breinera | how would I got about making my program automatically add itself to Gnome's Main Menu | 00:22 |
directhex | a dh_ command of some kind or another | 00:23 |
persia | Um, no. | 00:24 |
directhex | or maybe just putting a .desktop in the right place | 00:24 |
persia | Install an XDG-compliant .desktop file. | 00:24 |
persia | Yes :) | 00:24 |
directhex | yeah, dh_desktop is a noop. when did that happen? | 00:24 |
directhex | i'm getting too old for this stuff | 00:24 |
persia | When triggers became available. | 00:24 |
seb128 | directhex, when it moved to a trigger | 00:24 |
persia | dh_desktop used to regenerate the MIME db, so never actually affected the menu. | 00:25 |
breinera | is there a website that talks about how to create XDG-compliant files | 00:26 |
directhex | seb128, do you know how one would obtain a native pbuilder? moonlight 2 packaging is pretty much functional (if not yet uploadable), but i expect build failures might happen on unconventional arches like arm | 00:26 |
* persia digs up the URL | 00:26 | |
TheMuso | c | 00:27 |
TheMuso | whoops | 00:27 |
persia | breinera: is probably the best place to start. | 00:27 |
breinera | thanks persia | 00:27 |
seb128 | directhex, no | 00:27 |
directhex | hm | 00:27 |
jdong | hmm tjaalton: Regarding bug 430532, I've got a vmware fusion with a lucid guest and no vmmouse working... Would be happy to guinea-pig udev rules for you, etc | 00:36 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 430532 in xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse "should depend on -vmmouse?" [Medium,Triaged] | 00:36 |
jdong | (commented on bug report as well) | 00:36 |
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breinera | I looked at the link and some example files, but how would I tell it to go into Accessories or Internet or Something else | 00:46 |
persia | breinera: Categories. | 00:50 |
cjwatson | breinera: the way it works is that you specify Categories that make sense, and then the OS menu implementation decides which specific menus those map to | 00:50 |
persia | | 00:50 |
cjwatson | you don't say which specific menu your app goes in, because the list of available menus isn't necessarily the same from desktop to desktop | 00:51 |
breinera | thanks | 00:51 |
breinera | and it makes more sense now | 00:51 |
Sarvatt | is grub2 whats forcing efifb to be used and killing the console for alot of people? | 01:30 |
cjwatson | Sarvatt: not knowingly ... | 01:37 |
Sarvatt | its happening in debian too, started yesterday here and I'm getting it on all my machines. nouveau can kick out the efifb ([ 3.335681] fb: conflicting fb hw usage nouveaufb vs EFI VGA - removing generic driver) but intel can't and I get no display until X (and no consoles still after) | 01:40 |
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Sarvatt | grub2 just seemed like the most likely culprit looking at the changes in the past 24 hours since it started loading efifb and considering its happening in debian unstable also | 01:43 |
cjwatson | Sarvatt: I suppose it could be | 01:45 |
cjwatson | I don't know for sure, and somebody should report it to grub-devel if it does turn out to be that | 01:46 |
cjwatson | or a few other loader changes a bit before that | 01:47 |
Sarvatt | looks like ? | 02:03 |
cjwatson | Sarvatt: ah (and ew) | 02:04 |
cjwatson | Sarvatt: is there a bug for this, explaining why efifb is badbad? | 02:04 |
Sarvatt | i just noticed this about an hour ago, haven't looked into it too much yet but googling gfxpayload=keep seems to bring up a ton of bugs, lets see | 02:06 |
cjwatson | no, don't bother with that line of inquiry | 02:06 |
cjwatson | gfxpayload=keep is not intrinsically related to efifb | 02:06 |
cjwatson | is this on non-EFI hardware? | 02:06 |
Sarvatt | yep non-efi, its loading efifb for everyone now because we have that kernel config option it looks like | 02:07 |
Sarvatt | | 02:08 |
ubottu | Debian bug 567245 in grub-pc "gfxpayload=keep broken" [Normal,Open] | 02:08 |
