mwhudson | morning | 18:40 |
mwhudson | oh yes | 19:54 |
mwhudson | chr this week | 19:54 |
=== mwhudson changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | Week 1 of 10.02 | PQM is open | | Get the code: | On-call review in irc:// | Use for pastes | Channel logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu | ||
mwhudson | jpds: hi | 20:07 |
jpds | mwhudson: 'lo, so right now I have - however, line 38 isn't taking any effect on the mirror's registration. | 20:08 |
mwhudson | jpds: hmm | 20:09 |
mwhudson | jpds: where is the corresponding browser code? | 20:10 |
mwhudson | oh lp.registry.browser.distributionmirror | 20:11 |
mwhudson | jpds: well, you don't do anything with the view | 20:14 |
mwhudson | there's nothing in the test to make it look like a POST | 20:14 |
jpds | mwhudson: Hmm, OK, all the other +edit seem to be doing the same thing. | 20:15 |
jpds | +edit tests* | 20:16 |
mwhudson | jpds: ah, you need 'field.actions.something' in the dict | 20:16 |
mwhudson | like dict[''] = 'Save' | 20:17 |
mwhudson | to cargo cult from another test | 20:17 |
jpds | mwhudson: Oh, that's what I was missing, thanks! | 20:18 |
mwhudson | jpds: np | 20:18 |
mwhudson | jpds: i hope you're enjoying hacking launchpad :-) | 20:18 |
jpds | mwhudson: When it works, when it works. :) | 20:19 |
mwhudson | jpds: doesn't mean that much to me, but cool :-) | 20:20 |
mwhudson | wgrant: how in-progress is really? | 22:34 |
mup | Bug #509892: Store upload log for SourcePackageRecipeBuilds <wellington> <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:In Progress by wgrant> <> | 22:34 |
mwhudson | wgrant: is there a branch? | 22:34 |
Ursinha | mwhudson: hi | 22:54 |
mwhudson | Ursinha: hello | 22:54 |
Ursinha | mwhudson: yet about the tagging script.. :) I had a little chat with abentley about how to solve that problem of branches without branch-nick property set | 22:55 |
mwhudson | Ursinha: ok | 22:55 |
Ursinha | he suggest that instead of monitoring revisions on devel/db-devel branches, I could watch for new merged branches | 22:55 |
Ursinha | mwhudson: but I couldn't find a way of doing tht | 22:56 |
Ursinha | *that | 22:56 |
thumper | morning | 22:56 |
mwhudson | thumper: AKL? | 22:56 |
thumper | yep | 22:56 |
mwhudson | thumper: 'grats, i guess | 22:56 |
thumper | I have fruit toast and a flat white | 22:56 |
mwhudson | thumper: domestic lounge? | 22:57 |
thumper | yep | 22:57 |
mwhudson | Ursinha: hmm | 22:57 |
Ursinha | mwhudson: I mean, I don't know how to ask launchpad for the latest merged branches, is that I way? | 22:57 |
thumper | Ursinha: are you doing the tag qa stuff? | 22:57 |
mwhudson | thumper: i liked that lounge, the one time i've been there so far | 22:57 |
Ursinha | thumper: yes | 22:57 |
Ursinha | trying to :) | 22:57 |
mwhudson | Ursinha: yeah, i don't think there is a direct way | 22:57 |
thumper | Ursinha: jml has a script that you should see | 22:57 |
mwhudson | (we don't record when branch status changes happen) | 22:57 |
Ursinha | thumper: what does the script do? | 22:58 |
thumper | works out which branches are on devel but not edge, and db-devel but not staging | 22:58 |
thumper | maybe revisions, not branches | 22:58 |
Ursinha | thumper: so, here's the problem | 22:58 |
thumper | we do track date_last_modified on branches | 22:59 |
thumper | and when something is marked as merged, that is set | 22:59 |
thumper | so while not perfect, it is something | 22:59 |
mwhudson | tbh | 22:59 |
Ursinha | thumper: but how can I ask only for the recently changed? otherwise I'd have to ask for all of them and see which one are new in the set | 22:59 |
mwhudson | probably the most reliable way of doing this currently is subscribing to the branches and parsing the emails | 22:59 |
