
* elky reads the meeting logs and concludes that the appropriate word to use starts with "cluster" and ends with some profanity.00:56
Flannel /wii doesn't work for whowas now08:03
tsimpsonwhat would /wii do for /whowas?08:06
Flannel /wii would work for whois (/whois nick nick) and if they had already disconnected, it'd automagically do whowas (I imagine it was a server feature, whois for someone who disconnected turned into a whowas)08:07
tsimpson/wii is usually a alias afaik08:08
Flannelyes, for /whois nick nick08:08
tsimpsonI don't recall it ever automatically doing /whowas, maybe a client feature?08:10
FlannelWell, I've never had to manually type /whowas before.  I guess it could be a client feature.08:10
Tm_TDryGrain: hi how can we help you?09:00
DryGraini have no idea why my clint joined this channel09:01
Tm_Tyou tried to join #ubuntu ?09:01
DryGraini have #ubuntu and #ubuntu-offtopic on my autojoin09:01
MyrttiDryGrain: you've been hopping and popping on and off from the network quite a lot09:01
DryGrainthanks for hitting my highlight and letting me know09:01
DryGrainwell now manually09:01
FlannelDryGrain: Actually, I forwarded you here because of your quit message09:02
DryGrainyes my isp is akin to the spawn of hell09:02
DryGrainexcuse me09:02
Flannel02:59 -!- DryGrain [~drygrain@] has quit [Quit: http://www.gnaa.us]09:02
DryGrainlol i thought i had changd that09:03
Tm_TFlannel: ^09:07
FlannelDryGrain: Sure it's changed now?  For some reason I seem to remember doing this with you before09:07
DryGrainthis is the first time youve spokn to me about this09:08
FlannelAlright.  Must've been someone else then09:09
DryGrainhere you tell me09:09
FlannelHe broke ubot2!09:10
Tm_Tikonia: no, CrashOverride should NOT be let to speak in #ubuntu, based on his behaviour in this channel09:11
Myrttiis wiki.ubuntu.com down?09:12
elkyit's been flaky all day iirc09:12
FlannelMyrtti: It exploded, yes.09:13
* jussi01 grins10:26
jpdsI really do not approve of all this email spammage.10:37
* MenZa spams jpds.10:37
jussi01jpds: Im sorry, we wont do it again.10:39
jussi01jpds: but I can assure you, what you have is nothing compared to mine.10:40
jussi01its over, no more spam :)10:48
topyliwell that was fun10:48
jussi01229 mails, yup, was fun :)10:49
Myrttido you  need a group icon for launchpad :-P10:50
topylii'm still getting notifications :)10:50
MenZaWhat is this spammage you speak of?11:11
jussi01MenZa: check your email11:11
MenZaAh, LP :)11:12
MenZaAlso, shouldn't team owners be IRC Council? :o11:12
jussi01MenZa: yeah, havent got them moved over yet11:13
jussi01happening thing11:13
MenZaah alright11:13
* MenZa hat tips11:14
MenZadid you guys postpone some items yesterday?11:14
jussi01MenZa: yes11:14
MenZaI looked at the MootBot minute, which seemed a bit lacking11:14
MenZaalright, cool11:14
ikoniaTm_T: ???? crashoverdide is the guy doding the mute in #ubuntu and Ive not seen him do anything wrong in this channel in the last few days, I'm aware of one of his past incidents, but he doesn't appear to be doing that now11:19
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !flash64bit is <reply> You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins on AMD64 computers with Firefox. See the steps at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava11:30
Tm_Tikonia: after he got muted, he wasn't so nice guy here, including "if you don't remove it, I will bandodge"12:01
Tm_Tikonia: I can pastebin logs if you're interested12:02
* Myrtti facepalms at #ubuntu12:05
Tm_Tikonia: I don't mean those cannot be removed ever, but not without proper discussion12:05
MyrttiI give up on esicam12:08
gnomefreakgoing over email and i got one telling me i have $TIME to re-apply and it gave a link to go to for more info https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorRequirements it does not tell you how to reapply. Is it the same as when we applied to start with (at least same but to IRC councel?13:24
