tonyyarusso | kermit: Metro State | 00:18 |
kermit | tonyyarusso: how do you pay for it? i was thinking of going. | 00:19 |
tonyyarusso | kermit: My parents do. But, it's dirt cheap anyway, so it wouldn't be hard for anyone to. | 00:27 |
kermit | if there's still time left to work full time too it's cheap | 00:28 |
mr_steve | kermit: fwiw, I'm in school right now and paying nothing. Grants and loans, all the way | 00:30 |
kermit | mr_steve: enough to only have to work part time? | 00:31 |
kermit | mr_steve: er, you mean you have grants and loans that pay for school and living expenses? | 00:32 |
mr_steve | kermit: If I wanted to, I could afford an apartment with my leftover money. I got a subsidized loan for $7900 for this semester | 00:33 |
mr_steve | and my classes were already paid by grants, so only about 1,000 of that is going to the school, I get a check for the rest | 00:34 |
kermit | you could live on $14k/yr ? | 00:35 |
Takyoji | So I take it that Launchpad doesn't store images, or something? | 00:35 |
kermit | i dont think i could live on less than $40k no matter how hard i tried | 00:36 |
Takyoji | or were the images just not submitted? | 00:36 |
mr_steve | kermit: I've never made more than 12k/yr in my life | 00:36 |
* Takyoji annoys tonyyarusso again | 00:36 | |
tonyyarusso | kermit: School costs about $7000 per year all-inclusive. You can easily make that part-time. | 00:41 |
tonyyarusso | kermit: Saint Paul College was half that. | 00:41 |
kermit | tonyyarusso: i'd have to work full time to support myself though | 00:42 |
kermit | unless grants or loans were a lot more | 00:42 |
tonyyarusso | kermit: but you'd be eligible for financial aid. | 00:42 |
kermit | can you get 50k/yr of student loans? | 00:42 |
kermit | or less and work part time? | 00:42 |
kermit | or much less and work full time? | 00:43 |
tonyyarusso | uh, if you need 50k just to support yourself, you're doing it wrong | 00:43 |
_diablo | tonyyarusso: lolz | 00:43 |
kermit | 43k plus the tuition of 7k | 00:43 |
kermit | i havent lived on less than 50 in a decade | 00:43 |
kermit | can you work full time and still go to school? | 00:43 |
tonyyarusso | Takyoji: huh wuh? | 00:44 |
kermit | or get loans for living expenses? | 00:44 |
tonyyarusso | and yes to both probably | 00:44 |
_diablo | kermit: it's tough. Not a fun experience | 00:44 |
Takyoji | It's missing some files of which I added to it | 00:45 |
kermit | _diablo: full time and school? i bet | 00:45 |
kermit | i'm not sure where to start with the school thing.. google for 'college' and just start reading? heh | 00:45 |
_diablo | kermit: yeah, I couldn't do it. | 00:45 |
kermit | so i'd have to do part time work and get a lot of loans and grants | 00:46 |
_diablo | kermit: do you want to go to a local school on the uber cheap or do you wanna do a 4 year university with dorms and everything? | 00:46 |
tonyyarusso | Takyoji: - images are there. | 00:46 |
kermit | i'm comfortable where i live now, and it's close to several schools | 00:47 |
tonyyarusso | Takyoji: what files? | 00:47 |
tonyyarusso | College is such a waste of time. I could be learning if I didn't have class. | 00:47 |
_diablo | kermit: just google "twin city" colleges. Two of my roommates just started at MCTC and I'm sure they'd be cool if you wanted to email them and ask some questions. They looked around a lot. | 00:48 |
_diablo | tonyyarusso: that piece of paper is expensive, but probably worth it | 00:48 |
