StevenK | crimsun: I can do so, if you wish | 00:00 |
crimsun | StevenK: up to you; mostly merged locally | 00:00 |
StevenK | crimsun: Go ahead and finish, tis cool | 00:01 |
crimsun | StevenK: cheers | 00:03 |
Keybuk | cjwatson: a good translation for "Canonical" might be: malughwI'qu' | 00:06 |
Keybuk | lit. "we are ALWAYS right" | 00:06 |
ogra | ev_, cjwatson, is it not possible anymore to install oem-config without getting the whole of ubiquity ? | 00:14 |
ev_ | ogra: oem-config is ubiquity | 00:14 |
ev_ | they were merged | 00:15 |
ogra | (i really dont want ubiquity on installed systems) | 00:15 |
ogra | hrm | 00:15 |
ev_ | in recent versions of oem-config, it removes itself once completed successfully | 00:15 |
ogra | right, thats what i want | 00:15 |
ogra | but i dont want the use to be able to muck about with partitions etc | 00:15 |
ogra | *user | 00:16 |
ev_ | sure, understandable | 00:16 |
lifeless | Riddell: you can also use 'bzr branch git://...' | 00:21 |
ogra | ev_, so if they were merged, is there still the old whiptail/debconf interface for commandline systems or is that gone with the merge ? | 00:22 |
ev_ | ogra: there's a debconf_ui frontend | 00:23 |
ogra | ok | 00:23 |
TheMuso | Anybody got any idea why kvm in lucid is causing my capslock key to be held down? | 00:23 |
ev_ | ogra: you'll see it if you do an oem server install | 00:23 |
ogra | is that autoselected if there is no X up or do i need to set anything specific ? | 00:23 |
superm1 | ev_, i dont think the automatic removal stuff is working right. perhaps might address it though | 00:25 |
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slangasek | smoser: the "uec-specific hack to redirect console output" - that's gone now in lucid, yes? | 00:31 |
ev_ | ogra: if no other frontends are installed, it will just use the debconf_ui frontend. You can explicitly use the debconf_ui by running `oem-config debconf_ui` | 00:31 |
ogra | ah, nice | 00:31 |
ev_ | superm1: why is that necessary? | 00:31 |
ogra | and if i understand the upstart script right i only need to touch /var/lib/oem-config/run to make it do its firstboot magic ? | 00:32 |
TheMuso | Hrm things are ok if I don't run the kvm command in the background. | 00:32 |
superm1 | ev_, well i'm not seeing any templates on the installed system, so either copy_debconf was failing or they didn't get populated during postisnt into the debconf cache | 00:33 |
superm1 | (or both) | 00:33 |
smoser | slangasek, yes. i use console output now and it works fine. well, and it doesn't run in sysv anymore, but a upstart script. | 00:40 |
slangasek | smoser: "it"? | 00:40 |
slangasek | you mean you still have a hack in place? | 00:41 |
smoser | well, that used to run via ec2-init init script, which ran from sysvinit | 00:41 |
smoser | but it now runs in upstart job, and writes to console using 'console output' | 00:42 |
smoser | so, no, dont need hack | 00:42 |
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* ccheney uploaded 13 packages today :) | 00:46 | |
bryce2 | jdstrand, agd57 | 00:46 |
bryce2 | jdstrand, on #radeon | 00:46 |
=== David-T is now known as Guest57528 | ||
lifeless | james_w: is there a plan to import experimental as well ? | 00:49 |
james_w | it is done already | 00:49 |
lifeless | james_w: \o/ | 00:51 |
james_w | lifeless: debhelper is safe to delete | 00:53 |
lifeless | james_w: cleaned | 00:57 |
james_w | lifeless: thanks | 00:57 |
lifeless | james_w: looks the same to me | 01:06 |
lifeless | james_w: I'm trying to learn the pattern to look for, so feedback appreciated | 01:17 |
james_w | lifeless: repeated collisions in debian over a short period of time some months ago or earlier | 01:18 |
james_w | that does indeed look the same | 01:18 |
james_w | anything with the longer bug description is probably something difference | 01:18 |
ccheney | mvo: bug 516727, any idea? | 01:26 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 516727 in "could not do system upgrade error message E: Couldn\'t configure pre-depend for, probably a dependency cycle." [Undecided,New] | 01:26 |
mvo | ccheney: I have a look in a bit | 01:33 |
slangasek | ccheney: why is there a pre-depends? | 01:38 |
lifeless | bryce2: so, why is mesa 7.7 in experimental ? | 01:38 |
