
eggonleahi, any tips to solve the "sudo: must be setuid root" issue when running "sudo" command in a chroot+qemu-arm-static environment?06:49
* persia tests06:52
persiaWell, it doesn't happen in my lucid armel chroot (on amd64), so I wonder if there is some other factor involved.06:53
persiaWhat does `ls -l /usr/bin/sudo` show?06:53
eggonleait's of correct attribute06:53
persia-rswr-xr-x ?06:54
eggonlea-rwsr-xr-x 2 root root 98880 Jan 29 15:29 /usr/bin/sudo06:54
eggonleathe problem, I think, is in /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static06:54
eggonleais it?06:54
persiaHrm.  I saw this before when the rootfs data had been copied in and out of a FAT32 filesystem, but that's not your issue.]06:55
persiaWell, I'd agree, except that I don't get that message :)06:55
persiaHow did you construct your chroot?06:55
eggonleabuild-arm-chroot lucid06:55
eggonleaI chroot this arm rootfs in a x86 PC06:56
eggonleaso "sudo" after "chroot" is executed via qemu-arm-static actually06:56
persiaLooking at build-arm-chroot, I don't know of any reason that command wouldn't build the chroot you expect.06:57
eggonleaso, do you mean you could run sudo command correctly in such a chroot env?06:57
persiaI'm on amd64.  Are you on i386?  I wonder if that might be a difference.06:57
eggonleaI'm running Karmic on i38606:58
persiaIn that case, I'm inclined to agree with you that it's qemu-arm-static, as that seems to have been changed between karmic and lucid.06:59
eggonleaI tried chroot into an "installed arm rootfs from livecd" as well. same error.06:59
persiabuild-arm-chroot is the same.06:59
eggonleaso I don't think it's caused by build-arm-chroot.07:01
persiaNeither I, as my chroot is also created by build-arm-chroot (albeit embedded from another script)07:01
persiaAnyone else using build-arm-chroot with Karmic?  Do you get the error eggonlea mentions?07:02
eggonleapersia, what's your Ubuntu version on amd64?07:06
persiaUpgraded just a few hours back.07:07
persiaI don't recommend this for production use unless you're prepared to get two pieces when it breaks, but it's a good way to check to make sure one's preferred bugs get fixed.07:07
* eggonlea testing in Lucid/vmware07:08
persiaNow there's an idea!07:08
persiaIf you see a difference, file a bug clearly indicating that it doesn't work in karmic and it does work in Lucid.  I'm not sure we can get an update, but a backport is likely possible if a few people can test.07:09
* eggonlea hates the slow network...07:19
eggonleasame error in lucid/vmware + build-arm-chroot/qemu-arm-static07:52
persiaVery odd.  I wonder why I don't get the error.07:56
persiaPlease file a bug about this (`ubuntu-bug qemu-kvm`)07:57
eggonleado you have i386 host?07:57
persiaI don't.  Just amd64.07:58
eggonleabug filed.08:09
eggonleathanks for your kindness.08:09
loolpersia: Great to see qemu-arm-static support in ubuntu-dev-scripts!  You might want to test for presence of build-arm-chroot instead of checking whether the arch is either i386 or amd64 (error would then be "you need the qemu-arm-static package..." and you could use a suggests instead of recommends); BTW the package just got renamed to qemu-kvm-extras-static14:16
dmartasac: hi16:12
persialool: I did in mk-sbuild-lv.  I'm not as sure how to do that with pbuilder-dist.  I'd appreciate a hand if you have any ideas.18:05
loolpersia: Sure18:10
loolpersia: I thought you implemented that though?18:10
persiapython != shell :)18:12
persiaPlus, the logic in pbuilder-dist is particularly opaque to me.18:12
persia(plus I don't use pbuilder, which makes verification interesting)18:13
loolpersia: Sorry, to clarify: you're more confortable writing shell than python and you would prefer me to improve the logic in pbuilder-dist; correct?18:22
looldmart: asac is travelling in the west coast; might be easier to email him18:22
persialool: please :)18:23
dmartlool: I did... not urgent anyway. Thanks18:23
asacdmart: hi18:24
dmartOh, hi there18:24
asacwhat can i do ;)?18:24
dmarthow's the sprint?18:24
StevenKlool: He isn't travelling, he's at the sprint, and has been for 4 days18:24
asacquite good ... some crisis here and there ;) ... but we seem to have a good new lead on dove18:24
asacwill know more soon18:24
loolStevenK: He is not at home, so he is on travel for work, hence travelling; sorry if my English explanations suck, but the effect is the same   :-)18:25
* persia blames the awkwardnesses of English spelling and grammar18:26
dmartat least it's not C++ grammar18:27
persiaAt least that's documented in a single way :)18:27
* StevenK laments his lack of C++ to make a joke that builds on dmart's joke18:28
loolC++?  haha18:28
asacdmart: wonder ... could you add examples or give pointers how to properly do the "mov" fixes for thumb218:28
asacwould like to get the thumb2 list down a bit more this week18:29
dmartI had some thoughts about that...  did you get a chance to look at the stuff on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/Thumb2PortingHowto18:30
dmartIt still rather incomplete, but progressing gradually.18:30
dmartI've tried to keep the amount of extra information down, but it may still be quite indigestible to a newcomer.18:31
