fale | hi | 00:09 |
fale | Riddell: ping | 00:09 |
Lex79 | fale: I think he's in travel | 00:15 |
fale | Lex79: oh cool, thank you | 00:16 |
fale | I'll get him tomorrow or monday, then ;) | 00:16 |
Lex79 | you're welcome, prego fale ;) | 00:17 |
fale | Lex79: are you it-m? | 00:18 |
Lex79 | yeah :) | 00:18 |
fale | Lex79: oh, cool :) | 00:18 |
Lex79 | :) | 00:18 |
vorian | ping ninjas | 02:04 |
nixternal | i am wearing my ninja pajamas, does that make me a ninja? | 02:05 |
* vorian was wondering what needs doing | 02:06 | |
vorian | i was just following the /topics instructions :) | 02:06 |
dhillon-v10 | nixternal: hi there :) I would like to help out as well so anything for me besides docs. | 02:13 |
=== vorian is now known as obama | ||
=== obama is now known as vorian | ||
ejat | is the libqtcore 4.6.1 on build ? | 11:26 |
fale | Riddell: ping ;) | 13:32 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
siegie | Are there any plans to package Qt 4.6.1 for karmic, Or does it come together with the final version kde 4.4. | 17:37 |
siegie | because Qt 4.6 is the cause for some plasma chrashes. | 17:38 |
fm | how to recover default desktop in kubuntu ? | 17:48 |
fm | i deleted it but i was not on purpose | 17:49 |
ulysses | fm: rm -r .kde/ ? | 17:49 |
fm | ok i will try | 17:51 |
siegie | fm: that deletes also the mail off kmail, your settings/log in kopete etc... | 17:53 |
fm | and how can i recover then? | 17:54 |
siegie | fm: I normally just move the folder .kde, and copy the stuff i need back. | 17:58 |
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates | ||
* e-jat agreed with siegie | 18:05 | |
e-jat | libqtcore :( | 18:05 |
e-jat | 4.6.1 | 18:05 |
fm | "rm -rf .kde " this command does't seem to work. where am wrong | 18:07 |
Riddell | fale: you pinged? | 18:20 |
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk | ||
fale | Riddell: yes, wanted to show you this: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/LucidPatchReview | 18:21 |
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates | ||
seele | Riddell: when is your flight to DC? | 18:24 |
seele | what airport are you flying into? above ground metro is still closed | 18:24 |
Riddell | seele: latest one is from seattle and gets in at 06:25 tomorrow morning | 18:24 |
Riddell | into Dulles | 18:25 |
seele | er.. does the metro bus start that early in the morning? | 18:25 |
Riddell | I've no idea | 18:25 |
Lex79 | Riddell: Couldn't configure pre-depend virtuoso-opensource-6.0-bin for virtuoso-opensource-6.0, probably a dependency cycle. | 18:25 |
seele | Riddell: are you taking a taxi to town? | 18:26 |
ScottK | seele: It does if the weather doesn't stop it | 18:26 |
* ScottK didn't manage to leave town today | 18:26 | |
Riddell | Lex79: hmm ok I'll take a look in a bit, although those packages go to universe, it's only virtuoso-nepomuk I care about | 18:26 |
seele | ScottK: metro is still running emergency lines only, dunno if IAD shuttle to metro counts | 18:27 |
Lex79 | ok | 18:27 |
Riddell | seele: I haven't thought that far ahead | 18:27 |
* ScottK neither | 18:27 | |
seele | and vienna is still above ground which is closed | 18:27 |
ScottK | We've got the driveway almost shoveled, but no plow yet, so even if my flight today hadn't been canceled, I couldn't have got to it. | 18:27 |
seele | Riddell: http://www.washfly.com/flyer_bus_schedule.htm | 18:28 |
seele | ScottK: yeah.. havent dug out my car yet either, not looking forward to it | 18:28 |
Riddell | so, any good places to go sledging in your city? :) | 18:29 |
seele | dunno, ask maco | 18:30 |
seele | ScottK: if your trip gets cancelled you are obligated to come to the CALUG and KDE 4.4 meet ups :) | 18:31 |
ScottK | Heh. | 18:31 |
ScottK | Assuming the plow comes by Thursday. | 18:32 |
seele | lol | 18:35 |
seele | the governor of virginia was saying they werent going to be able to clear the roads for people to get to work until tuesday | 18:35 |
ScottK | I just found out our county has a snow plow tracker. | 18:45 |
ScottK | http://snow2.co.ho.md.us/GridMap.asp?col=6&row=4 | 18:45 |
ScottK | It looks like they are working on side streets, so I have some hope. | 18:45 |
seele | oh wow that's cool | 18:47 |
yuriy | who did the ubuquity slides? | 19:12 |
