soren | I've been wondering this for too long now: What the heck is the "Review type" field for in code reviews? | 00:53 |
spiv | soren: Launchpad uses it to request "ui" reviews and the like | 00:54 |
jpds | soren: code / db / ui / foobar. | 00:54 |
soren | OH! | 00:54 |
soren | Err.. oh. | 00:55 |
soren | So if a patch touches a bunch of areas, you use the "review type" to say that you've only looked at the UI bits of it, or what? | 00:55 |
soren | It's a field you fill in as the reviewer, not the person requesting the review. | 00:56 |
jpds | Or leave it blank and individual people can do different review types. | 00:56 |
jpds | soren: eg, | 00:56 |
spiv | soren: you can use it when requesting reviews too, I believe | 00:56 |
soren | jpds: Great, an example was exactly what I was hoping for. :) Thanks. | 00:58 |
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler | ||
nuclear_eclipse | hi, I uploaded a package to my PPA about an hour ago (or more), but my PPA page still looks "empty", and I didn't get any error messages during the upload process? Is this sort of latency to be expected, or should I be trying to further investigate why it's not showing up? | 04:46 |
wgrant | nuclear_eclipse: You should receive an email within five minutes, as long as you signed the package with a key known by Launchpad. | 04:53 |
nuclear_eclipse | hmm | 04:53 |
nuclear_eclipse | it was signed with my gpg key that (afaik) Launchpad knows about already... =\ | 04:54 |
nuclear_eclipse | didn't get an email though, so I'll double check that | 04:54 |
nuclear_eclipse | thank you | 04:54 |
nuclear_eclipse | ah ha, I must have regenerated my key sometime in the past 4 years... :P | 04:55 |
nuclear_eclipse | wgrant: ok, I uploaded my new gpg key to launchpad and confirmed it, will my PPA upload automatically get queued now, or do I need to reupload it? | 05:00 |
wgrant | nuclear_eclipse: You'll need to upload it again. | 05:04 |
nuclear_eclipse | yay! I got the email | 05:06 |
nuclear_eclipse | thanks wgrant | 05:07 |
wgrant | nuclear_eclipse: excellent. | 05:07 |
nuclear_eclipse | wgrant: how long do pending builds usually take? | 05:09 |
wgrant | nuclear_eclipse: Most of the time they should start within a couple of seconds. | 05:09 |
wgrant | nuclear_eclipse: If you click on a pending build, it should give you an estimate of the start time. | 05:10 |
nuclear_eclipse | lol, "Start in 1 hour (2505)" :P | 05:11 |
wgrant | nuclear_eclipse: Ah, you're stuck behind lots of daily builds. | 05:12 |
wgrant | You've picked just about the worst time of the day. | 05:12 |
nuclear_eclipse | heh, figures | 05:12 |
wgrant | If you look at you can see what's going on. | 05:12 |
nuclear_eclipse | wgrant: guess I should have come in here to complain sooner :P | 05:18 |
Peng | Loggerhead appears to be down. | 06:35 |
Peng | gives Internal Server Errors. Which means Loggerhead itself is running, which is good, I guess. | 06:36 |
Peng | I've tried a few different branches. None of them work. | 06:36 |
spm | Peng: ta; I got an alert earlier; but it all checked green. so left as is; but apepars no, it was really futzed in an infrequent way. Bounced. | 06:39 |
Peng | spm: <3 | 06:40 |
spm | heh | 06:41 |
Peng | Wonder what the logs say? | 06:41 |
spiv | Peng: "TIMBER!" perhaps | 06:42 |
spm | "please. help." | 06:45 |
Peng | "help, I'm trapped in a Python factory!" | 06:46 |
spm | wow. that's a cool error. (what's in the logs) logging that as a bug.... | 06:46 |
spm | logging a loggerhead bug - sorry - no pun intended; but spelled out JIC you missed it. | 06:46 |
Peng | I'm tired, so I totally missed the pun. :P | 06:47 |
Peng | I mean, I missed that it was a pun, and just interpreted it normally. :P | 06:47 |
spm | probably a good thing when all's said and done | 06:47 |
