dkeith__ | Good day folks | 02:01 |
dkeith__ | I have a mythbuntu backend that has started misbehaving recently, the backend app dieing frequently and sporadically. | 02:01 |
dkeith__ | I just took a look at the backend logs and noticed repeated blocks of errors indicating duplicate database errors | 02:02 |
dkeith__ | looks something like this (sorry for the length) | 02:03 |
dkeith__ | -- | 02:03 |
dkeith__ | 2010-02-01 10:00:40.611 DB Error (change_program): | 02:03 |
dkeith__ | Query was: | 02:03 |
dkeith__ | UPDATE program SET starttime = '2010-02-01T12:30:14', endtime = '2010-02-02T10:16:54' WHERE chanid = 5381 AND starttime = '2010-02-01T12:00:14' | 02:03 |
dkeith__ | Driver error was [2/1062]: | 02:03 |
dkeith__ | QMYSQL3: Unable to execute query | 02:03 |
dkeith__ | Database error was: | 02:03 |
dkeith__ | Duplicate entry '5381-2010-02-01 12:30:14-0' for key 1 | 02:03 |
dkeith__ | -- | 02:03 |
dkeith__ | any chance this rings a bell? | 02:03 |
dkeith__ | version is mythbuntu 8.x with comcast tuner via firewaire and hd homerun listeing over the air. Problems seem to happen while recording, though I have not been able to verify | 02:05 |
mrand | dkeith__: Sorry, no firm leads. Might first try cleaning database. You might also check out (even though you aren't upgrading, that article seems to imply to me there might be remote situations where daily operations could be affected) | 02:44 |
mrand | dkeith__: BTW, as suggested in the /topic, you can use pastebin for logs. | 02:44 |
Zinn | [] Fixing Corrupt Database Encoding - MythTV | 02:44 |
tgm4883 | i'd also note that in 9.10, the backend should get autorestarted if it dies by upstart | 02:45 |
dkeith__ | thanks. to clarify - "cleaning the database" means folowing the instructions at that "Fixing_Corrupt_Database_Encoding"? | 02:52 |
dkeith__ | sorry bout the paste - the pastebin info scrolled off the screen. | 02:52 |
dkeith__ | I am intending to upgrade "real soon now". But I am on the road for the next 4-5 weeks and hope t just stabilize it for now. Que sera | 02:53 |
ahhughes | if I want to add some music to my library where the hell do I copy it too? | 03:23 |
Zinn | ahhughes: Please watch your language. | 03:23 |
ahhughes | wow, that's harsh. | 03:24 |
dkeith__ | harsh, but fair. The manual has instructions for doing this. IIRC, you can declare where you music is and have it scan that directory. I am using 8.x, which has a pretty limited music UI (IMHO), and since my FE's are runnign on MACos, just loaded up the myth from the same share full of mp3's that itunes uses | 03:30 |
dkeith__ | | 03:33 |
Zinn | [] MythMusic - MythTV | 03:33 |
jarrod1 | how can I change the order of items in the main menu? like to make "watch tv" first. | 12:32 |
jarrod1 | is freenode still having troubles because of this firefox attack? | 13:38 |
dlong | I am running 9.04 still due to the lack of support of the PVR 150 and recently upgraded mythtv to 0.22 using the daily builds repo. That process is working well, with the exception of using new themes such as the new mythbuntu theme or the graphite theme. Are these themes broken? | 17:07 |
rhpot1991 | dlong: how is the 150 broken? | 17:08 |
dlong | rhpot1991: PVR-150 Blaster does not currently work | 17:09 |
dlong | that's right on the front page of | 17:10 |
Zinn | [] Mythbuntu 9.10 Release Notes | Mythbuntu | 17:10 |
rhpot1991 | ah blasting, nevermind :) | 17:13 |
dlong | So if I look at the logs (/var/log/mythtv/mythfrontend.log), I see a lot of "Font needs a face" messages | 17:14 |
dlong | In order to get any functionality of the frontend back I have to change the theme inside the database | 17:15 |
dlong | blootube-wide works | 17:15 |
rhpot1991 | dlong: did you update all the themes? | 17:20 |
rhpot1991 | if you run a pre .22 theme on .22 things wont be happy | 17:20 |
dlong | rhpot1991: yes, all the themes are updated | 17:22 |
tgm4883 | dlong, what is the output of | 17:24 |
tgm4883 | dpkg -l mythtv-frontend | 17:24 |
tgm4883 | and | 17:24 |
tgm4883 | dpkg -l mythtv-theme-mythbuntu | 17:24 |
dlong | mythtv-frontend: 0.22+fixes22594 | 17:26 |
dlong | mythtv-theme-mythbuntu | 17:26 |
dlong | 1.0.22+.... | 17:26 |
tgm4883 | dlong, you are on 9.04? | 17:28 |