kermit | my roomate goes to mctc, but he gets money from sourcse i cant | 00:48 |
tonyyarusso | _diablo: Only because someone decided it is. There's no real value to it. | 00:48 |
tonyyarusso | I would be a far more worthwhile employee in the future if I took this time to learn on my own. | 00:49 |
_diablo | tonyyarusso: I agree. but it has been decided. | 00:49 |
kermit | _diablo: and just call the different schools directly and see what plans they can come up with? | 00:50 |
tonyyarusso | kermit: a couple of decades ago a guy invented things called "web sites". | 00:50 |
tonyyarusso | Schools have their programs all listed online. | 00:50 |
h00k | | 00:50 |
h00k | er, wrong button. | 00:51 |
h00k | sorry. | 00:51 |
* _diablo is ashamed of h00k | 00:51 | |
tonyyarusso | oh man, this professor is actually covering reasonable material, but she sounds like a late-night FM DJ. I might pass out. :S | 00:51 |
kermit | tonyyarusso: mctc's website says to call them :P | 00:51 |
tonyyarusso | granted, it's still not material that I don't yet know. | 00:51 |
tonyyarusso | kermit: That's ridiculous... | 00:52 |
kermit | tonyyarusso: there's very little information on their website | 00:52 |
mr_steve | kermit: That's true, a lot of it is hard to find | 00:52 |
tonyyarusso | kermit: uh, ? | 00:52 |
mr_steve | The course catalog has a lot of info tho, I know it's online somewhere | 00:52 |
kermit | tonyyarusso: the theme of universities is to make information and knowledge obscure so you're forced to go through their archaic channels. that's their job security. | 00:52 |
tonyyarusso | pretty much | 00:53 |
mr_steve | whoo time to hibernate the machine and take a break. frickin 3 1/2 hour class tonight... | 00:53 |
_diablo | yeah, i'm sitting in stats now lol | 00:54 |
tonyyarusso | I'm in "Law and the Legal Process" | 00:54 |
tonyyarusso | but I have a netbook and three batteries, so I'm good to go | 00:55 |
tonyyarusso | sadly I don't have a spare battery for me. NEED DINNER | 00:55 |
_diablo | lol, I just always sit near a wall-plug. | 00:55 |
tonyyarusso | I don't think most of my classrooms even have them, except for up front by the presenter's area | 00:56 |
_diablo | ah, this is why I love being an econ major at UMN. All our desks have 2 plugs in them. <3 new buildings | 00:57 |
_diablo | thanks taxpayers | 00:57 |
h00k | tonyyarusso: | 01:03 |
kermit | _diablo: how far into econ are you? | 01:03 |
_diablo | kermit: I'm graduating in May with a minor in stats and a BA in econ. But I have all the math base for a BS | 01:04 |
kermit | _diablo: are you familiar with interdisciplinary engineering? | 01:05 |
_diablo | kermit: as a major or what? I mean, I can guess from the name what it is, but no, I've never heard of it before. | 01:06 |
kermit | _diablo: any engineering? | 01:07 |
tonyyarusso | h00k: WHEEEE | 01:07 |
_diablo | kermit: I haven't, but my best friend is an aeronautics engineer and two of my roommates are in engineering (one ME and the other EE) | 01:07 |
_diablo | so I'm moderately familiar with the field ;) | 01:07 |
h00k | tonyyarusso: do you mind perhaps borrow some verbage from your homepage? | 01:08 |
_diablo | well, gtg, nice talking to y'all, bbiab | 01:08 |
h00k | tonyyarusso: Holy Crap | 01:10 |
mr_steve | note to self: hibernate doesn't work on lucid... | 01:12 |
tonyyarusso | h00k: It's freely licensed. | 01:14 |
h00k | tonyyarusso: I suppose, but I may not exactly do that, that's sorta corny | 01:14 |
tonyyarusso | h00k: derivative works are okay too ;) | 01:14 |
