geo | ardchoille: All i know is newer intel (only info given is accellerated graphics HD,no model) on a i3 set | 00:00 |
bawtboi | hi. im running wordpress on localhost and i cant upload new theme packages over permission problem. then i set the folder access to 777 and now wordpress ask me on FTP login information. I dont know what's wrong | 00:00 |
reaktae | Customizing a LiveCD, I can't figure out how to edit/disable the boot menu. Could somebody share some information on this? | 00:00 |
ardchoille | geo: ok, I don't know much about intel cards | 00:01 |
toastedmilk | I'm getting fglrxinfo and glxinfo errors with Radeon X1900, amd64, nothing in the forums seems to be working, how can I fix this? | 00:02 |
=== reaktae is now known as LiveCDtrouble |
ardchoille | geo: Have you tried the ubuntu forums? | 00:02 |
geo | unixalot u still there? | 00:02 |
geo | ardchoille yeah but was hoping this would be faster | 00:03 |
unixalot | geo: ye man, just doing some googlin | 00:03 |
geo | unixalot kk np :p | 00:03 |
ardchoille | geo: Usually this is faster, but the forums are a great resource | 00:03 |
LiveCDtrouble | preferably from the chroot environment | 00:04 |
geo | ardchoille already googled and searched forums for similiar issue's on intel caards | 00:04 |
geo | and no luck | 00:04 |
yoh_ | hey guys... went to edit /boot/grub/menu.lst but it's nowhere to be found in 9.10. any ideas where i can edit the grub boot menu? | 00:04 |
=== Ingsoc is now known as FFFFFUUUUUU |
unixalot | geo: whats wrong with the vesa drivers they just suck?? so you want the old ones eh? | 00:04 |
geo | unixalot: Idk but i can't get more resolutions, or desktop effects... | 00:04 |
toastedmilk | geo: whatever you do, don't get a legacy ATI card... | 00:05 |
unixalot | geo: yeah, see i have a guide. just one more sec | 00:05 |
geo | unixalot: when running compiz --replace / --enable i get no whitlisted driver and a bunch of other bs | 00:05 |
NET||abuse | IdleOne, if you fancy another stab at my scenario, I have advanced my situation, the broadcom STA driver is installed and shows up in device driver thingy | 00:05 |
Losha | !grub2 | yoh | 00:05 |
ubottu | yoh: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 00:05 |
unixalot | geo: yeah like you cant enable desktop effects, i understand | 00:05 |
unixalot | geo: just finding some repo's | 00:05 |
geo | unixalot: kk | 00:06 |
NET||abuse | IdleOne, in command line i do iwconfig, eth5 has wifi bindings, sudo iwlist eth5 scanning and i see the big list o' networks here,,,, network-manager seems to be the problem. | 00:06 |
unixalot | geo: aite man | 00:06 |
unixalot | geo: | 00:06 |
LiveCDtrouble | yoh_: | 00:06 |
grace_ | still can't open firefox.. is ubuntu still under repair? | 00:06 |
unixalot | geo: they are jaunty sources but thats because you want the jaunty drivers, | 00:06 |
NET||abuse | IdleOne, in network manager the wireless is listed as disabled. | 00:06 |
ballongen | why can´t i connect to my ubuntu ssh server with winscp or nomachinenx, when i can connect with putty? | 00:07 |
yoh_ | thanks Losha , LiveCDtrouble | 00:07 |
geo | unixalot: Okay, but i installed xorg-video-intel-driver when i updated. How come i can't use them? | 00:07 |
LiveCDtrouble | anybody familiar with customizing the livecd? in particular, the "F2" boot menu editing within chroot... | 00:07 |
unixalot | geo: these are the 2.4 drivers | 00:07 |
NET||abuse | IdleOne, right clicking on the nm-applet and looking at the Enable Networking and Enable Wireless checkboxes, the Wireless one is greyed out. | 00:07 |
unixalot | geo: and you have to do all that then go in synaptic and type in xorg-video | 00:08 |
unixalot | geo: then use the 2.4 | 00:08 |
unixalot | geo: were you trying to change it threw the xorg.conf? | 00:08 |
geo | unixalot: no.. | 00:09 |
geo | unixalot: i just dnt understand why its using vesa rather than the intel drivers that installed | 00:09 |
sanguisdex | so ubuntiu recently upgraded apachee and now I can tuse php due to a quarter meg memry limit, but I have given it 120mb os limit in the ini file anu one else know where I would be having a problem? | 00:10 |
unixalot | geo: so in synaptic the intel 2.4 drivers is already installed?? | 00:11 |
unixalot | without repo's? | 00:11 |
Losha | Alumin: are you still there? | 00:11 |
geo | unixalot: Idk, it says intel ones are........let me see | 00:11 |
ubuntu | Help! After a hibernation Ubuntu won't boot and it drops to busybox. I put a lot of work in getting it to work the way I want. Can anyone help me to get it going? I am booted off the live cd right now. | 00:12 |
geo | says xserver-xorg-video-intel is | 00:12 |
Alumin | yes...kinda afk (on a call, hehe) but I'm watching my highlights :) | 00:12 |
geo | unixalot: no version though. just installed 2.4 ones from directions so gonna reboot and see how it go's | 00:13 |
unixalot | geo: hopefully that works better, do a glx gears you should get a lot more fps | 00:14 |
NET||abuse | why can't network-manager access my wifi? bcm4328. it's there, command line iwlist eth5 scanning shows networks,, but nm-applet won't let me tick Enable Wireless ??? | 00:14 |
unixalot | depending on your fx card | 00:14 |
faultyground | Alright, so I'm trying to cleanup my shortcuts a bit... Where would I find the folder with my Applications menu in it so I can group things up differently? | 00:15 |
unixalot | faultyground: in the applicatins menu? | 00:15 |
unixalot | faultyground: do you want the directory?? | 00:15 |
Losha | Alumin: ok, the scripts in /etc/rc?.d should give you a fair idea of what gets started at what runlevel. I think the default runlevel is 2, depending on your release... | 00:15 |
x404x | what program can be used for voice activated recording ? I tryed audacity but it keeps crashing on me | 00:15 |
faultyground | unixalot: thats what I was going for, yeah | 00:16 |
unixalot | faultyground: might be in /usr/bin | 00:16 |
Random832 | faultyground; it's an xml file - there's a gui editor if you right click on the menu | 00:18 |
MenZa | How can I change the hostname of my machine? | 00:18 |
unop | !hostname | 00:19 |
ubottu | Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. | 00:19 |
MenZa | unop: That's what I thought; but /etc/hostname doesn't exist | 00:19 |
unop | MenZa, that's weird - you can create it | 00:19 |
MenZa | unop: Just did. Thanks. | 00:20 |
=== jeff_ is now known as Jef91 |
Jef91 | Is there a way I can set an ext4 file system so anyone can read/write to it? | 00:20 |
Jef91 | I have an ext4 external hard drive that i keep having to chown when I connect it to a different system | 00:21 |
greezmunkey | ubuntu is more fun than a barrel full of munkeys :) | 00:22 |
grndslm | Jef91: sudo chown user:user -R /media/disk/ | 00:22 |
grndslm | .. or if you just want to allow everyone permission on the disk... sudo chmod 777 -R /media/disk | 00:22 |
Jef91 | grndslm and that won't over write the user from my other computer? | 00:22 |
grndslm | go with the chmod | 00:22 |
Jef91 | thanks yea | 00:22 |
Jef91 | chown is what I had been doing | 00:23 |
Jef91 | every time I connect it | 00:23 |
grndslm | right chmod is it.. dunno if you want 777 for all files, tho | 00:23 |
Jef91 | grndslm Yes I do, just movies and my Steam games backup | 00:24 |
NET||abuse | i'm at my witt's end here,, why does nm-applet / network manager not understand my wireless ? Using standard bcm4328 with STA driver, it knows eth5 is a wifi card, it just greys out the Enable Wireless option?? | 00:24 |
archboxman | NET||abuse: I was not yesterday was I | 00:25 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: Is there a physical switch for your wifi? | 00:25 |
NET||abuse | archboxman, sorry? | 00:25 |
Jef91 | NET||abuse - what Ubuntu version? | 00:25 |
NET||abuse | unixalot, yes, there is but it is on,, I have been putting up with this problem for 3 weeks. | 00:25 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: What ubuntu do you use? | 00:26 |
NET||abuse | unimatrix, it flaked out about a moth ago, i have tried on an off to re-install all drivers, tried fwcutter, everything, nm-applet will not let me enable wireless,, on command line i can do iwlist eth5 scanning and i see all the networks around | 00:26 |
NET||abuse | unixalot, Jef91 karmic | 00:26 |
archboxman | NET||abuse: Does the SAT driver work??? I helped a person with a dell netbook with the same wifi card built in does that work for you card??? | 00:26 |
NET||abuse | archboxman, what is SAT? | 00:27 |
archboxman | NET||abuse: meant STA broadcom driver does it work??? | 00:27 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: can you paste the results of lspci | 00:27 |
NET||abuse | archboxman, this is latitude d630 with bcm4328 rev 03, i am using the STA right now and with that i can iwlist eth5 scanning. | 00:28 |
fbc-mx | help! How do I move my home directory to a new machine? I tried a live CD but I can't copy folders that I don't have permission to in my home dir. | 00:28 |
unixalot | have you tried like ifconfig down, then up?? lol | 00:28 |
unixalot | Mine was doing this a long time ago but i forget how i fixed it, I think it was physically switched off | 00:28 |
panfist | is debian only insecure because it's not as updated or through some other flaw? do you have a citation? | 00:29 |
amagee | can i make a particular command that normally requires root (eg. apache2ctl) runnable by a particular non-root user, without asking for a password? | 00:29 |
NET||abuse | unixalot, this is not physically switched off, i have even demanded a new card from dell which they delivered today, i've switched it back and forward 4 times and no change, the physical switch is definately NOT switched off | 00:29 |
Jef91 | amagee - yes but it is not recommended | 00:29 |
panfist | nevermind | 00:29 |
amagee | Jef91: meh.. how do i do it? | 00:29 |
greezmunkey | NET||abuse, I found a tip that worked for me. Edit /etc/network/interfaces - Comment out the line "auto lo", and any other lines that include interfaces that you want NM to "manage" once done sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart, and try again. | 00:30 |
m3rc | If my nic is using the wrong driver, how do I get it to use a different one afer I modprobe the driver? | 00:30 |
archboxman | NET||abuse: I now there was other driver available a BSQ I beleibe it was also would work with the same wifi card is there a other option for driver in system > administation > hardware drivers??? | 00:30 |
Jef91 | Amagee - I don't recall off hand, let me look up how I did it *searches for the thread* | 00:30 |
amagee | ok thanks | 00:30 |
Oli`` | m3rc: rmmod the wrong one first, then modprobe the right one | 00:30 |
NET||abuse | archboxman, no, the admin->hardware drivers only shows the STA as an option. | 00:30 |
bastidrazor | NET||abuse: possibly nm-applet is looking for a wlan0 before allowing you to enable wireless.. how to change eth5 to wlan0 that i don't know though. | 00:30 |
Oli`` | m3rc: then blacklist the wrong one to stop it loading on boot | 00:31 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: alright, what about your users | 00:31 |
m3rc | Oli``: did those but it's not associating the new driver with the nic | 00:31 |
unixalot | Like | 00:31 |
NET||abuse | bastidrazor, that's just weird. .. | 00:31 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: have you tried to sudo nm | 00:31 |
Jef91 | amagee: - let me know if you need anything there cleared up | 00:31 |
NET||abuse | unimatrix, will try sudo nm- now one sec. | 00:32 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: my advice would be install bum(boot up manager) from synaptic and enable policy kit | 00:32 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: have you tried enable policy kit | 00:32 |
unimatrix | NET||abuse: i believe you mean "unixalot" | 00:32 |
=== Strife89 is now known as Strife89|Desktop |
IdleOne | NET||abuse: you could try installing wicd I have seen a lot of people in here with wifi issues and after installing wicd the problem seems resolved. | 00:32 |
Carlis | hi | 00:32 |
greezmunkey | NET||abuse, you can monitor what NM is doing... tail -f /var/log/syslog :) | 00:32 |
Carlis | How do i do to open office to check the spanish words ? | 00:33 |
unixalot | unimatrix: lol, it happens all the time.. | 00:33 |
_Tristan | my new ubuntu installation doesn't offer to connect to my wireless internet. | 00:33 |
NET||abuse | unixalot, tried sudo nm-applet, no joy. | 00:33 |
nyc_student | sup | 00:33 |
Jef91 | _Tristan What wifi card? | 00:33 |
Carlis | How do i do to open office to check the spanish words ? | 00:33 |
amagee | Jef91: when i clicked that link, my computer spontaneously logged out of X :S .. trying again | 00:33 |
Jef91 | amagee - lol kk | 00:33 |
_Tristan | Jef91: I don't know. It works with the installation of the same os/version on another partition. | 00:33 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: i would try the bum, and enable policy kit, when that work, or doesnt work i recomment creating a new userand trying nm | 00:33 |
Carlis | How do i do to open office to check the spanish words ? | 00:34 |
amagee | Jef91: yeah that seems to be exactly what i want, thanks | 00:34 |
Jef91 | _Tristan Does ifconfig in terminal list the card? | 00:34 |
Jef91 | amagee - np | 00:34 |
toastedmilk | Does anyone know the terminal command(apt, perhaps) to see if I have fglrx packages installed? | 00:34 |
NET||abuse | unixalot, it's weird as this behaviour occured a while back, i re-seated the ahrdware, and it worked again for 3 days, then it failed again. | 00:34 |
Carlis | How do i do to open office to check the spanish words ? | 00:34 |
Jef91 | Carlis - is your default Ubuntu language spanish? | 00:34 |
greezmunkey | IdleOne, I used to advise that myself, but I have reconsidered. I have NM working on this box, with on demand VPN (which is really handy) The thing is that there are some things you *have* to do to your system before NM will work correctly. | 00:34 |
Carlis | no Jef91 | 00:35 |
IdleOne | greezmunkey: maybe you could guide NET||abuse. I have no wifi card so don't have these issues | 00:35 |
Alumin | Losha: cool...that's what I did by hand, was just looking for something a little more "one-liner" :) | 00:35 |
archboxman | unixalot: why is every time ubuntu puts out a new version they end up with so many problems for kernel, hardware, interupt problems and just overall setup??? | 00:35 |
m3rc | I have a nic that defaults to using via_rhine but I need it to use rtl8139too. How do I associate the nic to the new driver? | 00:35 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: so this is possibly a hardware issues... what is greyed out in nm=applet? | 00:35 |
Alumin | which it looks like there is, with the service's just not installed by default | 00:35 |
unixalot | archboxman: No idea, im still using jaunty.. | 00:35 |
Alumin | too bad, can't win 'em all :) | 00:35 |
greezmunkey | IdleOne, I posted one potential correction for (him/her) earlier :) | 00:35 |
NET||abuse | unimatrix, the "Enable Wireless" checkbox is greyed out. | 00:36 |
NET||abuse | unixalot, i meant... arg. | 00:36 |
_Tristan | Jef91: | 00:36 |
Jef91 | Carlis - Try: Tools->Options->Languages | 00:36 |
NET||abuse | unixalot, so the "Enable Wireless" checkbox is disabled. | 00:36 |
Carlis | do i do that steps in oo ?? | 00:36 |
m3rc | Carlis: yes | 00:36 |
archboxman | unixalot: this is why I wont go back to ubuntu every update seems to get more bloated and more problems... I will stick with archlinux :) | 00:37 |
Carlis | ok | 00:37 |
Smurfie | Hm.. | 00:37 |
_Tristan | if you stick to archlinux... why are you here? | 00:37 |
unixalot | archboxman: yeah im going to try arch one day, and they just released alpha drivers for my wifi for osx | 00:37 |
Jef91 | _Tristan What is your current install Ubuntu/Distro and what is the Distro/Version the card works in? | 00:37 |
Jef91 | m3rc thanks :x | 00:37 |
Jef91 | Carlis - | 00:37 |
NET||abuse | hmm, how do i use wicd? | 00:38 |
_Tristan | Jef91: I've got two partitions on the same box of ubuntu 9.10, this one I'm on now works and my new one doesn't | 00:38 |
Jef91 | Carlis - FYI I had no idea how to change that - I just googled it... | 00:38 |
Jef91 | NET||abuse - you don't, it blows hardcore IMO | 00:38 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: okay i found the solution | 00:38 |
archboxman | Tristam: help other users I use Linux MInt 7.. I can help with xorg.conf questions and setup and few more problems :) | 00:38 |
NET||abuse | unixalot, ahhh? :) cool | 00:38 |
greezmunkey | NET||abuse, If you apt-get install wicd, it will uninstall NM as it replaces it, pretty painless. | 00:38 |
Smurfie | Where on this site: do I find the installation for 8.04? | 00:38 |
m3rc | Jef91: Google's the secret linux pro help tool. I heard the FBI's using it now. | 00:38 |
Jef91 | archboxman - I don't even refer to it has Mint unless I am on the mint boards | 00:39 |
NET||abuse | greezmunkey, i've already done that, there's no icons to run it, running from command line produces no output... bleh... weird | 00:39 |
Jef91 | For most intents and fixing issues mint == ubuntu | 00:39 |
harjot__ | is there a ubuntu 8.04 skype version for download anywhere? | 00:39 |
archboxman | Jef91: why they all run Debian | 00:39 |
greezmunkey | NET||abuse, yikes, that is strange! | 00:39 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: just got a question | 00:39 |
rahduke | can anyone point me to an app that monitors my SSH server, i really want something simple that has a GUI | 00:39 |
NET||abuse | unixalot, ok, shoot | 00:39 |
IdleOne | NET||abuse: log out and back in and wicd will ( cross fingers ) kick in and just work | 00:39 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: do you want to use nm wireless or can you succesfully connect to wifi using terminal methods like ifconfig iwconfig | 00:40 |
greezmunkey | NET||abuse, there is that :) | 00:40 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: would help determine the bug being software/hardware | 00:40 |
geirha | Smurfie: -> 8.04 -> Installing Ubuntu (at the bottom), but yeah, there should've been a link for the LTS on that page too | 00:40 |
NET||abuse | unixalot, i'd definately prefer to use nm.. remembering the cli series of commands just isn't what i need | 00:40 |
archboxman | Jef91: last time I was on here we had to go to the debian chatroom to fix individuals xorg.conf file I almost certian no ubuntu user would have fixed it... | 00:40 |
Smurfie | Ahh ok, thank you geirha :] | 00:40 |
rahduke | can anyone point me to an app that monitors my SSH server, i really want something simple that has a GUI, comeon someone knows something! | 00:41 |
Carlis | I have chosen spanish in Tool+option and language but OO doesnt check the spanish word | 00:41 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: apparently you have to blacklist the dell-laptop kernel module | 00:41 |
jOZe | hello | 00:41 |
Jef91 | archboxman - yep, Linux is Linux | 00:41 |
NET||abuse | unixalot, oh god? what? | 00:41 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: dell tries to save power by not enabling the hardware till the wifi signal apperas | 00:41 |
m3rc | rahduke: Try Webmin | 00:41 |
blakkheim | rahduke: grep ssh /var/log/auth.log | tail -f | 00:41 |
_Tristan | lol. | 00:41 |
Jef91 | archboxman For really complex questions most times I have to go to to get a solution because gets no answers | 00:41 |
NET||abuse | unixalot, will that kill other stuff though like the fn keys? | 00:41 |
NET||abuse | unixalot, volume up down? | 00:41 |
greezmunkey | rahduke, what info do you want to see on the SSH server? | 00:41 |
rahduke | blakkheim: im looking for something with a gui | 00:42 |
rahduke | just want to monitor who connects, and speed of streams and stuff | 00:42 |
blakkheim | rahduke: xterm -e "grep ssh /var/log/auth.log | tail -f" | 00:42 |
Jef91 | Anyone here had any luck getting audio to pipe through the HDMI on a nVidia card under Linux? I've been less than successful thus far | 00:42 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: No idea for i have not done so, but um | 00:42 |
_Tristan | blakkheim: you beat me to it. | 00:42 |
NET||abuse | unixalot, what's the package called? | 00:42 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: you should try to turn off wireless manual and see if you can connect | 00:42 |
archboxman | Jef91: I write alot of responses on ... :) | 00:42 |
geirha | Carlis: In OO, Tools -> Language -> For all text -> Spanish | 00:42 |
rahduke | blakkheim: that didnt work | 00:42 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: network manager detecs the change and shows the wireless checkmark as enables? | 00:42 |
jOZe | any idea about a firefox 3.5.7 + flash plugin 10.0.r42 on ubuntu 9.10 amd64 that crash on some pages with flash ? | 00:43 |
NET||abuse | unimatrix, no i tried that a bunch, didn't help. | 00:43 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: re-enable wireless using the hardware switch | 00:43 |
Jef91 | archboxman Very good, I mostly just help with people having Wine issues. I'm mostly useless for most other problems lol | 00:43 |
Smurfie | Hey geirha. Which one would I click?: | 00:43 |
SaEeDIRHA | hi, i have problem with my display resolution, my screen resolution works fine , but when i login to my account it resize my resolution , is there anyway that i can stop it to resize my display resolution when i login to my account ? | 00:43 |
anil56554 | joze: that's the problem with firefox and flash | 00:43 |
rahduke | m3rc: webmin seems liek overkill for what im doing | 00:43 |
archboxman | Jef91: did you vote for linux operating system of the year on | 00:43 |
Jef91 | j0Ze - 64bit flash on Linux is shaky at best | 00:43 |
SaEeDIRHA | i have Nvidia graphic card | 00:43 |
Jef91 | archboxman Of, course. I'm an Ubuntu boy at heart | 00:43 |
nyc_student | is it possible to connect a laptop running ubuntu to a schools network and have students use the logins created for them be use-able and takes them to there own folder in the network? | 00:43 |
geirha | Smurfie: Graphical Install | 00:44 |
rahduke | SaEeDIRHA: i can help u | 00:44 |
rahduke | hang on one sec | 00:44 |
Smurfie | Okies. | 00:44 |
m3rc | rahduke: that's the only one I know of | 00:44 |
SaEeDIRHA | rahduke: would you please tell me how ? | 00:44 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: others with your same wifi have had succes with using wicd instead of nm wich points the finger at gnomenm | 00:44 |
archboxman | well got to run to work have a good day :) | 00:44 |
Jef91 | I have two Ubuntu systems, One Mint (so Ubuntu again), and then my phone is Maemo :) | 00:44 |
Jef91 | archboxman - peace | 00:44 |
NET||abuse | unixalot, right, gonna restart X see if wicd kicks in. | 00:44 |
rahduke | SaEeDIRHA: i had the same issue on my htpc, i have to boot it and check what i did... u use nvidia-settings manager right? | 00:44 |
NET||abuse | unixalot, br | 00:44 |
NET||abuse | b | 00:45 |
jOZe | thanks | 00:45 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: i would go for blacklist dell module | 00:45 |
SaEeDIRHA | yes | 00:45 |
CyberaX2195 | Could not connect to ( - connect (113: No route to host) | 00:45 |
CyberaX2195 | thats a new one! | 00:45 |
Smurfie | Uhm, should I be making this disc from another computer other than the one I'm trying to upgrade? | 00:45 |
Carlis | geirha didnt work | 00:45 |
rahduke | SaEeDIRHA: goto preferences Startup Applications | 00:45 |
rahduke | add nvidia-settings -l as a startup item | 00:46 |
CyberaX2195 | methinks == f00barred lol | 00:46 |
SaEeDIRHA | ok | 00:46 |
rahduke | you will be straight | 00:46 |
rahduke | thats a lowercase L btw | 00:46 |
Carlis | what another steps can I do geirha ? | 00:46 |
rww | CyberaX2195: It's down for me right now too. Try a different mirror. | 00:46 |
rww | CyberaX2195: (it happens occasionally, unfortunately ): | 00:47 |
=== David-T is now known as Guest57528 |
SaEeDIRHA | rahduke: ok, and ? | 00:47 |
NET||abuse | unixalot, hmm, wicd came up, can't find my own wifi ssid | 00:47 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: its probably interefering with gnome nm, wich is x10 better then wicd... imo.. | 00:48 |
NET||abuse | unixalot, can find about 20 0others :) | 00:48 |
rahduke | SaEeDIRHA: once its done its done, log out and log back in or restart | 00:48 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: k well | 00:48 |
Jef91 | What is the best way to setup an automatic nightly backup of my Documents folder to an external hard drive on Linux? | 00:48 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: the solutin isi rather simple | 00:48 |
geirha | Carlis: Hm. That's odd, it should've worked. | 00:48 |
Smurfie | geirha, should I be making this disc from another computer other than the one I'm trying to upgrade? | 00:48 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: terminal, rmmod dell-laptop | 00:48 |
unixalot | than | 00:48 |
SaEeDIRHA | rahduke: you said "goto preferences Startup Applications" and do what ? | 00:48 |
Carlis | for me didn work | 00:48 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: add it to /etc/modprobe.d/dell-laptop.conf | 00:48 |
rahduke | add nvidia-settings -l as a startup item | 00:49 |
rahduke | nvidia-settings -l is the command | 00:49 |
rahduke | name it whatever u want | 00:49 |
SaEeDIRHA | ok | 00:49 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: once dell firmware updates are available for karmic this shouldnt b a problem | 00:49 |
Carlis | what else can i do geirha ? | 00:49 |
geirha | Smurfie: Upgrade? You don't use a disc to upgrade. You just use the update-manager. System -> Administration -> Updates | 00:49 |
NET||abuse | unixalot, ahh, i see.. | 00:49 |
Smurfie | I've already messed up my system. And I have to do it through a disc or usb stick. | 00:50 |
Smurfie | And.. I'm a few versions behind. | 00:50 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: or try to boot with the kill switch off on the wifi | 00:50 |
=== m|temp is now known as DDwi |
unixalot | NET||abuse: But try the blacklist first | 00:50 |
geirha | Carlis: Have you set spanish as the default language in open office? | 00:50 |
SaEeDIRHA | rahduke: thankx, let me check it and if i have problem i will come back | 00:50 |
NET||abuse | unixalot, will try that i suppose. | 00:51 |
rahduke | kk | 00:51 |
geirha | Smurfie: Ah, well it doesn't matter where you burn it | 00:51 |
=== ubuntu is now known as EliasAmaral |
Smurfie | Ahk. | 00:51 |
unixalot | NET||abuse: do you know how to use the terminal | 00:51 |
unixalot | Open terminal i guide u threw | 00:51 |
cookta2012 | !wine | 00:51 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 00:51 |
RyanD | Hi all. I am running 9.10 and put my desktop into Hibernate last night. When I tried to boot up today it gives up waiting for root device and drops to busybox. From the live cd I cannot see the disk at all but my bios recognizes it. Is my drive toast? If not how can I fix this? Thanks. | 00:52 |
robert__ | x cell | 00:52 |
Carlis | yes, I do it in tool + option and language in the western field and I chosen spanish (spain ) | 00:52 |
ima | keyserver keeps timing out.. | 00:54 |
eedge | Hey :0) quick question, if I wanted to have a external hostname resolve to something on a local box that was less obscure, could I use the host file for this and if so how? | 00:55 |
Smurfie | Well, crap. I got photo cd's instead of the other kind >_< usb stick instead. Hopefully this works. | 00:55 |
geirha | Carlis: Hm. Well, try marking all text in the document (Ctrl+a) and set spanish as the language for the selection | 00:55 |
ayam_jago | hello | 00:55 |
skynet|PC | does xchat support scripting? | 00:55 |
eedge | (have mysql hosted, and the given hostname is a bit special, would like to reference it with something a bit more sensible in applications) | 00:55 |
skynet|PC | on ubuntu | 00:55 |
ayam_jago | i need some help with my ubuntu plz | 00:55 |
anil56554 | eedge:yes i think you can | 00:55 |
geirha | Smurfie: o_O A cd is a cd ... | 00:55 |
Smurfie | O.o | 00:55 |
eedge | anil56554, fantastic! this is why I love #ubuntu :-) any idea how? | 00:56 |
Smurfie | It doesn't matter that I got photo cds? | 00:56 |
ima | gpg: keyserver timed out | 00:56 |
geirha | Smurfie: Just put in an empty one, right click the iso-file and choose burn/write | 00:56 |
pingfloyd | ayam_jago: you need to be a bit more specific | 00:56 |
Smurfie | <.< Don't mind me.. I have my blonde moments. | 00:56 |
raffaele | ciao | 00:56 |
raffaele | !list | 00:57 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 00:57 |
geirha | Smurfie: I don't really know what photo cds is. If they are writable and are the same size as "regular" cds, they should work just fine. | 00:57 |
Carlis | The issue persist geirha | 00:57 |
kermit | why isn't apt-get removing the files, even though it says the packages are removed? | 00:57 |
anil56554 | eedge:its in the /etc/host | 00:57 |
Alumin | kermit: it doesn't remove config files | 00:57 |
Alumin | kermit: if you want it to completely eradicate the package, use --purge | 00:57 |
skynet|PC | e | 00:57 |
rww | kermit: apt-get doesn't remove system-wide configuration files unless you use purge. It never removes per-user configuration files stored in your home folder. | 00:58 |
kermit | rww: it's not even removing anything | 00:58 |
rww | kermit: which package? | 00:58 |
Alumin | hmm | 00:58 |
rahduke | if i want to launch an app remotely thru SSH like firefox for example, what is the command? | 00:58 |
ayam_jago | have usplash error on startup | 00:58 |
kermit | rww: several large games | 00:58 |
rahduke | it keeps telling me no display specified | 00:58 |
anil56554 | eedge:check it out | 00:58 |
Alumin | rahduke: same as it would be locally | 00:58 |
rww | kermit: which package? | 00:58 |
ayam_jago | and show low graphic mode | 00:58 |
rww | kermit: as in, the actual name? | 00:58 |
faultyground | Alright, Ive two questions, I'll start with the easy one... What happened to the "Sessions" feature from the preferences menu? I'd like to set up a couple apps to run at login. | 00:58 |
Gnewt | I want to run Xen hypverisor with a current Ubuntu Karmic install, but it's not built into the kernel. Would compiling my own kernel with Xen patches from the sources have any adverse effects? | 00:58 |
rahduke | Alumin: it says no display specified | 00:58 |
TomV_415 | I've been struggling with an ubuntu install all day - I think at this point I just need help getting the grub meun.lst correct | 00:58 |
kermit | rww: snowballz abuse-frabs pingus slune adanaxisgpl frozen-bubble egoboo trackballs xmoto wormux tremulous neverball supertuxkart openarena vegastrike torcs sauerbraten alien-arena | 00:59 |
Alumin | rah: ah, looks like your SSH client didn't set up the forward | 00:59 |
Alumin | rahduke: log out, and reconnect with "ssh -X ..." | 00:59 |
rahduke | Alumin: oh i c what u mean | 00:59 |
kermit | rww: several GB of stuff in /usr/share/games .. its all still there | 00:59 |
Smurfie | o_o Apparently I screwed up my cd drive too. Lovely. Its not recognizing that there's a disc in there. | 00:59 |
geirha | Carlis: I don't know then ... perhaps try the spanish ubuntu channel (#ubuntu-es), maybe they've encountered the same problem. | 00:59 |
ayam_jago | pingfloyd: The error says :usplash: Setting mode 1152x864 failed usplash: Using mode 1024x768. I don't how to solve this problem. | 00:59 |
rahduke | wow SSH is so amazing | 01:00 |
rww | kermit: no error messages during apt-get remove? | 01:00 |
TomV_415 | I think I hate grub2... :-) | 01:00 |
marcosRz | How do I add a contact from a guy (who emailed) me on Evolution? | 01:00 |
Carlis | ok. Thanks geirha | 01:00 |
kermit | rww: none | 01:00 |
maco | marcosRz: try right clicking the "from" person and maybe there's "add to contacts"? | 01:00 |
rahduke | SSH is the greatest thing ive ever found, seriously its incredible..... I went as far as to try to install a VPN server to avoid SSH cuz i thought it was hard | 01:00 |
Carlis | #ubuntu-es | 01:00 |
kermit | rww: this might be correct "After this operation, 122MB disk space will be freed." it should have removed several GB | 01:00 |
rahduke | SSH is efffing simple | 01:00 |
sekyourbox | will this work with ubuntu: NVIDIA GeForce 8400 GS 512MB DDR2 PCI Graphics Card ? | 01:01 |
marcosRz | do you think I"m retarted? | 01:01 |
ima | how do I check to see if I've got the amd64 version or the i386 version of wine? | 01:01 |
eedge | anil56554, cheers :-) trying to get it to work with hostname --> hostname instead of with IP's, testing atm! | 01:01 |
faultyground | Using 9.10, how can I set a program to launch on startup? | 01:01 |
geirha | ima: file "$(type -P wine)" | 01:01 |
rww | kermit: Can you give me an example filename that's still in /usr/share/games ? | 01:02 |
anil56554 | ima:which pc do you have | 01:02 |
maco | marcosRz: i thought that was how it worked. havent used it in a while. but hey, you did just spell "retarded" with two Ts... | 01:02 |
boourns | faultyground, system > prefrences > startup applications | 01:02 |
ima | geirha, thank you | 01:02 |
TomV_415 | Is it true that grub2 doesn't understand uuid for disks? | 01:02 |
unixalot | grub 2 is crap | 01:02 |
unixalot | lol | 01:02 |
unixalot | I like the legacy | 01:02 |
TomV_415 | unixalot: yes yes true. | 01:02 |
ayam_jago | The error says :usplash: Setting mode 1152x864 failed usplash: Using mode 1024x768. I don't how to solve this problem. im using nVidia GeForce Fx5500 | 01:02 |
faultyground | boourns *facepalm* thanks. I kept looking for the old "Sessions" and didnt even notice. | 01:02 |
maco | marcosRz: and if it doesnt work like that, file a usability bug, because it should | 01:02 |
marcosRz | maco, English is not my first language | 01:02 |
marcosRz | :P | 01:02 |
kermit | rww: /usr/share/alien-arena/data1/textures/martian/tree2_tga.tga | 01:03 |
boourns | faultyground, yep its confusing it keeps moving around between versions | 01:03 |
TomV_415 | unixalot: maybe more like 'not ready for primetime' than crap :-) | 01:03 |
unixalot | TomV_415: yes well, its more so that you cant mess up your boot | 01:03 |
unixalot | TomV_415: with all those different config files | 01:03 |
MrKeuner | hi, is duplex printing possible in Karmic? I am using hp4250n which I believe is duplex capable | 01:03 |
TomV_415 | unixalot: I'm deep in the middle of trying to work my way out of that very problem... | 01:04 |
rww | kermit: did apt-get remove the "alien-arena-data" package? | 01:04 |
TomV_415 | unixalot: after a complete reinstall of ubuntu, I still can't get the bootloader to work. | 01:04 |
kermit | rww: no, that worked, thanks | 01:04 |
rww | kermit: no problem, glad I could help :) | 01:05 |
tucemiux | any one knows if you can tether and sync a phone that has windows mobile?? | 01:05 |
skynet|PC | LOAD -e script#1 | 01:05 |
boourns | TomV_415, may i suggest the "super grub" boot disc? | 01:05 |
vladc | Hi, does anyone know what package in 9.10 includes the "tclkit" executable? | 01:06 |
TomV_415 | boourns: I have used the supergrub boot disk... lets me get back to windows, but I need to fix how it opens ubuntu... trying to sort that out now.. (fdisk -l ...) | 01:06 |
MenZa | !find tclkit | vladc | 01:06 |
kermit | rww: i guess i'll do this: find snowballz abuse-frabs pingus slune adanaxisgpl frozen-bubble egoboo trackballs xmoto wormux tremulous neverball supertuxkart openarena vegastrike torcs sauerbraten alien-arena -type f|xargs dpkg -S|cut -d: -f1|sort -u|xargs apt-get remove | 01:06 |
boourns | TomV_415, did you try the "auto linux" option? | 01:06 |
ubottu | vladc: Package/file tclkit does not exist in karmic | 01:06 |
MenZa | vladc: Out of luck, it would seem. | 01:06 |
TomV_415 | boourns: I'll try it again... | 01:06 |
zilkomaa | Why i cant get alsamixer driver option shown in sound->prefences-hardware-profile? | 01:07 |
boourns | TomV_415, also... from super grub, try show partitions, find your ubuntu partition, hit B for boot... it wont fix grub but its good for testing that u can boot it | 01:07 |
vladc | MenZa, ubottu: That's weird, I would expect there to be a package for it. I guess I'll have to install it manually. | 01:07 |
* `mOOse` listens to TomV_415 and boourns carefully as he has now got a hosed XP/Win7 dualboot install thanks to grub2 | 01:07 |
TomV_415 | boourns: I just simplified my partiions and such. there's no auto linux, but there's something like auto magic | 01:07 |
rww | kermit: Theoretically, apt-get should mark data packages and things like that as automatically installed, and apt-get autoremove would deal with them. | 01:07 |
MenZa | vladc: I would have expected it too. Sec. | 01:07 |
MenZa | vladc: Perhaps the package 'tcl' | 01:08 |
rww | kermit: unfortunately, unless you keep things obsessively tidy, apt-get autoremove often removes too much or too little | 01:08 |
vladc | MenZa, ubottu: Thanks, I'll try 'tcl'. | 01:08 |
boourns | yeah super grub is amazing... enough tinkering and u can always fix it ;) with windows too | 01:08 |
faultyground | Alright, second issue, I recently installed Emerald, but it wont run unless I keep a terminal open running "emerald --restart", also defaults to gtk on startup. How can I get Emerald running without my intervention? | 01:08 |
jack45334 | anyone know how to download youtube videos in ubuntu | 01:08 |
TomV_415 | boourns: my linux partion is on /dev/sda5 now.. I just need to fix that crazy menu.lst, I think... but I'll try supergrub now.. | 01:09 |
boourns | jack45334, firefox + greasemonkey + youtube enhancer from | 01:09 |
MenZa | jack45334: My suggestion is to enable YouTube HTML5 ( and simply downloading the source file linked in the mark up. | 01:09 |
dukehunter | jack download firefox addon YOUKEEP | 01:09 |
Dr_Willis | faultyground: use the 'fusion-icon' tool to manage your window decoration. | 01:09 |
kermit | jack45334: | 01:09 |
Dr_Willis | faultyground: emerald is basically a dead project. | 01:09 |
* `mOOse` goes to look for supergrub | 01:10 |
unixalot | faultyground: check my pm tell you how to fix this | 01:10 |
ayam_jago | hello??? | 01:10 |
`mOOse` | this is a hail mary on my part | 01:10 |
`mOOse` | I'm so fsking frustrated with grub at this point | 01:10 |
jack45334 | any software to do so | 01:10 |
tucemiux | anyone here syncs their phone with evolution??? anyone knows if you can sync and tether a phone? | 01:10 |
Dr_Willis | faultyground: and you can use 'emerald --replace &' then the 'exit' command to close the termial if you launch it that way | 01:10 |
MenZa | vladc: For the record, if you do a search for tcl (apt-cache search tcl), you might find other packages. | 01:10 |
rahduke | bargggggg how is there no ssh server application with a gui? Is there any screenlet or widget or conky script that willw ork? | 01:10 |
MrKeuner | is duplex printing possible in Karmic, at all? | 01:11 |
tucemiux | `mOOse`, watch your language, what is the problem youre experiencing with grub? please describe it all in one line | 01:11 |
jken146 | MrKeuner: yes, depends on the printer | 01:11 |
MenZa | MrKeuner: Sure, if the driver supports it (and the printer, of course) | 01:11 |
jken146 | rahduke: why would you want one? | 01:11 |
MrKeuner | MenZa, do you know if hpijs supports duplex?? | 01:11 |
MenZa | MrKeuner: I don't. Try reading the driver documentation, it should say. | 01:11 |
jack45334 | menza: will i have to login to youtube to use html5 | 01:12 |
rahduke | jken146: i want to be able to monitor transfer speed, users, that kind of stuff | 01:12 |
tucemiux | rahduke, because you dont need a GUI to run an ssh server app LoL It all depends on what you are trying to do with the app | 01:12 |
JoeSomebody | ok so i been backing up a few tidbits here and there, now how do i backup my themes? | 01:12 |
MenZa | jack45334: Nope; it sets a cookie. | 01:12 |
MrKeuner | MenZa, OK thanks | 01:12 |
MenZa | JoeSomebody: Installed as your user, they'll be in ~/.themes IIRC | 01:12 |
TomV_415 | boourns: supergrub gets "error: no loaded kernel when I try to load linux.. | 01:12 |
`mOOse` | tucemiux, I installed xubuntu on a usb flashdrive and stupidly left my HD in my laptop (despite solid warnings not to), whuch has XP and Win7 on it...grub gave me a hard time because I forced it to install on the boot partition I made for the flashdrive. It installed the bootscreen to the usb, but in that menu there's 2 entries for win7, but nothing for I can't boot to either XP or Win7 | 01:13 |
`mOOse` | I can get into xubuntu though | 01:13 |
TomV_415 | boourns: do you know how to edit teh command to get it to mount | boot to /dev/sda5? | 01:14 |
arghh2d2 | `mOOse`: so whats the problem? | 01:14 |
rahduke | lol suddenly everyone goes quiet | 01:14 |
`mOOse` | and it nuked my boot menu for XP/Win7...all I see is GRUB in the top left corner of the screen | 01:14 |
JoeSomebody | got my samba, xchat, docs, pics, themes, any other suggestions before i erase myself? :) | 01:15 |
tucemiux | `mOOse`, the issue here is, can you boot to xubuntu? | 01:15 |
TomV_415 | what % of pain here comes from grub2.... | 01:15 |
`mOOse` | yes | 01:15 |
mazda01 | anyone else have issues when trying to burn iso dvd's on generic dvd-r media | 01:15 |
jken146 | TomV_415: confusing%, until you learn how it works | 01:15 |
tucemiux | `mOOse`, youre using grub2, just update grub | 01:15 |
unixalot | mazda01: nope | 01:15 |
JoeSomebody | i cant run terminal and do a "proper" backup | 01:15 |
`mOOse` | I have, 20 times | 01:15 |
