
doctormoIf I do a bzr pull, will it kill all changes done in this branch and revert it?00:05
doctormoSo if there are uncommited changes, or commited changes, they'll all be reverted.00:06
spivpull will never discard uncommitted changes.00:08
=== mzz is now known as mzz_
doctormospiv: But it will do away with commited changes?00:09
spivIf you pull --overwrite to an older revision, then the later revisions will no longer be in that branch's ancestry, yes.00:10
lifelessif they aren't in the new history, yes00:10
spiv(The revisions will still exist in the repository, though)00:10
doctormospiv: I'm just trying to work out what I'm doing in my pull code, perhaps what I mean to do is not pull but merge.00:11
doctormoWhat would you do if you had a parent directory that had moved forwards and you wanted to resync your working branch with it.00:11
maxbIf you did pull in that case, it would tell you 'branches have diverged'00:12
spivI'm not sure about "parent directory that had moved forwards", but generally speaking if I have a branch that I've made changes in, and I want to incorporate changes from elsewhere to the same branch, I would use 'bzr merge'.00:12
doctormos/parent directory/parent branch/00:13
maxbIt's hard to tell what you mean by 'resync'00:13
doctormoTranslating bazaar speak into something your holiday developer will understanding is making my terms diverge maxb.00:13
spivmaxb: ('branches have diverged' is right if we assume the working branch has had commits made, rather than just uncommitted changes)00:14
maxba good point00:14
doctormoSo what i really mean is `bzr merge` when I have local commits and `bzr pull` when I don't have local commits (but local changes ok)00:15
spivdoctormo: in relatively simple terms, if two people both have a copy of a branch, and they have made different commits to their copies, you probably want 'bzr merge' to combine those different changes.00:15
spivdoctormo: there's "bzr merge --pull", btw, which automates "'bzr pull' if no divergence, otherwise 'bzr merge'"00:16
doctormospiv: I think I'll try and hook into builtins for that then, I had a bad time intergrating builtins into my threaded code though.00:16
spivdoctormo: you can always take a look at the code to see how its implemented.00:18
spivdoctormo: the code in builtins.py is mostly fairly readable00:18
doctormospiv: It is, but I'm feeling bad about copying bits out of it, like I'm removing all the checks.00:19
doctormoIf interested, look at the do_action methods, I think they probably should be going through builtins.00:20
spivdoctormo: perhaps you should be reusing some code from the bzr-gtk plugin?00:22
spiv(or even the qbzr plugin?)00:22
spivThey've both already wrapped lots of builtin actions into a GUI-friendly form.00:23
doctormospiv: I already am, as much as I could. But the problem is that I have really bad constraints because of nautilus.00:23
spivAh ok.00:23
doctormoIt took me 3 weeks to work out how to get around those contrains too, I've lost an inch of hairline ;-)00:24
* spiv lunches01:53
igchi all03:59
spivhi igc04:04
igchi spiv!04:04
* spiv finishes up for the day07:37
vilapoolie: you broke my toy ! https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/51693407:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 516934 in bzr "infinite recursion when apport is installed" [Critical,Confirmed]07:52
fullermdPfft.  Your toy is just too slow   :p07:57
* igc dinner08:31
=== sven is now known as Guest56823
pooliehi vila08:43
pooliehi igc?08:43
smartgpxGreetings. Are there any Win32 supporters in - I've just encountered an odd crash that is making me feel panicky08:47
smartgpx'Out of the blue', > bzr explore has stated throwing a MS Visual C++ runtime error.08:48
smartgpxConsole reports "QVariant::load(QDataStream &s): type list unknown to QVariant." Nothing in .bzr.log08:49
fullermdI presume that's Qt-related.08:51
smartgpxYes, so do I. But this is a setup.exe binary installer machine, so as far as I know the only Qt is in the bzr bundle08:52
fullermdWhich version?08:52
fullermd(I have no idea what solutions might be BTW, so don't expect answers from me  :)08:53
