jguzikowski | i cant get themes to show up in windows manager even after moving to usr/shared/themes and /.themes | 00:30 |
jguzikowski | any idea why? | 00:31 |
`mOOse` | k got one for you guys...had a hella time installing xubuntu on my usb flash just now - I can't get grub to install on my boot partition | 00:45 |
`mOOse` | anyone feel like tackling this with me? | 00:45 |
jguzikowski | what was the problem with installing off a usb flash? i just finished doing the same without a problem | 00:52 |
`mOOse` | jguzikowski, wow...well, I get the partitioning done and install all the OS, then at the end when it asks me where I want to put the bootloader I tell it not to install on the HD (have XP and win7 on there) but put it on /dev/sdb5 which is the first partition on the usb | 00:53 |
`mOOse` | it pukes | 00:53 |
`mOOse` | this was simple enough with suse....it just gave me the choice of mbr or / | 00:54 |
`mOOse` | is it possible because I set sdb1 as an LVM I wonder? | 00:55 |
Deviouz | need help installing nvidia driver | 01:01 |
Deviouz | I have a geforce 7900gs agp | 01:02 |
Deviouz | I tryed the 185, and 173, but black:/ | 01:03 |
Deviouz | wich driver is best for this card? | 01:03 |
Deviouz | someone around? | 01:04 |
charlie-tca | Deviouz: when you go to Applications -> System -> Hardware Drivers, what did it suggest? | 01:12 |
Deviouz | it suggest the 185 driver | 01:14 |
Deviouz | and there is also the 173 driver on the list | 01:14 |
Deviouz | I tried both | 01:15 |
charlie-tca | You should install the one it suggests only. did you remove the 173 before installing the 185? | 01:15 |
Deviouz | rebooted after install but the screen is just black | 01:15 |
Deviouz | yes sure, I had to reinstall xubuntu cus I couldnt see anything | 01:15 |
charlie-tca | If you installed both drivers, you created a conflict. You will now need to go to a tty, using Ctrl+Alt+F2, log in, and remove the nvidia drivers | 01:16 |
Deviouz | and then I tried that 173 driver, but same result again:/ | 01:16 |
charlie-tca | Then restart | 01:16 |
Deviouz | well I didnt do that | 01:16 |
Deviouz | first I installed the suggested one, the 185 | 01:16 |
Deviouz | rebooted | 01:16 |
charlie-tca | The 173 won't work | 01:16 |
Deviouz | but the screen was black | 01:16 |
Deviouz | then I reinstalled xubuntu | 01:17 |
charlie-tca | It might be neither one will work for your system | 01:17 |
Deviouz | and tried the 173 | 01:17 |
Deviouz | back again | 01:17 |
Deviouz | black | 01:17 |
Deviouz | yes but it say this driver is for my card? | 01:17 |
Deviouz | then why dont it work? | 01:17 |
Deviouz | did I do something wrong? | 01:18 |
Deviouz | maybe I need to do some more? | 01:18 |
charlie-tca | The drivers are proprietary from nvidia. They don't always work | 01:19 |
charlie-tca | You don't need it to use the computer. Just don't install it. | 01:19 |
Deviouz | yes but these ones are in the repos | 01:19 |
Deviouz | they are tested too | 01:19 |
charlie-tca | Okay. | 01:20 |
charlie-tca | You asked, I explained. | 01:20 |
Deviouz | yes thanks | 01:20 |
herb_ | hi everybody! | 02:22 |
herb_ | how can i restart x in xubuntu karmic koala? ctrl+alt+backspace isn't working | 02:23 |
herb_ | how can i disable anti-aliasing in chrome browser? my os is xubuntu. thanx! | 02:51 |
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam | ||
bcgrown | anyone know of a utility for fixing broken FLACs? I've got about 100 CDs ripped that show the wrong length and won't let me seek within the files :( | 03:21 |
JulieJulie | Hmm i am wondering what torrent sites do you guys use? | 03:22 |
bcgrown | JulieJulie: www.google.ca :) | 03:28 |
JulieJulie | bcgrown, lol i did that right after i realized what I was asking lol | 03:36 |
jguzikowski | are xfce themes supposed to skin the panels? because i cant get mine to.. | 04:03 |
jguzikowski | is there anyway to skin the xfce panels? the themes i download don't affect them for some reason? | 04:23 |
bazhang | http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/ not sure if this is what you mean jguzikowski | 04:31 |
jguzikowski | bazhang, its more like this..i downloaded this theme: http://www.xfce-look.org/content/show.php/LiNsta+Black+Plastic?content=43023 yet my panels dontl ook anything like that start menu | 04:32 |
jguzikowski | my menus also havent changed colors (where it says like Xchat View Server Settings Window Help | 04:32 |
Baloo1 | hello | 04:44 |
Balsaq | good morning xubuntu staff, developers, coders and casual observers. | 05:09 |
jguzikowski | hi Balsaq | 05:12 |
dbdii407 | My mouse froze again. Ha. I can move it, can't click anything | 05:29 |
dbdii407 | And now it's back | 05:31 |
dbdii407 | Weird. Never had this issue with older distos | 05:31 |
jguzikowski | is there anyway to skin the xfce panels? the themes i download don't affect them for some reason? | 05:32 |