h00k | tonyyarusso: :D | 01:14 |
tonyyarusso | Takyoji: I'm pondering whether our theme could be widened a bit - there's blank space on the sides even on my netbook, which clearly isn't necessary. | 01:16 |
* tonyyarusso doesn't remember if it's pixel-based or percentage-based - should look | 01:16 | |
Takyoji | It's pixel-based | 01:23 |
tonyyarusso | mmk | 01:24 |
=== sparkle_history is now known as sparklehistory | ||
tonyyarusso | Takyoji: where is the line determining the actual width? | 01:29 |
* tonyyarusso is attacking with webdev extensions in firefox | 01:30 | |
Takyoji | It actually seems to be in the HTML itself rather than the CSS file | 01:32 |
Takyoji | page.tpl.php | 01:32 |
Takyoji | Handled by the function pagewidth() | 01:33 |
Takyoji | I think it's declared in theme-settings.php | 01:34 |
tonyyarusso | huh, interesting | 01:34 |
Takyoji | The function is declared in template.php | 01:36 |
Takyoji | But the setting itself is in theme-settings.php | 01:37 |
Takyoji | In $defaults['wrapper_width'] | 01:37 |
tonyyarusso | Suhweet | 01:38 |
tonyyarusso | That was easy | 01:38 |
tonyyarusso | Takyoji: LOOKYLOOKY! | 02:23 |
tonyyarusso | Takyoji: Also, the main page! | 02:24 |
Takyoji | Did you make an edit to the formatting of lists? | 02:37 |
Takyoji | (because I fixed that as well; thus I should probably get your modifications before I commit | 02:38 |
tonyyarusso | hah, yeah, I did. And pushed it. | 02:44 |
tonyyarusso | I just added a " 1em" to a line. | 02:44 |
tonyyarusso | you can do a diff on style.css between revision 149 and 150 to see where. | 02:44 |
Takyoji | Finally committed the change | 03:28 |
Takyoji | I believe the commit has to be approved | 03:33 |
* Takyoji bugs tonyyarusso more. | 03:42 | |
Takyoji | So anything else needed? | 03:42 |
=== Guest99360 is now known as kerm|t | ||
h00k | Bah, the udheader module is broken | 04:17 |
tonyyarusso | h00k: the part about ( expecting { ? Or something else? | 04:58 |
h00k | It complained about something on line 2xxx | 04:59 |
h00k | I forget. | 04:59 |
tonyyarusso | Odd. Works For Me I think. Pastebin the error when you have a chance. | 05:00 |
tonyyarusso | Takyoji: I don't see about a commit awaiting approval... | 05:01 |
h00k | tonyyarusso: will do | 05:01 |
Takyoji | Actually I think I must have only committed it to my system; I believe I was supposed to PUSH the change to the Launchpad repository | 05:05 |
Takyoji | of which I guess I'll do tomorrow, since I'm leaving for the night | 05:06 |
=== rbniknej is now known as Guest23706 | ||
=== kerm|t is now known as kermit | ||
_diablo | mr_steve, what is the location? I'll have a brown backpack. | 16:35 |
_diablo | mr_steve, alrighty, I'm heading out. text me the location plz 920.345.6775 | 16:39 |
mr_steve | I really shoulda checked if there was Wifi at the coffeeshop for ubuntu hour | 17:20 |
_diablo | uh oh... | 17:21 |
_diablo | mr_steve: btw, I'm bringing my old laptop which is currently sans OS. We can install it, that might be interesting enough for people to ask about | 17:21 |
mr_steve | awesome. I've got the netbook only today, which makes showing off the fancy stuff a little tricky | 17:22 |
mr_steve | Forgot the CDs, too | 17:22 |
_diablo | mr_steve: I have my beautiful ratpoison/compiz setup on my other comp too. but it's fedora *ducks* | 17:22 |
* mr_steve wears the stupid helmet | 17:22 | |
_diablo | dammit. you don't have the CDs? :( I hopefully have a distro on here so I can flash it... | 17:23 |
