BluesKaj | trying to totally purge pulseaudio and it's children. what command will help me find thrm ? | 00:00 |
crimsun | removing libpulse0 should suffice | 00:01 |
crimsun | it'll force deinstallation of everything else | 00:01 |
tsimpson | BluesKaj: "dpkg -l |grep pulse" should help | 00:01 |
BluesKaj | ok, I'll try that pa doesn't play nice with this laptop's intelhda card | 00:02 |
crimsun | tsimpson: that won't catch libasound2-plugins, unfortunately. | 00:02 |
tsimpson | crimsun: I don't know all the packages pulse uses, so that was just a guess | 00:03 |
hunt | @tsimpson: I do have an internet connection, great :) | 00:03 |
Mamarok | crimsun: removing libpulse0 will remove half of KDE | 00:03 |
Mamarok | you mean pluseaudio-* I guess | 00:03 |
Mamarok | Pulseaudio-* to be precise | 00:04 |
crimsun | Mamarok: not really. Leaving libpulse0 has some nasties that I'm trying to fix in Lucid. | 00:04 |
Mamarok | crimsun: well, it has too many dependencies, if you remove the .kde/share/config/phonondevicesrc and restart KDE that should do the trick | 00:04 |
crimsun | it's quite nasty because just about everything builds with libpulse-dev as a build-dep | 00:04 |
Mamarok | crimsun: which is silly, why would this be needed in the first place | 00:05 |
BluesKaj | yeah I aborted the removal of libpulse0 | 00:05 |
crimsun | Mamarok: because the backends use it, which means everything using them gets dragged in | 00:05 |
Mamarok | BluesKaj: try removing pulseaudio-*, then remove the phonondevicesrc should be enough in most cases | 00:05 |
crimsun | BluesKaj: if you just don't want to use PA, just purge pulseaudio. | 00:06 |
crimsun | if you want to scrub your system of pulseaudio entirely, you'll need to wait for my no-pulseaudio package in Lucid. | 00:06 |
Mamarok | crimsun: well, Phonon doesn't to start with, nor does KDE, so it should not even be in Kubuntu | 00:06 |
crimsun | Mamarok: it would need to be ripped out of xine. Have fun with that. | 00:06 |
Mamarok | crimsun: at least a fresh install of Karmic doesn't drag it in | 00:07 |
Mamarok | crimsun: I have the xine backend, no pluseaudio dependecy there, not in Karmic | 00:07 |
crimsun | Mamarok: yeah, I know all about that one. I'm the one who pinpointed it for the jaunty dist-upgrades. | 00:07 |
Mamarok | if there is one now for Lucid this is clearly wrong | 00:07 |
crimsun | Mamarok: there isn't. | 00:07 |
crimsun | this is precisely why I go to great lengths to try and make sure PA /doesn't/ land in Kubuntu | 00:08 |
Mamarok | crimsun: as I said, if one sticks to the Kubuntu packages trictly there should be no pulseaudio at all | 00:08 |
Mamarok | crimsun: this is already so in Karmic, why should it be different in Lucid? | 00:08 |
crimsun | Mamarok: we're talking past each other | 00:08 |
Mamarok | seems so :) | 00:09 |
crimsun | Mamarok: it's status quo in Lucid | 00:09 |
Mamarok | what is Satus Quo? | 00:09 |
Mamarok | Status* | 00:09 |
crimsun | Mamarok: here it means there's no difference to Karmic | 00:09 |
Mamarok | good, so no pulseaudio, so I don't see the problem? | 00:09 |
crimsun | Mamarok: the problem is that I'm trying to make sure that Kubuntu users have a good experience, which means no PA backend at all. | 00:10 |
crimsun | Mamarok: however, that [now reverted] change broke for users who clearly want to use PA with Kubuntu | 00:10 |
Mamarok | and what difference is there to Karmic now? Or are you just trying to keep Pulseaudio out and stand guard against it? | 00:11 |
crimsun | Mamarok: right now there is no difference to Karmic. | 00:11 |
Mamarok | crimsun: good, and people should really *not* use Pulaseaudio with KDE, unless it is packaged flawlessly, with a clear possibility to disable it without hogging the sound | 00:11 |
Mamarok | normally the changes pushed by coling to trunk should prevent the hogging, no? | 00:12 |
crimsun | Mamarok: I don't have enough (nor am I willing to devote another 10 hours per week) time to integrate them, but I'll gladly work with someone to get them in. | 00:12 |
Mamarok | but since the Pulseaudio packages of Ubuntu are a disaster even to Pulseaudio standards, I am pretty sure it will never work correctly for the average user, the best is to avoid it | 00:13 |
crimsun | the entire sound stack is currently an unpaid fifty-hour work week for me on top of my day job | 00:13 |
Mamarok | and expect much more than 10 hours per week of work, the code is just....*shudder* | 00:13 |
crimsun | they have been pretty shoddy in the past | 00:13 |
crimsun | I wouldn't call them a disaster, however | 00:14 |
Mamarok | crimsun: shoddy is an euphemism IMHO | 00:14 |
crimsun | Mamarok: whatever you wish to call it. | 00:15 |
crimsun | if someone wants them to be better, s/he should strongly consider stepping up to help. | 00:15 |
Mamarok | I don't know how far one can trust Lübbking, but he was very unhappy with the Ubuntu implementation, but then his code is horrible, no wonder | 00:15 |
Mamarok | crimsun: I wouldn't touch Pulseaudio, not even if forced to | 00:16 |
crimsun | that's fine, just so you understand that whinging about them doesn't make them better. | 00:16 |
Mamarok | I just wish a Kubuntu experience without hours and hours of spending debugging Pulseaudio dramas in support, I am really weary of it | 00:16 |
crimsun | for every hour you spend on it, I spend an order of magnitude more. | 00:17 |
Mamarok | crimsun: I know | 00:17 |
Mamarok | but you only see the tip of the iceberg of my support in this channel, you don't see the one I do in amarok, in 4 languages + the forum, so I am really fed up with pulse | 00:18 |
SPhcT | i want now more about prepering partitions for my pc and seperete for system and home folder..? | 00:18 |
Mamarok | and KDE in general | 00:18 |
Mamarok | SPhcT: sorry, I don't understand, could you reformulate your question? | 00:19 |
crimsun | Mamarok: I'm really uninterested in discussing who spends more time doing support. I'm sure we both have our headaches. Just be aware that I do this for ALL distros from the hardware up through Amarok. | 00:19 |
SPhcT | Mamarok: so i have 320gb HD and is it good idea to make seperate partition for linux and seperate for /home folder? | 00:20 |
Mamarok | SPhcT: yes, the advantage is that one can easily do clean installs after it with Debian/Ubuntu based distros | 00:20 |
Mamarok | SPhcT: usually 30 Gb is more than enough for the / partition, so you can use the rest for the home partition | 00:21 |
SPhcT | and also i have 2gb ram do i need swap more than 2gb? | 00:21 |
crimsun | if you plan to suspend-to-disk, yes. | 00:21 |
Mamarok | SPhcT: with 2Gb of RAM you would need 4 GB for swap space | 00:21 |
Mamarok | on average | 00:21 |
SPhcT | now i have 15gb Primary Beginning ext4 / | 00:22 |
SPhcT | 282gb logical beginning ext4 /home | 00:23 |
SPhcT | and 2gb logical end swap area | 00:23 |
Mamarok | SPhcT: will you only install KDE? then 15 Gb is be enough | 00:23 |
Mamarok | -be | 00:23 |
Mamarok | SPhcT: you should have the double of your RAM for swap, else suspend to disk will not work well | 00:23 |
maco | even 10 would be enough even with both gnome and kde if you're not installing lots of development libraries | 00:24 |
SPhcT | how much takes system with lot applications? is applications big for ubuntu? | 00:25 |
maco | was -doc, -dev, and -dbg that set me over 10 | 00:25 |
Mamarok | the advantage is to have some spare room for /opt with that | 00:25 |
Mamarok | like for Neon | 00:25 |
maco | SPhcT: since they often share libraries, they tend to take up less space than windows programs | 00:25 |
maco | SPhcT: in windows, if two programs (say, skype and something else) use qt, they each install a copy of qt. in linux, you get qt with the first one (well in this case with kde) then when you install skype it just installs whats remaining to be added, not a whole nother copy of qt as wel | 00:26 |
crimsun | that isn't strictly correct | 00:27 |
crimsun | Windows has dlls just as others have sos | 00:27 |
maco | crimsun: but statically linked binaries are pretty common in windows | 00:27 |
maco | is why they dont usually have dependencies | 00:27 |
maco | osx moreso... | 00:27 |
maco | (though gimp on windows does just plain say go install gtk+ first) | 00:28 |
Kage | this is sad: | 00:28 |
crimsun | SPhcT: as a datum point, I have lots of GNOME and KDE dev bits installed, and /usr is just a shade over 4.5 GB | 00:28 |
SPhcT | so 30gb for ubuntu will be very good? | 00:29 |
crimsun | SPhcT: for /, sure | 00:29 |
crimsun | SPhcT: you probably want to allocate more for /home if you want to store audio/video media in it | 00:29 |
SPhcT | crimsun: do i need make partitions for /var /tmp? | 00:29 |
crimsun | SPhcT: generally, if you're uncomfortable doing so (or unfamiliar with doing so), just use / | 00:30 |
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk | ||
BluesKaj | supposedly pulseaudio is purged, but why is it still listed in sys settings/multimedia? | 00:30 |
maco | having a separate /home isnt really necessary eitehr | 00:30 |
SPhcT | i will tell what i make you tell is it right | 00:30 |
crimsun | BluesKaj: because it was compiled with libpulse-dev | 00:31 |
SPhcT | maco seperete home to fast reinstall system.. | 00:31 |
maco | SPhcT: doesnt matter | 00:31 |
crimsun | BluesKaj: don't worry, just make sure it's at the bottom of the priority list | 00:31 |
SPhcT | without saving files on other hd | 00:31 |
maco | SPhcT: the installer, for over 2 years, has been able to keep the contents of the /home directory without it being on a separate partition | 00:31 |
SPhcT | uh realy? | 00:31 |
maco | yes | 00:31 |
maco | you choose the manual partition option, tell it to reuse the same partition, and tell it not to format that partition | 00:32 |
crimsun | which is both a blessing and a curse, as maco can attest | 00:32 |
maco | crimsun: what curse? | 00:32 |
maco | crimsun: ive never had a problem with it at installfests... | 00:32 |
crimsun | maco: except for ~/. and /etc/ cruft. | 00:32 |
maco | crimsun: /etc/ gets overwritten | 00:33 |
maco | crimsun: *my* /etc/ cruft is because i specifically backup /etc and *replace* the installed one | 00:33 |
crimsun | maco: which didn't do too well for you | 00:33 |
crimsun | maco: your specific ~/.pulse configuration is just one example | 00:33 |
maco | crimsun: i explicitly overwrote the installed /etc with a backed up old version | 00:33 |
crimsun | SPhcT: the short is that you can keep /home | 00:34 |
maco | crimsun: ~/.pulse would be kept if /home was on a separate partition too, so how is what you're saying specific to "don't format" v. "use separate /home" ?? its not! | 00:34 |
BluesKaj | crimsun, i'm not worried , but I sooner not have remnants hanging around for no reason | 00:34 |
crimsun | maco: what? | 00:34 |
SPhcT | if i need acces files from windows do i need use ntfs for /home? | 00:34 |
crimsun | maco: nowhere did I imply format vs. don't format | 00:34 |
maco | crimsun: SPhcT was already planning to keep /home and dotfiles | 00:35 |
maco | crimsun: so what you're saying about my ~/.pulse is nothing to do with making "dont format" any worse | 00:35 |
crimsun | SPhcT: not necessarily | 00:35 |
* Mamarok is off to bed, hf | 00:35 | |
crimsun | maco: I didn't imply it was any worse. Stop reaching. | 00:35 |
maco | crimsun: and what you said about "dont format" resulting in a broken /etc was just plain wrong, since "dont format" STILL writes a clean /etc and its just that *i* overwrite the clean one wtih my backed up one | 00:35 |
crimsun | maco: no, I said that you can attest to /home and /etc cruft because of your experience, not that every upgrade choice will experience it. | 00:36 |
maco | (also ive never used "dont format" on my own system as i do have a separate /home ... ive just used it at installfests on other people's systems) | 00:36 |
BluesKaj | sleep well Mamarok:)\ | 00:36 |
crimsun | maco: seriously, stop reaching | 00:36 |
maco | but /etc cruft doesnt happen with a normal reinstall | 00:37 |