dmartI was thinking maybe we should schedule a sort of mini-sprint with some mobile team guys sometime next week... the best way to get people up to speed may be for everyone to pick up a package and try to work out how to fix it... then watch the discussion on IRC.18:33
dmartDoes that sound like a good idea?18:33
asacdmart: no ... didnt know that page exists18:35
* asac checks18:35
asaclooks like a good start18:35
asacwill check that18:35
asacdmart: ^18:35
asacdmart: yes. i like the idea of making porting sessions18:36
asaci think we fixed almost all swp ones now18:36
asac(boost upload pending)18:36
asacso mov is the most pressing one left i think18:36
dmartYes... particularly since these don't generally show up as ftbfs, we need to be more careful.18:36
dmartOK; I'll probably try and flesh out the missing bits of that wiki page by early next week and we can discuss the way forward at the ubuntu-mobile IRC meeiting.18:38
dmartasac: ^ I was trying to look at the evolution-data-server update to help sanity-check, but looking in debian/patches I couldn't find the new patches described in the update.18:40
dmartShould I see the patches after apt-get source, or do I actually need to build the package (or look in bzr etc.)18:40
asacdmart: i also committed it to bzr, yes.18:43
asacdmart: you couldnt find the patches?18:44
asacguess i messed that18:44
asacdarn ;)18:44
dmartI think I have the right package version; debian/changelog mentions the patches18:44
dmartI tried a build anyway... it hasn't fallen over yet, but it's not finished...18:45
asaci think i failed to add it to bzr18:45
asacsigh ... i knew i should have uploaded without doing bzr first18:45
asacguess i have to redo it18:45
* asac hopes he still has the build tree somewhere18:46
persiaAs far as I can tell, if one uploads whilst ignoring bzr, automated systems do the right thing.18:46
asacgood still have it in a porter bux18:46
asacpersia: i remembered seb wanting me to commit it18:47
asacso i wanted to be nice18:47
* asac goes and redoes18:47
loolasac: You might have it in your checkout still18:47
loolor in the package itself18:47
loolAh no18:47
loolYour debdiff is definitely empty18:47
asaci did the checkout in /tmp/ ;)18:48
asacbut i found it on the porter machine :-P18:48
asacdmart: you can check boost1.4018:49
dmartok... I'll try and take a look, probably tomorrow.18:50
asacmake more sense18:51
asacdmart: check boost1.4018:51
asaci think thats uploaded ;)18:51
dmartok, will do18:51
Marrshi all, I'm looking for some information about running openjdk on ARM, does anybody here have links to some info on this (are there binary packages available for it, etc..)?20:29
loolMarrs: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openjdk-620:39
loolMarrs: The latest lucid version is still building on armel, but yes, there are usually binaries available for armel20:40
persiaThere's been a couple reports about some code paths causing VM issues, so heavy testing and reporting of any issues would be very welcome.20:40
Marrsideally, I'm looking for a stable binary release, so that would be the karmik one?20:40
Marrskarmic that is :)20:41
Marrspersia: I'm definitely going to try to kick its tires :)20:41
persiakarmic is a stable binary release, but if you find issues, those are easier to fix in lucid (and moreso if previously verified in lucid).20:42
persiaI'd recommend starting with karmic, and maybe testing against lucid in a chroot if you encounter issues.20:42
Marrspersia: understood20:42
Marrsbtw, I'm not so experienced in the ARM architecture, I'm more of a Java guy, could you take a look at this ARM based board and tell me if you think it will run openjdk? (looking up link now..)20:43
persiaBetter question is whether it can run Ubuntu, and which releases :)20:44
persiaRunning OpenJDK is mostly a side-effect of that.20:44
Marrsfair enough... supplier says it can run ubuntu, I have yet to find out which version, but this is the board: http://www.msc-ge.com/de/produkte/com/exm32/3640-www.html20:44
Marrswhoops, that was the german page, hit the english flag in the top right corner for an instant translation ;)20:45
persiaDeutsh ist also gut.20:46
* persia can't spell today20:46
Marrs;) ok20:46
persiaI'd recommend against this one.  I think it can run Jaunty with a custom kernel, but it wouldn't be able to run karmic or lucid.20:47
Marrsouch :(20:48
Marrswhat's the main problem?20:48
Marrsor, what type of board should I look for20:50
persiaYou want something that can handle the ARMv7 ISA.20:56
persiaSo, if looking at something using an i.MX processor, you'll want at least the i.MX51.20:57
persiaThere's also stuff from other vendors, of course :)20:57
Marrsif you have any links to a board you could recommend, that would be welcome21:03
loolMarrs: The boards which are officially supported in Ubuntu kernels aren't that cheap or common, but it's improving quickly; popular boards around here are OMAP 35xx or 34xx based boards e.g. beagleboard21:06
loolbeagleboard is probably the one we get the most pinged about21:06
MarrsI'll look for those and see if we can use them21:06
armin76lool: +available21:16

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