
`mOOse`there's this nifty lil pgm called mountmanager that's a gui for editing fstab00:47
`mOOse`fair warning - it doesn't save a backup before it replaces your current fstab, but it does a pretty good job00:47
`mOOse`if you're a tard like me anyway00:47
`mOOse`also figured out it was something in the SCIM that was messing with my right ALT key00:48
`mOOse`not that works again00:48
* `mOOse` is happy :-)00:48
xonomiDoes anyone have experience using encrypted disks with Xubuntu?01:54
xonomiIn Ubuntu, when I connect an encrypted disk, a window appears to ask me for my passphase, but it does not happen in Xubuntu.01:55
mhall119mr_pouit, if you could ping me when you're around, I could really use some help with https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libxfce4util/+bug/32792602:08
pdg1_hey... I figured out how to share files via SMB on Xubuntu. but is there some kind of smb client or does Thunar allow you to send files through SMB?03:13
robert__i wonder what lucid will look like06:35
becker_11I have just connected a digi camera to my xubuntu how can I find it's file system from the commandline06:42
becker_11I guess what I'm asking is how can I find unmounted filesystems that don't appear in my fstab file??06:45
Balsaqyellow T07:01
psycho_oreosbecker_11, sudo fdisk -l07:06
psycho_oreosusually its mounted into /media directory if theres HAL and I think automountd in place07:07
_Techie_Balsaq, i recustomised my desktop interface... you might like it07:10
Balsaqcool lets see07:10
_Techie_uploading pic now07:11
_Techie_its not ubuntu or linux07:11
_Techie_but its nice though07:11
Balsaqi'm ttolin around with a new lapper as we speak07:11
_Techie_ooh, new lappy   very nice07:12
Balsaqwow 3d or something07:12
_Techie_3d desktop on right screen07:12
Balsaqis that one of those 3d plasma desktops?07:12
_Techie_its bumptop07:12
Balsaqthats really wild07:13
Balsaqcompiz or something?07:13
_Techie_quite awhile back i was in the private beta07:13
_Techie_not sure if theres a linux version though07:13
pops_Hi, all. Got a problem with a fresh install of Xubuntu 9.10, followed by applying all updates. Had to shut down after a power sag triggered my UPS. When I rebooted, I'd lost all visible signs of XFCE other than the wallpaper. No menu bar or property bar. Vsm07:14
Balsaqgot a i5 with 4gigs of ram and 32 hd07:14
Balsaq320 hd07:14
pops_Can't seem to find any information on how to restore the two bars. I'm able to run apps using Alt+F2. Any enlightened assistance appreciated.07:14
ubottuDid you panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/07:15
_Techie_man i love ubottu07:15
Balsaqhe/she is cool07:17
_Techie_it has no gender, it is a god07:17
pops_Thanks much ubottu. That did the trick. I've bookmarked the page you linked. Looking forward to learning the ins and outs of XFCE.07:19
psycho_oreos!bot | ubottu07:19
ubottupsycho_oreos: Hi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots07:19
Balsaqthat is the 2nd person who had that problem lateley07:19
_Techie_it happens all the time07:19
_Techie_ive stopped counting07:20
Balsaqi know07:20
Balsaqi thought with open source stuff like that got fixed quick?07:20
psycho_oreosbe thankful there's infobots for that matter, they save a hell lot of repetitive tasks or huge bookmarks, etc :)07:20
_Techie_well its not actually a problem in xfce or anything07:20
_Techie_its not constant and only happens to the occasional user for no apparant reason07:21
Balsaqi suppose my day is coming...been lucky...904 has been perfect for me.07:21
_Techie_9.04 is perfect07:22
_Techie_extremely reliable07:22
_Techie_easy to manage07:22
psycho_oreosI hope the LTS version will do the same as it did for 9.0407:22
_Techie_9.10 on the other hand is very buggy due to the fact that they tried to cram alot of unneeded stuff in07:22
Balsaqi hope someone can help me do a dual HD install on this new lapper cause i just don't get it....and i wont run 7 on the net07:22