crimsun | SPhcT: what fs type is your /home currently/ | 00:37 |
harjot__ | is there a ubuntu 8.04 skype version for download anywhere? | 00:41 |
SPhcT | so explain me diference if i have home folder on partition or together with system... | 00:41 |
daskreech | marcy: Hello | 00:41 |
daskreech | harjot__: Did you look at Skype's website? | 00:42 |
maco | SPhcT: either way you have to use the manual partitioner to say which is / ... in one case you also specify /home and in the other you say "dont format". thats about it | 00:42 |
harjot__ | daskreech: yes | 00:42 |
harjot__ | daskreech: not there | 00:42 |
harjot__ | for 8.04 | 00:42 |
harjot__ | only for interpid | 00:42 |
daskreech | It was last week | 00:42 |
harjot__ | can i have a link? cause under downloads no hardy | 00:42 |
SPhcT | crimsun | 00:43 |
SPhcT | maco so it will take memory how much it needs for both sides? | 00:43 |
maco | SPhcT: what do you mean? | 00:43 |
maco | SPhcT: if you put everything on one partition, folders will grow as they need and you shouldnt need to repartition. if you separate / and /home, you may need to repartition if your usecase changes such that your / partition is too small | 00:44 |
crimsun | generally, if you are unsure from the onset, just use one large / | 00:45 |
SPhcT | and how about acess home folder from windows do i need put it on ntfs? | 00:45 |
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates | ||
crimsun | how do you plan to install Windows? | 00:46 |
maco | SPhcT: which version of windows? | 00:46 |
daskreech | I wonder if there is ext4 support for windows yet | 00:46 |
maco | SPhcT: and which filesystem do you want to use for linux? | 00:46 |
SPhcT | if i put in other pc | 00:46 |
SPhcT | linux ext4 | 00:46 |
maco | if you use ext3 and it's windows xp, there's a driver for windows to let it do that | 00:46 |
maco | well ext2 or ext3... | 00:46 |
maco | daskreech: not that i'm aware | 00:47 |
crimsun | (there are multiple drivers, but none of them play well with ext4) | 00:47 |
maco | and no ext* support for vista or 7 at all | 00:47 |
maco | crimsun: hmm? i only knew of one that was "ext2, but can handle ext3 by ignoring journalling since on-disk format is the same" | 00:47 |
crimsun | SPhcT: is "other pc" a completely separate machine, e.g., connected via LAN? | 00:47 |
crimsun | maco: yes, there are multiple. | 00:48 |
SPhcT | maybe i will need to put hard drive in other machine if something goes wrong | 00:48 |
maco | is the one i remember | 00:48 |
maco | SPhcT: you can always boot from an ubuntu livecd if you need to fix something that went wrong | 00:49 |
crimsun | SPhcT: you'll want to use ext3 if that is the case. | 00:49 |
SPhcT | crimsun and what + i have if i use seperete /home | 00:49 |
crimsun | SPhcT: if you have any intent to access your Linux partition(s) from Windows in the same machine, use ext3 | 00:50 |
SPhcT | crimsun but still i can boot live cd and copy all files to hard drive? | 00:50 |
crimsun | SPhcT: yes | 00:50 |
SPhcT | if ext4 is better? | 00:50 |
crimsun | well, unless you do full disk encryption (FDE) on Windows | 00:51 |
SPhcT | is it? | 00:51 |
crimsun | SPhcT: for many workloads, it's "better" | 00:51 |
SPhcT | ok so i will use ext4 because i have external hdd 1tb | 00:51 |
harjot__ | is there a ubuntu 8.04 skype version for download anywhere? | 00:52 |
SPhcT | crimsun and what + i have if i use seperete /home | 00:53 |
crimsun | SPhcT: that's entirely up to you | 00:53 |
SPhcT | what u sugest? | 00:54 |
SPhcT | use one partition / and /home? | 00:55 |
SPhcT | maco: what u sugest? | 00:55 |
maco | yeah one partition is simplest | 00:56 |
SPhcT | but is it safe? | 00:56 |
crimsun | it's quite safe | 00:56 |
SPhcT | ok so now i need just do it | 00:57 |
SPhcT | do i still need set space for home or root? | 00:57 |
SPhcT | or i need set space only for / ? | 00:58 |
maco | just for / | 00:58 |
maco | however much you want the total space used to be | 00:59 |
SPhcT | i have 320070mb HDD i have 2GB RAM so 4GB goes to swap area and rest for HDD is that good? | 01:00 |
crimsun | SPhcT: sounds ok | 01:01 |
SPhcT | crimsun: and wat i shold chose for / primary or logical? | 01:02 |
SPhcT | begining or end? | 01:02 |
crimsun | primary/beginning | 01:03 |
SPhcT | crimsun wierd i did some math and in size it shows 4096mb left free but in GB is shows only 3.8gb is it ok? | 01:04 |
maco | i think its showing GiB not GB | 01:05 |
maco | GiB are based on 1024 GiB where 1GiB = 1024 MiB and 1 MiB = 1024 KiB and 1 KiB = 1024 B | 01:05 |
maco | while GB are based on 1GB = 1000 MB and 1MB = 1000 KB and 1KB = 1000B | 01:06 |
maco | hard drives are commonly measured in GB so they get bigger numbers | 01:06 |
SPhcT | ok how i can get 4GB in swap? | 01:06 |
maco | 4096 MiB \= 4GiB | 01:06 |
SPhcT | i thought it is 4096MB | 01:06 |
maco | er get rid of that \ | 01:06 |
maco | nah 4GB = 4000 MB | 01:07 |
SPhcT | is show me in MB and GB | 01:07 |
SPhcT | than why it dont work? | 01:07 |
maco | is it saying it doesnt work? i'm getting confused now | 01:08 |
maco | oh ok right | 01:08 |
maco | hrm its probably labeling wrong | 01:08 |
SPhcT | in table free space 4096MB but up near line where i see how i change partition is writen 3.8GB | 01:08 |
maco | im guessing inconsistent labeling. if you put 4096 it should do it right though | 01:09 |
maco | i'd file a bug about that if i were you | 01:09 |
maco | anyway ive been meaning to go get food the last 20 minutse | 01:09 |
SPhcT | sory | 01:10 |
SPhcT | will that 4096MB will be enaught for swap? | 01:10 |
crimsun | SPhcT: generally, yes. | 01:10 |
crimsun | I have rather stringent requirements, so I tend to use 3x physical RAM | 01:11 |
SPhcT | crimsun have u experienced that bug? | 01:11 |
crimsun | SPhcT: no | 01:11 |
SPhcT | maybe it shows me alredy formated space? | 01:11 |
maco | id not be surprised if it was measuring in GiB and displaying with GB or reverse | 01:12 |
crimsun | you should be able to use units, e.g., 4.0 GB | 01:12 |
crimsun | or 4.0 G | 01:12 |
crimsun | remember there's block size overhead, too | 01:12 |
SPhcT | swap is logical end or primary end? | 01:13 |
crimsun | whichever you wish | 01:13 |
crimsun | it doesn't make any difference | 01:14 |
SPhcT | but has to be end? | 01:14 |
SPhcT | and better if it is 6GB on 2GB ram? | 01:14 |
sheldon_ | is virtuoso available on karmic? | 01:16 |
sheldon_ | yep found it | 01:17 |
SPhcT | omg 6481MB is 6.0 GB | 01:20 |
Lostzebraa | people | 01:36 |
=== myrdos is now known as ebonair | ||
=== Malin- is now known as Malin_away | ||
=== ilumi is now known as werfact | ||
chisel_ | how do i uninstall wine and all the apps in it? i just used apt-get remove wine then re-installed it, and all the apps are still there. | 02:27 |
chisel_ | aww c'mon...purdy please? | 02:29 |
angel | hola | 02:43 |
kaddi | hola :) | 02:43 |
angel | que tal ? | 02:43 |
kaddi | bien :) | 02:44 |
kaddi | pero: | 02:44 |
kaddi | !es | 02:45 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 02:45 |
angel | thak | 02:46 |
Kage | night! | 03:16 |
=== pearlcompany is now known as Kubuntu | ||
=== Kubuntu is now known as Kubuntu8-5 | ||
Kubuntu8-5 | Hi everyone I wanted to know if anyone has any problems with Kubuntu 8.05? | 03:38 |
Kubuntu8-5 | HELLO | 03:39 |
Kubuntu8-5 | anyone home | 03:39 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Hi divan | 03:39 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Hi underdog | 03:39 |
Kubuntu8-5 | hi tony | 03:39 |
Kubuntu8-5 | anyone here big fan of NetZero I know I am | 03:42 |
Kubuntu8-5 | unplug | 03:42 |
Kubuntu8-5 | How come no one wants to talk | 03:42 |
Kubuntu8-5 | someone called me a theiving Niggar yesterday :( | 03:43 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Hello? | 03:44 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Hi ugh! | 03:47 |
Kubuntu8-5 | wow allot of services running on amazing! | 03:53 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Is that you collin? | 03:53 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Man he was the coolest google engineer of the bunch | 03:53 |
Kubuntu8-5 | he changes the search rankings all the time when they dance | 03:53 |
wizkoder | hy everybody | 03:55 |
wizkoder | sometimes my sound stops working. but the microphone is still working. is there a way to restart it? | 03:56 |
wizkoder | I guess its an application like skype that inits its sound devices and kills my other devices. Is that possible? | 03:57 |
angel | como instalo plugin java en mi navegador ? | 03:58 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Oh skype you recomend it? | 03:59 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Works great on Windows Vista 7! | 03:59 |
Kubuntu8-5 | in 32 bit mode | 03:59 |
Kubuntu8-5 | I am waiting for android Nexus one to be available in canada | 04:00 |
Kubuntu8-5 | can't wait | 04:00 |
Kubuntu8-5 | I met one of the Reps from NewYork the other day! She says she spent over 6000 dollars promoting it with Kanoodle too bad about the falsified documents she created from the court house oh well I love this industry! | 04:00 |
kaddi_ | angel: hace "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras" en su terminal | 04:01 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Oh its konsole | 04:01 |
Kubuntu8-5 | not terminal | 04:01 |
angel | gracias o thank you xD | 04:01 |
Kubuntu8-5 | xterm is available still | 04:01 |
kaddi_ | angel: si quieres mas ayuda debes preguntar in ingles ;) | 04:01 |
Kubuntu8-5 | however super console is not functioning anymore | 04:01 |
angel | ok | 04:01 |
albertolempira | hey guys i got a question, when i download a plasma theme directly from the Desktop settings window it won't show in the themes selection menu, i only got Air and Oxygen... how do i get them to show in that menu? Thanks in advance | 04:02 |
Kubuntu8-5 | if you download gnome with synaptic it will work fine however | 04:02 |
angel | esque el de español esta fuera de servicio parece ser no conecta... | 04:02 |
Kubuntu8-5 | the nvidia login with yast is available still in 8.05 build | 04:02 |
Kubuntu8-5 | yast will never die | 04:02 |
Kubuntu8-5 | my girlfriend had a yast infection with kubuntu once | 04:02 |
kaddi_ | !es | 04:02 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 04:02 |
Kubuntu8-5 | now everybody has it | 04:03 |
Kubuntu8-5 | The restricted version modulates with Nvidia was fastest in 8.04 | 04:03 |
Kubuntu8-5 | however the kde4-bin jockey seems to still want access to the amd processor areas of your mainboard in 8.05 | 04:03 |
Kubuntu8-5 | where you all from? | 04:03 |
Kubuntu8-5 | I want 1 million | 04:03 |
kaddi_ | angel: so no hay nadie en kubuntu-es, prueba #ubuntu-es en su lugar. Normalmente hay mas gente in el canal de ubuntu que hay en el canale de kubuntu | 04:04 |
kaddi_ | angel estas desconectado cuando pruebas entrar en el canal? | 04:06 |
Kubuntu8-5 | hsd1 in miami how many federal court cases you looking for? | 04:08 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Looks like your the biggest abuser I seen in some time | 04:08 |
albertolempira | hey guys i got a question, when i download a plasma theme directly from the Desktop settings window it won't show in the themes selection menu, i only got Air and Oxygen... how do i get them to show in that menu? Thanks in advance | 04:10 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Easy theirs processors in the LCD | 04:10 |
Kubuntu8-5 | no problem | 04:10 |
Kubuntu8-5 | any other questions? | 04:11 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Oh you mean how to get ride of the flickr? | 04:11 |
Kubuntu8-5 | impossible half the time you log into a terminal console when your isp switches you to a 100mb/s lan and throttles your local bind then fakes the login half the time | 04:12 |
Kubuntu8-5 | most likely a office at the cia | 04:12 |
