[00:08] losa: I think the PPA publisher may be stuck on something [00:10] And of course once I say that it unsticks [00:10] Is it no longer running */5 ? [05:06] hi folks, i want to know why my branch has not option for merging? [05:07] ovnicraft_: where are you looking for the option? [05:09] in my branch https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ovnicraft/+junk/l10n_chart_ec [05:10] spiv, what need to activate the option? [05:14] ovnicraft_: you're looking for the option to propose the branch for merging to another branch? [05:14] yes [05:14] ovnicraft_: ok, [05:14] I think you need to make the branch be in the same project as the branch you are targetting [05:15] i.e. go to https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ovnicraft/+junk/l10n_chart_ec/+edit (the "Change branch details") link [05:15] Oh, hmm. [05:16] Hmm, the option reassign a branch got removed maybe? [05:16] Well, in that case, [05:17] You should push the branch to the appropriate project, e.g. lp:~ovnicraft/firefox/l10n_chart_ec (if the project is firefox) [05:18] spiv: That option was removed when packaging branches were introduced, and no UI was worked out. [05:18] It's still doable through the API, though. [05:22] wgrant, so the solutions is try to push it? [05:22] or what? [05:22] ovnicraft_: It's easiest to push it to the right place, yes. [05:25] wgrant: Ooh, I didn't know it could be done through the API! That makes me feel better. :O) [05:25] Um, :) * [05:25] Peng: *everything* can be done through the API. [05:25] it was easiest set it with a project [05:25] thx [05:25] * elmo wants a pony through the API [05:26] elmo: Patches welcome. [05:26] wgrant: Good to know. :) [05:26] wgrant: you said can, not could. I demand a full refund. [05:26] Damn, caught. [05:41] There's no way to search for unmilestoned bugs, is there? [05:46] it's faster when you're riding a pony. [05:51] what could be the reason to get this message trying proposal to merge: This branch is not mergeable into lp:otherproject [05:53] ovnicraft_: Why are you trying to merge it into another project? [05:56] Or put another way, why doesn't your branch belong to otherproject (i.e. have a URL of lp:~ovnicraft/otherproject/...) ? [06:50] al-maisan: hey there! we have a funky one for you unf: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/soyuz/+bug/516922 [06:50] Ubuntu bug 516922 in soyuz "process-pending-packagediffs breaking" [Undecided,New] [06:50] Good morning spm [06:51] let me look [06:52] spm: does it always fail for the same source (freedcpp from to 0.0.1~svn79-1) ? [06:53] al-maisan: yeah, looks like it from a quick scroll thru [06:53] yeah same library alias each time [06:53] spm: in that case the script needs to be more resilient to carry on with the other diffs as opposed to aborting IMHO [06:54] yes please :-) [06:54] s/needs to be more/needs to be made more/ [06:54] Yeah, it needs to not try to diff against expired sources. [06:54] This is going to start happening a lot. [06:54] ah, the source is expired [06:54] heh, it probably already is; in that it's failing on the first one over and over... wheee. [06:55] yo stub [06:55] expired as in expired in the librarian, gotcha [06:55] Right. [06:55] yo yo [06:56] yo ho ho and a bottle of iced lemon tea with chamomile [06:58] stub: my googlefu isn't finding anything; and I suspect I'll be SOL; is it possible to do a file system level copy of a postgres DB? I'm trying to avoid a "dump; restore to A; restore to B" cycle - if possible. But not at the expense of being in uncharted territory. [06:59] Its possible. Might be caveats if the architecture isn't similar enough. [06:59] But you are better off explaining the problem [07:00] this is even on the same server [07:00] You can just move the directory and replace it with a symlink if you want [07:00] (while the system is shutdown of course) [08:11] Hello [08:12] I'm trying to login with bzr, and I get this error: bzr: ERROR: Transport error: Server refuses to fulfill the request (403 Forbidden) for https://launchpad.net/~confluence/%2Bsshkeys [08:12] Any ideas? :/ [08:12] Is it Launchpad, or my network? I'm using bzr 2.0.2 on Ubuntu Karmic. [08:15] confluency: what command are you running? [08:17] confluency: oh, hmm, that doesn't seem to be the name of any user on Launchpad [08:17] confluency: so, a) you seem to have the username wrong, and b) please file a bug on bzr about that error message being so confusing! [08:17] confluency: erm, I can't even access