slangasek | ccheney: oh, ignore me; I read the message backwards, I know what the pre-dep is | 01:38 |
ccheney | ok | 01:39 |
Sarvatt | is it intended (or known) that nothing plymouth related is getting put in the initrd right now? | 01:42 |
persia | Sarvatt: Might be a local issue: some people are reporting the opposite. | 01:43 |
slangasek | no, it's quite deliberate | 01:43 |
slangasek | it's *not* supposed to be in the initramfs | 01:43 |
* persia is happily corrected | 01:43 | |
slangasek | putting it in the initramfs means putting the framebuffer in the initramfs, means everything else is delayed until that's done when it could have been started in parallel | 01:44 |
slangasek | (also, you might prefer an initramfs that doesn't have, oh, pango) | 01:44 |
ogra | why ? | 01:44 |
ogra | :) | 01:44 |
ccheney | i have enough ram just put all of ubuntu into initramfs :) | 01:45 |
Sarvatt | why have a splash at all if it's only going to be shown for ~1 second then? | 01:45 |
persia | Um, how long does that take to load when booting? | 01:45 |
slangasek | because splash is not the purpose of plymouth, it's just a side-effect :) | 01:45 |
slangasek | plymouth gives us serialization of boot-time interaction | 01:46 |
ccheney | persia: ~ 2GB linear read, hmm yea more than 10s :) | 01:46 |
Sarvatt | it doesnt show the splash until ~9-16 seconds in on my 4 machines, then goes away a second later when X starts | 01:46 |
slangasek | and it works on things other than a graphics-capable framebuffer | 01:46 |
slangasek | Sarvatt: the job dependency chain there is mountall (virtual-filesystems) -> udev -> udevtrigger -> plymouth-splash; there may be some optimization that needs to be done yet at the mountall stage | 01:51 |
slangasek | oh right - ureadahead inserts itself before mountall | 01:52 |
Sarvatt | why are the initramfs-tools hooks/scripts still shipped if they don't do anything? its not even possible to put it in the initrd with plymouth-set-default-theme --rebuild-initrd anymore for people who would like to see a splash like in the previous version | 01:53 |
slangasek | they do things for certain cases where questions need to be asked in the initramfs | 01:54 |
slangasek | (e.g., cryptsetup) | 01:54 |
slangasek | you could set the FRAMEBUFFER=y option in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/conf-hooks.d/ to force it | 01:55 |
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Raydiation | hm im just packaging a package vor lucid and im in the control file where it says Depends ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} | 02:14 |
Raydiation | i need these dependencies: python-lxml python-django python-mutagen apache2 sqlite3 libapache2-mod-wsgi python-pysqlite | 02:14 |
Raydiation | how do i add them? | 02:15 |
Hobbsee | Raydiation: usually, by adding their corresponding -dev packages to the build depends | 02:25 |
Raydiation | Hobbsee: ty | 02:25 |
Hobbsee | yw | 02:26 |
StevenK | cjwatson: You fixed the grub-pc error that just made -netbook blow up in a screaming heap? | 02:56 |
Laibsch | lool: I'd like to talk to you about kasumi if you have a minute | 02:59 |
ccheney | why is qemu-arm-static now a recommends of ubuntu-dev-tools? | 04:09 |
ccheney | persia: i'm looking at you :-P | 04:10 |
ScottK | Reccomends sounds pretty heavy. | 04:10 |
ccheney | ScottK: yea sounds a bit odd | 04:10 |
ScottK | (even if it's spelled right) | 04:10 |
ScottK | I'd say go ahead and drop it to suggests. | 04:10 |
ccheney | registration just opened for Debconf 10 :) | 04:11 |
micahg | was language-support-translations replaced with language-pack? | 05:08 |
Laibsch1 | Ubuntu is not present at FOSDEM? | 05:09 |
persia | ccheney, ScottK: feel free to make it Suggests: if you think that's better. | 06:19 |
micahg | can someone please tell me which package to depend on in place of language-support-translations-XX | 06:26 |
dupondje | pitti: nice quick fix for xorg :) | 07:21 |
KevinK | I don't suppose anyone knows where I can find a java irc channel do they? #java seems to be invite only. (Thats what IRC is telling me unless im smoking something :) | 07:34 |
jussi01 | KevinK /msg alis help list | 07:48 |
jussi01 | KevinK: you can search the channels with alis :) | 07:49 |