smartgpxfreshly re-installed bzr2.1.0rc1-1.exe AFTER first hitting the problem08:53
smartgpxother tools from the qbzr suite run OK. qlog, qplugins both look normal.09:00
smartgpxSince re-installing from the binary installer doesn't fix it I'm fearing something is trashed in my OS. But what and how/why? AV scan running now!09:01
* bialix calls for Gary09:17
* fullermd isn't Gary 8-}09:17
* bialix waves at fullermd09:22
vilasmartgpx: Don't Panic09:25
vilasmartgpx: I don't know the details but igc mentioned some Qt compatibility problems citing QVariant, so at least the problem is not unknown09:26
vilasmartgpx: please file a bug against bzr-explorer though better a dupe than no report09:26
vilabialix, fullermd : hey guys !09:27
fullermdOh, no, go ahead and panic.  It's good aerobic exercise.09:27
bialixheya vila!09:27
* fullermd waves at vila.09:27
* vila checks its hitchhiker's guide about aerobic....09:27
bialixsmartgpx: what's up?09:28
vila. o 0 (aerobic raises EBADFORCHOLESTEROL)09:28
* bialix thinks we have to upgrade windows installer to pyqt 4.7 so igc won't need to break backward compatibility at such high rate09:29
smartgpxNO - I've been told to get my HDL levels down! bialix - summary on Bazaar ML09:31
smartgpxHigh Density Lipids I think - 'Bad Cholesterol'.09:38
smartgpxBugged as Bug#51696809:38
fullermdLipoprotein to be precise.09:41
fullermd(and actually HDL is the soi-disant 'good' variant)09:41
fullermdSo whoever wants you to get those levels _down_ is...   well...    are they in your will?   ;>09:42
bialixubottu: please tell me about bug #51696809:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516968 in bzr-explorer "'bzr explore' unexpectedly throwing MS Visual C++ runtime error at startup " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51696809:42
bialixthank you!09:43
bialixsmartgpx: can you try to remove explorer.conf file?09:44
bialixor something similar09:44
vilafullermd: That should be obvious but how do I make a shell script change my current working directory ?09:44
fullermdvila: Well, if I understand you, you don't, since a script (by definition) runs in its own process, and $CWD is an attribute of each process.09:45
smartgpxCONFIRM that removing explorer.conf gets Explorer running again.09:45
bialixclose explorer, open again and you'll get a crash?09:45
fullermdvila: So to change the $CWD of your current shell, it would have to run in that process, not external, with all that implies.09:46
vilafullermd: so I have to . shell-script ?09:46
* fullermd nods.09:46
vilarats, . `which shell` args.... how ugly :-/09:46
vilafunny I never encounter the problem before...09:47
smartgpxThanks to Simon Kersey for suggesting this.09:47
fullermdWell, maybe you could reach into /proc and manually fudge in the other process's memory.  Is that less ugly?   ;)09:47
vilafullermd: Brilliant !09:47
fullermdWell, naturally.  I said it, didn't I?09:48
bialixsmartgpx: perhaps this is because explorer in big flux09:48
smartgpxbialix - no, it re-runs OK. I didn't think to mention that I had been exploring the new preferences in r405!09:48
bialixwe need to test how smooth it will upgrade from 0.11.x to 1.009:48
bialixoh, sorry, just saw your mails in bzr ML09:49
bialixsmartgpx: anyway, thanks for testing bleeding edge changes and reporting!09:51
smartgpxmaybe it isn't a recent problem? Anyway, rebugged as #51697609:56
bialixbug #51697609:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516976 in bzr-explorer "Saving preferences from Tools/Options inhibits future startup " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51697609:59
vilaubottu: pay attention please, when someone says #516976, just interpret it as bug #516976, thanks09:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:59
vilabialix: faster than me !10:00
bialixsmartgpx: I will try to look on this today10:00
smartgpxfullermd: [OT] thanks for making me re-think my knowledge of cholesterol! More reading required.10:01
fullermdAmazing the things version control can lead you to thinking of   8-}10:02
igcsmartgpx: see my email on the Qt issue10:08
vilafullermd: alias is my friend :D alias bzr-review='. `which bzr-review.sh`'10:22