jguzikowski | dbdii407, is it wireless? my mini wireless mouse for my netbook stops responding for a second or two if a text/phone call is incoming or outgoing | 05:32 |
Balsaq | howdy jguzikowski | 05:37 |
* Balsaq sits down | 08:00 | |
becker_11 | Hi I've just arrived home and fired up my xubuntu desktop box which when I last used it was working perfectly Now my screen res is 960*600 when previously it was 1280*1024 .... the problem is the 960*600 res is the largest one I have available | 09:11 |
becker_11 | what can I do to rectify this?? | 09:11 |
_Techie_ | paste output of xrandr please | 09:13 |
becker_11 | _Techie_, http://pastebin.com/d1578f5be | 09:16 |
_Techie_ | do you have a xorg.conf? | 09:17 |
becker_11 | _Techie_, not sure as I've never used it | 09:18 |
_Techie_ | then you prolly dont have one | 09:18 |
_Techie_ | !xrandr | becker_11 | 09:19 |
ubottu | becker_11: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X. Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR12 | 09:19 |
becker_11 | I'm running a ubuntu install with all the gnome stuff removed and xubuntu desktop installed so I guess I've got what ever comes with that | 09:19 |
_Techie_ | !xorg | becker_11 | 09:19 |
ubottu | becker_11: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution | 09:19 |
_Techie_ | i suggest you read those | 09:19 |
_Techie_ | you should be able to find the answer in those without much help | 09:19 |
_Techie_ | welcome back becker_11 | 09:21 |
becker_11 | that restart x line work like magic | 09:22 |
becker_11 | thanks _Techie_ | 09:22 |
_Techie_ | no problem | 09:22 |
_Techie_ | anybody around with ATI experience? | 09:23 |
becker_11 | so is this a bug in xfce or xubuntu or just some random crap that decided I needed some excitement in my day?? | 09:23 |
_Techie_ | prolly some random crap | 09:23 |
becker_11 | okay | 09:23 |
Balsaq | man i just attacked by a trojan on my new w7 | 09:31 |
Balsaq | avast says it blocked it | 09:31 |
_Techie_ | howd you manage to get a trojan? | 09:31 |
Balsaq | well i dont believe i actually got it, scanning now...i was clicking on links that were related to my laptop, reading about it...clicked on one of em and the avast thing says it blocked atrojan and then i wasnt online anymore...never actually opened the page...scanning now to be sure | 09:33 |
Balsaq | scanned w/ defender and it say i am clean | 09:33 |
Balsaq | dont even like the word... | 09:34 |
_Techie_ | thats why i use AVG | 09:34 |
_Techie_ | it monitors your runtime | 09:34 |
Balsaq | well if i am correct the avast worked | 09:34 |
_Techie_ | so you can browse the internet freely and it will stop any viruses from executing | 09:34 |
Balsaq | in other words...it didnt even let me get to the page i clicked on | 09:35 |
_Techie_ | in other words, its already hijacking your computer | 09:35 |
Balsaq | are you serious | 09:35 |
Balsaq | si you think i got in my computer now | 09:35 |
_Techie_ | avast i mean, not the trojan | 09:35 |
Balsaq | avast is hijacking me | 09:36 |
Balsaq | ? | 09:36 |
_Techie_ | pretty much | 09:36 |
Balsaq | well it lets the computer run fast | 09:36 |
Balsaq | cant tell its even on | 09:36 |
_Techie_ | its why i say that some virus checkers are viruses in themselves | 09:36 |
_Techie_ | you get checkers like AVG that sit in the background and stop them running | 09:36 |
Balsaq | so you are saying the avg would of let me open the link but would have jailed it and let me continue | 09:37 |
_Techie_ | and then you get things like norton that stop you from using your computer how you want to | 09:37 |
Balsaq | i dumped the norton | 09:37 |
_Techie_ | avg would not interfere with your web browsing | 09:37 |
Balsaq | hmmm. i had it on another computer | 09:37 |
_Techie_ | but if a virus tried to execute it would stop it | 09:37 |
Balsaq | should i disable autorun | 09:38 |
_Techie_ | i suggest you install AVG before you disable it | 09:38 |
Balsaq | autorun is a feature that won tlet anything run automatically' | 09:38 |
_Techie_ | wait | 09:39 |
Balsaq | its a windows feasture | 09:39 |
Balsaq | feature | 09:39 |
_Techie_ | which autorun are we talking about? | 09:39 |
Balsaq | thernon in windows | 09:39 |
Balsaq | the one in windows | 09:39 |
_Techie_ | lol | 09:39 |
_Techie_ | thats fine | 09:39 |
_Techie_ | that for autoruns from cd's | 09:39 |
Balsaq | oh so it wont help | 09:39 |
_Techie_ | no | 09:39 |
Balsaq | so avg lets the stuffin ...and jails it.......avast stops it before it ges in and stops me in the process? | 09:40 |
_Techie_ | correct | 09:40 |
Balsaq | dont really know if i wanna let stuff in though | 09:41 |
_Techie_ | well its either let stuff in and have it jailed or be told how to use your computer | 09:41 |
Balsaq | so the follow up scan i am doing now is worthless | 09:41 |
Balsaq | cause it never got in | 09:41 |
_Techie_ | pretty much | 09:42 |
