
mok0jsplice: python based00:00
jsplicemok0, ah ok00:00
ubottubzr is Bazaar-NG, a decentralized revision control system designed to be easy for developers and end users alike. Decentralized revision control systems give people the ability to work over the internet using the bazaar development model.  See http://bazaar-vcs.org/QuickHackingWithBzr for a quickstart guide.00:01
mok0jsplice: bzr is tighly integrated with launchpad00:01
jsplicemok0, cool...man, so much to learn00:02
mok0jsplice: yeah, I think we've covered enough00:03
jsplicei'm going to start digging around that wiki link and in LP just to start to get a feel for all of this00:03
mok0jsplice: great. I am going off to bed now00:05
jsplicemok0, ok thanks again for the help00:05
mok0jsplice: good luck, see you later00:06
jsplicemok0, good night00:06
crimsunheh, I hope this isn't a watch file ;)  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/lucid/ekiga/lucid/annotate/head:/debian/watch01:32
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rockstarHey folks.  I'm trying to update a karmic package to a new released version for lucid.  Should I just create a new orig.tar.gz and then move the debian/ folder into the unpacked version, or is there a better way?02:26
StevenKrockstar: That way works02:26
StevenKAlong with updating the changelog02:26
rockstarStevenK, yea, that's kinda obligatory.  :)02:27
bernhardhi im currently doing a deb file and im quite lost with the rules file02:37
bernhardi need to isntall my python program to /opt/ and chmod it02:37
bernhardhow do i do this?02:38
mr_steveHi all, I've been doing a fair bit of Ubuntu packaging for my own purposes, and I'd really like to start contributing to Ubuntu.04:08
mr_steveI've been reading as many of the docs about it as I can find, but I still could use a little guidance04:10
ScottKThis is the right place.04:10
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:11
mr_steveWell lets see here. I've packaged up cnetworkmanager, a CLI tool for controlling NetworkManager. Should I assign the needs-packaging bug to myself while I work on it, or should only current devs and MOTUs do that?04:13
mr_steveAnd also, when I create a package for review, should the Maintainer: be set to me, or to MOTU Developers?04:16
RAOFMOTU developers.  revu will complain otherwise.04:19
RAOFYou're welcome to assign the needs-packaging bug to yourself.04:19
mr_steveRAOF: Thanks. I see now that lintian scolds me as well, if Maintainer: isn't an @ubuntu address04:20
mr_steveWhat about XSBC-Orginal-Maintainer? dpkg-source warns that it isn't set. Should it be?04:23
mr_steveoh nevermind, I found it in one of the docs04:24
mr_steveAlrighty, I just made my first ever upload to REVU for some reviewers to rip to shreds for me :)05:18
shilbertHi all, does anyone know how often Lucid is synced from Debian testing ?11:53
directhexshilbert, whenever an archive admin is bored & feels like running it11:54
directhexuntil DIF anyway11:54
ejathi .. can someone help me with this http://bit.ly/9QswSj12:06
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directhexejat, fix debian/patches/1003_redirect_to_STDERR.patch ?12:40
ejatdirecthex: done ..12:40
ejati forgot to remove the patch .. since i replace with latest12:40
ejatthanks for ya help directhex12:41
_stink_hey folks - i'm trying to package a sort of obscure X driver - it's not been packaged for anything Debian based yet, just RPM.  i have the source tarball and all, and i've done dh_make to get an example debian/ dir, but the rules file is killing me.  anyone have a good reference that clearly explains how to write a rules files from scratch?  the results on google have not helped me much.13:52
slytherin_stink_: have you checked the packaging guide on wiki.ubuntu.com?13:53
_stink_slytherin: yes.  the example rules file on there is very different from the one dh_make gave me13:55
_stink_doh, he left13:55
_stink_what i mostly don't get is how to turn the already working ./configure; make; make install stuff from upstream into debian build stuff that works.13:59
_stink_ok, got it to work this time.  the call to make in that example makefile ignores CFLAGS that the ./configure script made, and just uses the ones declared in the rules file.14:03
_stink_but i still think there is very little useful documentation on how to write one of these things.14:04
e-jatanyone can help with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/368887/14:06
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wrapsterI looked at my /etc/sudoers file and see 2 entries for ROOT... like so http://pastie.org/80942715:20
wrapstercan anyone tell me how to fix this issue?15:20
wrapsterseems weird!15:20
wrapsterand also what does so many ALL=(ALL) ALL mean15:20
mr_stevewrapster: that does look a little strange... but maybe ask in the #ubuntu channel? #ubuntu-motu isn't a support channel...15:23
wrapsterok thanks.15:23
cyberixHow do you get stuff from Debian Unstable to Lucid?17:37