Balsaqall my buntu stuff is normally alone on a hd...but on this new one i want to leace 7 on it...just not for the internet07:23
_Techie_why not for the internet?07:24
psycho_oreosdistrust ;)07:24
Balsaqjust have no faith in explorer or windows on the net...except for my xp pro07:24
_Techie_firefox =)07:24
Balsaqi know but it still runs under explorer07:25
`mOOse`what - you got fbi filez or something?07:25
_Techie_also 7 has been proven to be extremely reliable when it comes to safe internet connectivity07:25
Balsaqit has?07:25
_Techie_installed a virus checker on my mates pc07:25
_Techie_he woulda been runnign 7 for over 3 months easy07:25
_Techie_no viruses, clean as a whistle07:26
Balsaqwell i have been able to keep my xp pro clean..but then again i run 3 protective programs on it07:26
Balsaqmy xubuntu has zero programs and is clean as it was when it was new07:27
_Techie_with 7 just run AVG scane it every few months07:27
`mOOse`xp was a rats nest of infection07:27
`mOOse`7 is worlds better07:27
Balsaqi just uninstalled the norton trial07:27
Balsaqhavent even let it on the net yet07:27
_Techie_you let norton near your pc07:27
`mOOse`and you're worried about viri?07:28
Balsaqit was in there as freeware07:28
Balsaqit came with it07:28
_Techie_if norton was  installed, i suggest you incenerate the machine now07:28
Balsaqis gone now07:28
_Techie_you might also want to give your hands a good wash07:28
Balsaqand i havent let it on the internet yet...which is why i am about to put xubuntu on it as a dual boot07:28
_Techie_do you have the win7 dvd's?07:29
Balsaqi had to make all my own recovery disks07:29
Balsaqand yes i did it07:29
Balsaqwhy deos everyone hate norton?07:29
_Techie_as long as your able to recover 7 if the *buntu installer fucks up07:30
_Techie_norton is a virus in itself07:30
Balsaqthe trial thing wa torturing me07:30
_Techie_it will end up hijacking your system07:30
Balsaqso iwhacked it07:30
Balsaqi ams tiing here now tweaking all the junk now07:30
Balsaqhas a tons of garbadge ware on it07:30
_Techie_lol, to be expected07:31
Balsaqthink i killed it all07:31
`mOOse`norton has a long history of fucking plenty of machines up07:31
`mOOse`it's legion07:31
Balsaqi hear it all the time'07:31
`mOOse`so why did you ask then07:31
`mOOse`it's a pos07:31
Balsaqi am gooing for either avg, avira or avast07:31
_Techie_`mOOse`, in the end, the machine isnt yours... its norton's your just using it07:31
`mOOse`avg used to viable, until rev 807:31
`mOOse`forget it now07:31
`mOOse`avast is good but keep up with the updates on the torrents07:32
Balsaqi have avast on this computer07:32
_Techie_AVG is still ery viable as a free virus checker07:32
Balsaqit updates itself07:32
`mOOse`avg is now huge bloatware07:32
`mOOse`which is why I recommend against it07:32
Balsaqno sht?07:32
`mOOse`no shit07:32
`mOOse`used to be the one to use07:32
Balsaqused to everyones fav07:32
`mOOse`no longer07:33
`mOOse`avast or avira07:33
`mOOse`I use avast07:33
Balsaqagain..this is why i want xubuntu on here...use it for the internet07:33
Balsaqcan you imagine xubuntu on a dual caore i5 with 4g ram?07:34
_Techie_even better, can you imagine DSL07:34
Balsaqi have puppy disk....but i like xub07:34
Balsaqeven ubu would run fast on this07:35
_Techie_i was trying xUbuntu on my xbox but it didnt work =(07:35
_Techie_and i do believe my Sata - Pata converter has died on me07:35
_Techie_oh well07:35
psycho_oreosthey usually don't last long, don't ask me why07:36
_Techie_ordered another one for $5 NZD07:36
Balsaqgives you a valid reason to buy more....07:36
_Techie_yay ebay07:36
_Techie_5 New Zealand dollars = 3.5055 U.S. dollars07:37
_Techie_thats including postage from hong kong07:37
Balsaqhmmm, now how do i go on the net to install avast when i have no norton?07:37
_Techie_grab another pc07:37
_Techie_and a USB stick07:37
Balsaqohhh i do have one07:37
Balsaqbut cant i just go to a secure site and gamble?07:37
_Techie_go ahead07:38
_Techie_you wont get a virus07:38
Balsaqwould you?07:38
_Techie_i run xp07:38