Sarvatt | I guess it's just KMS fb's that can't handle it | 02:09 |
cjwatson | Sarvatt: well, I'm happy to nuke that option for Ubuntu for the time being | 02:19 |
cjwatson | Sarvatt: (fwiw I have kms and it works for me, but hmeh) | 02:23 |
cjwatson | *meh | 02:23 |
Sarvatt | ati? | 02:24 |
cjwatson | intel | 02:24 |
cjwatson | grub2 1.98~20100128-1ubuntu3 reverts that check | 02:25 |
bryce2 | which option is this? | 02:25 |
cjwatson | gfxpayload=keep in grub2 | 02:26 |
cjwatson | which is frankly a bit of a crackful option anyway so I don't mind disabling it | 02:26 |
Sarvatt | thats for that cjwatson | 02:26 |
cjwatson | and mind even less stopping forcing it on :) | 02:27 |
pitti | james_w: what does it take to bless lp:~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/lucid/ido/lucid (just uploaded/NEWed) into "the" lp:ubuntu/ido branch? | 03:48 |
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aburch | What is the prefered way to bug people to merge new releases from Debian? | 04:19 |
kapdia | hmm | 04:23 |
kapdia | how can i join the ubuntu development? | 04:23 |
ScottK | !development | 04:25 |
ubottu | Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: | 04:25 |
ScottK | kapdia: ^^^ | 04:25 |
kapdia | thanks ScottK | 04:27 |
kapdia | hmm i read through it, but I still don't know where to begin | 04:28 |
kapdia | ah ok | 04:28 |
kapdia | motu | 04:28 |
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ccheney | i need a few packages synced from debian unstable but for some reason requestsync is failing to find them | 05:32 |
ccheney | ispell-fi 0.7-17.3, bgoffice 3.0-10, medicalterms 20100204-1 | 05:32 |
fabrice_sp | ccheney, it's working here using -d option (as by default, requestsync looks at testing) ? | 05:46 |
fabrice_sp | oh: 404 error on getting the changelog | 05:47 |
ScottK | There's some latency is debian/changelogs being available, so either make the sync request bug by hand or wait and try again tomorrow. | 05:53 |
ccheney | ScottK: ok | 06:04 |
nigel_nb | Hobbsee, are you around? got a doubt... | 07:18 |
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nigel_nb | Hobbsee, I working on a patch for gnome-media recently, but now there are around 8 new patches for various bugs. So is there a point in doing the exercise of patching only one bug? | 07:21 |
nigel_nb | bah... "I was working" | 07:21 |
fale | is there an how-to/doc about how to create an ISO? | 07:25 |
akheron | is there a way to run upstart jobs as another user than root? | 07:33 |
akheron | I found an old blueprint that sounds promising: | 07:33 |
akheron | but the man page for upstart 0.6.3 doesn't mention support | 07:33 |
jdong | mmmhmm I put that on my christmas wishlist :) | 07:34 |
jdong | it still hasn't arrived yet | 07:34 |
akheron | ah ok | 07:34 |
jdong | I mean, surely you can do some su hacks | 07:35 |
akheron | so all I can do is to su -c command user ? | 07:35 |
jdong | right | 07:35 |
akheron | bla :) | 07:35 |
akheron | well, thanks anyway | 07:35 |
jdong | sure thing :) | 07:35 |
jdong | wish I had a more elegant answer :) | 07:36 |
nigel_nb | jdong, can you take a look at my query above? | 07:41 |
tjaalton | jdong: re vmmouse; run ubuntu-bug $id on the vmware instance to collect relevant information for the bug. there should be a way to recognize the device and use vmmouse instead | 07:43 |
tjaalton | vbox is screwed though, since their mouse driver doesn't have a input device set by the kernel | 07:44 |
tjaalton | but uses the information from the vbox pci device | 07:44 |
jdong | interesting | 07:45 |
jdong | ok tomorrow morning I'll do so | 07:45 |
tjaalton | ok | 07:45 |
jdong | yeah definitely I know in jaunty/karmic we did a great job of autodetecting the device | 07:45 |
mneptok | jdong: thanks for being the first person on the Internet in 2010 i have seen spell "definitely" correctly. | 07:47 |
mneptok | </ranty_pet_peeve> | 07:47 |
jdong | hahah | 07:47 |
