asac | micahg: might be a bit late ... | 00:44 |
micahg | asac: k, $WORK is keeping me busy :) | 00:45 |
asac | ok will ping you when back | 00:45 |
asac | micahg: ok | 01:14 |
micahg | k | 01:14 |
BUGabundo | mOrnInG | 11:02 |
BUGabundo | kenvandine: gwibber trunk | 11:21 |
ejat | !ping asac | 11:52 |
BUGabundo | what was that app to make pages use genko for rendering, making them self contained apps? | 13:45 |
BUGabundo | so I can have pages in almost full screen, without FF toolbars | 13:46 |
vish | BUGabundo: i get same error! :( | 13:49 |
BUGabundo | vish: ? | 13:49 |
vish | even when i reverted to repo version it fails with that error :/ | 13:49 |
BUGabundo | gwibbber? | 13:49 |
vish | yeah | 13:49 |
BUGabundo | I'm using the old ONE | 13:50 |
BUGabundo | the stable on | 13:50 |
BUGabundo | and testing trunk and a few branches | 13:50 |
BUGabundo | they should NEVER push to trunk/ppa daily something that doesn't work | 13:50 |
vish | BUGabundo: | 13:53 |
ubottu | Error: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: The read operation timed out ( | 13:53 |
vish | err.. lp is killing me today :/ | 13:53 |
BUGabundo | aahahah | 13:55 |
BUGabundo | I won't file bugs for this | 13:55 |
BUGabundo | would file 5 per commit :D | 13:55 |
BUGabundo | I just ping segphault and kenvandine | 13:55 |
BUGabundo | vish: go to ars irc server and idle there | 13:55 |
BUGabundo | should be quicker | 13:55 |
vish | hehe ;) | 13:55 |
vish | BUGabundo: segphault also idles in #ayatana | 13:56 |
BUGabundo | he idles in several #s | 13:56 |
BUGabundo | but doesn't listen in | 13:56 |
vish | BUGabundo: any ideas how to fix it? | 13:57 |
BUGabundo | with the nick seg|ars | 13:57 |
BUGabundo | no idea | 13:57 |
BUGabundo | I don't do python | 13:57 |
vish | yeah | 13:57 |
vish | k.. | 13:57 |
flask- | Hey guys - I have Thunderbird 3.0/Shredder installed from the daily PPAs on Karmic. My default browser (in Preferred Applications) is Namoroka, also from the daily PPAs. For some reason, clicking on links in emails in Shredder doesn't do anything; it should open them in Namoroka. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks! | 16:43 |
* micahg had that working, then it broke again | 16:45 | |
flask- | hehe | 16:45 |
micahg | flask-: make sure firefox is default system browser | 16:46 |
micahg | in Firefox go to Preferences->Advanced->General and click Check Now to see if it's the default | 16:46 |
flask- | micahg: there are two entries in the "Web Browser" dropdown in "Preferred Applications": Namoroka and Firefox. Firefox doesn't even have an icon next to it. | 16:47 |
flask- | micahg: but as I said earlier, it's set to Namoroka and that works perfectly for everything on the system except links in Thunderbird | 16:47 |
micahg | what's the output of this: gconftool --get /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/http/command | 16:47 |
flask- | "firefox %s" | 16:48 |
micahg | hmm | 16:48 |
micahg | that should work then even for daily | 16:48 |
flask- | I know :) | 16:48 |
flask- | it actually wasn't working in Jaunty either | 16:48 |
micahg | did you edit anything in the TB prefs before? | 16:48 |
micahg | oh, you have to expose the protocol in TB3 | 16:48 |
flask- | Enlighten me :) | 16:49 |
micahg | you can see if this works: | 16:52 |
flask- | I actually already tried that | 16:52 |
flask- | it didn't work so I removed those lines from the prefs file | 16:52 |
micahg | ok, then you should look at the links the for protocols | 16:52 |
micahg | *there | 16:53 |
micahg | flask-: you can ask in #thunderbird on | 16:55 |
micahg | flask-: did you try setting the default browser from inside FF yet? | 16:55 |
flask- | no, i didn't | 16:56 |
micahg | flask-: try that :) | 16:57 |
micahg | there must be more settings than that that it sets | 16:57 |
flask- | ok, i asked in #thunderbird on | 16:58 |
flask- | i'll see what they say | 16:58 |
micahg | why not just use FF to set the default browswer? | 16:58 |
flask- | from that URL you sent me, I cannot figure out how to do that | 16:59 |
micahg | no, just in FF, go to Preferences -> Adavanced -> General and click Check Now | 16:59 |
flask- | oh, I already did that | 16:59 |