TomV_415 | jken146: you can say that again... how does it WORK? I can't get it to see my ubuntu kernel... back to liveCD now.. | 01:16 |
Dr_Willis | I recall the same complaints when we all moved from LILO to GRUB.. but you dont see many people still wanting to go back to LILO now. | 01:16 |
tucemiux | `mOOse`, grub-probe | 01:16 |
* `mOOse` goes to grub-probe now | 01:16 |
`mOOse` | no path or device is specified | 01:16 |
BalSak | does anyone know how to set up & configure SIP voip & video in empathy, please? | 01:17 |
JoeSomebody | is there a way to get a list of my packages without terminal? | 01:17 |
=== bob__ is now known as bob_0 |
MenZa | JoeSomebody: In Synaptic (System -> Administration -> Synaptic), you can select only installed packages. | 01:17 |
john4332 | hi! i use ATA VOIP.... i connected line 1 to analog phone.... i can call with voip that way.. but when i connect my pstn line on pstn plug.... i cannot call anyomore with voip line.... usually,, the voip line should work first...and switch button 0000 go on pstn... even i push still stay on pstn line..any idea how i can resolve the issue ? | 01:17 |
jken146 | JoeSomebody: Synaptic | 01:18 |
`mOOse` | if I ask it to grub-probe /dev/sdb1 or sdb5 it says grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /dev/sdb5. | 01:18 |
tucemiux | `mOOse`, im not following you, sorry---so you basically have windows in your hard drive and install xubuntu in your USB flash drive? | 01:18 |
kermit | can i remove these old linux-headers for kernels i wont use again? | 01:18 |
grumbly | I have a strange and kinda dumb question... A couple days ago, maybe a week, I briefly saw something for some application that "checked" the options one has set for a kernel recompile- Might be a little off there, but essentially, it looked like it may have facilitated kernel recompilation, and aided in making sure it build/worked properly... | 01:18 |
unimatrix | how do I kill NetworkManager? | 01:18 |
`mOOse` | yes, exactly tucemiux | 01:18 |
`mOOse` | 2 partitions on the hd with XP on C: and Win7 on D: | 01:19 |
bob_0 | Having an install problem...(no installable kernel was found in the defined APT source) any idea how to fix this??? | 01:19 |
grumbly | i am now trying to find this... and can't remember the name. | 01:19 |
dukehunter | installed 9.10 on inspiron 15 and now have no wireless capabilities. iwconfig doesnt find wireless card | 01:19 |
kermit | is there a way to see what packages are using the most disk space? | 01:19 |
JoeSomebody | cant get in synaptic, says wrong password, but it is not worng | 01:19 |
unixalot | JoeSomebody: it must b wrong? lol | 01:20 |
JoeSomebody | no its not wrong | 01:20 |
tucemiux | `mOOse`, you must've done something wrong then, are your windows partitions getting mounted automatically? | 01:20 |
grumbly | JoeSomebody: have you tried changing the password and using the new one? | 01:20 |
unixalot | JoeSomebody: if you dont knw your root pass your kinda scrwed | 01:20 |
JoeSomebody | i know it | 01:20 |
JoeSomebody | i gave it | 01:20 |
tucemiux | `mOOse`, wrong questions, theyre not getting mounted automatically | 01:20 |
`mOOse` | tucemiux, I followed the alternative-install xubuntu's menu exactly | 01:21 |
ardchoille | JoeSomebody: Did you enable the root account? | 01:21 |
grumbly | JoeSomebody: try this; In a terminal, sudo -i and enter the same password | 01:21 |
JoeSomebody | no terminal here | 01:21 |
BalSak | does anyone know how to set up & configure SIP voip & video in empathy, please? | 01:21 |
JoeSomebody | enable root? prob not unless you guys told me to | 01:21 |
grumbly | you have a terminal somewhere- alt-f2 and type xterm | 01:21 |
tucemiux | `mOOse`, ok that's not a problem, your scenario is an easy fix, the hard part is figuring it out, im going to #grub to see if I can find a developer there | 01:21 |
`mOOse` | tucemiux, if I go into thunar they aren't there, but if I go into catfish (which someone suggested somewhere) they ARE there, and I can access them in thunar once I select one/both of them in catfish | 01:21 |
ardchoille | JoeSomebody: no, no need to enable root. should be your user password | 01:21 |
dukehunter | installed 9.10 on inspiron 15 and now have no wireless capabilities. iwconfig doesnt find wireless card | 01:22 |
`mOOse` | ok thank you tucemiux - really REALLY appreciate it | 01:22 |
bob_0 | no installable kernel was found in the defined APT source how can i install without getting this warning?? | 01:22 |
JoeSomebody | grumbly, hehe that worked | 01:22 |
tucemiux | `mOOse`, you dont have to worry about accessing them after you booted to xubuntu, all you need to be able to do is detect them, if you do a "sudo fdisk -l" you should see the partitions, if not then we have a problem | 01:22 |
bob_0 | any ideas? | 01:23 |
jef91 | howdy all | 01:23 |
grumbly | JoeSomebody: there might be something wrong with some authentication- I'm not too familiar with that side of things... look through the logs and make sure | 01:23 |
jef91 | Anyone here ever use "quick synergy" on Ubuntu before? | 01:23 |
grumbly | JoeSomebody: Also, from that terminal, when in root, type passwd and change the pass and try again... | 01:23 |
JoeSomebody | my prompt changed to # , is that root? | 01:23 |
dukehunter | installed 9.10 on inspiron 15 and now have no wireless capabilities. iwconfig doesnt find wireless card | 01:23 |
BalSak | jef91: i use it | 01:23 |
dukehunter | help | 01:23 |
`mOOse` | tucemiux, they're there | 01:24 |
grumbly | JoeSomebody: probably... I don't know what you're running exactly, so I can't say | 01:24 |
JoeSomebody | i did the sudo -i my prompt changed to # , is that root? | 01:24 |
grumbly | JoeSomebody: probably... I don't know what you're running exactly, so I can't say | 01:24 |
jef91 | Balsak - How do you get it to work exactly? I can't seem to get it to ever actually connect | 01:24 |
jef91 | Balsak - I have synergy working via the CLI but a GUI would be nice to have... | 01:24 |
BalSak | ok, start by running it from the CLI so that you can see what's happening in the background | 01:25 |
JoeSomebody | hang in there i am trying to figure out what i am doing | 01:25 |
BalSak | next, make sure you can ping the peer-machine by name, & not by IP (this is a bug, I think) | 01:25 |
JoeSomebody | not sure if i shoudl try to fix it or not, as partitions are too small | 01:25 |
JoeSomebody | a list of programs at least , saved to my usb | 01:25 |
* unixalot has been staring at the irc for far to long | 01:26 |
grumbly | JoeSomebody: while you're in that terminal window, the root prompt should be something like root@host:# | 01:26 |
Zephyrmaiden | how do i add a new server? | 01:26 |
jef91 | Balsak - How do I ping by IP | 01:26 |
BalSak | in the server, specify the name of the connecting client in the position by name & in the server are, specify the "server" by the IP (but not by 127.1) | 01:26 |
jef91 | Balsak - just ping <hostname> > | 01:26 |
JoeSomebody | grumbly, ok im a root then | 01:26 |
BalSak | so the same on the client & that should be it | 01:26 |
grumbly | JoeSomebody: while at that prompt, type passwd | 01:26 |
grumbly | No- dont wait no | 01:26 |
grumbly | ignore that | 01:27 |
grumbly | i'm being an idido | 01:27 |
jef91 | Balsak - How do I tell quick synergy which computer is to use as the server? | 01:27 |
grumbly | idiot | 01:27 |
`mOOse` | TomV_415, you still ther? | 01:27 |
`mOOse` | e | 01:27 |
BalSak | in the server tab | 01:27 |
grumbly | try running synaptic & | 01:27 |
Dr_Willis | jef91: i found the quick syngery interface very odd to use. i was easier for me to juist make a syngery config by hand | 01:27 |
grumbly | JoeSomebody: if you can run synaptic from that prompt, you've at least gotten a workaround | 01:27 |
infid | jef91: quicksynergy is pretty self explanatory. i think it's great for creating a quick config file, then no longer using it and use synergys / synergyc separately | 01:28 |
JoeSomebody | just type synaptic? | 01:28 |
jef91 | Dr_Willis - ditto thats what I am doing now | 01:28 |
tucemiux | `mOOse`, there's nobody in #grub right now, first let's find out in what device your grub is installed: sudo grub-probe -t device /boot/grub | 01:28 |
JoeSomebody | works | 01:28 |
grumbly | hooray! | 01:28 |
jef91 | infid - Then why can I never make it work? | 01:28 |
TomV_415 | I'm in the middle of fixing grub, and using the command dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc , the first screen (Configuring grub-pc) shows the linux command line to be blank. What should it be? | 01:28 |
BalSak | infid: quicksynergy is excellent for creating the initial config; therafter I also use the c/s | 01:29 |
infid | yeah | 01:29 |
ima | Is there any real disadvantage in changing the chrome user-agent thing to mozilla firefox? | 01:29 |
Dr_Willis | jef91: i recall on one of the tabs you had to keep 'adding' machiones/screens then configure the, with the other buttons/selectors. it was sort of backwards in ways | 01:29 |
TomV_415 | ( I'm following the process outlined here ) | 01:29 |
`mOOse` | ok | 01:30 |
BalSak | does anyone know how to set up & configure SIP voip & video in empathy, please? | 01:30 |
boourns | TomV_415, no luck with super grub? | 01:30 |
rww | ima: not really, no | 01:30 |
shawnboy | is there a channel just for ubuntu networking issues? | 01:30 |
rww | shawnboy: no | 01:30 |
ima | rww, alright, thanks. | 01:30 |
TomV_415 | boourns: nope, got errror could not find kernel | 01:30 |
JoeSomebody | gee i dont want all that back, guess i'll wipe 'er | 01:30 |
shawnboy | hmm. k. thanks. | 01:30 |
`mOOse` | tucemiux, /dev/sdb5 (which is not where I want it but that's currently where it is) | 01:30 |
JoeSomebody | thanks for the help | 01:30 |
Alan502 | Good evening, i am having problems resizing a windows partition with gparted, the slider just won't move.C can someone help me? | 01:30 |
crdlb | ima: what would be the advantage? | 01:31 |
tucemiux | shawnboy, no, just try asking away here or in #ubuntu-offtopic, if you dont get a reply try at different times | 01:31 |
JoeSomebody | thanks for the help all :) | 01:31 |
ima | crdlb, some plugins that won't run otherwise | 01:31 |
dukehunter | need wireless help | 01:31 |
shawnboy | anybody know why wlan wouldn't show up in ifconfig when I know it's on? | 01:31 |
tucemiux | `mOOse`, you have different partitions on your USB drive? | 01:31 |
Dr_Willis | Alan502: from windows be sure to defrag/scandisk - and depending on the version of windows.. windoes Does have tools to resize NTFS that can work a lot faster then gparted does for me | 01:31 |
`mOOse` | yes | 01:31 |
shawnboy | oops... there's dukehunter. I'm here on his behalf. | 01:31 |
`mOOse` | /dev/sdb1 is a 30 meg partition I made just for grub | 01:31 |
Alan502 | Dr_Willis, it's a clean windows installation, factory default. | 01:32 |
boourns | TomV_415, did you try in super grub: going to view partitions, selecting your ubuntu partition, and press B like i recommended? | 01:32 |
TomV_415 | boourns:dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc is trying to pull stuff from Grub Legacy meu.list, but that's not there | 01:32 |
dukehunter | have no wireless capabilities after 9.10 install | 01:32 |
boourns | TomV_415, cause if that doesn't work, you might have a bigger problem than you think | 01:32 |
TomV_415 | boourns: how do I view partisions | 01:32 |
tucemiux | `mOOse`, that wont be a problem, the problem could be that grub is pointing to the wrong partition, partittions start at 1 I believe not at index 0 like legady grub | 01:32 |
`mOOse` | it refused to install there though for some reason - is it possible it wouldn't install there because I made /de/sdb1 an LVM? | 01:32 |
tucemiux | `mOOse`, can you post your grub.cfg to pastebin | 01:32 |
boourns | TomV_415, look through the options on super grub its in there | 01:32 |
`mOOse` | yes | 01:32 |
`mOOse` | hang on | 01:32 |
Dr_Willis | Alan502: so? still same procedure.. defrag/scan/try the windows features.. then id try gparted again | 01:33 |
TomV_415 | boourns: options? Hm... let me restart and try that.. | 01:33 |
Carci | I was gonna join and ask for help getting my remote desktop working--but I figured out what was wrong already xD | 01:33 |
Alan502 | Dr_Willis, ok :) thank you | 01:33 |
boourns | TomV_415, its not actually under something called "options" im just saying its there somewhere | 01:33 |
BalSak | does anyone know how to set up & configure SIP voip & video in empathy, please? | 01:34 |
jef91 | Do I need to manually make a config file for quicksynergy to use Balsak? | 01:34 |
Carci | So uh, thanks Ubuntu people for including an easy to use remote desktop :3 | 01:34 |
boourns | BalSak, never heard of it... i've used ekiga and its easy to set up though | 01:34 |
BalSak | jef91: you can manually create a config file so that you have quicksynergy's functionality without actually having to need to run the front-end GUI; quicksynergy is simply a GUI frontend for synergyc (client) & synergys (server). SQ elables you to create that config file that you can them make use of in your synergyc/synercys application | 01:35 |
`mOOse` | tucemiux, | 01:36 |
`mOOse` | TomV_415, what iso of supergrub are you using? | 01:36 |
jef91 | Balsak - sorry, I feel stupid right now. When I hit excute on my server for synergy I get: 'ERROR: synergys.cpp,1068: cannot read configuration ".quicksynergy/synergy.conf"' | 01:36 |
jef91 | Balsak How do I make it create a configuration? | 01:36 |
TomV_415 | `mOOse`: supergrub v 1.2.1 | 01:37 |
tucemiux | `mOOse`, can you first try: sudo update-grub | 01:37 |
`mOOse` | yes tucemiux, thanks TomV_415 | 01:37 |
BalSak | boourns: thanks. I did use ekiga in the past, but it's had some really serious issues. empathy is now punted as the "official" ubuntu IM client, complete with integrated video & voice: & | 01:37 |
boourns | heh you're right here it is in 9.10... i had no idea, still using pidgin + ekiga | 01:37 |
BalSak | jef91: that error probably implies that the config file is missing. thry `sudo touch ~/.quicksynergy/synergy.conf` | 01:38 |
`mOOse` | tucemiux, here is the update output: | 01:38 |
TomV_415 | boourns: now in super grub (1.96) do I need to drop to command line? | 01:38 |
jef91 | Balsak - yes that file is missing | 01:38 |
BalSak | jef91: but QS should automatically create that file if it's missing | 01:38 |
goyangfc | how do i install java on karmic? | 01:39 |
jef91 | Balsak - Where do I tell QS what system to use as the host? | 01:39 |
infid | why is chmod not called 'chperm' | 01:39 |
Alan502 | goyangfc, java is on the repositories | 01:39 |
jken146 | goyangfc: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre | 01:39 |
goyangfc | what about the jdk? | 01:40 |
tucemiux | `mOOse`, did update-grub work? | 01:40 |
jken146 | goyangfc: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk | 01:40 |
BalSak | jef91: in the "server" field, under the "use" tab | 01:40 |
coz_ | goyangfc, opne synapitc package manager hit Search type sun java | 01:40 |
coz_ | goyangfc, get the 6 revision and all is listed there | 01:40 |
`mOOse` | yes tucemiux - I pasted it to pastebin url above | 01:40 |
jef91 | Balsak What do I put there on the host computer? The system's own name? | 01:40 |
BalSak | infid: you can alias it to pretty-much what you want | 01:40 |
kermit | is there a way to tell what packages have been used recently? | 01:41 |
BalSak | i usually put the IP in of the system that has the keyboard & mouse attached that I want to use | 01:41 |
kermit | er, havent | 01:41 |
tucemiux | `mOOse`, ok so grub found the OS's, can you boot up to them? And if not what error are you seeing? | 01:41 |
jef91 | Balsak - I can't use quick synergy on the host?... | 01:41 |
arand | goyangfc: You want the sun-java6-plugin ((and it's dependencies)) rather than -jdk though, I presume. | 01:41 |
BalSak | jef91: ?????? | 01:41 |
TomV_415 | boourns: I'm in supergrub on the commad line, I can see all the commands (tab) what command did you suggest? | 01:41 |
infid | BalSak: just saying it seems like a mismomer | 01:42 |
jef91 | Balsak - On the computer I want to use the keyboard and mouse on, what do I put for server? | 01:42 |
BalSak | infid: there's a LOT of legacy commands | 01:42 |
Dr_Willis | jef91: i got it working once with quick syng.. but it was easier to just use a script on host/client to launch the ciommands i needed | 01:42 |
`mOOse` | tucemiux, I installed xubuntu on a usb flashdrive and stupidly left my HD in my laptop (despite solid warnings not to), whuch has XP and Win7 on it...grub gave me a hard time because I forced it to install on the boot partition I made for the flashdrive. It installed the bootscreen to the usb, but in that menu there's 2 entries for win7, but nothing for I can't boot to either XP or Win7 | 01:42 |
BalSak | jef91: it's own IP | 01:42 |
`mOOse` | I cannot boot to either of them | 01:42 |
boourns | TomV_415, what i'm talking about is a boot disc, super grub disc, it isnt a command line its a text based menu | 01:43 |
TomV_415 | boourns: I'm trying probe /dev/sda5 | 01:43 |
coz_ | goyangfc, find it in synaptic? | 01:43 |
jef91 | Balsak - when I put in it's own IP and/or hostname it says it cannot connect... | 01:43 |
TomV_415 | boourns: Right, I booted from the CD.. got to command line by typing 'c' after trying AUTO MAGIC with no luck | 01:44 |
BalSak | jef91: don't worry about that now | 01:44 |
TomV_415 | it's trying to mount a uuid device that doesn't exist.. | 01:44 |
goyangfc | um | 01:44 |
goyangfc | yeah | 01:44 |
BalSak | jef91: if you've defined the position of the other systems (by hostnames that you can ping OK) relative to each other, and use the same server (by IP) on every node, you should be OK | 01:45 |
tucemiux | `mOOse`, the only difference between your config and my config is that there's this line before "chainloader +1": drivemap -s (hd0) ${root} , I know youre not supposed to edit your .cfg but this is an emergency, you could set your grub.cfg to be writable, make the change, save the file, and change permissions back to non-writable and try booting up to windows, you could also add your own owntry to "40_custom.cfg" | 01:45 |
tucemiux | `mOOse`, sorry i ran out of time I'll be back in about an hour | 01:45 |
jef91 | Balsak - thanks for trying to help but quicksynergy blows IMO, just going to write a script to wrap the CLI for my roomates | 01:46 |
`mOOse` | ok thanks tucemiux ....I thought that you couldn't edit that file cause grub just writes right back over t | 01:46 |
`mOOse` | it | 01:46 |
TomV_415 | in supergrub, ls gets two lines: (hd0) (hd0,5) (hd0,2) (hd0,1) (hd2) and then error: no such disk | 01:46 |
`mOOse` | I'm so lost....sigh | 01:46 |
goyangfc | coz, it's installing java-common, sun-java6-jre, odbcinst1debian1, unixodbc, sun-java6-bin, sun-java6-jdk | 01:46 |
TomV_415 | (hd2) is the live cd | 01:46 |
BalSak | jef91: | 01:46 |
NatureTM | hi, I recently got a Toshiba A505-6033 and my r8192se Wireless card didn't work. After alot of tinkering I figured out acpi was to blame. kernel params acpi=off and acpi=noirq not only fixed the card but also made the lapptop run faster. Unfortunately it also broke suspend to ram. I searched and found no solutions. Just wondering if anyone is aware of the issue or has a fix. | 01:46 |
robtow | Anyone know how to set up Ubuntu as a WiFi access point? | 01:47 |
BalSak | jef91: & | 01:47 |
tucemiux | `mOOse`, yes, grub overwrites every thing changes are made, it could work for a while if you make your own additions but they could be overwritten, that's why you can try what I told you, you can also add yoru own entry in 40_custom | 01:47 |
jef91 | Balsak - I was there already, my issues is getting QuickSynergy to setup the host properly | 01:47 |
tucemiux | be back later | 01:47 |
arand | `mOOse`: It only overwrites when update-grub is run, so "automatically" in the case of kernel or grub updates.. | 01:47 |
TomV_415 | root (hd0,5) gets "Filesystem is ext2 (!!) | 01:47 |
=== zz_FeiRuoWa is now known as FeiRuoWa |
Blue11 | hey sounds like my usb drive | 01:47 |
jef91 | Balsak - The sad part is Synergy includes a wonderful GUI for Windows by default | 01:47 |
BalSak | jef91: functionality's pretty-much identical | 01:48 |
jef91 | Balsak - not in the slightest. | 01:48 |
jef91 | The Windows GUI was intuitive to use and worked | 01:48 |
Dr_Willis | I got my syngery 'clint' set where i boot to windows or linux on the other box and i can controll it. | 01:48 |
TomV_415 | any help with suber grub or grub rescue? I think I just need to point to the right mount point and I'll be all set. | 01:49 |
TomV_415 | I can see all the files from live CD | 01:49 |
BalSak | jef91: i use QS any a very large number of different OS's, and I have very few issues; you may be dealing with some other problems (like networking) | 01:49 |
arand | `mOOse`: So, yes, you can edit the file and just re-edit it each time it's changed (which shouldn't be too often) However, demands you know what you're doing when editing the file, and should be aware that it's not intended... | 01:49 |
jef91 | Balsak - the CLI works 100% fine | 01:49 |
jef91 | Balsak - in fact I'm using it now | 01:49 |
Dr_Willis | I fiound the QS gui a little odd to setup. but after i explored it for a bit. i figured it out. | 01:50 |
TomV_415 | seems to me all admin folders should be under git... so you can commit changes and roll back anytime. | 01:50 |
`mOOse` | arand, and I don't - which is why what tucemuix wrote me above is puzzling me - did he want me to ADD that line to my config? | 01:50 |
BalSak | jef91: well, there you go | 01:50 |
rich | hello guys, im really stuck and could desperately do with some help | 01:51 |
jef91 | Balsak I just wanted the GUI for my roomates to be able to use - but if I can't figure it out they have 0 hope lol | 01:51 |
CakeBomb | I've installed Ubuntu 9.10 and can use the command line fine, but after installing gnome and trying to run startx my monitor won't display anything | 01:51 |
ayam_jago | help me pls | 01:51 |
ayam_jago | how to remove nvidia driver from ubuntu? | 01:51 |
jimcooncat | rich -- we're all listening, but you gotta get strait to the point | 01:51 |
arand | `mOOse`: Do you have more than one HDisk? | 01:51 |
arvind_khadri | !help | 01:51 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 01:51 |
jef91 | Is there an option to toggle off subtitles on Movie player? | 01:52 |
`mOOse` | arand, no - one disk, 2 partitions, and usb stick with xubuntu on it | 01:52 |
ayam_jago | !ping me | 01:52 |
Dr_Willis | jef91: there definatly is in vlc and gmome-mplayer no idea on totem. proberluy is soemwhere | 01:53 |
arand | `mOOse`: I think the drivemap in his/her case is due to she/he having two disks... | 01:53 |
rich | ok, how do i correctly install cowpatty..i have downloaded it but am new to ubuntu so am unsure how to correctly install it | 01:53 |
TomV_415 | When I try to use either grub or super grup, I get 'error: no such device: 81fd4eab-etc...' | 01:54 |
ayam_jago | how to fully uninstall the nvidia drivers on ubuntu | 01:54 |
SpaceGhostC2C | Does anyone need some help? | 01:54 |
BalSak | SpaceGhostC2C: yes, pls. do you know how to set up & configure SIP voip & video in empathy, please? | 01:55 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: lol... we all do :-) trying to get grub working on my ubuntu install | 01:55 |
coz_ | ayam_jago, did you install them via hardware drivers? | 01:55 |
charles__ | so, i know how to reduce the size of fonts for the gnome desktop/panels, but how do i reduce the size of icons? everything on the gnome desktop/panels just looks so clunky and big | 01:55 |
SpaceGhostC2C | BalSak, ooh I don't really have any experience with the new empathy. It's ucky IMO. | 01:55 |
ayam_jago | because i going to reinstall the nvidia drivers were still there old driver information | 01:55 |
rich | anyone able to help me with installing cowpatty correctly\/ | 01:55 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, so, what version of grub and what's wrong? | 01:55 |
coz_ | ayam_jago, but how did you install the driver you have now? | 01:55 |
BalSak | SpaceGhostC2C: i agree, but I'm trying to get to grips with in none the less | 01:55 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: I think I just need to set up the right mount points for my partions.. | 01:55 |
ayam_jago | coz_ : i install by download from nvidia web | 01:56 |
coz_ | ayam_jago, ok so manual install then | 01:56 |
ayam_jago | then i use : ./NVIDIA bla bla bla @ terminal | 01:56 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, in grub or in your fstab? | 01:56 |
coz_ | ayam_jago, the command to uninstall that is sudo /usr/bin/nvidia-installer --uninstall | 01:56 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: I don't know. | 01:56 |
coz_ | ayam_jago, that will ONLY work for the manula install so be sure that's what yo u did | 01:57 |
PeterT | hi, I downloaded linux ubuntu, then burned it to a cd, then I inserted it into the drive. I restarted my computer and booted from the CD, then selected "install ubuntu". then, it goes into some code window, then a black window. the black window continues to "hang" and I have no idea what to do. is this a common problem? | 01:57 |
coz_ | manual | 01:57 |
ayam_jago | WARNING: Your driver installation has been altered since it was initially | 01:57 |
ayam_jago | installed; this may happen, for example, if you have since | 01:57 |
ayam_jago | installed the NVIDIA driver through a mechanism other than | 01:57 |
ayam_jago | nvidia-installer (such as your distribution's native package | 01:57 |
ayam_jago | management system). nvidia-installer will attempt to uninstall as | 01:57 |
ayam_jago | best it can. Please see the file '/var/log/nvidia-installer.log' | 01:57 |
ayam_jago | for details. | 01:57 |
PeterT | !paste | ayam_jago | 01:57 |
ubottu | ayam_jago: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 01:57 |
coz_ | ooooo | 01:57 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: starting live CD now.. | 01:57 |
becker_11 | Can someone explain to me how I am running ubuntu 9.10 and gpodder is v0.16.1 when the gpodder website tells me the latest version is 2.1??? | 01:57 |
ayam_jago | oops sorry | 01:57 |
arand | `mOOse`: Hmm, read some of the scrollback again, so you are now starting grub from the usb stick? And are able to boot xubuntu but not 2xWin? What happens when you don't have the usb in and boot? | 01:57 |
coz_ | ayam_jago, go to system/administration/hardware drivers | 01:57 |
PeterT | did anyone see my problem? | 01:58 |
Dr_Willis | becker_11: because the versions in teh ubuntu repos is not the latest. | 01:58 |
coz_ | ayam_jago, see if any of the drivers there are actiavated ..if so deactivate it from there | 01:58 |
rich | how do i install dictionaries into stardict? does anyone know? | 01:58 |
coz_ | ayam_jago, this why i said you have to be sure you installed manually or not | 01:58 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: Last time after I did a sudo mount /dev/sda5 /mnt I could see /mnt/boot/grub | 01:58 |
becker_11 | Dr_Willis, I understand that but how old are they?? 0.16.1 to 2.1 that's a big diff | 01:58 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: (still starting up to confirm that) | 01:58 |
rww | becker_11: The new version of Ubuntu coming out in April has 2.1. | 01:58 |
BalSak | PeterT: either it's a bad download, a bad burn, or incompatible hardware. try the "alternate" ISO | 01:58 |
becker_11 | rww, cool thanks | 01:59 |
PeterT | alternate? | 01:59 |
PeterT | BalSak | 01:59 |
ayam_jago | !paste ayam_jago | 01:59 |
BalSak | PeterT: or a different distro, like damn small | 01:59 |
rww | becker_11: 0.16 was added to Karmic (released in October). Jaunty (last April) had 0.14. | 01:59 |
Dr_Willis | becker_11: use ppa's or other repos if you want latest.. | 01:59 |
ayam_jago | coz_ This driver is not activated | 01:59 |
PeterT | OK, thanks BalSak | 01:59 |
coz_ | ayam_jago, ok | 01:59 |
PeterT | I'll try that tommorow | 01:59 |
ayam_jago | | 01:59 |
coz_ | ayam_jago, the question is now what driver do you want to install? | 01:59 |
rww | becker_11: from the look of the website, they went straight from 0.16 to 2.0 for some reason, so it's actually not old :) | 01:59 |
ayam_jago | nvidia fx5500 driver | 02:00 |
coz_ | ayam_jago, if you want a manual install it has to be done in a specific manner if you want the ubuntu driver then activate under hardware drivers | 02:00 |
BalSak | PeterT: | 02:00 |
coz_ | ayam_jago, ooo then use the hardware driver utility | 02:00 |
becker_11 | rww, okay cool | 02:00 |
ayam_jago | how to use it? iam newbie on ubuntu | 02:00 |
coz_ | ayam_jago, that is an older card and most likely wont do compiz very well,,,, i know my fx5700 didnt fair to well after a while | 02:01 |
coz_ | ayam_jago, it will work but it will also be a bit draggy | 02:01 |
ayam_jago | what is draggy coz_ ?? | 02:02 |
coz_ | ayam_jago, draggy means a bit slow | 02:02 |
ayam_jago | ic.. | 02:02 |
ayam_jago | so how can i fully remove this older driver to install the new driver?? | 02:02 |
ayam_jago | ERROR: Unable to create '/usr/lib/nvidia/' for | 02:02 |
ayam_jago | copying (No such file or directory) | 02:02 |
coz_ | ayam_jago, again if you installed this manually then use that command I gave you if you already did that then reboot which will go into low graphics mode then install the driver you want from there | 02:03 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: what were you asking about fstab ? | 02:03 |
becker_11 | just reloading my software sources and I received this error how can I resolve this? | 02:03 |
coz_ | ayam_jago, are you trying to install a downloaded driver? | 02:03 |
ayam_jago | yes | 02:03 |
coz_ | ayam_jago, sudo apt-get install build-essential | 02:03 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, what exactly is the thing you need help with? Do you need to install grub? | 02:03 |
ayam_jago | but i need to remove older driver :D | 02:03 |
ayam_jago | coz_ iam going to try reboot then install the driver | 02:04 |
rich | can nobody help me at all? | 02:04 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: I need to fix grub so that it finds the linux kernel. It's looking for some uuid but the files are in /dev/sda5 | 02:04 |
coz_ | ayam_jago, make sure you have build-essential installed first | 02:04 |
=== David-T is now known as Guest61107 |
coz_ | oy | 02:04 |
_schism_ | evening all | 02:04 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, you're using Karmic, amirite? | 02:04 |
pilif12p | Why doesn't my eHDD show up on Ubuntu 8.04 ? | 02:05 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: when grub loads, it first flashes a message that it can't find the uuid , which is were the grub linux script points | 02:05 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: I'm guessing I just need to point to the right place and it will load correctly. Perhaps I need to mount something first. | 02:05 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, have you tried using sudo update-grub ? | 02:06 |
drbanzai | I've got an older laptop (HP Athlon 1.3gz, 256mb ram) that I'd like to basically use as a netbook (ie light weight OS for minimal functionality)until I get a real netbook. The CD-ROM is broken, but it does have working floppy, USB and wired ethernet. How can I get Xubuntu loaded onto it, other then removing the HD and doing the install from a different machine? | 02:06 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: yes, I think I have but I can try that again. | 02:06 |
Pelo | !install | drbanzai this should help | 02:06 |
ubottu | drbanzai this should help: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See - Don't want to use a CD? See - See also !automate | 02:06 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: I get an error on sudo update-grub "cannot find a device for /" | 02:07 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: should i mount /dev/sda5 to / first? | 02:07 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, umm not in the livecd. | 02:07 |
_schism_ | how to I reset a ssh key in ubuntu? changed my server but have the same url and it wont do it and I cant figgure it out :( | 02:08 |
Belboz99 | Hey all, trying to get a wireless AP going on Ubuntu 9.10 using ath5k, anyone care to point me in the right direction? | 02:08 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, can you boot into ubuntu if you edit the relevent line when in grub? | 02:08 |
Pelo | _schism_, you can delete the ~/.ssh folder | 02:08 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, writing /dev/sda5 over the UUID? | 02:09 |
drbanzai | Pelo, Thanks! | 02:09 |
_schism_ | thanks pelo I do appreciate it | 02:09 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: not sure.. I can try that - sounds promising. | 02:09 |
arand | `mOOse`: I'm off to bed, hope things work out. | 02:09 |
microhaxo | Is it possible to replace the Bottom gnome application panel with tint2? | 02:09 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: just replace the uuid with /dev/sda5 ? | 02:09 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, that's a one-time fix. | 02:09 |
`mOOse` | thanks arand | 02:10 |
`mOOse` | I'm still tinkering | 02:10 |
Belboz99 | anyone care to help out with a wireless AP using ath5k? They've added the functionality, but I can't find any documentation | 02:10 |
microhaxo | i still want the top gnome task panel, but i think tint2 would be better for toggling the applications. I have a netbook so desktop space is limited. | 02:10 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: if it works, I will know a lot more! I'll give it a try. | 02:10 |
zilkomaa | Why i cant get alsamixer driver option shown in sound->prefences-hardware-profile? | 02:11 |
ayam_jago | coz_ : You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server. | 02:11 |
Belboz99 | I ran into a couple threads that simply said "use hostapd" but no one said how or where to find out how | 02:12 |
ayam_jago | You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server. how can i do this? | 02:12 |
Belboz99 | there's a bunch of links where documentation should go, but they're simply placeholders, the acutal documentaiton hasn't yet been written on that site | 02:12 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: the line in grub i need to edit is search --no-floppy --fs-uuid -- set 81blahblah | 02:13 |
Belboz99 | ayam_jago: at a terminal, run: sudo nvidia-xconfig | 02:13 |
gokturk_ | #ubuntu-tr | 02:13 |
Belboz99 | at least, that's what I get out of that error message | 02:13 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: do I remove the --fs-uuid or change it to something else? | 02:13 |
microhaxo | Is it possible for me to use tint2 to manage my windows when minimized/maximized and still have the gnome task panel?? | 02:13 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, I'm gonna be honest. I don't use grub2 because it's still in beta and doesn't have full support for language scripting yet. | 02:14 |
ayam_jago | Belboz99 : ERROR: Unable to write to directory '/etc/X11'. | 02:14 |
Belboz99 | ayam_jago: did you use sudo in front? | 02:14 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: there's another line to change too, but thats more obvious setts root=UUID=83djfblabbl | 02:14 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, that's the one | 02:14 |
Belboz99 | that command should be: sudo nvidia-xconfig | 02:14 |
ayam_jago | Belboz99 : no :) | 02:14 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C:s still we're on the right track. | 02:15 |
SpaceGhostC2C | belboz gksudo nvidia-settings ? | 02:15 |
Belboz99 | ayam_jago: think of the sudo command as saying: super user do ... | 02:15 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, you should remove everything up to UUID, only have root= and put /dev/sda5 | 02:15 |
Belboz99 | SpaceGhostC2C: why gk? it's all at the CLI | 02:15 |
ayam_jago | Belbozz99 : i still cant configure this nvidia | 02:15 |
maco | SpaceGhostC2C: why are you removing UUIDs? | 02:15 |
Caber | hi | 02:16 |
Belboz99 | ayam_jago: I found the easiest way to handle nvidia drivers was with envy | 02:16 |
maco | SpaceGhostC2C: UUIDs work even if libata changes the format of the /dev names (like when ide devs went from /dev/hda to /dev/sda a couple releasess back) | 02:16 |
ayam_jago | how can i do that? | 02:16 |
* ayam_jago newbie on ubuntu just using this few days ago | 02:16 |
Belboz99 | ayam_jago: open up software center in Applications, and search for envy | 02:16 |
airtonix | if i install ubuntu-netbook-remix on a netbook and then revert the desktop to traditional gnome mode (as ubuntu desktop uses) will i still retain the benefits of the optimisations towards an intel atom processor that the ubuntu-netbook-remix has ? | 02:16 |
SpaceGhostC2C | maco, I know that, he doesn't necessarily have the right UUID though. | 02:16 |
maco | SpaceGhostC2C: not hard to find out the right UUID | 02:17 |
ayam_jago | EnvyNG ? | 02:17 |
SpaceGhostC2C | maco, I'm gonna have him put it in after he boots into ubuntu. | 02:17 |
maco | SpaceGhostC2C: just type "blkid" and it'll tell you | 02:17 |
Belboz99 | ayam_jago: right! | 02:17 |
SpaceGhostC2C | maco, I know that. | 02:17 |
maco | SpaceGhostC2C: ok | 02:17 |
SpaceGhostC2C | maco, thanks friend. | 02:17 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: sounds good , having trouble with the search line I removed say 'unspecified search type' | 02:17 |
ayam_jago | Belboz99 : thanks.. in progress | 02:17 |
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Belboz99 | once that's installed, you should find it in Applications > System Tools | 02:18 |
ayam_jago | Belboz99 : what should i do now? | 02:18 |
SpaceGhostC2C | Do we have any grub2 pros about? I know legacy, not the newer one. | 02:18 |
Belboz99 | ayam_jago: does clicking on it in the applications menu do anything? | 02:19 |
Belboz99 | (serious question btw, it doesn't on my end) | 02:19 |
ayam_jago | nothing happen | 02:19 |
orbisvicis | whats the default desktop search for 9.10, tracker or beagle or recoll or etc ? | 02:19 |
ayam_jago | Belboz99: i click @ application, systemtools, envyNG but not shown anything | 02:20 |
punisher | hola | 02:20 |
overmacht | ayam_jago; apa kabar? having problem? | 02:20 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: success!! found this which says remove the search line from the script ... and now it's booting | 02:20 |
Belboz99 | okay, seems they don't give you the graphical verison ayam_jago, you'll need to open a terminal and type sudo envyng -t | 02:21 |
punisher | ayuda con amsn | 02:21 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, sounds like win to me :) | 02:21 |
ayam_jago | overmatch: baik terimakasih.. have some trouble with my vga driver | 02:21 |
Belboz99 | they used to have a graphical version, I'm not sure where that went ayam_jago, sorry | 02:21 |
TomV_415 | definitely! how do I make that change permenent? | 02:21 |
punisher | alguien sabe como configurar webcam para amsn | 02:21 |
ayam_jago | ok thanks Belboz99 | 02:21 |
Belboz99 | ayam_jago: it might be easier if you use the hardware manager | 02:21 |
coolmadmax | ok | 02:21 |
xangua | !es | punisher | 02:21 |
ubottu | punisher: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 02:21 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, you'll have to backup your grub.conf and then make the changes. | 02:22 |
Belboz99 | Under System > Administration > Hardware Devices | 02:22 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, in /boot/grub/ | 02:22 |
Belboz99 | that won't likely get the latest bleeding edge driver, but it should work | 02:22 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: is that grub.cfg? | 02:23 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, you are right. Back it up by running this command inside the directory cp grub.cfg grub.cfg.old | 02:24 |
ayam_jago | !help | 02:24 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 02:24 |
airtonix | if i install ubuntu-netbook-remix on a netbook and then revert the desktop to traditional gnome mode (as ubuntu desktop uses) will i still retain the benefits of the optimisations towards an intel atom processor that the ubuntu-netbook-remix has ? | 02:24 |
Caber | how to make sure your PC restarts every 24 hours? | 02:24 |
orbisvicis | Caber: cronjob | 02:24 |
orbisvicis | /bin/sh reboot etc | 02:24 |
jolaren | Sol vind och vatten, höga berg och djupa haaav | 02:24 |
jolaren | ww | 02:24 |
jolaren | !se jolaren | 02:25 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: big header at the top of the file says don't edit this file... it's auto generated... | 02:25 |
Caber | well, I want to make sure it does 24 hours after last start-up | 02:25 |
orbisvicis | ok, so I know ubuntu used to use beagle, is that so now ? | 02:25 |
ayam_jago | !id jolaren | 02:25 |
Caber | ? | 02:25 |
ayam_jago | !en jolaren | 02:25 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, it's safe because we backed up the file beforehand and you have a livecd. | 02:25 |
jolaren | ayam_jago; didn't work ^^ | 02:25 |
ayam_jago | hehe | 02:25 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: THANKS for your help on this!! I'll figure out the last bit on my own..I'm sure it's documented.. right I'll just edit for now. | 02:25 |
overmacht | ayam_jago; tidak bisa dapat resolusi yang pas? hanya 800 x 600? | 02:25 |
un214 | how do I create a new global shortcut (kubuntu) ? | 02:25 |
