[00:08] [reed]: that was easy, sqlite 3.6.22 was just uploaded to unstable [03:26] myrti... you here? [03:29] hi, i upgraded to FF 3.6 today and noticed that setting the checkcompatibility and checkupdatesecurity to false no longer work, to use older add-ons [03:29] how can i use a FF 3.5 addon in FF 3.6? which values do I need to change? [03:29] kaddi: you should install the nightly tester tools if you want to do that [03:30] kaddi: you should also file a bug however it says to on addons.mozilla.org if the addon is from tehre [03:32] micahg: i'm going to hceck, I'm unsure the 3.5 version ever made it to addons.mozilla.org and the other add-on is pretty much dead, there's no developpement for it anymore [03:32] both were working fine on 3.5 thuogh [03:34] kaddi: k [03:45] micahg: what happens after i install the nightly tester tools? i did that, but the "preferences" button is greyed out so i can't setup anything [03:45] kaddi: you click on the addon then click override compatability [03:48] micahg: right click only offers "uninstall", "find update" and a greyed out "enable". normal click does not open a menu at all [03:49] did you restart after installing the tester tools? [03:49] yes, twice [03:49] gmm [03:49] hmm [03:49] is it showing that in the addon list? [03:50] it show the nightly tester tools as enabled [03:50] there should be an override comaptability button in the bottom right [03:52] :s [03:52] there isn't [03:52] hmmm [03:52] wierd [03:52] weird [03:52] * micahg checks the extension name [03:53] but it says add-on update security checking is disabled.you may be compromised by updates. at the top, it just won't let me enable tab mix plus [03:53] change those settings back to default [03:54] ok [03:58] any ideas what to do next? [03:58] restart browser [03:59] then try to right click and override compatability [04:02] it worked :) [04:03] great kaddi [04:04] though it sees tab mix plus is one of the addons that really isn't compatible with 3.6 yet :s [04:04] right, you should be able to file a bug for that if one doesn't exist [04:04] !info tabmixplus [04:04] Package tabmixplus does not exist in karmic [04:05] !search tab [04:05] Found: pocketpc, requirements-#xubuntu, fstab, psp, nicktab, sysresccd, torrents-#kubuntu, firewall, ifrename, startup [04:05] yeah, need to check what is really going on. the most obvious thing is that it destroys my saved session and replaces them by two blank tabs [04:05] but since i use an addon for that as well it could be interference of some sort :p [04:05] kaddi: please file a bug in LP to update if we package it [04:05] and subscribe me [04:06] micahg: for the tabmixplus issue? [04:06] to update to 3.6 version so we don't forget :) [04:06] i was being serious when I said I needed to check what is broken in tabmixplus [04:07] k [04:07] so was I about filing a bug :) [04:08] so I should file a bug report against the firefox-3.6 package in ubuntu that the add-on hasn't been updated yet? just trying to make sure I understand correctly. [04:13] micahg: it seems i was using an old version of tab mix plus. I checked for updates before coming here, but forgot that I installed a pre-release of tab mix plus directly from the developers site at some point to get full compatibility with 3.5 [04:14] i updated to the version available for it, when i went to the site to request 3.6 compatibility and saw that they actually offer compatibility up to 3.7pre [04:14] that also takes care of the lost saved session [04:18] kaddi: great [04:18] but so I know for the future (and for the abandoned addon): Should I file a bug against the FF-3.6 package in ubuntu for an incompatible addon, or did I misunderstand yuo? [04:18] kaddi: if we package it in ubuntu, you can file a