Peng | Thanks for filing a bug. :) | 06:48 |
spm | nearly.... | 06:48 |
spm | hmm. must be friday evening; can't think of a decent bug report title.... | 06:49 |
Peng | You're lucky; I can't ever think of good bug titles. :P | 06:49 |
spm | ha | 06:50 |
spm | for the terminally curious | 06:50 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 517418 in launchpad-code "lp loggerhead giving an interesting smash" [Undecided,New] | 06:50 |
Peng | Oh, that looks hideous wrapped to 80 characters. | 06:51 |
spm | yeah... | 06:51 |
Peng | Hmm, lru_cache KeyError? I think there's a bug open about that. | 06:51 |
spm | yes; I was under the impression we had a fix for that tho. perhaps not. | 06:52 |
Peng | Looks like I was thinkig of | 06:52 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 420738 in bzr "LRUCache.cleanup raises KeyError" [Low,Confirmed] | 06:52 |
Peng | Maybe. | 06:52 |
spm | Ahh this is the one I was thinking of. | 06:59 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 514090 in launchpad-code "KeyError in lru_cache when loggerhead is heavily loaded" [High,In progress] | 06:59 |
Peng | Oooh. | 06:59 |
Peng | Jeepers, how many lru_cache issues do we have? >.> | 06:59 |
spm | yeah.... | 07:00 |
Peng | Wait, that looks like a dupe too. | 07:00 |
Peng | Am I too sleepy, or are bug #420738, bug #514090 and bug #517418 the same thing? | 07:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 420738 in bzr "LRUCache.cleanup raises KeyError" [Low,Confirmed] | 07:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 514090 in launchpad-code "KeyError in lru_cache when loggerhead is heavily loaded" [High,In progress] | 07:01 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 517418 in loggerhead "lp loggerhead giving an interesting smash (dup-of: 420738)" [Undecided,New] | 07:01 |
Peng | Yes, thank you, ubottu. | 07:01 |
spm | probably; I personally prefer to load up new info in a new bug report; oft the circumstances are different in some way. And I'm not familair enough with the code (read, at all) to make a call one way or the other. | 07:03 |
Peng | Well, as you can see, I marked 517418 as a dupe of 420738. Hopefully I'm not wrong. | 07:03 |
Peng | :P | 07:03 |
wgrant | Odd that nobody noticed 420738 when 514090 was discovered. | 07:04 |
wgrant | They do appear to be dupes. | 07:04 |
Peng | 514090 is happening to a different LRUCache, but it should still be the same base issue. | 07:04 |
spiv | spm: I agree, it's easier to mark a bug as a dupe than split a one bug report's conversation into two bugs. | 07:05 |
spiv | (Although arguably that it's harder to split is a bug in itself) | 07:06 |
appiah | ... | 09:37 |
nigel_nb | thanks niko | 09:44 |
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn | ||
niko | np | 09:44 |
wgrant | How do I add an SSH key to my account? | 09:47 |
wgrant | I cannot find documentation. | 09:48 |
wgrant | (I know how to do it, but I would like to link to existing docs) | 09:48 |
nigel_nb | wgrant, ? | 09:49 |
wgrant | nigel_nb: Ah, yes, that works. Odd that it's not linked from the Codehosting docs. | 09:50 |
nigel_nb | wgrant, :) | 09:50 |
Daviey | wgrant: There is a link on in the intro paragraph | 09:51 |
wgrant | Daviey: I don't know how to get there. I'm just reading through | 09:52 |
nigel_nb | wgrant, it probably assumes that you've set up SSH keys by then | 09:52 |
wgrant | nigel_nb: That's probably not a valid assumption. | 09:53 |
nigel_nb | wgrant, time to update documentation then :) | 09:54 |
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=== deryck is now known as deryck[lunch] | ||
d1b | hi question can i have a private bzr repo on launchpad? | 12:52 |
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch | ||