KevinK | ahh. thanks | 07:49 |
lool | Riddell: Not really; sorry; perhaps reassign if these are urgent | 08:45 |
Laibsch | lool: Are you coming to FOSDEM? I'd also like to talk with you about kasumi if you have the time. | 08:50 |
lool | Laibsch: I originally intended to but cancelled | 09:04 |
Laibsch | unfortunate | 09:04 |
lool | Laibsch: I saw your ping earlier, but you weren't online; I'm afraid you pinged me at 3 or 4 am my time | 09:04 |
Laibsch | Ubuntu is not present there? | 09:04 |
lool | At least one person is going | 09:04 |
lool | Probably two | 09:05 |
Laibsch | Hehe, me? | 09:05 |
lool | (sorry, from Canonical; there are more Ubuntu people coming) | 09:05 |
Laibsch | Well | 09:05 |
Laibsch | Can we talk briefly about kasumi? | 09:05 |
lool | e.g. pkg-multimedia people are coming | 09:05 |
lool | Laibsch: Sure | 09:05 |
Laibsch | cool | 09:05 |
Laibsch | thanks | 09:05 |
lool | Laibsch: How did the patches get received upstream? | 09:05 |
Laibsch | Ikuya-san, the maintainer of kasumi said they should be in the next release | 09:06 |
lool | Laibsch: That's nice, when is it slated for? | 09:06 |
Laibsch | but I have seen no activity to that effect in CVS/SVN or whatever they use :-( | 09:06 |
Laibsch | not a set date | 09:07 |
Laibsch | I previously thought they had a fixed six-months schedule | 09:07 |
Laibsch | but that would have been about ten days ago ;-) | 09:07 |
lool | Laibsch: Did they give you the impression they understood the changes and the value of the changes? | 09:07 |
Laibsch | to be honest | 09:07 |
Laibsch | I'm quite sure they don't | 09:08 |
Laibsch | At least not Ikuya-San | 09:08 |
Laibsch | And I have not had any reaction from anybody else | 09:08 |
lool | That's a pity | 09:08 |
Laibsch | They will likely apply them nonetheless ;-) | 09:08 |
Laibsch | I'll keep pushing the topic from time to time | 09:09 |
Laibsch | Anyways | 09:09 |
Laibsch | Finding a sponsor has been more difficult than I thought. So far I've talked to four Japanese DD and they all are generally helpful and well-meaning. | 09:10 |
Laibsch | But none of them seem to (knowingly) use the package (not a surprise, it's fairly minimal and could be mistaken to be part of another package) | 09:10 |
Laibsch | kasumi is just the front-end to manipulate a dictionary with entries for conversion from Kana characters to Kanji | 09:11 |
lool | persia: Do you use kasumi? ^ | 09:11 |
Laibsch | lucid DebianImportFreeze is looming and I'm starting to be afraid none of them may act on the thing in time | 09:11 |
lool | persia: Context: trying to find people who can review the package | 09:12 |
Laibsch | the package is easy enough | 09:12 |
lool | Laibsch: Don't worry about DebianImportFreeze, but do try hard to get it in ASAP | 09:12 |
Laibsch | it has a fully English interface | 09:12 |
Laibsch | Well, I also want to improve scim-anthy which isn't in the best of shapes, either | 09:12 |
Laibsch | so, clearing kasumi would help me do that | 09:12 |
Laibsch | lool: I think you would be in a position to test the app | 09:13 |
Laibsch | it's really VERY simple | 09:13 |
Laibsch | if you have the time, I'd appreciate if you considered sponsoring it into Debian | 09:13 |
lool | Laibsch: If you tell me upstream will eventually merge the fixes, I'm ok with taking an intermediate package which only has the packaging updates | 09:13 |
Laibsch | I have also pinged broonie about it, but the last time I talked to him he said he would be busy for a while. | 09:14 |
lool | Laibsch: Could you find one third party to test it in Debian? | 09:14 |
lool | I can do the sourceful review and the upload parts, but would prefer if we'd test these | 09:14 |
Laibsch | what do you mean intermediate package? | 09:14 |
lool | A package with all the fixes we exchanged about, except the autotools ones | 09:15 |
Laibsch | what kind of test would you be looking for? start the program, click a few buttons and make sure it doesn't bomb? | 09:15 |
Laibsch | intermediate meaning *just* those fixes and nothing else? | 09:15 |
lool | Laibsch: Oh more fixes are fine :) | 09:15 |
Laibsch | OK | 09:15 |
Laibsch | I was afraid I'd have to pull out other stuff | 09:16 |
lool | Laibsch: I just don't think it's maintainable to add the autotools fixes downstream | 09:16 |