Kubuntu8-5 | any other questions? | 04:12 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Exciting..... | 04:12 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Hey sergi when I promoted my adsense website with adwords and spent over 7300 dollars with adwords and you cancled my check for 1200 with adsense is their any way I could get that back buddy? | 04:13 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Your all such honerable people | 04:14 |
Kubuntu8-5 | I love dealing with you | 04:14 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Can anyone suggest a good 3rd party website for pay per click! | 04:14 |
Kubuntu8-5 | I think its a awesome idea | 04:14 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Display Advertising is where its at buddy | 04:14 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Its where all the actions are | 04:15 |
Kubuntu8-5 | what class actions are your ips HSD1 ? | 04:15 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Geee I love comcast | 04:15 |
Kubuntu8-5 | their great | 04:15 |
Kubuntu8-5 | all so intelligent over their just like shaw cable | 04:16 |
Kubuntu8-5 | in fact their almost interchangable | 04:16 |
Kubuntu8-5 | I haven't seen a more intelligent group of people just ask them where their email server is located | 04:16 |
Kubuntu8-5 | I have so many questions! | 04:17 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Is anyone Familar with the 8.05 Launch? | 04:17 |
Kubuntu8-5 | | 04:17 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Oh heres a intelligent gent | 04:18 |
Kubuntu8-5 | hows it going is that you wiley? | 04:18 |
Kubuntu8-5 | I am waiting for my answer on the home stove | 04:18 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Thanks for keeping my adsense account live again guys way to share the love what to share the love | 04:23 |
Kubuntu8-5 | I bet you all feel so wonderful when you cancle someone so intelligent and worthy and deserving eh | 04:23 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Thanks! | 04:23 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Whats the intelligence their at the googleplex is it over about 70 now or was their a hiring freeze | 04:24 |
Kubuntu8-5 | HEY another hsd1 USER! | 04:25 |
Kubuntu8-5 | hey buddy hows it going | 04:25 |
jc0694 | anybody have a problem getting kubuntu to see flash drive if you leave the flash drive in during bootup. It only appears to see the flash drive if I put the drive in after the OS loads. | 04:26 |
Kubuntu8-5 | This question is in regarding the next generation of computing however it seems difficult to get some ignorant backwater developers to support simple alternate Boot sequences in start up a Western Digital Windows Xp installation comes to mine and NTLDR | 04:29 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Obviously the advantages of a flash memory system is obvious | 04:29 |
Kubuntu8-5 | the only bottleneck would be storage | 04:30 |
Kubuntu8-5 | and everyone wants to slow the process because well manufacturers want to sell obsolete technologies as long as possible | 04:30 |
Kubuntu8-5 | who really needs a faster system anyway | 04:30 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Who you trying to impress | 04:31 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Why would you give a shit if my system would by 100x faster than yours if it can only do the same things anyway be useless and make no money | 04:31 |
Kubuntu8-5 | so its all pointless | 04:31 |
Kubuntu8-5 | speaking of pointless Try Kubuntu 8.05! | 04:31 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Why don't you spend your entire careers building something for me since you absolutely despise me but it appears I am the only one in canada using this shit | 04:32 |
jc0694 | do i need to restart my pc after installing medibuntu in order to use amarok to play mp3s? | 04:32 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Good question, I would ask DSLREPORTS | 04:33 |
kaddi_ | jc0694: no | 04:33 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Make that guy look at that picture and listen to the recording another year thats all I have to say | 04:33 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Cuz anyone in the ISP industry seems to be wasting their time nowadays | 04:34 |
jc0694 | hmmm... it amarok still won't play music... i did the first 2 commands from here ( i don't think i need to do anything else, but still no music | 04:35 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Sometimes i seem to have a weird effect on people the harder they hide the more I LIKE EM! | 04:35 |
kaddi_ | jc0694: have you installed the codecs | 04:36 |
kaddi_ | ? | 04:36 |
Kubuntu8-5 | No but thats a cool forum too | 04:37 |
Kubuntu8-5 | your starting to see why I am so dangerous now | 04:37 |
jc0694 | kaddi_: i thought that the first 2 commands from the tutorial installed the codecs. no? | 04:37 |
Kubuntu8-5 | I suggest putting your shoes back on the stink is something aweful | 04:37 |
kaddi_ | jc0694: as far as I understand the firs two commands will only setup your system to allow programs from medibuntu to be installed, it doesn't actually install the programs | 04:38 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Yeah wrong linda but shes better looking than the last one I talked to | 04:38 |
kaddi_ | Kubuntu8-5: please stop it, at least as long as someone is asking for help | 04:38 |
jc0694 | kaddi_: i just want to use amarok which is already installed... i still need the codecs to be downloaded i guess huh? | 04:39 |
kaddi_ | jc0694: what are you trying to play mp3, wma files? | 04:39 |
jc0694 | just mp3 files | 04:39 |
Kubuntu8-5 | just go to adept and download synaptic and use that as your package installer kpackage and adebt are a bit useless try gnome with the gdm interface its much faster | 04:39 |
Kubuntu8-5 | apt -get gdm works as well from konsole | 04:40 |
Kubuntu8-5 | if you build it they will come | 04:40 |
kaddi_ | jc0694: scroll down to the "playing non-native media formats" and isntall the codecs mentioned there, that should install the codecs you need | 04:40 |
kaddi_ | Kubuntu8-5: and installing gnome will solve a codec problem, how? | 04:40 |
jc0694 | i think this is the command i need (i have amd64)... | 04:41 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Good question! NHL.COM was caged last night to one ip with good reason | 04:41 |
jc0694 | wget -c | 04:41 |
jc0694 | sudo dpkg -i w64codecs_20071007-0medibuntu1_amd64.deb | 04:41 |
jc0694 | copy that into console right? | 04:41 |
kaddi_ | !ops | 04:41 |
ubottu | Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, tsimpson, jpds, seth_k, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, genii, trappist, crimsun, seth, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici, jussi01, ikonia, Mamarok, ryanakca or maco | 04:41 |
Kubuntu8-5 | the dpkg installer is useful in aquireing the latest flash plugins | 04:41 |
Kubuntu8-5 | or why don't you just ask me | 04:41 |
kaddi_ | jc0694: what kind of system do you have, 64bit? | 04:42 |
jc0694 | yes | 04:42 |
Kubuntu8-5 | sorry I deserve the job more any anyone in this room | 04:42 |
Kubuntu8-5 | I just am plain smarter | 04:42 |
Kubuntu8-5 | about anything you have done | 04:42 |
Kubuntu8-5 | its just that way my friend | 04:43 |
Kubuntu8-5 | its just that way | 04:43 |
kaddi_ | jc0694: you added the medibuntu repository if you followed the first two commands from the guide. So you can simply do !sudo apt-get install w64codecs" | 04:43 |
Kubuntu8-5 | I suggest that india rebuild the shrine in my honour however its wrong to worship false gods | 04:43 |
Kubuntu8-5 | but isn't that the foundation of google | 04:43 |
Kubuntu8-5 | I need to be apreciated more | 04:44 |
Kubuntu8-5 | I don't think anyone deserves to work their honestly | 04:44 |
bazhang | Kubuntu8-5, please take random chat elsewhere | 04:44 |
jc0694 | i already ran the last command (amarok still doesn't work)... should i undo that command or just run the new command u said? | 04:44 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Do you want to live your life bankrupt too bazhang? | 04:44 |
Kubuntu8-5 | I suggest catching the next payment I made its a good wage for someone outside Canada or USA | 04:45 |
Kubuntu8-5 | but here it wont buy much | 04:45 |
bazhang | Kubuntu8-5, this is Kubuntu support only | 04:45 |
bazhang | Kubuntu8-5, offtopic chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | 04:45 |
kaddi_ | thx | 04:45 |
jc0694 | what undoes an aptget command? | 04:46 |
bazhang | jc0694, which command | 04:46 |
Kubuntu8-5 | | 04:46 |
Kubuntu8-5 | how is that off topic | 04:46 |
Kubuntu8-5 | I bet most of you don't even know the cache size on a intel from 1970 around here | 04:47 |
jc0694 | i messed up and accidentally ran the command for installing an individual package. how do i undo this command: wget -c | 04:47 |
jc0694 | sudo dpkg -i w64codecs_20071007-0medibuntu1_amd64.deb | 04:47 |
Kubuntu8-5 | If your not more intelligent than me how can you expect to even pretend to be working on something I know more about? | 04:48 |
Kubuntu8-5 | I really wish my knowledge was power | 04:48 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Unfortunately it isn't | 04:48 |
kaddi_ | jc0694: it should not be a problem | 04:49 |
jc0694 | should i just go ahead and run the new command u saidd? (sudo apt-get install w64codecs) | 04:49 |
Kubuntu8-5 | really wow I thought I was the only one that would do that for money | 04:49 |
kaddi_ | jc0694: can you try if you can play your mp3 now, you need to restart amarok for it to work | 04:50 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Why don't you use kaffeine its much faster | 04:51 |
Kubuntu8-5 | amaroke will comprimise your integrety | 04:51 |
Kubuntu8-5 | I know this | 04:51 |
Kubuntu8-5 | any codec will | 04:52 |
kaddi_ | bazhang: you have an idea how to get a hold of an op if noone reacts to the !ops command? | 04:52 |
Kubuntu8-5 | almost | 04:52 |
bazhang | kaddi_, no one around right now apparently | 04:52 |
Kubuntu8-5 | I think remote desktops should never have been invented | 04:52 |
kaddi_ | no, not for the last hour... | 04:52 |
Kubuntu8-5 | 2 | 04:52 |
Kubuntu8-5 | any suggestions at a career for me? | 04:53 |
bazhang | Kubuntu8-5, please take chat elsewhere | 04:53 |
Kubuntu8-5 | I am quite intelligent however rude | 04:53 |
Kubuntu8-5 | maybe teaching is my calling | 04:53 |
Kubuntu8-5 | why arn't you learning valuable information? | 04:53 |
Kubuntu8-5 | isn't that was this game is all about buddy | 04:53 |
Kubuntu8-5 | Reading peoples shit all day with no respect to their privacy | 04:54 |
jc0694 | kaddi_: no it still doesn't work... is there a way to test to see if i have actually installed the mp3 codec? | 04:54 |
mneptok | !language | Kubuntu8-5 | 04:54 |
ubottu | Kubuntu8-5: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 04:54 |
bazhang | Kubuntu8-5, you have been asked numerous times to remain on topic | 04:54 |
Kubuntu8-5 | hiding behind technology wasting your life rotting away behind a screen living a life with low moral standers spying on people all day long | 04:54 |
kaddi_ | what does "apt-cache policy w64codecs" in konsole say? | 04:54 |
Kubuntu8-5 | I thought that is the foundation of linux | 04:54 |
Kubuntu8-5 | transparency | 04:54 |
Kubuntu8-5 | wanting to share | 04:55 |
Kubuntu8-5 | however is seems no one here wants to share | 04:55 |
Kubuntu8-5 | just help themselfs | 04:55 |
kaddi_ | thx | 04:56 |
jc0694 | kaddi_: saays installed: (none) | 04:56 |
jc0694 | ... on the first line | 04:56 |
jc0694 | Installed: (none) | 04:56 |
jc0694 | Candidate: 20071007-0medibuntu2 | 04:56 |
jc0694 | Version table: | 04:56 |
jc0694 | 20071007-0medibuntu2 0 | 04:56 |
jc0694 | 500 jaunty/non-free Packages | 04:56 |
FloodBotK2 | jc0694: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 04:56 |
kaddi_ | jc0694: are you using jaunty? | 04:57 |
bazhang | jc0694, you have the repo installed? did you sudo apt-get update after that? | 04:57 |
jc0694 | no... i'm on 9.04 | 04:57 |