bialixhi igc :-)10:26
bialixigc: we have to update explorer's setup.py otherwise your new fancy wear things won't go to installer/package. can we elaborate on this?10:32
igcbialix: understood. On my list for tonight.10:45
* bialix working on preparing qbzr 0.18.110:45
bialixanybody seen garyvdm there these days?10:46
igcbialix: I'm going to fix bug 516976 asap btw10:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516976 in bzr-explorer "Saving preferences from Tools/Options inhibits future startup " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51697610:46
bialixigc: that's will be nice. if you need quick testing ping me10:47
igcshall do10:47
poolieigc, +1 on that mail10:51
poolievila, testing.txt says it's _test_needs_feature=[...] but that seems wrong10:51
vilawhat is... err10:52
pooliei was confused10:53
poolievila, so you're going to delete the redundant 'requireFeature(Apport..)'11:02
vilapoolie: Yes, I deleted it from your test and keep it only in the deprecation test reproducing the bug11:04
vilaI can delete the all the deprecated features if you want or keep only the ApportFeature one, we have a test covering the CompatibilityFeature thunk anyway,11:06
vilaregarding ApportFeature, I doubt anybody had the opportunity to use it...11:06
Kamping_KaiserAIUI, merging a single file into a bzr repo is the same as copying it from its original repo, because bzr only tracks commits, not files. have i got that correct?11:08
Kamping_Kaiserwhen i say 'copying' i mean 'cp /this/file ./repo/'11:09
vilapoolie: It http://paste.ubuntu.com/368802/  less magical with that comment ?11:09
fullermdKamping_Kaiser: I think merge will preserve the file-id, but that's probably the only difference.11:10
Kamping_Kaiserfullermd: i still have the files original bzr repo in future i can use the file id to track its history by searching in the old bzr repo?11:11
Kamping_Kaiser*if i11:12
fullermdConceptually (though I don't think there's anything in the implementation to automate any of that)11:12
Kamping_Kaiserhm, ok. its only a few dozen lines of shell, i might just reimpliment it this time. i'll come back and sook when i want something more complex ;)11:13
igcbialix: please test preference saving in rev 407. bug 516976 ought to be fixed now12:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516976 in bzr-explorer "Saving preferences from Tools/Options inhibits future startup " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51697612:08
bialixigc: revno 405 don't want to start at all for me. unicode error (again)12:11
igcbialix: try rev 40712:11
bialixigc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-explorer/+bug/51703612:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 517036 in bzr-explorer "explorer revno.405 cant start because of unicode error" [Undecided,New]12:12
bialixigc: 407 starts but the console full of tracebacks: http://pastebin.com/m57981d8012:13
igcbialix: delete the tools.xml file in your explorer directory and start the app again please12:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 517040 in bzr-explorer "revno 407 emits a lot of tracebacks to the console" [Undecided,New]12:15
bialixigc: deleted. now I have unicode error again12:16
igcbialix: pastebin?12:16
bialixsee it there https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-explorer/+bug/517040/comments/112:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 517040 in bzr-explorer "revno 407 emits a lot of tracebacks to the console" [Undecided,New]12:17
bialixigc: ^12:17
bialixigc: last time it was last month and you decide to move from text to pickle, or something similar12:18
bialixagain: this is bad idea to write localized text to conf files12:18
igcbialix: well the history file doesn't need to be human readable. explorer.conf does need to be IMO12:20
bialixigc: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-explorer/+bug/517040/comments/212:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 517040 in bzr-explorer "revno 407 emits a lot of tracebacks to the console" [Undecided,New]12:32
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