mr_steve | I've got a thumb drive with UNR... | 17:23 |
* tonyyarusso has blank CDs, and ISO image, and a burner, but is in east St. Paul | 17:23 | |
mr_steve | Oh, I could wipe it and put plain Ubuntu on it, if your machine boots USB...? | 17:24 |
_diablo | tonyyarusso: I have those things too, but they're like 10 blocks north and I'm going straight from class to the coffee place | 17:24 |
_diablo | mr_steve: yeah, that's what I was planning on doing too | 17:24 |
tonyyarusso | What's it worth to you guys to get me to drive over? :P | 17:24 |
_diablo | mr_steve: do you have an image there? all I have is mint, backtrack, mandriva, suse, and fedora :( | 17:25 |
mr_steve | I can download an image while I'm still on MCTC's fast connection here | 17:25 |
_diablo | tonyyarusso: hahaha, this is just the opening one to get our foot in the door, we probs don't need it this first week :) but if you're around, feel free! | 17:25 |
_diablo | mr_steve: if you could, I'd appreciate it. I'll also do so. | 17:25 |
_diablo | 64 bit 9.10 if possible pl0x. | 17:25 |
mr_steve | I think this is definitely going to be kkind of a dry run, but that's alright | 17:26 |
mr_steve | _diablo: I know you were interested in learning about a few random things I've mentioned, too. Although I forget exactly what | 17:26 |
tonyyarusso | _diablo: I'm not actually around, but I'm not busy later either. | 17:27 |
tonyyarusso | So does this coffee shop *not* have wifi, or you just aren't sure? | 17:28 |
mr_steve | Oh wow I was being sarcastic when I referred to MCTC's connection as fast, but I'm pulling 2MB/s o_O | 17:28 |
mr_steve | tonyyarusso: not sure | 17:28 |
mr_steve | I've never been there before, and the website doesn't say | 17:28 |
tonyyarusso | Have a phone? | 17:28 |
tonyyarusso | _diablo: 64 bit on a netbook? | 17:29 |
mr_steve | Although I bet the area is pretty well saturated with open APs. | 17:29 |
_diablo | mr_steve: basic commad line stuff | 17:29 |
_diablo | tonyyarusso: 920.345.6775 | 17:29 |
mr_steve | I don't have a phone, no. And I'm the one with the netbook, _diablo's got some kind of laptop | 17:29 |
_diablo | tonyyarusso: nah, 64 bit on an old 17 inch asus | 17:29 |
tonyyarusso | _diablo: I meant, could you use said phone to call the coffee shop and ask. | 17:30 |
_diablo | tonyyarusso: in class :( | 17:30 |
tonyyarusso | ah, same | 17:30 |
mr_steve | I figure if we get there and they don't have wifi we can just deal with it, or go to one of the dozen or so neighboring coffeeshops | 17:30 |
_diablo | mr_steve: I agree with the whole leaving thing :) | 17:31 |
tonyyarusso | fair point | 17:31 |
tonyyarusso | _diablo: ya really, what kind of coffee shop doesn't have wifi in 2010?! | 17:31 |
mr_steve | yeah, really. They're pretty rare these days | 17:31 |
mr_steve | Some of 'em have crap wifi, port 80 only, etc, but eh | 17:32 |
tonyyarusso | Starbucks has had it for years, but it wasn't free. | 17:32 |
tonyyarusso | and yeah, Caribou has closed ports :( | 17:32 |
tonyyarusso | Bruegger's is open though. | 17:32 |
mr_steve | I gotta look into openvpn over DNS | 17:32 |
mr_steve | Although I hear it's godawful slow.. and I can't even get basic OpenVPN working, so far | 17:32 |
_diablo | starbuck is sorta open now | 17:33 |
_diablo | as long as you use a giftcard | 17:33 |
_diablo | not great, but better | 17:33 |
* _diablo buys a $5 gift card and uses it to buy a cup of coffee worth 4.96 once a month to keep wifi free | 17:33 | |