noodles775 | d1b: you can, there are commercial subscriptions (more info here: Does that help? | 13:01 |
noodles775 | (It's normally for non-open source licenses - not sure what license you're using). | 13:02 |
d1b | noodles775: im not. just keep comp society documents in git atm. | 13:10 |
d1b | trying to find a way to host them. would be public *but* there are emails and other stuff that spammers might like | 13:10 |
falktx | hi there | 13:21 |
falktx | I (or we) have a problem | 13:21 |
falktx | i uploaded a package to my PPA and it doesn't stop building | 13:21 |
falktx | it's on a error loop | 13:21 |
falktx | | 13:21 |
noodles775 | looking | 13:22 |
noodles775 | falktx: I'm just watching them now... up to 7minutes... I'm hoping to get the log before it's redispatched (but that's unlikely as the queue is currently empty). | 13:32 |
noodles775 | I'm assuming the builder itself is returning BUILDERFAIL or GIVENBACK, which just put the build back in NEEDSBUILD, but I'm not sure why yet. | 13:33 |
wgrant | noodles775: We don't yet clean the build log from the record, do we? | 13:34 |
wgrant | Or did that get fixed in the refactoring? | 13:34 |
noodles775 | wgrant: no, not until it's re-dispatched I think? | 13:34 |
noodles775 | (and what are you still doing up??, but great that you're here :) ). | 13:35 |
* noodles775 checks. | 13:35 | |
wgrant | It's not even 1am. | 13:35 |
* wgrant is grepping around. | 13:35 | |
noodles775 | *even*, ah to be a uni student again ;) | 13:35 |
wgrant | Heh. | 13:36 |
wgrant | I can't see where it would be set back to None, unless it was manually retried. | 13:36 |
noodles775 | Yeah, it's actually the buildqueue record's logtail that is set back to None during the reset(). | 13:36 |
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck | ||
noodles775 | So we should be able to get it via the api (even though it's not displayed on the web ui because the builder is in BUILDING state. | 13:37 |
wgrant | It's None. | 13:38 |
noodles775 | And the builds are back to NEEDSBUILD :/ | 13:38 |
wgrant | Huh. So they are. | 13:38 |
noodles775 | Actually, one of the is failed... | 13:38 |
noodles775 | | 13:38 |
falktx | i just saw that | 13:39 |
falktx | you guys cancelled it? | 13:39 |
noodles775 | Nope. | 13:39 |
wgrant | The amd64 got SIGKILLed somehow. | 13:39 |
wgrant | OOM-killer, perhaps. | 13:39 |
noodles775 | So maybe a losa did something? | 13:39 |
falktx | the i386 build just restarted | 13:42 |
wgrant | I wonder if a similar thing happens to the i386 build, except that one of the more critical build processes gets killed, so buildd-manager fails to communicate with the slave and resets the build. | 13:45 |
wgrant | GIVENBACK and BUILDERFAIL should result in a stored build log. | 13:45 |
noodles775 | I just checked the logs, and it always seems to be on the same builders (samarium and osmium). | 13:52 |
wgrant | That could just be a scheduling quirk. | 13:54 |
wgrant | I don't see how it would remember. | 13:54 |
noodles775 | Sure, I was just wondering whether it could be related to the builders themselves, rather than the job. | 13:54 |
wgrant | Ah, right. | 13:55 |
thekorn | is it just me or is staging down? | 13:55 |
noodles775 | Down for me too. losa^^ ? | 13:56 |
nigel_nb | thekorn, me too! | 13:56 |
thekorn | phew, good ;) | 13:56 |
doctormo | How would I do a bug search using the launchpadlib? | 13:58 |
wgrant | Could it be restoring? | 14:00 |
wgrant | successful-updates.txt suggests that it might finish in about four minutes. | 14:01 |
noodles775 | Yep, there's a staging update in progress. | 14:02 |
bac | doctormo: a bugtarget has a 'searchTasks' method exported | 14:02 |
=== jamalta-afk is now known as jamalta | ||
doctormo | bac: I might need a recap on how that works, because I don't understand what a task is or a bug target. | 14:03 |