_Techie_ | its anti virus programs like that that make people all scared | 09:42 |
Balsaq | no these trojans..are they just a normal part of computing or a man made problem doen to mess me up | 09:42 |
_Techie_ | they make everything out to be a big deal | 09:42 |
_Techie_ | you know the story of the trojan horse? | 09:42 |
Balsaq | of course | 09:42 |
Balsaq | greece | 09:43 |
_Techie_ | same thing | 09:43 |
Balsaq | but its made by a hacker correct | 09:43 |
_Techie_ | yes | 09:43 |
_Techie_ | same as any malicious code | 09:43 |
Balsaq | what for | 09:43 |
_Techie_ | depends on the virus and the hacker | 09:43 |
Balsaq | like to get ahold of him | 09:44 |
_Techie_ | yeah | 09:44 |
_Techie_ | could be anything from a botnet to make your computer beep everytime you turn it on | 09:44 |
Balsaq | what does thenhacker get out of it | 09:44 |
_Techie_ | anything they want | 09:44 |
_Techie_ | first example (botnet) = access to your computer | 09:45 |
_Techie_ | second example (beep) = shits 'n giggles | 09:45 |
Balsaq | has never happened on this one...just happened on the new lapper | 09:46 |
Balsaq | i can find the site again, i know where i was | 09:46 |
Balsaq | can i retaliate | 09:47 |
_Techie_ | unless you know what your doing and can decompile the code, no | 09:47 |
Balsaq | i had typed in the search bar...gateway nv59....and had clicked on some links that stemmed from that | 09:47 |
Balsaq | about the 2nd or 3rd page it hit | 09:48 |
Balsaq | i want totrace it back to the perpetrator | 09:48 |
_Techie_ | most you could do is note down the domain | 09:48 |
Balsaq | i will go back to it once i check this all out...will go there with my xubuntu and i will recognize it | 09:49 |
Balsaq | this full scan is taking 45 minutes wit hmy new quad i5 | 09:49 |
Balsaq | by the way the manufacturer made a mistake...i paid for an i3 and got an i5 | 09:50 |
_Techie_ | adn the scan will most likely turn up zilch | 09:50 |
Balsaq | yup cause it got blocked | 09:50 |
_Techie_ | got the URL that was blocked? | 09:50 |
Balsaq | got zilch yet damn scan is still goin 92% | 09:51 |
_Techie_ | offcourse | 09:51 |
Balsaq | and i deleted all my history immediately | 09:51 |
_Techie_ | by reporting a site and blocking it, it makes the user want to scan their computer | 09:51 |
_Techie_ | scan then turns up nothing.. making them think the software is great | 09:52 |
Balsaq | but i am clean | 09:52 |
_Techie_ | and 90% of the time you wont get a virus from the blocked site | 09:52 |
_Techie_ | that otehr 10% is when you go and download stupid things | 09:52 |
Balsaq | is a trojan a virus | 09:52 |
_Techie_ | yes | 09:53 |
_Techie_ | trojan is short for troan horse | 09:53 |
_Techie_ | virus in a timelock container | 09:53 |
Balsaq | no threat found | 09:54 |
Balsaq | woop di do | 09:55 |
_Techie_ | install avg instead | 09:56 |
Balsaq | virus chest empty now i cant see what the heck happened | 09:56 |
Balsaq | frick me | 09:56 |
Balsaq | so ya really dont know for sure where it is | 09:56 |
Balsaq | unless ya believe that it really did get blocked which since the page never opened im prolly ok | 09:57 |
_Techie_ | it did get blocked | 09:57 |
_Techie_ | and unless you downloaded something from that site you wouldnt have got it anyway | 09:57 |
Balsaq | id almosst rather have it caged so i can poke it | 09:57 |
_Techie_ | you should make a honeypot | 09:58 |
Balsaq | hmmm lets go back there | 09:58 |
Balsaq | yeah i should i read a lil about it the other day | 09:59 |
Balsaq | like a trap isnt it | 09:59 |
_Techie_ | yeah | 09:59 |
_Techie_ | you create an isolated area | 10:00 |
_Techie_ | be it a seperate machine or just a virtual machien | 10:00 |
_Techie_ | browse recklessly for awhile | 10:00 |
_Techie_ | and set it going | 10:00 |
Balsaq | i will definitely do that for sure...will begin studying it right away | 10:01 |
_Techie_ | be carful with it though | 10:01 |
_Techie_ | its a dangerous hobby | 10:01 |
Balsaq | why | 10:01 |
_Techie_ | well... you know how people collect stamps? | 10:02 |
Balsaq | yeah | 10:02 |
_Techie_ | this is like collecting live grenades | 10:02 |
Balsaq | ? | 10:02 |
_Techie_ | a honeypot is a place where you build up a collection of viruses | 10:02 |
_Techie_ | if you dont take the correct precautions viruses may get loose | 10:03 |
[BT]Brendan | Do it with an OS that they don't run on? or do it in a virtual machine? | 10:03 |
Balsaq | what do i do after i capture them | 10:04 |
_Techie_ | after you capture them you just let them run around in the honeypot | 10:04 |
Balsaq | oh so it screws up the author because now they cant spread | 10:05 |
_Techie_ | it doesnt screw up the creators | 10:05 |
Balsaq | becasue the virus is trapped | 10:05 |
_Techie_ | because theres a dozen other poepl that would probably be infected anyway | 10:05 |
_Techie_ | its just a fun thing to do | 10:05 |
Balsaq | yeah | 10:05 |