bug against the package [04:18] kaddi: feel free to subscribe me to any bug like that [04:19] k :) will do [04:19] thanks [04:19] eg this addon: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/3235 (it's the dead one) Is there anything I should/can do, to get it updated? [04:19] it's not specifically packaged for ubuntu, so it doesn't have it's own package [04:20] but it works on ubuntu since it is running through ubuntu [04:20] or is it just dead and I should look for another add-on that does similar? [04:21] sorry, it seems dead [04:21] but you can check here: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=175748&atid=874478 [04:28] thanks micahg :) it's working like a charm now. :) [04:29] k [04:50] asac: around? [06:43] good morning.. [06:44] what about thunderbird 3 stable in ubuntu? i just found the daily ppa ppa:ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa [06:44] noaXess: soon [06:44] aha.. thats about a week? :) [06:45] hopefully this week [06:45] I think [06:45] * micahg finished the TB-locales last night [06:45] aha :) [06:45] so.. need i add an additional ppa? [06:45] noaXess: no [06:46] okay.. thats good information :) [06:46] nice job.. thanks.. [06:46] well, actually, we might do a TB stable PPA [06:46] micahg: like firefox-stable.. [06:47] right [06:47] now i have tb2 removed and work with tb3 from mozilla.... but nice will be to have stable tb3 releases directly in ubuntu :) [06:48] yep [06:49] if you are finished, will you post it on https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam? [06:56] noaXess: yes, when we're ready [06:56] fine.. [11:17] kenvandine, http://ftbfs.wordpress.com/2010/02/03/some-rfh/ [12:37] so many damn problems today yesterday was fine [12:38] filed 4 bugs and 1 i cant report with ubuntu-bug this is not a good way to start the fucking day :( [13:05] now firefox is closing for no reason damnit [13:43] jason ****ing crisps. [13:43] 3.6 is causing x freezes now. [13:45] open a youtube video, navigate away or refresh the page, x will freeze. [13:46] my god. [13:46] asac, you seeing this? [13:57] bRoas o/ [15:18] hmm, is anyone noticing the the awesome bar , doesnt work properly? it sometimes doesnt search === Nafallo is now known as 30BAAADYI [17:54] Bug 427638 [17:54] Launchpad bug 427638 in xulrunner-1.9.1 "xulrunner includes no longer have nspr headers; explicit link against nspr is required." [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/427638 [17:56] hey asac [17:56] still alive? [17:56] hi BUGabundo [17:56] sure ;) [17:56] just in portland [17:56] how is the conf going? [17:56] :) [17:56] quite well ... sitting here burried in loads of cables ;) [17:57] we need a better pic of you. even fta wasn't sure you had cut the hair :D [18:01] huh? [18:01] www.flickr.com/photos/kwwii/4323419643/sizes/l/ [18:01] cut my hair? its always like on identica .... schorter longer ;) [18:01] green jack ? [18:01] heh [18:01] yeah [18:01] so, shorter [18:02] right ... i was at a barber a few days before going here ;) [18:02] in two month they will be crazy again :-P [18:03] LOLOLOL [18:03] I shave every 3-4 weeks [18:03] would be crazy to let it grow past one month [18:04] *even* it used to grow [18:10] hehe [18:10] i am going to barber like every 4-5 month [18:10] i hate that ;) [18:20] asac: that's why I do it at home [18:26] fta, can you make the gwibber daily ppa update? [18:34] kenvandine: pulling trunk and testing it NOW [18:35] Now on revision 525. [18:35] it is really just a fix for service activation [18:35] so running from a checkout shouldn't be any different than last night [18:36] themes still dead, accounts won't start [18:36] accounts won't start? [18:37] i didn't know there was a problem with that [18:37] i just installed