acicula | tgraham: ESX has ssh and you can ssh in : | 00:00 |
acicula | it is kind of spartan though | 00:00 |
acicula | but its unix like at least | 00:00 |
cjae | erUSUL: um well from what I can see is that if I use idle that is not what I want to do since I would like the scanner to be able to work as I am working | 00:00 |
sebsebseb | !lts | tgraham | 00:00 |
ubottu | tgraham: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04). The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) | 00:00 |
tgraham | ESX uses part of RHEL, so yes, you could call it an OS of sorts. | 00:00 |
acicula | i was thinking maybe the esx console is mucking it up, but then you wouldnt get past the install | 00:00 |
erUSUL | cjae: i would do. without disturbing your work | 00:00 |
BlueG | any suggestions on getting useful diagnostic information when Ubuntu fails to connect to a wireless network? | 00:00 |
acicula | !wireless | BlueG | 00:01 |
ubottu | BlueG: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at | 00:01 |
erUSUL | BlueG: whatch syslog | 00:01 |
acicula | BlueG: syslog ussually logs usefull messsages | 00:01 |
pfifo | BlueG, open terminal and type 'iwconfig' | 00:01 |
erUSUL | BlueG: tailf /var/log/syslog | 00:01 |
acicula | tgraham: dont have anything else thats more helpfull :/ | 00:03 |
tgraham | In regards to what? The fact I've installed 8.10 in an ESX4 environment a ton of times, but this is the first time it's acted like this? Nope, I'm at a loss. | 00:04 |
Coachj | I really dislike F_spot is it "safe" to add the google repos to DL Picasa? | 00:04 |
sebsebseb | tgraham: #vmware for vmware product help | 00:05 |
acicula | tgraham: with regards to that :P | 00:05 |
CAPcap | Hey what is the name of the default drivers? the open graphics drivers | 00:05 |
tgraham | It isn't a VMWare problem. | 00:05 |
sebsebseb | tgraham: #ubuntu-server for server edition help | 00:05 |
_Tristan | Bad. Update manager just removed my Human theme. | 00:05 |
faileas | Coachj: depends on your definition of safe, but yeah, it should be alight | 00:05 |
sebsebseb | _Tristan: uhmm probably not | 00:05 |
crdlb | CAPcap: for what GPU? | 00:06 |
sebsebseb | _Tristan: did you just upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10? | 00:06 |
CAPcap | gpu? | 00:06 |
ekim1 | bbl | 00:06 |
Coachj | faileas: thks | 00:06 |
Izinucs | tgraham: what's it doing when you try to install? | 00:06 |
_Tristan | sebsebseb: no. I did that months ago. Update manager just finished installing then all themes disappeared. | 00:06 |
onetinsoldier | graphic proccesing unit, you vid card | 00:06 |
crdlb | CAPcap: graphics card | 00:06 |
sebsebseb | _Tristan: ok odd | 00:06 |
CAPcap | ati mobility radeon 9000 | 00:06 |
sebsebseb | _Tristan: maybe if you log out and back in again they are there again though | 00:06 |
_Tristan | sebsebseb: any way to revert an update? | 00:06 |
tgraham | Installs just fine. | 00:06 |
_Tristan | we'll see... | 00:06 |
sebsebseb | _Tristan: don't think you can just undo an update | 00:07 |
crdlb | CAPcap: then the driver name is "radeon" | 00:07 |
Izinucs | tgraham: let me rephrase.. what's the issue.. I just popped in so I missed earlier posts. | 00:07 |
CAPcap | im not trying to find it in my system i want to find info on the web. im looking for the name of the collection of open drivers that get used... | 00:08 |
Matr|x | helo | 00:08 |
tgraham | Ah, I have a clean 8.10 server install on ESX4. I created a user during install and when I try to log in I get Login incorrect error message. | 00:08 |
cvd | its there a way to use seahorese with out password? i want to save the wireless password but i dont want the seahorese to ask me everytime when i log on | 00:08 |
sebsebseb | tgraham: have you tried 8.04? | 00:08 |
cjae | erUSUL: I think I would be better off setting it ionice -c 2 -n 6 avastgui | 00:08 |
Matr|x | i got this error while im installing some thing Couldn't find your OpenSSL library installation dir can any body help me | 00:08 |
tgraham | No, haven't tried 8.04. | 00:08 |
sebsebseb | tgraham: that's the one you should be trying now, 8.10 will run out of support in April | 00:09 |
sebsebseb | tgraham: or maybe May | 00:09 |
Izinucs | tgraham: did the user or pass have any spaces in it? .. does it give the grub menu and if so can you boot to the rescue kernel (from there create another user).. | 00:09 |
onetinsoldier | CAPcap: Xorg | 00:09 |
tgraham | No spaces. | 00:09 |
erUSUL | cjae: there is no point that is the default priority. | 00:09 |
jack5463 | I'm using ubuntu 9.10. I'm trying to play a dvd movie from Movie Player. An error window pops up saying "No URI handler implemented for "dvd"". how do i correct the error so i can watch the movie? | 00:09 |
CAPcap | thank you onetinsoldier | 00:09 |
onetinsoldier | !info xorg | 00:09 |
ubottu | xorg (source: xorg): X.Org X Window System. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.4+3ubuntu10 (karmic), package size 1 kB, installed size 24 kB | 00:09 |
erUSUL | !dvd | jack5463 | 00:09 |
ubottu | jack5463: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 00:09 |
tgraham | I'll try the rescue kernel again. | 00:09 |
onetinsoldier | CAPcap: you're welcome :-) | 00:09 |
Izinucs | tgraham: and create a new user from there. | 00:10 |
sebsebseb | !medibuntu | jack5463 | 00:10 |
ubottu | jack5463: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 00:10 |
renegaid | ubuntu has lots of problems. bunch of errors when I just did a clean install | 00:10 |
cjae | erUSUL: how do you know that? | 00:10 |
erUSUL | cjae: from the man page | 00:10 |
Berzerker | how do I tell if I'm running 32-bit or 64-bit | 00:10 |
acicula | Berzerker: uname -a | 00:10 |
onetinsoldier | Berzerker: uname -m | 00:10 |
Berzerker | k thanks | 00:10 |
* Izinucs is amazed how far the 64 bit version has come.. no issues at all... so far | 00:11 | |
CAPcap | is there an alternative to the xorg stuff? | 00:11 |
Izinucs | CAPcap: xrandr | 00:11 |
BlueG | acicula, erUSUL: Wow, syslog has a lot going on when that connection fails, I'm not sure how to decipher it | 00:11 |
cvd | save/remember wifi password without a password | 00:11 |
onetinsoldier | BlueG: put it into a pastebin | 00:11 |
Tee-Bone | good afternoon everyone. Total noob here begging for some help....any good samaritans? | 00:12 |
sebsebseb | !ask | Tee-Bone | 00:12 |
ubottu | Tee-Bone: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 00:12 |
onetinsoldier | Tee-Bone: just ask the question :-) | 00:12 |
Tee-Bone | thanks ubottu | 00:12 |
sebsebseb | !thanks | Tee-Bone | 00:12 |
ubottu | Tee-Bone: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 00:12 |
Izinucs | Tee-Bone: there's 1271 of us in here.. somebody might know the answer to your question | 00:13 |
sebsebseb | !details | Tee-Bone | 00:13 |
ubottu | Tee-Bone: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 00:13 |
renegaid | I just did a clean install and the first thing it did was downloadthe updates and something installed with an error. now whenever I install something it gives an error even though it installed fine | 00:13 |
BlueG | onetinsoldier: hmm, that is hard when the machine with the output won't get online... I may try saving the output to a flash drive and pasting it later. | 00:13 |
Tee-Bone | While installing Ubuntu 9.10, the full install screen runs well off the visible screen on my gateway notebook. | 00:13 |
Izinucs | renegaid: try this in a termial... sudo apt-get -f install | 00:14 |
onetinsoldier | BlueG: ahh, roger. didn't know it couldn't get online | 00:14 |
Matr|x | i got this error while im installing some thing Couldn't find your OpenSSL library installation dir can any body help me | 00:14 |
jolaren | How do I change name of a user or remove the user? | 00:14 |
Tee-Bone | I managed a succssful install using 'safe mode', but now i'm stuck with a lousy screen resolution 800x600 vga | 00:14 |
cjae | erUSUL: I dont see where where you see that | 00:14 |
Izinucs | Tee-Bone: what kind of video card do you have | 00:14 |
erUSUL | cjae: sorry missread it. you are right | 00:14 |
Tee-Bone | S3 UniChrome™ Pro integrated graphics processor | 00:15 |
sebsebseb | Tee-Bone: system > administration > hardware drivers install graphics card driver if available | 00:15 |
sebsebseb | Tee-Bone: which manufacture is your card? | 00:15 |
renegaid | what does that terminal command do | 00:15 |
Izinucs | Tee-Bone: ouch.. one of the more problemmatic cards.. | 00:15 |
Tee-Bone | not sure of manfacturer...been searching the gateway site | 00:15 |
onetinsoldier | jolaren: you use the 'usermod' and 'deluser' commands | 00:16 |
CAPcap | it appears on the xorg site that 3D is supported for my card but nothing with 3D works... help? | 00:16 |
renegaid | 9.10 seems to be a bit buggy | 00:16 |
Tee-Bone | should i try a different release? | 00:16 |
sebsebseb | Tee-Bone: uhmm | 00:16 |
onetinsoldier | jolaren: or... System --> Administration --> User and Groups | 00:16 |
sebsebseb | Tee-Bone: try this, but there probably isn't anything avaialble system > adminstration > hardware drivers | 00:17 |
Izinucs | Tee-Bone: in a terminal type ... sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-openchrome .. that will in stall the driver .. then look in system>admin>hardware drivers and see if it's sitting there to be activated.. | 00:17 |
jolaren | onetinsoldier; I've tried "usermod -l olduser user" but didnt work | 00:17 |
acicula | Tee-Bone: S3, that an old computer? | 00:17 |
venport | I have a problem with samba and a wireless bridge, can anyone give me a little help? Here are the details. | 00:17 |
Izinucs | sebsebseb: it's a Via S3 unichrome card.. problemmatic buggers | 00:17 |
Tee-Bone | computer is about 3 years old | 00:17 |
Tee-Bone | I'll try the terminal thing - thanmks | 00:18 |
sebsebseb | lzy: yes probably, I don't know of that make even | 00:18 |
Tee-Bone | :) | 00:18 |
sebsebseb | Via sounds a little familur maybe | 00:18 |
_Tristan | restarting did not solve my problem. | 00:19 |
Izinucs | sebsebseb: google it and ubuntu.. you'll see lots of struggling people with a card like that | 00:19 |
sebsebseb | Izinucs: well that was a bit confussing it's a i not a l, so my auto complete messed up above | 00:19 |
onetinsoldier | jolaren: yeah. sorry, my bad. i don't know about changing the actual name of the user. it's kind of tied to a lot things. you'd probably just need to create a new user altogether | 00:19 |
_Tristan | update uninstalled the human theme, how do I reinstall it? | 00:19 |
sebsebseb | Izinucs: well at least there seems to be something in the repo for it? | 00:19 |
CShadowRun | Anyone know of a text editor that I can easily add code documentation to? like vims omnicomplete, only easy, and with a GUI. | 00:19 |
Izinucs | sebsebseb: I should go back to Scunizi but that nick is logged in via my laptop | 00:19 |
Izinucs | sebsebseb: yep.. and openchrome driver | 00:20 |
sebsebseb | Izinucs: Tee-Bone as for all these hardware issues, that's what people get for trying to do Ubuntu on unsupported hardware | 00:20 |
jolaren | onetinsoldier; got any clue on how to remove a user then? | 00:20 |
cjae | erUSUL: so would that command auto lauch the app or should I start it first? | 00:20 |
CAPcap | it appears on the xorg site that 3D is supported for my card but nothing with 3D works... help? | 00:20 |
erUSUL | cjae: it would launch it | 00:20 |
CAPcap | ati mobility radeon 9000 | 00:20 |
sebsebseb | lnx4ver: Tee-Bone and it's the fault of the manufacture why the support is lacking or why there isn't any | 00:20 |
faileas | sebsebseb: and s3s tend to suck on any os, whatsoever. | 00:20 |
sebsebseb | Izinucs: | 00:21 |
cjae | erUSUL: thanks again | 00:21 |
Izinucs | sebsebseb: yeeesss.. :) | 00:21 |
sebsebseb | Izinucs: your current name, I am not sure what that one is about at all, same for Scunizi ,but that one seems to make more sense :) | 00:21 |
jolaren | I want to edit a thing that boots automaticly so that it will run as root.. I don't know how to edit this now | 00:21 |
Izinucs | sebsebseb: Izinucs is Scunizi backwards.. my backup nick.. we've talked a bunch in the past | 00:22 |
_Tristan | update removed my themes, how do I reinstall them? | 00:22 |
onetinsoldier | jolaren: if you read the man page about changing a user's name with the -l command it states that the name of the home directory should be changed as well | 00:22 |
sebsebseb | Izinucs: not a bunch, but here and there yeah | 00:22 |
Izinucs | sebsebseb: for sure.. | 00:22 |
jolaren | onetinsoldier; Yeah, but it complains about parameters.. long time ago I used ubuntu server | 00:23 |
jolaren | onetinsoldier; If you know how to edit startup jobs or just regular whatever that boots .. then please let me know.. I want a process to be started as root | 00:23 |
Tee-Bone | Izinucs - i tried the sudo command and got back that the xserver-xorg-video-openchrome is already the latest version | 00:23 |
Izinucs | sebsebseb: I switched over to kubuntu 64 recently.. to try it out.. it's pretty nice | 00:23 |
onetinsoldier | jolaren: as far as removing a user, it should be as easy as --> sudo deluser <username> | 00:23 |
jolaren | yer its done already | 00:24 |
Izinucs | Tee-Bone: ok.. do you have a lcd or CRT monitor? | 00:24 |
Tee-Bone | sebsebseb: lnx4ver: was hoping to revive an older Win XP machine by switching to linux...not so smart as i thought? | 00:24 |
cvd | why the hell when i use windows i feel bored instanly but with linux never | 00:24 |
Tee-Bone | izinucs: lcd (laptop) | 00:24 |
cjae | Izinucs: kubuntu is great 10.04 should make me very happy | 00:24 |
marcosRz | guys I installed the latest kde and the plasma keeps crashing | 00:24 |
sebsebseb | Tee-Bone: it is a good idea, but if it works out properly or not, depends on the hardware mainly | 00:24 |
marcosRz | how do I go back? | 00:24 |
sebsebseb | Tee-Bone: oh another distro might work better with your hardware, but doesn't seem like it | 00:25 |
Izinucs | Tee-Bone: hang in there.. all is not lost.. might be that your monitor doesn't report the resolution that it needs to the system.. so xrandr is the solution... open a terminal and type xrandr then enter.. it will list all the available resolutions currently.. if it's not there you can add the one you want. | 00:25 |
sebsebseb | mac9416: you used a ppa? | 00:26 |
Matr|x | Couldn't find your OpenSSL library installation dir | 00:26 |
Tee-Bone | izinucs - will try, thanks | 00:26 |
Izinucs | cjae: I agree.. didn't like 3.5.xx much.. just too "busy" but 4.x is much more polished. | 00:26 |
CAPcap | ati mobility radeon 9000 | 00:26 |
CAPcap | oops | 00:26 |
CAPcap | it appears on the xorg site that 3D is supported for my card but nothing with 3D works... help? | 00:26 |
CAPcap | ati mobility radeon 9000 | 00:26 |
FloodBot4 | CAPcap: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 00:26 |
Tee-Bone | izinucs - max res is 800x600. how do i add? is this editing the xorg.conf? | 00:26 |
cjae | Izinucs: I hated 3.5.x | 00:27 |
Izinucs | Tee-Bone: nope.. xrandr is what you use.. and will have to look up a reference page for you.. hang on. | 00:27 |
cjae | Izinucs: so windows 98 like :/ | 00:27 |
Tee-Bone | gracias | 00:27 |
sebsebseb | Tee-Bone: and then hardware can be tricky to configure, but you got Izinucs / scunizi trying to help you, and he is one of the main helpers here, and seems to know his stuff. So you will probably be alright. | 00:27 |
anil56554 | where to get awn themes | 00:28 |
Tee-Bone | i'm very impressed by this chat | 00:28 |
cjae | Izinucs: thinking about donating to kde for | 00:28 |
cjae | it | 00:28 |
Izinucs | Tee-Bone: check this page out.. there's a lot of info there so what you need to pay attention to is "adding" the resolution you want then "activating" that resolution. | 00:29 |
Tee-Bone | izinucs: i'm on it , be right back | 00:29 |
CAPcap | it appears on the xorg site that 3D is supported for my card but nothing with 3D works... help? ati mobility radeon 9000 | 00:29 |
Berzerker | so I'm using virtualbox with ubuntu, how do I make my shared folder mount on boot? | 00:29 |
Izinucs | cjae: be worth it.. It'll be really interesting if they can get a smooth port to winXX and get those people hooked on the apps.. then move them entirely to linux | 00:29 |
sebsebseb | Berzerker: there's a manual you can get from their site which is pretty good, and there's also #vbox | 00:30 |
Berzerker | sebsebseb, I think I got it, would running the mount command in /etc/init.d/rc.local work? | 00:30 |
cjae | Izinucs: ya I ve used kde apps on windows... pretty cool... not just move them to linux but to *nix period ;) | 00:31 |
Izinucs | cjae: did they crash a lot? | 00:32 |
sebsebseb | Izinucs: yeah KDE want to be cross platform it seems, there's even an unoffical way to get it for haiku. Not sure if you know about that one, alpha 1, and like BEOS. I still need to virtual machine try that. | 00:32 |
cjae | a bit but that was many months ago | 00:32 |
_Tristan | apt-get says I have human-theme installed but appearence says it isn't installed | 00:33 |
Izinucs | cjae: I like the binary clock widget.. almost to the point where I don't have to think/add about it. :) | 00:33 |
Berzerker | how would I make a command that cds to a folder? | 00:34 |
sebsebseb | cjae: KDE 3.5 and 4 are both quite Windows like by default really, then geek to customize even more so for KDE 4 it seems than KDE 3.5 | 00:34 |
jrib | Berzerker: cd PATH ? | 00:34 |
Izinucs | Berzerker: cd /folder/location | 00:34 |
Berzerker | jrib, like I want the command "android" to do cd /media/android | 00:34 |
Dr_Willis | Berzerker: make a bash alias. | 00:35 |
jrib | Berzerker: alias android='cd /media/android' | 00:35 |
Berzerker | k thanks | 00:35 |
Dr_Willis | Time to read up on bash basics. :) well thats not really a 'basic' thing.. but its pretty fundamental | 00:35 |
Izinucs | Dr_Willis: where are bash alias's stored? | 00:35 |
jrib | yeah, understanding everything in ubuntu's default ~/.bashrc is a good goal :) | 00:36 |
Dr_Willis | Izinucs: no where. You deind them in the bash init scripts | 00:36 |
Tee-Bone | does terminal gedit support cut and paste? | 00:36 |
CAPcap | it appears on the xorg site that 3D is supported for my card but nothing with 3D works... help? ati mobility radeon 9000 | 00:36 |
jrib | Tee-Bone: what do you mean by "terminal gedit"? | 00:36 |
Izinucs | Dr_Willis: aren't the scripts someplace? | 00:36 |
Dr_Willis | Izinucs: an alais technically is not a script. | 00:36 |
Izinucs | Dr_Willis: like ~/.bashrc ? | 00:36 |
Dr_Willis | Izinucs: you can make user scripts in /home/username/bin | 00:36 |
Tee-Bone | accessories--> terminal sudo gedit | 00:36 |
=== cthulhu is now known as Guest92256 | ||
Dr_Willis | Izinucs: you can DEFIND alias;s in .bashrc | 00:36 |
jrib | !gksudo | Tee-Bone | 00:37 |
ubottu | Tee-Bone: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 00:37 |
cjae | sebsebseb: my machine is so much more productive on kde 4, since I to keep it ungeek friendly... cli is not an option | 00:37 |
jrib | Tee-Bone: but sure you can copy and paste... | 00:37 |
Berzerker | jrib, thanks, works fine | 00:37 |
sebsebseb | cjae: well Gnome 2 :) | 00:37 |
sebsebseb | cjae: except for one or two of the recent changes | 00:38 |
aftertaf | any kubuntuers around? noone in other chan | 00:38 |
cjae | sebsebseb: I have a ubuntu (gnome machine) also and hate it I just use it to see new advances...which are few and far between | 00:38 |
=== Prodego is now known as Administrivia | ||
sebsebseb | cjae: Gnome 3 this September, and off topic now yeah | 00:38 |
CAPcap | it appears on the xorg site that 3D is supported for my card but nothing with 3D works... help? ati mobility radeon 9000 | 00:39 |
cjae | !off-topic | 00:39 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 00:39 |
sebsebseb | cjae: yeah yeah, I am not going there tonight though | 00:40 |
Izinucs | Dr_Willis: ok.. so if I "alias=<command>" and then I want to edit it.. do I just redo the alias command or is there a location I go to edit the alias? | 00:40 |
Dr_Willis | Izinucs: redo the alias command. | 00:40 |
Dr_Willis | Izinucs: play with it and see. | 00:40 |
DaZ | aliases end with the session. | 00:41 |
cjae | sebsebseb: no I thought you meant me | 00:41 |
Izinucs | Dr_Willis: ok.. I'm just thinking the system has to store that alias someplace for later reference and I was curious where | 00:41 |
Dr_Willis | Izinucs: alias are a bash feature and in shells memory.. same as 1000+ other bash variables and settings | 00:42 |
sebsebseb | cjae: Izinucs, you, and me, all had a bit of recent off topic :D | 00:42 |
jolaren | How do I make a program autostart in ubuntu server and run as root? | 00:42 |
jrib | Izinucs: if you close your shell and open a new one, it won't remember your alias | 00:42 |
jrib | jolaren: like what? | 00:42 |
jolaren | jrib; like mythtv-backend | 00:42 |
Izinucs | jrib: how do I get it to be persistant through a reboot? | 00:42 |
jrib | jolaren: that's something in the repositories right? | 00:42 |
jolaren | jrib; it boots atm as regular user but then it wont work so i have to close it down then restart it with root | 00:42 |
jrib | jolaren: what does "regular user" mean? | 00:43 |
adante | jolaren: mythtv-backend package should have an initscript - if you are building your own from source you should be able to copy that | 00:43 |
iflema | Izinucs ~/.bashrc | 00:43 |
jolaren | adante; I'm not compiling it myself | 00:43 |
Izinucs | iflema: thank you | 00:43 |
jolaren | jrib; regular user? | 00:43 |
Dr_Willis | Izinucs: you define them in .bashrc bash reads/makes them when it starts up .. there ya go.. | 00:43 |
jrib | jolaren: yeah. Which user exactly? | 00:43 |
Izinucs | Dr_Willis: :) I knew it had to be someplace.. | 00:44 |
jolaren | jrib; I think It's the mythtv user who runs the commando from the boot | 00:44 |
adante | jolaren: odd that it won't run as root -- see if there is a BACKENDUSER or equivalent var in the script(or conf.d) or manually edit the initscript yourself and change teh start-stop-daemon to run as root | 00:44 |
adante | er, non-root i mean | 00:44 |
jrib | jolaren: right, so obviously it's intended to run that way. You should troubleshoot why it doesn't work with that user, not make it run as root. What's the issue? | 00:45 |
Izinucs | Dr_Willis: bashrc file says towards the bottom that you can create a seperate file called /bash_aliases to store personal aliases.. | 00:45 |
CAPcap | it appears on the xorg site that 3D is supported for my card but nothing with 3D works... help? ati mobility radeon 9000 | 00:45 |
jolaren | jrib; The issue is that I can't connect to the server because when mythtv runs it I cannot connect to the servef | 00:46 |
Izinucs | * ... .bash_aliases | 00:46 |
Xiol | How do I change the default application to open a file with? (like Windows "file associations"). | 00:47 |
jrib | !defaultapp | Xiol | 00:47 |
ubottu | Xiol: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting. | 00:47 |
Xiol | jrib: Open With isn't good enough, I want to permanently change the application the file opens with. | 00:47 |
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish | ||
jrib | Xiol: then reread what ubottu said... | 00:48 |
Xiol | jrib: Yes, I know. I can go to Open With and select the new application. This doesn't not make it the default for files of that type. | 00:48 |
Xiol | does not* | 00:48 |
Tee-Bone | izinucs Tried a bunch of things, i'm basically flailing....i tried this command, seems like it should work but not sure if it did | 00:48 |
Tee-Bone | tony@tony-laptop:~$ cvt 1024 768 | 00:48 |
Tee-Bone | # 1024x768 59.92 Hz (CVT 0.79M3) hsync: 47.82 kHz; pclk: 63.50 MHz | 00:48 |
Tee-Bone | Modeline "1024x768_60.00" 63.50 1024 1072 1176 1328 768 771 775 798 -hsync +vsync | 00:48 |
jrib | Xiol: no. REREAD what ubottu said PLEASE | 00:48 |
FloodBot4 | Tee-Bone: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 00:48 |
jrib | jolaren: have you read /usr/share/doc/PACKAGE/README.Debian ? | 00:49 |
jolaren | sure | 00:49 |
jrib | Xiol: more specifically, you missed the "properties" part | 00:49 |
CAPcap | it appears on the xorg site that 3D is supported for my card but nothing with 3D works... help? ati mobility radeon 9000 | 00:50 |
_Tristan | all of my themes are gone except for raleigh, yet the files are still there. Happened after an update. | 00:50 |
Xiol | jrib: PDFs open in Adobe Reader - so, Right Click -> Open With -> Document Viewer (opens in Doc Viewer). Double click another / same PDF, opens in Adobe Reader. There are no properties, nor any "set as default" option. | 00:50 |
djuggler | is @ a special character for sed? ie. do I need s/ or do I need s/\\ ? | 00:50 |
Izinucs | Tee-Bone: sorry.. I'm no expert with xrandr.. there's much more info and tutorials on the web using google... google xrandr ubuntu and something should pop up that will give easier instructions. | 00:51 |
jrib | Xiol: do you think I would tell you to reread something if it didn't do what you wanted? Again, you have to click on PROPERTIES first | 00:51 |
Tee-Bone | Izinucs thatnks, will do | 00:51 |
H4CK3RK1NG | hello | 00:51 |
H4CK3RK1NG | whats up | 00:51 |
inasmu | hello, I'm helping a friend who recently installed Ubuntu. He tried to install compiz-config and now the OS will not boot. | 00:51 |
H4CK3RK1NG | any1 here? | 00:52 |
trism | djuggler: looks like it isn't | 00:52 |
Izinucs | Tee-Bone: of course your video card is probably on the motherboard.. and if this is a desktop then you may have a slot to put a third party card in there.. a cheep nvidia would be a good option.. something in the $39 range../ | 00:52 |
Dougdoug4 | hi. I'm using Ubuntu 9.10. When I use the theme Dust | 00:52 |
=== golddragon24_ is now known as golddragon24 | ||
H4CK3RK1NG | what compiz-config? | 00:52 |
Dougdoug4 | the Applications, Places, and System things | 00:52 |
Dougdoug4 | become bold | 00:52 |
H4CK3RK1NG | pple | 00:52 |
Tee-Bone | izinucs - it's a laptop, was hoping no hardware changes.... | 00:52 |
Dougdoug4 | I don't want them to be bold, how do I fix this | 00:52 |
H4CK3RK1NG | how do i configure wifi in backtrack4? | 00:52 |
blakkheim | Dougdoug4: edit the theme | 00:52 |
inasmu | H4CK3RK1NG: the configuration panel for compiz | 00:52 |
H4CK3RK1NG | where is that? | 00:52 |
blakkheim | H4CK3RK1NG: if you don't know that you shouldn't be using backtrack, also this is an ubuntu support channel | 00:52 |
djuggler | thx | 00:52 |
Tee-Bone | izinucs - but i'm hearing....'gee, this may not work...' :'( | 00:52 |
Izinucs | Tee-Bone: if there is an option then check ebay.. you might get lucky | 00:53 |
H4CK3RK1NG | oh... sorry | 00:53 |
H4CK3RK1NG | im trying to learn... | 00:53 |
Tee-Bone | iziniucs - gotcha, will do...didn't realize i could swap out the video card | 00:53 |
blakkheim | !pm | Dougdoug4 | 00:54 |
ubottu | Dougdoug4: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 00:54 |
Dougdoug4 | how do i edit the theme | 00:54 |
jrib | Xiol: did it work now? | 00:54 |
lnx4ver | inasmu this is not compiz related if the system dont boot or you need to explain where it fails | 00:54 |
CAPcap | Dougdoug4, click "Customize" | 00:54 |
Xiol | jrib: Indeed. Apologies, I'm tired and cranky. | 00:55 |
inasmu | lnx4ver: I'm not quite sure what he did, but I think it had something to do with compiz or the ATI drivers (this is a lenovo ideapad) | 00:55 |
inasmu | lnx4ver: it fails during boot while trying to start cups, after a few minutes the screen turns green | 00:56 |
Izinucs | Is there a way to restart "bash"? | 00:56 |
=== ComradeHaz` is now known as ComradeHaz | ||
Xiol | Izinucs: reset | 00:56 |
CAPcap | it appears on the xorg site that 3D is supported for my card but nothing with 3D works... help? ati mobility radeon 9000 | 00:56 |
Dougdoug4 | Capcap | 00:56 |
Dougdoug4 | your no help man | 00:56 |
H4CK3RK1NG | hello | 00:56 |
Izinucs | Xiol: that's it? just type "reset" ? | 00:56 |
Xiol | Izinucs: yeah | 00:56 |
Dougdoug4 | Customizing the theme won't let me make the Applications, Places, System not bold | 00:57 |
H4CK3RK1NG | how to i config wifi on backtrack? | 00:57 |
Izinucs | Xiol: almost too easy :) | 00:57 |
CAPcap | Dougdoug4, sorry you feel that way. i was trying to help/ | 00:57 |
blakkheim | !backtrack > H4CK3RK1NG | 00:57 |
ubottu | H4CK3RK1NG, please see my private message | 00:57 |
lnx4ver | inasmu ok this is more clear | 00:57 |
H4CK3RK1NG | how i see privatge messages? | 00:57 |
IdleOne | !backtrak | H4CK3RK1NG | 00:57 |
H4CK3RK1NG | what??? | 00:57 |
IdleOne | !backtrak | 00:57 |
blakkheim | IdleOne: try it with a c | 00:57 |
IdleOne | !backtrack | 00:58 |
ubottu | There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #remote-exploit) | 00:58 |
IdleOne | thank you blakkheim :) | 00:58 |
yaramazgeyik | hi everyone | 00:58 |
blakkheim | !repeat | H4CK3RK1NG | 00:58 |
ubottu | H4CK3RK1NG: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. | 00:58 |
IdleOne | H4CK3RK1NG: ask in #remote-exploit | 00:58 |
blakkheim | H4CK3RK1NG: please see the messages directed towards you. this is not a channel for backtrack support | 00:58 |
_Tristan | my preferences/appearence says I have no themes, but I do | 00:59 |
H4CK3RK1NG | ok but where is the backtrack channel? | 00:59 |
blakkheim | H4CK3RK1NG: please.. just read. it has been mentioned multiple times. | 00:59 |
IdleOne | H4CK3RK1NG: type /join #remote-exploit | 00:59 |
cryptk | is there anyone here that can help me out with a network connectivity problem? | 00:59 |
cryptk | a wired network | 00:59 |
coldpizza72i | would kdevelope work with xubuntu | 00:59 |
cryptk | for some reason my wired network isn't connecting at all, eth0 is not listed in ifconfig | 01:00 |
H4CK3RK1NG | the remote-exploit is no longer working... | 01:00 |
H4CK3RK1NG | can any1 tell me? | 01:01 |
H4CK3RK1NG | the backtrack no longer supports | 01:01 |
coldpizza72i | would kdevelope work with xubuntu | 01:01 |
coldpizza72i | or no? | 01:01 |
cryptk | H4CK3RK1NG, is this a backtrack question or an ubuntu question? | 01:01 |
H4CK3RK1NG | ubuntu | 01:01 |
H4CK3RK1NG | but u pple | 01:01 |
H4CK3RK1NG | keep sending me 2 backtraqck | 01:01 |
cryptk | but we pple what? | 01:02 |
cryptk | what is your question | 01:02 |
H4CK3RK1NG | how do i config wifi? | 01:02 |
cryptk | are you able to see wireless networks? | 01:02 |
H4CK3RK1NG | i dont even know where to go for that | 01:02 |
=== titaniumbrella is now known as Carbonish | ||
cryptk | the network manager icon at the top right corner | 01:02 |
H4CK3RK1NG | hold on | 01:02 |
CAPcap | I'm using a laptop with a built in graphics card. an ATI Mobility Radeon 9000. Im using the default drivers. says that 3D is supported and stable but nothing with 3D works for me. Blender and similar modeling/rendering programs, flight sims, and videogames like warsow and nexuiz | 01:03 |
H4CK3RK1NG | is there a backtrack chat? | 01:03 |
H4CK3RK1NG | cuz im using modified backtrack with ubuntu stuff | 01:03 |
H4CK3RK1NG | and backtrack is based on ubuntu | 01:03 |
H4CK3RK1NG | so u guys should know...... | 01:03 |
cryptk | if you are using a modified backtrack with ubuntu stuff, then you need to talk to the backtrack people | 01:03 |
cryptk | but it is not Ubuntu | 01:04 |
cryptk | it is modified by them | 01:04 |
H4CK3RK1NG | ya.... but backtrack is based ofa ubuntu | 01:04 |
cryptk | so they are the ones to talk to | 01:04 |
H4CK3RK1NG | ok, were would i go for that? | 01:04 |
cryptk | yes, it is based on it, but it is not ubuntu | 01:04 |
cryptk | have you looked on their website? | 01:04 |
Xiol | !backtrack > Xiol | 01:04 |
ubottu | Xiol, please see my private message | 01:04 |
dinosaurvskitten | I have "LABEL=IAUDIO /media/audioplayer/ auto uid=1000,gid=1000,noatime,nls=utf8,sync,user 0 0" in /etc/fstab, yet "mount /media/audioplayer" says that there is no such entry in /etc/fstab. What gives? | 01:04 |
H4CK3RK1NG | !backtrack | 01:04 |
ubottu | There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #remote-exploit) | 01:04 |
IdleOne | H4CK3RK1NG: it is different from ubuntu and we can not support it. | 01:05 |
H4CK3RK1NG | ok then | 01:05 |
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf | ||
IdleOne | H4CK3RK1NG: you may need to register/identify you nick | 01:05 |
IdleOne | !register | 01:05 |
ubottu | Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode | 01:05 |
cryptk | H4CK3RK1NG, first off, stop talking in all caps | 01:05 |
H4CK3RK1NG | sry | 01:05 |
Roasted | . | 01:05 |
cryptk | then try typing /join #remote-exploit | 01:05 |
* IdleOne waves to Roasted | 01:05 | |
FiremanEd | H4CK3..: /j #backtrack-linux | 01:05 |
H4CK3RK1NG | that doesnt work | 01:05 |
H4CK3RK1NG | they no longer | 01:06 |
H4CK3RK1NG | support bt | 01:06 |
Roasted | Question, guys. I'm looking at a Lenovo Ideapad S10. I was considering on putting UNR on it if I get one... but does Ubuntu or UNR support touch screen?? | 01:06 |
Roasted | whats up IdleOne | 01:06 |
cryptk | did you read what that message says | 01:06 |
cryptk | it said to go to backtrack-linux for support | 01:06 |
IdleOne | H4CK3RK1NG: check their website and see if they changed network | 01:06 |
cryptk | read and do for yourself sometimes | 01:06 |
cryptk | no, it is still on freenode | 01:06 |
H4CK3RK1NG | i got cinnected | 01:06 |
cryptk | they merely changed channels, the remote-exploit channel has a bot that tells him what channel to go to | 01:06 |
H4CK3RK1NG | but it says could not send to channel wen i tyoe | 01:06 |
cryptk | type /join #backtrack-linux | 01:07 |
dinosaurvskitten | H4CK3RK1NG, that means you need to register your nick with nickserv | 01:07 |
ziggz | cant i install zorin from the terminal?? | 01:07 |
ziggz | if so please tell me how | 01:07 |
H4CK3RK1NG | how i do that? | 01:07 |
cryptk | !register | 01:07 |
ubottu | Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode | 01:07 |
CAPcap | I'm using a laptop with a built in graphics card. an ATI Mobility Radeon 9000. Im using the default drivers. says that 3D is supported and stable but nothing with 3D works for me. Blender and similar modeling/rendering programs, flight sims, and videogames like warsow and nexuiz | 01:07 |
cryptk | read what we are telling you | 01:07 |
H4CK3RK1NG | !register | 01:07 |
cryptk | stop throwing out questions abck to back and read what we are saying | 01:07 |
cryptk | no, read what ubottu said | 01:07 |
IdleOne | H4CK3RK1NG: you have been told many times how to join a channel. stop this backtrack talk now please. | 01:07 |
cryptk | !register | 01:07 |
jolaren | How do I add a program to be able to run as root during startup? | 01:07 |
ziggz | is it possible to install debian or zorin from the terminal????? | 01:08 |
dinosaurvskitten | ziggz, we heard the first time | 01:08 |
cryptk | it tells you how to register | 01:08 |
cryptk | | 01:08 |
cryptk | go there | 01:08 |
cryptk | pay attenton | 01:08 |
cryptk | I am done with this... too much fork right after I log on... | 01:08 |
FloodBot4 | cryptk: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:08 |
ziggz | dino vs kitten | 01:08 |
ziggz | is it possible? | 01:09 |
acicula | ziggz: debian is an(other) version of gnu/linux | 01:10 |
ziggz | so thats a no | 01:10 |
acicula | correct | 01:10 |
ziggz | in that case how do i got about cleaning my system ridding it of useless apps and files | 01:11 |
T__ | i am having trouble watching videos on on windows i had to install a player.. i have flash and ubuntu restricted xtras installed | 01:11 |
Roasted | does ubuntu have touch screen support? | 01:11 |
ivan__ | hola | 01:11 |
ivan__ | tengo una dua | 01:12 |
ivan__ | duda | 01:12 |
ivan__ | con ubuntu | 01:12 |
ivan__ | instale ubuntu dentro de window | 01:12 |
CAPcap | !es | 01:12 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 01:12 |
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faileas | jolaren: you'd have to use init.d or upstart. I'm afraid i don't use the latter, but for init.d its easy. make a script that does what you want in /etc/init.d/, chmod +x it, and run 'sudo update-rc.d script defaults' | 01:13 |
acicula | Roasted: em yes it does | 01:13 |
jrib | jolaren: is this still about mythtv? | 01:13 |
jolaren | jrib; "sudo /usr/bin/mythbackend --start-hidden" | 01:13 |
jolaren | or? | 01:13 |
Roasted | acicula, thanks. Im considering on getting a tablet netbook thing from lenovo. Just wanted to see if ubuntu had ANY touch screen support cause I kind of wanted to put ubuntu or UNR on it | 01:14 |
jrib | jolaren: you should fix the actual problem | 01:14 |
Happehwalrus | Help, please. I'm using Netbook Remix 9.10 on the Acer Aspire One, and can't get wireless connections to work. The Acer has a built-in Atheros AR5BXB63. | 01:14 |
jolaren | jrib; I've tried editing and removing the &user parameter in the config files but doesn't give me anytihng | 01:14 |
jrib | jolaren: why do you think it shouldn't be running as that user? | 01:14 |
ziggz | how do i get the animated task bar like the one mac's have | 01:15 |
faileas | jolaren: if your using init.d you don't need the sudo | 01:15 |
ziggz | please help people | 01:15 |
jrib | jolaren: I don't use mythtv but I don't see why that would be default if it wasn't intended | 01:15 |
acicula | Roasted: it has any support, afaik touch scren support for X was recently improved as well | 01:15 |
faileas | jolaren: if you want to start it as a uses, crontab is what you need | 01:15 |
faileas | ziggz: cairodock is quite similar, as is avant-window-navigator | 01:16 |
ziggz | thanx | 01:16 |
CAPcap | I'm using a laptop with a built in graphics card. an ATI Mobility Radeon 9000. Im using the default drivers. says that 3D is supported and stable but nothing with 3D works for me. Blender and similar modeling/rendering programs, flight sims, and videogames like warsow and nexuiz | 01:16 |
T__ | i am having trouble watching videos on on windows i had to install a player.. i have flash and ubuntu restricted xtras installed | 01:17 |
polux0101 | hi | 01:17 |
CAPcap | T__ I dont know about abc but NBC doesnt work simply because the choose to intentionally not support linux | 01:18 |
T__ | i live in the states! | 01:18 |
happyface | CAPcap: intentionally?? | 01:18 |
acicula | CAPcap: 3D support is not thesame as 3D hw acceleration? | 01:19 |
mikeconcepts | is there a way to create a bootable persistent usb drive for lynx? | 01:19 |
CAPcap | happyface, yes. nbc has made statements. they only support mac and windows. and only firefox and internet explorer. although chrome works | 01:19 |
T__ | is there a way for me to resolve the issue? | 01:19 |
CAPcap | acicula i dont know what i need or really what the site said id have to go back | 01:20 |
wgrant | CAPcap: Which version of Ubuntu are you using? | 01:20 |
CAPcap | wgrant, karmic | 01:21 |
acicula | T__: videos work for me in chromium | 01:21 |
T__ | chromium? | 01:22 |
jolaren | Can someone plese tell me how to make a program startup hidden as root with ubuntu server? | 01:22 |
acicula | at least the shorts do , cant watch the full episodes | 01:22 |
BugsCrash | somebody can sendme a apt-key files ? | 01:22 |
acicula | BugsCrash: thats not how it works | 01:22 |
CAPcap | T__ chromium is kind of a chrome knock off | 01:22 |
faileas | mikeconcepts: you could simply install ubuntu to a thumbdrive and lynx on top of that | 01:22 |
goose | what's the amarok package for mp3 playback support? | 01:22 |
acicula | its the same even | 01:22 |
acicula | !restrictedformats | goose | 01:22 |
ubottu | goose: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 01:22 |
faileas | mikeconcepts: there is the craveat about disk wear, but i doubt a cli only system will need swap. | 01:23 |
T__ | i dont follow what your talkin about? something to download from the repos? | 01:23 |
BugsCrash | <acicula> you can put on your browser the cod to get the file and send me. | 01:23 |
hyperstream | how do i get evolution to put my new mail accounts im adding, into its own folder? rather than all into 'on this computer' ?? | 01:23 |
CAPcap | T__ are you trying to watch full episodes? if so chromium isnt going to help | 01:23 |
acicula | no | 01:23 |
acicula | he said he was in the states | 01:23 |
wgrant | CAPcap: 'chrome knock off'? It's Chrome without the proprietary bits, as maintained by Google. | 01:24 |
goose | acicula: libxine1-ffmpeg | 01:24 |
goose | for future reference :) | 01:24 |
jrib | jolaren: why are you ignoring what I tell you? :/ | 01:24 |
CAPcap | wgrant, i know. whatever. just giving him the gist of it | 01:24 |
hyperstream | how do i get evolution to put my new mail accounts im adding, into its own folder? rather than all into 'on this computer' ?? | 01:24 |
jrib | jolaren: I'm guessing your isse is the first thing on this page? | 01:25 |
acicula | goose: i always just install the whole restricted metapackage and be done with it :) | 01:25 |
hyperstream | its driving me mental >< | 01:25 |
goose | jolaren: look into installing an init.d script | 01:25 |
jrib | running things as root is not the right way to fix permission issues | 01:25 |
Happehwalrus | Help, please. I'm using Netbook Remix 9.10 on the Acer Aspire One, and can't get wireless connections to work. The Acer has a built-in Atheros AR5BXB63. | 01:26 |
Zarrex | Hi All, I need some help with an EXT4 volume that has complete lost itself. from what I can gather it is a bug with karmic and it recoverable | 01:27 |
CAPcap | T__ You cant use ABC. you have to have Windows or Mac. With internet explorer firefox or safari | 01:27 |
H4CK3RK1NG | hello | 01:27 |
CAPcap | T__ it says it right on the site | 01:27 |
hyperstream | whats a good pop email client guys ? | 01:27 |
mikeconcepts | faileas: want 10.4 alpha 2 on the a 8GB thumbdrive | 01:27 |
Zarrex | thunderbird is a good pop mail client | 01:27 |
jrib | hyperstream: ask bestbot in #ubuntu-bots | 01:27 |
hyperstream | Zarrex, thanks mate | 01:27 |
H4CK3RK1NG | does any1 know how to install winxp on flash drive from ubuntu? | 01:27 |
T__ | i thought someone would solve that problem by oh well.. ty | 01:27 |
faileas | mikeconcepts: i'm doing that with a 4gb thumbdrive, and karmic. no reason it shouldn't work with lucid | 01:28 |
CAPcap | T__ I suggest looking on for your show | 01:28 |
faileas | H4CK3RK1NG: you can't. | 01:28 |
acicula | H4CK3RK1NG: you cant do it that way | 01:28 |
scunizi | Zarrex: hyperstream works for imap too.. espicially gmail | 01:28 |
H4CK3RK1NG | how i do it? | 01:28 |
acicula | H4CK3RK1NG: you cant do it that way, also this is not #windows support | 01:28 |
faileas | H4CK3RK1NG: not topical for here. try ##windows | 01:28 |
BlueSherpa | what do I do when resize2fs /dev/sdb1 won't recognize the extra available space on my raid volume? | 01:28 |
H4CK3RK1NG | how to i make a usb bootable from ubuntu? | 01:28 |
acicula | !usb | H4CK3RK1NG look here | 01:28 |
ubottu | H4CK3RK1NG look here: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 01:28 |
mikeconcepts | faileas: did you use unetbootin or what? | 01:28 |
hyperstream | thanks | 01:28 |
H4CK3RK1NG | no no no | 01:29 |
jolaren | goose: i've tried with a init.d script, doesnt work well and jrib no, i've already done all of that | 01:29 |
wgrant | faileas: Lucid support is in #ubuntu+1. | 01:29 |
faileas | mikeconcepts: no. installed it into a usb key directly ;p | 01:29 |
Zarrex | usb boot: check out isoboot on google and the pendrive linux site | 01:29 |
H4CK3RK1NG | i need to make a usb drive bootable FROM ubuntu and i need to put winxp on it | 01:29 |
acicula | H4CK3RK1NG: you cant | 01:29 |
H4CK3RK1NG | so i can dual boot | 01:29 |
t0rc | Anyone tell me how to connect a wireless adapter from command line using dhcpcd? | 01:29 |
CAPcap | !trolling | H4CK3RK1NG | 01:29 |
ubottu | H4CK3RK1NG: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel | 01:29 |
faileas | H4CK3RK1NG: its a lot more complex than you think. google it. | 01:29 |
Zarrex | you can't winxp to any type of removable drive | 01:29 |
jrib | jolaren: I didn't tell you to "try with an init.d" script | 01:29 |
faileas | t0rc: any kind of security? | 01:29 |
H4CK3RK1NG | ok, i wanna dual boot win/ubuntu. i have ubuntu | 01:30 |
H4CK3RK1NG | is that more clear? | 01:30 |
acicula | !dualboot | H4CK3RK1NG look here | 01:30 |
ubottu | H4CK3RK1NG look here: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: - MACs: | 01:30 |
H4CK3RK1NG | than you | 01:30 |
lolhalplz | Help, please. I'm using Netbook Remix 9.10 on the Acer Aspire One, and can't get wireless connections to work. The Acer has a built-in Atheros AR5BXB63. | 01:30 |
t0rc | faileas, nope. plain public connection | 01:30 |
H4CK3RK1NG | does it work on usb? | 01:30 |
=== wubi is now known as good | ||
mikeconcepts | faileas: so you had to burn a cd to install to usb? | 01:30 |
scunizi | H4CK3RK1NG: you can also run xp in virtualbox as a program in linux | 01:30 |
H4CK3RK1NG | fuck u all | 01:30 |
=== good is now known as lol | ||
acicula | bye | 01:30 |
lolhalplz | Help, please. I'm using Netbook Remix 9.10 on the Acer Aspire One, and can't get wireless connections to work. The Acer has a built-in Atheros AR5BXB63. | 01:30 |
Dr_Willis | lolhalplz: i did have an odd quirk on my AAO where i had to boot to windows and turn on the wireless (via the switch) then reboot back to linux the first time. | 01:31 |
jrib | erm | 01:31 |
=== lol is now known as Guest6188 | ||
Dr_Willis | lolhalplz: i never touch that switch under linux | 01:31 |
playfirst | i'm trying to install ubuntu on my pc to better understand but it keeps failing. i think i need to disable apic . how do i do this? | 01:31 |
T__ | ty hulu is working fine ty! | 01:31 |
=== Guest6188 is now known as adriano | ||
goose | jolaren: then write your script better? :p or crontab | 01:31 |
lolhalplz | Dr_Willis: What switch? | 01:32 |
dinosaurvskitten | I have "LABEL=IAUDIO /media/audioplayer/ auto uid=1000,gid=1000,noatime,nls=utf8,sync,user 0 0" in /etc/fstab, yet "mount /media/audioplayer" says that there is no such entry in /etc/fstab. What gives? I can mount the device by hand by doing "mount LABEL=IAUDIO /media/audioplayer" just fine... | 01:32 |
acicula | playfirst: what are you doing, where is it failing, what error does it give and what did you expect to happen, also why do you think apic is involved | 01:32 |
jrib | jolaren: again, you shouldn't be trying to change the user unless you are reading somewhere in the docemuntation that you have to do so. I can't help you unless you explain *exactly* what you are doing and the complete error message you recieve. Also, you might want to try the mythtv channel | 01:32 |
lolhalplz | Dr_Willis: Permission to PM? | 01:32 |
Zarrex | Need help with an EXT4 partition that has lost itself, please | 01:33 |
Dr_Willis | lolhalplz: the switch on the front that turns on/off the wireless. I went to windows. made sure it was ON.. then rebooted to linux. wireless then worked for me. This is an older AAO i bought last year. | 01:33 |
acicula | Zarrex: lost itself? | 01:33 |
lnx4ver | playfirst try to add noapic at the end of your kernel command line in your grub configuration | 01:33 |
ohir | !patience | Zarrex | 01:33 |
ubottu | Zarrex: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. | 01:33 |
Dr_Willis | lolhalplz: thats the full extent of my wireless knowledge on teh AAO its been working fine for me ever sence | 01:33 |
Zarrex | yep. from a load of googles it might be bug | 01:33 |
T__ | !firestarter | 01:33 |
ubottu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see, or 'iptables' ( GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist | 01:33 |
CAPcap | I'm using a laptop with a built in graphics card. an ATI Mobility Radeon 9000. Im using the default drivers. says that 3D is supported and stable but nothing with 3D works for me. Blender and similar modeling/rendering programs, flight sims, and videogames like warsow and nexuiz | 01:34 |
Zarrex | it looks like a new blank disk with nothing on it. | 01:34 |
playfirst | i have 3 partitions for suse 2 extension cores and 1 swap. i created on the same harddrive the same 3 partitions and went to install ubuntu. at the end of the installation comp just restarts and thats it. | 01:34 |
acicula | playfirst: how does the installation end? | 01:34 |
Zarrex | testdisk has found the volume and that is as far as i got | 01:34 |
playfirst | the ubuntu loading bar loads comp restarts and thats it | 01:35 |
playfirst | i think its cause i have it partitioned | 01:35 |
playfirst | like when i select that harddrive to load it loads susu | 01:35 |
doinel | I have just updated GRUB in Karmic on my MacBook. I mistakenly kept the old configuration, which I'm assuming was a menu.lst, and now when trying to boot into Ubuntu I get simply "GRUB _" with the cursor flashing. Is there a way to fix this? | 01:35 |
`mOOse` | CAPcap, what card, 250? | 01:35 |
CAPcap | `mOOse`, 250? I have a mobility radeon 9000... | 01:36 |
playfirst | i was trying to use grub to multi boot from same hard drive but didn't know how to | 01:36 |
acicula | doinel: reinstalling grub via the rescuecd? | 01:36 |
playfirst | i'm a newb with linux | 01:36 |
doinel | acicula: rescue cd as in ubuntu install media? | 01:37 |
acicula | doinel: that'll work | 01:37 |
revelnick | how to mount tmpfs in fstab? tmpfs /mydir tmpfs size=128,mode=0777,gid=www-data,uid=www-data 0 0 | 01:37 |
CAPcap | #radeon | 01:37 |
BlueSherpa | anyone know how to install vmware esxi vmxnet3 for ubuntu? | 01:37 |
sebsebseb | doinel: Did you just upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10? | 01:38 |
doinel | sebsebseb: yes. | 01:38 |
sebsebseb | doinel: 9.04 has the old Grub by default, and it does not upgrade to the later one on upgrade | 01:38 |
Trizicus | I want to start hacking OSS (not cracking) where do i start? | 01:38 |
sebsebseb | doinel: keeping the old menu.lst set up is useually fine for Grub | 01:38 |
acicula | !contributing | look here Trizicus | 01:38 |
acicula | aww | 01:39 |
doinel | sebsebseb: i upgraded all packages after upgrading to karmic. i'm assuming the new grub was included. | 01:39 |
acicula | !contribute | 01:39 |
ubottu | To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see | 01:39 |
dook1e | Boa noite. | 01:39 |
Dr_Willis | Trizicus: if you want to start 'developing and programing' for OSS (the sound system) i would say check the OSS homepage for guides/docs | 01:39 |
sebsebseb | doinel: no you probably still have the old Grub, which is fine | 01:39 |
playfirst | if you have a few different linux operating systems on 1 harddrive how do u choose which one to boot? | 01:39 |
doinel | sebsebseb: ah, OK. But for some reason when booting into Ubuntu I get GRUB with a flashing cursor and no menu displayed. | 01:40 |
Zarrex | apologies. Didn't mean to offend with the double post. Still learning the ropes. First chat room ever | 01:40 |
sebsebseb | playfirst: apparatnly with Karmic's Grub 2 you can't, or you can't easilly, boot other distros from it, becasue of the way they done Grub 2 | 01:40 |
Dr_Willis | playfirst: my GRUB menu shiows them all | 01:40 |
sebsebseb | doinel: can you access the menu.lst file, using the Live CD for examle | 01:40 |
BugsCrash | Hellow. Anyone can get 4 keys from . Cause im firewalled | 01:40 |
plustax | Guys. I need some real help. My computer froze to crap so I had to isusb and when I did, it started back up and put me in a maintence shell | 01:41 |
plustax | What do I do? | 01:41 |
doinel | sebsebseb: I'm booting it up now. I will do this in a moment. | 01:41 |
JCC_Starguy | Any recommendations for a really good, versatile IRC client for ubuntu? | 01:41 |
jolaren | how do i copy everything that is in a file? when i open it wiht ssh i can only see some parts of it and i want to paste it to a website | 01:41 |
doinel | JCC_Starguy: irssi or xchat. | 01:41 |
plustax | JCC_Starguy xchat all the way | 01:41 |
playfirst | dr_willis what grub you have? | 01:41 |
`mOOse` | CAPcap, you have a model # that's not 9000 | 01:41 |
JCC_Starguy | OK, I'm using XChat so I guess I did right. :) | 01:41 |
usser | jolaren, cat filename | 01:41 |
scunizi | JCC_Starguy: irssi all the way.. with screen | 01:41 |
sebsebseb | doinel: so if you have that, then yeah old Grub if not the newer one | 01:41 |
t0rc | Now my dmesg is showing: AP denied association (code=17) | 01:41 |
sebsebseb | !grub | 01:42 |
ubottu | grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards. | 01:42 |
Dr_Willis | playfirst: i use grub2 and update-grub finds most of the OS's i have instal;l;ed | 01:42 |
plustax | Guys. I need some real help. My computer froze to crap so I had to isusb and when I did, it started back up and put me in a maintence shell | 01:42 |
sebsebseb | !grub 2 | doinel | 01:42 |
JCC_Starguy | Thanks! | 01:42 |
JCC_Starguy | Gotta fly. | 01:42 |
Odd-rationale | quick question. runlevel 1 does not have networking enabled. correct? | 01:42 |
sebsebseb | !grub2 | 01:42 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 01:42 |
`mOOse` | you need to find out what it is but likely that you won't be able to use the accelerator properties of it because it's too old | 01:42 |
playfirst | how do u manually edit grub from command line to change os? | 01:42 |
sebsebseb | playfirst: see bot links above | 01:43 |
rahduke | does anyone here use SDLMame? | 01:43 |
CAPcap | `mOOse`, are you looking for "R200"? | 01:43 |
plustax | Guys. I need some real help. My computer froze to crap so I had to isusb and when I did, it started back up and put me in a maintence shell. How do I get it back to normal? | 01:43 |
`mOOse` | yes | 01:43 |
playfirst | thanks guysl | 01:43 |
david_ | does anyone know of a linux that is graphical an runs good | 01:44 |
rahduke | if so can you please tell me how to stop emulation and exit from inside of a running rom... every time i launch a game i end up having to drop into a console and kill mame as a process... Its really annoying, i cant find the key for it | 01:44 |
sebsebseb | david_: Ubuntu? | 01:44 |
scunizi | david_: you're asking that in here? DOH! Ubuntu | 01:44 |
rumpsy | Dr_Willis: ? | 01:45 |
sebsebseb | david_: Mandriva? ? | 01:45 |
david_ | i know i am running ubuntu | 01:45 |
david_ | i was just wandering | 01:45 |
Zarrex | David? I'll be different how about Mint :-) | 01:45 |
rahduke | Dr_Willis: is the man | 01:45 |
plustax | Guys. I need some real help. My computer froze to crap so I had to isusb and when I did, it started back up and put me in a maintence shell. How do I get it back to normal? | 01:45 |
plustax | Guys. I need some real help. My computer froze to crap so I had to isusb and when I did, it started back up and put me in a maintence shell. How do I get it back to normal? | 01:45 |
rahduke | guy is always here helping out | 01:45 |
FloodBot4 | plustax: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:45 |
scunizi | !poll > david_ | 01:45 |
ubottu | david_, please see my private message | 01:45 |
sebsebseb | !patience | plustax | 01:45 |
ubottu | plustax: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. | 01:45 |
rumpsy | i donno, why cpu usage peaks to 95%, when i drag move window on my desktop | 01:46 |
p6209 | Hiya, quick question, does ubuntu have any community documentation in PDFs? | 01:46 |
scunizi | rumpsy: graphics driver.. what card do you have | 01:46 |
p6209 | Printing it from just looks like crap :\ | 01:46 |
rahduke | SDLmame question, how do I stop emulation and exit from inside of a running rom... every time i launch a game i end up having to drop into a console and kill mame as a process... Its really annoying, i cant find the key for it. furthmore if I can map this key to my 360 controller that would be amazing.... Trying to run this HTPC without a fullkeyboard | 01:46 |
p6209 | Either it cuts off on the sides, or the code/commands are gibberish | 01:46 |
rumpsy | scunizi: i'm having onboard intel graphics, and PCI nvidia fx5200 | 01:46 |
seanbrystone | How come the Ubuntu One applet doesnt connect? I made an account | 01:46 |
migg137 | where do i go to configure my dual monitors | 01:47 |
sebsebseb | !one | seanbrystone | 01:47 |
ubottu | seanbrystone: Ubuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see support and help available at #ubuntuone | 01:47 |
scunizi | rumpsy: so are you using the intel graphics or the nvidia? | 01:47 |
rahduke | migg137: what kind of graphics card? | 01:47 |
rumpsy | scunizi: but i disabled onboard graphics through BIOS | 01:47 |
Zarrex | rumpsy: which gpu is ubuntu using ? | 01:47 |
migg137 | intel | 01:47 |
migg137 | rahduke, intel | 01:47 |
Guest61730 | new here and enjoying the conversations. | 01:47 |
CAPcap | `mOOse`, i think maybe this is what u wanted actually? RV250 4C66 | 01:47 |
plustax | Guys. I need some real help. My computer froze to crap so I had to isusb and when I did, it started back up and put me in a maintence shell. How do I get it back to normal? | 01:47 |
Flannel | p6209: I don't think they generate the desktop guide as a pdf anymore | 01:47 |
p6209 | Flannel: :( | 01:47 |
Dr_Willis | rahduke: hit escape or q perhaps. The keybindings are customuizeable | 01:47 |
p6209 | Not even the server stuff? | 01:47 |
rumpsy | scunizi: Right now i'm using NVIDIA.. | 01:47 |
scunizi | rumpsy: that nvidia card is older.. what driver are you using? did you enable a driver in system>admin>hardware drivers | 01:47 |
p6209 | I was thinking of print some stuff from: | 01:48 |
Dr_Willis | rahduke: i recall being able to change the binding in game via the tab key perhaps? | 01:48 |
rumpsy | yes ! | 01:48 |
Sensiva | !Q35 | 01:48 |
`mOOse` | CAPcap, yep, and it's non-acceleratable | 01:48 |
=== Guest61730 is now known as VE5DT | ||
david_ | does anyone know of dreamlinux | 01:48 |
Sensiva | !help | 01:48 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 01:48 |
rahduke | Dr_Willis: I've searched all over the menu, cant find an option to quit or exit emu | 01:48 |
jrib | p6209: the server guide has a link to a pdf. About the comunity pages though, are you selecting "print view"? | 01:48 |
scunizi | rumpsy: do you remember the driver version or can you reference it? | 01:48 |
migg137 | rahduke, so where | 01:48 |
CAPcap | k :( | 01:48 |
p6209 | jrib: yeah | 01:48 |
Flannel | p6209: stuff used to be available as PDF (not community stuff though). I'm not sure how you could easily print the community stuff (It really wasn't ever designed to be print-friendly) | 01:48 |
rahduke | migg137: don't know man sorry I always use the nvidia settings for my card | 01:48 |
rumpsy | scunizi: this is the thing i see in xorg.0.log, (II) NVIDIA(0): Using the NVIDIA 2D acceleration architecture, | 01:49 |
Dr_Willis | rahduke: i dont recall it being that hard. been using make for years.. pretty sure its esc or Q. or q. | 01:49 |
rahduke | migg137: have u checked display resolution | 01:49 |
p6209 | Flannel: yup, it's entirely not print-friendly | 01:49 |
ekim1 | david_: nope | 01:49 |
migg137 | rahduke, where is that | 01:49 |
p6209 | 100% view cuts off on sides, 90% makes commands a complete gibberish | 01:49 |
p6209 | And that's on a laserjet 4 lol | 01:49 |
lolhalplz | Help, please. I'm using Netbook Remix 9.10 on the Acer Aspire One, and can't get wireless connections to work. The Acer has a built-in Atheros AR5BXB63. | 01:49 |
rumpsy | scunizi: i'm using 173.xx verison of nvidia driver | 01:49 |
p6209 | | 01:49 |
rahduke | Dr_Willis: lol thats whats so crazy, it should be simple.... I've tried esc, q, all the fkeys every key on my keyboard frankly | 01:49 |
p6209 | I think ?action=print should do a job | 01:49 |
plustax | Guys. I need some real help. My computer froze to crap so I had to isusb and when I did, it started back up and put me in a maintence shell. The error says mount of filesystem failed, A maintenance shell will now be started. How to get my machine back to normal? | 01:49 |
rahduke | migg137: its in system administration | 01:50 |
Dr_Willis | rahduke: i normally use the xmame, not sdlmamne. so could be some keyboard issue/maping issue | 01:50 |
rahduke | migg137: also check preferences | 01:50 |
Blue1 | lolhalplz: | 01:50 |
scunizi | rumpsy: yea.. I'm not sure of the capabilities of the 5200 but it's *old* maybe 2d is as good as it gets.. if you can get one the 6000 series cards work well and are pretty cheap now agp or pci.. | 01:50 |
rahduke | Dr_Willis: xmame is available in repo? | 01:50 |
cryptk | hey, I have what should be a really fast easy question | 01:50 |
disappearedng | is there a g spot editor for ubuntu | 01:50 |
plustax | Cant ANYONE help me? | 01:50 |
jrib | cryptk: true | 01:50 |
cryptk | I am setting up dual monitors, I can already get it to work, but not in the way i want... All I want is mirrored displays | 01:51 |
jrib | !helpme | plustax | 01:51 |
ubottu | plustax: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude | 01:51 |
Dr_Willis | rahduke: yep - ive used it befor | 01:51 |
VE5DT | qiit | 01:51 |
Dr_Willis | rahduke: | 01:51 |
cryptk | so where is the option to set it to mirrored displays | 01:51 |
plustax | !attitude | 01:51 |
ubottu | The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See | 01:51 |
plustax | Guys. I need some real help. My computer froze to crap so I had to isusb and when I did, it started back up and put me in a maintence shell. The error says mount of filesystem failed, A maintenance shell will now be started. How to get my machine back to normal? | 01:51 |
rumpsy | But this is not happening in Debian? | 01:51 |
anto9us | p6209, you can print to pdf if that helps. At least it will stop you wasting paper as you experiment. :) | 01:51 |
doinel | plustax: What do you mean by isusb? | 01:51 |
Zemmy | what is the best way to change the order in the grub menu in grub2? | 01:51 |
p6209 | anto9us: heh even with PDF it doesn't look too pretty | 01:51 |
rahduke | Dr_Willis: found it, tried it and it works... as usual you solved my problem... you are the man. Thanks :) | 01:51 |
plustax | Its a combination that restarts and unmounts in case of freezing doinel | 01:52 |
p6209 | I'll have to experiment with PDFs again though | 01:52 |
plustax | I learned it here | 01:52 |
cryptk | does anyone know of a good website that explains dual monitors in ubuntu? I have read several but none of them show how to do a simple mirrored setup | 01:52 |
Dr_Willis | rahduke: you had to hit escape fast or somthnig? :) | 01:52 |
scunizi | rumpsy: you using the 173 driver? | 01:52 |
cryptk | I just want one screen to show exactly what is on the other | 01:52 |
Dr_Willis | cryptk: for my nvidia system. I just plug them both in.. run the nvidia-settings tool and select clone | 01:53 |
Sensiva | Hello All, I have a Dell Optiplex 755 workstation with Intel Q35 VGA chipset, and using Karmic amd64, everything was working fine, but I rebooted my pc now , and xorg is giving an error of No Valid Modes and suggesting to run in low graphix mood, any suggestions? | 01:53 |
playfirst | disabling apic fix my installation ubuntu. why do i have to disable it with my hardware? | 01:53 |
rumpsy | scunizi: yes | 01:53 |
plustax | Guys. I need some real help. My computer froze to crap so I had to isusb and when I did, it started back up and put me in a maintence shell. The error says mount of filesystem failed, A maintenance shell will now be started. How to get my machine back to normal? | 01:53 |
Toink | Hi. How do I make apache2 auto-start auto rebooting in Karmic? | 01:53 |
Dr_Willis | cryptk: not for intel on my AAO - i use the normal display config tookl in the menus.. and it lets me do the same. No idea on ATI | 01:53 |
Toink | *after | 01:53 |
rahduke | Dr_Willis: i dunno i guess sdlmame keybindings are different, xmame worked. I'm using a UK keyboard atm while configuring the box that could have also contributed to the issue | 01:53 |
victor__ | hola | 01:53 |
cryptk | Dr_Willis, I am on Nvidia, not ATI | 01:54 |
Dr_Willis | cryptk: use the nvidis-settings tool perhaps? | 01:54 |
cryptk | Dr_Willis, I am using it, but I can't get it to just clone the displays | 01:54 |
Dr_Willis | cryptk: i enable twinview and clone the outputs.. actually the defaults for my 3 nvidia machines are to 'clone' also | 01:54 |
rahduke | Dr_Willis: I'll stick around and try to take care of some low hanging fruit issues with ya... you've helped me so much recently. its the least i can do | 01:54 |
usser | playfirst, some motherboard manufacturers dont really properly implement acpi standards, linux sometimes chokes on those cards | 01:54 |
scunizi | rumpsy: that's the right driver.. at least according to nvidia.. the only other possible solution is to try the binary driver direct from nvidia.. but I gotta warn you, you'll have to uninstall all the nvidia bits ubuntu installs before installing the binary.. also with every kernel upgrade you'll have to reinstall the driver.. | 01:54 |
cryptk | Dr_Willis, found it... DOH! | 01:55 |
cryptk | Dr_Willis, thanks... | 01:55 |
Toink | Does anyone know why the terminal is called "uçbirim" in Turkish? :D | 01:55 |
cryptk | Dr_Willis, is it possible to clone them with the screens running at different resolutions? | 01:55 |
plustax | Guys. I need some real help. My computer froze to crap so I had to isusb and when I did, it started back up and put me in a maintence shell. The error says mount of filesystem failed, A maintenance shell will now be started. How to get my machine back to normal? | 01:55 |
scunizi | Toink: what is the translation of that? | 01:56 |
rahduke | cryptk: if you have a decent nvidia card you should try their latest beta drivers with VDPAU works amazing for 1080p video | 01:56 |
rumpsy | scunizi: can go to older than 173.xx | 01:56 |
faileas | Ok.. i'm using gw6c to connect to a ipv6 tunnel - it needs to be run as root. However it periodically fails, silently. Is there some way i could have my system check if the tun device is in ifconfig every 10 minutes or so, and start the app again? i'm using ubuntu karmic | 01:56 |
migg137 | rahduke, thanks | 01:56 |
cryptk | rahduke, it is an 8800GTX | 01:56 |
disappearedng | I can't play certain wmv files, when I open it it complains about wmap codec I installed w32codec already any idea why? | 01:56 |
Toink | scunizi, I don't have it my dictionary (which is not particularly modern) so I've been wondering. No, it doesn't mean anything bad. | 01:56 |
scunizi | rumpsy: no.. the 173 was updated to work with xorg 1.7+ .. it was a pretty major change | 01:56 |
rahduke | that should be good enough, if u wana watch HD vdpau is the way to go | 01:56 |
rumpsy | scunizi: okay, i'll try, brb | 01:57 |
rumpsy | Thankyou | 01:57 |
rahduke | cryptk: just add ppa:nvidia-vdpau/ppa to your repos in Karmic | 01:57 |
rahduke | and u can safely upgrade | 01:57 |
scunizi | Toink: not what I thought.. but the english translation might give clues.. is the language on your machine set to turkish? (just wondering if it's set to english and you had a turkish word showing up then there's something else going on) | 01:58 |
cryptk | rahduke, what is the main benefit of those drivers? | 01:58 |
rahduke | VDPAU | 01:58 |
rahduke | | 01:58 |
cryptk | so basically acceleration of video, not jsut 3d graphics | 01:59 |
rahduke | cryptk: yup, the new mplayer supports it....smplayer does as well and boxee and xbmc | 02:00 |
Kayel | anyone available for some help with my wireless? for once its not configuring my card | 02:01 |
scunizi | rahduke: is that the same driver as the latest binary blob direct from nvidia? | 02:01 |
Toink | scunizi, not right now but the language used to be Turkish, and I'm going to change it back to Turkish again. My favorite way of learning languages :) | 02:01 |
tvaughn | i installed ubuntu 9.10 live on my usb using the app at and im wondering if its persistant by default or copying to ram by default to run there | 02:01 |
rahduke | scunizi: not sure what the binary blob is, im using the 190.53 drivers | 02:01 |
lolhalplz | Help, please. I'm using Netbook Remix 9.10 on the Acer Aspire One, and can't get wireless connections to work. The Acer has a built-in Atheros AR5BXB63. | 02:02 |
scunizi | rahduke: I refer to the driver available off the nvidia site as binary blob.. sorry.. yes.. 190.XX .. there's also a 195 beta available.. | 02:02 |
=== ness_ is now known as nessup | ||
rahduke | scunizi: that driver maybe available in the nvidia VDPAU repo, not sure tho | 02:03 |
rahduke | scunizi: yup it is | 02:04 |
lolhalplz | lspci | grep -i wireless | 02:05 |
fookyou | perl question (I seem to be banned from #perl for some reason...): if you have an array for example @a = (1, 12, a); how can you check if 12 is in the array without a loop? I want to do a break (last) without using labels... | 02:05 |
cryptk | Dr_Willis, do you know if it is possible to clone monitors with different resolutions... and have the whole desktop display on both? | 02:05 |
lolhalplz | oops | 02:05 |
scunizi | rahduke: I read the other day of an easy way to add a ppa to sources.. but I've forgotten.. you actually used apt-get to do it.. very different.. something new with 9.10 | 02:05 |
unop | fookyou, off topic in here but ... if (grep 12, @a) { ... } | 02:06 |
v3n0x | hello all | 02:06 |
rahduke | scunizi: just open software sources from system admin | 02:06 |
lolhalplz | lspci | grep -i wireless | 02:07 |
fookyou | unop: Thank you... I don't usually use grep with perl... Interesting. :) | 02:07 |
scunizi | rahduke: yea.. I know how to do that.. manually adding via the gui and cli.. but this was an apt-get command to add a ppa.. very different.. | 02:07 |
lolhalplz | Help, please. I'm using Netbook Remix 9.10 on the Acer Aspire One, and can't get wireless connections to work. The Acer has a built-in Atheros AR5BXB63. | 02:07 |
rahduke | scunizi: theyve actually made software sources much easier in 9.10, no more messing with the gpg keys and watnot | 02:07 |
rahduke | scunizi: never seen that b4 | 02:08 |
lolhalplz | Help, please. I'm using Netbook Remix 9.10 on the Acer Aspire One, and can't get wireless connections to work. The Acer has a built-in Atheros AR5BXB63. | 02:08 |
lolhalplz | Help, please. I'm using Netbook Remix 9.10 on the Acer Aspire One, and can't get wireless connections to work. The Acer has a built-in Atheros AR5BXB63. | 02:08 |
rahduke | scunizi: the cli command is sudo add-apt-repository | 02:08 |
lolhalplz | Help, please. I'm using Netbook Remix 9.10 on the Acer Aspire One, and can't get wireless connections to work. The Acer has a built-in Atheros AR5BXB63. | 02:09 |
lolhalplz | Help, please. I'm using Netbook Remix 9.10 on the Acer Aspire One, and can't get wireless connections to work. The Acer has a built-in Atheros AR5BXB63. | 02:09 |
lolhalplz | Help, please. I'm using Netbook Remix 9.10 on the Acer Aspire One, and can't get wireless connections to work. The Acer has a built-in Atheros AR5BXB63. | 02:09 |
FloodBot4 | lolhalplz: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 02:09 |
onetinsoldier | !repeat | lolhalplz | 02:09 |
ubottu | lolhalplz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. | 02:09 |
DNS777 | lol | 02:09 |
rahduke | lol flooding | 02:09 |
Zarrex | lolhalplz: have u entered a SSID? | 02:09 |
=== cthulhu is now known as Guest53735 | ||
lolhalplz | Yes. | 02:09 |
DNS777 | hahahah | 02:09 |
lolhalplz | I have. | 02:09 |
lolhalplz | <3 flooding. | 02:09 |
DNS777 | floodbot4 +q? | 02:09 |
rahduke | lolhalplz: so ur card is being pickedup and u can see networks? | 02:09 |
DNS777 | :x | 02:09 |
=== Guest7885 is now known as dvz- | ||
lolhalplz | My card isn't being picked up by ubHelp, please. I'm using Netbook Remix 9.10 on the Acer Aspire One, and can't get wireless connections to work. The Acer has a built-in Atheros AR5BXB63.u. | 02:09 |
Zarrex | lolhalplz: do you use wep/wpa or just MAC ACL control | 02:09 |
lolhalplz | *by ubuntu | 02:10 |
lolhalplz | My card isn't being picked up. | 02:10 |
lolhalplz | That's my problem. | 02:10 |
lolhalplz | And I can't find the right drivers. | 02:10 |
rahduke | lolhalplz: u just said u can enter SSIDs | 02:10 |
scunizi | lolhalplz: but you didn't answer Zarrex 's question | 02:10 |
=== fookyou is now known as blahnickblah | ||
Zarrex | lolhalplz: check out Google ubuntu wiki there is a section for atherlos support | 02:11 |
lolhalplz | Zarrex: the connection I'm connecting to is unsecured. | 02:11 |
scunizi | blahnickblah: that's a better nick the other one was treading close to "ban" territory | 02:11 |
rahduke | Zarrex: those acernetbooks work out of box | 02:11 |
lolhalplz | It's my home connection. | 02:11 |
rahduke | installed 9.04 on one last yr | 02:11 |
lolhalplz | This is 9.10 netbook remix. | 02:11 |
lolhalplz | Not 9.04. | 02:12 |
Dr_Willis | Theres some forum threads/wiki pages that mention different AAO's and possible issues/tweaks also i recall | 02:12 |
lolhalplz | | 02:12 |
lolhalplz | Is that what you mean? | 02:12 |
Zarrex | lolhalplz: is this a new install ? | 02:12 |
Dr_Willis | ive seen AAO specific wiki pages | 02:12 |
Dr_Willis | !aa0 | 02:12 |
Dr_Willis | !aao | 02:13 |
lolhalplz | Yes, Zarrex. | 02:13 |
lolhalplz | It's a new install. | 02:13 |
rahduke | lolhalplz: | 02:13 |
rahduke | The ath5k WiFi driver works. No need to "modprobe -r ath5k acer_wmi; modprobe ath5k". | 02:13 |
blahnickblah | scunizi: lol... yeah, it used to be fookme... but testign other nicknames to see if it's just my nickname banned from #perl.... I dunno why I'm banned I'm never on freenode.... | 02:13 |
rahduke | lolhalplz: have u tried enabling the driver? | 02:14 |
mikami | _ | 02:14 |
rahduke | On Aspire One 751h, the default driver works. Enabling the ath5k driver under 'System --> Administration --> Hardware Drivers' breaks it. Be sure to keep it disabled | 02:14 |
lolhalplz | rahduke: I'm a Ubuntu newbie, how would I do that? | 02:14 |
rahduke | you may have already, and that "breaks it" apparently | 02:14 |
lolhalplz | "breaks it"? | 02:15 |
rahduke | | 02:15 |
rahduke | poke around on there | 02:15 |
Dr_Willis | lolhalplz: yes.. dont use the ath5k driver it seems to say... | 02:15 |
Zarrex | lolhalplz: | 02:15 |
rahduke | and try some googling | 02:15 |
Ganang | I use youtube with no problem in Firefox (Ubuntu 9.04) , but anyone knows the reason why videos, from other video web sites, play slow? | 02:15 |
rahduke | if u can find a specific problem the folks here can help u out | 02:15 |
=== ganymede is now known as Ganymede | ||
k_ | !grub2 | 02:16 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 02:16 |
rahduke | lolhalplz: woops wrong link | 02:16 |
sahal | i'm having problems starting gnome. this file .xsession-errors is in my home directory | 02:17 |
rahduke | can i set the order that drivers load at startup? I'm having conflicting bluetooth device issues | 02:17 |
Ganang | would be the case of codecs | 02:18 |
Ganang | ? | 02:18 |
rahduke | actually can i set the order of bluetooth devices registering at startup | 02:18 |
hiromi2424 | would | 02:18 |
dregier | hoping someone can help me today... i messed up the video on my laptop | 02:19 |
dregier | i have a netbook and installed poulsbo-driver-3d, now i can't boot to the logon screen, it does not display properly | 02:19 |
Empty_foo | !netbook video | 02:20 |
Empty_foo | !netbook | 02:20 |
dregier | lol | 02:20 |
Dr_Willis | Ganang: flash dosent really use codecs.. if its all flash sites... | 02:20 |
Empty_foo | try it.. | 02:20 |
concretesledge_ | hey im having a problem with nvidia-settings, everytime i try to save my resolution it says failed to parse, xorg.conf file | 02:21 |
hiromi2424 | ??? | 02:21 |
Ganang | Dr_Willis: what is your idea about the problem? | 02:21 |
=== pauljw_vm is now known as pauljw | ||
dregier | I was able to get to the recovery console and remove poulsbo-driver-3d, but it still does not display properly. How can i reset the video? | 02:21 |
lolhalplz | On the wiki page nothing is about the AR5BXB63. | 02:21 |
danbhfive | sahal: is this a fresh install? | 02:21 |
Dr_Willis | Ganang: no idea. I avoide flash when ever possible., | 02:22 |
jayjaymires | hi does anyone know how to give linux more space on a dual boot | 02:22 |
cvd | jayjaymires, ah? | 02:23 |
TruthTaco | im reinstalling ubuntu and I can't figure out how to make a list of all programs installed | 02:23 |
IdleOne | !clone | TruthTaco | 02:23 |
ubottu | TruthTaco: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate | 02:23 |
cvd | jayjaymires, partition editor/manager | 02:23 |
jayjaymires | Ok | 02:24 |
TruthTaco | thanks | 02:24 |
dregier | can anyone help with my video issue? | 02:24 |
acicula | !X | 02:24 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 02:24 |
danbhfive | dregier: you may be able to move your xorg.conf: cd /etc/X11; mv xorg.conf xorg.conf.backup | 02:25 |
hipitihop | I have an MS Wireless Entertainment Keyboard & Mouse 7000, does anyone know if I must use the supplied BT dongle, or should I be able to use my laptp built in BT | 02:25 |
concretesledge_ | | 02:25 |
acicula | hmm howto reconfigure | 02:25 |
concretesledge_ | theres part of my problem??? | 02:25 |
=== zz_FeiRuoWa is now known as FeiRuoWa | ||
pasjr | dumb question any one know the life span of a usb wireless adapter | 02:25 |
CyberaX2195 | usually until its just out of warranty usually | 02:26 |
CyberaX2195 | then it breaks (Sods law) | 02:26 |
hipitihop | pasjr, 42 ;-) ? | 02:26 |
danbhfive | concretesledge_: you could try the same advice I just gave to dregier, and then run nvidia-xconfig or something | 02:27 |
pasjr | I have two that after 6 months have burned out | 02:27 |
pasjr | was wondering if it was normal | 02:27 |
scunizi | pasjr: nope.. | 02:27 |
dregier | there is no xorg.conf file | 02:27 |
dsnyders | pasjr, not normal. Possibly you have a faulty USB port. | 02:27 |
CyberaX2195 | nope , thats not normal pasjr | 02:27 |
concretesledge_ | danbhfive, ijust noticed that.. thank you | 02:27 |
pasjr | my mouse works fine, same usb | 02:28 |
=== FeiRuoWa is now known as zz_FeiRuoWa | ||
pasjr | one is a netgear the other is a ralink | 02:28 |
concretesledge_ | im thinking about putting the ubuntu netbook remix on this laptop | 02:28 |
dsnyders | pasjr, you're unplugging your mouse to plug in the wireless? | 02:28 |
concretesledge_ | Dell lattitude D800 | 02:28 |
Roasted | sup guys. how do I install flash 64 on linux? I have the file extracted, I just forget the path it should go to. | 02:28 |
hipitihop | how would I go about pairing my MS BT keyboard and mouse using a built in BT on my laptop as opposed to provided BT dongle ? | 02:28 |
pasjr | no, laptop three usb all on same board | 02:29 |
blakkheim | Roasted: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 02:29 |
IdleOne | !flash64 > Roasted | 02:29 |
ubottu | Roasted, please see my private message | 02:29 |
=== zz_FeiRuoWa is now known as FeiRuoWa | ||
Roasted | blakkheim, flash 64 bit, not the included one. | 02:29 |
pasjr | anyone know if D-link usb's are good | 02:29 |
Roasted | blakkheim, theres a bug with compositing and flash, and a lot of users post that the 64 bit alpha solves it, so I want to try it. | 02:29 |
scunizi | Roasted: if you're running 64 and do the "restricted-extras" it'll pull the 64 bit version. or list the medibuntu repos and do it from there. | 02:30 |
trism | Roasted: you should just need to put the lib into ~/.mozilla/plugins | 02:30 |
Roasted | scunizi, I am running 64, and I have restricted extras. But I was told restricted extras is just 32 bit with a wrapper to make it work. | 02:30 |
scunizi | Roasted: I'm running 64 kubuntu with no issues.. not sure about the wrapper.. it just "works" | 02:31 |
IdleOne | Roasted: mv /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ | 02:31 |
IdleOne | as per wiki | 02:31 |
Roasted | scunizi, the bug is when you have compositing enabled, on some flash videos on youtube, you cant fast forward or anything. | 02:31 |
sebastien_ | wicd refuses to get an IP from my wireless network. anyone got any ideas why? | 02:31 |
Roasted | scunizi, which is kind of a PITA, but some users said the 64 bit alpha runs great and solves that issue. | 02:31 |
scunizi | Roasted: haven't tried that.. | 02:31 |
scunizi | Roasted: FastF or the alpha | 02:32 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: thers some issues with compuiz and clicking on flash buttons ive seen - theres several fix;s out for taht. | 02:32 |
scunizi | Roasted: however the medibuntu repos might actually be serving up the alpha version.. not sure though | 02:32 |
Roasted | Dr_Willis, such as? I havent seen any besides just using the 64 alpha. | 02:32 |
hipitihop | sebastien_, I have never had problems with wicd, wired or wireless, when you say refuses, what erorr do you get | 02:32 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: i had the issue here. disabled compiz.. saw some site that mentioned about 4 other things to try. None iof which was to use the alpha... | 02:33 |
E-TARD | hay I have a ? | 02:33 |
sahal | danbhfive: no, this is an old install of 8.04. | 02:33 |
Roasted | Dr_Willis, I dont want to disable compiz, though, because I use docky which requires compositing. | 02:33 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: i googled for 'flash button 9.10 click' | 02:33 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: and found several hits. | 02:33 |
sebastien_ | hipitihop i'll get a log in a sec. it connects, then hangs on requesting IP address for a while then error. which i will try to replicate | 02:33 |
danbhfive | sahal: yeah, I dunno | 02:34 |
sahal | danbhfive: i think it has to do with sessions | 02:34 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: easiest fix for me was just turn off compiz. so thats all i tried | 02:34 |
E-TARD | I'm looking for an app called xxd its a app that make hex dump files | 02:34 |
Roasted | Dr_Willis, but that's not an option with me, or else I would. | 02:34 |
E-TARD | where can i find it for gentoo | 02:34 |
blakkheim | ^lol | 02:34 |
Dr_Willis | !find xxd | 02:34 |
ubottu | Found: xxdiff, xxdiff-scripts | 02:34 |
hipitihop | sebastien_, I assume you have verified your router has dhcp enabled | 02:34 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: check the other fix's then. | 02:35 |
E-TARD | i installed that xxdiff | 02:35 |
E-TARD | but xxd did not work | 02:35 |
sebastien_ | hipitihop, all it says is connection failed unable to get ip adress | 02:35 |
sahal | danbhfive: when it first happened i just deleted ~/.metacity/sessions and gnome started | 02:35 |
sebastien_ | hipitihop, yeah. no issues there | 02:35 |
Hansard | my wireless works but after about 5 minutes it stops working and occasionally it just disconnects... it's at about 50% of the bar of signal strength... anyone know a troubleshooting link? | 02:35 |
sahal | danbhfive: it happened again and i tried to do the same thing but it didn't work | 02:35 |
sebastien_ | hipitihop, let me track down my debug log | 02:35 |
E-TARD | so no one knows where i can get xdd for gentoo | 02:35 |
amphi0n | anyone know how setup ubuntu server to send me sms text messages to my cellphone about errors/updates etc?? | 02:35 |
Dr_Willis | E-TARD: ask in #gentoo perhaps? | 02:36 |
Dr_Willis | E-TARD: or find the source. | 02:36 |
E-TARD | i cant get in there | 02:36 |
* danbhfive shrugs at sahal | 02:36 | |
Dr_Willis | E-TARD: reguster your nick | 02:36 |
hipitihop | sebastien_, wired or wireless | 02:36 |
trism | E-TARD: xxd is in vim-common, on ubuntu anyway | 02:36 |
Dr_Willis | !register | E-TARD | 02:36 |
ubottu | E-TARD: Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode | 02:36 |
E-TARD | what thats what i have to do | 02:36 |
E-TARD | gay | 02:36 |
dregier | i tried booting with no xorg.conf file | 02:36 |
wishe1 | amphi0n: you need an sms server.. that costs money afaik | 02:36 |
dregier | no luck, i tried putting the xorg.conf.failsafe file in place but that did not work either | 02:37 |
E-TARD | ok how about this who makes xxd & what would be the site for it | 02:37 |
sebastien_ | hipitihop wireless | 02:37 |
halojen | amphi0n you could try twitter, depending on the country its free | 02:37 |
sebastien_ | hipitihop, i can connect through ethernet (its how i'm connected atm) | 02:37 |
amphi0n | no opensoure sms servers for ubuntu? | 02:37 |
trism | E-TARD: xxd is part of vim | 02:37 |
Hansard | aside from the problem with my wireless, is this the place to get help with troubleshooting a failed 9.1 upgrade? | 02:37 |
=== wishe1 is now known as wish^ | ||
danbhfive | E-TARD: try: sudo apt-get install vim-common | 02:37 |
hipitihop | sebastien_, and did this work previously or trying first time ? | 02:37 |
Roasted | The path to put the 64 bit flash file is .mozilla/plugins, right? | 02:37 |
Dr_Willis | | 02:37 |
lolhalplz | I just found out that ubuntu picks up my Atheros AR8132 now, but my card won't work. | 02:38 |
lolhalplz | Help? | 02:38 |
E-TARD | so if i install app-editors/gvim then i will have xxd | 02:38 |
Dr_Willis | That url has about 3 solutions to the 'flash click not working' problem | 02:38 |
Dr_Willis | E-TARD: try it and see. we dont use Gentoo here. | 02:38 |
sebastien_ | hipitihop, i don't follow. I haven't been able to connect to the wireless so far | 02:38 |
E-TARD | hay if it works or not you have been a big help | 02:38 |
Roasted | why does flash have to suck so fricken bad. :/ | 02:39 |
lampliter | having problems with apt-get. see lines 12-13 in | 02:39 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: because adobe would rather rant then fix things | 02:39 |
* Dr_Willis waits for flash to go the way of 'realplayer' | 02:39 | |
Roasted | Dr_Willis, what is this HTML5? Will it be taking over flash? I keep hearing a lot about it. | 02:39 |
sebastien_ | hipitihop, okay i have a log | 02:39 |
kungfu711 | I need some help to install memcached for php. I compiled php and memcache myself. Now when i try to install php5-memcache or use pecl memcache or even compile it myself i can't get it to show up in phpinfo(). memcached is running fine, just can't get it to associate with php. I have added the even put the full path and still nothing. Anyone have any ideas? | 02:40 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: Youtube is allready doing html5 support. I imagine it will slap flash around quite a bit in the future | 02:40 |
overmacht | morning Dr_Willis | 02:40 |
hipitihop | sebastien_, that is what I wanted to know, if the wireless ever worked... have you tried connecting using static ip temporarily, just to make sure other issues like authentication with the AP is working | 02:40 |
Hansard | do we take a ticket to get in line for help? :) | 02:40 |
faileas | Roasted: Html5 is the next version of html. it has support for video baked in | 02:40 |
lampliter | try chrome. great demo for html5 video | 02:40 |
Roasted | faileas - nice, nice. is it far off in the future before it goes mainstream? | 02:40 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: the majority iof issues i see with flash at different sites is how they are forceing ads into the videos.. that can break things | 02:40 |
dsnyders | Hansard, You could take a ticket, or you could just ask your question. | 02:40 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: i use html5 at youtube now. | 02:40 |
faileas | Roasted: unlike ipv6, its an 'any moment now' thing | 02:40 |
Hansard | dsnyders: I did ask, so where are the tickets? | 02:41 |
kungfu711 | not really | 02:41 |
faileas | Roasted: most decent browsers have some degree of support already | 02:41 |
Dr_Willis | google chrome supports html5- and google owns youtube right? | 02:41 |
kungfu711 | once ms gets their shit together | 02:41 |
danbhfive | Dr_Willis: how do you get html5 for youtube? I tried it, and it didn't work | 02:41 |
faileas | kungfu711: it'll never happen ;p | 02:41 |
Dr_Willis | last release of FF also did html5 | 02:41 |
lolhalplz | Figured out that ubuntu picks up my wireless card, which is Atheros AR8132. | 02:41 |
kungfu711 | yea no kidding | 02:41 |
lolhalplz | But it's not working. | 02:41 |
sebastien_ | hipitihop, there are two other windows laptops which connect no problem. | 02:41 |
lolhalplz | HELP. | 02:41 |
Roasted | Is YouTube utilizing html5 yet? | 02:41 |
Dr_Willis | danbhfive: thers some Youtube site you set 'let me test html5' on i recall | 02:41 |
kungfu711 | html5 would be in use by now if it weren't for ms | 02:41 |
te | Roasted: yes | 02:41 |
faileas | Roasted: experimentally | 02:41 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: YES it is. :) i said so 3 times now :) | 02:41 |
te | kungfu711: not true | 02:42 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: but not for all videos. :) | 02:42 |
te | kungfu711: the specification isnt finished | 02:42 |
Roasted | Dr_Willis, didnt notice. | 02:42 |
faileas | kungfu711: eh, ms dosen't even support html4 properly ;p | 02:42 |
kungfu711 | theres enough there to support a lot of it | 02:42 |
te | ms get a 30 on the ACID3 test | 02:42 |
dsnyders | Hansard, If nobody helps right away, then wait 10-20 minutes and try again. Sometimes the right people are not online. | 02:42 |
te | all other browsers get > 80 | 02:42 |
Dr_Willis | | 02:42 |
te | (modern browsers) | 02:42 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: | 02:42 |
dsnyders | Hansard, As far as the tickets, I just looked. The dispenser is empty. | 02:42 |
concretesledge_ | i think it worked thanks | 02:42 |
Hansard | dsnyders: ok thanks, I'll wait. | 02:43 |
kungfu711 | i wish ms would dump ie 6 already | 02:43 |
danbhfive | lolhalplz: what have you done to see that it is picked up but not working? | 02:43 |
faileas | kungfu711: they want to. ;p. | 02:43 |
faileas | MS has a zombie problem XD | 02:43 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: -> 'join the html5 beta' of coruse you jhave to use a browser that supports html5 | 02:43 |
Roasted | wow, firefox isnt in the list? | 02:43 |
te | So I'm having a weird issue with what system monitor is telling me about my network connection. From the moment I booted up I was uploading (according to system monitor) 150-200kbps. This is either inaccurate or something really weird is going on. Could someone help me diagnose whether this is inaccurate, and if it is accurate, what is causing such a massive amount of upload traffic? | 02:43 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: th4e latest firefox supports html5 | 02:43 |
trism | you also can't use firefox, because it only supports theora at the moment | 02:43 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: earlier ones do not | 02:44 |
Roasted | I assume 3.5.7 isnt it? | 02:44 |
Dr_Willis | I had it working with 3.6 the other day | 02:44 |
lolhalplz | dambhfive: I was running a system test and it said I had an Atheros AR8132 wireless card, but the card isn't working. It works fine in Windows. | 02:44 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: get 3.6 and try | 02:44 |
amphi0n | anyone else have any ideas about setting ubuntu server to send sms to my cellphone? im scouring google right now - but thought id jump in here for help to | 02:44 |
Roasted | is there a PPA for it? | 02:44 |
kungfu711 | chrome is the best when it comes to implementing html5 | 02:44 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: yes | 02:44 |
danbhfive | lolhalplz: what is a system test? | 02:45 |
Roasted | gotta love how-to guides. E: Package firefox-3.6 has no installation candidate | 02:45 |
E-TARD | i went with app-editors/vim & now i got xxd I thank you all soo much for your help. | 02:45 |
lolhalplz | danbhfive: System, Administration, System Testing. | 02:45 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: add the ppa, apt-get update, install firefox 3.6 worked for me | 02:45 |
Roasted | yep | 02:45 |
Devrethman | does chmod work on NTFS-3g mounted FSs? | 02:45 |
Roasted | did that | 02:45 |
acicula | Roasted: enable backports? | 02:45 |
hipitihop | sebastien_, the fact that other machines connect is goot but only confirms the router wifi is working but does not confirm you have teh failing machine setup correctly | 02:46 |
lampliter | -- Reading database ... 70%dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error,... any ideas | 02:46 |
danbhfive | lolhalplz: so, does it work? can you connect? | 02:46 |
lampliter | all solutions I could google failed | 02:46 |
concretesledge_ | lampliter, try harder. | 02:46 |
concretesledge_ | lazy ass | 02:47 |
concretesledge_ | :P | 02:47 |
kungfu711 | lol | 02:47 |
kungfu711 | thats my situation right now | 02:47 |
acicula | behave | 02:47 |
kungfu711 | google has failed me | 02:47 |
Dr_Willis | has a guide on installing ff3.6 | 02:47 |
acicula | lampliter: try reconfiguring or forcibly reinstalling the offending package and then removing it | 02:47 |
lolhalplz | danbhfive: No, I can't connect. When I unplugged my ethernet cord my wireless card wouldn't connect to my home connection. I even created a wireless connection to use when it works, it wouldn't connect. My router is up and running. Dunno what's wrong. | 02:48 |
drew3 | I am full of windows :-) All windows open fill screen, anyone know how to adjust this? | 02:48 |
faileas | Dr_Willis: i wish they'd just make an excemption for firefox, and install the latest stable, no matter what, like its done with most other OSes >< | 02:48 |
Dr_Willis | drew3: using the UNR? | 02:48 |
onetinsoldier | lampliter: i can probably help. need to be careful though | 02:48 |
hipitihop | sebastien_, so in wicd you can see your wireless AP and you have confirmed via the "properties" button that encryption type and keys are set correctly, like other laptops that work | 02:48 |
* drew3 googles UNR? | 02:48 | |
lampliter | tried forece remove and it still failed | 02:49 |
acicula | faileas: know many other os that come with a repo? | 02:49 |
Dr_Willis | faileas: i dont see as many peple in here asking about 3.6 as i have with other FF releases.. perhaps they are all learning to google/read/follow the 1000+ guides out there on how to install it via ppa :) | 02:49 |