Laibsch | I wouldn't have had the time | 09:16 |
Laibsch | agreed | 09:16 |
Laibsch | all the fixes are in the mentors package: | 09:19 |
Laibsch | lool: what kind of test would you be looking for? start the program, click a few buttons and make sure it doesn't bomb? | 09:28 |
Laibsch | has to be done by a DD? or just a Debian user? | 09:28 |
sebnerr | AH, whats with that Bug that mouse and keyboard is not working when gdm starts | 09:35 |
lool | Laibsch: Sorry, got distracted by phone | 09:43 |
lool | Laibsch: Some trustworthy user or preferably developer would be great | 09:44 |
Laibsch | OK | 09:44 |
lool | Laibsch: Yeah, just that there are no major regressions basically | 09:44 |
Laibsch | I think you could easily verify yourself | 09:44 |
Laibsch | The program has what, like 3 buttons? | 09:44 |
Laibsch | it *really* is very simple | 09:45 |
debfx | why isn't virtualbox-guest-additions synced from debian testing? it doesn't have ubuntu specific changes | 10:01 |
Laibsch | ArneGoetje: maybe you'd be available to test the kasumi package as well? (see discussion above with lool) | 11:05 |
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micahg | hi, can someone please tell me which package to depend on in place of language-support-translations-XX | 15:01 |
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk | ||
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates | ||
micahg | pitti: for thunderbird-locales should I depend on language-pack-xx now instead of language-support-translations-XX | 15:57 |
lifeless | ls /win 82 | 16:57 |
* jpds hands lifeless £82. | 16:58 | |
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Keybuk | pitti: hai | 17:51 |
Keybuk | pitti: __abort_msg | 17:51 |
persia | lool: I don't use it, but you're the second person to ask for it to be reviewed. I'll take a look. | 18:04 |
lifeless | cr3: where art thou? | 18:10 |
cr3 | lifeless: you found me, and I added you to my calendar just in case I forget... or get distracted by a shiny object | 18:13 |
pitti | micahg: I wonder whether we need it at all; these days, language selector installs the necessary packages | 18:17 |
pitti | Keybuk: hi | 18:17 |
pitti | Keybuk: __abort_msg ? | 18:17 |
micahg | pitti: k, but not for thunderbird yet | 18:17 |
pitti | oh -- that should be fixed then | 18:18 |
Keybuk | pitti: yeah, was just reading the glib bug | 18:18 |
Keybuk | are you happy for libnih to just keep on using __abort_msg ? | 18:18 |
micahg | yes, but maybe not for Lucid | 18:18 |
pitti | Keybuk: sure; I don't have a problem with it, I just reverted it in glib because other distros have apparently | 18:18 |
Keybuk | pitti: I made it a weak symbol in libnih | 18:19 |
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Keybuk | so if glibc doesn't have it, it's not used | 18:19 |
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lifeless | pitti: yo. package branches... we should talk | 18:28 |
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pitti | lifeless: o/ (sorry, currently busy with sth. else) | 18:46 |
lifeless | pitti: think we can make time before 6pm tomorrow ? :) | 18:47 |
pitti | sure | 18:47 |
pitti | lifeless: I'll find you after my current task | 18:48 |
lifeless | heh, I'm slated with cr3 shortly. | 18:50 |
cr3 | lifeless: I might be ready earlier, so I'll ping you when ready | 18:52 |
lifeless | cr3: I'm still prepping a test package | 18:52 |
lifeless | cr3: so no rush | 18:52 |
Mad_Gouki | Will Firefox 3.6 be put in the repositories soon or will it be updated when lucid comes out? | 19:17 |
micahg | Mad_Gouki: Firefox 3.6 is in Lucid | 19:18 |
Mad_Gouki | yes but what about karmic? | 19:18 |
hwilde | anybody know if talk and talkd are discontinued or whatnot? | 19:18 |
micahg | Mad_Gouki: some point...not sure exact;y when yet, you can get from the mozilla team's PPa | 19:18 |
micahg | ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable | 19:19 |
Mad_Gouki | ah, thank you micahg | 19:19 |
sebner | pitti: /me thinks gdm start up too early so keyboard and mouse are not working. I think we had that bug in the past already | 19:22 |