the packages in a pristine lucid VM and it worked [18:37] http://paste.ubuntu.com/368382/ [18:37] I'm testing trunki [18:38] oh... damn [18:38] ok, i can fix that fast [18:38] ok [18:41] kenvandine, done [18:41] fta, another fix coming :) [18:45] fta, pushed... please build again :) [18:45] BUGabundo, thx for pointing that out [18:48] np [18:48] i use gwibber as much as I do use a browser [18:49] so I need it working [18:50] kenvandine, done but http://launchpadlibrarian.net/38715001/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-i386.gwibber_2.29.1~bzr525-0ubuntu2~daily1~jaunty_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz [18:52] kenvandine or asac, could you please pass this http://dev.chromium.org/developers/linux-technical-faq to the design team? (4th Q, about notifications) [18:53] fta, will do [18:57] kenvandine, are those all fixed? Jan 31 23:51:37 kenvandine_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/366164/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/366169/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/366231/ http://paste.ubuntu.com/366239/ [18:58] fta, not sure about http://paste.ubuntu.com/366169/ [18:58] but yes, the others all should be [18:58] the last one almost killed me, zillions of apport popups [18:58] i haven't seen the oauth one [18:59] oh... the oauth one will be fixed today :) [18:59] i think i know the bug that causes that, which isn't gwibber related [18:59] desktopcouch bug fix that is getting uploaded to lucid and karmic-proposed today [19:00] fta, i installed this on a pristine lucid install and it worked... even synced my settings via u1 :) [19:00] i don't use u1, will it work? [19:01] yeah [19:01] it won't sync though [19:01] there's nothing to sync [19:01] :D [19:01] unless you have paired with other local systems [19:02] I bet fta , like me, only runs on one machine [19:02] what 's to sync kenvandine? [19:02] status? [19:02] pull only once ? [19:02] we don't have history, yet, so don't see much point [19:03] sure we do [19:03] the settings, accounts and messages all sync [19:04] ahhh [19:04] account [19:04] and messages [19:04] so you have the history on all your boxes [19:04] history? [19:04] I can only see like 20 [19:04] on gwibber 1.x there was an option to set HOW many [19:05] via gconf [19:07] ah, there is no setting [19:07] they are all in couch, but i think we limit the display for now [19:07] ryan wants to do something to allow browsing the history [19:07] searching it, etc [19:08] how can I edit couch? [22:22] kenvandine, failed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/368503/ [22:22] how can I edit couch? [22:23] fta, does it happen if you try again? [22:23] fta, and is desktopcouch running? [22:23] ahaaha [22:23] fta 2174 0.1 0.3 33288 7696 ? Sl Feb01 5:31 /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/desktopcouch/desktopcouch-service [22:23] fta, and is couch running? [22:24] BUGabundo, firefox $HOME/.local/share/desktop-couch/couchdb.html [22:24] ugly, but i think so.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/368504/ [22:25] ok [22:25] fta, look in ~/.cache/desktop-couch [22:25] so many processes/ram/cpu just to run a simple app :( [22:25] look at the .stdout and .stderr files for errors [22:25] they are pretty light [22:26] even including that the memory consumption is much lower than 2.0 [22:27] 20284 3.30s 18.39s 100.2M 17924K 26892K 124K N- - S 0% desktopcouch-s [22:27] 20461 0.09s 1.82s 74912K 4440K 428K 0K N- - S 0% couchjs [22:27] tons of stuff in *stdout [22:27] you call that light? [22:27] ending with: [22:27] BUGabundo, compared to 2.0? [22:27] [info] [<0.20136.6>] - - 'HEAD' /gwibber_preferences 401 [22:27] [info] [<0.20136.6>] - - 'HEAD' /gwibber_preferences 