
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
Lex79Debian maintainer of Virtuoso said that starts working on new release on next week00:32
Lex79Can we drop qt-creator transitional package?00:33
Riddelldepends if it's needed for hardy upgrades00:34
Riddellwas qt-creator used in hardy?00:34
persiaIt was introduced in jaunty00:34
persiaIs jaunty -> lucid not supported?00:34
Lex79qt-creator it was added in Karmic I think00:35
persiaTransition package was added in karmic, but there was a prior package in jaunty.00:36
persia(rmadison qt-creator)00:36
Lex79oh, right00:36
Riddellit's not needed then, we don't support jaunty -> lucid00:46
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Riddellhmm, qt on arm finally failed after 23 hours01:21
persiaIf anyone is running lucid, there's new stuff in pbuilder-dist and mk-sbuild-lv that would allow testing that on amd64 or i386 (although it probably still takes 23 hours).01:32
ejatpersia: thanks for da info01:33
crimsunpersia: useful, thanks.01:34
Riddell>ssh ftpubuntu@ktown.kde.org "ls stable/4.4.0"01:40
Riddellls: cannot access stable/4.4.0: No such file or directory01:40
Riddellguess dirk missed the deadline01:40
Lex79no tag here for the moment http://websvn.kde.org/tags/KDE/01:43
QuintasanI'm disappointed, getting up so early just to work on KDE and I still do not see them on ktown :<04:16
* Quintasan goes back to bed04:16
crimsundon't fear, they'll appear as soon as you lose Internet connectivity04:17
ejatQuintasan: nite .. :)04:24
* Lure notices that lucid archive is in flux, no testbuild of digikam 1.1 possible :-(07:40
QuintasanBranch'd but not tag'd08:35
erinaceus_I'm trying to create a javascript plasmoid and i get the following error "Could not open the js package required for Hello ... Widget"08:41
erinaceus_And im not sure which to install08:42
Quintasancrimsun: you need bindings and they won't probably work until 4.4 (few hours)08:43
Quintasancrimsun: sorr was meant for erinaceus_08:43
RiotingPacifisthey sorry to bother you but is there an ETA for kde4.4rc3 in the beta ppa?11:28
jussi01RiotingPacifist: when it gets there :D (no, I dont really know, but I would guess not too far from now)11:44
Mamarokhm, wasn't RC3 more a test for the tarballs? Since 4.4.0 has been tagged I wouldn't loose too much energy on that11:45
jussi01could someone on lucid do "apt-cache policy libqt4-dev" and tell me the version please?11:47
RiotingPacifistis kubuntu doing anything about settings migration? Because otherwise there will be a lot of problems when people run lucid for the first time.11:50
jussi01RiotingPacifist: they usually do for the upgrade afaik11:51
RiotingPacifistjussi01:  http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/libqt4-dev says 4.6.1-1ubuntu2, but I don't actually have lucid installed11:51
QuintasanI'm definiately not seeing things12:09
ubottuHelp! apachelogger, JontheEchidna, nhandler, Riddell, ScottK, Lex79, Quintasan, neversfelde, maco, rgreening12:10
QuintasanI belive I'm doing it wrong but to hell with it12:11
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ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu-devel's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots12:18
QuintasanJontheEchidna: ping12:19
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: about to go, actually12:21
QuintasanJontheEchidna: okay, just one question, against what version shall I build now?12:21
QuintasanKDE ofc12:21
JontheEchidnafor what?12:22
Quintasan4.4 is on ktown12:22
JontheEchidnathen you should build against 4.4?12:23
Quintasanoh, wait, libs first12:23
QuintasanI just love leaving screen and forgetting about it12:23
jussi01hrm, is qt 4.6.1 going to make it into ppa (or is it already) soon?12:38
freeflyingjussi01: 4.6.1 is in lucid repositary14:07
jussi01freeflying: yup. I want it for karmic :)14:07
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geniiSince Kivio is discontinued in KOffice2, is there some tool to convert .flw into something usable?16:15
danttiRiddell: ping16:16
macodont think he'll be online for another hour or so16:16
danttik, thanks16:16
macobuncha canonical people went to portland so his timezone's all screwed16:16