bialixigc: empty toolbars.xml was the raeson of element tree tracebacks12:35
igcbialix: how did you get an empty toolbars.xml? Maybe that was there once but lib/extensions/__init__.py suggests it should always have content now12:40
bialixigc: have no idea12:41
bialixI don't edit anything by hands in explorer/ directory12:41
igcbialix: I wonder what effort we should make to check bzr vs qbzr vs explorer compatbility?12:45
bialixwhat do you mean/12:45
igcbialix: I'm seeing quite a few bugs with old explorer and new qbzr or vice versa12:46
bialixI'd say in explorer 1.0 you need to force some minimal qbzr version12:46
bialixI'm ok with this12:46
igcwhat's the minimum bzr version for qbzr 0.18?12:46
bialixthere was check in explorer/__init__.py, is not?12:47
bialixqbzr 0.18 intended to be used with 2.112:47
bialixbut it should work with 2.012:47
bialixI can check, but I don't think we made any special changes in this area12:47
igcbialix: I can't find that version check. Maybe we moved it?12:48
timourHi all, can someone suggest how to disable commit emails in a specific repository?12:48
bialixigc: perhaps I've confused it with the check in qbzr itself12:49
timourSpecifically, I use etc-keeper with Bazaar, and I don't want commits in etc to be sent to the mailing list of my project.12:49
bialixtimour: do you have enabled mails in bazaar.conf?12:50
bialixtimour: take a look at locations.conf12:50
timourbialix, yes12:50
bialixthe best place to enable things by directory level is locations.conf12:50
timourbialix, so this is the config file where one can specify for what local repositories to send commit emails?12:50
bialixigc: qbzr has check which insist we need bzrlib api >= 1.1712:51
timourbialix, is this file in .bazaar?12:51
bialixtimour: yes12:51
timourbialix, thanks a lot!12:51
bialixcheck the docs on config files12:51
igcbialix: what about the progress monitoring changes made in 2.1?12:52
bialixI don't know12:52
bialixI did not touch the code, garyvdm too. It seems we don;t support this feature yet12:52
bialixof course Gary may know better12:52
igcbialix: I thought garyvdm made some changes following poolie's changes to bzr core. Maybe none were needed?12:58
bialixI cant say right now12:59
igcbialix, re bug 517036, please try rev 40913:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 517036 in bzr-explorer "explorer revno.405 cant start because of unicode error" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51703613:22
* bialix pulling13:23
bialixigc: fixed now13:24
igcbialix: what does your toolbars.xml file look like?13:24
bialixigc: now http://pastebin.com/m336afd8a13:27
bialixI've removed it hour ago, this one created by explorer I suppose13:27
igcbialix: yes, it will create one if missing13:28
igcbialix: any other files just creaed there for you?13:28
bialixchecking with empty one now13:28
bialixigc: if the file has size of 0 bytes it's not re-created with valid content then13:29
igcbialix: right. It was the Unicode Error that was giving your a zero length file though :-(13:29
bialixigc: http://pastebin.com/d68d7eac5 this is the files created if I remove explorer dir13:30
igcbialix: that looks good to me13:31
pooliehi all13:31
vilapoolie: hey13:31
vilapoolie: It http://paste.ubuntu.com/368802/  less magical with that comment ?13:31
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
vilapoolie: I said earlier: I can delete the all the deprecated features if you want or keep only the ApportFeature one, we have a test covering the CompatibilityFeature thunk anyway,13:32
vilaregarding ApportFeature, I doubt anybody had the opportunity to use it...13:33
bialixheya poolie13:33
poolievila, a bit less magical13:40
pooliei was suggesting removing just ApportFetaure13:40
pooliebut either is fine13:40
vilaoh, ok, I'll tweak and merge then13:40
poolieit was more just a  general comment about not doing too much work in deprecation13:40
pooliei'll try to read your merge rfc and patch13:41
poolienot sure when i will get uninterrupted time13:41
vilapoolie: ok, thanks13:41
poolieyo ucan nag jam or igc13:42
vilafor the conflict handling one ? That's what my last comment was, wasn't it ? :D13:43