airtonix | orbisvicis, not by defualt it uses tracker now | 02:25 |
orbisvicis | airtonix: ty | 02:26 |
airtonix | orbisvicis, which i personally recommend you stick with | 02:26 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, if you need help, we're here for you. | 02:26 |
orbisvicis | Caber: hm maybe at startup sleep 60*60*24 && reboot ? | 02:26 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: don't you think it would be cool if all these folders were under git, then you could just roll back rather than having all these backup files.. | 02:26 |
ayam_jago | overmacht : resolusi dapat menggunakan 1024x798 dan lainnya, hanya usplash error pada start up. dan berjalan pada low-graphic mode | 02:26 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: cluttering up the system. | 02:26 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: and have a history of what changed too. | 02:27 |
orbisvicis | airtonix: actually not using ubuntu, but Im considering using either beagle/tracker/recoll and probably not (strigi/pinot) and wanted to know what ubuntu used | 02:27 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, You could always be silly and keep a svn repo of your files. It's sorta silly though. | 02:27 |
kbfz | hello guys | 02:27 |
Quirkly | hello, laptop screen brightness issue, and yet again, all the solutions on google involve stuff that doesn't seem to exist for me, lol | 02:27 |
airtonix | orbisvicis, thanks for mentioning recoil, i've not heard of it | 02:27 |
kbfz | why my screen shows "it can't support"? | 02:28 |
overmacht | ayam_jago; oh, aku juga begitu. memakai intel gma 450, akhirnya aku downgrade ke ubuntu9.04. tidak apa biar tidak pake yang versi terakhir. | 02:28 |
jefinc | is there a way to removing the requirement to authenticate everytime I mount a drive? (Karmic) | 02:29 |
orbisvicis | Caber: that, or a cronjob that considers "uptime", and the new dcron >4 also has a @reboot crontab keyword | 02:29 |
ayam_jago | overmacht : terimakasih atas informasinya :) | 02:29 |
airtonix | jefinc, you mean apart from having it mounted by fstab ? | 02:29 |
zetheroo | is this so? | 02:30 |
zetheroo | Fedora uses i686 architecture thats why it's faster than ubuntu. | 02:30 |
kbfz | why the screen shows "it can't support"? | 02:30 |
andruk | does inotify send events when the kernel modifies a file (like /sys/devices/platform/hp-wmi/tablet)? | 02:30 |
jefinc | airtonix: yes, I'd like to be able to click on it in "places" and have it mount at that time, without having to enter my password | 02:31 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: how do I get the windows option back in my boot menu now that it's finding linux? Does supergrub fix that for me? or do I have to do it manually? | 02:31 |
overmacht | ayam_jago; kalau mau sabar, tunggu update nya. nanti-nanti juga di fixed sama developernya. bisa cepat bisa laaaammmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. | 02:31 |
zetheroo | anyone? | 02:31 |
kbfz | anyone? | 02:32 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, That's a question for someone who is using grub2. | 02:32 |
airtonix | jefinc, i think you want to look into modifying sudo so that your user account is exempt from authentication requirements for the use of the mount command only | 02:32 |
zetheroo | Fedora uses i686 architecture thats why it's faster than ubuntu. | 02:32 |
zetheroo | is this so? | 02:32 |
SpaceGhostC2C | !anyone | zetheroo kbfz | 02:32 |
ubottu | zetheroo kbfz: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 02:32 |
jefinc | airtonix: ok, thanks for pointing me in a direction :) | 02:32 |
ayam_jago | overmacht: saya hanya ingin menggunakan vitur efek grafik :D supaya lebih cantik tampilan destktop saya ^^ | 02:32 |
zetheroo | kbfz: I had already asked | 02:32 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: thanks for your help!! I'm rockin and rollin now. | 02:33 |
airtonix | jefinc, just so you don't go in the wrong directions : it does not involve re-compiling anything | 02:33 |
jefinc | k | 02:33 |
kbfz | zetheroo, i see | 02:33 |
airtonix | jefinc, but it does require that your user account has permission to use sudo | 02:33 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, Feel free to PM me with questions. | 02:34 |
chisel_ | what is the terminal command to delete wine and all the apps? i tried sudo apt-get remove wine. When i re-installed wine, all the apps were still there. | 02:34 |
Fauntix | ventrilo for ubuntu? | 02:34 |
zetheroo | Fauntix: Mangler | 02:34 |
Random832 | chisel_; where did you put the apps? | 02:34 |
overmacht | ayam_jago; motherboard dan nvidia tipe berapa? | 02:34 |
Fauntix | and an IRC too? | 02:34 |
zetheroo | Fauntix: works great ... though I could not get the text chat feature | 02:35 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: thanks for your help. this is a really great resource, thanks to folks like you and the others that give so much back to the community of ubuntu users :-) | 02:35 |
Random832 | your C: drive is in ~/.wine/drive_c | 02:35 |
bernhard | im currently working on a deb package and im quite lost with the rules file, i basically just need to extract the tarball to /opt and chmod some stuff | 02:35 |
Random832 | and the registry is in reg files in ~/.wine | 02:35 |
ayam_jago | overmacht : saya menggunakan PcPartner dan nvidia fx5500 | 02:35 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, it wasn't a big problem, I'm glad I could help. | 02:35 |
ayam_jago | p4MB800 tipe mb nya kalau tidak salah ^^ | 02:35 |
chisel_ | random832: isn't there just a terminal command to make things easy? | 02:36 |
Dr_Willis | chisel_ your wine program icons are defined somewhere sles i recall . removing the wine package does NOT affect the users .wine dir or settings in any way. | 02:36 |
Random832 | chisel_; rm | 02:36 |
Fauntix | how do i get my tablet touch screen thing to work | 02:36 |
chisel_ | i'm not ubuntu saavy enough to know what you guys are saying. | 02:37 |
* Random832 isn't sure what could be easier than rm | 02:37 |
kbfz | zetheroo, upgrate to 9.10 will also have the problem? | 02:37 |
Dr_Willis | chisel_: then i wouldent worry about it untill you learn more linux basics | 02:37 |
Random832 | chisel_; what are you trying to do? if you want to delete the files just delete them | 02:37 |
Dr_Willis | chisel_: or use the menu editor to remove the wine item icons | 02:37 |
zetheroo | kbfz: problem? | 02:37 |
SpaceGhostC2C | Dr_Willis, can we get some music? | 02:37 |
kbfz | zetheroo, yes | 02:37 |
zetheroo | Fauntix: your iPad :P | 02:37 |
Dr_Willis | SpaceGhostC2C: Huh? | 02:37 |
zetheroo | kbfz: what problem? | 02:38 |
Fauntix | no zeth.... just a plain tablet laptop | 02:38 |
kbfz | the screen shows "it cann't support the mode" | 02:38 |
chisel_ | i want to delete the programs in wine. when i try to go to drive C, it wont let me. so i figured i'd just delete wine. As to rm, what is that and how do i use it? | 02:39 |
zetheroo | kbfzI never asked for help to a problem ... so dunno what you are referring to | 02:39 |
kbfz | zetheroo, the screen shows "it can't support the mode" | 02:39 |
Dr_Willis | chisel_: removeing packages do NOT affect the users settings.. thats somthing to rember. | 02:39 |
zetheroo | kbfz: is that my problem or yours? | 02:40 |
nuvan | I just installed ubuntu 9.10 on my laptop using the wubi installer, and it's not seeing my network adapters, wired (Broadcom BCM5784M) or wireless (Atheros AR928X). | 02:40 |
Dr_Willis | chisel_: the directory /home/username/.wine is where the wine stuff is saved to for the user.. however the menu icons i recall are defined by some OTHER config files also in the users home. | 02:40 |
zetheroo | nuvan: fun chipsets ... | 02:40 |
nuvan | ifconfig just spits out the loopback device | 02:40 |
kbfz | zetheroo, I don't know | 02:40 |
nuvan | zetheroo: worked fine when I had 9.04 installed a while back | 02:40 |
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zetheroo | nuvan: I believe you ... as I said "fun" chipsets ... | 02:41 |
Fauntix | how do i get my gateway tablet laptop touch screen thing to work | 02:41 |
zetheroo | Fauntix: when you find out post it somewhere :P | 02:41 |
zetheroo | Fauntix: have you googled it/ | 02:41 |
zetheroo | ? | 02:41 |
abx | Hello! Does anyone know where I can find an implementation of JBIG-2 or a related program that can employ JBIG-2? | 02:41 |
rahduke | anyone know what to type into OSX connect to server dialog to connect to an SSH share folder? | 02:41 |
Fauntix | no | 02:41 |
Dr_Willis | rahduke: You would have to find some sort of OS-X mount ssh server as a directory feature. Or find a scp gui client for OS-X perhaps | 02:42 |
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Dr_Willis | rahduke: perhaps ask in #os-x | 02:43 |
rahduke | thanks doc W | 02:43 |
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TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: Digging into the grub stuff.. turns out there's a file to edit for grub2 in /etc/default (/etc/default/grub2) where you can set GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true :-) | 02:44 |
zetheroo | Fauntix: sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-evtouch ??? | 02:44 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, the uuid is a good thing brah. It's really specific about which hard drive and partition. | 02:44 |
zetheroo | Fauntix: and then "Calibrate Touchscreen" applet in the System->Administration menu to get touchscreen working! | 02:45 |
lyrae | how can i bind, say ctrl + to go to the next song | 02:45 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, the reason I had you use /dev/sda5 to boot was just to boot initially. | 02:45 |
lyrae | my keyboard doesnt have multimedia buttons | 02:45 |
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zetheroo | Fauntix: after that you may have to log out and log back in ... | 02:45 |
TomV_415 | SpaceGhostC2C: wonder why I'm not getting the right uuid for my partitions.. what you say makes sense. | 02:45 |
ubuntufriend | hey I cant connect to a bad new ubuntu 9.10 update system with vino server but and I can control it but it had insane lag where I am getting snapshots, I have to reconnect to see if what I clicked or typed in actually showed up... | 02:45 |
ubuntufriend | are there any known bugs like this? | 02:46 |
SpaceGhostC2C | TomV_415, use blkid. ask maco. | 02:46 |
ubuntufriend | is there something other than vino I can use? | 02:46 |
zetheroo | lyrae: Keyboard Shortcuts? | 02:46 |
lyrae | zetheroo, let me try | 02:47 |
jcapinc | hey I installed gnome-shell, and tried it, thought it was neat, but it changed some strange and subtle things about my system that are causing problems like: startup programs do not auto-start, I cannot mount other partitions that I could before because it will not ask for authentication, and various other small things | 02:47 |
jcapinc | is there some service that gnome-shell messed with that I can fix? | 02:47 |
chester_copperpo | anyone using eclipse with subclipse? | 02:48 |
Fauntix | ty zeth | 02:48 |
lyrae | zetheroo, thank you | 02:48 |
Fauntix | i will try that as soon as my updater is done | 02:48 |
zetheroo | lyrae: your welcome | 02:48 |
Alan502 | Can someone recommend a video editor that adds subtitles? | 02:48 |
zetheroo | Fauntix: no worries | 02:48 |
Fauntix | have any of you used a book called Unleashed for Ubuntu? | 02:49 |
lyrae | zetheroo, well hold on | 02:49 |
zetheroo | Alan502: hmmm ... I have been looking for that too | 02:49 |
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Fauntix | i mean Ubuntu Unleashed | 02:49 |
Maletor | How do I scp a file from a remote host behind a firewall to a local computer i'm on now? I ssh'ed into my remote firewall then into my host, but I can't get the file from there to here. What do I do? | 02:49 |
lyrae | zetheroo, it doesnt have next/prev shortcut. but i can add my own. so rythmbox's command for next song is "--next". so on the command box i put "rythmbox --next" but it doesnt work. any idea? | 02:49 |
Alan502 | zetheroo, yeah :) there are some video editors out there but i just want to make sure they do add subtitles before downloading them | 02:50 |
ima | Anyone here got Quake Live working in Chrome? | 02:50 |
Dr_Willis | ima: i had it working in Firefox.. not tried it in Chrome | 02:50 |
gerrin | anyone know a way to run Mac OSX apps on ubuntu | 02:50 |
Alan502 | gerrin, not possible, at the moment | 02:50 |
ima | Dr_Willis, ahh, I don't know where the .so files are supposed to go | 02:51 |
zetheroo | lyrae: in Keyboard Shortcuts i have Next Track under the Sound section | 02:51 |
gerrin | ok :( | 02:51 |
Alan502 | gerrin, you can run linux apps on MacOSX though | 02:51 |
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ima | Dr_Willis, chrome just downloads them in a .xpi archive | 02:51 |
zetheroo | lyrae: by the way I am in System > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts | 02:51 |
gerrin | ok, well that sucks | 02:51 |
rww | ubuntufriend: there are a few alternative VNC servers, yeah. Take a look at | 02:52 |
Alan502 | gerrin, some MacOSX apps have it's version for linux though, or you can find a replacement | 02:52 |
lyrae | zetheroo, haha wow. i totally missed that. guess i was too excited | 02:52 |
lyrae | zetheroo, many thanks, again! | 02:52 |
Maletor | How do I do SCP through a firewall? Please help! | 02:52 |
Alan502 | gerrin, any application you wanna run specifically? | 02:52 |
zetheroo | Alan502: yeah ... in my searching i have not come across anything that does it as I would like ... | 02:52 |
gerrin | Renewed Vision's Pro Presenter 4 | 02:52 |
gerrin | its mac only | 02:53 |
zetheroo | gerrin: is there only a MacOS version for that app? | 02:53 |
nuvan | zetheroo: hrm... lspci -k shows them, and shows that the atheros adapter is being accessed by the ath9k driver, and the broadcom by the tg3 driver. | 02:53 |
zealot | Maletor: open port 22 dumbass | 02:53 |
gerrin | yep only mac | 02:53 |
Maletor | zealot: port 22 is open dumbass | 02:53 |
zetheroo | nuvan: hmm ... I too have Atheros and Broadcom | 02:53 |
zealot | Maletor: well then i guess you're up shit creek | 02:54 |
Guest77025 | hi guys | 02:54 |
gerrin | well looks like ill have to go buy a new mac book, well that sucks | 02:54 |
zetheroo | nuvan: however its worked for me out of the box ... | 02:54 |
zetheroo | gerrin: how about a VM? | 02:54 |
gerrin | vm? | 02:54 |
ChogyDan | [q] if I run the lucid kernel on karmic, what could possibly go wrong? (I know it sounds funny that way, but seriously, anyone know) | 02:54 |
Guest77025 | hji guys | 02:54 |
rww | Guest77025: hi! | 02:54 |
zetheroo | gerrin: virtual machine ... | 02:54 |
zetheroo | gerrin: run MacOS in a VM | 02:55 |
gerrin | i could try that, know of any? | 02:55 |
rww | zealot: Watch your language, please | 02:55 |
zetheroo | nuvan: you should see if something needs to be blacklisted or visa-versa | 02:55 |
zetheroo | gerrin: Virtual Box | 02:55 |
nuvan | zetheroo: where and how would I check that? | 02:55 |
=== jay is now known as Guest53061 |
gerrin | know where i can find that? | 02:56 |
zetheroo | nuvan: what are your chipsets again? | 02:56 |
=== root_ is now known as Guest94548 |
nuvan | zetheroo: wired (Broadcom BCM5784M) and wireless (Atheros AR928X) | 02:56 |
zetheroo | ok | 02:56 |
rich | can anyone help with installing wordlists correctly | 02:57 |
Dr_Willis | Of course teh legality of running OS-X in Virtualbox.. well.. :) lets say its not. | 02:57 |
zetheroo | nuvan: please post the output of lspci -nn | 02:57 |
zetheroo | Dr_Willis: hehe ... yep | 02:58 |
zetheroo | gerrin: its in the repos ... or you can download it from the web ... google it ... or get it from Synaptic | 02:58 |
gerrin | i googled it, thanks | 02:59 |
rww | ChogyDan: Your system might not boot. If you have bugs or problems, we might not be able to offer support. It's generally not a great idea. | 02:59 |
nuvan | 02:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Atheros Communications Inc. AR928X Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) [168c:002a] (rev01) | 02:59 |
nuvan | 09:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Broadcom Corporation NetLink BCM5784M Gigabit Ethernet PCIe [14e4:1698] (rev 10) | 03:00 |
ChogyDan | rww: well, as long as I can fix it by just booting an old kernel, Im fine. thanks! | 03:00 |
rww | ChogyDan: yep, that should work :) | 03:00 |
rww | ChogyDan: although you might want to make sure GRUB is set to show you a menu first. I don't think Karmic's does by default. | 03:01 |
zedster | hi I have no TTYs (ie ctrl+alt+f1-f6) is just a blinking courser | 03:01 |
=== keith_ is now known as kbuel |
ChogyDan | rww: ok, Im safe there. I've never had the menu hidden on me, for whatever reason :) | 03:01 |
zedster | and my grub2 hangs, it use to wait a few seconds then go to the default | 03:01 |
zetheroo | nuvan: ok ... do this: sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-karmic linux-backports-modules-wireless-karmic-generic | 03:01 |
rww | ChogyDan: alright. Good luck :) | 03:02 |
root__ | hi guys | 03:03 |
arooni | how can i fix this on ubuntu: ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused | 03:03 |
zetheroo | nuvan: should probably reboot or re-login after that is done | 03:03 |
usser | root__, dont run as root :) | 03:03 |
root__ | heloooo | 03:03 |
zetheroo | root__: you have a question? | 03:04 |
root__ | heloooo | 03:04 |
=== tato is now known as tato_ |
sovi3t | arooni, make sure ssh-server is installed and started | 03:04 |
DaZ | running as a root is l33t. | 03:04 |
rww | arooni: is sshd started? try "sudo service ssh start" | 03:04 |
Jeruvy | arooni: your firewall is blocking the connection | 03:04 |
arooni | ssh is installed | 03:04 |
arooni | ubuntu's firewall? | 03:04 |
rww | Jeruvy: unlikely, since it's localhost | 03:04 |
tato_ | has anyone messed with ubuntu tweak? | 03:04 |
arooni | how do i fix? | 03:04 |
root__ | well | 03:04 |
webbb82 | hey i need some help i am trying to dual boot windows 7 and ubuntu and when i put the install cd in and get to the partition part i dont get the option to install the two distros side by side, it was always there before but my only option is to earase and install the whole drive where did the option go? | 03:05 |
DaZ | arooni: /etc/hosts.allow/deny? | 03:05 |
root__ | yes | 03:05 |
DaZ | (allow/deny)* | 03:05 |
Jeruvy | rww: not unlikely | 03:05 |
zetheroo | nuvan: did you get my last messages? | 03:05 |
jcapinc | installing Gnome-Shell Messed with my main installation! what do I do to fix it? | 03:05 |
whatram | Has anyone experienced an invisible lock screen? I can type my password and unlock it but the dialog box doesn't come up. | 03:05 |
zetheroo | jcapinc: un-mess it :P | 03:05 |
nuvan | zetheroo: yep. I can't do that directly, as there is no internet on my laptop, so I'm trying to dig 'em up on | 03:05 |
jcapinc | zetheroo, how? | 03:05 |
jcapinc | it did strange little things | 03:05 |
rww | Jeruvy: If ufw is managing loopback connections, that's a bug. It's not supposed to do that. | 03:05 |
root__ | what | 03:06 |
jef91 | Is there a way I could run a terminal command that would crawl and directory and all sub-directories and replace all instances of one word in a file name with another? | 03:06 |
zetheroo | nuvan: oh right ... ok .. let me see about the ethernet .... | 03:06 |
webbb82 | /msg NickServ identify webbb82 biggie | 03:06 |
jcapinc | It does not always ask for authentication to do anything, like mount a partition | 03:06 |
root__ | what | 03:06 |
jcapinc | it does not start my startup software | 03:06 |
zetheroo | nuvan: you don't have a wifi usb dongle around do you? | 03:06 |
rww | webbb82: you just echoed your password to the channel. Change it, and use a server window for nickserv messages in the future. | 03:06 |
nuvan | nope | 03:06 |
zetheroo | shucks | 03:06 |
root__ | what | 03:06 |
falbertp | halo everyone | 03:07 |
webbb82 | ya i just did | 03:07 |
sovi3t | jef91, man find | 03:07 |
rww | root__: Hello. Do you have an Ubuntu support question? | 03:07 |
arooni | DaZ, desktop-igloo ~: pastebinit /etc/hosts.allow ~: pastebinit /etc/hosts.deny | 03:07 |
webbb82 | hey i need some help i am trying to dual boot windows 7 and ubuntu and when i put the install cd in and get to the partition part i dont get the option to install the two distros side by side, it was always there before but my only option is to earase and install the whole drive where did the option go? | 03:07 |
root__ | yes | 03:07 |
root__ | guys | 03:07 |
rww | root__: please go ahead and ask it (on one line), instead of sending "what" to the channel, then :) | 03:07 |
falbertp | hi I'm using latest netbook ubuntu version 9.10? have problem with a local phone modem type haier d1200p | 03:08 |
nuvan | zetheroo: did you mean linux-backports-modules-karmic-generic? | 03:08 |
Pelo | webbb82, what you get is an option to rezise an exsisting partiton to make room to install the new os | 03:08 |
t7x | hi all. can anyone tell me if i can use wine on live session ubuntu loaded from CD with No HDD installed. wanna play broodwar :) got 2GB or Ram | 03:08 |
root__ | how do i change my text color | 03:08 |
jimisrvrox | hey folks when anybody has a minute to help I am having wifi issues : | 03:08 |
DaZ | arooni: well, it's something else. | 03:08 |
falbertp | what I like to ask, is there any easy way (GUI) for ubuntu my installed version to use that modem? | 03:08 |
Fauntix | @Zeth: What is the syntax for that touch screen thing | 03:08 |
webbb82 | Pelo: always before it would say "install them side by side" but its not there anymore | 03:09 |
rww | root__: on IRC? | 03:09 |
jimisrvrox | nick125: know any good books or sites to learn stuff about linux/ubuntu? | 03:09 |
jimisrvrox | hey folks when anybody has a minute to help I am having wifi issues : | 03:09 |
Pelo | t7x, you can but it 's probably not tonna be very fast | 03:09 |
falbertp | because I'm newbie on linux | 03:09 |
nuvan | zetheroo: because i've got a usb memory stick, so if I can download the .deb's, I'll install 'em that way. | 03:09 |
root__ | then | 03:09 |
root__ | rww then what | 03:09 |
zetheroo | nuvan: yeah ... sounds good | 03:09 |
ayam_jago | how can i remove 2.6.31-16-generic kernell to 2.6.31-14-generic ?? some like downgrade?? | 03:09 |
t7x | Pelo, can you help me set it up ? i can use flash drive if its any help | 03:09 |
rww | root__: no, I'm asking a question. Do you mean your text color on IRC? | 03:09 |
Pelo | webbb82, they might have changed the wording, worste case scenario you just manualy resize your existing partitons to make room | 03:09 |
root__ | yes | 03:09 |
root__ | my text what i am typing now | 03:09 |
arooni | DaZ, how do i fix? could it be tomato | 03:10 |
root__ | i cant read it myself | 03:10 |
webbb82 | Pelo: i get nervouse man nually messin with my partitions | 03:10 |
t7x | pelo, why wont be fast enough ? with a RAM if its enough should be even faster than with a HDD | 03:10 |
root__ | how do i change it | 03:10 |
Pelo | t7x, sudo apt-get install wine , that will install wine, winecfg for the basic config, no need to actualy do anytying just run it , after that just install your game | 03:10 |
root__ | rww | 03:10 |
Fauntix | @Zeth: What is the syntax for that touch screen thing | 03:10 |
zetheroo | nuvan: | 03:10 |
root__ | u there | 03:10 |
root__ | rwww | 03:10 |
rww | root__: You can't change the way other people read it. You can set the way you see it with Settings -> Preferences -> Colors | 03:10 |
falbertp | I'm trying to add my CDMA phone modem to Broadband Internet tab, fill all required setting, done, but how to connect using it?? there in no DIAL or CONNECT button??? please | 03:11 |
Random832 | so anyone know what all this ata3 DRDY ERR crap i'm getting is? | 03:11 |
DaZ | arooni: i don't even know what tomato is. | 03:11 |
root__ | yes ok | 03:11 |
greezmunkey | Who wanted to change filenames by crawling directories? | 03:11 |
devrethman | what should I install so that PDFs will open in tabs in Firefox, rather than require downloading and a separate window? | 03:11 |
Sonja | sleep mode on my msi wind netbook doesn't work on jaunty | 03:11 |
rww | root__: please be patient in the future :) | 03:11 |
DaZ | arooni: if it's not hosts file then it's either firewall or ssh daemon config. | 03:11 |
Random832 | | 03:11 |
Sonja | it sleeps but won't wake up :( | 03:11 |
Pelo | webbb82, that's the proper attidute, just reboot win7, defrag a few times backup your important stuff , then boot back the live cd, run gparted , resize , then run the installer and install on the empty space | 03:11 |
Random832 | i get that over and over and over | 03:11 |
zetheroo | nuvan:§ion=all&arch=any&searchon=names&keywords=linux-backports-modules-karmic | 03:11 |
arooni | DaZ, ssh daemon is listeningon port 22. and i dont know how to adjust ubuntu firewall | 03:11 |
falbertp | hmmm looks like IRC is not the best place to ask anyway :) though it is faster if someone like to hear my plea for help | 03:11 |
usser | falbertp, last time i tried it i used gnome-ppp. try that | 03:11 |
root__ | ok admin | 03:12 |
DaZ | arooni: neither do i. | 03:12 |
root__ | i will be | 03:12 |
Pelo | devrethman, there is a firefox plugin I think | 03:12 |
t7x | Pelo, may i whisper you ? | 03:12 |
zetheroo | nuvan: i don't know if this method will really work though .. there may be dependencies that you do not have ... | 03:12 |
Pelo | t7x, talk tome in the channel, I hate pm | 03:12 |
falbertp | wow at last someone hear my crying for help | 03:12 |
devrethman | Pelo: Yeah, I'm pretty sure there is, I was just wondering if anybody knew what it was offhand. | 03:12 |
t7x | Pelo, E: Couldn't find package wine | 03:12 |
Pelo | devrethman, just to a search for pdf in the FF extensiion page | 03:12 |
nuvan | the package pages show deps. i'll just make sure I get 'em all, or go back for em. | 03:12 |
root__ | allrigtg | 03:13 |
falbertp | usser # so I gotta search for gnome-pp then ^^ | 03:13 |
Fauntix | Zetheroo are you there | 03:13 |
root__ | ok | 03:13 |
usser | falbertp, also unplug it plug back in run dmesg see if appropriate /dev/ nodes for your modem get created if they do, it should be a smooth ride, just run gnome-ppp select your modem device and connect | 03:13 |
zedster | I've got no tty's, looking for solutions | 03:13 |
usser | falbertp, try it | 03:13 |
Pelo | t7x, you might have to enable the extra repositories, menu > system > admin > software sources , check all the boxes on the frist and third tab | 03:13 |
tato_ | t7u: try sudo aptitude wine install | 03:13 |
ayam_jago | how can i remove 2.6.31-16-generic kernell to 2.6.31-14-generic ?? some like downgrade?? | 03:14 |
falbertp | actually I've done abit of search before, some people suggest using PON POFF, but it doesn't work I dunno why, there simply no reaction what soever | 03:14 |
zedster | who -a | 03:14 |
zedster | zedster + tty7 2010-02-03 21:11 06:03 1257 (:0) | 03:14 |
zedster | zedster + pts/0 2010-02-03 21:11 . 1690 (:0.0) | 03:14 |
jimisrvrox | hey folks when anybody has a minute to help I am having wifi issues : | 03:14 |
falbertp | others suggest for WVDIAL, but it doesn't work either | 03:14 |
webbb82 | so if i shrink m y main partition and then run the installer it will find the unalocated disk space to install to? | 03:14 |
arooni | i can't ssh into localhost even though the ssh package is installed (ubuntu 9.10),. here are my hosts files. desktop-igloo ~: pastebinit /etc/hosts.allow ~: pastebinit /etc/hosts.deny | 03:14 |
Random832 | jimisrvrox: | 03:15 |
rww | arooni: did you try "sudo service ssh start"? | 03:15 |
falbertp | usser # well yes you are correct when I try to use dmesg it doesn't get recognized on usb tty0 or tty1 I think this is the problem | 03:15 |
Random832 | no idea how to fix it but maybe you'll get some inspiration there | 03:15 |
arooni | rww, | 03:15 |
arooni | yes | 03:15 |
usser | falbertp, wvdial is a command line tool, gnome-ppp is a gui and somewhat easier to use. pastebin your dmesg, after you plug in the phone | 03:15 |
rww | arooni: And it didn't help? Can you pastebin /etc/ssh/sshd_config please? | 03:16 |
t7x | Pelo, if i need to make more space for use in my memmory any idea how can i do that ??? | 03:16 |
t7x | Pelo, can you tell me how can i check right now what is the space available i got for use | 03:16 |
falbertp | some suggest recompiling make xconfig to make the usb reconized but there is error when I do that :( oh my... | 03:16 |
Pelo | t7x, I don'T know , either quesiton, sorry, frankly I can'T figure out why you'd want to go to so much trouble | 03:17 |
falbertp | usser # unfortunately I didn't bring my linux netbook now :( so I can't test it, I'm chating using a window laptop in work :( argzzzz... maybe I should ask later when I'm at home? | 03:17 |
usser | falbertp, eeh you probably dont want to recompile your kernel | 03:17 |
arooni | rww, here it is: | 03:18 |
makaveli9 | i have a raid1 setup with 2x1TB drives. sda1/2/3/4 got booted off the raid array. i added sda1/2/3 back in and they are fine. when i try adding sda4 back in, the system freezes up for a while and dmesg shows sdb unrecoverable i/o read error flor block 9114837. so the ready errors are for the drive that it's supposed to be syncing from. is there a way to skip over these bad blocks? if not, what else can i do at this point is there a way | 03:18 |
zetheroo | Fauntix: yes | 03:18 |
falbertp | usser # well you are correct I don't want to do that either, too scary to even hear it | 03:18 |
DaZ | Port 24000 | 03:18 |
DaZ | \o/ | 03:18 |
rww | arooni: You configured sshd to listen on port 24000, not port 22. | 03:18 |
rww | arooni: Either change that back to 22, or use ssh -p 24000 | 03:19 |
Fauntix | Zeth: what was that syntax for the touch screen? | 03:19 |
devrethman | Are there seriously no packages that provide a firefox PDF plugin other than acroread? | 03:19 |
falbertp | user # is there anyway I can do to fix USB attachment problem? | 03:19 |
arooni | rww sorry you're right | 03:19 |
rww | (and this is why you don't jump to the unlikely possibility that a firewall is misconfigured and filtering loopback, people ;P ) | 03:19 |
zetheroo | Fauntix: this? sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-input-evtouch | 03:19 |
webbb82 | i have a 500 gb hard drive should i just split it in half for the dual boot? | 03:19 |
Pelo | devrethman, do a search in synaptic but acroread is probably it | 03:19 |
ayam_jago | hellooooooo ??? how can i remove my kernell 2.6.31-16-generic to be 2.6.31-14-generic | 03:19 |
xangua | devrethman: mozplugger | 03:19 |
usser | falbertp, apart from installing a newer kernel probably no. | 03:20 |
zetheroo | Fauntix: and then "Calibrate Touchscreen" applet in the System->Administration menu to get touchscreen working! | 03:20 |
rww | ayam_jago: are you using 32-bit or 64-bit Ubuntu? | 03:20 |
Pelo | ayam_jago, go into synaptic, do a searech for 2.6.31, uninstall all the -16 pakcages, install the similar -14 package, reboot | 03:20 |
falbertp | usser # oh no :( so what should i do to install new kernel? | 03:20 |
jimisrvrox | Random832: so this is an error in the nm application itself | 03:20 |
ayam_jago | rww : i think iam using 32 | 03:20 |
tato_ | ayan_jago the best way is to download ubuntu tweak it does it easy | 03:20 |
ayam_jago | Pelo : thanks | 03:21 |
rww | ayam_jago: Do what Pelo said. If you can't get the -14 package, it's at also | 03:21 |
Random832 | i don't know - i only skimmed it | 03:21 |
zedster | my nvida drivers cannot write to xorg and some how that is why I do not have ttys | 03:21 |
Pelo | g'night folks | 03:21 |
rww | 'night | 03:21 |
usser | falbertp, i wouldn't necessarily blame it on the kernel. I cant really say what it is since i havent even seen the log files | 03:21 |
zedster | anyone encounter this before? | 03:21 |
whatram | My lock dialog box is invisible! I can type the password and get back in but how can I get it to show up? | 03:22 |
zetheroo | Fauntix: we should talk here :) | 03:22 |
zetheroo | Fauntix: looks like you need to locate the type of touchscreen device you have | 03:23 |
fireball | hey all, how do i make wine app run in 1680 x 1050 in full screen mode? | 03:23 |
zetheroo | Fauntix: probably comes down to chipsets again | 03:23 |
falbertp | usser # you are correct, ok I think I need to supply the log first... hmmm it is difficult though if the internet did not connected at home because of this problem LOL | 03:23 |
t7x | pelo it started :) but kind of blocked :) guess need to free more mem | 03:23 |
fireball | or. . . how do i keep my touch screen calibration when in wine fullscreen mode? | 03:23 |
rww | fireball: run "winecfg" from a command-line. I believe there's an option for it in there (though I don't have wine installed, so I can't check) | 03:23 |
usser | falbertp, yep | 03:24 |
falbertp | I mean I'm thinking how can I connect to the internet and asking in this channel if the netbook itself can't connect to internet? LOL | 03:24 |
iflema | ayam_jago it is most likely possible you could simply select the older version pre-boot in the grub menu.... it is possible to change the default kerenel to boot. | 03:25 |
falbertp | well this gotta be a loooong time to fix then, because i need to bring the log file to office and connect to internet the other day and ask again ^^ | 03:25 |
fireball | rww: thanks, but there's no help there | 03:25 |
ayam_jago | iflema :thanks | 03:25 |
falbertp | anyway usser thanks for your help :) | 03:26 |
falbertp | this channel is VERY USEFULL indeed | 03:26 |
drbanzai | What's the package to setup a tftp server under ubuntu? So I can netboot a laptop and install ubuntu? | 03:26 |
falbertp | and VERY FAST | 03:26 |
webbb82 | ok so i just made my windows 7 partition half the size so now just run the install cd and it will create the partition out of the unalocated disk space??? | 03:27 |
fireball | How do i make stop WINE apps from losing touch screen calibration when in full screen mode? | 03:27 |
falbertp | ok bye bye everyone gotta back to work | 03:27 |
nuvan | zetheroo: got the packages installed, rebooted, still nothing. how can I check that they're being properly used? | 03:29 |
fireball | ok, been trying everywhere for a week, including here. WHERE CAN I GET HELP WITH TOUCH SCREEN CALIBRATION VS WINE FULLSCREEN MODE ??? ??? | 03:30 |
dazzle | hi all, first time user | 03:31 |
labarna | fireball: you want touch screen calibration in wine? | 03:31 |
zetheroo | nuvan: how did you get the packages installed with the dependencies? | 03:31 |
bob_ | How can I find the command line to a program in the KDE menu? Specifically, I want the one for Kolourpaint, but I want to be able to discover it for the future as well. | 03:32 |
Fauntix | Zeth: ok zeth the driver i need for ubuntu is the gateway finepoint | 03:32 |
fireball | labarna: no, I just lose it when the wine app goes full screen. Pretty sure it's to do with a resolution change somewhere, probably x. But that's the problem and it needs fixing, please. . . | 03:32 |
labarna | bob_: can you edit the menu... right click the menu for instance? | 03:32 |
labarna | fireball: I think you probably right about the resolution change. The only way I could see working around that is matching your desktop resolution and configuring from there so that when wine starts it doesn't change the resolution. | 03:33 |
zetheroo | Fauntix: interesting | 03:33 |
nuvan | zetheroo: used the info on to make sure I had the proper dependencies downloaded before I put 'em on the usb stick. Ended up installing linux-image-2.6.31-16generic, l-b-modules-2.6.31-16-generic, l-b-m-karmic-generic, and l-b-m-wireless-karmic-generic | 03:33 |
bob_ | labarna, if I right click the menu, I can add to, or remove from favorites. no other options | 03:33 |
shamike | can a bad ethernet card keep ubuntu from starting up? | 03:34 |
fireball | labarna: is there a way i can make the wine app full screen in my x native resolution? | 03:34 |
Fauntix | Zetheroo: any idea? | 03:34 |
fireball | larbarna: emulate virtual desktop resolution through winecgf is not it :( | 03:34 |
labarna | fireball: that all depends on the app, is it a game or an application? | 03:35 |
zetheroo | nuvan: lets do some blacklist editing | 03:35 |
fireball | larbarna: i reckon it could be done through regedit, but no idea how | 03:35 |
devrethman | AFAIK wine can make things fullscreen if they ask to be. I don't know if it's possible to just make some random app take up your whole screen with no decorations. | 03:35 |
fireball | larbarna: it's a dj app | 03:35 |
devrethman | #winehq would probably know. | 03:35 |
aidan_ | Ubuntu 10.4 alpha1 is up for download on the ubuntu site but the links are broken, is there any other way i can get it | 03:36 |
iflema | fireball do your callabration settings reset or ya cant calabrate to start..? | 03:36 |
zetheroo | nuvan: sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-ath_pci.conf | 03:36 |
labarna | bob_: try this page... there's a section for editing the menu: | 03:36 |
nuvan | zetheroo: it's currently blacklisting ath_pci | 03:37 |
fireball | iflema: no, just not calibrated in full screen mode, fine un-maximised | 03:37 |
labarna | fireball: yeah sorry I'm not entirely sure, wine is tricky with resolution. best bet is to ask in a wine channel or on their mailing list | 03:37 |
zetheroo | nuvan: comment that out | 03:37 |
zetheroo | nuvan: put a # in front of ath_pci | 03:38 |
nuvan | zetheroo: done | 03:38 |
zetheroo | nuvan: save and reboot | 03:38 |
fireball | derverman: thanks, i'll try that | 03:38 |
nuvan | zetheroo: on the way! | 03:39 |
zetheroo | nuvan: ok | 03:39 |
nuvan | zetheroo: still nothing | 03:40 |
zetheroo | nuvan: you rebooted already? | 03:40 |
nuvan | yep | 03:41 |
labarna | bob_: any luck editing the menu? | 03:41 |
bob_ | labarna, looking at the site you sent. thanks. | 03:42 |
Colloguy | I miss the pre-karmic battery applet, is there a close replacement? | 03:42 |
Yvier6 | hey guys, how can i install codecs for ffmpeg i've the medibuntu packet but i dont know which are they :S | 03:42 |
L3dPlatedLinux | ok this is kinda dumb question but here it goes " I was looking for a good wysiwyg html editor for ubuntu and nvu is what I have seen along with others that I have tried with no luck ( some are above me) now with that said nvu looks like its now known as kompozer which i will try only if it doesnt install a bunch of kde stuff with it cause I dont like kde much, so will it pull down a bunch of kde stuff with it and do you all know of something I ha | 03:43 |
L3dPlatedLinux | vent found? | 03:43 |
nuvan | zetheroo: just rebooted again. added acpi=off to my kernel line, and now my wireless adapters are detected. | 03:43 |
nuvan | s/wireless/network/ | 03:43 |
tonyyarusso | L3dPlatedLinux: KompoZer has nothing to do with KDE. | 03:44 |
zetheroo | nuvan: awesome .. | 03:44 |
labarna | Yvier6: you probably want the package "non-free-codecs" (see: | 03:44 |
Yvier6 | labarna: 8.04 | 03:44 |
nuvan | zetheroo: kinda crappy to be booting a laptop with acpi disabled though. | 03:44 |
fireball | how come my xorg settings are a little random on bootup? ie, uses different config files randomly? | 03:44 |
nuvan | zetheroo: will be hell on the battery life | 03:44 |
zetheroo | nuvan: try it once more without that option | 03:44 |
nuvan | zetheroo: oh, and it's not actually seeing any wireless networks. just the adapters | 03:45 |
labarna | Yvier6: "non-free-codecs" is availible for hardy as well | 03:45 |
guillermo_ | i installed python-kde4-docs but i couldn't run the program "pykdedocs" | 03:45 |
guillermo_ | in intrepid ibex | 03:45 |
tomatoes7 | how do i mount an iso file on ubuntu? | 03:45 |
guillermo_ | how could i run it ? | 03:45 |
rww | ubottu: iso | tomatoes7 | 03:45 |
ubottu | tomatoes7: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 03:45 |
mtx_init | look up loopback devices | 03:45 |
Yvier6 | labarna: but my virtual server cant find the packages | 03:45 |
zetheroo | nuvan: I would do a full shut down and reboot ... also make sure the wireless is enabled all the time in the BIOS | 03:45 |
eon01 | hello , Any one knwo a good tutorial : How to Install JADE on Linux ?? | 03:46 |
nuvan | zetheroo: rebooting now, and the wireless is full-time on in the bios | 03:46 |
tomatoes7 | thanks | 03:46 |
labarna | L3dPlatedLinux: I think it's just pulling down qt files and maybe some kde extra stuff you won't end up running kde don't worry | 03:46 |
labarna | Yvier6: did you add the medibuntu repository? | 03:46 |
tonyyarusso | labarna: There are no Qt dependencies whatsoever. | 03:47 |
zetheroo | nuvan: this will tell you if the module is loaded ......... echo ath9k | sudo tee -a /etc/modules | 03:47 |
Yvier6 | labarna: deb hardy free non-free | 03:47 |
tonyyarusso | labarna, L3dPlatedLinux: It's a GTK app - look for yourself. | 03:47 |
Yvier6 | right? | 03:47 |
labarna | tomatoes7: check out gmountiso | 03:47 |
webbb82 | so lets me get this straight if i shrink my windows 7 partition then run the ubuntu install cd i will get a option to install to unalocated disk space? | 03:48 |
labarna | tonyyarusso: sorry my mistake | 03:48 |
sovi3t | webbb82, yes | 03:48 |
labarna | Yvier6: can you apt-get install w32codecs? | 03:48 |
webbb82 | even if its unalocated? | 03:48 |
webbb82 | do i have to make the swap partition or will the ubuntu instaall cd take care of that | 03:49 |
Yvier6 | labarna: no ;( | 03:49 |
labarna | Yvier6: have you run apt-get update? | 03:50 |
