Benkinooby | Chr1z: Kicker -> System Settings -> Advanced -> Service Manager ? | 00:05 |
=== fmagno is now known as bombel | ||
Allen | Hey guys i have a little question.. i currently have ubuntu running on vmware... is there a way to on login login to kubunutu (KDE) instead of (gnome) | 00:41 |
Allen | like is there some particiular option i have to enable or some patch i have to install? | 00:41 |
Rav3nSw0rd | Is there a way for me to disable kdm from autostarting every reboot? I'd like to log in from a tty session and if I want to use the gui, start it manually. | 00:45 |
jtholmes | tried everything but broadcom b43 wireless pcmcia card just wont get a dhcp address, scanning etc all works but no dhcp address any ideas | 00:47 |
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xps | hey. i'm trying to install a downloaded .deb file but it refuses to install because it is a i386 program and i am running the amd64 version of 9.10. I thought the 64bit could still run 32bit code...? | 00:51 |
=== Rav3nSw0rd is now known as Nev3rM0re | ||
wardred_ | you'd have to remove it from the default run level Rav3n | 00:59 |
wardred_ | For Ubuntu I'd have to google the command to do that as it's not something I do often. | 00:59 |
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Bsims | fullscreen isn't working for me on Ubuntu Karmic any ideas? | 01:08 |
=== Nev3rM0re is now known as Rav3nSw0rd | ||
Rav3nSw0rd | wardred_: I've seen the way to remove gdm from ubuntu, but removing it the same way from kubuntu doesnt work, I've already removed kdm and x11 services, but kdm still starts, lol, it's really quite persistant | 01:12 |
wardred_ | Hrm... | 01:15 |
avihay_ | Allen: you have to install KDE, and before you next login, select the KDE session from the sessions list | 01:21 |
yo | Pardus 2009.1 review | 01:22 |
zoot365 | Hi, I'm using karmic. it won't read my ntfs drive. | 01:36 |
zoot365 | ubotu | 01:38 |
zoot365 | oops... | 01:38 |
=== Rav3nSw0rd is now known as Nev3rM0re | ||
deusr | hi | 01:47 |
deusr | someone help me? | 01:47 |
deusr | | 01:47 |
deusr | the kmix does not appear on the computer of my aunt is gone, do not know how, because she lives in another city and do not know what he did, ms does not appear | 01:49 |
deusr | hello | 01:54 |
Bsims | howdy | 01:54 |
deusr | kmix no open in systray | 01:55 |
deusr | | 01:55 |
deusr | Bsims, the kmix does not appear on the computer of my aunt is gone, do not know how, because she lives in another city and do not know what he did, ms does not appear | 01:55 |
=== Nev3rM0re is now known as Rav3nSw0rd | ||
gojann-buntu | holas | 01:56 |
Bsims | kmix is replaced with pulseaudio volume | 01:57 |
yesitisjustme | my baud rate says 9600 if i try to higher the baud rate can i damage the modem? | 01:57 |
gojann-buntu | no speek spanish? | 01:57 |
kaddi_ | !es | 01:58 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 01:58 |
gojann-buntu | tanks!!! | 01:58 |
naderman | hey everyone, when I try to connect to a network knetworkmanager just doesn't do anything at all, anyone have any idea why? | 01:59 |
naderman | I fill in the dialogue with security settings etc. then click ok and nothing happens | 01:59 |
naderman | the network I added also doesn't show up in the list of wireless networks in the management view | 01:59 |
deusr | ?? | 02:00 |
deusr | :/ | 02:00 |
naderman | syslogd says: | 02:01 |
naderman | Feb 5 02:50:46 Chaumont NetworkManager: <info> (wlan0): device state change: 2 -> 3 (reason 0) | 02:01 |
naderman | Feb 5 02:50:46 Chaumont NetworkManager: <info> Unmanaged Device found; state CONNECTED forced. (see | 02:01 |
naderman | Feb 5 02:50:46 Chaumont kernel: [533097.924373] ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready | 02:01 |
naderman | Feb 5 02:50:46 Chaumont NetworkManager: <info> (wlan0): supplicant interface state: starting -> ready | 02:01 |
FloodBotK3 | naderman: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 02:01 |
deusr | help me ?? | 02:01 |
deusr | | 02:01 |
jc0694 | how do you change the master volume? | 02:17 |
jc0694 | nevermind | 02:19 |
yesitisjustme | anyone know wich baud rate i should put? | 02:19 |
genii | yesitisjustme: Weren't you here hours ago wondering if 9600 baud was some good setting for a Sprint wireless connection? | 02:24 |
yesitisjustme | ya but i still haven't gotten a answer on wich baud rate i choose type in | 02:25 |
yesitisjustme | choose= should | 02:25 |
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genii | yesitisjustme: The thing is, a wifi connection shouldn't even have any kind of baud setting to begin with | 02:26 |
yesitisjustme | is a sprint usb wireless | 02:26 |
yesitisjustme | oh | 02:26 |
naderman | solved my problem ... ~/.kde/share/config/networkmanagementrc file was owned by root, it'd be great if you actually got an error message about that or could find that in a log anywhere rather than just silent failure without any explanation :/ | 02:27 |
kaddi_ | happy to hear you solved your problem naderman :) And thanks for posting the solution here. :) | 02:28 |
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=== [BT]Brendan is now known as [BNC]Brendan | ||
hippo | Hi everyone. | 02:30 |
hippo | Can somebody tell me how to disable away messages in Quassel? They don't seem to be enable though. | 02:30 |
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naderman | hmm ok but apparently name resolution still doesn't work :( anyone have an idea if that could be a permissions issue too? | 02:35 |
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Tabmow | jimmy51_: should still work... | 03:23 |
Tabmow | eek | 03:23 |
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=== aperson is now known as AERSON | ||
Angelux | who installer urban terror ? | 04:11 |
Wolfcastle_ | hello | 04:11 |
genii | !hi | 04:12 |
ubottu | Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 04:12 |
Angelux | ¡es | 04:12 |
Angelux | !es | 04:12 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 04:12 |
Draggor | Hey all, been using kubuntu 9.10 for a little bit now, and my batter life compared to 9.04 is pretty terrible. I've used powertop and all the same configuration guides, but I'm getting 1-2 hours less than the 9.04 install. No compositing, most things minimal, etc. Any suggestions? | 04:14 |
genii | !info laptop-mode-tools | 04:16 |
ubottu | laptop-mode-tools (source: laptop-mode-tools): Scripts to spin down hard drive and save power. In component main, is optional. Version 1.47-1ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 105 kB, installed size 504 kB | 04:16 |
Wolfcastle_ | Angelux: I have installed urban terror | 04:17 |
Wolfcastle_ | why? | 04:17 |
hagabaka | when I reboot my computer, it doesn't automatically get a DNS. I have to use /etc/init.d/networking restart before it can resolve any hostname. any idea why? | 04:18 |
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scunizi | hagabaka: did you set a static ip? or is it still set on Auto eth0 (or wireless no matter) | 04:55 |
soer | Hello! | 04:55 |
soer | What is it! | 04:56 |
scunizi | soer: do you mean "What it is!"? | 04:56 |
genii | !hi | soer | 04:56 |
ubottu | soer: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 04:56 |
hagabaka | scunizi: I have auto eth0, using dhcp3-client | 05:03 |
scunizi | hagabaka: strange problem.. sorry I don't know the answer.. | 05:07 |
Daughain | hagabaka: Your router has dhcp enabled? | 05:08 |
Daughain | Sorry of covering ground already discussed. | 05:08 |
scunizi | Daughain: nope.. continue on | 05:09 |
Daughain | scunizi: Not sure I can be of much help, just figgered I would ask, though. | 05:10 |
scunizi | Daughain: sure.. these things can be funky.. I've tried to set a static IP and although it works it doesn't stick through a reboot.. the "auto eth0" always takes precidence and there doesn't seem to be a way to turn it off. | 05:11 |
Daughain | My issue has usualy been with wlan0, but....=) | 05:12 |
Daughain | I;ve also noticed that, with the wrong change, my system will lose auto-eth0 and auto-wlan0, then about three reboots later, it starts working again....??? | 05:12 |
* Daughain shrugs. | 05:13 | |
scunizi | Daughain: I think the network manager appelate is a bit out of wack.. possibly it's not even that but something else in the underlying system.. just not sure. | 05:14 |
gudvin | О_о | 05:14 |
gudvin | русские есть? | 05:14 |
gudvin | бля | 05:15 |
Daughain | scunizi: No clue. It usually happens when I manage to do something stupid and lose a desktop. =) | 05:15 |
Daughain | scunizi: Right after re-install of environ it happens for about three reboots, then, everything is great again.SO I try not to lose KDE too often. =) | 05:15 |
gudvin | I need an advice.Do you know some client like qip for kubuntu? | 05:16 |
scunizi | Daughain: what's environ? | 05:16 |
Daughain | desktop environment.....KDE/Gnome/fluxbox/etc. | 05:17 |
Daughain | I;ve managed to lose KDE about thre times so far. =) | 05:17 |
scunizi | Daughain: ah.. it was the abbrivation that got me... | 05:18 |
Daughain | scunizi: NP. | 05:19 |
scunizi | Daughain: how have you "lost" KDE? bombed? switched? | 05:19 |
Daughain | scunizi: Twice I managed to delete a dependency while trying to remove apps....konq was one, and I forget what the other was. I forget what I did the third time. | 05:21 |
scunizi | Daughain: nothing like breaking your system to learn how to fix it ;-) | 05:22 |
Daughain | HOw else ya leaern how to fix it?? =) | 05:22 |
Daughain | scunizi: If I dont break it, I dont learn how to use it either. =) | 05:23 |
Daughain | I just wish I could remove konq w/o crashing kde. | 05:23 |
scunizi | Daughain: very true.. for me .. it's a production machine I use for work.. so I don't mess with it too much.. I do that in a VM with vbox.. | 05:23 |
* Daughain chuckles.. | 05:23 | |
* scunizi likes to reduce the pain as much as possible. | 05:24 | |
Daughain | scunizi: I;ve been debating about a VM. Trying to decide if I really need one, or if wine will work. | 05:24 |
Daughain | Though, wine doesnt seem to want to install on this system. | 05:24 |
scunizi | Daughain: vbox is great. even if you're running kubuntu in kubuntu.. but I happen to need IE for some work sites so I run an old copy of win2kPro, crunchbang and kubuntu | 05:25 |
scunizi | in there as well. | 05:25 |
Daughain | scunizi: Whats crunchbang? | 05:25 |
Daughain | scunizi: I need XP for my BB apps and a couple of other minor things. | 05:25 |
scunizi | Daughain: it's the secret enemy of heavy WM's.. they have their own site and it's based on ubuntu.. check it out. | 05:26 |
Daughain | scunizi: Umm...Whats a WM? | 05:26 |
scunizi | Daughain: windows manager.. ie environment | 05:27 |
Daughain | Ah,ok. | 05:27 |
Daughain | I tinker with it next relese......Jaiunty doesnt like my laptop. =) | 05:28 |
Daughain | I need to make a list....Now waiting for two different ubuntu variants. | 05:29 |
scunizi | Daughain: I'm running 8.04 ubuntu on my laptop.. | 05:29 |
Daughain | scunizi: I had 9.04 on mine, but it took me almost two weeks to get everything configured.......I have a gateway. | 05:30 |
scunizi | Daughain: dell vostro here.. with the right vid card and wireles.. never an issue with either | 05:30 |
Daughain | 9.10 ran fine OOB, so. | 05:30 |
Daughain | I have one of those HD sound/vid cards on this one, which caused me most of the grief. | 05:31 |
Daughain | And, before Karmic, my sound never was quite right, either. | 05:31 |
scunizi | Daughain: I have that on my desktop.. home built. xfx motherboard that needs pci=nomsi on the kernel line to boot.. weird | 05:32 |
