
DavidJHeinrichteknomage: what am i looking for with lsmod?00:00
DavidJHeinrichteknomage: stuff like emu10k1?00:00
jose__Random832, lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 7 2010-02-04 00:59 /dev/usblp0 -> usb/lp000:00
iWolfWould I shrink my W7 partition, boot up the LiveCd, run the installer, etc; then I choose, "USE FREE SPACE" for the install (Dual-Boot)?00:00
deshymersI'm using the netbook remix and to boot into single user mode I would type 'e' after grub has loaded correct?00:00
zepheadhello.  I'm fairly new to bash scripts and would greatly appreciate help passing an argument through a script.  The (successful commandline) I'm trying to execute is "irsend --device /dev/lircd1" but my script command doesn't seem to be honoring the argument... "irsend --device /dev/lircd1 SEND_ONCE $REMOTE_NAME $digit" with $REMOTE_NAME and $digit defined properly.  Any ideas?00:00
teknomageDavidJHeinrich  yeah but it will be a soundriver, it will show the modules that are loaded, so you need to load the one that will work with that card00:00
Random832jose__; ls -l /dev/usb/lp000:00
teknomageDavidJHeinrich you can load it manually with modprobe00:01
jose__Random832, crw-rw---- 1 root lp 180, 0 2010-02-04 00:59 /dev/usb/lp000:01
DavidJHeinrichteknomage: this is what I see in lsmod: http://pastebin.com/m1976b1e00:01
enrico__i d ont remembar italian channel,can you give me please00:02
Random832add yourself to the lp group00:02
DavidJHeinrichteknomage: yea, but how do I find out what to load?00:03
teknomageDavidJHeinrich yeah anything with snd is a soundriver, you might need to google and see what specific driver that chips requires, alsa might not have it in it's database00:03
Random832sudo adduser [your username] lp00:03
=== Nooneshere-Away is now known as Nooneshere
WoolmanHow do I change the name of a my Ubuntu PC (9.04)?00:04
kyon-MTfrhyperstation, it's disabled in all ubuntu distributions, use sudo instead00:04
DavidJHeinrichteknomage: not finding much from google00:04
jose__Random832, same thing00:04
hyperstationno i want to open root session00:05
enrico__chi mi da aiuto00:05
ZykoticK9hyperstation, there is a way to enable root (but it's not supported in this channel)00:05
kyon-MTfrcan anyone help me to reinstall my sound card please ?00:06
hyperstationdo u know how to do that?00:06
Random832jose__; you have to log in again for the group to take effect00:06
teknomageDavidJHeinrich well i think ac97 is the stock driver for sb compatible cards, is it a pci or isa?  how old is it?00:06
jose__oh ok00:06
jose__sorry :)00:06
hyperstationjust default root password please00:06
kyon-MTfrteknomage, David left00:06
zig_Anyone else having major pulseaudio problems as of late?00:06
ZykoticK9hyperstation, there is no default root password00:06
hyperstationso how to enable root session?00:06
cAs-karmicocould anyone help me with a conky problem????00:06
Random832hyperstation; sudo passwd root00:06
teknomagekyon-MTfr  thanks, didn't see him go!   lol00:06
Random832why do you need to though? if you want a # shell just do sudo -s00:07
kyon-MTfryou're welcome... may I bother you for my sound card problems please ? :D00:07
hyperstationu mean username:sudo password:root?00:07
Random832ZykoticK9; i just scrolled up and saw that... is there some sort of official document listing things we're not allowed to help people with?00:07
kyon-MTfrhyperstation, no, type sudo before your command00:07
teknomagekyon-MTfr  sure, i'll try, haven't had much luck so far though   lol00:07
kyon-MTfrlike : sudio vi /etc/group00:08
kyon-MTfr*sudo vi /etc/group00:08
Random832hyperstation; no i mean type the command "sudo passwd root", then enter a password for root.00:08
Tiggerskyon-MTfr, did I mention its a server install?00:08
Random832or you could just type sudo before any command you want to run as root and leave it off, but it should have told you that00:08
TiggersI dont see grub come up with the menu00:08
kyon-MTfrTiggers : no difference00:08
Random832[sudo -s to get a # shell]00:08
kyon-MTfrTiggers : no difference unless your boot manager is lilo, not grub00:08
jose__Random832, THANKS00:08
unop!supportroot | Random832, hyperstation00:08
ubottuRandom832, hyperstation: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.00:08
kyon-MTfrTiggers : for that kind of manipulation, you need a physical access00:08
jose__Random832, you really helped my day end wll00:08
ZykoticK9Random832, i'm unaware of any "don't tell" lists (other then CoC), but you aren't suppose to give out info on setting root password00:09
hyperstationi am sorry..00:09
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:09
kyon-MTfreither you visit your datacenter or you phone your sysadmin00:09
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/00:09
TiggersI have physical access00:09
Random832someone should put that in the IrcGuidelines page, if it's really a rule :P00:09
soloto all: please, help me. i need russian chanel for help  this ubuntu00:10
Random832and i'll note that no-one even bothered to suggest to him to use sudo00:10
rwwubottu: ru | solo00:10
ubottusolo: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke00:10
Gorash> /join #ubuntu-ru ?00:10
Random832wait, i see it00:10
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:10
Random832so why does /etc/securetty exist, if root logins aren't supported?00:11
Random832and in general why the lack of barriers other than the unset password?00:12
solothanks to all00:12
Gorashon my mandriva system I login as root all the time :P00:12
Gorashas long as you pay strict attention nothing can go wrong00:12
ZykoticK9Random832, there are more road-blocks to root other then just the password, try logging into GDM as root and see how far you get00:12
nintnintAnyone have any luck with evdo mmodems like Cricket or Verizon mobile broadband?00:13
Random832ZykoticK9; i will note that :0 is in /etc/securetty00:13
pw-toxic_i need something like ipcop for my ubuntu router00:14
pw-toxic_i looked up webmi, but ubuntu wiki says that it shit for ubuntu ;)00:14
GorashHowdy people. I have a small webdav issue. My vhost info: http://pastebin.com/m4d37d521    -- the problem I face is that my webdav functions 100%. When I surf to my IP/webdav (it is an internal IP) i have to auth myself. Problem I have.. when I surf to my <IP> alone it displays the contents of the <IP>/webdav map and I dont want that :) Anyone can point me in the right direction!? Thanks00:14
Random832where's the thing to start a second X session?00:15
unopRandom832,  it's been by design ever since the first release -- we advise against enabling the root account and using su as sudo suffices when you want to become the superuser -- but perhaps it's more that you aren't around for support 24/700:15
zig_I'm getting mass "pulseaudio ratelimit.c events suppressed" in my /var/log/messages00:15
Random832i could swear there used to be a menu item to start a new gdm session in 9.04 - where did it go?00:16
zig_It seems to be occupying lots of CPU cycles and overall locking up my system. I understand that likely thousands of others are having this issue, also.00:16
agentlandmineHi all!00:16
zig_I assume it is because of this that my microphone will just drop after a period of time.00:16
cyberjunk502radom832: there's a command actually00:17
ZykoticK9Random832, gdmflexiserver will start a 2nd X session00:17
DavidJHeinrichok, had to take out my old sound-card, wasn't working...on-board works for audio-out but not recording (although I hear feedback, so must be driver issue?)...00:17
Random832ok found it00:17
agentlandmineDoes anyone know if you can make custom keyboard shortcuts to programs in CLI?00:17
Viking667Got a question. None of the "dynamic" style interfaces have been created in /dev/input, what do I need to look at?00:17
DavidJHeinrichanyone ave any recommendation for a good simple *nix sound-card? one that has good audio quality and good mic-in?00:17
cyberjunk502random832: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start00:17
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Viking667i.e. there's not a /dev/input/mice00:17
Random832after setting a password there was absolutely nothing blocking me from logging in. If my past experience is valid, firefox will complain to me about running it as root00:17
Random832cyberjunk502; that's not it but i found it00:18
Random832that starts it when you haven't got it running at all, i was looking or the way to get a second login00:18
kathieHow do I manually install a driver for a USB WiFi adapter? It doesn't show up in the proprietary driver list. I have a disk that has Linux drivers but I don't know how to install them.00:18
cyberjunk502Random832:sorry my mistake00:18
zig_agentlandmine: You mean, shortcuts to launch programs?00:19
coz_kathie,  out of curiosity...the linux drivers on the disk... are they in tar.gz format00:19
agentlandminezig, yes like you can in gnome, with gconf-editor00:19
zig_agentlandmine: Not sure that's possible...00:19
kathiecoz_ no00:19
Random832hyperstation; if you just want a root shell, just run gksu gnome-terminal, or sudo -s from within a normal shell00:20
zig_agentlandmine: ALthough I think if there were a way to do that, you might find some light @ the end of the tunnel @ GNU Screen00:20
coz_kathie,  ok in what format are they00:20
zig_agentlandmine: Or byobu00:20
Random832why do you want a root login?00:20
kathiecoz_ There are a couple of folders and a couple of .dat files. there is also a makefile in the folder00:21
agentlandminezig_: oh yea? that would be cool, I was messing around with that, saw you can do a screen "split" if you compile it in... so probably some hope there00:21
Viking667coz_: they're normally in .c format00:21
coz_kathie,  ok is there also a  README   file  or  INSTALL  file00:21
iWolfWould I shrink my W7 partition, boot up the LiveCd, run the installer, etc; then I choose, "USE FREE SPACE" for the install (Dual-Boot)?00:21
Viking667(which means she'll need gcc, libc-dev00:21
Viking667err, glibc-dev00:21
kathiecoz_ there is a readme_sta_usb file00:22
agentlandminezig_: I'll check out byobu, thanks for the heads up00:22
kathiecoz_ I tried to read it but couldn't understand it00:22
coz_kathie,  ok   would you mind uploading that file  to speedyshare.com  and let me take a look at it00:22
kathiecoz_ http://www.speedyshare.com/files/20760504/README_STA_usb00:23
cyberjunk502when i am trying to run svn update it is giving me error Skipped '-'00:24
agentlandminezig_: incidently, I found a nice program called "dvtm" that does split screen without X. thought i would pass it along. :)00:25
coz_kathie,  ok let me read t hrough this...if I cant help  I have another suggestion00:25
kathiecoz_ Thank you00:25
rich7hello, when i am building a database how do i categorise all of my files into the same folder?00:25
ZykoticK9kathie, check this out http://tredosoft.com/rt2870_ubuntu00:26
cyberjunk502when i am trying to run svn update it is giving me error Skipped '-' please someone help or tell me where i can get help00:26
kathieZykoticK9, Ok00:26
adam_hey guys i have a quick question00:27
Jef91adam_ just ask00:27
adam_i need an ie based internet browser, firefox wont work with the site i need00:27
ZykoticK9kathie, you'll probably have to switch the blacklisted driver around though (if you're using USB)00:27
rich7anyone able to help with my database question\/00:27
Jef91adam_ look into Winetricks to run ie6/7 or a VM00:27
kathieZykoticK9, I'm unsure what you mean by change it around... Sorry00:28
adam_Jef91, dont want to vm on my netbook.. i will look into winetricks tho thanks!00:28
coz_kathie,  still looking on that companies web site00:28
adam_Jef91, i know chrome works00:29
ZykoticK9kathie, in the example they are blacklisting (disabling) rt2800usb < but my guess is that's the driver you need, so you'll need to blacklist rt2800sta (I'm just guessing here, i don't have the same hw)00:29
kathiecoz_ Thank you00:29
Jef91adam_ Ahh yes, I just installed IE7 on my netbook - chrome has a deb installer00:29
adam_Jef91, however, when i installed chrome before, i didnt use the ppa version and it was slow as all get out00:29
Jef91adam_ use the .deb installer from google.co/chrome - its quick as all getout00:30
Jef91its all I use on nix00:30
adam_Jef91, thanks!~00:30
cyberjunk502anyone suggest me a good chm reader00:30
infidwhere do user made cron scripts typically go? anywhere in their home dir?00:30
adam_Jef91, the .deb installer was the slow one00:30
cyberjunk502adam: is the site giving you errors on opening with chrome00:30
adam_cyberjunk502, it wont load at all00:31
kathieZykoticK9, Just to make sure, I take the # out in the conf file right?00:31
cyberjunk502adam:did you ever heard of Brup suite00:31
SchighSchaghdoes anyone know how well ubuntu would install onto a eee pc? specifically a T91MT?00:31
rich7anyone with any database knowledge??00:31
adam_cyberjunk502, no00:32
coz_kathie,  how large is the whole linux folder with the driver in it?00:32
ZykoticK9kathie, # are comments (meaning the line is ignored), you want to add the item to the list so if it's already listed with a # at the front, yes just remove the #00:32
Jef91adam_ when did you last try it? i use it on several nix systems00:32
cyberjunk502adam:it can change the user agent of the request download it and use it change the user agent header to that of ie600:32
adam_Jef91, just the other day00:32
kathiecoz_ 3.1 mb00:32
adam_Jef91, i will try it again00:33
adam_Jef91, brb00:33
coz_kathie,  ok if you wouldnt mind...would you upload that whole file to speedyshare.com00:33
kathiecoz_ Ok00:33
ZykoticK9coz_, just an FYI but it appears the driver(s) are already in Karmic, see http://tredosoft.com/rt2870_ubuntu00:34
whitequarkhello. I have a multimonitor setup with xrandr (is it xinerama?); one LVDS 1024x600 and one VGA 1680x1050. Anything in wine (including winecfg) that runs on VGA does not update any pixel out of LVDS range. How to fix this?00:34
kathiecoz_ http://www.speedyshare.com/files/20760573/Linux_STA_v2.1.1.000:34
coz_ZykoticK9,  mm interesting cool00:34
dssddsbmhow do I link to bullet physics library?00:34
Joker_-_Hi, I just wrote a partition table over the wrong drive. Haven't rebooted and everything is still *fine*. Any easy way to get the *live* partition table re-written on the drive?00:34
jaundice_anyone know how to fix grub "error: the symbol 'grub_getcharwidth' not found" I have chroot ed and tried to reinstall grub but no go..  If it helps it was a reinstall of 9.10 over 10.4 on a multiboot system00:35
coz_kathie,  apparenlty the driver is already installed on karmic    http://tredosoft.com/rt2870_ubuntu00:35
SchighSchaghdoes anyone know how well ubuntu would install onto a eee pc? specifically a T91MT?00:35
coz_kathie,  so  form that link   open a terminal   and type    sudo gedit   /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf00:35
Jef91schighschagh - it runs well on most eee pcs00:36
Jef91I run it on my 900a00:36
coz_kathie,  is that opened?00:36
kathiecoz_ Ok, and just add the line they have on that page? ZykoticK9 sent me the same link as you were helping me00:36
kathiecoz_ yes00:36
coz_kathie,  right add that line at the end of the file just below the last entry00:37
coz_kathie,  then save and restart x probably00:37
bombelCan someone tell me how can I deal with .bin files? By the way, there is no .cue file together... It's only a set of 3 .bin files.00:37
Jef91bombel .bin files for what?00:37
coz_kathie,  actually restart the system00:37
bombelIt's a game00:37
kathiecoz_ done.. I'll sign back on to let you know00:38
coz_kathie,  be sure this is a complete reboot00:38
git__Amazon EC2 is expensive00:38
bombeli need the ISO, jef9100:38
ZykoticK9kathie, start by trying to blacklist the one they suggest rt2800usb and if that doesn't work, THEN unblacklist rt2800usb and blacklist rt2870sta00:38
helperhey need help! i remove 3 paritions from fdisk , now i re-create as one parition and i change parition id to ext3, now i want to install the file system how? thx00:38
Jef91bombel - like to run the game?00:38
TokesCould someone help me get flash player installed on bt4?00:38
coz_ZykoticK9,  I think she is in the process of a reboot..:)   you can grab her when she comes back :)00:38
bombelI have 3 .bin files that are the game. And I believe i must convert them into .iso00:38
kathieZykoticK9, ok will do.. Thank you00:38
Jef91helper mkfs.ext2 -j ?00:38
helperJef91 yup thx =)00:39
bombeljef91, I have 3 .bin files that are the game. And I believe i must convert them into .iso00:39
Jef91bombel - ahh not sure. hope it was a legal download ;)00:39
adam_Jef91, works like a charm. thanks!00:39
adam_Jef91, chrome that is00:39
=== traveller__ is now known as traveller
TokesCould someone help me get flash player installed on bt4?00:40
=== EagleWatch is now known as eaglewatch
phong_i have question in xchat how to not quit and close the xchat00:40
phong_everytime i hit the x it closed00:40
ZykoticK9Tokes, ask in #backtrack-linux00:40
phong_i want it to still show in the bar00:41
Jef91adam_ very good - they update it almost weekly :)00:41
bombeljef91, I tried with bchunk, but it requests a .cue, as input parameter, to generate the .iso files. But I also believe that this .cue is nothing else but a .txt file. Ijust dont know what to put inside. Can you help me?00:41
whitequarkdoes anyone know about clipping of wine apps in multimonitor setup?00:41
Jef91bombel No idea, sorry00:41
bombeljef91, ok. Thanks anyways00:42
Joker_-_Hi, I just wrote a partition table over the wrong drive. Haven't rebooted and everything is still *fine*. Any easy way to get the *live* partition table re-written on the drive?00:42
Brack10Hi.  I'm trying to use a proxy with apt-get.  I added the line to /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/proxy as described in the docs, and also used http_proxy like this "http://domain\username:password@proxy:80/" and it gives me a 407 authentication required every time.  I know the username and password are good because I tried it on FireFox and it works great.  Anyone have any idea?00:42
kathiecoz_, ZytoticK9, thank you both, it worked!!!!!00:44
coz_kathie,  very very cool :)00:44
helperanyone know how to share interner from ubuntu to virtualbox ?00:44
kathiecoz_, ZytoticK9, I appreciate both of you taking the time to help me.. Have a great night!!00:44
Craig_Demhelper: That is enabled by default on my setup.00:45
coz_kathie,  you too  have fun :)00:45
helperCraig_Dem ah really? which network interface you chooe? i choose internal!! does this mean i want to choose NAT?00:45
Craig_DemI just left it to defaults.00:46
kathieZykoticK9, sorry I was thanking you and coz_ and realized that spelled your name wrong. I appreciate your time. Have a great night!00:46
helperCraig_Dem thx i'll check by now =)00:46
ZykoticK9kathie, you're welcome, take care00:46
Viking667hm. What file in /etc defines what modules should be loaded at runtime?00:47
Viking667(of the kernel)00:47
whitequarkViking667: /etc/modules and /etc/modprobe.d/*00:47
ZykoticK9Viking667, i'd guess all modules are loaded - unless they are blacklisted00:48
Viking667Right. Then where do I specify options for a particular module? (in this case, w83627hf)00:48
=== eaglewatch is now known as EagleWatch
toastedmilkI just upgraded to 9.10, and my sound doesn't work.  Does anyone offhand know the proper packages to either reinstall or dpkg-reconfigure ?00:48
helperCraig_Dem one more thing! assume i set the HDD to 3G and later on i want to expand the size to 4G can i add it from settings? or it's fixed size? thx00:49
ZykoticK9toastedmilk, if you just upgraded what kernel are you running "uname -r", many of the sound issues where/are due to a kernel not being updated issue (really a grub issue to be honest)00:50
whitequarkViking667: try 'echo w83627hf options whatever=youwant >/etc/modprobe.d/w83627hf.conf'00:50
whitequarkunder root of course00:50
Craig_DemI set it to dynamically expand. It might be extendable. Turn off the virtual machine, go to settings and find out.00:50
jtholmestried everything but broadcom b43 wireless pcmcia card just wont get a dhcp address, scanning etc all works but no dhcp address any ideas00:50
Craig_DemI switched from virtualbox on ubuntu to VMware Fusiob on OSX.00:51
dsundarhi all im trying to get my bluetooth up and running but with no success seams that ubuntu does not support broadcom00:52
emperiumI've done some updates in my ubuntu 9.10 and after that, i lost my wired and wireless connections, any clue?00:52
dsundarany ideas00:52
SeaPhorjtholmes, have you got all updates and checked the restricted drivers?00:52
ayam_jagocan i use borland delphi on ubuntu??00:53
jtholmesSeaPhor, all updates loaded 9.10 but have not checked restricted drivers, where do i check those00:53
SeaPhordsundar, is it an integrated BT/wlan card?00:53
SeaPhorjtholmes, check System>Administrator>Hardware Drivers00:54
MarkiveHi helpers, is there an app for recording the audio from youtube videos?00:54
xpshey. i'm trying to install a downloaded .deb file but it refuses to install because it is a i386 program and i am running the amd64 version of 9.10. I thought that 64bit could still run 32bit code...?00:54
jtholmesSeaPhor, thanks will do00:54
dsundarSeaPhor yes it is its for A Gateway  MD 7818u Laptop00:55
ZykoticK9Markive, use "sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture $PACKAGE.DEB" and it'll install00:55
Joker_-_I could find a few informations as the size of the old partitions in blocks, but I really dunno how to "rebuild" the partition based on that information00:56
xpsZykoticK9: thanks00:56
SeaPhordsundar, i am looking into that now...00:56
TruthTacoim having video playback issues, currently using open source driver = not working, no ATI restricted driver available (looking for tips)00:56
ZykoticK9xps, sorry sent that to the wrong person - glad you saw it :)00:56
armenbhello...i'm trying to upgrade a dell mini to a modern version of ubuntu. has anyone done this before via apt-get?  Are there gotchas I should watch out for?00:56
SeaPhordsundar, i work at HP and we have same card (probably) does it show in "lspci -nn" if so plz tell me the HW ID...00:57
Markivezykotick9 I got an error, is there a way of installing it from a repository? whats the app called?00:57
ZykoticK9xps, also be sure you have "ia32-libs" installed, and if you have issues with 32bit libs check out the program "getlibs"00:57
ZykoticK9Markive, so sorry man, it was suppose to be directed to someone else :)  i use firefox/chrome pluggins to download youtube video, i can then use mplayer to dump only the audio00:58
xpsZykoticK9: ia32-libs seems to be installed but I'll keep getlibs in mind. any reason why using that method wouldn't create menu items automatically?00:58
* kthomas_vh joins00:58
Markivezykotick9 thanks very much for your time00:59
ZykoticK9xps, normal menu items "should" be created...00:59
kthomas_vhhowdy: is there a better option for file transfer,  when you need users locked into directories,  than rssh?00:59
SeaPhordsundar, i believe that issue is fixed with kernel,, does your wireless networking work?01:00
dsundarSeaPhor yes does work01:01
imachineI was trying to make evolution work with couchdb synch01:01
imachineit didn't, well, I added all my contacts to the CouchDB database01:01
imachinebut it won't sync01:01
jtholmesSeaPhor, i use kubuntu any idea what is the equivalent of   System>Administrator>Hardware Drivers01:01
imachineso I went to Accessories -> Keys & Passwords01:02
dsundarSeaPhor , presently running 2.6.31-17-generic01:02
imachineand removed Ubuntu One, and anything about evolution or python01:02
SeaPhordsundar, then prolly not an "BT/WLAN integrated" card...01:02
imachinehoping for it to ask me for permission to access password database once it needs it01:02
imachinebut it does not01:02
imachineso what now ?01:02
ZykoticK9!enter | imachine01:02
ubottuimachine: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!01:02
imachinecuz now I can't even access the databse from within evolution01:02
imachineZykoticK9, please try and direct your energy at helping :)01:03
Trekanyone need some help?01:03
Karhucan anyone give me some advice please...I'm trying to play an .mkv file i have installed mplayer and also vlc but it wont play on either of them01:03
imachineTrek, right here01:03
Treki might be of assistance01:03
Trekimachine, remind me of your issue please01:04
jtholmesSeaPhor, never mind found it01:04
ZykoticK9Karhu, have you install ubuntu-restricted-extras ?01:04
dyustinhello is someone familiar with sending "options" to the xserver in karmic without using xorg.conf .. iam trying to set "pal" for the TV out of an intel 915 chip01:04
SeaPhorjtholmes, please share?01:04
imachineTrek, basically, how can I make the whole key/password database ask me once more whether an application is to have access to it ?01:04
dsundarSeaPhor any other ideas01:04
Karhuumm no..i dont think so...is that a package ?01:04
imachineoh great01:04
ZykoticK9Karhu, yes01:04
Karhuok i'll give it a go thanks :-)01:05
Karhuoh im running kubuntu will that make the name different?01:05
ZykoticK9Karhu, use kbuntu-restricted-extras then01:05
Karhuok thanks01:05
soreaudyustin: Can you pastebin the output of xrandr?01:06
nitemovzI am trying to listen to a media stream that one of my teachers set up. It is a .asx file, and when it opens it says that "No URI handler implemented for 'mms'". can anyone help with this?01:06
carl-min the default window manager, how do I push windows partially off the top of the screen?01:06
dyustinill try ;)01:06
jtholmesSeaPhor,  Kstart->Applications->System->Hardware Drivers01:06
Bsimsfullscreen isn't working for me on Ubuntu Karmic any ideas01:06
imachineso, any ideas?01:06
DavidJHeinrichhi all01:06
ZykoticK9carl-m, try holding down ALT and clicking/dragging windows from ANYWHERE in the window (not just the title bar)01:07
DavidJHeinrichwhy are many of the Asus Xonar sound cards listed as supported on the ALSA webpage, but not listed on the Ubuntu page for sound-cards?01:07
SeaPhordsundar, pastebin your lsusb, if you dont already have it installed then do sudo apt-get install pastebinit  and then do lsusb > lsusb.txt && pastebinit lsusb.txt01:07
BsimsDavidJHeinrich: I;ve found chipsets are supported not the brand so much01:07
SeaPhorjtholmes, heh "k"01:08
carl-mZykoticK9: that doesn't seem to actually drag the window; what modifier is alt supposed to be sending?01:08
dholbertcarl-m, I don't think you can push a window's titlebar through a gnome-panel01:08
Dr_Willisdholbert:  with the right settings you can01:08
RiverthiefHas anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?01:08
carl-mZykoticK9: it works for me with the meta key01:08
carl-mdholbert: ZykoticK9 was right01:08
dholbertcarl-m, unless "visual effects" are enabled (compiz)01:08
soreaudyustin: Pastebin the output of xrandr from your terminal to pastebin.com01:08
dholbertcarl-m, ok, you must have compiz enabled then01:09
dyustinahh ok01:09
daumhey guys can anyone help me setup my mythtv+happauge pvr 350, when i go to watch tv nothing happensit says start recorder timed out waiting for recorder to start01:09
jaysonsantosHi guys, is there any command that I can see which command is writing like a crazy in my disk ? Here vmstat i/o is bi 520 and bo 96701:09
soreau! who | dyustin01:09
ubottudyustin: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)01:09
carl-mdholbert: how would I check if that is enabled?01:09
Bsimsjaysonsantos: hrm top?01:09
dholbertcarl-m, right-click desktop, "Change Desktop Background", Visual Effects tab01:09
jtholmesSeaPhor, looks like the b43 restricted driver is being used pkg  b43-fwcutter installed it01:09
dholbertcarl-m, oh wait, I lied01:10
carl-mdholbert: set to "none"01:10
dholbertcarl-m, right, same here, and Alt+Drag does indeed let me move stuff through a gnome-panel01:10
evolvI'd really like to use Ubuntu, but it seems that my Toshiba laptop refuses to cooperate01:10
dholbertcarl-m, so, nevermind :)01:10
toastedmilkZykoticK9, 2.6.27-15-generic01:10
carl-mdholbert: presumably your alt key is actually setting the meta modifier01:10
evolvI've tried installing from my USB drive, and after what appears to be a successful installation01:10
evolvubuntu refuses to load01:10
ZykoticK9toastedmilk, and i think 2.6.31 is the karmic kernel01:10
dholbertcarl-m, probably01:10
DavidJHeinrichBsims: if you look here, the one I'm interested in is the Xonar DS (AV200 chipset)...it says "not all inputs work" (huh?), while other AV200 chipsets say "no HDMI output", and 2 of the AV200 ones don't have any such notes: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Vendor-Asus01:10
evolvI then tried to install within Windows to dual boot, just to see if that works01:10
Bsimsevolv: could be worse, could be debian01:10
evolvbut the same problem persists01:11
evolvBsims, what?01:11
SeaPhorjtholmes, is there another option there,,, like "STA" ?01:11
soreauevolv: Explain what happens when you try to boot ubuntu01:11
toastedmilkZykoticK9, so go to a virtual console and try..?01:11
teknomageevolv  sounds like your mbr is messed up or a bad track 0 in the hd?01:11
BsimsDavidJHeinrich: I'm ancient enough that sometimes they change physical chips and keep the same model number01:11
evolvsoreau, it looks like it's loading, then the screen goes black01:11
carl-mZykoticK9: thanks01:11
rdunnionhi all I am trying to get my printer working. It worked before my pc had a HD failure. After the new install I am getting an error /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstocanonij failed. How do I fix this? that file owner is root and the permissions are 755.01:11
jaysonsantosBsims I couldn't realize which is disk usage01:11
Joker_-_Hi, I just wrote a partition table over the wrong drive. Haven't rebooted and everything is still *fine*. Any easy way to get the *live* partition table re-written on the drive?01:11
Bsimsevolv: debian assumes you know more than you do01:12
Joker_-_I could find a few informations as the size of the old partitions in blocks, but I really dunno how to "rebuild" the partition based on that information01:12
soreauevolv: Does it freeze the machine at that point? Or can you still here it working?01:12
DavidJHeinrichBsims: but these ones all list the same chipset?01:12
Bsimsjaysonsantos: let me check for the right incantation01:12
ZykoticK9toastedmilk, first confirm that i'm correct about the kernel version; second I have no idea how to fix - i didn't have the issue (BUT MANY MANY people did)01:12
BsimsDavidJHeinrich: Hrm, dunno then sorry01:12
evolvsoreau, it's definitely frozen, the only thing I can do is ctrl-alt-del twice to reboot01:12
jtholmesSeaPhor, u mean another driver option 'STA'01:12
toastedmilkZykoticK9, lol01:12
=== karina is now known as Guest98601
jaysonsantosBsims Find it using man01:12
soreauevolv: Which graphics card do you have and which version of ubuntu did you install?01:12
Guest98601che alguien en castellano01:13
evolvsoreau, it's integrated01:13
evolvsoreau, but it's an "ATI Mobility Radeon"01:13
toastedmilkZykoticK9, yeah, its definitely intrepid01:13
soreauevolv: and version of ubuntu?01:13
evolvsoreau, 9.1001:13
ZykoticK9toastedmilk, it has something to do with Grub not updating correctly01:14
teknomageevolv  did you say windows does the same thing when you boot it?01:14
soreauevolv: How far does ubuntu load up?01:14
evolvteknomage, Windows works fine01:14
DavidJHeinrichBsims: ok,thanks though01:14
SeaPhorjtholmes, yes, if the one you have enabled isnt working,01:14
icek0ldAnyone know of code or prog to combine Multiple wifi connections for greater Bandwidth?01:14
dyustinsoreau: http://pastebin.com/d2c18fb3c01:14
evolvsoreau, some typical text scrolls on the screen, indicating boot up, then it just goes black01:14
Bsimsjaysonsantos: try lsof01:16
teknomageevolv maybe you need to run vesa video?01:16
=== EagleWatch is now known as eaglewatch
jtholmesSeaPhor, no just ath_pci for the internal wireless and  b43 for the the Linksys wpc54g no other drivers for wireless01:16
evolvteknomage, what is that?01:16
cyberjunk502anyone knows a channel where i can ask question about ip addresses01:16
Dr_Williscyberjunk502:  thats a rather broad/generic topic.01:17
sloopycyberjunk502, whats the question?01:17
Bsimsjaysonsantos: try or atop01:17
soreaudyustin: Try this command to see if it works: xrandr --output TV1 --set "tv standard" ntsc01:17
teknomageevolv it's just a stock driver, you won't get the res or speed but it works most of the time01:17
faultygroundWould someone be willing to teach me a bit about how to use ssh via pm?  Ive been trying to work it out using howto's and the like, but I seem to be missing something01:17
Bsimsfaultyground: I can try...01:17
soreauevolv: Can you try booting with radeon.modeset=1 to see if it makes a difference?01:17
faultygroundBsims: Thanks =)  I'd appreciate it01:18
BsimsPM away01:18
dyustinsoreau: u mean "pal"at the end .. i want it in pal but it is in ntsc all the time !?01:18
SeaPhorjtholmes, can you pastebin the output of   sudo lshw -C network    for me plz?01:18
evolvsoreau, I honestly don't know how to make that adjustment01:18
soreaudyustin: Oh yes, change ntsc for pal01:18
jaysonsantosBsims atop show me great statics01:18
tcp1Hi. I have an IRC bot installed on a debian system. I see the pid (it's a perl process) but on ps it appears as a forged name. lsof didn't help, /proc/$PID shows only perl, strace -p $PID shows only current traffic but not the name and location of script. Any ideas? Thanks.01:18
rich7hello can anyone help me download a file from a website using the wget command??01:19
rumpsyevolv: This is boot parameter, i think so01:19
ekimBsims, I would also like to use ssh and have issues.  Is there any outline of steps to follow?01:19
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:19
cyberjunk502first tell me how to see my ip address in linux01:19
Bsimsekim: going from windows to linux or linux to linux?01:19
carl-mrich7: you just use wget01:19
Dr_Williscyberjunk502:  ifconfig command.01:19
soreauevolv: At the grub prompt, press e then append this option to the line with vmlinuz after the other args (for instance ro quiet splash radeon.modeset=1)01:19
rdunnionhi all I am trying to get my printer working. It worked before my pc had a HD failure. After the new install I am getting an error /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstocanonij failed. How do I fix this? that file owner is root and the permissions are 755.01:20
cyberjunk502dr_willis: it says command not found01:20
rumpsyevolv: you have to use that line during bootup or @ grub01:20
ekimBsims, actually both ways!  I too have done the howto's until no end.01:20
icek0ldQuestion, I have tried google! Any known code or prog to combine Multiple wifi connections for greater Bandwidth?01:20
sloopycyberjunk502, ifconfig eth001:20
carl-mrich7: what in particular do you want to do?01:20
SeaPhorjtholmes, you can do sudo apt-get install pastebinit and then do   sudo lshw -C network > wnet.txt && pastebinit wnet.txt01:20
sloopycyberjunk502, lists ip and other info01:20
dyustinsoreau: spits out this error - http://pastebin.com/d6f0514a601:20
Bsimsekim: I use Putty every day to connect to my Linux machine from windows01:20
cyberjunk502sloopy: its not working01:21
Dr_Williscyberjunk502:  you got somtuhing weirg going on then.01:21
Dr_Williswillis@server:~$ ifconfig01:21
Dr_Williseth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:11:09:88:83:9f01:21
jtholmesSeaPhor, thanks will do that01:21
sloopycyberjunk502, try just 'ifconfig'01:21
teknomageuhg i can't take it anymore, i'm going back to debian01:21
Bsimsekim: try ssh IPAddress01:22
cyberjunk502Dr_willis: i am using a dailup connection01:22
DILcyberjunk502, just ifconfig by itself01:22
soreaudyustin: Well, that command is for radeon drivers.. you could ask what the equivalent command is, in #intel-gfx01:22
yoPardus 2009.1 review http://distrocheck.wordpress.com/2010/02/04/pardus-2009-1-review/01:22
SeaPhorjtholmes, btw, the "C" is capital01:22
ekimBsims, you mean once putty is installed?01:22
erik_ifconfig worked for me....01:22
icek0ldIs my question unaswerable or can someone help01:22
Viking667Right. I want to load a particular module (w83627hf), but when I attempt to load it (on kernel 2.6.31) there's a message in the dmesg output stating there's a conflict between that driver and acpitz (ACPI Thermal Zone). What I want to do is make ACPITZ leave that port range alone (in effect, not get loaded) so I can load the other module.01:22
dyustinintel-gfx is somehow closed when i write something it is not shown to the channel ?!01:23
Viking667Can someone help out with this?01:23
cyberjunk502sloopy: it is not working guys01:23
soreaudyustin: You can also look the the intel man page, perhaps it tells you in there (man intel)01:23
Bsimsekim: correct, or for linux to linux try ssh IP01:23
dyustinill try01:23
daftykinsicek0ld: what you refer to is connection bonding. i have absolutely no understanding why you would want to do that01:23
sloopycyberjunk502, with just ifconfig it isnt working?01:23
Bsimsekim: can I share with you the most important instruction on any Linux machine?01:23
ekimBsims, of course!01:23
cyberjunk502yeah its working wait a minute01:23
Bsimsekim: man man, its the manual for the manual for every program01:23
gilbertois ubuntu better than windows 7?01:23
soreauViking667: rmmod acpitz (this will unload the acpitz module)01:24
Bsimsgilberto: depends01:24
Viking667there ain't one.01:24
rumpsycyberjunk502: if ifconfig command is not working, try this /sbin/ifconfig01:24
dyustinsoreau: but i thought xrandr is for X in general ?01:24
ZykoticK9gilberto, ask in #ubuntu-offtopic01:24
daumhow do i get ivtv-fb module ?01:24
gilbertothank you!01:24
abxWhat is the WinXP dos equivalent of the Linux "identify" command??01:24
ekimBsims, I hear yuh.01:24
abxI'm really stuck on that...01:24
icek0lddaftykins: Thanks I have seen expensive hardware that will do this but not any code or prog that would be free or open01:24
soreaudyustin: There are driver specific options01:24
ayam_jagohello wanna ask how do i use ffmpeg?01:24
soreaudyustin: You probably have to be registered to talk there01:24
cyberjunk502sloopy: i got it show my ip is
ayam_jagojust done apt-get install ffmpeg01:24
soreau! register | dyustin01:24
ubottudyustin: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode01:24
rumpsyabx: what is your goal?01:24
ayam_jagobut it doesnot show any01:25
Viking667soreau: there is no acpitz module loaded01:25
sloopycyberjunk502, sounds about right01:25
armenbis there a "make oldconfig" equivalent for ubuntu kernel?01:25
soreauViking667: Look in the output of lsmod01:25
cyberjunk502i think its a private ip address given to intranet networks01:25
ZykoticK9ayam_jago, ffmpeg is a command line program - look for a frontent if you want a GUI01:25
jtholmesSeaPhor, http://pastebin.com/f189f1c9201:25
actionParsnipyo yo yo01:25
Bsimsabx: what do you want to know?01:25
Viking667... yeah. Nothing even closely related to acpi.01:25
Bsimswhat your user name is or what?01:25
cyberjunk502sloopy, what you say01:25
abxwell, i want to extract the image dimensions01:25
yoactionParsnip: what?01:25
abxform a list of png files...01:25
actionParsnipayam_jago: winff or handbrake are frontends but won't give you as much control01:25
* Viking667 guesses the silly buggers compiled acpi into the kernel.01:26
Falunwhat package do I need to get to pick up programming man pages? (you know, getpid, shmget, pthread_mutex_create, strcmp, etc)?01:26
sloopycyberjunk502, sounds like a reasonable ip address01:26
SeaPhorViking667, do lsmod | grep -i acpitz01:26
infidwhat's the diff between pidof and pgrep, other than pgrep puts each pid on a newline?01:26
actionParsnipyo: haha dude I always say that when I join, no foolin01:26
ayam_jagook then.. thanks01:26
abx*from a list of png files...01:26
Viking667I did. There are no modules with acpi in their name01:26
daftykinsicek0ld: you could use bridge-utils but it'd get messy. consider a cable :)01:26
soreauFalun: Perhaps the -dev packages01:26
BsimsFalun: you want the -doc01:26
actionParsnipabx: imagemagick might be able to tell you01:26
cyberjunk502sloopy: but when i check my ip through whatismyip.com it gives my something differnet01:26
dyustinsoreau: thank u !01:27
soreaudyustin: I hope you get it working01:27
cyberjunk502sloopy:like 210.***.45.11201:27
FalunBsims, Viking667: thanks01:27
abxso there is no DOS command?01:27
sloopycyberjunk502, me too01:27
actionParsnipabx: dos is a windows thing01:27
dyustinme too ;)01:27
rumpsyabx: But its not a ubuntu related01:27
actionParsnipabx: check the abilities in the imagemagick package01:28
Dr_Willisabx:  the imagemagick tools hage stuff to do that.01:28
abxyes, i'm stuck in windows for some reason, and i need the dos equivalent of identify just to extract those image dimensions...01:28
Bsimsabx: man imagemagick01:28
* Dr_Willis missed how dos figures into this..01:28
cyberjunk502sloopy: i am using gprs dialup connection but its giving me same ip address when i restart the connection01:28
Dr_Willisabx:  see if theres dos ports of imagemagick. i guess01:28
SeaPhorjtholmes, and your original goal is wlan or bluetooth? (sorry got lost in all was helping...)01:28
actionParsnipabx: why are you asking for help in windows / dos in a Linux channel?01:28
* Bsims still finds it great that the command to tell who you are logged in as is whoami01:28
cyberjunk502sloopy: same on the whatismyip.com01:29
sloopycyberjunk502, your dialing in to a box that probly uses ip masquerading or similar, to continue on to the inet01:29
snayth Hi - If I run - sudo apt-get install virtualbox - in Terminal - Will this download and install the latest version - Or - Would it be best to google download Virtualbox for Ubuntu and go that route ? ?01:29
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Dr_Willissnayth:  the latest is not always in the repos.01:29
actionParsnipBsims: ubuntu is multi-usered so you can su to another user, so its actually useful01:29
cyberjunk502what is ip masquerading01:29
ZykoticK9snayth, if you want to use USB in your VMs you need to add the Sun Repo for VB01:29
Dr_Willissnayth:  and the ones from the vbox homepage has addational features01:29
abxactionParnsnip: because knowledge is not bounded by the OS one happens to be using...01:29
jtholmesSeaPhor,  wlan usage only to a linksys wrt54g router01:29
abxplus i'm a member of the community01:29
meganerdsnayth: but the one from apt-get will automatically stay up to date01:29
actionParsnipabx: commands in linux will not transcribe to windows so will not work01:30
abxi know01:30
abxthat's why i asked for the EQUIVALENT01:30
BsimsactionParsnip: I know, and I've been running unixlike OS's for about a decade now01:30
actionParsnipabx: and we said imagemagick01:30
SeaPhorjtholmes, try this and see which one gets hits (prolly wlan2)    iwlist scan01:31
abxthank you!01:31
toastedmilkUpgrading from 9.04 to 9.10 didn't upgrade my kernel.  How do I fix this?01:31
Dr_Willisshould i point out that  the windows command line and 'dos' are not exactly the same thing any more. :) You can get dos programs tjhat wont run under the latest windows 'shell'01:32
ae86-drifter1could someone please help me with grub, i was using windows 7 for a while, all i did was install 2 games and now its not booting.01:32
macoDr_Willis: thats cuz windows is nt now!01:32
ae86-drifter1could someone please help me with grub, i was using windows 7 for a while, all i did was install 2 games and now its not booting.01:32
snaythZykoticK9: Ah - I tried VBox about 4mos. or so ago and had problems trying to get USB to work - Is what you said about Sun Repo what I might need to get the USB to work ? ?01:32
daftykins!grub | ae86-drifter101:33
ubottuae86-drifter1: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.01:33
actionParsnip!info linux-image01:33
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all)01:33
jtholmesSeaPhor, wlan2 and the  ath0  both found the same two routers i have01:33
Dr_Willissnayth:  you need the vbox from teh vbox homepage to get USB gizmos supported in the virtual os.01:33
toastedmilk!grub2 toastedmilk01:33
ZykoticK9snayth, absolutely -- VirtualBox in the Ubuntu repo is the OSE (open source edition) which does not support USB01:33
toastedmilk!grub2 | toastedmilk01:33
ubottutoastedmilk, please see my private message01:33
actionParsniptoastedmilk: sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-
actionParsniptoastedmilk: may help01:33
actionParsniptoastedmilk: the postinst should sort grub for you01:34
ekimBsims, okay, I will look into Putty. I think I have checked this out before but maybe not. Thanks!01:34
thetejuis there any application for lesson building ?01:34
Bsimsekim: not a problem, helping others is how I pay for using this software01:34
thetejujust like a softchak for windows01:34
snaythZykoticK9: Hmmm Learn something new everyday huh? Wish I would have known that earlier on - Wasted allot of time on that what - Water under the bridge now. Thanks so much for the tip.01:35
ZykoticK9snayth, best of luck :)01:35
ekimBsims, okay, gotta ask you then.  Have you or do you use linux for a server?  I am thinking about that.01:36
thetejusoftchak is a sort of html lession builder01:36
SeaPhorjtholmes, and you are wanting 1 of those to connect? specifically only 1 of them?, plz elaborate01:36
cAs-karmicodoes anyone know why i see like shadows under conky on my desktop????????01:36
toastedmilkactionParsnip, it says it couldnt find the package.01:36
toastedmilkactionParsnip, also didn't work with -generic at the end01:36
sje46can someone help with my update manager?  Even though I try it every day, the package updates won't renew01:36
BsimsI have... and I run for a living an ancent novell server and a windows network01:36
ae86-drifter1look i know how to reinstall grub, the error is file not found, i am on a live cd now, i cannot install grub as i have no access to the filesystem..01:36
sje46"this package information was last updated 18 days ago"01:37
jtholmesSeaPhor, right now I am talking on ath0 but yes I want to connect only on  wlan2 the broadcom bcm4318 card01:37
daumanyone able to help me figure out how to get the ivtv-fb module?01:37
sje46it tries to fetch all the files, but it stops at the last one01:38
sje46it says: W: Failed to fetch http://repository.cairo-dock.org/ubuntu/dists/karmic/Release.gpg  Could not resolve 'repository.cairo-dock.org'01:38
sje46even though I have long ago uninstalled cairo dock01:38
ekimBsims, I see.  I would like a file server with secure login.01:38
SeaPhorjtholmes, wlan2 is NOT the Broadcom (or recognized as)01:38
Johnny1Ubuntu 9.10 doesn't detect usb ports, Please help.01:39
* Bsims nods ssh or something like it01:39
cyberjunk502can some give me the name of a good chm reader01:39
BsimsI can promise you your bank's techs use ssh to dial in to fix it remotely01:39
bazhangcyberjunk502, gnochm chmsee01:39
Bsimscyberjunk502: I like comix01:39
sje46anyways, so my update manager hasn't been updating, and I think that it's slowing down my flash01:39
dsundarSeaPhor how do i upgrade to the latest kernel on ubuntu 9.1001:39
sje46because it hasn't downloaded the new one01:39
bazhangsje46, comment out that repo then01:40
ZykoticK9cyberjunk502, xchm is in the repo (but i would NOT call it good)01:40
snaythZykoticK9, Thanks - Toddling off now to kill some more time......01:40
wookienzslightly off topic, anyone having slow load times to rapidshare.com?01:40
sje46bazhang, what's a repo?01:40
Bsimsdsundar: sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade01:40
jtholmesSeaPhor, i am confused, what interface is the bcm431801:40
Viking667ah. I'll check what's inside .config for the kernel. I didn't think of that until now.01:40
SeaPhordsundar, before i went that route i would do this...   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade sources.list01:40
bazhangsje46, gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list     put a # in front of that line, then save and sudo apt-get update01:40
cyberjunk502thanks i will settle with chmsee01:41
SeaPhorjtholmes, look at the last 2 "network" sets on the paste you made01:41
JuanCarloshi, something happend with the MSN servers?, cant login with 4 IM clients.01:41
sje46bazhang, this line?  deb http://repository.cairo-dock.org/ubuntu karmic cairo-dock ## Cairo-Dock-Stable01:42
bazhangsje46, yep  a # in front of it01:42
ayam_jagohow can i broadcast my radio shoutcast?? what should i use??01:43
JuanCarloshi, something happend with the MSN servers?, cant login with 4 IM clients.01:43
ldiamondI am trying to recompile my kernel with high-resolution timer enabled. I am trying to follow these steps: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile but when I get to debian/rules stuffs, I dont know how to run these commands.01:43
JuanCarloshotmail cant load01:43
cyberjunk502whats the best port scanner around01:43
infidhow come i don't have a 'applications->system tools->scheduled tasks'01:43
dsundarSeaPhor Bsims thanks01:43
ayam_jagoTheorur i think can only broadcast on icecast01:43
macoinfid: because thats not part of a default ubuntu install?01:44
infidnm found the package it's in01:44
ayam_jagoi need for shoutcast01:44
infidmaco right01:44
wolterWhy am I getting a 'Shared Files' folder in my home even after I delete it??01:44
macoinfid: appliations -> system tools isnt there at all by default01:44
carl-mcyberjunk502: just use nmap01:44
macoinfid: do you know the actual name of the program you want?01:44
xanguaJuanCarlos: it is the web or the protocol or both¿¿01:44
JuanCarlosboth here xangua01:44
cyberjunk502carl-m:nmap is best but any other01:44
infidmaco yea i found it in gnome-schedule01:45
JuanCarloscan you xangua ??01:45
infidmy GPU monitor is saying it's at 56 degrees celsius. how can i calm my GPU down without turning off my computer?01:45
Viking667hm. How do I _disable_ config_thermal_zone when it's compiled into the kernel?01:45
MTecknologyI installed a newer package from a ppa; but I don't want that anymore so I tried to remove the package, remove the ppa, update apt, install that package again it still wants to install that newer version.  You guys know how I can make it stop trying to install that version?01:45
macoinfid: have you checked that your computer's not all full of dust?01:45
xanguaJuanCarlos: i use the latest version of pidgin and emesene wich doesn't have any problem; and for the mail i use evolution so yes01:45
infidmaco yeah01:46
macoinfid: though 56 doesnt sound too terrible to me...01:46
kslenanyone know when the next kernel update is due?01:46
infidmaco the gnome applet shows it's red hot, maybe the icon is too alarming01:46
sje46thanks bazhang, I think that fixed it.  It's currently updating the packages01:46
switchgirlkslen, lucid beta1 is out soon01:46
xanguaMTecknology: sudo ppa-purge 'NameOfThePPA'01:46
bazhangsje46, then follow up with sudo apt-get upgrade01:46
jtholmesSeaPhor, i looked at them what am i to make of them seems like wlan2 is  bcm4318 but i must be wrong please inform me thx01:46
[V13]AxelDoes anyone here have a Dell Dimension 2400, who can help me out with some driver issues in 9.04?01:47
sje46bazhang, uhh...what does that do?  I'm already updating01:47
infidi created a crontab entry with crontab -e and it shows up in crontab -l yet there's no file in /var/spool/cron/crontabs. any idea why not?01:47
macoinfid: did they get inserted into /etc/crontab* ?01:47
bazhangsje46, that upgrades packages if needed, update simply refreshes the list of available packages01:47
kslenswitchgirl, thx01:47
MTecknologyxangua: there is no ppa-merge01:48
infidmaco doesnt seem to be01:48
dsundarSeaPhor, im getting this message any idea, The following packages have been kept back:01:48
dsundar  linux-generic linux-headers-generic linux-image-generic01:48
dsundar0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.01:48
macoinfid: did you use sudo?01:48
imais there a way to "UNMAKE" a package?01:48
infidmaco no01:48
macodsundar: those are all metapackages01:48
macoinfid: you need sudo access to set cronjobs01:48
xanguai said 'ppa-purge' MTecknology; ppa-pu01:48
imait installed into a rather odd directory so everything is very cluttered01:48
sje46bazhang, okay, did it.  The update manager says package information was updated less than an hour ago now, instead of 14 days ago.  thanks :)01:49
infidmaco even though i'm using it to create a crontab just for my normal user?01:49
macodsundar: the actual kernel packages have probably not built yet, so those metapackages wont be available til the software they'll pull in actually exists01:49
MTecknologyxangua: there is no ppa-purge *01:49
electronicsjaranyone here familiar with ezmlm?01:49
[V13]AxelAnyone with a Dell Dimension 2400 here.. Please PM me, as I have some questions about drivers in Jaunty.01:49
MTecknology!info ppa-purge01:49
ubottuPackage ppa-purge does not exist in karmic01:49
JuanCarlosinstalling Ubuntu on a Pentium 1 notebook, wo0o0o0t01:49
macoinfid: you need sudo to edit any of the crontab files, regardless who the job will run as01:49
SeaPhorjtholmes, do you know the essid of the AP you want to connect to? if so then sudo iwconfig wlan2 essid ACCESSPOINT ... or follow this--- http://www.wood-bee-co.com/WBCJ15/staff-stuff-linux-interests-84/geek-weekly-linux-interests-52/52-wireless-setup-via-command-line.html01:49
infidmaco ok thanks ill try that01:49
infidmaco so since i didnt use root it just created a /tmp file for it and thats it?01:49
macoinfid: i imagine so01:49
dsundarthanks maco01:50
[V13]AxelIs there a way to make 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper' occur upon booting?01:50
tuliobuenas noches soy un usuario nuevo con ubuntu y mi pregunta es que como hago para que mi lapto reconosca la camara web01:50
macoinfid: i usually edit /etc/crontab directly, though so im not sure how the commandline way acts exactly01:50
bazhang!es | tulio01:50
ubottutulio: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:50
xanguaMTecknology: mmm when i the future install it, is very useful when you wanna remove a PPA and downgrade all the packages it installed to the defaults in ubuntu ;)01:50
JuanCarlostulio, ./join #ubuntu-es01:50
sje46"good evening I am a new user with ubuntu and my question is what with I have for that my latop something the webcam" <--my best guess01:51
ayam_jago!es | sje4601:51
ubottusje46: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:51
jtholmesSeaPhor, ok let me look that over bbim01:51
electronicsjaranyone here familiar with ezmlm?01:51
MTecknology!info ppa-merge | xangua01:51
ubottuxangua: Package ppa-merge does not exist in karmic01:51
MTecknology!info ppa-purge01:51
ubottuPackage ppa-purge does not exist in karmic01:51
jordy240hi, can I move songs from my ipod to my computer with Rhythmbox?01:51
=== yy is now known as Guest7724
Guest7724I have lenovo T60, I got an hard drive in utrabay how do I enable it ?01:52
=== Guest7724 is now known as xxyyxx
xxyyxxI have lenovo T60, I got an hard drive in utrabay how do I enable it ?01:52
bazhangjordy240, which model of iPod what version of ubuntu01:52
imaHey, I need to uninstall a package I installed with "MAKE INSTALL", any way to do this?01:52
sje46jordy240, I don't have an ipod...but how you tried to scan removable devices?01:52
MTecknologyxangua: I keep getting messed up because I did a lot of merging today; but there is no ppa-purge in the repos01:52
jordy240bazhang, latest ubuntu and 3g ipod classic01:52
ayam_jago!id | jordy24001:52
ubottujordy240: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia01:52
xanguaMTecknology: i said ppa-PURGE, not MERGE01:52
[V13]AxelDoes anyone here have a good amount of knowledge about Ndiswrapper?01:52
bazhangjordy240, it works here01:52
ldiamondI am trying to recompile my kernel with high-resolution timer enabled. I am trying to follow these steps: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile but when I get to debian/rules stuffs, I dont know how to run these commands.01:52
MTecknology19:52 < MTecknology> xangua: I keep getting messed up because I did a lot of merging today; but there is no ppa-purge in the repos01:52
bazhangayam_jago, please stop that01:52
xanguait isn't¿¿¿ mmm then where did i get it¿¿¿ sorry then MTecknology01:53
ayam_jagobazhang : what should i use for streaming my shoutcast radio?01:53
SeaPhordsundar, try this,,,  sudo apt-get enable ubuntu-restricted-extras01:53
jordy240bazhang, so how can I copy the songs?01:54
SeaPhor***dsundar, try this,,,  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras01:54
bazhangjordy240, does the device show up?01:54
jordy240bazhang, yeah and I can play music from it01:54
imaany way to do something similar to "MAKE UNINSTALL"?01:54
[V13]AxelHow do I add the command 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper' to startup?01:54
wl110SeaPhor: your apt-get command does not exist01:55
MTecknologyI installed a newer package from a ppa; but I don't want that anymore so I tried to remove the package, remove the ppa, update apt, install that package again it still wants to install that newer version.  You guys know how I can make it stop trying to install that version?01:55
bazhangjordy240, then drag the songs from the iPod section in rhythmbox to the rhythmbox music list01:55
jordy240bazhang, that won't delete anything off my ipod, right?01:56
MTecknology!search ppa-purge01:56
rwwMTecknology: pastebin "apt-cache policy packagenamehere"01:56
BsimsMTecknology: sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list or uncheck the repository in the gui tool of your choice01:56
bazhangjordy240, nope01:56
carl-m[V13]Axel: make a script in /etc/init.d and link it in /etc/rc2.d01:56
jordy240bazhang, thank you so much!01:56
jordy240also bazhang, I am transfering 30GB's of music. how long might that take?01:56
SeaPhorwl110, yes,, it does, the ***corrected typo does01:57
[V13]AxelWould this be run as root as well?01:57
MTecknologyrww: http://paste.ubuntu.com/369236/01:57
dsundarSeaPhor , Got this error E: Invalid operation enable01:57
carl-m[V13]Axel: yes, it will be run by init01:57
[V13]AxelOh, and carl... How do I do these? XD01:57
bazhangjordy240, not sure there01:57
SeaPhor***dsundar, try this,,,  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras01:57
jordy240well thanks a ton bazhang01:57
[V13]AxelI'm not sure how to create the script and link it.01:57
wl110SeaPhor: sudo apt-get enable ubuntu-restricted-drivers01:57
wl110E: Invalid operation enable01:57
jordy240it working, but slowly bazhang01:57
[V13]Axelcarl, PM me and explain it, please.01:58
MTecknologyrww: this is the PPA I have for it now - https://edge.launchpad.net/~gnome-terminator/+archive/ppa01:58
carl-m[V13]Axel: you just make the script and link it01:58
[V13]AxelI don't know HOW..01:58
carl-mwhich of the two?01:58
wl110anyone know how to get my wireless card working in ubuntu (sudo apt-get enable ubuntu-restricted-drivers01:58
wl110E: Invalid operation enable01:58
[V13]AxelI'm guessing I make the script in gedit.01:58
SeaPhor***dsundar, try this,,,  sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras <<<--wl11001:58
carl-m[V13]Axel: become root01:59
[V13]AxelBut I'm not sure exactly what I'm supposed to do.01:59
carl-mcd to /etc/init.d01:59
carl-mnano S99ndis01:59
rwwMTecknology: For a start, you have two different PPAs offering that package.01:59
[V13]AxelPlease explain in a PM, as I must go take a shower.01:59
wl110Details about my wireless card (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8776039)01:59
carl-mjust ask someone else here later ...01:59
[V13]Axel-sigh- I've been asking for about...01:59
[V13]Axelhalf an hour.01:59
MTecknologyrww: I removed the last one from the sources.list01:59
[V13]AxelWhen someone finally answers, my parents become made and make me take a shower.02:00
xxyyxxI have lenovo T60, I got an hard drive in utrabay how do I enable it ?02:00
[V13]AxelPLEASE PM me about it.02:00
rwwMTecknology: The one you linked is offering 0.14ppa4. There's another one offering 0.90~alpha102:00
bazhang[V13]Axel, just ask here, most users dont want to PM02:00
MTecknologyrww: ya, I wanted to play with the testing ppa - https://edge.launchpad.net/~gnome-terminator/+archive/test02:00
[V13]AxelBut that's the thing.02:00
randalI need some help. My problem is my windows dont have any decoration when they are maximized but when there un maximized the winodws decoration are there this happand after i installed a fresh 9.10 remix ubuntu and then deleted the remix files because i didnt like it plz help02:00
[V13]AxelI HAVE been for a while, and he's the first to actually pay attention to me.02:01
carl-mbazhang: he wants to put a script in /etc/init.d and enable it for his runlevel02:01
xanguarandal: uninstall 'maximus'02:01
[V13]AxelI doubt a PM would take too long, but I have to go now.02:01
[V13]AxelI'll be back.02:01
MTecknologyrww: I switched them s/ppa/test/ updated terminator to that newer version; then I decided I wanted to go back did that same switch s/test/ppa/ and now I'm trying to get the 0.14 version back02:01
randalxangua,  from synaptic manager?02:02
rwwMTecknology: That apt-cache output says you still have the testing PPA installed, or you didn't do apt-get update since you removed it.02:02
ae86-drifter1could someone please help me with this brug issue, installing grub again doesnt work, the issue is that my filesystem wont open from the live CD.02:02
xanguaapt. aptitude, synaptic, whathever you want yo use ;)02:02
MTecknologyrww: I did..02:02
MTecknologyrww: I can pastebin sources.list if you want02:02
yesitisjustmemy baud rate says 9600 if i try to higher the baud rate can i damage the modem?02:02
ayam_jagoxangua apt n aptitude different??02:03
rwwMTecknology: Then go double-check in /etc/apt/sources.list and /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ to make sure it's actually gone.02:03
MTecknologyrww: http://paste.ubuntu.com/369239/02:03
wl110yesitisjustme: no, it will not damage the modem, just causes ISI02:03
bazhangyesitisjustme, please ask in ##hardware02:03
MTecknologyrww: sources.list.d is empty02:03
yesitisjustmeok thanks02:03
anon__why are there no ops here?02:04
drlajJoining mDNS multicast group on interface wlan0.IPv4 with address
drlajIP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP failed: No buffer space available02:04
randalxangua, thanks02:04
ae86-drifter1why would i my linux partition suddenly stop working?02:04
drlajthose messages are repeating very frequently in my logs02:04
wl110can anyone help me with my wireless card (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8776039)?02:04
ae86-drifter1please help02:04
damnbadluckcan someone help me figure out what to do about no video in windows? the extended question does deal with ubuntu.02:04
MoLootae86-drifter1, Have you installed anything like Adobe CS4 or anything like that lately in windows?02:05
rwwMTecknology: Your own PPA has 0.90 in it, that's probably where it's getting it from.02:05
MTecknologyrww: DOH!02:05
damnbadluckcan someone help me install some windows drivers? the extended problem invloves ubuntu.02:06
MoLootae86-drifter1, Some of those products write to the bootloader which screws everything up.02:06
MTecknologyrww: thanks - I feel really really stupid now - I just added it today02:06
rwwMTecknology: glad I could help02:06
randalxangua, it worked thanks the reason why this happened is because i like a mix form the remix and desktop so my desktop looks like the netbook remix but my panels look like the desktop version. thanks02:06
ZykoticK9damnbadluck, ask for windows help in ##windows02:06
MTecknologyrww: hugs02:06
progre55hi people! I'm trying to configure ssl on port 8080.. the thing is, when I open http://localhost:8080 it asks me to download a file. but when I open https://localhost:8080 it works fine. any way to redirect http to https by default? I know it's not the proper channel to ask this, but the #tomcat guys are in deep sleep =)02:07
Acoustykjust got a Das Keyboard and I'm testing it out02:07
damnbadluckZykoticK9: there is no help in ##windows. and the problem involves more than windows, i thought i stated that.02:07
bazhangdamnbadluck, then ask the ontopic part here, as all we have seen is the offtopic part02:07
scontokI have a good opportunity to earn more money online: http://www.twrpowersystem.com/aff/uid/lavoronline_102:08
bazhangscontok, please discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic not here02:08
L3dPlatedLinuxis there a chan for virtualbox02:08
bazhang#vbox L3dPlatedLinux02:08
MTecknologyrww: I guess I'll wait until my PPA updates and I can install the right version :)02:08
progre55damn, late )02:09
wl110can anyone help me with my compaq wl110 wireless card (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8776039)?02:09
damnbadluckbazhang: there is NO help in the windows room, thats why im here. i cant ask the ubuntu questions until i fix the windows part first, and btw, there is NO help in the windows room.02:09
bazhangdamnbadluck, that is not our concern02:09
ayam_jagowb langit02:09
progre55bazhang: so, you might help me out maybe? =)02:09
anon__anyone here ever used aircrack with success on a WEP Wireless AP? The dictionary method seems like it would fail more than anything02:09
damnbadluckbazhang: then dont talk to me if you dont want to help. my concern is finding help any way necessary.02:09
damnbadluckbazhang: if you dont like it, then dont read what i say.02:10
bazhangdamnbadluck, ##windows for windows support as mentioned earlier; please ask Ubuntu questions here02:10
damnbadluckthe extended problem invloves ubuntu, hence why im asking here.02:10
* Dr_Willis hasent even seen the 'extended' problem02:10
wl110damnbadluck: there is no way to chroot to windows from ubuntu to fix your problems in windows02:10
scontokadd in my facebook please!!!    I will help you to earn more money online!!!02:11
wl110!advertisements | scontok02:11
bazhangscontok, dont paste that here02:11
Dr_Willisdamnbadluck:  then fix windows first i guess.. good luck.02:11
anon__anyone here ever used aircrack with success on a WEP Wireless AP? The dictionary method seems like it would fail more than anything02:11
anon__damnbadluck: what is your prob with windows?02:11
wl110can anyone help me with my compaq wl110 wireless card (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8776039)?02:12
soreauanon__: #aircrack-ng02:12
Homely_Girl6, 7, 8, 9. 10.......02:12
* Homely_Girl is about to explode!02:12
CAPcapis there any way to force widescreen on a fullscreen proportioned laptop?02:12
toastedmilkI upgraded to 9.10 but my kernel image is still 2.27-15, how can I update this?02:12
scontokin private please02:12
Homely_GirlWhat is the file name to apt install java plse???02:12
damnbadluckanon__: i uninstalled my nvidia drivers and now i get no video at all, using the nvidia card, or removing it and using the onboard.02:12
scontokI will help you to earn more money online02:12
anon__in windows?02:13
bazhangscontok, stop that ; last warning02:13
damnbadluckanon__: yes. and i know it boots cause i can hear it02:13
wl110Homely_Girl: try apt-cache search openjdk (its the openjdk6 i think)02:13
Homely_Girlanon__: U really shouldn't use bad language like that here!! lol02:13
* Out_Cold accidentally crashed the entire network at work today.... :o/02:13
soreauHomely_Girl: apt-get install sun-java6-bin ?02:13
MoLootOut_Cold, how did you accomplish such a feat?02:14
ZykoticK9Homely_Girl, i don't have sun-java6-bin in 10.04 BTW02:14
anon__that just means its getting power..electronics have clicks and whizzes all the time when they are fried.02:14
soreauHomely_Girl: apt-get install sun-java6-jre ?02:14
ayam_jagowhats the bad lang homely??02:14
xxyyxxhow do I automount my 2nd hard disk for my laptop ?02:14
ae86-drifter1MoLoot the only thing i did was install my latest GFX card driver and a game called borderlands on windows 7, now i cant load grub, and even i boot a live CD i cannot access my ext4 filesystem, fdisk lists my partition as just extended, but i dont see ext4 there at all.02:14
ZykoticK9Homely_Girl, or sun-java6-jre02:14
anon__you have no way of  seeing anything in windows you're saying?02:14
Homely_Girlsoreau: U forgot the magic "sudo" lol02:14
ZykoticK9!ot | anon__ damnbadluck02:15
soreauHomely_Girl: No, I didnt02:15
ubottuanon__ damnbadluck: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:15
ayam_jagoad86-drifter1 : i think u need to fix the grub02:15
damnbadluckanon__: yes. and i need that windows to work so i can burn my ubuntu iso.02:15
ae86-drifter1anon__ it wont boot anything anymore02:15
MoLootae86-drifter1,  are you able to see the partition with fdisk?02:15
Out_ColdMoLoot, i'm not exactly sure, but i was hooking up an additional switch and maybe the existing run of wires was bad? or maybe i had 2 connections between 2 switches... still not sure.. i didn't have my laptop to troubleshoot02:15
wl110ae86-drifter1: did you try an ubuntu 9.10 live desktop cd? you should be able to chroot and sudo grub2-install it02:15
ae86-drifter1MoLoot, i see EXTENDED only,02:15
soreauHomely_Girl: You should always know when and why you need to run a command with escalated privileges02:15
damnbadluckSTFU Zykotick902:15
[V13]AxelWhat file format do I use for scripts?02:15
Homely_Girlsoreau: Don't make me quote u! lol " <soreau> Homely_Girl: apt-get install sun-java6-jre ?" No sudo to be seen! lol02:15
anon__have you tried a repair CD? i believe they have a hardware checker in there02:15
wl110ae86-drifter1: check the boot options in the bios02:15
ae86-drifter1MoLoot, i see EXTENDED only, but yeah its there under fdisk, but doesnt say ext4 for some reason02:15
CAPcapis there any way to force widescreen on a fullscreen proportioned laptop?02:15
Homely_Girlsoreau: Good thing I'm not blonde! lol02:15
xxyyxxanyone ?02:16
ae86-drifter1wl110, why? i only have one hdd02:16
MoLootOut_Cold, yikes02:16
damnbadluckanon__: i have no idea how to do that, all i have to work with is the disc that came with the system02:16
=== xxyyxx is now known as Kengine
ardchoilleDo I need  sun-java6-jre  and  sun-java6-bin  for java in firefox?02:16
Kenginehow do I automount my 2nd hard disk for my laptop ?02:16
wl110ae86-drifter1: to ensure you can boot from a live *CD* of ubuntu 9.10 desktop02:16
ayam_jagohey... how can i change auto Resolution on nvidia???02:16
anon__talk in pm02:16
Out_ColdMoLoot, but thankfully i have learned to always set yourself up so that if things go wrong it's a quick patch to restore02:16
soreauHomely_Girl: I didnt forget it, I try not to add sudo because I expect people to know when and why they need it02:16
wl110ardchoille: both i believe02:17
charles__coudl anyone recommend a good file syncing application? i was SyncBack on windows for the longest time, since switching to ubuntu, however, i can't seem to find a resonable alternative. I'm currently using Meld, but it's more for comparing documents and les for syncing directories02:17
carl-mcharles__: I use unison02:17
ardchoillewl110: I have both installed but some sites are asking me to install java02:17
ubottuUbuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone02:17
carl-mother people use rsync02:17
ae86-drifter1wl110, like i said before, live cd boots fine, just no acces to my local ext4 FS, i can access the windows partition fine, thats the reson why grub fails cause my /boot is there02:17
wl110can anyone help me with my compaq wl110 wireless card (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8776039)?02:17
Homely_Girlsoreau: After all that the resource is temp unavailable! :(02:17
MoLootOut_Cold, I'm glad it ultimately worked out for you.  I hate when things like that happen... makes me have to eat tums... ;)02:17
Homely_GirlThanks all for your help.02:17
charles__carl-m: yeah, unison was a bit of a pain, i tried that before meld...02:17
Kengineanyone ?02:18
Homely_Girlsoreau: Special kisses 4 u!! ;)02:18
Kenginehow do I automount my 2nd hard disk for my laptop ? anyone ?02:18
charles__carl-m: actually, now that i'm a little more familiar with linux, maybe i should give it another shot02:18
ae86-drifter1Kengine edit fstab02:18
anon__ubottu: I have Ubuntu on an external right now, i like it a lot i think. would it be possible to back up my ubuntu from my external and then move it over to my main drive and get rid of windows all together?02:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:18
Out_ColdMoLoot, the boss was fine, just not the 25 employees that kept hounding me.... although it was ultimately only down for 10 mins..02:18
Kengineae86-drifter1: i just added the drive to my ultrabay, should I just add this to the file ? /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 ntfs users,defaults,umask=000 0 002:19
MoLootOut_Cold, never mind those (l)users... ;)02:19
carl-mcharles__: unison works out fine for me, even mac to linux02:19
ae86-drifter1Kengine use ntfs-3g02:19
toastedmilkI upgraded to 9.10 but my kernel image is still 2.27-15, how can I update this?02:19
Kengineae86-drifter1: I dont know what drive it is, its a 500 gig new drive straight from the package02:20
MoLootOut_Cold, you can tell them that you'll block their facebook access if they continue to hound u.02:20
charles__carl-m: yeah, just reinstalled it, i'ma give ti another shot02:20
Kengineae86-drifter1: what is the users mean ?02:20
Out_ColdMoLoot, i'm not the IT guy lol... just the building maintenance.... and my boss might fire me if he can't get on fb02:20
ae86-drifter1Kengine, what do u mean02:20
wl110can anyone help me with my compaq wl110 wireless card (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8776039)?02:21
manishHello, does any one know about the subversion client that works offline? rapidsvn needs the server connected. If I want to check the file diff offline.02:21
rdunnionI have a printer problem on 9.10 x64. Printer mx860. ERROR: /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstocanonij failed. any help?02:21
Kengine/dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 ntfs-3g users,defaults,umask=000 0 0   <- should I add exactly this line ?02:21
DavidJHeinrichhow do I get rid of this pulseaudio junk in skype?02:21
kishoreHello i recently  upgraded from  9.04  to 9.10.Now when i start the system i get this msg harddisk may be failing. how can i solve this problem. windows partition does not have this problem02:21
MoLootOut_Cold, ohhhh ... :)  well, you might NOT want to use that threat then...02:22
=== Leon is now known as Guest54861
Guest54861what is thi?02:22
DavidJHeinrichit was allowing me to select a bunch of options, but now just pulseaudio (I removed the pulse package), and that's it...and I can't make skype calls02:22
Hammerjakkishore: i had the same problem, i just turned that app off so it wouldn't start with the computer :(02:22
ZykoticK9Kengine, it's "user" not "users"02:22
KengineZykoticK9: so I put my username ?02:22
ZykoticK9Kengine, no you type "user" not "users"02:22
kishoreHammerjak: But i am concerned i might cause problems??02:23
wl110manish: svk (a distributed version control system)02:23
kishoreHammerjak: it02:23
KengineZykoticK9: and defaults02:23
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions02:23
Hammerjakkishore: i doubt it, my problem was a bug in the app02:23
kishoreHammerjak: ok thanks :)02:23
Hammerjakkishore: it said it had a threshold of 8 or something and my value was in the trillions :P02:23
ZykoticK9Kengine, sorry don't have any "defaults" in my fstab so not sure02:23
KengineZykoticK9: should I reboot now ?02:24
ridehi have issues with acpid disconnecting and reconnecting... how can i find out why02:24
KengineI added that line to fstab02:24
ae86-drifter1Kengine no need to reboot02:24
wl110DavidJHeinrich: skype is closed source, so you might not be able to get rid of certain options in their program02:24
ZykoticK9Kengine, i have no idea --- "sudo mount -a" will test your fstab02:24
kishoreHammerjak: i see.for me it says " Disk has many bad sectors"..could i try doing defragment or something or just ignore it02:24
ae86-drifter1double click the drive02:24
Hammerjakkishore: for that you can run fsck02:25
wl110can anyone help me with my compaq wl110 wireless card (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8776039)?02:25
KengineNTFS signature is missing.02:25
KengineFailed to mount '/dev/sda1': Invalid argument02:25
KengineZykoticK9: it showed that error02:25
ZykoticK9Kengine, sorry i don't use NTFS so just address the channel02:26
Out_Coldwl110, i would wait a day or two and see what happens on the forum02:26
anon__I have Ubuntu on an external right now, i like it a lot i think. would it be possible to back up my ubuntu from my external and then move it over to my main drive and get rid of windows all together?02:26
carl-manon__: why not just reinstall on the main drive?02:26
KengineZykoticK9: its a new internal drive, how do i know if its NTFS or something ?02:27
ridehI take it nobody knwos anything about acpid?02:27
anon__because i have it all setup how i want it on the external...thats a lot of downloading and tweaking02:27
Hammerjakanon__: just keep the /home folder from your external02:27
ZykoticK9Kengine, your origional post "/dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1 ntfs-3g users,defaults,umask=000 0 0" if for an NTFS drive.  Is it formatted/etc?02:28
anon__yes, but there is software installed and so on02:28
KengineZykoticK9: no its not formatted, i just plugged it in, the command I got is from a website02:28
Hammerjakanon__: ah, yeah you'd have to reinstall02:28
anon__there is no way to back up it up or migrate it?02:28
ridehanon_ ur data sure, ur settings sure.. everything else.. nope02:29
=== [BT]Brendan is now known as [BNC]Brendan
ZykoticK9Kengine, try "sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1" < assumes /mnt/sda1 exists as a directory -- then type "mount" and see if it's mounted and what filesystem it's using02:29
anon__so all the installed software can't be moved as well?02:29
ZykoticK9Kengine, "sudo fdisk -l" might be more helpful if the mount fails02:30
Out_Coldanon__, something about aptoncd02:30
ubottuAPTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline02:30
=== adam is now known as Guest51450
=== jon is now known as Guest65265
carl-manon__: you can also use dpkg --get-selections and dpkg --set-selections02:30
ae86-drifter1anyone know how i can recover my ext4 partition02:30
Guest51450hey all i need to use the drivers for my atheros card from ubuntu 9.04 can some one tell me how to do that?02:30
carl-mtry man dpkg02:30
ae86-drifter1it comes up as unallocated02:30
ZykoticK9Kengine, don't PM people without asking -- Especially don't SPAM PM people!  ever!02:31
=== [BNC]Brendan is now known as [BT]Brendan
Out_Coldi spam back those that spam me..02:32
KengineZykoticK9: you expect me to paste it here ?02:32
anon__i love the sudo apt-get install in linux..its so simple02:32
ZykoticK9Kengine, /dev/sda1 is your root partition !!!  NOT your new drive.  Right now do "sudo umount /mnt/sda1"02:32
ae86-drifter1all of a sudden after installing a game in windows 7, i cannot boot, gparted from a live cd says that my linux partition is unallocated! please help..02:32
ZykoticK9!paste > Kengine02:32
ubottuKengine, please see my private message02:32
anon__!paste > anon__02:33
ubottuanon__, please see my private message02:33
Kengineok ZykoticK9: so what do I mount02:33
ZykoticK9Kengine, "sudo fdisk -l" do you see another sdX where X is a letter like b,c,etc?02:33
KengineZykoticK9: I see sdb 500 gig02:34
Kenginethats my new one02:34
KengineZykoticK9: Disk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table02:34
ZykoticK9Kengine, you need to partition and format your new drive (GUI app would be gparted)02:35
carl-mKengine: have you every partitioned it?02:35
anon__wow thanks who ever said something about aptoncd...i think its exactly what im lookin for02:35
rainy-dayHow can I expose the web server running locally on my system to the internet (under my ip num., not domain name)02:35
anon__im gonna keep using linux for a while first before i ditch windows.02:35
Out_Coldthat was me ;)02:35
ZykoticK9Kengine, you should take the line out of your fstab file!!!02:35
ae86-drifter1why is my ext4 partition unallocated now??!!!02:35
anon__thanks Out_Cold02:35
KengineZykoticK9: thanks, I just did that02:36
ae86-drifter1rainy-dayu need to forward the port on ur router (usually port 80)02:36
ZykoticK9Kengine, are you good with gparted?  partitioning / formatting?  what filesystem are you going to use (makes a big difference, espcially if you want to use this with different OSs other then just linux)02:37
rainy-dayae86-drifter1: oh ok thanks.. so nothing on ubuntu side is needed, right?02:37
Guest51450i keep dropping packets wirelessly, can i go back to using the driver for my atheros from 9.04?02:37
randalhow do you delete things using terminal whats the code02:37
Out_Coldrainy-day, what brand of router?02:37
ae86-drifter1randal rm02:37
carl-mrandal: "rm"02:37
rainy-dayOut_Cold: linksys02:37
carl-mhow do you delete things ''without'' the terminal?02:37
MTecknologyI have a website that can ONLY be viewed in IE - any suggestions?02:38
Out_Coldrainy-day, if you need help forwarding or setting up a dns name just PM me02:38
rainy-dayOut_Cold: ok thanks will do if I run into issues02:38
ae86-drifter1carl-m, get permissions to do it and press delete02:38
GeothermalAnyone familiar with electricsheep in here. I kinda have a noobish question...02:38
anon__only thing that sucks is it is just a copy of all the packages..doesn't install them. i wish there was a way to pretty much copy the OS to another location with all the packages installed and ready like it already was02:38
carl-mae86-drifter1: that would require installing a file manager?02:38
Out_ColdMTecknology, i remember FF having a 'agent' plugin that allows you to mask FF as IE02:38
carl-mor knowing hoe to run one02:38
ZykoticK9MTecknology, fake your host header in firefox, or use a VM with IE02:38
KengineZykoticK9: ok i got gaprted installed, what label should i put ? msdos ?02:39
MTecknologyOut_Cold: I think it's deper than that..02:39
geniiMTecknology: Point the webmaster at http://validator.w3.org/  ? Or change Firefox's user agent....02:39
randalWhat is the code to replace something using terminal02:39
KengineZykoticK9: yes I think I want to use linux mostly, maybe 400 gig linux, 100 gig of widows02:39
ZykoticK9Kengine, what filesystem do you want?  (Side note - i'm NO expert in gparted at all, i'm more a cli guy)02:39
Out_ColdMTecknology, i don't think it is... it does what the others are suggesting with headers02:39
KengineZykoticK9: any file system that works on linux will do fine02:40
GeothermalUh... I don't mean to interrupt...02:40
MTecknologygenii: I'll try an addon - I KNOW it's not w3 compliant - it was coded in asp.net :P02:40
RichardWolfVIHello, Inkscape is segfaulting each time I try to inser text02:40
Out_Cold!ask | Geothermal02:40
ubottuGeothermal: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:40
ZykoticK9Kengine, so i'd create a linux partition of about 400G and a Windows of 100G with Gparted...  not sure if that's straightforward or not with gparted, i'm hoping it is02:41
ZykoticK9Kengine, you'll want to format the linux side either ext3 or ext4 - your choice02:41
KengineZykoticK9: one thing, can I access this 2nd hdd from my windows, my windows is inside the sun virtualbox inside Ubuntu02:42
anon__is it against the rules to idle in here?02:42
GeothermalSorry. My bad. Um, where does electricsheep install into? I know it's supposed to be into my home folder, but I can't find it. I've downloaded it and installed it with apt-get, but it won't download a sheep. I got a sheep pack but I don't know where to extract it to.02:42
anon__geo /etc/02:42
Out_Coldanon__, no... 1180 users are idling :p02:42
ZykoticK9Kengine, are you using Virtualbox OSE (from repo) or direct from Sun PUEL version?  or do you know.02:42
MTecknologygenii: it actually needs IE02:42
MTecknologygenii: isn't there something in the repos for that?02:42
KengineZykoticK9: I dont know, I am using a free one02:42
anon__geo: was i right?02:43
Geothermalanon__, I can't find it in there either02:43
KengineZykoticK9: but I can access a shared folder with ubuntu02:43
anon__do a filesearch for it..02:43
GeothermalI did. No results02:43
ZykoticK9Kengine, they are both free (as in beer), did you install it from Ubuntu repo?  if so then it's the OSE and doesn't support USB in any way, so this drive might not work.02:43
anon__then my guess is it isnt installed02:43
GeothermalIt is installed cuz if I run it from the CLI it tries to download a sheep, but won't connect to the network02:44
KengineZykoticK9: so if it supports USB then this will work ? I can check it with a USB drive02:44
GeothermalI just apt-get it a couple minutes ago too.02:44
Out_ColdGeothermal, what was the app you installed??02:44
Out_ColdGeothermal, and what was the search you tried?02:44
ZykoticK9Kengine, to install the "real" version of VirtualBox see instructions for adding repository at http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads02:44
GeothermalThe same thine02:44
Out_ColdGeothermal, locate sheep?02:44
GeothermalIn the terminal?02:45
ldiamondI am trying to recompile my kernel with high-resolution timer enabled. I am trying to follow these steps: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile but when I get to debian/rules stuffs, I dont know how to run these commands.02:45
MTecknologyOut_Cold: it's not the header - I need some sort of IE - I thought there was something in the repos to run a hacked up vversion of IE602:45
GeothermalYeah, that worked. But I have a multitude of files.02:45
KengineZykoticK9: should I create the new drive as extended partition ? I am not thinking of booting from this drive02:45
Out_ColdMTecknology, possibly.. but when i was trying to access my government website i ran into a similar problem and could not find a solution02:46
ZykoticK9Kengine, you can just use Primary so long as you don't want more then 4 partitions on the drive (it doesn't actually matter that much whichever you do)02:46
Out_ColdGeothermal, locate sheep | grep usr/02:46
Out_ColdGeothermal, or locate sheep | grep etc/02:47
GeothermalSame results. Which directory would contain the sheep files?02:47
anon__what is grep for?02:47
GeothermalIt's a search.02:47
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:47
KengineZykoticK9: should I go for ex2 or ex3 ?02:47
geniiMTecknology: You could try something along the lines of this(which is for a really old Ubuntu, 6.10):http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Installation:Ubuntu02:47
ZykoticK9Kengine, 3!02:47
macoGeothermal: the p2p-ness of electric sheep only goes while the screensaver is running02:47
Out_Coldanon__, it's a filtering tool...02:48
macoGeothermal: and it takes a long time. probably best to just download a sheep-pack yourself and put it in ~/.sheep02:48
GeothermalBut I need a sheep to begin the screensaver, right?02:48
anon__what is it for Geothermal?02:48
GeothermalAnd I downloaded the pack. I don't know where to put the pack.02:48
macoGeothermal: if you set electric sheep as your screensaver and have no sheep yet, itll jsut be solid black until however many days/weeks it takes to get sheep02:48
macoGeothermal: unpack the sheep pack into ~/.sheep02:48
macoanon__: g= global, re = regular expresion, p = print02:49
GeothermalI can't find the ~/.sheep file is my problem. THat's what I need help with, locating the directory.02:49
MTecknologygenii: that's probably what I was thinking of - this web app really sucks.....02:49
macoanon__: it searches through a file to find whatever string you specify02:49
MTecknologygenii: ondemand5.com02:49
macoGeothermal: ~ means your home directory02:49
GeothermalIt's not in there.02:49
macoGeothermal: . means its hidden02:49
anon__i just got on linux yeterday02:49
MTecknologygenii: then click the login button02:49
macoGeothermal: so turn on hidden files in your file browser (in the view menu)02:49
anon__i messed with it some when i was a kid..but that was over 10 yrs ago02:50
[V13]AxelWhen I tried to create a script of 'sudo modprobe ndiswrapper' in /etc/init.d/, nothing happened upon startup.02:50
anon__i dont think they had anything but terminals back then..no GUI02:50
macoGeothermal: it might not exist yet. in that case, make a new folder named ".sheep" in your home directory02:50
GeothermalThat did it. Ok. Thanks. Sorry for all the trouble.02:50
macoanon__: remember the manpages from back then?02:50
Dr_Willis[V13]Axel:  for a simple command - you may want to put the command in /etc/rc.local02:50
macoanon__: but yeah, linux had guis 10 years ago02:50
macoanon__: kde was around in 199602:50
geniiMTecknology: "500 - Internal server error. There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be display"02:50
anon__they must have sucked horribly cause i dont remember using them02:51
[V13]AxelDr_Willis: What would this do?02:51
Dr_Willis[V13]Axel:  rc.local gets ran at boot time02:51
macoanon__: kde back then wouldve resembled CDE02:51
MTecknologygenii: yup - in IE, it loads just fine....02:51
Dr_Willis[V13]Axel:  theres also a modules list somewhere for what modules to autoload taht would make your command sort of pointless.02:51
macoanon__: the Common Desktop Environment... was used on a lot of unixes. ive used it on Solaris02:51
[V13]AxelWell, I have tried many ways to start it...02:51
geniiMTecknology: Lemme change my user agent and try again02:51
Homely_GirlHi All, I am still battling to get java installed 'n just tried to run synaptic 'n it told me I have a broken package 'n to use the broken package filter to correct it. How do I do that?02:52
[V13]Axeland none have given me any results.02:52
Dr_Willis[V13]Axel:   that command in rc.local would be the same as if you ran it from a terminal.02:52
KengineZykoticK9: ok got it formatted with gparted02:52
Johnny1Ubuntu 9.10 says, "There is no application installed for block device files", Please help me!!!!!!!!!!02:53
anon__well ill be back later..gonna go bathe my son and put him to bed02:53
ZykoticK9Kengine, now you should be able to mount it with "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/sda1" <using old mount point you gave02:53
MTecknologygenii: ok - it didn't work for me - just a blank page - like it's trying to read some dll that only ie has or some ugly thing like that02:53
[V13]AxelDr_Willis: Would I need to put my password after, or is it auto-root?02:53
anon__thanks for the help02:53
macoJohnny1: that makes sense. what were you trying to do?02:53
Dr_Willis[V13]Axel:  rc.local is allready ran as root.. its ran befor a user even logs in02:53
macoJohnny1: a partitioner is the only thing thatd operate on a block device (ie, a whole hard disk)02:54
* Homely_Girl would like to apologise if my flirty behaviour made anyone feel uncomfortable! I was notably told off 'n it won't happen again!02:54
derpityderphey folks, i can't get sed to evaluate the variable in a line such as: sed -i 's/\/usr\/sbin/\/foo/$bar/'  in this case, bar=/usr/sbin/bar02:54
* Homely_Girl shrugs her shoulders 'n figures no one can help....will try another time!02:54
Dr_Willismost people i find acting like girls on IRC are  Fbi agents.. :)02:54
MTecknologygenii: While you try that I'm going to download wine for ies4linux02:55
Johnny1maco: Whenever I insert a usb device, It doesn't show up. I looked up all of the USB devices plugged in with the command "blkid". One of them said where my USB device was located. I went there, tried to open the file, and it gave me this: There is no application installed for block device files.02:55
MTecknologyDr_Willis: that's offtopic for this channel02:55
macoJohnny1: ah, ok. you want to mount it.02:55
Johnny1maco: yes02:56
macoJohnny1: any chance when you go to places -> my computer it lists a new drive?02:56
KengineZykoticK9: sweet I got it mounted, so how do I make it automount ?02:56
geniiMTecknology: When i use an IE user agent string in Namoroka I gat a blank there. When just using default string I get the previous server error02:56
macoJohnny1: if so, you can double click it there02:56
MTecknologygenii: yup - same here02:56
MTecknologygenii: I'm still downloading wine...02:56
[V13]AxelDr_Willis: Uhm... Where is rd.local? XD02:57
Johnny1maco: Before I insert my flash drive, it shows cdrom0 and filesystem. After, the same.02:57
Dr_Willis[V13]Axel:  its rc.local and its in /etc/02:57
[V13]AxelAh. Thanks.02:57
ZykoticK9Kengine, add a line to fstab like "/dev/sdb1/mnt/sda1  ext3    errors=remount-ro 0       1"02:57
Dr_Willis[V13]Axel:  for a simple command - you may want to put the command in /etc/rc.local02:57
[V13]AxelI was looking at the wrong thing.02:57
macoJohnny1: else:  sudo mkdir /media/disk ; sudo mount $the_dev_it_said /media/disk02:57
geniiMTecknology: Actually I'm getting a more comprehensive error now... I'll pastebin02:57
ardchoilleOn the Ubuntu one website I can see my files. Can anyone else download those files with any launchpad account?02:57
Dr_Willis[V13]Axel:  there is some modules autoload file that is the best place to put it.02:57
ayam_jagohelo.. can i use internet DJ Console for streaming @ my shoutcast??02:57
KengineZykoticK9: what are the chances that Ubuntu is gonna automount it ? should I reboot and check ?02:58
kevin-nygenim having trouble joining a channel02:58
[V13]AxelDr_Willis: I have no /etc/rc.local.02:58
ZykoticK9Kengine, zero02:58
Johnny1maco: terminal says, "mount: can't find /media/disk in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab"02:58
kevin-nygenhow come i cant join it02:58
geniiMTecknology: http://paste.ubuntu.com/369259/02:58
kevin-nygenCannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services02:58
MTecknologykevin-nygen: ask in #freenode02:58
KengineZykoticK9: lol ok02:58
ZykoticK9Kengine, wait is this a USB drive?02:58
macoJohnny1: replace $the_dev_it_said with /dev/whatever your usb drive was02:59
Dr_Willis[V13]Axel:  then you got a  weird setup then. its on every ubuntu release/variant ive ever seen.. on most every disrto ive ever tried also02:59
KengineZykoticK9: no internal 2nd hard drive in Ultrabay02:59
ZykoticK9Kengine, then ya fstab is required02:59
[V13]AxelDr_Willis: I'm using Jaunty, upgraded from Hardy.02:59
KengineZykoticK9: before mounting it I saw Ubuntu recognized it after formatting02:59
MTecknologygenii: that doesn't happen in IE...02:59
Dr_Willis[V13]Axel:  make the file then.. or double check your spelling.02:59
Dr_Willis[V13]Axel:  you may want to consider upgradingto a newer release some time soon.02:59
MTecknologygenii: it's irritating... I want to fix this today03:00
[V13]AxelDr_Willis: I'm doing this via nautilus with root properties.03:00
Dr_Willis[V13]Axel:  use the shell look and see ls -l /etc/rc.local03:00
geniiMTecknology: I blame the site03:00
[V13]AxelDr_Willis: I would, but 9.10 uses X instead of GDM for the login.03:00
MTecknologygenii: same here03:00
Dr_Willis[V13]Axel:  err... GDM uses X anyway... that makes no sence03:00
[V13]AxelDr_Willis: And I use GDM for my customizations.03:00
Johnny1maco: It says it doesn't exist03:01
Dr_Willis[V13]Axel:   its using a newer verison of GDM. you CAN downgrade the GDM in 09.10 to the older gdm versions if you wanted03:01
