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osmosis_ | kirkland: works for me. ive been using kvm in production on ubuntu since hardy was released. Im currently running hardy with the latest kvm backports. Will be rebuilding my server farm with lucid later this year. But im doing a lot more work to improve my setup now, mostly through python scripting and stats tracking in mysql. | 00:02 |
kirkland | osmosis_: cool; it would be great if you could get some test cycles and give some feedback on lucid's qemu-kvm-0.12.2 package | 00:02 |
osmosis_ | kirkland: might be able to do that. would be easier if recursive VMX cpu extension support in guests was available. | 00:05 |
osmosis_ | nested | 00:06 |
osmosis_ | Avi's blog says it might be available sometime this year. | 00:08 |
kirkland | osmosis_: for intel, yeah, it's in the works | 00:13 |
kirkland | osmosis_: works pretty well on amd for me | 00:13 |
soren | Nested VMX will be awesome. | 00:14 |
soren | Whoever manages to implements it deservers fortune and glory. | 00:15 |
* soren types quite poorly right now | 00:15 | |
osmosis_ | soren, an IBM team is on it | 00:16 |
soren | osmosis_: Oh, ok. I would have expected Intel to do it. Seems fitting that they'd do it themselves. It's their fault it's so complicated to do :) | 00:17 |
smoser | ttx, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerLucidXc2#preview | 00:32 |
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twb | VMX? | 00:54 |
twb | Oh, the x86-64 extension to for hardware virtualization. | 00:55 |
twb | How would "nested vmx" work? It doesn't make sense to me. | 00:57 |
soren | twb: You would be able to run kvm inside a kvm. | 01:06 |
twb | How does that work architecturally? | 01:07 |
twb | i.e. wikipedia url plskthxbyegibberish | 01:07 |
eric_1982 | I was wondering if some one could help point me in the right direction. I have not messed with managing Linux computers in a corporate environment. I am however, very familiar with windows administration tools such as WSUS, Group Policy, Active Dir..etc. Are there similar tools available to help manage several Linux computers, basically tools used to help administrate a linux enviroment? I would like to be able to define what updates | 01:09 |
eric_1982 | can be pushed out, lock down specific things, example apply a business background, map network drives..etc. Can any one supply me some names of some of these tools ect. Any information you can provide would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!! | 01:09 |
smoser | eric_1982, https://landscape.canonical.com/ is one. | 01:21 |
osmosis_ | https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/httpd.html is incomplete. If a user follows the instructions, it wont work. | 01:44 |
nijaba | kirkland: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SquidDebProxy | 01:53 |
twb | osmosis_: file a bug against the server guide package | 01:57 |
twb | eric_1982: the term you want to search for is probably "change management". Free implementations include puppet, chef and cfengine. Landscape is canonical's solution, but it's server side is proprietary. | 01:58 |
eric_1982 | Has any one used https://landscape.canonical.com/ ? | 01:59 |
eric_1982 | Any thoughts on it | 01:59 |
eric_1982 | It looks like it gives you heads up on updates | 02:00 |
twb | Puppet (or whatever) is useful if you have hundreds of workstations or dozens of servers, but if you only have a small office network it is NOT worth the hassle of setting it up and babysitting it. | 02:00 |
eric_1982 | It doesn't appear to allow me to manage users and setting though | 02:00 |
twb | Where "small office" means one serevr and a dozen workstations. | 02:00 |
twb | eric_1982: for managing user accounts, you want OpenLDAP. There's no useful, portable graphical UI for it. | 02:02 |
eric_1982 | I will need to look into Puppet. Looks promising | 02:02 |
eric_1982 | any one try gosa | 02:02 |
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GuruSingh | hi | 04:26 |
Roxyhart0 | Hi i im configurating openldap for ubuntu according th how to: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/kerberos-ldap.html. When i try to run the line: ldapadd -x -D cn=admin,cn=config -W -f /tmp/cn\=kerberos.ldif | 04:27 |
Roxyhart0 | i got the error. ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49) | 04:27 |
Roxyhart0 | the password is ok. Any idea? | 04:27 |