Daughain | nomsi? | 05:32 |
scunizi | Daughain: yea.. it turns something off that is conflicting in the pci buss.. | 05:32 |
scunizi | rally a bios issue.. but it took almost a week of googling to find the answer. | 05:33 |
Daughain | 9.10 came out two weeks after I installed 9.04, so I just went ahead and upgraded....And, we all know how well that goes, so, just did a fresh karmic install and been happy ever since. =) | 05:33 |
Daughain | Ah.. | 05:33 |
scunizi | Daughain: upgrades have been netoriously horrible for me. | 05:33 |
Daughain | I have yet to see someone who has had an easy and god upgrade. | 05:33 |
Daughain | At least on 9.10. | 05:34 |
scunizi | Daughain: I've been doing this since 5.04.. It's like watching your kids grow up .. time just flys | 05:34 |
Daughain | scunizi: Current plan is; waiting for the 10.04 release of LinuxMCE for the desktop. | 05:34 |
* Daughain chuckles.. | 05:35 | |
Daughain | scunizi: I;ve been sharing a system with the old lady for so long I just got the chance to start exploring it. If the system is down for a week while I try and figure out why the linux install crashed, she not gonna be happy, y'know? | 05:36 |
scunizi | Daughain: ah yes.. I know it well.. my wife is still on XP.. but she needs it for work (at home). She doesn't like learning new "computer" things.. | 05:37 |
Daughain | scunizi: Ya, once I got comfortable with ubuntu, her desktop got it, and she bitched for a week, and has been happy ever since. =) | 05:38 |
scunizi | Daughain: If I upgraded her to win7 and office (latest) she'd be lost.. I hate the "ribbon" thing MS did to office. | 05:38 |
Daughain | scunizi: I dont use office, but, I cant stand 7. Got a netbook with the starter package on it, and it crashes almost daily. | 05:38 |
scunizi | Daughain: starter is like xp with a makeover.. | 05:39 |
Daughain | scunizi: I left win7 on it because girl took it with her to visit family for a while, and, w/o me there to get linux setup, she will never manage to get online, so... | 05:39 |
Daughain | scunizi: Well, the way they advertise it, it sounds like a limited version, which is fine, but, if the limited version cant stay up for 24 hrs w/o crashing, why would I spend money for a more 'advanced' version that has more ways to crap out? =) | 05:40 |
scunizi | Daughain: yep | 05:40 |
Daughain | Its getting UNR when she gets back. | 05:41 |
scunizi | Daughain: why bother.. just put ubuntu on it if it's got enough horsepower | 05:41 |
MHz128 | How do I change the keybind for krunner, or "alt-F2" ? | 05:42 |
Daughain | scunizi: I wanna try it. :P | 05:42 |
scunizi | Daughain: do you have kde up to find the shortcut key assignment section for MHz128 ? .. MHz128 if you change the alt-F2 assignment to krunner then you should reassign another key combination for what currently pops up with that combo. | 05:44 |
Daughain | I have kde up, but no clue what he is even asking. | 05:44 |
MHz128 | scunizi, ok, where is the short key assignment located? | 05:44 |
Daughain | This is only my third month on linux. | 05:45 |
Daughain | scunizi: You in kubuntu-offtopic? | 05:45 |
scunizi | Daughain: nope.. I gotta sign off.. got some stuff to do. Cya | 05:48 |
scunizi | MHz128: maybe Daughain can help | 05:48 |
Daughain | scunizi: Peace. | 05:48 |
Daughain | MHz128: I;d love to help, but I have no clue. | 05:49 |
MHz128 | me neither! haha | 05:49 |
=== aperson is now known as APERSON | ||
Planetary_ | I just installed a 64bit version of 9.10. if i select the firefox installer to installed ff will it install a 64bit version of ff? I let konqueror install libraries that it recommended, it works too i just watched a 1080p Youtube video. How can I tell if i have the 64bit flash installed? where can I get it if i need to? thanks | 06:08 |
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Daughain | 64bit flash you need to dl from thier site, no repo for it yet. | 06:14 |
Daughain | Still in beta as I recall. | 06:14 |
Planetary_ | ok, is it worth it? is 32 ok. | 06:15 |
Daughain | And, I dont bother with the installer thing, I delete it, but, from term ff installs whichever is compatible with your OS, so, yes, it will install 4bit. | 06:15 |
Daughain | 64bit, even. | 06:15 |
Daughain | I dunno, I havent instaled it. | 06:15 |
Daughain | Too many other things in the planning to worry about 64bit flash. =) | 06:17 |
Planetary_ | ok. I just want to make sure. My 64 laptop has issues with flash. flash goes grey, restarting FF restores it. I tried researching it and it seemed like i had 32bit FF with 64bit flash or something idk | 06:18 |
Planetary_ | what do you mean 'in the planning'? 10.04? | 06:19 |
Daughain | No, Gonna try :inuxMCE on the desktop withint the next two weeks, still tinkering with this lappy, etc... | 06:22 |
Daughain | linuxMCE, even. | 06:22 |
Planetary_ | ah, | 06:23 |
Daughain | Waiting on lucid for this system, hoestly. | 06:25 |
Planetary_ | ah so i just built this computer and it turned off on me 3 times already, no warning. I go to click on somthing and bam. do you think thats a power supply thing? | 06:26 |
Planetary_ | whats lucid? | 06:26 |
maco | Planetary_: that or you forgot the thermal compound and its overheating | 06:26 |
maco | ucid is the current development version of ubuntu, due to be released in april | 06:27 |
Planetary_ | hmm well, I never forget to, however I did not put the heatsink on. hmm ill take it apart tomorrow | 06:28 |
Daughain | Lucid lynx 10.04 release. | 06:28 |
maco | Planetary_: the thermal compound wont work without a heatsink.... | 06:28 |
Daughain | WHat cpu, Planetary_ | 06:28 |
maco | the purpose of it is to conduct heat to the heatsink and up to the fan | 06:28 |
Planetary_ | oh ya after karmic. hope lucid is good | 06:29 |
Daughain | Been heraing 10 sec boot times on a dual core. | 06:29 |
Planetary_ | yes I know i have a water cooled P4 and overclock computers. this one with the issue is an athlon ii 6000+ with an amd upgrade heatsink | 06:30 |
Daughain | Well, w/o a heatsink it will overheat.:P | 06:31 |
Planetary_ | I thought it could be related to teh cpu. maybe there is too much or too little thermal paste | 06:32 |
Daughain | Hey, I forgot to put the paste on my desktop when I built it, so, dont feeel too bad. =) | 06:34 |
Daughain | Took me two days to figure it out. | 06:34 |
Planetary_ | haha what I meant was I bought the heatsink, cpu, mobo all together assembled. I never checked to see if it was done properly | 06:35 |
Daughain | LOL Ah, ok. | 06:36 |
Daughain | Remember the lesson of the Xbox360. =) Never trust someone else to assemble. | 06:37 |
Planetary_ | I hope thats the issue, something simple like no paste is an easy fix. | 06:37 |
* Daughain nods. | 06:37 | |
Daughain | "A little bad will do ya." | 06:37 |
Daughain | bad==dab. | 06:37 |
Planetary_ | haha ya i have 2 broken ones waiting to be reflowed | 06:37 |
Planetary_ | indeed | 06:37 |
Planetary_ | the xbox broke just when I got the game i wanted... i dont play them much | 06:38 |
fldc | use lm_sensors to keep an eye on the temperature :) | 06:38 |
Daughain | I dont playb them at all, but, I fix them.=) | 06:38 |
Daughain | Speaking of which, I need to get around to finishing the editing on my sysmon. | 06:39 |
Planetary_ | I tried the temp widget but the numbers are way off like my laptop after i upgraded to 9.10 | 06:39 |
Daughain | I'm using a karamba sysmon in superkaramba.....Thats why I need to finish my edits. =) | 06:40 |
=== Rav3nSw0rd is now known as Nev3rM0re | ||
Planetary_ | it said my cpu was 32*F | 06:40 |
Daughain | LOL | 06:41 |
Daughain | Ya, thats a little off. =) | 06:41 |
Daughain | Whats the raw output form lm-sensors showing? | 06:42 |
lukefeil | good morning | 06:42 |
Daughain | Sup, lukefeil | 06:42 |
Planetary_ | ah I left the computer off untill tomorrow. what do you mean. I can try on my latop which I am using now | 06:43 |
Daughain | typing lm-sensors in terminal. | 06:44 |
Daughain | Or not....Now I need to remember the command... | 06:45 |
Planetary_ | command not found | 06:45 |
* Daughain nods. | 06:45 | |
=== Nev3rM0re is now known as Rav3nSw0rd | ||
Daughain | Trying to remember the command........... | 06:45 |
Daughain | doh!!!!! Just type sensors. | 06:46 |
=== no_BS_ is now known as _BS_ | ||
Planetary_ | -*- | 06:46 |
Planetary_ | is taht a nod? | 06:46 |
Planetary_ | im installing lmsensors | 06:47 |
MHz128 | what is the name of the package that can apply GTK apps with KDE themes? | 06:47 |
titan_ark | Daughain sup =) | 06:47 |
Daughain | superkaramba, I think, MHz128 | 06:47 |
Daughain | Sup, titan_ark | 06:47 |
MHz128 | uh huh | 06:48 |
MHz128 | wrong answer | 06:48 |
Daughain | MHz128: OK, I was wrong. | 06:48 |
titan_ark | nm flooded with classes and assignments, and trying to sort out a dual boot :P | 06:48 |
Daughain | LOL | 06:48 |
Daughain | WHats wrong with the dualboot? | 06:49 |
MHz128 | haha | 06:49 |
titan_ark | yet to be able to sort out the powermanagement bug | 06:49 |
Planetary_ | Daughain: ok core0 and 1 are 49*C and 44 adapter is 47 | 06:49 |
titan_ark | everytime the notebook recovers from sleep i am told there is no battery | 06:50 |
Daughain | Planetary_: Thats about right... | 06:50 |
Planetary_ | hmm i wonder why the graph is messed up | 06:50 |
Daughain | titan_ark: Yeah, that issue.....I solved mine by telling it not to sleep. =) | 06:50 |
titan_ark | :D | 06:50 |
Daughain | titan_ark: Since the batt on this system is shot, its plugged in all the time anyway. | 06:51 |
titan_ark | Daughain: well i found the bug has been reported and there is a fix, but i dunno how to add it and recompile the kernel | 06:51 |
titan_ark | Daughain: ah :) i need to lug my book around | 06:51 |
Daughain | titan_ark: The fix requires a recompile? | 06:51 |
titan_ark | | 06:51 |
Daughain | titan_ark: Thats why I am looking for another lappy. | 06:52 |
titan_ark | so they say | 06:52 |
Planetary_ | Daughain: I see the widget for the most part is off by C=F | 06:52 |
titan_ark | Daughain: ah. found anything? | 06:52 |
Daughain | titan_ark: Bought a netbook, and girl swiped it for a trip to see her family. =( | 06:52 |
titan_ark | ah id like a weatherbug widget :) | 06:52 |
titan_ark | Daughain: :D well you gotta keep em happy, or else ... | 06:52 |
Planetary_ | haha | 06:53 |
Daughain | Planetary_: I'm not using widgets. I'm using a karamba theme for my sysmon, so, I dont know anything about the widgets. | 06:53 |
Planetary_ | I have no idea what that is... i am using kde widgets | 06:53 |
Daughain | Planetary_: I do know that I needed to edit my karamba theme before it would display anything. =) | 06:53 |
Daughain | Actualy, need to get back to finishing it, too.=) | 06:54 |
Daughain | Planetary_: Try resetting the display to show C. | 06:54 |
Planetary_ | ok then, well Im calling it a night. thanks for input everyone | 06:54 |
Daughain | Have a good one, Planetary_ | 06:55 |
Planetary_ | you too | 06:55 |
titan_ark | what else Daughain? sorted out that network issue you were facing? | 06:57 |
Daughain | WHich one? | 06:58 |
* Daughain grins. | 06:58 | |
Daughain | titan_ark: Prolly, everything is working fine right now,. | 06:58 |
titan_ark | :D | 06:58 |
titan_ark | okay | 06:58 |
Daughain | I think I may take a shot at trying to compile 10.04. | 07:02 |
titan_ark | ah | 07:02 |
titan_ark | nice | 07:02 |
titan_ark | Good luck =) | 07:03 |
=== aperson is now known as APERSON | ||
Daughain | I have a few months to learnm enough to try it at least. =) | 07:05 |
Daughain | Though, I do have a bunch of other stuff I need to get organized as wwell. | 07:05 |