alkisg | Today's (or yesterday's, depending on the timezone) updates made my amd64 installation crash after 1-2 minutes of usage. This also happens for me with the i386 daily live. | 19:36 |
alkisg | Is there any way to mass-downgrade the following list, to verify which one of them is causing the problem? | 19:36 |
pitti | sebner: weird; it does wait on udev to finish | 19:39 |
sebner | pitti: I can't use my mouse or keyboard so I have to do a hard reset. My workaround for now is starting in recovery mode and starting gdm there | 19:40 |
mdeslaur | sebner: you get a freeze at the gdm login screen? | 19:40 |
sebner | mdeslaur: I'm not sure, I think it's a freeze sometimes and sometimes just not taking input | 19:41 |
mdeslaur | sebner: is that with nvidia? | 19:41 |
sebner | mdeslaur: aye | 19:41 |
sebner | mdeslaur: since yesterday | 19:41 |
sebner | mdeslaur: before the last nvidia update(yesterday) though | 19:42 |
ion | mdeslaur, sebner: I have that issue due to a race between X and plymouth since a recent plymouth upload. It helps to keep hitting ctrl-alt-F1 immediately when X appears, and to only return to X after getting to the virtual console first. | 19:42 |
sebner | hmm | 19:42 |
mdeslaur | sebner: I have the same...happens about 1 out of 2 boots. Curiously, this morning when I booted I was frozen at the gdm screen, but when typing I could see graphical corruption near the top of the screen. | 19:43 |
sebner | I'll try that | 19:43 |
sebner | but I have the feeling that it gdm works normally in 1 out of 10 cases | 19:43 |
sebner | mdeslaur: I saw that too a few minutes ago but for the first time | 19:43 |
lifeless | james_w: could you send another mail about 'hey here is the udd list and its good' to u-d ? | 19:44 |
james_w | lifeless: yes | 19:44 |
lifeless | james_w: pitti and seb amongst others were like 'huh' when I asked if they were on the list ;) | 19:44 |
lifeless | james_w: cool, thanks | 19:44 |
Q-FUNK | hi! is there any instruction on how to convert an init script to an upstart job? | 19:51 |
Q-FUNK | I'd like to convert the init scripts of cups and pulseaudio. | 19:52 |
lifeless | bryce2: there are other patches I've put in upstream bugzilla but they are cosmetic so I don't really care :) | 19:53 |
bryce2 | lifeless, well I can pull them in too if you'd like | 20:02 |
bryce2 | lifeless, btw turned out the patches just needed -p0 instead of -p1 | 20:02 |
lifeless | ah | 20:02 |
lifeless | | 20:03 |
bryce2 | lifeless, uploading now | 20:03 |
ubottu | Freedesktop bug 26389 in Server/general "small randr code cleanup" [Normal,New] | 20:03 |
bryce2 | lifeless, it's been my experience that the xorg-server bug tracker bug reports largely get ignored; upstream pays attention mostly just to the drivers | 20:03 |
bryce2 | so the trick I usually use for xorg-server bugs is to "accidentally" file them against a driver | 20:04 |
bryce2 | however in this case since it's an xrandr feature against xvfb, can't use that trick | 20:04 |
bdmurray | stgraber: should bug 516403 be invalid then? | 20:05 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 516403 in ltspfs "Please merge ltspfs (0.5.14-1) from Debian Testing" [Undecided,New] | 20:05 |
bryce2 | lifeless, an alternate approach is to give the patches to debian (jcristau @ #debian-x or #ubuntu-x) and he can also push into upstream X git if appropriate | 20:05 |
lifeless | | 20:05 |
ubottu | Freedesktop bug 26376 in DDX/vfb "Typo in Xvfb help." [Normal,New] | 20:05 |
pitti | mdeslaur: would you mind to add upstream bug links to the g-p-m patches? | 20:06 |
pitti | mdeslaur: thanks in advance! | 20:07 |
cr3 | lifeless: ready, where are you? | 20:07 |
lifeless | bryce2: those are the other two bugs anyhow | 20:07 |
lifeless | cr3: in my chair :). One sec... | 20:08 |
bryce2 | lifeless, ok in my gtg todo list, I'll take a look within the next few days. | 20:09 |
ari-tczew | pitti: could you sponsor merges for main? | 20:09 |
lifeless | bryce2: thanks! | 20:09 |
mdeslaur | pitti: I haven't submitted them yet...they're to go with gnome-screensaver being a dbus service | 20:09 |
lifeless | bryce2: like I say though, they don't really matter - just little things I noticed in the code as I explored the RANDR interface | 20:09 |
pitti | ari-tczew: I'm a core-dev, yes | 20:09 |
ari-tczew | pitti: have time now? | 20:10 |