https://launchpad.net/~confluence (404), are you sure that's the right username? [08:18] I'm using bzr launchpad-login confluence [08:18] Yes, that is the right username. [08:19] I'm logged in through the web right now. [08:19] confluency: if you go to https://launchpad.net/people/+me, where does it redirect you to? [08:19] Wait. I'm logged in as confluence, but the name in the url is my real name. [08:20] Yup, my real name. I'll try that, then. [08:20] (Where did the two names come from?!) [08:20] confluency: there's the login name (or nickname), and there's also the display name [08:21] confluency: the former is what appears in URLs (and is what bzr lp-login needs), the latter is the what appears in text web pages, usually. [08:21] confluency: e.g. when I make a bug comment, the page will say "Comment by Andrew Bennetts ...", and the link for my name will go to https://launchpad.net/~spiv [08:22] OK, I've tried with what I think is the real username, but I get the same result: bzr: ERROR: Transport error: Server refuses to fulfill the request (403 Forbidden) for https://launchpad.net/~adrianna-pinska/%2Bsshkeys [08:23] That url definitely exists. [08:23] confluency: ok, that's pretty weird [08:24] I'm just going to change my names around quickly... [08:24] confluency: what traceback does -Derror report? (use a pastebin) [08:24] Er, that is, if you add -Derror to the command, what traceback is shown? [08:25] And if you add -Dtransport too, and pastebin the most recent part of your ~/.bzr.log, that might be helpful too. [08:25] My random guess atm is a strange proxy. [08:28] spiv: it could well be a strange proxy -- but I need something more specific to tell our sysadmin. :/ [08:28] spiv: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/173749/ [08:28] (I have now swapped my names, so confluence should be working.) [08:29] Wow. [08:29] So it really is just trying a plain GET of that URL. [08:29] Definitely your network, then. [08:30] Does that URL work in your browser? [08:30] confluency: What if you just try to wget the URL (specifying username and password as necessary). [08:31] Hodgestar: That URL should work fine via regular anonymous HTTPS [08:31] Hodgestar: I can wget it. No credentials necessary. [08:31] It works in my browser too. [08:32] What port is bzr using for this? [08:32] spiv: I assume bzr constructs an opener that is setup to use the proxy defined in environment variables? [08:32] Although I wouldn't except a 403 if it tried to contact the outside directly and was bounced. :/ [08:55] Hodgestar: right (x2) [08:56] confluency: bzr is just doing regular HTTPS, using Python's urllib module [08:56] confluency: so, port 443 [08:56] confluency: (heck, urllib doesn't even bother validating the server's cert) [08:56] confluency: please do add -Dtransport to the command line and look in ~/.bzr.log and pastebin the request its making [08:58] confluency: Try put this into a file and run it: [08:58] import urllib2 [08:58] url = "https://launchpad.net/~confluence/%2Bsshkeys" [08:58] print urllib2.urlopen(url).read() [08:59] I've found the problem. [08:59] Woot. [08:59] I was missing pycurl. [08:59] There were some other errors about it in the log. [08:59] Ah. [08:59] I have no idea why apt didn't install it as a dependency. o_O [09:00] i've been having trouble importing gpg keys for the last few days. seems it'll finally work ~1 day later. is this a known problem? [09:01] TheUni: Yes. It was hopefully resolved a few hours ago. [09:01] wgrant: been trying to import for over an hour. anything i should try? [09:02] TheUni: If it doesn't work now, then what did you mean by 'seems it'll finally work ~1 day later'? [09:03] wgrant: that's how it went a few days ago [09:03] Oh, bzr uses either pycurl or urllib2, and something was going wrong with urllib2, so it went away when I installed pycurl. [09:04] TheUni: What's your key's fingerprint? [09:05] 22FF 4B2D F73D E2F8 21D8 59D7 FEF3 3843 EB1C D30D [09:05] it shows when i --recv-keys [09:05] Indeed, it's on the external keyserver. [09:06] TheUni: You say that you uploaded the key to the keyserver several days ago? [09:06] wgrant: no, sorry.. let met start over. [09:07] i uploaded a key a few days ago, it took about 1day to show up [09:07] but it finally worked [09:07] i uploaded a new key tonight, but i can't get it added to launchpad. it's been over an hour, was just wondering if i'd have to waid another day [09:08] Ah. [09:08] It should be just about instantaneous. [09:08] But there are syncing problems