Daughain | Working on getting this sysmon edited right, though. | 07:05 |
titan_ark | thats nice :) | 07:07 |
titan_ark | i am just not getting the time to play with stuff | 07:07 |
titan_ark | grad school is painful | 07:07 |
Daughain | WHats the command to take a look at ul and dl rates in term? | 07:08 |
Daughain | titan_ark: Trying to start a business isnt easy either. =) And, since I havent found a job, I need to et something going to bring in some cash. =) | 07:09 |
MHz128 | How do I use kcm-gtk to apply themes to GTK apps? | 07:09 |
MHz128 | it's obviously installed, only the settings manager doesn't show any options for enabling it | 07:10 |
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lyhana8_ | hi, I'm trying to read my memory with my ENE Technology Inc SD/MMC Card Reader | 08:01 |
lyhana8_ | but got nothing | 08:01 |
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Daughain | lyhana8_: Is it internal? | 08:08 |
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skype | roll around abit I promise it wont hurt | 08:20 |
skype | I am so well balance I fear I will never get commited again | 08:20 |
Rav3nSw0rd | I'm trying to configure my network from the terminal, but it seems that kubuntu has some gui somewhere that is taking presedence. Any ideas as to what is taking control? I want to stop it... eh, that made no sense at all, did it? | 08:24 |
lyhana8_ | Daughain: yep | 08:25 |
lyhana8_ | Daughain: here is the `lspci -v` output for it | 08:25 |
Daughain | Rav3nSw0rd: Made perfect sense......brb, cat is trying to eat my dinner... | 08:26 |
Rav3nSw0rd | whew, well, asking the question succeeded so far XD now for a working answer lol, which seems to be the hard part | 08:28 |
Daughain | Usualy, exp as I have only been in linux for 3 months. =) | 08:28 |
Daughain | NOw the questions is can I remember what the damn thing is called... | 08:29 |
Daughain | lyhana8_: That one is beyond me. Sorry. | 08:30 |
Rav3nSw0rd | upstart? init? sorry, these might be possiblilities XD had trouble stopping kdm earlier, which was finally solved not by init.d but by upstart in init, meh, yea, so I'm guessing the network thing that's starting up is starting up somewhere in there as well... maybe | 08:30 |
Daughain | Thats where I'm looking right now. =) | 08:34 |
Daughain | Are you running samba? | 08:36 |
Rav3nSw0rd | samba... I am at run level 5... not sure about the others | 08:37 |
Daughain | I dont even know what that is, but, a samba script may be the issue, if you have mounted shares | 08:37 |
Rav3nSw0rd | hmmm, I can't connect to the network from terminal... samba doesn't take control of any network settings right? iwconfig essid and ap and key and such? | 08:38 |
Daughain | I dont know. I know less tha you are, just trying to give you ideas. =) | 08:39 |
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Rav3nSw0rd | ah, hehe, I've used ubuntu for over a about 2 years ago, switched to kubuntu about .5-1 year ago, but still a newb to all the linux technicalities XD | 08:40 |
skype | try runing " apt-get install gdm " then rebooting should solve that glitch | 08:40 |
skype | it did for me | 08:41 |
Daughain | I started with Ubuntu 9.10 :P | 08:41 |
skype | make sure to select gdm when the dialog box pops up | 08:41 |
Rav3nSw0rd | 8.04 XD | 08:41 |
skype | 8.05 | 08:41 |
skype | it was a better version | 08:41 |
skype | more stable and mature | 08:41 |
Rav3nSw0rd | skype, your confusing, you know that? XD | 08:42 |
skype | the other versions arn't worth it | 08:42 |
skype | like the whole new product line for solid state | 08:42 |
skype | tempted at buying one but again cost restrictive | 08:43 |
skype | and I like the blue swirl on the packaging however I know enough to build my own | 08:43 |
skype | darn memory so expensive | 08:43 |
skype | Its only me I own canada | 08:43 |
skype | lol | 08:44 |
skype | it seems is drawing that nasty look up via AXS canada's search javascript pop up bug again | 08:44 |
skype | I want 1 million I am smarter than you all | 08:44 |
skype | pleasant arn't I! | 08:45 |
skype | idiots | 08:45 |
skype | bye | 08:45 |
Rav3nSw0rd | hm, might be if I understood that | 08:45 |
Daughain | What command do I use to take a look at my network traffic from term? | 08:45 |
Daughain | Well, that was definitely random. =) | 08:45 |
Rav3nSw0rd | errr.... closest thing I know of to what you are talking about is wireshark, but that's not exactly from term though =/ | 08:46 |
Daughain | I know there has to be a way, since they have plasmoids to watch it. | 08:46 |
Daughain | I'm tyring to integrate it into the sysmon I am using. | 08:46 |
Rav3nSw0rd | no idea what a sysmon is XD | 08:47 |
Daughain | I have everything working, except network traffic. | 08:47 |
Daughain | sysmon==system monitor | 08:47 |
Rav3nSw0rd | ah | 08:47 |
Daughain | I managed to find exactly one that shows as a strip across the top of my screen, so, been editing it to show what I need. =) | 08:48 |
Rav3nSw0rd | oooh, like, kinda like a stock ticker? | 08:49 |
Daughain | NO, I *wish* I could find a ticker. | 08:49 |
Daughain | Hmmm........Now there's an idea. | 08:49 |
Rav3nSw0rd | aww, a shame, I'd so like one like that too XD | 08:49 |
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Daughain | Mebbe I shoudl see if I can edit the pidgin 'buddy ticker'..... =) | 08:50 |
Rav3nSw0rd | I would so like to develop apps for kubuntu, but I don't know much of the language at all, and I can't find the darn source codes for anything despite it being open source. I'm such a failure, lol | 08:52 |
Rav3nSw0rd | I'm guessing it's extremely simple, and right in front of my eyes, but Im not seeing it, lol | 08:53 |
Daughain | Ya know more thsan I do.......The sysmon I'm using is a karamba theme. | 08:53 |
Daughain | And, the edits I'm making I can only pull off because I been scripting for mirc so long....Mkes no sense, biut still true. =) | 08:53 |
Rav3nSw0rd | ah, well, you see, I have no experience with programming except for some of what's required for classwork... I'd like to work on some of my own things, but I really suck at finding places to start XD | 08:55 |
aperson | Rav3nSw0rd, sudo apt-get source <package> | 08:56 |
Rav3nSw0rd | huh... that is kinda right in front of me XD where will it be saved to? | 08:56 |
Daughain | I'm a mechanic. :P This is just a hobby for me. | 08:56 |
aperson | Rav3nSw0rd, current directory if I'm not mistaken | 08:56 |
Daughain | aperson: How would I go about checking my network traffic via term? | 08:58 |
Rav3nSw0rd | sweet, well, thanks, now I just need to find some good places to start, like, some places that I might understand 10% of, lol... hmmm anyone have any ideas where to get started? | 08:58 |
aperson | iftop is pretty good for that | 08:58 |
aperson | Rav3nSw0rd, all depends on the language you're using. | 08:58 |
Rav3nSw0rd | hm, well, learned a bit of c, and am currently learning java, and from what I understand, c# is kinda just a bit similar to java... oh, and the totally pointless one, visual basic XD | 08:59 |
Daughain | Lemme get tht installed, and we'll see if it works for me. | 09:01 |
titan_ark | hey, sorry to distrupt. I wanted to know how to update a particular software | 09:04 |
Daughain | Thats nifty, and it refuses to show traffic. | 09:04 |
aperson | Daughain, run it as root. | 09:04 |
titan_ark | i installed thundebird from console, but its not the latest version :P | 09:04 |
* Daughain nods........DOH!!! | 09:04 | |
Rav3nSw0rd | sorry, this is slightly off topic, but how much sleep/food is needed to survive? I've been awake for like 31 hours so far, lol, and ate 1 meal over the last 48 hoursish, lol. It's related since the longer I live, the more coding and debugging I can do for k/ubuntu lol | 09:05 |
aperson | or with root privileges, I should say | 09:05 |
aperson | titan_ark, I'd add a repository that has the latest version. | 09:05 |
titan_ark | aperson: ah okay. cant seem to find that in kde :P | 09:06 |
Daughain | aperson, thats a nifty little app....Now to see if I can find a way to make it work how I need it. | 09:06 |
Rav3nSw0rd | whoa, iftop looks amazing | 09:06 |
aperson | iotop is another good one | 09:07 |
Daughain | I need something I can convert.......Lemme take a look at iotop. | 09:08 |
aperson | iotop is for io :) | 09:08 |
aperson | not network | 09:08 |
bruker | im gay | 09:09 |
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titan_ark | woot new kernel update :) | 09:09 |
bruker | im gay! | 09:09 |
aperson | !ops | bruker | 09:09 |
ubottu | bruker: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, tsimpson, jpds, seth_k, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, genii, trappist, crimsun, seth, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici, jussi01, ikonia, Mamarok, ryanakca or maco | 09:09 |
Daughain | So I just saw.........Nice to remember, if I can... =) | 09:09 |
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noaXess | hi all | 09:10 |
Daughain | Morning, noaXess | 09:11 |
noaXess | how can i enable desktop spread acroos multiple display? in system settings, display, multiple monitor i get just a message that i don't have this configuration.. | 09:11 |
noaXess | but with nvidia settings i can do that.. is it possible to do that also over system settings? need i install anything? | 09:12 |
aperson | noaXess, you want one big desktop? | 09:12 |
aperson | also, you have a nvidia cards? | 09:12 |
noaXess | aperson: yeah.. in nvidia settings i can do that.. | 09:12 |
noaXess | yes. | 09:12 |
aperson | then use nvidia settings | 09:12 |
noaXess | if i use nvidia settings and enable the second hdm monitor it works.. but if i then go inte system settings multiple monitr it breaks the config.. is that caus i do it with nvidia-sesstings? | 09:13 |
aperson | just use nvidia-settings | 09:13 |
noaXess | ôka.. | 09:13 |
noaXess | okay. | 09:13 |
aperson | if you use that, don't use anything else. nvidia settings can do anything you need | 09:14 |
titan_ark | aperson: cant seem to find the repository | 09:14 |
noaXess | aperson: is it normal, the the desktop compositing will be disabled if i enable the second monitor in nvidia-settings.. | 09:16 |
aperson | titan_ark, | 09:17 |
aperson | that search will have all you'll need | 09:17 |
aperson | noaXess, works fine over here | 09:17 |
titan_ark | aperson: thx a bunch! | 09:17 |
aperson | titan_ark, no problem | 09:18 |
noaXess | hm.. | 09:18 |
aperson | noaXess, I could never get nvidia-settings to set a desktop span though | 09:20 |
aperson | I had to manually configure my xorg.conf | 09:20 |
aperson | if you'd like, I can post mine | 09:21 |
PeoplesAdvocate | hello all, anyone here available to help? | 09:23 |
aperson | just ask PeoplesAdvocate :) | 09:23 |
PeoplesAdvocate | Ok, I was making sure because I asked in the Ubuntu IRC and no one replied and there is like 1000+ people in there lol:-D | 09:25 |
titan_ark | aperson: whats with the daily releaases? is it advisable? | 09:25 |
titan_ark | i see that ppl advise not to go in for the daily update | 09:26 |
aperson | titan_ark, if you want the bleeding edge, yeah | 09:26 |
aperson | I'd find something for a stable build | 09:26 |
titan_ark | aperson: okay | 09:26 |
titan_ark | the ppa search seems to find repos for daily only :P | 09:26 |
PeoplesAdvocate | anyways I am having trouble updating a package in my freshly installed Ubuntu Server 8.04.4. It is intltool that keeps giving me problems in building transmission-daemon. any ideas on about doing this? | 09:27 |