Riddellmorning dantti16:53
danttiRiddell: morning16:53
danttiRiddell: have you tested the password capabilities in printer-applet?16:55
dantticause if i want to cancel a job that is not mine my process must run as root since it does not authenticate16:55
Riddelldantti: I have not16:55
danttiI'm thinking on using policykit for this16:56
danttiand as you have not tested that i guess this might be the only way..16:56
Riddelldantti: it would seem the most sensible way17:01
danttiRiddell: yep, but one thing is not very clear, how can it authenticate if the cups server is a remote one...17:02
Riddelldantti: mm, well then it would have to do some cups authentication thing17:04
danttiRiddell: yep this is a trick part, well I think i'll focus on creating the needed functions then I'll do this..17:06
danttiRiddell: yesterday I could move a job from one printer to another :D17:07
daskreechHoorah. Virtuoso 6.0.1 is out17:11
Riddelland making many packagers unhappy17:14
Sput6.1.0 even :)17:29
binarylooksJust did an update on lucid. QT 4.6.1 KDE Devel Platform 4.3.98, but kwin at 4.3.95?18:01
Riddellbinarylooks: are you asking a question?18:03
binarylooksRiddell: Sorry, I guess i forgot the question part: Is it known?18:04
binarylooksProbably packaging is still ongoing. I'll be patient and recheck tomorrow18:06
Riddellit is, needs new dbusmenu to be fixed which is due in my inbox any minute18:06
binarylooksOk, sorry for the noise18:07
Riddelloh noise if all good, it means we can guilt trip you into helping to packaging things :)18:07
Lex79JontheEchidna: can you upload kdenlive? https://edge.launchpad.net/~alessandro-ghersi/+archive/staging/+packages18:07
JontheEchidnaLex79: yup, will do it in a bit18:08
JontheEchidnaLex79: should I be worried about the amd64 build failure in your ppa?18:11
Lex79JontheEchidna: I don't think, dependency problem18:11
Lex79I uploaded to my ppa when kdelibs was not build yet18:12
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Riddellmode -t19:05
=== Riddell changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: 4.4 packaging in progress, ping the ninjas if you want to help | Kubuntu has the Doctor on the brain | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | Oustanding merges: merges.ubuntu.com or http://people.ubuntuwire.com/~lucas/merges.html (MoM fixed)
Riddellthat's better19:05
Riddell"Xorg invoked oom-killer"  hmm, that's not good is it?19:41
Tm_TRiddell: no, that clearly means that ram has run out19:42
Tm_TRiddell: and I have that by simply having browser open and launching dpkg (:19:42
RiddellTonio__: this looks interesting http://www.sflphone.org19:48
* Quintasan is back19:49
Riddellhi Quintasan, ninjas skills all set?19:52
QuintasanRiddell: yup, I have uploaded libs and runtime, neversfelde is working on workspace and we should be ready soon19:53
Tonio__Riddell: very nice indeed, thanks for the link :)19:53
* Tonio__ is having a look19:53
QuintasanI hope we will :)19:53
JontheEchidnai came19:55
JontheEchidnasorry, that last bit was a bit inappropriate19:56
JontheEchidnabut seriously. SONIC 419:56
QuintasanJontheEchidna: ya kiddin, right?19:56
JontheEchidnadead fscking serious19:56
Riddellnow that takes me back19:57
* Quintasan borrows PS3 from his best friend19:57
RiddellSega Megadrives were all the rage for people who cared about computer games when I was 1019:57
JontheEchidnahttp://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/3/30010/1139490-lavareefdeathegg_super.jpg <- this was the most epic boss room of all time19:57
Quintasannostalgia attack19:58
macoTm_T: if the browser is firefox, im not surprised19:58
JontheEchidnainside a volcano with the death egg lodged in the ceiling19:58
macoTm_T: apparently ubuntu karmic in a 256mb-ram vm will oom if you start firefox19:58
JontheEchidnathe possibilities with newer hardware make me giddy19:58
Quintasanman I want a better connection20:02
QuintasanI would do all the packages but my upload speed stops me20:02
RiddellQuintasan: you can use my home server if you want20:04
Quintasanhmm, I can sign dsc and changes and download the tarball there and it would be all good20:05
Riddellthere's ways to do remote signing20:06
