahg | t | 20:02 |
maco | i think he's on the "debuild -S" part | 20:03 |
* micahg doesn't know about locallt | 20:03 | |
bcurtiswx_ | im trying to rebuild lucid's empathy 2.29.6 for karmic | 20:03 |
Laney | don't worry about lintian, just try it | 20:03 |
randomaction | bcurtiswx_: it's a lintian error, ignore it | 20:03 |
maco | i'm trying to walk him through backporting | 20:03 |
* bcurtiswx_ is thankful of the hel[p | 20:03 | |
bcurtiswx_ | or help | 20:03 |
micahg | archive doesn't support it last time I checked | 20:03 |
StevenK | Sure it does | 20:03 |
micahg | for karmic? | 20:03 |
StevenK | Hmmm, perhaps it doesn't have the dpkg backport | 20:04 |
bcurtiswx_ | it is going in my PPA | 20:04 |
* maco still thinks bcurtiswx_ should talk to ScottK about -backports if this attempt works out | 20:04 | |
* maco gently pushes bcurtiswx_ in the developer direction ;) | 20:05 | |
bcurtiswx_ | i'd love to help out there. the problem now is im clueless about a lot of things | 20:05 |
geser | only PPA >= lucid support v3 source packages | 20:05 |
bcurtiswx_ | anyone know in a debuild why /usr/share/gnome-pkg-tools/1/rules/uploaders.mk: No such file or directory ?? | 20:45 |
bcurtiswx_ | http://paste.ubuntu.com/367063/ for reference | 20:45 |
bcurtiswx_ | well i am going to head home for now. i will be back in hopes someone can come to the rescue with an answer :P | 20:50 |
bcurtiswx_ | bbs | 20:50 |
nigel_nb | how are translations coded in? I mean how does LP know which parts of the UI need to translated..does anyone know? | 21:11 |
Quintasan | anyone up for quick update review? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=7564 | 21:12 |
mok0_ | Quintasan: why is this package on REVU? | 21:26 |
mok0_ | Quintasan: we usually do package upgrades on LP | 21:26 |
Quintasan | mok0: aint it easier to review than quadrilion of files on LP? | 21:27 |
mok0_ | Quintasan: that's the way it's usually done | 21:28 |
mok0_ | Quintasan: using debdiffs | 21:28 |
mok0_ | Quintasan: which makes it easier to see what has been done | 21:28 |
mok0_ | Quintasan: So yes it's easier, and also faster for the uploader | 21:28 |
mok0_ | Quintasan: are you the original packager? | 21:29 |
Quintasan | mok0_: nope, neversfelde is but I asked him if he wants me to do it | 21:30 |
mok0_ | Quintasan: ah, ok | 21:31 |
=== ShadowChild is now known as lukjad007 | ||
mok0_ | Quintasan: the changes are mainly i18n changes I see | 21:33 |
dooooomi | who wants to be the first to review klick, a command-line metronome using the JACK sound server? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/klick | 22:06 |
mok0_ | dooooomi: I'll bite | 22:39 |
mok0_ | dooooomi: nice work. | 22:59 |
directhex | yow, bzr-buildpackage *totally* doesn't love debsrc3 | 23:00 |
dooooomi | mok0_: thanks! i'll make the changes you suggested and upload a new version tomorrow | 23:03 |
sebner | directhex: I think it's not ported at all yet | 23:07 |
mok0_ | dooooomi: ping me for advocacy | 23:07 |
dooooomi | mok0_: will do :) | 23:12 |
MTecknology | ok... so building a new package sucks and I still don't have it finished exactly right yet to try to get into debian; but... holy crap I learned a lot doing it. Working with existing packages is pretty trivial now | 23:25 |
MTecknology | not all of it, but the basics | 23:25 |
geser | at least something :) | 23:26 |
MTecknology | having a vm for dev which doesn't bother me to install a whole lotta dev tools and crap on didn't exactly hurt either | 23:27 |
MTecknology | I'm packaging up the lastest version of openbox right now - I don't know if it hit debian yet or not | 23:28 |
=== zooko` is now known as zooko | ||
geser | I've only a chroot for preparing packages where I have the common dev packages installed (like debhelper) | 23:28 |
MTecknology | I suppose I could have done that too.. | 23:29 |
geser | there are several ways to reach the same goal | 23:29 |
=== golddragon24_ is now known as golddragon24 | ||
MTecknology | before my internet so rudely halted | 23:31 |
