
jcastrompt: you know that red line in the evo calendar that shows you where you are in the day, there's a name for that, named after the guy who created it or something, any idea?00:24
mptjcastro, no idea, sorry00:25
jcastrompt: aha! fyi: http://library.gnome.org/users/evolution/stable/bxqaqja.html.en00:28
jcastroNafai: back yet?00:51
NafaiYeah, back now01:31
NafaiBut I'm having problems with my dev machine :(01:31
NafaiWeird gtk bug possibly.  Everything just locks up when I press enter01:31
NafaiOkay, I'm back.  Downgrading my nvidia driver fixed things02:03
Nafaitedg: ping02:03
Nafaitedg: I'm setting the status initially to ACTIVE, and then setting it to ATTENTION later02:06
NafaiAnd it is the change to attention that I'm not seeing02:06
tedgNafai: Hmm, it seems that isn't getting sent on the bus.02:17
tedgNafai: Let me review that code real quick.02:17
NafaiSure, thanks02:17
tedgNafai: I don't see anything obvious there.  And, I actually have a test for that :)02:19
tedgNafai: What language are you writing in?02:20
NafaiIt's C02:20
tedgHmm, that's very odd then.02:21
NafaiYes :(02:24
NafaiAny ideas?02:34
Nafaijcastro: around?03:18
NafaiOr kenvandine: around?03:22
NafaiGood morning all14:02
Nafaimpt: Got a moment to check some screenshots to see what you think?16:28
NafaiIgnore the choice of icon, working on that, I'm just wondering what you think about the menu text.16:28
NafaiMorning jono17:20
jonohey Nafai17:20
jonohows things?17:20
NafaiNot bad, made a lot of progress this morning17:20
NafaiNow I just have left things I have questions for others for on g-c-c and now I'm starting on brasero17:21
NafaiGet my mail last night?17:21
Nafaifrom last night?17:21
jonoI saw your mail on my phone, I need to follow up17:23
jonogreat that you have started on Brasero17:23
jonohow are you getting on with it?17:23
NafaiJust started looking at the code. 17:23
NafaiI did a lot of clean ups and additional things this morning with g-c-c17:24
Nafaifallback works correctly, things cleanly compile without appindicators, I can cleanly apply my patch against gnome git HEAD of g-c-c, adding the time left on the menu, etc17:26
NafaiCheck out these screenshots:17:26
NafaiThat is in place of the tooltip used before17:26
jcastroNafai: this is looking sweet17:50
NafaiThanks jcastro17:51
jcastroNafai: I have some calls this morning so I'll be out for a bit, so feel free to bother jono17:51
NafaiI imagine I probably need to tell you new strings as well as the icons so they can be translated?17:51
kenvandineNafai, awesome work!18:16
NafaiThanks kenvandine18:16
NafaiI just want to figure out the bugs and get it finished :)18:16
NafaiMy next hurdle for g-c-c is figuring out how to load the icons that are installed (.pngs and .svgs) into an icon theme so app-indicators can see them18:18
NafaiBut the only calls I can find to do so ask for a size and I'm not sure what size to use18:18
kenvandinetedg, maybe you can point Nafai in the right direction for getting the icon name for the app indicator?18:20
tedgNafai: You shouldn't need to load them.  Putting them in an icon theme is just a directory thing.18:22
tedgNafai: The size doesn't matter that much as long as it's correct.18:22
tedgNafai: The code will choose the best size.18:22
Nafaitedg: So I should just add the directory that the files are in to the search path?18:23
tedgNafai: Yes, as a path on the app indicator.  As long as they're in the "icon naming theme spec" directory layout.18:23
tedgNafai: If you look at the RB patch it does that.18:24
NafaiI'll double check that18:24
Nafaithe annoying thing to my perfectionism is that the files are named red-bar.png, green-bar.png, etc and don't have a common prefix18:24
Nafaitedg: btw, the internal links in the appindicator documentation that you have on your site are broken 18:25
tedgNafai: Yes, it's just a copy of the local docs.  No proper linking :(18:26
tedgNafai: The best is to just use devhelp.18:26
NafaiThanks for reminding me of that tool18:26
Nafaisweet, there is even emacs integration18:34