QuintasanReally? How?20:06
Riddelldon't remember20:07
Riddelldebsign -r20:08
Riddellor debrsign for the opposite way20:08
Quintasandisconnected :<20:11
Riddell20:08 < Riddell> debsign -r20:14
Riddell20:08 < Riddell> or debrsign for the opposite way20:14
=== Quintasan1 is now known as Quintasan
neversfeldeRiddell: is that "Depends: libdbusmenu-qt0" correct for libdbusmenu-qt-dev in the new  libdbusmenu-qt package?20:19
neversfeldeshould be "Depends: libdbusmenu-qt1", or not?20:20
Tm_Tmaco: I have only 256 MiB ram here20:20
Riddellneversfelde: fooey20:21
Quintasanokular-dev is from kdepim?20:21
Tm_Tmaco: problem is, for example when installing package dpkg hogs easily 100+ MiB ram (:20:21
neversfeldeQuintasan: kdegraphics20:21
macoTm_T: criminey20:22
neversfeldeI think20:22
macoTm_T: see i think the little envelopes withthe cds that say 256mb minimum ram are lying. its more like 51220:22
macoheck, kubuntu jaunty or karmic on 2GiB ram is all swap-thrash-tasti20:22
* maco <3 the 4GiB upgrade20:23
macoi'm using 1.8GiB right now on firefox, kontact, quassel, and 1 terminator window20:23
Quintasanhmm it's graphics actually20:23
Tm_Tmaco: heh, I can run KDE4 with this just fine, as long as I avoid dpkg :p20:24
Tm_Tsure swap is used, but that's not bad thing itself20:24
macoTm_T: check this out http://paste.ubuntu.com/367938/20:24
Tm_Tmaco: aww, nice20:25
Tonio__Riddell: funny, it's our main competitor in canada here that develops this :)20:37
Tonio__Riddell: the kde client isn't packaged though... I'm packaging this all on my ppa20:38
QuintasanRiddell: Uploaded. If I did not screw up it should be soon in PPA :)20:49
RiddellScottK: python-qt3 updated, your wife will have her mnemosyne back.  I moved it to universe20:55
ScottKRiddell: Thanks.20:55
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Lex79neversfelde: kdebase-workspace still in progress?21:25
neversfeldeLex79: sure, it builds atm. 41 %21:25
neversfeldeI had to build libdbusmenu-qt1 myself before, so sorry for the delay21:26
Lex79no problem21:26
QuintasanLex79: lol backporting already? :D21:26
* Quintasan hands Lex79, neversfelde and himself cookies21:27
* Quintasan gives few cookies to Riddell as well21:27
QuintasanLex79: python-qt{3,4} just failed21:28
Quintasanand judging form buildlog kde4libs for karmic shall build fine :)21:30
QuintasanLex79: also toys failed :(21:31
Lex79Quintasan: don't worry about that :)21:31
Lex79I'm uploading without the right depends21:31
Lex79just to retry when there are all depends21:31
QuintasanI won't doubt your decisions since you fixed my mistakes soo many times :P21:32
* Quintasan damns his connection21:33
ryanakcaHmmm... any small package that needs updating for 4.4?21:34
Quintasanryanakca: kdeplasma-addons is free :)21:34
* ryanakca just started a new semester, so the work load hasn't really picked up yet :)21:34
* Quintasan is going to take a quick nap21:34
ryanakcaQuintasan: Could you /msg me a link to the tarball and the old DSC21:34
Quintasanryanakca: do you have access to ktown?21:35
neversfeldeI build kdebase-workspace with the updated dbusmenu.diff and against the new libdbusmenu-qt-dev, kde4libs in ninja ppa is not. Will that cause problems?21:35
Quintasanneversfelde: are there any files from libs that need patching?21:36
neversfeldeQuintasan: ?21:36
Quintasanneversfelde: well I wanted to know if there are files from kdelibs to be patched21:36
Quintasanneversfelde: upload to ppa and we will know :P21:36
Quintasanwe have 5 days anyways :P21:37
neversfeldeQuintasan: your package is from 13:20:27 and Riddell added his changes 18:00:00  +0000, so I guess we'll need an updated package?21:37
Quintasanneversfelde: well, upload it now and then we will know for sure21:38
neversfeldeQuintasan: I do not have any kde4libs package?21:39
Quintasanneversfelde: in PPA?21:39
neversfeldeyes, a new package for the ppa21:39
* Quintasan is confused21:39
ryanakcaQuintasan: Not to my knowledge21:39
neversfeldeQuintasan: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-members/kdelibs/ubuntu21:40
Quintasanneversfelde: hmm if that's the case I guess we will need a new one21:40
Quintasanneversfelde: want to do this or I should upload?21:40
