RyNy_ | thanks, ok I reverted fine, but same problem. Added drupal and then tried a commit and it freezes. | 00:05 |
Peng | Hit Ctrl+C. What's the traceback, and what does .bzr.log contain? | 00:07 |
RyNy_ | here's the log | 00:10 |
RyNy_ | The logs 50 lines. Should I paste it? | 00:11 |
RyNy_ | Ok, here it is. The directory I'm trying to commit is called "Pressflow: | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | "Pressflow" | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | Sun 2010-02-07 00:04:10 +0000 | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | 0.078 bzr arguments: [u'commit', u'-m', u'Pressflow added, initial commit'] | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | 0.121 looking for plugins in /root/.bazaar/plugins | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | 0.227 looking for plugins in /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/plugins | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | 0.293 encoding stdout as sys.stdout encoding 'UTF-8' | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | 0.432 opening working tree '/' | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | 0.452 preparing to commit | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | [32516] 2010-02-07 00:04:11.319 INFO: Committing to: / | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | 0.481 Selecting files for commit with filter None | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | [32516] 2010-02-07 00:04:11.393 INFO: added var | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | 214.781 Traceback (most recent call last): | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/commands.py", line 842, in exception_to_return_code | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | return the_callable(*args, **kwargs) | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/commands.py", line 1037, in run_bzr | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | ret = run(*run_argv) | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/commands.py", line 654, in run_argv_aliases | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | return self.run(**all_cmd_args) | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/builtins.py", line 3058, in run | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | exclude=safe_relpath_files(tree, exclude)) | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/decorators.py", line 192, in write_locked | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | result = unbound(self, *args, **kwargs) | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/workingtree_4.py", line 197, in commit | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | result = WorkingTree3.commit(self, message, revprops, *args, **kwargs) | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/decorators.py", line 192, in write_locked | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | result = unbound(self, *args, **kwargs) | 00:15 |
RyNy_ | File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/mutabletree.py", line 229, in commit | 00:16 |
RyNy_ | *args, **kwargs) | 00:16 |
RyNy_ | File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/commit.py", line 360, in commit | 00:16 |
RyNy_ | self._update_builder_with_changes() | 00:16 |
RyNy_ | File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/commit.py", line 633, in _update_builder_with_changes | 00:16 |
RyNy_ | self.work_tree, self.basis_revid, iter_changes): | 00:16 |
RyNy_ | File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/repository.py", line 637, in record_iter_changes | 00:16 |
RyNy_ | for change in iter_changes: | 00:16 |
RyNy_ | File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/bzrlib/commit.py", line 654, in _filter_iter_changes | 00:16 |
RyNy_ | for change in iter_changes: | 00:16 |
RyNy_ | File "_dirstate_helpers_pyx.pyx", line 1410, in bzrlib._dirstate_helpers_pyx.ProcessEntryC.__next__ | 00:16 |
RyNy_ | File "_dirstate_helpers_pyx.pyx", line 1683, in bzrlib._dirstate_helpers_pyx.ProcessEntryC._iter_next | 00:16 |
RyNy_ | File "_dirstate_helpers_pyx.pyx", line 1782, in bzrlib._dirstate_helpers_pyx.ProcessEntryC._loop_one_block | 00:16 |
RyNy_ | File "_dirstate_helpers_pyx.pyx", line 1107, in bzrlib._dirstate_helpers_pyx.ProcessEntryC._process_entry | 00:16 |
Stavros | hello | 00:21 |
Stavros | is there a way to export my current working tree as an archive? | 00:21 |
Stavros | sort of like bzr export, but for uncommitted changes | 00:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | RyNy_: please don't paste like that in the channel | 00:22 |