dbruhnis there any way to make the icons default to the right side instead of the left side in gnome03:01
Dr_Willisdbruhn:  ive never seen a way. Seen people ask that befor.  But never seen a way03:01
[V13]AxelDr_Willis: I read that it starts using X instead of GDM in order to boot faster.03:01
[V13]AxelWell, I have to go anyway. Goodnight all.03:02
Dr_Willis[V13]Axel:  GDM is an X application..  so someones info is incorrect03:02
dbruhnyeah 9.10 uses the x11 boot screen instead of the gnome one03:02
dbruhnso you can choose which desktop environemnt you want to use03:03
dbruhnthey have said it boots faster03:03
blakkheimboot to a commandline, much faster03:03
ardchoilledbruhn: GDM allows you to choose which desktop or window manager you want to use too03:03
Dr_WillisErr. I think theres some terms getting used wrongly. 9.10 uses  the newer version of GDM03:03
Dr_Willisthats not a 'x11 boot screen'03:03
Dr_Willisand it sstill an X application03:03
Johnny1maco: It says it doesn't exist03:03
ZykoticK9dbruhn, trust me that's not XDM you're seen, if people complain about the brown they've never seen XDM before...03:03
GeothermalI'm back. I got the .avi's set in the ./sheep folder, but when I run electricsheep for the cli it sill tries to download a sheep.03:04
Dr_WillisGrub -> kernel -> X and Xsplash load -> gdm -> xsplash -> desktop03:04
spiffythekidsup guys03:04
rhinoseriousHello I need help today03:04
spiffythekidwhat do you need help with?03:04
Dr_WillisX is loaded befor most services are done also.03:04
rhinoseriousI was wondering if there was a 'hardcore' Ubuntu for Hardcore users03:04
ardchoilleDr_Willis: Thank you, I was getting confused as well03:04
Dr_Willisardchoille:  I think i got the order right. :)03:05
rhinoserious9.10 doesn't challenge me anymore03:05
ardchoilleI thonk so too03:05
macoJohnny1: what did it say your usb's /dev is?03:05
Dr_Willisand if anyone NEEDS the old gdm. you CAN downgrade 9.10's gdm2 to the old gdm03:05
spiffythekidi think any variant of ubuntu is inherantly not hardcore03:05
dbruhnrhino get normal debian03:05
_schism_evening all03:05
dbruhnor go with cent and learn redhat03:05
Dr_Williswork time for me. bye all.03:05
=== james is now known as Guest52095
rhinoseriousSo you're saying that Ubuntu isn't a good distro?03:05
macorhinoserious: you could alpha test 10.04....03:05
anon__why when i type grub in the terminal it says it isnt found? yet it boots up with bootloader03:05
Johnny1maco: it said this, "/dev/sdf1: LABEL="PERSONAL" UUID="4C78-01AE" TYPE="vfat" "03:05
=== yy is now known as Kengine
rhinoseriousmaco: no thanks, that guy just told me that ubuntu sucks03:06
ardchoilleOn the Ubuntu one website I can see my files. Can anyone else download those files with any launchpad account?03:06
macoJohnny1: ok so sudo mount /dev/sdf1 /media/disk03:06
JihadJoe1,280 people? Good God03:06
macorhinoserious: no, he said if you want something harder to use, try something else ;)03:06
Guest52095Hi all!  I have a USB keyboard.  Only way I can wake up my computer from Suspend is by pressing the power button on the tower.  Any way to make it so that it will respond to a key press or a mouse click?03:06
GeothermalI'm back. I got the .avi's set in the ./sheep folder, but when I run electricsheep for the cli it sill tries to download a sheep.03:06
KengineI forgot your nick man, it automounted without adding the line in fstab03:06
sebsebsebJihadJoe: well four or so bots in that number as well03:06
toastedmilkI upgraded to 9.10 but my kernel image is still 2.27-15, how can I update this?03:07
rhinoseriousmaco: yea. if Ubuntu can't adhere to its users, then what's the point of anyone at all using it?03:07
macorhinoserious: ubuntu aims to be usable for normal users.  if you don't want it to be usable and want it to be difficult so you can get more geek cred, then either switch to something thats "1337er" or become a develoer03:07
ZykoticK9Kengine, cool03:07
Johnny1maco: TY SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1103:07
shackyoin #ubuntu-fr03:07
macoJohnny1: no problem03:07
Johnny1maco: ty03:07
rhinoseriousI am a normal user03:07
seanbrystoneAnyone have the issue of Ubuntu 9.10 (64bit) freezing up when wireshark is ran with sudo?03:07
BitWraithrhinoserious, it's hard to say that any given distro is good or sucks in a general sense... they are all a litle different, and suited to different tasks. Just because you can't twist a screw with a hammer doesn't mean it sucks in general03:07
anon__why when i type grub in the terminal it says it isnt found? yet it boots up with bootloader03:07
KengineZykoticK9: lol, but I cant copy data on it03:07
krismantoanyone ever setup otrs for ubuntu 9.04??03:07
krismantoi tried apt-get install otrs2 but it gives me error03:08
rhinoseriousBitWraith: why not make a hammer with a screwdriver at the end, then?03:08
krismantoshould i setup from source..?03:08
CCord221i cant get eth0 or wifi to work eth0 is broadcom 440x and wifi is dell1390 please help03:08
rhinoseriouswouldn't that double the usablity?03:08
ZykoticK9Kengine, "cd /mnt && sudo chmod ugo+rwx sda1"03:08
opticoni recently installed clamav when i add files to the machine via ftp will they be scanned automatically?03:08
macorhinoserious: what do you mean by hardcore? do you mean something thatll make you sound like a computer genius because you know how to use it? if so, gentoo03:08
ardchoille!info otrs2 | krismanto03:08
ubottukrismanto: otrs2 (source: otrs2): Open Ticket Request System. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.4-1 (karmic), package size 2453 kB, installed size 15736 kB03:08
ZykoticK9Kengine, that gives everyone read/write/execute03:08
rhinoseriousGentoo is for ricers03:08
ardchoillekrismanto: do you have universe enabled?03:08
blakkheim!ot | rhinoserious03:08
ubotturhinoserious: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:08
macorhinoserious: no itd make it harder to use since a hammer is balanced wrong for twisting screws, even if you replace the spikes with a philips head03:08
NooneshereCan anyone help me install a tarball?03:08
KengineZykoticK9: its sdb right ?03:09
krismanto@ardchoille:universe enabled..?03:09
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.03:09
Kenginethats my new drive03:09
arghh2d2gentoo isnt the hallmark of a computer genius...your thinking lfs03:09
BitWraithrhinoserious, you oculd, but that would be missing the point.03:09
rhinoseriousblakkheim: what's that supposed to mean?03:09
macoarghh2d2: or core linux ;)03:09
ardchoille!repos | krismanto03:09
ubottukrismanto: The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories03:09
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub203:09
blakkheimrhinoserious: this is not the place for gentoo discussion03:09
ardchoillekrismanto: otrs2 is in the universe section03:09
macoblakkheim: means this is a support channel so if youre not asking for help solving a specific issue (or being the solver), go to #ubuntu-offtopic03:09
ZykoticK9Kengine, oh if you're not using fstab you need to "cd /media" then find out where/what it's mounting as (you could also use the "mount" command to find out)03:09
krismantoarghh2d2:the package is exist03:09
rhinoseriousBitWraith: are implying that it's impossible to make a distro that's suited for a higher-class of users along with newcomers?03:09
macoblakkheim: er not you03:09
macorhinoserious: means this is a support channel so if youre not asking for help solving a specific issue (or being the solver), go to #ubuntu-offtopic03:10
anon__How do i know if i have jaunty or karmic?03:10
macorhinoserious: you can be an ubuntu power user if you want to03:10
arghh2d2krismanto: what package?03:10
krismantoardchoille:the package is exist and installed but its error03:10
sebsebseb!version | anon__03:10
ubottuanon__: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »03:10
rhinoseriousmaco: I still haven't recieved an answer to my question03:10
_schism_Hey guys I am trying to remove some entries in my boot menu and I found the grub.cfg file but have no idea what to do with it and google is giving me info for the old grub. can anyone point me in the right direction?03:10
KengineZykoticK9: should I add that line in fstab ?03:10
macorhinoserious: it means you dg into the command line and become a ninja ;)03:10
CCord221how do i enable my broadcom 44x ethernet and dell 1390 wifi?03:10
krismantoarghh2d2:sorry wrong name03:10
BitWraithif you want to continue your distro wars in ##sandbox I don't think anyone there would object03:10
ZykoticK9Kengine, not if it's automounting correctly03:10
ardchoillekrismanto: Ah,ok03:10
sebsebsebanon__: or system > About Ubuntu and what does it say?03:10
disappearedng_Any scp gui options?03:11
BitWraithrhinoserious, I'm saying that even if you can that won't make more specialized distros obsolete overnight. They all have a purpose.03:11
macorhinoserious: you can use normal ubuntu and be a power user.  i am. just because there are graphical tools to make things easy doesnt mean you have to use them. learn the command line.03:11
disappearedng_I want to be able to just drag and drop03:11
CppIsWeirdi have nohup'ed a command. is there any way I can poll the nohup.out file for changes and any time there is a change, print it out?03:11
macodisappearedng_: nautilus (the file browser) can connect to servers and do that03:11
JihadJoemaco please define power user03:11
macoCppIsWeird: tail -f ~/nohup.out03:11
rhinoseriousGraphical tools are there to help the people who don't know how to live without a point-and-click interface03:11
CCord221how do i enable my broadcom 44x ethernet and dell 1390 wifi?03:11
JihadJoeI see that term thrown around a lot. What does it mean to be a power user03:11
CppIsWeirdmaco: awesome, thanks.03:12
CCord221how do i enable my broadcom 440x ethernet and dell 1390 wifi?03:12
pingfloydjust because ubuntu is pretty well polished out of the box, doesn't mean a power users hate it03:12
disappearedng_maco: oh shit man that's sick03:12
sebsebsebrhinoserious: Find a distro here http://www.distrowatch.com03:12
pingfloydubuntu just being for noobs is usually the perception of noobs03:12
macoJihadJoe: someone who knows the tricks like the one i just gave CppIsWeird? :P power users use all the tools, even the ones normal users dont know are there03:12
macodisappearedng_: no swearing03:12
KengineZykoticK9: when i right click on it, it says "The permission of disk could not be determined" in the permission tab03:12
rhinoserioussebsebseb: I don't follow links given by strangers03:12
jamesd_powerusers like to be lazy sometimes...03:12
arghh2d2seems like "power user" is discouraged in ubuntu...so much BS you have to remove and reconfigure it's not worth it03:12
rhinoseriousI read that i the Ubuntu wiki03:12
rhinoseriousnever visit untrusted sites from untrusted users03:13
pingfloydthe differences between distros is superficial03:13
macorhinoserious: again, just because graphical tools exist, doesnt mean you ahve to use them03:13
sebsebsebrhinoserious: do you use wikipedia?03:13
ZykoticK9Kengine, you need to change the permission on the mount point (filesystem), not the device!03:13
gooseI generated an rsa key (with no password) to use on my server, when I try and SSH, it asks me for the user password of the user I'm SSHing into (remote machine, not local)03:13
rhinoserioussebsebseb: no. I'm against Creative commons liscensing03:13
macorhinoserious: i rarely use a graphical package manager.  dpkg, apt-get, apt-cache, aptitude... soo much more powerful! so i use those instead.  that kpackagekit exists doesnt mean i have to use it03:13
pingfloydalso, just because some uses graphical tools, doesn't mean they don't know tons03:14
KengineZykoticK9: I just used that command you gave me cd /mnt && sudo chmod ugo+rwx sda103:14
krysisHelp please! Lately my 1.5 Terabyte Scsi to USB hard drive has been mounting as "Read Only" here is the message from my dmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com/369264/03:14
arghh2d2the difference between distro's is package management, repo's and default startup system imo03:14
BitWraithrhinoserious, you can still visit unsafe sites, you just have to prevent them from running scripts. Using a simple browser like links or dillo to scout things out and having noscript for firefox help tremendously03:14
sebsebsebmaco: I am starting to think they are a troll03:14
xanguais rhinoseriousa troll¿03:14
rhinoseriousmaco: so you think that being able to type 2 or 3 words into a terminal makes you a 'power user'03:14
ZykoticK9Kengine, that probably won't work!  it's probably NOT mounted to /mnt/sda1!03:14
macosebsebseb: not the sort of thing you say in the channel right in front of the person, now is it?03:14
krysisrhinoserious: is a troll03:14
macorhinoserious: 2 or 3? nah. hundreds, though?03:14
rhinoseriousBitWraith: or I could just run a malware free operating system like mac OS X03:15
macorhinoserious: or like ubuntu :P03:15
gdbrhinoserious: You come in here and bellyache about GUI config tools, tell someone you won't visit *distrowatch* because a "stranger" linked it (despite being in a channel full of strangers) ... are you stoned?  stupid?  trolling for kicks?03:15
JihadJoemalware-free OS like OS X. Ha those days are coming to an end03:15
macorhinoserious: though really, you know the macs got pwned first in Pwn 2 Own, right?03:15
krysisrhinoserious: right, go ahead an keep your never changing Mac OSX, and pay your 1500 for a standard laptop03:15
JihadJoeThey already have trojans03:15
KengineZykoticK9: so I need to mount it and change its permission everytime I boot ?03:15
BitWraithit's official, rhinoserious IS a troll if he can say wit ha straight face that mac os x is safer than linux03:15
rhinoseriousmaco: that had nothing to do with malware. Please stop trolling03:15
NooneshereCan anyone help me install a tarball?03:15
ardchoilleLet's stay on topic folks, please03:16
rhinoseriousand you know it03:16
ZykoticK9Kengine, no of course not - you just need to get it setup correctly03:16
ekimso power users dont use ubuntu?  They use debian?03:16
xanguaNooneshere: what do you want to install¿03:16
BitWraithapple just advocated having multiple antivirus apps installed on the same system for their users last year03:16
MTecknologyekim: no03:16
rhinoseriousBitWraith: so did Canonical03:16
MTecknologyBitWraith: that doesn't apply to Ubuntu03:16
ZykoticK9Kengine, could you pastebin the output of the command "mount"03:16
pingfloydrhinoserious: or you can learn all these OSes if your simple mind can handle it03:16
rhinoseriousand Novell03:16
ekimMTecknology, no to which question or both?03:16
rhinoseriousIgnoring ALL from pingfloyd03:16
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:17
KengineZykoticK9: wow, I can copy-paste in the fat32, but I cant do that in ext303:17
pingfloydI guess I hit the nail on the head /discussion03:17
macorhinoserious: anyway, point is: if you're a mac user, how on earth can you get annoyed at ubuntu for having graphical *and* command line interfaces available, while osx usually only has graphical tools?03:17
trevorhow to i change it so my menu has no icon, just text, like applications, places, system03:17
rhinoseriousmaco: OS X runs a variation of BSD03:17
ZykoticK9Kengine, fat32 doesn't have any permission03:17
meowbuntuhi after using unetbootin to install an os onto my external usb hdd. will it work on multiple computers like ubuntu on a  portable flash drive does. ????03:17
rhinoseriousit comes with a terminal installed03:17
macorhinoserious: im aware03:17
KengineZykoticK9: can I just use the whole drive as fat32 then instead of ext3, will there be any performance problems ?03:17
macorhinoserious: aware of that too03:17
Noonesherexangua, it is whatpulse. www.whatpulse.org/download. I have never done a .bin tarball, and haven't done an install in months. Its an exucutable untarballed03:17
rhinoseriousand all of the BSD Coreutils03:17
krysisrhinoserious: http://blogs.zdnet.com/security/?p=291703:17
rhinoseriousit even comes with emacs03:17
macorhinoserious: however their system config tools? no text versions of those03:18
sebsebseb!ot |  rhinoserious maco03:18
ubotturhinoserious maco: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:18
macorhinoserious: they dont even use a normal filesystem hierarchy03:18
rhinoseriousand yet you say that it only comes with only graphical tools?03:18
ZykoticK9Kengine, sure just gparted the drive, remove the ext and use MS's crappy file system - no problems :)03:18
macoand emacs is not the standard editor03:18
macothatd be vi03:18
rhinoserioussebsebseb: I came for Tech support03:18
xangua!ot > rhinoserious maco03:18
ubotturhinoserious, please see my private message03:18
rhinoseriousmaco: it ships with emacs03:18
macorhinoserious: then what is your support question?03:18
gdbrhinoserious: No, you came here to be an annoying troll.  Go away.03:18
macorhinoserious: you STILL havent asked one03:18
rhinoserious!ot > xangua sebsebseb03:18
ubottuxangua, please see my private message03:18
krysisMy 1.5 Terabyte hard drive has been mounting with "read only" support, can anyone help me out? The dmesg is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/369264/03:18
KengineZykoticK9: so I can run any programs from this file system right ?03:18
macorhinoserious: unless it was that one before about can power users use ubuntu. i told you, the answer is yes.03:18
MTecknologymaco: you know better03:19
macorhinoserious: now, do you have a more substantial question?03:19
macoMTecknology: feeding the troll, yeah...03:19
rhinoseriouswhat's a hardcore version of Ubuntu for hardcore users?03:19
macorhinoserious: ubuntu server edition03:19
Kenginerhinoserious: debian03:19
xanguaplease could some one put order¿!03:19
JihadJoerhinoserious, Linux Mint03:19
MTecknologyrhinoserious: please go to #ubuntu-offtopic03:19
ZykoticK9Kengine, run programs from?  you're going to install programs onto this drive somehow (not sure how that's going to work out).03:19
gdb#$ sudo aptitude purge ubuntu-desktop03:19
sebsebseb!ops |   Can someone deal with the rhinoserious  troll, thanks03:19
ubottuCan someone deal with the rhinoserious  troll, thanks: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!03:19
gdbthere you go, nice and hardcore, now go away03:19
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:19
rhinoseriousmaco: please stop trolling03:19
macorhinoserious: i'm not trolling. however would be nice if you'd stop03:20
krysismaco: i know your trying to somehow set the kid straight but hes a troll, and this channel is being off-tracked, and you playing along is helping it...03:20
rhinoserioussebsebseb: you mad?03:20
arghh2d2maco: why are you trolling? stop!03:20
macoarghh2d2: i'm not a troll03:20
Noonesherexangua, it is whatpulse. www.whatpulse.org/download. I have never done a .bin tarball, and haven't done an install in months. Its an exucutable untarballed03:20
macoarghh2d2: i'm trying to tire out the troll03:20
rhinoseriousmaco: please stop03:20
macoarghh2d2: so it'll go away03:20
ubottuNOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken.03:20
rhinoseriousI've asked you multiple times03:20
xangua!ops | are you there¿¿ please put order03:20
ubottuare you there¿¿ please put order: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!03:20
arghh2d2whatever, you'ver been trolling for the past ten minutes maco03:20
JihadJoeobottu is going to lay the beat-down03:21
macoarghh2d2: how so?03:21
rhinoseriousI get it03:21
MTecknologymaco: stop; you know better03:21
rhinoseriousbecause he's a bot03:21
arghh2d2!ops | maco is seriously trolling this channel and blaming it on others03:21
ubottumaco is seriously trolling this channel and blaming it on others: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!03:21
anon__i think i really like linux...03:21
Cpudan80Obviously you need to be a little bit patient03:21
MTecknologyrhinoserious: stop - join #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to troll03:21
krysisanon__: linux is amazing =)03:21
anon__does obuntu get slow later on like windows does or does it keep runing this smooth?03:21
macoarghh2d2: yes, an ubuntu developer is going to troll #ubuntu. uh huh.03:21
KengineZykoticK9: this is my mount http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m6347148603:21
MTecknologyanon__: it keeps running smooth03:21
Cpudan80Banging on the ops command over and over doesnt help03:21
sebsebsebmaco: I woudn't say trolling, but you been off topic with them for quite a while03:22
ayam_jagohello why i cant choose shoutcast server on idjc?? only can use icecast203:22
Amaranthanon__: It generally stays the same speed, unless you run development versions03:22
krysisanon__: because software is maintained through a controlled channel, the software run smooth for as long as you keep linux03:22
arghh2d2maco: all i see you developing is agrovation03:22
rhinoseriousMTecknology: I've come to ask a question regarding technical support03:22
anon__about a week or 2 of trying it out on external and i will proly ditch windows03:22
rhinoseriousI haven't recieved a non-troll reply03:22
MTecknologyrhinoserious: then ask it, don't flood the channel with crap03:22
macorhinoserious: the answer is "no"03:22
rhinoseriousI aksed03:22
krysisrhinoserious: as far as i've seen you've been the troll03:22
macorhinoserious: satisfied?03:22
ardchoilleOn the Ubuntu one website I can see my files. Can anyone else download those files with any launchpad account?03:22
anon__ok..my son is screaming for me to wash him off..bbl03:22
BitWraithmaco and rhinoserious, if you want to continue your discussion elsewhere, knock yourself out... just not here03:22
pingfloydrhinoserious: how old are you?03:22
krysisrhinoserious: is a windows user03:23
JihadJoerhinoserious is 703:23
macoBitWraith: rhinoserious claims that "is there a more hardcore version of ubuntu?" is a tech support question. fine. the direct answer is "no"03:23
rhinoseriousBitWraith: I just wanted an answer to my question03:23
Amaranthpingfloyd: No need for that03:23
ZykoticK9Kengine, so if you want to use ext3 then "cd /media && sudo chmod ugo+rwx disk" and you'll be able to use the ext3 by any user (or your idea to use FAT is probably even easier, although FAT is a pretty old/terrible filesystem by todays standards, but fast)03:23
JihadJoeFrom Japan, too03:23
AmaranthCome on now guys.03:23
arghh2d2you're all just mad cuz rhinoserious is making legitamat statements that challenge the validity of your precious ubuntu so you resort to osctracizing him by deeming him "troll"...classic03:23
wasutton31how would i copy the contents of one text file completely into another at the end of the second file?03:23
NooneshereDon't feed the trolls.03:23
macoarghh2d2: point to a legitimate statement. i havent seen one.03:23
krysisarghh2d2: you want to troll too?03:23
Amarantharghh2d2: So far you're the only one I see trolling, please just drop it.03:23
rhinoseriousHelp! Channel emergency!03:23
kermitwasutton3: cat a >> b03:23
arghh2d2truth hurts03:24
krysishow the fuck do we get op's in here?03:24
AmaranthLike this.03:24
MTecknologykrysis: watch your language03:24
sebsebsebkrysis: language, and  Amaranth is here now03:24
rhinoseriousMTecknology: fuck you, faggot03:24
rhinoseriousyou need to stop03:24
arghh2d2ubuntu is not cut out for power usage, case closed03:24
FloodBot2rhinoserious: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:24
KengineZykoticK9: sweet that works, but how do I make my system auto-do it everytime03:24
NooneshereCan someone help me download and install whatpulse?03:25
ZykoticK9Kengine, fstab03:25
krysisarghh2d2: if you have a legitimate question please ask it, otherwise you have no business in the tech support03:25
KengineZykoticK9: so I just add that line to my fstab ?03:25
ZykoticK9Kengine, yes but do you want it mounting to /mnt/sda1?  I'd create a different mount point (a directory somewhere on your filesystem) to mount it too each time (all up to you though)03:26
krysisCan anyone help me with mounting a 1.5 TB SATA hd? i use it as an external, it used to mount fine but lately its been mounting as read only: http://paste.ubuntu.com/369264/03:26
opticon linux-image-2.6.26-2-amd64 12008180/20.9MB03:26
opticonwhat is that?03:26
arghh2d2krysis: stop gunning after me...it's obvious you wanna get me kicked for telling the truth too...how many other users lurk and dont get kicked...i aint saying nothing, just responding to your ridiculous remark. :|03:26
Amaranthopticon: It's downloading an update for the kernel, the core software in the system03:27
Amarantharghh2d2: Please stop.03:27
NooneshereCan someone help me download and install whatpulse? More just install.03:27
opticonapts pulling it in03:27
ardchoilleOn the Ubuntu one website I can see my files. Can anyone else download those files with any launchpad account?03:27
opticonahh ok03:27
ZykoticK9krysis, i think you need to mount that in windows to correct the errors03:27
JihadJoeFAT. Reformat to ext3.03:27
arghh2d2Amaranth: i'm not the one03:27
krysisyeah, it mounts fine in windows ZykoticK9 but in ubuntu it doesnt work =(03:27
Amarantharghh2d2: If you stop talking about it the discussion will stop.03:28
macoardchoille: if you put them in a shared folder, yeah, but otherwise no03:28
KengineZykoticK9: just tell me, now if I change that hard drive to 250gig:FAT32 and 250gig:ext3, can I add the same command in fstab and it will work fine ? (commnad is cd /media && sudo chmod ugo+rwx disk)03:28
ZykoticK9krysis, ? don't know then, thought after you mounted in windows it would work in ubuntu - guess not.03:28
NooneshereI'm guessing no one can help a newb like me?03:28
ardchoillemaco: Ah, ok, thanks. good to know03:28
symptomwhat is a good Linux program for UML diagramming?03:28
macosymptom: i use dia for diagramming in general, but umbrello is supposed to be nice if you just need UML03:28
acalbazawhat is the proper way to start compiz under ubuntu?  compiz --replace & seems odd when already in a window manager.03:29
macoacalbaza: thats teh point of the --replace ;)03:29
krysisNooneshere: to install whatpulse download this file to your desktop: http://whatpulse.org/downloads/16/03:29
symptomthanks maco03:29
ZykoticK9Kengine, it depends on what Ubuntu decides to automount the drives at (i can't say for sure) - you can use the "mount" command to find out where the ext3 filesystem is being mounted, then you need to run the chmod command against the mount point.  does that make sense?03:29
macoacalbaza: you can also get the fusion-icon and be able to switch wm's from a panel applet03:29
rafase282Hello, can anyone tell me how to boot multiple live cd from one usb?03:29
macoacalbaza: or you can use system -> preferences -> appearances -> desktop effects to turn it on03:29
NooneshereKrysis, i have the tarball, what do i do now? (I have the permission.sh thingy done)03:29
macocafuego: lots of options!03:29
stevecoh1Using Ubuntu 9.10.  got a "/boot partition almost full" warning.  What's the best way to clean old kernel images out of partition and grub menu?03:30
acalbazamaco: for some reason, i thought it was less efficient to start it that way.03:30
krysisNooneshere: where is your file located?03:30
krysisextracted file03:30
macoacalbaza: theyll all quit the old wm and replace with compiz03:30
KengineZykoticK9: /dev/sdb1 on /media/disk type ext3 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal)03:30
NooneshereKrysis, do i have to extract with console? If not in my home.03:30
ZykoticK9Kengine, so /media/disk is the mount point03:31
krysisNooneshere: no, you can extract via nautilus, just open the tar.gz then drag the file inside to your home, then open a terminal and do "chmod +x WhatPulse"03:31
xopeyi've screwed up my GVFS stuff trying to get iPhone working on ubuntu03:31
KengineZykoticK9: so I add this for automount in fstab ? cd /media/disk && sudo chmod ugo+rwx disk03:31
xopeyany advice?03:31
ZykoticK9Kengine, no the fstab line is different!03:32
NooneshereKrysis Okay. now what?03:32
JoeSomebodywhere are themes stored (in karmic)?03:32
ayam_jagoI have installed IDJC however in Server->Connection->Type the Shoutcast choice is not available to check. The only choice is Icecast 2.03:32
mlissnerUbuntu has just informed me that my main drive is dying, which is amazing that ubuntu did, but does anybody know how to make an image of the drive so I can just drop in a new drive?03:32
krysisto run the program Nooneshere, just type in "sudo ./WhatPulse" though why this program needs administration elevation is a bit suspicious... what is it?03:32
krismantoi installed ubuntu 9.10 to my box and it gives me grub rescue...what should i do..??i dont have any live cd to recovery it03:32
KengineZykoticK9: in order to automount and make it read-write enable what is the line I need to add to fstab ?03:33
krismanto!grub rescue03:33
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Noonesherekrysis, it records keys and clicks, as a game. Sorta.03:33
Guest83047I need to know if some one know how to get world of warcarfat to work on ubuntu 8.0403:33
krysisah i see, like a keylogger...03:33
ZykoticK9Kengine, the fstab line will look like "/dev/sdb1/mnt/sda1               ext3    errors=remount-ro 0       1" --- the chmod you only need to do once and it's all good from then on!03:34
pingfloydGuest83047: with wine03:34
Guest83047okay I installed wine but it dose not work03:34
arghh2d2Kengine: /dev/yourdevice /media/disk <filetype> defualts 0 0 <--might be enough but i dont know what your mounting03:34
JihadJoePlay on Linux03:34
ZykoticK9arghh2d2, wouldn't /media/disk have to exist as a directory for that to work?  and isn't that where the automounter tries to mount everything03:35
dyustinsoreau: it worked now ! syntax in the "intel man" is wrong ! .... xrandr --set mode PAL , "mode" instead of "TV_FORMAT" like discribed in the man ... thanx so far :)03:35
Noonesherekrysis, thank you very much. This has help me alot. :)03:35
krysisYour welcome Nooneshere, just don't use that for something malicious :/03:36
cafuegomaco: options for what?03:36
KengineZykoticK9: I just added this line end of my fstab03:36
Kengine/dev/sdb1 /mnt/sda1               ext3    errors=remount-ro 0      103:36
arghh2d2ZykoticK9: i'm basing that on Kengine's previous statement03:36
macocafuego: what what?03:36
ZykoticK9Kengine, if it's currently mount "sudo umount /mnt/sda1" and then try "sudo mount -a" and see if it works03:37
KengineZykoticK9: now I am gonna do that other statement cd /media/disk && sudo chmod ugo+rwx disk03:37
krysisSo my problem still persists, my 1.5 SATA to USB Terabyte mounts as Read-Only with this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/369264/   It mounts fine in Windows, does anyone have ANY idea?03:37
NooneshereKrysis Its not my program, and its well used. And i wouldn't even know how. I couldn't install it see :P03:37
rafase282can someone help me to have multiple linux on my usb?03:37
cafuegomaco: 14:29 #ubuntu: < maco> cafuego: lots of options!03:37
cafuegomaco: you started :-)03:37
pingfloydGuest83047: unsolicited PMs are considered rude03:37
JoeSomebodyhow to copy my themes back to restore them ?03:37
macocafuego: oh. options for ways to switch between metacity and compiz03:37
krysisIT didnt used to do this a few months ago03:37
macocafuego: i was aiming at acalbaza03:38
macocafuego: i missed :P03:38
NooneshereNight, and thank you for the answers.03:38
ZykoticK9Kengine, i gotta go, i'm sure someone else can pick up the torch for you - just explain your trying to create an fstab entry for a new drive.  best of luck man :)03:38
ramontayagNot sure where to go, but anyone using TweetDeck on 9.10? I can't seem to copy and paste to and from it. How about you guys?03:38
KengineZykoticK9: thanks a lot man, i am very greatfull03:38
krysisAnyone know how to check for errors on a fat32 partition?03:39
JoeSomebodyi don;t have a ~./themes which is where i thought they go?03:39
pingfloydGuest83047: http://www.wowwiki.com/World_of_Warcraft_functionality_on_Wine03:39
krysisJoeSomebody: you can create .themes in your ~/  (home) folder, it will be used automatically03:39
JoeSomebodyok thanks03:39
scunizikrysis: yep.. save the data.. reformat03:40
krysisyeah i figured, but i have like 500+ stuff on it =(03:40
trevorhow do i eliminate the ubuntu icon on mypanel and just have text??03:40
krysisi have no other space to place it03:40
jOZeafter changing form proprietary nVidia driver to default i've the Xorg.conf file deseaper an now the monitor say out of scan03:40
jOZeany chance ton fxw this with a Xconf.org default file ?03:40
scunizikrysis: then you shouldn't be using fat32.. ext3 if you need to share it with a dual boot.. or not..03:41
basixdoes anybody have an idea as to how to enable the master mode for intel 5100 AGN wireless adapter?03:41
krysiswell i just completely moved to ubuntu after dual booting for over 4 years, and i didnt think of using any other format other than fat32 because of its compatibility03:42
meowbuntuhi after using unetbootin to install an os onto my external usb hdd. will it work on multiple computers like ubuntu on a  portable flash drive does. ????03:42
kermitbasix: iwconfig wlan0 mode master03:42
basixkermit: are you sure?03:42
krysisi know windows has a way to fix bad blocks on fat32, does ubuntu not have this?03:43
JoeSomebodycant get my themes going03:43
kermitbasix: unless that doesnt work03:43
arghh2d2krysis: fsck03:43
krysisJoeSomebody: where are you getting your themes?03:43
JoeSomebodyi think i am missing gnome toolkit03:43
krysisarghh2d2: thats for linux file systems, check the man pages03:43
JoeSomebodyjust backed stuff to usb and reformatted03:44
krysisJoeSomebody: you can install gnome-art for quick app to download themes and such03:44
JoeSomebodysudo apt-get install gtk?03:44
krysiswhat are you trying to do JoeSomebody?03:45
JoeSomebodyget my customized theme back03:45
JoeSomebodyi click on joe1, its on 384 bytes or something03:45
JoeSomebodynothing happens when i run it03:45
JoeSomebodyi am a newbir03:46
JoeSomebodyi am a newbie03:46
krysisis this theme a tar.gz?03:46
JoeSomebodyi cant remember which theme i started with, to do from scratch03:46
JoeSomebodyi found a folder with two themes i named, and copied them03:47
basixkermit: i get an error: Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :03:47
basix    SET failed on device wlan1 ; Invalid argument.03:47
krysisyou copied those themes to /home/<user>/.themes?03:47
JoeSomebodyits not like i know what i am doing with ubuntu yet ( i wish)03:47
meowbuntualso how do i checksum an iso file03:48
krysisdont worry JoeSomebody we'll figure this out03:48
Guest83047okay i installed the playonlinux03:48
JoeSomebodyi did alright tho, everything else is back ok03:48
scunizi!md5 > meowbuntu03:48
ubottumeowbuntu, please see my private message03:48
nick_husing xrandr, i've positioned an external monitor above my laptop's screen. however, when i disconnect the monitor, the laptop shows what the external monitor was previously showing03:48
nick_his there a way to configure the laptop not to change which part of the virtual screen it shows?03:49
JoeSomebodygot samba , xchat, firefox, and some packages back already03:49
krysisJoeSomebody:  im still confused at what you need help with03:50
JoeSomebodyto change andor customize themes, do i need  gtk?03:50
krysisSo you don't know anything about customizing ubuntu? (just asking to figure out where to start helping)03:50
JoeSomebodyi have only saved some files , prob not enough03:51
arghh2d2krysis: see if ubuntu has dosfsck in repos03:51
wasutton31if i try to cat from one file to another, and the file im catting to doesnt exist, will it be created?03:51
user101how do i install gui centos as a dual boot to ubuntu03:52
krysisarghh2d2: well i was going to use my moms windows xp to fix the file system, a few people have said they get the same error on their hard drives because when using windows somehow windows transfers created corrupted files or because of windows' incorrect hibernating system... so im gna scan it on a windows pc just to fix windows problem -.-;03:52
drekican anyone recommend a torrnet program that runs good and has lots of advanced options and features03:52
macouser101: install one, then install the other?03:52
JoeSomebodyi saved a folder called themes, i cant use it apparently, how do i start over with themes?03:52
macouser101: theyll both give you the ability to resize the original so that the second one can have space03:53
user101mao : i already have ubuntu.03:53
JoeSomebodyi copied it back to hokme, didnt help any03:53
krysisok JoeSomebody i'll help you out ok? First of all, how much of a customization do you want? simple window? or 3D graphics?03:53
arghh2d2krysis: dosfsck is open source linux-ware if you dont trust windows (like me)03:53
JoeSomebody3d not required03:53
Aguscan anyone help me how to install display driver on notebook03:54
cwheelerhi, the sound volume control on my panel vanished after pulse audio got updated and i can't find it to put it back, anyone know what happened?03:54
krysisJoeSomebody: well im just asking how much customization you yourself want, just simple window decoration and icons?03:54
krysisarghh2d2: you said yourself that you were against ubuntu earlier in the chat03:54
JoeSomebodycolors are the main thing,03:54
Hilikusthere's a rattling sound every time i start ubuntu. if i change any of the volume levels from alsamixer it gets fixed, if i change it from the gnome applet it starts again03:54
Hilikusanyone know what im talking about?03:54
JoeSomebodynever seen a default OS appearance i liked03:54
krysisok, but you want to change your window decorations?03:55
Agusmy vga use sis mirage 3 graphic03:55
JoeSomebodynot in linux or windows03:55
Agusbut resolution just 800x60003:55
JoeSomebodycolors are the main thing, what do you mean decorations?03:55
arghh2d2krysis: stfu with the attitude...i said ubuntu isnt geared for power users...i just come here to help people if i can, not in some competition...grow up kid.03:55
krysisdont worry JoeSomebody you can customize linux to your hearts desire, we just gotta figure out what path to take03:55
krysisarghh2d2: im not going to start03:55
meowbuntuhi after using unetbootin to install an os onto my external usb hdd. will it work on multiple computers like ubuntu on a  portable flash drive does. ????03:56
arghh2d2cuz you got nothin krysis, your a joke03:56
krysisok JoeSomebody heres what i mean by window decorations : http://gnome-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=100&PHPSESSID=07d851db807b991809666783d2d6291603:56
Roastedhey guys - trying to fix my video tearing... been making changes in nvidia-settings that users on the forum suggested. Do I have to log out/back in to see results? Or should I only have to close VLC player and reopen it?03:56
JoeSomebodykrysis, i had a nice dark theme, and then changed it, cant remember what it was, thought it was saved but it aint03:56
Uchinannet to speak to apt / dpkg super sensei  anyone online?03:57
chucheIt will work as long as you install grub-pc on your MBR of your Flash Drive.03:57
user101maco : i already have ubuntu.03:57
OneMillionDollarhi how to change my default dns ?03:57
toastedmilkI upgraded to 9.10 but my kernel image is still 2.27-15, how can I update this?03:57
macouser101: so you want help with centos's installer? might have to ask in a centos channel03:57
JoeSomebodythat is likely where i found the theme i had03:57
krysisJoeSomebody: how about something ike this? http://gnome-look.org/content/preview.php?preview=2&id=119584&file1=119584-1.jpeg&file2=119584-2.jpeg&file3=119584-3.jpeg&name=Ivi03:57
RabbitbunnyUchinan: s/net/need/ ?03:57
OneMillionDollarwhy each time i change it the original will come back again03:57
krysisJoeSomebody: see how the window border is different?03:57
RabbitbunnyI'm getting really tired of theme talk in here. Go to the forums. THis is for when people need help, not when people want it to look slightly differently.03:58
* Rabbitbunny fumes03:58
OneMillionDollarhow to change my dns server ip ?03:58
wasutton31does anyone know how to get a bash script to auto stop after a set period of time?03:58
RabbitbunnyOneMillionDollar: resolv.conf03:58
OneMillionDollarwhy once i change it the old one still come back ?03:58
RabbitbunnyOneMillionDollar: DHCP03:59
arghh2d2no sh!t, who gives a fsck about themes...its not something anybody should really need help with03:59
krysisWell Rabbitbunny in a sense they're learnign how to theme, its a technical support question and one of Ubuntu's highly looked up features03:59
iflemaOneMillionDollar wireless or cable? DHCP?03:59
Agusanybody can help me to fix my screen resolution on notebook zyrex03:59
OneMillionDollariflema , my connectin is adsl03:59
arghh2d2krysis, i'd like to punch your smug face03:59
iflemaOneMillionDollar DHCP most likely..... wireless?03:59
arghh2d2i'm out03:59
Rabbitbunnyarghh2d2: I like you.03:59
mezquitale!ot| arghh2d204:00
ubottuarghh2d2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!04:00
Tokeshey anyone know what the command is to login to your registered name04:00
OneMillionDollariflema , not wireless04:00
Roastedhey guys - trying to fix my video tearing... been making changes in nvidia-settings that users on the forum suggested. Do I have to log out/back in to see results? Or should I only have to close VLC player and reopen it?04:00
Tokes its like /msg ....04:00
UchinanRabbitbunny I put in a private dialoge04:00
rwwTokes: /msg nickserv identify passwordgoeshere04:00
meowbuntuhi after using unetbootin to install an os onto my external usb hdd. will it work on multiple computers like ubuntu on a  portable flash drive does. ????04:00
krysisRoasted: i would test both methods04:01
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chucheYou can install the Compiz Fusion Icon called "fusion-icon" in Synaptic and from there just hit "Reload Window Manager".04:01
JoeSomebodyhow to restore my theme is not support-related? ok then i'll google, thanks for trying krysis04:01
Link24I have question with ubuntu software raid04:01
chucheOtherwise, you would have to log out and log in for changes to take effect.04:01
iflemaOneMillionDollar near the clock theres an icon for networking.... right click and edit connections.. on the ipv4 settings tab select Automatic DHCP address only and input your dns manually04:01
krysisIm sorry JoeSomebody some people are just rude04:01
chucheRight-click on the desktop and choose "Change Desktop Background".04:02
chucheFrom there hit the Theme tab and choose "Human", Ubuntu's default.04:02
Link24If I have 2 hdd's mirroing  with the os installed and i take it to another computer will that the pc boot with it?04:03
VadimanriHello room04:03
meowbuntuok then is there a channel for portable ubuntu then04:03
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ssmitIs it possible to create a partition and install an OS from another partition in Ubuntu? I have 9.10 and would like to install Ubuntu Studio on a seperate partition, but i do not have a DVD burner04:03
iflemaOneMillionDollar ya with me? edit the connection, ipv4 settings, method = DHCP address only.....04:03
krysisLink24: depends if the pc has the same hardware as the ones installed on the HDD's for the most part it may boot, but some configurations may be wrong (ie graphics, sound, etc)04:03
OneMillionDollariflema  , there's no such option ......only enable networking avalibale04:04
meowbuntuLink24, i dont think so. i heard it works like windows in that way. its worth a try04:04
chucheDo you have a USB Flash Drive?04:04
iflemaOneMillionDollar is it not enabled?04:04
actionParsnipyo yo yo04:04
Hilikusthere's a rattling sound every time i start ubuntu. if i change any of the volume levels from alsamixer it gets fixed, if i change it from the gnome applet it starts again04:04
Hilikusany idea how to fix it04:04
krysisLink24: oh right, you can do a dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server in safe mode to reconfigure xorg to run with currently used pc04:04
meowbuntuchuche, who has a usb flash drive04:05
chucheTry to update pulseaudio and ALSA?04:05
iflemaOneMillionDollar below that it should say edit connections04:05
bluejeanscan somebody please pastebin me the karmic souces.list ??  -lost mine :D04:05
OneMillionDollariflema , already enabled04:05
iflemaOneMillionDollar below that it should say edit connections04:05
OneMillionDollariflema , no such option04:05
chucheHe might try to install Ubuntu through a USB flash drive since he doesn't have a DVD burner.04:05
VadimanriI asked this question but couldn't get an answer, so I figured I would try again tonight......I am trying to Visual Effects to "Extra" but it errors out and I get "The Composite extension is not available"04:05
iflemaOneMillionDollar what version of ubuntu?04:05
MimiCan someone help me solve a dependency for libwebkit-dev04:05
chucheJust make sure it is 8 GB to fit.04:05
chucheUbuntu Studio.04:05
meowbuntuchuche, who are you talking to ?????04:05
OneMillionDollariflema , there's edit wireless option04:05
krysisVadimanri: do you know what graphics card you have?04:05
Rabbitbunnymeowbuntu: ssmit, but he's not highlighting.04:06
mezquitaleMimi, use synaptic04:06
Vadimanrikrysis: I have a Geforce 9800 GX204:06
Mimimezquitale, I did, but it just tells me the same thing04:06
meowbuntussmit, y not go to #ubuntustudio04:06
actionParsnipVadimanri: run: gksudo jockey-gtk04:06
chuchesorry folks. in all the years i've been using PCLinuxOS i have never used X-Chat.04:06
chucheWould you kindly tell me how to highlight?04:06
mezquitaleMimi, use pastebin to output the error you are getting04:07
RabbitbunnyOneMillionDollar: Look, DHCP is feeding you your DNS settings, Do you own the router you're connected to?04:07
bluejeansgksudo?? you mean gksu04:07
rwwchuche: put the person's name at the start of the message. You can press <tab> to autocomplete names.04:07
krysisas far as you can say do you know if your card is compatible Vadimanri? if you don't know i'll do a quick research04:07
Rabbitbunnychuche: Like this.,04:07
actionParsnipbluejeans: its a symlink04:07
Mimimezquitale,  that's all:    Depends: libsoup2.4-dev but it is not going to be installed04:07
meowbuntuchuche, type the persons name04:07
ssmitactionParsnip, I was wondering if I could create a partition and install from there04:07
rwwchuche: for example, I typed "ch" and then pressed <tab>, and it turned into "chuche:", and is thus likely highlighting you.04:07
chucheRabbitbunny, thanks.04:07
mezquitaleMimi and you cant linstall that file?04:07
bluejeansactionParsnip: i'll learn to keep my mouth shut someday :D04:07
wasutton31can anyone tell me if this script will properly kill itself in 23:59:59? http://pastebin.com/m2395e54d04:07
actionParsnipbluejeans: no worries duder, every day is a schoolday04:08
Vadimanrikrysis: I am not sure, it seems to be working OK, I have dual monitors setup and that is working fine04:08
meowbuntuchuche, type the first few letters tehn press tab key eg. meo <tab> meowbuntu04:08
mezquitaleMimi, enable your software sources04:08
bluejeansactionParsnip: i'm just not used to ubuntu. heh04:08
Rabbitbunnywasutton31: No. It won't.04:08
krysisVadimanri: Ah i see, i see that in Ubuntu's documentation your card is fully supported, do you have Compiz installed? (to your knowledge)04:08
actionParsnipssmit: you can put the install cd on usb and install from usb, it'll be quicker too as well as te transfer bing more reliable04:08
aiwahey so mirc for linux doesnt have a "remote" to write on?04:08
Rabbitbunnywasutton31: Try ##bash for bash scripting help.04:08
meowbuntuhi after using unetbootin to install an os onto my external usb hdd. will it work on multiple computers like ubuntu on a  portable flash drive does. ????04:08
Mimimezquitale, which ones? They're all enabled .     mezquitale   here's more info, actually http://paste.ubuntu.com/369289/04:09
actionParsnipaiwa: mirc is a windows app only04:09
Vadimanrikrysis: I have no idea.....I am new to linux and am fumbling my way through it04:09
wasutton31Rabbitbunny: it requires an invite and the #bash room is dead04:09
aiwaactionParsnip: then what is this that i am using?04:09
krysisVadimanri: ok no worries, go into Terminal, do you know how?04:09
meowbuntuanybody out there04:09
actionParsnipaiwa: it runs via wine but there are native clients which will run cleaner04:10
Vadimanrikrysis: yep I can get a term open04:10
krysisVadimanri: ok, type in "sudo apt-get install compiz" and see what that tells you04:10
actionParsnipaiwa: and are free too04:10
Rabbitbunnywasutton31: http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-HOWTO/Bash-Prog-Intro-HOWTO.html  You need to read the conditional part.04:10
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meowbuntuwith all the people > logged in someone must know about unetboot installs on exturnal hdd04:10
mezquitaleMimi, looks like you have corruption somewhere, try first: sudo apt-get check04:10
Guest99360basix: try taking it down first with ifconfig wlan1 down, then doing the iwconfig04:10
aiwaactionParsnip: native clients? could you give an example?04:10
actionParsnip!irc | aiwa04:11
ubottuaiwa: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines04:11
anon__sudo apt-get instal konversation04:11
Vadimanrikrysis I get a message saying "compiz is already the newest version."04:11
actionParsnipaiwa: there's a big list there04:11
Rabbitbunnymeowbuntu: Yes, it will install, yes it will run, but not every pc is going to boot to USB, and you might be missing drivers and such. Technically it will work but I wouldn't recommend it.04:11
=== Guest99360 is now known as kerm|t
actionParsnipVadimanri: sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager04:11
anon__aiwa: that was directed at you buddy04:11
Mimimezquitale,  nothing interesting, just http://paste.ubuntu.com/369291/04:11
krysisok Vadimanri type in "compiz" and copy/paste it to pastebin.ubuntu.com then give me the link please04:11
mezquitaleMimi, sudo apt-get install -f04:12
krysiscopy and paste the response*04:12
Mimimezquitale,  0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 3 not upgraded.04:12
aiwaoh ok i see. i am actually using the x-chat. But i was wondering there's no client for ubuntu that has a remote for inside programming?04:12
mezquitaleMimi, can you update? sudo apt-get update04:13
actionParsnipaiwa: like scripting you mean?04:13
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Mimimezquitale, nevermind! I had just done update/upgrade, and now there's more .    and now it offers  that package i need hehe    ~~ that's odd,  i shouldnt have nothing new04:13
aiwaactionParsnip: exactly04:13
Mimithanks mezquitale !04:13
aiwalie mirc scripting04:13
anon__im new to linux as well but i am pretty sure most of them are opensource04:14
Rabbitbunnyaiwa: Many. For instance, irssi allows you to use perl.04:14
anon__you can customize the program to your likeing by getting the source files04:14
actionParsnipaiwa: some do, i dont use scripts personally, maybe someone else can advise. i know bitchx could but its discontinued afaik04:14
mezquitaleMimi, like i said, it was just corruption somewhere, a state was a little confused but that one got it right, good night!04:14
krysisaiwa xchat is a pretty great alternative to mirc04:14
Mimimezquitale,  goodnight :)04:14
aiwakrysis: is there any way i can script on it?04:15
Guest93596Could some one help me. I am trying to get to the irc.sbhacker.net server. Could some one help. I am a total noob at irc04:15
meowbuntuRabbitbunny, i want to have a portable ubuntu on my external hdd. as my comp cant boot from flashdrives. i know usb flash drive installs the live cd so it will run on any computer04:15
iflemaaiwa weechat.... version 3 if ya can manage it....04:15
nirmalhi someone knw about zend04:15
nirmalzend studio04:15
anon__type:  /server irc.sbhacker.net04:15
wasutton31Rabbitbunny: does this look better? http://pastebin.com/m7d15e185 (i wanted it to terminate just before midnight anyways)04:15
krysisaiwa: as far as i know there is definately scripting on xchat: http://xchat.org/xchatdox2.html04:15
anon__or /connect04:15
anon__forget which one it is04:16
aiwaRabbitbunny: irssi? is that compatible with ubuntu? and can i script on that aswell as perl?04:16
meowbuntuRabbitbunny, i know usb flash drive install, this can work on any computer.04:16
nirmalis someone knw about zend studio 704:17
nirmali am facing problem in zend studio04:17
krysisnirmal: what kind of problems?04:17
vraahi everyone, i'm having an issue where only 1 AP is showing up, i tried 2 different wifi adapaters, ubuntu 9.10, i have a different laptop whcih detects and uses both APs fine, the ubuntu machine only shows 1 AP though, any ideas?04:17
nirmalkrysis : whether u have zend studio04:18
nirmalunable to create action in zend studio 7.1 on ubuntu04:18
krysisvraa: if you get close enough to access point can you see AP?04:18
geniivraa: The "invisible" AP might not be broadcasting it's name04:18
krysisnirmal no i don't but i can find a way to help if you can describe your problem04:18
Guest93596@anon  Would i do this network list?04:19
nirmalthis is link where i posted my question04:19
anon__Unix/Linux are pretty much the same thing right? whats the differences?04:19
krysisVadimanri: install "xgl-server" and log out, log back in, and see how that works04:20
edbiananon__, They are similar.  Unix was created by AT&T, Linux was created by Linux Torvalds04:20
nirmalkrysis : problem04:20
anon__linux was the free version of Unix then04:20
aiwaIs there any way i can just use some part of the x-chat to simply script on it? like: when someone say "a" on channel "b" do "c"04:20
krysisanon__: Unix and Linux are in a way similar as Linux is built from the idea of Unix by Linuz Trovalds, but they both have free distributions04:20
aiwalike the old mirc with the remote04:20
krysisnirmal: is this the problem you have?04:20
vraa_sorry about that, it's a desktop i cannot get closer to the AP04:21
vraa_the desktop used to run win7, and it worked fine with both APs, so i dontthink it's a signal issue04:21
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krysisnirmal: to me it seems like some sort of conflict with PHP, do you have it configured right?04:22
actionParsnipvraa: does: sudo iwlist scan     show the AP?04:22
krysisVadimanri: do this in terminal: "sudo apt-get install xgl-server"04:22
Rabbitbunnyaiwa: Probably not. mirc scripting is the bane of programming. Please forget everything you learned from it.04:22
zealotwoops wrong channel04:23
rick_so what was the major changes to the new kernel update I just downloaded today through update manager?04:23
nirmalkrysis: previous my zend studio is working fine...04:23
Vadimanrikrysis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/369297/04:23
Mimihey mezquitale , remember me... :P04:24
=== vraa_ is now known as vraa
nirmalkrysis : what i do04:24
krysisnirmal: is this somewhat your problem? http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/php-not-loading-mysql.so-689029/04:24
nirmallet me see04:25
aiwaRabbitbunny: That's really sad :{ that's how i learned to program at first. i want to program in SOMETHING but i can't install anything in the ubuntu. I tried eclipse installing java or php and none worked. ever. do u have any suggestion?04:25
faultygroundWhat is the best way for me to check on my RAM usage?04:25
krysisVadimanri: do this "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-96"04:25
nirmali have seen04:25
nirmalthis post04:25
krysisi see, no help from it?04:25
toastedmilkI upgraded to 9.10 but my kernel image is still 2.27-15, how can I update this?04:25
Rabbitbunnyaiwa: For a programmable IRC client? irssi. For one you can use? No. No idea.04:26
aiwaRabbitbunny: Thank you04:26
actionParsnip!info linux-image04:26
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all)04:26
anon__toastedmilk has been here all day saying the same thing over and over again..lol04:26
meowbuntuhi after using unetbootin to install an os onto my external usb hdd. will it work on multiple computers like ubuntu on a  portable flash drive does. ????04:27
anon__i wonder if he is even there04:27
Rabbitbunnytoastedmilk: You alive?04:27
* Hinata-chan is offline now04:27
actionParsniptoastedmilk: sudo apt-get --reinstall install linux-image-2.6.31-1704:27
Rabbitbunnymeowbuntu: I answered that almost a half hour ago.04:27
actionParsnip!away > Hinata-chan04:27
ubottuHinata-chan, please see my private message04:27
toastedmilkRabbitbunny, yeah, I've just been playing quake4 on the xbox, and checking irc for red lines04:27
Vadimanrikrysis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/369301/04:27
krysisnirmal: do this "sudo apt-get install t1lib libX11 libXpm libxcb libxau libxdmcp mysql"04:28
toastedmilkactionParsnip, I tried that, it said it couldn't find it04:28
toastedmilkactionParsnip, i'll paste the output to you04:28
eeeekyellowsnowhow do i restart nautilus? whats the command04:28
anon__toasted...you have a 360?04:28
actionParsniptoastedmilk: try: apt-cache search linux-image04:28
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krysisok Vadimanri reboot your computer and see if you can turn on the compiz through terminal again, if not come back and post what you get04:28
Rabbitbunnyanon__: Offtopic.04:28
Vadimanrikrysis: I am assuming I should be rebooting?04:28
krysisyes sir04:28
Vadimanrikrysis, ok...be back04:28
Hinata-chanhmm i did it per /allchan so it does it on every chan im in04:28
anon__so you cant talk about ANYTHING but ubuntu in here?04:29
actionParsniptoastedmilk: install the latest kernel from that list04:29
Hinata-chansee ya04:29
actionParsnipanon__: correct04:29
rahdukecan anyone confirm that this bug is legit? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/481432 and if so is there any fix?04:29
eeeekyellowsnowanyone here an expert on installing adesklet? im having trouble. can't see the desklets04:29
actionParsnipanon__: #ubuntu-offtopic for everything else04:29
toastedmilkactionParsnip, linux-image-2.6.31-19-generic is already the newest version04:29
anon__eeeekyellowsnow:  I had installed yesterday and got them working but thye all sucked04:29
toastedmilkactionParsnip, but uname -r says 2.6.2704:29
mezquitaleMimi, what happened?04:30
actionParsniptoastedmilk: run: sudo update-grub04:30
actionParsniptoastedmilk: is the 31 kernel processed?04:30
nirmalE: Couldn't find package t1lib04:30
anon__actionParsnip: why when i type "grub" into terminal is says it isnt found?04:30
meowbuntuRabbitbunny, i replyed to you with no response ok04:30
mezquitalerahduke, it's legit, it used to happen to me, i bought a new router, been a happy camper ever since04:30
eeeekyellowsnow<anon__>really? did you try gdesklets or adesklets? i like the transparent effect04:30
infid syslog keeps saying '/usr/bin/crontab[..]: (infid) LIST (infid) every few seconds. any idea what could cuase this?04:30
toastedmilkactionParsnip, how would I know?04:30
actionParsnipanon__: not sure,mine does the same04:30
actionParsniptoastedmilk: you'll se it in the output of the command04:31
nirmalReading package lists... Done04:31
nirmalBuilding dependency tree04:31
nirmalReading state information... Done04:31
nirmalE: Couldn't find package t1lib04:31
FloodBot2nirmal: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:31
rahdukemezquitale: umm a new router is not an option, is there any work around?04:31
scunizirahduke: a bug is a bug is a bug.. what effects them might not effect you.. card type, computer etc.. initial reporter said by using aes instead of tpk? fixed his issue..04:31
toastedmilkactionParsnip, yeah, they are in the command04:31
krysisnirmal: remove t1lib from the list and try again04:31
vraai tried my other wifi adapter and it shows the same upstairs AP, but not the downstairs AP, and the same problem exists, i can connect to the upstairs AP but it doesn't give an IP or anything04:31
quentusrexAnyone know how to get a cli ftp client to connect to a non standard port?04:31
toastedmilkactionParsnip, among many others, but there at the top of the list04:31
actionParsniptoastedmilk: cool, then reboot04:31
vraabut it works fine on my win7 laptop04:31
anon__eeeekyellowsnow: i had gdesklets04:31
toastedmilkactionParsnip, neat, will do, thanks04:31
rahdukescunizi: its happenign to a mini htpc i just built for a buddy of mine04:31
rahdukehe is not a happy camper04:32
actionParsnipquentusrex: ftp server port04:32
scunizivraa: we often hear " but it works fine on my windows XX etc"  that is not a valid arguement04:32
mezquitalerahduke, you need to look at the thread in launchpad and participate, that's the workaround04:32
eeeekyellowsnowanon__: yeah i tried gdesklets before, neither did i like it. that's why i want to try adesklet.04:32
scunizirahduke: have you tried changing the type of wireless security?04:32
actionParsnipquentusrex: e.g.   ftp ftp.debian.com 345204:32
Some_PersonIs there a GarageBand-like app for linux (a program with a buttload of music loops built in to it that you can arrange to make a song)?04:32
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rahdukenot sure if thats an option for him04:32
anon__well, good luck with it. if you get it figured out let me know how it comes out04:33
scunizirahduke: then a different wireless card04:33
Neo_this is rediculous04:33
vraascunizi, sorry, well i'm using that to verify that the wifi does indeed work04:33
actionParsnipso is speeling eh04:33
krysisif it all went well nirmal try again what you tried04:33
vraai am using ifconfig and iwconfig, it says "access point: not-associated"04:33
rahdukescunizi: its an onboard wireless n, its one of them zotac ion mobos04:33
scunizivraa: that may be the case on widows.. however if the mfgr isn't overly cooporative with drivers then "it's new wireless card time"!04:34
xzcvczxdoes ubuntu have any issues with changing the motherboard/processor?04:34
rahdukescunizi: budget is out of funds for this project04:34
scunizirahduke: can it be disabled and use an external usb?04:34
vraai have tried 2 diff wireless adapters, they do show the upstairs AP SSID, but i can't connect to it04:34
actionParsnipxzcvczx: should be fine04:34
vraai just installed 9.10 :) i am trying to update it lol so i can get my nvidia card working04:34
scunizirahduke: keep searching for a solution then.. there might be one out there.04:34
vraai wish i had a long long ethernet cable :)04:34
xzcvczxactionParsnip: cool, thanks04:34
actionParsnipxzcvczx: if you are using onboard vga you may have to default the xorg.conf if you have used it04:35
faultygroundSo, using 9.10, what should I expect my memory footprint to look like?  Right now I'm using 2.2GB with Pidgin and Xchat open, which seems a bit high04:35
rahdukewill wep work scunizi? it works on the box i built for myself04:35
rahdukesame mobo04:35
xzcvczxactionParsnip: not currently and will be using the same graphics card in the new machine04:35
Vadimanrikrysis: It restarted in low graphics mode04:35
scunizirahduke: also the next release 10.04 will have a different kernel and better wireless support.. as for wep you might as well not have any security04:35
urthmoverIf I have to run a gtk  application as "sudo gns3" how do I keep the theme the same as my current user rather than the basic gtk theme?04:35
actionParsnipxzcvczx: then just change it and youo'll be fine04:35
xangua!sudo | urthmover04:35
ubottuurthmover: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)04:35
actionParsnipurthmover: use gksudo for x based apps04:35
xzcvczxactionParsnip: cheers, thanks04:36
rahdukescunizi: so then shouldnt this issue be a pretty serious concern with a buxfix imminent? that thread dates back to november04:36
actionParsnipurthmover: sudo is NOT to be used for gui apps04:36
urthmoverok I'll try is actionParsnip04:36
ouyesrahduke, using wep = using no encryption04:36
anon__how do i set a custom icon (not form the list) in my menu?04:36
xanguaurthmover: move your themes/icons to> /usr/share/themes   /urr/share/icons04:36
krysisVadimanri: do you know how to go into safe mode?04:36
bradley_is there an opensource search engine?  --something like google.04:36
krysissafe boot*04:36
nirmaleverytime showing same error04:36
krysisfrom grub04:36
krysisnirmal try restarting the program ?04:36
actionParsnipbradley_: to websearch? or search for other stuff04:37
edbianIs anyone else getting crazy lag?04:37
urthmoveractionParsnip: even when I run it as gksudo it does not use the dark theme of my regular gtk apps.....how can I change the root user's gtk theme?04:37
Vadimanrikrysis: yes, but should I just reactivate the ubuntu nvidia driver?04:37
actionParsnipbradley_: i dont think google is opensource04:37
nirmallast 2 days i m facing this problem04:37
ouyesbradley_, why the question?04:37
bradley_actionParsnip, yes websearch04:37
scunizirahduke: only so much can be done with wireless depending on the chipset.. most are *very* closed source and have to be reverse engineered.. not ubuntu's solution alot but the manufacturer..04:37
nirmallots of time i restarted the system04:37
krysisyou can do sudo apt-get remove nvidia-glx-96 and reboot04:37
bastid_raZoredbian: not on this side.04:37
urthmoversudo gns304:38
actionParsnipurthmover: you can use gksudo gnome-appearance-properties    may work04:38
bradley_actionParsnip, oh, google isn't.  i am looking for something like google but opensource04:38
urthmoveractionParsnip: ok I'll try that  thanks04:38
krysisim sorry nirmal... did zend work on ubuntu before fine? what changes did you make since it worked?04:38
actionParsnipbradley_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_search_engines#Open_source_search_engines04:38
bradley_ouyes, i think it would be nice to search using an opensource engine04:39
nirmalzend is working fine..04:39
nirmalnormal application run fine04:39
nirmalno problem with that..04:39
rainy-dayI'm having a problem with firestarter: I set up a policy to open port 8002 to everyone, but it still shows up as blocked in 'events' tab.. why can that be?04:40
nirmalonly problem with when i make any zend application04:40
bradley_actionParsnip, thanks for the suggestion but i don't think that they are webpages --maybe just engines04:40
* semitones is watching The IT Crowd04:40
bradley_actionParsnip, oh, i was wrong.  thanks for the link04:41
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krysishave you actually made a complete zend application without that error before?04:42
ouyesbradley_, the database is more important, search engine is not just a software, but there is some open source,04:42
ubottuhttp://www.linuxtv.org/ has extensive information about using TV cards under Linux. Available viewers for analog cards: Zapping, tvtime (GTK/GNOME), Kaffeine, kdetv (KDE), xawtv, motv. For digital cards: Me-TV (GNOME), Klear (KDE), dvb-utils. For both analog and digital cards, !MythTV is a powerful framework. Your card may work the !IVTV drivers. See also !TV-Out04:43
urthmoveractionParsnip: that totally works THANKS A BUNCH man04:43
toastedmilkactionParsnip, no dice. uname -r still says 2.6.27-15-generic04:43
kerm|tthat's a sad waste of a good domain name.04:43
urthmoveractionParsnip: gksudo gnome-appearance-properties  was the ticket04:43
hagabakawhen I reboot my computer, it doesn't automatically get a DNS. I have to use /etc/init.d/networking restart before it can resolve any hostname. any idea why?04:43
wookienzi did a ull GUI install however i only need the CLI now. For the life of me i cant fnd the correct apt-get remove optins fo kde or gnome etc. Any ideas?04:44
zealothagabaka: check resolv.conf04:44
ubottumythtv is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV - For discussion and specific support, try #ubuntu-mythtv04:44
hagabakazealot: after I use networking restart, it has the DNS, but not before04:44
hagabakaand the file says not to edit it by hand...04:45
toastedmilkMy kernel isn't updating from 2.6.27-15-generic to 2.6.31-17-generic after upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10.  Can anyone help solve this?04:45
zealothagabaka: i recommend uninstalling the network-manager and setting it up manually04:45
zealotthat way you'll have one less thing to worry about04:45
actionParsnipzealot: hagabaka: or wicd04:45
zealotin my experience you have all these programs that do this stuff for you, its just more stuff that can break04:46
SomeoneE1seI've just 'upgraded' to lucid, and I'm trying to edit X11/xorg.conf however it would seem that file doesn't exist04:46
xangua!lucid | SomeoneE1se04:46
ubottuSomeoneE1se: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+104:46
SomeoneE1sehas it moved or am I just rideing the short bus04:46
=== ecanto is now known as edson
SomeoneE1semy apoligies04:46
actionParsnipSomeoneE1se: its not present in clean installs of karmic either04:47
david__hello does anyone know what the best web browser is for ubuntu other than firefox04:47
blakkheimdavid__: w3m04:47
actionParsnip!best | david__04:47
ubottudavid__: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.04:47
scuniziSomeoneE1se: xrandr is what controls video04:47
toastedmilkdavid__,  google chrome!04:48
xangua!browser  | david__04:48
actionParsnipdavid__: arora or chromium here but there is no best web browser04:48
ubottudavid__: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)04:48
krysisSomeoneE1se: karmic and lucid dont have xorg.conf but you can create it and make your configuration and it will be incorporated into xorg04:48
actionParsnipdavid__: there is no best software for anything, best doesn't exist04:48
SomeoneE1sekrysis: thanks04:48
krysisyour welcome04:48
nanotubedavid__: some other alternatives you can try, in addition to those listed by ubottu, are: chromium and seamonkey,04:48
DaZbest does exist.04:49
DaZor at least better :f04:49
actionParsnipDaZ: only to your own requirements, an overall best doesnt exist04:49
bradley_ouyes, wikia search looked pretty cool but i am a year to late.04:49
nanotubeactionParsnip: depending on the software, there may be one that's 'best' by popular opinion. a browser just isn't one of them. :)04:49
actionParsnipnanotube: just because its popular doesnt make it best, microsoft still has majority market share for example04:50
david__thanks all04:50
krysisnirmal: as far as i can tell this error happens on windows as well, im trying to find a fix... im sorry if i can't help you04:50
nanotubeactionParsnip: but not because the majority actively thinks it's 'best', but only because that's what they happen to have gotten along with their computer. :)04:51
actionParsnipnanotube: exactly, doesn't mean its best though does it04:51
nanotubeactionParsnip: exactly, that's why i said by popular /opinion/, not by number of users.04:51
actionParsnipnanotube: best cacn only exist when all users needs are identical, then a best will exist04:51
nanotubeactionParsnip: anyway, we're splitting hairs, this is not productive :)04:52
Vadimanrikrysis: I ended up activating the hardware drivers in Ubuntu, I kept loading in low graphics04:52
david__what are some good apps for video04:53
quietonethe panel where the apps get minimized to is misbehaving, is there a way to reset it?04:53
nanotubedavid__: video playing, or video editing?04:53
bastid_raZor!resetpanel | quietone04:53
ubottuquietone: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »04:54
david__i was wandering if anyone knows of myth tv an how it works04:55
actionParsnipdavid__: kino avidemux cinelerra lives04:55
toastedmilkMy kernel isn't updating from 2.6.27-15-generic to 2.6.31-17-generic after upgrading from 9.04 to 9.10.  Can anyone help solve this?04:55
nanotubedavid__: don't really do any of that myself... but i've heard of 'kino' and 'cinerella'04:55
drekihow can i change  the default program to open a certan type of tile, like what program i wand to open a .torrent file?04:55
david__thanks nano04:55
nanotubedavid__: err, that's cinelerra. :) and, actionParsnip gave you more options ;)04:55
david__nanotube i have been hearing alot about myth tv going around is it something like youtube or is it something else04:56
actionParsniptoastedmilk: run: apt-cache search linux-image           install one before 2.6.31-17. may have a bug with the -17 kernel04:56
nanotubedreki: right click file, properties, 'open with' tab.04:56
actionParsnipnanotube: i just asked jeeves and he suggested those04:56
OneMillionDollarhow to edit dhcp ?04:57
nanotubedavid__: it's like a video player/library to interface with a tv...04:57
komputeshi guys, do you know how to disable gdm at startup? all the solutions I've found don't seem to work in 9.10.04:57
nanotube!mythtv | david__04:57
drekinanotube, thanks04:57
OneMillionDollari want my dns server to be fix ip how to do it ?04:57
ubottudavid__: mythtv is a TV framework for Linux - Instructions for using with Ubuntu at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MythTV - For discussion and specific support, try #ubuntu-mythtv04:57
actionParsnipOneMillionDollar: you can set them as static in network manager etc04:58
nanotubeactionParsnip: that jeeves guy, always ready to go, eh? :)04:58
quietonebastid_raZor: thank you. now I need to learn how to save my settings as I haven't been using the defaults. can u tell me that one as well?04:58
sjanssenso, I just nuked by /boot partition.  Once I've downloaded the Live CD, what do I do next?04:58
krysisVadimanri: boot into safe mode and do "dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"04:58
actionParsnipnanotube: he's my right hand man, i use many websearch engines. I dont just use google like most04:58
meowbuntuhow do i checksum any iso from terminal04:58
david__ubottu i was trying to hook my television into my pc the other day with s-video an it is not working04:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:58
actionParsnipmeowbuntu: md5sum file.iso04:58
Vadimanrikrysis: I will be back04:58
nanotubemeowbuntu: use either md5sum, on sha1sum (or whatever sum you happen to have downloaded04:59
OneMillionDollaractionParsnip , I dont have a network manager04:59
ouyesbradley_,  what you mean by "i am a year to late", as you see search engine is complicated, it is not just a software。 but we can see its technologies through an open source search engine ( the database design,and the quality of the database is important,) also this is an offtopic here04:59
actionParsnipOneMillionDollar: whatever app you use then04:59
bastid_raZorquietone:  i don't think there is a save setting option for the panel. what you do to it is remembered.04:59
meowbuntunanotube, ????????? i am in the deroctory of the iso now what04:59
actionParsnipmeowbuntu: directory (sp)05:00
nanotubewell, run say, "md5sum filenameofthe.iso"05:00
nanotubemeowbuntu: ^^05:00
quietonebastid_raZor: apparantly not. the panel positions have reverted to the standard. And all my launchers are gone.05:00
ZykoticK9david__, MythTV won't help with an SVideo TV input, that's just video-in05:00
actionParsnipnanotube: isnt that what i said?05:00
nanotubemeowbuntu: then after some time you'll get output the checksum - and you can compare it with the checksum provided on the download site05:00
bastid_raZorquietone: correct. that is what the command was supposed to do. reset your panels to defaults05:01
nanotubeactionParsnip: er... ah, yes there it is. :)05:01
rahdukescunizi: u still here?05:01
OneMillionDollaractionParsnip , I click on network setting but there's really nothing there to set it05:01
nirmalkrysis :php -r 'phpinfo();' | grep extension05:01
nirmalextension_dir => /usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs => /usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs05:01
actionParsnipOneMillionDollar: what app do you use?05:01
novato_bremes, are you there?05:01
nanotubemeowbuntu: or if you want to compare 'automatically', then download the md5sum file, and run 'md5sum -c md5sumfilename'05:01
actionParsnipnanotube: now thati didnt know05:01
novato_brhas emes gone?05:01
OneMillionDollaractionParsnip , I'm not using any app05:02
nanotubeactionParsnip: yea it's good for those cases when you don't want to manually compare. :)05:02
CaneToadIn Karmic, how do you solve the "Backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf" does not exist problem?  cups-pdf does not work "out of the box".05:02
nanotubeactionParsnip: or when you want to do it in a script05:02
actionParsnipOneMillionDollar: so you use the interfaces file then?05:02
actionParsnipnanotube: yeah was gonna do that man, add it to my many scripts05:03
krysisnirmal: as far as i can see this is a dependency problem... and as far as my knowledge or lack of knowledge with zend i cant really help you... i would try and find if every dependancy required by your program is met05:03
actionParsnipCaneToad: install cups-pdf05:04
CaneToadactionParsnip: that is done05:04
OneMillionDollarhow to set a static dns server ip ?05:04
actionParsnipCaneToad: is there a bug logged for this05:04
CaneToadactionParsnip: I found something from intrepid, wasn't sure it was the same thing05:05
actionParsnipCaneToad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cups/+bug/27004605:05
ZykoticK9OneMillionDollar, DNS servers MUST have a static IP to work (i imagine), to add one edit /etc/resolv.conf05:05
scunizirahduke: yep05:06
ouyeshi all, there is a command named "time", how to explain the output : real user sys? i run one task but there is three time ?05:06
krysisnirmal:  im sorry i couldnt help05:06
tlyuZykoticK9: not exactly, as i recall, but running a DNS server on a dynamic IP can be ...tricky05:06
OneMillionDollarZykoticks , i change it to other dns server in resolv.conf but it old server ip still coming back05:06
actionParsnipouyes: it is used to time the execution of apps05:07
rahdukescunizi: changing to wep apparently didnt work, this kid is fuming...lol05:07
nirmalyou have tried for me05:07
nirmalthat is enough05:07
AcoustykI don't know if this is the right place but I have a python question05:07
emghazalWhen I try to use IRC commands such as /join and /msg in Empathy, I get "- Unsupported command", but this page says they should work http://live.gnome.org/Empathy/FAQ , am I missing something?05:07
nanotubeOneMillionDollar: try https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StaticDnsWithDhcp05:07
ayam_jagoi need software for streaming to shoutcast05:08
sjanssenokay, will "apt-get install --reinstall linux-image" fix the problem of a missing /boot?05:08
krysisemghazal: i think empathy only supports the irc protocol i dont think it supports commands, for that u can use xchat05:08
scunizirahduke: turn security off completely and try.. if it works you can always use the router and turn off SSID broadcast and limit access by mac address.. it's certainly not fool proof and won't stop a serious cracker.,. but it's better than nothing.05:08
AcoustykIs it possible to edit a Microsoft Access database with Python05:08
rahdukescunizi: ill look into it05:08
hatebredpart ##linux-overflow05:08
nanotubeAcoustyk: first hit on google: http://bytes.com/topic/python/answers/637384-python-microsoft-access05:09
=== dj___ is now known as diablo69
diablo69anyone around?05:09
nanotubediablo69: about 1275 people or so. ;)05:10
Acoustykyeah but I haven't had much luck there05:10
Acoustykit shows how to read only05:10
actionParsnipAcoustyk: might be able to use openoffice base05:10
diablo69hmm.  I was really curious because my sound isn't working.  And i've spent over 5 hours messing with things and it's still not working05:10
nanotubeAcoustyk: ok, second google hit: http://code.activestate.com/recipes/528868/  :)05:11
diablo69I have a intel 82801h05:11
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quietonebastid_raZor: FYI, drs305 posted a way to save panel settings that just worked for me.  http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-903273.html05:11
diablo69anyone got that intel ICH8 models working?  I've tried everything that i've seen avaible to me on the internet05:12
voss749sunizi, pro crackers dont go looking for home wifi, The main reason for limiting access is not crackers but to stop freeloaders from slowing your connection05:12
bastid_raZorquietone: nice, i'll make a note of that for future reference05:12
scunizivoss749: very true..05:12
diablo69voss:  are you not familar with wardriving ;)05:12
actionParsnipdiablo69: try: sudo lshw -C sound | grep -i product05:12
nanotubediablo69: what's your comp, and what version of ubuntu?05:12
actionParsnipdiablo69: what is output?05:12
morphixhmm how long would an rsync of about 30gb take from a SATA2 to SATA2 drive?05:13
diablo69one sec let me enter those cmds05:13
actionParsnipdiablo69: is the system a laptop?05:13
actionParsnip!ot | morphix05:13
ubottumorphix: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:13
edbianmorphix, Are you moving 1 massive 30gb file?05:13
voss749diablo wardriving can be done but the best defense imho is just turning off your ssid05:13
diablo69gateway fx actually05:13
diablo69 product: 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller05:14
morphixedbian: no, an entire linux system. multiple files05:14
edbianmorphix, Isn't rsync showing you what file it's on then?  And therefore how much progress you've made.  In answer to your question.  My guess is no more than an hour.05:14
scunizidiablo69: not sure if this will help but worth a read.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=70200305:15
morphixedbian: i need to plan an outage period for the box, as it will unoperational between the time it starts till finished.05:15
nanotubediablo69: there are some bugs filed for this soundcard... what ubuntu version do you use? if it's an older version, possibly an upgrade will help, since the bug is marked as fixed...05:15
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edbianmorphix, I can't give you an exact time.  Look at the specs for sata2.  Experience is the best teacher though.05:16
nanotubediablo69: hrm, in that case... nvm.05:16
diablo69yeah..i'm about out of idea's :(05:17
disappearedng_When I use a gpg encryption on my emails, do I have to give my recipent the password too?05:17
diablo69what's odd though is backtrack 4 worked after installing alsa froms ource05:17
nanotubedisappearedng_: no, all he has to do is have your public key.05:17
diablo69and from what I can tell it's ubuntu now05:17
disappearedng_nanotube; where is that located?05:17
scunizidisappearedng_: what happens is you use their public gpg key to encrypt and they use their private key to un-encrypt05:17
nanotubediablo69: try googling about, i bet there's some setting you can set in alsa-base.conf to make it work.05:17
diablo69<--spent 6 hours googling05:18
actionParsnipdiablo69: try this: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+question/88568i05:18
actionParsnipdiablo69: can you give a pastebin of: lsb_release -a05:19
diablo69No LSB modules are available.05:19
diablo69Distributor ID:Ubuntu05:19
diablo69Description:Ubuntu 9.1005:19
FloodBot2diablo69: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:19
actionParsnipdiablo69: i asked for a pastebin,never mind we got the info, use pastebin in future05:20
diablo69sorry...been awhile since I used paste bin05:20
nanotubedisappearedng_: err, as scunizi says, you encrypt with the recipient's public key, they decrypt with their private key.   it's the signing where you use your private key, and they verify using your public key.05:20
actionParsnipdiablo69: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/41157405:20
nanotubedisappearedng_: at any rate, your public key should be located (if you have generated a keypair already) in your ~/.gnupg directory05:20
dblcan someone help me restore video to my computer? if you can, please say so so i can give you all the details of the problem!05:21
actionParsnipdiablo69: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=133463705:21
nanotubedisappearedng_: the other guy's public key... you have to get from him somehow, and verify that it's his. possibly off a keyserver, if he's uploaded his public key to one.05:21
diablo69k guys i'll check them out.  I'll be back.  I have to watch my niece.  Pleasure meeting you all and ty05:21
nanotubediablo69: good luck :)05:22
nanotubedbl: just state the details of your problem, and /then/ if someone knows how to fix it they'll tell you.  before you state the details, how can anyone know if they can fix it.05:22
Acoustyk<----- new to IRC: How do I reference someones name?05:23
nanotubeAcoustyk: just type the nick. in any irc client worth it's salt, there's tab-completion on usernames, too.05:23
nytek_Acoustyk: first couple of characters then tab05:23
nytek_Acoustyk: what client are you using?05:23
xanguaAcoustyk: use 'tab' key to autocomplete05:23
nanotubeAcoustyk: for instance, i just type 'acou<tab>' and your username is filled.05:24
Acoustykaha I see05:24
Acoustyknytek_: thx05:24
nytek_Acoustyk: you got it :D05:24
riloxis there a way to get the full command that created a given pid, or of a pid that is running05:24
OneMillionDollarwhy is it so hard to change the dns server ?05:25
nytek_rilox: if you type in terminal ps -a, it will give you a list of processes that are running05:25
bullgard4On my T43 Karmic computer the '05:25
nytek_rilox: i believe that it shows the full comand05:26
Omen_20Hi is there any way to hide the Network Manager Applet?05:26
OneMillionDollarwhat are the steps i need to follow in order to change my dns server ip ?05:26
bullgard4On my T43 Karmic computer the 'tg3.c: Broadcom Tigon3 ethernet driver' is operational. 'Broadcom' is a manafacturer. What is 'Tigon3'?05:27
OneMillionDollarwhat are the steps i need to follow in order to change my dns  ip ?05:27
riloxnytek_: yea, I was looking for the full command though, ps -p works05:27
ajipubuntuI want to try "jquery" how to install?05:27
nytek_rilox: cool05:27
nytek_rilox: you might want to consider installing htop, real time "ps"05:27
nanotubeOmen_20: hide, or kill?05:27
OneMillionDollarwho can help me ?05:27
hyperstream!help | OneMillionDollar05:28
ubottuOneMillionDollar: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:28
edbianOneMillionDollar, I think you need to do some research.  That question doesn't really make sense.  Try asking another way :)05:28
nanotubeOneMillionDollar: did you see the previous link i sent you?05:28
Omen_20nanotube, well I dont want to lose connectivity, but I'm wired. I dont need it up there.05:28
scuniziOneMillionDollar: /etc/resolv.conf is where you put your dns ip's05:28
OneMillionDollarnanotube no05:28
nanotubeOmen_20: ah hrm... well... tbh, i don't know. :)05:28
OneMillionDollarwhat doesnt make sense ?05:28
OldFarterAny suggestion to fix totem firefox pluggin problem?05:29
hyperstreamOneMillionDollar, your question doesnt make sense.05:29
nanotubeOneMillionDollar: here it is again: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StaticDnsWithDhcp05:29
ajipubuntuwhat is jQuery?05:29
mttranyone playing with or using BTRFS05:29
nanotubeajipubuntu: it's a javascript library...05:29
edbianmttr, No but I hear it's AWESOME fast05:29
hyperstreamajipubuntu, /join #jquery05:29
OneMillionDollari want to change my isp dns server ip  to open dns server ip05:29
hyperstreamajipubuntu, you download it from a website and put it into the top of your WEB SITE PAGE.05:30
OldFarterA lot of sites with streaming media show me this totem thing but when i click on it to play it just does nothing05:30
mttri'm trying to test it out.. but having some issue with deleting mounted raid drive i set up.05:30
nanotubeOldFarter: maybe you're missing some codecs?05:30
xanguaOldFarter: do you have codecs installed¿¿05:30
mttri hope the streamline the command.. like zfs..05:31
nanotubeOldFarter: if that's the case, you could try installing some codecs from medibuntu05:31
OldFarterwhich should i have?05:31
nanotube!medibuntu | OldFarter05:31
ubottuOldFarter: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org05:31
xanguaOldFarter: do you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed¿¿05:31
xanguaif you use kubuntu then use xubuntu-restricted-extras05:31
OldFarteri can play wmv dvds etc...05:31
=== emghazal1 is now known as emghazal
nytek_OldFarter: you can also search in synaptic for the gstreamer codecs05:32
nanotubeOldFarter: you could also try instead of using the totem plugin, to use the vlc plugin instead.05:32
researcher1can I in stall windows after Ubuntu05:32
OneMillionDollarnonotube, I edited  /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf to my desired dns ip but when i start internet connectin it still use the old dns ip05:32
hyperstream!dualboot | researcher105:32
ubotturesearcher1: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot05:32
nytek_researcher1: i never had very good luck with that process.05:33
nytek_researcher1: if i needed to dual boot, its easier to install windows first then use wubi to install your ubuntu partition05:33
researcher1I want to convert df to doc file hence need windows05:33
nytek_researcher1: but i dont doubt there is a way to do it05:33
Acoustykresearcher1:  I'd recommend installing Ubuntu first because I've never had much luck the other way around05:34
DaZnytek_: like... grub-install [;05:34
anon__OldFarter: look in applications > ubuntu software center05:34
anon__OldFarter:  and search for codec get all of those. thats what i did and i have no problems..and make sure you have flash installed too05:34
nytek_DaZ: ahh, good idea. just install windows on another partition then put it in the grub conf?05:34
jiehanhello, does anyone would like to help me solve this: The following packages have been kept back:05:35
jiehan  indicator-messages indicator-session05:35
DaZnytek_: windows overwrites mbr05:35
nytek_DaZ: i dont know much about mbr, what is that?05:35
researcher1I want to convert I want to convert pdf to doc file hence need windows. Is any other techniq in ubuntu05:35
nytek_researcher1: search google for a converter05:35
DaZnytek_: google it05:36
researcher1 I want to convert pdf to doc file in ubuntu is it possible05:36
nytek_DaZ: will do05:36
OldFarterGPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org hardy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278305:36
DaZanyway, it's inevitable, and can be fixed by using grub-install or dding first 466 bytes of the drive05:36
xanguaresearcher1: if it's just text you can select, copy and paste it in your favorite editor05:36
xangua!gpg | OldFarter05:37
ubottuOldFarter: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts05:37
DaZbut the second one is only my theoretical idea.05:37
researcher1xangua it has tables which get distotred05:37
hyperstreamresearcher1, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Convert+pdf+to+doc+ubuntu05:37
nytek_xangua: you can copy text out of a pdf? with what program?05:37
OldFarterShould i trust medibuntu regardless of signature?05:37
nytek_researcher1: try copying it into open office05:37
researcher1nytek. copying distorts tables05:38
bullgard4On my T43 Karmic computer the 'tg3.c: Broadcom Tigon3 ethernet driver' is operational. 'Broadcom' is a manufacturer. What is 'Tigon3'?05:38
codebxbullgard4, found this on google: This applies to all Broadcom NetXtreme I also known as BCM5xx devices.05:39
bigg6987having a problem, keep being told i don't have authorization, contact administrator. need help05:39
OldFarterWhen i turn on too many desctop effects05:39
OldFarterthe computer freze after a bit05:39
kerm|tbullgard4: the tigon3 is the main chip on that card05:40
OldFarterCould it be the GPU overheating?05:40
bigg6987anyone have any ideas?05:40
philienHi are there anybody of the translation team ?05:41
mezquitaleOldFarter, must be the drivers05:41
DaZOldFarter: check the temperature?05:41
DaZimo it's  just the card's performance limit :f05:41
nytek_bigg6987: what are you trying to do?05:41
bigg6987update for one thing05:41
bullgard4kerm|t: I do not believe you. My computer T43 does have one card only, and this is the motherboard. And the motherboard's main chip is the processor, an Intel Mobile processor.05:41
OldFarteranyways i cant get this fking totem working05:42
nytek_bigg6987: run it as superuser (sudo)05:42
theadminlibgtk-1.2.so.0, where can I find that05:42
philienHi are there anybody of the translation team ?05:42
kerm|tbullgard4: then it's the chip that's driving the ethernet port05:42
bigg6987when i try anything sudo it says i have the wrong password05:42
dblcan someone help me restore video to my computer? if you are willing to hear out my problem, let me know, and read this link! http://pastebin.com/f1fc94ed705:42
theadminbigg6987: Enter your password, not root password, just in case05:42
rahdukeumm my remote desktop viewer's desktop never changes.... it controls the actual machine but the viewer doesnt show any changes.... lil help?05:42
hyperstreamtheadmin, tried googling ?05:42
theadminhyperstream: Yep, but did not find the download, only buncha help topics and RPM's.05:43
mezquitalebullgard4,   what type of cards youre talking about? video cards?05:43
bigg6987i've only used one pw, sorry all, i'm obviously a noob05:43
OldFarterwhich package is the totem  web browser pluggin05:43
hyperstreamtheadmin, its prolly in a package somewhere05:43
nytek_bigg6987: well if you are typing in the correct password and its wrong then might of typed in the password initial with a simple error05:43
theadminhyperstream: Doh. apt-cache search gtk results in a ton of output05:44
mezquitaleOldFarter, use synaptic and search05:44
nytek_bigg6987: try messing with the password05:44
hyperstream!info libgtk1.205:44
iflemaOneMillionDollar in Ubuntu10.04 Lucid Lynx... itll be a couple of clicks on ya network manager.... 8.04 9.10 and 9.04 are a bit of a pain for this type of setting.05:44
ubottuPackage libgtk1.2 does not exist in karmic05:44
bigg6987it is generally the same password you type to login to ubuntu, correct?05:44
nytek_bigg6987: yup05:45
theadminbigg6987: Yep05:45
bullgard4mezquitale: I have not been talking about "cards". <kerm|t> has, not me.05:45
bigg6987this is my 4th install in the past two days because of this problem05:45
OldFarterok now i  have vlc pluggin05:45
OldFarterno worki05:45
bigg6987surprised i have any hair left lol05:45
nytek_anybody have a fixes for sensitive touchpads?05:45
theadminbigg6987: Okay... how exactly do you type the command?05:46
DaZdbl: you have flickering also on lcd monitor?05:46
xanguayou can't have installed two plugins that do the same, then none will work :S05:46
bigg6987i was just going to system > admin > update manager05:47
theadminbigg6987: Ah. And it asks you for a password there?05:47
Rabbitbunnyiflema: Why teach him how to set the box to static ip? tell him to set his router to send out the right dns address. dhcp is magic.05:47
nytek_bigg6987: try updating via terminal05:47
Flannelbigg6987: That should be your user password, yes.05:47
nytek_bigg6987: sudo apt-get update05:47
theadminbigg6987: Well, something might be wrong there. Let us try "gksu update-manager"05:47
bullgard4kerm|t: But '~$ lspci' tells me that my Ethernet controller is a 'Broadcom Corporation NeXtreme BCM5751M' and not "tigon3". Can you resolve this contradiction?05:48
iflemaRabbitbunny what if that effects more than just him....... i assumed 9.10 and instructed a hybrid DHCP/staic DNS :P05:48
Rabbitbunnytheadmin: sudo is not used to guess.05:48