lolhalplz | UNR = Ubuntu Netbook Remix. | 02:49 |
jmburgess | drew3: Ubuntu Network Remix | 02:49 |
lampliter | so onetinsoldier , ideas? | 02:49 |
drew3 | Ahh OH, it is gnome. | 02:49 |
faileas | lol | 02:49 |
Roasted | Found on the forum how to install 3.6. Installed the ppa. upgraded. closed firefox. opened it. help - about firefox - 3.5.7. LOL? | 02:49 |
faileas | acicula: in general | 02:49 |
dsnyders | amphi0n, Have you looked at | 02:49 |
Kayel | hipitihop its sebastien_ switched to my desktop | 02:49 |
faileas | Roasted: if its a nightly, it'll be under the codename | 02:50 |
onetinsoldier | lampliter: yes. it means editing a file that requires care editing. make a back up it first | 02:50 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: check the menus for ff under a different name | 02:50 |
danbhfive | lolhalplz: is this a fresh install? what version? | 02:50 |
lampliter | right | 02:50 |
hipitihop | Kayel, ok | 02:50 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: depenins on what PPA it may or may not use the name 'firefox' | 02:50 |
onetinsoldier | lampliter: make a backup of it first* | 02:50 |
lampliter | whih file? | 02:50 |
Kayel | hipitihop, so where do i go from here. if it serves any purpose i have a broadcom 4306 card running under ndiswrapper | 02:50 |
Roasted | Is there an official PPA for 3.6 so I can stop using these BS suggestions Im finding on random sites? | 02:50 |
onetinsoldier | lampliter: please address replies to me with my nick ;-) | 02:50 |
lolhalplz | danbhfive: Yes, it's Ubuntu netbook remix 9.10. | 02:51 |
acicula | Kayel: is your AP using WPA? | 02:51 |
Hansard | my friend upgrades from 9.04 to 9.10 via the internet and after rebooting during installation it goes through the ubuntu (with the loading bar) page and then gets to a screen with a spinning cursor and it just hangs... running recovery mode to terminal and typing 'startx' works though... Help please? :) | 02:51 |
hipitihop | Kayel, did you see my previous post before switch ? | 02:51 |
Ganymede | Roasted, there's the mozilla daily PPA but it's not truly the released package for ff 3.6.0 | 02:51 |
onetinsoldier | lampliter: cd /var/lib/dpkg | 02:51 |
Kayel | hipitihop, no i doubt it. and no i'm using wep with a passphrase | 02:51 |
seanbrystone | WTH? all my firefox exensions vanished? o.O | 02:51 |
=== mike is now known as Guest76044 | ||
Roasted | Ganymede, well, I kind of want 3.6... | 02:51 |
onetinsoldier | lampliter: cp -v status status.bak | 02:51 |
lampliter | onetinsoldier: k, have rsi and no speech reco in linux. tend to take short cuts | 02:51 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: find the firefox 3.6 'stable' ppa not daily build then | 02:52 |
onetinsoldier | lampliter: roger. you can use tab completion to complete my nick | 02:52 |
Roasted | GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHh | 02:52 |
Ganymede | Roasted, i don't think you'll find a PPA for it...what i did was just download the tarball for mozilla's official site and untar it into your homedir, but then it's no longer handled by the package manager and i couldn't get flash to work with it...but it's the best you can do since the only PPA i know of is daily builds | 02:52 |
Dr_Willis | has a guide on installing ff3.6 stable and daily builds pps'a | 02:52 |
onetinsoldier | lampliter: ok, have you made a copy of the 'status' file? | 02:52 |
hipitihop | Kayel, do you actually see the AP listed in wicd ? | 02:52 |
Roasted | I used this. | 02:52 |
=== homer is now known as Guest9982 | ||
Roasted | yet somehow Im still on 3.5.7 | 02:52 |
Roasted | nice | 02:52 |
lolhalplz | danbhfive: Did you get my reply? | 02:52 |
FloodBot4 | Roasted: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 02:53 |
Roasted | do I have to reboot, or just close my browser? | 02:53 |
Kayel | hipitihop, yeah. signal strength and all. it even authenticates the password which i couldn't do under network manager (why i switched to wicd) | 02:53 |
mdisieno | while in nautilus im not seeing the usual icon video previews i had in debian, is there a package im missing per chance? usually it shows a little screen cap from the movie in the icon, but its just a film reel | 02:53 |
Dr_Willis | | 02:53 |
trism | Roasted: firefox-3.5 will still be the default, you will likely have to run firefox-3.6 from the command line, or find the codenamed version in Applications/Internet | 02:53 |
Roasted | oh | 02:53 |
Roasted | thats convenient | 02:53 |
danbhfive | lolhalplz: yeah, but i don't know. Im playing with that testing app you pointed out. Have you tried configuring your card through network manager? | 02:53 |
Roasted | <_< | 02:53 |
amphi0n | if anyone's curious i just found this on google about setting up a free SMS daemon: | 02:53 |
Dr_Willis | Hmm FF3.6 replaced FF3.5 here for me with that ppa. | 02:53 |
amphi0n | me thinks it might work | 02:54 |
Dr_Willis | the daily build was in the menus under some different name however. | 02:54 |
Roasted | Dr_Willis, that is the EXACT guide I just followed. | 02:54 |
lampliter | onetinsoldier: `status' -> `status-will-not-need' copied | 02:54 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: it worked for me last night just fine. | 02:54 |
Roasted | I just have to lcose FF and reopen it - right? | 02:54 |
hipitihop | Kayel, ok that suggests the card and all are functioning ok... only thing I can think of is in wicd Advanced Settings there is a choice of driver | 02:54 |
lolhalplz | danbhfive: Network Manager? Do you mean Network Connections? | 02:54 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: unless the fact i had the daily build befor i used the stable ppa - affected things | 02:54 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: you want to close it befor you update/upgrade/change it i imagine - yes | 02:55 |
danbhfive | lolhalplz: there should be a small icon on the top right bar of your screen | 02:55 |
hipitihop | since you are using ndiswrapper, maybe you want to chose that rather then the default wext | 02:55 |
onetinsoldier | lampliter: ok, now open up the status file in a text editor. then search on the following term --> Package: gnomine | 02:55 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: the daily build did use a different Icon then the stable i recall. | 02:55 |
Roasted | Dr_Willis, did that. Didnt work. 3.5.7. | 02:55 |
hipitihop | Kayel, ^^^ | 02:55 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: check menus in the internet section for a different icon/name then | 02:56 |
Roasted | this is one of ubuntu's downfalls. I just want firefox 3.6. It's not that hard. | 02:56 |
TeslaTony | This might not be the best channel for this, but my desktop started booting up, and either freezing before BIOS shows, or rebooting. Either way, it never gets to send a signal to the monitor. Last time I had this issue, the RAM was wrong, but I already double checked that, which means it's the mobo, PSU, or video card. ANy ideas? | 02:56 |
onetinsoldier | lampliter: you will need to be running the text editor as root.. so use 'gksu' if you are starting up a graphical text editor | 02:56 |
Roasted | Dr_Willis, I did. It doesnt exist. Just firefox web browser. | 02:56 |
trism | Roasted: dpkg -L firefox-3.6 | grep /usr/bin | 02:56 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: It worked fine for me. but i do tweak a lot of things. could be the menus havent refreshed | 02:56 |
hipitihop | kayel, what driver do you have set there in advanced ? | 02:56 |
queso | I am in Jaunty. Just 5 minutes ago I was auto-logged out of gnome for no apparent reason. I came back in and loaded up my programs again, and the exact same thing just happened. Any idea what's going on? I tried rebooting, that apparently didn't fix it. | 02:56 |
lampliter | onetinsoldier: got it | 02:57 |
Roasted | Dr_Willis, gonna reboot then. Hope this fixes it... | 02:57 |
Dr_Willis | Roasted: log out/back in | 02:57 |
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Dr_Willis | never mind.. follow your windowes training.... | 02:57 |
* Dr_Willis just gives up. :) | 02:57 | |
=== Ignatius is now known as Nijverheid | ||
onetinsoldier | lampliter: ok, you will need to delete that entire section if you follow me, delete the entire section for 'gnomine' from the file | 02:58 |
=== Nijverheid is now known as Ignatius | ||
lolhalplz | danbhfive: Yes. | 02:58 |
lampliter | onetinsoldier: right | 02:58 |
tweaksource | g NickServ identify Col3:16 | 02:58 |
Dr_Willis | work time for me. bye all | 02:58 |
onetinsoldier | lampliter: make the file so that it's as if 'gnomine' doesn't even exist in there.. then save and exit | 02:58 |
blakkheim | tweaksource: smooth bro | 02:58 |
Roasted | yay for firefox 3.5.7. weeeeeeeeeeeeee | 02:58 |
lolhalplz | danbhfive: Oh, no I haven't. | 02:58 |
tweaksource | yeah, really | 02:59 |
danbhfive | lolhalplz: also, you can try: iwconfig and sudo iwlist <IFACE> scanning | 02:59 |
kungfu711 | anyone using php 5.3.x? | 02:59 |
lampliter | onetinsoldier: ooohhnooose I'm losing my minesweeper | 02:59 |
danbhfive | lolhalplz: but yeah, try the app first | 02:59 |
onetinsoldier | lampliter: then you're done. you might need to install 'gnomine' if something depends on it ;-) | 02:59 |
Guest59901 | what is a good avi to dvd converter | 02:59 |
onetinsoldier | lampliter: just install it | 02:59 |
danbhfive | Guest59901: avidemux | 02:59 |
king11 | hi does anyone know if in empathy (im client) if you could send a file through to your AIM contacts or MSN contacts | 02:59 |
hipitihop | Kayel, still there ? I have to go, but hopefully changing to one of the other drivers in wicd will get you across the line. Good luck | 03:00 |
Devrethman | How do I mount something with ntfs-3g with 755 permissions? | 03:00 |
trism | Roasted: it isn't going to work with the youtube html5 test anyway, because firefox doesn't support H.264 yet and that is the only codec youtube is using | 03:00 |
Devrethman | Or just in some way that MPD can read from it? | 03:00 |
lampliter | onetinsoldier: seriously, I can't remember the last time I looked at teh games collection | 03:00 |
wish^ | been following these steps but the grub boot menu doesnt find the partition manager? | 03:00 |
wish^ | any ideas? | 03:00 |
lolhalplz | danbhfive: Got no wireless extensions for both of em. | 03:00 |
Roasted | trism, doesnt matter. it shouldnt be this retardedly hard to install a new version of firefox. it just shouldnt. | 03:00 |
onetinsoldier | lampliter: roger. hehe ;) | 03:00 |
losha | Guest59901: I like tovid myself, because it's all cli, but avidemux is good too.... | 03:01 |
CyberaX2195 | Devrethman: -o defaults,mode=755 ? | 03:01 |
Guest59901 | thanks | 03:01 |
=== losha is now known as Losha | ||
CyberaX2195 | not farmilliar with ntfs-3g tho | 03:01 |
fulvi0x | salve =) | 03:01 |
lampliter | onetinsoldier: unmet dependiencies | 03:01 |
Guest59901 | ok i was just wandering i have movies on my pc an want to burn them to dvd | 03:01 |
* CyberaX2195 waves baibai :) | 03:01 | |
onetinsoldier | lampliter: try --> sudo apt-get -f install | 03:01 |
danbhfive | Guest59901: try k3b | 03:02 |
playfirst | hi | 03:02 |
king11 | can empathy be used to send files like in AIM | 03:02 |
lampliter | something barfed again | 03:02 |
onetinsoldier | oh? | 03:03 |
lolhalplz | king11: Screw Empathy, get Pidgin. | 03:03 |
wish^ | errors were encountered when processing: inetbootin | 03:03 |
wish^ | unetbootin* | 03:03 |
wish^ | whats up with that? | 03:03 |
JKemp | Trying to install ubuntu, live boot boots up and get sounds and all but no picture | 03:03 |
king11 | lolhalplz: lol, i kind of like it though plus i like the integration it has with ubuntu desktop | 03:04 |
onetinsoldier | wish^: let's see the error message. use pastebin for multiple line post/pasting | 03:04 |
JKemp | Any help? | 03:04 |
wish^ | ok i gotta log on irc with my other pc then | 03:04 |
lampliter | onetinsoldier: | 03:04 |
onetinsoldier | wish^: roger | 03:04 |
JKemp | I just get black screen but apparently its booting and everything. I get the sounds and all. | 03:04 |
wish^ | i am getting the error when im trying to apt-get install gparted | 03:04 |
drew3 | I am full of windows In GNOME (9.10) :-) All windows open fill screen, anyone know how to adjust this? (Sorry about repeating.) | 03:05 |
Roasted | FINALLY. Got 3.6 in. | 03:05 |
JKemp | Install from main menu go's to black screen too. But i assume its still going to next menu, just making it black. | 03:05 |
jolaren | I've installed ubuntu to a very small disc (2.5gig) now I want everything else that gets installed etc to go to annother disc, how do I do this? | 03:05 |
Losha | danbhfive: I don't think k3b will convert video formats, so it depends on what kind of movie files Guest59901 has.... | 03:05 |
Roasted | Used this guide... and got this PPA: ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable then just apt-get install firefox. auto removes 3.5 and adds 3.6 under a new name. | 03:05 |
onetinsoldier | lampliter: man, your system has some kind of serious issue with gnomine. there may be something else going on causing that issue | 03:06 |
=== alex is now known as wishe | ||
Roasted | "Namaroka" web browser. | 03:06 |
wishe | ok then onetinsoldie | 03:06 |
wishe | one sec | 03:06 |
onetinsoldier | lampliter: what happens if you do.... sudo dpkg --purge --force-depends gnomine ...? | 03:06 |
jolaren | I've installed ubuntu to a very small disc (2.5gig) now I want everything else that gets installed etc to go to annother disc, how do I do this?.. | 03:06 |
lampliter | onetinsoldier: bother. well this is why I put all my data on /home. easy reinstall | 03:07 |
pandemic187 | hi, quick question | 03:07 |
Losha | jolaren: there's no easy way to do that, I'm afraid. Installers are pretty much free to put stuff where they like. The proper way to split an install over two disks is probably to use logical volume management, but it's complicated for a beginner... | 03:07 |
onetinsoldier | wishe: hello | 03:07 |
pandemic187 | how do i check whether i installed 32 bit or 64 bit ubuntu? | 03:07 |
lampliter | yea, it is reinstall time | 03:07 |
onetinsoldier | pandemic187: uname -m | 03:08 |
jolaren | Losha; I see, thanks for the pointers. | 03:08 |
onetinsoldier | lampliter: ok, roger. good luck | 03:08 |
pandemic187 | onetinsoldier: is i686 64 bit? | 03:08 |
wishe | | 03:08 |
onetinsoldier | pandemic187: no | 03:08 |
pandemic187 | it's 32? | 03:09 |
onetinsoldier | pandemic187: yes | 03:09 |
tweaksource | I'm running 8.04 and trying to upgrade to 9.04. sudo do-release-upgrade Checking for a new ubuntu release No new release found. Is this still the correct wayto upgrade? | 03:09 |
pandemic187 | thanks onetinsoldier | 03:09 |
lampliter | onetinsoldier: thanks. it is one more bit of life disaster | 03:09 |
jolaren | Losha; Is it possible to move my current ubuntu installation to annother disc then? | 03:09 |
onetinsoldier | pandemic187: you're welcome. here's the response if you install 64-bit --> x86_64 | 03:10 |
wishe | something about the kernel not being built correctly .. i dont know | 03:10 |
lampliter | onetinsoldier: since I'm rebuilding, maybe you might have an insite to this problem | 03:10 |
sebsebseb | tweaksource: that's, because 8.04 is a LTS release and by default it only shows other LTS as upgrade | 03:10 |
onetinsoldier | lampliter: might be possible to slve the issue, if you want to keep showing me the error messages ;-) | 03:10 |
sebsebseb | !lts | tweaksource | 03:10 |
ubottu | tweaksource: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04). The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) | 03:10 |
pandemic187 | onetinsoldier: oh yeah, that makes sense. thanks. | 03:10 |
MrBananas | hey guys im like a total linux noob. my original goal was to install multiple linux os | 03:10 |
MrBananas | <MrBananas> i started with suse. the installation would crash after it completed then i owuldnt be able to load into anything. i solved this by disabling ACPI. that fixed the installation issue and allowed me to use suse. I then made another partition to start to install ubuntu 9.10. Well the installation kept failing and restarting my computer at random times, til i discovered i yet again had to disable ACPI. | 03:10 |
MrBananas | <MrBananas> Well the installation was a success, but thereafter, i was not able to load into ubuntu. I tried from GRUB to load into the recovery mode, which i guess is like safe mode, but it would say, loading ACPI processor 0, fail. Loading ACPI processor 1, fail, and so on for my four cores. Any idea?? | 03:10 |
FloodBot4 | MrBananas: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 03:10 |
tweaksource | So how do I upgrade to 9.04? | 03:10 |
jolaren | sudo apt-get dist upgrade? | 03:10 |
sebsebseb | tweaksource: why do you want to upgrade to 9.04? | 03:11 |
i3inary | does anyone know if ispconfig be the best hosting control panel for a dedicated server? | 03:11 |
wishe | onetinsoldier: this is what im trying to do and im having some trouble.. maybe you are able to help me out? | 03:11 |
tweaksource | sebsebseb, To get my Canon mx700 working | 03:11 |
sebsebseb | tweaksource: What? that doesn't sound right, Canon aren't exactly Linux friendly | 03:11 |
onetinsoldier | wishe: let me have a look | 03:11 |
tweaksource | jolaren, sudo apt-get dist upgrade doesn't do it. | 03:12 |
Losha | jolaren: generally yes. You can move the contents of the entire disk to another one. The main gotcha is you will have to do a manual grub-install after the move, so you can now boot from the new disk instead of the old one. | 03:12 |
sebsebseb | tweaksource: so if it doesn't work with 8.04, it probably won't in 9.04 or 9.10 either | 03:12 |
lampliter | onetinsoldier: laptop boots to both linux and windows. I want to access a common data pool from both sides (/home) | 03:12 |
MrBananas | hey guys im having problems installing linux os' without disabling ACPI first, any ideas? i need to disable it in ubuntu 8.04 and 9.10 and it only allows me to install it, but my system still crashes when i try and start the OS. | 03:12 |
tweaksource | sebsebseb, Canon AU has linux drivers for it. Found several sets of instructions on the forums claiming it works in the "9" releases | 03:13 |
onetinsoldier | lampliter: well, make sure you use ext3 filesystem when you install | 03:13 |
par14h | How hard is it to download a distro on one computer and transfer it to another vis a USB drive? | 03:13 |
lampliter | onetinsoldier: as well as from all linux vm's | 03:13 |
MrBananas | ya i did | 03:13 |
wishe | i installed partitionmanager through the package manager and apparently it was supposed to add a bootable partition manager to grub but i tried rebooting and there was nothing there | 03:13 |
jolaren | how do I format a disc in ubuntu terminal? | 03:13 |
Roasted | guys - remind me - whats the path I need tod rop the 64 bit file in? .mozilla/plugins???? | 03:13 |
onetinsoldier | lampliter: i don't know how much i can help with that... | 03:13 |
sebsebseb | tweaksource: ok uhmm normalley I would just tell people to stay on 8.04 that have it at the moment, want to know why? | 03:13 |
tweaksource | sebsebseb, GO ahead... | 03:14 |
sebsebseb | tweaksource: I mean stay on 8.04, untill 10.04, which they can then directly upgrade to since it's the next LTS, that's released end of April | 03:14 |
lampliter | onetinsoldier: linux vm running on w7. it is almost like i need a mini-nfs server starting at boot time | 03:14 |
Losha | jolaren: you use mkfs. Or better yet, use gparted (a gui partitioner) if you can, since you generally have to partition before you format... | 03:14 |
tweaksource | sebsebseb, I am just trying to get an old machine running with the printer as a print server. My other machines are 8.04 | 03:14 |
anto9us | par14h, unetbootin will do it easily | 03:14 |
sebsebseb | tweaksource: upgrading to 9.04, that should work no problem, but upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10, might go wrong on you | 03:15 |
playfirst | someone help mrbananas please. | 03:15 |
MrBananas | i tried to load through grub ubuntu recovery, which i guesss is like safe mode, but it goes to load the cores of y processors in ACPI and then says they failed..... anyone know? | 03:15 |
tweaksource | So, there's no way to upgrade from 8.04 LTS until 10.04??? That's crazy! | 03:15 |
sebsebseb | tweaksource: yes you can | 03:15 |
tweaksource | sudo apt-get dist upgrade does not work. | 03:15 |
sebsebseb | tweaksource: you just got to get it showing non LTS releases | 03:16 |
onetinsoldier | wishe: i can't help with forum post really. sorry. i thought you just wanted help getting the 'unetbootin' package installed | 03:16 |
tweaksource | sebsebseb, Any idea how? | 03:16 |
trism | Roasted: yes, that is the correct path (to install it for just your current user) | 03:16 |
wish^ | i can sort that onetinsoldier... problem is, i cant get my gparted to appear in grub | 03:16 |
wish^ | if you can get me there i can fix the rest | 03:16 |
par14h | anto9us, THank you for responding. How can I get the distro downloaded to the USB drive on a Windows machine so it can be moved via USB? | 03:16 |
sebsebseb | tweaksource: kind of, but I am not on Ubuntu right now, ( another distro actsaully ) | 03:16 |
Roasted | trism, sigh... doesnt work. I go to youtube and it says flash not installed. | 03:16 |
sebsebseb | !upgrade | tweaksource | 03:16 |
tomcat9 | hey any ubuntu 3D nerds in here...I was wondering if I could use my spare linux box in my bedroom to assist my windows pc with rendering in 3dsmax | 03:16 |
ubottu | tweaksource: For upgrading, see the instructions at - see also | 03:16 |
tomcat9 | maybe with wine or something | 03:16 |
trism | Roasted: did you restart the browser? | 03:17 |
Roasted | yep | 03:17 |
Roasted | trying again | 03:17 |
onetinsoldier | wish^: sorry. you had better ask the question to the channel. i thought you just had a problem getting the unetbootin package to install | 03:17 |
anto9us | par14h, I don't know on windows specifically but read unetbootin docs, it can do it | 03:17 |
Freds | Need help, im trying to set up my wireless on 9.10 but all guides say i should go to "System -> Administration - >networking" but it isnt there :/ any help? | 03:17 |
trism | Roasted: it should work, I just did that the other day to test the beta 10.1 flash | 03:17 |
hipitihop | the following guide suggests adding mouse and keyboard to /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf is this still current ? | 03:17 |
Roasted | trism, yep. says I have no flash player. | 03:17 |
tweaksource | sebsebseb, I'm checking it out. Thanks. | 03:18 |
wish^ | Ok, so i installed Partitionmanager ..<---- this.. and it wont show up in grub like it should.. any ideas? | 03:18 |
sebsebseb | tweaksource: np | 03:18 |
anto9us | par14h, I guess you would download the iso then use unetbootin to create a bootable usb from that iso image | 03:18 |
Hansard | my friend upgraded an Acer notebook from 9.04 to 9.10 via the internet, when you boot it up it goes through the ubuntu (with the loading bar) page and then gets to a screen with a spinning cursor and it just hangs... running recovery mode to terminal and typing 'startx' works though... Help please me? | 03:18 |
Random832 | is there a way to _disable_ usplash without uninstalling the usplash package (which uninstalls the ubuntu-desktop metapackage)? | 03:18 |
Random832 | usplash screws up my system when resuming from hibernate | 03:19 |
tvaughn | whats the difference with twinview and seperate x session | 03:19 |
TLUL | Does evolution support having multiple email addresses? | 03:19 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: not sure, but quite a lot of people got issues after upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10, for a lot of those issues it has been suggested to clean install | 03:19 |
anto9us | TLUL, yes | 03:19 |
anto9us | TLUL, you add an account for each | 03:19 |
Devrethman | tvaugn: I'm not entirely sure, but having tried both, twinview seems to work quite a bit better. | 03:19 |
Freds | Need help, im trying to set up my wireless on 9.10 but all guides say i should go to "System -> Administration - >networking" but it isnt there :/ any help? | 03:19 |
=== DaZ is now known as Guest15655 | ||
hipitihop | tvaughn, afaik, seperate xsession would be a complete seperate login whereas twinview spreads one session across two monitors | 03:19 |
renegaid | what do you use to backup ubuntu? | 03:20 |
tvaughn | hipitihop, if i did seperate what would i use to switch | 03:20 |
danbhfive | renegaid: dejadup | 03:20 |
TLUL | anto9us: How? I can't find any option to add an account. Anywhere. | 03:20 |
Hansard | sebsebseb: is there any way to repair the installation like you can with a windows xp disc? | 03:20 |
JumboJellyfish | hipitihop, casper | 03:20 |
hipitihop | tvaughn, never used it sorry no idea | 03:20 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: what's happening exactly? | 03:20 |
wish^ | Ok, so i installed Partitionmanager ..<---- this.. and it wont show up in grub like it should.. any ideas? | 03:20 |
renegaid | d | 03:21 |
Devrethman | tvaughn: You can use the nvidia settings thing to try it out both ways and see what the differences are. When I tried it awhile ago it was almost the same, but twinview seemed to play nicer with fullscreen things. | 03:21 |
anto9us | TLUL, Edit | Preferences | Mail Accounts | Add | 03:21 |
Freds | is there anywhere i can go for wireless help? -.- | 03:21 |
sebsebseb | !wireless | Freds | 03:21 |
ubottu | Freds: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at | 03:21 |
tvaughn | ok thanks | 03:21 |
Hansard | sebsebseb: it gets past grub, gets past the loading screen with the progress bar, then it gets to a blank screen with a spinning cursor and it will hang there permanently until rebooted physically | 03:21 |
Freds | ive looked at every guide still havent fixed my problem | 03:22 |
anto9us | Freds, what is the problem? | 03:22 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: hrm maye x loads up alright, it's just GDM doesn't | 03:22 |
renegaid | I want to backup the whole system | 03:22 |
par14h | anto9us... there has to be an easier way to solve my issue. All the docs I"ve read tell me to perform "sudo apt-get install git-core". I"m trying to get a Linksys WUSB54GC wireless Network adapter to perform reliably. | 03:22 |
Hansard | sebsebseb: selecting recovery mode from grub and typing startx into the console will boot it up | 03:22 |
Freds | anto9us ill pm it to you dont wanna flood | 03:22 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: could try another log in screen, but that might not really be the issue | 03:22 |
anto9us | Freds, I don't do pm, sorry | 03:22 |
Freds | oh ok | 03:23 |
Freds | im trying to set up my wireless on 9.10 but all guides say i should go to "System -> Administration - >networking" but it isnt there :/ any help? | 03:23 |
anto9us | !pastebin > freds | 03:23 |
ubottu | freds, please see my private message | 03:23 |
par14h | anto9us, I'm new to ubuntu so I'm still learning how to do anything not microsoft. | 03:23 |
Hansard | sebsebseb: what would be the best way to reinstall the log in screen? | 03:23 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: plus x needs to run the log in screens hrm | 03:24 |
anto9us | Freds, you should see a network manager icon near your clock, yes? | 03:24 |
Freds | yea | 03:24 |
Freds | im on window os atm as i cant connect on ubuntu | 03:24 |
Freds | but yea anywa | 03:24 |
Freds | i see it there | 03:24 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: It's Ubuntu 9.10 yes? Karmic? | 03:25 |
Hansard | sebsebseb: yes, distro upgraded via the internet on the weekend from 9.01 | 03:25 |
Hansard | sebsebseb: I mean 9.04 | 03:25 |
anto9us | Freds, it should list available networks there. It can take a minute or two sometimes though. | 03:25 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: oh | 03:25 |
wish^ | In gparted one of my partitions has a lock on it.. how can i remove that lock? | 03:25 |
Freds | there isnt a wireless manager of any type | 03:25 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: ok that could be to do with it then, since a lot of people got issues after upgarding from 9.04 | 03:25 |
Freds | it detects my wireless card | 03:25 |
par14h | anto9us: I'll check back later. Need to put my kid to bed. | 03:26 |
Freds | but doesnt want to use it ;| | 03:26 |
sebsebseb | !xorg | Hansard | 03:26 |
ubottu | Hansard: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 03:26 |
Freds | well thats what i assume anyway | 03:26 |
anto9us | Freds, type iwconfig to list your wireless device: possibly wlan0. Then you can list available networks with iwlist wlan0 scan | 03:26 |
Hansard | sebsebseb: is it usual for problems to arise from distro upgrades and then ubuntu not suspending the upgrading client until the problems are fixed? | 03:26 |
Freds | its doesnt say wlan0 when i tpye it | 03:26 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: not suspending the upgrade client, what do you mean | 03:26 |
Freds | i have a picture 1 se | 03:27 |
_Tristan | my themes have disappeared from appearence. | 03:27 |
_Tristan | happened just after an upgradew | 03:27 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: no useually upgrades go fine, but this wasn't the case for quite a lot of people when it came to upgrading 9.04 to 9.10. | 03:27 |
Freds | can i post an imagine in here? | 03:27 |
Freds | image* | 03:27 |
Hansard | sebsebseb: well 9.10 was released a few weeks ago now... and you said lots of people had this problem... so why does the update window still recommend upgrading the distro? | 03:27 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: not your particular problem, just in general I meant | 03:28 |
soreau | ! paste | Freds | 03:28 |
ubottu | Freds: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 03:28 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: people had issues after upgrading, and those issues weren't all the same | 03:28 |
Freds | oh only tinypic cant i use imageshack? | 03:28 |
soreau | Freds: You can use or or imageshack | 03:28 |
Hansard | sebsebseb: so it's usual for there to be lots of issues for lots of people when upgrading distro? In the future should I wait 1-2 releases behind? | 03:28 |
Freds | anto9us, | 03:29 |
Freds | no wlan0 | 03:29 |
Hansard | sebsebseb: will these things get fixed in the future or will it always be the case the some people just can't upgrade? | 03:29 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: usueaully upgrades go fine as I already said, and if you want to stay a release or two behind, it's best to use the Long Term Support releases. Those releases can also be directly upgraded to whichever LTS comes next. | 03:29 |
soreau | Freds: What about iwconfig? | 03:30 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: 10.04 is the next LTS released at the end of April, and it's a good idea to get it soon after release | 03:30 |
Freds | it basicly shows just them 2 | 03:30 |
Freds | im on my other os as the internet is working on here | 03:30 |
=== EagleWatch is now known as eaglewatch | ||
Hansard | sebsebseb: ok | 03:30 |
hipitihop | can someone point me at an upto date version of this bluetooth guide for karmic ? it wants to use bluez-utils and hidd which don't seem to be in standard install | 03:31 |
Hansard | sebsebseb: and fresh install it? | 03:31 |
ouyes | sebsebseb, April 29th we will get the Lucid | 03:31 |
soreau | Freds: Which wifi chip is it as reported by lspci? | 03:31 |
sebsebseb | ouyes: yes | 03:31 |
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Hansard | would have been funnier if it was released on April 1st | 03:31 |
Hansard | meh | 03:31 |
Freds | soreau, | 03:32 |
ekim1 | do you need to buy 10.04 to get the LTS aspects? | 03:32 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: your friend, probably a good idea to rei nstall 9.10 and then just upgrade to next one. unless trying what I am thinking helps | 03:32 |
anto9us | Freds, type dmesg after plugging in to see what the kernel reports | 03:32 |
Freds | its built in | 03:32 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: or you can find someone who knows a lot about xorg, that then might be able to help you. however messing around with xorg isn't exactly fun for most of us | 03:32 |
pablo_ | ola gordon | 03:32 |
pablo_ | marix ola | 03:33 |
sebsebseb | !es | pablo_ | 03:33 |
ubottu | pablo_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 03:33 |
Hansard | sebsebseb: oh ok | 03:33 |
Freds | and for somreason the wireless switch doesnt work when im on ubuntu | 03:33 |
soreau | ! broadcom | Freds | 03:33 |
ubottu | Freds: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at | 03:33 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: are they with you now? | 03:33 |
Hansard | sebsebseb: no, they rang me up. | 03:33 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: oh you got to try and fix the install for your friend, or do the re install? | 03:33 |
wish^ | i keep getting a unetbootin error all the time | 03:34 |
wish^ | when i try to install lvpn | 03:34 |
Hansard | sebsebseb: I was trying to instruct them on a fix over the phone, otherwise I have to travel to them to do a fresh install | 03:34 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: They got a Live CD? | 03:34 |
Hansard | sebsebseb: nope | 03:35 |
Freds | ok soreau ill switch os and try that out | 03:35 |
Freds | brb | 03:35 |
TLUL | I've been having some trouble with Karmic. It doesn't always boot up right. | 03:35 |
mikewh | Freds, check out this link | 03:35 |
disappearedng | any good tools to see how fast a particular IP is downloading from my apache webserver? | 03:36 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: Three things that can be done. 1. try other log in screens 2. Since the log in screen might not really have anything to do with the issue, try and find someone who knows more about xorg, or find out about it yourself 3. Get hold of any data put on external hard disk or whatever, and re install | 03:36 |
tvaughn | any idea why when i dualboot i have issues with the clock? | 03:36 |
Hansard | sebsebseb: ok thank you | 03:36 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: I wonder if | 03:37 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: well 9.10 gets GDM 2 | 03:37 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: instead of the old one, maybe the laptop doesn't like it for whatever reason, or something went wrong when it came to the upgrade | 03:37 |
sebsebseb | with it | 03:37 |
TLUL | In fact, about 50% of the time, Karmic will hang. It stops accessing the disk a second or two after showing the Ubuntu logo, and just sits there. The other 50% of the time, it only pauses for a second or two, then it continues accessing the disk, the WiFi light comes on, and it boots up normally. Any idea what's causing it? | 03:38 |
Hansard | sebsebseb: what's the command to reinstall the gdm 2? | 03:38 |
TLUL | ^while booting | 03:38 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: well there are commands to stop and re start it, not sure about those though. How I would stop it being used is by installing another one, and telling it to use that. Then if I want the other screen back again, remoe the other screen and tell it to use that. | 03:39 |
Freds | soreau, there is no download link for the drivers on that page | 03:40 |
_Tristan | my themes have all disappeared from my preferences/appearance and my windows have reverted to raleigh. Can anybody help me? | 03:40 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: the old GDM is in the repo, but I think it's not as simple as just instaling it and using it. There's KDM, but that's the KDE one, so if no KDE stuff is already on there, quite a lot of KDE stuff will want to be installed. There's also xdm. | 03:41 |
sebsebseb | _Tristan: there was someon earlier with a similar issue, or the same issue, unless that was you as well? | 03:41 |
_Tristan | sebsebseb: that was me, you told me to restart, it did nothing but break my wireless. | 03:41 |
TLUL | _Tristan: I would guess the wireless was unrelated. | 03:42 |
Freds | how do i download the b43 driver? | 03:42 |
_Tristan | yeah, I think so too | 03:42 |
soreau | Freds: Let me check it out | 03:42 |
Freds | okay thanks | 03:42 |
_Tristan | themes broke the moment my update finished | 03:42 |
Hansard | sebsebseb: ok thanks, you've given me a good headstart | 03:42 |
Hansard | sebsebseb: I also have an issue with my computer, do you know anything about wireless troubleshooting? | 03:43 |
TLUL | Any clue why my Karmic install won't boot up half the time? | 03:43 |
tomcat9 | hey any ubuntu 3D nerds in here...I was wondering if I could use my spare linux box in my bedroom to assist my windows pc with rendering in 3dsmax | 03:43 |
sebsebseb | !wireless | _Tristan Hansard | 03:43 |
ubottu | _Tristan Hansard: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at | 03:43 |
_Tristan | sebsebseb: I fixed the wireless | 03:43 |
ryanakca | How can I get they keysym of a key? | 03:44 |
sebsebseb | tomcat9: 3dsmax is there a version for Linux? | 03:44 |
soreau | Freds: AFAICT, it tells you everything you need to know | 03:44 |
soreau | ! broadcom | Freds | 03:44 |
ubottu | Freds: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at | 03:44 |
jolaren | what do i type to make the terminal type out where i am | 03:44 |
tomcat9 | segbsebseb: no but i always hear about ppl using nix boxes to help render | 03:44 |
Freds | ok ill have another read-thru im a bit new to this so it all gets a bit confusing ;p | 03:45 |
hipitihop | what is the current bluetooth stack, it seems bluez-utils is noo longer installed | 03:45 |
xps | anyone know what causes my tarball packages to give me a "configure: creating ./config.status config.status: error: cannot find input file" error when I try and build them from MonoDevelop source? | 03:45 |
Hansard | sebsebseb: I've tried that. But the problem is that it is working sometimes, those guides are for not working at all. | 03:45 |
dsnyders | tomcat9, I think they are using linux right from the get-go. Not using linux to supplement a windows render. | 03:45 |
sebsebseb | Hansard: wireless is not my area | 03:45 |
Hansard | sebsebseb: k thanks | 03:46 |
ouyes | Hansard, what is your wireless problem? | 03:46 |
tomcat9 | dsnyders: no max for loonix though...theres like no 3d progarms for linux...that are any good | 03:46 |
sebsebseb | tomcat9: well there's Blender | 03:46 |
concretesledge_ | is there a nice program that will give me fan speeds, and tempuratures for ubuntu? | 03:46 |
sebsebseb | tomcat9: which has a steep learing curve it seems | 03:47 |
Hansard | ouyes: the connection works, I can browse the internet and download, then it stops working after about 5 minutes and occasionally it disconnects completely | 03:47 |
dsnyders | tomcat, there must be. Pixar, and the folks who did Lord of the Rings use them. | 03:47 |
sebsebseb | tomcat9: well I never tried to use it myself to make something, but yeah Blender | 03:47 |
Hansard | ouyes: reconnecting fixes the problem and it'll work for another 5 minutes or so | 03:47 |
sebsebseb | dsnyders: the movie companies have internal Linux software for making movies | 03:47 |
Freds | soreau, i cant find anything to download | 03:47 |
mizai | I just got a popup titled "gnome-screensaver-dialog" along the lines of "ReactOS FTW!!! Death 2 Linux". Has this happened to anyone else recently? | 03:47 |
=== Guest15655 is now known as DaZ | ||
Freds | i know what i need to download just it doesnt give a download link the site leads me roudn in circles | 03:48 |
soreau | Freds: You don't see where it says 'No Alternate Internet Access'? | 03:48 |
soreau | Freds: It says 'Obtain' and shows two links | 03:48 |
sebsebseb | mizai: where you get that? also that's a interesting message to get really, since ReactOS one day will properly be able to properly replace Windows for many. | 03:49 |
Freds | ah yes i see | 03:49 |
Freds | are they different? | 03:49 |
mizai | sebsebseb, it was on my desktop when I unlocked my computer | 03:49 |
sebsebseb | mizai: probably be able to properly replace Windows for many, above | 03:49 |
sebsebseb | mizai: oh right that | 03:49 |
Freds | i dont know what LTS is? :( | 03:49 |
kungfu711 | Anyone know where to get a memcache package for php 5.3.x | 03:49 |
mizai | sebsebseb, I don't particularly care what ReactOS is going to replace. I don't want random messages from unknown sources on my computer | 03:49 |
sebsebseb | mizai: if a computer is locked, messages can be left on it | 03:50 |
mizai | sebsebseb, ah | 03:50 |
sebsebseb | mizai: so someone else has access to your computer pysical access? | 03:50 |
=== eaglewatch is now known as EagleWatch | ||
mizai | sebsebseb, most likely, yeah | 03:50 |
mizai | that's a comforting explanation :) | 03:50 |
sebsebseb | !lts | Freds | 03:51 |
ubottu | Freds: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04). The next LTS release is scheduled to be !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) | 03:51 |
doinel | Hey all. I'm running Ubuntu 9.10 on a MacBook, and am running into trouble with GRUB. On booting I get the word "GRUB _" with the cursor flashing, and no menu appears. I can only boot into my Ubuntu install via a rescue CD. I am running grub2, and have a menu.cfg. | 03:51 |
Freds | ahh so im hardy as i have 9.10 | 03:51 |
=== Administrivia is now known as Prodego | ||
sebsebseb | Freds: no | 03:51 |
RandomUsr_ | is there a software based remote viewer? One that works via an Add-on through Firefox? | 03:51 |
sebsebseb | !9.10 | Freds | 03:51 |
ubottu | Freds: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: - Release Info: | 03:51 |
concretesledge_ | Does anyone know of a program that actually works, Xsensor's does not work to tell me temps and fan speeds | 03:52 |
=== jesse is now known as Guest28252 | ||
xamox | anyone know why that when running ubuntu server 9.10 that when i try to set a static IP it is routing out to the net? I set ip static ip in my /etc/network/interfaces and in /etc/resolv.conf I set my nameserver to my gateway. If I run /etc/init.d/networking restart it will load and I can ping out, but it's when I first boot that the DNS stuff isn't workign. Any ideas? | 03:52 |
Freds | they arnt there :/ | 03:52 |
Freds | There are more resources on other pages. Please select your version: | 03:52 |
Freds | neither of the versions are there | 03:52 |
Guest28252 | how do i update fire fox | 03:53 |
Hansard | ouyes: no ideas? :( | 03:53 |
RandomUsr_ | anyone aware of remote viewing software that relies on A web browser that works with linux? | 03:53 |
concretesledge_ | xsensors just stays blank | 03:53 |
RandomUsr_ | -or does anyone know of teamviewer works in Wine? | 03:53 |
jolaren | how do I chmod 777 a whole directory? like chmod 777 * /mythtv | 03:55 |
jolaren | or ? | 03:55 |
Magicman1264 | can anyone tell me what I need in order to play games on Pogo? | 03:55 |
jmburgess | jolaren: chmod -R 777 dir | 03:55 |
hoink | question: Tor rotates exit nodes every 10 minutes, but I'm looking for a local proxy that routes each http request thru a different anonymous proxy (proxy list). lil help? | 03:55 |
Hansard_ | sorry firefox crashed me | 03:56 |
xamox | nevermind I figure it out. It was ebox that was doing it. | 03:56 |
xps | anyone know what causes my tarball packages to give me a "configure: creating ./config.status config.status: error: cannot find input file" error when I try and build them from MonoDevelop source? | 03:56 |
RandomUsr_ | Is there an alternative to any VNC based remote viewer? My Niece is behind a Firewall and doesn't know anything about port forwarding | 03:57 |
jmburgess | RandomUsr_: try out FreeNX | 03:57 |
nytek_ | hey room, does anybody use ncmpc? its stuck on pause and it wont start playing any song i try | 03:57 |
RandomUsr_ | jmburgess, does that work like a web based remote viewer? | 03:57 |
crdlb | nytek_: do other mpd clients work? | 03:57 |
nytek_ | crdlb: no | 03:58 |
=== Hansard_ is now known as Hansard | ||
jmburgess | RandomUsr_: ummmmmmmmm not sure let me look | 03:58 |
Magicman1264 | can anyone tell me what I need in order to play games on Pogo? I know it's Java but I don't know how to install it in terminal | 03:59 |
cvd | can i use seahorese with out a password? | 03:59 |
nytek_ | crdlb: i tried to google the problem, but apparenly im the only one having it lol | 03:59 |
RandomUsr_ | jmburgess, Looks like it has a DIY server, but not like using a web browser with an applet. | 04:00 |
jmburgess | RandomUsr_: yeah that is very possible | 04:01 |
RandomUsr_ | prolly still need port forwarding | 04:01 |
crdlb | nytek_: mpd may require a bit of configuration before you can use it | 04:01 |
RandomUsr_ | sent me niece home with a fresh install of 9.10 and she can't figure out wine and display cpabilities. | 04:01 |
RandomUsr_ | capabilities even | 04:02 |
ubuntuser79 | can someone help me with installing the fuzion compiz icon | 04:02 |
powergoal | Is there a way to tell ubuntu to use the Super mod key as both Ctrl and Alt ? | 04:02 |
nytek_ | ubuntuser79: sudo apt-get install fusion-icon | 04:02 |
soreau | ubuntuser79: What is the problem? | 04:03 |
nytek_ | crdlb: any idea what i have to configure? | 04:03 |
balsaq | edge won the royal rumble | 04:04 |
Magicman1264 | Can someone help me with installing Java? | 04:04 |
crdlb | nytek_: at minimum you need to edit /etc/mpd.conf and set music_directory | 04:04 |
nytek_ | crdlb: ok | 04:04 |
nytek_ | crdlb: its set to the correct directory | 04:05 |
soreau | Well look what the cat dragged in. It's crdlb | 04:05 |
H4xor3d | can anyone help me with installing java 6u18? | 04:05 |
crdlb | nytek_: does ncmpc see your music in 'Browse'? | 04:05 |
nytek_ | crdlb: yup | 04:05 |
RandomUsr_ | ah, crdlb, do you know of a remote viewer that works base off of Mozilla/and some applet? something like logmein? | 04:06 |
H4xor3d | plz? | 04:06 |
nytek_ | crdlb: its been weird, it will be stuck on pause then all of a sudden ill hit shift P to play and it will play | 04:06 |
balsaq | Magicman1264, its in the repositories | 04:06 |
JohnTed | I $ sudo modprobe usbcore | 04:06 |
JohnTed | FATAL: Module usbcore not found. | 04:06 |
Magicman1264 | balsaq thank you | 04:06 |
JohnTed | 2.6.33-020633rc6-generic, there is no usbcore on the ubuntu dev kernels? Everything works, sound, video, etc etc, except my sd card reader doesn't work. | 04:07 |
par14h | Okay! Let me try this again. I am a Microsoft-dependant Ubuntu-Noob trying to get a Linksys WUSB54GC USB Wireless Network Dongle to connect to a Linksys WRT160N Router set to Wireless B/G and WPA Personal Encryption. ( Either TKIS or EAP is accepted) The Dongle works perfectly on Windows XP and Vista, and it works on Karmic when connecting to unsecured networks. Just not to MY network. I have read the article at https://help.ubuntu. | 04:07 |
nytek_ | crdlb: in the configuration file, the port is commented out, you think that might be the problem? | 04:07 |
crdlb | nytek_: no, it will just use the default | 04:07 |
balsaq | Magicman1264, yw | 04:07 |
greezmunkey | par14h, Are you on 9.10 ? | 04:08 |
crdlb | nytek_: check /var/log/mpd/mpd.log ; it sounds like mpd is misbehaving | 04:08 |
nytek_ | ok | 04:08 |
Freds | soreau, it said it didnt understand the b43-fwcutter command | 04:08 |
Freds | :( | 04:08 |
doinel | Hi all. I'm trying to fix GRUB on a Macbook 5,1. My root filesystem is /dev/sda3, and I want to install GRUB to this device so as to use it with rEFI. However, when typing in root (hd0,2) and setup (hd0,2) the stage1 files are not found. | 04:08 |
H4xor3d | can anyone tell me why when i do "java -version" in terminal it displays "java version "1.6.0_0"" after ive installed 6u18? | 04:08 |
soreau | Freds: Where you able to get the output? | 04:08 |
soreau | ugh | 04:09 |
nytek_ | crdlb: apparently it is having some problems with finding my alsa device. " | 04:09 |
greezmunkey | par14h, You there? | 04:09 |
nytek_ | crdlb: "failed to open" | 04:09 |
soreau | Freds: Were* | 04:09 |
Freds | what do you mean? | 04:09 |
par14h | Greezmunkey, Yes, I am. It's an updated version fro 9.0x that I installed months ago. It was updated right out of install. Oddly enough, The USB adapter worked when I used NDISWrapper. Just not AFTER I updated. | 04:09 |
Freds | i followed the alternative internet access bit | 04:09 |
nytek_ | crdlb: that definitely has to be the problem | 04:09 |
soreau | Freds: Are you able to pastebin the command you ran and what output it showed? | 04:09 |
par14h | greezmunkey. Odd that that didn't occur to me before now. | 04:10 |
Freds | it said it didnt understand b43-fwcutter command | 04:10 |
Freds | after i typed: sudo b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta- | 04:10 |
powergoal | Is there a way to tell ubuntu to use the Super mod key as both Ctrl and Alt ? | 04:10 |
greezmunkey | par14h, do you remember what the interface was called when it worked? ra0 by chance? | 04:10 |
soreau | Freds: Did you install b43-fwcutter ? | 04:11 |
Freds | i thought thats what i was doing.. | 04:11 |
par14h | greezmunkey, No, I believe it was wlan0. ra0 was my loopback. | 04:11 |
soreau | powergoal: Check gnome-keyboard-properties | 04:11 |
Freds | there is only two download links on that bit | 04:11 |
Freds | i downloaded them both | 04:11 |
crdlb | nytek_: you might have better luck with mpd using pulseaudio instead of alsa like this: | 04:11 |
greezmunkey | par14h, What chipset is the adapter? | 04:11 |
Freds | b43-fwcutter isnt one of them | 04:12 |
nytek_ | crdlb: so change "alsa" to pulseaudio under the type? | 04:12 |
lolhalplz | Hey guys, it's me again. Now when I choose Ubuntu it won't even boot, just shows a blinking underscore. | 04:12 |
TLUL | If I import a key from the gnupg keyserver, how do I tell gpg that it's my key? I generated it on another computer. | 04:12 |
par14h | greezmunkey, I'm sorry. I know brand, model, serial numbers and the MAC. How do I find Chipset information? | 04:13 |
soreau | Freds: But if you read before that, it tells you to install b43-fwcutter from the cd. Basically, you go to sys>admin>software sources, uncheck everything except the cd, make sure the cd is in the drive, then run sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter | 04:13 |
greezmunkey | par14h, that info will do, please go ahead. | 04:13 |
crdlb | nytek_: at least on karmic, you can just comment out the alsa audio_output section entirely and uncomment the pulse one below it | 04:13 |
Freds | well i installed ubuntu using a virtual drive | 04:13 |
nytek_ | crdlb: kk, ill try that | 04:13 |
Freds | so i have no cd :/ | 04:13 |
yellowhat89 | help please | 04:13 |
yellowhat89 | anyone can help me? | 04:13 |
soreau | ! ask | yellowhat89 | 04:14 |
ubottu | yellowhat89: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 04:14 |
=== Ganymede_ is now known as Ganymede | ||
Freds | wouldnt it have just installed it when i installed the os? | 04:14 |
soreau | Freds: How did you install ubuntu then? | 04:14 |
soreau | ! who | Freds | 04:14 |
ubottu | Freds: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 04:14 |
doinel | OK, I have made some progress and have reinstalled my GRUB image to the necessary partition. However, when trying to boot into Ubuntu I still get the word "GRUB" with a flashing cursor. No menu or further activity. | 04:14 |
par14h | greezmunkey: Device = Linksys WUSB54GC. Serial# = MLF00h813154 | 04:14 |
nytek_ | crdlb: do i have to reload ncmpc and mpd? | 04:14 |
yellowhat89 | sorry, so how to add permission to nobody in ubuntu for mp3 files? | 04:15 |
ekim1 | Do I have to use a 64bit version to utilize my 4gigs of ram or will 32bit work? | 04:15 |
Roasted | yes, you need 64 bit to address 4gb of ram | 04:15 |
jmburgess | ekim1: yes you do, but 64 bit is pretty good these days | 04:15 |
crdlb | nytek_: apparently you need to leave the server and sink lines commented | 04:15 |
yellowhat89 | @ekim, you need 64bit instead | 04:15 |
Freds | soreau, wouldnt it have already installed with the os? | 04:16 |
nytek_ | crdlb: kk | 04:16 |
crdlb | nytek_: restarting mpd should be enough | 04:16 |
greezmunkey | par14h, is the adapter installed in your system now? | 04:16 |
nytek_ | crdlb: how do i do that? | 04:16 |
ekim1 | will it show up as 3gigs like windoze? | 04:16 |
yellowhat89 | anyone know how to add permission to "nobody"in ubuntu for mp3 files? | 04:16 |
par14h | greezmunkey, It's connected and the ndiswrapper has the driver. | 04:16 |
soreau | Freds: I would think not since it tells you to install it | 04:17 |
crdlb | nytek_: sudo service mpd restart | 04:17 |
Freds | soreau, i will have a look through the cd | 04:17 |
H4xor3d | can someone plz help me with installing java 6u18? ive tried multiple times and i get 6u16 when i do "javac -version" in terminal and 6u0 when i do "java -version" in terminal...plz help | 04:17 |
greezmunkey | par14h, OK, open a terminal window please, and type the following: tail -f /var/log/syslog | 04:17 |
greezmunkey | par14h, Then press enter | 04:18 |
nanotube | so when i use the 'scale' plugin on compiz (the mac expose-like one), it excludes the minimized windows from the display. any way to include them? or is that a design limitation? | 04:19 |
nytek_ | crdlb: no sound :( | 04:19 |
par14h | greezmunkey - what am I looking for? | 04:19 |
yellowhat89 | @ALL, how to add permission to "nobody" in ubuntu for mp3 files? | 04:19 |
crdlb | nytek_: even with the sink and server lines commented? | 04:20 |
nytek_ | crdlb: yup | 04:20 |
greezmunkey | par14h, Now unplug the adapter, wait a few seconds, then plug it back in. | 04:20 |
amouge | hey all.. whats the best way to edit websites directly on an ftp server? I tried curlftpfs but after about 10 minutes of being idle it of course closed the connection, and for another 10 minutes my editor hung waiting for a response from server | 04:20 |
soreau | nanotube: You could say it's a design limitation | 04:20 |
amouge | anyone know if there is a way to keep the connection alive so that doesnt happen? | 04:20 |
greezmunkey | par14h, we are going to capture whatever info there is as the device comes up... | 04:21 |
nanotube | soreau: heh, what else could i say? :) | 04:21 |
H4xor3d | so no one will help me thats great....:-( | 04:21 |
Freds | soreau, i have the folder called b43-fwcutter if i put it straight into the place where i took it from but on the os will it be installed, if not what do i type? | 04:21 |
Losha | yellowhat89: files have 3 kinds of permission usually: user (owner), group and 'other' (everyone else). Try setting 'everyone else' to allow read: chmod o+r *.mp3 | 04:21 |
nanotube | !patience | H4xor3d | 04:21 |
ubottu | H4xor3d: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. | 04:21 |
soreau | Freds: But if you read before that, it tells you to install b43-fwcutter from the cd. Basically, you go to sys>admin>software sources, uncheck everything except the cd, make sure the cd is in the drive, then run sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter | 04:21 |
greezmunkey | H4xor3d, please try to be patient :) | 04:22 |
H4xor3d | mmkay | 04:22 |
par14h | greezmonkey - reconnecting after severaal seconds. THe log says a lot about mahara... | 04:22 |
nytek_ | crdlb: you think i might have to restart? | 04:22 |
crdlb | nytek_: what does the /var/log/mpd/mpd.log file say now? | 04:22 |
Freds | i dont have a cd | 04:22 |
greezmunkey | par14h, OK are you familiar with ? | 04:22 |
TLUL | My Ubuntu install only boots up right about 50% of the time. How can I find out what's causing the problem (and hopefully fix it)? | 04:22 |
soreau | Freds: Then when you run the b43-fwcutter, make sure you get the exact output if it fails to show us | 04:22 |
Freds | i installed ubuntu on a partitioned drive using a virtual drive | 04:22 |
iflema | nanotube try ringswitcher it does include minimised windows.... not as good as windowpicker however | 04:23 |
k_ | i modified the grub2 file but still can't get rid of the menu with kernel options can someone help me? | 04:23 |
nanotube | H4xor3d: why not just use whatever's is the repositories, as the sun-java6-bin package? | 04:23 |
par14h | greezmonkey, no. Plus, without a network cinnection, How will i get this log to you? | 04:23 |
crdlb | nytek_: I've been playing along, and it worked for me without rebooting | 04:23 |
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TLUL | k_: what do you want to get rid of? The OS select screen? | 04:23 |
greezmunkey | par14h, how are you working this now? | 04:23 |
k_ | yes | 04:23 |
nytek_ | crdlb: problems opning audio device while playing... | 04:23 |
k_ | i set timeout at 0 | 04:23 |
TLUL | k_: Okay, I was reading about how to do this just a few days ago. | 04:23 |
nytek_ | crdlb: its weird, i have sound | 04:23 |
quigger | Can someone help me get ubuntu to recognise my laptops keyboard & touchpad? | 04:23 |
nytek_ | crdlb: but no with ncmpc | 04:24 |
TLUL | k_: I'll check. I know there's a fairly simple way to do it... | 04:24 |
nanotube | iflema: what is this 'window picker' you say? | 04:24 |
k_ | thanks | 04:24 |
par14h | Greezmunkey, Karmic (9.1) is on a desktop machine. I have my Vista laptop here, communicating with you. | 04:24 |
H4xor3d | nanotube: umm how? | 04:24 |
nytek_ | crdlb: ah, when i restart mpd im getting a listen: bind to failed adress already in use | 04:24 |
H4xor3d | =) | 04:24 |
greezmunkey | par14h, do you have a jump (thumb) drive handy? | 04:24 |
nanotube | H4xor3d: what version of ubuntu do you have? | 04:24 |
iflema | nanotube the scale keybinding for windowpicker | 04:24 |
H4xor3d | junty | 04:24 |
H4xor3d | jaunty* | 04:24 |
amouge | hey all.. whats the best way to edit websites directly on an ftp server? I tried curlftpfs but after about 10 minutes of being idle it of course closed the connection, and for another 10 minutes my editor hung waiting for a response from server | 04:25 |
par14h | greezmunkey - yup. all set and ready to plug in. hope it doesn't crash the system. | 04:25 |
nanotube | H4xor3d: and do you want just the runtime, or also the jdk? | 04:25 |
H4xor3d | jdk | 04:25 |
H4xor3d | =) | 04:25 |
yellowhat89 | @Losha: chmod: cannot access `*.mp3': No such file or directory | 04:25 |
nanotube | H4xor3d: then just run "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk" | 04:26 |
greezmunkey | par14h, Don't borrow trouble :) Copy and paste the output of syslog into a file and transfer it to you winbox, we'll take from there... | 04:26 |
nanotube | H4xor3d: that will install the version from the ubuntu repos, which is 6-13-1... recent enough... :) | 04:26 |
nanotube | H4xor3d: more info: | 04:26 |
Losha | yellowhat89: which directory contains your mp3s? You need to cd there before you can do the chmod? | 04:26 |
crdlb | nytek_: my guess would be that mpd didn't shut down properly; you could try sudo service mpd stop, then killing the mpd process if it is still running | 04:27 |
H4xor3d | sun-java6-jdk is already the newest version. | 04:27 |
H4xor3d | java version "1.6.0_0" | 04:27 |
nanotube | iflema: ah so you are just referring to the scale plugin as the 'windowpicker' ok... | 04:27 |
crdlb | nytek_: also, are you using the ubuntu desktop (ie gnome)? | 04:27 |
H4xor3d | after "java -version" in terminal =P | 04:27 |
par14h | greezmunkey, I'm seeing a lot of this going on in the log: "wpa_Supplicant[759] Association request to the driver failed" | 04:27 |
nytek_ | crdlb: brb im going to restart | 04:28 |
yellowhat89 | I'm installing kPlaylist, in that site said: Make sure nobody or nogroup can read MP3 files. | 04:28 |
nanotube | H4xor3d: hrm that's strange - did you by any chance install some other java from somewhere else other than the ubuntu repos? | 04:28 |
yellowhat89 | I think that it's mean all mp3 files, not only in spesific dir | 04:28 |
nanotube | H4xor3d: because here on intrepid i'm getting "java version "1.6.0_14" and on karmic i'm getting "java version "1.6.0_15" so if you have jaunty, you shouldn't be getting 1.6.0_0... | 04:29 |
H4xor3d | nanotube: umm ive tried to install manually from a .bin file dl'ed from java's website | 04:29 |
jimisrvrox | hey folks needing some help with this rt2500 I have no ap and nm says its disconnected but thankfully i have no errors in dmesg... | 04:29 |
par14h | greezmunkey, I'm still waiting for the system to give up it's attempt to connect, FYI | 04:29 |
greezmunkey | par14h, control + c in the term window, then copy and paste all captured data into a new file, place that on your jump drive please! | 04:29 |
nanotube | H4xor3d: hrm well maybe if you undo whatever you did with your manual install... ? | 04:29 |
TLUL | k_: I think I know how to do it. | 04:29 |
H4xor3d | ill try deleting the files =P | 04:30 |
flacom | hi all | 04:30 |
k_ | TLUL, how? | 04:30 |
greezmunkey | par14h, move the file to your winbox, and open a browser...point it to | 04:30 |
TLUL | k_: If you open up the terminal and type "sudo gedit /etc/default/grub" then you should see the grub configuration file | 04:30 |
flacom | I need to run this command 'openvpn --config client.ovpn' as root at startup, how can I do that? | 04:31 |
TLUL | In there, remove the # before the part that says "GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0" | 04:31 |
k_ | ah | 04:31 |
=== EagleWatch is now known as eaglewatch | ||
TLUL | k_: Then, once that's removed, you'll need to update the complete settings file. | 04:31 |
TLUL | k_: Typing "sudo update-grub" should do it. | 04:32 |
k_ | TLUL, i already did that :/ | 04:32 |
k_ | TLUL, did not help | 04:32 |
lolhalplz | Must flood to get attention. | 04:32 |
H4xor3d | nanotube: umm deleting files did not work because i do not have permission o.O | 04:33 |
H4xor3d | idk how else to undo | 04:33 |
TLUL | k_: You already uncommented GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 and ran update-grub? | 04:33 |
par14h | Greezmunkey: almost there... | 04:33 |
TLUL | k_: And the timeout is still there? Hmm... | 04:33 |
rasstar | how do you disable the os selection when ubuntu boots? | 04:33 |
k_ | it was uncommented to start with | 04:33 |
k_ | no timout | 04:33 |
lolhalplz | Help, please. When I try to boot ubuntu it won't boot, just shows a blinking underscore. I'm using UNB 9.10 on an Acer Aspire One. | 04:33 |
ubuntuser | could someone help me with the fuzion compiz icon. | 04:33 |
lolhalplz | Help, please. When I try to boot ubuntu it won't boot, just shows a blinking underscore. I'm using UNB 9.10 on an Acer Aspire One. | 04:33 |
lolhalplz | Help, please. When I try to boot ubuntu it won't boot, just shows a blinking underscore. I'm using UNB 9.10 on an Acer Aspire One. | 04:33 |
FloodBot4 | lolhalplz: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 04:33 |
k_ | but i have to hit enter | 04:33 |
yellowhat89 | @Losha, i have success for mp3 in spesific dir. | 04:33 |
soreau | ubuntuser: What's wrong with it? | 04:34 |
lolhalplz | </3 flooding | 04:34 |
Losha | yellowhat89: good. So is your problem solved? | 04:34 |
lolhalplz | Help?' | 04:34 |
yellowhat89 | any tips to make all mp3 automatically handle by a group? | 04:34 |
jimisrvrox | hey folks needing some help with this rt2500 I have no ap and nm says its disconnected but thankfully i have no errors in dmesg... | 04:34 |
nanotube | H4xor3d: well i don't really know what the sun java manual installer does... so i can't really tell you how to undo it... generally, you could just delete the files with sudo - but you have to be careful to know precisely what you want to delete... | 04:34 |
nytek_ | crdlb: hey, now in my sound preferences its showing a dummy output in the output tab | 04:34 |
yellowhat89 | @Losha, yes, but not exactly what i want | 04:34 |
cvd | only in linux! | 04:35 |
par14h | greezmunkey: | 04:35 |
JKemp | Can anyone help? I boot ubuntu to live and get sounds of desktop but no picture. | 04:35 |
Losha | yellowhat89: So can you say more about what it is exactly that you want? | 04:35 |
JKemp | Also install gets no picture. | 04:35 |
par14h | greezmunkey: it's a long log | 04:35 |
lolhalplz | Help, please. When I try to boot ubuntu it won't boot, just shows a blinking underscore. I'm using UNB 9.10 on an Acer Aspire One. | 04:36 |
crdlb | nytek_: so now sound doesn't work in anything? | 04:36 |
JKemp | The menu on first boot with Try without effects to computer, Install, memtst or w/e comes up but everything past leads to no display. | 04:36 |
soreau | JKemp: Which video card ? | 04:36 |
nytek_ | crdlb: nope | 04:36 |
JKemp | soreau: Intel | 04:36 |
H4xor3d | nanotube: well here's the website:;pgid=yYdgaHqkkjVSR0EUPIQsoQ3D0000w5YpMzN9;sid=xJf6mjW75W36mX7dnpqyn9oSW2mc2fj-kXU1Wyilnk2-UQ==?DLWidget=true&AutoWidgetDL= | 04:36 |
malnek | anyone here have experience with Openbox? i want to add a new program to the GUI, and i want the program to be run as sudo in an terminal | 04:36 |
greezmunkey | par14h, hmm... that's ok, give me a bit... | 04:36 |
H4xor3d | dled the jdk-6u18-linux-i586.bin | 04:36 |
soreau | JKemp: Maybe you can try booting with nomodeset as a kernel param to disable kms | 04:36 |
nytek_ | crdlb: wait | 04:36 |
nytek_ | i have sound | 04:37 |
JKemp | soreau: okay, also i get a message when booting Backtrack4 that screens found but none usable so assume its same effect. | 04:37 |
nytek_ | crdlb: in headphone and out of speakers | 04:38 |
Mimi | Hey, I know I should ask in #conky, but does anyone why conky "stays above" other windows... but very RANDOMLY? My conky cfg is right, but if I alt-tab or close a program, SOMETIMES it will cause conky to "stay on top" :P | 04:38 |
JKemp | soreau: But when i use fixvesa it works in backtrack, but no way to type that in ubuntu since its not non-graphic startup like backtrack. | 04:38 |
soreau | JKemp: If nomodeset doesn't help you can try using the vesa driver | 04:38 |
ubuntuser | soreau i caont get the icon in applications-systtem tools | 04:38 |
JKemp | soreau: How would i go about doing that? | 04:38 |
nytek_ | crdlb: any idea how to turn off the speaker and just use the headphones? | 04:38 |
soreau | ubuntulog: What happens if you run 'fusion-icon' in your terminal? | 04:38 |
JKemp | soreau: Nver had a prob like this b4 :( , lol guess it happens eventually. | 04:39 |
soreau | JKemp: You would have to generate an xorg.conf with 'Xorg -configure' then put the following line in the Device section: Driver "vesa" | 04:40 |
greezmunkey | par14h, go here and work your way though the suggestion(s) You should be fine! | 04:40 |
nanotube | H4xor3d: that link seems to take me to a blank page... might these be the instructions you're following: | 04:40 |
JKemp | soreau: Okay where would i use Xorg -configure ? Since its not installed i have no cmd line. | 04:41 |
soreau | JKemp: btw, after it starts with a black screen, can you do Ctrl+Alt+F# to get to a console? | 04:41 |
JKemp | soreau: can i use it as a boot parameter? | 04:41 |
JKemp | F#? | 04:41 |
par14h | greezmunkey - will do! Thanks for the positive direction! | 04:41 |
JKemp | Just any number? | 04:41 |
JKemp | Any F# key i guess =P | 04:41 |
crdlb | nytek_: do you know what sound card you have? | 04:41 |
soreau | yes | 04:41 |
soreau | ! tty | JKemp | 04:41 |
ubottu | JKemp: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login). To change the resolution for your TTY, see | 04:41 |
JKemp | soreau: Okay thank you. Later. | 04:41 |
greezmunkey | par14h, if you don't have any luck after a while ask here again. I have to go so good luck. | 04:41 |
nytek_ | crdlb: i dont. | 04:41 |
soreau | JKemp: any number between 1-6 | 04:41 |
JKemp | soreau: Thank you. Will see if it works. =) | 04:42 |
lolhalplz | Help, please. When I try to boot ubuntu it won't boot, just shows a blinking underscore. I'm using UNB 9.10 on an Acer Aspire One. | 04:43 |
crdlb | nytek_: try: lspci | grep -i audio | 04:43 |
lolhalplz | Help, please. When I try to boot ubuntu it won't boot, just shows a blinking underscore. I'm using UNB 9.10 on an Acer Aspire One. | 04:43 |
lolhalplz | Help, please. When I try to boot ubuntu it won't boot, just shows a blinking underscore. I'm using UNB 9.10 on an Acer Aspire One | 04:43 |
lolhalplz | Help, please. When I try to boot ubuntu it won't boot, just shows a blinking underscore. I'm using UNB 9.10 on an Acer Aspire One, | 04:43 |
lolhalplz | Help, please. When I try to boot ubuntu it won't boot, just shows a blinking underscore. I'm using UNB 9.10 on an Acer Aspire One.. | 04:43 |
lolhalplz | Help, please. When I try to boot ubuntu it won't boot, just shows a blinking underscore. I'm using UNB 9.10 on an Acer Aspire One | 04:43 |
jmburgess | lolhalplz: stop spamming please | 04:43 |
nytek_ | crdlb: intel corp 82801G ICH7 Family | 04:43 |
lolhalplz | Nobody is helping me. | 04:44 |
lolhalplz | Which makes me raeg. | 04:44 |
par14h | greezmunkey - are you a member of LinuxQuestions? | 04:44 |
jmburgess | lolhalplz: nobody is helping you because we don't know the answer, and spamming is not how you get it | 04:44 |
lolhalplz | Spam is canned, not words in the internet. | 04:45 |
L00pBack | TLUL, didn't work | 04:45 |
L00pBack | TLUL, i saw no timer | 04:45 |
RDove | lolhalplz, its usually a grub problem if thats the case | 04:45 |
soreau | lolhalplz: Instead of spamming the same message over and over, try explaining your problem better. What version of ubuntu? What have you tried exactly? What is not working? | 04:45 |
jmburgess | lolhalplz: google around, I know people who have gotten UNR running on an Acer before | 04:45 |
L00pBack | TLUL, it waited until i hit enter | 04:45 |
Magicman1264 | lolhalplz: I had the same problem with my Toshiba. I found it easier to go back to 9.04 | 04:46 |
H4xor3d | nanotube: k thx! ill try this tomorrow as its getting late and need to sleep.....ill be back tomorrow if i still have questions | 04:46 |
lolhalplz | soreau: It's 9.10 Netbook Remix. | 04:46 |
nanotube | H4xor3d: good night ;) | 04:46 |
=== eaglewatch is now known as EagleWatch | ||
crdlb | nytek_: this seems to be a common problem: | 04:48 |
nytek_ | crdlb: do i have to install new drivers or something? | 04:48 |
nytek_ | crdlb: ahh, is there a fix? | 04:48 |
nytek_ | crdlb: btw, do you know how to launch links from irssi into a web browser? (sorry for my offtopic question) | 04:49 |
lolhalplz | You guys ask for more details, I tell you, you don't help me. | 04:50 |
crdlb | nytek_: in gnome-terminal, you can just right click on them (it recognizes them as urls) | 04:50 |
dumdidumdum | hi i have a problem with compiz/grid. i already activated it. and assigned a shortcut to put left and put right but nothing happened when i use the shortcut. does anyone have an idea? | 04:50 |
nytek_ | crdlb: not using gnome termina :(, rxvt-uncide | 04:51 |
soreau | lolhalplz: You only answered one of the questions I gave as suggestions for more info | 04:51 |
soreau | dumdidumdum: Do you have compiz running? | 04:51 |
lolhalplz | I can't try anything. | 04:51 |
mojo_ | does anyone run into problem with rake rails:freeze:gems with ruby1.9.1 package? | 04:51 |
lolhalplz | It just shows a blinking underscore when I choose ubuntu at startup. | 04:51 |
nytek_ | crdlb: brb | 04:52 |
crdlb | nytek_: | 04:52 |
dumdidumdum | i think so. how can i check it? on my other pc it starts automaticly | 04:52 |
sahal` | i'm having session issues | 04:52 |
PhantomLink | How can I find out what's wrong with my ubuntu installation? I need a quick answer because it could restart any moment | 04:52 |
lolhalplz | What's not working? I can't LOAD ubuntu. | 04:52 |
rpwiz | need help with usplash 1.04 script??? | 04:53 |
soreau | lolhalplz: You must have did something to get there. You downloaded <?> and copied it to a <?> then tried to boot it but it works <?> with a regular ubuntu 9.10 cd, just not UNR <?> | 04:53 |
PhantomLink | Sometimes the thing restarts before it even gets past the orange splash loading screen | 04:53 |
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futurama140 | the options on dont work. ive tried all of them to fix my screen flicker. can someone help me?? | 04:53 |
lolhalplz | Netbook Remix just changes the interface. | 04:54 |
Blue1 | futurama140: okay obvious things - you do have the right driver installed, and you ru 50 or 60 hz power? | 04:54 |
LoopB4ck | TLUL, got option 2 | 04:55 |
futurama140 | Bluel: i do have the right drivers installed, and i dont know what frequency my power is. | 04:55 |
Blue1 | futurama140: are you in the united states? | 04:55 |
futurama140 | Bluel: yes. | 04:55 |
TLUL | LoopB4ck: Then I have no idea why it's not accepting the configuration file. | 04:56 |
Blue1 | futurama140: ok | 04:56 |
yellowhat89 | @Losha, actually I want a "nobody" or "nogroup" can automatically have permission to mp3 file, | 04:56 |
TLUL | LoopB4ck: | 04:56 |
TLUL | That's all I can find on it. | 04:56 |
LoopB4ck | thx anyway | 04:56 |
Blue1 | futurama140: go into System/Preferences/Display (say no to use use the extensions)/and look at refresh rate - should be set to 60 | 04:57 |
dumdidumdum | compiz is running shortcuts like alt+tab are working | 04:57 |
DrDuck | :D | 04:57 |
futurama140 | Bluel: i have 2 options, 50hz, and 51hz, it is set to 50hz. | 04:58 |
Blue1 | futurama140: in the u.s. it is 60 hz if it's not set to that then that is your problem | 04:58 |
Blue1 | futurama140: what version of the nvidia driver are you using? | 04:59 |
futurama140 | Bluel: i cant change it to 60hz, before i installed the drivers it was 60hz, how can i change that? | 04:59 |
futurama140 | Bluel: 185 i believe. the newest. | 04:59 |
Blue1 | futurama140: let me see what driver I have installed here brb | 04:59 |
=== DNS_ is now known as \ | ||
soreau | dumdidumdum: Have you tried restarting compiz since setting the grid settings? I heard someone else had a similar problem where restarting fixed it somehow | 05:00 |
Blue1 | futurama140: i had problems with the 185 driver -- | 05:00 |
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^Phantom^ | Something is seriously retarded with my ubuntu installation! It keeps restarting out of the blue for no reason at all | 05:00 |
=== Guest33108 is now known as DNS777 | ||
lolhalplz | I got the Ubuntu 9.10 Netbook Remix, burnt to CD, ran the live CD, used USB Creator function to put on a usb, put usb in laptop, installed ubuntu to laptop. | 05:00 |
^Phantom^ | (PhantomLink here) | 05:00 |
lolhalplz | laptop = netbook | 05:00 |
lolhalplz | in my above post. | 05:00 |
Blue1 | futurama140: so I used the 173 driver -- and it works fine -- also had problems with the 180 dirver | 05:01 |
lolhalplz | help? | 05:01 |
Blue1 | futurama140: but that's causing your flicker -- | 05:01 |
message144 | If I rsync backup my drive and I have an account which is encrypted with ecryptfs, should I make my backup with the decrypted data or with the encrypted data? Any suggestions? | 05:01 |
dumdidumdum | soreau: how can i do that? | 05:01 |
futurama140 | Blue1: so i should install the 173 and try that? i had heard anything less than 180 wouldnt work with 9.10 | 05:01 |
Blue1 | lolhalplz: you need to set up in your bios to boot off of a usb device | 05:01 |
^Phantom^ | I mean I am having a b**** of a time trying to back up my data that I want to keep | 05:02 |
soreau | dumdidumdum: Try 1) Installing simple-ccsm 2) Select None, then the Custom radio button in Sys>Prefs>Appearance>Visual Effects | 05:02 |
nytek_ | crdlb: ok im back. any ideas? | 05:02 |
rpwiz | rpwizard1 | 05:02 |
Blue1 | futurama140: I dunno YMMV (your mileage may vary) - It's worth trying the 180 driver once | 05:02 |
crdlb | nytek_: did you see the link about urxvt? | 05:02 |
ofosho | I am trying to install ubuntu netbook remix, but when i try to install the installer says that it cannout unmount /cdrom | 05:02 |
liobam | hi, how would i go about making my alt or ctrl key emit a space key event? my space bar on this laptop has broken | 05:02 |
nytek_ | crdlb: ill look | 05:03 |
^Phantom^ | I mean, it even restarts in the middle of me copying my files over to my backup drive. | 05:03 |
futurama140 | Blue1: i may just try the 173. ill give that a shot and be back to let you know how it goes. | 05:03 |
sahal` | i dont know why gnome wont load on one of the usernames on this computer | 05:03 |
Blue1 | futurama140: kewl -- | 05:03 |
Blue1 | futurama140: fwiw - I am running 64 bit | 05:03 |
nytek_ | crdlb: cool thanks. any ideas on the sound issue? | 05:04 |
lolhalplz | Blue1: I installed it to my computer, hurr durr. | 05:04 |
Losha | message144: judging from the number of people who show up here saying they 'forgot' their encryption key, or that their encrypted filesystem won't decrypt, I would say back it up unencrypted, but keep it somewhere very safe..... | 05:04 |
message144 | Losha, so that is fairly common? | 05:05 |
futurama140 | Blue1: ok, im running 32bit | 05:05 |
Blue1 | futurama140: I am running v 173.14.20 of the nvidia driver -- | 05:05 |
soreau | How do you stop/start/restart gdm in karmic again? | 05:06 |
nytek_ | crdlb: wow, it just changed to my default sound card. now i can change to headphone output. | 05:06 |
Blue1 | soreau: i do a sudo service gdm restart | 05:06 |
soreau | CAPcap: Ok, here | 05:06 |
crdlb | nytek_: are you using usb headphones? | 05:06 |
Blue1 | lolhalplz: okay I thought you were having trouble booting the install usb drive | 05:06 |
soreau | ! tty | CAPcap | 05:06 |
ubottu | CAPcap: To get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login). To change the resolution for your TTY, see | 05:06 |
nytek_ | crdlb: nope | 05:06 |
soreau | Blue1: stop and start work too, right? | 05:07 |
soreau | CAPcap: Try it out. Just press Ctrl+Alt+F1 then Ctrl+Alt+F7 again | 05:07 |
Blue1 | soreau: oops sorry sudo /etc/init.d/gdm <start/stop/restart> | 05:07 |
Losha | message144: hard to say: it depends on you hardware, and your skill level. Which is more important to you? Being able to recover the data after a disk failure, or having no-one able to read it without authorization under any circumstances? | 05:07 |
soreau | Blue1: I thought it was the first command you posted, only in karmic | 05:07 |
crdlb | nytek_: so what isn't working now? | 05:08 |
Blue1 | soreau: but you can still do the same thing with sudo service | 05:08 |
soreau | Blue1: ok | 05:08 |
CAPcap | ok that brought me to a black sceen with some stuff and then back here. | 05:08 |
dumdidumdum | soreau; thank you it worked | 05:08 |
soreau | dumdidumdum: Cool :) | 05:08 |
dumdidumdum | :) | 05:08 |
nytek_ | crdlb: everything is working, but when i plug in the headphones i need to go into the sound options and changed the sound output to headphones | 05:08 |
futurama140 | Blue1: should i reboot after installing the drivers? also, do you get the strange pixelation when trying to reboot or shut down, and if so, is there a fix for it? | 05:08 |
Blue1 | futurama140: it's easier - yes reboot | 05:08 |
Blue1 | futurama140: yeah the reboot should fix that... | 05:09 |
ofosho | i am trying to install unr 9.10 on an asus eee pc, but the installer says that it cannot umount /cdrom in order to complete the install | 05:09 |
message144 | Losha, Its of course a tough call, but I think recovering the data quickly is a priority. I suppose I will just need to store the drive in a safe place | 05:09 |
CAPcap | soreau now what? | 05:09 |
Blue1 | ofosho: did you md5sum the downloaded iso file? | 05:09 |
Zylstra555 | can someone check this URL for me and tell me if it is working? | 05:10 |
futurama140 | Blue1: all the drivers ive used so far have caused the weird pixel streaks on the screen which during that time the keyboard becomes unresponsive until i manually press the power button. | 05:10 |
ofosho | i believe the partitioner is trying to install to the USB stick, not the HD | 05:10 |
ofosho | the md5 is fine | 05:10 |
futurama140 | Blue1: will reboot now, brb. | 05:10 |
Blue1 | futurama140: it me be a peculiarity of your system | 05:10 |
Blue1 | ofosho: what device is it trying to install to? | 05:10 |
lolhalplz | soreau: Solution? | 05:11 |
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nytek_ | crdlb: btw, i dont have a mouse wheel. :( netbook :( | 05:11 |
^Phantom^ | Well, I guess I'll have to figure out the problem myself. I hope I can get my files all backed up within the next year with the restarting bullcrap going on. :( | 05:12 |
soreau | CAPcap: See my private message | 05:12 |
Losha | message144: I understand. I think encrypting the data on an internet connected machine, or a stealable laptop is probably reasonable. For the secure backup, I'd go for accessibility and rely on keeping it in a safe place | 05:12 |
Blue1 | nytek_: the problem with my netbook is the touch pad is too sensitive even at the lowest setting | 05:13 |
slzar | is there a site with statistics about how many people use linux (and specifically ubuntu)? | 05:13 |
dsnyders | Hi all! Any issues using the Update manager to go from 8.10 to 9.04? | 05:13 |
slzar | I hear so many numbers tossed aorund | 05:13 |
crdlb | nytek_: you can emulate it by pressing left and right | 05:13 |
nytek_ | Blue1: i have that problem too, but you will get use to it. are you new to the netbook style of touchpad | 05:13 |
futurama140 | Blue1: i am back, and i just got this message when loading ubuntu: | 05:14 |
Blue1 | dsnyders: advice (personal exp) backup /etc/ and /home and do a fresh install upgrades don't work | 05:14 |
nytek_ | [freenode/#ubuntu] | 05:14 |
Losha | slzar: very hard to get numbers. I think some magazine did a survey once. About as reliable as government unemployment statistics... | 05:14 |
c_nick | Hi I lost out on my path can i regenerate it | 05:14 |
^Phantom^ | I swear to god I'm gonna microwave this goddamn thing or something! | 05:14 |
futurama140 | Blue1: ok it wont paste, but it says the driver is not supported by this card, i am running in low graphics mode, and it says that it sees i have a monitor but it cant identify it. | 05:14 |
c_nick | there was a command which i recently used to regenerate my PATH .. but i lost track of that command | 05:14 |
Blue1 | nytek_: yes new to netbook | 05:15 |
hiatus | Slzar: since linux can be installed without a corporation spying on you and can come from multi vendors, its impossible to tell | 05:15 |
^Phantom^ | I can't even fucking backup my PICTURES to my backup drive without it restarting in the middle of the copying process! | 05:15 |
ofosho | blue1, i manually selected the HD, but it may still be trying to use the swap from the stick | 05:15 |
ciber | /join #ubuntu-mx + ENTER | 05:15 |
Blue1 | rule #1 in dealing with digitial devices -- always have a path back to the way it was before you mucked it up - -rule #2 - always follow rule #1 | 05:16 |
Blue1 | ofosho: usually usb drive are like sdcx -- is it trying to install to that? | 05:16 |
c_nick | ^Phantom^: Try from the Live Session Option | 05:16 |
message144 | Losha, any reccommendations if i should use --device with rsync when backing up? | 05:16 |
nytek_ | Blue1: yeah, i had the same problem but im getting use to it | 05:16 |
nytek_ | crdlb: btw, thank you so much for all the help. | 05:16 |
^Phantom^ | c_nick: And how do I get to the Live CD option? | 05:17 |
c_nick | ^Phantom^: I think its to do with your mobo.. your mobo may perhaps failed.. I had recently got the similar problems | 05:17 |
Blue1 | nytek_: if you find a good solution though, let me know - | 05:17 |
^Phantom^ | c_nick: I mean Live Session option* | 05:17 |
c_nick | ^Phantom^: you need a Ubuntu CD | 05:17 |
dsnyders | Blue1, Fresh install, eh? I suppose I need to burn a CD, or can I install directly from the internet yet? | 05:17 |
Blue1 | futurama140: what was the error message? | 05:17 |
c_nick | or a boot able Ubuntu USB | 05:17 |
yellowhat89 | @Losha, are you still with me? | 05:17 |
Zylstra555 | can someone check this URL for me and tell me if it is working? -- It's causing a redirect loop on my computer for some odd reason. | 05:18 |
Blue1 | dsnyders: install cd | 05:18 |
ray_ | does anyone use boxee on ubuntu jaunty? | 05:18 |
zen_master_soso | <- new to IRC (shame) Is there an IRC newbie channel? | 05:18 |
futurama140 | Blue1: it says the driver is not supported by this card, i am running in low graphics mode, and it says that it sees i have a monitor but it cant identify it. | 05:18 |
* ^Phantom^ cries | 05:18 | |
Out_Cold | zen_master_soso, you mean for icr tips? | 05:18 |
Losha | message144: no need to preserve devices or special files. If you have to replace your hardware that stuff all changes anyway. Just backup the stuff you can't replace | 05:18 |
Blue1 | futurama140: yeah it can't identify mine either - but can you set the refresh rate, and the resolution? | 05:18 |
c_nick | ^Phantom^: Boot from the CD select the live session - without installing to the m/c and there mount your HDDs which you want to use to transfer data.. and try .. | 05:18 |
Losha | yellowhat89: I don't think I can help you further, sorry... | 05:19 |
^Phantom^ | c_nick: I accidentally broke my Live CD and that machine is the only one I have that I can burn one with. | 05:19 |
zen_master_soso | yeah - just a few commands that I need to know. I just don't want to look like an IRC idiot. | 05:19 |
futurama140 | Blue1: You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server. | 05:19 |
message144 | Losha, so you dont recommend backing up system files? Should I just stick to /var, /etc, and /home ? | 05:19 |
dsnyders | zen_master_soso, All you have to do is ask your question and monitor the channel. Everybody looks like an idiot at one time or another. | 05:19 |
Blue1 | futurama140: okay so try that... | 05:19 |
Out_Cold | zen_master_soso, | 05:19 |
yellowhat89 | @Losha, thanks. I think i'll just make it one by one... :D | 05:19 |
Blue1 | futurama140: WAIT | 05:19 |
dsnyders | zen_master_soso, You won't find a better Ubuntu channel than right here. | 05:20 |
zen_master_soso | can't read blogspot, thanks. I'm in China | 05:20 |
c_nick | ^Phantom^: I suggest get your ass to ur friends place.. !! and get a cd from him.. or ask Ubuntu to ship a cd to you.. wait for a month n work someplace else.. :P | 05:20 |
zen_master_soso | (American in China) | 05:20 |
Out_Cold | zen_master_soso, it doesn't mention these commands: /join #some-channel, /msg nickserv help, /msg chanserv help, /msg alis help | 05:20 |
c_nick | you dont really need a CD.. you can also load ubuntu onto a USB and boot from that | 05:20 |
zen_master_soso | what is chanserv? | 05:20 |
Blue1 | c_nick: yes | 05:21 |
c_nick | ^Phantom^: make a USB bootable disk | 05:21 |
dsnyders | zen_master_soso, One tip, though. This is a busy channel, so put the name of the person you are replying to at the beginning of your comments. | 05:21 |
zen_master_soso | dsndyers: thanks! | 05:21 |
hiatus | I prefer to boot from usb, it tends to be faster | 05:21 |
ciber | /join #ubuntu-mx + ENTER | 05:21 |
Out_Cold | zen_master_soso, might be of more assistance | 05:21 |
c_nick | ^Phantom^: go to Ubuntu Forums i think there are loads of help offered there.. or best install image-writer "sudio apt-get install image-writer" and then use that make a bootable disk and u are all set to go | 05:21 |
Losha | message144: there are a handful of files in /etc that I find useful to backup e.g. fstab, auto.master, exports etc. but unless your config is very unusual, only /home is irreplaceable. I don't even bother with /var | 05:22 |
zen_master_soso | @Outcold: thx | 05:22 |
c_nick | ^Phantom^: even 1 GB thumbdrive is good enough for you :) I dont think i need a CD | 05:22 |
^Phantom^ | c_nick: It seems to restart sooner if I use x-chat | 05:22 |
Out_Cold | zen_master_soso, chanserv, nickserv, alis are all services offered on freenode.. check out /msg <service> help for more info | 05:22 |
c_nick | ^Phantom^: try my option and see | 05:22 |
ciber | /server | 05:22 |
nytek_ | crdlb: brilliant, clicking both buttoms work with opening links | 05:23 |
^Phantom^ | c_nick: I'm a failfag, I swear I am the only person that doesn't have a usb flash drive | 05:23 |
c_nick | ^Phantom^: if you use Ubuntu 9.10 which comes with Pidgin you can use that for connecting to IRC you dont even need an XCHAT or XCHAT_gnome :) | 05:23 |
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slzar | < on pidgin now | 05:23 |
ciber | / join #ubuntu-mx | 05:24 |
Blue1 | ^Phantom^: im lazy and use pidgin - the trick is, that if you go onto a different network - -you have to have a different nick | 05:24 |
zen_master_soso | @OUt_cold: got it. did /msg help chanserv and I don't think I'll be needing it because I'm not going to become an admin or anything. Just need to know how to join channels and chat (which I haven't been able to figure out yet ;) | 05:24 |
futurama140 | Blue1: after doing what the message said, and rebooting, i get the same error when booting, and when trying to use the nvidia tool. | 05:24 |
c_nick | ^Phantom^: do you have another Operating System | 05:24 |
Out_Cold | zen_master_soso, i sent you a private message, look for it on the side | 05:24 |
Some_Person | I'm having trouble with Java in Epiphany -- it isn't working at all | 05:24 |
^Phantom^ | I used to have an 8gb flash drive but it got stolen just recently | 05:24 |
c_nick | ^Phantom^: Install Windows.. try copying there and see.. you do get free software to read and write to an ext3 HDD | 05:25 |
Blue1 | futurama140: okay let's try this -- go into System/Preferences/Display/(say no) | 05:25 |
c_nick | so basically you dont really require Linux to read an ext3 HDD | 05:25 |
^Phantom^ | i used to have XP home on the internal drive, but it got virus'd :( | 05:25 |
c_nick | ^Phantom^: reinstall | 05:25 |
futurama140 | Blue1: refresh says 0hz wont let me change it. | 05:25 |
aleksej | Hallo | 05:26 |
c_nick | ^Phantom^: you have to get your ass working if you want some results :P | 05:26 |
^Phantom^ | c_nick: I tried to read the linux drive from that windows install before the virus but it wasn't able to read anything on it | 05:26 |
Blue1 | futurama140: yeah I was going to tell you this is what I did - I skipped the nvidia setup crap | 05:26 |
c_nick | Ok i have a question .. i screwed up my path.. is there any way i can get back the default one | 05:26 |
^Phantom^ | I tried it on another windows computer and same thing | 05:26 |
c_nick | ^Phantom^: try other s/w... i got one which was able to read | 05:27 |
c_nick | but i dont remember the name | 05:27 |
aleksej | Can I ask a stupid question? | 05:27 |
Blue1 | aleksej: no charge go for it. | 05:28 |
^Phantom^ | I think it is probably because ubuntu is on an external drive, or do I need to unencrypt my home folder for it to work? | 05:28 |
^Phantom^ | Cause I've read that it won't work unless you unencrypt the home folder. | 05:28 |
aleksej | I have installed Ubuntu 9.10 on my notebook, and sound does not work. | 05:29 |
Blue1 | aleksej: okay dumb answer -- did you do all the updates? | 05:29 |
aleksej | Yeah. | 05:29 |
sayed | I installed a USB sound card to interface with my sterio but it only works for OSS and with rhythmbox. VLC or the generic movie player do not play Audio. How do I correct this? | 05:30 |
paissad | hi all, is it possible to block updates for some packages so that "aptitude safe-upgrade " does not update those softwares ? | 05:30 |
Blue1 | aleksej: okay what type of card? hint lspci | grep Audio | 05:30 |
paissad | for example, i want no to receive anylonger update for the kernel ! | 05:30 |
futurama140 | Blue1: what kind of card are you running though? | 05:30 |
Blue1 | futurama140: VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430] (rev a2) | 05:31 |
rudolf_ | i want to learn with which topic i should begin? | 05:31 |
aleksej | Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02) | 05:31 |
Blue1 | rudolf_: good book -- linux in a nutshell | 05:31 |
futurama140 | Blue1: ah, thats probably why the older driver is working for yours then. i suppose ill just try various drivers until i find one that works, or something. | 05:32 |
paissad | is it possible to block updates for some packages so that "aptitude safe-upgrade " does not update those softwares ? | 05:32 |
Blue1 | aleksej: I have never dealt with HD so -- I can't help maybe someone else can | 05:32 |
jumbers | Is there any way to have Ubuntu stop remembering the programs that are open? I clicked Remember Current Applications once and now every time I start up, it opens the same things | 05:32 |
Blue1 | futurama140: sorry I couldn't be of more help - what card do you have? | 05:32 |
bastid_raZor | !pinning | paissad | 05:32 |
ubottu | paissad: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See | 05:32 |
futurama140 | Blue1: im trying to play several graphically intense games and bypassing the nvidia setup shit just didnt cut it when i tried it :/ | 05:32 |
Blue1 | futurama140: I am able to run compiz okay here... | 05:33 |
futurama140 | Blue1: im running a cheap geforce 210. | 05:33 |
nytek_ | Blue1: what netbook do you have? | 05:33 |
Blue1 | futurama140: you may need an older driver -- I don't know | 05:33 |
onetinsoldier | jumbers: do you mean every time you log in it has the same apps open as when you logged out? | 05:33 |
Blue1 | nytek_: acer aspire | 05:33 |
futurama140 | Blue1: i see a lot about compiz in the forums and such but i have no clue what it is. | 05:33 |
nytek_ | Blue1: how much do you enjoy it? | 05:33 |
Blue1 | nytek_: well I did write an article on it | 05:34 |
Blue1 | futurama140: I dunno put compiz into youtube and that should show you better then I can explain | 05:34 |
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nytek_ | Blue1: send me the link! | 05:34 |