cyberixShould I write a freeze exception?17:37
ari-tczewcyberix, FFe is starting in 18th Feb17:38
ari-tczewnow you can use requestsync17:39
ari-tczewof course if you are sure that there is not delta17:40
ari-tczewif delta is exist, please do merge17:40
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ScottK ... if the delta is still needed.17:48
aboganiHi MOTUers! Sorry for my very bad English! I'm repackaging  original tarball (for remove not dfsg compliant binary files) and thus implementing an get-orig-source into debian/rules which get code directly from SVN.  In get-orig-source when I remove those binary files could I reassemble also layout of the source files or not?17:57
aboganiOtherwise Anyone know a good example of get-orig-source implementation to take as example?18:10
persiaabogani: Where's upstream?18:13
aboganipersia: www.arduino.cc18:15
hyperairabogani: take a look at codelite's get-orig-source.18:16
persiaabogani: You want a three-argument http call18:17
persiaabogani: Something like "http://arduino.cc/en/Main/Software arduino-([\d]+).tgz http://files.arduino.cc/downloads/arduino-([\d]+)-linux.tgz"18:18
persiaWith that in the watch file, you may not need a get-orig-source18:18
sebnerhyperair: do you already know where, how etc you will apply?18:18
hyperairsebner: DMB, it seems?18:19
persiaDMB is likely best-current-compromise.18:19
aboganipersia: It don't contain source code...18:19
hyperairpersia: when's the next meeting?18:20
persiaabogani: Ah, so you need something that pulls from Google Code and creates a tarball?18:20
persiahyperair: The 16th, I believe.18:20
aboganipersia: Yes because upstream neither release a source package nor will do it in the future.18:21
persiaAnnoying that.18:22
aboganiI already talk with and they deny to release a clean source package: perhaps you give me a link where it is written "clean source package is a mandatory" they could change opinion...18:23
persiaabogani: Try using svn instead of cvs with the cvs example at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#Changing%20the%20Original%20Tarball18:23
aboganipersia: Ok but could I change source code layout of the repacked orig tarball?18:24
persiaSure.  It's just a makefile.  You can do anything you like.  Just document it.18:25
aboganipersia: Ok thanks!18:25
hyperairhmmm 16th.. third day of chinese new year.18:31
hyperairwhat a hectic period.18:31
hyperairmaybe i should just wait for the next one18:31
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zookoWhoo! Time to upgrade my development (virtual) machine at work to Lucid. :-)18:36
geserpersia: did you any further changes to lp:ubuntu-dev-tools before uploading? the changelog in trunk has still UNRELEASED and 0.92 isn't tagged yet18:39
* persia fiddles18:40
persiageser: I *think* it's sorted now.  Please let me know if I did something wrong.18:43
geserpersia: thanks, looks good now18:44
blueyedIs there a way to see where apport has sent the crash report to (launchpad +filebug url)? I've closed the tab that popped up by accident and it's not in the undo tabs list.18:46
Laneyit's hard to remember to push bzr branches when packaging with them18:46
* Laney needs to self-fix18:46
persiablueyed: On your LP page, get the list of bugs you filed, and sort by newest first.  It ought be near the top.18:47
blueyedpersia: I've not filed it yet..18:47
blueyed(and it's not in the list)18:48
persiaIn that case, LP doesn't have the attachments.  Use apport-bug to generate a bug from your .crash file.18:48
zookoOh man that was the most disappointing upgrade attempt ever.18:48
zooko"update-manager-text" on Lucid segfaulted. :-)18:49
persiaCool!  CAn you get a stacktrace?  It should never do that.18:49
blueyedpersia: well, it has the report.. apport has just uploaded the 200+MB, but a special URL is required to access/report it. Will use apport-bug to resend it. Thanks.18:50
zookopersia: let's see, maybe just "ulimit -c unlimited"?18:50
persiablueyed: Maybe check your browser history?  I thought that LP tossed the attachments from an incomplete report.18:51
zookoDarn it didn't segfault this time.18:51
zookoAlthough the text is unreadable because it is cyan-on-cyan or something...18:51
persiazooko: heh.  You've discovered the "Hey, nobody's looking, so we can crash!" bug :)18:51
blueyedpersia: a new firefox tab popped up (where the +filebug url would have been displayed), but I deleted it by accident (pressed "d" on it in vimperator). so tab is gone. Normally you could restore the tab using "u" (or ctrl-shift-T), but it's not registered. also not in :history.18:53
blueyedpersia: it will hopefully toss the attachments, but after a given timeout only.18:53
randomactionHey guys, we have a sponsoring request to fix a watch file (already forwarded to Debian), and I'm tempted to close it as wontfix/too insignificant. Would that be OK?18:54
LaneyIs the package currently in sync?18:55