flask- | and it does think it's the default browser | 16:59 |
micahg | k | 17:00 |
micahg | well, idk | 17:00 |
micahg | bbiab | 17:00 |
mbana | hi folks | 17:59 |
mbana | im using 3.6 ppa | 17:59 |
mbana | apparently. firefox 3/6 ships with the jit | 18:03 |
mbana | 64bit linux version. | 18:04 |
mbana | is 3.6pre the same as 3.6? | 18:04 |
mbana | cause that's the ver. i've got | 18:04 |
micahg | dpm: for thunderbird-locales should I depend on language-pack-xx now instead of language-support-translations-XX | 18:15 |
dpm | hey micahg. Let me get ArneGoetje here, he takes care of the language packs... | 18:16 |
dpm | ArneGoetje, ^^ | 18:16 |
micahg | it seems that language-support-translations was dropped for karmic, so I wanted to migrate to whatever replaced it | 18:17 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: language-support-translations has gone away. those dependencies are handled by language-selector directly now since karmic. Means, those translations packages only get installed if the main app is already installed or is marked to be installed on the system. | 18:19 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: ok, but we have the TB language packs separate for right now, so I was wondering what package to migrate the depends to | 18:20 |
micahg | should I depend on language-pack-XX? | 18:20 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: no package. | 18:20 |
micahg | ok, but what if they want a TB locale they don't have a system locale for? | 18:21 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: if you have thunderbird installed and run language-selector, it will pull the thunderbird translation package for your languages. | 18:21 |
micahg | language-selector pull thunderbird-locales packages? | 18:21 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: yes | 18:21 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: but only if thunderbird is already installed on your system. | 18:22 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: same for oo.o, by the way | 18:22 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: ok, let me test... | 18:22 |
micahg | it jsut crashed on me :) | 18:24 |
ArneGoetje | ? | 18:24 |
micahg | I think it's bug | 18:25 |
micahg | oops bug 331380 | 18:25 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: which release are you testing on? | 18:25 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 331380 in language-selector "gnome-language-selector crashed with SystemError in markInstall()" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 18:25 |
micahg | karmic | 18:25 |
micahg | I have some packages missing it says, I select remind me later | 18:25 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: do you have a broken cache? | 18:25 |
micahg | possibly | 18:25 |
micahg | how do I fix | 18:25 |
asac | e-jat: ? | 18:29 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: apt-get -f ? | 18:30 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: aptitude doesn't complain | 18:30 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: which languages do you have installed? | 18:32 |
micahg | well, I en and he | 18:32 |
micahg | when I tried to install themissing packages it says that I need to fix the broken pacakges first | 18:33 |
micahg | but the apt-cache isn't broke | 18:33 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: hmm... well, something *is* broken... | 18:33 |
* micahg thinks he'll try the suggested packages in aptitude | 18:33 | |
ArneGoetje | micahg: ? | 18:33 |
micahg | language-selector is suggesting that some translations aren't installed | 18:34 |
* micahg thinks it's because I have TB3 installed but TB-locales isn't at a apt-priority of 500 | 18:35 | |
micahg | so there's a conflict | 18:35 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: I'll fix it later, but thanks for the info on TB-locales | 18:36 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: we don't have packages for TB3 locales, do we? | 18:36 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: I'm trying to finish it :) | 18:36 |
micahg | the last piece was that depends | 18:37 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: ah, ok. | 18:37 |