bac | doctormo: a bugtarget is anything that can have a bug. a project, distro, etc | 14:04 |
doctormo | bac, so the idea is to have an exact bug number and check that, but if you do have a project / distro etc then you can do a bug search? | 14:04 |
bac | and a bug task is the bug assignment to a bug target -- a bug can have multiple bug tasks if it affects say firefox and gtk | 14:05 |
doctormo | bac: I think I understand, yes. | 14:05 |
bac | doctormo: if you already have the bug number you don't need a search, you can get it directly using lp.bugs[123] | 14:05 |
doctormo | Yes | 14:05 |
wgrant | There we go, staging is back. | 14:05 |
doctormo | But there is no way to do a search outside of a project or distro? | 14:05 |
bac | but you can search on a given project using the searchTask method | 14:05 |
bac | doctormo: that i don't know | 14:06 |
doctormo | OK, I'll assume not. | 14:06 |
wgrant | doctormo: There is no way to do that on the API at the moment, no. | 14:06 |
bac | i've been stymied in the past trying that. we may need to ask intellectronica or another bug genius | 14:06 |
doctormo | lp.bugs.has_key(123) would work right? | 14:06 |
intellectronica | genius? me? | 14:07 |
bac | bug123 = lp.bugs[123] is easier to grab it | 14:07 |
bac | intellectronica: sorry, i meant "super genius" | 14:08 |
intellectronica | huh | 14:08 |
intellectronica | so, what did you want to ask? | 14:08 |
bac | doctormo: this page has examples. there is nothing for searching bugs. perhaps you can contribute a snippet when we figure it out. | 14:08 |
bac | intellectronica: doctormo has questions about searching for bugs using launchpadlib | 14:09 |
bac | i mentioned bugtarget.searchTasks() | 14:09 |
intellectronica | yes, that's how you search for bugs using launchpadlib | 14:09 |
bac | intellectronica: but there is no site-wide have to know the project/distro you're interested in, right? | 14:10 |
intellectronica | doctormo: why don't you look at the documentation for IHasBugs.searchTasks() and ask me if you have any specific questions? | 14:10 |
bac | doctormo: i meant to paste: | 14:10 |
intellectronica | yes, searchTasks is a method you call on something like a distro or a project. you can't search across launchpad as a whole | 14:10 |
doctormo | Thanks intellectronica and bac | 14:12 |
intellectronica | doctormo: anytime | 14:13 |
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch | ||
hfz | hello | 14:31 |
hfz | anybody here? | 14:31 |
hfz | i need help on lp open id | 14:31 |
nigel_nb | hfz, what is your issue? | 14:31 |
hfz | this is the first time i'm experience it | 14:32 |
hfz | when i want to use my open id to post comment in blogger, it says that my open id is not authorized/unauthorized open id | 14:32 |
hfz | before this can | 14:32 |
hfz | hello | 14:36 |
hfz | anybody here? | 14:36 |
bac | hi hfz | 14:38 |
hfz | hi bac | 14:39 |
hfz | need yr help | 14:39 |
hfz | about my problem posted at the current log | 14:39 |
bac | hfz, it may be that the blog site does not recognized launchpad as an openid provider | 14:39 |
hfz | what? | 14:39 |
hfz | before this i can post it as usual | 14:39 |
bac | what site exactly? | 14:40 |
hfz | blogger | 14:40 |
nigel_nb | hfz, LP open ID integration seems to be broken | 14:42 |
hfz | just now happen? | 14:43 |
hfz | what's wrong with the integration? | 14:43 |
hfz | that makes me weird is i can log in at lp website | 14:43 |
hfz | even i can open my open id | 14:43 |
hfz | but, still can't log in through blogger | 14:43 |
bac | hfz: i am looking into it | 14:44 |
hfz | ok | 14:44 |
bac | hfz: i experienced the same problem trying to use LP openid at i was, however, able to authenticate at | 14:46 |
hfz | it might be a prob at blogger | 14:46 |
