
balsaqmy sound stopped working recently01:07
BUGabundobalsaq: is it muted01:09
balsaqBUGabundo, no lol01:09
BUGabundojust asking01:10
BUGabundoused to happen a lot in 9.x01:10
balsaqi'm using the xubuntu alpha01:11
BUGabundoupgrade or clean install?01:12
balsaqstill no sound01:28
balsaqhow could clean install help?01:28
balsaqwouldn't that bring me back to the same updates?01:28
balsaqhope my last name doesn't offend anyone01:29
BUGabundoclean install is the last resort01:30
balsaqthere's other things i can try?01:30
BUGabundoyou should talk to crimsun01:34
BUGabundohe is the guy behind audio01:34
switchgirlhi when i click on a link in a java chat aplet the java applet crashes and the window looses my log in details01:44
bjorkintoshswitchgirl, are you using icedtea?01:46
bjorkintoshor the latest jre from oracle?01:46
bjorkintoshin firefox.01:47
bjorkintoshit should tell you which java you've installed, i think.01:47
balsaqis crimsun here?01:47
switchgirlIcedTea NPR Web Browser Plugin (using IcedTea6 1.7 (6b17-1.7-1ubuntu1))01:48
bjorkintoshswitchgirl, you might want to replace that with the real jre from sun/oracle.01:51
yofelbjorkintosh: the sun jre isn't available any more in lucid01:51
bjorkintoshbut but ... why?01:52
yofeldon't know, it got removed a while ago01:52
balsaqmy sound stopped working recently, don't know why01:52
bjorkintoshbalsaq, cause you're using lucid lynx.01:53
switchgirlpardon balsaq01:53
bjorkintoshit might also be your settings...01:53
balsaqi didn't change anything01:53
bjorkintoshthat's fine, but lucid is always changing.01:53
bjorkintoshhourly, infact.01:53
switchgirlsound works balsaq but no applet available01:53
balsaqupdates that often? lol01:53
balsaqapplet is available in the top right01:53
bjorkintoshfrom different parties, yeah.01:54
switchgirlnot for me01:54
bjorkintoshswitchgirl, you can still sneak in sun java.01:54
switchgirli'll sleep first01:56
mrmcq2uIs anyone else having issues with gfx atm?02:06
mrmcq2uconflicts on startup?02:06
bjorkintoshis that a function of some sort?02:09
balsaqhey crimsun you're the sound master here?02:10
balsaqmaybe not02:20
bjorkintoshbalsaq, is it reporting any errors in particular?02:23
balsaqbjorkintosh, no, just no sound from the speakers02:26
bjorkintoshis everything up and unmuted?02:26
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balsaqbjorkintosh, nothing is muted02:43
balsaqsorry for the delay, had my phone ringin02:43
balsaqany ideas?02:56
bjorkintoshbalsaq, look for errrors.03:35
TronicAfter upgrade I get the login screen, but with some garbage displayed on it (black rectangles with white points, they look like miniatyre text consoles).03:38
TronicAs soon as I click my username, the X goes unresponsive, mouse stops moving, etc.03:38
TronicI'm using nvidia-current (190) drivers.03:38
kklimondathere are some weird bugs currently03:40
rwwwhee, Xorg failed to start03:45
balsaqbjorkintosh, how do i look for errors?03:49
bjorkintoshdmesg might state some.03:51
ZykoticK9balsaq, if you Right Click volume and open Sound Preferences, do you have devices listed on the Hardware tab?03:53
balsaqbjorkintosh, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/369283/03:55
balsaqrealtec playback and 2 captures03:56
balsaqusing xubuntu here03:56
ZykoticK9balsaq, a question then, is xubuntu 10.04 using Pulse or just straight ALSA still?03:59
balsaqoss mixer04:00
balsaqZykoticK9, oss mixer04:00
kklimondaZykoticK9, still? we have switched over to pulse in 8.04 afair04:00
kklimondaoh, xubuntu04:00
kklimondaargh, time to get some sleep04:00
kklimondagood night04:01
bjorkintoshi use pulse in xubuntu.04:01
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balsaqis oss bad? lol04:01
balsaqmaybe i should install pulse?04:02
ZykoticK9balsaq, i wouldn't wish pulse on my worst enemy (although in 10.04 it's MUCH better)04:02
balsaqwhats bad about it ZykoticK9 ?04:02
ZykoticK9balsaq, nothing is "bad" about it - it just has a great many issues for a great many people (for me Game audio in 9.10 made games unplayable)04:03
rwwyay, latest batch of updates unbroke xorg04:03
balsaqZykoticK9, you use your computer for game? i use my ps3 :)04:04
balsaqdid that pastebin make any sense?04:05
rww... ah, I spoke too soon. It broke again :D04:05
bjorkintoshbalsaq, i didn't see any errors.04:05
bjorkintoshbalsaq, did it suddenly stop working or something?04:05
balsaqi just noticed it 2 days ago04:06