aperson | PeoplesAdvocate, I hate to say it, but #ubuntu-server might be a better channel :/ | 09:28 |
aperson | that, or #ubuntu | 09:28 |
PeoplesAdvocate | ahhh thanks! Didnt even cross my mind that there was such a channel. lol | 09:28 |
aperson | you just have to be patient, not everyone has time to answer every person that comes in | 09:29 |
PeoplesAdvocate | I have been to ubuntu but no one could help, they were to busy arguing about a name change that someone did. lol | 09:29 |
aperson | PeoplesAdvocate, ask once every ten-15 minutes | 09:30 |
PeoplesAdvocate | aperson: alright, i will thanks. | 09:31 |
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noaXess | aperson: that will be nice, your xorg.conf | 09:33 |
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aperson | noaXess, alright, lemme ssh into that box quick | 09:34 |
noaXess | aperson: okay.. | 09:34 |
aperson | noaXess, | 09:38 |
Rav3nSw0rd | is there an application for kubuntu which can either have google wave in it's own... page, like a client, or give me a notification of when I get new waves? Or is this question better asked in a google related channel? | 09:39 |
aperson | Rav3nSw0rd, there's a notifier for google services | 09:40 |
Rav3nSw0rd | really? like, for more than one google thing? what's it called? sudo apt-get install <?> | 09:41 |
aperson | it isn't in the repos | 09:41 |
Rav3nSw0rd | *sigh* lol, knew it couldn't be that easy | 09:41 |
Rav3nSw0rd | where can I find it? | 09:41 |
aperson | save for sounding like a jerk... google | 09:42 |
aperson | googsystray | 09:42 |
aperson | second result for 'google wave notifier linux' :) | 09:42 |
Rav3nSw0rd | ah, was just about to ask for the name of it, thanks for the info aperson | 09:42 |
Rav3nSw0rd | curious, how do you know so much about so much? | 09:43 |
noaXess | aperson: do you need restarting your X for aplying this config? why i ask.. i have a notebook, and sometimes i need the external display, sometimes not.. | 09:43 |
aperson | noaXess, yes | 09:43 |
aperson | Rav3nSw0rd, I spend a lot of time on the internet, and if I don't know something, I just look it up :) | 09:44 |
aperson | google-fu is an invaluable/powerful tool | 09:44 |
Rav3nSw0rd | ah, I guess I'm just bad at googling for stuff XD google-fu? | 09:44 |
jonah | hey guys i'm using karmic and stuck, i need to set alsa default to dsp1 but can't as there's no alsaconf etc in karmic does anyone know how please? | 09:46 |
jonah | already set defaults in settings section under multimedia but this doesn't control flashplayer output | 09:46 |
aperson | just a sec jonah | 09:46 |
jonah | and i want my usb speakers to play myspace and youtube sound | 09:46 |
aperson | I just had to fix that not long ago... | 09:46 |
aperson | I know it's in the ubuntu wiki... | 09:47 |
jonah | aperson: ok thanks | 09:47 |
aperson | jonah, | 09:48 |
aperson | any relevant info is on that page | 09:48 |
jonah | aperson: can't see anything to help, i already know it's dsp1 i need i just need to set it | 09:49 |
jonah | but not sure how | 09:49 |
titan_ark | i just tried to install firefox 3.6 but still when i check its version it is the previous one | 09:49 |
titan_ark | why is that? | 09:49 |
aperson | titan_ark, how did you install it and from where? | 09:50 |
aperson | jonah, it's there :) | 09:50 |
titan_ark | aperson: i did this first: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable | 09:51 |
titan_ark | followed by an apt-get update | 09:51 |
titan_ark | then: sudo apt-get install firefox-3.6 | 09:51 |
aperson | that's it :) | 09:51 |
titan_ark | but when i check now its still 3.5 :P | 09:52 |
aperson | when you install firefox 3.6 separately | 09:52 |
aperson | -when* | 09:52 |
aperson | you have two installed | 09:52 |
titan_ark | whoa | 09:52 |
titan_ark | so what do i do now? | 09:53 |
aperson | you should be able to run firefox-3.6 | 09:53 |
titan_ark | i cant seem to find it in my applications list | 09:53 |
Rav3nSw0rd | hm, aperson, do you know if the googsystray doesn't work with non-standard gmail accounts? It works perfectly for my standard GMail account, but my school email that runs through GMail doesn't work for some reason =/ | 09:54 |
aperson | titan_ark, alt+f2 then | 09:54 |
aperson | Rav3nSw0rd, apps for your domain? | 09:54 |
titan_ark | aperson: alt+f2 and firefox still gives me the 3.5 | 09:54 |
titan_ark | aperson: ah i see 3 updates for firefox :S | 09:55 |
titan_ark | lemme try that | 09:55 |
aperson | titan_ark, like I said, I meant running firefox-3.6 literally :) | 09:55 |
aperson | as in alt+f2 firefox-3.6 | 09:55 |
titan_ark | ah | 09:55 |
titan_ark | okay shall try after this update | 09:56 |
titan_ark | and supposedly there is no stable repo for thunderbird | 09:56 |
titan_ark | it will be included for 10.04 only :( | 09:56 |
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aperson | titan_ark, the mozillateam ppa not have it? | 09:57 |
titan_ark | aperson: nope, or at least i couldnt seem to find it. ubuntuzilla does but its for 32 bit only i suppose | 09:58 |
aperson | hmm | 09:59 |
titan_ark | aperson: ah upgraded and lost all my tabs in the restart x-( | 10:01 |
titan_ark | i can never seem to remember how to install a s/w from a | 10:02 |
titan_ark | :( | 10:02 |
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titan_ark | aperson: sick trying. could u pls help? | 10:08 |
Assurbanipal | hello everyone. I have a pc of 2gb Ram, Cpu: q9550, nvidia 7800gtx,1 sata hd(root/home),1sata DVDRW,1 Ide HD. When i tranfer files from a partition to another/a hd to another or to a usb stick, i face very very slow transfer rate and the system becomes unusable because of cpu usage. What is happening? I am trying a long time to fix that (switched through diferent kernels) but with no result. I am on kubuntu 9,10 64bit. PLZ help | 10:09 |
Assurbanipal | me! | 10:09 |
aperson | I stick the the version in the repos, personally | 10:09 |
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Rav3nSw0rd | hm, tar -xzvf to extract a file | 10:09 |
Rav3nSw0rd | then there's usually a readme in there that you can read | 10:09 |
Rav3nSw0rd | -x for extract, z for bz, v for verbose, and I honestly don't know what the f does... | 10:09 |
aperson | Rav3nSw0rd, that's why there are manual pages :) | 10:10 |
Rav3nSw0rd | it helps if you understand it ^_^ | 10:10 |
Daughain | VLC is beginning to get on my nerves... | 10:10 |
Rav3nSw0rd | like, what does "use file or device archive" mean? =/ | 10:11 |
Vroomfondle | it means use a file or a device, rather than expecting input from stdin | 10:12 |
Rav3nSw0rd | so if you don't put the -f there, you can specify the directory name? | 10:13 |
aperson | I use unp and not worry about usage flags :) | 10:13 |
titan_ark | Daughain: VLC? what happened? I am struggling with thunderbird update | 10:13 |
Vroomfondle | (you can pipe data into tar via a command-line e.g. "myprogramwotgeneratesdata | tar" | 10:13 |
Daughain | VLC is th only thing that seems to be able to detect my soundcard and actualy use it. SO, ofcourse, it keeps crashing. | 10:13 |
Vroomfondle | Rav3nSw0rd: no, if you don't put the -f it will expect you to pipe data in as above | 10:13 |
Vroomfondle | rather than it reading a file | 10:13 |
Rav3nSw0rd | ah | 10:14 |
titan_ark | damn | 10:14 |
Rav3nSw0rd | ok, I think I get it now, and how do you specify a directory name? tar -xzvf < file> to myfolder? | 10:14 |
noaXess | aperson: what nvidia driver do you have installed? i have a flicker problem with mine.. see here.. | 10:15 |
aperson | noaXess, 185.18.36 | 10:16 |
noaXess | oka.y. | 10:16 |
aperson | installed via envyng | 10:16 |
Daughain | well, let see if this will not crash. | 10:18 |
noaXess | aperson: just installing 195.30 from vdpau.. | 10:19 |
aperson | Daughain #videolan is on this network fwiw | 10:19 |
Bugsbane | Anyone know if there are plans to package a more recent version of Koffice (>2.02 ) for Lucid? | 10:19 |
Daughain | aperson: HUnh? | 10:20 |
aperson | Daughain, if you're having issues with vlc, they can help you :) | 10:21 |
aperson | I was having vlc segment faults | 10:21 |
aperson | they helped me out pretty quick | 10:21 |
Daughain | I'm actualy having sound issues. VLC just happens to be the only thing that will recognize my sound card. | 10:21 |
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skype | #Bangs Head Rocks out Jamming *Listening to MuchLoud* | 10:29 |
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Assurbanipal | hello everyone. I have a pc of 2gb Ram, Cpu: q9550, nvidia 7800gtx,1 sata hd(root/home),1sata DVDRW,1 Ide HD. When i tranfer files from a partition to another/a hd to another or to a usb stick, i face very very slow transfer rate and the system becomes unusable because of cpu usage. What is happening? I am trying a long time to fix that (switched through diferent kernels) but with no result. I am on kubuntu 9,10 64bit. PLZ help | 10:33 |
Assurbanipal | me! | 10:33 |
aperson | Assurbanipal, I think that's a known bug, if it's the one I'm thinking of | 10:35 |
aperson | though I haven't seen cpu spikes, I've just seen painfully slow file transfers across partitions | 10:37 |
aperson | the fix for it is in 2.6.32 | 10:38 |
Assurbanipal | aperson: so what can i do?install a different kernel? | 10:38 |
aperson | Assurbanipal, apart from filing a bug report, no idea :/ | 10:39 |
nnn0 | is there any unusual logging activity ? | 10:40 |
nnn0 | and have you checked the mode with hdparm -i or something | 10:40 |
Assurbanipal | if i install 2.6.33-rc from will it help? | 10:40 |
Assurbanipal | nnn0: i don't really understand what u say.. | 10:41 |
nnn0 | if your disk is sda, try: hdparm -i /dev/sda | 10:41 |
nnn0 | look for the mode with the star * | 10:41 |
nnn0 | you would have to do that from root | 10:41 |
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nnn0 | or use sudo | 10:42 |
Assurbanipal | | 10:42 |
nnn0 | looks good | 10:42 |
Assurbanipal | so,what now? | 10:43 |
nnn0 | hm | 10:43 |
nnn0 | have you tried to run top ? | 10:43 |
nnn0 | you should see whats using cpu | 10:43 |
Assurbanipal | while copying u meen? | 10:44 |
nnn0 | yeah | 10:44 |
nnn0 | and have you checked the logs ? | 10:44 |
aperson | I'd check the file transfer speed with dd, that's what I was reading in the bug reports | 10:44 |
aperson | and does the speed start out fine, and drop? | 10:45 |
aperson | or does it start out slow? | 10:45 |
Assurbanipal | it starts and then drops... | 10:45 |
Assurbanipal | in top, nothning seems to use my cpu that hard, but i have a plasmoid of cpu usage that shows all 4 cores are 100% used and the system doesn't respond | 10:46 |
nnn0 | have you checked the logs ? | 10:48 |
nnn0 | i use multitail usually | 10:48 |
nnn0 | :) | 10:48 |
nnn0 | sudo apt-get install multitail | 10:48 |
nnn0 | multitail /var/log/messages | 10:48 |
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aperson | what does multitail do? | 10:49 |
nnn0 | tail files | 10:51 |
nnn0 | you'll see the end of the file | 10:52 |
aperson | well... I gathered that | 10:52 |
nnn0 | updating as it goes | 10:52 |
aperson | it does multiple files? | 10:52 |
nnn0 | multitail can show you several files at the same time | 10:52 |
aperson | ah | 10:52 |
nnn0 | with highlighting | 10:52 |
aperson | I was wondering what it offered over watch | 10:52 |
nnn0 | :) | 10:53 |
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nnn0 | you could also try to install sysstat | 11:03 |
nnn0 | and use iostat for more info | 11:04 |
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Wolfcastle | hello | 11:15 |