yuriy | i don't think they like konqueror enough :P | 19:12 |
=== ikonia_ is now known as the_tester | ||
yuriy | also they need updating, where are they stored? | 19:12 |
ScottK | nixternal did them IIRC. | 19:17 |
hunger_p | Will there be ubuntu one for lucid/kubuntu? | 19:20 |
ScottK | If someone writes it. apachelogger started | 19:20 |
hunger_p | ScottK: Nice! Hope UO will not drag half of gnome onto my system. | 19:22 |
nixternal | yuriy: waiting for shtylman to update the code and get back with me on the slides...there are new slides for both desktop and netbook that have been updated | 19:28 |
yuriy | nixternal: oh great! | 19:28 |
yuriy | do you know if he's also updating the artwork to 4.4 style air? | 19:28 |
nixternal | I believe so | 19:29 |
yuriy | ah finally have my desktop back | 19:31 |
yuriy | albeit stuck tethering to my laptop for internet | 19:32 |
maco | Riddell: there's a park near my flat where people go sledding when it snows | 19:38 |
maco | Riddell, seele: buses start at 7am on weekdays | 19:38 |
maco | Riddell: the washington flyer seele is referring to goes to the West Falls Church station. it's above ground. may be closed. | 19:39 |
crimsun | is is closed. | 19:39 |
crimsun | it's the same schedule as yesterday. | 19:39 |
crimsun | right, "it is"... | 19:39 |
maco | crimsun: talking about tomorrow | 19:40 |
maco | i know stuff's closed today. tomorrow is still unknown | 19:40 |
crimsun | which park? MH/MX? | 19:40 |
crimsun | that's going to be closed for sledding. | 19:40 |
crimsun | if traffic is roped off, you could try 13th. | 19:40 |
maco | crimsun: yes mh/mx | 19:40 |
maco | yeah i saw the blogs saying there were 13th st. sledders | 19:41 |
crimsun | was kinda neat,I was out there yesterday | 19:41 |
nixternal | it's great seeing places other than chicago getting sucker punched with snow :) | 19:42 |
crimsun | <-- former MN resident, used to snow | 19:43 |
Tm_T | snow? what's that? | 19:43 |
* Tm_T hides | 19:43 | |
nixternal | something that is barely covering the ground now in chicago :) | 19:43 |
nixternal | you still see the 8 to 10 foot high mounds in the parking lots, and not even an inch on the ground | 19:44 |
maco | my mum called me to whinge yesterday about the lack of snow | 19:44 |
nixternal | that's good, seeing as for a solid month or two, we had no less than 2 to 3 feet of snow on the ground | 19:44 |
maco | laptop battery about to go...bbl | 19:44 |
nixternal | unlike the east coast though, we don't shut down | 19:44 |
nixternal | no such thing as "road closed", though they do close school now when there is 4 to 6 inches, whereas when I was in school, you needed at least a foot | 19:45 |
shtylman | has 4.4 been tagged? | 19:46 |
nixternal | in my 12 years of schooling back then, we had 1 snow day...just 1, and it was really do to the fact that not only did we get a bit of snow, but we also got severe thunderstorms with it, which was the weirdest thing I ever saw | 19:46 |
Riddell | shtylman: yes | 19:46 |
seele | FUCKING CAPS | 19:48 |
seele | argh | 19:48 |
seele | fuck ovechkin | 19:49 |
shtylman | Riddell: cool.... any reason to suspect that your kdebase packages are broken right now? | 19:49 |
shtylman | I installed updates and the kdm/ethais folder has only a wallpapers folder | 19:49 |
shtylman | and nothing else | 19:49 |
shtylman | obviously this causes kdm to puke itself | 19:49 |
* yuriy is glad someone is swearing about hockey today | 19:49 | |
seele | as opposed to football? hehe | 19:50 |
Riddell | shtylman: yes that's broken, I was just about to look at it | 19:51 |
shtylman | Riddell: gotcha... ok ... so im not insane :) | 19:51 |
Riddell | gosh, seele has turned into an angry person, what's going on? | 19:52 |
seele | Riddell: eh? | 19:52 |
crimsun | your enthusiasm, I think. | 19:53 |
seele | i wouldnt call enthusiasm for hockey a new personality trait | 19:54 |
Riddell | hmm, this sounds like organised sport | 19:54 |
nixternal | seele: GO BLACKHAWKS! | 19:55 |
nixternal | the caps, pfft | 19:55 |
Riddell | oh no, it's spreading | 19:56 |
seele | GO PENS! | 19:56 |
seele | fuck the caps | 19:56 |
* yuriy checks if there's a game today | 19:56 | |