at the moment. [09:08] LOSAs, do you know what's going on with that? [09:09] I hear that a manual sync was done this morning. [09:12] wgrant: so you're telling me i should go to bed? :) [09:45] Hi, I have som troubles with launchpad translation feature . I request to download a po file . I have the window telling that sonner I receive the mail. But 2:30 after I received nothing. [09:46] I check my email acount and it's working fine ;-) [09:47] nicoInattendu: what did you request an export of? [09:48] Normally it's very fast, but there are a few things like OpenOffice that take serious time. If one of those is ahead of you in the queue... [09:48] I request to download translation file here : https://translations.launchpad.net/luciole/0.8/+export [09:49] hello everybody [09:49] Ok I'll wait a bit more ;-) [09:49] nicoInattendu: looks like somebody made a large request this morning and the system is busy [09:50] Ok thanks for the info [09:51] hey all, I am looking for a room full of open source developers :) [09:51] nicoInattendu: looking at the graph I'm _guessing_ that the queue should be back to normal in about an hour. [09:51] Arnaud__: you have one. [09:51] it's been so long since i last used irc [09:52] In a lager view, I'm a dev luciole, project hosted in LP . Someother people do the translations. And right now I need to do a release of luciole. [09:52] anyway, i would like to meet with OSS developers and am recruiting a few good souls to ask questions about how open source developers live [09:52] So i go to take the translated po files, generate the mos, and then upload it my LP branch. Is this the correct way ? [09:52] i have always wanted to contribute to open source but I suck at coding [09:53] nicoInattendu: I remember your name from that... have you looked at imports from & exports to bzr? [09:53] and at playing guitar [09:53] nicoInattendu: perhaps not the best time, but nowadays we recommend doing both the uploads and the downloads through bzr instead of the web UI. [09:53] I want to build something, or a service for developers [09:54] nicoInattendu: committing MO files to your branch is probably _not_ what you want. [09:54] and i need some help in understanding you (because I assume most of you are developers) [09:54] OK I get the translated files from the lp/tanslation ui , than I upload it in bzr [09:55] Yes If possible it can be fine. [09:55] Arnaud__: if you have a question specific to Launchpad development, #launchpad-dev is probably better for you. [09:55] So I can ganerate it during instalation of the software ? [09:56] sorry i am trying to learn how to direct a chat to a specific person [09:56] Yes I know i still confused on all this translation stuff ;-) [09:56] i do not have a question related to launchpad [09:57] it's about the developers in any project [09:58] So I can not commit MO files, but I need to get the PO files with this page https://translations.launchpad.net/luciole/0.8/+export . Is there a way to get the po files directly with bzr ? [09:58] nicoInattendu: then the best thing to do is probably to push your templates to your branch, and in your translation settings in Launchpad, enable imports of templates from the bzr branch. But for MO files when you want to do a release, you can generate those by exporting from launchpad in MO format the way you're doing now. [09:59] nicoInattendu: you can get daily exports of your PO files into a bzr branch of your choosing; see the "synchronization settings" of your release series. [09:59] Ok I take a look on the 'synchronization settings' [10:01] nicoInattendu: be a bit careful with the exports: they overwrite existing PO files in the branch you're exporting to, and there are some weird things that can happen if you import from the same branch that you export to. I believe help.launchpad.net has updated documentation for this. [10:01] I hope you'll find it easier than the old way. :-) [10:02] did that work? [10:03] Jtv: Yes it same coolest :-) No more the feeling of doing the permantly the round of a circle [10:04] nicoInattendu: right! [10:04] Arnaud__: yes, it worked. [11:35] holla [11:36] question: if I built a package which depends on a library which is not in Ubuntu either, can I package the lib for my PPA also and have the first package depend on the library? [11:36] or short said: can I satisfy build-depends with packages from my own PPA? [11:36] Yep. [11:38] noodles775: good, how? [11:38] just depend on it? [11:38] is my PPA automatically in the sources.list of the buildd? [11:40] Sorry, just otp [11:41] ok [11:44] cbmuser: Yes, a PPA is in the sources.list of packages being built for that PPA [11:51] maxb: great, thanks === mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch === mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell [13:53] is launchpad poorly today? [13:53] Having plent of OOPsies [13:53] +y [13:56] oopsing a lot for me too [13:59] I'm getting lots of OOPSes on various bugs.