Balsaqi did it like that on the xp computer07:38
_Techie_i got balls of steel07:38
Balsaqi got back ups!07:38
_Techie_i dont07:38
Balsaqeven made a repair dvd07:39
Balsaqand a driver dvd07:39
Balsaqwell i guess its time... i tweaked herwith all of my knowledge...which aint a lot07:39
_Techie_if you really wanna have some fun with that lappy bal, start a honeypot07:40
Balsaqhey i know how to install FF without being under the guise of explorer...thru command promt!07:40
Balsaqjust not in the mood...just got outta work07:41
Balsaqjust tell me ie8 is secure....even if its a lie07:41
_Techie_its actually pretty secure, not fully stable... but secure07:42
Balsaqis it as secure as FF...i checked all the secure boxes i could find07:42
_Techie_its as secure as FF on default settings07:42
Balsaqi changed a few of those?07:43
_Techie_youll be fine07:43
Balsaqlike the one...save encrypted..da da da07:43
_Techie_honestly doesnt make a difference07:43
Balsaqand i made it like private browsing too07:43
_Techie_just download avast and firefox07:43
Balsaqwhen iget this done i want you to tell me how to ge tthat wild desktop07:45
_Techie_ive got an older version due to reasons this channel does not support07:46
_Techie_but you can just go to their site and download the non pro version for free07:46
Balsaqwow wont let me install ff in the command prompt...1st time i ever failed at that? must have something to do wit h7?07:56
Balsaqhave to do it online i guess07:56
_Techie_if you wanna install it via command your gonna have to do so as admin07:58
Balsaqwell i went ahead to cnet...doing avast now07:58
Balsaqmaybe ill gice IE one final chance...08:04
`mOOse`what are you a masochist?08:07
Balsaqthis install is like walking thru a minefield....08:08
`mOOse`wonder why...you sound like joan rivers08:09
_Techie_ima watch POTC308:10
_Techie_ill be on my bed with IRC on my right screen08:10
_Techie_spam my name if im needed08:10
_Techie_`mOOse`, from what land do ye' hail?08:16
`mOOse`almost canukia08:18
Balsaqis that near nutsaak?08:20
`mOOse`close enough08:21
`mOOse`just across the lake actually08:21
_Techie_why must i be so horrible with gimp09:52
TheSheepyou don't love it enough09:53
_Techie_anyway, goodnight #Xubuntu09:56
_Techie_i shall see you in the glorious morrow day09:56
_Techie_before i go09:57
_Techie_anyone here dabble in 3d modeling?09:57
_Techie_guess not, ill ask tommorow09:59
Balsaqits a long way, to the top if you wanna rock-n-roll!12:06
Goliathhow can i convert a mp4 file to xvid?12:47
ablomenGoliath, dunno about gui tools, but mencoder can convert everything, its complicated though, so i would google for mp4 to xvid mencoder12:49
ablomenvlc can also do it btw, but i have not converted anything with it without loss of quality12:49
xubuntuuserim playing around with xubuntu by 2 days and i cant figure out how to use it13:38
xubuntuuseri can install something like windows exploler?13:39
xubuntuuserwhat is thunar?13:39
bazhang!info thunar13:39
ubottuthunar (source: thunar): File Manager for Xfce. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-1ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 239 kB, installed size 776 kB13:39
ubottuThunar is a file manager for !Xfce. It is a lightweight alternative to !Nautilus and is quite similar. More info at: http://thunar.xfce.org/index.html - Want to Replace Nautilus with Thunar? See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/nonautilusplease13:39
Pres-GasLOL, bazhang13:39
xubuntuuserthunar has no panel amirite?13:40
xubuntuuseri see that this sucks13:40
xubuntuuserim going back to solaris13:40
Pres-Gasxubuntuuser, the desktop environment that xubuntu is based on, xfce is modular...13:40
xubuntuuseri think it will overtake linux13:40
TheSheepsure, good luck, have fun13:41
Pres-GasGood job with the patience factor, xubuntuuser13:41
xubuntuuserthesheep are you using windows?13:41
TheSheep!welcome | xubuntuuser13:41
