zniavre | i got strange border with wallpaper all around the desktop | 12:42 |
zniavre | oops sorry i wanted to talk inti #ubuntu+1 | 12:43 |
zniavre | it's a bug but it fits so well my own theme :o) | 12:45 |
vish | lololol | 16:34 |
vish | thorwil: "hot air" , ;p | 16:36 |
thorwil | vish: what have i done!? | 18:23 |
vish | thorwil: inspired someone to work on your mock ;p | 18:24 |
vish | mockery* | 18:24 |
thorwil | might have been a burlesque travesty of a send-up, but mockery? | 18:33 |
vish | potato ... potato ;p | 18:36 |
thorwil | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p2Xiufy0l4 | 18:57 |
zniavre | wich murrine-engine is supposed to be in lucid? | 23:16 |
dashua | zniavre, v0.91.0 hopefully :) | 23:17 |
zniavre | soon ? | 23:18 |
dashua | I dunno. A DX Team has packaged. | 23:18 |
dashua | it* | 23:18 |
zniavre | ok | 23:18 |
dashua | Have you ported your theme over yet? | 23:19 |
zniavre | yes i did | 23:19 |
zniavre | but in lucid it 's "stable" version | 23:20 |
zniavre | so it does not work | 23:20 |
dashua | Yeah. I am surprised it has not landed yet. | 23:20 |
dashua | Bug fixes and many nice options. | 23:20 |
zniavre | i wax exited by rgba stuff but sadly it's for lucid+1 | 23:21 |
zniavre | maybe ... | 23:21 |
dashua | We can actually make a theme now that does not look like something circa Windows '95. | 23:22 |
zniavre | wax/was * | 23:22 |
dashua | Yeah, I was disappointed to hear that, but it seems they are shooting for stability. | 23:22 |
dashua | I could not get it to it work. | 23:22 |
zniavre | i think rgba is stable enough but need a huge "balcklist" for many apps | 23:23 |
zniavre | blacklist* | 23:23 |
dashua | Yes, I got tired of patching all of my apps. | 23:23 |
zniavre | :o) | 23:24 |
dashua | I'm happy with GNOME Terminal and System Monitor RGBA :) | 23:24 |
zniavre | globalmenu and gnomenu got rgba patch (i asked for it) | 23:25 |
zniavre | globalmenu is cool with rounded /transluscent menus | 23:25 |
dashua | Oh nice. | 23:25 |
dashua | Finally running Lucid. Very late in the game for me this time around. | 23:27 |
dashua | Seems ok. | 23:27 |
zniavre | http://img59.imageshack.us/img59/8430/capturebr.png | 23:27 |
dashua | That is nice. | 23:27 |
zniavre | xchat no (it was on karmic ) globalmenu yes | 23:27 |
zniavre | it's funny cause in karmic i got more application rgba able (with modules from gnome-look) | 23:28 |
dashua | That's ironic. | 23:29 |
zniavre | with lucid just few of them | 23:29 |
zniavre | nicotine globalmenu emesene + sysmon | 23:29 |
zniavre | do you like the new layout of nautilus >extra pane + new notebooks (tabs) | 23:30 |
zniavre | ? | 23:30 |
dashua | I saw th extra pane. I did not really take notice to the new tabs. | 23:31 |
dashua | What's new with the tabs? At the bottom? | 23:32 |
zniavre | yes at the bottom | 23:32 |
dashua | Feels somewhat strange. | 23:33 |
dashua | Plymouth and nVidia do not play well together, heh? | 23:34 |
dashua | I had to remove it. | 23:35 |
zniavre | it works here | 23:35 |
zniavre | the strange blue and white progress bar ? | 23:36 |
zniavre | im using 173.14.xx drivers | 23:36 |
dashua | I had little white squares at GDM that increased while I typed and could not access VT. | 23:36 |
zniavre | you should try ctrl alt f1 > /etc/init.d/gdm stop > and then startx | 23:40 |
zniavre | before typing anything on gdm | 23:40 |
dashua | Yeah, I could not access a VT. Something was really borked. | 23:41 |
zniavre | wich drivers? | 23:42 |
dashua | 195.36.03 | 23:42 |
darkmatter | VT's rarely work as intended since X is a pile of crap | 23:43 |
zniavre | :o( | 23:44 |
dashua | Let me reboot again. | 23:44 |
dashua | No luck. Blue bar > GDM > Lock up | 23:51 |
dashua | zniavre, We could make a nice GDM theme now with the new murrine. | 23:51 |
dashua | Just thought of it with the border_shades and colors. | 23:51 |
dashua | Ditch industrial | 23:52 |
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