sdubois | i'm trying to install libpng, but it is saying libpng12-dev: Depends: libpng12-0 (= 1.2.15~beta5-3) but 1.2.15~beta5-3ubuntu0.1 is to be installed | 03:50 |
lucky4linux | webbb82: it depends on the type of installation you choose | 03:50 |
webbb82 | lucky4linux: how so? | 03:50 |
guillermo_ | i installed python-kde4-docs but i couldn't run the program "pykdedocs" | 03:50 |
guillermo_ | how could i run it ? | 03:50 |
Yvier6 | labarna: yes | 03:50 |
sovi3t | webbb82, by default it should take care of swap and root formatting, or at least give some sane defaults | 03:50 |
lucky4linux | webbb82: in the beginning, the installer will ask you to choose an installation type, how are you gonna install ? Via wubi ? | 03:51 |
nuvan | zetheroo: booted normally, no network devices. ath9k is loaded and according to lspci associated with the wireless adapter. however, lshw spits out *-network UNCLAIMED for both adapters | 03:51 |
webbb82 | oh im using a live install cd | 03:51 |
Yvier6 | labarna: W: Duplicate sources.list entry hardy/free Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/packages.medibuntu.org_dists_hardy_free_binary-amd64_Packages) | 03:51 |
Yvier6 | W: Duplicate sources.list entry hardy/non-free Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/packages.medibuntu.org_dists_hardy_non-free_binary-amd64_Packages) | 03:51 |
lucky4linux | webbb82: ya but are you installing it from within windows or right frmo system boot up ? | 03:52 |
zetheroo | nuvan: | 03:52 |
lucky4linux | webbb82: see here | 03:52 |
labarna | Yvier6: can you post your /etc/apt/sources.list to | 03:53 |
Yvier6 | labarna: yesss | 03:53 |
lucky4linux | webbb82 you will have very nice pics to illustrate the installation process here | 03:53 |
Yvier6 | labarna: | 03:54 |
Yvier6 | labarna: hosteurope is my provider | 03:54 |
webbb82 | By default, the installer will give you the option to install Ubuntu side by side with whatever operating system is currently on your computer. You can choose that if you want to set up a dual-boot, i dont get that option when i goto install | 03:54 |
lucky4linux | webbb82: you mean that you dont see " Install them side by side" option ??? | 03:56 |
wickwire | \quit | 03:56 |
webbb82 | yes | 03:56 |
Yvier6 | labarna: and? | 03:56 |
lucky4linux | webbb82: oops, ok ! reboot your sytem again and again boot your system from CD and in the UBuntu menu, select "Check CD for defects " | 03:57 |
Cyber_Akuma | Hey guys, I have a triple boot system that uses an older version of Ubuntu that still relied on grub1, if I reinstall windows7 (which would wipe grub I believe) then update ubuntu can I mak it install grub2? | 03:57 |
lucky4linux | webbb82: which CD your have ? 8.10 or 9.04 or 9.10 ? | 03:57 |
webbb82 | 9.10 | 03:58 |
lucky4linux | webbb82: ok did you download it or did you get it from Canonical directly by post ? | 03:58 |
linux-padawan | hey guys, anyone proficient with network file sharing? | 03:58 |
webbb82 | download | 03:58 |
mkquist | Cyber_Akuma: you can upgrade it to grub 2 | 03:58 |
lucky4linux | webbb82: ok reboot and check it as i said before | 03:59 |
Cyber_Akuma | great | 03:59 |
lifestream | Does anyone what this Gnome-App-Install traceback mean? Karmic | 03:59 |
webbb82 | shouldnt i shrink my hard drive in half first? | 03:59 |
mkquist | linux-padawan: what you trying to do? | 03:59 |
lucky4linux | webbb82: no need, we are just checking the CD for defects now. Lets worry about installation and space later ! | 03:59 |
tomatoes7 | how do i find out how many shells i am running | 03:59 |
linux-padawan | mkquist: i have several computers, all connected via a router, and i want to share directories.. linux and windows machines | 03:59 |
labarna | Yvier6: hmm ok try checking the file /etc/apt/source.list.d | 04:00 |
usser | lifestream, do you have python-gst package installed? | 04:00 |
webbb82 | ok ill be back ill get back on when i log back in | 04:00 |
linux-padawan | however the nautilus share function doesnt seem to work | 04:00 |
lucky4linux | webbb82: ok | 04:00 |
mkquist | linux-padawan: are you using shares-admin in terminal? | 04:00 |
linux-padawan | no, was using the share option in nautilus. it worked once, now it wont.. not sure why.. really im open to any approach just want it working lol | 04:01 |
Yvier6 | labarna: but this is emptx | 04:01 |
Yvier6 | labarna: but this is empty | 04:02 |
onetinsoldier | lifestream: i think you missing something to do with gstreamer or libgstreamer, but i'm not sure | 04:02 |
labarna | Yvier6: any files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/? | 04:03 |
lifestream | usser, onetinsoldier, I'm not sure, trying to find it on synaptic and | 04:03 |
mkquist | linux-padawan: try typing shares-admin in a terminal window, then /etc/init.d/samba restart | 04:03 |
mkquist | linux-padawan: after you set your shares of course | 04:03 |
mkquist | linux-padawan: is working for me as we speak | 04:03 |
Yvier6 | labarna: empty | 04:03 |
Yvier6 | its a virtual server | 04:03 |
=== nuvan_ is now known as nuvan |
mkquist | linux-padawan: did find on the new installs that i had to restart samba on boot. doesnt seem to be a problem anymore though | 04:04 |
linux-padawan | interesting... | 04:04 |
onetinsoldier | lifestream: i have no idea if the following package is your issue, but do you have this package installed? --> python-gst0.10 | 04:04 |
labarna | Yvier6: I'm not sure than... try deleting it from the sources.list file and rerunning the instructions on: | 04:04 |
Yvier6 | labarna: done but nothing.. | 04:04 |
labarna | Yvier6: well you can always goto the medibuntu site and download the packages themselves you don't need the repository | 04:05 |
lifestream | onetinsoldier, I searched for python-gst in synaptic and it isn't even shown in synaptic at all | 04:05 |
labarna | Yvier6: | 04:05 |
labarna | lifestream: python-gst0.10 | 04:05 |
onetinsoldier | lifestream: hmmm, are you running 9.10 Karmic? | 04:05 |
nuvan | zetheroo: well, if I boot without ACPI, I can see the network adapters, and while the wireless still doesn't work, the wired does, so i'm bridging the connection from my desktop, and will run a full update of the system, see what that does for me. | 04:06 |
lifestream | labarna, yes, it's not there at all | 04:06 |
linux-padawan | hmmm.. now how do i navigate to it from another linux machine? | 04:06 |
linux-padawan | the shared directory doesnt show up under the networking tab | 04:06 |
lifestream | onetinsoldier, Yes :) gnome-app-install was working for a long time, but I don't use it often enough to see which upgrade broke it, assuming one did | 04:06 |
mkquist_ | linux-padawan: just open network servers and it should show up | 04:06 |
mkquist_ | linux-padawan: if it doesnt, then refresh it a few times | 04:06 |
linux-padawan | u mean the network section under nautilus? | 04:07 |
replic8tor | I have a server install of ubuntu at home. How do I add an ip to like a firewall block list? I tried iptables but the command isnt found. | 04:07 |
mkquist_ | linux-padawan: like places, network servers | 04:07 |
onetinsoldier | lifestream: roger. i don't think i really know how to help any further | 04:07 |
linux-padawan | nothing | 04:07 |
linux-padawan | thats the odd part | 04:07 |
mkquist_ | linux-padawan: same-same | 04:07 |
labarna | lifestream:§ion=main | 04:07 |
linux-padawan | i had it working before | 04:07 |
lifestream | onetinsoldier, I apreciate the help, I'll keep looking online :) | 04:08 |
linux-padawan | not any longer tho | 04:08 |
mkquist_ | give it a go, works for me... had to reinstall samba once or twice when koala first came out, but works solid now | 04:08 |
onetinsoldier | lifestream: ok, good luck :) | 04:09 |
linux-padawan | im an idiot.. dang it, may have just figuredit out] | 04:09 |
mkquist_ | linux-padawan: what was it? | 04:09 |
lifestream | labarna, "python-gst0.10 is already the newest version." Grr grr | 04:09 |
linux-padawan | neverming | 04:11 |
linux-padawan | thought i hadnt started smbd on other puter | 04:11 |
irkep | is it possible to merge connections in ubuntu? | 04:11 |
linux-padawan | both have smbd running, or should at least | 04:11 |
obscurant1st_ | hi in ubuntu 9.10 i just installed apache 2.2, where is the default index.html stored? | 04:11 |
irkep | like you can in windows | 04:11 |
meganerd | obscurant1st_: /var/www | 04:11 |
obscurant1st_ | k thx. | 04:11 |
=== sebastian is now known as mr_crowley |
meganerd | irkep: what do you mean, can you be more specific | 04:12 |
linux-padawan | whats the dif between smbd and samba? | 04:12 |
rww | linux-padawan: smbd is part of samba | 04:12 |
james_ | hello all | 04:12 |
meganerd | linux-padawan: smbd is the name of the process, samba is the human friendly name | 04:12 |
irkep | meganerd: merge a wireless connection and a wired connection to the same network | 04:12 |
linux-padawan | well when i run samba start it says i need to install samba4, yet it takes the command samba... | 04:12 |
meganerd | irkep: the word you are looking for is bridge | 04:13 |
irkep | meganerd: what is a "bridge"? | 04:13 |
meganerd | irkep: and yes it is not only possible, but reasonalby easy to do | 04:13 |
james_ | here's a random one... when you right click on a picture and choose "set as background", where does that picture get saved to? | 04:13 |
Fauntix | ok wine doesnt work on 9.10 | 04:13 |
=== obscurant1st_ is now known as obscurant1st |
meganerd | irkep: look it up, but it sounds like what you want to do | 04:13 |
pingfloyd | irkep: a glorified switch | 04:14 |
james_ | sorry, picture from the internet | 04:14 |
linux-padawan | and when i click on the windows network icon under network it just says unable to mount | 04:14 |
hunger__ | anyone have HDMI audio working on karmic? Nvidia card, TIA | 04:14 |
pingfloyd | irkep: there's some minor differences | 04:14 |
=== chibihogoshino is now known as chibi_food |
irkep | look what up meganerd? if i lookup the word "bridge" ill get a million unrelated pages before running into anything for ubuntu | 04:14 |
mkquist_ | linux-padawan: did you restart samba? | 04:14 |
linux-padawan | only smbd will take but yes i ran smbd restart | 04:15 |
linux-padawan | however when i type smbd status nthing shows up | 04:15 |
rww | james_: I just tried it, looks like it ended up in "Firefox_wallpaper.png" in my home folder | 04:15 |
linux-padawan | whatelse can i do to verify its running? | 04:15 |
hunger__ | oh, btw, Nvidia Geforce 8600m GT, was working in 8.x not sure why it was removed | 04:15 |
pingfloyd | irkep: a bridge serves the same purpose as a switch, it breaks up collision domains | 04:16 |
Quan-Time | hunger__: i have NV220GT M workin in 9.10 karmic x64 no probs | 04:16 |
sovi3t | james, ~/Firefox_wallpaper.png assuming your using firefox | 04:16 |
sloopy | pingfloyd, it does? | 04:16 |
irkep | pingfloyd: i dont know what you're talking about | 04:16 |
hunger__ | quan, which driver? | 04:16 |
pingfloyd | sloopy: yes | 04:16 |
linux-padawan | mkquist: yup i did, how can i confirm its running, nothing comes up when i type smbd status | 04:16 |
ouyes | i want to add two shortcuts of display desktop and open home folder in xubuntu, i do not know the command name of the two ,who can tell me ? | 04:16 |
sloopy | pingfloyd, never seen one of those... | 04:16 |
Fauntix | Ok I really want to run Ubuntu but i need some programs to work that...well arent working | 04:17 |
hunger__ | i'm using the proprietary drivers (from nvidia's site) i've tried 185, 190 and 195 series...after 9.04 HDMI audio quit working on me | 04:17 |
Santisnight | how do i forward a port? | 04:17 |
Santisnight | through my router* | 04:17 |
irkep | anyone? | 04:17 |
sloopy | irkep, whats the question? | 04:17 |
pingfloyd | sloopy: seen what? A bridge? | 04:17 |
Quan-Time | Santisnight: prolly has a guide.. this is ubuntu help, NOT hardawre help | 04:17 |
irkep | how do you merge connections, as you do in windows? | 04:17 |
Santisnight | Quan-Time, right, sorry | 04:17 |
Santisnight | thanks though | 04:17 |
sloopy | pingfloyd, yeah a bridge that seperates collision domains... | 04:18 |
Quan-Time | Santisnight: np... if you get REALLY stuck, PM me and ill help | 04:18 |
Quan-Time | or you can leave, whichever | 04:18 |
pingfloyd | pingfloyd: bridges always have | 04:18 |
obscurant1st | is there any way of running a webserver in ubuntu like dyndns do without using dyndns? | 04:18 |
mkquist_ | linux-padawan: intermesting... i get the same, but its working... hmmm | 04:18 |
sloopy | irkep, using a bridge, i would guess you are trying to bridge a wired/wireless networks? | 04:18 |
pingfloyd | sloopy: hubs don't though | 04:18 |
linux-padawan | perhaps my router needs a reboot | 04:18 |
linux-padawan | ill be back | 04:19 |
sloopy | pingfloyd, maybe your thinking of a switch? | 04:19 |
eon01 | Hello anyone worked with JADE ???? | 04:19 |
mkquist_ | linux-padawan: id try restarting networking instead | 04:19 |
rumpsy | omg, time applet is not working properly!, even i installed ntp, and tried to set manually, but it automatically assigned to some time, :( | 04:19 |
mkquist_ | linux-padawan: first | 04:19 |
pingfloyd | sloopy: no | 04:19 |
mkquist_ | linux-padawan: just my opinion | 04:19 |
drbanzai | obscurant1st, Why do you not want to use dyndns? | 04:19 |
irkep | pingfloyd, sloopy: I want to bridge my connections so when i switch between them my streaming media isnt interrupted | 04:19 |
rww | rumpsy: if you have ntp installed, it'll automatically set the time. That's the whole point of ntp. If you want to set the time manually, remove it. | 04:19 |
sacarlson | How can I get mysql to install on Ubuntu 9.1? I tried 5.0 and 5.1 both got stuck in install. When I tried to unistall I also had problems. I now have them deleted. what should I do to install a working mysql? | 04:20 |
irkep | i want to *merge connections | 04:20 |
zedster | I have no tty's running and my grub is messed up, anyone think they can help? | 04:20 |
=== codebx_ is now known as codebx |
pingfloyd | irkep: merging is their misuse of the word | 04:20 |
pingfloyd | irkep: when you do that in windows, it is acting like a bridge | 04:20 |
tonyyarusso | sacarlson: where did you try to install them from? | 04:20 |
irkep | sloopy: yes | 04:20 |
sacarlson | tonyyarusso I used synaptic | 04:21 |
irkep | where in ubuntu do you go to bridge 2 connections? | 04:21 |
tonyyarusso | sacarlson: can you define "got stuck"? | 04:21 |
rumpsy | rww: Yes, you right, know that, but even after removal of ntp, i'm facing the same problem, it automatically assigning some default time | 04:21 |
drbanzai | obscurant1st, You can run a webserver without a domain name...just use the IP address | 04:21 |
sacarlson | tonyyarusso: well I didn't write it down but I can try again and tell you. | 04:22 |
sacarlson | tonyyarusso should I just try install lamp? | 04:22 |
irkep | this is kind of unrelated to my question, but, can you bridge connections to different networks? | 04:22 |
tonyyarusso | sacarlson: sure. My guess is that you didn't expand the little window that asks you for sql root password. | 04:22 |
sloopy | irkep, never done it 'client side' so to speak, but i would guess you would use bridge utilities | 04:22 |
tonyyarusso | sacarlson: from tasksel? You could, if you want it. | 04:22 |
sacarlson | tonyyarusso no I got that far | 04:22 |
pingfloyd | | 04:22 |
sloopy | irkep, see -> | 04:22 |
pingfloyd | old article, but it is the general idea | 04:23 |
wolter | ping | 04:23 |
sacarlson | tonnyyarusso it was past the password question when it tried to start the demon | 04:23 |
hunger__ | anyone? HDMI audio on an Nvidia card in karmic? | 04:23 |
irkep | pingfloyd: do you know how to brid | 04:23 |
rumpsy | rww: ? | 04:23 |
rww | rumpsy: does it only do it after you turn your computer off and back on? | 04:23 |
zedster | I have no ttys terminals, need help | 04:23 |
tonyyarusso | sacarlson: huh, that's odd. Maybe you should try from the command line so you can see any error messages that crop up. | 04:23 |
linux-padawan | nothing | 04:24 |
sacarlson | tonyyarusso: I also tried tasksel but now I have a clean start so I'll try tasksel again | 04:24 |
linux-padawan | mkquist: nothing ... any other thoughts | 04:24 |
tonyyarusso | hunger__: I don't think anything supports that yet. If it did, it would be the driver from nvidia. | 04:24 |
hunger__ | tony, used to work in 8.x | 04:24 |
mkquist_ | linux-padawan: restart networking? | 04:24 |
rumpsy | rww: yes | 04:24 |
linux-padawan | how? | 04:24 |
mkquist_ | linux-padawan: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 04:24 |
pingfloyd | irkep: why not just make your life easy and install a switch? | 04:24 |
linux-padawan | networking restart | 04:25 |
tonyyarusso | hunger__: 8.04 or 8.10? You should always specify. (I don't know the answer, but if someone else does they'll need to know which.) | 04:25 |
linux-padawan | command notfound | 04:25 |
sacarlson | tonyyarusso yes this time i'm using the command line with tasksel | 04:25 |
hunger__ | i read in some posts hdmi audio on nvidia was removed in 9.04+ and the fix didn't make it into 9.10, but others have said they gotten it to work, just worked no idea how though | 04:25 |
Pupeno | How do I add a file type to ubuntu so that they are open with certain application? | 04:25 |
pingfloyd | switches are so cheap these days, hence why nobody bothers bridging anymore | 04:25 |
hunger__ | tony, both 8.04 and 8.10 | 04:25 |
rumpsy | rww: what might be the problem? | 04:25 |
mkquist_ | linux-padawan: "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" ? | 04:26 |
rww | rumpsy: after you remove power from the computer? if so, that sounds more like a problem with the clock battery | 04:26 |
hunger__ | tony, actually 8.10 for sure, 8.04 my memories a bit sketchy | 04:26 |
XPANSiVE | I tryed to install ubuntu on a old laptop today but it hangs at the red-ish backdrop with a mouse pointer. Anyone know what the problem could be? | 04:26 |
linux-padawan | nah its the networking part it doesnt like | 04:26 |
mkquist_ | linux-padawan: what do you mean? | 04:26 |
rumpsy | rww: Okay, i'll check that, and back to you | 04:27 |
mrpink57 | XPANSiVE: how old is said laptop? Ubuntu isnt exactly skinny as she used to be. | 04:27 |
sovi3t | Pupeno, right click the file you want to run, click properties, go to the open with tab. | 04:27 |
linux-padawan | says networking command not found | 04:27 |
ubuntu | hm. I'm wondering if livecd can write to removeable disk? | 04:27 |
XPANSiVE | 800 mhz, 192 mb of ram | 04:27 |
tonyyarusso | ubuntu: yes | 04:27 |
pingfloyd | linux-padawan: you have to use the full path | 04:27 |
=== obscurant1st_ is now known as obscurant1st |
Pupeno | sovi3t: it says it'll asociate K3B with blah.k3b and other Zip files. I want K3B only for .k3b, not other zip files. | 04:27 |
=== ubuntu is now known as littlebear91 |
linux-padawan | i did | 04:27 |
mrpink57 | XPANSiVE: did you install a full blown ubuntu or something like xubuntu? | 04:28 |
pingfloyd | sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 04:28 |
XPANSiVE | full blown | 04:28 |
littlebear91 | mrpink57, can xubuntu livecd write to removeable HDD? | 04:28 |
XPANSiVE | it hangs while installing | 04:28 |
linux-padawan | ahh.. i was in the directory.. so i didnt | 04:28 |
mrpink57 | XPANSiVE: you might want to try something smaller like Xubuntu or Crunchbang | 04:28 |
XPANSiVE | kk | 04:28 |
pingfloyd | linux-padawan: you can't do it that way | 04:28 |
linux-padawan | now restarting smbd then | 04:29 |
pingfloyd | linux-padawan: if you're in the directory you would do sudo ./networking restart | 04:29 |
linux-padawan | again the whole path? | 04:29 |
mrpink57 | XPANSiVE: i have a 1.7ghz 512mb laptop and use Arch which I keep slim with a tiling wm | 04:29 |
pingfloyd | linux-padawan: you have to have the ./ part unless it's in your PATH variable | 04:29 |
sacarlson | tonyyarusso: after running tasksel and selecting lamp-server I saw no errors and looks like mysql is installed when I checked in synaptic but I see no demon running | 04:29 |
zedster | can anyone help me? the lack of tty1-6 is driving me nutz | 04:29 |
TomV_415 | long day for ubuntu problems.. for me. Just got things working, then bam something odd happend.. Soon after getting my nvida-settings working, my windows all got messed up... | 04:29 |
mrpink57 | XPANSiVE: does it hang forever or does it eventually just go to a command line? | 04:29 |
pingfloyd | linux-padawan: if you're in the directory you can't just type networking you have to type ./networking | 04:30 |
TomV_415 | For example the terminal window just shows up as a white box.. no menu, no text, nothing. | 04:30 |
XPANSiVE | i left it for 4 hours | 04:30 |
linux-padawan | hmmm got it working now.. thanks! | 04:30 |
mkquist_ | linux-padawan: sharing works now? | 04:30 |
pingfloyd | linux-padawan: full path will work regardless of where you are | 04:30 |
tonyyarusso | sacarlson: what happens if you start it manually? 'sudo service mysqld start' | 04:30 |
TomV_415 | I can move it around with alt-F7, but that it. | 04:30 |
mrpink57 | XPANSiVE: i am sure if you reinstall it will work but Ubuntu is pretty chunky for that laptop still, its going ot struggle. | 04:30 |
linux-padawan | right i know the full path part, was trying to take a short cut | 04:31 |
linux-padawan | how about starting smbd tho | 04:31 |
mkquist_ | linux-padawan: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart should work... | 04:31 |
sacarlson | tonyyarusso unrecognized service | 04:31 |
mkquist_ | linux-padawan: or stop/start too... | 04:31 |
XPANSiVE | i'll try some other distro | 04:31 |
tonyyarusso | sacarlson: try mysql instead of mysqld - I can't remember | 04:32 |
XPANSiVE | or maybe just a terminal ;D | 04:32 |
ayotte | salut | 04:32 |
=== jon is now known as Guest18953 |
sacarlson | tonyyarusso: when I deleted it I also deleted the files with mysql in /etc/init.d maybe those were still needed? | 04:33 |
rumpsy | ayotte: salut | 04:33 |
ayotte | on parles-tu en français ici ? | 04:33 |
microhaxo | fyi, tint2 sucks as the bottom window holder panel. Buggy | 04:33 |
zedster | anyone else on a dell d830? | 04:33 |
tonyyarusso | sacarlson: uh, apt should have replaced them when you reinstalled | 04:33 |
pingfloyd | XPANSiVE: you'll probably want a lighter desktop environment | 04:33 |
microhaxo | (when replacing the default gnome one) | 04:33 |
zedster | or a quadro 140m system at least | 04:33 |
rumpsy | ayotte: What type of language is that | 04:33 |
linux-padawan | ok then for security reasons i can stop the share by stopping smbd? | 04:33 |
TheEngineer | hey. i just got ubuntu, and am running it on VMware Fusion. i'm trying to install VMware tools on it, but i can't seem to get it to work. anybody know how to get it to work? | 04:33 |
TomV_415 | any suggestions about why my window tiles and screens disapeared? | 04:33 |
rww | ubottu: fr | ayotte | 04:33 |
ubottu | ayotte: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 04:33 |
rumpsy | !es | 04:33 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 04:33 |
Neverwill | how do you get it so i can share files with a Windows network? | 04:34 |
rww | rumpsy: it's French ;P | 04:34 |
sacarlson | tonyyarusso: nothing with the word ls /etc/init.d/*my* nothing there | 04:34 |
rumpsy | lol | 04:34 |
TomV_415 | just got back my windows.. | 04:34 |
Neverwill | i wana just network the two together so i dont have to burn cd's :/ | 04:35 |
TomV_415 | had to do with 'visual effects' | 04:35 |
hunger__ | neverwill, samba | 04:35 |
hunger__ | though, ftp server i think is more stable | 04:35 |
poliwangi | banyuwangi | 04:35 |
linux-padawan | ftp server? | 04:36 |
sacarlson | tonnyyarusso there is a file /usr/bin/mysql but when I run that I get error 2002 can't connect to local mysql server | 04:36 |
linux-padawan | u mean in lieu of samba for file sharing? | 04:36 |
rww | ubottu: id | poliwangi | 04:36 |
ubottu | poliwangi: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia | 04:36 |
Neverwill | hmm, well I dont have my own ftp, but i am going to look into that Samba | 04:36 |
hunger__ | linux, yes'm | 04:36 |
rumpsy | rww: now what lang is that? | 04:36 |
mkquist_ | linux-padawan: is it still not working? | 04:36 |
hunger__ | neverwill, also, nfs is better than samba too | 04:36 |
tonyyarusso | sacarlson: did you install the mysql server or just the client? | 04:36 |
linux-padawan | oh no it is working perfectly now thanks | 04:36 |
Neverwill | hmmm | 04:37 |
rww | rumpsy: Indonesian, though I cheated and used an IP lookup for that one. | 04:37 |
Neverwill | <---new to linux | 04:37 |
linux-padawan | so i just stop the share by stopping smbd | 04:37 |
sacarlson | tonyyarusso I installed lamp | 04:37 |
hunger__ | neverwill, take a look at nfs first, i believe nfs is more stable than samba | 04:37 |
hunger__ | neverwill hehe no prob | 04:37 |
sloopy | hunger__, only on a secure local network is nfs better | 04:37 |
Neverwill | okay :) | 04:37 |
tonyyarusso | sacarlson: well, something's still messed up from before. Try doing an install --reinstall of the server package | 04:37 |
sacarlson | tonyyarusso I just ran mysqld-safe and that brings up something | 04:37 |
BLCK_MN | hello | 04:37 |
BLCK_MN | black man here | 04:37 |
mkquist_ | linux-padawan: or just open the shares-admin and remove it.. | 04:37 |
sacarlson | tonyyarusso now I see a mysqld running | 04:38 |
rumpsy | BLCK_MN: why? | 04:38 |
hunger__ | sloopy, really? didn't know that interesting | 04:38 |
hunger__ | neverwill: | 04:38 |
MTec007 | Neverwill: you can set up a ftp server locally if you dont want to fiddle with samba | 04:38 |
linux-padawan | that is way cool | 04:38 |
rww | BLCK_MN: Hello. Do you have an Ubuntu support question? | 04:38 |
BLCK_MN | yes | 04:38 |
zedster | anyone? my ttys are missing and my video drivers cannot write to xorg | 04:38 |
BLCK_MN | i am currently trying to install ORT-8a on Ubuntu version 3.5 | 04:38 |
BLCK_MN | i am getting a driver loopback error | 04:38 |
BLCK_MN | what do i do | 04:38 |
hunger__ | neverwill, if you ever run into weird issues with not being able to connect bounce smbd on your linux box, usually helps alot | 04:38 |
Neverwill | I may have to do that FTP server thing, i've used FTP before. | 04:38 |
sloopy | hunger__, nfs has simple security is easy to hack with MIM attacks | 04:38 |
hunger__ | sloopy, i see, will take note of that | 04:39 |
rww | bazhang: thanks | 04:39 |
pingfloyd | yeah, nfs was never meant for use across untrustworthy networks | 04:39 |
MTec007 | Neverwill: samba is more of a solution than ftp but i never had luck with samba | 04:39 |
hunger__ | neverwill, yeah i think ftp is easier, or at least less frustrating, but samba is a better solution overall | 04:39 |
sacarlson | tonyyarusso ok will do but I think it's working now I would just have to bring it up manualy | 04:39 |
=== denny is now known as Guest65687 |
zedster | bazhang: you around? | 04:40 |
Neverwill | alright thanks guys | 04:40 |
=== chibi_food is now known as chibi_chili |
hunger__ | neverwill did you get that link i sent? | 04:40 |
zealot | bazhang: what was that for? | 04:40 |
mkquist | cantg agree, have no problems with samba at all | 04:40 |
mkquist | cant* | 04:40 |
Alexandra | Hi, is there a way to block spam messages in Empathy? | 04:40 |
zealot | Alexandra: switch to Apathy | 04:40 |
Neverwill | yes indeed | 04:40 |
Alexandra | zealot: Ok, never tried, will do so | 04:41 |
Alexandra | Thanks | 04:41 |
rumpsy | BLCK_MN: what is that software all about? | 04:41 |
sloopy | Neverwill, sharing using samba should be as simple as right click on the folder and setup from there... | 04:41 |
rww | Alexandra: zealot was making a (bad) joke | 04:41 |
zealot | rumpsy: he is banned | 04:41 |
sloopy | Neverwill, using the Sharing options... | 04:41 |
Neverwill | sloopy: alright thanks dude. | 04:41 |
linux-padawan | so how big have u guys seen a root fs get? | 04:42 |
rumpsy | BLCK_MN: but his name is still here, somebody kick this nick | 04:42 |
Neverwill | did the admin-shares command Mkquist told meh about. | 04:42 |
SaEeDIRHA | hi, when i have two directory in my path and in those directories there are two files with same name , but different applications , how can i know which one is that i am executing ? | 04:42 |
rww | rumpsy: He was quieted, not banned. | 04:42 |
rumpsy | oh, okay | 04:42 |
rww | SaEeDIRHA: the one in the directory that's first in the path gets executed | 04:42 |
Alexandra | rww: Well, I realised | 04:43 |
Alexandra | ;) | 04:43 |
Neverwill | meeehhh ram = fail in this machine. uber slow | 04:43 |
rww | Alexandra: I can't seem to find a way to block people on Empathy, actually. You might want to try Pidgin, I know it can. | 04:43 |
xlene | hi im having problems installing hardy on my ipadz any help plz? | 04:43 |
rww | Alexandra: or I might just not be looking hard enough. I'm not too good at empathy :( | 04:43 |
linux-padawan | how big u guys seen / fs get? i have a 12 gig partition for it but only using like 33 megs lol | 04:44 |
linux-padawan | 300* | 04:44 |
pingfloyd | so few irc clients have decent tab completion | 04:44 |
rww | xlene: Please don't troll in here. | 04:44 |
xlene | whats trolling? | 04:44 |
xlene | sry im new to irc | 04:44 |
Alexandra | rww: Ok, thanks ... and hey, guess what this is not a bad joke ;) | 04:44 |
rww | linux-padawan: 10GB. Of course, that's the size limit of my root partitions, so... | 04:44 |
SaEeDIRHA | rww: thankx alot :) | 04:44 |
Anarki2004 | got myself into a pickle here | 04:44 |
sloopy | linux-padawan, mine has been in the 350-400GiB range, but then my /home was on it too then... | 04:45 |
rww | linux-padawan: mine generally sit at or under 5GB. I have /home on a separate partition. | 04:45 |
linux-padawan | see i have a pretty specific partition scheme with /var, /tmp and /home all seperate | 04:45 |
Yvier6 | Is there a tutorial available for installing apache solr on ubuntu 8.04? | 04:45 |
Neverwill | So, is this room like an entire chat to get help with anything? or just mainly Ubuntu support since its an Ubuntu channel | 04:46 |
Neverwill | cause i have a few programming questios | 04:46 |
sloopy | Neverwill, ubuntu only... | 04:46 |
RiverRat | Ubuntu. There is a #hardware channel that is more general. | 04:46 |
rww | Neverwill: Ubuntu support only. #ubuntu-offtopic has other discussions, and some programming languages have their own channel. | 04:46 |
rww | Neverwill: which language? | 04:46 |
sloopy | Neverwill, there are other channels for specific languages... | 04:46 |
Neverwill | how do I get to see the list of rooms? | 04:47 |
Neverwill | rww: mainly Python, just starting out :/ | 04:47 |
rww | Neverwill: /msg alis help. Alis is a service bot for searching for channels. Some people will recommend /list, which is a bad idea. | 04:47 |
rww | Neverwill: I think #python exists. | 04:47 |
zedster | still having issues, I do not have a tty1-6, its driving me nutz | 04:47 |
sloopy | Neverwill, the list is dangerous to show... often crashes clients due to size, and there is a #python channel | 04:47 |
Neverwill | ahh, I see. need to figure out the ident thing. been sooo long since i've been on IRC | 04:48 |
RiverRat | Neverwill: #Python | 04:48 |
zedster | anyone have any ideas on how to get the tty's working? | 04:48 |
rww | Neverwill: ident thing? Is it telling you that you need to be registered to join? | 04:48 |
Neverwill | * #python :Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services | 04:49 |
rww | ubottu: register | Neverwill | 04:49 |
ubottu | Neverwill: Information about registering your nickname: - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode | 04:49 |
Neverwill | <3 | 04:49 |
linux-padawan | thanks for ur help guys. good night | 04:49 |
Anarki2004 | what is the command line i need to install an irc client from the terminal window? i am using "sudo apt-get install xchat" but that doesn't work. furthermore, i can't get the software sources app to open i think because i'm booted from live. | 04:49 |
=== Neverwill is now known as neverwill |
gdbc | jsj | 04:49 |
rww | Anarki2004: That should install Xchat. What "doesn't work" about it? | 04:50 |
andrewsd | hey all | 04:50 |
RiverRat | I have a problem when typing in passwords. The keyboard doesn't work right on my laptop. Logging in or using gnome-keyring. Any ideas on which package I should re-install to get that working? | 04:50 |
andrewsd | anybody experienced thunderbird 3.0 100% cpu lock-up on quit? | 04:50 |
Anarki2004 | e: couldn't find package | 04:50 |
rww | Anarki2004: do "sudo apt-get update" first | 04:50 |
Anarki2004 | still a nogo | 04:51 |
RiverRat | Doesn't he need to reboot to the system instead of the live CD first? | 04:51 |
Anarki2004 | i may have seriously botched my installation of ubuntu | 04:51 |
andrewsd | Anybody here using thunderbird getting 100% CPU usage freezing on exit? | 04:51 |
zedster | buller? anyone? I have no virtual terminals running | 04:51 |
Anarki2004 | failing is my real problem | 04:52 |
zedster | andrewsd: have you ran it in safe mode at least once? | 04:52 |
rww | Anarki2004: copy the entire output of "sudo apt-get update" to and link the page it creates here. | 04:52 |
rww | xlene: this channel blocks colors. | 04:52 |
neverwill | lawl | 04:52 |
Anarki2004 | yeah, thing is i'm using my phone right now | 04:52 |
Rubby | Hey all, quick question, is there a command that you can hit that will list system specs? Ram, processor, that sort of fun | 04:53 |
rww | Anarki2004: ah, okay. Do you see "universe" somewhere in the output? | 04:53 |
andrewsd | zedster: trying now | 04:53 |
xlene | well why cant i stop the colors one of you guys have hacked me havent you | 04:53 |
Anarki2004 | because i have a different, more complex problem... | 04:53 |
rww | Rubby: "lshw" has way more than you want to know :) | 04:53 |
mrpink57 | who had the tty problem? | 04:53 |
Rubby | Thanks kindly Rww | 04:54 |
emes | i frequently have issues with the adobe pdf plugin in firefox where i have to restart firefox to get it to work. how can i fix this? or what alternatives are there? | 04:54 |
neverwill | Verified :D | 04:54 |
zedster | mrpink57: me | 04:54 |
mrpink57 | zedster: have you checked your inttab? | 04:54 |
Anarki2004 | no universe | 04:54 |
zedster | mrpink57: no, what should I look for? | 04:54 |
rww | Anarki2004: that's why it's not finding it, then. | 04:54 |
andrewsd | zedster: Hmm, not sure if it made a difference - perhaps? | 04:55 |
mrpink57 | zedster: near the bottom you should see your tty's its an obvious | 04:55 |
rww | Anarki2004: Try installing "xchat-gnome" instead. It's rather annoying, but it's in main so you should have it. | 04:55 |
andrewsd | zedster: I'm curious... have you heard reports of the safe mode fixing 100% cpu issues on exit (I don't use plugins btw) | 04:55 |
Anarki2004 | ok | 04:55 |
mrpink57 | zedster: basically it should show telling tty to run in runlevels | 04:55 |
Anarki2004 | i think that did it | 04:56 |
zedster | andrewsd: no, just normally if the problem doesn't occur in safe mode it is diagnostically relevant | 04:56 |
zedster | mrpink57: how do I access it? | 04:56 |
mrpink57 | sudo gedit /etc/inittab | 04:56 |
mrpink57 | zedster: don't go monking around in there too much, just look for your tty | 04:57 |
=== A is now known as Alvira |
DrkShadow | what can I play mp3's with? Amarok takes too much space for my poor netbook, tomem is installed.. but.. huh? I don't know where. Is there anything with at least a simple playlist that I can use? I'm about to just use mpg123. | 04:57 |
rww | mrpink57: as a general rule, we prefer to recommend gksudo over sudo for graphical commands | 04:57 |
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee |
Anarki2004 | ahhhh | 04:57 |
mrpink57 | rww: ok I use Arch so it's all different | 04:57 |
Anarki2004 | a real keyboard :-D | 04:57 |
Anarki2004 | now onto my bigger problem: GRUB | 04:57 |
Anarki2004 | or do I need to go to a grub support chan for that | 04:58 |
mneptok | mrpink57: you should still use gksu instead of sudo for GTK apps in Arch | 04:58 |
mrpink57 | DrkShadow: see if you can install cmus its written in C and easy to use all CLI though | 04:58 |
rww | Anarki2004: You can ask here. I'm not very good with GRUB, but someone else might know. | 04:58 |
zedster | mrpink57: I don;t have any /etc/inttab file | 04:58 |
rww | zedster: it's inittab, not inttab | 04:58 |
Anarki2004 | ok then | 04:58 |
Anarki2004 | got to figure out how to word all this | 04:59 |
mneptok | DrkShadow: try Audacious | 04:59 |
sherri | hi | 04:59 |
zedster | rww: still nothing | 04:59 |
mrpink57 | mneptok: gksudo is not a command for me, I use dwm. | 04:59 |
sherri | any one here | 04:59 |
rww | sherri: hi! | 04:59 |
mrpink57 | !ask | 04:59 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 04:59 |
sherri | hi | 04:59 |
rumpsy | sherri: Anyone!, what you want from anyone? | 05:00 |
mrpink57 | !give sherri ask | 05:00 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 05:00 |
rww | zedster: ah. I've got no idea, just happened to know that file name :) | 05:00 |
sherri | what is this that i am in right now | 05:00 |
mrpink57 | zedster: where you able to open your inittab? | 05:00 |
zedster | mrpink57: I think inittab is no longer used | 05:00 |
rww | sherri: the technical support channel for Ubuntu Linux | 05:00 |
zedster | mrpink57: no | 05:00 |
mneptok | mrpink57: easy on the !ask trigger, please | 05:00 |
rww | mrpink57: the syntax for sending a factoid to a user is "!factoid | user" to do it in-channel, or "!factoid > user" to send a PM, btw. | 05:01 |
sherri | this is not a chat room im looking for chat rooms on ubuntu now | 05:01 |
Anarki2004 | hmm...well to put it simply grub goes into "grub rescue" mode when i try to boot | 05:01 |
mneptok | sherri: try #ubuntu-offtopic | 05:01 |
=== Freeaqingme is now known as Guest40074 |
sherri | ok ty | 05:02 |
mrpink57 | zedster: apparently ubuntu does not use a inittab they use what is called upstart and its in /etc/event.d/rc-default | 05:02 |
zedster | mrpink57: upstart replaced inittab | 05:02 |
zedster | lol | 05:02 |
mrpink57 | zedster: however I do not know if the file follows the same setup as a standard inittab | 05:02 |
=== trogdor is now known as Guest37299 |
sherri | can i do it from here or do i got to sign out and then sign back in | 05:03 |
mkquist_ | sherri: just clik on it | 05:03 |
rww | sherri: type /join #ubuntu-offtopic in the same place you're typing messages | 05:03 |
rumpsy | sherri: click this word, #ubuntu-offtopic | 05:03 |
bazhang | sherri, /join #channelname | 05:03 |
=== chibi_chili is now known as chibi_sleep |
rww | ubottu: away > chibi_sleep | 05:04 |
ubottu | chibi_sleep, please see my private message | 05:04 |
zedster | mrpink57: still not finding it | 05:04 |
mrpink57 | zedster: there is nothing under what I gave /etc/event.d/rc-default? | 05:05 |
mrb427 | hey all, would anyone please save my life and tell me whats wrong with my if loop? | 05:05 |
mrb427 | for some reason best1 always equals 102 | 05:05 |
neverwill | Anyone: i did the Share-admin command in terminal> downloaded and installed packages> now it just repeats. Said it was done installing.. | 05:05 |
zedster | mrpink57: no, no event.d directory | 05:05 |
mrpink57 | zedster: try locate rc-default | 05:06 |
rww | mrpink57: which language? | 05:06 |
rww | mrpink57: sorry, mistab | 05:06 |
rww | mrb427: which language is that? | 05:06 |
zedster | mrpink57: nothing | 05:06 |
mrpink57 | zedster: either it has been chagned or you do not have something you need. this is where I give you some money for gas and we go our seperate ways. | 05:07 |
zedster | mrpink57: thanks for the help | 05:07 |
sovi3t | zedster, ttys are inited in /etc/init/tty[1-6].conf i think | 05:07 |
zedster | sovi3t: they are there | 05:07 |
zedster | they just don't run | 05:07 |
mrpink57 | i want my gas money back... | 05:07 |
emes | i frequently have issues with the adobe pdf plugin in firefox where i have to restart firefox to get it to work. how can i fix this? or what alternatives are there? | 05:07 |
zedster | when I click on the screen I get a blinking courser | 05:07 |
* zedster gives mrpink57 his money and copy of reservoir dogs back | 05:08 |
sc_woes | can someone help me install pygtk or otherwise fix the software center so it will work again? | 05:08 |
mrpink57 | maybe pastebin the file that may help | 05:08 |
sovi3t | zedster, i'm assuming that x starts? | 05:08 |
ouyes | i want to add two shortcuts of display desktop and open home folder (also lock screen ctrl+alt+L,)in xubuntu, i do not know the command name of the two ,who can tell me ? | 05:08 |
zedster | sovi3t: yes | 05:09 |
sc_woes | my comp crashed while updating pygtk and now software center won't load | 05:09 |
sovi3t | zedster, i think i've had that issue before. one sec | 05:09 |
unixalot | emes: Have you tried using foxit reader for firefox?? | 05:10 |
emes | unixalot: is that in the ubuntu repositories? | 05:11 |
unixalot | emes: no its a addon for firefox, works well and is fast | 05:11 |
sc_woes | i like it | 05:11 |
novemberhascome2 | I have a hard drive that isn't showing in neither Windows nor Linux though lsusb changes when I plug it in. Any suggestions? | 05:12 |
sc_woes | course its starting to bloat too | 05:12 |
sc_woes | hey ubuntuologist | 05:12 |
zedster | novemberhascome2: does it show up in mount or if you run something like gparted? | 05:12 |
sc_woes | are you ologist enough to help me reinstall software_center? | 05:12 |
novemberhascome2 | zedster: It doesn't show in /dev. | 05:13 |