vilaoh, silly me, you can't see that, they are CCed13:43
* bialix -> lunch13:46
vilagorgeous, clicking on the bug link in qlog opens my browser, nice one bialix/garyvdm13:51
bialixit was luks13:54
bialixsomething bad with lp right now13:55
vilabialix: yup, oopsing all over the place :-/13:55
* bialix goes outside13:55
poolievila, which page?13:56
poolieescalate it if it's persistent13:57
vilapoolie: just checked, mthaddon is restarting apps servers13:57
vilaThey oops look like timeouts to me since refreshing succeed half of the time13:58
ddaaHello there14:05
ddaathe rebase plugin works well to rebase to a newer version14:06
ddaabut I cannot find how to make it rebase to an older version14:06
ddaamy use case is backporting an independent patch that was committed on a feature branch14:07
ddaaHow can I backport one or several patch while preserving committer, date, etc, like rebase does?14:07
vilaBazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: vila | bzr 2.1.0rc1 and 2.0.4 have gone gold14:10
vilameh, I can't change the topic anymore ? When did that occur ?14:11
poolieddaa, sorry, i don't know, it sounds like a bug/limit in bzr-rebase14:18
ddaahey poolie14:19
pooliehi there14:19
poolievila, i'm nervous of landing such a large patch to 2.114:20
pooliealso i can't understand your comment that14:20
poolie... oh, i see, you're saying it's too late to add testtools as a dependency14:20
poolieand it is14:20
vilayeah, but the patch isn't large, it's only because a lot of code has been moved, but I didn't change the moved code14:21
jelmerddaa: bzr replay should be able to do that14:21
ddaajelmer: I tried tying that on the command line, and I looked on the bzr plugin guide, http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/plugins/en/index.html, and I did not see any "bzr replay".14:22
vilapoolie: well, I can understand the feeling about SRU, but almost nothing has been changed in the "code" most of the patch is related to the tests14:22
ddaaactually, it works on the command line14:22
ddaajelmer: thanks jelmer, sorry for the noise14:23
jammorning all14:23
jelmerddaa: np14:23
vilamorning jam http://instantrimshot.com/14:23
poolievila, did you see igc's mail asking jam to delay the rc?14:24
vilano :-(14:24
poolieso i think this should be ok for this too14:24
jampoolie: well, to do an rc3 today, and to delay final to next week, yes14:24
jamjelmer: something is wrong with lp:bzr-rewrite14:24
jamit points to:14:24
jamwhich points to http://people.samba.org/bzr/jelmer/bzr-rebase/trunk-mirrorred14:24
jambut that branch doesn't exist14:24
jamhttp://people.samba.org/bzr/jelmer/bzr-rebase/trunk does14:24
pooliejam, well, specifically after bzr-explorer works14:24
jamso lp:bzr-rewrite doesn't have 0.5.5 available14:25
poolies/works/releases 1.014:25
pooliejam/igc "Updated Bazaar 2.1.0 release plane"14:25
poolielaggy connection14:26
fullermdHm.  There isn't a bzrtools release to match 2.1 yet either.14:26
jelmerjam: http://people.samba.org/bzr/jelmer/bzr-rebase/trunk-mirrorred exists here14:26
jamI'd rather a release plane ...14:26
jamhmm.. I was spelling it with 1 too few r's :)14:26
jamhowever, the launchpad branch is still unhappy14:27
jamNext Mirror: Disabled14:27
jelmerI wished launchpad did exponential backoff on failures14:27
poolieon import failures?14:27
jamthis was a mirror failure14:28
jamprobably had a 1 day outage, and got 5 hiccups in a day14:28
jelmerpoolie: mirror and import failures14:28
jelmerjam: strangely enough I don't seem to have the authority to reenable the mirror14:29
vilaanybody knows how to change the topic ?14:29
jamjelmer: neither do I14:29
jamvila:  /topic ?14:29
pooliejelmer: you should file a bug for the lack of ability to do that14:29
jamI use pidgin and just double click14:29
jamwhich opens a dialog14:29
poolievila, i'll try14:29
pooliewhat do you want to add to it?14:29
jampoolie: he's the PP this week14:29
vilajam: I tried that but got : #bzr :You're not channel operator14:30
vilapoolie: s/igc/vila/ for pp14:30
jamvila: I just got the same14:30
jamthat hasn't ever happened before14:30
vilaI was wondering if things have changed because of the recent storms14:30