nixternal | I remember their first season, as I was living there then, and their entire team was made up of boston bruins members from the year before | 19:56 |
nixternal | they had joey juneau, one of my all-time favorite players | 19:56 |
crimsun | stupid pens. | 19:56 |
crimsun | go canes! oh wait... | 19:56 |
nixternal | hehe | 19:57 |
yuriy | oh nice, in 3 minutes. GO BRUINS | 19:57 |
Riddell | I feel so left out, I'm not watching anyone play games and I have no urge to should abuse at anyone | 19:59 |
nixternal | yuriy: the Bruins are better actors than they are hockey players :p | 20:00 |
yuriy | i feel the urge to shoud abuse at Gigabyte and Netgear | 20:01 |
nixternal | though, I would never disrespect the bruins while in boston | 20:01 |
seele | nixternal: that would mean death | 20:01 |
nixternal | I learned the hard way many years ago | 20:01 |
shtylman | Riddell: im with you :) | 20:02 |
shtylman | Riddell: although...I might watch the super bowl today for the commercials | 20:02 |
Riddell | can't these pens and caps and whatnot sit down over a nice cup of tea and resolve their differences? | 20:02 |
shtylman | hahaha | 20:02 |
Riddell | shtylman: ah what a country you have, the most important event in my two week stay where is adverts | 20:03 |
yuriy | ok I don't undestand this. how do all but 7 teams in the league have winning records? | 20:03 |
yuriy | maybe i'm missing OTLs | 20:03 |
yuriy | yeah i guess that's it | 20:04 |
persia | shtylman: If you want to avoid all the sport, http://www.superbowl-ads.com/ tends to get things fairly quickly. | 20:04 |
yuriy | modern hockey stats are weird | 20:04 |
nixternal | shtylman: that's why I watch the super bowl...the commercials rock | 20:04 |
Riddell | and american's wonder why nobody appreciates their culture | 20:05 |
nixternal | we don't even appreciate our culture | 20:05 |
seele | hockey and tea? | 20:06 |
seele | not everyone is an easy convert to quakerism | 20:06 |
nixternal | lol | 20:06 |
shtylman | heh | 20:07 |
shtylman | persia: good call | 20:07 |
seele | i think hulu is going to have a superbowl ads channel too you can go to watch them | 20:08 |
nixternal | "If these systems "phase" together, or become one larger system, a major snow event of 6 to 10 inches will be likely." -- shit, I jinxed myself earlier poking fun at you east coasters | 20:08 |
seele | nixternal: 6-10 inches? oh please | 20:08 |
nixternal | 6 to 10 inches means a foot and a half at least due to the lake effect | 20:08 |
Riddell | I knew I should have packed my hat | 20:08 |
seele | ok, that's more like it | 20:08 |
seele | Riddell: i hope you have more than just a jumper to keep warm :P | 20:09 |
* Tm_T has 40-60 cm snow here <3 | 20:09 | |
nixternal | seele: you guys only had 2 major snowstorms, where the first melted in just over a week there....we had 2 to 3 feet for almost 2 months here | 20:09 |
nixternal | we just had most of ours melt with just about an inch falling yesterday | 20:09 |
seele | nixternal: washington dc isn't exactly equiped for persistant cold weather conditions | 20:09 |
crimsun | it isn't if Riddell can't pop down and buy another jumper ;) | 20:09 |
nixternal | you can still see the grass, which is quite ugly | 20:09 |
crimsun | as if * | 20:09 |
seele | where a foot of snow is usually managed within 12 hours, it shuts down the city for two days here | 20:10 |
seele | crimsun: Riddell wouldnt even go buy new shoes when his broke | 20:10 |
nixternal | seele: I don't know they aren't....I lived there for the ice storm in 94, the blizzard of 96 which was more than the 2 major ones this season, and then they have these 2 back to back punches | 20:10 |
seele | nixternal: we were out of salt and a million over our snow management budget by December 5th | 20:11 |
seele | i would say they arent :) | 20:11 |
nixternal | hahaha | 20:11 |
nixternal | we had that last year here in chicago | 20:11 |
Riddell | oh I'm sorry for wanting to repair my belongings before using up earths valuable resources buying new ones! | 20:11 |
nixternal | it just sounds like the east coast didn't catch up this season | 20:11 |
nixternal | Riddell: don't be sorry, I do the same thing, but it isn't for the earth, it is because I am a cheapskate | 20:11 |