RyNy_ | sorry, what's the best way to share a log file?? | 00:22 |
Stavros | RyNy_: dpaste.com | 00:22 |
RyNy_ | Stavros: thanks, will use this from now on | 00:23 |
Stavros | any idea how i can export uncommitted changes? | 00:24 |
gerard_ | Stavros: how about "bzr diff"? | 00:28 |
gerard_ | Stavros: or did you only add files? | 00:28 |
Stavros | gerard_: i did add some files as well, yes | 00:28 |
Stavros | i'd like to transfer everything so i can continue working on a different machine | 00:28 |
gerard_ | Stavros: you should push to a (private) branch then | 00:29 |
Stavros | i'd need to commit for that, and i don't want to commit unfinished work | 00:29 |
gerard_ | Stavros: how often do you commit? | 00:29 |
gerard_ | I usually commit twice every hour | 00:29 |
Stavros | as often as i'm done working on a feature | 00:29 |
Stavros | this one is a large one | 00:30 |
Stavros | usually it's not a problem | 00:30 |
gerard_ | ok | 00:30 |
gerard_ | how about you commit and then uncommit when you resume working? | 00:30 |
Stavros | doesn't that preserve my commit somewhere? | 00:31 |
Stavros | i always see uncommit mention something about a tip | 00:31 |
gerard_ | yeah, you can "undo" an uncommit | 00:31 |
gerard_ | the head is saved (bzr heads --all will show it) | 00:32 |
Stavros | hmm, can i remove it? | 00:32 |
gerard_ | why would you? | 00:32 |
gerard_ | it will not be pushed anyway | 00:32 |
Stavros | oh | 00:32 |
Stavros | that's fine then, thanks | 00:32 |
Stavros | so it's safe to store private info there? | 00:32 |
Stavros | say, if i accidentally include a password in a file | 00:32 |
Stavros | is it safe to uncommit or do i need to scrap the repo? | 00:33 |
gerard_ | hmm | 00:33 |
gerard_ | I think that uncommit and then pack and then removing the obsolete packs will also clean it up | 00:34 |
gerard_ | I'm not too sure though | 00:34 |
Stavros | hmm, i'll try that and see, thanks | 00:35 |
RyNy_ | Peng: Ok, I basically started over, deleted the .bzr directory and am able to commit fine now. Weird | 00:36 |
RyNy_ | General question: is it ok to add a whole LAMP server under version control. At this point I'm not collaborating with anyone but want to use VC to checkpoint good known states of the LAMP install. | 00:40 |
RyNy_ | Or would it be better to break up my add commands to individual directories? | 00:41 |
gerard_ | RyNy_: it's all just textfiles right? | 00:47 |
gerard_ | you can add them all in one go | 00:47 |
gerard_ | it's not that useful to have a commit with only half of the files needed to run the thing | 00:47 |
RyNy_ | gerard_: yes, all text files for now. | 00:48 |
RyNy_ | I plan on running Drupal so there will be images sometime soon. | 00:48 |
gerard_ | I think it's best to just put the configuration under version control | 00:50 |
RyNy_ | I could use the .bzrignore file to ignore the images directory of Drupal | 00:51 |
gerard_ | yeah it depends on if you want to be able to restore them.... | 00:56 |
RyNy_ | gerard_: thanks. so, I tried to add the whole server and got this error: http://dpaste.com/155621/ | 00:57 |
RyNy_ | I was having problems all day trying to add the same directory var/www/pressflow. | 00:58 |
gerard_ | what? | 00:58 |
gerard_ | that looks weird | 00:59 |
gerard_ | adding dev/.udev/db/\x2fblock\x2fram0 | 00:59 |
gerard_ | you sure you are not adding /dev ? | 00:59 |
RyNy_ | I tried to add the server and then it crashed. | 00:59 |
RyNy_ | I was at / and issued the command bzr add | 01:00 |
gerard_ | hmm, that's not what you want | 01:00 |
gerard_ | I guess you'd just want to put /etc and /var/www under version control | 01:00 |
gerard_ | /dev contains the special files | 01:01 |
gerard_ | /dev/mem is a virtual file that points to your ram | 01:01 |
gerard_ | quite hard to version control that one.... | 01:01 |
gerard_ | and there is lots more there | 01:01 |
RyNy_ | I can't find that directory. Where's dev/ | 01:05 |
Peng | RyNy_: Did you keep a copy of the old data? It would be nice if someone could debug it. | 01:05 |
RyNy_ | Peng_: Yes | 01:06 |
RyNy_ | Ok, I found dev it's at root. I will try to include that in the ignore file and see what happens | 01:09 |
RyNy_ | Peng_: If you want the log let me know. Happy to post it somewhere. | 01:09 |
Peng | Adding your entire computer seems like a very bad idea. | 01:14 |
Peng | Aside from all the special stuff like /dev and /proc, who cares about /usr/lib? | 01:14 |
fullermd | Vesta? 8-} | 01:15 |
RyNy_ | thx | 01:20 |