EliasAmaral | sc_woes, there is a command to fix most issues.. hmmm.. what about trying sudo apt-get install -f | 05:13 |
zedster | novemberhascome2: in lsusb don't you get the mount point? | 05:13 |
EliasAmaral | -f stands for 'fix broken' | 05:13 |
sc_woes | c'mon i'm not that stupid | 05:13 |
onetinsoldier | emes: another alternative is 'evince'. it's in the repo. you might have it installed already | 05:13 |
zedster | novemberhascome2: also make sure its not a hardware issue if its an external hd and not flash, could be a loose ide/sata | 05:14 |
sc_woes | that string doesn't even specify what to fix | 05:14 |
EliasAmaral | well, this command is syntactically valid | 05:14 |
unixalot | what do you type to see all the available channels to join?? | 05:14 |
* unixalot nvm | 05:15 |
RiverRat | Anyone know how to fix this: Gtk-Message **: Failed to load module "gnomebreakpad": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory at /usr/share/perl5/Debconf/FrontEnd/ line 54, <> line 19. | 05:15 |
EliasAmaral | and sometimes apt-get itself recommends it (whenever it smells a broken repository) | 05:15 |
novemberhascome2 | zedster: in lsusb the line that I see is Bus 001 Device 006: ID 13fd:1617 Initio Corporation that relates to that line. | 05:15 |
sc_woes | but it seems to me that command is going to change a lot of stuff | 05:15 |
novemberhascome2 | zedster: Do you want to see the -vv for that device? | 05:15 |
RiverRat | Like which package provides that library? | 05:16 |
novemberhascome2 | zedster: Furthermore it doesn't show in GParted. | 05:16 |
onetinsoldier | RiverRat: bug-buddy | 05:16 |
sc_woes | just judging from the top google results saying things like, "sudo apt-get install -f ruined my computer" etc | 05:16 |
zedster | novemberhascome2: not sure it would help me help you, I still think hardware is the most likely issue | 05:16 |
RiverRat | thanks | 05:16 |
onetinsoldier | yw | 05:16 |
sc_woes | i'm a newb to ubuntu but that doesn't mean i'm new to computers :) | 05:16 |
novemberhascome2 | zedster: I am in agreement. | 05:16 |
zedster | novemberhascome2: as I said open the drive and make sure the hdd is seated | 05:17 |
EliasAmaral | i didn't meant to say something malicious. but maybe apt-get has a dry run | 05:17 |
novemberhascome2 | zedster: Well, I just updated the firmware for the drive. | 05:17 |
sc_woes | well here's my problem far as i can tell | 05:17 |
sc_woes | owner@owner-desktop:~$ software-center Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/software-center", line 25, in <module> import pygtk ImportError: No module named pygtk owner@owner-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get pygtk E: Invalid operation pygtk | 05:17 |
zedster | novemberhascome2: it worked before that? | 05:17 |
emes | unixalot: do you have a link to this? | 05:17 |
EliasAmaral | o.o | 05:17 |
novemberhascome2 | zedster: Yes. | 05:17 |
EliasAmaral | sc_woes, what about sudo apt-get install pygtk | 05:18 |
zedster | novemberhascome2: hmm... see if the drive has a battery and pull it is the only thing I can think of, or find the manual and see if it has how to recover from a bad flash | 05:18 |
unixalot | emes: yeah i can find a link,one sec. | 05:18 |
EliasAmaral | sudo apt-get --dry-run install pygtk , if you prefer | 05:18 |
EliasAmaral | ^^ | 05:18 |
sc_woes | owner@owner-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install pygtk [sudo] password for owner: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Couldn't find package pygtk owner@owner-desktop:~$ | 05:18 |
zedster | sovi3t: you still around? | 05:19 |
Blue11 | can anyone confirm that apache web server will no longer be supported? | 05:19 |
EliasAmaral | sc_woes, apt-cache search pygtk | 05:19 |
sovi3t | zedster, yep | 05:19 |
sc_woes | oh now EliasAmaral, that's a big result | 05:20 |
Myke516 | hey everyone | 05:20 |
sc_woes | big list of progs | 05:20 |
sovi3t | zedster, just trying to remember how i fixed it, or even if an update did it for me | 05:20 |
novemberhascome2 | zedster: Got it! I just had to unpower and power the device. | 05:20 |
novemberhascome2 | Thanks man. | 05:20 |
zedster | no prob | 05:20 |
EliasAmaral | sc_woes, and maybe what you need isn't in this list.. nmm | 05:20 |
sc_woes | argh | 05:21 |
sc_woes | well the thing is, I can't use software center because it dies quietly every time i try to start | 05:21 |
EliasAmaral | a guess: python-gtk2 | 05:21 |
sc_woes | and apparently it's trying to call pygtk, but can't find it | 05:21 |
sc_woes | so maybe there's a .cfg we can edit to remove that call? | 05:21 |
sc_woes | i'll try that, Elias | 05:21 |
zedster | sovi3t: I'm going to reboot and come back in, I tried reinstall upstart so we'll see what happens | 05:21 |
EliasAmaral | sc_woes, yes, it seems that a fundamental part of it (that gtk bindings for python) is missing or corrupted | 05:21 |
sc_woes | yeah | 05:22 |
sc_woes | it crashed when it was updating py | 05:22 |
ociugi | how to mount my usb disk automatically. before, it was mounted automatically but now it is not, i don't know the reasons why | 05:22 |
sc_woes | and now i'm supposed to be writing a frickin MyPLC extension in Py for my research proj | 05:22 |
sc_woes | and i'm a total ubuntu newb :( | 05:22 |
neverwill | same here bro | 05:23 |
EliasAmaral | sc_woes, i searched with: apt-cache search gtk|grep ^python|grep gtk (apt-cache itself has something like.. apt-cache search '^python.*gtk', but it doesn't show up exactly what grep would.. and has no coloring :P) | 05:23 |
=== eaglewatch is now known as EagleWatch |
EliasAmaral | sc_woes, myplc? | 05:23 |
sc_woes | hmm okay well right now it's installing pythongtk2-dev, which is listed as having the bindings | 05:23 |
wysiwyg | | 05:23 |
sc_woes | so here's to hoping | 05:23 |
EliasAmaral | -dev..? | 05:24 |
sc_woes | yeah i'm hoping the developer's pack will have the bindings that it's calling? I dunno | 05:24 |
sc_woes | wishin an prayin here | 05:25 |
sc_woes | EliasAmaral, this is MyPLC | 05:25 |
sc_woes | research framework for I2/NLR | 05:25 |
unixalot | emes: | 05:25 |
zedster | sovi3t: well that failed | 05:26 |
EliasAmaral | i am not quite sure o.o but i bet that if there is a separate -dev, that's for C source code files that will be compiled (that will glue python with the GTK+ library written in C). maybe you need python-gtk2. but i am not sure either | 05:26 |
sc_woes | well hell | 05:26 |
pepee | hi | 05:27 |
sovi3t | zedster, have you tried starting a tty manually? sudo start tty2 | 05:27 |
zedster | sovi3t: that works | 05:28 |
rww | Blue11: Which version of it? | 05:28 |
sovi3t | zedster, can you pastebin your /etc/default/console-setup | 05:30 |
rww | Blue11: Ubuntu hasn't supported apache1 (the version that Apache itself recently stopped supporting) since dapper. apache2 is still supported. | 05:30 |
Myke516 | anyone know what a good free and open-sourced program i could use to record my computer screen? I'd liek to make a recording/video of my screen so i can show others how to install things and do other Ubuntu related things | 05:30 |
rww | ubottu: screencast | Myke516 | 05:30 |
ubottu | Myke516: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf. Also see | 05:30 |
sc_woes | good lord Myke516 I hope you find it | 05:30 |
Blue11 | rww: this is a really badly worded article: | 05:31 |
zedster | sovi3t: | 05:31 |
Myke516 | Thanks :) | 05:31 |
rww | Blue11: Right. Apache declared end of life on their version 1.3. Version 2 has existed for a long, long time. Ubuntu hasn't supported the version 1 series for years. | 05:32 |
ravenxbishop1 | hi | 05:32 |
irfan_ | how to make a voice chat in gyachi ? | 05:32 |
MajinHeartless | Hi.Suddenly I can't send/receive e-mails with Evolution. The button turned gray... do you guys know why? | 05:32 |
ravenxbishop1 | need some help with porting drivers | 05:32 |
sovi3t | zedster, so that looks right. | 05:32 |
rww | well. Dapper is still supported on server, so I guess they kinda do. But it hasn't been shipped in a new release since then. | 05:32 |
Blue11 | rww: apparently I wasn't the only one that thought this was the death of apache -- - it's a badly worded article.....I checked to see what I have installed and it's v 2.2 -- | 05:32 |
ravenxbishop1 | anyone know where i can get help porting drivers? | 05:33 |
zedster | sovi3t: I think its something between xorg, grub2, and my nvidia drivers but I cannot nail it down | 05:33 |
rww | Blue11: That's Slashdot for you. 2.2 is fine and supported. | 05:33 |
zedster | ravenxbishop1: what drivers? most projects like that will show up on something like google code | 05:33 |
Blue11 | rww: indeed! Thanks for the confirmation though -- and I'm very very glad I mis-interpretted that - but from the looks of it, a lot of people did too! | 05:34 |
zmanning | woo hoo! new laptop! | 05:34 |
irfan_ | any body know ? | 05:34 |
rww | Blue11: no problem. Glad I could be of help :) | 05:34 |
zmanning | fresh ubuntu install | 05:34 |
dabaR | majinheartless u restarted it? | 05:34 |
zedster | sovi3t: when I run "runlevel" I get unknown as the output | 05:34 |
MajinHeartless | Hi.Suddenly I can't send/receive e-mails with Evolution. The button turned gray... do you guys know why? | 05:34 |
irfan_ | how to make voice chat in gyachi ? | 05:34 |
ravenxbishop1 | zedster> it doesnt have ported drivers :) someone will have to do it ... | 05:34 |
MajinHeartless | yes Dabar I did | 05:34 |
MajinHeartless | two times | 05:34 |
samt | i installed windowxp and debain daily. after rebooted i don't see windowxp on the menu options. can anybody help me with this. thanks | 05:34 |
zedster | ravenxbishop1: what hardware is it? | 05:34 |
MajinHeartless | never happened before | 05:34 |
ravenxbishop1 | aardvark sound cards | 05:34 |
bazhang | samt, #debian for debian support | 05:35 |
Blue11 | zedster: they are called init - do a man init | 05:35 |
zedster | Blue11: ?? | 05:35 |
webwanderer | How can I disable window decorations on docapps under openbox? | 05:35 |
dabaR | did you go offline - bottom left | 05:35 |
Blue11 | zedster: init lets you set the runlevel -- | 05:36 |
ravenxbishop1 | zedster> its not going to have a port, aardvark sound cards... many people want the drivers ported. but so far as i can find none have been | 05:36 |
webwanderer | Does anybody use openbox in here? | 05:36 |
gawk | samt: hopefully you did not accidentally overwrite that partition ;) | 05:36 |
samt | no | 05:36 |
nytek_ | webwanderer: xmonad all the way | 05:36 |
webwanderer | :( | 05:36 |
MajinHeartless | I can't send e-mails neither. When I click on Send it keeps in the outbox.... it was working fine a while ago | 05:36 |
sovi3t | zedster, it wouldn't be x. grub2 is a possibility. try uncommenting GRUB_GFXMODE in /etc/default/grub doing an update-grub and rebooting | 05:36 |
nytek_ | webwanderer: what are you trying to do webwanderer? | 05:36 |
dabaR | samt fix grub | 05:37 |
Blue11 | MajinHeartless: sounds like your smtp server may be dead | 05:37 |
webwanderer | nytek_: My dockapp shows a window decoration. | 05:37 |
samt | how d id do that? | 05:37 |
jokehead | could anyone tell me how to bridge two connections? | 05:37 |
webwanderer | I can't find a way to disable it. | 05:37 |
MajinHeartless | Bluedll nop is not... just tried on a laptop with Ubuntu and work fine | 05:37 |
bazhang | samt, is ubuntu installed on there as well? if so, which version | 05:37 |
nytek_ | webwanderer: as in like cairo? | 05:37 |
MajinHeartless | I have five e-mails there... | 05:37 |
irfan_ | help me plz | 05:37 |
samt | no | 05:37 |
jokehead | !bridge | 05:37 |
zmanning | anyone have a good link for best first steps for a fresh ubuntu install? | 05:37 |
pren | hi. where are firefox plugin located? i looked in ~/.mozilla/plugins there is nothing there | 05:37 |
dabaR | samt google and #debian | 05:37 |
bazhang | samt, then this is the wrong channel; #debian for debian support | 05:38 |
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc |
ravenxbishop1 | noone have any good ideas for finding people who port drivers? | 05:38 |
samt | ok | 05:38 |
webwanderer | nytek_: No, it shows a title bar. Which it shouldn't. | 05:38 |
Blue11 | zmanning: backup /etc/ and /home/ first | 05:38 |
dabaR | majinheartless you might be in offline mode | 05:38 |
samt | but nobody talking there right now. so i thought i try you guys | 05:38 |
samt | thanks anyway | 05:38 |
nytek_ | webwanderer: hmm, im not familiar with openbox. im sorry, trying the openbox channel | 05:39 |
jokehead | could anyone tell me how to bridge two connections? | 05:39 |
noric | I am developing a gnome applet. I would like to add it to my ubuntu gnome panel, without "make install" | 05:39 |
dabaR | samt google fix grub debian windows | 05:39 |
samt | ok thanks i will try to give it a try | 05:39 |
dabaR | !ics | 05:40 |
noric | As far as I know, the only way to add an applet to the panel is to right click and "Add to Panel". I'm wondering if there is a way I can do it from file ?? | 05:40 |
ubottu | If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see - You may also use !firestarter: | 05:40 |
webwanderer | nytek_: Thanks | 05:40 |
jokehead | dabaR, was that for me? | 05:40 |
MajinHeartless | lol dabar thanks... I tried to re-install it from Synpatics and same issue... lol, it's changed alone xD It's fixed... I've been 6 whole years without even a windows partition-wine... never happened before | 05:40 |
dabaR | Jokehead yup | 05:40 |
jokehead | dabaR, that's not what i meant | 05:40 |
MajinHeartless | thanks guys | 05:41 |
bazhang | jokehead, is this irkep from before? | 05:41 |
dabaR | yw | 05:42 |
jokehead | bazhang, yes | 05:42 |
bazhang | jokehead, and you read the ubuntu help guide? | 05:42 |
jokehead | that is for a no longer supported version of ubuntu | 05:42 |
zmanning | Blue11, thanks | 05:43 |
jokehead | bazhang that is for a no longer supported version of ubuntu | 05:44 |
Blue11 | zmanning: i know that seems trite - but if you screw anything up, you have a path back to the way it was before you messed it up. | 05:44 |
noric | I'm working with a gnome-applet. make install was supposed to add the applet to the "Add to Panel" menu, but it did not. How can I add it manually? | 05:45 |
zmanning | Blue11, yeah im pretty confident im not going to delete the whole etc dir as ive done that before | 05:45 |
sc_woes | can anyone help me fix this error? | 05:45 |
sc_woes | owner@owner-desktop:~$ software-center Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/software-center", line 25, in <module> import pygtk ImportError: No module named pygtk owner@owner-desktop:~$ | 05:45 |
Blue11 | zmanning: I've done worser! | 05:45 |
zmanning | Blue11, yeah i tried using a mac for around a year or so. came crawling back to ubuntu. i missed it. | 05:46 |
jokehead | bazhang? | 05:46 |
nsgn | in empathy i'm trying to get a mail filter/rule to execute a shell script. it performs other actions attached to the same filter rule, but ignores launching the shell script. the shell script can be launched exactly as is manually | 05:46 |
Blue11 | zmanning: also this helps: | 05:46 |
dabaR | sc_woes open a terminal run python | 05:46 |
nsgn | *evolution, dangit | 05:46 |
nsgn | evolution | 05:46 |
jokehead | could anyone tell me how to bridge two connections? | 05:46 |
sc_woes | dabaR done, running py | 05:46 |
nsgn | can't launch a shell script from a filter in evolution using it's "run program" outcome" | 05:46 |
sc_woes | owner@owner-desktop:~$ python Python 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Dec 7 2009, 18:45:15) [GCC 4.4.1] on linux2 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> | 05:47 |
dabaR | sc type import pygtk | 05:47 |
dabaR | it should error | 05:47 |
sc_woes | dabaR Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> ImportError: No module named pygtk >>> | 05:47 |
RiverRat | How can I find out which package provides a library? Say /usr/lib/ | 05:48 |
zmanning | Blue11, haha thanks | 05:48 |
dabaR | now run in another terminal aptitude search python | grep gym | 05:48 |
jokehead | HELLO | 05:48 |
futurama140 | hey could someone help me with a very complex graphics card issue? | 05:49 |
dabaR | not gym gtk | 05:49 |
nsgn | anyone on why a shell script won't launch from a mail rule in evolution? | 05:49 |
zmanning | so if i were installing an application like songbird, where would i put the install files /usr/lib? | 05:49 |
jokehead | could anyone tell me how to bridge two connections? | 05:49 |
jokehead | HELLO | 05:49 |
sc_woes | dabaR big old list | 05:49 |
zmanning | jokehead, ? | 05:50 |
zmanning | jokehead, whoops: | 05:50 |
pingfloyd | or install a switch | 05:50 |
futurama140 | hey could someone help me with a very complex graphics card issue? | 05:50 |
jokehead | zmanning, that is for an expired version of ubuntu | 05:50 |
dabaR | sc what about python-gnome | 05:50 |
bazhang | !info bridge-utils | jokehead | 05:50 |
ubottu | jokehead: bridge-utils (source: bridge-utils): Utilities for configuring the Linux Ethernet bridge. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4-5 (karmic), package size 30 kB, installed size 172 kB | 05:50 |
pingfloyd | futurama140: haha, you again :P | 05:50 |
IdleOne | futurama140: ask your next question. the real one. | 05:51 |
sc_woes | dabaR what about it? i don't know what you're asking. | 05:51 |
sc_woes | sorry | 05:51 |
bazhang | futurama140, please ask | 05:51 |
defendguin1 | i'm getting a message in my notification area that my display server is broken | 05:51 |
dabaR | it is installed if the line starts with I | 05:51 |
pingfloyd | IdleOne: he just got done with throwing a tantrum in another channel | 05:51 |
dabaR | sc is it? | 05:51 |
RiverRat | How can I find out which package provides a library? Say /usr/lib/ | 05:51 |
defendguin1 | it says to read this person's blog but that doesn't tell me anything about fixing it | 05:51 |
sc_woes | no i dont even see it | 05:51 |
sc_woes | dabaR | 05:51 |
RiverRat | Is there a good search tool for installed files I can query? | 05:52 |
IdleOne | pingfloyd: that was there, this is here. hopefully futurama140 will know better :) | 05:52 |
sc_woes | dabaR we go from galago to gtk | 05:52 |
sc_woes | dabaR owner@owner-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get python-gnome [sudo] password for owner: E: Invalid operation python-gnome owner@owner-desktop:~$ | 05:52 |
pingfloyd | IdleOne: he got mad because he was told to ask his question instead of beating around the bush and playing games | 05:53 |
bazhang | jokehead, if you are referring to a wired and wireless connection bridge there are a number of threads at ubuntuforums on that | 05:53 |
nameo0 | how do i found out if im running a 32 or 64-bit os? | 05:53 |
yumte | any can help me about install debian via network and nfs server.....????????? | 05:53 |
Flannel | sc_woes: sudo apt-get install python-gnome (you forget the instlal) | 05:53 |
defendguin1 | anyone know about this issue? | 05:54 |
bazhang | yumte, #debian for debian support | 05:54 |
IdleOne | zmanning: I believe the songbird site has instruction on installing to ubuntu with an easy to use .deb file | 05:54 |
dabaR | sc sudo aptitude install pygtk | 05:54 |
ubuntologist | nameo0 - from the command line, type uname -a | 05:54 |
zmanning | IdleOne, for general reference though, would that be the correct location? | 05:54 |
futurama140 | IdleOne: i just bought a new nvidia graphics card to replace an unsupported card in ubuntu, anytime i ran a 3d accelerated program, the screen would flash black. i tried about 7 different drivers to no avail. i was trolled into erasing my ubuntu, so i re-installed windows, and i used a new monitor. i just picked up a new monitor and now the flicker is back with 3d stuff. ive tried several power supplies, many drivers, TWO diff | 05:55 |
IdleOne | zmanning: /opt I believe is a better location. I might be wrong. I don't normally compile | 05:55 |
McShane | is there any way I can instruct apt or aptitude to remove all packages that were installed within a certain time frame? | 05:55 |
sc_woes | dabaR, weird message, but it's working, check this out - 0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 19 to remove and 38 not upgraded. Need to get 0B of archives. After unpacking 117MB will be freed. Do you want to continue? [Y/n/?] y | 05:55 |
futurama140 | IdleOne: do. i have no idea what the problem is or how to fix it. i could go into a lot more detail but with that other guy here i just dont feel like it would be worthwhile. | 05:56 |
nameo0 | ubuntologist: it did not tell if its 64 or 32 bit | 05:56 |
q0_0p | McShane, yes with cron | 05:56 |
dabaR | sc not exactly as expected . what did you do to mess it up? | 05:56 |
zmanning | IdleOne, no no im not looking to compile. lets say i was just installing it outside of any deb file or repository. where would be the best location? | 05:56 |
Flannel | zmanning: /usr/local/* | 05:57 |
sc_woes | dabaR, it finished with a HUGE number of warnings, and as soon as it finished, Update Manager popped up saying it wants to install gtk2.0, should i let it? | 05:57 |
ubuntologist | nameo0 - should do. uname -m may narrow it down. if not x86_64, it's 32-bit | 05:57 |
dabaR | sc sudo aptitude -f install after | 05:57 |
zmanning | Flannel, excellent, thanks! | 05:57 |
dabaR | yes | 05:57 |
sc_woes | dabar it got messed up when it crashed (random freeze) while installing python dev kit | 05:57 |
Flannel | zmanning: /opt/ is for special 'package' type things, that don't follow the general /bin/ /lib/ sort of directory stuff | 05:57 |
nameo0 | ubuntologist: it prints out i686 | 05:57 |
dabaR | sc weird | 05:58 |
zmanning | Flannel, so why is an app like firefox in /usr/lib? | 05:58 |
dabaR | sc it will likely fix itself now | 05:58 |
sc_woes | dabaR yeah i haven't been able to run software_center (hence my name) or Update Manager since then | 05:58 |
IdleOne | futurama140: I can point you to the ubuntu wiki page that covers nvidia cards but I can't help you more then that. I suggest trying to trim down your question. give the channel your graphics card info and someone should be able to help | 05:58 |
sc_woes | and i really need to use python!!!! :) | 05:58 |
dabaR | sc installation in progress? | 05:59 |
futurama140 | IdleOne: ok, well thanks anyway. | 05:59 |
sc_woes | dabaR yup 5 min remaining | 05:59 |
Flannel | zmanning: Because firefox has issues. #ubuntu-mozillateam might be able to shed some light on that. | 05:59 |
dabaR | k let me know | 05:59 |
sc_woes | it's downloading and i've got some torrents in the background so it'll be a bit | 05:59 |
yumte | any can help me about install debian via network and nfs server.....????????? | 06:00 |
sc_woes | thanks for all your help so far man | 06:00 |
sc_woes | i really appreciate it | 06:00 |
IdleOne | !nividia > futurama140 | 06:00 |
IdleOne | !nvidia > futurama140 | 06:00 |
ubottu | futurama140, please see my private message | 06:00 |
zmanning | Flannel, haha alright | 06:00 |
yumte | any can help me about install debian via network and nfs server.....????????? | 06:00 |
rww | yumte: Debian support in #debian | 06:00 |
bazhang | yumte, ubuntu involved in that somehow? | 06:00 |
phong_ | hello | 06:00 |
zmanning | Flannel, so like /usr/local/share would be the right location? | 06:00 |
Blue11 | it there anyway to determine what programme has a device locked so it can't dismount? | 06:01 |
ubuntologist | nameo0 - try sudo lshw -class cpu | 06:01 |
Flannel | zmanning: /usr/share goes to /usr/local/share (/usr/* -> usr/local/*) yeah. | 06:01 |
=== ezfox1 is now known as ezfox |
nameo0 | ubuntologist - would it be under width? | 06:03 |
zmanning | Flannel, yeah it just doesnt seem like the right place to place applications. so I would created a folder like /usr/local/share/songbird/ ? | 06:03 |
ubuntologist | that's it...width | 06:03 |
nameo0 | k thy | 06:03 |
devrethman | What's a command to sort things in intuitive order. I.E. image-2.png comes before image-10.png | 06:03 |
devrethman | ? | 06:03 |
CR | having some trouble with msfcli i get a connection but then nothing happens | 06:04 |
pingfloyd | devrethman: sort | 06:05 |
sc_woes | dabaR i am happy to say that software center works | 06:05 |
Blue11 | why won't this device dismount? | 06:05 |
dabaR | cool | 06:05 |
devrethman | pingfloyd: With what options? All the ones I've tried sort them in pure alphabetical order. | 06:05 |
pingfloyd | devrethman: -gd maybe, you'll have to experiment | 06:06 |
dabaR | sc sudo aptitude -f install tends to fix package trouble | 06:06 |
sovi3t | Blue11 lsof /dev/[device] | 06:06 |
sc_woes | dabaR does it just run through all the packages and compare to their hash or what? | 06:07 |
iflema | Blue11 fuser -vm /dev/sr0 | 06:07 |
nameo0 | whats the difference between creating a disc from the contents of an iso or with the iso file inside? | 06:07 |
devrethman | It won't allow me to sort things with multiple sorting order options. It says the options are incompatable. | 06:07 |
dabaR | sc no idea | 06:07 |
noric | Nice. I compiled this gnome-applet, managed to install and add it to my gnome-panel, but it was crashing. Managed to use gdb to modify the stdout file descriptor so I could read the error message. Pasted it into google, came up with a bug, just had to install a missing dependency :) | 06:07 |
noric | Yay technology | 06:07 |
devrethman | and none of the options it provides are right. | 06:07 |
sc_woes | what does this do? sudo apt-get install -f | 06:08 |
m0ar | sc_woes: man apt-get | 06:08 |
noric | So uh, gnome-voice-control is an applet that lets you execute "RUN TERMINAL" and other hardcoded commands into your mic. | 06:08 |
EliasAmaral | sudo apt-get --dry-run install -f | 06:08 |
noric | Now that I have it building and running, I'm modifying the hardcoded list of voice commands to read a config file. | 06:09 |
noric | By tomorrow I should be able to say "computer play music" | 06:09 |
EliasAmaral | it will show what it will do, without actually doing anything | 06:09 |
noric | huzzah | 06:09 |
nameo0 | can someone please help me with burning an iso to a cd | 06:09 |
nameo0 | ? | 06:09 |
sovi3t | noric lol | 06:09 |
Blue11 | sovi3t: that didn't work | 06:09 |
spiffythekid__ | sup | 06:09 |
iflema | Blue11 fuser -vm /dev/sr0... thatll show PID of app using the block device.... sr0 should be right unless you got multiple roms | 06:09 |
Blue11 | iflema: that didn't work either | 06:09 |
EliasAmaral | nameo0, do you know of a program named brasero? | 06:09 |
sovi3t | Blue11 - didn't list anything? | 06:09 |
wickwire_ | \quit | 06:09 |
noric | Actually Gnome has no out-of-the-box voice recognition; no simple voice->command mapping. hopefully I can make this my first open source patch lol | 06:09 |
Blue11 | iflema: it's /dev/sdc | 06:09 |
iflema | Blue11 if there is no output from fuser then no app is holding it.... | 06:10 |
nameo0 | eliasAmaral: ya i need help with it | 06:10 |
EliasAmaral | nameo0, it's installed by default on ubuntu 9.10 - tools, sound and video, brasero disk burner (but it works for data cds/dvds too) | 06:10 |
Blue11 | now it unmounts | 06:10 |
nameo0 | please message me EliasAmaral | 06:10 |
EliasAmaral | nameo0, so ask your question | 06:11 |
nytek_ | what does gnome call the power settings? | 06:11 |
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee |
LasBuntu | how do I stop Gnome panels from loading in KDE? | 06:11 |
zmanning | so no one knows where application files should actually go? im just trying to get an idea of best practice | 06:11 |
nytek_ | gnome-power-settings? | 06:11 |
EliasAmaral | nameo0, I must help you in the public channel, sorry | 06:11 |
LasBuntu | I just went from Gnome to KDE and i'm still seeing the old panels in the new KDE desktop | 06:11 |
EliasAmaral | nameo0, that's because if i say something wrong, someone can correct me | 06:11 |
chelz | is there some way to look at a list of updates released for ubuntu and filter so that only the ones requiring restarts are shown? | 06:11 |
ubuntologist | nameo0 - if brasero doesn't work for u, try k3b - i found it to work where brasero didn't | 06:11 |
nameo0 | Elias: basically i can only open the cd and then mount the file | 06:12 |
nameo0 | i cant do it strait from the program | 06:12 |
philien | Hi are anybody from the translation team ? | 06:12 |
EliasAmaral | nameo0, now I don't understand you. what you want to do? to clone a cd? | 06:12 |
iflema | Blue11 by the way.... a sudo infront of fuser is best practice | 06:13 |
IdleOne | !purekde | LasBuntu | 06:13 |
ubottu | LasBuntu: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « » | 06:13 |
chelz | nameo0: from the main Brasero window, right after you open it, there's "Burn image" | 06:13 |
Blue11 | iflema: indeed now trying to mount the partition read/write | 06:13 |
philien | Are anybody from the translation team ? | 06:13 |
LasBuntu | IdleOne: no, I just want to stop the gnome-panel from loading | 06:13 |
nameo0 | elias: i want to burn an image onto a cd but brasero will not recognize the cd unless i open the cd with it | 06:13 |
philien | Are anybody from the translation team ? | 06:13 |
philien | Are there anybody from the translation team ? | 06:14 |
Blue11 | iflema: not happy with this: sudo mount -t vfat -o rw /media/sansa | 06:14 |
IdleOne | LasBuntu: gnome-panel is loading when you chose KDE at the login menu? | 06:14 |
nameo0 | nvm now it recognizes | 06:14 |
nameo0 | thy for the help | 06:14 |
philien | Nameo0 - Are you in the translation team ? | 06:15 |
nameo0 | no | 06:15 |
nameo0 | but i speak fluant polish if that helps | 06:15 |
iflema | Blue11 vfat can get lost..... sorry about earlier for some reason i assumed cdrom.. | 06:15 |
EliasAmaral | nameo0, Hmmm o.o what do you mean by "unless i open the cd with it"? maybe it's my poor english or something | 06:15 |
spiffythekid | hey guys | 06:15 |
philien | Nameo0 - I want to translate Ubuntu's CD | 06:16 |
Blue11 | iflema: i am trying to mount my sansa fuse (vfat) as read write - it defaults to read only - and no es muy bueno | 06:16 |
chelz | EliasAmaral: when a CD is inserted a window pops up asking what program should be launched to interact with it. it's been that way since at least intrepid | 06:16 |
nameo0 | Elias: nvm just brasero took a long time to recognize that there was a cd | 06:16 |
chelz | Blue11: if something can be mounted rw, it usually is by default. are you sure there's no write protect switch on the device itself? or perhaps an option in its menu? | 06:17 |
iflema | Blue11 mmm... not sure... gksu nautilus?!?!?! | 06:17 |
devrethman | Does anybody offhand know how to use imagemagick (or anything else) to combine a bunch of PNGs into pages of a PDF? | 06:17 |
Blue11 | chelz: dunno I'll look into that | 06:17 |
EliasAmaral | hmmmmm. if you select brasero in the pop up that asks for what to do with a blank disk, it can burn normally nameo0? | 06:17 |
nameo0 | elais: its all good now | 06:18 |
sovi3t | devrethman see tiffcp and tiff2pdf | 06:18 |
chelz | devrethman: this is one way: | 06:19 |
sovi3t | devrethman make that libtiff-tools | 06:19 |
infid | what's more stable, gnome or kde? | 06:19 |
sovi3t | infid gnome | 06:19 |
slashzul | gnome | 06:19 |
chelz | infid: gnome on ubuntu | 06:19 |
devrethman | gnome | 06:19 |
ouyes | both, depends on what you using | 06:19 |
infid | k | 06:19 |
LasBuntu | IdleOne: yes | 06:20 |
chelz | assuming this is #ubuntu, i'd wager he means on ubuntu | 06:20 |
devrethman | In what context is KDE more stable? I've never had gnome crash on me. | 06:20 |
LasBuntu | IdleOne: it's apparently somehow connected to the netbook remix desktop, but we shut that off, "killall -9 gnome-panel" gets rid of it after KDE loads | 06:20 |
chelz | well kubuntu hasn't had a very good reputation from shipping things that are kinda flaky | 06:20 |
ouyes | IdleOne, i am back, the usage satatistics is open source , so i am safe | 06:20 |
chelz | if someone wants something to 'just work' going with the default of gnome on ubuntu is a good idea | 06:21 |
IdleOne | ouyes: :) | 06:21 |
Blue11 | iflema: nope even gksudo won't let me delete | 06:21 |
IdleOne | LasBuntu: got me. | 06:22 |
LasBuntu | ok, was worth a shot, thanks :) | 06:22 |
IdleOne | LasBuntu: maybe ask in #kubuntu | 06:22 |
EliasAmaral | nameo0, ..? i can't understand, is brasero okay now? | 06:22 |
emghazal | How do I use Alt-codes? In Windows I can press Alt-0151 to type an em dash (—), but I can't do that here. I know I can use Character Map, but I want to type them using the keyboard | 06:22 |
ouyes | infid, xfce, gnome,kde just the desktop envirnment of ubuntu, so you are almost at the same stable stage. the stability depended on your hardware and software | 06:23 |
millertimek1a2m3 | hey - which cross platform C++ based library is used more | 06:23 |
millertimek1a2m3 | qt or gtk? | 06:23 |
sovi3t | millertimekla2m3 q3 | 06:24 |
sovi3t | qt* | 06:24 |
ouyes | millertimek1a2m3, i do not know ,but gtk i think, because it is small and simply but also powerful | 06:24 |
Blue11 | iflema: this is how it's mounted: /dev/sdd /media/SANSA\040FUZE vfat rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=devkit,uid=1000,gid=1000,shortname=mixed,dmask=0077,utf8=1,flush 0 0 | 06:24 |
rat_ | I am trying to install .net framework 2.0 sp1 in wine and I keep getting this "err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"InstallExecute" returned 1603" any suggestions? I have installed .net 2.0 via winetricks, but it still says it needs .net framework 2.0 sp1 | 06:25 |
Lanlost | Hey, I'm trying to create a launcher. Every time I do it it just gives me the waiting hourglass (the circle thing instead) and it never appears | 06:25 |
Lanlost | Is there a way to create one manually? It's .launcher right? | 06:25 |
chelz | emghazal: | 06:25 |
millertimek1a2m3 | sovi3t, ouyes : I haven't seen a single recently written book out there on either of the subjects | 06:25 |
chelz | Blue11: make sure you have write access to the mounted folder | 06:25 |
Blue11 | chelz: how do I do that? | 06:26 |
ouyes | millertimek1a2m3, a book why needs a book, if there is , it must be a very thick book. | 06:26 |
Blue11 | chelz: it's like it's write locked | 06:26 |
sovi3t | millertimekla2m3 yea, i mis-spoke been looking at a lot of kde4 on windows lately. gtk likely the leader | 06:26 |
millertimek1a2m3 | hmm | 06:26 |
chelz | Blue11: pastebin ls -l /media | 06:27 |
Blue11 | !pastebin | 06:28 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 06:28 |
Blue11 | chelz: | 06:28 |
clauden | hi all | 06:28 |
eeeekyellowsnow | Question: I just downloaded a package "nautilus-wallpaper", how do i open it to make some changes to the setting? | 06:28 |
ratapoil | what would be the command to list files and subdirectories and print to file? | 06:28 |
clauden | karmic: rc.local not firing... any ideas? tried sleep 30 and a bunch of other tricks. runs fine as S10rc.local :) | 06:29 |
Blue11 | chelz: says it read/only file system | 06:29 |
Trezker | Problem, my router lets me connect to it and I have good signal, but it lags really bad. There's no communication for half a minute, then comes a burst of data and then it halts for half a minute again. | 06:29 |
millertimek1a2m3 | KDE was built with qt. | 06:29 |
sovi3t | ratapoil find . -name "*" -print > outfile | 06:30 |
Blue11 | okay it's forced me to boot windows bbiab | 06:30 |
millertimek1a2m3 | also, the license on the gtk site says "2007" | 06:30 |
chelz | Blue11: do chmod 777 /media/SANSA* | 06:30 |
chelz | might need a sudo | 06:31 |
m0ar | ratapoil: find /path - >> | 06:31 |
m0ar | txt* or w/e | 06:31 |
m0ar | sovi3t: -print isn't needed since it already outputs, and > redirects the output | 06:31 |
sovi3t | m0ar - yea, just figured that out ;) | 06:31 |
m0ar | ratapoil: Sorry, find /path/ -d >> file.txt. -d is for -depth, >> ADDS to file, if you use > you'll replace the info in the file! | 06:32 |
m0ar | ratapoil: Then if you want to list a certain type of files you can use -name "*.*" and stuff like that. As path . and .. works finers | 06:33 |
m0ar | sovi3t: Wtf does -print do btw? | 06:34 |
m0ar | :) | 06:34 |
tico | HELLLOOOOOOOOOO | 06:35 |
Darkben | hi | 06:35 |
tico | someone knows how to open .cbl file under ubuntu? | 06:35 |
sovi3t | m0ar it prints the output when using -exec | 06:36 |
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tomatoes7 | i accidentally removed my volume control from the top panel and i don't know how to get it back | 06:37 |
tomatoes7 | i try Add to Panel, but the volume control is not an option | 06:37 |
m0ar | tomatoes7: pulse or alsa? | 06:38 |
rat_ | I am trying to install .net framework 2.0 sp1 in wine and I keep getting this "err:msi:ITERATE_Actions Execution halted, action L"InstallExecute" returned 1603" any suggestions? I have installed .net 2.0 via winetricks, but it still says it needs .net framework 2.0 sp1 | 06:38 |
m0ar | tomatoes7: try starting gnome-volume-controlapplet | 06:38 |
m0ar | control-applet* | 06:38 |
error404notfound | i have configured postfix to bind to all interfaces and accept connections from a specific ip say my.ip.add.ress/32 to my_networks, configured firewall but i still can't even telnet to port 25 on postfix server. | 06:38 |
tomatoes7 | alsa | 06:40 |
jstagame | can someone help with my problem i installed ubuntu 9.04 PC intel x86 desktop for somehow it changed to 64 bit? | 06:41 |
indus | jstagame, its not possible | 06:41 |
rww | jstagame: what's the output of "uname -a" in the terminal? | 06:41 |
indus | jstagame, yes output of uname -a command | 06:42 |
clauden | rc.local any ideas? | 06:42 |
jstagame | Linux ubuntu 2.6.27-7-generic #1 SMP Fri Oct 24 06:40:41 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 06:43 |
tomatoes7 | how do i get my volume control back on the panel? | 06:43 |
jstagame | indus here is my result on that | 06:44 |
jstagame | Linux ubuntu 2.6.27-7-generic #1 SMP Fri Oct 24 06:40:41 UTC 2008 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 06:44 |
indus | jstagame, you installed a 64 bit version | 06:44 |
tomatoes7 | how do i get back my notification panel | 06:45 |
jstagame | PC (Intel x86) server install CD | 06:45 |
indus | tomatoes7, right click panel>add to panel | 06:45 |
jstagame | thats where i install | 06:45 |
indus | jstagame, maybe a mistake on website then | 06:45 |
jstagame | i am on this site indus | 06:46 |
indus | jstagame, but i can assure you, it cannot change from 386 to x86_64 | 06:46 |
indus | jstagame, what you install is what you get | 06:46 |
jstagame | i ran on my another pc without a problem | 06:46 |
jstagame | when i run it on this pc thats what i ran to | 06:47 |
indus | jstagame, strange but dont know if its possible | 06:47 |
jstagame | hehe,Thank you indus yeah i find that strange since i didn't even have problem with my another pc but on this one shoot give my head pounding | 06:48 |
indus | jstagame,is this a server install | 06:49 |
jstagame | no sir desktop | 06:49 |
indus | jstagame, whats the vesion of firefox ,check in about | 06:49 |
songer | hello | 06:49 |
songer | i have problems with my nvidia | 06:50 |
indus | jstagame, you said its server ? | 06:50 |
jstagame | i use the 3.0.3 version | 06:50 |
jstagame | no sir desktop | 06:50 |
om26er | songer, complain them. :( | 06:50 |
om26er | songer, ok sorry. driver not working? | 06:51 |
songer | yeap | 06:51 |
SetiAmon | This may not be the exact place to ask,but is there a way to anonymize bit torrent on linux | 06:51 |
indus | jstagame, you ssaid above, intel pc server install cd | 06:51 |
om26er | songer, which nvidia card are you using? | 06:51 |
jstagame | sorry my error typo | 06:52 |
jstagame | PC (Intel x86) desktop CD actuall ran this one here | 06:52 |
indus | jstagame, you installed another cd probably | 06:52 |
indus | jstagame, nvm i dont know what to say | 06:52 |
jstagame | hehe, yeah thank you indus for your help | 06:53 |
indus | jstagame, :) | 06:53 |
HammerHead66 | can anyone tell me how to download all 32bit lib for my pc? | 06:53 |
Blue11 | iflema: heh apparently windows "read-only" permission is different then linux -- | 06:53 |
jargal | hey help me: how to stardict dictionary into add more language (my language mongol.dic) for ubuntu | 06:53 |
indus | HammerHead66, all? | 06:53 |
HammerHead66 | yea | 06:53 |
songer | is | 06:53 |
songer | C51 [GeForce 6150 LE] | 06:53 |
indus | HammerHead66, why do you need all? | 06:53 |
Blue1 | crazy | 06:54 |
HammerHead66 | well I'm trying to get my adobe to work but the 32bit libs i need won't install | 06:54 |
chelz | HammerHead66: why not just download what you need? i'm guessing you want to run some 32bit stuff on a 64bit system | 06:54 |
jargal | hey help me: how to stardict dictionary into add more language (my language mongol.dic) for ubuntu | 06:54 |
chelz | HammerHead66: what version of ubuntu are you using and what piece of adobe software are you trying to use? | 06:54 |
jstagame | indus Thanks have a great nite | 06:55 |
songer | om26er: if I install the drivers the pc gets slow | 06:55 |
HammerHead66 | I'm not sure | 06:55 |
om26er | songer, no? | 06:55 |
jargal | hey help me: how to stardict dictionary into add more language (my language mongol.dic) for ubuntu | 06:56 |
om26er | songer, which driver you installed? (version) | 06:56 |
songer | C51 [GeForce 6150 LE] | 06:56 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: how do I get the ver up on terminal? | 06:56 |
songer | 96.43.13 | 06:56 |
chelz | HammerHead66: cat /etc/issue | 06:57 |
jargal | hey help me: how to stardict dictionary into add more language (my language mongol.dic) for ubuntu | 06:57 |