_Techie_ | like a hobby | 10:06 |
_Techie_ | i dont currently have a honeypot but im thinking about setting one up in a month or two | 10:07 |
Balsaq | think i found the link...do i dare click it again? | 10:07 |
_Techie_ | whats the URL? | 10:07 |
Balsaq | www.notebook-auctions.com/index.php?page=Reviews | 10:08 |
Balsaq | i think its the on | 10:08 |
Balsaq | not positive unless i click on it | 10:09 |
_Techie_ | well im there now | 10:10 |
_Techie_ | it looks clean | 10:10 |
Balsaq | ok ill move on | 10:10 |
_Techie_ | but there is a "bid for free" icon that sounds like its fradulent | 10:10 |
Balsaq | hmmm never got in there | 10:10 |
Balsaq | laptopcellworld.com/cenkaetaya-reviews-gateway-nv59-500-i5-laptop-15-6inch-quick-overview/-Bangladesh | 10:18 |
Balsaq | may be that one | 10:18 |
_Techie_ | that redirects to http://laptopcellworld.com/bangladesh-on-alert-to-prevent-swine-flu-after-citizen-dies-in-mexico/ | 10:19 |
Balsaq | hmmm | 10:19 |
Balsaq | maybe that flipped out my avast | 10:19 |
_Techie_ | maybe | 10:20 |
_Techie_ | it probably doesnt like redirects | 10:20 |
Balsaq | nope i think it was this one | 10:20 |
Balsaq | forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?p=29300987 | 10:21 |
_Techie_ | hehe, with that redirect one laptopcellworld.com/*anything in here*/-Bangladesh will redirect to that site | 10:22 |
Balsaq | my screen just riolled up real fast seemingly by itself | 10:23 |
_Techie_ | that site seems fine | 10:23 |
Balsaq | got to get used to this touch pad | 10:23 |
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam | ||
Balsaq | cant find it who knows what t hatwas all about prolly a bunch of HS | 10:28 |
Balsaq | i got to sleep....ski patrol in 3 hours.... | 10:28 |
_Techie_ | anyway im gonna watch some Full Metal Alchemist | 10:28 |
Balsaq | later... | 10:28 |
dbdii407 | My mouse is wireless. And It just crapped out again | 11:37 |
Myrtti | ohai. | 11:49 |
Myrtti | does anyone know if it's possible to change the order in which applications start if they're set to autorun on login? | 11:50 |
ablomen | Myrtti, you want them to wait for the other one to start? | 11:54 |
Myrtti | well, if I could make my email program to wait until network-manager is done... | 11:54 |
Myrtti | because now the email program starts first, throws an error of cannot connect on all three accounts that it has, and prevents the rest of the autorun apps to start before I press "ok, ignore" | 11:55 |
Myrtti | including, of course, network-manager | 11:55 |
Myrtti | :-D | 11:55 |
ablomen | well i guess your best bet is to write a script that waits until it has a network connection and then launches the email client | 11:56 |
ablomen | and autostart that script | 11:56 |
HandOf0mega | who | 16:53 |
* HandOf0mega waves. | 16:56 | |
TheSheep | !welcome | HandOf0mega | 17:04 |
ubottu | HandOf0mega: Hello and welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions or help others. If you'd like to chit-chat, please visit #xubuntu-offtopic and for developer discussion, see #xubuntu-devel :) | 17:04 |
balvonas | hey guys | 17:25 |
balvonas | maybe is there a fast way to get sopcast work on xubuntu? | 17:25 |
HandOf0mega | What is sopcast? | 17:26 |
balvonas | streaming protocol | 17:26 |
HandOf0mega | Ah right...not sure??! :-S Is it not in the repos? | 17:26 |
HandOf0mega | Hmmm....looks like a Windows P2P program right? | 17:27 |
HandOf0mega | Might run under WINE...no idea though. I use Vuze or Frostwire for P2P. | 17:28 |
CAPcap | !xsplash | 17:29 |
CAPcap | im considering installing xfce along with my standard ubuntu install. if i decide i want to get rid of it, how would i do so? | 17:32 |
CAPcap | !xfce | 17:32 |
ubottu | Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels | 17:32 |
HandOf0mega | I think you'd got sudo apt-get install xfce4 | 17:33 |
charlie-tca | remove what you install | 17:33 |
HandOf0mega | and then apt-get remove xfce4 maybe :-S | 17:33 |
`mOOse` | anybody know how to get apps to stop re-opening after you reboot? This is driving me crazy | 17:33 |
CAPcap | well to install i would sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 17:33 |
CAPcap | but removal with kde isnt as simple as using autoremove. so i thought it would be harder with this as well | 17:34 |
charlie-tca | To remove all of xubuntu, you will have to search through synaptic package manager and remove all the xfce stuff | 17:36 |
CAPcap | ew | 17:36 |
CAPcap | i'll just leave it on there. doesnt take up that much space anyways | 17:36 |
HandOf0mega | [sirc] HandOf0mega (+i) on #vegetarian (+ntc) | 17:37 |
HandOf0mega | No, wouldn't worry about it taking up space....seeing as computer storage is mammoth these days lol | 17:37 |
CAPcap | HandOf0mega, i have a small hard drive | 17:38 |
HandOf0mega | Awww :-( | 17:38 |
HandOf0mega | How much GB? | 17:38 |