bigg6987in terminal thead?05:48
avutonHow can I get totem to deinterlace video in 9.10? It used to deinterlace with an option in the View menu that appears to no longer be there.05:48
theadminRabbitbunny: Huh?05:48
theadminbigg6987: Yep, terminal05:48
Rabbitbunnyiflema: bah, you and your logic.05:48
* iflema :P05:48
Rabbitbunnytheadmin: 'it might be, try sudo'. Those are the words of someone about to reinstall.05:49
theadminoh no. Not again. Kernel updates...05:49
ajipubuntususah jugak nak pakai jquery05:49
OldFarterthis is just pissing me of05:49
theadminRabbitbunny: Oh, but actually, I believe one might have edited the system menu entry.05:49
ajipubuntuada sape2 yang boleh membantu?05:49
theadminajipubuntu: ...English please05:49
bigg6987Failed to run update-manager as user root.05:49
bigg6987The underlying authorization mechanism (sudo) does not allow you to run this program. Contact the system administrator.05:49
bullgard4codebx: Yes, indeed, my Ethernet controller is a BCM5751M. --  Please get me your link's address.05:50
theadminbigg6987: o_O05:50
nytek_bigg6987: try apt-get update05:50
ajipubuntuhow to install jquery?05:50
kerm|tbullgard4: the BCM5751M uses a Tigon 3 chip.05:50
kerm|tbullgard4: there is no contradiction05:50
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee
ajipubuntuit`s javascript right?05:50
OldFartercould it be that the site with the media is made by some microsoft stuff?05:50
theadminajipubuntu: Java, maybe, javascript is a browser thingy05:51
bullgard4kerm|t: Is BCM5751M no chip?05:51
kerm|tbullgard4: BCM5751M is a product model number.05:51
bigg6987E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)05:51
bigg6987E: Unable to lock the list directory05:51
theadminbigg6987: Hm. Are you running anything else update-related as root? This could be the problem, you can run only one apt thing at a time05:52
bullgard4kerm|t: What kind of product does BCM5751M designate?05:52
rumpsySomeOne facing problem with Display?05:52
kerm|tbullgard4: a network adaptor05:52
rumpsyI can help you !05:52
bigg6987nothing running at all. this chat, and terminal currently05:53
theadminrumpsy: I have a little problem, max resolution is too small :D Have asked tons of times, nobody ever replied05:53
ajipubuntutheadmin, it`s have a software to use?05:53
meowbuntuhi when using the usb startup disk creator in ubuntu do i need to format my external hdd to linux format or can i leave it as fat 3205:53
theadminajipubuntu: Lemme check whether it's a package of some kind05:53
rumpsytheadmin: What kind of display adapter you are having?05:53
bullgard4kerm|t: A 'network adaptor' is a chip plus what?05:53
kerm|tbullgard4: that's a good question05:54
theadminrumpsy: Let me see... bleh those things. How can one check05:54
ajipubuntutheadmin; ok05:54
nytek_does anybody know how to make a .xinitrc execute when loading xmonad wm from gdm?05:54
rumpsytheadmin: Are you using Gnome?05:54
theadminajipubuntu: Okay, it seems you need to install libjs-jquery05:54
=== locke is now known as |_ocke
theadminrumpsy: Yes05:54
bigg6987theadmin: i was able to do most everything yesterday, updated to 9.10 mouse wouldn't work on my ps3, went back to 9.04. now problems05:55
rumpsytheadmin: Than, you can check that in systemProfile05:55
kerm|tbullgard4: but several different product numbers use that chip05:55
ajipubuntutheadmin; install from terminal?05:55
OneMillionDollarwhy can't i change the dns ip ? the old isp dns ip keep coming back05:55
DaZOneMillionDollar: dhcp?05:55
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:56
OneMillionDollarDaZ , must i disable dhcp ?05:56
rumpsytheadmin: This is alternate option, lspci -v | less05:56
theadminajipubuntu: Well, like, "sudo apt-get install libjs-jquery"05:56
theadminrumpsy: What is systemProfile?05:56
DaZOneMillionDollar: you can also make resolv.conf unwritable [;05:56
bullgard4kerm|t: Ok. Thank you.05:56
ajipubuntutheadmin; ok i`m done05:56
OneMillionDollarDaZ , how to do that05:56
DreamLnrhi, i have a problem with my hardy. Suddenly localhost is not accessible-neither apache nor ping. Internet works though. What do i start with?05:57
rumpsytheadmin: This SystemProfile holds full information about your current status of your system.05:57
DaZOneMillionDollar: chmod a-r /etc/resolv.conf? :f05:57
DaZkeep in mind it's dirty hack imo.05:57
DaZOneMillionDollar: -w i mean05:57
ajipubuntutheadmin; how can i use jquery?05:57
theadminrumpsy: Okay, seems to be "01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RC410[Radeon Xpress 200M]"05:57
theadminajipubuntu: Actually, I've no idea what it even is :D I just found a package with it05:58
emghazalIn a shell script, how do I know where it is located, regardless of where it was executed from? To make the question more clear: in a shell script "bar.sh" that contains "pwd" , I want both "foo/bar.sh" and "cd foo; ./bar.sh" to have the same output05:58
OneMillionDollarDaZ , how to disable dhcp to use static dns ip ?05:58
ajipubuntutheadmin; its ok..05:58
DreamLnrcan you imagine?05:58
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DreamLnrlocalhost interface was down05:58
ajipubuntutheadmin; anyway thanks a lot!05:58
DaZOneMillionDollar: i don't know how it's done in ubuntu.05:59
rumpsytheadmin: Are you using vesa? or ATI driver05:59
theadminrumpsy: Hm, hm. ATI driver is restricted, right?05:59
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rumpsyyes !05:59
rumpsyso what was your choice? vesa?06:00
theadminrumpsy: Okay then, lemme check if I have zat enabled06:00
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!06:00
Flannelmeowbuntu: Yes?06:00
meowbuntuFlannel, what up06:00
DaZhe just wanted to say hi06:00
bigg6987is it because i'm using ubuntu on ps3 why i'm only given one selection for screen resolution?06:00
theadminrumpsy: Ehm. It seems to have only "Software modem" in hardware drivers06:00
Flannelmeowbuntu: Please play with the bot in a query not #ubuntu, thanks.06:01
Karhuhi everyone,...i was hoping someone could give me a little advice...I'm trying to play a .mkv file but it wont work not even sound...i have both VLC and MPlayer installed but there is no luck with either of them06:01
meowbuntui am tryoing to find the bot command that says you are doing this for free or somilar06:01
DaZKarhu: codecs?06:01
DaZKarhu: mkv is just a container btw :f06:01
Myrttimeowbuntu: please don't do that again unless it's an emergency....06:01
Roasted_Can someone help me figure out my theme? Im running moomex on my laptop and desktop. I got a new icon set on my desktop and applied it - awesome. Tried doing hte same to my laptop, and some of hte icons dont transfer - I dont have the new firefox icon or anything. Any ideas?06:01
theadminKarhu: File may be damaged, bad luck DaZ: VLC needs no codedcs06:01
theadminDaZ: /s/codedcs/codecs06:02
iflemaOneMillionDollar what ip range is handed out from this DHCP? if it was say there is a good chance, depending on ya router settings, that if you just set the static address within this range+set ya dns. anyone else use ya router besides you?06:02
KarhuDaZ: im not sure where to get any other5 codecs from06:02
rumpsytheadmin: you can check that in xorg.conf, what driver you are using right now06:02
kerm|tKarhu: what's mplayer say?06:02
bigg6987theadmin: should i format and try install #5?06:02
OneMillionDollariflema , I want my dns ip to be fix that all06:03
kerm|tKarhu: also try #mplayer06:03
rumpsytheadmin: or xorg.0.log06:03
meowbuntuMyrtti, i am trying to find a comand sorry got messed up i knbow rulkes06:03
Karhukerm|t: mplayer doesnt say anything it just wont play the file06:03
theadminbigg6987: Actually, I never used Ubuntu on PS, so I don't know what can be the problem there06:03
kerm|tKarhu: whenever i run mplayer it says LOTS of things06:03
iflemaOneMillionDollar you dont want a different one... you just want one that works?06:03
theadminrumpsy: Uh, this file is a mess.06:04
Karhukerm|t: im just right clicking the file and open with06:04
Myrttimeowbuntu: !attitude prolly is the one you search06:04
kerm|tKarhu: so you arent seeing what mplayer is saying.. run it from a terminal06:04
Karhukerm|t: ok i'll have a look06:04
OneMillionDollariflema , no matter how i set it .............my isp dns ip still coming back06:04
rumpsytheadmin: if you are sure not usnig composite drivers or 3d or non-free drivers.. there is simple solution to make use of power of X06:04
vr00M_hi guys...06:05
theadminrumpsy: Uh, it just says some stuff there, not even a hint on drivers :D06:05
bigg6987if only i had a system administrator i could contact lol06:05
theadminbigg6987: Well, I am admininstrating my system lol but that's offtopic06:06
iflemaOneMillionDollar you can... in theory set it static, but withing the range of the dhcp address server.... savy...?06:06
theadminvr00M_: Hello there. If you have any questions on Ubuntu, ask straight away, not ask to ask.06:06
OneMillionDollarin etc/network/interface  it show this06:06
OneMillionDollariface dsl-provider inet ppp06:06
OneMillionDollarpre-up /sbin/ifconfig eth0 up # line maintained by pppoeconf06:06
OneMillionDollarprovider dsl-provider06:06
FloodBot2OneMillionDollar: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:06
rumpsytheadmin: could you recall, whether you installed binary driver of 3rd party driver, so that i can proceed06:06
* iflema thats an instruction to set it static06:07
bigg6987i'm beginning to think the ubuntu experiment is a failed concept for me and my ps306:07
theadminrumpsy: Actually, I installed nothing that is driverish and related to video06:07
scuniziiflema: if the dhcp server has been configured for something less than the full range of the subnet then you can set static outside the range of the dhcp server... otherwise you're *forced* to use a static "inside" the range06:07
vr00M_I need some with running office 2007 in wine. Actually, I have installed the latest wine and even office 2007 on my pc. I am able to open ms office files too. The issue is that the fonts are not displayed properly. The file opens fine in Oo.org06:07
k0d3g3arneed recommendation for decent disk image backup utility for Ubuntu, scheduled, similar to Acronis in Windows06:08
Karhukerm|t: i ran it from a term and it just says Exiting..... (End of file)06:08
* iflema :|06:08
napsterHow to get details of all drives in a system?06:08
bigg6987think its time to install mac os on my pc for a new project06:08
rumpsytheadmin: okay, do this simple things... goto to tty106:08
Karhukerm|t: i spose tha means the file is fuffed ?06:08
scunizinapster: sudo fdisk -l06:08
napsterscunizi, tnx06:08
scunizinapster: sudo lshw06:09
theadminvr00M_: Why do you even NEED office 2007? Openoffice is better. Anyway, you should install "ttf-mscorefonts-installer" to get MS fonts and so there06:09
theadminrumpsy: tty? Eh, I wanna remain here, I'm using a GUI client. Can I do this from a normal terminal?06:09
iflemascunizi  so help.....06:09
scuniziiflema: missed the first part.. so I don't know the whole story..06:10
rumpsytheadmin: sorry you can't06:10
napsterscunizi, Oh... The second one is what exactly I need... More descriptive....06:10
napsterscunizi, thnk u06:10
scunizinapster: np :)06:10
ranjandoes any body know the correct command to join different .flv file into one i am using this "mencoder -forceidx -of lavf -oac copy -ovc copy episode44_1_high.flv episode44_2_high.flv episode44_3_high.flv episode44_4_high.flv -o output.flv -of lavf -oac pcm -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=flv" and the out come that i am geting is quite surprising as the finall size is increasing 6 times the size of the original file .. so any help would be of great help06:10
theadminrumpsy: o_O okay. I'll go there. Why the heck actually... Well, what do I do after?06:10
vr00M_theadmin:  thx, i have already installed the fonts and file opens fine with Oo.org but not with office0706:10
kerm|tKarhu: the only way i've got that error is with a file thats 0 bytes06:10
rumpsytheadmin: stop your gdm06:10
kerm|tKarhu: try #mplayer06:10
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theadminvr00M_: Actually, about WINE, ask on #winehq06:11
kerm|tKarhu: is the file bigger than 0 bytes?06:11
theadminrumpsy: Uh... that will kill the IRC client so I can't get further help06:11
Karhukerm|t: garrrg its sposed to be a touch over 700Mb so im gonna assume its broken06:11
rumpsytheadmin: okay, i'll tell you all the steps now06:11
DaZtheadmin: irssi time.06:11
scunizitheadmin: you can always load irssi in screen.. then access it from a tty06:11
scuniziDaZ: :)06:11
theadminscreen... bleh I don't even have that lol06:11
OneMillionDollariflema , your solution is like where someone ask for a direction you just say - take bus and get off your destination without giving info of  which bus service should be taking06:11
scunizitheadmin: sudo apt-get install screen.. works for me06:12
theadminscunizi: Yeah I know :D I just don't have it because there was no need06:12
rumpsytheadmin: What?, can i proceed ?06:12
vr00M_theadmin: thx dude06:13
theadminrumpsy: Anyway, uh, I have to reboot first, there is a kernel update. Whatever. I guess my video card doesn't actually support higher resolution06:13
iflemaOneMillionDollar good luck06:13
rumpsytheadmin: :?06:13
theadminrumpsy: Lol if I had a better memory... I could remember what max res was on windows. I just feel it's higher06:13
airtonixOneMillionDollar, what is your situation ?06:13
scunizitheadmin: what card do you have?06:14
rumpsytheadmin: So, what is your current resolution?06:14
DaZtheadmin: if your card is worth more than $5 it supports at least 1280x1024.06:14
rumpsyscunizi: He is having ATI series card06:14
theadminrumpsy: Sec... 1280x800, doesn't get higher then that06:14
scunizirumpsy: ah.. might be on the list of unsupported cards for Xorg 1.7+06:15
OneMillionDollarairtonix , why can't i change the dns ip ? the old isp dns ip keep coming back06:15
rumpsytheadmin: lol06:15
rumpsyscunizi: Yes, may be lol06:15
airtonixOneMillionDollar, i assume you are being asked for authentication (gksudo password) when you make the changes via nm-applet (network manager panel applet) ?06:15
OneMillionDollarairtonix , i mean the isp dns keep coming back even if i set it to other dns ip06:15
scunizitheadmin: 1280x800 is this a laptop? if so that's the rez on lots of them06:15
iflemaairtonix OneMillion want to set a static DNS, but gets the ip address DHCP... and is not using 9.1006:15
theadminscunizi: Yep it is06:16
airtonixOneMillionDollar, ok so you're not using the networkManager on the panel ?06:16
theadminDamn o_O a broken package, where'd that come from?06:16
scunizitheadmin: that's all I get out of my laptop.. seems to work fine for me anyway06:16
rumpsytheadmin: so you don't want more resolution, This is the best resolution for laptops06:16
OneMillionDollarairtonix , i think i'm using it06:16
nerikoCan anyone help me get my new HP dvd1170 external drive to play? I'm getting frustrated06:17
fen`anyone here got a good understanding of lvm?06:17
emghazalIn a shell script, how do I know where it is located, regardless of where it was executed from? To make the question more clear: in a shell script "bar.sh" that contains "pwd" , I want both "foo/bar.sh" and "cd foo; ./bar.sh" to have the same output06:17
airtonixOneMillionDollar, What i mean is that how you are trying to apply the desired DNS ip ? (via the system tray network icon)06:17
bigg6987is there a place to go for "tech support"?06:17
imahow do I run ./autogen.sh?06:17
scuniziiflema: airtonix OneMillionDollar I have that issue in kubuntu.. haven't tried in ubuntu.. but after booting and getting a dhcp address I use networkmanager to switch to static and give it a sec to sync.. works.. but not through a reboot.06:17
theadminbigg6987: Either here or the forums06:17
rumpsybigg6987: what is your goal?06:18
imaor is that just a mac thing?06:18
rumpsyima: ?06:18
bigg6987rumpsy: to be able to get past my authorizations problem06:18
imarumpsy, autogen.sh06:18
theadminima: To execute a shell script, "chmod +x filename.sh && ./filename.sh"06:18
bigg6987rumpsy: i don't have authorization to do anything, apparently06:18
fen`emghazal, generally you can self referemce in a shell script with $006:19
rumpsyima: make it as executable, using this command, chmod +x06:19
airtonixOneMillionDollar, one thing i can think of is that if the settings are not persisting through reboots, then I would check that you being asked for admin password after applying the new settings, if not then i assume its only temprorary for your current session06:19
imatheadmin, rumpsy ahh thanks06:19
rumpsybigg6987: so you are a normal user, what version of ubuntu you are running?06:19
natarajanI want install additional software pls tell guide to me because I'm new user for ubuntu06:19
rumpsybigg6987: who installed that version?06:20
imameh, give me a bad interpreter06:20
polsterstart the software center or buy a book06:20
DryGrainnatarajan, start 'synaptic package manager'06:20
airtonixOneMillionDollar, your other option to set a dns ip would involve using the command line to directly manipulate ifconfig and/or /etc/network/interfaces06:20
bigg6987i downloaded it and installed it myself06:20
rumpsynatarajan: what package do you want?06:20
blakkheimnatarajan: man aptitude06:20
napsterHow can I pipe the output of inxi to channel? /exec -o inxi -x   ??06:20
airtonixOneMillionDollar, however the latter option may or may not be supported by your version of ubuntu (depends on which one you are running )06:20
iflemascunizi just set the ip settings to static within the DHCP server range..... but this can cause problems depeding on ya setup(s)   this is accommodated for just fine in recent versions of Ubuntu.06:21
Dilldoes anyone out there know how to get an ipod touch to connect to ubuntu as anything other than a camera?06:21
rumpsybigg6987: which application is asking you for auth?06:21
bigg6987rumpsy: found out about the problem trying to update06:21
airtonixOneMillionDollar, but to do anything detailed, you'll need to confirm exactly how you are trying to set the dns ip and what kind of responses the system is giving you06:21
disappearedng_hey if I have 2 computers at home, should I keep one set of public and private key and distribute it to both?06:21
imarumpsy, bad interpreter whenever I try06:22
rumpsybigg6987: try it now, while it asks for password, give your system pass06:22
rumpsyima: what is that actually?06:22
natarajanI'm having the packages in my desktop06:22
imarumpsy, bullet physics library06:22
natarajanhow to i install that packages06:22
rumpsynatarajan: what is that package about?06:22
natarajanits containing one folder06:23
rumpsyima: don't you have help file for that?06:23
bigg6987rumpsy: Failed to run /usr/sbin/synaptic '--hide-main-window' '--non-interactive' '--parent-window-id' '54525988' '-o' 'Synaptic::closeZvt=true' '--progress-str' 'Please wait, this can take some time.' '--finish-str' 'Update is complete' '--set-selections-file' '/tmp/tmpgI9ulS' as user root.06:23
bigg6987The underlying authorization mechanism (sudo) does not allow you to run this program. Contact the system administrator.06:23
airtonixnatarajan, the term "package" when used in the context of debian based linux system referst o deb files not explicity a compressed file.06:23
imarumpsy, hmm nah, just doing what it tells me to, there's very little documentation at all06:23
airtonixnatarajan, hence you need to be fairly detailed and exact when you describe you situation if you want reliable assistance06:24
OneMillionDollari click on the network icon change the dns ip there but it has no effect the isp dns ip still coming back06:24
rumpsyima: open a terminal, goto that location, use this, sh auto*.sh06:24
airtonixOneMillionDollar, so it doens't ask you for the admin password when you make the changes ?06:24
OneMillionDollarit does06:24
rumpsybigg6987: you are not a sudo user !06:24
bigg6987rumpsy: i'd be glad to correct that, please tell me how?!?!?!?!06:25
airtonixOneMillionDollar, have you at any point previous to this attempt with the network icon tried to set the dns via the command line ?06:25
rumpsybigg6987: did you mess with sudo?, or did you edited that?06:25
imarumpsy, autogen.sh: 62: Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting "then")06:25
bigg6987rumpsy: i haven't messed with or edited anything06:26
imarumpsy, : not found 2: <-- that line is right above it06:26
rumpsyima: i donno, whether that has a support for linux06:26
imarumpsy, yeah, I can't see anything wrong on line 62.. thanks for your help06:27
NeverwillMy empathy client is doing errors when I try to add my msn account :/06:27
hyperstreamOneMillionDollar, do you have a static ip address from your INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDER ?06:27
blakkheimNeverwill: use finch06:27
bigg6987rumpsy: i was telling theadmin, i've installed several times due to this same problem06:28
Neverwillblakkheim: thanks man!06:28
rumpsybigg6987: you are not having administrating policies06:28
* iflema :)06:28
bigg6987rumpsy: how can i gain admin?06:28
OneMillionDollarairtonix , i set the new dns ip  at the  /etc/resolv.conf  and also  /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf but nothing happen i got a dynamic ip from isp06:29
rumpsybigg6987: goto system -> administartion->user&groups06:29
Karhudoes anyone know of a program i can use to convert my mkv file to an avi ??06:29
blakkheimKarhu: ffmpeg06:29
rumpsyima: can you please check whether it has linux support06:29
airtonixOneMillionDollar, from my limited understanding i dont think the  three methods are able to work together,... did you at first only try using the network icon? ( ithink modify those files yourself impedes the nm-applets ability to control the situation)06:30
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Karhublakkheim: ok thanks i'll give it a go06:30
bigg6987rumpsy: the configuration could not be loaded      You are not allowed to access the system configuration06:30
imarumpsy, has x11 at the top.. mac doesn't use that, does it? could it be an error in the text encoding or something?06:30
Neverwillwhere can i go to get Finch?06:31
OneMillionDollarairtronix , i first try on the network icon there but nothing really happen06:31
NeverwillI dont see it in the Software center thing and google has failed me :/06:31
MyrttiNeverwill: try synapptti06:31
rumpsybigg6987: try this, sudo adduser yourname06:31
emghazalSorry, I lost my internet connection. So, parsing $0 is the best (only?) way to find where a shell script is located?06:32
MyrttiNeverwill: try synaptic06:32
NeverwillAlright thanks Myrtti06:32
imarumpsy, #! /bin/sh should that space be there?06:32
iflemaairtonix he is not using 9.10+.... nm-applet will do no good for the hybrid requirement06:32
Myrttiima: no06:32
rumpsyima: don't mess with that06:32
rumpsyima: chmod that file to 77706:32
icerootemghazal: whereis scriptame  or which scriptname (if it is in path)06:33
bigg6987rumpsy: robert is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.06:33
imarumpsy, bash: ./autogen.sh: /bin/sh^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory06:33
imaseems like an encoding error to me06:33
icerootrumpsy: never!! use chmod 77706:33
rumpsyima: use this exact command, chmod 777 filename06:34
icerootima: ^M seens like you edit it with windows06:34
Myrttiima: take the space off from #!/bin/bash06:34
imaiceroot, that's what I'm thinking06:34
* iflema :)06:34
emghazaliceroot: I mean from inside the script06:34
imaMyrtti, done that already06:35
icerootima: and its calles #!/bin/sh06:35
airtonixiflema, understood, but i helps to get clarification on a situation for which i was not present during its initial discussion06:35
imahow do I make the fix the line endings?06:35
icerootima: dos2unix fileame06:35
rumpsybigg6987: you might have forget the sudo password, that's the problem06:35
deanfxAnyone familiar with wireshark? I used to use it a while ago and it picked up all the interfaces, however now it doesn't see/allow me to use eth0 or wlan0 as an interface...06:36
imaiceroot, ffffff, isn't it possible just to resave it from the text editor?06:36
bigg6987rumpsy: i've only setup one pw throughout the installation process and even after06:36
icerootima: there is an option in vim to save it in unix-format, yes but dont know the syntax06:36
imaI'll look06:36
iflemadeanfx in a terminal type gksu wireshark06:37
icerootima: or maybe something like (syntax wrong)  sed /\/r/\/n/06:37
deanfxok one sec. let me give that a shot06:38
imaiceroot, yeah found the vim command06:38
deanfxYep it worked. Thank you Iflema06:38
imawtf, it's not working06:39
icerootima: :set list  in vim and than look what is wwrong06:39
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ragsHello...I have added  "ServerName site.com" to the default site that comes with apache...now the site opens fine..but if I try a different site alias, the site doesn't load..06:39
bigg6987rumpsy: that error message is only when i type the correct password, otherwise it asks me for the password again06:39
ragsinstead I get a download of mime type "application/x-trash"06:40
rumpsybigg6987: try this, gksu user group06:40
ragsshouldn't the default site open for any alias?...since there is only one virtual host....06:40
icerootrags: look at /var/log/apache2/access.log and /var/log/apache2/error.log06:41
bigg6987rumpsy: Failed to run user 'group' as user root.06:41
bigg6987The underlying authorization mechanism (sudo) does not allow you to run this program. Contact the system administrator.06:41
imaiceroot, :set ff=unix should've done the trick, but okay06:41
ragsiceroot: ok..yes..I'll look there and see wht it says...06:41
imaiceroot, it's got them dumb ^Ms at every line06:42
icerootima: dos2unix filename   from the shell06:42
rumpsybigg6987: wait, i'm working on it06:42
imaiceroot, don't have dos2unix06:42
airtonix!info dos2unix06:42
ubottuPackage dos2unix does not exist in karmic06:42
bigg6987rumpsy: please, you're doing me the favors here, take all the time you need06:42
ZykoticK9ima, "sudo apt-get install tofrodos"06:42
icerootima: ah sorry there was only unix2dos06:43
airtonix!info tofrodos06:44
ubottutofrodos (source: tofrodos): Converts DOS <-> Unix text files, alias tofromdos. In component main, is optional. Version 1.7.8.debian.1-1 (karmic), package size 19 kB, installed size 80 kB06:44
rumpsybigg6987: type gksu, in a terminal06:44
bigg6987rumpsy: got a screen up now06:45
imathank god, that fixed it06:45
crazyubuntui need some help on Ubuntu 9.1006:45
rumpsytype, nautilus and give a try06:45
rumpsyima: :)06:45
imathanks all of you06:45
bigg6987rumpsy: The underlying authorization mechanism (sudo) does not allow you to run this program. Contact the system administrator.06:46
crazyubuntuI need some help :(06:46
bazhangcrazyubuntu, please ask a question then06:46
crazyubuntumy screen freezes under gnome and gnome safe mode06:47
mttrwhat kind of data transfer across a gigabit network should i get.. 4gb file is 32.5 MB/s06:47
crazyubuntuit happened recently06:47
crazyubuntui had no problems for a week06:47
mttrthat seem slow06:47
rumpsybigg6987: you are lost, you are not having admin pass06:47
bigg6987rumpsy: not exactly what i was hoping to read lol06:48
theadminWhat does "rc" in output of dpkg -l mean?06:48
bigg6987theadmin: wb06:48
theadminbigg6987: Huh?06:48
ragsiceroot: unfortunately...logs are not showing anything...:(06:48
rumpsybigg6987: you did something with sudo!, i'm sure06:49
Myrttimttr: depends on the devicces you are transferring to/from06:49
bigg6987theadmin: welcome back lol06:49
airtonixtheadmin, internet chat lingo : wb = welcome back.06:49
theadminbigg6987: Oh. ty06:49
airtonixtheadmin, horrible stuff in my opinion.06:49
bigg6987rumpsy: i'm not sure how i could have, it only asked my full name, my nickname, and my password06:49
theadminairtonix: What kind of stuff? Can you help me ridding of it?06:49
Saturn2888Question about NetBIOS. If I setup my server as a WINS server, how can I ensure talking to computer-blah will work for both IP address and Say the computer is a laptop with two interfaces. I want to be able talk to the computer on the LAN interface instead of the WLAN, but I can't seem to get it to work. Without the WINS server, my Windows machines all talk to each other. Once I setup Ubuntu Server as the WINS serve06:50
airtonixtheadmin, you can't force others to speak proper english unfortunatly06:50
crazyubuntuI login and in and it freezes 15 seconds later06:50
MyrttiSaturn2888: yoou got cut off06:50
rumpsybigg6987: while typing pass, check whether capslock is on?06:50
theadminairtonix: I thought you reffer to my question06:50
airtonixtheadmin, :0 what would that be ?06:50
Saturn2888Myrtti: what happened?06:50
theadminairtonix: What does "rc" in output of dpkg -l mean?06:51
bigg6987rumpsy: if i type an incorrect pass, it gives me a message stating it's incorrect.06:51
Saturn2888http://pastie.org/private/r3ufeddatinm2utwdfdncg <- that's all of it06:51
airtonixtheadmin, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/debian-26/dpkg-what-does-a-status-of-rc-mean-355593/06:51
wasabijust undated by ubuntu and it looks like notify-osd stopped working06:51
Viking667removed, but config files still on drive06:51
bigg6987rumpsy: should i try another version of 9.04?06:51
theadminairtonix: Thanks06:51
Viking667(I think)06:51
wasabiis there an config for notify-osd?06:51
{g}Hey People! Im trying to figure out what the max resolution my Amila SI 1520 notbook supports for externam monitors. How would you go about this?06:51
mttri have raid 3 drive on one computer with mtu @ 7000 and the other mtu also 700006:51
MyrttiSaturn2888: message length reached at "Server as the WINS serve"06:51
airtonixwasabi, unfortunatly no06:52
* Viking667 read that notebook brand as Amiga... yeesh.06:52
wasabiairtonix, how do i shutdown and restart the daemon?06:52
{g}oh, its an Amilo!06:52
wasabii can't remember how to do this. it's been a while since i've used my ubuntu install06:52
airtonixwasabi, i think simply killing the process is enough06:52
rumpsybigg6987: okay, i don't to hack it06:52
Saturn2888Myrtti: http://pastie.org/private/r3ufeddatinm2utwdfdncg06:52
rumpsybigg6987: try fresh06:53
airtonixwasabi, sudo killall notify-osd06:53
theadminairtonix: Can you help me remove the config files after the package removal somehow?06:53
bigg6987rumpsy: would they disable these features because it's the ps3 version?06:53
wasabiairtotnix, yep i just did that06:53
airtonixtheadmin, sudo apt-get purge packageName does not do it for you ?06:53
wasabidoesn't look like it's running06:53
rumpsybigg6987: not like that !06:54
theadminairtonix: "Package namehere not installed, so not removed"06:54
airtonixwasabi, if you want to use the old notify daemon isntead i think there are some howto guides on that found at the ubuntu forums06:54
wasabiairtonix, it's cool i'll try reinstall. it's odd how it was working before the update06:54
wasabino point in going back to the old notification-daemon06:54
wasabithe notify-osd looks better06:55
bullgard4!keyboard | bullgard406:55
ubottubullgard4, please see my private message06:55
airtonixtheadmin, what is the package ?06:55
Linux_BASHerI am having some trouble sharing a folder on my Mac to Ubuntu.06:55
wasabidamn it's been a while since i've used linux forgot how to do anything. thanks airtonix06:55
bigg6987rumpsy: this is the alternate, i suppose i'll download and install the "non alternate" version06:55
crazyubuntuI am currently running Ubuntu 9.10 on another computer. Recently when I login my computer will freeze 15 seconds later. I had no problems until recently. Can anyone suggest fixes for this issue06:55
theadminairtonix: They are "linux-image-2.6.31-16-generic" and "linux-image-2.6.31-17-generic"06:55
airtonixwasabi, it does look nice but personally i want lots of config options, like custom svg themes and xml config files to specify layout for the various states it displays and...a html layout system would be nice\06:56
airtonixtheadmin, old kernels i assume then ?06:56
theadminairtonix: Yes06:56
{g}Hey People, how do I get the name of my graphics card?06:56
wasabiairtonix, i read up on that guide to custom compile notify to change it's location. i was about to do that now but it stopped working. lol good timing huh06:57
airtonixtheadmin, one sec, have you looked on ubuntu forums for guides on trimming isntalled kernels  ?06:57
crazyubuntuI've login in both gnome and gname fail safe mode06:57
wasabiand you're right there's not much customization06:57
rumpsy{g}: lspci06:57
theadminairtonix: Eh nope06:57
iflema{g} lspci | grep VGA06:57
airtonixwasabi, yeah wouldn;t bother.. can only hope someone starts a fork of it06:57
crazyubuntuand stand still freezes06:57
{g}iflema: thanks!06:58
crazyubuntuiflema do you have any suggestions for me?06:58
rumpsycrazyubuntu: goto to tty1, press alt+ctrl+f106:58
wasabiairtonix, surprise no one has given how long 9.10's been out06:58
crazyubuntuand do what?06:58
theadminwasabi: Since october of 2009?06:58
rumpsycrazyubuntu: login06:58
airtonixwasabi, its understandable since the api for the language and services notify-osd relies on has virtually no documentation06:59
wasabithat's long enough for someone to start something06:59
iflemacrazyubuntu arghhh.... confirm state of HDD and RAM... test em06:59
wasabioh i see06:59
wasabii didn't realize that part06:59
airtonixtheadmin, is this what you are trying to achieve ? http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/clean-up-ubuntu-grub-boot-menu-after-upgrades/06:59
wasabialright time for a restart. good chatin' guys06:59
crazyubuntudid the mem test06:59
crazyubuntuand no errors06:59
iflemacrazyubuntu it could be anything... what have you done....? what changed before things went bad?06:59
theadminairtonix: Menu? Lol no I just wanna remove the configs cause they take place. Menu is clean for me07:00
crazyubuntulast thing i did was install a game07:00
crazyubuntui think07:00
airtonixtheadmin, or is it more sojmthing like this : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=83146707:00
jakewins_Could anyone point me in the right direction for increasing the max screen resolution on karmic? My screen supports up to 1920x1080, but xrandr tells me max is 1366x136607:00
crazyubuntuI have two OSes in one HDD07:00
airtonixtheadmin, this also looks relevant : http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2007/10/17/remove-ubuntu-kernels-you-dont-need/07:00
crazyubuntuXP and Ubuntu 9.1007:01
jakewins_I'm using the ati driver on a Radeon 583007:01
theadminairtonix: Tryin to describe. GRUB menu shows only kernels I need, only those are installed. However, there are some leftovers from old, removed kernels07:01
iflemacrazyubuntu thats fine.... on same partition maybe issues....07:01
airtonixtheadmin, i think the general idea is similar to my initial suggestion : that you use purge isntead of remove when removing those old kernels07:01
BiosElementtheadmin: You can also just manually remove them from grub if they annoy you.07:01
theadminairtonix: Okay... will do so. It won't take much space anyway %)07:02
crazyubuntudiffrent partition07:02
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rumpsycrazyubuntu: did you logged in ?07:02
iflemacrazyubuntu rule that one out...... unless you manipulate one from the other.07:02
crazyubuntunot yet.... let me boot up the other computer07:02
rumpsybrb, for lunch07:03
theadminairtonix: I wonder if it's possible to stop it from updating the kernel?07:03
Flanneltheadmin: sure, remove the appropriate metapackage(s)07:04
theadminFlannel: That is, "linux-image-generic". Right?07:04
wasabiworks now07:04
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wasabikinda lame that i have to reinstall to fix it07:04
Saturn2888Myrtti: didn't know?07:05
rahdukehey im using remote desktop viewer and it doesnt pick up my keyboard in the remote client07:05
Flanneltheadmin: and possible "linux-image" and also a linux-[something about restricted]-generic, yeah.  The ones that don't have version numbers.07:06
theadminFlannel: Yeah and "linux-headers-generic"07:06
Flanneltheadmin: some restricted modules something or other too, or at least used to be. Let me look it up07:06
Flanneltheadmin: huh.  Alright, apparently not anymore.07:08
Flanneltheadmin: Yeah, just linux-image-generic and linux-generic07:08
theadminFlannel: Well, I recall something like that in 9.1007:08
theadminFlannel: Err, 9.0407:08
rahdukeanyone? is this a known bug in ubuntu? Keyboard not working with remote desktop viewer on client side07:09
theadminFlannel: Oh, I figured. It's "linux-restricted-modules-common", isn't it?07:09
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kcowolfI'm having trouble trying to use custom keys with FreeNX -- following the wiki, but no "custom_keys" directory gets created when I tell freenx to generate custom keys07:11
DevrethmanIs it possible to change the default size of gnome-terminal to 78 colums wide instead of 80?07:11
Viking667Probably... no idea how, though.07:12
DynamicDesignzdoNeed help, I locked myself out of my own system... FAIL can anyone tell me how to change my filesystem back to a write filesys instead of a read-only07:13
imaDevrethman, http://www.vanimpe.eu/blog/2007/11/22/set-the-default-height-and-width-of-a-gnome-terminal/07:14
Devrethmanima: Amazing. Thanks :D07:14
crazyubuntuokay i'm in my login screen07:14
crazyubuntusorry for the delay07:15
crazyubuntuhad a phone call07:15
mneptokDynamicDesignzdo: boot to recovery mode or optical media and run an fsck07:15
crazyubuntuyes I can login07:15
crazyubuntuafter i login07:15
crazyubuntuit freezes07:15
crazyubuntuare you still there?07:16
maco!enter | crazyubuntu07:16
ubottucrazyubuntu: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:16
crazyubuntusorry ubottu07:17
DynamicDesignzdoWhat do I hit for recovery mode again?07:17
mneptok!lol > spekko07:17
ubottuspekko, please see my private message07:17
Myrttishift, DynamicDesignzdo07:17
celthunder!lol > celthunder07:17
ubottucelthunder, please see my private message07:17
crazyubuntuI'm am currently using Ubuntu 9.10 and when I login into my computer it will freeze 15 seconds later... any suggestion to the problem?07:18
spekkosorry :P my first time here07:18
crazyubuntusame here spekko07:18
celthundercrazyubuntu, do you have anything running on startup?07:18
airtonixcrazyubuntu, try keep your messages on one line please.. (forces you to think about the message you want to send)07:19
Devrethmancrazyubuntu: what do you mean "crash," just locks up, or what?07:19
Devrethmanairtronix: He's already been told this.07:19
crazyubuntuit locks up. The mouse and keyboard doesn't respond. I have to do a soft boot07:20
=== CaseyOWolfe is now known as kcowolf
maxjezyhttp://img198.imageshack.us/img198/3059/skrmbildw.png anyone know how to jump there?07:21
kcowolfdang it freenx07:21
kcowolfI can get it to work on its own, just not with custom keys07:21
crazyubuntuI thought I did a one line message?07:21
DevrethmanWhat JRE/JDK does ubuntu use?07:21
crazyubuntuHow can I find out ?07:22
semitonesDevrethman: I can't remember exactly, but search synaptic to find it07:22
imaDevrethman, probably java -version07:22
imaor java --version07:22
DynamicDesignzdomneptok: just fsck no flags? Do I have to change the permissions back manually?07:22
DevrethmanOh hey, that works better than javac -version07:23
mneptokDynamicDesignzdo: what format is the partition in question?07:23
DynamicDesignzdoNot quite sure, whatever partition it set by default when I installed Ubuntu07:24
Devrethmananyhow, is there an easy way to completely switch to the sun one? or just use aptitude to delete all the openjdk stuff and install sun stuff07:24
DynamicDesignzdoI somehow changed the permissions of the filesystem07:24
DynamicDesignzdoto Read-Only07:24
meowbuntuhi anyone able to help me with a fresh live usb hdd install07:24
mneptokDynamicDesignzdo: make sure the partition is not mounted with "df -h"07:24
mneptokDynamicDesignzdo: unmount it if it is mounted07:24
meowbuntuindus: yes07:25
indusmeowbuntu, installation from a pen drive?07:25
DynamicDesignzdoI logged into to recovery mode and did an fsck07:25
mneptokDynamicDesignzdo: then "sudo fsck.ext3 /dev/blah/blah/blahdeblah07:25
indusmeowbuntu, whats the issue07:25
meowbuntuindus: can we pm07:25
indusmeowbuntu, i prefer here07:25
DynamicDesignzdoIt's checking the filesystem right now07:25
crazyubuntucelthnder... I'm not for sure if i have anything running on start up07:25
indusmeowbuntu, someone else might add some things07:25
jaкак вас многа07:26
meowbuntuindus: i have a fresh lice install on a usb hdd not pendrive. i want to increase teh save file teh ubuntu installer only allowed me to have 4 gig max07:26
rwwubottu: ru | ja07:26
ubottuja: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke07:26
indusmeowbuntu, whats fresh lice ?07:26
jarww, thanks;)07:26
rwwmeowbuntu: I think they sell shampoo for that.07:26
airtonixmeowbuntu, thats due to the nature of the filesystem being used07:26
crazyubuntuokay I just did the alt+ctrl+f1 and I'm in the terminal and I login in07:27
meowbunturww ha ha funny07:27
indusrww, hiihihihi07:27
* indus still laughing07:27
* meowbuntu still laughing too 07:27
meowbuntuanyway guys07:27
* Devrethman is not lauging, mainly to be contrarian07:27
crazyubuntuokay I just did the alt+clt+f1 and i'm in the terminal and I logn in... how do i get out of the terminal?07:27
airtonixmeowbuntu, i dont think fat32 allows for files past a certain size (or something like this )07:27
meowbuntuo i c airtonix so i cant incress it07:27
indusmeowbuntu, i dont think youcan go beyond 4gb with ext307:27
indusmeowbuntu, try with ext 407:28
rwwDevrethman: I note that Sun Java is going away in Lucid, so if you depend on it, you might want to get ready for that :)07:28
indusi hope iam right, anyone want to correct me07:28
DynamicDesignzdosudo fsck.ext3 /dev/sda1 or whatever its on?07:28
Devrethmanrww: What? Why?07:28
anon__someone say my name...i wanna see if xchat lights the tab up red07:28
indusanon__, hi07:28
airtonixmeowbuntu, i am of course assuming you used fat32 to format the usb storage device prior to using the usb live creator app ?07:28
rwwDevrethman: no idea, I try to stay as far from Java as possible07:28
DevrethmanWell, I'm trying to do Android development, and supposedly the sun one works best.07:29
ZykoticK9Devrethman, there is still openjdk-6-jre07:29
indusairtonix, is this about saving to pen drive meowbuntu?07:29
DevrethmanOnce I get it working with that one, I'll try the open ones. I figure starting exactly their way and then deviating from it is the best way to go. less variables to worry about the first time around.07:29
meowbuntuind yes07:30
meowbuntui have used a 20gb ueb hdd fo my install07:30
meowbuntui cant even access the usb hdd07:30
indusmeowbuntu, you want to save a file from a live usb session?07:30
raikhow to play encrypted dvd movie in ubuntu?07:30
indusmeowbuntu, is that it?07:30
meowbuntuindus: i want to incrrease the file size07:30
Devrethmanraik: Can't mplayer/totem/whatever do that?07:31
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=== Codi is now known as NekoCodi
indusmeowbuntu, wow dont know if its possible for live session ,07:31
meowbuntufirst i need to be able to mount teh rest of the usb hdd07:31
rwwraik: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs07:31
indusmeowbuntu, well , can you do mount -a07:31
ZykoticK9raik, install libdvdread407:31
indusmeowbuntu, first search device name with fdisk -l then mount it?07:32
rwwubottu: pm | raik07:33
ubotturaik: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.07:33
Devrethmanis ca.archive.ubuntu.com being really slow, or is my internet tweaking out?07:33
indusmeowbuntu, i mean sudo fdisk -l will give you all the devices which are available07:33
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ZykoticK9raik, don't PM people without asking, it is considered rude.  libdvdread4 is in karmic repo "sudo apt-get install libdvdread4" there is also a script to run after, directions at end of install i think07:33
rwwraik: If you read the page I linked you, you'll see it doesn't say "install ubuntu restricted codecs".07:33
=== RussellAlan-two is now known as gINEERINg
NekoCodiThis has to be the most out of place question to ask ever. So I have bricked my previous XP installs on my dual boot. I want to upgrade to Win7, however I do not have a physical DVD to use to install it. All I have is the iso, is there a way to use linux to install it to my hard drive using the ISO without using virtualbox to just emulate it.07:34
meowbuntuindus: no it does not for me07:34
DevrethmanNekoCodi: you could use cdrecord to burn the iso and have a DVD...07:35
indusmeowbuntu, ok just plug it in again and check dmesg | tail output07:35
imawhat package contains aclocal?07:35
indusmeowbuntu, i mean remove and reconnect07:35
NekoCodiDevrethman, No dice, no blank DVD unfortunately.07:35
meowbuntuind i cant its my install devise if i unplug it it will stuff my os07:35
DevrethmanI would suggest going to office depot or something and getting one.07:35
meowbuntu^ indus07:35
indusmeowbuntu, lol yikes sorry07:36
Devrethmancause what you're trying to do sounds like way more trouble than it's worth. I'm pretty sure it's possible, but I'm not sure how.07:36
rwwima: automake07:36
NekoCodiI come to linux for challenges, I use windows for easy stuff.07:36
imarww, thank you07:36
crazyubuntuI can't get out of the darn terminal. I is asking me for my login and password. All I want to do is get out of it07:36
indusmeowbuntu, are you running ubuntu from this device?07:36
induscrazyubuntu, press ctl z07:36
crazyubuntuit is not working07:37
indusmeowbuntu, ok pm me07:37
DevrethmanMy computer is playing really bad music :<07:37
meowbuntuNekoCodi: y not just burn the iso to dv/dvd using brasero07:37
induscrazyubuntu, you mean the terminal inside the gui ?07:37
rwwmeowbuntu: because they don't have one07:37
induscrazyubuntu, or the whole black console thing07:37
meowbuntuindus: yes i told you i have a live install on it already adn using it atm07:37
imarww, libtoolize?07:37
NekoCodimeowbuntu, No blank DVD to burn to. I might have one lying arround, but that'd involve at least an hour of digging, in my car, in 20F weather.07:37
imarww, libtool?07:37
meeroim running tightvncserver , vnc session crashes a lot of times, how to debug this?07:37
crazyubuntuwho black console thing. I press atl+ctrl+f1 on the login screen07:38
jillsmitthello, how to know what of /dev/tty is modem device? cant configure wvdial ^(07:38
rwwima: libtoolize and libtool are in the "libtool" package07:38
imarww, thanks07:39
duncanmon an ext4 partition, is it guaranteed that i'll get a fsck if the machine power-cycles without a proper shutdown?07:39
duncanma full fsck07:39
crazyubuntuINDUS: < I pressed alt+crtl+F1 on the start up screen and it brought me to the terminal. All I want to do is exit it07:39
duncanmi thought journalling was supposed to make fsck go much faster07:39
NekoCodiCrazy ideas: how do I get linux to properly handle the ISO-13346 "UDF" file system?07:40
rwwcrazyubuntu: assuming that by "exit" you mean go to Xorg, ctrl-alt-F707:40
=== jenkinbr is now known as Guest65332
DevrethmanIs there a way to fix Nvidia drivers and xvideo hue-shifting things to blue permanately?07:41
crazyubuntuthank you, that worked. It brought me back to my login screen07:41
DevrethmanI mean, I like Avatar and all, but I like watching normal movies with beige colored people without having to manually screw with nvidia-settings every time.07:41
crazyubunturww: Can you help me with this problem. When I login into my account it will freeze 15 seconds later. The mouse and keyboard doesn't respond.07:42
meowbuntuNekoCodi: ok so what you want to do is mabu use tha application unetbootin that may install a windows iso to a hdd ot external hdd or usb flash07:42
rwwcrazyubuntu: unfortunately, no07:43
crazyubuntuthanks anywys07:43
NekoCodimeowbuntu: am I going to have to compile that from source or is there a copy in the repositories?07:43
meowbuntuNekoCodi: or you may be able tu use the wuibi installer not sure if any will work for windows iso but worth trying07:43
rwwmeowbuntu, NekoCodi: unetbootin only supports Linux ISOs.07:43
NekoCodiscratch that idea.07:43
meowbuntuNekoCodi: hold on07:43
imaDevrethman, never happened for me, did you set your options in the "System>Administration>NVIDIA X Server Settings?07:43
rwwmeowbuntu, NekoCodi: and Wubi only works for Ubuntu.07:44
meowbunturww and unetbootin07:44
NekoCodiHonestly, the challenges I put myself through just because I don't want to wait like 16 hours to burn this.07:44
ldiamondI am trying to compile a kernel, but I get an error No space left on device. There is still space left on my HDD, but its trying to put a file in /tmp, which is only 912KB in size!07:44
Devrethmanima: I don't have anything there changed, and as soon as I go there and change them, it snaps back to normal, but if I just open a video, everyone is blue until I change it.07:44
rwwNekoCodi: There's a ##windows channel. They might know of a way to install from USB stick or something.07:45
llutzldiamond: move /tmp to another partition07:45
rwwmeowbuntu: what about it?07:45
ldiamondllutz: how?07:45
crazyubuntuI'm am currently running Ubuntu 9.10. When I login in into my account it will freeze 15 seconds later.  Any suggestions to my problem?07:45
meowbunturrw will that mount windows iso ?????07:45
rwwmeowbuntu: I just said, no.07:45
NekoCodirww: don't have a usb stick, and I'm not sure the windows channel would be much help in attempting to install it from linux.07:45
imaDevrethman, hmm.. I don't know, I save my settings into a file though, have no idea if that has anything to do with it, at least I don't have any problems here.07:45
llutzldiamond: create partition, make ext3/4, edit /etc/fstab to mount it at /tmp07:45
meowbunturww: NekoCodi need to know07:45
meeroim running tightvncserver , vnc session crashes a lot of times, how to debug this? ?07:45
rwwmeowbuntu: 23:43:42 < rww> meowbuntu, NekoCodi: unetbootin only supports Linux ISOs.07:46
iflemacrazyubuntu proccess of elimination... shut down 3d effects maybe...... also you can get a history of what is installed and when.... can you remember the date around when this started to happen.07:46
crazyubuntuaround 1/29/1007:47
iflemacrazyubuntu how long was it running before that?07:47
rumpsycrazyubuntu: ya, i'm back07:47
imaran make after running ./autogen.sh ... compiled a lot of stuff for a long time, would I need to run make install separately or is that taken care of for me?07:47
crazyubuntuit was running perfectly fine before that07:47
rumpsycrazyubuntu: any changes?07:48
rwwima: generally, make does all the compiling, and then sudo make install puts the compiled files into the right place.07:48
iflemacrazyubuntu what... for months?07:48
imarww, alright07:48
crazyubuntufor a week07:48
imarww, that looked right07:48
crazyubuntuI don't know rumpsy.. could be some updates from ubuntu07:49
meowbuntuNekoCodi: this may help http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=137186207:49
jillsmitthow can i use dialup with ubuntu 9.04?07:49
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rumpsycrazyubuntu: still you facing problem with X?07:49
Devrethmanis the eclipse package broken, or is it just me?07:49
crazyubuntuyou mean the terminal?07:50
rumpsycrazyubuntu: i mean GUI07:50
NekoCodimeowbuntu, thank you, this looks like a step in the right direction.07:50
meowbuntuNekoCodi: np07:51
rumpsyDevrethman: Where did you get that ECLIPSE07:51
crazyubuntudo you mean by my mouse and keyboard not working07:51
Devrethmanapt-get install eclipse07:51
crazyubuntuRumpsy: you asked my to press Alt+Ctrl+f1 and login through there07:52
rumpsycrazyubuntu: Can you get me, what i'm talking?07:52
crazyubuntuand I did that and it worked with no problems07:53
meeroim running tightvncserver , vnc session crashes a lot of times, how to debug this??07:53
rumpsycrazyubuntu: so, you are not having any problem with Display, login..?07:53
rumpsycrazyubuntu: okay, who helped you?07:54
DevrethmanWait a minute, my workspace had a bunch of crap left over from when I was using version 3.3 in windows O_o07:54
NekoCodiAh thank you #ubuntu got me to go google a little more, aparently you don't have to boot from the CD to install win7, you just install it from the iso using a virtual drive on windows... which means I'm going to have to do a fresh install of winXP to pull this off properly, but hey, in the end I'll have wasted no more than two hours. Thank you community07:54
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=== psykillogy is now known as ShazbotMcButtFac
albechanyone tried to build a netboot ubuntu?07:55
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* NekoCodi waves07:55
crazyubuntuI'm so cofused. if you mean by display,login. You mean the DOS like screen07:55
Samurai601i am trying to  install dell 1390 with ndiswrapper i get this error bcmwl5 : driver installed07:56
Samurai601device (14E4:4311) present (alternate driver: wl)07:56
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crazyubuntuif i'm frustrating you.. i'm sorry. I'm so new to linux07:56
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rumpsycrazyubuntu: What problem you are facing right now?07:56
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crazyubuntuwhen I login into my computer it freezes  15 seconds later07:57
=== ShazbotMcNubNose is now known as ShagbotMcAidsMag
MyrttiShazbotMcNubNose: can you please pick a nickname you'd be able to hang on to for longer than 3 seconds? oh, it's ShagbotMcAidsMag now...07:57
=== ShagbotMcAidsMag is now known as ShazbotIsSoBored
ShazbotIsSoBoredMyrtti, I totally forgot I was in this channel, sorry07:57
ardchoille!nick | ShazbotIsSoBored07:57
ubottuShazbotIsSoBored: Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with Freenode.07:57
rumpsycrazyubuntu: okay, press this alt+ctrl+f107:57
ShazbotIsSoBoredardchoille read up there ^^07:58
ShazbotIsSoBoredI got it, forgot I was in channel - excuse the changes, I'm just really bored.07:58
MyrttiShazbotIsSoBored: are you done with the nicknames?07:58
Mateo_Hello everyone !07:58
crazyubuntuokay i'm in the terminal07:59
rumpsycrazyubuntu: login using your name07:59
kcowolfWell, if anyone's familiar with freenx custom keys, I just posted a reply on the forum to someone with a similar problem07:59
BluShiftI can mount a windows share in Ubuntu fine, by creating a Launcher pointing to a Location, and that Location being smb://server/share -- However, in Xubuntu it's completely different. What's the best way to easily mount a windows share in Xubuntu?07:59
Mateo_anyone one with a guide to install ubuntu on a partition please ?07:59
crazyubuntuokay it says 16 packages can be updated 7 udates are security updates08:00
rumpsycrazyubuntu: stop GDM, using this command, /etc/init.d/gdm stop08:00
BluShiftMateo_: It's pretty straight-forward. Just google and you'll find tons :)08:00
Flannel!install | Mateo_08:00
ubottuMateo_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate08:00
BluShiftI can mount a windows share in Ubuntu fine, by creating a Launcher pointing to a Location, and that Location being smb://server/share -- However, in Xubuntu it's completely different. What's the best way to easily mount a windows share in Xubuntu?08:01
Samurai601 i am trying to  install dell 1390 with ndiswrapper i get this error bcmwl5 : driver installed08:01
Samurai601device (14E4:4311) present (alternate driver: wl)08:01
warmachinewhats a good way to learn to download tarballs.08:01
MyrttiBluShift: the best method in both is to do a proper cifs mount.08:01
MyrttiBluShift: that way it shows everywhere as you want, at commandline and all the filemanagers08:02
rumpsywarmachine: download tarballs?08:02
rumpsywarmachine: what you want to learn it that08:02
llutzwarmachine: wget http://site.com/tar.ball.tar.gz     not really cmplicated08:02
BluShiftMyrtti: I've read through the mount.cifs man page, and I can't seem to get it to work. I'm running Xubuntu as a virtual machine -- will that affect it?08:02
rumpsycrazyubuntu: Are you there?08:03
crazyubuntuit says rather than invoking  init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8) utility, e.g. service gdm stop. Since the script you are attempting to invoke has been cnverted to an Upstart job, you may also use the stop(8) utility, e.g. stop gdm stop08:03
crazyubuntusorry was typing the message on the screen08:03
MyrttiBluShift: you're running xubuntu in a virtual machine that is hosted on a ubuntu machine?08:03
BluShiftMyrtti: What packages are required for CIFS? And is there a recommended tutorial to mounting with CIFS on the CLI?08:03
crazyubuntuit has more08:03
BluShiftMyrtti: Hosted on Windows :D08:03
rumpsycrazyubuntu: , okay, use this command, sudo service gdm stop08:03
=== Bash is now known as bash23
lyhana8_hi, I'm trying to read my memory with my ENE Technology Inc SD/MMC Card Reader08:04
lyhana8_but nothing happend, any tips ?08:04
BluShiftlyhana8_: Memory == RAM08:04
warmachineim new and havent full understood when i download tarballs i have trouble installing them08:04
=== geo is now known as geo05
MyrttiBluShift: is it basically the same virtual machine as the ubuntu, or did you make a new one?08:04
titan_arkhey, where can i find some help for rebuilding the kernel with a patch?08:04
llutzwarmachine: you always should look for deb-packages before installing from source08:04
lyhana8_BluShift: memory card, an SD HC08:04
BluShiftMyrtti: I used the default for Ubuntu, being as Xubuntu is based off of it.08:04
titan_arki need to do it for my powermanagement as it needs a fix08:04
llutz!compile > warmachine08:05
ubottuwarmachine, please see my private message08:05
crazyubuntuit is asking form password and i typed it in and it gave another message08:05
rumpsywarmachine: so you wan to learn, how to install from tarball files08:05
celthunderwarmachien tar xzf <tarfilename> and then read the readme/install file.  From there you can either do what they say or ./configure;make;make install08:05
BluShiftlyhana8_: That would be classed as storage :)08:05
llutz!checkinstall > warmachine08:05
Samurai601 i am trying to  install dell 1390 Wifi with ndiswrapper i get this error bcmwl5 : driver installed08:05
Samurai601device (14E4:4311) present (alternate driver: wl)08:05
MyrttiBluShift: it's not the same machine though=08:05
lyhana8_BluShift: how I'm supposed to see them ? my device applet stay silent08:05
rumpsycrazyubuntu: what message?08:06
BluShiftMyrtti: I'm not sure what you mean. I'm running Xubuntu as a virtual machine on a Windows host.08:06
crazyubuntuRAther than invoking init scripts through /etc/init.d, use the service(8) utility e.g. service gdm service08:06
iflemacrazyubuntu go with rumpsy and after try ya logs for indicators... also /var/log/dpkg.log and check aroud that date to see what was install or upgraded... removed even... and the last thing of course.... backup and bailout..... but dont... why is the question.08:06
BluShiftlyhana8_: You may need to install new drivers for your card reader. Do some searching to find what reader you have, then do a Google for driver issues.08:06
warmachinethank you08:06
MyrttiBluShift: you didn't just take the ubuntu machine you made first, installed xubuntu-desktop on it?08:06
crazyubuntuThe script you are attempting to invoke has been converted to an Upstart job, but service is not supported for Upstart jobs08:06
BluShiftMyrtti: I never made an Ubuntu machine -- I used the preset for Ubuntu in VirtualBox, but installed Xubuntu fresh from an ISO.08:07
jillsmittwvdial, ubuntu 9.04, toshiba satellite L300 - does not work, how to detect my modem in ubuntu? how to know what in /dev/ is modem?08:07
MyrttiBluShift: ok, good. well, you need smbfs atleast, and whatever that installs with it08:08
BluShiftMyrtti: I've already installed smbfs.08:08
MyrttiBluShift: so how do you know how Ubuntu works then, if you've never made an ubuntu machine?08:08
MyrttiBluShift: you've got a real dualboot with it?08:08
BluShiftMyrtti: I used to run it on my laptop, before I switched to Fedora.08:09
Rabbitbunny?ops BluShift traitor08:09
MyrttiBluShift: well, it's true that you using xubuntu in a virtual machine might have an effect on the networking and it doesn't work as expected08:09
BluShiftMyrtti: Ok.08:10
MyrttiRabbitbunny: don't be foolish. You'll be spanked if you misuse that trigger08:10
BluShiftMyrtti: What's the syntax to mount a CIFS share, and I can give it a shot with a dual-boot?08:10
grackGreetings. I have dead wireless, and am hoping for some suggestions. Incriminating evidence is over here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/36937208:10
iflemacrazyubuntu /var/log/dpkg.log.1 show further back in time....08:10
BluShiftMyrtti: Or is it more complex, with editing your fstab, etc?08:11
MyrttiBluShift: basically the same as with normal mount, you use either with mount.cifs or mount -t cifs. You might need to have a look at the options, to make the write/read/group permissions to show up correctly, though08:11
MyrttiBluShift: you can put it to fstab, which would make it easier08:12
titan_arkcould someone please help me with recompliling the kernel? i need to do it to set right this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/45396308:12
BluShiftMyrtti: I've never mounted anything by the command line -- only ejected/unmounted. Any links to a good tutorial?08:12
Kalidarnhmm, i'm trying to block everything except for outgoing traffic on port 80 tcp, ufw deny out to any, ufw allow out 80/tcp wouldn't that be all i'd need?08:12
warmachinehow can i run a website off the terminal ?08:13
Kalidarni only want the user to be able to use a web browser on port 80, so i figured if i block everything other than tcp traffic on port 80 itd be fine08:13
BluShiftwarmachine: I have no idea what you mean.08:13
llutzwarmachine: run a website? read: elinks http://readme.com/08:13
Kalidarnwarmachine: or do you man host a website.08:14
Kalidarnthen you'd need to configure apache08:14
Kalidarnor another httpd08:14
ae86-drifter_Kalidarn, u should use a differnt port08:14
warmachineif i go to the command line in ubuntu and wanted to bring up firefox or google.com how would i do that ?08:14
MyrttiBluShift: man mount.cifs is a good one, but http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/mounting.html is also a good read08:14
Richiiehello i have a question which is the most simple and easiest way to remote control a friends computer if he has win xp or ubuntu ?08:14
Kalidarnae86-drifter_: what do you mean? i only want the user to be able to use port 80 traffic on tcp08:14
Richiieis there any easy Application whit gui that i can use ?08:14
ae86-drifter_Richiie, VNC08:14
Kalidarnso i want to block everything else ae86-drifter_08:14
Samurai601 i am trying to  install dell 1390 Wifi with ndiswrapper i get this error bcmwl5 : driver installed08:14
ae86-drifter_or RDP08:15
grackwarmachine: you could type "firefox &" (without the quotes)08:15
Richiieae86-drifter_: how does it work ? and is it free to download ?08:15
ae86-drifter_Richiie, its called UFW08:15
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist08:15
Kalidarnae86-drifter_: ufw deny out to any, ufw allow out 80/tcp wouldn't that be all i'd need?08:16
BluShiftMyrtti: I read the manpages for mount.cifs and found it to be of little help. I get the feeling it's a virtual system issue, rather than a sytax issue, so i'll try what I read on my Fedora laptop. Any idea if the syntax is the same? (aside from root permissions, of course)08:16
l4diqlombokada yang dari indonesia/08:16
warmachineit tells me not protocol specified08:16
llutzKalidarn: you run a local dns? else you'll need to allow 53:udp08:16
ae86-drifter_Kalidarn, yeah08:16
MyrttiBluShift: http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html has more info for the options, if I remember right. and the beauty of using mount from command line is that it will be the same in Fedore.08:16
Kalidarnyeah and 53.08:16
Kalidarnsorry about that :P08:16
Myrtti!id | l4diqlombok08:16
ubottul4diqlombok: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia08:16
Richiieae86-drifter_: so the thing is if both me and my friend disable our firewalls then it should be more easy to connect to him right ?08:16
DevrethmanEclipse is such a wierd program. When it's working, it's one of my favorite things ever, and when it is not, it makes me want to kick puppies.08:16
Richiieor does he have to open port 22 so i can SSH to his computer ?08:17
BluShiftMyrtti: Great. I'll try it on my laptop to see if I can isolate the issue. Thanks very much for your help :D08:17
aurillianceAny big differences between ubuntu 64 bit and 32 bit?08:17
Kalidarnae86-drifter_: i've allowed 80 on http and 53 on udp but it still doesn't seem to work :(08:17
MyrttiRichiie: if he has ssh service running, then the port is already open on the computer.08:17
ae86-drifter_Kalidarn, is it behind a router?08:17
MyrttiRichiie: If you can do portforwarding on the router instead of just turning the firewall off, that might make things easier.08:17
Kalidarnit's a bridged virtual machine08:17
KalidarnDNS is set to go to the two opendns servers08:18
aurilliance^ I'm setting up ubuntu on a Virtual Machine, running off a 64bit host. Should I choose 64 or 32 bit ubuntu?08:18
llutzKalidarn: if you really block all incoming, how should one get responses on 80-requests?08:18
Kalidarnaurilliance: 6408:18
ae86-drifter_Kalidarn, can you ping its IP ?08:18
ae86-drifter_or telnet into it?08:18
Ademanis there a command line application for extracting data from *.desktop files and for executing them?08:18
lyhana8_BluShift: I found some window driver on the ACER website but no idea how to install them08:18
aurillianceKalidarn, thanks, performance benifits?08:18
RichiieMyrtti: well the point is he dosent have an router just a cable tv modem :P08:19
Kalidarnaurilliance: not noticable but it's best to do that.08:19
MyrttiAdeman: .desktop is just a normal text file you can open and examine with a text editor08:19
Richiieand every time i try to connect to him whit ssh i get connection refused by host : Port 2208:19
Kalidarnae86-drifter_: nah can't ping anything obviously because that rule blocks incoming and outgoing icmp08:19
MyrttiAdeman: it's fairly readable so you don't really need any special apps for it08:19
titan_arkaurilliance: afaik u cant install 64 bit os on virtual box unless you set up hardware virtualization in your bios08:19
ae86-drifter_Kalidarn, i mean from another PC on the internet08:19
titan_arkaurilliance: i tried it and it dint work, so had to use 32 bit ubuntu08:19
aurilliancetitan_ark, really? :(08:19
aurillianceI'll give it a try and let you know :P08:20
Kalidarnae86-drifter_: sure this is only a virtual machine, running in bridged mode it's not a real computer.08:20
ae86-drifter_Kalidarn, let me telnet into it08:20
ae86-drifter_whats the IP?08:20
AdemanMyrtti: yeah I mean I originally wrote a perl script to do it, but I can't imagine one doesn't already exist...08:20
aurilliancetitan_ark, q: how much ram should I let it have? Host has 4GB, VirtualBox is recommending 384MB...08:20
titan_arkaurilliance: if your bios supports h/w virtualization it will surely work :) give it a try08:20
Kalidarnae86-drifter_: telnet is not allowed from the external router anyway lol08:20
aurillianceI wanna use it as a dev machine about 50% of the time08:20
titan_arkaurilliance: i gave it 1 gig, worked fine.08:20
aurilliancetitan_ark, thanks for the pointers08:21
MyrttiAdeman: as I said, it's so simple file I'm surprised anyone even considers needing something for decrypting it08:21
titan_arkaurilliance: np :) quite a n00b myself. used ubuntu in VBox then wubi and finally dual boot to sort out all the problems. Virtualbox and wubi are both painful08:22
ae86-drifter_aurilliance, give it 1GB08:22
AdemanMyrtti: it's not a matter of "decrypting" it's a matter of retrieving data from them reliably and programmatically...08:22
aurilliancetitan_ark, noob here too, I've had dual boot loads of times in the past, but that gave me headaches, so I'm trying Virtual :P lol, exact opposite08:22
aurillianceae86-drifter_ thanks08:22
b41775t1y45y6Any can give solution for problem like this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42949708:23
stanley__hi, I'm a noob, Is it possible to run apache as <user> instead of www?08:23
titan_arkaurilliance:  :D good luck i am sure u would love to get free from windows :P08:23
ae86-drifter_stanley__, why would you want to do that ???08:23
aurilliancetitan_ark, hehe. I need a linux box for work08:23
stanley__i wanna run a joomla! for testing and template modifications before i put it online and if all my files are owned by <user> then there is a permissions issue when php/apache tries to access and modify files08:23
airtonixb41775t1y45y6, you mean a netboot install ?08:24
stanley__i got around it for a while by using midnight commander as root and copying all my files to /var/www/ with mc and set everything to 77708:24
Guest72025how do I make an internet connection with 4 computers and the first computer monitoring and serving the other three08:24
titan_arkaurilliance: :) good luck08:24
stanley__but that sucks08:24
ae86-drifter_stanley__, did you chmod -R XXX /var/www08:24
aurilliancetitan_ark, ta08:24
stanley__what is the -R?08:25
xHunterxthe Unix command?08:25
norenwhat application wud help me read out the web browser highlighted portion08:25
ae86-drifter_so all files and sub dirs08:25
xHunterxsorry context08:25
stanley__but i don't want to have all my files owned by root08:25
Explore1 ps -ef |grep audio08:25
Explore1root      1659     2  0 Feb04 ?        00:00:00 [hd-audio0]08:25
Explore1 24146  4586  0 13:54 pts/0    00:00:00 grep audio08:25
stanley__i want them owned by www08:25
stanley__or have apache run as <user>08:25
b41775t1y45y6yes... but i have setup a netboot server....08:25
airtonix!ics | Guest2310108:25
ubottuGuest23101: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php08:25
ae86-drifter_stanley__, its not changing ownership08:25
Explore1how can i kill 1659, kill -9 doesn't kill it..08:25
mobius2dontcha love it when you figure your problem out right as you connect to irc....08:25
MyrttiExplore1: because it's run by root08:26
MyrttiExplore1: you need to do it as sudo08:26
stanley__but currently they're owned by <user>08:26
ae86-drifter_stanley__, its permissions08:26
mobius2fyi  enabling color management on a scanner that does not support it and then forgetting you  changed the setting is NOT good08:26
xHunterxdoes this channel have default built in encryption08:26
stanley__so they need to be owned by www08:26
airtonix!ics | Guest7202508:26
ubottuGuest72025: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php08:26
MyrttixHunterx: what do you mean?08:26
stanley__permissions is not the problem08:26
Explore1Myrtti: it still exists08:26
xHunterxI mean like the IRC client itself, does it display our text in plain text08:27
llutzstanley__: sudo chown -R user:group /target/dir08:27
MyrttixHunterx: yes.08:27
ae86-drifter_stanley__, yeah it should just work with a few tweaks easily08:27
xHunterxi c.08:27
Explore1sudo kill -9 165908:27
Explore1# ps -ef |grep audio08:27
Explore1root      1659     2  0 Feb04 ?        00:00:00 [hd-audio0]08:27
Explore1root     24285 24182  0 13:57 pts/0    00:00:00 grep audio08:27
FloodBot2Explore1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:27
airtonixGuest72025, then you can use things like jnettop or etherape to monitor connects source and destination, or you can use squid to limit bandwidth usage and provide www cache08:27
norenis there any speech synthesis prog to run with my browser08:27
xHunterxwhat broswer08:28
airtonixnoren, espeak wont do it for you  ?08:28
MyrttixHunterx: IRC by default is unencrypted. Some clients might have encryption capabilities for IRC and other protocols08:28
meowbuntuhi how to check if i have any regestered nicks on freenode08:28
Myrttimeowbuntu: this is #ubuntu, not #freenode, did you notice?08:28
norenxHunterx: any browser firefox midori or chrome08:28
xHunterxyea I know it is but with the insane amount of botnet traffic, and over utilization of sniffers nowadays08:28
airtonixnoren, im fairly sure orca can do it for you08:28
airtonixnoren, regardless of application08:29
norenairtonix: how can i combine espeak with my browser directly08:29
xHunterxIt was just a question so08:29
norenairtonix: i got espeak perfectly running but only from console08:29
Myrttinoren: I think gnome project might have something going on with orca screenreader and epiphany.08:29
numenhow is it possible, to put the whole output of an compile session in a file?08:29
numenso all errors and so on08:29
xHunterxyou font08:29
airtonixnoren, have a look here first : system > preferences > assistive technologies08:29
xHunterxyou filter08:29
llutznumen:  redirect output &>file.log08:30
numenmake >> fehler.log does not work08:30
airtonixnoren, then click preferred applications08:30
Slartnumen: have a look at the section about "pipes" or "redirection" in the bash man page08:30
norenairtonix: i got minimal ubuntu installed and runing fluxbox on that08:30
Slartnumen: you might have to redirect both stderr and stdout08:30
xHunterxdoes anyone here have a hackintosh?08:30
llutznumen: ugly way: script file.log <enter> make08:31
xHunterxdriver question08:31
llutznumen: ctrl-d08:31
airtonixnoren, you might be able to get espeak to operate on stuff in the text buffer(when you highlight stuff)08:31
airtonixxHunterx, macosx is not supported here in this channel08:31
xHunterxits Unix base08:31
xHunterxbut ok08:31
airtonixxHunterx, its not ubuntu08:32
MyrttixHunterx: we don't support debian here either08:32
norenairtonix: yes thats what i am looking for but am not able to find any solution for that.... highlighting something in the browser only give the simple browser options like copy paste and stuff08:32
xHunterxso for Ubuntu questions, does anyone here do math research?08:32
numenSlart how can i do this?08:32
DevrethmanxHunterx. Isn't there a #hackintosh on EFnet or something?08:32
ae86-drifter_Why do ubuntu people hate debian so much08:32
Myrttiae86-drifter_: we don't?08:32
airtonixnoren, i think you misunderstand maybe , you know how when you highlight some text, you can then paste it somewhere else by middle clicking in the desired destination ?08:32
Myrttiae86-drifter_: this channel just happens to be for ubuntu support only.08:33
Slartnumen: man bash, then type   /redirection   hit <enter>08:33
xHunterxhavent looked, actually thought about doing it today, but I like openbsd so much why bother...08:33
ae86-drifter_you guys stole debians code08:33
airtonixae86-drifter1, whats your point? also offtopic08:33
xHunterxand with ubuntu is bulldog the firewall of choice?08:33
norenairtonix: i understood that but i am trying to figure out a way to initiate it from with in the browser workspace08:33
numenisnt it possible, to put the gcc log in an file, easy way?08:33
airtonixnoren, ok, you desire a addon for the browser to make use of espeak then ?08:34
Myrttiae86-drifter_: this is the place where the users come for help for their problems, not to discuss the difference of debian and ubuntu and who did what. Please join #ubuntu-offtopic if you've got a passion of discussing the matt4er08:34
Slartnumen: did you try what llutz suggested?08:34
=== bibekpaudel is now known as bibekp
norenairtonix: yes kindof08:34
ae86-drifter_Myrtti, sorry, but i do have a serious problem with my laptop08:34
Explore1Myrtti: anything else i need to look into?08:34
numenmake 2>&1 > build.log is what i tried08:34
MyrttiExplore1: I'm out of ideas, sorry08:35
xHunterxok what is the best utility for removing iso's on a dvd rw08:35
numenSlart its a ssh session08:35
Myrttiae86-drifter_: looking at lastlog you've not asked yet, so let's hear it and perhaps we can help you with it08:35
Slartnumen: I don't think that makes any difference08:35
airtonix!info festival08:35
ubottufestival (source: festival): General multi-lingual speech synthesis system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.96~beta-9ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 865 kB, installed size 2540 kB08:35
numensladen crtl+d is exit...08:36
ae86-drifter_Myrtti, it has (had) dual boot with windows 7 and karmic, i was using windows to play games and updated a few drivers etc.... next reboot it will give GRUB ERROR08:36
numenit logs me of08:36
adsfhey, is there a "default" way to remove old kernel images ... do i have to remove old versions using apt?08:36
Myrttiae86-drifter_: do you remember which grub error it gave?08:36
numeni try to install unreal4... but still errors08:36
xHunterxcant you use bleachbit08:36
Myrttiae86-drifter_: the errors usually have error 15 or error 17 or similar08:36
xHunterxor similar08:36
norenairtonix: i have tested both festival and espeak but i like using espeak with mbrola phnomes08:37
ae86-drifter_Myrtti, no i do not sorry, but i booted into a live CD and Gparted showed my ext4 partition as Unallocated!08:37
neptunepinkHello, I'm trying to compile a 32-bit library under 64, and it needs to link against SDL_image, however it seems like it's going after the 64 bit instead of the 32 bit. I put "/usr/lib32" into /etc/ld.so.conf and ran ldconfig, but that didn't fix it.08:38
airtonix!find epos08:38
ubottuFound: gobject-introspection-repository, libgirepository1.0-0, libgirepository1.0-dev, librepository-java-openoffice.org, apt-rpm-repository (and 4 others)08:38
Myrttiae86-drifter_: wow. I'm guessing the error would have been 17 then, cannot locate system disc or similar...08:38
jaddoes notify-send use notify-osd, or are they different things ?08:38
airtonixnoren, yep im just researching some options08:38
ae86-drifter_Myrtti, i think it was file not found or something08:38
ae86-drifter_Myrtti, so windows 7 just likes to kill linux partitions for no real reason..08:38
Myrttiae86-drifter_: yeah, well, I'm not surprised by anything that OS does.08:39
crdlbjad: it will use whatever notification daemon you have, so yes it will use notify-osd08:39
=== [BNC]Brendan is now known as [BT]Brendan
jadthx crdlb08:39
ae86-drifter_Myrtti, i managed to recover it from a windows program, but in the process, my NTFS partition now shows unallocated in gparted08:40
ae86-drifter_so it swapped around...08:40
Myrttiae86-drifter_: X-(08:40
llutznumen: ugly way: script file.log <enter> make    ctrl-d when finished (won't log you out, will end script-session,read "man script")08:40
ae86-drifter_Myrtti, how can i fix it?08:41
iflemaae86-drifter im convinced opensuse knockouts winblows and vice versa and the debian thing... it goes both ways.... and its not stealing...08:41
ae86-drifter_Myrtti, i have important data save games on my NTFS partition08:41
JoeSomebodyhow do i have ntfs shared drives on xp machines be always mounted in ubuntu? i have samba , and have local ntfs drives mounted permanently, but i don't know how to do the equivalent of windows map network drive, i tried google, but i keep getting how to do what i have already done , but08:42
ae86-drifter_iflema, i know, i was joking08:42
llutzJoeSomebody: look for mount.cifs/smbmount08:42
airtonixnoren, http://firefox.cita.uiuc.edu/08:43
titan_arkcould anyone help me with a recompile of the kernel with a patch? no idea how to do it and i need to in order to fix a bug08:43
ae86-drifter_OK now BOTH my partitions show as unallocated !!! :(08:43
airtonixnoren, http://www.accessfirefox.org/Fire_Vox.php08:43
numenanyone an idea?08:43
ae86-drifter_i need to recover it08:44
Myrttiae86-drifter_: I'm not too familiar with ntfs, I moved to Ubuntu before I got to know Windows and its filesystems too well08:44
airtonixnoren, i think that last link looks fairly promising08:44
ae86-drifter_Myrtti, is there an issue with ext4?08:44
Myrttiae86-drifter_: there's a fair chance that gparted shows the partitions a bit wonky though.08:44
ae86-drifter_Myrtti, i checked fdisk , and it always showed the same08:44
JoeSomebodyllutz, do i need to install smbfs if i already installed samba?08:44
MyrttiJoeSomebody: yes.08:45
llutzJoeSomebody: samba is the server, smbfs to mount smb-shares08:45
llutz+ cifs aswell08:45
llutzJoeSomebody: to access win-shares you don't need samba at all08:45
werner_hey all08:46
titan_arkdamn! no one here to with a solution for me =(08:47
werner_anybody that can help with setting up mail server on 9.10?08:47
norenairtonix: lemme try them08:47
llutzwerner_: sudo aptitude install postfix + /j #postfix08:47
lekeflyim trying to ping my home server but all i get is this: Request timeout for icmp_seq 0 does that mean that the server have no contact.. or are ports blocked?08:47
zirodayHi, I want to install an ubuntu live system onto my thumbdrive however it already has clonezilla installed. Is there a method by where I'm given an option on what I want to boot up at the start?08:47
aiwawhat is perl good for?08:48
llutz!pm > werner_08:48
ubottuwerner_, please see my private message08:48
=== btnewbie is now known as rhawiuhr
DevrethmanIs there a quick and dirty way to view network thoroughput? My computer is acting like something is eating most of its bandwidth, but I have no idea what.08:48
ChasenChasen plitter rhawiuhr edogawa o1e9 farhad segin werner_ psycho_oreos sleeping`dragon MblKiTA ofnqwop aiwa tomme Ogix Carnage\ bigbrovar Mavrik- Kubit Sememmon andi__ herve_ xHunterx08:49
Chasenam4zin EXp1r3d l3ns nibbler cdpuk blob84 jackmi KennethP manio asolsson neptunepink TPS Odo pawartur dlemaitre Grimbo auril JoshuaL kaytortuga meatbun ouyes aperson BlueEagle patholio08:49
Chasenchoonming ShadowChild Administrator_ scottj vadviktor ziroday LizardK|ng dwar noren SunilThaha merha lekefly jenkinbr- wet cadeskywalker xavier_ feiyu pickett Ademan GWild MrNaz` mobidev08:49
Chasendmasclet katyl mattmatteh rambo3 gamphani electhor stanley__ ae86-drifter_ bibekp RomD StryKaizer tempeldirne speme randoms numen ujnyt987 lyhana8_ bash23 _KAMI_ geo05 billybigrigger08:49
FloodBot2Chasen: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:49
llutzwerner_: good howto at http://workaround.org/book/export/html/4208:49
plitteris there a guide that someone can refer me to to get better resolution in the terminals, the ctrl+alt+fx?08:49
zirodayDevrethman: nethogs or iftop08:49
vadviktorDevrethman: jnettop08:49
aiwaplitter: there's a ubuntu begginers guide on the website08:50
=== segin is now known as segin|kvirc
aiwafor free08:50
plitteraiwa: where?08:50
=== segin|kvirc is now known as segin
plitteraiwa: which website:P08:50
lekeflyim trying to ping my home server but all i get is this: Request timeout for icmp_seq 0 does that mean that the server have no contact.. or are ports blocked?08:50
airtonixnoren, its unfortunate that you dont have orca installed it seems to do exactly what you want. I supposed you already investigated installing it and found it to large for your desires08:50
ouyeschasen what?08:51
Myrttiouyes: floodspam, ignore it08:51
Devrethmanziroday: Thanks, NetHogs is exatly what I'm looking for.08:51
Devrethmanhowever, it didn't help :< I guess my internet is just being slow.08:51
werner_thanx llutz08:51
airtonixnoren, i see in the orca preferences on my window here that i can tell it to use espeak08:52
aiwaplitter: http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/index_main.html08:52
norenairtonix: no its not that way i was just experimenting with the idea of getting a minimal install, but if the orca is the only way i wud like to give it a try also....08:52
llutzwerner_: also visti postfix.org, it has a real good documentation-part08:52
ouyesMyrtti,  ah, ah ... maybe we should redesign the client and the server to filter waste messages08:52
airtonixnoren, no doubt there is a way to get espeak by itself monitoring the text buffer and have it speak the contents when it changes08:53
aiwaplitter: you can download the pdf for freethere. it's pretty neat. there's all about ubuntu there08:53
plitteraiwa: oooh i actually have that book08:53
werner_thanx for your assistance llutz08:53
dsampleI've attempted to install Ubuntu Server AMD64 on a machine several times now, but all that happens when it reboots is show "GRUB" in the corner... I just did a default install, nothing special, any idea what could be wrong?08:54
norenairtonix: what is the name of the package is it gnome-orca08:54
aiwaplitter: there's all about terminals there08:54
airtonixnoren, although orca would require lots of tuning since it is very very verbose in what it speaks08:54
airtonix!find orca08:54
ubottuFound: gnome-orca08:54
werner_dsample, check your bootloader may be elsewhere, i had same problem08:55
ouyes!find time08:55
ubottuFound: cracklib-runtime, default-jre, default-jre-headless, erlang-runtime-tools, gcj-4.4-jre (and 177 others)08:55
norenairtonix: if i cud use espeak with orca then it wont be a problem08:55
dsamplewerner_: elsewhere?08:55
airtonixnoren, verbose as in i have firefox in focus, and pressing left alt causes orca to speak out " left alt" ><08:55
werner_yeah, you have more than one HDD in your box?08:55
plitteraiwa: but i didnt find what i was looking for....08:56
aiwaplitter: what are you looking for?08:56
plitteraiwa: to change the resolution in the virtual console08:57
dsampleI did notice that the guided partitioning didn't create a specific /boot partition, but I didn't think that would be a critical issue.  The server has 3 SATA HDDs, wondering if it's something to do with that08:57
meowbuntuhi does ubuntu have a built in partition manager or do i need to install gparted08:57
Myrttimeowbuntu: it doesn't have a graphical by default, if I remember right08:58
werner_yes, the bootloader is on one of the other HDD's, try booting up with another HDD as your primary then08:58
ardchoilleMyrtti: You remember right :)08:58
Myrttidsample: so this is a physical machine then, not virtual?08:59
meowbuntuMyrtti, what is "disk utility"  ????08:59
norenairtonix: thnkx for the help now i will try and get this orca to work for me if possible.... i also found some addon on firfox but they are in experimental stage and dont know why they dont work on my system08:59
lekeflyim trying to ping my home server but all i get is this: Request timeout for icmp_seq 0 does that mean that the server have no contact.. or are ports blocked?08:59
dsamplewerner_: since it shows 'GRUB' I'm assuming it booted the correct drive08:59
airtonix!find espeak08:59
ubottuFound: espeak, espeak-data, libespeak-dev, libespeak1, espeakup (and 3 others)08:59
aiwaplitter: did you take a look in the ubuntu forum? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21556608:59
airtonix!info espeakup08:59
ubottuespeakup (source: speakup): Connector between speakup kernel modules and espeak. In component universe, is extra. Version 3.1.3-1 (karmic), package size 14 kB, installed size 112 kB08:59
ardchoillemeowbuntu: shows you sizes of partitions08:59
ardchoillesizes and types08:59
dsampleMyrtti: yep, got a 2*quad zeon server to play with :)09:00
airtonixnoren, http://bloc.eurion.net/archives/2010/introducing-espeak-gui/09:00
Myrttidsample: you can access the boot menu by pressing shift on boot. It used to be ESC but it changed with karmic. this is karmic?09:00
werner_i assumed the same, but, check your other drives, i had the same problem 2weeks ago, and everytime i reinstalled it did the same, then i discovered it was on the other HDD that was in SATA109:00
meowbuntuardchoille, i thought it has a partition feature i want to know if its any good for that09:00
ardchoillemeowbuntu: I don't see a partition feature in disk utility09:00
meowbuntuard i do09:01
Myrttidsample: personally I would consider using Hardy LTS for servers, unless the newer versions have something specific you'd need09:01
ardchoillemeowbuntu: Oh, ok, if y0u click on a partition09:01
plitteraiwa: thats for changing the menu.lst which grub2 doesnt have09:01
ardchoillemeowbuntu: But I know gparted works wonders09:01
dsampleMyrtti: cloud :o)09:01
airtonixnoren, https://launchpad.net/~rainct/+archive/voice09:01
Myrttidsample: you could try the recovery mode or use a live desktop disc to see if the partitions are detected there.09:02
Myrttidsample: perhaps you should also check if the SATA controllers are supported...?09:02
meowbuntuardchoille, thke a look at this and tell me what you think09:03
youcefhello avry 109:03
youcefhow are you ?09:03
youcefhey whats going on here?09:04
Myrttidsample: if you use desktop live cd, you can get the hardware info with "sudo lshw". Usually the hardware that isn't supported or recognized by the system shows up as "unclaimed#09:04
meowbuntu!topic | youcef,09:04
ubottuyoucef,: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic09:04
ardchoillemeowbuntu: Not sure I'd trust it.. probably would want to test it first on an unimportant disk09:04
galactusKarmic is the greatest!09:04
ardchoillemeowbuntu: And even then I'd still use gparted, it just works better for me09:04
meowbuntuaryes thats a farly new application so i am installing gpoarted09:05
galactusgetting flashplayer going was a bit of a challenge, but now it works.09:05
youcefhow i can downlaod videos from youtube pls help me!!09:05
galactusfull disk encryption!09:05
galactuseven swap!09:06
meowbuntuardchoille, yea i wonder y gparted does not come as default09:06
ardchoilleyoucef: watch the video, and before you close the tab go to /tmp and copy the FLASH* video to where you want09:06
DevrethmanWhy would you want an encrypted swap partition?09:06
youcefin windows IDM do it09:06
Myrttiardchoille, youcef: or install youtube-dl09:06
galactusthe whole disk is encrypted because data can leak into swapfile and be potentially visible.09:06
youcefwhere i find the /tmp?09:06
ardchoilleMyrtti: Good idea, but can't justify installing an app when nautilus can do it without the app09:07
DevrethmanSomebody needs to write an X app that allows you to punch other apps in the face.09:07
Myrttiardchoille: if you don't have flash installed, but want to use vlc, you can download the stuff and so on09:07
Myrttiardchoille: also, using it to download to a remote machine09:07
ardchoilleMyrtti: Ah, good point09:07
galactusif your laptop is ever stolen or an adversary tries to get into your system they cannot.09:08
youcefardchoille where i found the /tmp?09:08
DevrethmanLike, just some widget or something that turns your mouse into a fist and distorts apps when you jam it into them.09:08
ardchoilleyoucef: it's /tmp  in your file system09:08
meowbuntugalactus, potentially how would someone read the data in swap09:08
ardchoilleyoucef: you might want to install the app that Myrtti suggested09:08
papulplease suggest some good wallpaper setting program09:08
papulfbsetbg doesn't work nicely09:09
galactusthey would use a program like dd to make an image of your hard drive.09:09
Devrethmanpapul: what's wrong with menu->system->preferences->desktop or whatever?09:09
papulDevrethman: i dont use gnome09:09
meowbuntudd ? whats that09:09
xHunterxformating software09:09
Myrttigalactus: did you have a support question? other Ubuntu-related chat is at #ubuntu-offtopic09:09
xHunterxfor making iso09:09
JoshuaLdoes anyone know a good application to create simple mockups like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=position-options.jpg09:09
youcefok thank you09:09
norenairtonix: i got my prob solved i installed the foxvox in firefox and it uses my espeak set up and do just what i wanted09:09
Devrethmanpapul: most DE/WMs have a desktop changer... which one do you use?09:10
MyrttixHunterx: not exactly a formatting software...09:10
papulDevrethman: fluxbox and openbox09:10
galactusoh, sorry.09:10
airtonixnoren, nice09:10
xHunterxsorry, bootable usb iso creation software09:10
shafuhow can I use the start-stop-daemon so if a program I'm starting quits with a specific exitcode then it will autostart09:10
airtonix!who | xHunterx09:10
xHunterxif im not mistaken?09:10
ubottuxHunterx: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)09:10
DevrethmanIsn't theirs called fbsetroot or something to that effect?09:10
galactus i was just so excited about Karmic.09:10
Myrttigalactus: great :-) join the happy club09:11
lekeflyim trying to ping my home server but all i get is this: Request timeout for icmp_seq 0 does that mean that the server have no contact.. or are ports blocked?09:11
Devrethmanpapul: fbsetroot?09:11
shafuhow can I use the start-stop-daemon so if a program I'm starting quits with a specific exitcode then it will autostart? anyone knows?09:11
papulDevrethman: ?09:11
galactusi have tried many flavors of linux since the nineties and this is finally the windoze breaker for me!09:11
Myrttilekefly: difficult to know.09:11
Devrethmanpapul: doesn't fluxbox come with a terminal command called fbsetroot or <somethingelse>setroot that changes it?09:11
galactushave a great one folks!09:11
lekeflyMyrtti: but probably the ports.. ?09:11
papulDevrethman: i think its fbsetbg09:12
papuli want other options09:12
ardchoilleDevrethman: either fbsetroot or xsetroot, both work great09:12
Myrttilekefly: well, if the server is down, the ports are definitely too09:12
lekeflyOr that could be the problem.. going to call my ips you see :p09:12
ae86-drifter_how do i recover an (unallocated) partition??09:12
Devrethmanpapul: yeah, i'm not sure, it's been awhile since I used it. What do you need that it doesn't have?09:12
lekeflyi know its not down.. just downloading at full speed.. but i guess i should at least get contact.. Myrtti09:12
xHunterxhonestly though, for math application, freeware, what does Ubuntu have that runs well that could be effetive for a project in which I would have to capture live audio and analyze09:13
dsamplewerner_: I tried booting from all 3 drives, no good, the one I was trying to boot is the first SATA drive anyway, so I can't see why that doesn't work.  I guess I could try booting to a restore shell and install grub onto the drive manually09:13
lekeflyMyrtti: the ping would just be slow right?09:13
ae86-drifter_xHunterx, yeah its a really good math application09:14
xHunterxok thnx09:14
Myrttilekefly: possibly...09:14
werner_yeah try that then... maybe not the same issue i had then09:14
PeoplesAdvocateHello all, I want to know how to update intltool in Ubuntu Server 8.04.4, I seem to be having problems building a program because of an outdated version that I have. I have intltool-update but tells me to run from inside the po directory. Any suggestions on how to update this?09:15
ardchoilleI've not done much work with fonts, how do I install this? http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Artwiz+Snap+font+with+iso8859-2+chars?content=9151909:16
=== linucks is now known as linucks[afk]
ardchoille!away> linucks[afk]09:18
ubottulinucks[afk], please see my private message09:18
linucks[afk]I'll change my nickname if I want to, if you're not happy, kick and ban me.09:18
ardchoillelinucks[afk]: I was just trying to have you comply with the same rules everyone else has to09:19
linucks[afk]ardchoille, with all due respect it's not an /away message, it's merely a change of nickname, are you going to ask everyone who decides to change their nickname to anything different (possibly unrelated to afk) the same thing? :) anyhow, I am off, as you may have gathered.09:21