Riddell | what was I saying about American culture? :) | 20:12 |
nixternal | haha | 20:12 |
seele | if people would get over not wearing leather, their shoes would last longer than the fake plastic alternatives | 20:12 |
nixternal | you need to head into the inner cities here if you want to see culture | 20:12 |
nixternal | I wear adidas, they last longer than all | 20:13 |
seele | nixternal: should i drop him off in PG County or Baltimore City for a night? ;) | 20:13 |
nixternal | i still wear a pair of adidas from the early 90s | 20:13 |
crimsun | the latter | 20:13 |
seele | lol | 20:13 |
nixternal | seele: SE DC on the PG border | 20:13 |
crimsun | PG is on the up, didn't you hear/read? ;) | 20:13 |
seele | i have a pair of docs from high school | 20:13 |
nixternal | though BC is pretty bad, but I just never witnessed it | 20:13 |
crimsun | SE is actually nicer than PG in many parts | 20:13 |
seele | nixternal: foreigners are scared of BC because of The Wired, hehe | 20:13 |
seele | crimsun: gentrification projects imo | 20:14 |
nixternal | I worked a part time security gig when I was in the Navy, and they made me work at a strip mall in PG county...needless to say, I was scared shitless | 20:14 |
shtylman | Riddell: you are just jealous cause you don't have an SUV :p | 20:14 |
Riddell | I've seen the Wire, I know how to talk Baltimore, I could manage that, I'll convert them all to free software | 20:14 |
crimsun | I lived in an ok part of PG; nothing freaky to report (though a few people got mugged after I met them) | 20:14 |
seele | shtylman: hey.. there are some places in this country where a SUV is useful | 20:14 |
shtylman | heheh | 20:15 |
nixternal | crimsun: yeah, the southern part of PG is nice, by the naval time center or whatever it is called | 20:15 |
crimsun | hmm, no strong correlation after people getting mugged and me meeting them. I hope not, at least. | 20:15 |
nixternal | tom clancy lives in PG County, been to his house...he has a tank and ch-60 (blackhawk) helicoptor in his front yard | 20:16 |
nixternal | I have only been mugged by shotgun on MARTA in Atlanta | 20:17 |
seele | nixternal: s/house/bunker? | 20:17 |
nixternal | and once at Maxwell Street in Chicago, when I was in like 9th grade...jumped me, and stole my damn clothes...left me in my underwear and a pair of socks, just for the old North Carolina Michael Jordan jump suit | 20:17 |
nixternal | seele: no, it is a really nice house..he is a military author so he has them setup like a museum | 20:18 |
seele | i swear i thought he lived in a bunker | 20:18 |
seele | (i know who tom clancy is) | 20:18 |
nixternal | oh, he is actually in Calvert County, Huntington | 20:19 |
Riddell | so this superbowl thing, when is it? | 20:20 |
nixternal | err, prince fred, not huntington | 20:21 |
seele | Riddell: 3 hours i think | 20:21 |
shtylman | Riddell: its an all day event for some people | 20:22 |
shtylman | the sports channels talk about it forever | 20:22 |
persia | Doesn't the actual game start in about three hours? | 20:22 |
shtylman | yea | 20:22 |
shtylman | something like that | 20:22 |
neversfelde | 2 h 37 min | 20:22 |
nixternal | 5:30pm kickoff here in chicago, which is about 3 hours | 20:23 |
neversfelde | so how long is a halftime? | 20:24 |
shtylman | I think the Who are playing | 20:24 |
shtylman | its 30min? | 20:24 |
neversfelde | yes | 20:25 |
shtylman | iirc | 20:25 |
neversfelde | waiting for that | 20:25 |
Riddell | you guys are really serious about these adverts aren't you? | 20:25 |
seele | who is the halftime show? | 20:25 |
crimsun | Riddell: if it isn't already obvious, yes. | 20:25 |
shtylman | Riddell: you have no idea | 20:25 |
seele | Riddell: yes, it's the reason why a lot of people watch the superbowl | 20:25 |
neversfelde | not that I am not interested in football, but I do not know the rules enough to join the fun ;) | 20:25 |
seele | it's the biggest day in advertising | 20:25 |
shtylman | Riddell: they are some of the best ads | 20:25 |
crimsun | what seele typed. | 20:25 |
nixternal | seele: yes, the who is the halftime show :) | 20:26 |
nixternal | who is on first? | 20:26 |
Riddell | but adverts aren't good things, they're the annoying bits you go and turn the kettle on during! | 20:26 |
