[00:21] how are html5 codecs unfree? [00:25] html5 codecs ? [00:25] the codecs used in the tag are unfree ... [00:36] there is no standard html5 codec.. it's undefined. [00:36] because of the ogg/h.264 headbutting [00:37] diversity is always good so i'm not really worried..at least it's a step in the right direction [02:22] can any one help me with a youtube problem? [02:23] please? [02:23] anyone in here? [02:26] any one? [02:35] 5 whole minutes, I'm amazed at the patience [02:54] ogg is unfree? in reguards to html5 codecs [03:33] Ahmuck: ogg and theora are free. [03:34] And are (as far as anyone knows) patent unencumbered [03:38] i'm going to love the day when ms or some other big company hits a patent wall [03:38] They do all the time. [03:38] it'll serve em right for getting us into the mess [03:38] They just pay a lot of money to get out of them in licensing deals [03:39] and pass the cost on to us :) [03:39] a patent wall is one where they can't buy thier way out [03:40] You can *always* buy your way out of a patent mess. [03:40] Usually, by finding something of yours that *they're* infringing on :) [03:41] And since software patents are in such a mess, no matter what patent you hold, you can probably find some part of it that was patented before. [03:42] It's a huge mess :( [03:43] running a vm inside of a ltsp session causes it to slow down :/ [03:44] Not surprising. [03:44] You're emulating X calls within X calls [03:44] then shipping all that over the network. [03:45] well, i forgot i was in a ltsp session [03:45] however my client is a 2ghz, 2gb machine [03:45] with plenty of vid mem [03:46] Doesn't matter. If the vm's not making efficient use of X calls, it's going to be sending a LOT of data down the network. [03:47] Same thing with, say, Flash vs. gstreamer [03:47] * Ahmuck just dumped firefox as the browser on ltsp [03:48] In exchange for? [03:49] opera [03:50] Works better? [03:50] it's like night and day [03:50] The app makes all the difference. [03:51] Firefox is being written *completely* from the point of view of a single user on a single box, and quite frankly, their market these days is Windows, no Linux. [03:51] You might want to look at giving Epiphany a try too. [03:52] It's the gnome browser. [03:52] Uses WebKit on the back end, I beleive. [03:52] The one *nice* thing about epiphany is, it speaks gconf. [03:52] So you can use lockdown on it for setting things like mandatory homepage, etc. [03:52] and works well with sabayon. [03:57] http://inverse.ca/debian/ [03:57] trying to add that to software sources, but it's not working [03:58] what's the line you're adding? [04:00] You doing this on Ubuntu? [04:00] Because all they have are lenny and squeeze packages. [04:01] http://www.inverse.ca/debian/conf/distributions [04:01] yep [04:01] Yep, what? You're doing this on debian? [04:02] oh, no, on ubuntu [04:02] ok, then it won't work [04:02] hrm, sogo says it will [04:02] since all they're offering is debian lenny & squeeze packages. [04:03] They may possibly work if you download the deb's manually and do a dpkg -i [07:38] Καλημέρα === joerg_ is now known as joerg [13:02] hi [13:03] Hello [14:14] a bit quiet here today :) [14:45] Morning all [15:07] * sbalneav anxiously awaits someone to have an aneurism over his epiphany suggestion :) [15:09] sbalneav: bah, it's for 12.04, so I won't complain "yet" ;) [15:09] hah === etyack is now known as ImOnALinksBender [15:11] I think we should ship both pre-installed, at the least. [15:11] I've switched over to it at home, anyway. === ImOnALinksBender is now known as etyack [15:45] hi sbalneav [15:45] if epiphany works better over LTSP, I see no reason to not include it [15:55] sbalneav: sees sbalneav has has an epiphany and agrees [16:00] Hi, I just installed edUbuntu in vmware, I want to install vmware tools, but it says "VMware Tools Installation cannot be started manually while Easy Install is in progress." How can I solve this issue? [16:06] Hi, is there anyone out there? THis is my first time use IRC channel, please reply if anyone see my message. [16:06] gavinl_: Yep, we see you [16:07] Thank you [16:07] But I'm not familiar with vmware :) [16:07] How are you trying to install the vmware tools? [16:07] But what is the easy install? It is different than all other linux dist [16:08] TO install vmtools, just select VM and click install vmware tools in the menu of vmware workstation [16:09] Yeah, there's no vmware-tools package under Edubuntu, so I'd ask vmware. [16:09] It has vmware tools with Ubuntu, I just have to kill that "Easy Install" [16:10] But it's