ardchoille!nick > linucks[afk]09:21
ubottulinucks[afk], please see my private message09:21
linucks[afk]sigh, anyway, good job, keep it up...09:22
AdvoWorkwhats the command to find out exactly where my space is being used in which directories? from memory, its got something like min-somethin=1 ?09:24
MyrttiAdvoWork: du -h?09:24
SlartAdvoWork: du ?09:24
SlartAdvoWork: there's also a disk space analyser or something like that.. in the accessories menu09:25
anodesniAbout the Load Cycle bug, is it solved?09:25
JoshuaLdoes anyone know a good application to create simple mockups like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=position-options.jpg09:25
SlartAdvoWork: sorry.. disk usage analyzer09:25
Myrttianodesni: Load Cycle? that doesn't tell too much of the bug... bug number?09:25
Myrttianodesni: if it's been filed, you can check the best from launchpad09:26
anodesniMyrtti, everybody knows about the load cycle count bug, it is destroying your laptop hdd09:26
=== don is now known as Guest20593
TrapperTrapper dani Guest20593 nigel_nb erle- m2_ GP-knight Fizix tws7 anodesni jackhigh AdvoWork opossum_oisif Darkfoe morfol Out`Of`Control DryGrain PaulGit HTbeeJay gerar spastic KiLaHuRtZ09:26
Trapperjdobrien EastDallas [diablo] TREllis foolano Jcink raven PeoplesAdvocate manio Kartagis Monona shafu pawartur ryuho kaziem wildur schmidtm billybigrigger Deem onchom misnix papul Pitel09:26
Trappersandboy blob84 urosh evilsherpa Z41d aiwata55 traveller jinroh komputes Colloguy mathayo teflon db22 lukjadOO7 meowbuntu elTigre BinaryMan enzotib yumte amarillion aperson dsample kbmaniac09:26
Trapperedogawa o1e9 segin psycho_oreos sleeping`dragon MblKiTA ofnqwop aiwa tomme Ogix Carnage\ bigbrovar Kubit Sememmon herve_ xHunterx am4zin EXp1r3d l3ns nibbler cdpuk jackmi KennethP asolsson09:26
TrapperTPS Odo dlemaitre Grimbo auril JoshuaL kaytortuga meatbun ouyes BlueEagle patholio choonming ziroday noren dwar SunilThaha merha lekefly jenkinbr- wet cadeskywalker xavier_ feiyu pickett09:26
TrapperAdeman GWild MrNaz` mobidev dmasclet katyl mattmatteh rambo3 gamphani electhor ae86-drifter_ bibekp RomD StryKaizer tempeldirne numen lyhana8_ bash23 _KAMI_ geo05 Mateo_ codecop_ mattgyver09:26
FloodBot2Trapper: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:26
m2_salve..dove trovo il driver per il comano sudo ndiswrapper -i09:26
anodesniI want to know how it is fixed09:26
=== dani is now known as Guest47032
wetwhat the09:26
Out`Of`Controlnow they move here lol09:27
Slartanodesni: I didn't experience it when it was hyped the most.. I don't experience it now.. but I haven't heard anything about it for a while.. I guess they fixed it work implemented some work-around09:27
meowbuntutrapper if you are needing help just ask09:27
MyrttiBACK to the NORMAL programming, people. It was a nickflooder, here only to annoy you.09:27
meowbuntu!ask trapper09:27
Myrttitraveller: just ignore it09:27
anodesniSlart, I know this workaround hparm -B 255, it prevents the hdd from parking the heads, but it destroys my hdd, since the temperature becomes very high09:28
Myrttimeowbuntu: just ignore it09:28
meowbuntu!help | trapper09:28
ubottutrapper: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:28
Myrttitraveller: sorry09:28
Myrttimeowbuntu: HE'S GONE.09:28
meowbuntu!ask | trapper09:28
anodesniIf that is the fix, it does not work for me09:28
Slartanodesni: I would suggest trying a live cd and letting it run while keeping track of the hard drive params.. see if it's working or not09:28
AdvoWorkMyrtti, Slart i just cant remember the full command, i just know the one i used, which worked had a min-depth=1 in or similar, would that be it with du -h?09:29
anodesniSlart, will the live cd detect the computer as laptop?09:29
anodesniand use powersaving?09:29
SlartAdvoWork: yes, check the man page.. "man du"09:29
AdvoWorkahh max-depth09:29
meowbuntuanyone used tha usb startup disk creater i am wanting to know how to set it up for maximum usability09:29
Slartanodesni: I'm not sure.. give it a try09:29
nigel_nbanodesni, as far as i remember, yes.09:30
nigel_nbmeowbuntu, what do you mean by maximum usability?09:30
gouthello.  anybody around to answer some questions about grub?09:30
nigel_nbgout, please ask your question09:30
anodesniSlart, has the daily build of 9.10 all updates? Because the basic cd does not has the fix of course09:31
=== llutz_ is now known as llutz
meowbuntunigel_nb, to get the best performance/use out of it09:31
gouti[ve an older laptop.  1Ghz, 128ram.  cd-rom is broken.  usb port isn't recognized by BIOS.  i've tried using grub.  but to no avail.09:32
Slartanodesni: huh? basic cd?   I would guess that something marked as a daily build would include updates released up to today09:32
meowbuntunigel_nb, any ideas09:32
anodesniI mean the cd from ubuntu.com09:32
nigel_nbmeowbuntu, I dont think there is anything in particular you have to do.  just create it.  Not much of settings to tweak09:32
meowbuntunigel_nb, i meaning eg formating to ext4 or ntfs etc do i need to do that09:33
Slartanodesni: ah.. I see.. I have no idea if they update the cd images every now and then.. I haven't really looked into it that hard09:33
w00tz_hi, i generated a custom keyboard file from xbkcomp and installed it, but I was wondering if there's a way to add it so that it loads automatically on boot up without having to put it in my ~/.bashrc (basically I want ot make this a default layout for keyboards that can be accessed by GUIs as well)09:33
iflemagout floppy drive?09:34
nigel_nbmeowbuntu, the application will do it for you09:34
w00tz_maybe replace /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us ?09:34
goutit is also running xP.  question.  i extracted grub4dos... file into a folder in c:/  and pulled the files our of the grub within to the mail folder containing grub4dos files.  it overwrote two files, Makefile.am and MakeFile.in.09:35
=== kerm|t is now known as kermit
meowbuntunigel_nb, i have already done it i just cant get more than 4 gig storage on fat32 partition. from what i found out09:35
indusmeowbuntu, :)09:35
industrue isnt it09:35
meowbuntuoh hi indus is it09:36
gouti changed erased the internal grub folder and changed name of grub4dos files to "grub"09:36
goutis anyone with me?09:36
meowbuntuso should i reformat like we discused before09:36
Slartanodesni: why not see if you can somehow stop ubuntu from writing the logs every 30 seconds.. that seems to be the real problem... I'm not really sure how to do this though.. perhaps there is a setting somewhere09:36
anodesniSlart, what logs do you mean?09:36
Slartanodesni: syslogs, kernel logs and whatnot09:37
goutmaybe on "logviewer?"09:37
youcefhey i need help09:37
anodesniSlart, you think that  this disk activity prevents the hdd from parking heads?09:37
nigel_nb!ask | youcef09:37
ubottuyoucef: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:37
ae86-drifter_PLEASE?? how do i recover an (unallocated) partition??09:37
goutright, syslogs, etc.  should be able to view them in log viewer09:37
youcefi am new ubuntu user09:37
goutmaybe edit the preferences09:37
* meowbuntu wounders if Slart, has seen the movie The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. 09:37
Slartanodesni: nope.. but it keeps waking the hard drive up.. and then it goes to sleep after 20 seconds.. and has to wake up again..and so on09:38
meowbuntuindus, so should i reformat like we discused before09:38
ae86-drifter_youcef, welcome09:38
indusmeowbuntu, yes09:38
Slartmeowbuntu: seen the movie.. *sigh*.. I've read the books09:38
indusyoucef, !hi09:38
gouti need help getting grub to work so i can get any distro of linux on an old laptop.  ideas for a techie-tard like me.  Grub isn't working for me09:38
anodesniSlart, that's too much trouble for an OS. I just want it to work without decreasing the lifespan of my harddisk09:38
youcefhi  hey i am new ubuntu user ,and i want websites or programes for chat lik in windows with chat romms pls help me.09:39
Belgarath_I recieve this annoying error everytime I run a gtk-app from terminal: Failed to load module "gnomenu-panel": libgnomenu-panel.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory09:39
meowbuntuSlart, ok i liked the montipython version of the movie best09:39
anodesniBut windows is a sh*tty programming environment09:39
meowbuntuanodesni, i would not say that windows mac and linux are all different different09:40
Slartanodesni: it's possible the laptop-mode tools does this already.. I don't really know as I mostly run my laptop while connected to an outlet09:40
youcefhi  hey i am new ubuntu user ,and i want websites or programes for chat lik in windows with chat rooms pls help me.09:40
anodesniSlart, even when connected to an outlet this increases my Load cycle count by 100 an hour09:40
youcefi dont want back to windows09:40
meowbuntuyoucef, an instant menessenger09:40
anodesniI'll try it out, see if it can be fixed09:41
meowbuntuyoucef, like windoes live messenger09:41
zilkomaadamn i love this ubuntu09:41
meowbuntuyoucef, what type of messenger do you want,09:41
Slartanodesni: I'm not sure how up-to-date this info is.. but it might be worth reading through anyways https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DanielHahler/Bug5969509:41
youcefmeowbuntu ,no it havnt chat rooms i want it with09:42
meowbuntuyoucef, please give the name of the windows application you used09:42
nigel_nbyoucef, what kind of chat rooms do you want to join?09:42
youcefi use ubuntu09:43
youcefchat rooms to get friends .........09:43
meowbuntuyoucef, when you where using windows what was the name of the application you where using09:43
nigel_nbyoucef, which application did u use in windows, what application did you use09:43
nigel_nbmeowbuntu, ;)09:43
meowbuntu^ nigel_nb thanks for repeating me09:43
youcefi used beyluxe09:43
indusyoucef, its possible from empathy instant messenger09:44
youcefindus how ?09:44
evilsherpahey all, i have a 1 terrabyte usb drive, i cant see it, its attached, but the light is off and sudo fdisk -l does not list it09:45
evilsherpaany ideas?09:45
indusyoucef, its in menu ,just search, go to menu > applications >internet >empathy im09:45
meowbuntuok youcef do you want to conect to your accounts msn yahoo aol facebook etc ??????09:45
evilsherpai was going to try and use ntfsfix since i think it was not removed safely from a windows machine09:45
djdarkmanhello, how do I recompile an ubuntu source package? I want to upgrade ALSA, but if I upgrade it, by downloading the source and compiling it, I also need to recompile PulseAudio, which is the cleanest and fastest way of recompiling PulseAudio?09:45
meowbuntuindus, empathy is limited compared to pidgin09:45
nigel_nbyoucef, I just checked the specs for beyluxe, I'm sorry but I'm not sure ubuntu can replicate that function09:46
nigel_nbmeowbuntu, http://messenger.beyluxe.com/features.html09:46
indusmeowbuntu, but it does chat rooms09:46
meowbuntuindus, so does pidgin if you set it up to09:46
indusmeowbuntu, of course09:46
indusmeowbuntu, i know09:46
=== Mowee is now known as mowetteKEKETTE
youcefmeowbuntu, look now i use amsn and its working perfectly , i want website for chat for ubuntu09:46
meowbuntuyoucef, then keep asking here and also google09:47
youcefok thank you09:47
youcefmeowbuntu, i have ather problem09:48
youcefhow i can use sterio mix in ubuntu???09:48
meowbuntuyoucef, empathy comes built into ubuntu.  also i use pidgin messenger. and there are heaps of online servers09:48
progre55hi people! how can I know what process is running on a specific port?09:49
meowbuntuyoucef, stero mix = ???????  what do you want to do09:49
Myrttiprogre55: iftop is nice for that, but there might be other solutions09:49
nigel_nbyoucef, you want to mix audio?09:49
progre55Myrtti: thanks09:50
meowbuntuyoucef, ???????09:50
youcefi want listning music from my computer  with my friend in skype09:50
kjelleHello. I am building some debian packages. I want to make a package: <foo>-<version>.deb which in some way include my SVN number. Not in the filename, but in the deb-package somewhere.09:50
djdarkmanbasically how do I compile source package?09:51
=== outcontrol is now known as Here
indusyoucef, thats not possible with the linux version of skype09:51
meowbuntuyoucef, to do that just play music from you computer put microphone next to speaker and then your froiend can hear it09:51
indusmeowbuntu, good idea :)09:52
* indus giggles09:52
nigel_nbmeowbuntu, innovative indeed :)09:52
* meowbuntu chuckles with indus09:52
indusyoucef, unfortunately, not all of the features of windows skype will be available in the linux version09:52
gunsofbrixtonhi, whats the suggested distro for an eeepc? easypeasy?09:52
meowbuntugets around the problem of not beang able to do that directly yet09:52
youcefmeowbuntu, and if i want record music from youtube to my computer how i do that?09:52
meowbuntuyoucef, rechord or download09:53
nigel_nbyoucef, there are firefox plugins through with you can download09:53
evilsherpahey all, i have a 1 terra drive that used to work spiffily in 8.04 and 8.10 and even 9.04 but now, no love09:53
indusyoucef, record from youtube?hmm you can download a plugin which download a video ,09:53
evilsherpait lights up, but i cant seem to see it09:53
indusyoucef, try addons.mozilla.org09:53
evilsherpaits not showing up in gparted or in sudo fdisk -109:53
youcefindus,you know the pulgin name?09:54
evilsherpathe light on the front sporadically turns on and off so it may be a faulty drive but im hoping not09:54
meowbuntuyoucef, we are hear to help you but not hold your hand and do everthing. you will learn if you do things yourself09:54
meowbuntuyoucef, you can look that up09:55
indusyoucef, video download helper09:55
nigel_nbyoucef, its something like DownloadHelper09:55
indusyoucef, download helper yes09:55
meowbuntuindus, ewhat about youtub-dl09:55
nigel_nbevilsherpa, can you check the hardware on another PC?09:55
indusmeowbuntu, ya there are many, but frankly its illegal for most videos09:55
sarthorksmy laptop battery is "present" if i "dmesg | grep BAT" or do "cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/info" but as soon as I unplug the AC power cord, my laptop turns OFF (the laptop was charged before this happened, and the battery indicator is still showing that battery is fully charged). Can anyone help me? I will the necessary outputs, as required.09:56
meowbuntuindus, then y help someone to do illegal stuff09:56
nigel_nbmeowbuntu, per se downloading from youtube is not illegal09:56
youcefok thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thx09:56
indusmeowbuntu, well, the tool isnt the problem, you can download tutorials etc09:56
nigel_nbmeowbuntu, its only when you misuse it that you break the law09:56
indusnigel_nb, if you read the terms of you tube , most will be09:56
=== [BT]Brendan is now known as [BNC]Brendan
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »09:57
meowbuntuyoucef, you can always get a youtube account and save the videos in playlists and listen to them. much faster and easier09:57
Myrttisha__: can we help you somehow?09:57
youcefmeowbuntu,ok i try09:57
nigel_nbsha__, can you please PM the bot if you require specific information09:57
carlos24cmhi i have a problem09:58
ae86-drifter_how do i rename volume label09:58
indushow do you pm the bot?09:58
sha__I'sorry this is my first time here09:58
ae86-drifter_there is no !list here09:58
sha__hi to everybody09:58
indusok got it09:58
nigel_nbindus, /msg ubottu !list09:58
meowbuntuhbi how can i make sure my usb is unmounted09:58
nigel_nbsarthorks, can you start your laptop only on battery?09:59
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.09:59
nigel_nbsarthorks, is that possible or does it refuse to start09:59
sarthorksnigel_nb, nope. it does not turn on at all.09:59
nigel_nbsarthorks, I'm afraid that would most probably mean your battery is actually empty and its not being reported correctly10:00
sarthorksnigel_nb, refuses to start, and even with the AC plugged in, its not lighting up the battery indicator on the keyboard10:00
evilsherpanigel_nb i unfortunately cannot10:00
sarthorksbut dmesg| grep BAT gives : [   48.090948] ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT1] (battery present)10:00
evilsherpanigel_nb, i can hear it spinning up, i was worried that the usb into the hdd is the error spot10:01
nigel_nbsarthorks, I mean empty of charge.10:01
sarthorksnigel_nb, you mean its dead for good?10:01
nigel_nb!welcome | Keller10:01
ubottuKeller: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!10:01
carlos24cmHello everyone10:01
carlos24cmI have a big problem10:01
carlos24cmI wrote in terminal sudo gconf-editor and here I went to desktop> gnome> Background> and in draw_background and Picture_filename, with the right mouse button, I've set the keys as mandatory. The problem is that now I can not change desktop background10:01
de9ineHi guys. I have copied my old id_rsa file from my old setup, into my new installation and .ssh directory.. The file has not been edited.10:01
FloodBot1carlos24cm: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:01
de9ineBut it won't work.10:01
nigel_nbsarthorks, there is a possiblity.  Can you check with new battery or something to confirm?10:02
de9ineIt's not allowing me to sign in to the server.10:02
vivekHi...i have installed ddrescue using synaptin manager ...now how do i access it....help pls10:02
meowbuntucarlos24cm, then undo what you did10:02
de9ineI have not possibility to connect to the server cause i don't have the password, and I cannot physically reach the server.10:02
nigel_nbde9ine, have you copied both SSHkey files?10:02
KalessinWe have USN-894-1 today but I think we have a problem of dependencies on linux-image-ec2 which depends on a kernel which doesn't exists somebody faill into the same issue here ?10:03
de9ineid_rsa.pub and id_rsa10:03
=== [BNC]Brendan is now known as [BT]Brendan
evilsherpanigel_nb, might take it apart and see if i can plug it straight into this machine10:03
denis123Hi, I'm having a problem installing Compiz on a computer with an ATI graphics card. When I try and enable my ATI driver (via: System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers) my screens (I have dual screen) go dodgy, with my left screen becoming my right, and vice versa, and my left screen having a vertical black bar halfway through the screen. Could anyone suggest another way to get Compiz...10:03
denis123...working? Or another way to install the ATI driver that might work10:03
Kellerwhen i look at my /proc/cpuinfo it says that my both of my CPUs are 2 GHz though in the line "cpu MHz" it's written 1000.0. Is that normal?10:03
meowbuntude9ine, is it from a previous ubuntu version10:03
nigel_nbevilsherpa, that is a good idea too :)10:03
de9inemeowbuntu,  yes.10:03
carlos24cmI tried but the background does not change10:03
meowbuntu!ati | denis12310:04
ubottudenis123: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto10:04
denis123ubotto: ok thanks10:04
Jimi_Neutralis there a channel for mySQL on ubuntu or is here ok?10:04
sarthorksnigel_nb, yes, i will try that. btw, heres the output for /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1 : http://paste.ubuntu.com/369425/10:04
sarthorksdoes it indicate anything meaningful now?10:04
meowbuntudenis123, ubottu is a bot not a persion i sent him that command to give you10:04
carlos24cmhelp me10:05
denis123meowbuntu: ah thanks :)10:05
denis123meowbuntu: is there a way to setup compiz without using the ATI driver?10:05
vivekhelp pls..10:05
denis123meowbuntu: my card is the Radeon HD 487010:05
rbfisherdual screen is always tough10:05
JimLovell777I use sshfs a lot and when I mount a remote folder I don't have to enter a password but I do when I unmount it. Why? It's a big hassle is there a way to avoid it?10:06
meowbuntuJimi_Neutral, google mySQL irc address10:06
nigel_nbsarthorks, Sorry, I dont get idea from there10:06
rbfisherDenis123 are you using Ubuntu 9.10?10:06
de9inemeowbuntu, you got any idea's to why my key pairs won't work?10:06
denis123rbfisher: yes10:06
rbfisherMe to10:07
MyrttiJimLovell777: because the unmount can't access the same password it was given when it was mounted10:07
rbfisherI triple boot it. Dual screen Nvidia card10:07
meowbuntuJimi_Neutral, what do you need mySQL for10:07
DevrethmanHow do I permately add things to /etc/resolv.conf?10:07
de9ineprobably some data storage? :P10:07
sarthorksnigel_nb, the point is those two outputs have always been like this, and are not showing anything new, given that my battery might actually have gone empty.10:07
rbfisherSo are you editing the file with Sudo command?10:07
Josh901making Pidgin Transparency10:08
meowbuntu!irc | Jimi_Neutral10:08
ubottuJimi_Neutral: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines10:08
Jimi_Neutrali am following a tut on how to install and config LAMP. BAsically i need to bind the mysql database to the ip of the box its on....the tut shows binding it to the local host with cat '/etc/hosts | grep localhost' so to bind it to a specific address to i just change the 'localhost' part to
nigel_nbsarthorks, thats what I think too.  It may have run out and that information is not being updated10:08
carlos24cmI read on the internet that the only way to remove the constraint on the keys is to use gconftool-210:08
carlos24cmbut somebody knows what is the command to remove these cursed constraints draw_background and picture_filename with gconftool-2?10:08
TabmowAnyone recommend a good media server to install on Ubuntu that works well with a PS3?10:08
Darks7arHi.I have problems with mysql. I can connect to it only from the host pc, any remote system is unable to connect to it.what should i do?10:08
meowbuntu!guidelines | Jimi_Neutral10:08
ubottuJimi_Neutral: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines10:08
Josh901Tabmow Mediatomb10:08
nigel_nbDarks7ar, you can ask on the msql channel too for help in case we can't figure it out10:08
icerootDarks7ar: its disabled by default to connect from remote10:08
rbfishertabmow PS3 media server10:09
Darks7ariceroot: do u know how to enable it?10:09
icerootDarks7ar: edit the config10:09
rbfisherMediatomb is a pain.10:09
icerootDarks7ar: networking = 1   is imo the entry10:09
JimLovell777Myrtti: Sorry but I don't understand. I don't use a password to mount the folder. I have my remote system set to use an certificate based auth for ssh. on my local machine I type sshfs user@ /home/localuser/remotemnt and I unmount with umount /home/localuser/remotemnt10:09
nigel_nbcarlos24cm, hold on.  I'm checking10:09
rbfisherPs3 Media server works on Windoze to10:09
Tabmowrbfisher: ps3 media server?10:10
llutzJimLovell777: umount with fusermount -u /mount/point10:10
Darks7ariceroot: and can u point where is that conf file10:10
Josh901Easy tho.10:10
icerootDarks7ar: /etc/mysql/my.cnf10:10
Darks7ar10x alot10:10
rbfisherGot tabmow?10:11
nigel_nbcarlos24cm, go to your home folder and press ctrl + H to see hidden folders.  Rename the .gconf folder to .gconf_old, logout and login back10:11
mrpink57JimLovell777: its usually <IP> localhost.localdomain <myhostname> if you want one on the end10:11
rbfisherSo easy to set up.10:11
icerootDarks7ar: or its called skip_networking  i dont know anymore just seach for "network" in that file10:11
denis123So if I found that installing the Hardware Drivers via System->Administration->Hardware Drivers in 9.10 stuffed up, reckon doing it manually would work, or is it likely to stuff up as well?10:11
nigel_nbcarlos24cm, you should have reset your gconf settings10:11
Darks7ariceroot: ok :)10:11
rbfisherI was using Tversity on Windoze and stopped10:11
mrpink57Jimi_Neutral:its usually <IP> localhost.localdomain <myhostname> if you want one on the end10:11
initech62has anyone used ubuntu netbook remix on a NC10?10:11
JimLovell777llutz: Thanks that worked perfectly. I guess I've been using the wrong command.10:12
Tabmowrbfisher: i can't see a package for it...10:12
llutzJimLovell777: you have :)10:12
Josh901Does anyone know how to make transparent Pidgin theme10:12
rbfisherlast one labeled .tgz10:12
carlos24cmnigel_nb, i'm trying10:13
meowbuntuhi is there a bette format than fat32 for, usb flash drives and external hdds, that is cross mount on lin win and mac10:14
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mrpink57meowbuntu: not really, I wish something else would come down the line though.10:14
de9ineGod I'm getting so frustrated about this rsa history.10:15
mrpink57meowbuntu: Linux can read/write NTFS though.  As for Mac I have no idea.10:15
iceroot!anyone | initech6210:15
ubottuinitech62: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?10:15
denis123i downloaded this .run ati-driver-installer for linux. how do I install it10:15
icerootdenis123: chmod +x filename && ./filename10:16
Morpheuschi mi da una mano?10:16
=== EagleWatch is now known as eaglewatch
icerootdenis123: but why not using something from the repo?10:16
titan_arkHi, any idea on how to get the latest stable thunderbird update?10:16
titan_arksupposedly there is no repo.10:16
carlos24cmNigel_nb, I tried but the background does not change10:16
nigel_nbtitan_ark, the mozilla team has a PPA I believe10:16
grackAtheros wireless is fail. The ath5k module loads okay, but the OS isn't detecting the interface. Suggestions?10:16
Morpheussicome ho scaricato un film ed formato iso come devo fare?10:16
nigel_nbCarlFK, did you logout of gnome and login back?10:17
de9inedenis123, check systems->administration->hardware drivers there should be a propritary driver for ati ready for you to install..10:17
denis123denis123: repo? The automatically installed one via System>Administration>Hardware Drivers does not work with my dual screens10:17
abodoes Karma Koala support awn?10:17
erUSUL!it | Morpheus10:17
ubottuMorpheus: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)10:17
titan_arknigel_nb: there isnt a stable one. need to add daily update and i dont want that trouble10:17
nigel_nbcarlos24cm, did you logout of gnome and login back?10:17
Jimi_Neutralmrpink57, im new to this...my manager wants me to bind the address for mysql to the ip address that its all installed on rather than localhost address10:17
erUSULabo: sure10:17
fireball_hi all. I can't remove gnome-panel from xffce desktop. Killing it does not work either, it just comes right back. . .10:17
de9inedenis123,  :( works just fine with my dual screens on a laptop :]10:17
nigel_nbtitan_ark, then you have to package on your own or wait till lucid10:17
meowbuntumrpink57, what about ntfs i know linux and mac can mount them can mount that10:17
denis123de9ine: yes. But that did not work. I have Radeon HD 487010:17
aboerUSUL, sudo apt-get install awn?10:17
mrpink57Jimi_Neutral: to be honest its beyond me a little and can not give honest advice past that.10:17
Morpheusscusate non cio fatto caso :) che era in inglese10:17
titan_arkdenis123: i have DLed the installer file from the mozilla site but cant seem to install it after extracting10:17
erUSUL!awn | abo10:18
ubottuabo: Avant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for  the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ - Awn-Manager can be found in Universe from Hardy (8.04) onwards.10:18
denis123de9ine: dunno why. I tried it four times10:18
Jimi_Neutralmrpink57, roger, ty anyway :O)10:18
luciohi there everyone10:18
llutzJimi_Neutral: just comment out the "Listen" line "# Listen"10:18
llutzJimi_Neutral: then it listens on ALL available addresses10:18
Morpheusciao e grazie ;)10:18
erUSULMorpheus: ;)10:18
Jimi_Neutralllutz, hey bud, hope you are well.....where is that line? the my.cnf file doesnt seem to have anything in it10:18
titan_arknigel_nb: i have DLed the installer file from the mozilla site but cant seem to install it after extracting10:19
llutzJimi_Neutral: you should have....10:19
nigel_nbtitan_ark, hold on.  Lemme check out10:19
mrpink57whomever has the .run file you need to cd to it in your terminal then chmod + x the file then /path/to/file.run hit enter10:19
titan_arknigel_nb: thx a bunch10:19
Jimi_Neutralllutz nope nothing10:19
llutzJimi_Neutral: argh, "bind-adress" it is10:20
Jimi_Neutralllutz, sorry? lol10:20
Assurbanipalhello everyone. I have a pc of 2gb Ram, Cpu: q9550, nvidia 7800gtx,1 sata hd(root/home),1sata DVDRW,1 Ide HD. When i tranfer files from a partition to another/a hd to another or to a usb stick, i face very very slow transfer rate and the system becomes unusable because of cpu usage. What is happening? I am trying a long time to fix that (switched through diferent kernels) but with no result. I am on kubuntu 9,10 64bit. PLZ help me!10:20
Jimi_Neutralllutz, it already seems to be bound to the localhost10:20
nigel_nbtitan_ark, what file did you download? a tar?10:20
llutzJimi_Neutral: "# bind-address " will bind it to ALL addresse10:20
nigel_nbtitan_ark, what do you find after you extract it?10:21
titan_arknigel_nb: its a tar.bz210:21
DiverdudeI have a script file called myscript which i put in /usr/local/bin, but I cannot execute it globally. What am I missing?10:21
Jimi_Neutralllutz, i want to bind it to a specific address10:21
llutzJimi_Neutral: "bind-address "10:21
titan_arknigel_nb: the readme has no info on how to install just the thunderbird website link10:21
nigel_nbDiverdude, /usr/bin10:21
erUSULDiverdude: chmod +x ? permissions ?10:21
titan_arknigel_nb: cant do a ./configure10:21
nigel_nbtitan_ark, is there a ./configure?10:22
titan_arkno, there isnt. thats what i meant10:22
nigel_nbtitan_ark, check for something called thunderbird or soemthing10:22
carlos24cmnigel_nb, Yes I did log out of gnome, the problem is on another pc10:22
mrpink57titan_ark: did you have the .run file?10:22
titan_arki am new to linux. pardon me10:22
nigel_nbcarlos24cm, thats how mozilla gives it.  You can directly run it10:22
llutzJimi_Neutral: sudo /etc/init.d/mysql restart && sudo lsof -i :330610:23
DiverdudeerUSUL, chmod 557 ?10:23
Jimi_Neutralllutz, ok done that, how do i restart mysql cause the line im given in this tut doesnt work10:23
Jimi_Neutralllutz,  ty lol10:23
nigel_nbcarlos24cm, can you check if you have a new .gconf and .gconf_old?10:23
erUSULDiverdude: 75510:23
nigel_nbtitan_ark, thats how mozilla gives it.  You can directly run it10:23
nigel_nberUSUL, that script should be placed in /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin?10:24
mouseHello everyone.  I love ubuntu but I'm painfully new to it.  Anyone feel like answering a couple questions I have?10:24
DiverdudeerUSUL, ahhh yes...almost correct :) thx10:24
erUSULnigel_nb: local bin is a better place10:24
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:24
indusmouse, i would like to10:24
titan_arknigel_nb: mrpink57: i can see a thunderbird and run-mozilla shell script10:24
nigel_nberUSUL, ah :)10:24
nigel_nbtitan_ark, run thunderbird script10:24
nigel_nbtitan_ark, that should open up thunderbird interface.  I doubt if installation is needed10:25
Jimi_Neutralllutz, when i run cat /etc/mysql/my.cnf | grep bind-address it is still coming up wtih bind-address =
mrpink57titan_ark: oh one of those things, yeah.  open thunderbird and run it from the extensions area10:25
llutzJimi_Neutral: changed the wrong file? didn't saved it after editting?10:25
mrpink57thunderbird does not do an auto install you have to give it a path from the extensions area within thunderbird10:25
mouseThank you.  How do I find out how big a program is and how do I find out how much free/used/total harddrive space I have?  Also what is this swap partition on my harddrive ubuntu created?10:26
titan_arkmrpink57, nigel_nb: yes it now asks me to set up my account10:26
haffemouse: 1) du10:26
haffe2) df10:26
initech62is it possible to do network install to my network, without using a flashdrive or cd10:26
nigel_nbtitan_ark, :)10:26
titan_arkbut thats weird. i cant install and run it from menu!10:26
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haffe3) swapon -s10:26
mrpink57mouse: df10:26
talentedI have a problem with my mouse, everytime I go to move a titlebar of a window... I keep missing it and getting the window behind it, as if the point of the mouse is higher than the point itself10:27
nigel_nbtitan_ark, you need to redirect the menu to the right path now10:27
titan_arknigel_nb: oh!10:27
nigel_nbtitan_ark, mozilla's tar files does not install.  It executes the program from that folder itself10:27
carlos24cmnigel_nb, the .gconf new is always wrong10:27
titan_arknigel_nb: thats bad :P :D10:27
mouseI'm sorry.  What is du and df?  Is that the terminal command?10:28
nigel_nbtitan_ark, one way easier10:28
grackmouse: yes.10:28
mrpink57mouse: yes10:28
mouseMay I ask what it stands for?10:28
titan_arknigel_nb: ?10:28
nigel_nbcarlos24cm, well, any changes you make in gconf editor is done to gconf folder.  Once you rename it, a new one should be created for you without errors10:28
nigel_nbtitan_ark, it works in all distros without complaints10:28
mrpink57mouse: just type either du will show directy space and df will show disk usage10:28
nigel_nbtitan_ark, mozilla doesn't have to pack .deb, .rpm or whatever10:29
nigel_nbtitan_ark, not easier for us, for them ;)10:29
mrpink57mouse: not really sure its just the command, kind like top and htop show processes10:29
titan_arknigel_nb: ah okay, got it10:29
talenteddu is disk usage and df is defined filesystem I think10:29
[BT]BrendanI'm trying to download alien arena with wget but all the links are those stupid redirect ones and it just downloads the html file10:30
archboxmanmouse if you have that many commands you want to know I can give you links so you can read on command line interface or linux commands10:30
nigel_nbcarlos24cm, so can you confirm that the old one called .gconf_old and a new .gconf folder is in your home directory?10:30
grackhey mouse, you said you were kind of new; do you know about man pages?10:30
carlos24cmnigel_nb, however, the changes in gconf-editor i did in OEM installatio10:30
titan_arknigel_nb: its sad that the latest update is not available as a repo. they added FF though10:30
[BT]BrendanSo how can I download through these links with the command line?10:30
themwATI graphics card and 4GB - Ram problem - can anyone help?10:30
mrpink57[BT]Brendan: wget10:31
mouseI see.  Thank you.  That should be very useful.  Especially since the software center doesn't show how much space a program will take up before you install it.  Yes I would like to see the command list please and no I do not know about man pages.  What is it?10:31
archboxmangrack: that is not kinda new that is real new... lol10:31
Jimi_Neutralllutz, changed the my.cnf file and saved it10:31
nigel_nbtitan_ark, I donno how they work.  but rest assured.  The repos will never be updated that way.  Only the next version of ubuntu will be updated with new version10:31
nigel_nbtitan_ark, i.e., you cant get TB3 in hardy from repos10:31
[BT]Brendanmrpink57, I am using wget10:31
titan_arknigel_nb: yeah, that is what i got to know when i googled10:31
talentedis there a problem with lock screen?10:31
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carlos24cmnigel_nb, the new gconf folder and the old gconf folder are in my home directory10:32
Jimi_Neutralllutz, just gone back into the my.cnf file and it still says 'bind-address
themwX doesn't start when 4 GB are installed because video memory of graphics card is calculated wrong10:32
llutzJimi_Neutral:  "grep bind-address /etc/mysql/my.cnf"10:32
mrpink57[BT]Brendan: check the man page for proper syntax on downloading10:32
[BT]BrendanIs there some fancy command I have to do with it to make it work?10:32
nigel_nbcarlos24cm, you made the changes in gconf from OEM install, then I'm sorry, but I dont think I'll be able to help :(10:32
archboxmanmouse: here is one to start with quick reference http://www.unixguide.net/linux/linuxshortcuts.shtml10:32
mrpink57[BT]Brendan: in your terminal do man wget and read about it some more10:32
nigel_nbcarlos24cm, my suggestion would be to create a new gconf on another computer and copy the entire folder there.  That might work10:33
Jimi_Neutralllutz, comes back with "bind-address =
llutzJimi_Neutral:  "sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf"10:33
Assurbanipalhello everyone. I have a pc of 2gb Ram, Cpu: q9550, nvidia 7800gtx,1 sata hd(root/home),1sata DVDRW,1 Ide HD. When i tranfer files from a partition to another/a hd to another or to a usb stick, i face very very slow transfer rate and the system becomes unusable because of cpu usage. What is happening? I am trying a long time to fix that (switched through diferent kernels) but with no result. I am on kubuntu 9,10 64bit. PLZ help me!10:33
[BT]BrendanUg, theres a few months of reading and trying work out how to use it10:33
Jimi_Neutralllutz, nothing in there, so looks like it was the wrong file10:34
zilkomaaHey, how i can uninstall namoroka and use only firefox 3.62?10:34
archboxmanmouse: here is another website to start with just to get an idea...10:34
llutzJimi_Neutral: always edit files with full path10:34
Jimi_Neutralllutz, rgr rgr10:34
archboxmanmouse: http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html#510:34
nigel_nbAssurbanipal, every time you copy to USB same thing happens?10:34
talentedzilkomaa, purge it, then remove the mozillateam ppa10:35
Jimi_Neutralllutz, ok restarted and its come back with 127 again10:35
alankilaAssurbanipal: there was recentlyish a bug fix regarding slow transfers to USB sticks. The problem was with the elevator algorithm, using cfq instead of nop on USB sticks. I'm not sure if it isn't supposed to be fixed already on 9.10.10:35
Jimi_Neutralllutz, i dont have much luck do i10:35
Assurbanipaleven if i transfer from one partition to another10:35
talentedor specify the version you want10:35
llutzJimi_Neutral: what does  "grep bind-address /etc/mysql/my.cnf" give back now?10:35
Assurbanipalalankila: so what does this meen?can i fix it somehow?10:35
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carlos24cmnigel_nb, don't worry, you're helping a lot, now I try to copy the gconf folder10:35
talentedwhat's wrong with Namoroka? maybe we could just fix that instead of switching?10:36
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Jimi_Neutralllutz, 127 still10:36
Jimi_Neutralllutz, i have just gone back into conf and it says 10.20 but when i run grep it says 12710:36
llutzJimi_Neutral:  impossible if you did "sudo nano /etc/mysql/my.cnf" changed and SAVED it10:37
mouseThank you very much.  This should all come in handy.  I do have one more question since I'm here.  I know technically they're now the enemy but what is the best wine-like program to run windows programs?  I'm happy to make the switch, I'm just not ready to go cold turkey.  Know what I mean?10:37
ovgWhere I can get a program with a makefile for test make command?10:37
Oyozmy image viewer is unable to open images with tiff extention.wat can i do??10:38
Jimi_Neutralllutz, must have tpyed it wrong, typed it again and i got loadso f instruction in there now10:38
ovgsorry about my english10:38
Jimi_Neutralllutz, trying agin10:38
indusovg, on sourceforge try any one10:38
Jimi_Neutralllutz, where would i write it10:38
archboxmanmouse: playonlinux maybe the way you to go because your new... ;)10:38
ovgthx because i had an exam today and one question was about10:38
nigel_nbovg, tiff is a restricted format, you need to have restricted extras installed10:38
indusovg, ok ill give you one small source file10:39
llutzJimi_Neutral: look for the, change that line or add one below10:39
salvachnHi. How do we use rsync from behind a proxy? Is it by setting RSYNC_PROXY?10:39
ovgif you download a program and it is compiled10:39
ovghow to install10:39
mouseI have playonlinux but it always asks for the disk.  That can be problematic.10:39
ovga) make install10:39
ovgb) ./install10:39
indusovg, yes10:39
ovgi choosed ./install10:39
indusovg, you go into the folder and follow the readme10:39
ovgbecause though if it was compiled it have an installation file10:40
indusovg, so always follow readme for compile10:40
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)10:40
indus!compile > ovg10:40
ubottuovg, please see my private message10:40
Jimi_Neutralllutz, done, ty for your help and infinate patience10:40
llutzJimi_Neutral: i'm paid to sit here, so no problem :)10:40
salvachnHi. How do we use rsync from behind a proxy? Is it by setting RSYNC_PROXY?10:40
Jimi_Neutralllutz, :O)10:41
logvelcis there any straightforward way of finding out what binaries are added when installing a package with apt-get?10:41
archboxmanmouse: If we are going to discuss this private message me...10:41
Jimi_Neutralllutz, rebooted this morning....guess what, no internet lol10:41
llutzJimi_Neutral: odd box you have10:41
Jimi_Neutralllutz yes indeed10:41
grackllutz: I'm jealous.10:42
ovgok i read10:42
ovgthen i answer bad10:42
ovgi have choosen b)10:42
ovgAm I right?10:42
rethuswhich is the biggest ubuntu-forum (maybe in german)10:43
mrpink57i dont like its suggest to search for prebuilts first, I think compiling is a great learning tool.10:43
Jimi_Neutralneed a restart brb10:43
carlos24cmnigel_nb, nothing10:44
Kelleri have 2 intel x64 CPUs, is it ok intsalling amd64 system/app on it, or it's only for AMD?10:44
llutzKeller: intel too10:44
turddumplingim getting a message from update manager every time I try to download the updates:10:44
turddumplingThe upgrade needs a total of 15.7M free space on disk '/boot'. Please free at least an additional 3,077k of disk space on '/boot'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'.10:44
Kellerllutz, thanks10:44
teagehow do you mount usb from command? my usb will not automount. it will sometimes but not allways.10:45
mrpink57teage: mount /dev/sdb /media/mount10:45
mrpink57teage: change /dev to proper location10:45
ovgmrpink57, then if i have compiled the source, ./install does not work10:45
ovgisn it?10:45
nigel_nbcarlos24cm, even after a re-login?10:45
ae86-drifter_how do i recover an (unallocated) partition??10:45
ovgae86-drifter1, there are some programs to recover partition table10:46
carlos24cmnigel_nb, a moment10:46
mrpink57ovg: you should read the README's on all files they do not all use the same sequence or command but usually its ./configure make make install10:46
teagemrpink:what do you mean change /dev to proper location.?10:47
airtonixmy netbook has a functional touchpad, ubuntu lets me use it. however "xinput list" does not mention anything regarding "touchpad" or "synaptics"... and i have no touchpad tab in system > preferences > mouse... how does one get that tab to appear in my situation ?10:47
mrpink57teage: well my hard drive is /dev/sda1 but your hard drive might be /dev/sda2 you need that info10:47
ovgok thx10:47
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NET||abusehey guys, someone brought this up yesterday, but does anyone have trouble with audio playing games? i believe it's pulse's fault, but not sure,, if i play glest or savage2, i get glitchy sound for about 20 seconds or so, then it turns into mashed up static.10:48
turddumplingThe upgrade needs a total of 15.7M free space on disk '/boot'. Please free at least an additional 3,077k of disk space on '/boot'. Empty your trash and remove temporary packages of former installations using 'sudo apt-get clean'. I've emptied my trash, preformed that command and have more than 6 GB of free space in my filesystem and it still isnt working.10:48
airtonixNET||abuse, tried prefixing the game command with padspl ?10:48
Myrttiturddumpling: have you removed the old versions of the kernel?10:48
AdvoWorkif im doing an rsync from a certain folder(which contains loads of sub folders) can i somehow exclude certain folders?10:48
zilkomaatalented: Ty10:48
airtonixNET||abuse, sorry not padspl, correct word to use is : padsp10:49
mrpink57teage: i havent had to mount a flsh in a long time but in command do fdisk -l10:49
turddumplingMyrtti: how do you do that?10:49
alankilaAssurbanipal: well, you could test from /sys/block/xxx/queue/elevator to see what queueing algorithm is used by the device in question. If it's not "noop" then the bug is there.10:49
mrpink57teage: may need to sudo it10:49
SadaraxAnyone know how to disable a mouse button that triggers the XF86Search key automatically?10:49
airtonixNET||abuse, it functions like aoss does (but for pulseaudio)10:49
NET||abuseairtonix, searching for it now,10:50
talentedzilkomaa, what was wrong with Namoroka?10:50
teagemrpink57: it shows as sdc110:50
airtonixNET||abuse, it should be installed by default10:50
Assurbanipalalankila: i would say that this looks like greek to me,but the fact that i am greek wouldn't deliver the correct message...I don;t understand what u ask me to do10:50
alankilaAssurbanipal: also the file is called "scheduler", not "elevator".10:50
ouyeshi, all i am using exaile to play music, but it can not play ape music,how to get a support for ape??10:50
NET||abuseairtonix, trying to run with alt+f2 i type in padsp and teamspeak comes up10:50
teagemrpink: when i try to mount it, says cant ffind it10:50
mrpink57teage: so make sure you have a directory for it to go into can do mkdir /media/usb then do sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /media/usb10:51
NET||abuseairtonix, is it in sound & video  programs menu in ubuntu menu?10:51
carlos24cmnigel_nb, nothing10:51
Myrttiturddumpling: first check which kernel version you are using now in terminal with uname -r, then open up synaptic, and uninstall linux-image-<number> that do *not* match the output of the first command10:51
alankilaAssurbanipal: well, perhaps it's better off just to live with the problem then.10:51
NET||abuseairtonix, is it in sound & video  programs menu in ubuntu menu? I have PA device chooser and PA volume control.10:51
Sadaraxouyes, do you have the ape codec installed?10:51
nigel_nbcarlos24cm, sorry then.. I'm not sure how to fix it :(10:51
airtonixNET||abuse, you prefix your usual commands with it.10:52
NET||abuseairtonix, which commands?10:52
ouyesSadarax, the movie player can play the ape, but the exaile can not10:52
airtonixNET||abuse, are you running your game from the menu ?10:52
Assurbanipalalankila: if i install 2.6.33-rc6 would it help10:52
ouyesSadarax,  i do not know if i have installed the ape codec10:52
NET||abuseairtonix, yeh10:52
alankilaAssurbanipal: if you can't validate the scheduler in use at /sys/block, I bet you can't install the kernel either.10:52
NET||abuseairtonix, ahhh you mean prefix the launch game command with padsp.. right!10:53
GodEaterhi there, I'm struggling with getting any iso10646 misc-fixed bitmap fonts on my karmic install. Anyone got any ideas? I've installed and re-installed both xfonts-75dpi and xfonts-100dpi, and still /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc has only iso8859 files in it.10:53
chad_Hey there... I'm having a bit of a problem trying to install a new desktop theme using Emerald, no matter what I do it doens't seem as if it wants to load, i've tried sudoing it,i've tried running the emerald theme manager, i've tried command line : emerald --reload, and restarting...anyone else have any ideas?10:53
airtonixNET||abuse, ok to try out padsp you 'll need to copy the cli commands used to run your game; open up alacarte, (system > preferences > main menu)10:53
Assurbanipalalankila: the kernel is available in deb files at kernel.ubuntu.com....10:53
alankilaAssurbanipal: I can't recommend that course of action.10:53
ae86-drifter_anyone got logitech g25 working10:54
Sadaraxouyes, are you use exaile supports ape? Google results might say otherwise10:54
airtonixNET||abuse, find the entry that is your game and select it then on the far right of the window, select properties10:54
Sadaraxouyes, i meant: do you know if exaile supports ape?10:54
mrpink57GodEater: have you updated the font cache?10:54
carlos24cmnigel_nb don't worry and thanks of all10:54
ouyesSadarax,  i do not know10:54
airtonixNET||abuse, highlight the text in the command field and copy it10:54
GodEatermrpink57: by running fc-cache -fv?10:55
mrpink57GodEater: yes10:55
GodEatermrpink57: then yes10:55
airtonixNET||abuse, then open a terminal, and paste it10:55
GodEaterseveral times10:55
NET||abuseairtonix, i've never been able to edit the command in a menu item without running the big menu editor or copying the launcher to the desktop.10:55
airtonixNET||abuse, before you run it , press home key and type "padsp "10:55
mrpink57GodEater: did you save you were looking in /usr/share/fonts?10:55
GodEatershould any of the files in /usr/share/fonts/X11/misc have ISO10646 in their names? Similar to the way the ISO8859 ones do?10:55
airtonixNET||abuse, do you have the menu editor open ?10:55
Assurbanipalalankila: /sys/block/sda/queue -> the content of the file scheduler is: noop anticipatory deadline [cfq]10:56
mrpink57GodEater: I am going to check my folder hold on10:56
Assurbanipalalankila: is this what u asked me to do?10:56
GodEatermrpink57: thanks10:56
alankilaAssurbanipal: if SDA is your USB disk, then that scheduler probably ought to be noop. If it is not, then you need to find the device representing the USB disk.10:56
NET||abuseairtonix, just did it anyway, for glest and for savage210:56
Diverdudehow do i search for a filename containing "mex" in part of it's filename in current folder and all subfolders?10:56
Assurbanipalalankila: how i do that?10:56
NET||abuseairtonix, will see if it helps now.10:56
mrpink57GodEater: mine goes like this /usr/share/fonts/ then each font has a folder there is not X11 folder10:57
GodEatermrpink57: curious =/10:57
alankilaAssurbanipal: the command mount shows which device is mapped as what10:57
babbioi guys I'm trying to make a bootable usb disk from an iso image with usb-creator-gtk but when i chose my iso image i have the following error: isoinfo: Unable to find Joliet SVD! what does it means and what should I do? thank u10:57
mrpink57GodEater: well I am not using ubuntu I am on Arch Linux but fonts are not going to be that far off10:57
airtonixNET||abuse, the idea was to test it on the command line instead of editing the menu items, if it doesnt work you're going to have to edit them again10:57
GodEatermrpink57: I have in /usr/share/fonts three subdirs, truetype, type1 and X1110:57
Diverdudehow do i search for a filename containing "mex" in part of it's filename in current folder and all subfolders?10:58
Sadaraxouyes: I'm not sure what to tell you. Their documentation is not very clear on the subject.10:58
airtonixNET||abuse, padsp might or might not solve your problem.10:58
mrpink57GodEater: also if its local they can be install to ~/.fonts/10:58
JanHolboGood morning, guys!10:58
AdvoWorksilly question but how can i tell what port mysql is running on a ubuntu server?10:58
NET||abuseairtonix, didn't really fix the sounds unfortunately in either game, they're still crackly as heck.10:58
Assurbanipalalankila: ok this is the content of file scheduler for my usb drive: noop anticipatory deadline [cfq]10:58
mgolischDiverdude: find . -name '*mex*' ?10:58
mrpink57GodEater: are you just install them thru synaptic or compiling?10:58
Sadaraxouyes: It looks like they may have added the feature but google can't find anything of use on it. Do you have gstreamers installed? I notice exaile suggests those.10:58
GodEatermrpink57: I really want them system wide, and they were installed via aptitude10:59
airtonixNET||abuse, if it doesn't the next thing to try would be to open the pusleaudio volume control from the menu while the game is running10:59
alankilaAssurbanipal: okay. Well, that indicates the "cfq" bug is there.10:59
Assurbanipalalankila: what is a cfq bug??10:59
ouyesSadarax,  i think i installed because i can play ape by mplayer10:59
airtonixNET||abuse, sorry wrong app (thought it was same as the one from the sound icon in the system tray), open the audio icon from system tray > preferences10:59
NET||abuseairtonix, sure, ok,11:00
mrpink57GodEater: you can try to locate to see were it went by doing locate <name of font>11:00
mrpink57GodEater: or <name of folder>11:00
airtonixNET||abuse, then applications tab, hopefully you'll see your game listed in there with its own volume bar11:00
alankilaAssurbanipal: it causes the loss of speed when copying to USB devices. I do not know much more about it, though.11:00
NET||abuseairtonix, yeh it does.11:00
alankilaThe CFQ is an appropriate way to place data on spinning media disks, but suboptimal for flash.11:00
airtonixNET||abuse, my assumption this time is that the volume bar is at 100% ?11:00
Diverdudehow do i make a pause in the terminal if the output is to long, so that i can have time to look at it?11:00
Assurbanipalalankila: the same content is in scheduler file of all mounted drives11:00
NET||abuseairtonix, trying to figure out how t glest into windowed mode also, it's forcing itself to fullscreen.11:01
NET||abuseDiverdude, use less11:01
alankilaAssurbanipal: you can try to do "echo noop > scheduler" as root to see if that will help for USB devices.11:01
NET||abuseDiverdude, so run your command      $/  mycommand | less11:01
airtonixNET||abuse, is the volume bar at 100% when you opened the tab  ?11:01
NET||abuseyeh it is11:01
Assurbanipalalankila: the problem as i said is not only on usb devices.it is on all data transfer11:01
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NET||abuseso try reducing maybe will loose the distortion.11:01
airtonixNET||abuse, then move it down, maybe the crackling is because there is too much signal from the game going into pulseaudio11:02
NET||abuseairtonix, will be hard for fullscreen games though.11:02
airtonixNET||abuse, why ?11:02
alankilaAssurbanipal: there's another bug which kernel folks are working on regarding some kind of writeout throttling issue... load on one device affects performance of all devices. I don't know if that has been fixed yet, though.11:02
Sadaraxouyes: mplayer might be using something else. Unfortunately, I do not have much experience with ape. I haven't used it in years.11:02
NET||abuseairtonix, can't alt-tab outa them11:02
airtonixNET||abuse, some are different, you can always try changing workspaces (ctrl + alt + arrow keys )11:02
GodEatermrpink57: according to synaptic they definitely get installed into the dir I already mentioned11:02
NET||abuseairtonix, yeh, that didn't work either.11:03
mrpink57GodEater: but there is nothing there?11:03
NET||abuseairtonix, weird stuff.11:03
airtonixNET||abuse, not really11:03
GodEatermrpink57: yes there's loads there, but not the iso10646 fonts that I'm lead to believe the package supports11:03
ouyesSadarax, OK thanks anyway, maybe i need anther music player11:03
GodEaterand xfontsel shows no iso10646 encodings in the misc family11:03
NET||abuseairtonix, eve online and WoW (if i could be bothered) are other ones i'll have to do this way11:04
airtonixNET||abuse, your next task is to research glest and find out about its config files11:04
NET||abuseairtonix, on that already.11:04
c0dem4gneticis there a way to define that my apt-get installs dont add GUI/X11 related recommends?11:04
airtonixNET||abuse, are you running eve with a explicit virtual desktop command (via explorer) ?11:04
NET||abuseairtonix, yeh, i've sorted eve out in windowed mode so it's all good.11:05
NET||abuseairtonix, did all that research.11:05
MilpCould someone please tell me why a high number of ip table entries is a bad thing?11:06
airtonixNET||abuse, i dont knpow anything about glest so i wont be able to give you some ideas there11:06
NET||abuseairtonix, hmm, ok, so got glest in windowed mode (i think i'll test in this as it's lighter than savage or eve)11:06
mrpink57GodEater: I am not really sure to be honest at this point, a google search tells me its some sort of character type language like a Chinese or Japanese?11:06
IP-v6hi ! Doesn't "apt-get purge" delete config files ?11:06
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airtonixIP-v6, it is supposed to11:06
NET||abuseairtonix, but i get sound for a split second then it cracks and dies, the audio volume for glest saves in pulse volume properties between runs, so it's down at 60%11:06
GodEatermrpink57: no - it's what UTF-8 encoding is implemented in in bitmap fonts11:06
NET||abuseairtonix, but still no audio coming through now.11:07
rethushow can i set the notify messages for kalendar to other language (german) ?11:07
IP-v6airtonix, I used purge but it didn't remove chromium config files11:07
airtonixIP-v6, because they are in your home folder yes ?11:07
IP-v6airtonix, yes11:08
airtonixIP-v6, im no expert on apt, but i think that might be something to do with it (or google are just bad at deb packaging)11:08
IP-v6airtonix, thanks11:09
aluHi, .. i've got a problem with my squid proxy .. dont know whats wrong know because i just change some values for caching ..11:09
IP-v6airtonix, after reinstalling chromium doesn't start so i deleted files by myself11:09
mrpink57GodEater: I will assume the program you are using that needs these fonts is not working?  I was curious as to maybe the fonts are withing another folder or named differently11:10
aluwell after all, is see now when i'm doing /etc/init.d/squid status "pid file doese not exists"11:10
kuuhhey, I've got a slight problem while doing my software update today. The system is stalled at "Running postinst hook script /usr/sbin/updfate-grub". I guess it's waiting for some sort ogf user interaction.. anny ideas?11:10
alualtough squid is running11:10
Explore1Hi all, when i run gst-launch command with -e, and send EOS with ctrl+c combination, the device to which camera is connected changes from one /dev/videox to /dev/videoy, any idea why it happens so? and how to avoid this?11:10
GodEatermrpink57: I want the fonts availale in xterm is all. xterm does work without them, but it's character set is incomplete.11:10
L3dPlatedLinuxhey if I wanted to kill all of one process what would i use in the term to get this done killall_name idk11:11
IP-v6kuuh, i've updated without any problem karmic amd6411:11
mrpink57GodEater: and your bascially trying to setup *-*-font etc etc -iso10646?11:12
meowbuntuhi with unetbotin how can i boot from a ext3 fs. i can boot from a fat32 fs11:12
kuuhIP-v6, yeah but I didn't ;)11:12
GodEatermrpink57: pretty much. xlsfonts shows no iso10646 fonts for misc though11:12
airtonixmy netbook has a functional touchpad, ubuntu lets me use it. however "xinput list" does not mention anything regarding "touchpad" or "synaptics"... and i have no touchpad tab in system > preferences > mouse... how does one get that tab to appear in my situation ?11:13
mrpink57GodEater: in arch I use xfonsel see if that works11:13
kuuhIP-v6, the basic question is, can i just kill the updater and run the script manually, or will that just worsen everything :)11:13
GodEatermrpink57: I've tried that too - same issue11:13
mrpink57GodEater: also I had something similar happen to me when isntalling profont that it did not show up right away I remember a restart or two11:13
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IP-v6kuuh, i did it once time, it worked for me but ... : )11:14
GodEatermrpink57: rebooting a linux machine is an act of desperation. I don't want to the fonts that badly!11:14
mrpink57GodEater: I am in my xfontsel right now and I do in fact have 10646 in my rgstry11:15
Guest13527how i can change screen resolution in ubuntu 8.10 with kde 3.5.1011:15
GodEatermrpink57: for misc-fixed ?11:15
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mrpink57GodEater: yes, I chose the rgstry first then chose fndry then fmly11:16
GodEaterwell, that's my issue :(11:16
mrpink57GodEater: I will say it's an ugly font lol, but I am sure it is function over form11:16
GodEaternothing I'm doing is making that encoding available for misc-fixed11:16
GodEaterindeed :)11:16
mrpink57GodEater: I shut my machine off everynight since its a laptop so thats were a reboot comes in.  desperate times call for desperate measures.  Just think what Jack Bauer would do.11:17
GodEatermrpink57: he'd probably shoot the machine in disgust =/11:17
mrpink57GodEater: I am going to locate iso and see were mine is11:18
theadminCan I prevent files appearing in Places - Recent Documents?11:19
DiverdudeI have mex installed which is a program to make pdf documents.... so when i in the terminal write mex, linux starts the pdflatex program. I, however need to use another program also called mex to compile matlab binary files...but even if i go to the folder containing the correct mex file, pdflatex is still executed when i write mex in the terminal....how can i change that?11:20
mrpink57GodEater: it is nowhere to be found....11:20
Diverdudenvm, i can use ./mex i just remembered11:21
skeletor_hello, i need some help installing my vpn server ppptd11:21
Kellerhow do i copy/paste in xterm?11:21
GodEatermrpink57: right, so that means the files don't have the encoding in the name. Which means they're referenced from a fonts.alias file somewhere11:21
skeletor_im confused on what ip range i should use11:21
yumtehelp me.... i can not install ubuntu or debian from local repository with minimal cd...11:23
icerootyumte: what about usefull details?11:24
yumteiceroot : i'm sorry, i don't know...11:24
icerootyumte: are you connected to the internet?11:25
yumteiceroot : i don't understand...11:25
icerootyumte: are ubuntu and debian detecting the network card and get an ip?11:25
kuuhhmm /usr/sbin/update-grub doesn't do anything if I execute it11:25
yumteiceroot: no, i'm not connect to internet...11:25
kuuhyumte, yeah you are definetly not on the internet right now :P11:25
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yumteiceroot:i have setup local repository...11:25
icerootyumte: and the repo is working correctly?11:26
yumteiceroot:for updated it work well11:26
adamhey all how do i back up my drivers to 9.04?11:26
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yumteit's like this problem... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42949711:27
yumtei mean i want to install from localnet, without repository from other net...11:28
yumteiceroot:it's like this... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42949711:28
Guest29161how do i revert my drivers back to 9.04?11:28
raversfantasyhello i got a question11:30
Kartagisis there a way to make ubuntu not disconnect from the ethernet when the laptop cover is closed?11:31
raversfantasySince ive installed some updates il cant get into the login screen of ubuntu 9.0411:31
theadminKartagis: It shouldn't do so11:31
kuuhKartagis, stop it form shutting down11:31
Kartagistheadmin, it does11:32
kuuhor doing standby, hibernate whatsoever11:32
meowbuntuhi i have a qyuuestion about live usb11:32
theadminmeowbuntu: Yes, ask it11:32
meowbuntuhow can i use ext4 filesys and get it to boot11:32
JonathanEllisI need to convert a video from mts format to something I can read, edit and then post on you tube. I have tried http://wesleybailey.com/articles/m2tstoavi-avchd and http://wesleybailey.com/articles/ffmpeg-tutorial-convert-avchd-mts-m2ts but with no success. Now I am trying to install handbrake from http://handbrake.fr/downloads.php but I get an error when I try to open the deb file "Dependency is not satisfiable: libdbus-glib-1-2". I guess this is be11:32
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Kartagiskuuh, I'm not shutting it down, just locking it11:32
theadminmeowbuntu: Format the USB to ext4, use Unetbootin, and it should work11:32
pkm4o93JonathanEllis: I use winff11:32
meowbuntuthe done that it does nto11:33
meowbuntunto = not11:33
kuuhKartagis, you sure about that? I'd say it shouldn't kill ethernet if you are locking the screen11:33
raversfantasyThere's just a pop-up Window with the german errormessage : "Das Begrüßungsprogramm scheint gerade abzustürzen..." what basicly on english means "The Welcomeappication seems to crash..."11:33
meowbuntuthe it did from fat32 easily11:33
JonathanEllispkm4o93: Thanks. I will try that11:33
theadminmeowbuntu: It should boot from ext4 too, I don't know, but SOME usb drives only support Fat and FAT3211:33
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meowbuntutheadmin, i eas reading this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomizationFromScratch#Ext2 file-system (proper Linux)11:34
theadminraversfantasy: It seems GDM is broken.11:34
meowbuntutheadmin, i have a 20 gig usb hdd11:34
theadminmeowbuntu: Ah, hdd, then it should be no prob with ext4. Don't know.11:34
raversfantasyyep, thought that already, but how can i get rid of that problem without reinstalling11:34
fjordlordhello i cant get flash to work in firefox, any ideas?11:35
meowbuntutheadmin,  in that link i red that if not boot from ext4 i can do something to fix but i do not understand11:35
fjordlordi cant view videos on youtube now hear music on myspace11:35
pimif someone around is using deskbar applet, do you know why the icon looks like that sometimes on startup ? ==> http://box10.pulsradio.com/~pim2/Capture3.png11:35
raversfantasySomeone in the german Ubuntu-Channel already asked me for an pastebin of the "xsession-errors"-file, but this file doesnt exist for some reason11:35
theadminfjordlord: Install "flashplugin-installer" package (run in terminal: "sudo aptitude install flashplugin-installer"11:35
Kartagiskuuh, yes I'm sure11:35
kuuhKartagis, then honestly I've gtot no clue.. still searching for help in here as well :)11:36
kuuh(j #ubuntu.de11:36
yumteHelloowwwwwwwwww......... any help me.....?????11:36
Kartagis!ask | yumte11:37
ubottuyumte: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:37
fjordlordtheadmin, do i need to restart after that?11:37
theadminfjordlord: Restart your browsers11:37
theadminfjordlord: This does not work in Google Chrome yet, just in case.11:38
meowbuntutheadmin, any ideas baised on the tutoral i'm lost11:38
fjordlordtheadmin, didnt work11:38
fjordlordtheadmin, still just says "Done" in firefox11:38
theadminmeowbuntu: Sorry, no :(11:38
theadminfjordlord: Can you link me?11:38
fjordlordtheadmin, pardon?11:38
yumteKartagis:i need install ubuntu and debian from localnet from local repository...11:39
theadminfjordlord: I wonder whether it works for me11:39
fjordlordtheadmin, the link?11:39
theadminfjordlord: What exactly are you trying to view? Youtube?11:39
yumteubottu: i'm sorry, i don't understand...11:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:39
fjordlordtheadmin, i cant get the sound working this it just says "Done" in firefox11:39
fjordlordand i cant see the player11:39
SPhcThi is ubuntu security good?11:39
theadminSPhcT: You bet lol11:40
madch33z3hey guys how do i revert my wireless drivers back to 9.04 from 9.1011:40
StrongOrderSPhcT, given you install all the security updates11:40
theadminfjordlord: Hm, it works for me11:41
fjordlordtheadmin, on youtube its just "black" and says Done11:41
JonathanEllisWhat application can edit MTS video files directly?11:41
fjordlordbut i think i accidently installed some packages,,11:41
SPhcTStrongOrder, do i need firewall or some kind of scaner?11:41
theadminfjordlord: This happens if you have no flash, yeah... Well, check if "libflashplayer.so" file is listed in about:plugins of FF11:41
SPhcTtheadmin, do i need firewall or some kind of scaner?11:42
StrongOrderSPhcT, nope, defaults are fine, but if you're that high in security standards, there is an app called firestarter11:42
theadminSPhcT: No viruses for Ubuntu... Firewall, well, if you want one for some reason11:42
meowbuntuho is there a specific channel for usb installs of ubuntu11:43
fjordlordi have 2 shockwave flash under applications11:43
MilpCould someone please tell me why a high number of ip table entries is a bad thing?11:43
fjordlordin firefox menu11:43
fjordlordfuture splash and xshockwave flash11:43
theadminfjordlord: Meh. Just type "about:plugins" in adress bar, and say whether you can see a file called "libflashplayer.so"11:44
fjordlordno i dont11:44
SPhcTtheadmin, what makes ubuntu secure..? some people still can acces my pc over internet..11:44
stigchristian_Anyone here with PAM LDAP knowledge/experience?11:44
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Myrttiskeletor_: ask your question again11:44
fjordlordich dont have it :(11:44
theadminfjordlord: Hm. This means it ain't actually installed somehow11:45
meowbuntuis #ubuntulive a regestered channel11:45
fjordlordmaybe we can solve it11:45
theadminSPhcT: Uh, no? Unless you are running some kind of a server11:45
MilpPlese someone tell me why a high number of ip tables entries is a bad thing? D:11:45
theadminfjordlord: Hm, are you running a x86 or x64 version of Ubuntu?11:45
fjordlordamd 6411:45
fjordlordi have11:45
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SPhcTtheadmin, how important i keyring and user pasword?11:46
theadminfjordlord: Hm. Flash is somehow different there.11:46
_rubenMilp: it decreases the performance11:46
rob_pMilp: Who said it's a bad thing.  It's not bad in and of itself.  But it *may* mean your ruleset needs to be refined for efficiency.  The speed at which processors run these days negates the impact of a large ruleset.  But efficiency should always be strived for.11:46
Milphmm _ruben is there any way to block ip adresses in masses without loosing tons of performance?11:46
alankilaMilp log2 chains are not hard to do, I guess11:47
_rubenMilp: use ipset in addition to iptables11:47
Milprob_p: I have my ossec set to block any host that causes a security violation for 100 hours.11:47
DuskinDoes anyone know if the USE variable is required in make.conf in order to compile. I don't want to 'USE="-gtk -gnome qt3 qt4 kde"' and find out later I want to use gnome.11:47
Milpor maybe it was 1000 or 10 000, but they just keep coming again if they get unblocked, so it makes no sense removing them after a certain time anyways11:47
theadminfjordlord: Try downloading Flash from adobe.com, I don't know. Usually the package works11:47
[diablo]hi all.. does anyone know of a way of getting my iPhone 3GS 3.1.2 to USB tether with Ubuntu 9.10 please?11:48
halldor89I'm trying to install a program and get "error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"11:48
halldor89Anyone know what I can do to fix that?11:48
zenoCIAO MAMMA11:49
fjordlordgot sound to work!11:49
theadminhalldor89: You need to get a library file... Let me see where11:49
fjordlord(in audicious)11:49
* fjordlord happy11:49
zenoragà è la prima volta che vengo su xchat11:50
DuskinDoes anyone know if the USE variable is required in make.conf in order to compile. I don't want to 'USE="-gtk -gnome qt3 qt4 kde"' and find out later I want to use gnome.11:50
zenocome si scaricano i file????????11:50
theadminzeno: English please11:50
fjordlordgot it working theadmin11:50
fjordlordthanks for your help, bless11:50
theadminfjordlord: Good :)11:50
papuldont ubuntu filesystem have to be defragmented11:50
zenoI not speak english :(11:50
halldor89theadmin: I know, but I tried installing it with 'sudo apt-get install libstdc++5' but it doesn't work11:51
theadminpapul: They don't get fragmented... somehow.11:51
Myrtti!it | zeno11:51
ubottuzeno: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)11:51
_ruben!it | zeno11:51
DuskinThey don't get fragmented because the filesystem isn't crap11:51
papultheadmin: ??11:51
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stigchristian_I have (successfully) authenticated with my LDAP server, but, when the user logs in it gets the username and privileges of the first local user on the machine... Anyone have a clue?11:52
DuskinPapul: no, you don't defrag linux11:52
theadminpapul: Defragmentation is not a Linux thing. Because of the way Linux writes data, there is no fragmentation11:52
SPhcTdoes somone here use irssi?11:52
fjordlordtheadmin, another question11:52
fjordlordhow do I access my windows partition?11:52
fjordlordneed to cop some photos..11:53
raversfantasyDoes anybody know where the gdm-login-themes are located at ?11:53
SPhcTPici, hei..11:53
raversfantasyI want to backup them11:53
MyrttiSPhcT: plenty of people11:53
DuskinFjordlord: you should be able to see the partition in your home menu11:53
rob_pMilp: As _ruben mentioned, iptables and ipset will allow you to craft some very efficient and powerful rulesets that can be dynamically modified with minimal to no performance hit.11:53
theadminfjordlord: sudo ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/somefolder (replace sda1 with the device name, /mnt/somefolder must exist)11:53
=== papul_ is now known as papul
DuskinDoes anyone know if the USE variable is required in make.conf in order to compile. I don't want to 'USE="-gtk -gnome qt3 qt4 kde"' and find out later I want to use gnome.11:54
SPhcTMyrtti, irssi is good for chat? better than xChat?11:54
fjordlordcan it be system reserved?11:54
MyrttiSPhcT: a matter of preference. I've never used Xchat.11:54
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.11:54
indusSPhcT, its a console based client , but i find xchat the best11:54
fjordlordfound it11:55
SPhcTindus, what are diference?11:55
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:55
rob_pSPhcT: it's apples and oranges... xchat is a graphical app, irssi is command-line.  Which one is better is a matter of what you do, and what you prefer.11:55
fjordlordand blazzzzzzze11:55
indusSPhcT, no graphical interface , all command based11:55
MilpWhats the vim command to enter normal editing mode?11:55
MyrttiMilp: press esc11:56
SPhcTmmm ok thanks11:56
papulMilp: if u have any problem with vim then try using nano its very easy to use11:56
indusSPhcT, helpful when you have no display and need to come to irc for help :)11:56
scopecreepnano rocks11:56
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Myrtti!pm > SPhcT11:57
ubottuSPhcT, please see my private message11:57
papulscopecreep: yeah11:57
Milpyes papul i know, but vim is usually the only thing available on very stripped down linux boxes, like repair consoles11:57
Milpbut i just cant remember the commands, i always forget them again11:58
fjordlordcan i rename (or give a nickname) to a windows partition?11:58
papulfjordlord: yeah volume name11:58
fjordlordi want it to be named like "Windows shit" instead of 157GB  Filesystem11:58
raversfantasysure you can fjordlord11:58
Myrtti!language | fjordlord11:59
ubottufjordlord: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.11:59
fjordlordwhere do i change volume name11:59
DuskinWon't changing the volumename makebit unbootable?11:59
scopecreepi think the insert key also toggles vim mode11:59
fjordlordubottu, sorry11:59
ubottuIt's ok, I am only a bot so I cannot stay mad at you. For apologising to humans though, take a read of http://mdzlog.alcor.net/2009/07/20/on-apologies/11:59
scopecreepthats about all i know about vim hehe11:59
fjordlordbut kids make poop too11:59
and_emacs  or  vim  ?11:59
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:00
fjordlord!language | Myrtti12:00
ubottuMyrtti: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.12:00
qtkhi madafackers ;p12:00
docmaxhi what happened to /cdrom ??? ubuntu doesnt mount cds to this mountpoint????12:00
Myrttiqtk: I'm not amused12:00
fjordlordkeep on rocking on til the break of dawn12:00
and_docmax:accurate ?12:01
DuskinDocmax: check /mnt/cdrom12:01
fjordlordbut serious12:01
fjordlordwheres that volume name12:01
qtkstraszne :<12:01
fjordlordi wants to change volume nome12:01
scopecreepdocmax, all mounts should be under /mnt12:01
docmaxDuskin, there is no mount under /mnt12:01
DuskinOh maybe I'm wrong12:02
docmaxthere is a new mount under /media/"Label of CD"12:02
scopecreepbut in a perfect world there would be no push up bra12:02
docmaxthats all12:02
DuskinI don't use ubuntu :P12:02
fjordlordper favore, please help me or i need to go buy the first beer of the day :O12:02
and_why you are here now?12:02
DuskinBored and noone is chatting in #gentoo12:03
MilpWhere can i find the block lists of iptables?12:03
rob_pMilp: You can list the current rules loaded in the kernel with the iptables command.  Ex:  sudo iptables -L -nv12:04
scopecreepso if you guys had to recommend a new linux app/util that you thing might be under the radar what would it be?12:04
Milprob_p: no i need the files where the ips and such are listed so i can edit them12:04
tang_hello everyone12:05
airtonixscopecreep, your topic is best discussed at #ubuntu-offtopic :)12:05
DuskinThere's an offtopic?12:05
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:05
scopecreepairtonix,  eep sorry and thank you12:05
airtonixscopecreep, you're welcome12:06
DuskinAirtonix: thanks ill chat there12:06
theMANIm having issues with MySQL and AppAmor12:06
papulmy auto mounting power has gone from nautilus to pcmanfm :(12:06
theMANMySQL does not work until I disable AppAmor12:06
airtonixtheMAN, can you describe your issue in some greater detail for the channel please ?12:06
Milpaw please, where can i find the iptables blacklists? where are they located?12:07
airtonixtheMAN, one would assume you have configured other aspects of apparmor or mysql differently from default settings because every time i used mysql it has worked without problems related to apparmor12:07
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airtonixtheMAN, although that isnt a conclusive statement, if you provide greater detail maybe someoine with greater experience with apparmor can get a better idea of how to help you12:08
sumanho do i fix the sap partition12:09
sumanif it is giving me an error at the time  of booting12:09
airtonixsuman, what is meant by sap ?12:09
sumanairtonix, srry that is sap12:10
_rubenlooks like a broken w12:10
_rubenand o12:10
Milphow do i regsiter with this server?12:10
* airtonix is confused12:10
rob_pMilp: That could be anywhere.  It could be a script that you write/edit, commands entered at the command line, etc.  Maybe you are looking for the rules established by UFW?  That would be in /etc/ufw.12:10
airtonixsuman, ahh it makes sense now12:10
Milprob_p whats ufw?12:11
sumanairtonix, srry that is swap12:11
predator_xhi all12:11
airtonixsuman, first thing i would try is to reformat it using gparted while using a livecd12:11
rob_pMilp: UFW = Uncomplicated Firewall, I guess.  It's just an easier way to establish iptables rulesets.12:12
airtonixsuman, so that is 1) reboot machine with livecd isnerted 2) load gparted from menu 3) select swap partition on the machine 4) format it as a swap drive.12:12
rob_pMilp: Included with later Ubuntu's as far as I know.12:12
airtonixsuman, however that is only my first guess12:12
Milprob_p im using ossec, and i forgot where it locates the block lists12:12
sumanairtonix,  reformatting will erase the current installation12:13
airtonixsuman, no it wont read exactly what i said.12:13
rob_pMilp: I don't know ossec.  Don't you have documentation?  Is there a Website for it that has documentation?12:13
airtonixsuman, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=29104312:13
Milprob_p hmm i guess, but finding such information in a documentation usually takes hours, so i thought id ask here first, maybe someone knew12:13
airtonixsuman, you do have a live cd correct ?12:14
iflemasuman in a terminal type sudo swapoff -a and the reformat the swap drive with gparted12:14
shampaI am purchasing a laptop...is it possible that configuration I purchse is not supported by ububntu12:14
sumanairtonix, thnx i give it a try. i do i have live cd12:14
airtonixsuman, iflema's idea sounds good12:14
rob_pMilp: I just googled it.  Looks like an IDS.  Wish I knew about it but I don't so I can't help.12:15
airtonixsuman, as per this response : http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1702361&postcount=212:15
Milpthanks though rob_p :)12:15
rob_pMilp: welcome, good luck.12:15
shampaDoes ubuntu support intel i3, i5 processor12:16
shampaand DDR3 RAM12:16
sumaniflema, i am following what you have suggested12:16
iflemasuman mkswap will also refomat ya swap... but youll need to know where it is12:17
shampaDoes ubuntu support intel i3, i5 processor?12:17
sumaniflema, i will try that even once i install g parted12:17
sumaniflema, cn this be hardware issue if my keyboard type wwww.... and some time prevent booting12:18
mamoolihello what is the best way to install php 5.3 on ubuntu 8.04 ?12:19
Milprob_p turns out i was looking for the etc/hosts.deny file actually lol12:19
iflemasuman if you no familiar itll be a good exercise, gparted will show you where yaswap is unmount it and reformat it..12:19
ubuntuserI ve installed compiz icon but it doesnt show up under system tools . Any suggestions12:21
cielakhi, where can I find some resource on how it is possible to run several processes simultaneously? I mean: How linux can allow several applications to run at once12:21
lsdlunais there a software on ubuntu which allows me to connect my phone to the computer (via USB), and once connected, I can send SMS using the computer ?12:22
mamooliwhat is the best way to install php 5.3 on ubuntu 8.04 ?12:22
DuskinLsdluna: its called tethering and it depends on your phone12:22
DuskinMamooli: apt-get12:23
DuskinOr you can download the tarbell12:23
mamooliDuskin: no it's not that simple12:23
indusmamooli, is it a newer version>?12:23
airtonixDuskin, really i thought it was just called obex12:24
mamooliindus: yes a revoloution12:24
indusmamooli, use the file from the php site12:24
airtonixlsdluna, does it have to be usb cable ? you don't have bluetooth ability ?12:24
AceKingIs there a way to edit the boot/ grub menu?12:24
indusmamooli, i think 8.04 has some older version12:24
AceKingin 9.1012:25
jrib!grub2 | AceKing12:25
ubottuAceKing: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub212:25
iflemaAceKing /etc/default/grub12:25
lsdlunaairtonix: i have bluetooth. What I want to do is connect my phone to the computer, use a program to send SMS on the computer but comes out the tarrif of the phone/SIM connected12:25
indusAceKing, not many know i feel12:25
airtonixlsdluna, this is possible, via usb or bluetooth (it is however esier to setup with bluetooth)12:26
indusanyone here knows grub 2?12:26
=== sleeping`dragon is now known as error404notfound
DuskinAirtonix: you're right I didn't read the whole question12:26
iflemaAceKing then sudo update-grub2 in a terminal12:26
lsdlunaairtonix: oh? please point me in the right direction12:26
DuskinIndus: grub2 is configured almost the same as grub12:26
indusDuskin, is it? how come,can you give me step by step from a live cd12:27
airtonixlsdluna, ok while i dig up right page for you investigate : blueman, gnome-bluetooth and anything on ubuntuforums relating to bluetooth sms12:27
Duskinindus: what are you trying to do with grub?12:27
indusDuskin, i need to help someone so i nee dhelp first12:27
AceKingiflema, I don't understand the first part of your instructions.. Sorry12:28
indusDuskin, lets say  i need to add a ubuntu version i cant find in boot menu12:28
iflemaAceKing sorry... in a terminal gksu /etc/default/grub    note the line at the top... youll need to update-grub2 once ya done12:28
DuskinIndus: sounds like you just need to change the .conf file12:28
airtonix!info gnome-phone-manager12:29
ubottugnome-phone-manager (source: gnome-phone-manager): control aspects of your mobile phone from your GNOME 2 desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.65-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 161 kB, installed size 1024 kB12:29
indusDuskin, ok how to12:29
indusDuskin, what conf file12:29
DuskinIndus: grub2.conf?12:29
AceKingiflema, Thank you!! this has been driving me nuts12:29
DuskinNot sure I'm on a phone chatting right now12:29
iflemaAceKing you adding or removing12:29
iflemaindus adding or removing12:30
AceKingiflema, removing one of the Vista loaders. One is for a reinstall12:30
airtonixlsdluna, yep i think it might be as simple as installing gnome-phone-manager12:30
iflemaAceKing really.... must you? its only htere for a sec or two12:31
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airtonixlsdluna, or if you're looking for something a bit more scriptable : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=119902612:31
iflemaAceKing id recommend removing vista12:32
fireball_sorry i was away. How do i remove gnome-panel from xffce? Killing the process does not work, it comes straight back. . .12:32
JediMasterdoes the linux-image-2.6.31-19-virtual support xen as a client? I've been running the -xen images before12:32
AceKingiflema, yes, because the person who will be using this computer needs to use both Ubuntu and Vista.. I don't want them to hit the wrong thing and overwrite the system12:33
AceKingiflema, I agree.. I hate Vista12:33
* iflema :)12:33
AceKingiflema, I tried gksu /etc/default/grub and it just came back to the prompt12:33
=== error404notfound is now known as sleeping`dragon
JediMasterhmm I guess it's not a xen kernel: Ignoring non-Xen Kernel on Xen domU host: vmlinuz-2.6.31-19-server12:35
iflemaAceKing goodone thatll be because = sudo gedit /etc/default/grub12:35
AceKingiflema, ahhh, thanks12:35
iflemaAceKing its not over yet12:35
fjordlordwhich program in ubuntu do i use to make flv files?12:35
fjordlordwith audio and images...12:35
prodigelhi all. who had the bright idea to change xterm colors in 9.10 :( now I don't know how to set them back to black background and white text12:35
toaderhi, could anybody help me this problem? http://dpaste.com/154937/12:36
fireball_How do i remove gnome-panel from xffce? Killing the process does not work, it comes straight back. . .12:36
=== sleeping`dragon is now known as |404NotFound|
Dr_Willisprodigel:  xterm -rv   perhaps.  or xterm -bg black -fg white12:36
iflemaAceKing to do what you wanna do.... well12:36
AceKingiflema, can I just comment it out? would that work?12:36
Dr_Willisfireball_:  try killall gnome-panel ?12:36
iflema!grub2 | AceKing12:36
ubottuAceKing: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub212:36
=== |404NotFound| is now known as error404notfound
indusDuskin, iflema adding12:36
iflemaAceKing no12:36
prodigelDr_Willis, is there a settings file that I can fill with this values?12:36
indusplease tell me full path of file to edit12:37
ohirprodigel: Edit->Profile12:37
iflemaAceKing its a mission.... thats why i say really...12:37
prodigelohir, I'm talking about xterm, it has no menu like gnome-terminal12:37
ohirprodigel: Edit->Profile then edit color schemas12:37
iflemaindus adding custon entry12:37
indusiflema, yes12:37
fireball_Dr_Willis: bash: kill: gnome-panel: arguments must be process or job IDs12:37
fjordlordanyone knows how to make FLV files in Ubuntu?12:38
airtonixfjordlord, i know vlc can create them12:38
AceKingiflema, I understand. Well that command worked this time and it opened up grub /etc/default12:38
iflemaindus https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Custom%20Menu%20Entries12:38
fjordlordairtonix, really  how?12:38
meatbundoes gnome have calculator that displays binary and decimal side by side without clicking to switch back and forth?12:39
ohirprodigel: somewhere in xterm rc files then12:39
airtonixfjordlord, well i noticed it as an output option when i was experimenting with vlc as a screen capture program12:39
Dr_Willisprodigel:  yes xterm uses the .Xdefaults file  check  google for examples  old-skool stuff there.  theres dozens of other terminals you could be using12:39
iflemaAceKing it can be done but youll need to understand the workings of grub212:39
prodigelDr_Willis, xterm is the best12:39
StrongOrderHello! Anyone here has experience with Docky? I'm having problems wit happs not showing app icon on the dock12:39
Dr_Willisprodigel:  No it is not.12:39
prodigelDr_Willis, tell me which is better, and why :)12:39
airtonixfjordlord, what is it you want to achieve exactly? just make a video in flv format ?12:39
indusiflema, its difficult to follow12:40
iflemaAceKing grub2 will time and time again pick up ya vista(s).... autodetect12:40
AceKingiflema, Ugh.. way over my head..12:40
Dr_Willisprodigel:  rxvt = less ram and system resources.. identical feature set.12:40
ohirprodigel: on ubuntu AFAIR it uses some sys-wide predefined schemas12:40
=== sleeping`dragon is now known as |404NotFound|
fjordlordairtonix, i want to upload audio to youtube12:40
Dr_Willisprodigel:  and proberly a dozen others taht have identical feature set and less resources12:40
fjordlordairtonix, preferebly with just one image12:40
iflemaindus why... what is to be added?12:40
Dr_Willisprodigel:  personally these days i use 'terminator'12:40
airtonixfjordlord, ok did you know that youtube doesn't require a specific video format to upload ?12:40
AceKingiflema, so I'm pretty much stuck with that?12:40
indusiflema, so the menu entris are just like we had in menu.lst?12:40
indusiflema, that name, title kernel initrd etc?12:41
fjordlordairtonix, no but cant upload mp3 directly12:41
=== |404NotFound| is now known as error404notfound
indusiflema, also,where are the existing entries?12:41
prodigelDr_Willis, I like xterm because is universally available, and pretty cheap on resources. But if you say rxvt is even cheaper, i'll give it a try ;)12:41
industhanks in advance12:41
fjordlordairtonix, can i rename the mp3s to some other extension and upload?12:41
airtonixfjordlord, for example this video i uploaded was of ogm format : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMQm9Lz7H8o12:41
Dr_Willisprodigel:  xterm has a lot of 'features' that no one uses any more. I even forget what they were - textronics support or somthing like that12:41
indusiflema, i didnt uunderstand this line #12:41
indus10_linux entries will appear before 30_os-prober entries, which will be placed before 40_custom entries, which will preceed my.custom.entries inputs.12:41
indusiflema, if i understand, i will edit it and make it simpler12:42
AceKingiflema, I just didn't want the vista recovery showing up in the grub menu.. Just the vista loader12:42
airtonixfjordlord, ok try this : using vlc or gtkrecordmydesktop, have your image fullscreen and use a audio player to play the music ?12:42
fjordlordairtonix, ok so then i need a mp3 to ogm convert program12:42
Dr_WillisAceKing:  i recall seeing some forum threads/wiki pages on tweaking grub to do that.12:42
fjordlordairtonix, didnt understand12:42
iflemaindus /etc/grub.d12:43
airtonixfjordlord, well you want to combine the image and the music ? vlc can record the soundcard output when it is recording the desktop12:43
AceKingDr_Willis, I will try searching to see what I can find.. Thanks12:43
DuskinAceking: all you would need to do is find the lines that point to the recovery and comment them out12:43
indusiflema, yes i went to that folder and saw 40 custom12:43
iflemaAceKing thats it i can tell you.. but you really need to understand for yourself..12:44
prodigelDr_Willis, same Xdefaults for rxvt also?12:44
fjordlordairtonix, no i just want to put up a sound file with a photo like all other songs that are uploaded on youtube, how do they do?12:44
AceKingDuskin, when I tried that it wouldn't let me save12:44
AceKingiflema, thank you for helping12:44
DuskinAceking: open it in terminal using su12:44
Dr_Willisprodigel:  check google for Xdefaults examples and editing. rxvt basically works the same way.  Theres other newer terminal emulators taht proberly are just as light these days.12:45
airtonixfjordlord, i assume they just create a video with the same image on all frames12:45
indusiflema, i dont see an /etc/default/grub file either12:45
prodigelDr_Willis, will do. thanks for your answers12:45
* Dr_Willis waits for someone to say 'i dont need a terminal emulator, i want somthing to replace gnome-terminal.....'12:45
fjordlordairtonix, thats what i want to do12:45
iflemaindus what about /boot/grub/menu.lst12:45
indusiflema, yes i have that, strange12:46
AceKingDuskin, I tried that it still wouldn't save12:46
iflemaindus... you luck edit as you please and restart12:46
indusiflema, iam still using old grub ? but i do see the /etc/grub12:46
ohirDr_Willis: hehe; why?12:46
airtonixfjordlord, ill help you get started : 1) load up vlc 2) select : file > convert/save 3) tab : capture device 4) capture mode : desktop12:46
scopecreepyou probably want /etc/grub.d/00_header for grub212:46
Dr_Willisohir:  had someone ask that the other day12:46
Jimi_Neutralwhat command would i give to see a list of all the pc names with ip address in a terminal?12:46
iflemaindus... edit menu.lst as you please and restart12:46
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scopecreepjust a guess12:47
indusiflema, ok12:47
indusiflema, thanks12:47
Dr_Willisohir:  these new kids and their fancy toys.. dont understand why all these terminal programs are called a terminal eumlator. :)12:47
ngwcipka off12:47
iflemaindus carefully12:47
airtonixfjordlord, next step : 1) load up your image in a image viewer (preferably one that can go fullscreen without any window decorations showing) 2) load up a music player like rhythmbox or something12:47
ohirDr_Willis: mhm. I'll stick to gnome, not best but has enough to daily use12:47
DJones!ops | ngw12:47
ubottungw: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!12:47
indusiflema, dont worry i have edited menu list before12:47
ngwwas pusi12:47
Dr_Willisohir:  i like 'terminator' for a terminal in gnome.12:48
indushe could have meant cat too12:48
airtonixfjordlord, start your music in the audio player, then make sure your image viewer is fullscreen, then start recording with vlc12:48
ohirDr_Willis: windoze background. They never seen real terminal.12:48
StrongOrderAnyoen can tell me how to hide join/away messages in Xchat? It's so annoying :(12:49
ohirDr_Willis: does terminator preserves paths at shutdown?12:49
th482guys, would ubuntu works well on a EEE PC (seashell line)12:49
Dr_Willisohir:  Hmm.. why would it?12:49
Dr_Willisohir:  why would any terminal emulator do that. :)12:49
fjordlordso i load the song again in another audio player?12:49
fjordlordis that it, airtonix12:49
fjordlordand then hit convert in vlc?12:49
airtonixfjordlord, to record with vlc : click convert/save then in the profile dropdown select "video theora+vorbis (ogg)"12:49
FloodBot1ngw: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:49
ngwDALA DUPY MI12:50
Guest20368wykop kurwa12:50
indusngw, do you have ubuntu question12:50
Guest20368burn jude12:50
indus!pl | ngw12:50
ubottungw: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.12:50
n00pdoes this seem like a suitable crontab entry to run apt-get update and apt-get upgrade once an hour? 0  *    * * *   root    apt-get update || apt-get upgrade12:50
scopecreepim getting the impression that we arent all using the same definition of terminal emulator?12:50
nastashi all12:50
airtonixfjordlord, then click browse in the destination field above and choose a new filename that ends with .ogm12:50
ngwBURN JEWS12:50
indus!hi | nastas12:50
ubottunastas: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!12:50
rafiqMy taskbar is missing can anyone help me to make it appear..?12:50
ngwBURN YEWS12:50
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!12:50
ohirDr_Willis: because its convinient12:50
llutzn00p: why ||12:50
FloodBot1ngw: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:50
ngwBURN JEWS12:50
Tm_T  12:51
ohirDr_Willis: with some gigs of ram hibernation is far slower than shutdown/boot12:51
airtonixfjordlord, that last step is important. destination filename has to match the format you choose in the profile field12:51