* charlie-tca thought I was alone running small drives. this machine has a 10gb and 40gb drives | 17:38 | |
CAPcap | 40 GB but only like 35 usable and only lik 23 left | 17:39 |
HandOf0mega | I've got 160 now. | 17:39 |
HandOf0mega | Only 470 RAM thou. | 17:39 |
HandOf0mega | Hence why I run Xubuntu | 17:39 |
CAPcap | ive got a gig of ram | 17:39 |
HandOf0mega | Gnome & KDE are too bloated for me | 17:39 |
CAPcap | and reg ubuntu flies. im just experimenting. | 17:39 |
HandOf0mega | I use XFCE, Window Maker, Black Box, etc. | 17:39 |
CAPcap | kde is slow as &^%$ and ugly so i removed it | 17:40 |
CAPcap | ive got gnome and lxde and now im trying xfce | 17:40 |
`mOOse` | it sure is ugly - I'll give you that | 17:40 |
`mOOse` | gnome ain't no day at the beach either | 17:40 |
HandOf0mega | I'm loving Xfce though, it looks like Gnome but runs like it's on meth! LOL | 17:40 |
CAPcap | i quite like gnome | 17:40 |
charlie-tca | CAPcap: keep in mind, adding them together will also slow things down a little | 17:41 |
CAPcap | lxde is wicked fast but is missing so many features | 17:41 |
HandOf0mega | I used to use Gnome, I jus don't think my machine can handle it... | 17:41 |
HandOf0mega | Haven't tried LXDE yet, any good? | 17:41 |
CAPcap | quite fast | 17:41 |
HandOf0mega | Has anyone tried E17 yet? Was thinking of giving it a go... | 17:41 |
CAPcap | but not at all full featured | 17:41 |
CAPcap | which is why im still primarily gnome :) | 17:42 |
CAPcap | E17? | 17:42 |
`mOOse` | just that gnome is uggin fugly on my machine | 17:42 |
HandOf0mega | Enlightenment | 17:42 |
HandOf0mega | It's a window manager | 17:42 |
CAPcap | oh i dont use WMs | 17:43 |
CAPcap | i need full environments | 17:43 |
HandOf0mega | Yeah, that's why I've settled on XFCE, it's got the features of a desktop with the lightness of a WM | 17:43 |
CAPcap | im not a geek. im someone who was forced to switch from windows because a virus totalled my machine. i must have my user firendly GUI | 17:43 |
CAPcap | friendly* | 17:43 |
CAPcap | i dont know anything about window managers or how to use my computer while running them so i havent tried | 17:45 |
HandOf0mega | Fair play, a lot of ppl iv introduced to Ubuntu say it's easier to use than Windows | 17:45 |
HandOf0mega | WMs are just as easy 2 use, just they have a more simple design | 17:45 |
HandOf0mega | some ppl might find them easier | 17:45 |
CAPcap | well xfce just finished its install so im gonna switch over. i'll come back and tell you what i think | 17:45 |
HandOf0mega | but many ppl's screenshots look cluttered up with lots of terminals and code flying everywhere! lol | 17:46 |
HandOf0mega | okie dokies, gd luck! | 17:46 |
`mOOse` | anybody know how to get apps to stop re-opening after you reboot? This is driving me crazy | 17:46 |
`mOOse` | ? | 17:46 |
HandOf0mega | Applications > Settings > Settings manager > Autostarted apps | 17:47 |
`mOOse` | aha! | 17:48 |
HandOf0mega | Did it help? :-) | 17:49 |
`mOOse` | I don't have a settings manager so I'm looking in settings editor? | 17:49 |
HandOf0mega | Yeah, should be... | 17:49 |
HandOf0mega | I'm using Xubuntu 8.10 so it might be different... | 17:49 |
charlie-tca | also uncheck "save session... " when shutting down / quitting | 17:50 |
`mOOse` | not in there | 17:50 |
`mOOse` | yea I did/do that | 17:50 |
CAPcap | Im back | 17:50 |
HandOf0mega | Hmmmmm, what version are u using?? | 17:50 |
`mOOse` | aha! | 17:50 |
`mOOse` | it's in Session And Starup | 17:50 |
charlie-tca | Applications -> Settings -> Session and Startup | 17:50 |
`mOOse` | *startup | 17:50 |
HandOf0mega | Kewl :-) | 17:51 |
CAPcap | Well it basically looks like the generic Gnome interface. though a little simplified | 17:51 |
* HandOf0mega nods. | 17:51 | |
CAPcap | Speed wise its a hair faster on my system | 17:51 |
charlie-tca | CAPcap: did you get a blue background? | 17:52 |
HandOf0mega | It SHOULD run a lot faster than Gnome though... | 17:52 |
CAPcap | yeah | 17:52 |
HandOf0mega | Yeah, I did in 8.10 | 17:52 |
CAPcap | with a tree and some biirds | 17:52 |
HandOf0mega | the version I'm using | 17:52 |
HandOf0mega | if i remember rightly | 17:52 |
charlie-tca | That is the right desktop, then | 17:52 |
HandOf0mega | what version u got? | 17:52 |
CAPcap | idk how do i check? | 17:52 |
charlie-tca | 8.10 had a swirl-like background | 17:52 |
CAPcap | why does it matter? | 17:53 |
HandOf0mega | yeah, might've iv forgot | 17:53 |
HandOf0mega | lol | 17:53 |
HandOf0mega | do a 'printenv' & should tell u | 17:53 |
charlie-tca | CAPcap: just open a terminal and type lsb_release -r | 17:53 |
HandOf0mega | that's the one ;-) sorry | 17:54 |
charlie-tca | It will say Ubuntu ????, but it is really Xubuntu | 17:54 |
CAPcap | how would i go about changing my cursor? | 17:54 |
HandOf0mega | jus realised printenv doesn't give u a version | 17:54 |
charlie-tca | Applications -> Settings -> mouse | 17:54 |
