
djsiegelhey seg|ars00:29
seg|arswhat's up?00:30
seg|arskklimonda: I fixed that issue we discussed the other day. I figured out how to make it impossible to select text and drag images in the webkit components that are used for navigation. :-)00:31
kklimondaseg|ars, great - can you also disable right click menu? now when you right click and select reload a 404 page shows up :)00:35
seg|arsoh yeah, that's a good point00:36
seg|arsI'll do that now00:36
seg|arsthanks! :-)00:36
seg|arsI got outgoing messages to display with the avatar on the right-hand side: http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/6461/screenshot1v.png00:58

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