bazhang | jc0694, that is jaunty | 04:57 |
jc0694 | ok | 04:58 |
kaddi_ | jc0694: try running "sudo apt-get update" followed by "sudo apt-get install w64codecs" then | 04:58 |
jc0694 | what does sudo apt-get update do? i want my version to stay at 9.04 if possible | 04:59 |
bazhang | jc0694, simply updates your sources.list | 04:59 |
kaddi_ | jc0694: dont worry we wouldn't ask you to do such major changes without letting you know first. ;) | 04:59 |
jc0694 | its showing as installed now... | 05:01 |
kaddi_ | it will update the list of packages available and thereby add the packages from medibuntu to that list | 05:01 |
kaddi_ | k, restart amarok, is it working now? | 05:01 |
jc0694 | kaddi_: no, still won't play mp3. i'm not familiar with amarok though. i just clicked on mp3 file in amarok window and nothing. i know sound is working in general because i hear tune on OS startup | 05:03 |
bazhang | jc0694, have you installed kubuntu-restricted-extras | 05:04 |
jc0694 | bazhang: i don't think so | 05:04 |
bazhang | jc0694, good idea to install that package | 05:04 |
jc0694 | bazhang: u think that will fix the problem? | 05:05 |
bazhang | jc0694, of not being able to play mp3? most certainly, unless it is only a single mp3 that is giving you trouble (corrupted) | 05:05 |
jc0694 | can u give me command to install the package please? | 05:06 |
bazhang | jc0694, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras | 05:07 |
Banned | funny they keep telling me people get killed for doing this | 05:08 |
Banned | I spend most my day watching muchmusic | 05:09 |
Banned | don't you trust me? | 05:09 |
bazhang | !ot | Banned | 05:09 |
ubottu | Banned: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks! | 05:09 |
jc0694 | never seen a screen like that... it popped a new console screen up titled "configuring sun-java6-jre"... not sure what to do here... there's an "ok" at the bottom. is this some type of licensing agreement? | 05:10 |
bazhang | jc0694, tab to ok and hit enter | 05:10 |
jc0694 | ok... ya | 05:11 |
jc0694 | this may do it... it's a pretty hefty file. keep fingers crossed | 05:12 |
bazhang | jc0694, it is a very large download | 05:13 |
jc0694 | it's amazing that computers and software even work... i have no idea what this is doing or how it really even works... | 05:14 |
jc0694 | it's done... should i restart my computer? | 05:16 |
bazhang | jc0694, did you it prompt you to do so? | 05:16 |
bazhang | err -you | 05:17 |
jc0694 | no | 05:17 |
bazhang | then no | 05:17 |
jc0694 | i've been using windows too long i guess | 05:17 |
jc0694 | try amarok again? | 05:18 |
bazhang | normally only kernel upgrades and certain security fixes require restarts | 05:18 |
bazhang | yep | 05:18 |
jc0694 | well i'm getting sound now but no music... when i play a file i hear a crackling sound | 05:19 |
bazhang | jc0694, try lowering the sound a tad | 05:20 |
jc0694 | bazhang: the crackling has a lower volume... | 05:20 |
Planetary | my off board sound card is only playing system sounds. i Have it as prefered in the media settings. Im looking on how to make it default for my programs | 05:20 |
jc0694 | it's an improvement over nothing before... | 05:22 |
Planetary | asoundconfig doesnt work | 05:26 |
Planetary | sudo asoundconfig list says command not found | 05:26 |
jc0694 | are there any conflicts with the packages we just installed and xmms2? | 05:27 |
bazhang | jc0694, shouldn't be, though not sure why you would want xmms2 as opposed to audacious, the replacement for xmms | 05:28 |
jc0694 | it works now... the restart did it!!!! | 05:28 |
Planetary | oh yay it works | 05:29 |
bazhang | jc0694, good to hear | 05:29 |
jc0694 | is audacious a standalone app or is it a client/server thing like xmms2? | 05:30 |
bazhang | standalone | 05:30 |
bazhang | jc0694, you want a streaming server type app? | 05:30 |
jc0694 | i really want something as close to winamp as possible. any ideas? | 05:31 |
bazhang | that would be audacious | 05:31 |
jc0694 | i need to remove xmms2 from synaptic... there's should be any type of conflict when uninstalling with the codecs we installed right? | 05:33 |
bazhang | jc0694, nope | 05:33 |
jc0694 | bazhang: what's the difference from "remove" and "completely remove" when uninstalling using syanptic? | 05:34 |
bazhang | jc0694, the configs as well | 05:34 |
jc0694 | should i just do a remove or a completely remove of xmms2? | 05:35 |
jc0694 | just figured it out... disregard | 05:37 |
jc0694 | bazhang: it's just the package called "audacious" in synaptic right? it's gonna download a bunch of other packages to install. that sounds right? | 05:39 |
=== ceineke_ is now known as sledge | ||
bazhang | jc0694, yep | 05:40 |
titan_ark | power management issues :( | 05:47 |
titan_ark | anyone with ideas to solve the bug? | 05:48 |
jc0694 | are there any known conflict problems between audacious and amarok. i can play music in amarok but can't play music in audacious | 05:59 |
Yamiko | Hey, little bit of an emergency here. My computer stopped booting up properly; startx was saying no screens found. I renamed my xorg.conf and got it to load kde but now I get "kwin has become unstable" and, well, with kwin constantly crashing I can't do much of anything. Help? | 06:07 |
titan_ark | no one seems to be active | 06:12 |
Yamiko | Not at all, with 240 users? U__U I need this comp running in 10 hours, and shy of reinstalling kubuntu I seem to be out of options. | 06:13 |
Yamiko | The weirdest bit is I havn't changed anything. It was low on battery and went into suspend, so it probably died mid-suspend, but when I booted it up again, "No screens found". The only way I managed to get it to start (as opposed to changing to "No devices found" or "No drivers found") was to remove xorg.conf (via rename) and let it use the defaults (not even "ati" or "radeon" drivers worked). <c> | 06:16 |
Yamiko | When that happens, kwin flips out and crashes repeatedly. | 06:16 |
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ubuntu | 1 | 07:33 |
ogr3 | Hi! I'm installing kubuntu 9.10 on a desktop with rt2800usb wireless driver on 2wire with standard wep passkey. I have "wep"selected in the box the key entered correctly, wep index 1, authentication = shared key. no luck getting a connection. any ideas? | 07:43 |
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Duskao | hey guys, which firewall/if any do you use on Kubuntu? | 07:54 |
kaddi_ | i don't use one | 07:55 |
kaddi_ | but i believe you can set up iptables as a firewall | 07:56 |
kaddi_ | !firewall | 07:56 |
ubottu | Ubuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see, or 'iptables' ( GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist | 07:56 |
Duskao | Yeah, I know they all use iptables, but I was just hoping for an easy user interface. | 07:57 |
jussi01 | Duskao: guarddog is supposed to be pretty good, but thats hearsay only. | 07:57 |
Duskao | I just downloaded this kmyfirewall out of the repos, checking it out. | 07:57 |
Duskao | well, they are all the same, but the gui would be different. Plus I don't want to spend lots of time with it, nor am I a power user when it comes to firewalls so.... | 07:58 |
erinaceus_ | Morning, anyone alive? | 08:11 |
erinaceus_ | Guess not :D | 08:13 |
erinaceus_ | Lass ma zum beamer gehen, mehr platz | 08:13 |
jussi01 | erinaceus_: just ask you question. :) | 08:17 |
erinaceus_ | I'm trying to create a javascript plasmoid and i get the following error "Could not open the js package required for Hello ... Widget" | 08:18 |
erinaceus_ | But i dont know which package is meant | 08:18 |
titan_ark | power management trouble :( | 08:19 |
titan_ark | and no one seems to have the solution here | 08:19 |
jussi01 | erinaceus_: maybe better to ask that one in #kde or #kubuntu-devel | 08:21 |
jussi01 | erinaceus_: Im sorry we cant help you further | 08:22 |
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jussi01 | titan_ark: tell the issue and lets see? | 08:23 |
titan_ark | jussi01: thx :) | 08:23 |
titan_ark | jussi01: well everytime my notebbok recovers from sleep mode power management says there is no battery | 08:24 |
titan_ark | but once i reboot its perfectly fine | 08:24 |
jussi01 | ahh, yes. sleep/hibernate can be an issue. | 08:24 |
jussi01 | titan_ark: please report a bug about it and hopefully then it will get fixed | 08:25 |
jussi01 | !bug | titan_ark | 08:25 |
ubottu | titan_ark: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at | 08:25 |
titan_ark | jussi01: thx | 08:25 |
titan_ark | jussi01: what is the package name for the powermanagement? | 08:28 |
jussi01 | titan_ark: mrgh, Im not actually sure. | 08:30 |
titan_ark | :) oki | 08:30 |
titan_ark | i am quite a noob :P | 08:30 |
jussi01 | titan_ark: dont stress, Ive been around a good while and I actually dont know. | 08:30 |
titan_ark | lol | 08:31 |
titan_ark | okay | 08:31 |
titan_ark | :) | 08:31 |
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pulaski | Hi, I run kubuntu 9.10 and just grabbed firefox v 3.6.2pre from It seems to run fine but no java or flash. I used apt-get to install the sun-java6-plugin and dpkg to install install_flash_player_10_linux.deb. I'm still unable to watch video clips. Will I have to wait for firefox 3.6 package to appear in the repositiories? Any other suggetions? | 09:10 |
titan_ark | pulaski: i just did a flash update in konqueror browser and it set it right in firefox too | 09:20 |
titan_ark | does flash work in konqueror for you? | 09:20 |
titan_ark | could someone help me add this patch to my kernel? | 09:28 |
keux | alguém que fale português? | 09:31 |
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Kolia | does someone here can run nepomuk with KDE4.4 rc2 ? | 11:25 |
DeeJay1 | hello | 11:36 |
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Mamarok | Kolia: it runs fine, you need to install the virtuoso server and client packages | 11:42 |
Mamarok | Kolia: have a look at this: | 11:42 |
qamultow | what is the best wat to install kubuntu ti he hard drive with windows so the the 2 operate independently on one another with no conflicts? | 11:53 |
qamultow | when i run kubuntu live it changes the windows clock | 11:59 |
RiotingPacifist | Mamarok & Kolia: 4.4rc2 has virtuoso packaged and working no need for compiling your own | 11:59 |
RiotingPacifist | qamultow: install windows then kubuntu, grub *should* detect windows and let you boot to it, the clock problem is fixable | 12:05 |
qamultow | window came in it | 12:05 |
qamultow | will the 2 operate independently? riotingpacifist | 12:07 |
RiotingPacifist | qamultow: to fix the time problem sudo nano /etc/default/rcS, then Change "UTC=yes" to "UTC=no". | 12:07 |
RiotingPacifist | qamultow: apart from changing the bootloader to grub, windows will be unafected | 12:08 |
qamultow | so does that mean windows will now boot from grub? | 12:08 |
RiotingPacifist | yes, thats the only change windows will get, other than that windows will run normally it wont even know ubuntu is installed | 12:12 |
qamultow | hhmmmm....thanks riotingpacifist | 12:13 |
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Kolia | Mamarok: it works fine here under 4.3.5 | 13:02 |
Kolia | on my 4.4rc2 it doesn't work anymore | 13:03 |
Kolia | according to this : i installed virtuoso-server and virtuoso-drivers | 13:03 |
Kolia | but strigi still fails to start | 13:03 |
tumaix | Kolia: I have 4.4rc2 from ppa | 13:03 |
tumaix | and it works | 13:03 |
Kolia | i wonder why strigi doesn't start :/ | 13:04 |
Kolia | tumaix: any idea how i could troubleshoot it? | 13:04 |
=== RaNdY is now known as Guest71883 | ||
tumaix | I just installed virtuoso server and drivers, and it worked | 13:05 |
Kolia | tumaix: i just installed too, but still the strigi error. I will check again tonight :/ | 13:06 |
tumaix | Kolia: sorry I cant help any further =/ | 13:10 |
paradoxuncreated | Enabling HPET in BIOS = recognized in linux? | 13:18 |
weiszd | ircnet | 13:31 |
badr | Hi | 13:34 |
badr | Hi every one | 13:35 |