mr_steve | ugh my connection just slowed way down. I wonder if they've got adaptive throttling here | 17:33 |
mr_steve | oh nevermind, there it goes | 17:34 |
_diablo | probably. I'm at about 90 KB/s here | 17:34 |
mr_steve | I'm killing my battery with this, too. Only 4hrs life remaining :) | 17:35 |
mr_steve | But it's done, Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit ISO is downloaded | 17:35 |
_diablo | mr_steve: really? already? | 17:35 |
_diablo | via torrent? | 17:35 |
mr_steve | Nah, straight http. Averaging 2-2.5MB/sec | 17:36 |
_diablo | mr_steve: yup. that'll do it | 17:36 |
_diablo | cool, I'll stop my DL then | 17:36 |
tonyyarusso | I still want to know what netbook you have that you plan to run a 64-bit OS on. | 17:37 |
_diablo | tonyyarusso: I need the 64 bit | 17:38 |
_diablo | it's not a netbook | 17:38 |
_diablo | 17" asus | 17:38 |
tonyyarusso | _diablo: oh, ok | 17:38 |
tonyyarusso | oh, mr_steve was the one with the netbook | 17:38 |
mr_steve | Of course my connection had to drop right after I said that. At least my wireless driver hasn't crashed since the Lucid upgrade | 17:40 |
Obsidian1723 | Living on the edge there eh? | 17:40 |
mr_steve | Yup. I updated to see if Lucid would fix my wireless, and apparently it did | 17:40 |
mr_steve | Used to be anytime the card had to re-associate, I'd get a kernel oops and have to force a reboot | 17:41 |
_diablo | mr_steve: wow. that sucks. which NB is this? | 17:42 |
mr_steve | It's the acer aspire one AOD250, it's got ath9k wireless | 17:43 |
mr_steve | all kinds of problems I never had with the ath5k in my laptop | 17:43 |
_diablo | ahhh, fair enough | 17:44 |
_diablo | I think my big asus has a funky atheros card too, so we'll see about that | 17:45 |
mr_steve | ah wtf.. irssi just decided to open a second connection to freenode. weird | 17:45 |
mr_steve | eh I think I'm gonna shut down here and save some battery until | 17:47 |
Obsidian1723 | I wont upgrade until 10.04.1LTS... | 17:47 |
mr_steve | I get to the coffeeplace | 17:47 |
Obsidian1723 | Is there a way to roll back from gub2 to grub? | 17:47 |
mr_steve | I'll be there at 12:30 or so, I'll be the dude swearing at the little blue netbook | 17:48 |
_diablo | Obsidian1723: not that I know of without reinstalling OS. I think it's non-reversible from the message when I installed it | 17:48 |
_diablo | mr_steve: sounds good | 17:48 |
Obsidian1723 | tx diablo. Im not a fan of grub2. | 17:49 |
Obsidian1723 | or 9.10 | 17:49 |
tonyyarusso | _diablo: where are you guys going? | 17:50 |
_diablo | Obsidian1723: really? what's your impression of grub2? I usually use Lilo when I have a choice, so I don't really know | 17:50 |
tonyyarusso | lilo? Really? interesting. | 17:50 |
_diablo | tonyyarusso: 430 1st st N, Ambrosia coffee | 17:51 |
_diablo | tonyyarusso: yeah, holdover from my time on slackware. I loved it. | 17:51 |
_diablo | but I don't bother to change it on big distros | 17:51 |
_diablo | if it don't broek... | 17:52 |
Obsidian1723 | diablo, well, grub2 is a clusterf*ck really. It's a mess to edit and work with compared to grub. For that matter, Ubuntu 8.04x is still the best recent OS, 8.01 and 9.10 are disasters, 9.04 is ok. | 17:57 |
Obsidian1723 | I really only use LTS releases and not until the first point release | 17:57 |
_diablo | I liked 9.04. But only because CrunchBang made it pretty :) | 18:00 |
tonyyarusso | 9.10 is actually working pretty okay for me. | 18:01 |