* pages and while posting a comment e.g. "The following errors were encountered: * Server error, please contact an administrator. OOPS ID:OOPS-1496EB546" [13:59] https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1496EB546 [14:00] Yup looks like it, lots of oops for me too [14:00] (Error ID: OOPS-1496C1598) [14:00] https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1496C1598 [14:00] when accessing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cryptsetup/+bug/474327 [14:01] Error: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/474327) [14:02] really weird though -- when I click reload it's shown correctly, but not the first time I visit a bugs page [14:02] merbit: I have the same problem [14:02] perhaps server is overloaded? I mean the problem where I get oops instead seeing the bug page [14:02] hammer F5, it will surely help wake up the servers [14:03] hammer time! [14:03] hehe :) [14:04] well, cheers! === salgado changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is feeling unwell right now, but we're working on it || http://launchpad.net | Read https://help.launchpad.net for help | Recent problems browsing branches should be fixed. | Help contact: bac | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: see channel #launchpad-dev [14:06] :) [14:06] medicine/rest need [14:09] Is there a problem with the iuscommunity.org site? I'm getting network errors when accessing it. [14:10] launchpad is back! :) [14:11] The host dl.iuscommunity.org is not resolving. [14:11] UTF-8 is wrongly displayed for attachments (like debdiff). Can this be fixed? send encoding utf-8 example: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/38752314/cryptsetup_1.0.6%2B20090405.svn49-1ubuntu7.3.debdiff [14:11] $ bzr pull [14:11] Using saved parent location: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~glen666/eventum/po/ [14:11] bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged. Use the missing command to see how. [14:11] Use the merge command to reconcile them. [14:12] glen: just run bzr merge [14:12] glen: I'll make a guess that launchpad has commited some translations, meaning your branches have diverged [14:12] how do i fix this? bzr missing just shows that two revisions missing, but how do i catch up? i seems have forgotten to bzr push to launchpad and automatic translatiojns overcommited [14:12] hmm, but merge tries to merge from saved location trunk, i should point it back to launchpad url? [14:13] http://pld.pastebin.com/f69aa2004 [14:13] ah, yeah, bzr merge bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~glen666/eventum/po/ :) [14:19] bac: ping [14:20] sinzui: hi [14:21] bac: I just heard that there is a massive replication lag happening right now [14:21] sinzui: i've been reading in lp-code to see what is happening. [14:21] bac: This probably means there will be many users who can register, but not create a launchpad profile [14:21] sinzui: you have tom on site so you probably know a lot more [14:22] I know that they are looking at killing jobs to stop tasking the system === salgado changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is feeling unwell but should be fully recovered real soon now || http://launchpad.net | Read https://help.launchpad.net for help | Recent problems browsing branches should be fixed. | Help contact: bac | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: see channel #launchpad-dev === matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch === salgado is now known as salgado-lunch [14:58] when is launchpad expected to be fully functional? [15:06] website appears back up... is it fully recovered? [15:09] all of my searches are returning no bugs... [15:14] Italian_Plumber: sorry for the inconvenience. no ETA yet, but we're working on diagnosing and fixing the problem. [15:15] no prob [15:15] I need to try to recreate my bug again anyway. [15:16] Is it possible to increase the timeout value that soyuz uses? [15:16] I believe I have a build that looks idle for > 150 minutes but actually will complete [15:17] Laney: so, is that build being aborted or canceled ? [15:18] al-maisan: the watcher makes it stop [15:18] I don't know what you call that [15:18] Laney: 2.5 hours .. what's that package/build doing so long? [15:18] al-maisan: armel. And it's a big chunky build. [15:19] lamont: can you shed some light on this please? [15:19] # Finished 2 hours ago (took 2 hours, 39 minutes, 45.0 seconds) [15:19] that was sparc [15:22] Laney: lamont is the right person to ask but it's probably too early for him .. he should join us in the 60-90 minutes or so. [15:22] in the next 60-90 minutes or so [15:23] i'll idle, no worries [15:23] it might be good to watch the buildd and see if anything is actually happening, if that is possible [15:23] https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/agda/2.2.6-2/+build/1480654 [15:36] isn't the output being monitored and the build aborted if there is no output for a given time (> 150min)? [15:38] so a build has to either work for over 150min on one file (before the next output is generated) or be very sparse in telling what is doing to in general [15:39] ugh, keyservers still not syncing? [15:43] TheUni: have you seen evidence the keyservers are not syncing? they were manually restarted yesterday. [15:44] bac: as i discussed with wgrant, i haven't been able to add a key. been waiting for ~10 hours [15:45] TheUni: sorry about that. i'll check on the status of the keyservers. [15:46] bac: great, thanks [15:48] TheUni: our admins are looking into it. thanks for your patience. [15:48] bac: np === matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara === salgado-lunch is now known as salgado [16:02] Laney: so make the build output something... that's how gcc gets around it. [16:03] smaller units of work also helps.... [16:03] yeah I thought about that [16:03] but what if it is genuinely hung? [16:03] someone will notice I guess [16:04] genuinely hung is what the timeout is for [16:04] oh, that's an absolute thing? [16:04] an arbitrarily absolute thing, yes. [16:04] fine [16:04] looks like it is hung again btw [16:05] lamont: you can probably just kill that build, I doubt it will make any progress before it is killed [16:05] that is, if we really need to,we could increase it (per package even), but seriously? 2.5 hours of no output? how is that different from "not making visible progress"? [16:06] that *is* "not making visible progress", but I don't know if it is "not making actual progress" [16:07] buildd 19178 53.2 68.9 618748 333008 ? D 15:58 4:43 | \_ /usr/lib/gcc/arm-linux-gnueabi/4.4.3/cc1 -quiet -I src/full/Agda/TypeChecking -I dist/build -I dist/build/autogen ... === salgado changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net | Read https://help.launchpad.net for help | Recent problems browsing branches should be fixed. | Help contact: bac | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: see channel #launchpad-dev [16:07] when the memory needs are 1.5x the total ram in the machine, there is some amount of issue. === salgado changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is back online. Please report any problems. || http://launchpad.net | Read https://help.launchpad.net for help | Recent problems browsing branches should be fixed. | Help contact: bac | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: see channel #launchpad-dev [16:08] yes, it is a hugely chunky build [16:09] bac: could you provide an eta when you have one please? if this is to be fixed soon I'd like to kick off a build before leaving for work [16:10] TheUni: could you try again now? === henninge_ is now known as henninge [16:24] TheUni: a root cause for the keyserver inconsistencies was identified and fixed. please let me know if you experience trouble. [16:30] bac, what was the problem with the keyserver? [16:31] salgado: spads reports there were some dns round-robin issues that he has fixed === djbclark is now known as Guest37668 [18:12] are there discussion forums at launchpad? [18:15] Italian_Plumber: no, but we have the answers application for covering some of that ground [18:18] what's generally discussed in here? [18:19] Launchpad usage / support questions [18:54] hi [18:54] could someone please explain me that: http://pastebin.com/d3acd206d [18:57] You can't re-use a version number [18:57] why? it'S the same package, just for a different series.. [18:58] It's a result of a decision to ensure that PPAs could be used for real user distribution. If you need to have the same package in multiple series, upload