RyNy_ | Sorry for the basic question, but I take it that /etc gets customized a lot? | 01:23 |
Peng | Sure, versioning /etc is a good idea. Check out etckeeper. | 01:24 |
=== gerard_ is now known as gerard_away | ||
quotemstr | Oh my god. | 01:40 |
quotemstr | 'times' for bzr check: 3664m48.353s 1118m2.436s | 01:40 |
Kamping_Kaiser | o_0 | 01:41 |
quotemstr | That's on Emacs. | 01:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | wow | 01:46 |
lifeless | quotemstr: check is not tuned as much as [say] commit :) | 05:01 |
Peng | Also it has SETI@home embedded. ;-) | 05:06 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hehehe | 05:06 |
lifeless | Peng: something for everyone | 05:15 |
johnjosephbachir | how do i update a checkout to a particular version? (if that's possible). 'updated' does not have an -r options.... | 05:24 |
Kamping_Kaiser | pull -r or merge -r? | 05:25 |
johnjosephbachir | okay | 05:26 |
johnjosephbachir | that will work for a checkout? | 05:26 |
johnjosephbachir | (i know, i should test it... i'm kind of in a jam right now is the thing) | 05:26 |
Peng | BTW, update recently gained a -r argument. | 05:27 |
Peng | (It's in 2.1.0rc1; dunno about 2.0.) | 05:27 |
johnjosephbachir | yay | 05:27 |
Kamping_Kaiser | oh, cool. | 05:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | bzr help update still doesn't list it (in 2.1.0rc2) | 05:29 |
Peng | Ehh. It does for me. | 05:29 |
Peng | Maybe it's only in bzr.dev? | 05:29 |
Peng | (I mean, I'm on bzr.dev. I don't know exactly when it was added, but I thought it was maybe 6 weeks ago.) | 05:29 |
spiv | 2.1.0rc2 has update -r for me. | 05:37 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ah, i have 2.0.3. i'm mis-reading bzr-uilddebs error messag :s | 05:40 |
johnjosephbachir | let's say i'm at revision 100, and foo.txt was removed in revision 90. i want to restore foo.txt. what's the best way to do this? | 05:56 |
johnjosephbachir | i tried merge -r90..89 foo.txt, but bzr doesn't like that it doesn't see foo.txt in 100 | 05:57 |
johnjosephbachir | nevermind, found a stackoverflow thread addressing this. (if anyone wants to see it, let me know) | 05:59 |
Kamping_Kaiser | johnjosephbachir: should include it here for the logs :) | 06:00 |
johnjosephbachir | http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1626507/bzr-restoring-a-deleted-file-after-some-commits-with-bazaar | 06:00 |
spiv | johnjosephbachir: bzr revert -r 90 foo.txt, IIRC | 06:04 |
johnjosephbachir | yep, worked like a charm | 06:04 |
gerard_ | hi | 10:53 |
hicham | how can i checkout a certain revision of a bzr branch ? | 13:11 |
mzz | hicham: many things, including "branch", can take -r <revisionspecifier> | 13:17 |
hicham | mzz : thanks a lot ! | 13:18 |
mzz | np | 13:19 |
=== gerard_ is now known as gerard_away | ||
napster | I made a mistake :) | 15:03 |
napster | $ bzr push lp | 15:04 |
napster | Created new branch. | 15:04 |
napster | What I meant to do is that bzr push lp:panther | 15:04 |
fullermd | Well, don't do that ;p | 15:07 |
napster | fullermd, But I'm drunk!!! ;) | 15:07 |
napster | fullermd, Can I rollback?? | 15:08 |
fullermd | Don't drink and DVCS. | 15:08 |
napster | fullermd, pls leave it, I need it to be rolled back | 15:08 |
fullermd | There's nothing to "rollback" per se. You just created a branch you presumably don't need, so just rm it. | 15:08 |
napster | fullermd, How? | 15:09 |
fullermd | rm -rf? | 15:09 |
fullermd | It's just a filesystem directory. | 15:09 |
napster | fullermd, Thnaks a lot. I'm continue drinking.... thanks a lot dude... ;) | 15:10 |
Lo-lan-do | Hi all | 15:39 |
=== gerard_ is now known as gerard_away | ||
Peng | Using "rm -rf" while drinking can't be a good idea... | 16:34 |
fullermd | Ah, that's what backups are for... | 16:36 |
=== radoe_ is now known as radoe | ||
Lo-lan-do | Is there a way to manually remove revisions from a repo? | 16:42 |
Lo-lan-do | I think my repo has gotten corrupted somehow, probably due to someone doing non-standard stuff with bzr-svn and merges | 16:44 |
mwhudson | morning | 18:40 |
=== Toksyury1l is now known as Toksyuryel | ||
The_User | Heyho! | 20:46 |
The_User | Is it possible to create something like a bzr-session (an interactive mode/you can execute multiple commands)? | 20:57 |
bob2 | bzr shell | 21:04 |
The_User | bob2: ah, my bzrtools installation was broken, thanks | 21:07 |
=== gerard_away is now known as gerard_ | ||
=== quotemstr_ is now known as quotemstr |
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