CAPcap | thanks | 17:55 |
* HandOf0mega nods. | 17:55 | |
CAPcap | im so used to the one i loaded up with ubuntu that it bothers me when i get the generic one | 17:55 |
CAPcap | the ubuntu/xubuntu default mouse theme is ugly | 17:56 |
CAPcap | so what main differences should i be looking for here? (aside from my wine programs not working T_T) | 17:56 |
charlie-tca | speed and simplicity | 17:57 |
HandOf0mega | yeap, it's designed for older machines to give them a new breath of life really | 17:58 |
CAPcap | well everything runs pretty well on my system. Gnome runs fine LXDE is quick as a flash but is seriously lacking in some areas, this appears to be the middle ground for speed but so far looking like it works better overall than lxde. we wont even discuss kde because its horrible | 17:58 |
HandOf0mega | Yeah, I gave up on KDE long ago | 17:59 |
HandOf0mega | too bloated for my liking | 17:59 |
CAPcap | if I wanted to try a WM what would u suggest? | 17:59 |
HandOf0mega | Fluxbox probably...seems to be the most popular. | 18:00 |
HandOf0mega | do a google search for some screenshots | 18:00 |
CAPcap | what do you use? | 18:00 |
HandOf0mega | Xfce at the moment, but I've got Fluxbox, E16, Window Maker installed | 18:00 |
CAPcap | how about you charlie-tca do you use any window managers? | 18:01 |
charlie-tca | I use the one installed with xubuntu - xfwm4 | 18:01 |
charlie-tca | It works well for me | 18:01 |
HandOf0mega | Is that the same as Xfce4?? | 18:02 |
CAPcap | :) I love the whole ubuntu community. ive been really impressed | 18:02 |
HandOf0mega | me too :-) | 18:03 |
charlie-tca | It is the window manager for xfce | 18:03 |
charlie-tca | It installed with Xubuntu-desktop package | 18:03 |
HandOf0mega | Oh... | 18:04 |
HandOf0mega | Is it the default one? | 18:04 |
charlie-tca | yes | 18:04 |
CAPcap | xfce doesnt ask for my password for everything | 18:05 |
HandOf0mega | cool | 18:05 |
CAPcap | straight up ubuntu needs a password for everything i do. is xubuntu supposed to be like that? | 18:06 |
charlie-tca | depends on what it is you are doing | 18:06 |
CAPcap | installing stuff through synaptic and installing updates. | 18:07 |
charlie-tca | It should have asked once for the password to enter synaptic | 18:07 |
CAPcap | hmmm | 18:07 |
CAPcap | maybe it asked the first time i did updates and i didnt notice | 18:07 |
charlie-tca | But depending on how you update, that password may have still been valid. It expires in 10 minutes, I think | 18:07 |
CAPcap | oh cool | 18:08 |
HandOf0mega | yeah, i only have to type my password once | 18:08 |
CAPcap | on gnome ubuntu if u close a program (synaptic/update/software center) doesnt matter how fast u switch to another or go back, it asks again | 18:09 |
CAPcap | and they all have a 15? minute time out | 18:09 |
CAPcap | could be ten... | 18:09 |
HandOf0mega | that sound tedious | 18:09 |
HandOf0mega | sounds* | 18:10 |
CAPcap | you get used to it. i do it without thinking about it | 18:10 |
HandOf0mega | lol | 18:10 |
TheSheep | that's not really good | 18:10 |
`mOOse` | or you use a really stupid passwd like yoyoyo | 18:11 |
`mOOse` | or 1234 | 18:11 |
TheSheep | the point of warnings, confirmation dialogs and password prompts is to only display them when you really should think | 18:11 |
CAPcap | well TheSheep I know what im opening up and i know what im installing and i know to expect the password | 18:11 |
`mOOse` | I think on a desktop they're stilly | 18:11 |
`mOOse` | -t | 18:11 |
TheSheep | CAPcap: good for you | 18:11 |
CAPcap | i notice it when it prompts me in other places | 18:11 |
CAPcap | obviously i notice it there too i guess because it threw me off that it didnt prompt me here | 18:12 |
TheSheep | `mOOse`: it rings some alarms when you click some link in the browser and a password prompt comes up | 18:12 |
* charlie-tca is thinking too many prompts is like "crying wolf" | 18:12 | |
CAPcap | lol yes TheSheep | 18:12 |
CAPcap | charlie-tca i agree. how do you do that think where it shows the * and makes a comment about what you are thinking? | 18:13 |
Besogon | Hello. Does someone know how to use "fusermount" command? | 18:14 |
charlie-tca | use "/me" to start the line | 18:14 |
charlie-tca | Besogon: yes | 18:14 |
Besogon | How do you do it? | 18:15 |
charlie-tca | /usr/bin/sshfs -o idmap=user -p 22 charlie@ /mnt/wc-home-charlie | 18:15 |
HandOf0mega | you type '/me your action'. | 18:15 |
charlie-tca | all on one line | 18:15 |
HandOf0mega | yeah. | 18:15 |
* HandOf0mega nods. | 18:15 | |
TheSheep | /me can't do it | 18:15 |
charlie-tca | Besogon: it is always source here | 18:16 |
charlie-tca | source destination | 18:16 |
* CAPcap likes cheese | 18:16 | |
charlie-tca | -p 22 is my port for ssh | 18:16 |
CAPcap | well im out for now :) | 18:17 |
HandOf0mega | okie dokies, laterz cap! | 18:17 |
HandOf0mega | peace. | 18:17 |