ubottuxubuntuuser: Hello and welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions or help others. If you'd like to chit-chat, please visit #xubuntu-offtopic and for developer discussion, see #xubuntu-devel :)13:41
xubuntuuserthis channel is too empty to be an official one13:42
xubuntuuseri see that no one uses xubuntu13:42
xubuntuuserbazhang i added you yesterday on onionpedo13:43
xubuntuuserin my friends list13:43
bazhangxubuntuuser, did you have a xubuntu support question? chat in #xubuntu-offtopic please13:44
xubuntuuserbazhang why you so ignorant?13:45
mr_pouitxubuntuuser: which part of "If you'd like to chit-chat, please visit #xubuntu-offtopic" is not clear?13:45
xubuntuuseri dont chit-chat13:46
xubuntuuserbazhang wants to hide that he`s on onionpedo13:46
xubuntuusergood times bazhang,not?13:46
xubuntuuserbazhang,99chan admins told me that they banned you13:47
xubuntuuserbecause you posted delicious loli13:47
* Pres-Gas drinks more coffee13:48
=== mOOey is now known as `mOOse`
zerothiskarmic is freezing. details <http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8758423#post8758423>15:57
zerothisi'm using ircII in console at the moment15:58
TheSheepzerothis: anything in dmesg or /var/log/xorg.log ?16:00
zerothischecking log now16:02
zerothiswhat am i looking for in the logs (Xorg.#.log) there's 24 of them16:06
TheSheepthe one with the lowest number is from the most recent attempt to run X16:07
TheSheeppick one where it hung and look at the end16:08
zerothiswell I do not see any error messages in logs. dmesg has a lot of "requested width/height is greater that fb i see no error messages in the logs. dmesg has alot of "requested width/height is greater than current fb (#### > 1024)16:12
TheSheepnot sure if it's important, looks harmless16:15
zerothisi guess i'll mention that the log on screen is up right now. i can switch to and from it with freezing16:16
zerothiswait, those Xorg logs are all from last year anyway. so no new logs16:18
zerothisoh, there is an error with alacarte in demsg. [3538] segfalt at blah blah blah16:21
TheSheepisn't that a menu editor?16:22
TheSheepfor gnome?16:22
TheSheep!info alacarte16:22
ubottualacarte (source: alacarte): easy GNOME menu editing tool. In component main, is optional. Version 0.12.4-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 56 kB, installed size 1332 kB16:22
zerothisoptional eh? apt-get wants to remove ubuntu-desktop along with it16:23
TheSheepanyways, I don't think it's related16:25
zerothisperhaps i can just delete the alacarte config/settings files?16:25
TheSheepit doesn't matter, I don't think it's what causes the trouble16:26
`mOOse`http://paste.ubuntu.com/366932/   Anybody care to look this over and tell me if it looks ok for Xbuntu? I stole it from my Suse install because I accidentally nuked the one I had in Xbuntu. I'm running Xbuntu on a USB flashdrive on my laptop, and those XP and Win7 entries are my hd - I'm mostly concerned about the boot and and root portion of the fstab. Thanks16:28
charlie-tcaIs it normal for usb to force fs check to run each time it restarts?16:30
`mOOse`that was how Yast set it16:32
`mOOse`the debug stuff is ok you think?16:32
zerothisdemsg "render error detected, EIR: 0x00000010" "[drm:i915_handle_error] *ERROR* EIR stuck: 0x00000010, masking" then render error repeats16:33
TheSheepI hate Intel16:38
TheSheepzerothis: I suppose now you google for that error :/16:39
* charlie-tca was thinking that, too16:39
TheSheepzerothis: and see if somebody has any workaround16:39
TheSheep!bugs | zerothis16:39
ubottuzerothis: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots16:39
zerothisso what package does the i915 error apply to? X ?16:42
Carnophagezerothis: xserver-xorg-video-intel?16:43
zerothisI actually have an 82845G/GL, perhaps the i915 'drivers' are no longer useful in karmic?16:45
* zerothis is sad that intel drivers are fully opensource yet everybody likes ATI and NVIDIA which are not as open16:46
highvoltageATI and Nvidia cards are getting there though. the radeon cards have nice open source drivers16:47
highvoltagenvidia is getting there16:47