bjorkintoshreplace OSS with pulse then and see what it thinks.04:06
balsaqwow that fixed it! thanks man04:07
balsaqworked right away!04:07
bjorkintoshyou're welcome.04:08
balsaqi wonder why oss is default?04:10
rippsI'm trying to install groundcontrol from the ppa, but apparently it depends on python-lazr-restfulclient and python-lazr-uri which aren't in the Lucid repos04:19
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SomeoneE1seI've just 'upgraded' to lucid, and I'm trying to edit X11/xorg.conf however it would seem that file doesn't exist.  Has it moved or am I just riding the shortbus today?04:47
ZykoticK9SomeoneE1se, there is no default xorg.conf file in Karmic or Lucid04:47
ZykoticK9SomeoneE1se, if you're using nvidia you can use "sudo nvidia-xconfig" to generate one, if your using another gfx card then it's something else04:48
rwwsudo Xorg -configure will generate one05:01
ZykoticK9rww, inorder for that to work i believe that GDM/Xorg must NOT be running, just an FYI - not sure who asked about it05:02
om26ermy keyboard and touchpad hangs if i do some keyboard activity just after reboot. although alt+prntscr+k works06:10
om26erthis started yesterday06:11
booboohey guys,,under /syterm/preferences/appearance . there used to be an "interface" tab to "Show icons in menus"   not there now...is there another way to do this?06:21
ZykoticK9booboo, not a total fix but: gconf-editor -- Desktop / Gnome / Interface - check "menus_have_icons"06:28
booboook thanks let me try that06:28
booboook that worked fine thanks:)06:29
boobooZykoticK9,  what about nvidia.... is this planned to work soon?06:29
ZykoticK9booboo, my nvidia is working fine - compiz and everything!06:30
booboommm  nothing here no drivers under hardware drivers06:30
ZykoticK9booboo, are you sure you have an nvidia card?06:30
booboo:)  yep06:31
ZykoticK9booboo, since install 10.04 have you ever had nvidia listed?06:31
booboonVidia Corporation NV43 [GeForce 6600 GT] (rev a2)06:31
boobooZykoticK9,  yes just did a new install  but nothing is showing up06:31
booboowill try a manual install06:32
ZykoticK9booboo, FYI you "should" be seeing 3 nvidia drivers in there06:32
boobooZykoticK9,  right  I know but for some reason none are showing up  but let me try the manual install and see what happens....this is just a test m achine  so I am not concerned at all :)06:33
ZykoticK9booboo, see directions in release notes at http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha2 under heading "Known Issues" near the bottom, starting with "Jockey (Ubuntu's restricted..."06:34
booboook looking now06:34
DanaGheh, imagine an ubuntu variant of that.06:51
vishanyone knows how to correct this , previously with sun-java , i used to launch an app using this >   /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun- -localfile /home/vish/.java/deployment/cache/6.0/42/63426a6a-2ddaaf6c07:01
vishnow that sun-java is gone, what should i replace the "/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun-" with ?07:01
vishnvm , got it07:20
ZykoticK9vish, /usr/bin/javaws ?07:21
vishZykoticK9: i had to install -jre :s07:21
ZykoticK9vish, what did you install specifically?  if you don't mind me asking?07:22
vishpreviously the javaws file wasnt there , hence i was stumped :s07:22
vishZykoticK9: i had to install openjdk-6-jre07:22
ZykoticK9vish, thanks, is that the closest thing to sun-java in the repo i take it?07:23
ZykoticK9vish, do you happen to know, is the Sun Java removal on Lucid permanent?  or is this just a temporary thing?07:24
vishZykoticK9: i'm not entirely sure why it was removed... but it seems to be more , no one has packaged it for Lucid , and might not in time for Lucid.. or something .. not very sure07:25
ZykoticK9vish, thanks, i was AMAZED it was removed07:25
vishZykoticK9: np.. but stuff seems working fine with open-jdk too.. [maybe the fonts are a bit off ] but not bad , nothing to fear ;)07:32
ZykoticK9vish, someone in #ubuntu was just informed of Sun Java removal and asking WHY as well.07:34
rtgzHi, upon shutdown terminal says that plymouth was killed by SEGV signal right after system bus is disconnected. Acer Aspire One, Lucid Lynx latest - is it known problem?08:01
rtgzthough it is not really that big problem, given that the system is going to halt in 2 seconds...08:02
as1965rtgz: Whether it is known - check launchpad. If it isn't, perhaps gather details and log. It's perhaps the sort of thing that will get fixed in an update.08:49
