mr_steve | Hm, if we ever get a supybot in this channel, I bet the todo list plugin would be great for meeting agendas | 00:35 |
Takyoji | Gah, I have yet to write a profile page for my account on the Ubuntu Wiki | 00:59 |
mr_steve | me too. I think I started to, but never finished it | 01:11 |
Takyoji | Just finished World of Goo | 01:59 |
_diablo | Takyoji, how was it? I've only played the demo, but I enjoyed that | 01:59 |
Takyoji | The music is beautiful; the story is interesting/random (thus considerably a light laugh occasionally as well), and it's actually not too hard | 02:00 |
_diablo | yeah, if it weren't proprietary, I'd be all over it | 02:01 |
Takyoji | There's also the alternate realm where you can just go ahead and build various things with the Goo as well | 02:01 |
_diablo | Takyoji, yeah, I tried that, but it didn't like my interwebs connection for sharing | 02:02 |
Takyoji | ahh | 02:02 |
_diablo | do you know where a good place would be to learn about connecting to a wireless network via CLI would be? | 02:06 |
_diablo | the ones that I've tried haven't really worked | 02:06 |
mr_steve | I can give you a quick primer | 02:06 |
mr_steve | I don't know why there's no good CLI interface to NetworkManager, I'm gonna have to get around to writing one someday. But doing it by hand just takes a few commands, really | 02:07 |
_diablo | mr_steve, I tried the ifconfig, iwlist, iwconfig, dhclient approach, but it didn't work. I used the approach here: | 02:09 |
_diablo | I have a broadcom card and am using the STA driver in case that matters | 02:09 |
mr_steve | _diablo, was there any security on the network you were trying to connect to? | 02:11 |
_diablo | mr_steve, yes. I tried it with wpa, and obviously I would need to figure out wpa-supplicant, so I changed it to wep, but that didn't work either | 02:11 |
mr_steve | okay, yeah that article you linked to lies about wpa, but you know that already. | 02:12 |
_diablo | mr_steve, #fedora just recommended I use cnetworkmanager | 02:12 |
_diablo | mr_steve, yeah, I know :) | 02:12 |
mr_steve | There is one thing missing from that guide that I seem to always have to do | 02:12 |
_diablo | what's that? | 02:13 |
mr_steve | After doing the iwconfig wlan0 essid "whatever", I usually seem to need to do iwconfig wlan0 ap auto before it will associate | 02:13 |
_diablo | hmmmm | 02:14 |
_diablo | okay, I'll add that to my list and try it | 02:14 |
mr_steve | seems at least with some drivers setting the essid just tells the card which network it should be a part of, but ap needs to be set or auto for it to actually connect to an individual ap | 02:14 |
mr_steve | since although it's a rare setup, there can be more than on BSSID for a given ESSID. Like for roaming between APs | 02:15 |
mr_steve | Thanks for reminding me about cnetworkmanager, too. It's not in the repos, I should try and roll up a .deb over the weekend | 02:20 |
mr_steve | ah it's written in python. pythoncentral fun, yay. I'll probably have a .deb in my PPA soonish | 02:26 |
_diablo | it's in the fedora repos ;) | 02:27 |
mr_steve | Yup. Heh, I keep forgetting you're not an ubuntuholic like I am :) | 02:28 |
_diablo | not at all. ubuntu annoys me more often than I enjoy it. but I still give it to people like the cig companies do with their cigarettes. | 02:29 |
mr_steve | haha, nice. | 02:30 |
_diablo | brb, I'm gonna try ratpoison wireless | 02:31 |
_diablo | mr_steve, does 128 vs 64 WEP matter? | 02:31 |
_diablo | for iwconfig I mean | 02:32 |
mr_steve | _diablo, not sure. I think iwconfig figures it out based on the key length. Are you providing the key as hexadecimal digits? | 02:40 |
_diablo | mr_steve, I was going to use the s: switch | 02:41 |
_diablo | brb, going to try this for real now | 02:42 |
Takyoji | Anyone know of FreeNX? | 02:57 |
mr_steve | Takyoji, I've heard of, but never used it. Supposed to be an X server for Win32, innit? | 03:14 |
mr_steve | well folks if anyone's interested there's now a package for cnetworkmanager in my PPA. I'm ~smcgrath23 on launchpad. | 03:25 |
mr_steve | I've been playing with it a bit and it seems to be working, and pretty decent to use | 03:25 |
Takyoji | I take it that you packaged it? | 03:33 |
mr_steve | Takyoji, yup. I'm gonna try to clean it up a little more and get it into the repos, since there's already a needs-packaging bug for it | 03:38 |
Takyoji | ahh | 03:38 |
tonyyarusso | Takyoji: So you're volunteering to write up minutes, right? :) | 03:49 |
Takyoji | I may be willing to in fact | 03:50 |
Takyoji | Is there some form of a list or a method to find projects that need a package maintainer? | 04:11 |
_diablo | Takyoji, not that I know of, sorry, I'd ask on #ubuntu | 04:11 |
tonyyarusso | The better place to ask would be the MOTU mailing list. | 04:24 |
_diablo | or that | 04:24 |
Takyoji | Mark of the Unicorn? :D | 04:27 |
Takyoji | Someone should tweak the wiki page for MOTU | 04:27 |
Takyoji | (on Wikipedia) | 04:27 |
Takyoji | otherwise I know what you mean; Masters of the Universe | 04:30 |
Takyoji | Leaving for the night | 04:59 |
_diablo | nn | 05:00 |
=== jenkinbr is now known as Guest84172 | ||