jamI wonder who locked down topics to only ops14:30
jamLooking at the list, I don't think I see any ops ... ?14:30
maxbI think it might have happened as part of the ircd upgrade14:30
fullermdMaybe it was just fallout from the ircd change.14:31
vila-Martinp23- Hi everyone. We've disabled the +S chanmode for the time being. Normally, +S blocks users from joining a channel if they aren't connecting with SSL. If you still see +S in your channel's modelist, it will have *no effect*. For the now, you will be unable to add or remove this mode. We'll have a more permanent resolution asap. We're sorry for the inconvenience caused by our earlier technical difficulties.14:31
vilaon 31/01 1:5414:32
fullermdYeah, but it's [probably] the +t that's in effect here.14:32
* fullermd has a dream that someday there will be an ircd that actually _documents_ all its stuff...14:33
maxbabentley can op people. lifeless can bestow that ability upon others14:34
vilamaxb: where did you get that info ? 8-)14:35
maxb /msg chanserv access #bzr list14:35
maxb /msg chanserv help flags  -- for the definitions of the various privilege flags14:36
vilaok, so someone on the access list just needs to /mode -t14:40
vilaabentley, lifeless: ^14:40
alf__Hi all, I accidentally pushed a series of revisions to a (local) branch. Is there a way to remove those revisions from the branch?14:40
vilaalf__: push --ovwrwrite14:41
vilaalf__: push --overwrite14:41
jmlpoolie, http://robertcorr.com/2010/02/afact-v-iinet/14:41
alf__vila: What should I push?14:42
vilaalf__: you tell me :D14:43
vilaalf__: the revision you want to be the tip of your remote branch14:43
alf__vila: Yes ok, let me be more clear :)14:43
vilaalf__: if the branch is local, you can just go there and : bzr pull -r<the_good_one> --overwrite14:44
* vila applauses abentley 14:44
abentleyBazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: igc | bzr 2.1.0rc1 and 2.0.4 have gone goldd14:45
=== abentley changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: igc | bzr 2.1.0rc1 and 2.0.4 have gone goldd
* vila applauses abentley 14:45
=== abentley changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: igc | bzr 2.1.0rc1 and 2.0.4 have gone gold
=== vila changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control | try https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr for more help | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Patch pilot: vila | bzr 2.1.0rc1 and 2.0.4 have gone gold
alf__vila: Ah, yes that is what I was looking for, thanks!14:46
pooliehi abentley14:46
bialixhi jam14:46
abentleypoolie, hi.14:46
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
rubbsgerard_: hello14:58
gerard_anyone has some time to review https://code.launchpad.net/~gerard-/bzr/update/+merge/18464 ?15:00
gerard_vila perhaps?15:00
vilagerard_: Just got promoted patch pilot, I'm cleaning up the easy bits first and will have a look15:01
vilagerard_: thanks for your patience15:01
fullermdpoolie: "update --2a"?15:02
vilafullermd: upgrade ?15:03
fullermdI dunno which part of it he meant...15:03
gerard_vila: that's ok15:03
gerard_I just noticed the unused local "update_dash_r", don't mind that, will remove it tonight15:04
jamfullermd: I think he actually needs to do 'reconcile' (though just of the branch), but I'm sort of staying away for now15:07
maxbYikes. branching a 2a branch locally without stacking or a shared repository feels slower than branching it over the network :-(15:20
doctormoHmm, I'm trying to work out why the cmd_revert in builtins is one of the few commands to not accept a directory input.15:56
doctormoI presume it's because it uses tree_files(..) with default_branch instead15:57
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
doctormohow do I use bzr to remove all unknown files?16:16
mzzdoctormo: see "bzr help clean-tree"16:22
doctormothanks mzz, worked like a charm16:31
=== gerard_ is now known as gerard_work_away
poolieigc i hope you didn't get up this early for my sake16:48
igc poolie: I'm about to grab some sleep actually. Getting up is planned for 6 hours from now :-)16:49
poolieok :)16:50
igcnight all16:54
lifelessmoin moin17:00
jamlifeless: /wave17:19