mwhudson | though that only works if there's a merge proposal i guess... | 23:00 |
thumper | Ursinha: you are right, no easy way right now | 23:00 |
mwhudson | thumper: it's sunny in dunedin, i can tell from the cricket :-) | 23:00 |
thumper | cool | 23:00 |
Ursinha | thumper: I'd love suggestions :) | 23:00 |
Ursinha | thumper: first I thought that getting the branch-nick from the revision would work | 23:01 |
Ursinha | but some doesn't have the branch-nick property set | 23:01 |
thumper | Ursinha: often works but not always | 23:01 |
Ursinha | thumper: yeah, I realized that | 23:01 |
mwhudson | i guess we want a richer hook in the scanner really | 23:01 |
thumper | there should always be a branch nick I thought | 23:01 |
thumper | mwhudson: richer hook to do what? | 23:01 |
Ursinha | thumper: what sets the branch nick? | 23:01 |
mwhudson | thumper: be notified when a branch is marked as merged | 23:02 |
thumper | Ursinha: the branch command, or explicitly setting the nick | 23:02 |
thumper | mwhudson: there is an event that is fired for that | 23:02 |
Ursinha | thumper: hmm, nice | 23:02 |
mwhudson | thumper: yeah, but it's in process only | 23:02 |
mwhudson | something like might be cool | 23:02 |
thumper | hmm... | 23:03 |
thumper | mwhudson: I was also thinking web-hooks | 23:03 |
mwhudson | or xmpp or whatever | 23:03 |
thumper | mwhudson: although that may not do exactly what we want | 23:03 |
thumper | webhooks wouldn't be too hard to write | 23:03 |
Ursinha | thumper: how would I use that? | 23:03 |
mwhudson | Ursinha: so first, fix launchpad! | 23:03 |
mwhudson | :-) | 23:04 |
thumper | heh | 23:04 |
Ursinha | lol | 23:04 |
thumper | Ursinha: well, we'd have to write it first | 23:04 |
thumper | but then you would be able to connect a web hook to a branch | 23:04 |
mwhudson | Ursinha: | 23:04 |
thumper | Ursinha: what mwhudson said | 23:04 |
mwhudson | we'd have to offer project wide subscriptions or something | 23:04 |
mwhudson | if you could subscribe to attribute changes on all branches already you could do it by parsing email | 23:05 |
Ursinha | mwhudson: hmm, that's cool | 23:05 |
Ursinha | (the link, I mean) | 23:06 |
mwhudson | yeah, it's a cool idea | 23:06 |
mwhudson | i guess it doesn't solve your immediate problem though... | 23:07 |
mwhudson | interesting bunch of people in the commenters | 23:09 |
mwhudson | simon willison makes the point that had occurred to me... | 23:09 |
mwhudson | i'd probably want to write the webhook pinger in twisted | 23:09 |
thumper | mwhudson: well, structural subscriptions for branches was never really delivered | 23:10 |
mwhudson | thumper: yah | 23:11 |
thumper | s/really// | 23:11 |
Ursinha | mwhudson: when subscribed to a branch, what changes do I get? | 23:11 |
thumper | mwhudson: I would have thought a job to do the webhooks | 23:11 |
thumper | Ursinha: it depends what you ask for | 23:12 |
mwhudson | thumper: i guess using aaron's twisted runner :-) | 23:12 |
thumper | Ursinha: you can ask for all revision mail | 23:12 |
Ursinha | thumper: what can I ask for :) | 23:12 |
Ursinha | ah | 23:12 |
mwhudson | Ursinha: you can get notification of status updates for sure | 23:12 |
thumper | Ursinha: you can get revision email without diffs if you like | 23:12 |
thumper | Ursinha: and status updates for when merged | 23:12 |
Ursinha | thumper: I guess that subscribing to all branches and parsing email could be one way.. but even though, how would I know about newly created branches only? | 23:13 |
Ursinha | thumper: or, how hard would it be to implement a way to getting branches by date_created? | 23:15 |
thumper | Ursinha: with that structural subscriptions stuff that we haven't written yet | 23:15 |
thumper | Ursinha: probably not too hard | 23:15 |