chelz | jargal: cat /etc/issue | 06:57 |
chelz | erm | 06:57 |
chelz | jargal: System ---> Administration ---> Language Selector | 06:57 |
jargal | ok | 06:57 |
om26er | songer, open System>administration>hardware drivers | 06:58 |
chelz | jargal: second one | 06:58 |
songer | from there i install the drivers | 06:58 |
om26er | songer, and was it recommended? | 06:58 |
songer | i installed it | 06:58 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: Ubuntu 8.04.4 LTS | 06:58 |
songer | vercion 185 | 06:59 |
Yggdrasil | hello, where is teh applications menu information stored ? | 06:59 |
chelz | HammerHead66: ah alright. so what adobe software are you trying to use? is it perhaps photoshop or flash or dreamweaver or.. ? | 06:59 |
HammerHead66 | flash | 06:59 |
Yggdrasil | wine left its dirty little afterbirth there | 06:59 |
Yggdrasil | wine is crap | 06:59 |
chelz | Yggdrasil: System -> Preferences -> Main Menu | 07:00 |
songer | it happen the same thing | 07:00 |
chelz | HammerHead66: do you want to make flash things or watch them? | 07:01 |
Yggdrasil | thanks | 07:01 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: I would be watching them | 07:01 |
chelz | HammerHead66: do you use firefox? | 07:01 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: yes | 07:01 |
chelz | HammerHead66: in the terminal do: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree | 07:02 |
songer | om26er, when i try to play any video it goes pausing | 07:02 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: it's working | 07:02 |
meatbun | when i modify /etc/resolv.conf, do i need to restart some sort of service? | 07:03 |
chelz | HammerHead66: just so i know what i'm recommending is correct, please paste what this outputs in the terminal: uname -a | 07:03 |
zenlunatic | meatbun: dont think so | 07:04 |
tom-v415 | I'm working on a new install of ubuntu, and after importing my old /home data from a backup, things were looking good.. .then my internet connection just stoped.. I can see the local network, but not outside. Rebooted to windows, no problem. Other computers no problem, but this one, can only see local. | 07:04 |
tom-v415 | how do I troubleshoot? | 07:04 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: ok 1 sec it's still working | 07:05 |
chelz | HammerHead66: you can open a new terminal window | 07:05 |
chelz | tom-v415: pastebin the output of "traceroute" | 07:05 |
chelz | tom-v415: without the quotes | 07:05 |
tom-v415 | chelz: ok.. looks like local may not be working either.. just a sec. | 07:05 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: Linux ok 2.6.24-26-generic | 07:06 |
Yvier6 | Anyone here? | 07:07 |
chelz | HammerHead66: there should be more to it than that. are you sure you're copying and pasting all of it? | 07:07 |
chelz | Yvier6: sometimes ;) | 07:07 |
hero1900 | i got weird problem when i watch youtube is firefox the sound will gone after that and i need to log out and in to get it back | 07:07 |
hero1900 | ?? | 07:07 |
zmanning | with compiz, is there an expose for windows? | 07:07 |
hero1900 | any help | 07:07 |
Yvier6 | How can i create a "link" that can run "/var/www/vhosts/" (without quotes) with drupal ? | 07:08 |
zmanning | hero1900, have you looked at alsamixer? | 07:08 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: Linux ok 2.6.24-26-generic #1 SMP Tue Dec 1 17:55:03 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 07:08 |
zmanning | hero1900, then f5 | 07:08 |
chelz | zmanning: | 07:08 |
Yvier6 | how can i input "drupal" instead of "/var/www/" ? | 07:08 |
Yvier6 | i think this way is better to understand | 07:08 |
tom-v415 | chelz: no luck... the program 'traceroute' can not be found.. (odd) when I try sudo apt-get install traceroute, I see 'failed to fetch and Network is unreachable) | 07:09 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: yeah it works now thank you! | 07:09 |
hero1900 | yes | 07:09 |
chelz | HammerHead66: awesome! thanks for using ubuntu :) | 07:09 |
zmanning | chelz, so i guess thats a no then? | 07:09 |
hero1900 | actually sound will not go totally | 07:09 |
hero1900 | it will work only in firefox | 07:09 |
tom-v415 | chelz: something simple in my settings that I updated probably | 07:09 |
hero1900 | and in totem or vlc or any other applications mute | 07:09 |
chelz | zmanning: there are ways to organize windows so you select between them, i'm not sure if they're part of compiz though. i do know programs that do that exist for linux | 07:10 |
gokturk | #ubuntu-tr | 07:10 |
Yvier6 | is theren't a olution? | 07:10 |
iflema | tom-v415 ping is a good start.. unless you luv ya fiewalls.. tryin a terminal ping also check ' ifconfig ' confirm ya interface is loaded | 07:10 |
Yvier6 | solution* | 07:10 |
=== gokturk is now known as Guest90116 |
chelz | tom-v415: you could check the output of ifconfig | 07:10 |
INDUS | HI | 07:10 |
=== INDUS is now known as indus |
Yvier6 | chelz: is there a solution chelz? | 07:11 |
tom-v415 | chelz: using system->network->traceroute als fails with send failed | 07:11 |
nat2610_ | Hey, what can I do ? I have ubuntu 9.10 and Every so often the sound totally stop to working in my browsers (firefox and chrome). Is there anything I can simply restart like a service or I don't know what ? | 07:11 |
chelz | hero1900: what version of ubuntu are you running? | 07:11 |
hero1900 | 9.10 | 07:11 |
devrethman | Is anyone here familiar with tiff2pdf? when I try to use it the file it outputs is like 4 pixels wide, which is a problem. | 07:11 |
hero1900 | and i have lastest alsa | 07:11 |
hero1900 | 22 | 07:11 |
chelz | Yvier6: sure, you mean in a terminal? like say you wanted to run "ls -l" but only wanted to type "ll"? | 07:12 |
tom-v415 | iflema: I'll copy the ifconfig to pastebin...but need to use usb to move to networked computer.. | 07:12 |
chelz | hero1900: - go through this | 07:12 |
chelz | tom-v415: well are you getting an ip from it? are you able to ping other local machines? | 07:12 |
hero1900 | okey | 07:12 |
hero1900 | thx | 07:13 |
chelz | nat2610_: | 07:13 |
Yvier6 | chelz: yes i mean in terminal it is so bad to write /var/www/vhosts/ could i create a symbolic link that i only could drupal write and then my terminal goes to var/www.... | 07:13 |
Yvier6 | ? | 07:13 |
iflema | tom-v415 how many network cards in it? include wireless? | 07:13 |
FloodBot2 | Yvier6: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 07:13 |
tom-v415 | chelz: doesn't look like I can get to other local machines | 07:13 |
nat2610_ | chelz, I checked before, but it's not really my problem. If I use for example vlc, the sound is there ... it's only in the browser that I notice this issue | 07:14 |
tom-v415 | iflema: wireless is connected..shows signal strength | 07:14 |
chelz | Yvier6: sure! we call those "symbolic links" to make a link you do: ln -s target linkName | 07:14 |
iflema | tom-v415 and wireless is what you trying to connect through? | 07:14 |
Yvier6 | ln -s /var/www/vhosts/XXX/httpdocs/ drupal | 07:15 |
Yvier6 | so? | 07:15 |
chelz | Yvier6: yeah, where you execute that a link called "drupal" will be created | 07:15 |
chelz | Yvier6: so make sure you're where you want the link to be | 07:15 |
tom-v415 | iflema: yes, I can try wired.. | 07:15 |
Yvier6 | chelz: with cd or what do you mean | 07:15 |
chelz | Yvier6: yes | 07:15 |
tom-v415 | iflema: but it was all working fine just a little while ago. | 07:16 |
Yvier6 | cd var....? | 07:16 |
chelz | Yvier6: you can optionally do something like: ln -s /var/www/vhosts/XXX/httpdocs/ /home/Yvier6/Desktop/drupal | 07:16 |
Yvier6 | chelz: hm..and only drupal isnt ok? | 07:16 |
iflema | tom-v415 ok... well... whats changed? | 07:16 |
damnbadluck | excuse me, i was here yesterday and my mounter became corrupt, so joeyjones told me to "sudo remove mount" and the whole OS is gone, i have a 9.10 disc here, and i have access to the command line in grub, can i repair my system this way? i would just try a fresh install but i have some files i need to save. | 07:16 |
chelz | Yvier6: i'm talking about where the link you create will be put | 07:16 |
Yvier6 | chelz: thanks an last question :D how can i delete a symboliclink? | 07:17 |
chelz | damnbadluck: boot to the 9.10 disc, mount your filesystem, and get the files you want back | 07:17 |
chelz | Yvier6: it is like any other file. you can either move it to the trash in gnome's nautilus or do "rm file". in your case "rm drupal" | 07:17 |
tom-v415 | iflema: just plugged it in, and wired is working.. | 07:18 |
chelz | damnbadluck: then probably the easiest is to reinstall ubuntu | 07:18 |
Artanis00 | How do you set folder icons like the default home folder places that respect changing the theme? If I just set the icon from the folder's properties menu the icon doesn't change to new themes. | 07:18 |
replic8tor | how do you block an ip from accessing ubuntu? I tried command iptables but it doesnt exist. | 07:18 |
chelz | tom-v415: in ifconfig were you getting assigned an IP? | 07:18 |
tom-v415 | chelz: but what's changed is not too much..I copied over all my settings from a previous install so I updated /home/myname with lots of files | 07:18 |
Artanis00 | damnbadluck: Though you sould chroot into the old install and reinstall mount | 07:18 |
haffe | replic8tor: I would install firestarter and build a firewall rule. | 07:19 |
iflema | tom-v415 what did you do? :) did you update... change anything... too many changes? | 07:19 |
damnbadluck | chelz: im trying to boot to it, but anytime i try to either install or boot from disc, the disc drive speeds up and then nothing happens, i have to ctrl+alt+del to make the system respond, do you have any suggestions? | 07:19 |
Artanis00 | damnbadluck: um, sould -> could | 07:19 |
tucemiux | replic8tor, do you have a router at home? | 07:19 |
replic8tor | is firestarter console? | 07:19 |
replic8tor | I do have a router yes. | 07:19 |
tomatoes7 | my sound sucks ass on my pc | 07:19 |
tucemiux | replic8tor, you can try blocking the IP in the router | 07:19 |
haffe | replic8tor: No, it's a gui. | 07:19 |
chelz | damnbadluck: you could try checking your BIOS settings to make sure it tries booting to a CD before the hard drive. you could also try burning another install CD | 07:20 |
tomatoes7 | i get some like weird feedback sound | 07:20 |
damnbadluck | Artanis00: "chroot" from command line? | 07:20 |
damnbadluck | chelz: ill check that then. | 07:20 |
chelz | damnbadluck: you can use chroot to fix your system if you remember the exact command you did to break it | 07:20 |
tucemiux | tomatoes7, youre recording using the mic? | 07:20 |
tom-v415 | iflema: here's the BEFORE (i plugged in wire) ifconifg: | 07:20 |
tomatoes7 | no | 07:20 |
chelz | damnbadluck: well actually you could check your ~/.bash_history if you get your fs mounted | 07:20 |
damnbadluck | chelz: the exact command was "sudo apt-get remove mount" | 07:21 |
tucemiux | tomatoes7, you get feedback just by listening to music or stuff? | 07:21 |
Artanis00 | damnbadluck: it's kinda complicated, but it's possible to access the installed environment within the liveCD through the command line | 07:21 |
replic8tor | What non gui app should I try if not firestarter? | 07:21 |
tomatoes7 | yeah | 07:21 |
chelz | damnbadluck: if you get booted to a livecd chrooting is an option | 07:21 |
tomatoes7 | its like a loud farting chopper | 07:21 |
iflema | tom-v415 two network interfaces.... i wanted that info before to save you moving between machines..... it does not help now | 07:21 |
tucemiux | it's your computer, some computers have that problem, i have that problem on windows but on ubuntu it sounds fine | 07:22 |
Artanis00 | damnbadluck: From there you should be able to use apt-get to install mount again | 07:22 |
replic8tor | firestarter is just a frontend to iptables yea? | 07:22 |
tom-v415 | iflema: now that I've got a connection, I've put both ifconfig outputs up in that same link. | 07:22 |
tomatoes7 | tucemiux, well i figure i need different drivers | 07:22 |
Viper1432 | yes replic8tor , but its a very nice frontend. | 07:22 |
tomatoes7 | its never had problems when i run windows | 07:22 |
tom-v415 | iflema: what do you look at in that output, lots of stuff to parse there. (in ifconfig ) | 07:22 |
damnbadluck | chelz: ok so my disc drive is set to first position to boot from, and i have no other discs i can use for another copy of ubuntu. how long should i wait after choosing the boot from disc option before it responds? | 07:22 |
replic8tor | Its a server, doesnt run X> | 07:23 |
gokturk_ | #ubuntu-tr | 07:23 |
Artanis00 | damnbadluck: I have a blog post here that I refer to when I nuke my installs, detailing how to chroot into the installed environment from a LiveCD: | 07:23 |
damnbadluck | Artanis00: ok, well i suppose thisll be a lot easier when i can get the CD to boot properly. | 07:23 |
chelz | damnbadluck: don't select boot from disk. select "try out ubuntu" | 07:23 |
tucemiux | tomatoes7, or it could also be the sound card | 07:23 |
tucemiux | it could also be pulseaudio though i doubt it, I suggest you check the forum or launchpad | 07:24 |
tomatoes7 | the sound card works fine in windows | 07:24 |
damnbadluck | chelz: yea, thats what i meant :P | 07:24 |
Artanis00 | damnbadluck: I didn't realize you couldn't get into the LiveCD either... | 07:24 |
chelz | damnbadluck: do you have any usb flash sticks/drives around that you can format? | 07:24 |
chelz | damnbadluck: if your system can boot to a usb device, you can install ubuntu on one of them with UNetbootin | 07:25 |
damnbadluck | chelz: no i dont actually :P | 07:26 |
damnbadluck | chelz: how long should the system take to respond when i use the "try ubuntu" option? | 07:26 |
tom-v415 | chelz: oops, thought the same url would show my updated pastebin... here's the update ifconfig, with both wireless only (not working) and wired: | 07:26 |
Artanis00 | damnbadluck: It can take a while | 07:27 |
chelz | damnbadluck: as long as the CD drive is active and whirring, then it's doing its job | 07:27 |
chelz | damnbadluck: an ipod or other many kinds of mp3 players can be used also | 07:27 |
damnbadluck | Artanis00, chelz: ok then, ill check back in in a few minutes | 07:27 |
tomatoes7 | my ubuntu is acting like windows....slow | 07:28 |
Artanis00 | chelz: *note to self* boot a computer to Ubuntu off an iPod for laughs. | 07:28 |
iflema | tom-v415 its basically useless... and that link has the wireless connected only. | 07:28 |
chelz | Artanis00: it works great :) | 07:28 |
Artanis00 | chelz: I'll need to acquire an iPod. which work best? | 07:28 |
tom-v415 | chelz: the second pastbin? Should have a before and after .. | 07:28 |
chelz | Artanis00: anything gen 5.5 and before | 07:28 |
tom-v415 | chelz: | 07:28 |
tomatoes7 | that'd be the best way to get flash working on an ipod | 07:28 |
hyperstream | tomatoes7, time for a hardware upgrade, 486's dont cut it these days, :P | 07:28 |
chelz | tom-v415: yeah eh well you have an IP. what happens when you disable and reenable your network connection from network manager? | 07:29 |
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc |
[BT]Brendan | I just did an rsync command and someone completely deleted my website. any idea how to recover the files? | 07:30 |
[BT]Brendan | somehow* | 07:30 |
tom-v415 | chelz: where is the network manager ? | 07:30 |
chelz | [BT]Brendan: do you have physical access to the machine? | 07:30 |
hyperstream | [BT]Brendan, lol, on your pc or on another pc? | 07:31 |
=== skydrome is now known as TeLe |
[BT]Brendan | my local copy | 07:31 |
brontosaurusrex | what is the procedure to share a printer? in karmic? | 07:31 |
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brontosaurusrex | on the lan i mean | 07:31 |
hyperstream | [BT]Brendan, you synced with a blank destination ? | 07:31 |
hyperstream | !samba | brontosaurusrex | 07:31 |
ubottu | brontosaurusrex: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 07:31 |
chelz | tom-v415: - upper right | 07:31 |
[BT]Brendan | no i think it synchronised backwards to the way i was intending | 07:31 |
pingfloyd | [BT]Brendan: is that "someone" you? | 07:32 |
tom-v415 | chelz: how you do that so fast? | 07:32 |
hyperstream | pingfloyd, he said somehow | 07:32 |
chelz | [BT]Brendan: do you have a copy of the site somewhere or did you delete your only copy? | 07:32 |
hyperstream | pingfloyd, corrected himself :) | 07:32 |
tom-v415 | chelz: :-) | 07:32 |
[BT]Brendan | i meant somehow | 07:32 |
chelz | tom-v415: i found it, i didn't make it ;) | 07:32 |
brontosaurusrex | hyperstream: where is cups here? where is rmb clickin on the printer and selecting share? | 07:32 |
[BT]Brendan | weird typing error | 07:32 |
* iflema :) | 07:32 |
[BT]Brendan | i just deleted the only copy | 07:32 |
[BT]Brendan | whilst trying to make another copy, lol | 07:32 |
pingfloyd | ironic | 07:33 |
chelz | [BT]Brendan: so the copy was local? | 07:33 |
[BT]Brendan | yes | 07:33 |
hyperstream | !cups | brontosaurusrex | 07:33 |
ubottu | brontosaurusrex: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See - - - Printer sharing: | 07:33 |
pingfloyd | trying to backup something and it destroys what you're trying to backup | 07:33 |
opp_ | test | 07:33 |
lars_bauer | name off program to unzip *.bz2 files ? | 07:33 |
chelz | [BT]Brendan: if you can, turn off the machine forcefully with the drive in it. as in hold down power | 07:33 |
pingfloyd | I'll usually mount as ro when I try to backup | 07:34 |
chelz | [BT]Brendan: were you using ext3? | 07:34 |
[BT]Brendan | If i do that I can't exactly talk in irc | 07:34 |
* iflema :| | 07:34 |
[BT]Brendan | yeah i believe so | 07:34 |
pingfloyd | for that reason and also to avoid consistency issues | 07:34 |
hyperstream | [BT]Brendan, the longer its on, the less chance of recovery | 07:34 |
[BT]Brendan | or 4 | 07:34 |
damnbadluck | chelz: the disc wasnt doing anything, im trying to do "check disc for defects" but thats not responding either. | 07:34 |
[BT]Brendan | what ever the default is when installing ubuntu | 07:34 |
chelz | [BT]Brendan: the longer a machine is on gives it more time to write to a disk and overwrite the data you want to recover | 07:34 |
tom-v415 | chelz: no luck disconnect and reconnect same behaviour. How come both before/after ifconfi have eth0, eth1 and lo? thought there would be more when wired network was on.. | 07:34 |
pingfloyd | it's easy to make a mistake with rsync or tar etc. | 07:34 |
[BT]Brendan | ok but i need to know what to do after i power off | 07:35 |
hyperstream | [BT]Brendan, you really need to get on another pc | 07:35 |
chelz | tom-v415: there is more. eth0 is ethernet and eth1 is wireless | 07:35 |
[BT]Brendan | ok | 07:35 |
[BT]Brendan | back soon | 07:35 |
hyperstream | :) | 07:35 |
hyperstream | and he's gone lol | 07:35 |
chelz | damnbadluck: can your machine boot to usb devices? | 07:35 |
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chelz | damnbadluck: if it can i would suggest getting an inexpensive flashdrive for under $20 to work off of | 07:36 |
Artanis00 | chelz: pretty sure he said he can't... | 07:36 |
tom-v415 | chelz: very odd, I'm chatting using the same network (different computer) on that wireless network.. and ubuntu shows a good connection, but can't see anything on it. | 07:36 |
chelz | Artanis00: i thought he said he didn't have any | 07:36 |
chelz | tom-v415: on the computer you are chatting on, if you try pinging the computer having issues, what happens? | 07:36 |
Artanis00 | chelz: he did. yeah. | 07:37 |
damnbadluck | chelz: im trying to work with limited resources, my location, coupled with poor timing have left me unemployed for the past year. i have to use what i have. | 07:37 |
chelz | damnbadluck: ah hmm. well both reinstalling and chrooting require booting to some kind of live environment. | 07:38 |
chelz | tom-v415: "ping" | 07:38 |
rww | lars_bauer: bunzip2 | 07:38 |
lars_bauer | rww, thx | 07:38 |
chelz | tom-v415: try right clicking on the network manager and hitting something that says disable | 07:38 |
tom-v415 | chelz: just did that and it worked.. (with ethernet wire in) | 07:38 |
hyperstream | damnbadluck, is this for a laptop? | 07:38 |
damnbadluck | chelz: i just realized, i do however have many spare hard drives, and a usb adapter. | 07:39 |
chelz | tom-v415: try without the ethernet wire | 07:39 |
rww | lars_bauer: If it's a .tar.bz2 file, use `tar -xjf /path/to/file.tar.bz2` instead | 07:39 |
damnbadluck | hyperstream: no, but almost as difficult, a slimline pc | 07:39 |
chelz | damnbadluck: that would work fine, if by usb adapter you mean an external enclosure | 07:39 |
tom-v415 | chelz: just did... no luck ping request times out. | 07:39 |
lars_bauer | rww, even greater thx :O) | 07:39 |
damnbadluck | chelz: i mean there is a power plug to molex cord and a usb to IDE cord, no enclosure, but i use it for storage. | 07:40 |
damnbadluck | chelz: same difference i suppose. | 07:40 |
chelz | damnbadluck: ah alright. heh sounds like it'll work | 07:40 |
damnbadluck | chelz: how can i work with it then? what should i do? | 07:41 |
chelz | tom-v415: hmm how long did the wireless work for? and did anything happen just before it stopped working? | 07:41 |
chelz | damnbadluck: plug it in like a usb flashdrive and install ubuntu to it using Unetbootin | 07:41 |
Artanis00 | damnbadluck: probably just use the flash drive boot instructions on it | 07:41 |
Artanis00 | or that | 07:41 |
damnbadluck | chelz: "Unetbootin" ? im using a windows system right now since the system with ubuntu obviously isnt working :P | 07:42 |
tom-v415 | chelz: it worked most of the day... Let me see how it does from a liveCD boot. Can't think of what might have messed it up. I'm just updating the box, so I did install openssl lib.. but that worked.. and ssh was working | 07:42 |
Artanis00 | damnbadluck: | 07:42 |
damnbadluck | chelz: googling./ | 07:42 |
chelz | tom-v415: - try going through the steps hree | 07:43 |
chelz | damnbadluck: - button at the top | 07:43 |
tom-v415 | chelz: thanks I'll do that. :-) | 07:44 |
gokturk_ | #pardus | 07:44 |
* iflema bing... bring on bong | 07:44 |
tom-v415 | chelz: then bed time for this bonzo. thanks for your help | 07:44 |
chelz | damnbadluck: if you already have an ubuntu iso around you can use that instead of downloading a new one | 07:44 |
chelz | tom-v415: hope your problem gets resolved. good night. ;) | 07:44 |
gokturk_ | #ubuntu-tr | 07:44 |
chelz | :)* | 07:44 |
tom-v415 | iflema: thanks to you as well. G'night :-) | 07:44 |
* iflema snoogens | 07:44 |
[BT]Brendan_ | OkI'm back | 07:46 |
opp | Is this Ubuntu-CN? | 07:46 |
chelz | [BT]Brendan_: welcome back | 07:46 |
chelz | opp: /join #ubuntu-cn | 07:46 |
[BT]Brendan_ | Thanks | 07:46 |
[BT]Brendan_ | I just remembered that teh files are on a ntfs partition | 07:47 |
damnbadluck | chelz: i most likely need to reboot since my HDD isnt showing up when plugged in via usb, ill be back | 07:47 |
chelz | [BT]Brendan_: ah, that's important information | 07:47 |
* iflema :| | 07:48 |
hyperstream | iflema, need something ? :P | 07:48 |
[BT]Brendan_ | and also that because the rsync command has worked in reverse, my new files have been over written by old ones. | 07:48 |
iflema | hyperstream dont get me started | 07:48 |
hyperstream | iflema, well if you have an issue this is the place to state it :) | 07:49 |
iflema | hyperstream your local... ill come over and bash ya... | 07:49 |
chelz | [BT]Brendan_: if you have another drive of somekind around, i suggest making a copy of the drive with the deleted files on it to those other drive(s), then working on the copies | 07:49 |
chelz | [BT]Brendan_: there are a variety of tools: | 07:49 |
hyperstream | iflema, bit off topic ? | 07:49 |
[BT]Brendan_ | Heh I think I might just start again | 07:49 |
hyperstream | !e-thug | iflema | 07:49 |
hyperstream | damn need to add that one :P | 07:49 |
chelz | [BT]Brendan_: if that's an option you could do that. from here on out employing a regular backup schedule might be a good idea. you can automate it by adding an entry to ubuntu's cron | 07:50 |
hyperstream | iflema, so whats the problem ? | 07:50 |
hyperstream | iflema, couldnt see anything scrolling up ;/ | 07:50 |
iflema | hyperstream like i said dont get me started its offtopic and so is this | 07:50 |
[BT]Brendan_ | Yeah I've got some hard drives in the mail | 07:50 |
[BT]Brendan_ | cron? | 07:51 |
[BT]Brendan_ | I've always just tried using rsync for all backup/copy like things | 07:51 |
hyperstream | iflema, :P | 07:51 |
chelz | [BT]Brendan_: | 07:51 |
* iflema :P | 07:51 |
[BT]Brendan_ | Ok thanks., | 07:52 |
=== Cheka is now known as Guest12606 |
iflema | hyperstream grep ya logs its easier... ;P | 07:53 |
Saxon | Dude out of nowhere, my sound on 9.10 has gone crap... can I get some assist? | 07:53 |
chelz | Saxon: | 07:53 |
damnbadluck | chelz: do you know much about windows issues? my hard drive is showing up in device manager but not in windows explorer | 07:55 |
Quan-Time | damnbadluck: what file system is it, and what version of windows ? | 07:56 |
chelz | damnbadluck: "To format the drive in Windows 2000 or XP, right-click on My Computer and go to “Manage”. In the window that comes up, click Disk Management in the left pane. Once it loads, you should see an “Initialize Disk” wizard pop up. " | 07:56 |
damnbadluck | chelz: oooooh ok thanks, i was in the device manager tab of the pane | 07:57 |
damnbadluck | quan-time, idk file system, im running XP on this pc | 07:57 |
brontosaurusrex | q2: what is the unmount command? | 07:58 |
a | he temba its a | 07:58 |
ayiez | alooo | 07:59 |
chelz | brontosaurusrex: umount | 07:59 |
Quan-Time | damnbadluck: usually NTFS.. just curious if it was a linux disjk you were trying to mount.. cos it will throw errors and kill your drive | 07:59 |
chelz | Quan-Time: he's using a drive as something to install ubuntu to then boot off of to recover a borked 9.10 install | 08:00 |
Quan-Time | kk np | 08:00 |
chelz | quiet :( | 08:06 |
chelz | you'd think out of 1.2k people there'd be some questions needing answering | 08:07 |
puppy | haha | 08:07 |
Quan-Time | im glad there isnt ! | 08:07 |
puppy | very ture | 08:07 |
Quan-Time | its normally a mah house in here | 08:07 |
puppy | man im bored | 08:07 |
chelz | haha | 08:07 |
chelz | i like the rush of helping 5 people at once | 08:07 |
chelz | mental workout | 08:07 |
Quan-Time | you have 10 fish.. 5 drown, and 3 come back to life.. how many fish do you have ? | 08:07 |
Quan-Time | mental work out.. HARHARH | 08:07 |
puppy | damn sounds hard lol | 08:07 |
Flannel | Guys take it to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks. | 08:08 |
Viper1432 | 10. dead or alive you still have fish. :D | 08:08 |
Quan-Time | fish cant drown ;) | 08:08 |
Quan-Time | aaaand now we resume our normal programming.. cheers flannel :) | 08:08 |
devrethman | How is it that after like 8 years of trying to make linux more user friendly, nobody has figured out how to prevent sound card locking? | 08:08 |
HammerHead66 | chaz: are u the one that helped me before? | 08:09 |
chelz | HammerHead66: yep | 08:09 |
puppy | my sound card never works | 08:09 |
chelz | devrethman: they have. newer OSS handles it well and alsa does it fine | 08:09 |
Viper1432 | funny, mine always works. | 08:09 |
chelz | puppy: try harder :P | 08:09 |
chelz | HammerHead66: is flash having issues? | 08:09 |
devrethman | Chelz: Really, then how is it that using the latest version of the most user friendly distro, Youtube can still shut MPD down? | 08:10 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: I am able to see the flash but when I try to watch something on it tells me that my player it not up to date | 08:10 |
puppy | works fine under win7 but under linux after sleep no good | 08:10 |
devrethman | I have to sit here and /etc/init.d/mpd restart over and over again until it finally picks it up | 08:10 |
devrethman | and once it has, half my other apps stop making sound. | 08:10 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: I did sudo apt-get update and also upgrade | 08:10 |
puppy | i just want my music to play lol | 08:11 |
chelz | devrethman: eh well there's still a ways to go. sometimes manual tweaking is still necessary | 08:11 |
chelz | HammerHead66: ah alright, well do sudo apt-get remove flashplugin-nonfree | 08:11 |
chelz | HammerHead66: we're going to need to install a newer version | 08:11 |
devrethman | Yeah, I know, but from the impression that I've had, making ALSA work without "manual tweaking" has been in development longer then Duke Nukem Forever. | 08:12 |
devrethman | which makes me a sad panda. | 08:12 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: ok removed | 08:12 |
beruic | Does anyone know how to control the size of password symbols in dialogs? Mine are very small. | 08:12 |
puppy | sad panda lol | 08:13 |
chelz | HammerHead66: - go here and get the "" | 08:13 |
devrethman | beruic: Mine are really big. Want to trade? | 08:13 |
beruic | Yes please :) | 08:13 |
chelz | HammerHead66: then either open it when firefox asks you to save it, or save it then doubleclick it | 08:13 |
devrethman | Okay, just a sec. | 08:13 |
EliasAmaral | 'password symbols'? | 08:13 |
damnbadluck | chelz: unetbootin is processing and installing on the USB drive. will let you know how it goes. | 08:14 |
chelz | perhaps he means black dots | 08:14 |
EliasAmaral | you meant those dots when you enter a character? | 08:14 |
chelz | damnbadluck: sounds good | 08:14 |
devrethman | ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● | 08:14 |
EliasAmaral | they are huge here | 08:14 |
beruic | EliasAmaral: yes, those dots | 08:14 |
devrethman | Put those in your password boxes. | 08:14 |
EliasAmaral | you want them even more bigger? | 08:14 |
EliasAmaral | (gtk2/gnome here) | 08:14 |
chelz | beruic: do you mean on the login screen? | 08:14 |
beruic | Mine are very small in both login and gksudo | 08:14 |
EliasAmaral | i guess every system with the ubuntu's default font will have the same char | 08:14 |
devrethman | Mine are also cyan, so you might want to do something like that. | 08:14 |
devrethman | *something about that. | 08:14 |
chelz | devrethman: depends on your soundcard. it's probably a good idea to google around every so often to see what the latest is in the linux world. a lot of times just a bit of tweaking can fix things. | 08:15 |
EliasAmaral | maybe you are using a nonstandard font beruic | 08:15 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: error: wrong arch 'i386' Adobe Flash Player plugin version 10 | 08:15 |
HammerHead66 | This package will download the Flash Player from Adobe. It is a Netscape/Mozilla type plugin. Any browser based on Netscape or Mozilla can use the Flash plugin. This package officially supports the following browsers: | 08:15 |
HammerHead66 | Firefox 2.x, Firefox 3.x, SeaMonkey 1.11 | 08:15 |
chelz | HammerHead66: ah ok, sorry about that, one sec | 08:15 |
devrethman | chelz: Yeah, I know how it works, I've been using various forms of linux/oss/alsa for years, I just don't have time to tweak with it anymore >.< I was hoping coming here from Gentoo would eliminate such things. | 08:15 |
beruic | So no one has any ideas? | 08:16 |
devrethman | Although I have to give you guys props, it took me about a minute and a half to configure twinview last week. | 08:16 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: ok | 08:16 |
devrethman | beruic: I think those symbols are part of the system font. You could try changing it in Menu -> system->prefs -> appearance | 08:17 |
devrethman | but that would change the font for everything else, too. I don't know of a way to make specific things like that larger or smaller. | 08:17 |
beruic | devrethman: What font do you use? | 08:17 |
devrethman | All of them are set to "sans" | 08:17 |
devrethman | and fixed width is Monospace. | 08:18 |
beruic | My last two are sans bold and monospace | 08:18 |
beruic | window titles are sans bold | 08:18 |
beruic | but all are size 10. What are yours? | 08:18 |
devrethman | I've done quite a bit of screwing around with my theme, so I dunno, I may have changed something somewhere that I forgot about. | 08:18 |
devrethman | 10 also. | 08:18 |
chelz | HammerHead66: | 08:19 |
damnbadluck | chelz: whats error 17? | 08:19 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: k | 08:20 |
devrethman | They finally made a 64 bit flash player O_o | 08:20 |
devrethman | when did that happen? | 08:20 |
chelz | devrethman: very recently heh | 08:21 |
Myrtti | devrethman: last summer, but it's alpha | 08:21 |
chelz | i've heard it's stable enough for most users. stable as flash ever really is. | 08:21 |
chelz | damnbadluck: when did you get that error? | 08:21 |
damnbadluck | just now, after trying to boot via usb | 08:22 |
damnbadluck | chelz: ^^ | 08:22 |
devrethman | in my experience, flash is about as stable as the stuff I made with Duplo when I was very small. It usually gets noscripted. | 08:22 |
devrethman | I'm just impressed that adobe has finally gotten their heads out of thei--- errmmm. you know where this is going. | 08:22 |
chelz | i use chromium for flash stuff, and browse regularly with firefox and noscript | 08:22 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: now that I've downloaded it, extracted, what now? | 08:23 |
devrethman | chromium? | 08:23 |
chelz | well i'm still waiting for hardware accelerated video playback on linux | 08:23 |
chelz | google chrome's oss project. has an ubuntu ppa | 08:23 |
devrethman | hasn't mplayer had that for quite awhile? | 08:23 |
damnbadluck | chelz: what do i do? | 08:23 |
Myrtti | oh sorry, year ago in november | 08:23 |
chelz | devrethman: no, it's needed by the flash plugin | 08:23 |
hackiolegaro | Hello Ubuntu | 08:24 |
chelz | damnbadluck: if you're sure it's trying to boot to the drive, try reformatting it and doing a unetbootin install again. that's a grub error of somekind | 08:24 |
devrethman | oh, hardware accelerated flash video? Cause I know I got hardware accelerated H264 working last summer. | 08:24 |
damnbadluck | chelz: ok | 08:24 |
chelz | devrethman: yeah i have h264 and all that | 08:24 |
devrethman | at least I thought I did. | 08:24 |
chelz | HammerHead66: in a terminal do: cp /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ | 08:25 |
devrethman | well, when I did it it was only in the SVN and you had to use a bunch of wierd options | 08:25 |
[BT]Brendan | I wish deleting things with the command line would sent them to the recycle bin. | 08:25 |
dandaman | when grub loads for me i have like 5 versions of ubuntu, i always use the first but i'm wondering what the other 4 are for | 08:25 |
devrethman | I think it was lik -vdapau=on or something like that. | 08:25 |
devrethman | dandaman: Old kernels, in case it updates to a kernel that does not work, you'll be able to get into the old ones to fix it. | 08:25 |
rww | dandaman: old kernel versions, probably | 08:25 |
chelz | [BT]Brendan: there are tools that do that, just not the default ones. *nixes expect people to have backups | 08:25 |
dandaman | devrethman: so i should always be loading from the one on top, right? | 08:26 |
devrethman | Although while we're on the subject, is it possible to make those automatically disappear when they're more than 2 versions old? | 08:26 |
devrethman | or something | 08:26 |
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz |
devrethman | dandaman: You should generally be loading the one with the highest version number. On mine they end up on the top usually | 08:27 |
chelz | devrethman: that does sound like a good feature. i haven't heard of anything existing that does that though | 08:27 |
dandaman | what's a kernel? | 08:27 |
dandaman | i figure i should know these things if im a CS major | 08:27 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: returned : permission denied | 08:27 |
devrethman | hahaha. Kernel is like... the thing at the center of the OS that does all the low-level stuff | 08:27 |
devrethman | if it's working right, you will never notice it. | 08:27 |
puppy | its the heart | 08:28 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: cannot create regular file | 08:28 |
Quan-Time | dandaman: kernel is a bit of corn... OR its the major reliant factor of literally every computer OS... know how windows 95 and 98 are hugely the same ? its got the same kernel.. etc.. hope that helps | 08:28 |
devrethman | chelz: I tried screwith with grub.conf in ubuntu once, and it was full of comments and strange foriegn things with names like 'AUTOMAGIC' so I left. | 08:28 |
dandaman | Quan-Time: still doesnt really explain what a kernel is :\ | 08:29 |
chelz | HammerHead66: sudo cp | 08:29 |
devrethman | It's the low-level. It interfaces between hardware and software and does things like memory management and driver management. | 08:29 |
chelz | devrethman: menu.lst makes sense to me since i have experience with it, but the grub2 stuff i still need to learn | 08:29 |
Quan-Time | dandaman: umm... ok.. a kernel has the basis of how things interact.. ie: how a mouse interfaces with the screen.. all via software. the kernel is the "core" software.. im sure theres a wiki on it.. | 08:29 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: did it but did not ask for password | 08:30 |
chelz | dandaman: | 08:30 |
chelz | HammerHead66: you only have to enter your password every 15min i think for sudo | 08:30 |
dandaman | kk | 08:30 |
Quan-Time | dandaman: major kernel updates include new "standards" for hardware, driver sets, etc.. | 08:30 |
devrethman | I wrote my own menu.lst when I used gentoo, but here there's all sorts of extra stuff that I'm worried will set it on fire if I screw with. Grub errors are almost as annoying as wet socks, so I avoid them. | 08:30 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: O.. ok | 08:30 |
dandaman | i remember for an internship interview i didnt get the interviewer asked me to write a kernel for unix | 08:30 |
dandaman | is that really realy hard? | 08:30 |
Quan-Time | dandaman: and for the record, im not a computer tech. nor involved in the computer industry.. | 08:30 |
dandaman | because it sounded hard when he first asked me :\ | 08:30 |
chelz | dandaman: a popular exercise for CS-types is to write their own kernel | 08:31 |
devrethman | Yeah, that's kind of rediculously hard. | 08:31 |
Quan-Time | dandaman: yes.. "writing" a kernel is HUGE.. but making a custom kernel is possible.. if you dont know what a kernel is, then its stupidly hard | 08:31 |
devrethman | It is? Nobody told me O_o Perhaps I'm in the wrong major | 08:31 |
chelz | HammerHead66: then you might need to restart firefox. but that should do it | 08:31 |
Quan-Time | devrethman: oh dear... | 08:31 |
chelz | HammerHead66: if you ever want to update flash, just go to adobe's site and hunt for the 64bit flash tar.gz and copy it into the same place | 08:31 |
devrethman | I thought I was cool cause I wrote a BASH script that splits PDFs in half vertically | 08:31 |
Quan-Time | devrethman: can you drive a car ? | 08:32 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: ok thanks | 08:32 |
chelz | devrethman: well a simple kernel, not one that follows all the unix standards | 08:32 |
devrethman | Yeah, a simple kernel is possible. Writing a kernel that implements UNIX is... not so much. | 08:32 |
devrethman | well, I'm sure it's possible, but it is not something I would do with my free time | 08:33 |
devrethman | Quan-Time: Yes... why? | 08:33 |
Quan-Time | dandaman: can you drive a car ? its like that with CS... you learn over time.. you need correct teaching.. like doing anything.. with time @ college, you will learn the skill set needed.. | 08:34 |
eva | join /#ncczona | 08:36 |
kejtsitakua | hey! is anybody in theree??!! | 08:37 |
kejtsitakua | xD | 08:37 |
devrethman | I have become comfortably numb. | 08:37 |
puppy | yup talking about tastie kernels | 08:37 |
kejtsitakua | anyway.. i got some troubles with xubuntu on my hp2133 =( | 08:37 |
tomatoes7 | i'm getting super frustrated | 08:38 |
puppy | whats the issue? | 08:38 |
kejtsitakua | u know all windows seem to not work good | 08:38 |
chelz | kejtsitakua: #ubuntu-es might also help | 08:38 |
kejtsitakua | sorry about my english.. this is not my real language xD | 08:38 |
devrethman | No, windows does generally not work good. That's why we're here. | 08:38 |
kejtsitakua | so i can not do nothin about it?? | 08:39 |
devrethman | Well, what's the problem? | 08:39 |
kejtsitakua | i mean i tried live version and works all fine | 08:39 |
chelz | kejtsitakua: state your problem | 08:39 |
puppy | seems like a theme issue | 08:39 |
tomatoes7 | i removed ALSA drivers to replace them with OSS, now i'm trying to revert the process | 08:40 |
tomatoes7 | i need to bang my head against a wall! | 08:40 |
kejtsitakua | omg | 08:40 |
devrethman | tomatoes7: Banging your head on the wall and dealing with linux sound drivers is more or less the same thing. | 08:40 |
puppy | i just gave up on my sound drivers lol | 08:40 |
Tartarus1 | what is latest version of linux kernel right now | 08:40 |
devrethman | check | 08:40 |
kejtsitakua | how can i know that? | 08:41 |
tomatoes7 | maybe i'll commit suicide | 08:41 |
ikonia | Tartarus1: for ubuntu 2.6.31 | 08:41 |
kejtsitakua | im new in this | 08:41 |
kejtsitakua | xD | 08:41 |
ikonia | tomatoes7: please stop messing around | 08:41 |
puppy | 17 | 08:41 |
tomatoes7 | nah...i'll just use windows | 08:41 |
ikonia | tomatoes7: ok - do that then | 08:41 |
devrethman | Same thing. | 08:41 |