400 [22:27] that's 2.0 [22:27] BUGabundo, 2.0 doesn't use couch [22:27] 23773 11.41s 2m23s 715.4M 161.8M 5220K 4K N- - S 0% gwibber [22:27] 23776 4.94s 58.30s 415.8M 49108K 120K 0K N- - S 0% gwibber-daemon [22:27] let me try 2.3 [22:27] wow... how in the hell did you do that? [22:28] my wife's gwibber in karmic, with just facebook was using 630M RSS for the daemon and 770M for the client [22:28] both RSS [22:28] BUGabundo, i bet you haven't been running that long :) [22:28] identica, statusnet, qaiku, twitter [22:29] it grows over time... [22:29] Now on revision 529. [22:29] with 2.29.x we are getting like 28M RSS for the service after running for several days and 3 accounts [22:29] it's tiny [22:30] DEBUG:root:Loading complete: 1 - ['Success', 'Success', 'Success', 'Success', 'Success'] [22:30] fta, let me send your tracebook to the desktopcouch guys [22:31] 20284 3.33s 18.63s 100.2M 17924K 26892K 124K N- - S 0% desktopcouch-s [22:31] 20461 0.11s 3.00s 74916K 4396K 428K 0K N- - S 0% couchjs [22:31] 20381 0.00s 0.00s 4072K 680K 0K 0K N- - S 0% couchdb [22:31] can't find gwibber in the top 20 apps [22:33] 40 apps [22:33] 1816 0/s 0/s 65K 276.4M 11848K 0K 0K 0% pulseaudio [22:33] :) [22:33] and still I don't see it [22:33] ps -e -ovsize=,size=,rss=,start_time=,cmd= |grep gwibber-service [22:33] 402732 147868 30260 22:29 python bin/gwibber-service [22:33] 7404 268 944 22:33 grep --color=auto gwibber-service [22:34] yeah... looks awesome! [22:34] well only two out of 5 services [22:34] :\ [22:34] incredible improvement over the 2.0 stuff and even 1.x [22:34] huh? [22:35] couch is pretty light too [22:35] I had 5 accounts on 2.0 [22:35] if you add the RSS of all the processes together it is still about 1/8th the mem consumption [22:35] and jaiku was lost in 1.x [22:35] BUGabundo, but how long had that process been running? [22:35] when is OAuth coming ? [22:35] the earlier result? [22:35] oauth for what? [22:35] a few hours [22:35] yeah [22:36] statusnet! [22:36] it does support oauth now [22:36] leave it running fora day... it would be huge [22:36] no more passwords [22:36] can i have BOTH ? [22:36] BUGabundo, you gotta talk to ryan about that [22:36] there's a bug and I bumped it [22:36] i haven't touched the service modules [22:37] well now make ALL apps use so little memory finger print [22:37] :D [22:37] hehe [22:37] i wish [22:37] Ubunt Desktop in 128 MBs [22:37] we are trying :) [22:37] MEM | tot 3.9G | free 388.6M | cache 961.0M | buff 98.0M | slab 118.1M | [22:37] with gwibber, we are profiling every change [22:37] 19795 19224 0 920K 1.1G 327.2M 0K 8K 8% pidgin [22:37] 11233 3 0 74K 948.4M 253.8M 0K 12K 6% firefox-3.7 [22:37] 12292 0 0 6K 857.4M 189.3M 0K 0K 5% soffice.bin [22:37] 1236 0 0 1769K 514.0M 152.7M 0K 0K 4% Xorg [22:37] 22555 379 0 33775K 976.1M 137.9M 0K 192K 3% chromium-brows [22:37] mostly worried about the service, since it is designed to be long running [22:37] this is simply crazy [22:38] yeah... pidgin is out of control... empathy ftw! [22:38] :-D [22:38] pidgin alone has 1G [22:38] firefox ONE single tab [22:38] 950? [22:38] it is sad that idgin is using more than soffice [22:38] pidgin [22:38] [reed]: ^^^^ [22:38] yeah... i use chromium :) [22:39] I use them all [22:39] * kenvandine has no use for more than one browser :) [22:39] $ psx chromium | wc -l [22:39] 23 [22:39] I still miss ONE plugin: nosquint [22:39] google refuses to allow text zoom [22:40] just page zoom [22:40] so until then, ill read my GReader in FF [22:40] with 130% text zoom [22:40] 13.3" screen [22:40] at work 26" chromium works fine [22:43] kenvandine: is the scroll to top fixed? [22:43] no [22:43] :((( [22:44] not sure what to do about that [22:44] most anoying bug [22:44] i am hoping ryan will do