thumper | thumper: although I feel that adding lots of optional fields to getBranches is getting a little icky, but may be the only way | 23:16 |
thumper | mwhudson: thoughts? | 23:16 |
mwhudson | thumper: "it would be nice if we could expose branchcollection through the api" | 23:16 |
mwhudson | until then, lots of optional fields to getBranches isn't so bad i guess | 23:17 |
thumper | mwhudson: we don't have an adaptation method in the api | 23:17 |
thumper | mwhudson: although gary was keen to hear more about the idea | 23:17 |
thumper | mwhudson: so something may happen | 23:17 |
* thumper crosses fingers | 23:17 | |
mwhudson | yeah, jml was vaguely optimistic at lca about it | 23:18 |
Ursinha | thumper: when you say it's probably not hard, you mean it could be done in a near future? :) | 23:20 |
thumper | Ursinha: it could be done in less than 30 minutes | 23:21 |
Ursinha | holy crap | 23:21 |
thumper | Ursinha: most of that is writing the test | 23:21 |
thumper | Ursinha: the code to do it is trivial | 23:21 |
thumper | Ursinha: if you know where to look | 23:21 |
Ursinha | thumper: really? can you do that? :) | 23:21 |
thumper | not right now... my brain is fuzz | 23:21 |
Ursinha | thumper: I can find you coffee if you want :) | 23:22 |
thumper | Ursinha: file a bug, assign it to me, and I'll get it done first as a priority for you | 23:22 |
mwhudson | my brain is not so fuzzy but i don't know how to do it :-) | 23:22 |
Ursinha | thumper: thank you very much a bazillion times | 23:23 |
thumper | mwhudson: I've created the branch already | 23:23 |
thumper | I'll see what I can get done in the next 10 minutes before boarding | 23:23 |
* thumper violates kanban even more | 23:23 | |
Ursinha | thumper: that's ninja | 23:25 |
thumper | mwhudson: do you know how to pass a date into the API? | 23:25 |
* thumper tries just setting as datetime | 23:26 | |
mwhudson | thumper: no | 23:26 |
thumper | Ursinha: would a modified_since be enough for you? | 23:26 |
thumper | Ursinha: we don't currently expose the created since through the collection | 23:27 |
Ursinha | thumper: hm | 23:38 |
thumper | Ursinha: well, tough that is what you are getting :) | 23:38 |
Ursinha | thumper: haha | 23:38 |
Ursinha | thumper: well, modified_since should work, I guess | 23:38 |
Ursinha | thumper: if I create a branch today, that modified_since would be today, right? | 23:39 |
thumper | yep | 23:39 |
Ursinha | thumper: so awesome | 23:39 |
* thumper is just finishing off the test | 23:40 | |
thumper | boarding call expected in < 5 minutes | 23:40 |
thumper | TypeError: datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=<UTC>) is not JSON serializable | 23:41 |
thumper | arse | 23:41 |
dhillon-v10 | mwhudson: hi there :) | 23:41 |
* thumper tries something else | 23:41 | |
Ursinha | thumper: bug 518607 | 23:42 |
mwhudson | dhillon-v10: hi | 23:42 |
mup | Bug #518607: Add a way of searching for branches by date_created using the API <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:New> <> | 23:42 |
dhillon-v10 | mwhudson: a quick question, is is possible to add a page to launchpad, this was a feature request, someone wanted to have stock replies in launchpad, so what I thought we could do is to copy/port the stock replies from ubuntu wiki page to a launchpad page, and on the little sidebar where it says "Convert to Question" have a link to that page, is that possible | 23:44 |
mwhudson | dhillon-v10: well, there's already the faq system in the answers application | 23:45 |
thumper | boarding now | 23:45 |
thumper | Ursinha: branch being pushed | 23:45 |
mwhudson | i guess you could convert-to-bug and answer with a faq at the same time | 23:45 |
mwhudson | thumper: are you working tomorrow? | 23:45 |