micahg | I just need to respin and test a few locales | 18:37 |
micahg | then hopefully asac can upload to Lucid :) | 18:37 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: will TB3 replace TB2 or will it be an alternative? | 18:38 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: replace | 18:38 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: both TB and FF will be unversioned in archive from now on | 18:38 |
micahg | Tb was already | 18:38 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: in that case, please make sure that no TB2 translation package stays behind! language-selector doesn't check for version numbers | 18:39 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: I'm adding dummy packages for the misssing locales in TB3 | 18:39 |
asac | micahg: let me know | 18:39 |
asac | when its somewhere | 18:39 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: ok. thanks for the updtae | 18:39 |
micahg | asac: unfortunately, it took me >12 hours to get the answer for that depends... | 18:40 |
micahg | so it'll have to be later tongiht | 18:40 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: is it better to have empty packages for all locales? | 18:41 |
micahg | or do I just need to make sure that if it was in there before, it stays in there... | 18:42 |
micahg | asac: what do you think ^^^ | 18:42 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: if the language has been removed upstream, then the translation package should also be removed, I guess | 18:43 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: well, it's usually a case of not ready at time of release | 18:43 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: right... but will it be made available later? | 18:43 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: usually | 18:44 |
micahg | at least 1 was released after 3.0 | 18:44 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: good to know | 18:44 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: maybe a placeholder would be in order for that case | 18:45 |
[reed] | micahg / asac / fta: | 18:49 |
[reed] | awesome video | 18:49 |
[reed] | I recommend watching it | 18:49 |
[reed] | well-worth your time | 18:49 |
asac | thx | 18:50 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: asac: I think what I'll do is make a published file that keeps getting updated but never deleted | 18:53 |
micahg | that'll keep us from losing stuff in tehe future | 18:53 |
micahg | [reed]: I'll take a look a little later | 18:56 |
[reed] | micahg: cool | 18:57 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: just make sure it stays compatible with the latest TB. | 18:57 |
micahg | ArneGoetje: well, it'll just be an empty stub package is the language isn't available, but the package will at least be the right version | 18:58 |
ArneGoetje | micahg: ok | 19:02 |
bdrung | asac: hi | 19:19 |
asac | hi bdrung | 19:29 |
bdrung | asac: it's time to release m-d 0.20, isn't it? | 19:30 |
asac | micahg: empty packages for gone locales | 19:30 |
asac | thought we already discussed that | 19:30 |
bdrung | i can't remember it | 19:30 |
asac | bdrung: no idea ... is that the debhelper > 7 requirement thing? | 19:31 |
bdrung | asac: no, there is no connection to debhelper. it's the 'fix the dependencies' release (firefox-3.6 -> firefox, etc) | 19:32 |
asac | yeah | 19:33 |
asac | go for it | 19:33 |
bdrung | good | 19:33 |
asac | is there really no chance we can make that md work without debhelper 7 | 19:33 |
asac | that really causes bad dreams as we need to roll all this to hardy-seceurity at some point | 19:33 |
bdrung | asac: it works without debhelper 7 | 19:33 |
asac | hmm | 19:34 |
bdrung | asac: who said that we need version 7? | 19:34 |
asac | what i see is that we start moving extensions to debhelper 7 | 19:34 |
asac | thats the same problem | 19:34 |
bdrung | i recommend version 7, but it works with dh > 5 | 19:34 |
asac | we probably need to roll al lthose to hardy-security | 19:34 |
bdrung | >= | 19:34 |
asac | yeah. then i mixed md itself up | 19:35 |
bdrung | asac: do we really need to backport the extensions? | 19:35 |
asac | yes | 19:35 |
asac | we need to decide which to backport | 19:35 |