charlie-tca | Besogon: also, the directory in /mnt has the permissions changed to 777 | 18:18 |
Besogon | charlie-tca, , I have USB-flash (label KINGSTON). I can see that label in /dev/disk/by-label when the usb-flash is stuck. I'm trying to do fusermount KINGSTON and it usless | 18:18 |
charlie-tca | You have to mount the directory, I think | 18:20 |
`mOOse` | can't mount it normally? | 18:20 |
charlie-tca | I don't know that a label will work | 18:20 |
`mOOse` | yea you have to make a dir in /mnt or /media | 18:20 |
charlie-tca | You can make the directory anywhere, actually. Just make sure you have permission to mount it without sudo | 18:21 |
`mOOse` | I know in the ubuntu gnome install it has to be in /media or it won't see it | 18:21 |
charlie-tca | I make them in /mnt, and in /home | 18:21 |
charlie-tca | I think in gnome that is something in nautilus causing that | 18:22 |
Besogon | charlie-tca, I've made /home/roma/123 (It's I) | 18:22 |
Besogon | I don't undestand. fusermount should be more flexible than the mount... | 18:24 |
charlie-tca | so you should own it, then. then you should be able to mount it using sshfs -o idmap=user Your_user_name@host:/directory_to_mount /home/roma/123 | 18:24 |
charlie-tca | If it fails, then change the permissions on /home/roma/123 to 777 | 18:25 |
charlie-tca | You can ssh to the other system, right? | 18:25 |
ouyes | hi how to install envyng ?? | 18:26 |
`mOOse` | charlie-tca - got any experience with grub2? | 18:27 |
petsounds | !envyng > ouyes | 18:27 |
ubottu | ouyes, please see my private message | 18:27 |
charlie-tca | very little, | 18:28 |
`mOOse` | k..I need someone to help me restore my boot menu for XP/Win7 on my hd | 18:28 |
ouyes | petsounds, but i am in xubuntu, i can not find the package in the synaptic? | 18:28 |
`mOOse` | grub killed it | 18:28 |
`mOOse` | I tried the recovery deal on the win7 install - it doesn't "see" my xp partition | 18:29 |
`mOOse` | says there's nothing wrong | 18:29 |
petsounds | !info envyng-gtk | 18:29 |
ubottu | envyng-gtk (source: envyng-gtk): dummy package to envyng-core. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1.1ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 2 kB, installed size 32 kB | 18:29 |
Besogon | charlie-tca, SSH? I have USB-sticker. How can I mount it? Sorry may be I stupid, but befor this time I did it like "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /home/roma/123" | 18:29 |
charlie-tca | `mOOse`: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2?action=show&redirect=GRUB2 | 18:30 |
charlie-tca | Besogon: that is not fusermount, it is a normal mount | 18:31 |
charlie-tca | You mount it the same way for that drive | 18:31 |
charlie-tca | You asked Besogon | llo. Does someone know how to use "fusermount" command? | 18:32 |
charlie-tca | That requires fuse and ssh | 18:32 |
Besogon | Yes I can. I thought I could do it with fuse in command line like it do GNOME... it's very complicated. thanks I'll do it in old way | 18:33 |
Besogon | by | 18:34 |
slow-motion | bye | 18:57 |
rr72 | hey all, where do i set system sounds so when i backspace in xfce4-terminal i get an audible beep | 19:17 |
rr72 | *backspace at the begining of a line | 19:17 |
mr_pouit | rr72: settings > appearance, last tab, checkbox at the bottom | 19:18 |
mr_pouit | and I think you need to install libcanberragtk, and a freedesktop sound theme | 19:18 |
rr72 | i think i have libcanXXXX | 19:19 |
rr72 | no luck so far mr_pouit | 19:25 |
Diarrheal | Let this be a warning to those who think that Freenode is all wholesome and innocent. http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Firefox_XPS_IRC_Attack | 19:29 |
jarnos | Is xfce4-utils and its recommended packages included in xubuntu cd? | 19:39 |
mr_pouit | yes | 19:39 |
neodragon | hello I just install xubuntu 9.04 on my wife's hp compaq Presario laptop and the function keys for the volume/www/lcd brightness, etc.. don't work, they work buy default in ubuntu 9.04. Is there a package I need to install to get those to work? | 19:55 |
TheSheep | neodragon: no, you just need to select the keyboard layout of your laptop in the keyboard settings | 19:57 |
neodragon | TheSheep: Oh ok, cool | 19:58 |
rr72 | mr_pouit~ i want my irssi to "ping" me when i get hilighed | 20:00 |
pdg1 | I can't seem to find the 1TB hard drive i had installed in this machine. any idea on how to fix that? | 20:00 |
rr72 | fdisk -l and you don't see it? | 20:00 |
rr72 | are you sure it is plugged in and set properly jumper wise? | 20:00 |
pdg1 | it's SATA | 20:01 |
pdg1 | and i'll check fdisk | 20:01 |
pdg1 | well | 20:02 |
pdg1 | i guess i don't even have fdisk | 20:02 |
pdg1 | is that suspicious? because I know i'm pretty new to linux. but i think most distros come with things like fdisk | 20:04 |
charlie-tca | !info fdisk | 20:05 |
ubottu | Package fdisk does not exist in karmic | 20:05 |