bazhangwas going to ask the same question (re: renewal within one month)13:24
tsimpsongnomefreak, bazhang: you don't need to reapply, just renew them membership13:25
tsimpsonie: click a button on the launchpad website13:25
elkygnomefreak, you'll get an email from launchpad one assumes, which similarly to regular membership you'll get to click a link and magic will happen and the bunnies will come out to play at the foot of rainbows.13:25
tsimpsonjust like any other team renewal13:26
bazhangtsimpson, thanks :)  was just on launchpad looking for the 'renew' button, but am guessing that does not kick in until expiry13:26
bazhangalso, time to learn the workings of xubuntu :)13:26
elkya week before i suspect, so we get to be spammed in about 3 weeks or so13:27
tsimpsonthis is just a chance for those who are still active to say "Yes, I'm still here"13:27
tsimpsonso we can remove inactive members from the access lists13:27
elkyi find one month to be rather short to be honest.13:27
tsimpsonelky: it's only a month for this initial import13:27
bazhangah there is a button then. must have missed it13:27
elkytsimpson, oh ok. so not forever. that sounds a little less pesky13:28
jussi01elky: itll revert to 1 year after this13:28
elkyah ok. similarly, 1 year is a long time if you're wanting to use it to keep up to date.13:29
* elky grumbles about 4am surprise meetings.13:29
gnomefreakok so emails are sent out?13:29
tsimpsonI sent an email to most people and the ubuntu-irc list13:29
Pici1 year is a lot shorter than the time that some people have been on our access lists but inactive13:29
jussi01gnomefreak: yup13:30
gnomefreakok cool13:30
elkyPici, since some people have been on there for 5 years inactive, *anything* would be less.13:30
tsimpsonLP will send you an email, yes13:30
jussi01gnomefreak: same as ubuntu membership, when expiry comes up, 1 week before it sends a mail saying, you expire in a week, please renew.13:30
Picielky: I know :)13:30
gnomefreakthanks guys/gal for the info13:31
elkyPici, i would have done the month for the first then 6 monthly from then on, to be honest13:32
tsimpsonpeople can always remove them selfs from the team(s) when they become inactive in the channels13:33
elkyJust like they remove themselves from the lists we already have (ie, factoids) now.13:35
ikoniaTm_T: yeah, I knew he'd had an incident in the past, thanks for the back fill, next time he dodges, I'll act quicker13:37
Tm_Thmm, I don't have any "renew" buttons, should I ?13:47
bazhangjimmybirer I suspect #xubuntu13:47
bazhangTheSheep, that's jimmybirer longtime troll13:47
TheSheephe surely looks like it13:47
TheSheepbut I lost my op powers on #xubuntu for some reason13:48
TheSheepso I guess someone else will need to hanle that13:48
Tm_TTheSheep: you used to have ops there?13:48
TheSheepyes, and on #xubuntu-offtopic13:49
bazhangthought I saw you on lp just a short while ago13:49
PiciTheSheep: You still have access, you aren't identified right now13:49
TheSheepthanks, missed that13:49
bazhangxubuntu is a core channel correct?13:50
bazhangerr #xubuntu13:50
TheSheepthat better :)13:50
Tm_Tso core-ops team is not open for applications?14:02
tsimpsonnot yet, we need a way to decide who should be a core-op14:04
PiciObstacle course14:05
* gnomefreak wonders what the difference is between core-ops and ops in core channels14:06
Tm_Tgnomefreak: core-ops are ops in every core channel14:06
Tm_T+will be used as mentors for new ops14:06
Tm_Ttsimpson: sounds reasonable (:14:07
gnomefreak:( core channels == all #ubuntu-* including -devel -women ect..14:08
tsimpsongnomefreak: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/Scope14:08
gnomefreaktsimpson: thanks looking14:09
tsimpsonplus, core-ops may even get a special cloak ;)14:09
Tm_Ttsimpson: don't tell me I lose my combination ):14:09
tsimpsonall the channels listed there (+ the devel channels) are core-channels14:09