MTecknology | geser: I like that chroot idea - have to install more stuff for that but I imagine that keeps things pretty clean | 23:32 |
geser | you just need some space for the second installation (but you need that anyways for a VM) | 23:33 |
MTecknology | ya | 23:33 |
MTecknology | plus installing more packages :P | 23:34 |
MTecknology | what's up with this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/367163/ | 23:35 |
geser | looks like a successful build | 23:36 |
mok0_ | MTecknology: it means the app is linked against som libraries, but doesn't actually use any symbols from them | 23:36 |
MTecknology | mok0_: would that have a negative impact on performance or just make the package slightly bloated? | 23:37 |
directhex | MTecknology, unneccessary Depends: | 23:38 |
directhex | (it's caused by C sucking) | 23:38 |
mok0_ | MTecknology: It doesn't make any difference AFAIK | 23:38 |
mok0_ | directhex: stop hitting on C or will start hitting on C# | 23:38 |
mok0_ | ;-) | 23:38 |
MTecknology | I just got lossed in that | 23:39 |
directhex | mok0_, at least c# automatically filters out linkage on unused libs! | 23:39 |
mok0_ | I actually think it is a bogus message. | 23:39 |
MTecknology | OH! so in the code it's requiring libraries that it doesn't use? | 23:39 |
mok0_ | MTecknology: I don't think so | 23:39 |
directhex | directhex@desire:/tmp$ gmcs -pkg:gtk-sharp-2.0 hello1.cs | 23:40 |
directhex | directhex@desire:/tmp$ monodis --assemblyref hello1.exe | grep gtk | 23:40 |
directhex | directhex@desire:/tmp$ | 23:40 |
MTecknology | I'll just ignore that for now.. perhaps the devs have a better idea than me :P | 23:40 |
directhex | MTecknology, it means the linker, ld, is being asked to link against libraries that aren't in use. this usually happens when (for example) pkg-config supplies a list of a bunch of libraries, but only one or two of them are actually needed for a given app | 23:40 |
MTecknology | oh | 23:41 |
mok0_ | MTecknology: I think (not 100% sure) that the app is linked against e.g libSM but doesn't directly call any functions from there. OTOH, the library is required by another dependency | 23:41 |
directhex | MTecknology, there's a patch for ltmain.sh to clean it up, but it's a real pain in the ass to integrate into packaging workflow | 23:41 |
directhex | and it means re-jigging the package to re-do all the libtool nonsense at build time | 23:41 |
MTecknology | not for my skill set then :P | 23:41 |
geser | I see this more often with libtool where it tries to link to all packages which are needed for static linking even when dynamic linking is used | 23:41 |
directhex | basically libtool is a heap of crap designed for use on ancient versions of hp-ux or other such rubbish | 23:42 |
mok0_ | !language | 23:42 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 23:42 |
MTecknology | mok0_: that's a language violation? | 23:43 |
* mok0_ is a libtool fanboy | 23:43 | |
MTecknology | oh | 23:43 |
mok0_ | MTecknology: :-) | 23:43 |
MTecknology | It's building in the PPA now | 23:43 |
directhex | ...and hasn't yet been caught by mental health services :p | 23:43 |
MTecknology | then I'll try to install it | 23:43 |
mok0_ | directhex: don't push your luck | 23:44 |
MTecknology | Almost done with having this package ready | 23:49 |
MTecknology | just waiting on LP to publish it | 23:49 |
MTecknology | maco: I'm doing my 4th real package now; and one I'm trying to get into Debian :D | 23:49 |
MTecknology | aren't you proud of me? | 23:50 |
maco | yay! | 23:50 |
MTecknology | I'm excited | 23:50 |
MTecknology | LP has been at the publishing stage for a few minutes now | 23:51 |
directhex | http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-cli-apps/packages/migrated-to-git/tomboy/trunk/debian/patches/99_ltmain_as-needed.patch is the tweak we apply to our ltmains to remove needless dependencies | 23:52 |
MTecknology | it's been publishing for ~15min now.. | 23:59 |
MTecknology | directhex: thanks, I'll try that | 23:59 |
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