ramanK | Hi there | 13:45 |
ramanK | I installed The Kubuntu 9.10 on a Thinkpad notebook | 13:45 |
ramanK | but when I turn on the notebook the battery monitor shows it's charging | 13:46 |
ramanK | and the performance profile selected | 13:46 |
ramanK | is selected* | 13:47 |
ramanK | how can I solve this problem? | 13:47 |
mark__ | ramanK, consider trying Ubuntu 9.10 as a LiveCD. | 13:49 |
mark__ | If the problem is the same then you can search more broadly for help. | 13:49 |
mark__ | I can't offer any specific help on that. | 13:49 |
ramanK | The Ubuntu works correctly , but the problem only occures in kubuntu | 13:50 |
mark__ | Interesting. | 13:50 |
mark__ | Sorry, perhaps someone else can give better advice. :) | 13:51 |
ramanK | mark_ , thanks for attention :) | 13:52 |
mark__ | no prob. ) | 13:52 |
Kolia | ramanK: i don't understand your problem | 13:52 |
ramanK | The problem is battery monitor shows battery charging , alghough the AC adapter is not plug in! | 13:53 |
ramanK | although* | 13:54 |
Kolia | ramanK: have you updated recently? | 13:55 |
Kolia | or is it a fesh install? | 13:55 |
ramanK | fresh install | 13:55 |
Kolia | ramanK: what says: kde4-config --version in a console? | 13:55 |
ramanK | Qt: 4.5.2 | 13:56 |
ramanK | KDE: 4.3.2 (KDE 4.3.2) | 13:56 |
ramanK | kde4-config: 1.0 | 13:56 |
FloodBotK3 | ramanK: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 13:56 |
Kolia | ramanK: i don't know if it's a bug in the battery applet, but if it is, you can try to update to a more recent KDE version | 13:57 |
Kolia | ramanK: | 13:58 |
ramanK | Kolia: I'll do , but if it occers again after that , should I report a bug ? ( I mean , is it a bug?) | 13:59 |
Kolia | ramanK: it doesn't work as expected, so this is a bug | 13:59 |
ramanK | Kolia: thanks | 14:00 |
=== jussi01 changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Download Kubuntu 9.10: | KDE 4.3.4 in backports | KDE SC 4.4rc2 in the Kubuntu Beta PPA: | FAQ: | Pastes: | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Guidelines: | Regular helpers: #ubuntu-irc-helpers | | ||
ramanK | another question , Is it effective to enable the laptop mode in kubuntu karmic? | 14:02 |
ramanK | the kubuntu dies half an hour before Window$ 7 | 14:02 |
Kolia | ramanK: i don't know.. i also notice worse autonomy under Linux | 14:10 |
Kolia | not specific to kubuntu i think | 14:10 |
Kolia | jussio1: it's KDE 4.3.5 in backport no? | 14:11 |
terran4000 | ramanK: sadly yeah, Linux in general has worse battery performance than proprietary OS's | 14:11 |
terran4000 | (not by much though) | 14:12 |
howlymowly | hi guys.. short question: i put the "swallower" applet in my gnome panel.. but I can not remove it anymore.. it keeps asking me for a window to swallow on every log in.. any idea how to remove that applet? I am not able to click on it in the panel, since for some reason its invisible... | 14:17 |
howlymowly | oops .. sorry.. wanted to ask this ib #ubuntu... nevermind :() | 14:17 |
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hyq | I write a simple C program it should print "BAA", but it prints "BAAA".could you help me? | 14:45 |
vbgunz | my weather forecast settings widget in my lower taskbar no longer shows a pretty image of the weather. anyone know why? | 14:49 |
vbgunz | its now a white square with a black no smoking symobl | 14:49 |
Wolfcastle | hello | 14:56 |
Wolfcastle | I just upgraded to kde 4.4 | 14:58 |
Wolfcastle | and it's not working...any idea how to downgrade to 4.3? | 14:59 |
wizkoder | hy everybody | 15:04 |
RiotingPacifist | Wolfcastle: try running "mv ~/.kde{,~}" settings don't seam to migrate well in kde | 15:05 |
RiotingPacifist | Wolfcastle: as for howto downgrade, you can either change apt's policy settings to make apt-get dist-update downgrade all the packages or use remove the ppa from your sources and then use a gui/tui tool (i know aptitude can) to downgrade a few select programs and the rest should follow. | 15:08 |
Wolfcastle | ok thanx RiotingPacifist | 15:14 |
yesitisjustme | i have a sprint wireless card and baud rate is 9600 is this to low or is it correct? | 15:18 |
genii | 9600 doesn't sound right at all for a wireless card. | 15:20 |
genii | (unless maybe for some kind of serial management interface on it) | 15:21 |
yesitisjustme | on terminal it said something like it was the maximum safe speed or something | 15:22 |
yesitisjustme | if i try a higher speed could i damage the wireless card | 15:23 |
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genii | yesitisjustme: I know that if you use some command like "screeen" without sudo and specifying the speed, it will usually default to that setting (9600) | 15:25 |
yesitisjustme | oh | 15:26 |
ct529 | what is the extension .flw? | 15:30 |
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genii | ct529: Kivio flowchart file | 15:31 |
ubuntu_giant | Hello. I've done some googling (okay, start-paging) for this problem, and I can | 15:33 |
ubuntu_giant | 't find a solution: | 15:33 |
ct529 | genii: thanks | 15:33 |
ubuntu_giant | When I hibernate my computer in KDE, my screen doesn't lock. I even have the settings set to lock on hibernate/suspend. Is this a known bug? | 15:34 |
ubuntu_giant | Or is there something I might be doing wrong? | 15:34 |
ct529 | genii: strange I cannot install kivio because I have koffice 2.0 installed .... and cannot open anymore the old flw files with koffice 2 | 15:34 |
ubuntu_giant | Thanks. | 15:34 |
ct529 | genii: what a mess | 15:34 |
gorgonizer | ct529: iirc, Kivio was part of Koffice, but dropped from koffice 2 due to the lack of a maintainer. You would need to install koffice to be able to install kivio (I believe) | 15:36 |
ubuntu_giant | Anyone know why my screen isn't locking when I resume from suspend/hibernate? I have it set to do that in the settings. | 15:39 |
ct529 | gorgonizer: this is what I did: uninstalled koffice 210, reinstalled koffice 163, so that kivio may be installed .... | 15:39 |
ct529 | gorgonizer: I frankly do not udnerstand removing it .... it was working, leave the old version | 15:39 |
gorgonizer | ct529: I agree, I really liked Kivio as a flowchart program. According to the Kivio homepage, it is to come into Koffice2, but they are looking for volunteers to assist in getting it ready for release. | 15:41 |
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ct529 | gorgonizer: I like it very much .... umbrello and dia are good but not as good for flow charts for presentations .... | 15:50 |
gorgonizer | ct529: totally agree, glad to find out that a Koffice2 version will be released... | 15:52 |
elcuco | is it possible to install the webkit kpart in 9.10? | 15:55 |
ct529 | gorgonizer: what is the difference between koffice 2 and koffice2 | 15:56 |
lynx_r | hi all, i need to disable sata hdd at boot time to load directly from external usb hdd does it possible do? | 15:57 |
gorgonizer | ct529: nothing, as far as I am aware, I think Koffice2 refers to the new series of technology used, whereas Koffice 2.x would refer to the release.. | 15:59 |
gorgonizer | ct529: it would be like the difference between KDE4 and KDE SC 4.x | 15:59 |
daskreech | wotan: Got your downgrade options? | 16:00 |
daskreech | vbgunz: You have no net? | 16:00 |
ct529 | gorgonizer: thanks | 16:03 |
ct529 | gorgonizer: I had koffice 2.1 installed .... had to remove it to reinstall kivio | 16:03 |
vbgunz | daskreech: sorry? | 16:05 |
gorgonizer | ct529: I would have to do the same to get kivio back, currently testing Koffice2 to see what improvements have been made.. | 16:07 |
ct529 | gorgonizer: how is it going? | 16:21 |
kaddi | anyone using kde 4.4 on karmic? How do you like it? | 16:29 |
chisel_ | can someone take me by the hand and give me the terminal commands to install a tar.gz without analyzing my childhood? | 16:36 |
chisel_ | all the google searches say is "type ./configure make sudo make install" and guess what? that dont work | 16:36 |
kaddi | chisel_: what is in the tar.gz? | 16:37 |
kaddi | can you unzip it= | 16:38 |
genii | chisel_: Much is dependant upon the contents of the file. Usually the reason we want to know "what it is" is because building an application from it's source code is far more problemmatic than installing the application from the built-in package manager and repositories. | 16:38 |
chisel_ | it is a flight sim | 16:38 |
chisel_ | ysflight | 16:38 |
genii | chisel_: OK, I just checked and it is not in standard repositories, so then a checklist: Do you have the package build-essential installed? | 16:39 |
chisel_ | i appologize for sounding terse, but, so far, my experience with ubuntu is not going well. | 16:39 |
chisel_ | yes i have build esential | 16:40 |
chisel_ | perhaps there is an ubuntu flightsim? | 16:41 |
chisel_ | *kubuntu even | 16:41 |
nerdy_kid | anyone know when the KDE 4.4RC3 packages are coming to kubuntu? | 16:42 |
Wolfcastle | don't know, hope it's not too soon | 16:43 |
Wolfcastle | so they have it as bug-free as possible | 16:43 |
gorgonizer | ct529: I am enjoying the experience so far, looks like it will be an impressive series of software, unfortunately, like KDE4 itself, early adapters may be disappointed, but I think Koffice2 will be a fruitful software series.. | 16:43 |
ct529 | gorgonizer: is kivio still there? | 16:44 |
Wolfcastle | anyone knows how to run aptitude without removing/adding dependencies? | 16:44 |
gorgonizer | nerdy_kid: I doubt KDE SC 4.4 RC3 will appear in Kubuntu... they were mainly created due to packaging problems in RC2, from what I understand.. | 16:44 |
chisel_ | genii i do have the build-essential. what's next? | 16:44 |
gorgonizer | ct529: not yet, kivio is the main thing I was looking for, it is being added to Koffice2, but at which version release I do not know :( Hopefully soon though :) | 16:45 |
nerdy_kid | gorgonizer that sucks | 16:45 |
nerdy_kid | gorgonizer thanks for your help though :) | 16:46 |
chisel_ | anyone else wanna take a stab at helping me learn how to install a tar.gz? | 16:46 |
nerdy_kid | chisel_ thats source code right? | 16:46 |
gorgonizer | nerdy_kid: there was little point to be honest, from what I can tell, the final release of KDE SC 4.4 is nearing release... | 16:46 |
nerdy_kid | gorgonizer, yeah if it was comming the 9th it wouldnt be so bad (RC2 has some really bad quircks) but i hear they are behind schedual quite a few days. | 16:47 |
chisel_ | nerdy-kid: i've no idea. i'm not that saavy. i just wanna flight sim. the tar.gz i'm insttalling is ysflight | 16:47 |
gorgonizer | nerdy_kid: I had not heard that it was delayed, I heard that KDE SC 4.4 final release tagging was completed according to the schedule, but as for the release packages themselves, I do not know.. | 16:48 |
nerdy_kid | gorgonizer thats wierd....i could be wrong, but i know for a fact that RC2 was behind schedual, and i read on the opensuse forums that they had gotten behind since the beta | 16:49 |
gorgonizer | chisel_: should help you | 16:50 |
gorgonizer | nerdy_kid: hmm, haven't kept my opensuse VM up to date, but from the Kubuntu side, although RC1 was behind schedule, KDE SC 4.4 RC2 was released according to the schedule.. in fact, my machine was running it from Beta PPA before RC 2 was announced on the KDE website :) | 16:51 |
chisel_ | thanks bud, i'll have a look. | 16:52 |
gorgonizer | chisel_: np.. | 16:52 |
chisel_ | who'd got my forkin lighter?! | 16:52 |
nerdy_kid | gorgonizer thats strange...i do download my updates from a MIT mirror instead of the main one, would that effect it at all? cause mine were days off..... | 16:53 |
gorgonizer | nerdy_kid: hmm, an MIT mirror of the Beta PPA? If so, it could have been a delay in the packages passing to the other mirrors.. | 16:55 |
chisel_ | ok, so far, i've navi'd to the extracted file and done ./configure. the error reads no such file or directory. am i doing something wrong? | 16:55 |
chisel_ | scott@scott-desktop:~$ cd Desktop | 16:56 |
chisel_ | scott@scott-desktop:~/Desktop$ ls | 16:56 |