nixternal | Riddell: yes, but not for the superbowl, as they are all first timers typically, and they go all out and make them funny most of the time | 20:26 |
neversfelde | aren't there only ads about chips and beer? | 20:26 |
nixternal | I love the new e*trade baby one | 20:26 |
yuriy | Riddell: because of the audience and cost of the ad space, the ad creators put a lot of money and creativity into these ads, so it becomes like watching a pretty good TV show | 20:27 |
nixternal | oh, and puxatony polamalu one is hillarious | 20:27 |
crimsun | how about the google one? | 20:28 |
nixternal | didn't see that one | 20:28 |
Riddell | how are you talking about these things if you haven't already seen them? | 20:29 |
nixternal | crimsun: seems that the google one is top secret and will air in the 3rd quarter, and the quote from google is "Hell has indeed frozen over." | 20:29 |
shtylman | yea | 20:30 |
shtylman | im looking forward to that one | 20:30 |
shtylman | could be good | 20:30 |
nixternal | Riddell: they provide teasers the day or so before | 20:30 |
crimsun | nixternal: a couple sites (techcrunch, engadget) have linked to spoilers | 20:30 |
Riddell | ! | 20:30 |
nixternal | shtylman: I am guessing it will be Chrome OS and maybe a tablet? | 20:30 |
Riddell | you have adverts for adverts?! | 20:30 |
nixternal | haha yeah | 20:30 |
nixternal | Riddell: you know, that Americal Culture is amazing :p | 20:30 |
nixternal | American rather | 20:30 |
crimsun | Riddell: is that so surprising? We make money from speculating about debt FFS. | 20:30 |
nixternal | this is america, where it is illegal in most places to gamble a few bucks on the game today, but it is perfectly fine to gamble your life savings in the stock market | 20:31 |
yuriy | Riddell: lmao | 20:31 |
yuriy | yes. | 20:31 |
shtylman | nixternal: now that would be something new... | 20:32 |
shtylman | you could be right tho | 20:32 |
Riddell | and not only do you have adverts about adverts but you go out of your way to watch them so you know what is going to be advertised during a sports event you don't even care about | 20:32 |
persia | Riddell: You may find it instructive to watch the archive of adverts from past years to better understand (see link I posted earlier) | 20:32 |
nixternal | you are gambling with stocks, you are placing money on a stock betting it will win, therefor making you money | 20:32 |
nixternal | I did a paper on it in college, and it really pissed off my conservative professor | 20:33 |
nixternal | I wonder if we will see a Toyota commercial? :p | 20:33 |
persia | The complete list if available. Mostly hyundai, IIRC, but check the listing to be sure. | 20:34 |
persia | s/if/is/ | 20:34 |
Riddell | is this thing on only one channel? | 20:35 |
shtylman | I think so | 20:35 |
shtylman | cause its a big deal | 20:35 |
shtylman | for the channel showing it | 20:36 |
shtylman | (ad revenue) | 20:36 |
persia | There's sometimes a couple different channels, depending on how the rights are allocated, and how many countries you can access. | 20:36 |
yuriy | nixternal: i've been laughing at toyota commercials every time the last week | 20:38 |
persia | Indeed. No Toyota this year. | 20:39 |
nixternal | yeah, poor toyota...i think when the results come out, ford will now be number 1 and toyoto will either move down 1 or 2 spots in rankings | 20:40 |
nixternal | http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFzIdZbypNk <- I love this one | 20:43 |
Riddell | rankings? | 20:43 |
nixternal | Riddell: toyota is the #1 auto manufacturer in the world | 20:43 |
nixternal | but after their massive recall, they will probably be #2 or #3 | 20:44 |
Riddell | ah, number of cars sold | 20:44 |
nixternal | they are losing like 200+ million dollars a day in the united states alone | 20:44 |
nixternal | right, and right now they can't sell more than half of their fleet | 20:44 |
Riddell | yet another kdebase-runtime tar | 20:48 |
Tm_T | Riddell: hopefully last one | 20:50 |
* Tm_T is eagerly waiting that he can yell "it's out!" (: | 20:52 | |
Riddell | seele: did we win the hockey? | 21:48 |
seele | Riddell: no, when i said FUCK THE CAPS, that should have been a clue to the outcome | 21:48 |
Riddell | oh I see, I'm sorry for your loss | 21:49 |