Blue1 | nytek_: I'll send you the non ip one: | 05:35 |
Blue1 | nytek_: non internationalpress -- it can be a bit complicated | 05:35 |
futurama140 | Blue1: ok, well thanks for the help though, im sure i'll either figure it out or someone around here will get a mental click from something i say and know exactly how to fix it from experience lol. its all about the mental "click" | 05:35 |
nytek_ | Blue1: kk | 05:35 |
Blue1 | futurama140: best of luck - sorry I couldn't be of better assistance | 05:36 |
rudolf_ | blue1, i have got that book | 05:36 |
rudolf_ | and i will start with it from today only | 05:36 |
hiatus | What's futurama140's problem? | 05:37 |
aleksej | Blue1: Which model of Acer Aspire? | 05:37 |
Blue1 | rudolf_: it's a good place to start - but hey ask questions - that's what we're here for - ru currently running windows? | 05:37 |
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rudolf_ | yeah | 05:37 |
Blue1 | aleksej: I'm gonna say - d250 does that sound right? | 05:37 |
nytek_ | Blue1: im having some trouble with my headphone jack | 05:37 |
Blue1 | nytek_: I bought usb headphones... | 05:37 |
nytek_ | Blue1: :( | 05:37 |
rudolf_ | currently using i am totally a newbie | 05:38 |
nytek_ | Blue1: you couldnt find a fix? | 05:38 |
Blue1 | rudolf_: you may want to start with wubi - it's linux that runs under windows | 05:38 |
lavin | im having trouble hadding repo's do i just got to "software sources-other sources-add source-enter repo-reload" but nothing is happening | 05:38 |
aleksej | Blue1> d250? | 05:38 |
mkagan | Hi I'm having an issue reinstalling GRUB after windows wiped it out. I try running sudo grub from a live cd but it says its not installed | 05:38 |
Blue1 | nytek_: naw wanted to use it on my desktop too | 05:38 |
Blue1 | aleksej: let me look | 05:38 |
bastid_raZor | !fixgrub | mkagan | 05:39 |
ubottu | mkagan: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards. | 05:39 |
nytek_ | Blue1: my problem is that when i plug in my headphones it plays out both the speaker and the headphones | 05:39 |
rudolf_ | blue1, i also have fedora and ubuntu DVDs.....are they not suitable for me? | 05:39 |
aleksej | Blue1: At what? | 05:39 |
Blue1 | aleksej: yeah it just says d250 on it... | 05:40 |
aleksej | Blue1: It? | 05:40 |
Blue1 | aleksej: I stupidly opted for 2 g of ram - god forbid I should ever use that much ram - the acer aspire - my netbook | 05:41 |
c_nick | how to reset the path in ubuntu | 05:42 |
^Phantom^ | c_nick: <-- is that a good one? | 05:42 |
onetinsoldier | jumbers: hello. you still need help? i think i found it... | 05:42 |
jumbers | onetinsoldier: Sure, you found a solution? | 05:42 |
Aboba | Anyone have any ideas why my wireless is capping out at about 60kB/sec on a fresh install of 9.10 when I was getting 800kB/sec+ on 9.04? | 05:42 |
mkagan | bastid_raZor, so i take it its because im booting from a 9.10 cd? should i just boot from an 8.04 cd to run sudo grub? | 05:42 |
c_nick | ^Phantom^: maybe you have to try it out | 05:42 |
Skarpio | hi i have a problem with konversation, to open got an announcement that it had detected the sound hardware had been removed or something, I hit yes and now I hear no notice and if they are established, the sound hardware is properly connected, since all other pc sounds, music, videos can be heard to perfection ... someone can tell me how to configure the audio output to be used konversation? I use the gnome environment | 05:43 |
airtonix | Aboba, no idea but : assume you are in control of the access point ? | 05:43 |
Aboba | airtonix, correct | 05:43 |
Blue1 | Aboba: what type of wireless card? | 05:43 |
onetinsoldier | jumbers: i'm not certain if this is what you're looking for, but try here... System - Preferences --> Startup Applications --> Options tab | 05:43 |
Aboba | Blue1, PCI using rtl8180 driver | 05:44 |
jumbers | onetinsoldier: Well, I clicked that button and now it remembers the same applications every time | 05:44 |
tomatoes7 | what up geoff918? | 05:44 |
mkagan | anyone, is there a reason why grub isnt installed on a 9.10 live cd? | 05:44 |
Blue1 | Aboba: good support for that - dunno -- I had problems with my wireless on my netbook - had to backport | 05:44 |
onetinsoldier | jumbers: do you have the option 'Automatically remember running applications when logging out' checked? | 05:45 |
nyaa | awlright! I'm starting to build a computer and I want it to be compatible with at least ubuntu and maybe redhat too, where should I look? | 05:45 |
tomatoes7 | i got grub installed on my system from the 9.10 cd | 05:45 |
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bastid_raZor | mkagan: did you check the link ubottu sent you? | 05:45 |
^Phantom^ | k i'll try after this batch of files fin= | 05:45 |
jumbers | onetinsoldier: It's currently unchecked. It remembers what was running when I clicked that button about a week ago | 05:45 |
mkagan | tomatoes7, were you able to run sudo grub from a terminal while running a 9.10 livecd | 05:45 |
Blue1 | mkagan: the idea is that you can't mess up your install with the livecd | 05:45 |
onetinsoldier | jumbers: roger. hmmm, i'm not sure. i'll try to look a little more though | 05:46 |
Aboba | Blue1, Thanks | 05:46 |
^Phantom^ | OMG OMG OMG I was not remembering right. It was my 8GB SD card that got stoled, not my 8GB flash driv | 05:47 |
Blue1 | rudolf_: you can use what ever distro you like but wubi is a version of linux that runs under windows -- so you don't have to do anything complicated | 05:47 |
pauloricardoas | hi people | 05:47 |
indus | an installer | 05:47 |
rudolf_ | okies | 05:47 |
indus | not a version | 05:48 |
rudolf_ | i am going to download it now | 05:48 |
* ^Phantom^ hurries and copies the contents of the flash drive to this computer so he can make a live stick with it | 05:48 | |
AK|laptop | Anybody know of a Zork client for Linux? I'm searching around and can't find one. | 05:48 |
mkagan | bastid_raZor, it seems that in order to keep both bootloaders (i.e. dualboot) i need to run grub from a live cd | 05:48 |
Blue1 | rudolf_: do you need the link for wubi? | 05:48 |
onetinsoldier | jumbers: what about the 'Startup Programs' tab on that same little preference app i had you pull up. does your app show up in that tab? | 05:48 |
mkagan | which is what i cant seem to do as it is not there | 05:48 |
littlegirl | Hey there, my son just installed Karmic Koala 9.10 and is looking at for themes. He wants to know if he should use gtk 1.x or gtk 2.x themes. Is there a way to tell which gtk Ubuntu uses? | 05:48 |
rudolf_ | yeah. | 05:48 |
CAPcap | how do i make the grub2 menu open each time my computer boots? | 05:48 |
rudolf_ | give me please | 05:48 |
bastid_raZor | mkagan: you're not reading the page.. i do not see 'sudo grub' anywhere on the page linked | 05:48 |
Blue1 | rudolf_: hang just a sec | 05:48 |
indus | littlegirl, doesnt really matter i think | 05:48 |
rudolf_ | k | 05:48 |
jumbers | onetinsoldier: Negative | 05:48 |
onetinsoldier | jumbers: darn. roger | 05:49 |
^Phantom^ | I just happened to have downloaded the 9.10 livecd before the restart thing began, so I'll make a livestick with it and see if it also restarts without notice. | 05:49 |
littlegirl | indus: I hope not, but is there a way to find out if it does? | 05:49 |
indus | littlegirl, i think it only says that the theme used to come with older gtk | 05:49 |
Blue1 | rudolf_: | 05:49 |
indus | littlegirl, but just for info, ubuntu uses gtk 2 | 05:49 |
mkagan | bastid_raZor, under "preserving WIndows Bootloader" which is what I am trying to do | 05:49 |
jumbers | onetinsoldier: If all else fails, I'll close everything and click the button again | 05:49 |
rudolf_ | thanx | 05:49 |
tomatoes7 | geoff918, give me a sign that you are alive | 05:49 |
onetinsoldier | jumbers: good luck | 05:49 |
indus | littlegirl, well,just drag and drop the theme,and if it doesnt install ,its the wrong theme | 05:50 |
Geoff918 | I'm here | 05:50 |
Blue1 | rudolf_: if you have questions - come back | 05:50 |
rudolf_ | sure | 05:50 |
Ganymede | looks like karmic uses gtk 2.18.3 | 05:50 |
tomatoes7 | thank god | 05:50 |
littlegirl | indus: Thanks, hehe, that's a good way to find out. (: | 05:50 |
littlegirl | Ganymede: How did you find out? | 05:50 |
* littlegirl uses Kubuntu. | 05:50 | |
littlegirl | This is our first time with Ubuntu, and he's checking it out before me. (: | 05:51 |
^Phantom^ | c_nick: is there any way to make just a livecd partition on a usb stick? | 05:51 |
rudolf_ | blue1, the link you gave is reported to be broken | 05:51 |
mkagan | bastid_raZor, it says "Type grub which makes a GRUB prompt appear". When I do it on a 9.10 livecd it says it needs to be installed | 05:51 |
tomatoes7 | when does 10.4 get officially released? | 05:51 |
^Phantom^ | c_nick: ...or is it better to just use the entire stick? | 05:51 |
Geoff918 | April 29th, 2010 | 05:51 |
Aboba | What is the 9.10 equivilent of the 8.10 /grub/menu.lst? | 05:51 |
nyaa | what's a good place to see if ubuntu is compatible with certain motherboards etc? | 05:51 |
indus | nyaa, this is , but ubuntu works with almost all boards | 05:52 |
c_nick | ^Phantom^: usually its the entire stick | 05:52 |
littlegirl | nyaa: | 05:52 |
Geoff918 | Aboba: there really isn't an equivalent. What are you trying to accomplish? there are some items in a directory that have codes as to their precedence. If you want to turn something off, you can do so there with a chmod -x type command. | 05:52 |
nyaa | indus well I'm starting to plan out a desktop for moderate gaming and a ton of stupid experiments, I want to make sure it works well. is there a recommended board or? oh. | 05:52 |
sebsebseb | !grub2 | Aboba | 05:52 |
ubottu | Aboba: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 05:52 |
indus | nyaa, anything is recommended as far as its a good name brand | 05:53 |
airtonix | Aboba, just out of interests sake i looked in the directory : /etc/grub.d/ | 05:53 |
Aboba | Geoff918, I'm trying to add pci=nomsi to my boot automatically, since it is required to detect my sata hard drive | 05:53 |
bastid_raZor | mkagan: are you missing the previous step? | 05:53 |
littlegirl | indus: Anything but the ASRock K10N78M board which my son just installed. Apparently that board will not let him set up a static IP for his life. | 05:54 |
indus | littlegirl, thats not a board problem really | 05:54 |
airtonix | Aboba, the file : /etc/grub.d/xx_custom might interst you (replace xx with some unique number) | 05:54 |
littlegirl | indus: It's got built in ethernet. | 05:54 |
Geoff918 | Aboba: okay I'd have to research that one for you. The configuration is done automatically by the "update-grub" command. The output you'll see in the grub.cfg file or whatever it is (granted, I'm going off memory not having worked with it for some months) | 05:54 |
^Phantom^ | c_nick: k thx, i'll move the data off of it real quick...also I just noticed upon my second look at the image that it's a xubuntu 9.10 session...will that still work for what I want to do? | 05:54 |
Aboba | airtonix, yea I was just looking through those | 05:54 |
mkagan | bastid_raZor, the one that says boot from a cd? | 05:55 |
c_nick | yeah sure | 05:55 |
c_nick | Xubuntu Ubuntu Kubuntu all are nearly the same | 05:55 |
lolhalplz | Hey guys. | 05:55 |
LuksPartition | is 30c, or 86f a good temp for a hard-drive on ubuntu server? | 05:55 |
lolhalplz | Just wanted to say my problems are solved. | 05:55 |
c_nick | all you need is to backup your data.. just concentrate on that :) | 05:55 |
lolhalplz | Bye. | 05:55 |
airtonix | Aboba, looks fairly interesting to be honest... the whole setup seems to provide alot more oppurtunity for intersting things | 05:55 |
c_nick | then you can play around figuring whats what | 05:55 |
c_nick | Best of Luck | 05:56 |
airtonix | c_nick, you talking to someone in particular ? | 05:56 |
c_nick | yeah .. ^Phantom^ | 05:56 |
^Phantom^ | c_nick: thankies... | 05:57 |
=== zz_b0w is now known as b0w | ||
c_nick | welcome | 05:57 |
^Phantom^ | heh i'm also gonna go look in my bucket of burned cds and see if i don't just happen to have another livecd buried in there somewhere heh | 05:57 |
* airtonix wonders about the percentage of neglected support requests due to the difficulty of tracing a conversation | 05:57 | |
Aboba | Geoff918, You have to update the files in /etc/grub.d/ then run update-grub to rebuild your grub.cfg file | 05:58 |
^Phantom^ | liveusb is faster, though, isn't it? | 05:58 |
Geoff918 | Aboba: that's true, yeah | 05:58 |
^Phantom^ | oh sweet i have a 9.10 livecd | 05:59 |
* ^Phantom^ tries it | 05:59 | |
^Phantom^ | c_nick: i have a bucket full of burned cds that i just toss them into when i'm done using them, and it has like 50 or so in it | 06:00 |
c_nick | ^Phantom^: I think USB is faster.. but it should not make like a hugh difference.. | 06:00 |
c_nick | ^Phantom^: ok i hope u find what u r looking for in that bucket of urs | 06:01 |
rww | LiveUSB is much faster than LiveCD for me. | 06:02 |
^Phantom^ | c_nick: ...and the 7th cd i pulled out is a live 9.10 i made to try installing on an old dell, but the old dell sucks and it didn't work so i just tossed the cd in there. i hope it works | 06:02 |
Geoff918 | LiveUSB is WAY faster for me | 06:02 |
paissad | if i want not to upgrade anymore the kernel, which action should i do ? .. echo "linux-image-generic hold" | dpkg --set-selections OR echo "linux-image-generic-2.6.31-17 hold" | dpkg --set-selections ? | 06:03 |
c_nick | ^Phantom^: no problems.. it should work | 06:03 |
=== traveller_ is now known as traveller | ||
^Phantom^ | heh i hope so | 06:04 |
^Phantom^ | cause i do have one in that bucket that was a failed burn | 06:04 |
LuksPartition | is 30c, or 86f a good temp for a hard-drive on ubuntu server? | 06:04 |
Out_Cold | LuksPartition, i used to run at 50C | 06:05 |
onetinsoldier | paissad: you can use aptitude --> sudo aptitude hold <package_name> | 06:05 |
paissad | LuksPartition, 30°C is ok | 06:05 |
LuksPartition | Out_Cold: ok :-P | 06:05 |
Out_Cold | LuksPartition, just make sure there is airflow and all is good.. | 06:05 |
paissad | onetinsoldier, actually, i hesitate between the real package i should block .... linux-image-generic or linux-image-$VERSION-generic ? | 06:05 |
DaZ | 30 is cold >: | 06:05 |
=== user is now known as Guest65940 | ||
LuksPartition | Out_Cold: I put a fan in recently to help with that | 06:06 |
Out_Cold | LuksPartition, my tower box has 3 fans... 2 in/out 1 cpu | 06:06 |
onetinsoldier | paissad: probably both. you'll have to figure that out ;-) | 06:07 |
LuksPartition | Out_Cold: this machine has drives screwed in where the cd/dvd used to be so I put a fan in the front, not blowing on the disks but venting, and it seems to be working really well so far. | 06:07 |
Geoff918 | paissad: the generic is just the meta-package | 06:07 |
Out_Cold | LuksPartition, with 30C i'd say so | 06:07 |
paissad | Geoff918, and then ? ... i should block the linux-image-$version-generic ? | 06:07 |
Geoff918 | paissad: I'd just try both, the kernel should still be there regardless of update. It shouldn't just delete old kernels | 06:08 |
^Phantom^ | ooh that 9.10 loading bar is kinda cool looking :D | 06:08 |
LuksPartition | Out_Cold: yea, thats what hddtemp is telling me about the sata disk, its saying the ide has no sensor which im not sure if it does or not. | 06:08 |
Geoff918 | paissad: you may as well it really shouldn't hurt anything | 06:08 |
paissad | Geoff918, i did delete old kernels already, but i just don't want to upgrade anymore ! :) | 06:08 |
Out_Cold | LuksPartition, i remember an old windows app that used ide temp guages so i am pretty sure they are implemented. | 06:08 |
CAPcap |!?!?! | 06:09 |
CAPcap | how do i save and exit after that? | 06:09 |
Geoff918 | paissad: well, you're going about it correctly. You can do the pinning option, or you could just make sure you're not selecting the kernel packages on upgrade manually (I know, far less elegant) | 06:09 |
LuksPartition | Out_Cold: oh yea, hddtemp will show the temp of an ide drive, its just whether or not it has a sensor, and if it does whether or not the drive is in the database for hddtemp. | 06:09 |
Out_Cold | CAPcap, ctrl + x, y (yes) | 06:09 |
^Phantom^ | If this runs for a while without - | 06:09 |
CAPcap | thats Out_Cold | 06:10 |
LuksPartition | Out_Cold: thats what I gained from the manual anyway | 06:10 |
^Phantom^ | oh oh oh | 06:10 |
Out_Cold | CAPcap, ctrl + x, y (yes), enter ;) | 06:10 |
^Phantom^ | hey something i didn't know before | 06:10 |
Out_Cold | ^Phantom^, i always learn more from in here than i help... always something new, not used, unknown.. | 06:11 |
Out_Cold | ubottu is my study buddy ;) | 06:12 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 06:12 |
^Phantom^ | this livecd session has a little disk with an orange trangle containing a ! inside of it that says one or more disks are failing. | 06:12 |
Out_Cold | my unintelligent study buddy | 06:12 |
Out_Cold | ^Phantom^, may need to run fsck in terminal | 06:12 |
LuksPartition | ^Phantom^: is it a smart-status report ? | 06:12 |
robert__ | in the login session whats the difference between xubuntu desktop and xfce desktop besides how they look? | 06:13 |
Geoff918 | ^Phantom^: That's not so cool. It's usually pretty accurate, though. If you use Pamplimpsest you should be able to run a full scan and find out *what* is the status report actually complaining about | 06:14 |
Aboba | Anyone have any ideas why my wireless is capping out at about 60kB/sec on a fresh install of 9.10 when I was getting 800kB/sec+ on 9.04? | 06:15 |
^Phantom^ | It says the 120 GB Hard Disk (the internal one, not my ubuntu one) has many bad sectors in bold red lettering. Could that be the reason the machine keeps restarting? | 06:15 |
robert__ | in the login session whats the difference between xubuntu desktop and xfce desktop besides how they look? | 06:15 |
kinja-sheep | mr-not-so-rich. Go away. :( | 06:15 |
zen_master_soso | Out_Cold: back using xchat | 06:15 |
kinja-sheep | robert__: Not lot of differences in functionality, I would imagine. | 06:15 |
Out_Cold | kinja-sheep, in xchat and most other clients you can hide join/part messages | 06:16 |
DaZ | robert__: /etc/X11/sessions/ | 06:16 |
DaZ | and check it [; | 06:16 |
nascentmind | hi. When i upgraded from hardy to karmic there was a problem with adobe plugin and it is in an inconsistent state. how do i fix it? | 06:17 |
zen_master_soso | nascentmind, have you tried 'sudo apt-get --reinstall install [appname]'? | 06:17 |
Out_Cold | !flash | nascentmind, start here: | 06:17 |
ubottu | nascentmind, start here:: To install Flash see - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 06:17 |
kinja-sheep | Out_Cold: Yeah. I made a XChat theme so join/part are dark-gray on background is less annoying. All messages are white (ie convo). :) | 06:17 |
nascentmind | zen_master_soso, yes i have done that. | 06:17 |
kinja-sheep | s/background/black background | 06:17 |
nomnex | Help with permissions: How do I change recursively the folders perms in (default) "dwxr-xr-x" and the files inside the folders in (default) "-rw-r--r--" with one command? when I chmod -R, folders&files change | 06:18 |
nascentmind | zen_master_soso, it says dpkg: error processing flashplugin-nonfree (--remove):Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should reinstall it before attempting a removal. | 06:18 |
kinja-sheep | nomnex: Run a command for (inside). Then run another command (w/o recursive). | 06:19 |
zen_master_soso | nomnex, good one. had that before. try: chmod +d `find . -type f` | 06:19 |
Geoff918 | nomnex: are you sure you want to go recursive with something like that? I think I broke my ubuntu install 2 or 3 times the first couple months I was using it because of commands such as that | 06:19 |
rwhr | Hi everyone, I'm looking for an app that will help with basic stock control of a car clubs merchandise, can someone here help me or direct me to the correct channel? Thanks. | 06:19 |
nomnex | zen_master_soso, gotta try this. thanks | 06:19 |
Out_Cold | rwhr, like excel or different? | 06:20 |
Geoff918 | rwhr: stock control--such as a database? or what are you looking for? | 06:20 |
zen_master_soso | nomnex, find lists the files that match recursively, but you can limit the depth | 06:20 |
=== Kravlin_ is now known as kravlin | ||
nomnex | zen_master_soso, how do I limit depth? | 06:20 |
Flannel | meh? | 06:21 |
rww | Flannel: ur doin it rong :( | 06:21 |
nascentmind | zen_master_soso, any chance of a fix? | 06:21 |
zen_master_soso | nomnex, man find, i think it's --depth 1 | 06:21 |
kinja-sheep | Flannel: Thank you. :) | 06:21 |
rwhr | Yes and yes. I found an excel database template, but I need something out of the box that will work for me. I'm also running open office, but I couldn't find anything for that either. | 06:21 |
nomnex | zen_master_soso, thanks a bunch | 06:21 |
Flannel | kinja-sheep: Should've pinged #ubuntu-ops earlier :) | 06:21 |
zen_master_soso | nascentmind, Adobe flash is still giving me problems on my system. | 06:22 |
kinja-sheep | Flannel: should/could/would. Next time, buddy. :) | 06:22 |
^Phantom^ | Flannel, I doubt it's connection problems. | 06:22 |
DaZ | nomnex: chmod +x $(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d) | 06:22 |
nascentmind | zen_master_soso, well i just want to remove it from my system. it has broken my apt i guess. | 06:22 |
DaZ | imo works :f | 06:22 |
Geoff918 | rwhr: If you're looking for a good database setup, perhaps PostgreSQL? Of course, has Base which uses HSQL if you use the native server in it | 06:22 |
Out_Cold | rwhr, excel sheets work in open office, but you can create your own... or maybe find something that uses SQL | 06:22 |
^Phantom^ | That person is always getting the excess flood thing. I'll bet they're trying to spam somewhere... | 06:22 |
nascentmind | zen_master_soso, should i do a dpkg --remove packagename ? | 06:22 |
^Phantom^ | OH OH OH I now know that it's not my ubuntu install that's doing the restarts!!!! It just restarted while I was in the livecd session! I'm gonna pull out that internal drive and see if maybe that is what's making the system restart like it does. | 06:22 |
nomnex | DaZ, Nice, thanks | 06:23 |
zen_master_soso | nascentmind, don't know. sorry. | 06:23 |
rwhr | I'm not really up to speed in making a database which is why I thought that I'd try to find one already made. | 06:23 |
rww | ^Phantom^: or they're trying to join channels too quickly, which is much more likey. | 06:23 |
zen_master_soso | nascentmind, I'm going to have to dig into that soon, but I'm not looking forward to it. | 06:23 |
gheddy_zarc | what does hal do in ubuntu ? like with usb switches and dialers etc | 06:24 |
Out_Cold | there are irc scripts that auto-join when kicked/booted, maybe they are at work and it was left on.. | 06:24 |
nascentmind | zen_master_soso, how do i generally solve apt errors? | 06:24 |
Geoff918 | rwhr: Ah, okay. What sort of functionality do you need for basic stock control? Check-in, check-out? date-in, date-out? | 06:24 |
c_nick | even though i try to set the path via my Makefile.. it echos it on the terminal but does not properly set the path | 06:24 |
zen_master_soso | nascentmind, Wow. that's a BIG question, dontcha think? | 06:25 |
Out_Cold | nascentmind, /join #ubuntu :p | 06:25 |
nytek_ | crdlb: everything is working perfect now :D | 06:25 |
nytek_ | crdlb: thanks again | 06:25 |
phong_ | i'm having trouble.... | 06:25 |
phong_ | i can't boot windows anymoer | 06:25 |
rwhr | Just ID, Description, Stock Number, Supplier - Purchase price and sell price would be a bonus. And of course the ability to add and subtract stock. I'm half tempted to make a spreadsheet instead, it's just the reporting flexibility that I find nice in the databases. | 06:25 |
phong_ | how to fix my boot grub | 06:26 |
Out_Cold | !grub | 06:26 |
ubottu | grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards. | 06:26 |
Geoff918 | rwhr: that would be easy to do with a spreadsheet. Honestly, for something that basic, a single table in OOo Base would do fine | 06:26 |
phong_ | i have 1 hd and 2 partitions | 06:26 |
zen_master_soso | nascentmind, My current adobe flash problem has to do with the repository not being added correctly. it can't find the right package, even though the repository is listed! ARGHH! Wish I could help you more. | 06:26 |
nascentmind | zen_master_soso, oh i thought your adobe plugin was not working fine on your browser :) | 06:27 |
Geoff918 | rwhr: You wouldn't even need a relational database, though the ability to have a table listing the supplier's names and details could be really nice. | 06:27 |
phong_ | let say i have 1 hd of 250GB, 150 GB is for windows .....the remainning is swap area , / and /home ......why now that it boot into grub....when i select windows 7 from the list nothing boot | 06:27 |
phong_ | please help | 06:27 |
zen_master_soso | nascentmind, that is correct. But the browser plugin is still installed from a repository | 06:27 |
sjohnson | Q: how do I find out if i'm running 64bit, or 32-bit Ubuntu? | 06:28 |
^Phantom^ | Is it at all possible that it's that failing internal hard drive that's causing the random restarts? | 06:28 |
blakkheim | sjohnson: uname -m | 06:28 |
sjohnson | blakkheim: says i686 | 06:28 |
blakkheim | sjohnson: 32 | 06:28 |
zen_master_soso | nascentmind, did you download the .deb file, or are you installing from the repository over the internet? | 06:28 |
nascentmind | zen_master_soso, yes got that. but i thought yours was not a repo problem | 06:28 |
rwhr | OK, thanks... I'll try that and if all else fails I'll be back... As for the suppliers name, etc, I could always link that to another tab, etc... Thanks Geoff918 and Out_Cold - Sorry I can't reply the way you do, I was under the impression that I could type in the start of your alias and then press [Tab] but that didn't work... | 06:28 |
sjohnson | blakkheim: thanks | 06:28 |
Geoff918 | rwhr: You might try to set-up something basic in Base just because the whole interface is really intuitive and easy. You don't really need to understand anything about DBs in order to make one on the level you're talking about. Queries are easily pulled in the same manner (graphically) | 06:28 |
zen_master_soso | nascentmind, mine is a repo problem. | 06:29 |
nascentmind | zen_master_soso, it was installed previously. somehow when i did an upgrade everything worked fine except this. now i can't use the repo to install other packages until i fix this. | 06:29 |
nascentmind | zen_master_soso, i just want to yank this out of my repo. i can live without flash | 06:29 |
zen_master_soso | nascentmind, you can't use the repo? Why? is your sources.list messed up? | 06:29 |
TimReichhart | can somebody tell me how to update : DBI_DRIVER | 06:29 |
phong_ | helppppppppp | 06:29 |
nascentmind | zen_master_soso, it gives the error as i showed above | 06:29 |
zen_master_soso | nascentmind, I din't see that error | 06:30 |
Out_Cold | rwhr, the tab completion is client dependant. pidgin doesn't use it | 06:30 |
rwhr | Looks like ChatZilla doesn't either LOL | 06:31 |
SolarisBoy | my pidgin does it for xmpp | 06:31 |
Geoff918 | Out_Cold: Apparently Empathy does. Didn't know that one, but it's nice to know the tools I love on the CLI are available to me here :) | 06:31 |
nascentmind | zen_master_soso, E: flashplugin-nonfree: Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should reinstall it before attempting a removal. | 06:32 |
rwhr | Thanks again all, have fun with Ubuntu, I am :) | 06:32 |
zen_master_soso | nascentmind, ouch! | 06:32 |
^Phantom^ | oh, i just thought of something | 06:32 |
TimReichhart | can somebody tell me how to update : DBI_DRIVER anybody? | 06:32 |
holyguyver | I have no sound & under default mixer tracks it only gives me two options & both of them are null options. it was not like this 3 hours ago. I was playing music on Rythmabox & all of a sudden lost sound. | 06:32 |
nascentmind | zen_master_soso, yes. sigh! | 06:33 |
Out_Cold | Geoff918, tools carried over make irc a real treat for some... i know a lot of irc bots that use cli style commands | 06:33 |
nascentmind | zen_master_soso, the only option is to do a dpkg --remove i guess | 06:33 |
holyguyver | Please help | 06:33 |
zen_master_soso | nascentmind, I had a bad experience upgrading to Jaunty Jackalope. Ended up doing a fresh reinstall. | 06:33 |
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nascentmind | zen_master_soso, sigh! man it took me almost 9 hrs to go through this upgrade | 06:34 |
^Phantom^ | is it possible the usb port the linux drive is plugged into is going bad? | 06:34 |
holyguyver | Please help me | 06:34 |
holyguyver | I have no sound & under default mixer tracks it only gives me two options & both of them are null options. it was not like this 3 hours ago. I was playing music on Rythmabox & all of a sudden lost sound. | 06:34 |
zen_master_soso | nascentmind, back at you. I felt the same way. mine was a horribly screwed up X. | 06:34 |
Geoff918 | ^Phantom^: When you were talking about your problem earlier I was wondering if you were having an electrical problem | 06:35 |
holyguyver | !ubottu | 06:35 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 06:35 |
holyguyver | !help | 06:35 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 06:35 |
* [J]ustin - [ is back ] [ Been idle: 1day 1hr 44mins 30secs ] | 06:36 | |
holyguyver | I have no sound & under default mixer tracks it only gives me two options & both of them are null options. it was not like this 3 hours ago. I was playing music on Rythmabox & all of a sudden lost sound. | 06:36 |
^Phantom^ | Geoff918: i've been using the same port to boot ubuntu since october 2008, maybe that port is wearing out? | 06:36 |
^Phantom^ | i'm gonna try booting with it in a different port | 06:36 |
holyguyver | !sound | 06:37 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 06:37 |
zen_master_soso | ^Phantom^, ports last 10 years or more before wearing out | 06:37 |
Geoff918 | ^Phantom^: Well, it could be that, yes. I just saw someone's USB port go down recently | 06:37 |
^Phantom^ | or maybe it's this battery? | 06:37 |
zen_master_soso | I change my ssh port every few months. | 06:37 |
holyguyver | Fine then ubottu is my only helper | 06:37 |
^Phantom^ | linux tells me it may be old or broken every time it boots up | 06:37 |
Geoff918 | zen_master_soso: Well, an old HP of a friend of mine had a USB port die recently | 06:38 |
LuksPartition | if fsck says: recovering journal /dev/sda1: clean, 9423/19537920 files, 32231901/78142549 blocks mean fsck found anything wrong with the filesystem or no? | 06:38 |
faileas | nope | 06:39 |
zen_master_soso | LuksPartition, looks like a no | 06:39 |
^Phantom^ | maybe there's something the battery is doing that is shorting it out and causing the restarts? | 06:39 |
LuksPartition | zen_master_soso: aight thanks | 06:39 |
[J]ustin | !java | [J]ustin | 06:39 |
ubottu | [J]ustin, please see my private message | 06:39 |
zen_master_soso | absolute newbie IRC question: how do you gracefully leave a channel (without CONNECTION_RESET, or "Client Quit")? | 06:39 |
^Phantom^ | it's a battery from another laptop that is the same model, and i don't recall the system ever restarting unannounced before swapping the two | 06:40 |
Geoff918 | ^Phantom^: well, you're on a laptop I would assume then. Have you tried it plugged in constantly and see if the problem persists? | 06:40 |
kinja-sheep | zen_master_soso: /part #ubuntu | 06:40 |
^Phantom^ | it's always plugged in | 06:40 |
zen_master_soso | kinja-sheep, thanks. is there a way to set a parting message? | 06:41 |
kinja-sheep | zen_master_soso: /part #ubuntu Only if I have spent all of that money on the ropes instead | 06:41 |
faileas | lol | 06:41 |
^Phantom^ | Geoff918: ...especially since the inverter went bad and i am stuck using an external monitor now | 06:41 |
Geoff918 | ^Phantom^: Okay. Well, the battery shouldn't much matter then. Some laptops do require the battery, but others don't. My laptops don't care if the battery is in unless I pull the plug (obviously) | 06:41 |
kinja-sheep | zen_master_soso: Some IRC clients allows you to use parting messages (by default) on settings. | 06:42 |
zen_master_soso | kinja-sheep, just installed xchat an hour ago | 06:42 |
^Phantom^ | well, i'm running with the hdd in a different port now. | 06:43 |
[J]ustin | Whats a good IRC client? | 06:43 |
zen_master_soso | it's been a long time on IRC. I used to have a roommate that was addicted to mIRC. back in the day.... | 06:43 |
DNS777 | [J]ustin: konversation or kvirc | 06:44 |
kinja-sheep | [J]ustin: Irssi, weechat, Xchat, mIRC, Pidgin, Freenode Web-Based, Mibbit. | 06:44 |
DNS777 | [J]ustin: in my opinion ;) | 06:44 |
^Phantom^ | i'll keep an eye on the thing and see if it restarts itself while i'm on the different port | 06:44 |
faileas | [J]ustin: lostirc, konversation, xchat, irssi | 06:44 |
[J]ustin | XChat looks good | 06:44 |
^Phantom^ | thank you guys for putting up with me for however many hours i've been in here crying and complaining about my problem | 06:44 |
Geoff918 | ^Phantom^: it sounds a reasonable test | 06:44 |
faileas | xchat is the ubuntu default ;) | 06:44 |
holyguyver | I have no sound & under default mixer tracks it only gives me two options & both of them are null options. it was not like this 3 hours ago. I was playing music on Rythmabox & all of a sudden lost sound. | 06:45 |
^Phantom^ | i'm glad it's not the ubuntu install | 06:45 |
zen_master_soso | holyguyver, have you tried turning it off and turning it back on again? | 06:45 |
^Phantom^ | when i get a new laptop in the future, i can just plug this drive into it and boot and run ubuntu on there, right? | 06:45 |
holyguyver | Yes I have tried restarting pulse | 06:45 |
nytek_ | faileas: irssi should be the ubuntu default :) | 06:46 |
faileas | lol | 06:46 |
holyguyver | zen_master_soso, Yes I have tried restarting pulse | 06:46 |
faileas | nytek_: cli is not for everyone | 06:46 |
zen_master_soso | holyguyver, that was a sort of tongue-in-cheek question | 06:46 |
nytek_ | faileas: true. for some reason, it has a place in my heart | 06:46 |
holyguyver | Well it failed to be funny | 06:46 |
faileas | nytek_: for gui clients, i loke lostirc | 06:46 |
nytek_ | faileas: and especially on my netbook | 06:46 |
zen_master_soso | holyguyver, sorry. | 06:46 |
faileas | its lightweight, but... guiish | 06:46 |
[J]ustin | Can anyone show me a tutorial/help me on how to make my Ubuntu desktop have a static local IP address ( - Like disable the DCHP (not sure what its called) server | 06:46 |
zen_master_soso | holyguyver, seriously, I wish I could help you. | 06:47 |
holyguyver | zen_master_soso, so are you going to try & help me? | 06:47 |
nytek_ | faileas: im actually thinking about moving strictly to a tiling wm | 06:47 |
Geoff918 | ^Phantom^: Yeah, sure no reason why you shouldn't be able to | 06:47 |
^Phantom^ | Cool! | 06:47 |
^Phantom^ | Thank you much. | 06:47 |
faileas | nytek_: my spare box is openbox + cairodock . Its a nice mix of shininess ad low resource usage | 06:47 |
=== EagleWatch is now known as eaglewatch | ||
^Phantom^ | So far so good. | 06:47 |
faileas | *and | 06:48 |
nytek_ | faileas: im running xfce with about 6 terminals open between two desktops | 06:48 |
zen_master_soso | anyone have experience with AWB? | 06:48 |
=== DaZ_ is now known as Guest10583 | ||
^Phantom^ | I'm gonna up and do some things while the thing is running right now :D | 06:48 |
faileas | lol | 06:48 |
nytek_ | faileas: i rarely use gui apps now | 06:48 |
holyguyver | My only listed sound options are null, can someone help? | 06:48 |
nytek_ | faileas: its scarey.. lol | 06:48 |
faileas | nytek_: i use yakuake. about 4 tabs at the moment, but its cause i'm still not certain about my ipv6 setuo | 06:48 |
faileas | setup | 06:48 |
soreau | [J]ustin: Have you tried looking in Sys>Prefs>Network Connections? | 06:49 |
nytek_ | faileas: ahh, you're running kde? | 06:49 |
[J]ustin | Any way to do it via SSH? | 06:49 |
faileas | nytek_: kde on one box. if i were running gnome, i'd be using guake | 06:50 |
holyguyver | My system as of 3 hours ago is no longer detecting my soundcard. | 06:50 |
^Phantom^ | yay still running smooth | 06:50 |
^Phantom^ | about now is one of the common unannounced reboot moments | 06:50 |
becker_11 | I've just connected my new digi camera to my linux box how do I find the filesystem to mount it?? | 06:50 |
zen_master_soso | holyguyver, maybe the problem IS your soundcard. | 06:50 |
nytek_ | faileas: i say away from thoses wm's. i like lightweight and miminialistic things | 06:50 |
nytek_ | faileas: stay* | 06:51 |
faileas | nytek_: the other one runs openbox and guake ;p | 06:51 |
holyguyver | zen_master_soso, it has worked for the past 2 years with Ubuntu | 06:51 |
Jonathan_Glam | Hi. I'm currently (trying) to install Ubuntu 9.10 on my comp as dual boot (I have Windows 7 already installed). I initially made it so that I have two seperate partitions, one for windows and one planned for Ubuntu. I haven't touched that Ubuntu partition (ie: not formated or anything. Completely blank). When trying to install Ubuntu into that parition I get the following message: 'No root... | 06:51 |
Jonathan_Glam | ...file system defined. Please correct'. How could I go about doing this? Is there a good online guide? Thanks | 06:51 |
Geoff918 | ^Phantom^: Good, good. It's late where I am, I've got to get to bed. I hope this works out for you. :) | 06:51 |
nytek_ | faileas: but, if i had a desktop, i would definitely run gnome or kde | 06:51 |
nytek_ | faileas: :) | 06:51 |
Duskao | can anyone help me install kde-cdemu from | 06:51 |
zen_master_soso | holyguyver, I usually have a dual-boot win/linux setup. Can you boot into another os and check it? How about the live CD? | 06:51 |
Duskao | | 06:51 |
Duskao | I know I'm talking about kubuntu stuff, but the #kubuntu seems to be AFK | 06:52 |
holyguyver | No I cannot boot into a differant OS I have been using Linux as my only OS for the past 6 years (but only owned this computer for 2 years) | 06:52 |
zen_master_soso | Jonathan_Glam, You can't boot your computer from your hard drive until you have finished the ubuntu install | 06:52 |
faileas | nytek_: 'spare' box is a Pentium M banias 1.5. 256mb ram, 4 gb flashdrive for boot. most netbooks are more powerful. | 06:52 |
holyguyver | zen_master_soso, No I cannot boot into a differant OS I have been using Linux as my only OS for the past 6 years (but only owned this computer for 2 years) | 06:52 |
zen_master_soso | holyguyver, seriously, try booting from a cd/ | 06:52 |
soreau | [J]ustin: ifconfig <interface> <IP> | 06:52 |
nytek_ | faileas: yeah lol, thats a pretty old machine.. but the beauty about linux is that it can run on an machine. | 06:53 |
faileas | nytek_: lol. my server is a piii 450 | 06:53 |
holyguyver | zen_master_soso, so you are suggesting ym soundcard may have died? | 06:53 |
faileas | 640 mb ram | 06:53 |
Jonathan_Glam | zen_master_soso: I cancelled the install process to switch to Windows to ask about this. I won't let me install at all. Says I have to define the root file system. How do I do that? | 06:53 |
nytek_ | faileas: lol, i have a lenovo s10e netbook and a acer aspire 5100. | 06:53 |
faileas | could run kde or gnome if i swapped the video card i think | 06:53 |
zen_master_soso | holyguyver, at least rule out hardware problems. it could be something as simple as cleaning the card edge connector. | 06:53 |
nytek_ | faileas: my acer is running win7 for horrible vb programming. damn university | 06:53 |
holyguyver | zen_master_soso, I no nothing about hardware, I am a software guy only. | 06:54 |
zen_master_soso | Jonathan_Glam, you're saying that the install CD won't run at all? | 06:54 |
Duskao | change your bios so it boots to cd first. | 06:54 |
holyguyver | zen_master_soso, I don't even exactly know what a soundcard is physicalled, I only know what it is software wise. | 06:55 |
zen_master_soso | holyguyver, well, if it works with the Ubunjtu LiveCD, then you know for sure that you don't have a hardware problem | 06:55 |
amites | Is there anyway to revert packages after running upgrade all through the synaptic package manager? | 06:55 |
faileas | nytek_: that's a 10 year old, second hand box. still has all its teeth ;p. only things i changed were the hard drive (i have quite a few at the moment) and the psu (which exploded) | 06:55 |
Jonathan_Glam | zen_master_soso: No not at all. Sorry I didn't make myself clear. What I'm say is that when I try to install it (I go through the steps) and I ask it to install to that seperate parition that I have left for the intention of Ubuntu it asks me to have defined the root file system. How do I do so? | 06:55 |
turtle^s0up | hi all | 06:55 |
Duskao | please is there anyone that can help me? | 06:55 |
turtle^s0up | is the Kubuntu plasma indicator widget important? can i remove it and have KDE's notification applet do it's job? | 06:55 |
nytek_ | faileas: lol, i love the fact that unix is still going strong. the community keeps it alive. | 06:55 |
amites | Duskao: asking intelligent questions is 90% of the answer | 06:56 |
holyguyver | zen_master_soso, lets pretend that we know it is not a failed soundcard, can you simply tell me to bash script to have it re-load my soundcards? | 06:56 |
zen_master_soso | Jonathan_Glam, This is a dual boot system which will still boot into Windows? | 06:56 |
Duskao | can anyone help me install kde-cdemu from | 06:56 |
Duskao | | 06:56 |
nytek_ | faileas: its the only os that can run any hardware | 06:56 |
zen_master_soso | holyguyver, no, I'm sorry but I don't know. | 06:56 |
nytek_ | faileas: and everything that is done for these machines are done for free! open source ftw! | 06:56 |
Duskao | amites how is my question not intelligent? I'm new to cmake/make stuff and would like help with it. | 06:56 |
nytek_ | Duskao: it has instructions, follow them. | 06:57 |
Jonathan_Glam | zen_master_soso: Not yet. I am yet to install Ubuntu. I have Windows7 running and I have a seperate partition created into which I want to install Ubuntu 9.10 (so that it doesn't overide my Windows install that I need for some specific work jobs) | 06:57 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: i think you can use this PPA: | 06:57 |
holyguyver | Zen_Okay my sound is working again, I fixed it | 06:57 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: actually use this instead: | 06:57 |
amites | Duskao: Your first question was "can anyone help me" | 06:57 |
holyguyver | zen_master_soso, Okay my sound is working again, I fixed it. | 06:58 |
zen_master_soso | holyguyver, man I'm sorry I couldn't help. What was the problem? | 06:58 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: the second link seems more dedicated to CDEmu | 06:58 |
Duskao | amites that was not my first question, scroll up farther. | 06:58 |
becker_11 | how do I know where in the /dev folder my digital camera would be located ?? | 06:58 |
holyguyver | zen_master_soso, I do not know what the problem was, but the salution was "sudo alsa force-reload | 06:58 |
holyguyver | " | 06:58 |
Duskao | turtle, yeah I already have the cdemu ppa in my repos, just trying to get the gui up and running, and getting errors. | 06:58 |
holyguyver | zen_master_soso, I tried every bash cammand until I found one that wrked :p | 06:59 |
zen_master_soso | Jonathan_Glam, the partition manager should do the trick at that point in the install. | 06:59 |
Duskao | one sec, I'll have it up | 06:59 |
becker_11 | how do I know where in the /dev folder my digital camera would be located ?? please | 06:59 |
amites | Duskao: my apologies, haven't been in this room to long | 06:59 |
zen_master_soso | holyguyver, that's a good fix. nice to know that alsa has a "force-reload" command | 07:00 |
Duskao | | 07:00 |
pbtraveller | hi, can anyone help me with a problem related to a corrupted filesystem? I have turned on file encryption during installation. After writing docs to it via windows ubuntu doesn't boot up anymore. fsck suggests to be run manually; boot fails with modprobe:Fatal: Error inserting padlock_sha ... | 07:00 |
=== Out_Cold is now known as Guest26157 | ||
Jonathan_Glam | zen_master_soso: Hmm. So it should be automatic? I'll give it another shot, if it doesn't work I'll come back. Thanks for your help! | 07:00 |
zen_master_soso | Jonathan_Glam, be careful | 07:00 |
holyguyver | zen_master_soso, have a good night. | 07:01 |
chakrit | In UNR 9.10 since there're no longer desktop-switcher package, what do I use instead? | 07:01 |
Jonathan_Glam | zen_master_soso: I will. THanks | 07:01 |
zen_master_soso | Jonathan_Glam, the partition manager could wipe your system. | 07:01 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: do you have the "build-essential" package installed? | 07:01 |
zen_master_soso | Does anyone know how to make minor adjustments to gnome themes? | 07:02 |
Duskao | that could be the problem, I don't believe I do | 07:02 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: you need build-essential to compile | 07:02 |
zen_master_soso | I'm gettting too used to being able to fix annoyances on my favorite websites using Stylist. Fluxbox is incredibly easy to style. How do you get started styling gnome? | 07:03 |
Duskao | actually, yeah I do | 07:03 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: still gives you the message? | 07:03 |
[J]ustin | !chmod | 07:03 |
ubottu | An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at | 07:03 |
Duskao | yep, I'll remove and reinstall it | 07:03 |
yadi | cew_cri tmn | 07:04 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: try reading the Readme file that comes with the source. it sometimes tells you what packages you need exactly to compile the software | 07:04 |
zen_master_soso | How hard to tweak Gnome themes? Anyone ever play with themes? | 07:05 |
airtonix | zen_master_soso, they are xml based... | 07:05 |
Duskao | he actually doesn't have a readme with it, just the instructions on the web page. | 07:05 |
zen_master_soso | And does anyone know how to turn the title bar off in openbox or fluxbox? I'm trying to make a "Google Chrome Kiosk" build. Absolutely minimal - just network and browser. | 07:06 |
airtonix | !who > Duskao | 07:06 |
ubottu | Duskao, please see my private message | 07:06 |
zen_master_soso | airtonix, after editing the xml, does it need to be compiled? | 07:06 |
airtonix | zen_master_soso, you don't compile. | 07:06 |
zen_master_soso | airtonix, didn't know that. I know where I'll be poking around when I get home tomight. ;) | 07:07 |
ethzero | anyone good with bash scripting here/ | 07:07 |
ethzero | ? | 07:07 |
airtonix | zen_master_soso, simply change back and forth between another theme to reload your changes | 07:07 |
=== keith_ is now known as kbuel | ||
Duskao | turtle^s0up: did you check my pastebin before? | 07:08 |
GoSox | how can I tell what version of KDE i'm using on this system? | 07:08 |
[J]ustin | Is their a way to get the 'no-ip' application on Ubuntu? | 07:08 |
zen_master_soso | airtonix, that sounds pretty simple | 07:08 |
kinja-sheep | [J]ustin: aptitude search noip | 07:08 |
airtonix | zen_master_soso, wait till you try to get an api of the theme settings... | 07:08 |
bullgard | Launchpad reports: "Our edge server has a lower timeout threshold than launchpad, so we can catch those before they hit a wider audience." -- What is an "edge server" | 07:09 |
Flannel | bullgard: edge is the development LP server | 07:09 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao, yes, try installing "libphonon-dev" | 07:09 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: it seems like you're missing the dependency | 07:09 |
Serraphyn | Hey guys, I was hoping maybe you guys could help me with some stuff in ubuntu. I want to learn to do development in linux like I used to do in windows. I've work with Vb3-vb6 and some .net(not much tbh) some very minor java stuff, to much php(is there such a thing) and if anyone remembers Clarion I used to build DB apps in it. So anyone got an idea of an IDE or some set of tools that I could start learning to develop visual applications for linux w | 07:09 |
Serraphyn | ith? | 07:09 |
zen_master_soso | GoSox, in Gnome, you can find that info in the System monitor applet - the thing that shows your CPU usage. It's on the first tab. Don't know about KDE. Look around. | 07:09 |
GoSox | i assume i'm in KDE | 07:10 |
kinja-sheep | !ide | Serraphyn | 07:10 |
ubottu | Serraphyn: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, QtCreator | 07:10 |
kinja-sheep | !develop | Serraphyn | 07:10 |
ubottu | Serraphyn: Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: | 07:10 |
awk | hi, hmm, want to use dpkg to --remove but without deps... something like dpkg --remove blah --no-depends | 07:10 |
Duskao | turtle^s0up: still nothing... | 07:10 |
[J]ustin | Is there a way I ca view my Ubuntu desktop from a remote location? | 07:10 |
luckymurali | Hi to all | 07:11 |
airtonix | [J]ustin, yes | 07:11 |
kinja-sheep | [J]ustin: VNC, maybe? Personally, ssh is more than enough for me. | 07:11 |
Diverdude | d | 07:11 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: you still get the same message? | 07:11 |
[J]ustin | Can I set it up via SSH? | 07:11 |
zen_master_soso | [J]ustin, install X11vnc on the server. then VNC viewer on the client. | 07:11 |
Duskao | turtle^s0up: yaeh | 07:11 |
luckymurali | how can i list the files with its size and word count of each file | 07:11 |
chakrit | How to get back classic Ubuntu desktop in a Netbook Remix install? | 07:11 |
bullgard | Flannel: Hm. What is meant by the phrase: "so we can catch those before they hit a wider audience."? | 07:12 |
faileas | chakrit: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 07:12 |
faileas | then select it from the login manager | 07:12 |
[J]ustin | E: Couldn't find package X11vnc | 07:12 |
Duskao | turtle^s0up: | 07:13 |
Flannel | bullgard: They're trying to catch issues before they get moved from the development platform to the general public | 07:13 |
chakrit | faileas: oh... ok thx.. was expecting a replacement for desktop-switcher | 07:13 |
zen_master_soso | [J]ustin, lowercase "x" | 07:13 |
Serraphyn | thanks for all the links, I would prefer personal reviews but I will look at those | 07:13 |
Diverdude | It happens more and more often that my ubuntu system breaks it is decaying.... What happens is that the window-decorator fails, so that i cannot move any of my windows. In order to fix it i have to open a terminal and run > gtk-window-decorator --replace& and then it works fine again....This is however really annoying, and i dont know why it just happens now and then...and the frequency for the event increases i think. What mi | 07:13 |
Diverdude | ght be wrong with my system? | 07:13 |
kinja-sheep | chakrit: iirc desktop-switcher was broken. | 07:13 |
airtonix | [J]ustin, just so you are aware ... vnc alone wont let you transfer and work with files locally | 07:14 |
chakrit | kinja-sheep: and no longer available in 9.10 .. yup | 07:14 |
[J]ustin | I just need to be able to view the desktop | 07:14 |
kinja-sheep | chakrit: I'd suggest for you to decide which layout you want and stick with it. | 07:14 |
zen_master_soso | [J]ustin, x11vnc does it for me | 07:14 |
[J]ustin | Yeah, I just need to setup user accounts ect | 07:15 |
xangua | Diverdude: open gconf-editor ; in /desktop/gnome/session/required_components, what value has 'windowmanager' ¿ | 07:15 |
[J]ustin | (to lazy to walk to my room) | 07:15 |
airtonix | [J]ustin, yep then vnc is the one: it is merely a 'video network connection' | 07:15 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: you can try searching for "FindKDE4.make" | 07:15 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: make sure you have it installed | 07:15 |
luckymurali | how to list the file size and word count of each file | 07:15 |
luckymurali | please give me an idea | 07:16 |
bullgard | Flannel: I am tempted to swaer. I have prepared a bug report in Launchpad. I took me more than one hour. And now I only read: "Sorry, something went wrong in Launchpad." | 07:16 |
zen_master_soso | [J]ustin, this is your challenge. Do it all from ssh! DO EEEET! | 07:16 |
chakrit | kinja-sheep: ok, thx for the suggestion :) | 07:16 |
bullgard | s/I/It/ | 07:16 |
[J]ustin | Unable to connect to host: connection refused | 07:16 |
[J]ustin | :( | 07:16 |
kinja-sheep | luckymurali: wc --help | 07:16 |
Flannel | bullgard: You shouldn't be using the development server (no one should be) | 07:16 |
Diverdude | xangua, it has the value compiz | 07:16 |
zen_master_soso | [J]ustin, `gimme your IP address and I'll have that fixed for you. ;) | 07:17 |
luckymurali | kinja-sheep ,thanks | 07:17 |
nascentmind | zen_master_soso, i tried this and it seems to be working for me | 07:17 |
nascentmind | zen_master_soso, maybe that can help you. | 07:17 |
Duskao | turtle^s0up: how would I do that, is there a command for it? | 07:17 |
[J]ustin | No thanks. Im not opening the VNC port | 07:17 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: run "apt-file search FindKDE4.make" | 07:17 |
xangua | Diverdude: it should be: gnome-wm | 07:17 |
turtle^s0up | or use locate | 07:18 |
zen_master_soso | [J]ustin, j/k | 07:18 |
Diverdude | xangua, aha i that the reason? | 07:18 |
faileas | eww, vnc | 07:18 |
* faileas prefers nx over that | 07:18 | |
xangua | Diverdude: that's the default value, so maybe yes | 07:18 |
surgy | kjjjl; | 07:18 |
[J]ustin | Anyway, how would I be able to make the user account 'daniel' only able to view his /home/daniel/ files? (via SFPT) | 07:18 |
surgy | <surgy> whats the terminal command to configure wine | 07:18 |
zen_master_soso | nascentmind, Thank you. I'll check this out. | 07:18 |
Diverdude | xangua, okay, i have changed it....does it take effect immidietly or should i restart or what? | 07:18 |
bullgard | Flannel: I entered Launchpad normally. I did not intend to use the development server. I was guided (or should I say "diverted"?) to this server. | 07:18 |
rileyp | hey | 07:20 |
Jonathan_Glam | Hi. I'm still having a problem with installing ubuntu dual boot. When installing, if I try change the partition I'm installing into, what do I do for the following options: Use as? (do I do ext4), Mount Port? and should i format even if it has nothing on it | 07:20 |
Duskao | turtle^s0up: it just returned nothing. | 07:20 |
Diverdude | xangua, ? | 07:20 |
rileyp | how can I disable mouse during suspend suspend works fine | 07:20 |
Duskao | turtle^s0up: same as pressing "enter" | 07:20 |
indus | Jonathan_Glam, use ext3 and mount point ; | 07:20 |
indus | Jonathan_Glam, use ext3 and mount point / | 07:21 |
zen_master_soso | Jonathan_Glam, use ReiserFS. | 07:21 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: that means you don't have the dependency | 07:21 |
indus | Jonathan_Glam, use ext3 and mount point / , and if you have one more partition, you can also use /home as another mount point | 07:21 |
rileyp | mouse is getting knocked during suspend and waking pc | 07:21 |
Duskao | so the dependency is FindKDE4.make? | 07:21 |
indus | Jonathan_Glam, ext3 and ext 4 are the default file systems for ubuntu | 07:21 |
Jonathan_Glam | indus: it's Ubuntu 9.10. Isn't Ext4 meant to be better? I have other paritions for Windows | 07:21 |
zen_master_soso | If I was doing a clean install, I'd use ReiserFS instead of ext3 - especially if you need the disk space. | 07:21 |
zen_master_soso | etx3 is the default. | 07:21 |
indus | Jonathan_Glam, yes suere you can use ext4 | 07:21 |
Duskao | turtle^s0up: so the dependency is FindKDE4.make? | 07:22 |
rileyp | i need usb0 enabled so remote can wake pc | 07:22 |
Jonathan_Glam | zen_master_soso: it's not a fresh install dual book | 07:22 |
Jonathan_Glam | indus: ok. so just to reiterate: Ext4 as the file system and mount point / if that is where I want all of Ubuntu to be installed into? | 07:22 |
nomad77 | bullgard: try checking your browser cache,maybe? | 07:22 |
zen_master_soso | Jonathan_Glam, it's fresh Ubuntu on an existing Windows machine, no? | 07:22 |
indus | Jonathan_Glam,i hope that partition is empty | 07:22 |
Jonathan_Glam | zen_master_soso: yes | 07:22 |
Jonathan_Glam | indus: yes it's a seperate hard drive (physically) and I left it as such specifically to install Ubuntu later | 07:23 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: install "cmake-data" | 07:23 |
Jonathan_Glam | indus: when installing windows I made sure it didn't install it at all | 07:23 |
indus | Jonathan_Glam, do you have another empty partition created? then you can do two mount points, / and /home | 07:23 |
bullgard | nomad77: For what should I check it? | 07:23 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: it seems like that's where your missing dependency is at | 07:23 |
rileyp | and another for .swap | 07:23 |
Duskao | turtle^s0up: already got it.... | 07:23 |
indus | Jonathan_Glam, /home on separate partition is good idea in case you need to recover stuff in case of a crash | 07:23 |
Jonathan_Glam | indus: No. I just have one other partition made. It's huge (60gig) so I'm looking ot have all of ubuntu into it | 07:24 |
skdud | i dont know what you guys have against microsoft, when you use their software you accomplish the impossible every day | 07:24 |
nomad77 | bullgard: your bug-report?,maybe i misunderstood. | 07:24 |
indus | Jonathan_Glam,ok no problem, just use / and dont forget swap | 07:24 |
Jonathan_Glam | indus: but can i have them all together? Because i sync online anyway, so crash isn't to bad (just a pain) | 07:24 |
zen_master_soso | Jonathan_Glam, the Ubuntu installer is not going to wipe your Windows partition unless you tell it to. It will tell you which partitions it will format, so you have a last chance to double check. | 07:24 |
Jonathan_Glam | indus: what's the swap? | 07:24 |
indus | Jonathan_Glam, /swap is compulsory | 07:24 |
bullgard | nomad77: Do you consider that I will find my lost bug report there? | 07:24 |
indus | Jonathan_Glam, create a small partition of around 1 gb for this, swap is like a virtual memory thing is needed | 07:25 |
Jonathan_Glam | zen_master_soso: it wants me to manually do it because it says if I do automatic it will remove the windows launcher | 07:25 |
Jonathan_Glam | indus: ah ok | 07:25 |
rileyp | go read a guide on how to install ubuntu or how to dual boot | 07:25 |
rileyp | they are everywher | 07:25 |
zen_master_soso | indus, i don't think swap space is compulsory. | 07:25 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: try the package "kdelibs5-dev" | 07:25 |
rileyp | and stop wasting peoples time here | 07:25 |
Jonathan_Glam | rileyp: yes but many aren't for windows7 and many are fairly dodgy | 07:25 |
indus | zen_master_soso, it is absolutely | 07:25 |
zen_master_soso | Jonathan_Glam, but you should have a separate swap partition the same size as your RAM | 07:25 |
rileyp | crap | 07:25 |
Myrtti | rileyp: behave | 07:25 |
zen_master_soso | indus, never tested that. always had a swap partition | 07:25 |
Duskao | turtle^s0up: installing | 07:25 |
Duskao | turtle^s0up: how do you know the dependencies for this? is it just common knowlege? | 07:26 |
Seaan | Anyone know a helpful web site to setting up the client computer after you set up a server? | 07:26 |
indus | zen_master_soso, well its not recommened way, system has severe trouble shutting down, hibernate and lot of other issues | 07:26 |
Jonathan_Glam | zen_master_soso, indus: ok I'll create a swap partition of about two gig? And I'll mount that as /swap? | 07:26 |
indus | Jonathan_Glam, yes ! | 07:26 |
rileyp | so create 3 partitions on your spare hard drive /swap 2gig / 15 gig and /home whatever is left | 07:26 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: just search the repositories | 07:26 |
Jonathan_Glam | and then I make a main one with just / as my mount point? | 07:27 |
zen_master_soso | Jonathan_Glam, don't worry too much. Ubuntu will install the GRUB boot loader on the first partition (prob /dev/sda1). Windows will boot up thinking it's the only os on the drive. And yes on the swap partition! | 07:27 |
indus | Jonathan_Glam, so then, 58 gb will be / and the rest will be the swap partition | 07:27 |
Duskao | that may have done it. | 07:27 |
rileyp | nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo | 07:27 |
zen_master_soso | Jonathan_Glam, yes on main part "/' | 07:27 |
indus | Jonathan_Glam, yes, also do remember to tick the format option for / | 07:27 |
Duskao | turtle^s0up: that may have done it. | 07:27 |
Jonathan_Glam | alright awesome. I'll do it. Thanks again indus and zen_master_soso | 07:27 |
rileyp | read my post above | 07:27 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: good job! | 07:27 |
rileyp | 15 gig for / 2gig for swap and whatever is left for /home | 07:28 |
Duskao | turtle^s0up: pffft, good job to you lol. You did all of it. Thanks | 07:28 |
nomad77 | bullgard: well it was a web form. so i'd look there, just to be safe. try the cache-viewer extension. or not. just an idea. | 07:28 |
turtle^s0up | np | 07:28 |
zen_master_soso | Jonathan_Glam, I like rileyp | 07:28 |
zen_master_soso | 's advice | 07:28 |
turtle^s0up | now lets see if i get some karma back and my question answered | 07:28 |
Duskao | turtle^s0up: crap, new error lol | 07:28 |
zen_master_soso | Jonathan_Glam, 15gb for / is more than enough. Keeping your / and /home separate is actually a very good idea. | 07:29 |
ktekx | can anybody send me a file to test my DCC? thanks | 07:29 |
rileyp | help with mouse disabling moise during suspend pleeeeeeeeeeease | 07:29 |
rileyp | mouse | 07:29 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: what is the error? | 07:29 |
Duskao | turtle^s0up: never mind, just didn't run as root. | 07:29 |
rileyp | it wakes pc during suspend | 07:30 |
rileyp | and i need usb enabled so remote can | 07:30 |
Duskao | turtle^s0up: it works fine thanks again. | 07:30 |
turtle^s0up | np | 07:31 |
rileyp | anyone.......? | 07:31 |
s3r1alk1ll3r_ | привет | 07:31 |
zen_master_soso | rileyp: that's a good one. there's scripts in /etc/event.d that you can hook into to disable your mouse | 07:31 |
nomad77 | !ru | s3r1alk1ll3r_ | 07:31 |
ubottu | s3r1alk1ll3r_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 07:31 |
rileyp | ill have a look thanks | 07:31 |
zen_master_soso | rileyp, don't know of a command to disable / enable the mouse, though :( | 07:32 |
Seaan | Question - in order to set up the client side computer you have to do the SQL settings right? | 07:33 |
Rishab_ | Seaan whats ur req ?? | 07:34 |
Seaan | Like im just trying to understand how to setup a server... I get the concept of setting up the server side and all the permissions but after that how to you get the client side computer to connect and make to log in type stuff | 07:35 |
Seaan | im in the planning stages atm lol | 07:35 |
Jonathan_Glam | Hi sorry. But is it possible for me to create a swap space after I've installed ubuntu? | 07:35 |
Jonathan_Glam | just looking at: | 07:35 |
ouyes | "Ping timeout: -1430 years" very funny | 07:36 |
Flannel | Seaan: What sort of server? | 07:36 |
Myrtti | Jonathan_Glam: yes, but it's more difficult | 07:36 |
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Jonathan_Glam | Because I can't seem to get it to create a swap file out of my partition that I've made for Ubuntu. So maybe if I install it there then create a swap space? | 07:36 |
Seaan | file server | 07:36 |
faileas | Jonathan_Glam: swap files and swap partitions are different | 07:36 |
* faileas has a swap file right now ;p | 07:37 | |
rileyp | delete the partition and create 3 parttions like we ssaid | 07:37 |
Flannel | Seaan: For personal use? or public consumption or what? | 07:37 |
ouyes | are there any tools to test the stability of the UBUNTU OS, conky is any a monitor tool | 07:37 |
Jonathan_Glam | Myrtti: kk. Just I have this partition /sda3. How do I make the partition manager create a swap space with just two gig | 07:37 |
Seaan | personal | 07:37 |
rileyp | you need to redo part manager | 07:37 |
rileyp | start again | 07:37 |
rileyp | create 3 parttions | 07:38 |
Flannel | Seaan: The easiest way to set it up is to use sftp, On the server you install openssh-server, and then on the client you use [almost any client] and it works just like ftp. (Most GUI ftp clients also do sftp, etc) | 07:38 |
Jonathan_Glam | i created this partition ages ago when i installed windows. SO i can't realy sart gain | 07:38 |
Myrtti | !who | rileyp | 07:38 |
ubottu | rileyp: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 07:38 |
rileyp | isnt it a seperate hard drive | 07:38 |
rileyp | ubottu ok | 07:39 |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 07:39 |
geirha | Jonathan_Glam: Boot ubuntu livecd, run gparted, create a swap partition, reboot into system, add the swap to /etc/fstab | 07:39 |
Seaan | And so that would make it to where when I boot up the pc i would have to log in type thing? | 07:39 |
Jonathan_Glam | geirha: is there a guide online on how to do that so i can follow? on livecd now | 07:40 |
geirha | Jonathan_Glam: The partition you were talking about, is that a swap partition? | 07:40 |
Myrtti | Jonathan_Glam: if you have the sda3 and its a whole harddrive, you can further partition it in the installer | 07:41 |
geirha | Jonathan_Glam: A generic guide to partitioning here: | 07:41 |
PrototypeX29A | hi | 07:42 |
Jonathan_Glam | geirha: ok. So If i use GParted to format my sda3 (the Ubuntu one) to ext4. Then If I further divide it and make a seperate one for swap (which file type?) would that work? | 07:43 |
obiwan_ | morning! | 07:43 |
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Myrtti | Jonathan_Glam: you need to go back a step from the dialog in which you pick the partition type and mount point to where you picked which partition to use and further partition that there | 07:43 |
obiwan_ | (gmt+1 hehe) | 07:43 |
EastDallas | Seaan: Are the client and server machine both going to be on the same local network? | 07:43 |
PrototypeX29A | i just experienced that my route table was missing an routing entry. i had to add it via "route" command, so that my internet request would be routed to my local gateway. I didn't change my network settings for weeks, why is the entry suddenly missing? | 07:44 |
Myrtti | Jonathan_Glam: given that you want to do it while in the installer | 07:44 |
zen_master_soso | rileyp, did you get an answer? | 07:44 |
=== PeterJoseph is now known as DNS777 | ||
mayasaryy | ada orang indonesia gak? | 07:45 |
geirha | Jonathan_Glam: You don't need to wipe your current install (sda3). Just resize it to make 2Gig free, then create a swap partition (choose swap instead of ext4 when creating it) in the free space | 07:45 |
Myrtti | !id | mayasaryy | 07:46 |
ubottu | mayasaryy: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia | 07:46 |
geirha | Jonathan_Glam: Do back up important data before doing anything with the partition table though. | 07:46 |
zen_master_soso | !id zen_master_soso | 07:46 |
mayasaryy | di server mana? | 07:46 |
=== yadi is now known as cew_virgo | ||
Jonathan_Glam | geirha: the thing is though. That it is a completely clear partition. Nothing at all on it. So I want to make 58gig of it ext4 and 2 gig swap. how can I do that easiest? | 07:47 |
EastDallas | Seaan: If it's all on the same network you can use Samba which works like windows file sharing. | 07:47 |
zen_master_soso | chat rileyp | 07:47 |
zen_master_soso | oops | 07:47 |
eitreach_away | This happens in Ubuntu, but I strongly believe it would happen with Ubuntu as well. Whenever I try to install, I am greeted with a message about not being able to remove restricted files. What do I do to fix this? | 07:47 |
Jonathan_Glam | geirha: if I go to New Partition table I believe it resizes my whole sda drive. Instead of just sda3 | 07:48 |
eitreach_away | er, happens in Kubuntu, I mean. | 07:48 |
zen_master_soso | rileyp, i was going to ask if you got your problem fixed | 07:48 |
geirha | Jonathan_Glam: Ah, if it's already empty, just remove it, create an extended partition in its place, and create an ext4 and swap inside the extended. | 07:48 |
Jonathan_Glam | geirha. sda3 is completely free. sda1,2 and 4 are used for windows | 07:48 |
Kartagis | what determines if a drive is sda or sdb? I made a fresh install on my hdd and that became sdb and I moved my other disk to that system which became sda | 07:49 |
Kartagis | s/became/is seen as/g | 07:49 |
mayasaryy | #ubuntu-id di server mana yah ? | 07:49 |
Myrtti | Kartagis: location on the sata/ide cable | 07:49 |
geirha | Jonathan_Glam: You are limited to four (primary) partitions, which is why you need to make one (primary) partition an extended. Inside extended partition you can have many logical partitions. This is a limitation from olden days. | 07:49 |
mayasaryy | #ubuntu-id di server manaa yah ? | 07:49 |
Flannel | mayasaryy: /join #ubuntu-id | 07:50 |
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Kartagis | Myrtti, does that mean sdb will be seen as sda if I just switch cables? | 07:51 |
SolarisBoy | PrototypeX29A: had you added the route manually? | 07:51 |
Jonathan_Glam | geirha: ah works i believe! | 07:51 |
turtle^s0up | is the Kubuntu plasma indicator widget important? can i remove it and have KDE's notification applet do it's job? | 07:51 |
Myrtti | Kartagis: yes. if you use uuids in fstab, it shouldnt have any effect to your system | 07:51 |
mayasaryy | how to make network on ubuntu ? | 07:52 |
Myrtti | turtle^s0up: try #kubuntu? | 07:52 |
archboxman | !network | 07:52 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at | 07:52 |
Duskao | turtle^s0up: you could try it and see how it works, it' super easy to reinstall it if you need | 07:52 |
Kartagis | thanks Myrtti | 07:52 |
Duskao | turtle^s0up: also I wouldn't try the #kubuntu cause it's dead/afk | 07:53 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: you're right, i was just wondering if someone could explain it further | 07:53 |
turtle^s0up | thanks | 07:53 |
EastDallas | mayasaryy: do you want to share files or connect to the internet? | 07:53 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: lol, i tried their earleir | 07:53 |
archboxman | mayasaryy: what do you mean by "make a network"??? | 07:54 |
Myrtti | Duskao: askin instead of lurking usually helps ;-) | 07:54 |
Jonathan_Glam | geirha: oworks. thank you so much! | 07:54 |
SolarisBoy | make networks not war =) | 07:54 |
Duskao | turtle^s0up: to be honest, I think it is the applet. I'm not sure there is a notifier if you get rid of the widget | 07:54 |
Jonathan_Glam | geirha, Myrtti: thanks again! | 07:54 |
geirha | Jonathan_Glam: Great :) | 07:54 |
mayasaryy | i wanna learn about make network structure to my LAN | 07:54 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: only this time, usually it does find the gateway itself | 07:54 |
Myrtti | geirha, Jonathan_Glam : no, thank you | 07:54 |
Duskao | Myrtti: I agree, but it's afk, I'm on their now and have been for the last couple hours. | 07:54 |
Duskao | Myrtti: and done my fair share of asking questions or trying to help if I can. | 07:55 |
archboxman | mayasaryy: a network is more then one computer sharing information?? | 07:55 |
SolarisBoy | so you lost your default gateway entry? | 07:55 |
=== yadi is now known as cew_cri_tmn | ||
EastDallas | mayasaryy: I don't quite understand, but it sounds like you want to share files? | 07:55 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: it seems like it's new to ubuntu/kubuntu, i think part of the new usability initiative | 07:55 |
archboxman | mayasaryy: no mystery behind linux just what are you doing with the network | 07:55 |
Myrtti | Duskao: patiece is a virtue, it's still quite early in europe, which may explain the silence | 07:55 |
Duskao | Myrtti: perhaps. | 07:56 |
mayasaryy | no, how make structure of LAN | 07:56 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: as the route table seems to be created dynamically, the problem seems to lie in the creation of the table | 07:56 |
Myrtti | mayasaryy: connect cables? | 07:56 |
Duskao | turtle^s0up: Yeah, I really like to to be honest, and kde 4.4 is pretty sweet, or will be once the bugs are worked out, very widget oriented. | 07:56 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: i should be automatically added | 07:56 |
EastDallas | mayasaryy: do you want to set up dhcp and dns servers for your lan? | 07:57 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: do you use the gmail-plasmoid widget on KDE 4.4? | 07:57 |
SolarisBoy | PrototypeX29A: other things can cause an entry to go missing | 07:57 |
archboxman | mayasaryy: Well you have a server and computers attached to server if not you all computers in a lan without centeral station all are responsible for the netowrk??? more like a hub party | 07:57 |
mayasaryy | yeah like it | 07:57 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: that should not happen, should it? | 07:57 |
Duskao | turtle^s0up: nah, I downgraded back to 4.3 cause kwin was crashing a lot. Still lots of bugs to be worked out. | 07:57 |
SolarisBoy | PrototypeX29A: not usually i've seen it happen occasionally before | 07:58 |
zen_master_soso | anyone know a good easy to read introduction to the X session lifecycle? | 07:58 |
PrototypeX29A | even rebooting did not help, if it wasn't me being such a smart guy i would be seriously messed up | 07:58 |
archboxman | mayasaryy: which do you have a server and computers... or hub party ??? | 07:58 |
cew_cri_tmn | #surabaya | 07:58 |
SolarisBoy | PrototypeX29A: did the router have an issue at any point? | 07:58 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: yeah, that's why i'm staying with the stable. the gmail-plasmoid didn't work and krunner would crash all the time. | 07:58 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: i don't think so | 07:58 |
SolarisBoy | PrototypeX29A: do you use DHCP? | 07:59 |
PrototypeX29A | i guess, so | 07:59 |
SolarisBoy | hmm | 07:59 |
mayasaryy | sory i have much trouble about network, but i can speak more, because my english too bad | 07:59 |
Duskao | turtle^s0up: yeah, had the same issue, lots of widgets weren't working properly at the time either. but the widget setup was great | 07:59 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: i just stopped working correctly | 07:59 |
archboxman | mayasaryy: you need to learn networking 101 | 08:00 |
SolarisBoy | PrototypeX29A: do you use network manager or interfaces file? | 08:00 |
mayasaryy | where i can get it | 08:00 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: i use the "Network Connections" in the menu | 08:00 |
turtle^s0up | Duskao: KDE folks are doing an awesome job, really good progression | 08:00 |
archboxman | PrototypeX29A: ifconfig | 08:00 |
SolarisBoy | also check dmesg output for line pertaining to your eth* | 08:00 |
PrototypeX29A | archboxman: ifconfig what? | 08:01 |
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SolarisBoy | actually try ethtool | 08:01 |
PrototypeX29A | for what? | 08:01 |
SolarisBoy | errors | 08:01 |
archboxman | yes check your connection | 08:01 |
archboxman | ping the router box | 08:01 |
PrototypeX29A | now it is working | 08:01 |
SolarisBoy | correct but looking for what happend right? | 08:01 |
PrototypeX29A | it just does not add the route entry anymore | 08:02 |
Adriaan | hi, i'm experiencing rendering errors with compiz-fusion, especially when moving the 'cube', i have the latest nvidia drivers, does anyone know how this is possible? | 08:02 |
PrototypeX29A | so next time i'll boot i will to manually add it again | 08:02 |
SolarisBoy | no... | 08:02 |
SolarisBoy | thats not a solution... | 08:02 |
SolarisBoy | its a workaround | 08:02 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: that's why i am asking :) | 08:02 |
archboxman | PrototypeX29A: call your isp and check if they had trouble or disconnection first | 08:02 |
SolarisBoy | PrototypeX29A: so have pinged the router/ and done the ethtool like we asked yet? | 08:03 |
SolarisBoy | and checked dmesg and messages file? | 08:03 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: i don't know what the point in pinging the router is, if it obviously works | 08:03 |
PrototypeX29A | if := when | 08:03 |
archboxman | 'lol | 08:03 |
SolarisBoy | packet loss? | 08:03 |
SolarisBoy | intermittent errors? | 08:04 |
SolarisBoy | link up link down error in message file? | 08:04 |
SolarisBoy | things like this are good to know,, ifconfig contains errors in a counter format,, so it would have errors collected on the interface no? | 08:04 |
archboxman | PrototypeX29A: is this wireless??? | 08:04 |
PrototypeX29A | archboxman: yes, it is | 08:04 |
archboxman | lol | 08:05 |
archboxman | iwconfig | 08:05 |
SolarisBoy | fail | 08:05 |
PrototypeX29A | and then? | 08:05 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: you want to tell me something? | 08:05 |
archboxman | PrototypeX29A: also you need to know if the laptop / desktop or netbook are within range | 08:05 |
SolarisBoy | maybe you should reboot the router | 08:05 |
kevinprince | Hey, im trying to get php 5.3 running on Hardy Heron. Can anyone point me in the right direction. Having issues getting it working | 08:06 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: Great suggestions ... :) | 08:06 |
SolarisBoy | PrototypeX29A: yes | 08:06 |
PrototypeX29A | you answers seem a little bit generic, like "maybe your house is on fire" | 08:06 |
SolarisBoy | PrototypeX29A: trying to point you to checking the connection between the laptop/desktip and the router | 08:06 |
SolarisBoy | PrototypeX29A: no | 08:07 |
gregor_ | whats this then | 08:08 |
archboxman | PrototypeX29A: what we are trying to see is if your connected... Usually start with logs to check for errors of send and recieve ... If you think its hardware then you need to give us insight | 08:08 |
PrototypeX29A | archboxman: right now, i am connected | 08:09 |
SolarisBoy | a route can go missing if it becomes invalid,, you said you added your default gw back after you rebooted,, apparently there was an issue with your gw router | 08:09 |
PrototypeX29A | archboxman: i am chatting via this wifi connection | 08:09 |
kevinprince | any ideas? | 08:09 |
archboxman | PrototypeX29A: only way to cheek a paste expereince is to check your logs... | 08:09 |
specagent_ | i have a problem using ubuntu | 08:09 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: exactly | 08:10 |
PrototypeX29A | archboxman: kern.log? | 08:10 |
SolarisBoy | actually.. | 08:10 |
PrototypeX29A | i don't even know which tool failed me | 08:11 |
SolarisBoy | depends on syslog settings | 08:11 |
specagent_ | can anyone help me plz? i've a problem using ubuntu | 08:11 |
archboxman | PrototypeX29A: your assuming its ubuntu more then likely its your provider seems I got disconnected the other day and service providers basic anwser is to give you there down right no | 08:11 |
SolarisBoy | this is why i said do ethtool ifconfig ping the router checking for intermittent things like packet loss etc... | 08:11 |
SolarisBoy | and before you blame the provider you should investigate whichever devices are intermediary,, | 08:12 |
i3inary | anyone know how to backup and migrate my installation to new hardware?...say from laptop to a desktop. | 08:12 |
PrototypeX29A | archboxman: i don't understand | 08:12 |
lfitz | is there a way to tell which files are currently being written too..? | 08:13 |
SolarisBoy | but listen,, are you directly connected to the internet PrototypeX29A ? | 08:13 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: right now the connection seems fine, no packet loss or whatever | 08:13 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: i am connected via router | 08:13 |
SolarisBoy | because a blip in the netwoerk even on the ISP level shouldn't affect you LAN | 08:13 |
archboxman | PrototypeX29A: got to check the range from the wireless device mine gives 63% signal gain | 08:13 |
SolarisBoy | at all | 08:13 |
kevinprince | i3inary: install on new machine, use rsync to copy your home directory | 08:14 |
SolarisBoy | you would still be in communication with nodes on you LAN | 08:14 |
geirha | lfitz: man lsof | 08:14 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: the lan is fine | 08:14 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: unless all you are doing is connecting to internet??? | 08:14 |
lfitz | :D thanks geirha | 08:14 |
SolarisBoy | PrototypeX29A: ... | 08:14 |
specagent_ | my problem is: if i try to compile a program with scons, there are error messages (sh: o: not found). i've already installed (and even re-installed) gcc, g++, scons, build-essential and it still doesn't work | 08:14 |
i3inary | kevinprince, would that handle all the packages that i have installed and configured? | 08:14 |
SolarisBoy | PrototypeX29A: i think we are having a loss in communication | 08:14 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: may be | 08:15 |
kindofabuzz | Need a little command gedit <?>, what i'm asking is there anything i can put after the gedit part without actually thping those files file names in? | 08:15 |
SolarisBoy | PrototypeX29A: im just basically trying to help you find why your route is needed to be manually added | 08:15 |
kindofabuzz | ooops scratch all that | 08:15 |
SolarisBoy | regardless of what works now | 08:15 |
archboxman | PrototypeX29A: you want to know why the internet connection was right???? | 08:15 |
archboxman | was down | 08:15 |
SolarisBoy | you should never have to manually add a route back on each reboot... | 08:16 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: i'm just saying, that the wlan was working all the time, at any point was able to ping my router | 08:16 |
SolarisBoy | at worst you can slip in one of the start scripts to avoid that... | 08:16 |
kindofabuzz | Need a little command help, touch file1 file2 && gedit <?>, what i'm asking is there anything i can put after the gedit part without actually typing those files file names in? | 08:16 |
fsufitch | hey. what's the best way to get grub in the MBR after installing Windows on a computer? | 08:16 |
SolarisBoy | PrototypeX29A: ok so at which point did you lose the default gw entry? | 08:16 |
archboxman | PrototypeX29A: who is your isp??? | 08:16 |
kindofabuzz | fsufitch, super grub disc is a great grub fixer distro | 08:17 |
[J]ustin | Any reason I am getting this when I connect via SSH? WinSCP: this is end-of-file:0 | 08:17 |
kindofabuzz | i mean you can do it manually too | 08:17 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: after rebooting | 08:17 |
fsufitch | kindofabuzz: better than ubuntu live CD? | 08:17 |
fsufitch | (or live USB in my case) | 08:17 |
PrototypeX29A | archboxman: some local spanish provider | 08:17 |
Devrethman | fsufitch: I used to do it with grub-install, but I haven't had to in a REALLY long time, so I can't do any more than point you in that direction | 08:17 |
kindofabuzz | fsufitch, well with the ubuntu live you have to still know how to fix your grub, Super Grub Disc can do it automatically | 08:17 |
SolarisBoy | and you use your ISP's router directly via wireless? or you have your own netgear/linksys etc router doing NAT and your LAN? | 08:18 |
PrototypeX29A | archboxman: orangeadsl | 08:18 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: there is a router in between | 08:18 |
SolarisBoy | because im trying to understand why you would need to add a route back to get to the internet that wasn't the route to your NAT router... | 08:18 |
fsufitch | kindofabuzz: the problem is that my CD drive is sort of... broken. so i'm not sure it would even boot from SGD. it doesn't boot from live ubuntu CD... | 08:18 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: it is the route to the router i was adding | 08:19 |
SolarisBoy | ok so what route do you have on your route table that wasn't manually added that affects you reaching the internet? | 08:19 |
fsufitch | kindofabuzz: is there a way to get SGD on a USB drive? | 08:19 |
Devrethman | I suppose you could put SGD on an flashdrive. | 08:19 |
kindofabuzz | fsufitch, probably | 08:19 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: add -new gw or something like that did it | 08:19 |
SolarisBoy | ok so as i said its your default gw that was lost,, so have you checked for any issue in connectivity to and from? yet? | 08:19 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: actually the default route to my router was missing | 08:19 |
Devrethman | I know it's possible to put any bootable image on a flashdrive, but I've never done it in not-macOS, so I am not familiar with the procedure. | 08:19 |
cthulhu2 | Guys. Is there any way to replace gnome with xfce without wiping and reinstalling ubuntu? | 08:19 |
haffe | Yes. | 08:19 |
SolarisBoy | PrototypeX29A: this is what i said initially | 08:19 |
tonyyarusso | cthulhu2: yes, but it's a bit tricky. | 08:20 |
fsufitch | kindofabuzz: oh duh, i'm stupid. "jfgi" is the proper answer to that: | 08:20 |
cthulhu2 | tonyyarusso is it something you think you might be able to walk me through? | 08:20 |
kindofabuzz | | 08:20 |
SolarisBoy | so have you checked for any issue in connectivity between the router and your box yet? in messages, ping, ethtool, etc? | 08:20 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: i'm not sure for what issues i should be looking | 08:20 |
SolarisBoy | i told you | 08:20 |
SolarisBoy | =) | 08:20 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: have problems with comcast not giving computer access unless on network for 24 hours weather wireless or land line... they refuse this because of people drive by and scan and connect all the time... | 08:20 |
PrototypeX29A | i did a ping, there is no packet loss | 08:20 |
PrototypeX29A | (i told you) | 08:20 |
tonyyarusso | cthulhu2: You'd have two choices. 1) Install xubuntu-desktop and then manually remove each one of the gnome-only packages. 2) Remove GTK libraries willy-nilly and watch the gnome stuff get removed as dependencies, stripping down to a command-line only system, and install xubuntu-desktop from there. | 08:21 |
PrototypeX29A | for ethtool i don't know how to use it | 08:21 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: interesting | 08:21 |
cthulhu2 | tonyyarusso that can take quite some time, can't it. Is that something you think you could do over vnc? | 08:21 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: funny you mention comcast one of my clients =),, their IT is really horrid | 08:21 |
cthulhu2 | Im a bit new to linux tonsofpcs | 08:21 |
cthulhu2 | tonyyarusso I mean | 08:21 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: No they went to this policy about year ago | 08:21 |
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tonyyarusso | cthulhu2: Not any faster than you could ;) | 08:22 |
SolarisBoy | PrototypeX29A: and messages logs? no blips no eth link issues? nothing in ethtool ifconfig no errors or collisions? | 08:22 |
cthulhu2 | tonyyarusso well you actually know how to do it. I have no clue and will probably mess something up. You got the time to help me out? I would greatly appreciate it. | 08:22 |
gregor_ | what this diss about ? | 08:22 |
SolarisBoy | and again ... do you use DHCP...? | 08:22 |
CaNoc | hello, I have atheros ethernet card, after restart ubuntu to windows xp, it shows no connection, how can I fix it? | 08:23 |
tonyyarusso | cthulhu2: unfortunately, no. It's 2AM here, so time for me to hit the sack. | 08:23 |
cthulhu2 | tonyyarusso Ah, okay. Thanks anyways! | 08:23 |
tonyyarusso | cthulhu2: good luck! | 08:23 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: i use time warner | 08:23 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: no error if comcast or local company refuse mac address from computer.. Had to use some program to fool them into believe the mac address was the same | 08:23 |
cisco | wondering if anybody uses the webcam on empathy here i'm a noob having problems | 08:24 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: hmm there is one line in dmesg which looks suspicious, i will paste it | 08:24 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: usually the router would have the feature to clone the workstation mac addy | 08:24 |
SolarisBoy | that effectively solves that issue | 08:24 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: usually so ,but comcast has some program that pushes past my router to see the mac address.. | 08:25 |
SolarisBoy | lol | 08:25 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: | 08:25 |
PrototypeX29A | the last lines | 08:25 |
Bigshot | how can i specifically install 2.6.32-16 kernel? | 08:25 |
SolarisBoy | [ 15.995406] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready | 08:25 |
SolarisBoy | common line | 08:26 |
kindofabuzz | compile it | 08:26 |
PrototypeX29A | SolarisBoy: the same with wlan0 | 08:26 |
SolarisBoy | yea try rebooting the router and see if the issue persists | 08:26 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: wonder if there breaking rules to get pas my router function or read the header and footer of packages to figure out it is a different computer | 08:26 |
kindofabuzz | Bigshot, compile it yourself or if it's in the repos, install it and uninstall the kernals you don't want | 08:26 |
PrototypeX29A | ok, thx | 08:26 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: dought seriously | 08:26 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: maybe they just figure to many packages sent and recieved to be one computer requesting information from two or more websites at exact time... | 08:28 |
SolarisBoy | that is likely that they do throttling | 08:28 |
SolarisBoy | thats probably the issue | 08:28 |
airtonix | !who !enter !rage | 08:28 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 08:28 |
* airtonix desires order | 08:29 | |
robert__ | hey all | 08:29 |
robert__ | im trying to get my iphone to sunce with ubuntu 9.10 can anybody help | 08:29 |
SolarisBoy | sunce? | 08:29 |
robert__ | i tried using this | 08:29 |
robert__ | but it didnt work | 08:30 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: oh well no biggy to me I just wait 24 hours and wow there both up... The only funny thing was the netbook I returned seem not to wait for 24 hour hook up just worked out the box | 08:30 |
babbio | hi guys i have a question, i use to connect to my work pc with ssh and a i have to insert the passphrase every single there a way to store the passphrase somewhere so i have to insert it only the first time? | 08:30 |
kindofabuzz | babbio | 08:30 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: is everything you talking about behind the same NAT'd IP? | 08:30 |
kindofabuzz | babbio, yeah i can walk you through it | 08:30 |
babbio | kindofabuzz: what?? | 08:31 |
robert__ | anybody able to help with the iphone? | 08:31 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: oh yes.. even though I may have connected via my next door neighbors router.. | 08:31 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: leaves the router unsecure | 08:31 |
SolarisBoy | there may be other things at hand then | 08:31 |
kindofabuzz | babbio, first run ssh-keygen -t rsa | 08:32 |
SolarisBoy | you neighbor likely using comcast as well correct? | 08:32 |
babbio | i already have the rsa key | 08:32 |
turtle^s0up | robert__: sell it and buy an N900 or a Google Android. | 08:32 |
robert__ | its through work so i cant | 08:32 |
robert__ | i used these directions but it didnt work | 08:32 |
masterjake_net | Can some one tell me how to trade space on my Windows XP partition and give it to my Ubuntu partition? | 08:33 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: where do you see an issue.. you say wait 24 hours and their both up,, meaning what? | 08:33 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: you receive an IP from your neigbors router,, however internet connectivity is not active for up to 24 hrs? | 08:33 |
kindofabuzz | babbio, ok, now ssh-copy-id ~/.ssh/ user@server: | 08:33 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: Comcast new policy | 08:33 |
turtle^s0up | robert__: did you try the weupd8 guide? | 08:33 |
kindofabuzz | babbio, drop the : | 08:33 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: gotta look it up haven't heard about it =) | 08:33 |
SolarisBoy | kindofabuzz: what package is ssh-copy-id installed by? | 08:34 |
robert__ | turtle: let me take a look | 08:34 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: Comcast tech asked before leaving house would I connect more then one computer because it needed time to configure | 08:34 |
kindofabuzz | SolarisBoy, i guess just the main ssh one | 08:34 |
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SolarisBoy | kindofabuzz: odd i have been looking for it on some hosts @ work which have openssh* packages but to no availability =( | 08:35 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: behind the router | 08:35 |
kindofabuzz | babbio, another way is just to scp or whatever the over to server:~/.ssh | 08:35 |
robert__ | how do i know for sure what version i am running in terms of animal | 08:35 |
SolarisBoy | had to manually copy the keys | 08:35 |
robert__ | its 9.10 | 08:35 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: that sucks | 08:35 |
babbio | kindofabuzz: i have this error /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found | 08:36 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: not really just use the laptop with Linux Mint or Arch Linux for business... The desktop is not really a primary computer | 08:36 |