chisel_ | personal Swiftfox.desktop utorrent.exe ysflight-ubuntu ysflight-ubuntu.tar.gz | 16:56 |
chisel_ | scott@scott-desktop:~/Desktop$ cd ysflight-ubuntu/ | 16:56 |
chisel_ | scott@scott-desktop:~/Desktop/ysflight-ubuntu$ ./configure | 16:56 |
FloodBotK3 | chisel_: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:56 |
chisel_ | bash: ./configure: No such file or directory | 16:56 |
gorgonizer | chisel_: when you extracted the tar.gz package a folder should have been created (with a very similar name to the acutal tar.gz file you downloaded), and you should run ./configure in that folder.. | 16:57 |
gorgonizer | chisel_: I will download the file and see what happens here.. | 16:57 |
chisel_ | thanks buddy i really appreciate the assist | 16:58 |
nerdy_kid | gorgonizer hmm maybe im totatly messed up lol hey, thanks for your help man :) | 16:58 |
gorgonizer | nerdy_kid: always happy to help where I can.. | 16:58 |
gorgonizer | chisel_: did you download the Ubuntu executable? | 17:00 |
chisel_ | yes, the 9.04 link. but i'm running 9.10. will that be a problem? | 17:01 |
daskreech | vbgunz: you said your weather symbol changed to a no smoking sign. It does that when I have no net | 17:03 |
daskreech | kaddi: I like it a lot though there are quite a few Kubuntu Bugs and some Qt bugs that need sorting out | 17:03 |
gorgonizer | chisel_: if you did, it has already been compiled for Ubuntu, and you should just be able to run the ysflight executable that would have been created.. however, for me, it fails to run.. giving error Cannot read AIM-9 pattern | 17:03 |
chisel_ | gorgonizer: i got the same message | 17:03 |
daskreech | chisel_: What's the name of the flight sim? | 17:03 |
gorgonizer | chisel_: you may need to get the Linux source and compile yourself, rather than use the precompiled version.. | 17:04 |
chisel_ | daskreech: ysflight | 17:04 |
chisel_ | well phooey!! | 17:04 |
gorgonizer | chisel_: will try here, if you like... to see if it works :) | 17:05 |
chisel_ | is there a kubuntu ver of a flight sim? i've tried flgiht gear but that one is faulty | 17:05 |
daskreech | chisel_: You prefer Flight gear? | 17:06 |
Wolfcastle | I'm trying to downgrade from kde 4.4 to 4.3 so i tried to downgrade kdebase-runtime-bin-kde4 | 17:07 |
Wolfcastle | but this makes synaptic delete a lot of other packages as dependencies | 17:07 |
Wolfcastle | any way to avoid this? | 17:07 |
chisel_ | not really. any working flight sim will blow my dress up. | 17:07 |
daskreech | Wolfcastle: the fastest way is to mv ~/.kde to a backup, Jump to a terminal and remove kdelibs5 | 17:07 |
daskreech | then remove the KDE 4.4 repos and install kubuntu-desktop from main | 17:08 |
daskreech | chisel_: Not if they have a prop plane | 17:08 |
Wolfcastle | ok thanx daskreech | 17:08 |
daskreech | !info flightgear | 17:08 |
ubottu | flightgear (source: flightgear): Flight Gear Flight Simulator. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.9.1-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 2992 kB, installed size 7660 kB | 17:08 |
ubottu | flightgear (source: flightgear): Flight Gear Flight Simulator. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.9.1-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 2992 kB, installed size 7660 kB | 17:09 |
chisel_ | daskreech: i'll be happy with props. most include a number of planes | 17:09 |
daskreech | chisel_: I take it you installed that already ^^^ | 17:09 |
Wolfcastle | daskreech: removing kdelibs5 removes what seems to be the same packages as in my downgrade | 17:10 |
chisel_ | daskreech: yes i have. but i couldn't seem to program the keys or joystick. especially for rudder. i had to bounce off of the tower to achieve nose up attitude. | 17:10 |
vbgunz | daskreech: nah, I am connected right now to the net and still have a no smoking sign :/ | 17:10 |
vbgunz | I've had the no smoking sign on for 2 days now :/ | 17:10 |
daskreech | vbgunz: are you using the BBC provider? | 17:11 |
daskreech | Wolfcastle: it should remove all of KDE | 17:11 |
Wolfcastle | ok | 17:11 |
vbgunz | daskreech: one sec | 17:12 |
daskreech | chisel_: Is there a ysflight file in the directory that you made? | 17:12 |
vbgunz | NOAA | 17:12 |
chisel_ | daskreech: i'm an ubuntu noob so i don't really understand your question. | 17:13 |
chisel_ | daskreech: i extracted the tar.gz to desktop, and a similarly named folder was put there. if that answers your question | 17:14 |
daskreech | chisel_: You got a tarball and untarred it? It made a directory right ? | 17:14 |
vbgunz | daskreech: hmm, doing a search for providers is case sensitive. also, florida doesn't find fl and fl doesn't find florida. its a pretty much exact search kind of thing, anyhow using NOAA as it seems to be the only one that provides the closest weather data in my area | 17:14 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: u dissapeared last night... can u help me today? :) | 17:15 |
vbgunz | daskreech: it appears I have the weather if I hover over the icon but I just don't have the image at a glance anymore. I did enable the 4.3.5 backports so could that have messed someting up? | 17:15 |
daskreech | Dekkzter: Sorry we had a city wide blackout | 17:16 |
daskreech | Dekkzter: I was looking for you after we got back power | 17:17 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: np.... just let me get back to where we were last night :) | 17:17 |
daskreech | ok | 17:17 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: had to go to bed... was getting up just a few hours later so | 17:17 |
vbgunz | daskreech: yeah, so I removed the weather applet completely and re-added it, configured it and still no image, just don't smoke :/ | 17:17 |
daskreech | vbgunz: KDE 4.3 ? | 17:18 |
vbgunz | daskreech: 4.3.5 | 17:19 |
daskreech | Dekkzter: sure get back to where we were and let me know where that is :) | 17:19 |
daskreech | vbgunz: Yeah that should be fixed in KDE 4.4 | 17:19 |
vbgunz | theres 2 widgets too. one is lcd and the other just forecast. the lcd shows the weather at least | 17:19 |
daskreech | vbgunz: right :-) | 17:19 |
daskreech | hi jo123 | 17:20 |
daskreech | hi jono | 17:20 |
jono | hey daskreech :) | 17:20 |
daskreech | how goes it? | 17:20 |
vbgunz | daskreech: ok, so this is a known bug and will most likely make a fix at 4.4, good to know, thank you very much | 17:20 |
chisel_ | daskreech: did i answer your question sufficiently? | 17:21 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: ok.. done.... just sudo chroot /dev/mnt | 17:22 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: just did* | 17:23 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: and in /boot/grub is just lots of *fs_stage_5 and stage1 stage2 and menu.lst and | 17:25 |
daskreech | Dekkzter: Great :) | 17:27 |
daskreech | chisel_: hello? | 17:27 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: but no grub.cfg | 17:27 |
daskreech | Dekkzter: Woah chroot /dev/mnt ? | 17:28 |
daskreech | what's ? | 17:28 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: you told me to do that yesterday | 17:28 |
Dekkzter | or nope | 17:28 |
Dekkzter | sry | 17:28 |
Dekkzter | wrote wrong | 17:28 |
Dekkzter | /mnt/boot | 17:29 |
daskreech | you should bind /dev to /mnt/boot/dev ? | 17:29 |
Dekkzter | yes | 17:29 |
Dekkzter | and after that you told me to chroot /mnt/boot | 17:30 |
daskreech | right cool | 17:30 |
Dekkzter | :) | 17:30 |
Dekkzter | so.. whats next step? | 17:31 |
daskreech | Dekkzter: do you have a /etc/default/grub in the chroot? | 17:31 |
Dekkzter | daskreech nope | 17:32 |
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kaddi | hi, i just upgraded to kde 4.4 and my old plasma-config crashes plasma-desktop on login. Is there a way to get my settings converted from kde 4.3 to kde 4.4 or should I redo all the settings by hand? | 17:32 |
daskreech | Dekkzter: Hmm can you run sudo update-grub ? | 17:34 |
daskreech | kaddi: do you know which config is making it crash? | 17:34 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: yes... /boot/grub | 17:35 |
kaddi | daskreech: not yet, i remove plasma-desktoprc and plasma-desktop-applet and now it's booting just fine. I can start taking out parts of the config and see when it boots, but I thought I'd ask if there is an easier way first | 17:35 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: there was some fails though.. failed to get security context of /tmp/filedaqXOY and /tmp/filejWE3NC | 17:36 |
kathrin | daskreech: it's kaddi from a second pc. The problem seems to be plasma-desktop-appletsrc I restored that one andplasma started crashing again | 17:41 |
adi__ | hallo | 17:42 |
kathrin | hi | 17:42 |
caldera | hi everyone | 17:43 |
wer-ist-roger | hej everyone. For about 1 1/2 day Compozite won't work anymore. Was there an update for xorg the last few days that could course the problem? | 17:44 |
kathrin | !hi | caldera | 17:44 |
ubottu | caldera: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 17:44 |
adi__ | please ,how can i configure pidgin to work with yahoo mess | 17:44 |
wer-ist-roger | adi_ you just have to put in your yahoo-account information | 17:45 |
adi__ | i add an ID | 17:45 |
adi__ | i allready do that | 17:45 |
adi__ | but dosen't work | 17:45 |
daskreech | Dekkzter: can You pastebin that? | 17:45 |
daskreech | kathrin: Ok | 17:45 |
adi__ | i let pager server by | 17:46 |
wer-ist-roger | adi_: the config files for pidgin should be in ~/.purple rename this folder to .pidgin.old (just in case) and start with a "new" pidgin | 17:46 |
adi__ | pager | 17:46 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: | 17:46 |
adi__ | file port:80 | 17:47 |
ubuntu | somone know of any graphical ubuntu application to write Floppy images? | 17:47 |
adi__ | well...someone? | 17:49 |
kathrin | !yahoo | 17:50 |
ubottu | At the moment there are many pidgin users experiencing problems connecting to Yahoo IM, you can try changing your paging server to (port 5050) and see if that helps. | 17:50 |
kathrin | i'm not sure how up to date this info is, but it may be worth a try? | 17:50 |
daskreech | adi__: What version of pidgin? | 17:50 |
adi__ | i ll try | 17:50 |
adi__ | wait | 17:50 |
daskreech | Dekkzter: Which version of Kubuntu are you installing ? | 17:51 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: 9,10 | 17:51 |
daskreech | k | 17:51 |
adi__ | connecting....nothing! | 17:51 |
adi__ | :-( | 17:51 |
daskreech | Dekkzter: sudo grub-install /dev/sda | 17:51 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: | 17:52 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: remember its a raid right? | 17:53 |
daskreech | no ^_^ | 17:53 |
=== ubuntu is now known as bittin | ||
daskreech | /dev/mapper/somethingsomethign ? | 17:54 |
Dekkzter | yes.. | 17:54 |
adi__ | wait | 17:54 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: /dev/mapper/pdc_bbaecicbbf | 17:54 |
adi__ | 2.5.2 | 17:55 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: i guess sudo grub-install /dev/mapper/pdc_bbaecicbbf then | 17:57 |
adi__ | there is a solution? i have same touble with kopete | 17:57 |
howlymowly | hi guys... is there any command in ubuntu to generate a new ~/.profile for my home directory? i deleted it somehow... i would like to have the generic one form my distribution | 17:58 |
kathrin | daskreech: this was my old plasma-desktop-appletssrc: in case you wanna take a look | 17:58 |
adi__ | ubuntu&stuff...i just disable &enabel account | 17:59 |
adi__ | and work just fine | 17:59 |
adi__ | uraaa | 17:59 |
adi__ | thanks a lot! | 17:59 |
daskreech | Dekkzter: yes | 18:00 |
daskreech | adi__: Wheee ;) | 18:00 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: woohoo.. im learning :P | 18:00 |
daskreech | howlymowly: Did you modify it? | 18:00 |
daskreech | howlymowly: Oh never mind generic :) | 18:00 |
daskreech | cp /etc/skel/.bash_profile ~ | 18:00 |
adi__ | daskreech: thanks | 18:00 |