charlie-tcaIf you have the 82845G/GL, there are known issues with it. Might check launchpad for already filed bugs16:48
zerothisyes, but it sends a bad message. thanks but no thanks for bing opensource and open hardware, we are dropping you from our distro. we need to concentrait all our efforts on the proprietary companies and hardware16:49
zerothisso, my grub menu dissapeared. how do I boot to jaunty again?16:50
TheSheepzerothis: hold down shift16:50
* zerothis proceeds to cry and reboot16:51
charlie-tcahit the shift key when you see grub ..., it should bring up the grub menu16:52
ingebrigthi, I'm having problems with firefox crashing on xubuntu 9.1017:44
TheSheep!welcome | ingebrigt17:46
ubottuingebrigt: Hello and welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions or help others. If you'd like to chit-chat, please visit #xubuntu-offtopic and for developer discussion, see #xubuntu-devel :)17:46
`mOOse`what version ingebrigt17:48
ingebrigtof firefox? 3.5.717:49
`mOOse`dunno then - 3.6 has been problematic for a lot of ppl17:49
`mOOse`was thinking maybe you had upgraded to it17:49
TheSheepingebrigt: without more details it's really hard to help you17:50
TheSheepingebrigt: maybe try running it from a terminal and see if it prints any errors when crashing17:51
TheSheepingebrigt: also, does it happen when you do something specififc or randomly17:51
TheSheepingebrigt: can you reliably reproduce it, or is it unexpected17:51
ingebrigtthe browser will hang, maybe once or twice a day, system monitor claims that process is 'uninterruptible' or 'sleeping'17:51
TheSheepingebrigt: did you do something just before that started happening?17:51
TheSheepingebrigt: so it doesn't crash, it hangs, ok17:52
TheSheepingebrigt: anything related in your ~/.xsessionerrors file?17:52
ingebrigtseems totally random and semi-hangs down the system,17:52
TheSheepingebrigt: it would be great if you could get it to hang and then examine a copule of things17:53
ingebrigtyou would have to give me instructions in advance, I really cant predict the hangs :-)17:54
TheSheepingebrigt: like if it uses up all available memory, or if there is space left in your home directory, and what files it has open, and what extensions you have installed17:54
ingebrigtdoes not eat memory, brand new system, noew hardware17:55
TheSheepyou can check the memory in the system monitor, free space with the 'df -h' command, open files with 'lsof | grep firefox'17:55
ingebrigtI have innstaled restricted extras and tree-tab17:55
TheSheephave you looked into .xsessionerrors file?17:56
TheSheepthat's where the messages from applications run from menu are logged17:56
ingebrigtcan't seem to find it, bear with me. quite inexperienced with linux17:58
TheSheepingebrigt: in thuner, select 'view' from menu and enable 'show hidden files'17:59
TheSheepall files and directories with the name starting with a period are hidden on linux by default18:00
ingebrigtyes, I tried in terminal and missed the - in the middle of the filename18:00
TheSheepah, sorry18:01
TheSheepforgot about it18:01
ingebrigt(firefox:1849): GLib-WARNING **: g_set_prgname() called multiple times18:02
TheSheepthat's just a warning18:02
ingebrigtis the only reference to firefox I can see18:02
TheSheepdo you have the flashplugin installed?18:03
TheSheepmaybe consider using flashblock to not run zillions of flash banners on every page18:04
TheSheepyou'd be able to isolate the crash more easily if it's related to flash then too -- you'd get the crash only when enabling a flash animation18:04
ingebrigtok, I'll try that, thanks18:05
TheSheepwith anything else I guess we need to wait until it hangs again18:05
ingebrigtI'll check back with you18:06
ingebrigtthanks for your patience18:08
skriteello all19:46
skritedoes xubuntu-desktop install a different kernel than i would get from ubuntu-server?20:01
Pres-Gasskrite, yes, but so would ubuntu-desktop.20:02
Pres-Gasskrite, here is the different kernels available for just 9.10: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/linux-image20:04