* jam away to lunch17:19
mkanatjames_w: You mentioned the other day that it wouldn't be too hard to get *one* point where a revision was merged in. What about getting *all* the points? Does that require graph walking?17:19
lifelessmkanat: yes17:20
lifelessrevsions point at parents. merged-in is children17:20
mkanatAnd merge_sort is the only thing that will tell me where those children show up, right?17:21
lifelessmerge_sort is the sort we use for log17:22
lifelessif you want revnos you need to use it (directly or indirectly)17:22
vilalifeless: /wave17:23
vilalifeless: what kind of dependency should be used for testtools in the bzr package ?17:24
mkanatlifeless: *nod* And it's also the only built-in way to find out where a revision was merged in, right, other than walking the entire graph myself?17:37
lifelessvila: arch independent  build depends17:40
lifelessmkanat: no, there are iterators on branch and so forth17:40
mkanatOh, yeah, I see iter_merge_sorted_revisions.17:42
gerard_vila: need any help with the simple stuff?17:54
MvGhttp://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.dev/developers/plugin-api.html#metadata-protocol states that bzr_plugin_version should be "a version_info 5-tuple". Does that imply any restrictions on its format? Is there a relation with http://docs.python.org/library/sys.html#sys.version_info ? Not all plugins seem to follow the latter format, is that OK for new plugins as well?19:23
PengMvG: The restriction I know of is that it shouldn't make bzrlib._format_version_tuple() throw an exception. :P19:25
MvGPeng: thx19:28
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
mwhudsonjelmer: ayt?20:29
maxbI'm trying to locate the code that is responsible for post_change_branch_tip firing conditional on whether the tip actually changed when doing a "bzr pull", but firing unconditionally with a "bzr pull --overwrite" - can anyone help?20:51
maxbah, I think I've found it. GenericInterBranch.update_revisions20:53
mwhudsonmkanat: the revid_to_revno map is definitely not small enough to cache in memory for many branches :(20:58
mkanatmwhudson: 100,000 revisions, that's going to be...what, maybe 512K of RAM?20:59
mkanatWell, maybe more.20:59
mkanatMaybe a few MB.20:59
mwhudsonand loggerhead can examine a few thousand branches...21:00
mkanatmwhudson: We already are caching it in memory.21:00
mwhudsonmkanat: only 10 at a time21:00
mkanatmwhudson: Fair enough.21:00
mkanatmwhudson: But still, we could move the caching to the branch object.21:00
mkanatmwhudson: And historycache.21:00
mwhudsonmkanat: loggerhead _used_ to cache a lot more in memory, and stopping it doing that helped the memory footprint immensely21:01
mkanatmwhudson: I can imagine. :-)21:01
mkanatmwhudson: I'm actually proposing that we cache less than we do now, BTW.21:01
mkanat(Except my bit about the 100 branches.)21:01
mwhudsoni think using historycache makes a lot of sense though21:01
mwhudsonmkanat: also21:02
mwhudsonI imagine21:02
mwhudsonit'd be fairly safe to use the same branch object across all our21:02
mwhudsonthat sentence doesn't give warm fuzzy thoughts21:03
mkanatmwhudson: Right, I was wondering about that. :-)21:03
mkanatmwhudson: One possibility is to put locks around the places that aren't thread-safe.21:04
mkanatmwhudson: One of the things I'm also trying to accomplish is building the caches lazily.21:04
mkanatmwhudson: Because, for example, we don't need them at all to display ChangeLogUI, but they're built anyway, because we called History()21:05
PengWith modern disk formats, how much does Loggerhead still need the caching?21:05
mwhudsonmkanat: +1 on that21:05
mkanatPeng: I'm actually not sure.21:05
mwhudsonPeng: sorting the revision graph is still slow21:05
mkanatOh, yes, that is needed.21:05
mkanatI am sure about that.21:05
PengHow often does it really need the whole revision graph?21:05
mkanatI did some testing--it takes about 4 seconds to run through iter_merge_sorted_revisions on a loggerhead devel branch.21:05
mkanatPeng: That's exactly what I just researched.21:06
mkanatPeng: It only needs it when it has to know where a revision was merged in or from.21:06