kindofabuzz | babbio, are you on ubuntu? | 08:36 |
SolarisBoy | i've had/have up to 5 ip's active behind my NAT 2 linux boxes one windows (roomate) iphone and 1-2 laptops | 08:37 |
babbio | yes i am | 08:37 |
turtle^s0up | robert__: if your ever unsure in the future, you can always type "lsb_release -a" to get the version of Ubuntu | 08:37 |
rww | robert__: 9.10 is Karmic Koala | 08:37 |
kindofabuzz | hmmm looking for what package hold it. babbio you could just scp ~/.ssh/ user@server:~/.ssh | 08:37 |
rileyp | im back | 08:37 |
turtle^s0up | you're* | 08:37 |
robert__ | thank you | 08:37 |
turtle^s0up | np | 08:37 |
SolarisBoy | i think there is actually a dpkg option that tells kindofabuzz =) just to lazy to look it up | 08:38 |
csaba | is there some program that will print out my computer configuration, cpu, ram, hard disks...? | 08:38 |
rileyp | I need help to disablemouse during suspend | 08:38 |
robert__ | let me see if i can get this working | 08:38 |
masterjake_net | I made my Ubuntu partition too small, 13GBs... are there any programs that can take some space from my huge Windows partition and give it to my Ubuntu? | 08:38 |
SolarisBoy | like dpkg -<someoption> /path/to/pkg | 08:38 |
rww | csaba: look into lshw | 08:38 |
SolarisBoy | kindofabuzz: needs to properly permission those keys as well or check that they are | 08:38 |
turtle^s0up | masterjake_net: 13GB is enough space | 08:40 |
rileyp | muose is waking up pc when its bumped | 08:40 |
turtle^s0up | masterjake_net: repartitioning is always tedious on linux | 08:40 |
rileyp | I need to disable mouse during suspend | 08:40 |
turtle^s0up | masterjake_net: i suggest you create symbolic links to a separate larger hard drive or partition and keep your large files in that folder | 08:41 |
kindofabuzz | SolarisBoy, it's part of openssh-client package | 08:41 |
rileyp | i need usb0 enabled though so remote can wake | 08:41 |
blip- | hi all, I run xubuntu 9.04 and thinking of upgrading or clean installing 9.10... I read the release notes saying that Grub won't be upgraded to v2 if I do an upgrade. Is that the major difference between upgrade and clean install ? I'm worried that I won't be getting the full 9.10 experience and improved performance ? | 08:41 |
SolarisBoy | kindofabuzz: interesting | 08:41 |
turtle^s0up | blip-: you can install Grub2 on 9.10 | 08:42 |
masterjake_net | Can I mount the windows partition consant? Like not have to mount it every time I restart. | 08:42 |
turtle^s0up | blip-: it's pretty easy | 08:42 |
SolarisBoy | they must be hiding it.. they do that =) | 08:42 |
blip- | turtle^s0up: ok. would it be a good idea to delete ~/.xfce and a bunch of others in order to 'reset things' and make sure it goes smoothly ? So far I've never upgraded , I always clean install | 08:42 |
SolarisBoy | masterjake_net: think need ntfs-tools to do it | 08:42 |
rileyp | blip upgrading has issues | 08:42 |
kindofabuzz | SolarisBoy, it always installs by default since dapper for me | 08:42 |
turtle^s0up | blip-: IMO nothing too noticeable in grub2 | 08:42 |
SolarisBoy | kindofabuzz: use RHEL at work | 08:42 |
robert__ | darn what am i doing wrong that wont let this work | 08:42 |
rileyp | like wont login automaically after upgrade | 08:43 |
SolarisBoy | i've got it here =) on my ubuntu | 08:43 |
turtle^s0up | blip-: backup before you delete, just rename the file. it's good idea to remove old config files when you upgrade | 08:43 |
blip- | rileyp: are they noticable issues that I can then fix ? or random crashes and slow downs ? | 08:43 |
kindofabuzz | babbio, get it working? | 08:43 |
ge0 | Anyone know how i can install/configure drivers for my Intel card | 08:44 |
blip- | turtle^s0up: ok so I will rename all dot directories including firefox, gtk etc.. | 08:44 |
denis123 | Hi. I'm trying to enable Desktop effects and to do so it says ( to install my propierty driver. I did so as described however now my screens are working really unusual (i have dual screens). My right screen is now my main screen, and my left screen is only half used | 08:44 |
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ge0 | I dled updates that said they had intel drivers, but still can't enable effects or adjust resolution. | 08:44 |
rileyp | blip all are fixable | 08:44 |
denis123 | what could be the reason of this? I've tried to move them under System > Appearance > Display but it won't change | 08:44 |
kindofabuzz | babbio, this would be the *nix way if the ubuntu way didn't work: | 08:44 |
rileyp | blip google each one as you find them | 08:45 |
Shay27 | Hello , when i installed windows-7 on my machine , my grub was erased , i fixed the grub using the Live-cd but now the Ubuntu is loading on the start and i cant see menu where i can choose between the 2 operating systems , how can i make the grub to show up menu ?] | 08:46 |
blip- | rileyp, turtle^s0up: thanks. one final thing, what do you think of ext4 on a laptop ? I won't be converting to ext4, if I want that i'll reinstall | 08:46 |
rileyp | blip i dont see any probs | 08:47 |
masterjake_net | turtle^s0up: I can already read and write to my NTFS Winxp partition what does NTFS Tools do then? | 08:47 |
turtle^s0up | blip-: ext4 has been good for me | 08:47 |
archboxman | Shay27: nano /boot/grub/menu.lst | 08:47 |
karpus | stupid question probably: I took a screenshot (printscreen) and saved it to my desktop, and if I go to properties I can see that the file is owned by <my account name> (<my name>) -- does this kind of personal information get saved to the picture or is it just me that can see it? I want to upload this file to the internet, but not risking to lose my anonymity | 08:47 |
turtle^s0up | masterjake_net: the tools are partitioning and working with NTFS disks | 08:48 |
cisco | does anyone know how to get a built in web cam to work with empathy i'm a noob and im having problems | 08:48 |
SolarisBoy | the file likely get permissions changed to the web user for your account | 08:48 |
elgh | Hello :) | 08:48 |
elgh | Anyone good at xorg.conf? | 08:48 |
babbio | kindofabuzz, i dont have ~/.ssh/ i only have "known_host" in my ~/.ssh | 08:48 |
kindofabuzz | karpus, no | 08:48 |
blip- | karpus: I'm pretty sure saved on the image, jpegs have fields for a bunch of other things like type of camera etc.. | 08:48 |
SolarisBoy | you can check the properties for extra details that may be in the image file and remove them | 08:48 |
rileyp | karpus the file once uploaded will belong to website uploaded too | 08:48 |
turtle^s0up | masterjake_net: assuming you are talking about "ntfsprogs" package? | 08:48 |
archboxman | elgh: what you want have to play with xorg.conf all the time in Archlinux | 08:49 |
mehee | hi all | 08:49 |
masterjake_net | turtle^s0up: oops wrong program | 08:49 |
karpus | SolarisBoy: any good program for that? | 08:49 |
kindofabuzz | babbio, then you didn't creat an rsa then, as user, ssh-keygen -t rsa | 08:49 |
babbio | kindofabuzz, i read the link just now....i'll check it out | 08:49 |
SolarisBoy | depends on OS your on | 08:50 |
Shay27 | does it possible to load the other operating system from the Ubuntu ? so i can switch between the 2 operating systems by key ? | 08:50 |
mehee | anyone know how to see what devices mounted from terminal hdd usb etc | 08:50 |
turtle^s0up | masterjake_net: oh, i see you are talking about ntfs-config then | 08:50 |
karpus | ubuntu 9.10 x64 | 08:50 |
elgh | archboxman, after editing my xorg.conf, which is very basic, my cursor turns into a green square... | 08:50 |
rileyp | help with mouse and supsned please peoples | 08:50 |
babbio | kindofabuzz, the rsa key was created by my boss | 08:50 |
SolarisBoy | i think just plain properties will due for most image file types | 08:50 |
kindofabuzz | babbio, once you do that you will have a ~/.ssh with two files in it. id_rsa and id_rsa.put | 08:50 |
kindofabuzz | pu b | 08:50 |
turtle^s0up | masterjake_net: it's for configuring NTFS, mounting on boot, and working with USB flash drives | 08:50 |
Raydiation | is there an alternative to gtk-recordmydesktop? its just slow beyond all recognition | 08:50 |
kindofabuzz | babbio, ok then, point the ssh-copy-id to the right directory then | 08:50 |
turtle^s0up | masterjake_net: it's like a GUI tool for working with your fstab | 08:51 |
SolarisBoy | but you can use something fancy like gimp or imagemagick (maybe) for linux or irfanview for windows | 08:51 |
tazmanddevil67 | anyone, just installed ubuntu 9.10 and wife wants to goto can't get it to work. | 08:51 |
oll | 1 | 08:51 |
masterjake_net | turtle^s0up: Is there a way to auto mount my windows partition when I start up and have it be the same name so shortcuts work each time. | 08:51 |
kindofabuzz | babbio, ssh-copy-id /path/to/rsakey user@server | 08:51 |
archboxman | elgh: read some file that can change colors in terminal hold on | 08:51 |
SolarisBoy | however the actual file permissions your referencing will be changed when you upload to whoever the server is configured to use | 08:51 |
archboxman | elgh: don | 08:51 |
rileyp | master jake | 08:52 |
rileyp | add to fstab | 08:52 |
archboxman | elgh: no sure it is to due with xorg though | 08:52 |
mehee | anyone know how to see what devices mounted from terminal hdd usb etc | 08:52 |
rileyp | mehee lsusb | 08:52 |
SolarisBoy | df | 08:52 |
SolarisBoy | mount | 08:52 |
cisco | can anyone get their webcam to work on empathy | 08:52 |
rileyp | mehee ls /sd* | 08:52 |
turtle^s0up | masterjake_net: yes use ntfs-config, start it as root "gksudo ntfs-config" | 08:52 |
archboxman | elgh: xorg.conf is for screen vector and setting up mouse and keyboard | 08:53 |
elgh | archboxman: I have to eat some, are you here in about 15 min? | 08:53 |
turtle^s0up | masterjake_net: or it should ask you for the password | 08:53 |
SolarisBoy | all devices are named sd* on ubuntu? | 08:53 |
archboxman | elgh: yes will work on your idea | 08:53 |
elgh | archmanbox: sweet, coming back in a while. | 08:53 |
mehee | ribasushi: thats not the corect command | 08:54 |
mehee | rileyp: thats not the corect command | 08:54 |
SolarisBoy | mehee: you can use df or mount | 08:54 |
karpus | SolarisBoy: ok I see, thanks for your help | 08:54 |
SolarisBoy | karpus: no problem | 08:54 |
babbio | kindofabuzz, same error as before : /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found | 08:54 |
rileyp | mehee I tried.... | 08:54 |
SolarisBoy | babbio: whats the permissions on your keys? | 08:54 |
kindofabuzz | yeah | 08:55 |
rileyp | help with mouse disable in suspend please | 08:55 |
archboxman | Shay27: if your going to change the boot sequeeze around all you do is edit which one boots first | 08:56 |
mehee | yes i need the devices eg /dev/sda1....., /dev/sda2....., /dev/usb..... etc | 08:56 |
SolarisBoy | rileyp: also sd* devices aren't usually present on / | 08:56 |
SolarisBoy | mehee: mount or df | 08:56 |
SolarisBoy | mehee: if you want to see all devices mounted/no mounted try fdisk or lshw or lsusb etc | 08:56 |
maxjezy | what is your favorite game in ubuntu? | 08:56 |
archboxman | devices are in the /dev | 08:57 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: correct | 08:57 |
SolarisBoy | on debian | 08:57 |
mehee | no fdisk not give that info | 08:57 |
llutz | babbio: ssh-copy-id -i user@host | 08:57 |
SolarisBoy | mehee: i said use fdisk if you want to see everthing there | 08:58 |
SolarisBoy | mehee: use mount or df to see whats mounted | 08:58 |
rileyp | mehe fdisk -l | 08:58 |
rileyp | and ls -/dev/sd* to show drives | 08:58 |
SolarisBoy | oh yea well thats an option im speaking command in general =) | 08:58 |
mehee | lshw givs to much info. i have been shown the comand before and know what output i am needing | 08:58 |
rileyp | sorry partitions | 08:58 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: all these changes Ubuntu makes boot sequence and file locations.. hmmmmmmmmm... makes you wonder why people consider it bloated | 08:58 |
rileyp | mehe why not just look in dmesg will show all oyur hadware | 08:59 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: works for me =) | 08:59 |
rileyp | mehee dmesg | 08:59 |
SolarisBoy | rileyp: mehee use df or mount to see whats mounted... dmesg also shows what was mouted at boot | 08:59 |
mehee | SolarisBoy: fdisk gives Usage: fdisk [-l] [-b SSZ] [-u] device | 08:59 |
mehee | E.g.: fdisk /dev/hda (for the first IDE disk) | 08:59 |
mehee | or: fdisk /dev/sdc (for the third SCSI disk) | 08:59 |
mehee | or: fdisk /dev/eda (for the first PS/2 ESDI drive) | 08:59 |
mehee | or: fdisk /dev/rd/c0d0 or: fdisk /dev/ida/c0d0 (for RA | 08:59 |
FloodBot4 | mehee: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 08:59 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: hey, my computer boots in 15 seconds or less | 08:59 |
SolarisBoy | or got plugged in | 08:59 |
mehee | dmesg has to much info again | 09:00 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: mines takes longer because my sendmail --> gmail thing is a little latent | 09:00 |
SolarisBoy | other than that it would be the same | 09:00 |
mehee | SolarisBoy: df or mount give to much infomation | 09:00 |
rileyp | mehee what you want to find? | 09:00 |
SolarisBoy | mehee: no you need to learn how to read it which is easy would you like to know? | 09:01 |
rileyp | mehe a usb device? | 09:01 |
mehee | there is a comand that gices just basicly what is mounted one line for each device | 09:01 |
SolarisBoy | mehee: mount | 09:01 |
SolarisBoy | mehee: df | 09:01 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: no because yours moves to network booting up first ... mine only does it as deamon and background service | 09:01 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: true i guess | 09:01 |
mehee | SolarisBoy: they are giving different info from what i got when i was given a command i cant remember atm | 09:02 |
rileyp | supend help disable my mouse please | 09:02 |
whiely | #DALnet | 09:02 |
Shay27 | Hello i would like to add my windows 7 to the grub menu , in the grub menu file i found example for adding windows operating system , in the example i need to replace this line with my hardware info : root (hd0,0) how can i found out what parameter to change ? my windows installed on the same hdd on different partition ? | 09:02 |
isojussi | anyone have similar probme with adobe reader : | 09:02 |
SolarisBoy | mehee: mehee cat /proc/mounts | 09:02 |
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rileyp | mehee well then google linux commands will be faster or hit up arrow until you find teh command you used | 09:03 |
SolarisBoy | anything is getting mount info from there so not sure how much simpler it gets | 09:03 |
mehee | sorry SolarisBoy that still give rong info | 09:03 |
sayed1 | hi i've ubuntu in the same partition with xp ....i have no free space left and i wanna give ubuntu more space on the partition | 09:03 |
SolarisBoy | its not wrong | 09:03 |
SolarisBoy | if its wrong somethings wrong on your OS | 09:03 |
mehee | thansk rileyp i will do that | 09:03 |
SolarisBoy | or hw | 09:03 |
archboxman | Shay27: root(hdo,1) I believe will work need to look at partitions | 09:04 |
rileyp | sayed delete windows:D | 09:04 |
Myrtti | rileyp: please be helpful with your answers | 09:04 |
Myrtti | sayed1: so you've installed with wubi? | 09:04 |
coz_ | sayed, how large is the hard drive? | 09:04 |
reeniginEesreveR | whats the command line tool for comparing two files? would like to see colored highlting of changes | 09:04 |
SolarisBoy | diff | 09:05 |
Shay27 | archboxman: does ubuntu have some command for listing all the partitions with the required parameters ? | 09:05 |
sayed1 | 250 gub | 09:05 |
iceroot | reeniginEesreveR: diff | 09:05 |
SolarisBoy | i think there some color options gotta man it | 09:05 |
sayed1 | gib* | 09:05 |
coz_ | reeniginEesreveR, yes dif or you can install meld which works really well | 09:05 |
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz | ||
archboxman | fdisk | 09:05 |
SolarisBoy | yes meld is sweet | 09:05 |
reeniginEesreveR | iceroot, diff isn't highlitign with colors | 09:05 |
SolarisBoy | reeniginEesreveR: 04:05 SolarisBo| i think there some color options gotta man it | 09:05 |
iceroot | reeniginEesreveR: then the diff from vi which is using colors | 09:05 |
klappi | reeniginEesreveR: i can also recomend xxdiff | 09:06 |
SolarisBoy | iceroot: also good option | 09:06 |
coz_ | sayed, almost missed that answer :) when talking with someon in irc is is best to type the first few letters of their nick ...hit tab to complete... so that they are alerted that you are speaking with them :) | 09:06 |
iceroot | SolarisBoy: vim is always the best option :) | 09:06 |
archboxman | fdisk shows hard drives not disk | 09:06 |
coz_ | sayed, so how much space is windows using of that disk? | 09:06 |
SolarisBoy | i usually :vsplit in that case | 09:06 |
Myrtti | sayed1: did you install with wubi? | 09:06 |
archboxman | fdisk shows hard drives not partitions | 09:06 |
sayed1 | coz_: ok | 09:06 |
rileyp | lol | 09:07 |
coz_ | sayed, much nicer :) | 09:07 |
rileyp | help with mouse disable in suspend please | 09:07 |
archboxman | fdisk -l | 09:07 |
sayed1 | coz_: abt 19 gib | 09:07 |
coz_ | sayed, how much space is windows using of that disk right now? | 09:07 |
rileyp | I need to disable mouse in suspend | 09:07 |
Myrtti | coz_: could you ask him how he installed his windows, because he doesn't seem to notice me asking? | 09:07 |
rileyp | anyone here with the know how? | 09:08 |
rileyp | or am i wsting my time | 09:08 |
SolarisBoy | rileyp: try power options? | 09:08 |
sayed1 | Myrtti: from xp | 09:08 |
coz_ | sayed, ok now when you installed ubuntu... how much space did you allow for the installation? | 09:08 |
Myrtti | sayed1: with a program you downloaded? | 09:08 |
rileyp | nothing in there | 09:08 |
[J]ustin | Is their a way to view all installed packages? | 09:08 |
sayed1 | coz_: 6 gib | 09:08 |
SolarisBoy | rileyp: i got nothin =) | 09:08 |
coz_ | sayed, ok well is this a newly installed ubuntu? | 09:08 |
sayed1 | coz_: yes | 09:09 |
[J]ustin | Is their a way to view all installed packages? | 09:09 |
rileyp | solarisboy thanks for your honesty | 09:09 |
SolarisBoy | rileyp: may google lead you to the light | 09:09 |
rww | [J]ustin: on the command-line or graphically? | 09:09 |
[J]ustin | command-line (SSH, putty) | 09:09 |
rileyp | justin yes look in snamptic packet manger | 09:09 |
rww | [J]ustin: aptitude search ~i | 09:10 |
[J]ustin | thanks | 09:10 |
turtle^s0up | [J]ustin: dpkg --get-selections | 09:10 |
rileyp | justin all items installed have green box | 09:10 |
coz_ | sayed, ok let me make a suggestion then.... go into xp and completely defrag it...then in xp under disk management delte the partition made from ubuntu....then reinstall ubuntu and allow it the amount of space you would like...with that size disk I would give it equal amounts of space as xp | 09:10 |
faileas | ... | 09:11 |
faileas | oops | 09:11 |
faileas | wrogn window | 09:11 |
llutz | [J]ustin: dokg -l|grep ^ii | 09:11 |
sayed1 | coz_: thx | 09:11 |
llutz | dpkg | 09:11 |
Myrtti | sayed1: is installing a real dualboot system out of the question? | 09:11 |
coz_ | sayed, you will be much happier with that set up :) | 09:11 |
kinja-sheep | llutz: Why the ^? | 09:11 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: to change prompt color it was in the bashrc there is no reason in ubuntu to edit bashrc is there??? | 09:11 |
sayed1 | Myrtti: i don't know how | 09:11 |
llutz | kinja-sheep: try it withou | 09:11 |
llutz | t | 09:11 |
connex | hi, i have a dell d610 laptop, it's native resolution is 1400x1050, after i used the external vga port to dual view the tv and the laptop, i can't get the native resolution detected and switched to, what do i do? | 09:12 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: you asking if there is a reason to change the color of the prompt or the console text color? | 09:12 |
SolarisBoy | if the prompt yes need to edit bashrc because thats where its set | 09:12 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: not that why do ubuntu users edit the bashrc file?? | 09:13 |
SolarisBoy | i like mines customized | 09:14 |
archboxman | connex: dont think you can set ubuntu that high??? | 09:14 |
SolarisBoy | i put color definitions some custom functions lots of aliases, etc its for ease of use | 09:14 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: got u , your beyond the average ubuntu user that is for sure :) | 09:15 |
connex | fixed it, apparently the xorg settings remained active even after i remove the screen and rebooted, i just had to deleted the virtual desktop section, wish someone would open a bug report on it, anyways i'm back to the 1400x1050 resolution | 09:15 |
SolarisBoy | lol i get your point though,, most users of ubuntu likely dont sit in bash a lot so they would receive no benefit from editing the defaults | 09:16 |
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archboxman | SolarisBoy: Don't know if I could edit out all of the unused programs your talking about, Openoffice alone is 824mb | 09:19 |
SolarisBoy | yes its a large program, but where are you talking of editing it at? | 09:19 |
SolarisBoy | s/program/package/ | 09:20 |
archboxman | --remove not just edit I use abiword | 09:20 |
pat|nG | what's the command to know the path of my kernel? | 09:21 |
thefish | does 10.04 still use grub? just did an install and getting grub error 15 - then in a rescue shell i dont seem to have grub installed at all, and theres no menu.lst in /boot/grub/ | 09:21 |
Myrtti | thefish: grub2 is the default | 09:21 |
SolarisBoy | pat|nG: the kernel is in /boot/ the src likely /usr/src | 09:21 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: no more college courses can dump half the programs | 09:21 |
thefish | Myrtti: is there a different way to fix things with grub2? | 09:21 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: apt-get purge <program> | 09:22 |
[J]ustin | What is a good FTP server that you can easly chroot\jail with? | 09:22 |
Myrtti | thefish: yes. Unfortunately the wiki is down so I can't really give you a good link on our wiki about it | 09:22 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: yes for got | 09:22 |
SolarisBoy | vsftpd | 09:22 |
SolarisBoy | [J]ustin: vsFTPd | 09:22 |
Myrtti | thefish: would be the location | 09:22 |
thefish | Myrtti: ok cool, will keep trying with google, ta | 09:22 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: been a minute since played with debian | 09:22 |
[J]ustin | SolarisBoy, Are you able to jail a user and keep the account 'justin' with full root access? | 09:22 |
SolarisBoy | [J]ustin: yes and more | 09:23 |
[J]ustin | Ok thanks mate. | 09:23 |
SolarisBoy | [J]ustin: anytime | 09:23 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: im more familiar with solaris or RHEL based distros | 09:23 |
SolarisBoy | opensolaris and fedora | 09:23 |
pat|nG | i click on system > hardware drivers > i got this broadcom STA driver not activated i clicked activate i got this error message sorry, installation of this driver failed please have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log what will i do now? | 09:24 |
SolarisBoy | but i really like ubuntu for a home workstation =) | 09:24 |
callum__ | how do you get the webcam and audio to work on pidgin mesenger eee pc 701 ? | 09:24 |
archboxman | I actually like either BSD or as400 if I have to play with unix | 09:24 |
r3w1nnnd_ | cineva din RO ? | 09:24 |
callum__ | i enabled the "plugin" but nothing comes up | 09:24 |
SolarisBoy | i do some work on as400 and use to work as a BSD shop | 09:24 |
SolarisBoy | FreeBSD | 09:25 |
SolarisBoy | some of my clients are as400 / IBM shops with all AIX Pseries etc.. | 09:25 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: NetBSD for me | 09:25 |
SolarisBoy | nice | 09:25 |
callum__ | how do you get the webcam and audio to work on pidgin mesenger eee pc 701 ? | 09:25 |
Myrtti | !ro | r3w1nnnd_ | 09:25 |
ubottu | r3w1nnnd_: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro | 09:25 |
callum__ | i enabled the "plugin" but nothing comes up | 09:25 |
llutz | !ot | SolarisBoy: archboxman could you please take that chitchat to another channel. thx | 09:25 |
ubottu | SolarisBoy: archboxman could you please take that chitchat to another channel. thx: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 09:25 |
callum__ | Thanks | 09:25 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: AS400 is work horse | 09:26 |
Myrtti | callum__: please don't repeat that often, the channel population hasn't really changed that much between you asking the first time | 09:26 |
callum__ | They always talk about OFF-TOPIC Crap Llutz | 09:26 |
SolarisBoy | indeed | 09:26 |
archboxman | thanks ubottu | 09:26 |
archboxman | !bash bot | 09:26 |
archboxman | !bot | 09:26 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 09:26 |
elgh | archbox: are u there? | 09:26 |
callum__ | anyone know about the camera/audio plug in for pidgin | 09:26 |
brand0n | how come installing ffmpeg makes DeVeDe uninstall? | 09:26 |
brand0n | and vlc and gnomebaker | 09:26 |
brand0n | and mplayer | 09:26 |
archboxman | elgh: go head | 09:27 |
SolarisBoy | dependcy issue? | 09:27 |
archboxman | elgh: found that changing prompt colors was under .bashrc | 09:27 |
thechef | gnome-system-monitor is not very useful, because it mainly monitors it's own cpu usage. | 09:27 |
ouyes | how to make a settings in xchat to highlight my word? | 09:27 |
archboxman | elgh: have you edited your bachrc anytime soon | 09:27 |
elgh | archbox: I had to install my computer with alternate install, running Jaunty. Graphics issues made me install graphics drivers in recovery mode. But I still couldn't see, so I edited xorg.conf and that made my cursor weird... | 09:28 |
SolarisBoy | i may have a link in my delicous for customizing bashrc... prompt, aliases etc.. one sec... | 09:28 |
pintook | hello i need help with my Ooo | 09:28 |
elgh | archbox: Never edited bashrc... | 09:28 |
SolarisBoy | im not sure but i believe xorg.conf recreates itself.... | 09:28 |
ouyes | what is Ooo | 09:28 |
SolarisBoy | with defaults | 09:28 |
rww | ouyes: | 09:29 |
callum__ | how do you get the webcam and audio to work on pidgin mesenger eee pc 701 ? | 09:29 |
pintook | my openoffice menu text does not appear | 09:29 |
callum__ | nothing in media works ---> no audio/webcam call and its all set to default :S | 09:29 |
brand0n | callum__ i was wondering that too | 09:29 |
archboxman | elgh: after looking over xorg.conf its only driver used for the mouse not the color change unless you are using the wrong driver | 09:29 |
brand0n | this new empathy messenger is garbge | 09:29 |
brand0n | it has even less support for video calls than pidgin does | 09:29 |
brand0n | no idea why it was changed to default | 09:29 |
rww | ouyes: settings -> preferences -> Chatting:Alerts -> Extra words to highlight | 09:30 |
elgh | archboxman: okey... | 09:30 |
archboxman | elgh: let me look one more time | 09:30 |
callum__ | it i enabled the plug in and it says select stuff i put it all to default but nothing works in conversation/media | 09:30 |
elgh | archboxman: Got MSN? I can send a picture... | 09:30 |
Raydiation | does epiphany already support HTML5 video/audio? | 09:30 |
thefish | Myrtti: dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc was all that was needed - looks like the installer may have missed that bit | 09:30 |
callum__ | Do you enable ASC6062 Crap ? | 09:30 |
physh | hello | 09:31 |
callum__ | i have INTEL TEXTURED Video under a Video option :S | 09:31 |
archboxman | elgh: why not we like to get a laugh... | 09:32 |
physh | so I'm going to be one of those typical never before seen names and say: "help? please? got a few problems over here" | 09:32 |
brand0n | anyone use avidemux? | 09:32 |
brand0n | is it better than devede? | 09:32 |
brand0n | also is ffmpeg better than mencoder? | 09:32 |
callum__ | god im going to use google instead | 09:32 |
callum__ | this support channel is FAIL Lately | 09:32 |
elgh | archboxman: Get a laugh? :P | 09:32 |
coz_ | brand0n, I would have 'both" installed | 09:32 |
brand0n | i do | 09:33 |
brand0n | but for some reason when i install DeVeDe | 09:33 |
physh | I have googled the heck out of my problems but I'm thinking it's just to easy and I'm missing it | 09:33 |
brand0n | it uninstalls ffmpeg | 09:33 |
coz_ | brand0n, also there is a front end to ffmpeg name winff | 09:33 |
brand0n | whats the best app for converting video files (avi mpg mp4) to iso | 09:33 |
brand0n | in your opinion i mean | 09:33 |
SolarisBoy | ffmpeg | 09:33 |
coz_ | brand0n, probably ffmpeg maybe handbrake | 09:34 |
brand0n | and winff is the best frontend for that SolarisBoy | 09:34 |
brand0n | ? | 09:34 |
brand0n | how do you feel about avidemux | 09:34 |
SolarisBoy | i use it from cmdline mostly | 09:34 |
pat|nG | i click on system > hardware drivers > i got this broadcom STA driver not activated i clicked activate i got this error message sorry, installation of this driver failed please have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log what will i do now? | 09:34 |
SolarisBoy | or scripts | 09:34 |
ouyes | rww, thanks | 09:34 |
archboxman | read there are some adware that change the cursour color | 09:34 |
brand0n | i installed this script from avconvert its pretty neat | 09:34 |
SolarisBoy | brand0n: yes for the task it completes i use it | 09:34 |
llutz | pat|nG: have a look at the log file for details: /var/log/jockey.log | 09:34 |
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brand0n | but it makes it so i gotta uninstall devede | 09:34 |
brand0n | so im looking for an alternative | 09:34 |
archboxman | elgh: read there are some adware that change the cursour color | 09:34 |
physh | I just installed mythbuntu with an hvr-1800 card. got it to detect my atsc signal and show channels, but I get two pictures (the same) on each channel. | 09:34 |
pat|nG | llutz: then? | 09:34 |
llutz | pat|nG: fix it | 09:35 |
ouyes | rww, and ouyes to the place? | 09:35 |
SolarisBoy | brand0n: they have lots of cool ones online even some for flash --> mp3 (quality not awesome) | 09:35 |
elgh | archboxman: Shouldn't be any adaware in a fresh installed computer, should it? | 09:35 |
rww | ouyes: if you want it to highlight you when someone says "ouyes". yes | 09:35 |
elgh | archboxman: And it's not just the cursor... It's a big green square... | 09:35 |
SolarisBoy | usually can be accomplished in one line from command line | 09:35 |
ouyes | rww, no i want to highlight the word i typed | 09:36 |
pat|nG | llutz: that's why i'm here coz i dnt know how to fix it! dnt be so rude bro | 09:36 |
ouyes | rww, i mean anyplace has related to ouyes | 09:36 |
archboxman | elgh: no damage to screen is it bad pixells???? | 09:36 |
rww | ouyes: then put that in there... | 09:36 |
llutz | pat|nG: nobody here knows what the problem is, we cannot read your log-files. so read yourself, fix it or come back with details | 09:36 |
duncan-nz | New Question: I suddenly can't mount one of my partitions. 'sudo mount -a' says "mount: /dev/sda8 already mounted or /home/duncan/storage busy" but I can't access the files at either location. When I comment out the line in fstab and try to mount from cli I get "Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 32: mount: /dev/sda8 already mounted or /media/c3491a67-4c06-4bab-8bc7-56d1d0164b11 busy". What's going on? | 09:36 |
elgh | archboxman: Quite new screen, no bad pixels at all. Nothing is wrong except the cursor... | 09:37 |
SolarisBoy | duncan-nz: are you in that directory its mounted to? | 09:37 |
pog | how can I use nautilius sftp:// under lxde (gnome is isntalled, but nautilus seem's to need a gnome-service, which ist noch started under lxde: | 09:37 |
duncan-nz | SolarisBoy, (great film, the original solaris) Nope. | 09:37 |
SolarisBoy | duncan-nz: fuser and lsof commands may help to show whats using the mount | 09:37 |
brand0n | SolarisBoy, i just converted a file into a DVD MPEG or whatever with ffmpeg, how would i burn that into a dvd that can be read in a dvd player? | 09:38 |
duncan-nz | SolarisBoy, I'll have a look at them. Thanks. | 09:38 |
SolarisBoy | brand0n: one sec ill let you know the steps i have them notated,, think i actually have a link,, theres a few approaches,,, | 09:38 |
brand0n | thank you :) | 09:38 |
archboxman | elgh: with all these setup changes I would have to say it is a diver conflit?? You need to reload ubuntu with out all the changes.. May I ask why you went this route with your install in the first place??? | 09:38 |
llutz | brand0n: dvdauthor + mkisofs | 09:38 |
airtonix | pog, are you using sftp:// or ssh:// | 09:38 |
SolarisBoy | but generally from DVD MPEG.. need to just mkisofs | 09:38 |
SolarisBoy | or like llutz said =) | 09:38 |
archboxman | diver= driver | 09:39 |
ouyes | hi | 09:39 |
pog | i guess under nautilius I used sftp:// | 09:39 |
pat|nG | llutz: <----my jockey.log | 09:39 |
ouyes | rww, no i and ouyes to here, but still no highlight | 09:39 |
airtonix | pog, might be that you just need to to type ssh:// instead | 09:39 |
llutz | pat|nG: sry no www here | 09:39 |
coz_ | brand0n, I believe the app mandvd can do that | 09:39 |
brand0n | ok thank you | 09:40 |
elgh | elgh: The reason I had to use alternate install was because if I use regular install CD I can't see anything... The screen is blank. Can't load live CD either. | 09:40 |
pog | and ftp:/ and so on, but doesn't seem to work. o.k. I try ssh:// | 09:40 |
coz_ | brand0n, although I have never used it so research it first | 09:40 |
ouyes | hi | 09:40 |
pat|nG | coz_: <----my jockey.log | 09:40 |
=== VoX is now known as vox | ||
physh | anyone have any idea why I might be seeing what seems like two signals on a single source when tuning through my hvr-1800? | 09:40 |
airtonix | !repeat > pat|nG | 09:41 |
ubottu | pat|nG, please see my private message | 09:41 |
SolarisBoy | tovid is nice... | 09:41 |
physh | I have two pictures when I tune to a channel. both of the same channel. | 09:41 |
archboxman | elgh: what kinda monitor is this in the first place that a standard vga can't load???? | 09:41 |
elgh | archboxman: It's a Philips LCD... | 09:41 |
Myrtti | there's your error, getting Philips | 09:42 |
physh | two pictures. one on the top half and the other on the bottom half of my screen when I tune to a channel with my hvr-1800 | 09:42 |
elgh | archboxman: Got a xorg.conf from another guy using Geforce 7300 GS and that fixed everything except the mouse... | 09:42 |
Myrtti | *cough* moving on | 09:42 |
=== sarah31india is now known as sarah31 | ||
coz_ | pat|nG, are you installing nvidia driver? | 09:42 |
archboxman | elgh: give me the model number | 09:42 |
elgh | archboxman: Where do find that? | 09:42 |
physh | I have an ATI card | 09:42 |
=== trabalho is now known as thedoor | ||
archboxman | elgh: sure this is not a video card issue | 09:43 |
elgh | archboxman: Well, everything else works fine with graphics... | 09:43 |
pat|nG | this is pissin me off.... llutz stop acting like ur a cool ubuntu geek! be fair enough to treat noobs like don't tell me that i have to fix it myself! that's why we're her coz we need help....don't be so i'm givin the info and u tell me no web here....what a crap! get lost.....u're just a waste of time here....u don't intend to help noobs but u're just tryin to piss us off.... | 09:43 |
ouyes | how can i highlight the word i typed? | 09:43 |
ouyes | in my window? | 09:43 |
airtonix | ouyes, double click it ? | 09:44 |
ouyes | airtonix, i am in xchat, i want to highlight my words in my window | 09:45 |
archboxman | elgh: if your loading a different driver then you video card is renderer for this is a issue and will show up in other areas besides just a mouse color and a few blocks of green... Just try running some games and this will show a big weakness | 09:45 |
tomatoes7 | i'm using mongrel as a webserver for ruby on rails apps....i can access this webpage from other computers connected through the same can i serve my webpage over the internet from my pc? | 09:45 |
ouyes | airtonix, my words are in grey now, | 09:45 |
elgh | archboxman: I don't usually play games. :P | 09:45 |
airtonix | ouyes, ok this makes more sense... (complete questions are better rather than a 10minute dance around your intial vague questions) | 09:45 |
elgh | archbox: I got the driver installed that Ubuntu recommend. | 09:45 |
llutz | tomatoes7: activate portforwarding in your router, pointing to your host | 09:46 |
pat|nG | don't listen to him tomatoes7! llutz is nothin....he's just a fake ubuntu geek helper here! | 09:46 |
pat|nG | tomatoes7: ask for erusul coz_ and others...they're good | 09:46 |
airtonix | ouyes, xchat window : settings > advanced > text events >>> scroll to > "Your Message" | 09:47 |
archboxman | elgh: that video card is the exact reason... something is not pointing out if xorg.conf file is holding on to old issues from a different cofiguration may be the weakness ... as well as xorg.conf is a confg file with no real double check of a system as you pointed out with this install... | 09:48 |
Bigshot | where can i get all the cool dark themes for ubuntu? except from gnome website? | 09:48 |
pat|nG | tomatoes7: ask Myrtti! he's a great help here! don't listen to a cool acting helper like llutz! | 09:48 |
tomatoes7 | whats the deal with llutz? | 09:48 |
pat|nG | he's a fake | 09:48 |
elgh | Okey... | 09:48 |
llutz | pat|nG: stop now please | 09:48 |
pat|nG | don't know nothin... | 09:48 |
elgh | archboxman: Would you like to see my xorg.conf? | 09:48 |
Myrtti | pat|nG: cool down, no reason to take someone down based on your experiences | 09:48 |
pat|nG | Myrtti: i got pissed off wid that guy right now | 09:49 |
pat|nG | newbies like me came along here to ask help | 09:49 |
Myrtti | pat|nG: cool down | 09:49 |
pat|nG | and then he try to tell me go and fixed it? | 09:49 |
pat|nG | how can i fix it if i don't know how to do it | 09:49 |
* airtonix smells rage | 09:49 | |
pat|nG | he's rude | 09:49 |
pat|nG | don't be so rude llu | 09:49 |
pat|nG | be patient | 09:49 |
Myrtti | pat|nG: seriously, if you've got an issue with someone, you don't need to vent it here | 09:49 |
SolarisBoy | !patience | 09:50 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. | 09:50 |
pat|nG | not all newbies are fast learner | 09:50 |
magn3ts | Dear #ubuntu. I would like an Ubuntu derivative that will allow me to use thunar seemlessly, have a very lightweight overhead for menus as I plan on using awn-navigator and not touching GNOME as much as possible. Is there a distro like this? | 09:50 |
coz_ | pat|nG, its understandable ...especially when get frustrated when answers are not always immediate...however...everyone here works for free for many a little patience goes a long way :) | 09:50 |
duncan-nz | SolarisBoy, I didn't find anything useful. According to fuser that uuid was not found in /media (where the other command said it was already mounted). And I found nothing with lsof to suggest that there was already a connection. But I went back and reinserted the line in fstab, ran sudo mount -a again and now it works. The fstab line is just "UUID=c3491a67-4c06-4bab-8bc7-56d1d0164b11 /home/duncan/storage ext3 users 0 1" do you see anything wro | 09:50 |
duncan-nz | ng with that? | 09:50 |
pat|nG | i can wait for hours but tell me "fix it urself" is not acceptable for a new starter! | 09:50 |
archboxman | elgh: I will look at it , but again no system is designed at this time to hold the xorg.conf accountable for data entry or retrival | 09:50 |
pat|nG | awkie now! sorry! i'll stop! i'm cool! | 09:51 |
coz_ | pat|nG, I am not saying wait for hours I am saying many here stay online for many many hours...and yes "fix it yourself" is not acceptable | 09:51 |
llutz | pat|nG: why don't you read all what i wrote? | 09:51 |
duncan-nz | pat|nG, actually, unless you've got paid for support you can't demand anything from a group of volunteers. Please remember that and be polite. | 09:51 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: how do you update the database in ubuntu?? | 09:51 |
elgh | GNU nano 2.0.9 Fil: /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 09:51 |
elgh | Section "Screen" | 09:51 |
elgh | Identifier "Default Screen" | 09:51 |
elgh | DefaultDepth 24 | 09:51 |
elgh | EndSection | 09:51 |
FloodBot2 | elgh: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 09:51 |
elgh | Section "Module" | 09:51 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: what database updatedb? | 09:51 |
SolarisBoy | duncan-nz: depends looking.. | 09:51 |
pat|nG | duncan-nz u don't know what polite stop it..i'm cool | 09:52 |
SolarisBoy | so removing that line and adding it right back fixed it duncan-nz ? | 09:52 |
SolarisBoy | are you sure were no issue with the line that were corrected ? | 09:52 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: update the files in ubuntu to make sure you get the latest update of programs from the apt-get database | 09:53 |
SolarisBoy | apt-get update | 09:53 |
sarah31 | hi everyone i have question use ubuntu etc and want to check my laptop ip adress and when type ifconfig im getting info inet addr:xx.xx.xx.xx.xx.xx Bcast:xx.xx.xx.xx.xx Mask: my question is, inet adrr is that my laptop ip? or my isp ip or my router ip what is inet adrr? | 09:53 |
zen_master_soso | Anyone want to help with getting NetworkManager to work with fluxbox? 1) Gnome sessions still ask for a password for the default keyring. 2) fluxbox sessions seem to have no way to "ask", because services are started out of order. Interested? | 09:53 |
airtonix | ouyes, that entry is exactly what you want, also you'll notice from other entries in that list you can prefix sections with something like : %C22 to change the colour of text following it | 09:53 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: apt-get update | 09:53 |
moborobo | hi | 09:53 |
duncan-nz | SolarisBoy, that's right! Palimset said there was a problem with the partition, and gparted said it couldn't mount it. But now palimpset says it's clean, it's reasonably new. | 09:53 |
airtonix | ouyes, ie i'm using this now : %C22%H<%H$4$1%H>%H%O%C30$t%C12$2 | 09:53 |
SolarisBoy | duncan-nz: is it a windows partiton? | 09:54 |
rww | sarah31: inet adrr is the internal IP address used between your laptop and your router. It isn't your public internet address. | 09:54 |
=== myn\ is now known as myn | ||
SolarisBoy | duncan-nz: that was shutdown uncleanly? | 09:54 |
archboxman | elgh: run a apt-get update | 09:54 |
elgh | archboxman: Yes? | 09:54 |
zen_master_soso | Looking for someone who understands the NetworkManager, nm-system-settings, gnome-keyring-daemon, maybe wpa_supplicant.... | 09:55 |
duncan-nz | SolarisBoy, no, it's ext3. but it's mounted by windows using ext2fs. I went there and did a new shut down to see if it had some 'open lines' but that didn't seem to make any difference. I suspecting though that the driver didn't let go? | 09:55 |
elgh | archboxman: Did that. | 09:55 |
SolarisBoy | duncan-nz: possible ,, in that case can remove and load the module. | 09:55 |
duncan-nz | SolarisBoy, "went there" = "booted into windows" | 09:55 |
archboxman | elgh: do apt-get autoremove | 09:56 |
ArchMage | i'm trying to install a theme in gnome and it says it was installed successfully but never appears in my themes list | 09:56 |
mehee | hi whats the mots compresses file format that can be opened by linux and windows and mac computers | 09:56 |
ArchMage | anyone have this problem or know the solutions? | 09:56 |
ArchMage | s/s// | 09:56 |
SolarisBoy | when you did fuser or lsof you used sudo right> | 09:56 |
duncan-nz | SolarisBoy, ext2fs only runs on windows. So I can't touch it from *nix | 09:56 |
SolarisBoy | ? | 09:56 |
SolarisBoy | oh | 09:56 |
ArchMage | it seems to have placed it in my ~/.themes folder | 09:56 |
SolarisBoy | well i dont think any driver thats loaded in a windows os has a process or handle on any device when your booted into linux | 09:57 |
SolarisBoy | chkdsk or fsck the actual drive maybe | 09:57 |
duncan-nz | SolarisBoy, I didn't use sudo for lsof or fuser. Of course I should have thought to. I'll remember that fro next time. I agree that running fsck is probably smart. Thanks for the help. | 09:58 |
archboxman | !pastebin | 09:58 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 09:58 |
SolarisBoy | duncan-nz: sure | 09:58 |
ArchMage | augh nvm it was apparently not a full theme | 09:58 |
ArchMage | sorry to bother you all | 09:58 |
rww | ubottu: pm | sarah31 | 09:58 |
ubottu | sarah31: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 09:58 |
bullgard4 | Where can I find 'Firefox Cache Viewer'? see | 09:59 |
sarah31 | hi tnx for answer:) i have one more question maybe u could help me. i want to try tool called fastrack etc i have two laptops i know my ip address from ifconfig inet addr. and my question is how do i get over internet ip address from my other laptop i know how to get router ip but dont know how to get the se3cond laptop ip could u help me? | 09:59 |
archboxman | bullgard4: do locate cache | 09:59 |
=== eaglewatch is now known as EagleWatch | ||
SolarisBoy | bullgard4: ? | 10:00 |
SolarisBoy | what version do you run? | 10:00 |
elgh | archboxman: Did autoremove. | 10:00 |
bullgard4 | archboxman: hehe. Do you know what you suggest? | 10:00 |
nikihr | !puregnome | 10:01 |
ubottu | If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal | 10:01 |
archboxman | bullgard4: yes you to check cache throughout the machine | 10:01 |
SolarisBoy | nice one ubottu !! =) | 10:01 |
archboxman | bullgard4: locate cache -c | 10:01 |
archboxman | bullgard4: tell me the totol number of files with cache | 10:02 |
archboxman | elgh: sorry after this little update does ubuntu ask you to restart the computer??? | 10:02 |
archboxman | bullgard4: I will go find the area your after | 10:03 |
loops_ | hi, what are virtual packages? | 10:03 |
elgh | archboxman: Nope... | 10:03 |
SolarisBoy | loops_: packages that point at other packages | 10:04 |
llutz | loops_: meta-packages, which install other due to their dependencies. i.e. lampp, pulling apache/perl/mysql etc. | 10:04 |
archboxman | elgh: I feel the old configuration of xorg.conf is hold on to your computer... | 10:04 |
archboxman | elgh: do a pastebin | 10:04 |
archboxman | !pastebin | 10:04 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 10:04 |
elgh | archboxman: What is a pastebin? | 10:05 |
zilkomaa | How to enable ur own location to gnome do weather dock? | 10:05 |
loops_ | SolarisBoy, llutz, thanks. | 10:05 |
archboxman | elgh: it is a simple way to send a copy of the whole file xorg.conf without all this choppy text here | 10:05 |
SolarisBoy | np | 10:06 |
elgh | archboxman: How do I do that? | 10:06 |
lolmaus | Hi! I'm a newbie LAMP user running Ubuntu Server 9.10. Please recommend an easy backup solution (for full system restore after hdd failure). | 10:06 |
lekefly | !pastebin | 10:06 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 10:06 |
archboxman | go to paste your whole xorg.conf file and copy the link above after hitting send | 10:06 |
lekefly | as he just said | 10:06 |
pintook | my openoffice menu text does not appear | 10:06 |
rileyp | help me disable mouse during suspend | 10:07 |
SolarisBoy | lolmaus: tar will mysqldump can backup your db and tar cp scp can be used for your web content,, all those apps can be reinstalled easily | 10:07 |
archboxman | elgh: paste that like here so I can view your xorg.conf file | 10:07 |
rileyp | mouse wakes up pc when bumped | 10:08 |
SolarisBoy | lolmaus: for 1 server those solutions are valid | 10:08 |
elgh | | 10:08 |
archboxman | bullgard4: /homefolder/.mozilla/firefox has your cache file | 10:08 |
lolmaus | SolarisBoy, i'm backing up my sites manually. What i ask about is a full system backup/restore solution to survive an hdd/filesystem failure. | 10:09 |
archboxman | elgh: is that the whole file??? | 10:09 |
SolarisBoy | lolmaus: look at RAID | 10:09 |
elgh | archboxman: Indeed it is. | 10:09 |
archboxman | elgh: hold on | 10:09 |
SolarisBoy | lolmaus: or dd command if thats needed | 10:09 |
brand0n | SolarisBoy, how do you use any2dvd? like what would be an example of the command id use | 10:10 |
brand0n | any2dvd moviename.avi | 10:10 |
brand0n | or something simple like that wont work | 10:10 |
SolarisBoy | i think it needs some options set | 10:10 |
theadmin | brand0n: How about trying "man any2dvd"? | 10:10 |
SolarisBoy | it may not have a man... | 10:11 |
brand0n | theadmin - how about i already tried that, and im not talking to you | 10:11 |
SolarisBoy | but try --helppp | 10:11 |
brand0n | i did -h | 10:11 |
mehee | | 10:11 |
brand0n | i see the help, but what if i dont wanna set any options and want them all default, how would i go about doing that? | 10:11 |
theadmin | brand0n: Well, you need support, huh? So... | 10:11 |
SolarisBoy | brand0n: depends on what the defaults are,, | 10:11 |
mehee | heres a list of cross platform data compression files | 10:11 |
SolarisBoy | brand0n: for some reason i think it assumes your starting with avi... | 10:11 |
SolarisBoy | however you have mpeg already | 10:11 |
brand0n | no no i was just testing stuff with the mpeg | 10:12 |
archboxman | elgh: what is the video card you have now??? | 10:12 |
brand0n | 99% of the time i start with an avi | 10:12 |
brand0n | so i wanna try it like that | 10:12 |
elgh | archboxman: It is a Nvidia GeForce 7300 Gs. | 10:12 |
SolarisBoy | i would need to check... its actually just a shell script you can open it just calls other command line programs | 10:12 |
SolarisBoy | the default is there one second.. | 10:12 |
archboxman | elgh: hold on | 10:12 |
brand0n | actually SolarisBoy i found it | 10:13 |
brand0n | it has examples in the manual - for some reason i didnt see them before | 10:13 |
brand0n | thanks though | 10:13 |
Real_Ubot | Forget about the cloud. I have a plan to sync my desktop Ubuntu os to a usb flash drive. I want all settings, newly installed software etc to be changed on my usb persistent UBuntu Liv einstallation. Is this possible and how do I do? | 10:13 |
kinja-sheep | Real_Ubot: I thought you say you have a plan. | 10:14 |
Real_Ubot | kinja-sheep: What? | 10:14 |
theadmin | Hello. I've got Unetbootin. Is it necessary to format whatever you use it on? | 10:14 |
lolmaus | SolarisBoy, i'm backing up my sites manually. What i ask about is a full system backup/restore SOFTWARE solution to survive an hdd/filesystem failure. | 10:14 |
archboxman | elgh: lspci | grep nvidia -i -m 20 in the terminal | 10:14 |
Real_Ubot | kinja-sheep: Yes, I know what i want to do but not how complicated it will be? | 10:15 |
kinja-sheep | Real_Ubot: To sync everything? Meh. Use rsync for that. As for packages? Meh, don't. You don't want to end up installing extra stuffs (ie modules and supports) on wrong machines. | 10:15 |
elgh | archboxman: 02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G71 [GeForce 7300 GS] (rev a1) | 10:16 |
SolarisBoy | lolmaus: im familiar with netbackup which is a paid solution | 10:16 |
* sync I'm everywhere. | 10:16 | |
mehee | from the list can you work out what the best cross platform compression format is with max compression. | 10:16 |
infid | does compiz do everything expose on macs does? | 10:16 |
SolarisBoy | brand0n: you can alternatively use tovidgui | 10:16 |
SolarisBoy | its a package | 10:16 |
brand0n | ok | 10:16 |
brand0n | hmm i keep trying the example usage commands but i get errors | 10:16 |
SolarisBoy | lolmaus: software RAID is also an option | 10:16 |
rileyp | zen master can you help me with suspend and my mouse | 10:17 |
=== EagleWatch is now known as eaglewatch | ||
rileyp | disable mouse so it does not wake pc during suspend | 10:17 |
theadmin | Also, I had a WTFish thing happen... It said something like "mount: filesystem mount failed. Last mount time is in future". FSCK fixed it but WTF? | 10:17 |
SolarisBoy | theres backula amanda and some other open source network backup solutions... | 10:17 |
zen_master_soso | rileyp: i did find something on the power management, but nothing on how to disable the mouse. You? | 10:17 |
rileyp | suspend is working | 10:17 |
archboxman | elgh: I have the Geforce 7300 LE version in this computer no problems ,but ubuntu brings up just a nvidia card type in your xorg.conf mine on archlinux brings up the model??? wonder how xorg.conf is handled in ubuntu?? | 10:18 |
zen_master_soso | I'm looking for overall general help, opinions on how best to setup a "kiosk" style browser xsession. | 10:18 |
infid | will ubuntu support an HD monitor | 10:18 |
zen_master_soso | infid: yes | 10:18 |
elgh | archman: Interesting. But I had to create that xorg.conf myself. | 10:18 |
rileyp | zen master someone one suggested /etc/event.d but I do not have a /etc/event.d folder or file | 10:18 |
Bigshot | is this a mistake? it says to create files in "preprobe" dir but it copies files to "policy" dir??? | 10:18 |
SolarisBoy | lolmaus: theres a open source version of ghost which name slips my mind at the moment... | 10:19 |
zen_master_soso | rileyp: do you have /etc/pam.d? | 10:19 |
Bigshot | sudo cp preprobe/20thirdparty/10-ntrig.fdi /etc/hal/fdi/policy/20thirdparty/ | 10:19 |
c_nick | How to delete a directory comprising of many non empty directories in the /usr folder i tried with sudo rmdir but not working | 10:19 |
Bigshot | sudo mkdir /etc/hal/fdi/preprobe/20thirdparty | 10:19 |
zen_master_soso | rileyp: actually, that's where the suspend script is | 10:19 |
archboxman | elgh: what driver do you have set to the 7300 gs | 10:19 |
theadmin | c_nick: sudo rm -rf foldername | 10:19 |
SolarisBoy | rm -Rf c_nick | 10:19 |
[J]ustin | How am I able to run a java application (opens a socket), be able to view the output via putty and then be able to close putty with the application still running | 10:20 |
c_nick | thanks guys | 10:20 |
zen_master_soso | anyone have an opinion on how best to setup a kiosk style browser only X session? | 10:20 |
faileas | [J]ustin: cli app, or gui one? | 10:20 |
SolarisBoy | [J]ustin: if the java app is through the putty connection it will close when you close the connection | 10:20 |
[J]ustin | cli | 10:20 |
SolarisBoy | are you forwarding X? | 10:20 |
faileas | [J]ustin: you'd prolly want to use screen | 10:20 |
[J]ustin | How do I use that | 10:21 |
alankila | [J]ustin: try a program called screen, it keeps a detached terminal session | 10:21 |
[J]ustin | !screen | 10:21 |
ubottu | Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See | 10:21 |
[J]ustin | Thanks :) | 10:21 |
zen_master_soso | [J]ustin: screen rocks. | 10:21 |
rileyp | zen master yes pam.d is theree | 10:21 |
elgh | archboxman: 180. | 10:21 |
SolarisBoy | screen keeps forwarded X sessions open? | 10:21 |
rileyp | pam.d is dark blue | 10:21 |
faileas | naw | 10:21 |
faileas | if you want to do it with x, i think you'd need to use xpra | 10:22 |
zen_master_soso | rileyp: oops. I got confused. That was for MY problem! <embarrassed> | 10:22 |
SolarisBoy | your using the java app over X no? [J]ustin ? | 10:22 |
faileas | SolarisBoy: thats why i asked which to use | 10:22 |
rileyp | zen_master_soso thats ok | 10:22 |
faileas | *which it was | 10:22 |
tham1 | i can't access my trash folder in ubuntu. how can i fix that? | 10:22 |
zen_master_soso | rileyp: you seriously don't have an /etc/event.d directory? | 10:22 |
archboxman | elgh: reading online that your nvidia-config copies to your xorg.conf file | 10:23 |
SolarisBoy | oh oops i thought it was [J]ustin that asked =) | 10:23 |
[J]ustin | How do I use the 'screen' application? | 10:23 |
SolarisBoy | type screen | 10:23 |
SolarisBoy | then usually use CTRL+A+C to create a new screen | 10:23 |
rumpsy | SolarisBoy: Are you having any opensolaris system, as mentioned in your name? | 10:23 |
faileas | [J]ustin: type screen, hit enter. with newer versions of ubuntu, there's help built in | 10:23 |
zen_master_soso | [J]ustin: the magic key combination for screen is CTRL-a | 10:23 |
SolarisBoy | rumpsy: yes | 10:23 |
elgh | archboxman: Didn't quite understand that. | 10:23 |
rileyp | i was thinking of modding /etc/default/acpi-suppport | 10:23 |
rileyp | i was thinking of modding /etc/default/acpi-suppport | 10:23 |
babbio | i'm on ubuntu 9.10, i have a aureon 7.1 pci audio card with optical spdif audio output connected to my amplifier....with ubuntu 9.04 all worked great but now i can't hear any audio....can somebody help me? | 10:23 |
archboxman | elgh: do you have nvidia-xconfig installed??? | 10:24 |
rumpsy | SolarisBoy: What version you been running in it? | 10:24 |
rileyp | zen_master_soso I was thinking of modding /etc/default/acpi-suppport | 10:24 |
[J]ustin | so my current java line: java -Xmx256M server | 10:24 |
elgh | archboxman Don't think so.. | 10:24 |
rileyp | zen_master_soso I was thinking of modding /etc/default/acpi-suppport | 10:24 |
SolarisBoy | the solaris is actually for the fact i manage solaris systems professionally however | 10:24 |
rileyp | zen_master_soso I was thinking of modding /etc/default/acpi-suppport | 10:24 |
mamooli | how can i view .ptl files | 10:24 |
rileyp | \ | 10:24 |
[J]ustin | would I make it screen java -Xmx256M server? | 10:24 |
zen_master_soso | rileyp: got that. i don't really know about that | 10:24 |
FloodBot2 | rileyp: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:24 |
archboxman | elgh: Nvidia settings are to be copied back to the xorg.conf file | 10:24 |
SolarisBoy | rumpsy: the latest from the open solaris site | 10:24 |
elgh | archboxman: Okey... | 10:24 |
SolarisBoy | i use 9/10 in production | 10:24 |
mamooli | how can i view .ptl files on hardy ? | 10:24 |
alankila | [J]ustin: please read the manual of screen, or else we'll have to spoonfeed you the same information over half an hour. | 10:24 |
SolarisBoy | rumpsy: question? | 10:25 |
rileyp | zen_master_soso could you please look at that file | 10:25 |
aftertaf | babbio: have you checked the mixer isnt muted ? | 10:25 |
archboxman | elgh: may have to do a apt-cache search nvidia | 10:25 |
rileyp | zen_master_soso It appears you can add item to whitelist | 10:25 |
babbio | aftertaf, yes i do | 10:25 |
rumpsy | SolarisBoy: yes, my system, peaks to 90% when i drag or move window on my desktop | 10:25 |
rumpsy | SolarisBoy: Even i installed nvidia for card, nothing change in that :( | 10:26 |
magn3ts | anybody got any idea what font this : | 10:26 |
elgh | archboxman: Sorry, have to go now. :( Are you online here often? | 10:26 |
rumpsy | SolarisBoy: Even i installed nvidia driver for my card, nothing change in that :( | 10:26 |
archboxman | bullgard4: did you find this firefox cache??? | 10:26 |
SolarisBoy | rumpsy: are your drivers up to date and you not running any extra screen compositing or such? | 10:26 |
alankila | [J]ustin: the short of it is this: "screen program" runs program in screen. The control character ctrl-a and d detaches the session. "screen -x" resumes a detached session. But you really want to read the manual to know more than this. | 10:26 |
zen_master_soso | rileyp: your guess is as good as mine. i just learned about event.d recently. | 10:26 |
elgh | archboxman: I got nvidia-glx-180 installed. | 10:26 |
archboxman | elgh: yes usually in archlinux | 10:26 |
JediMaster | anyone know why every now and then (pretty much once a day) when I start up my client machine the server refuses access to the nfs mounts until I restart nfs-kernel-server? | 10:26 |
SolarisBoy | i thought screen -r was resume? | 10:26 |
elgh | archboxman: Will see you another time then. :) What country are you from? | 10:26 |
kinja-sheep | magn3ts: Install Dust-GTK Theme and find out? | 10:26 |
rumpsy | SolarisBoy: i sure, its 173.XX version and no composite things... | 10:26 |
JediMaster | I'm getting mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting | 10:27 |
theadmin | magn3ts: Sans Bold | 10:27 |
archboxman | elgh: america | 10:27 |
magn3ts | kinja-sheep, doesn't come with the font | 10:27 |
magn3ts | theadmin, if thats the case, any idea what font patches/modifications have taken palce/ | 10:27 |
elgh | archboxman: See you later! | 10:27 |
SolarisBoy | rumpsy: try prstat command | 10:27 |
archboxman | elgh: lived in 40 out of 50 states | 10:27 |
rileyp | zen_master_soso what folder is event.d meant to be in? | 10:27 |
SolarisBoy | while your experiencing the issue | 10:27 |
archboxman | elgh: later | 10:27 |
* magn3ts apologizes for his atrocious keyboarding | 10:27 | |
rumpsy | SolarisBoy: okay | 10:27 |
theadmin | magn3ts: I don't know, i use this theme, it says that it's sans bold %) | 10:27 |
magn3ts | theadmin, but do your fonts look like the ones in the screenshot? | 10:28 |
rileyp | zen_master_soso as I cant find it Im using mythbuntu karmic | 10:28 |
xfact | Hello | 10:28 |
xfact | WOW! | 10:28 |
rumpsy | SolarisBoy: is that correct command? | 10:28 |
theadmin | magn3ts: I can send you a screenshot | 10:28 |
zen_master_soso | Here's my challenge: I want to make a browser only kiosk out of my netbook (for guests). But I want to have a regular user and gnome session as well. How would YOU do this? | 10:28 |
SolarisBoy | yes is your $PATH correct? | 10:28 |
magn3ts | theadmin, I'll tke your word for it | 10:28 |
alankila | SolarisBoy: well, -r also works. I happen to use -x, but it just allows multiple attachings to same session, I suppose... I have used -x for a decade by this point :) | 10:28 |
theadmin | magn3ts: I'm not quite sure actually | 10:28 |
brand0n | SolarisBoy, is there a way to make isos with tovid | 10:28 |
SolarisBoy | alankila: nice =) im rather new to screening | 10:29 |
brand0n | or does it only make them into mpg | 10:29 |
rileyp | zen_master_soso all dummies here tonight....... | 10:29 |
rileyp | zen_master_soso inc me | 10:29 |
theadmin | magn3ts: Here, take a look | 10:29 |
SolarisBoy | brand0n: i think tovid has that option.. its simply a collection of other tools used to accomplish the task of file to vid | 10:29 |
rumpsy | brb, i get suggestions later | 10:29 |
SolarisBoy | try tovidgui package | 10:29 |
zen_master_soso | rileyp: you seriously need to research how ubuntu is doing power management. it seems that things change quite a bit, and some of the stuff you are looking at (/etc/default/ MIGHT be deprecated | 10:29 |
brand0n | ok | 10:29 |
xfact | Avast antivirus just found a VIRUS on my Ubuntu, virus name is: 'HTML:IFrame-II [trj]' | 10:30 |
aftertaf | SolarisBoy: yes it does have that ISO function too, can't remember off hand where but part of the suite | 10:30 |
SolarisBoy | rumpsy: give me a sec.. maybe not on opensolaris,, =) i may be confusing things with solaris vs open solaris | 10:30 |
archboxman | bullgard4: found it go to firefox type in about:cache will show you were it is stored on your computer | 10:30 |
aftertaf | xfact: O_o | 10:30 |
xfact | and everyone was telling that ubuntu has no virus! | 10:30 |
SolarisBoy | im almost abosolutely sure prstat should be there though | 10:30 |
xfact | What to do? | 10:30 |
rileyp | zen_master_soso th nks for the tip by deprecated you mean no longer used? | 10:30 |
SolarisBoy | processor stat... | 10:30 |
jamie | hello i dont suppose anyone could help me. ubuntu keeps freezing when i try to install some things ubuntu software centre and the console | 10:31 |
rumpsy | SolarisBoy: :) | 10:31 |
rumpsy | SolarisBoy: Anyway, i'm busy with AS3.. | 10:31 |
rileyp | jamie look in dmesg | 10:31 |
rumpsy | brb | 10:31 |
SolarisBoy | i get confused sometimes .. bad RAM or something =) | 10:31 |
rileyp | jamie for errors | 10:31 |
SolarisBoy | blonde moments | 10:31 |
archboxman | jamie: sounds like a bad disk | 10:32 |
bullgard4 | archboxman: I know that /homefolder/.mozilla/firefox has your cache file has my cache file. But I have put a different questiion, and your statement does not answer my question. | 10:32 |
rileyp | jamie or ram | 10:32 |
xfact | Avast antivirus catching many Internet virus on my Karmic koala, and suggesting to delete it immediately, Should I delete? | 10:32 |
c_nick | how to extract into /usr via file roller.. it says permission denied | 10:32 |
archboxman | bullgard4: what is the problem | 10:32 |
rileyp | jamie or karmic update gone bad which happened to me constant ata read errors frezzing pc | 10:32 |
zen_master_soso | rileyp: that's correct. you have to do more research. your problem is interesting, but nothing I've had to deal with before. I'm putting off digging into power management for now. | 10:33 |
rileyp | ok | 10:33 |
theadmin | c_nick: You have to be root | 10:33 |
SolarisBoy | aaction script 3.0? | 10:33 |
bullgard4 | archboxman: "11:30 < archboxma> bullgard4: found it go to firefox type in about:cache will show you were it is stored on your computer" I know that already. I have put a different question. | 10:33 |
=== eaglewatch is now known as EagleWatch | ||
theadmin | c_nick: You need to use "gksu file-roller filepath" first | 10:33 |
jamie | rileyp i only downloaded ubuntu yesterday and it froze while updateing | 10:33 |
brand0n | this tovidgui made things ALOT easier, thank you very much SolarisBoy | 10:34 |
archboxman | bullgard4: what is your question ??? then | 10:34 |
brand0n | just wish i could have the option of nomenu | 10:34 |
brand0n | but ill figure it out | 10:34 |
SolarisBoy | brand0n: =) anytime | 10:34 |
c_nick | hmm ok thanks thead | 10:34 |
bullgard4 | archboxman: "10:59 < bullgard4> Where can I find 'Firefox Cache Viewer'? see" | 10:34 |
c_nick | thanks theadmin | 10:34 |
SolarisBoy | brand0n: i think actually its something simlar to that like --no-menu maybe? | 10:34 |
rileyp | jamie can you boot to a command prompt | 10:34 |
archboxman | how different missed the viewer part hold on | 10:34 |
SolarisBoy | bullgard4: i just installed it | 10:35 |
xfact | anyone can please suggest me what should I do whit those 'virus' files? | 10:35 |
theadmin | xfact: There are no viruses on ubuntu :/ | 10:35 |
SolarisBoy | xfact: i dought thats accurate or a correct perception.. | 10:35 |
rumpsy | SolarisBoy: if you don't mind, here they mentioned my issue, since my card is nvidia fx5200, i'm facing this same problem, | 10:35 |
SolarisBoy | xfact: are you sure have't scanned a windows partition available to ubuntu? | 10:35 |
SolarisBoy | but thats an ubuntu thread no? | 10:36 |
xfact | <theadmin> Avast anntivirus for linux, catching lots of viruses, I can show you the screenshot! | 10:36 |
rumpsy | yes, SolarisBoy | 10:36 |
brand0n | xfact avast is a terrible antivirus | 10:36 |
SolarisBoy | they make avast for linux? | 10:36 |
jamie | rileyp maybe lol | 10:36 |
brand0n | its propably a false positive | 10:36 |
theadmin | xfact: Those are Windows viruses. It secures your computer from those, so you don't infect Windows comps | 10:36 |
kinja-sheep | xfact: I want to see the nifty screenshots! | 10:36 |
xfact | Solarisboy: yes, I am only using Ubuntu, no relation with Windows, I don't even use Windows programs via Wine! | 10:37 |
rileyp | jamie why is this funny | 10:37 |
brand0n | its a false positive most likely xfact | 10:37 |
brand0n | avast isnt very good | 10:37 |
SolarisBoy | hmm well theadmin is likely right | 10:37 |
brand0n | and like they said, no viruses in ubuntu | 10:37 |
xfact | <kinja-sheep> ok is there any picturebin for Ubuntu ? | 10:37 |
=== matthew is now known as Guest92769 | ||
xfact | wait | 10:37 |
rileyp | avast is crud | 10:37 |
SolarisBoy | rumpsy: also thats in regards to using metacity which you said you aren't using right?> | 10:37 |
jamie | rileyp i just feel like a noob saying maybe to such a simple question | 10:37 |
kinja-sheep | xfact: | 10:38 |
archboxman | bullgard4: its a firefox add-on | 10:38 |
brand0n | dont even worry about it xfact | 10:38 |
rww | xfact: The Linux version of Avast will detect viruses that only work on Windows. Everyone says that Linux isn't generally /infected/ by viruses, not that you can't physically download them onto it. | 10:38 |
jamie | rileyp just ignore it and what do you suggest? | 10:38 |
rumpsy | yes, SolarisBoy | 10:38 |
rileyp | i am noob to so dont sweat | 10:38 |
SolarisBoy | rumpsy: try running upgrade on all packages on your system | 10:38 |
dahlia | I have ubuntu 9.10 x32 desktop running in a virtual box guest and I have the guest additions installed. How do I tell ubuntu to use 32 bit graphics? I am able to use the enhanced appearance effects and I have the 3d acceleration enabled and it seems to work, I just need 32 bit graphics | 10:38 |
archboxman | bullgard4: its a firefox add-on | 10:38 |
=== peter is now known as Guest19970 | ||
SolarisBoy | if it doesn't work on open solaris you can revert to the previous image | 10:39 |
rumpsy | SolarisBoy: okay.. i'll be back after upgrade :) | 10:39 |
SolarisBoy | ok | 10:39 |
theadmin | Hm. It takes "chmod 666 somefile" but doesn't like "chmod rw-rw-rw somefile", what's the prob here | 10:39 |
llutz | theadmin: chmod +rw | 10:39 |
ivanator[0xff] | theadmin: man chmod | 10:39 |
llutz | theadmin: chmod ugo=rw | 10:39 |
theadmin | llutz: o_O | 10:39 |
SolarisBoy | i never use octal =) | 10:39 |
llutz | always use octal :) | 10:40 |
jamie | rileyp so what do you suggest? | 10:40 |
archboxman | bullgard4: its a firefox add-on | 10:40 |
bullgard4 | archboxman: Yes. SolarisBoy has told me before. | 10:40 |
theadmin | llutz: I always use numbers %) | 10:40 |
SolarisBoy | llutz: thats what they say ;> | 10:40 |
rileyp | jamie can you boot to a command prompt? | 10:40 |
rileyp | that is suggestion | 10:40 |
jamie | and do what in it? | 10:40 |
rileyp | type dmesg | 10:40 |
SolarisBoy | yea i just installed it guys just for kicks,, ill likely remove it soon =) | 10:40 |
theadmin | rileyp: "command prompt" is a windows thing. It's terminal. | 10:40 |
llutz | theadmin: octal-numbers are easier to handle, imho | 10:40 |
bullgard4 | SolarisBoy: Thank you very much for your information and your help. | 10:40 |
jamie | i typed that into the console but i dont really know what i am looking for | 10:41 |
SolarisBoy | bullgard4: any time | 10:41 |
rileyp | theadmin thnbak for sorting me out | 10:41 |
rileyp | hmmm terminal..... | 10:41 |
jamie | yea same thing | 10:41 |
=== john is now known as Guest88761 | ||
rileyp | jamie donkt upset the geeks.... | 10:42 |
xfact | Here is the virus screenshot, !!! | 10:42 |
SolarisBoy | xfact: there is no virus on ubuntu | 10:42 |
theadmin | xfact: It's a windows virus. Toldya so | 10:42 |
jamie | i have used windows for most of my life so some terminology i may get wrong | 10:42 |
SolarisBoy | xfact: thats in your broswer cache | 10:42 |
SolarisBoy | xfact: Iframe is a common attack mechanishm | 10:43 |
archboxman | bullgard4: funny my nautilus is set to view all in images any way so what is the bug in really for .. lmao | 10:43 |
SolarisBoy | xfact: check your heuristic settings | 10:43 |
xfact | Solaris boy: then I can easily delete it! | 10:43 |
jamie | rileyp so im still confused on what im looking for | 10:43 |
SolarisBoy | xfact: that even | 10:43 |
magn3ts | theadmin, I'm jealous :( | 10:43 |
theadmin | magn3ts: Huh? | 10:44 |
SolarisBoy | xfact: on reboot it likely will be rebooted automagically | 10:44 |
rileyp | jamie you might be better off doing clean install and then doing a backup then updateing | 10:44 |
magn3ts | theadmin, sorry, I just looked at your screenshot of your fonts | 10:44 |
SolarisBoy | xfact: or when that cache expires it will be overwritten even | 10:44 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: there are to many gadgets in firefox | 10:44 |
theadmin | magn3ts: Oh... hm... Don't you have them? Dust theme is built-in to Karmic, AFAIR, and all fonts too | 10:44 |
SolarisBoy | xfact: its very likely its just a site with a Iframe present and the scan is reading as something wrong... | 10:44 |
rileyp | jamie you are looking for item s that get repeated repetedely | 10:45 |
magn3ts | theadmin, Idk. I've got sans obviously, it just doesn't look as nice is all | 10:45 |
jamie | rileyp hmm... but this is pretty much a clean install, only installed about an hour ago | 10:45 |
rileyp | eg ata read error | 10:45 |
SolarisBoy | xfact: again check the scan heuristics aren't way high on paranoid levels or you will get things like this often | 10:45 |
rileyp | jamie but by the sound your update went bad do you multiple kernals to boot from | 10:45 |
jamie | [ 507.152027] eth0: auto-negotiating... get repeated allot | 10:45 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: i only use a few firebug, adblock , delicous, and greasemonkey | 10:45 |
=== EagleWatch is now known as eaglewatch | ||
theadmin | magn3ts: Window title is "Sans Bold", not just Sans | 10:46 |
esicam | I want french learning application | 10:46 |
jamie | hmm but it didnt update, it froze in the middle of downloading updates | 10:46 |
SolarisBoy | jamie: check that your router what speed your router is set to... maybe hard setting the eth interface would stop that | 10:46 |
SolarisBoy | jamie: sometimes devices get stuck in negotation | 10:47 |
rileyp | so bad time updateing..... | 10:47 |
esicam | I want french learning application, plz help | 10:47 |
laughzilla | hi :) will ubuntu 9.10 32-bit work on an intel quad core q8300 machine? or do i have to use the 64-bit version? | 10:47 |
llutz | laughzilla: it will work | 10:47 |
rww | laughzilla: either will work | 10:47 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: like cool preview cooliris for watching videos | 10:47 |
theadmin | laughzilla: It will, but you'd better get 64-bit to get all out of it | 10:47 |
laughzilla | thx rrw and llutz i wasn't sure by the wording | 10:47 |
laughzilla | rww even :) | 10:48 |
esicam | I want french learning application,plz help | 10:48 |
xfact | <SolarisBoy> Actually my Ubuntu running fine, I was just wanted to check it, I think batter I should clean all browser catches | 10:48 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: cooliris is cool but not needed | 10:48 |
theadmin | !repeat | esicam | 10:48 |
ubottu | esicam: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. | 10:48 |
=== brett_ is now known as Guest29987 | ||
llutz | laughzilla: if you use more than 4GB RAM, you should consider 64bit | 10:48 |
laughzilla | theadmin - thx i was not able to find the 64-bit , for some reason the ubuntu site only shows me the 1 download page with 32-bit version available. | 10:48 |
SolarisBoy | xfact: yes would accomplish the same | 10:48 |
theadmin | laughzilla: I'll link you | 10:48 |
esicam | French learning applications | 10:48 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: hey ,but I'm the only one usign a computer in this house any ways | 10:48 |
laughzilla | and i'm only on 2gb of ram. i may upgrade to 4gb next month but not for now. | 10:48 |
Jimi_Neutral | laughzilla, the lnik isnt obvious, i had that trouble | 10:48 |
esicam | I want french learning application | 10:48 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: almost for got videosurf | 10:48 |
esicam | I want french learning application,plz help | 10:49 |
theadmin | laughzilla: | 10:49 |
llutz | laughzilla: 32bit wihtout PAE will only use 3.3GB | 10:49 |
laughzilla | thx theadmin | 10:49 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: videosurf? | 10:49 |
ojo | Hey, how come that I put an ext4 filesystem on my external usb harddrive without making any partitions (I only have a /dev/sdb and no /dev/sdb1) | 10:49 |
esicam | I want french learning application,plz help | 10:49 |
Zeedox | Hi, where are Rhythmbox ratings stored? | 10:49 |
Guest29987 | Does anyone know if the sshd daemon is running when ubuntu boots and is doing the filesystem check? | 10:49 |
rileyp | asicam you in wrong place | 10:49 |
llutz | ojo: why not? you don't need to have partitions | 10:49 |
SolarisBoy | Guest29987: depends | 10:49 |
Zeedox | I've searched forever after information on the net, but nothing useful has come up | 10:49 |
kinja-sheep | Guest29987: I doubt it. I think it occurs after htat. | 10:49 |
SolarisBoy | Guest29987: do when the fs check is running actually no | 10:49 |
theadmin | esicam: Do not repeat, if nobody knows, nobody will answer... JFGI. | 10:50 |
rww | ojo: /dev/sdb1 would refer to the first partition on /dev/sdb. Since you formatted the whole disk, not a partition, you just use /dev/sdb. | 10:50 |
laughzilla | i suppose as long as i only have 2gb of ram there's really no point to install the 64-bit version. | 10:50 |
ojo | llutz, rww: tx! | 10:50 |
SolarisBoy | Guest29987: usually network boot after that check | 10:50 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: if I watch a youtube video show little previews so I dont get a picture with Kim Kardaseen up there and the rest of the video has some guy screaming out stupid ideas | 10:50 |
Madpilot | theadmin, do not use "JFGI" and similar in this channel. Thank you. | 10:50 |
Zeedox | theadmin, he's just looking for information, be nicer | 10:50 |
Zeedox | esicam, try anki | 10:50 |
theadmin | Zeedox: Sorry. But I think he got a little too repetitive | 10:50 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: i use greasemonkey and adblock for things like that =) | 10:50 |
Guest29987 | Okay, thanks. Do you know anywhere that documents the startup procedure? | 10:51 |
llutz | Guest29987: read about sysvinit or for never releases upstart | 10:51 |
SolarisBoy | not sure but certain a good linux + startup [phases|sequence|etc] would provide the needed | 10:52 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: try the website searches if you want to see how it works | 10:52 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: k | 10:52 |
SolarisBoy | Guest29987: check under rc.d as well and look at the script headers | 10:52 |
SolarisBoy | may prove helpful | 10:52 |
Guest29987 | cool, thanks | 10:53 |
rileyp | helm me disable mouse during suspnd | 10:53 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: good idea to lower chances of watching a bad video | 10:53 |
rileyp | mouse is waking pc when bumped | 10:53 |
SolarisBoy | cool | 10:53 |
llutz | newer* | 10:53 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: have you tried apt-fast yet??? | 10:54 |
SolarisBoy | nope | 10:54 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: apt-fast runs apt-get with axel as a download accelrator | 10:55 |
SolarisBoy | thats an interesting approach | 10:55 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: only been out a month now need work | 10:55 |
SolarisBoy | doesn't ubuntu do throttling? | 10:56 |
SolarisBoy | i know dl accelerators open super ridiculous connections.... | 10:56 |
Zeedox | Ah, finally found my solution | 10:56 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: does throttling only after verifying the source... apt-fast doesn't verify the source | 10:57 |
SolarisBoy | i see | 10:57 |
vianocturna85 | hello, does anyone know an alternative to MS Access to create apps for website management? | 10:57 |
SolarisBoy | as a backend? | 10:57 |
vianocturna85 | front end | 10:58 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: If you have trusted servers no need if your using untrusted repositories then apt-get is the way to go | 10:58 |
SolarisBoy | vianocturna85: you used MS access as a site frontend? | 10:58 |
vianocturna85 | mysql is gonna be running, but there has been a request to create a program that connects to it for maintaining the info in MS Access, this seems illogical to me | 10:59 |
SolarisBoy | ahh i see | 10:59 |
SolarisBoy | i would use perl.. | 10:59 |
archboxman | vianocturna85: can use playonlinux in ubuntu and load ms access | 10:59 |
SolarisBoy | i've done this with excel sheets --> Mysql --> site frontend | 10:59 |
alankila | I have nearly decade of experience with Perl. My advice would be to not use any time with that language. | 10:59 |
SolarisBoy | alankila: hmm i beg to differ | 11:00 |
alankila | There's got to be something much simpler and better working than Perl. | 11:00 |
vianocturna85 | I might sound dumb, but is this usuable on Windows too? | 11:00 |
SolarisBoy | alankila: to import MS access data to MySQL? | 11:00 |
archboxman | why I didn't write playonlinux or wine | 11:00 |
nyaa | If you didn't like perl perhaps you might be interested in trying pokemon ruby on rails? | 11:00 |
SolarisBoy | that would be very simple in perl | 11:00 |
alankila | SolarisBoy: I assume generally for nearly any task -- it is possible that perl is still the best choice for oneliners, though. | 11:00 |
=== luke is now known as NET||abuse | ||
SolarisBoy | alankila: my complete company aside from hardware related things runs on perl/java | 11:01 |
SolarisBoy | things work fairly well | 11:01 |
vianocturna85 | i was hoping that its easy like Access in creating rather than pure programming | 11:01 |
SolarisBoy | well you can export data in access correct | 11:02 |
SolarisBoy | ? | 11:02 |
vianocturna85 | yeah | 11:02 |
SolarisBoy | if you can get stuff to csv then sure,, Mysql can load that... | 11:02 |
SolarisBoy | the table structures and data types should be validated at some point (perl) but.. heh | 11:02 |
vianocturna85 | well ill give it a shot, thanks for all ya input | 11:02 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: no gui for perl??? | 11:02 |
SolarisBoy | for programming perl? or gui interface to perl.. on the first,, vi? is all i can think the second no | 11:03 |
NET||abuse | hey folks, i have a usb headset plugged in, problem is if i turn volume down in ubuntu below 30% ish.. not sure exactly, the headphones just cut out, i get no volume if i go below what is actually already quite loud! | 11:03 |
NET||abuse | anyone exxperienced this/ | 11:03 |
NET||abuse | i end up having to reduce the volume on each application individually, which is a pain. | 11:04 |
SolarisBoy | you can interactively use the perl language in perl typing in commands for output but no gui interface to it... | 11:04 |
rileyp | net abuse type alsamixer and look at all your settings | 11:05 |
Freds | hi need help with setting up irc on ubuntu please. | 11:05 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: Imagine if there was a perl interface u would get a dumbed down version anyways not all the features of just doing perl language and timing commands | 11:06 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: irc is a protocol are you trying to setup a client application to connect to a irc server or are you setting up a irc server? | 11:06 |
Freds | im on my other os on my computer | 11:06 |
Freds | i need to set up irc on ubuntu so i can then try and solve my wireless issue | 11:06 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: i use vi for all my perling but that would be nice i guess at some point | 11:06 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: try Xchat to set up irc quickly | 11:07 |
SolarisBoy | i think its installed default | 11:07 |
rww | Freds: There's a list of Ubuntu's IRC clients, and instructions for some of them (the ones with clickable names) at | 11:07 |
Freds | SolarisBoy, i am a complete noob with this | 11:07 |
archboxman | Freds: chatzilla for firefox addon simple as it comes | 11:07 |
mamooli | can i use this syntax? | 11:08 |
Freds | ive tryed to install xchat with some code with apt-get | 11:08 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: thats cool xchat is fairly smooth for a beginner as well its what i used too at one point also check rww link | 11:08 |
SolarisBoy | there are other choices there | 11:08 |
Freds | i think my install is mucked up or somthing | 11:08 |
Freds | because every guide just doesnt work | 11:08 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: I use irssi works great :) | 11:08 |
mfroehle | hi leute | 11:08 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: me too =) | 11:08 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: so you just want to get online? | 11:09 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: rather get on irc channels? | 11:09 |
Freds | i know what im doing on irc just dont know what im doing on ubuntu | 11:09 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: chatzilla is as easy as it gets | 11:09 |
Freds | i have no clue how to install | 11:09 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: point and click | 11:10 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: check on your menu in the internet section... | 11:10 |
Freds | yes | 11:10 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: look for the IRC program installed by default open it and let me know what you see.. | 11:10 |
Freds | there was no irc there | 11:10 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: ok | 11:10 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: is that system online? | 11:10 |
Freds | yea but i will have to switch os on this computer | 11:10 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: ok first go here | 11:11 |
SolarisBoy | like rww showed and check to see which client you would like then we can help you install or set it up and get connected... | 11:11 |
rww | Freds: for a basic start, you could visit in your web browser on Ubuntu, put in a nickname and the #ubuntu channel, and that'll get you in here in your web browser so we can help you figure out Xchat :) | 11:11 |
om26er | Yerushalmi, btw, bugs are reported at | 11:11 |
Yerushalmi | *nod* | 11:12 |
Freds | oki ill check it out now SolarisBoy | 11:12 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: ok see rww comment as well | 11:12 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: check this out | 11:12 |
Yerushalmi | Is anybody available to help me out with a hibernate problem? | 11:12 |
Freds | thats what i need ;) ok ill switch os and plug into wired | 11:12 |
Freds | brb | 11:12 |
SolarisBoy | k | 11:12 |
mange | I'm new here. I have Intel G33 graphics, 1680x1050, My installation with Ubuntu 9.10 cant identify the resolution. | 11:13 |
rumpsy | freds, if you are freak, give a try to irssi | 11:13 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: i use chatzilla couple of times,, irssi is my fave | 11:13 |
=== user is now known as Guest26402 | ||
SolarisBoy | rumpsy: not good for a beginner | 11:13 |
rumpsy | ;) | 11:13 |
SolarisBoy | ;> | 11:13 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: stick with irssi all the way | 11:14 |
Pirate_Hunter | in koala where do I find the menu.lst file? | 11:14 |
SolarisBoy | yea all the way.. only thing is the xmpp support is kinda shady... | 11:14 |
mamooli | is this syntax correct? $this['key'] when i have used Arrayaccess? | 11:14 |
om26er | !grub2 | Pirate_Hunter | 11:14 |
ubottu | Pirate_Hunter: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 11:14 |
rumpsy | SolarisBoy: its hard to read AS3 :( . . but i have to give a paper presentation on it | 11:14 |
justinas__ | Hi, i have problems with built-in microphone on my laptop with ubuntu karmic. When i increased mic volume with alsamixer, it partly works - i hear myself, but any program cant record the sound. In sound manager, there is no area called "connector", to change it | 11:15 |
SolarisBoy | mamooli: in which language? | 11:15 |
justinas__ | any solutions? | 11:15 |
SolarisBoy | rumpsy: action script? | 11:15 |
rumpsy | SolarisBoy: yes | 11:15 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: its a bit fuzzy in irssi | 11:15 |
Yerushalmi | Any time I select hibernate, the computer goes through all the motions of preparing to hibernate, the screen goes dark - and then nothing happens. If I activated hibernate through console, console comes back up; if through the menu or the power button, it leaves the screen blank until the mouse is touched, bringing up the login screen | 11:15 |
SolarisBoy | in perl yes but you can lose the single quotes on the array index... | 11:15 |
om26er | !ot | 11:15 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 11:16 |
mamooli | SolarisBoy: I am really sorry, i thought i am in ##php | 11:16 |
SolarisBoy | mamooli: oh =) | 11:16 |
Yerushalmi | Originally I was told that this was due to having a smaller swap file than memory, but I've since opened up a 6-gig swap file and it changed nothing. | 11:16 |
rumpsy | hey guys, its was for fun, don't use IRSSI as a beginner, its a request | 11:16 |
llutz | Yerushalmi: swap-file? | 11:17 |
llutz | Yerushalmi: afaik hibernation only works on swap-partitions | 11:17 |
Yerushalmi | That's what I meant. | 11:17 |
Freds | SolarisBoy: ok im on my ubuntu now | 11:17 |
* Yerushalmi has been out of computers for far too long. | 11:18 | |
SolarisBoy | Freds: ok can you double check the internet menu for a irc client? | 11:18 |
Freds | what do you mean? SolarisBoy | 11:18 |
Yerushalmi | llutz: I even tried installing ubuntu on my 16gigabyte flash drive, 10 gig for the program and 6gig for a swap partition, and it still didn't work | 11:18 |
SolarisBoy | in the top menu bar in the main gnome or kde menu can you go to internet sub menu and check to see if you have an irc installed? | 11:19 |
SolarisBoy | just for kicks | 11:19 |
Yerushalmi | So now I have two ubuntu installations available on my computer, one on the hard drive and one on the flash drive. Both can use that swap partition, and neither can hibernate. | 11:19 |
Yerushalmi | I only have 900 megs of ram. | 11:19 |
Freds | i still dont understand you, ive only had ubuntu for 3 days (which i have spent searching google for help) | 11:19 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: lol ok.. on your desktop do you have like a menu type bar on top and on bottom? | 11:20 |
=== VoX is now known as vox | ||
Freds | at the top SolarisBoy | 11:20 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: on the very left is there like a icon that looks clickable? | 11:20 |
Freds | yea | 11:21 |
SolarisBoy | is it a foot? | 11:21 |
Newky | Freds: do u no how to get to a terminal? | 11:21 |
SolarisBoy | =) | 11:21 |
Freds | nope its the ubuntu sign | 11:21 |
SolarisBoy | ok cool so try clicking | 11:21 |
Freds | yea i understand how to get into terminal | 11:21 |
Freds | it just opens applications | 11:21 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: you can do this from terminal i just thought gui would be easier for you | 11:21 |
Newky | Freds: goto terminal and type in sudo apt-get install xchat | 11:22 |
SolarisBoy | or dpkg -l | grep xchat first | 11:22 |
Newky | and then jus goto the main menu->internet->xchat sorted | 11:22 |
iflema | Freds then install this package bcmwl-kernel-source then in the desktop menu System / Administration / Hardware Drivers and activate then TaDa! wifi... BCM4312 right? | 11:22 |
SolarisBoy | it should be installed no? | 11:22 |
om26er | Newky, please suggest people to use software center (if some one is new) | 11:22 |
Freds | E: Couldn't find package xchat SolarisBoy Newky | 11:22 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: that isn't the name... | 11:23 |
om26er | sudo apt-get update | 11:23 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: try this 'apt-cache search xchat' | 11:23 |
Freds | SolarisBoy: it didnt do anything | 11:23 |
SolarisBoy | try sudo apt-get update | 11:24 |
SolarisBoy | then try that | 11:24 |
theadmin | Freds: Try installing xchat-gnome package | 11:24 |
Freds | ok looks liek its downloading somthing SolarisBoy | 11:24 |
SolarisBoy | theadmin: thats the name =) | 11:24 |
SolarisBoy | but xchat should also point to it | 11:25 |
Freds | ok its done now SolarisBoy | 11:25 |
SolarisBoy | being he only had it on for 3 days im wonder if he ever did this initial update.. | 11:25 |
SolarisBoy | do you have an orange icon in your tool bar saying you have updates pending? | 11:25 |
sjohnson | Q: how come Ubuntu 9.10 (AMD64) won't install Flash player form youtube? | 11:25 |
sjohnson | from* | 11:26 |
Freds | nope SolarisBoy | 11:26 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: either or try the 'apt-cache search xchat' without the qoutes | 11:26 |
docmax | hello, i need a way to quickly start my favourite applications... any programms/docks? | 11:26 |
theadmin | sjohnson: 64-bit version might not have a flash player. | 11:26 |
SolarisBoy | then try sudo apt-get install xchat-gnome | 11:26 |
sjohnson | theadmin: is there a simple way to just get it to work to play youtube? | 11:27 |
om26er | sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get install xchat | 11:27 |
theadmin | docmax: Avant. | 11:27 |
SolarisBoy | i think you just need to link the library so firefox knows to use the 32 bit version... | 11:27 |
Freds | wow SolarisBoy ur the first person who has actually got results L | 11:27 |
rww | ubottu: flash64 | sjohnson | 11:27 |
ubottu | sjohnson: You can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at | 11:27 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: what happened to all the pretty picture user guides for ubuntu??? | 11:28 |
maveas | A good guide on how to setup wlan0 as AP and then bridge the traffic to my ppp0? | 11:28 |
sjohnson | ubottu: many thanks | 11:28 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: lol not sure | 11:28 |
maveas | I want to share my 3G usb connection with a mate.. | 11:28 |
rww | sjohnson: you're welcome! (ubottu's a bot that responded to me telling it to say that :) | 11:28 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: just looking for one for fred | 11:28 |
Freds | ok SolarisBoy ill try connect to irc thorugh tthat now brb | 11:28 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: k | 11:28 |
llutz | maveas: does your wifi-driver support ap-mode? | 11:28 |
maveas | Sure | 11:29 |
llutz | !ics | maveas then you basically need this | 11:29 |