asac | and wipe the others | 19:35 |
asac | e.g. upload them empty | 19:35 |
asac | at best we could just roll all | 19:36 |
asac | without needed to redo efforts | 19:36 |
asac | at least those that are not compatible with 3.6 | 19:36 |
bdrung | do we backport m-d, too? | 19:36 |
asac | i dont have a problem with backporting md | 19:36 |
asac | just debhelper is causing headaches | 19:36 |
asac | that cant go to -sceurity | 19:36 |
asac | security | 19:36 |
sebner | asac: how are you doing in portland? pitti alread told me about the karaoke evening :P | 19:36 |
asac | portland is really nice | 19:37 |
asac | but too much work to do | 19:37 |
sebner | beer and karaoke! | 19:37 |
asac | hehe | 19:37 |
sebner | nothing more needed :P | 19:37 |
bdrung | asac: i am planning to write a version test script, this would give us a nice list of working / not working extensions | 19:37 |
asac | i didnt do karaoke | 19:37 |
sebner | asac: nahh, suck | 19:37 |
asac | bdrung: yeah. i think we somehow need to grep the full archive to find all extensions though | 19:38 |
bdrung | asac: i have a nearly complete list | 19:38 |
asac | for hardy we have a complete list i think | 19:38 |
asac | its in app-install-data mrked as xul-extension | 19:38 |
asac | but i am not 100% confident that that was accurately maintained in intrepid/jaunty/karmic | 19:39 |
asac | most likely the further we progressed the more extensoins (from debian) slipped through | 19:39 |
bdrung | asac: this is my list: | 19:40 |
bdrung | asac: every extension should use xul-ext- as prefix. then the list creation would be easy. | 19:40 |
bdrung | m-d 0.20 is released | 19:46 |
asac | well ... i always disagreed on the prefix ... but i am fine since debian crackers wanted that | 19:48 |
asac | i wanted just a special field | 19:48 |
asac | in control | 19:48 |
asac | anywy | 19:48 |
asac | off working on stuff | 19:48 |
asac | thanks for the 20 upload | 19:48 |
bdrung | np | 19:48 |
micahg | asac: you asked me to compile the list of extensions in previous releases | 19:59 |
micahg | bdrung: dh_xul-ext doesn't need debhelper 7? | 20:00 |
bdrung | micahg: no | 20:00 |
micahg | k | 20:00 |
asac | fta: mozclient doesnt produce proper tagged tarballs | 20:46 |
asac | for tbird | 20:46 |
asac | any idea? | 20:46 |
asac | we always get head | 20:46 |
asac | with DEBIAN_TAG=... | 20:46 |
fta | asac, tb is in 2 repos, which one is wrong? | 20:53 |
fta | asac, you should see in the logs if your tag is properly passed | 20:55 |
micahg | 3.0 | 20:55 |
fta | no, which repo? | 20:57 |
asac | fta: its odd ... one sec | 20:59 |
asac | fta: | 21:00 |
asac | so if i do hg update -r THUNDERBIRD_3_0_RELEASE | 21:00 |
asac | on my own | 21:00 |
asac | i get version-191.txt == 3.0 | 21:00 |
asac | but what comes out of the mozclient is 3.0.2pre (aka head) | 21:00 |
fta | could you redo that manually and check that "hg update -r THUNDERBIRD_3_0_RELEASE" does the right thing? | 21:02 |
asac | fta: i did that manually | 21:03 |
asac | e.g. clone comm-1.9.1 | 21:03 |
asac | then update -r... | 21:03 |
asac | and that does the right thign | 21:03 |
asac | we get 3.0 in version191.txyt | 21:04 |
asac | running python checkout now | 21:05 |
asac | lets see if that trashes it | 21:05 |
asac | hmm | 21:06 |
asac | i get | 21:06 |
asac | python checkout | 21:06 |
asac | Executing command: ['hg', 'pull', '-R', './.'] | 21:06 |
asac | pulling from | 21:06 |
asac | searching for changes | 21:06 |
asac | no changes found | 21:06 |
asac | Executing command: ['hg', 'update', '-r', 'default', '-R', './.'] | 21:06 |
asac | 287 files updated, 0 files merged, 29 files removed, 0 files unresolved | 21:06 |
asac | Updated to revision 13494ff7aba10934c51a9de5785adcd23caabef3. | 21:06 |
asac | Executing command: ['hg', 'clone', '', './mozilla'] | 21:06 |
asac | requesting all changes | 21:06 |
asac | adding changesets | 21:06 |
asac | adding manifests | 21:06 |
asac | adding file changes | 21:06 |
asac | seems we need to pass the tag there too or something | 21:06 |
asac | fta: is there a way to refer to DEBIAN_TAG in the .conf file? | 21:06 |
asac | thats where we have that command | 21:06 |
asac | so yeah... .that trashes it | 21:06 |