Wolfcastle | i installed some new splash screens but they don't appear in the list in system settings | 11:15 |
Wolfcastle | maybe the files get downloaded somewhere and I can add them manually? | 11:15 |
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Wolfcastle | how come kubuntu does not have an artwork theme? | 11:24 |
Wolfcastle | there are some community made ready to use | 11:24 |
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tiagofilipe | does anyone knows how to make fb keys work in a vaio fz21m? | 11:52 |
tiagofilipe | I tried everything and just can't make it work | 11:53 |
reddragon45 | anyone in here to provide help? | 11:54 |
tiagofilipe | 11:54 | |
aperson | !patience | 11:54 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. | 11:54 |
reddragon45 | ok | 11:54 |
tiagofilipe | yeah | 11:54 |
tiagofilipe | I tryed the ubuntu forums and nothing to | 11:54 |
reddragon45 | my Kubuntu cd will not boot up live or install | 11:55 |
tiagofilipe | and even forums from other distributions | 11:55 |
tiagofilipe | really? | 11:55 |
tiagofilipe | that's odd | 11:55 |
aperson | reddragon45, does the md5 match? | 11:55 |
tiagofilipe | did you check your bios for the boot order? | 11:55 |
reddragon45 | It worked when i got it two times from live boot but now nothing | 11:56 |
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BluesKaj | Howdy | 12:59 |
kaddi | hi :) | 12:59 |
BluesKaj | still trying to figure out how to rid chrome -beta of those annoying bongo drum sounds when clicking on tabs etc | 13:01 |
kaddi | never used chrome. sorry. | 13:03 |
kaddi | the google newsgroup suggests that there is a --disable-audio switch, but that might kill sound entirely and not just the tabswitching sounds. | 13:04 |
kaddi | | 13:04 |
Peace- | BluesKaj: sudo apt-get remove --purge mystuff | 13:05 |
BluesKaj | Peace-, that sounds dangerous | 13:06 |
Peace- | BluesKaj: that rimove the software = mystuff | 13:06 |
Peace- | for example sudo apt-get remove --purge kdenlive | 13:07 |
Peace- | that removes kdenlive | 13:07 |
Peace- | and stop | 13:07 |
llutz | "apt-get purge package" no "remove --" needed since a while | 13:07 |
BluesKaj | Peace-, what is "my stuff" on google-chrome ? | 13:08 |
Daughain | I;dlike to know how to watch a dvd. =) | 13:08 |
Peace- | !dvd | Daughain | 13:08 |
ubottu | Daughain: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 13:08 |
Daughain | Peace, if it was that simple, I would be enjoying my movie. :P | 13:09 |
kaddi | Peace-: BluesKaj wants to disable certain sounds in chrome, not get rid of chrome entirely... | 13:09 |
Peace- | kaddi: oh | 13:09 |
BluesKaj | I don't want to purge google chrome , just rid the sounds it makes when clicking on tabs | 13:10 |
Peace- | BluesKaj: but you have installed google-chrome or crhoumim ? | 13:10 |
Peace- | i suggest to test chromium .... | 13:10 |
Peace- | and remove google-chrome | 13:10 |
BluesKaj | already ran chromium for a while, I prefer chrome-beta | 13:11 |
kaddi | Daughain: what have you tried so far? And what exactly isn't working? | 13:11 |
Peace- | BluesKaj: mm i am sorry then... i have never used chrome-beta | 13:11 |
buckfast | Hi. For some reason, by Grub2 menu is all messed up. It loads Kubuntu but not other operating systems. How can I fix this | 13:12 |
BluesKaj | Peace-, it looks almost exactly the same but it crashes and freezes mor often than beta | 13:12 |
Peace- | buckfast: have you tried sudo update-grub2 | 13:12 |
Daughain | VLC, dragon, and totem. NOne are working. Totem crashes as soon as it tries to play, Dragon shows one still screen.....And VLC says it cant read the disk. | 13:13 |
BluesKaj | buckfast, sudo update-grub , first of all | 13:13 |
BluesKaj | Daughain, do you have a windows OS to test it ? | 13:14 |
Peace- | Daughain: ffplay myvstuff | 13:14 |
buckfast | Peace-: BluesKaj: Okay, did this, and it seemed to have gone fine, found all the OS-es. Should it work now? | 13:14 |
Daughain | BlueEagle: Test what? The hardware? | 13:14 |
Peace- | buckfast: try to reboot | 13:14 |
BluesKaj | buckfast, yes it should , reboot into another OS to check | 13:15 |
Daughain | Err.... BluesKaj , Windows to test what? | 13:15 |
BluesKaj | the dvd | 13:15 |
Daughain | The hardware, or the disk itself? | 13:15 |
BluesKaj | the disk | 13:15 |
Peace- | teh disk... | 13:15 |
Daughain | Store bought copy of the HUlk, and I;ve watched it before.... | 13:16 |
* Peace- robooting to lucid | 13:17 | |
BluesKaj | there are some issues with dvds on karmic , if you don't have the kubuntu-restricted-extras and libdvdcss2 installed | 13:17 |
Daughain | I have bnoth ubuntu and kubuntu restricted extras | 13:18 |
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Daughain | Disk is playing fine on this laptop. | 13:19 |
BluesKaj | you don't need both | 13:19 |
Daughain | I wanted to watch it on the desktop. Will not play on that system. | 13:19 |
BluesKaj | does your desktop play other dvdx? | 13:20 |
BluesKaj | err dvds | 13:20 |
Daughain | DOresnt seem to, the first one I tried was an import, so, I switched to a diff dvd, still nothing. | 13:20 |
Daughain | OK, I give up for now.....Night, all. | 13:24 |
BluesKaj | Daughain, I think you may have a brohken cdrom | 13:28 |
merlin38 | test | 13:31 |
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BluesKaj | Daughain, have you installed w32codecs , or if you run 64bit, w64codecs | 13:45 |
merlin38 | Why nobody speak here ? | 14:02 |
Vroomfondle | because we've nothing to say. | 14:02 |
merlin38 | ok i was wondering if i has something wrong. First irc ! | 14:03 |
joe_ | im having trouble loading the Nvidia driver (the one from Nvidia directly) I start up, then hit control tab F1, then I log on and do a sudo service kdm stop, then I try to run the sudo sh Nvidia and it says X is running??!!?? I do seeeee a kdm-greet process but a kill -9 will not even kill it | 14:03 |
merlin38 | and french speaking furthermore ! | 14:03 |
Vroomfondle | Ah. You're doing fine. | 14:03 |
Vroomfondle | there is a French channel by the way, in case you have not heard. | 14:03 |
Vroomfondle | !fr | 14:03 |
ubottu | Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr | 14:03 |
merlin38 | thanks | 14:04 |
merlin38 | why don't u use nvidia from repository ? | 14:05 |
joe_ | merlin38, I don't want to and thats not my question | 14:06 |
Vroomfondle | tried the old-fashiioned "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop"? | 14:06 |
merlin38 | sorry! A french habit that make exactly try english forum and irc. Whe respond other when we do not know the real respoonse ! | 14:07 |
joe_ | Vroomfondle, doesnt that say we should be using service now instead? Upstart u know... | 14:08 |
Vroomfondle | I haven't tried on the latest release, tbh | 14:08 |
Vroomfondle | I'd presumed that it would still work | 14:09 |
Vroomfondle | else there're probably quite a lot of broken admin scripts out there right now ;) | 14:09 |
kaddi | when did /etc/init.d/kdm stop start working again? -.- | 14:11 |
joe_ | When I do a sudo service kdm stop.... Why does the process kdm_greet still exist? and I can't kill it with pkill or kill -9 its an undead zombie! =P | 14:11 |
kaddi | joe_: you could try booting into recovery mode, that shouldn't give you no gui and let you copy what you need to copy | 14:12 |
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joe_ | Why after I stop kdm is the Nvidia installer claiming that X is still running? | 14:13 |
BluesKaj | joe_, you must stop it from the tty | 14:14 |
joe_ | BluesKaj, how? | 14:15 |
kaddi | where do I check which language i have installed on my system? I seem to have a weird mix of German and English currently :s | 14:18 |
BluesKaj | joe_, alt+ctrl+F1 , then sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop | 14:21 |
BluesKaj | no patience | 14:21 |
kaddi | hehe | 14:22 |
[-Haza-] | sudo: /etc/sudoers is mode 0551, should be 0440 <- when trying to run a sudo command... not a good thing? ;( | 14:24 |
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genii | [-Haza-]: Very much not a good thing. The only way to fix is with boot from livecd and then to change the permissions that way. The local box is locked out now from itself | 14:26 |
[-Haza-] | genii: oh dear.... how the hell did i do this? | 14:27 |
Wolfcastle | hello | 14:27 |
Wolfcastle | is it possible to install different independent versions of kde? | 14:27 |
Wolfcastle | I would like to try 4.4 without having to eliminate 4.3 | 14:27 |
genii | [-Haza-]: Most likely with some command like: chmod but with wrong options | 14:27 |
[-Haza-] | genii: I think you're right! i think i made a type and chmod'ed the wrong directory :s | 14:28 |
[-Haza-] | too many ../../../ 's | 14:28 |
scunizi | [-Haza-]: sometimes using <TAB> helps auto complete | 14:29 |
genii | [-Haza-]: Well, as I said you need to boot from livecd now to repair. | 14:29 |
[-Haza-] | scunizi: indeed | 14:29 |
[-Haza-] | genii: Okay, im running kubuntu 8.x, can i use a kubuntu 9.x live CD to recover this? | 14:31 |
genii | [-Haza-]: So if you do now in Konsole: mount and then look for the line which says what /dev that / is on, after cd booting, do: sudo mount /dev/that-name-it-reports-goes-here /mnt and then: sudo chmod 440 /mnt/etc/sudoers | 14:31 |
genii | [-Haza-]: Yes any livecd will do | 14:31 |
[-Haza-] | Gotcha | 14:32 |
[-Haza-] | genii: This line? /dev/sda5 on / type ext3 (rw,relatime,errors=remount-ro) | 14:34 |
genii | [-Haza-]: Yup, so thats the one you want to run the commands on from the cd | 14:38 |
genii | Apologies on lag, working here | 14:38 |
[-Haza-] | genii: Hey no problmes at all. Appreciate the help!! :) | 14:40 |
[-Haza-] | *problems | 14:40 |
genii | [-Haza-]: Keep in mind other files there may also be screwy now too | 14:40 |
[-Haza-] | genii: Yeah i fear i may have done alot of damage.. should be so lazy | 14:40 |
genii | (if you did some recursive chmod on the whole directory of /etc ) | 14:40 |
[-Haza-] | or no i was lucky not to use -r | 14:40 |
[-Haza-] | but i think the command imust have run was chmod +x ../* | 14:41 |
[-Haza-] | ../ happens to be the /etc dir and NOT the dir i wanted | 14:41 |
genii | [-Haza-]: Well, after you have the sudoers straightened out, you can fix it | 14:41 |
[-Haza-] | genii: Okay, Im going to reboot and load the live CD. execute the command you mentioned above and i'll (hopefully) be back :D | 14:42 |
genii | See you then | 14:43 |
badr | Hi | 15:04 |
kaddi | !hi | badr | 15:04 |
ubottu | badr: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 15:04 |
mistrynitesh | !digikam | 15:05 |
badr | what is new in ubuntu 9.10 | 15:05 |
miquel_ | Hi! I cannot play my music with Amarok 2.2.2 with my user. I must use root user if I want that Amarok works | 15:06 |
miquel_ | I use Kubuntu 9.10 | 15:06 |
miquel_ | I have reinstalled Amarok but any change. I have reinstalled Kubuntu but any change | 15:07 |
miquel_ | How do I know Photon and Alsa is working correctly? | 15:08 |
sparagnippide | ciao a tutti | 15:16 |
sparagnippide | !list | 15:16 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 15:16 |
afd_ | hi! I'm trying to install KDE on ubuntu Lynx and I get this: | 15:20 |
afd_ | Any ideas what I can do? | 15:20 |
Mamarok | afd_: please ask in #ubuntu+1, all thinks regarding Lucid should go there | 15:22 |
miquel_ | From Amarok in debugger mode I get this message: [EngineController] [WARNING!] Phonon failed to play this URL. Error: "Cannot find demultiplexer plugin for MRL [file://home/miquel/M%C3%BAsica/01 We Are Golden.mp3]" | 15:25 |
miquel_ | I think I have a problem in Phonon. I don't know what is this and how could I solve it | 15:26 |