neversfeldeQuintasan: I am busy with workspace21:41
Quintasanneversfelde: okay21:41
Quintasanneversfelde: I will take care of libs then21:42
neversfelderyanakca: which tarball is needed, I can send it to my server21:44
Quintasanneversfelde: hmm looking at ninja ppa makes me sick, I'll wait several minutes before uploading, is that okay with you?21:45
neversfeldeQuintasan: no problem for me21:46
Quintasanokay, we have 6 builds in progress, 2 waiting and 4 failed :O21:46
ryanakcaneversfelde: kdeplasma-addons21:47
macoso you're saying my inbox is about to go ballistic?21:47
Quintasanmaco: looks like it21:47
* Quintasan fears to launch Kontact21:47
neversfelderyanakca: http://tarballs.neversfelde.de/21:48
neversfeldelet me know if you need more tarballs, but I guess Riddell can give you ktown access, too21:48
ryanakcaneversfelde: got it, thanks.... and the source package? Will 4:4.3.95-0ubuntu1~karmic1~ppa1 do it?21:50
neversfeldemhh, are the tarballs secret and do we need a secret place to share them? :)21:50
neversfelderyanakca: I think it is better to update the lucid package first21:51
Quintasanryanakca: bzr branch lp:~kubuntu-members/kdeplasma-addons/ubuntu21:51
Lex79ryanakca: grab from bzr21:51
ryanakcaneversfelde: I don't see the hush factor, the source is freely available in the SVN :)21:52
Quintasanryanakca: you're killing the fun :P21:52
ryanakcaQuintasan: :P21:53
ryanakcaneversfelde: However, anonymous FTP access on ktown prevents people from accessing the 4.4.0 tarballs, so my guess is that upstream likes the hush factor :)21:54
Quintasanhush? I would call it "lolwutwtf factor"21:55
neversfeldeI guess there would be hundred of people who would package it for Kubuntu and publish it before release, if the tarballs are public :)21:56
Lex79tarballs is not public yet, that is the reason of bunker exist21:57
Lex79svn is public, but tarball doesn't :)21:57
Lex79tarball will be public whit the KDE announce21:58
neversfeldewhat's the reason for that?21:58
Lex79ask in #kde-devel21:58
Lex79for me because it's not released :)21:59
ryanakcaIs it worth updating policy 3.8.3->3.8.4 ?22:01
neversfelderyanakca: afaik we do not update Standards-Version for packages that are in Debian22:02
ScottKryanakca: In Ubuntu you should never do that.  In Debian, don't upload just for that.22:02
ryanakcaAh, ok, thanks22:02
* Quintasan know knows where all that spam from launchpad comes22:03
QuintasanLex79 uploads with not available depends to retry them later22:03
Quintasanokay time for libs with patch22:05
ryanakcaQuintasan: Pushed22:09
QuintasanRiddell: \o22:09
ryanakcaQuintasan: You'll have to upload, I don't have access to the ninjas ppa22:09
ryanakcaHullo Riddell22:09
Riddellryanakca: we can fix that22:10
Quintasanryanakca: :D22:11
Lex79ryanakca: write here https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/Packaging if you are working on the packaging22:11
QuintasanRiddell: ping me next time you fix a patch and it's not uploaded to ppa :P22:11
RiddellQuintasan: yeah sorry I should have done that22:13
=== vorian is now known as v
Quintasanhmm how to upload only diff.gz and changes?22:17
vdebuild -sa -d22:18
nixternaloi oi22:18
Quintasanv: thanks :322:18
RiddellQuintasan: debuild -S  without -sa22:18
Riddellhi v22:18
Lex79haloa v :)22:19
vhowdy :)22:19
QuintasanI just realized v is vorian22:19
=== v is now known as vorian
neversfeldehi vorian22:19
* ryanakca waves to vorian22:20
* vorian waves back to ryanakca 22:20
vorianif you don't use your nicks, there are pesky people who will try and steal them22:20
Riddellryanakca: I've added you to ~kubuntu-ninjas, go ahead and upload22:21
ryanakcaRiddell: Thanks22:21
Riddellryanakca: if you tell me your ssh key I can add you to ktown access too22:21
macovorian: oooh i was one of those. i put it on my calendar "60 days from when maco last logged in" then when that day came i checked to see if they had, and they hadnt, so i begged someone to release thename22:21
Quintasandamn it still wants to upload tar.gz22:21
vorianmaco: yikes, it's actually 84 days22:22
macovorian: hmm whatever number it is. was like umm 2 years ago22:22
macoi dont think i have that old evolution calendar anymore22:22