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub209:00
zniavrethank you ubottu09:03
indusnayone here10:20
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alkisgJockey gives me an error with nvidia-current, here's the log: http://alkisg.pastebin.com/d67342f8e10:54
alkisgnvidia-current is already installed but not "activated", what's the manual way to activate it? Create a xorg.conf with `driver "nvidia"` in it?10:55
zniavresudo nvidia-xconfig ?11:09
indusanyone testing the x proprietary drivers?11:10
indusATI i mean11:11
indusziroday, hi11:16
indusyou there?11:16
BUGabundo\0 morninguetto11:38
alkisgzniavre: using nvidia-xconfig did create a xorg.conf and now I'm using them, but that didn't "activate" the drivers - jockey still prompts me to activate the current drivers..11:46
indusanyone testing the ati fglrx driver11:54
maxbOK, that was freaky. On booting up, I had the GNOME mouse pointer displayed over my framebuffer text console for a bit!12:08
zniavrei got strange border all around the wallpaper12:44
indushi folks anyone using the fglrx driver12:48
indushi folks anyone using the fglrx driver12:49
induszniavre what border12:49
zniavreas 1 pixel all around12:49
vishzniavre: did you file a bug? I notice it too ,12:50
vishzniavre: for me its 3-4px12:50
zniavreit's quite a lot12:50
zniavreindus,  i did not try fglrx .12:50
vishzniavre: yeah, the border initially doesnt form but when you rename any file on the desktop it starts , sometimes it starts due to something else too :s12:51
indusvish, vishnu is it12:51
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_lunch
industhis room is too silent, maybe busy after some hours12:52
vishindus: why do you want fglrx? the free drivers work good enough here12:54
industhe free drivers wont play any games thats why12:54
vishmeh , who has time for games ;p12:56
induswell, why not?12:56
induswhats meh btw12:56
vishzniavre: same here , the color depends on your background color12:56
industhe fglrx driver doesnt support the current xorg version12:58
indusbye from this room13:04
siegieX doesn't start with nvidia-glx-current, only with nvidia-glx-173, is this a know issue. I'm using a nvidia quadro nvs140. It's still supported by the latests nvidia driver.13:04
FiremanEdI see rhythmbox went AWOL in the last update.13:35
zniavreawol ?13:40
FiremanEdabsent without leave, removed.13:41
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:41
=== BUGabundo_lunch is now known as BUGabundo
dinobiskHi. With Grub, how do I get into Recovery Mode? (Or is there some other way?) Neither Shift nor Esc works. I'm on a MacBook 1sg generation, single boot. I have a Live CD.13:49
BluesKajdinobisk, use the arrow keys to navigate13:51
dinobiskBluesKaj: Navigate? There is no menu. It says "GRUB" and nothing about an esc-key, and then Ubuntu boots (and fails).13:53
BluesKajso you have no menu , sorry ..can you get to a tty  prompt , al+ctrl+f1 ?13:56
BluesKajerr , alt+ctrl+F113:57
BluesKajdinobisk, ?13:58
rtgzdinobisk, hold shift during boot for grub2 menu13:58
dinobiskI'll have to reboot this computer and try. Could perhaps an Apple keyboard cause any problems. I had to remap it in Ubuntu.13:59
dinobiskrtgz: I doesn't work.13:59
zniavrertgz,  is it enough to make menu grub appears?13:59
rtgzdinobisk, hm, i hate this solution, but try to press it several times during boot, it looks like the controller might ignore the press state of the key14:00
BluesKajdinobisk, if alt+ctrl+F1 gets you to a prompt then do , sudo update-grub14:00
rtgzdinobisk, better yet, reboot the machine and hold shift right after the initial post completes. Unfortunately no apple hardware here, so i am just assuming that there is some kind of 'welcome screen' or post, etc.14:02
rtgzzniavre, yes, it is the only way to bring grub2 menu as far as I know14:02
zniavreok im taking notes thank you14:03
dinobiskrtgz: I've tried both holding an continuing pressing the shift key from the moment the computer starts up. It doesn't help.14:03
dinobiskBut while I'm here: Perhaps someone knows another solution: When I boot Ubuntu, i get a black screen (correct resolution), a bongo drums sound, the possibility to move the mouse pointer, and the possibility to write using the keyboard (but with some strange mapping), not in a console-like thing, though.14:05