GuruSingh | can anyone tell me how to copy all file from a another dir like /home/mint/desktop/ab to root at once time | 04:34 |
GuruSingh | can anyone tell me how to copy all file from a another dir like /home/mint/desktop/ab to root at once time | 04:36 |
GuruSingh | can anyone tell me how to copy all file from a another dir like /home/mint/desktop/ab to root at once time exampl: cp ./ /home/ubuntu/desktop/ab(folder)/* | 04:43 |
qman__ | GuruSingh, -r | 04:46 |
Roxyhart0 | Hi when I run the command : ldapadd -x -D cn=Directory Administrator,cn=config -W -f /tmp/cn\=kerberos.ldif | 04:49 |
Roxyhart0 | i am getting error. should i write different this way? the error is ldap_bind: Invalid credentials (49) | 04:49 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #516430 in libapache2-mod-perl2 (main) "Please merge libapache2-mod-perl2 (2.0.4-6)(main) from debian squeeze(main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/516430 | 07:46 |
Roxyhart0 | Hi i am installinf openldap on buntu and im getting this error: structuralObjectClass: no user modification allowed. any idea? | 08:25 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #516437 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "Try to install mysql-server and get hundreds of blocking 'logger: [-x] [-p log_facility] [-t tag] message' messages." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/516437 | 08:36 |
ivoks | ne treba na screenwideu | 09:12 |
ivoks | ups | 09:12 |
_ruben | gesundheit | 09:12 |
phretor | I am having some trouble setting up syslog. My application logs to local0, i.e., openlog("firelog", LOG_PID, LOG_LOCAL0); /*...*/ syslog(LOG_INFO, "foo");. In /etc/syslog.conf I put, on top of the other entries, local0.* /var/log/firelog.log | 09:22 |
phretor | however, all the messages get caught by another rule and I find them into /var/log/syslog - ideas? | 09:22 |
bthoraway | hello, stupid question. i am a little confused, need to put ubuntu-server on core i5 system, proposed download contains "amd64.iso" is that referring to the chipset (x86 by amd) because in kernel they make difference i386, i686 and amd64 ? | 09:51 |
Roxyhart0 | hi im trying to use slapcat and i got the error that can't find the file slapd.conf (which is not any more) is is a bug in slapacl? | 10:28 |
Roxyhart0 | sorry. im trying to do a ldapadd comand to add data form a ldif file and i am getting permision error. I would like to use slapacl but i dont know what is the exact command with the new slapd | 10:36 |
ivoks | sorry, can't help you' i still haven't dig into whole config in tree issue | 10:46 |
nimrod10 | is there a way to redirect input from pts1 for example to the output of pts2 ? | 12:13 |
mealstrom | yes there is , ls > /dev/pts/2 smthing like this | 12:17 |
mealstrom | stdout | 12:17 |
alex_joni | cat < /dev/pts/1 > /dev/pts/2 ? | 12:19 |
alex_joni | that kinda works here.. I get one char on pts/1 one on pts/2 | 12:21 |
mrp | what is the svn package? | 12:39 |
mrp | client | 12:40 |
_ruben | !info subversion | 13:07 |
ubottu | subversion (source: subversion): Advanced version control system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.5dfsg-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 364 kB, installed size 4188 kB | 13:07 |
Roxyhart0 | hi, i am trying to follow the how to install openldap. After configure tha data base and start SASL/EXTERNAL authentication started | 14:04 |
Roxyhart0 | i got the error: ldap_add: Insufficient access (50). any diea which could be the problem, i did exclatly that said the how to http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/openldap-server.html | 14:04 |
sommer | Roxyhart0: are you using sudo? | 14:06 |
Roxyhart0 | yes | 14:07 |
Roxyhart0 | and also is when i do this kind of command using "EXTERNAL" i dont undertand what it means, i something with SASL | 14:09 |
Roxyhart0 | when i do this command i get the error: No such object (32) | 14:11 |
sommer | Roxyhart0: what's the exact command you are using? | 14:12 |
Roxyhart0 | yes | 14:12 |
Roxyhart0 | sorry is this command: ldapsearch -LLL -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -b cn=config dn | 14:13 |
sommer | Roxyhart0: what happens if you add a sudo in front of the ldapsearch? | 14:15 |
Roxyhart0 | im working as root | 14:15 |
sommer | which release are you on? | 14:17 |
Roxyhart0 | 9.10 | 14:17 |
sommer | Roxyhart0: which step of the guide are you on? | 14:20 |
