[04:21] hello [04:21] I have problems with instalation of JADE in Ubuntu [04:21] Any one here ? [06:43] eon01: what is the issue? [06:52] Hello nthykier , when I execute " java jade.Boot –gui " I have errors [06:52] Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jade/Boot [06:53] nthykier, I configured classpath correctly with the 4 jar files of JADE [07:12] eon01: Are you sure it is called "jade.Boot" or that the jars in the classpath are all spelled correctly, because that is about my best guess here [07:13] nthykier, Yes Jars in the classpath are correctly spelled , in the end of the error I see this : Could not find the main class: jade.Boot. Program will exit. [07:14] eon01: Which release? [07:14] 3.7 [07:15] persia, 3.7 [07:16] That's for jade? Which Ubuntu release? [07:17] persia, 9.10 [07:18] No idea then. You're sure to meet the JRE requirements for JADE. [07:19] I get the same error if I run: java non-existant-class - I don't think it is the JRE that fails [07:19] yes , I'm not sure about setting the JAVA_HOME persia [07:20] How do you set the classpath? Environment variable? [07:20] sudo gedit /etc/environment [07:21] then add the jars to the classpath [07:21] what does env | grep -i CLASSPATH print? [07:22] oops it prints nothing [07:23] My memory is that nothing ever sources /etc/environment, but rather that some tools will extract specific values from it. [07:23] I forget precisely the file, but try adding it to something like ~/.Xsession [07:24] Alternately, try from the command line with `CLASSPATH=... java jade.Boot -gui` [07:24] (where ... is replaced with the actual value you wanted) [07:27] persia, I tried this : CLASSPATH..... java jade.Boot and I think it works [07:28] In that case, it's definitely the CLASSPATH setting that's not exported to your environment. If you want to launch it from a .desktop file, you're going to have to find a way to export the variable to your entire session. [07:28] or wrap the java call in shell script that sets the CLASSPATH [07:29] Agent container Main-Container@eon-Spider is ready. [07:29] but I dont see any GUI ?! [07:30] * persia doesn't know anything at all about JADE [07:32] * nthykier does not either [07:33] me too , it's my first time working with JADE [07:34] Java wiith Linux is so obscure :((( [07:36] Thanks for help guys , nthykier , persia :))) [07:36] you are welcome