bac | hfz: when was the last time you successfully logged in to using as an openid provider? | 15:09 |
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hfz | didn't remember | 15:10 |
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hfz | passed few days ago | 15:10 |
bac | hfz: we're looking into it. nothing has changed on our side that would cause the problem. | 15:18 |
hfz | ok | 15:18 |
bac | hfz: do you get an error like: | 15:19 |
hfz | yes | 15:19 |
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado | ||
=== jamalta is now known as jamalta-afk | ||
doctormo | Are there svg versions of the bug icons used in launchpad's ui? | 17:14 |
bac | doctormo: there are. but all of the images in the tree have copyright and aren't licensed for re-use. you'd need to talk to someone, probably karl, if you wanted to use them. | 17:21 |
=== jamalta-afk is now known as jamalta | ||
doctormo | bac: Interesting, so someone implimenting launchpad would have to strip all the graphics out? | 17:27 |
bac | doctormo: yes | 17:27 |
doctormo | Facinating, I wonder why that was done for things like bug icons, but I supopse it's all about keeping the style of the thing unique | 17:31 |
doctormo | In any way, I wonder if you have a sanitised branch with all that removed. | 17:32 |
beuno | doctormo, we don't | 17:32 |
doctormo | beuno: So launchpad is sort of kind of possible to get open source, but not actually in release? | 17:33 |
beuno | doctormo, right | 17:33 |
beuno | it was open sourced to allow people to contribute | 17:33 |
beuno | but our focus isn't really other people deploying Launchpad | 17:33 |
doctormo | !Forking is an important part of FOSS, checks and balances. Lesson 102. | 17:34 |
beuno | sure, anyone can fork it | 17:34 |
doctormo | beuno: but I can see where you've come to that conclusion. | 17:34 |
beuno | but we don't want to invest in it | 17:34 |
doctormo | beuno: Anyone can sanitise and then fork it. | 17:34 |
maxb | I'm guessing Canonical's commercial subscriptions are a rather potent reason not to make it easy | 17:35 |
beuno | maxb, commercial subscriptions don't really pay for... well... anything :) | 17:35 |
davidstrauss | For some reason, Launchpad thinks there is a conflict in this: | 17:35 |
davidstrauss | This is the merge request: | 17:35 |
beuno | the reason is more that if the information fragments across open source, it defeats the purpose of creating another hosting system | 17:36 |
maxb | beuno: Huh. If it's not abotu protecting that revenue, I don't understand why Canonical don't let people run their own instances. | 17:36 |
beuno | maxb, the above reason ^ | 17:36 |
beuno | a lot of Launchpad's not talking to eachother is a lot of lost opportunities to fix problems | 17:36 |
maxb | I'd love to run an instance for closed-source stuff in my office :-/ | 17:36 |
jamalta | doctormo: i think there's a few people thinking/working on a copyright-free branch of launchpad | 17:36 |
davidstrauss | maxb: nothing stops you from doing so | 17:37 |
maxb | davidstrauss: Actually, the Launchpad licence does stop me from doing so ... legally, anyway | 17:37 |
doctormo | jamalta: You mean "totally copyleft" as it will still have copyrights on it. | 17:37 |
davidstrauss | maxb: No, it does not. | 17:37 |
davidstrauss | maxb: You're not allowed to use the branding | 17:37 |
jamalta | doctormo: Huh? I mean a branch with all the copyrighted material stripped | 17:38 |
davidstrauss | maxb: But that's no different from how Firefox is licensed | 17:38 |
maxb | davidstrauss: Right.... but rebranding launchpad is a sufficiently arduous task that it makes it infeasible | 17:38 |
doctormo | jamalta: Yes I know, but that would strip everything, even the open source stuff, since open source is copyrighted. | 17:38 |