sommer | Roxyhart0: I'd also recomment using sudo instead of running as root, but either way :) | 14:20 |
Roxyhart0 | it is : Further Configuration | 14:21 |
sommer | Roxyhart0: works for me... can you try using sudo with a non-root user? just as a test | 14:25 |
Roxyhart0 | ok | 14:26 |
Roxyhart0 | same error | 14:28 |
Roxyhart0 | maybe are the acl? or maybe i need to start slapd wih ldapii? | 14:28 |
sommer | you don't have it running with ldapi? ps -ef | grep slap should show the slapd startup command | 14:29 |
sommer | if it doesn't have ldapi you can add it in /etc/default/slapd | 14:29 |
Roxyhart0 | it shows me /usr/sbin/slapd -h ldap:/// ldap | 14:31 |
sommer | ya, take a look at /etc/default/slapd | 14:33 |
sommer | just add ldapi:/// to the SLAPD_SERVICES line... then the command should work | 14:33 |
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Roxyhart0 | it is already there SLAPD_SERVICES="ldap:/// ldapi:///" | 14:34 |
Roxyhart0 | do you know what means EXTERNAL and when I use LDAPI for ldapsearch,ldapadd or ldapmodify? | 14:38 |
sommer | Roxyhart0: the EXTERNAL tells the ldap command to use the system authentication | 14:40 |
sommer | this is the entry I believe: olcAuthzRegexp: {0}gidNumber=[[:digit:]]+\+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external ,cn=auth cn=localroot,cn=config | 14:41 |
sommer | Roxyhart0: if you don't have any data in the directory, and I assume you don't, you might try starting over with sudo dpkg-reconfigure slapd... then retry the commands | 14:42 |
Roxyhart0 | doesn't work dpkg-reconfigure :S | 14:42 |
Roxyhart0 | where i need to write this line? | 14:43 |
Roxyhart0 | i need to add when i am creating the database ? | 14:43 |
Roxyhart0 | on db.ldif file? | 14:43 |
sommer | I'm not sure what you mean? | 14:50 |
Roxyhart0 | to add this line just you told me | 14:50 |
sommer | sudo dpkg-reconfigure slapd should remove all the old configurations allowing you to start over... not sure what you have in db.ldif | 14:51 |
Roxyhart0 | i just follow the how to, in there you do the first configuration on a ldif file | 14:52 |
Roxyhart0 | my question is if i add this line shold work | 14:52 |
Roxyhart0 | my question how I add that line? | 15:03 |
sommer | "sudo dpkg-reconfigure slapd" is a command not a line to add to an ldif file | 15:05 |
Roxyhart0 | i mean the line avobe | 15:06 |
Roxyhart0 | olcAuthzRegexp: {0}gidNumber=[[:digit:]]+\+uidNumber=0,cn=peercred,cn=external ,cn=auth cn=localroot,cn=config | 15:06 |
sommer | did the schema files load without error? those are the first command? | 15:06 |
Roxyhart0 | yes | 15:06 |
sommer | sorry, you don't need to add that line it's already in the config... I was just trying to explain the EXTERNAL auth method | 15:06 |
Roxyhart0 | but i did it before | 15:07 |
sommer | did what before? | 15:07 |
Roxyhart0 | and still doesn't work | 15:07 |
sommer | what's the command and error again? I think I'm confused | 15:08 |
Roxyhart0 | well i need to configurate again | 15:09 |
Roxyhart0 | because i just did dpkg-reconfigure | 15:09 |
Roxyhart0 | hahah | 15:09 |
sommer | ah, well maybe it'll work better :-)... you might try as non-root just so the commands line up exactly | 15:10 |
Roxyhart0 | ok | 15:10 |
Oli`` | If I take a degraded mdadm array offline, will it speed up its recovery or stop it? | 15:22 |
ivoks | meetings was an hour ago? | 15:24 |
ivoks | meeting | 15:24 |
sommer | ivoks: I think it was pushed to the 11th | 15:25 |
ivoks | oh, ok | 15:26 |
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bogeyd6 | Can someone point me to a guide on installing hpasm or something similiar in ubuntu? | 16:51 |
Oli`` | bogeyd6: have you tried just installing the debian package? | 17:11 |
bogeyd6 | Oli``, didnt know it existed, because under the server support page at HP debian isnt listed | 17:11 |
bogeyd6 | Oli``, where can i find libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2 for 9.10 | 17:18 |
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uvirtbot | New bug: #516297 in euca2ools "euca-register calls register_image with too few parameters" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/516297 | 17:31 |
zul | ivoks: ping | 17:47 |
ivoks | zul: pong | 17:49 |
zul | ivoks: if possible can we merge the redhat-cluster stuff since it has binaries that you need | 17:50 |
ivoks | zul: not yet | 17:51 |
zul | ivoks: k | 17:51 |
ivoks | zul: rhcs needs to be pacemaerd :) | 17:51 |