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chrisccoulson | would somebody mind sponsoring a vte upload if they get the chance? (bug 516770) | 10:45 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 516770 in vte "Update to 0.23.5" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 10:45 |
chrisccoulson | there is a gnome-terminal update waiting, but it needs the latest vte, and I can't upload that myself | 10:45 |
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aburch | How often are new package imported from Debian? (ie. packages that haven't been in Ubuntu before, not just a new version) | 13:59 |
persia | aburch: Prior to DebianImportFreeze, there is a sync during most weekdays, depending on how busy the archive admin of the day happens to be that day. After Debian Import Freeze, new packages are only imported by developer request through FeatureFreeze. After FeatureFreeze, new packages are only imported if there is both a developer request and an approved freeze exception. | 14:14 |
aburch | Hmm, so if a package has been in testing for more than one week it should already be imported to universe? Well, I'll probably wait a few more days before asking further. | 14:22 |
persia | aburch: Well, check the set of packages in testing and not in universe, which is likely more interesting. If that set is large, then it's worth saying something. If not, then just wait a bit more unless we're tight against DebianImportFreeze. | 14:28 |
Laney | aburch: should give you an idea, but take it with a pinch of salt | 14:30 |
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jdong | tjaalton: errr see bug 517642; it doesn't seem like ubuntu-bug attached any of the useful debugging information. What should I manually do to provide you with useful information? | 16:06 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 517642 in xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse "In lucid, vmmouse position glitches on grab/ungrab" [Undecided,New] | 16:06 |
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tjaalton | jdong: check the xorg apport script what it runs for the other packages. can't check it myself now | 16:19 |
jdong | tjaalton: ok thanks, added the hook. New bug 517659, closed old one | 16:25 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 517659 in xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse "vmmouse glitchy position tracking in Lucid" [Undecided,New] | 16:26 |
tjaalton | jdong: please file a bug against xorg to add the hook there, thanks :) | 16:30 |
jdong | hehe ok :) | 16:30 |
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ccheney | if i am reading the weather forecast correctly there is expected to be ~ 3 ft of snow in DC by tomorrow | 17:23 |
ScottK | ccheney: More like 1.5 to 2 feet, but still a lot. | 17:24 |
ScottK | It's snowing now. | 17:25 |
ccheney | well the site i saw claimed 5" this afternoon, another 15" tonight, then 8" more tomorrow | 17:26 |
ccheney | but maybe i misread what they meant | 17:26 |
jdong | eh it's a weather forecast :) | 17:26 |
ccheney | in any case no one will be flying there most likely | 17:27 |
fabrice_sp | Woauh: Xorg is using 1gb of memory (in Karmic)! How can I see what part of XOrg is using that amount of memory?! | 17:27 |
ScottK | Not tomorrow. Sunday should be OKish. | 17:33 |
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TheMuso | ivanka1: Could you please download, and run it in a terminal like so: bash Then give me the URL that it gives you. I need some information about your hardware, and this script will get that for me. | 17:45 |
ivanka1 | TheMuso: doing it now | 17:46 |
TheMuso | ivanka1: Thanks. | 17:46 |
ivanka1 | TheMuso: You got mail :-) | 17:54 |
TheMuso | ivanka1: thanks muchly. | 17:54 |
TheMuso | ivanka1: I forgot that the behavior had changed t o not uploading the details, but making a text file. Well done in figuring that out, and thanks again. | 17:55 |
ivanka1 | thanks TheMuso - I now know more instructions for terminal than I did when I got up this morning :-) | 17:56 |
TheMuso | ivanka1: you learn something new every day. :) | 17:56 |
ivanka1 | TheMuso: yes! | 17:57 |
