bbigras | any progress for the PVR-150 Blaster? | 00:01 |
benomatic | I have a mythtv box that was 9.04; for various reasons, I upgraded to 9.10, but not by normal path (which I tried, and which failed). instead I had to do overwrite install. I backed up /etc, and let it overwrite away. Any chance I can redeem my existing tv database/shows/etc, which were not wiped? simply untarring /etc/mythtv didn't cut it, but I am ignorant enough to not have found where else to look, thus far. | 01:41 |
foxbuntu | benomatic, did you pull an actual mythtv backup? | 01:58 |
foxbuntu | benomatic, rather mysql backup | 01:58 |
benomatic | i just figured out where it lives, and i don't think so | 02:03 |
benomatic | i may just have to start from scratch :( | 02:03 |
foxbuntu | benomatic, very much so if you didnt backup the db | 02:09 |
benomatic | yeah, i thought i backed up /var but found that i had failed. life goes on i suppose :) | 02:11 |
benomatic | well, that my tarball was empty | 02:11 |
stuarticus | Hi guys, I'm just starting a mythbuntu install on a vaio vgn-fz21m, with dead internal keyboard and mouse. Want to use it as front end. 2 questions, 1 is there an audio player built in, like amarok or something? And 2 any general advice before I start? Many thanks. | 10:22 |
stuarticus | Hi guys, I'm just starting a mythbuntu install on a vaio vgn-fz21m, with dead internal keyboard and mouse. Want to use it as front end. 2 questions, 1 is there an audio player built in, like amarok or something? And 2 any general advice before I start? Many thanks. | 11:11 |
jarrod1 | 1- there is mythmusic, I haven't used it though. 2- if it has a decent GPU, play around with the profiles a bit to take advantage of the gpu.. you will probably need a remote control, media center remotes are probably easiest with lots of setup guides. | 11:37 |
stuarticus | JARROD1: I was thnking I could get away with a wireless keybaord and mouse combo, like the keysonic 2.4GHz, you think I would need remote as well? Is ther any way to use my iphone? | 13:57 |
jarrod1 | yeah wireless keyboards are ok, its personal preference. iphone? probably lol. | 13:59 |
stuarticus | It's a geforce 6800 mobile, so not too bad. HDMI outs, not sure if those will work under linux | 14:00 |
stuarticus | Hehe, yeah, maybe lol, I read I can use it as a VNC mouse and keyboard though... | 14:00 |
mrand | stuarticus: yes, there is remote software for the iphone | 14:04 |
stuarticus | What's it called? | 14:05 |
mrand | stuarticus: | 14:06 |
Zinn | [] Remotux Released! | MythTV | Users | 14:06 |
stuarticus | thanks, will check it out | 14:07 |
mrand | Remotux appears to be a keyboard/mouse replacement. | 14:07 |
stuarticus | Great, now I will always win remote control fights with GF | 14:09 |
Rob_Z | has the issue with 9.10 and i2c + remote controls been worked out yet? I'd like to upgrade but if the remote control doesnt' work yet it's not fully a viable option | 14:37 |
Rob_Z | (more out of the box than the resolution covered here | 14:38 |
Zinn | [] Nabble - LIRC - Haupauge Cards on Ubuntu 9.10 | 14:38 |
lime4x4 | mce remote worked in 8.10 but doesn't work in 9.10 | 17:58 |
superm1 | def works in 9.10, a lot of us own them; likely a misconfiguration somewhere | 18:02 |
lime4x4 | i've done 4 fresh installs on the same box and no joy | 18:07 |
lime4x4 | if i type in irw in a terminal nothing shows up when pressing buttons. The red led lights up on the receiver whenever i push a button on the remote | 18:10 |
lime4x4 | i have the remote enabled in the infrared setup page | 18:11 |
superm1 | lime4x4, just to check you are using both a mceusb remote and receiver, right? | 18:18 |
lime4x4 | yes | 18:19 |
lime4x4 | when i type lsusb it's being detected as a phillips | 18:19 |
superm1 | i'd normally say perhaps the product id isn't contained within the lirc driver, but if these exact devices worked in 8.10, that's not too likely | 18:20 |
superm1 | is it possible the hardware has gone bad between 8.10 and 9.10? do you still have an 8.10 install you can compare against to ensure that? | 18:21 |
lime4x4 | it was working on this box till i upgraded to 9.10. Thought something happened during the upgrade then tried a fresh install | 18:29 |
superm1 | okay so as an experiment, you can try to stop the lirc init script (sudo /etc/init.d/lirc stop), unplug the usb receiver and plug it back in. if the udev rule is working and detecting your hardware, it will automatically restart | 18:32 |
lime4x4 | nope still not working | 18:37 |
ahhughes | man, hauupage dtv cards are EXPEN$IVE! | 22:23 |
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