hggdh | hello folks. Can someone please block the reporter on bug https://launchpad.net/bugs/517777? | 00:37 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 517777 in nautilus "Nautilus folder manager generates random colors in folder background when folders are opened." [Low,Triaged] | 00:37 |
locke | Is it possible for me to link to another ppa, use it's source, and upload only a patch to have it apply the patch and build per usual? | 03:16 |
wgrant | locke: No. You have to download and then upload the source package. | 03:17 |
wgrant | (although you can exclude the orig.tar.gz if it is also present in the primary archive) | 03:18 |
locke | Do I have to debianize it prior to uploading? | 03:18 |
locke | (i've never been able to get a ppa working properly. I always do something wrong) | 03:19 |
wgrant | locke: A source package is by definition already Debianized. | 03:20 |
locke | I mean an upstream source, without debian/ | 03:22 |
wgrant | locke: Didn't you say that you were getting it from another PPA? | 03:24 |
locke | I'd like to link to another ppa if possible | 03:27 |
wgrant | For what purpose? | 03:27 |
locke | I want to apply a patch to Wine | 03:27 |
locke | Scott Richie adds the latest Wine to his ppa every 2 weeks | 03:27 |
locke | I'd like to use it and apply a patch to it. | 03:27 |
locke | If possible, I'd like to be able to have launchpad apply the patch for me | 03:28 |
wgrant | There's no automatic way to do that at the moment. | 03:28 |
locke | So I wouldn't have to continually update my local copy, just to apply a little patch. | 03:28 |
wgrant | Once we support building automatically from branches in a couple of months, that will be easy. But we're not quite there yet. | 03:28 |
locke | Ok | 03:28 |
wgrant | You'll be able to create a recipe that tells Launchpad to merge your branch into some other branch and build a package from it, and do so every time either branch changes. | 03:29 |
locke | That's exactly what I'd odeally do; just provide launchpad with the patches and let it take care of the rest. | 03:41 |
locke | ideally* | 03:41 |
vish | hi.. what does "karma has expired" mean when viewing one's karma? | 08:06 |
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lfaraone | doctormo: hey, are you looking to get ground control into Debian squeeze / Ubuntu lucid+1? (It'd be difficult to get into Lucid before FeatureFreeze on Feb 18) | 17:49 |
doctormo | lfaraone: The plan is to really gun for lucid universe | 17:51 |
lfaraone | doctormo: mk. if that's the goal, I'll be happy to handle getting it through REVU/debian-NEW. | 17:52 |
doctormo | lfaraone: Sounds good, have you spoken to jono? | 17:52 |
lfaraone | doctormo: no, not yet. | 17:52 |
lfaraone | he seems to be offline at the moment. | 17:53 |
doctormo | lfaraone: He's the sponsor AFAIK, so it'd be good to get him in on the conversation | 17:54 |
doctormo | lfaraone: You'd like to join the development group for ground control? | 17:59 |
lfaraone | doctormo: yeah, right now I'm just reviewing lp:~groundcontrollers/groundcontrol/debianfiles, and I wanted to merge in some fixes. If you'd rather, I can just put up a separate branch... | 18:03 |
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lfaraone | doctormo: things you'd need to pass REVU or the NEW queue, mostly. | 18:05 |
doctormo | lfaraone: wonderful, you'd prefer to commit directly into debianfiles? | 18:05 |
lfaraone | doctormo: ideally. | 18:05 |
doctormo | lfaraone: Using ground control you could quickly make a branch to edit it and push through a merge request. | 18:06 |
doctormo | ;-) | 18:06 |
doctormo | lfaraone: I've approved you, your background looks solid enough | 18:08 |
lfaraone | doctormo: cool, thanks. | 18:08 |
doctormo | lfaraone: Let us know when you have updates so I can pull here. | 18:09 |
lfaraone | doctormo: uh, groundcontrol asks for your launchpad password. Is there a technical reason why it can't be done via OAuth? (if not, I'll look into adding that when I have spare time) | 18:09 |
doctormo | lfaraone: Also let nhandler know since he's manning the daily builds | 18:10 |
lfaraone | doctormo: will do, but you both could subscribe to the branch in launchpad :) | 18:10 |
doctormo | lfaraone: Er, security, it is going via OAuth, it's just not trusting a web browser. | 18:10 |
nhandler | doctormo: No need to let me know. As I said, unless there is a big reason, I would prefer to just have the daily builds run once a day | 18:11 |
doctormo | nhandler: Aight | 18:11 |
lfaraone | doctormo: hm. even ubuntu-dev-tools spawns a web browser window for OAuth permissions... I think if you can't trust your browser you have bigger problems :) | 18:12 |
lfaraone | (you meaning "the user", that is, not the "you" you.) | 18:13 |
doctormo | lfaraone: It's actually an interesting problem with OAuth, the developers behind OAuth have backtracked on the ability of it to provide a secure Authentication system, but maintain that it's still a good Authorisation system. And I kind of agree with that possition. | 18:15 |
doctormo | Once you've got a package installed, you've already given the packager root access to your machine, if you don't trust the developer or the packager, then you've got bigger problems. | 18:16 |
lfaraone | doctormo: it's not so much trusting the devleoper: imagine that there was a bug in your program that caused an attacker to execute arbitrary code as your python process. They could introspect and access the password, even after you've "deleted" it in Python. (this would only be a problem the first run) | 18:17 |