TheMuso | ivanka1: So everything works, i.e microphone, headphones, but the only problem is that the internal speakers don't mute correct? | 17:57 |
ivanka1 | themuso: correct | 18:00 |
TheMuso | ivanka1: ok great, that helps a lot. | 18:00 |
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TheMuso | ivanka1: There is a bug already filed about this issue. If could please subscribe to I can talk you and the bug reporter through a suggestion I will be giving soon, once I am sure it may help. I'[ll be assigning it to the audio team, so I'll be subscribed as well, to track progress. | 18:13 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 477226 in linux "Sound simultaneously on headphones and speakers - Lenovo IdeaPad u350" [Undecided,New] | 18:13 |
slangasek | tjaalton: how exactly were you adding kinit to /etc/init/gssd.conf? | 18:17 |
slangasek | (OOI) | 18:17 |
TheMuso | ivanka1: Does your ideapad support a docking station, i.e does it allow you to connect a docking station to it? I think such stations usually connect to the bottom of the notebook. | 18:20 |
TheMuso | ivanka1: Knowing this helps narrow down whether my suggestion will work. | 18:21 |
ivanka1 | TheMuso: No. It doesn't support a docking station. | 18:22 |
TheMuso | ivanka1: Right, that helps a lot, thanks. | 18:22 |
TheMuso | ivanka1: I posted something to try to the above mentioned bug. Please give it a try if you get a chance, and if you ahve any questions, feel free to ping me. | 18:34 |
ivanka1 | TheMuso: thanks :-) Will try and do this in a bit | 18:36 |
TheMuso | ok np | 18:42 |
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dholbach | pedro_, seb128_: is there a bug about rhythmbox-metadata using 100% cpu? | 19:09 |
seb128_ | not that I know about at least | 19:10 |
didrocks | dholbach: I have this bug with Upnp enabled | 19:13 |
dholbach | didrocks: let me check | 19:13 |
dholbach | didrocks: nope, disabled | 19:13 |
didrocks | sorry then :) | 19:14 |
ari-tczew | dholbach: ping | 19:24 |
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dholbach | ari-tczew: pong | 19:30 |
ari-tczew | dholbach: could you tell me what is wrong with debdiff on bug 517297 | 19:30 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 517297 in ttf-sil-scheherazade "Fake sync ttf-sil-scheherazade 1.001-6 (main) from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 19:31 |
dholbach | ari-tczew: as I can't upload the Debian tarball, I need the diff against the Ubuntu package | 19:31 |
persia | ari-tczew: It's best practice not to ask the same question in two channels. it's also best practice to ask questions generally, rather than poking specific people (especially two *different* specific people in two *different* channels) | 19:31 |
ari-tczew | dholbach: so I need to make debdiff based on tarball which already exist in Ubuntu? | 19:33 |
dholbach | yes | 19:33 |
ari-tczew | ok | 19:33 |
dholbach | because we can only upload the package for the ubuntu release | 19:33 |
chrisccoulson | hey dholbach | 19:34 |
chrisccoulson | you having a good week? | 19:34 |
dholbach | heya chrisccoulson | 19:34 |
ari-tczew | understand | 19:34 |
dholbach | yeah, we got lots of stuff done :) | 19:34 |
chrisccoulson | excellent! | 19:34 |
chrisccoulson | it's strange having everybody around on IRC in the evenings ;) | 19:35 |
dholbach | how about you? how's life over there? | 19:35 |
chrisccoulson | yeah, it's ok here. i'm just winding down for the weekend now ;) | 19:35 |
ari-tczew | dholbach: do I need to get back DebianMaintainerField from Debian? | 19:42 |
dholbach | yeah, just run update-maintainer | 19:42 |
ari-tczew | dholbach: update-maintainer is giving a correct DebianMaintainerField for Ubuntu, current exist DebianMaintainerField from Debian as I looked (without XSBC-Original-Maintainer) | 19:46 |
ari-tczew | so do I need to change it? | 19:46 |
dholbach | if we change something in Ubuntu, we update the maintainer field | 19:46 |
dholbach | | 19:47 |