dinobiskIt worked flawless until I booted it today. Probably some update messed up.14:06
BluesKajdinobisk, so no shell prompt (tty) is available ?14:08
dinobiskBluesKaj: No.14:09
gnubieI'm guessing that during my last update I should have checked more than the /dev/sda box on the grub install checklist.14:09
dinobiskCould the Live DVD help me here?14:10
BluesKajI haven't tried it but using the live cd to repair grub is possible , there are some tutorials14:10
gnubiemy linux and linux recovery from the grub menu now freeze my pc, while the memtest and windows2000 still work.14:13
dinobiskWell, thanks anyway. I'll try to reboot now with a more PC-like keyboard, pressing shift and esc and alt+ctr+f1. If it doesn't work I'll be back.14:13
JimLovell777I've tried installing Alpha 1 and 2 on a desktop Dell PC I have and both failed. Both times I tried the x86 alternate install cd. I get asked the keyboard language and then the install starts loading files when after a few moments the screen goes black and text starts scrolling by rapidly. How can/do I capture the information that is usefull to developers?14:16
rtgzJimLovell777, do you have a camera? I suppose you have the text scrolling infinitely, right?14:17
charlie-tcaJimLovell777: you could try the debugging procedures, they give some information about capturing logs, etc for bug reports:14:18
JimLovell777rtgz: it stops I can read the last dozen or so lines.14:19
JimLovell777The last line is syscal0x7/0xb14:20
JimLovell777charlie-tca: A quick browse shows I'd need to get far enough to write the logs to a USB drive. I don't get that far that I can tell14:22
JimLovell777rtgz: Where or to whom do I submit the pictures?14:24
BluesKajJimLovell777, have you considered installing Karmic first , the upgrading from there >14:27
JimLovell777BluesKaj: Karmic fails also. I figured since the installer fails I might as well try the alpha release, I didn't have a thing to lose.  It's not a computer I use often, I use it as more of a home server.14:29
BluesKajJimLovell777, that's odd ...is the pc older than 5 yrs ?14:30
JimLovell777BluesKaj: Yes. The only version of Ubuntu that hasn't failed to install yet was 8.04 but like I said i don't use it a lot so I like to experiment with it. I also hope it is one day supported out of the box.14:31
charlie-tcaJimLovell777: have you tried that system using safe graphics mode?14:32
JimLovell777charlie-tca: Not with Lucid, I'll try that now. Every previous version (-8.04) halted with a kernel panic.14:33
BluesKajisn't 8.04 LTS ? , if so a do release upgrade from 8.04 might work14:36
dinobiskSeveral Internet pages say this: In live CD terminal type sudo grub, root (hd0,?), setup (hd0), quit. Does this actually _reinstall_ grub, or does is reconfigure it the way it probably is already?14:36
JimLovell777charlie-tca: Didn't work, same thing.14:37
JimLovell777BluesKaj: That has worked once before. I'm sure that's what I'll end up doing. My system is kluttered with stuff so I wanted to start fresh. Knowing my computer has never played well I thought it might be worth trying to help if it may lead to resolving the issue for me as well as others.14:38
liiturihello, can anyone help me with the latest release of ubuntu and the problem that no music player makes sound15:02
siegieMy pc crashes everytime i press enter in gdm. When i use the mouse for selecting the user etc, i have no problem.15:16
Nafaisiegie: What video card do you have?15:18
NafaiI had that problem the other day15:18
siegienvidia quadro nvs140 with 190 driver15:18
NafaiI heard one solution is to remove the plymouth package for now15:18
NafaiI'm not sure what I did to fix it, because I am using the 190 driver too15:19
siegieNafai: makes sense, i can remember something simular with usplash15:19
NafaiI thought I downgraded, but I just checked and I'm still using 19015:19
siegieI'm just using the 190 driver, because I had some trouble enabling it. After a while i discoverd that is was blacklisted somewhere. :)15:21
siegieI've also done some updates so, i didn't know whitch caused it.15:22
siegieNafai: anyway thanks for the hint, I'm going to try it out.15:24
billybigriggerwhich driver do i specify in xorg.conf to use vdpau? i have nvidia-current installed15:29
billybigriggerso would it be "nv"???15:30
billybigriggeri tried that open-source nouveu driver and vdpau doesn't work with it, so i want to go back to 3d acelleration15:30