doctormo | lfaraone: It would and to fix that the best solution is to provide system wide OAuth framework where bugs like this can be found and fixed centrally. | 18:18 |
doctormo | lfaraone: But that doesn't exist yet. | 18:19 |
lfaraone | doctormo: that's actually a really good idea. | 18:19 |
lfaraone | doctormo: now, I have a more pratical question about groundcontrol. Imagine that I have a workflow where I store my Debian packaging projects not in ~/Projects, but in a subfolder, ~/Projects/ppt/. Is there a way to tell GC to treat 'ppt' like it does 'Projects'? | 18:20 |
doctormo | lfaraone: The valid concern that people have brought me is that at the moment GC has a lib to interact with the webpage for OAuth, if that changes drastically then the code will fail and thats bad for a package in universe. | 18:20 |
doctormo | lfaraone: Yes, edit your XDG directory config, ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs | 18:21 |
lfaraone | doctormo: can I set it to use *both* Projects and ppt? or is this nonsense? :) | 18:22 |
doctormo | lfaraone: not yet, sounds like a wishlist bug | 18:23 |
lfaraone | Filed as bug 518488. | 18:27 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 518488 in groundcontrol "Allow multiple "Projects" folders" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/518488 | 18:27 |
doctormo | lfaraone: Thanks, I can see it being something for a configuration type file, which we don't yet have. | 18:35 |
dan4dm | hi - when I try to dput to my ppa I get "Connection failed, aborting. Check your network [Errno -2] Name or service not known" - any tips pls? (eg how to test i can ftp normally?) | 19:03 |
jpds | dan4dm: By running: ftp ppa.launchpad.net | 19:32 |
dan4dm | jpds: thanks. that logs in successfully - yet dput still fails. (details at http://www.pastebin.ca/1789332 ) | 19:38 |
jpds | dan4dm: Change upload.launchpad to ppa.launchpad in /etc/dput.cf | 19:39 |
jpds | Err, or your ~/.dput.cf | 19:39 |
dan4dm | my .dput.cf seems jpds: that does it! thanks - must have copied that from an outdated webpage | 19:40 |
jpds | No problem. | 19:40 |
=== mwhudson changed the topic of #launchpad to: http://launchpad.net | Read https://help.launchpad.net for help | Recent problems browsing branches should be fixed. | Help contact: mwhudson | Join https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-users | This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | Launchpad is open source: see channel #launchpad-dev | ||
doctormo | lfaraone: When you installed from the ppa, did it ask you to restart nautilus? | 19:57 |
lfaraone | doctormo: I don't remember, sorry. | 19:58 |
lfaraone | doctormo: and I don't have that terminal open still. | 19:58 |
doctormo | lfaraone: You would remember, it pops up with a notifier similar to the "showdown required" one | 19:59 |
lfaraone | doctormo: okay, didn't see it then. :) | 19:59 |
doctormo | lfaraone: Something to look into I think | 20:00 |
lfaraone | doctormo: yep. I'll add it to my TODO :) | 20:00 |
doctormo | lfaraone: Ah you want to take it, cool, well all the code is there and it _should_ work. | 20:01 |
lfaraone | doctormo: oh, I'm happy to let someone else handle it, I just thought you were *asking* me to take it. | 20:01 |
doctormo | lfaraone: I am now, my todo is quite long :-D | 20:02 |
lfaraone | doctormo: okay, I'll reopen bug 513652, assign to me, and investigate. | 20:06 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 513652 in groundcontrol "Requires nautilus restart before it can work" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/513652 | 20:06 |
doctormo | lfaraone: Although that bug's been fixed, I think what I'll do is make you a new one | 20:07 |
paki | hi at all | 20:07 |
paki | i have a very stupid problem | 20:07 |
* lfaraone undos his changes. | 20:07 | |
lfaraone | paki: what is it? | 20:07 |
paki | launchpad reject my code | 20:07 |
paki | in email:no @ found in email address part. | 20:07 |
lfaraone | paki: what exact error message are you getting? | 20:07 |
paki | what?? | 20:08 |
lfaraone | paki: where are you submitting your code, to what, and can you give us a link to the full error message text in a pastebin? | 20:08 |
lfaraone | !pastebin | paki | 20:08 |
ubottu | paki: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 20:08 |
lfaraone | doctormo: okay, whichever. | 20:09 |
doctormo | lfaraone: bug 518529 for you | 20:09 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 518529 in groundcontrol "Nautilus doesn't pop up a warning with an action button to restart." [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/518529 | 20:09 |
paki | http://paste.ubuntu.com/371169/ | 20:10 |
paki | this! | 20:10 |
paki | excuse my english.. | 20:10 |
lfaraone | paki: okay. in your debian/control file, you need to change the "Maintainer:" field to "Pasquale Ambrosini <pasquale.ambrosini@gmail.com>" | 20:10 |
lfaraone | paki: according to your paste it was set to "Maintainer: Pasquale Ambrosini (pakizip)" | 20:11 |
paki | thanks | 20:11 |
paki | another thing | 20:11 |
paki | in cput.cf | 20:11 |
paki | *dput.cf | 20:11 |
paki | incoming = ~pasquale-ambrosini/ppa/ubuntu | 20:12 |
paki | is exact? | 20:12 |
lfaraone | paki: yes, that is correct. | 20:12 |
paki | well! | 20:12 |
paki | thnks man! | 20:12 |
lfaraone | paki: any time. | 20:13 |
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