pdg1 | i see | 20:06 |
charlie-tca | pdg1: It is a command you type in the terminal. It won't be in the menus | 20:06 |
pdg1 | yeah, i understand that | 20:07 |
charlie-tca | It is still installed, even in lucid | 20:07 |
* HandOf0mega is back! | 20:07 | |
pdg1 | simply typ "fdisk -l" in terminal, right? | 20:07 |
pdg1 | no command found is what is returned :P | 20:08 |
charlie-tca | yes, without the quotes, and hit enter | 20:08 |
pdg1 | no command found :P | 20:08 |
charlie-tca | what happens if you type fdisk and hit enter? | 20:09 |
pdg1 | nevermind | 20:10 |
pdg1 | i see what i did wrong :p | 20:10 |
pdg1 | but | 20:11 |
pdg1 | it returns nothing | 20:11 |
pdg1 | if it try to use pastebinit it tells me I'm trying to send an empty document. is that normal? | 20:12 |
charlie-tca | you a user name and I think you need a subject | 20:12 |
pdg1 | fdisk -l | pastebinit | 20:13 |
pdg1 | You are trying to send an empty document, exiting | 20:14 |
pdg1 | ` | 20:15 |
charlie-tca | because there is no output from that command. | 20:18 |
charlie-tca | It is correct, fdisk -l gives nothing, so it is an empty document | 20:18 |
pdg1 | okay... what is the point of fdisk -l | 20:18 |
pdg1 | i thought it was supposed to list something :P | 20:18 |
charlie-tca | take a look at fdisk --help | 20:18 |
charlie-tca | or man fdisk | 20:19 |
charlie-tca | it says you have to give it a disk to use; like fdisk -l /dev/sda | 20:19 |
pdg1 | hmm.. okay, let me try that | 20:20 |
charlie-tca | how many hard drives are in the system? | 20:21 |
pdg1 | 2 hard drives | 20:22 |
pdg1 | 1 ata and one 1TB sata | 20:23 |
charlie-tca | So, the main drive is sda and the second drive is sdb | 20:23 |
rr72 | i get a listing of my drives when i use fdisk -l | 20:24 |
pdg1 | of course :P this makes sense to me no | 20:24 |
rr72 | :-P | 20:24 |
pdg1 | so sda1 is partition 1 on disk sda | 20:24 |
rr72 | mr_pouit~ i give up on sounds in xfce | 20:24 |
pdg1 | fdisk still returns nothing for me though | 20:24 |
rr72 | trye sudo fdisk -l | 20:25 |
charlie-tca | yes, sda1 is partition 1 on disk sda, which is the first drive used in the system | 20:25 |
pdg1 | good show | 20:25 |
charlie-tca | sdb1 is the first partition on drive sdb, otherwise known as D: in windows | 20:25 |
rr72 | i set my second drive to G: in winders :_P | 20:26 |
* charlie-tca thinks that is right for windows, was in 1996 when I last used it | 20:26 | |
pdg1 | okay.. so it returns sda1,sda2 and sda5 | 20:26 |
charlie-tca | now try fdisk -l sdb | 20:26 |
charlie-tca | which is the other hard drive. | 20:26 |
charlie-tca | make that fdisk -l /dev/sdb | 20:27 |
pdg1 | nothing | 20:27 |
rr72 | does it show up in your bios? | 20:27 |
pdg1 | crap... i feel like such an idiot | 20:28 |
pdg1 | 119G Volume | 20:28 |
pdg1 | oh... nevermind. I didn't get a lot of sleep last night. I thought this WAS my 1TB. but 100 GB doesn't equal a TB | 20:28 |
pdg1 | i don't think it does. I can reboot and find out | 20:29 |
rr72 | 1000GB is one TB | 20:29 |
rr72 | /dev/sdb1 1.1T 747G 254G 75% | 20:30 |
pdg1 | yeah... /dev/sdb1/ doesn't return anything either :P | 20:31 |
pdg1 | so... reboot and look for what in my BIOS? | 20:32 |
rr72 | my external filled with movies :-D | 20:32 |
rr72 | sudo fdisk -l only shows one harddrive? | 20:32 |
pdg1 | true | 20:32 |
rr72 | just make sure there are two drives visible | 20:32 |
pdg1 | sda | 20:32 |
pdg1 | brb,yo' | 20:33 |
rr72 | l8r | 20:33 |
rr72 | bbia | 20:33 |
rr72 | bbiab | 20:33 |
rr72 | charlie-tca~ afk | 20:33 |
balvonas | anyone plays chess on fics? | 20:58 |
HandOf0mega | fics? | 20:59 |
balvonas | free internet chess server | 20:59 |
balvonas | http://www.freechess.org/ | 20:59 |
HandOf0mega | Ah right, lol....I use GTKChess sometimes | 20:59 |
balvonas | match?;] | 21:00 |
CAPcap | how do i edit what shows up in my applications menu? | 21:21 |
knome | there's no menu editing app in xfce 4.6, so you'd have to edit files manually. | 21:24 |
CAPcap | how do i do that? | 21:26 |
rr72 | i dont know but i would google | 21:28 |
knome | CAPcap, http://wiki.xfce.org/howto/customize-menu | 21:34 |
rr72 | knome~ wazzup? | 21:34 |
rr72 | how the weather be over there in EU? | 21:34 |
knome | lots of snow here in finland :P | 21:34 |
knome | parked cars look like big snowballs | 21:34 |
knome | and what comes for me, lots of studies and work to handle | 21:34 |
Sachse_Siechtum | How can I assign command combinations in Xubuntu (i.e. crtl+alt+f for the file manager) | 21:41 |
knome | Sachse_Siechtum, what about applications/xfce menu -> settings -> keyboard -> (tab) application shortcuts | 21:42 |
Sachse_Siechtum | Thank you. :-) | 21:42 |
CAPcap | wooow thats a lot of work just to cut some stuff from my menu. im not gonna bother. thanks though knome | 21:43 |
knome | CAPcap, np. | 21:44 |
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