BluesKajthese new "bongo drum sounds"  are terribly annoying and the sys settings notifications doesn't prevent them ...any ideas other then turning the audio of altogether?15:32
BluesKajbillybigrigger, have you tried the nvidia-current driver?15:33
billybigriggeri installed that15:33
billybigriggerbut it's still not using an nvidia driver15:33
BluesKajit should use the 190.53 driver if your card is less then 4 yrs old or so15:34
BluesKajppl are forgetting to remove the old driver first, after shutting X down in the tty and then installing the new one from there as well15:35
ZykoticK9billybigrigger, i just use the Hardware Driver to enable nvidia - BUT have the tried the method outlined in the Alpha 2 release notes?  it in the Known Issues section starting with "Jock (Ubuntu's restriced..." close to the bottom.15:35
BluesKajnew one = nvidia-current15:35
ZykoticK9billybigrigger, and in order to use vdpau the drive is going to have to say "nvidia" in your Xorg15:37
afd_What about this error? http://dpaste.com/155000/ Is it a versioning bug in the python-kde4 package?15:40
alex_mayorgaIs archive.ubuntu.com slow today or is it my connection?15:41
billybigriggerarchive is slow15:41
ZykoticK9afd_, you should probably file a bug (if there isn't one already)15:41
afd_ZykoticK9: what's the URL where I should file thte bug?15:42
alex_mayorgabillybigrigger: thanks on confirming15:42
BluesKajafd_, do you use synaptic ? if so, go to edit , fix broken packages, apply15:43
ZykoticK9afd_, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for details but you usually use the command "ubuntu-bug $PACKAGENAME"15:43
afd_BluesKaj: I don't have broken packages15:43
billybigriggerafd_, by your pastebin i'd say you dfo15:43
alex_mayorgaBluesKaj, for the bongos System>Pref>Sound sound theme = no sounds should do15:43
afd_billybigrigger: really, I don't15:43
BluesKajafd_, really? your paste show that you do15:44
afd_there's nothing under the Status > Broken tab (the Broken is not there)15:44
ZykoticK9"unmet dependencies" != "broken packages"15:44
BluesKajalex_mayorga, I'm on kde , sry , forgot to mention that15:44
billybigriggerBluesKaj, how's thing btw15:45
BluesKajgood billybigrigger , how about you ?15:45
billybigriggerBluesKaj, enjoying winter? :P15:45
billybigriggerloving the weather over here that's for sure, just got out of the boonies for a month and weather here in calgary is amazing15:45
BluesKajit's beem pretty boring weatherwise ....very little snow in the last 5 weeks , normal temps15:46
billybigrigger-13c this morning, we hit -5 yesterday15:46
billybigriggerthose are not normal temps for feb. here :P hehe15:46
BluesKajyeah, about the same here15:46
BluesKajafd_, make sure you have all the repos enabled in your source.list15:50
BluesKajerr sources.list15:50
ZykoticK9BluesKaj, the packages are too NEW in afd_'s issue15:50
afd_ZykoticK9: yeah, the version of KDE I had (4.3.95) was really broken (I couldn't add a plasma widget without plasma-desktop breaking)15:51
afd_So when there was an update today I've updated all the packages15:51
afd_it removed some when I hit update15:52
afd_and now the KDE session is not available in GDM, as the kdebase-workspace packages are gone15:52
ZykoticK9afd_, personally i haven't used KDE in 5-6+ years - i usually pull in all the KDE libs to install K3b, but have decided that I'm going to give it up (although I feel it's the best burning app available, the KDE libs are so big they don't justify 1 program)15:53
BluesKajZykoticK9,I doubt the packages aren't too new , I'll bet the sources.list isn't up to date15:55
BluesKajerr are too new15:55
ZykoticK9BluesKaj, don't you hate double-negative typos ;)15:55
BluesKaj i won't the holew any deeper ...you know what i mean :)15:56
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afd_BluesKaj: the sources.list is up to date15:56
zniavrewich player is supposed to replace rhythmbox ?15:57
afd_the last PPA has no packages, I've added it hoping it will solve my problem15:57
luis_lopezafd_, I can confirm your bug15:57
afd_luis_lopez: cool, so it's not just me15:57
luis_lopezafd_ in my case I had to install lxde for the moment... :(15:57
ZykoticK9afd_, luis_lopez you both "should" file bugs!15:57
luis_lopezZykoticK9: will do15:58
afd_luis_lopez: I'm counting on you, I'm not gonna install apport (it install zope.interface and I do Zope development, that's a sure case for conflicts)15:58