doctormo | jamalta: You mean "Strip the all rights reserved stuff" | 17:38 |
jamalta | doctormo: well, right, :P | 17:38 |
jamalta | doctormo: that's exactly what i meant, sorry | 17:39 |
davidstrauss | Just to be clear, *all* the material is copyrighted. Applying the AGPL does nothing to remove copyright. | 17:39 |
doctormo | davidstrauss: Firefox is slightly different in that they enforce it with trademark law, not with copyright (if I remember correctly) | 17:39 |
davidstrauss | doctormo: that's correct | 17:39 |
davidstrauss | doctormo: but the effect is the same | 17:39 |
doctormo | Yes | 17:40 |
maxb | Well, not really... I'm allowed to run my own copy of Firefox for actual work | 17:40 |
davidstrauss | maxb: You're not allowed to build and distribute your own "Firefox" | 17:40 |
davidstrauss | anymore than you're allowed to host your own "Launchpad" with Canonical's icons and branding | 17:41 |
maxb | I can | 17:42 |
maxb | oops | 17:42 |
maxb | I can *use* an unmodified Firefox for private purposes. I can't *use* an unmodified Launchpad for private purposes | 17:43 |
maxb | However similar the legal structures are, the net usefulness to me is very different | 17:43 |
davidstrauss | maxb: OK | 17:45 |
=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-lunch | ||
Italian_Plumber | so I commented on this bug: | 18:24 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 502433 in linux "Lucid: b43 fatal DMA error on Dell Mini 9" [Medium,Triaged] | 18:24 |
Italian_Plumber | Will it be usedful for me to dowonload and try the alpha3 release to see if the problem is fixed? | 18:25 |
persia | You may find #ubuntu-bugs or #ubuntu-testing a better forum for this class of question. | 18:26 |
Italian_Plumber | oh... sorry | 18:27 |
persia | No problem, I just thought you'd get a better faster answer there :) | 18:27 |
Italian_Plumber | cool. Thanks! | 18:31 |
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=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad to: Launchpad is back online. Please report any problems. || | Read for help | Recent problems browsing branches should be fixed. | Help contact: - | Join | This channel is logged: | Launchpad is open source: see channel #launchpad-dev | ||
=== jamalta is now known as jamalta-afk | ||
=== jamalta-afk is now known as jamalta | ||
Deaner | hi, I'm looking for help with switching administrative privs with someone who no longer works on a project | 21:39 |
Deaner | the maintainer listed is out of contact with us: | 21:40 |
Deaner | kfogel: hey, I see you're listed as a help manager | 21:41 |
Deaner | or help desk manager | 21:41 |
kfogel | Deaner: hey there. Have you mailed feedback {at} | 21:43 |
kfogel | Deaner: we've run into this before; that's the best route to resolve it. | 21:43 |
=== sale_ is now known as sale | ||
paki | hi at all | 22:27 |
paki | i have a problem | 22:27 |
paki | anyone help me? | 22:28 |
paki | *please? | 22:28 |
paki | i have created my PPA on launchpad | 22:29 |
paki | but i cannot upload my py files | 22:29 |
paki | how can I do to create file for upload my files? | 22:30 |
maxb | paki: Your PPA page contains a link "(Read about uploading)" - have you read it? | 22:37 |
paki | yes | 22:38 |
paki | but i have py file | 22:38 |
paki | and there isn't any config or make file | 22:39 |
paki | one moment..i now explain.. | 22:40 |
paki | (excuse my english) | 22:40 |
paki | i have problem with packing | 22:40 |
paki | how can i do packing correctly?? | 22:41 |
maxb | What is it that you are packaging? | 22:41 |
paki | if i try "debuild binary" | 22:42 |
paki | error show in a terminal | 22:43 |
paki | because i don't know how to set file in debian folder | 22:43 |
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