the vmware tools installation that's giving you that message, right? [16:10] So who knows what it's looking for. [16:11] Yes. but why "easy install" is still active after I finished install edUbuntu? [16:13] Don't know. Is "Easy Install" a vmware thing? [16:13] As I said, I'm not familiar with vmware. [16:14] "Easy install" is edUbuntu thing, not vmware. [16:14] Which version of edubuntu are you loading? [16:15] the lastest, and I just updated 1 last night [16:16] How are you installing it, via the desktop? Or with the text based installer? [16:16] gavinl_: easy install seems to be a vmware thing: http://cs.rthand.com/blogs/blog_with_righthand/archive/2009/01/19/VMWare-Workstation_2700_s-Easy-Install.aspx [16:17] And the message is shown to you by vmware, not by edubuntu... [16:17] Yeah, I was wondering. I didn't think we had an "easy install" option. [16:17] But I always use the text installer. [16:30] Hi, no matter where is the "easy install", I just wondering why I don't have problem to install vmware tools in Fedora, CentOS, but just have issue here? [16:31] Have you restarted the vm after the install? [16:33] yes, a couple of time [16:34] I don't know how easy install works, but it might be possible that the vmware code is not suitable for the most recent edubuntu version [16:35] You'd better ask at a vmware irc/forum for details, but why don't you just disable it? [16:35] With easy install disabled, I imagine that it will allow you to insert the tools cd.. [16:36] good idea! how can I disable it? [16:38] From the vmware menus, I imagine... [16:38] gavinl_: We're not sure. As we said, we don't know vmware :) [16:38] You're not having an edubuntu problem, you're having a vmware problem [16:40] it might be a vmware problem, Thans guys! [16:40] NP [16:41] I've got to get some hard numbers on memory usage between FF and Epiphany. [16:49] sbalneav, why not chromium ? [16:50] chrome doesn't interact with gconf [16:50] (note that FF 3.6 has a very low memory footprint btw) [16:50] ephy's based on webkit like chrome, but it's got lockdown [16:50] but its not really well maintained [16:50] I dunno, I'm in the channel right now, seems pretty active. [16:51] well, thats what i'm told by our browser team [16:51] its surely better than midori or some other not so mainstream browser [16:52] i see yahoo is now on the opera page [16:52] any chance yahoo is doing what sun was doing, buying up companies and then selling to bigger vendors? [16:52] new wave of defeating FOSS ? [16:52] ask yahoo ? [16:54] hrm, nm. it's just a search option on the page [17:39] who is yahoo buying up now? [17:44] nobody [17:45] it was my error [17:55] using a thin client to do some vm work and building in the vm. however there must be a slight delay and as a result i'm getting sssssssssssssssssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudddddddddddddddoooooooooo [17:55] hrm, nm, i'll move this to ltsp [18:49] meeting in 10 minutes [18:50] Whoops [18:55] Work's going to intrude today. [18:55] My regrets. [18:57] meeting should be quite short, I don't see highvoltage around and not much changed on my hand, I'm naggin a lot of people at the moment but without much success yet [18:58] oh surprise, mgariepy is there ;) [18:58] big surprise since you just told me hehe ;P [19:01] sbalneav: we are in -meeting if you find the time [19:08] ogra: hey, I just noticed you are part of ubuntu-cdimage ;) Anything you can do to help us with bug 509970 ? [19:08] Launchpad bug 509970 in ubuntu-cdimage "Make Edubuntu DVD Live only + additional packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/509970 [19:36] whats the status on LDAP? is it openLDAP. is there an edubuntu standard that might fall in line with other groupware programs? [19:41] Ahmuck: the status i think is still in planning a structure, if that.. sbalneav was looking into it [19:44] i understand there is no standard in LDAP [19:45] is openLDAP standard across software that would use it? [19:45] Ahmuck: LDAP itself is pretty standard, i.e. any LDAP server *should* be able to replace any other one. [19:46] What *isn't* standard is how to lay out your database [19:46] LDAP organizes things into ou's, or Organizational Units [19:46] For instance. Our DN's at work look like (for users) [19:47] i'm looking at sogo for groupware for calandering [19:47] uid=userid,ou=users,dc=legalaid,dc=mb,dc=ca [19:47] and it uses openldap [19:47] with groups looking like: [19:47] gid=group,ou=groups,dc=legalaid,dc=mb,dc=ca [19:48] However, there's nothing stopping you from using the "o" and organizing your people