to the oldest series you support, and pocket-copy the packages forward. [18:59] thopiekar, you might want to use add ~series# to the version number [19:00] and do a proper package for each [19:00] is there a way to make that automaticly? maybe via a script.. [19:01] cannot report a bug (OOPS-1496K2941). Known problem? Workaround? [19:01] https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1496K2941 [19:02] It's not only the result of a decision, but of the fundamental design of apt that a package name-version-architecture must refer to a unique file, lest things become critically confused [19:03] k vvinet, thanks [19:04] besides, the build-depends, compat files, etc will be different on each series === huayra_ is now known as hubuntu === hubuntu is now known as huayra [19:27] hi leonardr - do you have any current plans to update the version of lazr.uris in the launchpad tree? the current one breaks the use of simple names for service roots (e.g. 'edge') [19:27] bac: you are talking about the 'uris' module in the version of launchpadlib packaged with launchpad? [19:29] what's wrong with it? [19:30] ie. how does it fail? [19:30] leonardr: perhaps it is the wrong package i'm blaming. [19:30] let me paste [19:31] leonardr: http://paste.ubuntu.com/369053/ [19:31] bac: launchpadlib is supposed to turn 'edge' into a real url [19:32] leonardr: yeah, i was looking too far down the stack [19:33] bac: does your uris.py have lookup_service_root? [19:35] yes [19:36] bac: try clearing out your compiled bytecode. the first line of my Launchpad.__init__ is: [19:36] service_root = uris.lookup_service_root(service_root) [19:36] yours is a call to super [19:42] leonardr: i looked in download-cache/dist/launchpadlib-1.5.4.tar.gz and the first line of the Launchpad constructor is the call to super [19:42] leonardr: are you looking at a launchpad tree or a checked out copy of launchpadlib? [19:43] bac: checked out copy. it's possible that this was a change added in development but not released yet [19:44] i think that may be the case [19:45] leonardr: perhaps it is time to release 1.5.5 [19:47] bac: or maybe launchpad got a pre-release version of 1.5.4 [19:48] leonardr: maybe. i assumed current development of lplib was 1.5.4 + new stuff [19:49] /MSG ChanServ FLAGS #ubuntu-ec PETRUX +votiA [19:49] bac: yes, but NEWS for launchpadlib includes 'short versions like 'edge' are respected everywhere' [19:49] sorry.. [19:49] leonardr: hmm [19:50] let me get a tarball [19:50] the 1.5.4 tarball does have a call to uris.lookup_service_root [19:51] or rather, the package from debian unstable (I assume they got the tar from there) [19:51] bac: yes, launchpadlib got a pre-release version [19:51] er, launchpad got [19:51] leonardr: darn. [19:51] leonardr: we could just replace the 1.5.4 in download-cache but that seems unhygienic [19:52] bac: also a huge hassle === matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk [20:14] leonardr: can i ask you a more interesting question relating to a problem with anonymous API access? [20:16] leonardr: we have an interface IDistributionPublic that includes a number of exported items. all of them are accessible via anonymous access except for one, the 'series' collection === salgado is now known as salgado-afk [20:23] bac: ok [20:24] bac: is this like bug #515761? [20:24] Launchpad bug 515761 in launchpad-foundations "Anonymous API access to some collections returns nothing" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/515761 [20:24] leonardr: bug 514447 [20:24] Launchpad bug 514447 in launchpad-registry "distribution.series empty with anonymous login" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/514447 [20:24] leonardr: they look related [20:24] bac: talk to jamalta, who is doing a branch for 515761 [20:26] leonardr: i'm confused, though. the interface in question defines two collections. one is visible the other returns empty. they have the same security settings, using in the zcml [20:27] bac: if launchpadlib says len() of the collection is nonzero, then the problem is that launchpad is filtering out the objects due to a lack of permission. unfortunately i don't know the details for specific launchpad objects [20:27] s/launchpad is filtering/lazr.restful is filtering/ [20:28] bac: that's related to what i'm currently working in [20:29] afaik, lazr.restfulclient is checking security.py for that. So you'll need a class for the interface that returns True for checkUnauthorized [20:29] i'm not even sure if