dinobiskHi. I need to boot into shell (X does not work). Problem is, I cannot press shift or esc or any combination in Grub, and I am really tired of trying to fix it. Does sonemone have any idea?15:59
ZykoticK9dinobisk, holding shift "should" give you the boot choices15:59
dinobiskZykoticK9: It does not. I have reinstalled Grub with the Live CD two times, the last time after running apt-get update. It has not fixed anything, and I really want to try something else now.16:01
ZykoticK9dinobisk, you could boot live cd and chroot into your system?16:02
dinobiskZykoticK9: Could you tell me how. I am really tired of googling. (Sorry.)16:03
dinobisk... so tired I forget to write question marks.16:04
dinobisk... an using correct English.16:04
ZykoticK9dinobisk, this gives direction for the chroot https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover Grub 2 via LiveCD (not sure if you'll be able to use that as a link, but check the "Revocer Grub 2 via LiveCD" for info, obviously leave out anything that is directly related to Grub fixing - you just need the chroot stuff)16:05
dinobiskZykoticK9: Thanks!16:12
Peace-here there is a problem with my damned alc861-vd audio card16:16
Peace-on karmic everything is ok16:16
Peace-now on lucid mic controll there is not16:16
Peace-even with alsamixer -V all16:16
Peace-i have boost16:16
Peace-voulme controll16:16
Peace-but mic there is not16:16
mahasamootif I want to use btrfs, am I better off installing 9.10 or 10.4?16:18
mahasamoot... there's a howto that tells how to get btrfs working on 9.1016:19
ZykoticK9mahasamoot, i have no idea if it run in 10.04 or not - i hope you pay special attention to the top of there page "Btrfs is under heavy development, and is not suitable for any uses other than benchmarking and review"16:19
mahasamootthat's true... it's a little scarry, but I've also read that it's about to ready for early users... as of 2.6.32 and 10.4 uses 2.6.3216:21
dinobiskWhen booting, I get a blank screen instead of the login screen. (With stupid bongo drums sound, movable mouse pointer, possibility for keyboard input -- but with some strange mapping and no shell.) Having chroot-ed from the Live CD, does anybody know to fix it?16:23
dinobisk.. oh, and the screen resolution is right.16:23
mahasamoothow bad is the stabilty of 10.4?16:25
mahasamoot...works well most of the time, ... cross your fingers?16:26
BluesKajmahasamoot, I was getting some annoyed for a while aith all the crashing of dirs and some apps , but now it seems better ..let's hope it lasts :)16:27
BluesKajaith = with16:27
kklimondado we still state that "256MB ram is enough to run ubuntu once it's installed"?16:29
ZykoticK9kklimonda, "not well" ;)16:29
JoshuaLmaybe xubuntu?16:30
kklimondajust got rants on ubuntu-desktop ML how unusable GNOME is on 256 ram..16:30
kklimondaand I have to agree but I was pretty sure reqs were raised at some point..16:31
kklimondacan't find it now anywhere though..16:31
Peace-i use kde 3.5.10 in a 350mhz with 256mb of ram16:37
Peace-and it's fine16:37
=== Peace- is now known as e
=== e is now known as Peace-
luis_lopezafd_ : the issue we are experiencing is due to the fact that kdebindings failed to  build for amd64 -> https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/kdebindings/4:4.3.98-0ubuntu116:57
luis_lopezafd_: additional info here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebindings/4:4.3.98-0ubuntu1/+build/148106616:58
CosmiChaoswoot? is the new preempt kernel that runs on  preemption kernels the same than previous realtime-preemption kernels?17:57
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seren__hi there18:20
seren__is nepomuk supposed to work on lucid at the moment ?18:21
seren__cause I got an index but it is impossible to search anything18:21
seren__either through krunner or dolphin18:21
seren__is thre anyway to reinitialize nepomuk ?18:21
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unknown_hi, is it possible somehow to install Ubuntu 10.04 on fake Raid 5 ? I was fighting with 9.10 with no result, and wonder if 10.04 is worth of try..19:15
unknown_to be clear, I'm able to install it, but not able to boot19:16
geniiThere are technical problems with booting from a software raid5 which cannot be easily overcome. The main one of which, is the lack of an mbr which can span multiple disks19:18
unknown_genii: do you think it will be possible to put one more hdd just for grub ?19:22