ngwBURN JEWS NOW!12:51
ngwBURN JEWS NOW!12:51
FloodBot1ngw: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:51
airtonixfjordlord, i guess if this doesn't work for you you can use kino to create a video like you might do in other video creation software12:52
ohirDr_Willis: and gnome thingy remembers where it was. It still forgets tab names though12:52
scopecreepwell then12:52
fjordlordairtonix, but wont it be recorded what im doing until its fullscreen (the image)12:52
Dr_Willisohir:  cant say taht ive ever noticed terminals losing their path when you hibernate/suspend.. but then again.. i find  hibernate/suspend causes more problems then its wiorth12:52
Dr_Willisohir:  file a bug report. I dont see why it would do that12:52
Jimi_Neutralwhat command would i give to see all computer names and ips's on the network12:52
airtonixfjordlord, yes thats true there will be that first couple of seconds inthe video where youll see vlc being minimised12:52
Dr_WillisJimi_Neutral:  use nmap to scan them. getting their names is harder.12:52
fjordlordok interesting12:53
Dr_WillisJimi_Neutral:  if they got samba/shares try findsmb and smbtree12:53
airtonixfjordlord, my other suggestion would be to experiment with kino12:53
fjordlordbut i will try kino if thats maybe cleaner12:53
Jimi_NeutralDr_Willis, this is the only linux pc, the rest are windows12:53
indushow about pitivi12:53
RiverthiefSup guys12:53
RiverthiefI got a massive problem lol12:53
indusRiverthief, hi folks12:53
RiverthiefI installed wicd12:53
ohirDr_Willis: could be I'll fill.12:53
RiverthiefI couldn't connect to my WLAN12:53
Jimi_NeutralDr_Willis, i just need a list of ips and names of the pc next to it, if that is possible12:53
RiverthiefNow I removed it12:54
indusRiverthief, what kind of internet type have you12:54
airtonixfjordlord, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47103712:54
RiverthiefI still can't12:54
RiverthiefWireless, through a router12:54
nastasJimi_Neutral: idk about names but if you want the ip's try nmap12:54
Dr_WillisJimi_Neutral:  nmap, smbtree, findsmb..12:54
Jimi_Neutralnastas, ty12:54
Dr_WillisJimi_Neutral:  or reach over and type ifconfig :)12:54
Jimi_NeutralDr_Willis, ty12:54
Jimi_NeutralDr_Willis, lol12:54
ws010i[yiiipytoyt[puroypoypotphipkdçkokhpyog  ortituotir5tioyiitpyoipiytophpiotipopotrtpoipoir       ipíoityiiyóiyoiy                ioputoirtioúetrouttpo          4itoti[opiopruirohjçfeiktj                 jttijúoiryopíeoioytpuitió                    oitroittoipiorwio                           ipoiruitpitriritritrótoryo            proiorptirtporitrtiuro              oitrottiputriuiroip         uopreioioptipoipitpo4          fsftfiirproióip12:54
ws010     í5t´woou       uiruqopiut 20euwoiwueoi wuieruepri      iweupwqiuerujk      uowpoe38uioru4oiru3wio3             upr3oru3ir3ut      oiupoiwureo8kjhglkhjçfkjh         =i0i4tpoti0-i=4i    i5=9054854iffçlkvglhjkf             ropitói9yuórigkcgjtbmvl,ggjf                                                                                                           poitrpoitwproeti5optirotoiytytpyitopytiyptoiytiyt                             5o5iyýio5yioytiyopr12:54
ws010iupbbbbvv                                 oit4woijfkvln kjfkopitopiop        poipoi89pú4pipo   woi3490uipio4u5itpu  3ui4p5u45io45u bb ioeutroituior  iriurtoep   -ouiorptirpo  liutr' ioreiioiopigiikikoio[ylv pttprt5-pp     tprtrt5tp´[[[´[5           gr[ytp12:54
aurillianceHow to I make it so that I can use "ll" for long list?12:54
FloodBot1ws010: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:54
airtonixfjordlord, http://www.linux.com/archive/feed/5845812:55
ws010p pyp6y6pu[5[12:55
Dr_Willisaurilliance:  with the bash alias built in command. the .profile or .bashrc has that in the comments i recall.12:55
ws0107p[ypjtuttpçy    pt12:55
aurillianceDr_Willis: ty12:55
airtonixfjordlord, cinnelerra is also a good option12:55
indushow do you type so much data in here?12:55
Dr_Willisaurilliance:  the .bashrc here has it as an example. just uncomment12:55
=== dmart is now known as Guest97055
Riverthiefindus, copy pasteing. But don't do it lol12:56
lsdlunaairtonix: thanks, the scriptable one just went over my head lol. The gnome phone manager - doesnt work with usb?12:56
Dr_WillisGlad my IRC client asks (are you sure you want to paste 1000 lines?)  :)12:56
indusRiverthief, yes ok12:56
aurillianceDr_Willis: how do I set it up permanently (so I don't have to re-alias every time I open a shell) ?12:57
indusRiverthief, should be an auto cap on12:57
memeticGood morning.  My system has 12gb ram (verified in bios, etc.)  I'm using Ubuntu (32, x86, i686) and it only shows 2.7GB memory.12:57
MindVirusDo the main repos have invalid kkeys?12:57
airtonixlsdluna, it might do but how well or if at all depends on the level of support obex has for 1) your usb device on your computer 2) the usb device on the phone (not all usb connectsion in phones are the same )12:57
memeticDo I need to use the Ubuntu amd64 version to fully utilize the extra memory, or what?12:57
indusMindVirus, why? they dont but they do , please report them12:57
n00p32-bit ubuntu, memetic?12:57
indusmemetic, yes if more than 4 gb its good12:57
MindVirusindus: They don't but they do?12:57
iflemaStrongOrder right click on the channels in the channel tab / settings / hide join/part12:57
Slartmemetic: you can either use PAE or go 64bit.. I would recommend the later12:57
fjordlordairtonix, didnt work with kinox12:57
airtonixlsdluna, bluetooth enjoys a much more uniform level of implementation across phones12:57
memeticI don't suppose I can 'upgrade' to the 64-bit version, can I?12:57
n00pmemetic: no12:58
StrongOrderiflema, I love you! Thanks :)12:58
Slartmemetic: nope.. you're looking at a reinstall12:58
indusMindVirus, all people make mistakes but iam not sure how to generata a key for  a repo12:58
jribmemetic: ify ou consider reinstall == upgrade12:58
lsdlunaairtonix: ok cos I cant find my bluetooth dongle lol12:58
airtonixfjordlord, you'll need to convert the flv to a dv format first (i think you can use vlc to do this )12:58
MindVirusindus: I didn't make a mistake.12:58
memeticShould I not have at least 4gb available right now?12:58
StrongOrderiflema, been looking for this one forever12:58
indusMindVirus, no i meant the repo guys12:58
memeticInstead of 2.7?12:58
airtonixlsdluna, >< really try to find it... when you do the whole process becomes easier12:58
Slartmemetic: some of it is used for hardware mapping and other stuff12:58
Kartagiscan someone help me stick a logging statement either in named.conf or named.conf.options?12:58
MindVirusindus: I am unable to reproduce consistent results.12:58
iflemaStrongOrder its per channel not global12:58
indusMindVirus, meaning?12:59
Slartmemetic: usually you end up with something like 3 GB.12:59
jribMindVirus: what is actually happening?12:59
memeticSo cat /proc/meminfo and free -m report 2.7GB, and the other 1.3 is used for other stuff?12:59
FloodBot1memetic: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:59
Slartmemetic: but it differs depending on what hardware you have installed12:59
memeticIf I reinstall, will I keep my data if I don't reformat?12:59
MindVirusjrib, indus: Looks like the server was just down. The key it said was "NO DATA".12:59
MindVirusBut it's fine now.12:59
Slartmemetic: it's not used, but not addressable12:59
indusMindVirus, ya ok then12:59
Cazouhey, in ubutnu, in terminals, the histor seems to keep commands only once, at least when you press the up arrow, the same commad isn't shown multiple times12:59
StrongOrderiflema, makes sense, I was looking for it in channel prefs12:59
MindVirusI misinterpreted the error message so I did make a mistake. :P12:59
CazouIt's not the case in other distros12:59
Cazouhow deos that work ?12:59
indusMindVirus, the key servers have been unusually busy last months12:59
indusMindVirus, sometimes it wont even connect13:00
MindVirusindus: Which is what just happened, actually.13:00
memeticI mean, if I reinstall but don't reformat, will I keep /var/www, /home and /root intact?13:00
n00pmemetic: I made the same mistake a while back. upgrading to 64-bit decreased my boot time from 11sec to 9sec.13:00
llutzCazou: echo $HISTCONTROL13:00
indusMindVirus, yes its been like this for a long long time, wonder who we should report this to13:00
MindVirusProbably Canonical. But I'm sure they know.13:01
llutzCazou: man bash , see HISTCONTROL options13:01
buffmanCazou, not sure how but I think it's a handy feature in ubuntu13:01
memeticHere's the other big one, I use vmware.  I understand I'd have to recompile, etc, but do you know if vmware server works OK on Ubuntu-AMD64?13:01
Slartmemetic: I would suggest you backup your data.. I think it will still be there after a reinstall.. but I'm not sure and things might go wrong on the way.. backups are good13:01
n00pmemetic: I'm not sure if you can reinstall Ubuntu without erasing the drive. You might be able to shrink your current partition, and install onto another partition.13:01
MindVirusMy next question: Is there a safe way to kill another apt process?13:01
memeticSlart: I certainly will!13:01
memeticYeah, I need to make sure I keep my /var/lib/Virtual Machines or whatever in tact.  Heh.13:02
n00pSlart's suggestion sounds nice nonetheless13:02
spekkocan someone help me please. i wana dual boot my windows 7 and linux. i see windows 7 in the grub boot menu but when i select it, it does nothing13:02
memeticAnd AMd64 ought to work on my dual xeon?13:03
n00pI had a RAIDz go bust on me, took ages to recover the data. Not pleasant stuff when drive stuff like that happens.13:03
memeticI guess I'll download the installer and give it a try.13:03
Slartmemetic: hmm.. xeon.. try the live cd first.. not sure if you want AMD64 or X86_6413:03
n00pmemetic: which is the modem of your dual xeon?13:03
emghazalIDLE for Python 3.1 crashes when I press ctrl-space (for auto-complete) with this error message: http://paste.ubuntu.com/369506/ , but IDLE for 2.6 works fine. Any idea why?13:03
n00pie CPU model13:03
MindVirusWhat the hell? I have a process now on two computers that are saying the exact same thing: E: Unable to lock the download directory13:04
n00pSlart: is there an X86_64?13:04
memeticn00p: 2613:04
MindVirusThat's when running apt-get dist-upgrade (I never run standard upgrade)l13:04
obiwan_guys quick question13:04
memeticIntel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5504 @ 2.00GHz13:04
MindVirusAny suggestions?13:04
Slartn00p: I think there is.. if you check the torrents and alternative stuff on the download page13:04
deraclesMindVirus : are you logged as root ?13:04
=== airtonix is now known as _skywalker
obiwan_were are source programs installed in ubuntu, /usr or /usr/local ?13:04
spekkocan someone help me please. i wana dual boot my windows 7 and linux. i see windows 7 in the grub boot menu but when i select it, it does nothing13:04
MindVirusderacles: Never, but the other apt process is running as root.13:04
Kelleris there a single-player linux FPS?13:05
n00pI'm sure there's itanium 64 and AMD64. AMD64 is what you'd run on an x86-64. I'm sure of this because I couldn't find an x86 64 dist13:05
indusKeller, quake 413:05
_skywalkerobiwan_, you mean programs you compile yourself ?13:05
indusKeller, doom 313:05
indusKeller, and all the original quakes13:05
obiwan_spekko: try grub-install /dev/yourdevice just in case something's messed.13:05
deraclesyou have to wait the end of the other apt process13:05
memeticWhere is the AMD64 download?13:05
Kellerindus, thanks a lot, will try it13:05
DuskinEvery id engine game has a linux binary13:05
memeticOh, nevermind, I got it.13:05
MindVirusderacles: It is the same error message on two machines which makes me believe this is not going to be quick.13:06
DuskinAlso games made by epic13:06
indusKeller, havent heard of quake ?13:06
obiwan_yeah _skywalker i'm tryin to install usbdemux which isn't in ubuntu repos, so i downloaded it. i'm not too experienced in compiling13:06
shane2peruwhen I bootup my computer, sometimes it locks up and never gets to the log in screen, where would I start checking for info?13:06
DuskinKeller: look for unreal games also13:06
Slartn00p: hmm.. no.. didn't find a x86-64 version.. but I'm pretty sure I've seen one in the past13:06
_skywalkerobiwan_, have you tried finding them with the locate command yet ?13:06
indusKeller, yes also unreal tournament older ones , new one still doesnt come with linux version13:06
n00pmemetic: wait a second13:06
Kellerindus, i have, but i thought there's only quake 4 for linux=)13:06
iflemaspekko go back into ubuntu and in a terminal type sudo update-grub2 then reboot and try selecting win7 again13:06
icerootDuskin: ut 3 is not running with linux, also new id-games will not run with linux as well13:06
indusKeller, and try 'prey'13:06
memeticSlart, n00p, thank you for your help.  I'll create my rsync'd backups to my other systems and upgrade this puppy.13:06
deraclesan apt process is running on the two machines ?13:06
obiwan__skywalker: but locate is for local files13:06
indusKeller, i play quake 4 multi allways13:06
memeticn00p, eh?  I shouldn't download ubuntu-9.10-desktop-amd64.iso?13:06
Slartmemetic: good luck13:07
obiwan__skywalker: i didn an apt-cache search program and couldn't find it13:07
RiverthiefIn Ubuntu 9.10, what is the name of the program that manages network connections? Like, the one that puts the little "Signal" thing in the taskbar?13:07
_skywalkerobiwan_, yes this is true, it will find any file on your filesystem13:07
DuskinKeller: you can also try quake live13:07
bastid_raZorRiverthief: nm-applet13:07
indusRiverthief, network connections13:07
obiwan__skywalker: i know where the file is, i just want to know where to compile the source i got13:07
KellerDuskin, what's it?13:07
_skywalkerobiwan_, that is because apt-cache search does not involve self compiled programs13:07
indusRiverthief, under menu>system>prefs13:07
RiverthiefWhat is the command to start it?13:07
indusRiverthief, nm-applet13:08
manumarhi! How can I create an user and asign to it a folder?13:08
DuskinKeller: it runs as a browser plugin. Quakelive.com13:08
nastasdoes anyone managed to make laptop TI card reader to work?13:08
RiverthiefI installed wicd (For openbox), and now it won't run and I can't connect to the internet13:08
TonyRockzim on Linux :D13:08
n00pok yes memetic, I'm sure amd64 will work, but try the livecd too13:08
RiverthiefI tried nm-applet13:08
Riverthiefwon't work13:08
indusDuskin, Keller thats multiplayer13:08
KellerDuskin, wow, interesting13:08
obiwan__skywalker: sure, that's why i'm trying to compile it, cause it isn't in repos, so i'm wondering if should i make install it at /usr or /usr/local13:08
indusRiverthief, why wont wokr?13:08
_skywalkerobiwan_, mmm i think you're askign a different question here. is it really this : how do i find the dependancies of a program im compiling by binary name ?13:08
Dr_Willismanumar:   You can make a new user with the gui tools or the 'adduser' command.. No idwa what you mean by assign it to a folder.13:08
DuskinTonyrockz: congrats13:08
RiverthiefNo idea :S13:08
indusRiverthief, see the warning properly13:08
n00pthe reason I'm sure it'll work is because the xeon 5500 appears to be based on core i7 which is x86-64.13:08
indusKeller, do you play quake 4 online? try it, its great13:09
_skywalkerobiwan_, have you checked on ubuntu forums about the software (maybe someone already tried and documented something like this )13:09
Kellerindus, I don't like quake 413:09
obiwan__skywalker: hmm maybe , what i want to know is, self compiled programs should be installed at /usr or /usr/local , but maybe that question is under the one you said13:09
indusKeller, why?13:09
DuskinKeller: there are more fps games you can run also13:09
MindVirusAny way to change the automatic updating time in Ubuntu?13:09
RiverthiefOh, the warning said something about network-manager-gnome, than something about installing another package13:09
indusKeller, check out 'prey' also, recently released linux client13:09
emghazalI'm having a problem with IDLE for Python 3.1, it crashes when I press ctrl-space. Can anyone else reproduce the problem?13:10
DuskinKeller: I used to play counterstrike source on wine back on 8.04 and it ran perfectly13:10
_skywalkerobiwan_, no you're right my assumption of your question was not right... and to add more to your confusion i have heard of people saying /var/opt is a place to install self compiled programs (but why?)13:10
spekkojust tried that iflema still cant boot to win 713:10
indus_skywalker, i would say /opt13:10
obiwan__skywalker: nope i didn't, but this isn't a question about the software, it's a generic question. whenever you download a tarball to install a program, where do you install it? /usr or /usr/local?13:10
Kellerindus, i dunno why, but i like old-style games more13:10
_skywalkerobiwan_, in any case, any time i configure, make , make install, i just let it go where it wants13:10
indusKeller, ok try the old quake then :)13:11
obiwan_yeah _skywalker i forgot about opt13:11
FunkyWeaselGood afternoon.  I'm having a recurring problem with sound getting stuck in a loop when either using a music app (Amarok) or watching flash vids on Firefox.  This will be the 3rd time I've needed to reboot this week, so it's getting a bit tedious.  I'm using Ibix, sound device: nVidia MCP61 HDA13:11
obiwan__skywalker: actually it's supposed to be installed there13:11
_skywalkerobiwan_, i think there is a good reason for it but i can't remember why13:11
indusgoogle earth always goes into /opt13:11
obiwan__skywalker: but everybody installs it at /usr or /usr/local but i'm not sure where, some distros use /usr and others use /usr/local13:11
iflemaMindVirus System / Administration / Software Sources      updates tab13:12
OwnerHow can I "place" a Live system (from a cutomized bootable CD/iso) onto a hdd to boot in non-persistent mode? Ideally, the filesystem would reside in ram, using the hdd as /boot and /swap. I can't find anything on how to do this this!13:12
MindVirusiflema: I want to change the time of the Daily updating setting.13:12
* _skywalker gets tired of the force13:12
* _skywalker airtonix13:12
=== _skywalker is now known as airtonix
jrib/usr is package manager land.  package manager does not touch /usr/local and /opt, that's why stuff you compile goes there13:12
FunkyWeaselCan anyone help, apart from upgrade to Jaunty (can't atm, it's a webdev box that I want to keep same release as production)?  I seriously can't believe I need to be rebooting so often to solve sound issues!13:12
iflemaMindVirus as in set the hour...13:13
bartmonHi! I'm having issues with Firestarter dropping all packets to Link Local adresses. Any ideas (wheret o get help)?13:13
MindVirusiflema: Yes.13:13
airtonixobiwan_, there you go... /opt (wouldn't hurt to also see if anyone on ubuntuforums also mentions the software you are compiling)13:13
FunkyWeaselShould I *not* use pulseaudio on ibex?13:14
spekkoi have a problem. i can see windows 7 in my grub boot menu but i cant boot to it. what can i do?13:14
ouyesspekko,  open a terminal run sudo update-grub13:14
iflemaMindVirus no idea.... one can do it manually when ever one wants = in a terminal sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade13:14
MindVirusiflema: I know.13:14
spekko:ouyes i just tried that. iflema told me to do it but it wtill wont work13:15
* iflema :)13:15
ouyesspekko, ok what version of ubuntu are you running?13:15
spekkoim brand new to ubuntu :<13:15
FunkyWeaselNo one can help with repeated audio issues?13:16
MindVirusI have two computers. One is running Firefox, Thunderbird, PulseAudio, Transmission daemon, and a composited GNOME, while this one is running nothing save for Pidgin, Dropbox daemon, and the same composited GNOME. The first one is running at ~300MB memory usage. The other one is running at minimum 500MB. Why?13:16
ouyesspekko, cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg13:16
jribFunkyWeasel: "repeated audio issues" is vague, try being more specific13:16
FunkyWeaseljrib:  I'm having a recurring problem with sound getting stuck in a loop when either using a music app (Amarok) or watching flash vids on Firefox.  This will be the 3rd time I've needed to reboot this week, so it's getting a bit tedious.  I'm using Ibix, sound device: nVidia MCP61 HDA13:16
ouyesspekko, can you see the windows 7 in the output?13:16
spekkoyes i can13:16
jribMindVirus: check with top?  also see: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/13:16
Ownerspekko: provided that you're running grub2, you want to open what ouyes said like this: Alt+F2 "gksu gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg"13:17
airtonixFunkyWeasel, i take it you didnt separate your home directory to a separate partition prior to install your first ubuntu ?13:17
jribFunkyWeasel: does it happen if you never use flash?13:17
spekkohow do i check the version of grub13:17
FunkyWeaselairtonix: Not unless the basic install does that, no.13:17
ouyesOwner, what is wrong with the sudo ?13:17
airtonixFunkyWeasel, really good step that allows you to bypass the dodgy 'dist-upgrade' stuff that might very well be the cause of your sound issues13:17
Ownerspekko: ...and edit the entry for W7 there. what happens when you choose to boot W7?13:17
FunkyWeaselairtonix: It's a clean install.13:17
airtonixFunkyWeasel, its something you can do in the basic install13:17
Ownerouyes: nothing... didn't see you said that...13:18
airtonixFunkyWeasel, you just mentioned that you upgraded to jaunty ?13:18
spekkonothing happens . but when i tried the last time it went into ubuntu for some odd reason :<13:18
iflemaMindVirus write a script or a cron job13:18
spekkowhat do i need to edit?13:18
FunkyWeaselairtonix: No.  I can't upgrade at the moment.13:18
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airtonixFunkyWeasel, ok so you;re still on your initial isntall of ubuntu ?13:19
oseasi need you help13:19
FunkyWeaseljrib: I couldn't say, I work as a webdev, disabling flash would be a bit of a problem.13:19
spekkoowner: nothing happens . but when i tried the last time it went into ubuntu for some odd reason :<13:19
jribFunkyWeasel: I don't usually work while I troubleshoot13:19
FunkyWeaselairtonix: Yup.13:20
Ownerspekko: chances are you rewrote the w7 bootloader with ubuntu's (grub). do you have your w7 cd at hand?13:20
ouyesspekko, then i do not know what happened,13:20
spekkoyes i do13:20
FunkyWeaseljrib: Currently on lunch break.  Problem is that it only happens every couple of days.13:20
airtonixFunkyWeasel, and how long have you been using this setup ? did the sound problems only start occuring recently ?13:20
obiwan_airtonix: sry for late response, i'm right now doing osme investigation on this. brb when i got more info13:20
obiwan_i'm sorry _skywalker left before i thanked him :(13:21
FunkyWeaselairtonix: They have increased over the last few weeks.13:21
DiverdudeIn the GDB, when a code-list is required i can e.g. write list 56 to list the code around line 56. Is it instead possible to write something like list current_position, so that automatically lines around the current position are listed?13:21
airtonixFunkyWeasel, so you've only been using intrepid for a few weeks ?13:21
Ownerspekko: good... you should be able to fix this then... first of all, can you post the contents of /boot/grub/grub.cfg to http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/ ?13:22
ouyesDiverdude, you made a complicated statement.13:22
FunkyWeaselairtonix: No.  This install is, I think, 6 months old.  The problems increased from once a fortnight on average to twice a week, today having hit 3 times in a week for the first time.13:22
spekkoowner: sure13:22
ouyesspekko, also the sudo fdisk -l output13:22
jribFunkyWeasel: usually flash is the culprit so that would be my first guess.  Otherwise, check dmesg when it happens and play with pulse13:22
sipiorDiverdude: doesn't "list" (with no arguments) do that already?13:23
airtonixFunkyWeasel, have you investigated the possibility of 1) cleaning up temp files or 2) reinstalling pulseaudio or 3) removing pulsaudio ?13:23
OwnerHow can I extract a Live system (from a cutomized bootable CD/iso) onto a hdd to boot in non-persistent mode? Ideally, the filesystem would reside in ram, using the hdd as /boot and /swap. I can't find anything on how to do this this!13:23
ukcuflooking for a good  article about using irc13:24
ouyesOwner, install it to the hdd, then boot from hdd ,13:24
ouyesOwner, also you can use unetbootin to creat a hdd start up13:25
spekkoowner: done13:25
goutgot a ? about boot.ini file using grub4dos anyone:   in boot.ini file, i added c:/glrdr="Start Grub" at end.  is that cool to get c:/grub started in boot?  i'll type last line of file:  multi(0)disck(0)rdisck(0)......../fastdetect /NoExecute=OptIn  c:\grldr="Start Grub"13:25
ouyesspekko, where?13:25
goutanyone, will that ^ work?13:25
Ownerouyes: how do i make it non-persistent? good point about unetbootin... i forgot about that tool...13:25
Kellerwhy do i have 65(OMG) /usr/sbin/console-kit-daemon processes  running?13:25
JonathanEllisI am trying to use Kino to edit an MTS video file. After a long time it imported the file but now the video plays back much faster than the audio13:26
ouyesOwner,  i do not no what is non-persistent13:26
setkehhey guys how can i run a program the wont close when i close my ssh session to my server ??13:26
Ownerspekko: you need to give us the link13:26
ikoniagout: grub for dos is nothing to do with ubuntu and not supported here13:26
spekkoowner: oh lol sorry :P one sec13:26
Dr_WillisOwner:  with grub2 - you could set up grub2 to boot the iso file from the hard drive.  Thasts one way.13:26
iflemaOwner grub2 can boot iso's13:26
spekkohttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m62dc9d23 is the one13:26
ouyesspekko,  heim give us the URL of your pastebin13:26
JonathanEllis!grub |gout13:26
ubottugout: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.13:26
spekkohttp://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d31664f9a is the other one13:26
Ownerouyes: so that it doesn't keep any changes to the environment at all. each reboot then reverts to my custom "live" system...13:26
goutikonia, where can i get help for grub4dos.  #grub channnel said off topic too13:27
OwnerDr_Willis, iflema: sweeeet. exactly what i was hoping to hear! TY13:27
JonathanEllisgout: Sorry I was hoping that would give the IRC channel for grub. It is #grub on freenode13:27
ikoniagout: look on the website13:27
FunkyWeaseljrib: Found odd kernal msg: "ppdev0: unregistered pardevice"13:27
ouyesOwner, right, the tool unetbootin and usb start up create both can do this( you need a ISO file )13:28
goutJonathanEllis, i am on #grub.  they said "go away."13:28
Ownerouyes: ty13:28
ouyesOwner, and a fat32 partition for extract files to13:28
setkehhey guys how can i run a program the wont close when i close my ssh session to my server ??13:28
icerootsetkeh: screen13:28
jrib!screen | setkeh13:28
ubottusetkeh: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen13:28
BlitzHereI'm new to ubuntu, or rather linux in general13:29
BlitzHereI've chosen to switch to ubuntu and am trying to figure out which ubuntu version I should use13:29
jribBlitzHere: what do you want to use ubuntu for?13:29
spekkoowner: did those urls work?13:29
ouyesspekko, just a moment13:29
JonathanEllisgout: I just googled "grub4dos irc channel" but didn't find anything. You might need to post a message on a forum on the grub4dos website. Sorry I can't help but I know nothing about grub4dos13:29
Dr_WillisBlitzHere:  may as well stick with the normal ubuntu.13:29
spekkokk sure13:29
FloodBot1wvernon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:29
bazhangwvernon, stop that13:29
BlitzHerejrib: I should be using the system for some general office work (minor word processing, presentations and spreadsheets on openoffice), and a good amount of multimedia processing (music, movies, from the HDD, CD or DVD) and a good amount of gaming (primarily Linux native games plus some DOSBox games and a couple of the smaller Windows which are known to work on Wine)13:29
BlitzHereDr_Willis: reason?13:29
jribBlitzHere: just use ubuntu desktop, the default one13:30
wvernonjust testing whats the problem13:30
jribwvernon: don't test here13:30
sipiorwvernon: create your own channel and test there.13:30
BlitzHerejrib: does Xubuntu give better performance for games?13:30
JonathanEllisgout: I have a little experience of grub but not grub4dos. What are you trying to do?13:30
Dr_WillisBlitzHere:  you hafe no reson not to really.13:30
BlitzHerejrib: or rather any 3d app13:30
Ownerspekko, ouyes :i don't see an option to boot W7 in that menu... are you sure there is one, spekko?13:30
bazhang##wvernon test there13:30
jribBlitzHere: unlikely13:30
Dr_WillisBlitzHere:  for xubuntu. not really13:30
goutJonathanEllis, kewl.  things are getting worse here.  i switched another computer to puppy and can't get firefox up.  how much is a used cd-rom or dvd/cd-rom so i can just use live CD to install xubuntu or puppy?13:30
wvernonwill look into...13:31
bazhanggout, does your computer support usb boot13:31
setkeh cheer13:31
goutnot the labtop13:31
goutbazhang, no13:31
ouyesOwner, there is one at the bottom13:31
bazhanggout, is there an OS on it now13:32
goutbazhang, XP.  and i want that gone13:32
obiwan_airtonix: ok, as i read opt is supposed to be for addded-on ubuntu packages, that is, external packages installed over ubuntu. and /usr/local is for ubuntu-related packages installed by the admin and to be used by local users. So, my package is ubuntu-like i'll put it in /usr/local. And btw, i couldn't find any info bout this page on the forums, and i'm trying to install on /usr/local because it won't compile (cmake gives error) when compl13:32
riktkinghaving problems with subsonic can anyone help?13:32
JonathanEllisgout: You have a computer without a CD drive and you need to reinstall from CD? Is it a laptop? If your computer wont boot from usb (check the BIOS) then a USB CD drive will be useless for installing. I am in a similar position with a friends laptop and I am considering taking the hard drive out and putting it in another computer just to set up Ubuntu on it13:32
bazhanggout, oh okay, otherwise I'd suggest a wubi install for the time being until you get the hardware you need13:32
spekkoowner: yes im sure i see windows 7 in my boot menu13:33
preetamhow to update grub boot loader after kernel upgrade i use the sudo update-grub but it is of no use13:33
ouyesspekko, do you have a usb hdd pulung in ?13:33
spekkono i dont. only have internals13:33
FunkyWeaselairtonix: 1. No, will give that a try.  2. I will give that a go, 3. If I remove PA I go back to the equally flakey ALSA.13:33
spekkoowner: look at the bottom of that file, i see "menuentry "Windows 7 (loader) etc." is it not that?13:34
JonathanEllisgout: You might find a network install might sort you out if the computer will boot from network. It is well documented I understand but I have never done it.13:34
iflemaspekko pastebin the output from sudo fdisk -l13:35
BlitzHerejrib: Dr_Willis: well.. the most important issue for me is performance, I don't care about the looks as long as it doesn't hamper ease-of-use. From what I've heard, Xubuntu's supposed to be lightweight and faster because of the Xfce window system. My system is P4 1.6 Ghz, 512 meg ram, 80 gig SATA 7200rpm hdd with Nvidia FX 5200 card. It's very close to the recommended specifications.. that's the only thing that's got me thinking13:35
ouyesspekko, it seems you have two hdd one is 1000gb one is 320 gb??/13:35
=== Kernel is now known as Wicked
goutJonathanEllis, the laser burned out or crapped out in the laptop.  how much to replace it.  on web, i'm seeing $150+.  no way i'm paying that for this junk laptop.  and i've heard of directly connecting HDD to an IDE something or other.13:36
ouyesBlitzHere, i am running xubuntu 9.10 it is good and beautiful13:36
goutbazhang, waht is a wubi.  sounds easy13:36
Dr_WillisBlitzHere:  i dobut if it will matter. i say stick with ubuntu. Its trival to install xubuntu afterwards13:36
spekkoowner: both windows and linux is loaded on the 320gb on seperate partitions13:36
ouyesBlitzHere, the performance is better than gnome, FAST13:36
bazhanggout, it installs inside of windows  /msg ubottu wubi for more info13:36
ouyesspekko,  are you sure you have only one hdd?13:36
spekkoouyes, i have two.13:37
vegombreiim trying to install win7 on hdd1 with ubuntu being on hdd0 .. i formatted that drive to ntfs and inserted the win7 dvd and booted .. windows gives an error saying it cant find system partition ... how do i fix this?13:37
=== zz_FeiRuoWa is now known as FeiRuoWa
goutJonathanEllis, you mean setting up PXE, etc.  easy if you know what you are doing.  yes.  i did it and spent lots of time.  didn't work. surely simple error13:37
ouyesspekko, the things is simple, now13:37
BlitzHereouyes: Suppose I disable all the fancies in GNOME... then? Cuz I'd go and do that anyways13:37
jribBlitzHere: intsall both and compare (you can just install xubuntu-desktop after installing ubuntu and choose your environment at the login screen)13:37
spekkoouyes, hmmm?13:38
bazhangBlitzHere, is this karmic we are talking about? lubuntu-desktop is another very lightweight option then lxde13:38
FunkyWeaselairtonix jrib: Appreciate the help, good points made chaps.  Unfortunately as this is a work machine my opportunity to investigate these non-critical problems is limited at the moment - I need to reboot and get back to work.  Thanks again though, and have an awesome one :)13:38
ouyesBlitzHere,  i think it is the best way to make a fresh installation of xubuntu13:38
ouyesspekko,  wait a moment body,13:38
Ownerspekko, ouyes: sorry, have too much going on here... i'm back now.. SPEKKO: Alt+F2, gnome-terminal <enter>, "sudo fdisk -l" output -> pastebin13:39
ouyesSpec, is win7 installed in the first partition of your 320GB hdd?13:39
JonathanEllisgout: You can get an adaptor cable on Ebay for not much money that will allow you to connect a mini-IDE (laptop) hard disk to a desktops motherboard. Then you can just use the CD drive on the desktop machine to install linux with a livecd13:39
spekkoOwner: link http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m62dc9d2313:40
BlitzHerejrib: That's something I've considered...but point to note is that I've got an ugly connection and can't go about downloading multiple large files13:40
ouyesOwner, already http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m62dc9d23 here take a look13:40
BlitzHerebazhang: yes karmic13:40
spekkoouyes: no its not. its installed on the 3rd if im not mistaken13:40
BlitzHerebazhang: I'm trying to figure out which one to use... mind you that I'm new to linux in general13:40
spekkoouyes: ye on sdb3 is the OS and on sdb6 is the home dir13:41
bazhangBlitzHere, best way is test out as has been said previously then decide13:41
Ownerspekko, ouyes: sorry.. missed that... just a sec13:41
Dr_WillisOwner:  use ubuntu  and install other de's13:41
goutdesktop is no problem.  i go back and forth between three distros.13:41
Dr_Willisoops thas for BlitzHere13:41
emghazalI have a problem with IDLE 3. It crashes when I press ctrl-space. Can anyone else reproduce the problem?13:41
spekkoouyes, Owner: and my windows 7 is on sdb213:42
ouyesspekko, i mean where is win7 installed,13:42
goutbazhang, wubi ubuntu?  that is virtual.  what good would that do me?13:42
ouyesspekko, are you sure? cd  /media13:43
dasenHas anyone here successfully ran google earth on ubuntu 64?13:43
ouyesspekko, then ls13:43
ouyesspekko, wait , no need13:43
spekkoouyes, yes im sure windows 7 is on the sdb2. the 200gb partition13:43
Oyozfrom which where can i13:44
ouyesspekko, are you sure win7 is installed on sdb2?13:44
vegombreiim trying to install win7 on hdd1 with ubuntu being on hdd0 .. i formatted that drive to ntfs and inserted the win7 dvd and booted .. windows gives an error saying it cant find system partition ... how do i fix this?13:44
spekkoouyes, yes im sure13:44
Oyozfrom where can i download cisco packet tracer13:44
BlitzHerebazhang: Dr_Willis: jrib: I've got limits on my downloads...but I'm assuming downloading ubuntu and then installing Xfce shouldn't take up that much bandwidth...thanks for your help. Hopefully next time I log on will be from some version of Ubuntu...13:44
ouyesspekko,  ok now , the problem will be solved , i need you to edit the grub.cfg file13:44
spekkoouyes, Owner: i created the partitions and installed ubuntu after windows 713:44
spekkoouyes: ok let me know what to do :)13:45
Dr_WillisBlitzHere:  ubuntu iso = 700mb xubuntu desktop proberluy another 200mb if that...13:45
ouyesspekko, sudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg13:45
goutJonathanEllis, does the old machine you're working on have a floppy?  mine does, i just don't have the **** 1.44MB floppy disk.  boot floppy to make the usb drive boot.  i'll do it today if a dvd-cd-rom drive is too expensive13:45
Dr_WillisBlitzHere:  i dont see much point in using xubuntu if your pc can handle ubuntu and gnome13:45
ouyesspekko, change set root=(hd1,1)  to set root=(hd1,2) then save and reboot13:45
VectorXhello i installed a intel matrix raid 0 on my system and started ubuntu, but doesnt look like its working, i can see the individual drives in the disk manager, how can i fix the issue13:45
gouti''ll be back.  i need to get out of puppy.  lots of glitches.  see you in five13:46
rekDr_Willis: where can i find the bin of the program opening deb files?13:46
Dr_Willisrek:  you mean 'gdebi' ?13:46
spekkoouyes, i get an error. i cant save it13:46
Dr_Willisrek:  try which gdebi if you are trying to fix the gui .deb assoication13:46
rekDr_Willis: mabe , i used ubuntu.... but i don't remember the name13:47
iflemavegombrei winblows must go first or a at least a small winblows native partition upfront.13:47
spekkoouyes: "You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again."13:47
rekDr_Willis: mythbuntu is quite strange..... so i have ti search gdebi in bin?13:47
Dr_Willisrek:  if its even installed at all.13:47
Ownerspekko: the bootloader (grub2) configuration seems fine to me. it attempts to load the W7 bootloader (the chanloader option) when the W7 option is chosen from the menu and that could be your problem... I suppose booting from your W7 CD and writing the bootloader (on the right partition!) would be an option... used to be super easy with xp, as the ext (linux) filesystem wasn't supported and...13:47
Owner...therefore you couldn't rewrite the wrong partition easily. have never done it with W7 though... let's see what google has to say about that...13:47
Dr_Willisrek:  try it from command line perhaps.13:47
Dr_Willisrek:  'which command' shows the path to 'command' used13:48
Dr_Willisrek try -> 'which ls '13:48
vegombreiiflema: whats winblows?13:48
spekkoowner: you lost me lol :(13:49
Dr_Willis!info gdebi13:49
airtonixvegombrei, a term used by the dis-enfranchised to describe their pervious love affair13:49
rekDr_Willis:  ok, gdebi is installed but where's the executable13:49
ubottugdebi (source: gdebi): Simple tool to install deb files. In component main, is optional. Version 0.5.9 (karmic), package size 30 kB, installed size 232 kB13:49
Dr_Willisrek:  use the 'which' command... like ive been saying 4 times now. :)13:49
ouyesspekko, wait  sorry mate13:49
BlitzHereDr_Willis: my PC should be able to handle it just fine.... I'v run the live CD of ubuntu 7.10 (I think), a long time back... but I like my PC is just over the recommended requirements - and I'd like it my PC is responsive under stress. performance and ease of use are more important than looks. I'd probably disable all the fancy frills on GNOME anyway13:50
Dr_WillisBlitzHere:  its not really going to be an issue. you are worrying about too much13:50
ouyesspekko, make sure you use the sudo13:50
=== willie_ is now known as gout
rek/usr/bin/gdebi-gtk  Dr_Willis you're cool where did you learn all this stuff is there a manual or something out there?13:50
Dr_Willisif you want ease of use use gnome.. performace will be good.. the docs will be for gnome, so go use 'ubuntu' with gnome.13:50
iflemavegombrei winblows7 actually it appears one can dual boot with linux first now a days.... scratch that.13:50
Dr_Willisrek:  manuals and guides.. :)13:51
goutmuch better.  i can breath13:51
spekkoouyes, i did use sudo13:51
JonathanEllisI am trying to edit a video shot in MTS format. I imported it into Kino which seems to have generated a lower resolution DV copy of it but the video seems to play twice as fast as the audio. Any ideas?13:51
Ownerspekko: ... i got lost in the thread again... never mind, try what ouyes said first..13:51
rekDr_Willis: puppy rocks13:51
BlitzHereDr_Willis: Thanks, I'll prolly stick with ubuntu and switch if I find it slow in anyway13:51
Oyozis it possible to change from GNOME to KDE desktop?13:51
rekDr_Willis: i'm not able to use manuals quit often13:51
DJones!purekde | Oyoz13:51
ubottuOyoz: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »13:51
pwnedulongtimehow do I set the default kernel in grub?13:52
Ownerouyes: a read-only filesystem? idgi..13:52
bazhangOyoz, sure just install kubuntu-desktop13:52
spekkoouyes, Owner: tried opening it again, with sudo. still cant save13:52
Dr_Willisrek:  i use other terms to describe Puppy...  I dont use it any more.13:52
JonathanEllisgout: You asked if the old machine I am using has a floppy drive. No. And it has stupid triangular screws on the case as well so I will have to buy a triangular screwdriver13:52
Ownerspekko: you're not booting off a cd in your drive, are you?13:52
Dr_Willisrek:  there are man pages online  in html format. :)13:52
spekkoowner: no im not13:52
Ownerspekko: sorry... had to ask... try Alt+F2, "gksu gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg"13:53
Dr_WillisJonathanEllis:  anti-tamper screws on the case. thats creepy13:53
rekDr_Willis: i don't understand them sometimes... however it worked13:53
=== ecanto is now known as edson
JonathanEllisgout: Whether your machine will boot from USB or not depends entirely on your BIOS. If that is not an option in the BIOS then dont bother wasting your time and money on a USB CD drive or trying to boot from a memory stick cos it wont work.13:53
spekkoOwner, ouyes: same problem cant save :(13:54
JonathanEllisgout: What brand of laptop is it? I bought an original CD drive for mine for about £10 on Ebay13:54
JonathanEllisDr_Willis: Yes its a Sony (sorry I mean Silly) Vaio and I hate it. But it belongs to a friend and I said I would see if I could do anything.13:55
rekDr_Willis: i don't see my media in thunar.... why ? when i was looking for the bins i saw them13:55
ouyesspekko, you use ubuntu (gnome or xfce)?13:55
goutJonathanEllis: you asked about video.  i'm stuck on not being able to use Sony Software exclusively written for M$.  i used kino though and later switched to something else.  i remember the speed issue.  i'll try remember what i did13:55
Dr_Willisrek:  I dont use thunar. i hate it as a file manager.. I dont even know if xubuntu auto mounts media or not13:55
spekkoubuntu (i think :o)13:56
rekDr_Willis: do u like nautilus? why do you hate it13:56
Dr_Willisrek:  thunar has no features i need.13:56
reki have to do mkdir mount13:56
Dr_Willisif i want a light file manager - i use rox-filer or mc13:57
goutrek: i was using puppy.  love the speed, but it has lots of kinks.  or differences i've not seen before.13:57
xhhjmc is everything you need13:57
theadminmc rulez yeah13:57
rekgout:  kinks? i know kink is something sexy however lol13:57
rekgout yes it's fast13:57
goutJonathanEllis: it is a Dell inspiron 2600. what is conversion of pounds to $?13:57
xhhjwhy don't you guys try lfs?13:58
spekkoOwner, ouyes: should i try saving the file to the desktop and from there try to copy it to the folder with sudo nautilus?13:58
Dr_WillisYou can set up ubuntu with jwm and rox filer.. .... if you want a puppy like desktop.13:58
theadminspekko: Don't sudo nautilus. Use gksu13:58
Dr_Willisxhhj:  lfs dosent have much i need either. :) i did read its book/install docs once.. learned a few tricks..13:58
Ownerspekko: i have no idea what's happening there... try this: Applications->Accessories->Terminal, then type sudo nano /boot/grub/grub.cfg13:58
spekkotheadmin: whats that?13:58
goutJonathanEllis: i'll not buy on line.  i want this done today.  a used computer store is down the street.  opens in two hours.  either13:59
theadminspekko: GKSU is version of SuDo for graphical apps. "gksu nautilus"13:59
JonathanEllisgout: Mine was a Dell Latitude. £10 = $15.7213:59
rekhei Dr_Willis installed it... it like the one used by fluxbuntu 7.1013:59
Ownerspekko: you can edit the file and when you're finished, press Ctrl+X, then Y (for Yes, save changes) and hit Enter...13:59
damjanzgI cant get into python channel. Sou I will ask here.  How to insert variable instead of <text> in this command out=commands.getoutput("dig +short txt text.wp.dg.cx") ?13:59
jrib!register | damjanzg13:59
ubottudamjanzg: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode13:59
spekkotheadmin: ah ill try if all else doesnt work13:59
ouyesspekko, i do not think so14:00
=== damjanzg is now known as jackdamiels
goutrek: ex:  i start firefox and quit.  it won't start again b/c a session is running in background.  how do i get to background.  and the whole file system is different14:00
theadminHello, kronoz.14:00
jackdamiels:Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified with services14:00
Ownerspekko: did you try nano?14:01
kronozwhen a command is listed as foo(n), what does the n represent? e.g. ls(1)14:01
JonathanEllisgout: Then I guess you might have to pay a bit more for a CD drive. They are cheap as chips on Ebay but only if you can wait. In that case I suggest buying a mini-IDE adaptor cable so you can plug the hard disk into a desktop machine and set it up that way. Make sure you connect it to the first IDE channel on the desktop machine so that all the hard drive mappings are as they will be on the laptop. Alternatively, put the HD into another laptop that d14:01
davidhi everybody14:01
theadminjackdamiels: Register first. "/msg nickserv help register" for more info14:01
goutJonathanEllis: kewl.14:01
spekkoOwner, ouyes: kk it saved :) gona reboot now. thanx alot guys :))14:01
rekgout b/c ?14:01
=== david is now known as Guest56178
DJonesjackdamiels: The channel you're trying to join is restricted to user who've registered their nickname with freenode, you'll need to do that first before you can connect to the channel14:01
Ownerspekko: hope you can boot now... haha, just kidding...14:02
theadminOwner, spekko left14:02
Ownerouyes, theadmin: i'm off too then...14:03
kronozcan anyone help moi?14:03
theadminkronoz: Moi? What is that?14:03
Oyozhow can i update wine?14:03
OwnerDr_Willis, iflema: Thanks for your help, have a good one!14:03
theadminOyoz: Use their PPA.14:03
JonathanEllis!ask | kronoz14:03
ubottukronoz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:03
Oyozwhat is that?14:03
goutJonathanEllis: honestly, that is too complicated for me.  i dont' mix well with electricity or computer tech stuff.  if i saw it done, maybe.  but reading about and pictures and by end of today, very hazardous14:04
Oyozkind of confused here14:04
bnovca guy in my office is trying to install ubuntu but whenever he hits "install ubuntu" it prompts him for a username/password... I'm pretty sure he doesn't have it installed anywhere already. he has 2 partitions, one with windows 7 and a blank one with no filesystem14:04
theadminOyoz: For more info: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb14:04
kronozwhen a command is listed as foo(n), what does the n represent? e.g. ls(1)14:04
JonathanEllisgout: Its really easy. I can talk you through it. Do you have another laptop available?14:04
gouti sooo can not wait to get windoze off the laptop14:04
kronozsorry, I didn't want to ask twice :)14:04
kronozand sound rude...14:04
theadminkronoz: That didn't sound rude14:05
diagoI would like to setup an IM server for our office. What app will allow me to do this?14:05
gouti'm on a desktop that is now running ubuntu/mint.  the laptop to be converted is only laptop14:05
JonathanElliskronoz: If you have already asked, just wait a while. If nobody knows, ask again later14:05
kronozok cool.14:06
JonathanEllisgout: You only have the two computers? So you would not be able to access IRC while using the desktop to sort it?14:06
reki tried nimblex14:06
JonathanEllisgout: Can I private message you to help further?14:06
goutJonathanEllis: that is what i've been doing14:07
goutother window JonathanEllis14:07
archboxmanhow to private msg someone using irssi14:08
aurillianceI just installed the guesadditions for a ubuntu guest in VirtualBox, but I still can't copy and paste between host+guest :(14:08
DJonesarchboxman: Type /msg username Your message here14:08
theadminarchboxman: Use "/msg name message" I believe14:08
aurillianceanny suggestions/14:08
archboxmanI was thinking more like /private message here14:09
theadminaurilliance: Have you followed the instructions (provided in VirtualBox help guide), or did you do it manually?14:09
=== anxionglsj_ is now known as anxiong
theadminkevin__: Uh, no point in saying Hello twice. Hi.14:11
iflemaaurilliance in the settings for the particular vm under general, advanced tab, set shared clipboard to Bidirectional14:12
kevin__Is the update for the kernel to 2.6.31-19-generic officially supported for Karmic?14:12
aurilliancetheadmin, iflema already done it :P14:12
aurilliancetheadmin, yeah, I followed the help14:12
danubanyone know of a neotrace like application for linux?14:12
danuba graphical traceroute basically14:12
theadminaurilliance: Yes, then you should have gotten the kernel module compiled by now, right?14:13
herman_i'm having problems with network manager on ubuntu 9.1014:13
kinja-sheep!info linux-image | kevin__14:13
ubottukevin__: linux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all)14:13
herman_i can't see my conections14:13
herman_anyone can help?14:13
theadmindanub: Visit en.dnstools.ch, there is an  online app for that there14:13
kevin__ah kinja: so it's only optional it's not officially supported14:13
danubtheadmin: not looking for an online app. im scripting something14:14
theadmindanub: Oh. I see. Sorry, no then14:14
=== Yos_ is now known as Yos
AdvoWorkif im running a cronjob like: 0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * * /usr/bin/php -c /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini  /var/www/file.php >> file.log  how can i say, do that, but only if that cronjob isnt already running?14:15
JediMastercan anyone verify that the linux-image-virtual package will install a xen domU compatible kernel?14:17
spekkoouyes, Owner: you guys still here? :<14:17
VectorXhello, how can i install intel matrix raid support on 9.10 ?14:18
pw-toxic__i really need a GUI for my ubuntu router for port forwarding14:19
pw-toxic__webmin cant be used ;(14:19
amoodyHi, how can i install skype on ubuntu karmic? I've enabled the medibuntu repository but can't find skype in synaptic. Pls help14:19
bastid_raZor!ebox | pw-toxic__14:19
ubottupw-toxic__: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox14:19
scunizipw-toxic__: ebox14:20
gannordeanhello all14:20
gannordeanIs there some one how can help me?14:20
scunizi!ask | gannordean14:20
ubottugannordean: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:20
aurilliancetheadmin, hehe, it didn't compile cus it was missing the kernel headers14:20
aurilliancetrying again atm14:21
gannordeanRecently I've get an new vesion of xubuntu14:22
gannordeanYou hear me!14:22
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:22
scuniziwhere's the question gannordean ??14:22
gannordeanSorry but You can be patient14:23
donaldoalsa no sound card intel, any idea?14:23
ouyesspekko, how are the things going14:23
macman_what distro has libdvdread4 + filestat14:23
gannordeanI have a problem with my screen14:23
raven_have an ASUS EEPC 1005HA - how to install/enable the internal microphone?14:24
=== anil is now known as Guest9074
en1gmahi all i have a ps3 that is hooked up to a SDTV and i was wondering what distro is good for the ps314:24
Dr_Willis!ps3 | en1gma14:25
ubottuen1gma: Aside from i386 and amd64 platforms, Ubuntu is also available for alternate platforms. Playstation 3 ( support in #ubuntu-ps3 ) Apple PowerPC  ( support in #ubuntu-ppc )14:25
en1gmai think i need the text installer alternate dvd but im not sure14:25
gannordeanThe screen is out of the resolution14:25
renegaidI see ubuntu 10.4 in the works. why don't they upgrade the desktop14:25
gannordeanyah it's a problem of resolution14:25
en1gmadont i need to do a text installer method then14:25
ouyesspekko, hei how are the things going14:26
donaldoalsa , does not recognize my intel ALC268 sound card, any ideas?14:26
aurilliancetheadmin, got it - thanks :)14:26
aurillianceI've got ubuntu 8.10 32bit running and I want to update to 9.x, but every time I run the update manager, it says I'm up to date...?14:27
gannordeanhelp me14:27
gannordeanhelp me14:27
ouyesaurilliance,  it is simple14:27
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:27
aurillianceouyes, do tell ;)14:28
gannordeanmy screen overflow the resolution14:28
spekkoouyes, i was freaking out lol. when i booted i got an error, something of invalid hard disk. something like that.14:28
ouyesaurilliance,  i need you to do this, go to system>admi>software source14:28
ouyesspekko, oh, you must mistake the win7 partition,14:29
aurillianceyep :P14:29
aurillianceouyes, ^14:29
neonixgannordean - you mean the screen is smaller or bigger than the desktop14:29
BluesKajaurilliance, use the command line , sudo do-release-upgrade14:29
DJonesgannordean: I'm not going to be able to help with a resolution problem, but to give other a bit more information, can you tell the channel what graphics card you have and what resolution you're having to use and what resolution you're trying to get to14:29
ouyesspekko, see if the /boot/grub/grub.cfg file are changed14:29
spekkoouyes, hmm?14:29
aurillianceouyes, thanks, but bash says "No new release found"14:29
ouyesaurilliance, move to update option14:30
meowbuntuhow many primary partitions can i have on any one hdd14:30
spekkoouyes, i changed it back to normal so i coud boot again. i booted from the ubuntu cd to change it14:30
bastid_raZormeowbuntu: 4 afaik14:30
DJonesmeowbuntu: You can 4 primary partitions14:30
scunizimeowbuntu: 4.. if you need more make the 4th an extended partition14:30
ouyesaurilliance,  there is a release upgrade chose normal release, then go to update manager14:30
aurilliancegot it :)14:31
aurilliancethanks ouyes, appreciate it14:31
ouyesspekko, oh mate,14:31
ouyesspekko,  why not telling us that you are using a live cd14:31
ouyesaurilliance,  let me know if it works ok?14:31
spekkoouyes, i wasnt . i just used it to fix my cfg file now14:32
aurillianceouyes, will do, it's thinking about it14:32
ouyesspekko, boot from your internal hdd to ubuntu make the change14:32
spekkothats what i did when you told me to do it14:32
aurillianceouyes, it's working ;)14:32
ouyesaurilliance, but wait a moment14:33
spekkoouyes, but then when i booted again i got the error. THATS when i booted from the live cd to fix the cfg file14:33
ouyesaurilliance, it will take you a long time to upgrade, you need to download a lot, so it is better to download the iso file and extract to you usb device, then make an installation from the usb14:34
BluesKajaurilliance, ouyes ,yes the sources.list needs updating14:34
yumtewhy doesn't it still get solution for problem like these... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=429497 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8778322#post8778322 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1309279 http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-installer@lists.ubuntu.com/msg00061.html14:34
aurillianceouyes, only 27 mins, I have fast internet :P14:35
ouyesspekko, i can understand that you are in a hurry14:35
aurillianceI have an the cd somewhere, but I couldn't find it14:35
ouyesaurilliance, ah , then nothing matter14:35
spekkoouyes, nah im not really. you can take your time :). aslong as i will get a solution later14:35
meowbuntui am trying to create an extended partition on a live usb can anyone understand this http://pastebin.com/dc980514:35
ouyesspekko, we will work it out14:35
spekkoouyes, thanx alot :)14:36
ouyesspekko,  so now what are you running? a live cd or you internal ubuntu ???14:36
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spekkoouyes, internal ubuntu. have been on internal everytime we chatted14:36
yumtewhy doesn't it still get solution for problem like these... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=429497 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8778322#post8778322 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1309279 http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-installer@lists.ubuntu.com/msg00061.html14:36
shadow33Hallo zusammen, habe eine Frage zur Aktualisierungsverwaltung. Über 'Einstellungen...' kann ich ja einstellen, ob nur nachfragt wird, heruntergeladen wird oder auch direkt installiert wird und in welchen Abständen. Gibt es ne Möglichkeit das Ding so einzustellen, dass es nicht mehr dauernd aufpopt?14:37
scunizimeowbuntu: you just trying to make a persistant livd usb  that you can boot to?  or are you trying to put multiple OS's on one stick?14:37
Pici!de | shadow3314:37
ubottushadow33: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:37
ouyesspekko, ok mate, again i need you to run this in a terminal, cd /media14:38
ouyesspekko, ls -a14:38
meowbuntuscunizi, just a persistant usb i am now trying to make an extended casper-rw (storage partition.14:38
shadow33ubottu, i just habe seen i joined the false channel - sorry14:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:39
ouyesouyes,  can you see your win7 partition? how much space does it have ?14:39
scunizimeowbuntu: why not use the tool built into ubuntu?14:39
spekkoouyes, this is what i get ".  ..  cdrom  cdrom0"14:39
meowbuntuscunizi, that info saye edit something doesant say where the info is to edit14:39
yumtewhy doesn't it still get solution for problem like these... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=429497 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8778322#post8778322 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1309279 http://www.mail-archive.com/ubuntu-installer@lists.ubuntu.com/msg00061.html14:39
meowbuntudoseant = dosen't14:39
meowbuntu!paste yum14:40
meowbuntu!paste | yum14:40
ubottuyum: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:40
scunizimeowbuntu: looks like old stuff. I remember reading about casper several years ago.. ubuntu has a built in program to create a live usb.. also see unetbootin as another method of doing it.14:40
=== eaglewatch is now known as EagleWatch
spekkoouyes, once i "mounted" my other drives i get this "16DC3326DC330013  BABC313DBC30F60B  cdrom  cdrom0  Tera"14:40
spekkoouyes ".  ..  16DC3326DC330013  BABC313DBC30F60B  cdrom  cdrom0  Tera"*14:41
Jimi_Neutralllutz, you there bud?14:41
meowbuntuschestowitz, it dies gut only allows 4 gigs max for storage14:41
meowbuntui need more so that tutoral is handy if i work out what to edit14:41
ouyesah,look through every one see its content and try to figure out which is win7 partition and how much space there run cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg, see14:42
yumteubottu:oh, i'm so sorry... i don't understand yet about it...14:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:42
meowbuntuJimi_Neutral, /msg llutz <type message> he will get it14:42
fjordlordhey i have a question how do I get this cool thing that looks like MAC OSX with the menu in the bottom of the screen?14:42
fjordlordinstead of this "standard" way14:42
ouyesspekko, see if the win7 option was change by us.14:42
fjordlordwith bigger icons that roll14:42
scunizifjordlord: two things to look up .. Awn & Ciro Dock14:43
scunizi*cairo doc14:43
Jimi_NeutralI have someone trying to remotely manage the mySql server but he is getting an error message "Host 'w-uk-*******.local'is not allowed to connect to this MySql server" How would i rectify this?14:43
daniel_cmo tais????14:43
spekkoouyes, what do you mean?. i changed "set root=(hd1,1)" back to normal again14:43
Pici1es | daniel_14:43
Pici!es | daniel_14:43
ubottudaniel_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:43
macman_anyone have a version of libdvdread4 that is from anoter source and possibly has filestat with it14:44
spekkoouyes, /media/BABC313DBC30F60B that one is my windows 7 drive14:44
yumteubottu: how do i use this http://paste.ubuntu.com/ ..........?????????14:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:44
ouyesspekko, ah,look through every one see its content and try to figure out which is win7 partition and how much space there run cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg, see if we changed win7 option to ""set root=(hd1,2)"", you said the win7 was installed in the sdb214:44
iflemaspekko look at the output from fdisk... sdb1 has a problem....14:44
scunizimacman_: have you check the medibuntu repos?14:45
perlsyntaxI compile pcapy and how do i install it?14:45
UrdaQuestion: What exactly are these "generic linux" images that get downloaded as updates  now and then?14:45
perlsyntaxi try python setup14:45
fjordlordscunizi, do i need to restart after installing awn?14:46
perlsyntaxno luck14:46
=== dmart is now known as Guest96889
meowbuntufjordlord http://www.internetling.com/2008/08/18/4-linux-distros-which-look-like-mac-os-x/14:46
Digit0Urda, kernel updates14:46
spekkoouyes, the config file is normal "set root=(hd1,1)" as it was before we changed it. and the windows 7 drive is "/media/BABC313DBC30F60B"14:46
spekkoiflema: what does that problem mean?14:46
scunizifjordlord: restarts aren't typically needed for anything but a kernel upgrade..14:46
epinkyperlsyntax: better ask on #python14:46
UrdaDigit0: How come they fill up GRUB2? that I have to go and clean them out through the package manager later?14:47
ouyesspekko, i remember we changed it to "set root=(hd1,2)"?14:47
fjordlordis Dreamlinux good?14:47
UrdaIt used to be Aptitude took care of removing old updates, now I have two entries :s14:47
tyler_dwhen I go System->Admistration->Hardware Drivers and select the recommended video driver, the download/install only gets 50% complete, then just hangs, brand-new 9.10 install.?? any help would be awesome.14:47
spekkoouyes, yes we did. but then my grub didnt work. so i changed it back to normal using the live cd14:47
ikoniafjordlord: that's offtopic for this channel14:47
* fjordlord hides14:47
iflemaspekko sdb1 is running into sdb2... its a windows thing....14:47
Digit0Urda, they always leave the older kernel options in case the new kernel doesnt recognize some of your hardware or other problems14:47
* fjordlord in a cavern14:48
ikoniafjordlord: please stop14:48
meowbuntufjordlord, also google this "ubuntu mac look and feel"14:48
Jimi_Neutralhow do i give a remote computer permission to connect to the mysql server14:48
UrdaDigit0 :s Really? It used to be after I got an update, booted up, the old one would be removed14:48
scunizityler_d: do all your updates .. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade ... *dist-upgrade will NOT upgrade to the next release*14:48
ikoniaJimi_Neutral: you need to use mysql and "grant" to grant user@computer permissions to that database file14:48
ikoniaJimi_Neutral: #mysql will be able to explain the syntax along with google14:48
meowbuntu!topic | fjordlord14:48
ubottufjordlord: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic14:48
* shaneonabike in search of some help with my ubuntu karmic setup14:49
spekkoiflema, what do u mean? sdb1 is a 100mb with the windows 7 launcher. but i think i accidentally selected that drive to put the linux boot loader on it14:49
Jimi_Neutralikonia, ty14:49
ouyesspekko, ah, when you try to boot to win7 what is the error message??14:49
ikoniaspekko: ask then14:49
* shaneonabike specifically headphones and acer computers - ugg14:49
spekkoouyes, there is no error, just nothing happens14:49
tyler_dscunizi: its the latest version with all the updates already installed, upon fail I have to run sudo apt-get clean to try again....14:49
fjordlordmeowbuntu, and?14:49
meowbuntu!channel | fjordlord14:49
ikoniaJimi_Neutral: along the lines of "grant all permissions on yourdatbase.* to 'dbuser'@'computer' ; flush privileges; that would give the user dbuser on the machine "computer" full access14:49
ouyesspekko,  why there is a 100 mb partition what for?14:49
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tyler_douyes: prolly your swap space?14:50
meowbuntufjordlord, this is a ubuntu help chanel please ask ubuntu related questions14:50
scunizityler_d: you can try sudo apt-get -f install to fix any missing dependancies in the system.. other than that I'll pass it along to someone who know's more14:50
spekkoouyes, it was always there, my windows 7 loader is on it. and i put my linux boot loader on there too14:50
djmorganHelp! I can't find my printer on a windows share using Ubuntu 9.10.14:50
ouyestyler_d, i do not quite follow you ?14:50
UrdaI mean Can I go ahead and clear out the header 17 now that 19 is running?14:51
spekkoouyes, i think i shouldnt have put the grub loader on there14:51
=== hersoy is now known as hersoy_off
tyler_dscunizi: going to tias14:51
meowbuntu!dreamlinux | fjordlord14:51
rmunnmeowbuntu, fjordlord got kicked, don't bother sending him triggers anymore14:52
epinkydjmorgan: open a terminal and type "smbtree"14:52
djmorganepinky: "smbtree not installed"14:53
epinky!es | pablito14:53
ubottupablito: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:53
=== hersoy_off is now known as hersoy
ikoniahersoy: can you stop playing with your nickname please14:54
BasiumDeJudashello all14:54
candycan anybody suggest me some good application to merge two mp3 songs??14:54
Dr_Willisnot installed... so .. install it :)14:54
BasiumDeJudashow do i find what thems are installed?14:54
bbq^anyone else getting random shit from coyo14:54
ikoniabbq^: please control your language14:54
DEduc3dcandy: Audacity14:54
pablitode que pais sois14:54
Dr_WillisBasiumDeJudas:  look in the theme selection/appearances tool?14:54
erUSULcandy: audacity ?14:54
shaneonabikehey guys does anyone know how to fix sound issues in karmic?14:54
EDAhi does anyoune know about kthread? or where is the dev thread???14:54
ouyesspekko,  wait a moment, i just do not know why you make 100mb partition, but never mind ,so you have two internal hdd?14:55
meowbuntui am trying to create an extended partition on a live usb can you understand this http://pastebin.com/dc980514:55
candyerUSUL, DEduc3d, i ll try it14:55
tyler_dscunizi: ok, so when I installed from a usb key, I had a kubuntu cd in the drive(unknowingly) and it was added to the repository, once removed it cause FAIL to ensue.... strange that it wouldn't handle that better though :( thank-you for your help :)14:55
candyerUSUL, DEduc3d, is it in synaptic manager??14:55
DEduc3dshaneonabike: What kind of issues? I fixed some of mine.14:55
DEduc3dcandy: yes.14:55
erUSULcandy: yes14:55
spekkoouyes, the 100mb was there ever since i installed windows 7, i didnt make it myself. yes i have 2 internal hdds14:55
epinkydjmorgan: in Ubuntu "which smbtree"14:55
rafisomeone knows how to connect a webcam using ubuntu?14:55
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras14:55
candyDEduc3d, erUSUL, thanks..14:55
shaneonabikeDEduc3d: my speakers work great but when I plug in my earphones they stop working14:56
boournsshaneonabike, whats the problem exactly?  i only had no sound in firefox when i upgraded to 9.10, which was fixed by deleting my firefox profile14:56
shaneonabikeDEduc3d: sound coming out14:56
Travis-42Does anyone have any experience with the performance of booting Ubuntu off of a flash drive? Is it at least better than a LiveCD?14:56
liiturihello, can anyone help me with ubuntu 10.04 with the problem no sounds14:56
DJones!lucid | liituri14:56
ubottuliituri: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:56
boournsshaneonabike, have u tried a reboot?14:56
shaneonabikeDEduc3d: it worked after the first install (it's realtek drivers)14:56
DEduc3dshaneonabike: Haven't heard of that problem before.14:56
actionParsnipyo yo yo14:56
ouyeserUSUL, Myrtti , i waste a guy a lot of time to fix a seemed simply question, he can not boot into its win7 os , here is the pastbin http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m62dc9d23  http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d31664f9a help me to help him or  here please14:56
boournsthat actually happened to me the other day... but it was a fluke thing, i rebooted and it worked fine, and hasn't happened since.  this is on a lenovo t500 with karmic14:57
coyobbq: who are you?14:57
DEduc3dshaneonabike: With my motherboard, it detects when an audio jack is inserted. That may be where the problem is, the MB wants to change modes.14:57
liituriubottu: yes, i got it via update-manager -d14:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:57
coyoand my client hasnt had problems like that14:57
liituriubottu: the lts version14:57
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:57
ikonialiituri: -d is for development releases14:57
candywhats the command to get repository update of any software before installing it??14:57
DEduc3dshaneonabike: I'm using a PC and haven't tried headphones directly into the case. Hmmm.14:57
boournscandy, sudo apt-get update14:58
actionParsnipcandy: sudo apt-get update'14:58
coyoif you are having a problem with my client, bbq, i ask that you take it up with me in /query. please do not accuse me of things inchannel14:58
DEduc3dcandy: If you are using standard Ubuntu...14:58
candyboourns, actionParsnip, thanks14:58
liituriikonia: hmm, i thought -d is for a distribution upgrade?14:58
shaneonabikeDEduc3d: i do think it is the MB...14:58
boournsshaneonabike, i'm curious, what kind of pc u got?  like if its a laptop whats the make + model?14:58
ikonialiituri: no, development releases14:58
shaneonabikeDEduc3d: i have had this problem in windows before but was able to restart adn it was fixed14:58
erUSULouyes: where is the win 7 instalation in /dev/sdb1 or in sda1 ? sdb1 seems to get added to grub just fine. it does not work ?14:58
iflemaouyes  do you have the win7 disk... it should recover itself... or can you access a recovery partition for windows? sort windows out the reinstall grub.14:59
shaneonabikeDEduc3d: i wonder if there is a way to just reset the MB so it's no confused14:59
DEduc3dcandy: System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager14:59
candyDEduc3d, means??14:59
shaneonabikeboourns: i have tried rebooting as well and no dice14:59
bhuhow to gprs using bluetooth14:59
DEduc3dcandy: Then just "Reload" and "Mark All Upgrades"14:59
hyperstreamif i hibernate does it save all my open documents etc as well (not to file but to how they are modified?) or do i want to suspend instead?14:59
EDAis there a kernel dev thread??14:59
liituriikonia: dang, you're right. it still says it's the lts release14:59
candyDEduc3d, ok thanks14:59
bbq^coyo: please bugger off14:59
candyDEduc3d, got it14:59
DEduc3dcandy: You can also do System > Administration > Update Manager14:59
ouyeserUSUL, iflema  thanks but spekko  is the guy needs your help and in a hurry14:59
ignaciok te xcuentas15:00
bhuhow to connect gprs using bluetooth?15:00
ouyesspekko,  see the message erUSUL  and iflema  gave?15:00
shaneonabikeboourns: acer aspire 368015:00
ignaciokien eres??15:00
erUSULspekko: where is the win 7 instalation in /dev/sdb1 or in sda1 ? sdb1 seems to get added to grub just fine. it does not work ?15:00
candyDEduc3d, ok15:00
erUSUL!es | ignacio15:00
ubottuignacio: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:00
spekkoerUSUL, hi :) the win7 is installed in sdb2 and the win7 loader is in sdb115:00
boournsshaneonabike, it's a shot in the dark, but you may want to look in your BIOS settings, see if there's any settings related to the audio jack..15:00
shaneonabikeboourns: can't remember how to get the audio details what's the command in terminal?15:00
spekkoiflema, i have the win7 disk yes15:00
shaneonabikeboourns: ok perhaps do a reset??15:01
DEduc3dshaneonabike: Don't know. I'll try a quick search...15:01
ikonialiituri: what do you actually want to do15:01
erUSULspekko: and the entry in grub fails to boot it? if so what is the error?15:01
shaneonabikeboourns: good point perhaps it's confused15:01
boournsshaneonabike, sudo lspci and look for the sound device15:01
actionParsnipbhu: http://www.ubuntux.org/bluetooth-in-ubuntu-gprs15:01
bhuhow to connect gprs using bluetooth?15:01
coyoto all users that have recieved avatar replies, i apologize. it appears my client was misconfigured somehow. this has not occured on any other network i am currently connected to (of which there are more than 30)15:01
actionParsnipbhu: there are tonnes of guides online15:01
ouyesspekko, mate i am sorry but i think just run sudo update-grub will fix the problem, after that failed , i do not know what to do .15:01
spekkoerUSUL: there is no error, it just doesnt boot to windows. and the last time i tried booting from it it went to linus for some reason15:01
iflemaspekko  it should boot to a recovery mode... recover it, then reinstall grub...15:02
spekkoouyes, no problem dude. thanx alot for all your effort i appreciate it :)15:02
actionParsnipbhu: http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_internet_access_gprs_edge_via_bluetooth_gsm_phone15:02
shaneonabikeboourns: DEduc3d: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)15:02
spekkoiflema, ok ill try that now then. thanx15:02
ujnyt987/join # chinatown15:03
ujnyt987 15:03
spekkoerUSUL, ill try what iflema said and ill be back if it doesnt work. thanx :)15:03
erUSULspekko: ok; good luck15:03
Yggdrasilhello, simple question i keep setting a path to a folder in my ~ but when i reboot it disapears ?15:03
hyperstreamif i hibernate does it save all my open documents etc as well (not to file but to how they are modified?) or do i want to suspend instead?15:03
ikoniaYggdrasil: setting a path where?15:03
boournsshaneonabike, it could be a hardware issue on that laptop... check this out http://www.softwaretipsandtricks.com/forum/hardware-problems/31389-no-sound-headphone-jack-realtek-hd-audio-device.html15:04
actionParsnipYggdrasil: set it in ~/.bashrc15:04
Yggdrasili i was just doing export15:04
shaneonabikeboourns: hah i tried that too - and yeah it's a problem i think with the hardware - maybe but perhaps I'll check the bios and see if it works15:04
YggdrasilactionParsnip: just add export $PATH ~/android-sdk-linux_86/tools$15:05
Yggdrasil- the second $15:05
ikoniaYggdrasil: PATH=$PATH:~/android-sdk-linux_86/tools15:05
actionParsnipYggdrasil: no, you will need to add to path15:05
actionParsnipYggdrasil: export PATH=~/android-sdk-linux_86/tools:$PATH15:06
Yggdrasili added what ikonia had and that seems to work.15:07
bhuactionParsnip: these guides seems to be old dated as old as 2006 is there any new guide using gui tools15:07
Yggdrasilthanks guys15:07
actionParsnipbhu: no idea, if they work then who cares15:07
=== gout is now known as rosco
boournsshaneonabike, good luck... let me know if it is fixable from the bios, i'm curious.  i'll be here all day15:08
Guest3478does anyone know something about the nmap-lua  problem?15:08
shaneonabikeboourns: cool thanks for you help :)15:09
=== cherwin is now known as frustrateduser
Sachonmap-lua problem?15:10
actionParsnipGuest3478: there are 13 active bugs for nmap, which one15:10
frustrateduserI've trouble adding a second client to bacula15:10
frustrateduserDoes anybody have good documentation to achieve this the proper way?15:10
frustrateduserCan't seem to wrap my head around the official documentation..15:11
actionParsnipfrustrateduser: there is bat, Bacula Admin Tool15:12
actionParsnipfrustrateduser: http://www.bacula.org/en/?page=screenshot15:12
actionParsnipfrustrateduser: or bweb15:13
actionParsnip!info bweb15:13
ubottuPackage bweb does not exist in karmic15:13
renegaidis there a way to mae ubuntu looking as clean and crisp as windows. the windows and fonts imo lacks the definition I see in windows15:13
EDA hi15:13
EDA<EDA> how do i correctli terminat a kthread??15:13
EDA<EDA> im working with kthread_stop15:13
EDA<EDA> ()15:13
EDA<EDA> but it wont syncronize with the thread correctly15:13
EDA<EDA> im using wait_event_interruptable in the thread function15:13
FloodBot1EDA: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:13
MindVirusI have two desktops, both with 1GB ram. One is running Firefox and has 300MB used. The other is running Pidgin and has 550MB used. Why? How can I lower the memory usage on the second?15:14
frustrateduseractionParsnip: thanks, but I want to understand it using the config files15:14
ikoniaMindVirus: open less windows, disable un-needed services15:14
djmorganI'm trying to add a network printer and don't have the "Windows Printer via SAMBA" option. I'm new to Linux and first time user with IRC, please be patient!15:14
ikoniaMindVirus: a lot of that ram will be file system cache that will be flushed when real ram is required15:14
MindVirusikonia: I am running all of my services on the 300MB box.15:14
MindVirusThe 300MB box's name is Grace and 500MB box's name is Oliver.15:15
actionParsniprenegaid: install ubuntu-restricted-extras   will give nice fonts, make sure you have video card drivers installed/configured15:15
MindVirusGrace is my server.15:15
MindVirusGrace though runs a desktop.15:15
ikoniaMindVirus: I suspect it's mostly file system cache,  and I wouldn't worry15:15
renegaidI installed those extras.15:15
MindVirusikonia: Oliver frequently runs very slowly.15:15
renegaidit didn't do anything15:15
ikoniaMindVirus: is it swapping ?15:15
actionParsnipMindVirus: firefox sucks at ram15:15
MindVirusikonia: It swaps all the time.15:15
MindVirusactionParsnip: Funny you say that because Firefox is on Grace, the 300MB used system.15:16
ikoniaMindVirus: ok, looks like you are running out of ram, what's the big users on the desktop ?15:16
Guest3478The nmap-lua bug 288358 with the missing http-module!15:16
MindVirusikonia: Pidgin, Rhythmbox, Chromium.15:16
MindVirusikonia: The problem isn't what I run.15:16
ikoniaMindVirus: oh, what is the problem ?15:16
MindVirusThe problem is what the system runs.15:16
actionParsniprenegaid: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=793178  may help15:16
ikoniaMindVirus: such as ?15:16
MindVirusikonia: I have no idea. My baseline memory usage is 500MB.15:17
MindVirusWhich is unreasonable.15:17
ikoniaMindVirus: look at tools like "top" to see what's eating the ram15:17
MindVirusikonia: I have.15:17
ikoniaMindVirus: what's eating the ram ?15:17
MindVirusMostly it's Xorg (but the Xorg memory usage is approximately equal between Grace and Oliver).15:17
erUSULMindVirus: file-cache; free ram == wasted ram15:17
MindVirusikonia: I think I know what the problem is.15:17
actionParsnipGuest3478: its being raised and will be attended, you can contribute to its solving or wait til a new package is released to fix15:17
ikoniaMindVirus: oh?15:17
MindVirusI run /tmp, /var/tmp in tmpfs.15:18
ikoniaMindVirus: tmpfs is ram15:18
MindVirusI know.15:18
ikoniathat's bad on a 1GB box15:18
actionParsnipMindVirus: do you use compiz?15:18
MindVirusactionParsnip: Yes, on both boxes.15:18
MindVirusYes. Is there any better way to store /tmp and /var/tmp in a non-harddrive location?15:18
ikoniaMindVirus: I suspect you're bang on with the problem, those two file systems in tmpfs will eat your ram15:18
actionParsnipMindVirus: i suggest you use a lighter WM to free up more ram15:18
ikoniaMindVirus: why don't you want them on a hard disk15:18
madch33z3hey all. can someone help me with reverting my wireless drivers back to 9.04?15:18
MindVirusactionParsnip: That is definitely not the problem, again. Grace runs Compiz too and uses 300MB.15:19
ikoniaactionParsnip: it's his tmpfs file systems, he's spotted it15:19
MindVirusikonia: I am running an SSD.15:19
actionParsnipikonia: ok cool :)15:19
ikoniaMindVirus: so why don't you want them on th disk ?15:19
MindVirusikonia: Relatively small amount of writes. /tmp is a filesystem that is constantly written to.15:19
ikoniaMindVirus: so ?15:19
MindVirusikonia: SSDs fail when the amount of writes reaches a certain threshold.15:20
actionParsnipMindVirus: use ext2 and it will be a lot less15:20
ikoniaMindVirus: then you've chosen the wrong hardware, if that's your concern. put a disk on it15:20
ikonia(as in a SATA disk for example)15:20
MindVirusikonia: The hardware will remain constant for the purposes of this problem.15:20
MindVirusI need to solve this problem without changing hardware.15:20
ouyesikonia, you have a ssd? in what laptop? and is it fast and got well support in ubuntu ???15:21
actionParsnipMindVirus: using journalised fs on SSD is not a great idea15:21
ikoniaMindVirus: then you need to either a.) buy more ram b.) buy a disk (sata) to store tmp15:21
candywhats gnuplot??15:21
MindVirusactionParsnip: I know.15:21
madch33z3need help reverting my wireless drivers back to ubuntu 9.04 please15:21
ikoniaouyes: I have an SSD in my desktop and it's fuly supported and fine15:21
MindVirusikonia: I repeat: no hardware modification.15:21
ikoniaMindVirus: then you can't fix it if you won't put the file systems on the disk15:21
actionParsnipMindVirus: grab a 1Gb SD card and use that as /tmp etc15:21
spekkoiflema, hey are you still here? the windows startup repair cant repair it :(15:22
MindVirusactionParsnip, ikonia: my / is ext2.15:22
ikoniaMindVirus: wise choice, but won't change anything15:22
liituritried #ubuntu+1 but no-one's answering, i think this might be a problem that can be solved here15:22
MindVirusikonia: You run an SSD right?15:22
spekkoerUSUL, hi i tried repairing the windows startup by booting from my windows cd but no luck.15:22
ikoniaMindVirus: I do15:22
MindVirusikonia: Is your /tmp on it?15:22
erUSULspekko: :/15:22
madch33z3spekko, what os are you running?15:23
liituriand the problem is no sound on ubuntu15:23
ikoniaMindVirus: yes15:23
iflemaspekko try a super grub disk15:23
ikoniaMindVirus: one box has /tmp on the SSD, the other has /tpm on a lare disk volume so the SSD is clear (I run two )15:23
jesseangerenable backport repositories15:23
jesseangerin ubuntu15:23
iflemaspekko see if itll boot15:23
MindVirusikonia: If I am to remove the /tmp and /var/tmp lines in fstab, would the computer be safe to run right now, or would you recommend a reboot?15:23
spekkomadch33z3, linux,  but i cant seem to boot my windows 715:23
ikoniaMindVirus: if you remove the lines in fstab it won't make a different until it's rebooted15:23
candyanybody GNUplot, what does that meann??15:23
madch33z3spekko, grub doesnt give you a choice?15:23
spekkoerUSUL, iflema kk ill try super grub now15:23
MindVirusikonia: Excellent.15:24
ouyesikonia, how much is the space of your ssd, is it fast? what is the copying files speed of your ssd?15:24
ikoniaMindVirus: (or manually unmounted)15:24
ouyes!hi | mribas15:24
ubottumribas: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!15:24
spekkomadch33z3, it does but when i select win7 nothing happens. it takes me back the the grub menu15:24
ikoniaouyes: egrr 64GB and its very fast and well supported in #ubuntu15:24
MindVirusikonia: I very much appreciate the assistance. You lead me to discover the source of my own problem. :P15:24
renegaidthode font settings are the default settings15:24
ikoniaMindVirus: you found it on your own, well done15:24
darkfunerali don't see a /dev/md0 device, does ubuntu 9.10 live not have RAID1 capabilities by default?15:24
madch33z3spekko, i would use ubuntu to back up your files prior to doing any more15:24
MindVirusikonia: Well, hold on here.15:24
actionParsnipcandy: Gnuplot is a portable command-line driven graphing utility for linux, OS/2, MS Windows, OSX, VMS, and many other platforms15:24
spekkomadch33z3, iflema, erUSUL, what do if it boots from super grub?15:25
actionParsnipcandy: http://www.gnuplot.info/15:25
MindVirusikonia: I set the tmpfs size=32M for two partitions, /tmp and /var/log.15:25
mribashablo espanol15:25
ouyesikonia,  what is the copying speed? in a hdd it is usually 27MB/s( the biggest)15:25
candyactionParsnip, thanks15:25
MindVirusSo that's a total of 64MB.15:25
darkfuneralanyone know?15:25
actionParsnip!es | mribas15:25
ubottumribas: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:25
ikoniaouyes: I don't know the exact figures, much much faster though15:25
madch33z3spekko, i dont know much about supergrub. sorry. if you need to repair your windows bootloader, i know how to do that... with windows 715:25
spekkomadch33z3, nah i got all my files on another hdd. just dont wna reinstall an OS and install/download all my programs :/15:25
ouyesspekko, you are back how are the things going?15:25
ikoniaMindVirus: ok, s that's 64mb15:25
spekkoouyes still no luck :<15:25
darkfuneralhow the fuck do i mount my raid1 array in ubnutu 9.10 live?15:25
MindVirusikonia: Right, which does not add up to 200MB.15:25
MindVirusThere must be something else.15:26
ikoniadarkfuneral: control your language please15:26
ouyesspekko, oh god,15:26
Flare183!language | darkfuneral15:26
ubottudarkfuneral: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:26
darkfuneralwhat do you mean control it15:26
spekkomadch33z3,  can you help me to repair windows bootloader then plz. that will help me. then ill reinstall grub15:26
ikoniaMindVirus: no, it doesn't but it's over a quater of it15:26
actionParsnip!raid | darkfuneral15:26
ubottudarkfuneral: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto15:26
ikoniadarkfuneral: don't use bad language15:26
actionParsnipdarkfuneral: basically, don't swear15:26
iflemaspekko  madch33z3 may be able to walk you thrugh win7 recovery with ya disk15:26
MindVirusikonia: I see. I will then comment out those lines and see what's up. I'll come back again if I have more problems. Do you mind if I highlight you at random times?15:26
madch33z3spekko, ok, the problem is that the bootloader is corrupt. so, you need to rebuild it. I can get windows 7 to work, but grub will be gone15:26
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spekkoiflema, can i install grub with the super grub cd?15:27
ikoniaMindVirus: no, happy to be hlighted, I'm interested15:27
MindVirusikonia: OK. :) Thank you.15:27
spekkomadch33z3, sure i can find a way to reinstall grub15:27
MindVirusikonia: I am glad to have been assisted by someone as skilled as you.15:27
iflemaspekko no but it should get you into it....15:27
ikoniaMindVirus: ha ha ha, you sorted yourself out, don't put yourself down15:27
spekkoiflema so then how can i reinstall grub once i fix win7?15:27
MindVirusikonia: I only discovered one quarter of the problem.15:28
MindVirusAnyways, I'll be back. Thanks.15:28
iflemaspekko if madch33z3  can help you it would be best15:28
darkfuneralikonia: do you know the answer to my question, because frankly im infuriated15:28
actionParsnip!grub2 | spekko15:28
ubottuspekko: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub215:28
iflemaspekko thats easy15:28
ikoniadarkfuneral: I understand that, is it a hardware/software/fakeraid partition you want to mouont ?15:28
renegaidreinstall grub to the partition where ubuntu is installed. I prefer easybcd to dual boot15:28
UrdaQUESTION: Why do my Workspace switchers have different options on different machines? Same Ubuntu 9.10 ISO15:28
iflemaspekko not a problem...15:28
actionParsnipUrda: different settings on the systems15:28
madch33z3spekko, boot with the windows 7 dvd, and go into repair15:29
spekkook ill go to that website then :) thanx iflema/actionParsnip15:29
darkfuneralikonia: its software raid15:29
spekkomadch33z3, k15:29
madch33z3spekko, get to the cmd line, and you have to type a few cmds in15:29
ikoniadarkfuneral: as in linux software raid or windows sofwware raid ?15:29
UrdaactionParsnip: Fun, I mean on one I can rename "workspaces" on the other I just have the choice of number of Cols. and Rows.15:29
iflemaspekko madch33z3 may help you15:29
darkfuneralikonia: im pretty sure id on't have to create md0 myself, kernel is supposed to make it15:29
darkfuneralikonia: linux software raid115:29
spekkomadch33z3, wait how do i get into cmd?15:29
actionParsnipUrda: you should be able to do both on both as far as I know15:29
ikoniadarkfuneral: perfect, if you start the array udev should create the md file for you15:29
spekkomadch33z3, i never saw that option when i tried just now15:29
actionParsnip!terminal | spekko15:30
ubottuspekko: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:30
Roasted_hey guys - having an issue with my one icon theme. Downloaded it on my desktop, worked great. Downloaded it on my laptop, worked great EXCEPT for the firefox icon. What in the world??15:30
UrdaactionParnsip: Well I got different option Windows. Let me get you a side by side Screenshot15:30
ouyesikonia, will you please try to copy a large file then see what is the speed of your ssd? because i want to buy one but i can not make up my mind now.15:30
madch33z3spekko, it should be there at the bottom15:30
ikoniaouyes: I'm not on my desktop at the moment15:30
spekkomadch33z3, ok maby i mislooked15:30
madch33z3spekko, look at this... http://neosmart.net/wiki/display/EBCD/Recovering+the+Vista+Bootloader+from+the+DVD15:30
ouyesikonia, ah ok ,sorry bother you15:30
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ikoniaouyes: it's no bother, if I was at my desktop, I'd do it for you now15:30
darkfuneralikonia: how am i suppose t o start it?15:31
ikoniadarkfuneral: mdadm, do you know how to use it ?15:31
darkfunerali think so15:31
diagois there anyway to turn off the messages that popup in the left corner of 9.10?15:31
diagosorry right corner15:31
diagoI don't care how is online15:31
actionParsnipdiago: you can uninstall libnotify and they won't bother you ever again15:31
diagonice thanks actionParsnip15:32
ikoniadarkfuneral: ok, so start the array, check /proc/mdstat for the array status, then mount it15:32
spekkomadch33z3, ah thanx :))15:32
darkfuneralmdadm ins't installed15:32
darkfuneralon live 9.1015:32
madch33z3can someone help me roll back my wireless drivers to 9.04?15:32
ikoniadarkfuneral: I'd get that installed then, as that's the problem15:32
ikoniamadch33z3: you can't use 9.04 modules on 9.10 machines15:32
darkfuneralikonia: you sure the kern is capable of arrays?15:32
ouyesmadch33z3,  why you want to do this?15:33
ikoniadarkfuneral: not off the top of my head, but I'd suspect so as it's the same kernel as the install15:33
madch33z3ouyes, my wireless is dropping out frequently15:33
ouyesmadch33z3,  ah i see15:34
Trekmadch33z3, what type of wireless network you connecting to?15:34
darkfunerala pkg configuration screen just popped up while installing mdadm, i don't know how to navigate it15:34
ikoniadarkfuneral: what's it asking you for ?15:34
Trekmadch33z3, i meant encryption on the network (if any)15:34
madch33z3Trek, its fios with dhcp enabled from my router15:34
darkfuneralok i got it with the tab key15:34
madch33z3Trek, oh, sorry, its wep15:34
Trekmadch33z3, ah, i'm familiar with FiOS, i'm a network admin for 3 people's FiOS networks15:35
boournsmadch33z3, you know those fios "actiontek" routers have a reputation for having crappy wifi... many people disable its wifi and use a 2nd router to serve wifi15:35
diagoactionParsnip: that looks like it would remove some stuff I still need. I found this though: sudo chmod -x /usr/lib/notify-osd/notify-osd15:35
boournsTrek you agree?15:35
Trekmadch33z3, as boourns just said, they have a notorious reputation for being crap wifi signals15:35
madch33z3boourns, yea, but its worked for a while15:36
UrdaactionParnsip: Check it out http://twitpic.com/11i5pw15:36
Trekmadch33z3, try powering off your router and plugging it back in15:36
actionParsnipdiago: if it works then cool, i just tell apps not to use the notify thing15:36
Trekmadch33z3, might help, i do that when there's problems wiht the wifi15:36
Trekmadch33z3, after the power comes back, report back here15:36
Trekafter you test the connectivity15:36
darkfuneralikonia: so you're saying i don't have to create the array with mdadm, i can just start it?15:36
madch33z3Trek, done that15:36
diagoactionParsnip: really I just want pidgin not to but I don't know where that is done15:36
ubuntuif i do fdisk -l and it has this: /dev/sdd1   *           1        4659    37423386   83  Linux15:37
DavidJHeinrichdoes anyone here know what the inverse log-base-10 function is in OO.org?15:37
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ubuntuwhat is the file system for "Linux"15:37
madch33z3Trek, had verizon reset the connection too15:37
actionParsnipdiago: its a plugin which is enabled by default, just turn that off15:37
ubuntui need it to mount15:37
Trekmadch33z3, interesting.  have they replaced the router yet?15:37
darkfuneralikonia: in this case, i don't know how to start it as it seems starting it just means you mount it15:37
actionParsnipubuntu: use: sudo parted -l15:37
madch33z3Trek, no15:37
madch33z3Trek, thats next15:37
diagoAHHH actionParsnip thanks!15:37
Trekmadch33z3, what I have is I just plugged a Linksys router into the Actiontec router I got at home and shut off the actiontec wifi :P15:38
Trekmadch33z3, it rarely drops.  Nevertheless...15:38
Trekmadch33z3, have you confirmed the issue is not your wifi card?15:38
Guest46594can anyone help me. i'm getting Guest46594 is not a registered nickname ...15:38
ubuntuok..its not working. i need help pls.15:38
TrekGuest46594, its not registered.  you need to confirm your registration or switch to your nick first15:39
actionParsnipdiago: ;)15:39
madch33z3Trek, thats why i wanted to roll back the driver. i did it before, and it worked.15:39
Guest46594i can't post on #oracle because i'm not registered15:39
TrekGuest46594, may I pm you about this?15:39
Guest46594Trek can't remember my password15:39
Guest46594Trek sure15:39
actionParsnip!register | Guest4659415:39
ubottuGuest46594: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode15:39
=== Hunter is now known as Guest86093
actionParsnip!password | Guest4659415:39
ubottuGuest46594: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords15:39
gpmxconnect irc.linz.at15:39
actionParsnipGuest46594:  for freenode password resets ask in #freenode15:40
ubuntumy grub.cfg says to load /dev/hdc1 as root..so how do i boot to live CD and edit the grub.cfg file to change it back?15:40
Guest46594actionParsnip, lost my irc password ...15:40
ubuntuit is suppose to be hdb115:40
gpmxconnect linz.irc.at15:41
fastaWhen I press F9, I get entries in my dmesg like:  [112111.336923] atkbd.c: Use 'setkeycodes e043 <keycode>' to make it known.15:41
pw-toxic__can someone tell me how i can start ebox?!15:41
fastaThis only happens after the machine is on for a few hours.15:41
madch33z3ikonia, why cant you use 9.04 modules on 9.10 machines?15:41
