=== fader_ is now known as fader|away === skydrome is now known as TeLe === skydrome is now known as TeLe === imlad|away is now known as imlad === Pharaon is now known as Smex [16:05] so meeting translators team not happening? === imlad is now known as imlad|away === fader|away is now known as fader_ === ShadowChild is now known as lukjad007 === imlad|away is now known as imlad === cypher_ is now known as czajkowski [20:34] bye [20:34] quit [20:34] exit [20:34] who [20:34] who [20:34] exit [20:56] who === lynn is now known as noway2 === imlad is now known as imlad|away [21:55] To those on the east (US) coast, are you ready for the snow storm? [21:56] * persia points at #ubuntu-offtopic [21:58] Yes, off topic, but its a few minutes till meeting start. Everyone is so quiet today. [22:00] Lack of off topic chatter does not make other off topic chatter OK. [22:06] bodhi_zazen: shall we wait for Ryan and Matthew ? [22:06] Technoviking: ? [22:07] Technoviking: poke [22:07] jdong: poke [22:07] bodhi_zazen: Grabbing food. 10 mins [22:07] thanks jdong [22:07] But im on my phone and can see the meeting :) [22:07] 'lo bapoumba [22:07] jdong: do not eat and talk at the same time please :p [22:08] hello bodhi_zazen :) [22:08] ping ArtificialIntell [22:08] jdong: at least, not with your mouth full ;) [22:08] I'm here [22:08] hey :) [22:09] 'lo ArtificialIntell =) [22:09] Didin't I see something in staff chatter the TV wasn [22:09] Is AI's point the only one for the meeting, bodhi_zazen ? [22:10] wasn't going to make it to the meeting? [22:10] I think so, unless we wish to discuss the member I temp banned ? [22:11] cariboo907: yes, he mailed the FC too, thanks :) [22:11] bodhi_zazen: I do not think he is around :) [22:11] we should have him here [22:12] +1 bapoumba [22:12] AI, do you wish to talk about your proposal ? [22:12] Aye [22:13] I don't know if everyone read the link I provided? [22:13] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ForumCouncilAgenda === vorian is now known as v [22:14] When the council is ready, I'll make my proposal. [22:15] I'm ready :) [22:15] (is there another meeting after us ?) [22:18] bodhi_zazen: are you ready ? === v is now known as vorian [22:19] ok I'm good :) [22:20] OK, that's 3 of us, shall we proceed ? [22:20] yep [22:20] cool, AI, you're on :) [22:21] ok, thanks. [22:22] My proposal regading the UF game forum. As you may know I spend a lot of time moderating and reading the game forum, so I have made some observations. [22:24] One of the things; it's hard for the users to find linux related stuff/games for linux/ubuntu due to the heavy posts about non-linux games. [22:25] A lot of of posts are related to wine or emulators which are ruining the game forum. [22:26] Should not these posts be moved to the WINE forum ? [22:27] One of the problem was partly solved by making a forum for wine, but it haven't made my job easier though, as a lot of threads I have to move/delete [22:27] People simple don't reads stickies :-P [22:28] Maybe we should update the description of the WINE forum [22:28] and of the game section as well ? [22:28] An option could be "Linux Game" with sub "Native game only" [22:29] I have always found wine questions difficult as there is a ton of variability across various versions of wine, although I have not used wine in a while [22:29] Would changing Gaming & Leasure to Linux Games make iy better for you, AI ? [22:29] But my original idea was moving wine as a sub to game forum plus making a sub for for emulators of all kind [22:29] configuring wine + apps (games) is a whole art to itself ;P [22:30] or Native Linux Games ? [22:30] and everything else pushed to WINE ? [22:30] I am neutral on the issue, but I would support what you feel would be easiest, but I see a lot of continued thread moving =( [22:31] People would scream if we put everything else in wine [22:31] okay [22:31] we try to keep the number of section as lox as possible [22:31] the structure is already quite complicated .. [22:32] When we're talking emulators it's c64/PSP/Wii/nintendo etc. [22:32] I side with bodhi_zazen on this.... AI, you're the one that's the most experienced with this and I'll trust your judgement [22:32] but from my experience it won't solve any of the thread-moving issues [22:33] I know, but moving wine from frontpage to sub might uncluttering the frontpage a bit [22:33] wine