chelz | tomatoes7: you get stronger through struggles | 08:41 |
tomatoes7 | i hope so | 08:41 |
tomatoes7 | cause i'm really really weak | 08:41 |
devrethman | Chelz: By that logic, let's all head over to #gentoo | 08:41 |
kejtsitakua | so xubuntu is the only one that does that?? | 08:42 |
chelz | devrethman: well ok some struggles kill you | 08:42 |
kejtsitakua | i tried ubuntu before.. worked good | 08:42 |
devrethman | chelz: lol | 08:42 |
puppy | im using xubuntu | 08:42 |
chelz | kejtsitakua: what do you want to do? what isn't working? | 08:42 |
puppy | but no sound | 08:42 |
chelz | kejtsitakua: if you want to chat there's #ubuntu-offtopic | 08:42 |
kejtsitakua | chelz: the problem here is all windows dont work good | 08:43 |
kejtsitakua | they just stay at the same position.. i cant move them | 08:43 |
puppy | explain like, are they locking up or missing buttons | 08:43 |
puppy | hummm | 08:43 |
mneptok | kejtsitakua: what is your native language? you might try that loco chanel for better comprehension. | 08:44 |
chelz | kejtsitakua: try #ubuntu-es | 08:44 |
puppy | how about the whole pc? is it slowing down when the windows lock up | 08:44 |
kejtsitakua | ok ok .. i will | 08:44 |
kejtsitakua | thanks | 08:44 |
VectorX | hello i need to run a command, "sudo modprobe wl" at the terminal when i start the os, how can i have that start on boot ? | 08:46 |
VectorX | or is there a better way to do it | 08:46 |
mirkosina | hello i want to ask you why i can not enable visual effect | 08:46 |
mirkosina | i use ubuntu 9.10 | 08:46 |
llutz | VectorX: add "wl" to /etc/modules | 08:46 |
chelz | VectorX: | 08:47 |
ikonia | mirkosina: what video card do you have | 08:47 |
mirkosina | ATI Radeon 9550 / X1050 Series | 08:47 |
tomoyuki28jp | What's the easiest way to send email from ubuntu client machine? | 08:47 |
ikonia | mirkosina: the ati / xorg interaction is known to be poor and the support for them is non-standard. Make sure you're using the best xorg drivers you can | 08:47 |
ikonia | !ati > mirkosina | 08:47 |
ubottu | mirkosina, please see my private message | 08:47 |
llutz | tomoyuki28jp: mailx + ssmtp | 08:47 |
ikonia | tomoyuki28jp: pick an email client (thunderbird/evolution/etc) and use it to send email, | 08:48 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: ok I'm still having a problem. I went to the download center and downloaded flash version ... But when I go to it said," requires flash player 10.0.22 or higher | 08:50 |
infid | what's the difference between a hardlink and just cp'ing a file? | 08:50 |
titan_ark | Hey. i am facing trouble with power management. everytime my notebook recovers from sleep powermanagement indicates that there is no battery | 08:50 |
mirkosina | ikonia im install ubuntu 9.10 last month and i can enable this visual effect | 08:50 |
VectorX | ok thanks, i am also trying to see if i can access my vista machine and vice versa, both computers are connected to the router, but somehow dont show up, i have enabled remote desktop etc, and samba sharing on the ubuntu, and sharing on the vista but cant see anything | 08:50 |
mirkosina | but i turn it off... | 08:50 |
ikonia | mirkosina: that doesn't change what I said | 08:50 |
chelz | HammerHead66: did you restart your browser? | 08:50 |
mirkosina | ok | 08:51 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: yes | 08:51 |
ikonia | HammerHead66: did you restart your browser | 08:51 |
ikonia | chelz: sorry - lagging behind you | 08:51 |
anli_ | There should be a way to install 32-bit firefox using synaptic, should there not? | 08:51 |
chelz | HammerHead66: is this working? | 08:51 |
ikonia | anli_: no, | 08:51 |
chelz | ikonia: np. you are providing some good answers. | 08:51 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: think maybe it could be my firewall? | 08:51 |
devrethman | anli_: i don't see why. | 08:52 |
ikonia | HammerHead66: no, that comes over http | 08:52 |
papul | can i install ubunu on a pendrive? | 08:52 |
ikonia | papul: yes | 08:52 |
ikonia | !install > papul | 08:52 |
ubottu | papul, please see my private message | 08:52 |
anli_ | devrethman: Because 64-bit firefox is not supported by firebug | 08:52 |
chelz | HammerHead66: no | 08:52 |
ikonia | anli_: yes it is | 08:52 |
chelz | HammerHead66: - try this and make sure it's stating flash is working | 08:52 |
anli_ | ikonia: No | 08:52 |
papul | i mean if i do apt-get install mpd than the mpd must install on the pen drive and the next time i boot mpd must be available | 08:52 |
anli_ | ikonia: If you with support means that the browser is closing immediately, then yes | 08:53 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: ok checking | 08:53 |
chelz | ikonia: is there a trigger list somewhere? | 08:53 |
ikonia | anli_: it's on my screen working fine | 08:53 |
ikonia | !ubottu > chelz | 08:53 |
ubottu | chelz, please see my private message | 08:53 |
ikonia | chelz: check that out | 08:53 |
youcef | hello | 08:53 |
anli_ | ikonia: 1.5.0? | 08:54 |
ikonia | anli_: yes | 08:54 |
titan_ark | anyone? power management tool issues??? | 08:54 |
ikonia | anli_: unless you see a note saying "not supported" don't make things up | 08:54 |
youcef | hi all how are you??? | 08:54 |
anli_ | ikonia: But there are several bug reports which I did not make up | 08:54 |
om26er | !hi | youcef | 08:54 |
ikonia | youcef: all well, welcome to #ubuntu, this channel is for support questions | 08:54 |
ubottu | youcef: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 08:54 |
youcef | i have question? | 08:54 |
ikonia | anli_: bug reports are not "not supported" | 08:54 |
anli_ | ikonia: No, but if the bug reports tells that there is no support, I use to rely on them, but I will rely on you from now on | 08:55 |
youcef | there are viruses for ubuntu ? | 08:55 |
infid | i'm using gnome-do's Twitter plugin and it pops up a notification bubble whenever someone tweets. Is there a way to click on the bubble to launch it into my browser before it disappears? | 08:55 |
llutz | youcef: other malware, no virusses | 08:55 |
mattyh | hi | 08:55 |
ikonia | anli_: if it's not supported the author puts a note on saying "not supported on 64bit" | 08:55 |
anli_ | hm | 08:55 |
youcef | ok thats dangerous? | 08:56 |
anli_ | ok | 08:56 |
scottj | I have some code in ~/.Xmodmap that remaps right alt to a super key and it works but if I hibernate then when I resume the key is back to being an alt. any ideas? | 08:56 |
llutz | youcef: sure | 08:56 |
mattyh | anyone who knows why I cant write to #qemu irc say's cannot send to channel ? | 08:56 |
ikonia | scottj: daemons probably not waking up post hibernate | 08:56 |
ikonia | scottj: few bugs in apps do that after hibernate | 08:56 |
youcef | what that can do for my computer? | 08:56 |
anli_ | ikonia: So I do not see the same behavior as a lot of other users? Or to be constructive, what shall I do? | 08:56 |
ikonia | !register > mattyh | 08:56 |
ubottu | mattyh, please see my private message | 08:56 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: it said," no suitable plugins were found." | 08:56 |
chelz | infid: asking the gnome-do people would be better than here | 08:56 |
scottj | ikonia: but xmodmap isn't running as a daemon I don't think | 08:56 |
anli_ | ikonia: Shall I ignore the bug report fix that says that I shall install a 32-bit firefox | 08:57 |
ikonia | scottj: no, but there is a keyboard deamon that picks up the changes | 08:57 |
infid | k | 08:57 |
ikonia | anli_: it's up to you what you'd do, personally I think "install 32bit" is a weak fix unless there is a confirmed bug | 08:57 |
titan_ark | ikonia: any idea on the powerdevil daemon? | 08:57 |
ikonia | titan_ark: in what respect ? | 08:57 |
anli_ | ikonia: | 08:58 |
titan_ark | everytime my notebook recovers from sleep powermanagement indicates that there is no battery | 08:58 |
anli_ | ikonia: They cant have seen your screen | 08:58 |
chelz | HammerHead66: in a terminal do: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ /usr/lib/firefox-addons/plugins/ | 08:58 |
chelz | HammerHead66: then restart your browser and try to visit | 08:58 |
tomatoes7 | i have no sound at all | 08:58 |
ikonia | anli_: what does "about" version say in firefox | 08:58 |
anli_ | ikonia: Must check, please wait | 08:59 |
ikonia | titan_ark: ahh, I've seen that reported many times too | 08:59 |
ikonia | titan_ark: check launchpad for a bug report on that | 08:59 |
titan_ark | ikonia: i tried, couldnt find anything. shall try again. thx | 08:59 |
ikonia | titan_ark: you're not alone with that, I've seen that reported many times | 08:59 |
titan_ark | ikonia: okay | 09:00 |
anli_ | ikonia: About for firefox itself sais version 3.5.6, ubuntu canonical 1.0 | 09:00 |
titan_ark | thank you | 09:00 |
anli_ | mozilla/5.0 (X11: U: Linux x86 64: | 09:00 |
ikonia | anli_: update to e3.5.7 | 09:00 |
ikonia | anli_: what version of ubuntu are you using ? | 09:00 |
anli_ | ikonia: 9.10, I think | 09:01 |
ikonia | anli_: show me "uname -a" - lets check | 09:01 |
Omar87_ | Sorry for this extremely n00bish question, but what's the command for creating new users? | 09:01 |
slowlearner | hi is there a program i can use to install ubuntu from windows? I'm looking at something like wubi but install of installing it on a windows partition it starts a real ubuntu install. | 09:01 |
ikonia | Omar87_: useradd - or use the gui | 09:01 |
anli_ | ikonia: Linux plutten 2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 14:05:01 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux | 09:01 |
slowlearner | *but instead | 09:01 |
ikonia | slowlearner: not really | 09:02 |
ikonia | anli_: great that looks like 9.10 | 09:02 |
ikonia | anli_: do an system update and it should update firefox to 3.5.7 which is current | 09:02 |
ikonia | anli_: (and what I'm using without issue) | 09:02 |
anli_ | ikonia: Must try | 09:02 |
chelz | slowlearner: wubi | 09:02 |
chelz | wait is wubi not working for 9.10? | 09:02 |
ikonia | chelz: he doesn't want to use wubi | 09:02 |
chelz | i never know what the latest ver of ubuntu wubi supports | 09:02 |
chelz | oh | 09:02 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: ok it seem to be working now but is said," unable to stream this video. please check your enternet connection and try again. | 09:03 |
chelz | HammerHead66: try a youtube video or two, to make sure it's working | 09:03 |
HammerHead66 | ok | 09:03 |
anli_ | ikonia: I try apt-get dist-upgrade | 09:03 |
chelz | HammerHead66: for the record, running 64bit makes using proprietary stuff like flash tough | 09:03 |
otoady | I upgraded from 9.04 to 9.1 ... I have no volume icon in the upper right corner ... how can I get it back ... I have no sound preferences ... should I .. I can't get into users and groups ... nothing happens when I click the make changes place ... I have to login 6 or 7 times before gnome starts successfully ... I did not get grub-pc in the upgrade, but through apt-get ... help, please ... | 09:04 |
anli_ | ikonia: I would be very greatful if this solves the problem | 09:06 |
ikonia | anli_: we can hope | 09:06 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: video is good but no sound. | 09:06 |
chelz | HammerHead66: alright, is that not working? do you want to try installing it another way? | 09:08 |
HammerHead66 | ok | 09:08 |
airtonix | question about networkmanagers ICS features : i currently have my netbook set to dhcp connect to my desktop(which is having two NICs, eth0 is outwards to the router which hits the WAN, and eth1 is inward and set to "shared to computers" in networkManager)... from my netbook I can access the apache server on my desktop but not google | 09:08 |
chelz | HammerHead66: - follow the commands under "For 64 bit Users" | 09:09 |
meowbuntu | Hi ho how it go everyone | 09:09 |
titan_ark | ikonia: i could only come up to this: | 09:09 |
ikonia | airtonix: you need your need something to act as a router out to the internet | 09:09 |
titan_ark | i am quite a n00b | 09:09 |
ikonia | titan_ark: just reading | 09:09 |
titan_ark | would appreciate the help | 09:09 |
titan_ark | ikonia: i thank you | 09:09 |
ikonia | titan_ark: that looks like it could be a similar problem/bug to you | 09:10 |
VectorX | how do i reset the smb.conf file to its defaults ? | 09:10 |
airtonix | ikonia, yep this is the function i desire my desktop to fullfil. and it does most of what i expect however I can;t seem to get past the desktop and out onto the internet when using the netbook | 09:10 |
titan_ark | ikonia: yeah. | 09:10 |
ikonia | airtonix: what are you using on the desktop as a router ? | 09:10 |
retry | VectorX, ipkg-configure | 09:10 |
ikonia | titan_ark: I'm sorry to say it looks like a kernel bug that "should" be fixed in the next ubuntu release...... | 09:10 |
retry | there's a flag to reconfigure to default | 09:10 |
retry | type man ipkg-configure | 09:10 |
titan_ark | ikonia: i can see the mention of my notebook model. but what is the solution. seems to not make sense to me. | 09:11 |
ikonia | retry: dpkg ? | 09:11 |
retry | oh yeah! | 09:11 |
ikonia | titan_ark: ahhh so you are even using that notebook, ok, so I'd be confident that that is the problem then | 09:11 |
retry | ha I've been messing about with my pre :D | 09:11 |
ikonia | titan_ark: well found | 09:11 |
retry | so I was in ipkg mode | 09:11 |
airtonix | ikonia, traditionally i would use firestarters ICS features, however now i;m using the gnome networkManager to do it, im connecting from the netbook to the desktop via ethernet cable | 09:11 |
titan_ark | ikonia: yes i own a HP dv4t 1400 | 09:11 |
ikonia | airtonix: gnomenetworkmanager is not routing software or ip forwarders | 09:11 |
=== skydrome is now known as TeLe |
ikonia | titan_ark: ok, so that's the bug then | 09:11 |
retry | VectorX, dpkg-reconfigure | 09:12 |
airtonix | ikonia, this ( leads me to believe otherwise | 09:12 |
titan_ark | ikonia: yes, but i cant seem to comprehend the solution. except that the test kernel has been patched | 09:12 |
VectorX | retry do i need to specify anything else | 09:12 |
retry | VectorX, yes the argument is the package yo uwant to reconfigure | 09:12 |
retry | so whatever samba is called | 09:12 |
retry | is it smb or just samba? | 09:13 |
ikonia | titan_ark: so you need to wait for that patched kernel to be released to ubuntu | 09:13 |
VectorX | samba i think | 09:13 |
airtonix | retry, amb is an acronym : small message block | 09:13 |
airtonix | retry, smb* | 09:13 |
meowbuntu | Hi all | 09:13 |
retry | airtonix, it's also samba | 09:13 |
airtonix | retry, :) which is a name inspired by the protocol name | 09:14 |
titan_ark | ikonia: ah okay. i remember when i was using a wubi install and facing some other issues, someone had given me a link to a vanilla kernel, if i am not mistaken this was also solved by the vanilla kernel | 09:14 |
retry | right | 09:14 |
ikonia | airtonix: that guide won't fly in my view unless the machine you are using is automatically setup as a router/forwader, because all gnome-network-manger is doing is telling your card to advertise it's self for incoming dns lookups with dns-masq | 09:15 |
anli_ | ikonia: hm, with 3.5.7, it is the same, if I try to open the firebug console, the browser closes | 09:15 |
ikonia | anli_: there clearly is a bug there - but only for selected configurations | 09:15 |
otoady | I'm tired. the cd writer won't recognize media either ... tomorrow | 09:16 |
airtonix | ikonia, firestarter ICS features do more than gnomes network manager then ? (because i have used firestarter to do the whole thing from dns server and forwarding) | 09:16 |
ikonia | airtonix: look down the list and the ammount of people having to alerter routes and the like | 09:16 |
anli_ | ikonia: ok, so how do I install a 32-bit firefox? | 09:16 |
ikonia | airtonix: yes, firestarter is a full on firewall that can do forwarding | 09:16 |
anli_ | ikonia: Has to be made by hand, I suppose? | 09:16 |
ikonia | anli_: you'll have to pull that from the firefox site I'm afraid | 09:16 |
anli_ | ok | 09:16 |
ikonia | anli_: have you tried removing firebug, restarting the browser, confirming it works then re-installing firebug | 09:17 |
ikonia | anli_: the new browser may benifit from a new install of firebug | 09:17 |
airtonix | ikonia, thanks for the clarification | 09:17 |
ikonia | anli_: also did anything else get updated with firefox ? | 09:17 |
ikonia | anli_: need to pop out now, but I'd strongly advise a clean firebug install and a reboot to make sure all your updates took effect | 09:18 |
anli_ | ikonia: When I opened the firefox window, no suggestions to update the plugins were made, but I uninstalled firebug and installed it | 09:18 |
anli_ | ikonia: thx | 09:20 |
lhb | hi all | 09:20 |
lhb | is there known issues/solutions regarding dell gx280 and ubuntu 9.x | 09:21 |
Crippler | Hi is md5sum reliable to check for data corruption on 1tb files cloned/transferred to new harddisk | 09:21 |
lhb | the install disk just freeze | 09:21 |
titan_ark | ikonia: seems like i can rebuild my kernel with the patch. | 09:22 |
Myrtti | lhb: which disk are you using, live or alternate? | 09:22 |
titan_ark | need to figure out how to do that | 09:22 |
Myrtti | lhb: and where did it freeze, partition or graphics detection? | 09:22 |
lhb | i have done all the disk checks/memory checks | 09:22 |
INDUS | lhb, when live cd comes to the options screen, press f6 and remove quiet and splash and see where its freezing | 09:22 |
=== INDUS is now known as indus |
lhb | ubuntu 8.10 installed like a charm, apt-get upgraded to 9.04 and bang... it froze after 3 minutes | 09:23 |
Sacho | How can I modify the positioning of the panels in gnome, 9.04 | 09:23 |
indus | lhb, could you answer Myrtti's question , are you using live cd or alternate | 09:24 |
lhb | indus: live | 09:24 |
Myrtti | lhb: do you even get to desktop? | 09:24 |
ouyes | Sacho, it is simple, just click right button of your mouse select "Move" | 09:24 |
lhb | Myrtti: i started the installer straigt, didnt go to the live cd desktop | 09:25 |
brokepunk | learning... websites to investigate? | 09:25 |
Myrtti | lhb: did you get to the graphical interface? | 09:25 |
Myrtti | brokepunk: learning what? | 09:25 |
Sacho | ouyes: I can't right click the ...whatever it's called, because there are panels over it. | 09:26 |
lhb | Myrtti: of the installer, yes | 09:26 |
Sacho | I only get the options for them. | 09:26 |
brokepunk | been working with linux for 4 days... | 09:26 |
Sacho | I want to move the strip on the top with applications/places/system/etc on the right | 09:26 |
c_nick | how to open file roller with root | 09:26 |
titan_ark | could someone help me add this patch to my kernel? | 09:26 |
Myrtti | lhb: at what point did it freeze then? | 09:26 |
brokepunk | been working with scripting, networking, sysadmin... | 09:26 |
indus | Sacho, just dragand drop it to a panel on the right | 09:26 |
titan_ark | would appreciate the help! | 09:26 |
spywareBOT | Swedish high speed webproxy! | 09:26 |
indus | Sacho, right click and unlock it first | 09:26 |
lhb | Myrtti: while copying the files, mostly but actually all over | 09:27 |
c_nick | got it ..i remembered | 09:27 |
c_nick | :d | 09:27 |
brokepunk | currently having problems with a script I have been working on | 09:27 |
ouyes | Sacho, move your mouser on the panel and then right click the mouser and select "Move" | 09:27 |
Myrtti | brokepunk: it would greatly help if you'd try to keep your question to one line | 09:27 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: I have sound. Thank you for all the hand holding. | 09:27 |
HammerHead66 | :-D | 09:27 |
Sacho | ouyes: I can't select move. | 09:27 |
keux | algum brasileiro(a)? | 09:27 |
spywareBOT | Swedish high speed webproxy! | 09:27 |
lhb | Myrtti: the point is, i could install 8.10 and dist-upgrade to 9.02 and then the same happened on the desktop there, after about 5 mins | 09:27 |
ouyes | Sacho, why? | 09:27 |
brokepunk | ok... cannot get permissions to .gvfs from root... | 09:27 |
brokepunk | by the by... ty you in advance | 09:28 |
Sacho | Because it's greyed out? | 09:28 |
indus | Sacho, because under move option , its locked to panel | 09:28 |
Sacho | Okay, but I don't want to move this panel, I want to move the one it's on :| | 09:28 |
brokepunk | i can show you the script I am having issues with | 09:28 |
indus | Sacho, ? | 09:28 |
keux | alguém que fale português? | 09:28 |
ouyes | Sacho, where is the panel you want to move? | 09:28 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: check this out | 09:29 |
lhb | Myrtti: on ubuntyforums some persons asked about the same but the aswers are not relevant | 09:29 |
brokepunk | and tell you steps I have tried to correct the issue | 09:29 |
Sacho | The line. | 09:29 |
Sacho | On which you have applications, places, system. | 09:29 |
Sacho | And also the switch user/shutdown panel. | 09:29 |
brokepunk | still there myrtti? | 09:29 |
Sacho | I want to move it from the top, to the right. | 09:29 |
indus | Sacho, you want to move that panel completely? | 09:29 |
chelz | HammerHead66: is huly working? | 09:29 |
Sacho | ...yes | 09:29 |
chelz | HammerHead66: also hulu | 09:29 |
brokepunk | to irc too | 09:29 |
ouyes | Sacho, i am sure i can just click the right button | 09:30 |
indus | Sacho, just right click on it somewherer and select orientation right | 09:30 |
indus | Sacho, i have noticed too, now you cant just drag and drop | 09:30 |
ouyes | Sacho, are you a left-handed? | 09:30 |
Sacho | ouyes: Don't be condescending | 09:30 |
Sacho | indus: There is no free space on the panel, anywhere I click I get one of the panels that are on it | 09:30 |
indus | Sacho, if you have middle mouse button, you can drag and move it to right | 09:30 |
brokepunk | also have questions about tor | 09:31 |
indus | Sacho, now now isnt that easy, you remove a few things then | 09:31 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: no hulu is not working it said," Express install not supported." | 09:31 |
brokepunk | silence? | 09:31 |
Myrtti | mmm, coffee | 09:31 |
Sacho | indus: so I have to remove several panels, move the underlying one, and then reattach them? | 09:31 |
|_ocke | | 09:31 |
Sacho | There has to be an actually sane solution | 09:31 |
indus | Sacho, just remove the notification applet , which will clear a lot of space\ | 09:31 |
Myrtti | |_ocke: how is that relevant to the Ubuntu support? | 09:31 |
ouyes | Sacho, sorry for my poor english , but what do you mean by "Don't be condescending"? | 09:31 |
brokepunk | can anyone here help with scripting questions? | 09:32 |
retry | what sort of scripting? | 09:32 |
indus | brokepunk, please try in #bash | 09:32 |
brokepunk | bash | 09:32 |
|_ocke | Myrtti, i dunno, i just really like it | 09:32 |
brokepunk | i am | 09:32 |
indus | Myrtti, what type of coffee | 09:32 |
retry | brokepunk, i can help with bash | 09:32 |
|_ocke | it works on ubuntu though | 09:32 |
spywareBOT | Swedish high speed webproxy! | 09:33 |
brokepunk | #!/bin/bash | 09:34 |
brokepunk | # systeminfo - A script to produce an HTML file with system info. | 09:34 |
brokepunk | ##### Constants | 09:34 |
brokepunk | TITLE="System Information for $HOSTNAME" | 09:34 |
brokepunk | RIGHT_NOW=$(date +"%x %r %Z") | 09:34 |
FloodBot2 | brokepunk: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 09:34 |
brokepunk | TIME_STAMP="Updated on $RIGHT_NOW by $USER" | 09:34 |
indus | aahh lost con | 09:34 |
ouyes | where is the conky configuration file? | 09:34 |
spywareBOT | Swedish high speed webproxy! | 09:34 |
pingfloyd | quit spamming spywareBOT | 09:35 |
indus | !spam | 09:35 |
indus | !testagain > indus | 09:35 |
Sheepherd_ | hi all... ive just read through | 09:35 |
indus | Sheepherd_, whats it about | 09:36 |
Sheepherd_ | now my question is what exactly status return's are... i only know very basic C++ so thats why i dont understand that | 09:36 |
|_ocke | nobody in here likes aesop rock? :( | 09:36 |
zvacet | !packages | 09:36 |
ubottu | You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways! | 09:36 |
zvacet | !list | 09:36 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 09:36 |
chelz | HammerHead66: you could try installing hulu desktop | 09:36 |
indus | Sheepherd_, you are looking for the #c++ room | 09:37 |
Myrtti | brokepunk: please use pastebin? | 09:37 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: what is that? | 09:37 |
kjelle | Hello. I am using fakeroot to build some debian packages. When I use dpkg-buildpackage, the packages are automatically signed. How do I do that with fakeroot? | 09:37 |
Myrtti | |_ocke: please keep the offtopic elsewhere | 09:37 |
quibbler | ouyes-> in your home directory, but you have to set view hidden files is .conkyrc | 09:37 |
chelz | HammerHead66: | 09:37 |
Leoneof | i used Storage Device Manager and changed some properties in partitions, now my partitions wont ask about password and everyone can access it, how to make it as default like before? | 09:37 |
|_ocke | :P sorry | 09:38 |
chelz | HammerHead66: you'd want "Ubuntu 64-bit" | 09:38 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: ok | 09:38 |
Sheepherd_ | indus, well im not actually interested in C++ but rather in the whole exceptions thing, but ill go ask there anyways | 09:38 |
brokepunk | is it like tinyurl? | 09:38 |
indus | !paste | brokepunk | 09:38 |
ubottu | brokepunk: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 09:38 |
Sheepherd_ | oh wtf... wrong channel xD sry guys | 09:39 |
ouyes | quibbler, there is any ouyes and last+found directory | 09:39 |
Sheepherd_ | was supposed to write in #python :D | 09:39 |
indus | Sheepherd_, python | 09:39 |
indus | Sheepherd_, ok | 09:39 |
brokepunk | ty ubottu | 09:39 |
burkey | has anyone got a vnc viewer vino pre compiled for ubuntu 8.04 that does scaling | 09:40 |
quibbler | ouyes-> look in ouyes (that is your home directory) | 09:40 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: is this going to make it like the TV channels were I can't watch what I want when I want? | 09:40 |
kjelle | I figured it out: dpkg-buildpackage -sgpg -r'fakeroot debian/rules' | 09:41 |
ouyes | quibbler, what is the name of the file?? | 09:41 |
chelz | HammerHead66: it's like a mini browser (like firefox) that only browses hulu | 09:41 |
quibbler | ouyes-> .conkyrc | 09:41 |
gheddy_zarc | what is python for ? Im trying to load this usb modem app that has all these python dependencies ? googgle brings up a zillion pages none of which have managed to explain python yet eh | 09:41 |
indus | gheddy_zarc, its a programming language | 09:42 |
chelz | gheddy_zarc: python is like c, c++, perl, java, etc | 09:42 |
richi_ | hi | 09:42 |
indus | gheddy_zarc, its installed by default on most linux distros | 09:42 |
Omar87 | Hi | 09:43 |
brokepunk | ok.. I used that link, copied my code... | 09:43 |
chelz | !hi | richi_ | 09:43 |
ubottu | richi_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 09:43 |
chelz | !hi | Omar87 | 09:43 |
ubottu | Omar87: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 09:43 |
brokepunk | now how do people view? | 09:43 |
ouyes | quibbler, there is none | 09:43 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: O .. ok. well I don't need another browser. But thanks for letting me about it. | 09:43 |
chelz | brokepunk: paste the *link* here | 09:43 |
indus | brokepunk, you need to copy the url and paste it here | 09:43 |
gheddy_zarc | hm ok thanks indus & chelz,, any idea why this app would have python dependencies ?? its for getting a mobile modem going eh in 9.04 | 09:43 |
brokepunk | its in the ubuntu pastebin | 09:43 |
chelz | HammerHead66: it might make hulu work. try it | 09:43 |
brokepunk | | 09:43 |
brokepunk | you guys are rad... | 09:43 |
chelz | gheddy_zarc: if it says it needs it, it does | 09:43 |
brokepunk | ty for your patience | 09:43 |
indus | gheddy_zarc, because the app is written in that way with python libraries in source code | 09:43 |
pingfloyd | gheddy_zarc: because it probably uses python to accomplish certain things | 09:44 |
|_ocke | um. does anyone in here use joy2key? | 09:44 |
indus | gheddy_zarc, or maybe completely in python , anyways , if you install from synaptic the dependencies are automatically taken care of | 09:44 |
brokepunk | so the problem I am having is with the home_space function | 09:44 |
quibbler | ouyes-> in nautilus press Ctrl+H and you will see the hidden files .conkyrc is a hidden file | 09:44 |
brokepunk | su needs to run it, but .gvfs will now allow | 09:44 |
retry | brokepunk, where's the prob? | 09:45 |
gheddy_zarc | yeah i miss synaptic | 09:45 |
chelz | |_ocke: what's the issue? | 09:45 |
indus | gheddy_zarc, dont you have that package in synaptic | 09:45 |
retry | if [ "$interactive" = "1" ]; | 09:45 |
brokepunk | from what I read it is a fuse issue.... | 09:45 |
retry | this is wrong | 09:45 |
|_ocke | chelz, i don't know how to set it up so i can use emulators with it | 09:45 |
brokepunk | not sure what fuse is yet... | 09:45 |
indus | !nick > brokepunk | 09:45 |
brokepunk | google is unclear | 09:45 |
ubottu | brokepunk, please see my private message | 09:45 |
|_ocke | i want to set up an .rc file for it | 09:45 |
Info | cv gsd | 09:45 |
ouyes | as usual, my ubuntu will automatically mount the ntfs partition of my hard drive, but now i can not find the partition,how to make ubuntu automatically mount my ntfs partition just like a usb hd? | 09:45 |
retry | if [ "x$interactive" -eq "x1" ]; | 09:45 |
brokepunk | how? | 09:46 |
retry | use that | 09:46 |
|_ocke | but i don't know the syntax | 09:46 |
Info | hallo | 09:46 |
retry | actually -eq is for integers | 09:46 |
indus | !who | brokepunk | 09:46 |
chelz | |_ocke: look for a manual or documentation in that project | 09:46 |
ubottu | brokepunk: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 09:46 |
retry | use == | 09:46 |
|_ocke | the man page doesn't explain it at all | 09:46 |
gheddy_zarc | the pc is not connected to the web so synaptic is no use, Ive downloaded all the files onto a usb stick from an xp box but can I use synaptic to install those ? I didnt think so , I thought I had to do it manually eh | 09:46 |
brokepunk | !ubottu>agreed... | 09:46 |
chelz | ouyes: was the ntfs partition created before or after you install ubuntu? | 09:46 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: thank you again for all of your help | 09:46 |
brokepunk | !ubottu> as such? | 09:46 |
ouyes | chelz, before | 09:46 |
indus | gheddy_zarc, hmm maybe you can add the usb as a repo | 09:46 |
indus | gheddy_zarc, try adding | 09:47 |
chelz | HammerHead66: is hulu desktop working? | 09:47 |
ouyes | chelz, i am using xfce(xubuntu) | 09:47 |
Myrtti | gheddy_zarc: there's a function in synaptic, for making a list of software you need to download to a usb stick or similar | 09:47 |
chelz | ouyes: it should be in the list of devices that can be mounted | 09:47 |
indus | gheddy_zarc, nah sorry not possible | 09:47 |
ouyes | chelz, where? | 09:47 |
indus | Myrtti, yes? | 09:47 |
brokepunk | ubotto: or like this | 09:47 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: I don't want to download from | 09:47 |
chelz | gheddy_zarc: is there a way to connect it to the internet? | 09:47 |
ouyes | chelz, it is not there in the Places? | 09:47 |
brokepunk | ubottu: or like this | 09:48 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 09:48 |
Info | hallo | 09:48 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: I can wait til they catch up to everyone else | 09:48 |
gheddy_zarc | ah wow an it will search the usb stick for all the .debs or tar files etc that I ve got on it eh indus ? | 09:48 |
chelz | HammerHead66: oh. alright. it's worked pretty well for me. one thing you might try is getting a 32bit ubuntu livecd and trying to watch hulu on it. if it works you could switch to 32bit | 09:48 |
brokepunk | great... | 09:48 |
ouyes | Info, english channel | 09:48 |
indus | gheddy_zarc, well i thought its for cd roms only | 09:48 |
retry | gheddy_zarc, you can use dpkg to manually install the packages | 09:48 |
meowbuntu | anyone here use facebook i got a question | 09:48 |
gheddy_zarc | mm I can burn it to cd from xp | 09:48 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: the hole point of 64-bit chips are to use them as such. why would I go back down to 32-bit | 09:49 |
brokepunk | looks like I need to read up on irc.. before i can seek help from people on irc... | 09:49 |
pingfloyd | meowbuntu: just ask the question | 09:49 |
gheddy_zarc | yeah I was using dpkg I had some success but then all the python dependecies errored out for 30 lil applets and the install broke lol | 09:49 |
ouyes | brokepunk, just ask your questions | 09:49 |
retry | gheddy_zarc, too bad | 09:50 |
retry | brokepunk, i told you how to fix that interactive if block in your script | 09:50 |
gheddy_zarc | mm Im close retry eh,, a few more goes and it will work I think | 09:50 |
Leoneof | hi, i used Storage Device Manager and changed some properties in partitions, now my partitions wont ask about password, and everyone can access it, how to make it as default like before? | 09:50 |
brokepunk | I have been working on this script | 09:50 |
retry | gheddy_zarc, just keep at it with dpkg | 09:50 |
retry | brokepunk, yeah I saw it | 09:50 |
indus | gheddy_zarc, not sure , ask Myrtti | 09:50 |
retry | i saw teh comment that says this part is broken | 09:51 |
chelz | HammerHead66: because some things don't work :P | 09:51 |
brokepunk | it works... but the home_space function requires su access | 09:51 |
retry | and it's your if = is assignment not comparison | 09:51 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: I can tell that flash 10 is getting really good. the images are so clear! | 09:51 |
chelz | heh perhaps | 09:51 |
meowbuntu | ok in facebook i have a notifaction area that has been pinned on top of the webbage. how can i remove it | 09:51 |
gheddy_zarc | mm I have a list of the erros now so I think need to install the python applets in the order the erros appeared eh,, thats my next plan eh retry | 09:51 |
brokepunk | when trying that... it gets access denied to .gvfs | 09:51 |
retry | gheddy_zarc, sounds about right | 09:51 |
brokepunk | tried to chmod 777 .gvfs ... now dice | 09:51 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: yeah, but the ones that do are great | 09:52 |
brokepunk | tried to unmount .gvfs chmod 777 mount... | 09:52 |
retry | all your if statements are wrong | 09:52 |
missing | i want to change gnome main menubar's background,somebody have any ideas? | 09:52 |
brokepunk | cannot find in /etc/fstab | 09:52 |
retry | you're assigning which is evaling to true always | 09:52 |
chelz | alright then | 09:52 |
ouyes | how to manually mount a ntfs partition of a hard drive? | 09:52 |
brokepunk | dont understand why I cannot change permissions to this... | 09:52 |
brokepunk | is it just a virtual link? | 09:53 |
pingfloyd | brokepunk: == means comparison operator = means assignment operator | 09:53 |
brokepunk | please expand... | 09:53 |
retry | he aint listening ping...he's on about something else | 09:53 |
brokepunk | very new | 09:53 |
Info | bla | 09:53 |
retry | pretty sure he lifted 90% of that script | 09:53 |
brokepunk | retry... listening... | 09:53 |
chelz | ouyes: - read this entire page | 09:53 |
brokepunk | I did... it is from a tutorial.. | 09:54 |
brokepunk | i am trying to learn... | 09:54 |
retry | change the = to == in your if statements | 09:54 |
brokepunk | do not want to proceed til I get this | 09:54 |
retry | first thing | 09:54 |
meowbuntu | so noone here uses facebook i take it | 09:54 |
pingfloyd | I wouldn't bother trying to learn from whoever wrote that | 09:54 |
damnbadluck | can someone help me fix my mount? the other night someone here told me to run "sudo apt-get remove mount" and it f-ed up my whole system. i just got ubuntu running on the disc, someone told me i could use something to fix it so i dont lose my stuff? with a chroot comand or something? | 09:54 |
retry | pingfloyd, yeah no doubt | 09:54 |
chelz | brokepunk: you might just have to run your script as admin | 09:54 |
pingfloyd | they don't know what they're doing | 09:54 |
Myrtti | meowbuntu: this isn't facebook support? | 09:54 |
chelz | damnbadluck: hey! | 09:55 |
brokepunk | so change = "1000" to == "1000" > | 09:55 |
damnbadluck | chelz: hey | 09:55 |
chelz | damnbadluck: wb guy, any luck with the unetbootin? | 09:55 |
brokepunk | chelz... that is the prob | 09:55 |
retry | is that eve ncalling those functions? | 09:55 |
pingfloyd | that's like taking painting lessons from a blind person | 09:55 |
retry | those are variables not function calls | 09:55 |
brokepunk | you need to run azs admin to get the du command to work correct... | 09:55 |
meowbuntu | facebook support on irc is dead even though there is lots of ppl logged in | 09:55 |
damnbadluck | chelz: nope, tried it a few times. but i found a disc that boots. | 09:55 |
brokepunk | but root has no access to the user .gvfs | 09:55 |
chelz | damnbadluck: awesome, that can work just fine | 09:55 |
retry | brokepunk, no you need to be root to read home dirs that arne't your own | 09:55 |
meowbuntu | pingfloyd, told me to ask about facebook | 09:55 |
chelz | damnbadluck: are you booted to it? | 09:56 |
ouyes | chelz, it is not usb drive, the ntfs partition is in the same hard drive as my ubuntu that i am running | 09:56 |
damnbadluck | chelz: yea | 09:56 |
retry | du works just fine for any user provided you're using it on dirs you have read perms on | 09:56 |
chelz | damnbadluck: do you have your partition mounted? | 09:56 |
brokepunk | the perms are the prob... | 09:56 |
IP-v6 | hi! i updated chromium-browser ppa:daily now it crashes when starting | 09:56 |
damnbadluck | chelz: its a different distro though, i was running 9.10 before, this disc is hardy heron though i think | 09:56 |
brokepunk | I cannot change them on .gvfs | 09:56 |
pingfloyd | meowbuntu: no, I told you to ask your question and not beat around the bush | 09:56 |
IP-v6 | what can i do ? | 09:56 |
retry | don't touch gvfs | 09:56 |
brokepunk | triwed chgrp chown chmod | 09:56 |
Myrtti | IP-v6: the dangers of using daily ppa | 09:56 |
chelz | damnbadluck: that'll work | 09:56 |
brokepunk | umount chmod | 09:56 |
retry | that's gome's virtual filesystem db thingy | 09:56 |
damnbadluck | chelz: no, im not sure how to. i just started working with linux last week | 09:57 |
Myrtti | IP-v6: you do realise what daily ppa means, right? | 09:57 |
brokepunk | like I said...4 days experience... | 09:57 |
chelz | damnbadluck: ah alright | 09:57 |
brokepunk | but still I think I tried all I can | 09:57 |
IP-v6 | chromium-browser daily repo | 09:57 |
damnbadluck | chelz: i remember the gist, but i always forget the commands i need to do everything | 09:57 |
chelz | damnbadluck: do "fdisk -l" in a terminal and try to figure out which /dev/xdan is your partition | 09:57 |
mr-russ | how should kvm guests sync their clocks? | 09:57 |
chelz | x being a letter and n being a number | 09:57 |
Myrtti | IP-v6: it means that you get a daily snapshot of their development branch, which may break at any given moment. | 09:57 |
chelz | mr-russ: ntp? | 09:57 |
brokepunk | by the by... its a shame I feel mocked for trying to learn from people who dedicate their time to "helping others" | 09:58 |
IP-v6 | i know that | 09:58 |
mr-russ | chelz: the ubuntu docs say no. don't use ntpd | 09:58 |
chelz | mr-russ: you could run a local server for all of your guests | 09:58 |
chelz | oh | 09:58 |
kwork | damnbadluck, get same version disc 9.10 and boot from it and chroot to your system and install the missing package | 09:58 |
IP-v6 | can i downgrade older version | 09:58 |
mr-russ | chelz: and I have a lucid server that jumps forward 500 years :( and everything stops working :( | 09:58 |
Myrtti | IP-v6: not really. You can uninstall what you have and move to using stable chromium, or wait for unbroken update | 09:58 |
damnbadluck | chelz: when i use "fdisk -l" nothing happens | 09:58 |
kwork | damnbadluck, do it with root | 09:59 |
damnbadluck | k | 09:59 |
kwork | damnbadluck, or thru sudo actualy | 09:59 |
IP-v6 | Myrtti, is there a repo for stable chromium ? | 09:59 |
brokepunk | ill look for another forum... thank you all who tried to help.... | 09:59 |
Myrtti | IP-v6: I don't know, I've not looked into it, I use Chrome and Firefox | 09:59 |
infid | how do you make 'find' ignore hidden files? | 09:59 |
damnbadluck | chelz: "fdisk: invalid operation -- l" | 10:00 |
IP-v6 | chrome, google released version of chromium-browser ? | 10:00 |
a_thoman | hallo ihr penner | 10:00 |
Jimi_Neutral | my machine is pining others on the network but it wont go onto the web....the gateway is set, it worked yesterday but now it wont, any ideas? | 10:00 |
pingfloyd | brokepunk: try #bash, but first make those changes given | 10:00 |
chelz | damnbadluck: you did fdisk dash l? | 10:00 |
brokepunk | reset your router | 10:00 |
Info | hallo | 10:00 |
damnbadluck | chelz: yea | 10:00 |
Jimi_Neutral | this one is on the same router | 10:00 |
Myrtti | IP-v6: yup, they have | 10:00 |
ardchoille | IP-v6: this is quite stable: | 10:00 |
Jimi_Neutral | and it is fine | 10:01 |
a_thoman | volberg mach vigge | 10:01 |
brokepunk | already tried the == ping... | 10:01 |
brokepunk | and thank you,... | 10:01 |
Info | hi | 10:01 |
damnbadluck | chelz without the sudo command, it says nothing at all, when i use it with sudo it gives that error | 10:01 |