ubottu | maveas then you basically need this: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see - You may also use !firestarter: | 11:29 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: there are some really good guides online but i always forget the links | 11:29 |
sjohnson | rww: thanks | 11:29 |
SolarisBoy | thts why i started using delicous =) | 11:29 |
maveas | Thanks llutz | 11:29 |
SolarisBoy | my links/bookmarks follow me every where | 11:29 |
sjohnson | rww: by the way, I only have 2GB ram. should I just use the 32-bit version instead? | 11:29 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: was just looking for ones with really big pictures for fred | 11:30 |
SolarisBoy | -) | 11:30 |
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=== freds_ is now known as Freds | ||
rww | sjohnson: Either would work. 64-bit doesn't offer much in the way of performance benefits, so it might be easier for you to use 32-bit. | 11:30 |
Freds | SolarisBoy, ok its sorted now | 11:30 |
Freds | now onto the main problem | 11:30 |
koe | Hi guys ... | 11:30 |
iflema | sjohnson get this remove all other install versions.. if any, make a folder /home/[username]/.mozilla/plugings and extract it there... then (re)start firefox... | 11:30 |
theadmin | hi, koe | 11:30 |
SolarisBoy | i think we should use 64 bit when we have the chance | 11:31 |
SolarisBoy | =) | 11:31 |
koe | any one knows a good programming channel ? | 11:31 |
SolarisBoy | hes right though at 2 Gb not much perf gain | 11:31 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: sweet | 11:31 |
sjohnson | rww: one last question... i am using Ubuntu defaults as far as the window manager / gnome goes. and i have found that it is tedious to resize windows because you have to move your mouse with pixel-fine accuracy | 11:31 |
theadmin | koe: What language for? | 11:31 |
Freds | SolarisBoy, i need to connect to my router via wireless | 11:31 |
llutz | SolarisBoy: but also no loss | 11:31 |
koe | C | 11:31 |
theadmin | koe: ##C | 11:31 |
SolarisBoy | llutz: true which is why i say use 64 | 11:31 |
sjohnson | rww: ... on the corners of the windows. ie: bottom-right | 11:31 |
archboxman | iwconfig | 11:32 |
SolarisBoy | cause you then have that option if you do decide to use that extra memory and its applicable to your mobo | 11:32 |
koe | theadmin: thx :) | 11:32 |
rww | sjohnson: Yeah, it is rather tedious. I don't have a solution for it, unfortunately, though someone else in the channel might. | 11:32 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: ok and you have a wireless adapter installed or builtin correct? | 11:32 |
Freds | i have my wireless card built in | 11:33 |
koe | why cant I send ? ##C :Cannot send to channel | 11:33 |
sjohnson | gonna try the 32-bit version instead thanks | 11:33 |
theadmin | koe: Type the following: /join ##C | 11:33 |
archboxman | network manager should be able to get the wifi card going | 11:34 |
SolarisBoy | ok and its enabled? you are likely using network manager so i believe you can simply either right click the network manager icon enable networking, then click the icon and find your network,, or just find your network by clicking the icon if the wireless is already enabled | 11:34 |
SolarisBoy | this can all be done from command line as well | 11:34 |
koe | I did | 11:34 |
koe | but ... I get this message back ##C :Cannot send to channel | 11:34 |
Freds | what command should i type to see if its enabled? | 11:34 |
theadmin | koe: Uh... strange... Works fine here. | 11:34 |
erUSUL | koe: maybe is becouse you are not registered | 11:35 |
halo | hey if ur a programmer/coder/cracker then check out my setup @ (ssl available) #spyd0r were looking to expand our team | 11:35 |
SolarisBoy | well you can simply right click the manager and see if the wireless networking check box is checked... | 11:35 |
SolarisBoy | if not you can check it | 11:35 |
koe | hmm ... i`m not registered where can I ? | 11:35 |
koe | I usualy dont use IRC ... | 11:35 |
theadmin | koe: Ah! erUSUL is right. Please consult ChanServ for further info on registration. type /msg chanserv help register | 11:35 |
Myrtti | halo: please don't spam | 11:35 |
halo | hey if ur a programmer/coder/cracker then check out my setup @ (ssl available) #spyd0r were looking to expand our team | 11:35 |
halo | hey if ur a programmer/coder/cracker then check out my setup @ (ssl available) #spyd0r were looking to expand our team | 11:35 |
halo | hey if ur a programmer/coder/cracker then check out my setup @ (ssl available) #spyd0r were looking to expand our team | 11:35 |
FloodBot2 | halo: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:35 |
SolarisBoy | or you can open a console and type iwconfig | 11:35 |
erUSUL | theadmin: nickserv | 11:35 |
Freds | i dont know where this wirelss manager is SolarisBoy | 11:36 |
theadmin | erUSUL: Ooops | 11:36 |
theadmin | koe: /msg nickserv help register | 11:36 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: top menu generally on the right side somewhere, should resemble a network connection icon of some sort | 11:36 |
_Bart_ | Hi, can someone tell me how I can restore the default keyring? | 11:36 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: atleast thats the case on 8.10 | 11:36 |
Freds | SolarisBoy, it shows wired at the moment | 11:36 |
hiexpo | Freds, its in the upper right corner | 11:37 |
erUSUL | !register | koe | 11:37 |
ubottu | koe: Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode | 11:37 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: k and when you right click it, do you see enable wireless? | 11:37 |
Freds | im using the latest version on ubuntu | 11:37 |
Freds | SolarisBoy, nope | 11:37 |
Freds | SolarisBoy, just enable networking | 11:37 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: its under system / administrator/ network | 11:37 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: you can also select properties for that option then | 11:37 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: ensure the wireless card switch is on too | 11:37 |
KrisKo | _Bart_: keyrings are in ~/.gnome2/keyrings/ | 11:38 |
hiexpo | freds you need to enable networking | 11:38 |
Freds | SolarisBoy, the wirless button (F1) doesnt do anything | 11:38 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: I've also seen weirdness when having the wired on and trying to go to wireless at same time, dont know if it was the laptop, my router or ubuntu, | 11:38 |
_Bart_ | KrisKo, yes I deleted the default one but it isn't recreated... | 11:38 |
Freds | networking is enabled hiexpo | 11:39 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: im not familiar with a wireless button but the laptop usually has a hardware switch that enables/disables wireless | 11:39 |
esicam | i downloaded uif2iso from synaptic manager but still i'm not able to convert them to iso? CAN ANYONE HELP | 11:39 |
SolarisBoy | is this a netbook or something? | 11:39 |
pea[PC] | when installed ubuntu on a brand new drive i get "bad eip value" | 11:39 |
pea[PC] | installing* | 11:39 |
Freds | SolarisBoy, how can i access this through ubuntu | 11:39 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: that would be hardware that you touch physically | 11:39 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: you can ensure in /var/log/messages when that switch is cut on and off however | 11:40 |
Freds | SolarisBoy, its built into my laptop | 11:40 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: info the newer acer laptops have a touch sensitive button on top of the laptop | 11:40 |
KrisKo | _Bart_: try delete keyrings directory | 11:40 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: oh =) | 11:40 |
esicam | i downloaded uif2iso from synaptic manager but still i'm not able to convert them to iso? CAN ANYONE HELP | 11:40 |
SolarisBoy | didn't know that | 11:40 |
SolarisBoy | never owned an acer | 11:40 |
Freds | SolarisBoy, im using dell insipiron | 11:40 |
SolarisBoy | i have a latitude | 11:40 |
zen_master_soso | speaking of wireless networking. people recommend wicd. I'd like to try it, but I'm terribly frightened giving up NetworkManager. I'm afraid that I'm going to be stuck reading manuals and editing files for the next 48 hours if things get screwed up, and I heard that wicd-cli has flying monkeys that come out and fly around your head for a while if you're not careful. Any suggestions for making the transition? | 11:41 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: give me a minute will run with it | 11:41 |
SolarisBoy | mine uses a standard switch | 11:41 |
esicam | i downloaded uif2iso from synaptic manager but still i'm not able to convert them to iso? CAN ANYONE HELP | 11:41 |
hiexpo | i have found wicd to be a bit boggy | 11:42 |
SolarisBoy | zen_master_soso: someone just told me its cool . i never tried it | 11:42 |
SolarisBoy | i think they were on gentoo however | 11:42 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: Fred I need the model on that laptop??? | 11:42 |
esicam | i downloaded uif2iso from synaptic manager but still i'm not able to convert them to iso? CAN ANYONE HELP | 11:42 |
Freds | SolarisBoy, it isnt showing anything in the log | 11:42 |
theadmin | esicam: What exactly is the problem? | 11:42 |
Freds | inspiron 1545 | 11:42 |
zen_master_soso | anyone who's ever struggled to get wireless networking knows why I'm reticent. | 11:42 |
esicam | i cannot convert uif file to iso file | 11:43 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: then are you sure the wireless is being turned on and off? or other than this possibly in debug.log the message is going | 11:43 |
SolarisBoy | depends on syslog settings.. | 11:43 |
theadmin | esicam: How are you doing it? | 11:43 |
archboxman | Freds: what is the model on that dell inspirion | 11:43 |
esicam | I downloaded uif2iso from synaptic manager | 11:43 |
SolarisBoy | uif2iso works for me =) | 11:43 |
esicam | <solarisboy>but it's not an application. It looks like plugin........ | 11:44 |
Freds | archboxman, dell inspiron 1545 | 11:45 |
Freds | SolarisBoy, ubuntu NetworkManager: <info> Wireless now enabled by radio killswitch | 11:45 |
SolarisBoy | esicam: nah | 11:45 |
archboxman | Freds: ok want to look at hardware model thank you | 11:45 |
SolarisBoy | esicam: Usage: uif2iso <input.UIF> <output> | 11:45 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: ok so now that its enabled try the same process of enabling it or checking for your network by clicking the net manager icon | 11:45 |
Freds | SolarisBoy, there is no network manager | 11:46 |
esicam | <solarisboy> should i download from outside again? | 11:46 |
theadmin | esicam: Run a terminal, type "uif2iso filename.uif filename.iso" | 11:46 |
SolarisBoy | esicam: i think i just downloaded that,, it should be a binary package you just sit there and run i dont think it really installs anything.. just speculation... | 11:46 |
Freds | i right click the sign on the taskbar and it says the same thing, enable networking, connection info, edit connection SolarisBoy | 11:46 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: odd sounds like it doesn't see your wireless card | 11:47 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: what does iwconfig say? | 11:47 |
esicam | <solarisboy> you are right. Then what should i do? | 11:47 |
SolarisBoy | do you have a wireless interface in up state? | 11:47 |
Freds | l0 and eth0 SolarisBoy | 11:48 |
SolarisBoy | esicam: google for the script online i recently downloaded it... | 11:48 |
Freds | and no wireless extensions SolarisBoy | 11:48 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: i dont think your wireless is up or set up properly | 11:48 |
koe | why cant I register | 11:48 |
koe | ? | 11:48 |
koe | I mean I get the "pm" | 11:48 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: what type of chipset does this adapter use? | 11:48 |
koe | but when I try to log It says kOe not registred ... | 11:49 |
rww | koe: Nickserv registration support is in #freenode | 11:49 |
koe | koe is not a registered nickname. | 11:49 |
koe | | 11:49 |
koe | I typed /msg nickserv register <your-password> <your-email> | 11:49 |
Freds | im downloading the b43-fwcutter | 11:49 |
Freds | using a command i got previously | 11:49 |
sena- | i tried in #kubuntu, but I will ask here too | 11:49 |
iflema | Freds then install this package bcmwl-kernel-source then in the desktop menu System / Administration / Hardware Drivers and activate then TaDa! wifi... BCM4312 right? | 11:49 |
esicam | <theadmin> i ran that in terminal but error msg comes | 11:49 |
=== shinao1 is now known as shina01_ | ||
sena- | i can not upgrade klibc-utils and libklibc on my hardy 8.04 x86 | 11:50 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: so you need the drivers loaded properly you found? | 11:50 |
jussi01 | !tab | esicam | 11:50 |
ubottu | esicam: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 11:50 |
esicam | <theadmin> uif2iso 1.uif 1.iso | 11:50 |
esicam | UIF2ISO 0.1.7 | 11:50 |
esicam | by Luigi Auriemma | 11:50 |
esicam | e-mail: | 11:50 |
esicam | web: | 11:50 |
FloodBot2 | esicam: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:50 |
theadmin | esicam: What does the error state? | 11:50 |
sena- | i get kernel panic smth like not syncing | 11:50 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: This what I got on his laptop its a broadcom wireless chip | 11:50 |
sena- | anyone awere of this problem | 11:50 |
Myrtti | !pastebin > esicam | 11:50 |
ubottu | esicam, please see my private message | 11:50 |
Freds | ok SolarisBoy if i type sudo b43-fwcutter -w /lib/firmware wl_apsta- where does the file have to be | 11:51 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: yea he says he still needs to completely install packages to load his drivers | 11:51 |
=== shina01_ is now known as shinao1_ | ||
* iflema :) | 11:51 | |
Freds | SolarisBoy, in lib folder im presuming? | 11:51 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: i would presume the same | 11:51 |
SolarisBoy | but... | 11:51 |
csaba | I have a huge zip file with 100k+ files. I just want to check if 1 file is in there? How to do this? I was thinking listing out and | grep, but how to list out the files? | 11:51 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: check that link not sure if freds card will work?? | 11:51 |
SolarisBoy | /lib/firmware ? | 11:51 |
p0a | Hello how can I have alt+shift | 11:52 |
p0a | change language? I have to do it from keyboard settings right now. | 11:52 |
esicam | uif2iso 1.uif 1.iso | 11:52 |
esicam | UIF2ISO 0.1.7 | 11:52 |
esicam | by Luigi Auriemma | 11:52 |
esicam | e-mail: | 11:52 |
esicam | web: | 11:52 |
esicam | - open 1.uif | 11:52 |
FloodBot2 | esicam: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:52 |
csaba | p0a: add the language switcher panel to your taskbar | 11:52 |
theadmin | csaba: My suggestion: Extract the zip to a separate directory, cd there, and then "dir | grep 'filename'" | 11:52 |
SolarisBoy | Freds: when try this 'lspci -nn | grep -i wlan' | 11:52 |
csaba | theadmin: I can't do that, it would take hours... | 11:52 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: i see now | 11:52 |
theadmin | csaba: I see. | 11:52 |
Myrtti | esicam: seriously, you were told several times to use a pastebin service | 11:52 |
erUSUL | sena-: something like cannot munt rootfs ? or can not find init? you should make a bug report. de update breaks your initramfs/initrd | 11:53 |
p0a | csaba, what is that? how do I do it? google doesn't help. | 11:53 |
Myrtti | esicam: you open up a browser, type in, paste your stuff there and give us the url after pressing "submit" button | 11:53 |
Freds | SolarisBoy, it didnt do anything :o | 11:53 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: I see it to not good :( ,but that was with 9.04 | 11:53 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: I will look for a sulotion | 11:53 |
sena- | erUSUL: the thing is I am not exatly shure what it is | 11:53 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: i see one 'solution' links back to the broadcom site... | 11:54 |
Freds | SolarisBoy, archboxman, will this help? 0c:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01) | 11:54 |
erUSUL | sena-: well if when yu update that package it braks you boot you know what to blame | 11:54 |
csaba | p0a: right-click on your taskbar, press Add Panel | 11:54 |
rww | Freds: oh hey, you have the same wifi card as me | 11:54 |
Grge | one question when I add mount command into startup scripts will it be run as superuser ? | 11:54 |
Freds | is that a good thing rww lol | 11:55 |
csaba | p0a: select the Keyboard indicator | 11:55 |
erUSUL | Freds: install b43-fwcutter while connected via wired (it dl the firmware) then do « sudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe b43 » | 11:55 |
p0a | csaba, I did it! thanks :-] | 11:55 |
p0a | Also, any way to change [] with ()? | 11:55 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: got that figured they were trying to pass the buck | 11:55 |
erUSUL | Freds: check with « iwconfig » that you have a wlan0 interface with wireless extensions | 11:55 |
csaba | p0a: huh? | 11:55 |
sena- | erUSUL: yeah you are right what log files with the errors should I add to the bug report | 11:55 |
rww | Freds: To get it working, I just plugged into ethernet, and did "sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter bcmwl-kernel-source". It grabbed everything automatically. | 11:55 |
p0a | Ie I'd like X to "understand" ( when I hit [ | 11:55 |
p0a | and vice versa | 11:55 |
esicam | see this | 11:56 |
csaba | hmmm there is a way but it's probably complicated :) | 11:56 |
rww | Freds: I'm busy elsewhere, didn't read scrollback, don't know if you did that already ) | 11:56 |
sena- | erUSUL: and how do I create bug report is there a manual | 11:56 |
SolarisBoy | rww: nope | 11:56 |
SolarisBoy | rww: yours is a fresh one =) | 11:56 |
Myrtti | esicam: so the image you try to convert is named as 1.uif? | 11:56 |
elgh | archmanbox, missed me? :) | 11:56 |
erUSUL | sena-: just say that with the new klibc packages the initramfs/initrd is invalid and does not moount your rootfs and you get a kernel panic | 11:56 |
csaba | p0a: | 11:56 |
erUSUL | sena-: if they need more info they will request it | 11:56 |
Freds | rww its installing stuff | 11:56 |
Freds | gotta be a good sign right? | 11:56 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: got this solution | 11:57 |
rww | Freds: yep. At some point, b43-fwcutter might ask you if it can grab some stuff from the internet. You want to be plugged into ethernet so it can do that, and tell it it can. | 11:57 |
rww | Freds: it might just go ahead and do it without asking, though. I forget. | 11:57 |
Freds | im plug into eth0 right now | 11:57 |
esicam | <myriti> yes | 11:58 |
Yerushalmi | So is anybody available to help me with my hibernate problem? | 11:58 |
sena- | erUSUL: ok thanks I will do that | 11:58 |
Myrtti | !tab | esicam | 11:58 |
ubottu | esicam: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 11:58 |
esicam | myrtti yes i dead that but nothing happened | 11:59 |
Freds | SolarisBoy, archboxman im gonna restart ive done alot of installs and ill check if anything worked | 11:59 |
SolarisBoy | archboxman: good link but 2 things,, one it appears his card isn't fully recognized on a h/w level which point to a driver issue or h/w issue, in that article it appears 1 of 2 things,, 1. the wireless card was recognized and drivers loaded successful, however the wireless networking just need be enabled 2. he wasn't connecting to a wireless network which broadcast SSID so he had to actually type in the network SSID which he need to | 11:59 |
Myrtti | esicam: and are you in the directory where the image is? | 11:59 |
p0a | csaba, thanks :-) | 11:59 |
SolarisBoy | Fred is diff as to where he needed to jump on a wired connection install packages for the broadcom firmware and load the modules cleanly.. as it seems | 12:00 |
esicam | myrtti no, i guess | 12:00 |
sena- | erUSUL: the was that I have had probs with this card from the beginig there is no good driver for it "radeon 9200 se" and I used custom xord.conf that actually used the vesa driver, but i worked for a long time | 12:00 |
Myrtti | esicam: use "cd" to go to that directory on the commandline | 12:01 |
sena- | erUSUL: and now suddenly stopped | 12:01 |
rww | SolarisBoy: yeah, the main problem with the Broadcom 4312 is grabbing the firmware and drivers. Thankfully, those Ubuntu packages will do it all for you these days :) | 12:01 |
erUSUL | sena-: does not work with radeon driver? | 12:01 |
rww | SolarisBoy: silly non-free packages, would be nice if they opened it up and it Just Worked. | 12:01 |
sena- | erUSUL: no | 12:01 |
archboxman | rww: seen that box say on ubuntu forums that it has trouble connecting either way with one would work and wireless wouldn't or the wireless would work and the eth0 wouldn't | 12:01 |
sena- | erUSUL: i thing there is no driver suitable for this card it is old card | 12:02 |
rww | archboxman: I didn't encounter that problem, though I don't use ethernet much | 12:02 |
* Yerushalmi feels sad. | 12:02 | |
sena- | erUSUL: but aside from this you are right that i should not get kernel panic on upgrade | 12:02 |
erUSUL | sena-: i had a 9250 back in the day and it worked fine with the radeon driver could be that the "se" are special though | 12:02 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: broadcom I don't like to much ;( | 12:02 |
esicam | myrtti, it says cdcd is currently not installed | 12:03 |
mehee | hi i want to know what the mots compressing format it that is cross platform. win lin mac. | 12:03 |
fireball_ | hi all. i think evtouch driver not working? i can calibrate, but xorg options not working? how do i know which drivers are in use please, etc? | 12:03 |
Myrtti | esicam: just cd | 12:03 |
sena- | erUSUL: i can show you how my xorg.conf look like that made the card working | 12:03 |
Diverdude | mehee, the format that compresses the most? Is that what you are asking? | 12:03 |
Myrtti | esicam: in which directory the image you try to convert is? | 12:03 |
olorin__ | Hi all, is there a way to get since how much time a given soft limit is exceeded for a given user (quota management) ? | 12:03 |
archboxman | rww: goodluck with freds... He is a bit much to handle | 12:03 |
elgh | archboxman: what is nvidia-xconfig? | 12:03 |
erUSUL | mehee: all OS even XP support zip out of the box | 12:04 |
esicam | myrtti it is in mikesh directory | 12:04 |
Ari_Lazarus | Hi guys. I'm trying to play a .Net game I managed to install using Wine. I have Mono installed, but when I try to run the game using Wine it simply asks me to run using the Windows version of Mono. When I try to run it using Mono it notes that it cannot find the Windows.Systems.Forms assembly, which I guess is done by Wine. What should I do? | 12:04 |
archboxman | elgh: program that puts the correct file in xorg.conf file not sure if it just a package or a full program | 12:04 |
sena- | erUSUL: only this conf worked for me with this video card | 12:04 |
Myrtti | esicam: in your home directory, or in a directory in the home directory called that? | 12:04 |
Diverdude | Ari_Lazarus, use virtual box | 12:04 |
Pirate_Hunter_ | is it possible to block a domain through hosts using asterisks i.e.* or is there a better way to block unwanted sites through ubuntu (prefer if it is cli base) | 12:05 |
Diverdude | Ari_Lazarus, wine is flawed | 12:05 |
esicam | myrtti, it is in next drive | 12:05 |
Ari_Lazarus | Diverdude: Does Virtual Box have .Net support? | 12:05 |
erUSUL | sena-: if you just change vesa to radeon it fails? | 12:05 |
elgh | archman: sounds like something I should have... | 12:05 |
Diverdude | Ari_Lazarus, has everything | 12:05 |
pea[PC] | for a brand new drive do you have to create a new partition or can you just install it? | 12:05 |
Diverdude | Ari_Lazarus, its windows on linux | 12:05 |
archboxman | elgh: futhermore it just says nvidia not a model of the card | 12:05 |
sena- | erUSUL: i have not tried that | 12:05 |
pintook | my openoffice menu text does not appear | 12:05 |
Myrtti | esicam: /media/mikesh? | 12:05 |
Diverdude | Ari_Lazarus, or any OS in linux | 12:06 |
rww | Pirate_Hunter_: you could put "" in /etc/hosts. | 12:06 |
Skullduggerman- | hi | 12:06 |
archboxman | elgh: this leads me to believe 1 of 2 things | 12:06 |
erUSUL | Ari_Lazarus: you need to install .net in wine (mono for windows) | 12:06 |
Ari_Lazarus | Diverdude: I see. How badly would this affect the game? | 12:06 |
freds | thansk alot rww SolarisBoy archboxman | 12:06 |
freds | very grateful | 12:06 |
Ari_Lazarus | erUSUL: I did | 12:06 |
elgh | archman: what are those? | 12:06 |
rww | freds: glad we could help :) | 12:06 |
Ari_Lazarus | erUSUL: Oh wait. | 12:06 |
esicam | myrtti like c drive, i have a drive named mikesh and the file is there | 12:06 |
archboxman | freds: great :) rww glad you could help | 12:06 |
erUSUL | !yay | freds | 12:06 |
ubottu | freds: Glad you made it! :-) | 12:06 |
Diverdude | Ari_Lazarus, you should not be able to see an impact on the game | 12:06 |
sena- | erUSUL: but now on boot i get every time this configuration winodw that says "ubuntu can not find conf for your monitor and graph card" | 12:06 |
mehee | Erikw: yes i need something that can give more compression than zip | 12:06 |
freds | :P | 12:06 |
erUSUL | Ari_Lazarus: mono for linux does not work inside wine | 12:06 |
Ari_Lazarus | I'll try both suggestions. Thanks guys. | 12:06 |
mehee | Diverdude: yes | 12:06 |
freds | it was a hard battle but we made it through | 12:07 |
fireball_ | how do i enable evtouch option in xorg please? | 12:07 |
archboxman | freds: lol | 12:07 |
Myrtti | esicam: can you tell the exact path to the file, /media/c/ or such? | 12:07 |
Yerushalmi | Can somebody please help me with my computer refusing to hibernate? | 12:07 |
archboxman | rww: lol life saver :P | 12:07 |
erUSUL | sena-: :/ dunno tried 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg' ? | 12:07 |
sena- | erUSUL: then i select generic monitor vesa driver then "ok", reboot and the same story from the begining | 12:07 |
Diverdude | mehee, that depends on the degress of loss you are willing to pay...You can compress anything down to nothing if yu dont care about reconstruction ability | 12:07 |
Pirate_Hunter_ | rww, I could but foobar holds many domains, however if I can do something like* it should go through but that is not working | 12:07 |
sena- | erUSUL: ok i will try it | 12:08 |
zvacet | pea[PC]: you can install,because it will ask you to format during install you can choose entire HD if you want | 12:08 |
=== amit is now known as Guest79210 | ||
esicam | myrtti i copied it in home folder | 12:08 |
freds | yo archboxman is there a way i can connect to a different server called "swifitirc"? | 12:08 |
pintook | my openoffice menu text does not appear for eg. when i click on file tab i see no text | 12:08 |
archboxman | elgh: 1) your setup has more then one xorg.conf file lieing around.. 2) since xorg.conf is to be setup before you install gnome the nvidia driver is not updating the xorg.conf file | 12:08 |
sena- | erUSUL: have a nice day mate | 12:08 |
erUSUL | sena-: ty; bye | 12:09 |
Diverdude | Ari_Lazarus, virtualbox is by far the best way to run windows in linux. | 12:09 |
archboxman | elgh: every update to the video driver ends up being in not and a manual update to xorg.conf file is needed | 12:09 |
=== tima is now known as LORD_DODA | ||
LORD_DODA | hi gues i am new in this chat sorry when i more to teach from ubuntu | 12:10 |
elgh | archmanbox: Okey.... So shall I install nvidia-xconfig? | 12:10 |
archboxman | yes if it is not part package??? | 12:10 |
Guest79210 | hi i am first time joined this server | 12:10 |
fireball_ | how do i enable evtouch option in xorg please? | 12:10 |
archboxman | or otherwise it is already present | 12:11 |
hero1900 | i got question if i did install ubuntu on my external hard drive and then want to use on other computer can i? | 12:11 |
iceroot | hero1900: yes | 12:11 |
zvacet | !hi | Guest79210 | 12:11 |
ubottu | Guest79210: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 12:11 |
hero1900 | is there any special way | 12:11 |
hero1900 | ?? | 12:11 |
hero1900 | or just install normally | 12:11 |
Guest79210 | hi | 12:11 |
zim | hi all what is the # for UNR ? | 12:11 |
hero1900 | and take my external any where | 12:11 |
hero1900 | iceroot is there any etxra thing to do or just install as usuall then test on other pcs | 12:12 |
Guest79210 | hi Zvacet | 12:12 |
sterz | hi | 12:12 |
sterz | do you know | 12:12 |
LORD_DODA | как я могу сделать? Ubuntu в kubuntu или переустановит надо | 12:12 |
sterz | how can i open PDG files? | 12:13 |
mehee | !support | 12:13 |
ubottu | The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see and | 12:13 |
archboxman | SolarisBoy: youcan search for packages inside apt-get??? | 12:13 |
mehee | !oftopic | 12:13 |
Sacho | !ru | LORD_DODA | 12:13 |
ubottu | LORD_DODA: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 12:13 |
mehee | !offtopic | 12:13 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 12:13 |
zim | LORD_DODA: english here sorry | 12:13 |
LORD_DODA | thank you | 12:13 |
zim | can anyone pint me in the direction of the UNR room ? | 12:14 |
* sterz ? | 12:14 | |
zim | s/pint/point :) | 12:14 |
zvacet | guest79210 :hi do you have something to ask | 12:14 |
jpds | zim: #ubuntu-mobile | 12:14 |
archboxman | elgh: did you find that package???? or was it not found??? | 12:14 |
zim | jpds: many thanks | 12:14 |
sterz | no ideas? | 12:15 |
elgh | archboxman: Not found in terminal. | 12:15 |
archboxman | elgh: will look to see if it is in the package?? | 12:16 |
elgh | archmanbox: Will do, just so that you know... I'm quite new to Ubuntu. | 12:16 |
pintook | my openoffice menu text does not appear for eg. when i click on file tab i see no text | 12:16 |
elgh | archmanbox: It's installed I believe. | 12:17 |
archboxman | elgh: read this | 12:18 |
=== eaglewatch is now known as EagleWatch | ||
Yerushalmi | My computer refuses to permanently enter hibernate; it goes through all of the motions preparing to hibernate but then just pops me into a blank-until-you-move-the-mouse-to-get-the-login screen. What's going on and how can I fix this? | 12:20 |
thechef | Will the Software-Center implemenent payment-methods in the future? | 12:20 |
mehee | hi i want to know what the mots compressing format it that is cross platform. win lin mac. | 12:21 |
Gangrel | my windows hdd was not working and now that it works i cannot see the OS selection screen it is just booting straight to ubuntu how can i fix that? | 12:22 |
tsimpson | mehee: most are cross-platform, zip and gzip (with tar) are probably the most popular | 12:22 |
Gangrel | !grub | 12:23 |
ubottu | grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards. | 12:23 |
erUSUL | mehee: 7zip probably | 12:23 |
mehee | tsimpson: i want to compress stuff at max zip is not compressed enough | 12:23 |
Gangrel | !grub2 | 12:23 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 12:23 |
elgh | archmanbox: | 12:23 |
mehee | 7z is not compressed enough its same as zip | 12:23 |
tsimpson | try gzip or bzip2 then | 12:23 |
tsimpson | or possibly rar | 12:24 |
mehee | tsimpson: are tehy crossplatform ^ | 12:24 |
rww | mehee: There's only so much files can be compressed. | 12:24 |
tsimpson | mehee: they are open source, so yes | 12:24 |
jack5463 | I'm trying to play a dvd movie with movie player. I'm using unbuntu 9.10 from usb. A window appears saying " Totem cannot play this type of media (DVD) because it does not have the appropriate plugins to be able to read from the disc." how do i install the appropriate plugins? | 12:24 |
rww | mehee: OS X can deal with gzip and bzip2. The 7zip program on Windows can extract both too, I believe. | 12:24 |
archboxman | elgh: that configue file up put on your computer undermines the process of installing linux wow | 12:25 |
cAs-karmico | hi everyone | 12:25 |
elgh | archboxman: Are you amused? :) | 12:25 |
archboxman | up = you | 12:25 |
mehee | guys take a look at this interesting info. dont think many are crossplatform formats | 12:25 |
archboxman | elgh: no not even close | 12:25 |
archboxman | elgh: its a mess | 12:25 |
elgh | archboxman: Ouch! | 12:26 |
archboxman | elgh: try another distro or a earlier version of ubuntu like 8.1 | 12:26 |
elgh | archboxman: Why do you want me to do that? | 12:27 |
lekefly | Anyone wanna recommend a VNC program ? one for server and client for os x ? | 12:27 |
archboxman | This is not going to work video card is not supported in the version of ubuntu you are trying | 12:27 |
mehee | archboxman: whats the problem you think elgh has | 12:27 |
archboxman | mehee: video card period... xorg.conf has to be configured before gnome desktop is used | 12:28 |
archboxman | mehee: problem is not even the install disk would see the video card | 12:29 |
archboxman | mehee: usually means ubuntu has moved on and is not writing support for that video card anymore | 12:29 |
mehee | archboxman: wtf i never had that problem with ubuntu. it should be fine from install | 12:30 |
archboxman | elgh: if you want to continue to use ubuntu your going to have to upgrade all the way from a older version | 12:30 |
archboxman | mehee: lol | 12:30 |
elgh | archboxman: What difference would it make? | 12:31 |
mehee | elgh: can i pm you for a sec | 12:31 |
elgh | archboxman: Tried 8.10. | 12:31 |
elgh | mehee: Sure. | 12:31 |
archboxman | mehee: you don't have an outdated video card on they had porblems with check the nvidia website there are many | 12:31 |
archboxman | mehee: what is with the secrets??? | 12:32 |
archboxman | elgh: buy a cheap video card??? will cost 30 dallors will take away all the problems | 12:33 |
elgh | archboxman: I don't see how the video card can be the problem. | 12:33 |
archboxman | elgh: hold on I will give u that link | 12:34 |
=== dinis is now known as arzua | ||
=== arzua is now known as dinis | ||
lloowen | nooob question! What program do I need to install if I want to use the command 'configure' in bash? | 12:35 |
freds | hey can anyone help me with installing java? | 12:35 |
archboxman | elgh: here you go | 12:36 |
pintook | help. my openoffice text menu has no text eg when i click on the file tab i do not see the written text | 12:36 |
outer_space | how many files can i have in a directory before theres trouble? | 12:36 |
Goliath | i want to burn a data dvd with xvid files in it, in order to be played by my dvdplayer. Should i choose udf filesystem? or windows-unix? | 12:36 |
okc | how to install run c++ programs in ubuntu 9.04? | 12:37 |
archboxman | elgh: Also drivers are not written by Nvidia to linux only for windows and have to be re engineered in linux... | 12:37 |
mehee | !nvida | 12:37 |
archboxman | !nvidia | 12:38 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see | 12:38 |
pintook | help. my openoffice text menu has no text eg when i click on the file tab i do not see the written text | 12:38 |
sipior | outer_space: which filesystem? | 12:38 |
lloowen | nooob question! What program do I need to install if I want to use the command 'configure' in bash? Any ideas anyone? | 12:39 |
pietia | how to change max number of X clients? | 12:39 |
mehee | pinPoint: are you running openoffice in wine | 12:39 |
pietia | i reach max numb. of X clients after 2 days of uptime | 12:39 |
mehee | ^ pintook | 12:39 |
elgh | archboxman: Why would Ubuntu recommend me installing those drivers if it's not supported? | 12:39 |
pintook | ehee; do u want to help me | 12:40 |
archboxman | elgh: did you read that link.... | 12:40 |
mehee | elgh: ubuntu cant figgure out your exact card type always just that its an nvida or intell. | 12:40 |
fc-ipad | ohai | 12:40 |
elgh | archboxman: Okey... But why don't I have more issues? | 12:40 |
mehee | elgh: whast is your gcard please | 12:41 |
DelPede | I've been trying to go from NFS3 to NFS4, but I can't get any clients to mount my NFS4 exported shares. The clients hangs, and then times out, and the logs tells me very little. Anyone had similar problems? | 12:41 |
pietia | how to change max number of X clients? | 12:41 |
archboxman | elgh: because the system is recongizing all the compnents ,but not writing them to the xorg.conf file so you configue file is not even close to a regular configue file | 12:42 |
elgh | archboxman: Okey, but everything else I tried works perfectly. | 12:42 |
pietia | how to change max number of X clients? | 12:42 |
archboxman | xorg.conf is what you write to for x windows or graphics use | 12:43 |
archboxman | elgh: what does a keyboard have to do with x windows that installed at a later point as well as the mouse | 12:43 |
indus | why is this channel strength always at 1200 - 1400 | 12:44 |
indus | strange | 12:44 |
archboxman | elgh: you need more experience in linux before you understand how xorg.conf file runs with Desktop Enviroments and Windows Managers | 12:45 |
okc | thats the power of ubuntu:) | 12:45 |
=== wet-chan is now known as wet | ||
mehee | elgh: hello | 12:45 |
lloowen | Help please! What program do I need to install if I want to use the command 'configure' in bash? | 12:45 |
alankila | lloowen: the command is not installable as such. The configure script usually accompanies source packages meant for end-user consumption that are built with autotools. | 12:45 |
elgh | archboxman: That's true. I don't know much about it at all. But I know people who can use 7300 GS without problems. | 12:45 |
duffydack | !grub | 12:46 |
ubottu | grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards. | 12:46 |
lloowen | OK thanks. | 12:46 |
lekefly | Anyone wanna recommend a VNC program ? one for server and client for os x ? | 12:46 |
archboxman | elgh: thats fine if so then your monitor is problem ... Something is not working right | 12:46 |
alankila | lloowen: if the source did not come with a configure script, you must build one. There is often a shell script called "bootstrap" or so. Running this -- provided all versions of autotools gunk are compatible -- may well spit out a functional configure for your system. | 12:46 |
Goliath | how can i convert a mp4 file to xvid? | 12:47 |
lloowen | I'm trying to install a program from a tutorial. It says I have to use the command ./configure to set it up. But this command is not recognised! | 12:47 |
archboxman | elgh: you may even have a bad disk that you got for ubuntu... | 12:47 |
sipior | pietia: how many clients are listed if you try "xlsclients | wc -l" | 12:47 |
alankila | lloowen: you're probably just in wrong directory. | 12:47 |
pietia | sipior, 256 | 12:47 |
lloowen | OK I'll re look. | 12:47 |
pietia | do i have to reboot after few hours of work on ubuntu ? : | | 12:48 |
pietia | that's sick | 12:48 |
alankila | lloowen: check if the source tarball came with something called "configure" anywhere. If not, then look for bootstrap and be prepared to install a lot of autotools-related packages. | 12:48 |
archboxman | elgh: what ever is holding back your system has to be replaced | 12:48 |
sipior | pietia: i believe that's a compile-time setting (you'd need to rebuild xlib). what exactly is eating up all of your xclients? | 12:48 |
pietia | sipior, how to check this? | 12:48 |
elgh | archmanbox: With this said, it can be anything. | 12:49 |
pietia | i see only few windows | 12:49 |
sipior | pietia: xlsclients | 12:49 |
pietia | sipior, k | 12:49 |
archboxman | elgh: we can figure out if its the monitor put the live cd in drive and tell me is the drive spinning and no images try another monitor and tell me if a picture comes up... maybe the image is out of range for monitor??? | 12:49 |
ascin | Äîáðûé äåíò | 12:49 |
pietia | sipior, lot of /usr/bin/skype.real ! | 12:49 |
jack5463 | I'm trying to play a dvd movie with movie player. I'm using unbuntu 9.10 from usb. A window appears saying " Totem cannot play this type of media (DVD) because it does not have the appropriate plugins to be able to read from the disc." how do i install the appropriate plugins? | 12:49 |
indus | jack5463, just install vlc, will play everything | 12:50 |
sipior | pietia: might be a bug with skype. remove those processes, and it should free up some xclient slots. | 12:50 |
indus | jack5463, generally totem will automatically download and install plugins required | 12:50 |
ascin | Òóò ÷å âñå èíîêîÿçû÷íèêè? | 12:50 |
sebsebseb | jack5463: indus need codec to play commercial DVD | 12:50 |
indus | ascin, hello you too | 12:50 |
indus | sebsebseb, whats a 'commercial' dvd | 12:50 |
indus | sebsebseb, vlc also plays region specific dvds | 12:51 |
jack5463 | indus, where do i find vlc | 12:51 |
indus | jack5463, open a terminal and type sudo apt-get install vlc | 12:51 |
indus | :) | 12:51 |
sebsebseb | jack5463: you can't just play propritary/bough DVD's | 12:51 |
indus | sebsebseb, what? i play them just fine | 12:51 |
indus | sebsebseb, i think i dont understand the point you are making | 12:51 |
sebsebseb | indus: libdvdcss2 | 12:52 |
indus | sebsebseb, yea that one | 12:52 |
sebsebseb | indus: need that installed or something like it, before they will play | 12:52 |
indus | sebsebseb, does vlc need that ? hmm | 12:52 |
indus | sebsebseb, thats true the encrypted crap | 12:52 |
Myrtti | !ru | ascin | 12:53 |
ubottu | ascin: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 12:53 |
pilinha | im having some problems with some elf binaries ABI .. is there someone that can give me some hints ? | 12:53 |
indus | sebsebseb, ok lets see step by step, jack5463 did you install vlc | 12:53 |
jack5463 | indus, ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install vl | 12:53 |
jack5463 | Reading package lists... Done | 12:53 |
jack5463 | Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Couldn't find package vlc | 12:53 |
xfact | Openshot video editor now working on my Ubuntu 9.10, what will fix it? | 12:53 |
osirisx11 | how can i make CPU scaling preferences stick beyond reboot? | 12:53 |
sipior | pilinha: can you be more specific? | 12:53 |
pilinha | sipior: for sure | 12:54 |
indus | jack5463, ok go to main menu>system>administration>software sources | 12:54 |
archboxman | elgh: next time you ask for help pls explain the enviroment you live in do have dogs how old is computer ... how old monitor , what do you think the problem is we are not mind readers pleas explain better then I copied a xorg.conf file from another computer with not even the same hardware... this file reads a lot more then just video card.. good luck | 12:54 |
indus | !info vlc | 12:54 |
ubottu | vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-1ubuntu2.1 (karmic), package size 1586 kB, installed size 3808 kB | 12:54 |
pilinha | sipior: I got a binary SO file . When I run readelf at it, it shows OS / ABI as Unix / Linux | 12:54 |
pilinha | sipior: all other binaries at my system are Unix / System V | 12:54 |
mehee | ok all i'm off see you next time | 12:54 |
pilinha | sipior: I never paid attention to that until today, hehehehe | 12:55 |
indus | jack5463, did you type vlc | 12:55 |
elgh | archmanbox: I just asked for help and logic to me, it should be xorg.conf. | 12:55 |
osirisx11 | !info ubottu | 12:55 |
ubottu | Package ubottu does not exist in karmic | 12:55 |
indus | jack5463, correctly>? | 12:55 |
pilinha | sipior: I could no find any gcc flag for that SO / ABI combination, so, I have no clue on what did that come, and what can I do for that to work | 12:55 |
jack5463 | indus, yes just didn't come thru on copy and paste | 12:55 |
xfact | I am runnig VLC 1.0.5 in karmic | 12:55 |
indus | jack5463, you see if universe repos is enabled in software sources | 12:56 |
pilinha | sipior: I tried to find something about this at google, but all it gives me are freebsd links ... | 12:56 |
sipior | pilinha: what is the library, and where did you get it from? | 12:56 |
mvn071 | hi, is there is know issue with preseeding tzdata using debconf-[g|s]et-selections? New configs are not set.... | 12:57 |
mvn071 | known | 12:57 |
duffydack | osirisx11, I have a link for that, let me find it | 12:57 |
mvn071 | on Karmic | 12:57 |
ouyes | mvn071, rephrase more clearly | 12:57 |
mvn071 | moment | 12:58 |
ouyes | mvn071, make your description in one time, not mutile lines | 12:58 |
jack5463 | indus, Community-maintained open source software (universe)... was unchecked if that's what you mean | 12:59 |
indus | jack5463, ok enable it | 12:59 |
indus | jack5463, then close this window and try the command again | 12:59 |
duffydack | osirisx11, is it defaulting to ondemand on boot? | 12:59 |
pilinha | sipior: it s a third party sofware for a OCR we are using here | 13:00 |
DocMAX | hello people... ubuntu is runnung more cpu intense than windows!!!! why??? | 13:00 |
mvn071 | | 13:00 |
mvn071 | ouyes: | 13:01 |
jirajamgo | jest ktoś z polski ??? | 13:01 |
indus | jack5463, after that is finished, run this command sudo apt-get install libdvdcss2 | 13:01 |
osirisx11 | how can i make CPU scaling preferences stick beyond reboot? | 13:01 |
Myrtti | !pl | jirajamgo | 13:01 |
ubottu | jirajamgo: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. | 13:01 |
acicula | osirisx11: i think it defaults to ondemand? | 13:01 |
osirisx11 | acicula: correct | 13:02 |
=== pbx is now known as hetii | ||
acicula | well it just means eachoing a value into proc to change its behaviour | 13:02 |
duffydack | osirisx11, edit /etc/init.d/ondemand and look for echo -n ondemand > $CPUFREQ and change it to performance | 13:02 |
acicula | i think the cpufreq applet also remembers on loging what you set last time | 13:02 |
osirisx11 | acicula: it does not remember. | 13:03 |
jack5463 | indus, okay the code is working now | 13:03 |
duffydack | acicula, cpufreq applet doesnt remember my settings. | 13:03 |
osirisx11 | duffydack: thanks i'll look at that... but wouldn't that change the meaning of 'on demand' ? | 13:03 |
DocMAX | hello people... ubuntu is runnung more cpu intense than windows!!!! why??? | 13:03 |
acicula | duffydack: hmm i guess then what you said via ondemand isthe proper way | 13:03 |
duffydack | osirisx11, it sets my cpu on boot to performance... not ondeand | 13:03 |
acicula | DocMAX: how,why,what? | 13:04 |
duffydack | osirisx11, all cpu`s... i have i7 | 13:04 |
osirisx11 | duffydack: ah but it is kind of a hack, isn't it? | 13:04 |
ouyes | mvn071, what? try to make a clear and brief asking, and keep it in one Enter | 13:04 |
DocMAX | acicula, ubuntu is more cpu demanding!!!!!!!!! | 13:04 |
ouyes | DocMAX, quite a point, | 13:04 |
acicula | DocMAX: you have a question? | 13:04 |
duffydack | osirisx11, well yes I guess so.. but its a simple one | 13:04 |
DocMAX | acicula, yes, why is that? | 13:05 |
osirisx11 | is there not a proper way? | 13:05 |
ruien | does anyone know a straightforward way to allow vnc sessions to access audio devices on a server? I don't want to tunnel audio or anything, i just want to allow a vnc user to play audio on the server's speakers. I am using xfce on 9.10, and there are no local users logged in on the server, only a single VNC connection. | 13:05 |
elgh | archboxman: Thanks for every help! | 13:05 |
DocMAX | windows runs smoother, why? | 13:05 |
ouyes | DocMAX, i have a p7370 Thinkpad T400 and 9.10 ubuntu, when open a few applications, it acted like dead | 13:05 |
acicula | DocMAX: how do you measure that | 13:06 |
ouyes | mvn071, you see ruien ? | 13:06 |
duffydack | osirisx11, its not doing anything bad.. its only a sall script that by default is setting the governor to ondemand.. all you are doing is telling it to use performance instead... | 13:06 |
duffydack | sall=small | 13:06 |
DocMAX | for example, when whatching youtube video, and i do fullscreen, cpu utilization goes up | 13:06 |
archboxman | mehee: do you now elgh personelly | 13:07 |
acicula | DocMAX: thats typically the case with flash | 13:07 |
DocMAX | acicula, i dont want that | 13:07 |
acicula | DocMAX: then do not use flash? | 13:07 |
osirisx11 | duffydack: but i am thinking there is someplace that is calling init.d/ondemand and i want it instead to call init.d/powersave (or whatever) | 13:07 |
om26er | can I make my own APT on cd? | 13:07 |
archboxman | mehee: hello asked for some advise figured out possible problem | 13:07 |
Linux-CLI | hi | 13:07 |
Linux-CLI | I need to add some text to appear on the other side of the line, what do I need to add to this command? - find -follow -type f | sed -e "s|.|$PWD|" -e "s|.|File:\t|" | 13:07 |
appusajeev | hello | 13:08 |
Linux-CLI | hi | 13:08 |
DocMAX | acicula, but i want to watch videos!!! | 13:08 |
archboxman | mehee: elgh may be able to fix this :) | 13:08 |
duffydack | osirisx11, you are overthinking the situation.. its just a startup script. | 13:08 |
acicula | DocMAX: video decoding in flash, particularly HD using hd264 and such is a cpu intensive task | 13:08 |
osirisx11 | duffydack: ok thanks dude | 13:09 |
acicula | wich ever os you use it will increase your cpu usse | 13:09 |
appusajeev | i am having OpenCV installation issue in karmic | 13:09 |
appusajeev | can anyone please help? | 13:09 |
archboxman | rvsjoen: well he is gone darn it :) | 13:09 |
DocMAX | acicula, but in windows i do not have cpu utilizastion!!! | 13:09 |
* om26er doubts that | 13:09 | |
acicula | DocMAX: then your measurements are incorrect | 13:10 |
DocMAX2 | even watching youtube hd in fullscreen | 13:10 |
rvsjoen | oh well, his loss | 13:10 |
archboxman | rvsjoen: could kick myself for that | 13:10 |
DocMAX2 | sorry disconnected.. did you see what i wrote? | 13:10 |
pilinha_ | sipior, are you there ? | 13:10 |
om26er | DocMAX, its a fact that adobe flash is cpu *eater* no matter what platform you are on | 13:10 |
acicula | DocMAX: i think on windows flash can use the gpu now to decode some things, that may affect cpu utilisation i suppose | 13:10 |
archboxman | rvsjoen: seen his name as quit when I came back :( he must have parted as I came in :( | 13:11 |
om26er | acicula, thats a very new feature | 13:11 |
duffydack | osirisx11, you could go through all of this.. if you like | 13:11 |
lekefly | Anyone wanna recommend a VNC program ? one for server and client for os x ? | 13:11 |
sipior | pilinha_: i am, yes. 3rd party software? do you have the source code? | 13:11 |
acicula | om26er: well you should be running the latest flash anyway | 13:11 |
osirisx11 | duffydack: thanks | 13:11 |
om26er | acicula, I google | 13:11 |
acicula | s/you/everyone | 13:11 |
DocMAX2 | adobe has to fix that | 13:11 |
pilinha_ | sipior, no, unfortunatelly I dont... its closed source | 13:11 |
DocMAX2 | otherwise ubuntu is useless | 13:11 |
acicula | DocMAX: write them a letter :) | 13:11 |
pilinha_ | I can ask them to recompile it | 13:11 |
jack5463 | indus, I have the VLC media player now, when i click open disk it opens then immediately closes.. so it doesn't play the dvd | 13:11 |
duffydack | osirisx11, but thats a long long way of doing something simple.. | 13:11 |
pilinha_ | sipior, I can ask them to recompile it | 13:11 |
sipior | pilinha_: not sure what to tell you, sorry. complain to the people you got it from :-) | 13:11 |
jbendotnet | anyone here know memcached? | 13:11 |
jbendotnet | trying to change the port it runs on | 13:12 |
acicula | DocMAX: you cna try the html5 feature of youtube in chromium i suppse | 13:12 |
pilinha_ | sipior, I just want to understand what they did wrong , so I can tell them | 13:12 |
* om26er thought htlm5 video tagging would kill flash but agin h.264 came in the way | 13:12 | |
acicula | yeh | 13:12 |
duffydack | osirisx11, there is no other scaling mode in /etc/init.d btw... its ondemand only.. and all the script is doing is setting it by default on startup.. dont worry about it. | 13:12 |
archboxman | well got to run now I feel bad :( | 13:12 |
rvsjoen | jbendotnet: and ? | 13:12 |
sipior | pilinha_: difficult to say without knowing how the library was built. were they attempting a cross-compilation? | 13:12 |
jbendotnet | rvsjoen: I'm not sure where to look | 13:13 |
jbendotnet | ! | 13:13 |
rvsjoen | jbendotnet: /etc/memcached.conf ? | 13:13 |
DocMAX2 | i wanted to stay on ubuntu... but some things really bother me | 13:13 |
jbendotnet | haha | 13:13 |
jbendotnet | rvsjoen: oh yes, it's much simpler than I thought | 13:13 |
jbendotnet | not sure why, I was trying to work through the init.d stuff | 13:13 |
acicula | DocMAX: not much to be done about flash unfortunatly | 13:14 |
om26er | DocMAX2, except for the flash issue share any other issue with us please | 13:14 |
pilinha_ | sipior, I dont know, but I had the same guess.. I'll try ask them... The usual, for linux systems, is to use SystemV ABI, right? | 13:14 |
DocMAX2 | om26er, the gnome desktop | 13:14 |
Yerushalmi | My computer refuses to hibernate; it goes through all the motions of hibernating, but then pops me back into the login screen. Can someone help me fix this? | 13:14 |
rvsjoen | jbendotnet: that would be the second place to look | 13:14 |
acicula | DocMAX2: however this is a support channel to troubleshoot and fix problems, so please stick to that | 13:14 |
om26er | DocMAX2, then use kde | 13:14 |
sipior | pilinha_: certainly the case on my system, yes | 13:14 |
DocMAX2 | the whole gnome desktop is crap | 13:14 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: made changes to pulseaudio? | 13:14 |
Yerushalmi | I haven't made changes to anything; this is a clean install. | 13:14 |
pilinha_ | sipior, on mine too.. I just don't know if that's a rule, or an option | 13:15 |
om26er | DocMAX2, I love Gnome *very much* | 13:15 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: hmm, i think it dumps in syslog what was blocking it to go into hibernate | 13:15 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: I've even made a second install on my flash drive. Same problem. | 13:15 |
DocMAX2 | for example the icons on the desktop... if their names are too long, gnome does not shorten them the right way | 13:15 |
miraiw | DocMAX2: Openbox FTW | 13:15 |
acicula | DocMAX2: stop trolling the channel | 13:15 |
Yerushalmi | I can show you my pm-suspend.log file. It looks like everything's completely normal. It just comes right back out of hibernate immediately. | 13:15 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: yeah pastebin it | 13:15 |
sipior | pilinha_: you need to talk to your developer friends, and get some support from them. there's not much we can do here without more information. | 13:16 |
DocMAX2 | the only thing that works fine is compiz | 13:16 |
=== Dink|W is now known as Dink | ||
Yerushalmi | acicula: Where's that again? | 13:16 |
acicula | !pastebin | 13:16 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 13:16 |
pilinha_ | ok. Ill do that.. thanks | 13:16 |
Keller | hi | 13:16 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: Done | 13:16 |
om26er | !hi | Keller | 13:17 |
ubottu | Keller: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 13:17 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: can you paste the link or are you gonna make me guess :)? | 13:17 |
archboxman | mehee: you around | 13:17 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: Oh! Didn't know you needed a link, I thought it was a public thing. My apologies. | 13:17 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: I'm afraid I'm still very new to this :p | 13:17 |
Yerushalmi | *embarrassed* | 13:17 |
Keller | what DE except for Gnome,KDE,Xfce is fast and comfortable to use | 13:18 |
archboxman | Yerushalmi: what no need just work on your skillz | 13:18 |
Keller | *? | 13:18 |
DocMAX2 | can someone give me remote support via VNC? | 13:18 |
osirisx11 | Keller: LXDE | 13:18 |
osirisx11 | | 13:18 |
Yerushalmi | archboxman: Heh. First-timer, I guess. | 13:18 |
Keller | osirisx11, thanks | 13:18 |
om26er | !lubuntu | Keller | 13:19 |
ubottu | Keller: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See | 13:19 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: hmm nothing out of the ordinary except /usr/lib/pm-utils/sleep.d/99video thaw hibernate: Returned exit code 1. | 13:19 |
archboxman | Yerushalmi: what to worry about learn as you go... ;) you can always reinstall the system its free | 13:19 |
Yerushalmi | archboxman: I have. Several times. | 13:19 |
acicula | archboxman: read, he did that | 13:19 |
osirisx11 | Keller: is this for a netbook? | 13:19 |
bazhang | Keller, if you are on karmic 9.10 you can install the package lubuntu-desktop and try it out | 13:19 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: have you enabled any video driver? | 13:19 |
Keller | osirisx11, nope, for notebook | 13:20 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: oh wait its intel 915 | 13:20 |
Keller | im currently on 9.04, i like it more than karmic | 13:20 |
jolp | 9.04 more stable. | 13:21 |
archboxman | acicula: I installed archlinux 2 times and the first time it took 5 days to install archlinux now I can install archlinux in about 20 mins... nothing wrong with learning | 13:21 |
Yerushalmi | acicula, archboxman: I spent the last five days learning how to get a bigger swap partition because that's what I was told was the problem. This entailed reformatting and reinstalling ubuntu at least seven times with various settings. | 13:21 |
suman | Hey, can somebody guide me to get the inbuilt webcam working for my computer? | 13:21 |
xfact | I am using Ubuntu Karmic more then 1 months and I think it's stable! | 13:21 |
om26er | suman, open terminal and type lspci and pastin it | 13:21 |
Yerushalmi | acicula, archboxman: Naturally, though, now that I have 900 megs of ram and 6 gigs of swap, it still don't work :p | 13:21 |
om26er | !pastebin | suman | 13:21 |
ubottu | suman: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 13:21 |
gilmar | t | 13:22 |
elgh | archboxman: Thank you for your help. | 13:22 |
archboxman | elgh: hold on i figured out ur problem | 13:22 |
elgh | archboxman Really? | 13:22 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: Yerushalmi does suspend work? | 13:22 |
archboxman | elgh: I ran it past a debian user | 13:22 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: Yup. Suspend works fine. | 13:23 |
suman | om26er, i typed in lspci what now? | 13:23 |
archboxman | elgh: you ran that nvidia card as a user ??? not root | 13:23 |
om26er | suman, copy the results and paste them in and provide the link | 13:23 |
Yerushalmi | In fact, I just glanced over to the computer and saw that it just suspended on me without me noticing :p | 13:23 |
elgh | archboxman: Can you please explain that further? | 13:23 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: how much memory in the netbook/how big is the disk? | 13:23 |
archboxman | ok hold on | 13:24 |
om26er | suman, which app are you using for web cam? | 13:24 |
suman | i do not know I will paste the results | 13:24 |
om26er | Yerushalmi, is any memeory card mounted? | 13:24 |
archboxman | elgh: lets leave this furom and go to debian I will let the gods explain it of ubunut | 13:24 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: As a result of all my playing around trying to fix the problem, I now have two different installs. | 13:24 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: total disk size and total mem size? | 13:24 |
Yerushalmi | om26er: Yes. Same answer as acicula: | 13:24 |
om26er | Yerushalmi, and what was that? | 13:25 |
Yerushalmi | I have a 4-gig hard disk, of which 3.8 is the file system and 239 megabytes is a swap space. | 13:25 |
om26er | Yerushalmi, pull it out | 13:25 |
archboxman | elgh: ubuntu is written with debian as is core programing | 13:25 |
elgh | archboxman, Okey... | 13:25 |
Yerushalmi | I also have a 16-gig single flash reader, with a 10-gig file system and 6.3 gig swap space. | 13:25 |
trisquel | hi | 13:25 |
archboxman | elgh: lets go to #debian chatroom | 13:25 |
Yerushalmi | om26er: You're saying that it could be the flash drive that's causing the problem? | 13:25 |
elgh | archboxman: I'm there. | 13:26 |
om26er | Yerushalmi, no memory card (sdhci) | 13:26 |
archboxman | ok on my way | 13:26 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: internal memory i mean? also are you using netbook remix or ubuntu vanilla, i forgot | 13:26 |
suman | please find the url | 13:26 |
Yerushalmi | om26er: Ah. Then no. | 13:26 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: netbook remix. | 13:26 |
trisquel | is it true that hp has bios management where HP can access your computer no matter what firewalls or encrypted file systems or how good your password is? | 13:26 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: On the 10-gig file system on the flash drive I have a second installation of ubuntu, which I placed there in order to see if for some bizarre reason it refused to use swap spaces that weren't on the same drive. | 13:26 |
Pici | !ot | trisquel | 13:26 |
ubottu | trisquel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 13:26 |
om26er | Yerushalmi, my netbook dont hibernate or standby ( its a known bug) | 13:27 |
xpo0f | :) | 13:27 |
Yerushalmi | om26er: Really? But standby works for me. | 13:27 |
tim167 | hey, how do i choose a destination to install to with aptitude ? | 13:27 |
trisquel | Pici, ubuntu computers | 13:27 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: well it seems that space is the most logical issue | 13:27 |
om26er | Yerushalmi, not for me. that's because I have ubuntu installed on sdhci (when sdhci is mounted stand by dont work) | 13:27 |
acicula | seeing as the principle differnce between hibernation and suspend is the dumping of the memory into the swap | 13:27 |
Pici | trisquel: BIOS is regardless of operating system, your question is not on-topic for this channel. | 13:28 |
xpo0f | yeah | 13:28 |
Yerushalmi | WAit. | 13:28 |
Yerushalmi | I think this is perhaps a memory card? | 13:28 |
* Yerushalmi has been away from computers too long. | 13:28 | |
cheekee | I am trying to install the lamp-server but keep getting the error message " tasksel: aptitude failed (100)". Can anyone help? | 13:29 |
Yerushalmi | It's called Single Flash Reader, it's in a slot labeled MMC.SD | 13:29 |
xpo0f | what topic | 13:29 |
Yerushalmi | I'm rather embarrassed that I don't know what that means. | 13:29 |
Yerushalmi | But it acts as a drive. | 13:29 |
om26er | for me too | 13:29 |
Yerushalmi | om26er: What's sdhci? | 13:29 |
suman | om26er, i have pasted the links and | 13:29 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: it seems an SD card, that what you are using is known to prevent suspend | 13:29 |
acicula | can you suspend with the SD card mounted? | 13:29 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: Yes. | 13:30 |
unimatrix | anyone know if latest gnome-panel supports RGBA yet? | 13:30 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: Suspend works fine. Just hibernate doesn't. | 13:30 |
ruien | does anyone know a straightforward way to allow vnc sessions to access audio devices on a server? I don't want to tunnel audio or anything, i just want to allow a vnc user to play audio on the server's speakers. I am using xfce on 9.10, and there are no local users logged in on the server, only a single VNC connection. I believe this is a "udevd" rules issue, but i don't know where to find more specific information on editing them. | 13:30 |
xpo0f | i dont know | 13:30 |
kjs | I am interested in doing some packaging for Ubuntu, how can I find out what packages people are requesting / what needs to be packaged? | 13:30 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: And it doesn't work whether I boot from the ubuntu installation on the internal hard disk or the ubuntu installation on the flash drive. | 13:31 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: By default, the kernel always unmounts all MMC/SD cards before suspend and re-mounts them at resume. /quote | 13:31 |
om26er | suman, I dont see any webcam there.. | 13:31 |
acicula | so that might explain why hibernating to an SD doesnt work | 13:31 |
xpo0f | kjs: you can use apt-cache to show the depends | 13:31 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: how much internal memory do you have on the netbook? | 13:31 |
kjs | xpo0f: wtf? | 13:31 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: Huh. I'm going to check this out, then, I'll figure out whether or not I can suspend when booting from the flash drive. | 13:31 |
om26er | kjs, ? | 13:31 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: something like 900 megabytes. | 13:32 |
suman | om26er, i have webcam on my computer which is not being detected. what should i do now? | 13:32 |
sebsebseb | !language > kjs | 13:32 |
ubottu | kjs, please see my private message | 13:32 |
xpo0f | kjs: apt-cache depends <package> | 13:32 |
om26er | suman, can you please give the name of the web cam.( make and model) | 13:32 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: try without the SD to cram unr onto the thing with a 2GB swap ? | 13:32 |
kjs | xpo0f: not what im asking is it. | 13:32 |
xpo0f | ok | 13:32 |
kjs | I want to build some packages for ubuntu not find out the deps of a dpkg. | 13:32 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: Unless there's a smaller version of UNR, I can't - the internal drive is only 4 gig. | 13:33 |
om26er | kjs, what are you building? | 13:33 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: i dont think so :/ | 13:33 |
unimatrix | kjs: | 13:33 |
xpo0f | so that... compile yourself and configure all the depends | 13:33 |
unimatrix | kjs: happy packaging | 13:33 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: Confirmed, suspend works fine even when I'm running ubuntu off the SD card. | 13:33 |
suman | om26er, i have sony vaio CR343N model. I had Vista installed which detected and webcam worked fine where as the switch to ubuntu has caused it to stop working. Does it help | 13:34 |
acicula | hmm but still no hibernate | 13:34 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: i dont know then :/ | 13:34 |
xpo0f | brb | 13:34 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: Nope. Activating hibernate from the menu makes it look as if it's about to do it - the screen goes blank and everything | 13:34 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: yeah according to the log it goes through all the steps | 13:35 |
Yerushalmi | But it really is just bringing me to a login screen. | 13:35 |
om26er | suman, which version of ubuntu are you using? | 13:35 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: nod. It's weird. | 13:35 |
acicula | just fails just before dumping to disk it seems and wakes up again | 13:35 |
sint | hey, is it possible to run a single programm in a different language? | 13:35 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: But it's not even presenting a failure message, is it? | 13:35 |
csaba | maybe there's not enough space on the hd? | 13:35 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: not that i can tell | 13:35 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: well the unthawing of video is reporting an error condition | 13:35 |
* om26er thinks every thing is possible when you are using Linux | 13:35 | |
acicula | but that is after it comes back | 13:36 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: And yet video works fine. | 13:36 |
acicula | sint: override the language locale for a particular program? | 13:36 |
sint | acicula: sounds like what i need | 13:36 |
=== _value is now known as Value | ||
acicula | Yerushalmi: yeah it doesnt mean the video is broken | 13:36 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: Ah | 13:36 |
r2d2_ | hi all | 13:37 |
suman | om26er, ubuntu 9.10 | 13:37 |
acicula | just means the script didnt terminate as it should have, which may mean nothing | 13:37 |
ChuckyLarms | Hello, can someone help me real quick | 13:37 |
Value | hey all | 13:37 |
r2d2_ | does anyone remember how to find out all login times? | 13:37 |
sint | acicula: do you know how to do this? | 13:37 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: Well, thanks for trying anyways | 13:37 |
suman | om26er, i installed 8.10 then upgraded to 9.04 and then to 9.10 | 13:37 |
om26er | suman, it turns out ubuntu dont have the driver | 13:37 |
acicula | sint: some programs will use the locale env variables to determine what language files to use, override those i guess, or look at the specific programs manual | 13:37 |
acicula | r2d2_: look in auth.log | 13:38 |
ChuckyLarms | I upgraded to ubuntu 9.10 from 9.01 and my root password was lost or changed, how do I fix this? | 13:38 |
r2d2_ | thanks | 13:38 |
sint | acicula: ok thanks, i'll search for it | 13:38 |
acicula | ChuckyLarms: you upgraded to what? | 13:38 |
=== EagleWatch is now known as eaglewatch | ||
ChuckyLarms | The newest version of Ubuntu | 13:38 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: yw | 13:38 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: I'm going to start powering down and heading home from work now. Thanks for the help anyways. | 13:38 |
acicula | ChuckyLarms: your root password doesnt change, it doesnt exist | 13:39 |
r2d2_ | acicula: i remember that there is some utility to get all login and logout times | 13:39 |
ChuckyLarms | Well, I lost all my Admin priviliges | 13:39 |
acicula | r2d2_: last, w | 13:39 |
r2d2_ | yeah :) | 13:39 |
cheekee | I am trying to install the lamp-server but keep getting the error message " tasksel: aptitude failed (100)". | 13:39 |
Value | iv installed psybnc but when am doing make Initializing bouncer compilation [*] Running Conversion Tool for older psyBNC Data. tools/convconf.c: In function ‘cofile’: tools/convconf.c:80: error: label at end of compound statement make: *** [all] Error 1 | 13:39 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: Can you perhaps help me out with something else? This may be a bit simpler... | 13:40 |
acicula | Value: are you sure this is the channel to ask that? | 13:40 |
Value | sorry am installing* | 13:40 |
csaba | Value: you have an error in convconf.c at line 80 | 13:40 |
ChuckyLarms | acicula, how do I get my privileges bacj>? | 13:40 |
nastas | hi all | 13:40 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: well i dont know until you ask | 13:40 |
ChuckyLarms | back** | 13:40 |
acicula | ChuckyLarms: does sudo work? | 13:40 |
csaba | ChuckyLarms: /etc/sudoers | 13:40 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: Hehe. I was thinking from a time/availability standpoint. But anyway. | 13:40 |
suman | om26er, one more query I have is, when I installed UBUNTU I did not care to go for the partition, but now when this is installed can I get some feature like disk compression so that i can partition the disk without losing current installation | 13:41 |
Value | acicula i know its not but the problem is not with psybnc with the Makefile | 13:41 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: just ask ;) | 13:41 |
ChuckyLarms | says no such directory | 13:41 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: For some reason, and I don't know how this happened, my date/time and my power menu have found themselves to the left of the sound, wireless, display, and battery icons. | 13:41 |
acicula | Value: this is an ubuntu support channel | 13:41 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: No idea how they got there, and no idea how to move them back. | 13:41 |
om26er | suman, you can do resizing of partition without compressing | 13:41 |
csaba | ChuckyLarms: you don't have /etc/sudoers?? | 13:41 |
Value | i know | 13:41 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: err, not sure about the netbook remix gui, but right click and try to move it? | 13:42 |
csaba | Value: fix the error at line 80 | 13:42 |
acicula | unlcok if needs be | 13:42 |
Value | k | 13:42 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: Tried. It agrees to move everywhere but to the right of the icons. | 13:42 |
om26er | suman, you have to run live cd of ubuntu and use gparted in live session to resize partition | 13:42 |
elgh | archboxman, back here. | 13:42 |
acicula | ChuckyLarms: sudo in a console gives you that error? | 13:42 |
acicula | can you pastebin the few lines you see in your console? | 13:42 |
jellow | Yerushalmi: they locked to pannel , Right click unclock | 13:42 |
archboxman | elgh:came back debian people are a hard group to get to know trust me | 13:42 |
ChuckyLarms | ueah | 13:42 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: unlock the icons and move those? | 13:42 |
elgh | Hehe :) | 13:43 |
happyface | can you only chmod a file if you own it? | 13:43 |
archboxman | elgh: one major hurdel down | 13:43 |
elgh | Yes, thanks a lot :) | 13:43 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: if its the icons of bluetooth move a little to the right, its a systray thing that can also be unlocked | 13:43 |
Yerushalmi | acicula: jellow: I can't find any place to right-click on or around the icons that have an unlock or move option. | 13:43 |
archboxman | ;) | 13:43 |
csaba | happyface: yes | 13:43 |
archboxman | now for this green box | 13:43 |
elgh | I hate it! | 13:43 |
suman | om26er, does this have any specific thing that i should remember or the automatic guide is enough | 13:43 |
happyface | csaba: even if you have rwx on it but dont own it? | 13:43 |
elgh | :P | 13:43 |
acicula | Yerushalmi: just to the left of the icons, click there? | 13:43 |
jellow | happyface: Well with root you can do what ever you want | 13:43 |
suman | om26er, and i have ubuntu 8.10 live cd | 13:43 |
happyface | jellow: I know, I'm talking about users | 13:43 |
csaba | happyface: if you have group access then you can chmod too | 13:44 |
ChuckyLarms | justin@TheBear:~$ /ect/sudoers | 13:44 |
ChuckyLarms | bash: /ect/sudoers: No such file or directory | 13:44 |
ChuckyLarms | justin@TheBear:~$ | 13:44 |
Yerushalmi | Ah! I got it. Thanks! :) | 13:44 |
happyface | thanks csaba | 13:44 |
om26er | suman, when resizing everything you have to do manually | 13:44 |
rvsjoen | elgh: pastebin your xorg.conf | 13:44 |
Yerushalmi | It works now :) | 13:44 |
acicula | ChuckyLarms: sudo, not /etc/sudoers | 13:44 |
archboxman | I figure one of two things 1) you got a virus or 2) settings have changed | 13:44 |
om26er | Yerushalmi, what? | 13:44 |
acicula | !pastebin | ChuckyLarms | 13:44 |
ubottu | ChuckyLarms: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 13:44 |
om26er | Yerushalmi, hibernate? | 13:44 |
Yerushalmi | om26er: Nope, moving the icons around. | 13:44 |
acicula | unlockfu | 13:44 |
archboxman | elgh: you run firefox??? | 13:44 |
om26er | ha | 13:44 |
acicula | acchieved | 13:44 |
bojanbg | Does anyone have an idea how to create something like MSTSC in windows, in ubuntu, so that everyuser which connects via vnc gets to logon to their own session ? | 13:44 |
* Yerushalmi has no idea how it could've gotten that way without him knowing how to move icons until about half an hour ago, but whatever. | 13:44 | |
elgh | archboxman, Yes I use Firefox. | 13:44 |
acicula | !ltsp | 13:45 |
csaba | bojanbg: you can do it with nx machine | 13:45 |
Yerushalmi | Thanks guys! That's one problem solved, at least. | 13:45 |
bojanbg | csaba, I will google nx machine | 13:45 |
suman | om26er, thanx i will try this in some time | 13:45 |
ubottu | LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, and/or | 13:45 |
archboxman | do you have adblocker on??? | 13:45 |
acicula | best start there bojanbg | 13:45 |
Dr_Willis | bojanbg: ive seen vncserver setup via inetd where the user just connects via a vncviewer and it spawns a new vncserver session as needed. | 13:45 |
om26er | suman, np :) | 13:45 |
ChuckyLarms | I don't understabd acicula | 13:45 |
bojanbg | Dr_Willis, I will look into your solution as well | 13:46 |
bojanbg | thank you | 13:46 |
Dr_Willis | bojanbg: vnc does not have to share 'just the current visible desktop' - You can install a vncserver that lets users spawn their own session/desktop thats 'hidden' | 13:46 |
elgh | brb | 13:46 |
Dr_Willis | bojanbg: simple way.. install the tightvncserver, let the users ssh in, start vncserver, then connect via a vncclient. | 13:46 |
archboxman | elgh: no need its a add-on for firefox | 13:46 |
acicula | ChuckyLarms: type sudo in a console, and then your password, that lets you use admin priveledges | 13:46 |
bojanbg | Dr_Willis, too difficult for what I need | 13:46 |
bojanbg | Dr_Willis, need something that requires no shell knowledge | 13:47 |
freds | How do i set my current account as superuser? | 13:47 |
Gangrel | any idea why greek subtitles on .srt mode do not appear as they should be? (they look like @#$%@#%) | 13:47 |
acicula | freds: /etc/sudoers or via user management | 13:47 |
Dr_Willis | bojanbg: then see the vnc via inetd or xinetd guides | 13:47 |
Yerushalmi | Alright. Headed home now. Thanks for all the help! | 13:47 |
ChuckyLarms | it says I am not under the Sudoers files | 13:47 |
ChuckyLarms | And I will be reported | 13:47 |
Dr_Willis | bojanbg: my way lets them have persistant 'vnc sessions' they can reconnect to and still have their apps running | 13:47 |
root51 | how to change my login screeb | 13:47 |
Zorael | Is there any way to list packages installed from a certain PPA? | 13:47 |
ChuckyLarms | Evenought it is my system | 13:47 |
root51 | im using karmic | 13:47 |
acicula | freds: administration -> users and groups | 13:47 |
root51 | any login themes to karmic | 13:47 |
bojanbg | Dr_Willis, I see ill checkout the xinetd because I don't need persistent connections | 13:48 |
acicula | Gangrel: probably missing the charactersets for greek | 13:48 |
root51 | i can't change my login themes | 13:48 |
Gangrel | acicula where do i find them? | 13:48 |
root51 | im using ubuntu karmic | 13:49 |
acicula | through the software center, search for greek, that should fint it | 13:49 |
johannes1 | hi I want to run sudo apt-get update but didnt import the needed keys, what option do I need to add to thecommand to get it running anyway? | 13:49 |
root51 | any available login themes in karmic | 13:49 |
yohan14 | j | 13:49 |
freds | acicula, there is no option for superadmin in the user settings | 13:50 |
ChuckyLarms | acicula, It says Justin in not in the sudoers files, and I will be reported | 13:50 |
acicula | freds select user, -> properties -> user privilidges | 13:50 |
cheekee | Does anyone know if lamp-server is supported on Karmic | 13:50 |
cheekee | ? | 13:50 |
rvsjoen | johannes1: fyi, you should use aptitude insted of apt-get | 13:51 |
acicula | freds: there is no 1 option to give unlimited access to a specific user, because then it would be root | 13:51 |
Dr_Willis | root51: thers some tools out tha lets you change the 9.10 gdm themes. Check my links at under gdm or gdm2 | 13:51 |
acicula | freds: root is bad | 13:51 |
freds | acicula, i have clciked all the check boxes but it still wont let em edit anything in the hard drive | 13:51 |
johannes1 | rvsjoen why? | 13:51 |
acicula | freds: even as a sudo user you cant just edit a file on the disk | 13:51 |
acicula | only the owner (root) can | 13:51 |
ChuckyLarms | Acicula? | 13:52 |
ChuckyLarms | Any advice at all? | 13:52 |
root51 | it can't affect to karmic | 13:52 |
root51 | if i using gdm i can't affect my login screen | 13:52 |
acicula | ChuckyLarms: can you explain your problem again, particularly what it is you are trying to achieve, what you expect would happen, and what happened instead? | 13:52 |
Dr_Willis | root51: with the right tools/configs yes you can. | 13:53 |
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acicula | freds: anyway those properties allow you to administer certain parts of the system, but thats separate from read/write permissions on the disk | 13:53 |
Dr_Willis | root51: | 13:54 |
Dr_Willis | root51: thers also a tool called 'epidermis' that can tweak the Gdm in 9,10 | 13:54 |
ChuckyLarms | I am trying to access my Windows file partition to move files over to my Windows desktop, I did this before upgrading all the time, but after I upgraded I tried to do it and it said authentication not allows or something | 13:54 |
freds | ok thanks acicula | 13:54 |
ngirard | Hi all. apt-get remove xchat-common fails with the message: dpkg (subprocess): unable to execute installed pre-removal script: Exec format error. How can I do ? | 13:54 |
acicula | !ntfs | 13:55 |
ubottu | To view your Windows/Mac partitions see - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE | 13:55 |
archboxman | ngirard: su or sudo | 13:55 |
root51 | where i can find epidermis | 13:55 |
ChuckyLarms | acicula, I am trying to access my Windows file partition to move files over to my Windows desktop, I did this before upgrading all the time, but after I upgraded I tried to do it and it said authentication not allows or something | 13:55 |
Dr_Willis | root51: google would bne where i would have to look for it. | 13:55 |
Dr_Willis | i dont have the url handy | 13:55 |
ngirard | Hi archboxman. Nope, i'm doing it as root already | 13:55 |
indus | ngirard, hi do a sudo dpkg --configure -a | 13:56 |
Oppe | how can i associated the root account with an email? in order to receive emails that are send to root? | 13:56 |
lolmaus | How do i remove a package without removing its dependencies (via aptitude)? | 13:56 |
archboxman | ngirard: how about -purge | 13:56 |
acicula | ChuckyLarms: how are you mounting the disk | 13:56 |
elgh | rvsjoen, here is my xorg.conf... | 13:56 |
ngirard | Hi indus. It didn't make it unfortunately | 13:57 |
indus | ngirard, one of the dependies is broken thats why that error comes | 13:57 |
acicula | Oppe: i think if you have the administer the system priviledge you get system mail | 13:57 |
indus | ngirard, wait ill search another command | 13:57 |
happyface | Is there an "xkill" shortcut in 9.10? | 13:57 |
ojo | hey everyone, I have this huge music library (like 150 gig) with many doubles, much drm-protected songs (ex itunes) etc etc It will take me days to get it in order. Can you guy's give me some advise on this, how can I do this orderly, Is there a good program that can help me? What is the best music-manager uit there? Thanks | 13:57 |
acicula | happyface: disabled | 13:57 |
indus | ngirard, do this sudo apt-get install -f | 13:57 |
happyface | thanks acicula | 13:57 |
ChuckyLarms | acicula just clicking Places>196 GB Filesystem "My Windows partition" | 13:57 |
rvsjoen | elgh: ok, and xorg is started and works ? | 13:57 |
acicula | happyface: the other three finger salute also doesnt work | 13:57 |
ChuckyLarms | and putting the files where UI want | 13:57 |
acicula | ChuckyLarms: just entering your password doesnt work? | 13:57 |
ngirard | indus: didn't work either | 13:58 |
ChuckyLarms | Acicula, yes | 13:58 |
happyface | acicula: ctr alt backspace I assume? | 13:58 |
indus | ngirard, wait hold on | 13:58 |
Oppe | acicula is there way to change the email that the root account is associated with? programs send emails to root but the emails are going to not correct user.. | 13:58 |
acicula | happyface: you assume correctly | 13:58 |
elgh | rvsjoen, how can I tell that? | 13:58 |
happyface | acicula: why are these disabled? | 13:58 |
acicula | happyface: theres no real need for them anymore | 13:58 |
Pici | Oppe: Assuming you use postfix: Modify /etc/aliases, Add a line that says root: followed by the address or account name you want to get the mail and then run sudo newaliases. see man aliases for more info. | 13:58 |
archboxman | elgh: lmao | 13:58 |
root51 | eperdimis is compatible to karmic | 13:58 |
acicula | happyface: prevents users from hurting themselves i suppos | 13:59 |
happyface | acicula: yea you can always do it in another console, but it was nice to have the shortcuts | 13:59 |
acicula | ChuckyLarms: when you enter your password it says? | 13:59 |
Dr_Willis | root51: its writen for 9.10 from what i recall on the epidermis docs.. check them out | 13:59 |
acicula | happyface: you can reenable them | 13:59 |
acicula | xkill probably is still there, just bind it to keys | 13:59 |
Oppe | thank you Pici!!! | 13:59 |
archboxman | elgh: lol | 13:59 |
elgh | archboxman, I'm not so good at this... | 13:59 |
acicula | the ctrlaltbackspace trick is configurable still i think | 13:59 |
indus | ngirard, first do apt-get install -f xchat-common | 14:00 |
gbob | Hi, i've been trying to enable my tun0 interface on 9.10, i did modprobe tun and the modules is loaded, but still i get "no such device". i even did mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200 but that allready exists. Any ideas ? | 14:00 |
indus | ngirard, then remove it | 14:00 |
happyface | meh, I'll just use /etc/init.d | 14:00 |
ChuckyLarms | Authentication failure | 14:00 |
archboxman | elgh: yes what is with the green box | 14:00 |
haenet1 | fisah | 14:00 |
=== juggernaut is now known as jugger90 | ||
ChuckyLarms | acicula, Authentication failure | 14:00 |
elgh | archboxman, My cursor is just sort of a green square. | 14:00 |
Dr_Willis | epidermis homepage -> | 14:00 |
acicula | ChuckyLarms: are you using the same password as you are using to login? | 14:00 |
ChuckyLarms | yes | 14:01 |
indus | ngirard, or this one, apt-get -f remove | 14:01 |
acicula | ChuckyLarms: if you go to software sources in administration it asks for your password, does that work? | 14:01 |
archboxman | elgh: graphics are weird???? is this a lcd or old monitor | 14:01 |
indus | ngirard, for reference | 14:01 |
indus | good many options | 14:01 |
elgh | archboxman, The graphics of the cursor is weird, yes. Shall I upload picture? LCD monitor. | 14:02 |
elgh | archboxman, This was really interesting! When I take a printscreen it shows a regular cursor... | 14:03 |
root51 | how it works | 14:03 |
archboxman | elgh: go ahead | 14:03 |
ChuckyLarms | acicula I don't even see that in adminitration | 14:03 |
ngirard | indus: solved. Had to dpkg --force all --purge xchat | 14:03 |
ngirard | indus, archboxman : thanks very much for your time & assistance guys ! | 14:04 |
elgh | archboxman, Go ahead with what? | 14:04 |
elgh | archboxman, I see a green square when using Ubuntu... But when I took a printscreen it shows a regular cursor... | 14:04 |
archboxman | elgh: answer this is your computer near in power equipment like a machine or near a tv | 14:04 |
acicula | ChuckyLarms: its called Software Sources or a local translation of that | 14:04 |
elgh | archboxman, Close to router... | 14:04 |
indus | ngirard, good | 14:05 |
elgh | archboxman, It's a cablemouse... | 14:05 |
indus | ngirard, try apt-get update to chekc all is well | 14:05 |
archboxman | elgh: how about live by airport??? or electrical company?? | 14:05 |
=== abhishek_ is now known as cipher | ||
elgh | archboxman, No... | 14:06 |
gbob | Hi, i've been trying to enable my tun0 interface on 9.10, i did modprobe tun and the modules is loaded, but still i get "no such device". i even did mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200 but that allready exists. Any ideas ? | 14:06 |
archboxman | elgh: how old is this machine??? | 14:06 |
cipher | hey! when i install ubuntu 9.10 through live cd i get a blank screen what should i do? | 14:06 |
=== darko is now known as Guest23094 | ||
elgh | archboxman, About 2 years... | 14:07 |
gbob | Cipher: if u are still installing, try installing in text mode, not in graphical mode | 14:07 |
elgh | archboxman, It's a Sempron 3400+... | 14:07 |
elgh | archboxman, 1.5 GB Ram | 14:07 |
archboxman | elgh: how good is that connection in the back to the video card | 14:07 |
elgh | archboxman, You mean the VGA? | 14:07 |
cipher | gbob:how in text mode | 14:08 |
archboxman | elgh: are u using a vga cable | 14:08 |
elgh | archboxman, I used Windows before... Never had any problems with anything like this then... | 14:08 |
elgh | archboxman, Yes... | 14:08 |
resno | !wine | 14:08 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 14:08 |
ChuckyLarms | acicula I don't see anything like that in System>Administration> | 14:08 |
elgh | archboxman, There are only VGA and S-video on this card. | 14:08 |
acicula | ChuckyLarms: well what do you see | 14:08 |
archboxman | elgh: this is weird got another mouse around to test | 14:08 |
elgh | archboxman, Yes... | 14:09 |
gbob | cipher: when u reboot, and insert the CD, and the menu comes up, don't press enter, but type "linux text". U should be able to install linux without using the graphical mode which i guess is incompatible with your graphics card | 14:09 |
archboxman | elgh: give it a try | 14:09 |
elgh | archboxman, Hold on. | 14:09 |
resno | when i am installing wine i get the error unmet dependences. depends on wine1.2. error broken pacakges | 14:09 |
cipher | gbob:thanx man....ill try and cm bk | 14:10 |
ChuckyLarms | Computer Janitor, Disk Utilities, Hardware Drivers, Language support, Log file viewer, Login Screen, nVidia driver setting.... | 14:10 |
elgh | brb archboxman | 14:10 |
bastid_raZor | resno: you'll need to grab their ppa to get wine1.2 also check out #winehq | 14:11 |
acicula | ChuckyLarms: computer janitor asks for authorisation too, try that | 14:11 |
resno | bastid_raZor: i did the ppa per their instuctions. | 14:12 |
bastid_raZor | resno: did you do a sudo apt-get update ? | 14:12 |
ChuckyLarms | Acicula Failed to run computer-janitor-gtk as user root. The underlying authorization mechanism (sudo) does not allow you to run this program. Contact the system administrator. | 14:12 |
resno | bastid_raZor: sure did | 14:13 |
bastid_raZor | ChuckyLarms: gksudo instead of sudo | 14:13 |
ChuckyLarms | And I WAS the admin before I upgraded | 14:13 |
elgh | archboxman, No difference... | 14:13 |
bastid_raZor | resno: apt-cache policy wine ...what does this give you for version available? | 14:13 |
ChuckyLarms | What is that suppoed to do Bastid_raZor? | 14:13 |
archboxman | elgh: ok seen this problem before... use to work at a hospitle fixing computers | 14:14 |
bastid_raZor | !gksudo | ChuckyLarms | 14:14 |
ubottu | ChuckyLarms: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 14:14 |
elgh | archboxman, Cool. | 14:14 |
resno | bastid_raZor: install: none | 14:14 |
acicula | bastid_raZor: yeah not related | 14:14 |
resno | bastid_raZor: but, its on my applications list | 14:14 |
archboxman | elgh: are you running compiz?? | 14:14 |
elgh | archboxman, Compiz? | 14:14 |
archboxman | elgh: ok never mind | 14:15 |
suman | one of my hard disk partition is can not be seen. can you help | 14:15 |
bastid_raZor | resno: what about candidate? | 14:15 |
ChuckyLarms | I am trying to recover my Admin status Bastid_RaZor | 14:15 |
archboxman | elgh: it puts all the cool graphics on the screen | 14:15 |
bastid_raZor | ChuckyLarms: ah, you can either boot to recovery and add yourself to admin group or do it from a liveCD | 14:15 |
acicula | ChuckyLarms: are you the admin of the system? you can view your properties in administtion->users and groups-> properties of your account | 14:15 |
jack5463 | I'm trying to play a dvd movie with movie player. I'm using unbuntu 9.10 from usb. A window appears saying " Totem cannot play this type of media (DVD) because it does not have the appropriate plugins to be able to read from the disc." how do i install the appropriate plugins? | 14:15 |
elgh | archboxman, Hehe. | 14:15 |
resno | bastid_raZor: canidate 1.1.37-0ubuntu2 | 14:16 |
bastid_raZor | ChuckyLarms: type groups in a terminal .. is admin listed? | 14:16 |
archboxman | elgh: can you watch youtube videos on that computer??? | 14:16 |
root51 | good | 14:16 |
bastid_raZor | resno: sudo apt-get install wine | 14:16 |
root51 | epidermis can solve my need | 14:16 |
elgh | archboxman, Indeed. | 14:16 |
gbob | Hi, i've been trying to enable the tun0 interface on 9.10, i did modprobe tun and the modules is loaded, but still i get "no such device". i even did mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200 but that allready exists. Any ideas ? | 14:16 |
resno | bastid_raZor: thats where i get the unmet dependencies error | 14:17 |
ChuckyLarms | No admin listed | 14:17 |
=== amit is now known as Guest28105 | ||
archboxman | elgh: got a link for you hold on :) | 14:17 |
suman | Omar87, one of my hard disk partition is can not be seen. can you help | 14:17 |
elgh | archboxman, Thanks | 14:17 |
CheCha | how can i check out which graphic card my laptop has? | 14:17 |
bastid_raZor | resno: pastebin the entire error | 14:17 |
suman | CheCha, lspci is the command | 14:18 |
resno | bastid_raZor: | 14:18 |
archboxman | elgh: here is compiz its got music... | 14:18 |
archboxman | elgh: | 14:18 |
ChuckyLarms | Christ, I am never going to upgrade though software center again | 14:18 |
ChuckyLarms | It just FUBARed everything | 14:19 |
CheCha | thx @ suman | 14:19 |
suman | CheCha, np | 14:19 |
candy | is there anyway to have video chat in ubuntu with any of messengers??? | 14:19 |
candy | or any plugin for empathy?? | 14:19 |
elgh | archboxman, Hehe | 14:20 |
bastid_raZor | resno: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ < if anything is in there. | 14:20 |
dario | hello everyone | 14:20 |
archboxman | elgh: that is compiz :) | 14:20 |
dario | does anyone know a good sound-editing tool on gnome? | 14:20 |
candy | dario, hello and welcome | 14:20 |
elgh | archboxman, Cool | 14:20 |
suman | candy, skype may work | 14:21 |
BuGo_laptop | how do i start graphical app from ssh | 14:21 |
BuGo_laptop | i know there was something with DISPLAY variable | 14:21 |
jmburgess | BuGo_laptop: use the -X command, look into x-forwarding | 14:21 |
candy | suman, no its not working | 14:21 |
archboxman | elgh: lets try this | 14:21 |
BuGo_laptop | jmburgess, it was just DISPLAY = 1 and my command but i do not remember it | 14:21 |
sipior | dario: sure, try audacity. it's not gnome-specific, but it's highly regarded. | 14:22 |
archboxman | elgh: go to firefox type in the box about:cache... ok | 14:22 |