ari-tczew | dholbach: theoretically, we have next development cycle, Debian has got new upstream release, autosync will get package from Debian? | 19:49 |
ari-tczew | after this fakesync | 19:49 |
dholbach | ari-tczew: I think this is one of the packages that don't get many upstream updates any more | 19:49 |
ari-tczew | dholbach: understand, but I'm asking theoretically, generally for other packages too | 19:50 |
smoser | slangasek, you have minute. | 19:55 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 499520 in vm-builder "default uec-image requires at least 300 M of RAM to run - m1.small and c1.medium not needed by default" [High,Confirmed] | 19:56 |
ari-tczew | dholbach: updated. bug 517297 | 19:59 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 517297 in ttf-sil-scheherazade "Fake sync ttf-sil-scheherazade 1.001-6 (main) from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 19:59 |
dholbach | ari-tczew: I'm working on a few other things now | 20:00 |
slangasek | smoser: what's the concern there? I thought that bug was already triaged to ureadahead, no? | 20:05 |
TheMuso | crimsun: Question about quirk stuff for connextant chips. I have access to hardware that works perfectly with no edxisting quirk, except for headphones not muting. Is it possible to do a quirk that only needs to set the correct bits for the nid in question, or will I have to write a totally new quirk table for this machine? | 20:06 |
TheMuso | crimsun: In sort, to fix only the headphone muting/unmuting, do I have to write init verbs for every input/output of the hda driver? | 20:06 |
lifeless | Keybuk: you should setup a 'translation group | 20:10 |
ScottK | pitti: Thanks for following up on the dkms/wl bug (506816). I was afriad I was going to have to reinstall karmic and upgrade again. | 20:14 |
pitti | ScottK: it seems to be pretty common indeed | 20:17 |
pitti | and I don't believe it's specific to bcmwl; would just hit nvidia as well | 20:17 |
ScottK | It's also an example of why I really dislike the "Oh, you can't give us the needed info -> Invalid" triage policy | 20:18 |
ScottK | It gets perfectly fine bugs marked invalid when they should stay incomplete. | 20:18 |
pitti | well, it's fine; you can always reopen the bug if you have more data | 20:18 |
pitti | I was going to report a new one, and LP proposed this one | 20:19 |
ScottK | Right, but it discourages other people from adding data. | 20:19 |
cjwatson | ScottK: yes! | 20:19 |
ScottK | Well that's good. | 20:19 |
* cjwatson waves the "I agree" flag frantically | 20:19 | |
cjwatson | although I do think we shouldn't be encouraging other people to add data to other people's bugs | 20:19 |
cjwatson | as a general rule | 20:19 |
pitti | I usually leave them in incomplete and let them time out after a month or two | 20:19 |
ScottK | I think that's better. | 20:19 |
pitti | it's the compromise that works well enough for me, and avoids overzealous closing | 20:20 |
cjwatson | though I'm inclined to think that if you don't want to see incomplete bugs, filter them out | 20:21 |
lamont | 2010-02-05 20:20:39+0000 [-] Build log: dpkg-deb: control directory has bad permissions 700 (must be >=0755 and <=0775) | 20:22 |
lamont | wth??? | 20:22 |
soren | lamont: Which package? | 20:23 |
lamont | indicator-applet-0.3.2+r342+201002050500 <-- I think it's actually in a private ppa, to be fair | 20:24 |
lamont | just wondering if it's the buildd or the package. didn't seem like something the package would be involved with | 20:24 |
lamont | yeah - p3a | 20:25 |
soren | lamont: I've seen a package create its control directory "by hand". | 20:31 |
lamont | ah, ok | 20:31 |
cjwatson | REPLACES, people | 20:35 |
soren | lamont: I mean.. One that didn't even use debhelper. I doubt anything as new fangled as indicator-applet will be debhelper-less. | 20:38 |
StevenK | crimsun: Why did you just upload opal right over the top of my changes? | 20:40 |
StevenK | crimsun: And where is the ekiga merge that you said was mostly finished? | 20:40 |
lamont | <-- soren: thoughts? | 20:40 |