geniiunknown_: Basically what you need is some single disk which allows to install a bootloader onto it's mbr, with a small partition which contains /boot  and from there load into your raid5 for /19:22
unknown_thx genii, i'll try also your suggestion using pendrive as boot device19:26
unknown_genii: what you think also about installing grub not in MBR but on partition with linux, and use for ex. win$ loader to boot linux ?19:40
geniiunknown_: Basically the idea is... you need some working bootstrap on another drive(s) (raid1 works for instance) then in the grub.cfg or menu.lst in there, you specify the UUID of your raid5 as the root partition19:42
geniiunknown_: It can even be a floppy disk to boot from19:43
unknown_thank you again genii, i'll try to do this somehow19:43
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BUGabundoso nvidia is bad again21:14
BUGabundoI'm in low resolution21:14
BUGabundothe first boot ended up in X corruption21:14
BUGabundobooted the older kernel and X failed to find nvidia driver21:15
BUGabundoanyone has the bug for this ?21:15
BUGabundobjsnider: know anything ?21:15
BUGabundoDanaG: you got nvidia??21:20
BUGabundomine won't start!21:20
void^_i'm using nvidia-173 for now21:21
DanaGI'm using a gma950 right now.  Keeps getting gpu wedged.21:21
bjsniderBUGabundo, hadn't heard nuthin'. but you know where to go to ask about that issue21:26
BUGabundoI heard yesterday21:27
BUGabundonothing today21:27
bjsniderask in ubuntu-x21:28
Fallenoui'm trying to boot the latest Lucid iso with grub2, but i only found config for grub2 which use boot=casper, and i think lucid ISO does not use casper anymore, what should i put instead of "boot=casper" ?21:37
Fallenoui'm using this tutorial : http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/tutoriel/grub2_lancer_des_images_iso (it's in french sorry, but you can find the config i'm using)21:38
Fallenoui think i must replace some parameters because it's not compatible with lucid iso21:38
Fallenoufor exemple the vmlinuz file is not in /casper/ but in /install/21:39
charlie-tcaAs in #ubuntu-installer?21:39
Fallenoui'm sorry, what ?21:39
charlie-tcaAsk in #ubuntu-installer. They are the ones that build the cd21:40
Fallenouok thank :)21:41
charlie-tcaYou are welcome21:41
* charlie-tca mutters something about missing fingers21:41
* BUGabundo puts duck tape in charlie-tca fingers 21:41
charlie-tcaThank you21:42
charlie-tcaWell, I guess I put off restarting long enough. bbiab21:42
BUGabundohe shall be missed !21:43
* charlie-tca thinks "whew!" made it. and it is nvidia, too21:48
BUGabundocharlie-tca: it works for you ?21:48
charlie-tcaI am not using proprietary drivers, but I rebooted okay21:50
charlie-tcaThis is after the latest updates today21:50
BUGabundogoing for a 4th reboot.. lets see if updates fixed something21:52
mahasamootdo I need the alt install disk for LUKS, or can I use the normal disk?21:54
kklimondatime to restart and see whenever nouveau still works :)21:57
mahasamootwhere can I download kubuntu+1?21:57
guntbert!download | mahasamoot21:58
ubottumahasamoot: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Karmic, and help keeping the servers' load low!21:58
BUGabundoeverything fine this time21:58
* kklimonda is really happy with the quality of nouveau drivers when something else doesn't break them21:59
guntbertmahasamoot: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/lucid/alpha-2/21:59
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: see, it does work!22:01
BUGabundodont tawnt me22:01
BUGabundoI've got logs to prove me right , Master Charles22:01
kklimondaBUGabundo, have your boot time improved?22:03
mahasamootguntbert: thank you... do I need Alternate for LUKS?22:03
BUGabundoits preitier, but not faster22:04
guntbertmahasamoot: no idea - sorry (what is LUKS)?22:04
charlie-tcaYou got pretty? mine distorted again22:04
BUGabundo!g luks22:05
BUGabundo!find luks22:05
ubottuFile luks found in coinor-libipopt-doc, cryptmount, cryptsetup, devicekit-disks, hal (and 11 others)22:05
arandIs thunderbird3 supposed to be the default TB in lucid or simply present as a -3.0 package?22:10
charlie-tcaSo, LUKS is encrypted? Needs an alternate cd22:11
CardinalFangarand, using the name "thunderbird"?  Hrm.22:12
BUGabundodarn thing log off22:12
BUGabundoand went to GDM22:13
charlie-tcadoesn't that disrupt your work?22:13
BUGabundoohh funny charlie-tca22:14