_Rocket | hi | 15:29 |
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_Rocket | how can i remove all packages installed from the repository with origin = LP-PPA-ricotz-unstable ? | 15:30 |
afd_ | what about this error? | 15:37 |
Mamarok | rockdisable the repository, then the packages should show as obsolete | 15:38 |
afd_ | Mamarok: which repository? | 15:38 |
Mamarok | oops, wrong completion | 15:38 |
Mamarok | afd_: that was not for you, sorry | 15:38 |
afd_ | oh, sorry | 15:38 |
Mamarok | _Rocket: see above | 15:38 |
afd_ | I was hoping for an answer :) | 15:39 |
Mamarok | afd_: and you should really ask in #ubuntu+1, we do not handle Lucid support here | 15:39 |
afd_ | ok | 15:39 |
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_Rocket | Mamarok: how to disable it? | 15:43 |
Mamarok | _Rocket: which package manager are you using? | 15:44 |
_Rocket | apt-get | 15:44 |
Mamarok | _Rocket: then you need to edit the /etc/apt/sources.list and uncomment or remove the PPA there | 15:45 |
_Rocket | i already tried it | 15:45 |
Mike1 | hey! How much RAM does Kubuntu need approximately? I guess the good old 256MB are not enough anymore ;-) | 15:45 |
_Rocket | and it doesn't work | 15:45 |
Mamarok | Mike1: it wokrs, but very slow | 15:45 |
Mamarok | works* | 15:45 |
Mike1 | Mamarok: how much do you recommend for normal use? 512MB at least? | 15:46 |
Mamarok | _Rocket: well, it will not be removed automatically, you need to tell it to remove those packages | 15:46 |
Mamarok | Mike1: yes, more if you want to have compositing | 15:46 |
_Rocket | so i tried also dist-upgrade, it should downgrade these packages | 15:47 |
Mamarok | _Rocket: normally aptitude can do that very well, run sudo aptitude update and it will suggest to remove the obsolete packages | 15:47 |
Mike1 | Mamarok: okay, thanks for the info. Just writing an article about Ubuntu on old hardware in the german ubuntuusers-wiki :-) | 15:47 |
Mamarok | _Rocket: unlikely, if those are newer version you will have to remove those explicitely | 15:47 |
Mamarok | Mike1: it's the same for Gnome BTW | 15:48 |
Mike1 | Mamarok: does it not run quite well with 256MB or 384MB? | 15:48 |
Mamarok | Mike1: both use the same amount for the libraries | 15:49 |
Mike1 | Mamarok: I once read from a quite trustworthy user that the requirements of GNOME have stayed the same since some time … | 15:49 |
Mike1 | *for some time | 15:49 |
Mamarok | Mike1: so if you want to run compositing smoothly with Gnome or KDE you will need more than 512 MB anyway | 15:49 |
Tm_T | Mamarok: more than? | 15:50 |
Mamarok | Mike1: so did the KDE requirements | 15:50 |
Mamarok | Tm_T: to run compositing smoothly I said, it does run below, but it will be awfully slow | 15:50 |
kaddi | the latest kernel update is amazing! :) | 15:50 |
* Mike1 is glad that he does not run GNOME or KDE :D | 15:50 | |
Tm_T | Mamarok: hmm, depends ofcourse, but yeah it requires bit more of ram | 15:50 |
genii | Mike1: I have a P3 which runs KDE on 384 but *JUST* . and without compositing | 15:50 |
Mamarok | Mike1: it always depends on the applications you want to run anyway | 15:51 |
Mamarok | running 10 apps + compositing will likely be very limit in both desktops | 15:51 |
Tm_T | I have laptop running KDE4 with compositioning pretty well and 256 MiB ram | 15:51 |
Mamarok | wiht less than 512 MB | 15:51 |
Mamarok | Tm_T: how fast is your graphic card? | 15:52 |
Mamarok | he was talking about old hardware | 15:52 |
Tm_T | Mamarok: ati 9200 | 15:52 |
Mamarok | so I assume a slow graphic card | 15:52 |
Mamarok | which is not exactly slow :) | 15:52 |
Mike1 | Mamarok: yes, that’s something people often forget when looking at „needs XY MB of RAM” ;-) | 15:52 |
Tm_T | Mamarok: is not fast either (: | 15:52 |
Tm_T | anyway, running apps are more limiting factor than DE | 15:53 |
Mamarok | Mike1: so if you have a fast graphic card of course you will use less RAM for the graphics | 15:53 |
Mike1 | Tm_T: is it a default KDE4? what apps do you run on it? | 15:53 |
genii | Tm_T: On that P3 sometimes stuff takes 7-10 seconds after clicking before the cursor goes into "I'm doing something now" | 15:53 |
Tm_T | genii: ouch | 15:53 |
Mike1 | Mamarok: my “yes, …” was meant for your “depends on the applications …” message | 15:54 |
Mamarok | genii: that sounds like a very slow processor | 15:54 |
Tm_T | Mike1: not default, I drop nepomuk, strigi and akonadi entirely and then I avoid running too many apps simultaneously, Konqueror as browser | 15:54 |
Mamarok | Mike1: the graphic card has an influence, too | 15:54 |
genii | Mamarok: Pentium 3 800, 6Gb hd,384Mb ram, 100Mhz bus | 15:54 |
Mike1 | Mamarok: if it’s a shared-memory one, but else? | 15:54 |
Mamarok | genii: sounds very slow | 15:55 |
Mamarok | Pentium 3 was ages ago | 15:55 |
binarylooks | Are nepomuk and akonadi really such memory hogs? I thought strigi alone would cause real slow downs at times | 15:55 |
genii | Yes, it can be painful. Mostly it's a testing box | 15:55 |
Mike1 | Mamarok: very slow? Atom 1,6GHz isn’t that much faster … | 15:55 |
Mamarok | Mike1: but it doesn't work the same way internally | 15:56 |
Tm_T | binarylooks: no, but when you have only 256 MiB of ram, every bit counts, and nepomuk and akonadi each takes over 10 MiB I believe | 15:56 |
* Mamarok checks the Nepomuk/Strigi/Akonadi use | 15:56 | |
daskreech | Mamarok: KDE4 requirements have dropped | 15:57 |
daskreech | Mike1: I'm glad you don't run them either :) | 15:57 |
binarylooks | Tm_T: I am a bit afraid that new users immediately think that nepomuk is bad when people on forums declare it as evil memory users | 15:57 |
daskreech | Isn't choice grand :-) | 15:57 |
binarylooks | They miss a lot of cool stuff by disabling it, whereas strigi is not really useful | 15:58 |
Tm_T | binarylooks: nah, it's not bad for modern hardware | 15:58 |
Mamarok | Tm_T: Nepomuk runs almost nothing here, virtuoso is at 20, but X is taking up 300 MB | 15:58 |
* Mamarok has 4 GB though | 15:58 | |
Mamarok | so of course my apps have more available | 15:58 |
binarylooks | Tm_T: 256 Mb really sounds anciant :-) | 15:58 |
Tm_T | Mamarok: that's the thing, Nepomuk needs those backends and services (:) | 15:58 |
daskreech | binarylooks: NEpomuk is trying to keep an index of your drives in RAM so I guess since most people have a dispportinate size ratio of RAM to drive space it would make some heavy use of RAM | 15:58 |
BluesKaj | I dumped virtuoso , it doesn't do anything for me | 15:59 |
Mamarok | BluesKaj: then you don't have Nepomuk | 15:59 |
Tm_T | anyway, time to kick this machine -> | 15:59 |
binarylooks | daskreech: I thought nepomuk handles tags, strigi keeps the index of files and their contents? | 16:00 |
daskreech | binarylooks: Keeps it in nepomuk if I recall correctly | 16:00 |
BluesKaj | yeah nepomuk is quite useless me too , i don't the point of it | 16:00 |
binarylooks | daskreech: hmmm, I might read up on that. I am not sure | 16:00 |
BluesKaj | for me | 16:00 |
binarylooks | BluesKaj: thats ok, it still is in its initial stage | 16:01 |
BluesKaj | binarylooks, most files I need , I can find with the run box | 16:02 |
binarylooks | BluesKaj: but the krunner gets its information from somewhere | 16:02 |
eagles0513875 | hey guys i need some help | 16:03 |
eagles0513875 | i just installed karmic on my usb hdd and for some reason im unable to use apt to uninstall anything or install anythign it keeps giving me an error | 16:03 |
binarylooks | eagles0513875: its easier if you immediately ask a question without warning us | 16:03 |
eagles0513875 | binarylooks: and i asked the question | 16:03 |
BluesKaj | binarylooks, maybe i don't understand nepomuk's uses clearly , so telling me about krunner doesn't help :) | 16:03 |
eagles0513875 | let me pastbin the error im getting | 16:04 |
binarylooks | BluesKaj: same for me actually :-) | 16:04 |
ilumi | what is a good device to make it a linux media player? aka portable | 16:04 |
badr | i cannot use my camera benq 1300 in ubuntu 9.10 | 16:07 |
* Mamarok wonders where that pastebin URL ended up... | 16:07 | |
binarylooks | badr: #ubuntu | 16:07 |
eagles0513875 | Mamarok: maybe you can help me out but im not sure my question is about | 16:09 |
eagles0513875 | above | 16:09 |
eagles0513875 | and here is the pastebin to go with my question | 16:09 |
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Mamarok | eagles0513875: where? | 16:09 |
eagles0513875 | basically Mamarok my problem is with apt after installing karmic to an external usb hard drive i get the errors as follows in the paste | 16:10 |
r00t_ | How do i upgrade ktorrent to its latest version? Also how do i check to see what versioni have now? | 16:10 |
binarylooks | eagles0513875: can you paste your /etc/apt/sources.lst | 16:11 |
Mamarok | eagles0513875: check your sources.list, something is missing there | 16:11 |
genii | eagles0513875: Does: ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/ show the file "status-old" as being there and larger than 0 size? | 16:11 |
eagles0513875 | all repos are there just looked | 16:11 |
eagles0513875 | hold on | 16:11 |
eagles0513875 | binarylooks: | 16:11 |
mahasamoot | when is 10.4 due? | 16:12 |
eagles0513875 | !lucid | mahasamoot | 16:12 |
ubottu | mahasamoot: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 | 16:12 |
eagles0513875 | genii: and yes its larger then 0 | 16:12 |
binarylooks | mahasamoot: the 10 means 2010, the 4 means april | 16:13 |
Mike1 | it is stable on my PC, ubottu is wrong! | 16:13 |
genii | eagles0513875: sudo cp /var/lib/dpkg/status-old /var/lib/dpkg/status and then try the apt-get update or so again | 16:14 |
eagles0513875 | genii: ok | 16:14 |
Mamarok | Mike1: this is not up to discussion here | 16:14 |
mahasamoot | binarylooks: thank you | 16:14 |
eagles0513875 | Mike1: join ubuntu+1 for lucid discussion | 16:14 |
eagles0513875 | ty genii :) that did the trick | 16:15 |
genii | eagles0513875: np | 16:15 |
mahasamoot | if I want to use btrfs, am I better out with 9.10 or 10.4? | 16:15 |
* eagles0513875 learned somethign new today | 16:15 | |
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Mamarok | eagles0513875: just don't forget it, Knotes is nice for remembering | 16:16 |
binarylooks | Knotes with akonadi will rock ! :-) | 16:16 |
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eagles0513875 | well Mamarok genii suggested i put sync in fstab so it doesnt happen again | 16:18 |
Mamarok | eagles0513875: writre it down, I know you will forget it | 16:19 |
binarylooks | I tried basket4 from git yesterday, really cool | 16:19 |
eagles0513875 | basket i really like | 16:20 |
eagles0513875 | !info basket | 16:20 |
ubottu | basket (source: basket): a multi-purpose note-taking application for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 4866 kB, installed size 7592 kB | 16:20 |
eagles0513875 | :) glad ot see its still about i heard the original dev was no longer going to work on it but i contacted him and he said someone else was taking over | 16:20 |
Mike1 | binarylooks, eagles0513875: is it possible to set alarms with Basket? | 16:21 |
eagles0513875 | Mike1: dunno i havent used it in a lil bit as i have been off linux | 16:21 |
eagles0513875 | but now that i have an install on my external hdd im going ot install it again | 16:21 |
binarylooks | eagles0513875: it will be released on feb 12th or something | 16:21 |
eagles0513875 | binarylooks: new version of it? | 16:22 |
binarylooks | eagles0513875: yep, the website is not up to date yet. check the kubuntu-devel mailing list for info | 16:22 |
binarylooks | eagles0513875: there is a ppa with snapshots | 16:22 |