persia | That one definitely isn't debhelperless :) | 20:41 |
lamont | where is umask hidden in /proc/NNN/? | 20:42 |
soren | lamont: pass | 20:42 |
lamont | heh | 20:42 |
StevenK | lamont: environ? | 20:42 |
lamont | no, not so much | 20:43 |
StevenK | Yeah, that was a guess | 20:43 |
cjwatson | ICBW but it's not obvious to me that it's there at all | 20:45 |
lamont | cjwatson: kinda where I was landing too... | 20:46 |
lamont | that's the only explanation I can find for why a build would be so, um, strange as to create control mode 700 instead of 755. | 20:46 |
lamont | only underlying difference is that it's running karmic for the base OS, instead of, um, dapper | 20:47 |
StevenK | Google is failing me for trying to figure out if umask is under /proc, too | 20:47 |
lifeless | cr3: after lunch ok for you? | 20:58 |
lifeless | I have the goods | 20:58 |
MacSlow | seb128_, there you go | 20:59 |
seb128_ | MacSlow, thanks | 20:59 |
cr3 | lifeless: unfortunately, I have two hours of meetings scheduled after lunch | 21:01 |
lifeless | cr3: meep | 21:01 |
lifeless | cr3: 4pm then ? | 21:01 |
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fabrice_sp | seb128_, any opinion on bug 285417 ? | 21:11 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 285417 in ubuntulooks "[intrepid] gtk2-engines-ubuntulooks can't be installed" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 21:11 |
seb128_ | intrepid? | 21:11 |
seb128_ | fabrice_sp, no | 21:11 |
fabrice_sp | the bug report comes from Intrepid, but they are willing to patch the package to be compatible with lucid's theme (and I proposed removal) | 21:12 |
seb128_ | I'm busy right now, will read those 10 pages comments next week | 21:13 |
seb128_ | I'm not sure I understand the issue | 21:14 |
fabrice_sp | ok. Thanks for looking at it | 21:14 |
seb128_ | the theme is ubuntulooks not Human | 21:14 |
seb128_ | just rename any conflicting file | 21:14 |
fabrice_sp | but does i make sense to still ahve a theme that is not used anymore in Ubuntu? | 21:15 |
fabrice_sp | anyway, if you are busy, I don't want to disturb you | 21:15 |
seb128_ | it's rather than I don't really have an opinion about that | 21:15 |
seb128_ | if some people still use the theme I don't see the issue with a renaming | 21:15 |
fabrice_sp | ok | 21:16 |
seb128_ | I don't really care either way to be honest | 21:16 |
seb128_ | do whatever you think works better for users | 21:16 |
fabrice_sp | fair enough :-) | 21:16 |
Caesar | kees: can you independently confirm for me that fuse-utils 2.7.2-1ubuntu2.1 contains an /etc/fuse.conf whereas fuse-utils 2.7.2-1ubuntu2 did not? | 21:36 |
crimsun | StevenK: "just"? | 21:53 |
crimsun | StevenK: I did it piece-wise; I don't tend to upload if the build-deps aren't satisfiable in a schroot and pbuilder | 21:54 |
crimsun | StevenK: please note that -4 dropped the celt build-dep; it made more sense at the time that I used bzr merge-package (from sid) to just use that. | 21:56 |
crimsun | TheMuso: generally don't need an entirely new quirk for that | 21:58 |
crimsun | TheMuso: e.g., you could switch(foo) case blah in the appropriate patch_cxt..() | 21:59 |
kees | Caesar: checking, one sec | 22:05 |
kees | Caesar: when I install fuse-utils 2.7.2-1ubuntu2 on hardy, I have /etc/fuse.conf | 22:09 |
Caesar | Oh doh | 22:10 |
Caesar | I see what's going on | 22:10 |
Caesar | Sorry | 22:10 |
Caesar | We have an internal package that provides /etc/fuse.conf and Replaces: fuse-utils | 22:10 |
Caesar | So it looked to me like the currently installed 2.7.2-1ubuntu2 fuse-utils didn't provide /etc/fuse.conf | 22:11 |
Caesar | Sorry to waste your time | 22:11 |
crimsun | StevenK: ah, I see what you're referring to. Sorry about that; I had the merge prepared but had been waiting for ptlib to be NEWed. | 22:13 |
statik | hi pitti, i proposed some changes to python-mkdebian. if you think they are crazy, just reject them I won't mind :) | 22:26 |
TheMuso | crimsun: by patch-cxt do you mean the various codec .c files, or a function/structure within one of those files? | 22:32 |