ari-tczew | I'm waiting too long | 20:10 |
pitti | ari-tczew: please just subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors | 20:10 |
pitti | no need to block on a single person | 20:10 |
ari-tczew | Subscribed. | 20:10 |
lifeless | cr3: ok, I'm waiting for a PPA build | 20:10 |
pitti | thanks | 20:10 |
lifeless | cr3: so that I have something approximating test code to work with with you | 20:10 |
cr3 | lifeless: no problem, I have plenty to work on in the meanwhile | 20:11 |
lifeless | k I'll get back to you | 20:12 |
ari-tczew | pitti: my debdiffs are there: bug 503136 ; bug 499671 | 20:12 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 503136 in dmraid "Merge dmraid 1.0.0.rc16-2 (main) from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 20:12 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 499671 in texinfo "Merge 4.13a.dfsg.1-5 (main) from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 20:12 |
pitti | ari-tczew: I won't touch the dmraid stuff, I don't understand this at all; I can take a look at texinfo | 20:13 |
ari-tczew | ok | 20:14 |
TheMuso | ari-tczew: I'l take care of dmraid. | 20:19 |
ari-tczew | TheMuso: great! | 20:21 |
TheMuso | ari-tczew: `There is a newer version in Debian, you may want to merge again with that. | 20:23 |
ari-tczew | TheMuso: could you wait for me? give me a 10 minutes | 20:25 |
TheMuso | ari-tczew: Sure, take your time. | 20:26 |
bdmurray | james_w: does have the right reviewer? | 20:39 |
bryce2 | apw, good news, -nouveau suspends | 20:40 |
bryce2 | apw, now resume on the other hand... | 20:40 |
persia | heh | 20:41 |
ari-tczew | TheMuso: go ahead | 20:43 |
TheMuso | ari-tczew: Thanks. | 20:44 |
apw | bryce2, ahhh welll, about the same as before then | 20:44 |
pitti | ArneGoetje: bug 407649 | 20:44 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 407649 in scim-anthy "Sync scim-anthy 1.2.7-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)." [Undecided,Incomplete] | 20:44 |
TheMuso | ari-tczew: Looks good, uploading. I added the launchpad bug to the changelog entry, so it will be closed on upload. Please ensure you add the launchpad bug number to changelog entries in future, so your sponsor request bug gets closed. | 20:51 |
bryce2 | apw, resume from hibernate also does not work | 20:51 |
apw | bah, what is with nvidia h/w, they just love to make it hard .... <- bryce2 | 20:52 |
ari-tczew | TheMuso, thanks! | 20:53 |
TheMuso | ari-tczew: You're welcome. | 20:53 |
Flimm | Hello, I'm trying to submit a proposal to freedesktop's mailing lists, but | 20:53 |
Flimm | I keep getting "not member" messages whenever I send an email | 20:53 |
Flimm | Is there a freedesktop membership? | 20:54 |
bryce2 | Flimm, yeah gotta join first | 20:56 |
Flimm | bryce2: how? | 20:56 |
Flimm | I've already subscribed to the mailing list | 20:57 |
jdstrand_ | dpm: | 20:57 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 459554 in gui-ufw "gufw wont detect the enabled state of ufw in karmic" [High,Fix released] | 20:57 |
dpm | ah, thanks jdstrand, looking... | 20:57 |
jdstrand_ | dpm: thank you! :) | 20:57 |
Flimm | I suppose I should join #freedesktop, what was I thinking? | 20:58 |
ari-tczew | TheMuso: could you sponsor one simple fakesync by bdrung? bug 511448 | 21:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 511448 in libxml-security-java "Fakesync libxml-security-java 1.4.3-2 (main) from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,Triaged] | 21:02 |
TheMuso | james_w: How often does the importer get run? It seems alsa-tools hasn't been updated from debian. Is this a known problem package? | 21:02 |
TheMuso | ari-tczew: I'll take a look when I get back in a little while. | 21:02 |
alkisg | How can I see if the daily-live 20100202 has xserver-xorg-core 2: or -10? I think that's what's causing my crashes... | 21:08 |
fale | hi | 21:10 |
pitti | alkisg: check the .manifest file on cdimage (same place as the .iso) | 21:10 |
alkisg | Ah, sorry, found it at the manifest. It has -ubuntu9, so I bet it'll work fine for me. Downloading.. | 21:10 |
alkisg | Thank you pitti | 21:10 |
ari-tczew | pitti: and what about merge texinfo? | 21:11 |
pitti | we'll get to it | 21:11 |
peppino87 | hi | 21:13 |