skritePres-Gas, thanks20:26
Sachse_SiechtumHas Xubuntu something silimar to the "hardware manager" in Windows XP?20:41
Sachse_Siechtumany program which shows you your hardware?20:42
TheSheepSachse_Siechtum: lshw20:42
TheSheepSachse_Siechtum: in terminal20:42
Sachse_Siechtumterminal command?20:42
TheSheepit's pretty detailed20:42
TheSheeprun it with sudo for better results20:42
TheSheepsudo lshw | less20:43
Sachse_Siechtumyeah I guessed...20:43
Sachse_Siechtumthanks :-) a friend of mine asked me this20:43
TheSheepyou can also do 'less /proc/cpuinfo' and '/proc/meminfo'20:44
Sysi-you shouldn't need less with graphical terminal20:44
Sysi-on local machine i mean20:45
Sachse_Siechtumso there is only text output on hardware?20:47
TheSheepthere are some gui programs that do pretty much the same thing, but you don't need them20:48
Sachse_Siechtumwell...its not for me. *g*20:48
ingebrigtTheSheep, I've just had firefox hang again, no new information that seems relevant in .xsession-errors, installed karma blocker and blocked all flashes except those I actively use, only flash driven site open were rockauto.com (at least I think its flash) which were just sitting in the background20:57
jarnosAnybody knows good converter for audio files?20:58
jarnosIt should retain audio tags.20:59
TheSheepjarnos: I use soundconverter, but no idea about tags21:00
TheSheepjarnos: it just worked for me21:00
TheSheepingebrigt: can you pastebin those relevant logs?21:01
ingebrigtpardon me for being thick, pastebin?21:02
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:02
ingebrigt!pastebin .xsession-errors121:02
anom01yis there anyway to have scheduled tasks in Xubuntu ?  I would like to kill my email client every 10 minutes21:02
TheSheepingebrigt: you have to go to that website, copy-and paste the text and give us the url21:03
anom01ymaybe compiz..21:03
mr_pouitanom01y: with 'orage' maybe?21:03
TheSheepanom01y: cron, but why would you do that?21:03
charlie-tcaanom01y: why not just turn it off?21:03
jarnosTheSheep: I have used it too, and it is easy to use, but I have found that gstreamer based converters produce flac files that you can not random access by alsaplayer.21:03
TheSheepjarnos: maybe you can add the index to them later21:04
jarnosTheSheep: I wish so.21:04
charlie-tcajarnos: I used ripperx, but I don't know if it retains tags21:05
TheSheepingebrigt: looks like output from some java plugin from your bank21:06
TheSheepingebrigt: probably not an error21:06
ingebrigtthats what I tought21:06
TheSheepingebrigt: how about memory and/or open filesw?21:07
TheSheepingebrigt: do you have it still hanging?21:07
jarnoscharlie-tca: asunder does, but I don't want to rip cds again, I just want to convert them from flac to flac by a proper converter or to add an index.21:07
ingebrigtno, had to restart computer to get on IRC, most of the system hangs with firefox21:07
TheSheepmaybe something in /var/log/messages.121:08
TheSheep /var/log/syslog.121:09
ingebrigtwhat exsactly would I be looking for there??21:13
TheSheeplook at the end21:14
TheSheepdisk corruption messages, memory corruption?21:15
TheSheepanything that looks alarming21:15
dunnagur101anybody know anything about kernal errors?21:18
ingebrigtnope, cant find any corruption21:18
=== Sememmon_ is now known as Sememmon
ingebrigtTheSheep last entries in syslog before forced restart seems to be wifi related21:20
TheSheepso that's not it21:21
TheSheepyou do have free space on your disk?21:21
TheSheepand there is nothing non-standard in your setup, like a network-mounted home directory?21:22
ingebrigtyes, free space aplenty, virgin xubuntu 9.10 form live-usb, brand new hardware, I did however just find som general protection errors in the syslog21:23
TheSheepgeneral protection error means that some application tried to access memory outside of its alocated area21:24
ingebrigtcould that semi-freeze the system?21:25
TheSheepit often means an error in the application or corrupted binaries21:25
