[01:59] hi [02:00] it seems ubuntu has selected the digital inputs and outputs of my soundcard (maudio delta audiophile 24/96) and i don't see the "normal" IO in the sound preferences [02:07] hmm... [02:08] i have an m-audio firewire audiophile [02:09] apart from the fact that it only has experimental support in jack [02:10] i used to use ubuntu [02:10] but i haven't used for a while [02:10] i'm looking at alsamixer [02:10] and i see a bunch of things i never seen [02:11] i can't even get mine to work [02:11] with alsa, that is [02:12] hmm it used to work with my previous computer [02:12] i'm a bit lost here [02:15] don't worry, with ubuntu 9.10 we're all a bit lost [02:15] it wasnt a very good release [02:16] o_O [02:16] it's probably the most broken release i've seen yet [02:16] ouch, really? [02:17] i've had all manner of things stop working when both upgrading from 9.04, and when fresh installing [02:17] funny, because 9.10 was really overhyped too [02:25] ok [02:25] this a my computer nightmare, a computer with no sound at all :( [02:26] there isn't a french ubuntustudio channel? [14:25] Hello, do I have any install options for ubuntu studio on an old computer w/o a DVD player? === edogawa_ is now known as edogawa [20:14] hey [20:14] i need help with mumble [20:14] i want to use stereo mix as input instead of mic [20:15] how can i do that? [20:15] so you want to route stereo mix to mumble? [20:16] jip, fora telephone conference [20:17] sorry, ive never done that [20:17] what is "stereo mix"? [20:17] hehe, i'm a windows guy [20:18] its the "what you hear"-thingy [20:18] output -> input [20:21] Andre_Re, ok so you dont want to use the mic as input, what application do you want to use as input? [20:21] or maybe you mean you want to route the output to something else? [20:22] i mean that i want to use the output as input [20:25] you can use jack for that, you can fire up jack Control, then start your applications, then do the connections, let me see if I can find a tutorial where you can route the mic to an application using jack [20:26] ni, not the mic [20:26] i want too use a softphone as input [20:28] what application youre trying to route the softphone to? [20:29] k, i try to discribe it again [20:29] there's a telephone conference via the softphone [20:29] i want to take that audio and route it into mumble [20:30] so mumble should record the output of the softphone [20:30] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftPhone [20:31] Andre_Re, your best bet are the forums or try again #ubuntu and hope you bump into someone who has had your same problem [20:31] ok [22:22] hey there [22:23] i've got a strange problem here. everytime there is harddisk activity i get hickups in sound and UI updates. does that sound "familiar" to anybody here?