zul | ivoks: ah ok | 17:51 |
ivoks | zul: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ivoks/+archive/ppa/+packages | 17:51 |
ivoks | zul: i'm already building merged and pacemakered rhcs | 17:51 |
zul | sounds good lemme know if you need help | 17:52 |
ivoks | zul: i need big support on pushing some sources to main | 17:52 |
ivoks | zul: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClusterStack/MIR | 17:52 |
ivoks | i guess there will be some strugling cause atm cluster stack depends on some old (2005) tools | 17:53 |
ivoks | like libesmtp | 17:53 |
zul | ick.. | 17:54 |
ivoks | i guess perl modules won't be problem, but libesmtp could be pain | 17:54 |
zul | do you need updates for them or soemthing? | 17:54 |
ivoks | only for one package | 17:54 |
ivoks | which is in main | 17:54 |
ivoks | libtest-script-perl | 17:54 |
ivoks | if you could do that, that would be awesome | 17:55 |
zul | ivoks: ill try to find some time to help you out | 17:56 |
ivoks | we will have awesome cluster stack if this all goes trough | 17:56 |
zul | heh | 17:56 |
ivoks | i plan on having clustered lvm, but that will require changes in lvm | 17:57 |
ivoks | but nothing of this will happen if all those MIRs don't succed :D | 17:57 |
zul | ivoks: upstream says 1.0.4 is the stable version | 17:57 |
zul | which we have | 17:57 |
ivoks | libtest-script-perl? | 17:58 |
ivoks | we have 1.0.3 | 17:59 |
zul | libesmtp5 | 17:59 |
ivoks | yeah, libesmtp didn't have new version for years | 17:59 |
ivoks | it's libtest-script-perl that we need newer | 17:59 |
zul | k | 18:00 |
zul | ill have a look later today then | 18:00 |
ivoks | thanks | 18:00 |
ivoks | i might be wrong, cause it builded in PPA | 18:01 |
ivoks | bah, too much cluster for one day :) | 18:01 |
ivoks | i'll give you correct info tomorrow | 18:01 |
ivoks | do, don't wory about it for now | 18:02 |
ivoks | s/do,/so,/ | 18:02 |
zul | heh ok | 18:02 |
zul | ill still trying to wake up as well | 18:02 |
ivoks | hehe | 18:02 |
ivoks | take care | 18:16 |
pmatulis | what are the basic steps in setting up a gobby server? | 18:46 |
ajavid | hello | 18:50 |
ajavid | hello, I am using ubuntu 8.04lts and I have errors in command line.perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory. I have aptitude install locales and sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales but nothing fixed | 18:50 |
ajavid | I don't know how to fix | 18:50 |
ajavid | I have also tried to export LC_ALL=en_us-utf8 | 18:51 |
ajavid | and other variables to that language | 18:51 |
ajavid | but i still get this error if I try to run aptitude install anything | 18:51 |
_ruben | when i get those errors i export them as "C" | 18:51 |
ajavid | ok | 18:51 |
ajavid | i try | 18:51 |
ajavid | nope | 18:52 |
ajavid | why can't I regenerate the locales with sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales? | 18:52 |
ajavid | am I doing something wrong | 18:52 |
fullstop | Hi all.. I have a pretty beefy server running several KVM guests. | 19:29 |
SpaceGhostC2C | congrats. | 19:30 |
SpaceGhostC2C | Need any help? | 19:30 |
fullstop | They are all using a bridged ethernet connection. | 19:31 |
fullstop | Yes. | 19:31 |
fullstop | Anyway, the server has 3 gigabit ethernet ports. Would it be better to set up a few ethernet bridges and split them among the hardware? | 19:31 |
SpaceGhostC2C | fullstop, I'd think so, yes. | 19:31 |
fullstop | SpaceGhostC2C: http://pastie.org/808086 | 19:36 |
fullstop | SpaceGhostC2C: kind of fun. :) | 19:37 |
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fullstop | Unrelated, but when my wife blinks her eyes, and the room is quiet, it sounds like Zorak from SGC2C | 19:46 |
SpaceGhostC2C | that was disturbing... | 19:53 |
smoser | nurmi, sudo losetup --show --find --offset=$((190*512)) sdb.img | 19:54 |
kirkland | ttx: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_supervisor=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.milestone%3Alist=21445&field.status_upstream-empty-marker=1&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch.used=&field.has_cve.used=&field.affects_me.used=&f | 20:11 |
kirkland | ield.tag=&field.tags_combinator=ANY&search=Search | 20:11 |
kirkland | ttx: hmm, let me tinyurl that | 20:11 |
kirkland | ttx: http://tinyurl.com/y9u2sjo | 20:11 |
kirkland | ttx: that's the bugs nurmi and i are about to work on | 20:12 |