thumper | mwhudson: probably partially | 23:46 |
Ursinha | thumper: <3 | 23:46 |
mwhudson | thumper: ok | 23:46 |
thumper | I have to go now, but will try to sumbit for review in CHC | 23:46 |
Ursinha | thanks thumper :) | 23:46 |
dhillon-v10 | mwhudson: this was more off in malone, so bug triagers can easily refer to them when needed | 23:47 |
mwhudson | dhillon-v10: ah | 23:47 |
Ursinha | thumper: have a nice flight | 23:47 |
mwhudson | dhillon-v10: this rings faint bells, have you searched the tracker? | 23:47 |
dhillon-v10 | mwhudson: please reword that? do you mean looking for a duplicate bug | 23:48 |
mwhudson | dhillon-v10: i mean, i think there is a bug asking for this already | 23:48 |
mwhudson | | 23:48 |
mup | Bug #30655: stock replies would be nice <feature> <ubuntu-qa> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged by dhillon-v10> <> | 23:48 |
mwhudson | oh i see, you commented on it a few days ago :-) | 23:48 |
dhillon-v10 | mwhudson: :) | 23:49 |
dhillon-v10 | mwhudson: that's precisely it, you are pretty fast at searching bugs :) | 23:49 |
mwhudson | dhillon-v10: well, it sounds sane to me | 23:50 |
mwhudson | dhillon-v10: i'd suggest talking to someone in the malone team, and also looking at the faqs in answers | 23:51 |
mwhudson | (as that is the most similar functionality we have today) | 23:51 |
mwhudson | dhillon-v10: i think we'd want something that a project or distro admin/bug supervisor could edit | 23:52 |
mwhudson | dhillon-v10: and then 'a stock reply' link could pop up a javascript overlay that would allow selecting an answer | 23:52 |
mwhudson | (i think bdmurray has a greasemonkey script that does something like this already?) | 23:52 |
dhillon-v10 | mwhudson: faq are good, but IMHO not of much use if users can't refer to them, also the wiki page I was talking about has some really nice and general instructions, oh yes the js link could be *very* useful and yes bdmurray does have one that works :) | 23:53 |
mwhudson | dhillon-v10: something ubuntu-specific or that required changing the launchpad source code to change the stock replies would probably not be popular | 23:53 |
dhillon-v10 | mwhudson: ahh, didn't think of that :) you are right | 23:53 |
mwhudson | hm, yes some of those replies are pretty generic | 23:54 |
mwhudson | apart from the way that they all start "Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make Ubuntu better. " | 23:54 |
mwhudson | but that's fixable i guess | 23:54 |
dhillon-v10 | mwhudson: :) yes, so what do you say, this is something that could be potentially useful especially for new users | 23:54 |
mwhudson | dhillon-v10: all of this sounds like a fair amount of work, tbh | 23:54 |
dhillon-v10 | mwhudson: ahh, like how much, a lot or a lot lot lot | 23:55 |
mwhudson | dhillon-v10: if you've not hacked on launchpad before, i'd find something smaller to start with | 23:55 |
mwhudson | dhillon-v10: maybe "a lot", definitely not "a lot lot lot" :-) | 23:55 |
dhillon-v10 | mwhudson: I am working on that blueprint spec that we talked about the other day, have quite a bit of it figured out, just a little left on that one :) | 23:56 |
dhillon-v10 | mwhudson: * blueprint tacker | 23:56 |
dhillon-v10 | mwhudson: haven't been able to get in touch with Curtis though | 23:57 |
mwhudson | dhillon-v10: curtis should be back online in a couple of days | 23:58 |
mwhudson | (he just sent an email about his travel arrangements being disrupted by snow) | 23:58 |
dhillon-v10 | mwhudson: i figured he must have been pretty busy :) so in the mean time I decided to look up something else like this one, but if you think I shouldn't work on this one, I'll probably find a different task | 23:59 |
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