candy | dario, which sort of editing?? | 14:22 |
elgh | archboxman, Done | 14:22 |
jrydberg | I'm trying to downgrade a perl installation from 5.10 to 5.8.8 . I have no idea how the customer managed to install 5.10 on the hardy system, but he did. is there a simple way to downgrade? | 14:22 |
sayanriju | dario, audacity +1 | 14:22 |
kinja-sheep | BuGo_laptop: You could do "ssh -Y host@ip" | 14:22 |
jack5463 | I'm trying to open synaptic package manager. It flashes open then off... won't stay on. How do i fix it? | 14:22 |
archboxman | what do you see white background with text | 14:22 |
sayanriju | jack5463, try running 'sudo synaptic' from a terminal and check for error messages, if any | 14:23 |
root51 | epidermis is stable? | 14:23 |
archboxman | elgh: what do you see white background with text | 14:23 |
BuGo_laptop | kinja-sheep, i am connected to a specific machine. and i need to run lets say firefox on that machines display | 14:23 |
callum_ | How do you get PIDGIN MESSENGER Working on EEE PC 701 Netbook Remix 2GB RAM 9.10 - With the Webcam & Audio | 14:23 |
dario | candy, wave-editing. have an 8-track digital-recorder for guitar. yep, audacity looks good, will have a deeper look. thx | 14:23 |
candy | jack5463, go to terminal and use sudo apt-get update | 14:23 |
elgh | archboxman, Yes, white background with black text. | 14:23 |
archboxman | elgh: hold on let me pull mine up | 14:24 |
bastid_raZor | callum_: Ubuntu does not have working webcam with pidgin as far as i know. | 14:24 |
candy | dario, ya u can go fro audacity | 14:24 |
kinja-sheep | BuGo_laptop: Oh. Hmm, you want DISPLAY=:0 firefox & | 14:24 |
naturelle | I'm trying to compile something with make and get >>cannot find -lhighgui0.9<< even though libhighgui is installed - where would I look to fix that? | 14:24 |
callum_ | But PIDGIN Has a Plug-In on Ubuntu Version saying enable's Webcam & Audio in Messenger :'( | 14:25 |
invitingdopeman | what up peeps | 14:25 |
candy | jack5463, did u get it?? | 14:25 |
resno | bastid_raZor: | 14:25 |
kostkon | callum_, you need to have the latest version. also, i think cam and audio work only on XMPP | 14:25 |
callum_ | or not for EEE PC? I can't get it working. | 14:25 |
invitingdopeman | TCIM | 14:25 |
sayanriju | !pastebin > jack5463 | 14:25 |
ubottu | jack5463, please see my private message | 14:25 |
callum_ | XMPP? | 14:25 |
archboxman | elgh: this way is a pain in my butt | 14:25 |
zim1 | Hi all. I know this is a Q for #ubuntu-mobile but its dead in there. How can I add/remove items from the Files and Folders menu in UNR 9.10? | 14:25 |
invitingdopeman | slef | 14:25 |
invitingdopeman | self | 14:25 |
McL0VIN | good morning everyone | 14:25 |
callum_ | XMPP = WIndows XP? | 14:25 |
Pici | naturelle: You will need the -dev version of that package if you are trying to compile something that needs it. | 14:25 |
archboxman | elgh: go to your home folder | 14:26 |
invitingdopeman | any got it for free | 14:26 |
kostkon | callum_, nevertheless, you can find instructions on how to add the ppa and get the latest version here: | 14:26 |
McL0VIN | i have a question, how can i download stuff from rapidshare using wget? | 14:26 |
elgh | archboxman, Ok | 14:26 |
kostkon | callum_, no, XMPP is an IM protocol | 14:26 |
archboxman | elgh: easy go to places and home folder | 14:26 |
invitingdopeman | anyone got a good media player | 14:26 |
suman | candy, hey you may check this. | 14:26 |
elgh | archboxman, I am there | 14:26 |
archboxman | elgh: press control + h together shows hidden files | 14:26 |
callum_ | What messenger for Ubuntu works on "Camera & Audio" Please. | 14:26 |
McL0VIN | invitingdopeman: vlc | 14:26 |
candy | suman, i ll take a look thnx | 14:27 |
BuGo_laptop | kinja-sheep, tnx | 14:27 |
elgh | archboxman, Ok | 14:27 |
kostkon | callum_, for msn, check "Emesene" or "AMSN" | 14:27 |
elgh | archboxman, DOne | 14:27 |
archboxman | elgh: go down to .mozilla folder and open it | 14:27 |
elgh | archboxman, Done | 14:27 |
McL0VIN | is there is a way i can bypass the countdown in rapidshare ?! | 14:27 |
archboxman | elgh: firefox | 14:27 |
candy | suman, i downloaded skype but while installing the synaptic mangaer says the file is corrupted... what to do | 14:27 |
elgh | archboxman, Done | 14:27 |
zim1 | McL0VIN: dont think you can as they cookie/ip/session the download so you can't and the download is only valid for x min | 14:27 |
invitingdopeman | mclovin were you from | 14:28 |
McL0VIN | zim1: ok is there is a way i can do it from terminal | 14:28 |
archboxman | elgh: now go to nwh412 folder urs might be something else right click run as root | 14:28 |
invitingdopeman | ive had the same problums with other programs | 14:28 |
jack5463 | candy, terminal reports, "Bus error (core dumped). 0%" | 14:28 |
McL0VIN | *do it = just download the file | 14:28 |
zim1 | McL0VIN: I am guessing you need a file from there on a server | 14:29 |
kinja-sheep | McL0VIN <3 tucan | 14:29 |
elgh | archboxman, How do I run as root? | 14:29 |
archboxman | elgh: yes | 14:29 |
laeg | !skype | 14:29 |
ubottu | To install Skype on Ubuntu, see - To record on Skype, check: - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga | 14:29 |
jmburgess | elgh: using sudo | 14:29 |
McL0VIN | zim1: yes | 14:29 |
invitingdopeman | already | 14:29 |
jmburgess | !root | elgh | 14:29 |
candy | jack5463, just wait i m working on type of problem u got | 14:29 |
ubottu | elgh: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at | 14:29 |
zim1 | McL0VIN: cant you download it the scp it to the server? | 14:30 |
suman | candy, which version of ubuntu you are using | 14:30 |
candy | suman, 9.10 | 14:30 |
McL0VIN | zim1: how i don't know , please help | 14:30 |
erUSUL | !resetpanels | 14:30 |
ubottu | To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 14:30 |
zim1 | ok what computer are you on now | 14:30 |
elgh | archboxman, You lost me. | 14:30 |
McL0VIN | zim1: i am on a M$ box, but i can ssh to my ubuntu | 14:31 |
archboxman | elgh: what is on the screen it is all right | 14:31 |
archboxman | inside the folder | 14:31 |
elgh | archboxman, I can't pick run as root. | 14:31 |
zim1 | McL0VIN: what is it you want from there. is it a M$ app? | 14:31 |
archboxman | elgh: you dont have password?? | 14:31 |
zim1 | McL0VIN: download winscp | 14:31 |
elgh | archboxman, How do I run a directory as root? | 14:31 |
McL0VIN | zim1: nah is an ebook | 14:32 |
archboxman | right click the folder option should show up | 14:32 |
McL0VIN | * in a rar format | 14:32 |
bastid_raZor | resno: my 4 year old just woke up sorry,.. i have to step away. | 14:32 |
zim1 | it acts like an ftp client over ssh | 14:32 |
gbob | Hi, i've been trying to enable my tun0 interface on 9.10, i did modprobe tun and the modules is loaded, but still i get "no such device". i even did mknod /dev/net/tun c 10 200 but that allready exists. Any ideas ? | 14:32 |
erUSUL | elgh: you can not "run" a directory. what do you want to do? | 14:33 |
zim1 | McL0VIN: just get winscp give it your ssh username and pass then you will understand | 14:33 |
McL0VIN | zim1: download winscp in my ubuntu | 14:33 |
candy | jack5463, hey i m working on it. till then u try asking others | 14:33 |
resno | bastid_raZor: sure no biggie | 14:33 |
candy | jack5463, this prob is new to me | 14:33 |
jack5463 | candy, thanks | 14:33 |
llutz | McL0VIN: to scp from windows, you also can use pscp which comes with putty | 14:33 |
elgh | archboxman, I'm in the .mozilla folder now.. What next? | 14:33 |
zim1 | no WINscp on your windows machine | 14:33 |
suman | candy, what is the error please paste this in and pass the link or just write | 14:33 |
Bart___ | Hello everyone | 14:34 |
archboxman | elgh: firefox | 14:34 |
pea[PC] | doe s anyone else have major problems installing ubuntu? | 14:34 |
elgh | archboxman, And next? | 14:34 |
archboxman | elgh: nwh412ep | 14:34 |
pea[PC] | must've tried installing it 20 times | 14:34 |
pea[PC] | crashes every time | 14:34 |
zim1 | McL0VIN: what do you want to install on your ubuntu server? | 14:34 |
ubuntu | hi | 14:34 |
McL0VIN | zim1: take m$ out of the pic please, because i am confused ubuntu terminal | 14:34 |
elgh | archboxman, Is that a file or directory? | 14:35 |
candy | suman, ok | 14:35 |
archboxman | directory open it | 14:35 |
elgh | archboxman, Done | 14:35 |
archboxman | elgh: cache | 14:35 |
candy | jack5463, do u have an ubuntu forum iid? | 14:35 |
elgh | archboxman, Done | 14:35 |
ubuntu | any way to save settings on live usb running Ubuntu 9.04 | 14:35 |
McL0VIN | zim1: i want to be able to download fron rapidshare using ubuntu terminal | 14:35 |
candy | the solutiont is there | 14:35 |
Bart___ | Does anyone know how i can get to the desktop interface of ubuntu? I just installed ubuntu desktop on my mac with vmware fusion. Now im in a black and white prompt window and don't know how to get to the desktop interface :S | 14:35 |
McL0VIN | i should say using bash | 14:35 |
archboxman | ctrl+a delete all | 14:35 |
kinja-sheep | McL0VIN <3 tucan | 14:35 |
McL0VIN | kinja-sheep: wtf | 14:36 |
kinja-sheep | !info tucan | McL0VIN-wtf | 14:36 |
ubottu | McL0VIN-wtf: tucan (source: tucan): Download and upload manager for 1-Click Hosters. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.8-1 (karmic), package size 158 kB, installed size 1340 kB | 14:36 |
archboxman | elgh: deleting files??? | 14:36 |
zim1 | McL0VIN: step 1 download winscp to windows and download file from $site 2. install 3. log into ubuntu server with winscp. copy file USING winscp to ubuntu server. EASY | 14:36 |
elgh | archboxman, Shall I delete them all? | 14:36 |
jellow | Bart___: try startx | 14:37 |
archboxman | elgh: yes just cache no big deal | 14:37 |
archboxman | elgh: images saved from websites | 14:37 |
McL0VIN | zim1: thats not what i want to do thu | 14:37 |
zim1 | what do you want to do then? | 14:37 |
ubuntu | can any one tell me if it is possible to save settings on a live usb ?? | 14:38 |
elgh | archboxman, Hold on, messed up :P | 14:38 |
kinja-sheep | ubuntu: If you installed Persistent Ubuntu USB Mode, sure. | 14:38 |
McL0VIN | zim1: am at work using M$ (IT block rapidshare site), ubuntu is located somewhere else were it can access the net with no restriction | 14:38 |
archboxman | elgh: what I'm trying to see if some stupid adware got onto this computer causing problems everything in me says no because this is linux | 14:39 |
edakiri | I uninstalled and then reinstalled my lang package and now box characters are rendered wrong in aptitude menus. how might i fix it? | 14:39 |
ubuntu | kinja-sheep: i used UNetbootin | 14:39 |
elgh | archboxman, I see... | 14:39 |
kinja-sheep | McL0VIN: Firefox on that *Ubuntu* ? | 14:39 |
jack5463 | I keep getting Bus error (core dumped) in terminal. What's the problem? When i try to use synaptic package manager it just flashes on and off screen. | 14:39 |
McL0VIN | zim1: my question was , can i just use bash to download something from rapidshare? eg wget | 14:39 |
archboxman | elgh: I would rather kill it all then have it in there... | 14:39 |
Doc_Lappy | mclovin let me know if you can | 14:39 |
elgh | archboxman, Cache gone | 14:39 |
Doc_Lappy | that would be great if so | 14:39 |
heroin | Hey i set up a filezilla server and now i have get a 421 - Cant create socket error, can someone help? | 14:40 |
archboxman | no effect on cursour | 14:40 |
McL0VIN | kinja-sheep: i am only able to ssh to ubuntu , no gui | 14:40 |
kinja-sheep | Doc_Lappy, McL0VIN -- iiric no such thing exist so far | 14:40 |
archboxman | elgh: any effect on cursour?? | 14:40 |
elgh | archboxman, No effect what so ever. | 14:40 |
edakiri | McL0VIN: I missed the begin of your problem, but would ubuntu1 work for your filesharing needs? | 14:40 |
wooopoi | what can i do when i get the error message:Command failed: No key available with this passphrase | 14:40 |
kinja-sheep | McL0VIN: I understand -- but is it Ubuntu Server or is it Ubuntu Desktop you're sshed in? | 14:40 |
zim1 | McL0VIN: Ah ok. sorry no rapidshare/other download sites will give you a link to download $file from the browser with $cookie/$session/$ip of the browser so they can show you there crappy adds | 14:41 |
adac | In windows I can set any resolution on an external monitor, however in ubuntu I cannot, The highest resolution I can set is 1024x768. How can i change that? | 14:41 |
McL0VIN | kinja-sheep: it is a poweredge srvr hardware , but i am running desktop | 14:41 |
archboxman | elgh: at this point we are playing around and I'm going to break the computer then fix it... So I must give up before we break it.. At least we fixed the xorg.conf file | 14:42 |
kinja-sheep | McL0VIN: I'll keep this short and sweet. Log out SSH -- "ssh -Y host@ip" -- Then you run "firefox &" Firefox will appear in front of you (from your home machine). | 14:42 |
elgh | archboxman, Hehe... You are funny. :) | 14:42 |
elgh | archboxman, You have been must helpful! | 14:42 |
blue_pearl | kinja-sheep: is it possible to save settings on live usb , if it is created with UNetbootin ??? | 14:42 |
archboxman | elgh: funny just beyond me ;P as what it could be | 14:42 |
gik | siema | 14:43 |
gik | hey | 14:43 |
gik | xDD | 14:43 |
elgh | archboxman, To give you some more information... When I first installed Ubuntu, the mouse was alright. | 14:43 |
gik | kdjh | 14:43 |
gik | ghgfh | 14:43 |
gik | d | 14:43 |
FloodBot2 | gik: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 14:43 |
gik | gjlbnklvdfklbjgfnjkhytrklhjdfkjnhjsdfng | 14:43 |
elgh | archboxman, When I then manually edited my xorg.conf the mouse became this... | 14:43 |
edakiri | wooopoi: what application? | 14:43 |
kinja-sheep | blue_pearl: I don't know. I never messed around with UNetbootin (but there are two options -- LiveUSB and Persistent USB Mode). If you haven't selected the second option, I guess not. Also, see !usb | 14:43 |
pea[PC] | lol | 14:43 |
archboxman | elgh: no big deal ;) this is what linux people are here for :) to help | 14:43 |
jean7491 | ubuntu-be | 14:43 |
gik | dstryitrhiy8 tuyrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeennnnnnnnnnnnnnwwwwwwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhdddddddddddkkkkkkkkkkkssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuu444444444bbbbbbbbbbdsssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhwwwwwwwwwwuuuuuuuuuufffffffffffjjjjjjjjjje3u | 14:43 |
jack5463 | What does Bus error (core dumped). 0% in terminal mean? | 14:44 |
gik | ggggggggggg34fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd | 14:44 |
gik | 14:44 | |
gik | 14:44 | |
gik | 14:44 | |
FloodBot2 | gik: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 14:44 |
kinja-sheep | gik: Is that necessary? Really? :\ | 14:44 |
archboxman | elgh: we fixed the xorg.conf file to read the mouse and get ride of the old files | 14:44 |
elgh | archboxman, That is true. | 14:44 |
elgh | archboxman, When Ubuntu first was installed the mouse was correct, even after installing graphics drivers. | 14:45 |
blue_pearl | kinja-sheep: i did not find any such option in UNetbootin | 14:45 |
pea[PC] | i like all the different shades of poo | 14:45 |
kinja-sheep | blue_pearl: I don't think it is possible because you never set it up in first place. | 14:45 |
edakiri | jack5463: usually bad software problem like an invalid instruction in an executable. are you on 64b? could be a program written for 32b on 64b hardware for example. May be a hardware problem, but usually software. | 14:45 |
kinja-sheep | !usb | blue_pearl | 14:45 |
ubottu | blue_pearl: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 14:45 |
McL0VIN | kinja-sheep: pm | 14:45 |
kinja-sheep | blue_pearl: You want to see persistent live USB. | 14:45 |
archboxman | elgh: got me stumped ... how that changed I will never know unless someone is playing with the computer??? | 14:46 |
kinja-sheep | McL0VIN: Talk here. | 14:46 |
blue_pearl | kinja-sheep: yes i want to make persistent any how to? | 14:46 |
elgh | archboxman, I am the only user. | 14:46 |
McL0VIN | kinja-sheep: ok how do i log out of ssh and the "ssh -y" | 14:47 |
kinja-sheep | blue_pearl: ubottu gave you a link above -- | 14:47 |
KenBW2 | is there a command similar to killall that only closes the program, rather than killing it? | 14:47 |
dayo | how do i get wget to download from a directory, all files newer than a given date? | 14:47 |
jack5463 | edakiri, yes 32b. i'm having problems like synaptic package manager flashing on screen then off when i try to open it, same thing with dvd player VLC when i try to play a movie. here's a link to pastebin | 14:48 |
archboxman | elgh: that is what I was figuring that is why it is got me stumped even in the system preferences there is know way to change to a color | 14:48 |
archboxman | elgh: is this 9.10??? | 14:48 |
Pici | KenBW2: killall without any arguments should send a SIGTERM which the program should interpret as being a standard close request. | 14:48 |
elgh | archboxman, No, 9.04. | 14:48 |
kinja-sheep | McL0VIN: You're using Putty for ssh? | 14:48 |
funqshun | hello, can anyone help me with my apache installation? | 14:49 |
archboxman | elgh: are you going to update or leave it alone??? | 14:49 |
iceroot | !ask | funqshun | 14:49 |
ubottu | funqshun: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 14:49 |
McL0VIN | kinja-sheep: secureCRT but i can setup putty in a sec here | 14:49 |
erUSUL | !lamp > funqshun | 14:49 |
ubottu | funqshun, please see my private message | 14:49 |
archboxman | elgh: I would say leave it alone to much for one day... | 14:49 |
kinja-sheep | McL0VIN: You're looking for *any* option to enable on X11 forwarding. Also, wouldn't it be easier if you download it yourself and send an email to yourself for later? | 14:49 |
McL0VIN | kinja-sheep: i need it now actually | 14:50 |
archboxman | elgh: we are going to break the box if we keep playing with it!!! | 14:50 |
dayo | how do i get wget to download from a directory, all files newer than a given date? | 14:51 |
McL0VIN | dayo: make a bash script | 14:51 |
McL0VIN | very easy to do | 14:51 |
=== emry is now known as Emry | ||
LogicalDash | How can I use a shell script to launch a program with a different GNOME theme than usual? | 14:52 |
archboxman | elgh: I'm getting tired and sloppy which leads to mistakes... | 14:52 |
kinja-sheep | McL0VIN: secureCRT does support X11 forwarding after all. | 14:52 |
McL0VIN | kinja-sheep: in putty, in X11 section, what will be the X display location ? | 14:52 |
elgh | archboxman, I had some problems with 9.10... That's why I have 9.04. You've been most helpful today! | 14:52 |
kinja-sheep | McL0VIN: 0 | 14:52 |
blue_pearl | kinja-sheep: any way 2 make persustent usb with iso and on windows os? my hdd crashed so i dont have a running linux system. | 14:53 |
elgh | archboxman, I have to make some dinner now anyway. But thanks a lot and I hope we see each other another day! :) | 14:53 |
funqshun | i get the following error upon sudo apache2 -k start | 14:53 |
funqshun | apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName | 14:53 |
funqshun | [Mon Feb 01 15:46:07 2010] [warn] NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHostsY. please help | 14:53 |
funqshun | can anyone help? | 14:53 |
archboxman | elgh: maybe I'm all over the place | 14:53 |
archboxman | ;) | 14:53 |
kinja-sheep | McL0VIN: Maybe localhost:0 -- Either way. | 14:53 |
McL0VIN | kinja-sheep: i got Error: cannot open display: localhost:11.0 | 14:54 |
archboxman | elgh: good bye | 14:54 |
archboxman | :) | 14:54 |
Pici | McL0VIN: Do you have an X server running on your Windows computer? | 14:54 |
kinja-sheep | blue_pearl: I do not know about persistent Windows OS on USB. | 14:54 |
blue_pearl | kinja-sheep: thanx any ways... actually my hdd crashed so no linux system avalable | 14:55 |
McL0VIN | Pici: kinja-sheep : when i echo '$DISPLAY i get "localhost:11.0" | 14:55 |
McL0VIN | Pici: how can i tell | 14:55 |
kinja-sheep | Pici: X Window Server (ie Xming X Server) is needed to run Linux apps over Windows? o.O | 14:56 |
Pici | McL0VIN: If you don't know, then you don't. You need to be running something like xming or reflectionsX | 14:56 |
Pici | kinja-sheep: If you intend to forward X over ssh, yes. | 14:57 |
llutz | kinja-sheep: how would you display X-apps locally without X-server? | 14:57 |
=== uri is now known as uriol | ||
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McL0VIN | Pici: kinja-sheep please take a look | 14:58 |
wooopi | anyone strong in cryptsetup and luks? | 14:58 |
Pici | McL0VIN: Starting the xserver on your linux computer doesn't help you. You'd need to run X locally (on windows) in order to see grapihcal applications there. | 15:00 |
Emery | Say if i installed the core files for ubuntu ... and then built it up myself (Custom) ... is it possibile to save an image of that and create a bootable iso ? | 15:02 |
cacabouhd1_ | salut à tous! | 15:02 |
jellow | !fr | cacabouhd1_ | 15:02 |
ubottu | cacabouhd1_: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 15:02 |
cacabouhd1_ | hello boys ! | 15:03 |
jellow | hello | 15:03 |
erUSUL | !remaster | Emery | 15:03 |
ubottu | Emery: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: or use tools such as or | 15:03 |
cacabouhd1_ | how do you do | 15:03 |
Emery | thanks erUSUL | 15:03 |
hookworm24 | how can i connect to a wireless network from terminal? | 15:03 |
bouh2 | hello guys | 15:04 |
Emery | ifconfig eth1 up | 15:04 |
Emery | hookworm24 | 15:04 |
Emery | oh wait | 15:04 |
cacabouhd1_ | hello bouh2 | 15:04 |
Emery | read that wrong | 15:04 |
cacabouhd1_ | you must write | 15:04 |
cacabouhd1_ | euh | 15:04 |
cacabouhd1_ | waita minut | 15:04 |
cacabouhd1_ | i search | 15:04 |
FloodBot2 | cacabouhd1_: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:04 |
McL0VIN | Pici: i am running exceed on M$ | 15:04 |
McL0VIN | hummingbird exceed | 15:05 |
cacabouhd1_ | fuck you all ! | 15:05 |
McL0VIN | cacabouhd1_: why because they are better than you !!!? | 15:05 |
root__ | hey | 15:05 |
rooisto47 | hi everybody | 15:05 |
jellow | Is a troll cacabouhd1_ ignore him | 15:06 |
cacabouhd1_ | oh sorry i didn't want to write it here | 15:06 |
cacabouhd1_ | i'm not a troll | 15:06 |
cacabouhd1_ | i'm a magician | 15:07 |
root__ | anyone hacker :D to talk | 15:07 |
* jellow facepalms | 15:07 | |
cacabouhd1_ | I want that someone of you hack my pc | 15:07 |
root__ | ok :D no prob i will hack it | 15:08 |
bazhang | !ot | cacabouhd1_ root__ | 15:08 |
ubottu | cacabouhd1_ root__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 15:08 |
root__ | give me ur ip :D | 15:08 |
andrea_ | hi | 15:08 |
hookworm24 | what command is it to see the state of my network devices in terminal | 15:08 |
cacabouhd1_ | wait a minut | 15:08 |
rooisto47 | what's the lightest messenger client ? | 15:09 |
rooisto47 | for msn, yahoo | 15:09 |
cacabouhd1_ | | 15:09 |
cacabouhd1_ | that's my ip | 15:09 |
jellow | hookworm24: ifconfig | 15:09 |
llutz | !ops | cacabouhd1_ root__ | 15:09 |
ubottu | cacabouhd1_ root__: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! | 15:09 |
rakan | Hello, am doing echo "@hourly php /www/Crons/a.php" | crontab but am getting "-":1: bad minute error. | 15:09 |
rakan | Whats wrong here? | 15:10 |
hookworm24 | jellow, thanks | 15:10 |
Kagarman | The people what free file a server good for beginners? The file a server on ubuntu for users windows with access rights is necessary??? | 15:10 |
Kagarman | helpme pliz | 15:11 |
genii | cacabouhd1_: Firstly, watch your profanity in here. Second, this is not a channel to ask people to try and hack into some IP | 15:11 |
Kagarman | The people what free file a server good for beginners? The file a server on ubuntu for users windows with access rights is necessary??? | 15:11 |
cacabouhd1_ | my computer is ok | 15:12 |
Goldenscorp | hi | 15:12 |
cacabouhd1_ | my bread too | 15:12 |
Goldenscorp | the games zylom tries to start but after QQE seconds it closes (wine)?? | 15:12 |
Goldenscorp | error wine client error: c: 391/339 version mismatch? | 15:13 |
root__ | i am updating my tools | 15:13 |
Goldenscorp | plz help | 15:13 |
root__ | i will hack u soon | 15:13 |
root__ | | 15:13 |
llutz | genii: just trolls, don't feed pls | 15:13 |
root__ | :P:D | 15:13 |
bazhang | cacabouhd1_, this is not the chat channel; #ubuntu-offtopic for that root__ you as well | 15:13 |
callum_ | hi people whats a program BESIDES Limewire for P2P Sharing limewire seems to go aware when i click something and move the screen on my 701 eee | 15:13 |
Kagarman | The people what free file a server good for beginners? The file a server on ubuntu for users windows with access rights is necessary???&&&&&&&&&&&& | 15:13 |
jellow | callum_: hold down the alt key and then you can mov eit past the window | 15:14 |
darktears | somebody know the nick of Mario Schwalbe | 15:14 |
root__ | hey again | 15:14 |
Pici | root__: This is a support channel. Please stay on topic. | 15:14 |
callum_ | jellow i know its just when i click something or go to click something it moved all the time and would have to click 3-4 times fast because the screen/window moved :S and couldnt click it normally | 15:14 |
calrik | hi all whats the conf file Im suppose to edit to change my grub boot menu order? I tried to edit /boot/grub/grub.conf but its readonly even has sudo root | 15:14 |
iceroot | root__: dont use irc as root | 15:15 |
callum_ | also I have a bug to point on on netbook remix eee 701 when disabling wifi with FN AND F2 Key it goes to black screen and freezes | 15:16 |
hookworm24 | when i run sudo apt-get update, it returns with an error for each file saying 'failed to fetch' <file> Could not resolve anybody know why this happens? | 15:16 |
jellow | callum_: for P2P why not use transmission or rtorrent (termanl app) | 15:16 |
iceroot | hookworm24: connected to the internet? | 15:16 |
root__ | i can't install linux on my laptop | 15:16 |
hookworm24 | iceroot, no...whoops | 15:16 |
root__ | so i am on a livedvd | 15:16 |
salvachn | root__ : what laptop do u use? | 15:16 |
callum_ | jellow can i search for music on that? | 15:16 |
root__ | so i can't acces with user | 15:16 |
hookworm24 | hookworm24, i'm having trouble connecting. the wireless icon has disappeared from the panel | 15:17 |
calrik | hi all whats the conf file Im suppose to edit to change my grub boot menu order? I tried to edit /boot/grub/grub.conf but its readonly even has sudo root | 15:17 |
jellow | callum_: No | 15:17 |
jellow | callum_: you need to use 3rd party sites | 15:17 |
callum_ | :( | 15:17 |
ngirard | My configuration contains , and yet C-h v TeX-PDF-mode RET tells me that variable is nil. What's wrong ? | 15:17 |
jmburgess | calrik: /boot/grub/menu.lst | 15:17 |
ubuntu-user-b2 | hello guys | 15:17 |
ubuntu-user-b2 | what's the command to leave an irc channel? | 15:18 |
ngirard | sorry guys, wrong channel :) | 15:18 |
jmburgess | ubuntu-user-b2: /leave | 15:18 |
jellow | callum_: Perhaps Azureus/vuze has this feature im not sure , warnign its bloat ware | 15:18 |
jmburgess | ubuntu-user-b2: I think | 15:18 |
callum_ | or type /close | 15:18 |
callum_ | or /quit maybe | 15:18 |
iceroot | ubuntu-user-b2: /wc or /leave or /close | 15:18 |
ubuntu-user-b2 | how can I set a default kernel to boot from grub2? | 15:18 |
callum_ | jellow is bloat ware child porn thing? is it nasty | 15:19 |
ubuntu-user-b2 | what is the equivalent of /boot/grub/menu.lst in grub2? | 15:19 |
callum_ | Ubuntu user is a TROLL | 15:19 |
ubuntu-user-b2 | ? | 15:19 |
callum_ | Trying to get people to quit | 15:19 |
bla-afk | hi @ all, can someone tell me which part/programm/script is mounting usb sticks automaticly in ubuntu 9.10 ?? | 15:19 |
ubuntu-user-b2 | just wanted to test something | 15:19 |
trism | ubuntu-user-b2: /boot/grub/grub.cfg but you shouldn't edit it directly in general | 15:19 |
ubuntu-user-b2 | i know | 15:19 |
ubuntu-user-b2 | but how can I set a default OS/kernel in grub2? | 15:20 |
arand | ubuntu-user-b2: /etc/default/grub is the one to edit. | 15:20 |
jellow | callum_: Bloat ware means its a resource hog , Has nothing to do with CP | 15:20 |
arand | ubuntu-user-b2: and after that "update-grub" | 15:20 |
ubuntu-user-b2 | thanks | 15:20 |
root__ | how to install rdesktop on ubuntu | 15:20 |
ubuntu-user-b2 | thanks alot | 15:20 |
callum_ | Oh Ok JELLOW Thanks - I just don't like those things. | 15:21 |
callum_ | IN THIS ROOM | 15:21 |
FloodBot2 | callum_: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:21 |
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calrik | jmburgess: that file does not exist, it might help Im using ubuntu 9.10 which is using a new version of grub | 15:21 |
iceroot | callum_: stop that please | 15:21 |
th0r | root__, I think it is called TSClient | 15:21 |
callum_ | It's true someone named SOPHISTICBOY Or something | 15:21 |
callum_ | PM'ed me | 15:22 |
hookworm24 | gnome panel is flashing on and off endlessly. what can i do? | 15:23 |
callum_ | So how can you stop EEE PC 9.10 NBR Freezing when disabling WIFI | 15:23 |
root__ | whois callum_ | 15:23 |
jellow | root__: /whois nick | 15:24 |
JoshuaL | is there a way to connect to a network without using the systray network-manger thingy (since I do not use any panels) | 15:24 |
callum_ | root is stockholm sweden | 15:24 |
callum_ | loool | 15:24 |
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calrik | hi all whats the conf file Im suppose to edit to change my grub boot menu order? I tried to edit /boot/grub/grub.conf but its readonly even as sudo root. I have also checked for /boot/grub/menu.lst and that file does not exist | 15:24 |
jellow | JoshuaL: on eth0 ? | 15:24 |
JoshuaL | jellow, wlan0 | 15:25 |
root__ | callum_ who say that i am from sweden :P | 15:25 |
callum_ | WHOIS Says XD's | 15:25 |
iceroot | callum_: are you sure you are using the wifi-key and not the overclocking key next to it? | 15:25 |
jellow | JoshuaL: Wep or wpa? | 15:25 |
callum_ | Unless you can JUMP Your connction? | 15:25 |
JoshuaL | jellow, wpa2 enterprise | 15:25 |
root__ | i am from lebanon man :P | 15:25 |
callum_ | iceroot It has f2 wifi logo and fn key it freezes on 701 and goes to a black screen | 15:26 |
callum_ | lebanese are sexy | 15:26 |
Audible | what is the command to see the cpu speed | 15:26 |
iceroot | callum_: again, please stop that here | 15:26 |
IdleOne | !ot | callum_ root__ | 15:26 |
ubottu | callum_ root__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 15:26 |
callum_ | sorry | 15:26 |
iceroot | Audible: cat /proc/cpuinfo | 15:26 |
Audible | iceroot : thank you | 15:26 |
root__ | ohh thx :P | 15:26 |
callum_ | ICEROOT its a wifi logo key f2 on 701 | 15:26 |
erUSUL | !grub2 | calrik | 15:27 |
iceroot | callum_: ok | 15:27 |
ubottu | calrik: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 15:27 |
callum_ | and when you disable wifi it goes to a black screen and freezes and needs battery pulled out | 15:27 |
root__ | so callum_ you know how to install rdesktop?? | 15:27 |
callum_ | whats rdesktop | 15:27 |
callum_ | is it to get rid of the nbr menu? | 15:27 |
hookworm24 | how can i connect to my wireless network without gnome-panel, mines broken | 15:27 |
darktears | is there any QA in ubuntu? QA that test regression on *stable* release? | 15:28 |
trism | calrik: you need to make /boot/grub/grub.cfg writable before you can edit it, but be aware that any changes to make will be overwritten on kernel/grub updates | 15:28 |
root__ | to see window on linux | 15:28 |
BluesKaj | Howdy | 15:28 |
jellow | JoshuaL: you need wpa_supplicant , Might be easyer to look up a guide | 15:28 |
JoshuaL | hmm | 15:28 |
dasprid_ | Was is yet decided wether php 5.3.* comes into lucid or not? | 15:28 |
JoshuaL | ty jellow ill look into that | 15:28 |
callum_ | hmmmn | 15:29 |
iceroot | dasprid_: yes, called alpha, beta and rc | 15:29 |
trism | calrik: what exactly do you want to rearrange? if it is just one probed os, you can move /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober to /etc/grub.d/09_os-prober and run sudo update-grub; and the os probed entries will appear before the linux kernels (although I think in general it is easier to just set GRUB_DEFAULT to whichever system you want to boot by default) | 15:29 |
iceroot | darktears: yes, called alpha, beta and rc | 15:29 |
iceroot | dasprid_: sorry, wrong nick | 15:29 |
dasprid_ | iceroot, definetly ;) | 15:29 |
root__ | anyone know how to install rdeskto | 15:29 |
root__ | anyone know how to install rdesktop | 15:29 |
IdleOne | dasprid_: #ubuntu+1 for lucid support | 15:29 |
Pici | root__: sudo apt-get install rdesktop | 15:29 |
IdleOne | root__: apt-get install rdesktop | 15:29 |
bazhang | !info rdesktop | 15:30 |
ubottu | rdesktop (source: rdesktop): RDP client for Windows NT/2000 Terminal Server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.0-2ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 140 kB, installed size 488 kB | 15:30 |
iceroot | root__: apt-cache search rdesktop, if you find something you like. sudo apt-get install packagename | 15:30 |
root__ | ok thx | 15:30 |
jellow | root__: sudo apt-get install rdesktop | 15:30 |
dasprid_ | IdleOne, thx ;) | 15:30 |
callum_ | whats rdeskop | 15:30 |
callum_ | !rdesktop | 15:30 |
darktears | iceroot: after the release, when sending updated packages through apt.... | 15:30 |
IdleOne | dasprid_: welcome | 15:30 |
callum_ | :'( | 15:31 |
root__ | ok after apt-get install rdesktop what i do?? | 15:31 |
jellow | root__: run rdesktop from terminal or look in Applications > internet | 15:32 |
Diverdude | Is there a specific reason why the output volume at 100% is not the max-volume in the sound properties? And is there any way to change this? | 15:33 |
McL0VIN | Pici: how would can i run X from my M$ box | 15:33 |
nano- | I have ubuntu server with libvirt, and it creates a virbr0, on a phony network, I want virbr0 to be my main network to give guests proper network. How do I accomplish this? | 15:33 |
root__ | how i can setup it man | 15:33 |
root__ | ?? | 15:33 |
boxfish | nano, dont you have to create a bridge ? | 15:34 |
TimReichhart | can anybody tell me from this pastbin how to fix that problem? | 15:35 |
Diverdude | Is there a specific reason why the output volume at 100% is not the max-volume in the sound properties? And is there any way to change this? | 15:36 |
debiant | I have a minimal Ubuntu installation that I have setup to autologin. Between the usplash and the autologin I am seeing a virtual terminal login on tty1 for a few seconds. This also occurs during shutdown/restart. How can I set so that I don't see the virtual terminal login? | 15:36 |
Kagarman | | 15:36 |
Kagarman | > internalkernel вошёл в ubuntu-server | 15:36 |
Kagarman | filezila server it is possible in ubuntu will put? | 15:36 |
Kagarman | | 15:36 |
Cretin | hi, i feel so stupid asking this.i finally got my headless server working with vnc, and now my samba shares dont work. when i try to connect from my win7 ult machine, it asks from username as pass, but wont let me see the shares. it used to be that putting in my username was enough. ive since edited smb.conf every way imaginable, and still nothing. if it matters, when i get prompted on win7 it says my domain is I2, which is the win7 comp's name. | 15:36 |
FloodBot2 | Kagarman: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:36 |
iceroot | darktears: never, an ubuntu-version will only get security updates, no new functions | 15:36 |
hookworm24 | how can i repair my gnome-panel, it is closing and opening in an endless loop. hellp | 15:36 |
Trek | Kagarman, russian? | 15:37 |
erUSUL | !resetpanel | 15:37 |
ubottu | To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 15:37 |
calrik | trism: my grub menu has many different kernel versions along with the recovery options at the bottom of this is my windows system, I bascially want to move my windows to the top or second from the top | 15:37 |
root__ | anyone can help me with working on rdesktop | 15:37 |
calrik | trism: btw you can not make grub.cfg writable because it exists on a readonly filesystem | 15:38 |
jellow | !ask | root__ | 15:38 |
ubottu | root__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 15:38 |
jellow | root__: what can you not do? | 15:38 |
Cretin | hers my smb.conf | 15:38 |
TimReichhart | can anybody tell me from this pastbin how to fix that problem? | 15:38 |
root__ | i install and i open it on terminal rdekstop | 15:38 |
root__ | but how i can work on it?? | 15:39 |
hookworm24 | i get this message in gnome 'the panel encountered a problem while loading OAFIID: GNOME_FastUserSwitchApplet' what does this mean? | 15:39 |
webroasters | Crontab Question: Some of you are familiar with this line of code, right? "crontab -u myusername /home/myusername/test_cron_file". I'm trying to APPEND another file, for example, test_cron_file2 to the same user. Is there a way to do that? | 15:39 |
=== cp is now known as Guest49597 | ||
jellow | root__: try man rdesktop | 15:41 |
calrik | !grub2 | 15:41 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 15:41 |
darktears | iceroot: but i have to say the last apt-get update broke my camera and the backlight shortcuts on my MacBook Pro | 15:41 |
trism | calrik: you can move windows to the top (if it is the only other os on your system) with the method I mentioned in my previous message, moving /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober to /etc/grub.d/09_os-prober and running sudo update-grub; | 15:41 |
sebsebseb | hookworm24: to do with the thing on the top right with your name, I think | 15:42 |
bla_bla | can someone tell me which part/programm/script is mounting usb sticks automaticly in ubuntu 9.10 ?? | 15:42 |
trism | calrik: the grub2 ubuntu wiki page also describes how to make grub.cfg writable, but it should be your last resort | 15:42 |
mehuman | #kegbot | 15:43 |
Pici | webroasters: I do not think that you can append to the current crontab out of the box. You'd need to write a script to get the crontab using crontab -l, then append your text to that, and then crontab $yourfile | 15:43 |
adante | can someone tell me how to duplicate this fdisk layout exactly? i can't figureo ut how to specify blocks, and when i specify cylinders it does not match up | 15:43 |
iceroot | darktears: apt-get update will NEVER break your system | 15:43 |
iceroot | darktears: maybe apt-get upgrade or apt-get dist-upgrade | 15:44 |
pwnedulongtime | anyone else experiencing hard lockups with Chromium? | 15:44 |
webroasters | ah, ok, I appreciate it | 15:44 |
webroasters | I'll try that | 15:44 |
iceroot | webroasters: but the file in /etc/cron.d/ and use the cron-syntax * * * * * username scriptname | 15:45 |
iceroot | webroasters: put | 15:45 |
TimReichhart | can anybody tell me from this pastbin how to fix that problem? | 15:45 |
bla_bla | apt-get upgrade made that i can't click on -computer- anymore and cant use usb sticks anymore :( | 15:45 |
hookworm24 | !gnomepanel | 15:45 |
webroasters | ok, one sec iceroot, I'll look into that | 15:45 |
hookworm24 | !gnome | 15:45 |
ubottu | GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal. | 15:45 |
boxfish | adante: AFAIK, different hard drives have different values of these, so one drive can necessarily be duplicated on another ?? | 15:45 |
iceroot | webroasters: its much easier then reading crontab -l | 15:46 |
hookworm24 | !gnome-panel | 15:46 |
webroasters | ok | 15:46 |
llutz | TimReichhart: you might better ask in a perl-channel | 15:46 |
darktears | iceroot: if what you said can be true, it would be a dream...i haven't run a dist-upgrade just a regular updates. The kernel got some updates bumped to 2.6.31-16, if i go back to 2.6.31-14 the camera works | 15:46 |
adante | boxfish: looking at the output of fdisk from my old drive and the new one they seem identical | 15:46 |
darktears | iceroot: you faith is too strong | 15:46 |
Zta | Um, this is a bit awkward... But where is my /etc/X11/xorg.conf on Karmic Koala? | 15:46 |
adante | boxfish: so i would like to simply copy the data over retaining the exactly same partition structure | 15:46 |
=== Tristan is now known as Guest77709 | ||
llutz | Zta: there is no by default | 15:47 |
Zta | llutz, ok so everything is autodetected? | 15:47 |
llutz | Zta: it should, if you need to make changes, create your own xorg.conf | 15:47 |
webroasters | iceroot: thanks. I'll try that | 15:47 |
Zta | llutz, the thing is I want to make some adjustments, and force a different driver like shown here: | 15:48 |
boxfish | it dont seem to like your number of cylinders though. How does it compare to what is actually written on the HD label ? | 15:48 |
boxfish | you should be able to do a staight copy using a disk tool from somewhere | 15:48 |
llutz | Zta: just sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf , make your changes, restart X and pray | 15:48 |
Zta | llutz, thanks. | 15:48 |
dl7ukk | hello | 15:49 |
darktears | iceroot: by apt-get update -> i was meaning both apt-get update then upgrade which means updating your linux | 15:49 |
antoniopr | ola buenas | 15:50 |
antoniopr | alguien interesado en formar parte de un grupo de programadores noveles? | 15:50 |
sebsebseb | !es | antoniopr | 15:50 |
ubottu | antoniopr: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 15:50 |
llutz | !es | antoniopr | 15:50 |
`^aol^` | | 15:51 |
`^aol^` | вот мое добро | 15:51 |
Pici | `^aol^`: How is that related to Ubuntu? | 15:54 |
`^aol^` | sorry! for another channel | 15:55 |
=== antoniopr is now known as kaito_ | ||
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xangua | /j #ubuntu-offtopic | 15:56 |
xangua | upps | 15:56 |
pasword001 | tu hungary chat? | 15:58 |
bazhang | !hu | pasword001 | 15:59 |
ubottu | pasword001: Magyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál | 15:59 |
pasword001 | ok | 15:59 |
Pici | krill313: You need the / in front of that | 15:59 |
xangua | jum... | 16:00 |
mediaprodigy | is there an advantage to installing a xp on a partition then ubutnu? | 16:00 |
danbhfive | mediaprodigy: if you install xp first, you won't have to worry about reinstalling grub | 16:00 |
mediaprodigy | does win7 have a advantage instead of xp? | 16:01 |
mediaprodigy | danbhfive: thanks | 16:01 |
BluesKaj | mediaprodigy, yes no worries about losing grub menu if install XP first. | 16:01 |
IdleOne | haha krill313 /ignore crap :) | 16:01 |
Trek | !ot | mediaprodigy | 16:01 |
ubottu | mediaprodigy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 16:01 |
Trek | whoops, sorry, ignore | 16:02 |
mediaprodigy | no worries | 16:02 |
pwnedulongtime | anyone else experiencing hard lockups with daily Chromium builds? | 16:02 |
Trek | krill313, you need a / before all that | 16:02 |
xangua | ........... | 16:03 |
mediaprodigy | pwnedulongtime: i experience hard lockups once an hour.. but have not determined what is causin them | 16:03 |
BluesKaj | pwnedulongtime, yes, so I switched to google-chrome | 16:03 |
Vlet | krill313: Do that in your main window, not a channel window, that way if you make mistakes, you won't be spamming a channel | 16:03 |
Pici | krill313: Please do that in a status window. Or if you need more help with it, please ask in #irssi | 16:03 |
mediaprodigy | Can a monitor without drivers installed cause significant lockups in ubuntu even though it appears to work fine? | 16:03 |
McL0VIN | Pici: how would can i run X from my M$ box | 16:04 |
Pici | McL0VIN: You need software like xming. | 16:04 |
pwnedulongtime | I get random hard lockups with every single chromium build i've tried and google chrome...have no idea what is causing it since nothing gets logged | 16:04 |
pwnedulongtime | happens after 2 days or so | 16:04 |
danbhfive | pwnedulongtime: I've yet to get a lockup with chromium. But I reboot daily anyway | 16:05 |
pinguULTRA | 16:06 | |
pwnedulongtime | danbhfive, not supposed to reboot linux, are we? Isn't that supposed to be one of the nice things about linux? :) | 16:06 |
danbhfive | pwnedulongtime: well, I shut down at night :) | 16:07 |
pinguULTRA | 16:07 | |
pinguULTRA | 16:07 | |
pinguULTRA | 16:07 | |
FloodBot2 | pinguULTRA: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:07 |
pinguULTRA | 16:07 | |
pinguULTRA | 16:07 | |
pinguULTRA | 16:07 | |
pinguULTRA | 16:07 | |
pinguULTRA | 16:07 | |
pinguULTRA | 16:07 | |
pinguULTRA | 16:07 | |
pinguULTRA | 16:07 | |
pinguULTRA | 16:07 | |
pinguULTRA | 16:07 | |
pinguULTRA | 16:07 | |
pinguULTRA | 16:07 | |
pinguULTRA | 16:07 | |
jpds | LjL-Temp: ^--. | 16:07 |
BluesKaj | seems the attackers are finding other ways to bug the network | 16:08 |
felicity | hey, am using conky+mpd, but i keep getting an error about localhost: name or service unknown. | 16:10 |
McL0VIN | Pici: i have humming bird exceed | 16:10 |
felicity | what am i doing wrong?it works okay when i have the internet connected but when its not, no joy :( | 16:10 |
Pici | McL0VIN: Then you'll need to run the xserver with that. I havent used exceed in years so I don't know how to do it. Sorry. | 16:11 |
felicity | . | 16:11 |
McL0VIN | Pici: i should be able to just google that " running xserver with hummingbird" | 16:11 |
Pici | McL0VIN: definitely | 16:12 |
Pici | McL0VIN: The folks in ##windows may be able to help as well. | 16:12 |
mediaprodigy | If I do not install XP or Win7 is grub hard to install.. | 16:13 |
boxfish | grub is easy to install | 16:14 |
mediaprodigy | Another Question: is it possible to delete the Ubuntu partitiion without deleting my Win 7 partitiion | 16:14 |
Cretin | hi, i feel so stupid asking this.i finally got my headless server working with vnc, and now my samba shares dont work. when i try to connect from my win7 ult machine, it asks from username as pass, but wont let me see the shares. it used to be that putting in my username was enough. ive since edited smb.conf every way imaginable, and still nothing. if it matters, when i get prompted on win7 it says my domain is I2, which is the win7 comp's name. | 16:14 |
boxfish | yes | 16:14 |
mediaprodigy | I normally use the win xp cd to delete partitions.. how would i delete the existing ubuntu partitiion to reinstall it.. can it be done thought the Ubuntu cd? | 16:15 |
boxfish | just run a "live" distro and partition manger it to death | 16:15 |
mediaprodigy | boxfish: thanks | 16:15 |
boxfish | np | 16:15 |
=== kaito_lab is now known as kait0 | ||
babbio | h guys I have a question, i would like to store my ssh passphrase to login into my office pc without insert the passphrase every single time....i have read some guides about keychain and ssh-agent but with this solution i have to insert the passphrase the first time and then i can connect without insert the passphrase the next time....but this is not what i want.....i would like to save the passphrase so that i never have to insert it even after the reboot.. | 16:17 |
babbio | this possible? how? thank u all | 16:17 |
BluesKaj | mediaprodigy, yes , just reinstall to / on the ext3/4 partition, if you want to save your present application config files (settings) | 16:17 |
BluesKaj | mediaprodigy, use the manual partitioning option | 16:17 |
mediaprodigy | BluesKaj: so in the live distro use the manual partitiion option and then what exactly.. i got lost . if you have alink .. I will just look in teh support forum | 16:18 |
boxfish | I would delete the partition that had the previous ubuntu on it, and leave it empty and unformatted | 16:18 |
erUSUL | babbio: afaik althought very insecure it is possible to use a keypair without passphrase | 16:19 |
erUSUL | babbio: ask in #openssh | 16:19 |
JoshuaL | !emergency | 16:19 |
CShadowRun | !ops | |Zippo|__ | 16:19 |
ubottu | |Zippo|__: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! | 16:19 |
boxfish | after that I would then use the automatic partitioning, but being sure to use the option of auto installing using available empty space, it doesnt cover all bases, but will work most times | 16:20 |
Dominian | Pici: you got it? | 16:20 |
Pici | Dominian: yep | 16:20 |
BluesKaj | mediaprodigy, just reinstall to / (root) using the manaul partitioning option with the live cd | 16:20 |
CShadowRun | wtb an op? :( | 16:20 |
babbio | erUSUL, i will....thank u | 16:20 |
CShadowRun | \o/ | 16:20 |
JoshuaL | Ty Pici | 16:20 |
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mirko34fast345a | salve ma come si usa | 16:21 |
mirko34fast345a | ? | 16:21 |
BluesKaj | mediaprodigy, I'll repeat , just reinstall to / (root) using the manaul partitioning option with the live cd, no need to reformat ..this method saves the settings on your apps | 16:22 |
Pici | !it | mirko34fast345a | 16:22 |
ubottu | mirko34fast345a: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 16:22 |
Gangrel | how can i add 2nd language so i can use alt+shift? | 16:22 |
mediaprodigy | BluesKaj: thanks | 16:22 |
fixxxermet | I have an ecrypted /home on a separate partition. After reinstalling ubuntu, I'm not able to log into my desktop and I get messages when logging in about X failing and not being able to create folders. Could it be that my home partition is not decrypted or that the keys are missing? | 16:22 |
ppaulhus | Hi, my ubuntu box keeps sending a message to root via cron... where is this job defined exactly??? Cron <root@homer> test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily ) | 16:23 |
mediaprodigy | I have one more question, my ubuntu desktop freezes.. and I am just running firefox and evolution mail.. sometimes just firefox.. as you can imagine.. .it is super annoying.. has anyone had this issue.. I have no idea how to resolve it.. sometimes the os has only been running 4 minutes | 16:23 |
BluesKaj | BBL ...daily walk | 16:24 |
Pici | ppaulhus: /etc/crontab | 16:24 |
ppaulhus | thanks | 16:24 |
duffydack | mediaprodigy, my friend says since an update firefox causes lockups.. he`s using chrome now | 16:25 |
duffydack | mediaprodigy, that said, mine is fine/. | 16:25 |
mediaprodigy | duffydack: looks like i will download an alternative browser.. not a fan of google.. | 16:26 |
candy | will 32 bit ubuntu installation cd work for 64 bit system?? | 16:26 |
Pici | candy: Yes. | 16:27 |
erUSUL | candy: yes | 16:27 |
Pici | candy: But not the other way around. | 16:27 |
duffydack | mediaprodigy, chromium aint google | 16:27 |
Zta | I can't seem find any sound mixer application preinstalled with Karmic. Is this correct? And which is preferred? | 16:27 |
candy | Pici, not the other way around means?? | 16:27 |
Pici | candy: You cannot install Ubuntu 64 bit on a cpu that only supports 32 bits. | 16:28 |
jellow | Zta: for me alsamixer always works but its a terminal app | 16:28 |
happyface | how can I set a users full name? (puid->pw_gecos) | 16:28 |
erUSUL | happyface: System>Preferences>About me ? | 16:28 |
Zta | jellow, yes I know. But I was thinking perhaps there was an app that was preferred with the Pulse system? | 16:28 |
happyface | erUSUL: command line | 16:28 |
candy | Pici, oh i see... and in my 64 bit cpu, will 32 bit ubuntu get stuck somewhere creating any sort of problem?? | 16:29 |
Pici | candy: Nope | 16:29 |
erUSUL | happyface: man usermod ? | 16:29 |
Pici | happyface: Perhaps getent passwd $USER | cut -d: -f5 | 16:29 |
candy | Pici, thx | 16:30 |
Pici | happyface: Sorry, I misread 'set' as 'get' | 16:30 |
happyface | thanks erUSUL Pici | 16:30 |
virtualcloud | can anyone help me with my cron problem in ubuntu | 16:30 |
* maxjezy is back från ett par timmars underskattad sömn | 16:31 | |
Pici | !ask | virtualcloud | 16:31 |
ubottu | virtualcloud: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 16:31 |
Zta | Will modules listed in /etc/modules override those blacklisted in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist* ? | 16:31 |
Pici | !sv | maxjezy | 16:32 |
ubottu | maxjezy: Svensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntusupport hittar du på #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se | 16:32 |
maxjezy | :) | 16:32 |
maxjezy | sorry | 16:32 |
suman | can some one help me as my computer starts typing wwww... itself | 16:33 |
Z3R0_D3M0N | hay can anybody please help me with a problem im having with my nokia 6280 on ubuntu 9.04?? | 16:33 |
suman | also there are strange behaviors | 16:33 |
happyface | Pici: That only grabs the entry, is it possible to set the entry without root? | 16:33 |
suman | like num lock on and off or caps | 16:34 |
guest_89 | :) | 16:34 |
virtualcloud | I have this cron job and it's not working in ubuntu: 0 5 * * * sudo python /var/www/statsquery/ | 16:35 |
virtualcloud | 16:35 | |
Z3R0_D3M0N | my nokia 6280 wont open in mass storage device mode on 9.04... any help.. plz????? | 16:35 |
virtualcloud | I have this cron job and it's not working in ubuntu: 0 5 * * * sudo python /var/www/statsquery/, how do i check if it is working? | 16:35 |
fixxxermet | How can I decrypt my /home partition if I have reinstalled ubuntu? I did write down my key | 16:35 |
Gangrel | any greek user can tell me about dual language on alt+shift? | 16:35 |
Diverdude | Is there a specific reason why the output volume at 100% is not the max-volume in the sound properties? And is there any way to change this? | 16:36 |
erUSUL | !gr | Gangrel | 16:36 |
ubottu | Gangrel: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές / #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes | 16:36 |
Z3R0_D3M0N | @fixxxermet rightclick... decrypt, enter code... | 16:36 |
usuario__ | olaaaaaaa | 16:36 |
erUSUL | !es | usuario__ | 16:37 |
ubottu | usuario__: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 16:37 |
usuario__ | Wanderer | 16:37 |
Gangrel | Thanks | 16:38 |
jellow | fixxxermet: have you tried to use it simplu using mount? | 16:38 |
erUSUL | !ecryptfs | 16:38 |
jellow | fixxxermet nevermind | 16:38 |
Xintruder | Hello | 16:39 |
fixxxermet | !encryptfs | 16:39 |
Xintruder | If I take the CCDA, CCDP training, will it help me if our network infra structure is not mainly cisco? | 16:39 |
Xintruder | I mean, is it only good for people who are 100% cisco?? | 16:39 |
=== wish^ is now known as ^wish | ||
ukigumo | hi there! how could i get the source code for system calls and lib functions in ubuntu? | 16:40 |
DrBelka | ukigumo "apt-get source" | 16:41 |
Xintruder | LOL | 16:41 |
Pici | Xintruder: Thats really a more appropriate question for #cisco , rather than #ubuntu | 16:41 |
Xintruder | I posted the wrong question in the 'totally' wrong room | 16:41 |
Xintruder | haha | 16:41 |
ukigumo | thank you ~ | 16:41 |
Xintruder | sory about that | 16:41 |
ukigumo | i'm newbie~ | 16:41 |
Pici | Xintruder: Its okay, it happens :) | 16:41 |
Xintruder | I was wondering why no one answered haha | 16:41 |
=== fixxxermet is now known as 45PAAAH8Y | ||
45PAAAH8Y | !encfs | 16:42 |
UbuntuUser | Hi all, I want to install the guest extensions of virtualbox in ubuntu 10.04 | 16:43 |
UbuntuUser | but they dont work | 16:43 |
Pici | UbuntuUser : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.4 support/discussion. | 16:43 |
reza_ | hello everbody | 16:44 |
arghh2d2 | !ping | 16:48 |
ubottu | Here I am, brain the size of a planet and you expect me to respond to a ping? How depressing. | 16:48 |
Mariachi | how do I burn a cd with an .img file? | 16:52 |
papul | i cant open trash | 16:52 |
papul | i cant open trash | 16:52 |
ajipubuntu | my volume and internet connection is lost from panel! | 16:52 |
xangua | ajipubuntu: add 'notification area' | 16:53 |
javatexan | how do you save the printer prefs for one tab to apply to all the tabs. FF never seems to remember.. :( I tried to set the system default to what I wanted, but FF seems to ignore those and send its own. I am mainly talking about the printer specific settings like 2up, duplex, staple in right corner, etc. | 16:53 |
javatexan | so they are printer I have 15 tabs that I want to print the same way from FF, right now, I have to make those settings in each tab....not very elegant. :( | 16:54 |
ajipubuntu | xangua: where can i get 'nortification area'? | 16:54 |
KrisKo | Mariachi: try img2iso to convert image | 16:54 |
Mariachi | is it a program? | 16:55 |
KrisKo | yes | 16:55 |
Mariachi | can't find it in synaptic | 16:56 |
Aboba | I've just clean installed 9.10 and my wireless is defaulting (and won't change) above 1Mb/sec, I can manually set the rate to 11Mb/sec but the speed does not change. Any ideas? | 16:56 |
anon__ | test | 16:56 |
=== xx is now known as Jamapa | ||
KrisKo | Mariachi: do you have ccd2iso? | 16:57 |
reeeeeesty | what network manager does ubuntu use? | 16:58 |
Mariachi | KrisKo, i don't think so | 16:58 |
reeeeeesty | and what does ubuntu use as their startup conf file? | 16:58 |
kermit5327 | can any one help me install folding @ home | 16:59 |
reeeeeesty | folding? | 16:59 |
om26er | kermit, open terminal type nautilus /home | 16:59 |
reeeeeesty | oh | 16:59 |
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc | ||
dakira | hi. how do I figure out, whether I have a Synaptics or a ALPS touchpad? | 17:00 |
reeeeeesty | what does ubuntu use as its network manager by default in gnome? because when i switch to my openbox session, i dont have a connection. | 17:00 |
KrisKo | Mariachi: you can download img2iso and compile it manualy: | 17:00 |
reeeeeesty | look up the docs on your laptop dakira | 17:00 |
papul | i cant open trash | 17:00 |
Mariachi | hmm | 17:00 |
jellow | reeeeeesty: nm-applet ? | 17:00 |
FelipeBHZ | Anyone here knows if it's possible to add CMYK Colour support to Gimp 2.6 ? | 17:00 |
om26er | reeeeeesty, network-manager-gnome | 17:00 |
reeeeeesty | its just an applet? | 17:00 |
reeeeeesty | alright, can i use network-manager gnome? | 17:00 |
papul | i cant open trash | 17:01 |
reeeeeesty | without a panel? | 17:01 |
papul | plz somebody help | 17:01 |
KrisKo | Mariachi: here's how to compile it: | 17:01 |
ajipubuntu | i'm using ubuntu 9.10.. my problem is, volume and network toolbar is lost from panel.. | 17:01 |
bastid_raZor | Mariachi: there is poweriso that requires no compiling just using. | 17:01 |
jsec | papul, more details? | 17:01 |
conb123 | Why is it that if I run "alltray thunderbird" from terminal it works perfectly but if i put it in an sh file or put the same code in startup applications it doesn't run? I need this code to run at startup, hell i even tried crontab. | 17:01 |
Aboba | papul, what happens when you try? | 17:02 |
papul | Aboba, Sorry, could not display all the contents of "trash": Operation not supported | 17:02 |
papul | :( | 17:02 |
Aboba | papul, are you using nautilus? | 17:02 |
papul | Aboba, yes | 17:02 |
Mariachi | hmm | 17:02 |
Mariachi | alright | 17:02 |
Mariachi | hold on | 17:02 |
papul | i clicked in the side panel where trash icon is displayed | 17:02 |
ajipubuntu | nobody can help me? | 17:03 |
om26er | !enter | Mariachi | 17:03 |
ubottu | Mariachi: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 17:03 |
bastid_raZor | !resetpanel | ajipubuntu | 17:03 |
ubottu | ajipubuntu: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 17:03 |
Aboba | papul, open a terminal, and try "sudo nautilus" and see if it works while you are root | 17:03 |
bastid_raZor | !gksudo | Aboba, papul | 17:03 |
ubottu | Aboba, papul: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 17:03 |
jack5463 | I'm using ubuntu 9.10from a usb. i want watch a movie from a dvd on movie player but I get an error message " No URI handler implemented for "dvd"". How can I fix that problem? | 17:04 |
papul | Aboba, same thing trash doesn't open | 17:04 |
ajipubuntu | after remove, how to istall back? | 17:04 |
nemo | I'm trying to figure out why gvfsd-http has a couple of idling connections to IPs I don't recognise at all | 17:05 |
kitche | Jack5463 just point to the device and it should just play | 17:05 |
om26er | ajipubuntu, open software center and find the app you wanna install and click install | 17:05 |
IdleOne | ajipubuntu: right click on the panel > Add to panel | 17:05 |
papul | ? | 17:05 |
nemo | I was hoping #ubuntu might have some idea what sort of things it might connect to, and why. | 17:05 |
om26er | ah | 17:05 |
jack5463 | kitche, no it doesn't play | 17:05 |
Aboba | papul, is this a new install, or did it just stop working? | 17:05 |
nemo | specifically, and - on port 80 | 17:06 |
papul | Aboba, it just stoped working suddenly | 17:06 |
jsec | Aboba, missing gvfs-backends maybe? | 17:06 |
papul | Aboba, also my other partions stoped showing and computer doesn't open | 17:06 |
papul | *partitions | 17:06 |
Pipou | hi | 17:06 |
Pipou | iam pipou | 17:07 |
papul | !hi | Pipou | 17:07 |
ubottu | Pipou: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 17:07 |
papul | Aboba, ? | 17:07 |
reeeeeesty | what is openbox's startup file? | 17:07 |
reeeeeesty | so i can start my panel, etc | 17:07 |
reeeeeesty | without doing it manually | 17:07 |
_Tristan | how do I reinstall my default ubuntu themes? | 17:08 |
Aboba | papul, it probably would have been appropriate to mention the other symptoms at the beggining | 17:08 |
Aboba | papul, I've got no idea what is causing it. jsec mentioned something about missing gvfs-backends | 17:08 |
ajipubuntu | THANK YOU bastid_razor ubottu,om26er, IdleOne!!!! | 17:08 |
IdleOne | welcome | 17:08 |
papul | Aboba, i told it on this channel earlier but nobody helped | 17:08 |
TheViking | Hi | 17:08 |
jellow | reeeeeesty: .fluxbox/startup , add & to the en if you want it to keep runninh | 17:08 |
=== mike_ is now known as Guest77491 | ||
erUSUL | jellow: openbox != openbox | 17:09 |
reeeeeesty | its i dont have a .fluxbox | 17:09 |
TheViking | I have a problem with my my top panel....there are two sets of backgrounds... | 17:09 |
reeeeeesty | lol | 17:09 |
erUSUL | jellow: fluxbox != openbox ;P | 17:09 |
reeeeeesty | theres no .openbox in my home | 17:09 |
jellow | reeeeeesty: sorry was not payign attention | 17:09 |
om26er | !resetpanel | TheViking | 17:09 |
ubottu | TheViking: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 17:09 |
reeeeeesty | and all there is in xdg is the menu xml's | 17:10 |
erUSUL | !dvd | jack5463 | 17:10 |
ubottu | jack5463: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 17:10 |
reeeeeesty | /etc/xdg/openbox* | 17:10 |
reeeeeesty | is there a session conf file? | 17:10 |
papul | i think this happened after i installed opera | 17:10 |
pozic | How can I download a Java applet? I don't care if I have to take it out of some cache somewhere, but I just am not able to download it for some reason. | 17:10 |
om26er | people still use opera? | 17:10 |
reeeeeesty | lol | 17:10 |
pozic | om26er: Opera has improve since version 3. | 17:11 |
pozic | improved* | 17:11 |
TheViking | <ubottu>...worked a bit...but there is still a difference between the panel side and the menus side | 17:11 |
jsec | papul, do you get the "Couldn't display computer:///" popup? | 17:11 |
om26er | and its *closed* | 17:11 |
papul | jsec, yeah | 17:11 |
Pici | !bot | TheViking | 17:11 |
ubottu | TheViking: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 17:11 |
papul | jsec, Aboba maybe this could be of help | 17:12 |
MissPiggy | i am confused at USB startup disk maker | 17:13 |
jack5463 | has anyone tryed to play a dvd on ubuntu 9.10? | 17:13 |
^wish | How do i make a bootable usb pin? | 17:13 |
jsec | papul, this seems like an unrelated separate issue to the trash? | 17:13 |
=== ^wish is now known as wish^ | ||
MissPiggy | it doesn't seem to let me choose an iso | 17:14 |
coz_ | jack5463, yes I have | 17:14 |
coz_ | jack5463, but let me try a dvd now to be sure | 17:14 |
jack5463 | coz, did it play the movie? | 17:14 |
papul | jsec, i dunno | 17:14 |
pozic | jack5463: it even asks if you want to rip it... | 17:14 |
Stack|Overflow | hey guys, hope you can help a linux nooby ;) | 17:14 |
BluesKaj | jack5463, install ubuntu-restricted-extras and libdvdcss2 | 17:14 |
wish^ | How do i make a bootable usb pin? | 17:14 |
om26er | !hi | Stack|Overflow | 17:14 |
ubottu | Stack|Overflow: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 17:14 |
coz_ | Stack|Overflow, just ask see what we can do :) | 17:14 |
Stack|Overflow | i want to set up ubuntu beside win7, im afraid of terminating my MBR...what shall i do? | 17:15 |
jsec | papul, open up a terminal and run "sudo apt-get install gvfs gvfs-backends" and reboot. this might take care of your computer/trash issues. | 17:15 |
om26er | !usb | wish^ | 17:15 |
ubottu | wish^: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 17:15 |
papul | jsec, ok but aren't they installed by default? | 17:15 |
Tarantulafudge | hey my network manager was picking up networks fine shortly after install but now it won't show any networks. I had to connect manually with the iwconfig | 17:15 |
papul | jsec, everything already newest versions | 17:15 |
jamiejackson | can anyone help me mount a webdav share that has ntlm authentication? i get "/sbin/mount.davfs: Mounting failed. Could not authenticate to server: ignored NTLM challenge" | 17:15 |
jsec | papul, ok. | 17:16 |
coz_ | jack5463, mmm no it is not playing in fact totem crashes and mplayer wont open it ...let me see what is going on | 17:16 |
Aboba | Stack|Overflow, Install windows first | 17:16 |
om26er | Tarantulafudge, those networks might have got hidden? | 17:16 |
McL0VIN | Pici: so i setup secureCRT for X11 and i am able to get firefox up in exceed , but it is very very very slow and i am getting errors in my ubuntu session | 17:16 |
om26er | Aboba, ? | 17:16 |
Tarantulafudge | In the network manager it says the wireless network is disabled, despite the fact that I'm using it as we speak | 17:16 |
papul | jsec, i could have gave u remote view but i dont know how to configure port forwarding :( | 17:16 |
Aboba | Stack|Overflow, Then Grub will give you the option on which to boot at startup | 17:16 |
McL0VIN | Pici: Xlib: extension "Generic Event Extension" missing on display "localhost:10.0". | 17:16 |
jack5463 | coz, that's the problem i'm having | 17:17 |
Tarantulafudge | is there a way to reset the network manager? | 17:17 |
coz_ | jack5463, open a terminal and run this command * | 17:17 |
coz_ | sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/ | 17:17 |
om26er | Tarantulafudge, tried reboot? | 17:17 |
papul | bye | 17:17 |
Aboba | om26er, ? | 17:17 |
coz_ | jack5463, well that didnt help eigher | 17:17 |
om26er | Aboba, na nothing. | 17:18 |
Tarantulafudge | om26er: yep, and I know my hardware switch is on because when its off I can't connect at all | 17:18 |
jsec | papul, can you pastebin the result of "sudo find / -type d -iname *Trash* | grep Trash" for me? | 17:18 |
Tarantulafudge | the network manager just randomly stopped working | 17:18 |
Stack|Overflow | aboba...will it tell me i can boot into win7? last time 9.04 i think i could not boot into win7rc anymore | 17:18 |
conb123 | Why wont "alltray thunderbird" work as a startup command when it works perfectly from the terminal? | 17:19 |
coz_ | jack5463, ok that helped did you run that command ...remove the dvd from the drive and re insert it | 17:19 |
coz_ | jack5463, also which player are you using??/ | 17:19 |
jack5463 | I'm using Movie Player, and when i entered the code you gave me it said.. command not found | 17:20 |
om26er | conb123, how do you start it from terminal? | 17:20 |
coz_ | jack5463, did you installl ubuntu-restricted-extras | 17:21 |
jack5463 | coz, no. how do i install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 17:21 |
coz_ | jack5463, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 17:22 |
om26er | jack5463, open software center | 17:22 |
=== eaglewatch is now known as EagleWatch | ||
coz_ | jack5463, or open synatpic package manager hit search and ubuntu restricted extras | 17:22 |
knxville | Do anyone know if its possible to host a ventrilo server and be on it at the same time? | 17:22 |
ekim | what are ubuntu restricted extras? | 17:22 |
Pici | McL0VIN: I'm a bit busy here, perhaps someone else can answer, sorry. | 17:22 |
coz_ | knxville, ooo I dont know...and if no one knows off hand here try the ##linux channel :) | 17:23 |
om26er | ekim, you can say it a codec pack and someother stuff too | 17:23 |
coz_ | jack5463, after those install then run sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/ | 17:23 |
ekim | thx. | 17:23 |
McL0VIN | Pici: its ok thank you anyway for all the help you gave me | 17:23 |
jack5463 | coz, ubuntu restricted extras is loading | 17:23 |
default_u | knxville run the client and server dont think you can connect with the server, but should be able to run both at once | 17:23 |
coz_ | jack5463, remove the dvd from the drive reinsert it also do you have mplayer onboard? | 17:23 |
erUSUL | ekim: a metapackage that pulls a lot of usefull packages like codecs for media layers and firefox plugins (flah and java) | 17:23 |
ekim | ok | 17:24 |
dakira | reeeeeesty: btw.. almost no docs mention what touchpad model you have so your comment didn't help. the answer is "xinput list".. | 17:24 |
knxville | default_u, i thought that aswell! | 17:24 |
jack5463 | coz, is mplayer the same as Movie Player? I have Movie Player | 17:24 |
om26er | jack5463, movie player is Totem | 17:24 |
coz_ | jack5463, no it is a different player | 17:24 |
conb123 | om26er: Sorry I took so long, from terminal i type simply as i said "alltray thunderbird" but when i put this in startup applications it doesn't work. | 17:24 |
coz_ | jack5463, but after the restricted extras and running that command re insert the dvd and try it | 17:25 |
wish^ | so i checked out the ubuntu usb boot but it says the usbboot creator isnt included with karmic koala? | 17:25 |
wish^ | so where can i get it from? | 17:25 |
webroasters | howdy guys. Quick question. What user owns the anacron file in /etc/cron.d/ ?? | 17:26 |
=== Placebo_Effect is now known as PlaceboEffect | ||
PlaceboEffect | hey everyone | 17:26 |
bastid_raZor | wish^: system > administration > USB start up disk creator | 17:26 |
wish^ | im on windows | 17:26 |
_Bart_ | wish^, | 17:26 |
coz_ | webroasters, I believe root/user or user with root privledges you can right click the file and go to the permissions tab to check | 17:26 |
_Bart_ | wish^, source: | 17:26 |
webroasters | ah yeah, Im dumb, thx | 17:27 |
jack5463 | coz, now the dvd won't eject | 17:27 |
coz_ | jack5463, in terminal type eject -t | 17:27 |
patrickrogue | hey anyone know anything bout gpg command and error (encryption failed: unusable public key) | 17:27 |
jack5463 | coz, eject: CD-ROM tray close command failed: Input/output error | 17:28 |
knxville | Anyone got a ventrilo server I could borrow? | 17:29 |
coz_ | jack5463, mmm and the eject -t didnt work? | 17:29 |
om26er | knxville, this is a support channel not a trade center | 17:29 |
ubuntu | hi , can anyone tell how to install new login screen on ubuntu 9.10 netbook remix ' | 17:30 |
knxville | om26er, touché! :) | 17:30 |
coz_ | jack5463, ok I hate to have you do this but restart the system and come back here but eject the dvd just after you get to the desktop | 17:30 |
jack5463 | coz, that's what i got after running the eject -t command. eject: CD-ROM tray close command failed: Input/output error | 17:30 |
MissPiggy | usb creator says :( Unable to find Joliet SVD | 17:30 |
coz_ | jack5463, right go ahead and restart the system remove dvd and come back here | 17:30 |
jack5463 | coz, k | 17:30 |
Bigshot | libsplashy1_0.3.10-1_i386.deb | 17:31 |
Bigshot | splashy_0.3.10-1_i386.deb where can i get these two for x64 system karmic 9.10? | 17:31 |
fission61 | i am trying to follow these instructions but cant find liblame0 and liblame-dev do i need to modify my /etc/apt/sources.list | 17:31 |
MissPiggy | how do I make it work.. | 17:31 |
webroasters | nother' question: How can you add an entry to the anacron file (/etc/cron.d/anacron) without editing the actual file, is there a command? | 17:31 |
om26er | Bigshot, packages.ubuntu.con | 17:31 |
om26er | s/con/com | 17:31 |
Primetime | hi | 17:32 |
Bigshot | om26er, what should i type in the terminal? | 17:32 |
okc | i have downloaded a new version of mozilla firefox in .rar but i don't know how to install it. can you help me? | 17:33 |
coz_ | okc, give me the link that you downloaded from | 17:33 |
om26er | okc, use the repository instead | 17:33 |
Myrtti | okc: where do you get a version of mozilla in *rar*? | 17:33 |
webroasters | How can you add an entry to the anacron file (/etc/cron.d/anacron) without editing the actual file, is there a command? | 17:33 |
om26er | okc, which version of firefox? and which version of ubuntu are you using | 17:33 |
Primetime | sudo apt-get install firefox | 17:33 |
okc | | 17:33 |
ingebrigt | hi, i have a problem with firefox hanging in xubuntu 9.10 | 17:33 |
coz_ | okc, it is probably better ...if you are going to do this....check the new version number and google ubuntu firefox #()*@#834 | 17:34 |
okc | thanq. | 17:34 |
macman_ | can i rip a blu-ray disc with a regualr dvd drive dvd+R/Rw ? | 17:34 |
Keller | htop shows me that total amount of RAM is 2982, though i have 3072. is that normal? | 17:34 |
coz_ | okc, there may be a ppa for it but the repositories are a better option | 17:34 |
IdleOne | fission61: libtwolame0 and libtwolame0-dev might be what you need. I am not sure though | 17:34 |
Myrtti | !lastest | okc | 17:34 |
Myrtti | !latest | okc | 17:34 |
ubottu | okc: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports. | 17:34 |
AndreasS | macman_, no =( | 17:34 |
hiexpo | macman_, - no | 17:34 |
webroasters | How can you add an entry to the anacron file (/etc/cron.d/anacron) without editing the actual file, is there a command? | 17:34 |
okc | mozilla 3.6 | 17:35 |
rasstar | thinking if i should get one of those macos like panels. | 17:35 |
fission6 | trying to install the needed packages to follow this but none are found, do i have to modify my sources.list to install liblame? | 17:35 |
webroasters | A link to the answer of my question would be fine | 17:35 |
Myrtti | okc: if you look at the file very carefully, you'll notice it's not a rar file | 17:35 |
Primetime | is here a german ubuntu channel? | 17:35 |
AndreasS | okc, use a ppa instead - search i know there are several ppa's with mozilla 3.6 | 17:35 |
Myrtti | !de | Primetime | 17:36 |
ubottu | Primetime: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 17:36 |
webroasters | primetime: 1 sec, ill find the irc channel | 17:36 |
hiexpo | Myrtti, morning | 17:36 |
webroasters | oops, someone has already found it i think | 17:36 |
thefluxster | Hey everyone. Good to see an active (!holy crap!) community here on IRC for Ubuntu. First time joining the channel. | 17:36 |
FFForever | can i use my vpn without a network connect (local tether) | 17:36 |
Primetime | thank you | 17:36 |
ingebrigt | hi, i have a problem with firefox hanging in xubuntu 9.10, is this the correct channel or do I need a xubuntu spesific? | 17:36 |
webroasters | howdy | 17:36 |
coz_ | thefluxster, welcome.... | 17:36 |
pablito | chiedo aiuto chi mi può aiutare in questi problemi? | 17:36 |
thefluxster | tnx coz | 17:36 |
webroasters | How can you add an entry to the anacron file (/etc/cron.d/anacron) without editing the actual file, is there a command? A link to the answer would suffice. | 17:36 |
IdleOne | fission6: libtwolame0 and libtwolame0-dev might be what you need. I am not sure though | 17:36 |
om26er | okc, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable;sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get install firefox-3.6 | 17:36 |
webroasters | ....sigh... | 17:37 |
coz_ | ingebrigt, I am not on xubuntu so I cant check you may want to try the #xubuntu channel ? :) | 17:37 |
fission6 | IdleOne: trying to follow this but can not install everything in step 1 | 17:37 |
webroasters | later fellas | 17:37 |
jolaren | Is it possible to move "/"? I've installed it to a very small partition.. only 20 mb left on that now :( | 17:37 |
okc | i have installed ubuntu 9.04 in my system. i am not getting sound in ubuntu. what to do? | 17:37 |
pea[PC] | after installation ubuntu tells you to restart, then it crashes. after force rebooting it errors saying a peice of hardware can't be found | 17:37 |
=== FFForever is now known as FFForever-Away | ||
coz_ | jack5463, so where are we? | 17:37 |
jack5463 | coz, I'm back. rebooted. ejected dvd | 17:37 |
om26er | okc, did it do anything? | 17:38 |
IdleOne | fission6: change liblame0 and liblame-dev to libtwolame0 and libtwolame0-dev | 17:38 |
coz_ | jack5463, one thing when addressing someone here type the first 2 or 3 letters of their name and hit tab to complete it...this way they will be allerted | 17:38 |
candy | how to extract uif file? | 17:38 |
om26er | !who | jack5463 | 17:38 |
ubottu | jack5463: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 17:38 |
fission6 | IdleOne: i will try, and report back thanks! | 17:38 |
IdleOne | om26er: he did specify who :) | 17:39 |
coz_ | jack5463, ok right now go ahead and insert the dvd | 17:39 |
coz_ | jack5463, see if totem will play it | 17:39 |
=== ubuntu is now known as S3CURiTy | ||
om26er | IdleOne, ubottu makes it official | 17:39 |
om26er | :) | 17:39 |
IdleOne | lol, backward reasoning, gotta love it | 17:39 |
okc | nothing, om26er. all types of video and audio files are playing in my system. sound is not there. | 17:39 |
AndreasS | okc, type alsamixer in a terminal | 17:40 |
AndreasS | okc, see if some channels are muted, unmute them with 'm' | 17:41 |
pablito | #ubuntu -it | 17:41 |
thefluxster | Work requires Windows machines/apps. I use Ubuntu on my laptop. I usually RDP to an XP machine but recently tried RDP to a Win 7 machine instead for testing. Responsiveness was VERY slow compared to the XP machine. I was using the same Terminal Server Client settings for both, just a different IP. Any thoughts or possible solutions? I'm hoping others have seen/solved this problem... | 17:41 |
AndreasS | okc, and maybe increase volume with the up arrow | 17:41 |
IdleOne | pablito: /join #ubuntu-it | 17:41 |
okc | Andreas | 17:41 |
jack5463 | coz_, perfect! it's plays... only took two days to work that problem out. | 17:42 |
cisco | does anyone know how to get the ipodtouch to work with 9.10 i'm a noob and having problems | 17:42 |
coz_ | jack5463, very cool :) | 17:42 |
=== nicovoorberg_ is now known as HelloWorld | ||
=== HelloWorld is now known as Nico1986 | ||
pablito | grazie | 17:42 |
=== Nico1986 is now known as NicoV | ||
IdleOne | prego | 17:42 |
okc | AndreasS. i did all but in vain. are there any packages to be installed? | 17:42 |
jellow | what i do with a Subversion link? | 17:42 |
coz_ | jellow, show me the link | 17:43 |
deadrabbit | thefulxster: one problem could be the Win 7 machine running aero, which uses DirectX, could be casuing you problems. Try disabling aero effect on the windows machine and see if it helps | 17:43 |
jellow | coz_: svn co despotify | 17:43 |
coz_ | jellow, ok make sure you have subversion installed sudo apt-get install subversion | 17:43 |
thefluxster | good point. I was hoping the RDP session would turn that stuff down a bit. | 17:43 |
S3CURiTy | anyway to change the ubuntu 9.10 login screen ppl ? | 17:43 |
thefluxster | guess I can't be so expectant. :) | 17:43 |
coz_ | jellow, then open a terminal .... cd Desktop..... then put that link into the terminal and it should download the source package | 17:44 |
eventi | How can I find out when php 5.3 will be officially supported | 17:44 |
noric | command line question: > is to 2> as | is to ??? how do I pipe stderr?? | 17:44 |
suman_ | om26er, hey my partition issue and camera issue both solved | 17:45 |
cisco | okc i had same prob try this it worked for me | 17:45 |
LuuCiia | Hola! | 17:45 |
LuksPartition | LuuCiia: hola | 17:45 |
LuuCiia | Algun español? | 17:45 |
jellow | coz_: ok thanks | 17:45 |
suman_ | om26er, but there is something more grave issue'' | 17:45 |
om26er | suman_, great:) | 17:45 |
coz_ | jellow, ok | 17:45 |
LuksPartition | LuuCiia: en #ubuntu-es | 17:45 |
LuuCiia | Speak spanish? | 17:45 |
om26er | suman_, yes state it | 17:45 |
Keller | is there x64 lubuntu version? | 17:45 |
om26er | !es | LuuCiia | 17:46 |
ubottu | LuuCiia: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 17:46 |
LuksPartition | LuuCiia: si, espanol en #ubuntu-es | 17:46 |
deadrabbit | anyone here ever experienced 9.04 locking up randomly, to the point of having to press the restart button on the computer? It is very sporadic sometimes 3-4 a day sometimes nothing for days | 17:46 |
candy | how to extract uif file | 17:46 |
candy | anybody help??? | 17:46 |
LuksPartition | deadrabbit: have you tried running memtest ? | 17:46 |
eventi | How can I find out when php 5.3 will be officially supported? | 17:46 |
noric | command line question: > is to 2> as | is to ??? how do I pipe stderr?? | 17:47 |
suman_ | my keyboard is typing by itself and it hangs all the program wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww | 17:47 |
om26er | suman_, tried another keyboard? | 17:47 |
IdleOne | candy: | 17:47 |
suman_ | om26er, twhis is my lawptop | 17:48 |
eventi | noric: | 17:48 |
cisco | has anyone gotten their ipod touch to work with 9.10 | 17:48 |
om26er | suman_, when did it started happening? | 17:48 |
jMyles | I want to make a LiveCD (or USB) that installs Ubuntu and a bunch of other packages - how can I do this? | 17:48 |
* om26er thinks thats a lyrics | 17:48 | |
thefluxster | suman_ have you tried an external keyboard (USB) to see if that helps? | 17:48 |
S3CURiTy | eventi, php 5.3 is officially release | 17:49 |
thefluxster | suman: any recent beverage spills? :) | 17:49 |
suman_ | om26er, srry laptop andw it was evwe'ww | 17:49 |
noric | eventi: ty | 17:49 |
I_Am | hey there is a store that charges 40 bucks for ubuntu, is this ok? | 17:49 |
Guest64051 | :) | 17:49 |
thefluxster | I_Am: for a support contract? | 17:49 |
Guest64051 | wow i am guest | 17:49 |
LuksPartition | I_Am: what are they charging for cd-s ? | 17:50 |
j_ack | deadrabbit: laptop,Desktop? | 17:50 |
I_Am | no just to install it | 17:50 |
llutz | I_Am: why not? if they find people paying it... | 17:50 |
LuksPartition | I_Am: yea cause ubuntu is free software and they are charging a fee to install it, its a service, | 17:50 |
Guest64051 | in my opinion no because they ship ubuntu for free | 17:50 |
IdleOne | I_Am: yes. | 17:50 |
eventi | S3CURiTy - it's not in 9.10 - is it in the next release? | 17:50 |
thefluxster | I_Am: or possibly for support. | 17:50 |
I_Am | they just charge for the disk | 17:50 |
wildc4rd | evening all | 17:50 |
om26er | I_Am, if you have any problem installing ubuntu there are guides all over that internet they are easy and free | 17:50 |
suman_ | wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwi amw not ablew twow rite | 17:51 |
thefluxster | I_Am: so, basically, they can justify charging for one of the following: media, support, or services (install/configure). | 17:51 |
nh2 | I compiled compat-wireless and it does not fix my problem. How can I check which driver version the system is using? | 17:51 |
=== Mud is now known as Mud|shower | ||
suman_ | wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwplwease help this was fine till evewning | 17:51 |
I_Am | 40 bucks is a lot for a cd-r | 17:51 |
thefluxster | I_Am: for the OS itself, probably not. | 17:51 |
LuksPartition | suman_: try unsticking ur W key buddy | 17:51 |
S3CURiTy | eventi, Ubuntu will not officially adopt PHP 5.3 until April, | 17:51 |
suman_ | what is that? | 17:52 |
LuksPartition | nm | 17:52 |
deadrabbit | j_ack: it is a desktop, i am running it as a media server. i have been searching the syslog and kern.log but can not find anything | 17:52 |
suman_ | LuksPartition, what is that | 17:52 |
ekim | I_Am, sounds like the 40 bucks is for the cd and to install someone said, it is a service. | 17:52 |
spackest | I am using the ubuntu eucalyptus server and am wondering how to go get images through a proxy. I have looked and can't find the setting anywhere | 17:52 |
eventi | thanks S3CURiTy - April, right? | 17:52 |
LuksPartition | suman_: looks like you figured it out all by your self :-D | 17:53 |
suman_ | om26er, this started in eve | 17:53 |
IdleOne | suman_: seems like it is resolved now | 17:53 |
suman_ | wwno this stops and starts by itself | 17:53 |
LuksPartition | troll | 17:53 |
S3CURiTy | yeah this what i know eventi | 17:53 |
eventi | thanks S3CURiTy | 17:53 |
S3CURiTy | np | 17:53 |
suman_ | wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww | 17:54 |
suman_ | wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww | 17:54 |
=== DaZ is now known as Guest79673 | ||
FloodBot4 | suman_: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:54 |
j_ack | deadrabbit: are the hardware clean (no dust on cooler i.E.) Maybe it is a problem with temperture… | 17:54 |
om26er | suman_, its your harware problem | 17:54 |
FiremanEd | !troll > suman_ | 17:54 |
ubottu | suman_, please see my private message | 17:54 |
candy | IdleOne, thx | 17:54 |
=== jon is now known as Guest52352 | ||
nemo | FWIW, I figured out what my weird network connections were | 17:54 |
om26er | suman_, try /part | 17:54 |
IdleOne | candy: welcome :) | 17:54 |
nemo | *after* having gotten curious enough to gdb to gvfsd-http and dump all its memory :) | 17:54 |
eventi | how does one /ignore people talking to suman_ ? | 17:55 |
deadrabbit | j_ack : everything is clean, I clean out all 3 of my computers weekly. | 17:55 |
macman_ | guys how do i get a list of command from the ubottu bot ? | 17:55 |
nemo | they were to and which I had opened in GIMP when doing a quick mockup image | 17:55 |
=== root_ is now known as Guest96424 | ||
Myrtti | suman_: clean your keyboard? | 17:55 |
McL0VIN | 'firefox& will show on my x windows but it hungs as soon as it starts ....any suggestions | 17:55 |
macman_ | !helpk | 17:55 |
bastid_raZor | !factoid > macman_ | 17:55 |
macman_ | err | 17:55 |
IdleOne | !bot > macman_ | 17:55 |
ubottu | macman_, please see my private message | 17:55 |
nemo | so. apparently those connections were just left lying around. in case I needed 'em I guess | 17:55 |
spackest | anyone using uec? | 17:56 |
=== Guest79673 is now known as nyh8buc6rtf | ||
genii-around | spackest: Perhaps enquire in #ubuntu-server | 17:56 |
slickvic171 | hey anybody here know a good torrent site | 17:57 |
slickvic171 | equivalent to demonoid | 17:57 |
slickvic171 | not mininova or thepiratebay | 17:57 |
FiremanEd | !ot | 17:57 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 17:57 |
slickvic171 | cool | 17:57 |
Myrtti | !piracy | slickvic171 | 17:57 |
ubottu | slickvic171: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o | 17:57 |
slickvic171 | ok cool | 17:57 |
=== nyh8buc6rtf is now known as DaZ | ||
McL0VIN | 'firefox& will start firefox windows in my x windows, but it hung as soon as it starts ....any suggestions | 17:58 |
slickvic171 | how do i install adobe flashplayer | 17:58 |
slickvic171 | i am not too familiar with linux yet... | 17:59 |
Myrtti | slickvic171: depends on your architecture | 17:59 |
spackest | genii-around: thanks, will do | 17:59 |
genii-around | McL0VIN: firefox -safe-mode will load it minus extensions | 17:59 |
McL0VIN | it is veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy slow | 17:59 |
sharjeel | whats the difference between +x and +X for chmod? | 17:59 |
Myrtti | slickvic171: do you have 64 or 32 bit ubuntu? | 17:59 |
om26er | McL0VIN, we can read single 'y' | 17:59 |
Craig_Dem | Is there a ppa for just the kernal? | 17:59 |
slickvic171 | 32 | 17:59 |
FelipeBHZ | Any GIMP Plugin to open CMYK .psd files? | 17:59 |
sayanriju | !flash | slickvic171 | 17:59 |
ubottu | slickvic171: To install Flash see - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 17:59 |
slickvic171 | question... | 17:59 |
Myrtti | slickvic171: that ^ help page ubottu gave works fine in that case | 17:59 |
om26er | Craig_Dem, not exactly | 17:59 |
j_ack | deadrabbit: ahh ok, maybe there is a hotspot on youre mainboard. i had a same problem a year ago, so i have optimized the coolers on the board and since that time no problems… | 18:00 |
slickvic171 | i had ubuntu before, and i installed adobe flash player...but it sucks!!!! | 18:00 |
slickvic171 | is there a better program? | 18:00 |
om26er | slickvic171, no | 18:00 |
sayanriju | slickvic171, then tell that to adobe! ;-) | 18:00 |
slickvic171 | lol | 18:00 |
Craig_Dem | om26er: Yeah, I saw that, was wanting to see if it was actually a ppa. | 18:00 |
Craig_Dem | Oh well, thanks anyway. | 18:00 |
quido | i've installed tomcat6 + jakator with apache2 quite right I think but when I launch a WAR package. I get a HTTP status 500 error with security exceptions. Like | 18:01 |
Myrtti | slickvic171: there are some open source alternatives but they are somewhat restricted in their features | 18:01 |
Zerofire | I am trying to install Ubuntu on a Thinkpad T23 and I constantly get bad images for download. Does anyone know how to fix this? I want to be able to furn without errors for once. | 18:01 |
slickvic171 | o0o 4 real... | 18:01 |
slickvic171 | my next question...<i have an oqo...anybody here know how to install ubuntu or bt4 on it | 18:02 |
slickvic171 | via usb? it seems not to work for me | 18:02 |
Zerofire | I am trying to install Ubuntu on a Thinkpad T23 and I constantly get bad images for download. Does anyone know how to fix this? I want to be able to furn without errors for once. | 18:02 |
jellow | any use despotify? | 18:02 |
deadrabbit | j_ack: I thought it could have been a heat issue as well, except that sometimes it will run fine for a couple of days, then others it will lock up within 2-3 hours of being started | 18:02 |
McL0VIN | genii-around: clockx works fine and fast but firefox is very slow | 18:03 |
om26er | mouting a dvd through archive mounter dont play the media contents. is it a bug? | 18:03 |
McL0VIN | i can't even type anything | 18:03 |
Zerofire | 18:03 | |
Zerofire | I am trying to install Ubuntu on a Thinkpad T23 and I constantly get bad images for download. Does anyone know how to fix this? I want to be able to furn without errors for once. | 18:03 |
FloodBot4 | Zerofire: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 18:03 |
quido | i've installed tomcat6 + jakator with apache2 quite right I think but when I launch a WAR package. I get a HTTP status 500 error with security exceptions. Like | 18:03 |
macman_ | guys .. still can't use the bot well .. i want to find a list of dell compatable laptops | 18:04 |
genii-around | Zerofire: The images are bad because they fail their self-check when you select that at boot? Or because the md5sum doesn't match? Or the burner chokes on it? Or how is it you know/decided they are corrupt | 18:04 |
IdleOne | Zerofire: burn at slowest speed 2x or so | 18:04 |
macman_ | im on the website i don't see anything .. i type dell adn get nothing | 18:04 |
macman_ | nvm its on the wiki | 18:04 |
Zerofire | I already burn at x16 which is my default for disks even though it can go faster. Nero 8 does a validation and choughs out error after error. | 18:05 |
quido | Try a different cd-burner Zerofire or check the iso | 18:05 |
quido | some lens-cleaning cd's will help sometimes too | 18:06 |
genii-around | !md5sum | Zerofire Might want to check the Windows link here: | 18:06 |
ubottu | Zerofire Might want to check the Windows link here:: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see or | 18:06 |
McL0VIN | can someone please tell me what could be the problem here? when i run xclock& it is fast and works good, but firefox& is very very slow | 18:06 |
Zerofire | I only have a single burning drive and Nero has been reliable over the years. I see no reason why it should be bad now. I just burned another disk and it was fine. | 18:07 |
llutz | lens-cleaning cd's usually f...up the lense | 18:07 |
Roasted | nero. :( | 18:07 |
quido | Otherwise try imgburn ZeroFire | 18:07 |
Roasted | ** highly recommend imgburn over nero. | 18:07 |
sergi | hola me gustaria tunear mi ubuntu para que parezca un mac e intentado varias paginas pero no lo consigo alguien me puede ayudar | 18:07 |
Roasted | Zerofire, having issues burning a disc? (sorry I just joined the chat) | 18:07 |
Zerofire | I burned other iso and it was fine. | 18:07 |
genii-around | I think also there are some images currently which are just over a max CD iso size and require to go to DVD | 18:07 |
quido | i've installed tomcat6 + jakator with apache2 quite right I think but when I launch a WAR package. I get a HTTP status 500 error with security exceptions. Like | 18:08 |
Zerofire | I checked it was under 700mb and I use 700mb disks | 18:08 |
Roasted | Zerofire, are you burning at slowest speed? | 18:08 |
phong_ | Roasted duck? | 18:08 |
quido | lol | 18:08 |
Roasted | phong_, <3 | 18:08 |
lnx4ver | sergi did you looked on | 18:09 |
quido | Roasted chicken :P | 18:09 |
Zerofire | I am burning at x16 which is not the slowest but not the fastest either. | 18:09 |
candi | i know that on some versions of nero there is an 'enable disk overburn' setting that will help it finish a disk under some conditions | 18:09 |
suman | om26er, i am srry abt the last time can this be some virus as there are other activities | 18:09 |
log_in | i recently installed a copy of ubuntu onto my new laptop and it all works fine but if i plug in headphones it plays out of both the speakers and the headphones would this be releated to soemthing bad with my install? | 18:09 |
Roasted | Zerofire, always ALWAYS burn at slowest speed. | 18:09 |
quido | :p 2x | 18:09 |
om26er | suman, ubuntu == no virus | 18:10 |
sipior | Roasted: that's nonsense, frankly. | 18:10 |
Roasted | Zerofire, When you play a CD or DVD, your player can auto-backtrack to read any sectors it missed. When burning, it only burns in 1 straight line. If it skips, it doesn't go back. | 18:10 |
Roasted | sipior, actually, no, it's quite necessary if you want quality burns. | 18:10 |
sipior | Roasted: nonsense. | 18:10 |