ubuntui need to mount it as root i guess..cause it says when i open the file sudo gedit and try to save that it is a read only disk15:41
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox15:41
pw-toxic__so i can configure my firewall and port forwardings?15:41
UrdaactionParsnip: Check it out http://twitpic.com/11i5pw15:41
actionParsnipubuntu: use:  gksudo gedit15:41
sirlarkHi, I'm having problems installing postfix on hardy. I've switched distros from mandriva, and copied my main.cf to ubuntu, without selecting the configuration option on install. postfix is running, but it's not receiving any mail, nor producing any logs that I can find15:41
fastaDoes anyone know that problem? People had the same problem already in 2005!15:41
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)15:41
Jimi_Neutralhi, does anyone know the command to give a remote host access to mysql server?15:42
actionParsnipUrda: freaky stuff dude, not seen it as i only use 1 desktop15:42
UrdaactionParnsip: how can I reinstall the workspace switcher?15:43
celthunderyeah add the host afterDea1h theusername in mysql15:43
Jimi_Neutrali am very new to mysql, as in 30 mins ago15:43
celthunderinstead of using localhost use the remote host when adding the userzy15:43
Jimi_Neutrali am on the msql> at the moment15:43
epinkysirlark: have you checked postfix logs?15:43
Roasted_hey guys - having an issue with my one icon theme. Downloaded it on my desktop, worked great. Downloaded it on my laptop, worked great EXCEPT for the firefox icon. What in the world??15:44
sirlarkepinky: where are they? I'm looking in /var/log/mail (where they are in mandriva) and I've searched around /var/log generally15:44
ubuntuactionParsnip:  same thing man..it says this: You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again.15:44
MindVirusikonia: I'm down to 194MB baseline. :D15:44
UrdaactionParsnip: how can I reinstall the workspace switcher? (I keep misspelling your name sorry :( )15:44
madch33z3ikonia, why cant you use 9.04 modules in 9.10?15:44
actionParsnipubuntu: then the filesystem is mounted read only15:45
actionParsnipUrda: use tab to complete nicks15:45
ubuntuhow do i change the mount restrictions or whatever its called?15:45
UrdaactionParsnip: Yea I was using up arrow cuz I thought I had it right lol15:45
actionParsnipubuntu: unmount then remount it15:45
UrdaactionParsnip: and for the record, thanks for being a fantastic helper :)15:46
llutzJimi_Neutral: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON yourdatabase.* TO 'user'@'host' IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES;15:46
epinkysirlark: tail -f /var/log/mail.err15:46
SPhcThow i can install .bin package?15:46
actionParsnipUrda: thanks :)15:46
ubuntuactionParsnip: mount: can't find /dev/sdd1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab15:47
actionParsnipUrda: just searching the repos to see what the package is15:47
UrdaactionParsnip: ok15:47
fastaSPhcT, a .bin package is just a binary.15:47
fastaSPhcT, it could be a virus too :)15:47
actionParsnipubuntu: then manually mount using a full mount command15:47
SPhcTfasta, i have adobe reader in it... can i install it?15:47
fastaSPhcT, chmod +x file.bin15:47
ubuntuim new dude..i have had linux for 2 days now.15:47
fastaSPhcT, ./file.bin15:48
spekkomadch33z3, hi. i just did step 3 of that website you gave me, but now when i restart my pc nothing happens :( nothing at all15:48
actionParsnip!mount | ubuntu15:48
ubottuubuntu: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount15:48
SPhcTfasta, ./AdbeRdr9.3-1_i486linux_enu.bin: Permission denied15:48
pingfloydubuntu: what are you trying to do?15:49
fastaSPhcT, I think you have reading difficulties.15:49
Flare-ServerSPhcT: chmod +x filename15:49
ubuntutrying to edit my grub.cfg file from the live cd15:49
SPhcTfasta, sory didnt read15:49
pingfloydubuntu are you wanting it to where users can mount certain filesystems?15:49
fastaSPhcT, anyway, most "expert users" do not use Adobe acrobat.15:49
ubuntui have no CLUE what im doing though.15:49
pingfloydfasta: says who?15:50
fastaSPhcT, unless you are actually authoring Adobe files, which you are not.15:50
ubuntui dont understand any of this stupid man pages15:50
SPhcTfasta, what they use?15:50
fastaSPhcT, e.g. evince.15:50
Flare-Server!attitude | ubuntu15:50
ubottuubuntu: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines15:50
llutzJimi_Neutral: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/index.html15:50
ubuntuwhere did that come from?15:51
fastapingfloyd, says me.15:51
SPhcTfasta, it is alredy installed15:51
YaniBBHi all15:51
YaniBBLF niggas15:51
hery_hi all15:51
Jimi_Neutralllutz, ok tired that, seemed to work acme back with query ok 0 rows affeced15:51
pingfloydevince kind of sucks15:51
fastapingfloyd, and why is that?15:51
llutzJimi_Neutral: another one http://www.troubleshooters.com/codecorn/mysql/basictutorial.htm15:51
pingfloydit's hinting sucks15:51
sirlarkepinky: it complains that /etc/postfix/postfix-script is missing15:51
actionParsnipubuntu: there are guides everywhere for mounting stuff dude15:51
ubuntuyeah..and they have15:52
SPhcTfasta, what i have to write here: Enter installation directory for Adobe Reader 9.3 [/opt]15:52
fastapingfloyd, that is something 99% of users don't care about.15:52
Jimi_Neutralllutz, ty bud15:52
fastaSPhcT, please read a book.15:52
ubuntuvnt worked yet. i know its my fault..i will figure it out. thanks though15:52
fastaSPhcT, there is no need to ask stupid questions.15:52
pingfloydfasta: those are non-expert users15:52
Flare-Server!stupid | fasta15:52
ubottufasta: The only dumb or stupid question is the one not asked. Please do not tell people off for asking something, just because it seems simple or obvious to you -- we discourage this attitude in all our channels.15:52
actionParsnipUrda: i can't find the package dude, maybe if you remove it from the panel then readd it, might help some15:52
SPhcTfasta, what book? i dont have book with linux...15:52
fastaSPhcT, then get a book on Linux. Otherwise you remain clueless.15:53
Flare-Server!lol | SPhcT15:53
ubottuSPhcT: Please don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.15:53
UrdaactionParsnip: Worth a shot15:53
fastapingfloyd, I think Adobe acrobat takes too long to start.15:53
pingfloydfasta: yeah, it does15:54
ubuntuwhat does "rw" mean in the mount properties?15:54
tonyyarussoubuntu: read-write15:54
Flare-Serverubuntu: It means read write15:54
Trekubuntu: read/write15:54
fastapingfloyd, technically, I am sure it is a better program.15:54
ubuntui got it...i think15:54
pingfloydfasta: but when I'm having to read a long pdf on the screen, hinting is important15:54
fastapingfloyd, (Adobe)15:54
actionParsnippingfloyd: change the settings in adobe acrobat and it isnt bad15:54
SPhcTwhat can i say if for everything is it is stupid or !lol, pm... etc...15:54
MindVirusAdobe Acrobat is probably one of the worst PDF readers.15:54
fastapingfloyd, but practically evince is.15:54
MindVirusJust my $0.02.15:54
ubuntuthe weird thing is..i did exactly what i had done earlier i think..the only thing i didnt do was add an fstab entry for it15:54
fastaSecurity wise Adobe is also a nightmare.15:54
Flare-Server!best | MindVirus15:54
ubottuMindVirus: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:54
SPhcTMindVirus, what u sugest? i thing it is good15:55
pingfloydfasta: evince is practically what?15:55
MindVirusSPhcT: Try Sumatra.15:55
fastaBut evince is also written in C so it will probably be about the same in that regard.15:55
Jimi_Neutralllutz, can i speak to youi in a private [please?15:55
MindVirusFlare-Server: There is objectivity involved.15:55
llutzJimi_Neutral: sure15:55
MindVirusFlare-Server: Saying that there is no "best" is a lie.15:55
MindVirusSome software is better than others.15:55
avishekI'm using Ubuntu server 9.10 at work. I would like to have this server accessible over the Internet. Other than installing apache, what else is required?15:56
fastapingfloyd, IMHO, I much rather see a PDF document within 0.5 seconds than within 5 seconds.15:56
pingfloydfasta: if speed is a big deal, I recommend epdf-viewer15:56
Flare-ServerMindVirus: Fix the attitude smart. and please read the rules.15:56
actionParsnipMindVirus: in your opinion15:56
ubuntunope...didnt work. why does it say "rw" if i cant write to it?15:56
pingfloydfasta: it's lighter than evince15:56
tonyyarussoubuntu: rw only means that *someone* can write to it, not necessarily you.15:56
Flare-Serverubuntu: try using sudo with it15:56
fastapingfloyd, trying it now15:56
pingfloydfasta: but about as good as evince15:56
ubuntusudo when i mount it or sudo when i open gedit?15:57
actionParsnipMindVirus: there is no best software, what one person loves a million will hate15:57
darkstar1afternon ppl. I'm back!!! :'(15:57
SPhcTMindVirus, but why adobe is bad? i like interface and it also works on your browser..15:57
Flare-Server!sudo | ubuntu15:57
ubottuubuntu: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)15:57
epinkysirlark: then you should try reinstalling postfix: "sudo apt-get install --reinstall postfix", or maybe try purging and then reinstalling , I think your /etc/postfix directory got corrupted15:57
ubuntui understand that15:57
sirlarkepinky? purging? apt-get purg?15:57
darkstar1Is there an nVidia driver expert around?? I have a brand new serious issue15:57
fastapingfloyd, epdfview does not zoom in a sane way by default.15:58
ubuntucause i did gksudo when i gedit the file15:58
fastapingfloyd, it sure it fast.15:58
ubuntuand it still doesnt work15:58
actionParsnip!ask | darkstar115:58
ubottudarkstar1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:58
fastapingfloyd, is*15:58
pingfloydfasta: the thing with hinting, is yeah most users don't know/care about it *consciously*.  But when they get eye strain they care though they have no idea why.15:58
Flare-Serverubuntu: o.O it should have15:58
MissPiggydoes ubuntu break every so often because of upgrades?15:58
ubuntuit didnt15:58
pingfloydfasta: those are the tradeoffs15:58
ubuntusays it is a read only disk15:58
fastapingfloyd, I would much rather have that programs were loaded on demand.15:59
sipiorMissPiggy: it's not unheard of :-)15:59
MissPiggythis is what ubuntu does for me http://i.imgur.com/X2L1O.png15:59
Flare-ServerMissPiggy: Sometimes, yes only due to new programs with old hardware.15:59
ubuntuFlare-Server: says this when i mount -l "/dev/sdd1 on /mnt/media type ext4 (rw)"15:59
fastapingfloyd, that is, only when their instructions are required.15:59
MissPiggyit's happened so many times15:59
epinkysirlark: sudo apt-get remove --purge postfix15:59
MissPiggyso I can't really use ubuntu?15:59
Flare-Serverubuntu: Don't mount it in /mnt15:59
MissPiggyI better just stick with mac os15:59
Flare-ServerMissPiggy: No, you can use it.15:59
ubuntuwhere do i mount it to?15:59
panfist_i have ubuntu 9.10 32bit installed on a first gen pentium 4 machine. i keep getting semi-hard freezes. I can move my mouse cursor, but thats it. i can't ctrl-alt-f* into another tty, i can't ctrl-sysreq-k to kill and restart x (if i do i just get a black screen indefinitely)15:59
sirlarkepinky: thanks will try as soon as apt-file finishes indexing ;)15:59
MissPiggybut how do I make sure it doesn't break like that every couple of weeks?15:59
Flare-Serverubuntu: /media/16:00
darkstar1Ok. after upgrading to 9.10 and installing nVidia drivers I set my GPu to twinview and activated my second monitor, two things happen; First the second screen is active and whilst my mouse will go over to it I cant move anything else over. Second is that I cant save my settings to the X config file16:00
fastaMissPiggy, for Haskell development try Arch Linux.16:00
TrekMissPiggy: looks like hardware issues, not Ubu issues...16:00
ubuntuok..let me figure out how to unmount it now..lol16:00
powergoalIs there anything special I have to do to get scripts I add to the /etc/laptop-mode/batt-start/ directory to properly execute?  I wrote it in such a way that it can case start/stop for execution and made it executable. laptop mode is running, i am pretty certain.  what else would need to happen?16:00
fastaMissPiggy, or just go Debian Stable for really stable old stuff.16:00
MissPiggyfasta: yeah but I wasted a week failing to get arch to even boot16:00
remiis there a way to list all files individually (with their path relative to the current working directory) with `ls` to produce this kind output: http://pastie.org/81116016:00
jldupontis there an irc channel for Ubuntu hackers?  http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2208400/apt-get-environment-variables-when-spawning-make16:00
Flare-ServerMissPiggy: It won't break wevery couple of weeks, it might break when you do a dist-upgrade16:00
MissPiggyTrek mac os works fine but ubuntu doesn't16:00
Blue1panfist it may be the graphics card - what go you have?16:00
fastaMissPiggy, I agree with you, though.16:00
tonyyarussojldupont: aren't most of us Ubuntu hackers?16:01
Flare-Serverubuntu: umount :P16:01
powergoalremi: have you tried find ?16:01
fastaMissPiggy, Ubuntu QA is below acceptable levels.16:01
MissPiggyFlare-Server, so if I just never upgrade then I should be okay?16:01
MissPiggyfasta, I imagine it works fine on everyone computer except mien16:01
sipiorfasta: you can try applying for a refund.16:01
jlduponttonyyarusso: probably!  I mean sometimes there is a channel for "users" and one for "developers/hackers".16:01
Flare-ServerMissPiggy: No you should upgrade just make sure you have all your drivers for your hardware first16:01
fastaMissPiggy, if you never upgrade it works until some hackers gains access.16:01
MissPiggyfasta, I tend to have spectacularly bad luck with computer stuff16:01
remipowergoal: ah damn, you're right, find is more appropriate here. thanks a lot! :)16:01
actionParsnipdarkstar1: run: gksudo nvidia-settings     and you will be able to save to X config file16:01
powergoalyou're welcome :)16:01
Trek!language | remi16:01
ubotturemi: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.16:01
actionParsnipdarkstar1: i suggest you add the nvidia ppa and install the 195 driver16:01
MissPiggyFlare-Server,the thing is  I was using ubuntu and it was great for  awhile but I turned on my computer today and got that ;(16:02
fastasipior, no, I can just stop using it until it is better again and thereby giving feedback helping the evolutionary process.16:02
rmunnpanfist_: Have you tried a RAM check? There should be a "memtest86" option in the startup menu for Ubuntu. What you're describing makes me wonder if you might have a failing RAM chip. You might have to run it for several hours -- I'd recommend overnight -- if the failure is intermittent.16:02
sipiorTrek: i'm fairly certain we can handle "damn", here in the 21st century.16:02
fastasipior, and I have reported bugs, which are still open.16:02
tonyyarussojldupont: The channels are more aimed at purpose than people.  For instance, there is a channel for ubuntu development, but that's different than for developers.  (For random stuff though, and possibly your question, #ubuntu-offtopic serves as a bit of a catch-all conversational place)16:02
sipiorfasta: i don't really care.16:02
rmunnpanfist_: You'd need to reboot, then select memtest86 from the startup menu instead of the usual kernel.16:02
actionParsnipMissPiggy: if you are running karmic or later, rename /etc/X11/xorg.conf in recovery root console16:02
MissPiggyfasta, btw ubuntu is the only distro I found which actually boots16:02
darkstar1actionParsnip: I'm new to ubuntu so is ppa tha package thing?16:02
MissPiggyactionParsnip, that's an interesting idea16:02
actionParsnipdarkstar1: its a 3rd party repo maintained by the nvidia team16:02
fastaMissPiggy, probably you don't understand what boots is, if it is x86 hardware.16:03
darkstar1how do I add ppa?16:03
jlduponttonyyarusso: what channel would be good for my question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2208400/apt-get-environment-variables-when-spawning-make ?16:03
MissPiggyfasta, I don't know anything except that when I press on I get static noise16:03
actionParsnipdarkstar1: https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa16:03
Picijldupont: Try #ubuntu-motu16:03
fastaMissPiggy, static noise? That sounds really bad.16:03
xerox1hi, i am looking for software that helps me to handle a scrum product backlog (creation and management); any recommendations?16:03
MissPiggythat's how it looks16:04
fastaMissPiggy, that seems a graphics card issue.16:04
darkstar1actionParsnip: Thanks (btw Kewl name :) )16:04
jldupontPici: thanks!16:04
panfist_i am checking the RAM now, thanks rmunn16:04
fastaMissPiggy, which graphics card do you have?16:04
actionParsnipdarkstar1: its a harry hill joke ;)16:04
gdizhey everyone, I am looking for a vnc client.  I just want control and I don't want the server to send back any image...I am trying to set up a small footprint vnc method of controlling a vnc server.  Is it possible to set that up either on the client side or the server side?16:04
Flare-ServerMissPiggy: that's a graphics card issue.16:04
MissPiggyI have had to get my computer fixed twice because the graphics card broke16:04
darkstar1actionParsnip: Never been a fan of that guy tbh16:05
ubuntuFlare-Server: does the samething16:05
ubuntu"/dev/sdd1 on /media type ext4 (rw)"16:05
actionParsnipgdiz: considered ssh?16:05
fastaMissPiggy, anyway, that's either a driver configuration issue, or a hardware issue.16:05
fastaMissPiggy, nothing wrong with Linux here.16:05
MissPiggywell duh16:05
MissPiggyof course linux works for you16:05
pingfloydfasta: fonts in general are one those things that most users don't consciously care about (unless they're into design), but it actually is very important to everyone since majority of what we look at is text.16:05
actionParsnipubuntu: try adding uid=1000 to the mount option16:06
MissPiggyI don't see why my computer crashing would have any effect on the rest of the world16:06
fastapingfloyd, I read the TeX book. I understand.16:06
pingfloydfasta: the linux front has gotten better with fonts over time, but it still has a long way to go16:06
axisysis there a repo available for swiftfox ?16:06
axisysapt-cache search did not find it16:07
fastaMissPiggy, do you see the BIOS when you start your machine?16:07
axisysi am on karmic16:07
pingfloydfasta: MS is only *marginally* better with fonts16:07
MissPiggyI don't know what a BIOS is16:07
ubuntuactionParsnip:  mount -t uid=1000 ext4 /dev/sdd1 /media    <--- like that?16:07
MissPiggyI get rEFIt then I choose linux and get that noise16:07
gdizactionParsnip, yeah I have played around with it.  But my goal is to use it like a remote for things like hulu and youtube.  So, I would love to use ssh, but I have not had too much luck manipulating controls for things like full screen, play, pause via ssh.16:07
MissPiggyif I choose mac instead then it works fine16:07
DJones!es | seli16:07
ubottuseli: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:07
actionParsnipaxisys: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas16:07
MissPiggyso I'm on mac again now, which sucks because I wanted to be on ubuntu16:07
fastaMissPiggy, so, you have an Intel Mac?16:07
pingfloydfasta: but on both platforms there is loads of fonts with terrible kerning and other problems16:07
axisysactionParsnip: thanks16:08
gdizactionparsnip, is there a way to do that via ssh?16:08
actionParsnipubuntu: dont mount to /media mount to a folder in /media16:08
fastaMissPiggy, well, then it is not to be unexpected that you have some problems.16:08
MissPiggythanks fasta..16:08
fastaMissPiggy, it is a difference between millions of users and thousands of users, I expect.16:08
actionParsnipgdiz: you can use x forwarding, the app will run on the server but display on the client16:08
ubuntuwouldnt that be the same thing as mounting to the "media" folder i created in /mnt?16:08
fastaMissPiggy, so, just report a bug and hope for the best and use mac OSX in the meanwhile.16:09
axisysactionParsnip: how do I add it as repo.. and looking in your page (url)16:09
Homely_GirlHi clever dudes16:09
actionParsnipubuntu: sudo mkdir /media/sdd1; mount -t ext4 /dev/sdd1 /media/sdd1 -o uid=1000,rw16:09
MissPiggyhi homely girl16:09
Homely_GirlI need help with my java jre installation!16:09
pingfloydfasta: fonts are big pet peeve of mine, and one of the reasons I'm using ubuntu instead of fedora these days.  Because with ubuntu, at least you have cleartype out of the box without having to manually replace libraries by hand.16:09
llutzactionParsnip: -o uid=1000 pointless with extX16:09
Homely_GirlIt's not working I can't seem to fix the install which I was led to believe is broken 'n am just at my wits end!16:09
gdizactionparsnip, is there a way almost to do the opposite, like control apps on the client side and run them on the server side?16:10
mdasilvawhats the best way to check for LVM support from the CLI?16:10
MissPiggyI just want to get a computer that runs linux perfectly and throw this thing in the bin16:10
actionParsnipllutz: i see16:10
powergoalmdasilva: in the kernel or in programs?16:10
pingfloydfasta: you can get cleartype on fedora, but you have to many change some libraries since they don't support it due to licensing policy16:10
mdasilvain the kernel16:10
actionParsnipaxisys: you can add the 2 lines in the technical details if you are not running karmic or later, otherwise you can paste the ppa address in software sources16:10
xerox1i am looking for software that helps me to handle a scrum product backlog (creation and management); any recommendations?16:10
mdasilvano point having LVM programs without kernel support i suppose16:10
gdizactionparsnip, I mean vnc would be perfect, but I think the actual sending of the image back to the client takes up a ton of resources on the server side.16:11
ubuntuactionParsnip: now its saying that it is a bad filesystem type16:11
ubuntubut it has mounted every other time16:11
actionParsnipubuntu: is it ext4?16:11
gdizactionparsnip, if there's a way to do that via ssh, then all the better16:11
axisysactionParsnip: you mean add this deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/awn-testing/ubuntu karmic main in my karmic sources.list ?16:11
actionParsnipgdiz: i am not sure about that, id imagine you could16:11
ubuntuactionParsnip: yes...i have mounted it several times..but it keeps being read only..16:12
powergoalmdasilva: hmm  i think it would be a kernel opt straight out, but let me take a look16:12
mdasilvapowergoal:  appreciate it16:12
mdasilvai b0rked a system by going from a juanty to karmic upgrade16:12
actionParsnipaxisys: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:awn-testing/ppa16:12
gdizactionParsnip, well thanks for the help anyway, I will keep playing around with it16:12
actionParsnipubuntu: then have it unmounted and fsck it16:13
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot16:13
axisysactionParsnip: thanks16:13
pingfloydmdasilva: the generic image should have lvm support, because I'm use both16:13
mdasilvapingfloyd: cool16:14
mdasilvai guess there hsould be a /proc/lvm  ?16:14
ubuntuactionParsnip: /dev/sdd1: clean, 176519/2342912 files, 1413830/9355846 blocks16:14
pingfloydmdasilva: also has md-crypt support as well :)16:14
darkstar1mdasilva: you mean you screwed up the system upgrade??16:15
mdasilvado you know which release  introduced LVM2?16:15
mdasilvadarkstar1: yep16:15
cdog69can someone take a looksee at my configuration attempt for mailman: http://pastebin.com/d34a6e06616:15
cdog69I cannot seem to get the domain to resolve properly. When I go to http://lists.xxx.org/mailman/ I receive a file not found... what am I missing?16:15
=== zach is now known as Guest26540
ubuntuactionParsnip:  when i take the uid out of the command it mounts right up16:15
ubuntumount - l show this "/dev/sdd1 on /media/sdd1 type ext4 (rw)"16:15
darkstar1mdasilva: I just went down the same upgrade path (actually I started from my 8.04 3 days back) Mine isn't exactly borked but I've got the most annoying glitches thus far to date16:16
mdasilvadarkstar1: yah i have a good feeling it was the LVM to LVM2 transition16:17
darkstar1what's the LVM?16:17
actionParsnipubuntu: try -o user,rw16:17
mdasilvalol i was good up until juanty, i just had to push it to karmic16:17
pingfloyddarkstar1: logical volume management16:17
mdasilvaLogical Volume Managment16:17
mdasilvaadd better flexibility in managing your filesystem partitions16:18
mdasilvawith some neat features on top16:18
cdog69can someone take a looksee at my configuration attempt for mailman: http://pastebin.com/d34a6e06616:18
cdog69When I go to http://lists.xxx.org/mailman/ I receive a file not found... I believe it has something to do with the scriptaliases and default URLs (the default (lists.xxx.org/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/mailman) was working and was showing me mailman administration. When I went to attempt to change it to lists.xxx.org/mailman, everything has failed and I am recieving file not found issues. Any help?16:18
pingfloyddarkstar1: it allows you span disks, resize the the LVs online etc.16:18
darkstar1mdasilva: aahh.. actually my 8.04 was sort of fine.. only had one bug which was video but when I came on here 3 days ago ppl encourage me to upgrade16:18
tonyyarussoDoes anyone know what format the gnome invest applet expects for the ticker symbol of index funds?16:18
powergoalmdasilva: what fs do you run with your lvm?16:18
pingfloyddarkstar1: do dumps, the list goes on16:18
mdasilvapowergoal: ext3 from what i recall16:19
mdasilvadarkstar1: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/html_single/LVM-HOWTO16:19
darkstar1WoW!!!! resizing volumes in Real time!! you're kidding right?16:19
pingfloyddarkstar1: that's just the beginning of its flexibility too16:19
ubuntuactionParsnip:  it mounts it now but still gedit says it is read only when i try to save16:19
powergoalmdasilva: ahh.  I ran LVM with xfs for a while, made things very easy until I overwrote what would have been the MBR of the primary disk.  Unfortunately, it was a completely encrypted drive and lost encryption headers. hahaha16:19
mdasilvalvm should be standard for both desktop and server installs16:19
jekeIs there a man page for ppp/options16:20
pingfloyddarkstar1: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_volume_management16:20
darkstar1I see they weren't kidding about the current status of linux then16:20
epinkyjeke: pppconf ?16:20
mdasilvapowergoal:  yeah im just looking to get this back up and pull the data from it.. i'll reinstall the system if i have to but i rather salvage the situation16:20
jekeepinky yeah16:20
mdasilvai went from edgy to karmic16:20
powergoalmdasilva: of course. its always preferable to go that way. :)16:20
mdasilvai was good until jaunty...16:21
mdasilvaup to jaunty that is16:21
ubuntuoh well..im gonna get some sleep. i will fool with it some more later on16:21
idefwhen I hit control+c in my terminal it outputs "^C", why is this? It never happened before.16:21
ubuntuthanks actionParsnip for all the help16:21
pingfloydmdasilva: yeah, should definitely be an option without any fuss16:21
noladesiHello good people16:21
spekkomadch33z3, hey are you still here?16:21
epinkyjeke: open a terminal and type "apropos ppp"16:21
darkstar1mdasilva: which version is edgy??  is it lower than 8.0?16:21
noladesiany one know how to set the default OS in Grub2????16:21
mdasilvadarkstar1: edgy is like version 616:22
xerox1last try: i am looking for software that helps me to handle a scrum product backlog (creation and management); any recommendations?16:22
jekeepinky ok thanks16:22
Pici!edgy | darkstar116:22
candyaudacity gives an edited media as .au... how to change extension??16:22
ubottudarkstar1: Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft) was the fifth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 25th, 2008. See !eol for more details.16:22
darkstar1mdasilva: lol.... You started way farther back and hit the same wall :)16:22
actionParsnipnoladesi: set it in /etc/default/grub16:22
pingfloydmdasilva: I most definitely recommend to use lvm if you want to dm-crypt more than one filesystem16:22
mdasilvai had to jump fiesty which surprisingly went well..16:23
Nearsighthi everyone... one quick question, since when isn't <command> > <file> putting the terminal output into <file> anymore?16:23
pingfloydmdasilva: that way you only have to deal with one passphrase instead of multiple ones16:23
mdasilvabut i cant believe i tripped from the jaunty-karmic upgrade16:23
mdasilvadamn lvm216:23
=== edogawa__ is now known as edogawa
powergoalNearsight: it should be. what is the output?16:23
mdasilvapingfloyd: not erally looking to dm-crypt but i'll keep it in mind16:23
pingfloydmdasilva: that's strange16:23
actionParsnipNearsight: do you have write access to the pwd?16:23
deeveranyone here with karmic and a "00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller"? i can crash the system using mp3blaster by pausing and resuming a random mp3 file...16:23
darkstar1Nearsight: might be that you're outputting in a dir which you dont have access rights?16:24
pingfloydmdasilva: because I've upgraded ok from 9.04 to 9.10 in the past on a system with lvm2 and dmcrypt16:24
mdasilvapingfloyd: i think karmic introduced lvm2... that or the upstart busted things... dunno16:24
noladesiactionparsnip: bash: /etc/default/grub: Permission denied16:24
candyaudacity files results in .au extensioin... how to change it???16:24
pingfloydmdasilva: 9.04 has lvm216:24
deeverunder debian, there is no such problem, so no defective hardware16:24
Nearsightpowergoal, actionParsnip darkstar1: I have write access and the output is a lot of debug stuff16:24
powergoalNearsight: pastebin ?16:24
mdasilvawell i'll probably have more issues to sort through then16:24
pingfloydmdasilva: something must've gotten clobbered in the process of your upgrade16:24
actionParsnipnoladesi: its a text file to edit, use gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub16:24
nyaahey, if I already have ubuntu installed, should I install ubuntu studio if I want a low latency kernel, or is there an easier way to get the same effect?16:25
darkstar1Ok I have to restart the system, a lotta upgrades to get rid of one bug.. brb16:25
actionParsnipnoladesi: edit the file then run: sudo update-grub16:25
Nearsightpowergoal: does the output really matter? it doesn't work with an binary that produces one16:25
mdasilvapingfloyd:  yeah im being optomistic that it is just a lvm issue..16:25
noladesiactionParsnip: thanks...16:25
pingfloydmdasilva: you used the ubuntu packages on the old system right?16:25
powergoalNearsight: it might matter, it might not. but if you want me to help, the more info you give the better off :)16:25
mdasilvapingfloyd: yep16:25
pingfloydmdasilva: for your lvm216:25
mdasilvai can't recall if it was lvm1 or 216:25
mdasilvai think 216:25
candyanybody help with audacity??16:26
mdasilvai mean version 116:26
SPhcThow i can create .ygz arhive?16:26
pingfloydmdasilva: there may be some caveats with lvm116:26
nutrixi wnat to register my nick here16:26
Nearsightpowergoal: I would really like to paste you the output, but trying to get the output in a pastebale format is actually th reason I tried '>' , which kind of closes the circle here ^^16:26
pingfloydmdasilva: I was using lvm2 when I upgraded16:26
SPhcTsory .tgz16:26
actionParsnip!anyone | candy16:26
ubottucandy: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:26
spekkohi all. can someone please tell me how to install GRUB?16:26
actionParsnip!register | nutrix16:26
ubottunutrix: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode16:26
powergoalNearsight:  ah, ok hold on.16:27
actionParsnip!grub | spekko16:27
ubottuspekko: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:27
nutrixNick nutrix16:27
mdasilvagoing to duke it out with the busted system with some info and install disks on hand16:27
spekkothatx actionParsnip16:27
JonathanEllisIs there a repository for the latest stable version of avidemux?16:28
mdasilvanot having inet access while fixing is rough16:28
powergoalNearsight: see this: http://matthewturland.com/wp-content/uploads/pastebin.txt16:28
candyspekko, wihch os u got in ur system??16:28
tonyyarusso!u | candy16:28
ubottucandy: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.16:28
actionParsnipSPhcT: http://mylinuxnotebook.blogspot.com/2008/11/create-extract-targz-files.html16:29
candyaudacity gives an extension .au... how to change it??16:29
powergoalNearsight: or this http://wgetpaste.zlin.dk/16:29
noladesiany way to edit default OS via terminal command?16:29
powergoalNearsight: they use pipes to output to pastebin, but with | instead of write pipes16:29
spekkolinux and windows716:29
spekkocandy: linux and win716:29
candytonyyarusso, ok16:29
candyspekko, are  able to open win7 or linux??16:30
SPhcTactionParsnip, can i do it just with mouse?16:30
candyspekko, which distro are u using??16:30
actionParsnipnoladesi: i suggest you check the grub2 docs, i'd use the grub file in /etc/default16:30
wrapstercan anyone tell me by default how the /etc/sudoers file is written?16:30
packetcaseI am unable to connect an ubuntu machine to another machine using an ethernet cable, any suggestions?16:30
wrapsterwho writes it>16:30
actionParsnipSPhcT: right click file -> compress (maybe)16:31
spekkocandy: i cant boot from my hard drive at all. im the super grub cd to boot into linux atm16:31
powergoalwrapster: i think its the package managers16:31
sipiorpacketcase: are the two machines directly connected? are you using a crossover cable, in that case?16:31
actionParsnipSPhcT: i dont use mouse much16:31
noladesiactionParsnip: is there an app i can use to set it up?16:31
Nearsightpowergoal: I also tried an approach with <command> | tee <file>, which I read in a blog, with the same empty file resulting... but there actually isn't anything which I can screw up here right? I mean its plain and simple16:32
candyspekko, cant u boot even to win7??16:32
actionParsnipnoladesi: no idea16:32
powergoalok, so you can touch the file, right?16:32
powergoalcan you edit it with vi?16:32
candyspekko, i think u installed win after instaling linux, is it??16:32
packetcasesipior: There is one ethernet cable connecting the machines.16:32
sipiorpacketcase: and is it a crossover cable?16:33
spekkocandy: nope installed linux last16:33
packetcasesipior: Not sure:-S16:33
noladesiactionParsnip: thanks brotha'16:33
candyspekko, ubuntu ?? if yes which version.. please tell details then only i can get some suggestions for u16:34
airtonixspekko, did you run the grub update command ?16:34
sipiorpacketcase: then it isn't :-)16:34
badri cannot use my camera benq 1300 in ubuntu 9.1016:34
sergioola putas16:34
sipiorpacketcase: pick up a crossover cat 5 cable, or just an adapter, if you want.16:34
sipiorsergio: watch your mouth.16:34
airtonixsipior, most modern nic cards automatically do the switching16:34
sipiorairtonix: some do, some don't.16:35
terminhellhi all16:35
ubuntu-travelerI'm having some problems getting conky work on my ubuntu 9.10. After the system startup, conky shows then dissapear. Could someone assist me in solving this?16:35
airtonixubuntu-traveler, are you running compiz ?16:35
Nearsightpowergoal: echo 'test' > output.txt does actually work... now I'm confused16:36
darkfuneralcan someone please help me figure out why as soon as i create my raid1 array on ubuntu live, a bunch of my files were missing?16:36
airtonixubuntu-traveler, or do you have metacity set to compositing ?16:36
spekkocandy: version 9.10., heres what happened now. i was told to do steps from a website i got from madch33z3 . i did everything there to recover my win7 boot (at the time i could boot into linux with grub but not win7) and now i cant boot into anything after i did that16:36
powergoalNearsight: whats the output of ' ls -la|head -n 2|grep -v Total '16:36
powergoalNearsight: hm.  disregard that last post then16:36
spekkoairtonix, hi, what is the grub update command? im new to linux sorry16:36
airtonix!grub | spekko16:37
ubottuspekko: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:37
candyspekko, ok let me find something for u. just a moment16:37
actionParsnipspekko: sudo update-grub16:37
airtonixspekko, sudo update-grub16:37
spekkok ty all16:37
darkstar1actionParsnip, mdasilva: That upgrade is not advisable.. Completely assfecked my UI. I had to guess my way back into basic low-something graphics mode16:37
powergoalNearsight: so there aren't any more problems? haha  I don't know what happened but I'm glad it seems to be working16:37
packetcasesipior: When I insert the cable ubuntu tries to connect, but fails.16:38
sipiorpacketcase: what sort of ethernet cards are these?16:38
airtonixpacketcase, first check the firewall rules on the host computer16:38
darkstar1mdasilva: Kharmic thus far has been more problems than it's worth16:38
ubuntu-traveler_I am having some problems getting my conky work in Ubuntu 9.10. When i login conky shows, and then it dissapears. Could someone assist me in solving this problem16:39
sipiorpacketcase: (and seriously, if they're not gigabit cards with Auto-MDI, you'll need a crossover cable)16:39
airtonixubuntu-traveler, are you running compiz ? or do you have metacity set to compositing ?16:39
actionParsnipdarkstar1: what upgrade??16:39
packetcaseairtonix: Which one is the host computer?:-)16:39
prakritiare there any desktop resize tools to deal with overscan on tv's?16:39
prakritiI can't do it with the nvidia settings tool16:39
airtonixpacketcase, the one to which you are trying to connect to16:39
ubuntu-traveler_airtonix, compiz is enable16:39
Nearsightpowergoal: just doesn't seem to work with some binaries... like ruby binaries e.g.16:39
terminhellenable double buffer16:40
darkstar1actionParsnip: The nVidia ppa addition and subsequent upgrade16:40
airtonixubuntu-traveler_, this is why... you need to enable framebuffering option with conky16:40
airtonixubuntu-traveler_, framebuffering or doublebuffering i think16:40
darkstar1actionParsnip: it required 2 system restarts and booting into recovery mode to get back in...16:40
actionParsnipdarkstar1: works fine here, i've not had a single issue with it except in lucid which i expected16:40
terminhellyea it might just be commented out...set it to "1"16:40
manhuntercan i install ubuntu virtually on windows ?16:41
powergoalNearsight: ok, i think i might have an idea then.  it could be that they aren't outputting to stdout, so the pipe doesn't send anything.  what you need to do it is something like &2>/path/to/output/file at the end16:41
manhunterubuntu 9.1016:41
ubuntu-traveler_airtonix, should that be in the conkyrc file?16:41
PhosisIn BitchX, is there a straightforward way to display usernames on the side of my terminal window?16:41
actionParsnipmanhunter: sure the iso can be used in virtualbox or vmware equally16:41
airtonixubuntu-traveler_, it can be or you can specify tit as a command parameter16:42
ppaulhusHi. I am trying to compile nginx and it won't work because it can't find gd. How do I install gd exactly? I installed php5-gd but that doesnt seem to be enough....16:42
Nearsightpowergoal: what is this '&2' exactly?16:42
manhunteractionParsnip: how can i do that ?16:42
darkstar1actionParsnip: I need to upgrade the drivers again what's the gksudo command to do that coz I can't do it normally in the UI16:42
Myrtti!bitchx | Phosis16:42
ubottuPhosis: bitchx (also known as ircii-pana) was dropped from Debian and subsequently Ubuntu (see: http://dy.fi/afb). Consider using irssi or weechat instead.16:42
powergoal&2 is the stderr, or error stream16:42
packetcasesipior: The ubuntu machine has one from Realtek.16:42
actionParsnipmanhunter: install the virtualisation software then tell it to boot the iso16:42
candyspekko, do u have installation cd or dvd of ubuntu 9.10??16:42
PhosisThank you16:42
powergoalNearsight: it says to the program, everything that you would otherwise display as an error, put it to this other place. useful for piping errors to files and /dev/null if you dont care about hem at all16:43
actionParsnipmanhunter: from your apparent newness to virtualisation i suggest virtualbox16:43
airtonixubuntu-traveler_, http://blendmaster.name/2009/01/compiz-and-conky-bff/16:43
axisysactionParsnip: still cannot find swiftfox .. i added the ppa repo16:43
tobiassjostenIs is possible to disable key repeating in Gnome, via the terminal?16:43
actionParsnipaxisys: run: sudo apt-get update; apt-cache search swiftfox16:44
airtonixtobiassjosten, yes, since it's just a gconf setting (gconf has a cli aspect)16:44
ZykoticK9axisys, i couldn't find Swiftfox in PPA!  you added AWN didn't you?  which is unrelated to Swiftfox.  I could only find a DEB from their site, no repos.  best of luck.16:44
ubuntu-traveler_airtonix, thanks16:44
cristi_am o probleme sunt nou in linux si am istalat LinuxDC++ totul merge bine pana cand incerca sa descarc fisiere de pe clienti oDC cand ma deconecteza si nu mai pot lua fisierul, iar la clienti de tip StrongDC++ merge perfect16:44
tobiassjostenairtonix: Great! :) How do I do that?16:44
axisysactionParsnip: i did the update before the search16:44
axisysZykoticK9: yep AWN .. that explains16:45
airtonixtobiassjosten, i assume you can't load a gui ?16:45
actionParsnipaxisys: which repo did you add? can you give the link16:45
spekkoairtonix, i tried sudo update-grub and restarted. same problem16:46
actionParsnipZykoticK9: be civil please16:46
axisys11:12:49 < actionParsnip> axisys: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:awn-testing/ppa16:46
wrapsterpowergoal: yes.it comes as a part of pkg called 'sudo' i know that.. but im facing a weird issue , take a look at this.. http://pastie.org/81125216:46
Nearsightpowergoal: thanks, I'll give it a try16:46
ZykoticK9axisys, actionParsnip, sorry I wasn't trying to be rude to anyone16:46
actionParsnipaxisys: thats the awn repo, awn is not swiftfox16:46
axisysactionParsnip: which one should i add ?16:47
candyspekko, u can get ur grub using ur cd or dvd of ubuntu if you have one16:47
actionParsnipaxisys: the ppa you have added is for awn not swiftfox isnt it16:47
urthmoverI love big full screen terminal windows16:47
spekkohow? :o16:47
axisysactionParsnip: hmm.. my original question was if there is a repo for swiftfox .. :-)16:47
spekkocandy: with what option?16:47
airtonixcandy you missed replcing one "you" with U16:47
powergoalwrapster: yeah, thats weird.  i would comment out the xyz line, but the only way that would pose a security risk is if you have a user named xyz on your box16:48
powergoalwrapster: is that your concern?16:48
candyairtonix, i wont miss again16:48
manhunteractionParsnip: how to install virtuallbox and ubuntu on windows ?16:48
Nearsightpowergoal: '&2" doesn't seem to be known... do I need to install some package for that?16:48
nyaadoes anybody in here have any experience with low latency kernels?16:48
manhunterubuntu 9.10.iso16:48
powergoalNearsight: what are you typing into the command line?16:48
manhunterubuntu 9.10 is burned into cd16:48
cristi_I have a problem witch LinuxDC++ wen I thry to download a file from oDC++ clent thei deconect my16:49
actionParsnipmanhunter: visit the virtualbox website, its massively obvios how to install it16:49
airtonixtobiassjosten, this might help you get started : http://www.gnome.org/~shaunm/admin-guide/gconf-6.html16:49
Nearsightpowergoal: probably the wrong thing: <command> &2 > <file>16:49
urthmovermanhunter: with virtualbox you can just mount the ubuntu.iso during the wizard to install a new virtual machine16:49
actionParsnipaxisys: http://getswiftfox.com/deb.htm us the deb file, the repo listed is for debian so i wouldnt use it16:49
candyspekko, see this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows16:49
powergoalNearsight: oh, my bad, i meant it this way: 2&><file>16:50
spekkocandy: im there already :)16:50
candyspekko, read all and then hope u can do something. please do tell if it workd16:50
axisysactionParsnip: ok .. thanks16:50
raven_have an ASUS EEPC 1005HA - how to install/enable the internal microphone?16:50
spekkocandy: will do16:50
candyspekko, :)16:50
|REM|Hi.  I have installed the latest version of ubuntu and while I can get to the internet through a browser i cannot ping google or yahoo or anywhere else.  The DNS resolves but the ping doesnt go out.  I can ping local addresses just fine.  Any ideas?16:50
adambombHi, quick question. I was just updating to the new backport modules and such through Update Manager and it's in the Applying Changes phase and it froze on modifying grub.cfg. Is it okay to restart the program?16:50
Nearsightpowergoal: FATAL ~ No target named 2 could be found16:50
adambombUsing karmic16:51
SPhcTactionParsnip, if i install .deb program how can i remove it, and where can i find it?16:51
Nearsightpowergoal: but it did land in the file :D16:51
macman_question .. im doing a dd_rescue /dev/sr0 test.iso test.log16:51
macman_not working .. any ideas16:51
Nearsightpowergoal: just ommiting the 2 worked :)16:52
powergoalNearsight: hahaha  close, but no cigar. ;p OK.16:52
raven_have an ASUS EEPC 1005HA - how to install/enable the internal microphone?16:52
powergoalNearsight: oh, good!16:52
Nearsightpowergoal: there's your cigar ;)16:52
wrapsterpowergoal: yes it is16:52
forceflowraven_: I think you can enable it in alsamixer16:52
Nearsightpowergoal: thanks man :016:52
forceflowraven_: didn't really work here though ...16:52
adambombYes/no on restarting the update manager16:52
wrapsterbut its not introduced by me.. weried as soon as i installed i saw that there were 216:52
terminhellsee if it shows up in lspci16:52
candyadambomb, no, upgrade it16:53
raven_forceflow, you have this pc?16:53
terminhellif so enable it in your xorg.conf16:53
powergoalNearsight: you're welcome16:53
forceflowraven_: yes16:53
wrapsterof the same kind.. so instead of commenting it out.. if i can get to the roots of to figure out how it was introduced it will be great.16:53
adambombcandy: it's frozen.16:53
BlessJahi'm trying to record 2GB iso image on dvd16:53
wrapsterpowergoal: thats why i wanted to know of the script that will actually put it there? who writes that file?16:53
BlessJahbrasero reports recording speed 0,3x, and after few minutes it is still 0%16:53
raven_forceflow, there is a special site about netbooks and special solutions but the microphon-problem of this pc is not listed there - do you know anything else?16:53
powergoalwrapster: i dont know who is the maintainer, but i think you'll have to figure that out. could be ubuntu devs or they may get it from upstream16:54
candyadambomb, what sort of error it shows??16:54
forceflowraven_: no, sory16:54
adambombcandy: none, the applying screen just stopped at applying changes to grub.cfg, then it went gray16:54
BlessJahi've stopped that, and... half of dvd is recorded, i've mounted, ncdu says that files are 2GB16:54
raven_forceflow, ok16:54
raven_is possible to reconstruct a gpodder "session" by scanning the media-folder?16:54
adambombit was on memtest86 i believe16:54
BlessJahis it brasero or dvd issue?16:55
raven_is possible to reconstruct a GPODDER "session" by scanning the media-folder?16:55
terminhelladambomb: try doing updates via terminal. much more stable.16:55
deeveranyone here with karmic and a "00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller"? i can crash the system using mp3blaster by pausing and resuming a random mp3 file...16:55
deeverunder debian, there is no such problem, so no defective hardware16:55
candyadambomb, restarting is not a good option i think. u can find some better option. ur prob is new to me. m working on it. if ll get then tell u sure16:56
candyadambomb, tell then ask someone16:56
adambombcandy: yeah, I usually do but today I was just lazy and the prompt came up to update. okay thanks16:56
diablo69morning.  Anyone having problems with the 82801H sound card?  I can't get sound no matter what i try on 9.1016:56
candyadambomb, :)16:57
adambombI'll go ahead and try a terminal update and see what happens16:57
terminhelladambomb: dont be suprised if you have to reinstall grub though16:57
candyadambomb, ya terminal update is better option. try and see what happens16:57
adambombas long as it doesn't wreck havoc on the kernel i'll be okay.16:58
diablo69what really chaps my hide is backtrack 4 is ubuntu based now and I have zero problems when i had that installed16:58
jejeos amo a todos17:00
boournsdiablo69, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/411574 look at post 717:00
Trek!es | jeje17:00
ubottujeje: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:00
erUSUL!es | jeje17:00
Strogg'lo 'lo.  How do you convert a CD iso into a usb image?  I need to recover a grub install that windows pooped on.17:00
macman_there a way to have dd_rescue copy the entire dvd instead of each vob 1 by 117:00
diablo69boourns i'll try that :).  I suppose you had the same problem?17:01
bubuleinplz can someone take a look at my grub legacy problem http://pastebin.org/8665617:01
boournsdiablo69, nope i'm just a good googler ;)17:01
Stroggdoes this place have a bot I can question?17:01
diablo69do you know which ubuntu version backtrack 4 is based off of?17:01
einodo I need to install a firewall to my Ubuntu?17:02
boournsnope, never heard of it17:02
Trek!ask | sqapy17:02
ubottusqapy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:02
Trek!ask | swapy17:02
ubottuswapy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:02
boournseino, typically no, most consumer routers act as a basic firewall which is "good enough" for most people17:02
einoI dont have it turned on17:02
swapyinstalling netbeans it asks for path of jdk but i have already installed jdk :( still it fails to find it17:03
boournsnow if you are directly facing the internet, that's a different story...17:03
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist17:03
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:03
Aciideeh, whats with all the trigger spam17:03
anodesniI used this site http://moelhave.dk/2009/12/nvidia-cuda-on-ubuntu-karmic-koala/ to install CUDA on  Ubuntu 9.10. Still, when I compile "particles" with "make emu=1" I get the following errors http://pastebin.ca/178719017:04
SPhcTi installed program throught wine and than i run uninstall and now i cant delete program shourtcuts from menu17:04
einohow can I see what ports are in use currently in my ubuntu?17:04
swapy/usr/lib/jvm    it says no jdk installed there17:04
jpdseino: sudo netstat -ltnp17:04
SlartSPhcT: try going to system, preferences, main menu.. delete them from there17:04
swapyswapy@swapy-desktop:~/Downloads$ java -version17:04
swapyjava version "1.6.0_0"17:04
swapyOpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.6.1) (6b16-1.6.1-3ubuntu1)17:04
swapyOpenJDK Client VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode, sharing)17:04
FloodBot1swapy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:04
enrico74can you ve me italian channelgi17:04
gangilhi , can anybody direct me to good linux kernel-2.6.31 compiling tutorials?17:05
swapystill it says no jdk found @ netbeans :(17:05
einojpds should I set ufw default deny and allow ports like 80 and irc port?17:05
xanguaSPhcT: delete your .wine folder in your home17:05
Slarteino: try nethog, iftop, netstat or one of those tools17:05
Slart!it | enrico7417:05
ubottuenrico74: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:05
Ganangis there any application capable of transforming the process of installing from source in a ready deb file?17:05
boournsanodesni, can u do a gcc -v for me?17:05
OwnerIs there a way to have a script log a user in automatically, once he manages to log-out of his current session?17:05
Slart!checkinstall | Ganang17:05
ubottuGanang: checkinstall is a wrapper to "make install", useful for installing programs you compiled. It will create a .deb package, which will be listed in the APT database and can be uninstalled like other packages. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall - Read the warnings at the top and bottom of that web page, and DO NOT interrupt CheckInstall while it's running!17:05
jpdseino: no.17:05
tux_mark_5i'm using xubuntu 9.10 64 bit + ATI Catalyst 10.1 and I'm getting "Couldn't find matching GLX visual" error in most of 32 bit apps. compiz and other 64-bit opengl apps work fine17:06
worldwarcheeseHi there, I'm trying Bluetooth for the first time with Linux and I'm having a problem transferring a file from my netbook to my desktop (both Ubuntu). They are paired and connected but when I send the file it says "Obex file transfer is unsupported" and cancels it. I've sent things to my phone with my desktop so what's the problem???17:06
einojpds what should I do then?17:06
jpdseino: If you want people to access port 80 on your machine, allow port 80, for IRC, that's outgoing.17:06
tux_mark_5any ideas what might be wrong?17:06
anodesniboourns, it's 4.4, but I installed also 4.3 and configured nvidia sdk to use gcc4.3 with the guide I give the site from17:06
adambombWhen I try to sudo apt-get install now I'm getting the message "Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource Temporarily Unavailable) Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?"17:06
adambomberr sudo apt-get update17:07
adambomband upgrade.17:07
adambombany tips candy?17:07
boournsanodesni, my guess is its still pointing to 4.4 somehow. seems to be what that error is caused by. "CUDA doesn't presently support gcc 4.4. You will need to downgrade/install a gcc 4.3 version to compile with CUDA." http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=10788117:07
spekkocandy: are you here? :( no luck. think im gona format :/17:08
SPhcTxangua, if i delete wine i lose all programs17:08
jpdseino: Otherwise having all ports blocked should be fine for a home user.17:08
einojpds so irc uses 80/udp ?17:08
jpdseino: No.17:08
einoI only allowed port 80 and everything seems working17:08
jpdseino: Do: sudo ufw status verbose17:09
adambombWhat would package updater be listed as in ps waux?17:09
SPhcTSlart, dont work from that place17:09
einoDefault: deny (incoming), allow (outgoing)17:09
einojpds there cant be harm from the outgoing traffic can there?17:09
SlartSPhcT: explain what you mean by "dont work" .. your computer explodes in a ball of fire?17:10
jpdseino: So outgoing connection, eg, IRC, are allowed from your system, if an external system tries to connect to your's, it would be refused.17:10
einothis is nice :)17:10
=== kitche_ is now known as kitche
SPhcTSlart, nothing hapens17:10
SPhcTSlart, i open other than find file and press delete but nothing happens..17:11
SlartSPhcT: you mark the file you want to delete in the right selection box, right?17:12
SPhcTSlart, yes17:12
SlartSPhcT: hmm.. it works here.. although it takes a couple of seconds before it disappears17:12
Eric_wqxk74fuck you are stupid17:13
jpdsEric_wqxk74: No.17:13
SlartEric_wqxk74: ?17:13
bubulein i know its the wrong channel, but can some help me please with a grub problem http://pastebin.org/8665617:13
tux_mark_5any ideas why 32-bit apps on 64-bit system fail with "Couldn't find matching GLX visual" ? I17:13
Slart!pl | ubuntu17:14
ubottuubuntu: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.17:14
SPhcTSlart, it works for all other icons but not what i instaled trough wine17:14
ubuntukurewy nie mówice po polsku17:14
=== erle64- is now known as erle-
adambombCandy: Problem fixed, force quit the grub updater. Will probably just have to reinstall grub.17:14
royerfaHI, Is there an easy way to install some deb package compiled with debug information with apt-get ?17:14
tonyyarussoroyerfa: often, yes.  Which package?17:15
SlartSPhcT: odd.. I don't know if wine has some other way of maintaining that menu.. have you asked in #winehq?17:15
royerfalibavcodec for instance17:15
jrib!debug | royerfa17:15
ubotturoyerfa: For help debugging your program, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProcedures17:15
SPhcTSlart, no i will try17:16
=== EagleWatch is now known as eaglewatch
tonyyarussoroyerfa: yeah, what he said :)17:16
swapycant install netbeans17:16
OwnerI need a way to automatically log a user back in, after he manages to logout of their remix session, omitting the pwd entry. This is an essential part for this script of mine, to change system language "on-the-fly" on a public computer. A daemon-style script would be ideal, but is not necessary, as the event itself is triggered by running another script...17:16
swapyguys help me17:18
swapyguys anybody there?????/17:18
swapywhere does java get installed?17:18
ldiamondI compiled a kernel with different configs but now my system does not boot. I think its missing a module for my keyboard. I try to get the modules for my kernel version, but they are not available (only more recent). What can I do17:19
swapyi want to give path17:19
Slart!java | swapy17:19
ubottuswapy: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository17:19
erUSULldiamond: use default kernel (reinstall the kernel if needed)17:19
Slartswapy: use "find" or "locate" to search the file system17:19
ldiamonderUSUL: But I need the custom kernel, how do I make it work?17:20
swapymy aim is to install netbeans but cant as it cannot find jdk on system17:20
swapyi have already installed  java17:20
erUSULldiamond: why you need it?17:20
swapyswapy@swapy-desktop:~/Downloads$ java -version17:20
swapyjava version "1.6.0_0"17:20
swapyOpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.6.1) (6b16-1.6.1-3ubuntu1)17:20
swapyOpenJDK Client VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode, sharing)17:20
FloodBot1swapy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:20
Gananghey the packages in ubuntu for i386 or amd64 depends only on the processor on the ubuntu version that is running on my pc?17:20
ldiamonderUSUL: because I need high-resolution timer, which I changed in the config before recompiling17:20
Ganangi mean if this is a 32 bit version on a 64 bit processor17:20
shadowshellhello all...anyone have any suggestions on the best or most used mirroring app or script to mirror the entire archive.ubuntu.com17:21
usicowI'm trying to connect to my WPA wireless network. Can anyone help me connect to it via the command line?17:21
swapyubottu, software needs jdk not jre path dude17:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:21
Ganangusicow: do you have wpa_supplicant installed?17:21
tonyyarussoshadowshell: best and most used likely are not the same.  Personally, I've had a good experience using ubumirror for full archive mirrors - https://launchpad.net/ubumirror17:21
usicowso far I've just tried to use iwconfig with a key to connect.. but that doesnt work.17:21
usicowGanang: yes17:22
Ganangusicow: do you need certificates for your wirelles lan? is you card working great?17:22
shadowshelltonyyarusso: thanks, i agree..they sometimes aren't the same17:22
erUSULldiamond: ubuntu kernel has that already 8desktop) grep 'HIGH_RES_TIMERS' /boot/config-$(uname -r) --> CONFIG_HIGH_RES_TIMERS=y17:23
shadowshelltonyyarusso: i'll check out ubumirror17:23
darkseahow can i install pop3.h headerfile for c any idea17:23
usicowGanang: No, no certificates required.. and I believe my card is working.. it can see all the wireless networks around me (over 30 of them).17:23
einojdps I hate to bother you but I did this ShieldsUP!! firewall web application test and it says that TrueStealth Analysis failed. more spesifically: your system replied to our ping blablabla... and as detailed in the port report below, one or more of your system's ports actively responded to our deliberate attempts to establish a connection. It is generally possible to increase your system's security by hiding it from the probes of potentially hostile 17:23
ldiamonderUSUL: grep for CONFIG_HZ=100017:23
shadenzoqualcuno usa tovid ?   sto convertendo un file avi da 1.4 Giga ,  sta la vorando da tre ore che dimensione posso aspettarmi ?17:23
erUSUL!find pop3.h17:23
ubottuFile pop3.h found in citadel-webcit, courier-pop, focalinux-html, libetpan-dev, libmailutils-dev (and 3 others)17:23
swapyhelp help17:23
Ganangusicow: ok so they seem to work...but can you tell me exactly what is happening to your connection?17:24
einojpds: I know how to block ping but the other one seemed weird17:24
Ganangusicow: what is your problem?17:24
xangua!it | shadenzo17:24
ubottushadenzo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:24
einoNO PORTS were found to be OPEN.17:24
darkstar1Anyone here uses Cairo dock and Compiz?17:24
einojpds: nvm, this program is weird17:24
darkseahow can i install pop3.h header file for c any idea pls help17:24
usicowGanang: I guess that I've still got to do the step of creating the wps_suppliment.conf file and stuff.. I'll read up on that.17:25
erUSULldiamond: ok you want 100 instead of 250 ?17:25
Slart!find pop3.h17:25
ubottuFile pop3.h found in citadel-webcit, courier-pop, focalinux-html, libetpan-dev, libmailutils-dev (and 3 others)17:25
ldiamonderUSUL: 1000 instead of 25017:25
Ganangusicow: ok so that might be your problem17:25
erUSULldiamond: then just use the config of ubuntu as your config and change only that17:25
darkstar1I just upgraded my display driver but that seems to have screwed up the Cairo Icons. Restarting Cairo hasn't solved it. How can I re-install it (I assume that's the only path left to me now) or does the problem lie with compiz?17:25
Slartdarksea: hmm.. let me check again offline17:25
shadenzothanks xangua17:26
Slartdarksea: perhaps libmailutils-dev is what you're looking for17:26
erUSULldiamond: just that value; minimal risk of missing something17:26
shadenzoking for a day fool for a lifetime17:26
ldiamonderUSUL: Thats what I did, I used that tutorial: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/how-to-customize-your-ubuntu-kernel/17:28
erUSULldiamond: thenhow come a kernel module is missing? you used ubuntu sources?17:28
jackhornerwhy my karmic is keeping old linux-image packages? i have still 2.6.31-17 and 15 even if now it upgraded to -19. "autoremove" doesnt work, if i try to remove one of them apt also attempts to remove linux-image metapackage17:28
ldiamonderUSUL: all I did is change CONFIG_HZ to 1000, comment CONFIG_HZ_250 and uncomment CONFIG_HZ_1000=y17:29
darkseaslart: libmailutils-dev  didn't workout17:29
ldiamonderUSUL: yes, but it gave me a kernel prior to my current kernel ( instead of
ldiamonderUSUL: so I guess I dont have the modules for that version or something.17:29
ldiamonderUSUL: or its something else, but it just wont boot.17:30
usicowGanang: is it strange that I have no /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf file? I can of course create one, but is it strange that it doesnt exist up front?17:30
erUSULldiamond: no likely if they where both 2817:30
SPhcTerUSUL, i manage to install webcam driver in really wierd way...17:30
erUSULldiamond: i'm not sure the edit you did is correct. did you run make oldconfig to check?17:30
erUSULldiamond: you should have used menuconfig to do the change. kernel config is not meant to be edited directly17:31
ldiamonderUSUL: the menuconfig did not give me that option17:32
=== segin|kvirc is now known as segin
ldiamonderUSUL: make oldconfig doesnt complain17:32
erUSULldiamond: it is there i use custom kernels and i have it set 100017:32
=== eaglewatch is now known as EagleWatch
Ganangusicow: yeah you have to create it , this is the normal procedure17:33
Ganangdo you want an example file?17:33
ldiamonderUSUL: is there a way to get kernel source for instead of ?17:33
juancarloshi, anyone have played with Wifi N???, worth it?, works better?17:34
hamilton_limaalo gente17:34
erUSULldiamond: do a search in synaptic. FYI it is in  Procesor type and Features>Timer Frequency17:34
hamilton_limabom dia17:34
jackhornerwhat should i install on karmic (server) for wifi setup? wireless-tools or iw?17:35
=== bethiro is now known as Bethiro
xangua!es | hamilton_lima17:35
ubottuhamilton_lima: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:35
hamilton_limaokay, hello guys17:35
grumblyUgh,,, I need help getting my crapy poo-sauce nvidia TNT2 drivers working for compositing.17:35
* JediMaster cheers for ubuntu GB/UK mirror, 22MBytes/sec!!!17:35
hamilton_limaI need help with compiler fortran intel17:35
SPhcTdoes somone here now how to delete icons in menu what wine created..? Edit Menu dont work....17:35
grumblySorry, working so I can USE compositing in Karmic17:36
usicowGanang: I think I got the example file.. so I've created it now, with my own network{} defined in there based on what wpa_passphrase gave me. What do I have to do next?17:36
xanguagrumbly: metacity¿¿ compiz¿¿17:36
grumblyxangua: metacity- compiz too heavy17:36
soamihey everybody17:36
grumblybut if I can get compiz working, that'd be PHENOMENAL17:37
xanguagrumbly: you can't enable metacity composite or don't know how¿¿17:37
darkseaubottu:citadel-webcit and libmailutils didnot workout(for installing pop3.h header file) pls help17:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:37
SPhcThow can i run edit menu like root..?17:37
packetcaseHow can I share my wireless internet with a windows machine using an ethernet cable?17:37
juancarloshi, anyone have played with Wifi N???, worth it?, works better?17:37
soamiis this a good time to ask a probably really stupid ubuntu question?:)17:37
=== tato is now known as tato_
BluesKajsoami, there are no stupid questions, maybe some stupid answers17:38
soamiBluesKaj, :) true17:38
grumblyxangua: i cant enable... the videocard is WICKED old... I've tried the legacy drivers from Nvidia (badness there), I've tried nuoveau ppa... I've tried standard nv17:38
=== ring1 is now known as ring0
soamii just put ubuntu on my computer and i have no sound at all what to do now?17:38
darkseawhats the general way of installing  various header files of c17:39
macman_i have a /media/temp file17:40
SPhcTis here somone who now how menu store all icons in it..?17:40
usicowGanang: strange.. I just saw a program called wpa_cli exists.. when I run it it says 'Cound not connect to wpa_supplicant - re-trying'17:40
soamiwell..no asnwer is an answer too i guess17:41
soamihave a nice weekend anyway bye :)17:41
panfist_i have ubuntu 9.10 32bit installed on a first gen pentium 4 machine. i keep getting semi-hard freezes. I can move my mouse cursor, but thats it. i can't ctrl-alt-f* into another tty, i can't ctrl-sysreq-k to kill and restart x (if i do i just get a black screen indefinitely)17:41
Ganangusicow: u have to run the file with you against your conf file17:41
panfist_i have run memtest, 2 passes, no errors17:41
dwkennedycan you ssh in from another box?17:42
panfist_dwkennedy was that question directed at me?17:42
juancarloshi, anyone have played with Wifi N???, worth it?, works better?17:42
panfist_no i didnt think of trying that17:43
dwkennedyctrl-alt-backspace will also kill X17:43
panfist_i thought they removed that17:43
danubhow can i "reinstall" packages with apt?17:43
panfist_and/or it does the same thing as alt-sysreq-k17:43
SPhcTwhere ubuntu store main menu icons so i can remove them...17:43
Ganangusicow: follow this instructions http://www.inf.tu-dresden.de/index.php?node_id=200917:44
juancarlosdanub,  sudo apt-get install --reinstall package17:44
danubdoes that also work on tasksel?17:44
dwkennedyinteresting... haven't had to try that in 9.10 yet.  it's been that way for years :)17:44
panfist_they removed it because some people accidentally killed X and lost work17:44
usicowGanang: thanks17:44
panfist_so now it's alt sysreq k17:44
juancarlosdanub, tasksel is a TUI for apt17:45
grumblyI am in dire need of help with my Nvidia TNT2 card,,, ANY information at all will be helpfull- Here's what i've tried: Nvidia legacy drivers, Xorg Nvidia driver, Xorg Nouveau driver... I can't get a resolution beyond 640x480 with Legacy drivers.  Xorg Nvidia drivers just seem slow... Nouveau is a teeny bit better, but still no compositing17:45
mediumoneHello All, Can you please help me with this - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1397962 ?17:45
juancarloshi, anyone have played with Wifi N???, worth it?, works better?17:45
SPhcTwhy sudo alacarte dont show all instaled icons in menu?17:45
=== EagleWatch is now known as eaglewatch
jpds!repeat | juancarlos17:45
ubottujuancarlos: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.17:45
OwnerI need a way to automatically log a user back in, after he manages to logout of their remix session, automatically getting through the login screen (pwd entry). This is an essential part for this script of mine, to change system language "on-the-fly" on a public computer. A daemon-style script would be ideal, but is not necessary, as the event itself is triggered by running another script...17:46
grumblyjuancarlos: it seems to have a better range, and can be faster,17:47
grumblyjuancarlos: I have it on my macbook pro, and it's definitly worth it for that17:47
SPhcTneed experienced user help....17:47
juancarlosgrumbly, thanks, i feel bettter to know that is Compatible with Ubuntu17:47
adalgisoi managed to break my panels in gnome, how do i kill that process or delete my panels configuration?17:48
OwnerSPhcT: what do you mean by "dont show all instaled icons"17:48
juancarlosgrumbly, u are using NDISWrapper?17:48
adalgisocan't right click the panels for whatever reason, its like theyre locked up17:48
grumblyi was using the ones that were config'd17:48
grumblyI think they're Ath17:48
grumblyI don't honestly remember17:48
SPhcTOwner, i have instaled programs throught wine and i cant remve icons and if i run menu as root i cant see icons instaled from whine17:48
juancarlosgrumbly, thanks!17:49
darkstar1is there a channel for scripting?17:49
grumblyjuancarlos: I think I may have just lied to you... I dont know if the Mac was using an N network...17:49
Picidarkstar1: What language?17:49
Picidarkstar1: #bash :)17:49
soreaudarkstar1: For bash scripting, #bash17:49
grumblyjuancarlos: I just sort of assumed it was... and it's not with me at the moment17:49
darkstar1thanks guys17:50
BluesKajgrumbly, have you tried this ? http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_71.86.11.html17:50
grumblyjuancarlos: Sorry :(17:50
juancarlosgraviton, ok17:50
grumblyBluesKaj: No.  I am looking now17:50
SPhcTOwner, the main problem is that i cant remove uninstalled icons from menu...17:50
grumblyBluesKaj: Actually, yes, I have17:50
SPhcTPici, i manage to install webcam in really wierd way..17:50
grumblyI couldnt get a resolution above 640x48017:51
BluesKajgrumbly, bummer :(17:51
grumblyBluesKaj: I think there was some additional configuration that I need to do, but I couldnt find out what it was17:51
grumblymainly because I didnt want to muck around with instructions for Xf86 when I've got an Xorg installation17:52
darkseaI just want to write simple mail client using pop3  can anyone help me to to find pop3.h any other relevant header file which does the same work pls help17:52
SPhcThow i can fully reset my main menu...?17:52
grumblySPhcT: have you tried dpkg-reconfigure PACKAGE?17:53
llutz!find pop3.h17:53
ubottuFile pop3.h found in citadel-webcit, courier-pop, focalinux-html, libetpan-dev, libmailutils-dev (and 3 others)17:53
llutzdarksea: ^^17:53
SPhcTgrumbly, no what it will do?17:53
grumblyreconfigures the package17:53
OwnerSPhcT: i can't remember what the path was, but afaik wine keeps its icons in a directory you may need to remove the "icons"/.desktop files from17:53
darkseawhat does that mean  !find pop3.h17:54
llutzdarksea: [18:53:29] <ubottu> File pop3.h found in citadel-webcit, courier-pop, focalinux-html, libetpan-dev, libmailutils-dev (and 3 others)17:54
pilif12pWhy cant i patch a file with the patch program built in? i get the error "patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line Hunk #1 FAILED at 56.17:54
pilif12p1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file /var/www/mozbot/BotModules/nagios.bm.rej"17:54
erUSULdarksea: use libetpan is what claws mail uses17:54
pilif12pEven when running as root17:54
grumblyso if you're talking about the Gnome menu, find out the package that it is, then type dpkg-reconfigure PACKAGE_NAME17:54
SPhcTgrumbly, but i have installed wine and i cant remove program icouns installed trough wine17:54
shane2peruis there a way to defrag a FAT32 external hdd I have in Linux?17:55
grumblySPhcT: Are the programs gone?17:55
guntbertpilif12p: the error has nothing to to with permissions - so absolutely no use in running it with sudo17:55
SPhcTgrumbly, yes17:55
pilif12pguntbert: so, what do i do?17:55
erUSULshane2peru: no that i know of17:56
daseni'm sorry, I had to let it out :)17:56
Yarozeshane2peru: use qemu to boot DOS and then use some kind of defrag on the hdd17:56
OwnerSPhcT: have a look under ~/.local/share/applications/wine/17:56
daseni'm running kubuntu 64 bits, and now it recognizes my 4 gb ram :)17:56
grumblyOwner: thanks- I couldnt remember the file17:56
grumblySPhcT: Owner pointed you in the right direction17:57
shane2peruerUSUL, wow, so if we are 100% linux people, and maintain a fat32 hdd to share files with windows users, I guess we are not going to defrag it, I guess formatting it would take care of fragmentation. lol. :)17:57
darkseallutz: i had already tried libmailutils-dev citadel-webcit but they didnot workout17:57
guntbertpilif12p: a) what are you trying to patch? b) maybe ask the maintainer/author c) you could !pastebin the errors - maybe someone sees whats the matter (I could even be wrong about permissions)17:58
cwheelerfat file systems need to be reformatted from time to time17:58
bluesandhi, my sound doesn't work at all in ubuntu 10.04, it worked fine in the last release17:58
shane2peruYaroze, that would require I have a valid windows disk to do a qemu (or virtual machine) installation, unfortunately that is not my case.17:58
zvacetI want to remove ubuntu desktop and install lxde what I have to do17:58
SPhcTOwner, grate work thanks, thats all i need17:58
=== sm is now known as Guest24668
bluesandsorry, 9.10 haha17:58
OwnerSPhcT: pleasure...17:58
SPhcTgrumbly, thanks for support..17:58
bazhangzvacet, karmic?17:58
mediumoneHi everyone, when I go to my home folder, I can see only two files - 1. Access you private data and 2. Readme.txt. When I click on the first icon, nothing happens and when I run ecryptfs-mount-private in the terminal, I get this error -  ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly.17:58
=== Guest24668 is now known as Stefanot
Ownernow i need some help too... I need a script to automatically log a user back in, after he manages to logout of their remix session, automatically getting through the login screen (pwd entry). any ideas?17:59
zvacetI have to work on old comp for few days and I should use lighter then ubuntu17:59
grumblySPhcT: no problem17:59
guntbertmediumone: you set up an encrypted home dir17:59
Yarozeshane2peru: no it would only require you to have a DOS floppy image with defrag on it18:00
shane2perumediumone, did this happen after an update?  or did you re-install?18:00
spekkois candy, owner, ouyes or iflema perhaps here?18:00
adalgisocomputer crashed again, does anyone know where the gnome-panel config files are?18:00
shane2peruYaroze, ahh, ok, that is simpler, I pressume a dos floppy image is pretty easy to find online?18:00
bazhangzvacet, sudo apt-get install lxde for jaunty; for karmic it is lubuntu-desktop18:00
boournsshane2peru, yeah they are, you can get a bootable dos iso too18:00
Yarozeshane2peru: yep18:00
boournsnever thought i'd be recommending that in 201018:01
guntbertmediumone: did you (as urgently suggested) record the passphrase?18:01
grumblyi hate this old PoC computer...18:01
shane2peruYaroze, ok, great, thanks18:01
shane2peruboourns, thanks18:01
Yarozeboourns: ;)18:01
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raulhello  everyone18:01
xroi try too boot ubuntu 9.10 64bits on my new dell studio 1747 laptop....18:01
xrodo you know why it doesn't work?18:02
mediumoneI have two ubuntu installations in my computer. the first one wouldn't boot. I am trying to access my files in the home folder from the new installation. Yes, I remember setting up a passphrase. But It was an automatically generated passphrase and I dont remember it.18:02
grumblyI am in dire need of help with my Nvidia TNT2 card,,, ANY information at all will be helpfull- Here's what i've tried: Nvidia legacy drivers, Xorg Nvidia driver, Xorg Nouveau driver... I can't get a resolution beyond 640x480 with Legacy drivers.  Xorg Nvidia drivers just seem slow... Nouveau is a teeny bit better, but still no compositing18:02
mediumoneshane2peru: it happened after an update18:02
zvacetbazhang:  and after that how can I remove ubuntu desktop ((not just metapackage)18:03
tasaduqcan any one tell me how to install gnomenu?18:03
paradoxuncreatedIs Kmail supposed to indicate new mail, when I get one. I can't see that it indicates any mails as new.. First time user though.18:03
bluesandhey, what's the story with the sound in karmic?18:03
donaldoI installed the latest version of alsa and I have no sound, here's what throws the info http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=c5387327bf66c2d215967f1bc1e5b94874a58716, I recognize my intel ALC268 sound card, any ideas?18:03
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE zvacet check this link should be in there18:03
shane2perumediumone, just scrolled back and saw, "I don't remember it" talking about the passphrase, that is not good, I don't know, but I don't think it can be recovered18:03
tasaduqcan any one tell me if GTK1 thems work for ubuntu karmic or gtk2???18:04
bluesanddonaldo, was it working before you installed that?18:04
xhhjdonaldo, run alsamixer and pump up dem sounz yo18:04
mediumoneguntbert, shane2peru: I have created a post in this forum - that has the screenshots - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1397962.  Hope it gives more info.18:04
shane2perumediumone, wasn't there some kind of warning about writing it down, and remembering the passphrase?  I have a encrypted folder on my hdd, and was able to remount it after a new install, but I knew my passphrase18:05
donaldobluesand > yes18:05
mediumoneshane2peru: but why did the installation not boot? I was always getting memtest86+ when i booted.18:05
zvacettnx | bazhang18:05
guntbertmediumone: if you cannot manage to boot to your first install and cannot remember the passphrase your data are lost18:05
xroi try too boot ubuntu 9.10 64bits on my new dell studio 1747 laptop (i720qm).... but the live cd doesn't boot... do you know why? someone already installed ubuntu 64bits on a i720 process?18:05
donaldoxhhj> cannot open mixer18:05
mediumoneguntbert: ironically, i saved that passphrase in a file in my home folder :(18:06
guntbertshane2peru: yes, there *is* a *big* warning about the passphrase18:06
xhhjdonaldo, maybe you have not loaded the kernel modules18:06
krysisI got a problem with audio input, in alsa mixer i have 3 inputs, "Input source, Input source 1, Input source 2", right now it seems like my default is input source 1 for alsamixer, but when changing my mic source from gui it changes the input source (no number)18:06
mediumoneshane2peru: yes i did get a warning. but i didnt know it would crash!18:06
CSSnubI'm trying to add my ruby executable directory to my $PATH but the .bashrc in /home/me/ doesn't make any reference to a $PATH variable. Is that the wrong place to look for it?18:06
tasaduqis there any way to display icons only in the taskbar?18:06
guntbertmediumone: I guessed as much - try to get the first install to boot or forget the data - sorry18:07
shane2perumediumone, ok, I was breezing over you post, you have two installations?  is that correct?18:07
dsuchCSSnub: it's okay, you'll be simply creating the first one18:07
mediumoneguntbert: is there some place where I can get help to boot my first installation?18:07
xromediumone, so there is a solution... boot with a live cd or an other linux system... then mount your partition and read you passphrase in your /home/file18:07
donaldoxhhj> installed over the script provided on the Ubuntu Forums18:08
grumblyi'm gonna ask a NOOOb question because I am unable to remember how to do something-  How do I add a user to sudoers so that user does not need to enter a password when accessing sudo or gksudo?18:08
CSSnubdsuch, can you give me an example line? does it go at the very top of the file?18:08
shane2perumediumone, are both installations koala?18:08
guntbertmediumone: yes - here :)18:08
mediumoneshane2peru: yes I have two installations.18:08
shane2perumediumone, it should be just a matter of adjusting grub to boot up the first installation18:08
mediumones2p: yes both are koala18:08
guntbertgrumbly: add the user to the "admin" group18:08
shane2perumediumone, that would get you back into your first installation, as well as your encrypted /home folder18:09
xroi try too boot ubuntu 9.10 64bits on my new dell studio 1747 laptop (i720qm).... but the live cd doesn't boot... do you know why? someone already installed ubuntu 64bits on a i720 process?18:09
grumblyguntbert: I thought it was already... If i am wrong, thanks... If I am right, what else?18:09
ionutcan anyone help  me with a switch statement for javascript ?18:09
mediumonexro: i tried doing that. I can get till my home folder "mediumone". but i dont find my "documents' folder18:09
dsuchCSSnub: the place doesn't matter if it's not been mentioned yet, should be something along the lines of 'export $PATH=$PATH:/your/path'18:09
Piciionut: Please ask in ##javascript18:09
guntbertgrumbly: log out and back in - group changes are only recognized at log in18:10
shane2perumediumone, here is a guide to restore grub to possible boot back into your first installation:  http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html18:10
ionutPici: i've tryied but look "404] ##javascript Cannot send to channel Cannot send to channel"18:10
CSSnubdsuch, ty18:10
xhhjxro: select the cdrom drive as the first boot device18:10
mediumoneshane2peru: okay I will try and that now18:10
grumblyguntbert: thanks!18:10
bluesandhere's the output of my dmesg, i wonder if someone can help http://bitl.in/rabw618:10
lucky__how do I enter the grub boot menu?  My kernel is already loadinf before I see any messages18:10
shane2perumediumone, I don't have time to go over it all with you, but you should be able to do that, from your current installation (I'm assuming you are booted into ubuntu on the same machine now)18:10
guntbertionut: you probably need to register and identfy to services for that channel18:11
Piciionut: you need to be registered and identified to speak there.18:11
Pici!register > ionut18:11
ubottuionut, please see my private message18:11
guntbertgrumbly: you're welcome :-)18:11
mediumoneshane2peru: yes i am on the same machine and I will try to follow the instructions myself18:11
lucky__so I can't enter recovery mode18:11
jriblucky__: press escape or shift depending on the version18:11
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KaOSoFtHello everyone.18:11
mediumoneshane2peru, guntbert, xro : thanks for the help! :)18:11
grumblyguntbert: adm group? or root group?18:11
xroxhhj, lol.... yes i did it... my problem is that when i select boot from live cd --> ubuntu's logo then blackscreen18:11
xhhjlucky__: you have to edit grub.conf and set timeout to a value higher than 018:11
BigMack84i have dual monitors setup with my tv. it works fine, except when i close my laptop the tv loses the vga out signal. how can i make it so the tv doesnt go blank when i close my laptop screen?18:11
bazhangtasaduq, no caps please18:12
aaandaiiiHi. I have a laptop with a weird BIOS so even though my gfx card is supported the proprietary driver can't start [unless I remove 2GB ram]. Apparently there is a hack/workaround that involves changing what the kernel does [changing some parameters] at boot time. I suck at this, the guy who figured it out described it here http://lists.opensuse.org/radeonhd/2009-05/msg00070.html Could someone explain what he changed?18:12
shane2perumediumone, hope you get it worked out, next time paper and pencil don't ever crash.18:12
daftykinsBigMack84: check power management and screensaver settings?18:12
ionutPici: how can i register ?18:12
grumblyguntbert: cause the user is already in admin18:12
aaandaiii[ AKA How do I change boot parameters ]18:12
xhhjxro: i had that happen once too, it was because the cd wasn't burned correctly. Try burning another cd.18:12
Pici!register | ionut18:12
ubottuionut: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode18:12
tasaduqbazhang,  caps cause now you saw it :D so any answer to my question?18:12
mediumoneshane2peru: I'll never forget that.18:12
guntbertgrumbly: adm and admin, *not* root!18:12
lucky__Would someone who knows please message me the ansewr. I'm on my cellphone and this channel is too busy for my client to fisplay the conversation. Thanks18:12
shane2perumediumone, ok, good luck, :)18:13
soreauaaandaiii: Press e at the grub splash screen18:13
grumblyguntbert: What about the sudo group?18:13
ionutPici: i've typed in /nick ionut18:13
BigMack84daftykins, yea i tried but didnt see anything for a second monitor18:13
ionutPici: but nothing happendes18:13
guntbertgrumbly: you can set that from gui too18:13
ionutPici: but nothing happended18:13
aaandaiiisoreau: Does that work when there are several long ones with underscores [he mentioned a boot script]18:13
Piciionut: Please READ the directions on that page.18:13
grumblyguntbert: set which from gui? groups?18:13
ionutPici: done,thx18:13
xroxhhj, ok i'll try... i just came to know if there are some trouble between ubuntu 64bits and i720qm prcess... it's my first ubuntu 64bits install and my first quad core...18:14
guntbertgrumbly: user privileges18:14
KaOSoFtI'm trying to modify the icon of an application I added to the Applications > Programming main menu on Ubuntu 9.10. The thing is, it won't let me choose a PNG file, it seems it is just SVGs. Is there a way to change this behaviour? Thanks in advance. Sincerely, a learner in progress.18:14
grumblyguntbert: I know.  I just couldnt remember how- I had a brain poo.18:14
aaandaiiisoreau: is that also just the same as editing menu.lst?18:14
kreatorhey im getting a new wireless card for my laptop and im wondering what's "the best" chipset18:14
guntbertgrumbly: I know that feeling :)18:14
soreauaaandaiii: yea18:15
aaandaiiisoreau: thank you18:15
xhhjgrumbly: see http://linuxwireless.org/18:15
aaandaiiisoreau: I put that after the kernel statement?18:16
BigMack84so is there a way to prevent an external mirrored monitor from blanking when the laptop lid is closed? there is no option in the power management screens18:16
darkseafinally i found pop3.h but where should i put it to work it correctly18:16
tasaduqcan any one tell me how to add kubuntu to my sessions in my ubuntu?18:18
bazhangtasaduq, install kubuntu-desktop18:18
jjsousaahê, galera! tem muié???18:19
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:19
soreauaaandaiii: yes18:19
erUSULkreator: atheros or ralink; imho18:19
KaOSoFtHmm... if I write down the path to the icons, the laucher properties window will display the icons, but instead, if I use the included browser, it'll display nothing. Why might it be?18:20
jjsousaTem ou não tem muié por aqui??18:20
phenoxydineDoes anyone know of a port of PulseAudio to PocketPC?18:20
erUSUL!br | jjsousa18:20
ubottujjsousa: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:20
phenoxydineOr for that matter, is there a PulseAudio channel on freenode?18:21
error404notfoundi see the box asking for flash permissions to use mic but i can't click any button18:21
erUSUL!alis | phenoxydine18:21
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phenoxydineerUSUL: I'm aware of alis, and I'm checking it now18:21
phenoxydinebut I figured I'd ask here anyway18:21
phenoxydineyeah, there's no channels according to alis18:21
guntbert!enter | phenoxydine18:22
ubottuphenoxydine: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:22
phenoxydinek, you guys are freaking picky. but w/e18:23
spekkocan someone tell me the command to update grub again please?18:23
spekkosudo etc.18:23
Co0Pshow do I launch the text mode installer from USB...? the graphic sucks and doesn't have all options...18:23
bazhangspekko, update-grub18:23
macman_anyone us dd_rescue to rip dvd's ?18:23
bazhangspekko, assuming you are referring to grub218:23
spekkoah ty bazhang forgot the '-' ^^18:23
guntbertphenoxydine: no this is a *very* big support channel - so please adhere to the rules18:24
daftykinsCo0Ps: i think you need the alternate installer CD18:24
erUSULmacman_: video dvd ?18:24
macman_erUSUL: yes .. it dosen't matter i just want to see how it works18:24
erUSULmacman_: dd_rescue can not be used for that afaik18:25
macman_erUSUL: will dd_rescue only backup /dev devices18:25
Co0Psdaftykins: are there NO grub launch option i could put into the usb booter to launch a text installer instead of the ubuntu test desktop????18:26
Co0Psso i need to redownload the whole thing... transfer it to the usb again to get text installer?18:27
daftykinsCo0Ps: none i know of. searching the forums or google might quite easily prove me wrong, i've never had to do a non-graphical install with ubuntu18:27
daftykinsCo0Ps: yeah i think so, what exactly are you not getting in the GUI installer that you want?18:27
spekkodamn i cant get this to work :<18:27
Co0Pscuz it doesn't support disk encryption.18:27
Co0Psyay nerfed18:28
usicowhow can I tell if a given wireless card driver (ipw2100) is installed on a system?18:28
deeveranyone here with karmic and a "00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller"? i can crash the system using mp3blaster by pausing and resuming a random mp3 file...18:28
deeverunder debian, there is no such problem, so no defective hardware18:28
daftykinsusicow: "lsmod | grep iwl" possibly, though drivers might be compiled into the kernel so i can't be 100% there18:28
grumblyXhhj: any reason I should look at that website?18:29
erUSULdeever: kernel bug. report it18:29
erUSUL!bugs | deever18:29
ubottudeever: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:29
spekkohow do i install grub? :<18:29
guntbertdaftykins: *very* few drivers are compiled into the kernel, almost all are modules18:29
daftykins!grub | spekko18:30
ubottuspekko: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.18:30
TruthTacoim having video playback issues, currently using open source driver = not working, no ATI restricted driver available (looking for tips)18:30
daftykinsTruthTaco: what card? is it unsupported by ATI and fglrx?18:30
howlymowlyhi guys... newby on board!   just wanted to ask, if someone knows how I can register my nickname on irc? i need a registered name to join the #python channel18:31
guntbert!register | howlymowly18:31
ubottuhowlymowly: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode18:31
ugliefroghow do i upgrade to the latest nvidia driver18:32
howlymowlythx guntbert18:32
daftykinsugliefrog: latest on karmic or the latest nvidia make available?18:32
guntberthowlymowly: np - do read and follow :)18:32
erUSUL!latest | ugliefrog18:32
ubottuugliefrog: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.18:32
=== uli__ is now known as Blubbi
ugliefrogdaftykins: mvida latest18:32
daftykinsugliefrog: see here https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa18:33
phenoxydineguntbert: I usually do. It just annoys me when I've demostrated previously my regard for the rules, and then I slip up *once* and people get mad at me18:33
daftykinsphenoxydine: welcome to freenode, channels are idle until there's something everyone can rip apart >_< comes with the territory it seems18:33
arghh2d2phenoxydine: fsck the rules18:34
grumblyhuh... where would I add a DISABLED_MODULES entry?18:34
spekkoi spent the WHOLE DAY trying to sort out my pc... and now im back to EXACTLY WHERE I STARTED!!! OMG :((((18:34
mdisienowhile running k3b im getting no sound, and it seems k3b is just flying through my songs when its supposidly playing them.18:35
guntbertphenoxydine: nobody "gets mad at you" - and most of us certainly don't monitor everything that is said - so we only saw the last statements18:35
arghh2d2spekko: all the caps isnt gonna fix your box dude18:35
CAPcaphow do i restore EoG to being the default JPG/JPEG program?18:35
mikey_Mdisieno, is your master channel muted?18:35
spekkosorry :/ just so stressed right now18:36
daftykinsCAPcap: system -> preferences -> preferred applications ?18:36
mdisienomikey_, no, it doesnt seem to be, the audio channel selector in the amarok config playings perfectly over my audio channel18:36
grumblySo, I'm trying to install the nvidia legacy drivers, and there are some instructions that don18:36
CAPcapdaftykins, thanks i'll try that18:36
mikey_Run, alsamixer in a terminal18:36
mikey_and check if its muted in there18:36
=== goose is now known as vVoOtsriRfhHAFqa
mdisienomikey_, only thing muted is center/l and line in, running a soundblaster xfi with alsa18:37
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CAPcapdaftykins, that doesnt do it18:37
mikey_Hmm, does sound work in anything else?18:37
grumblySo, I'm trying to install the nvidia legacy drivers, and there are some instructions that dont match up-  it's tellming me to add DISABLED_MODULES="nv nvidia_new" to /etc/defaults/linux-restricted-modules (or -common) but the only place I know to prevent module loading is from /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf18:37
=== joel___ is now known as Phosis
tasaduqwhen I am trying to download alien area it gives me error "Requires installation of untrusted packages" whats wrong?18:37
krysisI need help setting up my mic pleaase!18:37
mdisienomikey_ yes with flash, in 64b btw18:37
grumblyis this right???18:37
arghh2d2mdisieno: Plug in your SPEAKERS!18:37
CAPcaphow do i restore Eye of GNOME to being the default JPG/JPEG program?18:38
mikey_Is flash still running? Flash used to stop all other sound working for me18:38
aaandaiiihi. After messing with my kernel config, do I have to recompile it?18:38
mdisienoarghh2d2, kind of a useless comment considering i just wrote yes it works18:38
tasaduqwhen I am trying to download alien area it gives me error "Requires installation of untrusted packages" whats wrong?18:38
dasenDo you guys think linux is gonna overcome windows some day? And if so, how long will it take?18:38
mdisienomikey_, well thats in regards to firefox with youtube, vlc also has audio as well18:38
arghh2d2mdisieno: ok, just checking..18:38
daftykinsCAPcap: try right clicking a jpeg, selecting properties, then on the properties window check the list of apps on the 'open with' tab?18:38
krysisdasen: by word of mouth18:38
=== ionut is now known as timisoreana
grumblydasen: No.  It's not likely that will ever happen18:38
mikey_Checked your sound preferences in, k3b is it?18:39
daftykinsdasen: i think a couple more years'll do good18:39
krysisCan anyone plaese help me with my alsamix microphone setup? =(18:39
CAPcapdaftykins, there is no open with tab, thats why I'm asking18:39
tasaduqwhen I am trying to download alien area it gives me error "Requires installation of untrusted packages" whats wrong?18:39
daftykinsCAPcap: ah weird, are you on karmic?18:39
mdisienomikey_,  amarok, k3b is open but i doubt that should cause anything18:39