under "People" so... [19:48] uid=userid,ou=People,o=Legal Aid Manitoba [19:49] A school may want to lay out their users into grades, so... [19:49] heh [19:49] uid=foo,ou=Grade 1,... [19:49] uid=foo,ou=Grade 2,... [19:49] i know a number of projects out there using ldap, does moodle? [19:49] Not sure, I think moodle uses postgresql on the backend [19:49] so does sogo [19:50] but it's pretty easy to link postgres to ldap [19:50] and i'm somewhat anti-postgresql [19:50] Really? [19:50] i find mysql easier to use and setup [19:50] We use it here at Legal Aid and love the living daylights out of it. [19:51] We've got about 400 gigs of data in it. [19:51] i gtg 4 now. need to get some work completed b4 the incoming snow storm [19:53] sbalneav: is it feasible to create multiple "schemas" (is that the right word?) for different types of schools/preferences and allow someone to choose which one they'd like to use? [19:53] Well, sure [19:53] but then we have to support all the different configurations in: [19:53] pam [19:53] nsswitch [19:53] sabayon [19:53] ah that's right [19:53] evoldap [19:53] etc etc etc [19:54] that's always the problem. [19:54] do ^^^ have their own schemas already we might just pull from? [19:54] i.e. is there a standard in place? [19:54] Well, here's how debian-edu does it, and I think it's the best approach [19:54] They ship a schema [19:54] all set up and ready to rock [19:55] everything defaulting to that schema, pre-set up [19:55] Everything works out-of-the-box [19:55] Someone wanders in and says "Thats nice, but I want to use blah-de-blah" [19:56] They say "Fantastic, but you're on your own. You need to reconfigure all the bits appropriately. We support the default schema" [19:56] So, everything's ldap enabled, and ready to rock, but they don't try to support people who do the old "Yeah but I want to run it THIS way" [19:57] love that idea :) [19:57] My proposal is: [19:57] 1) Steal^H^H^H^H^HExpropriate as much as we can from debian-edu [19:57] 2) Add in stuff they don't have, and give that back to them [19:57] 3) ???? [19:58] 4) PROFIT! [19:58] haha =) [19:58] * Lns nods in agreement [19:58] no sense in recreating the wheel [19:58] Right. [19:58] especially if "upstream" ;) has something already going [19:59] Now, they're on "old" openLdap, the pre-cf= ldap that's in Ubuntu now [19:59] since debian-edu's running on a much older version of debian atm [19:59] pre-cf= ? [19:59] however, they do stuff with "preseeding" the initial LDAP layout, and pam, etc configs that we can snag [20:00] yeah, you don't configure schemas and such in openldap anymore in the /etc/ldap/slapd.conf file anymore [20:00] there's a special config record that you do it in. [20:00] it's just implementation details [20:00] their pre-seed idea will still work for us. [20:01] oh gotcha [20:01] Anyone know where the next ubu conf's gonna be at? [20:01] here in NA? [20:01] or europe somewhere? [20:02] stgraber: you know? [20:03] * highvoltage missed the meeting due to being in another one [20:03] sbalneav: europe but we don't know were yet [20:03] ah, nuts [20:03] stgraber: you and hv gonna be there? [20:04] So, here'd be my suggestions: [20:04] 1) Decide on a config. ou=users/students/whathaveyou [20:05] 2) get configs for pam, nss, evoldap, sabayon, possible ldap backend connector for homepage, etc. [20:06] 3) write our simple useradd program that can handle any backends/plugins [20:06] 4) Use the ldaptools backends for adduing users to ldap [20:07] 5) Snag debian-edu's preseeding magic to "make it all happen" [20:07] 6) create an "edubuntu-ldap-config" package that does all the magic [20:07] etc. [20:08] *none* of that's very hard. And certainly ALL of that's doable before 12.04 [20:08] So, we can go into 12.04 with a system that's ldap-enabled out-of-the-box, with lockdown for web,mail, desktop, etc. [20:09] sbalneav: I'll be there and we'll try to be as many as possible from RL at UDS, depending on how many get invited and where it's [20:13] stgraber: Now that Canonical's cut us free, any sponsorships available for Edubuntu people, or has that dried up, do you think? [20:13] sbalneav: I don't think there's any sponsorship place for Edubuntu people, I usually get invited by QA/server, the best hope is the Community team [20:14] It would probably make sense for me to be there, but I don't think I can afford it this year. I'm already out-of-pocket for both Brazil and Maine :( [20:15] I'll ping Jorge, see what he thinks. [20:15] bbiab [20:16] sbalneav: that's a good plan jorge being one of the UDS organizers ;) [21:44] hi folks :)