seele | ovechkin is a beast | 21:49 |
seele | crosby+malkin still isnt enough | 21:49 |
seele | can't wait to see what happens in the olympics though, canada is going to be hot | 21:49 |
seele | i want to see canada+sweden in the final | 21:49 |
crimsun | I'll miss the Olympics by a short couple weeks :( | 21:50 |
shtylman | seele: I read "FUCK THE CAPS" as fuck caps lock... hmmm :) | 21:50 |
seele | shtylman: no, the yelling was on purpose :) | 21:51 |
shtylman | seele: indeed... realized in retrospect | 21:51 |
sgh | Hi! | 21:52 |
Riddell | hi sgh, let me reassure you we are all hard at work on Kubuntu even if some of us blasmpheme about organised sport | 21:52 |
shtylman | Riddell speaks lies | 21:53 |
sgh | Riddell: that ok. I will rephrase my questing into a reaching hand then. Apparently NM has stopped working since alpha2. If there is anything I can do, please tell. | 21:55 |
sgh | Riddell: somehow after looking at the history I think that shtylman is right..... :D | 21:58 |
Riddell | my knetworkmanager has been working fine all week except today when it suddently stopped working | 21:59 |
Riddell | I haven't heard other complaints and I haven't been able to look into it yet | 21:59 |
sgh | Riddell: ok. I think it maybe related to kde. Cause daemon.log looks okay. knetworkmanager says "Network management disabled". Which is obiously not correct. | 22:03 |
Riddell | sgh: trying network-manager-gnome is the first way to test that | 22:05 |
ScottK | Working here as of yesterday. | 22:06 |
Riddell | moving ~/.kde/share/config/networkmanagementrc and restarting is another quick check | 22:07 |
sgh | Riddell: Fresh user is does not work, so networkmanagementrc seems so be not guilty. | 22:08 |
sgh_ | Riddell: Ok ,,, worked. gnome.network-manager hade a switch on the ui. "Enable networking". After flipping that switch on the KDE network-manager worked againg. Also worked after a reboot. | 22:20 |
Riddell | hum | 22:20 |
Riddell | but why would it be turned off in the first place? | 22:20 |
crimsun | Riddell: looks like you might have a chance to fly into IAD | 22:34 |
Riddell | it's not been cancelled yet | 22:37 |
crimsun | lucky you | 22:39 |
verbalshadow | Riddell: having to use nm-applet to enable network management has happen to me as well | 22:39 |
ScottK | crimsun: How's it look for getting out of DCA tomorrow? | 22:42 |
* shtylman upgraded my work computer to kubuntu lucid | 22:48 | |
shtylman | now trying to get everything working | 22:48 |
Riddell | shtylman: what broke? | 22:49 |
shtylman | Riddell: besides kdm... there were random packages (plasma-desktop) missing for some reason...but nothing major... | 22:49 |
shtylman | most of the work is nut kubuntu related | 22:50 |
shtylman | just getting all the network mounts and whatnot working | 22:50 |
shtylman | s/nut/not | 22:50 |
shtylman | but overall it is working :) | 22:50 |
Riddell | hmm, cheesy song on this organised sport thing | 23:19 |
Riddell | ooh they're american, good thing they had a flag the size of a football pitch to remind me, I'd never have noticed | 23:23 |
crimsun | ScottK: not all that great, but we'll see tomorrow? | 23:54 |
seele | Riddell: i hope you dont say these things outloud wherever you are, you might start a fight | 23:54 |
crimsun | don't worry, maco will protect him | 23:55 |
seele | maco is in portland? | 23:55 |
crimsun | not that I know of. I was referring when he arrives. | 23:55 |
Riddell | these American football players don't seem to be very good, they never actually play for more than 10 seconds before causing a foul or otherwise stopping | 23:55 |
crimsun | sigh, missing words again | 23:55 |
seele | i dont know what she's going to do now that she's a newly converted quaker | 23:55 |
seele | stand there and watch maybe? | 23:55 |
maco | hehe | 23:56 |
maco | isnt that what he'd do too? :P | 23:56 |
crimsun | could stare real harsh-like | 23:56 |
seele | yeah, that's real scary | 23:56 |
maco | im bad at harsh staring :( | 23:58 |
Riddell | I have to get out of here, people are discussing anti-abortion adverts, wish me luck at the airport | 23:59 |
Tm_T | Riddell: have fun and travel safe | 23:59 |
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