persiarandomaction: If the Debian package is orphaned, it's worth sponsoring to shut up UEHS.  If the package has a maintainer in Debian, there's no point.18:55
zookopersia: ah, it segfaults when click space bar, which is for selecting something, although I can't see what I'm selecting. :-)18:55
persiarandomaction: Extra points for getting a sponsored QA Upload in Debian for it and syncing as your preferred way to sponsor :)18:55
zookoBut no core fie.18:55
zookoI'm just to change the contents of my /etc/apt/sources.list and run sudo apt-get dist-upgrade. :-)18:55
zookoThat's always worked before...18:56
persiazooko: Try enabling apport, which can sometimes get more info.  Might be the sort of thing that gets a Python traceback, rather than a core file.18:56
zookoWell, it is a segfault...18:57
zookoBut sure I'll give that a try real quick.18:57
randomactionhttp://packages.qa.debian.org/s/stage.html : patched in Ubuntu, has maintainer, is in a sorry state18:58
rhpot1991persia: mind if I subscribe you to bug 516762?18:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516762 in libhdhomerun "[sponsor request] libhdhomerun update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51676218:59
persiarhpot1991: Yes.18:59
rhpot1991persia: ok sorry then18:59
persiaNo problem :)  I check the sponsors queue when I'm not doing anything else, but it's usually faster to let someone else upload.19:00
persiaSubscribing me may cause others to think I'm paying attention, and delay sponsoring.19:00
randomactionrhpot1991: superm1 would be your best point of contact19:01
persiarandomaction: That is in sorry state.19:01
persiaWhy?  For a sponsor request, just put it in the sponsors queue.19:01
randomactionbecause he's the maintainer19:01
rhpot1991persia: PM'd you something19:01
persiarandomaction: We don't have maintainers in Ubuntu.19:02
randomactionpersia: hmm, so it's ok to sponsor stuff for Ubuntu-specific packages where a MOTU is listed in Maintainer field?19:03
rhpot1991persia: do I need to do something to put it into the sponsors queue or just subscribe uus?19:03
persiarandomaction: Absolutely.19:04
persiarhpot1991: subscribing UUS *is* putting it in the sponsors queue.19:04
rhpot1991persia: good, just wanted to make sure I was ready to go19:05
randomactionrhpot1991: you did everything right, this bug is in the queue19:05
randomactionpersia: OK, I was misunderstanding that part of package maintenance :)19:06
persiarandomaction: Note that we maintain stuff collaboratively, so play nice and so on, but yeah, there's no maintainers here.19:06
randomactionplaying nice it what I'm trying to do :)19:07
RainCTPackage insight has been removed from Debian, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=566579 - Do we still want it in Ubuntu?19:07
ubottuDebian bug 566579 in ftp.debian.org "RM: insight -- RoQA; Insane packaging; unmaintained; low popcon" [Normal,Open]19:07
persiaIf we don't have variance, it ought get autoremoved (similar to sync)19:09
RainCTpersia: Ubuntu has a patch to fix a FTBFS with some new gcc19:09
persiaAh.  In that case, it needs an explicit removal request.19:10
LaneyI got spanked before for uploading something in Ubuntu that wasn't team maintained19:10
LaneyMaintainer: was a person19:10
persiaLaney: Please let me know if that happens again.  We *don't* have maintainers in Ubuntu.19:10
randomactionpersia: how do I organize a QA upload in debian? Upload to m.d.o + RFS to debian-qa@?19:10
persiaAnyone who believes we do needs to be reminded (perhaps by the TB)19:10
RainCTLaney: Really? I do that all the time19:10
LaneyRainCT: I never even thought to check19:11
persiarandomaction: And you need some special entries in the changelog.  I'd recommend asking for guidance in #debian-qa@OFTC19:11
RainCTpersia: Yeah, just wanted to ensure nobody objects to the removal19:11
persiaRainCT: That's what bugs are for :)  If nobody is subscribed, we guess nobody cares :)19:12
persiaBut is this libinsight3?19:12
randomactionRainCT: I like that reason for removal :)19:12
RainCTpersia: No. insight - Graphical debugger based on GDB19:13
persiaOK.  Just wanted to make sure, because there's lots of stuff in the FTBFS list that has rbuilddeps on something like that.19:14
RainCTYou mean insighttoolkit19:14
persiaYeah, that's the bit that I conflated.  Sorry.19:14
randomactionLaney: was it you who rebuilt agda on armel? It timed out again.19:17
micahgdoes the UBuntu installed sync new packges from testing as well?19:17
RainCTok, filed bug #51720619:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 517206 in insight "Please remove insight from Ubuntu Lucid" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51720619:19
RainCTpersia: By the way, nice work on pbuilder-dist :).19:19
RainCTIs anyone coming to FOSDEM?19:27
StevenKRainCT: Argh!19:28
StevenKRainCT: You don't need to file bugs about removals that happened in Debian. We will notice.19:29
geserStevenK: oh, removals are now "synced" too?19:29
RainCTStevenK: Oh OK. So you check all removals (even when Ubuntu has diverged)?19:29