eagles0513875 | nice | 16:22 |
eagles0513875 | i might just go to the site and grab the source | 16:22 |
eagles0513875 | dunno what it is with me but i like compiling stuff from source | 16:23 |
BluesKaj | well, some apps aren't available in the repos , so I occasionally compile , usually linux versions of windows apps | 16:24 |
Mike1 | compiling is cool … if it works | 16:25 |
jasj | #openbravo-es | 16:31 |
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=== e is now known as Peace- | ||
r00t_ | How do i upgrade ktorrent to its latest version? Also how do i check to see what versioni have now? | 16:52 |
binarylooks | how do I get python plasmoids running in karmic with kde sc rc2? | 16:52 |
binarylooks | r00t_: check in the about dialogue | 16:53 |
r00t_ | I have ktorent version 3.24 how do i upgrade tot eh current version of 3.3.? | 16:55 |
binarylooks | r00t_: karmic? | 16:55 |
=== sss is now known as qqiqq | ||
r00t_ | binarylooks: Is karmic stable yet? thats the new *buntu right? | 16:56 |
binarylooks | karmic is the current stable ubuntu | 16:56 |
binarylooks | the new one will be lucid in april | 16:56 |
r00t_ | how do i see what version of kubutnu ihave? | 16:56 |
r00t_ | lsmod something? | 16:56 |
werfact | r00t_: uname -a | 16:57 |
Vroomfondle | lsb_release -a | 16:57 |
binarylooks | ^that gives the kernel number | 16:57 |
Vroomfondle | uname will give kernel number. lsb_release will give Kubuntu version. | 16:57 |
r00t_ | it says im on karmic. | 16:58 |
werfact | ok | 16:58 |
binarylooks | r00t_: so if you fully updated, ktorent 3.3 is not in karmic yet. you will have to see if you can get it from somewhere else | 16:58 |
r00t_ | Darn... Would downoading the newest ktorrent and installing it manulaly cause me to loose my current torrents? Its very important i dont loose them as i need them for work. | 16:59 |
r00t_ | urrent downloading torrents^ | 17:00 |
binarylooks | r00t_: do you know what a ppa is? | 17:00 |
r00t_ | Nope. | 17:01 |
binarylooks | r00t_: u will not loose current torrents, but a backup is always good | 17:01 |
binarylooks | hmm, i have to run..ktorrent 3.3 is in ht efollowing ppa | 17:01 |
binarylooks | ppa:futurepilot/ppa | 17:01 |
r00t_ | well i actuaLLY I DO KNOW WHAT ppa is but i dont think your talking abuot phenylpropylamine | 17:01 |
binarylooks | ppa's are additional sources but they come with a risk, because pacages a re not really tested | 17:02 |
r00t_ | awesome,how do i add that to my sources.list? | 17:02 |
binarylooks | r00t_: | 17:02 |
binarylooks | r00t_: follow from there or ask around, i have to leave now. Good luck | 17:03 |
r00t_ | thanks | 17:03 |
eagles0513875 | hey guys i have a question are these warnings something i should worry about | 17:06 |
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk | ||
r00t_ | i added teh PPA but now it says he following packages have been kept back: | 17:08 |
r00t_ | gstreamer0.10-plugins-good kipi-plugins ktorrent ktorrent-data libgegl-0.0-0 libgphoto2-port0 libgpod-common libpurple0 linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic mozilla-plugin-vlc neverball neverball-common | 17:08 |
r00t_ | neverball-data neverputt pidgin pidgin-data vlc vlc-nox vlc-plugin-pulse | 17:08 |
FloodBotK3 | r00t_: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:08 |
r00t_ | How would i force it to just upgrade ktorrent?? | 17:09 |
greyhat | # klkid /path/disk to see UUID ? | 17:09 |
greyhat | i mean blkid | 17:09 |
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r00t_ | Even if thers a newer version in my repos? Thats sounds silly,there has to be someway to upgrade a package to its latest version, | 17:11 |
werfact | you cant if you cant satisfy dependencies | 17:12 |
WaltzingAlong | r00t_: sudo aptitude install ktorrent ? | 17:26 |
WaltzingAlong | r00t_: could be held back for various reasons - one being that the required dependencies are not (yet) available | 17:28 |
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bowser | hi all, can I somehow extract RARs with passwords on a samba share? | 17:48 |
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eagles0513875 | is anyone else experiencing connectivity issues with konversation? | 18:55 |
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Peace- | eagles0513875: mm no | 18:59 |
Peace- | eagles0513875: but i am on lucid xD | 18:59 |
daskreech | r00t_: Where are you getting the update of ktorrent from/ | 19:18 |
bjb1959 | I upgraded to kde 4.4 and everything works great so far. the only issue is dpms. for some reason I have to enter xset -dpms at a command prompt to shut it off even though it is shut off in power settings. any ideas? | 19:22 |
Iskorptix | where I could set default browser ? | 19:27 |
genii | Hm. 52 seconds is hardly long enough to wait for an answer | 19:32 |
travers | hi | 19:32 |
Ike_Coast | Hullo there | 19:32 |
genii | !hi | travers | 19:32 |
ubottu | travers: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 19:32 |
travers | got 2 go see u | 19:34 |
somekool | are KDE 4.4 RC3 packages on their way? usuallly kubuntu is faster than the entire world at packaging KDE.... I'm not used to waiting for so long ;) hehe ..... 4.4.0 has been tagged as well | 19:39 |
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dawid | Hi you lot ;D | 19:59 |
titan_ark | damn wireless stopped working again! | 19:59 |
dawid | xD it always stops | 20:00 |
titan_ark | was working fine until last night | 20:01 |
titan_ark | i reboot | 20:01 |
titan_ark | and now i need to plug in a wire | 20:01 |
titan_ark | gawd this is irritating | 20:01 |
titan_ark | Damn, my wireless is not working. was working fine until last night. i reboot and now i need to plug in a wire | 20:05 |
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seb_ | salut ^ | 20:25 |
seb_ | ^^ | 20:25 |
titan_ark | need help with knetworkmanager | 20:31 |
Peace- | titan_ark: ? | 20:37 |
Peace- | what's up? | 20:37 |
Peace- | 10 seconds and i will go out | 20:37 |
Peace- | 9 | 20:37 |
Peace- | xD | 20:38 |
Peace- | 5 | 20:38 |
Peace- | 0 | 20:38 |
titan_ark | Peace-: my wireless is not working. was working fine until last night. i reboot and now i need to plug in a wire | 20:38 |
titan_ark | :O | 20:38 |
Peace- | titan_ark: mmm | 20:38 |
Peace- | titan_ark: could you create a new user ? | 20:38 |
Peace- | test if you get the same issue? | 20:39 |
Peace- | if yes that is bad | 20:39 |
Peace- | if no :D | 20:39 |
Peace- | enjoy | 20:39 |
titan_ark | Peace-: okay shall try. could you tell me what is the package name for knetworkmanager | 20:39 |
titan_ark | i cant seem to remove it | 20:39 |
titan_ark | or install | 20:40 |
Peace- | titan_ark: anyway if you get the same issue you could think to install wicd | 20:40 |
Peace- | titan_ark: you have not to remove it | 20:40 |
Peace- | just try before to create a new user | 20:40 |
Peace- | then if even with the new user you can't get the stuff working | 20:40 |
titan_ark | okay | 20:40 |
Peace- | maybe you could try to reinstall | 20:40 |
Peace- | knetworkmanager | 20:40 |
Peace- | ok lets see the package | 20:40 |
titan_ark | sure :) thx | 20:41 |
Peace- | apt-cache search knetworkmanager | 20:41 |
Peace- | knm-runtime - KDE NetworkManagement infrastructure runtime files | 20:41 |
Peace- | network-manager-kde - KDE system tray applet for controlling NetworkManager | 20:41 |
titan_ark | cool thx Peace- | 20:42 |
Peace- | titan_ark: you can get my personal apt- service menu | 20:42 |
Peace- | on kde apps | 20:42 |
titan_ark | dint get you? | 20:43 |
Peace- | | 20:43 |
=== mike is now known as Guest20760 | ||
Peace- | it's not perfect but it works | 20:43 |
titan_ark | :) cool | 20:44 |
titan_ark | thx a bunch | 20:44 |
Peace- | now :) i going out | 20:45 |
titan_ark | Peace-: :) cya | 20:45 |
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titan_ark | *reboots* | 20:45 |
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theclaw | hi | 21:13 |
theclaw | how exactly do I enable dualhead support? system settings shows both screens, but I can't find an option to enable dualhead :/ | 21:13 |
theclaw | I can set the size and orientation for both screens, but I can't "drag" the screens on the right side like in gnome | 21:14 |
somekool | theclaw: depends on your video card | 21:14 |
theclaw | somekool: my video card supports xrandr | 21:15 |
somekool | nvidia ? | 21:15 |
theclaw | somekool: no, ATI with opensource drivers - it works in gnome | 21:15 |
theclaw | I just don't know how that system settings GUI is supposed to work :) | 21:15 |
=== [BT]Brendan is now known as [BNC]Brendan | ||
somekool | under kubuntu 9.10 ? you have twinhead under gnome but not under KDE ? | 21:16 |
theclaw | somekool: yes, it's (k)ubuntu 9.10 | 21:16 |
xrandr | theclaw: i thank your video card for supporting me. | 21:16 |
theclaw | :) | 21:17 |
theclaw | somekool: yes - I just don't know how to use the KDE GUI ;) | 21:17 |
theclaw | somekool: I go to system settings -> display and it lists both displays; I however can't enable dualhead | 21:18 |
theclaw | somekool: I'm pretty sure it would work with xrandr at the command line, but I don't want to do that as this will get overwritten every time possibly | 21:18 |
theclaw | nobody uses dualhead on gnome? :/ | 21:23 |
theclaw | err, on kde | 21:23 |
jrdnyquist | I do | 21:24 |
theclaw | jrdnyquist: do you use the system settings to configure it? | 21:24 |
jrdnyquist | well obviously xorg.conf has to be setup with 2 monitors first | 21:25 |
theclaw | jrdnyquist: it's not an problem! | 21:25 |
theclaw | jrdnyquist: I don't use xorg.conf - just xrandr | 21:25 |
theclaw | jrdnyquist: I have a rather empty xorg.conf ;) | 21:25 |
theclaw | jrdnyquist: I just tried doing it with xrandr manually - it basically works, but it sets the wrong screen as primary | 21:26 |
jrdnyquist | well it was effortless for me I jsut ran nvidia-settings and it happend automagically | 21:26 |
theclaw | oh.. okay :/ | 21:26 |
theclaw | kinda sad that system settings doesn't seem to be capable of setting up dualhead :( | 21:26 |
jrdnyquist | systems settings -> display -> multiple monitors | 21:27 |
jrdnyquist | never had to touch it though | 21:28 |
theclaw | jrdnyquist: it says: "This module is only for configuring systems with a single desktop spread across multiple monitors. You do not appear to have this configuration.." | 21:28 |
jrdnyquist | oh I misunderstood | 21:29 |
jrdnyquist | I am jsut running a single desktop across two | 21:29 |
jrdnyquist | you want two separate X session on each head? | 21:29 |
theclaw | no | 21:29 |
theclaw | I want a single desktop across two displays, and I don't know any way to configure it with KDE | 21:29 |
theclaw | it works *fine* with xrandr at the command line | 21:29 |
theclaw | I'll take a screenshot | 21:30 |
jrdnyquist | what type vid card? | 21:30 |
theclaw | radeon. it's xrandr 1.2 capable | 21:30 |
theclaw | jrdnyquist: | 21:32 |
theclaw | jrdnyquist: I want to setup my desktop to span the two displays | 21:33 |
theclaw | jrdnyquist: I thought I could simply drag one screen above the other, but this doesn't work | 21:33 |
jrdnyquist | well not something I've had to worry about but are you doing something along the lines of: ? | 21:33 |
MHz128 | how do I change the *root* desktop image? without using 'feh' | 21:34 |
teage | Can anyone tell me why, everytime i exit the kde menu konqueror opens up. Gives me a message and says " contacted" whats with that and how do i end it? | 21:35 |
theclaw | jrdnyquist: there's no option for "position" here | 21:35 |