mr_steve | tonyyarusso, is it possible for us to get a project cloak on freenode? Dunno if freenode actually considers us a project? | 18:00 |
* mr_steve is updating the netbook to lucid... | 19:15 | |
kermit | i think freenode would be happy to do that | 20:05 |
kermit | mr_steve: | 20:06 |
mr_steve | yeah, they probably would. There's not really too much point to it, but hey, why not? | 20:07 |
h00k | I think I just had an Ubuntu Hour with my barber. | 21:38 |
_diablo | haha, really? were you convincing? | 21:40 |
h00k | _diablo: I...think so, yeah | 21:55 |
h00k | I wasn't really trying to convince, I just asked him questions he had about it | 21:55 |
h00k | "why is it safer," things like that | 21:55 |
_diablo | that's good | 21:56 |
_diablo | and those kinds of relaxed conversations are what we need | 21:56 |
_diablo | often just saying the word is 50% of the battle. get it in their heads so when they hear it again, they're more receptive | 21:56 |
h00k | he asked my major, and it sort of went from there | 22:01 |
h00k | we covered a broad range of topics | 22:01 |
h00k | from mobile phones and their trends, how silly the ipad is, | 22:01 |
_diablo | lol | 22:02 |
h00k | bah, what was the last message? | 22:05 |
h00k | I'm trying to fix my irssi | 22:06 |
_diablo | <h00k> he asked my major, and it sort of went from there | 22:06 |
_diablo | <h00k> we covered a broad range of topics | 22:06 |
_diablo | <h00k> from mobile phones and their trends, how silly the ipad is, | 22:06 |
_diablo | <_diablo> lol | 22:06 |
_diablo | * h00k has quit (Quit: breaking things) | 22:06 |
_diablo | * h00k (~anthonyrh@unaffiliated/h00k) has joined #ubuntu-us-mn | 22:06 |
_diablo | <h00k> bah, what was the last message? | 22:06 |
_diablo | <h00k> I'm trying to fix my irssi | 22:06 |
_diablo | brb | 22:06 |
h00k | hah, okay., | 22:07 |
Takyoji | Woo, nobody's acknowledging my existence on #ubuntu-motu | 22:09 |
Takyoji | With a total of 216 users | 22:09 |
Takyoji | (I asked a question and got no answer on that channel; while others are blabbing) | 22:12 |
_diablo | back | 22:12 |
_diablo | Takyoji, can you repeat? I didn't see your question | 22:13 |
Takyoji | Someone just answered it now; I was asking of reasonable materials for getting involved with packaging | 22:15 |
_diablo | ah | 22:15 |
Takyoji | Otherwise I'm glad to see conversation going on in this channel | 22:17 |
mr_steve | Hey h00k, do you happen to have any idea why my 'unaffiliated' cloak has a bunch of crap at the end and yours doesn't? | 22:35 |
h00k | 16:35 mr_steve <steve@unaffiliated/mr-steve/x-2535065> | 22:35 |
h00k | good question | 22:35 |
h00k | I have no idea, actually | 22:35 |
h00k | check #freenode | 22:35 |
mr_steve | yeah I'll have to bug the staff again I guess. Would you mind checking my WHOIS and seeing if it's at least hiding my hostname? It still shows when I WHOIS myself | 22:36 |
_diablo | * [mr_steve] (steve@unaffiliated/mr-steve/x-2535065): Steve McGrath | 22:37 |
_diablo | * [mr_steve] #ubuntu-us-mn | 22:37 |
_diablo | * [mr_steve] :Pittsburgh, PA, US | 22:37 |
mr_steve | ah thanks _diablo | 22:38 |
h00k | 16:35 mr_steve <steve@unaffiliated/mr-steve/x-2535065> | 22:38 |
h00k | 16:35 ircname : Steve McGrath | 22:38 |
h00k | 16:35 channels : #ubuntu-us-mn | 22:38 |
h00k | 16:35 server : [Pittsburgh, PA, US] | 22:38 |
h00k | 16:35 account : mr_steve | 22:38 |
h00k | 16:35 End of WHOIS | 22:38 |
h00k | yeah, that's what I have | 22:38 |
mr_steve | Well I'm glad the cloak's working, even if it looks a little funky | 22:41 |
mr_steve | I was notcing a correlation between snort alerts on my firewall and the times spent hanging out in certain channels... | 22:41 |
mr_steve | aha. my cloak has the random numbers at the end because of the underscore in my nick. Guess I either gotta live with it or change my account name. Meh. | 22:55 |
Takyoji | Didn't know there was an Ubuntu Pastebin | 23:09 |
h00k | | 23:15 |
kermit | :/ i cant find my #ubuntu tab, someone say my nick in there | 23:17 |
kermit | n/m i got it | 23:19 |
Takyoji | That's right; I have yet to install Lucid Lynx yet | 23:26 |
Takyoji | of which I'll hopefully get done tonight | 23:26 |
h00k | I just finished setting up a dualboot on my lappy today | 23:26 |
Obsidian1723 | NYou going to install that on a production box or a devel machine? | 23:27 |
Takyoji | My primary desktop | 23:28 |
Takyoji | I'll be sure that my work and so forth is properly backed up and so forth; in case if anything goes wrong | 23:28 |
Obsidian1723 | Dang, Id never install Alpha or B eta on a primary box. | 23:30 |
Obsidian1723 | Yeah, Remastersys works well for that. | 23:31 |
kermit | :( apt-get remove doestn actuallly remove the files for me | 23:39 |
kermit | and trying again it says the pacakges are removed, but they're still htere.. gigs in /usr/share/games | 23:39 |
kermit | i guess i can manually remove them, but i'm pretty sure apt-get was supposed to | 23:39 |
Takyoji | Which game(s)? | 23:40 |
Obsidian1723 | --purge | 23:41 |
Obsidian1723 | autoremove | 23:41 |
Obsidian1723 | one of thse should do the trick | 23:41 |
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