howlymowly | daskreech: is it the same thing, ubuntu does, when logging in as a new user for the first time? | 18:01 |
daskreech | Dekkzter: no errors/ | 18:01 |
daskreech | ? | 18:01 |
Dekkzter | | 18:01 |
Dekkzter | ;/ | 18:01 |
daskreech | howlymowly: yes | 18:02 |
howlymowly | daskreech: btw ... is there a "first login script" somewhere hiden in kubuntu? | 18:02 |
howlymowly | would just interest me to have a look on it | 18:03 |
daskreech | Dekkzter: ok let me refresh my head on how RAID works | 18:03 |
Dekkzter | ok | 18:03 |
Dekkzter | sure | 18:03 |
daskreech | Dekkzter: Can you pastebin ls /dev ? | 18:03 |
daskreech | howlymowly: I assume you mean somethign that runs the first time a user logs in? | 18:04 |
howlymowly | yeah | 18:04 |
howlymowly | right | 18:04 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: | 18:04 |
daskreech | Only if you install an OEM version of Ubuntu | 18:04 |
daskreech | Dekkzter: ls -l /dev/mapper ? | 18:05 |
howlymowly | daskreech: but how does that work when creating a new user in ubuntu.. i mean new users have all their configuration files already set up for them... | 18:05 |
Dekkzter | | 18:06 |
bittin | i tried dd now will see if it works if it does i will write floppy #2 : | 18:06 |
daskreech | howlymowly: When you create a new user they get a ~ with the contents copied directly from /etc/skel | 18:06 |
howlymowly | ahhh... so thats how it works... manymany thx for beeing so patient with me :) | 18:07 |
daskreech | Dekkzter: What level RAID are you running? | 18:08 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: can this be something? | 18:08 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: raid 0 | 18:08 |
daskreech | >_< | 18:08 |
tyho | i got a problem on a new kubuntu: i can't play audio cds... and can't open them with dolphin. it seems like this is a common problem with KDE. is there a way to fix it? | 18:08 |
daskreech | Dekkzter: jump into #grub2 and ask for help there. Known issues with installs on RAID 0 HW RAID with the Grub shipped in 9.10 | 18:09 |
daskreech | tyho: how are you opening them in Dolphin? | 18:09 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: ah.. ok... thx for the help though! | 18:09 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: only 1 other person there? :( | 18:10 |
daskreech | Dekkzter: That would probably be one of the issues. I see you have multiple drives as well | 18:10 |
daskreech | Dekkzter: Whoops #grub | 18:10 |
Dekkzter | multiple drives? | 18:10 |
Dekkzter | yes.. i do have 4 drives... and 2 in raid.. | 18:11 |
daskreech | Is see /dev/sd[a-d] | 18:11 |
tyho | daskreech: when i put the cd in the drive, it suggests me to open it with amarok (which doesn't work) or open it in dolphin (which doesn't work either) | 18:11 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: why can that be a problem? | 18:11 |
daskreech | tyho: if you open Dolphin and press Ctrl+L and type in audiocd:/ what does it do? | 18:11 |
kaddi | i thought amarok has no CD-support? | 18:11 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: did you look at the link i sent u? | 18:12 |
daskreech | Dekkzter: Grub should have a copy in each drive so if the first drive fails it will still start but in 9.10 it doesn't | 18:12 |
tyho | it says size: 0B | 18:12 |
daskreech | So that might be a problem | 18:12 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: ah ok | 18:12 |
daskreech | tyho: Probably some conflict with the Physical CD Drive | 18:12 |
tyho | yeah but it's not empty... k3b shows me the tracks | 18:12 |
tyho | but i can't play them | 18:13 |
Mamarok | kaddi: Amarok has CD support since 2.2 | 18:13 |
kaddi | Mamarok: good to know. Thanks :) | 18:13 |
Mamarok | kaddi: just be aware of some ausiocd KIO problems that should be solved in 4.4 RC by now | 18:14 |
Mamarok | audiocd* | 18:14 |
Mamarok | tyho: you can't play a CD with k3b | 18:14 |
tyho | i know -.- | 18:14 |
daskreech | tyho: if you have mp3 support then k3b might be able to rip it | 18:14 |
tyho | daskreech: but i don't wanna rip it... i wanna play it but neither amarok nor vlc can do that | 18:15 |
tyho | and dolphin still says the disk is empty | 18:15 |
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tyho | other cds and dvds work perfectly, only audio cds don't work | 18:17 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: please take a look at this link and tell me if this gonna help me ;) | 18:18 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: rebooting fast | 18:20 |
tyho | it seems like i'm not the only one with this problem: | 18:22 |
Mamarok | tyho: I am able to play CDs since 2.2.0, so I bet it is not Amarok related at all, there is at least one crash due to Phonon, and there are problems with the audiocd KIO slave solved in KDE 4.4 | 18:30 |
Mamarok | and that particular bug is not Amarok related neither, looks more like a KDE or Kubuntu specific problem | 18:31 |
tyho | yeah that's what i thought | 18:31 |
tyho | as i said earlier "it seems to be a common problem with kde" | 18:32 |
Mamarok | I need to check other distros, but I think it is Kubuntu specific, haven't seen any reports from other dostributions so far | 18:34 |
tyho | i was just wondering if anybody heard of the problem and knows how to fix it... but i guess i'll just have to wait for the bug fix | 18:35 |
harjot__ | how would i make my microphone driver restart? | 18:37 |
harjot__ | its built in | 18:37 |
Mamarok | tyho: in any case it's not something a user can fix | 18:38 |
Mamarok | tyho: but if Amarok is already running it should work | 18:38 |
tyho | Mamarok: yes but i guess i don't know enough about kubuntu to do so | 18:39 |
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harjot__ | how would i make my microphone restart? | 18:39 |
Mamarok | tyho: and it should be fixed at the root of the problem, whihc is manyfold | 18:39 |
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Mamarok | harjot__: you probably need to restart Phonon, e.g. restart KDE | 18:39 |
Mamarok | harjot__: but first, you should give some more details about your sound settings | 18:39 |
harjot__ | alsa | 18:40 |
Mamarok | harjot__: everybody uses also by default :) | 18:40 |
Mamarok | harjot__: did it work beofre? | 18:40 |
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Mamarok | before* | 18:40 |
harjot__ | yeah | 18:40 |
harjot__ | my microphone smetimes gets picked up and sometimes doesnt | 18:40 |
Mamarok | harjot__: you should check the channels in KMix | 18:42 |
harjot__ | ok | 18:42 |
harjot__ | Mamarok: That was just my problem thanks!!!! | 18:43 |
kaddi | how can i set up kde4.4 to use a different activity for every virtual desktop? I can't find the setting :s | 18:43 |
kaddi | ignore me, i'm just blind | 18:44 |
kaddi | it's right where it used to be | 18:44 |
daskreech | harjot__: modprobe -r it then modprobe it | 18:46 |
harjot__ | ok thanks | 18:46 |
Dekkzter | daskreech: did you look at the link i sent u? | 18:55 |
K350 | !flash | 19:01 |
ubottu | To install Flash see - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 19:01 |
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Guest37576 | hi all | 19:03 |
Guest37576 | i need help | 19:03 |
Guest37576 | hello ? | 19:03 |
kaddi | !hi | Guest37576 | 19:03 |
ubottu | Guest37576: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 19:03 |
Guest37576 | hi all | 19:03 |
Guest37576 | i need help | 19:03 |
Guest37576 | anyone there | 19:04 |
kaddi | we can't help you unless you tell us what is wrong ;) | 19:04 |
Guest37576 | i need to know the following | 19:04 |
Guest37576 | i got a pc with lenny on it and need libc_2.10 ... how can i get it | 19:05 |
jtholmes | broadcom wireless card bcm4318 chip can scan, driver b43-fwcutter loads and all iwlist wlan2 scan returns 4 routers but card will not pull a dhcp address any ideas? | 19:05 |
kaddi | Guest37576: lenni is a debian release, no? this is a kubuntu-support channel | 19:05 |
Guest37576 | maybe any ideas ? | 19:06 |
Guest37576 | and yes lenny is debian | 19:06 |
kaddi | Guest37576: check out their packageslist maybe? | 19:06 |
Ahox_ | Guest37576, you can try to download it from a newer version and then try to install it by hand. However glibc could become difficult to do | 19:07 |
Guest37576 | only got command line | 19:07 |
kaddi | use lynx then? | 19:07 |
Guest37576 | k i will try thx | 19:07 |
howlymowly | hi guys.. is there a command to start the kde system monitor by console? | 19:10 |
kaddi | howlymowly: if you are logged into ttyl you should be able to start the displaymanager with "startx" if you only want to restart kdm do a "sudo service kdm start" | 19:12 |
K350 | leave | 19:12 |
howlymowly | kaddi: my problem is: I have to use gnome on this computer but I find the kde systm monitor much more convenient.. and there is kde installed on this computer... | 19:13 |
howlymowly | *system | 19:13 |
rork | howlymowly: ksysguard | 19:14 |
howlymowly | ahh thx rork | 19:14 |
howlymowly | because the gnome system monitor is just aweful | 19:14 |
kaddi | oh, sry, i overread "monitor" and thought you were trying to start "kde system" | 19:14 |
howlymowly | does not even have a search feature | 19:14 |
howlymowly | np kaddi :) you were very freindly, thats what counts :P | 19:15 |
daskreech | Dekkzter: yes | 19:15 |
daskreech | howlymowly: Features are evil and should be removed | 19:16 |
howlymowly | wtf :)? | 19:17 |
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howlymowly | works like a charm now :) in gnome with a little Ctrl + Esc shortcut in the gnome settings :D | 19:17 |
howlymowly | feels almost like KDE | 19:18 |
kaddi | :) | 19:18 |
daskreech | howlymowly: You shoudl feel blue then :) | 19:18 |
kaddi | he, talking about blue, is there anyone that can suggest a nice green desktop-theme? all i've found s far were blue or black | 19:20 |
howlymowly | yeah.. its still lacking a blue backround though... that ugly brown... | 19:20 |
daskreech | Orange now isn't it? | 19:20 |
daskreech | kaddi: Looked on kde-look | 19:20 |
howlymowly | yeah... picture seems like some kind of a human arm to me... | 19:21 |
howlymowly | daskreech ... | 19:21 |
kaddi | daskreech: yes, but didn't really see anything. :s Green is not en mode right now :p | 19:21 |
daskreech | howlymowly: Well it _IS_ human :) | 19:21 |
howlymowly | try it out with suse :) | 19:21 |
daskreech | kaddi: ask Suse :) | 19:21 |
kaddi | daskreech: hehe, true. will do :D | 19:22 |
kaddi | i like the new kde 4.4 background though (and the viruses) | 19:22 |
kaddi | even though it isn't green :D | 19:22 |
BluesKaj | kaddi, there's one called green and easy bespin , but it's a colour setting for your fav theme | 19:22 |
kaddi | BluesKaj: checking it out now. :) Thx :) | 19:23 |
BluesKaj | np :) | 19:23 |
daskreech | kaddi: You can go into the color settings and tweak | 19:23 |
Duskao | does anyone know of an app/widget like gnomes dockbar? | 19:25 |
Duskao | for kde | 19:25 |
kaddi | daskreech: i know but i'm sadly ungifted when it comes to finding to colors that actually look well together. I rely mostly on others in that department ;) | 19:26 |
daskreech | :-D | 19:26 |
daskreech | Duskao: What's Dockbar do? | 19:34 |
Duskao | well, it's like a mix between an app launcher and dock. So it's basically launch icons on your bar, but with instance capabilities like a dock. | 19:36 |
Duskao | | 19:36 |
Mamarok | Duskao: the Panel? | 19:37 |
Duskao | I have an Ati card and I'm using kubuntu 9.10, every time I restart my computer my composition keeps going off. I'm using docky right now, so I'm trying to find non compositing alternatives. | 19:37 |
Duskao | yeah, from the panel, check the vid | 19:37 |
Duskao | seems like when I was using ubuntu, everything good was for kde, but now all of a sudden loads of stuff is comming out for gnome lol. | 19:38 |
Duskao | prefer kde though. | 19:38 |
Mamarok | Duskao: no, I really mean The Panel :) You can add pretty much what you want to it | 19:38 |
WaltzingAlong | Duskao: ok | 19:38 |
