seg|ars | jcastro: yo | 00:04 |
jcastro | mpt: ping | 00:05 |
jcastro | mpt: seg|ars can help in our quest for help | 00:05 |
mpt | jcastro, our quest for add-on awesomeness? | 00:05 |
mpt | or our quest for something else? | 00:05 |
jcastro | yes, add ons | 00:06 |
seg|ars | if you are looking for people to help with software center stuff, I can write a post on Ars to draw some attention to it | 00:06 |
mpt | seg|ars, that would be brilliant. I'll be posting a list of "101 ways you can help" soon, which you could use as a source. | 00:28 |
seg|ars | yeah, that would work well | 00:28 |
seg|ars | I'm usually idling here. You or jcastro can ping me when that is live and then I'll write it up | 00:28 |
mpt | ok, thanks | 00:41 |
jono | kenvandine, did you break my indicator-applet? | 01:27 |
jono | :) | 01:27 |
Nafai | I'm not seeing this in the design docs, is there a problem with having sub-menus with app-indicators? | 03:44 |
Nafai | Looking at future things I'm going to be working on, for example, gnome-bluetooth, and there a submenus for each device you have connected | 03:45 |
Nafai | good morning | 14:13 |
manish | vish, eog patch has been really applied? | 17:07 |
vish | manish: yeah... check upstream comments | 17:07 |
manish | vish, couldn't believe as I as skeptical that they would ever accept it | 17:08 |
vish | manish: heh , there are other open bugs ;) | 17:09 |
manish | vish, where? | 17:09 |
vish | manish: hmm , i meant other papercuts | 17:09 |
manish | yeah. I have been very busy in apt-offline-qt project as of now. So had to stop for a while | 17:10 |
jono | hey Nafai | 17:10 |
jono | how are things today? | 17:11 |
manish | vish, I have total 3 open project on my side. Would look at papercuts sometime | 17:11 |
vish | manish: np.. | 17:11 |
manish | vish, it could be useful if you gimme a list of easy papercuts so that I can fix them | 17:12 |
manish | since searching them takes a lot of time | 17:12 |
vish | manish: the milestoned ones are mostly easy ones> , milestone 10 are still in need of attention | 17:13 |
manish | vish, just for information. What % of papercuts have been fixed? | 17:13 |
vish | manish: i havent counted, but you can see the status in that link^ | 17:14 |
manish | vish, I had submitted this patch ( ) long back, can you have a look at it and send it upstream | 17:25 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 495127 in indicator-session (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Shutdown/restart dialogs make it unclear whether people should wait (affects: 6)" [Medium,Triaged] | 17:25 |
vish | manish: didnt tedg ask you modify it? he _is_ upstream for that ;) | 17:26 |
manish | vish, Oops! Oops! it slipped out of my mind :) | 17:27 |
jono | Nafai, sorry, back now | 17:27 |
Nafai | jono, Pretty good, just a little sleepy hoping I'm not coming down with anything :) | 17:27 |
Nafai | me too | 17:27 |
jono | ahhh cool :) | 17:27 |
jono | get plenty of vitimins | 17:28 |
jono | so how is Brasero? | 17:28 |
Nafai | pretty good, getting using to GObject code | 17:28 |
jono | Nafai, how complete would you say it is? | 17:30 |
Nafai | Around 30% or so, probably. Once I get the proper GObject code in place, using app indicators seems to be pretty straight forward for this case | 17:30 |
Nafai | jono: the positive thing is that I've glanced at the code for the new few projects and the resemble either g-c-c or brasero is how they work, so the translation will be easier :) | 17:33 |
jono | Nafai, great stuff | 17:34 |
jono | Nafai, would be awesome if you could have Brasero done today | 17:35 |
Nafai | I'll see what I can do :) | 17:35 |
jono | and next week tedg can spend some time fixing the API to resolve the issues you found in the current patches | 17:35 |
jono | Nafai, thanks, pal, I appreciate all your efforts | 17:35 |
jono | Nafai, looking forward to buying you a pint sometime :) | 17:35 |
Nafai | jono, sweet :) | 17:44 |
Nafai | uh...maybe I shouldn't have done that update this morning :( | 17:51 |
Nafai | for some reason I can't get stuff to show up in the indicator applet | 17:51 |
Nafai | jono: When I am patching these files or creating new ones, what is appropriate to do with the copyright/license stuff? Should I add a copyright line with 2010 and Canonical? | 17:57 |
jono | Nafai, yes | 17:57 |
Nafai | thanks | 17:58 |
Nafai | On brokenness, did I see you mention something last night about the applet not working? | 17:58 |
jono | Nafai, yeah, we have brokenness in Lucid right now re. this | 18:00 |
jono | kenvandine and tedg are on it | 18:00 |
jono | brb, call | 18:00 |
Nafai | ok | 18:01 |
Nafai | mpt: quick question | 18:24 |
mpt | go ahead | 18:24 |
Nafai | just making sure, I didn't see anything specifically in the design docs...are sub-menus a problem for app indicator things? | 18:25 |
Nafai | I've glanced at some of my upcoming programs, and one is gnome-bluetooth and it uses submenus for each of the devices you have paired | 18:25 |
jcastro | Nafai: how's it going today? | 19:51 |
jcastro | Nafai: ted won't be able to look at your thing today | 19:52 |
jcastro | Nafai: so I guess keep going! | 19:52 |
Nafai | jcastro: not bad. Not as great as yesterday, but at least I'm finally fully awake now ;) | 19:57 |
Nafai | I'll be sure to let anyone know if there are blocks with brasero | 19:58 |
Nafai | is there anyone in particular that might be helpful if I have gobject questions? | 19:58 |
Nafai | I don't have any right now, but I might :) | 20:00 |
jcastro | kenvandine: ^^^ ? | 20:05 |
jcastro | Nafai: ken will know who! | 20:05 |
Nafai | sweet thanks | 20:06 |
Nafai | stepping out for a few minutes to get the mail and possibly go to the bank. | 20:28 |
Nafai | ok, back | 20:36 |
rickspencer3 | kwwii, hiya | 23:52 |
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