kirkland | nurmi: http://tinyurl.com/y9u2sjo | 20:12 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #516726 in bind9 (main) "bind9 failed to upgrade - /var/run/bind/run permission denied" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/516726 | 20:31 |
soren | Good news for all you poor sods subscribed to the build failures from the ubuntu-server-qa ppa: As of tomorrow, the mysql failures should be fixed. | 20:40 |
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smoser | kirkland, http://paste.ubuntu.com/368447/ | 20:48 |
Shump | Hi, folks. Quick question, I haven't found a clear answer for elsewhere. In an Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud environment, must all physical servers running as part of the cloud have virtualization technology, such as Intel VT or AMD-V, or can you have servers as part of your cloud without that? | 20:51 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #516738 in image-store-proxy (main) "image store broken on Lucid" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/516738 | 20:56 |
Elad__ | if I have my server set to use ssh keys, is it possible to generate multiple keys so that 5 users don't all have the same key? | 21:09 |
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_ruben | Elad__: keys are supposed to be private and thus not be shared | 21:23 |
Elad__ | that is what I was thinking | 21:23 |
_ruben | so sure, each user can and shold have it own keypair | 21:23 |
Shump | Hi, folks. Forgive the repetition, but alot of folks have come and gone since I asked my question. Hoping someone knows. In an Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud environment, must all physical servers running as part of the cloud have virtualization technology, such as Intel VT or AMD-V, or can you have servers as part of your cloud without that? | 21:23 |
_ruben | Shump: no personal experience with it .. but i assume it's based on kvm, which in turns depends on intel vt / amd-v | 21:24 |
Elad__ | _ruben: So how do I go about creating keys for each user? | 21:24 |
Elad__ | I added the user, and I tried "su new_user_name ssh-keygen -t dsa" and a couple other variations but get invalid options | 21:25 |
_ruben | Elad__: have each user create their own keypair, get them to send the pub key to you, so you can upload it to each user's homedir (.ssh/authorized_keys2) | 21:25 |
Shump | _ruben: Yes, it mentions that it's based on KVM. So that would mean, then, that any hardware it was running with would need either Intel VT or AMD-V? | 21:26 |
Elad__ | is there a way I can create the keys for them? | 21:26 |
Elad__ | ah, I think I get it - I would create the public/private keys, stick the key.pub in their .ssh/authorized_keys2/ directory and then send them the private key? | 21:27 |
_ruben | Shump: basically yes .. there's also kvm-qemu i think, but qemu gives *very* poor performance | 21:27 |
_ruben | Elad__: you can, but i prefer to do it the other way around .. then again, they can alter their passphrase anyway | 21:28 |
Elad__ | _ruben: What if the new user doesn't have a .ssh directory? Can I just create it and put the public key there? Or is there a better way to do it? | 21:28 |
_ruben | Elad__: the .ssh dir doesnt exist by default indeed, its safe to create it | 21:29 |
Elad__ | _ruben: thanks for your help, I appreciate it | 21:29 |
_ruben | and the authorized_keys2 filename is "old" i think, the manpage of ssh/sshd will probably tell you which filename one should use these days | 21:29 |
Shump | _ruben: Thanks so much! | 21:29 |
Elad__ | The file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys lists the public keys that are permitted | 21:30 |
Elad__ | for logging in. | 21:30 |
Elad__ | right on the man page. Thanks for the heads up | 21:31 |
_ruben | the 2 might be related to ssh2 (like only allow for ssh2 usage or so) ... wouldnt know the details, it's what im used to work with :) | 21:31 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #492724 in bind9 (main) "upcoming process - bind9 - host crashed with signal 7 in dns_rdatatype_fromtext()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/492724 | 21:56 |
smoser | nurmi, when you get a chance, look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/euca2ools/+bug/516738 | 22:08 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 516738 in image-store-proxy "image store broken on Lucid" [High,Triaged] | 22:08 |
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