is not only for games, is it ? [22:34] People are complaining that native gaming on linux are drowning in emulators/wine/etc [22:34] SO what about changing Gmaing & Leasure > Native Linux Games ? [22:34] aye, bapoumba, but 99% of the question is about gaming with wine [22:35] okay [22:35] o should I say I"How do I WoW" LOL :-P [22:36] It drove Hika insane I recallled :D [22:36] Eheh :) [22:36] How about a sub section of Linux Native games ? [22:37] Bapoumba, it still doesn't solve the emulator issue [22:37] rather then splitting off wine ? [22:37] What do you mean? [22:37] I agree, since most games requiring support are going to be Windows running on Wine ... [22:38] So, why not make a linux native gaming section for the linux native games and leave the current section as is ? [22:38] bodhi_zazen: you mean, top forum = Native Linux Games, Sub forum : Wine and emulators ? [22:38] Just the opposite bapoumba , top forum = games (which implies wine) Sub Forum Linux native [22:39] okay, better :) [22:39] Do we get that much traffic for linux native games ? I would guess not [22:39] Most traffic is emulators/wine [22:40] and people who wish to concentrate on native linux games will be able to :) [22:40] ArtificialIntell: is most of your work moving threads involve moving wine questions to the wine section ? [22:41] would it help to just "give up" and allow people to default to wine then, with a linux native sub forum ? [22:41] aye, because people can't find wine forum [22:41] hopefully you would then move less threads [22:42] So, do away with wine forum, make game implicit games + wine with a sub section for linux native games ? [22:42] Ney, Bodhi. We'll have 16 new thtreads each day on "How do I WoW" [22:42] in the gaming forum [22:43] What is wrong with that, give the gaming forum to wine rather then having to move threads ? [22:43] and the logical perspective as a ubuntu/linux forum to have a forum for native game IMO [22:44] I agree with the logic, but in practice since most questions stem from wine, and you are having to move threads , I am wondering if a linux native section would make it any easier [22:45] Yes, change Gaming for Native Linux Games, and WINE to WINE & Emulators ? [22:45] Well, yes if the two subs is added [22:46] Why make subs ? [22:46] Considering what has been discussed, What would make your life easier ArtificialIntell ? [22:46] Change Gaming > Native Linux Games and change Wine > Wine and emulators ? [22:46] Forum - Windows games [22:47] Forums - Linux games [22:47] leave wine out of the title ? [22:47] s/gaming/Linux games [22:47] s/wine/windows games [22:47] Game forum with two subs. One for Wine and one for Emulators. People can't avoid to see the two subs and it will make it a lot easier for people to search for the informations they are lokking for [22:48] OK, what emulators are there other then wine ? [22:48] Linux games and non-native games I think is more clear of a divide... [22:48] there's a lot of platform emulators [22:48] like for the PSP, NES, and so on [22:49] most be around 20 emulators or so [22:49] It seems like one of the big concerns is keeping wine separate from native linux. [22:50] Aye, though I like to put things in the right boxes :-P [22:51] (and spambot hunting) [22:51] the proposal for having wine + emulators and native linux games seems reasonable to me. [22:52] I could live with that. 1 for native and one for non-native [22:53] \o/ [22:53] *nods* sounds great to me :) [22:53] Thank you for you work on that ArtificialIntell [22:54] +1 [22:54] my pleasure ^_^ [22:55] I don't have more to add. [22:56] Any other agenda items ? [22:56] not that I know of [22:56] Otherwise we are waiting to see if any other FC members have issues [22:56] I can't think of anything [22:56] I had a similar topic as AI's but this meeting is running long, so I will put it on the agenda for next month. [22:56] maybe we should continue the discussion on the ml ? [22:57] to get everyone's input ? [22:57] hey tseliot :) [22:57] sounds like a good idea [22:57] I don't expect there to be any disagreements but it's good to get everyone's input [22:59] okay, I'll post it on the ml, unless someone else wants to do it ? [22:59] thank bapoumba , I was just about to ask that =) [23:00] welcome :) [23:00] time to go to bed, it's midnight here :) [23:00] same here 00:00 [23:02] hey bapoumba