mkanatPeng: So even if we just built the current cache lazily, we'd reduce building that part of the cache to RevisionLogUI and RevisionUI.21:06
mkanatmwhudson: The only thread-unsafe thing I can imagine about using a branch read-only would be its internal caches.21:08
mkanatmwhudson: Though of course there could be other things I don't know about.21:08
mwhudsonmkanat: i don't have any specifc worries21:08
Pengmkanat: <321:08
mwhudsonmkanat: just general ones :-)21:08
mwhudsonmaybe it would be fine21:08
PengYeah, "maybe it would be fine" in regards to thread safety _always_ ends well. ;P21:09
mkanatmwhudson: Okay. But if we find out that it isn't, instead we can build those three simplified caches that I mentioned on-demand, instead of whenever we instantiate a History.21:09
maxbWhat's the most lightweight way to ask bzrlib "Is this specific directory a branch?"21:12
mkanatmaxb: I think Branch.open?21:13
PengBut that isn't necessarily lightweight, e.g. if it's a branch reference to a remote location, or maybe even a lightweight checkout.21:13
mkanatmaxb: You could check if it has a .bzr first, right?21:14
maxbyeah, probably not worth that much code21:14
maxbfind_branches is out, because I want not to recurse21:15
mkanatYeah. Although I suppose that directory could be a repo, too, if it just has a .bzr in it.21:15
PengI've checked for .bzr/branch in the past, but it's evil.21:15
mwhudsonmkanat: yeah21:16
mkanatMaybe BzrDir.open_branch? I dunnow.21:16
maxbIronically the reason I'm caring is because the existing code is finding git repositories that I don't want, since bzr-git is installed :-)21:16
mkanatmwhudson: Okay. So I'll update the bug with that proposal.21:16
Pengmaxb: :D21:16
Pengmaxb: I'm sure it's possible to work around that, but I dunno how. You can check for some property of foreign branches that doesn't apply to real bzr branches.21:17
Noldorinhi jelmer21:19
mkanatmwhudson: With that adjustment, does the rest of the plan sound like what we want to do?21:19
maxbWhat's the right API to turn a local pathname into an URL for Branch.open(...) ?21:21
mkanatmaxb: I've always just passed in the local pathname.... :-)21:24
Pengmaxb: IIRC there's something in urlutils, but if passing the local pathname works, just do that.21:28
PengIf you don't care about errors caused by directories actually called "bzr+ssh" or whatever. :D21:28
mkanatmwhudson: Did you see my question above?22:18
mwhudsonmkanat: i think it sounds reasonable, yes22:21
mkanatmwhudson: Okay, cool.22:22
knapsackSo my index is corrupt and I'd like to rebuild or repair it.22:27
knapsackUnfortunately even the results of 'bzr dump-btree' on the indices aren't usable: bzr: ERROR: No such file: u'/home/knapsack/new/.bzr/repository/indices/e5041e9b52c7ccc987767381885f62eb.rix': [Errno 2]22:28
knapsackApparently this is referred to in the pack-names file, but doesn't exist. The repository itself is in a Dropbox folder, so may have been modified.22:29
knapsackThe answer at https://answers.launchpad.net/bzr/+question/96346 hasn't helped me, since I can't create any branches.22:30
knapsackAny way for me to recover from this?22:30
lifelessperhaps the file is in your dropbox history ?22:32
knapsackWow, lessee.22:32
knapsackThat worked.22:38
knapsackEver feel kind of embarrassed, but relieved and thankful at the same time?22:38
lifelessGlad I could help22:38
lifelesswhen you're in a crisis outsiders can often offer useful suggestions :)22:38
knapsacklifeless: Absolutely. Thanks lifeless!22:38
lifelessspiv: bug 517275 would be lovely to fix for james_w23:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 517275 in bzr "bzrlib.merge do_merge has fragile cleanups" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51727523:09
spivlifeless: I'll take a look, sounds like my sort of thing :)23:15
mneptokugh. "fragile cleanups" reminds me i need to make a dentist appointment.23:19
lifelessoh spiv, did I show you testrepository? I think you might have been on leave when I announced it23:24
spivlifeless: I think you mentioned it at least, although I haven't taken a look23:25
lifelessspiv: ok, c ool23:27

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