Nafaitedg: so app_indicator_new_with_path ?18:39
jonoNafai, checking into your mail now18:40
Nafaicool, a lot of it is outdated now ;)18:41
tedgNafai: Yes -- the path will send it over to the panel so it'll add that theme path.18:48
Nafaiawesome, recompiling and trying it out18:48
Nafaiyay, that was easy18:49
Nafainow for the blinking18:49
jonoNafai, what outstanding bits are you blocked on?18:51
Nafailet me check my list to make sure I don't miss anything18:52
Nafai- still have the app_indicator_set_status () bug where the icon doesn't change18:52
Nafai- and advice on the gradually getting more green and then red icon.  the old code used pixbufs, but can't do that for this18:54
Nafaithat's the only block.  I'm going to attempt to implement blinking, who knows if I'll need help there18:54
Nafaiand with those, it is ready for a review :)18:54
jonotedg, can you help advise on these ^^18:54
jonoawesome :)18:54
Nafaiyeah, it feels great to make this progress18:54
kenvandinejono, i think tedg already gave him some advice this morning18:55
* jono hi-fives Nafai18:55
kenvandinebut we are here if you need advice18:55
jonokenvandine, awesome18:55
kenvandineNafai, don't block, just ask18:55
Nafaikenvandine: I had other stuff to do, so it wasn't a big deal this time18:55
kenvandineand if we don't respond... tell jcastro or jono and they can come smack us :)18:55
kenvandinethis week we are physically together, so they can abuse me :-p18:56
Nafaisweet.  I'll be sure to ping them via e-mail if I am blocked and no one responds here18:56
Nafaiis that the best way?18:56
tedgNafai: Yes.18:58
Nafaiok, thanks18:58
tedgNafai: Make sure to include my nick in messages -- I rarely watch the channel unless a notification comes up :)18:58
Nafaitedg: Anything else I can do to make it easier for you to help me figure out why the icon won't change?18:58
Nafaitedg: Sure thing.18:58
tedgNafai: Uhm, not sure.  I think I'm going to have to look into it more.18:59
Nafaion this note, I'm hungry so I'm going to go eat18:59
Nafaithanks guys18:59
Nafaibe back in about an hour19:01
NafaiI'm back around now, btw20:22
jcastroNafai: ok, so where do we stand?20:24
Nafaiget_status() bug, blinking, and replicating a behavior from GtkStatusICon in the icons.  I'm sending a mail about the last one because I'm particularly wordy and don't want to flood IRC20:25
NafaiSo as soon as I get this mail out, I'd like to work with tedg or whoever can help me in tracking down why the icon won't change.  I can't really implement blinking until then because it only happens during APP_INDICATOR_STATUS_ATTENTION20:26
Nafaijcastro, jono, tedg, kenvandine: I just sent an e-mail describing my blocking issues to y'all, easier than here because I'm so wordy.20:34
NafaiI really have nothing else that I can do on gnome-control-center without these blockers being fixed20:34
jcastroNafai: ok I'll work that20:35
jcastroNafai: have you started on brasero btw?20:36
jcastroNafai: ted and co are releasing for this week's drop so it will really depend on his workload today20:36
* jcastro runs upstairs to coddle with tedg20:36
* tedg runs!20:36
tedgNafai: Cool, I'll try to get to the activate thing today.  But this is a really big release day.20:37
Nafaijcastro: Yeah, I've got as far as the looking at the code and know my approach, so I can dive into brasero while you guys are tied up20:39
tedgNafai: That makes sense.20:39
NafaiExcept for the testing of brasero part. :)  I have no burner in this machine. :)20:40
jcastroNafai: can you send me the icon locations for cc and brasero today btw?20:51
Nafaijcastro: Sure, I'll send you cc right now.20:51
Nafaiyay for learning GObject now22:17
jcastroNafai: how's it coming along?23:01
jcastroNafai: nevermind, I see your mail23:02
NafaiI'm about to send you an e-mail about brasero icons23:02
Nafaioh, one other thing I didn't mention in my email.  I've been checking my changes against git HEAD for these projects using git rebase, and my changes have been applying cleanly23:07

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