voriani think I remember helping you obtain said nick :)22:23
Lex79Quintasan: debuild -S -sd22:23
macooh that was you i begged?22:23
voriani think so, or pricey22:23
macomm yeah you two wouldve been the ops idve known from the forums22:24
ryanakcaRiddell: Last line on https://edge.launchpad.net/~ryanakca/+sshkeys is the one I use most22:24
macodouble contractions should totally be valid22:24
macoand you'ren't22:24
ryanakca(It has 'ryan@lambda' as comment)22:25
macoand he'sn't22:25
* vorian must return to werk22:25
* Riddell wonders why ryanakca's ssh key is twice as long as anyone else's22:26
Riddellryanakca: ftpubuntu@ktown.kde.org should work22:26
Quintasanryanakca has hax :)22:27
ryanakcaI probably had fun with the -b ssh-keygen option when I created my key :)22:27
ryanakcaRiddell: Thanks :)22:27
QuintasanLex79: I hope your karmic build contains Riddell's patch22:28
Lex79Quintasan: which patch?22:29
Lex79dbus menu stuff?22:29
QuintasanLex79: yup22:30
Lex79no need for karmic22:30
ryanakcaSo, although having 4:4.4.0-0ubuntu1 commited to the bzr branch, the package for -ninjas should be 4:4.4.0-0ubuntu1~ppa1, correct?22:30
Quintasanoh well, I just wondered how to avoid uploading tgz once again :P22:30
neversfeldeLex79: I'll remove it then in kdebase-workspace for a backport.22:30
neversfeldeLex79: so if you want me to backport it myself?22:31
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Lex79neversfelde: ok thanks22:31
Lex79neversfelde: see the changes in beta backports ppa22:32
neversfeldeLex79: ok22:32
neversfeldebuild will finish soon, so I hope I can upload within the next half hour22:32
QuintasanLex79: you want to kill me with those fail reports? Kontact just hung after seeing all those mail22:32
Quintasan kde4libs - 4:4.4.0-0ubuntu1~ppa122:33
Quintasancan I delete it after I sent ~ppa2?22:33
Lex79no need22:33
QuintasanI guess it will build fine on PPA (testbuild went fine here)22:34
Quintasanmeans we're almost done22:34
Quintasanfor lucid :P22:34
Quintasansounds like fun22:37
* Quintasan is out for 30 mins22:39
Quintasanping me if hell appears somewhere :P22:39
Lex79Quintasan: kdelibs ~ppa2 ftbs22:47
Lex79maybe poke Riddell :)22:48
Quintasandunno what language we are speaking but sounds fun22:49
Quintasanand LP is slow as ?!*/? once again22:50
Lex79si -> italian, oui -> french, vamos -> spanish22:50
Lex79lp is slow, no news.... :)22:51
Riddellc'est la fault de agateau22:51
* Riddell trouve le gateau22:51
* Quintasan is unable to deal with this22:52
ryanakcaAh, Riddell parle maintenant le français?22:52
QuintasanRiddell: can you tell what's with libs now?22:52
neversfelde<= kein Wort Französisch22:53
Quintasanneversfelde: ja, ja Volkswagen22:53
neversfeldeQuintasan: I guess, the dependencies are no available, yet?22:53
Quintasanneversfelde: beats me, the errors are little bit off22:54
Lex79neversfelde: drop dbus stuff for karmic and change kubuntu_71_default_plasma_layout.diff with the right patch for karmic:22:57
neversfeldeLex79: ok, had to update an install file, so still not ready with the Lucid package22:57
Lex79ok no prob22:58
RiddellQuintasan: agateau missed a file in the patch, he's fixing it23:00
Riddellryanakca: je peut essayer23:00
QuintasanRiddell: hmm, I'm going to take a nap since it's midnight and I'm bit tired23:00
ryanakcaRiddell: C'est bon :)23:01
ZoraelQuintasan: Have you had any luck with kimpanel and ibus? The buttons don't seem to do anything. (Or are you using UIM?)23:01
Lex79Quintasan: push kdebase to bzr23:01
RiddellQuintasan: I'll fix in bzr and PPAs23:01
QuintasanRiddell: okay, thanks23:01
Lex79before the nap I meant :)23:02
QuintasanLex79: okay23:02
Lex79bah timeout error in lp23:04
Quintasandamn you lp23:05
* Quintasan want's to push damn commit23:05
QuintasanLex79: well, I'm going to commit what I tested. It was working :P23:05
Lex79ok, thanks23:06
Quintasanif LP allows me to do so :/23:07
QuintasanLex79: pushed23:14
* JontheEchidna goes off to go to a Yes concert23:37
Riddellthey sound like a positive lot23:38
* ryanakca wonders why neither approx nor apt-cache-ng accept https repositories23:39
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