CAPcapdaftykins, yes18:39
POC|Farmerdasen: should be around the duke nukem forever release18:39
xrohi again, so i tried to boot my ubuntu 64bits on my dell studio 1743 i720qm... but the sreen stay black... i checked the cd and it's right... is it because of the pross or the graphic card or.. ?18:39
mediumoneshane2peru: I followed the instructions in the link you posted. It happpened again. I couldn't boot into ubuntu. :(18:39
grumblydasen: unless you lump all *nix like systems into one and include embedded as well... and if that's so, it already has by a lot18:39
dasengrumbly: linux keeps getting easier and easier to use, maybe someday it will be even easier than windows or mac os x18:39
daftykinsCAPcap: hmm i get that tab ;x weird, sorry i have no idea then18:39
mediumoneshane2peru : I am using the liveCd now :(18:39
grumblydasen: it's not about ease of use, it's about compatibility and familiarity18:40
mikey_Hmm, thats strange. I've had lots of trouble with sound. Don't think I can offer any more advice18:40
mdisienomikey_, testing the selected source via the config works, it just seems to have an issue with the audio, then again the audio is coming from a hot plugged external hdd18:40
dasengrumbly: and pre-installed windows in new pc's...18:40
mikey_I dont thing the external hdd would matter aslong as it's mounted correctly18:40
Co0Psi downloaded the alternate ISO and it's still graphical18:40
arghh2d2dasen: windows is NOT easy to use18:41
grumblydasen: case in point- I'm trying (for 3 days) to get my oldoldold video card working with compositing.  it works OOB with windows18:41
tasaduqwhen I am trying to download alien area it gives me error "Requires installation of untrusted packages" whats wrong?18:41
Co0Psoh wait...18:41
xrohi again, so i tried to boot my ubuntu 64bits on my dell studio 1743 i720qm... but the sreen stay black... i checked the cd and it's right... is it because of the pross or the graphic card or.. ? should i install it?18:41
mikey_Had a look on the web?18:41
arghh2d2tasaduq: how are you downloading it?18:41
epinkytasaduq: post results of "cat /etc/apt/sources.list"18:41
daftykinsxro: are you pressing a key to get the one-time boot menu and selecting boot from CD?18:41
pimHello. I have 2 soundcards in my computer. When I boot, the card "0" is my EMU404. But when I go back from suspend, the card "0" is the other one (Intel). It's annoying because I've setup some apps to work with a specific soundcard. Is there a way to force my emu404 to be card 0 hw0,0 ?18:42
mobius2If anyone is familiar with the settings I need to find in order to setup a "spanned desktop"  I would be appreciative18:42
epinkytasaduq: and then "gpg --list-keys"18:42
mobius2i already have another monitor plugged into the svga output on  my laptop  , and I am  getting a mirrored  desktop on the new monitor at this moment18:42
mikey_mdienso, I don't use KDE but is there a Sound System in KDE Control Center? or somthing along those lines?18:42
CAPcapdaftykins, i thought id let you know, it randomly fixed itself, it now uses image viewer (EoG) and i have the option to change it18:42
daftykinsCAPcap: :D cool18:43
grumblydasen: BUT!!! if you add all the mentioned unix-like systems into one group, include embedded systems (phones, Car systems, home-routers, ipods and media players alike) *NIX has overtaken windows several times over18:43
mobius2is there a way to  make them  one larger dekstop?18:43
mediumoneshane2peru: I lost my second ubuntu installation as well. I am unable to understand what's going wrong. GRUB goes to memtest86+ directly18:43
bastid_raZormobius2: look into xinerama, or twinview if you have nVidia18:43
mdisienomikey_, idk to be honest, im not much of a kde guy either myself, just liked the itunes esque interface18:43
xrodaftykins, dont sure about what you mean... i reboot my laptop with ubuntu 64 bits live cd inside... and i press boot from cd without change anything...18:43
grumblySo, I'm trying to install the nvidia legacy drivers, and there are some instructions that dont match up-  it's tellming me to add DISABLED_MODULES="nv nvidia_new" to /etc/defaults/linux-restricted-modules (or -common) but the only place I know to prevent module loading is from /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf... Is it correct to add those entries as blacklist entries?18:43
Pici!floodbots > saeed14i18:43
ubottusaeed14i, please see my private message18:43
tasaduqarghh2d2, I am downloading it via ubuntu software center18:43
bastid_raZor!xinerama | mobius218:43
ubottumobius2: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead18:43
mikey_Ah, fair enough. I would give Rhytmbox a go. It's very good18:44
mobius2bastid_raZor I have an older model  gateway M-275  tablet computer18:44
mikey_Should be in apt-get18:44
daftykinsxro: oh ok so you are getting the menu... sorry i was assuming it was failing earlier on, ok can you try the 'check disc for defects' option?18:44
krysisRecordmydesktop uses the wrong input for sound, its using input source 1, when i should be using input source (no number), anyone know how to fix this?18:44
spekkois candy, iflema, owner, erUSUL perhaps here? i need help *still :<18:44
arghh2d2mdisieno: that's sad...itunes is sad...rhythmbox > amarok > itunes18:44
saeed14ihi all18:44
mobius2bastid thanks so much mate18:44
bastid_raZormobius2: good luck18:44
saeed14ican i get some help regarding setting up my dsl dialer connection in ubuntu?18:44
* mobius2 listens to rythmbox right now18:44
xrodaftykins, i did it and the disk is ok18:44
dasenkrysis: i also have the same problem, it doesn't work with sound enabled18:44
mobius2I love rythm  box its better than ANYthing ive ever used18:44
mikey_I have a feeling it has some gnome dependices though18:44
krysismine works but uses the wrong input dasen18:45
mdisienoarghh2d2, lol, well im an apple/linux/unix boy, i respect all walks of life18:45
daftykinsxro: ok do you know what graphics you have in said laptop?18:45
mediumoneI gave this command in the terminal : sudo fdisk - l  . it shows me a list of partitions. there is an asterisk near /dev/sda3. what does that mean?18:45
coz_mdisieno,   you mean linux/uninx guy:)18:46
arghh2d2mdisieno: tee hee hee...boy18:46
grumblymediumone: sda3 is your root18:46
spekkocan anyone help me? i have a boot problem. i have windows 7 installed. in my grub menu i have linux and windows in it. but i cant boot to windows. when i try booting to windows with the super grub disc i get this error "BOOTMGR is missing"18:46
arghh2d2i'm a linux man.18:46
grumblyor boot18:46
daftykinsmediumone: do you see how the asterisk is under 'boot' ?18:46
coz_apple is unix18:46
mdisienocoz_, lol, not exactly, my media center is ubuntu, my desktop is mac osx 10.6/gentoo and my laptop is mac osx 10.6/freebsd18:46
daftykinsspekko: is this with karmic?18:46
arghh2d2osx is freebsd18:46
arghh2d2dos is unix18:46
spekkodaftykins, im new to ubuntu.. but i think its karmic18:47
mediumonedaftykins: the asterisk is below 'Boot' and against /dev/sd318:47
cambazzi need minimal X setup just to run a java profiler18:47
cambazzhow can i install it18:47
mikey_sudo apt-get install xorg18:47
krysisdoes anyone know why my mic is a "playback"?18:47
mikey_I think18:47
cambazzsomething that will be lightweight X18:47
ohirmediumone: asterisk says this partition has boot_flag set18:47
daftykinsspekko: v9.10?18:47
daftykinsmediumone: yeah so that's the bootable partition18:48
coz_cambazz,  you could use if you want a DE   lxde18:48
spekkodaftykins, yes 9.1018:48
arghh2d2your mom's a playback18:48
daftykins!grub2 | spekko18:48
ubottuspekko: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub218:48
mdisienomikey_, arghh2d2 coz_ switched to rhythm box, things guys18:48
usicowI'm on a system which has gnome installed, but when you boot it boots into the command prompt. How can I run gnome so I get a graphical interface?18:48
daftykinsy'read those guides spekko ? ^18:48
krysisarghh2d2:  whats your problem?18:48
bastid_raZorusicow: sudo startx ,,iirc18:48
xrodaftykins, yes it's an ATI HD4570 i think... do you need the exact model?18:48
cambazzcoz_ : what is DE lxde18:48
mikey_Mdisieno, got your music playing now then? hehe18:48
spekkodaftykins, ive been given links whole day already, formatted windows partition and re installed. but im back to where i started now18:48
trismno sudo in startx18:49
arghh2d2krysis: did i say anything to you?18:49
mediumoneohir, daftykins: how can I change the boot partition to /dev/sda1 ?18:49
daftykinsusicow: "sudo service gdm start" for karmic, "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start" for earlier18:49
spekkodaftykins, ill read that link. havent read it yet18:49
coz_cambazz,    DE  stands for  Desktop enviroment   and lxde  although base on gtk  is very very light18:49
bastid_raZorusicow: just startx18:49
krysis"arghh2d2: your mom's a playback" who eles said anything about playback?18:49
bazhangarghh2d2, take the chat elsewhere18:49
arghh2d2krysis: your mom?18:49
mikey_I'm running Fluxbox at the moment. Really liking it18:49
krysisanyway, can anyone plaese help me with my mic?18:49
mikey_Krysis, whats up?18:50
mdisienocoz_ arghh2d2  unix in basis, but much like with dos, there is departure. in essence one could classify all OS as unix derivative, linux thanks to a kernel finds itself different, just as darwin in mac osx18:50
bazhangmdisieno, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic18:50
krysishey, my intel has 3 different inputs, input source (no number), input source 1, and input source 2, my regular mic works fine with the first one, but recordmydesktop "DEFAULT" is using the second one mikey_18:50
bouzidmedhi evrybody18:50
mdisienobazhang, lol, sorry, just clarifying, have a nice day18:50
CAPcapis there any way to force widescreen (letterboxing) on a fullscreen laptop moniter18:51
arghh2d2mdisieno: please dont try to educate me about things you dont understand18:51
mdisienoarghh2d2, if you wish you discuss, lets follow bazhang's suggestion18:51
mdisienoarghh2d2, then dont start things18:51
xrodaftykins, so it's an ATI HD4650...18:52
mediumonedaftykins: I have two linux partitions now and I am unable to boot into any of them. I am booting from the liveCD. How can I boot from any of the two partitions?18:52
mobius2i dont understand ...    ubuntu can  create a beautiful  spanned desktop OOB but it's rotated and i cant fix that rotation18:52
jhb1608Ok... Um... How do I format my eMac again with Mac OS format and reinstall my Mac OS X CD? I know this is a Ubuntu, because my eMac has Ubuntu installed. and how od I remove the booter and such?18:52
daftykinsmediumone: what changed between when it did and when it didn't work?18:52
spekkodaftykins, gona reboot now. this looks promising. will be back with results ^^ thanx18:53
jribjhb1608: you don't want grub or ubuntu anymore?18:53
JuJuBeeI started an apt-get upgrade but it is taking too long and I need to leave, but I did not use screen.  Can I pause it, connect and use screen to continue it?18:53
CAPcapis there any way to force widescreen (letterboxing) on a fullscreen laptop moniter18:53
jhb1608no jrib18:53
jhb1608no more yaboot18:53
jribjhb1608: just put your os x disc in and boot from it18:53
PeloCAPcap, what is the purpose of this ?18:53
jhb1608tried that18:53
daftykinsxro: ok so when you boot the CD, have you tried waiting for the disc to stop working and then hitting ctrL+alt+f1 through F6 to see if you get command line logins? (TTYs) as it might just be the graphics that's failing18:53
jhb1608won't let me18:53
jhb1608it detect no harddrive, only my CD18:54
jhb1608but grayed out18:54
jhb1608that's why I'm here18:54
jribjhb1608: you need to hold down some key, c maybe (I don't remember).  The osx channel will know.  Also please stop breaking up what you say on different lines18:54
CAPcapPelo, there really isn't any i guess, just was wondering.18:54
jhb1608did that18:54
jbwivguys, does anyone know if the Majic SysRq key is enabled on ubuntu by default? doesn't seem to be working on my end18:54
narendrahi can i make a whole customised ubuntu CD/DVD from fedora OS18:54
bazhangnarendra, no18:55
shane2perumediumone, are you still here?  how old is your harddrive?  perhaps hardware is failing?18:55
mdisienomediumone, do you get an error?18:55
jhb1608I did all method you can think of, jrib.18:55
LoshaJuJuBee: no you can't, but depending on what phase of the upgrade it's in, you could interrupt it and restart it. If it's still just downloading packages, you can interrupt it at any time. If it's actually started installing, it may leave your system in an inconsistent state18:55
mediumoneshane2peru: no, it is just 1 year old.18:55
spekkodaftykins, same problem still :(18:55
shane2perumdisieno, goes straight to memtest instead of booting18:55
jhb1608Even tried the CPART CD too.18:55
macman_dd_rescue -v -l Dvd.log /dev/sr0 Dvd.img18:55
jribjhb1608: it's not really an ubuntu issue, just hold down c and boot from the cd.  Ask os-x why that wouldn't work18:55
macman_does that look right18:55
xrodaftykins, so i let it boot and i press ctrl-alt-f1 at the end?18:55
shane2perumediumone, hmm, that is odd18:56
narendrabazhang: I need to have  Ububntu , any good in depth tutorial for it, i wanna change it in may ways - from installtion to booting part18:56
trismjbwiv: it is set to y in the generic kernel config (and I know alt-sysrq-k works at least)18:56
daftykinsspekko: ok do you wanna detail a little more about your disk config, which you install first, how you install ubuntu, etc? also is this a SATA system, IDE compat or AHCI mode?18:56
bazhangnarendra, from within fedora? or from fedora18:56
mdisienoshane2peru, do you have a boot selector such as grub installed?18:56
jhb1608ok then I'll go to apple room or something, you're not helping me.18:56
mediumonedaftykins: I followed instructions in this link - http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html. it asks for a reboot. after reboot, it boots into memtest86+18:56
daftykinsxro: yep, any of ctrL+alt+f1 through f6 should give you a CLI login if it's only the GUI that's busted18:56
mdisienoshane2peru, whoops, wrong person, mediumone18:56
narendrabazhang: from Ubuntu18:56
shane2perumdisieno, lol, no prob. :)18:56
jbwivtrism, what's k do in this case? Is there an easy way for me to test without trying to reboot mymachine?18:56
bazhangnarendra, remaster fedora from within ubuntu?18:57
mediumoneshane2peru: it crashed after i followed intructions in that link.18:57
mediumoneshane2peru: when I run sudo fdisk -l , I can see all partitions18:57
daftykinsmediumone: sounds like you're close to getting it right, just the default OS to boot is wrong - try holding shift at startup and see if you get a boot menu with the other entries other than memtest listed18:57
shane2perumediumone, it is still there, it is matter of getting it to be recognized, and boot up from grup18:57
trismjbwiv: kills all processes on the current virtual console18:57
narendrabazhang: i want to remaster ubuntu 9.10  and give student a custom CD18:57
shane2perumediumone, ok, how many hdd are we dealing with?  just one?18:58
mediumonedaftykins: I havent tried pressing shift before will do it now18:58
mediumoneshane2peru: just one18:58
bazhangnarendra, then you might want to check out ubuntu customization kit /msg ubottu remaster for details and more info18:58
xrodaftykins, so i see buffer I/O error before the black screen18:58
shane2perumediumone, also what was installed was it koala for both installations?18:58
daftykinsxro: ah-har, have you done the memtest option per-chance?18:58
daftykinstest memory i mean18:58
mediumoneshane2peru: yes koala18:58
daftykinswhich incidentally runs memtest ^_^18:58
jbwivtrism, including X sessions I see. Lol...it worked. thanks ;)18:59
narendrabazhang: i want to customise from, install menu to boot menu and may application i want to add like vlc instead of default player18:59
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mediumoneshane2peru: I installed the second time because of the same issue. it was booting into memtest18:59
bazhangnarendra, yes I understand. please see my comment above18:59
shane2perumediumone, ahh, now that is a pertinent piece of information18:59
ugliefrogi have royaly screwed up my nvidia drivers....i have broken packages....anyway is there away to keep my home dir intact a do a fresh install19:00
xrodaftykins, and the server x is ok now... i just select safe graphic mode... so that mean i can install it?19:00
mediumoneshane2peru: let me try hitting shift on boot up now. let me see if it takes me to some menu where I can select the partitions to boot from19:00
shane2perumediumone, in light of that, seems as this could be a hardware issue with ubuntu19:00
JuJuBeeLosha: thanks, that is what I was praying for.  It was still downloading.  Now I used screen to restart process and can detach safely.19:00
shane2perumediumone, or, could even be a BIOS setup that needs adjusted.19:00
mdisienookay, i realize this will sound via gentoo (where im coming from), is there a way to enable wma support in rhythm box, ie similar to a useflag?19:00
mediumoneshane2peru: I am using a compaq laptop. that's all the specs I know :P19:00
narendrabazhang: is there any better way to do it other then UCK?19:00
daftykinsxro: yep should be fine to install - though bear in mind that you may need to install a graphics driver. are you installing alongside windows?19:00
bazhangnarendra, have you checked the link yet?19:01
mediumoneshane2peru: you mean the bootorder?19:01
CAPcapI have a Dell Inspirion 600m laptop. I have an ATI Mobility 9000 card in it. I have an s-video out thats going to my TV but i cant detect the TV as a monitor. Help?19:01
daftykinsugliefrog: what's broken nvidia driver wise?19:01
shane2perumediumone, right, could be19:01
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mediumoneshane2peru: can I first to that "shift" upon reboot?19:01
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ohirugliefrog: only if you were smart enough to have separate /home19:01
xrodaftykins, i'll try  it know... i would like to know how ubuntu 64 works...19:01
spekkodaftykins, ok. i had windows installed first on one partition. then i installed ubuntu on another partition of the same hard disk. after that i couldnt boot to windows (i have it in my grub boot menu but when i select it i get a black screen for a second and it takes me back to the boot menu). i then re installed windows. then grub was gone. i re installed grub and was back to my first problem of not being able to boot to windows. its19:01
shane2perumediumone, sure give that a try, one question though19:01
spekko a sata hdd yes. and its windows 7 i wana boot to. see these links "http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m62dc9d23" and "http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d45c0008d"19:01
mediumoneshane2peru: yes19:01
shane2perumediumone, when you followed that guide did you use a liveCD?19:02
Gorashhey people. I need a hand with a webdav setting. Right now my <IP>/webdav asks for a password (the way i want it) but my <IP> alone also shows contents of davmap, and i dont want that. can anyone give me some pointers!? Please PM Thanks19:02
narendrabazhang: which link ?19:02
daftykinsspekko: is one of those pastebins the output of sudo fdisk -l ?19:02
reactorhow can I make laptop's webcam work?19:02
narendrabazhang: " /msg ubottu remaster for details and more info" ??19:02
bazhang!remaster > narendra19:02
ubottunarendra, please see my private message19:02
spekkodaftykins, yes19:02
mediumoneshane2peru: no. it was my second installation. I was using it to recover my first lost installation! :(19:02
mediumoneshane2peru: I am now on the liveCD19:02
narendrabazhang: oh got it19:03
mobius2reactor, whats the laptop model?19:03
daftykinsspekko: is it a custom built computer or a company made one?19:03
mobius2reactor, sorry if i missed it already19:03
magikidI'm trying to get a VPN setup on my server and when I'm configuring iptables to allow masquerading, it gives me this: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.  Any ideas?19:03
shane2perumediumone, ok, perhaps it would be best to try it again via livecd, I may have been wrong about doing it on the same drive, here is that guide again: http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html19:03
CAPcapI have a Dell Inspirion 600m laptop. I have an ATI Mobility 9000 card in it. I have an s-video out thats going to my TV but i cant detect the TV as a monitor. Help?19:03
spekkodaftykins, custom built19:03
reactormobius2, ASUS k61ic19:03
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mediumoneshane2peru: ohokay. so I will try it again now19:03
narendrabazhang: Thanks19:04
mediumoneshane2peru: and if it still happens, i'll do that "shift"19:04
mobius2reactor, gotcha  just play soccer a moment19:04
mobius2( kick it)19:04
shane2perumediumone, right, give that a try19:04
spekkodaftykins, windows is installed on sdb2 and the boot loader on sdb1, ubuntu / is on sdb3 and /home is on sdb619:04
reactormobius2, it sux ><19:04
daftykinsspekko: ok so what mode are the SATA ports in, in BIOS? in AHCI mode win7 creates a 100MB partition at the start for boot info, whereas in IDE compatibility mode it doesn't - i see two NTFS partitions on your fdisk -l output so i'm imagining the 100MB /boot may be there?19:04
mediumoneshane2peru: is ther anyway to get into recovery mode or something on booting?19:04
daftykinsspekko: ja so is it safe for me to assume you're running AHCI mode?19:05
bazhangjavito, english here please #ubuntu-es for Spanish19:05
shane2perumediumone, I'm not 100% sure, I have more experience with recovering grub 1, not grub 219:05
spekkodaftykins, not sure what AHCI is but yes windows made a 100mb partition for boot19:05
ugliefrogohir: well i have to reinstall anyways.........so do i make a seperate partioton for home im guessing19:05
javitois a one shit19:05
mobius2reactor, you have the windows driver already yes?19:05
bazhangjavito, please stop that19:05
daftykinsspekko: for s***s and giggles can you go check the BIOS and look for IDE/AHCI/RAID in the config plz? i'm assuming an intel based motherboard with southbridge ICHx based SATA19:05
shaneonabikeboourns: heh i'm back - tried to set something in teh BIOS and htere is no setting - also reset all my drivers in windows to see if that might do the trick19:06
shaneonabikeboourns: so exhausted and annoyed19:06
Roasted_does anybody know how to apply themes to exaile?19:06
mobius2reactor, have you tried wine or crossover?19:06
shaneonabikeboourns: i don't really want to buy a blue tooth earphone set but i might19:06
mediumoneshane2peru: I am not sure if I am using grub2. how did you know that? is that the default instalation with 9.10?19:06
reactormobius2, I have removed WInblows right when I have my laptop unboxed :P19:06
spekkodaftykins, lol ok will check now. brb19:06
shane2perumediumone, koala uses grub2 by default19:06
ohirugliefrog: before you reinstall check forums how to fix broken X19:06
reactormobius2, wine? hmm but drivers won't work I think19:06
mediumoneshane2peru: oh okay19:06
shane2perumediumone, in some regards grub2 is easier to recover19:06
ohirugliefrog: would be shorter19:06
mobius2reactor, I can't say I blame you there. But do you have the native Windows DRIVER file on hand ?19:07
CAPcapI have a Dell Inspirion 600m laptop. I have an ATI Mobility 9000 card in it. I have an s-video out thats going to my TV but i cant detect the TV as a monitor. Help?19:07
boournsshaneonabike, sorry to hear that.  based on that link we were reading, i would really think its a hardware problem19:07
reactormobius2, brb need to have a loo19:07
mediumoneshane2peru: thats the first good news I've seen till now :)19:07
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mobius2reactor,  alright19:07
ohirugliefrog: apt-get and aptitude are avaliable in text mode. And there are more options from within livecd19:07
shaneonabikeboourns: yeah it's annoying and not much i can do heh19:07
shaneonabikeboourns: wonder if a person could fix that by reloading a new bios?19:07
shane2perumediumone, I learned grub 1 very well, triple booting and fooling around with linux, those are by gone days.19:08
reactormobius2, yh it seems I do19:08
mobius2reactor, okay19:08
boournsshaneonabike, its possible.  if i were you, i might give up and get a USB device to replace the onboard sound19:08
mobius2reactor, have you installed wine?19:08
reactormobius2, ofc19:08
shaneonabikeboourns: good plan19:09
shaneonabikeboourns: thanks for your help dude19:09
* shaneonabike peacin out19:09
boournsyeah np19:09
daftykinsugliefrog: hey, what nvidia package issues are you having?19:09
ToniKi-._|¯|_|¯'--> bueno y esta mierda que19:09
ToniKi-._|¯|_|¯'--> no hay salas de andalucia19:09
saravanahello all19:09
ToniKi-._|¯|_|¯'--> ni de sexo19:09
mobius2reactor, I would suggest using the native windows driver ( if possible in wine)  for now,  then we'll continue to find the linux wrap more compfy19:09
Roasted_Are there any other music applications for Ubuntu besides Exaile and Amarok that allow you to view your music files AS IS without auto-sorting them by ID tag?19:10
ToniKi-._|¯|_|¯'--> jajajaj frikis19:10
blakkheim!es | ToniKi19:10
ubottuToniKi: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:10
mobius2reactor, if wine does not support it oob I have a copy of crossover you can use19:10
ToniKi-._|¯|_|¯'--> ahh bien bien19:10
ToniKi-._|¯|_|¯'--> no yo me voy19:10
reactormobius2, ok but I have just spotted: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=373638719:10
mediumoneshane2peru: in that link, the author mentions some change to be done in the etc/default/grub file19:10
mobius2reactor, i bet crossover would run it19:10
reactormobius2, crossover = ?19:10
ugliefrogdaftykins: SystemError: E:Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.19:10
mediumoneshane2peru: can you tell me what change it is. I didnt make any change last time.19:10
agentlandmineRoasted: you can try mp3blaster in the terminal19:10
ugliefrogdaftykins: i get that when i attempt to activate driver19:11
Roasted_is there no way to view files as is with rhythmbox?19:11
Nafaidoes anyone know how to configure empathy to connect to gtalk with a domains account (not gmail)...I can't get it to connect19:11
CAPcapRunning Karmic. I have a Dell Inspirion 600m laptop. I have an ATI Mobility 9000 card in it. I have an s-video out thats going to my TV but i cant detect the TV as a monitor. Help?19:11
mobius2reactor, its a little off-topic,  but essentially it's a more user configurable form of the wine server,  there are many variations and each program runs it's own little instance of a win32 kernel if i aint mistaken19:11
Roasted_I find it hard to believe applications would at least allow that. Sorting by ID tags sucks.19:11
mobius2reactor, i love it19:11
daftykinsugliefrog: ah are you using the 'hardware drivers' window? are you set on reinstalling or do you want to see if you can fix?19:11
ugliefrogdaftykins: if i can fix .... i would prefer19:11
mobius2reactor, theres not much it wont run , including adobe photoshop,  ms office 2007 enterprise etc19:12
daftykinsugliefrog: can you pastebin the terminal output from "sudo apt-get -f install" plz?19:12
reactormobius2, :P19:12
reactormobius2, I know19:12
mobius2reactor, however i use GIMP19:12
reactormobius2, I play win32 gamess through wine and it pwnz19:12
bazhangspekko, how recent are these installs19:12
reactormobius2, and I got rid of all windows software except SprintLayout :P19:13
spekkodaftykins,  the only setting in my BIOS that had (IDE, RAID, AHCI) is onboard e-sata and that is on IDE. RAID mode is on IDE aswell19:13
mobius2reactor, have you installed the  webcam's native windows driver  just to see if it functions?19:13
mediumoneshane2peru: should I add any line into that /etc/default/grub file that asks grub to pick partition one?19:13
daftykinsspekko: hmmz, ok one sec gotta shout at my dog19:13
deevererUSUL: it's "collecting" since a half of an hour, is that normal?19:13
mobius2reactor, through WINE19:13
Maksimbezðåáÿò, íóáñêèé âîïðîñ íî ïîäñêàæèòå ïëèç. Õî÷ó ñåáÿ ñêà÷àòü óáóíòó íîâóþ íî íå çíàþ ÷åì îòëè÷àåòüñÿ http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/release/ubuntu-9.10-dvd-amd64.iso.torrent19:13
Maksimbezhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/release/ubuntu-9.10-dvd-i386.iso.torrent ïîäñêàæèòå ïëèç19:13
spekkobazhang, i installed ubuntu yesterday or the day before. and windows before last month. and reinstalled windows today19:13
spekkodaftykins, lol xD19:13
reactormobius2, now not, just that laptop ain't running, brb to do it :P19:14
CAPcapRunning Karmic. I have a Dell Inspirion 600m laptop. I have an ATI Mobility 9000 card in it. I have an s-video out thats going to my TV but i cant detect the TV as a monitor. Help?19:14
mobius2reactor, yes let me know how it works out im  curious now19:14
ugliefrogdaftykins: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d261555c119:15
PabloMhi, i need to make a booteable usb stick with ubuntu server 9.10, and usb-creator is segfaulting... is there any other way to do that?19:15
bazhangspekko, to get around the 100MB strange boot partition from win7, I got a gparted livecd and then formatted a portion as ntfs for win7, as well as one for ubuntu (ext4) then installed them , win7 first then Ubuntu; prior to that I was having the same issue as yourself19:15
Gabriel1What's wrong with linux live cds in certain computers? Here all of them takes so much time to load, all printing the same error: Buffer I/O error on device sr0, logical block...19:15
mobius2sounds like a hard drive lock19:15
daftykinsspekko: i'm kinda getting the idea that what is happening, as i only just read you have two disks19:15
bazhangPabloM, you may wish to try unetbootin19:16
blakkheimPabloM: unetbootin19:16
daftykinsspekko: is that you're installing one OS, booting the livecd, installing again and the bootloader of one is going to another19:16
Gabriel1what's a hard drive lock?19:16
PabloMbazhang, blakkheim : thx19:16
daftykinsspekko: do you want both OS's on the 320GB drive?19:16
mobius2ibm drive lock etc19:16
spekkobazhang, i used gparted too to make my partitions but what next?19:16
daftykinsugliefrog: ok do you have the 185 driver on right now?19:16
mobius2a low level crypto,   actually quite effective19:16
spekkodaftykins, yes i want and have both OS's on the 320gb drive19:16
ugliefrogdaftykins: ill check in synaptic real quick19:17
bazhangspekko, one continuous one for win7, without the 100mb /boot partition?19:17
daftykinsspekko: ok if i were you i'd boot the livecd, nuke the entire 320GB drive - disconnect the 1TB disk, install win7, reboot, install ubuntu, then check both work, then plug in the 1TB after :) sorry for the tedious idea but i think the disks are jumbling themselves up - i see it on a lot of SATA systems19:17
daftykinsugliefrog: it should be in hardware drivers too if you installed it from activating there19:18
CAPcapI have a Dell Inspirion 600m laptop. I have an ATI Mobility 9000 card in it. I have an s-video out thats going to my TV but i cant detect the TV as a monitor. Help?19:18
spekkobazhang, what do you mean?19:18
spekkodaftykins, hmmm. but i want the linux on ext4 partition and a swap partition19:19
CAPcapCORRECTION: Running Karmic I have a Dell Inspirion 600m laptop. I have an ATI Mobility Radeon 9000 card in it. I have an s-video out thats going to my TV but i cant detect the TV as a monitor. Help?19:19
daftykinsspekko: what, on the 1TB disk?19:19
bazhangspekko, a single (whatever size) ntfs partition; also daftykins idea seems to be good19:19
spekkodaftykins, no on the 320gb19:19
daftykinsyeah so just boot the livecd and do manual partitioning19:19
deevererUSUL: ?19:20
spekkodaftykins, bazhang , so i make my partitions then install win7 and then ubuntu?19:20
bazhangspekko, yep19:20
daftykinsspekko: no no no, boot the livecd, with the 1TB disk disconnected, nuke the whole disk - no partitions at all19:21
surge_Capcap, I remember having that issue in the past19:21
daftykinsthen install windows to a custom size, so it's only one (or two with the 100MB)19:21
surge_I think you have to mess with aticonfig19:21
daftykinsthen boot ubuntu and do its' own custom partitions19:21
daftykinsno creating ahead of time :>19:21
spekkodaftykins, hmmm. thats basically the exact same setup i had at first19:21
CAPcapsurge the problem seems common, the answer i cannot find19:21
bazhangthe 100mb is problematic for karmic installer it seems19:21
reactormobius2, damn I can't find any drv on that disc ><19:22
surge_yeah I remember googling it on my dell laptop, different card of course19:22
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surge_but with the proprietary ati drivers19:22
daftykinsspekko: with only one disk in?19:22
surge_you can use aticonfig to force it to enable svideo19:22
bazhangspekko, I am just reporting on how I got the dual boot to work successfully19:22
spekkodaftykins, nope with both.19:22
surge_either as a separate display or clone depending on resolution19:22
CAPcapsurge im not using the prop drivers because i dont believe they support my card19:23
spekkobazhang, ok can u explain exactly how you got it to work?19:23
surge_uggh, yeah my problem is that it doesn't support my card on the newest kernel19:23
surge_I was fine in Ubuntu 8.1019:23
PabloMbazhang, blakkheim : apparently it's working19:23
daftykinsspekko: ah y'see i think it's the key element this time :) please try with only one drive in19:23
PabloMbazhang, blakkheim : thx again19:23
surge_but I don't use svideo or 3d often so it wasn't a huge sacrifice19:23
bazhangspekko, boot with gparted live cd; make one ntfs partition and one ext4 partition ; install win7 on ntfs then ubuntu on ext419:23
mobius2reactor, okay19:24
spekkobazhang, that it? :O so simple? :/19:24
CAPcapsurge_, i dont use the svideo often either but i miss my 3D19:24
bazhangspekko, though disconnecting the 1TB drive seems wise beforehand19:24
NoOneHereif i have 4 G of Ram how match swap area i will need ? 10 G is it ok ?19:25
bazhangNoOneHere, way too much19:25
spekkobazhang, daftykins, ok will do that. thanx alot guys. will be back with results. if you still here by the time im done ^_^19:25
me_hello people. could you please help me. I am watching a lot of videos on my computer, and half of them are in HD quality. I am making my try in transition to linux, and yesterday I, once again, tryed watching HD videos in linux. The problem is that they eat up a lot of processor load, and, unless ALL over apps are off, the playback is laggy(meaning - not watchable). My computer is all fine and I never had this problem in doors(I can play up to 4 of t19:25
me_hose there simultaneously). Thought I could ask here about that. Please let me know if there is a fix, or ever will be. Thanks.19:25
me_hello people. could you please help me. I am watching a lot of videos on my computer, and half of them are in HD quality. I am making my try in transition to linux, and yesterday I, once again, tryed watching HD videos in linux. The problem is that they eat up a lot of processor load, and, unless ALL over apps are off, the playback is laggy(meaning - not watchable). My computer is all fine and I never had this problem in doors(I can play up to 4 of t19:25
me_hose there simultaneously). Thought I could ask here about that. Please let me know if there is a fix, or ever will be. Thanks.19:25
=== me_ is now known as PinGun
CAPcapIf I download and install  the ATI proprietary Drivers and it nukes my graphics, is it possible to reinstall the xorg ones?19:26
bazhangPinGun, please dont repeat19:26
PinGunplease help19:26
reactormobius2, hmm but there http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=373638719:26
NoOneHereso if i have 4g og ram how match i should give to swap ?19:26
PinGunbazhang the message was interrupet first time, sori.19:26
reactormobius2, I have no idea if it will help19:26
=== dj is now known as diablo69
daftykinsCAPcap: drivers don't work like windows, they're still there - it's just whatever driver is being told to be used that gets used19:26
diablo69ok so I reinstall alsa from a tar ball, and I got system sound logging in19:27
surge_Its fairly easy, you just edit the xorg.conf19:27
ManiiHi, is there a way to delay the next line to be executed in a bash file19:27
diablo69but still no other sound..and when I try to run alsamxier it says its not found19:27
surge_actually, back up your xorg.conf beforehand19:27
daftykinsPinGun: first please don't repeat. second what graphics?19:27
CAPcapdaftykins,  so if it screws everything up because my card isnt supported properly is it possible to switch back 'easily'?19:27
surge_if the new drivers don't work, just restore the old xorg.conf from the command line and reboot19:27
mobius2reactor,  /me looks19:27
reactormobius2, kk19:27
PinGundaftykins nVidia graphics.19:28
surge_CAPcap, look at what I said about xorg.conf19:28
NoOneHereany idea ?19:28
PinGundaftykins some demanding games work. 512mb, 9500 mobile.19:28
NoOneHereso if i have 4 G of RAM how match i should give to swap ?19:28
daftykinsCAPcap: /etc/X11/xorg.conf is what usually defines what driver is in use. if X epically fails, you'll want to delete that file so it reverts to standard. because by installing ATI proprietary one of the steps will be forcing the driver in that config to the new one19:28
daftykinsCAPcap: so you could just log in at CLI and delete it19:29
daftykinsCAPcap: after backing up of course ;)19:29
daftykinscommand line interface.19:29
PinGunNoOneHere, with 4gb I believe you don't need swap. BUT! I use the same amount as I have physical memory, just so that things like hybernation work, I heard it's important for that.19:29
daftykinsPinGun: what drivers are you using? 185 from hardware drivers?19:29
PinGundaftykins, yes, them. videocard drivers influence the hdplayback?19:29
boournsNoOneHere, i've heard to use your ram * 1.5 for the swap19:29
larafshablais español?¿?¿?19:30
ugliefrogfresh install it is :) ...... is the a howto on seperating the home dir from the main filesystem....so in the future this will be easier19:30
CAPcapdaftykins, surge_, you just lost me entirely sorry. Ubuntu n00b. Linux n00b.19:30
blakkheim!es | larafs19:30
ubottularafs: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:30
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »19:30
daftykinsCAPcap: please just follow the guide then haha19:30
daftykins!ati | CAPcap19:31
ubottuCAPcap: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:31
surge_there is a text file in /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:31
CAPcapdaftykins, i know i can install, my issue is if something goes wrong i dont know how to go back19:31
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:31
surge_its the config for X server which is handles the graphics for Linux19:31
PinGunno luck...19:31
jleeperryIs it possible to use my computer as a webdav server?19:31
surge_it has a section in it called device that tells the X server which installed driver to load19:31
daftykinsPinGun: if you use the newer drivers from the nvidia vdpau PPA and a VDPAU capable video player it can offload HD playback of VC-1 and H.264 to the gfx and so run properly19:31
diablo69anyone know how to install alsamixer?19:31
surge_if you "cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak19:32
daftykinsdiablo69: sudo apt-get install gnome-alsamixer19:32
surge_you will have a backup of the current driver configuration19:32
NoOneHerePinGun: what is it hybernation ?19:32
=== wubi is now known as modo
catzzhow to write with fire? :)19:33
surge_so if you screw it up all you need to do is "cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak /etc/X11/xorg.conf" (aka copy the backup back over the configuration) to restore it to how things are now19:33
catzzSuper button +19:33
diablo69daftykins when I ran gnome-alsa mixer it seg faulted19:33
warriorforgodIs there a way to use 2 network cards at once on ubuntu?19:33
=== modo is now known as wubi
catzzHello How to write with fire on desctop?19:33
surge_warriorforgod: its Linux, there is a way for 200 to work19:34
PinGunNoOneHere, check wikipedia for a good explanation... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hibernation_%28computing%2919:34
Counterspellis there an easy way to get a script to run after logging in to a locked screen?19:34
surge_it can even act as a router19:34
surge_not that you want to do that19:34
catzzHello how to write with fire on desctop?19:34
bazhang!ccsm | catzz19:35
ubottucatzz: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz19:35
CAPcapthanks surge_19:35
warriorforgodI seem to be having an issue then.  I have a wired and a wireless card in my box.  If I assign IP's to both of them and then use ping -I <interface> google.com only one of them can ping out at a time.19:35
PinGundaftykins, thanks. what is VDPAU? i'm kinda stupid about technical things, still morning, please kick me in the right direction19:35
diablo69here is a paste bin19:36
surge_no prob19:36
kemmotarhi all19:36
=== wubi is now known as modo
surge_its defaulting to one19:36
daftykinsPinGun: video decode and presentation API for Unix, nvidia's driver to have the GPU offload HD playback from the CPU. check google for more19:36
ManiiHi, is there a way to delay the next line to be executed in a bash file19:36
surge_expecially if they are on the same network and can route to Google19:36
blakkheimManii: sleep19:36
Maniiblakkheim, could you give me an example please19:37
catzzHelp pls! I installed Google Chrome and i want so set it as standart browser how?19:37
blakkheimManii: sleep 5 would sleep for 5 seconds before executing the next line19:37
PiciManii: see man sleep.  More Bash help in #bash19:37
surge_why do you want it to use both at the same time for the same connection?19:37
catzzin what catalog are beeing instaled all programs?19:37
CAPcapsurge_ can i do the cp thing from the command line on when im booting if everything hits the fan?19:37
Maniiblakkheim, thanks a lot19:37
PinGundaftykins, i just mean How to set it up to work now? please19:37
surge_CAPcap, if X11 hits the fan, you'll get the command line anyway19:38
catzzbazhang  ubottu ty19:38
warriorforgodsurge_: I want to assign one for my VM's that are hosted on the machine, and the other for just the machine.19:38
catzzin what catalog are beeing instaled all programs?19:38
amee2kevening everyone19:38
surge_but if all else fails, hit ctrl-alt-F1 to switch to command line19:38
surge_ctrl-alt-F7 to go back to graphics19:38
amee2kwhat is the full name of the default "Sans" font?19:38
surge_you can try it now19:38
CAPcapsurge_ thanks :) but thats where i do it from? thats what i was checking19:38
warriorforgodsurge_: If I bring up both at once, either the VM's only, or the machine only can hit the internet.19:38
daftykinsPinGun: https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa step 1 get the driver from here, full instructions are on the page so plz don't ask. step 2 get a compatible player, of which i have no idea about but i think mplayer will do it \o/19:39
surge_oh, are they using the same IP?19:39
warriorforgodsurge_: No.19:39
surge_so you have a VM, is it running as a bridge19:39
surge_or with a NAT connection?19:39
surge_to the network19:39
warriorforgodsurge_: Bridged so that it grabs its ip from my dhcp server19:39
donaldoHello. I have a Toshiba x205-S9800, with a Intel 82801H (ICH8 Family) HD Audio Controller. After I installed karmic I only get sound from 2 speakers. I'm trying to get to work my 4.1 built in speakers, I have tried several ways with no luck.19:39
surge_that is interesting19:40
surge_are you connected, to a router, or straight to a cable modem>19:40
warriorforgodsurge_: Would it have something to do with me using wicd instead of the gnome network manager19:40
catzzhello in what catalog are beeing installed programs?19:40
warriorforgodsurge_: router19:40
surge_or dsl router19:40
rdunnionhi. My xsane is running real slow and the window keeps greying out. Is there a log somewhere that tells me what is going on?19:40
kemmotaramee2k: i think you asking for DejaVu fonts19:40
surge_it shouldn't19:40
giacomocat's eye,yellow fever19:40
surge_they both just tell the wireless card to do the same thing19:41
surge_do an ifconfig -a19:41
surge_on the VM and regular machine, see if the MAC is the same, and if they have their own separate DHCP lease19:41
TPSWhat's with the spam highlights I keep waking up to ?19:41
catzzhelp pls!19:42
warriorforgodsurge_: http://pastebin.com/m26499856 --that is the regular machine.19:42
catzzWhere installer save programs?19:42
aaandaiiiWhen I activate Font Smoothing in Appearance, it doesn't stay after I logout.19:42
catzzwhat catalog?19:42
aaandaiiiNo, in fact, my font smoothing vanishes after I close the Appearance app19:42
surge_I see the vboxnet0 bridge device19:42
aaandaiiilol nevermind. bye19:43
=== wubi is now known as modo
warriorforgodsurge_: The VM has a different MAC address than eth0 or wlan019:43
surge_yeah I see19:43
Ermosillo /msg Solarwind XDCC SEND #10019:43
surge_can you go into your router, check to see if it has a lease?19:44
warriorforgodsurge_: Which one? The VM or the host?19:44
pietiahow to install alsa instead of pulseaudio?19:44
warriorforgodsurge_: The VM can't get an IP address from the dhcp server at all.19:44
surge_I know the host has one19:44
surge_ah okay19:44
surge_whats running on the VM19:44
KB1JWQcatzz: Don't shout.19:45
blakkheim!caps | catzz19:45
ubottucatzz: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:45
catzzsr :)19:45
=== andreas is now known as BalleClorin
surge_whats running in the VM, ubuntu?19:45
surge_or another Linux19:45
Myrtticatzz: why do you need to know that?19:45
warriorforgodsurge_: gentoo19:45
warriorforgodsurge_: Although it happens no matter what VM I try and boot19:45
catzzhow to set google chrome as standart browser instead of Firefox19:45
amee2kkemmotar: thanks :)19:45
surge_I think I had a friend of mine with the same problem19:45
ohircatzz: usually /var/cache/apt/archives19:45
surge_is iptables running?19:46
warriorforgodLet me check19:46
catzzfirefox %u i have this19:46
catzzhow to ser Google Chrome?19:46
warriorforgodsurge_: No.19:46
surge_I'm wondering if your firewall is not configured to allow traffic through on that network card19:46
Luciderhi all >> i have a problem with my generic karmic install ... i didn't burn any cds after install karmic and i got a low space so i just did back up some movies but i used brasero and the cd name i wrote was "DVD [70]" but after burn i find the dvd name changed to "DVD [70]                       " and it just mounted in a file  with a space after the name so i did it again with nautilus but this time it didn't remember the name and renamed my cd to "CDROM"19:46
Lucider it was OK before karmic and i did google for it but no success ANY HELP PLEASE ??????????????????19:46
surge_one way to be sure is to try setting up a NAT interface for gentoo, see if it works19:47
warriorforgodsurge_: Let me try that real quick.19:47
aiwahey i downloaded in the gnome.org some log in screen. how can i change it?19:48
=== lxuser_ is now known as Trijntje
rdunnionI think I have too many packages installed because my xsane is running real slow. How can I get rid of uneeded packages?19:48
pietiahow to install alsa instead of pulseaudio?19:50
mguyisn't xsane a scanner program?19:50
=== datacrusher is now known as dtcrshr_AWAY
Myrttipietia: alsa is already installed and pulseaudio uses it19:50
Myrtti!away > dtcrshr_AWAY19:51
ubottudtcrshr_AWAY, please see my private message19:51
warriorforgodsurge_: Nat works.19:51
blakkheimLucider: spamming and typing in all caps doesn't make people want to help you19:51
aiwatry the genitor19:51
dtcrshr_AWAYsorry Myrtti but ill let irc open for logging purposes for the weekend, changed the nick to not look uncofident19:51
PinGundaftykins, Thanks. Working on it. do you happen to know if my problem is a common problem, or why is the solution not in the distrib already?19:51
Luciderhi all >> i have a problem with my generic karmic install ... i didn't burn any cds after install karmic and i got a low space so i just did back up some movies but i used brasero and the cd name i wrote was "DVD [70]" but after burn i find the dvd name changed to "DVD [70]                       " and it just mounted in a file  with a space after the name so i did it again with nautilus but this time it didn't remember the name and renamed my cd to "CDROM"19:51
Lucider it was OK before karmic and i did google for it but no success please help >>> sorry no cap19:51
rdunnionmguy - yes xsane is a scanner program19:52
pietiaMyrtti,is it possible to remove pulseaudio ? works very strange with skype :(19:53
surge_from the host do a sudo iptables -L19:53
Myrttipietia: sure it's possible, but it's also possible to make it work with skype too. Skype.com has some nice discussions on their forums about how to do it19:53
warriorforgodsurge_: http://pastebin.com/m12fddfbc19:53
pietiaMyrtti, any poiners?19:54
surge_well iptables isn't the problem19:54
surge_I just did some googling, seems bridging doesn't work for wireless devices19:54
mikunoshi guys how have I enable the s-video out in order to see my movies on my tv?19:54
daftykinsPinGun: no no idea, i have never found a solution to proper HD playback nor proper DTS and dolby digital passthrough audio over optical and digital coaxial on Linux. just gave up19:55
surge_I'm wondering if its trying to connect out through wireless19:55
catzzHello how to set google chrome instead of firefox on the top19:55
warriorforgodsurge_: The VM's?19:55
catzzHello how to set google chrome instead of firefox on the top on the panel19:55
Pixar2Hi, I need a trick around this, I'm having a mounted external hdd which is innactive and in sleep mode most of the time. Now whenever i browse my desktop folders, the desktop lags because it;s so stupid for some reason it's checking for my external, and it takes a 5 sec lag to browse my desktop forder in order to turn on my hdd. Maybe it;s because of nautilus, it starts all the stuff. dunno, did you guys noticed that ?19:55
bazhangcatzz, add the icon you mean?19:55
catzzyes yes!19:55
bazhangcatzz, grab and drag there?19:56
catzzwhen i click launchs firefox19:56
surge_well the bridge interface may be trying to use a wireless adapter19:56
catzzi need Google Chrome19:56
surge_instead of your ethernet card19:56
catzzi installed already!19:56
surge_which doesn't work, apparently19:56
bazhangcatzz, of course, you would need a launcher for chrome19:56
surge_which makes sense since the bridged device is working as an ethernet device19:57
nytek_catzz: right click on the panel and hit add to panel19:57
mcce11Can the workspace setting in 8.10 be configured to show different icons in different Workspaces?19:57
PinGundaftykins, oh, that's a shame. how do i check if i got that other driver working? by far i just added the repos and installed the updates... btw are you a user of nvidia too?19:57
pietiaMyrtti, got it ! thanks for idea19:57
nytek_catzz: add a launcher then find google chrome in /bin/ as the command name19:57
surge_is your router doing MAC filtering?19:57
warriorforgodsurge_: No.19:58
catzzthere are no google chrome :(19:58
surge_have you tried statically assigning an IP in the host?19:58
nytek_catzz: you have it installed correct?19:58
surge_and seeing if it will connect out through the bridge19:58
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catzzi have launcher on desctop19:58
warriorforgodNot yet.  Will try that now.19:58
daftykinsPinGun: yeah right now i'm typing from my ASRock Ion PC which i have on an LCD TV as my HTPC. i also have nvidia graphics in my desktop PC. you'll need to disable the current 185 driver, then i install either the 190 or 195 driver in terminal e.g. "sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-195" then run it19:59
NoOneHerei have a ntfs partition with data that i can't delete how i can without deleting this partiotion get there ext3 file system ?19:59
nytek_catzz:  the binary should be in /bin19:59
ivansmoHi to all, when I try to install skype I get this error message  E: Couldn't find package skype19:59
hikenbootanyone able to suggest a pastebin that alows upload png files?19:59
surge_you'll of course have to add the gateway, subnet, and dns settings19:59
=== vr^ is now known as abomination
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.20:00
catzzi cant find there ... :(20:00
mcce11Can different workspaces have different desktop icons?20:00
=== abomination is now known as Abomination
PinGundaftykins, why sudo, is it cool if i just used the gui? by the way did you find the reason, like the cause of the slow playback? cause, i mean, i.e. VLC player - it's supposedly the same player that runs fine in doors...20:00
=== e is now known as Guest47009
nytek_catzz: it might be labeled as chromium20:00
Trekwe're around, just ask your question jenia20:00
rdunnionI think I have too many packages installed because my xsane is running real slow. How can I get rid of uneeded packagessudo ./configure20:00
hikenbootthanks bazhang20:01
jeniai want to change the function of one of my keys20:01
jeniawhere can i do that?20:01
NoOneHerei have a ntfs partition with data that i can't delete how i can without deleting this partiotion get there ext3 file system ?20:01
mcce11jenia: Right Alt key?20:01
ohirrdunnion: use aptitude in terminal20:01
ivansmoHow to install skype on xubuntu 8.04????20:01
Trekwas there a new kernel update to 9.04?20:01
daftykinsPinGun: yeah whichever way you find comfortable. i just find CLI quicker and easier. VLC i don't use, but mplayer i was getting poor playback smoothness with, even with a quad core PC20:01
catzzcant find :(20:01
mcce11jenia, Is it the right Alt key that you want to change?20:02
djnomadNoOneHere  boot into live disk and specify partition manually20:02
ivansmosudo apd-get install skype  then I get this error E: Couldn't find package skype20:02
bazhangNoOneHere, reformat as ext3 without formatting? that doesn't make sense20:02
Myrtti!skype | ivansmo20:02
ubottuivansmo: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga20:02
rdunnionohir - I just tried deborphan does that do the same thing?20:02
nytek_ivansmo: sudo apt-get install python-skype20:02
PinGunWhen I press Right mouse button on a video file, it gives me Mplayer, and "Gnome mplayer". the latter works fine, the other one does start the video playback. How do i get rid of the bad one?20:02
djnomadNoOneHere,  have used ubuntu for 2 years and for the first time the other day I was comfortable enough to manually do it and it is real easy20:03
ohir!aptitude | rdunnion20:03
ubotturdunnion: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide20:03
ivansmothe same again sudo apt-get install python-skype20:03
charbelany lebanese guys here ?20:03
toastedmilkMy kernel won't upgrade from 2.6.27-15, how can I fix this?20:03
nytek_catzz: idk :(20:03
ivansmoE: Couldn't find package python-skype20:03
catzzsec ill tr y to reinstall20:03
Myrttiivansmo: did you look at the links ubottu gave you?20:03
blakkheimtoastedmilk: aptitude update; aptitude dist-upgrade then removed the old kernels and run update-grub20:03
mcce11Can GNOME workspaces show different Desktop icons in different workspaces?20:04
jeniano its the keys that is between the right and the left mouse keys20:04
djnomadI am having trouble with java and flash in firefox20:04
PinGundaftykins with quad core? wooow. But you got it fixed with the driver, right? or you just use a different OS for video?20:04
ivansmoyes I have look those links and before and I have install repository packages20:04
catzzI FOUND!20:04
PinGundaftykins, When I press Right mouse button on a video file, it gives me Mplayer, and "Gnome mplayer". the latter works fine, the other one does start the video playback. How do i get rid of the bad one?20:04
bazhang!lb | charbel20:04
ubottucharbel: The Lebanese LoCo team is only a couple of clicks away. Discover its flavor in #ubuntu-lb20:04
nytek_ivansmo: try apt-get install skype?20:04
jeniaits on my laptop ibm  x61 lenovo20:04
catzzthanks a lot Nytek!20:04
jeniathat key opens tabs, i want it to scroll20:04
ivansmoI try that and I get this message all the time E: Couldn't find package python-skype20:04
mcce11I am running GNOME in Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex20:04
daftykinsPinGun: to be honest i've just not tried using karmic at all on my desktop yet. it was jaunty i tried HD playback with last, i only want HD playback working on my HTPC really :)20:04
TimeRiderSetting up linux-generic (
ivansmojust like system try install skype from CDrom??20:05
mcce11Any help would be appreciated.20:05
jeniato scroll i do: press that key and pull down or up20:05
daftykinsPinGun: to be honest it's only an aesthetic thing so i'd just ignore it. check the mplayer settings to see if it's using VDPAU20:05
daftykins(that's the part i'm unsure of)20:05
Mingeranybody know if a default ubuntu installation comes with a mail package installed? (need notifications from crontab)20:05
iggeanyone who knows how to get also working over pulseaudio ?20:05
nytek_ivansmo: no, do a quick google.. first link20:05
djnomaddoes flash player require more than just the flashplugin to function correctly ?20:05
mcce11Can anybody help me with this?20:05
blakkheim!ask | mcce1120:06
ubottumcce11: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:06
nytek_mcce11: what is your problem?20:06
djnomadmcce11,  you asked about the kernel not upgrading? if so I have no clue about that20:06
PinGundaftykins, what do you use for htpc?20:06
titan_arkDamn, my wireless is not working. was working fine until last night. i reboot and now i need to plug in a wire.20:06
Mingerdoes crontab require a mail package, smtp server?, installed?20:06
mcce11nytek_: Can different workspaces show different desktop icons?20:07
nytek_titan_ark: try invoking iwconfig and see what your output is20:07
daftykinsPinGun: ASRock Ion 330 HT BD20:07
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
PinGundaftykins, emm... not familiar. But What OS is there?20:07
nytek_mcce11: hmm, i dont think so.20:08
nytek_mcce11: but im not 100% positive20:08
daftykinsPinGun: i bought it without one and installed ubuntu karmic, then put www.xbmc.org on it :)20:08
Trekis there a way to temporarily purge the stored networking information so that it can be refreshed?20:08
Fudquestion got nx working on a lan the screen comes up programs can be opened etc but the mouse pointer cannot move any windows, any idea what i missed in the conf?20:08
mcce11nytek_: When you switch workspaces, do you get identical desktop icon layouts?20:09
nytek_mcce11: yes20:09
charbelhi i need ur help :)20:09
titan_arknytek_: wight now i am connected by a wire. this is the result of iwconfig: http://paste.ubuntu.com/369719/20:09
jeniacan someone help me:20:09
jeniai want to change the function of one of my keys20:09
ivansmoOK I look and the first link and yesterday I try to install skype with deb package and then I recieve this message error: dependency is not satisfiable:libasound220:09
jeniathat key opens tabs, i want it to scroll20:09
charbeli installed ubuntu and now i'm connected to the internet but firefox is not opening websites20:09
jeniaits on my laptop ibm  x61 lenovo20:09
mcce11nytek_: Thought it was a bug.  I guess it was always that way and I never noticed it before.  Thank you.20:10
xrohi again, my ubuntu 64 bits works fine now but i dont have wireless...i could install proprietary driver broadcom B43 or broadcom STA... but it doesn't work... someone can help me?20:10
nytek_titan_ark: ok, run iwconfig eth2 essid "Your network name"20:11
nytek_titan_ark: then run dhclient eth220:11
PinGundaftykins, "free and open source (GPL) software media player" - why don't you tell me use this instead of mplayer?20:11
Emcho_hi all20:11
daftykinsPinGun: which is that exactly?20:11
PinGundaftykins XBMC is an award-winning free and open source (GPL) software media player20:12
ivansmoany idea20:12
daftykinsPinGun: because it's a whole media centre frontend that uses mplayer :) please read the site20:12
PinGundaftykins from http://xbmc.org/about/20:12
daftykinsi have to go make some food now anywho, getting late20:12
PinGundaftykins, but what makes that frontend work fine with HD videos?20:12
xrohi again, my ubuntu 64 bits works fine now but i dont have wireless...i could install proprietary driver broadcom B43 or broadcom STA... but it doesn't work... someone can help me?20:13
daftykinsgood luck with it20:13
titan_arknytek_: it says Error for wireless request "Set ESSID" (8B1A) :20:13
titan_ark    SET failed on device eth2 ; Operation not permitted.20:13
PinGundaftykins thanks for your time good day!20:13
daftykinsPinGun: default config to make mplayer work with VDPAU20:13
blakkheim!repeat | xro20:13
ubottuxro: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:13
daftykinsnp you too :)20:13
nytek_ivansmo: run sudo apt-get install libasound220:13
nytek_titan_ark: run it as a super user20:13
ivansmoIt says this libasound2 is already the newest version.20:13
guntbertTrek: about what "stored networking information" are you talking?20:13
titan_arknytek_: i am new to linux, could you tell me how?20:13
nytek_titan_ark: just put a sudo in front of it20:14
titan_arkoh :P stupid me20:14
nytek_titan_ark: no worries20:14
Trekguntbert, you can ignore my question i got the answers I was looking for20:14
iggehello anyone who knows how I can route ALSA or jack to pulse audio?20:14
nytek_ivansmo: hmm, you might need a specific version or something20:15
guntbertTrek: I try to ignore no one :-) nice you got it20:15
titan_arknytek_: ok did that20:15
albasheerswindows in taskbar are  laging  on restore  and  minimize20:15
titan_arknytek_: followed by  sudo dhclient eth220:15
jayelcojoin #i750020:15
nytek_titan_ark: you should be on the internet now20:15
titan_arknytek_: No DHCPOFFERS received.20:16
titan_arkNo working leases in persistent database - sleeping.20:16
nytek_titan_ark: try loading a browser20:16
titan_arkthis is what it says20:16
iggehello anyone?20:16
Fudquestion got nx working on a lan the screen comes up programs can be opened etc but the mouse pointer cannot move any windows, any idea what i missed in the conf?20:16
macman_hi all .. im heavy into authoring movies etc .. say i rip a dvd as a mpg file .. is dvdauthor the best solution to get it back to dvd format ?20:17
nytek_titan_ark: do you have a password on your network?20:17
ivansmonytex_ please can you help me on private chat20:17
titan_arknytek_: yes20:17
nytek_titan_ark: wpa or wep?20:17
guntbert!pm | ivansmo20:18
ubottuivansmo: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.20:18
titan_arknytek_: wpa/wapa220:18
toastedmilkblakkheim: er..i tried that, and the new kernel doesn't show up in my grub menu20:20
titan_arknytek_: any ideas?/20:20
blakkheimtoastedmilk: i just did it today and it worked. you must have done some step incorrectly20:21
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nytek_titan_ark: do you have gnome-network manager installed?20:21
toastedmilktoastedmilk: aptitude update, aptitude dist-upgrade, and update-grub seem pretty straightforward20:21
blakkheimtoastedmilk: you skipped the step about removing the older kernels20:22
erUSUL!info devede | macman_20:22
ubottumacman_: devede (source: devede): simple application to create Video DVDs. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.14.0-0ubuntu5 (karmic), package size 1518 kB, installed size 3560 kB20:22
titan_arknytek_: no i am on kde20:22
toastedmilktoastedmilk: i used sudo rm to remove everything in update-grub that was older20:22
ivansmoOh sorry I didnt know that20:22
ivansmoIm just 3 or 4 days using linux20:22
nytek_titan_ark: im not too familiar with kde. im sorry20:22
toastedmilkblakkheim: : i used sudo rm to remove everything in update-grub that was older20:22
blakkheimtoastedmilk: you need to remove the old ones from /boot20:22
bjorn_Hi, how can I change the root password?20:22
titan_arknytek_: :( the kubuntu channel is dead :P20:22
blakkheimtoastedmilk: THEN run update-grub20:22
ivansmoOK I supose that skype wont work on my xubuntu 8.0420:22
toastedmilkblakkheim: sudo rm /boot/initrd/  and sudo rm /boot/vmlinuz20:23
ivansmoI can live without skype20:23
blakkheimbjorn_: sudo passwd root (but someone will flip out and tell you not to)20:23
nytek_titan_ark: that might tell you something :)20:23
blakkheimtoastedmilk: you only need to remove the older ones, not all of them. removing all of them is bad.20:23
toastedmilkblakkheim: yeah, i just removed the older ones20:23
titan_arknytek_: :D you guys always have something going against each other20:23
ivansmonext question is :  can someone help me to run sound on my system, drivers are installed and I can run alsa but there is no sound atall20:23
toastedmilkblakkheim: but the newer ones don't show up in the grub menu20:23
blakkheimtoastedmilk: pastebin the output of "ls /boot"20:23
DavidJHeinrichhi all...for Linux gaming, does sound-card support of Dolby Digital or DTS matter?20:23
nytek_titan_ark: im not really into the gui stuff :D20:23
catzzhello  i found theme how to set that theme?20:24
bjornblakkheim, what I mean is my "sudo" pw20:24
guntbert!root | bjorn20:25
ubottubjorn: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:25
blakkheimbjorn: then just sudo passwd yourusernamehere20:25
narendraHi, I want to download packages, I know i can do it using -d option  in apt-get, But it goes to //var/cache/apt/archives directory , I want to have my own directory, How i can do it ?20:25
titan_arknytek_: :)20:25
guntbertblakkheim: don't recommend that please20:25
blakkheimguntbert: this is changing his USER's password, tell me what is wrong with that please20:25
frog_m /nick lez.f20:25
Myrttiblakkheim: you don't need sudo for that20:25
Myrttiblakkheim: just passwd as the user20:25
raff0zhi all20:26
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guntbertblakkheim: that is the wrong way to do it - with an encrypted home you might loose access20:26
raff0zi need help20:26
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bjorngreat, thanks20:26
blakkheimguntbert: this person didn't mention anything about encryption, and that's kind of an "opt-in" thing during the install, isn't it? also it's "lose" not "loose" :/20:26
guntbertbjorn: your sudo pw is *your* password20:26
bjornguntbert, yes. but it seems like its not per default the same as my user profile passwor20:27
catzzhello  i found theme how to set that theme?20:27
guntbertblakkheim: you english is better than mine but in support you should stay on the cautious side20:27
bjornthat unlocks my keyring etc.20:27
bazhangcatzz, a tar.gz?20:27
ganjacan I run a notify-send with cron?20:28
mono__why is the realtime kernel of ubuntustudio not up-to-date?20:28
mono__are there problems to patch the newest one?20:29
mezquitaleis it possible to recover a deleted directory or must I recover every file manually?20:29
guntbertbjorn: it is the password you set on installation (only for the first user)20:29
raff0zmy fan with karmic are problematic... but 2/3 days ago there wasn't problems... is like fans are activated only at the start and when i m into ubuntu its state remains the same ... infact if my laptop is cold fans do not works (and is right) but when i m into my ubuntu they don't work (even if they are necessary) how can i solve this?20:29
catzzhello  i found theme how to set that theme?20:29
bjornguntbert, yed20:29
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catzzo idk!20:29
catzzEmerald theme20:29
bazhangcatzz, a tar.gz?20:29
bazhang!emerald | catzz20:30
ubottucatzz: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.20:30
aroonihow do i edit/remove bookmarks in palces tab20:30
guntbertbjorn: its the same that you use if you want to install software20:30
narendraHi, I want to download packages, I know i can do it using -d option  in apt-get, But it goes to //var/cache/apt/archives directory , I want to have my own directory, How i can do it ?20:30
ivansmohow can I catch printscreen so that I show someone my setings on terminal window alsamixer20:30
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catzz!emerald | catzz20:30
ubottucatzz, please see my private message20:30
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.20:31
Yggdrasilhello, my volum controll seems to have gottent deleted from my panel , i dont see it in the list from add item to tpanel any one have any idea how fix it up?20:32
catzzHello why Flash player doest work on google chrome?20:33
surge_ask Adobe, but likely it probably has to be manually configured20:33
sprideli think something is wrong with the hardware settings on my distro or the update mirror is bogged any ideas/20:33
surge_used to have to do that with firefox20:33
catzzHello why Flash player doest work on google chrome?20:33
erUSUL!repeat | catzz20:34
ubottucatzz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.20:34
catzzHello why Flash player doest work on google chrome?20:34
catzz!repeat | catzz20:34
ubottucatzz, please see my private message20:34
catzzHello why Flash player doest work on google chrome?20:34
bazhangcatzz, stop repeating please20:34
catzzbot said i should repeat :D20:35
narendrabazhang: can you help me- at download apt-get problem20:35
ganjaso nobody know how to run a notify-send from cron? if I do a touch it work but not notify-send20:35
guntbert!screenshot | ivansmo20:35
ubottuivansmo: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.20:35
bazhangnarendra, you are trying to set up an apt-mirror? aptoncd?20:36
YetiMy internet is connected, I can use Empathy, but Firefox is giving me hassle. Occasionally it can load up google, and do a google search, but it can't seem to open any other sites. Help is very much appeciated. :-)20:36
narendrabazhang: nope, I am trying to download package to a directory20:36
bazhangnarendra, for what purpose20:36
blackstar_Can some one help me out with a qualcomm Gobi 3G connection?20:37
ivansmoyes I would like to, now Im installing software for screen capture because when I press printscr and try to paste in gimp image editor it says there is no image in clipboard20:37
ivansmowait a moment and Ill give a picture20:37
jribivansmo: in a default ubuntu install, PrintScreen will display a prompt, not copy to your clipboard20:37
catzzHello how to install Flash player on google chrome?20:37
ganjaprintscr start a program where you choose to save the pic somwhere20:37
narendrabazhang: Basically, I have to install some software again and again, So i am using apt-get -d option to download them all, but apt-get -d option put packages into a default directory and not into separate directory20:38
jophishIs there a command to transform lines in a file into bash correct lines. For example putting "\ " instead of " "20:38
narendrabazhang: these packages i can give to somebody who do not have internet20:38
jophishor is it possible to get find to output like this.20:38
bazhangnarendra, aptoncd then20:38
TruthTacoim having video playback issues, currently using open source driver, no ATI restricted driver available (looking for tips)20:38
MasterCakesHello, everyone!20:38
blackstar_Can some one help me out with a qualcomm ? for a buitin Gobi connect card?20:38
mzuverinkIn 9.10, the have a handy dandy envelope to choose from Empathy and Evolution, how can I get that back, cant she empathy w/o it?20:39
madch33z3so i figured out my wireless issue. there is a problem with network manager in gnome. now that i put wicd on, i dont drop. i have an atheros card...20:39
jribjophish: sed, but you should tell us what you are actually trying to do as there is probably a better way20:39
catzzHello how to install Flash player on google chrome?20:39
narendrabazhang: the basic moto is behind is this - http://techfandu.blogspot.com/2008/09/rpm-bundle-packaging-system.html , let me try aptoncd20:40
ivansmowell there is no prompt, I have XUBUNTU 8.04 maybe that is the reason20:40
woltercatzz, you only need to install it system-wide20:40
jophishjrib,  I am trying to copy over the folder structure from one place to another (different machines). At the moment I am using "find ./ ! \( -name \*\.\* \) -print". But this outputs in human readable format, not appropriate for mkdir20:40
blackstar_Catzz on youtube there is a video made by a user name gotbletu20:40
jophishI have access to a nfs share with the folder structure on it20:41
erUSULjophish: use tar or rsync20:41
catzzYOUTUBE doesnt work without FP :D20:41
narendrabazhang: did u read the article20:41
jribjophish: instead of printing, use -exec.  Or use -print0 in combination with xargs -020:41
mzuverinkHelp on empathy, w/o envelope in taskbar cant see empathy to send or recieve, nor does pidgin display anything but the connection logo even when connected20:41
Yeti My internet is connected, I can use Empathy, but Firefox is giving me hassle. Occasionally it can load up google, and do a google search, but it can't seem to open any other sites. Help is very much appeciated. :-)20:42
bazhangnarendra, from your description aptoncd seems to fit20:42
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jribjophish: or if you are saving it to a file and then running mkdir on the other machine, I don't see where the issue would be20:42
kemmotarcatzz: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer20:43
jophishjrib, what do you mean, mkdir could handle spaces if reading from a file?20:43
narendrabazhang: Yup, But I am thinking one step beyond, That article is having a method to design a new packaging system, Have a look if u have time20:43
jribjophish: mkdir doesn't read from a file.  But if you are looping over lines in a file, spaces should not be an issue20:43
catzzand last one WHY SOUND DOEST WORK :(20:43
Kevin578on the ubuntu download page, what is the alternate ubuntu iso image for?20:43
blackstar_i need help to connect to 3G service with my loptop can c=some one help out here ?20:44
bazhang!caps | catzz20:44
ubottucatzz: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:44
erUSULjophish: you can pass mkdir the names quoted ...20:44
jophishof course! boy do I feel slow20:44
jophishthanks everyone20:44
reki don't hear any audio in a videogame.... what can i do?20:44
plustaxproblem. I just installed the update pack that came today for version 9.10 and when it restarted, my computer is stuck at a black screen with a blinking underscore. THat's it. What do I do?20:44
Spi_Waterwinghey all, anyone else's kernel upgrade break their nvidia driver?20:45
aiwadoes ubuntu 9.10 already comes with apache2?20:45
catzzhello why sound on you tube doesnt work?20:45
plustaxSpi_Waterwing you stuck at the blinking underscore too?20:45
erUSULaiwa: yesyou can install it easily20:45
YetiMy internet is connected, I can use Empathy, but Firefox is giving me hassle. Occasionally it can load up google, and do a google search, but it can't seem to open any other sites. Help is very much appeciated. :-)20:45
aiwaerUSUL: how can i?20:45
Spi_Waterwingplustax: not quite- I'm running in low-graphic mode (I assume it's using the nv driver; I know it's not using the restricted one.)20:46
erUSUL!software | aiwa20:46
ubottuaiwa: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents20:46
plustaxproblem. I just installed the update pack that came today for version 9.10 and when it restarted, my computer is stuck at a black screen with a blinking underscore. THat's it. What do I do?20:46
blackstar_i need help with my toshiba Gobi 3G connection20:46
catzzhello why sound on you tube doesnt work?20:46
tapio /boot/grub/menu.lst doesn't exist? Where can I find the grub config?20:46
blackstar_has anyone setup any 3G connection yet>20:47
Losha!grubs | tapio20:47
jribtapio: what version of ubuntu?20:47
ubottuYou can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 20000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!20:47
Losha!grub2 | tapio20:47
ubottutapio: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub220:47
jackhorneri have an internal serial port (serial8250), attached to an irman using a mobo adapter, how can i debug it?? should i see something from cat /dev/ttyS0 ??20:47
tapioAh, guess i'm used to grub1 then :) Thanks20:47
plustaxaiwa: problem. I just installed the update pack that came today for version 9.10 and when it restarted, my computer is stuck at a black screen with a blinking underscore. THat's it. What do I do?20:47
erUSULjackhorner: use minicom or cu ?20:47
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aiwaplustax: installed apache?20:48
jackhornererUSUL, attached device is an infrared receiver, minicom probably its not good, ill give a look to cu20:48
plustaxaiwa I never did that I can think of. Update manager came up so I installed and restarted20:49
plustaxnow all I see is a blinking _20:49
Spi_Waterwingplustax: how many times have you rebooted?20:49
blackstar_has any one connected with a 3G speeds using a netbook?20:49
erUSULjackhorner: well you wanted to use cat .... why would minicom be any worse?20:49
plustaxSpi_Waterwing on my 4th time now20:49
ivansmoplease ones more, link for upload pictures :)  I was reset my X server20:49
Spi_Waterwingplustax: persistent then.  :-/ are you able to use the console?20:50
Kevin578on the ubuntu download page, what is the alternate ubuntu iso image for?20:50
Spi_Waterwingplustax: and do you know if you've gone through GRUB?20:50
Myrttiplustax: you can go to the grub menu with pressing shift key on boot20:50
plustaxSpi_Waterwing I cant use the console, no.20:50
jackhornererUSUL, ok, supposed that minicom is ok only for modems or interactive devices, ill try that one, anyway cat doesnt return anything20:50
Spi_WaterwingKevin578: if you want to do special things like encrypted installs or minimal installs20:50
aiwaplustax: how are you talking here if all there is is a black screen?20:50
plustaxMyrtti im new to linux. If I do that, what do I do in grub to make it work?20:50
plustaxaiwa im on my laptop here20:50
Myrttiplustax: you can choose another kernel to boot with?20:50
plustaxim referring to my desktop right next to me.20:50
Spi_WaterwingKevin578: don't use it unless you know what you're doing already20:50
plustaxMyrtti think you can walk me through it?20:51
Myrttiplustax: or go to the recovery console and try some commandline magic to fix things20:51
Spi_Waterwingplustax: when you boot up your computer, does it go straight to the blinking _, or is there other stuff first?20:51
nellweethere is a website with the commands for terminal to make ubuntu play dvd movies.  I think it was the libdvdcss or something like that. anyone know the site20:51
plustaxSpi_Waterwing  other stuff first20:51
plustaxlike choosing linux to boot20:51
maconellwee: its on the ubuntu wiki20:51
plustaxalright im in my grub20:52
Spi_Waterwingplustax: does it give you an option between kernels?  You might try using "recovery mode" or an earlier kernel version20:52
plustaxSpi_Waterwing I got into my grub20:52
Spi_Waterwingplustax: Great.  What are your options?20:52
plustaxwhat do I do now? Anyone pm with me to help me out? :<20:52
maconellwee: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs20:52
nellweemaco,  where is the ubuntu wiki20:52
donaldoactivate the subwoofer as a toshiba x205 laptop?20:52
nellweemaco,  thanks20:52
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aiwaplustax: u just did the update on ubuntu?20:53
plustaxaiwa yes20:55
sluser333how can I change my MAC through the terminal?20:56
erUSUL!dvd | nellwee20:57
ubottunellwee: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:57
erUSULsluser333: ifconfig can change MAC see its man page20:57
nellweemaco,  thanks again that was the site I was looking for and I just set it up so I will test a dvd and see20:57
maconellwee: good luck20:58
em33how to get itunes??20:58
erUSULem33: there is no linux version of itunes20:59
bazhangem33, you might use it through wine, check the appdb20:59
plustaxaiwa: problem. I just installed the update pack that came today for version 9.10 and when it restarted, my computer is stuck at a black screen with a blinking underscore. THat's it. What do I do?20:59
bazhang!appdb | em3320:59
ubottuem33: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help20:59
AegNuddelokay so I bought a gamepad, and I can get the joystick part working, but not the d-pad20:59
AegNuddelis there something I need to do?20:59
Fudquestion got nx working on a lan the screen comes up programs can be opened etc but the mouse pointer cannot move any windows, any idea what i missed in the conf?21:00
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finfin821good evening, i have a notebook, and using 9.10 and i have a little acpi-problem... when my notebook boots, there is no battery found, when i plug the AC in it detects the battery....21:01
dariorossinitry windows vista21:01
ivansmoplease where I should upload my screenshoot so that I show link here21:01
balsaqhow do i connect to yahoo email with thunderbird?21:01
daftykinsivansmo: tinypic.com or imgshack.us21:01
balsaqivansmo, how bout photobucket?21:01
ivansmook ok21:01
finfin821any suggestions how to solve this problem? i cant plug the AC in everytime the notebook boots, just to get the batery detected ;-)21:02
balsaqhow do i connect to yahoo email with thunderbird?21:02
macman_what is the best way to get a mpg back to dvd format and the end result will include Video_ts folders and an audio_ts folder ? <----21:02
AegNuddelnot funny dariorossini21:02
Osemy sound just fell out21:02
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anon__Is it possible to install Netbeans 6.8 from the repository? I have 9.10, and only 6.7 is in the repo.21:03
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daftykinsanon__: if you search and it's not in the repo, you'll have to add another repo to get newer editions21:03
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ivansmothat is my alsamixer21:04
finfin821is there a way to fake things happening when AC is connected to ACPI?21:04
ivansmoand I still cant hear anything21:04
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diablo69ok..so I got sound working through my headphones, but it's not working with the internal speakers21:05
ivansmohmmm diablo69 maybe my sound will work thru my headphones21:05
ivansmoI newer try21:05
Welshy-Robanyone know how to install ettercap GUI?21:05
diablo69i've been at it for about 10 hours or more21:05
diablo69i'm sure you kenw that though ;)21:06
diablo69welshy:  easiest way is to install backtrack 421:06
erUSULWelshy-Rob: just use wireshark ?21:06
diablo69has ettercap built in ;)21:06
diablo69and it uses ubuntu now21:06
diablo69which is a bonus21:06
plustax problem. I just installed the update pack that came today for version 9.10 and when it restarted, my computer is stuck at a black screen with a blinking underscore. THat's it. What do I do?21:06
erUSUL!info ettercap-gtk | Welshy-Rob21:06
ubottuWelshy-Rob: ettercap-gtk (source: ettercap): Multipurpose sniffer/interceptor/logger for switched LAN. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.7.3-1.4ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 240 kB, installed size 584 kB21:06
daftykinsplustax: what gfx?21:07
erUSULplustax: can you boot into the old kernel ?21:07
Welshy-Robdiablo69, you can use nubuntu, i just tried it then21:07
wayne_need some help please21:07
diablo69nubuntu was a good idea, up until they made backtrack 4 ubuntu21:07
plustaxI cant boot into any kernal Im in grub right now erUSUL and daftykins21:07
diablo69unless nubuntu is gnome and has the same tools21:07
erUSULplustax: ok; what graphic card do you have and how did you installed the drivers for it?21:08
Welshy-Robdiablo69, they made backtrack 4 ubuntu?21:09
diablo69ubuntu is now backtrack 4.  It's KDE though *gags*21:09
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:09
suigeneriscan I ask about gftp here?21:10
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erUSULplustax: please in channel21:10
Welshy-Robdiablo69, oh cool, didnt know that, to get wireshark it is just sudo apt-get install wireshark ? there's no additional libs or anything i need?21:11
plustaxI have invidia erUSUL and I DLed restricted extras and the 185 driver I believe. I havent had a problem until now though21:11
diablo69welshy, best bet is to run backtrack4  in virtual box or vmware (in my case) and do it that way21:11
Magellandoes ubuntu 9.10 are more stable for 3G usb card21:11
diablo69saves you headaches trust me21:11
suigeneriswhy can't I use ctrl+r or ctrl+p in gftp anymore when those shortcuts are said to be used?21:11
diablo69non free version of virtual box21:12
meganerdWelshy-Rob: everything would be handled by apt-get/aptitude etc.21:12
krosonhi people21:12
diablo69vmware support dx graphics and virtual box doesn't21:12
krosonim about to install karmic on my pc21:12
erUSULplustax: you installed the drivers vioa System>Admin...>hardware drivers?21:12
krosoni need some advice21:12
meganerdvirtual box and vmware are very different products21:12
diablo69meaining you can play games like WOW or Age of conan (maybe not that far)21:12
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krosonwhat is the best mail client for ubuntu?21:12
erUSUL!best | kroson21:12
krosoni heard of thunderbird 3 but i think it doesnt come with karmic21:12
ubottukroson: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.21:12
kemmotarhi all! i can't connect to icq through http proxy... how to make this connection?21:12
bazhangkroson, there is not a best, try and see which suits your needs21:13
diablo69i'll be back21:13
krosonbut what do you use more?21:13
diablo69term papers ftw21:13
riktkinganyone know of a program that can organise mp3 files from their ID3 tag????21:13
meganerddiablo69: I have not been able to get 3d working under virtualbox, I think it is wine issue (virtualbox depends on that work)21:13
whitehawkwhitehawk here, can someone give me some help on a small issue, new to Ubuntu.21:13
erUSULkroson: evolution by virtue of being default one21:13
plustaxerUSUL what do you think?21:13
krosonwhat about thunderbird?21:13
riktkingkroson, thunderbird is good, evolution is good, gmail via prism21:13
jophishOh whoops! I extracted a tar file with loads of empty folders into my home directory! I'm sure that there would be a way to list the top level folders in a tar file, and remove -R them21:14
bazhangkroson, that is perfectly fine21:14
krosonthere is the new version, version 321:14
erUSULplustax: again; you installed the drivers vioa System>Admin...>hardware drivers? yes / no21:14
plustaxerUSUL yes21:14
krosonit seems that when new major versions of this software are released, we need to use ppa's to update software21:14
jophishtar rf | xargs rm -R21:14
krosondo you recommend using ppa's?21:14
plustaxno erUSUL I didnt21:14
collabrawhitehawk: go ahead,... if someone can help they will21:14
erUSULplustax: you use envyng? or the run from nvidia?21:14
whitehawkcan  someone help me enable the photo viewer on my ACER?21:14
kemmotarhi all! i can't connect to icq through http proxy... how to make this connection?21:14
plustaxerUSUL nvidia21:15
collabrawhitehawk: are you talking about a webcam?21:15
erUSULplustax: you have to reinstall those21:15
meganerdkroson: only use a PPA if you know what you are doing21:15
erUSULplustax: boot into recovery mode. drop to root shell reinstall21:15
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whitehawkno, i have an Aspire one and am trying to use the slot to view photos from my camera via 32mb secure digital by hp21:16
plustaxerUSUL I couldnt boot to recvery mode21:16
erUSULplustax: everytime there is a kernel update you have to do that21:16
krosonmeganerd: i wil use wine ppa for sure xD21:16
plustaxerUSUL it wouldnt let me. Right now Im in grub. What do i do from GRUB?21:16
erUSULplustax: o.0!21:16
meganerdkroson: PPAs are for when you can't wait for the next release of Ubuntu21:16
erUSULplustax: what error you get if you try recovery mode ?21:16
plustaxyeah erUSUL I tried to boot in recovery but it kept on saying retrying, one item missclassified.21:16
meganerdkroson: I have noticed no difference since I switched to the wine PPA21:16
meganerdkroson: YMMV21:17
erUSULplustax: o.0!21:17
jophishactually, I need a way to put inverted commas around every line in a stream/file21:17
collabrawhitehawk: not sure if i can help,... i'm not familiar with the hardware21:17
krosonmeganerd: sometimes you cant wait because ubuntu doesnt want to put new software on their newest releases21:17
plustaxright now im in grub erUSUL. What should I do!!?? o.o21:17
krosonthey opt to delay that version for the next release21:17
whitehawkcollabra, tks anyhow, cu21:17
erUSULplustax: i would boot into a livecd there are more tools to fix it or at least know what happened21:18
collabrawhitehawk: np21:18
MTeaIs there any way for me to make a menu item that runs one command followed by another? I tried && between them but it didn't work21:18
blakkheimMTea: make a bash script21:18
meganerdkroson: ubuntu does a pretty good job of balancing stability with the inclusion of recent releases21:19
plustaxerUSUL I will boot into live cd now21:19
krosonim sure they do21:19
krosonthats why their releases are usually stable21:20
krosonlucid is looking very good21:20
MTeablakkheim: thanks21:20
Crewsr3_how do I connect to a network share in xubuntu?21:20
Magellandoes backtrack support new wireless cards21:20
bazhangMagellan, ask in the backtrach channel not here21:20
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.21:20
bazhang!derivatives | Magellan21:20
ubottuMagellan: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)21:20
bazhangMagellan, /join #backtrack-linux21:21
Magellanwhy most wireless tools doesn't work of broadcom21:21
bazhangMagellan, under Ubuntu? they do as of Karmic21:21
=== jmrodri is now known as jmrodri-afk
tymanubunty ru21:22
riktkinganyone know of a program that can organise mp3 files from their ID3 tag????21:22
plustaxerUSUL im in the live cd friend. What should I do?21:22
Myrttiriktking: exfalso21:22
Crewsr3_Losha, thanks for sending the samba thing but xubuntu does not have nautilus as a fire manager it uses Thunder and thunder does not  integrate with samba21:23
Magellanif Linux os recoqnize the wireless card it means software for wireless purpose can use it21:23
erUSULplustax: mount the ubuntu partition(s)21:23
tymanmsg reg21:23
bl8n8rhi all - I did a remote upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 and it looks like LVM is broken now - system will not boot.  Anyone know how to fix?21:23
erUSULriktking: easytag21:23
kemmotarhi all! i can't connect to icq through http proxy... how to make this connection?21:23
plustaxerUSUL actually Im stuck at the same black screen with an underscore even with the live cd21:23
plustaxIt's not coming up.21:23
plustaxWhat could be the problem?21:23
riktkingerUSUL, have tried easytag found it a bit complex21:23
erUSULplustax: o.0!!!21:23
Magellanor i need the driver for that software..21:23
xerox1hi, thunderbird crashed; where can i find log entries why this happend?21:23
erUSULriktking: fair enough21:23
plustaxerUSUL is this a hardware issue then?21:24
erUSULplustax: really dunno; chanmged anything related to your monitor ?21:24
riktkingerUSUL, do u know how it works, i have tried it, but dont rele understand the walkthrough21:24
LoshaCrewsr3_: ok, try #xubuntu21:24
plustaxhas nothing to do with my monitor erUSUL :(21:24
cPtHow do i know if a service is active?21:25
cPttrying to get CUPS server going21:25
erUSULriktking: i know how to fill tags from filenames. the opsite is easy too21:25
Crewsr3_Losha, I did and no one seems to be around so I thought I would ask here  Thanks for trying21:25
meganerdCrewsr3_: you can always install nautilus or dolphin in xubuntu, this is what I do21:25
riktkingerUSUL, that would be a start, how is it done?21:25
riktkingerUSUL, i have the tags setup, but need the file names21:25
collabracPt: Appliications>System Tools>System Monitor21:26
plustaxerUSUL my heat sync and fan is REALLY dusty.21:26
plustaxThink that could be an issue?21:26
cPtTHanks collabra21:26
Crewsr3_meganerd, can I just apt-get nautilus?21:26
tyler-wylieI'm trying to run 2 different video cards, with one X desktop (xinerama doesn't support this properly it seems, no 3d) and the ATI drivers support separate X desktops for each card, is there a way to get, say the best of both worlds?21:26
=== charlvn is now known as Guest82768
anonymous_hey can anyone tell me how to install oracle in ubuntu21:27
meganerdCrewsr3_: yes21:27
erUSULriktking: you select the mp3 files go to scanner>rename files and or directories21:27
meganerdanonymous_: I am sure oracle has a doc for that21:28
Magellanwhat does it means cannot send to channel..21:28
anonymous_where can i find that21:28
Magellanwhen you join a channel21:28
bazhangMagellan, you need to be registered to do it21:28
kemmotarhi all! i can't connect to icq through http proxy... how to make this connection?21:28
meganerdanonymous_: oracle.com21:28
anonymous_okay i will try21:29
anonymous_thank u21:29
Magellanso i must registered to that channel or the server..21:29
anarki2004i am having an issue getting any gmail related site to open in firefox inside of ubuntu. It works when i boot windows. Anybody know what might be going on? I can ping the google servers and send/recieve packets, so I have no idea if this is an issue with them or me. anybody have a clue?21:29
meganerdkemmotar: read the ICQ documentation, I have not used ICQ since the 90s21:29
erUSULriktking: Use the Legend keywords to construct the desired filename done21:29
bazhangMagellan, freenode  help in #freenode21:29
Magellani already in freenode21:29
=== michaela is now known as Guest78693
Magellanwhen a join some channel and snd some messages i got cannot send to channel21:30
bazhangMagellan, register then  /join #freenode for help21:30
Magellanwhat do you mean registers you mean i must have a username and sign in21:31
Fudwhat is the way to config sound? alsaconf doesn't exist with linux mint which is ubuntu based21:31
olympusscreen =ls21:31
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Magellanbut i already log to the freenode..21:31
bazhang!register | Magellan21:32
ubottuMagellan: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode21:32
collabra!mint | Fud21:32
ubottuFud: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)21:32
KaOSoFtOne question: Have you installed Firefox from the Mozilla website package? Ubuntu repositories do not have v3.6 ready for installation, and I'm just starting with this Linux experience.21:32
bazhang!ru | tyman21:33
ubottutyman: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:33
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org21:33
Fudgotcha thanks21:33
anarki2004i am having an issue getting any gmail related site to open in firefox inside of ubuntu. It works when i boot windows. Anybody know what might be going on? I can ping the google servers and send/recieve packets, so I have no idea if this is an issue with them or me. is my issue with firefox or ubuntu?21:33
MHz128how do I change the *root* desktop image? without using 'feh'21:34