WaltzingAlong | who is in charge of the topic? one can grab 4.3.5 from backports | 19:39 |
Duskao | Mamarok, yeah, I know you can (sort of , still new to kde) but it doesn't have the abilitiy to remaximise without opening another instance of whatever app you are using. | 19:40 |
Mamarok | Duskao: well if the app is still running you don't have to | 19:41 |
Mamarok | Duskao: you should play around with the plasma widgets | 19:41 |
Duskao | Mamarok: I have been. | 19:41 |
Mamarok | what he demonstrates are actually icons in a panel, and he has a very fast computer that's why you think they don't open an app when clicking on the icon, but an application has to be opened anyway | 19:42 |
* Mamarok has had app icons in the panel since ever in KDE, or at least it seems so long | 19:43 | |
Duskao | Mamarok: I'm sorry, but you are mistaken... that is actually dockbar. | 19:44 |
Duskao | anyway, nevermind, I'll see if I can find something else. | 19:44 |
kaddi | Duskao: maybe try out fancytasks, i believe it does launchers as well | 19:46 |
Mamarok | Duskao: well, could you find me some written description of what it actually does? | 19:46 |
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Duskao | thanks kaddi I'll check it out. | 19:47 |
Duskao | kaddi: would that be in kde-look? apps? | 19:47 |
Mamarok | Duskao: in | 19:48 |
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Mamarok | kaddi: also there is kustodian in playground, no idea how far this is now | 19:52 |
Mamarok | or if it just changed it's name | 19:53 |
kaddi | Mamarok: as a green desktop theme? or as a launcher-widget? | 19:53 |
Dekkzter | damnit... i get mad at this... i just cant get this grub thing to work.... anyone who has an idea how to get grub to start on a HW raid 0 ?? ;( | 19:54 |
Mamarok | kaddi: I know of Daisy and Fancy Tasks, and the KDE launcher, all plasma widgets | 19:55 |
kaddi | Mamarok: I just wasn't sure if you were referring to the question i asked earlier or to the suggestion I made regarding fancy tasks ;) I'm currently happily running smooth tasks :) | 19:57 |
Duskao | yeah, I'm actually going to try smooth tasks now. | 19:58 |
Duskao | once I set up the ppa and such. | 19:58 |
Duskao | daisy is neat | 19:58 |
Duskao | also working on installing bespin | 19:59 |
dasen | Hi guys are kde people interested in using this plasmoid to replace the current task-bar? (The new plasmoid is like windows 7 task bar) | 20:00 |
Duskao | once I get it installed, I'll let you know. | 20:01 |
Mamarok | dasen: you should ask KDE then | 20:02 |
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Mamarok | dasen: in #kde | 20:02 |
Duskao | good piont | 20:02 |
zwakikushtia | hi | 20:11 |
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zwakikushtia | hi | 20:12 |
zwakikushtia | i am new here | 20:12 |
Duskao | hey | 20:12 |
zwakikushtia | wana b a friend | 20:13 |
Duskao | this is a help forum. If you don't need help goto #kubuntu-offtopic | 20:13 |
zwakikushtia | yes | 20:13 |
zwakikushtia | i need to use emapthy as a vedio and voice chat soft | 20:14 |
zwakikushtia | i need a soluation | 20:14 |
Duskao | do you use kubuntu or ubuntu? | 20:15 |
zwakikushtia | ubuntu 9.10 | 20:15 |
Duskao | empathy is a gnome app. Go to #ubuntu | 20:15 |
Mamarok | Duskao: please...? | 20:16 |
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Duskao | Mamarok: it's a statement not a request | 20:16 |
=== stuart is now known as CyberSmyth | ||
CyberSmyth | Hello, who was just talking about a shader/bone issue? | 20:18 |
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CyberSmyth | anyone? | 20:20 |
Duskao | nope, sorry | 20:21 |
CyberSmyth | Must have not been on this server... | 20:21 |
CyberSmyth | Trouble is the guy who was chatting about it has buggered off to play l4d | 20:21 |
CyberSmyth | and left me with half the info | 20:22 |
CyberSmyth | :) | 20:22 |
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zwakikushtia | | 20:29 |
Tm_T | zwakikushtia: hm? | 20:31 |
Duskao | zwakikushtia: ????? | 20:32 |
Mamarok | zwakikushtia: please do not paste random links in a support channel | 20:35 |
zwakikushtia | what??? | 20:39 |
zwakikushtia | ok | 20:39 |
zwakikushtia | its my mistake | 20:39 |
zwakikushtia | i am very new here | 20:39 |
mudassar | how to convert a mpeg video from rgb to grayscale using ffmpeg ...?? (no one is answering at #ffmpeg | 20:42 |
mudassar | ) | 20:42 |
terran4000 | mudassar: -pix_fmt gray | 20:45 |
terran4000 | or so theory states | 20:46 |
terran4000 | mudassar: also I think -gray works | 20:47 |
mudassar | terran4000: I did this ... ffmpeg -y -i L1R1.mpeg -pix_fmt gray -vcodec rawvideo L1R1_Gray.mpeg but it doesn't work fine ... gives messages like buffer underflow i=0 bufi=308180 size=308224, and packet too large, ignoring buffer limits to mux it and in the end the generated file doesn't run | 20:47 |
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terran4000 | eh, that I wouldn't know how to fix. Sorry. At this stage I'd just recommend Bing or Google :-P | 20:49 |
mudassar | terran4000: I did alot ... but no result | 20:51 |
terran4000 | mudassar: give me a few minutes to see if I can dig something up | 20:53 |
mudassar | terran4000: Actually I need to take one video and make two copies of that and then remove red channel of one and green channel of the other and then have to merge those two output videos into one to see the 3D effect :) can you help | 20:55 |
mudassar | ? | 20:55 |
terran4000 | for that I'd try cinelerra | 20:56 |
terran4000 | or one of those application things | 20:56 |
terran4000 | They've worked wonders before | 20:56 |
terran4000 | Though I could never get cinelerra to be stable for me T.T | 20:56 |
terran4000 | There is also a new-ish one: Lives? or something like that | 20:56 |
terran4000 | That's possibly good for that | 20:57 |
mudassar | i need to use ffmpeg or opencv | 20:57 |
joseph | wow, qwebirc giving problems? | 20:57 |
joseph | i'm a good boy :) | 20:57 |
joseph | well, thanks for letting me in. #web has anyone from qweb banned. | 20:58 |
terran4000 | mudassar: on your command line, is the vcodec supposed to be raw? | 20:58 |
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terran4000 | raw != mpeg | 20:58 |
mudassar | then what should I write ? | 20:59 |
mudassar | I am new to ffmpeg | 20:59 |
terran4000 | try nothing :-P | 20:59 |
terran4000 | for fun, don't use vcodec | 20:59 |
terran4000 | if it complains that you need it, then we'll put other stuff | 20:59 |
mudassar | ok | 21:00 |
terran4000 | if you 'need' to use -vcodec, try -vcodec copy (possibly) | 21:00 |
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diogo | boa noite.. | 21:06 |
diogo | alguem pode me ajudar com configuraç~ao do wirilles? | 21:06 |
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derekv10 | wow | 21:08 |
derekv10 | ñ_ñ | 21:08 |
dasen | diogo: usas kubuntu ou ubuntu? | 21:13 |
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azteech | anyone know if the backup tool in kubuntu will also back up the gnome essentials? | 21:26 |
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mudassar | terran4000: nothing worked | 21:47 |
mudassar | it didn't change to grayscale | 21:47 |
terran4000 | mudassar: yikes T.T bummers | 21:47 |
terran4000 | Well, you can always use Cinelerra and apply a grayscale filter :) | 21:47 |
ddj | sera | 21:47 |
genii | !it | ddj | 21:48 |
ubottu | ddj: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 21:48 |
mudassar | terran4000: ffmpeg -y -i L1R1.mpeg -pix_fmt gray -vcodec copy L1R1_Gray.mpeg ... it didn't convert to grayscale | 21:48 |
ddj | ok thanks | 21:48 |
terran4000 | mudassar: | 21:48 |
diogo | alguem pode me ajudar na configuraçao do wirilles no ubunto 9.10? | 21:48 |
terran4000 | instead of -pix_fmt gray | 21:48 |
terran4000 | try | 21:48 |
terran4000 | just -gray | 21:48 |
genii | !es | diogo | 21:49 |
ubottu | diogo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 21:49 |
Kunbuntu | this room looks familar | 21:49 |
mudassar | terran4000: it doesn't accept -gray | 21:49 |
Kunbuntu | What program do you all use for Authoritative DNS Servers and on what port for full compatibility with the rest of the 4389 dns servers on the planet? | 21:50 |
terran4000 | mudassar: huh ... interesting | 21:50 |
terran4000 | mudassar: in that case, I honestly don't know. Like I said, try using a video editing program like KDEnLive, LIVES, Cinerella or the like | 21:51 |
Kunbuntu | where did muchmusic go? | 21:51 |
terran4000 | Those would be your best bet at this moment | 21:51 |
Kunbuntu | it was their a minute ago | 21:51 |
jimmy51_ | hello, i've got 9.10 installed. how do i make set it up so another 9.10 workstation can RDP (or equivalent) into it? | 21:51 |
Kunbuntu | I swear to god it was | 21:51 |
mudassar | terran4000: I need to do the thesis task, and I have to stick to ffmpeg | 21:51 |
Kunbuntu | Christ almighty anyone here not a complete fucking idiot | 21:51 |
maco | Kunbuntu: watch your mouth | 21:52 |
Kunbuntu | thanks india | 21:52 |
Kunbuntu | I will keep that in mind | 21:52 |
terran4000 | mudassar: ek, thesis (I'm stuck with a similar problem) | 21:52 |
terran4000 | hm | 21:52 |
Kunbuntu | fuck kpackys their all the same | 21:52 |
terran4000 | mudassar: After I'm done with this article I'll try to research it a bit more for ya | 21:52 |
maco | tsimpson: thanks | 21:53 |
Tabmow | Is there any reason why a VNC connection to my box would display awful graphics? | 21:53 |
maco | bandwidth? | 21:54 |
mudassar | why this crap ffmpeg doesn't work fine ? | 21:54 |
Tabmow | maco: as in the graphics are all skewed etc. | 21:54 |
maco | oh. mm dunno | 21:54 |
maco | thought maybe you meant like artifacts / low res | 21:55 |
jimmy51_ | i VPN in from home and would like to control my work machine from my home machine. how do i set that up? | 21:55 |
jimmy51_ | both are running kubuntu 9.10. | 21:55 |
Kolia | darn | 21:55 |
Kolia | i still can't launch strigi :/ | 21:55 |
Tabmow | jimmy51_: | 21:56 |
jimmy51_ | Tabmow: is that current? the date says 2006 | 21:57 |
Tabmow | jimmy51_: should still work... | 21:59 |
jimmy51_ | ok | 21:59 |
jimmy51_ | thanks | 21:59 |
* jimmy51_ heads home and hopes he can vnc in tomorrow due to the snow | 22:00 | |
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kamaro | halooo | 22:24 |
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rosco_y | How can I find my Pidgin "Buddy List"? I've got a conversation open, and I 'x'd the buddy list, and now I can't find it.... | 22:28 |
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anon__ | hello | 22:31 |
anon__ | where are the ops at? | 22:32 |
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rosco_y | Does anyone know how I can find my Pidgin "Buddy List"? I've got a conversation open, and I 'x'd the buddy list, and now I can't find it.... | 22:33 |
MHz128 | hiya | 23:11 |
MHz128 | After selecting a different Desktop Theme, I am unable to click 'apply' and the theme remains unchanged. what gives? | 23:11 |
MHz128 | Also, when triggering gnome-do with a keybind, it only works when the desktop is visible, and no windows are showing... any ideas? | 23:12 |
Benkinooby | hi, this is my current partitioning. due to the fact that i use my kubuntu more & more i want to shrink the other partitions to get more space for my linux. is it possible to resize a primary partition and give the pace to a logical partition (wich is part of an extended partition?)? | 23:26 |
Benkinooby | hi, this is my current partitioning. due to the fact that i use my kubuntu more & more i want to shrink the other partitions to get more space for my linux. is it possible to resize a primary partition and give the pace to a logical partition (wich is part of an extended partition?)? | 23:37 |
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Chr1z | In KUbuntu where how do I view and modify the list of services that automatically start during bootup? | 23:53 |
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