bazhangah, thanks for clearing that up; thought it was two or more core channels operator privileges meant mentoring duties14:09
gnomefreakdoes anyone else see the nm.pl warnings?14:17
* gnomefreak has to fix but it printed out on this window14:18
gnomefreak.:09:17:58:. ==> Irssi: nm.pl: Warning, broken line in saved_colors file,  skipping 'sshc:'14:19
gnomefreakone of my scripts (not mine but im useing them) when updated14:19
Piciah, right-aligned nicks14:20
gnomefreaki guess it outputs to whatever window im in14:20
gnomefreakPici: yep14:21
gnomefreakis the agenda https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcCouncil/MeetingAgenda  still standing or have they been gone over?14:26
jussi01gnomefreak: thats current14:26
gnomefreakjussi01: thanks14:27
* gnomefreak really needs to keep up14:27
jussi01gnomefreak: by clicking the "info" button at the the top you can see the revision history14:27
* jussi01 giggles at: http://i.imgur.com/kjj6P.gif14:28
PiciThat reminds me of charlie and the chocolate factory14:29
* Tm_T huggles jussi0114:31
jpdsErm, where's ubot3?14:34
Amaranth30 days?!?!?!15:01
AmaranthI'm guaranteed to forget and lose membership at least once15:02
bazhangthen there'll be an email and you can click renew15:02
tsimpsonLP will email you about them all15:02
AmaranthNot that that'll help15:02
AmaranthI get a crap load of mail from launchpad :P15:02
PiciI had over 200 emails this morning about people being added to LP groups.15:03
* tsimpson to15:03
Flannel30 days is a regular thing?15:04
PiciFlannel: Only the first time.15:04
bazhangjust the once then a year15:04
FlannelAh.  So we haven't totally lost our minds15:04
PiciNot totally15:08
ubottullutz called the ops in #ubuntu (cacabouhd1_ root__)15:09
topyliPici, i watched the mail arrive as it happened. osd-notify was still osd-notifying 15min after the mail stopped :)15:12
* jussi01 laughs manically15:13
geniiBleh.  I'm gonna have to peek in here at least once now over the weekends just to delete the random-name CTCP messages. I had about 60 this morning and it makes the Quassel backlog horrible15:14
geniiMeh. Too early in the morning and not enough caffeine to deal with those #u trolls15:15
geniiPici: I'll lend moral support!15:15
PiciCan't be as bad as all the hilight spam that I had because of idling in #freenode15:15
jussi01Pici: +115:16
jussi01I dont idle in freenode anymore15:16
jussi01#freenode I mean15:16
PiciI find it helpful at times.  I have a hilight on '#ubuntu' in there.15:17
gnomefreakbefore you read your email remember "dont yell at the gnomefreak" ;)15:26
GP40MCLinux likes it up the ass.15:27
ubottuGP40MC called the ops in #kubuntu ()15:28
GP40MChaha im a big shot15:28
tsimpsonsooo, should we make -ops more open? ;)15:29
TheSheepand friendly15:29
Tm_Ttsimpson: even more open? you mean we should remove last walls?15:30
gnomefreakTm_T: good point :)15:30
tsimpsonwe should set flags +vVoO on *!*@*15:30
tsimpsonthen run15:30
F40PHHA HA15:30
F40PHLinux sucks cock15:30
gnomefreakwell my thoughts are in your email15:31
gnomefreakyou are way too fast15:31
Tm_TF40PH: hi and welcome15:31
EMD60Fuck you motherfuckers15:32
ubottuEMD60 called the ops in #kubuntu ()15:33
Tm_Ttsimpson: he doesn't have same ident all the time15:33
tsimpsonTm_T: I know, was just fixing :)15:34
PiciI thought ~ was for negating15:34
tsimpsonPici: only for the extended bans, starting with $15:34
gnomefreaki guess k-line wont work so well :(15:34
tsimpsonotherwise it's just a non-ident'd user15:34
PiciSame realname15:35
tsimpsonjava user15:35
Tm_Tinteresting, -!- ops-students is "Server Operations Student Workers"15:36
geniiThe range he's on is a direct assignment of NetRange: - according to whois15:36
PiciLooks like hes bothering #freenode too now,15:37
tsimpsonhe always seems to have 166.186.* as far as I can see15:37
bazhangand ##linux15:38
tsimpsonmaybe he gave up now15:39
* gnomefreak thought foward him to ##ubuntu-space but with different idents or ip ranges it wont work15:41
