Takyoji | https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-marketing/2010-February/003863.html | 00:24 |
Takyoji | Gah, if only SVG images could be used as backgrounds with the use of CSS | 00:56 |
Takyoji | only Opera supports it currently supposed | 00:56 |
Takyoji | supposedly* | 00:56 |
Takyoji | I'm trying to create a FOSS-related website; but one of the things that's difficult is to think of what would be symbolic of FOSS to incorperate | 01:27 |
Takyoji | or just of what type of stock imagery I should take | 01:27 |
sparklehistory | tonyyarusso: Is there a LoCo mtg in here tomorrow? | 02:08 |
tonyyarusso | yes | 02:09 |
tonyyarusso | Although I just noticed the Google Calendar is all screwed up :( | 02:09 |
sparklehistory | tonyyarusso: yours or the team's? And, the team has a Google Calendar? | 02:10 |
tonyyarusso | team's, and yes | 02:10 |
sparklehistory | Where? | 02:12 |
tonyyarusso | http://www.google.com/calendar/ical/pdvcqb9e4iksplcuf19imna6us%40group.calendar.google.com/public/basic.ics | 02:14 |
sparklehistory | Why does it want me to download it? | 02:15 |
tonyyarusso | because you clicked on it. | 02:17 |
sparklehistory | well, duh | 02:18 |
sparklehistory | I mean why can't I just look at it online? | 02:18 |
tonyyarusso | http://www.google.com/calendar/embed?src=pdvcqb9e4iksplcuf19imna6us%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America/Chicago | 02:19 |
sparklehistory | thank you | 02:19 |
sparklehistory | So it's not supposed to say there's a mtg on Sun. Feb. 7 @1:00? | 02:20 |
tonyyarusso | no | 02:21 |
tonyyarusso | That got messed up by my Nokia. | 02:21 |
=== sparkle_history is now known as sparklehistory | ||
Takyoji | So there's a meeting today then? | 21:44 |
Takyoji | For those that are interested; I found this today: http://www.linux.com/news/featured-blogs/167-amanda-mcpherson/280632-how-to-learn-linux-from-the-developers-of-linux-for-free | 21:46 |
* Takyoji reposts for _diablo | 22:01 | |
Takyoji | <Takyoji> So there's a meeting today then? | 22:01 |
Takyoji | For those that are interested; I found this today: http://www.linux.com/news/featured-blogs/167-amanda-mcpherson/280632-how-to-learn-linux-from-the-developers-of-linux-for-free | 22:01 |
_diablo | Takyoji, what time? | 22:03 |
Takyoji | additionally I had a good idea for a topic of discussion for the meeting: anyone willing to participate would have to do like x hours of work through contributing to some form of a FOSS project. Such as writing content for the Spread Ubuntu "Make Materials", working on an IRC bot to fit all our needs on this channel, working on the Minnesota LoCo website, creating marketing material, contributing code to some project, etc | 22:04 |
Takyoji | Just as a basic initiative for people to do something, and have people talking more. | 22:05 |
Takyoji | otherwise I'm not entirely sure; I think it's some time after 7pm | 22:05 |
_diablo | kk | 22:07 |
_diablo | yeah, that's a good thing to bring up. I'd post it. | 22:07 |
Takyoji | We can discuss it at the IRC meeting and work out the details, then throw it on the mailing list as well | 22:09 |
Takyoji | one thing that would be nice is that if we were a little more collaborative; it just seems everyone's quietly doing their own little things | 22:10 |
Takyoji | because I'd love to brainstorm/discuss/weigh ideas before executing them. I'm quite an indecisive individual | 22:12 |
_diablo | agreed | 22:15 |
mr_steve | I for one would love to commit to spending a certain amount of time working on FOSS, if my schedule can allow it | 22:28 |
mr_steve | I like packaging software for Ubuntu, which probably means I'm masochistic, but someone's gotta do it :) | 22:30 |
_diablo | I don't have any idea how to do that, but I'm interested | 22:31 |
mr_steve | Some of it can be pretty easy, but it gets complicated in a hurry. Definitely a steep learning curve | 22:31 |
_diablo | aight, fair enough | 22:31 |
Takyoji | And that's the other thing, people could also learn how to contribute in some things, such as packaging | 22:32 |
_diablo | yup | 22:32 |
mr_steve | And documentation. I should be doing some of that myself. If I spend a few hours learning how to use some poorly-documented package, why shouldn't I share that knowledge? | 22:32 |
Takyoji | By the way, are there "todo lists" in terms of what should be worked on? Such as with the Ubuntu wiki, etc | 22:35 |
mr_steve | I think some of the various teams keep todo lists on the wiki, but otherwise it'd just be the bugs/blueprints on launchpad | 22:36 |
Takyoji | otherwise out of curiosity; what packages have you maintained? | 22:38 |
mr_steve | I haven't gotten any new packages into the official repos yet, but I do maintain a patched version of f-spot that doesn't screw up timestamps | 22:39 |
mr_steve | that was the one that got me started. I also have a few version-bumped packages in my PPA, like the Gourmet recipe manager | 22:40 |
_diablo | is that what maintained means? I thought that meant like contributing code and stuff. | 22:40 |
mr_steve | Nah, package maintainers just keep the packages up-to-date within Ubuntu/Debian whatever. Although a fair number of maintainers are also the authors of the software | 22:41 |
_diablo | ah, fair enough | 22:44 |
mr_steve | so Takyoji, you mentioned something about getting a more useful bot in this channel; has there ever been any talk about that before? | 22:54 |
Takyoji | Minimal; I can't remember what was previously suggested as potential features | 22:57 |
Takyoji | I think it may have been discussed last meeting | 22:59 |
mr_steve | Ah I don't recall if it was or not. Only reason I ask is because I've started using supybot in the channel for my BBS, and it's reasonably awesome. | 23:01 |
Takyoji | ahh | 23:01 |
Takyoji | Supybot was the primary consideration | 23:01 |
mr_steve | Yeah, it's nice, and easy to write new plugins for. If we ever talk about it again in the meeting or something I can easily demo it, since it's already installed and running on my server | 23:03 |
mr_steve | oh, heh, the meeting's supposed to be tonight, isn't it? Time flies | 23:05 |
Takyoji | yea | 23:08 |
Takyoji | Heh; World of Goo is quite interesting | 23:11 |
Takyoji | I'll definitely have to buy the Linux version | 23:14 |
Takyoji | Ooo, I wonder if 10.04 will actually have a non-buggy PulseAudio implementation! :P | 23:17 |
mr_steve | Wouldn't that be nice | 23:21 |
mr_steve | I've actually been reasonably happy with it, except that moving a playing stream between sinks gives me chipmunks-audio | 23:22 |
mr_steve | That and getting mpd to work without a user logged in requires a virgin sacrifice | 23:22 |
Takyoji | And so I just bought World of Goo.. | 23:24 |
Takyoji | All my time is going to be horridly stolen from me now. xP | 23:25 |
Takyoji | Interesting; only 63MB | 23:30 |
Takyoji | Although it is just 2D | 23:33 |
=== sparkle_history is now known as sparklehistory | ||
Obsidian1723 | So..question..anyone have any thoughts on the purchasing of Sun Microsystems Inc by Oracle? I use both OpenOffice.org and MySQL, not sure about the fate of either one right now. Any thoughts? | 23:56 |
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