candi | roasted : some disks (especially the cheapest ones) have a thinner film and actually burn better at a faster speed | 18:10 |
Roasted | candi, lol | 18:10 |
candi | ok, think what you want | 18:11 |
Roasted | sipior, if you say so. I've had more failed discs at high speed than low speed. Coincidence? Think not. | 18:11 |
macman_ | anyone using ubuntu on a dell sutido 17 inch | 18:11 |
Roasted | sipior, I encourage you to tell people on forums to burn at high speed. | 18:11 |
macman_ | s/sutido/studio | 18:11 |
om26er | macman_, whats not working? | 18:11 |
Zerofire | I will burn a copy at 8x and then tell you guys the result. | 18:12 |
Roasted | Zerofire, I suggest you do. I always burn at slowest speed, which oddly enough doesnt take that much longer anyway, but at slowest I ALWAYS get a solid burn. Ive never had a disc fail on slowest speed. Highest its much more common. | 18:12 |
deadrabbit | Burning at higher speeds can cause more problems | 18:12 |
jolaren | How do I move /usr/ to annother partition? My root partition has almost no space left. | 18:13 |
nemo | Roasted: depends on a lot of factors too :) | 18:13 |
sipior | Roasted: whilst burning at the very maximum speed may not be wise (depending upon the drive), you certainly don't need to choose the very lowest speed for a quality result. i'm not entirely sure where this sort of magical thinking comes from (the long-lost era of buffer underruns, i suppose). | 18:13 |
Roasted | nemo, no doubt. | 18:13 |
macman_ | om26er: i get my studio 17 coming in like 2 days :P ... i was wondering if hdmi works .. and how good is the battery life ? | 18:13 |
nemo | sipior: well. crap drives can still cause underruns. | 18:14 |
Zerofire | I know that on the highest sometimes there are problems thats why I default to 16x It is a sweet spot for most disks. | 18:14 |
Roasted | sipior, it's really just common logic... slower the speed, higher chance of a quality burn. It's just easier for me to preach running at slowest speed because each drive could have a different set of speeds at which to burn at. | 18:14 |
om26er | macman_, for that we have #ubuntu-offtopic | 18:14 |
JKemp | Can anyone tell me what i need to install to get Intel GFX working? | 18:14 |
Roasted | sipior, its not that I think 4x is worse than 2x, Im just saying dont burn at 22x | 18:14 |
nemo | oh well. I solved my problem. bye guys :) | 18:14 |
macman_ | om26er: why would that be off-topic ? | 18:14 |
Roasted | sipior, so its just easier as somebody trying to help another guy out to say, burn at slowest speed. an extra 20 seconds waiting for it to finish wont hurt. :P | 18:14 |
JKemp | I've already installed updates with the Intel Drivers in them. But still can't change resolution or enable effects. | 18:14 |
Zerofire | 8x is the slowest Nero will allow for my drive with a CD. | 18:15 |
wish^ | when i installed ubuntu it didnt ask me to supply a root account.. sudo passowrd | 18:15 |
okc | i am not able to open synaptic package manger in ubuntu 9.04. it is showing like this: | 18:15 |
* om26er rethinks | 18:15 | |
jolaren | is it possible to move the /usr/ I'm totally out of ideas now | 18:15 |
obaid | wish^, it wont | 18:15 |
nytek_ | jolaren: you can use the mv command via terminal | 18:15 |
wish^ | so how do i set this obaid? | 18:16 |
jolaren | nytek_; and this will work just fine later on while loading the /usr directory ? | 18:16 |
nytek_ | jolaren: what do you mean while loading | 18:16 |
obaid | sudo passwd root <password> | 18:16 |
sayanriju | wish^, ask yourself why you need a root password.... | 18:16 |
obaid | wish^, becarefull with root | 18:16 |
deadrabbit | he just wants to kill his computer faster with root thats all | 18:17 |
jolaren | nytek_; the /usr directory is in the "root" partition. If I load it over to let's say /home how would it boot the /usr files? | 18:17 |
okc | i am not able to open synaptic package manager in ubuntu 9.04. it is showing like this: E: Malformed line 57 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse) | 18:17 |
Myrtti | wish^: ubuntu isn't designed to *HAVE* root password | 18:17 |
wish^ | everytime i wanna do something on my system it asks for my root permissions | 18:17 |
okc | E: The list of sources could not be read. | 18:17 |
okc | Go to the repository dialog to correct the problem. | 18:17 |
okc | E: _cache->open() failed, please report. | 18:17 |
Myrtti | wish^: please do not set it | 18:17 |
wish^ | your kidding? | 18:17 |
obaid | u can use sudo wish^ | 18:17 |
sayanriju | !sudo | wish^ | 18:17 |
Myrtti | wish^: give it the password of the first user | 18:17 |
ubottu | wish^: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) | 18:17 |
wish^ | so it sort of defies the whole purpose and much like windows lets you work with administrative privileges | 18:18 |
wish^ | awesome | 18:18 |
Myrtti | wish^: er, no. | 18:18 |
icewaterman | re | 18:18 |
deadrabbit | nothing like the windows UAC | 18:18 |
ghigo | Buonasera a tutti | 18:18 |
wish^ | i though because of aptitude that ubuntu was similar to debian but more of a client | 18:18 |
wish^ | apparently its more like win7? | 18:18 |
Myrtti | wish^: first user has admin rights, because someone needs to have them. the following accounts it needs to be set. | 18:18 |
nytek_ | jolaren: why do you want to move it anyway? | 18:18 |
deadrabbit | ubuntu is based off of Debian | 18:18 |
obaid | !help | 18:19 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 18:19 |
jolaren | nytek_; clogged up space | 18:19 |
obaid | !cmd | 18:19 |
okc | can you help me to open synaptic package manager in ubuntu 9.04? | 18:19 |
wish^ | seems to me like a bit of a windows copy | 18:19 |
steffan | !synaptic | okc | 18:19 |
ubottu | okc: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see | 18:19 |
Myrtti | wish^: don't revert to trolling, it is so boring | 18:19 |
wish^ | revert to trolling? | 18:19 |
Myrtti | wish^: it's a design choice, made with lots of discussion and planning | 18:19 |
nytek_ | jolaren: isnt your home dir on the same hd? | 18:19 |
deadrabbit | okc: any reason you need to use the gui of synaptic and not just apt-get? | 18:19 |
=== Faint is now known as Faint` | ||
wish^ | i just installed ubuntu with intentions of using at as a workin environment for my programming needs | 18:20 |
Rabbitbunny | deadrabbit: No. | 18:20 |
Myrtti | wish^: good! now go ahead and have fun | 18:20 |
jolaren | nytek_; on annother partiton | 18:20 |
deadrabbit | rabbitbunny: No???? I am so confused now | 18:20 |
wish^ | Myrtti: is there a problem with me saying im dissapointed in the logic of it.. and that i should have read up more before choosing to use it? | 18:20 |
Rabbitbunny | wish^: Accusing the project of copying windows isn't the best way to get help and could be considered inciteful. Some concessions were made to make it work like you expect it to. | 18:21 |
Faint` | Hi. Been Googling around and am at the end of the rope here reading a horribly unhelpful manpage on xorg.conf. I am manually specifying EVERYTHING to get this monitor to work, and need help interpreting some variables that aren't explained. | 18:21 |
minimec | wish^: sudo -i will give you a root-console. With that, you don't have to type sudo all the time... | 18:21 |
Faint` | "The second section is a list of four numbers specifying the horizontal timings. These numbers are the hdisp, hsyncstart, hsyncend, and htotal values. The third section..." | 18:21 |
Faint` | "The third section," they say, as if they've explained a damn thing. FFFFffffff... | 18:21 |
okc | even i am using apt-get,it is showing as: E: Malformed line 57 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse) | 18:21 |
okc | E: The list of sources could not be read. | 18:21 |
Faint` | hdisp I'm assuming is resolution, start and end there are the freq range, but what is htotal? Anyone? | 18:21 |
wish^ | Rabbitbunny: im not accusing it of looking like windows.. im just really suprised that my normal user account has root access.. | 18:22 |
Rabbitbunny | deadrabbit: Think about gui's as putting together cammand lines for you. Sure, you can click on things and it will work, or you can type thing and control exactly what it does. Different methods, same result. | 18:22 |
nytek_ | jolaren: i dont know how that would work, sorry. most of the gui aspect of the system is based in usr | 18:22 |
sayanriju | okc, post your /etc/apt/sources.list on pastebin so others can look at it | 18:22 |
jolaren | nytek_; It's a server thought | 18:22 |
Rabbitbunny | wish^: You're a sudoer. You can fix that if you want ;) | 18:22 |
trism | wish^: a normal user account doesn't, the user account needs to be in the admin group (the first user created will be in that group) | 18:22 |
jrib | Faint`: there's always reading the source. But why are you going through this? It's usually not necessary | 18:22 |
Faint` | jrib: shitty no-name monitor brand Ubuntu doesn't know about | 18:23 |
jrib | !fixres > Faint` | 18:23 |
ubottu | Faint`, please see my private message | 18:23 |
om26er | !language | Faint` | 18:23 |
jrib | Faint`: have you seen that page? | 18:23 |
ubottu | Faint`: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 18:23 |
Myrtti | wish^: of course one has to read up before making big decisions. And while you may not agree with logic, that's how ubuntu has been designed to work. Setting a root account isn't how it's designed to work. If you set it, some consider that you've in a way "voided warranty" ;-) and give no support. There is a chance that enabling root account will break things, although minimal | 18:23 |
deadrabbit | Rabbitbunny: i know all that, i was just wondering if he needed the synaptic for something specific. If not he could just use apt-get | 18:23 |
Faint` | Okay, alright, sorry, I'm used to the Interwebs being the wild wild west as far as profanity goes. | 18:23 |
Faint` | I'll watch it. | 18:23 |
minimec | wish^: The first user is considered to be 'sudoer' by default, only the first user. | 18:23 |
nytek_ | jolaren: hmm, so what we need is to change the systems usr source directory. just to have it point to another source | 18:23 |
Faint` | jrib, have I seen what page? | 18:23 |
Rabbitbunny | deadrabbit: Nah, you never need synaptic, people just like to click. | 18:23 |
jrib | Faint`: check your private message from ubottu | 18:23 |
wish^ | right ok.. so i will never have to login as root on ubuntu to make any changes? | 18:23 |
wish^ | the root account is just deactivated? | 18:23 |
nytek_ | jolaren: sorry for the confusing statement, hopefully you get the gist | 18:24 |
=== EagleWatch is now known as eaglewatch | ||
jolaren | nytek_; something like that, i only find guides from 2003 | 18:24 |
sayanriju | wish^, you got it! | 18:24 |
deadrabbit | rabbitbunny: you don't need apt-get either, some people just don't like to compile | 18:24 |
Rabbitbunny | deadrabbit: Exactly. | 18:24 |
Faint` | jrib: I've already worked with that, what I'm trying to do now is set the resolution in xorg.conf and I just need to know what that "htotal" setting means. | 18:24 |
jolaren | nytek_; if u could come up with anythin tell me;P | 18:24 |
deadrabbit | rabbitbunny: my first distro was gentoo, i have just become lazy | 18:25 |
minimec | wish^: root is not used. You can get a console as root when booting in recovery mode. There you get access to the whole computer without a password... Yes that's true ;) ... | 18:25 |
Myrtti | minimec: which is normal to almost all distros | 18:25 |
wish^ | Ok, im sorry if i was a bit harsh on the system.. its just not what im used to from freeBSD | 18:25 |
Myrtti | minimec: which can be protected by setting a grub password | 18:25 |
sipior | Faint`: might be useful to you: | 18:25 |
Faint` | sipior: Thanks, I'll follow that. | 18:26 |
wish^ | minimec, booting my computer in recovery mode can grant someone root access to do anything they like? | 18:26 |
minimec | Myrtti: No problem with that... ;) | 18:26 |
Alberto2 | ciao | 18:26 |
Myrtti | wish^: and you can set a password to prevent unauthorized access to recovery mode | 18:26 |
minimec | wish^: Yes that is true. | 18:26 |
wish^ | but i thought you just said, dont use root | 18:26 |
wish^ | and dont set a root password | 18:27 |
Alberto2 | hello | 18:27 |
sayanriju | wish^, root password and bootloader password aren't the same | 18:27 |
wish^ | ah you mean a grub password | 18:27 |
sayanriju | yep | 18:27 |
nytek_ | jolaren: jolaren im not finding anything. its probably possible. but it would probably be along the lines of installing the entire system onto the server and than changing grub boot manager to that source | 18:27 |
berty642 | hi all, im gonna ask a real noob question, feel free to laugh. I have 6 gig of ram installed, the bios sees it and when i used windows it seen it as well, but 9.04 only sees 5.7 gig | 18:28 |
CAPcap | ive used both Gnome and KDE and im aware of Xfce. what other desktop environments are there for Linux? | 18:28 |
minimec | wish^: That is also true... ;) root exists as recovery user in recovery mode without password... ;) | 18:28 |
nytek_ | jolaren: to boot directly from the server | 18:28 |
jolaren | nytek_; what do you think about this ? | 18:28 |
wish^ | i just dont understand the logic of this, but im sure ill get used to it | 18:28 |
Myrtti | berty642: do you have 64-bit, 32-bit or 32-bit PAE? | 18:28 |
nytek_ | CAPcap: so many, openbox and flux are great for lappy';s | 18:28 |
jolaren | nytek_; text is black so you have to mark everything | 18:28 |
Zerofire | I am still getting errors on the slowest speed when I burn a disk of Ubuntu. | 18:28 |
berty642 | 64bit | 18:28 |
fccf | Where would I go to ask about Ubuntu run servers? Regarding* ... cannot find torrent for hardy desktop 8.04.4 or 8.04.3 | 18:29 |
nytek_ | jolaren: huh? | 18:29 |
Raydiation | is there any alternative to gtk-recordmydesktop | 18:29 |
Myrtti | Zerofire: and you have checked the image md5sum before burning, right? just making sure | 18:29 |
fccf | Also seeing permission denied | 18:29 |
jolaren | nytek_; found of google, some instructions.. probarly old | 18:29 |
McL0VIN | how do i close xclock& | 18:29 |
nytek_ | link me? | 18:29 |
Zerofire | I don't have software to check the md5 | 18:29 |
nytek_ | McL0VIN: run top and find the process | 18:29 |
=== deus is now known as Guest19393 | ||
Myrtti | Zerofire: if you are on ubuntu, you do. | 18:29 |
CAPcap | nyek_ is it possible to use anything other than KDE and GNOME with Ubuntu? | 18:29 |
om26er | CAPcap, lxde, and xfce | 18:30 |
McL0VIN | nytek_: so by killing it, no other option | 18:30 |
nytek_ | CAPcap: you can use any wm on ubuntu | 18:30 |
minimec | wish^: In our times, there are thousands of ways to get data... If you want to protect your computer, you would first modify your BIOS and then the boot manager grub. root without password is only third priority ;) | 18:30 |
nytek_ | CAPcap: and for the matter, on any machine running linux will run any wm | 18:30 |
Zerofire | I am burning a disk of Ubuntu. I am using Windows XP Pro to do it. | 18:30 |
om26er | !md5 | Zerofire | 18:30 |
ubottu | Zerofire: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see or | 18:30 |
=== Guest19393 is now known as D3us | ||
CAPcap | nytek_, im not looking for a window manager im looking for a desktop environment | 18:30 |
nytek_ | McL0VIN: just kill it and restart it | 18:30 |
=== D3us is now known as d3u5 | ||
wish^ | you could have just told me to write man sudo_root ;D | 18:31 |
CAPcap | om26er, thanks | 18:31 |
sayanriju | CAPcap, xfce, lxde | 18:31 |
wish^ | but thanks for the info | 18:31 |
nytek_ | CAPcap: the desktop environment is the wm | 18:31 |
Myrtti | Zerofire: | 18:31 |
hardcorE0x1a4 | hello all | 18:31 |
om26er | CAPcap, :) | 18:31 |
om26er | !hi | hardcorE0x1a4 | 18:31 |
ubottu | hardcorE0x1a4: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 18:31 |
=== Mud|shower is now known as Mud | ||
mttr | anyone using zfs | 18:32 |
hardcorE0x1a4 | I have a Realtek 8172 wireless card aka Realtek 8192se in windows and I cannot for the live of me get it to work with ubuntu 9.10 32 bit or 64 bit: is there anyone that can provide some advice? | 18:32 |
actionparsnip | Yo yo yo | 18:32 |
CAPcap | om26er, at one point i had the kde environ installed along side and i could choose at the log in screen. can i do that with the other environs as well? | 18:32 |
spwelton | ok, so I've got a quick question: I've developed an app in Quickly, and can't get it to upload to my PPA on Launchpad, it keeps complaining that i don't have a secret key, when I surely do... Any advice? | 18:32 |
nytek_ | hardcorE0x1a4: have you checked the restricted drivers? | 18:32 |
hardcorE0x1a4 | I've gone the route of ndiswrapper and I've tried the native driver from the website | 18:33 |
om26er | CAPcap, yes sure | 18:33 |
sayanriju | CAPcap, for lxde and xfce, you should | 18:33 |
Myrtti | !md5sum > Zerofire | 18:33 |
ubottu | Zerofire, please see my private message | 18:33 |
slawek | sex | 18:33 |
marcuy | when Deluge bittorrent client downloads the iplist, does it automatically start to block those ips or should we have to do it something else? | 18:33 |
h0rnman | hardcorE0x1a4, Have you made sure that you are working with the correct chipset for the driver you are trying to use? | 18:33 |
slawek | polisz | 18:33 |
actionparsnip | hardcorE0x1a4: did you check the realtek site. You may have to compile drivers | 18:33 |
CAPcap | sayanriju, om26er, I like Gnome and I didnt like KDE mostly im just new to linux and im exploring to find what i like. what would you recommend? | 18:34 |
sayanriju | CAPcap, either | 18:34 |
hardcorE0x1a4 | Yeah as far as I can tell, Realtek doesn't ack the 8172 on their website :-\ | 18:34 |
om26er | CAPcap, Gnome | 18:34 |
nytek_ | CAPcap: try xfce and look for some cool looking themes | 18:34 |
nytek_ | CAPcap: xfce is my favorite | 18:34 |
sayanriju | CAPcap, both can be made to resemble gnome, but my personal prefernces are with lxde | 18:34 |
hardcorE0x1a4 | but others have successfully gotten it to work with the 8192se drivers | 18:34 |
boxfish | Realtek issue ? | 18:35 |
CAPcap | sayanriju, well im looking at the sites and lxde looks nice. i cant find full screenshots of xfce | 18:35 |
* om26er thinks lxde need a bit more work | 18:35 | |
hardcorE0x1a4 | my system recongizes the card but the netmanager cant get the card to scan | 18:35 |
om26er | still its super fast | 18:35 |
CAPcap | om26er, what kind of work? | 18:35 |
sayanriju | om26er, lxpanle is much easier than before with gui config tools | 18:35 |
h0rnman | HA...good eye boxfish :) | 18:35 |
nytek_ | CAPcap: look on, they have a great variety of xfce screenshots | 18:35 |
deadrabbit | hardcore0x1a4 : yeah there are a lot of issues with the realtek 8172 not working, though a lot of people have gotten it to work | 18:35 |
actionparsnip | hardcorE0x1a4: then modprobe the module to see if it works. You may have to remove other modules if they are getting in the way | 18:36 |
sayanriju | CAPcap, don't worry about can make them look like anything post install | 18:36 |
hardcorE0x1a4 | boxfish: yes i lsmod and it's listed | 18:36 |
om26er | sayanriju, many papercuts in lxde cause a bit annoyance | 18:36 |
hardcorE0x1a4 | sry boxfish: I did that page | 18:36 |
sayanriju | om26er, true | 18:36 |
chun1 | Can anyone point me towards a relatively easy way to only allow certain mac addresses to connect to my ad-hoc wireless network? Slightly out of my depth. | 18:37 |
hardcorE0x1a4 | what might get in the way? | 18:37 |
CAPcap | sayanriju, to an extent. KDE was not to my liking at all | 18:37 |
actionparsnip | Capcap: lxde is slick but many new users hang with gnome til they get accustomed to the OS | 18:37 |
Faint` | Okay, anyone who cares: THIS modeline generator ACTUALLY GIVES THE RIGHT VALUES. Grr. | 18:37 |
Faint` | | 18:37 |
sayanriju | om26er, but its very promising (/me is die hard openbox fan) | 18:37 |
wish^ | thing is i cant get to /root from the command line | 18:37 |
Faint` | Think I'm sorted now. Bye all. | 18:37 |
hardcorE0x1a4 | wlan0 is listed in my network interfaces but the netmanger can't seem to get it to scan or do anything | 18:37 |
=== urlwallace is now known as urlAway | ||
wish^ | without changing all commands to sudo this and sudo tha | 18:37 |
deadrabbit | hardcoree0x1a4 : | 18:37 |
sayanriju | CAPcap, i don't like kde that much myself (/me runs for cover :P) | 18:37 |
actionparsnip | Wish^: you can use: sudo -s | 18:37 |
deadrabbit | hardcore0x1a4 : are you on a laptop? | 18:38 |
om26er | sayanriju, when I change a desktop environment and come back to gnome its the feeling of getting back home after vacations | 18:38 |
actionparsnip | Wish^: sudo is to make you run your system more securely | 18:38 |
McL0VIN | how can i start firefox& in safe mode from shell | 18:38 |
hardcorE0x1a4 | yeah | 18:38 |
think43 | I am downloading Ubuntu, but I cant find it, what desktop comes with the ubuntu cd? | 18:38 |
hardcorE0x1a4 | deadrabit: yeah | 18:38 |
deadrabbit | hardcore0x1a4 : is the wireless turned on? | 18:38 |
sayanriju | om26er, same here, and that's why /me made openbox+lxpanel+pcmanfm to clone the gnome look! | 18:38 |
actionparsnip | Think43: gnome | 18:38 |
hardcorE0x1a4 | yeah the light is on | 18:39 |
CAPcap | sayanriju, i know some people like it because it "resembles windows" but in my opinion its not like windows. id know i just switched from using windows my whole life. i find gnome easier to navigate | 18:39 |
nagylaszlo | hi | 18:39 |
_Tristan | where can I download the "human" theme? | 18:39 |
d3u5 | bye | 18:39 |
think43 | actionparsnip, thanks, well, what about kubuntu, what version of kde comes with it? | 18:39 |
actionparsnip | Think43: kubuntu comes with kde. Xubuntu comes with xfce. Lubuntu comes with lxde | 18:39 |
deadrabbit | hardcore0x1a4 : did you add the ndiswrapper to /etc/modules and try a restart? | 18:39 |
rug | sayanriju: What do you like about Openbox more then Fluxbox? | 18:39 |
sayanriju | _Tristan, tried gnome-look? | 18:39 |
=== rug is now known as Rug | ||
think43 | actionparsnip, is kubuntu got kde 4 or 3? | 18:39 |
nytek_ | Rug: flux! | 18:39 |
axz | could someone pls explain me this error while installing ATI radeon drivers,,, | 18:39 |
hardcorE0x1a4 | deadrabbit: I did ndiswrapper with the win2k driver. I used ndisgtk would that be the same? | 18:40 |
sayanriju | rug, the few less calories (megs)! ;-) | 18:40 |
Rug | sayanriju: ok | 18:40 |
CAPcap | om26er, sayanriju, KDE seems cluttered and disorganized to me... i guess it is like windows. anyways how do i go about installing lxde alongside gnome so i can choose it when i log in. im running karmic | 18:40 |
sayanriju | ruffus910, but seriously, fb is great too , esp. in terms of looks! | 18:40 |
actionparsnip | _Tristan: try: apt-cache search human | grep -I theme | 18:40 |
holy | Why ubuntu can not work on a computer with limited RAM size where one another popular system works just fine? Should i download and use Ubuintu 6.10 in this case or there's a way to use any modern version of Ubuntu? | 18:40 |
think43 | oh, yep its kde 4, cool | 18:40 |
Rug | sayanriju: does openbox have a good tileing (sp?) manager? | 18:40 |
coz_ | sayanriju, sudo apt-get install lxde | 18:40 |
hardcorE0x1a4 | deadrabbit: and it said hardware present and working but still the same problem as the native driver | 18:40 |
coz_ | sayanriju, then log out and choose the lxde session | 18:40 |
sayanriju | Rug, /me don't like tiling | 18:41 |
actionparsnip | sayanriju: fluxbox also has killer hotkey support ;) | 18:41 |
think43 | so why would anyone want any of the others, cause kde is the most latest desktop software available | 18:41 |
sayanriju | coz_, redirect your answer to CAPcap :P | 18:41 |
deadrabbit | hardcore0x1a4 : ndisgtk is just a gui frontend for ndiswrapper. What laptop do you have and does it have bluetooth? | 18:41 |
coz_ | sayanriju, oh it wasnt you? sorry | 18:41 |
Rug | I wish I could get Flux + OPTIONAL tiling | 18:41 |
coz_ | CAPcap, sudo apt-ge | 18:41 |
Zerofire | I just did a MD5 checksum comparision and it is a match for the iso. | 18:41 |
actionparsnip | Think43: how is it latest? And why does latest determine quality? | 18:41 |
coz_ | CAPcap, sudo apt-get install lxde then log out and choose the lxde session | 18:41 |
CAPcap | i saw, thanks coz_ | 18:41 |
hardcorE0x1a4 | deadrabbit: it's Toshiba A505-S6033 and no it doesn't have bluetooth :-( | 18:41 |
coz_ | :) | 18:42 |
sayanriju | actionparsnip, hotkeys? OB has them too! Just edit the rc.xml! | 18:42 |
tasslehoff | Nautilus is nice enough to mount my Macintosh HD-partition if I click it, but I want it to happen automatically at login. Does this still mean editing /etc/fstab, or is there another way? | 18:42 |
CAPcap | coz_, that goes beside right? i'll still have gnome yeah? | 18:42 |
Slart | tasslehoff: I think you'll have to include it in your fstab | 18:42 |
actionparsnip | Sayanriju: virtual F-key ftw | 18:42 |
think43 | actionparsnip, true, but if you wanted flashy eye candy, then kubuntu is the way to go eh? | 18:42 |
coz_ | CAPcap, yep you just choose which session while you are on the login screen | 18:42 |
vlady | ciao | 18:42 |
actionparsnip | !fstab | tasslehoff | 18:42 |
ubottu | tasslehoff: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and and !Partitions | 18:42 |
Rug | keystroke saver: add this to your .bashrc alias ac='apt cache search' and alias ag='apt-get install' | 18:42 |
vlady | !list | 18:43 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 18:43 |
coz_ | CAPcap, lxde is very very fast not quite up to par | 18:43 |
coz_ | it gnome | 18:43 |
think43 | gnome, look same since years | 18:43 |
CAPcap | coz_, sweet. just like i did with kde. is it possible to uninstall these later? | 18:43 |
coz_ | CAPcap, with gnome | 18:43 |
sayanriju | Rug, have you tried awesome3? | 18:43 |
think43 | but kde is changed so much | 18:43 |
h0rnman | tasslehoff, fstab would be the way to go | 18:43 |
tasslehoff | Slart: ok. is there a way to find out how nautilus has mounted it? | 18:43 |
coz_ | CAPcap, yep just sudo apt-get autoremove lxde | 18:43 |
Rug | sayanriju: no, what is it? | 18:43 |
actionparsnip | Think43: you can skin gnome so that fact is moot | 18:43 |
Zerofire | I am having problems burning a ubuntu disk and the iso MD5 checksum is valid. | 18:43 |
Slart | tasslehoff: try having it mounted automagically.. then type this in a terminal "cat /etc/mtab" | 18:43 |
actionparsnip | Zerofire: burn it as slowly as possible | 18:43 |
Rug | tasslehoff: You must be a DL fan | 18:44 |
coz_ | CAPcap, lxde will take a day to get used to is similar to xfce in ways | 18:44 |
CAPcap | if i wanted to put kde or xfce id do the same thing but put in one of those instead of lxde right? | 18:44 |
deadrabbit | hardcore0x1a4 : have you tried shutting off the wireless then starting it again? | 18:44 |
Zerofire | I already burn it at 8x wich is the slowest speed. | 18:44 |
Slart | tasslehoff: it should print out the currently mounted filesystems.. hopefully it will be included in that list | 18:44 |
actionparsnip | Capcap: yes | 18:44 |
sayanriju | Rug, a tiling WM. never used it, but folks at #arch claim its truly awesome. | 18:44 |
coz_ | CAPcap, no to get rid of kde sudo apt-get autoremove kubuntu-desktop | 18:44 |
actionparsnip | Zerofire: try a different burning app | 18:44 |
think43 | actionparsnip, hmmm, I didn't know that, I will play with that as soon as I finish installing kubuntu, and I get a good macosx style dock, Any recommendations, which is bes to use | 18:44 |
CAPcap | coz_ i meant for installing | 18:44 |
tasslehoff | Rug: not hardcore fan, but read some books a while ago :) | 18:44 |
Rug | sayanriju: =) So Awesome is Awesome? | 18:44 |
coz_ | CAPcap, installing kde? | 18:44 |
hardcorE0x1a4 | deadrabbit: I don't believe so. I have fn keys that don't seem to work in ubuntu, but I also have a hardware switch for the wireless. Do you think that may work? | 18:44 |
sayanriju | Rug, so they say! :D | 18:45 |
coz_ | CAPcap, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 18:45 |
CAPcap | coz_, yes and xfce | 18:45 |
actionparsnip | Coz_: that only removes the metapackage dude | 18:45 |
coz_ | CAPcap, sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 18:45 |
actionparsnip | !puregnome | capcap | 18:45 |
ubottu | capcap: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal | 18:45 |
Zerofire | I already tried a diffrent iso and it worked. I do not see a problem with Nero 8 | 18:45 |
Rug | I'll hop into #arch and chat | 18:45 |
tasslehoff | Slart: thanks. it's in the link you/ubottu gave me as well I see | 18:45 |
hardcorE0x1a4 | deadrabbit: When I did the native install I tryed ./wlan0up and down then back up again and that didn't produce any good results | 18:45 |
coz_ | actionparsnip, yep sorry about that | 18:45 |
Slart | tasslehoff: you're welcome | 18:45 |
resno | looking for a bit of help getting wireless nic setup. | 18:45 |
actionparsnip | Think43 you can skin both gnome and kde to look like macOs including a dockbar. | 18:46 |
coz_ | break time be back later | 18:46 |
deadrabbit | hardcoree0x1a4 : do an ifconfig real quick it should see a wlan0 on there as well | 18:46 |
sayanriju | Rug, the channel is #archlinux, and i was not referring to the currently going chat there | 18:46 |
Zerofire | I already tried a diffrent iso and it worked. I do not see a problem with Nero 8 | 18:46 |
actionparsnip | Coz_: got your back dude ;) | 18:46 |
CAPcap | actionparsnip, were his directions correct for installing those though, and for uninstalling lxde? | 18:46 |
hardcorE0x1a4 | deadrabbit: yes it is | 18:46 |
Rug | sayanriju: thanks | 18:46 |
think43 | actionparsnip, how do I do it, apt-get install skins-what-name? This is my first ubuntu install in my life | 18:47 |
deadrabbit | hardcoree0x1a4 : so the interface is there, just it does not see anything with the network manager? | 18:47 |
Zerofire | I already tried a diffrent iso and it worked. I do not see a problem with Nero 8 | 18:47 |
hardcorE0x1a4 | deadrabbit: correct | 18:47 |
actionparsnip | Think43: there are guides and projects all over the web. You will find them very easily | 18:47 |
deadrabbit | hardcoree0x1a4 : try shutting off the wireless then doing a restart and turn it back on | 18:47 |
think43 | actionparsnip, what are you running? | 18:48 |
actionparsnip | Capcap: if you uninstall the lxde package then run sudo apt-get autoremove | 18:48 |
hardcorE0x1a4 | ok I'll brb I'm workin on the machine | 18:48 |
actionparsnip | Capcap it will remove lxde fully | 18:48 |
=== root is now known as Guest67029 | ||
Zerofire | I already tried a diffrent iso and it worked. I do not see a problem with Nero 8 | 18:48 |
think43 | man sudu, what is this sudu business | 18:48 |
CAPcap | and to install kde i sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ? | 18:48 |
actionparsnip | Zerofire: I suggest you ask in ##windows if nero is giving you grief | 18:49 |
sayanriju | Zerofire, probably the prob was with the 1st iso, which was corrupt? did u md5sum check as suggested? | 18:49 |
jolaren | nytek_; I think I've found a solution. If it works this boot will go fine, heh.. | 18:49 |
Zerofire | yes I did a MD5 checksum and it was a match. | 18:49 |
CAPcap | think43, sudo runs things as root | 18:49 |
vianocturna85 | hello my ubuntu friends, wonder if anyone can shed some light for uni we use EAP-TTLS connection, and when i use any mail client for my gmail imap, it wont connect and that imap problem or evolution etc? | 18:50 |
think43 | so you dont have to su login, you just type sudo, do you ever have to go su then+ | 18:50 |
actionparsnip | hardcorE0x1a4: does: sudo iwlist scan | 18:50 |
actionparsnip | hardcorE0x1a4: show APs? | 18:50 |
CAPcap | actionparsnip, to install KDE i put in sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop right? | 18:51 |
=== urlAway is now known as urlwallace | ||
actionparsnip | Think43: right now. Lxde on my laptop. This is my G1 phone I'm talking to you on | 18:51 |
actionparsnip | Think43: it's sudo not sudu | 18:52 |
hink | I have a Ubuntu Server virtual machine running on VMWare ESX.... i deleted two NICs and added two additional NICs and now they show as eth2 and eth3 even though eth0 and eth1 do not exist | 18:52 |
think43 | actionparsnip, what a gi phone | 18:52 |
hink | how do i make the two nics show as eth0 and eth1 | 18:52 |
sburwood | where do I go to get help with a word processor that I can't open? | 18:52 |
think43 | actionparsnip, do you have any flashy eye candy on lxde? | 18:52 |
actionparsnip | Think43: use sudo -s and not su | 18:52 |
actionparsnip | Think43: I don't even use desktop wallpaper so no | 18:53 |
abx | what is the basic difference between sudo and su? | 18:53 |
m3rc | I'm having trouble setting up new pci nic. ubuntu recognizes it but when I run dhclient my sniffer on the router doesn't pick up any packets. What's wrong? | 18:53 |
actionparsnip | Think43: googles android phone | 18:53 |
m3rc | Ifconfig shows no rx or tx packets for the nic | 18:53 |
AndreasS | abx, su makes you root, sudo makes you perform a command as root | 18:53 |
think43 | actionparsnip, well, I am still waiting for kubuntu download, should be another 30mins, so I will be back here with kubuntu in about an 1.5hrs | 18:53 |
abx | thanks! | 18:53 |
think43 | actionparsnip, I don't think they have that in Canada yet, are you in US? | 18:53 |
sayanriju | think43, nothing flashy, but xcompmgr+transset is kewl | 18:53 |
Turbolinux | Hello everyone. I need help urgently. Windows got damaged when I was installing an Anti-Virus program. I need to rescue datas from hard disk. | 18:53 |
think43 | sayanriju, let me google that, brbr | 18:54 |
sburwood | where can I find someone to help me open a *.doc file? | 18:54 |
actionparsnip | Think43: UK. The phone has been out about a year iirc | 18:54 |
xangua | Turbolinux: this is #ubuntu, not #windows | 18:54 |
artur__ | omfg | 18:54 |
actionparsnip | Sburwood: use openoffice | 18:54 |
xangua | sburwood: you can open .doc with openoffice writer, abiword, koffice | 18:54 |
tony32 | it just felt awkward with my sister | 18:54 |
AndreasS | Turbolinux, install linux on a partition and rescue the files to the linux partition and then delete the windows partition and use linux :) | 18:54 |
tony32 | sorry, wrong tab | 18:55 |
sburwood | xangua: I've tried openoffice 3.1 and abiword | 18:55 |
vianocturna85 | anyone know if evolution hangs due to imap or due to connection type when on a TTLS connection? | 18:55 |
sburwood | xangua: It tells me that the file is a binary file | 18:55 |
tony32 | btw, anyone know how to change clipboard options? | 18:55 |
sayanriju | tony32, get a clipboard manager | 18:55 |
Turbolinux | Sorry, I couldn't finish my sentences. I am trying to rescue data with Ubuntu. What can I do? | 18:56 |
think43 | The main thing I am lookng for is a macosx style dock that works good, I guess its fine on Lenny, but squeeze isn't acting wierd. I am gonna give it a try with Kunbunu now | 18:56 |
xangua | sburwood: then maybe is a windows virus | 18:56 |
sayanriju | Turbolinux, is your window partition intact (as in unformatted)? | 18:56 |
sburwood | But my son, who got it from a friend, is able to open it with XP. I use 9.10. | 18:56 |
tony32 | sayanriju: ok, got klipper now. i just want it to paste between closed windows. also, paste and go in firefox is one behind when pasting | 18:57 |
sburwood | xangua: My son, who got it from a friend, can open it with MS Office | 18:57 |
sburwood | in XP | 18:57 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | deadrabbit: hey man, no luck :( | 18:58 |
Turbolinux | No. It's NTFS formatted but GParted and disk properties tool tells me there is no data on hard disk. What must I do for rescue datas. | 18:58 |
deadrabbit | hardcore0x1a4 : sudo iwlist scan <-- try that | 18:58 |
sburwood | xangua: But I have Windows 7 on another computer, and notepad can open it | 18:58 |
CAPcap | T_T KDE install SOOOOOOOOOO slow | 18:59 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | no scan results was the output | 18:59 |
CAPcap | lxde installed in like 30 seconds | 18:59 |
sburwood | xangua: of course, there are photos in the word processor document | 18:59 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | but I know there are atleast 3 networks avail | 18:59 |
vincent_ | a klkun | 19:00 |
CAPcap | sburwood, why not open it on another computer change it to a .rtf and then try it again? | 19:00 |
Zerofire | sayanriju check your PM's | 19:00 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | deadrabbit: wlan0 no scan results | 19:00 |
actionparsnip | Yo yo yo | 19:00 |
zavulon | ulon | 19:00 |
Turbolinux | Help me please. I need to solve this problem now. | 19:00 |
h0rnman | hrdcore0x1a4, can you connect wirelessly on another machine? | 19:01 |
obaid | what problem | 19:01 |
deadrabbit | hardcore0x1a4 : hmmm that should have given you something if it was working | 19:01 |
aljoscha | hi, how can i get a boot splash and grub2 configuration like this examples: ... I have karmic and it still starts with the grubmenu -> usplash (glowing ubuntu logo in the middle) -> xsplash (short) -> gdm -> xsplash again -> desktop | 19:01 |
actionparsnip | Turbolinux: wassup? | 19:01 |
rollover2k | i wanna configure my desktop.. ive seen some awesome desktops, that have bars that show load and disk space and other things.. what do i need to do this? | 19:01 |
sayanriju | Turbolinux, you using a live cd? | 19:01 |
sburwood | CAPcap: I would like to know if it could be an Apple file that works on an XP computer, but nowhere else? | 19:01 |
arand | rollover2k: Likely done using "conky". | 19:01 |
Zorael | Is there any way to list what installed packages no longer exist in any enabled repos? | 19:01 |
mkanyicy | hi | 19:01 |
CAPcap | sburwood, no idea. | 19:02 |
sburwood | CAPcap: can I send it to you and ask you to try to change it? | 19:02 |
rollover2k | conky you say? | 19:02 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | deadrabbit: ya I know thats whr I'm stuck lol. The comp recongizes it but doesn't use it | 19:02 |
sayanriju | Turbolinux, have you seen this page: | 19:02 |
Turbolinux | Windows got damaged when I was installing an Anti-Virus program. I need to rescue datas from hard disk. Now I must rescue datas from hard disk with Ubuntu. | 19:02 |
CAPcap | sburwood, sure i guess | 19:02 |
actionparsnip | Zorael: with a very complex script you could. I'd as in #bash | 19:02 |
Zorael | actionparsnip: Right, thanks | 19:03 |
Turbolinux | Thank you, sayanriju. | 19:03 |
mkanyicy | I installed kde to my HP Laptop now the font-size of applications are too big like it has been magnified, this does not happen in gnom, how can i fix this? | 19:03 |
nytek_ | where would i post a tutorial for my netbook for other people to have some sort of reference to it. | 19:03 |
nytek_ | ? | 19:03 |
CAPcap | sburwood, see pm for email | 19:03 |
xangua | mkanyicy: open kde font settings | 19:03 |
actionparsnip | Turbolinux: windows partitions are mountable from liveCd under places menu in the top bar | 19:03 |
deadrabbit | hrdcore0x1a4 : give a bit of time i wanna google a few options | 19:03 |
sayanriju | Turbolinux, testdisk has saved my a*** a few times | 19:03 |
snowborder | !lista | 19:03 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 19:03 |
actionparsnip | Nytek: ubuntuforums =D | 19:03 |
snowborder | !bot | 19:03 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 19:04 |
snowborder | !lista | 19:04 |
nytek_ | actionparsnip: which one, thought? | 19:04 |
nytek_ | though* | 19:04 |
actionparsnip | Nytek: awesome to share dude. I'm sure you'll get a number of users fixed with it which is awesome | 19:04 |
actionparsnip | Nytek_: which one what? | 19:04 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | Anybody know why wlan0 wouldn't be able to scan? | 19:04 |
alex_mayorga | hello! Anything I can add to the panel and see how much stuff I've down/uploaded? | 19:04 |
nytek_ | actionparsnip: which one of the forums? | 19:04 |
nytek_ | actionparsnip: which part, i guess. | 19:05 |
actionparsnip | Nytek_: | 19:05 |
abx | Is it possible to get a Live CD of Ubunut 9.10 from the official website? | 19:05 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | Or why USB ports refuse connections in ubuntu? | 19:05 |
snowborder | !lista | 19:05 |
abx | or is the same ISO installation CD? | 19:05 |
actionparsnip | Nytek_: your choice | 19:05 |
nytek_ | actionparsnip: in hardware and laptops? (for my netbook) | 19:05 |
sburwood | CAPcap: Good luck, it's off | 19:05 |
mkanyicy | xangua, I cannot even see anything when I open system settings. the word 'configure' fills the whole monitor | 19:05 |
brand0n | alex_mayorga, try conky, it wont add it to the task bar but it can easily show you stats like that | 19:05 |
rollover2k | is safari not in aptitude? | 19:05 |
snowborder | ciao sapete come si fa a scaricare? io metto !lista ma nn mi dice nulla | 19:05 |
sburwood | CAPcap: and it's in French | 19:05 |
actionparsnip | Nytek_: if you think it is most accurate then yes | 19:05 |
sburwood | CAPcap: thx in advance | 19:06 |
abx | snowborder, prego in inglese... | 19:06 |
nytek_ | actionparsnip: or installation and upgrade? im thinking that would be better. | 19:06 |
=== koke is now known as kokep | ||
actionparsnip | Rollover2k: safari is a mac program. Not sure if its opensource or not | 19:06 |
alex_mayorga | brand0n, thanks! I'll check it out | 19:06 |
actionparsnip | Nytek_: you call dude :) | 19:06 |
alex_mayorga | !conky | 19:06 |
rollover2k | what other web browsers are available? | 19:06 |
nytek_ | actionparsnip: cool, thanks for the direction | 19:07 |
deadrabbit | hrdcore0x1a4 :, this is a linux driver from realtek | 19:07 |
actionparsnip | Abx: the desktop iso is the live iso. The alternate installs in a text environment and has no live desktop option | 19:07 |
brand0n | alex_mayorga, sudo apt-get install conky-all | 19:07 |
deadrabbit | hrdcore0x1a4 : just do a standard make, make install and it should work after a restart | 19:08 |
abx | thanks! | 19:08 |
actionparsnip | !browser | rollover2k | 19:08 |
ubottu | rollover2k: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary) | 19:08 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | deadrabbit: I've installed that one and 2 other versions from December of 09 | 19:08 |
brand0n | ubottu forgot chrome | 19:08 |
actionparsnip | Rollover2k: there is also chrome and chromium via ppa | 19:08 |
alex_mayorga | brand0n, I "asked" aptitude and it says something about the package being "transitional" | 19:08 |
xangua | brand0n: chromium :) | 19:08 |
actionparsnip | Brand0n: and chromium ;) | 19:08 |
Myrtti | brand0n: which probably hasn't been officially packaged for any versions of Ubuntu | 19:09 |
Elena | hELLO | 19:09 |
brand0n | idk anything about that, alex_mayorga | 19:09 |
Elena | HELLO | 19:09 |
Myrtti | brand0n: and as such isn't included | 19:09 |
brand0n | but thats what i installed | 19:09 |
actionparsnip | Brandon: and arora :) | 19:09 |
chun1 | How can I view all of the computers connected to an ad-hoc wireless network? | 19:09 |
actionparsnip | Chun1: use nmap | 19:09 |
deadrabbit | hrdcore0x1a4 : most people have reported that everything worked after using that. so I am not sure what else to do, sorry. | 19:10 |
Pici | snowborder: What are you trying to download? | 19:10 |
alex_mayorga | brand0n, thanks anyway | 19:10 |
deadrabbit | hrdcore0x1a4 : i think your computer just doesn't like you right now | 19:10 |
brand0n | thats the right package | 19:10 |
brand0n | just install it | 19:10 |
brand0n | and do conky in terminal | 19:10 |
CAPcap | sburwood, im not having any luck either and ive tried several methods. you say your son can open it in win xp? | 19:10 |
brand0n | gives you a generic setup | 19:10 |
actionparsnip | hrdcore0x1a4: have you tried using a wired connection to get fully updated. The newer kernel may make the wifi act better | 19:11 |
macman_ | anyone having issues with ubuntu diming the screen even if you turn off power managemnt stuff | 19:11 |
sburwood | CAPcap: yes, he goes to a cybercafe. I am just interested what format this thing is. Is it something created by Apple? | 19:11 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | no I can try that tho thx for the tip :-D | 19:12 |
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* dinis re | 19:12 | |
* dinis re | 19:12 | |
deadrabbit | hrdcore0x1a4 : have you tried installing the module manually? | 19:12 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | deadrabbit: thx for your help too man. This has been a 2 days long headache and i may end up taking the laptop back | 19:12 |
jolaren | I installed a dualboot in my stationary computer, now the ubuntu boot is gone.. only the windows7 is still there.. can I remove ubuntu somhow? | 19:12 |
actionparsnip | Macman_: you need to tell the screensaver to not dim the screen maybe. | 19:12 |
CAPcap | sburwood, i dont know if its created by apple. why would it be? | 19:12 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | deadrabbit: What do u mean manually? | 19:12 |
actionparsnip | !grub2 | jolaren | 19:13 |
ubottu | jolaren: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 19:13 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | deadrabbit: is that method 2 in the readme for the linux driver? | 19:13 |
actionparsnip | Jolaren: installing ubuntu 2nd is advised | 19:13 |
sburwood | CAPcap: I don't know what the friend uses. Does he have a Mac? I can't tell. Thx for having tried to open it | 19:13 |
webroasters | hi, are there required packages for use with .bin files? | 19:13 |
deadrabbit | hrdcore0x1a4 : manually copying the rtl8172se_pci.ko into the /lib/modules/2.6.31-14-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/ | 19:13 |
jolaren | actionparsnip; windows was installed first.. then ubuntu.. now the grub post for ubuntu has dissapeared. I'd like to remove ubuntu to install mythubunt | 19:14 |
actionparsnip | Webroasters: its a program. Mark it as executable and launch it in a terminal | 19:14 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | deadrabbit: I'll give it a try. What do I do after that? | 19:14 |
deadrabbit | hrdcore0x1a4 : Copy rtl8192se firmware folder to /lib/firmware/`uname -r` | 19:14 |
webroasters | I tried that, but it says this: | 19:14 |
webroasters | ./RealPlayer10.bin: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 19:14 |
sburwood | CAPcap: I'm going to watch the TV. Bye. | 19:14 |
actionparsnip | Jolaren: install the mythbuntu packages from the repo then. Its not a seperate OS | 19:14 |
macman_ | actionparsnip: dim diplay when idle is unchecked | 19:15 |
sburwood | CAPcap: and again, thx | 19:15 |
eisenheim | ./j #backtrack-linux | 19:15 |
actionparsnip | Webroasters: then you need to satisfy that dependancy. | 19:15 |
webroasters | ok thanks | 19:15 |
actionparsnip | !realplayer | webroasters | 19:15 |
ubottu | webroasters: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 19:15 |
webroasters | i think i understand | 19:15 |
jolaren | actionparsnip; I know it isn't but installing the repos gives alot of problems with nvidia drivers.. just installing the live cd with mythbuntu solves that | 19:16 |
razertek | why would ubuntu slow down my internet browsing but yet my up and down speeds are normal? | 19:16 |
deadrabbit | hrdcore0x1a4 : do a "depmod -a", then "modprobe rtl8192se_pci" | 19:16 |
webroasters | thx ubottu, actionparsnip, I dont understand | 19:16 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | deadrabbit: giveme 1 sec to copy that over | 19:16 |
jolaren | So basicly I can't remove the ubuntu partition? | 19:16 |
Rorgo | is there any way to use a wildcard in the search order in resolv.conf? | 19:16 |
deadrabbit | hrdcore0x1a4 : if it still does not work after that then, realtek sucks | 19:16 |
Rorgo | like, * doesn't seem to work | 19:16 |
McL0VIN | My srvr is located at my friend house miles away...i am at work using suck balls (M$ box) that our lovely people blocks everything on the net.....i used hummingbird exceed trying to get firefox windows. using firefox& i get the FF window but it is very slow can someone please suggest what could be wrong! | 19:16 |
actionparsnip | Webroaster: if you have libstdc++ of a later version, you can symlink to the file it expects to keep it happy | 19:17 |
webroasters | oh ok | 19:17 |
webroasters | thanks again guys | 19:17 |
razertek | actionparsnip: may i ask what you browse the net said the other day you ditched firefox? | 19:17 |
geodesica | my kid hit some keys and now I'm in high contrast, how do i turn off? | 19:18 |
actionparsnip | Razertek: try different dns servers, or install a local one like dnsmasq. There are guides for it online | 19:18 |
rmt | I seem to be having the same issue as the chap here: - Something in the GDM process is setting the resolution to be suboptimal. | 19:18 |
abx | I have a conf file for a network printer. I added that to the /etc/cups directory. How can I now install it so that the printer is recognized? | 19:18 |
andrew_ | hello all, im trying to find the location of the images for the different checkbox states. any chance anyone could point me in the right direction? | 19:18 |
actionparsnip | Razertek: chromium and arora | 19:18 |
evon | hello. how can i get windows to see a ntfs partition mounted in linux? | 19:18 |
oLd | :) | 19:18 |
l337ingDisorder | Does anyone know how to list all files in a directory that have a CREATION date older than X days? (I know I can use the `find` command to list files with MODIFICATION and ACCESS dates older than X days but I specifically need CREATION date). Thanks if anyone can help :) | 19:18 |
antonius | ubuntu one vs dropbox?? is there a REAL difference? | 19:19 |
blacktooth | Any one succesful using samsung camcorder on ubuntu? | 19:19 |
actionparsnip | Ot | Antonius | 19:19 |
xangua | antonius: dropbox works for linux, mac and windows | 19:19 |
razertek | actionparsnip: i have a feeling it is ubuntu and not my network setup nor the browsers... | 19:19 |
actionparsnip | !ot | antonius | 19:19 |
ubottu | antonius: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 19:19 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | deadrabbit: when i did modprove rtl8192se_pci it said it wasn't found? | 19:19 |
Talon_ | is there a similar terminal for gnome as konsole? I miss always having that tab bar and one click new tab. | 19:20 |
actionparsnip | Razertek: worth a try. Dnsmasq will speed up all webbrowsing | 19:20 |
deadrabbit | hrdcore0x1a4 : did you download and unzip that file i linked you? | 19:20 |
rmt | With a login script and xrandr, I can change the resolution back to 1920x1080, but I'd love to track down what changes it in the gdm process. X by itself starts up with the correct mode. | 19:20 |
actionparsnip | Talon: tilda or guake | 19:20 |
antonius | xangua: thx...i'll be sticking to dropbox then....also, actionparsnip...can't imagine how that's off topic, but anyways. good for you lol | 19:20 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | deadrabbit: I used a more recent version but I believe it would be the same? | 19:20 |
actionparsnip | Antonius: this is ubuntu support only | 19:21 |
hellyeah | what is thesis dedication | 19:21 |
razertek | actionparsnip: k i will research dnsmasq..ty | 19:21 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | deadrabbit: I used rtl8192se_linux_2.6.0010.1211.2009 | 19:21 |
antonius | and ubuntu one is a default feature of ubuntu..thank you | 19:21 |
PauloR | hi people | 19:21 |
xangua | antonius: ant ubuntu-one........just for ubuntu :S | 19:21 |
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midnighthacker | #hvr | 19:21 |
nunatak | hello. For a new hardware-configuration I want to use a radeon hd 5450? do it works without problems with ubuntu? | 19:21 |
actionparsnip | Antonius; ubuntu related questions not relating to problems with ubuntu are to be discussed in offtopic | 19:21 |
midnighthacker | #j #hvr | 19:21 |
actionparsnip | Antonius: so good for you say | 19:21 |
deadrabbit | hrdcore0x1a4 : did the .ko file and the fireware folder get copied correctly? | 19:22 |
evon | hello. how can i get windows to see a ntfs partition mounted in linux? | 19:22 |
ithingLinux | is there any way that I can connect trough my mobile broadband connection with 3g / UTMS | 19:23 |
usser | rmt, there was a bug in xorg a while ago when gdm picked the first res mode that was specified in xorg.conf, try creating an xorg file with 1920x1080 as the first and only available resolution | 19:23 |
chrisloukas | hi | 19:23 |
ithingLinux | it connects with GSM | 19:23 |
actionparsnip | Nunatak: I suggest you go to and attempt to download the driver. If its there then you will have no issue | 19:23 |
macman_ | anyone have any other ideas on fixing my dim issue on ubuntu | 19:23 |
hanophix33 | I cant download and install Samba since its giving me a 404 error via synaptic | 19:23 |
Turbolinux | I installed a program which named ''gddrescue''. I am running it on command line client now but what command is needed for rescue data from hard disk? | 19:24 |
usser | nunatak, get an nvidia card | 19:24 |
usser | hanophix33, run sudo apt-get update | 19:24 |
Talon_ | hah, guake doesnt work | 19:24 |
alfredo_ | amule | 19:24 |
rmt | usser: Yep - trying all sorts of things with that, PreferredMode etc. It seems to occur after the PreSession scripts are called.. | 19:24 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | deadrabbit: I thought cpying the firmware folder copied the ko file as well. Thats my fault. I can't locate that ko file though? | 19:24 |
deadrabbit | hrdcore0x1a4 : make sure also that the rtl8192se driver was not blacklisted, check /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 19:24 |
actionparsnip | Turbolinux: if the partition and drive show no data then foremost will be a good app too. Why don't you just restore from backups? | 19:25 |
actionparsnip | Talon_: run it again. I have to runit twice the first time its ran | 19:25 |
pat|nG | system > hardware > Broadcom STA wireless not activated.....when i try to activate it gives me error.....i already install b43 fwcutter bcmwl-kernel-source | 19:25 |
actionparsnip | Talon_: no idea why | 19:26 |
nunatak_ | actionparsnip: I don't have the card yet, I'll try check the compatibility before I buy it | 19:26 |
actionparsnip | Nunatak_: I know but the website is accessible from any pc attatched to the web so you can check | 19:26 |
Talon_ | oh man, its like spanned across my desktop, i don't like it :/ I just want a tab bar in my gnome-terminal, I'd install Konsole but i really dont want to install all the KDE packages it needs | 19:26 |
actionparsnip | Nunatak_: wise for checking compatibility too :) | 19:26 |
nunatak_ | actionparsnip: ok. I'll see | 19:27 |
happyface | what font does the default gnome terminal use? | 19:27 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | deadrabbit: Its not listed in the blacklist conf file. As a side question if I take out usbmouse and usbkeyboard Could that be why my usb ports don't work? | 19:27 |
actionparsnip | Talon: you can make it not 100% of the screen width. Terminal supports tabs too you know | 19:27 |
webroasters | lol, hey guys, remember me from a few seconds ago. I found a DEB package for RealPlayer 11!! Heres' the link: | 19:28 |
CAPcap | Is it possible to have applications that install with KDE/GNOME/LXDE only show up in their respective environments with out editing every menu item by hand? | 19:28 |
webroasters | I'm an idiot. lol. have a good one guys | 19:28 |
Talon_ | how do i get the tab bar? I haven't found an option for it to always be there | 19:28 |
actionparsnip | hrdcore0x1a4: is the wifi usb attached to a usb hub or direct into your system? | 19:28 |
mkny | quick newbie question (I think): I can connect to folders shared from a Win2003 box no problem via the File Browser (Nautilis?) But I don't know how to browse back to them when I'm in something like a dialog box (like attaching something to a gmail message) | 19:28 |
happyface | webroasters: why would you want real player? | 19:28 |
actionparsnip | Talon_: file -> new tab | 19:28 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | actionparsnip: The wifi is pci-e. But as a side problem my usb ports dont' work either :( | 19:28 |
patrick | h | 19:29 |
Turbolinux | actionparsnip, I can't do this because I didn't backup datas from my computer's hard disk. I must rescue datas. Do you know needed command for save data with Gddrescue program? | 19:29 |
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Talon_ | yeah, thats dumb, not what im lookin for, i want that tab bar always, and a single click button to lanch a new tab like konsole | 19:29 |
Guest69738 | b | 19:29 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | I'm contemplating just trying to get usb to work and maybe buying a usb wireless adapter | 19:29 |
actionparsnip | hrdcore0x1a4: gotcha, do you have all latest updates? | 19:29 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | actionparsnip: I just updated but I' haven't rebooted yet | 19:29 |
actionparsnip | Turbolinux: then the data is disposable | 19:29 |
swizzcheez | Grrr -- anyone run into a grub issue where after boot all you get is "GRUB loading." (no stage anything) and the hard drive light goes nuts like it's scanning through something? | 19:29 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | deadrabbit & actionparsnip: I'll brb I'm going down for a reboot | 19:30 |
swizzcheez | (After boot means after the system gets to GRUB, so H/W seems to be okay) | 19:30 |
cHarNe2 | hi how to move window up and down in irssi? not using the pgup/pgdn (using mac through shh->screen->isrri) | 19:30 |
Turbolinux | So I can't rescue datas isn't it? | 19:30 |
CAPcap | Is it possible to have applications that install with KDE/GNOME/LXDE only show up in their respective environments with out editing every menu item by hand? | 19:30 |
actionparsnip | Tubolinux: use foremost to get the data off. You may have to use testdisk to create partition flags. | 19:30 |
usser | CAPcap, nope | 19:30 |
trism | cHarNe2: esc p and esc n | 19:30 |
CAPcap | thats lame. well thanks | 19:31 |
usser | CAPcap, that's standard compliance kde,gnome,lxde all use freedesktop menu specifications. ie put their programs in the menu in the same manner | 19:31 |
actionparsnip | Turbolinux: get a backup system. You have learned the hardest way possible. Imagine if the motor failed and you couldn't even attempt a file restore. Where is your data then? | 19:31 |
cHarNe2 | trism: THNX xD! :) | 19:31 |
gerrin | having problems with mouse working with ubuntu, sometimes the left click stops working | 19:32 |
razertek | actionparsnip: how do i run the sh script...(automated install for deps.. for chromium) | 19:32 |
happyface | is there a way to quickly switch between single monitors & twinview (nvidia)? (like the win + p in 7) | 19:32 |
mkny | any takers? I tried googling it, but the terms are so generic (file, browse, windows share) I couldn't find anything relevant | 19:32 |
actionparsnip | Razertek: chmod +x ./script; ./script | 19:32 |
actionparsnip | Razertek: just add the chromium daily ppa instead. Easier | 19:33 |
CAPcap | usser if i edit them in one environ, is it gonna edit them in all of them? | 19:33 |
boxfish | swizzcheez, but it can mean that something has happened to the partitions, or something is getting chewed up. Have you tried the supergrubdisk boot disc. It can be used to boot machines even when grub is screwed | 19:33 |
swizzcheez | boxfish: I can see the disks and data using the installer CD, so it looks like the partitions and OS are fine. | 19:33 |
usser | CAPcap, in environment? as in right click on the menu -> edit? | 19:33 |
swizzcheez | boxfish: It just looks like GRUB can't even get to stage 1.5... | 19:34 |
swizzcheez | boxfish: ('cept everything in /boot looks normal) | 19:34 |
Turbolinux | I know actionparsnip but I didn't have a free time to do this. | 19:34 |
CAPcap | usser i know how to edit. my question is if I take an item off the menu in LXDE or KDE will it also be remove from my GNOME menu? | 19:34 |
Sensiva | Is there open source alternative to shoutcast? | 19:34 |
boxfish | mkny, you want to mount it on the filesystem | 19:35 |
usser | CAPcap, no. i dont know how its done in kde or lxde but when you edit the menu in gnome it doesnt ask for sudo password meaning all the changes that you make only affect your personal account and are not systemwide | 19:35 |
loops | Add to Panel / New Panel no longer work for me in 9.10, any hints? | 19:35 |
Issues2315 | Hello, im having some truble with my wireless connection. The problem is that it just disconnects after a while, and it wont connect untill i restart the computer. It's a Acer Aspire One somthing somthing. Anyone had a similar problem? | 19:36 |
loops | Issues2315, use to have that problem until installing 9.10 | 19:36 |
happyface | Issues2315: is it an intel card? are you connected to a 802.11b/g/a/n?? | 19:36 |
usser | CAPcap, system-wide menu is stored in /usr/share/menu | 19:36 |
mkanyicy | is there a pastebin for pictures? | 19:37 |
Issues2315 | loops, i'm on 9.10 now. happyface, i do belive its an Intel yes, Ath5 drivers or somthing. | 19:37 |
boxfish | if you use supergrubdisk and it does work, you will then know it grub not something else (and the system will boot) so you can then play with the grub.conf or whatever its called. Last time I had problems it was to do with the new ubuntu using the disks uuid in stead of the old style /dev/sda1 etc | 19:37 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | deadrabbit: Alright so I rebooted after updating and when I came into the desktop the wireless was not on and i was like hell ya. So I cd to the dir of the driver did ./wlan0up and the wireless came up, but still no scan!!!!! ahhhhhhh I'm taking this POS back | 19:37 |
mkanyicy | is there a pastebin for pictures? | 19:38 |
xangua | mkanyicy: imagebin¿ | 19:38 |
mkanyicy | is there a pastebin for pictures? i want to paste the screenshot of my problem | 19:38 |
swizzcheez | boxfish: Sounds like a plan -- I'll give it a shot. I'm not learning much more through the live CD anyway... :-/ -- thanks! :-) | 19:38 |
snowborder | hi this my problem, because when I write !lista or !list does not leave anything? (my English is not one of the best) | 19:38 |
mkanyicy | xangua, ok thanks | 19:38 |
Trek | mkanyicy: | 19:38 |
deadrabbit | hrdcore0x1a4 : i figured that would have worked, maybe realtek did a chipset update on that module of notebook | 19:38 |
truthtaco | OkropNick, ive accidentally removed the desktop panel that shows minimized programs (top right, minimized to just the program icon) I cant figure out how to get it back | 19:39 |
usser | Sensiva, take a look at icecase | 19:39 |
Turbolinux | actionparsnip I ran the program but what must I do now? | 19:39 |
usser | Sensiva, err icecast | 19:39 |
Sensiva | usser thank you | 19:39 |
deadrabbit | hrdcore0x1a4 : what are you using the laptop for? | 19:39 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | deadrabbit: Possibly. After reading all these forums and seeing how many ppl have problems with Realtek I'm disappointed with their products | 19:39 |
truthtaco | scratch OkropNick that was a mistake | 19:39 |
ta_ | I am using evolution, and I would like to delete the files from the server that I delete on evo, but I want to keep a copy of them on server. I was wondering, what effect would the "Disable support for all POP3 extensions" have on my email account | 19:39 |
ta_ | by files, I meant emails | 19:39 |
Liquid-Silence | hi guys | 19:40 |
snowborder | hi this my problem, because when I write !lista or !list does not leave anything? (my English is not one of the best) | 19:40 |
OkropNick | truthtaco: no problemo | 19:40 |
Liquid-Silence | anyone know why the vpn package is stuffed in karmic? | 19:40 |
Liquid-Silence | and is there a fix | 19:40 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | deadrabbit: School right now. I'm a cs major. Its a fast laptop (i7 with 6mb cache, 4gb of ram) | 19:40 |
Nico1985 | got a question about a samsung notebook, the function keys dont work (laptop of a friend of mine) | 19:40 |
Issues2315 | happyface , problem seems to accelerate when i'm downloading somthing. | 19:40 |
usser | ta_, use imap if your server supports it , it sounds like what you need | 19:40 |
ta_ | is there any repository app that can help me get my files synchronized? | 19:41 |
ska | Can anyone recommend a good groupware application? Need some input. Thanks, | 19:41 |
deadrabbit | hrdcore0x1a4 : not sure but check out lenovo, not sure if they have an i7 but i know everything works fine with them | 19:41 |
xangua | ta_: ubuntu-one, dropbox¿¿ | 19:41 |
ska | Well, for Ubuntu yes. | 19:41 |
ta_ | usser, the problem is that the mail service I have only supports POP3 | 19:41 |
mkanyicy | hi guys. my kubuntu desktop does not show applications well. here is a screenshot: . is there a way to fix this? | 19:41 |
Nico1985 | does anybody know how to get the function keys going in ubuntu 9.10? | 19:41 |
happyface | Nico1985: for your laptop? | 19:42 |
Turbolinux | actionparsnip: I ran the program and it's processing with ''stdin'' system message. What I must do now? | 19:42 |
usser | ta_, dont think there's an easy way to do it with pop3 | 19:42 |
Nico1985 | happyface, friend of mine | 19:42 |
Nico1985 | sitting next to me, with his laptop | 19:42 |
happyface | Nico1985: it should work with laptop Fn keys automatically | 19:42 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | deadrabbit: yeah I'll have to do that. I appreciate your help man. | 19:42 |
Turbolinux | Also thank you for your help. | 19:42 |
boxfish | ta_ : have you tried rsync | 19:42 |
deadrabbit | hrdcore0x1a4 : sorry couldn't get the wireless working, but i gotta run, time for work. Hope you still stick with linux | 19:42 |
Nico1985 | really? press FN then use function keys? | 19:43 |
happyface | mine works Nico1985 | 19:43 |
Nico1985 | some keys seem to work | 19:43 |
Liquid-Silence | fsck the vpn connection in ubuntu sucks | 19:43 |
Liquid-Silence | when it works :( | 19:43 |
Issues2315 | Anyone got a possible solution to my very anoying wifi problem? | 19:43 |
Nico1985 | but some functions dont work | 19:43 |
mkanyicy | hi guys. my kubuntu desktop does not show applications well. here is a screenshot: . is there a way to fix this? | 19:43 |
Liquid-Silence | ok does ubuntu's vpn actually work? | 19:44 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | deadrabbit: 4 sho man I've bee using ubuntu for years | 19:44 |
guntbert | !list > snowborder | 19:44 |
ubottu | snowborder, please see my private message | 19:44 |
KristianDK | Hello, how do i add multiple ip adresses to my eth1? | 19:44 |
KristianDK | i defined one in /etc/interfaces | 19:45 |
Nico1985 | by the way, i'm pretty impressed by 9.10.. if there are any official ubuntu creaters in here.. i applaud you | 19:45 |
maco | Liquid-Silence: er, there are many vpn protocols available. which are you having issues with? vpnc works fine for me | 19:45 |
Liquid-Silence | Nico1985: except the vpn package | 19:45 |
jophish | If I had a drive, and I used sfdisk to change the partition table, and then I reformatted the new partitions, would this be enough to make them usable? | 19:45 |
happyface | echo $UPTIME | 19:45 |
happyface | oops | 19:45 |
Nico1985 | VPN doesnt work yet? | 19:45 |
Liquid-Silence | well I setup a connection | 19:46 |
Liquid-Silence | and click | 19:46 |
Liquid-Silence | nothing | 19:46 |
Liquid-Silence | nothing happens | 19:46 |
FloodBot4 | Liquid-Silence: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 19:46 |
Nico1985 | i'm currenltly on OSX, but if my MacBook Pro needs replacing i'm considering either another mac or back to Linux | 19:46 |
guntbert | Nico1985: while we are glad that you like what you see please accept that this channel is for ubuntu support only - you might want to talk about your experience in #ubuntu-offtopic though | 19:48 |
abx | Does anyone know of any issues on running Ubuntu 9.10 on a Toshiba Satellite A-Series laptop? | 19:48 |
Nico1985 | oh okay, in that case | 19:48 |
Nico1985 | i've got another question | 19:48 |
Issues2315 | Not to be an arse, but i really want an solution to this problem, i dont want to go back to windows because of this. | 19:49 |
Lucena | a | 19:49 |
Lucena | a | 19:49 |
Nico1985 | screen brightness keys still dont work | 19:49 |
Nico1985 | he wants to get some more brightness | 19:49 |
Turbolinux | Does anyone know how to rescue data with Foremost program? Thank you. | 19:50 |
Nico1985 | is there a way to raise the screen brightness other then function keys? | 19:50 |
Lucena | hello | 19:50 |
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Lucena | ola | 19:50 |
Lucena | andrea | 19:50 |
xangua | !es | Lucena | 19:51 |
ubottu | Lucena: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 19:51 |
lysek | hello | 19:51 |
Lucena | ola | 19:51 |
Lucena | de donde eres | 19:51 |
KristianDK | How do i assign multiple static ips to my eth1 from command line? | 19:51 |
Lucena | ?¿?¿?¿¿ | 19:51 |
Plurnay | can someone explain to me how to use my HD without having to authenticate everytime | 19:51 |
Lucena | ke?¿?¿ | 19:52 |
Trek | !spanish | Lucena | 19:52 |
ubottu | Lucena: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 19:52 |
xangua | !es > Lucena | 19:52 |
ubottu | Lucena, please see my private message | 19:52 |
lysek | ./tastystatic: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 19:52 |
lysek | i have installed that library | 19:52 |
Plurnay | can someone explain to me how to use my HD without having to authenticate everytime | 19:52 |
erUSUL | !fstab | Plurnay | 19:52 |
ubottu | Plurnay: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and and !Partitions | 19:52 |
loris | ciao a tutti | 19:52 |
loris | posso fare una domanda | 19:53 |
IdleOne | !it | loris | 19:53 |
ubottu | loris: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 19:53 |
Plurnay | thanks | 19:53 |
erUSUL | !it | loris ciao loris wellcome but ... | 19:53 |
ubottu | loris ciao loris wellcome but ...: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 19:53 |
Nico1985 | i'm looking at the power settings, set the brightness to 100%, and unchecked reduce brightness on the battery scheme, i hope that will increase the brightness | 19:53 |
Turbolinux | Does anyone know how to use Foremost program? I will be happy if you answer my question. Thank you. | 19:53 |
vivekrp__ | which is the best Dreamweaver alternative? plz elp me | 19:54 |
Trek | !best > vivekrp_ | 19:54 |
guntbert | Nico1985: that hanges the brightness immediately | 19:54 |
Trek | !best > vivekrp__ | 19:54 |
ubottu | vivekrp__, please see my private message | 19:54 |
guntbert | *changes | 19:54 |
mkanyicy | my large font problem was due to using gdm instead of kdm, changing that solved it. | 19:54 |
Nico1985 | hm it didnt change the brightness | 19:54 |
lysek | wait, i have a problem that when i installed the libaudiere to be able to play the tastystatic game it does installed the 64 version in lib64, but the game is looking for 32 version in lib 32 , so please help me fix this problem, ok ? :) | 19:55 |
guntbert | Nico1985: what notebook is it? | 19:55 |
Nico1985 | i set the brightness to 100% on AC, and removed all the reduce brightness checks | 19:55 |
Nico1985 | samsung R530 | 19:55 |
Nico1985 | samsung R530-ja05 to be even more exact | 19:56 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | Does anybody know why my usb would be reporting it's not accepting address? | 19:56 |
Turbolinux | Please help me. I need to receive help. | 19:56 |
Trek | !ask | Turbolinux | 19:56 |
ubottu | Turbolinux: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 19:56 |
vivekrp__ | i am developing a site using HTML,Javascrip & CSS which editing tool should i use? now i am using KompoZer but it does not support JS. plz help | 19:57 |
Trek | Turbolinux, we don't know what your issue is, so be specific | 19:57 |
Nico1985 | i might look at the reposetories for a application that increases brightness | 19:57 |
Trek | vivekrp__, you can write JavaScripts in other programs and import the javascript directly into your site with HTML | 19:57 |
vivekrp__ | Trek i know that.. i want a tool like dreamweaver.?! | 19:58 |
Trek | vivekrp__, you tried installing Dreamweaver onto Wine? | 19:58 |
frsoares | hello everyone | 19:58 |
Trek | !hi | frsoares | 19:58 |
ubottu | frsoares: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 19:58 |
Turbolinux | Windows got damaged when I was installing an Anti-Virus program. I need to rescue datas from hard disk. Now I'm trying to rescue datas from hard disk with Ubuntu. | 19:58 |
vivekrp__ | trek yeah.. i tried but its not working... :( is there any other tool like that? | 19:59 |
frsoares | does anyone know anything that might suddenly make your /etc/init.d directory disappear? | 19:59 |
Trek | vivekrp__, I can't think of any that work like Dreamweaver | 19:59 |
Turbolinux | Trek, I wrote my problem. Can you help me? | 19:59 |
Trek | vivekrp__, if you like, though, I can show you the code to import a javascript file directly into your page | 19:59 |
Trek | Turbolinux, hold on a second | 20:00 |
vivekrp__ | trek ok. how? | 20:00 |
tomtom2 | does Ubuntu support paravirtulization? | 20:00 |
Nico1985 | hm, cant find a way yet | 20:00 |
Trek | vivekrp__, i'm sending you a PM, so be prepared to look for a new tab or something | 20:00 |
guntbert | Nico1985: look at (last entry #15) | 20:00 |
Turbolinux | OK Trek. I will wait. | 20:00 |
vivekrp__ | trek ok | 20:01 |
tomtom2 | or is it hardware virtulization only? | 20:01 |
frsoares | TurboLinux: have you got Ubuntu installed or are using a Live-CD? | 20:01 |
tomtom2 | anyone? | 20:02 |
Trek | Turbolinux, you'll need to mount the drive in Linux to access the data | 20:03 |
=== omar is now known as Omar87 | ||
selffik | Hello! can somebody help me with routing? | 20:03 |
lysek | Do you know any game repository that have all new games updated ? for example alienware, which i cant find in synaptic. | 20:03 |
Turbolinux | It's already mounted but it seems there is no data. | 20:03 |
xangua | lysek: playdeb | 20:03 |
kostkon | lysek, | 20:03 |
Turbolinux | So I must recover datas from hard disk. | 20:03 |
Liquid-Silence | hmmm ok got vpn working | 20:04 |
darksea | how can i telnet to yahoomail or gmail | 20:04 |
Trek | Turbolinux, then the issue is that the drive got wiped out. its going to be near impossible to recover your data then | 20:04 |
Liquid-Silence | you HAVE to restart the network manager | 20:04 |
Trek | darksea: you can't. yahoomail and gmail are protected from telnet. | 20:04 |
tomtom2 | dark: why would u want to? | 20:04 |
frsoares | Turbolinux, there are some tools that try to recover data from scratch | 20:05 |
tomtom2 | dark: u may be able to telnet to port 25 and talk smtp | 20:05 |
darksea | i working on project | 20:05 |
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=== Omar87 is now known as tuxdreams | ||
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=== tuxdreams is now known as CocoPuff | ||
Turbolinux | Oh no! Is there no solution now Trek? Frsoares can you tell me tools names? | 20:06 |
llutz | darksea: telnet 110 | 20:06 |
Nico1985 | hm, there must be some sort of service to use smartdimmer | 20:06 |
Liquid-Silence | omg | 20:06 |
Nico1985 | it's pretty strange | 20:06 |
Liquid-Silence | I cant copy and paste between my linux desktop and the vpn | 20:06 |
Liquid-Silence | lol | 20:06 |
infid | does ubuntu have telenet | 20:07 |
Liquid-Silence | infid: client or server? | 20:07 |
Myrtti | infid: open a terminal and type telnet | 20:07 |
darksea | liutz: -ERR [AUTH] Error logging in. Please visit | 20:07 |
Liquid-Silence | damn this is annoying | 20:08 |
Trek | !language > Liquid-Silence | 20:08 |
ubottu | Liquid-Silence, please see my private message | 20:08 |
Turbolinux | Trek don't I have chance for rescue data? I must do something to solve this problem. | 20:08 |
Liquid-Silence | sorry Trek | 20:09 |
Trek | Turbolinux: there's little chance for data rescue. However, its possible there are Windows-based recovery programs that might work | 20:09 |
infid | Myrtti: i said telenet | 20:09 |
Trek | emphasis on might, Turbolinux | 20:09 |
Trek | and no problem, Liquid-Silence, just wanted to remind you | 20:09 |
Trek | :) | 20:09 |
Liquid-Silence | but why can;t I copy and paste! | 20:10 |
Liquid-Silence | lol | 20:10 |
Nico1985 | hm still no brightness controls here | 20:10 |
m_ | hi! I can't get my PPTP VPN connection to work. Network Manager is configured correctly but I can't get VPN to work. I get a "can't start service" message. Please HELP!! :-) | 20:10 |
jolaren | When trying to login to my server I get this error : init: tty1 main process (924) killed by SEV signal | 20:10 |
Turbolinux | With Wine program Trek? | 20:10 |
Trek | unsure, Turbolinux. I'm unsure what program will work, thats a bit outside my experience | 20:10 |
vivekrp__ | does bluefish supports preview option? | 20:11 |
Nico1985 | it's asking for DDC/CI support, any idea what that's all about? (increasing screen brightness) | 20:11 |
vivekrp__ | does bluefish supports preview option? | 20:12 |
lwieise87 | hello all! I'm having problems with my microphone in ubuntu 9.10. can anyone help me please? | 20:12 |
_710m | as in | 20:13 |
mescalinum | hi, I just tried the 10.04 update, but on reboot I have a black screen just after "GRUB loading". isn't ESC supposed to bring up a grub menu / grub options for debugging???? [it doesn't work here] | 20:13 |
Pici | mescalinum : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.4 support/discussion. | 20:13 |
mescalinum | Pici: ok, tnx | 20:14 |
vivekrp__ | how can i repair my windows? | 20:14 |
Nico1985 | anyone got any idea how to manage the screen brightness? | 20:14 |
lysek2 | kostkon: is it possible to install the game directly from playdeb website? | 20:14 |
=== GrizzlyBear is now known as BrownBear | ||
darksea | hi all i am trying to develop mail client what needs to be done pls give me any direction | 20:14 |
Nico1985 | it's not even changing when the adapter is plugged in (it's a notebook off course) | 20:14 |
lwieise87 | I know the mic is plugged into the right port because it works when I boot into winxp. ubuntu doesn't get any input from it though. | 20:15 |
lysek2 | kostkon: i tried with opera and konqueror | 20:15 |
Callum_ | mescalinum: this channel does not provide support for 10.04 at this stage as it is a development version, try #ubuntu+1 | 20:15 |
kostkon | lysek2, you need to add its repository first. just follow the instructions given on the site | 20:15 |
zerozillion | hey ppl, anybody familiar with lm_sensors? | 20:15 |
llutz | darksea: why don't you take sources of existing clients as examples? | 20:15 |
Callum_ | oh, ninja'd damn... | 20:15 |
kostkon | lysek2, that is, here: | 20:15 |
Estrella | Hello | 20:15 |
Trek | !hi | Estrella | 20:16 |
ubottu | Estrella: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 20:16 |
darksea | llutz : where can i get the source | 20:16 |
freeride | guys, how to wget few files? | 20:16 |
lysek2 | kostkon: i know, i know, i did that, but how it should work, with a plugin or smth? | 20:16 |
Estrella | yes | 20:16 |
frsoares | hey, does anyone know any current bug that might erase /etc/init.d and only let you use the file system as a Read-only file system? | 20:16 |
llutz | darksea: project home, apt | 20:16 |
Estrella | hablo español | 20:16 |
Estrella | hola | 20:16 |
freeride | guys, how to wget few files? | 20:16 |
CDrone | hello | 20:16 |
Estrella | gente | 20:16 |
lysek2 | kostkon: i am clicking on install now and it does open a new tab and nothing else | 20:16 |
kostkon | lysek2, it works in ubuntu, i don;t know about kubuntu :( | 20:16 |
Pici | !es | Estrella | 20:16 |
ubottu | Estrella: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 20:16 |
freeride | guys, how to wget few files? | 20:17 |
rmt | My issue from before was solved. gnome-settings-daemon also sets the video mode.. however, for nvidia users with nvidia-settings installed, it asks the user if they want to run that instead to configure video preferences.. most people logically choose to run nvidia-settings.. however, you need to say "no" to set the video mode that you want. | 20:17 |
lysek2 | kostkon: i have ubuntu | 20:17 |
lysek2 | kostkon: i have installed kde manually | 20:17 |
kostkon | lysek2, hmm | 20:17 |
Estrella | bay bay | 20:17 |
frsoares | have anyone experienced a sudden deletion of /etc/init.d, as a whole? | 20:17 |
=== urlwallace is now known as urlLunch | ||
llutz | darksea: i.e. apt-get source mutt alpine | 20:17 |
CDrone | if i have a USB-run version of ubuntu .. can i get windows installed aswell without booting? | 20:17 |
llutz | frsoares: shouldn't happen | 20:17 |
kostkon | lysek2, alternatively, you can install them using synaptic now that you have added the playdeb repo | 20:18 |
Liquid-Silence | nice vpn works 100% | 20:18 |
Liquid-Silence | do people still use emerald? | 20:18 |
S3CURiTy | anybody here having problem with ubuntu 9.10 ? i formated my netbook over 5 times in 2 days , after updates reboot and all i got is : no botable partition !!! | 20:18 |
darksea | llutz i am trying | 20:18 |
maco | Liquid-Silence: hopefully not | 20:18 |
frsoares | llutz: well, it happened to a friend minutes ago | 20:18 |
Liquid-Silence | maco: lol | 20:18 |
maco | Liquid-Silence: its not been under development since 2007 or so | 20:18 |
Liquid-Silence | the gnome themes are abit crappy | 20:18 |
freeride | guys, how to wget few files? | 20:18 |
dragon | What's the recommended size for the physical boot partition? | 20:18 |
llutz | frsoares: did he play with sudo + rm? :) | 20:18 |
dragon | freeride: wget url1 url2... | 20:19 |
frsoares | llutz: he said he didn't :) | 20:19 |
freeride | dragon thanks a lot, man | 20:19 |
llutz | frsoares: disk-/fs-errors? | 20:19 |
maco | Liquid-Silence: upstream compiz threw emerald away years ago. so all those crashes it had (oh goodness did it crash!) aren't likely to ever be fixed | 20:19 |
buttons840 | what's the best way to go about defining my own tmp directory? mainly i want to make my Downloads folder cleared every time; i suppose the easiest would just be to use a /tmp/Downloads as my download folder? | 20:19 |
Travis-42 | when I enable compiz, all program titlebars go missing. is there any way to fix this? | 20:19 |
frsoares | llutz: he was powering off his notebook when, suddenly, there was no init.d/rc | 20:19 |
dragon | Travis-42: use metacity instead of compiz? | 20:20 |
venuziina | :) | 20:20 |
CAPcap | KDE is bloated and useless to me. how do i completely remove the kubuntu-desktop? | 20:20 |
lolo | ola | 20:20 |
m_ | how do I debug VPN connection? :-) | 20:20 |
Travis-42 | dragon: I could, but I really want to use the "put" and a couple other features of compiz to make it easier to place windows across three monitors | 20:20 |
lolo | HOLA | 20:20 |
darksea | thanks!!!!!!!!!! llutz: may be its working | 20:20 |
llutz | !puregnome | CAPcap | 20:20 |
ubottu | CAPcap: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get --purge remove kdelibs4c2a kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal | 20:20 |
lolo | hello | 20:20 |
CAPcap | thanks llutz | 20:20 |
dragon | !es | lolo | 20:20 |
ubottu | lolo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 20:20 |
CAPcap | llutz i already have gnome, do i need the last part? | 20:21 |
frsoares | llutz: well, i don't know about disk-/fs-errors | 20:21 |
llutz | CAPcap: i don't know | 20:21 |
dragon | buttons840: yes, and you might want to symlink ~/downloads to your /tmp/downloads | 20:21 |
llutz | frsoares: let him do a fsck | 20:21 |
Estrella | Hello | 20:21 |
lnx4ver | Travis-42 you have ccsm installed? | 20:21 |
Nico1985 | any idea what DDC/CI support is? | 20:21 |
Travis-42 | lnx4ver: yes | 20:21 |
xangua | !hi | Estrella | 20:21 |
ubottu | Estrella: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 20:21 |
lolo | ola | 20:21 |
buttons840 | dragon, true, thanks | 20:22 |
dragon | CAPcap: you still have to do the last part. | 20:22 |
xangua | !es > lolo | 20:22 |
ubottu | lolo, please see my private message | 20:22 |
lolo | hay alguien español? | 20:22 |
Estrella | si yo | 20:22 |
frsoares | llutz: i'll call him and ask him | 20:22 |
lolo | como te llamas | 20:22 |
Estrella | yo hablo español | 20:22 |
lnx4ver | Travis-42 did you enabled decoration plugin? | 20:22 |
CAPcap | ok thanks dragon | 20:22 |
Estrella | Estrella | 20:22 |
xangua | !es | Estrella lolo | 20:22 |
ubottu | Estrella lolo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 20:22 |
lolo | ok | 20:22 |
frsoares | llutz: thanks. :) | 20:22 |
Travis-42 | lnx4ver: yep, it's enabled. | 20:22 |
Estrella | hola | 20:22 |
dragon | What's the recommended size for the physical boot partition? | 20:23 |
Estrella | hola hablo español | 20:23 |
lolo | ok | 20:23 |
Myrtti | !english | Estrella, lolo | 20:23 |
ubottu | Estrella, lolo: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit | 20:23 |
guntbert | Trek: as an aside from #freenode: there is #xchat too :) | 20:23 |
lwieise87 | can anyone help me with a microphone problem? ubuntu 9.10 doesn't get any input from it and I know it's in the right port. works fine in winxp. it doesn't show up under "Choose a device for sound input:" in Sound Preferences > Input. | 20:23 |
xangua | !es > Estrella | 20:23 |
ubottu | Estrella, please see my private message | 20:23 |
Estrella | what? | 20:23 |
lolo | como lo pongo en español' | 20:24 |
lolo | ? | 20:24 |
Pici | Estrella: This channel is english only. Please use #ubuntu-es for spanish. | 20:24 |
dragon | Estrella and lolo are clearly trolling. | 20:24 |
* Nico1985 hates beeing ignored | 20:24 | |
Estrella | hello | 20:24 |
frsoares | Estrella: holla | 20:24 |
Raydiation | how can i change the filerigths for user apache to read? | 20:24 |
Pici | Nico1985: Perhaps no one knows what that is. | 20:24 |
Estrella | what time is it? | 20:24 |
guntbert | Nico1985: you are not ignored - only it seems no one is able to help | 20:24 |
Nico1985 | so no one even responds | 20:24 |
Nico1985 | right... | 20:24 |
urthmover | non ubuntu question (because there is nobody in the #damnsmalllinux room) Will someone tell me how I can boot damnsmalllinux straight to a command prompt...and avoid having to start X/fluxbox? | 20:25 |
Estrella | bay bay | 20:25 |
Pici | urthmover: We cannot support DSL here. ##linux would be a more appropriate channel to ask in if their official channel is not being helpful. | 20:26 |
urthmover | Pici: good suggestion Pici thanks I'll try there | 20:26 |
knxville | Anyone know how to use teamspeak 3 in linux, first of all its making my comp using 100% | 20:27 |
knxville | second, there is no sound | 20:27 |
mattiaceredi | hi | 20:27 |
cebo | wenas | 20:27 |
xangua | !es > cebo | 20:27 |
ubottu | cebo, please see my private message | 20:27 |
MissPiggy | can anyone give me some hint how to fix? grub-setup: warn: This GPT partition label has no BIOS Boot Partition; embedding won't be possible! | 20:27 |
dragon | Is a boot partition of 100MB good enough for Ubuntu installation, considering having more than one kernels in /boot during upgrades etc.? | 20:28 |
MissPiggy | grub-setup: error: Cannot read `/grub/core.img' correctly | 20:28 |
mattiaceredi | w fedora | 20:28 |
sahil | any idea why an install hangs at 33% during partitioning-ive tried on multiple computers of the same config | 20:28 |
guntbert | mattiaceredi: this channel is for ubuntu support only | 20:28 |
mattiaceredi | sorry bad paste | 20:29 |
guntbert | sahil: did you !md5sum check the iso? | 20:29 |
dragon | sahil: a little more detail would help. What config are you trying? | 20:29 |
knxville | Anyone know how to set up teamspeak3 properly? The sound is buggy, and makes my PC run 100%.. | 20:29 |
sahil | i did an md5, did memtest | 20:29 |
speedxxxcore | what size should /tmp be? | 20:29 |
abx | what is the swap in system monitor? | 20:30 |
erUSUL | !swap | abx | 20:30 |
ubottu | abx: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See for more info | 20:30 |
Turbolinux | I'm using Foremost data recovery program for saving my data. How can I configure the program for transferring data to my portable hard disk? | 20:30 |
dragon | speedxxxcore: at least 2 GiB, and depending on your typical system uptime. | 20:30 |
hrdcore0x1a4 | Any ideas: usb not accepting address? | 20:30 |
hiexpo | urthmover, - | 20:30 |
speedxxxcore | dragon: is /tmp the same as swap area? | 20:30 |
bobbytek | Anyone know how to copy a terminal window? | 20:30 |
bobbytek | ctrl+a doesn't seem to cut it | 20:31 |
urthmover | hiexpo: ok checking there thx | 20:31 |
hiexpo | yep | 20:31 |
=== ferric84 is now known as erichynds | ||
hiexpo | hello all | 20:31 |
speedxxxcore | dragon: should one use ext2 on the /tmp? What does the /tmp do? | 20:31 |
nowy2 | Good nights from Europe... i've a 'houston' | 20:31 |
grendal_prime_ | hey i need to be able to put a dvd into one machine and then play it on another amchine on the network. Do i have to encode it to do that. Or is there a probram for streeming on the fly for that sort of thing? | 20:31 |
guntbert | bobbytek: gnome-terminla has a menu too - the shortcuts are there too | 20:32 |
Pici | speedxxxcore: Most users have no need for a separate /tmp partition. | 20:32 |
syed | Hello? | 20:32 |
speedxxxcore | Pici: what does the /tmp do? | 20:32 |
nowy2 | where can i get help about problems with Dell notebooks&Ubuntu ? | 20:32 |
xangua | !ask | nowy2 | 20:32 |
ubottu | nowy2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 20:32 |
speedxxxcore | Pici: I just want to speed stuff up. if tmp is for temp files. I like to go with ext2 and raid 0 | 20:32 |
Trek | nowy2: or here | 20:32 |
syed | umm i have a problem with installing stuff from ubuntu software center | 20:32 |
hiexpo | man gnome-terminal | 20:32 |
sahil | dragon: i did all the tests md5 and media check, im now trying 9.04 | 20:32 |
syed | it says the package as failed or somthing | 20:32 |
Pici | speedxxxcore: /tmp is for temporary files. | 20:32 |
jimcooncat | I thought /tmp used tempfs | 20:32 |
syed | but it always is installed | 20:32 |
speedxxxcore | Pici: so then it might just speed stuff up? I plan on 8gb raid 0 ext2 | 20:33 |
Myrtti | jimcooncat: it's not necessarily or even in most cases a separate partition | 20:33 |
boxfish | grendal_prime_ : you shoudl be able to share a mounted dvd across a network and then read it from another machine | 20:33 |
hiexpo | syed, why did it say failed what error | 20:33 |
nowy2 | i've installed Karmic_64 on a dell studio 1557 and i've problems with Wifi adaptor and sound volume special keys :( | 20:33 |
MrsApple | does anybody know the az loco channel name? | 20:33 |
syed | umm | 20:33 |
bobbytek | guntbert, No dice | 20:33 |
dragon | speedxxxcore: if you have enough RAM, you can mount /tmp on your /dev/ram0 . I haven't seen real speed improvements doing that though. | 20:33 |
dragon | MrsApple: #ubuntu-us-az ? | 20:34 |
MrsApple | yes. thx dragon | 20:34 |
mechtn | hey | 20:34 |
lekefly | How do i get that dock | 20:34 |
hiexpo | do you have another operation open synaptic? | 20:34 |
speedxxxcore | dragon: ah, but is raid0 unessary? | 20:34 |
mechtn | what terminal commands can i use to spit out all the settings on my video card? | 20:34 |
lekefly | How do i get that dock | 20:34 |
jrib | mechtn: why? | 20:34 |
jief- | hello.i manage a fairly large park of ubuntu servers. i was wondering what people used to patch their systems? i need something central. Please don't mention Landscape as I know already about that tool. | 20:34 |
syed | hiexpo, it says package operation failed | 20:34 |
mechtn | like i used a cat command to dump abunch of stuff about my codec#0 for sound | 20:34 |
guntbert | bobbytek: edit/select all - then <shift><ctrl> c works here | 20:34 |
dragon | speedxxxcore: if you use programs that heavily rely on /tmp, then it'd make sense. Otherwise, yes, it's unnecessary. | 20:35 |
mechtn | jrib - just wanting to look through it and see what all it says | 20:35 |
hiexpo | what package? | 20:35 |
guntbert | !who | hiexpo | 20:35 |
ubottu | hiexpo: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 20:35 |
jrib | mechtn: maybe lshw but I don't really know what you are looking for | 20:35 |
syed | whenever i isntall or uninstall | 20:35 |
syed | it says it | 20:35 |
dragon | !enter | syed | 20:36 |
ubottu | syed: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 20:36 |
hiexpo | guntbert, sorry i know better | 20:36 |
speedxxxcore | dragon: I also run the swap area as raid0, now that will make swapping twice as fast, if memory runs out? Right? | 20:36 |
guntbert | hiexpo: np :) | 20:36 |
dragon | speedxxxcore: how much memory do you have? | 20:36 |
MrsApple | hey, think anyone can help me with a flash issue? im on ubuntu 9.04, and it wont let me go on youtube or anything like that. i just dl the new version of adobe flash player but its STILL not working. any thoughts? | 20:36 |
speedxxxcore | dragon: 4gb | 20:36 |
bobbytek | guntbert, I don't have a select all :( | 20:36 |
jrib | MrsApple: restart your browser | 20:36 |
syed | So, is there a way i can fix this problem? | 20:36 |
dragon | speedxxxcore: you'd never even use the swap practically, so it doesn't matter even if you don't have a swap. | 20:37 |
syed | btw it wont even let me log into facebook anymore too, i tried it on my other computer and it let me on but on this it wouldnt | 20:37 |
xangua | MrsApple: install it from repositories | 20:37 |
sahil | ok i just tried installing with 9.04 (was using 9.10 earlier), and partitioning still hangs at 33% | 20:37 |