StevenKgeser: And they have been for a long time19:29
persiaStevenK: I thought that removal syncs didn't happen when we had divergence.  If that isn't the current behaviour, can we make it so?19:30
geserStevenK: is that a seperate task like syncing new packages or part from an other task?19:31
persiaI'm fairly sure it's a separate task (it has a separate script)19:32
superm1randomaction,  normally i sponsor stuff that's ~mythbuntu related, but rhpot1991 is looking to get more visibility in the ubuntu community as a whole for when he applies to ~mythbuntu-dev or possibly ~motu20:10
randomactionok, sorry for the noise20:12
persiaNo, it's good.  Lots of times we forget that we're all working together, and it's nice to have reminders.20:13
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MTecknologysomebody told me that if you fill up a drive linux won't be able to boot anymore20:20
MTecknologyI know services will fail to start but I was pretty sure it would still boot.....20:20
persiaDepends on how you do it, but it ought boot.20:21
MTecknologyI decided I'm going to try :P20:21
persiaIf you have no space in /tmp, and you aren't using a tmpfs, you might have issues starting X, gdm, etc.20:21
rhpot1991mysql normally gets unhappy about that as well, dies and marks tables as crashed20:22
persiaI thought mysql was more sensitive to /var and /var/tmp20:23
MTecknologyI have a 2.5GB virtual disk to install Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop on a VM; I figure after installing it that should be plenty small enough to fill up quickly20:23
MTecknologypersia: default partitioning, nothing fancy20:23
MTecknologyI converted two families to Ubuntu in the last two days :)20:24
MTecknologyThey seemed to take to it very well. ~1hr training and away I went; the guarantee of not getting spyware and the mass collection of games for the littles ones was a big seller. they hated the multiple desktop part though - too much for them to take in20:25
rhpot1991persia: if your /var is on the same partition as / it wont matter, not sure if separating them helps20:26
MTecknologyIt probably helps some, I usually separate /, /home, /swap, /vm20:27
persiarhpot1991: heh.  True.  Separating /tmp out prevents users from filling /var, which I find handy.20:27
ScottKMTecknology: Consider Firefox's security record before making too many guarantees about spyware.20:30
ScottKhttps://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=476766 for extra scary fun.20:31
ubottuMozilla bug 476766 in CA Certificates "Add China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) CA Root Certificate" [Enhancement,Verified: fixed]20:31
zookoYeah sudo apt-get dist-upgrade seems to have worked.20:32
MTecknologyScottK: the chances of them getting hit on an up to date ubuntu are low enough that I felt safe saying that20:35
MTecknologyScottK: firefox seems to be the weakest link in all of linux land.... except security auditing tools which seem to be riddled with holes20:36
ScottKLook at recent webkit vulnerabilities.  It's not just webkit.20:37
* persia notes that uninstalling firefox works just fine20:37
MTecknology!info nitrogen20:38
ubottunitrogen (source: nitrogen): wallpaper browser and changing utility for X. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.4-2 (karmic), package size 142 kB, installed size 436 kB20:38
MTecknologyI want to do some code work with this guy and then make a package for it... lal is designed to be VERY VERY light weight but this new feature would hinder that; so we want to use a make flag to either have that option or not; how would I handle something like that from the package standpoint? I would probably want lal and lalcal. I'd really like to have the same code base and only a single package20:41
persiaMTecknology: That's the sort of thing that ./configure usually does.  Dunno if you want all of autotools, but you can then do things like --enable-foo and --disable-foo.20:43
MTecknologypersia: maybe have the makefile create two binaries lal and lal-cal then install those?20:46
persiaCould do that also.20:46
MTecknologythere is no configure script in there20:46
MTecknologyI wouldn't even know where to start on making one :P - which means if you think that's a good idea then I can do that20:47
LLStarkshey, will docky ever get a package release for lucid?21:16
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Laneyit doesn't even have an upstream release yet23:50
RAOFUpstream would very much like to get it in Lucid, but they're cutting it fine.23:52
directhexyeah, just a tad23:52
directhexmy FF priority is moonlight23:53
RAOFIt'll be easy enough to whip up a package once they give me (or ask me to cut) a tarball.23:53
RAOFThen I just need to convince someone to review it!23:53
LaneyMirco Bauerâ„¢23:54
directhexThe Meebster(c)23:55
RAOFLike Jack Bauwer, only more awesome.23:55
RAOFOr whoever that 24 guy is.23:55

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