jbebel | Asbas2h. | 22:38 |
JFo | bryceh, I have asked to join Greasemonkeying-of-Launchpad Developers :-) | 22:39 |
statik | thanks pitti, fixed and pushed | 22:42 |
crimsun | TheMuso: the functions inside sound/pci/hda/patch_conexant.c, e.g., patch_cxt5045() | 22:44 |
TheMuso | crimsun: ahhh thanks a million, will dig deeper into that later. | 22:44 |
crimsun | TheMuso: yw | 22:46 |
pitti | statik: hi! looks good now, will merge | 23:06 |
statik | sweet! maybe i will have some luck adding this functionality to debhelper | 23:07 |
lifeless | Keybuk: dpm: time to create that translation group, I found the last spot needed to enable new translations again. | 23:08 |
pitti | lifeless: jIH HoHta' gdm | 23:08 |
lifeless | pitti is uploading now | 23:08 |
lifeless | pitti: thanks :) | 23:08 |
Keybuk | lifeless: ubuntu-l10n-tlh | 23:08 |
lifeless | pitti: you should join | 23:18 |
lifeless | Keybuk: still claims it is unmanaged | 23:19 |
lifeless | dpm: ^ | 23:19 |
dpm | lifeless, there needs to be a team managing the translations: | 23:20 |
lifeless | dpm: isn't that the team keybuk made? | 23:20 |
lifeless | dpm: 10:08 < Keybuk> lifeless: ubuntu-l10n-tlh | 23:21 |
dpm | lifeless, I can assign the new team to ubuntu-translators, but please take a few mins to read that page. It's a very simple process, and we ask all Ubuntu translation teams to follow that - I'm not trying to make it difficult, I just don't want to be unfair to other new teams | 23:25 |
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates | ||
pitti | Keybuk: mind to fix the "langauge" typo? :-) | 23:26 |
TheMuso | mvo: Thanks for the possible webkit fix. I'll install the latest synced webkit and see if the problem goes away. If not, I'll try your fix. Thanks again. | 23:26 |
pitti | lifeless: Scott] ghajtaH Daq ghurmoH jIH DaH | 23:27 |
mvo | TheMuso: I'm bulding the fix currently, if you have i386 I can give you the deb once its finished building :) | 23:27 |
pitti | lifeless: (Scott has to approve me now) | 23:27 |
TheMuso | mvo: I'm on amd64. | 23:28 |
TheMuso | mvo: Happy to wait to grab the source from somewhere. | 23:28 |
mvo | ok, thanks TheMuso | 23:29 |
TheMuso | np | 23:29 |
lifeless | Keybuk: will you do as dpm asks? makes the translations come through langpacks so much better | 23:29 |
Keybuk | lifeless: I gave it a brief read, but haven't worked out what step(s) we've missed yet | 23:29 |
plars | bdmurray: I see bughugger package available in lucid now, but I seem to get a backtrace when running it. I seem to be missing a module named quickly.widgets.async_task_progressbox. Have you seen this? | 23:34 |
didrocks | plars: oh really? you should install quickly-widgets so | 23:37 |
didrocks | I'm adding the missing dependency | 23:37 |
plars | didrocks: will try that, thanks | 23:37 |
StevenK | \o/ | 23:37 |
didrocks | plars: y/w :) | 23:38 |
didrocks | I first try to figure out why python-distutilsextra didn't add it itself | 23:38 |
lifeless | mvo: why is it add-apt-repository, not apt-add-repository? | 23:41 |
lifeless | didrocks: rename it! ;) | 23:43 |
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk | ||
didrocks | lifeless: I know, it's on my todo for next week ;) | 23:47 |
ojwb | hi folks - should a new package get automatically pulled into lucid when it appears in debian testing? | 23:54 |
kirkland | slangasek: | 23:54 |
tjaalton | slangasek: re kinit; putting it in the pre-script failesd with some preauth error. the real fix would be to make rpc.gssd work with the machine upn | 23:54 |
slangasek | tjaalton: mmk :) | 23:55 |
slangasek | kirkland: pretty | 23:55 |
tjaalton | slangasek: but that's a part of my thesis, so it'll get resolved one way or another.. | 23:56 |
lifeless | ojwb: I think so | 23:56 |
slangasek | tjaalton: whoo :-) | 23:57 |
kirkland | slangasek: | 23:59 |
ojwb | lifeless: i guess there must be a lag as it hit testing on feb 1st: | 23:59 |
lifeless | ojwb: archive admins have to +1 it | 23:59 |
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