gnomefreak##ubuntu-space == anyname15:41
tsimpsonforwards work differently now15:41
tsimpsonyou need +o in both channels15:41
tsimpsonor the dest needs to be +F15:42
gnomefreakhas the new auto_bleh script been done?15:47
ikoniaI failed a few times15:48
Tm_Ttsimpson: what was on those?16:00
tsimpsonTm_T: the youtube one was "invalid", the .gif was a frog-thing16:01
tsimpsonno response from /msg, so /remove'd16:02
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (17))16:07
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))16:07
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))16:07
Picijpds: The bots have always done that for webchat users16:08
tsimpsonthe +rq $~a was a little much maybe16:09
PiciI missed that16:09
ubottuCShadowRun called the ops in #ubuntu (|Zippo|__)16:20
Dominianholy crap16:20
Dominian##fix_your_connection is open for business ;)16:20
Dominiankudos Pici !16:20
Myrttijussi01: wb18:07
jussi01whole of oulu DNA went down18:09
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:32
genii-aroundjussi01: Is it safe yet to use the core?18:56
jussi01genii-around: it is18:56
genii-aroundjussi01: OK, thanks. I'll be back then18:57
jussi01wb genii18:58
geniijussi01: Thanks :)18:59
maco2jussi01: i just connected to the core and its telling me "host not found" on all the servers its trying to connect to19:02
maco2oh wait no. it apparently gave up on trying to connect to them and i was seeing old messages aboutthat19:04
* jussi01 hugs maco219:04
Piciinternet just came back at work too19:04
jussi01Pici: \o/19:05
Myrttioh man, I saw the italian guy doing !lista on #ubuntu and I lol'd19:06
jussi01wb maco19:06
MyrttiI don't want to know what he asked now, I'm afraid I'll spurt my tea out my nose19:07
PiciMyrtti: "Hello you know how to download? I put !lista but he says nothing"19:09
* Pici hands Myrtti a napkin19:09
MyrttiPici: you're mean19:11
Myrttiand I like you19:11
Tm_Tyou know what I would like? network stable enough so scrolling in irssi wouldn't take 10-60 seconds per screen19:12
MyrttiPici: did he answer to you?19:17
PiciMyrtti: No :(19:17
jussi01Im off, at least for a bit. head is hurting lots.19:18
* Tm_T huggles jussi0119:19
* Myrtti stares #ubuntu-fi, flees19:25
PiciDo I want to know?19:26
Myrttino, you don't19:26
Myrttisomeone pasted a link to a very NSFW comic strip19:27
Myrttinot safe for work19:27
gnomefreakah thanks19:27
MyrttiTm_T: pm him rather than raising a calamity on the channel19:28
Tm_Troger, I just have very crappy connection so frustrations high (;19:29
Tm_Ttook me 3 minutes to write msg (:)19:34
Tm_Troughly 30 % packet loss19:34
Tm_Thola espana20:24
Tm_Tciao a tutti!20:24
Myrttican I please but Spain under a blanket ban?20:24
* Tm_T hides20:24
Tm_TMyrtti: no, but we should have some nice way to force people to other channel ):20:25
PiciTm_T: Like a factoid that tells them to join a channel?20:26
PiciIt could even be in their native language20:26
MyrttiPici: you make me cry20:26
PiciSometimes Myrtti cries?20:26
Tm_TPici: I said force20:29
Tm_TPici: and yes we all do cry at times20:29
* Tm_T hides20:30
Myrttijrib: have you told her how to install from adobe's site yet?21:05
jribMyrtti: she says she has done that twice already?21:05
Myrttijrib: with the deb package? wow.21:05
Myrttioh well21:05
Myrttipainkillers aren't working, so I'm just giving in and hoping my tiredness will knock me out nevertheless21:06
jribMyrtti: does flashplugin-nonfree not work?21:06
Tm_TMyrtti: hope you get well soon21:07
Tm_Tcan someone see if crashoverride is still muted/banned somewhere? I cannot get browsers working reliably21:20
Tm_Tand also I have to go anyway, brrrh ->21:20
Mamarokcan somebody have an eye on #kubuntu please, I need a rest, not really fit for support21:51
Tm_Tcount me out, I'm just passing by22:03
MenZaalteregoa is a bot, I think23:52
Picino, just annoying23:52

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