BUGabundolucky chromium safed my text :(22:14
charlie-tcaI'm sorry, but I just couldn't help myself.22:14
arandCardinalFang: Yea..? Are there going to be a thunderbird-3.0 package or will you get it automatically when installing "thunderbird"..?22:16
CardinalFangarand, "thunderbird" will be version 3.0.x in 10.04.  I checked.22:32
zniavredoes lsusb work on your lucid instalation?22:34
arandCardinalFang: Checked where? I've been looking about for info on that but wrought naught..22:34
CardinalFangarand, I asked.  The maintainer is about 50 meters from me.22:34
arandCardinalFang: :D Convenient.22:35
CardinalFangindeed.  He's usually thousands of miles away.22:36
infectohello, i have sound problem :)22:37
infectoalsamixer show adapters but cant play any sound ;)22:37
ubottuDaily builds of the CD images of the current development version of Ubuntu are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ and http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/22:37
infectoknown issue?22:37
CardinalFanginfecto, if it's something that affects few kinds of systems, then you haven't given enough info.  If it affects lots of people, then it will be noticed without you.22:51
CardinalFangSo, to be useful, tell us more.22:51
crimsunnamely, either use ubuntu-bug alsa-base, or use http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh22:52
crimsun^^ infecto22:52
infectoCardinalFang: dont work under kde :) but in gnome works perfectly22:54
infectostrange issue22:54
crimsunthat's the well-known Phonon configuration issue22:55
crimsunjust use KDE System Settings > Multimedia, and move PulseAudio to the top/first22:55
crimsunyou'll need to logout and login22:55
crimsun^^ infecto22:55
infecto;) thanks a loot ;)22:55
Fallenoucharlie-tca i noticed you're one of the proprietary graphic driver tester, did you install the daily lucid iso ?23:15
charlie-tcanot today23:15
charlie-tcaI forgot to run them23:16
Fallenouhow would you install them ? burning CD ?23:16
Fallenoui'm trying via grub2 , but i think i must use the daily-live23:16
Fallenoui'm hoping it's ok for the tests23:16
Fallenoui would prefer avoiding burning cd :p23:17
charlie-tcaI burn the cd's about 5 times a week23:17
charlie-tcaBut this week, today is the first day we got all the images (Xubuntu, Ubuntu, Server)23:18
Fallenouoh great23:18
Fallenoui think the tests are only to be run on the ubuntu , right ?23:18
charlie-tcaYou only need one image for video testing. either 64 or 32 bit23:19
charlie-tcaSince you are doing a full install, you can use either the alternate or live cd to install from23:19
charlie-tcaBut you won't be able to run tests from a live environment, as I understand it, because you do have to install the hardware drivers23:20
Fallenouyes sure i will do a full install23:20
Fallenoubut i have been told that i cannot boot the alternate iso frmo grub223:21
Fallenouit has to be a live23:21
Fallenouto boot via casper23:21
Fallenouis it right ?23:21
charlie-tcaah, I see. That may well be23:21
charlie-tcaI don't really know how to do that23:21
Fallenoui mailed ara to ask if it's ok with desktop iso23:22
Fallenouif i do a full install23:22
charlie-tcaI think either one is okay, the install ends the same way, right?23:26
Fallenoui guess23:29
Fallenousince it's daily for both, i guess it's just the "install part" that differs23:29
Fallenoubut i don't know much23:29
charlie-tcayup, as long as it installs a current image to test the video, it should not make any difference which install medium is used.23:30
Fallenoui hope23:31
DanaG /usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.4.3/../../../../lib/crt1.o: In function `_start':23:31
DanaG(.text+0x18): undefined reference to `main'23:31
DanaGjust started happening after some updates.23:31
sarthorHi, my karmic updated, i can see the kernel "2.6.31-19" in my /boot/grub/menu.lst, but uname -r shows me "2.6.31-17-generic"23:33
ZykoticK9sarthor, are you using karmic or lucid?23:41
sarthorhere is my grub.conf http://pastebin.com/m56658bb623:41
ZykoticK9sarthor, you should probably ask in the #ubuntu channel, #ubuntu+1 is for Lucid support.  best of luck.23:41
sarthorZykoticK9, Ok bro.23:42
Fallenoucharlie-tca, i got the answer from ara, we can use the live image, it was written in the FAQ in the wiki page she said23:45
charlie-tcaGreat! That should make it easier23:48

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