* asac has to run to lunch ... will be back in 45 minutes (before the dooor is loocked | 21:07 | |
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_dinner | ||
* micahg now understands fta meant comm-1.9.1 and mozilla-1.9.1 | 21:41 | |
=== BUGabundo_dinner is now known as BUGabundo | ||
directhex | righty then, mozilla team. i need three bits of info. i got lost last time. 1) which package should be build-depended for mozilla plugin compilation in lucid (and if known, debian)? 2) which binary packages should be depended on (e.g. firefox|iceweasel)? 3) what is the correct folder to place plugins in for any browser in lucid (and debian if known) - this used to be xulrunner-addons/plugins/ but looking at the archive there | 22:40 |
directhex | is less than zero adherence to this across different plugins. | 22:40 |
bdrung | asac: ^ | 22:41 |
directhex | i mean, hell, gnash is just plain weird on this front - plugin installed in /usr/share/ubufox ? | 22:43 |
directhex | in my day share wasn't for arch-specific libs | 22:43 |
* micahg would think that's a bug... | 22:44 | |
directhex | the most common behaviour seems to be brute force & ignorance | 22:47 |
directhex | e.g.: | 22:47 |
directhex | /usr/lib/firefox/plugins/ | 22:47 |
directhex | /usr/lib/gtk-vnc/plugins/ | 22:47 |
directhex | /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ | 22:47 |
directhex | /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins/ | 22:47 |
micahg | directhex: that's why a helper for plugins will be useful :) | 22:48 |
directhex | micahg, in the meantime, what would said helper point to? is there a policy document on this stuff (especially given how changeable it is between releases)? | 22:49 |
directhex | a helper also precludes backports | 22:49 |
directhex | unless the helper gets backported liberally | 22:49 |
micahg | directhex: it would be in mozilla-devscripts | 22:49 |
micahg | which might get backporte | 22:50 |
micahg | *backported | 22:50 |
micahg | directhex: I think /usr/lib/xulrunner-addons/plugins | 22:52 |
directhex | micahg, not parsed anymore on lucid. i tried. | 22:52 |
micahg | not parsed by what? | 22:52 |
directhex | firefox, for example | 22:52 |
micahg | right, that was a Q I had for asac :) | 22:53 |
* micahg forgot about that one | 22:53 | |
directhex | and as far as a cure-all helper goes, feature freeze is in a fortnight | 22:53 |
micahg | usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins is the firefox plugin dir | 22:53 |
micahg | but I'm still not sure about where to put stuff since we're not building against FF, but xulrunner | 22:55 |
directhex | and non-firefox things? fennec, galeon, kazehakase, etc? | 22:55 |
micahg | those will build against xulrunner | 22:56 |
micahg | but be in universe | 22:56 |
micahg | directhex: | 22:56 |
directhex | micahg, they might build against it, but where do the plugins go? will xulrunner-dev be updated to 1.9.2? will xulrunner-1.9.1-dev remain? | 23:05 |
directhex | from a plugin packaging perspective, i miss /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ | 23:05 |
directhex | everything loves mozilla/plugins | 23:06 |
micahg | directhex: we're not shipping -dev packages with ff | 23:06 |
micahg | directhex: Firefox will be changing major versions, that's why we can't build against it | 23:08 |
micahg | directhex: yes, xulrunner-dev is migrating to 1.9.2 | 23:09 |
* micahg wonders if he should spend the weekend writing docs for everyone | 23:12 | |
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh | ||
asac | micahg: i should blog about the current plan | 23:56 |
asac | plugins go to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins ... | 23:57 |
asac | we still support the old firefox-addons location | 23:57 |
asac | plugins that ship alternatives go to /usr/share/ubufox/plugins/ too | 23:58 |
asac | so that ubufox can switch between them | 23:58 |
directhex | yes, please blog about it | 23:58 |
asac | fta: so ... do you have any clue? feels like we need somehow pass the tag to | 23:59 |
asac | --comm-rev=COMM_REV | 23:59 |
asac | --mozilla-rev=MOZILLA_REV | 23:59 |
asac | i guess both need to get DEBIAN_TAG | 23:59 |
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