tonyyarusso | the console bell issue is my only gripe, and that's fixed in lucid | 18:01 |
_diablo | tonyyarusso: I mean, I'd be running 9.10 with 10.04 packages if I had it on my main. that's what my netbook is doing | 18:02 |
_diablo | I really dislike the look that ubuntu is taking now though :-/ | 18:03 |
Obsidian1723 | yah' | 18:05 |
_diablo | well, i'm off to ubuntu hour, ttyl | 18:05 |
Obsidian1723 | Ubuntu Hour??? | 18:06 |
h00k | yay Ubuntu Hour! | 18:07 |
Obsidian1723 | what is that and where at? | 18:14 |
h00k | Ubuntu Hour is: | 18:22 |
* Obsidian1723 brb new kernel loaded. Gotta reboot. | 18:35 | |
h00k | tonyyarusso: ...I...have an idea. | 18:46 |
h00k | ...holy crap this could be awesome. | 18:47 |
h00k | It'd involve collaboration with Ubuntu Minnesota and Ubuntu Wisconsin | 18:47 |
h00k | and... | 18:49 |
h00k | heh. So, there's a commercial contest from the Linux Foundation: and I was thinking we could work together between LoCo's and put together some sort of commercial. | 18:49 |
h00k | The style that I was thinking would be a behind-the-scenes of us making the actual commercial, (someone composing music, drawing something with the gimp, video editing with some video editor), etc | 18:50 |
h00k | and somehow advertize that the whole thing was put together with Free Software and Linux | 18:50 |
h00k | if we don't win, we still had a blast doing it and could use it | 18:51 |
Obsidian1723 | I know I've mentioned this before, but have you guys considered working with FGTC? We may b e duplicating efforts here. | 19:03 |
Obsidian1723 | #fgtc on here.. We could cross promote. | 19:04 |
h00k | what is this? | 19:06 |
Obsidian1723 | Free Geek Twein Cities | 19:08 |
Obsidian1723 | Twin | 19:08 |
Obsidian1723 | We take PCs, refurb them, put Ubuntu on them, give them to people for free. | 19:08 |
Obsidian1723 | Based on the national Free Geek from Portland, WA our site is | 19:09 |
tonyyarusso | h00k: stop the presses! | 19:49 |
* tonyyarusso tries actually reading the idea | 19:49 | |
* h00k stops | 19:49 | |
tonyyarusso | Obsidian1723: yes, and I told you to add them to a wiki page :) | 19:50 |
Obsidian1723 | hey tony | 19:50 |
tonyyarusso | h00k: it would be cool if it can be done, yes. I know I don't have any graphic/video skills, but someone must. | 19:51 |
h00k | things like OpenShot, Pitivi, etc, can be used | 19:51 |
h00k | Brittany is pretty good with Pitivi, actually | 19:52 |
tonyyarusso | Obsidian1723: right, but we need to know who we can work with first before drafting a plan of how. You can bring it up on the mailing list as well. | 19:52 |
h00k | sgtd and I were throwing ideas back and forth about drum-tracks with Hydrogen, exigraff can piano, we could make a nice background track | 19:52 |
tonyyarusso | And why are you using /notices ? | 19:52 |
h00k | who? | 19:54 |
tonyyarusso | Obsidian1723 is. | 19:55 |
tonyyarusso | maybe he just has a messed-up client | 19:56 |
h00k | ah, ah. | 19:56 |
Obsidian1723 | will do on the list | 19:57 |
Takyoji | So had some more idears | 21:26 |
Takyoji | So I had some more idears* | 21:27 |
Takyoji | Regardless of not being an approved group; we should still provide ShipIt in some form | 21:27 |
Takyoji | On our own basis | 21:28 |
Takyoji | and paying for the discs; I would certainly be willing to purchase discs to give freely | 21:28 |
=== sparkle_history is now known as sparklehistory | ||
Takyoji | So to "triage" a bug just means to prioritize it, and? | 22:56 |
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