capronFud, Try install alsatools and then try alsaconf21:34
madch33z3anarki2004, try using chrome21:34
meowbuntuhi i have ubuntu 9.10 installed can i update to super ubuntu from here of do i need a fresh install21:34
MyrttiMHz128: root desktop image? what do you mean?21:34
anarki2004will do21:34
KaOSoFtanarki2004- I just installed Ubuntu 9.10, and GMail is working fine.21:34
bazhangmeowbuntu, what is super ubuntu21:34
guntbertMagellan: but you are not identified to services - further help in #freenode21:35
usserMHz128, whats wrong with using feh?21:35
madch33z3anarki2004, is it gmail that has the problem, or is your website created with google a problem?21:35
collabrabazhang: i think he means alpha21:35
InvaderZimubuntu 9.10 with nvidia 5500 fx... 3d effects and glx ok, but aoc monitor cant set resolution higher than 640x480. xorg logs tell cant find EDID information, and modelines didnt work. Any help how to put its res to 1024x76821:35
MHz128usser, nothing. I thought there was another way to do it. maybe not?21:35
meowbuntubazhang, i just found out from this http://hacktolive.org/wiki/Super_OS21:35
capronKaOSoFt,  Yehaa I also like 9.10 and gmail running it on imap protocol and it works great21:35
romualdjak podloczyc USB KAMERE PK-130MG firmy A4TECH21:36
usserMHz128, there's other program that can set the background, feh is one option21:36
anarki2004madch33z3: its google i think21:36
guntbert!pl | romuald21:36
ubotturomuald: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.21:36
capronKaOSoFt, Very easy setup in thunderbird 3.021:36
bazhangmeowbuntu, no idea, that is not supported here21:36
madch33z3anarki2004, is it your gmail, or a website created with google?21:36
meowbuntubazhang, also here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_OS21:36
anarki2004madch33z3: i don't have a website. I can't sign into youtube either21:36
Fallenouhi, i'm trying to boot the latest Lucid iso with grub2, but i only found config for grub2 which use boot=casper, and i think lucid ISO does not use casper anymore, what should i put instead of "boot=casper" ?21:36
SPhcThello somthing is worong with my screen everthing works but part of xchat is mising and my arrow is spining all the time..21:36
Myrtti!lucid | Fallenou21:36
jeniacan anyone tell me please how to set a function for one of my keys on my laptop21:36
ubottuFallenou: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:36
madch33z3anarki2004, ah, its a google issue then21:36
usserMHz128, heres some options Esetroot21:36
FloodBot1usser: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:36
riktkingerUSUL, figured easytag out, thanks!21:36
Yggdrasilhello how can i restore my top menu bar to how it was when i first made my user account ?21:36
meowbuntubazhang, do they have an irc channel then21:36
Fallenouok thanks Myrtti21:36
madch33z3anarki2004, hang on let me check mine21:36
Yggdrasilmy volume and now i just realized my network applets are screwed ?21:37
anarki2004madch33z3: go for it21:37
kreatorwhat's "the besT" file system for solid state hard drives?21:37
collabrameowbuntu: http://hacktolive.org/wiki/Super_Ubuntu_Upgrades#Upgrading_from_Ubuntu_9.1021:37
MHz128usser, wow that was fast. how did you find that list?21:37
plustaxis my fan for my heat sync suppose to be label up or down when installed?21:37
bazhangmeowbuntu, /msg alis list *channelyouwish*21:37
ejcwebI'm trying to add a new entry to the Grub boot menu in menu.lst. How do I find out the root option for the operating system I want to add? ie. the hd(0,1) part. Thanks.21:37
madch33z3anarki2004, my gmail is fine in ff21:37
anarki2004madch33z3: i can sign in if I boot into windows21:37
usserkreator, ext2 but i wouldnt use it for anything serious. ext2 is like fat3221:37
erUSULriktking: no problem21:37
usserMHz128, http://fluxbox-wiki.org/index.php?title=Howto_set_the_background21:37
Yggdrasilhello how can i restore my top menu bar to how it was when i first made my user account ?[#ubuntu] my volume and now i just realized my network applets are screwed ?21:37
MultichillHi guys, just did a fresh install on my laptop. Turns out that the current kernel doesn't support the wireless driver and I have to switch to the 2.6.28-11-generic. What's the easiest way to do this?21:38
guntbertusser: don't spread misinformation please21:38
anarki2004madch33z3: the issue only shows up inside ubuntu for some reason21:38
madch33z3anarki2004, weird...21:38
bazhang!resetpanels | Yggdrasil21:38
ubottuYggdrasil: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »21:38
meowbuntubaazare you sure as its not got its own irc that i can find21:38
madch33z3anarki2004, try another browser inside ubuntu21:38
usserguntbert, well not exactly like fat32, like fat32 in the sense that it doesnt have a journal kreator21:38
anarki2004madch33z3: any good ones in the repository?21:38
meowbuntubazhang, you sure as its not got its own irc that i can find21:38
kreatori know21:38
madch33z3go to www.google.com21:39
kreatoris it bad to have a journaling FS because overtime SSD's get slower the more you use it?21:39
=== Magellan is now known as magellan
madch33z3anarki2004, go and download chrome from google use the .deb install21:39
bazhangmeowbuntu, /msg ubottu irc or use the /msg alis list command  ; this has nothing to do with ubuntu21:39
kreatorwhat if i use a journaling FS and im willing to format every 6 months?21:39
guntbertusser: and that is perfectly fine for some purposes21:39
jeniahello everyone21:39
anarki2004madch33z3: ok, i'll try that out. if that doesn't work, it has to be something not on my computer21:39
romualdTHANK YOUR21:39
jeniahow cna i set up a key on my laptop to perform a specific function21:40
usserkreator, ssds will get slower over time no matter what FS you use. its because of the way file creation/deletion works on ssds21:40
madch33z3anarki2004, that would be weird, because my ff works fine with gmail and all google sites. my selftestsoftware.com site doesnt work well with ff because of the toolkit...21:40
anarki2004madch33z3: i'll let you know here in just a minute21:40
usserkreator, http://www.anandtech.com/printarticle.aspx?i=3531 scroll to page 8 for more in-depth explanation21:41
Yggdrasilhello, my volum controll seems to have gottent deleted from my panel , i dont see it in the list from add item to panel any one have any idea how fix it up?21:41
madch33z3anarki2004, cool. i use chrome for all my internet explorer required pages21:41
madch33z3anarki2004, so its good to have anyways21:41
anarki2004madch33z3: makes sense21:41
usserguntbert, agreed21:41
guntbertusser: :)21:42
koltrollHey people. I've just inserted a new disk to my system and used gparted to set it up. I'm about to make this disk my new /home . But after mounting it as su I am not allowed to write to it as my normal user. How do I set this up?21:42
Rencxsomthing is wrong with all applications i cant see part where is close minimize... also arow is spinng on my main screen and one workspace mising21:43
usserkoltroll, what filesystem is the new drive?21:43
anonymous_i am the new user of ubuntu and i couldn't install oracle in linux? do anyone have good idea abt it?21:43
koltrollusser, ext421:43
robtmrmy system forces me to change my password every time I log in (with SSH). Any ideas how to disable this?21:43
kreatorusser : don't the knew intel drives have a trick to get around that problem?21:43
usserkoltroll, then run sudo chown -R <yourusername>:<yourusername> /home/<yourusername>21:43
KaOSoFtcapron- Do you know how to install Firefox 3.6?21:44
guntbertrobtmr: what system is it?21:44
anarki2004madch33z3: ubuntu is telling me that I have another software management app running, and I don't think I do...21:44
meganerdkoltroll: you need to chown the directory using sudo: "sudo chown user /path/to/mount"21:44
erUSULkoltroll: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome21:44
robtmrubuntu armel, running on a beagleboard21:44
KaOSoFtI can run it from the folder I extracted, but I'd like to know if there is a way to "upgrade" Ubuntu's Firefox.21:44
koltrollusser, meganerd, erUSUL: Thanks alot21:44
usserkreator, yes professional ssds leave extra space not available to OS an use that as a scratchpad. But it only offsets the problem doesnt completely fix it21:44
RencxerUSUL, how much i need swap if i have 2GB ram..?21:45
guntbertrobtmr: and how does it force you to change the password?21:45
madch33z3anarki2004, hold alt then hit tab21:45
madch33z3anarki2004, anything showing?21:45
arandKaOSoFt: You can add the mozilla devs ppa.21:45
robtmrguntbert:  I get "You are required to change your password immediately (root enforced)" every time21:45
anarki2004madch33z3: there wasn't another one running, I just had to retry. n/m21:45
erUSULRencx: if you plan to hibernate (suspend to disk) you need >= 2 GiB if not 1 giB is more than enough21:45
madch33z3anarki2004, kk21:45
anarki2004madch33z3: spoke too soon...21:46
KaOSoFtarand- Is it like adding Docky's repositorie?21:46
anonymous_do anyone can tell me how to install oracle on ubuntu?21:46
KaOSoFtI'll look for the URL.21:46
kreatorusser : how about TRIM?21:46
anonymous_i am the new user here21:46
=== ardian is now known as ard1an
RencxerUSUL, i heart what it must be 2x as ram is it true?21:46
guntbertrobtmr: never seen that - but I'll have a look - brb21:46
anarki2004madch33z3: i use alt+tab to navigate windows most of the time, there isn't another program running21:46
jeniamy friends can anyone help me please21:46
Abu-3dnanhello I have an Intel G 41 mother board with a graphics card within but I cant set the resolution any one can help?21:46
arandKaOSoFt: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa21:47
capronRadeon Xpress black screen after a wake up form sleep21:47
madch33z3anarki2004, nothing cmd line running?21:47
usserkreator, trim is not supported by any controller as far as i know21:47
madch33z3anarki2004, how did u start xchat?21:47
Rencxwhen ubuntu use swap?21:47
robtmrguntbert:  I thought it was password expiry , so I tried chage, but it didn't make a difference21:47
anarki2004madch33z3: nothing is running from a terminal currently21:47
arandKaOSoFt: Take note that recommended version for Karmic is still 3.5..21:47
madch33z3anarki2004, how about updates?21:47
collabraanonymous_: if you're a new user,... why are you trying to install oracle21:47
erUSULRencx: old meme from the times where 16 MiB of RAM was the norm and that  refuses to die21:48
usserkreator, although this article is pretty dated things could have changed since then21:48
anarki2004madch33z3: i don't see anything21:48
madch33z3anarki2004, restart the pc21:48
capronarand, Is there a way too use moz-dailly only for thunderbird ?21:48
anarki2004madch33z3: i was running something in a terminal originally, but I killed that process21:48
Fallenouara : i am trying to boot the lucid iso for ati proprietary driver testing, i'm trying to do this via grub2 but it seems the latest iso is not using the casper system anymore, do you know the lines of config for grub2 to boot this iso ?21:48
kreatorusser : let's say i just make an image of my drive and format every 6 months or so21:48
KaOSoFtarand- How come? In fact, why a personalized build? Shouldn't it work inmediately?21:48
guntbertrobtmr: I rather suspect it has to do with creating a new user...21:48
kreatorthat won't be that hard21:48
meowbuntuhi i have just used unetbootin to create a usb os on my usb hdd i want to know if it has a save file or how i create one21:48
anarki2004madch33z3: ok, i'll see what that does...brb21:48
arandcapron: if you only choose to install TB from the repo I guess.21:49
usserkreator, sure it will fix the speed of access problem, but remember ssds have limited number of overwrites 10000 or so and each reformat brings it closer to EOL21:49
jeniaguys please tell me how to assign my middle click button to do a specific task21:49
adz_Hi guys. I restarted my Ubuntu 9.10 server and all of a sudden it wouldn't boot. I tried booting form the livecd and it shows the partition as a lvm221:49
xjkxmy motherboard died. I got a new one. not new, an used one, that is working. but when i booted my ubuntu 9.10, it gave me something like a safe mode. I dont know, a shell, like "fix it with this shell" but i dont know what to do there.21:49
jeniaspecifically i want it to scroll the web pages21:49
=== jmrodri is now known as jmrodri-afk
RencxerUSUL, so i need 2GB swap at the end of HDD, does Primary or Logical changes something..? and what swap do it always are under 1MB?21:49
jeniaim using ubuntu21:50
jeniaand im using lenovo x6121:50
KaOSoFtEgh, too much information...21:50
jeniacan anyone here please help me?21:50
anonymous_hey i am studying ir21:50
anonymous_sry it21:50
guntbertrobtmr: have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97886421:50
erUSULRencx: no does not change anything; did not understand the last part21:50
shane2peruext3 on an sdcard?  I heard it was a bad idea, because it writes a lot to it?  is that true?21:50
capronarand, Yes I only installed TB once and then removed the moz-dayliy I dont whant to have the new firefox21:50
adz_jenia: what was the problem?21:50
robtmrguntbert: thanks, this looks like it might work21:51
collabraanonymous_: i assume you're trying to install oracle database?21:51
erUSULshane2peru: use ext2 to avoid the journal21:51
guntbertrobtmr: Good luck :-)21:51
RencxerUSUL, when i look at system monitor swap is always under 1mb why swap need what it do?21:51
shane2peruerUSUL, thanks21:51
anonymous_can u tell me how21:51
capronarand, But it wood be good to have a more flexibey way21:51
arandKaOSoFt: ubuntu wants concistency, stabiliy, hence they change as little as possible within a release..21:52
collabraanonymous_: i'm not familiar with the oracle database,... but i'm sure you'd be able to find a tutorial online,.... have you looked?21:52
=== urbanguerrilla is now known as mao
erUSULRencx: yes with the amounts of ram of today swap is rarely used that's why it makes no sense to make it that big21:52
blakkheimarand: lol, i think you mean debian21:52
meowbuntuok hav i create a seccond save fils of 4 gigs and link them together21:52
meowbuntu* hav = if21:52
anonymous_yeah but i didnt find the gud one21:52
erUSULRencx: you probably can do with a 512 MiB swap if you are tight in disk space21:52
arandcapron: It would probably be possible with some pinning of packages, but there is no simple way afaik, no.21:52
xjkxi changed my mobo, i think ubuntu has to detect new stuff, right, but when i boot, it gives me a shell, like i`m supposed to fix something, what do i do21:53
RencxerUSUL, o i have 320gb hdd so i will do 2GB swap for 2GB ram21:53
erUSULRencx: ok21:53
collabraanonymous_: i suggest you look harder,... this chatroom is for ubuntu,... and i'd be suprised if you find someone here that could help you.21:53
RencxerUSUL, and i can do hibernate from disk also?21:53
erUSULRencx: yes you can hybernate and suspend21:53
meowbuntusorry i have a ubuntu usb what i want to do is set up a bigger save file. i can only get max of 4gig if i create a 2nd save file of 4 gig can i link them together to make 8 gig21:54
arandblakkheim: Well ubuntu is a wannabe sometimes.21:54
blakkheimarand: i agree21:54
anonymous_of course i am ubuntu user but the new one21:54
capronarand, Thanks then I just leave it and hope thunderbird3.0 will come too ubuntu repo soon21:54
erUSULmeowbuntu: is fat filesystem?21:54
anonymous_but i am trying to install oracle on ubuntu and i cant21:54
RencxerUSUL, there is small problem, 1GB is 1024MB but than i chose 2048MB it shows me 1.7GB ram..21:54
soulashellI just did an update to ubuntu, and when I boot I'm stuck at the grub sreen, what can I do?21:54
joeyeyeMy usb drives are no longer accessible ... what could have happened ?21:54
edbianI want to build a file server.   I want it to be secure.  100% web-based so I can access it using a browser (and thus from any platform) and I want it to allow uploads and anonymous downloads.  Last, I don't want to use FTP.  Does such a server exist?21:54
RencxerUSUL, sory 1.7GB swap size..21:55
collabraanonymous_: i understand that you're a new user,... but oracle is considered third party software,... and not supported by ubuntu21:55
arandcapron: From what I've heard it's slated for default version in Lucid.21:55
adz_so anybody know how to convert an lvm2 partition into an ext421:55
adz_or how it even got converted in the first place?21:55
erUSULRencx: well parititioning software has to round down or up to cilinder boundaries21:55
meowbuntusorry i have a ubuntu usb what i want to do is set up a bigger save file. i can only get max of 4gig if i create a 2nd save file of 4 gig can i link them together to make 8 gigeryes thats only way work on my conouter21:55
soulashellCould someone help me?21:55
meowbuntuconouter = computer21:55
meowbuntu!ask soulashell21:56
meowbuntu!ask | soulashell21:56
ubottusoulashell: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:56
anonymous_so u mean we cannot install oracle on ubuntu21:56
jeniaright now its assigned the function of opening tabs21:56
joeyeyecan someone help me "reset" access to my USB drives ?21:56
erUSULRencx: just type in 2500 MiB so it rounds to have 2 GiB or more21:56
jeniahow can i change that/21:56
Yggdrasilbazhang thanks that worked well21:56
soulashellHow can I get past the grub screen aftder an update a21:57
soulashellnd fix it?21:57
meowbuntuerUSUL, yes it is thats only way i can do it i tried ext3/4 cant boot fat 32 can but its so slow21:57
Welshy-Robhow can i open a .rar in ubuntu ?21:58
erUSULmeowbuntu: fat32 can not hold files bigger than 4 giB21:58
erUSUL!rar | Welshy-Rob21:58
ubottuWelshy-Rob: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free21:58
capronarand, great I like how easy it is to do a gmail setup in TB3.0  will bee nice to have it Lucid21:58
collabraanonymous_: i don't know if you can install oracle on ubuntu,... you probably can,... i'm just saying this is a support channel specifically for ubuntu and it's packages,.. not oracle... i suggest you talk to oracle, find a tutorial, or find a chatroom specifically for oracle.21:58
dsuchedbian: out of curiosity, why no FTP?21:58
meowbuntuWelshy-Rob, right click it and select extract to or extract here21:58
erUSULmeowbuntu: use ntfs or something else21:58
blakkheimWelshy-Rob: unrar x filename.rar21:58
lemurrrhi all, please help me... toshiba a300, fn did'm working (sorry, i'm russian)21:58
edbiandsuch, I've been told "it sucks"21:58
RencxerUSUL, and make 1 disk for home and system or beter separate, and what type ext4 or better ext3,2...? is there big diference?21:58
erUSUL!ru | lemurrr21:58
ubottulemurrr: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:58
erUSULRencx: just use the latest greates ext421:59
meowbuntuerUSUL, cant the usb startup disk creater wont allow me to use that21:59
blakkheimRencx: actually ext4 might not be the best21:59
xjkxi changed my mobo, i think ubuntu has to detect new stuff, right, but when i boot, it gives me a shell, like i`m supposed to fix something, what do i do21:59
dsuchedbian: um, can't fight with such a technical argument :)21:59
erUSULmeowbuntu: then i dunno21:59
RencxerUSUL, and make 1 disk for home and system or beter separate?21:59
qtk hi all, please help me... toshiba a300, fn did'm working (sorry, i'm polish :<)21:59
anonymous_okay thank u so much21:59
Rencxblakkheim, why not?21:59
DevilChaoshi folks21:59
collabraanonymous_: np21:59
dsuchedbian: but seriously, it should do just fine what you've described22:00
erUSULRencx: better make one part for root of about 10-15 GiB and the rest for home22:00
blakkheimRencx: do  bit of research on ext4 development, it may actually be worse than ext3 in some cases22:00
edbiandsuch, I'm going to go with FTP probably.  It does everything I need :)22:00
meowbuntuerUSUL, also gparted wont allow me to format to ntfs either strainge22:00
edbiandsuch, Now I just have to figure out how to edit my router's port forwarding via cli22:00
erUSULmeowbuntu: install ntfsprogs22:00
Rencxblakkheim, because it is new?22:00
blakkheimRencx: partially22:00
dsuchedbian: can't help you bro, never bothered to log into mine :)22:01
meowbuntuwhats that erUSUL22:01
sum1hi, i got a simple question..22:01
erUSULmeowbuntu: a package22:01
sum1i got to append two lines to a file, from a bash script22:01
capronI run one root for all and then one swap, and think that is nice, Heard it is a good way because it is hard too estimate tmp22:01
erUSUL!info ntfsprogs22:01
ubottuntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 280 kB, installed size 728 kB22:01
sum1two paths.. like /home/abc/*22:01
DevilChaosneed a little help im trying to install ubuntu on my machine it has 3 drives 1 sata and 2 ide 1 ide boot sector is funked and want to use another for booting but when i install on 1 of the other drives it still trys to boot from the broken one any ideas on how to solve this would be greatly appreciated?22:01
meowbuntuerUSUL, that lets my os use ntfs22:01
Rencxblakkheim, i have huge problem now.. arow is spining on my workspace and i cant press close minimize because i dontsee that part..22:02
sum1i can't figure out how to escape them when doing: /home/abc/* > file.txt22:02
erUSULmeowbuntu: that and ntfs-3g ntfs-config etc22:02
Rencxblakkheim, it is spinning all the time on every app22:02
mediumoneHi can anyone tell me how I can force GRUB2 to go to rescue mode?22:02
Cyber_AkumaHey guys, is it ok if I just post the link to my question in a forum post here? Its too big to type in irc, its about migrating a triple-booting system from grub1 to 2 while upgrading all the operating systems on it22:02
Rencxblakkheim, thats why i will reintall ubuntu22:02
meowbuntuerUSUL, do i need them also22:02
=== jmrodri-afk is now known as jmrodri
erUSULmeowbuntu: i'm a bit lost... what exactly are you trying to do22:03
sum1how to append a path as a string? /home/abc/ > file.txt22:03
meowbuntuerUSUL, i have a ubuntu usb what i want to do is set up a bigger save file. i can only get max of 4gig if i create a 2nd save file of 4 gig can i link them together to make 8 gig22:04
madch33z3DevilChaos, in bios what is your boot order?22:04
mediumonehi can anyone tell me how I can force grub2 into rescue mode?22:04
Cyber_AkumaI'm not exactly asking to ask a question in case thats why nobody answered me, i'm asking if its ok to post my question as a link to a forum post instead of typing it up here (apologies if you didn't answer because you honestly don't know)22:04
sum1how to append a path as a string? /home/abc/ > file.txt22:05
meowbuntuerUSUL, basicly a bigger save file on my 20gig usb hdd22:05
RencxerUSUL, maybe u can help... my arrow is spinig on all apps and part where was close minimize maximize is gone...22:05
mediumoneCyber_Akuma: yes22:05
guntbertmediumone: during boot press <shift> then you get the grub menu,...22:05
Cyber_Akumamediumone: thank you22:05
capronmediumone, I guess not what is the problem do it not boot ?22:05
DevilChaosnot sure but i think that could solve it but i want it to boot from the sata because the knackered boot sector is on my primary ide hard drive and the second ide is secondary22:05
DevilChaoshow do i set sata to master?22:05
lemurrranybody help me please22:05
=== walter is now known as Guest89197
grendal_primealright...im gonna sound like a whinny wench when i post this but...whatever.  I need some sftp users on this box right (and i got rssh) working.  However i want to restircit what they can see as well.  I dont want them browsing all over the box.  the chroot jail looks like what i want but ...come on there are like 5 pages of things that have to be done, ive run into a few things that seem to not work...is there not a package that sets up a22:05
grendal_prime jail already?22:05
Cyber_Akumahttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1397983 <--- I posted my question about grub2 and upgrading here, it got no replies so I tried asking in IRC22:05
RencxerUSUL, thats why i will try reinstall ubuntu self..22:05
rat_Anyone gotten Cod4 to run in ubuntu?22:06
mediumoneguntbert: okay22:06
madch33z3DevilChaos, go into bios, and look at the tabs, look for boot22:06
DevilChaosyup yup22:06
mediumonecapron: yes it doesnt. and I have a list of commands to run in rescue mode22:06
sum1lemurr what you need?22:06
meowbuntuCyber_Akuma, ob corse thats just the same as using pastebin or imagebin likks here. or you can copy and past the info here directly but link is great idea22:06
mediumonecapron: but mine always gets into memtest86+22:06
joeyeyecan anyone help with USB drives hanging with nautilus ?22:06
madch33z3DevilChaos, there could be a second second section that you have to change besides that and its called the bootorder22:06
rxsCan anyone tell me in which version of opensource driver for ATI graphics card + xserver version in GNU/Linux, the number of xv ports was increased to 16 ?22:07
capronmediumone, try this thing with shif that someone said22:07
Cyber_Akumamediumone: I see, heh, I feel stupid now, but it would take several lines of text to explain it, and I didn't want to spam the channel22:07
madch33z3DevilChaos, make sure you move the one to the top that you want to boot off of22:07
Cyber_AkumaThats why I posted a link22:07
mediumonecapron: okay sure22:07
Cyber_AkumaWanted to give as much details as possible22:07
rxsI am using 8.04 now and xvinfo | ports gives me 122:07
madch33z3DevilChaos, can you do that and come back? or is it not on this machine?22:07
Rencxwhat is windows manager and how i can lauch it?22:07
herman_hello,  my Speakers AND headphones are playing sound simultaneously22:08
lemurrrtoshiba a300 psag4e... fn didn't working... (i'm russian, sorry for language)22:08
DevilChaosnot on this machine dude22:08
madch33z3Rencx, type startx22:08
herman_someone passed for the same thing?22:08
spekkobazhang, daftykins i got it to work ^_^ finally thanx alot22:08
madch33z3DevilChaos, ok, so after you choose which drive to boot off of, exit bios and see what it does22:08
Rencxmadch33z3, big problem cant start22:09
DevilChaosill try it and get back with the result but cant at the mo just trying to get recon on at the moment22:09
rat_I am trying to run Cod4 in Wine, and its giving me this error, Video card doesn't support enough shaders to run DirectX9, I can run compiz and my card can play the game no problem on Windows, so anyone have any idea how to fix this error?22:09
madch33z3spekko, ?22:09
madch33z3spekko, did u get the bootloader straight?22:09
DevilChaoscheers madch33z322:09
rxsjoeyeye: what happens when you connect the usb drive ?22:09
Rencxmadch33z3, i dont hame top bars for all windows and arow is spining all the time22:09
meowbuntuerUSUL, and22:09
spekkomadch33z3, i finally got it working :)22:09
herman_nobody passed for the same thing?22:10
Cyber_Akumarat_: Just out of curisoty (NOT complaning about linux here) if you already dualboot windows and linux and the game runs in windows why are you using wine to play it in linux? I assume lnux is your main os and you just don't want to reboot?22:10
lemurrrcan anybody help me? toshiba a300 psag4e... fn didn't working... (i'm russian, sorry for language)22:10
madch33z3spekko, did u follow the tutorial i gave ya?22:10
madch33z3spekko, to fix the windows boot loader?22:10
joeyeyerxs, nothing happens - everything was fine until a few minutes ago and now even fdisk -l hangs22:10
rat_Cyber_Akuma, Yeah I have Windows installed and working, I am slowly trying to do everything in Linux that I need too so I can eventually elemenate the windows partition entirely22:10
spekkomadch33z3, that broke my whole boot :<. didnt boot anything after that22:11
Rencxmadch33z3, do i need reinstall ubuntu?22:11
meowbuntuCyber_Akuma, i am wondering y you need 2 swap files ??????? you cant run both os at same time can you22:11
DevilChaoswindblows sucks22:11
spekkomadch33z3, i ended up formatting my whole drive22:11
DevilChaosbill gates needs shot22:11
madch33z3spekko, lol. sorry bro. that fixed my windows 7 boot just yesterday22:11
rxsjoeyeye: what version of ubuntu are you running ? and what is the drive formatted as ?22:11
meowbuntuDevilChaos, each os has its place they are just different nothing sux22:11
capronmediumone .  Change /etc/defaults/grub   uncomment GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_RECOVERY="true"22:11
AnonineHello, Iam trying to setup a Pure-FTPd server with Including Virtual MySQL Users, but after adding the new user to the MySQL Database as I followed a guide from howtoforge, i getting the error "pure-ftpd: pam_unix_auth(pure-ftpd:auth): check pass; user unknown"22:11
Cyber_Akumameowbuntu: not sure about opensuse but ubuntu hibernates to the swap partition, if I had one swap partition and hiubenated ubuntu then booted into opensuse it would corrupt the hibernated ubuntu22:11
joeyeyerxs, Karmic and FAT3222:12
DevilChaosno they dont why sell something that isnt fit for purpose?22:12
usserlemurrr, накуй они тебе нужны эти fn кнопки. попробуй запустить xev и понажимать. посмотри если xev их увидит22:12
Cyber_Akuma.... man, I can barely type, my fingers are all over the place, I shoulden't have drank a full pot of coffee...22:12
meowbuntuo i c so thats how you run things fair enough22:12
madch33z3spekko, of course, i didnt have ubuntu running yesterday22:12
meowbuntu^ Cyber_Akuma22:12
spekkomadch33z3, no problem i wouldve formatted anyway if i couldnt get it to work. the problem was that 100mb with the windows boot loader that the first windows install made22:12
rxsjoeyeye:okay .. can you run a fe commands in a terminal ? if so, can you unplug the drive, plug it back in a type dmesg | tail and pastebin the result ?22:12
spekkomadch33z3, 100mb partition*22:12
madch33z3spekko, ah. you didnt inform me of that... lol22:13
lemurrrбля слава богу есть русские)22:13
DevilChaosie 1.blue screen of death 2. system crashes 3.hangs 4.viruses 5.expensive upgrades all the time22:13
Cyber_Akumameowbuntu: no problem, I understand that having two swap partitions would seem weird to people and was expecting somebody to ask that, I didn't even know either until somebody told me22:13
joeyeyerxs, weird ... I just unplugged them both (again) and reconnected them and now it's okay - I had done that at least 3 times already before22:13
DevilChaosneed i go on the list is endless22:13
rat_Cyber_Akuma, Yeah I have Windows installed and working, I am slowly trying to do everything in Linux that I need too so I can eventually elemenate the windows partition entirely22:13
rat_oops wrong one22:13
rxsjoeyeye: so are you all set ?22:13
rat_I am trying to run Cod4 in Wine, and its giving me this error, Video card doesn't support enough shaders to run DirectX9, I can run compiz and my card can play the game no problem on Windows, so anyone have any idea how to fix this error?22:13
Cyber_AkumaI was just about to reply to that22:13
rxsATI + xserver anyone ?22:13
Cyber_Akumasurprised to see you retype it XD22:13
lemurrrобъясни дураку чего за xev?22:13
joeyeyerxs, dmesg was telling me eveything was ok22:13
spekkomadch33z3, oh lol. thought everyone saw the pastebin thingies i made. so many ppl were trying to help me xD forgot who i told what22:14
Cyber_Akumarat_: Ah, I see, of course its all up to you but in all honesty if you already have windows its far easier just to use that to game22:14
helperhello need to ask! how to check cpu performance like windows 100% mean CPU performance dead here i try: cat /proc/cpuinfo !the cpu MHZ= 1000.00 ? does this mean cpu p22:14
DevilChaosneed to go thanks for the help22:14
Cyber_Akumarat_: Lots of gaming-related stuff still dosen't work in wine22:14
madch33z3spekko, its all good man. as long as you are straight..22:14
uthmanI can not install Tor because in Saudi Arabia, barring access pornographic websites do any of you could help me22:14
Rencxis there somone who are free and can help me with my screen problem? and with new ubuntu install..?22:14
spekkomadch33z3, yep :) im sorted now. just installing my java22:14
rat_Cyber_Akuma, true, but I know I can run COD4 in Wine, I have seen many people that can I just can't get it to work lol so its more of trying to figure out why its not working a knowledge thing now22:14
capronrat I am not surprised running cod in wine is not that good thing too do.22:15
usserhelper, can you rephrase your question its not entirely clear. You want to know how fast your CPU is?22:15
Cyber_Akumarat_ : Fully understandable, I mostly installed Ubuntu and the KDe version of OpenSUSE to learn linux22:15
Cyber_AkumaA lot of the stuff I do is to learn how to do it and just to set it up in case I DO need it in the future22:15
madch33z3spekko, sweet22:15
hvgotcodesi have envyng installed; is it supposed to detect the new ati drivers?22:16
helperusser, , i want to check the performance of the CPU if it's good or not good! ex: on windows i used to check CPU performance if it hit 100% mean something wrong !! here. i can22:16
rat_Cyber_Akuma, likewise22:16
Rencxis there somone who are free and can help me with my screen problem? and with new ubuntu install..?22:16
ikoniahelper: why do you want to check the performance of your cpu ???22:16
uthmanI can not install Tor because in Saudi Arabia, barring access pornographic websites do any of you could help me22:16
blakkheim!repeat | uthman22:17
usserhelper, htop is a good utility if you want to know what your clock cycles are being wasted on22:17
ubottuuthman: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.22:17
ikoniaubottu: sorry no22:17
ikoniauthman: sorry no22:17
Cyber_AkumaAt least hes honest, flat out saying that he wants to get around anti-porn blocks...22:17
helperusser, thx =)22:17
helperusser, does top also show me ?22:17
KaffeeJunky123I'm having a problem with my alt gr key, it should work as lvl3 key but as soons as I use some media keys it stops to function, when I reset the keyboard layout it works again.            I get a MappingNotify event with xev when I'm pressing a media key22:18
tpmfhello all22:18
usserhelper, yep top is good but not as user friendly as htop22:18
AnonineI followed a guide on howtoforge for setting up a MySQL Auth for a Pure-FTPd server, when trying to connect with my new acc I only get "pure-ftpd: pam_unix_auth(pure-ftpd:auth): check pass; user unknown", why is that?22:18
capronuthman Can you not even install tor ?  Do you get any error messiges ?22:18
Rencxthanks for nothing22:19
helperusser, htop amazing :D22:19
blakkheim!attitude | Rencx22:19
ubottuRencx: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines22:19
ikoniaRencx: that attitude won't get you help22:19
Rencxalways the same....22:19
ikoniaRencx: ok, then don't use the channel22:20
tpmfI've been on ubuntu for a while now, but I am currentally playing with an OS which is based on ver. 9.04 Net book remix, its called jolicloud, I was wondering is .deb packages still work?22:20
ikoniatpmf: depends what they have modified, ask the people who make the OS22:20
tpmfikonia: makes since but i thought i'd come here first, thanks22:20
ikoniatpmf: no problem22:21
=== sale_ is now known as sale
madch33z3ikonia, hey bud. i got my wireless straight22:21
madch33z3ikonia, wanted to say thank you. i ended up uninstalling network-manager and going to wicd and it works like a top now22:22
ikoniamadch33z3: ahhh, super (couldn't remember your problem at first)22:22
Cyber_AkumaSo uhhh, does anybody have any idea what I should do?22:23
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: contact the people who are blocking you and ask them to remove the block22:24
Cyber_Akumaikonia: Umm, I think you have the wrong person22:24
KaffeeJunky123I'm having a problem with my alt gr key, it should work as lvl3 key but as soons as I use some media keys it stops to function, when I reset the keyboard layout it works again.            I get a MappingNotify event with xev when I'm pressing a media key, does anyone have an idea how to solve this?22:24
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: I think you're right22:24
Cyber_Akumaikonia: I was asking about grub2 and multibooting22:24
Cyber_Akumaheh XD22:24
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: explain your question22:24
KaffeeJunky123I'm using a g15 btw, but other people don't seem to have problems with it22:25
iWolfCyber_Akuma: I can help with Dual-Booting22:25
Cyber_Akumaikonia: It would spam the channel if I explained it in irc because it would take too many lines to explain, thats why posted it on a messageboard: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=139798322:25
iWolfCyber_Akuma: As I have done it today22:25
meowbuntuiWolf, you help or need help22:26
=== sircrazy is now known as sircrazyg
rodox102i'm not sure whether to ask this in an ubuntu or debian irc: i tried installing debian with a usb drive with unetbootin, the installation finished successfully, but i get "Missing operating system" on boot. all i have at my disposal is an ubuntu live cd and another computer running windows 722:26
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ikoniaCyber_Akuma: two questions if you'll indulge me please22:26
Cyber_Akumaikonia: sure22:27
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=== nintnint is now known as ninttint
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ikoniaCyber_Akuma: 1.) why are you using 2 swap partitions, one not let the two distros share swap. 2.) why do you want grub 2, multi-booting linux distros with grub2 is a real pain now 3.) (just thought of a 3rd) why are you not using a shared /boot so you only have 1 menu.lst and grub install to maintain ?22:27
=== nintnint is now known as tittysprinks
infidwhat's a good cd burning app for ubuntu? the lame default one didnt even ask me how i wanted to burn, and just burned it as an mp3 disk instead of converting it to cd format22:28
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Slart!burn | infid22:28
ubottuinfid: CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto22:28
=== nintlint is now known as curtain
infidyeah brasero is the one i used, sucks bad22:28
rodox102i'm not sure whether to ask this in an ubuntu or debian irc: i tried installing debian with a usb drive with unetbootin, the installation finished successfully, but i get "Missing operating system" on boot. all i have at my disposal is an ubuntu live cd and another computer running windows 722:28
Cyber_Akumaikonia: I thought you would ask why I had two swaps, as I was asked that before a few min ago: "not sure about opensuse but ubuntu hibernates to the swap partition, if I had one swap partition and hiubenated ubuntu then booted into opensuse it would corrupt the hibernated ubuntu"22:28
Slartinfid: I think k3d,brasero and gnomebaker are the most popular choices22:28
infidk3b should work fine even in ubuntu/gnome right?22:28
Slartinfid: yup22:28
shazbotmcnastyinfid, yes22:28
KaffeeJunky123infid: You have to chose the cd type in every cd burning programm22:28
sircrazyonehow do i get halo to work on my wine machine22:28
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Slartinfid: it will install some KDE libraries but that's it22:28
sircrazyonedoes ubottu know?22:29
Slart!appdb | sircrazyone22:29
ubottusircrazyone: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help22:29
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: a fair response22:29
=== gardettos is now known as asschunks
MewayHello I have a really old computer not the one I am on. Where are the earlyer versions of linux ?22:29
KaffeeJunky123infid: The default cd type is a data cd, in any burn programm I know22:29
TrekMeway: hiding under releases.ubuntu.com22:29
ikoniaMeway: cdimage.ubuntu.com22:29
iWolfMeway: Earliest Of Ubuntu Is 6.06 I Think?22:29
Mewayoh no not that early please22:29
SlartMeway: go with a "light" version instead of just an old one22:29
Cyber_Akumaikonia: and I thought that grub2 was easier? Especially since how it generates the menu.lst from a bunch of preconfigured files, I thought it might help keep the opensuse config updated as well (I plan to have grub2 use it's config files from the ubuntu partition) and I have had nothign but trouble trying to create a seperate boot partition in the past.... multiple times22:30
Mewayslart ok thx22:30
Trekas I said Meway, releases from 6.06 through 9.10 are at releases.ubuntu.com22:30
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Mewayyea ty Trek :)22:30
SlartMeway: xubuntu is one of the lighter from the ubuntu people.. there's also DSL and.. that openbox one.. crunchbang22:30
MewaySlart about half a gig of ram22:30
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Trekv12_ type /join #ubuntu-ru22:31
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ikoniaCyber_Akuma: intersting, I think you'll suffer with grub2, as the config files are in /etc/grub on the ubuntu box, so when you update grub from ubuntu, how is it going to read the suse partition to know to add/update it, and the same from suse, if you update a kernel in suse, how will it update the /etc/grub file on the ubuntu partition22:31
SlartMeway: bah.. that's not too bad22:31
sircrazy#crunchbang is a great one for lightweight, using openbox22:31
MewaySlart any suggestion?22:31
SlartMeway: crunchbang or xubuntu22:31
SlartMeway: there are so many distros out there.. many of them are really good..22:31
sircrazyxubuntu uses the ubuntu meta stuff which, IMO bloats it, while crunchbang uses minimal gnome components to ensure its lightweightedness22:32
Mewayslart I really like ubuntu22:32
JrodDCXListen to Matt Darcy!22:32
rodox102help :(22:32
SlartMeway: then give xubuntu a try.. see if it handles well on your machine22:32
=== shazbotmcnasty is now known as Shazbot
MewaySlart: ok ty :)22:32
Cyber_Akumaikonia: "how is it going to read the suse partition to know to add/update it" I don't know, thats why I wanted to know if it was possible from grub2, I am not that expirenced with linux, especially grub, yet. I don't want to have to manually upddate the kernel in menu.lst every time I update opensuse22:33
Slartsircrazy: yes.. unfortunately it's hard to tell where the bloat stops and what makes ubuntu good starts22:33
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koltrollreally. Am I beeing blind here. Isn't it like dead easy to start a ftp-server i ubuntu? I thought there were like "Services" or something where I could start things like ftp, ssh, mysqld and so on22:33
rodox102help please? :p22:33
Cyber_Akumaikonia: and trying to use opensuse's version of grub just srabmled everything22:33
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: if you use a shared /boot partition (both suse and ubuntu are aware and can auto update it) there is only 1 menu.lst to manage,22:33
Slartkoltroll: ftp services aren't as easy as you'd think..22:33
Slart!ftpd | koltroll22:33
ubottukoltroll: FTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP22:33
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: use ubuntu's grub binary22:33
Slartkoltroll: most use config files for configuration.. I don't know if there is anyone with a gui from the default install22:34
Cyber_Akumaikonia: I can't make opensuse updahe the boot files on ubuntu's partition?22:34
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: if you use a shared /boot you can22:34
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: (and grub1)22:34
Cyber_Akumaikonia: or chainload (is that the right word?) opensuse and let it manage the files on it's own partition?22:34
Meway0_0 slart lmao 6hr remain :)22:34
koltrollSlant, oh well ;/ but is there a easy gui for enabling / disabling ssh ?22:35
Slartkoltroll: I used pureftp on my little box..22:35
sircrazySlart, if you want XFCE, try xubuntu, GNOME, try ubuntu, openbox, try crunchbang. openbox is the lightest of the 3 because the xfce in xubuntu uses the ubuntu desktop stuff which is bloat, whereas if you installed ubuntu-minimal with no de, and installed your own compiled xfce, it will be just as light if not lighter, than crunchbang and openbox22:35
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Slartkoltroll: not that I know of.. install the openssh-server package.. then have a look at its config file.. it's not that big22:35
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koltrollSlant, will do. thanks alot22:35
infectoabout 10.04 # is?22:36
Cyber_Akumaikonia: Honestly, id prefer it if grub loaded some OTHER bootloader for ubuntu or opensuse (like it does for windows) and ubuntu and opensuse just messed with THOSE config files, so that the actual kernel file dosen't have to be in menu.lst22:36
supercagnottohi there! i need help cuz ubuntu cant read my swap partition that i just created22:36
Cyber_Akumaikonia: seems like a logical way to have multiple operating systems to me22:36
Trek!lucid | infecto22:36
ubottuinfecto: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:36
sircrazythe only "issue" with crunchbang, is that it is still on 9.04, and will probably not have a 9.10 release, but there is really nothing wrong with 9.0422:36
jribCyber_Akuma: it's called "chainloading"22:36
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: go what ever way you're most comfortable with, it's all personal taste, just wanted to make sure you understood the pros/cons of what you wanted to do22:36
Slartsircrazy: but what if I like what you're calling bloat.. one mans bloat is another mans features  (s/man/woman if you feel like it)22:36
sircrazyi mean bloat as using up resources22:37
infectoTrek: thanks22:37
sircrazytaking away from the "lightweight" factor22:37
Cyber_Akumaikonia: Oh, im just asking, I am not sure what would be smart and stupid to do, most of my computer knowledge is from dos and windows, I am new to linux22:37
supercagnottohow to enable swap partition under ubuntu?22:37
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: try out what you want to do, see how you get on, and if you have problems we'll try to either fix it, or push it more towards what I was suggesting, but without moving away from your solution22:37
Slart!swap | supercagnotto22:37
ubottusupercagnotto: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info22:37
sircrazythe xfce in xubuntu is not lightweight because of the ubuntu desktop stuff, while standard xfce is lightweight, as is openbox, they use small resources, while GNOME uses a lot of resources22:38
sircrazyan example, on crunchbang i boot using 65mb of ram, on ubuntu with GNOME, i use 20022:38
Cyber_Akumaikonia: I don't know how to do these things actually, thats why I was asking if these different possible methods would work, so then I could get advice on how to do the best recommended one22:38
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Treksircrazy: xubuntu isn't supported in this channel, it has its own channel22:38
Slartsircrazy: this isn't really the right channel for this..22:38
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: well, personally ubuntu's grub1 and a shared /boot works very well for every dual boot I've done22:38
Trek!xubuntu | sircrazy22:39
ubottusircrazy: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels22:39
Cyber_Akumaikonia: I have have a rough idea of how to share a boot partition but as I said, last time I tried that it just ended in disaster, and I have no idea how to chainload ubunttu and opensuse22:39
sircrazysomebody asked about ubuntu, vs, crunchbang, vs xubuntu, i thought it was you, maybe it was Slant22:39
Shazbotit was Slant22:39
sircrazyon which for them to try22:39
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: don't chain load, install ubuntu second so the simple ubuntu grub1 is used, suse will be fine with it22:39
Cyber_Akumaikonia: its a triple boot though, thats the problem, doublebooting windows and linux isnt a problem for me22:39
KaffeeJunky123is anyone here expirienced in solving keyboard issues?22:39
sircrazysorry ive been tabbing the wrong person then22:39
Slartsircrazy: nope.. it was meway22:39
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: triple boot makes no difference, windows->suse->ubuntu22:39
gRaCiOsOanyone could help me to install kyocera FS-1016mfp printer on ubuntu?22:40
Cyber_Akumaikonia: Ubuntu comes with grub2 now though, why do you dislike grub2 btw? I soulden't be able to dualboot this system if it wasnt for grub222:40
=== user is now known as Guest42738
Guest42738how come I can only have sound through one program, and sometimes after that flash has been used in firefox, mpd wont play at all22:40
sircrazyoh, lol, i get so lost in all the names flying by, i hope Meway got what i wrote, i was trying to just explain the differences22:40
tad1I run 9.10 workstation, and am trying to find out how I can boot to a terminal login screen instead of the default GUI screen, effectively terminating X until I want it to load manually.  Anyone?22:40
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: grub2 offers no technical advantages, and the implimentation makes it harder to control multi-linux install systems22:40
xanguaGuestdo you use hardy¿¿22:40
xanguado you*22:40
blakkheimtad1: uninstall gdm22:40
Mewaysircrazy: i saw22:40
Cyber_Akumaikonia: This system is very old and dosen't support lba48, the os drive is 160gb and ubuntu is installed past the 132gb barrier, if it wasnt possible to make grub2 to use the apci modle instead of bios, it would not be able to load22:40
SlantIt was not Slant.22:40
xanguaagg, Guest42738 do you use hardy¿¿22:40
SlantThough, maybe someone with my nick from earlier?22:40
sircrazysorry slant, it wasnt you or slart, it was someone else. :)22:41
sircrazymy mistake22:41
Shazbotlol fail22:41
SlartSlant: sorry for waking you up there =)22:41
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: yes it would, /boot should be the first partiton, then it won't go base the barrier22:41
Guest42738xangua, karmic22:41
nintnintMan, I'm really loving paints new ribbon interface in the new Ubuntu 722:41
Cyber_Akumaikonia: I tried doing that, it still coudlent load boot... anyway, is grub1 still on ubuntu 9.10 as well?22:41
* charbel bye22:42
MewayI found a nice one I am familure with :)22:42
=== Vlet_ is now known as Vlet
isolat3dsh33pwhat's ubuntu 7?22:42
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: I think you can still select grub1 for 9.1022:42
ikoniaisolat3dsh33p: doesn't exist22:42
nintnintThe new version of the thing22:42
ikonianintnint: what ?22:42
isolat3dsh33pdamn =_=22:42
isolat3dsh33pikonia, thanks ;)22:42
nintnintthe new version of the software, duh.22:42
ikonianintnint: no it's not, ubuntu 7 doesn't exist and it's not new22:43
ChogyDannintnint: try ##windows22:43
Cyber_Akumaikonia: The problem with creating a boot partition is that all the partitions are already created and defined, it would be very difficult and tricky to create a new one, ESPECIALLY at the beginning of the drive, not to mention I would have to keep cleaning it out when it got too big from older kernels22:43
nintnintThe one with gnome and microsoft office 2010 and conky and its so popular its lame?22:43
pea[PC]does thunderbird 3 not work on ubuntu?22:43
sircrazypea[PC], yes it does22:43
pea[PC]then why is it not in the repos?22:43
isolat3dsh33pa troll :D22:43
kinja-sheep!latest | pea[PC]22:43
ubottupea[PC]: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.22:43
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: I take your point22:43
kinja-sheeppea[PC]: Add Mozilla Daily PPA and it will be added to the repositories.22:44
Cyber_Akumaikonia: And I need the vista partition (which is at the beginning of the drive) intact for the Win7 upgrade to work, last time I tried to use linux tools to modify it they corrupted it, and windows only lets me mess with the END of a partition22:44
nintnintwhat is ubuntu then?22:44
sircrazypea[PC], things take longer to get into ubuntu repos, add the mozilla daily ppa to your sources and get it from there22:44
sircrazythunderbird 3 is rather nice22:44
ikonianintnint: you know what it is - it's a linux distribution on ubuntu.com - don't mess around22:44
isolat3dsh33pnintnint, a linux distro, duh =_=22:44
pea[PC]i did download it from the mozilla server but i'm not sure how to use it22:44
Cyber_Akumaikonia: Now you see why im so confused and not sure of what to do XD22:44
nintnintisn't linux a fruit22:45
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: you can move data around with tools like gparted, but I understand your fear to do so22:45
svipHow do I get uuntu to recognise a USB-internal device I just ejected again?22:45
kinja-sheepnintnint: Yeah. It is a fruit. You're right on the money.22:45
pea[PC]i use this command but i don't see any new thunderbird 3 wget -O - http://releases.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/thunderbird/releases/latest-3.0/linux-i686/en-US/thunderbird-3.0.tar.bz2 | tar xj -C ~22:45
KaffeeJunky123nintnint: Yes, a very tasty one22:45
svipSilly typo.22:45
sircrazypea[PC], you probably got the source, do a google search for "thunderbird 3 mozilla ppa"22:45
Slartnintnint: google for "linux" or go to wikipedia and look it up.. if you've got questions after that you're welcome back22:45
sircrazyand follow those directions22:45
Slartall that.. for nothing22:45
ikoniaSlart: sorry22:45
isolat3dsh33pSlart, too late :)22:45
Cyber_Akumaikonia: Thats exactly what caused the corruption actually, I tried to move the windows partition and it was unbootable after that, restore tools didn'22:46
Cyber_Akumat work on it22:46
xanguakinja-sheep pea[PC] install latest stable mozilla's products with 'ubuntuzilla'22:46
Cyber_Akuma.... stupid enter key22:46
Slartikonia: no worries.. I didn't wear my keyboard out entirely =)22:46
xanguammm nithing22:46
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: you're going to have to take some risks or you'll get no-where22:46
rat_I am trying to play Cod4 in Wine and it keeps saying I don't have enough shaders for DirectX 9, anyone know why?22:46
isolat3dsh33pI'm installing the new kernel update. Forgot to read the description :(22:46
pea[PC]xangua, what's that?22:46
sircrazyfor the record, if ninnint was right, and linux was a fruit, it'd prolly taste real good and i'd eat it, but alas, it is not a fruit22:46
pea[PC]program? website?22:46
Guest42738how come I can only have sound through one program, and sometimes after that flash has been used in firefox, mpd wont play at all. ubuntu 9.1022:46
Cyber_Akumaikonia: Is there any disadvantge to placing the boot partition after the windows partition? or in an extended partition?22:46
grendal_primeanyone here have to create jails?22:46
Flashlitewill an old cdr drive read a cdrw?22:46
grendal_primeim like baffled as to how to do this22:46
grendal_primeeverything ive tried fails22:47
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: nope, unless you hit the old lba barrier as you suggested earlier22:47
Cyber_Akumaikonia: The windows partition is primary, all the other partitions are in an extended one..... I should have mentioned tha tbefore, my mistake22:47
Cyber_Akumaikonia: That system is new, lba wont be a problem22:47
xanguapea[PC]: used to be a script, now is a repostory :), it downloads and installs directly from mozilla's site firefox, thunderbird and seamoney22:47
SlartGuest42738: it's complicated.. make sure you're using pulseaudio in your applications.. then it should work with several sound sources22:47
sircrazyFlashlite, yes, it should read it, but you cant burn anything to it22:47
rat_I am trying to play Cod4 in Wine and it keeps saying I don't have enough shaders for DirectX 9, anyone know why?22:47
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: no problem then22:47
KaffeeJunky123I have some really wierd issue with my keyboard22:47
ikoniarat_: not fully supported video card ?22:47
Cyber_Akumaikonia: So I coudl just shrink the ubuntu parition and add a boot partition to the beginning of the extended partition?22:47
dblif anyone has time to help with a complex problem, please read http://pastebin.com/f1fc94ed7 and give me your thoughts!22:47
SlartGuest42738: plain alsa sometimes only plays one sound at a time.. depending on hardware and setup (or it used to be that way.. they might have changed stuff around)22:48
KaffeeJunky123When I press a media key alt_gr gets somehow unmapped as lvl3 key22:48
Cyber_Akumaikonia: So then how do I set it up, just mount it as /boot for both ubuntu and opensuse when isntalling them?22:48
rat_ikonia, no idea why it runs compiz and all that just fine, the game works fine in Windows22:48
symetrikQuick question:22:48
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: correct22:48
symetrikIs Ubuntu based on Debian?22:48
ikoniarat_: because you're using wine22:48
Guest42738Slart, how do I make all programs use pulseaudio then?22:48
isolat3dsh33pCod4, read the description in AppDB22:48
Slartsymetrik: quick answer, yes22:48
sircrazysymetrik, at its roots, yes22:48
ikoniarat_: compiz is native, wine is not22:48
Cyber_Akumaikonia: Argh, just remembered, ubuntu is already installed and ill just be upgrading it, how do I modify the bootpoint to be /boot instead of / ?22:48
sircrazyheh nice same length answer Slart , HIGH FIVE22:48
SlartGuest42738: well.. you can start by changing the system, preferences, sound22:48
Slartsircrazy: =)22:48
Guest42738Slart, oh, but why isnt that default?22:49
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: you'd have to create a /boot partition, copy /boot on your ubuntu file system off to the new /boot, update your fstab then re-install grub, reasonable effort22:49
SlartGuest42738: or sorry.. that was in the old ubuntu version.. you're running 9.10, right?22:49
SlartGuest42738: I thought it was, honestly22:49
Guest42738Slart, yes22:49
rat_ikonia, any idea how to get it to work? I have even tried updating my driver22:49
Cyber_Akumaikonia: update fstab is the only part of that I didn't get22:49
ikoniarat_: is it supported22:49
xanguaGuest42738: gstreamer-properties > in audio tab select pulse as the default plugin22:49
koltrollreally. copying from an external harddrive... 30MB/s. that's just..slow. isn't it?22:49
rat_ikonia, I don't know how would I find out?22:50
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: /etc/fstab on your ubuntu install to tell it to use a seperate partition22:50
ikoniarat_: ask the guys in #wine-hq22:50
svip:( I cannot get thing this thingie to work; http://www.ltcom.com/page/FAQ/6in1-InternalCardReader.htm I can see the four thingies in computer://, but I cannot access any of them.22:50
Cyber_Akumaikonia: is it self-explinatory? (e.g. will I see some kinda option like "boot=/" and change it to "boot=/boot" or something along those lines?)22:50
rat_lol on what irc? cause if its in free-node theres only one person there lol22:50
jamesd_koltroll, that is damm good for usb... if its esata, its a bit slow... could be fragmented.22:50
SlartGuest42738: some applications can only use alsa.. it's different from application to application. Flash should use pulseaudio if I remember correctly.. at least it does that on my system22:50
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: have a look, it's pretty clear22:51
ikoniarat_: #winehq sorry22:51
Cyber_Akumaikonia: Also, I know I would need to install windows first, but what do I do after that? install opensuse then update ubuntu, or update ubuntu and then install opensuse?22:51
rat_ikonia, will try right now thanks22:51
koltrolljamesd_, it's usb. Really? That's damn good?22:51
Cyber_Akumaikonia: Last time I told OpenSUSE to not install a bootloader it did anyway.... one whose windows and ubuntu options were broken.....22:51
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Guest42738Slart, now I changed from default to pulse, hope this solves it. tired of killing firefox to start my music, or the other way around22:51
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: install opensuse, then update ubuntu, you have have to make a few tweaks to ubuntu post suse install22:51
Cyber_Akumaikonia: I see, thanks, what kind of tweaks?22:52
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: that's a suse issue - speak to them that their installer is broke22:52
kflip2indyanyone know a good program for a capture card?22:52
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: couple of grub tweaks depending how the install goes22:52
jamesd_koltroll, the specs for usb2.0 is like 23MB/s ... i guess your measurment is a bit offf.22:52
dblis anyone here available to help with a complex, multi-faceted multi-platform problem? please read http://pastebin.com/f1fc94ed7 if you can!22:52
=== Abomination is now known as abomination
Trekkoltroll / javesd_: I get 8.5 MB/s so yeah...22:53
Trekkoltroll / javesd_: on USB2.022:53
supercagnottohow to enable kms on lucid after upgrade from karmic?22:53
koltrolljamesd_, as far as I can see the specs for usb2.0 is 480mbit == 60MB/s22:53
ikoniadbl: reads like a hardware issue on your video card22:53
Treki theory, koltroll22:53
jamesd_koltroll, oops the max effective is about 40MB/s but its unlike to reach that speed22:53
Trekin theory, koltroll22:53
Cyber_Akumaikonia: would there be any reason to keep the boot files on the ubuntu partition after I make a seperate one? (you said to copy them instead of move them) and how big do you recommend I make the boot partition? Is there any way to make it auto-clean old kernel files so it dosen't get cluttered?22:53
koltrollTrek, well of course22:54
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: no, you can delte them22:54
Trekas such, koltroll, you'l NEVER reach those speeds because its only a THEORY22:54
dbliknoia: what about the problem with windows though? ive tried booting after taking the card out and using onboard and its the same issue22:54
Trekas such, koltroll, you'l NEVER reach those speeds because its only a THEORETICAL speed22:54
ikoniadbl: problems with windows also point to it being a hardware issue22:54
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drlajHi, I set up SVN and checked out using SVN+SSH on the stand port, now I've changed the SSH port. How do I update my SVN settings to connect using the right port?22:55
RedBandThis question isn't exactly linux specific, but does anyone in here have fiber optics? What type of router do I need?22:55
blakkheim!ot | RedBand22:55
ubottuRedBand: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:55
RedBandWell, what type of fiber optics router works with Ubuntu then.22:56
SlartRedBand: try ##hardware perhaps22:56
RedBandThanks Slart22:56
TrekRedBand, you might ask about fiberoptics on a different server (one I am on as well)22:56
RedBandname of the server?22:56
RedBandit's okay, i'll find it. Thanks.22:56
Cyber_Akumaikonia: I see I am not going to be able to fully figure out what to do before I install everything since the post-opensuse tweaks will depend on what happens, guess ill me back once I do the upgrade, need to finish with this system first, thanks for all your help22:57
ikoniaCyber_Akuma: we'll be here22:57
q0kI've found Ubuntu video23:00
q0kIts strange23:00
FloodBot1q0k: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:00
domino14i'd like to install ubuntu on a windows XP laptop (full install, not within windows) and i have already defragged the hard drive. i am unclear as to what the community website says. do i have to use GParted now to resize the windows partition, or can i just install ubuntu directly using the "largest contiguous space" option?23:00
q0kThese are gloomy somber dark colors of the GUI (when logging in).23:01
q0kHow to change them?23:01
FloodBot1q0k: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:01
rat_ikonia, okay the people at winehq have no help lol23:01
terminhelldomino14: select the "user entire disk" option for a full dedicated install23:01
sircrazyfuturama140, this may not solve your answer, but it may help others, i fixed all of your typos and grammar, this may make solving the problem clearer. http://pastebin.com/m3d53a39623:01
q0kIts strange. These are gloomy somber dark colors of the GUI (when logging in). How to change them?23:02
ikoniarat_: wine is an odd one23:02
rat_ikonia, i know that just can't figure out why its not working23:02
VCooliodomino14: it's useful to have separate partitions not only for / and /swap but also for /home, so you can upgrade ubuntu without need to backup your user files23:02
domino14terminhell: no i want to dual-boot23:03
ikoniarat_: maybe it's not supported ?23:03
domino14VCoolio: so i should use GParted ?23:03
ikoniarat_: lots of newer games/software can take a while to get supported23:03
ikoniarat_: not all cards are fully supported23:03
q0khttp://paste.ubuntu.com/369825/  Its strange. These are gloomy somber dark colors of the GUI (when logging in). How to change them?23:03
q0kI mean time 6:5723:03
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VCooliodomino14: that's what I did, but I think the installer also provides opportunity to make partitions; but I never did that so can't help with that23:03
terminhelldomino14: i wouldnt use the largest continous space. it will leave no room left for windows. Instead move the slider accordingly. It give atleast 10gigs for ubuntu.23:04
rat_ikonia, well anything I can do to get this game to run in Linux?23:04
domino14ok, i think i will use GParted just in case23:05
q0kIf you hear me say it. Otherwise I will have to quit. Just say something like "I'm gone to see it" or "wait, q0k" or something else. I feel very strange right now about my question and the things I hear instead of answer.23:05
ikoniarat_: I don't know, I don't know if it's supported, I don't know if your card is supported/stable, wine is not a solution, it's a lucky work around23:05
Bizzehhi, can ubuntu desktop be easily set up to act as a private cloud or is it only the server edition that can do that?23:06
terminhellwhen does lucid release23:08
Mike_lifeguardis there a way to print out all environment variables?23:08
=== B3rz3rk3r_ is now known as B3rz3rk3r
Mike_lifeguardterminhell: April, IIRC23:08
pea[PC]why is thunderbird 3 called shredder?23:08
Mike_lifeguardterminhell: April 2923:08
B3rz3rk3rpea[PC], thats the codename23:09
mathesdathow to install realtek audio drivers?23:09
Mike_lifeguardpea[PC]: Shredder is the codename. I think you have a release-candidate or something installed, not the final23:09
POC|FarmerMike_lifeguard: printenv ?23:09
espegroMike_lifeguard: set in a terminal?23:09
mathesdathow to install realtek audio drivers?23:09
Mike_lifeguardpea[PC]: which I've not seen in ubuntu repos :\23:09
mathesdathow to install realtek audio drivers?23:09
blakkheim!repeat | mathesdat23:09
ubottumathesdat: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.23:09
quietoneBizzeh: I'm curious to know what you mean by private cloud23:09
Mike_lifeguardpea[PC]: if you find the final packaged in ubuntu repos (or a ppa) would you let me know? I want to upgrade too23:09
pea[PC]this is what happens when i follow online tutorials23:09
mathesdatok ok23:09
mathesdatdon't stress23:10
richanyone know why this nslookup command might work on redhat but not ubuntu: nslookup -sil ser.ver.ip.address www.google.com23:10
Mike_lifeguardPOC|Farmer, espegro: printenv is it, thanks23:10
richthat nslookup command ignores the server parameter on ubuntu23:10
Bizzehquietone: a cloud, that is private. as in, setting up my own internal one23:10
a2r2hi all, I need to make a dual boot  (xp and linux), what do you recommend: separate physical disks or one disk w/ logical volumes?23:11
mathesdatbut pc speaker i too23:11
mathesdatbut i have problem in instalation linux23:11
quietoneBizzeh: that was a bit circular for me. what functionality do you want?23:11
espegroAnyone know how to disable (only) one wifi card from network-manager? I want one for internet access and one for aircarck tools.23:12
kevin__i just installed ubuntu and was wondering how do i run the synapic package manager?23:12
tad1how do i boot into the console in 9.10?23:12
terminhellifconfig (dev id) down23:12
Mike_lifeguardIs there a way to provide a restricted shell on a server that can only sftp put/get? (or something like that... just transferring files allowed)23:13
ZykoticK9tad1, do you always want to boot to console?  or just once?23:13
ZykoticK9tad1, "sudo mv /etc/init/gdm.conf  /etc/init/gdm.conf-disabled"23:13
terminhellespegro: but you may need to do more than that to make certain cards go into listen mode. read up.23:13
PindamanAlready got it?23:13
richMike_lifeguard: you can restrict the commands that can be run via ssh, it's in the sshd_config file23:13
q0kBizzeh, I don't know whether you were answered in this mess, but I know that without cloud computing you are much more independent. It is much better to store your files right at your hard drive than at a external Internet web server. There, virus attacks, or fires can happen. You and your files are too far to feel confident.23:14
Bizzehquietone: we have nearly 200 computers in our office, would like to unify them all and use all their hdd's all their processing power, all their ram23:14
alexxioi tried to install ubuntu23:14
alexxiobut it doens't recognize my partitions23:14
Bizzehq0k: thats why im asking about setting up a private cloud and not using a public one23:14
alexxioin which i hae windows installed23:14
q0kBizzeh, I only know about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_One private 2GB cloud23:14
terminhellntfs support alexxio23:14
espegroterminhell: I know, It can do it manually, just want my 500mw external usb adapter to not interfere with my onboard card.23:14
alexxioterminell: what?23:15
q0kBizzeh, maybe it's not private, Ubuntu one23:15
alexxioactually i'm not a linux newbe, but thi time i really don't know what happened to my disk.. it is well, it works, but no linux is installing23:15
alexxionow i'm writing from the ubuntu live23:15
alexxioi really want to install23:16
alexxiobut gparted say my disk is not partitioned at all!!23:16
quietoneBizzeh: thank you. I can only add that I have desktop and installed LAMP and other stuff for the three machines in our home. We know have a local mail service and a calendar (which is great for us)23:16
alexxiohow thic could happen?23:16
ikoniaalexxio: click install on the desktop23:16
terminhellalexxio: do you have more than 2 primary partitons? or more than 4 logicals?23:16
alexxiolet me check ,probarbly yes23:16
terminhellespegro: ic, hmm23:16
capronjoin #backtrack-linux23:17
q0kBizzeh, see this: http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud/private23:17
terminhellespegro: i know in the past ive came across tutorials that described how to use 2 wifi adapters for just your situation23:17
AJHunterQuestion: how do I install the latest version of BloGTK? I have the tarball downloaded and it's sitting open, but now what?23:18
terminhellAJHunter: build it23:18
ikoniaAJHunter: read the README or INSTALL file in the tar ball23:18
espegroterminhell: I've been searching in the udev setup and in the networking setup, but have not figured it out.23:18
AJHunterok... lemme se...23:18
a2r2is it difficult to add a hard drive in buntu installation, after the initial installation? How to go about the permissions to the new disk?23:18
terminhellAJHunter: usually a "make" "make install" "install"23:18
reki don't hear any audio in a videogame.... what can i do?23:18
terminhellAJHunter: or "sh install.sh" if that file exist23:19
infidhow can i convert mp3s so i can burn them as an audio cd?23:19
ikoniaterminhell: please don't recommend people do make make install blind23:19
q0kBizzeh, see this: http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud/private citation: "Next steps » Download Ubuntu Server " Therefore, no other choice.23:19
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alexxioi don't know if my partitions are logical or extended, can i see it with fdisk?23:20
tad1ZykoticK9, will that also enable me to start X manually?23:20
terminhellAJHunter: but look over the source files first. cant be to careful23:20
AJHunterit says to switch to the directory and type make install23:20
terminhellalexxio: gparted will show those flags23:20
alexxiogparted say all gray23:21
VCoolioAJHunter: use 'checkinstall', it will create a deb and install that; will be easier to remove23:21
alexxiothat is no partitions found23:21
alexxiobut my windows system works fine23:21
terminhellalexxio: do you have more than one hdd?23:21
acovrigcan I have ssh via emails?23:21
AJHunterIn the terminal?23:22
terminhellalexxio: you may need to select another device in gparted, its near the top right23:22
terminhellAJHunter: correct23:22
alexxionono /dev/sda is right23:22
Loshaacovrig: you sound confused. ssh is for remote logins. email is for sending/receiving messages. They don't have much to do with each other...23:22
alexxiohere is my listof partitions23:22
alexxiobut gparted say everything is unallocated23:23
q0khttp://paste.ubuntu.com/369825/ I mean time 6:57. It's a video link, youtube video. It's strange. These are gloomy somber dark colors of the GUI (when logging in). How to change them?23:23
terminhellalexxio: you could try running fdisk -l23:23
terminhellsee if it shows anything diff23:23
capronacovrig, I guess you mean ssl ?  Decrypt on mail from workstation to server ,  Yes you can if your app and server support it.23:23
DeSian_have hardy heron netowork manager, mobile broadband tab?23:24
alexxiono, it's the same23:24
VCoolioAJHunter: yes, read here (it's very easy) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckInstall23:24
alexxiojust like the link i gave23:24
alexxioi really don't know what's happening23:24
Loshacapron: ah, makes much more sense...23:24
terminhelli cant view links atm. im not in X23:24
alexxioand i can't format the whole hd ... i have to solve it..23:25
=== fantasticsam is now known as sircrazy
acovrigI know what they are, I want to send an email and have it reply with what the command returns23:25
terminhellalexxio: what ver of windows is installed?23:25
Loshaalexxio: according to your output, 1 and 2 are primary, 4 through 9 inclusive are secondary (aka logical aka extended)23:25
acovrigif I email a message with a body of "ls" it would reply in an email the listing of that directory23:26
alexxioso, i want to install ubuntu on one of this partitions23:26
alexxiobut the ubuntu installation program (and gparted) say there are no partitions, so they will erase all my data23:26
eduardoCan I instsll on a laptop using the wireless connection? Would need wpa psk. Dont want to have to go and wire it to the router for installatino.23:27
Loshaacovrig: various mailing list software lets you execute commands via email, but I don't know of a general package that provides this. I think you'd have to implement your own...23:27
Loshahi sebsebseb23:27
sebsebsebLosha: Hi :)23:27
terminhelleduardo: perhaps, if your lucky your wifi card is supported out of the box23:27
alexxioi should have an option to select the partition of format just tat, but i havent...23:27
terminhellalexxio: you may have too many partitions, only t hing i can think of23:28
acovrigLosha, any ideas?  script to check for mail, script to send mail...?23:28
eduardoterminhell: Dont think so. Installation didnt detect any network devices.23:28
alexxiook so i'll try to remove some partition..23:28
terminhelleduardo: you may have to wire it momentarilly after install to get any dev drivers. then you should be set23:29
terminhellalexxio: what are your 2 primary paritions?23:29
AJHunterOK... I'm trying to do this, but it says to input my password. when I try to type, nothing appears on the screen.23:29
terminhellAJHunter: dont worry thats normal23:29
Loshaacovrig: exactly, scripts to do it all. I don't know of any offhand except maybe listserv software but see e.g. http://www.techniqal.com/blog/2005/11/14/how-to-run-a-script-from-email/. Beware of opening a *huge* security hole doing this....23:30
alexxioaccording to whatlosha just said, 1 and 2 are primary23:30
terminhellAJHunter: just type it in and hit enter23:30
grumblyI need help with grub223:30
grumblyit doesn't boot23:30
AJHunter"Sorry, try again."23:30
alexxiobut that's strange, gparted should recognize even if i had so much partitions23:30
grumblyer, it doesn't automatically boot and the entries are all kinda weird23:30
Loshaalexxio: what is it you're trying to do? gparted doesn't always work....23:31
terminhellAJHunter: yea, you pushed to many buttons thinking it was broke :p just hold backspace a few seconds23:31
alexxiolosha: i just want to install ubuntu on one of those partitions23:31
terminhellgrumbly: i had to manually correct grub2 once, was a pain23:31
apoc90can somebody help me? i can't login to my Xubuntu desktop but i can get into GNOME, when i select Xfce if just takes me back to the login screen over and over. I can however get into Xfce with a brand new user i just created.23:31
alexxiobut it say i have no partitions, it say my whole disk is unallocated, so it want to format it23:31
AJHunter"sudo: checkinstall: command not found"23:31
reki don't hear any audio in a videogame.... what can i do?23:31
grumblyto get grub2 to boot, i have to change the parameters EVERY boot23:31
rekalso in firefox23:32
grumblyterminhell: i'm out of ideas23:32
Loshaalexxio: ok, which partition?23:32
terminhellgrumbly: after you fix the menu.lst from uuid's to the more sane version theres a post install command you gotta run. i forget it but yea23:33
Bizzehgrumbly: mount /boot and edit them permanently23:33
alexxiosda5 or 7 are big enough23:33
sarthorHi, my karmic updated, i can see the kernel "2.6.31-19" in my /boot/grub/menu.lst, but uname -r shows me "2.6.31-17-generic"23:33
AJHunterMy mom's kicking me off. gotta go!23:33
grumblyterminhell: it doesnt use the menu.lst23:33
infidwhat do i need to make k3b convert mp3s to audio cd?23:33
grumblyBizzeh: tried that23:33
terminhellthats right...23:33
Loshaalexxio: do you need a swap partition too? How much RAM do you have?23:33
alexxiothe fact is also that ubuntu system recognizes the partitions, i can mount them23:33
grumblyI'm just going to revert back to grub23:34
accovrigLosha, what was that link you gave acovrig?  I lost wifi23:34
alexxioi already have a swap partition, i have 3gb of ram23:34
terminhellsory grumbly, i used grub2 only briefly23:34
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grumblyterminhell: yeah... I'23:34
grumblym on the same page23:34
Loshainfid: dunno if k3b does that. You may need to convert them manually using 'lame'23:34
Loshaacovrig: exactly, scripts to do it all. I don't know of any offhand except maybe listserv software but see e.g. http://www.techniqal.com/blog/2005/11/14/how-to-run-a-script-from-email/. Beware of opening a *huge* security hole doing this....23:35
usserinfid, k3b-extralibs i think23:35
=== accovrig is now known as acovrig
ganjacan I run a notify-send with cron?23:35
usserinfid, libk3b3-extracodecs23:35
usserinfid, sorry23:35
sarthorHi, my karmic updated, i can see the kernel "2.6.31-19" in my /boot/grub/menu.lst, but uname -r shows me "2.6.31-17-generic"23:36
hodanloI'm using ubuntu 9.10 from a usb. I have sound. My sound control icon disappeared. When i try to access "sound" from System>Preferences>Sound... I get a window that says "waiting for sound system to respond" How do i repair it?23:36
infidusser:  that says it wants libk3b6-extracodecs23:36
mr_mustardwhat file do I edit to disable tty's?23:36
terminhellwhy would you do that?23:36
robertpolson$ apt-get update: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13: Permission denied) - I just edited my repositories to install tor, and i was trying to refresh them with the apt-get update command, which didn't work23:37
robertpolsonoh, ignore that, forgot to sudo23:37
* robertpolson facepalms23:37
Loshaalexxio: ok, so you need to choose 'manually partition' during install, and tell it to put / on /dev/sda5 and swap on /dev/sda<wherever>. Just make sure you don't accidentally choose partitions 1 thru 4. Actually, if I were you, I'd backup anything you don't want to risk losing before you start, in case it all goes horribly wrong....23:38
VCoolioganja: yes, if you specify display23:38
terminhellsarthor: your not using the highest kernel ver?23:38
ganjahow do I do that?23:38
B3rz3rk3rhello ton23:38
VCoolioganja: add a line on top of crontab -e like this: DISPLAY=:0.023:38
tonsay could I have some help ^^23:38
alexxiolosha: the partition manager say the whole disk is unallocated!!!23:38
B3rz3rk3r!ask | ton23:39
ubottuton: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:39
q0khttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/701256 is a screen-shot.  It's strange. These are gloomy somber dark colors of the GUI of Ubuntu (when logging in).  How to change them?23:39
=== c is now known as charitwo
alexxiolosha: so the manual install don't work23:39
ganjaVCoolio: thanks I will try23:39
Loshaalexxio: are you sure its the correct disk? Do you have more than one?23:39
alexxioof course23:39
tonsrr... kk here's my question: how to get to "system settings/tools"? : bc its not under "applications"23:39
terminhellalexxio: you could goback into windows, and manually format one of the paritions to fat32 and see if buntu detects it23:40
B3rz3rk3rton have you tried "System" ?23:40
alexxiothat's a right suggestion23:40
alexxiothank you23:40
q0khttp://pastebin.mozilla.org/701256 is a screen-shot. It's strange. These are gloomy somber dark colors of the GUI of Ubuntu (when logging in). How to change them? Somebody said it's "boot screen themes", where is the official place to download them? Please help. Thank you in advance.23:40
ganjaVCoolio: thanks a lot :) do you know where I can find a documentation about this var?23:41
ton@B3rz3rk yes, I'm specifically looking for some recently installed software, VirtualBox, which is supposedly under System Tools23:41
rat_How do I find out what version of Wine I have installed?23:41
terminhellq0k: gnome-look.org is a good place to start23:41
alexxiolosha: i have a screenshot to make you see i'm not crazy23:41
Loshaalexxio: dunno why the partition manager won't see the partitions. That's very scary. Presumably something odd about your disk. Maybe because the first partition is a dell utility partition? Back it all up, then you can experiment to your heart's content...23:41
sarthorterminhell, using karmic. here is my grub.conf http://pastebin.com/m56658bb623:41
VCoolioganja: sorry no, it just works ;) if get notified each hour :59 to listen to the news and that's it23:41
Loshaalexxio: I would like to see the screenshot (not that I think you're crazy...)23:42
JustGagesarthor: having booting problems23:42
goddardI am trying to share files between computers one is ubuntu the other is xp and I mounted the xp drive in ubuntu and I am trying to us the mv command and I am also going through .gvfs but I get permission denied .. why?23:42
VCoolioq0k: it's a new version of gdm in karmic, rather untweakable unless you use this (hang on, will give a link)23:42
terminhellsarthor: sorry i cant view links, im not using a gui. but you may have to uncomment the newer kernel23:42
q0kterminhell q0k: gnome-look.org is a good place to start It's not an official site, I think.23:42
alexxiolosha: no there is nothing about dell partition because i already installed different linux version before it gave this error. now, neither mandriva nor ubuntu load or install23:42
ganjait was to not miss the begin of a movie :) thanks again23:42
q0kVCoolio: q0k: it's a new version of gdm in karmic, rather untweakable unless you use this (hang on, will give a link) I'm waiting23:42
terminhellq0k: ubuntu-looks then23:42
alexxiolosha: i know that's scary, that's why i asked here :)23:43
terminhellsarthor: or just install 'startupmanager'23:43
B3rz3rk3rton, ok probably easier to just ask that up front next time ;)  If its not there, then you need to make sure that its actually installed properly23:43
VCoolioq0k: https://launchpad.net/gdm2setup23:43
sarthorJustGage, no, uname -r shows me 2.6.31-17-generic, while 2.6.31-19-generic is there, and uncommented, and 2.6.31-17-generic is commented but still my karmic shows.23:43
alexxiolosha: this is the image: http://yfrog.com/0xscreenshotjrtp23:43
Loshaalexxio: I assume there's something odd about the partitioning, but that's just a guess...23:43
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tonHello, where is applications>system tools located in Ubuntu 9.04?23:44
alexxiolosha: if you zoom it up, you will see sda is the same in both the parted and terminal windows..23:44
terminhellsarthor: just comment out the old kernel and uncomment the new23:44
robertpolsoni'm trying to set up privoxy to use with tor, does anyone know how to do this? apparently it's already installed...23:44
B3rz3rk3rton, easiest way is to remove and reinstall. if you need help with that just shout23:44
sarthorterminhell, i did that already, but i am wonder, its not wroking, may be some other grub is in use?23:44
goddardanyone got an idea?23:44
alexxioso thank you23:44
tonB3rz3rk, uninstall the software, not Ubuntu, eh?23:44
alexxiosee ya23:44
alexxiothanks for help23:45
invisimeso I've installed easy peasy (aka ubuntu-eee) and it refuses to update from jaunty to koalic. I suspect something's up with /etc/apt/sources.list but I don't know what to look for or how to fix it.23:45
FloodBot1alexxio: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:45
q0kVCoolio: thank you. I've bookmarked the link. :)23:45
robertpolsonton, are you canadian? ;D23:45
B3rz3rk3rton, are you having problems with Ubuntu or just seeing virtualbox in the menu?23:45
alexxioups, sorry23:45
=== good is now known as fiber
q0kVCoolio: are you using this package yourself?23:45
goddardI am trying to share files between computers one is ubuntu the other is xp and I mounted the xp drive in ubuntu and I am trying to us the mv command and I am also going through .gvfs but I get permission denied .. why?23:45
VCoolioq0k: yes, works fine23:45
tonnot canadian =_=23:45
Loshaalexxio: yeah, that's really scary. Dunno why it's happening....23:45
q0kVCoolio q0k: yes, works fine - give a screen-shot of your login screen?23:46
tonanyway I don't know where the "system tools" is and yes I want to know where the software installed to23:46
terminhellsarthor: hmm, still install startupmanager and see if it fixes anything23:46
sarthorterminhell, JustGage i installed startupmanager too, it dont show the 2.6.31-19-generic, in the list. while you can see in my menu.lst23:46
tonwhere the shortcut is?23:46
invisimewhen I run 'apt-get dist-upgrade' nothing happens. how do I update to karmic koala?23:46
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acovrignope, I don't have /etc/mail, I just apt-get install mailutils23:46
VCoolioq0k: ah, how to do that again? there used to be a gdm preview app23:46
goddardinvisime: save files and reinstall23:46
jrib!upgrade | invisime23:46
ubottuinvisime: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading23:46
crazyerici just upgraded to karmic and when i go to reboot the login screen flashes and i cant type23:46
crazyericis there any way to roll it back23:46
B3rz3rk3rton, ok, sounds like it hasnt installed properly.. so go and uninstall it and then install it again23:47
mlissnerAnybody know how to make an nvidia geforce 8600 gs work? When I put it in the machine, the machine just gives me a blank screen upon boot.23:47
B3rz3rk3rton, or you can "sudo apt-get remove virutalbox" then "sudo-apt-get install virtualbox"23:47
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goddardI am trying to share files between computers one is ubuntu the other is xp and I mounted the xp drive in ubuntu and I am trying to us the mv command and I am also going through .gvfs but I get permission denied .. why?23:47
zvacetI?m using lxde how can I manage users& grups gui way23:47
tonB3rz3rk3r, Okay, I'll try that, just I guess there's more than one way to install: If it installs properly will I see it under system?23:47
B3rz3rk3rton yes23:48
tonk thx bye ;)23:48
sarthormlissner, did you face such problem in these days. mean, 2 or 3 days.23:48
terminhellmlissner: you may have to disable the onboard video in the bios first23:48
[BT]BrendanMovie player seems to just crash as it's trying to open when I try play my Mighty Boosh DVD.23:48
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terminhellsarthor: im still not sure why you have such problems. Try reinstalling it again.23:48
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sarthorterminhell, reinstalling what? kernel or startupmanager?23:49
robertpolsonanyone know how to edit a read-only folder?23:49
terminhellsarthor: the kernel23:49
pea[PC]even mozilla's respos only has thunderbird alphas23:49
[BT]BrendanOh I think I need some plugins to play it.23:49
terminhellrobertpolson: make it writable23:49
e01did someone know what is depends of gvfs to read ftp locations23:49
robertpolsonterminhell? how would i do that?23:50
sarthorterminhell, i dont konw how to reinstall, that was installed just with update.23:50
terminhellchmod 075523:50
robertpolsoni'm new to this, but you can probably tell23:50
jribrobertpolson: what folder and why?23:50
robertpolson/etc/privoxy because I need to edit the config file.23:50
sarthorterminhell, dont know how to remove that update back, and update again.23:50
invisimesarthor: does this look familiar? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/46459123:50
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crazyericis there any way to roll karmic back to jaunty, i upgraded and now my login screen flashes and i cant log in?\23:50
goddarde01 I am trying to do the same23:50
robertpolsonjrib ^^23:50
jribrobertpolson: gksudo gedit /path/to/file23:50
terminhellsarthor it should be in synaptics list23:51
arandcrazyeric: afraid not, downgrades and ubuntu doesn't happen.23:51
crazyericanyone familiar with the flashing login screen then?23:51
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.23:51
invisimecrazyeric: yeah, it's this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/46459123:51
mlissnerterminhell: I think I did that, I'll double check, but you're right that I have onboard video.23:51
sarthorinvisime, yes. i am facing problme with my nvidia after updating , and the dual lcd screen are flickring.23:51
mlissnersarthor: huh?23:51
zvacetcrazyeric:  reinstall is right way t odo it sorry23:52
robertpolsonjrib: i got this:23:52
robertpolson** (gedit:2618): CRITICAL **: _gedit_tab_save_as: assertion `(tab->priv->state == GEDIT_TAB_STATE_NORMAL) || (tab->priv->state == GEDIT_TAB_STATE_EXTERNALLY_MODIFIED_NOTIFICATION) || (tab->priv->state == GEDIT_TAB_STATE_SHOWING_PRINT_PREVIEW)' failed23:52
sarthorterminhell, let me check synaptics23:52
terminhellrobertpolson: depending on who has ownership of the folder it would just be chmod 0755 /folder/name23:52
jribrobertpolson: did an editor open?23:52
invisimesarthor: it's a known issue. in other words, live with it, rollback (you *did* backup your system, right?) and wait, or use a different computer. :P23:52
robertpolsonit was already open, is that the problem?23:52
ZykoticK9crazyeric, do you happen to have nvidia & a hauppauge tv card in your system?23:52
JustGagethis channel makes me tired23:52
goddardI am trying to share files between computers one is ubuntu the other is xp and I mounted the xp drive in ubuntu and I am trying to us the mv command and I am also going through .gvfs but I get permission denied .. why?23:52
jribrobertpolson: i mean, did an editor load with the file you wanted?23:52
sarthorinvisime, Using single monitor now.23:53
robertpolsonjrib: okay, it worked this time23:53
invisimesarthor: yeah. that's probably what you'll have to do until they fix it.23:53
JustGagegoddard: are you running your file mannager as root?23:53
terminhellgoddard use sudo23:53
crazyericZyko: i have onbiard nvidia ion i think its called23:53
goddardI did that23:53
goddardpermission denied23:53
goddardI am doing this in a terminal window23:54
goddardI can access it in natualis fine23:54
ZykoticK9crazyeric, i had an issue with nvidia+hauppauge but if you don't have tv card, it's a different issue.  best of luck man.23:54
terminhellsudo mv /file /mnt/windows/folder23:54
crazyericya no tv card ty though23:54
goddardterminhel: dones't work for me permission denied23:54
mlissnerterminhell: is the onboard video the serial Port1 address or the parallel port address? I don't see anything that resembles video aside from those.23:55
geirhagoddard: Have you tried without sudo?23:55
goddardyes sir23:55
e01goddard, do you have any progress ?23:55
terminhelltry su23:55
ecantosomebody use dell inspiron 1440?23:55
robertpolsonjrib: $ privoxy gives me this:23:56
jribecanto: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)23:56
robertpolsonInfo: Failed to reopen logfile: '/var/log/privoxy/logfile'. Retrying after closing the old file descriptor first. If that doesn't work, Privoxy will exit without being able to log a message.23:56
robertpolsonany ideas?23:56
FloodBot1robertpolson: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:56
geirhagoddard: are you able to copy/move files to it from nautilus?23:56
daftykins!ask | ecanto23:56
ubottuecanto: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:56
jribrobertpolson: why are you running it like that?23:56
robertpolsonwhat other way is there? :/23:56
goddardgeirha: yes23:56
daftykinsjrib: oop sorry didn't see i repeated you23:56
jribrobertpolson: read: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Privoxy23:56
ecantook ok sorry.23:56
terminhellmlissner: its neither. If its a newer mobo it may do it automatically. My suggestion is more an oldschool fix.23:56
capronDo any one know what too do ? Can not wake up from suspend mode I only have a black screen no singnal having a ati card.23:57
goddardI tried using two different methos so far smb://d1zcbh91/scripts/ and some one told me to use the real hidden path .gvfs and that gives me a permission denied rather than directory doesn't exsist23:57
geirhagoddard: Are you tab-completing the destination path, typing it in manually, or providing it with drag and drop?23:57
ecantoinstalling ubuntu 9.10, but not working button eject cdrom...23:57
Gorashhey people. I need a hand with a webdav setting. Right now my <IP>/webdav asks for a password (the way i want it) but my <IP> alone also shows contents of davmap, and i dont want that. can anyone give me some pointers!? Please PM Thanks23:58
goddardgeirha right click copy paste23:58
mlissnerterminhell: darn...any other thoughts then? I can't get the thing to boot if the nvidea card is in the pci slot.23:58
geirhagoddard: That's the problem then23:58
geirhagoddard: There's likely spaces and such in the path, which needs to be esacped23:58
VCoolioecanto: close all apps that use files on the cdrom, then eject23:58
terminhellmlissner: wait...what kind of card is it? agp/pci or pcie?23:58
robertpolsonjrib: thanks, it works now :D23:58
jribrobertpolson: no problem23:59
mlissnerterminhell: pcie23:59
goddardgeirha I put the "scripts on xpcomp" in parenthesis23:59
geirhagoddard: Find the folder you want to move something into, then drag that folder to the terminal window, it will input the proper, full path where the cursor is.23:59
Kraianyone knows how to compile .linux file ?23:59
Kraihere is a file whose extension .linux ?23:59

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