webservices are checking the zcml [20:30] my tests lead me to believe that they're not, but my knowledge of this system is very limited [20:30] jamalta: even though the interface has in the zcml and not a permission? [20:30] bac: well, i don't know about that [20:31] bac: sorry, i only tested permission in the zcml [20:31] jamalta: have you pushed your branch? could you link it to bug 515761 ? [20:31] Launchpad bug 515761 in launchpad-foundations "Anonymous API access to some collections returns nothing" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/515761 [20:32] bac: i have not yet, let me do that [20:32] jamalta: thanks [20:36] bac: done [20:36] thanks [20:39] bac: np [20:41] bac: btw, a comment about the zcml. Something I found peculiar was that setting the permission to launchpad.Edit to something that worked anonymously, did not make a difference. That is what lead me to believe that the webservice is not checking the zcml at all, but I could be wrong about that. [20:41] jamalta: interesting [20:49] leonardr: fwiw, len(ubuntu.series) is non-zero but list(ubuntu.series) is [], as you suspected [20:59] bac: hm. that's interesting [21:08] jamalta: defining a security class for IDistroSeries allows the collection to be returned [21:31] bac: cool :) [21:31] bac: i still wonder whether it checks the zcml permissions or not, i don't know who we could ask [21:32] i tried to ask in launchpad-dev but haven't gotten an answer yet [22:06] hi jamalta [22:07] jamalta: if you would, please try running the test for xx-product-package-pages.txt in your branch [22:08] bac: sure, is it something i broke? [22:09] jamalta: i think the typo fix for ViewProductSeries exposes a problem [22:09] bac: ah [22:09] i made that same typo fix in my branch and the test fails [22:09] i just wanted to confirm with you [22:10] bac: i'm checking now [22:10] sorry it takes forever to run a test [22:14] bac: i have an error on line 46, is this what you're referring to? [22:15] jamalta, bac: Why do both of those branches have specific fixes? [22:15] When one general one would work fine if a little examination was done? [22:16] wgrant: well, my fixes relate to bug #515761, i hadn't seen the bug bac is working on until he mentioned it [22:16] Launchpad bug 515761 in launchpad-foundations "Anonymous API access to some collections returns nothing" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/515761 [22:16] wgrant: from the comment francis made on the bug, he didn't want to have a blanket grant of launchpad.View on all interfaces [22:17] jamalta: yes, that is the error [22:17] Ah, I didn't see flacoste's comment. [22:17] Although I do not see how restricting to authenticated users is any significant amount of additional security. [22:18] jamalta: why don't you back out your fix for ViewProductSeries and i'll deal with it in my branch [22:18] bac: hm ok [22:19] bac: should i just undo the change and commit again? [22:21] jamalta: comment out the permission line and put an XXX comment referring to bug 514447 [22:21] Launchpad bug 514447 in launchpad-registry "distribution.series empty with anonymous login" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/514447 [22:21] bac: ok [22:24] jamalta: run your tests again before submitting that. it may break your project series tests [22:33] bac: thanks for notifying me of the issue [22:34] jamalta: have a look at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/369156/ [22:34] this patch corrects the permissioning problem [22:34] if you don't mind another iteration, i think it best you undo your last change and then apply this patch [22:34] bac: i don't mind at all [22:34] that way you won't have to explain the silly XXX i forced on you [22:34] you want to carry this on my branch instead of yours, though? [22:34] bac: haha ok [22:34] thanks [22:35] jamalta: do you have a test for anonymous web access of project.series? [22:35] bac: yes [22:36] ok, good, then you definitely need that patch [22:36] bac: alright, sounds good [22:36] thanks so much [22:36] your test would probably fail with the XXX "solution" [22:36] np [22:36] it would've taken me ages to figure that one out [22:36] bac: right, i didn't think of that [22:38] bac: your patch did fix the test :) === jamalta is now known as jamalta-afk [23:20] If somebody has two PPA's a stable and a nightly, owned by the same team, how do you distinguish which PPA you're pulling from? [23:20] nevermind..... [23:20] Had a moment of stupidity === hggdh_ is now known as hggdh