ingebrigtlast sysfs file: /sys/devices/LNXSYSTM:00/device:00/PNP0C0A:00/power_supply/BAT1/present21:26
ingebrigtor something similar follows each protection error21:27
samuraicrowhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/NonGraphicalBoot doesn't seem to work on Xubuntu 9.10.  Can somebody tell me how to get a text-based login prompt?21:53
TheSheepsamuraicrow: press alt+ctrl+f121:54
p0aHello I booted to xubuntu today and the top bar is missing21:54
ubottuDid you panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/21:54
p0athe bottom thing also disappeared21:55
p0ais it the same issue?21:55
p0athanks sheep :-]21:55
Sysi-that's too common :/21:55
samuraicrow@TheSheep:  I meant without starting X server at all.21:55
TheSheepsamuraicrow: then I don't know21:56
ochosisamuraicrow, remove gdm?21:59
samuraicrowI'm trying to, yes.21:59
samuraicrowThe idea is that I have to pass some custom parameters to startx when I first boot.22:06
samuraicrowochosi:  What do you suggest?22:11
ochosiwell, what happened after removing gdm?22:11
samuraicrowI rebooted...  and it booted the X server as normal.22:11
ochosithat's somewhat surprising22:11
samuraicrowI don't know if the script failed or what the deal was.22:12
ochosiwithout gdm (or any alternative desktop-manager) you should land at the login prompt at some tty22:12
samuraicrowThe fact that I'm running it under VirtualBox shouldn't matter, should it?22:13
ochosigood question, never tried that22:15
ochosiso do you have some startup script that runs startx already in place or did you just remove gdm?22:15
samuraicrowI just removed gdm.  I'll try again in case I mistyped something.22:16
samuraicrowSame thing.  After typing the script entry from option 3, sudo init 6 just rebooted into the X server as normal.22:20
samuraicrowtyping "sudo pkill Xorg" just logged me out and took me back to the graphical login.22:23
ochosiyou still have a graphical login *after* uninstalling gdm?22:25
knomemaybe you have kdm, or some other graphical login manager22:25
ochosiare you possibly using a ro environment like a live-cd/usbstick?22:26
samuraicrowI installed it to an emulated hard drive.22:26
samuraicrowI've got no USB stick in the slots.22:27
samuraicrowI'm just using Xubuntu 9.10 as installed to the emulated hard drive under VirtualBox from the liveCD ISO image.  The ISO image is no longer mounted.22:29
samuraicrowThe XServer simply refuses to die!  I'm typing from the ctrl-alt-f1 console and I keep typing sudo pkill XOrg and it simply takes me back to the graphical login again.22:36
samuraicrowUsing ps to find the pid reveals that the XServer is simply restarting all of its own accord.22:37
samuraicrowAfter physically removing gdm with the package manager, I can now do what I intended.22:46
jarnosTheSheep: I can use flac to re-encode with tags :)22:48
samuraicrowOk.  Thanks for your help, everybody!22:51
aberhowis there a way I can run a program and tell it to spawn in a certain workspace on my second monitor23:09
charlie-tcadevilspie works great for me23:09
aberhowany way of doing it with what's available on a default xubuntu install?23:10
charlie-tcanot that I know of, although sometimes saving the session will allow applications to start in the workspace they were in when the last session ended.23:11
Sachse_SiechtumHow can I change my default file manager? right now I have thunar as default, but just discovered nautilus much better fitting my needs.23:11
charlie-tcaIt depends on the application itself. Not all of them behave that way23:11
aberhowok thanks charlie-tca23:16
Sachse_Siechtumproblem solved23:30
xubuntuanybody there?23:38
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?23:38
xubuntuDoes anybody know how to stop xubuntu from asking me for a password every time i start the machine up so it can connect to the internet?23:39
knomethe magic three minutes.23:40
charlie-tcaSeems more like one there23:45

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