
=== mhall119 is now known as zerocool
=== zerocool is now known as mhall119
=== Ahmuck-Sr is now known as Ahmuck
=== nixternal is now known as Guest10887
=== Guest10887 is now known as nixternal
sbalneavMorning all15:48
damianos_I saw that italc is listed as an included package in the latest edubuntu 9.10 dvd. Is the italc client automatically added to the thin client image too?16:21
DamianosHi everyone16:52
DamianosI have just a general question... I see italc is an included package in the DVD. Is the client auto installed on the thin client image when installing edubuntu with ltsp?16:54
sbalneavDamianos: Not sure, off the top of my head.17:01
DamianosI guess I will just have to install and see. Is italc recommended for school lab management?17:10
sbalneavDamianos: Yes, it's the default lab management app.17:15
DamianosGreat! Thank you. I'm looking forward to the installation17:16
sbalneavHoley mackeral20:46
sbalneavSo, as a *completely* arbitrary measurement:20:46
sbalneavBoot thin client20:46
sbalneavlog in20:46
sbalneavlet settle for 2 minutes20:46
sbalneavcheck free ram on thin client20:47
sbalneavlaunch firefox20:47
sbalneavbrowse to planet.gnome.org20:47
sbalneavcheck free ram again20:47
sbalneav843860 - 830412 = 13448 or 13 megs ram used on thin client with firefox20:48
sbalneavdo same procedure, but launch epiphany:20:48
sbalneav843888 - 843724 = 164 K of ram.20:49
sbalneavI suspect there'll be some convergence with sustained browsing, but holey mackeral.20:50
alkisgI think firefox, Qt and openoffice use the local ram for pixmaps... gtk apps don't20:54
alkisg(neither webkit if I remember well)20:54
alkisgI had a problem with my nvidia drivers last week, every time I suspended/resumed my laptop, all pixmaps were corrupted20:55
alkisgSo I could visually see which program used pixmaps for which areas of its window :)20:55
alkisgI wonder if there's an X setting to disable pixmaps completely20:56
alkisgAh, I even got a screenshot of corrupted cached pixmaps: http://imagebin.org/8355521:00
sbalneavWell, all pixmap cacheing is is just asking the X server to allocate you some ram, then you use the ram to save your pixmaps21:06
sbalneavthere's no "cache pixmap" primitive in X21:07
sbalneavIt'd be like asking to turn off malloc() :)21:07
sbalneavOne supposes you could do it, but your system wouldn't boot very fast :)21:07
sbalneavi.e. not at all :)21:08
sbalneavActually, what you're doing is simply allocating more pixmaps that you're actually displaying within the graphcal viewport21:11
sbalneavAnyone know of a place where I can get the H264 codec?21:11
sbalneavWonder if that place that does professional gstreamer development has 'em21:12
sbalneavah, yeah21:14
sbalneavthey've got an h.264 codec21:14

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