hiexpo | syed, have you done system update / upgrade and update? | 20:37 |
Turbolinux | How I can configure Foremost program for transferring data to my portable hard disk? I need to backup my data. Please answer question. | 20:37 |
MrsApple | i did install it form repositories. ill try restarting the browser. if that doesnt work, any other suggestions? | 20:38 |
syed | Hiexpo: yes i have | 20:38 |
dragon | speedxxxcore: swap is the amount of memory you wish you had. If you never fill your existing one, you never get to it. | 20:38 |
FabioTheApe | hey do you guys know a good place where i can find out more about the cli? | 20:38 |
jrib | MrsApple: come back | 20:38 |
syed | i tried it a few mins ago and it said i was updated. | 20:38 |
mechtn | jrib: settings like the amount of memory it has and things like that.. | 20:38 |
jrib | mechtn: lshw probably tells you that | 20:38 |
knxville | What program do you guys use when gaming and voip? | 20:38 |
hiexpo | syed, are all your repositories enabled? | 20:38 |
mechtn | jrib - also i want to find out if its speedsteping probably.. or does ubuntu speedstep ? | 20:38 |
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syed | Hiexpo: i do not no, how can i cheack | 20:39 |
Trek | knxville: nothing for Linux (I know, I blasphemed) | 20:39 |
wormsik | hello...I have small problem...I have got ubuntu 9.10 on my SWAP was 1GB, but when I tried to hibernate my laptop, sometimes it freeze and say: "Not enough swap" I resize my SWAP to 3.7 GB (my RAM is 3GB), but now I can't hibernate looks well, but after power on, it won't restore session, but started new...does anyone know somethink? | 20:39 |
Pici | Trek: I've heard good things about Mumble | 20:39 |
MrsApple | still not working jrib. | 20:39 |
FabioTheApe | now where then... | 20:39 |
jrib | MrsApple: what ubuntu version? | 20:39 |
xangua | MrsApple: do you use a 64 bits OS¿ | 20:40 |
hiexpo | syed, go to system/adm/system sources and check to see that all are checked | 20:40 |
dragon | MrsApple: are you unable to go to at all, or is it only the videos that aren't working? | 20:40 |
MrsApple | its 9.04 | 20:40 |
MrsApple | i can go on youtube but it tells me i need to install the newest version of flash player | 20:40 |
dragon | !flash | MrsApple | 20:40 |
ubottu | MrsApple: To install Flash see - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 20:40 |
jrib | MrsApple: pastebin: apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree | 20:40 |
MrsApple | and no | 20:40 |
MrsApple | its 32. | 20:40 |
toastedmilk | libGL error: dlopen /usr/lib32/dri/ failed (/usr/lib32/dri/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32) | 20:40 |
llutz | Turbolinux: cd /path/to/your/external ; foremost -t all -i /path/to/image.dd | 20:41 |
skypce | hi , have some like dhcp forge (mac adress scanning) for linux? | 20:41 |
syed | hiexpo: nope, source code and cdrom with ubuntu 9.10 arnt cheacked | 20:41 |
skypce | hi , have some like dhcp force (mac adress scanning) for linux? | 20:41 |
guntbert | bobbytek: thats how it looks here | 20:41 |
wormsik | hello...I have small problem...I have got ubuntu 9.10 on my SWAP was 1GB, but when I tried to hibernate my laptop, sometimes it freeze and say: "Not enough swap" I resize my SWAP to 3.7 GB (my RAM is 3GB), but now I can't hibernate looks well, but after power on, it won't restore session, but started new...does anyone know somethink? | 20:41 |
StkTrdr- | is there any way to kill a process from the terminal? | 20:41 |
llutz | StkTrdr-: kill, killall, pkill | 20:42 |
StkTrdr- | thanks :) | 20:42 |
erUSUL | StkTrdr-: pkill programname | 20:42 |
hiexpo | StkTrdr-, killall | 20:42 |
StkTrdr- | man, firefox locked everything up... can;t even open a terminal window | 20:43 |
hiexpo | StkTrdr-, what do ya want to stop | 20:43 |
kurou | Has anyone out there got the Strata40 theme for Firefox 3.6 working? I may be missing something obvious... all I get is a black background. | 20:43 |
syed | hiexpo: can u also help me with my facebook problem | 20:43 |
hiexpo | syed, sure | 20:43 |
syed | hiexpo: it would load after i had loged in | 20:43 |
StkTrdr- | hiexpo.. the firefox process | 20:43 |
MrsApple | jrib, what do i do with apt-cache policy flashplugin-nonfree?? | 20:44 |
jrib | !pastebin | MrsApple | 20:44 |
ubottu | MrsApple: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 20:44 |
syed | hiexpo: btw, im still having the pachage error | 20:44 |
bobbytek | guntbert, ah, I have Terminal 2.22.1 | 20:44 |
bobbytek | Thanks for that! | 20:44 |
slashroot | I have a WD external drive that comes from windows, but was lent to a MacOS user who apparently accidentally re-partitioned the drive to HFS. It now will now mount on windows, but the owner brought it to me, and I find that it does mount on ubuntu. However, I cannot read anything but the new HFS+ partition. What tool might I use to examine the deleted partition if that's possible? | 20:44 |
nowy2 | anyone with a Dell Studio 1557 ? I have problems wih WiFi key & Sound keys | 20:44 |
hiexpo | StkTrdr-, firefox killall or firefox down | 20:45 |
KaiForce | slashroot: the new partition overwrote the old, correct? | 20:45 |
GB00 | Can someone give me some advice? I believe my flash player is corrupted, and I can't remove it. | 20:45 |
hiexpo | syed, have you tried rebooting since this started ? | 20:45 |
slashroot | KaiForce: Yes - the new partition is the entire drive. | 20:45 |
syed | hiexpo: several times. | 20:45 |
MrsApple | jrib, | 20:45 |
jrib | MrsApple: it's not installed... | 20:46 |
KaiForce | slashroot: i think you are out of luck | 20:46 |
hiexpo | syed, what had you done prior to this problem ? | 20:46 |
KaiForce | especially if they wrote data to that HFS partition | 20:46 |
lysek | well i have such an error when i try to run a game: bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed . can You help? | 20:46 |
lolo | donde entro para español | 20:46 |
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syed | hiexpo, i have deleted my firefox history everytime and i repot the computer tons of times. | 20:46 |
usser | slashroot, before you do anything at all. dd the entire drive to a file somewhere | 20:46 |
xangua | lolo: /j #ubuntu-es | 20:47 |
guntbert | bobbytek: you're welcome :-) but I supposed that was available for a long time | 20:47 |
MrsApple | but ive tried installing it like 2 or 3 times and it told me it was sucessfully installed jrib!! | 20:47 |
syed | hiexpo, for the installation problem, i tried to install them with terminal | 20:47 |
jrib | MrsApple: well it's not installed now | 20:47 |
usser | slashroot, i cant suggest any recovery tools but back it up first with dd just in case | 20:47 |
saraqual | Ola guys | 20:47 |
syed | and terminal would send back errors too | 20:47 |
hiexpo | syed, go into synaptic package manager and try installing or uninstalling through it | 20:47 |
syed | k | 20:47 |
knxville | Do anyone have any experience using teamspeak2 on ubuntu? Mine is totally fucked.. | 20:47 |
erUSUL | !language | knxville | 20:48 |
ubottu | knxville: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 20:48 |
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MrsApple | jrib, how would i go about installing it then? | 20:48 |
mattiaceredi | hi | 20:48 |
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jrib | MrsApple: how did you install it before? | 20:48 |
MrsApple | i went to the website. and did the apt install | 20:48 |
S3CURiTy | do it again than | 20:49 |
MrsApple | ive done it twice | 20:49 |
wormsik | hello...I have small problem...I have got ubuntu 9.10 on my SWAP was 1GB, but when I tried to hibernate my laptop, sometimes it freeze and say: "Not enough swap" I resize my SWAP to 3.7 GB (my RAM is 3GB), but now I can't hibernate looks well, but after power on, it won't restore session, but started new...does anyone know somethink? | 20:49 |
bobbytek | is it possible to upgrade gnome-terminal? | 20:50 |
jrib | MrsApple: do you know the main way to install software in ubuntu from the repositories? | 20:50 |
lwieise87 | are there any free/open-source language learning programs/projects? | 20:50 |
saraqual | Guys, sorry to bug about this, but where can I find the log file that would tell me why my evolution client is giving me the finger when I try and open it? | 20:51 |
MrsApple | jrib, no.... not that i can remember. | 20:51 |
jrib | !software | MrsApple | 20:51 |
ubottu | MrsApple: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at - See also !Packages, !Equivalents | 20:51 |
spydon__ | my mouses keeps on freezing, I thought it was the bluetooth mouse first but now I tried with a usb mouse and it freezes too! It happens about 5 minutes after startup and the keyboard keeps working just fine... | 20:51 |
jrib | MrsApple: well the main way you should be installing software is by using APT. A good frontend is System -> Administration -> Synaptic (see ubottu) | 20:51 |
syed | hiexpo, is there a way i can access my root recycle bin? | 20:52 |
olorin__ | Hello ! does anybody knows how get since how much time the soft limit is exceeded by a given user while dealing with quota management | 20:52 |
MrsApple | how do i enable on the multiverse | 20:53 |
hiexpo | syed it should be on the lower right hand corner bar | 20:53 |
olorin__ | syed: as root, cd /root/.Trash | 20:53 |
jrib | MrsApple: it's already enabled | 20:53 |
syed | olorin__ it was denied | 20:54 |
toastedmilk | libGL error: dlopen /usr/lib32/dri/ failed (/usr/lib32/dri/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32) | 20:54 |
syed | hiexpo: i ment the root. | 20:54 |
saraqual | Evolution Client, need a log file to see why it's not opening, where can I look for the log | 20:54 |
olorin__ | syed: did you try this with the root account ? | 20:54 |
kurou | Has anyone out there got the Strata40 theme for Firefox 3.6 working? I may be missing something obvious... all I get is a black background. | 20:55 |
syed | olorin__ i do not no how to acess it | 20:55 |
hiexpo | syed, sudo cd/root/Trash | 20:55 |
olorin__ | syed: try 'sudo -s' ant type your user passwd | 20:55 |
syed | hiexpo: command not found | 20:55 |
hiexpo | syed, ya mine to one sec | 20:56 |
obaid | i check in my pc, /root dir didnt have trash folder | 20:56 |
=== dcl is now known as Guest63734 | ||
syed | olorin__ directory not found | 20:56 |
obaid | syed, if you removed something as root with rm then forget it | 20:56 |
knxville | Anyone know how to make teamspeak2 or 3 to work properly under ubuntu? | 20:57 |
olorin__ | syed: obaid : so you never logged in gnome with the root account (if exists ...) | 20:57 |
heauxbag | is there a way to make sure the display is set on reboot even if a monitor is not plugged in? | 20:57 |
obaid | no | 20:57 |
syed | olorin__ nope | 20:57 |
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olorin__ | syed: so there is no trash ... | 20:57 |
militant | hi folks. quick question. if i have a core 2 duo, i should get the 64bit installer, yes? and there's no added complications with flash or other software by using 64bit? | 20:57 |
=== enzotib_ is now known as enzotib | ||
erUSUL | militant: no main problems. what to get depends mainly in you RAM | 20:58 |
xover | if i have the kernel and the patch is that going to work? | 20:58 |
obaid | knxville, i search google "teamspeak 2 ubuntu" and got alot of results, can u query google there ? | 20:58 |
militant | erUSUL: ok cool. it's a laptop, 2gb that i don't plan to expand | 20:58 |
Chr1z | I am a long time rhel user and am going to try out ubuntu at home... coming from rhel...used to /etc/rc.d/init.d/ etc I'm told some of that is different.. any other major differences as far as managing the system goes? | 20:58 |
erUSUL | xover: no; you have to reverse the .6 patch and apply .7 on top of 2.6.32 | 20:59 |
obaid | rhel ? | 20:59 |
olorin__ | syed: why do you want to access a sol called root trash ? *-) | 20:59 |
e-DIO-t | Chr1z: yum vs apt :P | 20:59 |
obaid | redhat ? | 20:59 |
e-DIO-t | (Red Hat) | 20:59 |
erUSUL | militant: then 32 bit would be enough | 20:59 |
Chr1z | e-DIO-t: that about it? | 20:59 |
Chr1z | obaid: yes... redhat enterprise (as opposed to fedora) :) | 20:59 |
erUSUL | !info ketchup | militant | 20:59 |
ubottu | militant: ketchup (source: ketchup): update utility for linux-kernel sources. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.8+hg5533f6de130c-2 (karmic), package size 10 kB, installed size 84 kB | 20:59 |
obaid | different packages only i guess | 20:59 |
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militant | erUSUL: there's no performance or capability or security differences, with my setup in mind? | 21:00 |
e-DIO-t | yep: and...what else...perhaps chkconfig insted of rc.d? | 21:00 |
Tyxow | hi all! | 21:00 |
obaid | rc.d | 21:00 |
erUSUL | militant: no that i know of | 21:00 |
xover | erUSUL: ah is the 4th number a release number? | 21:00 |
obaid | in kernel version numbering ? | 21:00 |
erUSUL | xover: is the estable release number | 21:00 |
militant | erUSUL: excellent, thanks for the help. i'm an on/off linux user, debian and slackware primarily, but ubuntu is better for a 'just works' laptop setup. i think i'll be good now. thanks again | 21:01 |
Chr1z | e-DIO-t: so for example.. now to start apache I'd do /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd start -- what'd be the way to do that on ubuntu? | 21:01 |
Tyxow | i have a problem ... don't find the source of kernel 2.6.31-18 | 21:01 |
obaid | same | 21:01 |
obaid | oops | 21:01 |
erUSUL | militant: no problem | 21:01 |
obaid | /etc/init.d/apache start | 21:01 |
erUSUL | !info linux-source | 21:01 |
ubottu | linux-source (source: linux-meta): Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all) | 21:01 |
olorin__ | Chr1z: /etc/init.d/apache start | 21:01 |
erUSUL | Tyxow: is in /usr/src/ ? | 21:01 |
e-DIO-t | cha0s: invoke.rc "apache" | 21:01 |
e-DIO-t | guess. | 21:01 |
Chr1z | Ok.. so the rc.d just goes away.. other than that it's basically the same? | 21:01 |
e-DIO-t | anyway i'm a noob :) | 21:01 |
obaid | yep | 21:02 |
usser | Chr1z, eh why not service httpd start works both in redhat and ubuntu | 21:02 |
olorin__ | Chr1z: with 9.10 you can also use 'service apache(2) start' | 21:02 |
FabioTheApe | the kernel is only 3 kbs big? | 21:02 |
obaid | like in Centos | 21:02 |
Chr1z | usser: yes.. but I'm wanting to learn what paths are different between the two.. | 21:02 |
usser | Chr1z, oh my bad | 21:02 |
Tyxow | i have found only version: 2.6.31 | 21:02 |
Chr1z | usser: no... thanks for the suggestion... | 21:02 |
Tyxow | from ubuntu's updates | 21:03 |
Andorin | When I try to send email on Evolution, with both gmail and Hotmail, it hangs forever on "sending message 1 of 1" and eventually fails. Why? | 21:03 |
e-DIO-t | Chr1z: substantially they follow the same standard for fs folders. | 21:03 |
FabioTheApe | Andorin, check your smtp settings | 21:03 |
erUSUL | Andorin: bad server settings ? looks like it times out | 21:03 |
Chr1z | usser: I'm just trying to figure out what all is going to be different from the rhel systems I use daily... | 21:03 |
FabioTheApe | make sure they are correct | 21:03 |
obaid | check logs | 21:03 |
Tyxow | what's the linux-meta? | 21:03 |
MrsApple | GAAAAH. im so frustrated!! i have installed it 4 times now and if i go on youtube it keeps telling me that i either have java scripting turned off (and we checked its all enabled or whatever) or that we dont have the newest version. | 21:03 |
Andorin | FabioTheApe: I'm pretty sure they are... I have it sending to the smtp server, which apparently is the right server... | 21:03 |
MrsApple | jrib | 21:03 |
Chr1z | e-DIO-t: Ok... I figured it couldn't be too much difference.. | 21:04 |
syed | hiexpo, so was there a fix to my facebook problem? | 21:04 |
Chr1z | Thanks guys.. I appreciate the info... | 21:04 |
usser | Chr1z, not much actually. /etc/network/interfaces in ubuntu controls network settings, not sure of equivalent for RH | 21:04 |
jrib | MrsApple: pastebin the same command I asked you about before | 21:04 |
FabioTheApe | Andorin, I believe you have to make a few other changes too... | 21:04 |
FabioTheApe | like the port... | 21:04 |
e-DIO-t | there was some diff in the "PATH" | 21:04 |
e-DIO-t | yep: up for usser i agree! | 21:04 |
FabioTheApe | but i don't remember exactly, but if you go the gmail help pages there are good directions there | 21:04 |
MrsApple | it says the same thing jrib. :( | 21:04 |
obaid | gmail pop and smtp requires ssl | 21:04 |
jrib | MrsApple: pastebin, I can't see it | 21:05 |
Andorin | I've never had to specify a port for Evolution before... | 21:05 |
Tyxow | sorry.. what's the "linux-meta" ? | 21:05 |
Chr1z | usser: well I could always load rhel at home but for something ar home I believe ubuntu is more up to date :) some of the rhel packages are a bit old | 21:05 |
syed | dam | 21:05 |
obaid | ? | 21:05 |
MrsApple | jrib | 21:05 |
obaid | sayed | 21:05 |
syed | oh, well im having problems install pograms | 21:06 |
usser | Chr1z, im not a big fan of redhat or any rpm distro for that matter. one thing i'm sure you'll come to appreciate on ubuntu is apt-get and aptitude | 21:06 |
FabioTheApe | Andorin, I am just asking you to verify that the settings are correct | 21:06 |
jrib | MrsApple: it's still not installed. Did you install the "flashplugin-nonfree" package with synaptic like I said? | 21:06 |
syed | when ever i do it says package not found or somthing. | 21:06 |
obaid | what problems | 21:06 |
FabioTheApe | if you can't do what i ask you to do then I can't help you | 21:06 |
Andorin | FabioTheApe: I'm pretty sure they are. | 21:06 |
obaid | u do what ? | 21:06 |
Andorin | I've, like, quadruple-checked the smtp address. | 21:06 |
obaid | syed, | 21:06 |
syed | and another problem was firefox wouldnt load facebook after i had put my login information | 21:06 |
e-DIO-t | seya | 21:06 |
Chr1z | usser: yeah..rpm has major dependency problems... you are definately right about that | 21:07 |
FabioTheApe | wait you use gmail? | 21:07 |
doolph | hello | 21:07 |
Belial` | i never ran into dependency problems with rpm distros as of late. | 21:07 |
MrsApple | we tried that one and it didnt work either. | 21:07 |
MrsApple | jrib | 21:07 |
doolph | I have problem with my microphone | 21:07 |
FabioTheApe | and you say the server is | 21:07 |
doolph | it is not working any advice? | 21:07 |
syed | obaid,when i try to download or uninstall somthing, it gets to 75% and says package operation failed. | 21:07 |
jrib | MrsApple: not with me. | 21:07 |
Belial` | i think that's just a myth that everyone has kind of stuck with. | 21:07 |
duffydack | Where would one check to see if any problems detecting and loading modules for audio? dmesg? | 21:07 |
jrib | MrsApple: install the package. Test. Pastebin that command. | 21:08 |
usser | Belial`, opensuse 10 YAST package manager was a nightmare. at times took up to an hour just to refresh repo list | 21:08 |
obaid | syed, how do u install/uninstall ? | 21:08 |
FabioTheApe | Andorin, ??? | 21:08 |
syed | obaid, i use ubuntu software center | 21:08 |
doolph | hello | 21:08 |
Andorin | FabioTheApe: No, I'm trying to get it working for both Gmail and Hotmail, though Hotmail is more important at the moment. | 21:08 |
doolph | anyone can help me with my sound card? | 21:08 |
FabioTheApe | Oh... | 21:08 |
doolph | my microphone is not working | 21:08 |
moejama | I have Pidgin and Xchat set to start on boot, how can I have them start minimized or better yet to the system tray like in windows ? | 21:08 |
FabioTheApe | I don't know if hotmail supports pop3 | 21:08 |
karlzt_ | Does this: exist for chromium? | 21:08 |
MrsApple | jrib, erm. ok. | 21:08 |
syed | obaid, i try terminal sometimes, but it also comes back with errors. | 21:08 |
obaid | syed, probably u have internet problem, that is why your facebook doesn't load well | 21:08 |
jrib | MrsApple: this is the only thing I've asked you to do | 21:09 |
Chr1z | Belial`: It's not quite as common as it was.. but if you upgrade from one rhel version to the next it happens.... especially on certain hardware... It also happens if you have a webserver running and need a slightly newer version of something... and the rpm isn't available so you do it from source... then use rpm for something that's required by the package later.. it breaks things... | 21:09 |
syed | obaid, but facebook was working on my other computer | 21:09 |
Andorin | FabioTheApe: pop3 would be for receiving email, wouldn't it? | 21:09 |
KristianDK | how do i make an "ip addr add" stay forever, even after reboot? | 21:09 |
FabioTheApe | well if pop3 doesn't work why would smtp> | 21:09 |
karlzt_ | I mean an alternative for that | 21:09 |
obaid | can u tell me about the errors, syed | 21:09 |
FabioTheApe | smtp? | 21:09 |
xangua | FabioTheApe: hotmail supports pop3 since almost 1 and half years ago | 21:09 |
moejama | wow the questions are flying in here | 21:09 |
syed | obaid, for facebook or the installation errors. | 21:09 |
FabioTheApe | xangua, oh well that was about the last time i used hotmail | 21:09 |
Andorin | FabioTheApe: I can receive email just fine. Sending it is what doesn't work. | 21:10 |
obaid | nou, ubuntu software center errors, or errors u get during apt-get installations | 21:10 |
sharperguy | Anyone know what the name of the feature is where when you switch to a non-widescreen resolution on a widescreen screen, it puts a black border to fix the aspect ratio? | 21:10 |
xangua | moejama: enable pidgin and x chat tray icons | 21:10 |
Trek | Andorin, are you having issues with hotmail and email clients? | 21:10 |
FabioTheApe | ehh... i have to go. | 21:10 |
Chr1z | Belial`: rpm works well for the most part.... yum updates usually are flawless for me as well.. just on occasion it screws up.. but when it does it seems to screw up bad... | 21:10 |
Andorin | Trek: Yeah. When I try to send email through both Gmail and Hotmail with Evolution, it hangs on "sending message 1 of 1" for a while then fails. | 21:10 |
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FabioTheApe | i try not to hang out at work naymore then i have too | 21:11 |
Trek | AndorinL: when sending through which client? Gmail, hotmail, or both? | 21:11 |
Andorin | Trek: Both. | 21:11 |
obaid | Andorin, i am sure it is setting issue, evolution works fine for me @ gmail | 21:11 |
syed | obaid, well for the installation, like i said, i get package peration failed or somthing | 21:11 |
Trek | Andorin: first, I was unaware that Hotmail lets you use external email clients | 21:12 |
obaid | syed, i cant understand that error, in detail plz | 21:12 |
Andorin | obaid: Well, it would probably help if I pointed out that I've never found an absolutely definitive guide on setting this sort for thing up. | 21:12 |
Andorin | Trek: Yes, it does. | 21:12 |
MrsApple | jrib | 21:12 |
syed | obaid, one sec. | 21:12 |
Trek | Andorin: second, are you sure that you're set up correctly with the settings for both? | 21:12 |
obaid | there are many guides out there, if you move you search google Andorin | 21:12 |
Andorin | Trek: To the extent of my knowledge, yes. | 21:12 |
kiwiman | hey it's me ! | 21:12 |
syed | obaid,will a screenshot do? | 21:12 |
jrib | MrsApple: great. Now restart your browser and pastebin the contents of about:plugins | 21:12 |
obaid | nou, paste errors at pastebin | 21:12 |
syed | k | 21:13 |
syed | obaid, here is what i get | 21:13 |
syed | installArchives() failed: (Reading database ... | 21:13 |
syed | (Reading database ... 5% | 21:13 |
syed | (Reading database ... 10% | 21:13 |
syed | (Reading database ... 15% | 21:13 |
syed | (Reading database ... 20% | 21:13 |
syed | (Reading database ... 25% | 21:13 |
syed | (Reading database ... 30% | 21:13 |
syed | (Reading database ... 35% | 21:13 |
obaid | lol | 21:13 |
syed | (Reading database ... 40% | 21:13 |
syed | (Reading database ... 45% | 21:13 |
obaid | i said pastebin syed | 21:13 |
syed | (Reading database ... 50% | 21:13 |
obaid | not here | 21:13 |
Andorin | obaid: Google is how I get my info, but still, I haven't found a good source of info about it. | 21:13 |
syed | (Reading database ... 55% | 21:13 |
syed | (Reading database ... 60% | 21:13 |
kiwiman | ;D | 21:13 |
syed | (Reading database ... 65% | 21:13 |
Andorin | And wtf @ spam | 21:13 |
syed | (Reading database ... 70% | 21:13 |
heauxbag | pastie | 21:13 |
baba_bubba | omg | 21:13 |
syed | (Reading database ... 75% | 21:13 |
syed | (Reading database ... 80% | 21:13 |
Andorin | syed | 21:13 |
kiwiman | :D lol | 21:13 |
Andorin | Knock it off | 21:13 |
obaid | loooool | 21:13 |
obaid | poor | 21:13 |
edogawa | ROFL | 21:13 |
obaid | hehe | 21:13 |
futurama140 | Could someone help me through installing an old windows game through wine? im having some issues and i dont know where to start. | 21:14 |
=== jon is now known as Guest29850 | ||
MrsApple | jrib | 21:14 |
arand | futurama140: have you had a look at the wine appdb? | 21:14 |
unperson | What's the deal with hardware decoding of video in Ubuntu (say, karmic)? Am I correct in assuming that hardware decoding will be used by the major players (mplayer, totem, xine, and vlc) for formats my nvidia chipset supports? Or would I have to do something special (beyond enabling the restricted drivers) to enable it? | 21:14 |
olskolirc | what is the command line for me to use to bring up my graphic card settings and pick "recommended" | 21:14 |
urlwallace | I need software to make the keys click when pressed google my head hurt.Please | 21:14 |
obaid | Xorg --configure ?? | 21:15 |
syed | my bad, i didnt no what a paste bin was. | 21:15 |
futurama140 | arand: yes and it doesnt make any sense to me. i just started using ubuntu and it seems every single thing i do there are undocumented problems. | 21:15 |
jrib | MrsApple: one minute (multitasking) | 21:15 |
obaid | | 21:15 |
MrsApple | np. thank you so much jrib!!! | 21:15 |
syed | obaid, alright | 21:15 |
futurama140 | arand: at any rate the wineappdb doesnt talk about my various issues. | 21:15 |
erUSUL | obaid: only one - is -configure | 21:16 |
obaid | urlwallace, why u want your keys to click when u press them | 21:16 |
syed | obaid, | 21:17 |
unperson | I gather that hardware acceleration for video decoding is tied up with a library called vdpau, but it isn't clear to me how that may or may not be used in Ubuntu. | 21:17 |
urlwallace | obald mushy keyboard miss alt of them.I have great keyboarding skills have had click keys until this leyboard | 21:18 |
usser | unperson, vdpau is pretty recent its not included in karmic. Newest mplayer supports it but im not sure if its going to make it into 10.04 | 21:18 |
macman_ | anyone using a dell studio 17 inch .. if so how is it going for you and have you found any issues with it .. im getting mine on tuesday .. currently im on a dell precision m90 running ubuntu .. also for anyone else .. i asked this in #ubuntu-offtopic and i got no reply | 21:18 |
urlwallace | sory spelling | 21:18 |
syed | obaid, is there a way i can ping facebook? | 21:18 |
obaid | ping | 21:18 |
unperson | usser, So the bottom line is that for a default install with restricted nvidia drivers and appropriate codec libraries added (w32codecs, etc.) all decoding will still be done in software, not using the hardware decoding features of the video chipset? | 21:19 |
futurama140 | arand: i want to install the original fallout game from and ISO, its a win98 game. can you help me? | 21:19 |
Trek | obaid syed: why would you need to ping facebook? | 21:19 |
syed | Trek, to see if i get a single from facebook | 21:19 |
jrib | MrsApple: alright back. Yeah, the isn't getting installed. Let's remove it and go with the adobe one | 21:19 |
syed | trek, beacuse it wont load after i put my login information in. | 21:20 |
Trek | syed, could be system lag on their end | 21:20 |
=== Sememmon_ is now known as Sememmon | ||
usser | unperson, well you can always switch your video rendered from xv to gl or gl2(thats what its called in mplayer anyways) then it'll be accelerated | 21:20 |
usser | *renderer | 21:20 |
Trek | syed, i can access facebook fine, hence why I asked | 21:20 |
obaid | syed, i am able to install prism-facebook without problems, sudo apt-get install prism-facebook | 21:20 |
syed | obaid, alright | 21:20 |
unperson | usser, So this goes out of my depth...but I would think that would only accelerate the drawing, not the decoding. | 21:21 |
MrsApple | jrib, ok. ill let you know when its done. | 21:21 |
usser | unperson, yes thats true. | 21:21 |
syed | obaid, i think i still get an error. | 21:21 |
jrib | MrsApple: so: sudo aptitude purge flashplugin-nonfree, then download: and double click on the resulting deb | 21:21 |
syed | trek, i tried logging in but it wont let me. | 21:21 |
arand | futurama140: I can only give general hints... One thing you might want to test is the "playonlinux" package, which is meant to simplify wine configuration.. | 21:22 |
Trek | syed, does it return an error, or just hang on the login page with a "loading" thing? | 21:22 |
usser | unperson, or you can actually compile latest mplayer or whatever other player that supports vdpau by hand | 21:22 |
unperson | usser, right | 21:22 |
syed | trek, it hang on the login page with a loading thing. | 21:22 |
syed | obaid, | 21:22 |
MrsApple | jrib | 21:22 |
unperson | usser, One day perhaps I'll get that desperate/inspired, but today is not that day. ;-) | 21:22 |
ventz | Is there a way to store the ssh known_hosts without encrypting them? | 21:23 |
arand | futurama140: on second note, seems like it only has premade settings for fallout3, so might not be that useful | 21:23 |
ventz | ii use known_hosts to generate a dynamic tab-completed ssh list, and it's kind of breaking it completely | 21:23 |
jrib | MrsApple: you installed the .deb from adobe and restarted your browser before you checked that page? | 21:23 |
MasterMatan | i have problem with "sudo apt-get moo" | 21:23 |
syed | trek, it says reading and goes to a white page. | 21:23 |
obaid | syed, :@:@:@ i wrote to you: sudo apt-get install prism-facebook | 21:23 |
obaid | INSTALL | 21:23 |
Trek | syed, is it possible your internet is just slow? i have that same issue... | 21:23 |
syed | obaid k. | 21:23 |
MrsApple | jrib, yeah.... | 21:24 |
Trek | obaid: he did that the second time, read the pastebin past the first operation | 21:24 |
jrib | MrsApple: aptitude search '~i~nflash' | 21:24 |
syed | trek, other websites load real quick. | 21:24 |
obaid | ops | 21:24 |
syed | obaid, ty i got it | 21:24 |
Trek | syed: consider: other websites don't get the server load that facebook does | 21:24 |
syed | Trek, true. | 21:24 |
obaid | what is fgfs-base | 21:25 |
=== orion_ is now known as Guest54867 | ||
Trek | syed: as such, other sites load fast, facebook usually has a 5-10 second load time for me as well | 21:25 |
MrsApple | what is aptitude search? jrib | 21:25 |
Trek | syed: and I get 2.5 Megabyte download speeds | 21:25 |
sayed1 | why srt files can't read in arabic???? | 21:25 |
syed | trek, i get 20mbps download speeds. | 21:25 |
futurama140 | arand i suppose i might just try downloading fallout3 then and try to get that to work. i might just have to go back to a windows distro, it might crash and be an open target for hacks, but at least things work. | 21:25 |
obaid | syed, you have got broken package manager | 21:25 |
syed | obaid, can i fix it? | 21:25 |
syed | trek, facebook worked well before, it just the problem just came up to me. | 21:26 |
rros | I'm trying to install mod_passenger alongside mod_php5, but they both depend on different apache mpm modules. How can I install them both at the same time on karmic? | 21:26 |
Trek | syed: 20megabits per second is your speed. that converts to maybe a 150 kilobytes per second speed | 21:26 |
sayed1 | why srt files can't read in arabic???? | 21:26 |
Trek | syed: you tried clearing your web cache, your cookies, closed your internet browser, and restarted your computer? | 21:26 |
syed | trek, i c. | 21:26 |
sayed1 | can anybody help | 21:26 |
syed | trek, yep. | 21:26 |
obaid | first fix your package manager | 21:26 |
arand | futurama140: If it's a fairly light game, running it in a virtual machine is also an option. | 21:27 |
wasutton3 | is there a way to use a 3g modem to make a phone call? | 21:27 |
jens___ | Hi! My mouse keeps on freezing in ubuntu 9.10, anyway to solve it? | 21:27 |
jrib | MrsApple: it's a command that lists stuff, pastebin the result | 21:27 |
obaid | if it supports voice, wasutton3 | 21:27 |
sayed1 | why srt files can't read in arabic???? | 21:27 |
syed | obaid, how casn i fix my package manger. i dont even no how to, do i uninstall and reinstall? | 21:27 |
wasutton3 | obaid: what software would be required? | 21:27 |
obaid | 1 minute syed, i am googling for you | 21:27 |
syed | obaid, ty. | 21:28 |
obaid | wasutton3, does your 3g modem supports voice, or just data ? | 21:28 |
=== sale_ is now known as sale | ||
obaid | syed, sudo apt-get -f install | 21:28 |
zavi | n youtube etc. any ideas? | 21:28 |
sharperguy | Anyone know what the name of the feature is where when you switch to a non-widescreen resolution on a widescreen screen, it puts a black border to fix the aspect ratio? | 21:29 |
MrsApple | here are the results: i adobe-flashplugin - Adobe Flash Player plugin version 10 jrib. | 21:29 |
obaid | syed, then sudo apt-get clean | 21:29 |
obaid | syed, then sudo apt-get update | 21:29 |
jrib | MrsApple: dpkg -L adobe-flashplugin | 21:29 |
zavi | I can't go full-screen on youtube etc. any ideas? | 21:29 |
sleepr | i have a problem, i want to install ubuntu server 32bit version, but i dont have any cd/dvd that i can burn nor can i boot from a usb-stick. can i download a live iso and run from within the regular ubuntu desktop version, and install from just my hdd?? | 21:29 |
wasutton3 | obaid: i havnt got one yet. I am working on installing a mini pci express 3g modem into my asus and i was wondering if it was possible. as that would make a choice for me | 21:29 |
wasutton3 | short answer yes | 21:29 |
syed | obaid, i did | 21:30 |
obaid | wasutton3, my brother just installed mini pci express 3g modem to his IBM thinkpad t61p, it requires little work, you have to extend antennas to monitor, and buy sim card holder | 21:30 |
MrsApple | jrib | 21:30 |
obaid | syed, all ? | 21:30 |
sayed1 | how to make srt files in arabic plz ??? | 21:30 |
obaid | wasutton3, you need to google for the softwares, i am not aware of them | 21:30 |
jrib | MrsApple: good. Now: readlink -f $(which firefox) | 21:30 |
syed | obaid, i did all of them, -f install worked, the clean and update didnt | 21:30 |
wasutton3 | obaid: that i have no probelm with | 21:30 |
obaid | syed, restart | 21:31 |
syed | k | 21:31 |
MrsApple | /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.17/ jrib | 21:31 |
zavi | Can anyone help I can't go full-screen on youtube etc I'm using xubuntu | 21:31 |
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sayed1 | obaid: can u help me plz | 21:31 |
wasutton3 | where would i find information about ubuntu 10.4 | 21:31 |
guntbert | !lucid | wasutton3 | 21:31 |
jrib | !lucid | wasutton3 | 21:31 |
ubottu | wasutton3: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 | 21:31 |
obaid | sayed1, what is srt file ? | 21:32 |
sayed1 | obaid: a subtitle file | 21:32 |
=== huayra_ is now known as hubuntu | ||
sleepr | i have a problem, i want to install ubuntu server 32bit version, but i dont have any cd/dvd that i can burn nor can i boot from a usb-stick. can i download a live iso and run from within the regular ubuntu desktop version, and install from just my hdd?? :D | 21:32 |
jrib | MrsApple: ls -l /usr/lib/firefox/plugins | 21:32 |
obaid | sayed1, you mean you got arabic subtitles not showing in the movie ? | 21:32 |
FoolishOwl | Hello. I've been having trouble with a wired connection to a router, in Ubuntu. It seems to be mostly just http that it has trouble with. The wired connection works fine in Windows. Wireless works well in both OSes. Could it be a kernel module issue? | 21:33 |
=== hubuntu is now known as huayra | ||
sayed1 | obaid: it appears in symbols | 21:33 |
obaid | sleepr, can your box boot from network | 21:33 |
obaid | sayed1, which movie player you are using ? | 21:33 |
sayed1 | obaid: vlc | 21:34 |
sleepr | i have wired internet to it | 21:34 |
MrsApple | jrib | 21:34 |
FoolishOwl | Come to think of it, how can I check what kernel modules are in use? | 21:34 |
sleepr | obaid: but i dont have any removable media to initialize the installation | 21:34 |
jrib | MrsApple: readlink -f /etc/alternatives/firefox-flashplugin | 21:34 |
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obaid | FoolishOwl, modprobe -l | 21:34 |
obaid | sleepr, you can do 1 way | 21:35 |
Fudge | trying to figure out why lspci lists my friends broadcom wireless but the interface isnt created, can i just create it for him and get network manager to manage it? | 21:35 |
obaid | sleepr, plug your box hdd drive in another PC as removeable drive, boot ubuntu server on that PC and install to external hdd | 21:35 |
sayed1 | obaid: and when i open the subtitle file gedit can't read | 21:35 |
FoolishOwl | obaid, thanks. Is there handling of http at the kernel module level? | 21:35 |
rros | I'm trying to install the apache2 module mod_passenger alongside mod_php5, but they both depend on different apache mpm modules. How can I install them both at the same time on karmic? | 21:36 |
MrsApple |, i think i did something wrong... | 21:36 |
MrsApple | jrib | 21:36 |
obaid | FoolishOwl, no http is service | 21:36 |
sleepr | obaid: this is the only desktop box, my others computers are laptops :X | 21:36 |
obaid | FoolishOwl, i am not sure | 21:36 |
obaid | sleepr, laptop works too | 21:36 |
* lwieise87 is away: Gone away for now | 21:36 | |
syed | obaid, i did sudo apt-get -f install and it worked, but sudo apt-get clean and sudo apt-get update didnt work. | 21:36 |
dl0c | whats the latest iptables? | 21:36 |
jrib | MrsApple: it's ok. Now: sudo update-alternatives --config firefox-flashplugin | 21:36 |
FoolishOwl | obaid, fair enough. At this point I'd like to narrow it down enough to post a coherent bug report. | 21:36 |
dl0c | i have 1.3.8 | 21:36 |
dl0c | is that why i cant INPUT a port? | 21:37 |
jrib | !away > lwieise87 | 21:37 |
ubottu | lwieise87, please see my private message | 21:37 |
sleepr | obaid: i cant plug in the hdd to any other computer, i dont have the needed equipment :x | 21:37 |
MrsApple | jrib | 21:37 |
albertolempira | hey guys, i | 21:37 |
jrib | MrsApple: great. select 2 | 21:37 |
obaid | sleepr, then forget it | 21:38 |
Alice_ | #join /yooook | 21:38 |
obaid | lol | 21:38 |
sleepr | obaid: heh ok :( | 21:38 |
MrsApple | jrib, Using '/usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/' to provide 'firefox-flashplugin'. | 21:38 |
jrib | MrsApple: close all instances of your browser and paste about:plugins | 21:38 |
obaid | syed, i cannot help you for now, not enough information about error | 21:38 |
Guest67694 | should ORPHAN symlinks show like normal symlinks or in red? | 21:39 |
syed | obaid, thats alright, thx for trying though | 21:39 |
jrib | Guest67694: is that an opinion question? :P I think by default they show as a different color | 21:39 |
jolaren | how do I enter recovery mode on ubuntu? | 21:39 |
obaid | guest_22, get a name | 21:39 |
jrib | jolaren: reboot, select "recovery mode" at the grub menu | 21:39 |
albertolempira | hey guys i´ve been using a huawei e1552 with kubuntu, but suddenly it stoped working someone have any idea of what could happened? thanks | 21:39 |
MrsApple | jrib | 21:40 |
obaid | Guest67694, | 21:40 |
arand | jolaren: hold down shift to get to the boot menu | 21:40 |
jolaren | jrib; but i dont see a grub menu | 21:40 |
jrib | MrsApple: erm, interesting | 21:40 |
jrib | jolaren: are you using grub 1 or 2? | 21:40 |
Guest67694 | since some updates they show like normal and nor red for me | 21:40 |
obaid | albertolempira, check logs | 21:40 |
jrib | MrsApple: close all your browser instances and pastebin "ps -ef | grep firefox" | 21:40 |
jolaren | grub 1 i think jrib | 21:40 |
obaid | jolaren, keep pressing Esc on boot | 21:40 |
albertolempira | obaid sorry if i´m a little dumb but how do i do that? | 21:40 |
arand | jolaren: shift is for grub2, fyi | 21:41 |
jolaren | obaid; that bring me to bois | 21:41 |
jolaren | obaid; bios | 21:41 |
obaid | when you boot your PC/Laptop, after bios part passes, keep pressing Escape, this intrupts the grub from loading OS and showes menu | 21:41 |
futurama140 | SOMEONE README | 21:41 |
MrsApple | jrib | 21:42 |
jrib | MrsApple: that means firefox is still running | 21:42 |
jrib | futurama140: you're more likely to get help if you include a summary of the issue with your link | 21:43 |
albertolempira | obaid sorry if i´m a little dumb but how do i do that? | 21:43 |
zenyatta | futurama: you tried envy? | 21:43 |
jrib | MrsApple: you closed firefox, ran the command, and THEN opened a new firefox to pastebin right? | 21:43 |
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futurama140 | zenyatta: i have no idea what that is. | 21:43 |
dl0c | iptables v1.3.8: can't initialize iptables table `filter': Table does not exist (do you need to insmod?) | 21:44 |
dl0c | Perhaps iptables or your kernel needs to be upgraded. | 21:44 |
dl0c | what does that mean? | 21:44 |
kurou | Has anyone gotten Strata40 working in Firefox? | 21:44 |
MrsApple | i did. i killed it now im going to run the command line again. hold on a sec please. jrib | 21:44 |
kaduk | Hi | 21:44 |
MrsApple | apple 25274 23756 0 14:44 pts/0 00:00:00 grep firefox jrib | 21:45 |
kaduk | how to remove stupid pissaudio? | 21:45 |
zenyatta | futurerama: its a program which MIGHT install the correct drivers for you - its worked for me in the past | 21:45 |
mib_mib | hi guys, i did an ssh -L 3000:localhost:3000 myname@myserver, and i killed it on my local machine - but when i try to do it again, it says bind: address in use. I am sure i killed it properly on my machine how do i kill it? | 21:45 |
jrib | MrsApple: good | 21:45 |
kaduk | from Ubuntu | 21:45 |
genetic | wu do you see this...looking | 21:45 |
kaduk | Ok, How to remove PissAudio without losing volume control applet on Ubuntu ? | 21:45 |
thefirstnickname | yes Genetic | 21:45 |
olskolirc | heyyyy genetic | 21:45 |
olskolirc | hey nickname | 21:45 |
futurama140 | zenyatta: i will try that, just a sec. | 21:46 |
kaduk | Ok, How to remove PissAudio without losing volume control applet on Ubuntu ? | 21:46 |
jrib | kaduk: no such thing as pissaudio | 21:47 |
mib_mib | can someone help? | 21:47 |
kaduk | jrib, Pulseaudio | 21:47 |
GB00 | Can someone help me? I seem to have a rather strange problem with video and audio. If I try to play video and/or music anywhere, it goes at 3x speed, and the sound is not working. | 21:47 |
jrib | kaduk: I know. | 21:47 |
kaduk | jrib, Pulseaudio Pissaudio does not matter, same crap | 21:47 |
jrib | kaduk: k | 21:47 |
kaduk | jrib, I want to remove that virus from my system without losing volume control applet which is somehow not included anymore in packages | 21:48 |
rros | Is it safe to install a 10.04 package in 9.10? | 21:48 |
MrsApple | ok.... when your not busy whats next? lol | 21:48 |
Guest67694 | i did 'ln -s 1 2', no matter if 1 exists or not, 'l 2' always looks the same to me ( 2 -> 1) with 2 in lightblue or something and 1 in grey. i can take a screensot if it helps. | 21:48 |
warriorforgod | mib_mib: does the process appear when you ps -ef | grep ssh? | 21:48 |
kaduk | Ok, How to remove PissAudio virus without losing volume control applet on Ubuntu ? | 21:48 |
Raz0r | rros of course its safe, but just to be totally sure make backups | 21:48 |
jrib | MrsApple: pastebin the about:plugins now that we are sure firefox restarted | 21:49 |
mib_mib | warriorforgod: only /usr/bin/ssh-agent -l appears (and grep ssh) | 21:49 |
maco | kaduk: i think you misspelled pulseaudio. also, it's not a virus. and um, you can't :) | 21:49 |
olskolirc | what is the command line for me to use to bring up my graphic card settings and pick "recommended" | 21:49 |
maco | kaduk: you can thank gnome for deciding that pulseaudio is how all gnome stuff works | 21:50 |
maco | kaduk: you could switch to kde... | 21:50 |
olskolirc | where is our bot? | 21:50 |
maco | olskolirc: xrandr ? | 21:50 |
SunmanXII | Hello, I am trying to edit my /boot/grub/menu.lst to include my windows partition | 21:50 |
SunmanXII | how do i know what to put as root | 21:51 |
olskolirc | that doesn't help maco thanks | 21:51 |
SunmanXII | i tried root (hd0,1) as suggested - but its not right | 21:51 |
kaduk | maco, gnome has nothing to do with PissAudio | 21:51 |
maco | kaduk: yes it does | 21:51 |
docmax | hi, can i somehow completly disable the gnome toolbar and replace it with avant window manager? | 21:51 |
kaduk | maco, anyway on Debian its not mandatory to use it | 21:51 |
maco | kaduk: gnome decided that pulseaudio was THE audio server for gnome | 21:51 |
MrsApple | jrib | 21:51 |
kaduk | maco, there is still applet that allows control of volume over alsa | 21:51 |
maco | kaduk: gnome's volume control panel in 2.28 *needs* pulseaudio | 21:51 |
maco | er, applet | 21:51 |
kaduk | maco, which is somehow removed from Ubuntu packages | 21:52 |
maco | kaduk: on debian, are you by chance using an OLD version of gnome that still had that? | 21:52 |
SunmanXII | or, in general how can i figure out what (hdX,Y) my windows partition is? | 21:52 |
maco | like 2.26? | 21:52 |
=== Guest67694 is now known as me777 | ||
maco | kaduk: if you go back to 9.04 and never upgrade to a newer version of gnome than 2.26, you can have the old non-pulseaudio applet | 21:52 |
kaduk | maco, 2.28 tar.gz has control for volume | 21:52 |
mlopezqc | docmax: install AWN and then right click the panel you want to remove and click Remove Panel | 21:53 |
kaduk | maco, that works with alsa | 21:53 |
infid | when does the next ubuntu come out? | 21:53 |
maco | if you say so *shrug* ive not heard that | 21:53 |
docmax | mlopezqc, i cant remove the last panel | 21:53 |
maco | infid: april 29 | 21:53 |
jolaren | Do you guys have any smart way of solving my problem ? => / is using 100.0% of 2.29GB | 21:53 |
defy | hello | 21:53 |
kaduk | maco, its been removed by Ubuntu since they want to use PissAudio | 21:53 |
maco | jolaren: get a bigger / ? | 21:53 |
sleepr | how come when i run fluxbox instead of gnome i cant access my wireless? | 21:53 |
SunmanXII | can anyone help me with my problem of editing menu.lst? | 21:53 |
maco | kaduk: would you please stop using bad language already? | 21:53 |
jolaren | maco; how? | 21:53 |
defy | i'm trying to connect to a cliq but adb devices is showing "????? no permissions" | 21:54 |
maco | jolaren: boot from a live cd and resize your partition using gparted | 21:54 |
mlopezqc | docmax: is the option disabled? | 21:54 |
docmax | mlopezqc, yes | 21:54 |
jrib | MrsApple: well, we can either try to figure out why firefox isn't looking for flash where it is or you can just copy the yourself to ~/.mozilla/plugins/ | 21:54 |
MTec007 | Im trying to find my menu.lst for grub. its not located at /boot/grub | 21:54 |
kaduk | maco, I am not swearing | 21:54 |
jolaren | maco; got no cd-rom reader ;/ | 21:54 |
ian_ | could someone tell me how to install google earth on ubuntu 9.10? | 21:54 |
kaduk | maco, yet | 21:54 |
maco | jolaren: in that case, a live usb | 21:54 |
me777 | here is my 'orphan symlink shows as normal link'-problen as screenshot. | 21:54 |
MrsApple | jrib, whats easier? i think ill just copy it. | 21:54 |
zenyatta | futurerama: GL i gotta go - hope it worked for you :) | 21:54 |
mlopezqc | docmax: are you using a recent installation, are you ar home? | 21:54 |
powergoal | runing ubuntu 9.10, installed texmaker to do my latex stuff. but the spellcheck feature doesn't function, I get the error "Error: Can't open the dictionary" I have downloded a dictionary and pointed the configuration to it, but it still throws this error. Anyone know how to get spellcheck working on TexMaker ? | 21:54 |
MrsApple | jrib, where do i copy that to? if your not busy would you mind guiding me through that as well? | 21:55 |
maco | kaduk: stop using that word, and dont start using worse swear words, else you'll be kicked (though that might not be a bad thing...) | 21:55 |
FoolishOwl | ian_, you can install it via Medibuntu. | 21:55 |
FoolishOwl | ian_, | 21:55 |
ian_ | okay, thanks. | 21:55 |
docmax | mlopezqc, sure im home | 21:55 |
jrib | MrsApple: ~/.mozilla/plugins means /home/apple/.mozilla/plugins (I think your username is apple) | 21:56 |
frose | bjdbfjdbfvd | 21:56 |
kaduk | maco, You mean stop using PA word? | 21:56 |
will_ | hey guys. where's the compiz irc channel? #compiz or ##compiz doesn't work | 21:56 |
mlopezqc | docmax: strange, what ubuntu version are u using? | 21:56 |
docmax | mlopezqc, 9.10 | 21:56 |
jrib | !compiz | will_ | 21:56 |
ubottu | will_: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see and more help #compiz | 21:56 |
maco | kaduk: if you call it "pulseaudio" fine. but please stop saying the bad word for urine. and i was just saying that if you start saying the worse swear words, thatll likely draw attention from an op | 21:57 |
jrib | will_: it's there... | 21:57 |
will_ | jirb: really? i could swear i'm the only one in that room (i.e. it created it on my entering)... maybe it was a glitch | 21:57 |
MrsApple | we dont have a folder entitled plugins... should we just create one? | 21:57 |
MrsApple | jfib | 21:57 |
MTec007 | Im trying to find my menu.lst for grub. its not located at /boot/grub this is a new install not an upgrade, 9.10. i want to completely skip the boot menu, as i dont need to see it | 21:57 |
jrib | MrsApple: yes | 21:57 |
will_ | jirb: wow, it's working now. thanks, must've been a glitch :P | 21:57 |
MrsApple | ok. hold on a sec jrib. | 21:58 |
kaduk | maco, are you fan of PA ? | 21:58 |
mlopezqc | docmax: when you right click the panel, what does appears? | 21:58 |
maco | kaduk: i think it gets a lot more hate than it deserves. it works fine if you don't misconfigure it. | 21:58 |
sleepr | oops. almost added a 27gb swap :x | 21:58 |
PrototypeX29A | how about calling it urineAudio? | 21:58 |
maco | kaduk: well, and if your hardware and drivers don't suck | 21:59 |
albertolempira | hey guys i´ve been using a huawei e1552 with kubuntu, but suddenly it stoped working someone have any idea of what could happened? thanks | 21:59 |
PrototypeX29A | that would be kind of a compromise | 21:59 |
maco | kaduk: most of the things people blame on pulsaudio are really just that they have terrible sound drivers | 21:59 |
MTec007 | sleepr, thats overkill:) | 21:59 |
kaduk | maco, actually it did not work on any of my systems, never with different drivers and drifferent distributions I was usually removing it | 21:59 |
docmax | mlopezqc, "delete panel" is grayed out | 21:59 |
MrsApple | <-- where can i get this? | 21:59 |
MrsApple | jrib | 21:59 |
kaduk | maco, now in the Ubuntu case its not possible to remove it, since you lose volume control applet included in gnome | 21:59 |
sleepr | MTec007: haha yes a bit :D | 21:59 |
mlopezqc | albertolempira: it happens that huawei is a chinese sh***, stop using that. | 21:59 |
maco | kaduk: my answer to gnome issues tends to be "use kde" so... | 22:00 |
jrib | MrsApple: /usr/lib/adobe-flashplugin/ | 22:00 |
albertolempira | mlopezqc but it was working fine... | 22:00 |
kurou | Has anyone gotten Strata40 working in Firefox? | 22:00 |
Zhenya | hi guys, any midi specialists in here? I'm trying to hook my midi keyboard/sequencer to kubuntu but no luck | 22:00 |
twig11 | I need help with a rhythmbox bug. After I cancelled the download of a large podcast on a feed to which I had subscribed, it disappeared from the list of podcasts in the feed but kept downloading. I moved the target file and restarted rhythmbox; as soon as rhythmbox started, it gave me a "downloading" notification, and continued downloading, apparently to the original location. I deleted the target file and went so far as to delete the feed i | 22:01 |
MrsApple | ok jrib i copied that into the new plugins folder i created. | 22:01 |
twig11 | tself from rhythmbox, then logged out and in again, to no avail. When rhythmbox launches, it starts downloading the same podcast without a hitch. How can I fix this? | 22:01 |
Disc | Hello, How do I run palimpsest disk utility as root? | 22:01 |
jrib | MrsApple: then just restart the browser | 22:01 |
jolaren | maco; cant boot from usb ;p | 22:02 |
mlopezqc | albertolempira: shure, I don't doub't it but like everything else they do, it stop working with no reason | 22:02 |
maco | jolaren: :-/ take the hard drive out, put it in an enclosure, and modify the partition table from a different machine? | 22:02 |
mlopezqc | docmax: I'm trying to figure out what happens with it | 22:02 |
mlopezqc | docmax: is very strange | 22:02 |
jolaren | maco; yer I should do that.. but I have no other machine ;/ | 22:02 |
Zhenya | so no midi pimps in here? | 22:03 |
MrsApple | jrib, ok. i restarted it. | 22:03 |
jrib | MrsApple: and? | 22:03 |
albertolempira | mlopezqc the thing is, that works perfectly on windows... | 22:03 |
maco | jolaren: find a friend to help. you cant resize the partition off of which you are running. it will corrupt. you need some way to resize yoru partitions. i wouldnt let / be less than 5GB. i prefer 10GB | 22:03 |
MrsApple | still cant use youtube. | 22:03 |
futurama140 | zenyatta: well thats a nice app for future reference but ive already got the driver i need installed, so the problems remain. thanks for trying though. | 22:03 |
jrib | MrsApple: about:plugins? | 22:03 |
Disc | Hello, How do I run palimpsest disk utility as root? | 22:04 |
futurama140 | | 22:04 |
MrsApple | jrib | 22:04 |
jrib | MrsApple: that's pretty weird. Did you check that the browser did in fact close using ps -ef ? | 22:05 |
jrib | MrsApple: also, you included the '.' in .mozilla? | 22:05 |
jellow | any P2P apps that support I2P ? ("apart from vuze") | 22:05 |
Johnny1 | Whenever I plug in my iPod Touch, I have it set to open up F-Spot. How do I change that? | 22:05 |
M1DLGpc | I have re-installed (from scratch) my XP partition on a dual boot machine, I no-longer have grub or it's not visible) how do i repair it? | 22:05 |
futurama140 | can someone help me with | 22:06 |
MrsApple | jrib | 22:06 |
M1DLGpc | !grub | 22:06 |
ubottu | grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards. | 22:06 |
jrib | MrsApple: no, remember what we did last time? close firefox, run "ps -ef | grep firefox" to make sure it turned off, then test flash | 22:06 |
M1DLGpc | good guess (pats own back) | 22:07 |
futurama140 | can someone help me with | 22:07 |
Johnny1 | Whenever I plug in my iPod Touch, I have it set to open up F-Spot. How do I change that? | 22:07 |
_Tristan | my themes are all broken (the controls mainly) and I have a live cd. What files/folders should I copy over? | 22:08 |
jrib | !repeat | futurama140, Johnny1 | 22:08 |
ubottu | futurama140, Johnny1: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. | 22:08 |
albertolempira | hey guys can somebody help me with a huawei modem? | 22:08 |
futurama140 | Johnny1: try right clicking on the ipod in the file system, go to properties, and change the program it opens with | 22:08 |
jrib | MrsApple: also when you start it this time, try starting it from a terminal by typing "firefox" | 22:09 |
=== root is now known as Guest22467 | ||
twig11 | What do I do to Rhythmbox to stop a podcast download that no longer appears in the feed list, has been canceled, but keeps downloading? | 22:09 |
MrsApple | apple 25704 25687 0 15:09 pts/2 00:00:00 grep firefox | 22:09 |
futurama140 | can someone help me with | 22:09 |
MrsApple | jrib, | 22:10 |
MrsApple | both received from firefox being opened from termial | 22:10 |
jrib | MrsApple: was there terminal output? What does « ls -l ~/.mozilla/ » return? | 22:11 |
jrib | MrsApple: was there terminal output? What does « ls -l ~/.mozilla/plugins/ » return? (typo) | 22:11 |
sayed1 | i can't make subtitle files read in arabic | 22:12 |
futurama140 | README: | 22:12 |
mlopezqc | albertolempira: did you read | 22:12 |
MrsApple | jrib, total 10028 | 22:12 |
MrsApple | -rw-r--r-- 1 apple apple 10248336 2009-12-08 18:57 | 22:12 |
jrib | MrsApple: no terminal output? | 22:12 |
Plurnay | what do i add in fstab to add my HD that as windows and all my music on it | 22:12 |
jrib | !ntfs > Plurnay | 22:13 |
ubottu | Plurnay, please see my private message | 22:13 |
sayed1 | i can't make subtitle files read in arabic | 22:13 |
sayed1 | i can't make subtitle files read in arabic | 22:14 |
sayed1 | can anybody help? | 22:14 |
blakkheim | !arabic > sayed1 | 22:14 |
ubottu | sayed1, please see my private message | 22:14 |
MrsApple | jrib, which are you talking about? ls -l ~/.mozilla/Plugins/ or ps -ef | grep firefox | 22:15 |
ta_ | I still cant get the extended desktop to work with ubuntu. I have a monitor connected directly to the mother board, and a second monitor connected to an external video card with DVI. how can I know which are the video cards? | 22:15 |
jrib | MrsApple: when you ran "firefox" to start it | 22:15 |
futurama140 | README: | 22:15 |
jrib | MrsApple: erm. linux is case-sensitive. "Plugins" needs to be "plugins" | 22:15 |
MrsApple | my bad, ok which command did you want me to run again? | 22:16 |
sayed1 | i can't make subtitle files read in arabic | 22:16 |
albertolempira | hey guys i´ve been using a huawei e1552 with kubuntu, but suddenly it stoped working someone have any idea of what could happened? thanks | 22:17 |
sayed1 | i can't make subtitle files read in arabic | 22:17 |
jrib | MrsApple: I must go. Just re-ask your question explaining you've dropped into ~/.mozilla/plugins/ if it's still not working | 22:18 |
MrsApple | jrib, my bad, ok which command did you want me to run again? | 22:18 |
Devrethman | Where's the setting to make mounted drives not show up on the desktop? | 22:18 |
ta_ | I have these video cards. I cannot configure extended desktop. It freezes and the screens go black. Any help will be much appreciated. | 22:18 |
Zer | Say, what user does the actual HTTP retrieval of things occur under, for Synaptic, apt-get, etc.? | 22:18 |
Zer | Is it always root? | 22:18 |
jrib | !icons | Devrethman | 22:19 |
ubottu | Devrethman: Want to see volume/trash icons on the desktop? Go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in gconf-editor (GNOME) or go to (KDE) | 22:19 |
ubuntu | I am setting up a 5TB+ partititon with a gpt partition table. The drive is comprised of 4x2TB in RAID5. To boot from this drive, I must have 2 boot partitionsa: a Dell Utility Partition (94.1Mb), and a FAT32 partition (2.01Gb) at the beginning of the drive. The placement of the Dell Utility partition is from sector 63 to 192779, The placement of the FAT32 partition should be from sector 192780 to 4401809. This is easy to set up using fdisk, however, there | 22:19 |
ubuntu | is no gpt support in fdisk. I am trying to use parted, but cannot figure out how to define a partition by sector. Any ideas? | 22:19 |
jrib | MrsApple: it was just "firefox" after closing all the windows. It may explain why it doesn't like your plugin | 22:19 |
sayed1 | i can't make subtitle files read in arabic help plz | 22:19 |
=== ubuntu is now known as lacita | ||
lacita | I am setting up a 5TB+ partititon with a gpt partition table. The drive is comprised of 4x2TB in RAID5. To boot from this drive, I must have 2 boot partitionsa: a Dell Utility Partition (94.1Mb), and a FAT32 partition (2.01Gb) at the beginning of the drive. The placement of the Dell Utility partition is from sector 63 to 192779, The placement of the FAT32 partition should be from sector 192780 to 4401809. This is easy to set up using fdisk, however, there | 22:20 |
lacita | is no gpt support in fdisk. I am trying to use parted, but cannot figure out how to define a partition by sector. Any ideas? | 22:20 |
futurama140 | README: | 22:20 |
sayed1 | i can't make subtitle files read in arabic help plz | 22:20 |
sayed1 | i can't make subtitle files read in arabic help plz | 22:21 |
lacita | futurama140: what type of card? | 22:21 |
Zer | sayed1: What do you mean by subtitle files? | 22:21 |
lacita | sayed1: that sounds like a problem with the subtitle file. | 22:21 |
futurama140 | lacita: radeon geforce 210, the only slimline one :P | 22:21 |
lacita | futurama140: what kind of drivers are you running? | 22:22 |
lacita | restricted? | 22:22 |
=== sale_ is now known as sale | ||
d5j9 | Is suspend supposed to work in Wubi? | 22:22 |
futurama140 | lacita: im running the 195 beta drivers from nvidia right now, ive tried every availible driver that radeon has released. | 22:22 |
lacita | futurama140: have you tried the restricted drivers? | 22:23 |
=== dinis is now known as dinisinho | ||
=== dinisinho is now known as dinis | ||
lacita | d5j9: don't suspend. | 22:23 |
=== dinis is now known as dinisinho | ||
d5j9 | lacita: why? | 22:24 |
futurama140 | lacita: i believe so, but they dont support 3d acceleration if i remember right. | 22:24 |
Some_Person | Why isn't Java working in Epiphany? | 22:24 |
=== dinisinho is now known as vitoces | ||
=== vitoces is now known as dinisinho | ||
lacita | futurama140: sounds about right. make sure you have the latest drivers selected. | 22:24 |
=== dinisinho is now known as dinis | ||
lacita | futurama140: google says that audio problems are normally attributed to this card. Any audio issues? | 22:26 |
lacita | BRB | 22:26 |
futurama140 | lacita: right. i just got the beta drivers that were released just like a week ago. the problem is i just dropped a bunch of money i dont have on this card because my legacy ATI card wouldnt support 3d, so either way, i cant get anything to work. | 22:26 |
mcqueen | hi, what is the best software for web design like frontpage? | 22:26 |
SunmanXII | hi | 22:26 |
futurama140 | lacita: no, no audio issues. | 22:27 |
militant | so um, my window selector ... how do i resize it so it takes up the full available space on the bottom panel? | 22:27 |
nick__ | join #wireless | 22:27 |
lacita | futurama140: hold on, I'll be right back. | 22:27 |
SunmanXII | i am having trouble getting GRUB to detect my windows partition... can anyone help? | 22:27 |
nick__ | #join wireless | 22:27 |
nick__ | poo... | 22:27 |
SunmanXII | hello? | 22:28 |
erUSUL | !hi | 22:28 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 22:28 |
mcqueen | hi, what is the best software for web design like frontpage? | 22:28 |
erUSUL | !html | 22:28 |
ubottu | html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: | 22:28 |
mcqueen | t u erUSUL | 22:29 |
SunmanXII | can anyone help me with my GRUB problem? trying to get it to find my windows partition | 22:29 |
kurou | mcqueen: try kompozer | 22:29 |
Sprid | sup guys! | 22:30 |
SunmanXII | anyone? | 22:30 |
tico | hellooooooooo | 22:30 |
Sprid | hmmm looks like theyre tired of helping xD | 22:31 |
SunmanXII | yea tell me about it | 22:31 |
Sprid | well mine is a GRUB I cant figure | 22:31 |
Sprid | *issue | 22:31 |
tico | hello somebady can help with a program named MIXXX | 22:32 |
erUSUL | !ask | 22:32 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 22:32 |
al1irv | why do some docs come gzipped, what's the rationale? | 22:32 |
erUSUL | al1irv: so they take less space | 22:32 |
tico | i got an error X Error: BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operation) 1 | 22:32 |
erUSUL | al1irv: less can view gzipped docs | 22:33 |
kurou | Sprid: Run "cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg" and tell me the results. (use | 22:33 |
futurama140_ | lacita: internet cut out, im back | 22:33 |
SunmanXII1 | helloo? | 22:33 |
MTecknology | How do I disable composite in X? | 22:33 |
erUSUL | !grub2 | SunmanXII1 | 22:33 |
ubottu | SunmanXII1: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 22:33 |
MTecknology | since xorg.conf isn't around anymore | 22:33 |
erUSUL | MTecknology: do not run compiz ? | 22:34 |
MTecknology | erUSUL: no | 22:34 |
SunmanXII1 | erUSUL: im not running karmic... and i edited grub the way an instruction manual told me. the menu option showed up but when i press to boot it doesnt do anything | 22:34 |
speedxxxcore | if I like to get terminal on boot? what keystroke to hold at boot? | 22:34 |
erUSUL | SunmanXII1: paste yopur menu.lst in a pastebin | 22:35 |
MTecknology | erUSUL: any ideas how to do that? | 22:35 |
___Cat___ | ok... something for analytical minds, I need to figure this out and i'm way too tired :( would be awesome if anyone can help .... need to anyone figure out the best way to get as many green squares in as few horizontal rows as possible with this: | 22:36 |
SunmanXII1 | erUSUL: | 22:36 |
erUSUL | MTecknology: disable the desktop effects... i do not know what you want to achieve | 22:36 |
tato_ | does anyone know how to get java to work in elinks2 | 22:36 |
xapel | I have wordpress running on localhost. If I go to the site from localhost the pages display fine. If I access it from other computers on my home LAN the pages look funny (like the css and imges are missing). What could be the problem? | 22:36 |
___Cat___ | i feel like going to sleep on my keyboard:( | 22:37 |
soreau | ___Cat___: What does that have to do with ubuntu? | 22:37 |
___Cat___ | nothing but i couldnt think of any other channels :/ | 22:37 |
jami | xapel: does it use a named host config? | 22:37 |
morphix | xapel: in your code you have set the images to http://localhost/bla/bla instead of "images/image.ggf" | 22:37 |
erUSUL | ___Cat___: #ubuntu-offtopic | 22:38 |
xapel | jami: what do you mean? | 22:38 |
___Cat___ | thanks | 22:38 |
warriorforgod | xapel: /join #wordpress | 22:38 |
xapel | morphix: probably because I have a symlink from /var/www/ to >/web/wordpress | 22:39 |
al1irv | erUSUL, they don't seem like very big files | 22:40 |
ekim | what would you guys say about the minimum specs for running ubuntu? And actually doing stuff with it. | 22:40 |
erUSUL | al1irv: ? | 22:40 |
erUSUL | !specs | 22:40 |
ubottu | Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu | 22:40 |
jami | xapel: paste your apache vhost config and the source code of the index site with the broken links | 22:40 |
jami | xapel: or join #wordpress | 22:41 |
xapel | jami: do i have to use pastebin? | 22:41 |
jami | no | 22:41 |
erUSUL | that's without saying | 22:41 |
=== FFForever-Away is now known as FFForever | ||
ekim | yeah, I know what the bare state but what in reality? Even windoze has min's but not recommended! | 22:41 |
ekim | p3 866hmz with 1gig pc133...okay? | 22:42 |
erUSUL | ekim: for ubuntu i would aim for 1 GiB ram. cpu speed is less important. | 22:42 |
_Tristan | Whoever can help me fix my broken themes gets $30. | 22:42 |
ekim | erUSUL: thanks for the info. | 22:43 |
kurou | Tristan: what's the problem? | 22:43 |
sleepr | does ubuntu server recognize and automaticly configure my hardware like the desktop version does? | 22:43 |
MTecknology | erUSUL: I want to disable composite in Xorg, not gnome | 22:43 |
MTecknology | erUSUL: I'm just creating an xorg.conf though; I'll just deal with it that way | 22:43 |
xapel | jami: I see what you mean, there are a lot of localhost references in the source of the site. How do I fix this? | 22:43 |
erUSUL | MTecknology: then create a xorg.conf and disable it there | 22:43 |
jami | xapel fix your wordpress config | 22:44 |
erUSUL | MTecknology: "Xorg -configure" will create one resambling the autiomatic configuration it does anyway | 22:44 |
xapel | jami: can you be more specific please? | 22:44 |
militant | anyone know why my app menu won't go all the way to the edge of the screen? wasting a decent bit of bar space | 22:44 |
erUSUL | MTecknology: with sudo | 22:44 |
jami | xapel: somewhere there you set the baseurl | 22:44 |
kurou | Can anybody help me fix StrataBuddy for Firefox 3.6.2? It doesn't work at all. | 22:45 |
erUSUL | militant: move it ? | 22:45 |
_Tristan | kurou: all themes were missing from my appearence dialog. I copied everything from /usr/share/themes to ~/.themes, and now the window borders are back but the controls are still missing | 22:45 |
xapel | jami: thanks, I will have a look | 22:45 |
militant | erUSUL: i have, it won't drag all the way over | 22:45 |
erUSUL | militant: then dunno | 22:46 |
militant | indicator applet takes up a lot of space if it's in the wrong spot on the bar too. *shrug* | 22:47 |
=== eaglewatch is now known as EagleWatch | ||
kurou | _Tristan: All of them? | 22:48 |
ta_ | what is the file I need to modify in order to add repositories? | 22:49 |
rafi | olllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 22:50 |
mkanyicy | ta_, /etc/sources.list | 22:50 |
Jorophose | is there any way to "rollback" an ext4 partition to ext3? | 22:50 |
lacita | futurama140: i'm back | 22:51 |
lacita | I am setting up a 5TB+ partititon with a gpt partition table. The drive is comprised of 4x2TB in RAID5. To boot from this drive, I must have 2 boot partitionsa: a Dell Utility Partition (94.1Mb), and a FAT32 partition (2.01Gb) at the beginning of the drive. The placement of the Dell Utility partition is from sector 63 to 192779, The placement of the FAT32 partition should be from sector 192780 to 4401809. This is easy to set up using fdisk, however, there | 22:51 |
lacita | is no gpt support in fdisk. I am trying to use parted, but cannot figure out how to define a partition by sector. Any ideas? | 22:51 |
FloodBot4 | lacita: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:51 |
Jorophose | or could I just cut all the files into another partition, format my drive as something, and then put all the files back and have it work? | 22:51 |
Raydiation | where is the apache file httpd.conf in ubuntu? | 22:53 |
smack | Raydiation: /etc/apache2 | 22:53 |
Raydiation | smack: ty | 22:53 |
smack | Raydiation: in the future, you can do dpkg -L <pkg> to list all files installed by the package. | 22:53 |
Some_Person | Why isn't Java working in Epiphany? | 22:54 |
shawnboy | Do people use IRC as IM (meaning for just chatting, not about anything in particular)? If so, what server/room is used for that? | 22:56 |
jolaren | I've added an external HDD to my ubuntu server.. how do I add this so that It will load at boot? | 22:56 |
erUSUL | !ot | shawnboy | 22:56 |
ubottu | shawnboy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 22:56 |
rww | shawnboy: #defocus or #ubuntu-offtopic | 22:56 |
shawnboy | thanks. | 22:57 |
jolaren | I've added an external HDD to my ubuntu server.. how do I add this so that It will load at boot? | 22:57 |
erUSUL | !fstab | 22:57 |
ubottu | The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and and !Partitions | 22:57 |
=== frose is now known as Farffala | ||
degu35 | hallo | 23:01 |
seanbrystone_ | how do i restart alsa, or whatever ubuntu uses these days for sound? Some how the sound just instantly stopped working | 23:01 |
erUSUL | seanbrystone_: sudo pkill pulseaudio && start-pulseaudio-x11 | 23:02 |
seanbrystone_ | ty | 23:02 |
erUSUL | seanbrystone_: the sudo is not really needed | 23:02 |
ta_ | how can I add repositories using terminal? | 23:05 |
dragon | Can I create multiple users with same uid? | 23:05 |
blakkheim | ta_: sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list | 23:05 |
shane2peru | ta_ best way would be to edit it with vi or nano | 23:05 |
PrototypeX29A | dragon: just out of curiosity, why would you want to do that? | 23:06 |
arand | ta: or use "add-apt-repository" | 23:06 |
dragon | PrototypeX29A: I want to have a local user, and a NIS user on this network, without messing access to files. | 23:06 |
* jpalmer is looking for a good resource, on how to build packages. any links you'd suggest? (asking, because I've found a bunch of poor resources) | 23:07 | |
shane2peru | !build | 23:07 |
ubottu | Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 23:07 |
PrototypeX29A | dragon: sounds to me like an evil hack, that is going to come back to you and intercourse you in the behind | 23:07 |
shane2peru | !build | jpalmer | 23:08 |
ubottu | jpalmer: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 23:08 |
arand | !packaging > jpalmer | 23:08 |
ubottu | jpalmer, please see my private message | 23:08 |
qpop | Hello all | 23:08 |
jpalmer | ubottu: thanks for the link, but not quite what I'm asking. I'm looking to build packages that can be installed by apt-get or dpkg | 23:08 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 23:08 |
dragon | PrototypeX29A: have you tried it? | 23:08 |
qpop | I'm trying to install Ubuntu, dual boot with Windows Seven | 23:08 |
PrototypeX29A | dragon: no, i would be to scared to do that | 23:08 |
jpalmer | arand, thanks. | 23:09 |
qpop | ...but in the install process I told grub to install to sda2... | 23:09 |
anyone | Anyone here using Xchat ? | 23:09 |
qpop | so now I dont get bootloader screen. | 23:09 |
PrototypeX29A | dragon: an UID should be a unique identifier | 23:09 |
Some_Person | anyone: I am | 23:09 |
qpop | Any ideas short of completely reinstalling? | 23:09 |
dragon | PrototypeX29A: should be, but linux doesn't explode when you try such things ;) | 23:09 |
shane2peru | jpalmer, that link contains making debs, I think it is checkinstall | 23:09 |
jolaren | How do I get my External HDD to boot at startup on my ubuntu server? | 23:09 |
_Tristan | $30 to the one who can help me fix my theme problem | 23:10 |
qpop | Can anybody help me with my pleas? | 23:10 |
qpop | plea* | 23:10 |
PrototypeX29A | dragon: but i strongly believe, that this is evil | 23:10 |
PrototypeX29A | dragon: i am kind of religious | 23:10 |
shane2peru | !ask | qpop | 23:10 |
ubottu | qpop: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 23:10 |
erUSUL | !packaging | jpalmer | 23:10 |
ubottu | jpalmer: The packaging guide is at - See for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at - See also !backports | 23:10 |
PrototypeX29A | dragon: you shouldn't mess up the sanity of your system | 23:10 |
arand | qpop: you can reinstall grub2 from a livecd... | 23:10 |
arand | !grub2 | qpop | 23:10 |
ubottu | qpop: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 23:10 |
batrick | Anyone know of a good tutorial on the ssh -w option? | 23:11 |
erUSUL | jolaren: add the hdd filesystems to the system via fstab | 23:11 |
erUSUL | |fstab | jolaren | 23:11 |
batrick | googled results are dominated by unrelated port forwarding stuff | 23:11 |
erUSUL | !fstab | jolaren | 23:11 |
ubottu | jolaren: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See and and !Partitions | 23:11 |
hellyeah | night ! | 23:11 |
jolaren | erUSUL; fstab.. okay | 23:11 |
dragon | PrototypeX29A: this ain't windows ;) | 23:11 |
krow_ | heh | 23:11 |
duff | installed gufw and its not in my menu... ugh.. dont make me add it myself | 23:11 |
PrototypeX29A | dragon: you mean, we don't have a sane system in the first place? | 23:12 |
krow_ | command to broad cast amessage to to all users online? | 23:12 |
PrototypeX29A | dragon: it's getting off topic i guess | 23:12 |
krow_ | can anyone help? | 23:12 |
Shane_ | Hello, has anybody ever managed to transfer files on a TI-89 calculator ? | 23:12 |
_Tristan | my theme controls are all missing except for new wave and raleigh. $30 to the one who helps me fix it. | 23:12 |
jpalmer | krow_: echo foo | wall | 23:12 |
krow_ | thatll show up as a broadcast to other users? | 23:13 |
dragon | PrototypeX29A: no, Linux works with UIDs. It doesn't care about usernames, based on my recent findings :) | 23:13 |
krow_ | thanks j palmer | 23:13 |
futurama140_ | lacita: ive had issues getting my screen to display, turns out i just had a broken pin when i bumped it like 20 minutes ago. | 23:13 |
duff | !iptables | 23:14 |
ubottu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see, or 'iptables' ( GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist | 23:14 |
_Tristan | #themes | 23:14 |
_Tristan | !themes | 23:14 |
ubottu | Find your themes at: - - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 23:14 |
arand | Jo, den återinstallerar ju grub automatiskt förhoppningsvis | 23:15 |
arand | Whoops, wrong chan. | 23:15 |
futurama140_ | can someone help me with ? | 23:16 |
bubulein | ahoi | 23:16 |
futurama140_ | can someone help me with ? | 23:17 |
arand | jolaren: för grub-install bör du ha ett: --root-directory=/media/ubuntumounted samt en indikation av mbr: /dev/sda | 23:17 |
moreia | I'm trying to troubleshoot a new monitor (dell 1907FP) and I'm not sure where to start. Forum searches keep landing me at wanting to look at my xorg.conf but ... I don't have one. I'm on 9.10, running on a laptop. The issue is that just detecting monitors with Display doesn't give me the full resolution I want. Can someone point me in the right direction? | 23:17 |
soreau | futurama140_: First thing wrong with that is thinking that there's no support for older ati cards. any radeon card made in this century has 3D support as far back as the 7000 | 23:17 |
Picipod | arand: wrong channel again? | 23:18 |
=== mikko_ is now known as lnzq | ||
futurama140_ | soreau: there is no ubuntu driver for my ATI card that also supports 3d acceleration. ive been attempting it for a year now. | 23:19 |
arand | Picipod: Yea, apparently my brain is incompatible with irssi split windows.. | 23:19 |
soreau | futurama140_: Which card model is it? | 23:19 |
futurama140_ | i dont remember, it was a proprietary slimline card that came with a slimline dell optiplex 755 | 23:20 |
patx2 | i have a web browser what do i have to do to get it into the packegs for the next version of ubuntu? | 23:20 |
=== edogawa_ is now known as edogawa | ||
soreau | futurama140_: Well it would help to know the model as reported by lspci. Do you still have it? | 23:21 |
Picipod | patx2: next version? What exactly are you trying to do? | 23:21 |
ardchoille | patx2: Don't mix version packages, that can damage your system. If you want higher versions the best thing to do is to upgrade to the newest Ubuntu | 23:21 |
JayCool | submit it to launch pad community repos | 23:21 |
futurama140_ | yea just let me go grab... oh wait i remember its a radeon x1300 | 23:21 |
patx2 | no no no | 23:21 |
patx2 | i want people to be able to do sudo apt-get install my_web_browser | 23:22 |
patx2 | RIGHT out of the box | 23:22 |
patx2 | how could i do that? | 23:22 |
soreau | futurama140_: That card definitely has 3D support right out of the box unless you are trying an old version of ubuntu | 23:22 |
Picipod | !newpackage | patx2 | 23:22 |
ubottu | patx2: The packaging guide is at - See for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at - See also !backports | 23:22 |
arand | patx2: has a nice guide of getting in ubuntu, should be a start | 23:22 |
patx2 | kk | 23:22 |
JayCool | well they have to relly like it for that to happen | 23:22 |
ardchoille | patx2: Ok, sorry, I misunderstood you | 23:22 |
patx2 | np thanks :) | 23:23 |
patx2 | so just file a n [needs-packageing] bug in lp? | 23:23 |
=== urlwallace is now known as urlsupper | ||
jeeves_Moss | how can I fix my Grub2 menu? I had to fix it, and now, I can't dual boot | 23:24 |
moreia | Without xorg.conf, where else should I be looking for display settings? | 23:25 |
arand | patx2: That's the lazy way yes ;) (otherwise, packaging it yourself may speed up the process..) | 23:25 |
=== EagleWatch is now known as eaglewatch | ||
soreau | ! grub2 | jeeves_Moss | 23:25 |
ubottu | jeeves_Moss: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 23:25 |
=== jzacsh_ is now known as jonzbcc | ||
soreau | moreia: What are you trying to do exactly? | 23:25 |
patx2 | arand, i have it made in a .deb... do i still have to file in lp? | 23:25 |
futurama140_ | ive tried it. it doesnt work. the 3d support is non-existant. i tried several drivers, and none of them will display simple 3d images, let alone games. | 23:25 |
jonzbcc | hello, does anyone know how I can tell *exactly* which NIC i have (some command I'm guessing) -- or evena GUI app? | 23:25 |
jrib | jonzbcc: lshw? | 23:26 |
soreau | futurama140_: I am telling you, it works. Try a karmic live cd. 3D will already be working | 23:26 |
orangeMUFFIN | hello all | 23:26 |
soreau | futurama140_: If you have any problems, we can help you in #radeon | 23:26 |
jeeves_Moss | soreau, thanks | 23:26 |
futurama140_ | ugh, fine, ill tear open the case again and try it, but i know its not going to work. | 23:27 |
jonzbcc | jrib: awesome :) thank you | 23:27 |
soreau | futurama140_: If it doesn't, please come to #radeon | 23:27 |
orangeMUFFIN | is there a recording program for webcams? with different effects and such .... cheese webcam isnt so rich in ... effects | 23:27 |
blakkheim | orangeMUFFIN: cheese | 23:27 |
blakkheim | orangeMUFFIN: oh oops lol | 23:27 |
arand | patx2: At that point contact a motu and get it reviewed | 23:27 |
twig11 | Where are the config files for Rhythmbox? Specifically, where can I stop it from downloading a huge podcast which has been canceled but still resumes every time I launch Rhythmbox? | 23:28 |
ta | I finally got my extended desktop, but now, how can I move the menu bars from one monitor to the other? I have the me nu bar on the right monitor, but I want to move them to the left monitor | 23:28 |
patx2 | ok thanks | 23:28 |
Stormx2 | Hi. xdotool seems to work fine from an open gnome-terminal, but won't find windows when opened from a gnome-panel application launcher. Why? | 23:28 |
orangeMUFFIN | so cheese is the only webcam recording tool? | 23:29 |
FloodBot4 | !netsplit | 23:29 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See | 23:29 |
orangeMUFFIN | so cheese is the only webcam recording tool? | 23:29 |
CShadowRun | orangeMUFFIN: no? | 23:29 |
orangeMUFFIN | well im looking for one with more effects and such. and a good editing tool as well... any suggestions? | 23:30 |
phong_ | hi | 23:30 |
=== golddragon24_ is now known as golddragon24 | ||
phong_ | i have problem booting my windows 7 after installing it thru manual partitions | 23:30 |
phong_ | any help? | 23:30 |
duff | Why when I have pubkeyauth enabled in ssh, does it still work with no key installed on server, and just password used? | 23:30 |
PrototypeX29A | orangeMUFFIN: wouldn't it be better to have full editing tool instead of more editing stuffed in a video grabber? | 23:31 |
phong_ | during boot up i see a list of boot option and i see windows 7 but it wont boot from it | 23:31 |
ta | how can I move the menu bars from one monitor to the other in extended desktop? I have the menu bar on the right monitor, but I want to move it to the monitor on left | 23:31 |
Pici | duff: It will try pubkey, the fail, then move to password next. | 23:31 |
=== warriorforgod is now known as Guest95440 | ||
Pici | duff: You can see it do that if you try to ssh with verbosity turned up | 23:31 |
arand | phong_: from ubuntu, try running "sudo update-grub" which might help. | 23:31 |
phong_ | hello | 23:31 |
PrototypeX29A | orangeMUFFIN: though i don't know a really good example of a video editing tool for ubuntu | 23:32 |
orangeMUFFIN | PrototypeX29A: yes that does make more sense i guess. well any suggestions for a good editing tool then? maybe a noob friendly if possible. | 23:32 |
phong_ | ok | 23:32 |
phong_ | i try it | 23:32 |
phong_ | brb | 23:32 |
theclaw | hi | 23:32 |
arand | orangeMUFFIN: pitivi is one, scheduled for inclusion in the next ubuntu release in fact. | 23:33 |
PrototypeX29A | orangeMUFFIN: i don't remember what i have used | 23:33 |
=== alid is now known as Ox0000 | ||
theclaw | some questions: when I install a source package (e.g. tp-smapi-source) and upgrade my kernel, will dkms automatically rebuild the modules? do I have to add the tp-smapi module manually to /etc/modules? | 23:33 |
troy_ | mrb arkadaşlar | 23:34 |
orangeMUFFIN | hmm i will have to give pitivi a shot. does pitivi allow adding music, text slides? or anything like that? | 23:34 |
JayCool | hey is jonob, Jono Bacon ? | 23:34 |
duff | Pici, I thought I could turn off password auth off? | 23:34 |
duff | Pici, I mean, I thought having pubkeyauth enabled used that only.. well I want pubkeyauth enabled only.. no passwords allowed | 23:34 |
Pici | duff: You can. I assumed you didn't. | 23:34 |
M1DLGpc | jono bacon does the FLOSS weekly podcast, | 23:35 |
duff | Pici, I dont see anything to disable it..? | 23:35 |
Pici | duff: /me shrugs | 23:35 |
arand | orangeMUFFIN: I'm not sure on overlays, but it does do separate audio tracks. | 23:35 |
orangeMUFFIN | arand: ok. i'm sure i will figure something out :D | 23:36 |
M1DLGpc | is there anyway I can use the live disk to find grub if it's still on my machine and get it fixed.?? | 23:36 |
duff | Pici, I want it to use keys only... not if it doesnt find one, accept a password anyway...can it be done? | 23:36 |
orangeMUFFIN | PrototypeX29A: thanks for the help | 23:36 |
_Tristan | how would I go about copying murrine from my live CD to my disk? | 23:36 |
JayCool | the theme? | 23:36 |
arand | M1DLGpc: What is the current situation? Yes grub can be reinstalled from a liveCD. | 23:37 |
jrib | MrsApple: did you sort it out? | 23:37 |
_Tristan | JayCool: the theme engine, I think it's called | 23:37 |
_Tristan | the thing that makes my human controls work properly | 23:37 |
MrsApple | jrib, no. :/ i just dont know where else to go with it | 23:37 |
M1DLGpc | arand I have dual boot XP/9.10 and have fixed my duff XP with a reinstall (with format of it partition) and now can't dual boot | 23:38 |
jrib | MrsApple: ok. Do you want to try some more? | 23:38 |
MrsApple | if your up to it that would be awesome! | 23:38 |
Viper550 | Okay, is there anything you'd have to do if you install ubuntu on a system with synpatico high speed? | 23:38 |
JayCool | oh if i where you i'd look in the repos via Synaptic for the theme engine | 23:38 |
_Tristan | JayCool: I have it "installed" but it still doesn't work | 23:39 |
arand | M1DLGpc: ah, that will be windows having overwritten the part of grub that is in the MBR, should be a simple matter or reinstating grub... | 23:39 |
jrib | MrsApple: where are you now? Does ~/.mozilla/plugins/ still exist? | 23:39 |
arand | !grub2 | M1DLGpc | 23:39 |
ubottu | M1DLGpc: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 23:39 |
Pici | duff: Set PasswordAuthentication to no in your /etc/ssh/sshd_config see man sshd_config for more info | 23:39 |
Royall | Banshee scrobbling literally does not work at all | 23:39 |
lwieise87 | I get this error when I connect my camera: "Unable to mount KODAK EASYSHARE M380 Digital Camera. Error initializing camera: -60: Could not lock the device." It is not listed with mount but is listed under lsusb. | 23:39 |
arand | M1DLGpc: ↑ That linked page has a guide on how to restore grub after windows install. | 23:39 |
M1DLGpc | thanks | 23:39 |
duff | Pici, I have | 23:40 |
M1DLGpc | looks easier than old grub instructions (at first glance) | 23:40 |
lenina | hi, i made a tiny script for log posting. could anyone, who is experienced in python/bash have look ? - only 49 lines | 23:40 |
duff | Pici, it still lets me connect with correct password | 23:40 |
jrib | lenina: this is better for #python | 23:40 |
Pici | duff: Did you restart the ssh daemon after making the change? | 23:40 |
noah | i downloaded firefox 3.6 and installed it in /opt/firefox-3.6 ; then i replicated the contents of /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins in /opt/firefox-3.6/plugins ... but my plugins don't show up in firefox 3.6, about:plugins only shows the default plugin... any suggestions? | 23:41 |
JayCool | Hmm idk what to tell you then :( do you have a theme that uses that engine installed? | 23:41 |
airtonix | !who | JayCool | 23:41 |
ubottu | JayCool: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 23:41 |
lenina | jrib: um, it's for ubuntu beginners, who are unexperienced with logs - so i thought i could post it here | 23:41 |
jrib | noah: it will probably "just work" if you symlink to the plugins instead | 23:41 |
duff | Pici, damnit.. I forgot to take out the # | 23:42 |
duff | Damn #`s" | 23:42 |
_Tristan | JayCool: yeah, human uses it. Human just doesn't work properly, it falls back to buttons/scrollbars/etc from raleigh | 23:42 |
noah | jrib: i tried that, no luck | 23:42 |
Pici | duff: :) | 23:42 |
jrib | noah: how did you do that exactly? | 23:42 |
airtonix | _Tristan, have you tried installing it via other methods ? | 23:42 |
_Tristan | airtonix: you mean like compiling it? | 23:42 |
airtonix | !info gtk2-engines-murrine | 23:43 |
ubottu | gtk2-engines-murrine (source: gtk2-engines-murrine): cairo-based gtk+-2.0 theme engine. In component main, is optional. Version 0.90.3-1ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 70 kB, installed size 216 kB | 23:43 |
noah | jrib: tried a few things... one thing i tried was "sudo ln -s /etc/alternatives/firefox-flashplugin" | 23:43 |
airtonix | _Tristan, the way you install such package from the live cd is add the cd as a source to synaptics | 23:44 |
_Tristan | airtonix: I assumed since the human theme is on the livecd it'd already be installed | 23:44 |
duff | Pici, ok but... with that off, How can I add my public key? | 23:44 |
duff | Pici, its asking for pubkey only.... I cant ssh-copy-id | 23:44 |
airtonix | _Tristan, i don't think everything on the cd gets installed | 23:45 |
JayCool | _Tristan , I screwed up my theme engine once did you by change have a failed update? , if so reinstall it and the gtk2 engine and theme i'd say | 23:45 |
noah | jrib: OH i think i see the problem... LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- [/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64] | 23:45 |
Pici | duff: Clearly. You'd need to have password auth enabled to copy your key. | 23:45 |
jrib | noah: there you go | 23:45 |
_Tristan | JayCool: it happed just at the end of an update. I, however, have reinstalled pretty much everything gnome/gtk related since with no success. | 23:46 |
duff | Pici, so, enable it to copy key, disable it afterwards? sounds a bit of a pain. | 23:46 |
=== jon is now known as Guest24440 | ||
lenina | jrib: is there any way to share my script with the community ? | 23:46 |
hiexpo | busy day today | 23:46 |
jrib | duff: how else could it be done? | 23:46 |
jrib | lenina: forum post or blog post I suppose | 23:47 |
airtonix | lenina, you could lookinto using either github or launchpad ? | 23:47 |
duff | jrib, I thought maybe, it would allow the password 1 time for the key copying process... | 23:47 |
duff | jrib, not for proper ssh access.... | 23:47 |
jrib | duff: what's the difference? | 23:47 |
jrib | I mean I can just copy whatever key I want then | 23:47 |
JayCool | _Tristan, does it by any change say error failed software install when starting synaptic? did you run the command it said to fix? | 23:47 |
lenina | airtonix: github/launchpad is a bit too much for a 49-line-script, even if its useful :) but thanks | 23:48 |
airtonix | lenina, for launchpad sure... but not github...its perfect | 23:48 |
_Tristan | JayCool: no, it doesn't | 23:48 |
duff | jrib, PasswordAuthentication no = no key copying, no passwords at all... PasswordAuthentication yes = password access all the time.. | 23:48 |
_Tristan | JayCool: but I think it did before. I don't remember what I did. | 23:48 |
duff | jrib, I thought maybe with keyauth enabled and passauth disabled, it would at least me able to copy my key.. | 23:49 |
duff | doesnt matter dude.. I`ve got it covered. | 23:49 |
JayCool | Hmm Ok , Hey does anyone have the command to fix failed software installs via Synaptic ? | 23:49 |
JayCool | i forget it | 23:50 |
arand | JayCool: broken packages? | 23:50 |
JayCool | yeah , or software installs that didn't complete correctly. or with all the packages | 23:51 |
Drakeson | Are many firefox 3.6 plugins broken in lucid 64bit ? | 23:51 |
Pici | Drakeson : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Lucid/10.4 support/discussion. | 23:51 |
arand | JayCool: There is an option in the synaptic menu for repairing broken... I think it does the same as "apt-get install -f" which is another way. | 23:52 |
Drakeson | Pici: sure, done. the topic could mention this, though. | 23:53 |
eric_ | can sum1 help me with some sound problems? | 23:53 |
JayCool | There goes Pulse Audio! | 23:54 |
_Tristan | JayCool: this is my problem: | 23:54 |
lacita | futurama140: nice | 23:55 |
_Tristan | JayCool: see the windows-98-ish theme when using human controls | 23:55 |
lwieise87 | I get this error when I connect my camera: "Unable to mount KODAK EASYSHARE M380 Digital Camera. Error initializing camera: -60: Could not lock the device." It is not listed with mount but is listed under lsusb. can anyone help me please? | 23:57 |
JayCool | _Tristan, I see, that happened to me once as well. Try refreshing the repos and installing all updates. Sometimes they reconfigure and re-link broken paths for the engine | 23:57 |
* lwieise87 is back. | 23:58 | |
rainbowinfinity | does anyone know where to get a driver for a Canon Pixima MP250??? | 23:58 |
KaiForce | how do I share a folder owned by root? | 23:58 |
hiexpo | Myrtti, - breaktime | 23:59 |
electrom1g | how small can ubuntu be trimmed to? | 23:59 |
rainbowinfinity | it's a multifunction printer/scanner, and I can only find a driver for the MP220 | 23:59 |
JayCool | !KaiForce, use "sudo Nautilus" and right click on folder and change the permissions to everyone | 23:59 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 23:59 |
pure_hate | KaiForce, create a group and add the person who needs to access the folder to that group, then modify the folder permisions | 23:59 |
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