ari-tczew | hello | 21:13 |
james_w | TheMuso: it's not know problematic, I asked it to ensure that alsa-tools is up to date | 21:14 |
fale | hi peppino87 | 21:15 |
peppino87 | how do you create the official live-cds? | 21:15 |
cjwatson | the livecd-rootfs package builds the live filesystems | 21:16 |
cjwatson | (and the stuff in configs/devel there) deals with ISO assembly | 21:16 |
peppino87 | cjwatson: thank you | 21:19 |
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ari-tczew | pitti, TheMuso: could you sponsor too small fakesync? bug 512430 | 21:26 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 512430 in geronimo-jta-1.0.1b-spec "Fake sync geronimo-jta-1.0.1b-spec 1.1-1 (main) from Debian testing (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] | 21:26 |
peppino87 | cjwatson: do you have any how-to or similar to create an ISO? | 21:29 |
* fale is also interested in peppino87's question... anyone knows? | 21:34 | |
TheMuso | james_w: Thanks. | 22:01 |
james_w | TheMuso: should be up to date now | 22:01 |
TheMuso | cheers | 22:01 |
crimsun | would an archve admin please accept ptlib so that I can test opal? | 22:05 |
maxb | james_w: Hi - do you know when you might be able to have a look at bug 516464? Wondering whether I should consider doing a non-UDD merge, in absence of a working import. | 22:06 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 516464 in udd "Debian import branches are missing for 'subversion'" [Undecided,New] | 22:06 |
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james_w | maxb: looking | 22:15 |
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bryce2 | apw, I plugged a GeForce 7600 in, and it does resume, but freezes with a white screen :-/ | 22:21 |
bryce2 | apw, however it does not have the crash-on-invert-screen issue that the G8x cards did | 22:21 |
ari-tczew | james_w: could you sponsor 3 small fakesyncs for main? | 22:28 |
slangasek | why do you need to fakesync? | 22:28 |
slangasek | orig.tar.gz skew? | 22:28 |
ari-tczew | cleaning repositories | 22:29 |
ari-tczew | this is a problem? | 22:29 |
apw | bryce2, some good some bad | 22:29 |
directhex | it looks like i'm not the only one totally confused about the correct place to put browser plugins these days | 22:29 |
slangasek | ari-tczew: I'm asking why a fakesync is needed; I guess james_w knows since he's the one who said it was needed :) | 22:30 |
james_w | yeah orig.tar.gz mismatch | 22:30 |
ari-tczew | for autosync in future | 22:30 |
directhex | /usr/share/ubufox/plugins/ - okay, that's a new record for messed-up-ness | 22:31 |
directhex | wait, sofiles in /usr/share? sigh | 22:31 |
bryce2 | apw, I'm pretty much done for now if you'd like to poke on the box. otherwise tseliot's going to test some jockey stuff | 22:32 |
ari-tczew | bug 511448 ; bug 517297 ; bug 512430 | 22:32 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 511448 in libxml-security-java "Fake sync libxml-security-java 1.4.3-2 (main) from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,Triaged] | 22:32 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 517297 in ttf-sil-scheherazade "Fake sync ttf-sil-scheherazade 1.001-6 (main) from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 22:32 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 512430 in geronimo-jta-1.0.1b-spec "Fake sync geronimo-jta-1.0.1b-spec 1.1-1 (main) from Debian testing (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] | 22:32 |
james_w | ari-tczew: I don't have time right now I'm afraid, my stack is a bit deep | 22:34 |
ari-tczew | so maybe someone else can do it ? | 22:35 |
bdrung | when was the last auto sync? tabmixplus is in testing since over an week, but it is still not synced. | 22:35 |
cjwatson | bdrung: about four hours ago | 22:37 |
cjwatson | but it didn't include new packages, which tabmixplus is | 22:37 |
bdrung | cjohnston: it would be nice if the new package were included. i know at least three of them. | 22:38 |
cjwatson | I've synced tabmixplus since you asked nicely; a full new-source run will have to wait a bit | 22:38 |
cjwatson | and I'm cjwatson not cjohnston ;-) | 22:39 |
bdrung | cjwatson: sorry, that's due to tab completion ;) | 22:39 |