jrdnyquist | wish I could help man but I'm in nvidia-settings world over here I'd just be googling etc | 21:37 |
skype | Hi Tortue , Can I get compensated for mine? | 21:37 |
theclaw | jrdnyquist: thanks for your help, thoguh | 21:38 |
skype | 7 weeks in Denver getting severly beaten and druged for trespassing wow seems worth a million to me | 21:38 |
skype | what you all think? | 21:38 |
skype | paypal | 21:39 |
maco | er what was that? | 21:39 |
theclaw | meh | 21:40 |
somekool | theclaw: try using the gnome GUI to setup dualhead under KDE | 21:47 |
neimadh | hello | 21:47 |
somekool | i've heard of some twinhead problems with Kubuntu/KDE and ATI cards | 21:47 |
neimadh | what sort of problems?? | 21:48 |
theclaw | somekool: nope, doesn't work (it's not an ATI card issue) | 21:48 |
neimadh | i've have a problem with grub. After each update he show me each version of kubuntu | 21:49 |
neimadh | could you help me?? | 21:50 |
neimadh | so now i've 3 version of kubuntu in grub (each runs perfectly and it seems they are the same) | 21:51 |
somekool | theclaw: what is the issue then ? | 21:52 |
mahasamoot | do I need alt install for LUKS, or can I use the normal install disk? | 21:53 |
theclaw | somekool: KDE doesn't allow me to position the screens relative to each other! | 21:53 |
theclaw | somekool: I want to say something like "screen 0 above screen 1" | 21:53 |
somekool | I'm not suprise the KDE GUI does not allow it. | 21:53 |
jrdnyquist | theclaw, I'm think you need to add two screen sections in xorg.conf | 21:53 |
jrdnyquist | mine is bare and stock, other than that | 21:53 |
theclaw | jrdnyquist: no I don't, xrandr supports it without xorg.conf | 21:53 |
jrdnyquist | that's all nvidia-settings modified to make it happen for me | 21:53 |
jrdnyquist | hmm ok | 21:54 |
theclaw | jrdnyquist: yes, but nvidia doesn't use xrandr 1.2 I guess | 21:54 |
jrdnyquist | hmm ok | 21:54 |
theclaw | jrdnyquist: they use their own configuration interface | 21:54 |
jrdnyquist | not familiar with it | 21:54 |
theclaw | somekool: why aren't you surprised? ;) | 21:55 |
theclaw | I actually thought that's where KDE is better than gnome :-/ | 21:56 |
somekool | not having one feature does not mean it aint better | 21:57 |
somekool | KDE is far better, but I'm not surprise to hear this one is missing | 21:58 |
somekool | that's it | 21:58 |
jrdnyquist | theclaw, I'm sure you've googled to death but did you see this... | 21:58 |
theclaw | jrdnyquist: yeah I tried that, it works but I'm not able to set up the primary screen | 21:59 |
somekool | have a good weekend | 21:59 |
theclaw | I'll probably try KDE sometimes later again. There are other problems too (graphical glitches in some GUI elements like radio buttons) | 22:00 |
jrdnyquist | and there's all those K's | 22:01 |
theclaw | I wouldn't mind that ;) | 22:02 |
theclaw | (the graphical glitches are video driver problems that occur in gnome too, just not as often) | 22:03 |
=== andy__ is now known as andyb7274 | ||
len__ | Is KDE 4.4 rc3 going to be released for 9.10? | 22:20 |
jerem_ | slt tlm | 22:25 |
jerem_ | french here? | 22:25 |
jc0694 | has anybody ever had problems on startup having kubuntu recognize an external hard drive? it will recognize it if i unplug and plug in again but it won't see it if already plugged in at startup. any ideas? | 22:27 |
=== EtienneP is now known as EtienneP[NotOnCa | ||
=== EtienneP[NotOnCa is now known as EtienneP | ||
Daughain | jc0694: If you are leaving it always plugged in, you could always mount it in fstab. | 22:39 |
jc0694 | Daughain: thanks for the info... i'm reading up on fstab now... is this something that can be done quickly and easily? | 22:44 |
Daughain | jc0694: I nwver mounted a US drive, but, once you know the path, it shoudlnt be that hard, I thin it took me a whole ten min the first time I set a drive in fstab. | 22:44 |
Daughain | USB. | 22:45 |
Daughain | I need sleep. | 22:45 |
=== nuno is now known as nunojpg | ||
kebomix | hello , any idea about how to install gnome network manager instead of knetworkmaanger and make it default ? | 22:52 |
jc0694 | Daughain: do u have to do this manually by editing the fstab file or can i configure this with a gui? | 22:56 |
Daughain | Manual edit with gedit, or another text editor. | 22:57 |
petr_ | hello | 22:58 |
darthanubis | sound from mutiple sources simultanesously does not work out the bok with kubuntu | 22:58 |
=== petr_ is now known as asdfsaf123 | ||
darthanubis | anyone have a link to the fix | 22:58 |
asdfsaf123 | tell me please what is this? | 22:58 |
darthanubis | I think it involves .asoundrc file and its settings | 22:58 |
=== asdfsaf123 is now known as NewUser | ||
NewUser | | 22:59 |
NewUser | what is it? | 22:59 |
NewUser | how to remove my talk in this list? | 23:00 |
kaddi_ | that is not possible I believe | 23:01 |
kaddi_ | that is why you get the following message when you log in: "This channel is publicly logged. The official Ubuntu logs are at" | 23:01 |
NewUser | ((( there are my IP | 23:01 |
NewUser | One way to hide my IP is to go to my provider and ask him | 23:02 |
kaddi_ | do you have a static IP? | 23:02 |
NewUser | yes | 23:02 |
kaddi_ | ah | 23:02 |
NewUser | ah ah (( | 23:03 |
=== [BNC]Brendan is now known as [BT]Brendan | ||
kaddi_ | I'm afraid I don't think there is anything that one can do now. Sorry. | 23:05 |
tsimpson | if you want to hide your IP, you should register your nick and ask for a unaffiliated cloak in #freenode | 23:06 |
NewUser | no-no I write my IP in some talking and so... I input my IP in google and I see link on log of kubuntu... | 23:08 |
NewUser | and there are my nikname and all my talks | 23:08 |
NewUser | somebody ues TOR? Or this programm should not be used ? | 23:10 |
NewUser | Because if I use TOR then I want to hide my IP and it is strange | 23:10 |
jussi01 | NewUser: gpg tor you can use, but best to ask this on #freenode | 23:10 |
tsimpson | why do you need to hide your IP so badly? | 23:11 |
NewUser | no no no ! I am self write MY IP in one of messages in this chennel | 23:11 |
NewUser | tor is another question | 23:11 |
tsimpson | ok, so? | 23:11 |
BenPA | help ... just did an update on 9.10 and can only boot into 2.6.27-16-generic all other img freeze | 23:13 |
NewUser | I find out that I can not delete IP from old log of kubuntu... and all history of records located in kubuntu server | 23:13 |
tsimpson | I still don't get what the big deal is | 23:14 |
e_t_ | Is there a way to disable the window "snap" feature in the 4.4 RC? Almost every time I click on a title bar, it thinks I want to adjust the window size, but I don't. | 23:15 |
NewUser | bye | 23:15 |
BenPA | just did an update on 9.10 and can only boot into 2.6.27-16-generic all other img freeze .... can I or should I add noapic to boot and what is the format? | 23:18 |
htc | وينكم | 23:22 |
ton | #ubuntu | 23:25 |
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ton | hello | 23:28 |
kaddi_ | hi :) | 23:28 |
ton | ^^ | 23:29 |
ton | um.... | 23:29 |
ton | so i was hoping irc would be better for help.... | 23:29 |
kaddi_ | how so? | 23:29 |
ton | does anyone know where "system tools" is???? | 23:29 |
ton | everywhere on web it says applications>system tools | 23:29 |
ton | maybe I'm missing something | 23:29 |
kaddi_ | what is system tools supposed to do? I haven't heard of it | 23:30 |
ton | its apparently just supposed to be the directory for things like VirtualBox, etc. | 23:30 |
ton | but ubuntu 9.04 there's no directory like that... | 23:31 |
ton | *sigh* | 23:31 |
kaddi_ | ton: i don't have afolder called system tools either. virtualbox is located in utilities for me | 23:33 |
BluesKaj | ton there should be a an icon in the K-menu | 23:33 |
ton | utilities? K-menu? | 23:34 |
ton | sorry, noob here... | 23:34 |
kaddi_ | go to k-menu->applications->utilities | 23:34 |
ton | =_= | 23:35 |
ton | i don't have a clue.... | 23:35 |
ton | where would it be on the screen lol? | 23:35 |
kaddi_ | do you see the k-menu? | 23:35 |
ton | maybe it's because I'm on plain vanilla ubuntu o_o | 23:36 |
kaddi_ | o.o | 23:36 |
ton | bc no i dont | 23:36 |
kaddi_ | ah yes | 23:36 |
kaddi_ | that would explain it | 23:36 |
ton | arg | 23:36 |
kaddi_ | try asking the same quesition in #ubuntu please. I don't have gnome and hence can't help you with that then | 23:36 |
ton | why did konversation take me to kubuntu room anywayz lol.... | 23:36 |
BluesKaj | ton: it's called system settings , not tools | 23:36 |
ton | system settings? | 23:37 |
BluesKaj | yes | 23:37 |
ton | I don't even know how to get to #ubuntu >< | 23:37 |
kaddi_ | in ubuntu as well? | 23:37 |
kaddi_ | ton type "/join #ubuntu" without the "" | 23:37 |
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ton | okay thanks so much :D | 23:37 |
ton | have a real good day ^^ | 23:38 |
BluesKaj | oh, that was a noob, din't know the diff between kubuntu and ubuntu...i should have guessed :) | 23:42 |
kaddi_ | he did warn us though :D | 23:42 |
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BluesKaj | kaddi_: wasn't paying close | 23:46 |
BluesKaj | attn | 23:46 |
gyo | hiï·’< | 23:47 |
CalimeroTeknik | wahaha | 23:47 |
kushou_ | CalimeroTeknik: ? | 23:47 |
kushou_ | go | 23:47 |
CalimeroTeknik | big shot, 38 casualties | 23:48 |
gyo | woot | 23:49 |
kaddi | that wsa weird :s | 23:50 |
kaddi | BluesKaj: i didn't mean to criticize. | 23:50 |
BluesKaj | hmm, konversation just crashed , been trying to avoid that by sticking with desktop is now on gnome 10.04, kde 4.4 is broken on my setup | 23:50 |
CalimeroTeknik | you're using konversation | 23:51 |
CalimeroTeknik | it's a bug | 23:51 |
kaddi | you're konversation just crashed too? | 23:51 |
kaddi | cause mine did as well. I suspect it's because of a string send then? | 23:51 |
BluesKaj | yes kaddi | 23:51 |
gyo | yes | 23:51 |
gyo | im so sorry, but this was fun ^^ | 23:52 |
kaddi | is that already reported? the only report I saw for that was listed as fixed | 23:52 |
gyo | kaddi: #konversation people experienced this bug :-° | 23:53 |
kaddi | oh i c. lol. They're probably aware of it then XD | 23:53 |
CalimeroTeknik | yes, we tried to explain them "the hard way" | 23:54 |
CalimeroTeknik | I think they're working on it now x) | 23:54 |
gyo | sooooorrrrry :Ð | 23:54 |
BluesKaj | kaddi: that was my first konvi crash in several months | 23:54 |
kaddi | it might actually be my first ever to be honest :o | 23:55 |
* kaddi loves konvi | 23:55 | |
gyo | you can /kickban me if you want :) | 23:55 |
jc0694 | when you use the mount command does it automatically edit fstab? | 23:55 |
kaddi | let me make a channel, invite you and kickban you from there. :p | 23:55 |
kaddi | jc0694: not that I'm aware of. You need to edit the fstab yourself if you want something mounted on boot, i think | 23:56 |
jc0694 | kaddi: so anything that is mounted using the mount command will be lost when u restart the pc? | 23:57 |
kaddi | jc0694: i think so. yes | 23:57 |
jc0694 | kaddi: but if i actually edit the fstab it's for keeps right? | 23:57 |
kaddi | it will get mounted on every boot, yes | 23:57 |
darthanubis | !sound | 23:59 |
ubottu | If you're having problems with sound see - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 23:59 |
jc0694 | kaddi: hmmmmm... i'm trying to mount my external hard drive so that it always loads on startup... currently, if the device is plugged in at startup kubuntu will not set it... i have to manually replug it back in for it to see it. supossedly/hopefully if i edit the fstab it should always see it and i don't have to replug | 23:59 |
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