something with it [22:44] it's probably just a few lines of javascript [22:44] but i don't do js :) [22:44] did he ever finish the code to show/upload images? [22:44] i didn't know he worked on upload [22:44] there will be show [22:44] gmail RSS ? [22:44] lots of the infrastructure for that is in place now [22:45] there was a branch for it [22:45] no idea about gmail and RSS... to me that is a terrible thing to add to gwibber [22:45] :( [22:45] it isn't even remotely related [22:45] ryan does want RSS though [22:45] well, new email comes, user gets notices in notify-osd [22:45] humm... i get notifications :) [22:46] no point in having that in gwibber though [22:46] i get them because i use evolution with gmail [22:46] but... there is gm-notify [22:46] which works well [22:46] http://lifehacker.com/157701/get-rss-feeds-from-your-gmail-labels [22:46] humm [22:46] support GApps ? [22:47] gm-notify does gmail [22:47] W: Unable to locate package gm-notify [22:47] gives you notifications and indicator [22:47] gmail-notify [22:47] http://edge.launchpad.net/gm-notify [22:47] i haven't used gmail-notify [22:48] and haven't used gm-notify in a while now, since i went to evo [22:48] but it worked great in jaunty and early in karmic [22:48] not sure the current status [22:48] lp:gm-notify Series: trunk Development 15 weeks ago [22:49] i haven't committed to it in way longer than that :) [22:52] LOL [22:52] found my 1st bug :D [22:52] but hey it works [22:53] if it pulls a very large Labels list, the OK button ends outside of the screen :D [22:53] filling [22:53] $ ./gm-notify.py [22:53] ./gm-notify-config.py:55: GtkWarning: GtkSpinButton: setting an adjustment with non-zero page size is deprecated [22:53] self.wTree = gtk.glade.XML(glade_file, "gmnotify_config_main", "gm-notify") [22:53] gm-notify.py: no process found [22:54] :) [22:54] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/383081 [22:54] Ubuntu bug 383081 in gm-notify "Config Gui doesn't provide scroll bar for a long list of labels" [Low,Confirmed] [22:56] asac: we need to chat at some point tonight, please [23:06] micahg: yes [23:06] micahg: now? [23:06] I guess, if now's the only time you can do it [23:07] micahg: in how many hours would it work for you? [23:07] 4 or 5? [23:07] hmm ... we have some event then [23:08] k, 2 hrs? [23:08] thats ok i guess [23:08] so 1am utc [23:08] err [23:08] 2am utc [23:08] err [23:08] 1am utc ;) [23:08] hehe [23:08] thats right [23:09] * asac confsued about timezonhe [23:09] yep, your still at the sprint, right? [23:09] yes [23:09] k [23:09] OR [23:09] egon [23:22] Firefox 3.5.8 build1 - builds available [23:22] asac: I saw that [23:23] asac: do I need to do anything? [23:24] we should get tbird up ... then we can make a new changelog entry like: 3.5.8+build1-0ubuntu1... [23:24] etc. [23:24] for the stable branches [23:24] e.g. [23:25] 3.5.8+build1-0ubuntu0.9.10.1 [23:25] for karmic [23:25] 3.5.8+build1-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 [23:25] for jaunty [23:25] same for xulrunner 1.9.1 stable branches [23:25] basically just one commit with the USN- header like we did (UNRELEASED) [23:25] and then a release commit for jaunty-security and karmic-security [23:26] then let me know and i can push it in the security ppa [23:27] seems like they have updated root CAs in this release [23:31] yeah [23:31] so same for 1.9 and 3.0 branches [23:31] it seems [23:32] Candidate builds for Firefox 3.0.18 and 3.5.8 available (untested) [23:32] asac: should we wait for upstream QA? [23:33] no [23:33] well [23:33] if you are busy with other stuff we can wait a bit longer [23:33] in perfect world we upload when the tag [23:33] to security ppa [23:33] and if the tag build2 we do it [23:33] and so on [23:33] k