bdrung | cjwatson: will a new-source sync be run before feature freeze? | 22:40 |
cjwatson | yes | 22:40 |
bdrung | good | 22:42 |
bdrung | cjwatson: thanks for the answers and the sync | 22:42 |
* micahg won't ask for a sync of dojo then :) | 22:46 | |
cjwatson | micahg: individual syncs aren't a problem, I'm just too deep in something else to deal with the fiddly bits of a full new-source sync ... done dojo | 23:00 |
ari-tczew | TheMuse: ping | 23:02 |
* persia suspects a need for s/e:/o:/ | 23:03 | |
mneptok | ari-tczew: tab-complete is your friend. | 23:04 |
* mneptok and persia seem to be mind-melded | 23:04 | |
ari-tczew | mneptok: nobody is perfect | 23:06 |
mneptok | ari-tczew: if you look up that axiom in The Great Compedium, you'll see my photo | 23:06 |
mneptok | +n | 23:06 |
micahg | cjwatson: wasn't urgent, just wanted it in Lucid :) | 23:07 |
ari-tczew | TheMuso: ping | 23:07 |
ari-tczew | mneptok: why I need see your photo? ; o | 23:09 |
cr3 | pitti: are you familiar with the dbus error: Connection ":1.44" is not allowed to own the service "com..." due to security policies in the configuration file? | 23:10 |
cr3 | pitti: the dbus system configuration says something like <policy user="root"><allow own="com.." /></policy> | 23:10 |
pitti | cr3: it usually means that you are lacking a /etc/dbus-1/system.d/packagename.conf with an "allow own" stanza | 23:10 |
cr3 | pitti: I have /etc/dbus-1/system.d/com.ubuntu.checkbox.conf | 23:11 |
pitti | cr3: do you actually run the process as root? | 23:11 |
cr3 | pitti: yes | 23:12 |
cr3 | pitti: oh wait, on the client side, I run the process as the user but it is the backend called through dbus which should be started as root | 23:13 |
TheMuso | ari-tczew: pong | 23:13 |
pitti | cr3: your .service file has User=root ? | 23:13 |
cr3 | pitti: for the user, I believe this is the corresponding policy: <policy context="default"><allow send_destination="com.ubuntu.checkbox" send_interface="com.ubuntu.checkbox" /></policy> | 23:13 |
ari-tczew | TheMuso: have time for sponsor fake syncs? | 23:14 |
TheMuso | ari-tczew: no | 23:14 |
pitti | cr3: right, but that's for receiving messages, not owning | 23:14 |
ari-tczew | pitti: got time? | 23:14 |
pitti | please; we'll get to it, but we are at a sprint this week | 23:15 |
bdrung | ari-tczew: btw, you should fill your motu application with real data | 23:16 |
ari-tczew | bdrung: huh? current I'm not applicating to MOTU | 23:16 |
cr3 | pitti: /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/com.ubuntu.checkbox.service indeed contains User=root | 23:17 |
bdrung | ari-tczew: i found | 23:17 |
pitti | cr3: if you run the daemon manually with sudo, do you get the same error? | 23:17 |
cr3 | pitti: works when running the client as root | 23:19 |
persia | Just having a template page doesn't constitute an application :) Lots of people spend time preparing them. | 23:19 |
pitti | cr3: no, the server | 23:19 |
cr3 | pitti: the server, defined in the .service file, runs fine as root. actually, it logs to /var/log/checkbox.log by default and the log was empty when attempting to run the client, as if dbus never started the server | 23:20 |
pitti | cr3: ok, sounds like you don't give the client enough privileges then? | 23:22 |
bdrung | doko: can you have a look at bug #517288? | 23:23 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 517288 in python3-defaults "Sync python3-defaults 3.1.1-1 (universe) from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,New] | 23:23 |
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cr3 | pitti: I purged and reinstalled the package, then everything works again. so this might be an upgrade problem, I'll have a closer look | 23:30 |
mpt | mvo, tremolux: | 23:31 |
lifeless | anyone know where jkakar is? | 23:36 |
elmo | lifeless: on a plane | 23:37 |
elmo | or at least heading to the airport | 23:37 |
lifeless | ah | 23:37 |
lifeless | thanks | 23:37 |
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lifeless | cjwatson: bug 516344 is the xdg uesr dirs one, if you care. | 23:58 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 516344 in xdg-user-dirs "prompt to rename homedir to subdir of homedir" [Undecided,New] | 23:58 |
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