greburzoltan74 | Hi, can anyone help me: I nedd 2 mode for settings vi text editor to remain numbering, 1-st choice is editing ~.exrc and type: "set number", but I don't know other choice, help me pls ... | 10:01 |
pingfloyd | brokepunk: if you're eager to learn, I recommend reading advanced bash scripting howto and the bash faq | 10:01 |
pingfloyd | brokepunk: one of them is on | 10:01 |
brokepunk | from the several hours ive spent reading about this... it is a commen error on ubuntu 9.10 and deals with the fuse mount | 10:02 |
Info | Hallß | 10:02 |
chelz | damnbadluck: do sudo fdisk --list | 10:02 |
brokepunk | i have it bookmarked | 10:02 |
brokepunk | ;( | 10:02 |
G_A_C | does anyone know if there's an easy way of finding out what packages I've added to my system which aren't in a standard "out of the box" Karmic x64 Desktop setup? | 10:02 |
pingfloyd | brokepunk: here's the other one to read | 10:02 |
IP-v6 | Myrtti, thanks. how does look fonts on firefox? Fonts suck on firefox for me | 10:02 |
brokepunk | i have no other interest in this then my hatred for all things ms | 10:02 |
=== jamesd2 is now known as london_dan |
IP-v6 | this is why i use chromium | 10:03 |
brokepunk | i was a sysadmin for a ms network for over 10 years... | 10:03 |
=== london_dan is now known as jamesd_ |
pingfloyd | that way you're learning from resources that know what they're doing | 10:03 |
Myrtti | IP-v6: never had any problems | 10:03 |
pingfloyd | instead of whoever originated that script, which clearly doesn't | 10:03 |
brokepunk | bookmarked aswell... | 10:03 |
brokepunk | ty | 10:03 |
=== linucks is now known as linucks[afk] |
pingfloyd | brokepunk: you're welcome | 10:03 |
chelz | damnbadluck: also system -> administration -> partition editor | 10:03 |
IP-v6 | Myrtti, interesting : ) thanks again | 10:04 |
brokepunk | ill get back to you in a few months ping... when Im worth my salt... | 10:04 |
pingfloyd | brokepunk: the FAQ is a very handy reference | 10:04 |
ardchoille | IP-v6: did you install kde desktop? | 10:04 |
IP-v6 | no | 10:04 |
b_volber_ | aaaa | 10:04 |
brokepunk | hopefully i wont be as cynical as some of the rest of these mods | 10:04 |
damnbadluck | chelz: that said invalid operation too, but i went to the file browser and my HDD is listed there, under properties its listed as "computer:///" for location. | 10:04 |
brokepunk | now to read the rules and conduct of irc... | 10:04 |
b_volber_ | kann mir mal jemand was schreiben | 10:04 |
chelz | damnbadluck: do you see your files in it? in the "home" folder? | 10:05 |
Sliss_ | I virtualised my laptop hd. and not I cannot boot into it, as it cannit find the mounting point by-uuid. How to fix this? The laptop hd is now an lvm mount | 10:05 |
Sliss_ | s/not/now/ | 10:05 |
chelz | damnbadluck: if so, pastebin the output of "mount" in the terminal | 10:05 |
lars_bauer | how to install wxpython ? | 10:05 |
edogawa | b_volber_: blabla | 10:05 |
damnbadluck | chelz: yes, and the partition manager lists the location as "/dev/sda1" | 10:06 |
chelz | damnbadluck: ah good | 10:06 |
brokepunk | is there a decent tor channel? | 10:06 |
damnbadluck | chelz: i cant pastebin here, this is a different computer than the one im trying to fix. | 10:06 |
llutz | brokepunk: #tor at oftc | 10:06 |
brokepunk | something with people who can help with installation | 10:06 |
chelz | damnbadluck: yeah that's fine if you're sure it's /dev/sda1 | 10:06 |
damnbadluck | chelz: yea it is | 10:07 |
brokepunk | llutz: cheers! | 10:07 |
pingfloyd | brokepunk: this might be what you're looking for | 10:07 |
chelz | damnbadluck: sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt | 10:07 |
brokepunk | pingfloyd: ty again sir! | 10:07 |
damnbadluck | chelz: ok | 10:08 |
chelz | damnbadluck: then sudo chroot /mnt /bin/bash | 10:08 |
chelz | damnbadluck: then sudo apt-get install mount | 10:08 |
pingfloyd | brokepunk: you're welcome. You have a good attitude. That will help with your learning a lot. | 10:08 |
rodrii | olaa | 10:08 |
brokepunk | wpingfloyd: why be rude to strangers... | 10:09 |
damnbadluck | "mount is already the newest version" | 10:09 |
=== switch-testing_ is now known as switchgirl |
damnbadluck | chelz: did i do something wrong? | 10:09 |
chelz | damnbadluck: did you do all of those in order? | 10:09 |
meowbuntu | anyone here use facebook i got a question | 10:10 |
brokepunk | thank you all and good night... to the white pages... | 10:10 |
meowbuntu | ok in facebook i have a notifaction area that has been pinned on top of the webbage. how can i remove it | 10:10 |
brokepunk | shot meow | 10:10 |
ibqn | what package provides, i can not install libstdc++5 | 10:10 |
chelz | lars_bauer: apt-get install python-wxgtk2.8 or apt-get install python-wxgtk2.6 | 10:10 |
damnbadluck | chelz: yes. after "sudo chroot /mnt /bin/bash" nothing showed up in the terminal, just got a new command line though | 10:10 |
brokepunk | meow: i imagine if you check your settings you will find it there | 10:10 |
meowbuntu | brokepunk, ?????????? | 10:11 |
damnbadluck | chelz: the second command made me root | 10:11 |
brokepunk | meow: I meant shoot... | 10:11 |
ibqn | !find libstdc++ | 10:11 |
ubottu | Found: libstdc++6-4.1-dbg, libstdc++6-4.1-dev, libstdc++6-4.1-doc, libstdc++6-4.1-pic, libstdc++6-4.2-dbg (and 12 others) | 10:11 |
brokepunk | oops | 10:11 |
cuco | hi all, can anyone tell me is there is a dedicated channel for wubi? | 10:11 |
ibqn | !find libstdc++5 | 10:11 |
ubottu | Package/file libstdc++5 does not exist in karmic | 10:11 |
Muntrue | hi all | 10:11 |
meowbuntu | brokepunk, have you heard of tabbing my name is not weow | 10:11 |
brokepunk | sowwy | 10:11 |
Akmens | which program do u suggest for disk check? | 10:11 |
brokepunk | no, I have not | 10:11 |
meowbuntu | * weow=meow | 10:12 |
chelz | damnbadluck: each line i said is all one command, did you execute everything on each line? | 10:12 |
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee |
brokepunk | what is tabbing? | 10:12 |
brokepunk | im trying to follow conventions | 10:12 |
jOZe | hello | 10:12 |
brokepunk | but might mistype from time to time | 10:12 |
damnbadluck | chelz: yes. each line you said i typed, triple checked, and then hit enter. | 10:12 |
meowbuntu | brtype first few letters of persons nick then press tab untill name shows. meo <tab key> | 10:13 |
meowbuntu | ^ brokepunk | 10:13 |
brokepunk | lemme | 10:13 |
chelz | damnbadluck: do and check the version: dpkg -s mount | 10:13 |
brokepunk | try | 10:13 |
chelz | damnbadluck: after "Version: " | 10:13 |
brokepunk | meowbuntu, | 10:13 |
brokepunk | aha | 10:13 |
brokepunk | ! | 10:13 |
meowbuntu | yes woo hoo you got it brokepunk | 10:14 |
brokepunk | slow but steady... | 10:14 |
brokepunk | or just slow... | 10:14 |
brokepunk | could be that 23 chromosome | 10:14 |
meowbuntu | !tab | 10:14 |
ubottu | You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 10:14 |
pingfloyd | brokepunk: your bash shell also has tab completion which you'll find very handy as well | 10:14 |
damnbadluck | chelz: 2.16-lubuntu5 | 10:14 |
brokepunk | so... the only editor I really can use so far is pico.. | 10:15 |
chelz | damnbadluck: do sudo apt-get install --reinstall mount | 10:15 |
brokepunk | and it does not have line count... | 10:15 |
pingfloyd | brokepunk: editors are a matter of preference | 10:15 |
brokepunk | yeah... line count helps though... | 10:15 |
brokepunk | gonna try emacs tomorrow | 10:15 |
brokepunk | cannot get a handle on vim | 10:15 |
lars_bauer | chelz, Great , bu it only install it fpr python3.0 then. I would like it to install on python2.6 ? | 10:16 |
pingfloyd | brokepunk: I don't use pico much, but I think it might has an option hidden in there for that | 10:16 |
pingfloyd | brokepunk: in vim there is vimtutor to get started | 10:16 |
ibqn | what package provides ? i can not install libstdc++5 | 10:16 |
meowbuntu | hi how to request an unban on freenode | 10:16 |
brokepunk | pingfloyd: good to know... will google tomorrow | 10:16 |
pingfloyd | brokepunk: also nano has syntax highlighting these days | 10:16 |
chelz | lars_bauer: apt-get install python2.6 | 10:17 |
brokepunk | pingfloyd: wasted an hour trying to move the cursor then edit, then move the curso again... no instant gratification there... Ill come back to it when I want bragging rights | 10:17 |
meowbuntu | brokepunk, you can use /me to make it an action. | 10:17 |
brokepunk | Ill have to apt-get nano | 10:17 |
chelz | lars_bauer: then to launch python2.6 you have to do "python2.6" instead of "python" | 10:17 |
pingfloyd | brokepunk: yeah, vi* has a high learning curve | 10:17 |
lars_bauer | chelz, i alredy has python2.6 , but wx is not apart off it | 10:17 |
* meowbuntu is feeling sad cant get facebook problem sorted | 10:18 |
la | laa | 10:18 |
la | olaa | 10:18 |
chelz | lars_bauer: wxpython2.8 should work with python2.6 | 10:18 |
pingfloyd | brokepunk: it has tons of functionality. Personally I generally just use it for editing config files | 10:18 |
brokepunk | pingfloyd: 4 days in... recently laid off, so almost 100 hours though,,, | 10:18 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: | 10:18 |
pingfloyd | brokepunk: these days | 10:18 |
la | olaa | 10:18 |
meowbuntu | brokepunk, how new are you to linux | 10:18 |
lars_bauer | chelz, okey , but import wx won't work | 10:18 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: this bootable disk has internet working so i can pastebin now | 10:18 |
lars_bauer | chelz, okey , but import wx.aui won't work | 10:18 |
brokepunk | pingfloyd, 4 days in... used it a bit at nbc to set up turnstyles though | 10:18 |
pingfloyd | brokepunk: I tend to waste time trying to remember how I did something slick in vim | 10:19 |
brokepunk | pingfloyd, mostly just firmware update though | 10:19 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: that's good. ok type "exit" to get out of the chroot | 10:19 |
pingfloyd | brokepunk: there's all sorts of command in it that are very handle in very specific situations | 10:19 |
lars_bauer | kick la | 10:19 |
chelz | lars_bauer: you could try asking the pythonwx people, i'm not sure :( | 10:19 |
pingfloyd | brokepunk: and those are the ones that are easy to forget since they're not used very often | 10:19 |
=== INDUS is now known as indus |
meowbuntu | pingfloyd, right what you did down | 10:20 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: ok, did you get the pastebin link? | 10:20 |
brokepunk | pingfloyd, right now... im trying to tackle a few things...sysadmin... netadmin... security... shell scripting | 10:20 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: yep, i saw | 10:20 |
lars_bauer | chelz, thanks alot :O) | 10:20 |
lars_bauer | chelz, ill try that . | 10:20 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: do: sudo mount -t proc none /mnt/proc && sudo mount -o bind /dev /mnt/dev | 10:20 |
brokepunk | pingfloyd, taking it in chunks.... building off one another | 10:20 |
pingfloyd | brokepunk: I have a cheat sheet I made, but problem is that it becomes so huge that it takes time to find it in there | 10:20 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: after exiting | 10:20 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: ok. no visible output. | 10:21 |
brokepunk | pingfloyd, hehehe.... yeah... i grabbed like 20 books from a friend that went to stanford... | 10:21 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: ok now do sudo chroot /mnt /bin/bash | 10:21 |
pingfloyd | brokepunk: there's certain things that you'll do frequently and those get remembered | 10:21 |
brokepunk | pingfloyd, they all have these handy reference pages in the front... | 10:21 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: and do sudo apt-get install --reinstall mount | 10:21 |
ierana | Hola, buenos dias | 10:22 |
brokepunk | pingfloyd, i just want to get this .gvfsthing figured out | 10:22 |
Pierreb | anyone know if its possible to install active x controls on firefox in ubuntu? | 10:22 |
chelz | Pierreb: yes with internet explorer, ietab, and wine | 10:22 |
Pierreb | meh | 10:22 |
brokepunk | pingfloyd, i can move forward on the code... I even found a workaround that makes it all still work | 10:22 |
chelz | Pierreb: | 10:22 |
ierana | i have problems with the log in xubuntu | 10:22 |
Pierreb | oh ietab going to try it | 10:22 |
brokepunk | pingfloyd, changed the id -u to 1000 for my user... get all sorts of errors in the shell but still pushes data to the html page correct | 10:23 |
damnbadluck2 | | 10:23 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: ^^ | 10:23 |
brokepunk | pingfloyd, just dont wanna move forward til I get this... ya know? | 10:23 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: aha. did you install ubuntu 9.10 fresh or did you update another install? | 10:23 |
ierana | can anyone help me? | 10:23 |
brokepunk | pingfloyd, if you load that into your bin... it will work... | 10:24 |
Oyoz | hi guys, i need it possible mozilla thurnderbird connect 2 microsoft exchange server 2003? | 10:24 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: i upgraded. my original install disk was 6.04 | 10:24 |
Oyoz | if so how can i do it?? | 10:24 |
brokepunk | ierana, whats the prob? | 10:24 |
Akmens | how to check hdd? | 10:24 |
iNightcrow | Hiya | 10:25 |
pingfloyd | ierana: just ask the question to the channel. | 10:25 |
brokepunk | Oyoz, yes... is the exchange server allowing incoming requests from http? | 10:25 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: i think it must have worked that time, i didnt see any errors, did you check the paste? | 10:25 |
ierana | when i log into xubuntu, i have to do it many times to access | 10:25 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: yeah it worked but just in case that's not the cause of the problem i want to reinstall grub | 10:25 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: ok | 10:25 |
brokepunk | ierana, access what? | 10:25 |
pingfloyd | ierana: to access what? | 10:25 |
ierana | to xubuntu | 10:25 |
brokepunk | ierana, like log in over and over again? | 10:25 |
Akmens | please | 10:25 |
Oyoz | yes | 10:25 |
iNightcrow | My boss just called me and told me to do a fresh install of ubuntu 9.04 server on one of our machines, but makes sure to encrypt it in the install. I've never done that before, please can someone guide me? | 10:25 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: well do you think you could get back into this live environment if you had to? | 10:25 |
Akmens | someone | 10:25 |
brokepunk | which version of exchange? | 10:26 |
ierana | yes, brokepunk | 10:26 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: yea, i think my other disks are just bad, thats why it took me so long to get it running before. | 10:26 |
chelz | iNightcrow: use ubuntu alternate. it has an option to do a fully-automated encrypted install | 10:26 |
pingfloyd | ierana: can you give an example? | 10:26 |
brokepunk | Oyoz, which version of exchange? | 10:26 |
Akmens | with what can i check my HDD? | 10:26 |
brokepunk | Oyoz, firewall? | 10:26 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: ah, well ok try rebooting. if it doesn't work then we'll go from there | 10:26 |
Oyoz | i have an account on the exchange but mails cant flow 2 my mozilla inbox | 10:26 |
iNightcrow | chelz: I cant do it with 9.04 server? | 10:26 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: ubuntu discs tend to be bad 75% of the time | 10:26 |
chelz | iNightcrow: nope, it's just not on that disk. | 10:26 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: ok, brb | 10:26 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: ah | 10:27 |
Oyoz | 2003 | 10:27 |
iNightcrow | Ok, thank you. | 10:27 |
Oyoz | yes | 10:27 |
brokepunk | Oyoz, does it work with ie? | 10:27 |
iNightcrow | chelz: Is it straight forward? | 10:27 |
Oyoz | wat is ie? | 10:27 |
brokepunk | Oyoz, what kind of firewall... software or hard? | 10:27 |
Oyoz | :~ | 10:27 |
Oyoz | cisco firewall | 10:28 |
brokepunk | Oyoz, trying to help... what does that mean... | 10:28 |
ierana | when i log with my credentials, never access the first time | 10:28 |
chelz | iNightcrow: look over the installation manual for the alternate disk. search for "encrypt" in it and you'll see how it's done | 10:28 |
brokepunk | Oyoz, does it work with internet explorer? | 10:28 |
Akmens | ? | 10:28 |
iNightcrow | Ok, thank you chelz | 10:28 |
ierana | and i have to do over and over again | 10:28 |
Oyoz | yes, it does | 10:28 |
iNightcrow | Last question, is it hard to do? :-) | 10:28 |
brokepunk | ierana, how many times does it take? | 10:28 |
damnbadluck | chelz: it says "error 15: file not found" in the grub | 10:29 |
=== jens is now known as Guest35279 |
ierana | 6, 7, 8 times | 10:29 |
brokepunk | ierana, have you checked /var/log to see audits of failed attempts? | 10:29 |
ierana | it depens | 10:29 |
pingfloyd | ierana: as in can't log in? | 10:29 |
brokepunk | ierana, perhaps password mistyped? | 10:29 |
ierana | ok | 10:29 |
chelz | iNightcrow: if you've installed a linux like debian before, nope. but just read the guide a few times and be aware of any issues that might come up. | 10:29 |
ierana | i check | 10:29 |
chelz | damnbadluck: aha alright | 10:29 |
pingfloyd | ierana: sounds like mistyping the password | 10:29 |
iNightcrow | Ok, thank you buddy. | 10:29 |
chelz | damnbadluck: are you back in the livecd? | 10:29 |
brokepunk | pingfloyd, are these the right questions to ask? | 10:29 |
brokepunk | pingfloyd, trying to learn sysaadmin for linus | 10:30 |
=== iNightcrow is now known as nightcrow |
chelz | damnbadluck: is that a new issue or have you had that issue before? | 10:30 |
damnbadluck | chelz: not yet, im on the windows system until it starts back up | 10:30 |
brokepunk | pingfloyd, you there? | 10:30 |
pingfloyd | brokepunk: not sure what you mean | 10:30 |
damnbadluck | chelz: ive never had this specific issue before, although i have had many, many, many ubuntu discs that have just not worked for some reason over the past few years. typically ill install ubuntu for a day or two then go back to windows, but this time im determined to switch :P | 10:31 |
indus | damnbadluck, error 15 is because grub cant find the boot partition | 10:31 |
chelz | damnbadluck: wait so you've had an ubuntu partition that you've upgraded since 6.06? | 10:31 |
Oyoz | am getting this message when i enter the password :The specified directory service attribute or value does not exit. | 10:32 |
damnbadluck | chelz: the issue this time im having is because my gvfs mount app was broken, and a guy in this chatroom named joeyjones told me to "sudo apt-get remove mount" | 10:32 |
indus | damnbadluck, no | 10:32 |
Oyoz | what does it mean? | 10:33 |
damnbadluck | chelz: what do you mean? when i installed ubuntu last week it was 6.06, and ive upgraded to 9.10 over the next few days. | 10:33 |
brokepunk | Oyoz, so you can get to the web based exchange login... and enter your credentials... then get an error? | 10:33 |
chelz | damnbadluck: ah ok. shouldn't remove stuff generally, only reinstall | 10:33 |
damnbadluck | chelz: yea well i know that now :P | 10:34 |
hydester | i have searched online and it isn't clear to me if Xen will be supported via the standard ubuntu karmic distro with building custom kernels, etc. anybody know? | 10:34 |
chelz | damnbadluck: if you can manage it, it probably would be good to do a fresh install instead of upgrading. it's just more stable. but we can fix the current setup. plz tell me when the livecd is done booting | 10:34 |
pingfloyd | damnbadluck: one common cause for failed installs is bad download (be sure to check the hash against the iso) or a bad CD burn | 10:35 |
damnbadluck | chelz: yea i figured as much, i just need to save my extensive 4chan porn collection and all my KGB info before i do a fresh install | 10:35 |
coz_ | hydester, not sure but found this | 10:35 |
pingfloyd | damnbadluck: | 10:36 |
hack22 | hola | 10:36 |
coz_ | hydester, also this | 10:36 |
brokepunk | ex | 10:36 |
Akmens | what to use for HDD check?!? | 10:36 |
chelz | damnbadluck: you can do that from a live environment, for the record. you just mount the drive and copy the stuff you want out. | 10:36 |
damnbadluck | chelz: does it matter whether i install 9.10 straight or upgrade from 6.0x? | 10:36 |
chelz | Akmens: fsck | 10:36 |
hydester | the first link looks promising. the second isn't Karmic specific | 10:36 |
hack22 | singa su mai | 10:36 |
evilsherpa | hey all, interesting scenario, i can get my olschool webcam to work in cheese, but not in skype... any ideas whatsoever? | 10:36 |
pingfloyd | damnbadluck: here's another good one to bookmark for future cd burning | 10:36 |
chelz | damnbadluck: yeah, things are different. almost always better to do a fresh install if you can. | 10:37 |
pingfloyd | damnbadluck: you're probably going to run into problems make a huge jump like that | 10:37 |
Oyoz | yes brokepunk | 10:37 |
pingfloyd | damnbadluck: the upgrades are meant for going up one version | 10:37 |
damnbadluck | pingfloyd: yea well not all at once, i went from like 6.04 to 8.04 the to 9.02, then 9.04 then 9.10 | 10:38 |
chelz | damnbadluck: that ends up accumulating a lot of legacy stuff that you don't really need | 10:38 |
=== Cheka is now known as Chekaaaa86 |
Akmens | fsck.ext2: Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/sda | 10:38 |
Akmens | Filesystem mounted or opened exclusively by another program? | 10:38 |
ardchoille | damnbadluck: You didn't simply change your sources and do apt-get dis-upgrade did you? | 10:38 |
Akmens | why this error? | 10:38 |
chelz | Akmens: do it from a livecd | 10:38 |
Oyoz | so i don't know what i can do now.i don't want 2 use microsoft outlook | 10:38 |
pingfloyd | it's also a recipe for all sorts of dependency snafus | 10:39 |
Akmens | chelz: im doing that | 10:39 |
rethus | where can i find gimp in the repos for the future ? | 10:39 |
rethus | which repos have i to add | 10:39 |
chelz | Akmens: sudo umount /dev/sdaX then | 10:39 |
rethus | and where van i get the newest now | 10:39 |
ardchoille | rethus: You mean getting the gimp from the next ubuntu release? | 10:39 |
chelz | Oyoz: try thunderbird and/or evolution | 10:39 |
damnbadluck | chelz: ok well im running to slimline dell optiplex, 745 and 755, and i have to keep swapping the cd drive, so if i can burn a 9.10 iso from the ubuntu pc that would be a lot easier than tearing both systems open again. i just need to get it working first. | 10:39 |
chelz | rethus: go to synaptic or add/remove and search for gimp | 10:39 |
Akmens | chelz: umount: /dev/sda: not mounted | 10:39 |
damnbadluck | ardchoille: nope. | 10:39 |
ezra-s | any good guide to confiure slapd in Ubuntu from scratch? | 10:39 |
rethus | chelz: now i have gimp 2.6 | 10:40 |
damnbadluck | chelz: hardy heron is running and up from disc now | 10:40 |
chelz | damnbadluck: yeah i understand. we're doing that now. i just mean doing a fresh install at your earliest convenience | 10:40 |
rethus | but crashed many times | 10:40 |
chelz | damnbadluck: alright open a terminal | 10:40 |
pingfloyd | damnbadluck: I'm not saying it is impossible, because it isn't, but there is room for more issues to have to resolve on the way | 10:40 |
damnbadluck | chelz: ok, just a sec while i log onto irc on the other system | 10:40 |
pingfloyd | damnbadluck: I've even had it where things went bad dist upgrading up to the next version. I've also had it go without a hitch as well. | 10:41 |
hydester | coz_: it looks like they say to build from source, etc. i guess then it isn't and won't be supported? | 10:42 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: ok, im here | 10:42 |
coz_ | hydester, again i am not sure let me check one more thing | 10:42 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: terminal is open | 10:42 |
coz_ | hydester, you could join the #ubuntu-server channel and inquire there :) | 10:43 |
chelz | damnbadluck: do: sudo grub | 10:43 |
hydester | coz_: i'll give it a shot. but i am guessing they'll tell me to come here ;) thanks | 10:43 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: do: sudo grub | 10:43 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: ok | 10:43 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: then root (hd0,1) | 10:43 |
ouyes | i want to use mv command to move a few directories to one directories in one time, how can i do this? | 10:43 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: then setup (hd0) | 10:44 |
coz_ | hydester, well no I dont think so since xen is designed actually for the server anyway | 10:44 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: then quit | 10:44 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: then reboot | 10:44 |
chelz | brb | 10:44 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: | 10:45 |
=== Mowee is now known as mowetteKEKETTE |
linux | jest kto? | 10:46 |
ezra-s | Any good guide to confiugre slapd in Ubuntu from scratch? | 10:46 |
ardchoille | !pl | linux | 10:46 |
ubottu | linux: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. | 10:46 |
hydester | coz_: i am asking there. what is the key difference between server and desktop besides X? | 10:47 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: did you see that? | 10:47 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: i did hmm | 10:47 |
ardchoille | hydester: the LAMP stack | 10:47 |
ardchoille | !lamp | 10:47 |
ubottu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 10:47 |
Myrtti | ardchoille: it's not installed by default... | 10:47 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: try in another terminal fdisk -l | 10:48 |
ardchoille | Myrtti: not even on the server? | 10:48 |
indus | hydester, many packages are removed from server edition too | 10:48 |
royrussell | hydester default security settings and packages | 10:48 |
Myrtti | ardchoille: nothing is installed by default that would open up ports on the machine. LAMP isn't the only reason to use -server, so why install it by default | 10:48 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: also in the grub terminal do: find /boot/grub/stage1 | 10:48 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: it doesnt show anything, just another command line. | 10:48 |
ardchoille | Myrtti: Ah, my bad. Just assumed from the name "server" | 10:49 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: grub> find /boot/grub/stage1 (hd0,0) | 10:49 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: then root (hd0,0) | 10:50 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: then setup (hd0) | 10:50 |
indus | damnbadluck now do root (hd0,0) | 10:50 |
indus | and lastly setup (hd0) | 10:50 |
indus | do not forget the space | 10:50 |
indus | yes what chelz says | 10:50 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: then quit | 10:50 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: then reboot | 10:50 |
danthemango | hello fellow ubuntu users | 10:51 |
chelz | !hi | danthemango | 10:51 |
ubottu | danthemango: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 10:51 |
mefiX | why is ubuntu not able to make screenshots of a window containing the window-decoration? | 10:51 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: ok, brb then, gonna have a quick smoke while its loading. | 10:51 |
danthemango | I haven't even tried that yet | 10:51 |
chelz | woo i bet that fixed it | 10:51 |
bajorek | czesc | 10:52 |
bajorek | czesc | 10:52 |
bajorek | elo | 10:52 |
bajorek | ejj misiu | 10:52 |
KUBUS12343 | zmienilem nick pomoze ktos | 10:52 |
danthemango | what window decoration? | 10:52 |
danthemango | panels? | 10:52 |
chelz | bajorek: #ubuntu-cz | 10:53 |
bajorek | jest ktos ? | 10:53 |
chelz | bajorek: /join #ubuntu-cz | 10:53 |
ardchoille | !pl | bajorek | 10:54 |
ubottu | bajorek: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. | 10:54 |
* meowbuntu is feeling sad cant get facebook problem sorted | 10:54 |
chelz | oh oops, thx ardchoille | 10:54 |
danthemango | what problem? | 10:54 |
ardchoille | yw | 10:54 |
meowbuntu | how can i request an un-ban from a channel on freenode | 10:55 |
m_fulder | can I send a file from a ubuntu comp to a win7 comp while in one network? | 10:55 |
meowbuntu | m_fulder, yes | 10:56 |
m_fulder | how? :) | 10:56 |
Myrtti | meowbuntu: ask the op who banned you | 10:56 |
m_fulder | banned me ? | 10:56 |
m_fulder | aha ops | 10:56 |
m_fulder | to meowbuntu sry :P | 10:56 |
ksowinski | bajorek jestes | 10:57 |
ksowinski | ?? | 10:57 |
bajorek | hej suko | 10:57 |
ksowinski | hahah xD | 10:57 |
Myrtti | !pl | 10:57 |
ubottu | Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. | 10:57 |
ksowinski | zajebiscie mailes racja | 10:57 |
HammerHead66 | chelz: I can view it's just a little choppy for some reason. but on it runs great | 10:57 |
bajorek | ja nie umuie kurwa p angielsku | 10:57 |
ksowinski | jebac angielski!!! | 10:57 |
chelz | HammerHead66: that's good | 10:57 |
m_fulder | to zmien na .pl :P | 10:57 |
KUBUS12343 | dzięki panowie za pomoc normalnie ssam szybciej dojdę co i jak | 10:57 |
ksowinski | thats inst good!~ | 10:57 |
Screamo_Smurf | Can somebody help me with internet connection sharing? | 10:57 |
qtk | kubus, a co Ci sie zjebalo ? | 10:57 |
ouyes | i can not copy files from a ntfs partition , it seems i do not have the permission( i am running xubuntu 9.10), anyone have an idea? | 10:58 |
FloodBot2 | bajorek: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:58 |
chelz | ouyes: pastebin "ls -l /media" | 10:59 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: still have that error 15 in grub | 10:59 |
meowbuntu | !samba | m_ | 11:00 |
ubottu | m_: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 11:00 |
Screamo_Smurf | anybody know anything about internet connection sharing? | 11:00 |
meowbuntu | !samba | m_fMy yes how i've been banned from channel | 11:01 |
ubottu | m_fMy yes how i've been banned from channel: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 11:01 |
michaeldobrovits | hello, can anyon help with custom modeline? | 11:01 |
meowbuntu | Myrtti, yes how i've been banned from channel | 11:01 |
Myrtti | meowbuntu: /msg chanserv access #channel list | 11:02 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: do you get any menu? | 11:02 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: i had a grub boot menu, it asked me which ubuntu kernel to load, i didnt bother trying any of them, all night long all of them have said they dont work | 11:03 |
michaeldobrovits | hello, can anyon help with custom modeline? | 11:03 |
Screamo_Smurf | :| | 11:04 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: ah well two solutions, read this and fix grub or boot to a livecd, mount the partition, backup the data you want, and do a fresh install | 11:04 |
chelz | damnbadluck2: fixing grub is contingent on getting a good output from "fdisk -l" and editing menu.lst, and just backing up data and doing a fresh install is a ton easier | 11:05 |
Screamo_Smurf | can somebody please help me? | 11:05 |
chelz | it's super late here so i gotta be off. i do hope your issue gets resolved tho. | 11:06 |
Myrtti | Screamo_Smurf: just ask the channel | 11:06 |
Screamo_Smurf | i have several times.. | 11:06 |
michaeldobrovits | hello, can anyon help with custom modeline? | 11:06 |
Myrtti | Screamo_Smurf: we don't know if we can help you if you don't ask | 11:06 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: ok, how can i backup the data with just a single HDD? i dont know if ubuntu will pick up a usb drive if i plug it in. | 11:06 |
Myrtti | !anyone | Screamo_Smurf | 11:06 |
ubottu | Screamo_Smurf: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? | 11:06 |
meowbuntu | Myrtti, ok then what here was ban message i got "You have been kicked from #facebook by ryanmerket (meowbuntu)" | 11:06 |
M3TVF | Anybody using SDR for ham radio in Ubuntu | 11:06 |
Myrtti | meowbuntu: /msg ryanmerket | 11:06 |
Screamo_Smurf | ok | 11:07 |
michaeldobrovits | damnbadluck, ubuntu will recognize u'r usb pen or hdd | 11:07 |
Screamo_Smurf | im sharing my internet connection to my xbox, but i only have internet on my xbox and not my pc | 11:07 |
Screamo_Smurf | how do i fix that? | 11:07 |
VectorX | is there a keyboard shortcut to open a terminal ? | 11:08 |
michaeldobrovits | VectorX, you can try making one with system > perferences > keyboardshortcuts | 11:09 |
michaeldobrovits | VectorX, or you can try guake | 11:09 |
=== petr_ is now known as Guest83705 |
VectorX | whats guake ? | 11:11 |
=== buff is now known as buffman |
VectorX | nm ill man it | 11:11 |
kilev | Does anyone know if ubuntu v9.10 support i3 cpu? | 11:11 |
michaeldobrovits | Kilev, what do you mean i3? | 11:11 |
Screamo_Smurf | Can somebody help me with this?: | 11:12 |
meowbuntu | Myrtti, /msg ryanmerket ryanmerket :No such nick/channel | 11:12 |
Myrtti | meowbuntu: then you're out of luck. | 11:12 |
Screamo_Smurf | meowbuntu that means hes offline. | 11:12 |
meowbuntu | Y he was there #facebok is a channel on freenode | 11:12 |
Myrtti | meowbuntu: not everyone is on IRC 24/7 | 11:12 |
kilev | Michaelbobrovits i mean latest intel cpu Core I3 its called | 11:12 |
Myrtti | meowbuntu: send a memoserv message | 11:12 |
meowbuntu | Screamo_Smurf, ok hes an op | 11:13 |
meowbuntu | Myrtti, how | 11:13 |
Myrtti | meowbuntu: be creative and find yourself out | 11:13 |
meowbuntu | Myrtti, i already know who i am thanks | 11:13 |
=== Guest40074 is now known as Freeaqingme |
=== l is now known as Guest89194 |
Guest89194 | hi everyone | 11:14 |
Screamo_Smurf | hello | 11:14 |
kilev | :) | 11:14 |
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam |
kilev | Anyone installed Ubuntu on latest i3 intel CPU ? | 11:15 |
Mateo_ | hello | 11:15 |
acsia | hello | 11:15 |
acsia | I am trying to upgrade from gutsy to hardy and I get a couple of 404 as the upgrade tries to hit against | 11:15 |
DJ_HaMsTa | would i be able to do a raid in ubuntu without the need of extra drivers ? | 11:16 |
acsia | any ideas? | 11:16 |
Quan-Time | having problems mounting an iso. tried furius ISO mount, and gmount... to no avail.. ideas ? its a .iso file (dvd size) | 11:16 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: how do i move files when permission is denied? | 11:16 |
acsia | it seems that it tries to grab the subdomain from sources.list but that is for obsolete releases | 11:16 |
michaeldobrovits | Kilev, the only diffrence between i3 and i7 is that i3 is dual core and doesn't have intel turbo boost | 11:17 |
Mateo_ | i have a problem with wubi and the last ubuntu... my computer has shutted down, and on reboot, i have a GRUB4DOS ... menuend: 0x.... just after selecting ubuntu in grub | 11:17 |
kilev | yes i'm not after difference so do you know if i7 works with latest ubuntu if it does then probably i3 will work too | 11:17 |
sebsebseb | acsia: yeah stuff like that, repos becoming bad when releases are no longer supported, and then making trying to upgrade to a supported release an issue | 11:18 |
anubhav | how i can configure the order of nameservers in resolv.conf | 11:18 |
michaeldobrovits | kilev, | 11:19 |
kilev | i3 or i5 i7 if any of those supported i'd get that laptop tomorrow | 11:19 |
damnbadluck2 | chelz: are you still around? | 11:19 |
sebsebseb | Mateo_: Wubi can mess up on people sometimes. Can you boot Windows still? | 11:19 |
meowbuntu | acsia, wow such old ubuntu versions. we are up to 9.10 now. upgrades are not guaranteed ot be safe. may loose data. its recomended to frll install if possable. | 11:19 |
meowbuntu | !upgrade | 11:19 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at - see also | 11:19 |
michaeldobrovits | kilev, it is well supported | 11:19 |
anubhav | I have changed the "interface-order" but does not seem to work | 11:19 |
acsia | hum | 11:20 |
Prajwal | any one here can help me creating a repository for a distro ? | 11:20 |
Mateo_ | sebsebseb: yep, seven works (i'm on it actually) | 11:20 |
acsia | ok | 11:20 |
kilev | michaeldobrovits Really? are u sure | 11:20 |
kilev | checking upgrade page too | 11:20 |
meowbuntu | * frill install = full install | 11:20 |
sebsebseb | Mateo_: Ok do you have any data in the Wubi install that you want? | 11:20 |
acsia | maybe I should do a clean install | 11:20 |
acsia | cheers | 11:20 |
Prajwal | meowbuntu can you provide me some solutions to create a repository for a distro | 11:20 |
damnbadluck2 | im trying to copy files from my HDD to my external drive from a live disc version of ubuntu cause my main drive is messed up, but i cant move them cause i dont have permission, can someone help? | 11:20 |
meowbuntu | Prajwal, no i cant dont know what that is | 11:21 |
michaeldobrovits | kilev, | 11:21 |
sebsebseb | Mateo_: Did wubi even boot up properly ever? | 11:21 |
meowbuntu | damnbadluck2, yes | 11:22 |
Screamo_Smurf | damnbadluck try opening the file broswers as sudo | 11:22 |
Prajwal | any one here experienced in distro building | 11:22 |
Screamo_Smurf | damnbadluck2* | 11:22 |
root51 | hello | 11:22 |
Mateo_ | sebsebseb: i have some VERY important in fact | 11:22 |
meowbuntu | damnbadluck2, sudo nautilus | 11:22 |
damnbadluck2 | meowbuntu: ok | 11:22 |
kilev | michaeldobrovits I'm checking url now. | 11:22 |
root51 | where i can find xplash themes for karmic ubuntu 9.10 | 11:22 |
buffman | does debian have a software package for "scrobling" MTP devices? | 11:23 |
indus | meowbuntu, gksu nautilus | 11:23 |
sebsebseb | Mateo_: oh dear hrm, there is a way to access a Wubi, that won't boot up I mean just for the data, but not sure how to do that | 11:23 |
root51 | vista look alike | 11:23 |
meowbuntu | damnbadluck2, that will give you the file browser nautlius as root. | 11:23 |
Prajwal | root51 you can add your own xsplash images :) | 11:23 |
meowbuntu | indus, eighter will work | 11:23 |
sebsebseb | Mateo_: anyway what I was going to suggest is to just do a normal dual boot, but first you want to get hold of that data I guess | 11:23 |
drlaj | perhaps this is a silly question... is there a naming convention for folders: should I use lowercase or uppercase letters for my own folders? | 11:23 |
Mateo_ | sebsebseb: for the wubi boot, i can choose between seven and ubuntu so i supose that it boot properly no ? | 11:23 |
Prajwal | manually replacing the current xsplash folder | 11:23 |
root51 | how to activate my xplash | 11:23 |
indus | meowbuntu, there is a reason why gksu should be used for gui apps | 11:23 |
root51 | for karmic ubuntu | 11:23 |
sebsebseb | Mateo_: I thought your problem was that it woudn't boot? | 11:24 |
damnbadluck2 | meowbuntu: permission is still denied. | 11:24 |
root51 | im using 9.10 | 11:24 |
indus | meowbuntu, it can mess up permissions if used with sudo | 11:24 |
meowbuntu | indus, i use sudo just fine from live cd ubuntu to do same other day | 11:24 |
indus | !gksu | 11:24 |
ubottu | If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See to know why) | 11:24 |
michaeldobrovits | kilev, the only kernel demand is smp, and it's there already | 11:24 |
Mateo_ | sebsebseb: it's not working when i choose ubuntu | 11:24 |
Prajwal | root51 you will find a folder xsplash replace the images and logos there | 11:24 |
sebsebseb | Mateo_: ok and in Ubuntu you have some important data? | 11:24 |
Prajwal | i dont remember the path exactly | 11:24 |
meowbuntu | ok damnbadluck2 use gksu nautilus then | 11:24 |
sebsebseb | Mateo_: that is not backed up some where else as well? | 11:24 |
Mateo_ | i do sebsebseb | 11:24 |
damnbadluck2 | meowbuntu: permission still denied | 11:25 |
sebsebseb | Mateo_: ok well it is possible to get hold of it, without booting Ubuntu from Wubi, however I do not know the details for that. Once you have the data, I suggest just doing a porper partitioned dual boot. So first you should re size Windows 7 using Windows 7 if it's like Vista, or data loss might happen. Then it's just set up a dual boot like normal. | 11:25 |
Myrtti | Maja___: do you have Ubuntu support question? | 11:26 |
sebsebseb | !dualboot > Mateo_ | 11:26 |
ubottu | Mateo_, please see my private message | 11:26 |
Prajwal | damnbadluck sudo ? | 11:26 |
kilev | michaeldobrovits. Yeah looks like it does support cool thanks for that. | 11:26 |
root51 | just replace the folder of my xplash | 11:26 |
michaeldobrovits | kilev, the only kernel demand is smp, and it's there already | 11:26 |
Maja___ | some bi or less girl there? Call me | 11:26 |
Mateo_ | ok i will take a look sebsebseb thanks ... | 11:26 |
Mateo_ | need to eat, brb | 11:26 |
Prajwal | yes root51 and its done get the images of similar sizes and its done :) | 11:26 |
root51 | in order activate my new downloaded themes for xplah | 11:26 |
root51 | k | 11:26 |
michaeldobrovits | kilev, symmetrical multi proccessing | 11:26 |
michaeldobrovits | kilev, | 11:27 |
Prajwal | so one here to help me making a repository for a distro ? | 11:27 |
rumpsy | Prajwal: ? | 11:28 |
ksbalaji | I had ff 3.5.0 stable version. Enthused by its stability, I ventured to install 3.6.2pre.. I did this after I included lines deb-src and deb - main in my ubuntu hardy repo. Later, I discovered that I could neither cope up with bugs nor be useful in making tests since already 3.6.0 stable version is out. Now I want to revert to the... | 11:28 |
ksbalaji | ...stable ver. 3.6.0 or 3.7.0. I tried uninstalling/reinstalling without efffect. I am installing only 3.6.2! HELP! | 11:28 |
kilev | michaelbobrovits, Checking... | 11:28 |
damnbadluck2 | meowbuntu: ? | 11:28 |
meowbuntu | damnbadluck2, both windows, one where the file is and the one for usb have to be gksu nautlus | 11:28 |
damnbadluck2 | me |