dlong | tgm4883: yes | 17:28 |
tgm4883 | using the mythbuntu-repos auto-builds? | 17:28 |
dlong | yes | 17:28 |
gizmobay | dlong, I have a PVR150 on 9.10 | 17:28 |
dlong | gizmobay: 32 or 64 bit? | 17:28 |
gizmobay | 64 bit | 17:28 |
tgm4883 | dlong, looks like you have an older build, maybe try apt-get updating again | 17:28 |
dlong | gizmobay: hauppauge HVR-1600? | 17:28 |
tgm4883 | latest on the auto-builds is | 17:29 |
tgm4883 | mythtv 0.22.0+fixes23426-0ubuntu0+mythbuntu2 | 17:29 |
gizmobay | Just a pvr150 no hvr-1600 | 17:29 |
dlong | tgm4883: all right, I will update them | 17:29 |
rhpot1991 | gizmobay: it will record fine, he needs to blast | 17:34 |
dlong | rhpot1991: correct. | 17:35 |
dlong | Recording worked fine | 17:35 |
gizmobay | hasn't setup lirc yet? | 17:36 |
gizmobay | Does the HVR-1600 have an internal blaster or will he need a serial? | 17:36 |
rhpot1991 | gizmobay: blasting doesn't work on it in karmic | 17:36 |
gizmobay | ah I see | 17:37 |
gizmobay | blasting sucks though lol | 17:37 |
dlong | gizmobay: blasting is great for a person who turns into a couch potato after a long day of work | 17:38 |
lime4x4 | what is the best way to link a usb hard drive to the music folder on 9.10 | 20:14 |
gizmobay | my blasting can be iffy on changing the channel | 20:16 |
gizmobay | it's better 1 in 10 fail for me | 20:16 |
Rob_Z | so the issues with the 150's has been fixed and it can now receive IR controls from a remote? | 20:42 |
Rob_Z | (and 1600) | 20:42 |
dlong | Rob_Z: I don't believe so | 21:35 |
* Rob_Z grumbles | 21:48 | |
tgm4883 | there is an issue with PVR 150's and IR Receiving? | 22:20 |
tgm4883 | I thought it was just with blasting | 22:20 |
mrand | 1600 may still be broke. Not sure of PVR-150 problems other than analog scanning. | 22:48 |
Zinn | [] Nabble - LIRC - Haupauge Cards on Ubuntu 9.10 | 22:48 |
zephead | hello. I just purchased a USB-UIRT for channel changing my comcast DCT2224 box. I'm able to successfully change channels with the "irsend --device /dev/lircd1 SEND_ONCE DCT2000 6 1 OK" command (example = channel 61) but cannot get this to work in a script. Does anybody have any suggestions? | 23:23 |
zephead | I did have to modify /etc/init.d/lirc as documented here: | 23:24 |
Zinn | [] Ubuntu Forums - View Single Post - [SOLVED] Serial IR Blaster - IRSEND hardware does not support sending | 23:24 |
mrand | zephead: I have a very similar cable box.... 2222 maybe. I think it has the same interface. I can't look at how my myth application is set up right now, but will be able to this evening if you wanna stick around or come back. Note that while I have used IR blasting in the past, I use serial port right now. Slightly faster and more reliable. | 23:36 |
zephead | mrand: I wish my new board came w/ the serial pin header(s)! :) I think my lack of scripting is the root cause here, I figure since irsend works from the commandline, I just need some help creating a script... I wonder if the modification I had to make to get the blaster portion to work is causing grief since i have to use the "--device /dev/lircd1" flag? | 23:39 |
zephead | mrand: I'll stick around and I greatly appreciate any help you may be able to provide. Thanks! | 23:40 |
mrand | Are you using a pre-canned script? | 23:41 |
zephead | I've tried and failed ;( I did just run across this though : - and I'm modifying accordingly (REMOTE_NAME=JVC_RAW changed to REMOTE_NAME=DCT2000). The good thing is my /usr/share/lirc/extras/transmitters/motorola/dctxxxx.conf file is good | 23:43 |
Zinn | [] IR-BLASTER-HOWTO // MYTHTV | 23:43 |
mrand | zephead, here's mine: | 23:43 |
Zinn | [] mythbuntu private pastebin - collaborative debugging tool | 23:43 |
mrand | No promises, but it worked last time I tried it. | 23:43 |
mrand | @ignore | 23:43 |
Zinn | [] pastebin - collaborative debugging tool | 23:43 |
mrand | bbl | 23:44 |
zephead | pardon my ignorance, how is this command called from the commandline (rather than specifying in mythtv-setup)? :) | 23:44 |
zephead | ok - thanks! | 23:44 |
mrand | <channel number> I believe. | 23:45 |
zephead | :) I'll give it a stab. Thanks for you help! | 23:45 |
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